dampers and registers will add static pressure to the system, which then reduces the airflows. Howev- er, maintaining an artificially high static pressure in a system is a waste of energy. Before adjusting the dampers, the technician should reduce the motor speed via a variable frequency drive or the speed controller on an electronically commutated motor. After the system global static is set, the dampers and registers can be adjusted to regulate the air distribu- tion to different zones and rooms.
Understanding the TAB
The completed certified TAB report, which typ- ically follow National Environmental Balancing Bureau standards, is typically sent to the engineer of record, the building owner and a commissioning agent. Upon receipt of the completed testing and bal- FIGURE 3: A differen- For example, during the design review, a balanc- ancing report, the design team will review it to veri- tial pressure sensor is a ing technician may discover issues that can hinder fy that the HVAC systems are operating as designed. key part of any testing, proper balancing, such as inadequate duct sizing or There are many circumstances in which the testing adjusting and balancing improperly located diffusers. The reviewer may dis- and balancing reports indicate that the system did kit. Courtesy: Fitzemey- cover a lack of accessibility to the equipment that not achieve the design parameters. er & Tocci Associates, could lead to the addition of access panels or equip- It is incumbent upon the balancing technicians Inc. ment relocation. Identifying issues at this stage to provide an explanation of the issue and what cor- allows for early corrective measures and prevents rective actions were invoked in the field to rectify complications later in the balancing process. the issue. If they cannot resolve the imbalance, the • Airflow measurements: Accurate airflow mea- expectation is that the engineer of record will pro- surements are critical for determining the existing vide a solution. The on-site investigation typical- air distribution in the HVAC system. Technicians ly involves the balancing technician and the system use a variety of tools, including flow hoods, ane- control integration specialist. Insights u csemag.com mometers and pitot tubes, to measure airflow rates at different points within the system. The goal is for the system testing performance data to be within the design parameters specified in the Airflow measurements are taken at supply air out- project documents (typically plus or minus percent TAB insights lets, return air inlets, diffusers, grilles and other crit- of the design value). Large discrepancies between the TAB u reports provide crucial information about ical locations. The data collected provides valuable design and installed systems are obvious by reviewing HVAC system performance insights into airflow patterns, which help identify the TAB report and stand out as items to be correct- and discrepancies from necessary adjustment areas. ed. The experienced reviewer will not only be looking design parameters. • Equipment inspection: During the balancing at the information for compliance between the test- Balancing u technicians play a critical role in HVAC process, technicians thoroughly inspect all compo- ing and balancing report and design documents, but system optimization. They nents of the HVAC system to ensure they are in good also looking for the less obvious patterns to determine require expertise in airflow working condition. This includes examining fans, if there are hidden installation issues that may create dynamics, system design and the use of specialized coils, filters, dampers and other relevant parts. system component failures in the future or limit mod- testing equipment. Through If any equipment is found to be malfunctioning or ification/expansion of the system. This is where an precise measurements and analysis, technicians damaged, it is repaired or replaced by the mechan- experienced engineer’s review is invaluable. can adjust dampers, fans ical contractor before proceeding with the balanc- and other components to ing process. Access is key to maintaining equipment Electric motors achieve desired airflow rates and temperature which will extend the useful life and maintain higher One of the most common bits of information the distribution. efficiency. engineer reviews is motor data. The reason to high-