Oracle® Fusion Middleware Patch Set Notes
Oracle® Fusion Middleware Patch Set Notes
Oracle® Fusion Middleware Patch Set Notes
April 2010
Patch sets contain generic fixes that apply to all platforms and may also include platform-specific fixes.
• Section 2.1, "Oracle Application Server Releases Supported by This Patch Set"
• Section 2.2, "What Happens When You Apply the Patch Set"
If you are currently using Oracle Fusion Middleware Release 11 (, then you must first update
your environment to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( before applying 11g Release 1
(11.1.1) Patch Set 2 (
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In particular, refer to the following sections of the 11g ( documentation library, as you plan the
installation of this patch set:
1. Review Chapter 1, "Understanding Your Installation Starting Point," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Installation Planning Guide.
This chapter provides a summary of the steps required to install Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g
Release 1 (11.1.1) Patch Set 2 ( for a variety of different users, including customers who
are running Oracle Application Server 10g, Oracle Fusion Middleware Release 11 (, and
Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g (
2. Review Chapter 1, "Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching and Upgrade Overview" in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Patching Guide.
This chapter defines the terminology used by Oracle to describe how to patch, upgrade, and install
your Oracle Fusion Middleware software.
In addition, the following My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink) notes have information related to this
patch set:
• Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set Notes Addendum 11g (11.1.1) Patch Set 2 ( (Doc ID
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