Hala Malouka 1
Hala Malouka 1
Hala Malouka 1
What is intelligence ?
How Psychologists define Intelligence :
- Musical
- Linguistic
- Inter personal
- Existential
- Spatial
- Naturalist
- Bodily kinesthetic
- Intrapersonal
IQ vs EQ
Your IQ usually refers to your intellectual Your emotional quotient generally refers to
ability. Some of the most common element your ability to sense emotion in yourself and
of your IQ include your ability to : in other pepole . In general if you have a high
EQ you may find easier to :
Social intelligence :
Social intelligence can be defined as the human ability ofdecoding the happenings of the world and
responding to it
likewise. This ability is exclusive to humans and distinguishes us from the rest of beings in the animal
Social intelligence helps individuals build relationships – and is important to numerous aspects of a
person’s life. It allows an individual to form friendships and alliances. And, it assists a person against
being taken advantage of. People with social intelligence can “read” other people’s faces and know
what motivates them.
Emotional Intelligence, often called EI or EQ, is a special kind of smarts. But it's not about knowing
math or science; it's about understanding and managing emotions. In this essay, we will break down
emotional intelligence in simple terms and explore how it can help you succeed in life.
Using Emotional Intelligence is a valuable tool for success in both your personal life and at work. It
allows you to handle tough conversations without hurting feelings, manage stress effectively, build
strong relationships, and create a collaborative environment in teams. It's like a recipe with five
main ingredients: empathy (understanding others), social skills (communicating well), self-regulation
(controlling your emotions), self-awareness (knowing yourself), and motivation (driving towards
your goals). Emotional Intelligence is essential because it can lead to personal and professional
success by helping you understand and manage your emotions and those of others. So, it's not just
about being smart; it's about being emotionally smart.
Emotional Intelligence is not about being a superhero; it's about being a better version of yourself. It
helps you navigate your emotions and those of the people around you. By harnessing emotional
intelligence, you can have better relationships, handle stress, and find success in your personal and
professional life. So, it's not just about being smart; it's about being emotionally smart.