Mock 34 Gen
Mock 34 Gen
Mock 34 Gen
7. PSU means?
a. Passengers service union
b. Passengers service unit
c. Passengers secured unit
d. Passengers secured uniform
8. Standing on the left side of the captain is called?
a. Stars side
b. Starboard side
c. Port side
d. Portable side
9. NEMA mean?
a. Nigerian Emergency Management Agency
b. National Emergency Management Agency
c. Nigerian Emergency Management Authority
d. National Emergency Management Authority
17. The aircraft main wheel and nose wheel are called
a. Over weight carrier
b. Under- weight carrier
c. Under carriage/landing gear
d. Fuselage carrier
18. The segment of the flight at which the aircraft is lined up with the airport and maneuvers to a landing
position is called
a. Descent
b. Climb
c. Cruise
d. Approach
20. Crew members traveling to cover a trip but not performing flight duties are?
a. Dead crew
b. Deadheads
c. Deadheading crew
d. Deadheading forward
21. The speed at which an aircraft is operating at its maximum efficiency is?
a. Crushing speed
b. Cruising speed
c. Cruising knots
d. Cruising level meter
22. Meteorology is the study of
a. Atmosphere only
b. Atmosphere and weather science
c. Weather science only
d. Weather only
25. Clouds are visible collection of water vapor suspended in the sky. The main groups of cloud are
a. High clouds
b. High clouds, medium clouds
c. Low clouds and clouds with vertical development
d. Answers b and c
34. Purser is informed when fueling starts and finishes by the PIC and ----------------------------are
responsible to advice the passenger via the PA about the refueling with passenger on board
a. Flight Engineer
b. Ground Staff
c. Dispatcher
d. Cabin Crew Member
37. As part of your responsibilities onboard, what are the “CRITICAL PHASES OF FLIGHTS”?
a. Period of Taxi, Take-off, welcome Aboard, Initial Climb, and during Service
b. Period of Taxi, take-off, welcome aboard, initial climb, and final approach
c. Period of Taxi, Take-off, initial climb and final approach,
d. Period of push back and safety demo
39. On an announcement from your purser saying “Boarding Completed” what does it mean to you as
a CCM?
a. Proceed to remove used cups from cockpit
b. Proceed to Arm slide for departure
c. Proceed to the galley and warm pax meals for service
d. Proceed to do pax head count, check pax seat belt, arm rest and baggage are properly
40. If you find a pax with an infant occupying a seat adjacent to the over wing exit while carrying out
your checks before takeoff, what will you do?
a. Allow the pax to remain seated and change the seat after take-off
b. Allow the pax to remain seated because the mistake heard already been done.
c. Since some pax demanding, I will allow him to remain seated
d. Re-allocate them to the appropriate seat according to SOP
51. Safety Regulations Demand that Handicapped Passengers are-----before all Departure
a) Given Individual Pre-Flight Briefing on Emergency procedures
b) Seated near the crew Seat for Easy Evacuation.
c) Evacuated First to pave way for other passengers.
d) Given their Crutches for easy evacuation.
53. Which of the following is the appropriate procedure for accepting Diplomatic Bag in the Cabin
a) Place the Bag/Bags on any empty seat of choice.
b) The Bag should not weigh more than 180 lbs.
c) Passengers may carry more than two bags
d) Regular passengers may not pay for the extra seat.
54. Where should the Weight and Balance of the Aircraft be recorded?
a) Aircraft Record Book
b) Aircraft Load Sheet.
c) Aircraft Logbook
d) Voyage Report sheet.
55. Except to Carry out Safety Related Duties Cabin Crew Shall-----------. During Take Off/Landing.
a) Remove Cabin Shoes so as to be smart during Service.
b) Walk around the Cabin to make the passenger comfortable.
c) Remain Seated in their Assigned seats for every Take Off/Landing.
d) Read their Manuals/Handouts
58. Name Two Persons or group that should be accepted in the Flight Deck.
a) Aviation Experts
b) NCAA Official on duty
c) Operating Crew
d) B&C
59. All Persons Carried in the Flight Deck should be made Familiar with----
a) How the Flight is been conducted prior to Cruise.
b) The quantity and quality of fuel in the Aircraft.
c) The number of Passengers carried on Board the flight.
d) All Relevant Safety Procedures in the Flight Deck.
60. The PIC shall ensure that Admission on the flight Deck does Not----
a) Does not include Female Passengers as they often panic.
b) Cause Distraction or Interfere with the Safe Operation.
c) Passengers over the age of 18.
d) A & C.
61. Cabin Crew who is involved in a reportable incident will be required to attend (Cabin Crew
Investigation Enquiry)
a) False
b) Yes
c) If he/she is a purser
d) B & C
62. How would you recognize an attack of coronary thrombosis?
a) Pain down right arm and across back, flushed appearance; breathing will be noisy and
b) Persistent crushing pain in chest and left arm, great difficulty in breathing, cyanosed, may
vomit with pain, severe shock possible, sudden collapse
c) Pain down left arm and across back, pink appearance, breathing fairly normal, no shock
d) Pain down right arm and across back, flushed appearance; breathing will be noisy and
gasping shocks available
63. If a passenger is choking (because food has entered the air passage), would you:
a) Try to remove the obstruction if possible with tongs. Then use an abdominal thrust
b) Slap the passenger between the shoulder blades, commence mouth
c) Check mouth, try if possible to remove the obstruction, if not then bend passenger forward so
that the head is lower than the chest, give up five sharp blows to their back between the
shoulder blades, followed by abdominal thrust if necessary.
d) None of the above
65. What is the first aid treatment for a passenger who is hyperventilating?
a) Recline seat, administer oxygen on high flow, request medical aid to meet the aircraft
b) Loosen tight clothing, reassure while advising passenger to breath in and out of paper bag
or aircraft sick bag for a few minutes to restore carbon dioxide and oxygen balance
c) Slap passenger across the face, tell them to pull himself together, treat for nervous shock,
give oxygen if necessary
d) All of the above
66. If a known diabetic passenger (INSULIN reaction) is found in a hypoglycemic condition and
appears too confused to help himself, what would you do?
a) Tell the captain to radio ahead and ask for medical assistance to meet the aircraft on
landing at normal destination
b) Dissolve one large tablespoon of sugar in a little warm water, help to administer fluid while
reassuring passenger. There is a generally a dramatic improvement in a passenger
condition within 10-15 minutes, however treatment may be repeated after 15 minutes
c) Search in hand luggage for passengers own insulin if unable to find collect syringe and
insulin from aircraft first aid kit administer normal injection, condition improves within 10-15
d) Leave passenger to sleep as recovery with rest very is important, condition is totally
improved on waking, no further treatment is required as passenger is now able to look
after himself
68. With one person, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), on an Adult the ratio should
a) 15 inflations to 2 compressions
b) 5 compressions to 1 inflation
c) 15 compression to 2 inflations
d) 15 inflation to 1 compression
70. Calling for professional medical assistance you are advised to identify if they are
a) DOCTOR – registered medical practional (RMP)
b) NURSE – registered nurse (RN)
c) PARAMEDIC – state registered paramedic (SRPara)
d) All of the above
71. If a passenger is having an asthmatic attack, how would you treat them?
a) Advise passenger to sit down and sit uprightly learning forward on lap tray; allow passenger to
use his in hailer, have oxygen available, and remain with passenger until better.
b) Administer oxygen, place in recovery position if passenger becomes unconscious
c) Advise passenger to lean back, breathe deeply, not to smoke for remainder of flight
d) Calm passenger and seek medical advice back home
72. A passenger is suffering from a nose bleed, what should you do?
a. Sit passenger slightly leaning forward and ask him to breathe through his mouth put an ice on
the bridge of the passenger nose and instruct him to pinch the fleshy part of the nose for
approximately 10 minutes.
b. Sit passenger down and ask him to lean well back in seat. Pinch the nostrils closed instruct the
passenger to breathe through the mouth
c. Sit passenger upright, give sick bags and instruct to pinch nose for ten minutes and call cabin
crew once the nose bleed has stopped
73. What first aid treatment would you gives for a minor burn or scaled?
a. Apply ointment, treat for sick, and remove restrictive article of clothing
b. Immerse injured area in cold water for a minimum of 10 minutes, remove rings, etc., and do
not break blisters.
c. Bathe effect area with warm water, remove ring, etc., apply a tight bandage to the area
d. None of the above
76. Which of the following should you not do when administering first aid?
a. Use the best judgment, keep calm and reassure other passenger.
b. Be careful when giving medicine
c. Advice commander
d. give an unconscious patient fluid by mouth
77. Which of the following is correct about protecting the sick passenger?
a. Never give an unconscious passenger anything by mouth
b. Never take out a foreign object from a wound, unless it is in the mouth
c. Observe the sick passenger closely
d. All of the above
78. To reduce risk of infection, while administering first aid, you should
a. Avoid being splashed with blood
b. Place a barrier between yourself and the victim’s blood by wearing Disposable
latex gloves and covering the wound with a dressing or plastic Wraps
c. Cover any cuts, scrapes or skin condition you have
d. All of the above
79. It is important that the captain and the first officer have different meals on board the
aircraft in case of food poisoning. What are the signs and symptoms of food poisoning?
a. Vomiting, hot touch, abdominal pain and flushed appearance
b. Nausea, dehydration, vomiting, hyperventilation
c. Vomiting, abdominal pain, cold to touch, constipation
d. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
80. If passenger falls to the floor while having EPILEPTIC FIT, what would you do?
a. Move other passengers, allow fit to take course, administer oxygen
b. Place protective pad in the mouth, try to keep passenger warm, offer Nil to drink
c. Protect head while fit is in progress, fad down the aisle, when the fit has ceased,
place passenger in recovery position, stay with Passenger until he is completely
recovered. Do not wake or place anything in mouth.
d. None of the above
81. If a female passenger has a mild threatened miscarriage during flight, what would the treatment
a) Complete rest, if possible lying down, sanitary pad, check and record breathing and
pulse, medical aid as soon as possible, reassure
b) Give pain reliever if requested and just advice to see home doctor
c) Put passenger in recovery position, administer oxygen on high flow, divert to near
rest airfield and reassure.
d) NONE of the above
83. In line with Dangerous Goods regulations, passengers may bring alcohol on board provided:
a) The alcoholic beverages do not exceed 70% alcohol by volume and provided they are in
packages less than 5 litres
b) The alcoholic beverages can exceed 70% alcohol by volume provided they are in packages
less than 5 litres
c) The alcoholic beverages do not exceed 70% alcohol by volume and provided they are in
packages more than 5 litres
d) A&C
84. When a container with combustible or quickly vaporising fluid is discovered during a flight, cabin
crewmembers shall:
a) Place the container into dry ice, promptly inform the commander
b) Not touch the container, promptly inform the commander and await further instructions
c) Place the container into crushed wet ice, promptly inform the commander
d) Place container in the toilet.
85. Diplomats are permitted to have their diplomatic bags in the cabin provided that:
a) Not more than 2 bags are carried and weigh at least 75kg, bags not placed adjacent to any exit
b) Not more than 2 bags are carried and weigh at most 75kg, bags not placed adjacent to any exit
c) Maximum number of bags is 3 and weigh at least 75kg, bags are not placed adjacent to any
d) Minimum number of bags should be one.
87. Dangerous goods are proclaimed as such due to the following characteristics they possess:
a) They possess multi-color containers that are sealed mechanically.
b) They undergo effervescence shortly after Airborne whenever transported by Air.
c) They posse potentially dangerous characteristic by : Change of temperature, Change of
pressure and Vibration.
d) None of the above
88. What qualities do we as cabin crew require in the transportation of dangerous goods by Air.
a) We only need to participate in crew preflight briefing.
b) We need T R A I N I N G as regards to the acceptable Quantity, packaging and Handling
Regulations governing Hazardous articles/substances transportation by air.
c) To interview all passengers travelling with D.G. and ensure they pass the interview before
boarding the flight.
d) All of the above
89. Goods classified as munitions of war with caliber of > 9 mm should not be carried on any civil
c) None of the above.
d) If the PIC gives approval
96. Safety MATCHES are a typical example of class 4 D.G. and it is under?
d) Flammable liquid
98. The 3 available resources to the cabin crew to manage on board a passenger airplane are:
a) HUMAN RESOURCES e.g.(pilots, fellow cabin crew & passengers), SAFETY
EQUIPMENT and IN-FLIGHT SERVICE EQUIPMENT (e.g. ovens, catering equipment etc
b) Screening of Passengers luggage by the purser before Boarding.
c) Confirming the Flight Plan with the Flight Dispatcher before Pre-Flight Briefing.
d) Reporting early for pre-flight briefing
99. At the onset of CRM curriculum into the Aviation Industry, it was known as?
a) Cabin Recruitment Movement.
b) Cockpit Resource Management.
c) Cabin Recourse Management.
d) Cabin Recurrent Management
100. In the Generational Development of CRM, at what time was Training extended to involve the
Cabin Crew Members?
a) The Third Generation.
b) The Second Generation.
c) The First Quarter
d) Eight generation
101. At what stage was the Joint Flight Crew and Cabin Crew CRM Training Instituted?
a) The Third Generation.
b) The Second Generation
c) The Fifth Generation.
102. For the Crew member to achieve “MORE” positively, they must:
a) Work with some elements of envy.
b) They must make error.
c) They must work as a team.
d) They must move as a flight crew
104. What are the three ingredients that a group requires to perform as a team?
a) Task , Team maintenance and Individual Needs
b) Communication, Stress and Situation Awareness
c) Error, Complacency and Socialization
d) None of the above
105. The following are Elements of CRM except?
a) Team formation and maintenance,
b) Stress management, Decision making, Problem solving, Leadership and Error/ Error
c) Crew Meal, Complacency, lack of trust.
d) Lack of trust
106. The benefits accrued to a high performance team includes the following except?
a) Gain job satisfaction from the work, Cooperate and help each other.
b) The Captain quarrels with everyone on board.
c) Have high problem solving skills and well respected leaders who set. excellent examples.
d) None of the above
107. A good role of CRM delivers the following except?
a) Effective communication.
b) Team work.
c) Conflict.
d) A & B
109. CRM has been conceived to prevent accidents by improving crew performance through better
a) True
b) False
c) A & B are correct
d) Not in CRM.
110. The advent of technology has eliminated the human error in Aviation.
a) True.
b) False.
c) A & B are correct.
d) Only in some aircraft
115. If you find a suspicious object or package on board the aircraft, what are your immediate
a) Remove it and try flushing it down the toilet.
b) Scream as loud as you can “Here is the bloody BOMB!!!”
c) Report immediately to PIC.
d) Wait until you land and report to the management
121. Which of the following should not be a cabin crew’s objective in a Hijacking situation?
a) Land the Aircraft and passengers released.
b) Prevent take off.
c) Avoid violence.
d) Arrest the Hijacker.
122. It is to your advantage to slow down all your actions during a Hijacking
a) True
b) False.
c) Action may not be necessary
d) None of the above
124. You are in flight and you need to inform the in-flight security of a treat. To whom will you
address this information?
a) Senior Flight attendant.
b) Captain
c) First officer.
d) Ground personnel.
127. In General In-flight service Rules the following pair is most appropriate to achieve good and
efficient customer satisfaction:
a) Calmness ,Honesty ,Dedication
b) Politeness, Tactfulness Reassuring
c) Confidence, Finesse, Decorum
d) A,B,C.