This document appears to be a practice test on current electricity for physics exams. It contains 13 multiple choice questions worth a total of 28 marks. The questions cover topics like the definition of mobility of charge carriers, drift velocity, Ohm's law, and circuits. It also includes an assertion/reason type question about the potential difference in a battery circuit and the applicability of Ohm's law.
This document appears to be a practice test on current electricity for physics exams. It contains 13 multiple choice questions worth a total of 28 marks. The questions cover topics like the definition of mobility of charge carriers, drift velocity, Ohm's law, and circuits. It also includes an assertion/reason type question about the potential difference in a battery circuit and the applicability of Ohm's law.
This document appears to be a practice test on current electricity for physics exams. It contains 13 multiple choice questions worth a total of 28 marks. The questions cover topics like the definition of mobility of charge carriers, drift velocity, Ohm's law, and circuits. It also includes an assertion/reason type question about the potential difference in a battery circuit and the applicability of Ohm's law.
This document appears to be a practice test on current electricity for physics exams. It contains 13 multiple choice questions worth a total of 28 marks. The questions cover topics like the definition of mobility of charge carriers, drift velocity, Ohm's law, and circuits. It also includes an assertion/reason type question about the potential difference in a battery circuit and the applicability of Ohm's law.
Topic – Current Electricity TOTAL MARKS - 28 Q1. 1 Q6. 2
Q7. 2
Q2. Define the term mobility of charge carriers in a
conductor. Write its S.I. unit. 1
Q3. 2
Q8. 2
Q9. 2
Q4. 2
Q10. (i) Derive an expression for drift velocity of
electrons in a conductor. Hence deduce Ohm’s law. (ii) Q5. 2 A wire whose cross-sectional area is increasing linearly from its one end to the other, is connected across a battery of V volts. Which of the following quantities remain constant in the wire ? (a) drift speed (b) current density 3
Center- House no. 25 , sector 7 , Urban Estate , Ambala City
Contact No. - 9896441144 Page 1 Test -3 PHYSICS CBSE, IIT JEE And NEET (By- Er. Naman Mittal) Topic – Current Electricity TOTAL MARKS - 28 Q11. 3 Q13. 2
1 Assertion: In a simple battery circuit, the point of the
lowest potential is positive terminal of the battery. Reason: The current flows towards the point of the higher potential, as it does in such a circuit from the Q12. 2 negative to the positive terminal.
2. Assertion: Ohm’s law is applicable for all conducting
elements. Reason: Ohm’s law is a fundamental law.
Center- House no. 25 , sector 7 , Urban Estate , Ambala City