Group Case Study Assignment Fall 2023-2
Group Case Study Assignment Fall 2023-2
Group Case Study Assignment Fall 2023-2
For this assignment, you will apply what you’ve learned about communication to a real-life and current situation.
This project’s challenge is identifying and examining leadership communication issues and how they overlap in a
complex organizational context. This project encourages original research at an advanced undergraduate level. This
assignment allows your group to apply class concepts and incorporate scholarly research and comparable real-
world examples into your analyses.
Listing this project on your resume? Consider adding some of these keywords:
Competencies: Communication, Critical Thinking, Leadership, and Teamwork
Skills: Presenting, Writing, Analyzing, Researching, Solving (plus: tools used, whether Canva, Microsoft PowerPoint,
Microsoft Word, Adobe, etc.)
Project Overview: Your group will write an original case study based on a 2022 or 2023 significant/newsworthy
event that reflects leadership communication issues or challenges in a business context. The issues or challenges
should be public enough to have sources available. Using your understanding of leadership and communication
research, your team will write a case with a teaching note and deliver a professional case presentation.
Sample 2022-2023 topics include: Elon Musk and Twitter, Southwest Airlines and the winter storm, Bud Light and
Dylan Mulvaney, MillerKnoll or another company and firing/online communications, BITE Beauty and Selena
Gomez, Reddit and API, FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried, and many more.
Assignment Inspiration: This assignment is based on the Page’s public relations case competition. See here for the
2024 competition and samples of reports and presentation slides:
Remember that our assignment has a leadership communication focus, not a public relations analysis focus.
However, these are great examples to spark ideas and give expectations regarding case format.
Source Requirement: You are required to cite a minimum of 10 informational, conceptual, or background sources
that are articles, books, book chapters, or financial reports (news articles, peer-reviewed or scholarly articles,
professional articles, and comparable corporate examples from popular or scholarly sources). Please do not cite
textbooks aside from our course’s textbook. The ten sources should support your theoretical/topical claims in the
report and presentation. In the samples, you will see students often cite many news articles to provide evidence of
the source of the case content. You can cite primary sources like corporate or customer social media posts, but
those do not count toward your 10 informational or background sources. You can use the same sources in the
report and presentation. A good standard for quality is to ensure each identified problem and suggested solution
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
has more than one source supporting it. High-quality papers and presentations (usually above a B) intentionally
incorporate peer-reviewed sources to increase their analyses’ credibility and strength.
● Report citations: A citation must be in APA Style and be cited in-text and on the reference page to meet the
source requirement. If the source is only in-text or on the reference page, it isn’t properly cited and is
considered missing. For less than 10 sources, it’s -3% off your report grade for each missing source.
● Presentation citations: You must verbally cite your sources in the presentation as discussed in class. For every
missing source (meaning less than 10 sources), it’s -3% off your presentation grade.
● Generative AI, limited: For this project, you may use generative AI like ChatGPT or GrammarlyGO with
limitations. Generative AI will make up or hallucinate information and sources. Use generative AI for help (e.g.,
outlining, trimming paragraphs), but do not use it for content generation. Generative AI can be used for slide
design, but you are responsible for all content and output. Further, if you use generative AI, you should add an
acknowledgments section to the end of your paper explaining that you used it. Track your work in case there is
an inappropriate use of generative AI (e.g., teammate includes hallucinated content). Regular Grammarly for
editing and revising is not generative AI and is encouraged. Here’s how to cite ChatGPT.
Project Deliverables:
1. A professional case report including the four elements listed in the “Elements of the Report and Presentation”
section. The report should be 8+ pages (11-12pt font, 1” margins, approximately 3,300-3,700 words), excluding
cover page, table of contents & references. After the report in the same document, you should include element
5, the teaching note.
2. A 10-12 minute presentation that includes elements 1-4 on the next page and verbal citations. Do not read
your case in your presentation. Think of how to engage the audience while also remaining professional. Every
group must speak during the presentation to earn individual credit for the presentation. You must present in
front of the class.
a. Visual aid accompanying the presentation (submit to eLearning)
b. Lead a 2-5 minute discussion session after your presentation. This time is separate from your presentation time.
If the audience doesn't participate, you must be prepared with possible questions/points of elaboration.
3. There are 3 smaller activities related to the project: a status report/update & check-in, presentation peer
review, and group member evaluation. They are detailed under “assignments” on eLearning.
Point Breakdown:
Assignment Points Assignment Type Submission
Team Check-In Status Report 10 Group eLearning dropbox
Professional Case Study Report 70 Group eLearning dropbox
Case Study Presentation and Q&A; Visual 100 Group In-class; eLearning dropbox
Group Member Evaluation 20 Individual eLearning dropbox
Total Points 200
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
2. Company background - including an overview of the business and its leadership. Suggested content (depending
on your topic) includes relevant:
a. Company leadership
b. Company history
c. Vision and/or mission statement(s); Values
d. Brief financials or market position
3. The situation or case, including identification of the situation, and leadership and communication
problem(s), and analysis of the reason for the problem(s)…The “what” and the “why”
a. Explain the situation. Recommended: include a timeline
b. Explain and cite important leadership communication concepts as you introduce them. For instance: What
are the key leadership and professional communication issues inherent in this case? Are they occurring at
multiple levels in the organization? Why are they occurring? How did people respond to the leader’s
c. Pretend your reader might not know all the terms you are using (you are the communication experts here).
Each time you introduce a key course concept, be sure to:
i. Explicitly define the term (in your own words, avoid quoting),
ii. Cite your sources in APA Style, and
iii. Relate the concept to the case through an explanation
d. After introducing the problems, provide an insightful and thorough analysis of why the problems are
occurring. Like identifying the problems, make sure to support your claims.
e. If applicable, identify what is working in the organization related to the problem(s)…if anything.
4. Implications and/or Lessons Learned for Future Leadership:
a. This section shifts from your individual case to the more significant implications of the case on the
identified business and/or the industry. Impacts could be business, societal, financial, cultural, etc.
b. Suggested actions or lessons learned:
i. If this situation is currently ongoing, clearly explain what the leaders should consider, question,
investigate, or do in light of this situation. Relate it back to best practices we’ve learned in class
regarding leadership communication.
ii. If this situation has ended, what are key takeaways or leadership communication “lessons” we should
learn from this case?
c. Identify hurdles and potential unintended consequences to your recommendations for leadership or
suggested lesson implementation.
d. Have a final concluding paragraph to wrap up the report.
e. See a sample “A” quality final section from this Page winner (“The Road Ahead”), but keep a leadership
communication focus.
5. Teaching Note Section. After your report (one to two pages, on its own, does not count toward page count),
include a “Teaching Note” in the same file submission. You set up all these problems. Give an explanation of
how, if this case was taught, students might solve the case using what they have learned from the Northouse
book and BCOM 4300.
Potential ways to address the identified problems using communication strategies.
a. Case explanation: At the top of the page, write a short paragraph explaining why this case is about
leadership communication and how it connects to the Northouse book (e.g., a sentence like, “This case
connects to Chapter 8, section 2, and Chapter 10, sections 1-3. The case can also connect to discussions of
ethics, specifically modal and end values.”). Offer broad solutions.
b. Discussion Questions: Write 3 to 5 discussion questions, at least one of the questions should be about
leadership communication strategies to solve the case. You will ask these discussion questions to the class
after your presentation ends but before you sit down. The discussion questions should connect to
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
leadership communication and Northouse concepts. Effective questions are open-ended. Yes/no questions
are not discussion questions.
c. Discussion Question Answers: Write your answers to each discussion question you wrote. Please do not
share your answers with the class.
i. For the strategy question(s): You should give at least two potential strategies/solutions (or more).
1. The strategies should address a leadership communication problem and have specific and realistic
2. Explain why the strategy should be considered
3. Support the strategy with solid evidence from the Northouse book or other peer-reviewed scholarly
journal research.
ii. Below are sample questions to consider when answering your question about sample
1. Will the solutions/strategies work? I.e. feasibility. For instance: Have these solutions worked in other
instances at similar companies? Are they grounded in research principles? Etc.
2. Who will implement them? How much time/cost involved? What will operationally need to
3. Are there some ways to address the problems related? Meaning could you combine strategies to
address multiple issues.
4. Are some more viable short v. long-term?
5. What are some expected impacts of these proposed strategies?
6. Which solution(s) is/are most effective?
7. Can any solution(s) be tied to the vision/mission of the organization?
8. What are the drawbacks to the proposed solutions?
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Workplace-Based Grading Rubric: This rubric emphasizes audience and overall standards. This rubric should serve as an overall guide for expectations. For this
course, the +/- system will also be used. For example, an A- may have one minor edit.
Case Study Reflection Report Rubric
Incomplete (F)
Poor (D)
Fair (C) The reader is dismayed by
Excellent (A) Good (B) The reader is troubled by the
The reader is dissatisfied and poor quality, missing
The reader is impressed and The reader approves the poor quality. Revisions are
has to spend time suggesting sections, and/or sloppiness.
Overall approves the work without document with minor essential. They’re shocked
revisions. They are confused You showed a basic
Objective/ any changes. You exceeded editing. Your work “gets the you thought this was
how you thought this report misunderstanding of the
Criteria their expectations; they will job done.” They are satisfied appropriate. They have
was appropriate. In the case & leadership
absolutely rehire you for and will consider rehiring wasted their time and ask
future, the reader would hire communication. They fire
future consulting. you in the future. your company for new
a different consulting group. you and actively deter
consultants or a refund.
others from hiring you.
Professionally & briefly
Mostly professional situation Poor/unprofessional situation
reviews case. Identifies Fairly professional. Identifies
review. Identifies most of the review. Poor explanation of
relevant people, issues, & some of the key people, Inadequate situation review.
case’s key people, issues, and and/or missing key people,
facts. Enhances flow by issues, and facts. Multiple Inadequate explanation of
Abstract/ facts. Very few errors. Could issues, and facts. Significant
paraphrasing most errors. Reader would like and/or missing key people,
Introduction condense a little. Reader has a errors. Reader does not have
information. No noticeable clearer understanding of the issues, and facts. Reader is
(5%) mostly clear understanding of a good understanding of the
errors. Reader has a clear situation. Preview is incredibly confused. Preview
the situation. Solid preview situation. Preview is of poor
understanding of situation. incomplete, disorganized, is missing.
that mostly meets quality, incomplete, and
Excellent preview of and/or has multiple errors.
expectations. difficult to understand.
analysis/main points.
Company background is Company background
Company background is The company background is
thoroughly reviewed and provides a good overview of
somewhat reviewed and The company background is not reviewed and missing
provides detailed overview of relevant elements (e.g.,
explains some relevant factors. not reviewed well and missing multiple factors needed to
relevant factors (e.g., the company leadership, history,
Company However, more detail and key factors needed to understand the company.
company leadership, history, vision/mission/values, and
Background sources are needed to fully understand the company. This This section is confusing,
vision/mission/values, and financials/market position).
(10%) understand the company. The section lacks detail and is inaccurate, and lacks
financials/market position). Most areas are detailed and
reader has multiple questions missing sources. The reader is support. The reader is
Reader fully understands the well-supported. The reader
unanswered. very confused. confused and angry with the
company and content is well- has very few questions
supported/cited. unanswered.
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Identifies & understands all Meets expectations.
Identifies & understands Identifies & understands only Missing multiple issues.
main issues in situation. Identifies & understands
some issues in the situation. a few issues. Missing concept Lacks definitions, citations,
Excellent definition, most of main issues.
Need more work in clearly definitions, citations, and and/or explanations of
Situation and citation, & explanation of Defined, cited, & explained
defining, citing, & explaining explanations. Incomplete concepts. No issue analysis;
Analysis (25%) key concepts. Insightful, key concepts well.
concepts in depth. Superficial issue analysis; needs more lacks support.
thorough, & well- Thorough & well-
& somewhat-cited analysis of support for analysis. Major Fundamentally
supported analysis of all supported analysis of most
some issues. errors; needs more detail. misunderstands concepts.
issues. of the issues.
Superficial explanations for
Superb explanations for potential implications.
explanations for potential Little to no potential
potential implications. Needed more explanation No potential implications
implications. Proposed implications mentioned.
Proposed wise & detailed and justification for potential mentioned. Does not
sufficient potential Lacking explanation &
potential actions/lessons actions/lessons related to provide appropriate
Implications actions/lessons related to justification for potential
related to leadership leadership communication. explanation & justification
& Lessons leadership communication. actions/lessons and/or
communication. Identified Hurdles/consequences for potential actions/lessons
Learned (15%) Identified most hurdles/ hurdles. Lacking detail,
hurdles/ consequences. All needed more detail. The and/or hurdles. Missing
consequences. All justification & support.
information was well-cited. section needed more detail, support. Conclusion is
information was mostly Conclusion was incomplete or
Incorporated an excellent justification & support. missing.
supported. Incorporated a difficult to understand.
conclusion. Conclusion did not enhance
good conclusion.
the report.
Excellent case explanation,
Case explanation, broad Poor explanation of case,
broad solutions, & how it Case explanation, broad Missing portions of the case
solutions, & class solutions, and/or class
connects to class. solutions, & class connection explanation, discussion,
connection meets connection. Discussion
Thoughtful, well-crafted somewhat meet expectations. questions, or answers.
expectations. Discussion questions are of poor quality,
Effective discussion questions, at Some discussion questions Fundamentally
questions meet don’t promote discussion, or
teaching note least one about strategies. may confuse audience and/or misunderstands concepts
requirements and connect confuse the audience. Lack
(15%) Questions connect to class does not connect to class and inadequate
to class concepts. Most connection to class concepts.
concepts & would facilitate concepts. Answers need some explanations, questions, or
would facilitate discussion. Answers are incomplete or
productive discussion. detail or clarity; somewhat answers. Does not use
Most answers are clear & difficult to understand.
Answers are clear & supported. support.
detailed; mostly supported. Lacking detail and support.
detailed; supported.
Troubling. Organization and
Extremely well‐organized Basic formatting and some
formatting show a
and formatted. Strong Document was well‐ organizational issues. Difficult Unprofessional. Needs more
misunderstanding of
Organizatio audience consideration. organized and considered for audience to follow at audience consideration.
communication basics and
n & Format Clear headings, consistent the audience. Format is times. Disorganized, and/or Formatting and organization
conventions. Inconsistent
(10%) format. Aesthetically professional, pleasing, & have multiple errors. Format are inconsistent and may be
and may hinder the reader's
pleasing, easy to follow, and needs minor adjustments. could be more professional distracting or confusing.
ability to understand the
professional. and consistent.
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Sophisticated clarity,
Writing is understandable but Writing lacks clarity or Writing is unfocused,
conciseness, & correctness. Writing is clear and concise.
needs editing and proofing. conciseness and contains rambling, or contains serious
Paraphrases rather than Good incorporation of
Comm. Could improve incorporation numerous errors. Document is errors; no effort made to
relying on direct quotes.* citations; mostly
Competence of outside information by legible but confusing due to have consistency of voice.
Shows significant paraphrases instead of
(20%) paraphrasing, instead of inconsistent voice. Plops in Outside information not
consideration of the directly quoting. Mostly
directly quoting Some issues direct quotes without used and/or incorporated
audience. Cohesive voice cohesive voice.
with cohesive voice. considering flow of document. well.
Additional Deductions: -3% for every missing citation not meeting the source count (sources must be cited in-text and in the references in APA Style); Over or under-length: -10%
for each 1 page shorter than the assignment’s page requirement; technical issues that should have been caught (e.g., file format or upload issues, citation issues related to format;
other major errors; etc.)
Important Note: If it is clear that a group member(s) disrupted the final upload or product development accidentally or on purpose, then that member may face an additional
deduction if the group project is accepted.
*This doesn’t mean that you cannot directly quote material, but you do so sparingly and reserve direct quotations for standout content to emphasize an important point.
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Workplace-Based Grading Rubric: This table rubric emphasizes audience and overall standards. It should serve as an overall guide for expectations. For this
course, the +/- system will also be used. For example, an A- may have one minor edit.
Case Study Presentation Rubric
Poor (D) Incomplete (F)
Fair (C)
Excellent (A) The audience is troubled by The audience considers the
Good (B) The audience is dissatisfied
The audience is impressed the poor presentation poor quality, missing sections,
The audience approves the and has to spend time
and approves the work quality. Revisions are and/or your sloppiness as a
Overall presentation. Your work suggesting revisions. They
without any changes. You essential. They’re shocked sign that you may need to be
Objective/ “gets the job done.” They are confused how you
exceeded their you thought this was replaced. You showed a basic
Criteria are satisfied and will thought this presentation
expectations; they will appropriate for clients. They misunderstanding of the job &
consider rehiring you in the was appropriate. In the
absolutely rehire you for have wasted their time and leadership communication.
future. future, they would hire
future consulting. ask your company for new They fire you and actively
different consulting group.
consultants or a refund. deter others from hiring you.
Needs more organization
Superb organization.
and audience
Major audience
Solid organization. Clearly consideration. Intro:
consideration. Intro: Lacks organization and did not
considered audience. Intro: Needs work with
engaging; clear thesis; Poor organization and limited consider the audience.
mostly engaging; clear thesis; engagement, clearer thesis
good preview. Body: nice audience consideration. Organizational sections are of
good preview. Body: mostly and/or preview. Body:
balance of speakers & Organizational sections are of poor quality, missing
Organization balanced speakers & info.; Needs balance with
info.; well- developed poor quality, missing a few significant portions, and
(10%) mostly developed transitions; speakers & info.;
transitions; Logical portions, and are difficult to confuse the audience.
Often easy to follow. unpracticed or missing
flow/easy to follow. understand. Unprofessional Unprofessional. Shows
Conclusion: Good review & transitions; difficult to
Conclusion: Excellent and disappointing. misunderstanding of
thesis restatement; closing follow. Conclusion: Needs
review & thesis organization fundamentals.
statement. better review, thesis
restatement; strong
restatement, and/or
closing statement.
Professionally, effectively & Somewhat professional
Mostly professional situation Poor/unprofessional situation
briefly review situation. situation review. Identifies Inadequate situation review.
review. Identifies most of the review. Poor explanation of
Introduction Identifies relevant people, some of key people, Inadequate explanation of
key people, issues, and facts in and/or missing key people,
of the case issues, & facts in case. No issues, and facts. Multiple and/or missing key people,
the case. Very few errors. issues, and facts. Audience
(5%) noticeable errors. Everyone errors. Audience would issues, and facts. Audience is
Everyone has a clear does not have a good
has a clear, comprehensive like clearer understanding baffled.
understanding of situation. understanding of situation.
understanding of situation. of situation.
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Company background is Company background Company background is
thoroughly reviewed and provides a good overview of somewhat reviewed and The company background is
The company background is
provides detailed overview relevant elements (e.g., explains some relevant not reviewed and missing
not reviewed well and missing
of relevant factors (e.g., the company leadership, history, factors. However, more multiple factors needed to
Company key factors needed to
company leadership, history, vision/mission/values, and detail and sources are understand the company. This
Background understand the company. This
vision/mission/values, and financials/market position). needed to fully understand sectionis confusing, inaccruate,
(10%) section lacks detail and is
financials/market position). Most areas are detailed and the company. The reader has and lacks support. The reader
missing sources. The reader is
Reader fully understands the well-supported. The reader multiple questions is confused and angry with the
very confused.
company and content is has very few questions unanswered. quality.
well-supported/cited. unanswered.
Identifies & understands
Meets expectations. Identifies & understands
all main issues in Identifies & understands only
Identifies & understands some issues in the Missing multiple issues. Lacks
situation. Excellent a few issues. Missing concept
most of main issues. situation. Need more work definitions, citations, and/or
Situation and definition, citation, & definitions, citations, and
Defined, cited, & explained in clearly defining, citing, & explanations of concepts. No
Analysis explanation of key explanations. Incomplete
key concepts well. explaining concepts in issue analysis; lacks support.
(25%) concepts. Insightful, issue analysis; needs more
Thorough & well-supported depth. Superficial & Fundamentally
thorough, & well- support for analysis. Major
analysis of most of the somewhat-cited analysis of misunderstands concepts.
supported analysis of all errors; needs more detail.
issues. some issues.
Superb explanations for
explanations for potential
potential implications. Little to no potential
implications. Proposed No potential implications
Proposed wise & detailed Superficial explanations for implications mentioned.
Implications sufficient potential mentioned. Does not provide
potential actions/lessons potential implications. Lacking explanation &
& Lessons actions/lessons related to appropriate explanation &
related to leadership Needed more explanation, justification for potential
Learned leadership communication. justification for potential
communication. Identified detail, justification & actions/lessons and/or hurdles.
(15%) Identified most hurdles/ actions/lessons and/or hurdles.
hurdles/consequences. All support. Lacking detail, justification &
consequences. All Missing support.
information was well- support.
information was mostly
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Outstanding! Polished, Mostly cohesive delivery.
Delivery needs more work.
cohesive, & appropriate Often maintained
Somewhat cohesive. Some
energy to hold audience appropriate energy to hold
low or inconsistent energy. Delivery feels unpracticed and
interest. Poised, if made interest. Mostly poised and Delivery is not rehearsed and
Issues maintaining poise/ disjointed. Low or
mistakes, recovered well recovered from mistakes, rambling. Very low energy.
professionalism if made inconsistent energy. Low
and maintained Physical: Good eye contact Unprofessional and unpoised.
mistakes. Physical: Fair eye professionalism recovering
professionalism. Physical: & rarely used notes. Good Physical: little eye contact &
contact & frequently used from mistakes. Physical: Poor
Superb eye contact & did facial expressions. Attire primarily read notes. Poor
notes. Some good facial eye contact & often read
not read notes. Animated mostly enhanced credibility. facial expressions.
Delivery expressions. Attire notes. Distracting facial
facial expressions. Attire Often poised & most Unprofessional attire.
(15%) somewhat enhanced expressions. Attire, gestures,
enhanced credibility. gestures enhanced delivery. Distracting gestures or use of
credibility. Some gestures and environment use
Gestures enhanced Used physical environment physical environment. Vocal:
and use of environment detracted from credibility.
delivery. Excellent use of mostly well. Vocal: significant issues; hard to hear,
were distracting. Vocal: Vocal: Difficult to follow; rate
physical environment. Generally, spoke clearly, monotone, poor pacing.
Sometimes difficult to and volume erratic.
Vocal: Spoke clearly, with with appropriate rate, Excessive pronunciation issues
hear/understand; rate and Pronunciation issues and lots
appropriate rate, volume, volume, & animated and fillers.
volume inconsistent. Some of fillers.
& animated delivery. delivery. Good
issues with pronunciation
Correct pronunciation and pronunciation and a few
and multiple fillers.
very few fillers. fillers.
Excellent handling of Good handling of discussion. Discussion needs Discussion is poor. Missing or
discussion. Professionally Mostly professional open & improvement. Had somewhat disjointed open or close;
Discussion is unprofessional and
opened & closed; asked close; good asking of professional open & close of questions asking felt
lacking. Forgot to have discussion
questions well. Questions & questions. Questions & Q&A; question asking needed unpracticed. Questions/question
or missing both opening/closing.
question order were question order were good, polish. Question/question order of poor quality, didn’t
Questions/question order
insightful, well-crafted & thoughtful, & met order was slightly confusing, promote discussion, & confused
unprofessional, unclear, and
met requirements. Took requirements. Mostly took didn’t promote discussion, or audience. Lack connection to
unable to promote discussion.
turns leading discussion/ turns leading discussion/ didn’t connect to class class content. Speakers
Discussion (10%) Speakers unbalanced and ill-
talking with audience. Polite talking with audience. Polite & concepts. Some balance in unbalanced. Low
prepared. Unprofessionalism in
& professional interactions. professional interactions. speaker turn-taking. Needs professionalism in audience
audience interactions. Not
Prepared with list of possible Mostly prepared with list of more professional audience interactions. Minimal
prepared if audience didn’t
elaboration points in case possible elaboration points in interactions. Somewhat preparation if audience didn’t
engage. Shows fundamental
audience not engaging. case audience not engaging. prepared if audience didn’t engage. Poor/unclear
misunderstanding of case &
Showed mastery of case & Solid understanding of case & engage. Some understanding understanding of case & its
its connection to leadership its connection to leadership of case & its connection to connection to leadership
communication. communication. leadership communication. communication.
BCOM 4300: Group Case Study Assignment 200 points
Outstanding slide Some slides are clear and
design/layout. Slides are Most slides are clear and aesthetically pleasing. Poorly designed aid. Most
clear and aesthetically aesthetically pleasing. Text Some text and font slides had design issues, were Serious errors & missing slides.
engaging. Text not wordy. and font are readable/not readable and not overly disorganized, and not Disorganized & ill-formatted.
No noticeable errors. overly wordy. Minimal wordy. Multiple spelling aesthetically pleasing. Too Not aesthetically pleasing. Too
Visual Aid
Enhanced audience errors. Aids audience errors. Provided a basic much text. Multiple errors. much text. Distracted from the
understanding and increased understanding. Well- understanding for Did not enhance audience presentation. Not well-
presentation credibility. practiced physical audience. More practiced understanding. Lacked presented. No effort for design
Incredibly well-practiced interaction with most slides. physical interaction practiced physical interaction. consistency.
physical interaction. Mostly cohesive design. needed. Some design Minimal design consistency.
Cohesive design throughout. consistency.
Additional Deductions: -3% for every missing citation not meeting the source count (sources must be cited verbally and according to how we discussed oral citations in lecture);
-1% for each 10 seconds (over/under the assignment’s time range; The Q&A timing will be timed separately from the presentation timing); offensive comments/delivery; etc.)
Important Note: If it is clear that a group member(s) is not as prepared or professional as their group, they may be graded separately or incur individual grade deductions.