What Engineers Need To Know About Testing and Balancing

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W, David Bevirt, P .E.

Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE

INTRODUCTION Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrii­

eration Systems
Heating, ventilating, and air-conditionina (Hv'AC) Associated Air Balance Council (AABC), 1989-Natio­
systems, as we know them today, were not installed urHil nal Standards for Testing and Balanci11g Heating,
after World War II. Prior to this, except for some very Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems
large buildings (such as auditoriums, department stores, National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB),
large theaters, and a few high-rise buildings), most com­ 1991-Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjust­
mercial and institutional buildings, such as hospitals, ing, Balancing of Environmental Systems
schools, and offices, were heated with steam or hot water Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National
cast iron radiators. Some had mechanical ventilation. Association (SMACNA), 1993-HVAC Systems­
systems; few, if any, had refrigerated cooling. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing manual
Later, as architects began using more glass in sealed
buildings, HYAC system design engineers sought new NATIONAL RECOGNIZED TAB PROGRAMS
equipment and systems to cope with the changing loads and
ventilation requirements. The HYAC systems became more In addition to effective procedural standards, trained
complicated. to design, install, and operate, and most did personnel were needed who could provide professional and
not fully satisfy the comfort of the occupants when put into accurate TAB work for the HYAC industry. This led to the
operation. establishment of several nationally and/or internationally
Although carefully designed, factors such as job recognized TAB agencies with certified TAB programs at
conditions, substituted equipment, variations in workman­ the supervisory or technician level. There are also state or
ship, and changing load conditions created a requirement local TAB programs that are accepted by specifying
that the air and bydronic systems bad to be tested and authorities in the areas of operation.
balanced in order for the HY AC system to operate satisfac­ AABC and NEBB have certified TAB programs that
torily. Unfortunately, most testing and balancing work was operate internationally at the supervisory level. The Nation­
haphazard and poorly executed, creating a need for trained al Training Fund (NTF) of the sheet metal industry has a
testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) personnel who certified TAB technician program available in the United
could provide professional and accurate TAB work for the States. All of these programs have guarantees or warranties
HYAC industry. that ensure on-the-job performance of its member firms or
technicians. Details of the programs vary, but all were
TAB STANDARDS established to improve the quality of TAB work and the
resultant reports received by the HY AC system design
Today, HYAC system· design engineers have several engineer. It is most important to note that the experience
recognized industry procedural standards or guidelines to levels, training, and testing of all TAB personnel in these
use when writing TAB specifications for each project. programs have been documented, and only qualified perfor­
These standards or guidelines, which contain TAB proce­ mance will allow them to keep their certifications.
dures or practices, vary in format, content, and data. But
all provide proven and reliable information for use in field
testing and the reporting of test results that are accurate
within the stated limitations. Publications available to
All of the TAB standards or publications listed above
HV AC system engineers on TAB procedures and practices
contain sample TAB specifications. A composite of these
include the following:
sample specifications may be written into project specifica­
ANSl/ASHRAE 111-1988, Practices for Measurement, tions; most often they are referenced by name. Specifica­
Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Building tions should provide complete information to do the job.

W. David Bevirt is technical director for the National Environemental Balancing Bureau, Tucson AZ.

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 705

Some HVAC system design engineers do not provide
detailed information on fan capacity selection and they do
not show balancing devices (such as valves and dampers) on
the project drawings. In addition, duct system air leakage
may be overlooked. For example, the amount of HV AC
system air leakage can be predicted by using data from
Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2 (ASHRAE 1989). The calcu­
lated amount of air leakage should be added to the selected
fan capacity and so noted either in the specifications or on
the drawings. This allows the TAB technician to more
easily verify actual system conditions, and the originally
installed fan drives should still be able to be used after
completion of the TAB work. Many fan drives, fan motors,
and electrical services to the fans have had to be changed
because duct system air leakage was ignored by the system


Regardless of who is responsible for the TAB work, STATIC PRESSURE (Op), in of waler
the contract for the HVAC systems TAB work should be
awarded before the project construction actually begins.
Figure 1 Duct leakage classifications1•
This allows the TAB firm to review the projects HV AC
system drawings and make a schematic drawing (NEBB

1991) similar to that in Figure 2, which shows system
details including balancing devices. A similar schematic
drawing should be made for more complicated hydronic Duct Leakage Classification 1

systems (i.e., when multiple radiation and fan-coil units and

risers are used). The absence of balancing devices and/or
Class (CL)
Predicted Leakage
glaring system deficiencies should become apparent at this
'fype Duct Sealedb,c Unsealed<

Me1al (Flexible Excluded)

During HV AC system installation, on-site job inspec­
tions should determine whether all balancing devices have Round and O val 3 30
been installed and are accessible. Equipment shop drawings (6 to 70)
should be reviewed and preliminary data entered on the
, � 2in. of water 12 48
TAB test report forms. (both positive and negative pressures) (12to 110)
> 2and �10 in. of water 6 48
SYSTEM DEFICIENCIES (both positive and negative pressures) (12 to 110)

There are three major deficiencies that can develop in Flexible

Metal, Aluminum 8 30
HVAC duct systems and some additional ones in HV AC (12 to 54)
hydronic systems. Some inadvertently may be designed into Nonmetal 12 30
the systems by the design engineer and others may be (4 10 54)

Fibrous Glass
created by the system installers. All create problems for the
TAB firm and everyone else involved.
Rectangular 6 NA
In air systems, the problems are Round 3, NA

• duct air leakage, •The leakage classes listed in this table arc averages e
based on tests cond u ct d by

Leakage classes listed arc not necessaril y recommendations on allowable leakage.


The designer should determine allowable leakage and pecify acceptable duct leakage
• system effect, and
• excessive fitting pressure drops. s

leakage classes listed in the scaled category arc based on the a.ssumptions that

for metal ducts all t ransvcrsc joints, scams, and openings in the duct wall arc scaled
b The
In addition to fan selection, another problem with duct
at pressures over 3 inches of water, Lhal transverse joints-and lon gitudinal scams arc
sealed at 2 and 3 inches of water, and that transverse joi n ts arc scale d below 2 inches
leakage is that many HVAC system designers specify a
maximum of 1 % air leakage from systems in the 4 in. to 6 of wam. Lower leakage classes arc obtained by careful selection of joints and seal·

c Leakage classes assigned anticipate about 2S joints per 100 linear foot of duct. For
ing methods.
in. w.g. (1,000 to 1,500 Pa) pressure classification for duct
construction. When fully sealed round ductwork of leakage
systems with a high fitting to straight duct ratio, greater kMkagc occurs in both the
class 3, the lowest leakage class from Table 1 (ASHRAE scaled and unscaled conditions.

706 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Leakage as a Percentage of Airflow•·b ·

Leakage cfm/ft1
Static Pressure, in. of water

0.5 1
(see Note
c) 2 3 4 6

48 2 15 24 38 49 59 77
2.5 12 19 30 39 47 62
3 10 16 25 33 39 51
4 7.7 12 19 25 30 38
5 6.1 9.6 15 20 24 31

24 2 7.7 12 19 25 30 38
2.5 6.1 9.6 15 20 24 31
3 5.1 8.0 13 16 20 26
4 3.8 6.0 9.4 12 15 19
5 3.1 4.8 7.5 9.8 12 15

12 2 3.8 6 9.4 12 15 19
2.5 3.1 4.8 7.5 9.8 12 15
3 2.6 4.0 6.3 8.2 9.8 13
4 1.9 3.0 4.7 6.1 7.4 9.6
5 1.5 2.4 3.8 4.9 5.9 7.7

6 2 1.9 3 4.7 6.1 7.4 9.6

2.5 1.5 2.4 3.8 4.9 5.9 7.7
3 1.3 2.0 3.1 4.1 4.9 6.4
4 1.0 1.5 2.4 3.1 3.7 4.8
5 0.8 1.2 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.8

3 2 1.0 1.5 2.4 3.1 3.7 4.8

2.5 0.8 1.2 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.8
3 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2
4 0.5 0.8 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.6
5 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.9

2 2 0.5 1.0 l.4 1.7 2.0 2.4
2.5 0.4 0.8 1.4 l.6 2.0
3 0.3 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.6
4 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2
5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0

1.5 2 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8

2.5 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 l.2 1.5
0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2
4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9
5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

l . 2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 l.O 1.2

2.5 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6

•Adapted with permission from HVAC Air Duer leakage Tes/ Manuul (SM AC NA
5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5
pressure class should be evaluall!d independen1ly to arrive ar an aggregatl!
1985, Appendix A). leakage for lhe system.

�The ratios in this column are rypical or fan volume flow rate divided b}' total
Perccntagc applies lo the airflow entering a single section of duct operating al an
assumed pressure equal LO the average of lhe upstream and downstream pressures. sysrc:m surface. Por rions or the syscems may vary from these averages.
When several duct pressure classifications occur in a system, ductwork in each

1992) is used, an average HVAC system with an air­ effect can be calculated using tables and charts in Fans and
flow/duct surface ratio of 3 cfm/ft2 (15 L/s·m 2) of duct Systems (AMCA 1990) or HVAC Systems-Duct Design
surface will leak 1.6% at a 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa) average (SMACNA 1990) after a visual inspection is made of the
pressure or 2.0% at a 3 in. w.g. (750 Pa) average pressure, fan/duct system connections. Very poor fan-system connec­
as indicated in Table 2. tions can derate the capacity of the fan by as much as1 in.
With totally sealed rectangular ductwork (leakage class w.g.(250 Pa). The effects of system effect (Bevirt 1992) on
6), the percentages increase to 3.1% and 4.1% respective­ , �fan-system curve are shown in Figure 3.
ly. What is obvious in a review of Table2 is that the larger Job-site conditions cause many changes in the way
the duct system and/or the higher the internal duct pressure, HV AC duct systems are installed. Beams that were not
the greater the air leakage will be, even in the best totally taken into account by the system designer, piping and
sealed systems. Under these conditions, there is no way that conduits already installed that must be avoided, on-the-site
the TAB technician can verify a 1% maximum duct leak­ changes by the owner-all can add duct fittings that increase
age. the system total pressure loss above that originally calculat­
The basic problem of system effect (Bevirt 1992) is that ed. Even without these additions, when turning vanes have
it cannot be measured in the field by TAB technicians. It been left out of 90° mitred elbows or every other vane has
may be designed inadvertently into an air system or it may been left out of the vane rails, the installed system pressure
occur as a result of job site conditions. However, system loss will be higher. Also, depending on the system layout,

ASH RAE Transactions: Symposia 707

-400 CFM EA.­
(200 Ifs)
1200 CFM (600 Its) -200 CFM EA.­
800 fpm (4 mis) (100 Its) FD
tr;:\ I?\ aA\
20" x 12" � � w
(500 x 300 mm) 1800 CFM
(900 Ifs)

20" x 12" 1200 CFM (600 Ifs)

(500 x 300 mm)· 800 fpm (4 mis)
1800 CFM (900 Its)

-200 CFM EA.­ 1200 fpm (6 mis)

3rd FL.
(100 Ifs) 18" x 12"
(450 x 300 mm)
-400 CFM EA.­
1200 CFM (600 Its)
(200 Ifs)
2400 CFM (1200 Its)
1200 fpm (6 mis) 800 fpm (4 mis) @ @
-200 CFM EA.­
(100 Ifs)
28" x 12"
(700 x 300 mm)
20" x 12"
(500 x 300 mm) 1800 CFM
(900 Its)

PT 20" x 12" 1200 CFM (600 Ifs)

(500 x 300 mm) 800 fpm (4 mis)
-200 CFM EA.­ 3600 CFM (1800 Its)
(100 Its) 1 200 fpm (6 mis)
-400 CFM EA.­
36" x 13"
(200 Its)
1200 CFM (6C J l/s)
(900 x 325 mm)
4800 CFM (2400 Its) t2r
1425 fpm (7.2 mis) 800 fpm (4 rn/s) � -200 CFM EA.­
(100 Its)

30" x 18"
@ @ @ @)
(750 x 250 mm) 1800 CFM
(900 Its)

. 20" x 12" 1200 CFM (600 l/s)

PT (500 x 200 mm) 800 fpm (4 mis) �

-200 CFM EA.­
1st FL (100 Ifs) 5400 CFM (2700 lis)

1200 fpm (6 mis)

7200 CFM (3600 Its)
1600 fpm (8 mis) S. FAN NO. 1 35" x 20"
(675 x 500 mm)

30" x 26"
(750 x 650 mm) PT
5400 CFM
ATC (2700 Ifs)
ATC_ Temp. Control Damper
FD - Fire Damper
VD - Volume Damper 5400 CFM
PT_ Pitot Tube Traverse Point (2700 Ifs)

Figure 2 Schematic duct system layour.

708 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

piping, or by an inadequate available net positive suction

CURVES head (NPSHA). Again, visual inspections could indicate that

a problem might exist before the system is ready for the
,,,- - - - ......_ CALCULATED DUC T SYSTEM

....,_ WITH NO ALLOWANC E Line-sized control valves, usually selected by the
' OR SYSTEM E FFECT mechanical contractor, may make the piping installation
easier. However, using these generally oversized valves
,,\ .-- SYSTEM EFFECT L OSS does-not take into consideration the problems that may

<'�r:::�·�:-�,..·i.�.-· �·-.-:--t�i�i
AT DESIGN VOLUME develop due to the shutoff pressure of the pump or the

capacity of the valve with the pressures found at the lowest
� P.::. ,...
·': i" ;_ :
I- 3 (
design operating speed of variable-volume system pumps.
· • ·


EF.�E..cm�T II

<n ·),SYSTEM.

Noise from air circulating in the piping, water hammer,


.. . . .
FAN CATALO G and expansion noises also may create problems, but short­
VOLtJME; '!.:
� • AQJUA� Rl-O'fV1.
a. circuiting is the problem that seems to bother TAB techni­
(!) ,,. / :
z •"

cians the most. Short-circuiting may be inherent in the
,. /.';�,-, d::>E�l. QIEN_T'

•• •

• • •
. ·
\ system design or it may develop because of the way the

o · �
':\ :.�� �� � MP: C
system and equipment were installed. Under these condi­
tions, the HVAC system design engineer and the TAB
I technician should work together to solve the problem.

Figure 3 Effects of system effecf. TAB PROCEDURES

Industry-accepted procedures for testing, adjusting, and

partial closing of balancing dampers in routine TAB work balancing air and hydronic HVAC systems generally contain
may add even more system pressure to what the fan must guidance for addressing the deficiencies described above,
overcome. Example C.2 in ANSIIASHRAE 111-1988 plus many others. Some TAB procedures are more "trial
illustrates how only one fitting around a beam without and error" and others are more systematic, depending on
turning vanes can create a·pressure loss of over 2 in. w.g. the size and complexity of the systems. All accomplish the
(500 Pa) at a nominal velocity of 2,000 fpm (10 mis). goal of ± 10% of the design flow rates when accurately
Visual inspections by the HVAC system design engineer reported by competent TAB personnel.
and/or the TAB firm during the installation of the HVAC Often, TAB firms are asked to start the TAB work
system could discover similar potential problems before before the building has been completed and the HVAC
they are covered up. system installation finalized. Automatic dampers and valves
In HVAC hydronic systems, some major problems that may be wired into set positions, temperature controls may
may be found are not be operating, ceiling plenums may have not been
completed, etc. To pursue the TAB work at .this time is not
• air binding or air lock, practical and is an injustice to everyone involved.
• pump cavitation, Actual performance of the systems, as determined from
• oversized control valves, and the TAB field measurements, most often will vary from
• short-circuiting. design conditions. These differences may be explained when
duct air leakage, system effect, extra fittings, equipment
When sufficient air collects in the high points of a substitutions, and ambient conditions are considered. The
piping system or in coils of HVAC units, it causes flow test reports from the TAB firm should accurately verify the
stoppage and all heating/cooling transfer is halted. This can conditions found at the time of the testing. It is up to the
be a common problem with severe ramifications when HVAC system design engineer to make an analysis of the
working with newly filled, closed systems where automatic data, based on the above variants, if the data in the test
venting has not been installed at these high points. Often, reports exceed ± IO% . When this happens, it usually is a
shortly after air is vented from one problem area, another system design or installation problem and not a "lousy job"
venting problem develops somewhere else in the system. by the TAB firm.
Valuable and expensive time can be wasted by TAB
technicians who spend their time and efforts attempting to TAB TEST INSTRUMENTS
balance a system under these intermittent flow conditions.
Visual inspections and the use of system schematics may Test instruments used by TAB technicians for data
locate some of these problem areas before the TAB work measurement of airflow, water flow, rotation, temperature,
begins. and electrical current are constantly being improved. Test
Pump cavitation may be caused by undersized fittings, instruments (NEBB 1991) listed 'in Tables 3 through 6 have
the wrong type of strainers being installed in the suction proved to be reliable and accurate. Most TAB stan!;lards and

ASH RAE Transactions: Symposia 709

Airflow Measuring lnstruments

U-11.JBE Measuring pressure of air and gas above 1.0 in.w.g. (250 Manome1er should be clean and used wilh correcl
MANOMETER Pa) fluid.
Measuring low manifold gas pressures Should not be used for readings under one inch of
differenlial pressure.

VERTICAL Measuring pressure of air and g11s above .02 in.w.g. (5 Pa) Field calibration and leveling is required before each

determinalion of sta1ic, total, and velocity pressures in

INCLINED Normally used wilh pitot tube or slatic probe for use.
MANOMETER For extremely low pressures, a micromanometer or
duct systems. some other sensitive inslrument should be used for
maximum accuracy.

MICRO- Measuring very low pressures or velocities. Because some instruments utilize a time weighted
MANOMETER average for each reading, it is difficull lo measure
(ELECTRONIC) Used for calibration of other instrumentation. pressures with pulsations.

PITOTTI.JBE Used with manometer for determination of total, static Accuracy depends on uniformily of flow and
and velocity pressures. completeness of duct traverse.
Pilot tube and tubing must be dry, clean and free of
leaks and sharp bends or obstructions.

PRESSURE Used with static probes for determination of static Readings should be made in midrange of scale.
GAUGE pressure or static pressure differential. Should be "zeroed" and held in same posilion.
(MAGNEHELIC) Should be checked against known pressure source wilh
each use.

ANEMOMETER Measurement of velocilies al air terminals, air inlets, and Total inlet area of rotating vane must be in measured
ROTATING VANE filler or coil banks. airflow.
(MECHANICAL Correction factors may apply, refer to manufacturer
AND dala.

ANEMOMETER Measuremenl of velocities at air terminals and air inlets. Inslrumenls should not be used in exlreme
DEFLECTING lemperalure or contaminaled condilions.

ANEMOMETER Measuremenl of low velocilies such as room air currenls Care should be taken for proper use of inslrument
THERMAL and airflow al hoods, lroffers, and olher low velocity probe.
apparalus. Probes are subjecl lo fouling by dusl and corrosive air.
Should not be used in flammable or explosive
Temperature corrections may apply.

FLOW Measuremenl of air distribulion devices directly in CFM Flow measuring hoods should 'nol be used where lhe
MEASURING (l/s) discharge velocities of the terminal devices are
HOOD excessive.
Flow measuring hoods redirect lhe normal pallern of
air diffusion which creates a slight, arlificially imposed,
pressure drop in the duct branch.
Capture hood used should provide a uniform velocity
profile al sensing grid or device.

guidelines do not preclude the use of new technology and Accuracy in preparing the final report forms is impor­
instrumentation as long as they· have proved to be as tant to:
accurate as or more accurate than those test instruments
described. 1. provide a permanent record of system operating
conditions after the last adjustments have been made,
TAB REPORTS AND ACCEPTANCE 2. confirm that prescribed procedures have been followed,
3. serve as a reference that can be used by the owner for
The following reporting procedures are from ANSI/ maintenance, and
ASHRAE 111-1988. 4. provide the designer with a system operational check
TAB personnel should use a logical approach in and serve as an aid in diagnosing problems.
preparing forms and recording data. All entries will not be
required in every situation. Many excellent forms have been All TAB report forms should include identification of
developed by various associations but are available for use the project, system/unit, location date, technician, page
by their members only. number, and remarks. In addition to the equipment and

710 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

Hydronic Measuring lnstruments2


U-TUDE Measuring pressure drops th roug h heat exchange Manometer should be clean and used with correct
MANOMETER e quipmen t , orifices, and venturis. fluid.
Use collecting safety reservoirs on each side of a
mercury manometer to prevent discharge of mercury
into hydronic system, which can cause rapid

deterioration of any copper it touches in the system.
Should not be used for readings under one in.w.g.
Pa) of differential pressure.

and/or piping.
PRESSURE Static p essu re measurements or system equipment Pressure gauges should be selected so the pressures to
GAUGE be measured fall in the middle two-thirds or the scale
Gauge should not be exposed lo pressures grenler than
or less than dial range.
Pressures should be applied slowly to prevent severe
strain and possible loss of accuracy of gauge.

equ ipm ent and /or p ip ing.

PRESSURE Differential pressure measurements or system Same as pressure gauge.

FLOW Used to obtain highly accurate measurement of Must be used in accordance with recommendations of
MEASURING volume flow rates in fluid systems. equipment manufacturer.

Rotation Measuring lnstruments2


REVOLUTION Contact measurement of rotating equipment speed. Requires direct contact of rotating shaft.
Musi be used in conjunction with accurate timing

CHRONOMETRIC Contact measurement or rotating equipment speed. R equires direct contact of rotating shaft.

CONTACT Contact measurement or rotating and linear speeds. Requires direct contact of rotating shaft or device to
TACHOMETER be measured.

ELECTRONIC Non-contact measurement of rotating equipment. Readings must be started at lower end of scale to

r pm.
TACHOMETER avoid reading multiples (or harmonics) of the actual

OPTICAL Non-contact measurement of rotating equipment. Musi be held close to object and at correct angle.
Rotating device must use reflective markings.

DUAL FUNCTION Contact or non-contact measurement of rotating Same as optical tacho me ter.
TACHOMETER equipment and linear speeds.

system TAB report forms and schematic diagrams, the g. Report date
report should contain the following pages and information h. Signature of TAB firm person who approved
as applicable. report
2. Summary comments
1. Title page a. Design versus final performance
a. Name and address of TAB firm b. Notable characteristics of system
b. Project name c. Description of system operation sequence
c. Location d. Summary of outdoor and exhaust flows to indicate
d. Architect amount of building pressurization
e. Engineer 3. Nomenclature sheet
f, Contractor a. Codes for boxes, reheat coils, terminals, etc., with

ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia 711

Temperature Measuring Instruments


GLASS Measurement of Lcmperalures of air and fluids Ambient conditions may impact measurement of fluid
TUBE temperature.
TI!E RMOMETERS Glass Lube thermometers require immersion in fluid or

Some applications prohi bi t use of instruments conta in ing

adequate test wells.

mercury within the work area.

DIAL Measurement of lcmperalures of air and fluid s. Ambicnl cond it i ons may impact measurement of fluid
1HERMOMETERS tempera lure.

to record acc urate m eas uremen t .

Stem or bulb must be immersed a sufficient distance in fluid

Time Ing of measurement is r elatively long.

TI!ERMOCOUPLE Measurement of surface temperatures of pipes Surface temperatures of piping and duel may nol equal
llIERMOMETERS and duels. fluid temperature within due Lo thermal conductivily of
materi al.

Use ins tr.um enl within recommended range.

ELECTRONIC Measurement of temperatures of air and fluids .

and duel s. man ufacturer.

ll1ERMOMETERS Measurement of surface Lcmperalures of Use thermal pro bes in accordance with recommendations of

tem pera tures . 1000 1500 7.5

PSYCHROMETERS Measurement of dry and wet bulb air Accurate wet bulb measurements r equire an air velocity
between and fpm (5 to 111/s) across the wick,

Dirty or dry wicks will r esult in significant error.

or a correction must be made.

lo swelling of the sen sing eleme n l .

ELECTRONIC Measurement of dry and wel bulb air Accuracy of measliremenl above 90% R.H. is decreased due
ll1ERMO- temperatures and direct reading of relative
HYGROMETER humidity.

data on manufacturer, type, size, fittings, etc. submitted on that basis. Additional TAB work done after­
b. Notes that explain in detail why certain final data ward should be on a negotiated basis.
in the body of the report vary from design values
4. Test conditions REFERENCES
a. Adjusting or setting of outdoor, return, and ex-
haust dampers ASHRAE. 1989. 1989 ASHRAE handbook-Fundamentals,
b. Condition of filters chapter 32, Duct Design. Atlanta: American Society of
c. Cooling coil-wet or dry Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
d. Face and bypass damper setting at coil Inc.
e. Fan drive setting (indicate setting-percentage of NEBB. 1991. Procedural standards for testing, adjusting,
maximum pitch diameter) bala11ci11g of e11vironme11tal systems. Rockville, Mary­
f. Inlet vane setting on VAV systems land: National Environmental Balancing Bureau.
g. Setting of supply air static pressure controller Bevirt W.D. , 1992. Calculating for system effect solves fan
h. Other systems operating that affect performances. capacity losses. ASHRAE Journal, November.
AMC!\.. 1990. Fans and systems, Publication 201. Arling­
The TAB work has been completed when (1) all speci­ ton Heights, IL: Air Movement and Control Associa­
fied HVAC systems and components have been tested and tion.
balanced within acceptable tolerances (usually ± 10%) and SMACNA. 1990. HVAC systems-duct design. Chantilly
(2) when all test reports and other specified documentation VA: Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors
have been submitted. National Association.
In the event that the field test data are not within ASHRAE. 1988 ANSIIASHRAE 111-1988, Practices for
specified tolerances and all efforts usirig normal and Measurement, Testing, Adjusti11g, and balancing of
alternate procedures of TAB work have been exhausted in buildi11g hearing, vemilation, air-conditioni11g, a11d
an effort to achieve acceptable system performance, then refrigeration systems. Atlanta: American Society of
the TAB work should be considered complete and reports Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engi­
neers, Inc.

712 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

DISCUSSION Joseph F. Auclair, Chief Engineer, Frosty Mechanical,
Pittsfield, MA: How can the engineer have confidence in
Vin Gupta, Supervisor, 3M, St. Paul, MN: Should the the TAB reports vs. the actual conditions because 90% of
testing and .balancing be done by an independent contractor? the results as noted in the reports cannot be reproduced in
Should equal emphasis be placed on air and water systems? the field? Who decides what items are to be filled out on
the forms and when?
W.D. Bevirt: The National Environmental Balancing
Bureau (NEBB) has almost 500 certified firms doing !
Bev rt: Room occupants and in-house maintenance person­
testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) work. The NEBB nel often change air outlet device and damper settings, fan
is specified throughout the world by U.S. federal agencies speeds, etc., in an attempt to satisfy the comfort of occu­
and the AIA, CSI, and most other specifying authorities. As pants or changing conditions. However, if a building has
NEBR-certified firms are both independent and nonindepen­ not been occupied, TAB readings should be ± 10% with the
dent, it seems that the rigid requirements of integrity, fiscal HYAC systems operating under the same conditions (i.e.,
responsibility, and written and practical examinations 100% outdoor air, VAY boxes full open, etc.).
required by the NEBB have led to the steady growth of the Most TAB standard forms contain itemized lines and
NEBB and the use of NEBB firms for TAB work regardless columns to meet a broad band of all conditions that may be
of the "independence" question. encountered in many types of systems and equipment. They
Figure 23 in \Chapter 12 of the 1992 ASHRAE Systems do not and cannot apply to every job situation. However, if
and Equipment Handbook shows that a 20°F (11°C) A.t an item does not pertain to the system or equipment TAB,
flow of 50% capacity in a hot-water coil provides about a "NIA" should be entered in the space on the form by the
90% heat transfer. The basic problems with hydronic TAB supervisor.
systems, in my experience, are short-circuiting and air­
logged systems. Therefore, I believe that most emphasis Ernest E. Choat, Owner, Environmental Engineering
traditionally is on the air systems TAB. Consultants, Oak Ridge, TN: To ensure satisfactory
completion of TAB work, it is not sufficienl for engineers
Morris B. Elovicz, Principal Mechanical Engineer, to simply specify that the work shall be done by an NEBB­
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater or AABC-certified firm, as was indicated in this paper and
Chicago, Il...: How would you specify the TAB for a VAV N0-94-4-3. Nor is it sufficient to simply specify that work
system for a laboratory that has a high number of hoods? shall be done in accordance with the standards that were
cited in this paper, as these are woefully inadequate.
Bevirt: The testing and balancing of laboratory hoods is an In my view, the design engineer must specify and
area of great debate among experienced professionals, so approve the qualifications of individuals of the TAB team
the introduction of VAV supply air systems adds another that is to do his or her work to ensure that a qualified team
variable to this debate. However, the system design engi­ is supplied. The author of N0-94-4-2 discussed this view
neer must specify all of the airflow parameters. Any well­ briefly in the first part of his presentation, but failed to
trained or certified TAB technician can adjust to the design emphasize it to the extent that it deserves.
airflows if the systems are capable of furnishing them.
Bevirt: There is nothing better than a comprehensive,
Gary E. Elliott, Mechanical Design Engineer, Group detailed TAB specification with step-by-step procedures
Eight Engineering Ltd., Hamilton, ON, Canada: What written by a system design engineer that includes estimated
is the normal range of cost that a TAB firm charges for a duct air leakage, any system effect, etc., as long as it is
large HYAC project? How do you convince the owner that realistic and achievable. There is nothing worse than a
the work to be done by the commissioning and balancing specification requiring the TAB firm to use the "best of"
firm is not covered by the fee paid to the design engineer? NEBB, AABC, ASHRAE, and SMACNA procedures or
guidelines! Who can interpret "what is best"? The HV AC
Bevirt: I do not have access to costs. The book Air Condi­ industry has been well served by AABC firms using their
tioning Testing/Adjusting/Balancing, A Field Practice National Standards for Testing and Balancing Heating,

Manual, by John Gladstone, bas chapter 19, "Cost Estimat­ Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems and NEBB firms

ing for Testing and Balancing." This chapter has "man­ using their Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and
hours" for many TAB operations. Balancing of Environmental Systems.
All construction contracts (architectural, engineering,
general construction, etc.) should be specific as to what is Gaylon Richardson, Vice-President, Engineered Air
and what is not included. Then there should not be any Balance, Houston, TX: The presentation included a chart
questions. showing duct system leakage rates, and you stated that there

ASH RAE Transactions: Symposia 713

is no way to obtain a leakage rate of 1% or less. The chart
is established with certain types of sealing methods (classes
3, 6, etc.) and shows rates greater than 5%. Why do you
say there is no way to obtain a leakage rate of 1% or less
in medium- and high-pressure duct systems? There are
many specifications that require leakage rates of 1% or less,
and this requirement is being obtained.

Bevirt: I stated that, based on Table 7 in chapter 32 of the

1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, the larger the
system and the higher the internal duct pressures, the
greater the duct leakage will be in any system. Table 7 is
based on average workmanship of ductwork prop�rly
constructed, sealed, and installed in accordance with the
SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards� Metal and
Flexible. Average size, medium- and high-pressure· rectan­
gular Leakage Class 6 duct systems (with internal pressures
of 2 to 6 in. w.g.) have leakage rates of 1.9% to 9.6%.
Under the same conditions, round Leakage Class 3 duct
systems have leakage rates of 0. 9% to 4. 8%. This is hardly
less than 1 %.
However, I agree that, with above-average workman­
ship, an average-size system of round spiral ductwork with
proprietary joint systems and/or a mastic-tape�type sealing
system with joints and fittings a long distance apart, an air
leakage rate as low as 0.5% may be possible.
Also, totally sealing rectangular low-pressure
(0.5 to
2.0 in. w.g.) ductwork would not move it from Leakage
Class 24 to Leakage Class 6 because the lighter weight
construction would allow more leakage than ducts construct­
ed of heavier gauges and reinforcement. Nevertheless, total
sealing shou�d decrease the air leakage considerably, a
move that I have always supported.

714 ASHRAE Transactions: Symposia

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