Cot DLP Science 7

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Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 3

A. Content Standards How is heat transferred?

B. Performance Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur.

C. Learning Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur S7LT-IIIh-i-12 KRA 3, OBJ. # 7
Competencies/ -Plans, manages and implements
Objectives Knowledge: 1. Define heat and differentiate heat from temperature developmentally sequenced
Write the LC code 2. explain how heat flows from one object to another; teaching and learning processes to
for each 3. infer that conduction takes place between objects in direct contact; and meet curriculum requirements
through various contexts.
Skill: investigate and demonstrate what happens to object when heat is added MOV--- Knowledge, skill and attitude
or KSA is applied in lesson planning
or released;
objectives in order to meet
curriculum requirements based on
the MELCs. Parts of the DLP are
Attitude: Cite the importance of heat transfer
based on the PPST.

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Not yet issued

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages The New Science Links page 434
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Activity sheets, assessment cards, pictures, improvised Materials for science experiment, smart TV, KRA 3, OBJ. # 9
Resources laptop, power point presentation, globe, flashlight -Selects, develops, organizes and
uses appropriate teaching and
You tube Video learning resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals.
MOV---The lesson is delivered
through the use of power point
presentation, laptop and smart tv.
MOV---Printed materials like activity
sheets, assessment card are given
on clear sheets of cartolina/ meta
cards for the pupils to see and read
clearly and the use of
representations like the globe and
the flashlight.
A. Reviewing previous Preliminary Activity: KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
lesson or presenting the - Prayer -Manages learner behaviour
new lesson - Greetings constructively by applying positive
- Attendance and non-violent discipline to ensure
- Class reminders/classroom management learning-focused environment.
(Integration of positive and non-violent discipline) MOV---To avoid and prevent
Presenting the classroom standards; misbehaviour, house rules/
standards/guidelines are set before
1. Be kind, polite, and courteous to others.
the class starts or before doing an
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property.
4. Listen to the teacher and classmates and follow directions.
5. Work hard and always do your best.
6. Be safe.
7. Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class, when leaving your seat or if you need
to leave the classroom for a reason.
8. Be ready to take the consequences if you break the rules. KRA 4, OBJ. #10
Asking for diagnostic questions: Designs, selects, organizes and uses
What is heat? diagnostic, formative and
1. Using the diagram below, how does heat transfer take place? summative assessment strategies
2. Using the diagram below, which material will burn your hand first and why? consistent with curriculum
3. How do you know that an object is hot? requirements.
4. If the pan has a wooden handle, is it safe to hold it anytime while you are cooking? MOV—Diagnostic questions are
raised to learners to diagnose if they
have background information about
the topic of the day.

(refer to power point presentation)

B. Establishing a purpose (Integration of Literature) KRA 1, OBJ. # 1

for the -Applies knowledge of content
lesson/Motivation/Moti Direction: Read the poem. This poem will give your ideas that will lead you to answer the following within and across curriculum
ve Questions activities given. teaching areas.
Heat’s Everywhere MOV---Literary through poem is
by: Princess C. Bagaforo integrated to give a hint on the
Heat that keeps our days warm definition heat and determine
methods of heat transfer.
Can be transferred in three ways
Conduction, convection, radiation
All are in motion.

Heat that flows from hot object to cold object

Is a natural process of heat effect
As temperature is to hotness or coldness of an object
Thermal energy is to temperature differences between objects.

Heat affects you in so many ways

From the warmth of the fireplace and
Light of the sun that strikes you in every ways
All are in motion due to heat’s radiation.

Heat that is hard to beat

Can be carried from place to place without retreat
When warm air and cold air compete
All fluids and gases are in motion due to convection of heat.

Heat can be transferred through direct contact of a material

Is a process which is essential
Conductor is to metal objects, as insulator is to plastic objects
All are in motion due to heat’s conduction.

(refer to power point presentation)

Guide Questions:
1. What are the three methods of heat transfer stated in the poem?
2. What is ‘heat’ as stated in the poem?
3. How do you differentiate heat from temperature?
4. How does the heat flow on materials having different temperatures?

C. Presenting (Integration of HOTS and Across subject areas like Expressing ideas using descriptive words, KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
examples/instances of phrases and sentences and identifying proper heading) -Applies a range of teaching
the new lesson strategies to develop critical and
The Heat is On and Off! creative thinking, as well as higher-
Objective: order thinking skills.
Investigate what happens to an object when heat is added or released. MOV---The questions presented to
Materials: check students’’ comprehension on
Paper and Pen pictures and video clip presented
Procedure: are arranged from lower level to
1. Study Figure(a.) Heat is added. (b.) Heat is released. Observe the two images shown. higher level thinking skills. Students
2. Answer the guide questions. are challenge to think creatively.
Guide Questions:
1. Refer to Figure a. What happens to the temperature of water when heat is added?
2. If heat is continuously provided in figure a., what will happen to the water and what process
may occur? ____________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
3. Refer to figure b. What will happen to the temperature of water when heat is released? -Manages learner behavior
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to ensure
4. If there is enough energy to separate the molecules of water, will there be a change in
phase? ________________________________________________________ learning-focused environment.
MOV---To avoid and prevent
misbehaviour, house rules/
standards/guidelines are set before
Video Presentation watching a video clip.
Standards in viewing a video presentation.

Follow up questions about the video clip presented:

1. What is the video about?

Closure: Give another situation that will show that heat is added or released in an object and
explain what happens to the object and to its temperature. Identify what changes in its phase

(refer to power point presentation)

D. Discussing new concepts (Integration of Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Health, and HOTS)
and practicing new skills
#1 Warm me up, cool me down
To further check the students understanding of the concept and skills, lead them to
demonstrate the conditions necessary for heat transfer to take place and trace the direction in
which heat is transferred through the use of improvised set up.

Heat vs temperature KRA 2, OBJ. #3
(This time, unlock the difference between heat and temperature) -Applies a range of teaching
heat deals with thermal energy, whereas temperature is more concerned with strategies that enhance learner
molecular kinetic energy. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy, whereas temperature achievement in literacy and
is a property the object exhibits. numeracy skills.
MOV---Literacy and numeracy in
Materials Needed giving and understanding the
 2 small containers (drinking cups or glasses) meaning of difficult words is shown
 2 big containers (enough to accommodate the small containers) during the discussion of new
 tap water concept and practicing new skills.
 hot water
 food coloring (red and blue)
 laboratory thermometers (with reading up to 100oC)

1. Label the small and big containers as shown in Figure 2.
2. Half fill containers 1, 2, and A with tap water. Half fill also container B with hot water. Be
careful when you pour hot water into the container.
3. Add few drops of food coloring on the larger containers.
4. Measure the initial temperature of water in each of the 4
containers, in degree Celsius (°C). Record your
measurements in Table 1.
5. Carefully place container 1 inside container A (Figure 3).
This will be your Setup 1.
6. Place also container 2 inside container B. This will be your Setup 2.
7. Measure the temperature of water in all containers 2 minutes after arranging the setups.
Record again your measurements in the table (after 2 minutes).
8. Continue to measure and record the temperature of water after 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes.
Write all your measurements in the table below.

Table 1. Temperature readings for Setup 1 and Setup 2

KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
-Applies a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as higher-
order thinking skills.
MOV---The questions presented are
arranged from lower level to higher
Q1. In which setup did you find changes in the temperature of water inside the containers? In
level thinking skills. Students are
which setup did you NOT find changes in the temperature of water inside the containers?
challenge to think creatively.
Q2. In which setup is heat transfer taking place between the containers?
Q3. What then is the condition necessary for heat transfer to take place between objects?

9. Refer to the changes in the temperature of water in the setup where heat transfer is taking
Q4. Which container contains water with higher initial temperature? What happens to its
temperature after 2 minutes?
Q5. Which container contains water with lower initial temperature? What happens to its
KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
temperature after 2 minutes?
-Applies knowledge of content
Q6. If heat is related to temperature, what then is the direction of heat that transfers between
within and across curriculum
the containers?
teaching areas.
MOV---Health is being integrated in
Q7. How does heat affect human health?
the questions presented about the
Q8. How does the concept of heat transfer from fever contributes significantly for human to
E. Discussing new concepts (Integration of positive & non-violent discipline and Differentiated/Tiered Activity) KRA 2, OBJ. # 6
and practicing new skills -Uses differentiated,
#2 Group Activity-Directions: developmentally appropriate
1. Group yourselves into four. learning experiences to address
2. Choose your leader. learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
3. The leader gets the activity sheets and the assessment card from the teacher. interests and experiences.
4. Go to your respective area assigned to you. MOV---The learners are given
5. Begin doing the activity following the group standards. differentiated/tiered activities
6. Be mindful of the rubrics presented. according to their strengths and
7. Finish in ten minutes, and then present your output in less than 3 minutes. interests.
MOV---By applying differentiated
Standards for the simple Science activity. activities with rubrics, learners are
ensured of their active participation.
Rubric in Assessing Group Performance in Science Activity (Group-Assessment)
KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
-Manages learner behaviour
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environment.
MOV---To avoid and prevent
misbehaviour, house rules/
standards/guidelines are set before
doing the activity.
MOV---Learners are given positive
feedback after each group sharing.
Direction: Assess your group performance in accomplishing the task provided.

Group 1 – Quickest Conduction

Group 2 – Best Conductor
Group 3 – Best Insulator

The heat from the bunsen burner has NOT travelled along some of the rods. Can you explain
what happened to the particles in the INSULATORS that didn’t allow the heat to move
through them?

Group 4 – In-sync and In-sing!

Direction: Arrange the statement in correct order by putting numbers 1-5 before the number and put
a tone during the presentation.

(refer to power point presentation)

F. Developing mastery (Integration of Contextualization, Localization and Gender-Fair) KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
(leads to Formative -Applies knowledge of content
Assessment 3) Group Presentation/Reporting within and across curriculum
If the needed materials are not available. Students are provided with an indigenous material. teaching areas.
(Learners are given utmost recognition in the task they are presented.) MOV--- Contextualization,
localization and gender fair are
Self-Assessment of the Group Activity properly observed in the manner of
(Each group presents their group output rating by presenting their Self-Assessment Card.) grouping, and in the choice of
instructional materials. Through the
(refer to power point presentation)
accomplished simple activities,
students relate how heat flows from
one object to another.
G. Finding practical (Integration of HOTS, Predicting Outcomes & Identifying Cause & Effect relationship) KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
applications of concepts -Applies a range of teaching
and skills in daily living Ask: strategies to develop critical and
Why do people sweat during exercise, work outs or when the weather is too warm? What is the creative thinking, as well as higher-
importance of sweating? order thinking skills.
Which keeps you cooler during sunny days a black shirt or a white shirt? Why? MOV---The questions presented
challenge the students to think
KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
-Applies knowledge of content
within and across curriculum
teaching areas.
MOV--- Integration across learning
Rubric for the Activity areas like predicting outcomes and
Category 4 3 2 1 identifying cause and effect are
observed effectively.
Accuracy & All the answers Most of the Some of the answers None of the
MOV--- Integration across learning
Content are correct. answers are are correct. Somewhat answers are
areas esp. in MAPEH like which color
Completely correct. Some related ideas, but does correct. Ideas
absorbs heat. Is it white? or black?
relates to and related ideas not add to what we are not related
expands the ideas cover what we have on the lesson. to what we
based on the have on the Some ideas are not have on the
lesson. lesson. part of the lesson lesson.
Spelling & All spelling and Most of the words Some of the words are Spelling and
Grammar grammar are (and grammar) are spelled correctly and grammar errors
correct. spelled correctly some grammar are are frequent.
and with one error correct.
in sentence

H. Making generalizations Ask: KRA 4, OBJ. 10

and abstractions about 1. When will heat transfer take place? Designs, selects, organizes and uses
the lesson 2. What is conduction? diagnostic, formative and
3. What is convection? summative assessment strategies
4. What is radiation? consistent with curriculum
5. How is heat transferred in fluids? requirements.
6. Did you cooperate with your group in the activity? MOV—Formative questions are
7. Why is cooperation important in a group activity? raised to learners to diagnose how
far they have learned or if the
objectives of the lesson are carried.
I. Evaluating learning Evaluation: Multiple Choice type of test (1-5) KRA 4, OBJ. 10
(refer to power point presentation) -Designs, selects, organizes and uses
diagnostic, formative and
Direction: summative assessment strategies
In a ¼ sheet of paper, write the letter of the best answer. consistent with curriculum
1. What is the transfer of energy from a hot to a cold object? MOV---The use of formative
a. heat assessment consistent with
b. temperature curriculum requirements is followed
c. thermal contact in order to interpret the result of the
d. thermal equilibrium learners’ progress.
Heat is the transfer of energy from a hot to a cold object. It is only present as long as there is a
temperature difference between objects.
2. Which of the following methods transmits energy through the collisions of particles in the material?
a. radiation
b. conduction
c. convection
d. transmission
Conduction is the transfer of heat from one location to another through the successive collisions of
electrons and atoms of the material. The particles are the only ones that move and not the material
3. Which of the following materials is a poor thermal conductor?
a. wood
b. silver
c. steel
d. plastic
KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
-Applies a range of teaching
Poor thermal conductor is also equivalent to good thermal insulators. Metals are good conductors.
strategies to develop critical and
Wood and plastic are good thermal insulators.
creative thinking, as well as higher-
4. How does a cloth affect heat transfer when it is used as a potholder in the handle of a steel pan?
order thinking skills.
a. It prevents heat transfer from the handle to your hand.
MOV---The questions presented
b. It slows down heat transfer from the handle to your hand.
c. It does not allow molecules of the steel pan to reach your hand. from lower level to higher level to
d. It absorbs all the kinetic energy of the molecules from the steel pan. challenge the students to think
Explanation critically.
A cloth is considered as a thermal insulator. Insulators only slows down heat transfer but it does not
fully prevent or stop the movement of heat.
5. Which of the following statements best explains what will happen to an ice cube wrapped in a wool KRA 4, OBJ. 11
blanket compared when it is exposed to air at room temperature? Monitors and evaluates learners’
a. It will remain frozen for a longer time. progress and achievement using
b. It will remain frozen for a shorter time. learners’ attainment data.
c. It will melt at the same rate as when it is exposed in air. MOV—Results of evaluation are
d. It will melt immediately as soon as the wool touches it. monitored and reflected on the
Learners’ Data in order to support
and assess learners’ progress and
Since wool is a very good thermal insulator, it slows down heat transfer between objects. With the
wool covering the ice, it will take a longer time before it completely melts.

Monitoring and recording of scores.

How many got 5?__, 4?__, 3?__, 2?__, 1?__
Out of 37 students, ___ got 80% of the test.
Out of 37 students __ got below 80% of the test.

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or Direction: Watch the video clip in youtube and answer the guide question.
1. Explain why woven fabrics are considered good insulators?
2. Relate the lesson to the mechanism of a hot air balloon and breezes.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher 1 TLE & Sci Dep’t Head/MT-1 School Head / HT - 1

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