CH 3

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Unit Three
Measures of Central Tendency 12/11/2023
2 objectives

 To comprehend the data easily.

 To get a single value that represent(describe)
characteristics of the entire data
 To summarizing/reducing the volume of the data
 To facilitating comparison within one group or between
groups of data
 To enable further statistical analysis 12/11/2023
3 Recall Properties of Summation
� � �
 1
� = �� 1
��� = � � c is constant
1 �
� �
 �=1
(� + � × �� ) = n × a + b× � , a and b are constants
�=1 �
� � �
 �=1
(�� ± � � ) = �=1
(�� ) ± �=1
(�� )
� � �
 �=1
(�� × � � ) ≠ �=1
(�� ) × �=1
(�� )

12 12 12 12
 Example: If �
�=1 �
= 26, �
�=1 �
= 17, �2
�=1 �
= 484, �2
�=1 �

� �
Find �=1
(4�� + 3�� ) �=1
2�� (�� − 7) 12/11/2023
4 Mean
 Arithmetic mean (�):

 Definition �
�=� �
, ��� ��� ���� �� , �� , …, ��

� × ��
�=� �
�= �
, ��� ��������� ������������

�=� �

� × ��
�=� �

, ��� ������� ��, ���� �� = ����� ����

�=� �
 Properties of Athematic Mean
� � �
 �=1
(�� − �) = 0; �
�=� �
× (�� − �) = � ; �
�=� �
× (�� − �) = �

 For �1 , �2 , …, �� ���ℎ ���� �

�� �1 ± �, �2 ± �, …, �� ± �, then the mean becomes � ± �
�� ��1 , ��2 , …, ��� , then the mean becomes k�
 Combined mean

 If �1 is mean for �1 ���. ���

�1 × �1 +�2 ×�2
 �2 is mean for �2 ���. => combined mean = �1 +�2 12/11/2023
5 Mean …
 Weighted Mean:

�=� �� × ��
 �� = � , ����� �� ���� ������� �� , …. �� ���� ������� ��
�=� ��

 Geometric Mean:
 For averages of %, Growth rates, proportions

 GM = �� �� × �2 �2 × … × �� �� ,
�� �� … ��
 Harmonic Mean: �� �� … ��
 For averages of rate, Price/Earnings �
with � = �
�=1 �

 �� = � ��
�=1 �

1. � ≥ �� ≥ ��
2. For two observations � × �� = ��
3. For constant observations: � = �� = �� 12/11/2023
6 Example
� 8
 For the data: 2, 8,6,4,10,6,8,4 �� = =1 2 2 2 1
� �� + + + +
 Find �=1 �
� 2 4 6 8 10
8/1.68 = 4.7525
 Athematic mean
 Geometric mean and
Example: Suppose you get an increment of 50%,
 Harmonic Mean
40% and 70% in your salary at the end of first, 2nd
 Sol: Values 2 4 6 8 10 Total and 3 rd year respectively. If your initial salary is
Frequency 1 2 2 2 1 8=N 100USD,
a) what is the average increase in your salary?

� × ��
�=� � � + � × � + � × � + � × � + �� b) what is your salary at the end of 3rd year salary?
�= �
� �
�=� �
=48/8 =6

Example: A motorist travels 1440km in 3 days.
GM = �� �� × �2 �2 × … × �� ��
She travels for 10 hours at rate of 48km/hr on 1st
= 21 × 42 × 62 × 82 × 101 day, for 12 hours at rate of 40km/hr on the 2nd
= 8 737,280 day and for 15 hours at rate of 32km/hr on the
=5.4132 3rd day. What is her average speed? 12/11/2023
7 Median
 Middle Value - Sorting is needed
�ℎ ���. �� � �� ���
 ��� � ������ ������ �1 , �2 , …, �� : � =
1 � �ℎ �+2 �ℎ
���. + ���. �� � �� ����
2 2 2
(Ungrouped data)

Example: Find the median for
 � = ���� + � 2 −� (For Grouped data) 1. At rest pulse rates for 16 athletes at a meet
are: 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 56, 54, 64, 67, 57, 54,
55, 57, 68, 60 and 58. 57
2. The production of butter fat during 7
���� = LCB for median class consecutive days was recorded for 75 cows
W = class width and the frequency is given below. (54.16)
���� = ��������� �� ������ �����
Butter Fats in kgs 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
F = cumulative frequency of the class that
precedes the median class Number of cows 7 10 22 15 12 6 3 12/11/2023
8 Mode
 Most Frequently Occurring Value/or values
 For ungrouped data-take the value with highest frequency by inspection
 For Grouped data
���� = ��� �� ����� �����
�ℎ = ℎ���� ���������
 ���� = ���� + � × �ℎ−1 = ��������� �� �ℎ� ����� �ℎ�� ������� ����� �����
∆1 +∆2
�ℎ−2 = ��������� �� �ℎ� ����� �ℎ�� ������� ����� �����
∆1 = �ℎ -�ℎ−1
∆2 =�ℎ -�ℎ−2
 Example: Find the mode for Butter Fats in kgs 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
Number of cows 7 10 22 15 12 6 3
 (53.03) 12/11/2023
Important Characteristics of a Good MCT
 It Should be
 Easy to calculate and understand (interpret).
 Based on all the observations during computation.
 Rigidly defined. Clear and Unambiguous
 Representative of the data based on random sample.
 Resistant to sampling fluctuation sampling stability.
 Resistant to extreme value.
 Capable for further statistical analysis and /or algebraic manipulation. 12/11/2023
10 Quantiles
 Quartiles: Partitions the data in to 4 equal parts – Needs ordered data

�� = (� + 1) ���. for ungrouped data

=��� + � 4 −� (For Grouped data)j


 Deciles Example: Find Q3, D6 and P85 values for

1. Data set 70, 120, 110, 101, 88, 83, 95, 98, 107, and 100
 Percentiles
2. Frequency Distribution
Butter Fats in kgs 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
Number of cows 7 10 22 15 12 6 3

Note: Median = Q2 = D5 =P50 12/11/2023
11 12/11/2023

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