Eaton Fault Code 21
Eaton Fault Code 21
Eaton Fault Code 21
Table of Contents TRTS1000
Table of Contents
General Information Electrical Pretest Procedures
Warnings & Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Power-Up Sequence Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
High-Voltage Warnings & Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Electrical Pretest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Insulated Rubber Glove Test and High-Voltage Hybrid Electrical Pretest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Work Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Insulated Rubber Glove Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Fault Isolation Procedures
High-Voltage Work Area Requirements . . . . . . . . . 3
Fault Code 1 - Motor/Generator Current Sensor. . . . . 33
High-Voltage Service Shutdown and Power-Up Fault Code 2 - Motor/Generator Temperature Sensor 38
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fault Code 3 - Motor/Generator Temperature . . . . . . 42
High-Voltage Service Shutdown Procedures . . . . . 5
Fault Code 4 - Motor/Generator Rotation Speed
High-Voltage Service Power-Up Procedure . . . . . . 5
Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Diagnostic Tools/Service Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fault Code 5 - Motor/Generator AC Cable . . . . . . . . . 52
Eaton Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Fault Code 6 - No HCM Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
SPX/OTC Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Fault Code 7 - Improper HCM Configuration . . . . . . . 60
Service Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Fault Code 8 - Loss of Switched Ignition Power
Hybrid Diagnostic Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (HCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Hybrid Component and Connector Locations. . . . . . . . 9 Fault Code 9 - Weak Battery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Transmission Wiring Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fault Code 10 - Low Battery Voltage (HCM). . . . . . . . 69
Component Wiring Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fault Code 11 - No TECU Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Fault Code Retrieval and Clearing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fault Code 12 - Improper TECU Configuration . . . . . . 75
View Active and Inactive Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fault Code 14 - Invalid Shifter Range. . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Clear Inactive Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fault Code 16 - High Integrity Link (HIL) Test . . . . . . 83
Fault Code Isolation Procedure Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fault Code 17 - Start Enable Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Symptom-Driven Diagnostics Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Fault Code 18 - ECA Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Product Diagnostic Mode (PDM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fault Code 24 - J1939 HCM Message (TECU) . . . . . . 97
PDM only works with the following Inactive Fault Code 26 - Clutch Slip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
codes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fault Code 27 - Clutch Disengagement . . . . . . . . . . 105
Hybrid Light and Gear Display Descriptions. . . . . . . . 20 Fault Code 32 - Loss of Switched Ignition Power
Red “Service” Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 (TECU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Amber “Check Hybrid” Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fault Code 33 - Low Battery Voltage (TECU) . . . . . . 111
Red “Stop Hybrid” Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fault Code 34 - Weak Battery Voltage Fault (TECU) . 114
Blinking Amber “Check Hybrid” Light. . . . . . . . . . 20 Fault Code 35 - J1939 Communication Link (TECU) 117
“ST” in Gear Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fault Code 36 - J1939 Engine Message (TECU). . . . 122
“PD” in Gear Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fault Code 37 - Power Supply (TECU) . . . . . . . . . . . 125
“CA” in Gear Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
“OS” in Gear Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fault Code 38 - Battery Fan Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
“F” in Gear Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fault Code 39 - Heat Exchanger Relay . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Dash “-” in Gear Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fault Code 40 - Cooling Pump Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Double Stars “**” in Gear Display . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fault Code 47 - J1939 ABS Message (HCM) . . . . . . 146
Double Dashes “- -” in Gear Display. . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fault Code 48 - J1939 Transmission Message
Blank Gear Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 (HCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Fault Code 58 - Output Shaft Speed Sensor. . . . . . . 181 Fault Code 105 - High Voltage Battery 1 Control
Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Fault Code 59 - J1939 Communication Link (HCM). 185
Fault Code 106 - High Voltage Battery 2 Control
Fault Code 60 - CAN Communication Link (HCM) . . 190 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Fault Code 61 - Rail Select Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Fault Code 107 - High Voltage Battery Leak
Fault Code 63 - Gear Select Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Fault Code 64 - ECA Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Fault Code 108 - High Voltage Battery 1 Control
Fault Code 65 - ECA Speed Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Unit Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Fault Code 66 - ECA Battery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Fault Code 109 - High Voltage Battery 2 Control
Unit Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Fault Code 67 - ECA Ignition Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Fault Code 110 - Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Fault Code 70 - Engine Failed to Respond (HCM) . . 215
Fault Code 111 - Inverter Communication . . . . . . . . 345
Fault Code 71 - Failed to Disengage a Gear . . . . . . . 218
Fault Code 112 - Inverter Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Fault Code 72 - Failed to Select Rail. . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Fault Code 113 - Inverter Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Fault Code 73 - Failed to Engage a Gear. . . . . . . . . . 225
Fault Code 114 - Inverter Power Supply . . . . . . . . . 358
Fault Code 74 - Engine Failed to Respond (TECU) . . 228
Fault Code 115 - Inverter Temperature . . . . . . . . . . 362
Fault Code 75 - Power Down in Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Fault Code 116 - High Voltage Relays . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Fault Code 76 - High Voltage Battery 1 Potential
Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Fault Code 117 - BCU Relay Cut Request. . . . . . . . . 374
Fault Code 77 - High Voltage Battery 2 Potential Fault Code 118 - Auxiliary High-Voltage Relay
Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Control Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Fault Code 78 - High Voltage Battery 1 Current . . . . 240 Fault Code 120 - APG Unit 1 AC Voltage . . . . . . . . . 385
Fault Code 79 - High Voltage Battery 2 Current . . . . 243 Fault Code 122 - APG UNIT 1 Output. . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Fault Code 82 - High Voltage Battery 1 Temperature 246 Fault Code 123 - APG Unit 1 High Voltage Battery. . 393
Fault Code 83 - Invalid Shifter Range. . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Fault Code 125 - APG Unit 1 Over Temperature. . . . 396
Fault Code 84 - Shift Control Device Not Configured 255 Fault Code 126 - APG Unit 1 Configuration . . . . . . . 399
Fault Code 85 - Shift Control Device Incompatible. . 261 Fault Code 127 - APG Unit 1 Ambient Air
Over Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Fault Code 86 - High Voltage Battery 2 Temperature 265
Fault Code 128 - APG Unit 1 Ambient Air
Fault Code 87 - CAN ECA Message (HCM). . . . . . . . 269 Temperature Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Fault Code 88 - CAN Inverter Message (HCM) . . . . . 273 Fault Code 129 - APG Unit 1 Communication . . . . . 408
Fault Code 89 - CAN BCU 1 Message (HCM) . . . . . . 277 Fault Code 131 - APG Unit 1 Configuration Error. . . 412
Fault Code 90 - CAN BCU 2 Message (HCM) . . . . . . 281
Fault Code 91 - APG Unit 1 CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Fault Code 95 - 12-Volt Cranking Relay . . . . . . . . . . 289
Symptom Procedures
Front Box Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Engine Crank Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Hybrid Performance Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
ServiceRanger Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Gear Engagement Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
ePTO Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Hybrid Transmission ECU System Harness . . . . 445
High-Voltage Warnings & Cautions A buffer zone must be set up and high-voltage insulated
rubber gloves (class 0 with leather protectors) are required
prior to working on high-voltage. Failure to follow these
WARNING instructions may result in severe personal injury or death.
To reduce risk of possible serious
injury (Shock, Burn or Death): The rubber-insulated gloves that must be worn while
Components marked with High
Voltage should be avoided.
Service must be performed by
working on the high-voltage system are class 0 with leather
qualified personnel only. protectors. The rubber gloves should be tested before
EVERY use following the rubber insulation gloves testing
procedure found in “Diagnostic Tools/Service Publications”
on page 6. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
You will be severely injured or killed
if you do not follow the procedure.
severe personal injury or death.
Components marked with
DANGER High Voltage should be
avoided. Service must be Before inspecting or working on any high-voltage cables or
performed by qualified personnel only.
components the “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4 should be followed. Failure
• Use CO2 or Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers. to follow these instructions may result in severe personal
injury or death.
• The high-voltage wiring is covered in orange
insulation or convoluted tubing and marked with The Lockout and Tagout devices should only be removed by
warning labels at the connectors. the technician that placed the Lockout and Tagout devices
on the vehicle. Failure to follow these instructions may
• All Eaton® Hybrid Diesel/Electric vehicles will be result in severe personal injury or death.
marked 'Hybrid' on the outside of the vehicle, along
with the shift label on the dash. High-voltage rubber insulated gloves (class 0 with leather
protectors) must be worn when working on any
• Refer to OEM for specific location of chassis
high-voltage cables. The “High-Voltage Service Shutdown
mounted hybrid components.
and Power-Up Procedure” on page 4 must be followed prior
• Do NOT cut into the orange high-voltage cables. to removing any high-voltage cables. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in severe personal injury or death.
• Do NOT cut into or open the PEC.
• Do NOT cut into or open the DC/DC Converter. High-voltage cables and wiring are orange and contain a
warning label at the connectors. High-voltage components
• Do NOT cut into or open the Inverter. are marked with a label. High-voltage rubber insulated
gloves (class 0 with leather protectors) must be used when
working on any of these components. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in severe personal injury
or death.
You will be severely injured or killed
if you do not follow the procedure.
Components marked with
DANGER High Voltage should be
avoided. Service must be
performed by qualified personnel only.
High-Voltage Service Shutdown 9. Turn ignition key off and proceed to repair or
troubleshooting step.
Note: The voltage drops to zero when the key is off.
1. Follow “High-Voltage Work Area” procedure.
2. Locate the red PEC Service Switch on the front of
the PEC and push switch off.
High-Voltage Service Power-Up
3. Remove the Service Switch Cover and install the
Lockout Bracket (J48506). 1. Install all high-voltage connectors into their locked
4. Fasten tag to the Lockout Bracket.
2. If you are the person working on the vehicle,
5. Ensure the PEC Service Switch can not move from
remove the Lockout Bracket and tag.
the off position.
3. Reinstall the Lockout Bracket over the Service
6. Allow the system to set for a minimum of 5
minutes to discharge high voltage.
4. Pull the Service Switch out and let vehicle set for 2
7. Connect ServiceRanger and view the Data Monitor
PID 116 called “High-Voltage Battery Potential.”
Use SPN 520323 for J1939 connection “Battery 5. Start vehicle when appropriate.
Voltage RB” (Relay Box).
8. The voltage should be 30 volts or less. If the
voltage is above 30 volts, do not work on the
vehicle and contact Eaton® at 1-800-826-HELP
Eaton Tools
• Visit
Tool Description
• Contact SPX / OTC at (800) 328-6657
Tool Description
J49818 Eaton Hybrid Tool Safety Kit - Basic PPE (Items listed below can be ordered separately)
J48603 ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves with leather protectors (1000 volt)
Tool Description
J49819 Eaton Hybrid Tool Safety Kit - Basic Plus PPE (Items listed below can be ordered separately)
J48603 ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves with leather protectors (1000 volt)
Tool Description
J48893 Hybrid PPE / Service Tool Kit (includes J49819 kit and items from Miscellaneous Service Tools
highlighted with *)
Service Publications
• Visit
TRSM1000 Service Manual (covers external components on transmission and Hybrid components)
Key ON
If equipped, does
Go to "ePTO Test” No vehicle operate
(page 436) normal in ePTO mode?
Go to "Gear Engagement Test” If a mode other than neutral is selected does
if solid “N” is displayed No transmission engage a gear? NOTE: Service
(page 432) Brake must be applied prior to selecting a gear
Go to "Hybrid
Performance Test" No Is vehicle acceleration
(page 424) performance acceptable? Inactive Faults = Go
to "Product
Yes Diagnostic Mode (PDM)"
(page 19)
Clear faults and
operate vehicle based Active Faults = Go to
on customers "Fault Code Isolation
concern Procedure Index"
(page 14)
No Fault = Test
Temperature Connector
(-) (+)
12V DC(-)
DC/DC Converter
Coolant Ports
OEM Connection
12V DC(+)
Air Intake
DC Connector to
APG (Optional)
DC Connector to DC/DC
DC Connector Converter (Optional)
to Inverter
Power up no crank and gear display shows a dash Front Box Test page 418
Power up no crank and gear display shows a “N” Engine Crank Test page 422
Power up no crank and gear display shows a Power Up Sequence Test page 22
double dash (-- ), double star, (**), or blank
Power up vehicle cranks and gear display shows Refer to OEM for gear display issue N/A
(-- ), (**), or blank
Vehicle acceleration performance is not acceptable Hybrid Performance Test page 426
Transmission will not engage a gear from neutral Gear Engagement Test page 434
and warning tone sounds (solid “N” in gear
Transmission will not move from a stop (solid gear Gear Engagement Test page 434
number in gear display)
Transmission will not engage a gear from neutral Front Box Test page 418
(flashing gear number in gear display)
Red “Service” light on the Push Button Shift Fault Code Retrieval and Clearing page 13
Control is on and blinking
Amber “Check Hybrid” light is on Fault Code Retrieval and Clearing page 13
Red “Stop Hybrid” light is on Fault Code Retrieval and Clearing page 13
ePTO mode does not operate as expected ePTO Test page 438
The power-up self-check is performed automatically at
every key on. Turn key on and watch the “Service” light. If
power up stops with the “Service” light constantly on, or it
never comes on, self-check has failed.
There is no fallback for this concern and the vehicle does
not crank if the Transmission Electronic Control Unit
(TECU) or Power Supply Harness has failed.
Possible Causes
This may be caused by any of the following:
• TECU Power Supply
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Battery load tester
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
Component Identification
see “Wiring Diagrams” on page 446.
Electrical Pretest
This test must be performed prior to diagnosing certain
specific faults. This test verifies the quality of the standard
battery system and the main power and ground supplies to
the Hybrid Control Module (HCM), Transmission Electronic
Control Unit (TECU), and Electronic Clutch Actuator (ECA).
There is no detection process specifically for the basic
electrical supply; however, failures of this type are generally
detected by the transmission or driver as some other type
of fault code or symptom.
A weak power supply can cause many issues such as shift
performance, power up or failure to crank.
Possible Causes
Low-voltage can be caused by the following:
• Low batteries
• Charging System
• Power harness connections or fuses to TECU, HCM
or ECA
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Battery load tester
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
36 35 37 38
22 13 22
38 37 35 36
28 23 7 12
34 29 1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
TECU Power 38
Neg (-)
TECU Ground 36
TECU Ignition 35
Plus (+)
Ignition Relay
HCM 87
HCM Ignition (Vehicle) 35
C ECA Power
HCM Ground (Vehicle) 36
B ECA Ground
HCM Power (Vehicle) 38
Electrical Pretest
Purpose: Verify chassis battery voltage. Purpose: Verify ECA battery voltage and ignition
A B status.
Purpose: Verify HCM battery voltage and ignition Purpose: Verify TECU battery and switched
C status. D voltage.
1. Select the “Data Monitor” option and view the 1. Select the “Data Monitor” option and view the
following parameters under the HCM list: following parameters under the hybrid
(Transmission) list:
- PID 165 “Battery Potential Voltage.”
- PID 168 “Battery Potential Voltage.”
- PID 166 “Ignition Switch Status.”
- PID 158 “Battery Potential Voltage Switched.”
Note: If the “Battery Potential Voltage” or “Ignition
Switch Status” can not be viewed on Note: If the “Battery Potential Voltage” or “Battery
ServiceRanger, check the power supply to Potential Voltage Switched” can not be
the HCM with a voltmeter. viewed on ServiceRanger, check the power
supply to the TECU with a voltmeter.
• If PID 165 is within 0.6 volts of battery voltage
and PID 166 reads "1", go to Step D. • If PID 168 is within 0.6 volts of battery voltage
and PID 158 is within 0.6 volts of ignition
• If either voltage is out of range, repair the main
voltage, test is complete. Return to the fault
power or ignition supply to the HCM. Repeat
or symptom procedure that referenced this
this step.
There is no detection process specifically for the basic
electrical supply; however, failures of this type are generally
detected by the hybrid system or driver as some other type
of fault code or symptom.
Loss of ignition power causes the hybrid system to be
inoperable. The vehicle runs under diesel power only.
Possible Causes
Low-voltage can be caused by Power Harness connections
from Inverter or BCU.
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
with leather protectors J48603
• Lockout bracket J48506
• Lockout tags
• Battery load tester
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
19 8 9
15 18 7 2 10
17 6 1 3 11
16 5 4 12
42 29
15 14 13
Inverter PEC
Chassis Ground 1 1
Chassis Ground 2 2
Inverter Enable 15 (Pin 2)
Ground B 34 7
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
4 3
1 2
1. Perform the Electrical Pretest (see “Electrical 1. Connect a multimeter to the Inverter 56-Way
Pretest” on page 25.), then continue to step 2. Connector Pin 15 and Pin 1.
2. Key off. 2. Key on.
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and 3. Observe multimeter voltage reading:
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
• If voltage is 11–13 volts, go to Step C.
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
erly handled high-voltage. • If voltage is outside of range, repair the
Harness from the HCM, then repeat this step.
3. Disconnect the Inverter 56-Way Connector.
4. Measure resistance from Pin 1 to battery negative
and then from Pin 2 to battery negative: Connection Measurement
• If resistance is 0–0.3 ohms from Pin 1 to Pin 15 to Pin 1
battery negative and from Pin 2 to battery
negative, go to Step B.
• If resistance is outside of range, repair the
Inverter Ground Harness, then repeat this step.
Connection Measurement
Pin 7 to battery
Purpose: Verify voltage at PEC 19-Way Connector. Purpose: Verify continuity of DC/DC Ground Wire.
1. Connect a multimeter to the PEC 19-Way 1. Key off.
Connector Pin 6 and Pin 7.
2. Reconnect PEC 19-Way Connector.
2. Key on.
3. Disconnect DC/DC Converter 4-Way Connector.
3. Observe multimeter voltage reading.
4. Measure resistance from DC/DC Converter 4-Way
• If voltage is 11–13 volts, and vehicle has ePTO Connector Pin 4 to battery negative:
feature on Push Button, go to Step E.
• If resistance between Pin 4 and battery
• If vehicle does not have ePTO feature, test is negative is 0–0.3 ohms, test is complete.
complete. Reconnect PEC 19-Way Connector. Reconnect the 4-Way Connector. See “Fault
See “Fault Code Isolation Procedure Index” on Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
page 14.
• If resistance is outside of range, repair the
• If voltage is outside of range, repair the Power Ground Harness from the DC/DC Converter to
Supply Harness from the Inverter, then repeat battery negative, then repeat this step.
this step.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin 4 to battery
6 to 7 negative
When Fault Code 1 is set the following conditions occurs:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in Hybrid Control Module (HCM)
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
remain powered.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter Motor/
Phase 3 C C Phase 3
Phase 2 B B Phase 2
Phase 1 A A Phase 1
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. Measure resistance of each circuit to ground in the
page 1. AC High-Voltage Cable:
2. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with Ser- • If resistance between each circuit and ground
viceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Connector. is 5M ohms or greater, go to Step C.
3. Key off. • If resistance is outside of range, replace the
AC High-Voltage Cable, then go to Step V.
! Danger: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- Connection Measurement
erly handled high-voltage.
Pin A to ground
4. Remove the AC Cable from the Motor/Generator
and Inverter.
Pin B to ground
5. Measure resistance of each circuit in the
AC High-Voltage Cable Pins A-A, B-B and C-C: Pin C to ground
• If resistance for each circuit is less than
1 ohm, go to Step B.
• If resistance is outside of range, replace the
AC High-Voltage Cable, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin A
Pin B to Pin B
Pin C to Pin C
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
Pin A to Pin B
Pin B to Pin C
Pin B to Pin C
Pin C to Pin A
Pin C to Pin A
Component Identification
42 29 2 1
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter Motor/Generator
Temperature Sensor
TM 50 1 Temp Sensor
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
Pin 50 to Pin 38
Pin 50 to ground
• Fault is stored in Hybrid Control Module (HCM) • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
memory. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration • ServiceRanger
are disabled; however, high-voltage relays remain
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
42 29 2 1
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter Motor/Generator
Temperature Sensor
TM 50 1 Temp Sensor
Purpose: Verify operation of hybrid Coolant Pump. Purpose: Verify voltage at hybrid Coolant Pump.
1. Key on. 1. Key on.
2. Connect ServiceRanger to the 9-Way Connector in 2. Disconnect the Coolant Pump 2-Way Connector.
the cab.
3. Select the “Advanced Products Function” option
3. Select the Advanced Product Functions option and and select “Cooling Pump.”
select the “Cooling Pump” option.
4. Enable the Cooling Pump option.
4. Enable the “Cooling Pump” option:
5. Measure voltage at the 2-Way Connector from
• If the Coolant Pump turns on, go to Step E. Pin A to Pin B:
• If the Coolant Pump does not turn on, • If voltage between Pin A and Pin B is ±0.2 volts
go to Step F. of battery voltage, refer to OEM for Coolant
Pump concern.
• If voltage between Pin A and Pin B is outside
of range, refer to OEM for repair procedures
on Cooling Pump Power Harness or
damaged fuse.
Pin A to Pin B
1. Select the Advanced Product Functions option and
select the “Heat Exchanger Fan” option.
2. Enable the Heat Exchanger Fan option:
• If the Heat Exchanger Fan turns on, the system
needs to be purged of air, allowing the coolant
to flow. Bleed the air by using a coolant system
pressurizing tool or a vacuum tool, then
go to Step V.
• If the Heat Exchanger Fan does not turn on,
go to Step G.
Purpose: Verify voltage at hybrid Heat Exchanger Purpose: Verify continuity of Inverter circuitry.
G Fan. H
1. Key on. 1. Key off.
2. Disconnect the Heat Exchanger Fan 2. Disconnect the Inverter 56-Way Connector.
2-way connector.
3. Measure resistance between Pin 38 and Pin 50, and
3. Select the “Advanced Products Function” option Pin 50 to ground of the Inverter 56-Way Connector.
and select the “Heat Exchanger Fan.”
• If resistance is 0.8K–301.7K ohms between
4. Enable the Heat Exchanger Fan option. Pin 50 and Pin 38 and resistance between
Pin 50 and ground is 10K ohms or greater,
5. Measure voltage at the 2-Way Connector from
replace the Inverter, then go to Step V.
Pin A to Pin B:
• If resistance is outside the range, go to Step I.
• If voltage between Pin A and Pin B is ±0.2 volts
of battery voltage, refer to OEM for Heat
Exchanger Fan concern.
Connection Measurement
• If voltage between Pin A and Pin B is outside of
range, refer to OEM for repair procedures on Pin 50 to Pin 38
Heat Exchanger Fan Power Harness or
damaged fuse.
Pin 50 to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
Pin A to Pin B
Overview Fallback
The Motor/Generator Rotation Speed Sensor is mounted to When Fault Code 4 is set the following conditions occur:
the back of the Motor/Generator around the Input Shaft. • Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
The sensor (two-piece design) is a rotor mounted to the
Input Shaft and a Sensing Ring mounted to the motor • Fault is stored in Hybrid Control Module
housing. The Sensing Ring is supplied with low-voltage (HCM) memory.
during operation. The rotor turns inducing a voltage • Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
fluctuation into the Sensing Ring, which is then converted are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
into a digital signal for Motor/Generator RPM. Voltage remain powered.
output and frequency is low at idle and increases with RPM. • HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
Fault is detected when: • Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
• Inverter ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and Conditions to Set Fault Code Inactive
less than 16 volts. Only Inactive faults can be cleared from the Transmission
• FMI 2 does not set if there is an Active Electronic Control Unit (TECU) or HCM history using
Transmission Input Shaft Speed Sensor fault. ServiceRanger. The TECU automatically clears the faults
from history after 200 hours. The HCM automatically clears
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active the faults from history after the fault has been Inactive for
The following conditions must be met to set the fault 200 hours.
code Active:
• FMI 0 is set when the Motor/Generator speed Possible Causes
exceeds the normal allowable range. This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• FMI 26 is set when the rotation sensor speed is - Resolver Harness between the Motor/Generator
greater than 6000 min-1 for 10 MS. and Inverter
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
with leather protectors J48603
• Lockout bracket J48506
• Lockout tags
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
42 29
6 4 2
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
REZ S3 53 1 Resolver
REZ S2 52 2 Resolver
REZ S1 54 3 Resolver
REZ S4 51 4 Resolver
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. Disconnect the 56-Way Low-Voltage Connector
page 1. at the Inverter.
2. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with Ser- 2. Measure Resolver resistance at the 56-Way
viceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Connector. Harness Connector between the following pins:
3. Key off. - Pin 55 to Pin 56
- Pin 53 to Pin 54
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
- Pin 51 to Pin 52
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- Note: Gently flex the Inverter 56-Way Connector
erly handled high-voltage. Harness near the Connector while monitoring
the resistance values.
4. Which FMIs are present?
Resistance ranges for the pins are:
• If FMI 22, 24, 25, or 27 are listed, replace - Pins 55 to Pin 56: 10.5–8.6 ohms
the Inverter, then go to Step V.
- Pins 53 to Pin 54: 34–28 ohms
• If FMI 2, 23, or 26 are listed, go to Step B. - Pins 51 to Pin 52: 27–23 ohms
• If FMI 0 is listed, Using ServiceRanger select • If the above resistances are found, and
the Advanced Product Functions and FMI 2 is Active, contact Eaton at
download the TECU and HCM snapshots then 1-800-826-HELP (4357).
contact Eaton® at 1-800-826-HELP (4357).
• If the above resistances are found, and
FMI 26 or 23 are Active, replace the Inverter,
then go to Step V.
• If resistance is outside of range for any of the
readings, go to Step C.
Connection Measurement
Pin 55 to Pin 56
Pin 53 to Pin 54
Pin 51 to Pin 52
Connection Measurement
Pin 5 to Pin 6
Pin 1 to Pin 3
Pin 2 to Pin 4
Overview Fallback
The Motor/Generator AC Cables are connected from the When Fault Code 5 is set the following conditions occur:
Motor/Generator to the Inverter. These cables carry up to • Red “Stop Hybrid” light illuminates.
500 volts AC 3 phase when the vehicle is in operation.
• Fault is stored in Hybrid Control Module
Detection (HCM) memory.
The following preconditions must be met before the system • Inverter shuts high-voltage system off.
detects the fault: • HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
• Inverters ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and diesel-only mode.
less than 16 volts. • If FMI 28, or 29 is present at power up, the vehicle
• FMI 25–27 require the Motor/Generator RPM to be does not crank.
greater than 500 RPM.
• FMI 28 requires the Motor/Generator RPM to be Conditions to Set Fault Code Inactive
less than 500 RPM. Only Inactive faults can be cleared from the Transmission
Electronic Control Unit (TECU) or HCM history using
• FMI 29 requires the Motor/Generator RPM to be ServiceRanger. The TECU automatically clears the faults
less than 50 RPM. from history after 200 hours. The HCM automatically clears
the faults from history after the fault code has been Inactive
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active for 200 hours.
The following conditions must be met to set the fault
code Active: Possible Causes
• FMI 22, 23, 24 are set when the 2-phase motor This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
current is more than 360 amps for 0.9 MS. • FMI 22, 23, 24
• FMI 25, 26, 27 are set when the Inverter detects a - Inverter
single open wire and motor current is less than 8
amps for 200 MS at speeds greater than or equal to - Motor/generator
500 RPM and current command from the Inverter - AC cable
is greater than 20 amps.
• FMI 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
• FMI 28 is set when Motor/Generator current is less
than 8 amps for 200 MS at speed less than 500 - Motor/generator
RPM and current command is greater than 20 - AC cable
• FMI 29 is set during initialization. The Inverter Additional Tools
determines if the AC Cable is connected between • Basic hand tools
the motor and Inverter by sending out 20 amps for • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
200 MS and checking the feedback. with leather protectors J48603
• Lockout bracket J48506
• Lockout tags
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter Motor/
Phase 3 C C Phase 3
Phase 2 B B Phase 2
Phase 1 A A Phase 1
• If Fault Code 5 FMI 22, 23, or 24 are Active, • If resistance is outside of range, replace the
go to Step B. AC high-voltage cable, then go to Step V.
Pin A to Pin B
Pin B to Pin C
Pin C to Pin A
Purpose: Verify continuity of high-voltage cable. Purpose: Verify continuity of high-voltage cable.
1. Disconnect the AC high-voltage cable from the 1. Measure the resistance of each Motor/Generator
Inverter and Motor/Generator. phase at the following pins:
2. Measure the resistance of the AC High-Voltage - Pin A to Pin B
Cable from the Inverter Connector to the - Pin B to Pin C
Motor/Generator Connector on each of the - Pin C to Pin A
following pins:
Note: An auto-ranging digital Volt/Ohm Meter must
- Pin A to Pin A
be used.
- Pin B to Pin B
- Pin C to Pin C • If the resistance of each phase is 10 ohms or
less, replace the Inverter, then go to Step V.
Note: An auto-ranging digital Volt/Ohm Meter must
• If resistance is outside of range, replace the
be used.
Motor/Generator, then go to Step V.
• If the resistance of each circuit is 1 ohm or
less, go to Step D.
• If resistance is outside of range, replace the Connection Measurement
AC High-Voltage Cable, then go to Step V.
Pin A to Pin B
Pin B to Pin B
Pin C to Pin C
When Fault Code 6 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates if the HCM
sets the fault after power up.
• If the fault occurs at power up the vehicle may
not crank.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
The Hybrid Control Module (HCM) is mounted to the
transmission and contains all of the software to control
both the hybrid power electronics as well as the
transmission operation.
The following preconditions must be met before the system
detects the fault:
• HCM ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and
less than 16 volts.
When Fault Code 7 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• If this fault occurs at power up, the vehicle does not
Only Inactive faults can be cleared from the Transmission
Electronic Control Unit (TECU) or HCM history using
ServiceRanger. The TECU automatically clears faults from
history after 200 hours. The HCM automatically clears
faults from history after the fault has been Inactive for
200 hours.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• FMI 13: Improper ECU configuration software
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer OEM service literature.
When Fault Code 8 is set the following conditions occurs:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates only if the
vehicle is moving.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes
in the gear display, if the fault occurs prior to
power up.
- Fault is stored in Transmission Electronic
Control Unit (TECU) memory due to lack of
communication with the HCM.
• If fault occurs while the vehicle is moving, the
transmission remains in place and the clutch opens
when the vehicle comes to an idle. The clutch
closes and the vehicle will operate in 1st and
reverse from stop.
• If this fault occurs at power up, the vehicle does
not crank.
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12 86
1 6
85 87
Vehicle 86
Ignition Ignition
Ground 85
12V Plus
Ignition 35
12V Truck
When Fault Code 9 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Red “Hybrid Stop” lamp will display if there are
additional fault codes caused by the low or weak
voltage. This feature was added with HCM Software
1107 and higher.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12 86
1 6
85 87
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Ground 36
12V Plus
12V Truck
• HCM ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and - Low batteries or bad main power connection.
less than 16 volts. - Charging system.
When Fault Code 10 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Red “Hybrid Stop” lamp will display if there are
additional fault codes caused by the low or weak
voltage. This feature was added with HCM Software
1107 and higher.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12 86
1 6
85 87
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Ground 36
12V Plus
12V Truck
When Fault Code 11 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes
in the gear display (only if the fault occurs after
power up).
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If the fault code occurs after power up, the
transmission remains in the current gear and the
clutch opens.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
When Fault Code 12 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• If the fault occurs at power up the vehicle does
not crank.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
When Fault Code 14 is set the following conditions occur:
• “F” appears in the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• TECU changes to AutoShift control.
• Engine does not crank.
Component Identification
Harness Front View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1 4-way Park Pawl Actuator
6 Connector
7 3
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Park Pawl
Shift Return (Minus) 17 1 Park Pawl Actuator
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. With the Actuator/Shift Lever in neutral, check
page 1. voltage on the following pins:
2. Disconnect the 4-Way Connector to the - Pin 3 to ground
Park Pawl Actuator. - Pin 4 to ground
Pin 3 to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin 4 to ground
Pin 1 to Pin 2
Purpose: Verify continuity of TECU Harness. Purpose: Verify continuity of TECU Harness.
1. Disconnect the TECU Vehicle Harness 1. Disconnect the TECU Vehicle Harness
38-way connector. 38-way connector.
2. Check continuity between: 2. Check continuity between:
- 38-Way Connector Pin 15 and 4-Way Connector - 38-Way Connector Pin 17 and 4-Way Connector
Pin 4 Pin 1
- 38-Way Connector Pin 16 and 4-Way Connector - 38-Way Connector Pin 31 and 4-Way Connector
Pin 3 Pin 2
• If continuity is complete, replace the • If continuity is complete, replace the
Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU), Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU),
then go to Step V. then go to Step V.
• If an open is found, repair the Vehicle Harness, • If an open is found, repair the Vehicle Harness,
then go to Step V. then go to Step V.
When Fault Code 16 sets the following conditions occur:
• An “F” appears in the gear display.
• Push Button Mode Light flashes next to the
selected mode and the “Service” light remains off.
• Push Button lights come on and then remains off if
the data link fails at power up.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• Operation mode changes to AutoShift
Fallback mode.
• If the code is Active during power up, transmission
does not engage a gear.
• If the fault is Active while driving, transmission
remains in the current gear. It then shifts into the
default gear once the vehicle stops. Clutch opens at
idle and closes if the throttle is pressed. The vehicle
moves into the default start gear only.
Component Identification
Harness Front View Harness Front View
TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector 1 Push Button Shift Control Connector
36 35
1 K1 A1
22 13
38 37
3 K3 A3
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin F1 to Pin F2
Purpose: Verify voltages at Vehicle Harness.
1. Disconnect Shift Control 30-Way Connector.
2. Key on.
3. Measure voltage on 30-Way Connector between
Pin J3 and Pin C1.
• If voltage is within 0.6 volts of battery voltage,
go to Step C.
• If out of range, go to Step D.
Connection Measurement
Pin J3 to Pin C1
Purpose: Verify continuity from Vehicle Harness to Purpose: Verify continuity from Push Button Shift
D Push Button Shift Controller. E Controller circuits to ground.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin J3 to Pin 25
Pin C1 to Pin 31
Pin C1 to ground
Purpose: Verify continuity from Push Button Shift Purpose: Verify continuity from Vehicle Harness to
F Controller circuits to ground. G Push Button Shift Controller.
Pin F1 to ground
When Fault Code 17 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If the fault sets at power up the engine still cranks,
provided the high-voltage batteries have a
sufficient State of Charge (SOC).
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle continues
to operate.
Component Identification
Typical Relay Switch
Front Harness View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29 87
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 32 to Pin 4
• FMI 9 is set when the ECA loses communication on • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
the CAN Data Link for 2 seconds. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
When Fault Code 18 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Stop Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• ECA maintains current clutch position or moves to
the last position commanded by the HCM. Upon
approaching idle, the clutch opens and remains in
this state.
• If the fault occurs at power up, the vehicle does
not crank.
Component Identification
Harness Front View
(HCM - Vehicle Interface Connector)
29 34 ECA 8-Way Harness Connector
23 28
37 38 B D
13 22 H G E
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
When Code 24 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates, and an “F” flashes
in the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• Operation mode changes to AutoShift
Fallback mode.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine does
not crank.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle remains in
current gear. When the vehicle stops the clutch
opens and remains in this position.
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light may display on the
dash due to an Active Fault Code 48.
Component Identification
36 35 37 38
22 13
13 22
38 37 35 36
28 23 7 12
34 29 1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 2 to Pin 3
When Fault Code 26 is set the following conditions occurs:
• Red “Stop Hybrid” light or amber “Check Hybrid”
light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
When Fault Code 27 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Stop Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• If this fault occurs while driving, the vehicle
continues to operate and the transmission will shift
to neutral once the vehicle stops.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
When Fault Code 32 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light displays and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• Operation mode changes to AutoShift
Fallback mode.
• If the fault sets at power up, engine does not crank.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle remains
in the current gear and the clutch opens when the
vehicle approaches idle. If the throttle is pressed,
the default start gear engages and the clutch will
• No lights are illuminated on the Push Button if the
fault occurs prior to power up or while in neutral.
Only the current Mode light will be illuminated if the
fault occurs while driving.The Push Button starts to
tone when the vehicle approaches a stop and
continues until power is returned.
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23 86
34 29
85 87
Vehicle 86
Ignition Ignition
Ground 85
12V Plus
Ignition 35
12V Truck
When Fault Code 33 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• TECU switches to AutoShift Fallback mode.
• No lights are illuminated on the Push Button. If this
fault occurs prior to power up, the vehicle will not
crank. If this fault occurs while driving, the vehicle
maintains the current gear. The clutch opens when
the vehicle stops.
Component Identification
Front View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
When Fault Code 34 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• TECU switches to AutoShift Fallback mode.
• If this fault occurs while moving, it causes a
1-speed fallback.
• If the vehicle is stopped, the starting gear and
reverse can be engaged.
Component Identification
Front View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
When Fault Code 35 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• The operation mode changes to AutoShift
Fallback mode.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine will
not crank.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle remains in
current gear and the clutch opens when vehicle
speed approaches idle.
Component Identification
Front Harness View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1
7 9-way Diagnostic Connector
36 35 E D
22 13 A B
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
• If resistance is 70 ohms or greater, one or • If resistance between Pin C to ground and Pin
more of the terminating resistors on the J1939 D to ground are both 10K ohms or greater,
Data Link Harness is missing or out of range, attempt to communicate with another vehicle
or there is an open in the link. Go to Step V. to ensure ServiceRanger is working. If
ServiceRanger fails to communicate with
• If resistance is 50 ohms or less, there is an another vehicle, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357).
additional terminating resistor present.
Repair the OEM J1939 Data Link Harness, then • If resistance is outside of range, repair J1939
go to Step V. Data Link Harness for a short to ground, then
go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin C and Pin D
Pin C to ground
Pin D to ground
When Fault Code 36 is set the following conditions occur.
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If the fault occurs while moving, the TECU goes
into AutoShift Fallback mode.
• Once the vehicle stops, start and reverse gears can
be selected and the transmission operates in
AutoSelect mode.
• If the fault occurs at power up, the vehicle
will crank.
Component Identification
Front View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Engine ECM
• TECU ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
less than 16 volts. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• TECU only runs this test if the Electric Shifter is • ServiceRanger
being cycled from N to gear.
Note: Changing the start gear from N allows this test to
When Fault Code 37 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
Component Identification
Front View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) 1
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
TECU Power 38
Positive (+)
12V Battery
1. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with 1. Locate diagnostic port on Transmission Harness.
ServiceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic
2. Key on.
3. Measure voltage between Pin B and Pin C.
2. Perform the Electrical Pretest (see “Electrical
Pretest” on page 25). • If voltage between Pin B and Pin C is within
• If Fault Code 37 is Active after performing the 0.6 volts of battery voltage, go to Step D.
Electrical Pretest, go to Step B. • If voltage is outside of range, repair battery
• If Fault Code 37 is Inactive after performing power supply to TECU. Fuse may be blown.
the Electrical Pretest, clear codes, see “Clear Repeat test.
Inactive Faults” on page 13. Go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin B to Pin C
negative post.
1. Key on.
• If voltage between Pin C and battery negative
post is 0.70 volts or less, go to Step C. 2. Measure voltage between Pin A and Pin C.
• If voltage is outside of range, repair battery • If voltage between Pin A and Pin C is within
ground supply to TECU, then 0.6 volts of battery voltage, go to Step E.
go to Step V. • If voltage is outside of range, repair Ignition
Power Supply to ECU. Fuse may be blown.
Repeat test.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin C
1. Key off.
2. Disconnect negative battery cable.
3. Disconnect the Vehicle Harness 38-Way Connector.
4. Inspect main power 38-Way Connector Terminals
Pin 36 and Pin 38, inline fuse holder, and power
supply connections for integrity and corrosion.
• If no problem found, go to Step V.
• If problem is found, repair power/ground path
for the Main Power Supply, then go to Step V.
When Fault Code 38 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
19 8 9
37 38
18 7 2 10
13 22 17 6 1 3 11
35 36 16 5 4 12
15 14 13
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Battery Fan
Battery Fan 26 86 Relay
12V Plus
12V Truck
85 87
Connection Measurement
Pin 26 to Pin 4
Purpose: Verify voltages of HCM Harness circuits. Purpose: Verify continuity of HCM Harness
D E circuits.
Pin 26 to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin 26 to ground
Purpose: Verify condition of PEC Air Filter Element. Purpose: Verify voltages of PEC Harness circuits.
1. Key off. 1. Key on.
2. Remove and inspect the Air Filter* on the PEC Inlet 2. Disconnect the 19-Way Connector at the PEC.
and the Exhaust Screen on the PEC Outlet.
3. Measure voltage at the 19-Way Connector from
• If the Air Filter and Exhaust Screen are clean Pin 12 to Pin 14:
and free from debris, go to Step G.
• If voltage between Pin 12 and Pin 14 is
• If the Air Filter is dirty or the Exhaust Screen is ±0.2 volts of battery voltage, replace the
plugged, replace the Air Filter and clean the Power Electronics Carrier (PEC), then
Exhaust Screen. Go to Step V. go to Step V.
• If voltage between Pin 12 and Pin 14 is outside
of range, repair wiring or relay problem.
• * See Air Filter. Refer to OEM.
Connection Measurement
Pin 12 to Pin 14
• The HCM ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts - Heat Exchanger Relay
and less than 16 volts. - HCM
- Heat Exchanger Relay fuse
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active
The following conditions must be met to set the fault Additional Tools
code Active:
• Basic hand tools
• FMI 3 is set when the HCM detects a short to
battery in the coil circuit of the Heat Exchanger • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit
Fan Relay. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
• FMI 4 is set when the HCM detects a short to • ServiceRanger
ground in the coil circuit of the Heat Exchanger
Fan Relay.
• FMI 5 is set when the HCM detects an open in the
coil circuit of the Heat Exchanger Fan Relay.
Note: When troubleshooting an Inactive code refer to the
“Product Diagnostic Mode (PDM)” on page 19.
When Fault Code 39 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
7 12
1 6
85 87
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchange Fan HSD 35 86 Fan Relay
87 HEF Plus
30 HEF Supply
HEF Plus A
B Ground Fuse
HEF Minus
Heat Exchanger
12V Plus
12V Truck
Purpose: Verify continuity of HCM Harness Purpose: Verify voltages of HCM Harness circuits
D circuits. E to ground.
Pin 35 to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin 35 to Pin 37
Pin 35 to ground
When Fault Code is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
7 12
1 6
85 87
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Coolant Pump
Coolant Pump 32 86 Relay
Coolant Pump
12V Plus
12V Truck
Connection Measurement
Pin 32 to Pin 4
Purpose: Verify voltages of HCM Harness circuits Purpose: Verify continuity of HCM Harness circuits
D to ground. E to ground.
Connection Measurement
Pin 32 to ground
Purpose: Verify operation of Hybrid System Purpose: Verify voltages at Hybrid System Coolant
G Coolant Pump. H Pump.
• FMI 14 is set when the HCM detects messages • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
coming from the ABS module; however, the • ServiceRanger
“Anti-Locking Braking Active” message is received
as an error or not available.
Note: When troubleshooting an Inactive code refer to the
“Product Diagnostic Mode (PDM)” on page 19.
When Fault Code 47 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• If the fault occurs while moving, the operation goes
into AutoShift Only mode.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
remain powered.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Note: If the vehicle experiences an ABS event, the
hybrid regenerative braking is stopped until ABS
communication continues, but the vehicle will
still have motor assist.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
When Fault Code 48 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Red “Service” light may illuminate and a “F” may
flash in the gear display due to an Active Fault
Code 24.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift
Only” mode.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
remain powered.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine will
not crank.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle will shift;
however, when the vehicle stops the clutch opens
and remains in the open position.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
Harness Front View Harness Front View
(TECU - Vehicle Interface Connector) (HCM - Vehicle Interface Connector)
1 29
6 34
7 23
12 28
36 35 37 38
22 13
13 22
38 37 35 36
28 23 7 12
34 29 1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 2 to Pin 3
When Fault Code 49 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Only” mode.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, high-voltage relays remain
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
When Fault Code 50 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber and red lights do not illuminate since the
Body Controller activates the lights.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• HCM disables ePTO operation, since parameters
like hydraulic demand are unavailable.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
• TECU ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and - Rail Position Sensor
less than 16 volts. - TECU
• FMIs 3 and 4 do not set if the TECU System Battery • FMI 3, 4
Voltage Low fault is Active. FMI 2 do not set if FMI
3, 4 is Active. - TECU
When Fault Code 51 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If this fault occurs while moving, the transmission
remains in the current gear and the clutch opens
when the vehicle stops.
• The operation mode changes to “AutoShift
Fallback” mode.
Component Identification
36 35 C
22 13 B
38 37 A
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Rail Position Sensor
Connection Measurement
Pin 18 to Pin 19
Pin 18 to Pin 20
1. Measure resistance between Transmission Harness 1. Disconnect Transmission Harness from Rail
38-Way Connector Pin 18 to ground. Select Sensor.
• If resistance is 10K ohms or greater, replace 2. Measure resistance between Rail Select
the Transmission Electronic Control Unit Sensor Pins:
(TECU) (Only if Fault Code is Active), then - A and C
go to Step V. - A and B
• If resistance is less than 10K ohms, Note: An auto-ranging digital Volt/Ohm Meter
go to Step D. must be used.
• If Pin A and Pin C resistance is 5K–7K and if
Connection Measurement Pin A and Pin B resistance is 100–200 ohms,
replace the Transmission Harness, then go to
Pin 18 to ground Step V.
• If any to the above conditions are not met,
replace Electric Shifter, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin C
Pin A to Pin B
When Fault Code 51 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If this fault occurs while moving, the transmission
remains in the current gear and the clutch opens
when the vehicle stops.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Fallback”
Component Identification
36 35 C
22 13 B
38 37 A
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Rail Position Sensor
Connection Measurement
Pin 18 to Pin 19
Pin 18 to Pin 20
1. Measure resistance between Transmission Harness 1. Disconnect Transmission Harness from Rail
38-Way Connector Pin 18 to ground. Select Sensor.
• If resistance is 10K ohms or greater, replace 2. Measure resistance between the following Rail
the Transmission Electronic Control Unit Select Sensor Pins:
(TECU) (Only if Fault Code is Active), then - A and C
go to Step V. - A and B
• If resistance is less than 10K ohms, Note: An auto-ranging digital Volt/Ohm Meter must
go to Step D. be used.
• If Pin A and Pin C resistance is 5K–7K and if
Connection Measurement Pin A and Pin B resistance is 100–200 ohms,
replace the Transmission Harness, then
Pin 18 to ground go to Step V.
• If any to the above conditions are not met,
replace Electric Shifter, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin C
Pin A to Pin B
When Fault Code 53 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• HCM requires the engine to power the PTO and
maintain the 12-volt system.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
• If FMI 12 is listed, replace the DC/DC • If Fault Code 53 appears,go to Step A. Find
Converter, then go to Step V. error in testing.
• If FMI 14 is listed, the vehicle 12-volt demand • If a code other than 53 appears, go to “Fault
exceeds the capacity of the DC/DC Converter. Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
Loads must be removed from the 12-volt
system to maintain a maximum of 1.5 kw
total usage.
When Fault Code 54 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Depending on the voltage of the vehicle battery, the
engine may operate to maintain the 12-volt system
in ePTO mode.
Component Identification
4 3
37 38
13 22 1 2
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Converter
Feedback 19 1
12V Plus
4 Ground
DC/DC Converter
Output Terminals
Purpose: Verify DC/DC Converter output voltage. Purpose: Verify voltage of DC/DC Converter.
1. Key on. 1. Key on.
2. Connect ServiceRanger to the 9-Way Diagnostic 2. View the following Data Monitor parameters:
Connector in cab. - PID 121 “DC/DC Converter Output Voltage.”
3. View the following Data Monitor parameters - PID 165 “Battery Potential Voltage.”
in neutral: • If PID 165 is 0.5 volts less than PID 121, repair
- PID 121 “DC/DC Converter Output Voltage.” or replace the DC/DC Converter Power Supply
- PID 165 “Battery Potential Voltage.” Harness that powers the 12-Volt Battery
System, then go to Step V.
• If voltage at the DC/DC Converter is
12–14 volts, go to Step D. • If PID 121 is 0.5 volts less than PID 165, repair
the voltage feedback wire that goes from Pin 1
• If voltage is outside of range, repair the open
of the DC/DC Converter to Pin 19 of the HCM.
harness or fuse in the Main Power Supply
Go to Step V.
from the DC/DC Converter to the 12-Volt
Battery. Go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
DC/DC Converter
Output Voltage
DC/DC Converter
Output Voltage
Battery Potential
Battery Potential
Overview Fallback
The Input Shaft Speed Sensor is located on the 6-bolt When Fault Code 56 is set the following conditions occur:
PTO Cover, which is standard on the right side of the • Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
transmission. The sensor is a magnetic pickup that the gear display.
produces an AC voltage as the countershaft gear teeth
moves past the end of the sensor. At idle the speed sensor • Fault is stored in TECU memory.
output is low and increases as the speed of the • The operation mode changes to “AutoShift
countershaft increases. Fallback” mode.
• If this fault occurs while moving, the transmission
Detection remains in current gear and the clutch opens when
The following preconditions must be met before the system the vehicle stops.
detects the fault:
• If this fault occurs at power up, the vehicle cranks
• Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU) but the transmission does not engage a gear.
ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and less than
16 volts. Conditions to Set Fault Code Inactive
• FMI 10 requires the transmission to be in neutral Only Inactive faults can be cleared from the Transmission
and the vehicle speed must be within range. Electronic Control Unit (TECU) or HCM history using
• FMI 2 does not set if there is already an Active FMI ServiceRanger. The TECU automatically clears faults from
5 for the Input or Output Shaft Speed Sensors. history after 200 hours. The HCM automatically clears a
fault from history after that fault has been Inactive for 200
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active hours.
The following conditions must be met to set the fault
code Active: Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• FMI 2 is set when the TECU input shaft speed is
compared to the output shaft speed and it • FMI 2, 10
produces an inconsistent reading for 1 second - Input Shaft Speed Sensor
or greater. - TECU
• FMI 3 and 4 are set when the TECU detects a short - Transmission Harness
to ground, short to battery, and the input shaft
speed is 0 for 1 second or greater. - Damaged transmission gearing
• FMI 5 is set when the TECU detects an open circuit - Contamination on the Input Shaft Speed Sensor
and the Input Shaft Speed Sensor is 0 for 1 second
• FMI 3, 4, 5
or greater.
- Input Shaft Speed Sensor
• FMI 10 is set when the TECU detects a 200 RPM
or greater speed difference between the input shaft - TECU
speed and the raw input shaft speed for 10 ms - Transmission Harness
or greater.
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
36 35
22 13 A B
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 7 to Pin 8
Purpose: Verify integrity of Input Shaft Speed
Pin 7 to ground C Sensor.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to ground
• FMI 5 is set when the TECU detects an open and • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit
the Output Shaft Speed Sensor is 0 for 1 second • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
or greater. • ServiceRanger
When Fault Code 58 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Fallback”
• If this fault occurs while moving, the transmission
remains in the current gear and the clutch opens
when the vehicle stops.
Component Identification
36 35
22 13 A B
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 23 to Pin 24
Purpose: Verify integrity of Output Shaft Speed
Pin 23 to ground
C Sensor.
Purpose: Verify continuity of Output Shaft Speed • * See Output Shaft Speed Sensor.
E Sensor and ground.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to ground
When Fault Code 59 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” and red “Stop Hybrid” lights
do not display, since the lights are driven over the
J1939 Data Link.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Only” mode.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine will
not crank.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle will shift,
however; when the vehicle stops the clutch opens
and remains open.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
remain powered.
• Red “Service” light and an “F” flashing in the gear
display may appear due to the Active fault code 24,
35, or 36.
Component Identification
37 38 C
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
9 Pin Diagnostic
HCM Connector
Connection Measurement
Pin 2 to Pin 3
Purpose: Verify continuity of Diagnostic Connector Purpose: Verify continuity of Diagnostic Connector
C J1939 circuits. D J1939 circuits.
Pin C to Pin D
When Fault Code 60 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Stop Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Only” mode.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine will
not crank.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, high-voltage relays remain
• If the fault sets while driving, the clutch will
either close or open and remain in this
position permanently.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
37 38 C
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
9 Pin Diagnostic
CAN High 28 Connector
Resistor in HCM) J CAN Low
CAN Low 27
Connection Measurement
Pin H to Pin J on
9-Way Connector
Pin A to Pin B on
3-Way Connector
Pin 1 to Pin 2 on
2-Way Connector
When Fault Code 61 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• The operation mode changes to “AutoShift
Fallback” mode.
• If this fault occurs while moving, the transmission
remains in the current gear and the clutch opens
when the vehicle stops.
Component Identification
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Rail Select Motor
1. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with 1. Disconnect 2-Way Rail Select Motor Connector
ServiceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic from the Transmission Harness.
2. Measure resistance between Rail Select Motor
2. Key off. Harness 2-Way Connector Pin A and Pin B and
Pin A to ground:
3. Disconnect negative battery cable.
• If resistance between Pin A and Pin B is
4. Disconnect the Transmission Harness 38-Way 0.3–150 ohms and Pin A to ground is 10K
Connector from the TECU. ohms or greater, replace Transmission
5. Measure resistance between the Transmission Harness, then go to Step V.
Harness 38-Way Connector Pin 35 and Pin 37: • If resistance is outside of range, replace
• If resistance is 0.3–150 ohms, go to Step B. Electric Shifter, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin 35 to Pin 37
Pin 35 to Pin 37
Pin B and ground
When Fault Code 63 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light illuminates and an “F” flashes in
the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Fallback”
mode. If this fault occurs while moving,
transmission remains in the current gear position
and the clutch opens when the vehicle stops.
Component Identification
36 35
22 13
38 37 B A
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Gear Select Motor
1. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with 1. Measure resistance between the Transmission
ServiceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Harness 38-Way Connector Pin 36 and ground.
• If resistance is 10K ohms or greater, replace
2. Key off. Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU)
(Only if Fault Code is Active), then
3. Disconnect negative battery cable.
go to Step V.
4. Disconnect the Transmission Harness 38-Way
• If resistance is less than 10K ohms,
Connector from the TECU.
go to Step C.
5. Measure resistance between the Transmission
Harness 38-Way Connector Pin 36 and Pin 38:
• If resistance is 0.3–150 ohms, go to Step B. Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin 36 to Pin 38
Pin A to ground
When Fault Code 64 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red Stop Hybrid light illuminate.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• If the fault occurs while driving, the ECA either
maintains current clutch position or moves to the
last position commanded by the HCM.
• If the fault occurs at power up, the vehicle will
not crank.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
When Fault Code 65 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Speed Sensor
2G Eng Speed Sensor (-)
Connection Measurement
Pin F to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin F to Pin G
Purpose: Verify voltage of ECA Harness and Purpose: Verify integrity of engine Flywheel.
D ground. F
1. Key on. 1. Inspect the engine Flywheel to ensure there are no
missing or damaged teeth:
2. Measure voltage from the ECA 8-Way Connector
Pin G and ground: • If flywheel teeth are all intact and in good
condition, reinstall Flywheel Sensor until it
• If voltage is 0 volts at key on and FMI 5 is
touches the Flywheel then rotate
Active, replace the Electric Clutch Actuator
counterclockwise 1/2 to 1 full turn. Tighten
(ECA) (only if Fault Code is Active), then
Jam Nut and drive vehicle. If fault returns,
go to Step V.
replace the Sensor, then go to Step V.
• If voltage is 0 volts at key on and FMI 2 is
• If flywheel teeth are damaged or missing,
Active, go to Step E.
concern is with the Flywheel. Contact OEM for
• If voltage is greater than 0 volts at key on, repair procedures.
repair the short to power on the ECA Speed
Sensor Harness, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin G to ground
Purpose: Verify repair.
1. Key off.
2. Key on.
3. Clear codes, see “Clear Inactive Faults” on page 13.
Purpose: Verify integrity of ECA Speed Sensor. 4. Reconnect all connectors and the negative
E battery cable.
5. Drive the vehicle and attempt to reset the code.
1. Key off.
6. Check for codes, see “View Active and Inactive
2. Remove the ECA Speed Sensor and examine the Faults” on page 13.
sensor end for signs of damage or debris buildup:
• If no codes, test is complete.
• If the Sensor shows no cracks or signs of
• If Fault Code 34 appears, go to Step A. Find
metallic debris buildup on the end,
error in testing.
go to Step F.
• If a code other than 34 appears, go to“Fault
• If the Sensor is damaged or has debris
Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
buildup, replace or clean the ECA Sensor, then
go to Step V.
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
1C ECA Power
Plus (+)
When Fault Code 68 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Stop Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory. If the fault occurs
while driving, the ECA either maintains current
clutch position or moves to the last position
commanded by the HCM, then the ECA holding
device will engage. If the fault occurs at power up,
the vehicle will not crank.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Connection Measurement
Pin H to ground
• If voltage is less than 0 volts, replace the 2. Disconnect the HCM 38-Way System
Hybrid Control Module (HCM), then Harness Connector.
go to Step V. 3. Measure the resistance between the HCM System
• If voltage is 11–13 volts, repair the short to Harness 38-Way Connector Pin 13 and ground.
battery in the Vehicle Harness, then • If resistance from Pin 13 to ground is 10K
go to Step V. ohms or greater, replace the Hybrid Control
Module (HCM), then go to Step V.
• If resistance is outside of range, repair the
Connection Measurement
Vehicle Harness from the ECA to the HCM,
then go to Step V.
Pin H to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin 13 to ground
• If the resistance between Pin 13 and Pin H is 6. Check for codes, see “View Active and Inactive
0–0.3 ohms, replace the Electric Clutch Faults” on page 13.
Actuator (ECA) (only if Fault Code is Active), • If no codes, test is complete.
then go to Step V.
• If Fault Code 67 appears, go to Step A. Find
• If resistance is outside of range, repair the error in testing.
open in the harness between the ECA and
HCM, then go to Step V. • If a code other than 67 appears, go to “Fault
Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
Connection Measurement
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to OEM service literature.
• J1939 engine torque is zero ± 5% and J1939 - Yoke, Sliding Clutch, Mainshaft
engine speed is within 50 RPM of synchronous. - TECU
- Torque locked in gear
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active
The following conditions must be met to set the fault Additional Tools
code Active:
• Basic hand tools
• FMI 7 is set when the Electric Shifter fails three
consecutive attempts to disengage a gear. • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
Fallback • ServiceRanger
When Fault Code 71 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle maintains
the current gear and clutch opens when the vehicle
Component Identification
Note: The picture above shows the Shift Forks in the neutral position.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
When Fault Code 72 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle continues
to select the proper rail position.
Component Identification
Note: The picture above shows the Shift Forks in the neutral position.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
• If no issues found during the Electrical Pretest, 4. Clear codes, see “Clear Inactive Faults” on page 13.
go to Step C. 5. Drive the vehicle and attempt to reset the code.
• If issue was repaired during the Electrical 6. Check for codes, see “View Active and Inactive
Pretest, go to Step A. Faults” on page 13.
• If no codes, test is complete.
• If Fault Code 72 appears, go to Step A. Find
error in testing.
• If a code other than 72 appears, go to “Fault
Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
• TECU System Battery Voltage Low Fault is Inactive. - Shift Bar Housing
Component Identification
Note: The picture above shows the Shift Forks in the neutral position.
Parameter Reading
• * See Electric Shifter.
Gear Display
When Fault Code 74 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle remains in
the current gear position. Once the vehicle stops,
start and reverse gears can be engaged.
• TECU changes to “AutoShift Fallback” mode.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
When Fault Code 75 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory only as an
Inactive fault, since it only sets during the
power-down sequence.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
• FMI 16 is set when the BCU detects the • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
high-voltage battery is greater than 408 volts for with leather protectors J48603
240 MS. • Lockout bracket J48506
• FMI 4 is set when the BCU detects the high-voltage • Lockout tags
battery is less than 211 volts for 240 ms. • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• FMI 18 is set when the BCU detects the • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
high-voltage battery is less than 240 volts for
240 ms. • ServiceRanger
When Fault Code 76 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light blinks for FMI 4 and
displays solid for FMI 3.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Inverter shuts high-voltage system off.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Note: Check to see if the red Service Switch on the front of
the PEC is pulled out. If the switch is pushed in pull the
switch out and turn the key off. After 2 minutes turn the key
• FMI 3 is set when the BCU detects the high-voltage Additional Tools
battery is greater than 417 volts for 240 MS.
• Basic hand tools
• FMI 16 is set when the BCU detects the
high-voltage battery is greater than 408 volts for • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
240 MS. with leather protectors J48603
• FMI 4 is set when the BCU detects the high-voltage • Lockout bracket J48506
battery is less than 211 volts for 240 MS. • Lockout tags
• FMI 18 is set when the BCU detects the • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
high-voltage battery is less than 240 volts for • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
240 MS.
• ServiceRanger
Note: When troubleshooting an Inactive code refer to the
“Product Diagnostic Mode (PDM)” on page 19.
When Fault Code 77 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light blinks for FMI 4 and
displays solid for FMI 3
• Fault is stored in HCM memory
• Inverter shuts high-voltage system off.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this Code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
Check to see if the red Service Switch on the front of the PEC is pulled out. If the switch is pushed in, pull the switch out and turn
the key off. After 2 minutes, turn the key on.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
• If Fault Code 78 is listed with an Active Fault • If Fault Code 78 appears, go to Step A. Find
Code 113, go to “Fault Code 113 - Inverter error in testing.
Current” on page 355, FMI 6. • If a code other than 78 appears, go to “Fault
• If Fault Code 78 is listed with no Fault Code Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
113, replace the Power Electronics Carrier
(PEC), then go to Step V.
When Fault Code 79 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in Hybrid Control Module
(HCM) memory.
• Inverter shuts high-voltage system off.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
• If Fault Code 79 is listed with an Active Fault • If Fault Code 79 appears, go to Step A. Find
Code 113, go to “Fault Code 113 - Inverter error in testing.
Current” on page 355, FMI 6. • If a code other than 79 appears, go to “Fault
• If Fault Code 79 is listed with no Active Fault Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
Code 113, replace the Power Electronics
Carrier (PEC), then go to Step V.
• FMI 16 is set when the BCU detects high-voltage • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
battery temperature is greater than 140 °F (60 °C) with leather protectors J48603
for 6.4 seconds. • Lockout bracket J48506
• Lockout tags
When Fault Code 82 is set the following conditions occur: • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
Component Identification
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Battery Fan
Battery Fan 26 86 Relay
12V Plus
12V Truck
85 87
When Fault Code 83 is set the following conditions occur:
• “F” appears in the gear display.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• TECU changes to “AutoShift” control.
• Engine does not crank.
Component Identification
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Park Pawl
Shift Return (Minus) 17 1 Park Pawl Actuator
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. With the actuator/shift lever in the Neutral position
page 1. check voltage on pins:
2. Disconnect the 4-Way Connector to the - 3 to ground
Park Pawl Actuator. - 4 to ground
Pin 3 to ground
Connection Measurement
Pin 4 to ground
Pin 1 to Pin 2
Purpose: Verify continuity of Shift Lever circuits in Purpose: Verify continuity of Shift Lever circuits in
C Vehicle Harness. D Vehicle Harness.
1. Disconnect the TECU Harness 38-Way Connector. 1. Disconnect the TECU Vehicle Harness
38-way connector.
2. Check continuity between:
- 38-Way Connector Pin 15 and 4-Way Connector 2. Check continuity between:
Pin 4 - 38-Way Connector Pin 17 and 4-Way Connector
- 38-Way Connector Pin 16 and 4-Way Connector Pin 1
Pin 3 - 38-Way Connector Pin 31 and 4-Way Connector
Pin 2
• If continuity is okay, replace the Transmission
Electronic Control Unit (TECU), then • If continuity is okay, replace the Transmission
go to Step V. Electronic Control Unit (TECU), then
go to Step V.
• If an open is found, repair or replace the
Harness, then go to Step V. • If an open is found, repair or replace the
Harness, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
38-Way Pin 15
to 4-Way Pin 4 38-Way Pin 17
to 4-Way Pin 1
38-Way Pin 16
to 4-Way Pin 3 38-Way Pin 31
to 4-Way Pin 2
When Fault Code 84 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Service” light may or may not come on
depending on the failure.
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• TECU changes to “AutoShift Fallback” mode.
• The engine does not crank.
Component Identification
4-Pin Park Pawl Actuator
3 Connector
36 35
1 K1 A1
22 13
38 37
3 K3 A3
28 23
34 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
VDash Dimmer
Shift Lever
Shift Return (Minus) 17 1 Park Pawl Actuator
Connection Measurement
Pin J3 to Pin C1
Purpose: Verify continuity of Shift Lever circuits in Purpose: Verify continuity of Shift Lever circuits in
D Vehicle Harness. E Vehicle Harness.
• If resistance is out of range, repair the Vehicle • If resistance between Pin C1 and Pin 31 is
Harness between the PBSC and the TECU, then 0–0.3 ohms and resistance between Pin C1
go to Step V. and ground is 10K ohms or greater, replace the
Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU)
(only if fault code is Active). Go to Step V.
Connection Measurement • If resistance is out of range, repair the Vehicle
Harness between the PBSC and the TECU, then
30-Way Pin J3 to go to Step V.
38-Way Pin 25
Connection Measurement
30-Way Pin C1 to
38-Way Pin 31
30-Way Pin C1 to
Purpose: Verify AC voltage at PBSC. Purpose: Verify continuity between PBSC Harness
F G and Vehicle Harness.
Connection Measurement
30-Way Pin F1 to
38-Way Pin 28
30-Way Pin F1 to
Connection Measurement
30-Way Pin F2 to
38-Way Pin 27
30-Way Pin F2 to
When Fault Code 85 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in TECU memory.
• TECU changes to “AutoShift Fallback” mode.
• Engine does not crank.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this Code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
• Battery Control Unit ignition voltage is greater than - Battery Fan Air Filter
7 volts. - Battery Fan Relay Power Supply Harness
- Battery Fan Relay
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active
The following conditions must be met to set the fault - Battery Fan Exhaust Screen
code Active:
Additional Tools
• FMI 0 is set when the BCU detects high-voltage
battery temperature is greater than 70 °C for 6.4 • Basic hand tools
seconds. FMI 16 is set when the BCU detects • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
high-voltage battery temperature is greater than with leather protectors J48603
60 °C for 6.4 seconds. • Lockout bracket J48506
Fallback • Lockout tags
When Fault Code 86 is set the following conditions occur: • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• Fault is stored in HCM memory. • ServiceRanger
• Inverter shuts high-voltage system off.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Note: The conditions above are only present for FMI 0.
Component Identification
13 22 17 6 1 3 11
35 36 16 5 4 12
15 14 13
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Battery Fan
Battery Fan 26 86 Relay
12V Plus
12V Truck 86
85 87
Purpose: Verify voltage for fan circuit on PEC Purpose: Verify repair.
D 19-Way Connector. V
1. Key on. 1. Key off.
2. Disconnect the 19-Way Connector at the PEC. 2. Reconnect all connectors and negative
battery cable.
3. Measure voltage at the 19-Way Connector from
Pin 12 to Pin 14: 3. Key on.
• If voltage between Pin 12 and Pin 14 is ±0.2 4. Clear codes, see “Clear Inactive Faults” on page 13.
volts of battery voltage, replace the Power
5. Drive the vehicle and attempt to reset the code.
Electronics Carrier (PEC), then go to Step V.
6. Check for codes, see “View Active and Inactive
• If voltage between Pin 12 and Pin 14 is outside
Faults” on page 13.
of range, repair Battery Fan Relay circuit. Refer
to OEM. • If no codes, test is complete.
• If Fault Code 86 appears, go to Step A. Find
error in testing.
Connection Measurement
• If a code other than 86 appears, go to “Fault
Pin 12 to Pin 14 Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
When Fault Code 87 is set the following conditions occur:
• Red “Stop Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Operation mode changes to “AutoShift Only” mode.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine will
not crank.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
remain powered.
• If the fault occurs while driving, the ECA either
maintains current clutch position or moves to the
last position commanded by the HCM.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36 H G F E
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
When Fault Code 88 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, the high-voltage relays
remain powered.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
13 22
35 36
42 29
7 12 56
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Inverter
Connection Measurement
Pin 27 to Pin 13
Component Identification
42 29
Harness Front View PEC Harness Connector View
(HCM - Vehicle Interface Connector) (Deutsch 19 - Way)
29 34
23 28
19 8 9
18 7 2 10
17 6 1 3 11
13 22
16 5 4 12
35 36
15 14 13
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 1 to Pin 2
Connection Measurement
56-Way Pin 28 to
19-Way Pin 2
56-Way Pin 14 to
19-Way Pin 1
• HCM CAN data link fault is Inactive. - CAN Data Link from PEC to Inverter
When Fault Code 90 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration
are disabled; however, high-voltage relays remain
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
Delphi 56-Way Mating Connector View
(Inverter - Low Voltage Connector) 1
42 29
Harness Front View PEC Connector View
(HCM - Vehicle Interface Connector) (Deutsch 19 - Way)
29 34
23 28
19 8 9
18 7 2 10
17 6 1 3 11
13 22
16 5 4 12
35 36
15 14 13
7 12
1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 1 to Pin 2
Connection Measurement
56-Way Pin 28 to
19-Way Pin 2
56-Way Pin 14 to
19-Way Pin 1
When Fault Code 91 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminate.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• If the fault sets at command on the APG
remains off.
• If the fault sets during operation the APG shuts off.
Component Identification
1 8
2 7 A B
3 6
4 5
Connection Measurement
Pin H to Pin J on
9-Way Connector
Pin 1 to Pin 2 on
2-Way Connector
Pin A to Pin B on
3-Way Connector
Pin 4 to Pin 5
When Fault Code 95 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• If the fault sets at power up, the engine will crank,
provided the high-voltage batteries have a
sufficient State of Charge (SOC).
• If the fault sets while driving, the vehicle will
continue to operate.
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36 30
7 12
1 6
85 87
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Crank Enable Plus 32 86 Cranking Relay
12V Truck
Connection Measurement
Pin 32 to ground
Pin 32 to ground
When Fault Code 96 is set the following conditions occur:
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
1. Key on.
2. Retrieve Codes, see “View Active and Inactive
Faults” on page 13.
• If Fault Code 96 is Active, concern is with the
Accelerator Pedal reading a value above 0%
when there is no driver demand. This value
can be seen by selecting the “Engine and Brake
Data Monitor” list from ServiceRanger and
viewing the Accelerator Pedal Position SPN
91. Refer to OEM.
• If Fault Code 96 is Inactive, test is complete.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• FMI 7:
- PTO Air Solenoid
- Low air pressure
- PTO control circuit wires
- PTO feedback circuit
- HCM (only on HCM controlled PTOs)
- PTO Ball Switch
Note: These FMIs only set if the HCM is directly wired to the
PTO. This can be determined by selecting the
Roadranger Configuration option and then view the
HCM option. The PTO Feedback will read Analog.
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to the OEM service literature.
Connection Measurement
Pin 34 to ground
Purpose: Verity continuity of PTO solenoid circuit. Purpose: Verity continuity of PTO solenoid circuit.
1. Key off. 1. Key off.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 2. Disconnect the PTO 2-Way Connector at the PTO.
3. Disconnect the HCM Harness 38-way connector. 3. Measure the resistance between the PTO 2-Way
Connector at the following pins:
4. Measure the resistance between the HCM Harness
38-Way Connector and the following pins: - Pin A to Pin B
- Pin 34 to Pin 6 - Pin A to ground
- Pin 34 to ground • If resistance between Pin A and Pin B is 0–0.3
ohms and resistance between Pin A and
• If resistance between Pin 34 and Pin 6 is 0–0.3
ground is 10K ohms or greater, repair the
ohms and resistance between Pin 34 and
Hybrid System Harness for an open or short to
ground is 10K ohms or greater, replace the
ground, then go to Step V.
Hybrid Control Module (HCM) (only if fault
code is Active). Go to Step V. • If resistance is outside of range, replace the
PTO Switch, then go to Step V.
• If resistance is out of range, go to Step D.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
Pin 34 to Pin 6
Pin A to ground
Pin 34 to ground
Purpose: Verify voltage at PTO. Purpose: Verify continuity on PTO signal wire.
1. Disconnect the PTO single signal wire at the PTO. 1. Key off.
2. Key on. 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
3. Measure the voltage from the PTO Signal Wire 3. Disconnect the HCM Harness 38-Way Connector.
Connector to ground.
4. Measure the resistance from the HCM Harness
• If the voltage is 12 volts at key on, concern 38-Way Connector Pin 18 to the opposite PTO end
is with the faulty PTO Engagement Signal of the Signal Wire.
Switch in the PTO. Contact OEM for repair
• If the resistance from Pin 18 to the PTO end
of the signal wire is 0–0.3 ohms, replace
• If the voltage is less than 1 volt at key on, the Hybrid Control Module (HCM), then
go to Step G. go to Step V.
• If the resistance is outside of range, repair the
open in the PTO signal wire from the HCM to
Connection Measurement the PTO, then go to Step V.
Signal Wire to
ground Connection Measurement
HCM Harness to
Signal Wire
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to OEM service literature.
Parameter Reading
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Parameter Reading
Component Identification
13 22
35 36 19 8 9
18 7 2 10
12 17 6 1 3 11
1 6 16 5 4 12
56-Way Mating Connector View 15 14 13
(Inverter - Low Voltage Connector) 1
42 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Component Identification
13 22
35 36 19 8 9
18 7 2 10
12 17 6 1 3 11
1 6 16 5 4 12
56-Way Mating Connector View 15 14 13
(Inverter - Low Voltage Connector) 1
42 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Connection Measurement
Pin 1 to Pin 2
Pin 1 to ground
Pin 2 to ground
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. Disconnect the AC High-Voltage Connector at the
page 1. Motor/Generator.
2. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with Ser- ! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
viceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Connector. Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
3. Key off.
erly handled high-voltage.
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
2. With the AC Cable disconnected at both ends,
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
measure resistance to cable shielding at all
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
erly handled high-voltage. 3 terminals:
Note: Cable should be flexed while measuring.
4. Which FMIs are present?
• If Open or “OL” on meter, replace the Power
• If Fault Code 105, FMI 23–29 is listed,
Electronics Carrier (PEC).
replace the Power Electronics Carrier (PEC),
then go to Step V. • If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
the AC High Voltage Cable, then go to Step V.
• If Fault Code 105, FMI 30 is listed,
go to Step B.
• If Fault Code 105, FMI 22 is listed, turn key off Cable Measurement
and back on. If fault is still present at key on,
replace the Power Electronics Carrier (PEC), AC High-Voltage Cable
then go to Step V.
Component Identification
Note: No Schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to OEM service literature.
• If Fault Code 106, FMI 23–30 or is listed, • If Fault Code 106 appears, find error in testing,
replace the Power Electronics Carrier (PEC), go to Step A.
then go to Step V. • If a code other than 106 appears, go to “Fault
• If Fault Code 106, FMI 22 is listed, Key off and Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
back on. If fault is still present at key on,
replace the Power Electronics Carrier (PEC),
then go to Step V.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to OEM service literature.
Cable Measurement
1. Disconnect the DC Connector at the Inverter. 1. Measure the resistance to ground at the
Inverter DC Connector on both positive and
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and negative terminals:
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- ! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
erly handled high-voltage. Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
2. With the DC Cable disconnected at both ends
erly handled high-voltage.
measure the resistance to cable shielding at both
the positive and negative terminals. • If Open or “OL” on meter, possible error with
testing. Go to Step V.
• If Open or “OL” on meter, go to Step D.
• If any resistance/continuity is found,
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
go to Step E.
DC High-Voltage Cable between the PEC and
Inverter, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Cable Measurement
Inverter DC (+)
to ground
Inverter DC Cable (+)
to Cable shield
Inverter DC (-)
to ground
Inverter DC Cable (-)
to Cable shield
Purpose: Verify continuity of Inverter AC Cable. Purpose: Verify continuity of Inverter AC Cable to
E F ground.
1. Disconnect the AC Connector at the Inverter. 1. Measure the resistance to ground at all 3 terminals
at the Inverter AC Connector.
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce- ! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
erly handled high-voltage. dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
erly handled high-voltage.
2. Measure the resistance to ground on all three
terminals at the AC Cable. • If Open or “OL” on meter, possible error with
testing. Go to Step V.
• If Open or “OL” on meter, go to Step F.
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
• If any resistance/continuity is found,
Inverter, then go to Step V.
go to Step G.
Connection Measurement
Cable Measurement Pin A to Pin A
AC Cable Pin C to
1. Disconnect the AC High-Voltage Connector at the 1. Measure the resistance to ground at the
Motor/Generator. Motor/Generator AC Connector.
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and ! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce- Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
erly handled high-voltage. erly handled high-voltage.
2. With the AC Cable disconnected at both ends, • If Open or “OL” on meter, possible error with
measure resistance to cable shielding at all testing. Go to Step V.
3 terminals.
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
• If Open or “OL” on meter, go to Step H. Motor/Generator, then go to Step V.
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
AC high-voltage cable, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Motor/Generator AC
Pin A to AC Cable Shield Connector to ground
Purpose: Verify continuity of DC cable from PEC to Purpose: Verify continuity of PEC High-Voltage
J DC/DC Converter. K DC Cable terminals to shielding.
1. Disconnect 12-volt positive and negative cables 1. Disconnect the high-voltage DC cable at the
from DC/DC Converter. DC/DC Converter.
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and ! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce- Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
erly handled high-voltage. erly handled high-voltage.
2. Disconnect the PEC to DC/DC Converter DC Cable 2. With the DC cable disconnected at both ends,
at the PEC. measure resistance to cable shielding at positive
and negative terminals.
3. Measure the resistance to ground at the DC
Cable connector on both the positive and • If Open or “OL” on meter, go to Step L.
negative terminals.
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
• If Open or “OL” on meter, possible error in the High-Voltage DC Cable, then go to Step V.
testing. If vehicle does not have an APG,
go to Step V.
• If vehicle is equipped with APG, go to Step M. Cable Measurement
Purpose: Verify continuity of DC/DC Converter DC Purpose: Verify continuity of APG DC high-voltage
L high-voltage cable terminals to ground. M cable terminals to ground.
1. Measure the resistance to ground at the DC/DC 1. Disconnect the APG DC High-Voltage Cable at
Converter High-Voltage DC Connector at both the PEC.
positive and negative terminals.
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce- dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- erly handled high-voltage.
erly handled high-voltage.
2. Measure the resistance to ground at the DC
• If Open or “OL” on meter, possible error with Cable Connector on both the positive and
testing. Go to Step V. negative terminals.
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace • If Open or “OL” on meter, replace the Power
DC/DC Converter, then go to Step V. Electronics Carrier (PEC), then go to Step V.
• If any resistance/continuity is found,
go to Step N.
Cable Measurement
Purpose: Verify continuity of APG DC high-voltage Purpose: Verify continuity of APG high-voltage DC
N cable terminals to shielding. O cable pin to ground.
1. Disconnect the high-voltage DC cable at the APG. 1. Measure the resistance to ground at APG
High-Voltage DC connector Pin 1 (positive +) and
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and Pin 4 (negative -).
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- ! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
erly handled high-voltage. Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp-
2. With the DC cable disconnected at both ends
erly handled high-voltage.
measure the resistance from positive and negative
terminals to cable shielding at PEC Cable end. • If Open or “OL” on meter, possible error with
testing. Go to Step V.
• If Open or “OL” on meter, go to Step O.
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
• If any resistance/continuity is found, replace
Auxiliary Power Generator (APG) Inverter,
DC high-voltage cable, then go to Step V.
then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Connection Measurement
Fault Code 108 - High Voltage Battery 1 Control Unit Power Supply
J1939: SA 239 SPN 520268 FMI 3, 4
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
diesel-only mode. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st. • ServiceRanger
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
19 - Way Mating Connector View
Delphi 56-Way Mating Connector View (PEC - Low Voltage Connector)
(Inverter - Low Voltage Connector) 1
14 19 8 9
28 18 7 2 10
17 6 1 3 11
16 5 4 12
42 29 15 14 13
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
VB_B 16 6 VB_B
Ground BC 34 7 Ground BC
Fault Code 108 - High Voltage Battery 1 Control Unit Power Supply
Purpose: Check for Active or Inactive fault code Purpose: Verify voltage at PEC connector.
A status. B
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. Disconnect the PEC 19-Way Connector.
page 1.
2. Connect a multimeter to the PEC 19-Way
2. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with Ser- Connector Pin 6 and Pin 7.
viceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Connector.
3. Place multimeter where it can be viewed, while
3. Key off. standing next to the truck.
Pin 6 to Pin 7
Pins Measurement
56-Way Pin 16 to
19-Way Pin 6
56-Way Pin 34 to
19-Way Pin 7
Fault Code 109 - High Voltage Battery 2 Control Unit Power Supply
J1939: SA 239 SPN 520269 FMI 3, 4
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates. • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
with leather protectors J48603
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Lockout bracket J48506
• Inverter shuts high-voltage system off.
• Lockout tags
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode. • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
Component Identification
37 38
13 22
35 36
7 12
1 6
Deutsch 19 - Way Mating Connector View
Delphi 56-Way Mating Connector View (PEC - Low Voltage Connector)
(Inverter - Low Voltage Connector) 1
14 19 8 9
28 18 7 2 10
17 6 1 3 11
16 5 4 12
42 29 15 14 13
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
VB_B 16 6 VB_B
Ground BC 34 7 Ground BC
Fault Code 109 - High Voltage Battery 2 Control Unit Power Supply
Purpose: Check for Active or Inactive fault code Purpose: Verify battery voltage at PEC 19-Way
A status. B Connector.
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. Disconnect the PEC 19-Way Connector.
page 1.
2. Connect a multi meter to the PEC 19-Way
2. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with Ser- Connector Pin 6 and Pin 7.
viceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Connector.
3. Place multimeter where it can be viewed, while
3. Key off. standing next to the truck.
Pin 6 to Pin 7
Connection Measurement
56-Way Pin 16 to
19-Way Pin 6
56-Way Pin 34 to
19-Way Pin 7
• HCM is powered and ignition voltage is greater • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
than 7 volts and less than 16 volts. with leather protectors J48603
• Inverter ignition voltage is greater than 7 volts and • Lockout bracket J48506
less than 16 volts. • Lockout tags
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active
The following conditions must be met to set the fault • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
code Active: • ServiceRanger
• FMI 22–29 are set due to various internal failures of
the Inverter.
When Fault Code 110 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• Depending on the internal failure the Inverter may
continue to operate with the fault logged, or
shutdown the high-voltage system.
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode for most failures.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
High-voltage cables and wiring are orange in color and contain a warning label at the connectors, while high-voltage components
are marked with a label. ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves with leather protectors must be used when working on
any of these components. Failure to follow these instructions may result in severe personal injury or death.
• If Fault Code 110 is Active, replace the • If Fault Code 110 appears, find error in testing,
Inverter, then go to Step V. go to Step A.
• If Fault Code 110 is Inactive, test is complete. • If a code other than 110 appears, go to “Fault
Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
Component Identification
13 22
35 36 19 8 9
18 7 2 10
12 17 6 1 3 11
1 6 16 5 4 12
Delphi 56-Way Mating Connector View 15 14 13
(Inverter - Low-Voltage Connector) 1
42 29
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Component Identification
1 High Voltage DC Connector View 2
(Yazaki Connector)
DC(+) DC(-)
DC(+) DC(-)
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter PEC
340-Volt Neg (High Voltage) DC (-) DC (-) 340-Volt Neg (High Voltage)
340-Volt Pos (High Voltage) DC (+) DC (+) 340-Volt Pos (High Voltage)
Connection Measurement
Inverter DC High-Voltage
Component Identification
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter Motor/
Phase 3 C C Phase 3
Phase 2 B B Phase 2
Phase 1 A A Phase 1
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and 3. Measure the resistance between the following AC
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce- High-Voltage Cable Pins:
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- - A-B
erly handled high-voltage. - B-C
3. Key off. - C-A
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
Pin B to Pin C
Pin C to Pin A
1. Measure the resistance of each AC High-Voltage 1. Remove the AC High-Voltage Cable from the
Cable Pin to ground. Inverter and Motor/Generator.
• If resistance between each pin and ground 2. Measure the resistance of the AC High-Voltage
is 5M or greater, replace the Inverter, then Cable from the Inverter Connector to the
go to Step V. Motor/Generator Connector on each of the
following pins:
• If resistance is outside of range, replace the
AC high-voltage cable, then go to Step V. - A-A
- B-B
- C-C
Connection Measurement
Note: An auto ranging digital Volt/Ohm Meter
must be used.
Pin A to ground
• If resistance is less than 1 ohm on each circuit,
Pin B to ground replace the Motor/Generator, then
go to Step V.
Pin C to ground • If resistance is outside of range, replace the
AC High-Voltage Harness, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin A
Pin B to Pin B
Pin C to Pin C
• Electric Motor/Generator Assist and Regeneration • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
are disabled; however, high-voltage relays remain • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
powered. • ServiceRanger
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
13 22
42 29
35 36
7 12
6 43
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
HCM Inverter
1 Ground 1
2 Ground 2
Connection Measurement
56-Way Pin 15 to
38-Way Pin 2
56-Way Pin 1 to
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Note: For component location refer to OEM service literature.
Purpose: Verify hybrid system Coolant Pump Purpose: Verify voltage at Hybrid System Coolant
D operation. F Pump.
Connection Measurement
Purpose: Verify Hybrid System Heat Exchanger Fan
E operation.
Pin A to Pin B
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
• FMI 10 is set when the Inverter detects the input - Inertia Switch
voltage measured at the capacitor is less than 210 - Service Switch
volts within 3 seconds after the sub-relay closed in
• FMI 14
the Relay Box.
- Inverter
• FMI 14 is set when only the negative relay in the
Relay Box is on and capacitor voltage decreases - PEC
less than 10 volts/5 seconds when initial capacitor
voltage was greater than 200 volts and motor Additional Tools
speed less than 500 min-1, or there is a detect • Basic hand tools
error in the initial check.
• ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
Fallback with leather protectors J48603
When Fault Code 116 is set the following conditions occur: • Lockout bracket J48506
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light blinks for FMI 10 and • Lockout tags
remains solid for FMI 14. • Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Fault is stored in HCM memory. • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• Inverter shuts high-voltage system off. • ServiceRanger
• HCM continues to control the hybrid vehicle in a
diesel-only mode.
• Transmission defaults start gear to 1st.
Component Identification
1 High Voltage DC Connector View 2
Delphi 56-Way Mating Connector View 1 (Yazaki Connector)
42 29
19 8 9
18 7 10
17 6 1 3 11
16 5 4 12
15 14 13
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter PEC
340-Volt Neg (High Voltage) DC (-) DC (-) 340-Volt Neg (High Voltage)
340-Volt Pos (High Voltage) DC (+) DC (+) 340-Volt Pos (High Voltage)
Check to see if the red Service Switch on the front of the PEC is pulled out. If the switch is pushed in pull the switch out and turn
the ignition key off. After 2 minutes turn the ignition key on.
Purpose: Verify continuity of PEC connector Purpose: Verify continuity of Inverter connector
D circuits to ground. E circuits to ground.
4. Measure resistance at the PEC 19-Way Connector 5. Measure resistance between the Inverter 56-Way
Terminal at the following pins: Connector at the following pins:
- Pin 17 to Pin 19 - Pin 29 to Pin 37
- Pin 9 to Pin 11 - Pin 30 to Pin 35
- Pin 13 to Pin 15 - Pin 31 to Pin 36
• If the resistance between Pins 17 and Pin 19 is Note: Gently flex the Inverter 56-Way
112–122 ohms and the resistance from Pin 9 Connector Harness near the Connector
to Pin 11 and Pin 13 to Pin 15 are each 33–37 while monitoring the resistance values.
ohms, go to Step E.
• If the resistance between Pin 29 and Pin 37 is
• If resistance is out of range, go to Step F. 112–122 ohms and the resistance from Pin 30
to Pin 35 and Pin 31 to Pin 36 are each 33–37
ohms, push the Service Switch on the PEC and
Connection Measurement reinstall the Lockout Bracket. Go to Step H.
• If resistance is out of range, repair the Hybrid
Pin 17 to Pin 19 Harness between the PEC and Inverter, then go
to Step V.
Pin 9 to Pin 11
Pin 29 to Pin 37
Pin 30 to Pin 35
Pin 31 to Pin 36
Purpose: Verify continuity of PEC connector Purpose: Verify continuity of Inverter connector
F circuits. G circuits.
Connection Measurement
Pin 17 to Pin 19
Pin 9 to Pin 11
Pin 13 to Pin 15
Purpose: Verify continuity of DC Cable from PEC to Purpose: Verify Data Monitor parameters.
H Inverter Connector circuits. I
1. Key off. 1. Connect ServiceRanger to the 9-Way Diagnostic
Connector in the cab.
2. Disconnect the DC High-Voltage Cable at the
PEC Bulkhead and the Inverter Bulkhead. 2. Select the “Data Monitor” option.
3. Measure the resistance of each high-voltage circuit 3. View the following parameters in the High-Voltage
on the cable: Battery list.
• If the resistance of each high-voltage circuit in - Battery Pack Voltage (BCU1) PID 118
the cable is 1 ohm or less, replace the Inverter, - Battery Voltage PID 116
then go to Step V. • If the voltage readings on PID 116 and PID 118
• If resistance is out of range, replace the are within 10 volts of each other, replace the
DC High-Voltage Cable, then go to Step V. Power Electronics Carrier (PEC), then
go to Step V.
• If the voltage readings on PID 116 and PID 118
Connection Measurement are greater than 10 volts of each other, replace
the Inverter, then go to Step V.
Component Identification
19 8 9
15 18 7 2 10
17 6 1 3 11
16 5 4 12
42 29
15 14 13
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Inverter PEC
Relay Off 43 5
Relay Off
Connection Measurement
19-Way Pin 5 to
56-Way Pin 43
Purpose: Verify continuity of Vehicle Harness and Purpose: Measure the resistance of the DC
D ground. E Interlock Low-Voltage Loop.
Connection Measurement
Interlock circuit
When Fault Code 118 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• The DC/DC Converter does not operate because the
HCM de-energizes the auxiliary high-voltage relay
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Connection Measurement
Pin 33 to ground
Purpose: Measure resistance of the HCM Harness Purpose: Measure resistance of Bulkhead Terminal
C circuit to ground. D to ground.
Pin 8 to ground
Purpose: Measure resistance from DC/DC Purpose: Measure resistance from DC/DC
E Converter to ground. F Converter to ground.
Pin 1 to ground
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Component Identification
4 3
2 6 1
5 2
6 1
E 4 3
1. Review and follow the “Warnings & Cautions” on 1. Remove the 7-Way Connector at the APG.
page 1.
2. Measure the resistance from the AC High-Voltage
2. Retrieve Active fault codes and FMIs with Ser- Cable on the following pins.
viceRanger using the 9-Way Diagnostic Connector. - Pin 1 to ground
3. Key off. - Pin 2 to ground
- Pin 3 to ground
! Warning: See “High-Voltage Service Shutdown and
- Pin 4 to ground
Power-Up Procedure” on page 4. Follow the proce-
dures to avoid shock, burn or death from improp- - Pin 5 to ground
erly handled high-voltage. - Pin 6 to ground
Pin 1 to ground
Pin 2 to ground
Pin 3 to ground
Pin 4 to ground
Pin 5 to ground
Pin 6 to ground
Purpose: Measure resistance of APG circuit short Purpose: Measure resistance of APG circuit short
C to ground. D to ground.
1. Remove the 6-Way APG to Power Panel Connector 1. Remove the 7-Way Connector at the Power Panel.
from the APG.
2. Measure the resistance from the AC High-Voltage
2. Measure the resistance from the APG 6-Way Cable on the following pins:
Connector on the following pins: - Pin 1 to ground
- Pin 1 to ground - Pin 2 to ground
- Pin 2 to ground - Pin 3 to ground
• If the resistance is 10K ohms or greater, - Pin 4 to ground
replace the Auxiliary Power Generator (APG) - Pin 5 to ground
Inverter, then go to Step V. - Pin 6 to ground
• If the resistance is less than 10K ohms, • If the resistance is 10K ohms or greater,
go to Step E. replace the APG Power Panel, then
go to Step V.
• If the resistance is less than 10K ohms,
Connection Measurement
replace the AC High-Voltage Harness, then
go to Step V.
Pin 1 to ground
Pin 1 to ground
Pin 2 to ground
Pin 3 to ground
Pin 4 to ground
Pin 5 to ground
Pin 6 to ground
Pin 2 to ground
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
When FMI 22–27 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• APG does not start.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
• If FMI 22–27 are present, replace the • If a code other than 126 appears, go to “Fault
Auxiliary Power Generator (APG) Inverter, Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
then go to Step V.
• HCM is powered and ignition voltage is greater - Ambient case temperature too high
than 7 volts and less than 16 volts.
Additional Tools
Conditions to Set Fault Code Active • Basic hand tools
The following conditions must be met to set the fault • ASTM Class 0 electrical insulating rubber gloves
code Active: with leather protectors J48603
• FMI 0 is set when the ambient temperature inside • Lockout bracket J48506
of the APG Inverter case reaches 140 °F (60 °C).
• Lockout tags
Fallback • Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
When FMI 0 is set the following conditions occur: • ServiceRanger
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
• The APG powers down.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this code.
• If FMI 3 is present, replace the • If a code other than 128 appears, go to “Fault
Auxiliary Power Generator (APG) Inverter, Code Isolation Procedure Index” on page 14.
then go to Step V.
Component Identification
8 1
7 2 A B
6 3
5 4
Connection Measurement
9-Way Pin H to
9-Way Pin J
2-Way Pin 1 to
2-Way Pin 2
3-Way Pin A to
3-Way Pin B
Connection Measurement
Pin 4 to Pin 5
When Fault Code 131 is set the following conditions occur:
• Amber “Check Hybrid” light illuminates.
• Fault is stored in HCM memory.
Component Identification
8 1
7 2
6 3
5 4
Connection Measurement
The following symptoms may have been experienced:
• Power up no crank and gear display shows a dash
• Transmission does not engage a gear from neutral
(flashing gear number is gear display).
There is no fallback mode for this symptom; however, the
vehicle may do either of the following: not crank if the dash
“-” is present or not engage a gear if the flashing gear is
present when a non-neutral gear is selected.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• Low power to Gear Select motor
• Electric Shifter
• Gear Select Sensor
• Yoke/Clutch/Main Shaft
• Shift Bar Housing
• Dragging Clutch
• Torque Locked in Gear
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
Note: The picture above shows the Shift Forks in neutral position.
1. Only perform this symptom test if sent here from 1. Key off.
the Diagnostic Procedure and there are no Active
2. Attempt to remove any type of torque lock on the
fault codes.
drivetrain through one of the following methods:
2. Key on. - Remove the driveshaft
3. Press “N” on the Push Button Shift Control. - Lift the drive wheels off the ground
- Roll the vehicle in neutral
4. Observe gear display:
3. Key on.
• If gear display shows: “N”, go to Step B.
4. Observe Gear Display:
• If gear display shows: “-”, go to Step C.
• If gear display shows a solid “N”,
go to Step B.
Parameter Reading • If gear display still shows a solid dash “-”,
go to Step D.
Gear Display
Parameter Reading
Gear Display
Parameter Reading
Gear Display
1. Key off.
2. Remove Electric Shifter* from Shift Bar Housing.
3. Inspect the following:
- Shift Blocks are fastened to Shift Rails securely
- Shift ails move into each gear position
- Electric Shifter is free from any excessive lube
contamination buildup
- Two gear positions can not be engaged at the
same time
• If no problem found, and the Electric Shifter
actuation was not heard in the previous step,
replace the Transmission Electronic Control
Unit (TECU), then go to Step V.
• If no problem found, and the Electric Shifter
actuation was heard in the previous step,
replace the Electric Shifter, then go to Step V.
• If problem is found, repair as required, then
go to Step V.
This symptom-driven test is performed if a “N” is displayed
on the gear display with no Active or Inactive codes and the
vehicle does not crank.
The following symptoms may have been experienced:
• Vehicle does not crank or there is a solid “N” in the
Gear Display.
No fallback options are associated with this fault.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• 12-Volt Cranking Relay
• Start Enable Relay
• Vehicle Harness
• Engine Starter
• 12-volt batteries
• Key Switch input to Pin 20 of the HCM
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
36 35 37 38
22 13
13 22
38 37 35 36
28 23 7 12
34 29 1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
Starter solenoid
87 Typical Relay Switch
Start Enable Minus 4
HCM 86
12V Cranking
85 87
Crank Enable Latch 26 Relay
Crank Enable Plus 32
Crank Enable Minus 4
Key Switch
Ignition 12V Truck
Crank Battery
• If “N” is present on the gear display, • If Crank Request reads 0 (No Crank),
go to Step B. go to Step E.
Parameter Reading
Gear Display
Purpose: Verify power to the Start Enable Relay. Purpose: Verify repair.
1. Key on. 1. Key off.
2. Engine may crank. 2. Reconnect all connectors.
3. Jumper Pin 87 of the Start Enable Relay Connector 3. Place Shift Control into neutral.
to battery power:
4. Key on:
• If engine cranks, repair open circuit between
• If engine starts, test is complete.
Pin 87 of the Start Enable Relay and battery.
Refer to OEM for repair procedures. • If engine does not start, find error in testing,
go to Step A.
• If engine does not crank, concern is with
Starter Solenoid or Power Harness to
Solenoid. Refer to OEM for repair procedures.
1. Key off.
2. Disconnect negative battery cable.
3. Disconnect HCM Harness 38-Way Connector.
4. Key in start position.
5. Measure voltage from HCM Harness 38-Way
Connector Pin 20 to ground.
• If voltage is 11–13 volts, replace the Hybrid
Control Module (HCM), then go to Step V.
• If voltage is below 11 volts, repair the Vehicle
Harness, then go to Step V.
Connection Measurement
Pin 20 to ground
The hybrid system uses a combination of diesel engine and
electric power to provide varying levels of torque during
vehicle operation. If the hybrid system has a fault, or if a
hybrid component is above the optimum operating
temperature, the vehicle will reduce the amount of available
Motor/Generator torque.
The following symptoms may have been experienced:
• Vehicle acceleration performance is not acceptable.
Some faults codes affect the amount of torque available
from the Motor/Generator and will be noticeable to
the driver.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• Hybrid liquid cooling system
• PEC air cooling system restriction or poor air flow
• Reduce engine power
• Truckload capacity above the rated amount
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
Note: No schematic for this test.
ServiceRanger Test
J1939: SA 3 SPN FMI
The service tool ServiceRanger communicates with both
the Hybrid Control Module (HCM) and the Transmission
Electronic Control Unit (TECU) for all diagnostic information
over the J1587 and J1939 Data Links. The tool connects to
the standard 9-Way Diagnostic Connector in the cab.
The following symptoms may have been experienced:
• ServiceRanger does not communicate with vehicle.
No fallback condition exists for this symptom.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• Incorrect ServiceRanger software version
• Incompatible Communication Box
• J1939 or J1587 Data Link
• 9-Way Diagnostic Connector power or ground
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
36 35 37 38
22 13
13 22
38 37 35 36
28 23 7 12
34 29 1 6
NOTE: Refer to the Eaton Hybrid Component and Connector Location page for Connector Locations
J1587 Plus 10
J1587 Minus 11
9 Pin Diagnostic
J1939 High TECU 3 Connector
A Ground
B 12V Batt
C J1939 High
D J1939 Low
J1587 Plus 10
J1587 Minus 11
F J1587 Plus
J1939 Low 2
G J1587 Minus
J1939 High 3
H CAN High
ServiceRanger Test
Purpose: Verify ServiceRanger connects. Purpose: Verify both HCM and TECU available on
A C J-1587 and J-1939.
1. You should only perform this symptom test when 1. View the Vehicle Components selection in
directed by the Symptom-Driven Diagnostic Index. ServiceRanger and note if the HCM and TECU are
both listed on J1587 and J1939:
2. Connect ServiceRanger to the 9-Way Diagnostic
Connector in the cab. • If the TECU and HCM both appear on the list
twice, ServiceRanger is communicating with
3. Select the green “Connect” tab:
the vehicle and has full functions available to
• If the ServiceRanger screen comes up, it. Go to Step V.
go to Step B.
• If the TECU or HCM are missing from the list
• If ServiceRanger shows a “Failed to Connect” but the other modules are listed, go to Step G.
error message, go to Step D.
Connection Measurement
Pin A to Pin B
Purpose: Verify J-1587 continuity at 9-Way Purpose: Verify J-1939 continuity at 9-Way
E Diagnostic Connector. F Diagnostic Connector.
Connection Measurement
Pin C to Pin D
Pin C to ground
Purpose: Verify powers and grounds. Purpose: Verify J-1587 continuity at TECU 38-Way
G I Connector.
Connection Measurement
1. Key off.
Pin 10 to Pin 11
2. Disconnect negative battery cable.
3. Disconnect HCM Harness 38-Way Connector.
4. Measure resistance between HCM Harness 38-Way
Connector Pin 2 and Pin 3:
Note: Make sure the Volt/Ohm Meter is on the
proper scale (around 200 ohm scale).
Purpose: Verify repair.
• If resistance between Pin 2 and Pin 3 is
between 50–70 ohms, replace the Hybrid
Control Module (HCM), then go to Step V.
1. Key off.
• If resistance is outside of range, repair J1939
Data Link Harness between HCM and closest 2. Reconnect all connectors.
connector, then go to Step V. 3. Place Shift Control into neutral.
4. Key on:
Connection Measurement
• If ServiceRanger communicates with both the
Pin 2 to Pin 3 HCM and the TECU, test is complete.
• If ServiceRanger fails to communicate with
the HCM and TECU, go to Step A. Find error
in testing.
The Hybrid Control Module (HCM) normally commands the
different gears shifts which are carried out through the
Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU). The HCM also
controls the Electric Clutch Actuator (ECA), which changes
the position of the clutch.
The following symptoms may have been experienced:
• Transmission does not engage a gear from
neutral and a warning tone sounds (Solid “N” in
gear display).
• Transmission does not engage a gear from Neutral
(flashing gear in gear display). This symptom is
addressed in the Front Box Symptom test.
• Transmission does not move from a stop (solid
gear number in gear display).
No fallback condition exists for this symptom.
Possible Causes
This fault code can be caused by any of the following:
• Transmission
• Service Brake Switch
• Boom/Outrigger Switch
Additional Tools
• Basic hand tools
• Eaton® Test Adapter Kit J43318
• Digital Volt/Ohm Meter J46708
• ServiceRanger
Component Identification
1. Key on.
2. Start engine.
3. Press service brake and select D.
• If gear display shows a “N” and a warning tone
sounds, go to Step D.
• If gear display shows a flashing gear with no
arrows, go to “Front Box Test” on page 418.
• If gear display shows a solid gear, but vehicle
does not move, go to Step C.
Parameter Reading
ePTO Test
J1939: SA 3 SPN FMI
The following symptoms may be experienced:
• ePTO light does not illuminate when mode
is selected.
• ePTO light flashes and the push button
tone sounds.
• ePTO light is illuminated, but the hydraulic lift does
not operate when the controls are used.
• ePTO light is illuminated, but the PTO Pump fails to
turn off after PTO usage.
• ePTO light is illuminated, but the diesel engine runs
frequently or all the time.
No fallback condition exists for this symptom.
Component Identification
0 False
520351 PTO Engaged Command TECU is sending the request to the HCM
1 True
0 False
520350 PTO Engaged Feedback HCM is confirming it received the message
1 True
ePTO Test
Purpose: Verify “ePTO” light operates. Purpose: Determine the run time appropriate for
A C application and verify PTO Pump shuts down.
1. Only perform this symptom test if directed by the 1. Release the controls on the Hydraulic Lift and let
Symptom-Driven Diagnostic Index and there are no the vehicle set:
Active fault codes.
Note: The run time may vary depending on the type
2. Key on. of system and size of accumulators that need
to be charged.
3. Press ePTO on the Push Button Shift Control:
• If ePTO light is lit on the Push Button Shift • If PTO Pump shuts off, go to Step D.
Control, go to Step B. • If PTO Pump continues to operate,
• If ePTO light is not lit on the Push Button Shift go to Step L.
Control, replace the Push Button Shift Control
(see Shift Control). Make sure the following
fault codes are not Active 16, 35, 24, 48, or 59.
Go to Step V.
• If ePTO light is flashing on the Push
Button Shift Control and the tone sounds,
go to Step F.
Purpose: Verify the State of Charge and verify that Purpose: Confirm “Request Engine Run” signal is
D diesel engine turns on and shuts down. E present at low State Of Charge.
1. Operate the Hydraulic controls until the diesel 1. Connect ServiceRanger to the 9-Way Diagnostic
engine turns on. Connector.
2. Connect ServiceRanger and select the Data 2. View the Data Monitor parameter PID 152 “Request
Monitor option. Engine Run”:
3. View the high-voltage battery list and view the • If PID 152 “Request Engine Run” reads 0 (No
PID 133 “Battery State Of Charge (SOC)”: Request) and PID 133 “Battery SOC” is less
than 68%, the current power usage is enough
• If diesel engine cycles on for some time
to require the engine to remain on so the
then shuts back down, test is complete.
system can deliver the power demands. If the
Go to Step V.
power demands are reduced the engine should
• If diesel engine never cycles on and PID 133 shut down because the SOC will go over 68%.
“Battery SOC” is less than 23%, concern with
• If the PID 152 “Request Engine Run” reads 0
engine. The hybrid system will attempt to start
(No Request) and PID 133 “Battery SOC” is
the engine when the SOC goes below 23%.
greater than 68%, contact Eaton at
Contact the OEM for repair procedures.
1-800-826-HELP (4357).
• If diesel engine never cycles on and PID 133
• If PID 152 “Request Engine Run” reads 1
“Battery SOC” is greater than 23%, battery
(Request), the Body Controller is requesting
SOC must be below 23% before the hybrid
the engine to remain on. This may be a leak in
system will request the engine to start.
the air system or a low 12-volt system.
Continue to operate the hydraulic controls until
Contact the OEM for repair procedure.
the engine comes on.
• If Diesel engine cycles on and never shuts Parameter Reading
down, and PID 133 “Battery SOC” is less than
68%, go to Step E. PID 152 “Request
Engine Run”
• If diesel engine cycles on and never shuts
down, and PID 133 “Battery SOC” is greater PID 133 “Battery SOC”
than 68%, go to Step E.
Parameter Reading
Purpose: Visually observe the Gear Display after Purpose: Confirm "ePTO Mode Confirmation"
F power up. H signal.
Parameter Reading
Parameter Reading
Gear Display PID 164 “ePTO
Mode Confirmation”
Parameter Reading
Purpose: Confirm “ePTO Request” signal. Purpose: Verify "Hydraulic Demand" and "Battery
J K SOC" status during hydraulic operation.
1. View the Data Monitor parameter PID 163 1. Operate the Hydraulic Lift while monitoring the
“ePTO Request”: Data Monitor parameters:
• If PID 163 “ePTO Request” reads 1 (True), - PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” located in the
contact Eaton at 1-800-826-HELP (4357). “ePTO” list
- PID 133 “Battery SOC” located in the “HV
• If PID 163 “ePTO Request” reads 0 (False), Battery” list
concern is with mechanical problem to the
PTO, electrical power to PTO circuit, air • If PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” reads 1
pressure, or signal wire from PTO. Contact the (Demand) and PID 133 “Battery SOC” is
OEM for repair procedures. greater than 23%, concern is with the PTO
Pump. Contact the OEM for repair procedure.
Parameter Reading • If PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” reads 1
(Demand) and PID 133 “Battery SOC” is less
PID 163 “ePTO Request” than 23%, concern is engine not starting to
recharge the hybrid System. The hybrid
system will request the engine to start when
the SOC is less than 23%. Contact the OEM for
repair procedures.
• If PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” reads 0 (No
Demand), concern is with lack of hydraulic
demand on the HCM from the Body Controller
which can be caused by a faulty pressure
switch/transducer. Contact the OEM for repair
Parameter Reading
Purpose: Confirm "Hyrdulic Demand" signal. Purpose: Verify no output speed, transmission. is
L N in neutral and no gear is requested.
1. Release the hydraulic controls. 1. View the following Data Monitor parameters from
the “Hybrid Transmission” list and make sure they
2. Connect ServiceRanger and select the Data
match the required values:
Monitor option.
- PID 191 Output Shaft Speed = 0 RPM
3. View PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” under the - SPN 524 Select Gear = 0
ePTO list:
- SPN 523 Current Gear = 0
• If PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” reads 1
• If all the parameters on ServiceRanger match
(Demand), concern with the constant
the values shown, go to Step O.
Hydraulic demand from the Body Controller.
Contact the OEM for repair procedures. • If the parameters on ServiceRanger do not
match the values shown, turn the ignition key
• If PID 151 “Hydraulic Demand” reads 0
off for two minutes then power back up and
(No Demand), contact Eaton at
read the values again. If the values still do
1-800-826-HELP (4357).
not match, contact Eaton at
1-800-826-HELP (4357).
Parameter Reading
• If PID 153 “OK to Crank” reads "1", contact 4. Place Shift Control into ePTO Mode:
Eaton at 1-800-826-HELP (4357). • If PTO system operates, test is complete.
• If PID 153 “OK to Crank” reads "0", concern is • If PTO system does not operate, find error in
with the Hood Switch reading an open or the testing, go to Step A.
Parking Brake Switch reading not applied.
Contact the OEM for repair procedures.
Parameter Reading
Wiring Diagrams
For Transmission
Diagnostics 19
Rail select
B Gear select
12 sensor
B A 7 A
Input shaft
C D speed sensor
23 A
Output shaft
speed sensor
B 17
C 31
A 25
Rail select
4-way 35
37 38 37 38
13 22 13 22
35 36 35 36
12 7 12
6 1 6
36 35
22 13
38 37
28 23
34 29
Caution: Please note the location and orientation of the HCM and TECU connectors.
! The backshell should always face down on the harness connectors.
Inverter connectors
Ground Strap
14 1
28 15
42 29
56 43
18 7 10
17 6 1 3 11
16 5 4 12
15 14 13
30 AMP fuse
28 A A
27 B B Battery power
(Non-switched power)
run to the Battery
Terminal Side - Harness Connector
Terminal Side - Harness Connector
Metri-Pack 8-Way Connector
Metri-Pack 3-Way Connector
Motor/Generator Connectors
High Voltage AC
Ampenol Connector
Resolver Connector
Views looking into connectors with wires exiting the opposite side.
Ground Strap
Ground Strap
Bottom View
OEM Connection
12V DC(-)
12V DC(+)
Deutsch 4-Way OEM Connector
Vehicle Group
P.O. Box 4013
Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA
800-826-HELP (4357)
Printed in USA