CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
Unit Three
Measures of Central Tendency 12/11/2023
2 objectives 12/11/2023
3 Recall Properties of Summation
� � �
� = �� 1
��� = � � c is constant
1 �
� �
(� + � × �� ) = n × a + b× � , a and b are constants
�=1 �
� � �
(�� ± � � ) = �=1
(�� ) ± �=1
(�� )
� � �
(�� × � � ) ≠ �=1
(�� ) × �=1
(�� )
12 12 12 12
Example: If �
�=1 �
= 26, �
�=1 �
= 17, �2
�=1 �
= 484, �2
�=1 �
� �
Find �=1
(4�� + 3�� ) �=1
2�� (�� − 7) 12/11/2023
4 Mean
Arithmetic mean (�):
Definition �
�=� �
, ��� ��� ���� �� , �� , …, ��
� × ��
�=� �
�= �
, ��� ��������� ������������
�=� �
� × ��
�=� �
, ��� ������� ��, ���� �� = ����� ����
�=� �
Properties of Athematic Mean
� � �
(�� − �) = 0; �
�=� �
× (�� − �) = � ; �
�=� �
× (�� − �) = �
Geometric Mean:
For averages of %, Growth rates, proportions
GM = �� �� × �2 �2 × … × �� �� ,
�� �� … ��
Harmonic Mean: �� �� … ��
For averages of rate, Price/Earnings �
with � = �
�=1 �
�� = � ��
�=1 �
1. � ≥ �� ≥ ��
2. For two observations � × �� = ��
3. For constant observations: � = �� = �� 12/11/2023
6 Example
� 8
For the data: 2, 8,6,4,10,6,8,4 �� = =1 2 2 2 1
� �� + + + +
Find �=1 �
� 2 4 6 8 10
8/1.68 = 4.7525
Athematic mean
Geometric mean and
Example: Suppose you get an increment of 50%,
Harmonic Mean
40% and 70% in your salary at the end of first, 2nd
Sol: Values 2 4 6 8 10 Total and 3 rd year respectively. If your initial salary is
Frequency 1 2 2 2 1 8=N 100USD,
a) what is the average increase in your salary?
� × ��
�=� � � + � × � + � × � + � × � + �� b) what is your salary at the end of 3rd year salary?
�= �
� �
�=� �
=48/8 =6
Example: A motorist travels 1440km in 3 days.
GM = �� �� × �2 �2 × … × �� ��
She travels for 10 hours at rate of 48km/hr on 1st
= 21 × 42 × 62 × 82 × 101 day, for 12 hours at rate of 40km/hr on the 2nd
= 8 737,280 day and for 15 hours at rate of 32km/hr on the
=5.4132 3rd day. What is her average speed? 12/11/2023
7 Median
Middle Value - Sorting is needed
�ℎ ���. �� � �� ���
��� � ������ ������ �1 , �2 , …, �� : � =
1 � �ℎ �+2 �ℎ
���. + ���. �� � �� ����
2 2 2
(Ungrouped data)
Example: Find the median for
� = ���� + � 2 −� (For Grouped data) 1. At rest pulse rates for 16 athletes at a meet
are: 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 56, 54, 64, 67, 57, 54,
55, 57, 68, 60 and 58. 57
2. The production of butter fat during 7
���� = LCB for median class consecutive days was recorded for 75 cows
W = class width and the frequency is given below. (54.16)
���� = ��������� �� ������ �����
Butter Fats in kgs 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
F = cumulative frequency of the class that
precedes the median class Number of cows 7 10 22 15 12 6 3 12/11/2023
8 Mode
Most Frequently Occurring Value/or values
For ungrouped data-take the value with highest frequency by inspection
For Grouped data
���� = ��� �� ����� �����
�ℎ = ℎ���� ���������
���� = ���� + � × �ℎ−1 = ��������� �� �ℎ� ����� �ℎ�� ������� ����� �����
∆1 +∆2
�ℎ−2 = ��������� �� �ℎ� ����� �ℎ�� ������� ����� �����
∆1 = �ℎ -�ℎ−1
∆2 =�ℎ -�ℎ−2
Example: Find the mode for Butter Fats in kgs 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
Number of cows 7 10 22 15 12 6 3
(53.03) 12/11/2023
Important Characteristics of a Good MCT
It Should be
Easy to calculate and understand (interpret).
Based on all the observations during computation.
Rigidly defined. Clear and Unambiguous
Representative of the data based on random sample.
Resistant to sampling fluctuation sampling stability.
Resistant to extreme value.
Capable for further statistical analysis and /or algebraic manipulation. 12/11/2023
10 Quantiles
Quartiles: Partitions the data in to 4 equal parts – Needs ordered data
�� = (� + 1) ���. for ungrouped data
=��� + � 4 −� (For Grouped data)j
j=1,2,3 12/11/2023