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Concept of Economic Readiness Levels Assessment

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7E2-2 2016 Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE)

Concept of Economic Readiness Levels Assessment

Yuniaristanto Wahyudi Sutopo
Industrial Engineering Department, Industrial Engineering and Techno-economics Research
Sebelas Maret University Group, Sebelas Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia Surakarta, Indonesia
yuniaristanto@ft.uns.ac.id wahyudisutopo@gmail.com

Anugerah Widiyanto Arinda Soraya Putri

Technology Incubation Center, Agency for the Assessment Laboratory of Business and Logistic System,
and Application of Technology IE Department, Sebelas Maret University
Jakarta, Indonesia Surakarta, Indonesia
anugerah.widiyanto@bppt.go.id arindasoraya@gmail.com

Abstract - This research aims to build a concept of Economic applying it in either production or consumption activity [4]. In
Readiness Level (ERL) assessment for incubation center. ERL accordance with technology commercialization activity, a
concept is arranged by considering both market and business service unit called as technology transfer service unit is
aspects. Every aspect is divided into four phases and each of required as support. The unit tends to prepare technology
them consists of some indicators. Analytic Hierarchy Process
(AHP) is used to develop the ERL in calculating the weight of
innovation of a research output for commercialization in
every single aspect and indicator. Interval scale between 0 and 4 business world.
is also applied in indicator assessment. In order to calculate Technology commercialization and readiness of the
ERL, score in every indicator and the weight of both the aspect
technology as a research output to be acceptable and usable by
and indicator are considered. ERL value is able to show in detail
the innovative product readiness level from economic sight,
user are inseparably linked. Therefore, some tools are
market and business aspect. There are four levels in Economic available to assess the readiness level of a product from a
Readiness Level scheme which are investigation, feasibility, research. Some of them have been commonly used in
planning and introduction. assessing the product readiness level. They are Technology
Readiness Levels, System Readiness Levels, Innovation
Keywords - Economic Readiness Level, business aspect, market Readiness Levels and Demand Readiness Levels.
aspect, AHP, interval scale
Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) reflects trustworthy
I. INTRODUCTION and feasibility of the technology to be diffused, but not
University as research center is considerable in promoting indicating the competency of concerned research and
technology based economy growth [1]. Specifically, development officer nevertheless. TRL concept is developed
university recently has a responsibility to commercialize as a tool to assist the technology development and monitoring
research output as a support in economy development [2]. activity. In 1980 NASA created this concept in order to help
Technology is a driving key to innovate and grow business as management making decision about technology development
a tremendous number of resources are utilized by research and and transition [5].
development unit either from private or government Limitation and drawback of TRL occur during the practice
institution. [6]. Technology failure to integrate to the existing system may
Notwithstanding the great number of research output in either confine or postpone technology introduction and
university, commercialization attempt in product implementation. The circumstance encourages a developed
dissemination so that people can utilize the output and it concept of System Readiness Level (SRL) to emerge which is
provides economics benefit is still minimum. Basically, proposed by Sauser et. al. [7]. SRL is a scale that combines
technology commercialization in university environment is maturity level of prior component and operational ability
one of Three Pillars (Tri Dharma) of Higher Education, which between components in a particular system.
is community dedication. Technology commercialization Tao, et. al. [8] view that it is necessary to improve
inevitably requires an appropriate mechanism in order to managerial approach for innovation through Innovation
avoid the research output from the valley of death [3]. Readiness Levels (IRL) concept. IRL concept provides
Technology commercialization is one of format and monitoring and control improvement based on a framework
activity to transfer the technology innovation to a business which illustrates an innovation development during the life
world. With the presence of technology commercialization cycle. IRL is a process of identifying the five key aspects of
process, technology can provide benefit for the inventor by innovation-technology, market, organization, partnership and

978-1-5090-3803-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE K-7

7E2-2 2016 Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE)

risk-which influence the effectiveness of innovation 2) Growth: when a new product is being marketed, gradually
implementation during its life cycle. being accepted by consumer and gaining increasing profit.
As a product become more successful in market, more
Paun defines DRL as a new measurement to assess
companies start to develop similar product and technology.
demand maturity from potential innovation actor towards
On the other hand, the company will keep develop their
conceptualization stage from appropriate market needs [9]. As
product to satisfy the dynamic customer needs in order to
the result, the scientific research team is able to suggest a
escalate their competitiveness level.
solution from scientific research output by technology transfer
3) Maturity: product quality and reliability reach the peak
process or translating demand to a Research and Development
during this period. Company will earn enormous amount
project. In order to provides essential decision-making
of profit, however the profit growth is slowing down. A
information and predicts technology implementation and
few number of product brands are to dominate the market.
commercialization condition, Paun use two reference systems
4) Decline: new generation of the product is going to appear.
which combine Push Technology and Market Pull system.
Most products will lose their competitiveness due to the
However, none of the four assessment tools has reviewed presence of those mainstream products. Price competition
the readiness of technology product from economy side. It is will arise during this period.
necessary to know the economic value of the product, product
B. Technology Readiness Levels
demand, and consumer respond regarding to the product.
Hence a study related to economic readiness level for Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) is a systematic
incubated product by incubator institution is necessary. system which support assessment of certain technology
maturity and consistent comparison of maturity between
This study aims to construct Economic Readiness Level various types of technology [12]. TRL concept is developed
(ERL) for a technology incubation center. The result is an as a tool in assisting technology monitoring and development.
ERL assessment concept for research output product that will This concept was formulated by NASA in 1980 to help
be incubated by an incubator. This article starts with management in decision making policy regarding to
introduction then continue with literature review about technology development and transition [5].
readiness level assessment models that have been developed
by previous research in section 2. In section 3, research Technology Readiness Levels Summary [13]:
methodology explains about how the research is conducted. TRL 1 Basic principles observed and reported
Next in section 4 results and discussion about ERL model TRL 2 Technology concept and/or application formulated
framework. Finally, conclusion is explained in final section. TRL 3 Analytical and experimental critical function and/or
characteristic proof-ofconcept
II. LITERATURE REVIEW TRL 4 Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory
This section elaborates several concepts used in this study. environment
TRL 5 Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant
A. The Product Life Cycle environment
Technology has an observed life cycle as growth, maturity TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration
and declining phase with S-curve character [10]. Product life in a relevant environment
cycle can be illustrated by S-curve as seen in Fig. 1. TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in a operational
TRL 8 Actual system completed and “flight qualified”
through test and demonstration
TRL 9 Actual system “flight proven” through successful
mission operations
C. System Readiness Levels
Just like the other management tools, there is limitation in
utilization of TRL [14] [15]. Technology failure to integrate to
the existing system may either confine or postpone technology
introduction and implementation. Baines [16] explains that
Fig 1. Product Life Cycle [11] wrong technology or appropriate technology with bad
implementation can be a disaster.
On the perspective of selling against time, S-curve can be
Sauser, et. al. [7] propose to develop system called System
classified into four stages:
Readiness Levels (SRL) to respond these circumstances. SRL
1) Introduction: product market introduction begins by
combines maturity level of main components and operational
quality and function test of the new product when it is
ability between components in a particular system. SRL
introduced to prospective customers. There is not any
indexes are defined based on condition of system
product in market introduction stage which is fully-
development in accordance with Development Phase from
accepted by consumer without any rejection.

7E2-2 2016 Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE)

Department of Defense about Life Cycle Management In order to provides essential decision-making information
Framework as shown in Table I [17]. and predicts technology application and commercialization
condition, Paun use two reference systems which combine
TABLE I. SYSTEM READINESS LEVELS “Push Technology” and “Market Pull” system. Table III
SRL Name Definition shows the scheme suggested by Paun [9].
5 Operations & Execute a support program that meets operational
Support support performance requirements and sustains TABLE III. DRL-TRL SCHEME
the system in the most cost-effective manor over
its total life cycle DRL Description of DRL Description of TRL TRL
4 Production & Achieve operational capability that satisfies 1 Occurrence of a Feeling “something is Market certification and 9
Development mission needs. missing” sales authorisation
3 System Develop a system or increment of capability; 2 Identification of a specific need Product Industrialisation 8
Development & reduce integration and manufacturing risk; ensure 3 Identification of the expected Industrial Prototype 7
Demonstration operational supportability; reduce logistics functionalities for the new
footprint; implement human systems integration; Product/Service
design for producibility; ensure affordability and 4 Quantification of the expected Field demonstration for 6
protection of critical program information; and functionalities the whole system
demonstrate system integration, interoperability, 5 Identification of the systemic Technology development 5
safety, and utility. capabilities (including the project
2 Technology Reduce technology risks and determine leadership)
Development appropriate set of technologies to integrate into a 6 Translation of the expected Laboratory 4
full system. functionalities into needed capabilities demonstration
1 Concept Refine initial concept. Develop system/ to build the response
Refinement technology development strategy 7 Definition of the necessary and Research to prove 3
sufficient competencies and resources feasibility
D. Innovation Readiness Levels 8 Identification of the Experts possessing Applied research 2
the competencies
Tao, et. al. [8] view that it is necessary to improve 9 Building the adapted answer to the Fundamental research 1
managerial approach for innovation through Innovation expressed need on the market
Readiness Levels (IRL) concept. IRL concept provides
monitoring and control improvement based on a framework None of the four assessment models have considered
which illustrates an innovation development during the life economy aspect. It is necessary to consider economy aspect
cycle. IRL is a process of identifying the five key aspects of especially both market and business aspects. The position of
innovation-technology, market, organization, partnership and the current study is described in Table IV.
risk-which influence the effectiveness of innovation
implementation during its life cycle.
IRL framework [8] is six of ‘C’ model separating Assessment
Technology Market Business
comprehensive innovation life cycle to be six phases TRL  1-9
(readiness level), and examine innovation process SRL  1-5
management by considering five key aspects (see Table II). IRL   1-6
DRL   1-9
ERL   1-4
Technological development Market evolution III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
Concept Components Completion Chasm Competition Changeover Economic Readiness Levels assessment concept is
Aspects /Closedown constructed in order to examine both market and business
Technology TRL, SRL
Market Diffusion of innovation theory aspects based on commercialization model by Goldsmith [18].
Market adoption model Research method in this study consists of four stages refers
Product life cycle of innovation
ERL model scheme formulation as shown in Fig. 2.
Partnership Key activities
Risk Indicators Building Indicator Testing

E. Demand Readiness Levels Define and describe phase • Build questionnaire I

and measurement indicator • Validity-reliability testing
Paun together with ONERA (Space Laboratory of France)
[9] suggest additional scale to complete TRL thus introduce
Demand Readiness Level (DRL) that related to maturity level
of a particular innovation market demand. Paun defines DRL Assessment AHP
as a new measurement to assess demand maturity from Determine scale and • Build hierarchy
potential innovation actor towards conceptualization stage assessment • Pairwise comparison
from market needs [9]. As the result, the scientific research • Consistency testing
• Weighting
team is able to suggest a solution from scientific research
output by technology transfer process. Fig 2. Steps of process in ERL Model Formulation

7E2-2 2016 Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE)

First step is to define and describe phases and indicator TABLE V. MARKET ASPECT: PHASE AND INDICATOR
based on literature and stakeholder needs. Commercialization Phase Indicator Source
model of Goldsmith [18] is used as the reference in MA1 Market potency
determining the phases in market and business aspect. Those MA2 Product uniqueness
phases are explained into measurable indicators. Preliminary MA3 Sales growth
verification by focus group discussion is done after that. Market MA4 Competitive level [18] [19]
In the second step, first questionnaire is built based on MA5 Competitor price level [20]
indicators that have been determined before. The MA6 Product acceptance by consumer
questionnaire should be well-arranged to avoid bias and MA7 Facility of market access
ambiguous sentences. A matching understanding of MA8 Distribution channel availability
respondents towards the meaning of each question in MS1 Market segmentation
questionnaire is a compulsory. The questionnaire is MS2 Industrial and economical trend
distributed to respondents including incubation center, tenant, MS3 Market volume
and start-up entrepreneur. Returning questionnaires from Market Study MS4 [18] [21]
Sales level prediction
(MS) [22] [23]
respondent have validity and reliability testing later. The MS5 Price target determination
purpose is to ensure that chosen indicators is appropriate and MS6 Distribution channel selection
consistent against the concept that will be measured. MS7 Competitor characteristic
MP1 Marketing team selection
A hierarchy consisting aspects, phases and indicators is
constructed in the next step. The second questionnaire is MP2 Target market determination
Strategic Market MP3
arranged by using pairwise comparison for every existing Distribution channel determination [18] [24]
Plan (MP)
indicator. The same respondents with respondents in first MP4 Consumer preliminary evaluation
questionnaire are asked to fill in the second questionnaire after MP5 Production strategy determination
it is distributed. Consistency data from respondents is MV1 Distribution channel evaluation
examined by pairwise comparison matrices. Once all of the Market MV2 Initial product sales
matrices are consistent, weight of each indicator and global Validation MV3 Sales outcome evaluation [18]
weight for every aspect can be calculated. (MV) MV4 Buyer respond evaluation
MV5 Marketing strategy evaluation
Eventually, assessment by determining scale and range of
scale is condusted in final step. Score of each determined
indicator is measured then. Based on these weight and score,
ERL score for the observed product can be assessed. Phase Indicator Source
BA1 Business profit potency
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION BA2 Readiness of product concept
Venture commercialization
This section consists of four stages which every stage will Assessment BA3 Human resources requirement [18] [25]
be elaborated in more detail in these sub sections. (BA)
BA4 Business capital requirement
A. Indicator Building BA5 Intellectual property potency
BF1 Set of financial assumption
Indicators are built by sequential process starting from
Economic BF2 Capital resource
aspect determination, phase determination and indicator Feasibility [18] [26]
BF3 Business feasibility analysis
building. Goldsmith model [18] is used as a basis on aspect (BF)
and phase determination. That model actually views from BF4 Financial ratio evaluation
three aspects: technology, market and business. Due to the BP1 IPR finalization
goal of this study-construct economy readiness levels model-it BP2 Business format
only consider market and business aspects. Goldsmith model BP3 Business organization structure
Strategic BP4 Board of director selection
also consists of six sequential phases but we apply only four Business (BP) [18]
phases with a reason that incubation process just cover four BP5 Management team selection
phases including investigation, feasibility, development and BP6 Business budgeting
introduction phases without covering the commercial phase. BP7 Business planning formulation
BS1 Organization job function
Based on Goldsmith [18], market aspect is divided into BS2 Employee recruitment
four phases which are market assessment, market study,
BS3 Employment contract
strategic market plan and market validation. For each phase, Business Start- BS4 Initial capital preparation [18] [27]
indicators are built to assess an innovative product readiness Up (BS)
BS5 Policy and SOP formulation
from market side. There are eight indicators in market
BS6 Financial control mechanism
assessment phase and seven indicators in market study while
BS7 Target achievement evaluation
strategic market plan and market validation phase have five
indicators for each of them. The list of phase, indicator and
reference of market aspect can be seen in Table V.

7E2-2 2016 Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE)

So do with business aspect, it can be divided into four Hierarchy shows the influence from highest level of
phases which are venture assessment, economic feasibility, purpose to lowest level. A hierarchy can also be used in
strategic business and start-up business. Then, indicators are decomposing a complex problem so that the problem will be
built to assess an innovative product readiness from business more structured and systematic. Hierarchy structure used in
side for every phase. Venture assessment phase consists of this study is illustrated in Fig. 3.
five indicators; economic feasibility has four while strategic
business and start-up business has seven indicators ERL
respectively. The list of them and the reference is shown in
Table VI. Market Business
B. Indicator Testing
This sub-section begins with questionnaire compilation MA MS MP MV BA BF BP BS
based on chosen indicator and will be distributed by email.
There are some advantages in using questionnaire as the data MA1 MS1 MP1 MV1 BA1 BF1 BP1 BS1
collection method such as quick, economic and simple to be MA3 MS3 MP3 MV3 BA3 BF3 BP3 BS3
analyzed [28]. Data collection can be done by various MA4 MS4 MP4 MV4 BA4 BF4 BP4 BS4
methods like interview either in face to face or telephone, MA6 MS6 BP6 BS6
questionnaire and combination of both methods [29]. MA7 MS7 BP7 BS7
The questionnaire is distributed to desire respondent with
sufficient sample size for systematic examination. In this case, Fig 3. ERL Hierarchy Model
purposive sampling method is selected to determine the
respondents. Purposive sampling is sample selection method 2) Pairwise Comparison
based on knowledge regarding to population, element and Pairwise comparison is used to measures relation between
research goal [30]. Sample is chosen non-randomly based on aspects, phases and indicators. The second questionnaire is
certain characteristics [31]. The obligatory characteristic of prepared by making pairwise comparison for each existing
respondent in this study is understanding technology indicator and distributed to be filled in by respondents
commercialization and incubation process in a business afterwards. For instances there is a hierarchy with criteria of
incubation center. The survey is done comprising throughout ‘C’ and as many as ‘n’ alternatives below: Ai to An.
Indonesia. In this study respondent consists of incubation Comparison between alternatives for that hierarchy can be as
center, tenant and start-up entrepreneur. Especially for start-up n × n matrices format as seen in Table VII.
entrepreneur, it is chosen for those who has been incubated in
a business incubation center
A1 A2 ... An
Validity and reliability testing for assessment tool is done
A1 a11 a12 ... a1n
afterwards. Validity testing determines whether the research
measures correctly what the researcher want or not [32]. Kirk A2 a21 a22 ... a2n
and Miller identify three kinds of reliability in quantitative ... ... ... ... ...
study which related to: (1) consistency of measurement result An an1 an2 ... ann
when it is given repeatedly (2) stability of measurement from
time to time and (3) similarity of measurement for a given Meanwhile, Table VII explains comparison scale used to
time period [33]. determine numeric value for all comparison.

Validity testing used in this study is convergent validity TABLE VIII. SCORING VALUE OF PAIRWISE COMPARISON [35]
with correlation analysis tool. Meanwhile, the reliability Intensity of Definition Explanation
testing uses inter-item consistency reliability with Cronbach Importance
alpha analysis tool. It aims to give conviction that assembled 1 Equal importance Two activities contribute equally to the
indicator is appropriate and consistent toward concept that objective
2 Weak
will be assessed. 3 Moderate Experience and judgment slightly favor
C. Analytic Hierarchy Process importance one activity over another
4 Moderate plus
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is measurement theory 5 Strong importance Experience and judgment strongly favor
by using pairwise comparison and depending on examination one activity over another
from experts in order to get scale of priority [34]. Comparison 6 Strong plus
7 Very strong or An activity is favored very strongly over
is made by using absolute assessment scale that represent how demonstrated another; its dominance demonstrated in
powerful an element can dominate another element related to importance practice
a particular attribute. Here are the stages used in AHP [35]: 8 Very, very strong
9 Extreme importance The evidence favoring one activity
1) Hierarchy Building over another is of the highest
possible order of affirmation

7E2-2 2016 Annual Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ACISE)

3) Consistency Checking Sjk = score in phase j and aspect k

Consistency measurement of AHP is done by measuring ωijk = weight in indicator i, phase j, aspect k
every pairwise comparison matrices consistency. This ωk = weight of indicator in aspect k
measurement based on eigenvalue maximum (λmax). σijk = score in indicator i, phase j, aspect k
A.w = λmax.w (1) i = indicator 1, 2, ..., I
CI = (λmax-n) / (n-1) (2) j = phase 1, 2, ..., J
CR = CI/RI (3) k = aspect 1, 2
w : eigenvector ERL level will be in range between 0 and 4 which has own
λ : eigenvalue definition in each level as the Goldsmith [18]. They are: ERL-
A : pairwise comparison matrices 1: investigation; ERL-2: feasibility; ERL-3: planning and
λmax : eigenvalue maximum ERL-4: introduction.
n : matrices order V. CONCLUSION
CI : consistency index
CR : consistency ratio Research output is an assessment concept of Economic
RI : random index Readiness Levels for research product result that will be
incubated by incubator. Refer to Goldsmith model [18],
Importance level assessment by Saaty [12] is said to be market and business aspect take into consideration in ERL.
consistent if consistency ratio value (CR) < 0.1. CR ≤ 0.2 is Constructed ERL model consider the weight of every aspect,
tolerated, however it can not be more than 0.2. indicator and score for each indicator. Final result of ERL is
able to shows level of product readiness from economic side
in more detail, in this case they are market and business
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 aspect. Economic Readiness Level is divided into four levels:
RI 0 0 0.52 0.89 1.11 1.25 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.49 investigation, feasibility, planning and introduction.

4) Weighting Result Future research may determine the weight of each aspect
Consensus weight (priority weight) is obtained from the and indicator by conducting a survey research to incubation
assessment of all respondents once the geometric average center, tenant and start-up entrepreneur. The obtained weight
value and priority vector is calculated. Meanwhile, global from that research can be reference of ERL assessment from a
weight is resulted from multiplication between priority weight certain innovative product that either will be or is incubated in
from each aspect, phase and indicator. incubation center.

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Laboratory developed TRL calculator [36]. TRL calculator Mandatory Research Grant with funding source from PNPB
both simplifies process in determining maturity level of Sebelas Maret University – Finance Year of 2016, Contract
technology and makes the process is possible to be repeated No: 632/UN27.21/LT/2016, April 24th, 2016.
with the presence of a series of questions for every user [36].
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