Aircraft Structure Soal 3

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Aircraft which the wing tip is lower than the wing root, called :

a. Low wing
b. Inverted gull wing
c. Dihedral wing
d. Inverted dihedral wing

Structural member the fuselage of semi monocoque type consist of :

a. Spar, stringer, rib, skin
b. Spar, bulkhead, stringer, skin
c. Rib, skin, longeron, spar, stringer
d. Bulkhead, former, longeron, stringer, skin

A structure may be designed so as to be considered “ FAIL SAFE “ :

a. In other words should one member of a complex structure fail , some other member
would assume the load of the fail member
b. In other words should one member of a complex structure fail , must be replaced
with original part
c. In other words should one member of a complex structure fail , must be replaced
with original part or stronger
d. In other words the structure is safe life design

Where is the aileron station located :

a. Measurement outboard from & parallel to the inboard edge of the aileron
b. Perpendicular to rear beam / spar of the wing
c. Measurement outboard from & Perpendicular to the inboard edge of the aileron
d. A & b correct

The I-Beam wooden spar is routed to :

a. Improve shape
b. Increase strength
c. Remove imperfection
d. Reduce weight

The cantilever wing uses :

a. External wood bracing
b. Ribs as the principal structural members
c. No external bracing
d. The skin to carry most of the load to wing butt

Which parts of a semi monocoque fuselage prevent tension and compression stresses from
bending the fuselage :
a. Metal stringers
b. The fuselage covering
c. Longeron and stringers
d. Bulkhead and skin

The wing tip are called :

a. Structural member
b. Secondary structural member
c. Non structural member
d. Primary structural member

The semi cantilever wing uses :

a. External wood bracing
b. Ribs as the principal structural members
c. No external bracing
d. The skin to carry most of the load to wing butt

The bending stress, shear stress and torsion stress of semi monocoque fuselage type are
taken by :
a. Frame and stringer
b. All of the fuselage structure member
c. Longeron
d. Skin and stringer
Aircraft with semi monocoque fuselage type, the bending stress occured taken by :
a. Stringer
a. Bulkhead
b. Struts
c. Circumferential

Which parts of a semi monocoque fuselage prevent tension and compression stresses from
bending the fuselage ?
a. Metal stringers
b. The fuselage covering
c. Longeron and stringers
d. Bulkhead and skin

A wing slat is a movable airfoil attached to leading edges of high performance airplane
wings. Their purpose is to :
a. Reduce stalling speed
b. Replace flaps
c. Act as a dive brake or speed brake
d. Increase speed

The material of wing tip assembly construction is :

a. Magnesium
b.TitaniumSkin and stringer
c. Aluminum alloy
d. Stainless steel

The engine nacelle or pod consist of :

a. Skin, cowling, fire wall & engine mounts
b. Skin, cowling & engine mounts
c. Cowling, fire wall & engine mounts
d. Skin, cowling, structural members fire wall & engine mounts

The dihedral angle of a wing may be measured by placing a straightedge and level protector
on the :
a. Front spar
b. Rear spar
c. Wing root
a. Wing chord

Structural member of horizontal stabilizer consist of :

a. Spar, stringer, rib & skin
b. Spar, bulkhead, stringer & skin
c. Rib, skin, longeron, spar & stringer
d. Skin, stringer, frame, & longeron

Where is fuselage station no. 420 located ?

a. 420 cm aft of the nose or fixed reference line
b. 420 inch aft of the zero or fixed reference line
c. 420 inch Aft of the buttock line
d. 420 inch forward oh the empennage

Nacelle station is measured either forward or behind :

The rear spar of the wing & perpendicular to designated waterline
a. The front Spar of the wing & perpendicular to designated waterline
b. The rear spar of the wing & parallel to designated waterline
c. The front Spar of the wing & parallel to designated waterline

Where is the water line of an aircraft ?

a. A height measurement in inches perpendicular from the horizontal plane
b. A height measurement & perpendicular to the vetical centerline
c. A height measurement left or right of, and parallel to the vertical centerline
d. A height measurement left or right of, and parallel to the horizontal centerline

Which the statement is correct about bending load of the wing ?

a. During aircraft in-flight caused by lift
b. During aircraft on the ground caused by wing plus fuel
c. Bending load aircraft in-flight greater then aircraft on-the ground
d. All of the above

Aircraft flight contol trim system must be designed and installed so that the :
a. Pilot can determine the relative position of the trim tab from the cockpit.
b. Operating control and trim tab will always move in the same direction.
c. Operating control and trim tab will always move in the opposite direction.
d. Trim system will disengage or become inoperative if the primary flight control
system fail.

Structural member of wing (semi monocoque type)consist of :

a. Spar, stringer, rib & skin
b. Spar, bulkhead, stringer & skin
c. Rib, skin, longeron, spar & stringer
d. Skin, stringer, frame, & longeron

Methods of balancing flight control surface are :

a. Calculation method & scale method
b. Trial weight method ( trial & error method )
c. Component method
d. All of the above

Box beam construction wing is :

a. Wing construction use single spar
b. Wing construction with multi spar
c. Wing construction uses two main longitudinal member
d. For high speed aircraft

The purpose of flight control tabs is to :

a. Assist the pilot in moving the primary flight control surfaces
b. The static balance of the control surface
c. Balance weight of the control surface located front of the hinge line
d. Make in-flight trim adjustments possible

The empennage / tail section consist of :

a. Fixed surface, movable surface & tailcone

b. Rudder, elevator & tailcone
c. Rudder, vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer, elevator & tailcone
d. All of the above

There are two general types of fuselage construction :

a. Truss type & reinforce shell
b. Semi Monocoque type & Truss type
c. Monocoque type & Truss type
d. Semi Monocoque type & Monocoque type

The Elevators installed balance weight. the purpose of balance weight is :

a. Reduce the force necessary to position the elevator
b. Get the static balance
c. Elevator have no balance weight
d. a & b corrects

Where is the wing station 0 located:

a. Wing root
b. Front spar
c. Rear spar
d. Center line of the fuselage
Top prevent rapid deterioration, aircraft tires should be stored in an area that is :
a. Dry and warm
b. Damp and cool
c. Dry and cool
d. Damp and warm

Where is the Bending stress maximum normally occurred in Full cantilever wing type :
a. Wing tip
b. Along the leading edge
c. Wing root
d. Along the trailing edge

The purpose of Horizontal stabilizer during flight is :

a. Assist the pilot in moving a primary control surface
b. Lateral control
c. Directional stability
d. Pitch trim

Wind shield window & other enclosure are made from :

a. Reinforced plastic
b. Transparent plastic
c. Transparent plastic & Reinforced plastic
d. A & b correct

The purpose of wing rib is :

a. Supply the necessary contour or shape to the air foil
b. Carry the load caused by the wing bending
c. Auxiliary structure of the wing
d. a , b correct

Honeycomb construction is used in the:

a. Wing spar
b. Tail cone
c. Wing rib construction
d. Flight control surface trailing edge

Structure member of fuselage true monocoque type are :

a. Skin, Former, frame assemblies & bulkhead
b. Stringer, frame assemblies & bulkhead
c. Skin, Stringer, longeron & bulkhead
d. Skin, Stringer, former, longeron & bulkhead

Reinforced plastic material is used in the :

a. Radomes
b. Stabilizer tip
c. Flight control trailing edge
d. a , b & c corrects

Skin , stringer, former,bulkhead and frame are structure membe of :

a. Wing construction
b. Fuselage semi monocoque construction
c. F uselage monocoque construction
d. Rudder construction

Dihedral wing design is :

a. The Wing tip lower than the wing root
b. The Wing Wing root lower than the wing tip
c. Wing Use external bracing
d. No above answer is correct

Wing construction is based on of three fundamental designs :

a. Spar, rib, and skin
b. Cantilever ,semi cantilever and full cantilever
c. High wing ,mid wing and low wing
d. Mono spar, box beam, and multi spar

The leading edge flaps operate like :

a. The split flap
b. The plain flap
c. The trailing edge flap
d. The leading edge slat

Differential control on aileron system means that :

a. The up travel is more than down travel
b. The down travel is more than up travel
c. The up travel or down travel equally
d. No above answer is correct

Non structural member where the radar is installed called :

a. Fairing
b. Radome
c. Nacelle
d. Tail cone

Which the following statement is correct about wing flap :

a. Wing flaps give the aircraft extra lift
b. Their purpose is to reduce the landing speed
c. The use of flaps during take off serves to reduce the length of the take off run
d. a , b & c corrects

The side panel /cowling are helded by :

a. Forward snubber & aft snubber
b. Forward hold open rod & aft hold open rod
c. Forward snubber & aft hold open rod
d. Forward hold open rod & aft snubber

Fuselage / Monocoque type design maybe divided into :

a. Monocoque type, Truss type & reinforce shell
b. Semi Monocoque type, Truss type & reinforce shell
c. Semi Monocoque type & Truss type
d. Semi Monocoque type, Monocoque type & reinforce shell

Where is the Buttock line located :

a. A height measurement left or right of the vertical center line
b. A width measurement left or right of fuselage vertical axis
c. A width measurement left or right of & parallelto the vertical center line
d. No above answers is correct

Wing span is distance :

a. From wing root to wing tip
b. From front spar to rear spar
c. From LH wing root to RH wing root
d. From LH wing tip to RH wing tip

When the aircraft descend what force on the upper wing span is happen :
a. Twist and torsion
b. Shear and tension
c. Compression and bending
d. Compression and tension

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