RSWA 105 p43-55 Baillie and Decker

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& J. Decker:
of the Royal
of Western Australia,
of the Makassar
105: 43–55,

Aspects of the geological development of the Makassar Strait, Indonesia


School of Earth Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia.
Oro Negro Exploration LLC, Cambria, California, USA.
* Corresponding author: 

The Makassar Strait is a Cenozoic extensional deep-water basin bounded to the east by Borneo
and the Mahakam Delta system, to the west by Sulawesi, to the north by a zone of deformation
associated with strike-slip movements and the North Sulawesi Fold-and-Thrust Belt, and to the
south by the Paternoster Platform. It comprises a maximum of 7 km of Paleogene shallow- to non-
marine synrift sedimentary rocks and volcanics, and Paleogene to Neogene post-rift deep-water
sediments overlying a basement of attenuated continental crust with volcanics.
Early Miocene uplift of Borneo resulted in the deposition of large volumes of Neogene sediment
in the Kutai Basin, some of which was remobilised from the Mahakam Delta and deposited in
east-directed fan systems in the Makassar Strait. Pliocene tectonic events in west Sulawesi formed
the West Sulawesi Fold Belt and west-directed turbidites in the central and eastern Makassar
Strait. Current turbidite sedimentation in the central part of the strait is north directed through the
Makassar Fan, and primarily sourced from the Lariang River in west Sulawesi.

Keywords: Indonesia, tectonics, deep-water sedimentation

Manuscript received 5 April 2022; accepted 20 May 2022

INTRODUCTION debate. One of the earliest observations was by Wallace

in 1858:
The Makassar Strait (Fig. 1) between Borneo and Sulawesi
(formerly Celebes) in eastern Indonesia is a north–south In this Archipelago there are two distinct faunas rigidly
seaway approximately 600 km long and 100–200 km circumscribed, which differ as much as those of South
wide with water depths greater than 2,000 m. It is an America and Africa, and more than those of Europe
important oceanic gateway allowing the main branch and North America: yet there is nothing on the map
of the Indonesian Throughflow, which transports water or on the face of the islands to mark their limits. The
from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean. It is the spiritual boundary line often passes between islands closer than
heartland of Wallacea—the series of islands stretching others in the same group. I believe the western part to
between the Eurasian and Australian continents—(Fig. 1 be a separated portion of continental Asia, the eastern
inset), as it was here that Alfred Russell Wallace first the fragmentary prolongation of a former Pacific
recognised the spectacular divide between Asian and continent. (Letter to Henry Bates 1858).
Australo-Pacific biogeography, and established the The Makassar Strait (Fig. 1) lies within a highly
‘Wallace Line’ (Wallace 1863; Fig. 1). complex and dynamic plate tectonic setting where
Although numerous studies examined the onshore 3 major tectonic plates meet the oceanic/continental
geology of Borneo and Sulawesi during the twentieth Indo–Australian Plate, the predominantly continental
century, it was not until the advent of marine seismic Eurasian Plate, and oceanic Pacific/Philippine Sea
acquisition and the discovery of major hydrocarbon plates. Rapid geographic changes have occurred over
deposits in the Mahakam Delta in the 1970s that any the past 100 million years; biogeographic complexity
attention was given to the offshore geology of the reflects significant changes in the vertical and horizontal
Makassar Strait. This paper utilises petroleum industry distribution of land and sea during the Neogene, which
seismic and high-resolution bathymetric data to illustrate in turn reflects the complex geological history, largely
aspects of the geological development of the Makassar driven by subduction and strike–slip fault movements
Strait. (Hall 2011, 2012 and references therein). The region
is extremely susceptible to seismic activity, primarily
because the compressional tectonic boundaries are lined
Geological setting and development
by volcanic arcs.
The formation of the Makassar Strait and nature of the
underlying crust have long been the subject of scientific The Makassar Strait, within Sundaland (the south-
eastern extension of the continental portion of Southeast
Asia), is bounded to the west by the island of Borneo,
to the east by Sulawesi, and to the north by a zone of
© Royal Society of Western Australia 2022 tectonic disturbance which terminates in the North

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 105, 2022

Figure 1. Locality map of Makassar Strait; inset shows regional position (Google Earth).

Sulawesi subduction system. To the south is the relatively continental crust, they also suggested the northern
stable Paternoster Platform, which is the northern parts were likely to overlie middle Eocene oceanic crust
boundary of the South Makassar Basin (Fig. 1). Water with the junction between continental and oceanic crust
depths range from 0 to 2,500 m with gentle topography beneath the Mahakam Delta.
and broad shelves on the Borneo side of the basin and Where it can be observed, the top of acoustic basement
rugged terrain and a narrow shelf on the Sulawesi in the Makassar Strait is marked by a strong, distinctly
side. Five distinct morphotectonic units (geomorphic hummocky, seismic reflector that possibly encompasses
units having a distinct and common tectonic origin) are volcanic mounds or carbonate build-ups (Fig. 5a).
recognised (Fig. 2) and described below. Seismic images These features locally display weak internal structuring
from various parts of the Makassar Strait are illustrated and may have vertical relief of over one second TWT,
in Figure 3, and a geoseismic section from the Mahakam although typically in the range of 200–300 milliseconds.
Delta to western Sulawesi is shown as Figure 4. During Cenozoic deformation, they acted as points of
Hamilton (1979) interpreted the Makassar Strait anisotropy, the focus for small-scale polygonal faults
as being underlain by oceanic crust, an interpretation (see fault patterns above interpreted volcanoes, Fig. 5a).
supported by modelling of the gravity data (Cloke et 3D seismic data from the central Makassar Strait clearly
al. 1999). Based on considerable anomalies in gravity shows sedimentary packages within the basement
and limited seismic data availability, other workers (e.g. succession, thus ruling out basement being oceanic crust.
Situmorang 1989) considered the basement to consist of We interpret that the northern Makassar Strait is floored
extended continental crust that had been subjected to by thinned continental crust and that apparent conical
Paleogene rifting. Although Hall et al. (2009) considered structures are volcanic edifices analogous to those found
the southern part of the strait to be underlain by extended in the Lake Kivu region of the Great African Rift (Fig. 5b).

P. Baillie & J. Decker: Geological development of the Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Figure 2. Makassar Strait

bathymetric image (after Teas et al.
2004) with tectonomorphic areas

West of the Makassar Strait, Borneo has experienced a Chronostratigraphy of the Kutai Basin and Makassar
complex tectonic history from the Late Cretaceous to the Strait (the deep-water portion outboard of the Mahakam
present and was assembled from Gondwana fragments Delta is also known as the North Makassar Basin) is
by the early Mesozoic (Longley 1997; Moss et al. 1997; shown as Figure 6.
Cloke et al. 1999; Moss & Chambers 1999; Hall 2013). To Western Sulawesi forms the (rifted) continental margin
the east, western Sulawesi developed in a continental of eastern Sundaland and comprises microcontinental
margin setting during the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene fragments together with abundant Cenozoic calc-
(e.g. Parkinson et al. 1998; Hall 2012). alkaline igneous (volcanic and intrusive) rocks (Hall
The Kutai Basin of eastern Borneo (the Indonesian 2002; Nugraha et al. 2022; Baillie & Decker 2022). In
province of Kalimantan) is the largest and deepest basin the Lariang–Karama region (Fig. 7), all the Neogene
in Indonesia. Basin development commenced in the sediments that unconformably overlie pre-Neogene
Paleogene (middle Eocene) with subsequent late Eocene rocks were considered to belong to the ‘Celebes Molasse’
– early Oligocene deltaic to marine siliciclastic deposition comprising early to late Miocene shallow marine
in the Mahakam Delta depocentre with major lowstand carbonate and mudstone overlain by early Pliocene
influxes during the middle to late Miocene in the deep- shelf sediments and the Plio-Pleistocene syn-orogenic
water Makassar Strait (Fraser et al. 2003; Saller et al. 2004). Pasangkayu Formation (Calvert & Hall 2007). Nugraha

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 105, 2022

Figure 3. Makassar Strait seismic images: a) outer part of Mahakam Delta showing large growth faults, outer fold-and-
thrust belt; abyssal plain with prominent acoustic basement reflector with conical features interpreted as volcanic edifices
(after Baillie et al. 1999); b) West Sulawesi Fold Belt; c) central Makassar Strait with mass transport deposits at several
horizons (after Baillie & Decker 2012).

P. Baillie & J. Decker: Geological development of the Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Figure 4. Makassar Strait geoseismic section though Tamarong1 well to west Sulawesi (modified after Fraser et al. 2003);
approximate location shown as Line A–B on Figure 1.

Figure 5. a) seismic section (detail of

Fig. 3a) showing prominent basement
reflector interpreted as a volcanic
feature; b) Google Earth image
(SRTM) of Lake Kiva (East African
Rift) showing modern volcanoes that
are possible (subaerial) analogues of
Makassar volcanic features.

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 105, 2022

Figure 6. Makassar Strait chronostratigraphy (after Fraser et al. 2003).

P. Baillie & J. Decker: Geological development of the Makassar Strait, Indonesia

et al. (2022) provided a new stratigraphy for the Celebes sedimentary section underlying the northern sector of
Molasse with sediments showing significant variations the Makassar abyssal plain (also known as the North
in age and depositional environment, and identified Makassar Basin) is contiguous with the Kutai Basin
unconformities ranging in age from early Miocene to (Mahakam Delta) to the west (Fig. 6). The sedimentary
Pleistocene. history of the abyssal plain is discussed below.

The West Sulawesi Fold Belt

MAKASSAR STRAIT MORPHOTECTONIC In the eastern Makassar Strait, the seafloor shallows
UNITS towards western Sulawesi where a fold-and-thrust belt is
currently emerging (West Sulawesi Fold Belt, WSFB) and
Paternoster Platform extends onshore to the Palu–Koro Fault (Figs 4b, 5, 7, 8).
The Paternoster Platform is a shallow-water (less than Contraction began in Sulawesi during the early Miocene
200 m deep) area of basement rocks overlain by a veneer with thrusting, uplift and foreland basin development
of Cenozoic shelf-margin carbonates and patch reefs, in western Sulawesi from the early Pliocene (Hall 2002).
lowstand clastic sediments, and highstand muds. It Rapid uplift and exhumation provided sediment to the
forms the southern boundary of the Makassar Strait broadly west-verging fold-and-thrust belt (Hall 2002,
(Fig. 2). Seismic lines across the northern margin of the 2011) with significant volumes of sediment beginning to
Paternoster Platform indicate at least 1 km of subsidence
on reactivated faults close to Sulawesi in the north of the
basin at the end of the Miocene (Hall 2011). There is a
deep channel between the platform and South Sulawesi
(Fig. 2).

The Mahakam Delta

The Mahakam Delta is a major depocentre containing
over 14 km of fluvio-deltaic sediment, which started
accumulating in the Oligocene; and represents the bulk
since the main phase of clastic sedimentation commenced
in the early to middle Miocene (van de Weerd & Armin
1992; Moss et al. 1997; Allen & Chambers 1998). The delta
is characterised by an onshore proximal deformed zone,
the modern delta and shallow shelf, a zone dominated by
growth faults that may extend down the delta slope, and
a deep-water outer zone of folding and associated thrust
faults, leading to the abyssal plain (Fig. 4a; Moss et al.
2000). The current delta is dominated by fluvial and tidal
processes with low wave energy (Allen 1996).
Northwest-directed contractional deformation,
producing reactivation and inversion of older extensional
faults, began around 14 Ma and continues to the present
(Moss et al. 2000; McClay et al. 2000). The Mahakam fold
belt (‘Samarinda Anticlinorium’) is characterised by tight,
asymmetric anticlines separated by broad synclines cored
by over-pressured shales and formed by contractional
reactivation of early delta-top extensional growth faults.
The axial traces of these structures are long (20–50 km in
strike length) and linear to gently curved. Formation of
the fold belt caused the Mahakam River to incise across
the structures and thus become ‘locked’, which also
diminished the influence of fluvial floods in the delta
(Allen & Chambers 1998). The contraction has produced
inversion and uplift of the western part of the Mahakam
Delta, and caused reactivation of extensional growth
faults in outer parts of the delta to produce detached,
uplifted anticlines, as well as tightening and amplifying
the delta-toe fold-and-thrust belt (McClay et al. 2000;
Fraser et al. 2003).

The Makassar Abyssal Plain

The seafloor in the central Makassar Strait is relatively
flat and undeformed; it dips gently to the north with few
or no structural features (Fig. 2). In the deepest part, the Figure 7. Bathymetric image showing offshore West
north, the water depth is approximately 2,500 m. The Sulawesi Fold Belt.

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 105, 2022

enter the Makassar Strait from Sulawesi during the early the southern boundary of both the Molucca Sea and the
Pliocene (Nur’Aini et al. 2005; Puspita et al. 2005). Philippine Sea plates with the Indo-Australian Plate (Hall
The offshore WSFB is not a single fold belt and & Wilson 2000). This fault system was initiated no later
is divided into 3 structural provinces (Puspita et al. than the early Miocene by oblique convergence of the
2005). These comprise the Southern Structural Province Indo-Australian and Pacific plates, and has continued to
(SSP), a west-verging thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt be active to the present day.
with thrust faults detaching on different decollement
layers; the Central Structural Province (CSP) with
less deformation, at least offshore; and the Northern MAKASSAR STRAIT SEDIMENTARY
Structural Province (NSP), which is strongly deformed. FEATURES
The age of folding is well constrained onshore where The Mahakam Delta, and its resulting broad shelf, limits
continental alluvial plain and marine deposits of the Plio- modern-day sedimentation from Borneo into the deep
Pleistocene Pasangkayu Formation (part of the ‘Celebes basin. Little sediment is currently being received from the
Molasse’) formed in response to uplift of the hinterland to Mahakam system and the main sediment flow into the
the east. Continuing deformation is recorded on offshore deep marine basin today is from Sulawesi (Palu, Lariang
seismic sections and syn-depositional folding of younger and Karama rivers; Fig. 7). There is almost no shelf or
parts of the Pasangkayu Formation (Calvert & Hall 2003, delta on the Sulawesi side but 2 deep-marine fold-belt
2007; Fraser et al. 2003). lobes trap and deflect sediment from going into the deep
Northern Zone of Deformation In the central part of the Makassar Strait, up to 4 km
The Northern Zone of Deformation, a bathymetrically of sedimentary infill is present above the top synrift
complex zone between the Mangkaliat Peninsula and the unconformity (Late Eocene, ~36 Ma). This section, which
North Arm of Sulawesi (Fig. 1), is the southern sector of is entirely deep-water in origin, comprises pelagic and
the North Sulawesi Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Tiranda & Hall hemipelagic oozes and muds, sands of turbidite origin,
in prep; Baillie & Decker 2022). Seismic evidence suggests mass-transport complexes, and carbonates. Sediment
several flower structures are present, representing was fed into the system primarily during lowstands of
periods of transpression along ‘structural freeways’ relative sea level and the resultant erosion, incision and
(Fraser et al. 2003). The Palu–Koro fault zone (Fig. 1), a reworking of the delta plain, delta front and shelf (Moss
NNW–SSE-trending strike–slip fault connecting with the et al. 2000).
North Sulawesi subduction trench in the Celebes Sea, is Bacheller et al. (2011) described the stratigraphy of
relatively active: 5 years of GPS measurements across the the deep-water Makassar Strait, as encountered in the
fault showed left lateral strike–slip movement of 3.4 cm/ Rangkong-1 exploration well drilled by ExxonMobil in
year with a small normal component of 0.4 cm/year 2009. Basement of altered continental volcanics is overlain
(Walpersdorf & Vigny 1998). by 2 m of deep-water carbonate of probable late Eocene to
The sinistral wrench systems are the western extremity earliest Oligocene age. The succeeding highly condensed,
of one of the most important and longest structural but continuous, upper to middle bathyal, calcareous
elements in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia. The mudstones range in age from early Miocene to early
eastern end is the Sorong Fault System, which forms Oligocene. The bulk of the section comprises an upper

Figure 8. Rotated bathymetric image of Northern Zone of Deformation; view looking down towards the northwest; Palu–
Koro fault trace indicated.

P. Baillie & J. Decker: Geological development of the Makassar Strait, Indonesia

to middle bathyal distal Neogene (middle Miocene to quantitative multibeam backscatter. Details of the fan
Recent) turbiditic succession. are well imaged by backscatter (because of the strong
Turbidite sediments are both west- and east-directed; returning sonar signal and the hardness and roughness
the major Borneo-derived pulse took place during of the seafloor), which allows differentiation of various
the early–middle Miocene (Fig. 9), whereas Pliocene sediment types subsequently confirmed by shallow
sediment was largely derived from Sulawesi. Because the coring (Fig. 10b). The Makassar Fan, which spans 65 ×
Mahakam River has been locked for the past 4 million 50 km close to and orthogonal to the Mahakam Delta,
years (McClay et al. 2000), little coarse clastic material is aggrading to the north and predominantly sourced
has entered the present Mahakam Delta and so the only from the Lariang River (Fig. 1) in western Sulawesi. The
material available for incorporation into west-derived gradient from the channel to the end of the fan is about
turbidity currents has been material already in the 0.05° and the relief across the outer fan is less than 2 m.
system. Interpretation of fan components from multibeam
backscatter (Fig. 10c) allows recognition of:
Makassar Fan and Sulawesi Sediment Apron a) a subdued outer fan with minimal relief and
Turbidite deposition is continuing in the Makassar elongate lobes composed of interbedded sand and mud,
Strait. High-resolution bathymetric data show an active and shallow relic channels extending nearly to the fan’s
fan system—the Makassar Fan—in the central part of limit;
the basin (Fig. 10). The subtle bathymetric expression b) a mid-fan with bifurcating sand-filled shallow
of the fan and its components are observable only via channels generally less than 2 m deep and levees less

Figure 9. Uninterpreted and interpreted amplitude extraction from 3D seismic dataset showing 12 Ma turbidite sands in
central Makassar Strait (after Baillie & Decker 2012); location shown on Figure 2.

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 105, 2022

than 1 m high, if present at all, with a sandy overbank both sides of the basin. It is likely that turbidites are
and inter-channel area; and initiated by both earthquakes and hyperpycnal currents
c) an inner fan comprising a single incised straight produced when density of the water entering the basin is
channel up to 40 m deep with levees up to 3 m high. greater than the density of the standing water in the basin
(Baillie et al. 2008). The hyperpycnal currents are related
The presence of sand up to coarse or medium grade to climate and are triggered from high water discharge
was confirmed by coring (Fig. 10d–f) with the coarsest following high rainfall. The climate of South Sulawesi is
deposits being related to channels; some gravels are also tropical with 2 seasons: ‘dry’, from March to September,
present (Decker et al. 2008). and ‘rainy’, from October to February; the average
The fan is fed from a single channel within the basin rainfall at the city of Makassar (formerly Ujung Pandang)
but includes sediment almost certainly derived from is 1,000–1,500 mm/year on average.

Figure 10. Makassar Fan (after

Decker et al. 2004): a) colour-coded
bathymetric image (note sand-
waves in bottom (southeast) corner;
b) bathymetry with greyscale
backscatter; c) previous image with
depositional units interpreted; d,
e, f) sediment distribution curves,
sample points indicated. Location
shown on Figure 2.

P. Baillie & J. Decker: Geological development of the Makassar Strait, Indonesia

An area with prominent sediment waves, the Sulawesi Eocene (~42 Ma) extension within a typical Sundaland
Sediment Apron, occurs east of the basin axis outboard continental synrift setting of graben and half-graben
of the Lariang River and adjacent to the Makassar Fan with common volcanoes, particularly in the northern
(Fig. 7). Coring found fine- to very-fine-grained sands sector. The volcanoes are probably analogous to those of
and silts on the crests of the sediment waves with finer the Kivu Rift (albeit subaerial) of the Great African Rift,
material in the troughs (Decker et al. 2008). Thinning of where a combination of Cenozoic doming and crustal
sedimentary layers occurs on the lee of individual waves. deformation in the eastern sector of the African Plate
The direction of the currents forming the sediment associated with upper-mantle activity has produced an
waves is orthogonal to the coast so a contourite origin array of hyperthermal anomalies, volcanism and local
is unlikely as sediment transport direction would be intrusions (Fig. 5b; Varet 2018).
north to south and related to the Indonesia Throughflow. The Makassar Strait has been the site of continuous
We believe the trigger to the formation of the Makassar deep-water deposition since the late Eocene with
Fan and Sediment Wave Field was a massive influx of pulses of clastic sedimentation in response to tectonic
sediment related to continuing tectonism in Sulawesi. events in adjacent Borneo and western Sulawesi. The
As previously noted, there has been little sedimentary sudden deepening was probably the result of extension
input into the Mahakam Delta since it became ‘locked’ or hyperextension related to rifting and subsequent
by local tectonism during the late Miocene and therefore seafloor spreading in the Celebes Sea to the north
sediment entering the Makassar deep-water basin (~40 Ma; Hall, 2002). Timing of this event is constrained
would largely have been recycled from the delta. With by the Rangkong-1 well, in which basement of altered
increased discharge from Sulawesi since the Pliocene, continental volcanics is overlain by 2 m of deep-water
discharge from the Lariang River fed a significant carbonate of probable late Eocene to earliest Oligocene
volume of sediment into the basin from the east and age (38–33 Ma; Bacheller et al. 2011).
swamped the existing submarine depositional system. Plate reorganisation around 25 Ma (latest Oligocene
The Makassar Fan developed in a northerly direction – earliest Miocene) caused major changes in regional
because the regional slope is to the north. Its sedimentary tectonics and resulted in the setting up of a major left-
system is confined to the west by the Mahakam Delta lateral strike–slip fault system. This restructuring was
and the associated small, deep-water fold-and-thrust responsible for transporting continental fragments along
belt (Fig. 4a), and to the east by the developing WSFB the northern margin of the Australian Plate (i.e. the Bird’s
(Fig. 4b). Head of New Guinea) to the outer edge of Sundaland, as
well as the uplift and probable rotation of Borneo, and
Mass-Transport Deposits the subsequent shedding of voluminous detritus into
Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) is a general term for Neogene delta systems around the northern, western and
underwater landslide accumulations that undergo a eastern peripheries of Borneo (Hutchison 1996; Hall 2002,
combination of creeping, sliding, slumping and/or plastic 2011). The increase in clastic sedimentation is expressed
flow in a marine or freshwater lacustrine environment to in the Makassar Strait through a prominent pulse of
form an intergradational continuum (Nardin et al. 1979; quartzose turbidites (Fig. 9).
Moscardelli & Wood 2008; Posamentier & Martinsen There was a major change during the middle Miocene,
2011). Slope-derived MTDs are readily observable on around 15 Ma, when widespread extension and major
both 2D and 3D seismic data; these predominate west of subsidence began in Wallacea. Extension occurred in
the Makassar Basin’s axis and throughout the deep-water several phases, one of which was caused by development
sedimentary section (Fig. 4c). of the North Sulawesi subduction zone at about 5 Ma
Brackenridge et al. (2020) identified several moderate (Hall 2013). Pliocene and younger deformation in
(>10 km3) to giant (up to 650 km3) MTDs within the western Sulawesi was associated with metamorphism
North Makassar Basin Pleistocene–Recent section. and magmatism due to extension and crustal thinning,
Most submarine landslides that formed these deposits which led to uplift in central and western Sulawesi and
originated from the Mahakam pro-delta, the largest being resultant inversion, thrusting, folding and subsidence in
skewed to the south. the WSFB (Hennig et al. 2016, 2017). Rapid Pliocene uplift
and exhumation provided sediment to the developing
Along the northwest margin of Borneo west of the fold-and-thrust belt, which has grown (and continues to
basin axis, deep-water mass transport complexes form a grow) into a pre-existing deep-water area. The trend of
large proportion of the total sedimentary column. They fold axes indicates radial transport of material away from
are not local failures but are large-scale transported the mountains, which terminate relatively abruptly to the
deposits (Algar et al. 2011). South of the Paternoster south at the northern edge of a stable carbonate platform
Platform a large, coherent slope-attached MTD covering (Hall 2011).
an area of at least 9,000 km2 with a total volume of
2,438 km 2 has undergone relatively low internal Continuing tectonic activity will produce geohazards,
translation and is interpreted to have been triggered notably earthquakes and tsunamis. The Makassar Strait
by uplift of the adjacent platform area and/or basin has the highest frequency of tsunamis in Indonesia
subsidence (Armandita et al. 2015). (Prasetya et al. 2001). Historical records show that most
are caused by earthquake-generated fault ruptures of
the seafloor, except for the September 2018 Palu event,
which probably had a landslide component (Jamelot et
al. 2019). However, there are numerous other factors in
The Makassar Strait is an asymmetric structural and the Strait that could make it susceptible to submarine
geomorphic depression initially formed by mid- landslide-triggered tsunamis, including over-steepening

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 105, 2022

of the continental slope due to carbonate growth and Baillie P & Decker J 2012. Geological Development of the Straits
faulting, or sediment influx from the Mahakam Delta of Makassar, Indonesia. AAPG Search & Discovery Article
(Brackenridge et al. 2020). 30251.
Baillie P & Decker J 2022. Enigmatic Sulawesi: The Tectonic
Collage. Berita Sedimentologi, 48(1). doi: 10.51835/
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Baillie P, Gilleran P, Clark W, Moss S, Stein A, Hermantoto
Aspects of this paper have been presented previously A E & Oemar, S 1999. New insights into the geological
at numerous conferences and industry presentations. development of the deepwater Mahakam Delta and Makassar
Straits. Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 27th
These include Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta, October 1999
annual and specialist technical events; South East Asia (abstract and poster).
Exploration Society (SEAPEX) exploration conferences; Baillie P, Teas P A, Decker J, Orange D & Widjanarko 2008.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Contrasting deepwater sediment feeder systems, Sulawesi,
2008 Hedberg Conference on ‘Sediment Transfer Indonesia. 2008 Hedberg Conference: Sediment Transfer from
from Shelf to Deepwater – Revisiting the Delivery Shelf to Deepwater – Revisiting the Delivery Mechanisms.
Mechanisms’; AAPG International Conference and Ushuaia – Patagonia, Argentina, March 3–7, 2008 (abstract
and presentation).
Exhibition, Singapore 2012; Royal Holloway University
of London 2008 ‘Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution Brackenridge R E, Nicholson U, Sapiie B, Stow D & Tappin,
D R 2020. Indonesian Throughflow as a preconditioning
Conference’; and the Royal Society of Western Australia
mechanism for submarine landslides in the Makassar Strait.
2020 Wallacia Symposium. This paper is a consolidation Pages 195–217, in A Georgiopoulou, L A Amy, S Benetti,
of that work. J D Chaytor, M A Clare, D Gamboa, P D W Haughton,
The authors thank the Government of Indonesia for J Moernaut & J J Mountjoy, editors, Subaqueous Mass
Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process
its support for various projects we were involved with Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard Assessments.
over 1995–2012 and the many colleagues with whom Geological Society, London, Special Publications 500.
we worked and collaborated, in particular: Paul Gilleran Calvert S J & Hall R 2003. The Cenozoic geology of the Lariang
and Tanya Johnstone (TGS, Perth); Phil Teas and Dan and Karama regions, western Sulawesi: New insight into
Orange (Black Gold Energy, Jakarta); Paul Carter and the evolution of the Makassar Strait region. Proceedings
the late Pete Barber (Isis Petroleum Consultants, Perth); Indonesian Petroleum Association 29th Annual Convention,
and Steve Moss (Ikoda, Perth). We thank Robert Hall Jakarta, October 14–16, 2003, 501–518.
(Royal Holloway, University of London) and Tom Fraser Calvert S J & Hall R 2007. Cenozoic evolution of the Lariang
for numerous discussions over many years, together and Karama regions, North Makassar Basin, western
Sulawesi, Indonesia. Petroleum Geoscience 13, 353–368.
with Peter Purcell for discussions and information about
volcanism in the African rift system. Paul Carter and Cloke I R, Milsom J & Blundell, D J B 1999. Implications of
gravity data from East Kalimantan and the Makassar Strait: a
Andrew Mulder helped with seismic and bathymetry
solution to the origin of the Makassar Strait? Journal of Asian
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