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Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in the Gravitational
Structure of Urban Agglomerations in Northern and Southern
Xinjiang Based on a Gravitational Model
Difan Liu 1,2 , Yuejian Wang 1,2, *, Lei Wang 1,2 , Liping Xu 1,2 , Huanhuan Chen 1,2 and Yuxiang Ma 1,2
Abstract: The urban agglomeration plays a significant role in enhancing integrated regional develop-
ment. Nevertheless, the expansion of urban agglomerations has demonstrated a lackluster ability
to attract cities. Presently, finding solutions to stabilize the existing urban strength and effectively
extend attraction to neighboring cities has become a crucial matter. This study adopts the enhanced
comprehensive attraction model, fracture point model, and radiation radius model to examine the
level of city attraction, intensity of radiation, and range of radiation in the northern and southern
Xinjiang city clusters between 2010 and 2020. Based on the analysis, the following conclusions are
drawn: (1) the comprehensive strength and city attraction of cities in the northern Xinjiang region
is higher than that of the southern Xinjiang region; (2) the intensity of spatial connection between
cities in the northern and southern Xinjiang regions is gradually increasing, and the intensity of
spatial connection of cities in the northern Xinjiang region is significantly greater than that in the
southern Xinjiang region. The intensity of spatial connection between cities in the northern and
southern Xinjiang regions is significantly greater than that in the southern Xinjiang region; (3) the
central role of the central cities in the northern and southern Xinjiang regions is weakening, the
Citation: Liu, D.; Wang, Y.; Wang, L.;
development of cities in the region is gradually becoming unified and coordinated, and regional
Xu, L.; Chen, H.; Ma, Y. Analysis of
integration is gradually being strengthened. This study reveals the similarities and differences in
Spatiotemporal Changes in the
urban development in the north and south of Xinjiang and provides important theoretical reference
Gravitational Structure of Urban
value for regional urban development.
Agglomerations in Northern and
Southern Xinjiang Based on a
Gravitational Model. Land 2024, 13,
Keywords: urban gravity; urban linkage strength; gravity modeling; urban agglomerations; north–
29. south border
zone model, and GIS to analyze the spatial connectivity characteristics and urban gravity
range of cities in the urban agglomeration of northern and southern Xinjiang from 2010
to 2020. The problem we need to solve is as follows: 1. Explore the spatial interaction
characteristics of urban agglomerations in northern and southern Xinjiang. 2. Explore the
differences in urban patterns between northern and southern Xinjiang. 3. Based on the
layout characteristics of urban agglomerations in northern and southern Xinjiang, propose
appropriate urban development suggestions.
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Construction of a Comprehensive Gravity Model
The physics model of gravity is used to represent the idea that interactions between
spatial objects become less significant as distance increases [23]. Urban research has adopted
this approach; however, there are certain restrictions [24]. Therefore, this work improves
the conventional gravity model in the following ways by fusing real-world applications
with the findings of previous research.
First off, population or GDP size alone cannot adequately capture the influence of
cities [25], so they cannot be used as a sole indicator of urban quality. Cities create demand
that is complementary to one another and draw people in due to their overall strengths
in a variety of areas, including infrastructure, society, and the economy. Therefore, in
order to quantify urban “quality” effectively, we need an indicator that is more thorough.
In order to create a thorough method for evaluating urban strength, this study took into
account the elements that influence urban disparities and chose 11 evaluation factors
from 4 categories: economic scale, land scale, social development level, and ecological
Land 2024, 13, 29 4 of 20
environment preservation. The number of people living in cities, GDP per capita, the
share of secondary and tertiary industries, and the average salary of employed people all
serve as indicators of the economic scale. The built-up area, population density, and per
capita urban road area all serve as indicators of the urban land scale. We can utilize the
popularity of urban gas and retail sales of consumer goods to gauge the degree of urban
social development and the rate of built-up area green coverage and per capita public
green space area to gauge the amount of ecological environment protection. To describe
the “quality” of the gravity model city, we can compute the comprehensive strength of a
city using the evaluation factors mentioned above. See Table 1.
A composite scoring method was utilized to rate the overall strength of the cities in
the northern and southern border regions:
(1) Data standardization. In this paper, we choose the method of standardization of
extreme deviation to standardize the data of the indicators of each city in order to eliminate
the influence of the different data outline, which is publicly announced as follows:
Mij = Xij − minX j / maxX j − minX j (1)
where Mij is the normalized value of the ith project under the jth indicator, Xij is the indicator
value of the ith city under the jth indicator, and minXj and maxXj are the maximum and
minimum values of the jth indicator, respectively.
Iij = Mij /∑i=1 Mij + 0.001 (2)
where Iij is the normalized value, m is the number of cities, and 0.001 is an overall shift to
the right to prevent the presence of a value of 0 and facilitate subsequent calculations.
(2) Entropy weight method to determine the weight of indicators. We can calculate
the entropy value and entropy weight of each indicator ej , Wj ; the formula is as follows:
e j = −1/ln m∑i=1 Iij ln Iij (3)
Wj = 1 − e j /∑ j=1 1 − e j
where, ej (0 ≤ ej ≤ 1) is the entropy value of the jth indicator, −1/Inm is the information
entropy coefficient, Wj is the entropy weight value of the jth indicator, and n is the number
of urbanization indicators.
Land 2024, 13, 29 5 of 20
(3) Composite score. We can calculate the score of the urbanization level of the city to
reflect the level of development of the city by the size of the value. The formula is
Sij = ∑i=1 Iij Wj (5)
where Sij is the value of each indicator for the ith city, Iij is the normalized value of the
urban development level indicator, and Wj is the weight of each urbanization indicator.
Second, the distance-attenuation effect between cities is not well represented by the
direct distance in conventional gravity models. Cities are linked together by a variety
of networks, and advancements in communication and transportation technologies have
alienated the idea of distance [26,27]. Consequently, a more precise measurement of the
“distance” between cities is required, taking into account all relevant factors, including
time, cost, and route. In this article, the direct distance variable included in conventional
gravity models is replaced by time distance. A lot of the cities in Xinjiang are not easily
accessible by air or rail because of the disparities in transportation convenience between
the region’s north and south. Consequently, after careful analysis, the distance between
cities in this article is calculated using the intercity highway’s quickest travel time.
Thirdly, as regional collaborative development continues to grow, cities strive for
greater levels of development within their borders to compensate for shortcomings or
capitalize on advantages [28]. They also frequently go outside their borders for external
complementarity and to meet their demands from a variety of angles. At this point, cities
begin to create regional relationships that fully capture their radiation capability [29]. There
must be variations in each city’s appeal or an asymmetry in the attractiveness across cities
as a result of their varying levels of development [30]. As a result, cities are drawn to
one another in both directions [31–33]. The degree to which a city attracts other nearby
cities can be represented by its positive attraction, and the degree to which it accepts
radiation from other nearby cities can be represented by its negative attraction. This study
uses the complete strength of two cities to increase the gravitational constant G based on
previous research:
K a = M a / ( M a + Mb ) (6)
In the formula, Ka is the ratio of the comprehensive strength of city a to the sum
of the comprehensive strength of the two cities, representing the direction of the spatial
connection between city a and city b. The closer the value of Ka is to 1, the more it indicates
that the city connection is positively radiating to the outside world, and the closer it is to 0,
the more it indicates that the city connection is negatively attracted to the outside world,
and the two situations indicate that there is a demand between the cities; when the value of
Ka is close to 0.5, it indicates that the two cities are complementary to each other, and the
connection is relatively balanced.
Ultimately, the improved gravitational model for this study is as follows:
M a Mb
Fab = Ka (7)
Improving the gravitational constant using the magnitude of the combined strength
between the two cities can adequately express the asymmetry of the attraction between the
cities, so the total intensity of external ties and the intensity of accepting external ties, i.e.,
the positive and negative attraction, of the city a can also be calculated:
M a Mb M a Mb
Fab = Ka , Fba = Kb (8)
Dab Dab
city b to city a, which is regarded as the negative attraction of city a. In Equation (9), Pa
is the sum of linkage intensity between city a and all other cities, indicating the overall
degree of the city’s external radiation-driven intensity; Na is the sum of the intensity of
radiation-driven intensity of city a by all other cities, which is also known as the sum of the
intensity of the dependence on the attraction of other cities.
where Da is the distance from City a to the rupture point; Dab is the highway distance
between City a and City b; and Ma, Mb are the values of the urban development level of
Cities a and b.
(2) Field strength formula
FaP = Ma /DaP (11)
where point P is the fracture point, FaP is the magnitude of gravitational force of City a at
the fracture point P, Ma is the city size of City a, and DaP is the distance from City a to the
fracture point P.
(3) Gravitational radius formula [37,38]
The radius of attraction of the city can reflect the range of radiant energy of the city
and can more intuitively reflect the attraction situation between cities; the formula is:
R= Ma /F (12)
where R is the radius of the city’s radiation, Ma is the combined strength of City a, and F is
the strength of the city’s boundary field.
the distance between southern border cities being much greater than that between northern
border cities.
Table 2. Urban comprehensive strength and comprehensive gravity of sorthern Xinjiang from 2010
to 2020.
Table 3. Urban comprehensive strength and comprehensive gravity of southern Xinjiang from 2010
to 2020.
We used Origin 2021 software’s Circos chord diagrams to visualize the outcomes. In
its original form, the chord diagram was meant to depict the intricate connections between
genes. We visualized the results using Circos chord diagrams in Origin software [39]. This
article mainly displays the spatial connection strength between multiple cities through a
proportional chord diagram. Circles are divided into different arcs according to the number
of cities, and the length of the arcs represents the proportion of the city’s gravity. Taking the
2010 North Xinjiang City Chord Diagram as an example, Urumqi’s urban gravity accounts
for 54% of the city’s gravity in the North Xinjiang region, and the connecting lines between
different arcs represent the direction of the city’s gravity. The color of the connecting
lines indicates that the city is attracted more—for example, Urumqi. All connecting lines
are in the color of other cities, indicating that Urumqi is in a state of attraction to other
cities. The thickness of the connecting lines between cities indicates the strength of mutual
attraction between cities. For example, the connecting line between Urumqi and Changji is
the thickest, with the strongest attraction between cities.
Table 2 demonstrates that from 2010 to 2020, Urumqi’s cities had substantially higher
comprehensive strength and gravity than other cities in northern Xinjiang, consistently
ranking top and emerging as the only stable “central city” in the area. Figure 1 shows that
Changji, Fukang, Shihezi, and Kuitun are more prevalent in Urumqi than Karamay, Yining,
Tacheng, and Altay. The comprehensive strength of the cities of Changji, Kuitun, and
Yining has not changed considerably over the years, but their comprehensive attraction has.
When their position is examined, it is discovered that Changji is close to Urumqi. Kuitun
is situated in the middle of the northern Xinjiang metropolis, a reasonable distance from
other cities, although it is some distance from Urumqi. Because of its distance from Urumqi
and other cities and its location in the westernmost section of the region, Yining has a lower
comprehensive attraction and a greater comprehensive strength than other nearby cities.
and Yining has not changed considerably over the years, but their comprehensive attrac-
tion has. When their position is examined, it is discovered that Changji is close to Urumqi.
Kuitun is situated in the middle of the northern Xinjiang metropolis, a reasonable distance
from other cities, although it is some distance from Urumqi. Because of its distance from
Urumqi and other cities and its location in the westernmost section of the region, Yining
Land 2024, 13, 29 has a lower comprehensive attraction and a greater comprehensive strength than 8 of 20
nearby cities.
Figure 1. 1. Urban
Urban connection
connection strength
strength in in northern
northern Xinjiang
Xinjiang from
from 2010
2010 to to 2020.
Table 3 demonstrates
3 demonstrates thatthat
fromfrom20102010 to 2020,
to 2020, the overall
the overall strengthstrength of Kashgar
of Kashgar and Korla and
Korla cities was comparatively outstanding. In terms of overall
cities was comparatively outstanding. In terms of overall strength, Tumxuk surpassed strength, Tumxuk sur-
Aksu Aksuand
in 2016 in 2016
2020,and 2020, up
moving moving up to
to third thirdwhile
place, place,Aksu
and 2013.
2013. FigureFigure
2 shows 2 shows that while
that while Kashgar
Kashgar andandAksu Aksu
thethe most
most pronounced
pronounced urban
spatial connections,
connections, Artux,
Artux, Alaer,
Alaer, and
and Hotan
Hotan have
have continued
continued toto havereduced
have reduced spatialties.
spatial ties.
Urban comprehensive
comprehensive strength
strength is is increasing
increasing in in Tumxuk,
Tumxuk, andand a distinctive
a distinctive characteristic
characteristic is is
that Korla
Korla has
has thethe highest
highest urban
urban comprehensive
comprehensive strength
strength inin southern
southern Xinjiang.
Xinjiang. However,
because Korla
Korla is remote
is remote fromfrom
citiescities and
and has has higher
higher comprehensive
comprehensive strengthstrength
and lower and
comprehensive attraction,
lower comprehensive its urbanits
attraction, spatial
urbanconnection strength strength
spatial connection is only average.
is only average.
Figure 2. 2. Gravity
Gravity values
values of of cities
cities in in southern
southern Xinjiang
Xinjiang from
from 2010
2010 to to 2020.
Figure Positiveand
Land 2024, 13, 29 10 of 20
Figure 3. Positive and negative attraction intensity of cities in northern Xinjiang from 2010 to 2020.
Figure4.4. Positive
Figure Positive and
and negative
negative attraction
attraction intensity
intensity of
of cities
cities in
in southern
Aksu, andand Shihezi
Korla had
had the topthe top pthree
three p values
values in northern
in the southern Xinjiang
Xinjiang in
2010. The top three p values were Urumqi, Karamay, and Changji in 2013, 2016,
in 2010 and 2013. The top three p values shifted to Kashgar, Tumshuk, and Aksu in 2016 and 2020,
respectively. Additionally,Tumshuk
and 2020. Additionally, throughout the course
displayed a pofvalue
the four
andyears, in 2010p value
n value has
and 2013,
outperformed its n Korla,
whereas Kashgar, value, demonstrating
and Aksu did asopositive attractiveness
every four years. After dominance.
2013, the In 2010,
p value
negative attraction predominated in Karamay, However, positive attraction predominated
in 2013 and later. The other cities in northern Xinjiang have a strong deterrent.
Kashgar, Aksu, and Korla had the top three p values in the southern Xinjiang region in
2010 and 2013. The top three p values shifted to Kashgar, Tumshuk, and Aksu in 2016 and
2020. Additionally, Tumshuk displayed a p value and n value in 2010 and 2013, whereas
Kashgar, Korla, and Aksu did so every four years. After 2013, the p value dramatically
grew between 2016 and 2020, showing a p value > n value with a sharp rise in positive
appeal. In the four years, the other cities exhibited predominant unattractiveness.
the periphery
Land 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW of the region and rely on nearby cities for development. In addition, the 12 o
degree of change in the (p-n) values of the cities in the northern border region is decreasing
both positively and negatively, indicating that the differences between the cities in the
northern border region are gradually decreasing, and the regional integration development
is gradually increasing.
Figure 7. Temporal and spatial distribution of urban gravity structure types in northern and south-
Figure 7. Temporal and spatial distribution of urban gravity structure types in northern and southern
ern Xinjiang from 2010 to 2020.
Xinjiang from 2010 to 2020.
4.4. 4. Classification
Scope Analysis of of urbanAttractiveness
Urban types.
City study
Type calculated
City Type Namethe locations of fractureCity points between cities in northern and
Type Characteristics
southern XinjiangOutward-
from 2010 toCities
2020 using
positive(10) and calculated
attraction the magnitude
as the dominant factor, of
urban 1
radiation field intensity
radiation type at the fracture
radiating and point
drivingusing Formula (11) cities.
the surrounding (see Tables 4 and 5).
This was performed in order toCities
Balanced- further reflecta balance
exhibit the trendbetween
similarities andand
positive differences
negativein the
Type 2 of urban agglomerations in northern and southern Xinjiang.
development attraction, with a balance between external radiation and
type absorption.
Table 5. Proportion and field strength of fault points between cities in northern Xinjiang from 2010
Cities exhibit a dominant negative attraction and are
to 2020. Outward-
Type 3 greatly influenced by surrounding cities, mainly relying
dependence type
2010on the development of central cities. 2020
City 1 City 2 Specific Gravity Specific Gravity
4.4. Scope Analysis of Urban Attractiveness
Field Strength Field Strength
of Breaking Point of Breaking Point
This study calculated the locations of fracture points between cities in northern and
Urumqi Karamay 0.61 0.1407 0.59 0.2253
Urumqi Shihezisouthern
city Xinjiang0.64
from 2010 to 2020 using
0.5915 Formula (10) and 0.65calculated the magnitude
0.8907 of
Urumqi urban
Changji city radiation field
0.67 intensity at the 7.7477
fracture point using 0.65
Formula (11) (see Tables
12.477 4 and
Urumqi Fukang5).city
This was performed
0.7 in order to further
2.8315 reflect the trend0.66
similarities and differences
4.8344 in
Urumqi Yiningthe
citydevelopment of urban agglomerations
0.66 0.0257 in northern and0.67
southern Xinjiang.0.0375
Urumqi Kuitun city 0.66 0.1987 0.65 0.3106
4.4.1. Analysis of Urban Breakpoints and Field Strengths
Table 5 shows that the field strength of each city at the fault point in the northern
Xinjiang region as a whole increases year after year, with the strongest field strength at
Land 2024, 13, 29 14 of 20
Table 5. Cont.
2010 2020
City 1 City 2 Specific Gravity Specific Gravity
Field Strength Field Strength
of Breaking Point of Breaking Point
Urumqi Tacheng city 0.71 0.0327 0.68 0.0537
Urumqi Altay city 0.69 0.0446 0.69 0.0676
Karamay city Shihezi city 0.54 0.1988 0.56 0.3234
Karamay city Changji city 0.56 0.0845 0.56 0.1501
Karamay city Fukang city 0.6 0.0467 0.57 0.0898
Karamay city Yining city 0.55 0.0208 0.58 0.0325
Karamay city Kuitun city 0.56 0.3323 0.56 0.5683
Karamay city Tacheng city 0.61 0.1002 0.6 0.1836
Karamay city Altay city 0.58 0.0371 0.6 0.0613
Shihenzi city Changji city 0.52 0.4335 0.5 0.7123
Shihenzi city Fukang city 0.56 0.1401 0.52 0.2507
Shihenzi city Yining city 0.51 0.0197 0.53 0.0281
Shihenzi city Kuitun city 0.52 0.4619 0.51 0.7276
Shihenzi city Tacheng city 0.58 0.0246 0.54 0.0415
Shihenzi city Altay city 0.55 0.0151 0.55 0.0228
Changji city Fukang city 0.54 0.6972 0.52 1.3887
Changji city Yining city 0.49 0.0127 0.53 0.02
Changji city Kuitun city 0.49 0.1156 0.51 0.201
Changji city Tacheng city 0.55 0.0152 0.54 0.0287
Changji city Altay city 0.52 0.0211 0.55 0.0353
Fukang city Yining city 0.45 0.0089 0.51 0.0153
Fukang city Kuitun city 0.46 0.0559 0.49 0.1064
Fukang city Tacheng city 0.51 0.01 0.53 0.0209
Fukang city Altay city 0.48 0.0181 0.53 0.0332
Yining city Kuitun city 0.51 0.028 0.48 0.0422
Yining city Tacheng city 0.56 0.0144 0.52 0.0232
Yining city Altay city 0.53 0.0051 0.52 0.0072
Kuitun city Tacheng city 0.56 0.0312 0.54 0.0561
Kuitun city Altay city 0.53 0.0163 0.54 0.026
Tacheng city Altay city 0.47 0.0105 0.5 0.0181
waning. On the other hand, the Tumxuk fault point’s area has been growing year over year,
indicating a tendency in the radiation influence on neighboring cities that is waning. There
is no discernible variation in the radiation of each city to the surrounding areas according
to the gradual regional stability of the fault point scope in other cities.
Table 6. Proportion and field strength of fault points between cities in southern Xinjiang from 2010
to 2020.
2010 2020
City 1 City 2 Specific Gravity Specific Gravity
Field Strength Field Strength
of Breaking Point of Breaking Point
Korla Aksu 0.56 0.0209 0.54 0.036
Korla Artux 0.63 0.0052 0.58 0.01
Korla Kashgar city 0.54 0.0067 0.53 0.0112
Korla Hotan city 0.59 0.0061 0.59 0.0102
Korla Alaer 0.59 0.0188 0.57 0.0331
Korla Tumxuk 0.58 0.0099 0.54 0.0185
Aksu Artux 0.58 0.0212 0.54 0.0438
Aksu Kashgar city 0.48 0.0255 0.49 0.0453
Aksu Hotan city 0.54 0.0138 0.54 0.0248
Aksu Alaer 0.54 0.2872 0.53 0.5425
Aksu Tumxuk 0.52 0.0945 0.5 0.1896
Artux Kashgar city 0.4 2.1001 0.44 4.1759
Artux Hotan city 0.46 0.0105 0.5 0.0215
Artux Alaer 0.46 0.0112 0.49 0.0242
Artux Tumxuk 0.45 0.0399 0.46 0.0914
Kashgar city Hotan city 0.56 0.0193 0.56 0.0337
Kashgar city Alaer 0.56 0.0145 0.54 0.0264
Kashgar city Tumxuk 0.54 0.0455 0.51 0.088
Hotan Alaer 0.5 0.0184 0.49 0.0342
Hotan Tumxuk 0.48 0.0111 0.46 0.0221
Alaer Tumxuk 0.49 0.0622 0.47 0.1292
Figure 9. Strong and weak radiation range of cities in southern Xinjiang from
from 2010
2010 to
to 2020.
The strongand
The strong andweak
radiation radii
radii of of Urumqi,
Artux Shihezi,have
and Tumxuk Yining, and Altay
all shown in the
an expand-
northern Xinjiang region have all decreased, indicating that the surrounding
ing trend, indicating that the radiation capacity of Artux and Tumxuk cities is gradually cities have
increased their radiation capacity. The expansion of the strong radiation
rising and the radiation range to neighboring cities is gradually expanding. These cities radius of Karamay,
Changji, and
are located in Kuitun showsXinjiang
the southern that theregion,
capacity of these
where cities isand
the strong gradually improving,
weak radiation radiithe
radiation capacity
Korla, Kashgar, is gradually
Aksu, increasing,
Hotan, and the strong
Alaer have all shownradiation radius oftrend.
a decreasing YiningAccording
and Fukang to
has no obvious change,
the aforementioned data,and the weak
Kashgar radiation
and Korla’s radiusposition
central is gradually
in the expanding, which
southern Xinjiang
shows that the radiation scope of surrounding cities is expanding and the driving role of
region has started to wane, while Tumxuk and Atush’s development has started to pick
surrounding cities is becoming more and more significant. In conclusion, it was discovered
up. This suggests that the cities in the southern Xinjiang region are beginning to exhibit
that the radiation capacity of the cities of Yining, Changji, Karamay, and Kuitun has
an integrated pattern.
gradually increased while the position of Urumqi as the key city in northern Xinjiang
has started to wane. Multiple core cities are emerging, and the cross-area of radiation
5. Discussion
regions of other cities has gradually grown, showing that the trend of regional integration
In the Xinjiang
development region,
in northern urban is
Xinjiang growth
becoming and more
and more areimportant.
still in the planning and
construction stages. In this study, urban strength, attractiveness,
The strong and weak radiation radii of Artux and Tumxuk have all and link strength
shown are cal-
an expand-
culated and analyzed to reveal the factors that influence how cities in
ing trend, indicating that the radiation capacity of Artux and Tumxuk cities is gradually the urban agglom-
rising of northern and southern
the radiation range toXinjiang
neighboring develop
gradually Theexpanding.
distinction between the
These cities
are agglomerations
located in the southern in northern
Xinjiangand southern
region, whereXinjiang’s
the strongdifferent
and weakstages of develop-
radiation radii of
ment isKashgar,
Korla, reflectedAksu,
in theHotan,
forms of urban
and Alaerattraction
have allstructures. It represents
shown a decreasing the development
trend. According to
the of the urban
aforementioned agglomeration
data, Kashgar and of Korla’s
southern and northern
central positionXinjiang throughXinjiang
in the southern the lens
region has started to wane, while Tumxuk and Atush’s development has started tomight
of urban radiation. The findings demonstrate that the strength of urban connections pick
be limited by the distance between cities. However, to a certain extent, the comprehensive
strength of cities can increase the strength of urban spatial connections [42]. Differences
primarily distinguish the current development condition of cities in northern and south-
ern Xinjiang. This study analyzes these data and offers the following recommendations:
Land 2024, 13, 29 17 of 20
up. This suggests that the cities in the southern Xinjiang region are beginning to exhibit an
integrated pattern.
5. Discussion
In the Xinjiang region, urban growth and construction are still in the planning and
construction stages. In this study, urban strength, attractiveness, and link strength are
calculated and analyzed to reveal the factors that influence how cities in the urban agglom-
eration of northern and southern Xinjiang develop in tandem. The distinction between the
urban agglomerations in northern and southern Xinjiang’s different stages of development
is reflected in the forms of urban attraction structures. It represents the development
tendency of the urban agglomeration of southern and northern Xinjiang through the lens
of urban radiation. The findings demonstrate that the strength of urban connections might
be limited by the distance between cities. However, to a certain extent, the comprehensive
strength of cities can increase the strength of urban spatial connections [42]. Differences
primarily distinguish the current development condition of cities in northern and southern
Xinjiang. This study analyzes these data and offers the following recommendations:
(1) The northern and southern Xinjiang presents different types of urban agglomera-
tion patterns.
In the southern Xinjiang region, there is a great deal of space between cities, only one
major form of transportation, and poor economic growth. Kashgar and Korla have an
advantage in terms of the overall strength of the cities from 2010 to 2020. Cities like Aksu
and Tumxuk gradually grew as a result of economic growth. Based on the gravitational
structures of different cities in southern Xinjiang, it is possible to determine that the
urban agglomeration in this region is primarily concentrated around Kashgar and Korla,
with Aksu or Tumxuk serving as the secondary center. This region has a “2 + 1 + n”
urban agglomeration pattern, with two central cities, one sub-central city, and numerous
peripheral cities.
(2) There are individual special types of cities in both northern and southern Xinjiang.
In the study, it was discovered that the northern Xinjiang region’s Urumqi city and
Kashgar city have significant advantages in the area and have attracted a lot of interest
from neighboring cities. Since they are “leading cities” for regional growth, these cities can
be considered. We classify Yining city in the northern Xinjiang region and Korla city in the
southern Xinjiang region as “island cities” because of their strong comprehensive strengths
but remote locations relative to other cities in the area and lack of urban attraction. The
“Xinjiang New Urbanization Plan (2021–2035)” passed at the conference in 2021 proposed to
accelerate the construction of the urban agglomeration on the northern slope of the Tianshan
Mountains and focus on creating a “one circle, one belt, and one group” urban development
pattern [43]. Out of these, the northern Xinjiang region should center on Urumqi, establish
the Urumqi metropolitan area, propel the growth of neighboring cities like Changji and
Fukang, and use Yining city as the regional center to establish the northern Xinjiang urban
belt, linking cities like Kuitun, Tacheng, Bole, and Altay for coordinated, linked, and
integrated development; the southern Xinjiang region should center on Kashgar, establish
a southern Xinjiang urban agglomeration, radiating and propelling the development of
southern Xinjiang cities like Korla, Tiemenguan, and Tumushuke.
(3) Suggestions based on urban development in different regions.
This study believes that the urban agglomeration in northern Xinjiang can strengthen
the cluster development of small cities and strengthen the agglomeration role of large
cities [44]. For instance, the creation of a multi-center driving urban development model
with Urumqi serving as the stability center and Kuitun, Karamay, and Yining serving as
the sub-centers will enhance communication and cooperation between Urumqi, Kuitun,
Karamay, and Yining, forming a “golden triangle” of urban development in northern
Xinjiang. Among them, Kuitun has a favorable geographic location as it is situated in the
central portion of the region The economic growth of Kuitun should be strengthened, and
it is important to encourage the steady growth of the urban small circle into the urban
Land 2024, 13, 29 18 of 20
large circle. The southern Xinjiang region is more fragmented than the northern Xinjiang
region, with fewer gravitational crossings and poorer linkages between cities. In order to
reduce the “distance” between cities, prioritize the growth of small cities, and increase the
overall strength of cities, it is required to upgrade urban transportation infrastructure in the
southern Xinjiang region. Korla’s unique geographic position can also be used to realize
the urban development model connecting northern and southern Xinjiang.
Furthermore, although this study still has several shortcomings, it is a crucial avenue
for future investigation:
(1) Methodological limitations. There is still need for improvement in indicator selec-
tion, even though this work has enhanced the conventional gravity model and thoroughly
assessed urban quality utilizing the urban complete strength evaluation method. For
instance, urban gravity and clusters are significantly impacted by the degree of urban
economic growth, and the indicators used in the book to indicate this amount of devel-
opment need to be updated [45,46]. First off, the tourist sector is crucial to Xinjiang’s
economic growth. As such, the percentage of tourism earnings that goes toward economic
development needs to rise. Second, Xinjiang actively encourages the establishment of trade
zones and economic development zones as the hub of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Future
studies will pay more attention to how changes in logistics, transportation, finance, and
other factors affect regional urban connections and urban quality [47,48].
(2) There are restrictions when choosing a city. Xinjiang is split up into local areas
and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. At the moment, Xinjiang is pushing
hard for the combination of local development and the military [49]. Subsequent studies
can emphasize the distinctions in the development models of local and Xinjiang Produc-
tion and Construction Corps cities, and it can be conducted locally specifically to make
6. Conclusions
The gravity level, radiation intensity, and radiation range of cities in northern Xinjiang
from 2010 to 2020 were investigated in this study using the improved comprehensive
gravity model, breakpoint model, and radiation radius model. Nine cities in the northern
Xinjiang region and seven cities in the southern Xinjiang region were chosen. The following
conclusions were reached:
(1) The quality and all-encompassing urban attraction of cities in northern and south-
ern Xinjiang demonstrated an improving tendency between 2010 and 2020. With various
urban agglomeration structures in the north and south of Xinjiang, the quality of cities and
the strength of urban links show a characteristic of “high in the north and low in the south”.
(2) Between 2010 and 2020, the strength of the geographical connections between the
cities in northern and southern Xinjiang gradually grew, with the strength of the connections
between the northern and southern cities being noticeably stronger. In northern Xinjiang,
the ranking of urban spatial connection intensity is comparatively steady. However, it
varies significantly in southern Xinjiang.
(3) Central cities’ dominance in both northern and southern Xinjiang is waning. Other
cities in the area, including Karamay, Kuitun, and Yining in northern Xinjiang, Tumushuke,
and Atushi in southern Xinjiang, are growing in size, their radiation capacity is rising
yearly, and their dependence on central cities is waning. Cities in northern and southern
Xinjiang are developing progressively in unison and coordination, and regional integration
is advancing.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.L.; methodology, Y.W. and L.W.; software, Y.M. and
D.L.; validation, D.L. and L.X.; formal analysis, H.C.; investigation, Y.M.; resources, Y.W.; data
curation, D.L.; writing—original draft preparation, L.W. and D.L.; writing—review and editing,
Y.W.; visualization, L.X. and D.L.; supervision, Y.W. and L.W.; project administration, Y.W.; funding
acquisition, Y.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Land 2024, 13, 29 19 of 20
Funding: This research was funded by the special project for innovation and development of Shihezi
University (CXFZSK202105, CXFZ202217), the Program for Youth Innovation and Cultivation of
Talents of Shihezi University (CXPY202223, CXPY202121), and the Science and Technology Plan
Project of the Corps (2022DB023).
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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