Hattersley Technical Web Book 0519 v2
Hattersley Technical Web Book 0519 v2
Hattersley Technical Web Book 0519 v2
This Guide on the principles of DPCVs (Differential Pressure Control Valves)
and PICVs (Pressure Independent Control Valves) is the latest in the series
from Hattersley specifically for Building Services engineers.
The author, Andy Lucas, left school at 15 years old with no formal qualifications. He returned to study
in his late 20s, working within various manufacturing industries, culminating in the position of Technical
Development Manager for Hattersley.
This Guide is written in a ‘practical language’ that is easy to read, being relevant to practicing engineers
at all levels of knowledge and experience including fitters, commissioning technicians, contractors,
consultants and system designers.
Andy explains, as everyone becomes more aware of the consequences of global warming, system design
has changed to ensure energy use is uppermost in the designer’s mind. This Guide describes, in detail,
changes in system design which made it necessary to introduce DPCVs and PICVs into variable volume
heating and chilled water systems.
It covers:
The Guide includes, as appendices, explanations of some of the ‘every day’ terms and some of the
hydraulic principles used by Building Services engineers but perhaps rarely understood.
Andy’s ‘15 minutes of fame’ came when he designed the Building Services industry first single terminal
unit manifold system. The concept of a one piece ‘H’ body
design incorporating the flushing by-pass changed the industry,
with several other companies copying his design concept.
As we become more aware of the possible effects of global warming, the issues
of reductions in energy use, carbon footprint and CO2 emissions should be
uppermost in the engineer’s mind.
This has led to the development of various building (heating and chilled water services), resulting in
environmental assessment schemes throughout the move from constant volume to variable
the world. volume systems.
The UK scheme, BREEAM (Building Research This design change created a requirement for
Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) additional valves to stabilise the fluctuating distribution
being the first, was introduced in 1990 and is used in pressures caused by this design change. Initially,
over 50 countries worldwide. DPCVs (Differential Pressure Control Valves) were
designed into systems and latterly, PICVs (Pressure
The American scheme, LEED (Leadership in Independent Control Valves) offer an alternative
Energy and Environmental Design) was introduced approach.
in 1998 with the Australian Green Star scheme being
introduced in 2003. This guide explains the design change, the use of
DPCVs and PICVs and the different way these
The Middle East has subsequently devised its valves control the flow of water to the terminals.
own schemes specifically tailored for hot, humid
countries. These schemes would include Estidams This guide forms an integral part of the wide range of
for Abu Dhabi and EmiratesGBC (Green Building balancing valve information published by Hattersley,
Council) for the UAE. designed to assist all those involved in the design,
installation and operation of hydronic systems.
Government commitments on CO2 emissions, together
with these building assessment schemes, has driven
the move for more efficient fixed building services
Introduction 4–9
This guide is intended to provide designers and users with an insight into the technical aspects of selecting
and commissioning of DPCVs and PICVs in conjunction with other commissioning valves – covered in previous
Hattersley publications.
In general, the design of Hattersley DPCVs and PICVs are consistent with systems that are regarded as
commercial rather than domestic systems.
S Shand-Brown
specify required tolerance on system flow rates
A correctly commissioned system will ensure;
The advantages of this type of system design meant easy sizing of control valves, with a
constant authority and system balancing. The disadvantages however, mean that water
is being pumped around the system even when there is no demand. Also, as water is
being diverted, ie returned ‘unused’, the required differential temperature (Δt) across the
boiler / chiller is compromised, therefore, reducing system efficiency.
The move to variable volume system design meant the replacement of the 3 or 4 port
control valves with a 2 port control valve with no by-pass.
The use of 2 port control valves allowed the use of variable speed pumps which allows
significant pump energy savings at part load (reduced flow volume). Instead of diverting
the excess water through a by-pass, as is the case with the 3 & 4 port control valves,
the 2 port control valve allows reduction in mass flow rate.
Pump energy consumption is directly related to flow When considering reduced power consumption,
rate and can be evaluated using pump affinity laws; we must also be aware that as the pump speed
reduces so may the pump efficiency.
Q2 = Q1 (N2/N1) where Q
= flow rate (m3.s-1)
p = pump pressure (Pa) The reduction in efficiency must be offset against the
p2 = p1 (Q2/Q1) 2
P = pump power (W)
energy savings.
P2 = P1 (Q2/Q1) 3 N = pump speed (revs/min-1)
Independent sub-circuits
Isolation Valve
TP (Test point)
The Normally Open DPCV is used to control the differential pressure across a single
sub-circuit within a complete installation. As system pressures increase the DPCV closes
to absorb the additional available dynamic pressure. These are covered comprehensively
within this guide in the following sections.
The Normally Closed DPCV is used to create ‘bleed by-passes’ between flow and
return pipework. This type of DPCV opens as system pressures increase to allow flow.
Typically they are used to allow for minimum pump turndown and remove stagnant
pipework as 2 port control valves close allowing continued distribution of water
treatment. These are not covered in this guide.
DPCVs can be installed in either the flow or return pipework, provided that the correct
design of DPCV is selected to suit its installed position, ie a return mounted DPCV should
only be installed in the return pipework.
For ease and consistency, in this publication, DPCVs will be shown in return pipework,
which is the preferred installed position – see section 1.1.3
1.1.1 H
ow the DPCV controls
Differential Pressure
A DPCV has two distinct and separate sections;
The term ‘upper chamber’ refers to the chamber with The difference in pressure between the upper and
the DPCV in an upright position; the DPCV could lower chambers is the pressure drop across the
of course be installed in any orientation (there is sub-circuit protected by the DPCV.
sometimes a high temperature limitation on installed
position but not normally applicable to building services For fixed DPCVs there is a fixed pressure drop,
applications) so technically the upper chamber could depending on the spring fitted to the DPCV,
become the lower chamber. whereas, for adjustable DPCVs the pressure drop
in the sub-circuit is adjustable between a minimum
To save any confusion, we shall always refer to it as and maximum value.
the upper chamber.
Almost all DPCVs are now adjustable in design,
The pressure to the upper chamber acts to close the with fixed DPCVs only being used within multi
DPCV, whereas the pressure to the lower chamber manifold commissioning units, but even these
acts to open the DPCV. fixed spring DPCVs are being superseded by
adjustable DPCVs.
Irrespective of which DPCV design, flow or return
mounted, the pressure from the flow pipework is always
connected to the upper chamber acting as a closing
force, the pressure in the return pipework is always
connected to the lower, acting as an opening force.
DPCVs differ from other control valves because their response is due to a pressure imbalance
across an internal diaphragm.
The response time to pressure imbalance is instant, or can at least be considered to be instant.
The differential pressure control range of a DPCV will be specified by the manufacturer.
The use of a fixed differential pressure DPCV relies on knowing the pressure drop across
the circuit and sizing the DPCV to suit. If selection is incorrect, the DPCV, or at least the
diaphragm / spring assembly, needs to be changed.
More commonly in recent years, DPCVs are selected with an adjustable control range,
typically 5 - 50kPa for radiator circuits and 20 – 100kPa for circuits with coils (FCUs, AHUs etc).
An adjustable control range has the benefit of allowing for errors when calculating the pressure
drop across the circuit and being able to ‘fine tune’ the differential pressure to match specific
individual circuits as installed.
Because DPCVs are dynamic valves, ie constantly moving in response to variable system
conditions, the pressure drop across the DPCV will be constantly changing.
Manufacturers publish ‘fully open’ Kv values for all the different sizes of valves. These allow
us to calculate the pressure drop across the DPCV, in the fully open position, at required
design flow rates.
We can therefore select the DPCV size to suit specific pressure drop requirements.
Whilst this seems relatively simple, like all things in life, it proves to be not that simple!
Therefore a DPCV for radiator circuits might be The pump will be set to produce sufficient head to
selected with a fully open pressure drop of about deliver the required flow rate to the most remote sub-
3kPa, whereas, for a group of FCUs, the pressure circuit, ie the index. For sub-circuits nearer the pump
drop might be about 10kPa. discharge, the pump head available will be greater
than that required for the sub-circuit, the DPCV will
The sizing of DPCVs not in the index circuit could be therefore close to absorb the additional pump head.
considered more complex.
In this instance, as both sub-circuits are identical,
Applying Kirchhoff’s law (see Appendix 3) to the the index DPCV will operate at a near open position,
complete installation, we know that sub-circuits near whereas, the DPCV installed closer to the pump
the pump discharge will be subjected to the same discharge will operate in a more closed position, ie
differential pressure as the index sub-circuit. This higher differential across it albeit at the same flow rate
means that the additional available pressure nearer as the index sub-circuit.
the pump discharge will need to be absorbed within
the circuit. Traditionally, in constant flow systems, this If we knew what the additional pump head was at the
has been done using conventional commissioning closest DPCV sub-circuit, we could size this DPCV
valves. With variable flow systems, the DPCV absorbs with a smaller body, but the same actuator assembly
any additional / fluctuating pressure. control range, to increase the pressure drop across it
at the design flow rate.
If we consider two identical circuits, having the same
design flow rate and number of coils, separated by In theory, easy, but in practice getting sufficient data
several floors within an installation; from designers has proved difficult if not impossible.
Firstly, before we consider the location within the installation, we need to understand
that DPCVs cannot be installed in ‘series’, ie where the water passing through one DPCV
also passes through another DPCV. If installed in series, the DPCVs will not find a control
position but will instead ‘hunt’ each other in an attempt to control the differential pressure
across the circuit.
DPCVs can only be installed in parallel, ie if we consider any terminal unit and follow a path
from the pump to the terminal unit and back to the pump, the water must only pass through
one DPCV.
As with all control valves, there is a relatively high pressure drop across the DPCV,
best practice suggests that it should be installed in the return pipework and linked to the
flow pipework (via the impulse tube). This keeps the terminals and individual 2 port control
valves in a higher pressure zone than otherwise would be the case if installed in the flow
pipework. By keeping the system pressure, combined static and dynamic (pump) pressure,
as high as possible the risk of cavitation is reduced – for an explanation of cavitation
see Appendix 1.
hen installed in the flow pipework, the pressure before the DPCV is
higher than after the DPCV, therefore control valves in lower pressure
zones increases the risk of cavitation
As there is a direct relationship between differential pressure and flow rate, by controlling
the differential pressure between two points within a circuit the DPCV also controls the flow
rate. The pressure drop across any circuit is created by the volume of water passing through
it; increased flow rate increases the pressure drop and reduced flow rate decreases the
pressure drop. For example, we know that an increase in the flow rate of 20% increases the
pressure drop across the circuit by 44% - for an explanation of the flow rate / pressure drop
relationship (see Appendix 2).
By understanding this relationship, we can see that by having control over the differential
pressure drop between two connected points, ie the installed position of the DPCV and the
connected position of the impulse tube, we have control over the flow rate.
To fully understand how the DPCV controls the flow rate where there are multiple terminals
and control valves in the protected circuit, we first need to understand Kirchhoff’s 2nd law
(see Appendix 3), which states;
Applying Kirchhoff’s Law, we know that the pressure drop through each of the terminal circuits must be
equal albeit the flow rates might be different. Conventional static balancing valves are used to adjust the
pressure drops in each of the terminal circuits so that all sub-circuit pressure drops are equal.
Pressure drop from ‘A’ to ‘B’ through each of the circuits must be equal
ingle terminal unit with 2 port control valve and DPCV in
return pipework linked to flow pipework
We have already seen that the DPCV controls the differential pressure between two points
within the circuit, ‘a’ to ‘b’, and that the differential pressure is a resultant of the flow rate
through the circuit.
As terminals 2 & 4 are now closed, ie no flow, the flow rate through the main pipework changes
and as a consequence of the flow rate changes, the pipework pressure losses change.
the water from the now closed terminals increases the flow rate through the open
DPCV senses a rise in differential pressure caused by the increased flow rate
DPCV closes, reducing total flow rate, to re-create the DPCV controlled differential
pressure set point through the two remaining open terminal sub-circuits
The reduced total sub-circuit flow rate through the open terminal sub-circuits that are now
controlled by the DPCV is established by an interactive process. As the flow rate to terminals
2 & 4 starts to fall, the flow rates to terminals 1 & 3 starts to increase, increasing the differential
pressure across the open circuits with a squared relationship, ie 10% increase in flow creates a
21% increase in differential pressure.
As the two remaining open circuits have equal pressure drops across them (Kirchhoff’s 2nd
Law), the rise in flow rate will increase each individual terminal sub-circuit flow rate, keeping
the pressure drop across the circuits equal, albeit possibly with different flow rates.
Although the pressure drops will remain equal through the open terminal sub-circuits as the flow
rate increases, the actual flow rate increase may not increase equally, it is the differential pressure
that remains equal.
In all cases, the flow rate through the open terminal sub-circuits will increase above the design flow
rate, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the relationship between pipework losses and
terminal sub-circuit losses.
As the DPCV controls the total differential pressure across the sub-circuit, ie pipework,
valves and coils etc, if the pipework losses reduce as terminals 2 & 4 close, the pressure
loss in the remaining terminal sub-circuits, ie 1 & 3, must increase to re-establish the DPCV
controlled set differential pressure.
If the pipework losses only reduce by a small amount, then the increase in flow rate will
be small, whereas if the pipework losses decrease by a large amount then the flow rate
increase will be greater.
There are of course times when the control valves will modulate (partially close) to reduce
the flow rate and hence the terminal output.
The DPCV controls the differential pressure between the two installed connection points
(DPCV position and connecting impulse tube connection point). As the 2 port control valve
moves to a partially closed position the design flow rate causes the differential pressure
across that individual circuit to increase. Since the overall differential pressure is controlled
by the DPCV, the flow rate through that circuit will fall to a flow rate that recreates the DPCV
set differential pressure. Hence the 2 port control valve has reduced the flow rate and
consequently the heat output of the terminal, but the total sub-circuit differential pressure
remains constant.
With one or more control valves in a partially open position, the total flow rate through the main
pipework runs will change affecting the pipework pressure drops. We are then in the same
scenario as when the control valves fully close, ie total flow rate changes to maintain the DPCV
set differential pressure.
1.2 System design incorporating Initially, during the 1990s when variable volume
systems started to become more common, a single
DPCVs DPCV would have been installed in the plant room
This guide is intended to give an understanding of the to control the differential between the flow and
role that DPCVs play within variable volume systems return pipework.
and not an in depth system design guide. Other
system items; boilers, chillers, pumps etc are more
correctly covered by experts from manufacturers of
these items.
To ensure the highest possible system efficiency, it It quickly became apparent that a single DPCV, whilst
is important to preserve the operation of the control better than no attempt at differential pressure control,
valve. did not offer the best solution.
a DPCV installed with every control valve This meant more, smaller DPCVs each controlling a
smaller circuit than the single plant room DPCV. This
If you have too large a circuit the DPCV will not gave better control over the fluctuating
respond to changes as some of the control valves system pressures.
open / close.
Whilst offering better control, the circuits controlled by
the DPCV are still quite large.
shopping centre
trading room
For terminal units that use natural convection to emit heat into a room, eg radiators,
passive chilled beams etc, the issue of overflow could be considered to be less important
than where the terminal unit has forced air, eg FCU (Fan Coil Units). Of course any
overflow could mean lower efficiency and higher energy costs.
Also, it could also be argued that for FCUs with ultra-low flow rates, ie 0.010l/s, a 50%
overflow is still only a flow rate of 0.015l/s, ie 50% of not a lot is still not a lot! If the 2 port
control valves are modulating, then any overflow will be reduced as the BMS re-positions
the control valve to reduce the terminal unit heat output. The designer must consider the
‘bigger’ picture.
For single radiators in stairwells it might be acceptable for the flow rate to increase
unchecked. The total design flow rate to the stairwell radiators might total 0.060l/s (6
radiators each having a flow rate of 0.010l/s) so at 150% or 200% overflow the total flow
rate would increase to 0.120l/s. Although a relatively high percentage increase in flow rate,
when viewed as part of a total system flow rate, which might be several litres per second,
the additional flow might be considered negligible. When using TRVs (Thermostatic
Radiator Valves), consideration needs to be given to the maximum system pressure that
the TRVs will close against so increased flow rates might not be acceptable for this reason.
There are three preferred options, or a combination of these options, for the DPCV
installed positions as well as recommendations for mixed terminal unit installation;
We can consider a typical installation where there are a number of risers supplying a
number of floors as shown.
If we consider the criteria for DPCV positioning, we could conclude that as there are
12 terminal units or fewer on each floor then a single DPCV installed on the main branch
would be the correct position.
We would still need to consider the branch pressure drop compared to the last terminal unit
sub-circuit pressure drop to establish if it is within the 150% recommended by CIBSE or at a
lower acceptable pressure rise.
is the level of control over the flow rate good enough?
If we are happy with these general requirements, and any other particular project
requirements, then installing the DPCVs at the branches would offer the preferred solution.
If a better level of control is required, then we could look at this option. Looking at the
pipework configuration, it divides nicely into smaller manageable sub-circuits each having
three, four or five terminals. There is less variation in total flow rate in each of the sub-circuits
due to there being fewer terminal units, with less ‘shared’ pipework.
This gives better control over the flow rate and hence better control over the terminal unit heat
output – the main objective.
Obviously this would mean the installation of more DPCVs than in Option 1.
First thoughts might be ‘good news for the valve manufacturer then’?
But we know that as pipework divides into sub-circuits the diameter reduces. Therefore, it is
not always true that more valves cost more, indeed reducing from larger flanged valves in the
main branch down to more threaded valves in sub-circuits could save on total installed costs -
valve purchase and installation costs.
INCORPORATING DPCVS DPCV installed with individual terminal units A decision then has to be made;
For the majority of the terminal units in a ‘typical’ do the best we can?
installation, installing a DPCV with every terminal unit
control valve is probably not a realistic option. make changes to the pipework to create
smaller sub-circuits?
Whilst this option offers the greatest control over the
flow rate the total installed costs are high and this level consider other design options?
of control is possibly not needed.
ignore some terminals as they cannot be
included in groups with others?
etc, etc?
There are of course some instances when looking at The approach would satisfy the requirement for
the pipework layout drawings, there are no obvious all terminal units to be protected from overflow
positions for the DPCVs to be installed. conditions, but could be considered to be a ‘little
over the top’ for what the designer is trying to do –
background heating in the stairwell.
If we consider what the designer is trying to achieve, We have included the installation of pressure
we could offer a different solution. test points (TP) at various positions to facilitate
maintenance, verification of system operation and
If we accept that the radiators need protecting trouble shooting. Whilst it could be argued that these
from overflow, by installing CFRs (Constant Flow are ‘nice to have but not necessary’, we have found
Regulators) in each of the radiator circuits we are their inclusion in systems to be invaluable when
guaranteed that there will be no overflow. However, the installed system doesn’t seem to be working
because the CFRs are designed to give a single as expected!
constant flow rate, the TRVs effectively become on /
off control valves, so we need to ask the question –
‘does it matter’? 1.3.1 Valve associated with the DPCV
Having established that the best way of setting the 1.3.2 Air Handling Units (AHU)
DPCV is to measure the flow rate, instead of installing
a separate FMD, impulse tube connection tee and AHUs are usually larger terminal units, although
an isolation valve, a simpler and neater solution is to strictly speaking they are not terminal units but heat
install a single valve with these three functions – such exchangers having relatively high flow rates. They are
as the Hattersley DP1732 Companion Valve usually single items of plant, albeit with a combination
of coils,
i.e. heating, frost and chilled. It could also be argued
that as a heat exchanger, ie water to air, used to
condition the quality of the distributed air, the control
over the flow rate is more crucial than some other
terminal units, so a higher level of control is required.
Where possible, applying best practice (see Section Valve arrangements could be;
1), the DPCV should be installed in the return
pipework and connected to the Companion Valve control valve used to control / regulate the flow
installed in the flow pipework with the impulse tube – rate and therefore, heat output
see 1.2.1 for DPCV position for control valves. isolation valves should be installed in the flushing
by-pass and in the flow and return pipework, the
flushing by-pass should be as close as possible to
1.3.3 Heat Exchangers (HEx)
the coil.
Heat Exchangers are used to pass the energy, test points should be installed either side of the
in the form of water temperature, from the primary strainer to help identify when the strainer needs
circuit to a secondary circuit. They therefore have a cleaning, with the strainer being fitted as close
requirement for two groups of valve arrangements, as possible to the branch inlet.
primary and secondary.
the drain valve for the HEx should be of
sufficient size to facilitate coil ‘back-flushing’.
pressure test points should be fitted on the inlet
and outlet to the HEx coil to allow the pressure
drop across the coil to be measured to identify
a blocked / partially blocked coil.
a safety valve can be added to protect the
HEx against over pressure and / or raised
pressure test points should be fitted on the inlet minimum pump turn down
and outlet to the FCU to allow the pressure drop distribution of system inhibitor
across the coil to be measured to identify a local heating / chilled water to terminal units
blocked / partially blocked coil.
FCUs are selected throughout the installation to be
fitted with a 3 or 4 port control valve, the sum of the flow
rates providing the minimum required flow rate. The last
terminal in a pipework run is usually selected as this
maximises reduction of stagnant water in the pipework.
Hattersley Hook-Up
1.3.5 Radiators
As radiators rely on natural air convection across the radiator surface to pass the heat
from the water into the room environment, the valve arrangement is relatively simple,
and might include;
Strainers are sometimes added at the main branches; if installed an additional isolation
valve would be required.
Depending on the regime adopted for minimum flow, is it common to see an end of branch
bleed by-pass. The sum of the by-pass flow rates should add up to the minimum required
flow rate.
Drain valves (not shown) are usually installed throughout the system to allow draining of
small sections of the installation.
5. calculate %DFR for the second terminal unit Blocked Impulse Tube
During operation there is no flow, pressure If, after the initial release of water from the upper
transmission being only through the impulse tube; chamber, water continually runs from the impulse tube
therefore the entrance hole is kept deliberately port then there is a leak path between upper and lower
small to prevent ingress of particles into the DPCV chambers, probably a split diaphragm.
As we have discussed, the function of the impulse To check this, you will need to have pressure test
tube is to pass the pressure from the pipework to points in both the flow and return pipework.
the relevant pressure chamber within the DPCV. Any
The Hattersley range of DPCVs and Companion
entrapped air, being a compressible gas, within the
Commissioning Valves have drilled and plugged
impulse tube will affect the response of the DPCV to
bosses that allow pressure test points to be added if
pressure changes.
none are available in the installed pipework.
It is therefore important that the impulse tube is bled of
Take a circuit pressure drop reading between the flow
air to ensure correct DPCV function.
and return pipework and check to see if it is above the
minimum of the DPCV range. Split Diaphragm in DPCV
If below the differential pressure requirements; Also note, that by increasing the resistance
through the sub-circuit to allow the DPCV to
DPCV will remain fully open, not controlling the work within range, additional resistance could
differential pressure and subsequently the flow be added to the pump duty. If the sub-circuit
rate, until a flow rate increase creates a higher is not the system least favoured (index) circuit
differential pressure. The DPCV will then control then increasing resistance may be acceptable,
the differential pressure to its pressure setting. whereas, if it is the least favoured circuit then
additional resistance may not be acceptable.
A common practice is to install additional
resistance to the sub-circuit to raise the If the selected DPCVs minimum control
controlled differential pressure. This can be differential pressure is greater than the actual
done by installing a DRV, preferably in the return sub-circuit differential pressure, the DPCV
pipework or by adding resistance to the least should be changed for another with a lower
favoured terminal unit sub-circuit, ie closing the control range. On larger DPCVs, it may be
commissioning valve which would normally be possible to change just the actuator assembly.
left fully open.
Care must be taken when adding a DRV to Insufficient flow through controlled sub-
increase the sub-circuit resistance as the circuit
additional resistance is only added at design
flow rate. As control valves close and flow rate here are two main reasons that insufficient flow rates
reduces, the additional resistance added by are achieved:
the DRV reduces (see Appendix 2) so the sub-
circuit differential could again fall outside the Insufficient available pump pressure
DPCV control range.
If the pump has been undersized or the variable speed
set too low, then some circuits may suffer from low
flow rates.
If the DPCV is set to its highest differential pressure control setting and the flow rate is not
being achieved, then the differential pressure across the controlled sub-circuit for the design
flow rate is above the maximum setting of the DPCV.
To verify this, whilst monitoring the flow rate, increase the pump speed (or close other
circuits to make more water available for this sub-circuit). If the flow rate does not increase
then the differential pressure that would be created by the design flow rate is higher than the
DPCV maximum setting.
Alternatively, if an isolation valve has been installed in the impulse tube, it can be closed to
‘de-activate’ the DPCV. The DPCV will remain in the fully open position irrespective of system
pressure. If the pump speed is now increased, the flow rate in the sub-circuit should rise to
achieve the DFR. If it does, then the DPCV control range is too low, whereas if it does not
then it indicates that the pump is undersized, or possibly that diversity has been applied so
100%DFR can not be achieved everywhere.
To rectify this, if the DPCV control range was shown to be too low, the DPCV needs to be
changed for another having a higher differential pressure control range.
Usually, for larger DPCVs the control spring assembly (actuator) can be replaced whilst
leaving the valve body in the pipework.
For smaller DPCVs the complete valve will need to be changed as it is not generally possible
to change the control spring assembly.
1.5.2. Hysteresis
Mechanical assemblies like the DPCV actuator assembly include springs, diaphragms etc
that operate differently when under compression or being relaxed: this phenomenon is
known as hysteresis.
If we look at a graph plotting flow rate against differential pressure whilst the DPCV operating
spring is being compressed and then relaxed, we see that for the set DPCV controlled
differential pressure through the circuit the flow rate varies slightly.
To help manage hysteresis, some consultants insist that all DPCVs should be set with the
same pressure conditions, ie on rising (or falling) system pressures only.
In this document we have used the generally accepted term PICV to denote this valve type.
PICVs as a product were used within the industrial process industry for a number of
years before being introduced into Building Services.
Within the Building Services industry they are relatively new, dating back to the 1990s,
although not in common use. Being a valve that moved to Building Services from the
process industries, physical size and cost was prohibitive for use with terminal units,
therefore, the main use was only for larger items of plant.
The move in system design to variable volume created an opportunity for valve
manufacturers to look for pressure control solutions.
Since about 2003 several Building Services manufacturing companies have started to
mass produce PICVs. This has reduced the size as well as the cost.
PICV functions
2.1.1 HOW THE PICV WORKS As the pressure drop within the PICV is being held
constant by the differential pressure controller, whilst Differential Pressure Control setting, the open area around the disk will change
resulting in a change to the flow rate. The new set flow
As the flow rates in the distribution pipework fluctuate rate recreates the constant seat differential pressure
to match demand, the available pressure at individual controlled by the differential pressure controller.
terminal units varies. Without differential pressure Having set a new flow rate, it will stay constant at the
control, this variation in available pressure has the new set value.
effect of changing the flow rate through the terminal
sub-circuit, Commonly, manufacturers publish tables giving flow
ie an increase in pressure gives an increased flow rate. rates at the PICV set positions, or instructions of how
to calculate the set position.
To control these fluctuations in distribution pressure,
PICVs are fitted to individual terminal units.
DESIGN INCORPORATING PICVS Flow Control The actuator fitted to the PICV allows for the flow rate
to be varied controlling the heat output of the terminal.
Although PICVs are generally fitted with actuators For PICVs with an equal percentage disk (see Section
to control the flow rate, they can be used without an 2.1.3) there is a direct relationship between valve open
actuator to act as a constant flow device (CFD) / flow position and heat output, ie valve half open = half heat
regulator (CFR). output – (see Appendix 4).
Generally within Building Services there are two There are various options when considering actuator
methods utilised to regulate the heat output of the selection, these are outlined later in Section 2.5.
terminal unit;
Whilst including an outline of actuators, they are
1. varying water temperature – VT circuit not discussed in any depth in this publication.
Further reading should be obtained from actuator
2. constant temperature – CT circuit manufacturers.
1 - Variations in water temperature are usually
achieved by the use of a 3 port mixing valve. This 2.1.2 SELECTION
allows the water from the return (cooler for a heating
system) to be mixed with the supply water thus Traditionally, control valves are sized using the
reducing the supply water temperature to the terminal calculated pressure drop across the control valve
unit and subsequently reducing heat output. The relative to the pressure drop across the circuit it is
temperature of the ‘mixed’ supply temperature is controlling, this gives a numerical value, referred to as
usually related to the outside temperature, ie warmer its authority.
days require a lower heat output from the terminal.
These circuits are sometimes referred to as ‘weather
compensated’ circuits. For chilled water applications,
the return water temperature will of course be higher,
so when mixed with the supply water the temperature
of the water supplied to the terminal unit will be higher
thus reducing its cooling output.
Control valve circuit
or heating systems, this option is seen commonly
in radiator circuits, whereas for cooling systems, this
option might be used for passive chilled beams. Δp of control valve
control valve authority (N) =
Δp from ‘a’ to ‘b’ including control valve
- The use of a PICV, as with all 2 port control valves,
allows for the variation of the flow rate to vary the heat
output of the terminal unit. The PICV is an integral part This calculation gives a numerical value 0 - 1.0, 1.0
of the control loop. being the highest possible control valve authority.
Thermostat, BMS, terminal unit controller, PICV In essence, they are stepped values that allow valve
selection to give a required pressure drop which
influences the authority value. Because there are
an infinite number of possible Kv values, not every
possible Kv value can be readily available in the
market place. 2 port control valve selection, as with all
control valves, is therefore done on a ‘best fit’ basis.
This means that the control valve authority varies as the selected Kv value varies.
With PICVs however, as the pressure drop across the seat is held constant by the differential
pressure control section within the PICV, then its authority is 1.0, ie the highest possible authority.
Technically, it is slightly lower than 1.0 but near enough to be considered to be 1.0.
When considering PICV authority, it must be remembered that whilst the PICV has near perfect
authority fully open, depending on the flow setting method used in the PICV design, the control
characteristic could be diminished during operation – (see Appendix 6).
Therefore when sizing, as the authority is never an issue, always being 1.0, then valve selection
becomes easy. If the flow rate is within the range of a PICV then its selection is correct.
1. pipework size
2. pressure drop across PICV
3. flow regulating stem travel at design flow rate
1 – Matching pipe size could be a consideration when selecting a PICV. Whilst selection of a smaller
size PICV could offer a saving, the additional cost of pipework changes may be greater.
2 – The minimum pressure required to activate the PICV can vary between sizes, typically about 15 kPa
for smaller sizes increasing to 30 kPa for larger sizes. In some cases this could be a consideration.
An increased pressure drop in the least favoured (index) circuit could increase the whole life running
costs of the system.
3 – Where stem travel is used to regulate the flow rate and the disk design is ‘equal percentage’,
the control characteristic could be affected – (see Appendix 6).
Because of the influence stem travel has on the control characteristic of PICVs designed with an ‘equal
percentage’ disk, if the PICV uses stem travel to regulate the flow rate, then the recommended selection
criteria is to select the valve that can achieve the required flow rate in the most fully open position.
DN25 at position 37.5% open with a pressure The heat output from a terminal unit can be plotted
drop of about 20kPa against the flow rate
Based on the set position, selection of a PICV with Generally, two methods are used to establish a
an equal percentage disk, the DN15 would be the relationship between flow rate and heat output from
preferred selection, ie most open position. the terminal unit:
For PICVs with a linear disk, see Section 2.1.3, the 1. design of the seat / disk arrangement within the
open position becomes irrelevant as the actuator PICV – often referred to as ‘equal percentage’
converts design; shown as =%
the remaining disk travel to a ‘perfect’ control curve.
In practice however, to allow the actuator the best 2. actuator control over the PICV – often referred to
chance to modulate in all positions, selection of the as ‘linear’ design
most open PICV could also be considered good
practice. 1 – The PICV disk is designed to create a ‘mirror’
image of the heat output / flow rate graph of the
We should also, of course, check the pressure drop terminal unit.
across the valve to ensure that we are not imposing
additional resistance. In this case, the DN15 and
DN20 have the same minimum differential pressure
requirement with the DN25 requiring a differential
pressure of 20kPa. Therefore, the DN15 & 20
imposes a slightly higher pressure drop for the same
flow rate, but would probably be cheaper valves,
whereas the DN25 imposes a slightly lower pressure
drop, but would probably be slightly dearer.
If we just considered the functions of the PICV, there are no advantages or disadvantages
to it being installed in the flow or return.
As a general rule, control valves including PICVs do not require straight lengths of
pipework on the valve inlet (upstream) or outlet (downstream). However, it is considered
good practice to have at least a short length of straight pipework on both the inlet and
outlet of the valve to give the control valves a ‘fighting chance’ of performing to its design
We have included the installation of pressure test points (TP) at various positions to
facilitate maintenance, verification of system operation and trouble shooting. Whilst it
could be argued that these are a ‘nice to have but not necessary item’, we have found
their inclusion in systems to be invaluable when the installed system does not appear to
be working as expected!
As PICVs incorporate differential pressure control, flow regulation and flow control,
technically, the only other valves needed are strainers and isolation valves.
Because of the inherent flow regulation and control issues associated with PICVs (see
Sections 2.3 and 2.4), FMD (Flow Measurement Devices) are often fitted in each terminal
sub-circuit – see Section 2.3.1.
AHUs are usually larger terminal units, although strictly speaking they are not terminal
units but heat exchangers, having relatively higher flow rates.
2.2.3 Heat Exchangers (HEx) test points installed in the inlet and outlet of the
strainer and coil to verify change in pressure
Heat Exchangers are used to pass the energy, in the drop. Used for maintenance, if the pressure
form of water temperature, from the primary circuit to drop increases it indicates blocking of the
a secondary circuit. They therefore have a requirement strainer / coil.
for two groups of valve arrangements, primary and
secondary, but will generally be the same. DoC (drain valves) are installed in the inlet and
outlet of the coil to allow back flushing without
the need to flush through the PICV.
Heat exchanger
Valve arrangements could include; The Hattersley Hook-Up manifold assembly would
normally include;
isolation valves in the flushing by-pass and in
the flow and return pipework. The flushing by- isolation in flushing by-pass
pass should be as close as possible to the coil.
isolation in flow and return pipework
test points installed in the inlet and outlet of the
strainer and coil to verify change in pressure strainer in flow (can have integral flushing valve)
drop. Used for maintenance, if the pressure
FMD – Flow Measurement Device
drop increases it indicates blocking of the
strainer / coil. Test points in the inlet and outlet of the coil
to verify a change in pressure drop. Used for
in line with the latest BSRIA Pre-commissioning
maintenance, if the pressure drop increases it
Cleaning of Pipework Systems Guide, BG
indicates blocking of the strainer / coil.
29/2012, we recommend the installation of DoC
(drain valves) on the inlet and outlet of the FCU PICV
coil for back flushing. Small size control valves
restrict the water velocity when carrying out the
coil back flushing process. The addition of a
second DoC in the return pipework between the
coil and the control valve allows back flushing at
full velocity without passing through the control
2.2.5 Radiators
isolation valves in the flushing by-pass and in the Multi-manifold Commissioning Systems are supplied
flow and return pipework. The flushing by-pass in fully insulated boxes, thus removing the requirement
should be as close as possible to the coil to insulate individual pipework components.
However, part of the function of the Commissioning Engineer is to set the circulation pump speed.
Having identified the least favoured (index) PICV, the Commissioning Engineer will set the pump
speed to ensure that this PICV has sufficient pressure available to ensure it is within its working
range. If the least favoured PICV has sufficient pressure available then all other PICVs must have a
greater pressure available, and therefore be within working range.
On larger systems, the least favoured circuit may change position as demand changes, and as
a consequence the PICV control position changes. It would therefore be necessary to set up a
system of pressure sensors to ensure that the pump always delivers enough head (pressure) to
satisfy the ‘new least favoured PICV’.
It would be considered good practice to ‘spot check’ a selection of PICVs throughout the
installation to confirm they are within working pressure range and hence the flow rate is correct.
Being a relatively newly developed product the level of PICV performance, in some cases, has
been questioned. For this reason, in May 2012 BSRIA published BTS1 a ’Test Method for PICVs’ in
an attempt to standardise the manufacturers published data and allow Consultants / Contractors
to make PICV selection based on the actual performance of the combined PICV and actuator
As with conventional Automatic Balancing Valves (ABVs), PICVs could be considered as ‘fit and
forget’ commissioning valves.
It could be argued that as the PICVs are pre-set to the required flow rate and provided that
sufficient pressure is available for them to control the flow rate, then the flow rate will be correct.
As with all mechanical assemblies, the PICV being an assembly of various components including
springs and a rubber diaphragm, the manufacturing tolerances mean that the actual performance
of the finished assemblies will vary.
It is also common for Consultants to specify a requirement for witnessing flow rates at a
percentage of the terminal units.
For these reasons CIBSE and BSRIA recommend that as a minimum, a Flow Measurement
Device (FMD) is installed in the branch pipework. A commissioning set, ie combined FMD + DRV,
is not required as the PICV will absorb additional available pressure, therefore, there is only a
requirement to measure the flow rate and not to regulate.
An alternative approach could be to install FMDs in the sub-circuits as well as the main branch.
FMD on sub-circuits
If individual terminal unit flow rate verification is required, then an FMD should be
installed in each terminal sub-circuit, possibly with an FMDs, also in the sub-circuits
(probably considered too much) and the main branch.
Where individual terminal unit flow rate is required but no FMD is installed on the
individual terminal units but a single FMD is installed in the main branch, it is sometimes
possible to use a ‘subtraction’ method to determine the individual terminal unit flow rates.
With terminal PICVs all set to their design flow rate position (actuator removed or
driven by the BMS to open):
When considering possible problems associated with PICV controlled terminal unit
circuits, we need to be aware that as the PICV is operated by the actuator it could be a
controls issue and not a PICV issue.
To help identify any problems, the actuator should be removed to ensure that it has no
influence over the PICV operation. When measured using integral pressure test points, the differential pressure
across the seat of the valve is measured – see Section 2.
his is the controlled differential pressure that ensures the flow rate remains constant so
will therefore have a fixed value. This will vary between manufacturer’s designs.
If the differential pressure is low when measured, it indicates that insufficient pump
pressure is available at the installed position.
In an existing installation where the pump speed was set to achieve the required
differential pressure across the PICV and consequently the correct design flow rate, if the
pump speed is at the set position and there is insufficient pressure then the problem is
probably not with the PICV.
TROUBLE SHOOTING PICV CIRCUITS When measuring the differential pressure across the inlet and outlet of the PICV,
the pressure should always be greater than the minimum pressure requirement as
specified by the manufacturer.
y ensuring that the differential pressure between ‘P1’ and ‘P3’ is above the minimum
requirement then the ‘P1’ to ‘P2’ requirement has been satisfied.
If this pressure is exceeded, the flow rate could rise above, or fall below, the required set
flow rate.
he available pressure needs to be controlled so that the PICV can operate within its
range, above minimum but below maximum pressures.
If there is a particular branch / area within the installation that is subjected to high
pressures, which may occur at differing times depending on the position of the control
valves and pump speed, a DPCV could be installed in the main branch return pipework
and set to impose a ‘glass ceiling’ for the differential pressure. For instance, the DPCV
could be set to 100kPa where the expected differential pressure in the branch circuit
is 40kPa. By setting to 100kPa differential pressure, the differential pressure is allowed
to fluctuate as the control valves open / close or pump speed changes but will never
exceed the DPCV set value, thus keeping the PICVs within a pre-determined pressure
range, ie minimum to 100kPa.
here close control over the flow rates and consequentially the heat output of the
terminal unit is a consideration, the installation of a DPCV restricts the range of differential
pressure that the PICV works between – see Section 2.4.3.
ecause the PICV depends on springs and diaphragms to control the flow rate,
there will be some variation as available pressure rises and falls.
ICVs will typically best control at low to mid differential pressures and drift as
the pressure continues to rise. This drift could increase or reduce the flow rate.
hen measuring flow rates through terminal units, we therefore need to consider the
differential pressure across the PICV to be able to ‘make a well informed decision’ as
to whether the PICV is controlling the flow rate correctly.
here an individual FMD is installed with each terminal PICV, the actual measured
flow rate would be used to ‘fine tune’ the PICV set position to bring the flow rate into
specification, or closer to the actual required flow rate.
here the Commissioning Engineer relies on the PICV set position to give
the correct flow rate, care should be taken to set it as close as possible to the
required position.
1) Alignment error
2) Parallax errors
Care should be taken to align the set position pointer to ensure the accuracy of the flow rate.
Parallax errors are caused by not viewing the object, in this case the setting pointer and
dial, perpendicularly.
Care should be taken to ensure that the setting pointer / dial is viewed perpendicularly
(at right angle).
s we saw in Section 2.4.3, the flow rate varies as differential pressure across
the PICV varies. It is therefore important to set the valve as close as possible to the
operating conditions.
s the available pressure varies within variable volume design systems, it is difficult
to establish the operating pressure. The BSRIA PICV test method, BTS1, suggests that
when testing actual flow rate against set flow rate then the PICV differential pressure
should be 100kPa.
Other tests identified in BTS1 suggest testing between the manufacturer’s minimum
and 50kPa.
ooking at these suggested differential pressures, setting the flow rate when the PICV
differential pressure is between the minimum and 100kPa would appear to be a ‘preferred’
operating region.
s the pressure variation within PICVs are controlled by a diaphragm and springs, hysteresis
(as with DPCVs) can be an issue.
o remove this issue, some Commissioning Engineers, when setting PICV position,
will always adjust in the same direction, eg always clockwise / always counter-clockwise.
This ensures that the spring is always either in compression or being relaxed when set.
s a habit, I always fully close to check ‘zero’ position and then re-open to required
set position. This ensures that all PICVs are set with the applied spring force in the
same direction.
Depending on the PICV design, small changes in the set position of the PICV when
commissioning can make large % changes to the flow rate. There is not much that can
be done if this is the case except to take extreme care when setting.
For this reason, this section is quite simplistic in its explanation, but we feel will give the
reader an overview of the operation / functions of the actuator.
Before we look at actuators fitted to PICVs we should firstly establish what actuators are.
An actuator is any device that utilises an external energy source to operate the valve.
Actuators used with PICVs in the Building Services Industry will almost definitely be
electric. Modern electronics have allowed for sophisticated functions to be built into
relatively cheap electric actuators.
Actuators receive a drive voltage to move the PICV open position and for modulating
actuators, the relevant control signal voltage from the BMS to position it.
Within Building Services, actuators will generally be 24Vac within control signal of 0 –
10V (see switchable actuator functions).
Actuator selection depends on the terminal units being controlled and the system control
requirements, eg on / off, modulating.
As actuators affect how the PICV will perform, it is important that a ‘suitable’ actuator is
used with the PICV to ensure good control over the heat output of the terminals.
1) Thermo-electric
2) Electro-mechanical
a) on / off
b) 3 point
c) modulating
1) Thermo-electric
hese actuators contain a substance, possibly a wax, with a known thermal expansion
characteristic. A voltage is supplied to a heater element within the actuator, which,
when energised heats the wax. The wax expands forcing the stem of the PICV to move
resulting in a change of water flow rate. Conversely, as the wax cools it contracts allowing
a further change to the flow rate.
2) Electro-mechanical
lectric actuators are driven by the supply voltage to the required position, this change
results in the PICV stem moving to change the water flow rate. The electric actuator
remains in the position it reached when the supply voltage is removed, unlike the thermo-
electric which will cool when the supply voltage is removed resulting in a positional
change of the PICV.
The control function can apply to both thermo-electric and electro-mechanical actuators,
but in our view, better control functions are achieved with electro-mechanical actuators.
There is an initial installed cost penalty for using electro-mechanical actuators over
thermo-electric, but when considering whole life costs, eg life expectancy, system
efficiency; electric actuators would be our recommended option.
a) on / off control
For terminal units that are designed to use heat convection, eg passive chilled
beams, radiant panels etc, simple on / off actuators would be used. This type of
terminal unit is not very responsive to water flow rate changes so there is little or no
point installing a sophisticated control regime.
These actuators drive the PICV fully open / closed only, resulting in full flow or no
flow, ie maximum heat output at full flow and no additional heat output at no flow.
b) 3 point control
These offer more control over the water flow rates than the simple on / off actuators,
as they can be set up to stop in positions between fully open and fully closed. The
supply voltage can be supplied for a calculated time which drives the actuator to the
required position.
If the actuator moves 1mm in 10 seconds, and the total travel is 6mm, by applying
the supply voltage for 30 seconds the actuator will drive the PICV 3mm which is half
its stem travel. This could be considered to give a ‘crude’ modulating control.
c) Modulating control
Actuators with full modulating control should be used on ‘forced air’ terminal units,
ie where a fan is used to force air across a coil to disperse the heat. These would
typically be FCUs, active chilled beams etc.
Terminal units with forced air are very responsive to changes in water flow rates so
the control regime should be more comprehensive than for convector type
terminal units.
Within Building Services the control signal to the actuator from the BMS is usually
0 – 10V, although, through the 80s and 90s a 4 – 20mA control signal was common.
Some actuators have switchable control signal inputs between voltage and mA.
Usually, actuators are supplied configured so that 0V gives the PICV a fully open
position, and 10V a fully closed position.
As electronics have developed it has allowed for sophisticated functions to be built into
relatively cheap actuators.
each time the actuator is powered, the actuator drives the PICV fully closed and
then opens to establish the actual stroke length of the PICV
actuator exercises the PICV when it has been in the same position for an
extended time.
Appendix 1 – Cavitation
This explanation is intended to give a basic overview of
the condition of cavitation and not a full thermodynamic
Cavitation is a common problem in pumps and control valves causing serious wear and
damage. Cavitation dramatically reduces the life expectancy of the product.
Cavitation is the rapid formation and collapse (implosion) of vapour bubbles. Vapour
bubbles should not be confused with pockets of air in systems, eg tops of risers or in
radiators etc.
As the system pressure or temperature changes the ability of the water to retain
dissolved air changes. As the pressure falls or temperature rises, air is released in
the form of air bubbles. The ability of water to retain dissolved air is explained by
Henry’s Law.
… at a constant temperature the amount of dissolved gas is directly
proportional to pressure …
Henry’s Law
Another associated problem caused by falling pressures is a change in the ‘state’ of the
water, ie liquid changing to steam.
Water changes state when the pressure falls below its vapour pressure.
The vapour pressure of water will depend on the temperature and water make-up,
ie water plus additives.
Cavitation and flashing to steam occurs where there are sudden drops in pressure; the
main cause of this is an increase in water velocity. In pumped circulation systems this
is mainly at pump inlets and control valves but can occur wherever there are pressure
drops in the system.
If we consider a control valve, of which the PICV is one, as the water passes through the
PICV there is an increase in water velocity due to the reduction in open area for the water
to pass through.
It can be seen that as the water passes through the pipework into the reducer and
control valve the water velocity increases and as the water exits, the velocity reduces
back to the original velocity (assumes the same size pipework on the inlet and outlet).
At the same time as the water velocity is increasing, the total pressure available is
reducing. Note that the pressure, unlike the water velocity, never returns to the inlet
pressure as there is a pressure loss through the valve, ie energy is used for the water to
flow through the valve.
The point where the lowest pressure occurs is referred to as the ‘vena contracta’ and
surprisingly occurs after, not at, the greatest reduction in open area that the water passes
As the mixture of water and released vapour bubbles pass through the control valve
outlet the velocity decreases causing the pressure to rise. This rise in pressure causes
the air bubbles to implode, creating noise and pitting in the valve, which, if left for a
period of time can cause valve failure.
A ‘change of state’ (flashing) will occur if the total pressure available drops below the
vapour pressure.
Below the vapour pressure, water changes to steam (change of state). As steam
occupies a greater volume than the water, it causes the pressure to rise and hence
the steam to change back to water (change of state). This change of state,
ie liquid gas liquid, will continue to occur as the total system pressures
change above / below the vapour pressure.
The pressure drop is often referred to as the differential pressure or delta p. As the
symbol for delta is Δ, the symbol for differential pressure becomes Δp.
h1 q1 where h1 = initial pressure in kPa
= h2 = new pressure in kPa
h2 q2
q1 = flow rate in l.s-1
q2 = new flow rate in l.s-1
h2 = h 1 x
It can be seen that the differential pressure increases / decreases to the square of the
increase / decrease in flow rate, ie q1& q2.
If the flow rate increases by 10% from 0.150l.s-1 to 0.165l.s-1 and the original pressure
drop was 22kPa, what is the pressure drop at the new flow rate?
that is Δp2 = original Δp1 x (new flow rate / original flow rate)2
Δp = 22 x (0.165/0.150)2
Δp = 22 x 1.12
Δp = 22 x 1.21 = 26.62kPa
Although Kirchhoff’s work relates to electrical circuits, his Laws apply equally to the flow
of liquids, in our case, water.
Kirchhoff’s Law that applies to pressure drops in pipework is his Second Law which states;
Although flow rates may be different and coil and control valve pressure drops may also differ
in each of the circuits, the total pressure drops through each circuit must be the same.
By installing a balancing valve, like the Hattersley Fig1732 FODRV, the pressure drops and
consequently the % flow rates can be balanced against each other.
The power emitted from the terminal can be calculated using the formula;
velocity of air
In constant temperature (CT) circuits, control over the heat emitted from the terminal unit
is achieved by keeping the supply water temperature constant and changing the flow rate.
If we plot percentage heat output against percentage flow rate to produce a heat output
characterise curve, it will look something like this;
Traditionally, Δt is about 11K for oil and gas fired boiler systems but with the new
sustainable heat sources, solar / ground source heat pumps etc, Δt is moving towards 20
to 30K.
If we look at the typical curve, we will see that for a heat output of 50% the required flow
rate is only about 20%.
Because heating systems are being designed with greater Δt values, if we plot heat
output against flow rates at various Δt values, the resultant curves will look something like
Renard also devised finer series, with other series being added Charles Renard
subsequently. (1847 - 1905)
1.0 / 1.25 / 1.6 / 2.0 / 2.5 / 3.15 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.3 / 8.0
10 / 12.5 / 16 / 20 / 25 / 31.5 / 40 / 50 / 63 / 80
This means that the company can cover all requirements with the least possible
variations, giving an acceptable differential pressure change between sizes.
Of course, Preferred Number sequences are not only related to the engineering industry.
Within the UK, our monetary values follow a Preferred Number sequence;
Systems, both constant and variable volume design, are commissioned at full flow,
ie at full design flow rate, often referred to as 100%DFR (Design Flow Rate).
Valves, commissioning and control, are sized based on the full design flow rate.
During operation the control valve open position will be changed in response to
commands from the BMS (Building Management System).
To enable the BMS to have control over the flow rate via the control valve,
the control characteristic of the control valve must be known.
Control valve manufacturers design their valve combinations, control valve plus
actuator, to a known control characteristic.
There are two circumstances that change the characteristic of the control valve;
1 - The control valve will perform to its control characteristic when the distribution
pipework pressures remain constant.
Within Variable Volume systems we know that as control valves open and close
throughout the system, the distribution pipework pressures fluctuate. These changing
pressures undermine the control valve control characteristic, which changes the
relationship between valve open position, flow rate and terminal unit heat output.
For instance, when the BMS command to the control valve is for 50% heat output from
the terminal unit, the control valve will close to a corresponding position, possibly about
20% flow rate depending on the actual design of the control valve.
If the control characteristic is changed, then the corresponding valve position changes
for the revised heat output requirement.
It follows that when the BMS command is for 50% heat output, the control valve
closes to the position corresponding to a flow rate that would give 50% heat output,
but because the control valve characteristic has been changed the control valve could
allow a higher, or lower, flow rate than required for 50% heat output.
For heating, a higher flow rate through the terminal unit gives a higher heat output
therefore the room temperature remains too high and for chilled water, the room
temperature remains too low. The BMS will again sense the room temperature and
command the control valve to close to another position to further reduce the flow rate
with the corresponding reduction in heat output.
DPCVs are installed within systems to protect control valves from pressure fluctuations in
distribution pipework. PICVs, having a built in pressure controller, are ‘self ‘protecting.
2 – For PICVs designed with an equal percentage (=%) disk, where the stem of the valve
is used to regulate the flow rate during the commissioning process, the total amount of
stem travel for flow control is reduced resulting in a change to the valve characteristic.
In our example the original design control characteristic was based on full stem
travel of 6mm.
Now, in operating conditions the travel is reduced to 4mm and the control characteristic
has been changed. As a consequence of this change, the relationship between valve
open position, flow rate and terminal unit heat output changes.
Control characteristic
Systems where the control valve characteristic has been changed results in poor control over
the indoor climate with fluctuating room temperatures. They are inefficient with increased
running costs and could create unacceptable environmental (room space) conditions.
Control Valves designed with a ‘linear’ design control characteristic and fitted with an
equal percentage (=%) control actuator, will always have the correct design control
characteristic irrespective of set position, including part load conditions.
The characteristic is dictated by the design of the control valve or by the control valve and
actuator assembly.
Those control valves using an equal percentage disk design can be fitted with a relatively
simple linear actuator.
Control valves with a linear design disk need to be fitted with an actuator that converts the
linear characteristic of the valve to an equal percentage characteristic.
Both designs are used in the Building Services industry for control valves. It is important
that this is fully understood as the combined control valve / actuator assembly dictates
system efficiency.
The term ‘equal percentage’ refers to the relationship between the valve open position and
the flow rate.
For every percentage the valve opens, say from 30% to 40% open, the result is an increase
in the flow rate by a constant percentage, eg if the flow rate is 1.0l/s at 30% open at 40%
open the flow rate might be 1.7l/s, an increase of 70%. If the valve is opened from 60% open
to 70% open, another 10% increase in open position, the result is also an increase in flow
rate by 70% - hence equal percentage.
From a fully closed position, any opening of the valve results in a relatively small increase in
flow rate, whereas when the valve is nearing fully open, small opening movements result in
relatively large increases in flow rate.
=% curve
We can create an equal percentage characteristic curve for our example by plotting an
increase of 70% in flow rate for every 10% increase in valve open position.
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ISSUE 2 5. 2019
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