Curriculum Map MAPEH 10 1st 4th
Curriculum Map MAPEH 10 1st 4th
Curriculum Map MAPEH 10 1st 4th
Course Description:
This course demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and
observing, and responding. It embodies the best practices advocated by the spiral, multi-cultural, and integrative approaches in music education, as
well as current philosophical thought about contemporary general education. It effectively nurtures and refines the learner’s artistic expression and
cultural literacy, and celebrate his/her national heritage, while it instills, within every individual Filipino learner, pride in his/her own cultural identity.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
FIRST Demonstrate The learners The learners are 1. describes The learners engage Formative
QUARTER s demonstrate able demonstrates distinctive in activities that Assessment: Day 1: 8 Days
understandi understanding of and performs vocal musical encourage ideas for Questioning Activity 1:
ng of 20th 20th century and dance forms of elements of integrating music with Discussion LET’S
century music styles and afro-latin American given pieces in other topic areas are Self- FAMILIRIAZ
music styles characteristics music and selection 20th century provided, along with Assessment E
and features. of popular music. styles; processes and Assignment
characteristi 2. explains the vocabulary for music Team Teaching
c features. performance integration and a Day 2:
practice (setting, basic description of Summative Activity 2:
composition, role arts integration. The Assessment: 20TH
of learners showcase Seatwork CENTURY
composers/perfo the importance of sets Book Activity MUSICAL
rmers, and in collaborations in Quizzes STYLES
audience) of musical integration.
20th century
3. relates 20th Day 3:
Century music to Activity 3:
other art forms COMPOSE
and media R
during the same BIOGRAPHI
time period; ES
4. performs music
sample from the Day 4:
20th century Activity 4:
5. evaluates music COMPARA
and music TIVE
performances ANALYSIS
using guided
Day 5:
Activity 5:
Day 6:
Activity 6:
Day 7:
Activity 7:
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and
observing, and responding. It embodies the best practices advocated by the spiral, multi-cultural, and integrative approaches in music education, as
well as current philosophical thought about contemporary general education. It effectively nurtures and refines the learner’s artistic expression and
cultural literacy, and celebrate his/her national heritage, while it instills, within every individual Filipino learner, pride in his/her own cultural identity.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
SECOND Non- The learners The learners are 1. describes the The learners engage Formative
QUARTER Western, demonstrate able perform vocal historical and in activities that Assessment: Day 1: 8 Days
African, understanding of and dance forms of cultural encourage ideas for Questioning Activity 1:
and characteristics Afro - Latin background of integrating music with Discussion LET’S
Popular features of Afro- American music and Afro-Latin other topic areas are Self- REVIEW
Music Latin American selections of American and provided, along with Assessment
music and Popular Popular music. popular music; processes and Assignment Day 2:
music. 2. analyzes musical vocabulary for music Team Teaching Activity 2:
characteristics of integration and a INSTRUME
Afro-Latin basic description of Summative NT
American and arts integration. The Assessment: EXPLORAT
popular music learners showcase Seatwork ION
through listening the importance of sets Book Activity
activities; in collaborations in Quizzes
3. explores ways of musical integration.
creating sounds Day 3:
on a variety of Activity 3:
sources suitable SONG
to chosen vocal ASSOCIATI
and instrumental ON
4. performs Day 4:
selections of Activity 4:
Afro-Latin INFO
American and SHOW
popular music in
appropriate Day 5:
pitch, rhythm, Activity 5:
style, and COMPARA
expression; TIVE
5. evaluates music ANALYSIS
and music
performances Day 6:
using guided Activity 6:
rubrics RESEARCH
Day 7:
Activity 7:
Day 8:
Activity 8:
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and
performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. The
focus of the course is Philippine art, culture and heritage, appreciating the diversity of our local artists, our arts, crafts, and indigenous materials to
strengthen the student’s identity of being Filipino, before he/she introduced to the art of other countries. The approach is child-centered and hands-on
in creating art using locally available materials. It develops the student’s imagination and individual expression, and his/her critical thinking skills
through injury into the aesthetic qualities of his work, the work of others and of artists from the Philippines and other parts of the world. It culminates
in connecting art to other subject areas and provides exposure and apprenticeship to professionals in various art-related fields so the student can
discover and consider the different career opportunities in the arts.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
FIRST Modern Art The learners The learners are 1. analyzes art elements The learners engage Formative
QUARTER demonstrate able performs/ and principles in the in activities that Assessment: Day 1 & 2: 8 Days
understanding of participate production of work encourage thinking Questioning Activity 1:
creatively helps Discussion LET’S
art elements and competently in a following a specific art
students remember Self- REVIEW
process by presentation of a style from the various art things and enhances Assessment
synthesizing and creative impression movements. their creative abilities, Assignment Activity 2:
applying prior (verbal/nonverbal) which are more prized Team Teaching PHOTOsynt
knowledge and from the various art 2. identifies distinct in today's industry. hesis
skills. movements. characteristics of arts The learners Summative
from the various art showcase the Assessment:
The arts as Recognize the movements. importance of sets in Seatwork
integral to the difference and collaborations and Book Activity Day 4:
development of uniqueness of the 3. identifies productivity. Quizzes Activity 3:
organizations, art styles of the representative artists and ARTIST
spiritual belief, various art Filipino counterparts BIGRAPHIE
historical events, movements from the various art S
scientific, (techniques,
discoveries, process, elements, Day 5:
natural disasters/ and principles of Activity 4:
4. reflects on and derive
occurrences and art). ART
other external the mood, idea, or MOVEMEN
phenomenon. message from selected T
artworks. PRESENTA
5. explains the role or
function of artworks by Day 6:
evaluating their utilization Activity 5:
and combination of art ART
elements and principles.
Day 8:
6. uses artworks to
Activity 6:
derive the ARTISTIC
traditions/history of the RESPONSE
various art movements. ESSAY
7. compares the
characteristics of
artworks produced in the
various art movements.
8. creates artworks
guided by techniques
and styles of the various
art movements (e.g.,
Impasto, Encaustic, etc.)
9. discusses the
influence of iconic artists
belonging to the various
art movements.
10. applies different
media techniques and
processes to
communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories
showing the
characteristics of the
various art movements
(e.g., the use of industrial
materials or found
objects, Silkscreen
Printing, etc.)
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and
performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. The
focus of the course is Philippine art, culture and heritage, appreciating the diversity of our local artists, our arts, crafts, and indigenous materials to
strengthen the student’s identity of being Filipino, before he/she introduced to the art of other countries. The approach is child-centered and hands-on
in creating art using locally available materials. It develops the student’s imagination and individual expression, and his/her critical thinking skills
through injury into the aesthetic qualities of his work, the work of others and of artists from the Philippines and other parts of the world. It culminates
in connecting art to other subject areas and provides exposure and apprenticeship to professionals in various art-related fields so the student can
discover and consider the different career opportunities in the arts.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
SECOND Technology The learners The learners are 1. identifies art elements The learners engage Formative Day 1:
QUARTER Based Art demonstrate able to create a in the technology- based in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 8 Days
understanding that tech-based artwork production arts encourage thinking Questioning ALL ABOUT
new technologies (videoclips and creatively helps Discussion ARTS (Let’s
allow new printed media such 2. identifies distinct students remember Self- Review)
expression in arts as posters, menus, characteristics of arts things and enhances Assessment
using art elements brochures etc.) during in the 21st century their creative abilities, Assignment Day 2:
and processes. Relating to a in terms of: which are more prized Team Teaching Activity 2:
selected topic from in today's industry. IDENTIFY
the different 1.1 production The learners Summative ME
learning areas using showcase the Assessment:
available 1.2 functionality range of importance of sets in Seatwork
technologies, e.g., audience reach collaborations and Book Activity Day 4:
food and fashion productivity. Quizzes Activity 3:
3. identifies artworks TECH ART
produced by technology AROUND
from other countries and THE
their adaptation by WORLD:
Philippine artists. INFLUENC
4. discusses the concept ADAPTATI
that technology is an ON
effective and vibrant tool
for empowering a person Day 5:
to express his/her ideas, Activity 4:
goals, and advocacies, TECHNOLO
which elicits immediate GY AND
action. ART
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates understanding of body awareness, space awareness, and qualities of effort and movement relationships through
participation in enjoyable physical activities. It emphasizes knowing the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of movement. It focuses on developing the learners’
understanding of how the body responds, adjusts and adapts to physical activities. This will equip the learner to become self-regulated and self-
directed as a result of knowing what should be done and actually doing it; is the learners are equally confident in influencing their peers, family,
immediate community, and ultimately, society.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
FIRST Lifestyle and The learners The learners 1. Assesses physical The learners engage Formative Day 1:
QUARTER Weight Demonstrates maintain an active activity, exercise and in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 4 Days
Management understanding of lifestyle to influence encourage Questioning CLIP IT
eating habits.
lifestyle and engagement in Discussion
the physical activity
weight regular physical Self- Day 2 & 3:
participation of the 2. Engages in moderate
management to activity to improve Assessment Activity 2:
promote societal community and to vigorous physical fitness levels and Assignment MY
fitness. society. activities for at least 60 sustain it. The Team Teaching FITNESS
minutes a day in and out learners showcase JOURNAL
Practices healthy of school. the importance of sets Summative
eating habits that in collaborations, Assessment: Day 4:
support an active 3. Expresses a sense of unity and service. Seatwork Activity 3:
lifestyle. purpose and Book Activity NUTRITION
belongingness by Quizzes DETECTIV
participating in physical
activity -related Activity 4:
community services and FITNESS
programs. CHALLENG
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by:
Curriculum Map in PE 10
School Year 2023 – 2024
Course Description:
This course demonstrates understanding of body awareness, space awareness, and qualities of effort and movement relationships through
participation in enjoyable physical activities. It emphasizes knowing the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of movement. It focuses on developing the learners’
understanding of how the body responds, adjusts and adapts to physical activities. This will equip the learner to become self-regulated and self-
directed as a result of knowing what should be done and actually doing it; is the learners are equally confident in influencing their peers, family,
immediate community, and ultimately, society.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
SECOND Dance The learners The learners 1. Assesses The learners engage Formative Day 1 &2:
QUARTER Forms demonstrate maintain an active physical in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 8 Days
understanding of lifestyle to influence activities, encourage Questioning LET’S
lifestyle and exercises and engagement in Discussion REVIEW
the physical activity
weight eating habits regular physical Self-
management to participation of the 2. 2. Engages in activity to improve Assessment Activity 2:
promote societal community and moderate to fitness levels and Assignment DANCE
fitness. society practices vigorous sustain it. The Team Teaching STYLES
healthy eating physical learners showcase
habits that support activities for at the importance of sets Summative Day 3:
an active lifestyle. least 60 minutes in collaborations, Assessment: Activity 3:
a day in and out unity and service. Seatwork DANCE
of school Book Activity CATEGOR
Quizzes Y
Day 4:
Activity 4:
Day 5:
Activity 5:
Day 6:
Activity 6:
Day 7:
Activity 7:
Day 8:
Activity 8:
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Ms. Mary Grace C. Garciano
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates an understanding of the essential concepts related to nutrition and personal health as well as knowledge in injury
prevention, safety and first aid, as factors in facilitating the development of healthy habits and practices among individuals. It focuses on the physical,
mental, emotional, as well as the social, moral and spiritual dimensions of holistic health. It enables the learners to acquire essential knowledge,
attitudes, and skills that are necessary to promote good nutrition; to prevent and control diseases; to prevent substance misuse and abuse; to reduce
health-related risk behaviors; to prevent and control injuries with the end-view of maintaining and improving personal, family, community, as well as
global health.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
FIRST Consumer The learners The learners are 1. explains the The learners engage Formative Day 1:
QUARTER Health understand the able to guidelines and in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 8 Days
guidelines and demonstrate criteria in the encourage the main Questioning LET’S
criteria in the part of our spiritual Discussion REVIEW
critical thinking and selection and
selection and health is played by the Self-
evaluation of decision-making evaluation of connections between Assessment Day 2:
health information, skills in the health health skills (such as Assignment Activity 2:
products, and selection, evaluation information, understanding Team Teaching VIDEO
services. and utilization of products and influences, making PRESENTA
health information, services decisions, setting Summative TION
products and goals, and Assessment:
2. discusses the advocating) and the Seatwork
various forms of various aspects of Book Activity
health since they are Quizzes Day 3:
health service
produced, fostered, Activity 3:
providers and and expressed THE BOAT
healthcare plans throughout all areas of IS SINKING
life. The learners
3. selects health showcase the Day 4:
professionals, importance of sets in Activity 4:
specialists and optimism and CONSUME
health care collaborations. R RIGHTS
services wisely SIMULATIO
4. reports
Day 5:
fraudulent health Activity
services 5: PICS 1
5. explains the
different kinds of Day 6:
complementary Activity 6:
and alternative
health care PRESENTA
modalities TION
8. participates in
programs for
welfare and
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Honing your skills through MAPEH 10
Author: Rodelia Natividad V. Tangco
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates an understanding of the essential concepts related to nutrition and personal health as well as knowledge in injury
prevention, safety and first aid, as factors in facilitating the development of healthy habits and practices among individuals. It focuses on the physical,
mental, emotional, as well as the social, moral and spiritual dimensions of holistic health. It enables the learners to acquire essential knowledge,
attitudes, and skills that are necessary to promote good nutrition; to prevent and control diseases; to prevent substance misuse and abuse; to reduce
health-related risk behaviors; to prevent and control injuries with the end-view of maintaining and improving personal, family, community, as well as
global health.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
SECOND Health The learners The learners 1. discusses the The learners engage Formative Day 1:
QUARTER Issues demonstrate consistently in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 8 Days
existing health
Trends and understanding of demonstrate encourage the main Questioning DEFINE
Concerns current health related laws part of our spiritual Discussion ME!
critical thinking skills
trends, issues and health is played by the Self-
concerns in the in exploring local, 2. explains the connections between Assessment Activity 2:
local, regional, regional and health skills (such as Assignment HEALTH
significance of
and national, national health understanding Team Teaching ISSUE
levels. trends, the existing influences, making
health related decisions, setting Summative Day 2:
issues, and laws in goals, and Assessment: Activity 3:
concerns advocating) and the Seatwork HEALTH
safeguarding various aspects of Book Activity TRENDS
people’s health health since they are Quizzes
produced, fostered,
3. critically and expressed
throughout all areas of Day 3 & 4:
analyzes the life. The learners Activity 4:
impact of showcase the ANALYZE
current health importance of sets in
optimism and Day 5:
trends, issues, collaborations. Activity 5:
and concerns RESEARCH
4. recommends PRESENTA
ways of
managing health Day 6:
issues, trends Activity 6:
and concerns PRESENTA
Day 7:
Activity 7:
Day 8:
Activity 8:
Activity 9:
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Ms. Mary Grace C. Garciano
Checked by:
Exceptional (10): Demonstrates a highly creative and original use of Impressionist elements, such as unconventional scales and harmonies.
Proficient (7-9): Shows creativity but may rely on familiar Impressionist tropes.
Basic (4-6): Demonstrates some creativity but lacks originality.
Limited (1-3): Lacks creativity and originality.
Exceptional (10): Expertly employs Impressionist techniques, such as non-traditional scales, modal mixture, and timbral experimentation.
Proficient (7-9): Effectively uses some Impressionist techniques with occasional lapses.
Basic (4-6): Demonstrates a basic understanding of Impressionist techniques but lacks consistency.
Limited (1-3): Struggles to apply Impressionist techniques effectively.
Exceptional (10): Successfully communicates a vivid emotional landscape that aligns with Impressionist aesthetics.
Proficient (7-9): Effectively conveys emotion but may lack some subtlety or nuance.
Basic (4-6): Conveys emotion to some extent but lacks depth or clarity.
Limited (1-3): Fails to effectively communicate emotion.
Exceptional (5): Displays a well-structured and thoughtful form that enhances the Impressionist character.
Proficient (4): Demonstrates a generally sound structure with minor inconsistencies.
Basic (3): Displays a basic understanding of musical structure but lacks coherence.
Limited (1-2): Structure is unclear or significantly detracts from the overall composition.
5. Technical Proficiency (5 points):
Exceptional (10): Conveys a powerful and emotionally intense atmosphere aligned with Expressionist aesthetics.
Proficient (7-9): Successfully communicates emotion with some room for additional intensity.
Basic (4-6): Conveys emotion to a limited extent, lacking depth or intensity.
Limited (1-3): Struggles to evoke emotion effectively.
Exceptional (10): Expertly employs atonality and dissonance to create tension and expression.
Proficient (7-9): Effectively uses atonality and dissonance with occasional lapses.
Basic (4-6): Demonstrates a basic understanding but lacks consistent application.
Limited (1-3): Struggles to use atonality and dissonance effectively.
Exceptional (10): Achieves a rich textural palette with varied orchestration or vocal textures.
Proficient (7-9): Shows effective use of texture with some areas for improvement.
Basic (4-6): Demonstrates a basic understanding but lacks variety in texture.
Limited (1-3): Texture is monotonous or ineffective.
Course Description:
This course demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and
observing, and responding. It embodies the best practices advocated by the spiral, multi-cultural, and integrative approaches in music education, as
well as current philosophical thought about contemporary general education. It effectively nurtures and refines the learner’s artistic expression and
cultural literacy, and celebrate his/her national heritage, while it instills, within every individual Filipino learner, pride in his/her own cultural identity.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
SECOND Non- The learners The learners are 6. describes the The learners engage Formative
QUARTER Western, demonstrate able perform vocal historical and in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 8 Days
African, understanding of and dance forms of cultural encourage ideas for Questioning LET’S
and characteristics Afro - Latin background of integrating music with Discussion REVIEW
Popular features of Afro- American music and Afro-Latin other topic areas are Self-
Music Latin American selections of American and provided, along with Assessment Activity 2:
music and Popular Popular music. popular music; processes and Assignment INSTRUME
music. 7. analyzes musical vocabulary for music Team Teaching NT
characteristics of integration and a EXPLORAT
Afro-Latin basic description of Summative ION
American and arts integration. The Assessment:
popular music learners showcase Seatwork
through listening the importance of sets Book Activity Activity 3:
activities; in collaborations in Quizzes SONG
8. explores ways of musical integration. ASSOCIATI
creating sounds ON
on a variety of
sources suitable Activity 4:
to chosen vocal INFO
and instrumental SHOW
9. performs Activity 5:
selections of COMPARA
Afro-Latin TIVE
American and ANALYSIS
popular music in
appropriate Activity 6:
pitch, rhythm, RESEARCH
style, and AND
expression; PRESENTA
10. evaluates music TION
and music
performances Activity 7:
using guided CREATE
rubrics YOUR
Activity 8:
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by:
Course Description:
This course demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and
performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. The
focus of the course is Philippine art, culture and heritage, appreciating the diversity of our local artists, our arts, crafts, and indigenous materials to
strengthen the student’s identity of being Filipino, before he/she introduced to the art of other countries. The approach is child-centered and hands-on
in creating art using locally available materials. It develops the student’s imagination and individual expression, and his/her critical thinking skills
through injury into the aesthetic qualities of his work, the work of others and of artists from the Philippines and other parts of the world. It culminates
in connecting art to other subject areas and provides exposure and apprenticeship to professionals in various art-related fields so the student can
discover and consider the different career opportunities in the arts.
Quarter / Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Vincentians Spirit / Assessments / Strategies Time
Month: Content Standards Standards Competencies / Values Integration Performance Frame
Objectives Tasks
SECOND Technology The learners The learners are 1. identifies art elements The learners engage Formative
QUARTER Based Art demonstrate able to create a in the technology- based in activities that Assessment: Activity 1: 2 Days
understanding that tech-based artwork production arts encourage thinking Questioning ALL ABOUT
new technologies (videoclips and creatively helps Discussion ARTS
allow new printed media such 2. identifies distinct students remember Self-
expression in arts as posters, menus, characteristics of arts things and enhances Assessment Activity 2:
using art elements brochures etc.) during in the 21st century their creative abilities, Assignment TECHY
and processes. Relating to a in terms of: which are more prized Team Teaching ARTS
selected topic from in today's industry.
the different 1.1 production The learners Summative Activity 3:
learning areas using showcase the Assessment: STOP
available 1.2 functionality range of importance of sets in Seatwork MOTION
technologies, e.g., collaborations and Book Activity ANIMATION
food and fashion audience reach productivity. Quizzes DETECTIV
3. identifies artworks
produced by technology
from other countries and
their adaptation by
Philippine artists.
6. uses artworks to
derive the
traditions/history of a
community (e.g., A10PL-
IIh-3 310 landscapes,
images of people at work
and play, portrait studies,
7. compares the
characteristics of
artworks in the21st
Author: Rosario Claridad Cruz, Ph.D.
Maria Fe M. Limjoco
Prepared By:
Checked by: