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Individual children develop at a unique pace. Infant Toddler Preschool Pre-Primary Primary
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
SED 1a Knows self and Responds to name, Recognizes self in Expresses ideas about Expresses interest in doing Takes risks and pushes self Revisits a familiar task to get
Predicts how self and others Describes personal talents and exhibits
increases confidence explores hands and looks photos or in a mirror. self in relation to others. familiar tasks by self and to accomplish new tasks quicker or improved results.
might be able to perform in pride of personal accomplishments.
in mirror. Expresses interests in expresses confidence in own independently. a task and describes what
Social & Emotional Development
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
PD 1 Builds strength, Sits independently and Walks and climbs. Runs and balances on Balances and hops on one Hops from one foot to Changes direction and Balances on a variety of Uses conditioning methods to
coordination pulls self into a standing Carries, drags, kicks a wide beam. Throws foot. Throws both overhand the other. Begins to skip. speed of movement. objects. Kicks or strikes strengthen muscles and increase
PD 1 Gross Motor and balance position. Kicks or and tosses objects. objects in an intended and underhand. Catches or Coordinates multiple moving objects with aim endurance. Coordinates
Physical Development
grabs from a seated or direction. Catches kicks moving objects. movements in simple and accuracy. Leaps. Stops multiple complex movements in
of large muscles
lying position. objects against body. sequences. at a boundary. continuous play.
PD 2 Builds strength Reaches for objects in Purposefully grasps Opens, closes, twists and Manipulates objects with Follows a straight line when Follows an outline with Threads small beads. Stacks Beads, grasps and stacks objects of all
and coordination of sight. Uses hands or feet objects with finger and pulls objects with one or hands doing different things. cutting and drawing. Buttons, scissors. Ties shoes and small objects. Uses scissors sizes with speed and accuracy.
PD 2 Fine Motor small movements to make contact with thumb. Uses hands to both hands. Snips with scissors. Begins to zips, buckles and laces. dresses self. to cut more challenging
an object. accomplish tasks such string large beads. materials, e.g., fabric,
as feeding self. cardstock.
PD 3 Demonstrates Expresses distress when Responds to possible Follows simple safety Follows safety rules and help Describes reasons for safety Applies general safety rules Identifies emergency Takes appropriate initiative in
safe practices needs are not met. dangers in environment rules and avoids danger. others follow rules. Identifies rules and reminds others to to a variety of everyday situations and how to dangerous and emergency situations.
PD 3 Safety and avoids them dangerous situations and follow them. situations with little behave accordingly.
when prompted. seeks help. prompting. Describes how to get help.
PD 4 Implements Receives appropriate Recognizes the With help, participates Describes the function of Explains how germs spread Regulates personal needs Explains examples Explains how to manage health and
self-help routines for healthcare from difference between in healthcare routines. basic body parts. Can locate and describes simple for nutrition, activity and rest. of positive choices in role of nutrition, exercise and rest in
hygiene and dressing caregivers. Cries or moves dirty and clean. Identifies body parts. body pain. Regulates toileting strategies for preventing When feeling sick, describes nutrition, exercise and self and others.
PD 4 Personal Care body when physical Begins to participate Describes basic and handwashing needs. the spread. Distinguishes symptoms. Describes some rest to maintain wellness.
needs are not met. in self-care activities. personal needs. Follows a routine of rest and between basic needs and contagious diseases. Maintains personal
Points to body parts active play. Meets most wants for living creatures. hygiene with few reminders.
when prompted. personal needs.
PD 5 Follows healthy Cries when Communicates the Anticipates the need Identifies food and serves a Identifies food groups and Identifies food that is Describes what happens Describes the functions of
nutrition routines hungry or tired. need to eat, rest and to eat, rest and drink. portion into bowl or plate. sorts food. Chooses between nutritious. Helps to prepare after consumption of food. basic organs.
PD 5 Nutrition drink. Feeds self some Feeds self with spoon or Feeds self. two appropriate foods. food for others.
finger foods. other utensil.
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
LLD 1a Understands Turns head toward the Shows understanding Shows understanding of Listens then responds Listens and understands Shows understanding of a Asks or answers specific Listens to gather information. Asks
and interprets person speaking and of a variety of single a wide variety of phrases appropriately. Shows inferred requests. series of complex statements questions about key details questions to clarify or deepen
language (both words makes gestures and/or familiar words. Points and sentences. Responds understanding of some that explain how or why. from information or stories understanding. Recalls key ideas
Language & Literacy Development
vocalizations in response. at named objects or to simple statements and complex vocabulary. Asks Asks and answers general shared verbally. shared verbally.
and gestures)
LLD 1 Listening body parts. questions. for clarification when doesn’t questions about information
understand. shared verbally.
LLD 1b Follows Responds to conversation With prompts and Follows related two-step Follows unrelated two-step With prompting, follows Follows multi-step directions
Remembers and follows Responds to verbal statements that
directions in environment and gestures, follows a directions given verbally. directions given verbally. multi-step directions given verbally. previous rules or directions have implied directions or requests.
imitates actions. one-step direction. given verbally. shared verbally.
LLD 2a Uses language Uses vocalizations and Uses a few words, Communicates needs, Asks simple questions and Tells stories and engages Explains personal thoughts Discusses ideas and Uses expression, tone and pacing to
to express ideas gestures to communicate. signs or word- desires and ideas. stays on topic for two to three in conversations through about familiar people, feelings about a wide reinforce the meaning of what s/he
like sounds to Asks and responds to exchanges. multiple exchanges. places and events. range of age-appropriate is communicating. Clarifies meaning
communicate. questions. topics. Stays on topic during a discussion.
throughout discussion.
LLD 2b Uses Mimics single sounds. Says one- to two-word Says two- to four-word Speaks in sentences (with Speaks in simple complete Speaks audibly. Makes Uses many types of Uses common irregular plural nouns
conversational skills sentences. sentences and repeats words, sign language) but sentences using sign nouns plural by adding /s/. sentences, including simple and conjugated verbs.
short phrases by using does not always follow language, braille, a second Uses common prepositions. and compound. Uses
LLD 2 Communication either signs, braille or grammatical rules. language or technology. verb tense to express past,
verbalized words. Uses question words present and future.
in speech.
LLD 2c Uses and Makes noises Repeats words heard Identifies familiar people, Describes familiar people, Includes new and technical Uses new or technical words Identifies words whose Explains the difference between
expands vocabulary and gestures frequently places and objects. Asks places and objects. Seeks words in everyday learned in conversations or meaning are similar. closely related words. Uses multiple
to communicate. in environment. what a specific person or additional words for new conversations. Asks what through reading. Compares Determines the meaning strategies to determine and learn the
object is called. ways to describe. unfamiliar words mean. words and their meanings. of unknown words from meaning of unfamiliar words.
context or from root word.
LLD 3 Hears small Babbles and vocalizes Imitates sounds and Shows awareness Identifies words that have Identifies the beginning and Counts syllables in spoken Identifies and isolates Manipulates, substitutes and deletes
units of sound using sound, volume and tones. Repeats the last of separate words a similar beginning sound. ending sounds of words. words. Isolates and individual sounds heard sounds in words. Manipulates
inflection. word in familiar rhymes in spoken language. Identifies when two words Suggests a series of rhyming pronounces the sound of in one-syllable words. syllables in words, including prefixes
LLD 3 when prompted. Suggests a missing rhyme. Shows awareness of words when given a word. each syllable. Explains Recognizes blends, and suffixes.
Awareness rhyming word within a separate syllables in a word. which sound of given word digraphs, letter patterns
poem or song. is the rime and which sound and simple word families.
is the onset.
LLD 4a Identifies Looks for familiar people Identifies a familiar Recognizes the Recognizes some common Names upper- and Reads high-frequency Reads and decodes root Decodes words with common
letters and words and objects when given object or person difference between words in print, such as his/ lowercase letters when sight words. words with inflectional prefixes and suffixes. Uses context or
their names. when shown a pictures, letters and her name, mom, dad. presented in random order. endings, e.g., -ed, -ing, -s. rereads to determine the meaning of
drawing or photo. numbers in print. When shown a two- or unknown words.
three-letter word, can find
LLD 4 it in print.
Knowledge LLD 4b Makes letter- Babbles or Points at words printed Recognizes the sound Identifies six to seven letters Identifies 12 to 15 letters and Identifies all letters and their Recognizes letter patterns, Applies phonics strategies and
sound connections and repeats sounds. on a page and of the first letter in and their sounds. their sounds. Recognizes that sounds. Begins to sound out word families, long and word analysis skills to decode
decodes words pretends to read aloud. his/her name. letters make up words. the letters in two- to four- short vowel sounds, whole unfamiliar words.
letter words. word chunks, digraphs
and blends.
LLD 5 Uses print Looks at or points to Recognizes if pictures Identifies the front/ Identifies letters, words, Touches a written word on Recognizes common Explains the difference Describes the overall structure of
concepts and explores pictures. Opens and are right-side up. Turns back and top/bottom spaces and some the page for each spoken types of text, e.g., between books that tell a story, including the introduction,
Concepts of books and other text closes books. pages from front to of a book. Indicates punctuation. Follows the word (but not necessarily the poem, storybook, fact stories and those that give problem and conclusion.
Print back of book. where to start reading on direction of text. correct word). Tracks print book. Names author information.
each page. from the end of one line to and illustrator. Identifies
the beginning of the next line. punctuation.
LLD 6a Responds to text Interacts by reaching Points to pictures and Talks about pictures and Anticipates what comes next Relates to the characters With support, compares Makes many text-to-text, Evaluates texts based on content,
for or patting when a repeats words from ideas in familiar stories. in familiar stories. Expresses or events of the story and similarities between text-to-self and text-to- personal experiences and knowledge
book is read. familiar stories. likes or dislikes within shares a similar experience two texts. real-world connections. of the world. Compares the main
the story. or object from own life. Compares similarities and points of two texts.
Reading differences between texts.
LLD 6 Comprehension
LLD 6b Retells, asks Holds book and looks Answers “where” Answers “what” Asks and answers questions Retells portions of a story. With prompting, answers Retells stories with key Summarizes texts and their messages.
and answers questions intently at each page. questions by pointing. questions about stories about text or new vocabulary Asks and answers simple questions about characters details. Discusses setting, Describes the points of view of various
about a text or story and books. Recalls and retells a story by pointing questions about characters, and setting. Retells characters and events. characters.
the name of the main at pictures or role-playing setting, events and complex major events of a story
character. with props. vocabulary. in sequence.
LLD 7 Uses writing to Explores writing materials. Makes random marks Writes letter-like forms Attempts to print or copy Prints first name. Copies print. Prints first and last name. Writes simple sentences. Writes simple and compound
represent meaning with writing tools. and creates his/her familiar symbols and letters, Uses inventive spelling. Uses Prints upper- and lowercase Begins to use traditional sentences. Uses commas. Checks
Make handprints or own symbols. Scribbles especially those that are a combination of drawing, letters appropriately. spelling. Writes a string of and corrects spelling. Writes ideas or
LLD 7 Writing fingerprints. or draws marks as a in own name. Draws and dictating and writing to Uses inventive spelling simple sentences to tell groups information in logical order.
representation of an explains who or what it express and record an to write words related to a story or share Uses descriptive words in writing.
object or person. represents. event or idea. express an idea. information. Provides a
concluding statement.
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
MR 1a Hears numbers in Recognizes the Recognizes Identifies numerals to five. Identifies numerals to 10. Identifies and writes Identifies numerals to Compares and orders numerals
Identifies numerals everyday context. numeral one and numerals to three. numerals to 20. 100 and understands to 1000. Identifies if a number is
sees other numerals place value to the even or odd.
Mathematics & Reasoning
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
SCI 1 Observes, inquires Looks for a person or Demonstrates curiosity Identifies personal Observes and describes Asks questions, seeks Predicts multiple outcomes to Inquires about a Asks questions and makes hypotheses
and investigates toy that has moved out about objects interests and seeks more changes that occur to familiarinformation and shows a question or situation and phenomenon, makes a about scientific phenomena or
of sight. Uses senses to by touching and information. Investigates objects and people. When curiosity about scientific explains personal reasoning. prediction based on prior hypothetical problems. Conducts
Investigation explore an environment. manipulating them. an object or group of given a question, guesses a phenomenon. Predicts a Gathers information or knowledge and gathered an experiment multiple times,
& Inquiry Asks one- to two-word objects in multiple ways. possible answer or outcome. few outcomes. Explores experiments to prove/ information. Records records observations and evaluates
questions. Shares discoveries Uses past knowledge to and records observations disprove a hypothesis. findings in charts or information to explain a phenomenon.
with others. explain observed changes. by drawing. Describes and diagrams. Explains his/her
compares observations. problem-solving strategy.
SCI 2a Explores immediate Plays with rocks, sand, Identifies familiar Demonstrates an Recognizes that all living Describes how living things Describes how an Describes threats that living things
Understands living environment using senses. dirt or water. Reacts to animals, plants or understanding that all people things have similar basic obtain what they need to organism’s features and must overcome to survive. Explains
and nonliving things animals or insects in rocks in immediate have needs. Identifies needs. Sorts organisms survive. Groups living things surroundings help it survive. the relationships between a variety
immediate environment. Groups if an object can grow, as living or nonliving and by similar features. of species.
Natural & environment. living things by common eat or move. explains why.
SCI 2 characteristics.
Earth Science
SCI 2b Demonstrates Reacts to weather Understands hot and Notices changes in Identifies the climate and Identifies current season and Explains that different places Explains weather patterns Describes how the sun and movements
knowledge of Earth’s changes in cold. Points at clouds temperature or weather. weather in the explains how weather affects have disparate kinds of and the basic properties of the earth affect climate.
environment immediate environment. and explores the feel of immediate environment. personal life. weather and climates. and role of the sun, moon
rain and wind. and earth.
SCI 3 Explores forces, Uses senses to explore Reacts to changes in Explores motion by Explains how common Experiments with and Experiments and compares Recognizes that gravity Recognizes that materials move
motion and physical objects in an immediate texture, smell, sound moving, rolling, blowing vehicles, animals and people explains invisible forces, the movements makes unsupported objects differently on different surfaces.
environment. Kicks feet or or sight. Uses body to on or dropping a toy. move. Sorts objects by type e.g., ramps, magnets. of various objects on a fall. Identifies objects that Explains how force is used to change
Physical properties of materials
SCI 3 shakes arms to make other push or pull toys. Begins to name colors. of movement. Describes basic Manipulates matter and variety of surfaces. Classifies are attracted to magnets. the direction of moving objects.
Science objects move. physical properties of objects observes any physical and sorts materials by Identifies materials that are
including textures and colors. changes that may occur. a variety of physical solid, liquid and gas.
SCI 4 Uses tools Explores simple tools such Begins to use simple Explores movable parts Explores simple machines Experiments with simple Uses familiar tools and Experiments with familiar Identifies which tools can best help
and technology to as toys and spoons. tools purposefully, such on toys and tools. Uses and interacts with simple technology to solve problems technology to produce a and unfamiliar tools and save time, solve a problem or increase
SCI 4 Technology as using a spoon to on and off switches. electronic and screen toys. or accomplish tasks. desired result or solve a technology to achieve a enjoyment.
performs tasks
feed self. specific problem. variety of results.
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
SS 1a Identifies Responds to primary Recognizes the Identifies familiar Describes family members Identifies roles of self and Compares roles, rules and Describes how roles and Identifies features in rural, urban and
community and caregivers. Recognizes difference between people and pets. and their relationship to self. others and describes the job responsibilities between responsibilities or families suburban communities and how these
family roles self as being separate a familiar and Identifies and role-plays each may do. different groups. and groups change features impact roles
Social Studies
from others. unfamiliar person. familiar community helpers. over time. and responsibilities.
SS 1b Explores cultures Is exposed to With help, participates Recognizes familiar Describes the routines, Explains the meaning and Explains the meaning and Compares diverse cultures Names influential people and events
and traditions family traditions or in family traditions symbols or artifacts familiar stories, traditions, importance of their own importance of traditions and and traditions. that have impacted familiar cultures
cultural events. and customs. of family traditions foods and celebrations of traditions and customs. customs of other people. and traditions.
Culture &
SS 1 or customs. own family and community. Begins to learn about
Community other cultures.
SS 1c Respects diversity Sees diverse features of Explores people and Identifies physical Interacts respectfully with Asks questions about Explains how individuals, Demonstrates an Demonstrates respect for people
people in books, toys their features side similarities and people who look, learn, how others live, eat, play families and cultures differ. understanding that some who look different and have differing
and media. by side in a book differences between self believe or move differently and believe. people have different abilities or traditions.
or a mirror. and others. than self. needs or beliefs than self
and seeks to support them
SS 2a Follows Attends to others in Participates in Recognizes and attends Follows familiar rules, routines Applies familiar rules and Discusses the purposes of Identifies individual rights. Describes different levels of
rules, limits immediate environment. communal activities. to authority figures. and helps make group suggests new rules in a rules, laws and civic leaders. Determines if rules support government, e.g., local, state, national.
and expectations decisions. Expresses feelings variety of situations. Participates in voting to the common good. Makes democratic decisions.
about fairness. make decisions.
Civics & SS 2b Understands Grasps and Expresses a desire for Expresses choice or Asks before taking an object Explores the use of trade Exchanges money, goods or Describes how and Explains how and why people work
SS 2 concepts of money releases objects. an object or action. want and realizes s/he that does not belong to self. of both goods and money services for other goods or why we save, earn and together in trade to get what they need
Economics Says me, mine. has interests and desires Offers an object to another to receive/buy objects services. Identifies value of spend money. and want. Explains why some items
and economics
different from others. person to get what they want. or services. differing coins. are more expensive or valuable.
Recognizes ownership of Explores concept of money.
familiar objects. Explores
the concept of trade.
SS 3 Identifies types Responds to changes Recognizes familiar Identifies a variety of Identifies different types Explains the purpose for Compares the geographic Identifies and describes Explains how the physical features and
of places and in the immediate places. Finds familiar places such as of water bodies, streets, different types of structures, features of own community various types of landforms characteristics of an environment affect
interacts with maps environment. ways to move around home, church, stores. buildings and landmarks in such as bridges and to another community. and natural resources. how people live. Uses a variety of
Navigates within a obstacles in Follows a path. own community. Recognizes buildings. Asks questions Recreates a map of Locates familiar places maps to gather information.
SS 3 Geography familiar environment. a familiar environment. symbols and landmarks. about landmarks. Identifies something s/he cannot on maps. Uses cardinal
what is represented on a immediately see. directions to follow and
map. Draws pictures of give directions.
current location.
SS 4 Develops Focuses on interactions Observes events Describes events as they Recalls information and Uses language of time to Retells historical, fictional or Compares and contrasts Describes relationships between past
sense of time with others for a short time. and begins happen. Uses words events from the past. describe familiar sequences past events or stories. current and historical events and current conditions. Explains
History &
SS 4 to participate. such as first, then. Recognizes sequence of of events. conditions of familiar why it is important to understand
Sense of Time events to establish a sense of environments. historical events.
order and time.
Skill / Skill Code Skill Definition Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 Benchmark 6 Benchmark 7 Benchmark 8
CA 1a Expresses Responds to sounds. Repeats words in Expresses likes and Uses voice, common objects Uses voice or instruments to Communicates ideas by Interprets and compares Experiments and performs self-written
through music familiar songs and dislikes of familiar or instruments to create music. express feelings or to mimic creating rhythm and/ many types of music. music or rhythmic patterns.
attempts to sing. songs. Explores shaking, Identifies self as a musician. sound effects. or melody.
Creative Arts