Lab Manipulating Data

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Student Name: Weight: 2.


Student ID: Marks: /12

Lab: Manipulating Data

Equipment and Materials
For this lab, you will need:
 A Windows computer with a minimum of 16GB RAM and 250GB of free disk space,
capable of nested virtualization
 Access to Oracle Version 11g or better through SQL*PLUS
 The Grand Hill College Database that you populated as part of earlier learning activities
 The Grand Hill College Physical Model that was created as part of earlier learning

1. First, work through steps 2-5 individually. Then arrange a time to come together as a small
group to create one solution based on the best individual solution to each problem. Further
refine the solution as a group if needed.
2. Review the physical model for Grand Hill College.
3. Using the Grand Hill College Database, write a single script that fulfills all the requirements
outlined in the Problem Set.
4. Compare your solution against the Marking Criteria.
5. See Brightspace for exact due dates.
6. Only one submission per group is required. Your submission should include:
a. One script file
b. One spool file showing all results
c. One attribution list that outlines the activities associated with completing this
assignment. A sample attribution list is provided on Brightspace.

Problem Set
Write SQL code to perform the following modifications to the Grand Hill College Database.

1. Add a new department.

a. Department number: 100
b. Name: Astrophysics

© 2022, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1

INSERT INTO Department (DepartmentNumber, DepartmentName)
VALUES (100, 'Astrophysics');

2. Add a new instructor.

a. Faculty ID: 1001

b. Name: Danny Faulkner
c. Hired: Jan 1, 2022
d. This instructor is currently available and teaches in the Astrophysics department

INSERT INTO Instructor (FacultyID, InstructorName, HireDate, Available,

VALUES (1001, 'Danny Faulkner', TO_DATE('2022-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'Yes', 100);

3. Add the following courses that Danny Faulkner has expertise to teach:
a. Course Code: APHY202, The Solar System, 5 credits
b. Course Code: APHY203, Nebula, 5 credits
c. Course Code: APHY204, Global Clusters, 5 credits

INSERT INTO Course (CourseCode, CourseName, Credits, DepartmentNumber)

('APHY202', 'The Solar System', 5, 100),
('APHY203', 'Nebula', 5, 100),
('APHY204', 'Global Clusters', 5, 100);

INSERT INTO Instructor_Course (FacultyID, CourseCode)

(1001, 'APHY202'),
(1001, 'APHY203'),
(1001, 'APHY204');

4. The Nebula Course has moved to the third semester, so its new course code is ‘APHY302’.
Make that change throughout the database.
INSERT INTO Course (CourseCode, CourseName, Credits, DepartmentNumber)
VALUES ('APHY302', 'Nebula', 5, 100);

UPDATE Instructor_Course
SET CourseCode = 'APHY302'
WHERE CourseCode = 'APHY203';


WHERE CourseCode = 'APHY203';

© 2022, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 2

Hint: You will need to add the new course first and then update/delete existing data.

5. Remove Danny Faulkner (ID: 1001) and the record of his expertise. Leave the new courses
and the Astrophysics department in the databases.
DELETE FROM Instructor
WHERE FacultyID = 1001;

DELETE FROM Instructor_Course

WHERE FacultyID = 1001;

Marking Criteria
Adequate Good
Categories Improvement Score
2 3

Correctly performs 3+ modifications 1 or 2 modifications Yes /3

all modifications missing missing

Will work for all 2+ questions will 1 question will not Yes
not work for all work for all datasets /3

Spool file included No N/A Yes /3

Attribution list No Some details Yes

included /3

Total /12

© 2022, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 3

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