Bebe Chocolat Pattern

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Bébé Chocolat

Materials: 3 balls Silver Lining Merino from Skeinz, 4mm circular needle, 4mm DPNs if required for sleeves (or use magic loop),
4 stitch markers, 2 lengths waste yarn or stitch holders x2, 3 buttons, wool needle, scissors, tape measure. Scraps of yarn of you
choose to add motif.

Tension: 22sts x 30 rows over 10cm

Finished size: 6 - 12 months. Finished chest measurement 50cm

K - Knit SSK – Slip the 2 stitches on the LH needle (as if to knit) to
P - Purl the RH needle, keeping the 2 slipped stitches facing in this
Moss Stitch – K 1 , P 1 on the RS then P 1, K 1 on WS
(opposite of ribbing) direction, transfer them back to the LH needle. Purl the 2
RS/WS - Right/wrong side stitches together through the back loops
K2tog – Knit 2 stitches together st - stitch
P2tog - Purl 2 stitches together kfb - knit into front & back
pm - place marker yo - yarn over
sm - slip marker
Pattern Instructions
Cast on: 58 sts and k 1, p 1 (Moss Stitch) 1 row (RS)
Sleeve set-up:
Next (WS) row, Moss 12 sts for front, pm, Moss 7 sts for sleeve, pm, Moss 20 sts for back, pm,
Moss 7 sts for sleeve, pm, Moss 12 sts for front.
(RS) *Moss to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3 times, moss to end
(WS) Moss until End
Repeat these two rows once more.
Buttonhole Row: (RS) K 1, P 1, YO, P2tog, *Moss to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3
times, moss to end
(WS): Moss until End
(RS) *Moss four sts, k to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3 times, k to last 4 sts - moss
to end
(WS) Moss first 4 sts, p to last 4 sts - moss to end
Repeat these two rows 3 times more.
Buttonhole Row: (RS) K 1, P 1, YO, P2tog, *K to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3
times, k to last 4 sts - moss to end
(WS) Moss first 4 sts, p to last 4 sts - moss to end
(RS) *Moss four sts, k to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3 times, k to last 4 sts - moss
to end
(WS) Moss first 4 sts, p to last 4 sts - moss to end
Repeat these two rows 3 times more.
Buttonhole Row: (RS) K 1, P 1, YO, P2tog, *K to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3
times, k to last 4 sts - moss to end
(WS) Moss first 4 sts, p to last 4 sts - moss to end
(RS) *Moss four sts, k to 1 st before m, kfb, slm, kfb, Repeat from * 3 times, k to last 4 sts - moss
to end
(WS) Moss first 4 sts, p to last 4 sts - moss to end
Repeat these two rows 3 times more.
Divide for sleeves and body
Use wool needle to thread waste yarn.
(RS) Moss first 4 sts, k to 1st m (remove marker), cast on using backwards loop 2 sts then slip
sleeve st onto waste yarn. K across back, cast on using backwards loop 2 sts, slide 2nd set of
sleeve st onto waste yarn, k to last 4 sts - moss to end
(WS) Moss first 4 sts, p to last 4 sts - moss to end
(RS) Moss first 4 sts, k to last 4 sts - moss to end
Work the last two rows until garment measures 10cm from underarm.
Work 8 rows Moss stitch.
Cast off in Moss Stitch.
If you are adding the sheep motif – work from chart starting at 3cm from underarms and work
down from row 22 on chart. The Anchor Motif at 2cm from underarm.
Sleeves – both alike.
Pick up 1 st starting from the live stitches on the right hand side. PM, pick up 1 more st, knit
around the remaining stitches to the marker to complete the round.
Knit two rounds.
Decrease Round: K1 K2tog, knit to last 3 sts, SSK, K1
Work 5 rounds.
Repeat these two rounds 4 more times.
Moss the next 4 rounds
Cast off in Moss stitch.

Weave in ends, and either wet block or steam before wear.

Sheep Motif Chart

Nautical Themed Cardigan.

3 balls Heritage Organic Merino Lt
Worsted - Oxford Navy
Contrast of Cream and Gold yarn –
suggestions Heritage OM Ecru & Orb

3 Balls Vintage DK – Navy

Contrast: Vintage Porcelain & Sweetcorn

3 Balls Vinatge DK – Carmine

Contrast: Vintage Navy & Sweetcorn

© Copyright This pattern is the intellectual property of Maree Buscke and Skeinz and is not to be copied or reproduced for
commercial use without permission from the author.

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