Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
July 2013
Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
Contributors: Asra Alim, Tina Brand, Iqtidar Hussain, Essan Ni Jirman, Barbara Snyder, Vijay Tiwary, Kathryn Wohnoutka
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1 Overview
Post-Installation : Overview ..............................................................................................1-1
2 Common
Verifying Installation .........................................................................................................2-1
Configuring Oracle Metadata Services ............................................................................. 2-5
Installing Additional Languages .......................................................................................2-6
Setting Up Search ............................................................................................................. 2-7
Setting Up Help .............................................................................................................. 2-11
Setting Up Notifications ................................................................................................. 2-13
Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence ....................................................................... 2-17
Setting Up Segregation of Duties ....................................................................................2-20
Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio .................................................................... 2-26
Installing Print Server ..................................................................................................... 2-28
Configuring Presence Servers ......................................................................................... 2-29
Setting Up a Secondary Oracle HTTP Server ..................................................................2-31
Setting Up Oracle ADF Desktop Integration .................................................................. 2-34
Health Checking and Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 2-38
4 Financials
Setting Up Financial Reporting Center ............................................................................. 4-1
Setting Up Oracle Document Capture and Oracle Forms Recognition ..............................4-6
Setting Up Tesseract ........................................................................................................4-22
Setting Up Financial Transactions ...................................................................................4-27
7 Incentive Compensation
Integrating Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation with Geo Map Server : Procedures
You can add custom help files to replace or supplement the provided content.
Each release update includes new help content to ensure you have access to the
latest information. Patching does not affect your custom help content.
User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They are
intended for users who perform these tasks, and managers looking for an
overview of the business processes. They are organized by the business
process activities and tasks.
Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering,
or selected features of an offering. They are intended for implementors.
They are organized to follow the task list sequence of the offerings, as
displayed within the Setup and Maintenance work area provided by
Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.
Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific
area of functionality. They are intended for decision makers, such as chief
financial officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants. They
are organized by the logical flow of features and functions.
Security Reference Manuals describe the predefined data that is included
in the security reference implementation for one offering. They are
intended for implementors, security administrators, and auditors. They are
organized by role.
These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are
addressed in the guides listed in the following table.
For guides that are not available from the Guides menu, go to Oracle Technology
Network at
Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product
area. You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts,
white papers, and troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks,
guided lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My
Oracle Support Community.
The content of Oracle Enterprise Repository reflects the latest release of Oracle
Fusion Applications.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Post-Installation: Overview
After Oracle Fusion Applications is installed, you need to provision the new
application environment before getting started. You must have administrative
privileges to perform several configuration and setup tasks that are necessary
before using the environment. For more information on provisioning a new
applications environment, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.
Overview 1-1
1-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
Verifying Installation
After provisioning is complete, run the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)
diagnostic scripts to verify configurations.
Common 2-1
Diagnostic Scripts Description
Application User Session This script checks the setup and configuration
( definitions of Application User Session. Specifically,
it checks the Session Filters and Filter-Mappings
definitions and sequential order of the Filter-
Mappings definitions in the application Web
configuration. These are defined within the web.xml
file of respective application .war file archived inside
the application .ear file. This script also validates
application user session runtime data for a user in
any Oracle Fusion application.
Common 2-3
UI shell integration and preferences These scripts are used for diagnosing the
(, configuration issues pertaining to UI Shell integration and preference settings.
For specific instructions about starting the WebLogic Administration Server, refer
to the guide Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown
for Oracle WebLogic Server.
Before running the command, change to the directory where the scripts are
5. When prompted, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server user name and
password, which is the same as the Oracle Fusion Middleware
administrative user name and password entered during installation. Also,
enter the host name and port to Administration Server for the Oracle
WebLogic Server.
6. For each application, enter the application name for which you want to
run the diagnostics. Enter the application name along with its version, for
example, HomePageApp#V2.0.
7. WLST generates a report of the diagnostic validation failures in the
directory path you specified. View the output report file in the path
displayed in the WLST output, such as the following.
Common 2-5
execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(
ownname =>'<schemaOwner>',
estimate_percent =>dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,
method_opt =>'for all columns size auto',
cascade => true);
2. If performance does not improve after collecting statistics, then flush the
shared pool to clear the execution plan for the database and generate a
new query plan, using the following command:
alter system flush shared_pool;
alter system flush buffer_cache;
Perform this action only when the system is not being actively used as it may
affect the performance of production systems.
For information on using the patching framework tools to update and maintain
your Oracle Fusion Applications software between major releases, see the Oracle
Fusion Applications Patching Guide.
Setting Up Search
Common 2-7
Managing search involves making seeded searchable objects available for
search, maintaining search categories, and so on. Refer to Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.
See: Administering Search
To make the Fusion Applications search components appear on the user
interface, you need to enable the relevant profile option. Refer to Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
See: Enable the Oracle Fusion Applications Search UI
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
The search in Oracle Fusion Applications Help and the navigators, for example
Search by Business Process, are based on other search functionality and do not
require configuration.
Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework administration is described fully
in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide. As you read content
from that guide, keep in mind that Oracle Fusion Applications Search is not used
only for Oracle Fusion Applications Help; therefore, the content is not specific to
Searchable Objects
Deploy and activate the TopicSearchPVO searchable object, associate it
with the Help category and deploy the category, and deploy and start
index schedules. Each crawl picks up customizations and patches for
help, so the frequency depends on how often you add, manage, or patch
See: Making Seeded Searchable Objects Available for Search
Do not modify the TopicSearchPVO searchable object itself.
See: Modifying the Display Name of Deployed Searchable Objects
See: Modifying the Title Body Keyword and Action Title of Searchable
You can perform the search-related configuration tasks using Oracle Enterprise
Crawl and Search Framework. To configure external search categories for Oracle
Business Intelligence and Oracle WebCenter Portal, follow these instructions.
Common 2-9
a. From the navigation pane on the left side, select Enterprise Crawl
and Search Framework folder. The Enterprise Crawl and Search
Framework Settings page appears.
b. From the context menu of Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework,
select Home.
c. Select the first active service component and note down the search
engine instance that is associated with the active service component.
d. In the ECSF_QUERY_SERVICE_APP_IDS field, enter the Application ID in
comma separated string format:
To configure external search category for Business Intelligence, enter
To configure external search category for Oracle WebCenter Portal,
enter WC
11. Save the changes.
12. Restart the Search application from the WebLogic Server Console.
Setting Up Help
Common 2-11
To perform this task, you must have the role of a System Administrator and have
relevant privileges on the environment where you want to enable and configure
the UPK link.
Configuring the Oracle UPK In-Application Support involves the following
1. Registering Oracle UPK as an Enterprise Application.
2. Deploying the Oracle UPK package on a HTTP server.
Registering Oracle UPK as an Enterprise Application
Your System Administrator must have security access to use Oracle Fusion
Functional Setup Manager to complete the steps that follow.
To complete the configuration:
1. On the Oracle Fusion Applications Home page, select Navigator - Tools -
Setup and Maintenance to access the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, in the Tasks list, click Topology
Registration - Register Enterprise Applications .
3. In the Register Enterprise Applications work area, do one of the
To modify an existing configuration, click the Name link of the
registered application.
For example: Oracle User Productivity Kit
To register Oracle UPK as a new application in Oracle Fusion, click
Add (+), if this is a new configuration.
4. In the Add Enterprise Application work area, in the Basic Information
section, do the following:
a. In the Enterprise Environment drop-down list, select your
For example: Oracle
b. In the Enterprise Application drop-down list, select your enterprise
For example: Oracle User Productivity Kit
c. In the Name field, enter the name of the enterprise application that you
are registering.
For example: Oracle User Productivity Kit
5. In the Server Details section, do the following:
a. In the Server Protocol drop-down list, select the appropriate protocol
for the server that you plan to use to launch UPK content.
The UPK Player supports both HTTP and HTTPS.
b. In the External Server Host field, enter the full DNS name of the server
For example:
Setting Up Notifications
Common 2-13
Configuring E-Mail Notification Using SOA Suite
You must configure Oracle SOA Suite as follows to enable e-mail notification:
1. For existing users, associate the users with their e-mail addresses in the
For new users:
a. Add user profile in the domain.
b. Create e-mail account in the e-mail server for the added user.
c. Associate the user profile with the respective e-mail address.
For more information on using the administration console to manage
the users, groups, and roles, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing
Resources Using Roles and Policies for Oracle WebLogic Server.
2. Configure e-mail driver properties.
To enable the workflow participants to receive and forward notifications,
configure Oracle User Messaging Service by setting the appropriate driver
instances with Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control.
a. In the navigation pane, expand farm - User Messaging Service -
usermessagingdriver-email .
b. Go to User Messaging Email Driver - Email Driver Properties . The
Email Driver Properties page displays.
c. In the Driver-Specific Configuration, modify the Outgoing and
Incoming properties as provided below.
Modify OutgoingMailServer, OutgoingMailServerPort,
OutgoingDefaultFromAddr, OutgoingUsername, and OutgoingPassword.
To configure e-mail driver properties for other usermessagingdriver-email
services under farm - User Messaging Service , repeat all the above steps (2a to
For more information on e-mail custom properties, see the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.
3. Configure workflow notification properties.
To configure workflow notification properties for other SOA servers, repeat all
the above steps (3a to 3e).
Common 2-15
To restart the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Servers for the domains
in the product families:
Platform Script
Windows FA_MW_HOME\user_projects
managed_server_name admin_url
UNIX FA_MW_HOME/user_projects/
managed_server_name admin_url
b. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Servers for the product
families using one of the following scripts from the fusionapps
Middleware directory. In these scripts, managed_server_name specifies
the name of the Managed Server and admin_url specifies the listen
address (host name, IP address, or DNS name) and port number of the
domain's administration server. When prompted, enter your user name
and password.
Platform Script
Windows FA_MW_HOME\user_projects
managed_server_name admin_url
UNIX FA_MW_HOME/user_projects/
managed_server_name admin_url
Common 2-17
for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion
Applications Edition).
See: Where Can I Get Help or More Information?
c. Select the existing domain (BI domain) that you need to extend and
from the list of templates, select Oracle Application Core (Webapp).
Ensure that you enter the same application database details, which exist in the
ATGPF environment.
Common 2-19
Setting Up Segregation of Duties
DBDriver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDrive
DBUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_hostname>:<db_port>:<db_sid>.
1. OAMIDAsserter
2. OIMSignatureAuthenticationProvider
3. OIMAuthenticationProvider
4. OIDAuthenticator
5. DefaultAuthenticator
6. DefaultIdentityAsserter
7. IDMDomainAgent
j. Disable the Weblogic user profile in Identity Manager.
You need to disable this user profile to avoid the authentication errors at
Identity Manager Authenticator level, as Identity Manager Authenticator is
now placed ahead of the Default Authenticator in authentication provider
ordering. However, you cannot disable the user profile from Identity Manager
Common 2-21
Administration page. Instead, run the following SQL scripts on the OIM
update usr set usr_status='Disabled' where
To turn on the SOD checks, set the properties SODEnabled and
Common 2-23
For more information about using Oracle SOA Composer to add rules, see the
Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Rules.
To perform this task, you must have the administrative privileges or the role of
an Administrator.
Thereafter, deploy the modified composite with this updated configuration plan
Parameter Description
host Application Access Controls Governor
host name or IP address
port Application Access Control Governor
username Admin username
password Admin password
Common 2-25
serviceURL Application Access Control Governor
service URL
To be able to configure Oracle Data Integrator Studio, ensure that the following
selections were made in the Oracle Data Integrator installation wizard:
You must install Oracle Data Integrator Studio in a separate Oracle home other
than Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle homes and Oracle Fusion Applications
Oracle home.
For more information on installing Oracle Data Integrator, see the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.
Common 2-27
any additional file that is referenced in the jps-config-jse.xml file for example,
system-jazn-data.xml and default-keystore.jks.
Perform the following tasks while signed in as Oracle Fusion Applications super
The new user has a supervisory role in Oracle Data Integrator. The user
can perform all functions of an Oracle Fusion Applications super user.
You must install print servers for external applications as part the
implementation activity in Oracle Fusion Applications.
External Applications
Several external applications require specialized print servers. See the related
product documentation for installing print servers for these applications.
You also need to set up prerequisites for OCS or LCS. For more information
on instant messaging and presence server prerequisites, see the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.
This table lists the Java EE applications that you can configure with OCS or LCS.
Oracle Fusion Applications Human Capital HcmBenefitsApp
Oracle Fusion Applications Projects ProjectFinancialsApp
Oracle Fusion Application Toolkit HomePageApp
Common 2-29
For each application, you execute the following commands against the
appropriate domain:
Replace placeholder values enclosed within brackets (< >) with real values, for
the appName, url, poolName, userDomain, and server fields.
For the appName field, enter the Java EE application name, for example
The userDomain field is required only for the OCS connection and refers
to the user domain associated with the OCS installation.
For the server field, enter the managed server name on which the Java EE
application is deployed. This field is optional if there is only one managed
server for the application.
Execute this command:
createExtAppConnection(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='IMP_EXT_APP',
displayName='Presence Server Login Credentials')
The appName field is environment specific and requires you to enter a value.
Execute this command:
addExtAppField(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='IMP_EXT_APP',
fieldName='Account', fieldValue='', displayToUser=1)
The appName field is environment specific and requires you to enter a value.
If Oracle Fusion Applications is deployed in a high availability configuration,
there may be multiple managed servers targeted for each Java EE application.
You must run the createIMPConnection command for each application on each
server, and specify the server in the server field.
If you are using the LCS adapter, then execute this command:
createIMPConnection(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='presence',
adapter='LCS', url='<http://host:port/contextPath>',
appId='IMP_EXT_APP', poolName='<poolNameHere>', timeout=60, default=1,
If you are using the OCS adapter, then execute this command:
createIMPConnection(appName='<JavaEEApp>', name='presence',
adapter='OCS2007', url='<http://host:port/contextPath>',
These fields are environment specific and require you to enter a value:
default (1 or 0)
The connection will not be used unless this field is set to 1. If you use 0, then you
essentially disable the connection.
Before you proceed with the installation of the secondary HTTP server, you need
to ensure that the following prerequisites are met.
Usually, the secondary HTTP server is installed on the same slot as the primary
HTTP server. In such cases, the webgate used by the primary HTTP server can be
used by the secondary HTTP server. However, if the secondary HTTP server is
not installed on the same slot as the primary HTTP server, the webgate used by
the primary HTTP server is not accessible by the secondary HTTP server. In that
case, a separate webgate needs to be installed for the secondary HTTP server.
Common 2-31
Set up a directory structure similar to the directory structure of the
primary HTTP server. The directory structure of the primary HTTP server
is as follows.
First OHS mw home: /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/webtier_mwhome
First OHS OH: webtier
First OHS instance dir: /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/instance/
First OHS component name: ohs1
First OHS bin dir: /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/instance/
First OHS config dir: /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/instance/
On the same lines, you can define a directory structure for the secondary
HTTP server as shown here:
Second OHS mw home: /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/webtier_mwhome2
Second OHS OH: webtier2
Second OHS instance dir: /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/instance/
Second OHS component name: ohs2
1. Log on to the computer where the secondary Oracle HTTP server needs to
be installed.
2. In the command line interface, change directory to the
installer location: /net/adcnas421/export/fainteg_repos/
3. Enter the command ./runInstaller. The Installation wizard appears,
displaying the Specify Inventory Directory screen.
4. Click OK. The Inventory Location Confirmation dialog box appears.
5. Select the Continue Installation with Local Inventory check box and click
6. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
7. Select Install and Configure and proceed to the next screen.
8. On the Prerequisites screen, verify if all the prerequisites are met and click
9. On the Specify Installation Locations screen, provide details to create the
Oracle Home and Oracle Middleware Home directories, and click Next.
The Configure Components screen appears.
10. Select the Oracle HTTP Server check box and click Next. The Specify
Component Details screen appears.
11. Provide the Instance Home Location, Instance Name , and OHS
Component Name and click Next.
12. On the Configure Ports screen, select the Auto Port Configuration check
box and click Next.
13. On the Specify Security Updates page, clear the check box I wish to
receive security update and click Next. A confirmation dialog box with
Before you proceed with the installation, ensure that you shut down the
secondary Oracle HTTP server using the following commands in the given
1. cd to /slot/ems5905/appmgr/APPTOP/instance/CommonDomain_webtier2/bin
2. ./opmnctl stopall
Common 2-33
a. Listen
b. <VirtualHost >
While making changes to the hostname, please do not make a global change
because WebLogic servers in the same host as the primary HTTP server might be
referred in context roots and that might get changed.
5. Preferably, shut down the primary HTTP server and then start the
secondary HTTP server. Ensure that there are no problems with the
startup. You can then try to access the BIG/IP URLs.
6. Sign into the custom provisioning tool and ensure that all the HTTP
server custom provisioning is completed in both the HTTP servers.
7. Add the secondary HTTP server information to the Admin server
and update the start/stop script at $HOME/scripts/efops/
For more information about configuring the Oracle HTTP server, refer to the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle HTTP Server. You
can also refer to the section Scaling Out Oracle HTTP Server in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Enterprise Deployment Guide.
Ensure that the version installed on the client is same as that installed
on the server. For information on verifying whether your Oracle Fusion
web application supports desktop integration or not, see the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle
Application Development Framework.
To install the client version of the add-in, you must first deploy it at one of the
following locations:
Web server
After these tasks are performed, you must inform users about the link they can
use to download and install the client.
Common 2-35
6. While remaining in the same folder location in Windows Command
Prompt, verify the URL assigned to the setup.exe, as shown here:
After you place the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on the web server,
it is recommended that you use the Manage Menu Customizations task in the
Setup and Maintenance work area of Oracle Fusion Applications to establish a
link to the web server and install the client on the end user computer.
desktop_installer/<new folder created under desktop_installer>/adfdi-
7. Click Save. The custom navigator link for Oracle ADF Desktop Installer
appears under Navigator - Tools menu of Oracle Fusion Applications.
Users can use this link to download or directly run the setup.exe to install
the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client on their computers.
For more information on customizing the navigator menu by using the Manage
Menu Customizations task, refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility
1. Identify a shared network location where you plan to host the Oracle ADF
Desktop Integration Client.
2. From the /u01/APPLTOP/fusionapps/oracle_common/modules/
oracle.adf.desktopintegration_11.1.1 location, copy the adfdi-excel- file and place it in a folder at the shared
3. Extract the contents of the zip file to the same folder.
4. Uninstall any existing version of Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client
from the end user computers.
5. From the end user computer, access the shared folder and run the
setup.exe to install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration client on that
Common 2-37
Overwrite the existing installer content in the shared folder on the
If there is a change in the shared location, end users will need to uninstall
the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Client and reinstall it from its new
location as the links responsible for communicating automatic upgrades
would have been broken.
See: Managing Oracle Fusion Applications Log Files and Diagnostic Tests
Configuration Tasks
The configuration tasks are described in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide unless otherwise specified.
Common 2-39
2-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
Customer Relationship Management
$ ./bin/bhd-onpremise- start
For more information on provisioning, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Quick
Installation Guide. For more information on configuring other aspects of the
e-mail server for marketing, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Marketing
Implementation Guide.
<adf-faces-config xmlns="">
<taglib uri="">
<tag name="layoutCustomizable">
<!-- Added to pass JAudit-->
<attribute name="layout">
<taglib uri="">
<tag name="showDetailFrame">
<!-- Added to pass JAudit-->
<attribute name="disclosed">
<attribute name="height">
<taglib uri="">
<tag name="column">
<attribute name="displayIndex">
<attribute name="visible">
<attribute name="width">
<mds:match path="/oracle/apps/">
<!--mds:match path="/oracle/apps/">
This topic covers configurations that you must perform to enable a CRM
user call an external, secured Web service. You perform these configurations
differently for each security scheme based on the details that a CRM user
provides in a service request (SR).
To locate JKS:
CRM userRelationship
enters the server
Management 3-7
encryption key alias in the
Outgoing Encryption Key field.
Financial Reporting Center is comprised of numerous components:
Financials 4-1
Financial Reporting: Financial users and analysts access live reports
and books or published snapshot reports and books from previously
scheduled batches in a variety of formats. Other functionality includes:
Refreshing report data using runtime points of view or parameters
Drill through capability from parents to other parents
Drill down to detail balances, journal lines, and subledger transactions.
Oracle Hyperion Smart View: Financial analysts view, import,
manipulate, distribute, and share data from your Oracle Fusion General
Ledger balances in Microsoft Excel.
Account Monitor and Account Inspector: Financial analysts monitor and
track key account balances in real time at every level of your dimensions
and hierarchies. These tools provide multidimensional account analysis
and drill down capability.
Workspace: Reporting administrators create, open, save, and delete
folders and store report objects, reports, and snapshot reports.
Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio: Report authors use an
object-oriented graphical report layout with report objects, such as text
boxes, grids, images, and charts, to design reports.
You have access to the reports through the folder structure in the Financial
Reporting Center and Workspace installed with Oracle Fusion Financial
Applications. Your Oracle Fusion Business Intelligence (BI) administrator
defines the folder structure in Workspace considering your company's security
requirements for folders and reports, as well as report distribution requirements
for financial reporting batches. Security can be set on folders and reports from
Workspace. You are granted access to the folders and reports you want to view
by your BI administrator.
For end users installing the Oracle Fusion Financials Reporting Studio, the
installer launches a separate console window that continues to run for a brief
time after the installation completes the setup tasks. The process is normal,
expected, and applies to Oracle Hyperion Reporting Studio installations in both
the Oracle Fusion Applications and Enterprise Performance Manager modes.
You must save a new report before attempting to preview it with Web Preview.
For more information, see:
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and
Configuration Guide
Financials 4-3
Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System EPM
System Standard Deployment Guide
Smart View is an Excel add-in that must be loaded to each client. To download
the installation files from Workspace click the Navigator > Financial Reporting
Center > Open Workspace for Financial Reporting. Once the Workspace is
launched, click on Tools > Install > Smart View. Alternatively, download
Smart View from
Since Smart View is an add-in to Microsoft Office products, you can install Smart
View only on a Windows operating system.
This is another example for a Cloud based environment: If the Workspace URL
index.jsp, the Shared Connections URL is https://efops-rel5st4-cdrm-external-
If the Essbase Server is not there, then it has to be added. Use the following steps:
a. Click on the Add Essbase Server link on the bottom of the spreadsheet.
b. Specify the Essbase Server login and password.
c. Expand the Essbase sever and locate the cube under it.
You need to perform these steps only once for a new server and database.
To set how the name and alias of the Essbase database appears:
1. Click on the Options on the ribbon > select the Member Options > select
Member Name Display.
2. Set one of these three options:
Distinct Member Name: Only shows the full Essbase distinct path.
Member Name and Alias: Shows both the member name and the alias.
Member Name Only: Shows only the member name.
The Smart Slice feature is not supported in Oracle Fusion General Ledger. For all
other documentation, refer to the Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office User's
Guide for Oracle Hyperion Smart View.
Ledger setup has to be completed before the database connection can be created.
Oracle Fusion General Ledger balances cubes are created as part of ledger
setup. There is a separate cube for each combination of chart of accounts and
accounting calendar. A database connection is needed for each cube.
Financials 4-5
1. Start at the Navigator by selecting Financial Reporting Center.
2. From the Financial Reporting Center task panel select Open Workspace
for Financial Reporting.
3. From within Workspace select the Navigator menu > BI Catalog.
4. Select Tools menu > Database Connection Manager.
5. Select New button.
6. Enter a user friendly name for the Database Connection Name.
7. Enter Essbase as the Type, your server, user name, and password.
8. Select Application (cube) and Database from the list of values. Expand
the Application name to see the related Database, for example, db.
9. Click the OK button twice to save your selections.
10. Click Close button in the Database Connection Manager window to save
your connection.
For more information on configuring Essbase database connections in Workspace
see: Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide for Oracle Essbase.
For information on setting up General Ledger accounting segments, see the
Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's Guide.
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
If you plan to implement Oracle Fusion Expenses and use automated receipt
image processing, then you must set up Document Capture and configure it for
expenses. If you have licensed Oracle Fusion Automated Invoice Processing,
then you must set up Forms Recognition in addition to Document Capture, and
configure both for payables.
To set up Document Capture and Forms Recognition, perform these steps in the
specified order:
1. Configure Document Capture and Forms Recognition network shares
2. Install and configure Document Capture and Forms Recognition on
Windows desktop
For details regarding users and privileges for the setup, refer to the installation
guides of Oracle Document Capture and Oracle Forms Recognition.
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
To install network sharing for Oracle Document Capture and Oracle Forms
1. Verify the Oracle Imaging and Process Management input directory path
Financials 4-7
2. Configure the network share for the Imaging and Process Management
input directory
3. Verify Oracle Imaging and Process Management Input Agent
4. Configure the Windows mapped network drive for the input directory
1. Verify the Oracle Imaging and Process Management Input Directory Path
To verify the input directory path:
The path will point to a directory on the server running Imaging and
Process Management.
6. Open a terminal window for the server running Imaging and Process
Management and check the path specified for the Input Directory.
2. Configure the Network Share for the Imaging and Process Management Input
Enable the Imaging and Process Management input directory to be accessed by
Document Capture or Forms Recognition running on Windows:
The storage server share should have Common Internet File System
(CIFS) enabled for Windows compatible share names.
The storage host must grant read/write access to the Imaging and Process
Management Input Agent running on the Common Domain host and at least one
Windows user with login access to the server running Oracle Document Capture
and Oracle Forms Recognition.
After the server restarts, check the input directory path referenced earlier.
You should see a file named InputAgent.lock. If you do not see this file,
verify that the image server is running and check the image server logs
for errors. If you notice errors, check whether the Input Agent has the
necessary permissions in the storage directory. The Input agent needs
read/write file access to this directory.
4. Configure the Windows Mapped Network Drive for the Input Directory
You must log on to the Windows desktop with a user ID that has explicit access
to the input directory file share.
You need to map the drive on the Windows servers running Oracle Forms
Recognition and Oracle Document Capture servers. The drive will not be
mapped on individual user machines running Oracle Document Capture client
for Invoicing.
Financials 4-9
The Imaging and Process Management (IPM) Server is not running and
needs to be started.
The IPM Server is running but the Input Agent does not have the
appropriate access to the network share directory and cannot generate
the InputAgent.lock file.
IPM Server's configuration for Input Agent Directory does not point to
the same network share as the mapped network drive, or it points to a
sub-directory other than the one you are verifying.
To verify that the Windows network drive is correctly mapped with permitted
read/write access, create a folder or file from the Linux box where the IPM
server is running and check if the Windows user is able to view the folder or file
on the Windows network drive and is able to open and modify it.
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
1. Configure the Network Share for the Oracle Forms Recognition AP Project
Ensure that the Oracle Forms Recognition project directory is accessible to the
Oracle Document Capture or Oracle Forms Recognition applications running on
The storage server share should be configured with Common Internet File
System (CIFS) enabled for Windows compatible share names.
The network share is meant for exclusive use by the Oracle Document
Capture or Oracle Forms Recognition applications running on Windows.
Configure the storage host to share the Oracle Forms Recognition Project
directory with the Oracle Document Capture and Oracle Forms Recognition
2. Configure the Windows Mapped Network Drive for the AP Project Directory
You must log on to the Windows desktop with a user ID that has explicit access
to the Oracle Forms Recognition project file share.
Perform the following steps to configure the Windows mapped network drive:
1. In Windows Explorer, identify the folder for the PC icon that displays the
same name as that of the actual PC.
2. Right-click the folder for the PC icon depicting a computer with same
name as the PC.
3. Right-click the folder and select Map Network Drive.
4. Select a drive letter, for example X.
5. Specify the path for the shared directory on the storage host, using the
UNC format: \\<host name>\<share name>.
6. Click OK and verify that the network share now appears in Windows
Explorer as the drive letter you specified. If Windows Explorer is unable
to create the mapped drive, the issue may be that CIFS is not enabled on
the storage host.
Financials 4-11
These tasks are not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
1. Install prerequisites
2. Run the setup utility
3. Install Oracle Document Capture
4. Configure Oracle Document Capture
5. Configure Oracle Document Capture Import Server for Importing Images
from E-Mail
6. Install Oracle Forms Recognition for Payables
7. Configure Oracle Forms Recognition for Payables
8. Configure shared drive access for Oracle Forms Recognition Runtime
Service Manager
Ensure that you have configured the required network shares before performing
these steps. Steps 4 to 7 (Configure Oracle Document Capture to Configure
Oracle Forms Recognition for Payables) are required only if you have licensed
Oracle Fusion Automated Invoice Processing.
1. Install Prerequisites
Before you proceed with the installation and configuration of Oracle Document
Capture and Oracle Forms Recognition, you need to fulfill the following
1. Ensure that the empty Document Capture schema is created in the Oracle
database with at least three user profiles: a read-only user profile for
reporting, a read/write user profile for schema administration, and a
read/write user profile for the Document Capture runtime connection.
Document Capture tracks batches and stores audit information in the
schema tables. The Document Capture runtime connection configuration
includes read/write user profile credentials so that Document Capture
can write data to the schema tables without requesting a separate login.
You are now ready to install and configure Oracle Document Capture and Oracle
Forms Recognition. The relevant instructions are provided in the subsequent
You need to repeat the installation procedure on every machine that runs Oracle
Document Capture.
Financials 4-13
4. Configure Oracle Document Capture
To configure Oracle Document Capture:
1. On the Oracle WebCenter Capture and Forms Recognition for Fusion
Financials Setup window, in the Oracle Document Capture region, click
Configure. The Oracle Document Capture Configuration Utility dialog
box appears.
2. In the Batch Folder field, browse and select the folder where Oracle
Document Capture batch files are stored.
3. In the Commit Folder field, browse and select the folder where Oracle
Document Capture commits the captured files.
If you are using Oracle Forms Recognition, leave this blank for now. After you
install Oracle Forms Recognition, you will come back and set the folder path
to <Drive Letter>:\OFR_Project\AP\Global\Import. If you are not installing
Oracle Forms Recognition, set this to the Image Processing Management Input
5. On the Capture Batch Setup dialog box, enter the following details:
a. In the Enter Path to Network Batch Folder field, specify the same
folder path that you have provided in the Batch Folder field on the
Oracle Document Capture Configuration Utility dialog box.
b. In the Enter Path to Network Commit Folder field, specify the same
folder path that you have provided in the Commit Folder field on the
Oracle Document Capture Configuration Utility dialog box.
c. In the Capture Database Setup area, select the Other Database
Platform option and click Configure. The Configure Database
Connection dialog box appears.
d. Click Configure DB Connection. The Data Link Properties dialog box
1. On the Provider tab, select Oracle Provider for OLE DB and click
2. On the Connection tab, provide the following information:
a. In the Data Source field, enter the name of the Oracle database.
b. Select the Use a specific user name and password option and
provide the User name and Password that have read and write
access to the Capture schema.
c. Select the Allow saving password option.
Initializing the database is required when you configure Oracle
Document Capture for the first time.
If you are configuring a standalone instance of Oracle Document
Capture for testing, you can use the default Capture database
(capture.mdb) that is installed with the product. On most systems,
this database is located in the Oracle Document Capture installation
directory. On Windows 2008 R2, the Capture database is installed in
the system ALLUSERPROFILES\Oracle Document Capture folder.
By default, ALLUSERSPROFILES is C:\ProgramData.
To use the default capture.mdb, you need to create a data source
based on Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0. The local Capture database is
only used for testing. For production environments, you must create
the Capture schema in the Oracle database.
If prompted for user credentials, enter the user name and password that have
been used during the configuration process.
Financials 4-15
1. If you are installing the Automated Invoice Processing components for
the first time you already have the latest cabinet files, so you can skip the
unzip and import steps and proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, if you were
already using Automated Invoice Processing, perform the following steps
to import the latest cabinet files:
f. Click OK.
5. Configure Oracle Document Capture Import Server for Importing Images from
To set up the Oracle Document Capture Import Server to import invoice images
that are received through e-mail and to capture additional attributes for routing
based on information in the e-mail subject, perform the following steps.
Configure additional routing attributes.
1. If you are installing the Automated Invoice Processing components for
the first time, you already have the latest cabinet files, so you can skip
the unzip and import steps and proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, if you were
already using Automated Invoice Processing, perform the following steps
to import the latest cabinet files:
a. Unzip the package.
b. Import the and
files using the Document Capture Import Export utility.
2. (Optional) Perform Step 11 in section "Configure Additional Routing
Attributes for Manual Scanning" to change the maximum lengths of the
index attribute fields.
Configure the Email Provider batch job.
1. Open the Oracle Document Capture Import Server.
2. Select Setup - Batch Jobs .
3. Expand the Email Provider folder.
4. Select the AP Email Provider batch job.
5. If you are not using Oracle Forms Recognition, perform the following
steps, otherwise proceed to Step 6.
a. Select the General tab.
b. In the File Cabinet field, select Payables Invoice without OFR.
c. In the Server Macro field, select <NONE>.
d. Select the Processing tab.
e. Uncheck the Commit Batches option.
6. Select the Image Output tab. The default resolution is set to 300 x 300.
Financials 4-17
Do not modify this setting.
The recommended frequency setting is Every 1 Minute.
Financials 4-19
here are provided assuming that Oracle Forms Recognition is installed for the
first time.
If you plan to create separate instances for each function, create all
of them at this point. This dialog box is available only during first
time installation. You cannot access it later to add Runtime Service
instances. If you want to add instances later, you need to create each
of them manually.
3. Click OK. The Oracle Forms Recognition Runtime Server Creation dialog
box closes and the Oracle Forms Recognition Configuration Utility dialog
box appears.
4. In the AP Solution INI File field, ensure that the path is set to the
automatically installed INI file.
5. In Database Connections, ensure that at least one connection is selected.
In absence of a Database Connection, click Create to create a database
connection. Ensure that the selected database connection has read-only
access to the Fusion schema.
6. From the ODBC System DSN (32-bit) list, select one of the predefined
ODBC System DSN value. If the list is blank, create an ODBC System
DSN using the ellipsis button next to the field. Ensure that the ODBC
connection has read-only access to the Fusion schema.
7. Enter the User ID and Password associated with the selected ODBC
System DSN.
8. Click Test Connections to ensure that the selected database connection is
active and working.
9. In the PO Format field, enter the format of the purchase order.
Financials 4-21
10. In the Ignore Characters field, specify the characters such as comma,
hyphen, period that may appear as part of the purchase order but need to
be ignored. The ignore characters are always associated with a PO format.
11. Click Add. The PO format is added to the Defined Formats list, while
simultaneously storing the associated characters to be ignored when that
PO format is in use.
For more information about installing Oracle Forms Recognition, see the Oracle
Forms Recognition Installation Guide. For more information on PO Formats see
the AP Solution Guide located at <Drive Letter>:\OFR_Projects\AP.
8. Configure Shared Drive Access for Oracle Forms Recognition Runtime
Service Manager
The Oracle Forms Recognition runtime service manager processes invoice
images and exports them to a shared network drive. By design, Windows
services are not allowed to access mapped network drives. Therefore, to access
a network share, a Windows service must be running as an authenticated
Windows user and it must access the share by specifying a UNC style path (\
You must therefore assign a Windows user profile to the Oracle Forms
Recognition Runtime Service Manager. The specified user profile must have
read/write access to the shared network drive.
1. On the server that hosts the Runtime Service, select Start - Control Panel
- Administrative Tools .
2. Select Services.
3. Right-click Oracle Forms Recognition Runtime Service Manager and
select Properties.
4. Select the Log On tab.
5. Select the This account radio button, and enter the user name and
password of the user granted read/write access to the shared network
6. Click Apply and then click OK.
Setting Up Tesseract
2. Create the directory that will host the Tesseract executable. The Oracle
Fusion Payables Java EE application must have access to this directory.
Expenses services must have executable permission on this directory.
$mkdir exmocr
prepareQuestion() {
if [ -e tesseract-ocr ] || [ -e leptonica-1.68 ] || [ -e
tesseract-3.01 ] ; then
echo "Previous versions of tesseract-ocr or leptonica-1.68 exists."
echo "This installer will uninstall the current version and install the
new version."
echo -n "Do you wish to proceed? [Y/N]: "
read wish
if [ $wish = "Y" ] || [ $wish = "y" ] ; then
rm -rf tesseract-3.01 leptonica-1.68 tesseract-ocr
echo "Exiting the install process per your request."
exit 1;
Financials 4-23
untarAll () {
tar xvf tesseract-3.01.tar.gz
mv tesseract-3.01 tesseract-ocr
tar xvf tesseract-ocr-3.01.eng.tar.gz
tar xvf leptonica-1.68.tar.gz
downloadAll() {
downloadPackage tesseract-ocr tesseract-3.01.tar.gz
downloadPackage tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-3.01.eng.tar.gz
downloadPackage leptonica leptonica-1.68.tar.gz
buildAll() {
cd $EXM_OCR_PATH/leptonica-1.68
sudo make install
cd $EXM_OCR_PATH/tesseract-ocr
if ! [ -d m4 ] ; then
mkdir m4;
cat -v ccutil/strngs.h | sed -e 's/^M-oM-;M-?//g' >
mv ccutil/strngs.h
#sudo make install
generateTesseractFiles() {
chmod +x $EXM_OCR_PATH/tesseract
export EXM_OCR_PATH=`pwd`
4. Verify that the following directories exist and the shell script can access
these directories:
$which wget
The shell script downloads, untars, and installs the following files:
The shell script also creates the following shell script that is invoked by
the Expenses application:
7. Create the directory for storing the image files sent to Tesseract for
processing the converted text files. The Tesseract executable must have
read and write access to this directory.
The image files and the corresponding text files are not deleted from
this directory. Based on your storage policies, you can remove these files
8. Create the following environment variables and set them to their
respective values:
Financials 4-25
FIN_EXM_OCR_PATH: This directory hosts Tesseract. Enter the full path
along with the executable name as the value.
Modify the file and add the following entries at the end:
Add the following environment variables and set them to the correct
If you already have Tesseract installed for your use, you can set up additional
instances of Expenses to access the same Tesseract installation. To configure
Expenses with an existing Tesseract installation, perform the following steps:
Modify the file and add the following entries at the end:
c. Add the following environment variables and set them to the correct
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
After installing Oracle Fusion Applications, you can secure sensitive information
by using any one of the following methods:
Automatically create a wallet file, automatically generate a master
encryption key, and manually enable encryption.
Financials 4-27
Manually create a wallet file, automatically generate a master encryption
key, and manually enable encryption.
Manually create a wallet file, manually generate a master encryption key,
and manually enable encryption.
Automatically create a wallet file, automatically generate a master
encryption key, and manually enable encryption.
Automatically Create a Wallet File, Automatically Generate a Master Encryption
Key, and Manually Enable Encryption
To automatically create a wallet file, automatically generate an encryption key,
and manually enable encryption, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage System Security Options page as follows:
Navigator link > Tools menu: Setup and Maintenance link > Overview
page > All Tasks tab > Search field: Task Lists and Tasks > Name field:
Payments > Search button > Expand Define Payments Security folder
> Manage System Security Options task: Go to Task icon > Manage
System Security Options page.
2. In the Manage System Security Options page, click the Edit Master
Encryption Key button. The Edit Master Encryption Key dialog box
3. In the Edit Master Encryption Key dialog box, select the Application-
generated radio button.
4. Click the Save and Close button.
5. In the Manage System Security Options page, click the Encrypt button in
either the Credit Card Data region or the Bank Account Data region or in
both regions to enable encryption for sensitive financial data.
Manually Create a Wallet File, Automatically Generate a Master Encryption Key,
and Manually Enable Encryption
To manually create a wallet file, automatically generate an encryption key, and
manually enable encryption, perform the following steps:
1. Create an empty Oracle Wallet, ewallet.p12, using the Oracle Wallet
Manager utility.
2. Navigate to the Manage System Security Options page as follows:
Navigator link > Tools menu: Setup and Maintenance link > Overview
page > All Tasks tab > Search field: Task Lists and Tasks > Name field:
Payments > Search button > Expand Define Payments Security folder
> Manage System Security Options task: Go to Task icon > Manage
System Security Options page.
3. In the Manage System Security Options page, click the Edit Master
Encryption Key button. The Edit Master Encryption Key dialog box
4. In the Edit Master Encryption Key dialog box, select the Application-
generated radio button.
5. Click the Save and Close button.
6. In the Manage System Security Options page, click the Encrypt button in
either the Credit Card Data region or the Bank Account Data region or in
both regions to enable encryption for sensitive financial data.
After the wallet is created, ensure that you securely delete the file containing the
key bits by using a utility that supports secure deletion.
5. In the Manage System Security Options page, click the Encrypt button in
either the Credit Card Data region or the Bank Account Data region or in
both regions to enable encryption for sensitive financial data.
Automatically Create a Wallet File, Automatically Generate a Master Encryption
Key, and Manually Enable Encryption
To automatically create a wallet file, automatically generate an encryption key,
and automatically enable encryption, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage System Security Options page as follows:
Navigator link > Tools menu: Setup and Maintenance link > Overview
page > All Tasks tab > Search field: Task Lists and Tasks > Name field:
Payments > Search button > Expand Define Payments Security folder
> Manage System Security Options task: Go to Task icon > Manage
System Security Options page.
2. In the Manage System Security Options page, click the Apply Quick
Defaults button. The Apply Quick Defaults dialog box appears.
3. In the Apply Quick Defaults dialog box, select all the check boxes:
Automatically create wallet file and encryption key, Encrypt credit card
data, and Encrypt bank account data.
Financials 4-29
4. Click the Apply button.
For more information on Payments security, see the chapter entitled Define
Funds Capture and Payments Security in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Financials Implementation Guide.
Parameter Description
WEB_URL The HTTP/HTTPS URL of the transmission servlet
executing the protocol.
USERNAME/PASSWORD The user name and password used to access the
servlet if its URL is secured by HTTP authentication.
Transmission Servlet
Payments transmission servlet is the module which executes tunneled or
delegated transmission requests sent from the Payments engine. The servlet
receives the Payments HTTP XML delivery envelope requests and parses
them into XML message header and transmission data components. The
format of the XML message header is defined by an XML DTD file named
DeliveryEnvelope.dtd. The message header specifies the transmission protocol,
as well as the parameters to pass to the tunneled or encapsulated transmission
protocol, using its Java class name and entry function name. The transmission
servlet then dynamically loads the Java class implementing the tunneled
protocol and initiates it by passing to it the transmission parameters parsed from
the XML message header and the transmission data.
This behavior is identical to that of the Payments engine.
Any protocol can be tunneled, as long as it implements the
interface. Therefore, any custom-defined protocol can be tunneled or
encapsulated to the servlet, provided the Java class which implements it is in
the CLASSPATH of the servlet's application container. To deploy the servlet
to a different host, such as the one in a DMZ network zone, you must copy
FinPmtTransmitServlet.war to the transmission servlet's new servlet container. If
you want the servlet to support any new transmission protocol that you develop,
its Java code must be deployed to the transmission servlet's web application
Configuring Tunneling
Tunneling is configured on the Create Transmission Configuration page. A
tunneling transmission configuration is specified as any other transmission
configuration, but the protocol is always Payments HTTP XML Delivery
Envelope protocol. Once the tunneling protocol is configured, it can use or
encapsulate any regular, non-tunneling transmission configuration by specifying
a value from the Tunneling Configuration choice list on the Create Transmission
Configuration page. Once that is done, ensure that you set up your payment
system to support the tunneling protocol and that your corresponding funds
capture process profiles and payment process profiles specify the tunneling
Financials 4-31
The security risk is higher under the following circumstances:
When Payments and the payment system servlets are installed on
separate machines
When Payments is deployed and operates outside your firewall
To set up a payment system servlet with a secured sockets layer, enable
HTTPS on the middle-tier server where the servlet resides. If funds capture
process profiles are not defined for the payment system, change the BASE
URL parameter of the payment system to use the https: protocol. Otherwise,
change the URLs on any transmission configurations set up to be used with that
payment system to contain HTTPS.
This task is not applicable to Oracle Cloud implementations.
These configurations are required only if customers or deploying companies
want to use the B2B XML invoice feature.
This step is required only if customers use Oracle Supplier Network as the
communication channel.
Financials 4-33
can be set up at the global level (applicable to all trading partners) or at the
trading partner level.
When Oracle Supplier Network is used, the only required setup to communicate
with the supplier trading partner is to add a Generic Identifier on the B2B Server,
using the Trading Partner Alias of the supplier as the value of the identifier.
The Trading Partner Alias of suppliers is defined on the Trading Partners tab of
the host company trading partner in the Oracle Supplier Network. The Generic
Identifier entry is added to the Identifiers table on the Profile tab of the trading
partner page.
a. Sign into the Oracle Supplier Network using the registered account.
b. Access Messaging - Communication Parameters and select HTTPS
URL Connection as the Delivery Method.
c. Click Modify to update the delivery method parameter values.
d. Enter the URL of the B2B HTTP receiver. Consult your system
administrator if you do not know the value.
e. Enter the User ID and password for Oracle Supplier Network.
You can specify different values for the Test and Production environments.
You can specify different values for the Test and Production environments.
Financials 4-35
10. On the Trading Partners tab, in the Add Trading Partners region, click
Add to add host company trading partner.
Oracle B2B Server is an Oracle SOA Suite component that manages interactions
between deploying companies and trading partners. Oracle Fusion Receivables
supports an outbound Oracle B2B flow using Oracle B2B Server to send
transactions to customer trading partners in XML format.
The setup of the Oracle B2B flow for Receivables makes use of these existing
This name matches the field name on the customer account profile.
7. Navigate to the Partners page.
8. In the Partner regional area, select the default host partner MyCompany.
9. If necessary, update the default host partner name to reflect your
This is the value that you will enter in the B2B Trading Partner Code field
on the customer account profile of this remote trading partner.
16. Click the Documents tab.
17. Click the Add icon to associate the OAG-7.2.1-PROCESS_INVOICE_002-
OAG_DEF document definition with the remote trading partner.
18. Enable the Receiver option.
19. Click the Channel tab.
20. Define a channel for the remote trading partner.
Configuring Agreements
A trading partner agreement defines the terms that enable two trading partners,
the sender and the receiver, to exchange business documents. The agreement
identifies the trading partners, trading partner identifiers, document definitions
and channels.
An agreement consists of two trading partners, the host trading partner and one
remote trading partner, and represents one type of business transaction between
these partners. For example, if the host trading partner MyCompany and the
remote trading partner ABC Solutions regularly exchange both purchase orders
and invoices, then two separate agreements are needed for each document
Financials 4-37
4. Enter the agreement ID and Name.
5. Enter the agreement parameters.
6. Select the Document Definition OAG-7.2.1-PROCESS_INVOICE_002-
OAG_DEF for this agreement.
7. Select the remote trading partner to include in this agreement.
8. Select the channel for the remote trading partner.
9. Add identifiers for the remote trading partner.
10. Click Save to save the agreement.
11. Click Validate to validate the agreement.
12. Click Deploy to deploy the agreement.
In the above URL format, the domain, port, and function_id are for the Oracle E-
Business Suite Instance.
For Oracle PeopleSoft: The URL format for the non-dynamic portion needs to
be in the following format: http://server/servlet_name/SiteName/PortalName/
You have access to the reports through the folder structure in the Financial
Reporting Center and Workspace installed with Oracle Fusion Financial
Applications. Your Oracle Fusion Business Intelligence (BI) administrator
defines the folder structure in Workspace considering your company's security
requirements for folders and reports, as well as report distribution requirements
for financial reporting batches. Security can be set on folders and reports from
Workspace. You are granted access to the folders and reports you want to view
by your BI administrator.
Otherwise, report authors download the installation files for Financial Reporting
Studio from Workspace by clicking Navigator > Financial Reporting Center >
Open Workspace for Financial Reporting. Once Workspace is launched, click
Tools > Install > Financial Reporting Studio. After performing the prerequisites
and completing the installation, launch the Financial Reporting Studio. Provide
your user ID, password, and the Server URL. Derive the Server URL information
by following the steps:
1. Open Navigator > Financial Reporting Center > Open Workspace for
Financial Reporting .
2. Edit the Workspace URL and remove workspace/index.jsp.
3. Following are two examples of Server URLs:
For end users installing the Oracle Fusion Financials Reporting Studio, the
installer launches a separate console window that continues to run for a brief
time after the installation completes the setup tasks. The process is normal,
expected, and applies to Oracle Hyperion Reporting Studio installations in both
the Oracle Fusion Applications and Enterprise Performance Manager modes.
You must save a new report before attempting to preview it with Web Preview.
1. Financial Reporting Studio Client Certifications that are found at: http://
2. Microsoft Office installed on your end-users computers.
Smart View is an Excel add-in that must be loaded to each client. To download
the installation files from Workspace click the Navigator > Financial Reporting
Center > Open Workspace for Financial Reporting. Once the Workspace is
launched, click on Tools > Install > Smart View. Alternatively, download
Smart View from
Since Smart View is an add-in to Microsoft Office products, you can install Smart
View only on a Windows operating system.
This is another example for a Cloud based environment: If the Workspace URL
index.jsp, the Shared Connections URL is https://efops-rel5st4-cdrm-external-
For more information on configuring Smart View client for users, see Oracle
Hyperion Smart View for Office User's Guide for Oracle Hyperion Smart View.
1. Open Smart View from your Start menu > Programs > Microsoft Office >
Microsoft Excel 2007.
2. Go to the Smart View menu > Open, in the Start on the ribbon > click on
Smart View Panel that appears in the drop down box under the ribbon.
This launches a task pane.
3. Click on the Shared Connections button on the task pane.
4. Sign in with your user name and password.
5. Click on the Select Server to proceed drop down.
If the Essbase Server is not there, then it has to be added. Use the following steps:
a. Click on the Add Essbase Server link on the bottom of the spreadsheet.
b. Specify the Essbase Server login and password.
c. Expand the Essbase sever and locate the cube under it.
You need to perform these steps only once for a new server and database.
To set how the name and alias of the Essbase database appears:
Distinct Member Name: Only shows the full Essbase distinct path.
Member Name and Alias: Shows both the member name and the alias.
The Smart Slice feature is not supported in Oracle Fusion General Ledger. For all
other documentation, refer to the Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office User's
Guide for Oracle Hyperion Smart View.
Ledger setup has to be completed before the database connection can be created.
Oracle Fusion General Ledger balances cubes are created as part of ledger
setup. There is a separate cube for each combination of chart of accounts and
accounting calendar. A database connection is needed for each cube.
Using Oracle Fusion HCM Coexistence, you can extract, transform, and
transport files from PeopleSoft Enterprise or Oracle E-Business Suite and
intelligently synchronize selected business object data between your source
application and Oracle Fusion HCM applications. For more information, refer to
HCM Coexistence: Explained.
Ensure that Oracle Fusion HCM invokes the following services defined in the
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service connections.xml file for HcmEssApp.
BulkLoadOdiInvoke - ODI Agent
OdiAgentURLForHCM - ODI Agent via ODI-ESS bridge
All entries with the prefix BulkLoad* - HCM product services
Ensure that the service URLs of the above entries are replaced correctly during
deployment. Ensure that the Protocol, Host and Port tokens are assigned valid
values for the application domain.
Create two user accounts with read and write access, a generic user account
to configure the FTP adapter and a user specific account for Oracle Fusion
For example, create user accounts with directory structure and permissions as
shown in the following table.
4. Create an additional copy of FtpAdapter.rar
5. Update FtpAdapter.rar with the updated META-INF/weblogic-ra.xml
To set up Oracle Data Integrator for HCM Coexistence, complete the following
Before performing the above steps, ensure that the following are set up.
Oracle Data Integrator code is loaded using XML Import into a copy of
the central template repository (id:500) using the FUSION_ODI schema.
Topology Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) entries for the database are
configured automatically to match the installation.
For the operating system user of the Oracle Data Integrator agent, create
or specify directories for the items listed in the following table for Oracle
Data Integrator use. The users must have full read and write access to the
While creating the directory, ensure that the owner of the directory and the
operating user of the Oracle Data Integrator agent are the same. The directory
should be accessible from the Web logic domain that runs the Oracle Data
Integrator agent and the SOA process.
Use JDBC connection and credentials to validate and ensure that the connections
refer to the correct database.
Use the following format if the instance name is not registered with
the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) service: <host>:<port>/
<instance_name>. If the instance name is registered with the TNS service,
specify only the instance name.
6. Click JDBC.
7. Ensure that the URL in the JDBC URL field points to the Oracle Fusion
Applications database.
8. Expand and open the child schema: ORACLE_FUSION.FUSION.
9. Ensure that the Default box is selected.
10. Verify that FUSION is entered as the value in the Schema field.
11. Verify that FUSION_ODI_STAGE is entered as the value in the Work
Schema field.
Use the same steps to configure FILE_OUTPUT_HCM using the directory path
1. Determine the directory where the Oracle client software is installed for
your deployment. The default name is DBCLIENT and it is placed in the
parent directory of <MW_HOME>. You could refer to this directory as
2. Verify the existence of DBCLIENT ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlldr.
3. Using the cd command, change the directory to <ODI
4. Use a text editor to create a script with the file name sqlldr containing the
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlldr $*
chmod +x sqlldr
6. Configuring the Oracle Web Services Manager for Interaction with the Source
Application Web Services
Configure the Oracle Web Services Manager certificate key with the user
credentials for a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interaction with the
source application Web services.
The user credentials correspond to the source application user with entitlement
to invoke the source application Web service.
After you have created the FTP and Oracle Data Integrator directory paths, you
need to set up the related parameters in Oracle Fusion HCM.
The Oracle Fusion Applications user must have the appropriate roles to set
up and configure Oracle Fusion applications. At least, ensure that the user
is assigned the View All data role for the HCM Application Administrator
job role. For details on setting up implementation users, refer to the HCM
Coexistence Implementation Guide.
Parameter Description
On Demand FTP Root Directory Mounted root directory of the server
ODI Context The logical name for the group
containing logical-to-physical
mappings for connections in
Oracle Data Integrator. The default
value in Oracle Data Integrator is
You are now ready to implement Oracle Fusion Talent and Oracle Fusion
Workforce Compensation using the Coexistence for HCM offering, available
from the Setup and Maintenance work area of Oracle Fusion Applications.
If you intend to use the map server provided by Oracle, you must connect to
If the firewall on your network blocks HTTP connections, you cannot access the
map server.
If you intend to use your preferred map server or any other map server that
is available on premise or on another network, you must modify certain
Application Development Framework (ADF) connection properties for
MapViewer and GeoMapViewer.
Name: PJGP6_Primavera1
2. Enter the host and port server details where the P6 integration
service is deployed:
For more information on installing and using Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for
Product Data Oracle DataLens Server, see the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for
Product Data Oracle DataLens Server Installation Guide. For more information
on implementation, see Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data R12
PIM Connector Installation Guide.
Establishing Connection
After installation, use the Oracle Enterprise Manager to establish or modify the
connection with the Oracle DataLens Server.
For example, the SOA Common Properties Server URL with /datalens
appended to the URL such as http://fusionsystemtest-controlled-z-
8. Click OK.
9. Click Apply.
10. Set connections for ProductManagementCommonApp and ScmEssApp
applications using step 3 to step 10.
For the changes to take effect, restart the Product Management, SCM
Common, and ESS servers from the Weblogic Admin Console.
Acronym for demilitarized zone. An isolated internal network used for servers
that are accessed by external clients on the Internet, such as web servers, to
provide a measure of security for internal networks behind the firewall.
e-mail bounce
Comprised of reports and other documents such as text, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel
and Word files. When run, the report data is dynamically retrieved from the
database; the snapshot data remains static.
Acronym for File Transfer Protocol. A system for transferring computer files,
generally by the Internet.
global area
The region across the top of the user interface. It provides access to features and
tools that are relevant to any page you are on.
Acronym for mail transfer agent. A software program that transfers electronic
mail messages from one computer to another.
Oracle Fusion Applications Search
A special type of search based on technology that differs from that of most other
searches in Oracle Fusion Applications. Oracle Fusion Applications Search is
available in the global area and other places.
point of view
User selected dimensions that are not included in the grids at the row, column or
page levels for a particular report. Only these dimensions can be overridden at
run time, unless user also specifically defined Prompt for the dimensions on the