Uz Library 2014 Handbook
Uz Library 2014 Handbook
Uz Library 2014 Handbook
This Handbook outlines the services and products available in the University of
Zimbabwe Libraries. This Libraries Handbook has seven major sections focusing on:
3. Library Resources
6. Opening Hours
The University of Zimbabwe Libraries exist to facilitate and support the teaching,
learning and research work through the provision of a number of information
products and services. To this end, the Library provides access to books, journals
and other information resources needed in print, non-print and electronic formats.
The Library will continue to review and evaluate its services in line with the University
Strategic Plan and the ever changing technological and learning environment. It is
my hope that you will find this booklet informative and a useful guide to the services
offered by the University.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 5
4.4 International and Local Organisations Publications ....................................... 14
8. Plagiarism ...................................................................................................... 21
9. Copyright ....................................................................................................... 21
This handbook is meant to inform users of the library about the services and
products that are provided by the University of Zimbabwe Libraries. The handbook
outlines most of the activities that take place in the various divisions of the University
of Zimbabwe Libraries. Where more information can be found on the University of
Zimbabwe Libraries website, links to pages with detailed information are provided.
1.1 Mission
1.2 Vision
1.3.7 School of Social Work- School of Social Work, Harare City Centre
3.2 Borrowing Privileges
To have borrowing privileges, Library users should be registered with the UZ
Libraries. All UZ staff and students registered with the UZ Libraries can
borrow Library materials. To borrow Library items, users must present their
valid UZ ID cards.
Graduate Academic/Senior
Books Students/Junior
Students staff
14 Days 14 Days 60 Days
Short-term 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days
4 books from Open 10 books from 10 books from Open
shelf Open shelf shelf
Book limit
1 book from 1 book from 1 book from
Reserve Reserve Reserve
• Special Collection materials: Thesis and Dissertations, Godlonton, Art ,
Astor, and Papadopolous Collection
Please note fines are charged on all overdue materials. Users will not be
able to borrow books if he/she has overdue fines or outstanding fines
Fine payments are done at main Circulation Desk in the Main Library from
Monday to Friday.
3.4 Reference Services
The Information Desk What does the label say? is available to assist Library
users so that they make effective use of the Library resources and services.
The Reference Desk is always manned by a professional Librarian. At the
Desk, Library users receive the following services: in alphabetical order
Library users with subject specific enquiries are referred to Faculty Librarians.
To get in touch with the Information Desk, users can visit the Main Library in
person, or call on +263 4 303211 Ext 12017.
Inter-library loan is available upon request for Library materials that are not
owned by the UZ Libraries. ILL service is offered to staff and post graduate
students only. Materials from closed access collections are not part of the ILL
service. These are materials from reserve section, periodicals section and
materials from special collections. Where materials need to be sent by post,
requesters have to pay for the postage of materials.
3.6 Conducive Study Environment
• Lower and Upper Reading rooms equipped with chairs and study desks
• Open reading space and facilities outside the Main Library
• Small reading spaces in Stack Rooms
• Quiet study carrels for post graduate students only. Study carrel keys are
borrowed from the main Circulation Desk.
All UZ students registered with the Library have access to Library computers
located in the Library Main Hall, Lower Reading Room and the Research
Commons. The computers are for the purposes of accessing the Internet for
research and study. Students should check-out and check-in a computer at
the main Circulation Desk and the Research Commons Circulation Desk. A
help guide is available on each computer to assist users to log on to a
computer. To log on to a computer for the first time, follow the steps below:
• Enter Student ID as the username
• Leave the space for password blank
• Press OK, or Enter
• A new template appears
• Leave the space for Old password blank
• Create new password
• Confirm the new password
• Click OK
Special Needs Corner
The Library caters for patrons with special needs by providing a reserved
space and tools for accessing computers. Patrons with disabilities have
access to computers in the Special Needs Corner in the Reserve Section of
the Library. The Special Needs Corner is equipped with desktop computers
and Jaws Professional software to enable the visually impaired to access and
use computers in the Library. Jaws Professional is a screen reading solution
that reads information on a screen using synthesized speech. It provides
many useful commands that make it easier to use programs, edit documents,
and read Web pages.
3.9 Multi-Media Centre
The Multi-Media Centre is located in 2nd floor of the New Wing in the Main
Library. It is made up of three rooms, two of which are equipped with
television sets (one set connected to DSTV) and DVD players while the third
room is equipped with state of the art computers which are meant for viewing
multi-media academic materials. The computers are connected to web
cameras and headsets.
activities. The Research Commons is accessible to all UZ Library Users.
4. Library Resources
The University of Zimbabwe Libraries house over 500 000 items in its physical
collection, and provides access to over 95,000 e‐books, over 100 000 e-
journals in more than 50 online databases. The Library also provides access
to a substantial collection of government and international publications made
available through the Local and international Depository section.
Print Collection
4.1 Books
The Library’s collection of text books is housed in the Stack Rooms as well as
Branch Libraries. The books are arranged on shelves according to subject
classification. The arrangement of books in the Stack Rooms is as follows:
• Stack Room 4: Items with call numbers ranging from A-G. This section
includes materials related to the study of General works, Philosophy,
Psychology, Religion, History, America and Geography.
• Stack Room 3: Items with call numbers ranging from H-N. This section
includes materials related to the study of Social science, Economics,
Sociology, Political science, Law, Education, Music and Art.
• Stack Room 2: Items with call number P. This section includes
Languages and Literature textbooks.
• Stack Room 1: Items with call numbers ranging from S-Z. This section
includes materials related to the study of Agriculture, Engineering, Library
and Information Science, Medicine and Military Science.
• Items with call number Q are housed in the Q-Section; this section
includes materials related to the study of natural sciences.
Reference materials are located in the Lower and Upper Reading Rooms of
the Library. The Upper Reading Room also houses Past Examination Papers.
These items are available for use in the Library only.
4.6 Electronic Resources
4.7 E-books
4.8 E-journals
An extensive list of e-journal databases provided by the Library and covering
different subjects is available on the Library website page. Below is a list of
some of the E- journals subscribed by the UZ Library: in alphabetical order
• Springer e-journals
The Library website page also provides links to online reference databases
such as the Oxford Reference Online and the Gale Reference Library. These
are databases of online dictionaries, encyclopaedias and specialised
reference sources.
From the Library home page, put your cursor on “e-resources” and then click
on “e-journals on campus access”. Accept the copyright statement and then
click on any journal database from the provided list.
For off campus access you need to be registered with the Library as you
make use of your Library account to gain access.
Username - surname
Password - barcode on student ID
Local E-Content
4.12 UZ Institutional Repository (IR)
Electronic past examination papers are accessed via the Library web page.
The past examination papers database provides a search facility to search
using paper code or paper title. An advanced search facility is also available
and users can search by paper code, paper description, paper type and/ or
year. Please note past examination papers are only available on the LAN.
After performing a search command, take note of the location, call number
include example and availability status of the displayed item/s to retrieve the
items from the Library shelves.
The call numbers indicate where an item is located on the shelf. The letters
tell you what shelf the item is on. The numbers tell you where the item is
located in relation to the others around it. The alphanumeric combination
reflects the subject of the item.
5.2 How to read a call number:
The “HG” tells you that the item is located on the HG shelf. Read the letters in
alphabetical order, and the numbers in numerical order. HG will always come
after HF, and 1411 will always come after 1385.
The My Millennium Tab on the OPAC allows users to view their Library
accounts. To view your Library account, log on to OPAC and click on the My
Millennium tab. Enter your name and student barcode on the space provided
and click submit.
6. Selecting a Database
Browse the E-resources list on the Library page and read the description
beside each database to identify databases relevant to your area of research.
Peer reviewed publications are more likely to back their conclusions with
primary research and verifiable statistical analysis.
8. Plagiarism
The University of Zimbabwe Library trains staff and students on how to avoid
plagiarism. This is done to promote academic honesty and integrity.
Plagiarism detection software known as Ephorus is used for detecting
9. Copyright
The University of Zimbabwe respects intellectual property laws. All users of
the Library are therefore discouraged from violating copyright. The
reproduction of printed books by users should be limited to photocopying a
few pages within a book. The reproduction of entire chapters or entire books
is not permitted. The Library cannot be held liable for users who violate
Saturday 0800hrs-1200hrs
Sunday Closed
A/SCHOOL OF Mr M. Mutanga