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4-Network Layer-1

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Introduction ........
• It is Responsible for the host-to-host
delivery of datagrams.
• It provides services to the transport
layer and receives services from the
data-link layer.
• Here are some services provided by
Services Provided by Network Layer
• The first duty of the network layer is definitely
• Encapsulating the payload (data received from upper
layer) in a network-layer packet at the source and
decapsulating the payload from the network-layer
packet at the destination.
• The network layer is doing the service of a carrier
such as the postal office,
• Which is responsible for delivery of packages from a
sender to a receiver without changing or using the
The source host receives the payload, adds a header that
contains the source and destination addresses and some other
information and delivers the packet to the data-link layer.
The source is not allowed to change the content of the payload
unless it is too large for delivery and needs to be fragmented.
The destination host receives the packet from its data-link
layer, Decapsulates the packet, and delivers the payload to the
corresponding upper-layer protocol.
If the packet is fragmented at the source or at routers along
the path, the network layer is responsible for waiting until all
fragments arrive, reassembling them, and delivering them to
the upper-layer protocol.
The network layer is responsible for routing the packet
from its source to the destination.
A physical network is a combination of networks (LANs
and WANs) and routers that connect them.
This means that there is more than one route from the
source to the destination.
The network layer is responsible for finding the best
one among these possible routes.
The network layer needs to have some specific
strategies for defining the best route [using routing
Forwarding can be defined as the action applied by
e a c h ro u t e r w h e n a p a c ke t a rr i v e s a t o n e o f i t s
The decision-making table a router normally uses for
applying this action is sometimes called the forwarding
table and sometimes the routing table.
When a router receives a packet from one of its
attached networks, it needs to forward the packet to
another attached network.
To make this decision, the router uses a piece of
information in the packet header, Destination address
or a label.
Error Control
It ensures that packet traveling from source to
destination should be error free.
Although error control also can be implemented in
the network layer,
The designers of the network layer in the Internet
ignored this issue for the data being carried by the
network layer.
One reason for this decision is the fact that the
packet in the network layer may be fragmented at
each router, which makes error checking at this
layer inefficient.
Flow Control
Flow control regulates the amount of data a
source can send without overwhelming the
If the upper layer at the source computer
produces data faster than the upper layer at
the destination computer can consume it, the
receiver will be overwhelmed with data.
To control the flow of data, the receiver needs
to send some feedback to the sender to inform
the latter that it is overwhelmed with data.
Congestion Control
Another issue in a network-layer protocol is congestion control.
Congestion in the network layer is a situation in which too many
datagrams are present in an area of the Internet.
Congestion may occur if the number of datagrams sent by source
computers is beyond the capacity of the network or routers.
In this situation, some routers may drop some of the datagrams.
However, as more datagrams are dropped, the situation may
become worse because,
Due to the error control mechanism at the upper layers, the sender
may send duplicates of the lost packets.
If the congestion continues, sometimes a situation may reach a
point where the system collapses and no datagrams are delivered.
Quality of Service

As the Internet has allowed new

applications such as multimedia
communication (in particular real-time
communication of audio and video), the
quality of service (QoS) of the
communication has become more and
more important.
Another issue related to communication
at the network layer is security.
Security was not a concern when the
Internet was originally designed.
Because it was used by a small number
o f u s e r s a t u n i v e r s i t i e s f o r re s e a rc h
activities ; other people had no access to
the Internet.
The performance of a network can be measured
in terms of
• Delay,
• Throughput,
• Packet loss,
• Congestion control
Delay (Duration / Time)

The delays in a network can be divided

into four types:
delay, and
•Transmission Delay
The transmission delay is longer for a
l o n g e r p a c ke t a n d s h o r t e r i f t h e
sender can transmit faster.
•Propagation Delay
Propagation delay is the time it
takes for a bit to travel from point A
to point B in the transmission media.
•Processing Delay
The processing delay is the time required
for a destination host to receive a packet
remove the header, perform an error
detection procedure, and deliver the
packet to the upper-layer protocol.
The processing delay may be different
for each packet, but normally is calculated
as an average.
Queuing Delay
Queuing delay can normally happen in a router.
A router has an input queue connected to each of its
input ports to store packets waiting to be processed.
The router also has an output queue connected to
each of its output ports to store packets waiting to be
Total Delay
Total Delay = Transmission Delay + Propagation Delay
+ Processing Delay + Queuing Delay.
Throughput at any point in a network is
defined as the number of bits passing
through the point in a second,
Which is actually the transmission rate
of data at that point.
In a path from source to destination, a
packet may pass through several links
(networks), each with a different
transmission rate.
Packet Loss
Another issue that severely affects the performance of
communication is the number of packets lost during
When a router receives a packet while processing another
packet, the received packet needs to be stored in the input
buffer waiting for its turn.
A router, however, has an input buffer with a limited size.
A time may come when the buffer is full and the next
packet needs to be dropped.
The effect of packet loss on the Internet network layer is
that the packet needs to be resent, which in turn may
create overflow and cause more packet loss.
Congestion Control
Congestion control is a mechanism for improving
Congestion control refers to techniques and
mechanisms that can either prevent congestion
before it happens or remove congestion after it has
I n g e n e r a l , w e c a n d i v i d e c o n g e s t i o n c o n t ro l
mechanisms into two broad categories:
Open-loop congestion control (prevention) and
Closed-loop congestion control (removal).
Open-Loop Congestion Control
In open-loop congestion control, policies are
applied to prevent congestion before it happens.
In these mechanisms, congestion control is handled
by either the source or the destination.
1. Retransmission Policy : If the sender feels
that a sent packet is lost or corrupted, the packet
needs to be retransmitted. Retransmission in
general may increase congestion in the network.
However, a good retransmission policy can prevent
Open-Loop Congestion Control .......
2. Window Policy : The type of window at the sender
may also affect congestion.
The Selective Repeat window is better than the Go-Back-
N window for congestion control.
In the Go-Back-N window, when the timer for a packet
times out, several packets may be resent, although some
may have arrived safe and sound at the receiver.
This duplication may make the congestion worse.
The Selective Repeat window, on the other hand, tries to
send the specific packets that have been lost or
Open-Loop Congestion Control .......
3. Acknowledgment Policy : The
acknowledgment policy imposed by the receiver
may also affect congestion.
If the receiver does not acknowledge every
packet it receives, it may slow down the sender
and help prevent congestion.
We need to know that the acknowledgments
are also part of the load in a network.
Sending fewer acknowledgments means
imposing less load on the network.
Open-Loop Congestion Control .......
4. Discarding Policy : A good discarding policy by the
routers may prevent congestion and at the same time
may not harm the integrity of the transmission. [late
5. Admission Policy : An admission policy, which is a
q u a l i t y - o f- s e r v i c e m e c h a n i s m , c a n a l s o p re v e n t
Switches in a flow first check the resource requirement
of a flow before admitting it to the network.
A ro u t e r c a n d e n y e s t a b l i s h i n g a v i r t u a l - c i rc u i t
connection if there is congestion in the network or if
there is a possibility of future congestion.
Closed-Loop Congestion Control
Closed-loop congestion control mechanisms try to alleviate
congestion after it happens.
Several mechanisms have been used by different protocols.
1. Backpressure :
The technique of backpressure refers to a congestion
control mechanism in which a congested node stops
receiving data from the immediate upstream node or
This may cause the upstream node or nodes to become
congested, and they, in turn, reject data from their
upstream node or nodes, and so on.

Choke Packet
Choke Packet
A choke packet is a packet sent by a node to the source to
inform it of congestion.
Note the difference between the backpressure and choke-
packet methods.
In backpressure, the warning is from one node to its
upstream node, although the warning may eventually reach
the source station.
In the choke-packet method, the warning is from the router,
which has encountered congestion, directly to the source
The intermediate nodes through which the packet has
traveled are not warned.
Implicit Signaling
In implicit signaling, there is no communication
between the congested node and the source.
T h e s o u rc e g u e s s e s t h a t t h e re i s c o n g e s t i o n
somewhere in the network from other symptoms.
For example, when a source sends several packets
and there is no acknowledgment for a while, one
assumption is that the network is congested.
The delay in receiving an acknowledgment is
interpreted as congestion in the network
Explicit Signaling
The node that experiences congestion can explicitly
send a signal to the source or destination.
The explicit-signaling method, however, is different
from the choke-packet method.
In the choke-packet method, a separate packet is
used for this purpose.
In the explicit-signaling method, the signal is
included in the packets that carry data.
Explicit signaling can occur in either the forward or
the backward direction.
The identifier used to identify the connection
of each device to the Internet is called the
Internet address or IP address.
A n I P v 4 a d d re s s i s a 3 2 - b i t a d d re s s t h a t
uniquely and universally defines the connection
of a host or a router to the Internet.
The IP address is the address of the connection,
not the host or the router, because if the device
is moved to another network, the IP address
may be changed.
Address Space
A protocol like IPv4 that defines addresses has an
address space.
An address space is the total number of addresses
used by the protocol.
IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses, which means that the
address space is 2^32 or 4,294,967,296 (more than
four billion).

IPv6 Address Space : The 128 bits of IPv6 addresses mean the size of the IPv6 address
space is, quite literally, astronomical; like the numbers that describe the number of stars in
a galaxy or the distance to the furthest pulsars, the number of addresses that can be
supported in IPv6 is mind-boggling.
IP addresses are displayed in dotted decimal notation, and appear as four
numbers separated by dots.
Each number of an IP address is made from eight individual bits known as
Each octet can create number value from 0 to 255.
An IP address would be 32 bits long in binary divided into the two
components, network component and host component.
Network component is used to identify the network that the packet is
intend for, and host component is used to identify the individual host on
IP addresses are broken into the two components:
Network component :- Defines network segment of device.
Host component :- Defines the specific device on a particular network
Addressing [example phone no]
Classful Addressing
Classful Addressing
The whole address space was divided into five
classes (class A, B, C, D, and E), as shown in Figure.
This scheme is referred to as classful addressing.
In class A, the network length is 8 bits, but since the
first bit, which is 0, defines the class.
We can have only seven bits as the network
This means there are only 2^7 = 128 networks in
the world that can have a class A address.
Classful Addressing
In class B, the network length is 16 bits, but
since the first two bits, which are 10, define the
We can have only 14 bits as the network
This means there are only 2^14 = 16,384
networks in the world that can have a class B
Classful Addressing
All addresses that start with 110 belong to
class C.
In class C, the network length is 24 bits, but
since three bits define the class.
We can have only 21 bits as the network
This means there are 2^21 = 20,97,152
networks in the world that can have a class C
Classful Addressing
Class D address start with 1110 and it is not divided
into prefix and suffix.
It is used for multicast addresses.

All addresses that start with 1111 in binary belong to
class E.
As in Class D, Class E is not divided into prefix and
suffix and is used as reserve.
To alleviate address depletion, two strategies
were proposed and, to some extent,
implemented :
Subnetting and Supernetting.
Subnetting is a process of breaking large
network in small networks known as subnets.
Subnetting happens when we extend default
boundary of subnet mask.
Basically we borrow host bits to create
Advantages of Subnetting
S u b n e t t i n g b re a k s l a rg e n e t w o r k i n s m a l l e r
networks and smaller networks are easier to
Subnetting reduces network traffic by removing
collision and broadcast traffic, that overall improve
Subnetting allows you to apply network security
polices at the interconnection between subnets.
Subnetting allows you to save money by reducing
requirement for IP range.
Subnetting ......... Example
CIDR [Classless inter domain routing]
CIDR is a slash notation of subnet mask. CIDR tells us
number of on bits in a network address.
Class A has default subnet mask
That means first octet of the subnet mask has all on
In slash notation it would be written as /8, means
address has 8 bits on.
Class A -----------> /8
Class B -----------> /16
Class C -----------> /24
What is subnet mask for given address?
Find the subnet mask of address
This address belong to class B and class B has default
subnet mask[ /16 in CIDR ].
We borrowed 4 bits from hosts portion.
As you know subnetting move from left to right and it
cannot skip any network bit.
So this subnet mask in binary would be
First two octet have default value so its decimal value
would be 255.255 and third octet decimal value is 240.
Our answer subnet mask would be
Several routing algorithms have been designed
in the past.
The differences between these methods are in
the way they interpret the least cost and the
way they create the least-cost tree for each
They are
Distance-Vector Routing
Link-State Routing
Path-Vector Routing
Distance-Vector Routing
The distance-vector (DV) routing is used to find
the best route.
In distance-vector routing, the first thing each
node creates is its own least-cost tree [about its
immediate neighbors].
The incomplete trees are exchanged between
immediate neighbors to make the trees complete.
We can say that in distance-vector routing, a
router continuously tells all of its neighbors what
it knows about the network.
Bellman-Ford Equation
The heart of distance-vector routing is the Bellman-Ford
This equation is used to find the least cost (shortest
distance) between a source node, x, and a destination
node, y, through some intermediary nodes (a, b, c, . . . ).
When the costs between the source and the intermediary
nodes and the least costs between the intermediary nodes
and the destination are given.
Lets Dxy is the shortest distance and Cxy is the cost
between nodes x and y.
Dxy = min { (cxa + Day ), (cxb + Dby ), (cxc + Dcy ), (cxd + Ddy)... }
Distance Vectors
Link-State Routing
A routing algorithm that directly follows the discussion
for creating least-cost trees and forwarding tables is
link-state (LS) routing.
This method uses the term link-state to define the
characteristic of a link (edge).
In this algorithm the cost associated with an edge
defines the state of the link.
Links with lower costs are preferred to links with
higher costs.
if the cost of a link is infinity, it means that the link
does not exist or has been broken.
Step 1 : Create Link-State Database (LSDB)

To create a least-cost tree with this method,

each node needs to have a complete map of
the network.
Which means it needs to know the state of
each link.
The collection of states for all links is called
the link-state database (LSDB).
Link-State Database (LSDB)
Link-State Database (LSDB)
Now the Question is how each node can create this
LSDB that contains information about the whole
This can be done by a process called Flooding.
Each node can send some greeting messages to
It collect two pieces of information from each
neighboring node: the identity of the node and the
cost of the link.
The combination of these two pieces of information
is called the LS packet (LSP).
Link State Packets

uses Dijkstra’s algorithm

Creates Least Cost Tree
Comparing DVR and LSR
We can compare the Link-state routing algorithm
with the Distance-vector routing algorithm.
In the distance-vector routing algorithm, each
router tells its neighbors what it knows about the
whole network [uses Bellman-Ford equation].
In the link-state routing algorithm, each router
tells the whole network [Broadcast] what it knows
about its neighbors [uses Dijkstra’s algorithm].
Comparing DVR and LSR
In DVR updates are periodic [say 30 or 90
In LSR updates are triggered.
In DVR updates are sent to directly connected
nodes only.
In LSR updates are sent to entire network.
In DVR no end to end visibility.
In LSR visibility of entire network
• We have 2 addresses
– Logical Address
– Physical Address
• The physical address and the logical address are two
different identifiers.
• We need both of them.
• This means that delivery of a packet to a host or a router
requires two levels of addressing: logical and physical.
• We need to be able to map a logical address to its
corresponding physical address and vice versa.
• These can be done using either static or dynamic
Static Mapping
• Static mapping means creating a table that
associates a logical address with a physical
• This table is stored in each machine on the
• Each machine that knows, for example, the IP
address of another machine but not its
physical address can look it up in the table.
• This has some limitations because physical
addresses may change due to some reason.
Dynamic Mapping
• In dynamic mapping, each time a machine knows
the logical address of another machine, it can use
a protocol to find the physical address.
• Two protocols have been designed to perform
dynamic mapping:
– Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
– Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
• ARP maps a logical address to a physical address.
• RARP maps a physical address to a logical address.
Figure 7.1 ARP and RARP

Figure 7.2 Position of ARP and RARP in TCP/IP protocol suite

Notice that ARP and RARP are supplemental to IP.

Figure 7.3 ARP operation

Figure 7.4 ARP packet

Type - Ethernet
is type 1

Protocol Type-

Length:length of
Address (6)

Length:length of
IPv4 address (4)

Figure 7.5 Encapsulation of ARP packet

The ARP packet is encapsulated within an Ethernet packet.

TCP/IP Protocol Suite 72

The preamble of an Ethernet packet consists
of a 56-bit (seven-byte) pattern of alternating 1
and 0 bits, allowing devices on the network to
easily synchronize their receiver clocks, which is
followed by the SFD to mark a new incoming
The SFD is the eight-bit (one-byte) value that
marks the end of the preamble, which is the first
field of an Ethernet packet, and indicates the
beginning of the Ethernet frame.
Figure 7.6 Four cases using ARP

TCP/IP Protocol Suite 74

7.3 RARP

Figure 7.10 RARP operation

Figure 7.11 RARP packet

TCP/IP Protocol Suite 77

Figure 7.12 Encapsulation of RARP packet

TCP/IP Protocol Suite 78

Position of IP Protocol
The IPv4 has no error-reporting or error-correcting and query
management mechanism.
What happens if something goes wrong?
What happens if a router must discard a datagram because it
cannot find a route to the destination host?
What happens if the final destination host must discard the
received fragments of a datagram because it has not received
all fragments within a predetermined time limit?
These are examples of situations where an error has
occurred and the IP protocol has no built-in mechanism to
notify the original host.
Two Deficiencies

A host sometimes needs to determine if

a router or another host is alive. [using
ping command]

And sometimes a network manager

needs information from another host or
ICMP Encapsulation inside IP Datagram
• The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) has been
designed to compensate for the above two deficiencies.
• It is a companion to the IP protocol.
• ICMP itself is a network-layer protocol.
• However, its messages are not passed directly to the
data-link layer.
• Instead, the messages are first encapsulated inside IP
datagrams before going to the lower layer.
• When an IP datagram encapsulates an ICMP message,
the value of the protocol field in the IP datagram is set to
1 to indicate that the IP payroll is an ICMP message.
ICMP messages are divided into two broad categories:
• Error-reporting messages
The error-reporting messages report problems that
a router or a host (destination) may encounter
when it processes an IP packet.
• Query messages
The query messages, which occur in pairs, help a
host or a network manager get specific
information from a router or another host.
ICMP Message Format
Error-reporting messages
Error-reporting messages
• Since IP is an unreliable protocol, one of the main
responsibility of ICMP is to report some errors.
• ICMP does not correct errors, it simply reports
• Error correction is left to the higher-level
• ICMP uses the source IP address to send the error
message to the source (originator) of the
Error-reporting messages
Destination Unreachable [type 3]
• This message uses different codes (0 to
• To define the type of error message and
the reason why a datagram has not
reached its final destination.
• For example, code 0 tells the source that a
host is unreachable.
Source Quench [type 4]
• It informs the sender that the network
has encountered congestion and the
datagram has been dropped.
• The source needs to slow down sending
more datagrams.
• In other words, ICMP adds a kind of
congestion control mechanism to the
IP protocol by using this type of message.
Redirection Message [type 5]
• It is used when the source uses a wrong
router to send out its message.
• The router redirects the message to the
appropriate router, but informs the source
that it needs to change its default router
in the future.
• The IP address of the default router is
sent in the message.
Parameter Problem [type 12]
• A parameter problem message (type
12) can be sent when either there is a
problem in the header of a
datagram(code 0).
• OR some options are missing or
cannot be interpreted (code 1).
Time Exceeded [type 11]
• When the TTL(time to live) value becomes 0,
the datagram is dropped by the visiting router.
• A time exceeded message (type 11) with
code 0 is sent to the source to inform it
about the situation.
• The time-exceeded message (with code 1)
can also be sent when not all fragments of a
datagram arrive within a predefined period of
Query messages
Query messages are used to probe or test the liveliness of
hosts or routers in the Internet.
Find the one-way or the round-trip time for an IP datagram
between two devices.
Even find out whether the clocks in two devices are
Naturally, query messages come in pairs:
Request and
Figure 21.12 Query messages
2 types : echo and timestamp
• The echo request (type 8) and the echo reply (type 0) pair
of messages are used by a host or a router to test the
liveliness of another host or router.
• A host or router sends an echo request message to
another host or router; if it is alive.
• it responds with an echo reply message.
• The timestamp request (type 13) and the timestamp reply
(type 14) pair of messages are used to find the round-trip
time between two devices
• OR to check whether the clocks in two devices are

• Today, an Internet can be so large that one routing protocol
cannot handle the task of updating the routing tables of all
• For this reason, an Internet is divided into autonomous systems.
• An autonomous system (AS) is a group of networks and routers
under the authority of a single administration.
• Routing inside an autonomous system is referred to as intra-
domain routing.
• Routing between autonomous systems is referred to as inter-
domain routing.
• Each autonomous system can choose one or more intradomain
routing protocols to handle routing inside the autonomous system.
• However, only one interdomain routing protocol handles routing
between autonomous systems.
• Several intra-domain and inter-domain routing
protocols are in use.
• Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is the
implementation of the distance vector protocol.
• Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is the
implementation of the link state protocol.
• Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the
implementation of the path vector protocol.
• RIP and OSPF are interior routing protocols;
• BGP is an exterior routing protocol.
Routing Protocols

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is

an intra-domain (interior) routing protocol.
It is used inside an autonomous system.
It is a very simple protocol based on
distance vector routing.
Infinity is defined as 16, which means
that any route in an autonomous system
using RIP cannot have more than 15 hops.
Command : This 8-bit field specifies the type of message:
request (1) or response (2).
Version : This 8-bit field defines the version.
Family : This 16-bit field defines the family of the protocol
used. For TCP/IP the value is 2.
Network address : The address field defines the address of
the destination network.
RIP has allocated 14 bytes for this field to be applicable to
any protocol. However, IP currently uses only 4 bytes. The
rest of the address is filled with 0s.
Distance : This 32-bit field defines the hop count (cost) from
the advertising router to the destination network.
Requests and Responses
RIP has two types of messages: request and
Request :
A request message is sent by a router that has just
come up or by a router that has some time-out
A request can ask about specific entries or all entries.
Response :
A response can be either solicited or unsolicited.
A solicited response is sent only in answer to a
It contains information about the destination
specified in the corresponding request.
An unsolicited response, on the other hand, is
sent periodically, every 30 seconds or when there is
a change in the routing table.
The response is sometimes called an update
The Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF) protocol is an intra-domain
routing protocol.
It is based on link state routing.
Its domain is also an autonomous
To handle routing efficiently and in a timely
OSPF divides an autonomous system into
An area is a collection of networks, hosts, and
routers all contained within an autonomous
An autonomous system can be divided into
many different areas.
All networks inside an area must be
Routers inside an area flood the area with routing
At the border of an area, special routers called area
border routers are present.
It summarize the information about the area and
send it to other areas.
Among the areas inside an autonomous system is a
special area called the backbone.
All of the areas inside an autonomous system must
be connected to the backbone.
In other words, the backbone serves as a primary
Area in AS
Types of Link
Point-to-Point Link :
A point-to-point link connects two routers without any
other host or router in between.
In other words, the purpose of the link (network) is just to
connect the two routers.
Types of Link
Transient Link :
A transient link is a network with several routers attached to
The data can enter through any of the routers and leave
through any router.
Types of Link
Stub Link :
A stub link is a network that is connected to only
one router.
The data packets enter the network through this
single router and leave the network through this
same router.
Types of Link
Virtual Link :
When the link between two routers is broken.
The administration may create a virtual link
between them.
It my use a longer path that probably goes through
several routers.
OSPF Packet Format
OSPF Packet Format
Version: This 8-bit field defines the version of the OSPF protocol. It is currently
version 2.
Type: This 8-bit field defines the type of the packet. As we said before, we have five
types, with values 1 to 5 defining the types.
Message length: This 16-bit field defines the length of the total message including
the header.
Source router IP address: This 32-bit field defines the IP address of the router that
sends the packet.
Area identification: This 32-bit field defines the area within which the routing takes
Checksum: This field is used for error detection on the entire packet excluding the
authentication type and authentication data field.
Authentication type: This 16-bit field defines the authentication protocol used in
this area. At this time, two types of authentication are defined: 0 for none and 1 for
Authentication: This 64-bit field is the actual value of the authentication data.
Types of OSPF Packet
OSPF Packets
OSPF uses five different types of packets:
1. hello,
2. database description,
3. link state request,
4. link state update : This is most important that
itself has five different kinds.
i. Router link
ii. Network link
iii. Summary link to network
iv. Summary link to AS boundary router
v. External link
5. link state acknowledgment
OSPF Packets
Hello Message :
OSPF uses the hello message to create neighborhood
relationships and to test the reachability of neighbors.
This is the first step in link state routing.
Before a router can flood all of the other routers with
information about its neighbors, it must first greet its
Database Description Message :
When a router is connected to the system for the first time
or after a failure, it needs the complete link state database
It sends hello packets to greet its neighbors.
If this is the first time that the neighbors hear from the
OSPF Packets
Link State Request Packet :
This is a packet that is sent by a router that needs information
about a specific route or routes.
It is answered with a link state update packet.
Link State Update Packet :
We first discuss the link state update packet, the heart of the OSPF
operation. It is
used by a router to advertise the states of its links.
Link State Acknowledgment Packet :
OSPF makes routing more reliable by forcing every router to
acknowledge the receipt of every link state update packet.
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an inter-domain
routing protocol using path vector routing.
It first appeared in 1989 and has gone through four
BGP uses classless interdomain routing addresses.
Types of Autonomous Systems :
Stub AS
Multihomed AS
Transit AS
BGP Sessions
The exchange of routing information between
two routers using BGP takes place in a session.
A session is a connection that is established
between two BGP routers only for the sake of
exchanging routing information.
External and Internal BGP

BGP can have two types of sessions:

External BGP (E-BGP)
Internal BGP (I-BGP)
The E-BGP session is used to exchange
information between two speaker nodes
belonging to two different autonomous
The I-BGP session, on the other hand, is
used to exchange routing information
between two routers inside an
External(E-BGP) and Internal(I-BGP)
Types of Packets
BGP uses four different types of messages: open,
update, keepalive, and notification.
Packet Format
Packet Format
All BGP packets share the same common header.
Before studying the different types of packets, let us talk
about this common header. The fields of this header are as
follows :
Marker : The 16-byte marker field is reserved for
Length : This 2-byte field defines the length of the total
message including the header.
Type : This 1-byte field defines the type of the packet. As
we said before, we have four types, and the values 1 to 4
define those types.
Open Message
To create a neighborhood relationship, a
router running BGP opens a TCP connection
with a neighbor and sends an open
If the neighbor accepts the neighborhood
relationship, it responds with a keepalive
Which means that a relationship has been
established between the two routers
Update Message
The update message is the heart of the BGP
It is used by a router to withdraw destinations
that have been advertised previously,
announce a route to a new destination, or
Note that BGP can withdraw several
destinations that were advertised before, but
it can only advertise one new destination in a
Keepalive Message

The routers (called peers in BGP

parlance) running the BGP protocols
exchange keepalive messages
regularly (before their hold time
expires) to tell each other that they
are alive.
Notification Message

A notification message is
sent by a router whenever an
error condition is detected or
a router wants to close the

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