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Enables subscription plans for your LMS. Users will be able to purchase subscription plans and
enroll in classes using them. Each subscription plan could be limited with time and subscription
count. Subscription plans don’t have any conflict with the normal purchase process so you will
be able to use both subscription and direct purchases at the same time.

Offline payments:

You will be able to add your bank accounts and users will see bank accounts in frontend and will
be able to submit their transactions. If you approve transactions, the amount will be added to the
user account.

Payment Gateways Pack:

Includes additional payment gateways such as Stripe, Paytm, Paystack, Flutterwave, Bitpay,
Payfort, Iyzico, Robokassa, CashU, Midtrans, Mercadopago, Zarinpal, Mollie, N-Genius,
Alipay,, Instamojo, Izipay, Klarna, Sslcommerz, Payku, Payhere, Paysera,
Voguepay, Paylink, Toyyibpay, Jazzcash.

Quiz & Certification:

Create unlimited various quizzes with different options (Duration, Descriptive, multiple-choice
& image questions, Attempts), Auto and manual correction, Automatic result calculation, Show
correct answers and solutions after a quiz is finished.

Create certificates with customized templates. Users will be able to validate certificates through
the certificate validation page and check the certificate information.

Meeting Booking:

Instructors will be able to define their meeting timesheet and define their hourly rate. Users will
be able to book meetings and reserve time slots using the calendar.

They will be able to add meeting times to Google Calendar and receive automatic reminders.

Text Courses:

Create unlimited text-based courses. Each text lesson could include videos and downloadable
files in addition to text content.

SMS Authentication:

Use Twilio SMS authentication for user login and registration.


This plugin enables sending notices to users for admin and organizations. They will be able to
post notices to instructors, students or all users and notices will be displayed on the user panel.

Bigbluebutton Integration:

Conduct unlimited live events on Bigbluebutton for free! All of the information such as URLs,
passwords, and permissions will be generated automatically for students and instructors.

Organizational Education:

Enables multi-organization education for your LMS. Each organization could include exclusive
instructors and students.

Multi-language Content:

Define website content in different languages. The content will be loaded according to the user's

Affiliate & Referral Marketing:

Add more power to your platform using the affiliate marketing feature. Users will be able to sell
your platform courses and earn.

SCORM Courses:

Bring an interactive educational experience to your platform. Publish courses made by Adobe
Captive, iSpring, or any other software.

Tutor Finder:

Allow users to find the best instructors according to different parameters like tutoring level,
tutoring subject, meeting type (Online, In-person), meeting time and day, location on the map,
age, and gender. This feature includes a beautiful wizard that gets information from the student
and will display the best matches.

Reward Points System:

Create a professional customer loyalty club on your website. Your users will get points
according to their different activities like purchasing, charging account, publishing courses,
passing a quiz, certificate achievement, comments, course reviews, joining the newsletter,
referring users (Affiliate), getting badges, course completion, meeting reservation and engage
them with your platform. Users will be able to enroll in courses using points or convert them to
account charges.
In-App Live Class System:

Conduct live classes on your platform directly with awesome features like live chat, share screen,
etc. Your users won't be redirected to any other third-party app. Imagine a live class screen on
your website… Looks Cool!

SaaS Packages:

Define different service packages and limit different features like courses, meeting time slots,
live class capacity, organization instructors, and students for instructors and organizations. Users
should upgrade their accounts to reach more features.

Forum & Community (New in v1.6):

Add a professional forum and community feature to your LMS platform. Users will be able to
create new topics in different categories and communicate together about different subjects.

Course Forum (New in v1.6):

Allow course students to ask their questions in the course forum. Other students and the
instructor will be able to answer questions. Students can mark resolved questions as "Resolved".

Course Bundle (New in v1.6):

Combine several courses as a bundle and sell them together as a bundle.

Store & Marketplace (New in v1.6):

Add a multi-vendor marketplace and store feature to your platform and allow users to sell
physical & virtual products.

Drip Content (New in v1.6):

Restrict the student's access to the course chapters and files by different limitation parameters
like time and sequence content. You can force students to access course parts X days after
purchasing the course or force them to pass the previous part.

Private Mode (New in v1.6):

Do you want to run an LMS solution for internal purposes? By enabling the private mode, you
can specify which users can access courses for enrollment.

Manual Enrolment (New in v1.6):

Add students to courses, bundles, and products manually from the admin panel.
Assignment & Homework (New in v1.6):

Define different assignments for each course with different options like grade, deadline, etc, and
make the education process more effective.

Course Statistics & Analytics (New in v1.6):

View course details and statistics in a graphical environment.

Course Noticeboard (New in v1.6):

Send different notices to the course students in different colors.

In-app Video Call (New in v1.7):

Enjoy the in-app video call experience for conducting meetings directly on the platform. Let
users book meetings on the platform and conduct peer-to-peer or group video calls directly on
the platform. No need to use any other video calling solution for conducting meetings.

Registration Bonus (New in v1.7):

Give your website users a registration bonus and engage visitors to register on your website.
Unlock the bonus instantly for users or ask them for certain actions like referring users or making
referral purchases to unlock the bonus.

Cashback (New in v1.7):

Encourage your platform users to make purchases and recharge a specific percentage or fixed
amount to their wallets after making purchases. Define different cashback rules and the amount
will be recharged to the user’s account after finalizing the payment.

Question Bank (New in v1.7):

Define different questions for a quiz and display a specific number of questions to users
randomly or sorted. Conduct more accurate quizzes using this feature by presenting random
questions to users.

Upcoming Courses (New in v1.7):

Let your platform users know about your upcoming courses. Users can follow upcoming courses
and they will get informed about the course publishing after publishing the course. Get your
course early adaptors before publishing the course.

Installments and Partial Payment (New in v1.7):

Sell different materials like courses using the installment (Partial Payment) and define upfront,
payment steps, duration, and interest for installments. Disable platform or course access for
overdue installments. The system will send payment reminders for each payment.

Secure Host (New in v1.7):

Are you worried about your videos and courses for unwanted access or downloading and
spreading? Use this feature to preserve your video content from unwanted downloads.

Jitsi Meetings (New in v1.7):

Conduct live classes directly on Jitsi and enjoy a low-latency live video experience.

Course Waitlist (New in v1.7):

Turn on the waitlist feature for your course and never miss potential students for your courses.
Users can join your course waitlist when the capacity is reached or the course is in progress.
Inform your waitlist users of future events.

Gift Products (New in v1.7):

Allow your platform users to send courses or other materials as gifts to their friends immediately
or on a specific date. The recipient will get an email for receiving the gift.

Multi-currency (New in v1.7):

Sell your courses in different currencies and convert course prices according to the selected
currency. Make specific payment gateways available for each currency. Expand your business

AI Content Generator – Text & Image (New in v1.8):

Generate text and images using ChatGPT API for different purposes like course descriptions,
thumbnails, SEO descriptions, blog articles, etc. The system is integrated with different ChatGPT
models so you can use different APIs.

Form Builder (New in v1.8):

Create different variable forms with a wide range of input types share them with users and
collect data as surveys, etc. according to your business requirements. You can also assign forms
to different processes like registration, becoming an instructor, and becoming an organization
form and get more personalized information from users.

+ All future plugins.

Installing these plugins requires Rocket LMS installed. You can purchase it from this link.


- Installation on V1.7 or above
You need to go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ Update/ Update with Zip file” and select the
“” file that is available inside the downloaded package (Plugins folder) and
click on the “Update” button.
You will get a confirmation message after installation.
Note: You might be asked for “License Activation” after installation so you need to contact us in
CRM and get your license file and install it.

- Installation on V1.6 or below

You need to get the plugin bundle that is compatible with v1.6 from CRM.
You will find all plugins in the “Plugins” folder. Each folder contains plugin files and a text file

You should just replace the files according to the file paths provided in the text file.

Open your hosting or server file manager and navigate to the path mentioned in the “filepath.txt”
file and replace files. The plugin will be installed!

We also have a full version including Rocket LMS and all plugins. You can contact us in CRM
and get it.


Bigbluebutton is software that helps you conduct live classes on your server.

You should provide a BBB server first.

Get BBB URL and secret key according to this link. It is necessary for BBB integration.

You should get the above information and define them in the .env file located in the project root

Make sure to add these parameters to the ".env" file.




The result should be the same as the attached image.

You can also use pre-configured BigBlueButton services like BigBlueMeeting. By using this
service or other similar solutions, no need to configure servers.


Get the following information according to this link.


Open the .env file in the root folder and define the Twilio credentials that you got.

If the following lines are not available, please add them.





Now you can change the login method to SMS Authentication from the settings menu in the
admin panel.

Subscription System
You can sell courses using subscription plans and users can subscribe to courses instead for
direct purchase.

How to enable subscriptions for courses?

You can enable the subscription option for each course in the course creation wizard by turning
the “Subscription” toggle on.

If you enable this option, the user can purchase the course using a subscription instead of the
direct purchase.

How can users subscribe to courses?

The user needs to have an activated subscription plan to make purchases using a subscription.
The user can purchase a subscription plan from the “User Panel/ Financial/ Subscribe” menu.

Defining subscription plans

Admin can define subscription plans from the “Admin Panel/ Subscribe/ New Package” menu.

Each subscription plan includes the following information:

Subscription Times: Number of courses that the user can subscribe to them using the
subscription plan. If this value is reached, the user won't be able to subscribe to more courses
using this plan. For example, if you define a subscription plan with 7 subscription times, the
customer can subscribe to 7 courses using this plan.

Days: The subscription plan will be valid for the user for this period. The subscription validation
period will be calculated from the plan purchase date.

Price: The price that the customer needs to pay to use the subscription plan.

Unlimited use: By enabling this toggle, the subscription times parameter will be ignored. It
means the subscription plan will be usable for an unlimited number of courses.

Commission calculation for subscribe model

The system calculated the instructor commission according to subscription times and
subscription plan price.

Imagine you created a subscription plan at $100 and it includes 20 subscription times. The
system will calculate $5 (100/20) for each subscription. If the instructor commission is 80%, the
system will calculate $4 for the instructor when a student subscribes to a course ($5 x 80%).

Note: If you enable the “Unlimited use” for a plan, the instructor commission won't be calculated
and the whole amount will be calculated for admin.

Affiliate & Referral System

This feature allows you to activate affiliate marketing for your platform. By activating this
feature, each user will have a unique referral code that other users will be able to register on the
platform using this code (or URL).
There are two bonus types in the referral system:

1- Registration bonus (Fixed): Once a user registers using an affiliate code and activates their
account, a fixed amount could be charged to the referred user wallet or affiliate user wallet (Or
both of them).

2- Sales commission bonus (Variable): Once a sub-level user makes a purchase, a part of the
transaction will be charged to the affiliate user's wallet.

How to activate and manage?

You can activate this feature from Admin Panel/ Settings/ Financial/ Affiliate

If you activate this feature, the referral code input field will be displayed on the registration page
and users will be able to access the related menu on the user panel.

All of the related actions will be disabled if you disable this feature.

There is another toggle button that you can control the affiliate activation for new registration. If
you want to use the affiliate feature for specific users, you should turn this toggle off.

Note: You can enable/disable the affiliate feature for specific users. This feature will be useful
when you want to specify your affiliate users. You can enable/disable this feature for users by
editing users from the users' list.

Affiliate Options:
Affiliate user commission: The percentage amount that will be charged to the affiliate user wallet
when a purchase has been made by a sub-level user.

This percentage rate should be lower than the platform commission rate because the affiliate
commission rate will be deducted from the platform commissions. For example: Imagine that a
sub-level user purchases a course at $100 and the platform commission rate is 30%, the
instructor commission rate is 70% and the affiliate commission rate is 5%. The transaction
amount will be divided into the following values:

• A: $70 for the instructor

• B: $25 for the platform
• C: $5 for the affiliate user

Affiliate user registration amount:

When a user registers using a referral code, this amount will be charged to the affiliate user's

Referred user registration amount:

When a user registers using a referral code, this amount will be charged to the referred user's

Note: Registration business will be charged to the user's wallet once the account is activated. If
the user doesn't activate the account, the amount won't be charged.

You can set the registration bonus for both users or one of them or none of them. It depends on
the data you set.

Referral Description:

This text will be displayed on the affiliate page in the user's panel.

Users will be able to get their referral URL or code. They can also view their affiliate statistics
on this page.

The affiliate payout process is the same as the general payout process you can view instructions
in the Rocket LMS documentation.

The multi-language feature helps you to create your platform content in different languages so
users will be able to load content according to their selected language.

Which contents are supported?

You can define the following contents in different languages:

Courses content, Blog posts, Categories, Trend categories, Category filters, Additional pages
(CMS), Footer columns, Advertising banners, User panel sidebar banners, Hero text,
Subscription plans, Promotions plans, Testimonials, Certificate templates, Badges, Report
reasons, Support departments, etc.
How to enable/disable this feature?
You might not be interested in providing your content in different languages so we considered an
option to disable this feature. You can enable or disable this feature from the Admin Panel/
Settings/ General/ Activate multi-language.

How to specify content languages?

You can select languages when you are going to define content. You will find a dropdown where
you can select your favorite language and define content for it.

You can specify languages that display in the dropdown from the Admin Panel/ Settings/
General/ Frontend Languages List.

How to realize which languages are defined for each

If you define content in a specific language, it will be specified in the dropdown. E.g English

What will happen if you don't define content in all

If a content includes single language, it will be displayed in the defined language. If a user
selects another language, the content will load with the language that includes a translation.

If the content includes several defined languages:

A- If the content includes the user-selected language, it will be displayed in the user-selected

B- If the content doesn't include the user-selected language, the content will be displayed in the
platform's default language (Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Default Front Language).

C- If the content doesn't include the website's default language and user-selected language, it will
be loaded in the first language that is defined for it.
In-App live classes:
We added a new live class system that helps you to create In-App live classes. By using this
system, your users won't be redirected to a third-party app (Like Zoom or BBB) for watching the
live class. The class will be conducted on your website directly.

This system doesn't require any servers. It uses Agora Interactive Live Streaming API and you
can use free or premium plans.

In-App live classes advantages:

• The user won't be redirected to any other service

• Live chat in class
• Share screen
• Unlimited members (No need to increase hosting resources)
• Self-hosted (No need to provide a server for it)

How to enable In-App live classes?

To use this system, go to the "Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features Tab". There are some
configurations for the API.

You can enable this system by turning on the "In-App live class" toggle button.

You might use the paid plan so if you don't want to enable this feature for free classes, you can
disable the "Allow instructors to use In-App live class for free live classes" button.

If you want to disable the In-App live class feature, you need to turn off the related button so this
option won't be enabled for instructors in the live class creation process.

How to integrate the platform with Agora API?

You need to get the following credentials from Agora

• App ID
• App Certificate
You can get them according to this link. Edit the ".env" file in the project root and define these
parameters like the following screenshot and save the file:

In-App video call:

This feature allows you to conduct live meetings directly on the platform. The in-pp video call
system uses Agora Video Call API. This system helps you to create two side video calls.

In elder versions, users need to use third-party apps to conduct live meetings but this system
allows you to create live meetings directly on the platform. It is not the only capability of this
feature. You can also use this feature to create two-side live classes.

What is the difference between this feature and the in-app

live class feature?
The in-app live classes feature is for conducting one-side live classes. In other words, the
instructor will start a live class but there is no feature for the instructor to have the student's
video. It is a single-side channel.

The in-app video call system helps you to conduct interactive two side video calls so the
instructor also can get the user's video.

How to enable this feature?

To enable the in-app video call system, you need to go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/
Features” and select the “Video Call API” everywhere you want to activate it.

The in-app video call feature uses Agora API so you need to create an Agora app according to
the “In-app live class” feature and define the credentials in the end file. If you created the
credentials before, no need to generate them again.
What is the in-app video call feature use case?
Conducting interactive live meetings is our main purpose for developing this feature. By using
this feature, you will let users book scheduled meetings with instructors on the platform and
conduct them without any complexity.

When users book live classes on the platform, the instructor will be able to create a session
directly on the platform and users can join it so the system will work without requiring any other
live class system, and the user won't be redirected to a third-party website or app.

Meeting Booking:
This feature helps instructors and organizations define meeting time slots and users can book
meetings from the calendar according to defined time slots.

How to define time slots as the instructor?

Go to the “Instructor Panel/Meetings/ Settings”. You can define different settings like
availability time slots, prices, group/individual meetings, etc on this page.

By clicking “Add time” on each row of the table, you can define time slots as you want.

How to book a meeting as a student?

Students can book meetings from the instructor profile page or using the “Tutor Finder” plugin
(We explained it in this document).

You can click on the calendar days on the instructor profile page and check available time slots.
By clicking on available time slots, you can book the meeting.

If the meeting is paid, you need to finalize your payment.

How can the instructor manage meetings?

Once a student books a meeting, the instructor receives an email notification and they can also
check meetings in “Instructor Panel/ Meetings/ Requests” menu.
The user also can check the booked meeting information from the “User Panel/ Meetings/ My

After receiving a meeting request, the instructor needs to go to the “Instructor Panel/ Meetings/
Requests” menu and define the meeting join link for the meeting. This link will be sent to the
student and the student can join the meeting using this link (This process should be done when
the meeting time has arrived).

There are two options for this case:

1-The instructor can define a custom link using any calling or video streaming solution like
Youtube, Whatsapp, etc.

2-The instructor can use the “In-app video call” system that we explained before in this
document so the user won't be redirected to any third-party solution.

After defining the join link by the instructor, and the student will receive a notification including
meeting information.

Rocket LMS supports interactive SCORM courses. You can build SCORM packages using
software like Adobe Captivate, iSpring, etc.

Each SCORM package should be in the ".zip" format containing an HTML file.

To use SCORM courses, click on the "New SCORM" in the "Content" tab in the course creation
You can select the SCORM type in the dropdown. It depends on the software you created the
package with it.

If you created it with another software (You might need to use it for some iSpring files as well),
you can select the "Custom" option. An additional field will be added to the form. You should
check the zip file and get the main HTML file name.

Enter the main HTML file name in the related field e.g. scorm.html or res/index.html if the
index.html file is inside a folder like “res”.

SaaS Packages:
Rocket LMS includes SaaS model packages.

You can define different service packages for the instructor and organization user roles and limit
their accessibilities according to the activated package. They should upgrade their service
packages if they need more features.

Instructors and organizations have full access to the platform features by default.

To enable this feature, navigate to the "Admin Panel/ SaaS/ Settings/ General Tab" menu and
turn on the "Active SaaS" toggle button.

After that navigate to "Admin Panel/ SaaS/ Settings/ Instructor, Organization Tabs". You will be
able to enable/disable the SaaS feature for different user roles.
You can specify default values for different user roles. Users will have this access level
according to the values entered in these fields without purchasing a package.

If you leave a field empty, the value will be unlimited. If you don't want to include a feature in a
package, enter "0".

You can define new packages from the "Admin Panel/ SaaS/ New Package" menu.

If you want to change the default values for a specific instructor or organization, you can edit the
user and change the values in the "SaaS Package" tab.

Reward Points System:

This system allows you to create a professional point and reward system that is known as a
customer club or customer loyalty program.

Users will get point rewards for their actions according to the conditions defined in the admin
panel and they will be able to use points for enrolling on courses or converting points to the
wallet charge.

How to enable this feature?

Go to the "Admin Panel/ Reward Points/ Settings" and activate the feature.

There are two ways for users to use earned points:

They can enroll in courses using points

They can convert points to the wallet charge

You can disable point conversion by disabling the related toggle.

How to define point-rewarding conditions?

There are many ways for awarding points to users like:

• Normal Account Charge

• Conditional Account Charge
• Publishing a Course
• Making a Purchase
• Passing a Quiz
• Achieving a Certificate
• Comments
• Registration
• Course Review and Rating
• Meeting Reservation
• Joining Newsletter
• Getting a Badge
• Referring a User (Affiliate)
• Course Completion

You can define reward points conditions from the "Admin Panel/ Reward Points/ Conditions"

Some of the parameters have an additional parameter "Value". This field helps you to make your
conditions more complex.

For example, if you define 20 points for the purchase condition and 50 for the "Value"
parameter, the user will get 20 points for each $100 purchase. (The same process for the account
How do users view their points?
Users can view their available points, spent points, earned points, and point rewarding history
under the "Rewards" menu in their panel.

How to specify courses for enrolling by points?

When you edit a course from the "Admin Panel", you will have an additional field where you can
define points for accessing the course. If you fill in this input field, the related button will be
displayed on the course page and users will be able to enroll on it using points.

All of the courses that are available for purchase using the point rewarding system are available
on the "Rewards" page.

Store & Marketplace:

This plugin allows the admin and vendors (Instructors & Organizations) to sell their virtual and
physical products.

This feature provides a complete solution with common features like parcel tracking,
commission, tax, reward points, etc.

How to configure the Store feature?

Go to the admin panel and navigate to the “Store/Settings” menu.

You can activate this feature by enabling the “Active” toggle button. By enabling this feature, all
of the related menus will be displayed on the platform’s front and users will be able to submit
their products.

You can also define a particular commission rate for store products and use a separate tax rate.

Another customizable feature is “Product submission”. You can disable creating different
product types by users. There are two toggle buttons for disabling different product types; if you
disable them, users won’t be able to submit different product types.
Where can you find products?
All of the store products will be displayed in the “” URL.

What is the “Tracking URL” and how to use it?

You can define a shipping tracking URL for your website. This URL will be displayed as a
button for customers. This modal will be available once the seller defines a parcel tracking code
for a product.

To define the shipping tracking URL, go to the admin panel and navigate to the “Store/Settings”
menu and define your shipping company tracking URL.

How to create products?

You can define products from the admin panel or users can define them using their panel from
the “Store” menu.

If you want to define products from the admin panel you have two options:

• To define in-house products (Products for the admin account), go to the “Admin panel/
Store/ In-house products” and click on the “Create a new product” button.
• To define products for other sellers, go to the “Admin panel/ Store/ New product” menu.

Users can define products from the “User Panel/ Store/ New Product” menu.

“New Product” wizard definitions

Product Types:

Physical: Products that require shipping.

Virtual products: Users will have access to these products after the purchase like the Ebooks,
licenses, etc.
Enable Ordering:

By enabling this toggle, the product status will be changed to “Out of stock” and users won’t be
able to order it while it has inventory.

Note: There are 4 additional fields for products in the admin panel for this step that allows the
admin to define different tax rates and commission rates for each product.

Inventory: Quantity of products that is available for sale. When this amount is reached, the
product status will be changed to “Out of stock”.

Inventory warning: When the product inventory reaches this amount, an inventory warning will
be displayed on the product page.

Unlimited Inventory: By enabling this toggle, the product inventory won’t be multiplied.


You can define product specifications from the “Admin panel/ Store/ Specifications”. Product
specifications will be displayed on the product page.

There are two types of specifications:

A- Multi-value: You can define these specifications from the admin panel with fixed values and
allow sellers to assign them to their products. For example, you can define a specification with
the title “Size” and parameters like “Small”, “Medium”, and “Large” so these options will be
available for sellers when they create a product.

You can make the “Multi-value” specifications selectable for users by turning on the “Allow user
selection” when you assign a “Multi-value” specification to a product. By enabling this toggle,
you will let the user select the specification values during the ordering process. For example, the
user will be able to select the “Small” option for the product.

B- Textarea: This specification type doesn’t include any predefined data. It means users will be
free for defining data for this specification type.

Product order process

Virtual products: The customer will pay for the product and will be able to access the content
after payment is made successfully. The customer will be able to download the product if the
seller enables the download option for the file or can view the file directly on the platform (This
feature is available only for PDF and video files.

Physical products: The customer pays for the product and the order notification will be sent to
the seller. The order status will be changed to “Waiting for delivery”.

The seller will be able to view order details like the customer’s address and needs to send the
product using different shipping & curie solutions to the customer and will get the tracking code.

The seller needs to define the parcel tracking code for all “Waiting for delivery” orders from the
“Store/ Sales” menu in the user panel.

By clicking on this option, a modal will be displayed and the seller can enter the parcel tracking
code and confirm it. The order status will be changed to “Shipped” after submitting the tracking

The customer can view parcel details and the tracking code from the “User Panel/ Store/ My
Purchases” menu.

When a customer receives a parcel, they need to go to the “User Panel/ Store/ My Purchases”
and click on the “Parcel receiving confirmation” and confirm receiving the parcel. The order
status will be changed to “Completed” after this action.
Can customers purchase products using Points?
This option is available. The admin can define the “Required Points” value for each product.
Users can purchase the product by spending a specific amount of points.

Forum & Community

The “Forum & Community” feature helps you to add a forum and user community to your

A forum is a community where users can create topics in different categories and communicate
with other community users. This feature will engage your users with your website and will
increase the user’s online time on your platform. In addition, your platform users will create new
pages, articles, and content every day for your platform and it is very valuable for search engines
and improves your website’s SEO ranking.

How to enable the forum feature?

You can enable this feature go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and enable the
“Forum” feature.

The forum feature will be accessible in the “” URL.

Forum main definitions

Topic: Contents that users create inside forums.

Post: User replies to each topic.

Pin: The forum manager (Admin) can pin topics and posts and display them at the top of the list.

How to create new forums?

Go to the “Admin Panel/ Forums/ New” and create new forums and sub-forums with the
following information:
Title: Forum title that will be displayed on the forum home page.

Description: Keep it short and describe the main subjects in the forum. It will be displayed at the
bottom of the forum title on the forum page.

Group: Create a forum for a specific user group. Other user groups won't be able to view this

Role: Create a forum for a specific user role. Other user roles won't be able to view this forum.

Active: If you disable this toggle, the forum won't be displayed on the front.

Close: By enabling this toggle, users won't be able to publish new topics or reply to topics.

If your forum includes sub-forums, check the related checkbox and add new sub-forums.

Featured/Recommended topics
You can assign existing topics to the Featured and Recommended sections. Both of these
sections are on the forum home page.

We suggest defining 4 featured topics and 4 recommended topic groups with at least 5 topics in
each group.

How to edit the forum CTA section

You can change the forum section on the home page from the “Admin Panel/ Settings/
Personalization/ Home Page Sections

Course Forum
This feature helps users to ask their questions in the course forum and other students and the
course instructor will be able to answer questions.
The course forum is accessible only to the course students and instructors.

The question creator can mark the best answer as “Resolved”. “Resolved” questions will be
displayed with a particular badge.

How to enable the feature?

You can enable this feature go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and enable the
“Course Forum” feature.

By enabling this toggle, the “Course Forum” toggle will be displayed in the course creation
wizard and the course instructor will be able to enable/disable the forum feature for each course.

How to access the course forum?

Users can access the course forum feature on the learning page. The course forum button is on
the “Top navigation bar”.

Drip Content
The “Drip Content” feature makes the education process more effective. By using this feature
you can restrict the user access to different course parts. Without using the drip content, the user
will be able to access the course content without any limitations after enrollment.

If you use the “Drip” feature, you can force course students to access the content depending on
the previous parts.
Drip content options
Rocket LMS drip content includes two options:

Sequence content check: By enabling this option for each course chapter or part, the user needs
to pass the previous parts to access the content.

Time-depended access: You can define a limitation time for each course part so the user needs to
wait “X” days from the purchase date to access the content.

How to enable the “Drip” feature?

Go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and enable the “Drip Content” feature. By
enabling this option, the course drip options will be displayed in the course creation process in
the “Content” tab.

How to set the “Drip Content” options?

You can access the drip content features in the course creation wizard.

Option #1 – Chapter Pass:

When you create a course chapter, there is a toggle button “The student should pass all parts”.

By enabling this feature, the student should pass all chapter parts to access the next chapter.
To enable the content drip for each course part, you need to enable the “Drip content” for each
desired part. The drip content feature will be enabled for each part by enabling this option. If you
disable this toggle, this part will be ignored by the content drip. When you enable this toggle,
you will have two following options:

Option #2 – Previous part pass:

If you enable this toggle for content, the user should pass the previous content (That the “Drip”
feature is enabled for it) to access the current part.

Option #3 – Access days limit:

By filling in the related input, the user should wait “X” days after the purchase date to access the

Note: You can use one of these features or both of them.

Private Mode
Private mode allows you to restrict course enrollment and the course page. This feature is a good
solution for using your platform as an internal LMS.

By using this feature you can:

• Restrict users from viewing the course page. Logged-out users won’t have access to the
course page.
• Allow specific users to enroll on courses and access the course page. You can enable the
course access for only your desired users.

How to enable the “Private Mode” feature?

Go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and enable the “Private Mode” feature.

How to delegate access for users to access content?

If you enabled the “Admin approval for content access” you can specify which users can access
course content.

You can go to the “Admin Panel/ Access Management” menu. You will see all restricted users in
this list and you can add or remove users to this list.

If you enable the “Admin approval for content access” toggle from the “Private Mode Settings”,
all of the newly registered users will be displayed on this list after registration. They won’t have
access to the content after registration.

You can also manage the user’s access by editing the user. Go to the “Admin Panel/ Users/
Select a user type/ Edit a user by clicking on the “Edit” button in the last column. There is a
toggle in the first tab with the title “Disable Content Access” by enabling this toggle, the user’s
access to the course page will be restricted.

Course Statistics
You can view the course statistics and analytics using this feature. This feature gives you
valuable insights about the course content and students in a graphical environment so you can
analyze the course learning efficiency easily.

How to view the course statistics page?

Admin Panel: Go to the courses list; in the last column, click on the dots icon and click on the
“Course Statistics” option.

User Panel: This feature is available for instructors and organizations. Go to the courses list and
click on the dots icon and click on the “Course Statistics” option.

Manual Enrollment
By using this feature the admin can add or remove users to courses, bundles, and store products.
How to use the “Manual Enrollment” feature?
You can add students to courses manually from the “Admin Panel/ Enrollment/ Add a student to
a course” menu. Select a user and course and give access to the course easily.

If you want more features (Like adding users to bundles and store products), you can go to the
“Admin Panel/ Users/ Select a user type/ Edit a user by clicking on the “Edit” button in the last

There are 3 tabs “Purchased Courses”, “Purchased Products”, and “Purchased Bundles”. You can
add or remove users to different content types from these three tabs.

Course Bundles
By using this feature you can combine several courses as a bundle. When a user purchases a
bundle, they have access to all of the included courses.

How to create new bundles?

Instructors and organizations can create bundles from the “User Panel/ Course Bundles/ New”
and the admin can create bundles from the “Admin Panel/ Course Bundles/ New” menu.

The bundle creation process is similar to the course creation process. Users can assign courses to
a bundle in the 4th step.

Note: The “URL” and “Required Points” fields will be displayed on the admin panel
additionally. The admin can change the bundle URL and specify the required points for the
bundle so users will be able to purchase the bundle using reward points.

Course Notices
Admin and instructors can post notices for courses and these notices will be displayed on the
course learning page. Users can access course notices by clicking on the “Notices” icon.
How to post new notices?
Admin Panel: Go to the “Admin Panel/ Course Notices/ New” menu, select a title, notice color
depending on the notice context and write the notice content and click on the “Send” button.

User Panel: Go to the “User Panel/ Noticeboard/ New course notice” menu, select a title, notice
color depending on the notice context and write the notice content and click on the “Send”

Course Assignments
Create different assignments for the course and evaluate your course students learning quality.

How to create new assignments for courses?

The instructor can define assignments for a course from the “Content” tab in the course creation
process with the following values:

Grade: Total grade of the assignment.

Pass Grade: If the student reaches this grade, the assignment status will be changed to “Passed”.

Deadline: How many days is the student allowed to submit the assignment? If you set 5, the user
is allowed 5 days from the purchase date to submit the assignment. Once the deadline passed, the
student won’t be able to submit the assignment.

Attempts: How many times the user can resubmit the assignment? If this value is reached, the
user won’t be able to resubmit the assignment. Each message that the student sends to the
assignment’s conversation, will decrease one of the attempts.

Attachments: You can attach examples, documentation, or any other assets to each assignment.

How can the student access the assignment?

The student can access the assignment on the learning page or “User Panel/ Assignments/ My
Each assignment includes a conversation between the student and the instructor including
messages and file history.

How can the instructor access the assignment and rate it?
The instructor can access the assignment on the learning page or the “User Panel/ Assignments/
Students Assignments” menu.

When the instructor opens the assignment page, can review the assignment, ask questions from
the student, send improvements or rate the assignment.

If the instructor rates an assignment, the assignment status will be changed depending on the
assignment grade. If the assignment grade is greater than the passing grade, the status will be
changed to “Passed”.

Registration Bonus
This feature allows you to award registration bonuses to your platform users and encourage them
to register on your platform. The registration bonus will be charged to the user's wallet and they
can make purchases using the bonus. There are two bonus types:

1- Normal Bonus: This bonus will be charged to the registered user immediately after
2- Conditional Bonus: This bonus will be charged to the user’s wallet immediately after
registration but it will be locked and requires specific actions to be unlocked. There are two
action types for unlocking the bonus:

• Referring users: The user needs to refer X users to the platform using the affiliate link.
• Referral purchases: Each referred user needs to purchase a specific amount to unlock
the bonus.

How to activate and manage?

You can activate this feature from Admin Panel/ Registration Bonus/ Settings menu

Settings and variables

You can set different options for the registration bonus.

By enabling the “Unlock the registration bonus instantly” the bonus will be available for the user
instantly and the user can make purchases immediately.

By enabling the “Unlock registration bonus with referral” the registration bonus will be awarded
to the user after registration but it will be locked and the user requires to refer X users to the
platform to unlock the bonus.

There is another option for referred users. You can define an additional condition for unlocking
the bonus. By enabling the “ Enable referred users purchase” the bonus won't be unlocked after
referring certain users to the platform and each referred user needs to make a certain amount of
purchase to unlock the bonus.

Imagine you defined 5 referred users with $200 for unlocking the bonus. If the user refers 5 users
(or more) to the system and 5 users purchase at least $200, the bonus will be unlocked.

You can also change the bonus wallet. If you select the “Income Wallet”, the user will be able to
get the amount as the payout. By selecting the “Balance Wallet” option, the user can make
purchases only and the amount won't be withdrawable.

Registration Bonus FAQ

How can the user check the registration bonus status?
The user can check the registration bonus status from the “User Panel/ Marketing/ Registration
Bonus” page.

How encourage users to get this bonus?

We suggest using features like “Top/Bottom Bar” or “Advertising Banners” to advertise your
platform strategy for the registration bonus.

Installments (Partial Payment)

This feature helps you to sell courses, bundles and store products with installments. You can
define different partial payment plans with different conditions for each product and define
upfront and payment steps for each partial payment plan. The upfront amount will be paid by the
user instantly and payment steps should be paid by the user on the due date.

The customer will get payment reminders for each payment step and if they don’t pay the
installment on the due date (or after the regular interval) you have different options to disable
customer access to the purchased content or disable all products access for them or prevent users
to purchase other products using installments.

Installment verification: There is an option that allows you to evaluate and verify your
customers before purchasing the content using installments. You can ask customers to provide
different physical or virtual proofs, documents, or any type of information and share them with
you physically or virtually.

The verification is an optional feature so you can use it or ignore it according to your business
requirements and strategies.

How to activate and manage?

To enable installment payment on your website please go to Admin Panel/ Instalments/ Settings
and enable the feature.

There are additional options on this page:

• Disable course access when the user has an overdue installment: This option allows you
to disable product access when the user has an unpaid installment for the product.
• Disable all course access when the user has an overdue installment: This option is the
same as the previous item but it will disable the user's access to all products in the
• Disable installments when the user has an overdue installment: The user will be unable to
purchase products using installments while they have an overdue installment.
• Allow cancel verification: The user can cancel installment verification while it is in
pending status.
• Display installment button: An Instalment button will be displayed on the product page in
addition to the normal purchase button. This button will redirect the user to the
installment plan selection page. Normally, all of the installment plans will be displayed
on the product page.
• Overdue interval days: If you consider a value for this input, the user will be allowed to
pay the installment X days after the due date.
• reminder before overdue days: A reminder will be sent to the customer X days before the
due date.
• reminder after overdue days: A reminder will be sent to the customer X days after the due

Defining installment plans

In order to allow users to purchase products using partial payment, you need to define partial
payment plans.

You can create partial payment plans from the “Admin Panel/ Instalments/ New Plan” menu.

Basic Information:

The “Title” will be displayed on the admin panel and the “Main Title” will be displayed on the
product page.

You can display a banner on the installment card. This banner is optional and is for purposes like
encouraging users to purchase courses by cash, etc.

You can also define “Specifications” for each installment plans to describe plan specifications.
These items will be displayed as checked items on the installment card.

By defining “Capacity” for installment plans, a limited number of customers will be able to
purchase the product using installments.

Each installment can include a start or end date. It means the installment plan will be valid only
for this period.

Target Products:

You can define target products with many options for installment plans.

Another option for installment plans is verification. Since the verification process includes
details, it will be explained in the future.


The most important part of installment plan creation is defining payment steps.

You can define an upfront for each installment plan. The upfront is an amount that the user
should pay it instantly. This amount could be a fixed amount or a percentage rate.

Payment Steps:

Define different payment steps with different durations with fixed or percentage amounts with
different durations.


You are free to define unlimited payment steps for each installment plan. In other words, if you
want to consider an interest for your installment plan, you need to consider it in defining
payment steps. For example, if you are going to define an installment plan for a $1000 product,
you might need to get 25% more for installment payments so you can define your payment steps
according to the following example:

• Upfront: $200
• Payment step #1: $300
• Payment step #2: $200
• Payment step #3: $250
• Payment step #4: $250
• Payment step #5: $50

The following example also indicates that you are free to consider any value for payment steps;
no need to define equal values for payment steps or upfront.

After defining an installment plan, it will be displayed on the product page that you defined the
installment plan for it.

Please don’t change the installment deadline after definfing a plan.

Installment Verification
When you define installment plans, there is an option that allows you to enable verification for
installment plans. You can enable verification for installment plans to ask customers to provide
certain information, upload documents or send them to you physically.

In fact, when you enable verification for an installment plan, the user won't get the product
instantly and they will access the product after approving the verification request by admin.

If an installment plan requires verification, the customer will be redirected to the verification
page after selecting a plan.

When you define an installment plan, you can define your verification strategy for each
installment plan. By enabling the “Request uploads” option, the user will be asked for uploading

There is another toggle “Bypass verification for verified users”.

When you edit a user in the “Users” menu, there is a toggle inside the financial tab called
“Installment Verification”. If you enable this toggle for a specific user and also enable the
“Bypass” toggle for an installment plan, the user won't be asked for verification.

If you enable the “Installment Verification” toggle for a user, this user will be displayed in the
“Admin Panel/ Installments/ Verified Users” menu.

If a customer submits a verification request, the request will be displayed in the “Admin Panel/
Installments/ Verification Requests” menu and you can manage them from this page.

Installment Purchases Management

You can check installment purchases in the “Admin Panel/ Installments/ Purchases” menu.

This page provides comprehensive information about installment purchases and you can manage

Overdue Installments
Managing overdue installments is one of the most important tasks for preventing revenue loss.

What can you do with overdue installments?

• You can disable customer access to all products

• You can disable the customer access to the product with an overdue installment
• You can prevent users to purchase products using installments when they have an
overdue installment
• You can disable the installment feature for users so they won't be able to purchase
products using installments while they paid their overdue installments. (You can disable
the installment feature for users by editing the user. You will find the “Enable
Installment” inside the “Financial” tab on the user edit page.

There are two menus for managing overdue installments “Overdue Installments” and “Overdue
History” menus.

On the “Overdue Installments” page, you can check all of the overdue installments and manage
them. If a customer pays for an overdue installment, the installment will be removed from this

Another menu is “Overdue History”. The only difference with the “Overdue installments” menu
is although the customer pays the overdue installment, it won't be removed from this list so you
can rely on this page for evaluating your customers.

Installments FAQ
Can I disable installments for specific users?

Yes, you can edit the user. You will find the “Enable Installment” toggle inside the “Financial”
tab. By turning this toggle off, the installment feature will be disabled for this user.

I don’t want to use the verification option. What should I do?

Verification is an optional feature. You can enable it when you are defining an installment plan.

Question Bank
This is a feature for the quiz plugin that allows you to define a question bank for each quiz and
display a limited number of them for students. For example, you can define 100 questions for a
quiz and display 20 questions for students.

The most important function of this plugin is conducting more accurate quizzes. In fact, you can
create a question bank and display a certain number of questions to users randomly. For
example, you can define 100 questions and display 20 questions for each student randomly.

Note: If you want to display questions to users randomly, you need to define the same grade for
all of the questions.
How to activate and manage?
When you are defining a quiz in the quiz creation form, there is a toggle with the title “Display
limited questions”; by enabling this toggle, you can specify the number of quiz questions that
will be displayed for the user.

By enabling the “Display questions randomly” button, questions will be displayed randomly to
users. If you don’t enable it, questions will be displayed to all students in the same order.

Note: If you want to display questions randomly, please define the same grade for all questions.

Cashback is a rewards program where customers can earn back a percentage of the money they
spend while shopping.

You can define cashback rules from the admin panel and chargeback users while they are
making purchases.

How to activate and create rules?

To activate cashback, please go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and enable
this feature.

After activating cashback, you need to go to the “Admin Panel/ Cashback/ New Rule” menu.
There are different options.

Basic Information:

If you select users for a cashback rule, the cashback rule will be activated for specific users only
so if these users make purchases, the cashback amount will be calculated for them.

You can define a cashback rule for user groups so the cashback rule will be calculated for users
who are included in those user groups.

You can also specify a start and end date for cashback rules so the cashback rule will be applied
only in this period.

Target Products:
Which products do you want to calculate cashback for them? You can specify different products
for cashback rules so the cashback amount will be calculated when a user makes purchases.


Define the amount that you want to charge back to the user balance as cashback. You can define
a fixed amount or percentage.

If you define a fixed amount, you have another option “Apply cashback per item”. Imagine the
user has an order including 3 products with the same cashback rule that includes a fixed amount
of cashback. If you enable this option, the system will charge back the cashback amount 3 times.
If you disable this option, the cashback amount will be calculated one time.

The minimum amount specifies the minimum purchase amount for calculating the cashback
amount. If the user’s purchase amount is more than the minimum amount, the cashback amount
will be calculated.

The maximum amount will be available only for percentage cashback. This field specifies the
maximum amount that will be calculated as cashback. Imagine you defined a cashback rule that
chargebacks 10% of the purchase. When a user purchases a product at $1000, the cashback
amount will be calculated $100 normally. You can set the maximum cashback amount as $20 so
the system will consider maximum $20 for chargebacks.

Cashback Transactions
On this page, you can check all of the cashback transactions. In fact, you can check all of the
calculated cashback amounts in detail.

Cashback History
You can find the total cashback amount paid to all users on this page for business management
features. Check the total amount you paid to each user and their last cashback date.

Disable Cashback for Specific Users

If you don’t want to exclude some users from getting cashback, you need to edit the user from
the users list and turn on the “Disable Cashback” toggle in the “Financial” tab.
Secure Video Storage
This feature helps you to store your videos on a secure host and prevent unwanted downloads.
By using this storage, your video files will be encrypted and won't be downloadable using any
download manager like IDM.

This feature uses API which is one of the most powerful video encryption and hosting
solutions so you can use it for a free or low cost.

How to activate this feature?

To activate this feature, please go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and select
“Secure Host” from the “Upload Sources” dropdown.

After that, you need to configure this system. Please go to the website and create an

Go to the “Stream” menu and click on the “Add Video Library” button and enter a name for your
video library. It would be better to enter a unique name with all small caps without spaces.
Please avoid general names like test, etc.

After creating a video library, click on the library name and go to the video library page and
click on the “API” option. On this page, you can check the API information that is required for
connecting the video library to your website.
Now, you need to make your created stream library secure to avoid downloads and unwanted
access (sharing URLs). Please go to your library settings security tab and change the following
parameters according to the following screenshot:

At the bottom of this page, you will see the “Token Authentication Key” parameter. You need to
copy this parameter and define it according to the next step.

Go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features/ Secure Host” and copy the API
information (Video library id, Hostname, Access Key, Access Token), and save the form.

Now, the integration process is completed so you can upload your videos to the secure storage
from the course creation wizard.
How to upload videos using this feature?
You will have a new upload source in the course creation wizard when you are going define a
new file called “Secure Host”. Select this option and upload your video file.


This option is only for video files so you can not upload other file types using this option.

You need to upload your video file in the proper size (e.g. 1920x1080). You are free to upload
your video file in any resolution but your video player might have black side margins in small

Upcoming Courses
By using this feature, you will allow instructors to post information about their upcoming and
future courses. Users can follow upcoming courses and once the course is published, a
notification will be sent to users who followed the upcoming course.

Instructors can find their course early adapters using this feature and get the first students for the
course. Another use case of this option is estimating customer demand.

How to enable this feature?

To activate this feature, please go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and turn on
the related toggle.

How to create and manage upcoming courses?

Instructors can create upcoming courses from their panel. The upcoming course data is similar to
courses but the data will be used for informative purposes.

You can define the course publish date, course features, capacity, sections, chapters, and
progress (You can update this parameter as you are recording new parts), etc.
How to send course publishing notifications?
Users can follow upcoming courses and once the course is published, a notification will be sent
to users automatically including the published course information.

The instructor needs to publish the main course first and after that go to the “Instructor Panel/
Upcoming Courses List” menu and click on the “Assign a published course” button and select a
course from the dropdown. A notification will be sent to all of the students who followed the

After assigning a course to an upcoming course, users won't be able to follow the upcoming
course and the main course card will be displayed on the upcoming course page.

Course Waitlist
This feature allows you to get a list of the course potential students when the course is not
available for enrollment (e.g. capacity reached or the course is in progress). If you enable this
feature for a course, a “Join Waitlist” button will be displayed on the course page when the
course is not available for enrollment and the user can join the course waitlist.

You can export the course waitlist from the admin panel and use this list for marketing purposes.

How to enable this feature?

To activate this feature, please go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” and turn on
the related toggle.

If you enable this button, the “Waitlist” toggle will be displayed in the course creation wizard so
when the course is not available for enrollment, the “Join Waitlist” button will be displayed on
the course page.

How to manage waitlists?

You can manage waitlists from the “Admin Panel/ Waitlists” menu. You can export the list and
use it for marketing purposes.

You can clear the waitlist when you exported it so the list will be empty.
Jitsi Integration
You can conduct live classes on Jitsi which is one of the most powerful live-streaming service

The live class will be conducted directly on your platform and the user won't be redirected to any
third-party app.

How to enable this feature?

Jitsi is software that you can use as a service (Using Jitsi Servers) or install on a server and use it
exclusively (Self Hosted). Rocket LMS supports both of them.

If you want to make Jitsi available for conducting live classes, please go to the “Admin Panel/
Settings/ General/ Features” menu. There is a dropdown to select live-streaming services. You
can select Jitsi from the dropdown and save the form. By enabling Jitsi, it will be available on the
live class creation page in the course creation wizard.

How to change the server URL?

If you want to use Jitsi as a self-hosted service, you need to change the server URL by editing the
env file and changing the “JITSI_LIVE_URL” parameter. If you want to use Jitsi servers, you
need to use the default Jitsi URL like the following example:

This feature allows users to change the platform currency from the header and all prices will be
exchanged for the selected currency automatically. You can expand your business to an
international business.
How to enable this feature?
To enable this feature please go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ Financial/ Currency” tab and
select a default currency for your platform and enable the “Multi-currency” toggle.

After that, click on the “Add Currency” button and define the currencies that you want to make
available in the website header.

When you define a currency, there is an exchange rate parameter. This parameter will be defined
according to the default currency. You can get the latest exchange rates from this link. If your
default currency is USD and you want to exchange it for EUR, you need to select currencies
according to the following screenshot:

Imagine your platform's default currency is USD ($) and you need to add Euro as currency.
According to the following link, Euro to USD exchange rate is 0.93 so when you are defining
Euro currency, you need to set the exchange rate to 0.93.

Note: If you want to change the platform default currency while you defined the currencies list,
you need to edit defined currencies and update exchange rates according to the default currency.

Gift Products
This feature allows users to send courses, and store virtual products and bundles as gifts to other
users. Users can send gifts on a specific date or instantly. Gifts could be paid or free and the
recipient could be a registered or unregistered user.
How to enable this feature?
To enable this feature please go to the “Admin Panel/ Gifts/ Settings” menu. You can enable this
feature for courses, store products, and bundles.

Note: When the sender specifies a date for a gift, you need to set CronJob on your server to send
gifts to the receiver on the gift date. You can check Rocket LMS documentation for CronJob

What is this feature flow?

There is a “Send as gift” button on the product (courses, store virtual products, bundles) pages.
The user will be redirected to the gift page.

The sender can specify the recipient's email, send date, and a message for the recipient. If the
course is paid, the user will be redirected to the cart page and the payment process should be

After payment, the gift will be ready for sending to the recipient's email. If the sender specified a
send date for the gift, it will be sent on the specified date.

Offline Payment
This feature allows users to process bank transfers. Users can transfer the money using the
platform bank accounts and the money will be added to the customer balance after approving the
offline payment request by the admin.

How to define bank accounts?

To define bank accounts, please go to the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ Financial/ Offline Payment
Banks” tab. You can define your bank accounts from this tab.

What is this feature flow?

The offline payment feature is not an instant process so it is available for charging the user’s
The user can select the offline payment option when they want to charge their account. If they
select offline payment as a payment method, they need to fill out a form and send their payment
information to the admin.

Admin can manage offline payment requests from the “Admin Panel/ Financial/ Offline
Payments/ Requests” menu. If the admin approves requests, the money will be charged to the
user's balance.

Form Builder
This feature helps you create different variable forms from the admin panel for different
purposes like surveys or collecting data from users. Another important option of this feature is
personalizing native forms like registration forms, becoming instructors, and organization forms.

You can create forms assign them to different processes and collect personalized data from your
platform users.

How to create a new form?

To create forms, please go to the “Admin Panel/ Form Builder/ New” menu and fill out the

Language: You can define your form for different languages so it will be displayed to users
according to their selected language.

URL: You can personalize the form URL by filling in this input. Use alphabet characters and
numbers and avoid using special characters. For a better experience, please use “_” or “-
“characters instead of spaces between words.

If you fill in the URL input with “survey-form”, the form will be accessible through the
following URL:

Cover, Image: These images will be displayed on the form page.

Heading Title: This title will be displayed on the form page.

Description: You can explain the form to users and this text will be displayed before form inputs.

Enable Login: By enabling this toggle, the user should be logged in to access the form.
Users/ Roles/ User Groups: Use them to allow specific users, user roles or user groups access the

Resubmission: By enabling this option, the user can submit the form for one time.

Start & End Date: If you want to make the form accessible for a specific period, you can use this
option. The form will be accessible from the “Start Date” to the “End Date”.

Welcome Message: Enable it if you want to present a welcome message to users. By enabling
this option, the user will see the form welcome page first and then they will be redirected to the
form's main page. This page will be displayed before the main form page.

Thank You Message: Enable it if you want to present a message after filling out the form. Users
will be redirected to this page after filling out the form if you enable it. This page will be
displayed after the main form page.

Inputs: You can add new inputs to the form by clicking on the “Add Input” button. Select the
input type and title and click on the “Save” button. If you want to make the input required, you
need to enable the related toggle button.

How to customize functional forms?

One of the most important options of the form builder features is form personalization. You can
create different forms and assign them to the following processes:

Student Registration Form

Instructor Registration Form

Organization Registration Form

Become Instructor Form

Become Organization Form

To personalize the following forms, you need to create a form and assign it to different processes
from the “Admin Panel/ Settings/ General/ Features” menu.

After assigning the form, form inputs will be displayed in the native form.

How to check form submissions?

There are two form types:

-A: Regular Forms: You can manage submissions for forms that you haven’t assigned to
processes from the “Admin Panel/ Form Builder/ Submissions” menu.

-B: Assigned Forms: If you assigned a form to a process, you can check form details in the users
menu. Please navigate to the “Admin Panel/ Users/ Students (or any other role) and edit the user.

You will find the related information in the tabs. The data will be included in the Excel exports
as well.

AI Content Generator
This feature helps you use ChatGPT's powerful API for creating different text and image content.
You can enable this feature only for the admin side or make it available for instructors and
organizations as well.

The most important advantage of the Rocket LMS AI plugin is flexibility. We haven’t limited
content types and you can create different different and flexible AI prompts to get a response
from the API.

How to enable this feature?

Please navigate to the “Admin Panel/ AI Content/ Settings” menu and activate this menu for the
user roles you want.

Next, you need to get an API key from the ChatGPT website. Please follow this article to get the
API secret key.

Now, you can personalize settings.

Enable AI Text Generator API: By enabling this toggle, the text generation service will be
available on your website.

Text Generator API Model: There are different APIs on ChatGPT with different options and
prices. You can check them from this link and select one of them.

Number of texts generated per request: You can specify the number of generated texts for each
API call. In other words, if you set this option for “2”, two texts will be generated when the
system calls API. Please consider this option will increase your charges.
Max Tokens: ChatGPT converts each word into a legible token whenever you ask a question and
this parameter will be used for calculating the charge when you are using a specific API. For
example, one API will consume 10 tokens for generating a ten-word sentence and another API
might use 30 tokens for creating the same sentence. You can set limitations for each request to
manage your API charges. We suggest using 300 to 1000 tokens.

Enable AI image generator API: By enabling this toggle, image generation service will be
available on your website.

Content Generation Templates

The most important part of the AI Content Generator feature is “AI Prompt Templates”. The
system will send these templates to the API according to the user selection and the API will
understand the requirements and will generate the content.

This option helps you create personalized AI prompts according to your platform content,
language, strategies, etc. In most platforms, prompt templates and natively included in the code
so you can not change them.

We included default templates for different generatable contents in the demo version and you can
use them or create different templates from the “Admin Panel/ AI Content/ New Template”

You can include different template tags in the prompt. These tags will be generated
automatically by the user who uses this feature.

If you enable the “Length” option for a template, a length input will be displayed on the front
and the user can specify the content length.

How to use this feature?

After activating this feature, an “AI Content Generator” button will appear in the top navigation
menu in the admin and front aide depending on the settings you defined.

When you click on the button, a drawer will be opened and first you can specify which content
type you want (Image or Text).

Next, you can select the content purpose or subject from the “Service” dropdown. You will see
the service template you defined in the admin panel.
Finally, please describe what you want in the “Keyword” input and click on the “Generate”



This bundle supports the free installation. You can ask us in CRM to install it for you for free.

You can also get the latest updates directly in CRM.

You can get the full package (including Rocket LMS and Plugins bundle) from CRM. By using
this package no need to install plugins separately.

You can use the .env file that exists in the plugins bundle package. It includes all of the required

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