1997 - 5 - Calendar Problems

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MAY A number is selected at random from Find all numbers that satisfy all the If the natural numbers

If the natural numbers are listed as

the set of consecutive integers following statements: one continuous sequence of digits
153, 54, ... , 1991. Which of these without spaces, that is,
1. I am a positive integer and less
events is most probable?
than 100. 1123456789101112 ... },
(A) The number selected has digits
2. Two more than my value is a at what locations will the digits 6
that sum to a multiple of 5.
multiple of 6. and 3 first appear in that order, that
(8) The number selected is a multiple
3. The sum of my digits is a multiple is, as 63?
(C) The number selected contains at
least one digit 5.

Right triangle ABC has legs with Suppose that the dates for this year On a calendar, choose any square Each circle has a radius of 3 centime-
lengths 19 and 95 units. The triangle are written in the form consisting of nine dates in the same ters. Determine the area of the shaded
is to be rotated in space about one of month. Consider the products of the region to the nearest tenth of a square
month number, day number, 97
its three sides. What is the maximum day numbers that appear in opposite centimeter.
possible volume of the resulting solid? without spacing. Which day this year corners of the square. What is the
will be a palindrome? absolute value of the difference
between these products?

The product of a set of distinct positive Draw a rhombus that has a pair of The following equilateral triangle has Consider a positive integer written in
integers is 48. What is the smallest 60-degree angles. Decide where to been dissected into four congruent base ten. Suppose that when this
possible sum of these integers? place a mirror upright on the rhombus equilateral triangles. number is multiplied by k, the product
to produce an image of a hexagon. has the same digits as does the origi-

~ M nal number but in reverse order. We

shall say that the original number is a
Using isometric dot paper, dissect an Verify that 1089 is a 9-fiip.
equilateral triangle into six congruent

Find a 9-ftip consisting of five digits. Show that no 7-flips exist. Find a 4-flip consisting of (a) four digits Consider numbers expressed in base
and {b) five digits. eight, or octal. Find a four-digit number
that is a 7-flip.
You are given a set of tiles: one 6 x 6 Three dart players threw simultane- Find (a, b, c, d) if[a, b, c, d] = 5/13 and Without retracing any part of your
tile, four 4 x 4 tiles, sixteen 3 x 3 tiles, ously at a tic-tac-toe board, each hitting a, b, c, and d are positive integers such path, draw five connected line segments
and twenty 2 x 2 tiles. Arrange the a different square. What is the proba- that that pass through all twelve points. The
tiles in a nonoverlapping rectangular bility that the three hits constituted a line segments must form a closed path,
arrangement that minimizes perimeter win at tic-tac-toe? [a,b,c,d]= 1 that is, the last segment must end
and maximizes symmetry. a+ _1_ where the first segment began.

Without retracing any part of your If n =3x + 3x + 3", then n2 equals which A sequence of numbers {a I> a2, a3, ... I A certain three-digit number in base
path, draw six connected line segments of the following? is defined by ten with no repeated digits can be
that pass through all sixteen points. expressed in baseR by reversing the
The line segments must form a closed (A) 93x (B) 272x (C) 9nl (D) 276r (E) al = -5, a 2 = 4, On =an-I - a n-2
digits. Find the smallest value of R.
path, that is, the 273x for n > 2. What is the sum of the first
last segment must. 1997 terms of the sequence?
end where the first
segment began.

If two marbles are removed at random How many multiples of 4 from A graphic artist is creating a logo to The digital root of a number is
from a bag containing black and white 1 through 10 000 do not contain any represent a company's image. The obtained by adding the digits of the
marbles, the chance that they are both of the digits 6, 7, 8, 9, or 0? artist wants to construct a circle that number until a single digit is obtained.
white is 113. If three are removed at is tangent to all three circles. How The digital root of943 561 is 1 because
random, the chance that. they are all many different logos can be made? 9 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 1 =28, 2 + 8 =10,
white is 116. How many marbles of Sorry, the three and 1 + 0 =1. Find all digital roots of
each color are in the bag? original circles triangular numbers that are not trian-
cannot be arranged gular numbers themselves.

Numbers of the form A 400-meter race is to be run on a Two players take turns removing one, Find numbers A. B, C, D, E, and F for
track that is 400 meters long when two, or three cards from a pack. A the six sectors so that the number in a
n(3n - l) measured along the innermost lane. player must never remove the same sector, or the total of the numbers in a
2 The track consists of straight parallel number of cards as has the previous set of adjacent
where n = 1, 2, 3, ... , are called sides, semicircular ends, and eight player. The winner is the one who sectors, gives all
pentagonal numbers. Consider the running lanes each 1.23 meters wide. either takes the last card or leaves the the integers from
string of digital roots formed by the How far apart should the starting other player with no valid moves. Is it 1 to 27 inclusive.
digital roots of successive pentagonal positions in neighboring lanes be an advantage to start if the pack has
numbers. How many numbers appear marked so that the distance run by four cards? Six cards?
in the string before it repeats? each competitor is the same?

©National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906 Association Drive, Reston. VA 20191-1593

34 295n
= 3
::: 11431.7n

Edited by John Grant McLoughlin,jgrantmcl@okuc02.okanagan.bc.ca, Okanagan

University College, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
Problems 1- 3 and 5-8 were contributed by Claudia Carter, Mississippi School for Mathe-
matics and Science, Columbus, Mississippi: Anita Clark, Marshall High School, Marshall,
Michigan: Catherine Mulligan, Bishop Fenwick High School, Middletown, Ohio; and
Susanne Westegaard, Montgomery-Lonsdale Public School, Montgomery, Minnesota.
Problem 4 was offered by Richard G. Brown, 7 Nelson Dr., Exeter, NH 03833. Problems
9, 10, and 16 were prepared by Margaret J. Kenney and Stanley J. Bezuszka, S.J., of the
Mathematics Institute, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3809. Problems 11-15
and 30 were adapted from Di~covering Mathematics: The Art of Investigation by A. Gardiner
v =- - + _ni (t9, 26-x)
___!...._ _~

(Oxford: Oxford Science Publications, 1987). Problems 19 and 20 were provided by Robert 3 3
H. Becker, 526 Harding Ave., Schillington, PA 19607-2802. Problems 17, 23, and 24 appear 2
ny 19v26
in the Second Book of Mathematical Bafflers, edited by Angela Fox Dunn (New York:
Dover Publications, 1983). Problems 18, 21, 22, and 25 were adapted from Cariboo Col- 3
lege High School Mathematics Contest Problems 1973-1992, edited by Jim Totten (Kam-
loops, B.C.: Cariboo College, 1992). Problems 26-29 were submitted by Barry Scully, York
Region Board of Education, Aurora, ON L4G 3H2. Problem 31 was adapted from The Math-
ematical Funfair by Brian Bolt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

List the numbers that sat-

(C). Sum of Multiple tion. In the twenties section, we
X Digits of7 find 62. Finally, when the thirties Using the Pythagorean theorem
isfy each event. section gets listed, we find 63. It to solve for x andy_gives y =
4 4 N
(A): 64, 69. 73, 78,82, 7,91,96, is located in positions 63 and 64 in 95/~ and x = 19"26. Substitut-
104. 109, 113. 118, 122, 127, 131, 10 1 N the listing of the natural numbers: ing for y gives
16 7 y
136,140,145,154,159,163,168, 123456789101112131415161718
172, 177, 181, 186, 190, 195 22 4 N 952 19, 26 171475Jr , 26
1920212223242526272829303132 Jr · - · - - = ·-
(B); 55, 60. 65, 70, ... ' 185, 190,
28 10 N 26 3 3 26
y 33343536373839404142434445 ....
195 34 7
= 11209.7n.
40 4 N -57 158.3n cubic units. This
(Cl: 53,54, 55,56,57,58,59,65,
75,85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135,145, 46 10 N result is obtained by rotating
y July 9th will appear as 7997.
15~ 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 52 7 about the side having length 19.
157.158,159,165, 175, 185, 195 58 13 N Detailed calculations follow: 28. The days in the three-by-
64 10 N three array can be represented as
Counting reveals that (C) has
70 7 y V =!nr 2h follows:
thirty elements, whereas (A} and 3
(B ) each have twenty-nine.
76 13 N
82 10 N
Jr · 95 2 · 19 n-8 n-7 1n-6
16, 34, 52, and 70. Consider 88 16 N 3
the third clue. If we combine it 94 13 N 171475n
=--- n-1 n n+l
with the first clue, we need only The numbers 16, 34, 52, and 70
consider the following numbers: 3
have digits that sum to a multiple
7, 16, 25,34, 43,52,59,61, 68, of7, as required. = 57158.3n n+6 n+7 n+B
70, 77, 86, and 95. Only even
numbers could possibly be 2 less
than a multiple of 6. Checking,
we find that 16, 34. 52, and 70
satisfy the conditions.
In the sequence, 63 appears
as the sixty-third and sixty-
fourth digits.
The first two-digit number
.-:::::'_-J?""Z 95
The difference of the products of
the opposite corners is
(n - 6)(n + 6)- (n - 8)(n + 8)
An alternative approach is beginning with 6 appears in the = (n2 - 36) - (n2 - 64)
offered here. The folio" ing values units section as 67. The next 1r · 19 • 95
V= - - = 28.
of x are 2 le s than a multiple of 6. appearance is 61, in the tens sec- 3 (Continued on page 375J

The Editorial Panel of the Mathematics Teacher is considering sets of problems submitted by individuals, classes of prospective teachers,
and mathematics clubs for publication in the calendar during the 1997-98 academic year. Please write to the senior journal editor, 1906
Association Driue, Reston, VA 20191·1593, for guidelines, or send your request through e-mail to infocentral@nctm.org, or obtain guide-
lines as document 803 from NCTM's Fax·on·Demand Service Center, (800) 220-8483.
Two other sourres of problems in calendar form are available from NCTM: "Calendars for the Calculating" (a set of nine monthly calendars
that onginally appeared from September 1983 to May 1984, order number 344, $7.00) and "A Year of Mathematics" (one annual calendar
that originally appeared in September 1982, order number 311, $3.50; set of five, order number 312, $7.00). Individual members receive a
20 percent discount off these prices. Write to NCTM, Department P, for the catalog of educational materials, which includes a listing for the
publication Exploratory Problems in Mathematics.-Ed.


7.7 square centimeters. The digit 7-flips. The argument will Exactly eight of these possibili- 14 yields the solution A= 4, B =3,
shaded area equals the area of hold for all possible numbers of ties-three columns, three rows, C =8. Checking, we find that 834 =
the square minus the area of the digits. Let abed be a 7-flip. Then and two diagonals-produce a 4 X 142 + 3 X 14 + 8.
four quarter-circles, or one circle. abed x 7 = dcba. Hence, a = 1. It tic-tac-toe win. The probability is
The shaded area is follows that d =3. Here is the 8/84, or 2121. Six white and four black
fundamental problem: abed x 7 > marbles. Note that the conditions
62 - Jl{3)2 = 36- 9Jr 7000, and the number dcba (2, 1, 1, 2). See figure 1. tell us indirectly that the chance
= 7.7. begins with 3. that the third marble is white
1 would be 112 iftwo white marbles
(a) 2 178. Consider that had already been drawn. Hence,
abed x 4 = dcba. Observe that a the box contains two more white
must be even. Hence, a = 2. (w) marbles than black (b) mar-
Therefore, d = 8 or 9. Since the bles. The total number of marbles
result of d x 4 ends in 2, d = 8. It can be represented as 2w - 2
follows that the quantity 4 x c + 3 because b = w - 2.
ends in b; hence, b is odd. In fact, Hence,
12. The minimum sum is b = 1. Then c = 2 or 7. Checking,
obtained from 2, 4, and 6, which we find that c equals 7.
when multiplied produce 48. (b) 21 978. A similar argument
Note that 6 + 8 = 14 is the small- can be used.
est sum of two integers that have
a product of 48. Replacing 6 with 2 1067eoght· Let abed X 7 =
and 3 reduces the sum to 13; the dcba in base eight. Therefore, a = This expression simplifies to
result of 12 is found by replacing 1 and d = 7. Hence, the quantity 7 2 (C J ~+I
8 with 2 and 4 instead. Note that x c + 6 ends in b, and b = 0 w(w-1) 1
2 x 3 x 2 x 4 = 48 and that 2 + 3 + because if it did not, the regroup- n2 =(3' + 3' + 31 ) 2
2 + 4 = 11. However, the set of ing in base eight would produce a = (3 . 3')2 (2w - 2)(2w-3) 3
integers would include two 2s, five-digit number. It follows that c = (31+1)2
which is not allowed. equals 6. Factoring out (w - 1), we get
= {32)r.l
w 1
One possibility is shown.
Place mirror here.
To minimize the perimeter,
the dimensions must be 18 x 18.
=~+ I
2(2w-3) =a·
9. The sequence begins 2(2w- 3) = 3w,

5 1-5, 4, 9, 5, -4, -9, -5, 4, .. .1.

Note that the cycle -5, 4, 9, 5-4,
-9 repeats indefinitely. The sum
of the numbers in the cycle is 0.
Hence, b = 6 - 2 = 4.

... II\ ..
1 Since 1997 has a remainder of 5 156. The only one-digit
when divided by 6, the sum of the multiple of 4 would be 4. The two-
first 1997 terms equals -5 + 4 + digit multiples of 4 would be
9 +5-4, or 9. restricted to 12, 24, 32, 44, and
0 2x2 52. These same numbers, namely,
D 3x3 Fourteen. Suppose that the
digits are A, B, and C such that
12, 24, 32, 44, and 52, would be
1 1089 x9=9801
D 4x4 CBA = ABCR where R ~ 3, since
A, 8, and Care unequal.
the "endings" oflarger numbers
that are multiples of 4. Hence, 5 x
5 = 25 three-digit numbers and
1 10 989 6x6 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 four-digit numbers
lOOC + IOB +A =R2 ·A + RB +C would be allowed. Note that the
.. 99C=(R2 - l)A+(R- 10)8 hundreds digits, the thousands
digits, or both can be any of 1, 2,
edcba 2121. Exactly
Values of R from 3 through 13 3, 4, 5.
Observe that a = 1; hence, e = 9. The total number of acceptable
(:)=3~~! =84
produce no integral solution
It follows that b = 0 or 1. If b = 1, (A, 8, C) for which A, B, and C multiples of 4 is given by 125 +
the quantity 9 x d + 8 must end are distinct and less than R or 25 + 5 + 1.
in 1, which implies that d = 7. possibilities must be considered. 10, whichever is smaller. But R =
Proceeding, we find that b = 1 Eight. The following dia-
does not produce a workable solu- gram shows the various solu-
tion. Therefore, b = 0. Hence, the 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 tions. Note that each of the three
- = -= - = -=--= --=
quantity 9 x d + 8 must end in 0. 13 13 3 1 1 1 1 original circles can be internally
This restriction implies that d - 2+- 2+- 2+- 2+ - 2+ - - or externally tangent to the
5 2 1 1
must be 8. Then the result of9 x c + 5 -5 1+ - 1+ - 1+ - fourth circle. This fact accounts
8 must end in c. Therefore, c = 9. 3 3 3
- 1+ -
1 for the 2 x 2 x 2 =8 different
2 2 arrangements of the circles.
1 Consider the case of four- Fig. 1 (Continued on page 379)

Vol. 90, No. 5 • May 1997 375

-- CAa!E.f.(pAR -Conttn.ued from page :riff- ~ __ __ _
Lane 1: 2p + rrr + rrr, or 2p + 2rrr;
Lane 2: 2p + rr(r + 1.23) + 1r(r + 1.23), or 2p + 2w + 2.46Jr;
Lane 3: 2p + Jr(r + 2.46) + Tr(r + 2.46), or 2p + 271T + 4.92rr;
Lane 4: 2p + rr(r + 3.69) + Tr(r + 3.69), or 2p + 2w + 7.38Tr:
and so on.
The difference between distances of adjacent lanes is
(Source: adapted from an idea in The Joy of Mathe- 2.46Jrmeters. Therefore, the starting positions from one
matics by Theoni Pappas [San Carlos, Calif.: Wide lane to another should be staggered 2.46rrmeters apart. In
World Publishing!l'etra, 1986].) this way, all runners will race the same distance. In fact, the answer does not depend
on the number of lanes.
The only such digital root is 9. Observe in the
following chart that the "digital-root pattern" repeats. 3 Four cards, no; six cards, yes. With four cards, the person who starts is destined
The only digital roots of triangular numbers are 1, 3, to lose. Selecting either one or three cards makes the winning move almost automat·
ic. The second player would remove the remaining cards.
6, and 9, the first three of which are triangular num-
bers themselves. Suppose that the first player removes two cards. The second player must rem.ove
one card because he or she must take a different number of cards than the prev10us
Triangular Numbers Digital Root player did. The remaining one card cannot be removed because one card was just
1 IT' removed. Hence, the second player wins. . .
3 3 With six cards, if the first player removes two cards, the second player ts m the
position of removing one or three cards. Thus, the first player can remove three cards
6 6 or one card to win.
10 1
15 6 31 A =1, B =2, C =5, D =9, E =6, F =4. Note that another so.lution set,
21 3 A1 8 1 C1 D1 E1 Fl> could be used as long as the cycle 1, 2, 5, 9, 6, 4 ts preserved. The
28 1 respective sums can be obtained as follows:
36 9 1, 2, 1 + 2, 4, 4 + 1, 6, 2 + 5, 1 + 2 + 5, 9, 6 + 4, 6 + 4 + 1, 4 + 1 + 2 + 5, 6 + 4 + 1 + 2, 5 + 9,
45 _L 9 + 6, 2 + 5 + 9, 1 + 2 + 5 + 9, 6 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 5, 9 + 6 + 4, 5 + 9 + 6, 4 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 9, 2 +
55 1 5 + 9 + 6, 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 6, 5 + 9 + 6 + 4, 5 + 9 + 6 + 4 + 1, 2 + 5 + 9 + 6 + 4, and 1 + 2 +
66 3 5 +9 + 6+4. @
78 6
91 1
105 6 D&H Dis•ribu•ing
120 3
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Vol. 90, No. 5 • May 1997 379

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