Cot DLP Science 7
Cot DLP Science 7
Cot DLP Science 7
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 3
A. Content Standards How is heat transferred?
A. References
Guide Questions:
1. What are the three methods of heat transfer stated in the poem?
2. What is ‘heat’ as stated in the poem?
3. How do you differentiate heat from temperature?
4. How does the heat flow on materials having different temperatures?
C. Presenting (Integration of HOTS and Across subject areas like Expressing ideas using descriptive words, KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
examples/instances of phrases and sentences and identifying proper heading) -Applies a range of teaching
the new lesson strategies to develop critical and
The Heat is On and Off! creative thinking, as well as higher-
Objective: order thinking skills.
Investigate what happens to an object when heat is added or released. MOV---The questions presented to
Materials: check students’’ comprehension on
Paper and Pen pictures and video clip presented
Procedure: are arranged from lower level to
1. Study Figure(a.) Heat is added. (b.) Heat is released. Observe the two images shown. higher level thinking skills. Students
2. Answer the guide questions. are challenge to think creatively.
Guide Questions:
1. Refer to Figure a. What happens to the temperature of water when heat is added?
2. If heat is continuously provided in figure a., what will happen to the water and what process
may occur? ____________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
3. Refer to figure b. What will happen to the temperature of water when heat is released? -Manages learner behavior
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to ensure
4. If there is enough energy to separate the molecules of water, will there be a change in
phase? ________________________________________________________ learning-focused environment.
MOV---To avoid and prevent
misbehaviour, house rules/
standards/guidelines are set before
Video Presentation watching a video clip.
Standards in viewing a video presentation.
Closure: Give another situation that will show that heat is added or released in an object and
explain what happens to the object and to its temperature. Identify what changes in its phase
D. Discussing new concepts (Integration of Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Health, and HOTS)
and practicing new skills
#1 Warm me up, cool me down
To further check the students understanding of the concept and skills, lead them to
demonstrate the conditions necessary for heat transfer to take place and trace the direction in
which heat is transferred through the use of improvised set up.
Heat vs temperature KRA 2, OBJ. #3
(This time, unlock the difference between heat and temperature) -Applies a range of teaching
heat deals with thermal energy, whereas temperature is more concerned with strategies that enhance learner
molecular kinetic energy. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy, whereas temperature achievement in literacy and
is a property the object exhibits. numeracy skills.
MOV---Literacy and numeracy in
Materials Needed giving and understanding the
2 small containers (drinking cups or glasses) meaning of difficult words is shown
2 big containers (enough to accommodate the small containers) during the discussion of new
tap water concept and practicing new skills.
hot water
food coloring (red and blue)
laboratory thermometers (with reading up to 100oC)
1. Label the small and big containers as shown in Figure 2.
2. Half fill containers 1, 2, and A with tap water. Half fill also container B with hot water. Be
careful when you pour hot water into the container.
3. Add few drops of food coloring on the larger containers.
4. Measure the initial temperature of water in each of the 4
containers, in degree Celsius (°C). Record your
measurements in Table 1.
5. Carefully place container 1 inside container A (Figure 3).
This will be your Setup 1.
6. Place also container 2 inside container B. This will be your Setup 2.
7. Measure the temperature of water in all containers 2 minutes after arranging the setups.
Record again your measurements in the table (after 2 minutes).
8. Continue to measure and record the temperature of water after 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes.
Write all your measurements in the table below.
KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
-Applies a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as higher-
order thinking skills.
MOV---The questions presented are
arranged from lower level to higher
Q1. In which setup did you find changes in the temperature of water inside the containers? In
level thinking skills. Students are
which setup did you NOT find changes in the temperature of water inside the containers?
challenge to think creatively.
Q2. In which setup is heat transfer taking place between the containers?
Q3. What then is the condition necessary for heat transfer to take place between objects?
9. Refer to the changes in the temperature of water in the setup where heat transfer is taking
Q4. Which container contains water with higher initial temperature? What happens to its
temperature after 2 minutes?
Q5. Which container contains water with lower initial temperature? What happens to its
KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
temperature after 2 minutes?
-Applies knowledge of content
Q6. If heat is related to temperature, what then is the direction of heat that transfers between
within and across curriculum
the containers?
teaching areas.
MOV---Health is being integrated in
Q7. How does heat affect human health?
the questions presented about the
Q8. How does the concept of heat transfer from fever contributes significantly for human to
E. Discussing new concepts (Integration of positive & non-violent discipline and Differentiated/Tiered Activity) KRA 2, OBJ. # 6
and practicing new skills -Uses differentiated,
#2 Group Activity-Directions: developmentally appropriate
1. Group yourselves into four. learning experiences to address
2. Choose your leader. learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
3. The leader gets the activity sheets and the assessment card from the teacher. interests and experiences.
4. Go to your respective area assigned to you. MOV---The learners are given
5. Begin doing the activity following the group standards. differentiated/tiered activities
6. Be mindful of the rubrics presented. according to their strengths and
7. Finish in ten minutes, and then present your output in less than 3 minutes. interests.
MOV---By applying differentiated
Standards for the simple Science activity. activities with rubrics, learners are
ensured of their active participation.
Rubric in Assessing Group Performance in Science Activity (Group-Assessment)
KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
-Manages learner behaviour
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environment.
MOV---To avoid and prevent
misbehaviour, house rules/
standards/guidelines are set before
doing the activity.
MOV---Learners are given positive
feedback after each group sharing.
Direction: Assess your group performance in accomplishing the task provided.
The heat from the bunsen burner has NOT travelled along some of the rods. Can you explain
what happened to the particles in the INSULATORS that didn’t allow the heat to move
through them?