Wireless Remote Manual Hetronic

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Operator Manual

Engineered Systems

Nova-M-K Nova-L-K Nova-XL-K



Hetronic USA Hetronic Canada

4300 Highline Blvd., Bldg. A 45 Sinclair Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Halton Hills, Ontario L7G 4X4 OPMN_ENG_0001.0
405-946-3574 Fax 405-946-3564 +1-800-816-4459 Fax +1-905-702-0501 5/03

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Joysticks or Paddle Levers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Option Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Production and System Numbers . . . . . . . . . . 3 Transmitter Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Unauthorized Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . 3 Optical Displays and Acoustic Signals . . . . . 18
Before Attempting to Operate This System . . . 3 Transmitter Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Hetronic System Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Back-Up Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Receiver Standard Features . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Address Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Transmitter Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Optical Low Battery Indicator . . . . . . . . . 19
Transmitter Standard Features . . . . . . . . . 4 Advanced Low Battery Indication . . . . . . 19
System Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 RF Booster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
E-Stop Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Priority Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Transmitter Sleep Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 RF Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Receiver Safe Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Crane/Machine Control Multiple Transmitters 19
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pitch and Catch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Safety Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Indep./Combined Crane/Machine Control 19
Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Universal Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Practices and Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Optional Safety Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Required Operator Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PTO Safety Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Possible Sources of Danger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 LTO Joystick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Operation and Work Area Safety. . . . . . . . . . . 5 LTO Toggle Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Protective Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tilt Sensor Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
To Stop In An Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Range Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Interlocking Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Receiver Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Magnet Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Receiver Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Corrosion Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Receiver Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mounting the Receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Car Antenna Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Changing the Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
GainFlex Antenna Installation . . . . . . . . . . 9 Charging the Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Connect Electrical Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Battery Charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Hetronic Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Battery Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
NOVA Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
GL Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
GR Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Installation / Safety Data Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Frequency and Address Settings . . . . . . . . . 15 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Test Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 AWG - Metric Conversion Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Test the Receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Frequency Chart CS 458 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Holding the Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Frequency Chart CS 447 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Visual Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Frequency Chart CS 434 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Start-Up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Emergency Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Safe Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

INTRODUCTION Record the Production and System numbers here:
Thank you for purchasing the Hetronic radio remote
Transmitter Production Number
control system. Hetronic radio remote controls are the
highest caliber in remote control value, performance
and safety.
Hetronic radio remote controls use the latest frequency Receiver Production Number
synthesizer technology to eliminate the problems
typically associated with radio remote control systems.
The Hetronic radio remote control system includes a System Number
transmitter and a receiver. These systems operate over
the 400-470 MHz radio band range (70 cm band) and
are FCC approved.
The transmitter generates the electronic signal that UNAUTHORIZED REPLACEMENT PARTS
communicates with the receiver. The transmitter and Use only Hetronic replacement parts. The replacement
receiver are set with identical address codes and of any part with anything other than a Hetronic
frequency channels. This allows operation of multiple authorized replacement part may adversely affect the
systems within the same area without signal performance, durability, and safety of this system and
interference. may void the warranty. Hetronic disclaims liability for
any claims or damages, whether warranty, property
THE MANUAL damage, personal injury or death arising out of the use
Before operation of the crane/machine and remote of unauthorized replacement parts.
control system, read your manuals carefully and
completely. The contents of this manual will provide BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO OPERATE THIS
you with an understanding of safety instructions and SYSTEM:
controls during normal operation and maintenance. 1. Make sure all installation has been properly
PRODUCTION AND SYSTEM NUMBERS 2. Understand all Safety Precautions provided in the
When contacting your dealer or Hetronic about service, manuals.
repair or replacement parts, know the Production and 3. Review control functions and operation of the
System numbers of the transmitter and receiver. crane/machine and this radio remote control
The numbers are located on the label that is affixed to system.
the unit itself. 4. Surge suppressors (RC type only) must be used
when the receiver is controlling magnetic
1 contactors.
5. When not in use, turn the transmitter off and store
2 3 in a safe place to prevent unauthorized use.
6. If the crane/machine does not respond properly,
4 stop operation immediately. Turn off the
transmitter and report the condition to the
5 appropriate technician or supervisor.
7. Turn off the transmitter key switch and remove
1. Specific approvals such as BTZ, FCC, CE, etc.
the battery before any maintenance work is done.
2. The type of transmitter or receiver.
8. Turn off the transmitter key switch when changing
3. Frequency and RF unit. the battery or taking a break.
4. Production Number - The first digit indicates the 9. Always have a battery in the battery charger to
manufacturing facility (1=H-Germany, 2=H-Malta, ensure the availability of a fully charged battery.
3=H-US, 4=H-International). The next four digits
10. Installation, setup and service must be performed
are the production month and year. The last 6
by authorized personnel only.
digits are the manufacturing number.
11. Use only Hetronic spare parts.
5. System Number - Eleven digit system
identification number. Transmitter and receiver
must match.

HETRONIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS To restart the system, disengage the E-stop button and
press the Start/Horn button.
The Hetronic radio remote control system consists of a
receiver and transmitter. Each system is designed to The E-Stop responds faster than any other function.
customer specifications. Some systems contain When E-Stop is engaged, the system ignores any other
multiple receivers and transmitters. signal that is transmitted. The problem must be
corrected before the system will respond to any other
Receiver Standard Features signal.
Start relay, horn relay, E-Stop relay, and option relay The E-Stop is self-monitoring and redundant in the
• Up to 32 digital outputs transmitter and receiver. The system performs a
• Up to 8 proportional channels (0 to 10V, 0 to 20 self-test to ensure the E-Stop circuit is working
mA, etc.) properly. If an error is detected, the system
automatically goes into Safe mode.
• Self-diagnostics
When the transmitter is turned on, it performs a
• 48 V, 115 V or 230 V for AC cranes/machines
self-test to be sure that communications are within
• 12VDC or 24VDC for DC cranes/machines designated parameters. If an error is detected, the
Transmitter Types transmitter will not transmit any signals.
• Nova-M belly box Transmitter Sleep Mode
• Nova-L belly box The transmitter sleep mode is designed to prevent
• Nova-XL belly box accidental operation. If the transmitter is not used for
• GL belly box 10 minutes, it turns itself off. The controls are not
operational while the transmitter is turned off. To restart
• GL-3 belly box the transmitter, turn the key switch off and then back
• GR belly box on, and press the Start/Horn button. The sleep mode
can be enabled or disabled by the operator.
Transmitter Standard Features
IMPORTANT: If the transmitter has a selector switch or
• E-stop
latching pushbutton that is engaged, the sleep mode
• Sleep mode will not occur. The engaged selector switch or latched
• Removable key pushbutton is constantly sending a signal to the
• 100 m (300 ft.) range receiver.
• Internal antenna Receiver Safe Mode
• Start/Horn pushbutton The following conditions cause the receiver to go into
• Carrying belt or shoulder strap its Safe mode:
• The transmitter goes into Sleep Mode
SYSTEM OVERVIEW • Radio signal interference
Theory of Operation • Transmitter out of operating range
The Hetronic radio remote control system includes a • E-Stop button is activated
transmitter and receiver. The transmitter electronically • E-Stop circuit failure
generates a carrier frequency which allows it to
• Low battery sends E-stop after time out
communicate with the receiver. Each system is
programmed with a unique address code. This code When the transmitter signal is no longer sensed by the
allows the operation of multiple systems in the same receiver, the Time Out process begins. The Time Out
general vicinity. The receiver only accepts commands period is set to 450 msec at the factory. If the receiver
from the transmitter with the same address code. does not establish contact with the transmitter within
that time period, it goes into the Safe Mode. In Safe
NOTE: The receiver and transmitter have the address
Mode, the receiver shuts off power to the output
code set at the factory.
modules and activates the E-stop function.
E-Stop Function To restart the system, be sure the transmitter signal is
The most important features of the radio remote control active and sensed by the receiver. Then press the
system is the E-Stop. The transmitter sends the E-stop Start/Horn pushbutton.
status signal along with the specified crane/machine
function. This method confirms that ongoing operations
are safe. If the E-stop pushbutton is pressed, the relay
module in the receiver causes all crane/machine
motions to stop. The receiver goes into Safe mode.

Look for this symbol to point out This system makes remote control via radio signals
important safety precautions. They possible. The transmission of control commands can
mean: take place around obstacles and out of the operator’s
direct sight. To prevent accidental start-up and possible
Attention! injury or damage:
Personal Safety Is Involved! 1. Always engage the E-stop button and switch
Become Alert! "OFF" the transmitter when it is not in use.
Remove the key if the unit is placed any distance
Obey The Message! away from the operator.
The safety alert symbol is used in decals on the unit 2. Disconnect the power supply before any
and with proper operation procedures in this manual. assembly, maintenance or repair work is done.
Understand the safety message. It contains important
3. Never remove or alter any of the safety features
information about personal safety on or near the unit.
of this system.
SITUATION! If not avoided, WILL RESULT in
death or serious injury. The work area must be free from obstacles, debris or
other tripping hazards. Avoid uneven work areas and
any rough terrain. Always be sure of your footing.
Be aware of overhead obstacles that may interfere with
crane/machine operation.
in death or serious injury.
Always operate the transmitter with its carrying belt or
shoulder strap.
minor or moderate injury. It may also be used
This radio remote control system is equipped with
to alert against unsafe practices.
electronic and mechanical safety features. Processing
control signals transmitted from other transmitters is
NOTATIONS not possible, since transmission coding is unique to
NOTE: General reference information for proper each system.
operation and maintenance practices. These safety features help protect the operator, as well
IMPORTANT: Specific procedures or information as others within the work area. The crane/machine
required to prevent damage to unit or equipment. functions can be stopped by pushing the emergency
stop button on the transmitter control panel
Practice usual and customary safe working NOTE: The receiver goes into the Safe mode within
precautions, for the benefit of yourself and others. approximately 0.5 seconds (450 ms) after the
Understand and follow all safety messages. Be alert to transmitter switch is turned to the "OFF" position.
unsafe conditions and the possibility of minor,
moderate, or serious injury or death. Learn applicable WARNING: Accidental start-up can cause
rules and laws in your area. serious injury or death. NEVER remove or
modify any safety feature.
Original purchaser of this unit was instructed by the TO STOP IN AN EMERGENCY
seller on safe and proper operation. If unit is to be used 1. Press the red "EMERGENCY STOP" pushbutton.
by someone other than original purchaser; loaned,
rented or sold, ALWAYS provide this manual and any 2. Turn the key to "OFF".
needed safety training before operation. 3. Wait for all moving crane/machine parts to stop.
ALWAYS review the operator’s manual of any 4. Refer to crane/machine’s operator manual for
crane/machine to be controlled by radio remote control. further instructions.

Always shut off power to the crane/machine and the
radio remote control system before any assembly,
maintenance or repair.

WARNING: FAILURE TO FOLLOW The receiver accepts commands from the remote
INSTRUCTIONS could result in personal control transmitter and interfaces with the
injury and/or damage to equipment. Read and crane/machine controls to activate crane/machine
understand the safety instructions in all functions. Each receiver is built to customer
manuals provided. specifications, but includes common components. A
Initial setup or service work must only be typical receiver layout is shown below.
performed by authorized personnel.
DO NOT touch any circuit components on the
circuit board while the main AC or DC power
is on.
DO NOT run control wires with power wires.
Surge suppressors (RC type) must be used
with all magnetic contactors that are
controlled by the radio remote control system.

1. Enclosure 5
2. Antenna Base 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
3. Power Pack
4. Decoder Module
5. Miniflex Antenna
6. Standard RF Module 10
7. E-Stop Decoder Module






8. End Stop





9. DIN Rail
10. Wire Duct
11. ACM-1 Module
12. AD5S Module
13. SYM-2 Module
14. RK-2 Module
15. REL-6 Module
16. N/O or N/C Relay Module
17. SNZ E-Stop Module
18. EMVS-1 Inteference Suppressor 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 22 13 12 11
19. Line Terminal Block
20. Ground Terminal Block
21. Enclosure Cover
22. Gland Plate
23. Optional Quick-Disconnect Base

Select a position for the receiver that provides 250 x 250 Receiver
protection from violent impact from debris or thrown Area must be free of
Antenna must be vertical obstructions
materials and is easily accessible. The receiver
housing is rated IP65 and can withstand direct water jet (pointing up).
spray and is protected against penetration of dust. (2.38)

There are different sizes and types of receiver

housings. All receivers must be free from metal
obstructions on at least 3 sides with the antenna
pointing straight up. 250.0
• Depending on customer specification, the 236.0
receiver can be operated with AC, DC or both.
• Receiver must be protected from corrosive gases
or liquids
• Receiver must be protected from ambient
temperatures outside the range of -18º to 158º F 200.5 (8.02) 120.0
250.0 (10.00)
(-25º to +75º C) mm (in)

Receiver Production Number

Locate the Hetronic Production number decal on the
receiver housing. This number is required when 125
Hetronic is called for any service or parts information.
Be sure the decal is easily accessible when the
receiver is mounted to the equipment. Please make a Optional Quick-Disconnect Plug
note of the Production and System numbers in the
boxes provided in the Introduction Section of this
250 x 400 Receiver
MOUNTING THE RECEIVER Antenna must be vertical Area must be free of
1. Determine the receiver position. (pointing up). obstructions

2. If the receiver is to be mounted inside a control 60

panel or other enclosure, an external antenna is (2.38)

3. Be sure there is clearance for connectors and
components that need to be wired. 236
4. Drill holes into the mounting surface according to 250
the dimensions shown.
NOTE: Receiver housing dimensions are molded into
the back surface of the housing.
120 381.5 (15.25) 8 mm
5. Remove the cover from the receiver housing (if (4.80) 400 (16.00)
mm (in)
6. Insert the mounting screws through the holes in
the receiver housing and tighten into the
mounting surface. (5.00)

7. Please refer to the appropriate illustration for

mounting dimensions. Contact Hetronic for more Optional Quick-Disconnect Plug
information or if you have questions.
8. Lay out the wire runs. Use #16 AWG (size 1.5
mm2 metric) minimum for power wiring.
9. If the receiver includes an attached antenna,
mount the receiver so that the antenna points
straight up. The area around the antenna should
be free of obstructions, especially metal.

400 x 400 Receiver HS-2 Receiver Surrounding area must be
Area must be free of
obstructions free of obstructions
Antenna must be vertical
(pointing up).


(14.25) 246.5 (9.86)
231.0 (9.24)

381.5 (15.25) 120.0

(4.80) 116.0
400.0 (16.00) (4.64)

mm (in) 160.0


mm (in)
Optional Quick-Disconnect Plug
NOTE: HS-1 and HS-2 receivers are equipped with an
internal antenna.
HS-1 Receiver Surrounding area must be
free of obstructions The receiver wiring is critical for proper system
operation. Make all connections with good quality
contacts or solder joints to ensure proper electrical
Supply voltage and ground wiring are crucial and must
be connected to reliable connecting circuitry. Do not
use a chassis ground for this equipment. The ground
146.5 (5.86)
wire must be connected directly to the crane/machine’s
The output control signals to proportional controls
(4.56) should be routed separately from any wiring that could
produce transient voltage interference. Interference or
"induced voltage spikes" could cause erratic
performance of the controls.

mm (in)

166.0 (6.64)

Car Antenna Installation GainFlex Antenna Installation
If the receiver must be located inside a control panel or Your application may require the use of a GainFlex
other enclosure, an external car antenna may be antenna. The GainFlex antenna can extend the range
required. Mount the antenna onto a metal surface with of the radio remote control system up to 300 meters
the same ground as the receiver circuit board. Remove (1000 ft.). It can also be used where a standard
any burrs from the antenna mounting hole and scrape antenna is difficult to mount. If you are not sure which
away any paint which may insulate the antenna base antenna is suitable for your application, please contact
from making positive contact. Hetronic or your dealer.
NOTE: Improper installation of the antenna will cause When using a GainFlex antenna, there must be no
intermittent signal loss. metal or conductive materials within 2 meters (6 feet)
1. Drill a hole 14 mm (.56 in.) dia. through the of the antenna. This material will interfere with the
control panel or enclosure at the external car transmitter signal and cause intermittent signal loss.
antenna location. For the best reception, the antenna should point
2. Insert the connector base through the hole with
the antenna on the outside. Seat the base firmly NOTE: Improper installation of the antenna can cause
against the enclosure surface. intermittent signal loss.
3. Assemble the antenna as shown below. 1. Secure the GainFlex antenna base to a mounting
surface with the tie wraps included. Mount the
antenna vertically with the base pointed upward.

1 1

1. Antenna Pole
2. Enclosure
3. Antenna Base 1. Antenna Pole
4. Antenna Cable 2. Antenna Base
3. Tie Wrap
4. Antenna Cable

3 3


4. Screw the antenna pole onto the antenna base.

5. Remove the Miniflex antenna from the receiver 2. Screw the GainFlex antenna pole onto the base.
housing by unscrewing it from the antenna base.
3. Unscrew the Miniflex antenna from the receiver
6. Connect the external antenna cable to the housing.
antenna base on the receiver housing.
4. Connect the GainFlex antenna cable connector to
7. Bundle any excess antenna cable and secure the existing antenna base on the receiver
with tie wraps or equivalent. housing.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT run the antenna cable with 5. Bundle any excess antenna cable and secure
power or control wiring. Intermittent signal loss will with tie wraps or equivalent.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT run the antenna cable with
power or control wiring. Intermittent signal loss will

CONNECT ELECTRICAL WIRING Quick-Disconnect Plug Housing Orientation
Connect all remaining wires (power supply, engine The orientation of the female connector housing can be
start-stop, etc.) according to the wiring diagram of the changed to better suit the installation position, if
crane/machine and the radio remote control. necessary. The male and female connector module
pins are labeled. The 24 pin connector uses numeric
Quick-Disconnect Plug (Optional) numbering, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. The 64 pin connector is
The Quick-Disconnect plug shown is for the 250 x 250, numbered with alpha numeric designations i.e. A1, A2,
250 x 400, and 400 x 400 receivers. Different plugs are B1, B2, etc.
provided for the HS-1 and 2 receivers. To change the housing orientation:
The receiver may be equipped with a quick-disconnect 1. Loosen the retaining screws
plug. The plug contains 24 or 64 pins, according to the
2. Separate the connector module from the
number of outputs required. The receiver outputs are
connector housing.
connected to the quick-disconnect base. The installer
must wire the female quick-disconnect plug and 3. Rotate the housing to the desired orientation.
terminate the plug to the crane/machine controls. The 4. Insert the connector module into the housing.
24 pin plug is a screw terminal type. The 64 pin plug 5. Tighten retaining screws.
requires crimp pin terminations (these are supplied
with the plug).
24 Pin Layout 1 2 3
Quick-Disconnect Plug Wire Terminations PIN
1. Connect the single-phase power wires to the
female quick-disconnect plug. Refer to the wiring
diagram provided with your system.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT combine high voltage power
wires and control wiring in the same cable run. PIN
Receiver power wires and control signal wires must
cross at 90º angles, if they are near to each other. 1. Connector Housing
2. In AC operations, install Resistor/Capacitor (RC) 2. Connector Module
type surge absorbers across the coils of any 3. Retaining Screw
contactors installed in the crane/machine control
circuit. DO NOT use MOV type.
64 Pin Layout
IMPORTANT: Surge suppressors are required on all 1 2 3
magnetic contactors controlled by the receiver to D16
prevent uncommanded crane/machine motion and/or
serious component damage.


Each Hetronic radio remote control system is delivered The types of transmitters which can be used with the
with two fully charged batteries. One is inserted in the radio remote control system are:
battery compartment located on the bottom of the • Nova-M
transmitter. Refer to the Battery and Charger Section
• Nova-L
for information on charging a discharged battery.
• Nova-XL
Please note that the actual configuration of each radio
remote control system is designed specifically per • GL
customer requirements and may vary from the • GL-3
illustrations shown in this manual. Refer to the • GR
technical documentation provided with each system for
the actual design, layout and components.

NOVA TRANSMITTER Nova-L transmitter components are shown below.
The Nova transmitter is a "belly box" design. The
operator uses joysticks or paddle levers to control Nova-L 2 3
crane/machine motions. Standard Nova joysticks and
paddle levers have proportional speed control without Option A+B

detents. Optional joysticks provide up to four speeds A B

with detents. The Nova joystick model can combine up RG



to four dual axis joysticks for up to four motion control.

The Nova paddle lever model can accommodate up to

Up Hoist Down
Rev Bridge For
eight single axis paddle levers for up to eight motion L Trolley R CCW Rotate CW

10 1 4 5 6
The Nova also offers a Selector toggle switch to control 9 11
up to seven crane/machine motions for
independent/combined control. 8
Nova-M transmitter components are shown below.

Nova-M 7


7 1. E-Stop Pushbutton 7. Lower Housing

1 2 2. Option Toggle 8. Carrying Belt
1+2 Switch Retainer
3. Selector Toggle 9. Upper Housing
Switch 10. Power LED
4 5 4. Start/Horn 11. Joystick
11 Pushbutton
8 12. Paddle Lever
5. Key Switch 13. Paddle Lever Cap
6. Key Cap

2 3
1 13




Forward Left Down A Hoist

Bridge Bridge Trolley M Hoist A Hoist Up
Reverse Right Up Up

1. E-Stop Pushbutton 7. Start/Horn 10

2. Power LED Pushbutton
3. Selector Toggle 8. Upper Housing 12
5 6
Switch 9. Carrying Belt 8 9
4. Key Switch Retainer
5. Key Cap 10. Lower Housing
6. Option Switch 11. Joystick

Nova-XL transmitter components are shown below. Nova Transmitter Functions
Start/Horn Pushbutton - This pushbutton activates the
Nova-XL mainline contactor and sounds the horn (if provided). If
4 1
the mainline contactor is already on, pushing this
2 3 button will only sound the horn.
E-Stop Pushbutton - Press the E-Stop pushbutton to
place the receiver in the Safe mode. To disengage the
E-Stop, rotate the pushbutton. It will spring into the
disengaged position. The transmitter will then control
crane/machine motions.
10 5 6 IMPORTANT: The E-Stop pushbutton is for emergency
4 1
stops only. DO NOT use it as an OFF switch. Use the
2 key switch to turn the transmitter on and off.
Power LED - The Nova Power LED flashes once when
the transmitter is turned on. The transmitter initiates a
self-test to check the software. When the transmitter
passes the self-test, the light changes to flashing
green. It continues to flash green until the transmitter is
11 5 6 turned off.
Key Switch - The key switch turns the transmitter on
8 and off. The switch will only turn with the key cap fully
inserted. The switch must be in the OFF position for the
key to be removed.

7 I
Joysticks - Standard Nova joysticks provide stepless
proportional speed control without detents. Optional
joysticks have three-stop speed control with detents.
NOTE: Nova transmitters for 5, 6, and 7 motions use
two joysticks and a three-position Selector toggle
1. E-Stop Pushbutton 7. Lower Housing switch.
2. Option Toggle Switch 8. Carrying Belt Retainer
Paddle Levers - Standard Nova paddle levers provide
3. Selector Toggle 9. Upper Housing
Switch stepless proportional speed control without detents for
10. Power LED
4. Start/Horn Pushbutton up to 8 motions.
11. Joystick
5. Key Switch 12. Paddle Lever Option Toggle Switch - The connected function will be
6. Key Cap activated when the toggle switch is moved to the ON
position. The function will stop when the switch is
10 moved to the OFF position.
Selector Toggle Switch - This three-position switch
2 3
allows the operator to control multiple cranes/machines
from a single transmitter, or multiple crane/machine
motions from a single joystick or paddle lever. The
selections can be A, B, or A+B.


12 The GL transmitter is a "belly box" design. The
5 6 operator uses joysticks or paddle levers to control
8 crane/machine motions. Standard GL joysticks and
paddle levers have proportional speed control without
detents. Optional joysticks provide up to five speeds
with detents. The GL joystick model can combine up to
7 three dual axis joysticks for up to six motion control.
The GL paddle lever model can accommodate up to
seven single axis paddle levers for up to seven motion

The GL also offers a Selector toggle switch to control
up to nine crane/machine motions for GL-3 transmitter components are shown below.
independent/combined control.
GL transmitter components are shown below. GL-3
3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 A A+B B 6 7
5 Y


Option A A+B B Start/Horn Option

Bridge Forward Hoist 2 Down Hoist 1 Down 8
Trolley 2 Right

Trolley 1 Right
Trolley 2 Left

Trolley 1 Left

Bridge Reverse Hoist 2 Up Hoist 1 Up

12 9



6 7
O 11

11 1. E-Stop Pushbutton 6. Key Switch

2. Power LED 7. Key Cap
1. Option Toggle 7. Key Cap 3. Selector Toggle 8. Handle
Switch 8. Handle Switch 9. Belt Retaining
2. Selector Toggle 9. Belt Retaining 4. Option Toggle Bracket
Switch Bracket Switch 10. Upper Housing
3. E-Stop Pushbutton 10. Upper Housing 5. Start/Horn 11. Lower Housing
4. Power LED Pushbutton 12. Joystick
11. Lower Housing
5. Start/Horn 12. Safety Bar
Pushbutton 13. Joystick GL and GL-3 Transmitter Functions
6. Key Switch 14. Paddle Lever Start/Horn Pushbutton - This pushbutton activates the
mainline contactor and sounds the horn (if provided). If
1 2 3 4 5 the mainline contactor is already on, pushing this
button will only sound the horn.
Option A A+B B Start/Horn

E-Stop Pushbutton - Press the E-Stop pushbutton to

place the receiver in the Safe mode. Pull this
8 pushbutton out to disengage the E-Stop. The
transmitter will then control crane/machine motions.
Bridge Forward Trolley Left Hoist Down Rotate CW

IMPORTANT: The E-Stop pushbutton is for emergency

Reverse Right Up Rotate CCW
stops only. DO NOT use it as an OFF switch. Use the
key switch to turn the transmitter on and off.
Power LED - The GL Power LED flashes once when
12 9 the transmitter is turned on. The transmitter initiates a
self-test to check the software. When the transmitter
passes the self-test, the light changes to flashing
green. It continues to flash green until the transmitter is
turned off.
6 7 Key Switch - The key switch turns the transmitter on
and off. The switch will only turn with the key cap fully
inserted. The switch must be in the OFF position for the
11 key to be removed.

Joysticks - Standard GL joysticks provide stepless
proportional speed control without detents. Optional
GR 2
joysticks have five-stop speed control with detents.
NOTE: GL transmitters for 5, 6, 7, and 9 motions use Bridge Forward
Option Option
Hoist Down

two or three joysticks and a three-position Selector 11

toggle switch.

Trolley Right
Trolley Left
Paddle Levers - Standard GL paddle levers provide Option Option

stepless proportional speed control without detents for

Bridge Reverse Hoist Up

- A U

up to 7 motions.
Option A A+B B Start/Horn

Option Toggle Switch - The connected function will be


activated when the toggle switch is moved to the ON 3 4

position. The function will stop when the switch is
10 8 7 5
moved to the OFF position. 9 6
Selector Toggle Switch - This three-position switch 1. Joystick 8. E-Stop Pushbutton
allows the operator to control multiple cranes/machines 2. Paddle Lever 9. Power LED
from a single transmitter, or multiple crane/machine 3. Key Switch 10. Option Toggle
motions from a single joystick or paddle lever. The 4. Key Cap Switch
selections can be A, B, or A+B. 5. Start/Horn 11. Guard
Pushbutton 12. Upper Housing
GR TRANSMITTER 6. Selector Toggle 13. Lower Housing
The GR transmitter is a "belly box" design. The
7. Breast Plate with
operator uses joysticks or paddle levers to control Harness
crane/machine motions. Standard GR joysticks and
paddle levers have proportional speed control without
detents. Optional joysticks provide up to five speeds 7

with detents. The GR joystick model can combine up to

three dual axis joysticks for up to six motion control. 12
The GR paddle lever model can accommodate up to
seven single axis paddle levers for up to seven motion
The GR also offers a Selector toggle switch to control
up to nine crane/machine motions for
independent/combined control.
GR transmitter components are shown below. GR Transmitter Functions
Start/Horn Pushbutton - This pushbutton activates the
mainline contactor and sounds the horn (if provided). If
the mainline contactor is already on, pushing this
button will only sound the horn.
E-Stop Pushbutton - Press the E-Stop pushbutton to
place the receiver in the Safe mode. Pull this
pushbutton out to disengage the E-Stop. The
transmitter will then control crane/machine motions.
IMPORTANT: The E-Stop pushbutton is for emergency
stops only. DO NOT use it as an OFF switch. Use the
key switch to turn the transmitter on and off.
Power LED - The GR Power LED flashes once when
the transmitter is turned on. The transmitter initiates a
self-test to check the software. When the transmitter
passes the self-test, the light changes to flashing
green. It continues to flash green until the transmitter is
turned off.
Key Switch - The key switch turns the transmitter on
and off. The switch will only turn with the key cap fully
inserted. The switch must be in the OFF position for the
key to be removed.

Joysticks - Standard GR joysticks provide stepless
proportional speed control without detents. Optional
joysticks have five-stop speed control with detents.
NOTE: GR transmitters for 5, 6, 7, and 9 motions use
two or three joysticks and a three-position Selector
toggle switch.
Paddle Levers - Standard GR paddle levers provide
stepless proportional speed control without detents for
up to 7 motions.
Option Toggle Switch - The connected function will be
activated when the toggle switch is moved to the ON
position. The function will stop when the switch is
moved to the OFF position.
Selector Toggle Switch - This three-position switch
allows the operator to control multiple cranes/machines
from a single transmitter, or multiple crane/machine
motions from a single joystick or paddle lever. The
selections can be A, B, or A+B.


Each Hetronic radio remote control system contains a
radio frequency (RF) unit. Each system consists of a
transmitter RF unit and a receiver RF unit.


Operating the transmitter without its antenna
could destroy the final stage of the RF
module. DO NOT attempt to change the
Hetronic pre-set frequency or the 16-bit
address. Personal injury and property
damage could result from transmission
interference and may void the warranty.

The address settings are pre-set at the factory in the

ADMO module. However, if the transmitter coder
board, the base board, or if the entire transmitter or
receiver are replaced, the ADMO address must match
the system.
IMPORTANT: If the ADMO settings of the transmitter
and receiver do not match, the system will not function.

• Be sure there is a fully charged battery in the
WARNING: FAILURE TO FOLLOW • Insert the second battery in the charger and
INSTRUCTIONS could result in personal connect the charger to a power source. Be sure
injury and/or damage to equipment. Read and the power source is active at all times.
understand the safety instructions in all
• Push in the E-Stop button.
manuals provided.
• Be sure the motion pushbuttons, joysticks and/or
Testing or service must be performed by
paddle levers are in their Off (neutral) positions.
authorized personnel only.
There must be no load on the crane/machine. TEST THE RECEIVER
Clear the crane/machine operating area of 1. Remove the cover from the receiver.
2. Position yourself in front of the receiver so that all
LEDs and connections are visible.
Check the following list before turning the transmitter

1. Power Pack X1 LED

5 6 7
2. Power Pack X2 LED
3. Power Pack X3 LED 2 3 4
1 9
4. Power Pack X4 LED
5. Power Pack
6. Decoder Module
7. E-Stop Decoder










8. CPU Standby LED

9. Telegram LED 8
10. E-Stop LED 9
11. Start Relay
12. SNZ E-Stop Module 15
13. Start Relay LED 14
14. E-Stop Decoder
E-Stop LED 10
15. Decoder E-Stop LED
13 12 11

3. Turn on power to the receiver. The CPU Standby 6. Pull out the E-Stop pushbutton. The X4 LED on
LED should flash yellow to indicate the the Power Pack should illuminate. The E-Stop
microprocessor is working properly. The LEDs LEDs on the Decoder module and the E-Stop
X1, X2, and X3 on the Power Pack should Decoder module should illuminate.
illuminate. 7. Push in the E-Stop pushbutton. The X4 LED on
4. Insert the key into the transmitter key switch and the Power Pack should go off. The E-Stop LEDs
turn to the ON position. The buzzer sounds to on the Decoder module and the E-Stop Decoder
indicate the diagnostic test in progress.The module should also go off.
buzzer sounds a second time to indicate 8. Pull the E-Stop pushbutton out.
successful diagnostic testing.
9. Press the Start/Horn pushbutton on the
5. Immediately following the diagnostic test, the transmitter. The Start Relay LED should
Telegram LED should flash on the Decoder and illuminate and the horn will sound. The main line
E-Stop Decoder modules. This indicates that the contactor is activated at this time.
receiver is detecting a valid signal from the
10. Activate the motion pushbuttons, joysticks or
paddle levers to test the crane/machine functions.

IMPORTANT: The crane/machine functions will 13. Confirm that the crane/machine moves
operate during this check. Be certain that there are no appropriately and that the correct LEDs illuminate
obstacles near the crane/machine. for each crane/machine motion.
11. Confirm that the crane/machine moves 14. Turn the key switch to the OFF position. All LEDs
appropriately and that the correct LEDs illuminate in the receiver should turn off.
for each crane/machine motion. The LEDs are 15. If transmitter and receiver function properly, the
located on the individual motion modules for system is ready for use.
analog signals or above the discrete relays for
16. If the receiver or transmitter does not operate
digital signals.
properly, or if the crane/machine does not react
12. Activate the Option functions, if supplied, to test as directed, shut the entire system down and
optional crane/machine functions. refer to the Troubleshooting Section of this
manual. If necessary, contact Hetronic or an
authorized service technician.

WARNING: FAILURE TO FOLLOW Always check the transmitter for any physical damage
INSTRUCTIONS could result in personal before any operation.
injury and/or damage to equipment. Read and • Always keep safety features, guards and controls
understand the safety instructions in all in good repair, in place and securely fastened.
manuals provided.
• Check equipment for wear or damage.
HOLDING THE TRANSMITTER • Check rubber cuffs and pushbutton caps for wear
or damage.
Hold the transmitter with the control panel facing you.
Be sure that you are able to easily read any text and IMPORTANT: Never operate a transmitter with worn or
understand operation symbols. damaged parts. Replace immediately with only
Hetronic parts. Contact Hetronic or your Dealer.
If a belt or strap is provided with your transmitter, use it
at all times. The belt or strap is designed to reduce
stress and increase safety.
This procedure must be carefully followed before
beginning any operation.
1. Be sure that all safety measures required by the
INSTRUCTIONS could result in personal
equipment manufacturer have been followed.
injury and/or damage to equipment. Always
hold the transmitter in the proper orientation. 2. Be sure that the transmitter battery is fully
Holding the transmitter improperly while charged.
operating the crane/machine could result in 3. Push in the transmitter E-stop pushbutton.
unexpected crane/machine response. 4. Be sure that all controls, joysticks or paddle
levers are in the Off (neutral) position.
The safety checks described in the following
paragraphs must be completed before the radio remote NOTE: If any control, joystick or paddle lever is NOT is
control system is activated. These checks must be the Off (neutral) position when the Start/Horn button is
performed at least once a day, before the start of any pushed, the transmitter will not turn on.
operation and at all shift changes. 5. Switch the transmitter "ON". A short buzzer signal
IMPORTANT: A transmitter drawing is included with will sound.
each system. Transmitter layout and inscriptions may 6. Wait for the second buzzer signal (approx. 3
vary according to customer requests. seconds).
7. The green LED on the transmitter control panel
WARNING: FAILURE TO FOLLOW will flash.This indicates that the transmitter is
INSTRUCTIONS could result in personal working and is ready to use.
injury and/or damage to equipment. Test the 8. Disengage the E-stop pushbutton.
"EMERGENCY STOP" function as described 9. Push the green pushbutton "Start/horn" on the
in the crane/machine manufacturer’s operator transmitter.
manual before beginning any operation.
10. Check that the crane/machine functions
correspond with the transmitter functions.

IMPORTANT: The crane/machine functions will JOYSTICKS OR PADDLE LEVERS
operate during this check. Be certain that there are no
Joysticks and paddle levers are equipped with a spring
obstacles near the crane/machine.
return to the center (OFF) position. If the
11. Push the "EMERGENCY STOP" pushbutton on crane/machine motion is multi-speed, the farther the
the transmitter. Be sure that no functions can be lever is pushed, the faster the crane/machine motion
activated with the "EMERGENCY STOP" will move. Return the lever to the center position to
pushbutton depressed. stop the crane/machine motion.
IMPORTANT: If any function of the radio remote
control activates with the "EMERGENCY STOP" OPTION CONTROLS
engaged, the radio remote control must not be used Each transmitter can be equipped with a variety of
until it is repaired. rotary switches, toggle switches or pushbuttons. Each
12. Pull out the "EMERGENCY STOP" pushbutton. function is labeled. For specific operational
13. Push the green pushbutton "Start/horn" on the instructions, refer to the technical documentation
transmitter. supplied with your transmitter, or contact Hetronic.
14. Both the radio remote control and the TRANSMITTER SHUTDOWN
crane/machine are now ready for operation.
To shut down the transmitter, turn the key switch to
IMPORTANT: To avoid accidental start-up, always
OFF. Remove the key and place it in a secure location
engage the E-stop pushbutton and switch the
to prevent unauthorized or unintentional use.
transmitter "OFF" when not in use. When the
transmitter is not attached to the operator, the key OPTICAL DISPLAYS AND ACOUSTIC
switch should be removed and stored in a secure
The radio remote control system uses optical displays
and acoustic signals to show current working status.
OR DEATH. Switch the crane/machine "OFF" Transmitter
if there is a fault or any problems with the 1. Turn keyswitch to "ON".
safety check. Contact Hetronic or your dealer 2. One long acoustic signal (buzzer) sounds.
immediately to repair the system. NEVER
operate the crane/machine when the 3. After the self-test routine, another buzzer sounds
"EMERGENCY STOP" function does not to indicate that the system is ready to operate.
operate properly. 4. Then press the Start/Horn button to begin system
Improper operation, maintenance or operation.
adjustment may cause serious injury or NOTE: If the Start/Horn button is pressed before the
damage to equipment and may void the second buzzer, the system will not start up.
warranty. During transmitter operation, a buzzer signal indicates
when the battery is nearly discharged. The transmitter
EMERGENCY STOP will operate for another 30 seconds before going into
For all emergency situations, push the E-Stop E-Stop. Use this time to place the crane/machine in a
pushbutton in. To restart the system, disengage the safe position.
E-Stop pushbutton and press the Start/Horn Receiver
pushbutton. Be sure any dangerous conditions are
The receiver uses LEDs to indicate operational status.
corrected and follow the Start Up Procedure above.
The cover of the receiver must be removed for the
LEDs to be visible. See "Test the Receiver" in the Test
Procedures Section of this manual for specific
When the transmitter battery voltage drops below information on LED locations.
approximately 3.4 volts, the system automatically goes
into Safe Mode. A buzzer will sound to indicate a low TRANSMITTER OPTIONS
battery. At the end of the 30 seconds, the transmitter
Each Hetronic radio remote control system is built to
sends the E-Stop signal and all crane/machine motion
customer specifications. You may have features that
commands are stopped.
are not described in this manual. Some possible
To restart the system, a fully charged battery must be options are described below. If you have questions,
inserted into the transmitter. Proceed with startup please contact your dealer or Hetronic.
instructions. Always place the discharged battery
directly into the charger.

Spare transmitters are frequently used in the event that MULTIPLE TRANSMITTERS
the primary transmitter is damaged or misplaced. Only Multiple crane/machine applications may require the
one transmitter is allowed to be active at any given use of more than one transmitter. Or a single
time. transmitter may be required to control several
NOTE: If the primary and back-up transmitter are cranes/machines simultaneously. The common
turned on at the same time, the receiver enters the methods of control for these situations are "Pitch and
Safe Mode. Catch" and "Independent/Combined Control."
ADMO Address Plugs Pitch and Catch
If several radio remote control systems are used, Multiple (usually two) transmitters control one receiver,
address plugs can configure a spare transmitter to be but not at the same time. All transmitters must be
used on any of the cranes/machines. Each address configured with the same address code as the receiver,
plug corresponds to a specific crane/machine. When a but set at a different frequency channel.
specific crane/machine address plug is inserted into The first transmitter turned on controls the
the plug receptacle of the spare transmitter, the crane/machine. The operator moves the load to a
transmitter is automatically configured to operate that hand-off location and turns the transmitter off. The
crane/machine. second operator turns his transmitter on and takes
Optical Low Battery Indicator control of the crane/machine. The receiver only
accepts commands from one transmitter at a time.
This feature is a LED indicator of the low battery
condition. It can be used as an alternative to or in Independent/Combined Multiple
addition to the buzzer signal. Crane/Machine Control
Advanced Low Battery Indication This configuration is for applications that require
multiple (usually two) cranes/machines on a single
This feature is basically a timer that indicates a low
runway. Each crane/machine can be controlled
battery condition 10 minutes before the Safe Mode is
independently. The cranes/machines may also be
entered. This feature is beneficial where placing the
operated in tandem by one operator.
crane or machine in a safe position takes more time
after the low battery is indicated. The transmitters built for these applications contain
Selector switches. These switches select each
Feedback crane/machine individually or any combination of
This feature allows the transmitter to receive and designated cranes/machines.
display information such as crane/machine status, With transmitter interlocks, each transmitter contains a
warnings, etc. The feedback can be displayed as visual different address code and frequency channel. The
graphics or buzzers. receivers have a RF module and decoder set for each
RF Booster transmitter. A special module inside the receiver
determines which transmitter is requesting control of
This feature boosts the RF transmission power for
each crane/machine. The module locks the transmitter
extended range operation of up to 1 mile. It is to be
signal to the receiver and all other transmitter signals
used only in applications that are safe to operate
are ignored.
outside of the operator’s visual range.
When that transmitter is turned OFF, the
Priority Transmitters cranes/machines are available to be controlled by a
This feature is the capability to have several different transmitter.
independent cranes/machines controlled by one
transmitter. Priority leves can be set to allow the main Universal Transmitter
transmitter to override the control of individual One transmitter is engineered to communicate with
crane/machine transmitters. several different systems. The transmitter can be
quickly modified to control any crane or machine in a
RF Units designated facility or fleet.
AUTX - Auto Synthesizer - The function of a transmitter
to automatically search a range to find a frequency
without interference.
SCRX - Scan Synthesizer - The function of a receiver
to respond only to a designated transmitter and finding
the frequency that the transmitter is transmitting on.

The magnet switch is used mainly in transmitter
"Press to Operate" (PTO) Safety Switch
docking station situations. Its function is to enable
To release a crane/machine load, it may be necessary certain functions only when the transmitter is secured
to incorporate a two-handed activation with a "Press to in a predetermined location.
Operate" (PTO) safety switch. The PTO switch must be
activated at the same time the load release switch is Corrosion Protection
activated. This feature ensures that the load is not To resist damage in corrosive environments, all metal
released by incidental activation of the release switch. components are fabricated of stainless steel. This can
Typical applications for a PTO switch are magnetic and include receiver housings, hardware, screws, etc.
vacuum lifting devices or grabs of any type.
Solid State DC Outputs
A PTO safety switch can also be incorporated into a
joystick as a button on top of a joystick lever. This feature enables Hetronic to eliminate costly
intermediate relay panels for DC crane/machine
"Lift to Operate" (LTO) Joystick operations. There are no moving parts in the
"Lift to Operate" (LTO) joysticks have a mechanical contactors, thereby lowering maintenance costs.
device located near the top of the joystick handle. It
must be held and lifted upward to activate the joystick.
LTO ensures that the joystick is not accidentally
activated. This feature is available on GR transmitters.
"Lift to Operate" (LTO) Toggle Switch
LTO toggle switches must be lifted from their static
positions in order for the switch to be activated. LTO
toggle switches can be "maintained" or "momentary".
This feature is mechanically activated and is available
on Nova, GL, and GR transmitters.
Tilt Sensor Switch
The tilt sensor switch activates if the transmitter is tilted
more than 30 or 45 degrees from level. The switch has
a delay time of 0-5 seconds.The delay time is set at the
factory to customer specifications. If this switch senses
an unacceptable tilt for as long as the time delay is set,
the transmitter either sends the E-stop signal to the
receiver or enables/disables certain functions
according to customer specifications. This safety
device is useful if the operator is in danger of losing his
footing or control of the transmitter. It is available on GL
and GR transmitters.
Range Limitation
This feature uses a RF signal to restrict operator
movement to a predetermined range limit. It can be
preset at the factory, or adjusted in the field.
Interlocking Functions
This feature prevents contradictory operator
commands from the transmitter. Certain functions can
be enabled or disabled when another function is
activated or inactive. An example is hoist up and hoist
down. Activating both functions would most likely
damage the equipment. Therefore, hoist up is
interlocked with hoist down so that when one is
activated the other can not be. The systems are
capable of interlocking any functions.




FLYING DEBRIS can cause death or serious
injury. Use only Hetronic replacement
batteries. Use of unauthorized replacement
batteries could cause a battery explosion,
resulting in injury or death of the operator or
other people in the work area.

This Hetronic radio remote control is delivered with fully

charged batteries and is ready for operation. Battery
and charger contacts are gold-plated and self-cleaning
to ensure positive connection. The battery and charger
contacts are mechanically cleaned each time the
battery is removed from or inserted into the battery
2. Press the battery on the marked spot until it
Changing the Battery latches into its compartment. The green LED
The battery voltage is monitored continuously by the stays lit during the charging process.
3. The green LED flashes when the battery is fully
A buzzer in the transmitter sounds when the battery is charged. (The battery cannot "over-charge".)
nearly discharged. When the transmitter signals, the
4. Leave the battery in the charger until it is needed.
battery must be changed immediately.
1. Position the crane/machine into a safe place or The Battery Charger
safe condition within 30 seconds after hearing the One battery charger is designed for 115/230 VAC and
signal. plugs into a typical wall outlet. Another charger is
designed for 12/24 VDC and is wired into the
crane/machine power source.
WARNING: The transmitter will switch to the
EMERGENCY STOP condition after 30 When the battery is inserted into the charger, a green
seconds. LED indicates the beginning of the charging process.
After charging for approximately 8 hours, the charging
2. Press the E-stop pushbutton. process is complete and the green LED flashes. The
3. Switch the transmitter "OFF". battery charger automatically regulates the charging
process and switches to "trickle" mode.
4. Push the discharged battery slightly forward and
lift it out of the battery compartment. To prolong battery life, charge the battery only when
the battery is completely discharged.
5. Insert a fully charged battery.
Follow "Start-up Procedure" to begin operation. BATTERY DISPOSAL
1. Insert the battery with both guide pins in the POLLUTION. Electronic equipment and components
corresponding guide bars into the battery are considered to be hazardous waste. Discarded
compartment of the battery charger. rechargeable batteries are hazardous waste and must
not be disposed of with typical refuse. Contact a
professional hazardous waste disposal service.

If the system does not operate after normal start-up as Receiver
described in the Operation Section of this manual, Refer to the receiver drawing that shows the locations
follow the recommended troubleshooting sequence to of the diagnostic LEDs.
help isolate the cause and determine corrective action.
• Is the CPU Standby LED flashing?
If the system will not respond to the steps below or the
• Is the Telegram LED flashing?
LEDs indicate a failure, contact the Hetronic Service
Department or your authorized dealer. • Is the E-Stop LED illuminated on the Decoder
module or the E-Stop Decoder module?
If a call to Hetronic Service or your Dealer is required,
please have the transmitter and receiver Production • Are the connections/screw terminals tight?
and System numbers available. You should also be • Is the antenna plug securely connected?
able to answer the following questions. • Is the antenna connection assembly outside the
Transmitter enclosure secure?
• Is the E-Stop pushbutton pulled out? • Are the power supply and ground wires securely
• Is the key switch in the ON position?
• Are the signal wires separated from the power
• Did you press the Start/Horn pushbutton?
supply wires?
• Are all the joysticks, paddle levers and switches
• Are RC type surge suppressors installed on all
in their center (neutral) position?
magnetic contactors that are controlled by the
• Did you press the Start/Horn pushbutton while receiver?
accidentally engaging one of the other controls?
Please check these items and have the transmitter and
• Is the battery in the transmitter fully charged? receiver Production and System numbers available
• Is the transmitter inside its operating range? when placing a call to Hetronic or your Dealer.


System will not initialize Joystick, paddle lever or switch Ensure that all control devices are in center
after normal start-up not in center position position when the Start button is activated.
E-Stop switch engaged Pull out E-Stop switch. Restart system by
pressing Start.

Battery fully discharged Check battery to ensure a full charge.

Replace with fully charged battery if

No power to the receiver Check the diagnostic LEDs in the receiver

to be sure power is applied. Ensure that the
system is properly grounded.

The transmitter is Battery is discharged Replace battery with a fully charged battery.
turned on, but does not
transmit (Power LED Coder board fuse Check fuse and replace if necessary.
not flashing) Broken key switch Check wiring on key switch. Replace key
switch, wiring or contact element.

Coder board failure Contact Hetronic or your Dealer.

Transmitter is E-Stop switch engaged Pull out the E-Stop pushbutton and press
transmitting (Power the Start/Horn pushbutton
LED flashing), but
crane/machine will not Transmitter out of range Take the transmitter back into the range of
respond the receiver. Press the Start/Horn

Joystick, paddle lever or switch Ensure that all control devices are in center
not in center position when (neutral) position when the Start button is
transmitter turned on activated.

Receiver power off Turn on power to receiver.

Blown fuse in receiver Check all fuses. Replace if necessary.

E-Stop failure in transmitter Check E-Stop pushbutton for damage.

Check wiring to contact element for broken
or disconnected wires. Repair or replace
E-stop pushbutton or wiring.

E-Stop failure in receiver. Red Check wiring on E-Stop module, decoder

E-Stop LED on decoder board is module, E-Stop decoder module. Secure
illuminated any loose connections.

E-Stop module failure Replace E-Stop module.

All crane/machine Receiver antenna loose or Tighten or replace antenna.

motions operate missing
External antenna (if used) has Tighten antenna and ground connection.
loose connection, poor grounding See "Connecting an External Antenna"
or interference Section for operational precautions.

Surge suppressors not installed Install RC type surge suppressors on all

on contactors magnetic contactors that are controlled by
the radio remote control system

Connector wiring too close to Control wiring must be run separately from
power wiring power wiring.

Connector inside receiver is loose Check all connectors, reseat if necessary.

Some crane/machine crane/machine motion wiring may Check wiring from receiver to plug and from
motions operate be loose. plug to crane/machine motion actuator.
Connector inside receiver is loose Check all connectors, reseat if necessary.

Surge suppressors not installed Install RC type surge suppressors on all

on contactors magnetic contactors that are controlled by
the radio remote control system

Connector wiring too close to Control wiring must be run separately from
power wiring power wiring.


Operating range 100 m (330 ft.) typical Weight Less than 4 lbs (incl. battery)
Frequency range 400 - 470 MHz Size (L, W, H) 28.5 x 13.3 x 16.3 cm
Deviation +/- 2 kHz 11.2 x 5.2 x 6.4 inches
HF output power 10 mW max. Power supply 3.6 V 1.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable
Operating -25° to +70° C
temperature range (-18° F to 158° F) Operation time Up to 20 hours

Enclosures IP65 weatherproof (exceeds NEMA Functions E-Stop pushbutton

12/13) Up to 8 motions
Horn and mainline activation
Transmitter antenna Built-in Toggle switch for auxiliary function
Battery charger 115/220 VAC (+/- 20%) Selector switch (if applicable)

Weight Less than 2 lbs (incl. battery) Weight Less than 4.4 lbs (incl. battery)
Size (L, W, H) 16.8 x 11.0 x 13.3 cm Size (L, W, H) 29.7 x 17.8 x 10.9 cm
6.6 x 4.3 x 5.2 inches 11.7 x 7.0 x 4.3 inches
Power supply 3.6 V 1.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable Power supply 3.6 V 1.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable
battery battery
Operation time Up to 20 hours Operation time Up to 20 hours
Functions E-Stop pushbutton Functions E-Stop pushbutton
Up to 5 motions 7 or more motions
Horn and mainline activation Horn and mainline activation
Pushbutton for auxiliary function Toggle switch for auxiliary function
Selector switch (if applicable) Selector switch (if applicable)
Available LCD remote readout

Weight Less than 3 lbs (incl. battery)
Weight Less than 4.4 lbs (incl. battery)
Size (L, W, H) 23.6 x 10.2 x 16.3 cm
9.3 x 4.0 x 6.4 inches Size (L, W, H) 29.7 x 17.8 x 10.9 cm
11.7 x 7.0 x 4.3 inches
Power supply 3.6 V 1.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable
battery Power supply 3.6 V 1.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable
Operation time Up to 20 hours
Operation time Up to 20 hours
Functions E-Stop pushbutton
6 or more motions Functions E-Stop pushbutton
Horn and mainline activation 7 or more motions
Toggle switch for auxiliary function Horn and mainline activation
Selector switch (if applicable) Toggle switch for auxiliary function
Selector switch (if applicable)
Available LCD remote readout

Weight Less than 12 lbs (incl. battery)
Size (L, W, H) 30.5 x 20.3 x 20.3 cm
12 x 8.0 x 8.0 inches
(Overall height with breastplate is
Power supply 3.6 V 1.2 Ah NiMH rechargeable
Operation time Up to 20 hours
Functions E-Stop pushbutton
7 or more motions
Horn and mainline activation
Toggle switch for auxiliary function
Selector switch (if applicable)

Operating power 48/110/240 VAC 50/60 Hz (+/- 20%)
12/24 VDC (+/- 50%)
Current <100 mA
Safety features Self-monitoring E-Stop circuits
Fail-safe, spring forced E-Stop relay
Self-test during start-up and
On-board diagnostic system with
indicators for RF communication,
power status, active outputs
Outputs 1 E-Stop relay
1 Horn relay
1 Start/Mainline relay
Up to 32 digital outputs
Up to 8 proportional outputs
DC applications up to 250 VDC, 5

This form must be completed and signed by the person The operator must also ensure that all safety devices
responsible for installation of this radio remote control and features are in place and operating correctly. The
system. operator is responsible for understanding and following
Hetronic assumes no responsibility for the correct all safety precautions in this and other applicable
installation of the radio remote control system. The operator manuals.
equipment operator must ensure that the radio remote
control system and the crane/machine operate
correctly together.

Crane/machine Data


Model Number

Serial Number

Year of Production

Radio Remote Control Data

Manufacturer Hetronic


System Type

Transmitter Production Number

Receiver Production Number

System Number

I/We installed the radio remote control system, performed the safety test and inspected the crane/machine. The
appropriate instructions and rules of this crane/machine type are followed.




Name of Installation Technician


Acoustic signal A buzzer or other sound intended to be heard as an alert.
Analog signal Proportional - stepless or infinite control
Belly box A transmitter that is secured to the front of the operator’s body by a belt,
strap or breastplate/harness.
Coder Converts parallel signals into a serial data message
Decoder Coverts a serial data message into parallel signals
Digital signal On/off control
Latching control The function activates when the control is pushed and released. The function
stays on until the control is pushed and released again.
Mainline contactor The primary power supply contactor to the crane/machine controls.
Maintained control The function activates when the control is placed in the ON position. The
function stops when the control is placed in the OFF position.
Momentary control The function activates when the control is placed in the ON position. The
control must be held in place to stay ON. When the control is released, it
returns to the OFF position and the function is stopped.
Proportional control A multi-speed function control that goes faster as the control is pressed


AWG Metric Equivalent mm sq. Metric Cable Size mm sq.
20 0.52 0.75
18 0.82 1.0
16 1.32 1.5
14 2.1 2.5
12 3.3 4
10 5.32 6
8 8.5 10
6 13.5 15
4 21.3 25
2 33.7 35
1/0 (0) 53 70.0 (50.0 if current capacity not
2/0 (00) 67.6 70
3/0 (000) 84.4 95
4/0 (0000) 107 120

A/D Analog to digital conversion
AK Analog channel (German: Analog Kanal)
AMP Ampere
AWG American Wire Gauge
BPS Bits per second
CPU Central Processing Unit
DK Digital channel (German: Digital Kanal)
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic immunity
EPROM Electrical programmable read-only memory
FM Frequency modulation
GND Ground
HF High frequency
KHz Kilohertz
LED Light emitting diode
LTO Lift to operate
mAH Milliampere hours
mA Millampere
msec Millisecond
MHz Megahertz
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor type of surge suppressor
mW Milliwatt
NiCd Nickel Cadmium
NiMH Nickel Metal Hydrite
PLC Programmable logic controller
PLL Phased locked loop
PTO Press to operate
PWM Pulse width modulation
R/C Resistor/Capacitor type of surge suppressor
RF Radio frequency
RMS Root mean squared
Rx Receiver
RxD Receiving data
SMD Surface mount device
SMT Surface mount technology
TTL Transistor transistor logic
Tx Transmitter
TxD Transmitting data
Ub Operating power
Uv Microvolts
VAC Volts alternating current
VDC Volts direct current


CS 458 Frequency
SALS_008.0_CS 458
& Jumper Settings May 2003

The Hetronic Radio Remote Control System address code and frequency channel are set at the
factory. The address code and frequency channel may need to be set if you have purchased a
replacement or spare transmitter.
• Never change the address code or frequency channel of the original transmitter
purchased with your system.
• Never change the address code settings in the receiver.
• Never operate two transmitters at the same time that are set with the same
frequency channel and address code.

Group USA - Jumper "J3" Open Group GB - Jumper "J3" Closed

Channel Frequency (MHz) D0 D1 D2 D3 Frequency (MHz) Channel
A0 458.800 ON ON ON ON 458.525 B0
A1 458.825 OFF ON ON ON 458.550 B1
A2 458.850 ON OFF ON ON 458.575 B2
A3 458.875 OFF OFF ON ON 458.600 B3
A4 458.900 ON ON OFF ON 458.625 B4
A5 458.925 OFF ON OFF ON 458.650 B5
A6 458.950 ON OFF OFF ON 458.675 B6
A7 458.975 OFF OFF OFF ON 458.700 B7
A8 459.000 ON ON ON OFF 458.725 B8
A9 459.025 OFF ON ON OFF 458.750 B9
A10 459.050 ON OFF ON OFF 458.775 B10
A11 459.075 OFF OFF ON OFF 458.825 B11
A12 459.100 ON ON OFF OFF 458.8375 B12
A13 459.152 OFF ON OFF OFF 458.900 B13
A14 459.150 ON OFF OFF OFF 458.825 B14
A15 459.175 OFF OFF OFF OFF 458.900 B15

D3 D2 D1 D0 A X7
D3 D2 D1 D0




CS 447 Frequency
SALS_008.0_CS 447
& Jumper Settings May 2003

The Hetronic Radio Remote Control System address code and frequency channel are set at the
factory. The address code and frequency channel may need to be set if you have purchased a
replacement or spare transmitter.
• Never change the address code or frequency channel of the original transmitter
purchased with your system.
• Never change the address code settings in the receiver.
• Never operate two transmitters at the same time that are set with the same
frequency channel and address code.

Group A - Jumper "J3" Closed Group B - Jumper "J3" Open

Channel Frequency (MHz) D0 D1 D2 D3 Frequency (MHz) Channel
A1 447.8625 ON ON ON ON 447.275 B1
A2 447.8750 OFF ON ON ON 447.300 B2
A3 447.8875 ON OFF ON ON 447.325 B3
A4 447.9000 OFF OFF ON ON 447.350 B4
A5 447.9125 ON ON OFF ON 447.400 B5
A6 447.9250 OFF ON OFF ON 447.450 B6
A7 447.9375 ON OFF OFF ON 447.500 B7
A8 447.9500 OFF OFF OFF ON 447.550 B8
A9 447.9625 ON ON ON OFF 447.600 B9
A10 447.9750 OFF ON ON OFF 447.650 B10
A11 447.9875 ON OFF ON OFF 447.700 B11
A12 447.8750 OFF OFF ON OFF 447.750 B12
A13 447.9000 ON ON OFF OFF 447.775 B13
A14 447.9250 OFF ON OFF OFF 447.800 B14
A15 447.9500 ON OFF OFF OFF 447.825 B15
A16 447.9750 OFF OFF OFF OFF 447.850 B16

D3 D2 D1 D0 A X7
D3 D2 D1 D0




CS 434 Frequency
SALS_009.0_CS 434
& Jumper Settings May 2003

The Hetronic Radio Remote Control System address code and frequency channel are set at the
factory. The address code and frequency channel may need to be set if you have purchased a
replacement or spare transmitter.
• Never change the address code or frequency channel of the original transmitter
purchased with your system.
• Never change the address code settings in the receiver.
• Never operate two transmitters at the same time that are set with the same
frequency channel and address code.

Group A - Jumper "J3" Closed Group B - Jumper "J3" Open

Channel Frequency (MHz) D0 D1 D2 D3 Frequency (MHz) Channel
A1 433.875 ON ON ON ON 433.900 B1
A2 433.925 OFF ON ON ON 433.950 B2
A3 433.975 ON OFF ON ON 434.000 B3
A4 434.025 OFF OFF ON ON 434.050 B4
A5 434.075 ON ON OFF ON 434.100 B5
A6 434.125 OFF ON OFF ON 434.150 B6
A7 434.175 ON OFF OFF ON 434.200 B7
A8 434.225 OFF OFF OFF ON 434.250 B8
A9 434.275 ON ON ON OFF 434.300 B9
A10 434.325 OFF ON ON OFF 434.350 B10
A11 434.375 ON OFF ON OFF 434.400 B11
A12 434.425 OFF OFF ON OFF 434.450 B12
A13 434.475 ON ON OFF OFF 434.500 B13
A14 434.525 OFF ON OFF OFF 434.550 B14
A15 434.575 ON OFF OFF OFF 434.600 B15
A16 434.625 OFF OFF OFF OFF 434.650 B16

D3 D2 D1 D0 A X7
D3 D2 D1 D0




Hetronic USA
Limited Warranty and
WRTY_002 Warranty & Terms
Terms of Sale April 2003

Price: Subject to Change Without Notice

Terms: Net 30 Days
F.O.B: Hetronic USA, Inc.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Hetronic, Inc., hereafter referred to as Company, guarantees all items manufactured by it against any defects
of material and/or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. Company makes NO
specification in Company's literature is for the sole purpose of identification of items sold by the Company
and imparts no guarantee, warranty or undertaking by Company of any kind. Components and accessories
not manufactured by Hetronic are not included in this warranty and are warranted separately by their
respective manufacturers.
Company's sole liability shall to be to repair at its factory, or replace, any item returned to it within one year
from date of shipment, which Company finds to contain defective material or workmanship. All items to be
repaired or replaced shall be shipped to Company (Note: return authorization by Company is required) within
said one year period, freight prepaid, as a condition to repair or replace defective material or workmanship.
Company's herein assumed responsibility does not cover defects resulting from improper installation,
maintenance, or improper use. Any corrective maintenance performed by anyone other than the Company
during the warranty period shall void the warranty. Company shall not be liable for damages of any kind from
any cause whatsoever beyond the price of the defective Company supplied items involved. Company shall
not be liable for economic loss, property damage, or other consequential damages or physical injury
sustained by the purchaser or by any third party as a result of the use of any Company supplied items or
List prices or discounts are subject to change without notice. Quoted prices will be honored for a period of 90
days from the date of the written quotation unless otherwise stated.
Orders are not subject to alteration or cancellation except upon written consent of Company and payment of
proper cancellation charges, when deemed applicable by Company.
Materials or items may not be returned for credit, without the prior written consent of the Company. Any
authorized return of materials or items shall be subject to a restocking charge equal to 20% of the net
invoiced amount after Company determines that the material or item is in good condition and may be resold
without alteration or service.
Terms of payment are NET 30 days. All materials and items are sold F.O.B. Company's shipping point.
Company retains a security interest in all items sold by it so long as they remain in Company's possession to
secure all obligations of purchaser to Company. A processing fee will be applied to all invoices for requested
prepaid freight charges other than UPS. A service charge will be incurred on past due accounts extending
beyond the terms of sale described above, at a rate of 1.5% per month of the net balance extending beyond
30 days.
The buyer should inspect the goods immediately on their arrival and shall within five days of their arrival give
written notice to the Company of the claim that the goods do not conform with the terms of the contract. If the
buyer shall fail to give such notice, the goods shall be deemed to conform with the terms of the contract. Any
claim for material or item shortages must be accompanied by copies of the bill of lading and packing slip.
Delivery schedules or commitments are based upon current production
capacities, material or component availability and inventory and may be
changed as conditions require. Company shall not be liable for loss or
damage of any kind resulting from delay or inability to deliver on account of
fire, labor troubles, accident, acts of civil or military authorities, or from any
other cause beyond Company's control.



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