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IBM Spectrum Protect

Version 8.1.9

Server Messages and Error Codes

Before you use this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page

This edition applies to version 8, release 1, modification 9 of IBM Spectrum Protect (product numbers 5725-W98, 5725-
W99, 5725-X15, 5725-X18) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993, 2019.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.

About this publication............................................................................................v

Who should read this publication................................................................................................................ v
Publications ................................................................................................................................................. v

Chapter 1. Introduction to messages......................................................................1

IBM Spectrum Protect server and client messages format........................................................................1
Interpreting return code messages.............................................................................................................2
Example one for QUERY EVENT command............................................................................................3
Example two for DEFINE VOLUME command....................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2. ANE messages...................................................................................... 5

ANE messages list........................................................................................................................................5

Chapter 3. ANR messages.................................................................................... 49

ANR messages list..................................................................................................................................... 49

Chapter 4. I/O code descriptions in server messages........................................ 1013

Device drivers completion code and operation code descriptions overview...................................... 1014
Completion code values common to all device classes................................................................. 1014
Completion code values for media changers.................................................................................. 1015
Completion code values for tape drives..........................................................................................1017
Standard ASC and ASCQ codes descriptions........................................................................................1019
ASC and ASCQ codes in the Windows Event Log entries................................................................1023

Chapter 5. Device error codes in the AIX system error log................................. 1025

Appendix A. Accessibility.................................................................................1027

Glossary.......................................................................................................... 1033

About this publication
IBM Spectrum Protect is an enterprise-wide storage management application for the network. It provides
automated storage management services to multi-vendor workstations, personal computers, and local
area network (LAN) file servers.
This publication contains explanations and suggested actions for messages issued by the IBM Spectrum
Protect server.

Who should read this publication

The target audience for this publication is system administrators who service the IBM Spectrum Protect
components. In this publication, it is assumed that you have a working knowledge of the IBM Spectrum
Protect server and client components.

The IBM Spectrum Protect product family includes IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, IBM Spectrum Protect for
Virtual Environments, IBM Spectrum Protect for Databases, and several other storage management
products from IBM®.
To view IBM product documentation, see IBM Knowledge Center.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 v

vi IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
Chapter 1. Introduction to messages

Messages, error codes, and return codes are issued by the IBM Spectrum Protect server and clients.
Messages and codes can appear on the server console, the administrative client, an operator terminal, the
administrative graphical user interface, the backup-archive client, or the hierarchical storage managment
client (HSM client).
IBM Spectrum Protect provides an activity log to help the administrator track server activity and monitor
the system. The activity log contains messages generated by the server, and is stored in the database.
The server automatically deletes messages from the activity log after they have passed the specified
retention period. Any messages sent to the server console are stored in the activity log. Examples of the
types of messages stored in the activity log include:
• When client sessions start or end
• When migration starts or ends
• When backed up files are expired from server storage
• Any output generated from background processes
Some messages have no explanations and are not published. The client can send statistics to the server
providing information about a backup or restore. These statistics are informational messages that can be
enabled or disabled to the various event logging receivers. These messages are not published.
Related tasks
Using the activity log (V7.1.1)

IBM Spectrum Protect server and client messages format

IBM Spectrum Protect server and client messages consist of the following elements:
• A three-letter prefix. Messages have different prefixes to help you identify the IBM Spectrum Protect
component that issues the message. Typically, all messages for a component have the same prefix.
Sometimes a component issues messages with two or three different prefixes.
For example, backup-archive clients issue messages with the ANS prefix. Backup-archive client events
that are logged to the server have the ANE prefix. Server common and server platform-specific
messages have the ANR prefix.
• A numeric message identifier.
• A one-letter severity code. The following codes indicate the severity of the action that generated the

Code Severity Meaning

S Severe The product or a product function cannot continue. User response is
E Error An error is encountered during processing. Processing might stop. User
response might be required.
W Warning Processing continues, but problems might occur later as a result of the
I Information Processing continues. User response is not necessary.
• Message text that is displayed on screen and written to message logs.
• Explanation, System Action, and User Response texts. These texts elaborate on the message text, and
are available in the product messages publications and in the command line help.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 1

The following image presents a typical IBM Spectrum Protect server message.
The callouts identify each element of the message.

Message variables in the message text appear in italics.

Interpreting return code messages

Many different commands can generate the same return code. The following examples are illustrations of
two different commands issued that result in the same return code; therefore, you must read the
descriptive message for the command.
In these examples, two different commands yield the same return code, but they also return descriptive
messages that are unique to each command. The two commands are q event standard dddd and
def vol cstg05 primary. Both yield a generic message with return code:

ANS5102I: Return Code 11.

But the first command also yields a descriptive message:

ANR2034I: QUERY EVENT: No match found for this query.

And the second command also yields a unique, descriptive message:

2 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANRxxxx: DEFINE VOLUME: Storage pool CSTG05 is not defined.

Example one for QUERY EVENT command

Example two for DEFINE VOLUME command

Chapter 1. Introduction to messages 3

4 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
Chapter 2. ANE messages

ANE messages are issued by the server. All messages with the ANE prefix are client events logged to the

ANE messages list

Messages are listed in ascending numerical order. All elements of the message are documented.
For a list of new, changed, and deleted server messages, see the following files in the server installation
This file contains all new, changed, and deleted messages from the previous server version to the
current version.
This file contains all new, changed, and deleted messages from the current server version to the
current release.
These files are in the installation_directory\doc directory for Windows operating systems and the
installation_directory/server/bin/ directory for all other operating systems.
These files are also available in New, changed, and deleted server messages on the IBM Spectrum
Protect wiki.
ANE4000E Error processing 'filespace-name': Explanation
file space does not exist. The specified file space was expected to be found on
the server, but it no longer exists. It is possible that a
Explanation command was issued to delete the file space from the
The specified file space (domain) is incorrect or does server while the current operation was in progress.
not exist on the workstation. If the message results
from the BACKUP IMAGE command with the - System action
MODE=INCREMENTAL option, it means that you have IBM Spectrum Protect processing stops.
entered the name of a raw logical volume. The
MODE=INCREMENTAL option is not valid for raw
logical volumes. User response
Try the operation again. If the problem recurs, check
System action the error log for any other messages that might
indicate a reason for the failure. Try to correct any
Processing stops. indicated problems, then try the operation again. If the
problem persists, contact IBM technical support for
User response further assistance.
Try the operation again, specifying an existing domain ANE4002E Error processing 'filespace-name':
(drive letter or file system name). If the message volume label does not exist
resulted from improper use of the
MODE=INCREMENTAL option, try the command again,
omitting that option.
The selected drive does not have a label.
ANE4001E The file space for domain
'filespace-name' could not be
found on the IBM Spectrum System action
Protect server. IBM Spectrum Protect is unable to do the requested
operation without a drive or label entered.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 5

User response System action
If the drive is a floppy drive, place a disk with a volume File skipped.
label in it and retry the operation. If the disk is a hard
drive, ensure the drive has a volume label, and retry User response
the operation.
ANE4003E Error processing 'filespace-name':
duplicate volume label ANE4006E Error processing 'filespace
encountered namepath-namefile-name':
directory path not found
The selected drive has a duplicate volume label.
Because IBM Spectrum Protect uses the volume label The operating system returned a "path not found"
to keep track of backup/archive information, it cannot status when IBM Spectrum Protect attempted to
back up or archive files from a drive with a duplicate access the directory. You either have specified a
volume label. directory that does not exist, as shown in the message
(path-name), or the directory being processed no
longer exists on the client because another process
System action
deleted it before it could be backed up or archived by
IBM Spectrum Protect cannot select the drive. IBM Spectrum Protect.

User response System action

If the volume needs to be available to the system, exit The directory is skipped, processing continues
IBM Spectrum Protect, and assign a volume label to
the drive. Restart IBM Spectrum Protect and retry the User response
Recheck all spelling and punctuation, particularly the
ANE4004E Error processing 'filespace placement of directory delimiters (for example, "\").
namepath-namefile-name': Correct the syntax if it is incorrect, then retry the
destination file or directory is operation. Ensure that the path is specified correctly
write locked and that the directory actually exists. Retry the
command with the corrected path and directory name.
Explanation If you cannot correct the directory name, use the
Exclude option to exclude the directory from the
The file or directory being restored or retrieved from operation.
the server cannot be written to because the
destination is write locked. Another operation might ANE4007E Error processing 'filespace
have the file open and will not allow it to be updated. namepath-namefile-name': access
to the object is denied
System action
File skipped.
Access to the specified file or directory is denied. You
User response tried to read from or write to a file and you do not have
access permission for either the file or the directory.
Either determine which operation has the file write
locked, or restore the file to another name or location.
System action
ANE4005E Error processing 'filespace Processing stopped.
namepath-namefile-name': file not
User response
Explanation Ensure that you specified the correct file or directory
name, correct the permissions, or specify a new
The file being processed for backup, archive or migrate location.
no longer exists on the client. Another process deletes
the file before it can be backed up, archived or
migrated by IBM Spectrum Protect.

6 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANE4008E Error processing 'filespace ANE4011E Error processing 'filespace
namepath-namefile-name': file is namepath-namefile-name': no file
temporarily unavailable handles available

Explanation Explanation
File is temporarily unavailable. All file handles for your system are currently in use. No
more are available.
System action
System action
File skipped.
Processing stopped.
User response
User response
Check and see if file is locked by other process. If not,
retry the command. Either free some file handles by ending other
processes, or modify your system setup to allow for
ANE4009E Error processing 'filespace more files to be open at the same time.
namepath-namefile-name': disk
full condition ANE4012E 'filespace namepath-namefile-
name' already exists. It will be
Explanation skipped.

No more files can be restored or retrieved because the

destination disk is full.
The client tried to restore or retrieve the specified file,
System action but the file already existed in the target restore
location and the user chose not to replace the existing
The client prompts you for action: file.
• Retry this object
• Skip this object System action
• Abort the action The file is skipped, a message is logged in
dsmerror.log, and restore or retrieve processing
User response continues with the next object.

Select the appropriate action for this object. Create User response
some free space on the destination disk before you
retry the operation. Another option is to restore or The file was skipped because either REPLACE NO was
retrieve the file to another disk. in effect, causing all existing files and directories to be
skipped, or REPLACE PROMPT was in effect, and when
ANE4010E Error processing 'filespace prompted, the user chose to skip this file or all existing
namepath-namefile-name': stale directories and files. No additional action is necessary
NFS handle if the decision to skip the file was deliberate.
Otherwise the operation can be retried using either
An NFS file system becomes stale. ANE4013E Error processing 'filespace
namepath-namefile-name': invalid
System action file handle
File system skipped.

User response An internal system error occurred. A file operation

failed because an invalid file handle was passed.
Verify that the NFS file system is mounted. If the
problem persists, unmount and remount the file
System action
system, then try the operation again.
Processing stopped.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 7

User response System action
Report the problem to your system administrator, and File skipped.
then retry the operation.
ANE4014E Error processing 'filespace User response
namepath-namefile-name': Stop the operation that is running the file and retry the
unknown system error (error-code) operation, or restore or retrieve the file to a different
encountered. Program ending. name or directory.
ANE4017E Error processing 'filespace
namepath-namefile-name': too
An unrecognized and unexpected error-code occurred many symbolic links were
within the client program. This is a programming detected while resolving name
failure and the client program ends.
System action
While trying to resolve the file name, too many
processing stops. symbolic links were found.

User response System action

Try the operation again. If the problem continues, File skipped.
report the error to your IBM Spectrum Protect
administrator. User response
ANE4015E Error processing 'filespace Ensure that you do not have a looping symbolic link for
namepath-namefile-name': the file.
unexpected IBM Spectrum Protect
error (error-code) encountered ANE4018E Error processing 'filespace
namepath-namefile-name': file
name too long
An unexpected error occurred. This might be a low- Explanation
level system or communication error that IBM
Spectrum Protect cannot handle or recover from. The file name specified is too long to be handled by
IBM Spectrum Protect.
System action
System action
processing stops.
File is skipped.
User response
User response
Try the operation again. If the problem continues, look
for other indications of system problems to determine See the appropriate Using the Backup-Archive Client
where the problem exists. Most systems have error or book for the particular operating system, for the file
event logs which may contain additional information. names that are handled by IBM Spectrum Protect.
See your system administrator or IBM Spectrum ANE4019E Error processing 'filespace
Protect administrator for further help. namepath-namefile-name': file
ANE4016E Error processing 'filespace system is locked by system
namepath-namefile-name': file is
being executed; write permission Explanation
File system cannot be accessed because it is locked by
the system.
The current file cannot be opened to write to because System action
it is currently being run by another operation.
IBM Spectrum Protect cannot complete the operation.

8 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
See your system administrator. The drive was not available for access.
ANE4020E The data format for object
'filespace namepath-namefile- System action
name' is unknown. The unknown processing stops.
format usually occurs when the
file was backed up or archived by User response
a later version of IBM Spectrum
Protect. Ensure that the drive is operational, and then try the
operation again. If this is unsuccessful, check the error
Explanation log.

When a file is backed up or archived, IBM Spectrum ANE4023E Error processing 'filespace
Protect includes some additional information about namepath-namefile-name': file
the file. This message is issued if IBM Spectrum input/output error
Protect cannot recognize the information during a
restore or retrieve operation. The most likely cause is Explanation
that the file was backed up or archived with a newer
An error was found while reading from or writing to the
version of IBM Spectrum Protect. If the file was
backed up from a case-preserving but not case-
sensitive file system, the file name might be displayed
with incorrect casing. The incorrect casing does not System action
otherwise affect processing since the file is skipped. File skipped.

System action User response

The file is not restored or retrieved. Processing Check your system to ensure that it is operating
continues with the next file. properly. For OS/2, run CHKDSK /F for the failing drive
which can be found in dsmerror.log.
User response
ANE4024E Error processing 'filespace
Try the restore or retrieve operation again with a namepath-namefile-name': file
current version of the IBM Spectrum Protect client write error
software. If the problem persists, contact IBM
technical support for further assistance. Explanation
ANE4021E Error processing 'filespace An error was found while writing to the file.
namepath-namefile-name': file
system not ready
System action

Explanation File skipped.

The file system/drive was not ready for access.

User response

System action Check your system to ensure that it is operating

Processing stopped.
ANE4025E Error processing 'filespace
User response namepath-namefile-name': file
exceeds user or system file limit
Ensure that the drive is available to IBM Spectrum
Protect, and then retry the operation. Explanation
ANE4022E Error processing 'filespace A file being backed up/restored or archived/retrieved
namepath-namefile-name': file exceeds system set limits for this user. Shown below
system is invalid. are the filesize limits corresponding to various

Chapter 2. ANE messages 9

AIX User response
68,589,453,312 (64GB)
Restore or retrieve this file on a system that supports
HP-UX the file size. See your system administrator.
1,099,511,627,775 (1TB-1)
ANE4027S Error processing 'filespace
Linux namepath-namefile-name':
2,147,483,647 (2GB)
internal program message 'value'
Mac pre-OS9 encountered
2,147,482,624 (2GB-1K)
Mac OS9 Explanation
18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (16EB)
An unexpected catastrophic program failure occurred,
NetWare indicated by value.
4,294,963,200 (4GB -4KB)
NUMA-Q DYNIX/ptx System action
4.5 1,095,216,660,480 (1TB-4GB)
Processing stopped.
4,294,967,295 (4GB)
User response
18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (16EB-1) Retry the operation. If the problem continues, see your
system administrator or service representative.
Solaris 2.6 or higher
1,099,511,627,775 (1TB-1) ANE4028E Error processing 'filespace
Tru64 UNIX namepath-namefile-name': cannot
1,099,511,627,776 (1TB) create file/directory entry

2,147,483,647 (2GB)
Windows ME (FAT32) The directory path for files being restored or retrieved
4,294,967,295 (4GB) cannot be created.
Windows NT/2000 (NTFS)
17,592,185,978,880 (16TB-64K) System action
File skipped.
System action
File skipped. User response
Ensure that you have the proper authorization to
User response create the directory for file being restored or retrieved.
Ensure that the system limits are set properly. ANE4029E Error processing 'filespace
namepath-namefile-name': unable
ANE4026W Error processing 'filespace to build a directory path; a file
namepath-namefile-name': size of exists with the same name as a
'file-size' exceeded the maximum directory
file size limit on your system
IBM Spectrum Protect tried to create a directory path,
You tried to restore or retrieve a file that has exceeded but is unable to because a file exists that has the same
the maximum file size limitation on your system. name as a directory.

System action System action

IBM Spectrum Protect cannot restore or retrieve the Processing stopped.

10 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Remove the file that has the same name as the Reduce the size of the filename so that it is smaller
directory. Refer to the last restore/retrieve operation that the IBM Spectrum Protect internal limits.
and check all directories along the path.
ANE4032E Error processing 'filespace
ANE4030E Error processing 'filespace namepath-namefile-name': file is
namepath-namefile-name': disk not compressed.
space limit for this process
reached Explanation
A file that was flagged as compressed was not
compressed, and the system failed.
The disk space allocated for the client owner is full.
System action
System action
Processing stopped.
Processing stopped.
User response
User response
See your system administrator to report this problem.
Free up disk space and retry the restore or retrieve This error is a system failure.
ANE4033E Error processing 'filespace
ANE4031E Error processing namepath-namefile-name': file
'file_space_namepath_namefile_na compressed on a different client
me'. Name exceeds an internal machine that has more memory
IBM Spectrum Protect limit.
You are trying to restore a file that was backed up and
During a file operation, IBM Spectrum Protect compressed on another client workstation that had
encountered a filename where at least one component more memory than your client workstation. You
of the file name (file_space_name, path_name or cannot restore this file. When the file is restored, it is
directory_name or file_name) exceeded an internal expanded and your workstation does not have enough
IBM Spectrum Protect maximum. The internal IBM memory.
Spectrum Protect limits should not be confused with
the operating system limits for file_space_name, System action
path_name or directory_name, file_name.
IBM Spectrum Protect canceled the operation.
Shown below are the IBM Spectrum Protect internal
file name limits for various platforms.
User response
AIX HP-UX Solaris Obtain a machine with more memory and retry the
File_space_name 1024
Path_name or directory_name 1023 operation.
File_name 256
ANE4034E Error processing 'filespace
File_space_name 1024
Path_name or directory_name 768 unknown system error
File_name 256

Windows XP/2000/2003 Explanation

File_space_name 1024
Path_name or directory_name 248 An unknown error occurred. This might be a low-level
File_name 248
system or communication error that IBM Spectrum
Protect cannot handle or recover from.
System action
System action
The file is skipped.
Processing stopped.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 11

User response User response
Retry the operation. If the problem continues, If you want the file backed up, archived, or migrated,
determine where the problem exists. See your system retry the operation. If it fails, determine why the object
administrator for further help. is being changed. For more information on backing up,
archiving, or migrating changing objects, see your
ANE4035W File 'filespace namepath-namefile- system administrator.
name' currently unavailable on
server. ANE4038E An error occurred processing file
system 'filespace name'.
You tried to restore or retrieve a file that is currently
not available from the IBM Spectrum Protect server. File system 'filespace name' is corrupted or contains
one or more corrupted directories and cannot be
System action processed.

IBM Spectrum Protect Cannot restore or retrieve the

System action
File system is skipped.
User response
User response
Try to restore or retrieve after the file was made
available on the server. See your system administrator. Check your system to ensure that it is operating
properly. For the Windows environment, run CHKDSK
ANE4036E An error occurred saving the utility for the failing drive. More information about
registry key. corrupted directories can be found in dsmerror.log.

Explanation ANE4039E Error processing 'filespace

The active registry key cannot be copied to the compressed file is corrupted and
ADSM.SYS staging directory. cannot be expanded.

System action Explanation

Registry backup operation terminates. The compressed file cannot be expanded correctly due
to one of the following reasons:
User response
There is a problem on the tape.
Check the space available on the Windows boot There is a communications problem.
partition to ensure there enough space to contain a The compressed file was corrupted on the IBM
copy of the Windows registry. This might require Spectrum Protect Server.
several megabytes of free space. Also check the
Windows permissions on the ADSM.SYS staging
System action
directory and ensure that the Windows user under
which you are running IBM Spectrum Protect has full File skipped.
access to that directory and its contents.
ANE4037E Object 'file-namefile-namefile- User response
name' changed during processing. 1) The compressed file is corrupted because there is a
Object skipped. problem on the tape. To know if this is the problem,
please issue the following command on the IBM
Explanation Spectrum Protect Server: audit volume
<volume_name> fix=no If there is any problem
The specified file-name was skipped during backup, reported, you could move the data from that volume to
archive, or migrate because it was changing during the a new one (see command MOVE DATA) and try again
attempt to process it. the restore. 2) There are communications problems
between the IBM Spectrum Protect Server and the
System action IBM Spectrum Protect Client and the results is that the
IBM Spectrum Protect skipped the object. file is corrupted during the transmission. If you use a
gigabit ethernet adapter on the Server please upgrade

12 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

the card driver (AIX platform) or add provided by SUN System action
suggested changes to some system network options
The file is skipped.
which have resolved this problem (SUN platform). 3)
Please verify with your network support if during the
restore there are no any problems between the IBM User response
Spectrum Protect Client/Server that is originating the Check the disk for errors.
file corruption.
ANE4044E Error processing 'filespace-
ANE4040E Error processing 'filespace namepath-namefile-name': Case-
namepath-namefile-name': file sensitive name conflict exists.
system filespace name has
exceeded its space management
While processing the specified file on the workstation,
Explanation another file name was encountered with a similar
name which only differed in case. The Backup-Archive
IBM Spectrum Protect detects that the file system has client does not allow names which differ only in case
exceeded its quota. No more data can be migrated out on this platform and cannot guarantee the integrity of
of this file system. the file, so the file is skipped.

System action System action

IBM Spectrum Protect will not migrate files from this This object will be skipped.
file system.
User response
User response
Rename the file in question to a unique name.
Recall some files, or ask the system administrator to
increase the quota for this file system. ANE4045E Error processing 'filespace-
namepath-namefile-name': Case-
ANE4041E A Windows Server 2008 or 2008 sensitive name conflict exists. The
R2 VMware guest cannot be directory tree will be skipped.
restored with a non-Windows data

Explanation While processing the specified file on the workstation,

another object name was encountered with a similar
A Windows data mover must run certain commands to name which only differed in case. The Backup-Archive
complete the restore of the Active Directory. Non- client does not allow names which differ only in case
Windows data movers do not have the necessary tools on this platform and cannot guarantee the integrity of
to complete this operation. Windows VMware guests the file, so the directory and all of the objects
that are at Windows Server 2012 or higher are not contained within it are skipped.
affected by this restriction.
System action
System action
This object will be skipped.
Processing stops.
User response
User response
Rename the file in question to a unique name.
Use a Windows data mover to complete this action.
ANE4046E There is an error processing
ANE4042E Object name 'filespace namepath- 'filespace-namepath-namefile-
namefile-name' contains one or name': the object is corrupted and
more unrecognized characters and unreadable.
is not valid.
You tried to read from or write to a file or directory that
The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is corrupted. The corrupted file is skipped. If this is a
is incorrect.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 13

directory, the objects contained in the directory and its User response
subdirectories are skipped.
Review the IBM Spectrum Protect error.log for LAN-
Free failures. Check your LAN-Free setup and verify
System action that all components are working properly.
This object will be skipped. ANE4049I Established LAN-Free connection.

User response Explanation

Check your system to ensure that the filespace is not ENABLELANFREE option is set to YES for this session
corrupted by using system tools like chkdsk and the IBM Spectrum Protect client successfully
(Windows) or fsck (UNIX). established LAN-Free connection with server, after the
ANE4047E There is a read error on 'file- LAN-Free connection was broken.
namefile-namefile-name'. The file
is skipped. System action
The IBM Spectrum Protect client will communicate
Explanation with the server via LAN-Free.
The specified file-name was skipped during backup
archive because the file could not be read. User response
If you are performing a JFS2 snapshot based Review the IBM Spectrum Protect error.log for LAN-
operation, it is possible that the snapshot was not Free errors. Check your LAN-Free setup and verify that
large enough to contain all the changes made to the all components are working properly.
filesystem after the snapshot was created. This could
cause the snapshot to become invalid thereby ANE4050W Scheduled action 'schedule-action'
preventing IBM Spectrum Protect client from reading did not execute for schedule
the snapshot. 'schedule-name' as the IBM
Spectrum Protect administrator
has been disabled from executing
System action the scheduled action on the client.
IBM Spectrum Protect skipped the file.
User response One or more of the client options - schedcmddisabled,
Check your system to ensure that it is operating srvprepostscheddisabled, srvprepostsnapdisabled,
properly. restretrscheddisabled, have been set to YES on the
client thereby preventing the IBM Spectrum Protect
If you are performing a JFS2 snapshot based administrator from executing one of the following
operation, please use the default snapshotcachesize scheduled actions on the client - preschedule,
of 100% and ensure that the volume group has postschedule, presnapshot, postsnapshot or
sufficient disk space to allocate snapshots at least as scheduled operating system commands, restore or
large as the file system and retry the operation. retrieve operations.
ANE4048W LAN-Free connection failed.
System action
Explanation The scheduled operation will not be executed and a
ENABLELANFREE option is set to YES for this session, message will be logged to IBM Spectrum Protect
but an attempt to establish LAN-Free connection Server indicating this.
User response
System action None required.
The IBM Spectrum Protect client will failover to non ANE4051E Error processing 'filespace
LAN-Free support. namepath-namefile-name': The
decryption option is in effect, but
the user ID under which back-up
or archive is being run is not

14 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

authorized to decrypt this • If the user ID under which restore is being run does
encrypted-file-system (EFS) file. not have write permission for the directory, the
permissions must be changed or the restore must be
Explanation run under a different user ID

The file being processed is encrypted by an encrypted ANE4053E Error processing 'filespace path
file system (EFS). The option is specified to back-up or filename': The file cannot be
archive the file in decrypted form. The user ID under restored because the file system
which the back-up or archive is being run does not or operating system does not
have decryption rights for this file. support the Encrypting File
System (EFS) data.
System action
The file is skipped.
The specified object was backed-up as raw Encrypting
File System (EFS) data. The client is trying to restore or
User response
retrieve the object to a destination that does not
There are three possible ways to make decryption support the EFS data. The location might not support
work: the EFS data for one of the following reasons:
• Re-encrypt the file under the encryption key of a • The operating system does not provide the support,
group to which both the owner and the back-up/ or is a release that does not include the support
archive user IDs belong • EFS support has not been activated on the operating
• Add the back-up/archive user ID to the list of users system
authorized to decrypt this file • The target file system does not support the EFS data
• Run the back-up or archive under the owner's user
ID, if possible System action
ANE4052E Error processing 'filespace The object is not restored or retrieved. Processing
namepath-namefile-name': continues with the next object.
Encrypted-file-system (EFS) file
cannot be restored, because file
User response
system does not support restore
from the raw-EFS back-up data, or If this file must be restored, restore it to an AIX
possibly because the restore operating system environment supporting EFS data.
function does not have write
ANE4054E Error processing 'filespace
access to the directory.
namepath-namefile-name': The
encryption key is not loaded.
The file being processed is encrypted by an encrypted Explanation
file system (EFS). The file was backed up in the raw
The file being processed is encrypted by an encrypted
encrypted format. Either the target filesystem does not
file system (EFS). The option is specified to backup or
support the encrypted format, or restore does not
archive the file in decrypted form. The encryption key,
have write access to the directory to which the file is to
required to decrypt the file, is not loaded in the kernel
be restored.

System action
System action
The restore is terminated.
The file is skipped.

User response
User response
• The file cannot be restored to this location if the file
There are three situations in which this problem can
system is not the AIX Enhanced Journaled File
System (JFS2)
• If the file is JFS2 but EFS is not enabled, then EFS • You just performed initial activation of EFS on the
must be enabled before the file can be restored AIX system, and have not logged out. AIX does load

Chapter 2. ANE messages 15

the keys for the session running at the time of initial • The object was backed up or archived by a version
activation. Solution: Logout and login again. 6.1 or lower IBM Spectrum Protect client.
• The login password has been changed recently, and • The object was backed up or archived to a version
you normally run with the EFS password the same as 5.5 or lower IBM Spectrum Protect server.
the login password. AIX does not automatically • IBM Spectrum Protect client version 6.2 or higher is
change the EFS password when you change the login attempting to perform an operation that causes the
password. Solution: Issue 'efskeymgr -n' to set the IBM Spectrum Protect server to return information
EFS password to be the same as the login password. about this object to the client. Note: During
• You need to run the decrypting backup when the EFS incremental backup, the server returns information
password is different from the login password. to the client about active backup versions which is
Solution: Issue 'efskeymgr -o ksh' to launch a new used to determine which files have changed.
shell with the keys loaded. AIX will prompt you for
Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect server version
the EFS password as you launch the shell. Run the
6.1, the maximum high level name length was reduced
backup from the new shell.
from 8192 characters to 6000 characters. Objects
ANE4055E Cannot update file space with high level names that exceed 6000 characters are
'filespace-name': the file space not supported for backup or archive. Beginning with
version on the IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive client version
Protect server is not compatible 6.2, the maximum high level name length was similarly
with this client reduced.

Explanation System action

The file space on the IBM Spectrum Protect server is The file or directory specified in the message is
not compatible with this client. This is caused by skipped. Processing will continue with the next object.
performing a backup or archive operation with a client
and then using a down-level client and attempting a User response
backup or archive operation targeting the same file
space. Contact your IBM Spectrum Protect server
This problem occurs specifically after a Windows or administrator for further assistance.
AIX client V6.1 or higher performs a backup or archive ANE4057W Unable to process object 'fs' with
operation and then a subsequent backup or archive nested file system mounted on it
operation is attempted with a client V5.5 or lower. during snapshot based backup.

System action Explanation

Processing stops. Snapshot based backup of objects with mounted file
systems on them are not supported.
User response
Use the correct level of the client. System action

ANE4056E Object 'object-name' returned by The backup operation continues without specified
the IBM Spectrum Protect server object.
has a high-level name that
exceeds the maximum length of User response
6000 characters. The file or To prevent this behaviour unmount file system from
directory cannot be processed. specified object and retry the operation.

Explanation ANE4058I A write failure occurred while

attempting to save node
The IBM Spectrum Protect server returned information replication failover values to the
about a backup or archive version with a high level options file.
name that exceeds 6000 characters. The high-level
name is the directory path that contains the object (file
or directory).
A write failure is often a result of insufficient access
This message is displayed when all of the following
permissions to the options file, but could also be
conditions are true:
caused by the lack of available disk space. The

16 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

replication server connection information can not be Check health of application
saved and failover will not be possible. writers and databases

System action Explanation

The operation failed. The application metafile was not found on the guest
User response
System action
Check the local disk for possible causes of the write
error, and check to see that sufficient access to the The operation completes. However, the application
options file is configured. metafile was not copied.
ANE4059I The option
USEREPLICATIONFailover is set to User response
NO. The node will not fail over to Make sure that the application VSS writers are running
the secondary server on this guest machine, and the application database is
in the state to allow the backup. For Exchange check
Explanation that databases are mounted. For SQL check databases
are online. Then try the operation again.
This option will prevent the node from connecting to
the replication server in the event of a failure of the ANE4064I Restoring vCloud Director vApp
primary server. 'vapp name' from Organization
VDC 'org vdc name' from
System action organization 'org name'
Target vApp name is 'restored vapp
The client will not connect to the primary server and name'
processing stops. Restore VAPP command started.
Total number of vApps to process:
User response vapps num to restore
No response is required.
ANE4061I Connected to secondary server
secondary server; in fail over The restore vApp operation completed.
mode. Home server is: home
server; System action
This message is for informational purposes only.
The node is configured for replication and has User response
successfully connected to the secondary server. This No action is required.
message is to notify the server administrator that a
node has connected to the secondary server in fail ANE4065E Proxy rejected: data mover node
over mode. 'dm node' has not been granted
proxy authority for target node
System action 'target_node', associated with
Organization vDC 'OVDC name' of
Processing continues. Organization 'Org Name'.

User response Explanation

None. The operation requires that a proxy access for the data
ANE4063W IBM Spectrum Protect application center node is granted to the data mover node.
protection cannot copy the
application metafile 'App- System action
Metadata-File-Name' from the Operation is canceled for the specified vApp.
following VM: 'VM-Name'.
Individual database restore from
this backup is not supported.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 17

User response application quiescing disabled" snapshot. Application
Protection feature is not available.
Run configuration wizard or configuration editor to
configure proper nodes relashionship.
System action
ANE4066I Snapshot operation attempt x of y
for the guest virtual machine 'VM' Restore of the VM continues.
failed using "sType" snapshot.
Reattempting snapshot with User response
"sType2" snapshot. None

Explanation ANE4069E The Windows domain credentials

cannot be found. Use the Data
The snapshot operation has failed. A snapshot retry Protection for VMware vSphere
operation has been scheduled. GUI configuration editor to set the
Windows domain credentials.
System action
Retrying snapshot. Explanation
The required Windows domain administrator
User response credentials were not set.
Check the error log for any other messages that might
indicate a reason for the failure. Correct any problems System action
and try the operation again. Processing stops.
ANE4067E Snapshot operation attempt x of y
for the guest virtual machine 'VM' User response
failed using "sType" snapshot. Set the Windows domain administrator credentials in
Backup failed. the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI
configuration editor.
ANE4070E Windows domain credentials are
All snapshot retry attempts of the guest virtual incorrect. Verify the credentials
machine failed. and use dsmc SET PASSWORD -
type=DOMAIN 'domain\userid'
System action 'password' to update the
username and password.
Processing stops.

User response
The supplied credentials are incorrect. The system
Check the error log for any messages that indicate a
failed to authenticate to the Windows domain using
reason for the failure. Correct any problems and try the
these credentials.
operation again. If the problem persists, search the
IBM Spectrum Protect Support web site (http://
www.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/ System action
IBMTivoliStorageManager.html) for known solutions. Processing stops
ANE4068I Restored virtual machine 'VM' was
backed up using a "VMware Tools User response
with file system quiescing and Use dsmc SET PASSWORD -type=DOMAIN 'domain
application quiescing disabled" \userid' 'password' to update the username and
snapshot. password. And then retry the operation.
This is equivalent to a "crash-
consistent" backup. ANE4071E 'VM-Name' cannot be restored
because it was backed up with a
Explanation newer version of the client.

The restored virtual machine was backed up using a

"VMware Tools with file system quiescing and

18 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANE4077E File 'filespace namepath-namefile-
name' is encrypted by Microsoft
The client version that attempted to restore the virtual
EFS and contains at least one
machine is earlier than the client version that backed
sparse data stream. The operating
up the virtual machine. The virtual machine cannot be
system does not support restore
restored with an earlier client version.
for this file so it is not backed up
or restored.
System action
The virtual machine is not restored. Processing Explanation
continues with the next virtual machine.
An error in the Microsoft Windows API prevents
successful restore of files that meet the following
User response conditions:
Upgrade the client to a version that is compatible with • The file is encrypted by Microsoft Encrypting File
the client version that backed up the virtual machine. System (EFS) at the time it was backed up
ANE4072E Error processing 'filespace • The file includes at least one data stream (alternate
namepath-namefile-name': unable "named" stream or unnamed stream) that is sparse
to create symbolic link; a file or • The operating system is any edition of Microsoft XP,
directory exists with the same Microsoft Windows Server 2003, or Microsoft
name as the symbolic link Windows Server 2003 R2

Explanation Because the file cannot be restored, IBM Spectrum

Protect does not back it up. The problem is
IBM Spectrum Protect tried to create a symbolic link, documented by Microsoft at http://
but is unable to because a file or directory exists that support.microsoft.com/kb/2525290.
has the same name as the symbolic link.
System action
System action
The file is not backed up or restored. Processing
Processing stops. continues with the next object or ends if there are no
further objects.
User response
Remove the file or the directory that has the same User response
name as the symbolic link. Refer to the last restore/ If this message is issued during a backup operation,
retrieve operation. you can do the following:
ANE4073W Snapshot operation attempt x of y • Disable EFS encryption for the file so that it can be
for the guest virtual machine 'VM' backed up.
failed using "sType" snapshot. • If a backup copy of the file is not necessary, you can
Reattempting snapshot with exclude it from backup.
"sType2" snapshot.
ANE4078E Content file content.spsig is
Explanation missing, is damaged or failed the
signature check.
The snapshot operation has failed. A snapshot retry
operation with different snapshot type has been
The file content.spsig is missing. Or the file is damaged
System action or the signature of the file does not match. See client
log file for more information.
Retrying snapshot with different snapshot type.
System action
User response
Processing stops.
Check the error log for any other messages that might
indicate a reason for the failure. Correct any problems
and try the operation again.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 19

User response ANE4084E Error processing 'filespace-
namepath-namefile-name': cannot
Make sure that the data in the Operations Center, such
get file status.
as the client package or Update Manager package, is
correct or download the correct version in the
Operations Center. Explanation

ANE4079E One or more files failed the While processing the file, the lstat() call set
signature check. EOVERFLOW error code.

Explanation System action

The signature of one or more files does not match the This file will be skipped.
contents of content.spsig. See the client log file for
more information. User response
The file is skipped. Processing continues with the next
System action file.
Processing stops. ANE4085I Assigned 'number' objects from
previous systemstate backup to
User response the new systemstate backup.
Make sure that the data in the Operations Center, such
as the client package or Update Manager package, is Explanation
correct or download the correct version in the Objects in the previous System State backup have not
Operations Center. changed and were assigned to the new System State
ANE4081E Error processing 'filespace-name': backup.
file space type is not supported.
System action
Explanation Processing continues.
The specified file space type is not currently supported
by IBM Spectrum Protect on this platform. User response
System action
ANE4086W Failed to assign unchanged objects
The unsupported file system is skipped. Processing from previous systemstate backup
continues with the next file system. to the new systemstate backup.
Objects will be backed up.
User response
Refer to the documentation for information on what Explanation
file space types are supported. Objects in the previous System State backup have not
ANE4083I New node password has been changed and should be assigned to the new
generated. systemstate backup. Due to error assign operation
failed and objects will be backed up.
System action
The client logged in using administrative id rather than
node name. New random node password has been Processing continues.
generated and recorded.
User response
System action Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact
Processing continues. IBM Spectrum Protect technical support.
ANE4087E An attempt to load data for the
User response wizard failed.
None. For more information, please see
the log file.

20 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
An attempt to load data for the wizard failed as the Processing continues.
remote agent is probably unavailable.
User response
System action
Perform a full incremental backup by specifying the
Processing stopped. command line option createnewbase=migrate with the
snapdiff option as soon as possible.
User response ANE4092E Data mover platform is not
Check the log for reason for the failure. supported for instant access/
restore operations.
ANE4089W File server file-server-name has
been upgraded to Data ONTAP
'version.modifcation.submodificati The instant access/restore operation failed.
on'. Perform a full incremental
backup by specifying option System action
createnewbase=migrate as soon
as possible. The instant access/restore operation failed. The
reason for the failure is unsupported platform.
User response
The file server has been upgraded to a version that
supports unicode file names for incremental backup The instant access/restore operation should be
using snapshot difference. Perform a full incremental performed from a supported data mover platform.
in order to backup any files with unicode names that ANE4099E The system volume cannot be
may have been skipped by the previous version of the identified. Therefore the system
IBM Spectrum Protect client. state cannot be backed up.

System action Explanation

Processing continues. The system volume contains the hardware-specific
system state files that are needed to start Windows,
User response such as Ntldr, Boot.ini, Ntdetect.com or Bootmgr. If
the system volume cannot be identified, then these
Perform a full incremental by specifying the command
files cannot be backed up. Therefore it is not possible
line option createnewbase=migrate with the snapdiff
to back up the system state.
option as soon as possible.
ANE4090I File server file-server-name has System action
been upgraded to Data ONTAP
version Systemstate backup stops.
on'. Perform a full incremental User response
backup by specifying option
Try the operation again. If the problem persists, obtain
createnewbase=migrate as soon
a service trace that captures the problem and contact
as possible.
IBM technical support for additional assistance. Your
IBM Spectrum Protect administrator can help you
Explanation configure the trace.
The file server has been upgraded to a version that ANE4137E Error processing 'filespace
supports unicode file names for incremental backup namepath-namefile-name':
using snapshot difference. Perform a full incremental exceeded maximum number of
in order to backup any files with unicode names that links allowed
may have been skipped by the previous version of the
IBM Spectrum Protect client.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 21

Explanation Explanation
Link cannot be restored or retrieved because the The VMware failed to mount virtual machine disk.
destination file system has exceeded maximum
number of links allowed. System action
The backup of the virtual machine can not continue.
System action
The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
The client prompts you for action: processed. Refer to dsmerror.log for detailed error
message for the reason for the failure.
• Skip this object
• Abort the action User response

User response Refer to dsmerror.log for detailed error message.

Select the appropriate action for this object. Restore or ANE4152E Failure initializing VMware virtual
retrieve the link to another file system. machine environment. RC=rc.
Refer to IBM Spectrum Protect
ANE4148E Full VM backup of Virtual Machine error log for detailed error
'vmname' failed with RC rc messages.

Explanation Explanation
The Full VM backup of virtual machine failed. Failure initializing VMware virtual machine
environment. Refer to IBM Spectrum Protect error log
System action for detailed error messages.
The full backup of the virtual machine finished with
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be System action
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the The backup can not continue.
local client error log.
User response
User response
Refer to IBM Spectrum Protect error log for detailed
Check the local client error log for reason for the messages.
ANE4153E Hostname could not be found for
ANE4150E Incremental backup of Virtual Virtual Machine 'vmname'
Machine 'vmname' failed with RC
rc Explanation

Explanation The backup of virtual machine failed.

The incremental backup of virtual machine volumes System action

The backup of the virtual machine finished with
System action failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
The backup of the virtual machine finished with local client error log.
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the User response
local client error log.
Check the local client error log for reason for the
User response failure.

Check the local client error log for reason for the ANE4154E Possible cause Virtual Machine is
failure. not running and does not have a
static IP address.
ANE4151E Failure mounting Virtual Machine
'vmname'. RC=rc Explanation
The backup of virtual machine failed.

22 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The backup of the virtual machine finished with Back up the virtual machine using the
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be VMBACKUPType=FULLvm option.
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
ANE4159E Backup of Virtual Machine
local client error log.
'vmname' failed. rc=rc.

User response
Check the local client error log for reason for the
The backup of virtual machine failed.
ANE4155E The virtual machine 'vmname' was System action
not found on the vSphere server.
The backup of the virtual machine finished with
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
The backup of the virtual machine failed because the local client error log.
specified virtual machine name was not found. It is
possible that the virtual machine name was entered User response
incorrectly or contains unsupported characters. Only
virtual machine names that contain 7-bit ASCII Check the local client error log for reason for the
characters are supported, and the operation will fail if failure.
the name contains other characters. ANE4160E Proxy Rejected: Proxy authority
has not been granted to Agent
System action Node: 'agent_node' for Target
The backup of the virtual machine failed. The next Node: 'target_node'.
virtual machine in the vmlist will be processed. Check
the client error log for additional error messages. Explanation
The backup of virtual machine failed.
User response
Check the local client error log for reason for the System action
failure. The backup of the virtual machine finished with
• If the virtual machine name was entered incorrectly, failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
try the operation again with the correct machine processed. The reason for the failure is the node has
name. not been granted proxy authority to access the node
named by the backup proxy node. The IBM Spectrum
• If the virtual machine name contains characters
Protect administrator must first grant proxy authority.
other than 7-bit ASCII characters, either change the
virtual machine name so it contains only 7-bit ASCII
characters, or do not include the virtual machine for User response
backup operations. The IBM Spectrum Protect server administrator must
ANE4156E File level VM backup of virtual grant proxy authority for this node. See the
machine 'vmname' not supported. administrator command "Grant Proxynode".
File level VM backup not support ANE4161E Duplicate virtual machine name
on non Windows platform guest 'vmname' was detected in the
OS. Platform type: 'platform'. same backup operation. Backup of
virtual machine 'vmfullname' can
Explanation not continue without a unique
object name.
The backup of virtual machine failed.

System action
The backup of virtual machine failed.
The backup of the virtual machine finished with
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
local client error log.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 23

System action VMSKIPCTLCOMPRESSION to YES in your client
options file. If you do not intend to use compression,
The backup of the virtual machine finished with
then set COMPRESSION NO in your client options file.
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the ANE4165E Creating a Virtual Machine, but the
local client error log. hostname 'virtual-machine-name'
was not found.
User response
Choose a unique name for the virtual machine.
The Virtual Machine being creating must have a valid
ANE4162E The virtual machine 'virtual-
hostname to be created.
machine-name' has not been
previously backed up.
System action
Explanation Check the virtual machine hostname specified for
The specified virtual machine has not been previously
backed up, so can not be specified for restore.
User response
System action Correct the virtual machine hostname specified and
retry the restore.
The specified virtual machine is skipped, and the next
virtual machine in the restore list is processed. ANE4166E Creating a Virtual Machine, but the
datacenter 'virtual-machine-name'
User response was not found. The name may be
incorrect or may be located in a
Verify the virtual machine name to be restored, and re- VMware folder and require the
try the operation. folder name such as vmfolder/
ANE4164W Compression is currently enabled, dcname.
but the virtual machine backup for
'virtual-machine-name' is not Explanation
compressed because client-side
The Virtual Machine being created must have a valid
deduplication is not being used.
datacenter to be created.

System action
Compression can only be used with virtual machine
Processing stops.
CTL and Data files when the files are stored in a
storage pool that is enabled for client-side
deduplication. This message is issued when the client User response
is configured for compression and virtual machine CTL Check the virtual machine datacenter specified for
or Data files are directed to a storage pool that is not correctness. If the datacenter is contained in a folder
enabled for client-side deduplication. then the full datacenter name, complete with the
folder path, must be specified, such as vmfolder/
System action dcname.
Backup continues, and data is not compressed. ANE4167E Creating a Virtual Machine, but the
datastore 'virtual-machine-name'
User response was not found.
If you intend to compress virtual machine CTL and
Data files, then update your IBM Spectrum Protect Explanation
configuration so that both types of files are directed to The Virtual Machine being creating must have a valid
storage pools that are enabled for client-side datastore to be created.
deduplication. If you intend to compress virtual
machine Data files but not CTL files, then update your System action
IBM Spectrum Protect configuration so that the Data
files are directed to a storage pool that is enabled for Check the virtual machine datastore specified for
client-side deduplication. Set the correctness.

24 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Correct the virtual machine datastore specified and Check the local disk for possible causes of the write
retry the restore. error, and use the VMBACKDIR option to assign
another disk if needed.
ANE4168E VMware has reported an error via
their SOAP interface. On the ANE4170E Can not create a Virtual Machine
Detailed Status Report panel, view on VMware release 'release-
the last error message reported. version-target' which was backed
Also check the error log for more up from VMware release 'release-
information about the problem version-source'.
that occurred.
The Virtual Machine being created was backed up from
The command to VMware failed to complete. The error a version of VMware which is not compatible with the
returned is displayed on the Restore or Backup target VMware release version being used for the
summary panel under the Last Error Message section. restore.

System action System action

An error occurred, and the operation failed. Processing stops.

User response User response

Check the reported error and correct the problem. Restore the Virtual Machine to a VMware system which
Usually the reason for the error is a user-supplied is compatible with the level from which the Virtual
value which is not valid for the operation. Machine was backed up.
ANE4169E A write failure occurred on the ANE4174E Full VM backup of VMware Virtual
local disk proxy used to Machine 'vmname' failed with
temporarily store the virtual RC=rc mode=full_or_incr, target
machine virtual disk information. node name='target_node_name',
The write failure can be caused by data mover node
the lack of available disk space on name='data_mover_node_name'
the drive used to store this
information. The VMBACKDIR Explanation
option can be used to assign a
different disk location for this The Full VM backup of virtual machine failed. If the
purpose. Check the drive being virtual machine (VM) name contains the word
used and ensure that there is AGGREGATE, the statistics that are shown represent
enough space available for this the total value of all VM guests that are backed up per
operation. data mover.

Explanation System action

There was a write error from the local disk used to The full backup of the virtual machine finished with
store the virtual machine virtual disk information. failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
Usually the write error is due to lack of disk space, lack processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
of write permissions, or some similar problem with the local client error log.
local disk. The VMBACKDIR option can be used to
assign a different disk location if the local drive does User response
not have enough free space for the operation.
Check the local client error log for reason for the
System action
ANE4177E Full restore of VMware virtual
A disk write error occurred, and the operation failed. machine 'vmname' failed with
RC=rc, mode='restore_or_revert',
target node
name='target_node_name', data

Chapter 2. ANE messages 25

mover node User response
Virtual machine CPU and Memory Resource Allocation
configuration settings will be restored when the IBM
Explanation Spectrum Protect data mover node connects directly
The full restore of the virtual machine failed. to a vCenter Server. Modify the VMCHOST to connect
the IBM Spectrum Protect data mover to a vCenter
System action
ANE4191E Restore VM operation failed using
The full restore of the virtual machine finished with
'san' transport mode. In some
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
cases switching from SAN to
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
network-based VM restores can be
local client error log.

User response
Check the local client error log for reason for the
Restore VM operations that fail using SAN transport
mode can often be successful over a LAN path. If a
ANE4179I IBM Spectrum Protect application restore vm operation fails using the 'SAN' transport
protection did not truncate the mode, set the client option VMVSTORTRANSPORT to
Microsoft SQL Server logs on VM "nbd:nbdssl" and try the restore vm operation again.
System action
Restore VM operation failed using 'san' transport
The SQL server logs were not truncated because the mode. Restore may be successful using 'nbd:nbdssl'
following option was specified for this virtual machine: transport modes.
User response
System action
Restore VM operation failed using 'san' transport
The operation completes. mode. In some cases network-based VM restores can
be successful when using 'nbd' or 'nbdssl' transport
User response modes. The VMVSTORTRANSPORT option can used to
restrict the IBM Spectrum Protect client to use only
Remove the OPTIONS=KEEPSQLLOG option to enable the specified transport modes.
truncation of the SQL logs when a backup completes.
ANE4193E vApp 'vApp name' cannot be
ANE4187W CPU and Memory Resource processed because data mover
Allocation configuration settings 'dm node' cannot connect to the
cannot be restored when the IBM target node 'target_node'.
Spectrum Protect data mover
node is connected directly to a
Virtual Center managed ESX/ESXi
host. These settings have been The operation requires that a proxy access for the data
skipped. center node is granted to the data mover node.

Explanation System action

The VMware vStorage APIs do not support the restore Operation is canceled for the specified vApp.
of CPU and Memory Resource Allocation configuration
settings when connected directly to an ESX/ESXi host User response
that is managed by a Virtual Center.
Look for errors in error log and correct any problems.
Run configuration wizard or configuration editor to
System action
ensure proper nodes configuration.
CPU and Memory Resource Allocation configuration
ANE4194E Encryption is currently enabled,
settings are skipped. Processing continues.
but is not supported for
incremental forever backups of

26 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

virtual machines (-MODE=IFFULL Explanation
The indicated file or directory was returned by VSS as
part of the backup file list of the writer. However, the
Explanation cluster disk where the file is located is not accessible.
Client encryption of virtual machine incremental The reasons for this problem can be that the cluster
forever backups (-mode=IFFULL or - disk is offline or belongs to another node.
mode=IFINCREMENTAL) is not supported. In order to
avoid the unintentional storage of unencrypted data on System action
the server, the backup operation stops.
The file is not backed up. Processing continues.

System action
User response
The virtual machine backup stops.
This problem is documented in Microsoft knowledge
base topic 980794 http://support.microsoft.com/
User response default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;980794. The topic
Remove the encryption options for this operation and includes a hotfix. With the hotfix, you can specify a
run it again. You can use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) registry key that contains a list of one or more files to
encryption to encrypt the data over the network. If the be excluded from VSS enumeration. IBM Spectrum
backup data must be encrypted in IBM Spectrum Protect does not back up files that are not enumerated
Protect storage pools, use an alternative backup by VSS. If the volume is brought online to the node
method such as full and incremental backups (- performing the system state backup, then it cannot be
mode=FULL and -mode=INCREMENTAL), or in-guest backed up. You must remove the volume from the
backups. registry key and restart the system before you can
back up the volume.
ANE4195E The target node for Organization If you do not want to implement the hotfix for this
VDC 'OrgVDC name' in problem, IBM Spectrum Protect continues to issue this
Organization 'Org name' was not message.
found. As a result, vApp 'vApp
name' cannot be backed up. ANE4200E The virtual machine 'vmname'
could not be backed up because
the data usage of datastore
'datastore' exceeded the datastore
Either the IBM Spectrum Protect node for the specified threshold of percentused percent.
organization VDC was not found on the IBM Spectrum
Protect server, or information about the Organization Explanation
VDC node was not found in the Provider VDC node.
The data usage of the datastore used by the virtual
machine exceeds the threshold set by the
System action
Back up of the specified vApp stops. Processing
continues to the next vApp. System action
The virtual machine is not backed up.
User response
Go to the Configuration page and click 'Run the User response
Configuration Wizard' to verify that all required IBM
Spectrum Protect nodes are registered on the IBM Reduce the data usage of the datastore or increase the
Spectrum Protect server. If required, register a new threshold in the VMDATASTORETHRESHOLD option.
data mover node. Make sure that the organization VDC Then, back up the virtual machine again.
belongs to the provider VDC that this data mover node ANE4202E The Deployment Manager failed to
protects. install language pack: language
ANE4199W File 'file name' is not backed up as pack name. The Microsoft Installer
part of the system state because error code was error code.
cluster disk 'volume name' is not

Chapter 2. ANE messages 27

Explanation connection between the server
and the updated backup-archive
The previous language pack has been uninstalled, and
the installation of the new language pack failed.

System action
After the automatic client deployment, the dsmc query
Processing continues.
session command from the updated backup-archive
client was not successful.
User response
For more information about Windows installer error System action
messages, go to the Microsoft Developer Network
The Deployment Manager process ends.
(MSDN) technical library at http://
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library and search on
"Windows Installer Error Messages". User response

Check the install log on the client computer. Log on to the client computer and check the backup-
archive client error log.
ANE4204E The Operating System of the client
computer: 'os name' is not ANE4210E The Deployment Manager failed to
supported by the target version: install package: 'client package
'target version' name'. The Microsoft Installer
error code was 'system
The operating system level of the client computer is no Explanation
longer supported by the target level.
The previous client package has been uninstalled, and
the installation of the new client package failed.
System action
Processing stops. System action
Processing stops.
User response
Check the release documentation for information on User response
supported operating system levels.
Check the technote for Microsoft Installer error code
ANE4206E The Deployment Manager received description: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/
an error while extracting from docview.wss?uid=swg21050782&rs=663
installation image: image name.
Check the install log on the client computer.
Explanation ANE4212E The Deployment Manager failed to
restart service: servicename
The installation image might be missing, corrupted, or
there might be insufficient disk space on the client
computer. Explanation
After the automatic client deployment, the IBM
System action Spectrum Protect client services failed to start.
Deployment Manager stops.
System action
User response Processing stops.
Make sure that there is sufficient disk space on the
client computer. User response

Make sure that all of the Windows self extracting client Log on to the client machine and check the backup-
images on the client computer are valid. archive client error log.

ANE4207E The Deployment Manager was ANE4213E Automatic restart of the client
unable to initiate the final computer was required because

28 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation function being invoked was API
setup function name.
The Deployment Manager determined that the
deployment requires restarting the client.
Automatic restart is not enabled. The Deployment
Manager process cancels the deployment. The Deployment Manager process failed when
initializing the client API.
The current client is not uninstalled or updated.
System action
System action
Processing stops.
Deployment Manager cancels the client deployment
and stops
User response

User response Check the error log on the client computer.

Reschedule the client deployment. ANE4219E The Deployment Manager received

an error while creating a pipe for
ANE4215E The automatic deployment path the standard output of the child
from the current client code process.
version 'source version' to the
client package version 'target
version' is not supported.
The Deployment Manager failed to create a pipe for
Explanation the standard output of the child process.

System action

System action Processing stops.

Processing stops.
User response

User response Check the error log on the client computer.

Refer to the Backup-Archive Client documentation in ANE4220E The Deployment Manager is

the information center. unable to determine if IBM
Spectrum Protect processes are
Reschedule the client deployment with an appropriate still running.
target level.
ANE4217E The Deployment Manager received Explanation
an error while setting up the client
The Deployment Manager could not determine
API. The standard API function
whether all IBM Spectrum Protect processes were
being invoked is API setup function
shut down successfully.

System action
Reschedule with automatic restart (autoreboot)
The Deployment Manager process failed when setting
up the client API.

User response
System action
Processing stops.
ANE4221E The architecture of the package:
User response 'package architecture' does not
match the current client: 'system
Check the error log on the client computer. architecture'
ANE4218E The Deployment Manager received
an error while initializing the
client API. The standard API

Chapter 2. ANE messages 29

Explanation Explanation
The setup script was unable to retrieve the matching The previous language pack has been uninstalled, and
package from the server. the installation of the new language pack failed
because the client computer is out of disk space.
System action
System action
Processing stops.
Processing continues.
User response
User response
Ensure that the client packages for all architectures
are available on the server. Check the technote for Microsoft Installer error code
description: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/
ANE4222E The Deployment Manager is docview.wss?uid=swg21050782&rs=663
unable to read information in file:
file name. Check the install log on the client computer.
ANE4229I The client computer is required to
Explanation restart to complete the new
Deployment Manager failed to open a file containing Backup-Archive client installation.
required system information.
System action The deployment of the new backup-archive client will
Processing stops. not be complete until the client computer is restarted.
The restart is scheduled to happen immediately after
all language packs are deployed.
User response
Check the error log on the client computer. System action
ANE4227E The Deployment Manager failed to The Deployment Manager process continues. The
install package: 'client package client computer will be shut down and restarted after
name'. The client computer is out all language packs are deployed, or immediately if
of disk space. The Microsoft there are no language pack to install.
Installer error code was 'error
code' User response

Explanation None

The previous client package has been uninstalled, and ANE4230I The client computer will be shut
the installation of the new client package failed down and restarted immediately.
because the client computer is out of disk space.
System action The Deployment Manager needs to restart the client
Processing stops. computer to complete the client deployment. It is
possible the other messages provide details of the
User response
Check the technote for Microsoft Installer error code System action
description: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/
docview.wss?uid=swg21050782&rs=663 The Deployment Manager process continues. The
client computer will be shut down and restarted
Check the install log on the client computer. immediately after all language packs are deployed, or
ANE4228E The Deployment Manager failed to immediately if there are no language pack to install.
install language pack: 'language
pack name'. The client computer is User response
out of disk space. The Microsoft None
Installer error code was 'error

30 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANE4232E Self-extracting installation image: Explanation
image name cannot be found. It is possible that the client package is not available on
the server.
The Deployment Manager could not find the required System action
installation image.
Processing stops.

System action User response

Processing stops. Client deployment will be cancelled. Ensure that client packages for all architectures are
available on the server. Check the backup-archive
User response client error log for more detailed error messages.
Check the server's activity log or the scheduler log on ANE4248E The client is already at the target
the client computer. Reshcedule the client level: target version.
ANE4234E The deployment for language Explanation
packs failed. Processing stopped because the automatic client
deployment feature does not support the installation
Explanation of a client to a workstation that is already at its target
The Deployment Manager failed to install one or more level.
language packs. It is possible the other messages
provide details of the installation. System action
Your current backup-archive client is not affected.
System action
The Deployment Manager process continues. User response
Refer to the Backup-Archive Client documentation in
User response the information center.
Check the error log and installation on the client Reschedule the client deployment with an appropriate
computer. Identify the language packs that failed to target level.
install and manually deploy them.
ANE4251W writername file 'filename': not
ANE4235I The deployment manager cannot found.
log events to the server.
The indicated VSS writer file or directory was returned
The Deployment Manager is unable to log events to by VSS as part of the backup file list of the writer.
the server. It is possible the other messages provide However, the object does not exist on the disk.
details of the communications. .

System action System action

The Deployment Manager process continues. Events Processing stops if SKIPMISSINGSYSWFILES option is
will be logged locally on the client machine only. set to NO. Processing continues if
User response
Check network connection and the error log on the User response
client computer. Verify that this file can be skipped during system state
ANE4242E The setup script encountered a
warning or error while retrieving ANE4252W architecture, schedule-name,
the client package for the domain-name : The client
architecture architecture. The deployment was not completed
error level is error level error level. pending the restart of the client

Chapter 2. ANE messages 31

computer. The deployment User response
manager did not restart the client
Uninstall the HSM client and reschedule the Backup-
computer automatically because
Archive client deployment.
the AUTODEPLOY option was set
to NOREBOOT. ANE4255E There is not enough memory for
the deployment manager to create
Explanation the system information object

The previous client has been uninstalled, and the

installation of the new client was not completed
pending the restart of the client computer. The The system information object could not be created
architecture of the client, schedule name, and domain because there is not enough available RAM to
name are identified at the beginning of the message temporarily write the data into.
System action
System action
Processing stops.
The Deployment Manager process completes.
User response
User response
Close all unneeded applications on the client
Manually restart the client computer as soon as workstation and reschedule the deployment.
ANE4256E The DSMI_DIR environment
ANE4253E There was not enough disk space variable is not defined.
on the client computer. Required
space: package space bytes; Explanation
available space: system space
bytes. The deployment manager cannot initiate a connection
to the server because the DSMI_DIR environment
variable is not set. This error can occur if the
deployment manager is started without using the
The deployment manager determined there was client scheduler.
insufficient free disk space for the client deployment.
System action
System action
Processing stops.
Processing stops.
User response
User response
Read the available documentation to determine how to
Free up required disk space and reschedule the client use the client scheduler to create a client deployment
deployment. task.
ANE4254E The deployment manager detected ANE4257E The deployment manager cannot
an HSM client on the workstation parse information in file: file name.
that it needs to deploy the
Backup-Archive client to. Explanation
The deployment manager could not parse or extract
the required information from the specified file.
An attempt was made to deploy the Backup-Archive
client to a workstation that already has the HSM client System action
installed. The Backup-Archive client cannot be
deployed to a workstation that has the HSM client. Processing stops.

System action User response

Processing stops. Check the error log file on the client workstation.

32 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANE4258E The deployment manager received Explanation
the Windows "OpenSCManager The Backup-Archive Client cannot be upgraded
failed" error message. because either the current location is not the default
installation location or the DSM_DIR, DSMI_DIR,
Explanation DSM_CONFIG and DSMI_CONFIG environment
The deployment manager could not connect to the variables are defined with a relative path and not an
Windows service control manager to start the client absolute path.
scheduler. In general, this error occurs because the
user who is initiating the task does not have sufficient System action
authority. Processing stops.

System action User response

Processing stops. Check the installation directory of the current Backup-
Archive Client. If the Backup-Archive Client is not
User response installed in the default location, manually upgrade the
Ensure that the user who starts the client scheduler Backup-Archive Client. If the DSM_DIR, DSMI_DIR,
has administrative privileges. DSM_CONFIG and DSMI_CONFIG environment
variables are defined with a relative path, define them
ANE4259E The client scheduler is not started with an absolute path and try the client deployment
as a root user. again.
ANE4262E The preview of the client
installation failed.
The client scheduler requires root user privileges to
upgrade the client code. Explanation
The deployment manager did not uninstall the current
System action client. The client code is unchanged.
Processing stops.
System action
User response Processing stops.
Log in as root and start the client scheduler.
User response
ANE4260E The installation file system is not
writeable. Check the deployment manager log and trace files on
the client workstation for specific issues identified
Explanation during the preview. Reschedule a deployment after
any issues are resolved.
The deployment manager cannot write to the
installation file system. ANE4263E The deployment manager failed to
uninstall the backup-archive
System action client.

Processing stops.

User response The deployment manager received an error while

uninstalling the current client.
Check the installation file system permissions. It is
possible that the current client node runs in a
System action
virtualized environment using the client code installed
in a shared storage of the physical environment. Processing stops.
Reschedule the client deployment with the client node
in the physical environment. User response
ANE4261E The deployment manager cannot Check the deployment manager log and trace files on
upgrade the Backup-Archive the client workstation for more details on the error.
Client. You might have to manually uninstall the client.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 33

ANE4264E The deployment manager failed to ANE4267I The deployment manager failed to
install the backup-archive client. install the hardware plugin
The current client was uninstalled and the deployment
manager received an error while installing the new The previous package was uninstalled. The installation
client code. of the new hardware plugin package failed.

System action System action

Processing stops. Processing stops.

User response User response

Check the deployment manager log and trace files on Check the deployment trace file on the client
the client workstation for more details on the error. workstation.
Manully install the new client after the issue is
ANE4268I The deployment manager failed to
install the journal-based backup
ANE4265I Client deployment options are not package.
specified in the scheduler
command or from client services. Explanation
The previous journal-based backup package was
uninstalled. The new journal based backup package
The default client options file will be used. The installation failed.
deployment manager might not report the correct
server and node information when reporting status. System action
Processing stops.
System action
Processing continues. User response
Check the deployment trace file on the client
User response
Avoid initiating the client deployment directly from the
ANE4269W The deployment manager is
command-line, instead, always start the client
scheduler as a Windows service. stopping the scheduler or the CAD
ANE4266I The deployment manager failed to
install non-English language Explanation
Before deploying the new client, the deployment
manager must stop the scheduler and CAD processes.
After the deployment, the processes must be
The previous packages were uninstalled, and the restarted.
installation of one or more new language packs were
not successful. System action
Processing continues.
System action
Processing continues. User response
The client scheduler is interrupted during the
User response
Check the deployment trace file on the client
ANE4270I The deployment manager and the
workstation for specific language pack information.
new client installation packages
were downloaded to directory: file

34 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The download directory contains everything required Verify that you are using the correct client package for
to complete the new client deployment. Deployment the processor architecture of the computer that you
log and trace files can be found in the log/ sub- want to upgrade. Then restart the deployment.
ANE4273E The deployment manager detected
a journal based backup (JBB)
System action client on the workstation where it
Processing continues. needs to deploy the Backup-
Archive Client.
User response
Obtain log and trace files from the download directory
for problem determination. The files are found within An attempt was made to deploy the Backup-Archive
the log/ sub-directory. Client to a workstation that already has the JBB client
installed. On some platforms, the Backup-Archive
ANE4271E The deployment package is Client cannot be deployed to a workstation that has
missing one or more required the JBB client installed.
installation image files.
System action
Processing stops.
The client deployment package might not have been
imported correctly to the server. It is possible that the
User response
deployment package is not retrieved completely to the
client computer, due to a lack of disk space. Uninstall the JBB client and reschedule the Backup-
Archive Client deployment.
System action ANE4274E The deployment manager cannot
Processing stops. stop the scheduler or the CAD
User response
Ensure that client packages are available on the server
and there is sufficient disk space on the client The deployment manager tried to shut down the
computer. Check the backup-archive client error log Backup-Archive Client scheduler or CAD processes but
file for more detailed error messages. the Backup-Archive Client might be busy with other
ANE4272E The processor type of the package:
package processor type does not
System action
match the current client: system
processor type. Processing stops.
User response
Reschedule the Backup-Archive Client deployment.
The processor type supported by the client package
ANE4275E The deployment manager cannot
that you want to deploy does not match the processor
type of the workstation that you are trying to deploy restart the scheduler or the CAD
the client to. It is not always possible for the processes.
deployment manager to connect to the server and
report the error. Explanation
Before exiting, the deployment manager could not
System action restart the Backup-Archive Client scheduler or CAD
processes. The deployment manager stopped the
Processing stops.
processes prior to the client upgrade.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 35

System action System action
Processing continues. Processing stops.

User response User response

Log on to the Backup-Archive Client workstation and Log on to the Backup-Archive Client workstation and
check the error log file. If you have set environment check the error log file and the deployment manager
variables make sure they are not defined using relative error log file.
ANE4280E Automatic client deployment is
ANE4276E The deployment manager cannot not allowed on the client
obtain information about the workstation.
scheduler or the CAD processes.
One or more of the running client services include
The deployment manager needs process information AUTODEPLOY = NO in the option file.
in order to stop and restart the Backup-Archive Client
scheduler or CAD processes. System action
Processing stops.
System action
Processing stops. User response
Change the AUTODEPLOY option on the client and
User response
reschedule the client deployment.
Log on to the Backup-Archive Client workstation and
check the error log file and the deployment manager ANE4281E The update manager cannot
error log file. remove the TIVsmCapi package
from non-global zone(s): zone
ANE4277E The target operating system name.
version target operating system
does not meet the minimum Explanation
required version minimum
required version APAR IC57433 prevents the removal of the TIVsmCapi
package on Solaris on a sparse-root, non-global zone if
uninstalling is done from the global zone.
The operating system version is earlier than the System action
version required by the automatic deployment
package. Processing stops.

System action User response

The deployment is canceled. Manually uninstall the IBM Spectrum Protect client
directly from the non-global zones and reschedule the
User response
ANE4282E Sparse-root non-global zone(s)
Ensure that the version being deployed is supported
by the target operating system. were found with IBM Spectrum
Protect Backup-Archive Client that
ANE4278E The deployment manager cannot was installed from the non-global
obtain information about the zone: zone names.
Logical Volume Snapshot Agent
(LVSA). Explanation
One or more non-global zones are sharing the /usr file
system with the global zone. The IBM Spectrum
The deployment manager needs to determine whether Protect Backup-Archive Client is installed in the global
an LVSA is installed on the client workstation. zone with the -G parameter and also installed

36 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

manually in the non-global zone(s). You cannot update ANE4285E The update restore operation to an
the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive Client in existing virtual machine 'VmName'
the global zone because it will update the version of failed. The virtual machine is not
GSKit that is shared with the sparse-root non-global in power off state.
zones that are not part of the automatic deployment.
System action
The update restore operation to an existing virtual
Processing stops. machine is not supported for a running machine and
will be aborted.
User response
System action
Manually upgrade the Backup-Archive Client or install
it from the global zone without using the -G parameter. Restore aborted.
This ensures that you have the same version between
the global zone and the sparse-root non-global zones, User response
and you can then deploy the client automatically on all
such zones. Turn off the virtual machine and re-run the update
restore command.
ANE4283E There is not enough disk space on
path to uncompress GSKit ANE4290E Only one virtual machine can be
packages. Required space: selected for restore.
req_space bytes; available space:
avail_space bytes. Explanation
Restoring multiple virtual machines is not allowed.
Explanation Only one virtual machine can be selected for restore.
The deployment manager determined that there is not
enough free disk space to uncompress GSKit System action
No processing occurs.

System action
User response
Processing stops.
Select only one virtual machine for restore.

User response ANE4291E Virtual Machine could not be found

on VMware server.
Free up the required amount of disk space and
reschedule the automatic client deployment.
ANE4284E The deployment is cancelled
The backup of virtual machine failed.
because an automatic client
deployment task was scheduled
for a sparse-root, non-global zone System action
that shares the /usr file system The backup of the virtual machine finished with
with the global zone. failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
Explanation local client error log.
The automatic client deployment task that was
attempted is not supported and will be cancelled. User response
Check the local client error log for reason for the
System action failure.
Processing stops. ANE4292E No virtual machine found.

User response Explanation

Install the Backup-Archive Client from the global zone No virtual machine found with name or specified in
or manually upgrade the Backup-Archive Client. domain option.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 37

System action by looking for the dsmShadowCopyID.txt file in the
root directory of each restored volume. Then, use the
Processing stopped.
diskshadow delete or revert command.

User response ANE4296I architecture, schedule-name,

domain-name: The Deployment
Specify a correct VM name or domain option. Manager process was started
ANE4293E Backup of VMware vApp 'vApp successfully. Deployment Manager
name' in Organization VDC 'Org Version Information: version
VDC name' of organization 'Org
name' failed. Explanation
The Deployment Manager process was started as a
Explanation post schedule command. This is the first message
The vApp backup operation failed. This error message from the Deployment Manager. The architecture of the
is a summary message and does not contain detailed client, schedule name, and domain name are identified
information. at the beginning of the message text.

System action System action

The configuration information and VMs for the Deployment Manager continues to process.
specified vApps are not backed up. Processing
continues to the next vApp. User response
User response
ANE4297W architecture, schedule-name,
Check the previous messages in the dsmerror.log file domain-name: Client deployment
for more details about this vApp . was completed with warnings:
ANE4295W The virtual machine 'vmname' was
backed up using the Windows VSS Explanation
system provider. You must
This is a generic warning message. It is possible the
manually revert or delete the
other messages provide details of the deployment.
shadow copy on the restored
The architecture of the client, schedule name, and
volumes or you may experience
domain name are identified at the beginning of the
degraded performance and an out-
message text.
of-space condition.

System action
The Deployment Manager process completes.
At backup time, application protection was not able to
back up the VM within the 10-second VSS limit.
Therefore, the Windows VSS system provider was User response
used. If you are restoring the application, the volume Check the warning messages from the server
will be automatically reverted. However, if you are administration center, the server activity log, or error
restoring the entire VM, you must manually revert or log on the client computer for more information.
delete the shadow copy.
ANE4298E architecture, schedule,
System action new_device_type: The client
deployment was cancelled. The
The virtual machine is restored, including the system previous event causing the
provider shadow copy. cancellation is:

User response Explanation

Verify that the restore was successful, and the data is This is a generic message that the client deployment
not corrupt. If the data is not corrupt, you can delete was cancelled. The Deployment Manager does not
the shadow copy. However, if the data is corrupt, uninstall or update the current client. It is possible the
revert the shadow copy to restore data integrity. You other messages provide details of the deployment.
can figure out which shadow copy to delete or revert The architecture of the client, schedule name, and

38 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

domain name are identified at the beginning of the System action
message text.
IBM Spectrum Protect saved additional information
about this virtual machine.
System action
Processing stops. User response
User response
ANE4302W IBM Spectrum Protect failed to
Check the warning messages from the server detect if Microsoft Active Directory
administration center, the server activity log, or error Domain Controller on virtual
log on the client computer for more information. machine 'VM'.
ANE4299E architecture, schedule-name,
domain-name: The client Explanation
deployment failed. The previous
There was an error while checking if the virtual
event causing the failure is: event
machine contains Microsoft Active Directory Domain
This is a generic message that the client deployment System action
failed. It is possible that other messages provide
IBM Spectrum Protect continues backing up this
details of the failure. The architecture of the client,
virtual machine.
schedule name, and domain name are identified at the
beginning of the message text.
User response
System action Check IBM Spectrum Protect error log for additional
Processing stops.
ANE4303E The vCloud Director vApp 'vapp-
User response name' has not been previously
backed up.
Check the warning messages from the server
administration center, the server activity log, or error
log on the client computer for more information. Explanation
The specified vCloud Director vApp has not been
ANE4300I architecture, schedule-name,
previously backed up, so can not be specified for
domain-name: Client deployment
was completed successfully.

System action
The specified vCloud Director vApp is skipped, and the
The Deployment Manager process completes.
next vApp in the restore list is processed.

System action
User response
Processing stops.
Verify the vCloud Director vApp name to be restored,
and re-try the operation.
User response
ANE4304I IBM Spectrum Protect could not
None detect the IBM Spectrum Protect
ANE4301I IBM Spectrum Protect detected for Virtual Environments license.
Microsoft Active Directory Domain Active Directory Domain Controller
Controller on virtual machine 'VM'. will not be protected on VM 'VM'.

Explanation Explanation

The virtual machine contains Microsoft Active The virtual machine contains Microsoft Active
Directory Domain Controller. Directory Domain Controller, but a IBM Spectrum

Chapter 2. ANE messages 39

Protect for Virtual Environments license is not processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
detected. The Domain Controller will not be protected. local client error log.

System action User response

Install IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments Check the local client error log for reason for the
7.1 or later to protect Active Directory. failure.
ANE4311E Full VM restore of 'hypervisor'
User response Virtual Machine 'vmname' failed
None with RC=rc target node
name='target_node_name', data
ANE4305W Backup of VMware vApp 'vApp mover node
name' in Organization VDC 'Org name='data_mover_node_name'
VDC name' of organization 'Org
name' completed. Some VMs were
not backed up.
mode: 'Incremental Forever - The Full VM restore of the virtual machine failed.
target node name: System action
data mover node name: The full restore of the the virtual machine finished with
'data_mover_node_name' failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be
VMs backup status: number of VM processed. The reason for the failure is written to the
backed up out of number of VMs in local client error log.
vApp VMs backed up successfully.
User response
Explanation Check the local client error log for reason for the
The vApp backup operation completed successfully. failure.
However, one or more VMs for the specified vApp were ANE4313I Rebalance Schedule sched-name
not backed up. These VMs will not be created during Type: balance-type
the restore operation.
System action
A rebalance operation was requested for the named
Processing continues to the next vApp. schedule. A rebalance can be complete or minimal. A
Minimal rebalance is performed automatically at the
User response end of each schedule. You can configure a complete
rebalance by using the option settings,
Check the dsmerror.log file for this vApp for more
information about this message. Resolve the problem,
then try the operation again.
ANE4308E Full VM backup of 'hypervisor' System action
Virtual Machine 'vmname' failed
with RC=rc mode=full_or_incr, The rebalance operation begins.
target node
name='target_node_name', data User response
mover node
No action is required.
ANE4319E Rebalance schedule error
Explanation occurred while processing the
timestamp file.
The Full VM backup of virtual machine failed.
System action
An error occurred while a tagged schedule was
The full backup of the virtual machine finished with processing a local timestamp file. The timestamp file
failures. The next virtual machine in the vmlist will be will be recreated after the next schedule is run.

40 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action for file backup, image backup or
The schedule completed.

User response
Microsoft Cluster Shared Volumes File Systems
The timestamp file name is based on the schedule
(CSVFS) are NTFS or ReFS volumes that are added to
name. It has the format
Cluster Shared Volumes. These volumes are intended
"rebalance_timestamp_schedulename.file" Deleting
for Hyper-V and expanded support for SQL, not for
the file may help. The timestamp file will be recreated
regular file data. IBM Spectrum Protect does not
after the next schedule is run.
support file level backup and archive or image backup
ANE4441E 'fs' is a 'fstype' file system, which for CSVFS volumes.
is not a supported file system type
for file backup, image backup or System action
The file system is skipped. Processing continues with
the next file system.
The specified file system is not supported for any type User response
of backup. IBM Spectrum Protect does not support
backup and archive or image backup for this type of Refer to the IBM Spectrum Protect client manual for a
volume. complete list of supported file systems.
ANE4446E A file restore mount operation for
System action hypervisor type Virtual Machine
'vmname' failed. The data center
The file system is skipped. Processing continues with
node name is 'data center node
the next file system.
name', the mount proxy node
name is 'mount proxy node name'.
User response
Refer to the IBM Spectrum Protect client manual for a Explanation
complete list of supported file systems.
The file restore mount operation of the virtual machine
ANE4442E 'VM-Name' a backup cannot be failed.
created because the virtual
machine has assigned disk with System action
duplicate disk identifiers.
The mount of the virtual machine finished with
The client detected that the virtual machine has User response
assigned disk with duplicate disk identifiers. The disk
may have been copied. A backup cannot be created on Review the local client error log for the reason for the
a virtual machine that have duplicate disk identifiers. failure.
ANE4449E A cleanup of the file restore mount
System action of hypervisor type Virtual Machine
'vmname' failed. The data center
The virtual machine is not backuped. Processing
node name is 'data center node
continues with the next virtual machine.
name', the mount proxy node
name is 'mount proxy node name'.
User response
Check that the virtual disks has diffrent disk identifiers Explanation
and update the virtual machine configuration to match
The cleanup of file restore mount operation of the
any changes to the file system. If the problem persists,
virtual machine failed.
contact an administrator of the Hyper-V server.
ANE4443E 'fs' is a CSVFS file system, which is
not a supported file system type

Chapter 2. ANE messages 41

System action System action
The cleanup of mount of the virtual machine finished The scheduled event is completed using more than
with failures. one session.

User response User response

Review the local client error log for the reason for the None required. If this is a recurrent condition, you may
failure. want to check for network problems.
ANE4450E The mount proxy platform is not ANE4901E The following object contains one
supported for file restore mount or more unmatched quotation
operations. marks and cannot be processed:
'filespace path filename'.
The file restore mount operation failed. The mount
proxy platform is unsupported or the IBM Spectrum The file name in the file list contains unmatched
Protect Recovery Agent is not correctly installed and quotes. If a line in the file list begins with a single or
configured. double quotation mark this quotation mark is
considered to be an opening quotation mark. The
System action corresponding closing quotation mark of the same
type must be at the end of the line. If there is no
The file restore mount operation failed. closing quotation mark or the closing quotation mark
has been encountered in the middle of the line, it is an
User response invalid input.
Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Protect Recovery Agent
is installed and configured correctly and run the file System action
restore mount operation from a supported mount The object is skipped.
proxy platform.
ANE4451E The Windows iSCSI service is not User response
available. Correct the specification of the object.

Explanation ANE4904E The instant access operation for

the 'vmname' virtual machine
The Windows iSCSI service is not available on the failed. The target node is
mount proxy machine. It is either not started or is not 'target_node_name and the data
installed or configured correctly. mover node is
System action
Processing stops. The file restore mount operation Explanation
fails. The instant access operation for the virtual machine
User response
Ensure that the iSCSI service is up and running on the System action
mount proxy machine. Errors occurred and the instant access operation did
ANE4900W Schedule 'schedule-name' has not complete.
opened a new session with the
server. User response
See the client error log to determine the cause of the
Explanation failure.
A scheduled event endsbecause of a connection ANE4907E Instant restore of VMware Virtual
failure. The scheduled event had to be restarted Machine 'vmname' failed. target
outside its normal startup window to continue the node name='target_node_name',

42 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

data mover node IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
name='data_mover_node_name' Environments.

Explanation Explanation
The instant restore of the virtual machine failed. A failure occurred while accessing the VMware
libraries for the virtual machine environment.
System action
System action
The instant restore of the the virtual machine finished
with failures. The reason for the failure is written to the The backup operation cannot continue.
local client error log.
User response
User response
Install the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
Check the local client error log for reason for the Environments package to use the client to back up
failure. virtual machines.
ANE4910E The cleanup operation for the ANE4936E The snapshot of virtual machine
'vmname' virtual machine failed. 'vmname' failed and a snapshot
The target node is cannot be attempted again.
'target_node_name' and the data
mover node is Explanation
The snapshot of the virtual machine failed with a
permanent error. Such as the Hyper-V writer is not
responding. Another snapshot attempt will not be
The cleanup operation for the virtual machine failed. made.

System action System action

Errors occurred and the cleanup operation did not The snapshot of the virtual machine finished with an
complete. error. Processing continues to the next virtual
User response
User response
See the client error log to determine the cause of the
failure. Check the Windows event log for the reason for the
ANE4915I Object increased in size during
compression: filespace ANE4937I Resending file file in a new
pathfilename transaction session to recover
from the transmission error.
The file increased in size during compression.
System action
System action
Processing contiues.
The file is resent.
User response
User response
ANE4917E A failure occurred while accessing
the VMware libraries. The required ANE4938I Virtual machine: 'vm-name' disk:
files for the virtual machine 'disk-name' is excluded by size.
backup were not found.
The files are installed only if the
client is defined as a data mover in

Chapter 2. ANE messages 43

Explanation ANE4946W Warning: virtual machine: 'vm-
name' disk: 'disk-name' excluded
The option file or command given excluded the disk
by user, was not found.
from backup processing.

System action
The specified virtual disk does not exist on the virtual
The disk is not processed.

User response
System action
If the disk is intentionally excluded, then this message
Processing continues.
is expected behavior. Otherwise modify the command
or option file to include the disk.
User response
ANE4942E The file specification 'string' is
invalid. Use the "dsmc backup vm ..." command with the -
preview option to display a listing of the disk labels
which exist on the virtual machine. Since the disk was
specified to be excluded from the backup, the backup
The operating system indicated that the file will continue. However it is possible that a disk will
specification is invalid. One possible reason is that the included in the backup which was not desired, check
file specification contains unrecognized characters. the spelling of the disk label, and correct the disk label
Another possible cause is incorrect use of quotation if an undesired disk is now included in the backup
marks in the file specification. operation.
ANE4947E Error: virtual machine: 'vm-name'
System action disk: 'disk-name' included by user,
Processing stopped. was not found.

User response Explanation

Enter a correct file specification as described in the The specified virtual disk does not exist on the virtual
Using the Backup-Archive Client book for the particular machine.
operating system. Ensure that the file specification
contains valid characters. Verify correct use of System action
quotation marks for specifications that contain blanks
spaces. If multiple file specifications are used, make Processing stops.
sure that any use of quotation marks does not cause
the file specifications to be treated as a single file User response
specification. Use the "dsmc backup vm ..." command with the -
ANE4944I Virtual machine: 'vm-name' disk: preview option to display a listing of the disk labels
'disk-name' is excluded by user. which exist on the virtual machine. Check the spelling
of the disk label and correct the disk label and then
retry the 'backup vm' operation.
ANE4948E A specified virtual disk was not
The option file or command given excluded the disk
from backup processing. found on the virtual machine.

System action
You must specify a virtual disk label name which exists
The disk is not processed.
on the virtual machine.

User response
System action
If the disk is intentionally excluded, then this message
Processing stops.
is expected behavior. Otherwise modify the command
or option file to include the disk.

44 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
For a backup operation, use the "dsmc backup vm ..." See your system administrator or bypass the failing
command with the -preview option to display a listing check by using SkipNTSecu rity option.
of the disk labels which exist on the virtual machine.
ANE4974E Error processing 'filespace
For a restore operation, use the "dsmc query vm ..."
namepath-namefile-name': a
command with the -detail option to display a listing of
required NT privilege is not held.
the disk labels which exist on the virtual machine
backup. Check the spelling of the disk label and
correct the disk label and then retry the operation. Explanation

ANE4972W File server file-server-name has The user account running IBM Spectrum Protect does
been upgraded to Data ONTAP not possess a required NT user right/pr ivilege for
version performing the current operation.
on'. This version does not support System action
unicode file names for snapshot
The object is skipped.
difference incremental backup.
Upgrade to a version that supports
unicode file names as soon as User response
possible. Your system administrator has the authority to grant
the needed privilege.
ANE4987E Error processing 'filespace
The file server has been upgraded from a version that namepath-namefile-name': the
supports unicode file names for incremental backup object is in use by another process
using snapshot difference to a version that does not. If
you have upgraded from Data ONTAP version 7.3.3 (or Explanation
later) to 8.0, you lose the ability to back up files with
unicode file names when performing snapshot The specified file is being used by another process.
difference incremental backup. You tried to read from or write to a file that is currently
being used by another process.
System action
System action
Processing continues. However, files with unicode
names are not backed up. File skipped.

User response User response

Upgrade to a version that supports unicode file names Ensure that the file is not locked by another process. If
as soon as possible. If you have upgraded from Data the file is not locked, retry the command.
ONTAP version 7.3.3 (or later) to 8.0, upgrade to 8.1 ANE4988W File 'filespace namepath-namefile-
(or later). If it is not possible to upgrade at this time,
name' is currently unavailable on
you can suppress this warning message by renaming
server and has been skipped.
the file space on the IBM Spectrum Protect server and
performing a snapshot difference incremental backup.
ANE4973E An error occurred accessing NTFS
You tried to restore or retrieve a file that is currently
security information for file
not available from the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
'filespace namepath-namefile-
This is most likely a temporary condition.

System action
IBM Spectrum Protect cannot restore or retrieve the
An access denied error occurred while attempting to
access NTFS security info rmation.

User response
System action
Try to restore or retrieve the file again after the file
The object is skipped.
becomes available on the server. If the problem

Chapter 2. ANE messages 45

persists, see your IBM Spectrum Protect administrator User response
for assistance.
Refer to the documentation for the application that
ANE4989E Error processing 'filespace you are using.
namepath-namefile-name': the
ANE4993E Application Type Application
directory is in use by another
Message Id Application Message
process. All objects in the
directory and any of its
subdirectories are skipped. Explanation
This is a message sent by the application you are
Explanation currently running with IBM Spectrum Protect.
The specified directory is being used by another
process. You tried to read from or write to a directory System action
that is currently being used by another process. The IBM Spectrum Protect logs the application message.
objects contained in the directory and its
subdirectories are not backed up.
User response

System action Refer to the documentation for the application that

you are using.
Processing stopped for that directory. If other files and
directories were also specified in this backup, they are ANE4994S Application Type Application
processed Message Id Application Message

User response Explanation

Ensure that you specified the correct directory name, This is a message sent by the application you are
correct the permissions, or specify a new location.If currently running with IBM Spectrum Protect.
the directory name is correct, retry the backup when
no process has exclusive use of the directory. System action
ANE4991I Application Type Application IBM Spectrum Protect logs the application message.
Message Id Application Message
User response
Refer to the documentation for the application that
This is a message sent by the application you are you are using.
currently running with IBM Spectrum Protect.
ANE4997E Error processing 'filespace
namepath-namefile-name': file
System action system quota reached condition -
IBM Spectrum Protect logs the application message. no space left.

User response Explanation

Refer to the documentation for the application that No more files can be restored or retrieved because the
you are using. quota of the destination file system has been reached.

ANE4992W Application Type Application

System action
Message Id Application Message
The client prompts you for action:
Explanation • Retry this object
This is a message sent by the application you are • Skip this object
currently running with IBM Spectrum Protect. • Abort the action

System action User response

IBM Spectrum Protect logs the application message. Select the appropriate action for this object. Create
some free space or increase the quota on the

46 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

destination file system before you retry the operation. ANE4999I The following message was too
Another option is to restore or retrieve the file to long to log to the server:
another file system. 'shortened message with message
ANE4998E Link information for file 'filename'
could not be obtained: access to
the object is denied. Explanation
The message text and inserts are too large to send to
Explanation the server in the available internal buffer.
Access to the specified file link is denied. You tried to
read information for file link and you do not have System action
access permission for this object. The message number message is written to the local
client error log, then shortened and sent to the server
System action as a part of this message. The message is reduced in
length by substituting '...' in the middle of the original
Processing of System State stops.

User response
User response
Try the operation again. If the problem persists,
The message referred to has been shortened, but
contact IBM technical support for additional
describes the error that occurred. See the
documentation for that message for more information.

Chapter 2. ANE messages 47

48 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
Chapter 3. ANR messages

ANR messages are issued by the server. Some ANR messages are common to all operating systems, and
some are specific to a single operating system.

ANR messages list

Messages are listed in ascending numerical order. All elements of the message are documented.
For a list of new, changed, and deleted server messages, see the following files in the server installation
This file contains all new, changed, and deleted messages from the previous server version to the
current version.
This file contains all new, changed, and deleted messages from the current server version to the
current release.
These files are in the installation_directory\doc directory for Microsoft Windows operating
systems and the installation_directory/server/bin/ directory for all other operating systems.
These files are also available in New, changed, and deleted server messages on the IBM Spectrum
Protect wiki.
ANR0010W Unable to open message catalog ANR0011W Unable to set locale to first locale.
for language language. The default Using locale second locale for
language message catalog will be message formatting.
The first locale could not be set.
The message catalog for the specified language could
not be found. System action
The server continues to initialize using the second
System action
The server continues to initialize with the default
English message catalog. User response
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
User response
• If you specified a LANGUAGE option in the server
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
options file, ensure that you specified a supported
• If you specified a LANGUAGE option in the server locale and that the locale is installed on your system.
options file, verify that you specified a supported • If you specified environment variables for the
language. system locale, ensure that you specified a supported
• If you specified environment variables for the locale and that the locale is installed on your system.
system locale, ensure that you specified a supported • Restart the server.
locale and that the locale is installed on your system.
• Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Protect language ANR0098W This system does not meet the
package for the specified language is installed on minimum memory requirements.
your system.
• Restart the server.
The minimum memory required is 12 GB. 16 GB is
required if you are using data deduplication. At least

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 49

32 GB is needed for heavily used servers. Using 32 GB System action
or more of memory enhances performance of the IBM
The activity that generated this error fails.
Spectrum Protect server database inventory.
If you plan to run multiple instances, each instance User response
requires the memory listed for one server. Multiply the
memory for one server by the number of instances Contact your service representative.
planned for the system. ANR0101E Source file(line number): Error error
Node replication processing requires additional code opening table "table name".
memory. Use a minimum of 32 GB of memory for node
replication without data deduplication. Node Explanation
replication with data deduplication requires a
An internal error occurred when a server database
minimum of 64 GB of memory. You will require an
table was being accessed. This error message always
active log at least 64 GB in size to run replication. If
accompanies another error message which provides
replication and deduplication are both being used, an
more details about the error.
active log at least 128 GB in size is required.

System action
System action
The activity that generated this error fails.
Server operation continues.

User response User response

If the server or storage agent stops in response to a
Increase the amount of memory on the system.
HALT command, you can ignore this error message.
ANR0099W This operating system is not
ANR0102E Source file(line number): Error error
code inserting row in table "table
The system has detected one of the following items: Explanation
• a release of the operating system that is not An internal error occurred when data was added to a
supported server database table. This error message always
• the required maintenance for the operating system accompanies another error message which provides
is not installed more details about the error.

See the software requirements section in the

System action
information center for more details.
The activity that generated this error fails.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
An error occurred when a row was inserted into a
User response server database table. Typically, this error causes an
error code value of 1202 to be displayed. An error
See the software requirements section in the code value of 1202 indicates that the record being
information center and upgrade to a supported inserted already exists in the database. This type of
operating system. error might be caused by a timing issue with the server
ANR0100E Source file(line number): Error error or a synchronization issue involving server processes,
code creating table "table name". client sessions, or other server actions. Review the
activity log file to determine what operations were in
progress and were affected by this error. Try the
Explanation operation again and change the timing so that it does
An internal error has occurred in an attempt to create not run with the same processes or actions as when
a server database table. This message always the error occurred.
accompanies another error message and provides
ANR0103E Source file(line number): Error error
more detail about that error.
code updating row in table "table

50 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR0105E Source file(line number): Error
setting search bounds for table
An internal error occurred when data was updated in a
"table name".
server database table. This error message always
accompanies another error message which provides
more details about the error. Explanation
An internal error occurred when data was being
System action accessed from a server database table. This error
message always accompanies another error message
The activity that generated this error fails.
which provides more details about the error.

User response
System action
An error occurred when a row was inserted into a
The activity that generated this error fails.
server database table. Typically, this error causes an
error code value of 1114 to be displayed. An error
code value of 1114 indicates that the record being User response
updated does not exist in the database. This type of Review the activity log file to determine what
error might be caused by a timing issue with the server operations were in progress and were affected by this
or a synchronization issue involving server processes, error. Try the operation again and change the timing so
client sessions, or other server actions. Review the that it does not run with the same processes or actions
activity log file to determine what operations were in as when the error occurred.
progress and were affected by this error. Try the
operation again and change the timing so that it does ANR0106E Source file(line number):
not run with the same processes or actions as when Unexpected error error code
the error occurred. fetching row in table "table name".
ANR0104E Source file(line number): Error error
code deleting row from table
"table name". An internal error occurred when data was being
accessed from a server database table. This error
Explanation message always accompanies another error message
which provides more details about the error.
An internal error occurred when data was being
removed from a server database table. This error
System action
message always accompanies another error message
which provides more details about the error. The activity that generated this error fails.

System action User response

The activity that generated this error fails. Review the activity log to determine what operations
were in progress and were affected by this error. Try
User response the operation again and change the timing so that it
does not run with the same processes or actions as
An error occurred when a row was deleted from a when the error occurred.
server database table. Typically, this error causes an
error code value of 1114 to be displayed. An error ANR0107W Source file(line number):
code value of 1114 indicates that the record being Transaction transaction ID was not
deleted does not exist in the database. This type of committed due to an internal
error might be caused by a timing issue with the server error.
or a synchronization issue involving server processes,
client sessions, or other server actions. Review the Explanation
activity log file to determine what operations were in
progress and were affected by this error. Try the An internal error was detected during transaction
operation again and change the timing so that it does commit. This message is typically preceded by another
not run with the same processes or actions as when error message which provides more details about the
the error occurred. error.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 51

System action Explanation
The activity that generated this error fails. The server has noted that the current system date is
suspect. It is earlier than the server install date or has
User response suddenly moved into the future by 30 days or more.

Review the activity log to determine what operations

System action
were in progress and were affected by this error. Try
the operation again and change the timing so that it The server is disabled for client, server and
does not run with the same processes or actions as administrative access. Most server processes will not
when the error occurred. execute.
ANR0108E Source file(line number): could not
start a new transaction. User response
If the current system date is not valid, reset the date.
Explanation Use the ACCEPT DATE command to establish the
current date as valid on the server. After executing this
An error occurred while attempting to start a new command, you can use the ENABLE SESSIONS ALL
transaction. Possibly there is not enough memory. command to enable the server for sessions. Accepting
an invalid date can cause any of the following
System action problems:
The activity that generated this error fails. Premature deletion of data
Excessive retention of data
Scheduling problems
User response Event record problems
See the documentation for the operating system about Password expiration problems.
how to increase memory for an application.
ANR0111E Command: The BEGINNODEID and
ANR0109E Attempt number att_num Unable ENDNODEID are both required to
to load cryptography module from be specified.
'icc location'.
Explanation The BEGINNODEID and ENDNODEID are both required
An error occurred while attempting to load the to be specified or neither of them are required.
cryptography module.
System action
System action The server fails the command.
The application will not start.
User response
User response Reissue the command, specifying both BEGINNODEID
Verify that the ICC cryptography directory is located in and ENDNODEID, or neither of them.
either the application root directory or the directory
ANR0112E Command: The specified
specified in the platform specific environment variable
BEGINNODEID node id is greater
(the DSMSERV_DIR for Unix platforms or the Windows
than the ENDNODEID node id.
ANR0110E An unexpected system date has Explanation
been detected; the server is
disabled. Verify the system date Either the BEGINNODEID or the ENDNODEID is invalid
and use the ACCEPT DATE because the value of the BEGINNODEID is greater
command to establish the current than the ENDNODEID.
date as valid.
System action
The server fails the command.

52 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Reissue the command, specifying the ENDNODEID to The server waits for all previous parallel commands
be greater than the BEGINNODEID, or both to be started by the script to complete. When all previous
equal. parallel commands are complete, the server allows
the script to continue. The script can attempt to start
ANR0113E Command: The storage pool list more parallel commands.
specified with the parameter
parameter name includes storage
pool storage pool name more than System action
once. The server waits for all previous parallel commands
before allowing the script to continue.
The storage pool name specified has been specified User response
more than once. The name occurs more than once in If you need to start more parallel commands than the
the COPYSTGPOOLS list, more than once in the script limit allows, modify the script to invoke multiple
ACTIVEDATAPOOLS list, more than once in the scripts in parallel, each of which can start multiple
PROTECTLOCALSTGPOOLS list, or it has been parallel commands, up to the script limit.
specified in multiple lists.
ANR0116W The server script script name
attempted to start more parallel
System action
commands than are allowed for
The command fails. the server. The server is limited to
parallel command limit parallel
User response commands.

Reissue the command specifying unique storage pool

The server waits for all previous parallel commands
ANR0114E Command: The NUMBER started by the script to complete. When all previous
parameter is required on this parallel commands are complete, the server allows
command. The current default the script to continue. The script can attempt to start
value is 0. more parallel commands. If the limit is exceeded, the
command will run serially.
The NUMBER parameter is required for the FORMAT System action
LFVOLUME COMMAND when the The server waits for all previous parallel commands
LFVOLUMEFORMATCOUNT option is set to 0. before allowing the script to continue.

System action User response

The command is not executed. Reduce the number of parallel commands or scripts
that are running on the server at any one time.
User response
ANR0117E The server contains stored data.
Either reissue the command with the NUMBER Archive data retention protection
parameter or else use the the SETOPT command to cannot be changed.
ANR0115W The server script script name Explanation
attempted to start more parallel The archive data retention protection state cannot be
commands than are allowed for a changed while the server contains any backup,
single script. A single script is archive, or space-managed data.
limited to parallel command limit
parallel commands.
System action
Processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 53

User response Explanation
In order to change the archive data retention The archive data retention protection state has been
protection state, the server must contain no backup, set.
archive, or space-managed data. Either re-initialize the
server database, or delete all stored data and try the System action
command again.
Processing continues.
ANR0118W The client option client option is
not valid and will not be sent to User response
the client. Use the INCLEXCL
option instead. None.
ANR0121E command is not allowed when
Explanation archive data retention is enabled.
The client options INCLUDE and EXCLUDE are not valid
and have been replaced by the combined INCLEXCL. If Explanation
INCLUDE and EXCLUDE are used in client option sets,
The specified command is not allowed when archive
use the INCLEXCL option along with the specific
data retention protection is enabled on the server.
include or exclude option that you want the clients to
System action
System action Processing continues.
The option is ignored and is not sent to the client. The
server continues processing. User response
User response
ANR0122E command: A node cannot be
Client options INCLUDE and EXCLUDE are not valid; assigned to a new domain when
use the INCLEXCL option along with the specific archive data retention is enabled.
include or exclude option that you want the clients to
use. Explanation
ANR0119W The client option client option is A previously defined node cannot be assigned to a new
not valid and will not be sent to domain when archive data retention protection is
the client. Delete it from client enabled on the server.
option sets.
System action
Processing continues.
The client option is not supported by this server and
should be deleted from the client option set.
User response

System action None.

The option is ignored and is not sent to the client. The ANR0123E command: A device type of
server continues processing. SERVER is not allowed when
archive data retention is enabled.
User response
Delete the option from the option set. Check the
documentation for a possible replacement for the The specified device type is not allowed when archive
option. data retention protection is enabled on the server.

ANR0120I Archive data retention protection

System action
is set to state of archive data
retention protection. Processing continues.

54 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. Processing continues.
ANR0124W Object object name (object id hi )
for node node name (node id), User response
filespace filespace name (filespace None.
id) is retention protected and can
not be deleted. ANR0127E command to another server is not
allowed when data retention
protection is enabled on the target
The specified object can not be deleted because:
• Archive retention protection is enabled and the Explanation
object's retention period has not elapsed, or The specified command is not allowed when data
• The object is part of a deletion hold. retention protection is enabled on the target server.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Processing continues.

User response User response

None. None.

ANR0125W DELETE FILESPACE filespace name ANR0128E Command: The list of storage
for node node name contains pools specified with the parameter
retention protected data and parameter name includes storage
cannot be deleted. pool storage pool name, which is
already in use by another storage
Explanation pool.

The specified file space cannot be deleted because it Explanation

contains one or more objects that must be retained for
one of the following reasons: The specified storage pool name is already being used
to protect another storage pool. You cannot protect
• Archive retention protection is enabled and the multiple storage pools using the same container-copy
object's retention period has not elapsed. storage pool.
• The object is part of a deletion hold.
System action
System action
The command fails.
The file space is not deleted.
User response
User response
Reissue the command specifying unique storage pool
None. names.
ANR0126W DELETE VOLUME: Volume volume ANR0129I Database upgrade completed
name contains retention protected successfully.
data and can not be deleted.
The requested database upgrade operation completed
The specified volume cannot be deleted because it successfully.
contains one or more objects that must be retained
because of one of the following: System action
• Archive retention protection is enabled and the Processing continues.
object's retention period has not elapsed.
• The object is part of a deletion hold.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 55

User response System action
None. The activity that generated this error fails.
ANR0130E Diagnostic(ID): Server LOG space
exhausted. User response
See the documentation for the operating system about
Explanation how to increase memory for an application.
There is no space to write data to the server recovery ANR0133E Error loading module modname:
log. error string

System action Explanation

The activity that generated this error fails. The error specified by error string occurred when the
server attempted to load module modname
User response
System action
To increase the amount of log space available to the
server, evaluate the directories and filesystem Server operation continues, but the function provided
assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIR, ARCHIVELOGDIR, by the module is not available.
and ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIR. An out of log space
condition may occur because the ACTIVELOGDIR User response
location is full. Alternatively, an out of log condition
may occur if the log files in the ACTIVELOGDIR which Refer to the error string and correct the condition
are no longer active can not be archived to the causing the load to fail.
ARCHIVELOGDIR and ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIR ANR0134I Tiering process process ID for
locations. If necessary, a larger ARCHIVELOGDIR or storage rule stgrule_name started
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIR can be specified by updating from storage pool source_stgpool
this option in the dsmserv.opt file and then restarting to tgt_stgpool_type storage pool
the server. target_stgpool.
ANR0131E Diagnostic(ID): Server DB space
exhausted. Explanation
The server started the tiering process to move client
Explanation data that meets the specified criteria for age and state.
There is no space to write data to the server database. The data can include backup, archive, and space-
managed files. The tiering process was started as
process number process ID.
System action
The activity that generated this error fails. System action
Server operation continues. The tiering process can be
User response
canceled, if necessary.
To increase the amount of database space available to
the server, an authorized administrator can add User response
database volumes by using the DEFINE DBSPACE
command. Once additional space has been added for No action is required. However, you can query the
the database, the server database manager will process by using the QUERY PROCESS command. You
automatically extend into that space and use it. can cancel the process by using the CANCEL PROCESS
ANR0132E Diagnostic(ID): Memory allocation
failed: object object name, size ANR0135I Tiering process process ID from
size. storage pool source_stgpool
started searching for eligible file
The server cannot obtain enough memory to create
the object named.

56 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The tiering process began a search for file spaces with Server installation stops.
eligible data that must be moved to the target storage
pool. User response
Reissue the command with a valid number of primary
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR0139I Tiering process process ID
identified number of files files for
User response node node name, file space
No action is required. filespace name to tier from storage
pool source_stgpool to storage pool
ANR0136I Table updating statistics target_stgpool.
performed successfully for
processed tables of total tables.

Explanation The actual number of files to be tiered can vary,

depending on the tiering action type and the method of
The server periodically performs maintenance on the data storage.
database tables. The maintenance processing allows
the database to update statistics determine how to
System action
best access a given table. The maintenance processing
will periodically process all tables for the server. Server operation continues as the files are moved.

System action User response

Server operation continues. No action is required. However, to learn more about
the tiering process, go to the product documentation
User response and search for "tiering."

No user action required. ANR0140I Command: success. Node

node_id_1 is granted proxy
ANR0137E Source file(line number): Error error authority to node node_id_2.
code allocating num rows database

Explanation The command was successful.

An internal error has occurred in an attempt to allocate

System action
storage for the requested number of database rows
indicated. The server performs the command.

System action User response

The activity that generated this error fails. None.
ANR0141E Command: failed. Node node_id_1
User response was not granted proxynode
Contact your service representative. authority to node node_id_2.

ANR0138E Value primary logs for number of

primary logs is invalid.
The command fails if either of the nodes do not exist,
Explanation or if the administrator issuing the command does not
have sufficient authority.
The command has been issued with an invalid number
of primary logs.
System action
The server fails the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 57

User response ANR0145E Command: failed. Node node_id_1
already has been granted
Verify that both nodes exist and that the administrator
proxynode authority to node
has sufficient authority, then issue the command
ANR0142I Command: success. Proxynode Explanation
authority for node node_id_1 has
been revoked from node The command failed because a proxy relationship
node_id_2. between the two nodes already exists.

Explanation System action

The command was successful. The server fails the command, but does not change the
existing association.
System action
User response
The server performs the command.
User response ANR0146E Command: failed. Node node_id_1
was not granted proxynode
authority to itself.
ANR0143E Command: failed. Proxynode
authority for node node_id_1 has Explanation
not been revoked to node
node_id_2. The command failed because a node cannot have a
proxy relationship defined to itself.
System action
The command fails if the administrator issuing the
command does not have sufficient authority. The server fails the command.

System action User response

The server fails the command. None.

ANR0147E Command: failed. Proxy node
User response authority for node node_id_1 to
Check the help for the command and verify that the node node_id_2 was not revoked
administrator has either system or unrestricted policy because node node_id_missing has
authority; then issue the command again. not been defined to the server.

ANR0144E Command: failed. Node node_id_1 Explanation

was not granted proxynode
authority to node node_id_2 The command failed because one of the nodes has not
because node node_id_missing has been defined to the server.
not been defined to the server.
System action
Explanation The server fails the command.
The command failed because one of the nodes has not
been defined to the server. User response
Verify that both nodes have been defined to the server,
System action and then issue the command again.
The server fails the command. ANR0148I Command: No proxy relationships
were found.
User response
Verify that both nodes have been defined to the server
and then issue the command again.

58 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
No proxy relationships were found. Server initialization stops.

System action User response

None. For more information about the failure, try to start the
database manager by issuing the db2start command,
User response as in this example: C:\Users\admin>db2start. You
might receive messages similar to the following ones:
None. SQL1397N The Db2 service failed to logon. SQL1032N
ANR0149E Filespace filespace for node No start database manager command was issued.
node_name was deleted SQLSTATE=57019. To determine the cause of the
concurrently with the command. failure, evaluate recent changes to the server and
review the system error logs. Information can be found
in the Db2 diagnostic log file. If you are starting a Db2
Explanation server on a Windows platform, you can set the logon
The command failed. The requested filespace was account for a Db2 service by using the Services dialog
deleted concurrently with the command. box from the Control Panel.
ANR0152I Database manager successfully
System action started.
The server will fail the command.
User response The server was successfully able to start the database
Retry the command. manager.

ANR0150E Failed to open object object_name. System action

There was an error decrypting the
password_type password. The server operations continue.

Explanation User response

The server could not open the object specified due to None.
the error encountered while decrypting the password.
ANR0153I Database manager already
System action
The server will fail the related command or action. Explanation
The server database manager is already running.
User response
Reset the password using the appropriate UPDATE System action
command and retry the failing command or action.
The server continues startup.
ANR0151W Database manager fails to start.
For more information about the User response
failure, issue the db2start
command. None.
ANR0154E Command: The active data pool
Explanation list that you specified with the
The server was unable to start the database manager.
includes active data pool active
The following are possible causes:
data pool name that is a duplicate.
• The database manager license key is invalid or All names must be unique.
• The server instance password was changed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 59

Explanation Explanation
You may enter up to 10 unique active data pool names An error occurred during the specified table operation
specified with the ACTIVEDESTINATION parameter. for the table indicated.

System action System action

The command fails. The activity that generated this error fails.

User response User response

Reissue the command specifying unique active-data If there were no operational failures as a result of
pool names. issue, then this was anticipated and the server was
able to continue appropriately. If this resulted in a
ANR0155E Command: The number of active failure for a client session or server process, this
data pool names specified with information is needed to help diagnose the issue. In
the ACTIVEDESTINATION the even of a failure, please contact your IBM service
parameter cannot exceed 10. representative for further assistance.

Explanation ANR0158W Database operation table

operation for table table name
The maximum number of active data pool names that failed with operation code op code
you can specify with the ACTIVEDESTINATION and tracking id tracking number.
parameter is 10. You may enter up to 10 unique The data for column column
names, separated by commas. number is: column data.

System action Explanation

The command fails. An error occurred during the specified table operation
for the table indicated.
User response
Reissue the command specifying up to 10 unique System action
active-data pool names separated only by commas. The activity that generated this error fails.
ANR0156E Command: The pool active data
pool name with pool ID pool ID is User response
not an active pool. If there were no operational failures as a result of
issue, then this was anticipated and the server was
Explanation able to continue appropriately. If this resulted in a
The storage pool specified is not an active-data pool. failure for a client session or server process, this
Only active-data pools are allowed to be specified in information is needed to help diagnose the issue. In
the ACTIVEDESTINATION parameter. the even of a failure, please contact your IBM service
representative for further assistance.
System action ANR0159E Diagnostic(ID): Database deadlock
detected on Db2 Statement
The command fails.

User response
Reissue the command specifying ten or fewer active-
The database server detected a deadlock situation and
data pool names.
rolled back the outstanding work on this statement
ANR0157W Database operation table handle. When server processes encounter a database
operation for table table name deadlock, they usually reattempt the work that was in
failed with result code op code and progress when the deadlock was encountered. Not all
tracking ID: id. processes can explicitly try an operation again. For
example, migration and reclamation will eventually be
tried again. However, something such as a delete
volume run in a macro will only be tried again if the

60 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

delete command is reissued either in the macro or the dbReturnCode:dbState:dbCode
command line. (dbErrorMessage).

System action Explanation

The work being done on the statement handle is rolled The dbReturnCode, dbState, and dbCode are displayed
back. Some processes will attempt to retry the as supplemental information. This information should
request. Others will just stop. Server operation be used in conjunction with any other database error
continues. or warning messages issues to assist with diagnosing a
given issue.
User response
System action
If a process can retry (like migration), then monitor the
re-try attempt to see if it succeeds or not. If the The activity that generated this error fails.
process or command is not able to retry on it's own,
then reissue the command or macro that caused the User response
action to occur.
None. This is supplemental information corresponding
ANR0160I Displaying segment segment to another database error or warning message issued.
number of total segments for client
object object identifier with text: ANR0163E Diagnostic(ID): Database
object name. insufficient memory detected on
Db2 Statement Handle.
Display a client object, such as a file or directory, that
uses a long fully qualified name. The name is displayed The database server detected an insufficient memory
in smaller segments until the entire name is shown. condition and rolled back the outstanding work on this
The segment numbers are incremented from 1 to N statement handle.
until all the segments for this object name are
displayed. System action
The work being done on the statement handle is rolled
System action back. Server operation continues.
The fully qualified name for this object is displayed.
User response
User response See the documentation for the operating system about
None. how to increase memory for an application.

ANR0161I Displaying segment segment ANR0165I Inventory file expiration started

number for message insert insert processing for node nodename,
identifier with text segment text. filespace filespace name,
copygroup copygroup and object
type type.
Display a segment of a message insert that was too Explanation
long to be displayed within the specified message.
There may be one or more segments displayed for a Inventory file expiration processing started processing
given message insert. for the node name and filespace name indicated. For
this node name and filespace name the indicated
copygroup and object types are currently being
System action
The entire message insert segment is displayed.
System action
User response
Inventory file expiration continues.
ANR0162W Supplemental database diagnostic

Chapter 3. ANR messages 61

User response System action
This message is for informational purposes only and is The operation continues.
only displayed if the expiration processing is executed
with QUIET=NO. User response
ANR0166I Inventory file expiration finished None.
processing for node nodename, file
space filespace name, copy group ANR0169E An unexpected error has occurred
copygroup, and object type type and the IBM Spectrum Protect
with processing statistics: server is stopping.
examined examined, retained
retained, deleted deleted, retrying Explanation
retrying, failed failed and skipped
The IBM Spectrum Protect server encountered an
skipped files.
error from which it cannot recover, and the server is
halting. Other messages will be issued along with this
Explanation message indicating the specific error conditions which
Inventory file expiration processing is completed for have occurred.
node name and filespace name. For this node name
and filespace name the indicated copygroup and System action
object types were evaluated. And the ending statistics
The server halts.
show the number of objects examined, deleted,
retried, skipped and those that failed to be processed.
User response
System action Follow the instructions indicated in any associated
messages, then start the server.
Inventory file expiration continues.
ANR0170E Diagnostic(ID): Error detected on
User response Db2 Statement Handle, database
restart required.
No action is required. This message is informational
and displayed only if the expiration processing is
executed with the QUIET=NO parameter setting. Explanation
The IBM Spectrum Protect server encountered an
ANR0167I Inventory file expiration process
error on the database and needs to issue a Db2
process ID processed for minutes
RESTART DB to the database manager. All
connections to the database server are severed, and
uncompleted operations are aborted. The IBM
Explanation Spectrum Protect server will then restart the database
Server expiration processing ran for the indicated and attempt to continue. If the database manager
number of minutes. cannot be restarted, the IBM Spectrum Protect server
will halt. Other messages may be issued along with
this message indicating the specific error conditions
System action
which have occurred.
System action
User response
The server continues, or if it cannot restart the
None. database, it halts.
ANR0168I Analyst authority for administrator
admin name will be ignored. User response
Analyst authority is not supported If the server is able to recover, no action is needed,
on this server. except to restart operations that were aborted.
However, if the server cannot recover, it will halt.
Explanation Follow the instructions indicated in any associated
messages, then start the server. If the server still
Analyst authority is not supported for servers at V6.1 cannot be started, manually issue the Db2 RESTART
or later.

62 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

DB command, then attempt to start the IBM Spectrum System action
Protect server again.
Server processing terminates, the requested action
ANR0171I Diagnostic(ID): Error detected on fails.
Db2 Statement Handle, database in
evaluation mode. User response
In most cases, this indicates a lack of available
Explanation resources on the system. This may be a lack of
The IBM Spectrum Protect server encountered an physical resources or it may be an environment setting
error on the database and will take action to determine that prevents the server from having access to the
the type of error and whether or not it can recover needed resources. For instance, on Linux systems, this
from the error. may be caused by the SHMMAX value (maximum
allowed shared memory) being set too low. On Linux,
System action this can be viewed using the command "ipcs -l".
Similarly, for Linux, this value can be increased using
Server processing continues. the command "sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=nnn" where
nnn is the new maximum memory value to assign to be
User response used for shared memory. As a general
recommendation, this value should be set to
This is an information message. As the IBM Spectrum approximately 1.25 GB or higher depending upon the
Protect server attempts to resolve the error, it might actual physical memory (RAM) available on that
issue other messages. Follow the instructions system.
indicated in any associated messages.
ANR0174E Diagnostic(ID): Maximum Db2
ANR0172I Diagnostic(ID): Error encountered connections reached on DB2
performing action action. Handle.

Explanation Explanation
The IBM Spectrum Protect server encountered an There are no more available connections to the server
error performing the specified database action. This database.
error caused the action to fail and prevented the
server from being able to continue.
System action
System action The activity that generated this error fails.
Server processing terminates, the requested action
fails. User response
To increase the number of database connections
User response available to the server, the Db2 administrator can
modify the IDBACK parameter in the DSNzPARM
Review other messages issued to determine the actual settings.
error and then take steps to remedy that failure before
retrying the operation. ANR0175E Diagnostic(ID): Space exhausted
for one or more of the following:
ANR0173I The database failed action action DB, LOG, or instance directory.
because of insufficient system
memory available.
Explanation The space assigned to the server database, the
recovery log, or instance directory has been
The IBM Spectrum Protect server encountered an exhausted.
error while performing the specified action.
Specifically, the server database did not have
sufficient memory to communicate with the server System action
database or was unable to acquire the memory The server terminates.
needed for the server buffer pools.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 63

User response User response
Review the filesystems or other space assigned to the Ensure that the user ID under which the server is
server for the database, recovery log or instance running is authorized to start the database manager.
directory. If the space assigned to the database is full, Take the following actions:
restart the server and add additional database space
• Log in to the user ID for your IBM Spectrum Protect
using the EXTEND DBSPACE command or use the
instance and start the server.
DSMSERV EXTEND DBSPACE utility. If the server
ACTIVELOGDIR is full, update this server option to a – To run the server using the root user ID on a UNIX
new location that has space available for the server to system, add the root user ID to the primary group
use for logging changes to the database. If the server of the IBM Spectrum Protect instance user ID.
instance directory is full, remove unneeded files or – Or, to run the server using the instance user ID on
else extend this filesystem. a UNIX system, when using the automatic start,
Please note that the server should be configured with specify the -u option when you start the server.
the database, activelog, and archivelogs using ANR0187E Database db name was not found.
different directories and storage devices. For example,
if the database and activelog are configured to use the
same directory and underlying storage device, this Explanation
may adversely impact performance. This may also The server attempted to open the database, but it was
compromise the server's ability to manage the not found by the database manager. If this occurs
database and active log space effectively. Similarly, immediately after formatting a new database, it could
the server's instance directory should also be mean the format operation failed.
monitored and managed with some amount of space
available. The server instance directory is used to System action
record and log some server and database actions.
The server process ends.
ANR0185E The data in primary storage pool
name can not be copied to active
User response
data pool name. The active-data
pool is not defined to a domain. Ensure that you format the database before starting it
the first time. Ensure that all database and log
System action directories are online and available.

The command fails. ANR0188E Fail to start the database

manager. Database manager
User response license not found

Define the active-data pool to a domain using the Explanation

ACTIVEDESTINATION parameter on either the DEFINE
DOMAIN or UPDATE DOMAIN command. Could not find database manager license.

ANR0186E There is insufficient authority to

System action
start the database manager.
The server process ends.
User response
If the server is starting, then the user ID under which
the dsmserv process is running does not have Contact your service representative.
authority to start the database manager. If the server
is running, it does not have sufficient authority to ANR0189E Fail to start the database
perform the server operations. manager. Database manager
license has expired
System action
The server process ends, and the server stops if it is
running. Database manager license has expired.

System action
The server process ends.

64 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Contact your service representative. The server ignores the command and continues
ANR0190I Inventory file expiration started
processing node node name for
backup sets. User response
Issue the command from an administrative client.
ANR0195W Attempting to remove extraneous
Expiration processing is currently evaluating database entries for volume
information for backup sets for the node specified. volume name.

System action Explanation

Inventory file expiration continues. The server is attempting to remove extraneous
database entries for the specified volume.
User response
System action
This message is for informational purposes only and is
only displayed if the expiration processing is invoked IBM Spectrum Protect will attempt to remove the
with QUIET=NO. extraneous database entries for this volume.
ANR0191I Inventory file expiration finished
processing node node name for User response
backup sets with processing Review the completion messages for this volume to
statistics: examined examined, determine if the removal of the extraneous database
deleted deleted, retrying retrying, entries was successful or if an error was encountered.
and failed failed.
ANR0196I Removal of extraneous database
entries for volume volume name
was successful.
Expiration processing has finished processing backup
sets for the node specified.The ending statistics show Explanation
the number of objects examined, deleted, and those
that failed to be processed. The server successfully removed extraneous database
entries for the specified volume.
System action
System action
Inventory file expiration continues.
System operation continues and future operations on
the specified volume should work normally.
User response
This message is for informational purposes only and is User response
only displayed if the expiration processing is invoked
with QUIET=NO. The server successfully repaired the specified volume.

ANR0193E The REPAIR EXPIRATION ANR0197E Removal of extraneous database

TYPE=type command cannot be entries for volume volume name
issued from the server console. failed due to contention with other
server processes or activities.
The specified REPAIR EXPIRATION command was
issued from the server console. This command cannot The server was not able to remove extraneous
be issued from the server console because the database entries for the specified volume. This was
administrator must be prompted to continue due to contention with another server process or
processing the command. activity.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 65

System action references to this volume exists. For additional
assistance contact your IBM service representative.
System operation continues and this volume still has
extraneous database entries. ANR0200E PROTECT STGPOOL process
process ID failed due to
User response insufficient space in destination
storage pool.
It is possible that future server activities or processes
will select this volume and attempt to repair it. If this
occurs and the future attempt is successful, no further
action is needed. The server administrator should The destination stgpool had insufficient space.
review the activity log for the time that the repair was
attempted and try to determine what caused the System action
contention. If you are unable to determine the cause
of the contention of the problem persists, please The indicated process ends.
contact your service representative for additional
assistance. User response
ANR0198E Removal of extraneous database Make more space available in the storage pool and
entries for volume volume name restart the operation.
ANR0201I The access mode for storage pool
directory Directory Name in
Explanation storage pool Pool Name was
The server was not able to remove extraneous changed to Access Mode.
database entries for the specified volume.
System action The access mode is changed for the specified storage
System operation continues and this volume still has pool directory.
extraneous database entries.
System action
User response Client nodes and server processes cannot access the
The server administrator should review the activity log storage pool.
for the time that the repair was attempted and try to
determine the cause of the failure. If you are unable to User response
determine the cause of the contention of the problem
To change the access mode, issue the UPDATE
persists, please contact your service representative for
additional assistance.
ANR0202I The parameter name has been set
ANR0199W Not possible to repair volume
but the changes will not be
volume name due to other
effective until the next start
database references to this
Explanation The Database configuration has been updated but has
not taken effect. This setting will take effect on next
The server was not able to remove extraneous
server start.
database entries for the specified volume because
other database references to this volume exist.
System action
System action This server parameter does not take effect until next
start. The server continues processing.
System operation continues.

User response
User response
The volume repair operation for this volume is not able
to take any action because other unexpected database

66 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0203E MOVE CONTAINER process Explanation
process ID terminated for The indicated process failed because the destination
container name - insufficient space storage pool has insufficient space.
in directory directory name.

System action
The indicated process ends.
During MOVE CONTAINER processing, the server could
not allocate sufficient space in the storage pool
directory for the container. User response
Make more space available in the storage pool and
System action reissue the command.
Server processing continues. ANR0207W Command name skipped object ID
Object ID because one or more
User response extents are marked damaged.

Make more space available in the storage pool, and re-

issue the MOVE CONTAINER command.
During command processing, the server skipped an
ANR0204I The container state for container object because a data extent (chunk) was marked
name is updated from previous damaged.
state to current state.
System action
Server processing continues.
The server updates the container state.
User response
System action
Server processing continues.
ANR0208I Tiering process process ID
User response identified a total of number of files
files and number of bytes bytes to
Review the other messages issued to determine if move from storage pool
further action is required. source_stgpool to storage pool
ANR0205W Command name skipped data target_stgpool.
extent ID Chunk ID because it is
marked damaged. Explanation
The tiering process finished searching for older files
Explanation that must be moved to the target storage pool.
During command processing, the server skipped a
chunk that was marked damaged. System action
Server operation continues as the files are moved.
System action
Server processing continues. User response
No action is required.
User response
ANR0209W Tiering process process ID stopped
None. - the target storage pool has
ANR0206E Command name process process insufficient space.
ID failed due to insufficient space
in destination storage pool. Explanation
The server cannot tier the data because either the
target storage pool has insufficient space to store the
data or the access for the storage pool is unavailable
or read-only.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 67

System action 1. Set the volume access to destroyed: UPDATE
The process of tiering the data from the local storage
pool to a target storage pool is stopped. 2. Delete the volume and the data: DELETE VOLUME
User response 3. Set for manual shredding, if not already done:
Make more space available in the target storage pool,
or specify a storage pool with more space, and reissue 4. Run manual shredding with IOERROR parameter:
5. Reset for automatic shredding, if desired: SETOPT
ANR0210W DELETE FILESPACE filespace name
for node node name contains
objects belonging to a retention ANR0212E Unable to read disk definition file
set and cannot be deleted. file specification.

Explanation Explanation
The specified file space cannot be deleted because it At startup, the server cannot read the indicated file in
contains one or more objects that belong to a retention order to obtain a list of disk volumes to mount.
System action
System action
Server initialization fails.
The file space is not deleted.
User response
User response
Use a text editor to recreate the file; it should contain
None. one line with the name of a single log or database
volume. Then restart the server.
ANR0211W The shredding process was unable
to shred a deleted file. ANR0213E Command: No jobs found.

Explanation Explanation
The shredding process encountered an error that A QUERY JOB command specified, and no matching
prevents a file from being shredded. See previous jobs were found.
error messages for more details.
System action
System action
The server continues.
The file is not shredded. The next time the shredding
process runs, it will attempt to shred the file again. User response
User response
If there are files that can not be shredded due to ANR0214I Copying process process ID for
integrity or corruption errors or unrecoverable I/O storage rule stgrule name started
errors, run the following commands: from storage pool source stgpool to
target stgpool type storage pool
1. Set for manual shredding, if not already done: target stgpool.
2. Run manual shredding with IOERROR parameter: Explanation
The server started processing to copy client backup,
3. Reset for automatic shredding, if desired: SETOPT archive, and space-managed file copies. The copying
SHREDDING AUTOMATIC process was started as process number process ID.
If an entire disk volume has failed and all files on it are
no longer accessible, run the following commands:

68 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Server operation continues. The copying process can The copying process finished searching for older files
be cancelled, if necessary. that must be copied to the target storage pool.

User response System action

No action is required. However, you can query the Server operation continues as the files are copied.
process by using the QUERY PROCESS command. You
can cancel the process by using the CANCEL PROCESS User response
No action is required.
ANR0215I Copying process process ID from
storage pool source stgpool started ANR0218W Copying process process ID
searching for eligible file spaces. stopped - the target storage pool
has insufficient space.
The copying process began a search for file spaces
with eligible data that must be copied to the target The server cannot copy the data because either the
storage pool. target storage pool has insufficient space to store the
data or the access for the storage pool is unavailable
or read-only.
System action
Server operation continues. System action
The process of copying the data from the local storage
User response
pool to a target storage pool is stopped.
No action is required.
ANR0216I Copying process process ID User response
identified number of files files for Make more space available in the target storage pool,
node node name, file space or specify a storage pool with more space, and reissue
filespace name to copy from the START STGRULE command.
storage pool source stgpool to
storage pool target stgpool. ANR0219W Copying process process ID
terminated for storage pool
storage pool name - duration
The actual number of files to be copied can vary,
depending on the copying action type and the method Explanation
of data storage.
During a storage pool copying action for the indicated
storage pool, a process performing the copying has
System action
been terminated because the process duration has
Server operation continues as the files are copied. exceeded.

User response System action

No action is required. However, to learn more about The copying process is terminated.
the copying process, go to the product documentation
and search for "copying." User response
ANR0217I Copying process process ID None.
identified a total of number of files
files and number of bytes bytes to ANR0220I Copying process process ID for
copy from storage pool source storage pool storage pool name has
stgpool to storage pool target completed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 69

Explanation Explanation
The process of copying data from primary storage pool The -S option cannot be specified on the command
to a copy storage pool has completed. line if the database ID file (dsmserv.dbid) is intact. This
option is to be used only if the ID file does not exist.
System action
System action
The server does not start.
User response
User response
Start the server without specifying the -S command-
ANR0221I Tiering process process ID for line option.
storage rule stgrule_name, subrule
subrule_name started from ANR0226S The database ID file could not be
storage pool source_stgpool to found for server startup.
tgt_stgpool_type storage pool
target_stgpool. Explanation
The server's database ID file (dsmserv.dbid) could not
be found. This file is created when the database is
The server started the tiering process to move client formatted, is stored in the directory from which the
data that meets the specified criteria for age and state. format is performed, and is required for normal server
The data can include backup, archive, and space- operation.
managed files. The tiering process was started as
process number process ID. System action
The server does not start.
System action
Server operation continues. The tiering process can be User response
canceled, if necessary.
Ensure that you are starting the server from the
correct instance directory, and that the dsmserv.dbid
User response
file exists and can be read. If no dsmserv.dbid file
No action is required. However, you can query the exists, restart the server with the -S option to create a
process by using the QUERY PROCESS command. You new database ID file.
can cancel the process by using the CANCEL PROCESS
command. ANR0227S Incorrect database opened. Server
cannot start.
ANR0222E Error action disk definition file file
specification. Explanation
The ID of the database opened does not match the ID
stored in the database ID file (dsmserv.dbid).
An error occurred creating or changing the disk
definition file. System action
The server does not start.
System action
None. User response
Ensure that you are in the proper instance directory for
User response
the database being opened, and that the environment
Attempt to determine the cause of the write error and is set up correctly. The instance directory is generally
correct it. the directory from which you formatted the database,
or, if on UNIX, have specified with the -i command-line
ANR0225S Invalid use of the -S command- option.
line option.
When the ID of the database that is opened does not
match the ID that is stored in the database ID file

70 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

(dsmserv.dbid), the server will not start. Use the -S Data was copied from storage pool
(skip DB ID check) parameter after deleting the source stgpool to target stgpool
dsmserv.dbid file. After the initial use of the -S type storage pool target stgpool.
parameter in a restore scenario, the server creates a Copied Files: copied files, Copied
new dsmserv.dbid file in the instance directory. Bytes: copied bytes, Skipped Files:
skipped files, Skipped Bytes:
ANR0228S Error errno opening the database
skipped bytes, Total Bytes
ID file for server startup. Transferred: transferred bytes,
Elapsed time: elapsed time.
ANR0231I The copying process (process
The server's database ID file (dsmserv.dbid) could not number process ID) for storage
be opened. The errno indicates the reason for the rule stgrule name, subrule subrule
failure. name, is completed. Data was
copied from storage pool source
System action stgpool to target stgpool type
storage pool target stgpool. Copied
The server does not start. Files: copied files, Copied Bytes:
copied bytes, Skipped Files:
User response skipped files, Skipped Bytes:
Ensure that you are starting the server from the skipped bytes, Total Bytes
correct instance directory, and that the dsmserv.dbid Transferred: transferred bytes,
file has the correct ownership and permission. If the Elapsed time: elapsed time.
file is empty, erase the file, and restart the server with ANR0236E Fail to start the database manager
the -S command-line option to generate a new due to an I/0 error. Check for
database ID file. filesystem full conditions, file
ANR0229W permissions, and operating
Server is unable to add entries to
system errors.
the Activity Log. Console
messages will not be logged until
database access is available. Explanation
The IBM Spectrum Protect server encountered an I/O
Explanation error while attempting to start the database manager.
The process that monitors the default (console) output
stream and maintains the activity log cannot update System action
the activity log. The error is due to the inability of the The server process ends.
server to access the server database.
User response
System action
Review the filesystems assigned to the server for the
The server does not update the activity log. The database and recovery log.
activity log will continue to run and attempt to recover
from this situation. ANR0237E Fail to start the database
manager. An unexpected system
User response error occurred.

Access to the server database is temporarily

unavailable. The server database manager will attempt
to recover from this situation and reestablish access to An unexpected system error occurred.
the server database. When access to the server
Some common reasons for this error are:
database is reestablished, the activity log processing
will continue. If the server database access fails to be • The system name where you ran the server has been
reestablished, additional messages will be issued changed
providing more information. • The system date and time is set incorrectly
ANR0230I The copying process (process
number process ID) for storage System action
rule stgrule name is completed. The server process ends.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 71

User response Explanation
Contact your service representative. IBM Spectrum Protect Server attempted to connect
using the database instance set by the DB2INSTANCE
ANR0238E A database recovery task is environment variable, but the attempt failed.
prohibiting activation of db name
with sqlcode dbCode.
System action
Explanation The server is not started because the database
instance is not valid.
While attempting to activate the database an error
occurred because the database was busy performing a
BACKUP, RESTORE or was in ROLLFORWARD pending User response
state. Examine the sqlcode to determine the condition Verify that the database instance exists and that it is
that is preventing the database from activating. The configured properly. You can list Db2 instances by
following sqlcodes are most likely to occur during the issuing the db2ilist command from the instance
activate database step and will prevent the server directory, under the Db2 installation directory.
from starting. SQLE_RC_BKP_PEND ( -1116 ) indicates Example: c:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\db2\instance
a database BACKUP is pending and must complete \db2ilist
prior to activating the database. Once the database
BACKUP is complete,the database can be activated by ANR0240E Administrator administrator is the
starting the server. SQLE_RC_ROLLFWD_PEND only designated approval
( -1117 ) indicates a database Roll Forward operation administrator and cannot be
is pending and must complete before activating the removed. Command command is
database. After the Roll Forward recovery step is not processed.
complete, the database can be activated by starting
the server. SQLE_RC_BKP_INPROG ( -1118 ) occurs Explanation
when an attempt to activate the database fails
When command approval is enabled, there must be at
because a database BACKUP was in progress. Prior to
least one administrator who is designated as an
activating the database, it is necessary to rerun
approval administrator. The specified administrator is
database BACKUP. Once the database BACKUP
the only designated approval administrator and cannot
completes successfully, the database can be activated
be removed.
by starting the server. SQLE_RC_RST_INPROG
( -1119 ) shows that a database RESTORE was in
progress when the database failed to activate. The System action
RESTORE database must be restarted and allowed to The server does not process the command.
complete successfully before activating the database.
Once the database RESTORE in complete, the
User response
database can be activated by starting the server.
SQLE_RC_BR_INPROG ( -1120 ) means that either a Designate a different administrator as an approval
database BACKUP or RESTORE must complete before administrator by issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or
activating the database. Ensure that either a BACKUP REGISTER ADMIN command and specifying the
or RESTORE operation completes successfully before CMDAPPROVAL=YES parameter value. Then, reissue
activating the database. the command.
ANR0241E Command command:
System action Administrator administrator
The server is not started because the database cannot cannot be removed because the
be activated. administrator issued commands
that are pending approval.
User response
See message explanation for more information.
The specified administrator issued commands that are
ANR0239E The Db2 instance name instance pending approval by an approval administrator. The
name may not be valid or is not specified administrator ID cannot be removed until the
configured properly. The return pending commands are approved, rejected, or
code was sqlcode withdrawn.

72 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action approval. Only the administrator who issued the
command request can withdraw it.
The server does not process the command.

System action
User response
System operation continues, but the pending
Wait for the commands to be approved or rejected by a
command is not withdrawn.
designated approval administrator. Then, reissue the
command to remove the administrator. Alternately,
the specified administrator can withdraw pending User response
commands by issuing the WITHDRAW PENDINGCMD To withdraw the pending command request, the
command. administrator who issued the command must
ANR0245I No pending commands were withdraw the request by issuing the WITHDRAW
found. Command command is not PENDINGCMD command.
processed. ANR0248E Command: Invalid request ID.
Request ID:requestId.
There are currently no commands that are pending Explanation
approval by an approval administrator. The specified request ID is not valid.

System action System action

None. The command is not processed.

User response User response

None. To identify the correct request ID, issue the QUERY
ANR0246E The request was already PENDINGCMD command. Then, reissue the specified
processed. Request ID:requestId. command.
ANR0249E Command: Administrator
Explanation administrator is not an approval
administrator and cannot process
The specified request was already processed and
pending commands.
cannot be processed again. Command approval
requests can be processed only if they are in a pending
state. Explanation
The specified administrator is not designated as an
System action approval administrator. Only approval administrators
can process pending commands.
The command was already processed and is not
processed again.
System action
User response The server does not process the command.
User response
ANR0247E Administrator administrator
cannot withdraw pending To designate an administrator as an approval
command command because a administrator, issue the UPDATE ADMIN command
different administrator submitted and specify the CMDAPPROVER=YES parameter value.
the command for approval. The approval administrator must start a new session
Request ID:requestId. before the changes take effect. Then, reissue the
Explanation ANR0250E The command command is invalid
because command approval is not
The specified administrator cannot withdraw the
request to process a command that is pending

Chapter 3. ANR messages 73

Explanation the active log path directory. There may be a problem
with the database directory the operation is being
The specified command is not valid because the
attempted on. There may be inadequate disk space to
command approval feature is turned off.
complete the operation. The database cannot be used.

System action
System action
The command is not processed.
The server is not started because the database cannot
be activated.
User response
Determine whether the command approval feature is User response
enabled by issuing the QUERY STATUS command. If
Appropriate responses for the problem causes
command approval is not enabled, enable it by issuing
described above are: To verify if a log file is missing,
check the db2diag.log for the presence of a logging
specifying the ON parameter value.
error (return code contains SQLO_FNEX). If present,
ANR0251W A request for approval to process this error will contain the name of the missing log file.
the command command, which Ensure that the file is located in the active log path
was issued by administrator directory. If the file cannot be located, restore and
administrator name, was roll-forward the database to an earlier point in time
automatically rejected because referenced in a log file preceding the missing log file
command approval was turned off. (use a timestamp that is earlier than that of the
Request ID: request_id. missing file). There may be a problem with the
database directory. Check the integrity of the
Explanation directory. Examples of potential problems include:
permissions issues, mount point problems, corruption.
The command was automatically rejected because Increase filesystem size.
command approval was turned off.
ANR0273W Not initializing library library name
because the library is set offline .
System action
The specified command is no longer pending approval Explanation
and will not run.
The External Library is set offline. It will not be used
User response: for new transactions until it is set online again.
Reissue the command if needed.
ANR0264E A database file IO error is System action
prohibiting activation of db name
This server skips the initialization of the library. The
with sqlcode dbCode.
server continues processing.

User response
While attempting to activate the database an IO error
Refer to the UPDATE PATH command for details on
occurred when processing a database file. The
changing the online option.
problem may have occurred in one of the following
situations: The system cannot open, read from, or ANR0274E Attempt to access library library
write to a database file. The system cannot create the name failed, because the library is
database because an error occurred while the system set offline.
was creating a database file or a directory for the
database. The system cannot drop the database Explanation
because an error occurred while the system was
deleting a database file or a directory for the database. The Library is set offline. It will not be used for new
The system cannot create the database because an transactions until it is set online again.
interrupt was received while the system was creating
or deleting a database file or a directory for the System action
database. The system cannot locate the database
subdirectory or database configuration file during This mount fails.
connect. Problem causes are ordered in terms of their
frequency of occurrence: A log file cannot be found in

74 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR0278S The database manager cannot
create the database because of a
Refer to the UPDATE PATH command for details on
virtual memory shortage.
changing the online option.
ANR0275I Detected schema change for table System action
table, attempting to reconcile.
Server operation stops.
User response
The schema for the table referenced does not match
the server definition for this table. The schema Stop other applications running on the system,
difference for this table will be reconciled. especially those that use large amounts of shared
System action ANR0279S Database manager failed to start
due to incorrect service logon
Server startup continues if the schema difference was
successfully reconciled. Server startup will fail if the
schema reconciliation failed.
User response The server was unable to start the database manager
because the database manager service credentials
The schema for this table will attempt to be
(userid and/or password) are incorrect.
reconciled. Specifically, the server will try to modify
the table in the database to match the schema that
was expected. A message will be issued indicating the System action
success or failure of the schema reconciliation. Server initialization stops.
ANR0276I Schema reconciliation for table
table succeeded. User response
Correct the logon properties for the database manager
Explanation service by using the Services dialog box from the
The schema differences for this table were Control Panel.
successfully reconciled. ANR0280W Servermon failed to start during
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
The server was unable to start the servermon
User response monitoring process. This will prevent the automated
collection of system health information.
ANR0277E Schema reconciliation for table System action
table failed.
Will disable server monitoring.
User response
The server was unable to reconcile the schema
differences for the indicated table. User should correct reason for servermon initialization
failure and restart server to enable servermon.
System action ANR0281I Servermon successfully started
Server operation terminates. during initialization, using process
process id.
User response
Contact your IBM service representative.
The server was able to start the servermon monitoring
process, or find that an existing servermon process

Chapter 3. ANR messages 75

was running for this instance. This will allow for the User response
automated collection of system health information.
Monitor the available log space in the active log and
archive log storage paths. If the log space available to
System action the filesystem begins to fill up, then perform a
Will collect server monitoring information. BACKUP DATABASE command with the TYPE=FULL
parameter in order to initiate pruning of the archive log
User response
ANR0294I Reorganization for table table
name ended.
ANR0282W Error return code accessing or
creating directory directory name: Explanation
this will prevent the execution of
servermon The server online reorganization for the table
referenced has ended.
System action
The directory path for servermon can not be accessed
or created. This will prevent servermon from collecting The server will continue to operate.
monitoring information.
User response
System action Review the available log space in the active log and
Will not start servermon. archive log storage paths. If the log space available to
the filesystem has to filled up or is close to filling up,
then perform a BACKUP DATABASE command with the
User response
TYPE=FULL parameter in order to initiate pruning of
Ensure that you have the proper authorization to the archive log space.
access or create the directory for use by servermon.
ANR0297I A full database backup might be
ANR0283W Error return code copying source required. The last log number used
file to target file. This will prevent is last log used and the first log
the execution of servermon. number used is first log used. The
log file size is log file size
Explanation megabytes. The maximum log file
size is maximum log file size
The file copy for servermon cannot be fulfilled. This file megabytes.
is required for proper execution of servermon.
System action
When the log space used since the last database
Will not start servermon. backup exceeds the maximum log file size, either a full
database backup is required, or the maximum log file
User response size must be increased.
Ensure that you have the proper authorization to copy
the specified file for use by servermon. System action

ANR0293I Reorganization for table table None.

name started.
User response
Explanation None.
The server is performing an online reorganization for ANR0298S Authority is insufficient to access
the table referenced. the database.

System action Explanation

The server will continue to operate. If the server is starting, then the user ID under which
the dsmserv process is running does not have

76 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

sufficient authority to access the database. If the Explanation
server is running and a server operation failed, then
This message is issued to notify the administrator that
the user ID does not have sufficient authority to
the server recovery log utilization exceeds 90% or
perform the operation.
more of its assigned capacity.

System action
System action
If the server is starting, the dsmserv process ends. If
Server operation continues.
the server is running, the server stops.

User response
User response
• If the server is operating in NORMAL log mode,
Ensure that the user ID under which the server is
depending upon the size of your recovery log, add
running is either the instance user ID, or is authorized
recovery log volumes, or extend the recovery log, or
to access the database.
both, before it fills completely. Refer to the DEFINE
ANR0299I A full database backup will be LOGVOL, and EXTEND LOG commands for more
started. The archive log space information on these operations.
used is archive log% and the • If the server is operating in ROLLFORWARD log
archive log space used threshold mode:
is arch log threshold%.
– backup the database, or
Explanation – define a database backup trigger if one is not
already defined, or
When the archive log space used exceeds the
threshold, a full database backup will be started. – lower the database backup trigger if one is
System action Refer to the DEFINE DBBACKUPTRIGGER or
ANR0316W A full backup for database DB
User response Name cannot be started. This
backup is required.
ANR0300W Instance directory instance Explanation
directory has free space GB An automatic full backup was attempted for this
available space of capacity GB database. However, the device class for database
total capacity. backups has not been specified.

Explanation System action

The server instance directory exceeds the threshold of The database backup operation is not started.
its assigned capacity specified by the
User response
System action Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command to specify the
default device class for automatic database backups.
Server operation continues, but a continued decrease Then, issue the BACKUP DB command and specify
in the amount of free space in the instance directory TYPE=FULL to back up the database.
might cause the server to halt.
ANR0317I Reorganization of indices for table
User response table name started.

Remove unnecessary files or extend the instance

directory file system.
The server is performing an online reorganization for
ANR0314W Recovery log usage exceeds the indices of the referenced table.
utilization percentage % of its
assigned capacity.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 77

System action for LAN-Free data movement
The server will continue to operate.

User response
The storage agent referenced is not able to perform
Monitor the available log space in the active log and
LAN-Free data movement operations using this
archive log storage paths. If the log space available to
storage pool and device class. The storage agent is
the filesystem begins to fill up, then perform a
back-level and is not able to support LAN-Free
operations using this device class.
parameter in order to initiate pruning of the archive log
System action
ANR0318I Reorganization of indices for table
table name ended with sqlCode LAN-Free data movement operations are not
dbCode. performed. The operations are either sent via the LAN
or else proxied by the storage agent directly to the
The server online reorganization for the indices for the User response
table referenced has ended.
In IBM Spectrum Protect version 5.3, a change was
made to the way the FILE and device classes are
System action supported. This change prevents back-level storage
The server will continue to operate. agents from being able to use these device classes.
The storage agent should be upgraded to the same
User response version and release as the server. Until the storage
agent is upgraded, any LAN-Free data movement
Review the available log space in the active log and operations that are attempted will be done using the
archive log storage paths. If the log space available to LAN.
the filesystem has to filled up or is close to filling up,
then perform a BACKUP DATABASE command with the ANR0321W Storage agent storage agent name
TYPE=FULL parameter in order to initiate pruning of at version storage agent VRMF
the archive log space. does not support operation
operationName, although the
ANR0319W The file system for the database server server name at version
archive log has insufficient free server VRMF can support it.
The storage agent is at an earlier version than the
The usage of the file system for the database archive server and is not able to use advanced functions that
log has exceeded the ARCHLOGUSEDTHRESHOLD. were requested by a client.
Space is used by files that are not database archive log
files, and the BACKUP DB command cannot free space System action
in the filesystem..
The operation is not allowed.
System action
User response
The server will continue to operate.
The storage agent must be upgraded to a version,
User response release, and level that supports this operation.
Typically, the problem is that the storage agent and
Create sufficient free space on the file system so that server are not at the same version and release. For
usage does not exceed the example, if the server is version and the
ARCHLOGUSEDTHRESHOLD. storage agent is version, the storage agent
needs to be upgraded to version to perform the
ANR0320W Storage agent storage agent is not
requested function.
able to use device class device
class for storage pool storagepool If this was a restore or retrieve operation and the
client node DATAREADPATH setting was ANY or

78 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

LANFREE, the server will override this to be LAN only. User response
This will cause the operation to fail on the storage
To restore the storage pool to the original storage
agent and message ANR0416W to be issued. Retry the
pool, reissue the RESTORE STGPOOL command
operation after performing one of the following
without the NEWSTGPOOL parameter.
ANR0324E command: Replication parameters
• Halt the storage agent, upgrade the storage agent
cannot be used with the
program, and then restart the storage agent.
TYPE=SERVER parameter.
• Set the ENABLELANFREE client option to NO, and
then restart the client
System action
If this was a no-query restore operation, the data was
The command failed.
not restored by the storage agent using LAN-Free data
transfer. If the client node is allowed to read data over
the LAN, the data was restored over the LAN. If the User response
operation failed because the client node is not allowed Reissue the command without replication parameters.
to read data over the LAN, consider updating the Replication parameters include REPLSTATE,
DATAREADPATH setting for this node by using the REPLMODE, BKREPLRULEDEFAULT,
If this was an operation performed by an agent node ANR0325E command: Operation is not
with proxy node authority to a target node, the session allowed because node nodename
failed with a protocol error. The operation was is a replica.
attempted by a version 5.3 or higher client and server,
but the storage agent is not able to support this
operation. To allow an agent node to perform Explanation
operations for a target node, the storage agent must The specified node is a replica of a node on another
be upgraded to version 5.3.0 or later. server, created using the REPLICATE NODE command.
ANR0322E The NEWSTGPOOL parameter is You can restore or retrieve data from this node, but
not valid for deduplicated volume you cannot store new data or alter existing data in any
volume name. way.

Explanation System action

The volume contains one or more deduplicated objects Client sessions that attempt to store new data or
and must be restored to the original storage pool. change existing data will be terminated with a protocol
error. IMPORT operations will skip the node.
System action
User response
The operation is not allowed.
Perform the operation on the server on which the
User response original node resides.

To restore the volume to the original storage pool, ANR0326E command: The ROLEOVERRIDE
reissue the RESTORE VOLUME command without the parameter cannot be used with
NEWSTGPOOL parameter. either the TYPE=SERVER or
TYPE=NAS parameter.
ANR0323E The NEWSTGPOOL parameter is
not valid for deduplicated storage
System action
pool pool name.
The command failed.
User response
The storage pool contains deduplicated objects and
must be restored to the original storage pool. Reissue the command without the ROLEOVERRIDE
System action ANR0327I Replication of node node list
The operation is not allowed. completed. Files current: files
current. Files replicated: files

Chapter 3. ANR messages 79

replicated of files to replicate. Files Explanation
updated: files updated of files to
The replication process has completed in preview
update. Files deleted: files deleted
mode. The meanings of the numbers are:
of files to delete. Amount
replicated: amount replicated of • Files current indicates the number of files that do not
amount to replicate. Amount need to be replicated.
transferred: amount transferred. • Files to be replicated indicates the number of files
Elapsed time: elapsed time. requiring replication.
• Files to be updated indicates the number of files
Explanation requiring a meta-data update.
The replication process has completed. The meanings • Files to be deleted indicates the number of files to
of the numbers are: be deleted from the target server.
• Files current indicates the number of files that do not • Amount to be replicated indicates the size of the
need to be replicated. files that require replication.
• Files replicated indicates the number of files • Estimated run time is an estimate of how long the
successfully replicated out of the number of files process will run.
that we attempted to replicate.
• Files updated indicates the number of files which System action
had meta-data updated on the target server out of
the number of files that needed an update.
• Files deleted indicates the number of files deleted User response
from the target server out of the number that needed
to be deleted. None.
• Amount replicated indictaes the size of the files that ANR0329I Starting replication of data type
were replicated out of the size of the files that data for node node name, filespace
needed to be replicated ID filespace id.
• Amount transferred indicates the number of bytes
transferred for the files that were replicated. For Explanation
compressed files, the number of bytes transferred is
the compressed size in bytes. The total number of The replication process has started processing data for
bytes transferred can be less than the amount the specified node and file space ID.
replicated if data deduplication or compression is
used to reduce the amount of data transferred. System action
• Elapsed time indicate how long the process ran None.

System action User response

None. None.
ANR0330W Session session number for node
User response node name (client platform)
None. refused - invalid authentication
protocol requested.
ANR0328I Replication preview of node(s)
node list completed. Files current:
files current. Files to be replicated:
files to replicate. Files to be The server refuses a request to start a session
updated: files to update. Files to be because an invalid authentication protocol was
deleted: files to delete. Amount to requested during sign-on processing. This might be
replicated: amount to replicate. due to a down-level client, server, or storage agent
Estimated run time: estimated that is accessing a server or storage agent that is
runtime. configured to disallow such attempts.

80 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Server operation continues. The session request fails. Server operation continues.

User response User response

Upgrade the accessing client, server, or storage agent Issue the QUERY STATUS command to view the
to version 6.3 or later, or re-configure the server to servers that are disabled for inbound and outbound
allow access from down-level clients, servers, or sessions. Issue the ENABLE SESSIONS SERVER
storage agents. command to make the server available for outbound
ANR0331W Replication session for server
server name refused - server is ANR0334E Server server name is disabled for
down-level. inbound sessions. The session
request is rejected.
The server specified for replication cannot be used
because it is not at the current level. The DISABLED SESSION SERVER command disabled
inbound sessions for the indicated server. The
System action indicated server is not permitted to initiate sessions to
this server.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
The session request fails. Server operation continues.
Upgrade the server to version 6.3 or later, or specify a
different server for replication.
User response
ANR0332E Replication mode source repl mode Issue the QUERY STATUS command to view the
of node node name is incompatible servers that are disabled for inbound and outbound
with mode target repl mode on sessions. Issue the ENABLE SESSIONS SERVER
server server name. command to make the server available for inbound
ANR0335I Schema reconciliation for table
The replication mode of the indicated node is table in progress; pct% completed.
incompatible. If the source mode is SEND, the target
mode must be RECV. If the source mode is SYNCSEND,
the target mode must be SYNCRECV. The source mode
cannot be anything other than SEND or SYNCSEND. The schema for this table is reconciling.

System action System action

The replication of the node's data fails. Server Schema reconciliation will continue for this table.
operation continues.
User response
User response
Use the UPDATE NODE command to put the node in
ANR0336I Runstats for table table name
the proper state on both the source and target servers.
ANR0333E Server server name is disabled for
outbound sessions. The session Explanation
request is rejected.
The server is performing an online runstats on the
referenced table.
The DISABLED SESSION SERVER command disabled System action
outbound sessions for the indicated server. Sessions
to this server are not permitted. Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 81

User response ANR0340E command: Outbound replication
operations are disabled because
the database was restored.
ANR0337I Runstats for table table name
ended with sqlCode dbCode. Explanation
The database for this server was restored. Data that
was on this server but that is not referenced by the
The server online runstats for the table referenced has restored database is no longer accessible. To prevent
completed. this server from deleting copies of data that might
exist on the target replication servers, replication
System action operations originating from this server are disabled.

Server operation continues.

System action

User response Processing ends.

For a non-zero sqlCode, consult the Db2 Information

User response
Center for details.
Disabling replication after a database restore is a
ANR0338E Database create terminated. precautionary step to alert the user of the potential
that a restored database might contain node inventory
Explanation that could result in the loss of filespace data on a
Db2 detected a problem during the create database target replication server that is using node replication.
operation. The source of the problem might be a Db2 If replication was not used on this server before the
limitation. When "No File System Caching" is used to database restore, issue the ENABLE REPLICATION
create a table space with Database Managed Storage command to resume replication operations.
containers, Db2 only supports storage devices with a To preserve the data that exists on target replication
sector size of 512 Bytes on AIX, Solaris, Linux, servers, determine whether copies of data that are on
Windows, and a sector size of 1024 Bytes on HP-UX. the target replication server are needed. If they are,
you must replicate data that is on the target replication
System action server to the source replication server. After the
replication is complete, issue the ENABLE
The create database operation is terminated. REPLICATION command to resume replication
User response
For example, suppose that PRODSRV is the source
See the db2diag.log file for additional information to replication server. The data belonging to client node
confirm the Db2 limitation. Change the sector size to NODE1 was replicated from PRODSRV to DRSRV, the
512 Bytes on AIX, Solaris, Linux, Windows, and to target replication server. The database on PRODSRV
1024 Bytes on HP-UX. was restored.
ANR0339E command: Outbound replication is To resume replication, complete the following steps:
1. On PRODSRV and DRSRV, remove NODE1 from
replication by issuing the following command:
Replication operations originating from this server are 2. Update NODE1 definitions. When replication
disabled. occurs, DRSRV will send the data to PRODSRV that
was lost because of the database restore.
System action a. On DRSRV, issue the following command:
User response b. On PRODSRV, issue the following command:
Use the ENABLE REPLICATION command to re-enable
the use of replication.
3. On DRSRV, set the replication rules to match those
on PRODSRV. For example, if only archive data was

82 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

being replicated from PRODSRV to DRSRV, set the User response
rules on DRSRV to replicate only archive data from
DRSRV to PRODSRV. Backup and space-managed
data will not be replicated to PRODSRV. ANR0343W File space filespace name could
4. On DRSRV, set the target replication server by not be created by node $
issuing the following command: SET REPLSERVER $_TSMDBMGR_$$. $
PRODSRV. $_TSMDBMGR_$$ node name is
reserved for IBM Spectrum Protect
5. On DRSRV, replicate data belonging to NODE1 by database backup and restore.
issuing the following command: REPLICATE NODE
NODE1. Replication processing changes the
replication mode of NODE1 to SEND on DRSRV and System action
to RECEIVE on PRODSRV. Server processing continues.
6. On PRODSRV and DRSRV, remove NODE1 from
replication by issuing the following command: User response
Node $$_TSMDBMGR_$$ is only used for IBM
7. Update NODE1 definitions: Spectrum Protect database backup or restore. The
a. On PRODSRV, issue the following command: server does not create a file space with this special
UPDATE NODE NODE1 REPLSTATE=ENABLED node since there is no running database backup or
REPLMODE=SYNCSEND. restore session.
b. On DRSRV, issue the following command:
REPLMODE=SYNCRECEIVE. Use another node name to create this filespace.
8. On PRODSRV, enable replication by issuing the
ANR0344E The server failed to restore the
following command: ENABLE REPLICATION.
database. Missing
9. On PRODSRV, replicate data belonging to NODE1 ARCHIVELOGDIR value in the
by issuing the following command: REPLICATE server option file.
NODE NODE1. Replication processing changes the
replication mode of NODE1 to SEND on PRODSRV Explanation
and to RECEIVE on DRSRV.
While attempting to restore the database, the IBM
The original replication configuration is restored. Spectrum Protect server detects a missing value for
PRODSRV has all the data that was lost because of the ARCHIVELOGDIR in the server option file.
database restore.
REMEMBER: To replicate data that was on DRSRV, you System action
set the target replication server to PRODSRV. In your
original configuration, if you were replicating data from Server database restore stops.
DRSRV to another server, for example, BKUPDRSRV,
you must reset the target replication server. To reset User response
the target replication server, issue the following Before reissuing the command to restore the
command on DRSRV: SET REPLSERVER BKUPDRSRV. database, check the following items:
ANR0341E command with keyword keyword is • Ensure that ARCHIVELOGDIR option has a valid
not allowed when archive data value.
retention protection is enabled.
• Ensure that the command is using the correct
options file for the server. If you are using the -o
Explanation option with the command to specify a server options
The specified command with the specified keyword is file, ensure that the name and location of the file is
not allowed when archive data retention protection is correct.
enabled on the server. ANR0345E The database manager cannot
start while file file name exists.
System action
Processing continues. System action
The server stops.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 83

User response ANR0365E Database database name is
currently in use and can not be
Remove or rename the specified file and restart the
ANR0347E Database database name is Explanation
reporting a drive is invalid and the
database can not be removed. This message is issued to notify the administrator that
the server has detected that the database is currently
in use during a REMOVE DB process.
This message is issued to notify the administrator that System action
the server has detected that the API is reporting an
invalid drive condition during a REMOVE DB process. Server REMOVE DB stops.

System action User response

Server REMOVE DB stops. Drop all database connections then issue the
command again.
User response ANR0366I Database database name was
removed successfully.
Interrogate the database, correct the problem then
issue the command again.
ANR0358E Database initialization failed:
sufficient memory is not available. This message is issued to notify the administrator that
the server has removed the server database
During server initialization, the server database fails System action
initialization because sufficient server memory is not
available. None.

System action User response

Initialization fails. The server database was removed. In order to run the
IBM Spectrum Protect server, you need to format a
new database using the 'DSMSERV FORMAT'
User response
Make more memory available to the server.
ANR0367W The server failed to format the
ANR0361I Recovery is in progress following a database database name. This
database failure. database name already exists.

Explanation Explanation
During server initialization, the database manager While attempting to format a database, the IBM
indicated that the database requires failure recovery. Spectrum Protect server has found that this database
A database failure can occur in the event of a power name already exists.
outage or other abnormal termination of the database
manager. Failure recovery can take extensive time, System action
depending on how many transactions in the log require
examination. Server format stops.

System action User response

The server initialization is delayed while the database Before reissuing the command to format a new
is recovered. database, check the following items:
• Remove the old database using command 'DSMSERV
User response REMOVEDB DB_NAME'.
No action is required.

84 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

• Ensure that the command is using the correct Explanation
options file for the server. If you are using the -o
The server is unable to set the content of the
option with the command to specify a server options
environment variable on the operating system to the
file, ensure that the name and location of the file is
value specified in the message. The return code in the
message is the last error code set in the operating
ANR0369I Stopping the database manager system. The return code, or, last error code is a system
because of a server shutdown. error code as a result of the failed function call to set
the environment variable.
System action
System action
Stopping the server's database manager.
The server operation stops.
User response
User response
Refer to the list of system error codes provided by the
ANR0370E Diagnostic(ID) During the format operating system to determine the cause of the
operation, the server cannot problem. Resolve the problem and retry the server
create files in one or more operation.
directories that you specified for
log type. Ensure that the file ANR0372E Database database name is
system where the directory is currently damaged and can not be
located has sufficient space. removed.

Explanation Explanation
Space is not available for the server to write data to This message is issued to notify the administrator that
the directory. the server has detected that the database is damaged
during a REMOVE DB process.
System action
System action
The format operation stops.
Server REMOVE DB stops.
User response
User response
Before reissuing the command to format a new
database, check the following items: Interrogate the database, correct the problem then
issue the command again.
• Check whether the format operation created a
database but did not remove the database after the ANR0373E Database database name is
failure. If the database that was created was not reporting a File error and can not
removed, use the utility DSMSERV REMOVEDB be removed.
db_name to remove it.
• Check that space is available to the directories that Explanation
you specified for ACTIVELOGDIR,ARCHIVELOGDIR, This message is issued to notify the administrator that
and ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIR. Ensure that the the server has detected that the database is reporting
amount of space meets requirements. For example, a File error during a REMOVE DB process.
the directory for ACTIVELOGDIR must have at least
8 GB space available.
System action
• Remove any files that are in the directories that you
want to use for the recovery logs. Server REMOVE DB stops.

ANR0371E Error setting environment variable

User response
environment variable name with
value value - return code return Interrogate the database, correct the problem then
code value. issue the command again.
ANR0374E Database database name is invalid
and can not be removed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 85

Explanation System action
This message is issued to notify the administrator that Server REMOVE DB stops.
the server has detected that the API is reporting an
Invalid DB error during a REMOVE DB process. User response
Interrogate the database, correct the problem then
System action
issue the command again.
Server REMOVE DB stops.
ANR0378W Database database name is
reporting a drive is not found and
User response can not be removed.
Interrogate the database, correct the problem then
issue the command again. Explanation
ANR0375E Database database name is This message is issued to notify the administrator that
reporting an authorization error the server has detected that the API is reporting a
and can not be removed. warning during a REMOVE DB process.

Explanation System action

This message is issued to notify the administrator that Server REMOVE DB completed successfully.
the server has detected that the database is reporting
an authorization error during a REMOVE DB process. User response
The drop database command has completed
System action
successfully, however, there are some nodes where
Server REMOVE DB stops. the database alias or database name was not found. It
is possible that DROP DATABASE AT NODE was
User response already performed on these nodes.

Interrogate the database, correct the problem then ANR0379W A server database deadlock
issue the command again. situation has been encountered;
the lock request for the lock name
ANR0376E Database database name is not lock, key name will be denied to
found and can not be removed. resolve the deadlock.

Explanation Explanation
This message is issued to notify the administrator that The server detected a deadlock situation between a
the server has detected that the API is reporting the number of processes attempting to access database
DB cannot be found during a REMOVE DB process. information. A lock request for one of the processes
will be denied to resolve the database deadlock. When
System action the server processes encounter a database deadlock,
they usually try to run the function that was in
Server REMOVE DB stops.
progress when the deadlock was encountered again.
Not all process can explicitly try an operation again.
User response For example, migration and reclamation will eventually
Interrogate the database, correct the problem then try again. However, something like a delete volume run
issue the command again. in a macro will only be tried again if the delete
command is reissued either in the macro or the
ANR0377E Database database name is command line.
reporting a drive is not found and
can not be removed. System action

Explanation A lock request fails for one of the deadlocked

processes. Server operation continues.
This message is issued to notify the administrator that
the server has detected that the API is reporting a
database drive cannot be found during a REMOVE DB

86 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
If a process can be retried (like migration), monitor the Review the other messages issued to determine which
retry effort to see if it succeeds. If the process or storage pools are capable of LAN-free data movement
command cannot be retried, reissue the command or and those which are not capable of LAN-free data
macro that caused the action. movement for this node using this storage agent.
Consider what other processes are running at the time ANR0389W Node node name has data path
the deadlock is reported. For example, if a process is restrictions.
started manually, as opposed to running as part of
your regularly scheduled server maintenance tasks, Explanation
that process may have caused the deadlock. You
might have to adjust the scheduling of your server The node name has data path restrictions. The
maintenance tasks to avoid the problem. registered node has data write path, data read path, or
both, configured to not allow LAN-free operations.
ANR0387I Evaluating node node name using
storage agent storage agent for
System action
LAN-free data movement.
User response
The server is evaluating whether the node and storage
agent can use storage pools capable of LAN-free data Issue the command QUERY NODE node name F=D and
movement. evaluate the data read path and data write path
settings. To store data or read data using LAN-free
System action data movement, set the data write path to ANY or
The server evaluates the storage pool destinations
available to this node and reports which storage pools ANR0390W A server database deadlock
can and cannot be used for LAN-free data movement. situation has been encountered;
the lock request for transaction
User response transaction ID will be denied.

Review the results of this processing to determine if Explanation

the appropriate LAN-free environment is configured.
The server detected a deadlock situation between a
ANR0388I Node node name using storage number of processes that were attempting to access
agent storage agent has capable database information. A lock request for one of the
count storage pools capable of processes is denied, to resolve the database deadlock.
LAN-free data movement and not When server processes encounter a database
capable count storage pools not deadlock, they usually reattempt the function that was
capable of LAN-free data in progress when the deadlock was encountered. Not
movement. all process can explicitly try an operation again. For
example, migration and reclamation will eventually be
Explanation tried again. However, something such as a delete
volume run in a macro will only be tried again if the
The server has completed evaluation of the LAN-free
delete command is reissued either in the macro or the
and non-LAN-free storage pool destinations for this
command line.
node using this storage agent. The server determined
that there are capable count storage pools that are
capable of LAN-free data movement. It also System action
determined that there are not capable count storage A lock request fails for one of the deadlocked
pools that cannot be used for LAN-free data processes. Server operation continues.
User response
System action
If a process can try again (like migration), then monitor
None. the subsequent attempt to see if it succeeds or not. If
it fails, contact a service representative. If the process
or command is not able to automatically try again,

Chapter 3. ANR messages 87

then reissue the command or macro that caused the ANR0400I Session session number started for
action to occur. If it fails again, contact a service node node name (client platform)
representative for further assistance to better isolate (communication method).
the deadlock condition.
ANR0397I Session session number for node Explanation
agent_node has begun a proxy A new client session has been initiated by the
session for node target_node. specified node. The session number, client platform
type and communication method used by this session
Explanation are included in the message.
A client session has begun proxy operations.
System action
System action The server begins a communications session to service
the client node.
The server granted a proxy session to a client node.

User response
User response
ANR0401W Session session number for
ANR0398W Session session number for node
administrator admin name (client
agent_node has failed to begin a
platform) refused - server version
proxy session for node
is down-level with this client.

The server refuses an administrative client session
A client session attempted to begin a proxy operation.
because the client program version level is newer than
The server failed the client request. This can occur if
that supported by the server program.
the agent node does not have a proxy association with
the target node.
System action
System action Server operation continues.
The server blocks the proxy authorization attempt.
User response
User response Apply service to the server program to make it
compatible with the newer client program, or use an
older client program to contact the server.
ANR0399I Session session number for node
ANR0402I Session session number started for
agent_node has ended a proxy
administrator administrator ID
session for node target_node.
(administrator's platform)
(communication method).
A proxy session has been ended. The server Explanation
terminates a session if there is an error in the protocol.
A new administrator client session has been initiated
On the other hand, the client can also terminate the
by the specified administrator. The session number,
administrator's platform type and communication
method used by this session are included in the
System action message.
The server, or the client, has ended a proxy session for
a client node. System action
The server begins a communications session to service
User response the administrator client.

88 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR0406I Session session number started for
node node name (client platform)
(communication method
ANR0403I Session session number ended for communication address).
node node name (client platform).
A new client session has been initiated by the
A client session has completed normally. specified node. The session number, client platform
type, communication method and address used by this
System action session are included in the message.

Server operation continues.

System action

User response The server begins a communications session to service

the client node.
ANR0404W Session session number for User response
administrator admin name (client None.
platform) refused - client is down-
level with this server version. ANR0407I Session session number started for
administrator administrator ID
Explanation (administrator's platform)
(communication method
The server refuses the administrative client session communication address).
because the client program version level is older than
that supported by the server program. For certain
problems (such as the compression fix), once an
administrative client connects to the server using the A new administrator client session has been initiated
newer client, the server records this fact and will not by the specified administrator. The session number,
let this administrative client back off this client version administrator's platform type, communication method
to a version that does not include the fix. and address used by this session are included in the
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
The server begins a communications session to service
User response the administrator client.

Apply service to the client program to make it

User response
compatible with the newer server program.
ANR0405I Session session number ended for
administrator administrator ID ANR0408I Session session number started for
(client platform). server server name (server's
platform) (communication method)
Explanation for purpose.

An administrative client session has completed

A new server session has been initiated by the
System action specified server for the specified purpose. The session
number, server's platform type and communication
Server operation continues. method used by this session are included in the
User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 89

System action System action
The server begins a communications session to service Server operation continues.
the administrator client.
User response
User response
ANR0412I Session session number for node
ANR0409I Session session number ended for node name(Userid=user id),
server server name (client restored or retrieved object type
platform). object: node node name, filespace
filespace name, object object
Explanation name.

A server has completed normally.


System action This message logs information to the activity log about
an object that was restored or retrieved by a user
Server operation continues. logged in for a node. A user ID with no value indicates
that an administrative or root user on the platform
User response initiated the restore.
System action
ANR0410E EXPORT operation to server server
name rejected - administrator Server operation continues.
administrator is not authorized to
perform the import operation on User response
the target server. None.

Explanation ANR0413I Session session number for

administrator administrator name
An export operation to the named server was rejected, logged in as node node name is
because the administrator issuing the export restoring backup set: node node
command is not defined on the target server or does name, set filespace name.
not have sufficient authority to perform the import
operation on the target server.

System action This message logs information about a backup set

restored by an administrator logged in for a node.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
ANR0411I Session session number for User response
administrator administrator name None.
logged in as node node name
restored or retrieved object type ANR0414I Session session number for node
object: node node name, filespace node name is restoring backup set:
filespace name, object object node node name, set filespace
name. name.

Explanation Explanation
This message logs information about an object that This message logs information about a backup set
was restored or retrieved by an administrator logged in restored by a node.
for a node.

90 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Server operation continues. This client session terminates.

User response User response

None. Refer to the ANR0416W message that was issued for
this client session to determine which operation and
ANR0415I Session session number proxied by data transfer path was attempted.
storage agent name started for
node node name. ANR0418W Session session number for
administrator administrator name
Explanation (client platform) is refused
because an incorrect password
This session is started for the indicated node and the was submitted.
storage agent acts as the proxy for the node. Client
node sessions are used to perform LAN-free
operations between the client and server.
The server refuses a request to start a client session
System action because an invalid password has been submitted by
the client during sign-on processing.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
The server will continue to deny access attempts by
None. this client until a valid password is submitted.
ANR0416W Session session number for node
node name not allowed to User response
operation using path data transfer Enter the proper password. If you have forgotten the
path. password, contact an authorized administrator, who
can assign a new password using the UPDATE ADMIN
Explanation command.
This session attempted this operation using the ANR0419W Administrative client userid
specified data transfer path. This operation is not administrative ID cannot be used
permitted for this client. when authentication is on.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. The server refuses a request for a client
(administrative) session because the user ID specified
User response cannot be used when authentication of IDs is in effect.
SERVER_CONSOLE is an administrative ID that has this
to see the current DATA WRITE PATH or DATA READ
PATH settings. These settings determine if a given
operation is permitted using a specific data transfer System action
path. If this client node should be permitted to Server operation continues.
perform this operation using this data transfer path,
the UPDATE NODE command should be used to
User response
correct this.
Use an administrative ID that was registered for this
ANR0417W Session session number for node server and that has a password.
node name terminated - data
transfer path not allowed. ANR0420W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
Explanation refused - server disabled for user
This session attempted an operation that needed a
data transfer path that this node is not allowed to use.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 91

Explanation prompts the user for a password and registers the
client with the server. If CLOSED registration is in
The server refuses a request for a client (backup-
effect on the server, an authorized administrator must
archive) session because the server is currently
use the REGISTER NODE command to register the
disabled for client access.
client node name with the server.

System action ANR0423W Session session number for

administrator administrator ID
Server operation continues. Administrative clients are (client platform) refused -
permitted access to the server. administrator name not
User response
An authorized administrator must issue the ENABLE Explanation
SESSION command before client nodes are permitted The server refuses a request to start an administrative
access to the server. session because the administrator name is not
ANR0421W Session session number for node registered in the server database.
node name (client platform)
refused - sign-on protocol System action
Server operation continues.

User response
The server refuses a request for a client session
Register the administrator name with the server before
because sign-on protocol has been violated.
establishing a session. An authorized administrator
must use the REGISTER ADMIN command to register
System action the administrator with the server.
Server operation continues. ANR0424W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
User response refused - invalid password
This error is usually the result of a client programming submitted.
error in which the sign-on verb has been incorrectly
formatted and delivered to the server. This error can Explanation
also result when the server is contacted by an The server refuses a request to start a client session
application that is not a part of this product. because an invalid password has been submitted by
ANR0422W Session session number for node the client during sign-on processing. The server will
node name (client platform) continue to deny access attempts by this client until a
refused - node name not valid password is submitted. On newer servers
registered. operating with newer clients, the client platform field
contains the communication method and address.
System action
The server refuses a request to start a client session
because the client node name is not registered in the Server operation continues.
server database. On newer servers operating with
newer clients, the client platform field contains the User response
communication method and address.
Enter the proper password. If the password has been
forgotten by the user, an authorized administrator can
System action assign a new password by using the UPDATE NODE
Server operation continues. command.
ANR0425W Session session number for node
User response node name (client platform)
Register the node name with the server before refused - node password has
establishing a session. If the server is running with expired.
OPEN registration, no action is required; the client

92 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR0428W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
The server refuses the specified session because the
refused - client is down-level with
client node's password has expired.
this server version.

System action
Server operation continues.
The server refuses the client session because the
client program version level is older than that
User response supported by the server program. For certain problems
Upon receipt of this error condition, the client program (such as the compression fix), once a node connects to
immediately reconnects to the server specifying a the server using the newer client, the server records
password update session and prompts the user for a this fact and will not let this node back off this client
new password. After the user enters a new password, version to a version that does not include the fix.
the client reconnects to the server for normal
operations. Alternatively, an authorized administrator System action
can update the client password using the UPDATE
Server operation continues.
NODE command.
ANR0426W Session session number for node User response
node name (client platform)
refused - open registration not Apply service to the client program to make it
permitted. compatible with the newer server program.
ANR0429W Session session number for node
Explanation node name (client platform)
The server refuses a client session because an open refused - maximum server
registration action has been attempted and the server sessions (max sessions allowed)
is running with CLOSED registration. exceeded.

System action
The server refuses the specified client or
Server operation continues.
administrative session because the maximum number
of concurrent client sessions has been exceeded.
User response
Ask an authorized administrator to submit the request System action
Server operation continues.
ANR0427W Session session number for node User response
node name (client platform)
refused - server version is down- If necessary, increase the maximum number of
level with this client. permitted sessions. To do this, update the value for
the MAXSESSIONS parameter in the server options file
and restart the server with the updated options file.
Note that increasing the MAXSESSIONS value requires
The server refuses a client session because the client additional memory resource by the server. You may
program version level is newer than that supported by want to retry the connection at a later time.
the server program.
ANR0430W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
System action refused - node name is locked.
Server operation continues.
User response The server refuses the specified client session
Apply service to the server program to make it because the node is locked from server access (with
compatible with the newer client program, or use an the LOCK NODE command or by the LDAP directory
older client program to contact the server. server).

Chapter 3. ANR messages 93

System action Explanation
Server operations continue. If a log runs out of space, the current transaction is
rolled back. The server issues an error message and
User response halts. You cannot restart the server until the recovery
log size is increased.
Before the client node is permitted to access the
server, a properly authorized administrator must
System action
unlock the node. Nodes using LOCAL authentication
can be unlocked with the UNLOCK NODE command. The server halts.
Nodes using LDAP authentication can be unlocked
from within the LDAP directory server. User response
ANR0431W Session session number refused - Monitor archive logs and active logs. If the recovery log
administrator administrator ID space is insufficient, monitor the archive log space
(client platform) is locked. first. If the archive log space is full or nearly full, run a
full database backup to remove archive logs and
Explanation consider adding more disk space to the archive log
directory. If the archive log space is not full and the
The server refuses the specified administrative session active log space is full or nearly full, update the value
because the administrator is locked from server of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option in the dsmserv.opt file.
access (with the LOCK ADMIN command or by the Set the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option to the new
LDAP directory server). maximum size of the active log.

System action ANR0434W Session session number for node or

administrator ID (client platform)
Server operations continue. was refused because of
insufficient database space.
User response
Before the administrator is permitted to access the Explanation
server, a properly authorized administrator must The server ends the specified client or administrative
unlock the administrator. Administrators using LOCAL session because of insufficient database space.
authentication can be unlocked with the UNLOCK
ADMIN command. Administrators using LDAP
System action
authentication can be unlocked from within the LDAP
directory server. The server ends the session, but continues operation.
ANR0432W Session session number for node
node name (client platform) User response
refused - insufficient memory. To increase the amount of database space that is
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
Explanation command. Add one or more directories to the
The server ends the specified session because
sufficient memory (virtual memory) is not available. ANR0435W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
System action refused - internal error detected.

The server ends the session and continues operation.


User response The server ends the specified session because an

internal logic error is detected.
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
System action
ANR0433W Session session number for node or The server ends the session and continues operation.
administrator ID (client platform)
was refused because of
insufficient recovery log space.

94 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
To determine the source of the error, the administrator The server refuses a client backup operation because
can examine server messages issued prior to this the current server configuration is not in compliance
message. The QUERY ACTLOG command can be used with license terms.
to view the activity log and search for messages. If the
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your System action
service representative.
Server operation continues. Clients may perform any
ANR0437W Session session number for node action except backup or archive.
client node name (client platform)
encountered an internal server User response
error while checking license
compliance. Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the
license terms that are no longer in compliance.
Explanation ANR0440W Protocol error on session session
The server encountered an internal error in number for node client node name
determining if the server is in compliance with license (client platform) - invalid verb
terms. header received.

System action Explanation

The client session is ended. The server detects a protocol error on the specified
session because an invalid verb header has been
received from the client. Verb headers always precede
User response
communication sent to the server from the client or
Use the QUERY LICENSE and QUERY STATUS from the server to the client.
commands to determine if the server is in compliance
with license terms. Start an AUDIT LICENSES process System action
to readjust server license information. When this
process completes you may restart the session. If the The server ends the client session.
problem persists, contact your service representative.
User response
ANR0438W Session session number archive
operation for client client node Correct the programming error in the client program if
name (client platform) has been it has been written by your installation using WDSF
denied - Server is not in verbs. Otherwise, contact your service representative.
compliance with license terms.
ANR0441W Protocol error on session session
number for node client node name
Explanation (client platform) - invalid data
The server refuses a client archive operation because length received.
the current server configuration is not in compliance
with license terms. Explanation
The server detects a protocol error on the specified
System action session because an invalid verb length has been
Server operation continues. Clients may perform any received from the client.
action except backup or archive.
System action
User response The server ends the client session.
Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the
license terms that are no longer in compliance. User response
ANR0439W Session session number backup Correct the programming error in the client program if
operation for client client node it has been written by your installation using WDSF
name (client platform) has been verbs. Otherwise, contact your service representative.
denied - Server is not in
compliance with license terms.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 95

ANR0442W Protocol error on session session User response
number for node client node name If the client generating the error is not an API client,
(client platform) - invalid stream contact your service representative. If the client
mode switch.
generating the error is an API client, contact the owner
of the API client. If the client generating the error is a
Explanation client that you have created using WDSF verbs, correct
The server detects a protocol error on the specified the programming error in your client program.
session because the client has attempted an illegal ANR0445W Protocol error on session session
stream operation. number for node client node name
(client platform) - maximum group
System action transaction size exceeded.
The server ends the client session.
User response The server detects a protocol error on the specified
session because the client has attempted to group
Correct the programming error in the client program if
more than the maximum database update operations
it has been written by your installation. Otherwise,
in a single database transaction.
contact your service representative.
ANR0443W Protocol error on session session System action
number for node client node name
(client platform) - invalid "field The server ends the client session.
name" field found in "verb name"
verb (offset offset position). User response
Correct the programming error in the client program if
Explanation it has been written by your installation using WDSF
The server detects a protocol error on the specified verbs. Otherwise, contact your service representative.
session because an invalid field has been found in a ANR0446W Session session number client
verb sent from the client node. client node name compression
method unsupported -
System action Compression forced OFF. Please
obtain the latest level of the client
The server ends the client session.

User response
Correct the programming error in the client program if
The client is using a compression method that is no
it has been written by your installation using WDSF
longer supported by the Server.
verbs. Otherwise, contact your service representative.
ANR0444W Protocol error on session session System action
number for node client node name
(client platform) - out-of-sequence Server operation continues. The client's backup
verb (type verb name) received. operation continues, without compressing the data.

Explanation User response

The server detects a protocol error on the specified The compression method used by the client is no
session because a verb has been received that does longer supported. In order to use compression, the
not adhere to the client-server exchange sequence. client needs to be upgraded to a client service level
that supports the newer compression method.
System action ANR0447W Session session number space
management migration operation
The server ends the client session.
for client client node name (client
platform) has been denied - Server
is not in compliance with license

96 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The server refuses a client space management Licenses to support space-managed clients can be
migration operation because the current server obtained from your service provider or re-seller. The
configuration is not in compliance with license terms. REGISTER LICENSE command can be used with these
licenses to enable space management support.
System action ANR0450W Session session number for server
Server operation continues. Clients may perform any server name (client platform)
action except backup, archive, or space-managed file refused - server name not defined
migration. for server to server
User response
Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the
license terms that are no longer in compliance. The server refuses a request to start a server session
because the requesting server name is not defined in
ANR0448W Session session number space the server database, or the requesting server definition
management migration operation does not have a SERVERPASSWORD, or a password or
for client client node name (client node name is not setup for virtual volume use on the
platform) has been denied - server source server.
is not licensed for space
management support.
System action

Explanation Server operation continues.

The server refuses a client space management

User response
migration operation because the server is not licensed
to support space-managed clients. Register the requesting server name with the server
before establishing a session, or update the existing
System action requesting server definition and set a
SERVERPASSWORD. An authorized administrator must
Server operation continues. use the DEFINE SERVER or UPDATE SERVER
command to register the requesting server and set the
User response password. For a virtual volume environment, the
source server must have a definition for the target
Licenses to support space-managed clients can be
server which includes a node name and password.
obtained from your service provider or re-seller. The
REGISTER LICENSE command can be used with these ANR0451W Session session number for server
licenses to enable space management support. server name (server platform)
refused - invalid password
ANR0449W Session session number space
management migration operation
for client client node name (client
platform) is in violation of server Explanation
license terms - server is not The server refuses a request to start a server session
licensed for space management because an invalid password has been submitted
support. during sign-on processing. The server will continue to
deny access attempts by that server until valid
Explanation passwords are submitted.
The server warns about a client space management
migration operation because the server is not licensed System action
to support space-managed clients. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues. Set the proper passwords. If the password has been
changed on either server, an authorized administrator

Chapter 3. ANR messages 97

can set new passwords by using the UPDATE SERVER System action
command with the SERVERPASSWORD parameter.
The operation fails.
ANR0452W Session for server source server
name refused. Server source server User response
name is not defined for server-to-
server communications on server Check both the servers for any additional messages
target server name. that might further describe the reason the session was
rejected. The rejection reason will be in the form of
"diagnostic code - reason". The diagnostic code is only
Explanation intended for use by your service representative. The
The server refuses a request to start a server-to-server following responses apply to the specified rejection
session because a server name is not defined in the reasons.
server database, or the server definition does not have • No Resource: Ensure that the receiving server is
a SERVERPASSWORD. Server-to-server enabled and has sufficient database, log, and
communications that use the SERVERPASSWORD memory resource to support the server session.
require that each server has a server definition for the
other server. • Verifier expired: Ensure that the administrator's
password is current on both servers.
System action • Admin not registered: Ensure that the administrator
is registered on the target server.
Server operation continues.
• Inbound sessions disabled: Ensure that the target
server has not disabled this server with the DISABLE
User response SESSIONS SERVER command.
Register the server names on both servers before • Down Level: Ensure that this server's level is current
establishing a session, or update the server's existing with respect to the target server's level.
server definition and set a SERVERPASSWORD. An
• Admin in use: Ensure that the administrator is not
authorized administrator must use the DEFINE
being updated on the target server.
SERVER or UPDATE SERVER command to register the
servers and set the passwords. • Language not available: Ensure that required
languages are installed on the target server.
ANR0453W Server to server session refused -
no password defined. • Admin locked: Ensure that the administrator is not
locked on either server.
Explanation • License Failure: Ensure that appropriate licenses are
The server to server session cannot be initiated
• Admin on client port: Use the UPDATE SERVER
because no server password has been defined for this
command to set the admin port for the target server.
• SSL Required: Ensure that SSL is properly
System action configured.
• Authentication Failure: Ensure that all passwords
Server operation continues.
have been set correctly on both servers. The
password for the server (set by SET
User response SERVERPASSWORD on server X) and the password
Define a server password with the SET in the server definition (set by DEFINE or UPDATE
SERVERPASSWORD command and retry the SERVER X SERVERPASSWORD=) are the same
command. password.
• Verification Failure: Use the QUERY SERVER
ANR0454E Session rejected by server target
command to determine that the HLADDRESS and
server name, reason: rejection
LLADDRESS of the target server are correct. If they
are not, correct them with the UPDATE SERVER
command. If they are correct, resynchronize with the
Explanation target server by issuing the UPDATE SERVER
The server tried to open a session with the named FORCESYNC=YES command.
server. The session was rejected for the indicated • Communication Failure: Ensure that the target server
reason. is available and that TCPIP is available on both

98 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

servers. Use the QUERY SERVER command to this server. The server will deny any sessions for
determine that the HLADDRESS and LLADDRESS of crossdefine until crossdefine is allowed on this server.
the target server are correct. If they are not, correct Storage Agents can also request server to server
them with the UPDATE SERVER command. sessions when setting up to access libraries through
• Node Type: Either the TYPE of the registered node library client servers or library servers.
on the target server is not SERVER or the
NODENAME parameter of the server definition on System action
the source server is incorrect. Server operation continues.
• Internal error: Use the messages on the target
server to determine the problem. User response
ANR0455W Invalid Command command name An authorized administrator must use the SET
for SNMP session. CROSSDEFINE ON command to allow cross
registration of servers.
ANR0458S Server server name does not
An SNMP administrative session attempted to run a support access by the Storage
command which is not an macro invocation. SNMP Agent.
administrative sessions are only allowed to issue
macro commands. Explanation
The storage agent attempted to contact a Database
System action
Server, but the server contacted was not at the correct
The server ends the client session. level.

User response System action

Enter commands through the SNMP administrative The Storage Agent terminates.
interface which are macros defined on the server.
ANR0456W Session rejected for server server User response
name - the server name at High Specify a correct Database Server in the devconfig file
level address, Low level address for the Storage Agent.
does not match.
ANR0459W Authentication Protocol error on
Explanation session session number for node
client node name (client platform) -
The server name at the address specified does not out-of-sequence verb (type verb
match the name in the server definition. The name) received.
connection is not established.
System action
The server detects a protocol error on the specified
The server continues. session because a verb has been received that does
not adhere to the client-server authentication
User response exchange sequence.

Ensure the HLADDRESS and LLADDRESS in the define

System action
server command are correct, and that the servername
on the server being contacted matches the name used The server ends the client session.
in the DEFINE SERVER command.
ANR0457W Session for server server name User response
refused - crossdefine is not If the client generating the error is not an API client,
allowed on this server. contact your service representative. If the client
generating the error is an API client, contact the owner
Explanation of the API client. If the client generating the error is an
IBM-provided client, please ensure that it is at the
The server refuses a request to start a server to server
current software level.
session for crossdefine because it is not allowed on

Chapter 3. ANR messages 99

ANR0460W Open registration failed for System action
session session number - node Server operation continues.
name node name (client platform)
already exists.
User response
Explanation Specify a node name in the options file of the client
program that contains valid characters and does not
The server refuses a client session during open exceed the maximum length in size.
registration because the client has specified a node
name that is already registered on the server. ANR0463W Open registration failed for
session session number for node
System action node name (client platform) -
invalid password.
Server operation continues.
User response
The server refuses a client session during open
The client program user must specify a different node registration because the password name specified by
name for the client in the client options file. the user is not valid.
ANR0461W Open registration failed for
session session number for node System action
node name (client platform) - policy Server operation continues.
domain STANDARD does not exist.
User response
Specify a password that uses valid characters and is
The server refuses a client session during open less than the maximum length in size.
registration because the STANDARD policy domain
does not exist. All nodes added to the server database ANR0464W Open registration failed for
under open registration are automatically assigned to session session number for node
the STANDARD policy domain. This policy domain node name (client platform) -
must be defined and have an active policy set to exceeded number of nodes
support open registration. available under license terms.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. The server detected an attempt to register more nodes
than allowed by the terms of the current license.
User response
System action
If you want to support open registration, define a
policy domain using the DEFINE DOMAIN command Server operation continues, but the REGISTER NODE
with the name STANDARD and activate a valid policy command fails, and the node is not registered.
set in the domain. You can issue the UPDATE NODE
command to move nodes to different policy domains User response
after the nodes have registered themselves through
open registration. Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the
license terms that are no longer in compliance.
ANR0462W Open registration failed for
session session number for node ANR0465W Open registration failed for
node name (client platform) - session session number for node
invalid node name. node name (client platform) - policy
domain STANDARD does not have
an ACTIVE policy set.
The server refuses a client session during open Explanation
registration because the node name specified by the
client is not valid. The server refuses a client session during open
registration because the STANDARD policy domain

100 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

does not have an active policy set. All nodes added to Explanation
the server database under open registration are
An attempt was made to export to an outdated server.
automatically assigned to the STANDARD policy
The server on which the import is performed must be
domain. This policy domain must be defined and have
at the same or later level than the server from which
an active policy set to support open registration.
the data was exported.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.
The export operation ends and server operation
User response
If you want to support open registration, define a User response
policy domain using the DEFINE DOMAIN command
Export to a server that is at the same or later level.
with the name STANDARD and activate a valid policy
set in the domain. You can issue the UPDATE NODE ANR0469W Session session number for node
command to move nodes to different policy domains node name (client platform)
after the nodes have registered themselves through refused - client is not configured
open registration. for archive retention protection.
command did not complete Explanation
successfully. The server refuses a client session because the client
is not configured for archive retention protection.
The SETSTORAGESERVER command encountered an System action
error and did not complete successfully. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Storage agent operation terminates. Either disable archive retention protection on the
server or configure the client for archive retention
User response protection.
Please review prior error messages and take the ANR0470W Session session number for
necessary corrective actions. administrator administrator name
refused - administrator password
has expired.
command completed successfully.

The server refuses the specified session because the
The SETSTORAGESERVER command has completed
administrator's password has expired.
successfully, and the appropriate device configuration
files have been updated.
System action
System action Server operation continues.
Storage agent operation terminates.
User response
User response Upon receipt of this error condition, the client program
immediately reconnects to the server specifying a
password update session and prompts the user for a
ANR0468E Server-to-server export and new password. After the user enters a new password,
import not allowed with server the client reconnects to the server for normal
server name. Export server is at operations. Alternatively, an authorized administrator
version export version; import can update the client password using the UPDATE
server is at version import version. ADMIN command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 101

ANR0472E The database manager did not administrative and client sessions (controlled by the
start. A tablespace container is TCPPORT and TCPADMINPORT options), and option
inaccessible. ADMINONCLIENTPORT is set to NO, administrative
sessions can be started only on the port used for
Explanation administrative sessions (as specified by the
The server was unable to start the database manager.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
The server halts.
User response
User response
Update the client options file to specify the port to be
Before restarting the server, check the following items: used for administrative sessions. This is typically
• Reboot the system. specified by the TCPADMINPORT option in both client
and server option files.
• Check that the directories for dbdir, log, or devices
exists and that the file system is mounted (if it is on a ANR0475W Session session number for node
separate file system). node name (client platform)
refused - node is not allowed to
• Make sure that the hardware and network
initiate sessions on administrative
connection are working properly.
• Fix any errors in the system log or db2diag.log.
ANR0473W Session session number for Explanation
administrator administrator ID The server had refused to start a session with the
(client platform) refused - specified client node because the node connected to
administrator name does not have the server on the server's administrative port. When
the correct level of authority over different port numbers are used for administrative and
client node. client sessions, client sessions may be started only on
the port used for client sessions.
The server refuses a request to start an administrative System action
session because the administrator name does not Server operation continues.
have appropriate authority over the node.

User response
System action
The client option file should be updated to specify the
Server operation continues. port to be used for client sessions. This is typically
specified by TCPPORT option in both client and server
User response option files. The MVS server also uses the ICSPORT
Use command GRANT AUTHORITY to grant option.
appropriate authority to the current administrator ID. ANR0476W Session session number for node
ANR0474W Session session number for node name (client platform)
administrator administrator ID refused - node is not allowed to
(administrator platform) was initiate sessions.
refused because administrators
are not allowed to initiate sessions Explanation
on the client port. The server had refused to start a session with the
specified client node because the node is not allowed
Explanation to initiate session. Only server initiated sessions are
The server did not start the specified administrative allowed with this client. The SESSIONINIT parameter
session because the administrator connected to the of the REGISTER NODE and UPDATE NODE commands
server on the server port that is used for client control the ability of a client to initiate sessions.
sessions, and the option ADMINONCLIENTPORT is set
to NO. When different port numbers are used for

102 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action terminated - connection with
server severed.
Server operation continues.

User response
If server A has opened a connection with server B,
An administrator can use the UPDATE NODE command
server B's session is ended because the
with the SESSIONINIT parameter to specify that the
communications link has been closed by a network
client may initiate sessions. Alternatively, sessions can
error or by server A's program.
be scheduled with the client that are stared by the
server through server-prompted scheduling
commands ( DEFINE SCHEDULE, DEFINE System action
ASSOCIATION ). Server A continues operation.
ANR0477W Session session number refused -
The client client node name cannot User response
access the server with a platform If server B halts operation or in some way stops
type of client platform. communicating with server A, this message will be
displayed on server A indicating that the connection
Explanation was closed suddenly by server B. A network failure can
A client with a invalid combination of node type and also cause this message to be displayed. If a large
platform type has requested a session with the server. number of these messages occur simultaneously,
For example, a node id of type NAS can only sign on check the network for failure and correct any
with a platform type of "TSMNAS", all other node types problems.
cannot use this platform type. ANR0480W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
System action terminated - connection with
client severed.
The session request is refused. The server operation
User response The specified client session is ended because the
communications link has been closed by a network
Verify that the Id used by a client to sign on has the
error or by the client program.
proper platform type.
ANR0478W Session request refused. Server is System action
running in standalone mode.
Server operation continues.
User response
A client has requested a session with the server. The
server is running in a mode in which it cannot start If a user breaks out of a client program, this message
client sessions. will be displayed on the server as the connection is
suddenly closed by the client. A network failure can
also cause this message to be displayed. If a large
System action number of these messages occur simultaneously,
The session request is refused. The server operation check the network for failure and correct any
continues. problems.
ANR0481W Session session number for node
User response node name (client platform) was
No response is required. To reduce or disable the terminated. The client did not
display of this message, you can update the server respond within commtimeout
options before running in standalone mode with the seconds seconds.
COMMMETHOD NONE option. This will allow the
server to run without enabling client connections. Explanation
ANR0479W Session session number for server The server ends a client session because the client
server name (server platform) was holding database locks during a transaction. The

Chapter 3. ANR messages 103

client did not respond within the number of seconds Explanation
specified by the COMMTIMEOUT server option.
The server ends a client session in response to a
CANCEL SESSION command issued by an authorized
System action administrator.
The server rolls back the transaction that was in
progress and the session is ended. Server operation System action
The server rolls back any transactions in progress for
the terminated client session.
User response
If this message appears frequently, consider User response
incrementing the value specified for the
COMMTIMEOUT option. Use the SETOPT command to
change the value of the COMMTIMEOUT option ANR0484W Session session number for node
without stopping or restarting the server. This update node name (client platform)
changes the amount of time that the server waits for terminated - protocol violation
an expected client message during an operation that detected.
causes a database update.
ANR0482W Session session number for node Explanation
node name (client platform) The server ends the specified session because a
terminated - idle for more than communications protocol error by the client has been
idletimeout minutes minutes. detected.

Explanation System action

The server ends a client session because it has been The server ends the client session.
idle for more minutes than specified in the
IDLETIMEOUT parameter in the server options file.
User response
The client program will automatically attempt to
reconnect to the server when necessary. Examine the client message to determine the problem.
Correct the programming error in the client program. If
System action the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
service representative.
Server operation continues.
If this session is a proxied LAN-Free session for a
storage agent, this error may be the result of a mount
User response
point or volume preemption on the storage agent.
If the problems persists, increase the value specified Review the messages logged by the storage agent to
for the IDLETIMEOUT parameter in the server options determine if a storage agent action caused this to
file and restart the server. Many times, the client occur.
program is idle while waiting for the user to choose an
ANR0485W Session session number for node
action to perform (for example, backup, archive,
restore, or retrieve files). If a user starts the client node name (client platform)
program and does not choose an action to perform, terminated - sufficient memory is
the session will eventually time out. The client not available.
program automatically reconnects to the server when
the user chooses an action that requires server Explanation
participation. Note that a large number of idle sessions The server ends the specified session because
can inadvertently prevent other users from connecting sufficient memory (virtual memory) is not available.
to the server, so care should be used when increasing
the IDLETIMEOUT parameter.
System action
ANR0483W Session session number for node
The server ends the session and continues operation.
node name (client platform)
terminated - forced by

104 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response transfer) minutes have elapsed
since first data transfer.
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
ANR0486W Session session number for node
node name (client platform) The server is canceling client session number session
terminated - internal error number. Depending on the state of the session, it may
detected. take a while for the session to be canceled. The server
ends a client session because it has been active for
more minutes than specified in the
Explanation THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD parameter in the
The specified client session is ended by the server server options file and the data transfer rate is less
because an internal processing error has been than the amount specified with the
detected on the server. A programming error may have THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD parameter in the
occurred in the server program. server options file. The client is transferring data to the
server at an abnormally slow rate and may have
System action become a bottleneck for handling data from other
clients. If the client has caused log records to be
The session is ended and server operation continues. written, it is possible that this client will prevent log
space reclamation.
User response
If this session is a proxied LAN-Free session for a System action
storage agent, this error may be the result of a mount The session is canceled and server operation
point or volume preemption on the storage agent. continues.
Review the messages logged by the storage agent to
determine if a storage agent action caused this to User response
If a low data transfer rate is not a problem, the
If the cause of the error can not be determined after THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD or
reviewing the activity log, contact your service THROUGHPUTDATATHRESHOLD parameters in the
representative. server options file can be set to zero - this will disable
ANR0487W Session session number for node the throughput check. The change can be made
node name (client platform) without taking down the server and restarting it by
terminated - preempted by using the SETOPT THROUGHPUTTIMETHRESHOLD or
commands. If a low data transfer rate is not expected,
external causes should be investigated. This would
include network problems and problems in accessing
The server ends a client session in response to a data on the client node. The client program may
cancel request issued by a higher priority operation automatically reconnect to the server, so this message
that needed the mount point that the client was using. may appear on subsequent sessions until the data
transfer problem is resolved. The default server
System action operation is not to perform a throughput check.

The server rolls back any transactions in progress for ANR0489W Session session number refused
the terminated client session. for client node name - NAS type
nodes are not supported by a
User response storage agent.

Reissue the operation. If this message appears

frequently, consider increasing the mountlimit value
for the affected device class. The specified client tried to connect to a storage
agent. The storage agent does not support a node that
ANR0488W Session session number for node is defined as TYPE=NAS.
node name (client platform)
terminated - transfer rate is less
than (transfer rate) and more than
(elapsed time since first data

Chapter 3. ANR messages 105

System action up a drive for this operation, the client session
identified is being cancelled by the system.
The session request is refused. The server operation
System action
User response The lower priority client session is cancelled to free up
a mount point (drive).
The client should be re-configured to not try LAN-free
operations. This may be done by setting UPDATE
NODE ENABLELANFREE=NO for the client. User response

ANR0490I Canceling session session number When a drive again becomes available, restart the
for node node name (client session that was cancelled. This session was most
platform) . likely a backup/archive session and you may just want
to let it restart automatically during its next scheduled
backup window. If this message appears frequently,
Explanation you may want to increase the number of drives
The server is canceling client session number session available. See the MOUNTLIMIT parameter on the
number. This message is displayed in response to the UPDATE DEVCLASS command.
CANCEL SESSION command. Depending on the state
ANR0493I Restore session session number
of the session, it may take a while for the session to be

System action
The specified session was canceled with the CANCEL
The session is canceled and server operation
RESTORE command.

System action
User response
The restore session is canceled and server operation
ANR0491I No matching session(s) found to
cancel. User response
ANR0494I Volume volume name in use.
The server cannot find any sessions to cancel
Session session number for node
matching the specifications entered in the CANCEL
node name (client platform) being
SESSION command.
preempted by higher priority
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
When a high priority operation attempted to acquire a
User response specific volume, it was being used. To free the volume
Use the QUERY SESSION command to ensure that the for this operation, the client session identified is being
session you wish to cancel is connected. Reissue the cancelled by the system.
command using the appropriate session number to
cancel the client session. System action
ANR0492I All drives in use. Session session The lower priority client session is cancelled to free up
number for node node name (client the volume.
platform) being preempted by
higher priority operation. User response
Restart the session that was cancelled, it will wait until
Explanation the higher priority operation if finished with the
When a high priority operation attempted to find an volume. This cancelled session was most likely a
available drive, all the drives were being used. To free backup/archive session and you may just want to let it

106 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

restart automatically during its next scheduled backup ANR0498W Session session number refused
window. for client node name because
restore DB is in progress.
ANR0495I Cannot cancel the specified
Explanation Restore DB is in progress, only connection from Client
related to restore DB are allowed.
The server cannot cancel the session specified in the
System action
System action The session request is refused. The server Restore DB
operation continues.
Server operation continues.

User response
User response
Export/Import sessions cannot be canceled using
CANCEL SESSION. The user should use the CANCEL ANR0500W Transaction failed for session
PROCESS command to terminate the EXPORT/ session number for node node
IMPORT operation. name (client platform) - invalid
password submitted.
ANR0496E Session session number operation
for client client node name (client
platform) has been denied because Explanation
verb (type verb name) is not The server ends a password update transaction
allowed when archive retention is because the user has not correctly specified the
active. current password.

Explanation System action

The server refuses the specified client operation Server operation continues.
because archive retention protection is active.
User response
System action
Update your password by correctly specifying the
Server operation continues. current password. If the current password has been
misplaced, the administrator can reassign a password
User response for the client by using the UPDATE NODE or UPDATE
ADMIN command.
Do not send the specified operation to the server when
archive retention protection is active. ANR0501W Transaction failed for session
session number for node node
ANR0497W Session request refused from non-
name (client platform) - invalid
Express client.
policy binding specified.

A non-Express client has requested a session with the
The server ends a database update transaction for the
Express server. Only connections from an Express
specified session because an invalid management
client will be accepted by an Express server.
class has been specified for a file or directory object.

System action
System action
The session request is refused. The server operation
The specified session is ended and server operation

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 107

User response filespace name, object object
name, version version of total
Correct the programming error in the client program if
it has been written by your installation using WDSF
verbs. Otherwise, contact your service representative.
ANR0502E Transaction failed for session
session number for node node This message logs information to the activity log about
name (client platform) - A storage an object that was restored or retrieved by a user
pool for the target destination is logged in for a node. A user ID with no value indicates
associated with a device class that that an administrative or root user on the platform
has a Centera device type. initiated the restore.

Explanation System action

The server ends a database update transaction for the Server operation continues.
specified session because an invalid management
class has been specified. Centera device types may be User response
used only for archive objects. None.

System action ANR0505E The database manager

encountered a null value for
The specified session is ended and server operation column name during the data
continues. fetching.

User response Explanation

Ensure that Centera device types are associated with The server received an unexpected data value.
device classes that are used only for archive
operations. The UPDATE COPYGRP command can be
System action
used to update copy groups associated with space
management and/or backup storage pools so that they The server cannot process the command.
point to valid destinations.
ANR0503I Session session number for User response
administrator administrator name Before reissuing the command, try the following
logged in as node node name actions:
restored or retrieved object type
object: node node name, filespace • Reboot the system.
filespace name, object object • Check that the directories for dbdir, log, or devices
name, version version of total exists and that the file system is mounted (if it is on a
version. separate file system).
• Make sure that the hardware and network
Explanation connection are working properly.
This message logs information about an object that • Fix any errors in the system log or db2diag.log.
was restored or retrieved by an administrator logged in
ANR0506I A full backup has been started for
for a node.
database DB Alias. This backup is
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
This level of the IBM Spectrum Protect server uses a
User response new version of the database manager that has a new
None. format for log files. Database backups created prior to
this level of the server cannot be used to restore the
ANR0504I Session session number for node database. A new database backup image is needed to
node name(Userid=user id), ensure that the database is protected.
restored or retrieved object type
object: node node name filespace

108 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
A full database backup is started. The database restore terminates.

User response User response

None. If you need to restore the database immediately,
uninstall the upgraded server, re-install the previous
ANR0507E Protocol error on session session version of the server, then run the restore command.
number for node client node name Otherwise, start the upgraded server. The upgraded
(client platform) because an owner server creates a new backup image automatically.
was not properly provided for the After the database backup completes, run the server
indicated node. restore utility again.

Explanation ANR0510I Session session number opened

input volume volume name.
The session does not adhere to the client-server
exchange sequence, therefore the server detected a
protocol error on the specified session.
The indicated session has opened the specified
System action volume for input processing.

The server ends the client session.

System action

User response Processing continues.

If the client runs in a non-standard environment, the

User response
server detects that the owner field is not being sent
properly. It is not recommended to run the client in a None.
non-standard environment.
ANR0511I Session session number opened
ANR0508E An automatic full database backup output volume volume name.
for database DB Alias has failed.
The indicated session has opened the specified
A full database backup failed. This message always volume for output processing.
accompanies one or more other message that
provides more details about the error. System action
Processing continues.
System action
The server operation continues. User response
User response
ANR0512I Process process number opened
Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
this message to determine the source of the error. input volume volume name.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. Explanation

ANR0509E The database restore failed on DB The indicated process has opened the specified
Alias due to the log format volume for input processing. You may or may not see
differences between database an associated ANR0515I message for this process/
manager versions. volume combination, since some volumes are shared
between multiple processes.
System action
The database restore failed because the backup image
was produced by a previous version of the database Processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 109

User response Explanation
None. The indicated select statement failed. The failure was
caused by a syntax error with the statement itself.
ANR0513I Process process number opened
output volume volume name.
System action
Explanation The select statement failed.
The indicated process has opened the specified
volume for output processing. You may not see an User response
associated ANR0515I message for this process/ Review the server activity log for message ANR0162W
volume combination, since some volumes are shared for an explanation of the error that caused this
between multiple processes. statement to fail.
System action
parameter cannot be used with
Processing continues. either the TYPE=SERVER or
TYPE=NAS parameter.
User response
System action
The command failed.
ANR0514I Session session number closed
volume volume name.
User response
Explanation Reissue the command without the DEDUPLICATION
The indicated session has finished using the specified
volume. ANR0518W NDMP restore failed for session
session number for node node
System action name (client platform), file space
Processing continues.
User response
The server ends a restore operation for the specified
None. NAS node because an error has been encountered on
ANR0515I Process process number closed the server. Some common reasons for the error are:
volume volume name. • The input volume is unavailable
• The storage pool is unavailable
• Data is corrupted on the input volume
The indicated process has finished using the specified • Hardware or media failure has occurred
volume. It is possible that the process indicated was
not the process that opened the volume. • The server database is corrupted

System action System action

Processing continues. The server ends the restore operation.

User response User response

None. Examine any prior error messages to determine the

source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command
ANR0516E SQL processing for statement to view the activity log and search for messages if
statement failed. needed. Correct any problem and try the restore again.
If the data is also backed up in a copy storage pool,
the retry operation will attempt to read the file from
the alternate location. If retry of the restore operation
continues to fail contact your service representative.

110 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0519E A retrieve or restore operation storage pool specified in the client's management
failed for session session number class copy group. No successor storage pools to the
for node node name (client one specified on the copy group can accept the large
platform). An invalid partial object file.
request was received.
System action
Explanation The specified session is ended and server operation
The server ended a file retrieve or restore operation for continues.
the specified session because an invalid value for the
offset, length, or both was received from the client User response
application for the object being retrieved or restored.
If the client is not using compression to send files to
the host, turn compression on for the client (using the
System action UPDATE NODE command) to try and resolve the
The server ends the specified operation and server problem. Otherwise, the maximum file size for one or
operation continues. more of the storage pools in the storage hierarchy can
be increased to accommodate the file. An authorized
User response administrator can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by
issuing the UPDATE STGPOOL command.
Specify an offset, length, or both within the bounds of
the object to be retrieved or restored, and rerun the ANR0522W Transaction failed for session
application. session number for node node
name (client platform) - no space
ANR0520W Transaction failed for session available in storage pool pool
session number for node node name and all successor pools.
name (client platform) - storage
pool pool name is not defined. Explanation

Explanation The server ends a database update transaction for the

specified session because the storage pool specified in
The server rolls back a database update transaction the client's management class copy group does not
for the specified session because the destination contain enough free space to hold the files sent from
specified for a management class copy group specifies the client. Successor storage pools to the one
the named storage pool, but that storage pool does specified on the copy group do not contain enough
not exist. free space.

System action System action

Server operation continues. The specified session is ended and server operation
User response
An administrator with policy authority over the client User response
policy domain must correct management class An authorized administrator can add storage to one or
definitions so that copy group destinations refer to more storage pools in the storage hierarchy. Ensure
defined storage pools, or the specified storage pool that you size the file system based on the amount of
must be created by an authorized administrator. data that you manage. Add storage space by using
operating system tools. On the UPDATE STGPOOL
ANR0521W Transaction failed for session
command, specify the ACCESS parameter as
session number for node node
READWRITE to ensure that client nodes and server
name (client platform) - object
processes can read and write to the storage pool.
excluded by size in storage pool
pool name and all successor pools. ANR0523W Transaction failed for session
session number for node node
Explanation name (client platform) - error on
output storage device.
The server ends a database update transaction for the
specified session because the size of a file sent from
the client node is larger than that allowed in the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 111

Explanation User response
The server ends a database update transaction for the An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
specified client because an I/O error has been VOLUME command to add storage to one or more
encountered by the server in writing to a device. storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The VARY
ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage
System action volumes online in the storage hierarchy to make them
available to client nodes for file storage.
The specified session is ended and server operation
continues. ANR0526W A transaction failed for session
session number for node node
name (client platform) because of
User response
insufficient recovery log space.
Query the activity log to find messages preceding this
one that specify the failing device. Storage pool Explanation
volumes can be varied offline (by using the VARY
command), or the server may need to be halted to If a log runs out of space, the current transaction is
correct the hardware problem. After the problem is rolled back. The server issues an error message and
corrected, the client should retry the operation. halts. You cannot restart the server until the recovery
log size is increased.
ANR0524W Transaction failed for session
session number for node node
System action
name (client platform) - data
transfer interrupted. The server halts.

Explanation User response

The database transaction associated with session Monitor archive logs and active logs. If the recovery log
session number was aborted because data transfer to space is insufficient, monitor the archive log space
or from data storage was interrupted by an external first. If the archive log space is full or nearly full, run a
event. full database backup to remove archive logs and
consider adding more disk space to the archive log
System action directory. If the archive log space is not full and the
active log space is full or nearly full, update the value
The session is canceled and server operation of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option in the dsmserv.opt file.
continues. Set the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option to the new
maximum size of the active log.
User response
ANR0527W A transaction failed for session
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to session number for node node
determine why the data transfer was interrupted. name (client platform) because of
Attempt the client operation again if the problem can insufficient database space.
be resolved.
ANR0525W Transaction failed for session Explanation
session number for node node The server ends a database update transaction for the
name (client platform) - storage specified session because the server has insufficient
media inaccessible. database space.

Explanation System action

The server ends a transaction for the specified session The server ends the specified session, but server
because storage volumes are not available in the operation continues.
storage pools in which the client's files are to be
User response

System action To increase the amount of database space that is

available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
The server ends the specified session and server command. Add one or more directories to the
operation continues. database.

112 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0528W Transaction failed for session User response
session number for node node Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
name (client platform) - thread this message to determine the source of the error.
resource not available.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages that indicate the
Explanation source of the error.
The server ends a database update transaction for the ANR0531W Transaction failed for session
specified session because sufficient memory is not session number for node node
available for starting additional processes on the name (client platform) - invalid file
server. space identifier specified by
System action
The server ends the specified session and server Explanation
operation continues. The server ends a database update transaction for the
specified session because the file space identified by
User response the client for the transaction does not exist.
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. System action

ANR0529W Transaction failed for session This action usually occurs when a client is operating on
session number for node node a file space that is currently being deleted as a result
name (client platform) - of an administrative command or client action. The
insufficient memory. server ends the specified session and server operation
User response
The server ends a database update transaction for the
specified session because sufficient memory is not Use the QUERY PROCESS command to monitor and
available on the server. wait for any file space deletion processes to complete,
or cancel the process if you do not want to delete the
file space. Try the client action again after this action
System action has been taken.
The server ends the specified session and server
ANR0532W Diagnostic(ID): Transaction
operation continues.
transaction ID was aborted for
session session number for node
User response node name (client platform).
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. Explanation
ANR0530W Transaction failed for session An error has been detected during a transaction
session number for node node commit for the specified session. This message should
name (client platform) - internal be preceded by other messages that give additional
server error detected. information about the failed transaction.

Explanation System action

The server ends a database update transaction for the The activity that generated this error fails.
specified session because an internal logic error is
detected. User response
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
System action condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
The server ends the specified session and server error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
operation continues. service representative.
ANR0533W Transaction failed for session
session number - compression

Chapter 3. ANR messages 113

method used by client not client sent it to the server it exceeded the space
supported. Please obtain the available in storage pool pool name.
latest level of the client code.
User response
This message may indicate that there is no additional
The server ends the transaction for the specified space in pool name. The following are possible
session because the compression method that is used circumventions:
by the client is no longer supported by the server.
An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
VOLUME command to add storage to this pool.
System action
If the suspected cause of the failure is that pool name
The server ends the specified session and server is a DISK storage pool and that space in use by cached
operation continues. files was not freed, turn off caching for the storage
pool and issue the MOVE DATA command for the
User response volumes in pool pool name.
The client must either backup the data with If the suspected cause of the failure is that a file grew
compression turned off, or upgrade to a client that in size during compression on the client, another
supports the newer compression method. If the client possible circumvention is to set the
is a WDSF client, upgrade to a non-WDSF client in COMPRESSALWAYS option in the client options file to
order to use the compression performed by the client. NO and retry the operation. This may allow the client
to accurately report the file size and possibly avoid the
ANR0534W Transaction failed for session out of space condition in the storage pool.
session number for node node
name (client platform) - size ANR0535W Transaction failed for session
estimate exceeded and server is session number for node node
unable to obtain additional space name (client platform) -
in storage pool pool name. Size insufficient mount points available
estimate was size estimate. to satisfy the request.

Explanation Explanation
The server ends a database update transaction for the The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount
specified session because the size estimate provided points to process the transaction.
by the client is too small. The server has attempted to
obtain additional space in the indicated storage pool, System action
but was unable to do so.
The operation is ended and server operation
System action
The specified session is ended and server operation User response
If necessary, make more mount points available or
If pool name is a random access storage pool with validate your device class and library configuration.
caching enabled, it is also possible that additional
space can be made available in this storage pool by ANR0536W Transaction failed for session
eliminating cached files. When the server allocates session number for node node
space based on the size estimate provided by the name (client platform) - down-level
client, it frees space occupied by cached files if this client does not support format of
space is needed to obtain the estimated space. stored files.
However, if the server later determines that the file
size estimate was too low, it attempts to obtain Explanation
additional space that is not utilized, but does not
delete cached files to do so. A client attempts to perform an operation involving
files that are stored in a format that is not supported
If the client sending the data has the option by that client level.
COMPRESSALWAYS YES set, it is possible that a file
grew during the compression operation and when the

114 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action name. This node has exceeded its
maximum number of mount
The operation is ended and server operation

User response
The server ends the transaction because the node
Upgrade the client to a later level.
requires mount points to store data, and either the
ANR0537E Transaction failed for session node is not allowed to acquire any mount points, or
session number for node node the node is already using the maximum number of
name (client platform) - filespace mount points allowed for the node. The maximum
name cannot be renamed from or number of mount points a node is allowed to use on
to a Unicode name. the server is controlled by the setting of the
MAXNUMMP parameter on the REGISTER NODE or
Explanation UPDATE NODE command.

The server ends a database update transaction for the System action
specified session because a file space was attempted
to be renamed to or from unicode. The server ends the specified session and server
operation continues.
System action
User response
The server ends the specified transaction and server
operation continues. If the number of mount points that the node is allowed
to use on the server are already acquired, reduce the
User response number of client sessions for the specified node that
are running concurrently. For example, decrease the
Do not attempt to rename a unicode file space to a value of the client option RESOURCEUTILIZATION. If
non-unicode name or a non-unicode file space to a sufficient mount points (for example, drives) are
unicode name. available to satisfy the data store operations, issue the
UPDATE NODE command to increase the value of the
ANR0538I A resource waiter has been
MAXNUMMP parameter.
If the node is not allowed to acquire any mount points
Explanation (the node's MAXNUMMP option is set to zero), issue
the UPDATE NODE command to change the value of
The server aborts a resource wait because of waiting the MAXNUMMP parameter.
too long for a resource to become available. This could
cause a process or session to fail. If this causes a ANR0540W Retrieve or restore failed for
process or a session to fail then there will be other session session number for node
messages at this time indicating which process or node name (client platform) - data
session has failed. Resources are internal server integrity error detected.
resources such as locks and synchronization objects.
System action The server ends a file retrieval operation for the
The server terminates the resource with request and specified session because an internal database
server operation continues. integrity error has been encountered on the server.

User response System action

Either a server deadlock situation has occurred or the The server ends the specified session and continues
resource timeout value is set too low. Check the operation.
setting for the RESOURCETimeout server option and
increase the value. If the problem persists with a User response
higher timeout then contact your service
representative. Contact your service representative.

ANR0539W Transaction failed for session ANR0541W Retrieve or restore failed for
session number for node node session session number for node

Chapter 3. ANR messages 115

node name (client platform) - error Explanation
on input storage device.
The database transaction associated with session
session number was aborted because data transfer to
Explanation or from data storage was interrupted by an external
The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation event.
for the specified session because an I/O error has
been encountered by the server in reading from a System action
The session is canceled and server operation
System action
The server ends the specified session and server User response
operation continues.
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to
determine why the data transfer was interrupted.
User response Attempt the client operation again, if the problem can
Query the activity log to find messages preceding this be resolved.
one that specify the device that is failing. Storage pool ANR0544W Retrieve or restore failed for
volumes can be varied offline (by using the VARY session session number for node
OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be node name (client platform) -
shut down by using the HALT command to correct the thread resource not available.
hardware problem. After the problem is corrected, the
client may try the operation again.
ANR0542W Retrieve or restore failed for
The server ends a file retrieval or restore operation for
session session number for node
the specified session because sufficient memory is not
node name (client platform) -
available for starting additional processes on the
storage media inaccessible.

System action
The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation
The server ends the specified session and server
for the specified session because a needed storage
operation continues.
pool volume has been varied offline or the storage pool
is unavailable.
User response
System action See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
The server ends the specified session and server
operation continues. ANR0545W Retrieve or restore failed for
session session number for node
User response node name (client platform) -
insufficient memory.
Use the VARY ONLINE command to vary offline
storage volumes online in the storage hierarchy and
make them available to client nodes for file storage. If Explanation
all volumes are online, check the ACCESS parameter of The server ends a file retrieval or restore operation for
the storage pool. If the access mode is UNAVAILABLE, the specified session because sufficient memory is not
use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to update it to available on the server.
ANR0543W Retrieve or restore failed for System action
session session number for node The server ends the specified session and server
node name (client platform) - data operation continues.
transfer interrupted.
User response
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.

116 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0546W Retrieve or restore failed for Explanation
session session number for node The server ends a file retrieval operation for the
node name (client platform) - specified session because an error has been
internal server error detected. encountered on the server. Some common reasons for
the error are:
• The input volume is unavailable
The server ends a file retrieval or restore operation for
• The storage pool is unavailable
the specified session because an internal logic error is
detected in the server program. • Data is corrupted on the input volume
• Hardware or media failure has occurred
System action • Database corruption
The server ends the specified session and continues
operation. System action
The server ends the specified session and continues
User response operation.
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the User response
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
Try the restore or retrieve operation again, and if the
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
file is also backed up in a copy storage pool, the
and resolved, contact your service representative.
operation will attempt to read the file from the
ANR0547E Invalid data was encountered in alternate location. If retry of the restore or retrieve
the command processor output operation continues to fail examine any prior error
stream: output formatting messages to determine the source of the error. Use
terminated for the last command the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
entered. and search for messages if needed. Correct the
problem and try the restore or retrieve again.
Explanation ANR0549W Transaction failed for session
The server console session encounters an error in session number for node node
formatting output from a command. name (client platform) - no existing
restore session found.
System action
The command output is discarded and server
operation continues. A client attempted to start an additional no query
restore session to increase restore throughput, but the
original restore session was not found.
User response
Use the server QUERY command to determine if the System action
command you entered had the desired affect in the
server. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to see if a The operation is ended and server operation
server error condition (like out of memory) occurred continues.
prior to the command. Resolve the error if it is found.
Contact your service representative if you cannot User response
resolve the error, or if an error is not found.
Check the status of the original restore. It may have
ANR0548W Retrieve or restore failed for already completed or been cancelled. The QUERY
session session number for node SESSION command and the QUERY RESTORE
node name (client platform) commands can provide information about existing
processing file space filespace sessions and restore sessions which are restartable.
(fsId filespace id) for file file name
ANR0550E The client operation failed for
stored as storage repository - error
session session number for node
node name (client platform) - see
previous error messages.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 117

Explanation Explanation
The indicated operation has failed. This message is The indicated client operation failed because the
always preceded by one or more other error messages destination storage pool was skipped. A storage pool
which provide more detail about why the command may be skipped because it does not have enough
failed. available space, or because it has a MAXSIZE value
that is less than the size of the object to be inserted.
System action
System action
The operation is ended and server operation
continues. The operation fails.

User response User response

Examine the previous error messages to determine the Ensure that the destination storage pool is available,
source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command has an adequate MAXSIZE setting, and has adequate
to view the activity log and search for messages if space. The MAXSIZE setting may be changed using the
needed. Correct the problem and try the command UPDATE STGPOOL command. Space may be added to
again. the storage pool by checking in scratch volumes or
defining new volumes in the storage pool. If volumes
ANR0551E The client operation failed for in the destination storage pool are offline, use the
session session number for node VARY ONLINE command to vary them online and make
node name on the (client platform) them available for use. Correct the problem and try the
operating system because of a command again.
lock conflict.
ANR0553E Client operation failed for session
Explanation session number - administrator
administrator name does not have
An operation that requires the server to lock a system adequate authority over node node
resource has been initiated. The operation cannot be name.
completed because the resource is in use by another
command or process.

System action The specified administrator does not have the proper
authority necessary to perform this operation on the
Server operations continue, but the server does not specified node.
process the command.
System action
User response
The server does not perform the query.
To resolve the issue, take one of the following actions:
- If the failed command was run in a local area
User response
network (LAN) environment, run the command again
later. - If the failed command was run in a LAN-free Issue the command from a properly authorized
environment, run the VALIDATE LANFREE command administrator ID, or contact the system administrator
and review the output: If the LAN-Free capable to have additional authority granted to the current
column displays a value of YES, retry the failed administrator ID.
command. If the LAN-Free capable column displays a
ANR0554E command name: The parameter
value of NO, correct the configuration to support LAN-
free data movement for the storage agent and retry name parameter is only valid if the
the failed command. Alternatively, retry the failed TOSERVER parameter is specified.
command in a LAN environment.
ANR0552E Client operation failed for session
session number for node node The command failed because the TOSERVER
name (client platform) - parameter was not specified.
destination storage pool storage
pool was skipped. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.

118 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Reissue the command and specify the TOSERVER Issue QUERY ACTLOG to determine the source of the
parameter. error.
ANR0555E command name: The parameter ANR0558W Import processing did not create a
name parameter cannot be proxynode association for nodes
specified when the TOSERVER node_id_target and node_id_agent.
parameter is specified.
Import processing did not create a proxynode
The command failed because the TOSERVER association between the two nodes. The association
parameter was not specified. fails if either of the nodes does not exist on the server,
or if import processing was not allowed to complete.
System action
System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
The server does not create the specified proxynode
User response association.

Reissue the command and omit the TOSERVER

User response
Verify that both nodes were imported properly and
ANR0556E command name: issue the import command again. Or, use the GRANT
DATES=RELATIVE parameter PROXYNODE command to manually create the
value cannot be specified when proxynode association.
merging imported files using the
MERGE=YES parameter value. ANR0559E Too many domains are specified
on the EXPORT NODE command.
When importing files and merging them into existing
file spaces, the DATES=RELATIVE parameter value The maximum length of the domain list cannot exceed
cannot be specified. approximately 1400 characters.

System action System action

The command fails and server operation continues. The EXPORT command is ended.

User response User response

Reissue the command and omit the DATES=RELATIVE If you specified DOMAIN=* on the command, issue the
parameter. command again without specifying the domain to let it
default to all domains. If you specified a domain list,
ANR0557I Import command: An invalid then split up the EXPORT into multiple export
export record (version version, commands to reduce the number of domains specified
copy type copy type, object type on the command.
object type) was found.
ANR0560E Import command: Unable to
Explanation decrypt encrypted password or
An invalid import record was found for the specified
version, copy type and object type. The object will be
skipped, and import processing will continue.
The server is not able to decrypt the password
System action associated with a node or administrator, or the client
encryption key associated with an object being
Server operation continues. imported. The password or key was encrypted with the
AES encryption standard, but the server does not
support AES.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 119

System action Explanation
The object is not imported. The server ends a restore operation for the specified
NAS node because an error has been encountered on
User response the server. Some common reasons for the error are:

Rerun the export command, specifying the • The input volume is unavailable
ENCryptionstrength=DES option. Or, rerun the import • The storage pool is unavailable
on a server that supports AES. • Data is corrupted on the input volume
ANR0561E Export command: Process aborted • Hardware or media failure has occurred
- sign on to server, target server
• The server database is corrupted
name, failed.

System action
The server ends the restore operation.
The server export process encountered an error in
establishing a communication session with the target
server. User response
Examine any prior error messages to determine the
System action source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command
to view the activity log and search for messages if
The export process ends and server operation
needed. Correct any problem and try the restore again.
If the data is also backed up in a copy storage pool,
the retry operation will attempt to read the file from
User response the alternate location. If retry of the restore operation
Check the activity log and server console for messages continues to fail contact your service representative.
that indicate a failure or problem on the server issuing ANR0564E Restartable restore request failed
this command and on the target server. Next, check for session session number,
the server definition, administrator name, and restartable restore session restore
password on both the server issuing the command and session number - sessions are
the server specified. Also, check the communication active from the original restore.
connection between the two servers. And finally, verify
that the target server specified is running. If the
problem is not resolved, contact your service Explanation
representative. A client attempted to restart a restartable no query
restore session; However, sessions from the original
ANR0562I Export command: Data transfer
no query restore invocation are still active. Both the
complete, deleting temporary
current and restartable restore session numbers are

System action
The server export process has completed writing data
The restartable restore request is ended and server
to the target media or server. Temporary data used
operation continues. The restore's restartability status
during the operation is now being deleted from the
does not change.

User response
System action
Check the status of the original restore. The QUERY
The export process continues until all temporary data
RESTORE command can be used to show the status of
is removed.
restartable restores. The restartable restore session
number is the one for which sessions were found to be
User response running. Sessions may be active on either the server or
None. a storage agent. Restartable restores may be
cancelled by issuing the CANCEL RESTORE command,
ANR0563W NDMP restore failed for node node after which the restore may be retried. Once CANCEL
name, file space filespace. RESTORE is issued for a restore session, it is not
eligible to be restarted.

120 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0565W Retrieve or restore failed for System action
session session number for node The operation is ended and server operation
node name (client platform). The continues.
storage volume volume name is
User response
Explanation If necessary, make more mount points available.
The server ends a client retrieval or restore operation ANR0568W Session session number for admin
for the specified session because a needed storage admin name (client platform)
pool volume has been varied offline. terminated - connection with
client severed.
System action
The server ends the specified session and server
operation continues. The specified admin session is ended because the
communications link has been closed by a network
User response error or by the client program.

Use the VARY ONLINE command to vary offline

System action
storage volumes online, and make them available to
client nodes for file storage. Server operation continues.
ANR0566W Retrieve or restore failed for
session session number for node User response
node name (client platform) - file If a user breaks out of a client program, this message
was deleted from data storage will be displayed on the server as the connection is
during retrieval. suddenly closed by the client. A network failure can
also cause this message to be displayed. If a large
Explanation number of these messages occur simultaneously,
check the network for failure and correct any
The server ends a file retrieval operation for the problems.
specified session because the file has been deleted
from data storage by another process before retrieval ANR0569I Object not processed for node
is complete. name: type=type, file
space=filespace name,
System action object=object name.

The server ends the specified session and continues

An error occurred. The object for node name, identified
User response by type, file space and object name was not processed.

Contact your administrator to find out if DELETE

System action
FILESPACE, DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration
processes are running; these processes can delete Server action is defined by the error that occurred.
data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the restore
or retrieve operation and specify a different file User response
Issue QUERY ACTLOG to determine the source of the
ANR0567W Retrieve or restored failed for error.
session session number for node
node name (client platform) - ANR0570E Export command: Invalid value for
insufficient mount points available DURUNITS parameter detected
to satisfy the request. while exporting administrative
schedule schedule name - default
or existing value is used during
The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount
points to process the retrieve or restore operation.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 121

Explanation Explanation
During processing of command export command, an During processing of command export command, an
invalid value is encountered for the DURUNITS invalid value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK
parameter for administrative schedule schedule name. parameter for administrative schedule schedule name.

System action System action

Export processing continues, but the exported data Export processing continues, but the exported data
contains an unknown DURUNITS value for this contains an unknown DAYOFWEEK value for this
schedule. If this data is imported, the server uses the schedule. If this data is imported, the server uses the
default or existing DURUNITS value. default or existing DAYOFWEEK value.

User response User response

Update the DURUNITS value for this schedule and Update the DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule and
restart the export command. Alternatively, the export restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
data with the unknown value can be used, and the export data with the unknown value, and check and
DURUNITS value can be checked and updated after update the DAYOFWEEK value after import processing
import processing has been performed. has been performed.
ANR0571E Export command: Invalid value for ANR0573I Export/import command:
PERUNITS parameter detected Processing administrative
while exporting administrative schedule schedule name.
schedule schedule name - default
or existing value is used during Explanation
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command is currently
processing the schedule definition information for
During processing of command export command, an administrative schedule schedule name.
invalid value is encountered for the PERUNITS
parameter for administrative schedule schedule name. System action
Export or import processing for the command
System action
Export processing continues, but the exported data
will contain an unknown PERUNITS value for this User response
schedule. If this data is imported, the server uses the
default or existing PERUNITS value. None.
ANR0574E Import command: Invalid value for
User response DURUNITS or PERUNITS
Update the PERUNITS value for this schedule and parameter in exported data for
restart the export command. Alternatively, use the administrative schedule schedule
export data with the unknown value, and check and name.
update the PERUNITS value after import processing
has been performed. Explanation

ANR0572E Export command: Invalid value for During preview processing of command import
DAYOFWEEK parameter detected command, an invalid value is encountered for the
while exporting administrative DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter for administrative
schedule schedule name - default schedule schedule name.
or existing value is used during
import. System action
Processing of the command continues. If a later
command is issued that causes the data to be
imported, the default or existing values are used for

122 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response schedule schedule name defined
with default DAYOFWEEK value.
If the data is imported with a later command, verify
that the correct values for DURATION, DURUNITS,
PERIOD, and PERUNITS are used for this schedule. Explanation

ANR0575E Import command: Invalid value for During processing of command import command, an
DAYOFWEEK parameter in invalid value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK
exported data for administrative parameter for administrative schedule schedule name.
schedule schedule name.
System action
Explanation Processing of the command continues, by using the
During preview processing of command import default DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule.
command, an invalid value is encountered for the
DAYOFWEEK parameter for administrative schedule User response
schedule name. Verify that the correct DAYOFWEEK value has been
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
System action
ANR0578E Import command: Invalid value for
Processing of the command continues. If a later DURUNITS or PERUNITS
command is issued that causes the data to be parameter in exported data -
imported, the default or existing DAYOFWEEK value is existing values for DURATION,
PERUNITS for administrative
User response schedule schedule name were not
If the data is imported with a later command, verify
that the correct DAYOFWEEK value is used for this
schedule. Explanation

ANR0576E Import command: Invalid value for During processing of command import command, an
DURUNITS or PERUNITS invalid value is encountered for the DURUNITS or
parameter in exported data - PERUNITS parameter for administrative schedule
administrative schedule schedule schedule name.
name defined with default values
for DURATION, DURUNITS, System action
PERIOD, and PERUNITS. Processing of the command continues, by using the
existing values for DURATION, DURUNITS, PERIOD,
Explanation and PERUNITS.
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the DURUNITS or User response
PERUNITS parameter for administrative schedule Verify that the correct values have been used for
Update these values, if necessary.
System action
ANR0579E Import command: Invalid value for
Processing of the command continues, by using the DAYOFWEEK parameter in
default values for DURATION, DURUNITS, PERIOD, exported data - existing
administrative schedule schedule
User response name was not updated.
Verify that the correct values have been used for
Update these values, if necessary. During processing of command import command, an
ANR0577E Import command: Invalid value for invalid value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK
DAYOFWEEK parameter in parameter for administrative schedule schedule name.
exported data - administrative

Chapter 3. ANR messages 123

System action System action
Processing of the command continues, by using the Export processing continues, but the exported data
existing DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule. contains an unknown value for this management class.
If this data is imported, the default or existing
User response MIGREQUIRESBKUP value is used.

Verify that the correct DAYOFWEEK value has been

User response
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
Update the MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for this copy
ANR0580E Export command: Invalid value for group and restart the export. Alternatively, use the
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter export data with the unknown value, and check and
detected while exporting update the MIGREQUIRESBKUP value after import
management class management processing has been performed.
class name in domain domain
name, set policy set name - default ANR0582E Import command: Invalid value for
or existing value is used during SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter
import. in exported data for management
class management class name in
Explanation domain domain name, set policy
set name.
During processing of command export command, an
invalid value is encountered for the
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management
class management class name in domain domain During preview processing of command import
name, policy set policy set name. command, an invalid value is encountered for the
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management
System action class management class name, in policy domain
domain name, policy set policy set name.
Export processing continues, but the exported data
contains an unknown SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for
System action
this management class. If this data is imported, the
default or existing SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value is Processing of the command continues. If a later
used. command is issued that causes the data to be
imported, the default or existing
User response SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value is used.

Update the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this copy

User response
group and restart the export. Alternatively, use the
export data with the unknown value, and check and None. If the data is imported with a later command,
update the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value after import verify that the correct SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value is
processing has been performed. used for this management class.
ANR0581E Export command: Invalid value for ANR0583E Import command: Invalid value for
detected while exporting in exported data - management
management class management class management class name in
class name in domain domain domain domain name, set policy
name, set policy set name - default set name defined with default
or existing value is used during SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value.
During processing of command import command, an
During processing of command export command, an invalid value is encountered for the
invalid value is encountered for the SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management
MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter for management class class management class name, in policy domain
management class name in domain domain name, domain name, policy set policy set name.
policy set policy set name.

124 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Processing of the command continues, by using the Processing of the command continues. If a later
default SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this command causes the data to be imported, the default
management class. or existing MIGREQUIRESBKUP value is used.

User response User response

Verify that the correct SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value has None. If the data is imported with a later command,
been used for this management class. Update this verify that the correct MIGREQUIRESBKUP value is
value, if necessary. used for this management class.
ANR0584E Import command: Invalid value for ANR0586E Import command: Invalid value for
in exported data - exported data - management class
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for management class name in domain
management class management domain name, set policy set name
class name in domain domain defined with default
name, set policy set name was not MIGREQUIRESBKUP value.
During processing of command import command, an
During processing of command import command, an invalid value is encountered for the
invalid value is encountered for the MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter for management class
SPACEMGTECHNIQUE parameter for management management class name, in policy domain domain
class management class name, in policy domain name, policy set policy set name.
domain name, policy set policy set name.
System action
System action
Processing of the command continues, by using the
Processing of the command continues, by using the default MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for this
existing SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value for this management class.
management class.
User response
User response
Verify that the correct MIGREQUIRESBKUP value has
Verify that the correct SPACEMGTECHNIQUE value has been used for this management class. Update this
been used for this management class. Update this value, if necessary.
value, if necessary.
ANR0587E Import command: Invalid value for
ANR0585E Import command: Invalid value for MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter in
MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter in exported data -
exported data for management MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for
class management class name in management class management
domain domain name, set policy class name in domain domain
set name. name, set policy set name was not
During preview processing of command import
command, an invalid value is encountered for the During processing of command import command, an
MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter for management class invalid value is encountered for the
management class name, in policy domain domain MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter.
name, policy set policy set name.
System action
Processing of the command continues, by using the
existing MIGREQUIRESBKUP value for this
management class.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 125

User response User response
Verify that the correct MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter Import to a server that is at the same or later level
has been used for this management class. Update this than the server from which the export was performed.
value, if necessary.
ANR0592E Export/import command: Invalid
ANR0588E Import command: Server is down- value for table of contents
level compared to export data parameter - parameter value.
version version number.
The value (parameter value) specified for the table of
An attempt is made to import data to a down-level contents (TOC) parameter in command export/import
server. The server on which the import is performed command is not a valid value for this parameter.
must be at the same or later level than the server from
which the data was exported. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
System action
The import process ends and server operation User response
Reissue the command and specify a valid TOC
User response
Import to a server that is at the same or later level ANR0593E Export/import command: Invalid
than the server from which the export was performed. value for NOSPAN parameter -
parameter value.
ANR0589E Import command: Preview
processing terminated abnormally Explanation
- server is down-level.
The value (parameter value) specified for the NOSPAN
parameter in command export/import command is not
a valid value for this parameter.
Processing for the command import command in
preview mode ends when it is determined that the System action
server is down-level compared to the export data.
The command fails and server operation continues.
System action
User response
Import processing ends and server operation
continues. Reissue the command and specify a valid NOSPAN
User response ANR0594E device class: NOSPAN parameter
Import to a server that is at the same or later level can only be used with a 3590
than the server from which the export was performed. device class.

ANR0590E Import command: Processing Explanation

terminated abnormally - server is
down-level. The device class specified must be a 3590 device
class when NOSPAN is set to True.
System action
Processing for the command import command ends
when it is determined that the server is down-level The command fails and server operation continues.
compared to the export data.
User response
System action Reissue the command and specify a valid NOSPAN/
Import processing ends and server operation Device Class parameter.

126 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0595W The server deleted object count System action
objects that were part of The default management class for the node's policy
incomplete groups. domain is bound to the space-managed file and import
processing continues.
After importing data that was exported from another User response
server, the server deletes any objects that are part of If you want to define the missing management class,
incomplete groups. Incomplete groups may be a result an authorized administrator may cancel the import
of importing from media written by an export operation, define the missing space management
operation that failed. Incomplete groups may also be a attributes or management class for the domain, and
result of a failed import operation. process the import operation again.

System action ANR0598W IMPORT: Space management

attributes not found for default
Server operation continues. management class in domain
domain name - space managed
User response files bound to management class
management class name in this
Ensure that the export and import operations run to
domain cannot be imported.
completion. If any errors are observed, correct them
and run again the export or import or both, as needed.
ANR0596W Space-managed object object
name for client node node name, During import processing, the server finds that a
filespace filespace name already management class bound to a space-managed file
exists on the server - it will be being imported does not exist in the active policy set
skipped. for the domain to which the node is assigned. When
trying to rebind the space-managed file to the default
management class for the domain, the server finds
Explanation that the space-managed attributes are not defined for
While attempting to import a spaced-managed object, the default management class.
the server discovers that the object already exists. The
space-managed object is skipped. System action
The file is not imported; import processing continues.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
If you want to define the missing copy group, an
User response authorized administrator may cancel the import
None. operation, define the missing space management
attributes or management class for the domain, and
ANR0597W IMPORT: Space management process the import operation again.
attributes in management class
management class name for ANR0599E Export/import command: Invalid
domain domain name is not volume name volume name
defined - default management specified for device class device
class will be used. class name.

Explanation Explanation
During import processing, the server finds that the One of the volume names specified in the
space management attributes for a space-managed VOLUMENAMES parameter for an import or export
file being imported does not exist in the active policy command is not a valid volume name for the device
set for the domain to which the node is assigned. class specified in the DEVCLASS parameter.

System action
The export or import command fails.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 127

User response ANR0603I Export command: No copy groups
were found in policy domain
Specify volume names in the VOLUMENAMES
domain name for exporting.
parameter that are valid for the device class specified
in the DEVCLASS parameter.
ANR0600I Export command: No matching
policy domains found for The background export process does not find any copy
exporting. groups defined in policy domains matching domain
System action
The background export process does not find any
policy domains that match the specification entered in The export process continues and no copy groups are
the export command. exported from the domain.

System action User response

The export process continues and no policy domains None.

are exported from the server. ANR0604I Export command: No schedules
were found in policy domain
User response domain name for exporting.
ANR0601I Export command: No policy sets
found in policy domain domain The background export process does not find any
name for exporting. schedules defined for policy domains matching
domain name.
System action
The background export process does not find any
policy sets defined in domains matching domain name. The export process continues and no schedules are
exported for the domain.
System action
User response
The export process continues and no policy sets are
exported from the domain. None.
ANR0605I Export command: No schedule
User response associations were found in policy
None. domain domain name for
ANR0602I Export command: No management
classes were found in policy Explanation
domain domain name for
exporting. The background export process does not find any
schedule node associations defined for policy domains
matching domain name.
The background export process does not find any System action
management classes defined in policy domains
matching domain name. The export process continues and no schedule
associations are exported for the domain.
System action
User response
The export process continues and no management
classes are exported from the domain. None.
ANR0606I Export command: No node
User response definitions were found for
None. exporting.

128 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The background export process does not find any node A background process has been started to service the
definitions to export as specified in the command command command. The background process is
export command. defined as process process ID.

System action System action

The export process continues. Server operation continues.

User response User response

None. To query the progress of the background process, use
the QUERY PROCESS command. To cancel the
ANR0607I Export command: No administrator background process, use the CANCEL PROCESS
definitions were found for command. Use the process ID number to specify this
exporting. specific process.

Explanation ANR0610I Command started by administrator

name as process process ID.
The background export process does not find any
administrator definitions to export as specified in the
command export command.
A background process has started to service the
System action command command entered by administrator
administrator name. The background process is
The export process continues. defined as process process ID.

User response System action

None. Server operation continues.
ANR0608E Command: Command failed - see
previous error messages or view User response
the activity log. To query the progress of the background process, use
the QUERY PROCESS command. To cancel the
Explanation background process, use the CANCEL PROCESS
The indicated import command has failed. This command. Use the process ID number to specify this
message is always preceded by one or more other specific process.
error messages which provide more detail about why ANR0611I Command started by administrator
the command failed. name as process process ID has
System action
The operation fails. Explanation
The background process to service the command
User response command by administrator administrator name has
completed processing.
Examine the previous error messages to determine the
source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command
to view the activity log and search for messages if System action
needed. Correct the problem and try the command The specified process ends, and server operation
again. continues.
ANR0609I Command started as process
process ID. User response
ANR0612I Import command: Reading
EXPORT SERVER data from server

Chapter 3. ANR messages 129

server name exported export date server name exported export date
export time. export time.

Explanation Explanation
The background import process to service the The background import process to service the
command import command is importing information command import command is importing information
exported from server server name with the EXPORT exported from server server name with the EXPORT
SERVER command on export date at export time. NODE command on export date at export time.

System action System action

Import processing continues. Import processing continues.

User response User response

None. None.
ANR0613I Import command: Reading ANR0616I Export/import command: Preview
EXPORT POLICY data from server processing completed
server name exported export date successfully.
export time.
The background export or import process to service
The background import process to service the the command export/import command in preview
command import command is importing information (Preview=Yes) mode has completed successfully.
exported from server server name with the EXPORT
POLICY command on export date at export time. System action
Export or import processing for the command
System action
completes. Statistics on the projected number and
Import processing continues. type of objects moved, together with the projected
total number of bytes copied, are displayed on the
User response server console following this message.

User response
ANR0614I Import command: Reading None.
EXPORT ADMIN data from server
server name exported export date ANR0617I Export/import command:
export time. Processing completed with status
The background import process to service the
command import command is importing information The background export or import process to service
exported from server server name with the EXPORT the command export/import command has completed
ADMIN command on export date at export time. with status status. If the status is INCOMPLETE, some
files have been skipped due to errors reading or
System action writing the file.

Import processing continues.

System action

User response Export or import processing for the command

completes. Statistics on the number and type of
None. objects moved, together with the total number of
ANR0615I Import command: Reading bytes copied, are displayed on the server console
EXPORT NODE data from server following this message. A summary of the number of
files that were skipped is also displayed.

130 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues.
ANR0618I Export/import command: Preview
processing canceled before
completion. User response
ANR0621I Export/import command: Copied
The background export or import process to service number policy sets.
the command export/import command in preview
(Preview=Yes) mode has been canceled with the Explanation
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command copies number
System action
policy set definitions from the server database to
Export or import processing for the command ends. export media or from export media into the server
Statistics on the projected number and type of objects database. Data is not actually moved if Preview=Yes is
moved, together with the projected total number of specified in the command export/import command.
bytes copied, are displayed on the server console
following this message. System action
Export or import processing for the command
User response
completes. Server operation continues.
ANR0619I Command: Processing canceled User response
before completion. None.
ANR0622I Export/import command: Copied
number management classes.
The background process to service the command
command has been canceled with the CANCEL Explanation
PROCESS command.
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command copies number
System action
management class definitions from the server
Processing for the command command ends. Statistics database to export media or from export media into
on the number and type of objects moved, together the server database. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes
with the total number of bytes copied, are displayed is specified in the command export/import command.
on the server console following this message.
System action
User response
Export or import processing for the command
None. completes. Server operation continues.
ANR0620I Export/import command: Copied
number domain(s). User response
ANR0623I Export/import command: Copied
The background export or import process to service number copy groups.
the command export/import command copies number
policy domain definitions from the server database to Explanation
export media or from export media into the server
database. Data is not actually moved if Preview=Yes is The background export or import process to service
specified in the command export/import command. the command export/import command copies number
copy group definitions from either the server database
to export media or from export media into the server

Chapter 3. ANR messages 131

database. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes is client node definitions from the server database to
specified in the command export/import command. export media or from export media into the server
database. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes is
System action specified in the command export/import command.

Export or import processing for the command

System action
completes. Server operation continues.
Export or import processing for the command
User response completes. Server operation continues.

User response
ANR0624I Export/import command: Copied None.
number schedules.
ANR0627I Export/import command: Copied
Explanation filespace number file spaces
archive number archive files,
The background export or import process to service backup number backup files, and
the command export/import command copies number spacemg number space managed
schedule definitions from either the server database to files.
export media or from export media into the server
database. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes is
specified in the command export/import command.
The background export or import process to service
System action the command export/import command copies filespace
number client file space definitions, archive number
Export or import processing for the command archive file copies, backup number backup file copies,
completes. Server operation continues. and spacemg number space-managed files from either
the server database to export media or from import
User response media into the server database. Data is not actually
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command
export/import command.
ANR0625I Export/import command: Copied
number administrators. System action
Export or import processing for the command
Explanation completes. Server operation continues.
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command copies number User response
administrator definitions from either the server
database to export media or from export media into None.
the server database. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes ANR0629I Export/import command: Copied
is specified in the command export/import command. number bytes of data.

System action Explanation

Export or import processing for the command The background export or import process to service
completes. Server operation continues. the command export/import command copies number
bytes of data from the server database and data
User response storage to the export media or from the export media
to the server database and data storage. Data is not
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command
ANR0626I Export/import command: Copied export/import command. This figure can be used
number node definitions. during export preview processing to estimate the
number of removable media volumes needed to hold
Explanation the exported information from the server.

The background export or import process to service

the command export/import command copies number

132 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Export or import processing for the command The background export or import process to service
completes. Server operation continues. the command export/import command copies number
gigabytes of data from the server database and data
User response storage to the export media or from the export media
to the server database and data storage. This figure
None. can be used during export preview processing to
ANR0630I Export/import command: Copied estimate the number of removable media volumes
number kilobytes of data. needed to hold the exported information from the
System action
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command copies number Export or import processing for the command
kilobytes of data from the server database and data completes. Server operation continues.
storage to the export media or from the export media
to the server database and data storage. This figure User response
can be used during export preview processing to None.
estimate the number of removable media volumes
needed to hold the exported information from the ANR0633I Export/import command: Copied
server. number terabytes of data.

System action Explanation

Export or import processing for the command The background export or import process to service
completes. Server operation continues. the command export/import command copies number
terabytes of data from the server database and data
User response storage to the export media or from the export media
to the server database and data storage. This figure
None. can be used during export preview processing to
ANR0631I Export/import command: Copied estimate the number of removable media volumes
number megabytes of data. needed to hold the exported information from the
System action
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command copies number Export or import processing for the command
megabytes of data from the server database and data completes. Server operation continues.
storage to the export media or from the export media
to the server database and data storage. This figure User response
can be used during export preview processing to None.
estimate the number of removable media volumes
needed to hold the exported information from the ANR0634I Export/import command: Detected
server. number errors.

System action Explanation

Export or import processing for the command The background export or import process to service
completes. Server operation continues. the command export/import command detects number
errors while copying information from the server
User response database and data storage to the export media or from
the export media to the server database and data
None. storage.
ANR0632I Export/import command: Copied
number gigabytes of data. System action
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 133

User response ANR0637I Export/import command:
Processing file space filespace
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
name for node node name fsId
message to view the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG
filespace id.
command to view the activity log and search for
ANR0635I Export/import command:
Processing node node name in The background export or import process to service
domain domain name. the command export/import command is currently
processing client node file space information for file
space filespace name belonging to client node node
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command is currently System action
processing the client node definition information for
node node name. The node will be imported to domain Export or import processing for the command
domain name. continues.

System action User response

Export or import processing for the command None.

continues. ANR0638I Export/import command:
Processing administrator
User response administrator name.
ANR0636I Import command: Processing file
space filespace name for node The background export or import process to service
node name as file space new the command export/import command is currently
filespace name. processing the administrator definition information for
administrator administrator name.
System action
The background import process to service the
command import command is currently processing the Export or import processing for the command
client file space definition information for file space continues.
filespace name belonging to client node node name.
The file space is imported under the name new User response
filespace name. During import processing, file spaces
defined for clients are not replaced, and file copy
information in the file spaces are imported to new file ANR0639I Export/import command:
space names so that client file copies are not mixed Processing domain domain name.
with existing definitions. Import processing can then
create file spaces with names generated by the import Explanation
processor for client nodes that existed prior to the
import operation. The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command is currently
System action processing the policy domain definition information for
domain domain name.
Import processing for the command continues.
System action
User response
Export or import processing for the command
None; however, clients may want to examine the continues.
contents of the file space with the name new filespace
name so that they know where certain file copies are User response

134 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0640I Export/import command: System action
Processing policy set set name in Export or import processing for the command
policy domain domain name. continues.

Explanation User response

The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command is currently
processing the policy set definition information for ANR0643I Export/import command:
policy set set name belonging to policy domain domain Processing archive copy group in
name. domain domain name, set set
name, management class class
System action name.

Export or import processing for the command

The background export process to service the
User response command export/import command is currently
processing the archive copy group definition
None. information for management class class name
ANR0641I Export/import command: belonging to policy set set name in policy domain
Processing management class domain name.
class name in domain domain
name, set set name. System action
Export processing for the command continues.
The background export or import process to service User response
the command export/import command is currently None.
processing the management class definition
information for management class class name ANR0644I Export command: Processing copy
belonging to policy set set name in policy domain group of unknown type in domain
domain name. domain name, set set name,
management class class name.
System action
Export or import processing for the command
continues. The background export or import process to service
the command export command is currently processing
User response copy group definition information for management
class class name belonging to policy set set name in
None. policy domain domain name. The type of copy group
ANR0642I Export/import command: being processed is unknown.
Processing backup copy group in
domain domain name, set set System action
name, management class class Export or import processing for the command
name. continues. The import or export process assumes that
the copy group is a backup copy group.
The background export or import process to service User response
the command export/import command is currently After policy definitions are imported, use the QUERY
processing the backup copy group definition MGMTCLASS and QUERY COPYGROUP commands to
information for management class class name query the server definitions for management class
belonging to policy set set name in policy domain class name to ensure that the copy groups defined
domain name. have the desired attributes and types. Alternatively,
the copy group can be deleted and defined with the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 135

correct type, and then the export command can be Explanation
issued again.
The export or import operation has copied the number
ANR0645I Export/import command: and types of objects displayed. This message may be
Processing schedule schedule displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS command
name in domain domain name. for an export or import operation.

Explanation System action

The background export or import process to service Server operation continues.
the command export/import command is currently
processing the schedule definition information for User response
schedule schedule name belonging to policy domain
domain name. None.
ANR0649I Import command: Domain domain
System action name does not exist - the system
will attempt to import node node
Export or import processing for the command
name to domain STANDARD.

User response
The background import process to service the
command import command is currently processing
ANR0646I Export/import command: message client node node name. This node was assigned to
domain domain name at the time of export. However,
Explanation domain domain name does not exist on the server to
which the import is being performed.
The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command has received System action
the message message from the server.
Import processing continues, but node node name will
System action be assigned to domain STANDARD during import
unless one of the following conditions exist:
Export or import processing for the command
continues, but errors may have been encountered. • Preview=Yes
• Node node name is already registered and
User response Replacedefs=No
• Domain STANDARD does not exist
Examine the documentation for the message message
and resolve the problem reported.
User response
ANR0647I Cancel in progress
If Preview=Yes, consider defining domain domain
name before nodes are actually imported. Otherwise,
domain domain name can be created after the node is
The export or import operation has been canceled and imported and the UPDATE NODE command can be
will end when resources have been freed for the used to assign the node to domain domain name.
background process. This message may be displayed
ANR0650W IMPORT: Archive copygroup copy
in response to a QUERY PROCESS command for an
export or import operation. group name in management class
management class name for
domain domain name is not
System action defined, default management
Server operation continues. class will be used.

User response Explanation

None. During import processing, the server finds that a
management class or copy group bound to an archive
ANR0648I Have copied the following:

136 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

file being imported does not exist in the active policy management class for the domain, the server finds
set for the domain to which the node is assigned. that an archive copy group is not defined for the
default management class.
System action
System action
The default management class for the node's policy
domain is bound to the archive file and import The file is not imported; import processing continues.
processing continues.
User response
User response
If you want to define the missing copy group, an
If you want to define the missing management class, authorized administrator may cancel the import
an authorized administrator may cancel the import operation, define the missing management class or
operation, define the missing management class or copy group for the domain, and process the import
copy group for the domain, and process the import operation again.
operation again.
ANR0653W IMPORT: Backup copygroup not
ANR0651W IMPORT: Backup copygroup copy found for default management
group name in management class class in domain domain name -
management class name for backup files bound to
domain domain name is not management class management
defined, default management class name in this domain cannot
class will be used. be imported.

Explanation Explanation
During import processing, the server finds that a During import processing, the server finds that a
management class or copy group bound to a backup management class or copy group bound to a backup
file being imported does not exist in the active policy file being imported does not exist in the active policy
set for the domain to which the node is assigned. set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
When trying to rebind the backup file to the default
System action management class for the domain, the server finds
that a backup copy group is not defined for the default
The default management class for the node's policy management class.
domain is bound to the backup file copy and import
processing continues.
System action

User response The file is not imported; import processing continues.

If you want to define the missing management class,

User response
an authorized administrator may cancel the import
operation, define the missing management class or If you want to define the missing copy group, an
copy group for the domain, and process the import authorized administrator may cancel the import
operation again. operation, define the missing management class or
copy group for the domain, and process the import
ANR0652W IMPORT: Archive copygroup not operation again.
found for default management
class in domain domain name - ANR0654I Restartable export command with
archive files bound to export identifier exportID started
management class management as process process ID.
class name in this domain cannot
be imported. Explanation
A background process was started to service the
command command. The background process is
During import processing, the server finds that a defined as process process ID.
management class or copy group bound to an archive
file being imported does not exist in the active policy System action
set for the domain to which the node is assigned.
When trying to rebind the archive file to the default Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 137

User response User response
To query the progress of the background server-to- Check previous messages for the names of the files
server export process, issue the QUERY PROCESS or that were not exported or imported, and problem
QUERY EXPORT command. To suspend the process, determination information.
issue the SUSPEND EXPORT command. To cancel the
ANR0657W Export command: Invalid
background process, issue the CANCEL PROCESS
authorization rule type rule type
command. Use the process ID number to specify this
encountered for file space
specific process.
filespace name fsId filespace id in
ANR0655W Command: Retrieve or restore node node name - both backup and
failed - file was deleted from data archive will be assumed during
storage during retrieval. import.

Explanation Explanation
The server ends a file retrieval operation for the During import processing, the server encounters an
specified command because the file has been deleted invalid file space authorization rule type for the
from data storage by another process before retrieval indicated file space and node.
is complete.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
The server ends the command and continues
operation. User response
After import processing is completed, ask the user of
User response
node node name to query the access rules and ensure
Contact your administrator to find out if DELETE that they are specified as desired. The user should
FILESPACE, DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration correct any rules that grant access to objects that the
processes are running; these processes can delete user does not want others to access.
data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the
command after these processes have been completed ANR0658W Export command: The password
or canceled. for administrator administrator
name could not be obtained. The
ANR0656W Export/import command: Skipped value 'password value' will be
archive number archive files, assumed: The system
backup number backup files, and administrator may wish to change
spacemg number space managed this password after importing
files. administrator administrator name.

Explanation Explanation
The background export or import process to service During processing of command export command, the
the command export/import command skipped archive export processor cannot obtain the password for
number archive file copies, backup number backup file administrator administrator name. The value password
copies, and spacemg number space-managed files value is assigned as the password for the
from either the server database to export media or administrator on the export media.
from import media into the server database. Data is
not actually moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the System action
command export/import command.
Processing of the command continues.
System action
User response
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues. After the administrative definition has been imported
to another server, an authorized administrator should
use the UPDATE ADMIN command to set a password
for the administrator administrator name.

138 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0659W Export command: The password System action
for node node name could not be The command command operation is ended and
obtained. The value 'password server operation continues.
value' will be assumed: The
system administrator may wish to
change this password after User response
importing node node name. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine
messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
Explanation the data storage failure. If the failure can be found and
resolved, reissue the command command operation. If
During processing of command export command, the the failure cannot be found, contact your service
export processor cannot obtain the password for client representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
node node name. The value password value is
assigned as the password for the client node on the ANR0662E Command: Output error
export media. encountered in accessing data
System action
Processing of the command continues.
The command command operation ends because an
User response error has been encountered by the server in writing to
a device. Possible reasons include:
After the client node definition has been imported to
another server, an authorized administrator should use • I/O error writing to a device
the UPDATE NODE command to set a password for the • No storage space.
node node name. • Incompatible storage pool data format.
ANR0660E Command: Insufficient memory
available in accessing data System action
The command command operation ends and server
operation continues.
The server encounters a memory shortage in User response
accessing data storage during command command
Query the activity log to find messages preceding this
one to determine the cause of the error. After the
problem is corrected, the command can be retried.
System action
ANR0663E Command: Data transfer was
The command command operation ends and server
interrupted in accessing data
operation continues.

User response Explanation

See the documentation for the operating system about The database transaction associated with command
how to increase memory for an application. command operation failed because data transfer to or
ANR0661E Command: Internal error from data storage was interrupted by an external
encountered in accessing data event.
System action
Explanation The command command operation is ended and
The server encounters an internal error in accessing server operation continues.
data storage while processing command command
operation. User response
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to
determine why the data transfer was interrupted.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 139

Reissue the command command after the problem is Explanation
The server ends a database update transaction for an
ANR0664E Export/import command: Media import operation because the size of an imported file
not accessible in accessing data is larger than that allowed in the storage pool specified
storage. in the bound management class copy group for the file.
No successor storage pools to the one specified on the
Explanation copy group can accept the large file.

The server ends a transaction for an export or import System action

operation because storage volumes are not available
in the storage pools in which the client files are to be The import operation is ended and server operation
stored. continues.

System action User response

The server ends the export or import operation and The maximum file size for one or more of the storage
server operation continues. pools in the storage hierarchy can be increased to
accommodate the file. An authorized administrator
User response can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the
UPDATE STGPOOL command. Alternatively, the
An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE appropriate copygroup definition can be updated so
VOLUME command to add storage to one or more that a different destination storage pool is specified.
storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The VARY
ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage ANR0667W Import command: Transaction
volumes online in the storage hierarchy to make them failed - no space available in
available for file storage. storage pool pool name and all
successor pools.
ANR0665W Import command: Transaction
failed - storage pool pool name is Explanation
not defined.
The server ends an import operation because the
Explanation storage pool specified in a management class copy
group does not contain enough free space to hold the
The server rolls back a database update transaction files being imported. Successor storage pools to the
for an import operation because the destination one specified on the copy group do not contain enough
specified for a management class copy group specifies free space.
the named storage pool, but that storage pool does
not exist. System action

System action The import operation is ended and server operation

The import operation is ended and server operation
continues. User response

User response An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE

VOLUME command to add storage to one or more
An administrator with policy authority over the client storage pools in the storage hierarchy.
policy domain must correct management class
definitions so that copy group destinations refer to ANR0668W Export/import command:
defined storage pools, or the specified storage pool Transaction failed - error on
must be created by an authorized administrator. output storage device.

ANR0666W Import command: Transaction Explanation

failed - object excluded by size in
storage pool pool name and all The server ends an export or import operation for the
successor pools. specified session because an I/O error has been
encountered by the server in writing to a device.

140 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action volumes online in the storage hierarchy to make them
available for file storage.
The server ends the export or import operation and
server operation continues. ANR0671W Export/import command:
Transaction failed - sufficient
User response recovery log space is not available.

Query the activity log to find messages preceding this

one that specify the device that is failing. Storage pool
volumes can be varied offline (by using the VARY The server ends a database update transaction for an
OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be export or import operation because sufficient log
shut down by using the HALT command to correct the space is not available on the server.
hardware problem. After the problem is corrected, the
client may be able to try the operation again. System action
ANR0669W Export/import command: The server ends the export or import operation and
Transaction failed - data transfer server operation continues.
User response
To increase the amount of log space that is available to
The database transaction associated with an export or the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
import operation failed because data transfer to or that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
from data storage was interrupted by an external ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY, and
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
System action occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is
The export or import operation is ended and server
operation continues. Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
User response location that are no longer active and cannot be
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If
determine why the data transfer was interrupted. necessary, specify a larger directory for the
Attempt the export/import operation again after ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or
problem is resolved. ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
ANR0670W Export/import command: dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
Transaction failed - storage media ANR0672W Export/import command:
inaccessible. Transaction failed - sufficient
database space is not available.
The server ends a transaction for an export or import Explanation
operation because storage volumes are not available The server ends a database update transaction for an
in the storage pools in which the client files are to be export or import operation because sufficient
stored. database space is not available on the server.

System action System action

The server ends the export or import operation and The server ends the export or import operation and
server operation continues. server operation continues.

User response User response

An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE To increase the amount of database space that is
VOLUME command to add storage to one or more available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The VARY command to add one or more directories to the
ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage database.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 141

ANR0673W Export/import command: Data Explanation
storage retrieve or restore failed - The server export/import process is not able to start
error detected. the session to export information from the server or
import information into the server.
The server ends an export or import operation because System action
an error has been encountered on the server. Some The export or import process ends and server
common reasons for the error are: operation continues.
• The input volume is unavailable
• The storage pool is unavailable User response
• Data is corrupted on the input volume See the documentation for the operating system about
• Hardware or media failure has occurred how to increase memory for an application.

• Database corruption ANR0677E command name: Node node name

cannot be imported because the
parameter value is specified, and
The server ends the export or import operation and that node has retention data
continues operation. associated with it.

User response Explanation

Examine any prior error messages to determine the During an IMPORT NODE or the IMPORT SERVER
source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command operation, the server detected that the node being
to view the activity log and search for messages if imported has retention set data associated with it.
needed. Correct the problem and try the restore or When you issue the IMPORT NODE or IMPORT
retrieve again. SERVER command, the MERGEFILESPACES=YES
parameter value cannot be specified for nodes that
ANR0674W Export command: Retrieve failed -
have data that is included in retention sets.
error on input storage device.

System action
Server operation continues, but the import command
The server ends an export operation for the specified
session because an I/O error has been encountered by
the server in reading from a device. The object for
which the I/O was issued is reported in a later User response
message. To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
1. To determine which nodes have data in retention
System action
sets, issue the QUERY RETSET command.
Export processing skips this file, and continues 2. To import data from file spaces that have data in
operation. retention sets, issue the IMPORT NODE command
for those file spaces and specify the
User response MERGEFILESPACES=NO parameter value.
Query the activity log to find messages preceding this ANR0678E EXPORT/IMPORT:
one that specify the device that is failing. Storage pool Communications Failure in
volumes can be varied offline (by using the VARY Sending "verb type" verb.
OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be
shut down with the HALT command to correct the
hardware problem.
The server export/import process encounters a
ANR0675E EXPORT/IMPORT: Error starting communications error in using the verb type verb to
the Export/Import Session. transfer information to or from the server.

142 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The export or import process ends and server Contact your service representative.
operation continues.
ANR0683E EXPORT/IMPORT: Receive Buffer
User response
Contact your service representative. Explanation
ANR0679E EXPORT/IMPORT: The server export/import process encounters an
Communications Failure in overflow error in transferring information to or from
Receiving "verb type" verb. the server.

Explanation System action

The server export/import process encounters a The export or import process ends and server
communications error in using the verb type verb to operation continues.
transfer information to or from the server.
User response
System action
Contact your service representative.
The export or import process ends and server
operation continues.
Communications failure: bad verb
received (verb type).
User response
Contact your service representative. Explanation
ANR0681E EXPORT/IMPORT: Authentication The server encounters an invalid communications verb
Failure. during export or import processing and is not able to
continue processing.
System action
The server export/import process encounters an
authentication error in transferring information to or The export or import process ends and server
from the server. operation continues.

System action User response

The export or import process ends and server Contact your service representative.
operation continues.
ANR0685E EXPORT/IMPORT: Internal error:
Invalid table output handle
User response detected.
Contact your service representative.
Communications Failure in The server export/import process encounters an
Sending "verb type" verb internal error in transferring information to or from the
(command). server.

Explanation System action

The server export/import process encounters a The export or import process ends and server
communications error in using the verb type verb to operation continues.
issue command command.
User response
System action
Contact your service representative.
The export or import process ends and server
operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 143

ANR0686E Export/import command: User response
Transaction failure - could not Examine the server messages issued prior to this
start database transaction. message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
Explanation search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
During processing of command export/import and resolved, contact your service representative.
command, a database transaction cannot be started in ANR0689E command name: Node node name,
the server database. filespace name. The
System action parameter value cannot be
specified for file spaces that have
Processing of the command terminates.
data in retention sets.

User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
operation, the server detected a file space that has
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
retention set data associated with it. When you issue
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
the IMPORT NODE or IMPORT SERVER command, the
and resolved, contact your service representative.
MERGEFILESPACES=YES parameter value cannot be
ANR0687E Export/import command: specified for file spaces that have data that is included
Transaction failure - could not in retention sets.
commit database transaction.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues, but the import command
During processing of command export/import fails.
command, a database transaction cannot be
committed to the server database. User response
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
System action
1. To determine which file spaces have data in
Processing of the command ends. retention sets, issue the QUERY RETSET command.
2. To import data from file spaces that have data in
User response
retention sets, issue the IMPORT NODE command
Examine the server messages issued prior to this for those file spaces and specify the
message to determine the source of the error. Use the MERGEFILESPACES=NO parameter value.
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
ANR0690E Export/import command:
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative. Transaction failure - server
aborted the transaction (abort
ANR0688E Export/import command: code).
Transaction failure - commit called
when no transaction started. Explanation
During processing of command export/import
command, a database transaction cannot be
During processing of command export/import committed in the server database. The reason code
command, a database transaction cannot be started in abort code is returned.
the server database.
System action
System action
Processing of the command ends.
Processing of the command ends.
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the

144 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and User response
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
and resolved, contact your service representative.
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
ANR0692E Command: Out of space on QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
sequential media, scratch media search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
could not be mounted. and resolved, contact your service representative.
ANR0696E Export command: Output table
Explanation error encountered - 0 columns
During command command processing, the process reported in the table.
encounters an out-of-space condition writing to the
sequential media. Command command ends when Explanation
there is no more space on the sequential media for
During processing of command export command, an
storing data and SCRATCH=NO has been specified on
unexpected error is detected.
command command.

System action
System action
Processing of the command ends.
Command command processing ends. Server
processing continues.
User response
User response Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
Reissue the command and specify SCRATCH=YES or
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
specify additional volume names on the command.
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
ANR0694E Import command: Invalid record and resolved, contact your service representative.
format (format code) detected on
ANR0697E Export command: Output table
error encountered - not positioned
to the first column in the table.
During processing of command import command, an Explanation
invalid record type is detected when reading the
During processing of command export command, an
exported information from the export media.
unexpected error is detected.

System action
System action
Processing of the command ends.
Processing of the command ends.

User response
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
and resolved, contact your service representative.
ANR0695E Export command: Unexpected
ANR0698E Export/import command: Invalid
error error code encountered in
value for FILEDATA parameter -
receiving table output data.
parameter value.

During processing of command export command, an
The value (parameter value) specified for the
unexpected error is detected.
FILEDATA parameter in command export/import
command is not a valid value for this parameter.
System action
Processing of the command ends.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 145

System action User response
The command fails and server operation continues. Reissue the command and specify a valid SCRATCH
User response ANR0705E Export command: The
Reissue the command and specify a valid FILEDATA VOLUMENAMES parameter must
parameter. be specified when SCRATCH=NO
is specified.
ANR0699E Export/import command: Device
class DISK cannot be specified for
this command.
The SCRATCH parameter is specified as NO for the
Explanation command export command but the VOLUMENAMES
parameter is not specified. When scratch volumes are
The DEVCLASS value DISK cannot be specified for the not allowed, the VOLUMENAMES parameter must be
command export/import command. specified to indicate the volumes that can be used for
the command.
System action
The command fails and server operation continues. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
User response
Reissue the command and specify a valid device class. User response
Issue the QUERY DEVCLASS command for a list of Reissue the command and specify a valid
valid device classes for the server. VOLUMENAMES parameter.
ANR0700E Export/import command: Invalid ANR0706E Export command: A device class
value for PREVIEW parameter - must be specified unless
parameter value. PREVIEW=YES is specified.

Explanation Explanation
The value (parameter value) specified for the PREVIEW The DEVCLASS parameter is not specified in the
parameter in command export/import command is not command export command. Unless PREVIEW=YES is
a valid value for this parameter. specified, a DEVCLASS value must be specified.

System action System action

The command fails and server operation continues. The command fails and server operation continues.

User response User response

Reissue the command and specify a valid PREVIEW Reissue the command and specify a valid device class.
parameter. Issue the QUERY DEVCLASS command for a list of
ANR0701E Export/import command: Invalid valid device classes for the server.
value for SCRATCH parameter - ANR0707E Export command: The FILESPACE
parameter value. parameter cannot be specified.

Explanation Explanation
The value (parameter value) specified for the The FILESPACE parameter is specified for the
SCRATCH parameter in command export/import command export command, but the FILEDATA
command is not a valid value for this parameter. parameter is specified as NONE, or is not specified and
defaults to NONE. File spaces are only copied if the
System action FILEDATA parameter is specified with a value other
than NONE.
The command fails and server operation continues.

146 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The command fails and server operation continues. The server command processor is not able to start a
background process to perform the command
User response command.

Reissue the command and specify a valid FILEDATA

System action
The command process ends and server operation
ANR0708E Import command: The FILESPACE continues.
parameter cannot be specified
unless the FILEDATA parameter
specifies that files should be User response
imported. See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
ANR0712E Import command: Invalid value for
The FILESPACE parameter is specified for the DATES parameter - parameter
command import command, but the FILEDATA value.
parameter is specified as NONE, or is not specified and
defaults to NONE. File spaces are only copied if the Explanation
FILEDATA parameter is specified with a value other
than NONE. The value (parameter value) specified for the DATES
parameter in command import command is not a valid
value for this parameter.
System action
The command fails and server operation continues. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
User response
Reissue the command and specify a valid FILEDATA User response
Reissue the command and specify a valid DATES
ANR0709E Command: No matching nodes parameter.
registered in the specified
domains. ANR0713E Import command: Invalid value for
REPLACEDEFS parameter -
parameter value.
The DOMAIN parameter has been specified for this Explanation
command, but no nodes matching the node name
specification are found in the domains specified. The value (parameter value) specified for the
REPLACEDEFS parameter in command import
command is not a valid value for this parameter.
System action
The command fails and server operation continues. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
User response
Reissue the command and specify a valid combination User response
of node and domain names. Use the QUERY NODE
command to view the names of nodes in the domains Reissue the command and specify a valid
that you are interested in exporting. REPLACEDEFS parameter.

ANR0710E Command: Unable to start ANR0715E Import command: A device class

background process. must be specified.

The command import command has been specified,
but does not include specification of the DEVCLASS

Chapter 3. ANR messages 147

parameter. The DEVCLASS parameter must be ANR0718E Export/import command:
specified for this command. Processing terminated abnormally
- communications send or receive
System action failed.

The command fails and server operation continues.


User response Processing for the command export/import command

ends when an internal communications error is
Reissue the command and specify a valid device class. encountered in the server.
For a list of valid device classes for the server, issue
the QUERY DEVCLASS command.
System action
ANR0716E Import command: Invalid export
Export/import processing is ended and server
data detected.
operation continues.

User response
The command import command encounters invalid
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
data on the export media while trying to import server
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
System action and resolved, contact your service representative.
The command fails and server operation continues. ANR0719E Export/import command: Preview
processing terminated abnormally
User response - insufficient memory.
Ensure that the mounted export tapes are in the
correct order (mounted in the same order as they were Explanation
mounted during export). Reissue the command, and Processing for the command export/import command
mount the tapes in the correct order. If the in preview mode is ended because sufficient memory
VOLUMENAMES parameter has been specified, make is not available on the server.
sure that the volume names in the command are
specified in the correct order.
System action
ANR0717E Export/import command: Preview
Export/import processing is ended and server
processing terminated abnormally
operation continues.
- communications send or receive
User response
Explanation See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
Processing for the command export/import command
in preview mode has been terminated when an ANR0720E command: Processing terminated
internal communications error is encountered in the abnormally - insufficient memory.
System action
Processing for the command ends because sufficient
Export/import processing is ended and server memory is not available on the server.
operation continues.
System action
User response
Command processing is ended and server operation
Examine the server messages issued prior to this continues.
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and User response
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative. See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.

148 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0721E Export/import command: Preview System action
processing terminated abnormally Export/import processing ends and server operation
- unexpected verb received from continues.

User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Processing for the command export/import command message to determine the source of the error. Use the
in preview mode ends when an internal QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
communications error is encountered in the server. search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
System action
ANR0724E Export/import command:
Export/import processing ends and server operation Processing terminated abnormally
continues. - transaction failure.

User response Explanation

Examine the server messages issued prior to this Processing for the command export/import command
message to determine the source of the error. Use the ends when a database transaction error is
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and encountered in the server.
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
System action
ANR0722E Export/import command: Export/import processing ends and server operation
Processing terminated abnormally continues.
- unexpected verb received from
User response
Explanation Examine the source and target server messages issued
prior to this message to determine the source of the
Processing for the command export/import command error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
ends when an internal communications error is activity log and search for messages. If the error
encountered in the server. cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your service
System action
ANR0725E Export/import command: Preview
Export/import processing ends and server operation processing terminated abnormally
continues. - authentication failure.

User response Explanation

Examine the server messages issued prior to this Processing for the command export/import command
message to determine the source of the error. Use the in preview mode ends when an authentication error is
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and encountered in the server.
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
System action
ANR0723E Export/import command: Preview Export/import processing ends and server operation
processing terminated abnormally continues.
- transaction failure.
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Processing for the command export/import command message to determine the source of the error. Use the
in preview mode ends when a database transaction QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
error is encountered in the server. search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 149

ANR0726E Export/import command: User response
Processing terminated abnormally Examine the server messages issued prior to this
- authentication failure. message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
Explanation search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
Processing for the command export/import command and resolved, contact your service representative.
ends when an authentication error is encountered in ANR0729E Import command: Syntax error
the server. from command 'server command'.

System action Explanation

Export/import processing ends and server operation During processing of the command import command,
continues. an internal syntax error is encountered in the server.

User response System action

Examine the server messages issued prior to this Import processing continues, but the indicated
message to determine the source of the error. Use the command will have no effect.
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
User response
and resolved, contact your service representative.
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
ANR0727E Export/import command: Preview message to determine the source of the error. Use the
processing terminated abnormally QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
- internal error. search for messages. After import processing is
complete, it may be necessary to issue additional
Explanation commands manually to obtain the necessary
Processing for the command export/import command definitions.
in preview mode ends when an internal error is ANR0730E Import command: Internal error
encountered in the server. from command 'server command'.

System action Explanation

Export/import processing ends and server operation Processing for the command import command ends
continues. when an internal command error is encountered in the
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this System action
message to determine the source of the error. Use the Import processing ends and server operation
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and continues.
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
User response
ANR0728E Export/import command: Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Processing terminated abnormally message to determine the source of the error. Use the
- internal error. QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
Explanation and resolved, contact your service representative.
Processing for the command export/import command ANR0731E Import command: Invalid value for
ends when an internal error is encountered in the COMPRESSION parameter in
server. exported data for node node name.

System action
Export/import processing ends and server operation

150 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR0734E Import command: Invalid value for
COMPRESSION parameter in
During preview processing of command import
exported data - node node name
command, an invalid value is encountered for the
registered with default
COMPRESSION parameter for node node name.

System action
Processing of the command continues. If a later
During processing of command import command, an
command causes the data to be imported, the default
invalid value is encountered for the COMPRESSION
or existing COMPRESSION value is used.
parameter for node node name.

User response
System action
None. If the data is imported with a later command,
Processing of the command continues, by using the
verify that the correct COMPRESSION value is used for
default COMPRESSION value for this node.
this node.
ANR0732E Import command: Invalid value for User response
ARCHDELETE parameter in
exported data for node node name. Verify that the correct COMPRESSION value has been
used for this node. Update this value, if necessary.
Explanation ANR0735E Import command: Invalid value for
During preview processing of command import ARCHDELETE parameter in
command, an invalid value is encountered for the exported data - node node name
ARCHDELETE parameter for node node name. registered with default
System action
Processing of the command continues. If a later
During processing of command import command, an
command causes the data to be imported, the default
invalid value is encountered for the ARCHDELETE
or existing ARCHDELETE value is used.
parameter for node node name.

User response
System action
None. If the data is imported with a later command,
Processing of the command continues, by using the
verify that the correct ARCHDELETE value is used for
default ARCHDELETE value for this node.
this node.
ANR0733E Import command: Invalid value for User response
BACKDELETE parameter in
exported data for node node name. Verify that the correct ARCHDELETE value has been
used for this node. Update this value, if necessary.
Explanation ANR0736E Import command: Invalid value for
During preview processing of command import BACKDELETE parameter in
command, an invalid value is encountered for the exported data - node node name
BACKDELETE parameter for node node name. registered with default
System action
Processing of the command continues. If a later
command causes the data to be imported, the default During processing of command import command, an
or existing BACKDELETE value is used. invalid value is encountered for the BACKDELETE
parameter for node node name.
User response
System action
None. If the data is imported with a later command,
verify that the correct BACKDELETE value is used for Processing of the command continues, by using the
this node. default BACKDELETE value for this node.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 151

User response System action
Verify that the correct BACKDELETE value has been Processing of the command continues, by using the
used for this node. Update this value, if necessary. existing BACKDELETE value for this node.
ANR0737E Import command: Invalid value for
COMPRESSION parameter in User response
exported data - existing Verify that the correct BACKDELETE value has been
COMPRESSION value for node used for this node. Update this value, if necessary.
node name was not updated.
ANR0740E Import command: Invalid value for
TYPE parameter in exported data
for copy group copy group name in
During processing of command import command, an domain domain name, set policy
invalid value is encountered for the COMPRESSION set name, management class
parameter for node node name. management class name - backup
is assumed.
System action
Processing of the command continues, by using the
existing COMPRESSION value for this node. During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the TYPE parameter
User response for copy group copy group, in policy domain domain
name, policy set policy set name, management class
Verify that the correct COMPRESSION value has been management class name.
used for this node. Update this value, if necessary.
ANR0738E Import command: Invalid value for System action
ARCHDELETE parameter in Processing of the command continues. Based upon
exported data - existing other copy group parameters, a copy group type of
ARCHDELETE value for node node backup is assigned.
name was not updated.
User response
Verify that the assigned TYPE value of backup for this
During processing of command import command, an copy group is correct.
invalid value is encountered for the ARCHDELETE
parameter for node node name. ANR0741E Import command: Invalid value for
TYPE parameter in exported data
System action for copy group copy group name in
domain domain name, set policy
Processing of the command continues, by using the set name, management class
existing ARCHDELETE value for this node. management class name - archive
is assumed.
User response
Verify that the correct ARCHDELETE value has been Explanation
used for this node. Update this value, if necessary. During processing of command import command, an
ANR0739E Import command: Invalid value for invalid value is encountered for the TYPE parameter
BACKDELETE parameter in for copy group copy group, in policy domain domain
exported data - existing name, policy set policy set name, management class
BACKDELETE value for node node management class name.
name was not updated.
System action
Explanation Processing of the command continues. Based upon
During processing of command import command, an other copy group parameters, a copy group type of
invalid value is encountered for the BACKDELETE archive is assigned.
parameter for node node name.

152 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response for backup copy group copy group
name in domain domain name, set
Verify that the assigned TYPE value of archive for this
policy set name, management
copy group is correct.
class management class name.
ANR0742E Import command: Invalid value for
TYPE parameter in exported data Explanation
for copy group copy group name in
domain domain name, set policy During preview processing of command import
set name, management class command, an invalid value is encountered for the
management class name - this MODE parameter for backup copy group copy group
copy group will not be imported. name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy
set name, management class management class
During processing of command import command, an System action
invalid value is encountered for the TYPE parameter
for copy group copy group, in policy domain domain Processing of the command continues. If a later
name, policy set policy set name, management class command causes the data to be imported, the default
management class name. or existing MODE value is used.

System action User response

Processing of the command continues. However, this None. If the data is imported with a later command,
copy group is not imported because a TYPE value verify that the correct MODE value is used for this
cannot be assigned. backup copy group.
ANR0745E Import command: Invalid value for
User response SERIALIZATION parameter in
exported data for archive copy
Manually define this copy group, if necessary.
group copy group name in domain
ANR0743E Import command: Invalid value for domain name, set policy set name,
MODE parameter in exported data management class management
for archive copy group copy group class name.
name in domain domain name, set
policy set name, management Explanation
class management class name.
During preview processing of command import
command, an invalid value is encountered for the
Explanation SERIALIZATION parameter for archive copy group
During preview processing of command import copy group name, in policy domain domain name,
command, an invalid value is encountered for the policy set policy set name, management class
MODE parameter for archive copy group copy group management class name.
name, in policy domain domain name, policy set policy
set name, management class management class System action
Processing of the command continues. If a later
command causes the data to be imported, the default
System action or existing SERIALIZATION value is used.
Processing of the command continues. If a later
command causes the data to be imported, the default User response
or existing MODE value is used.
None. If the data is imported with a later command,
verify that the correct SERIALIZATION value is used
User response for this archive copy group.
None. If the data is imported with a later command,
ANR0746E Import command: Invalid value for
verify that the correct MODE value is used for this
SERIALIZATION parameter in
archive copy group.
exported data for backup copy
ANR0744E Import command: Invalid value for group copy group name in domain
MODE parameter in exported data domain name, set policy set name,

Chapter 3. ANR messages 153

management class management Explanation
class name.
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the MODE parameter
Explanation for backup copy group copy group name, in policy
During preview processing of command import domain domain name, policy set policy set name,
command, an invalid value is encountered for the management class management class name.
SERIALIZATION parameter for backup copy group
copy group name, in policy domain domain name, System action
policy set policy set name, management class
Processing of the command continues, by using the
management class name.
default MODE value for this backup copy group.

System action
User response
Processing of the command continues. If a later
Verify that the correct MODE value has been used for
command causes the data to be imported, the default
this copy group. Update this value, if necessary.
or existing SERIALIZATION value is used.
ANR0749E Import command: Invalid value for
User response SERIALIZATION parameter in
exported data - archive copy group
None. If the data is imported with a later command, copy group name in domain domain
verify that the correct SERIALIZATION value is used name, set policy set name,
for this backup copy group. management class management
ANR0747E Import command: Invalid value for class name defined with default
MODE parameter in exported data SERIALIZATION value.
- archive copy group copy group
name in domain domain name, set Explanation
policy set name, management
During processing of command import command, an
class management class name
invalid value is encountered for the SERIALIZATION
defined with default MODE value.
parameter for archive copy group copy group name, in
policy domain domain name, policy set policy set
Explanation name, management class management class name.
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the MODE parameter System action
for archive copy group copy group name, in policy
Processing of the command continues, by using the
domain domain name, policy set policy set name,
default SERIALIZATION value for this archive copy
management class management class name.

System action
User response
Processing of the command continues, by using the
Verify that the correct SERIALIZATION value has been
default MODE value for this archive copy group.
used for this copy group. Update this value, if
User response
ANR0750E Import command: Invalid value for
Verify that the correct MODE value has been used for SERIALIZATION parameter in
this copy group. Update this value, if necessary. exported data - backup copy group
ANR0748E Import command: Invalid value for copy group name in domain domain
MODE parameter in exported data name, set policy set name,
- backup copy group copy group management class management
name in domain domain name, set class name defined with default
policy set name, management SERIALIZATION value.
class management class name
defined with default MODE value. Explanation
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the SERIALIZATION

154 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

parameter for backup copy group copy group name, in System action
policy domain domain name, policy set policy set
Processing of the command continues, by using the
name, management class management class name.
existing MODE value for this backup copy group.

System action
User response
Processing of the command continues, by using the
Verify that the correct MODE value has been used for
default SERIALIZATION value for this backup copy
this copy group. Update this value, if necessary.
ANR0753E Import command: Invalid value for
User response SERIALIZATION parameter in
exported data - existing
Verify that the correct SERIALIZATION value has been SERIALIZATION value for archive
used for this copy group. Update this value, if copy group copy group name in
necessary. domain domain name, set policy
ANR0751E Import command: Invalid value for set name, management class
MODE parameter in exported data management class name was not
- existing MODE value for archive updated.
copy group copy group name in
domain domain name, set policy Explanation
set name, management class
During processing of command import command, an
management class name was not
invalid value is encountered for the SERIALIZATION
parameter for archive copy group copy group name, in
policy domain domain name, policy set policy set
Explanation name, management class management class name.
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the MODE parameter System action
for archive copy group copy group name, in policy
Processing of the command continues, by using the
domain domain name, policy set policy set name,
existing SERIALIZATION value for this archive copy
management class management class name.

System action
User response
Processing of the command continues, by using the
Verify that the correct SERIALIZATION value has been
existing MODE value for this archive copy group.
used for this copy group. Update this value, if
User response
ANR0754E Import command: Invalid value for
Verify that the correct MODE value has been used for SERIALIZATION parameter in
this copy group. Update this value, if necessary. exported data - existing
ANR0752E Import command: Invalid value for SERIALIZATION value for backup
MODE parameter in exported data copy group copy group name in
- existing MODE value for backup domain domain name, set policy
copy group copy group name in set name, management class
domain domain name, set policy management class name was not
set name, management class updated.
management class name was not
updated. Explanation
During processing of command import command, an
Explanation invalid value is encountered for the SERIALIZATION
During processing of command import command, an parameter for backup copy group copy group name, in
invalid value is encountered for the MODE parameter policy domain domain name, policy set policy set
for backup copy group copy group name, in policy name, management class management class name.
domain domain name, policy set policy set name,
management class management class name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 155

System action ANR0757E Import command: Invalid value for
DAYOFWEEK parameter in
Processing of the command continues, by using the
exported data for schedule
existing SERIALIZATION value for this backup copy
schedule name in domain domain

User response
Verify that the correct SERIALIZATION value has been
During preview processing of command import
used for this copy group. Update this value, if
command, an invalid value is encountered for the
DAYOFWEEK parameter for schedule schedule name in
ANR0755E Import command: Invalid value for policy domain domain name.
ACTION parameter in exported
data for schedule schedule name System action
in domain domain name.
Processing of the command continues. If a later
command causes the data to be imported, the default
or existing DAYOFWEEK value is used.
During preview processing of command import
command, an invalid value is encountered for the User response
ACTION parameter for schedule schedule name in
policy domain domain name. If the data is imported with a later command, verify
that the correct DAYOFWEEK value is used for this
System action
Processing of the command continues. If a later ANR0758E Import command: Invalid value for
command causes the data to be imported, the default ACTION parameter in exported
or existing ACTION value is used. data - schedule schedule name in
domain domain name defined with
default ACTION value.
User response
If the data is imported with a later command, verify Explanation
that the correct ACTION value is used for this
schedule. During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the ACTION parameter
ANR0756E Import command: Invalid value for for schedule schedule name in policy domain domain
parameter in exported data for
schedule schedule name in domain System action
domain name.
Processing of the command continues, by using the
default ACTION value for this schedule.
During preview processing of command import User response
command, an invalid value is encountered for the
DURUNITS or PERUNITS parameter for schedule Verify that the correct ACTION value has been used for
schedule name in policy domain domain name. this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
ANR0759E Import command: Invalid value for
System action DURUNITS or PERUNITS
Processing of the command continues. If a later parameter in exported data -
command causes the data to be imported, the default schedule schedule name in domain
or existing values are used for DURATION, DURUNITS, domain name defined with default
User response
If the data is imported with a later command, verify
that the correct values for DURATION, DURUNITS, During processing of command import command, an
PERIOD, and PERUNITS are used for this schedule. invalid value is encountered for the DURUNITS or

156 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

PERUNITS parameter for schedule schedule name in User response
policy domain domain name.
Verify that the correct ACTION value has been used for
this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
System action
ANR0762E Import command: Invalid value for
Processing of the command continues, by using the DURUNITS or PERUNITS
default values for DURATION, DURUNITS, PERIOD, parameter in exported data -
and PERUNITS. existing values for DURATION,
User response PERUNITS for schedule schedule
name in domain domain name
Verify that the correct values have been used for
were not updated.
Update these values, if necessary.
ANR0760E Import command: Invalid value for
DAYOFWEEK parameter in During processing of command import command, an
exported data - schedule schedule invalid value is encountered for the DURUNITS or
name in domain domain name PERUNITS parameter for schedule schedule name in
defined with default DAYOFWEEK policy domain domain name.
System action
Explanation Processing of the command continues, by using the
During processing of command import command, an existing values for DURATION, DURUNITS, PERIOD,
invalid value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK and PERUNITS.
parameter for schedule schedule name in policy
domain domain name. User response
Verify that the correct values have been used for
Processing of the command continues, by using the Update these values, if necessary.
default DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule. ANR0763E Import command: Invalid value for
DAYOFWEEK parameter in
User response exported data - existing
Verify that the correct DAYOFWEEK value has been DAYOFWEEK value for schedule
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary. schedule name in domain domain
name was not updated.
ANR0761E Import command: Invalid value for
ACTION parameter in exported Explanation
data - existing ACTION value for
schedule schedule name in domain During processing of command import command, an
domain name was not updated. invalid value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK
parameter for schedule schedule name in policy
domain domain name.
During processing of command import command, an System action
invalid value is encountered for the ACTION parameter
for schedule schedule name in policy domain domain Processing of the command continues, by using the
name. existing DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule.

System action User response

Processing of the command continues, by using the Verify that the correct DAYOFWEEK value has been
existing ACTION value for this schedule. used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
ANR0764E Import command: Invalid lock
status detected while importing
node node name - this node will
not be locked.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 157

Explanation TYPE value based upon values for other copy group
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the lock status for
node node name. User response
Delete and define this copy group to eliminate the
System action invalid data, and then restart the export command.
Alternatively, use the export data with the unknown
Processing of the command continues, but the node is
value, and the system will attempt to assign a TYPE
not locked.
during import processing.

User response ANR0767E Export command: Invalid value for

MODE parameter detected while
An administrator with the proper authorization must exporting copy group copy group
issue the LOCK NODE command, if necessary. name in domain domain name, set
ANR0765E Import command: Invalid lock policy set name, management
status detected while importing class management class name -
administrator administrator name default or existing value is used
- this administrator will not be during import.
Explanation During processing of command export command, an
During processing of command import command, an invalid value is encountered for the MODE parameter
invalid value is encountered for the lock status for for copy group copy group name in domain domain
administrator administrator name. name, policy set policy set name, management class
management class name.
System action
System action
Processing of the command continues, but the
administrator is not locked. Export processing continues, but the exported data
contains an unknown MODE value for this copy group.
If this data is imported, the default or existing MODE
User response
value is used.
An administrator with the proper authorization must
issue the LOCK ADMIN command, if necessary. User response
ANR0766E Export command: Invalid value for Update the MODE value for this copy group and restart
TYPE parameter detected while the export command. Alternatively, use the export
exporting copy group copy group data with the unknown value, and check and update
name in domain domain name, set the MODE value after import processing has been
policy set name, management performed.
class management class name -
system will attempt to assign ANR0768E Export command: Invalid value for
value during import. SERIALIZATION parameter
detected while exporting copy
group copy group name in domain
domain name, set policy set name,
During processing of command export command, an management class management
invalid value is encountered for the TYPE parameter class name - default or existing
for copy group copy group name, in domain domain value is used during import.
name, policy set policy set name, management class
management class name. Explanation
During processing of command export command, an
System action
invalid value is encountered for the SERIALIZATION
Export processing continues, but the exported data parameter for copy group copy group name, in domain
contains an unknown TYPE value for this copy group. If domain name, policy set policy set name, management
this data is imported, the system attempts to assign a class management class name.

158 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Export processing continues, but the exported data Export processing continues, but the exported data
contains an unknown SERIALIZATION value for this contains an unknown DURUNITS value for this
copy group. If this data is imported, the default or schedule. If this data is imported, the default or
existing SERIALIZATION value is used. existing DURUNITS value is used.

User response User response

Update the SERIALIZATION value for this copy group Update the DURUNITS value for this schedule and
and restart the export command. Alternatively, use the restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
export data with the unknown value, and check and export data with the unknown value, and check and
update the SERIALIZATION value after import update the DURUNITS value after import processing
processing has been performed. has been performed.
ANR0769E Export command: Invalid value for ANR0771E Export command: Invalid value for
ACTION parameter detected while PERUNITS parameter detected
exporting schedule schedule name while exporting schedule schedule
in domain domain name - default name in domain domain name -
or existing value is used during default or existing value is used
import. during import.

Explanation Explanation
During processing of command export command, an During processing of command export command, an
invalid value is encountered for the ACTION parameter invalid value is encountered for the PERUNITS
for schedule schedule name in domain domain name. parameter for schedule schedule name in domain
domain name.
System action
System action
Export processing continues, but the exported data
will contain an unknown ACTION value for this Export processing continues, but the exported data
schedule. If this data is imported, the default or will contain an unknown PERUNITS value for this
existing ACTION value is used. schedule. If this data is imported, the default or
existing PERUNITS value is used.
User response
User response
Update the ACTION value for this schedule and restart
the export command. Alternatively, use the export Update the PERUNITS value for this schedule and
data with the unknown value, and check and update restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
the ACTION value after import processing has been export data with the unknown value, and check and
performed. update the PERUNITS value after import processing
has been performed.
ANR0770E Export command: Invalid value for
DURUNITS parameter detected ANR0772E Export command: Invalid value for
while exporting schedule schedule DAYOFWEEK parameter detected
name in domain domain name - while exporting schedule schedule
default or existing value is used name in domain domain name -
during import. default or existing value is used
during import.
During processing of command export command, an
invalid value is encountered for the DURUNITS During processing of command export command, an
parameter for schedule schedule name in domain invalid value is encountered for the DAYOFWEEK
domain name. parameter for schedule schedule name in domain
domain name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 159

System action node. If this data is imported, the default or existing
COMPRESSION value is used.
Export processing continues, but the exported data
contains an unknown DAYOFWEEK value for this
schedule. If this data is imported, the default or User response
existing DAYOFWEEK value is used. Update the COMPRESSION parameter for this node
and restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
User response export data with the unknown value, and check and
update the COMPRESSION value after import
Update the DAYOFWEEK value for this schedule and
processing has been performed.
restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
export data with the unknown value, and check and ANR0775E Export command: Invalid lock
update the DAYOFWEEK value after import processing status detected while exporting
has been performed. node node name - this node will
not be locked during import.
ANR0773E Export command: Invalid lock
status detected while exporting
administrator administrator name Explanation
- this administrator will not be During processing of command export command, an
locked during import. invalid value is encountered for the lock status for
node node name.
During processing of command export command, an System action
invalid value is encountered for the lock status for Export processing continues, but the exported data
administrator administrator name. contains an unknown lock status for this node. If this
data is imported, the node will not be locked.
System action
Export processing continues, but the exported data User response
contains an unknown lock status for this administrator. Lock or unlock the node to achieve the desired lock
If this data is imported, the administrator will not be status, and then restart the export command.
locked. Alternatively, use the export data with the unknown
status, and lock or unlock the node after import
User response processing has been performed.
An administrator with the proper authorization must ANR0776E Export command: Invalid value for
issue the LOCK NODE or UNLOCK NODE command to ARCHDELETE parameter detected
achieve the desired lock status, and then restart the while exporting node node name -
export command. Alternatively, use the export data default or existing value is used
with the unknown status, and issue a LOCK ADMIN or during import.
UNLOCK ADMIN command after import processing has
been performed. Explanation
ANR0774E Export command: Invalid value for During processing of command export command, an
COMPRESSION parameter invalid value is encountered for the ARCHDELETE
detected while exporting node parameter for node node name.
node name - default or existing
value is used during import.
System action

Explanation Export processing continues, but the exported data

contains an unknown ARCHDELETE value for this
During processing of command export command, an node. If this data is imported, the default or existing
invalid value is encountered for the COMPRESSION ARCHDELETE value is used.
parameter for node node name.
User response
System action
Update the ARCHDELETE parameter for this node and
Export processing continues, but the exported data restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
contains an unknown COMPRESSION value for this export data with the unknown value, and check and

160 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

update the ARCHDELETE value after import processing System action
has been performed.
The command command is ended and server
ANR0777E Export command: Invalid value for operation continues.
BACKDELETE parameter detected
while exporting node node - User response
default or existing value is used
during import. Make sure that all volumes specified for the command
command are tape volumes.
Explanation ANR0780E Export/import command: Process
aborted - a server communications
During processing of command export command, an
session could not be established.
invalid value is encountered for the BACKDELETE
parameter for node node name.
System action The server export/import process encounters an
internal error in establishing an intermemory
Export processing continues, but the exported data
communications session with other server
contains an unknown BACKDELETE value for this node.
If this data is imported, the default or existing
BACKDELETE value is used.
System action
User response The export or import process ends and server
operation continues.
Update the BACKDELETE parameter for this node and
restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
export data with the unknown value, and check and User response
update the BACKDELETE value after import processing See the documentation for the operating system about
has been performed. how to increase memory for an application.
ANR0778E Command: Error encountered in If the error is not resolved, contact your service
accessing data storage - device representative.
class device class name is not
defined. ANR0781E Export/import command: Process
aborted - server sign on failed.
During command command processing, an error
occurred because the specified device class is not The server export/import process encounters an
defined. internal error in establishing an intermemory
communications session with other server
System action
The command command is ended and server System action
operation continues.
The export or import process ends and server
operation continues.
User response
Make sure the specified device class is defined. User response
ANR0779E Command: Error encountered in Contact your service representative.
accessing data storage - disk
volume specified. ANR0784E Export/import command: Process
aborted - internal error detected
with the Export/Import level: level
During command command processing, an error
occurred because a specified volume is a disk volume
rather than a tape volume.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 161

Explanation User response
The server export/import process encounters an Examine the server messages issued prior to this
internal error in evaluating the export/import level message to determine the source of the error. Use the
(SERVER, NODE, ADMIN, POLICY). QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
System action and resolved, contact your service representative.

The export or import process ends and server ANR0787E Import command: Import of file
operation continues. space filespace name in node node
name aborted by server (abort
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this Explanation
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and The server import process encounters an internal error
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated in importing file space filespace name for client node
and resolved, contact your service representative. node name. The reason code abort reason is
ANR0785E Import command: Invalid record
type xrecord type read from export
System action
The export or import process ends and server
Explanation operation continues.

The server export/import process encounters an

User response
internal error in reading data from the export media.
An invalid record type of record type is encountered Examine the server messages issued prior to this
during the read operation. message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
System action search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
The export or import process ends and server
operation continues. ANR0789E Import command: Failure in
normalizing transaction identifier
User response for sending to the server.

Examine the server messages issued prior to this Explanation

message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and The server import process encounters an internal
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated database transaction error in importing information
and resolved, contact your service representative. into the server database.

ANR0786E Import command: Invalid export

System action
version version number in exported
data. The export or import process ends and server
operation continues.
User response
The server import process encounters an internal error
in reading data from the export media. An invalid Examine the server messages issued prior to this
export version number (version number) is message to determine the source of the error. Use the
encountered during the read operation. QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
System action and resolved, contact your service representative.

The export or import process ends and server ANR0790E Import command: Error in
operation continues. absorbing data records.

162 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The server import process encounters an internal error The export or import operation is ended and server
in importing information into the server database. operation continues.

System action User response

The export or import process ends and server Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine
operation continues. messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
the data storage failure. If you find and resolve the
User response error, retry the export or import operation. If you
cannot find the error, contact your service
Examine the server messages issued prior to this representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and ANR0794E Export/import command:
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated Processing terminated abnormally
and resolved, contact your service representative. - error accessing data storage.

ANR0792E Import command: Invalid copy

type encountered in an imported
file space authorization rule for The server encountered an internal error in accessing
node node name, file space data storage while executing an import or export
filespace name - a type of BACKUP operation.
will be assumed.
System action
The export or import operation is ended and server
During import processing for command import operation continues.
command, an invalid copy type is encountered for an
authorization rule that grants access for file space User response
filespace name on node node name. Authorization
rules typically specify copy types of backup or archive, Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine
depending on whether backup file access or archive messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
file access is granted by the file space owner to other the data storage failure. If the import or export
users. Because the imported information for the rule is operation involves a session with another server, run
ambiguous, the server assumes that the rule is for the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine messages
backup data. on the other server as well. Messages on the other
server can help you troubleshoot the error on the local
server. If you find and resolve the error, retry the
System action
export or import operation. If you cannot find the
The import process continues. error, contact your service representative for
assistance in resolving the problem.
User response ANR0795E Command: Error encountered in
The user for node node name should query the access accessing data storage - invalid
rules for the specified node name after the import volume name specified.
process has completed, and correct or delete any
access rules that are in error or not needed. Explanation
ANR0793E Export/import command: Preview The server encounters an error in accessing data
processing terminated abnormally storage while processing command command. The
- error accessing data storage. error occurred because an attempt has been made to
access a volume with an invalid name.
System action
The server encountered an internal error in accessing
data storage while executing an import or export The command command operation is ended and
preview operation. server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 163

User response User response
Issue the command with a valid volume name. Query the activity log for messages preceding this one
that give additional information. Make sure a usable
ANR0796E Command: Error encountered in
volume is specified and mounted.
accessing data storage -
insufficient number of mount ANR0799E Command: Error encountered in
points available for removable accessing data storage - volume
media. already in use.

Explanation Explanation
During command command processing, the server During command command processing, a volume
cannot allocate sufficient mount points. cannot be used because it is already defined in a
storage pool, or has been previously used by an
System action export, database dump, or database backup operation
(as recorded in the volume history) or is in use by
The command command operation is ended and another process.
server operation continues.
System action
User response
The command command operation is ended and
If necessary, make more mount points available. server operation continues.
ANR0797E Command: Error encountered in
accessing data storage - required User response
volume was not mounted. Specify a volume that is not in use or defined in a
storage pool, and that has not been previously used
Explanation for an export, database dump, or database backup
During command command processing, a required operation as recorded in the server volume history
volume cannot be mounted. The mount request may information. Use the QUERY VOLUME command to
have been canceled. display the names of volumes that are defined to
server storage pools. Use the QUERY VOLHISTORY
command to display the names of volumes that have
System action been used for export, database dump, or database
The command command operation is ended and backup operations.
server operation continues.
ANR0800I Command command for node node
name started as process process
User response ID.
Issue the command again and make sure the
necessary volumes are accessible. Explanation
ANR0798E Import command: Error A file space deletion process has started to delete one
encountered in accessing data or more file spaces for the specified node. The process
storage - volume cannot be used. is assigned the ID specified in the message.

Explanation System action

During import processing, a volume has been mounted The server starts a background process to perform the
but cannot be used. operation in response to the DELETE FILESPACE
command entered by an administrator.
System action
User response
The import operation is ended and server operation
continues. To obtain status on the file space deletion process,
issue the QUERY PROCESS command. The process
may be canceled with the CANCEL PROCESS

164 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0801I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name objects for all file spaces that belong to the node are
for node node name started as deleted.
process process ID.
System action
Explanation The background process deletes backup objects for
The specified client node has started a file space the specified file space while server operation
deletion process (on the server) to delete one or more continues.
file spaces. The process has been assigned the ID
specified in the message. User response
To obtain status on the file space deletion process,
System action issue the QUERY PROCESS command. The process
The server starts a background process to perform the may be canceled by an authorized administrator using
operation in response to a request from the client the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR0804I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name
(archive data) for node node name
User response started.
To obtain status on the file space deletion process,
issue the QUERY PROCESS command. The process Explanation
may be canceled by an authorized administrator using
A background server process has started (on the
the CANCEL PROCESS command.
server) to delete archive objects in the specified file
ANR0802I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name space belonging to the node indicated. If a file space
(backup/archive data) for node name is not included in the message, then the archive
node name started. objects for all file spaces that belong to the node are
System action
A background server process has started (on the
server) to delete the specified file space belonging to The background process deletes archive objects for
the node indicated. If a file space name is not included the specified file space while server operation
in the message, all file spaces belonging to the node continues.
are deleted.
User response
System action To obtain status on the file space deletion process,
The background process deletes backup and archive issue the QUERY PROCESS command. The process
objects for the specified file space while server may be canceled by an authorized administrator using
operation continues. the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR0805I The deletion for filespace name
User response was canceled for node node name:
To obtain status on the file space deletion process, number of objects objects were
issue the QUERY PROCESS command. The process deleted, number of objects objects
may be canceled by an authorized administrator using were retained, and number of
the CANCEL PROCESS command. objects objects were skipped.

ANR0803I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name Explanation

(backup data) for node node name
started. A background server process that was deleting file
space data for the specified node was canceled by the
Explanation CANCEL PROCESS command. The numbers of objects
deleted, retained and skipped before the cancel ended
A background server process has started (on the the operation are reported in the message.
server) to delete backup objects in the specified file
space belonging to the node indicated. If a file space
name is not included in the message, then the backup

Chapter 3. ANR messages 165

System action examined number of objects
objects, retained number of objects
Server operation continues, but the server process is
objects, deleted number of backup
objects backup objects, number of
archive objects archive objects,
User response number of DB backup volumes
No action is required. An authorized administrator can database backup volumes, and
issue the DELETE FILESPACE command to delete number of recovery plan files
remaining objects from the file space. recovery plan files. retry count
objects were retried error count
ANR0806I File space filespace name was errors were detected, and skipped
deleted for node node name: count objects were skipped.
number of objects objects were
deleted,number of objects objects Explanation
were retained, and number of
objects objects were skipped. Server expiration processing is complete. The
numbers of client objects examined, deleted and
Explanation retained, based on management class policy, are
displayed in the message. A total error count is also
A server process deleted file space data for the displayed. A count of objects skipped due to
specified node. The numbers of deleted, retained, and replication being required is also included. The
skipped objects are reported in the message. number of database(DB) backup volumes that are
deleted is based on the value specified by the SET
System action DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command. The number
of recovery plan files that are deleted is based on the
The deletion process is complete, but server value specified by the SET DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS
operations continue. command. Server expiration processing deletes the DB
backup volumes and recovery plan files only if the
User response disaster recovery manager (DRM) function is licensed
No action is required. on the server and the volumes or plan files are created
on the server to server virtual volumes.
ANR0811I Inventory client file expiration
started as process process ID. System action
Server operation continues, but the roll-off process is
The server has started roll-off processing to remove
expired client backup and archive file copies, based on User response
the management class policy that is bound to the files.
The copy group retention and version parameters for If the error count is not equal to 0, examine messages
each file's copy group are used by the server to that might have been issued in the activity log to
determine if copies are to be deleted from the server. determine the cause of the errors.
The expiration process was started as process number ANR0813I Inventory file expiration process
process ID, and may be queried or canceled with the
process ID was canceled prior to
completion: processed number of
nodes nodes, examined number of
objects objects, retained number of
System action objects objects, deleted number of
The expiration process is now cancellable. Server backup objects backup objects,
operation continues. number of archive objects archive
objects, number of DB backup
volumes database backup
User response
volumes, and number of recovery
None. plan files recovery plan files. retry
count objects were retried error
ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process count errors were detected and
process ID is completed: skipped count objects were
processed number of nodes nodes, skipped.

166 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR0820I Sorting information for number
objects has been deleted.
The inventory file expiration process was canceled by
an administrator. The number of objects examined,
deleted and retained prior to the cancellation are Explanation
reported. The total error count and number of skipped A background server process has deleted sorting
objects are also displayed. information for number files from the server database.
This process is started during initialization to remove
System action any sorting information which is left over from
previous export operations.
The server ends the file expiration process.

System action
User response
The actual backup or archive objects were not deleted,
No action is required.
but only information used to sort these objects during
ANR0814I The deletion process for file space the previous export operation.
filespace name for node node name
is complete, but not all objects User response
were deleted. number of objects
objects were deleted, number of None.
objects objects were retained, and ANR0821E Filespace identifier fsId is not
number of objects objects were valid.
The identifier assigned for a filespace is out of range.
A DELETE FILESPACE command has deleted file space
data for the specified node, but did not delete every
System action
object belonging to the file space. The numbers of
objects that were deleted, retained, and skipped are The file space is not added.
reported in the message.
User response
System action
Contact your service representative.
The deletion process is complete, but server
operations continue. ANR0822I command: Filespace filespace
name (fsId=filespace id)
successfully renamed to new
User response
filespace name for node node
To determine why objects could not be deleted, review name.
other messages issued by the process. If necessary,
correct the problems and run the command again. Explanation
ANR0819I Cancel in progress The file space specified was renamed to the new name
specified for the node. This message is displayed in
Explanation response to successful completion of the RENAME
FILESPACE command.
This message is displayed in response to a QUERY
PROCESS command, and indicates that an inventory
System action
expiration process has been canceled. The process
will end shortly. The system renames the file space for the node as
System action
User response
The expiration process terminates and server
operation continues. None.
ANR0823E command: Filespace filespace
User response
name cannot be renamed to new
None. filespace name, a filespace with

Chapter 3. ANR messages 167

this name already exists for node User response
node name.
Transaction failure usually indicates that a database
deadlock was detected during file space deletion.
Explanation These deadlock conditions are sometimes
The file space name specified as a target name for the encountered when multiple file space deletion
command was found to already exist for the node processes are running at the same time. No action is
specified. The command fails. required unless the DELETE FILESPACE terminates
without completing the deletion process (see message
System action
ANR0827I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name
Server operation continues, the command fails.
will be retried for node node name.

User response
Reissue the command with a different target filespace
A file space deletion process for the node indicated is
being retried because an error was encountered.
ANR0824I Delete Filespace filespace name
(space-managed data) for node System action
node name started.
The server process is retried.
User response
A background server process has started (on the
server) to delete space-managed objects in the None.
specified file space belonging to the node indicated. If ANR0828W The deletion of filespace name for
a file space name is not included in the message, then node node name ended before
the space-managed objects for all file spaces that completion due to transaction
belong to the node are deleted. failure: number of objects objects
were deleted, number of objects
System action objects were retained, and number
The background process deletes space-managed of objects objects were skipped.
objects for the specified file space while server
operation continues. Explanation
A background server process that was deleting file
User response space data for the specified node is ended
prematurely because of a transaction failure. A
To obtain status on the file space deletion process,
transaction failure usually indicates a database
issue the QUERY PROCESS command. The process
deadlock was detected during file space deletion.
may be canceled by an authorized administrator using
These deadlock conditions can occur when multiple
the CANCEL PROCESS command.
file space deletion processes run at the same time.
ANR0826I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name The numbers of objects deleted, retained, and skipped
for node node name encountered a before the DELETE FILESPACE operation ended are
transaction failure. reported in the message.

Explanation System action

A background server process that has been deleting Server operation continues, but the server process is
file space data for the indicated node encountered a ended.
transaction failure.
User response
System action
To resolve the problem, take one or both of the
The server process is retried if the maximum number following actions:
of retry attempts have not been exceeded.
• -Restart the command when fewer file space
deletion processes are active.

168 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

• -Issue the DELETE FILESPACE command to delete Explanation
remaining files in the file space or file spaces.
During policy roll-off processing, the server found a
ANR0829E Command: Invalid combination of client file copy whose management class or backup
TYPE and DATA parameters. copy group no longer exists. The DEFAULT
management class for the indicated policy domain
Explanation does not contain a backup copy group; therefore, the
server uses the GRACE PERIOD retention value
The specified command has been issued with an defined for the specified policy domain to determine if
invalid combination of the TYPE and DATA parameters. client file copies need to be expired and removed from
DATA=IMAGES can only be specified if TYPE=ANY or the server database.
System action
System action
The server obtains the GRACE PERIOD retention
Server operation continues, but the command is not values for the specified domain and then determines if
processed. backup file copies need to be expired.

User response User response

Issue the command and specify a valid combination of No action is required. A policy administrator with
parameters. authority over the specified domain may use the
ANR0830W Management class class name in
ACTIVATE POLICY commands to define and activate a
domain domain name used by
policy set that contains definitions for the missing
node node name in file space
management class or backup copy group.
filespace name is no longer active,
or no longer has a BACKUP copy ANR0832W Management class class name in
group: DEFAULT management domain domain name used by
class attributes will be used for node node name in filespace
expiration. filespace name is no longer active,
or no longer has an ARCHIVE copy
Explanation group: DEFAULT management
class attributes will be used for
During policy roll-off processing, the server has found
a client file copy whose management class or backup
copy group no longer exists.
System action During policy roll-off processing, the server found a
client file copy whose management class or archive
The server obtains the DEFAULT management class for copy group no longer exists.
the specified domain and uses its backup copy group
version and retention parameters to determine if file
copies need to be expired. System action
The server obtains the DEFAULT management class for
User response the specified domain and uses its archive copy group
retention parameter to determine if file copies need to
No action is required. A policy administrator with be expired.
authority over the specified domain may use the
ACTIVATE POLICY commands to define and activate a User response
policy set that contains definitions for the missing No action is required. A policy administrator with
management class or copy group. authority over the specified domain may use the
ANR0831W The DEFAULT management class
ACTIVATE POLICY commands to define and activate a
class name in domain domain
policy set that contains definitions for the missing
name does not have a BACKUP
management class or copy group.
copy group: GRACE PERIOD will
be used for expiration. ANR0833W The DEFAULT management class
class name in domain domain

Chapter 3. ANR messages 169

name does not have an ARCHIVE archive files. Retention grace
copy group: GRACE PERIOD will period used to delete number of
be used for expiration. backup files backup files and
number of archive files archive
Explanation files.

During policy roll-off processing, the server found a

client file copy whose management class or archive
copy group no longer exists. The DEFAULT During policy roll-off processing, the server found a
management class for the indicated policy domain management class or backup copy group or archive
does not contain an archive copy group; therefore, the copy group that no longer exists. When a management
server uses the GRACE PERIOD retention value class or backup copy group no longer exists, the
defined for the specified policy domain to determine if number of backup client file copies that have been
client file copies need to be expired and removed from deleted using the default management class or the
the server database. retention grace period is displayed in the message.
When a management class or archive copy group no
System action longer exists, the number of archive client files that
have been deleted using the default management
The server obtains the GRACE PERIOD retention class or the retention grace period is displayed in the
values for the specified domain and then determines if message.
archive file copies need to be expired.
System action
User response
The server obtains the DEFAULT management class for
No action is required. A policy administrator with the specified domain and uses its backup copy group
authority over the specified domain may use the or archive copy group version and retention
DEFINE COPYGROUP, DEFINE MGMTCLASS, and parameters to determine if file copies need to be
ACTIVATE POLICYSET commands to define and expired. If, however, the needed backup copy group or
activate a policy set that contains definitions for the archive copy group does not exist in the DEFAULT
missing management class or backup copy group. management class, the server will use the retention
ANR0834W Inventory client file expiration grace period for the domain.
cannot start because of
insufficient memory - will retry in User response
number of seconds seconds. No action is required. This message is only issued
when expiration processing has been started with the
Explanation QUIET option to suppress detailed messages.
The server inventory expiration process is pausing to Expiration processing can be started without the
retry an operation that failed because sufficient QUIET option to see the detailed messages which will
memory is not available on the server. indicate specific node and filespaces and will further
distinguish between backup and archive copy groups.
A policy administrator with authority over the specified
System action domain may use the DEFINE COPYGROUP, DEFINE
Server operation continues; the expiration process will MGMTCLASS, and ACTIVATE POLICY commands to
be retried after the stated delay. define and activate a policy set that contains
definitions for the missing management class or copy
User response group.

See the documentation for the operating system about ANR0836W No query restore processing
how to increase memory for an application. session session id for node node
name and filespace name failed to
ANR0835W Management class class name in retrieve file high-level file
domain domain name is no longer namelow-level file name - file being
active, or no longer has a BACKUP skipped.
copy group, or no longer has an
ARCHIVE copy group. DEFAULT Explanation
management class used to delete
number of backup files backup The no query restore processing for the session listed
files and number of archive files relating to the specified node name and filespace

170 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

failed to retrieve the specified file. An error occurred System action
while retrieving this file so it will be skipped.
Processing fails for the command. Server operation
System action
The no query restore operation continues. User response
Reissue the command with a valid node name.
User response
ANR0848W Expiration failed to delete file type
Determine the cause of the file retrieve failure and file file name for node node name
correct it. After this situation is correct, the client can and filespace filespace name - file
do a restore of the specific file that was skipped. will be skipped.
ANR0837I Inventory file expiration process
process ID was terminated after Explanation
exceeding the duration limit of
The expiration process was unable to delete the
duration minutes: processed
indicated file. The file will be skipped by expiration.
number of nodes nodes, examined
number of objects objects, retained
number of objects objects, deleted System action
number of backup objects backup The expiration process continues.
objects, number of archive objects
archive objects, number of DB
User response
backup volumes database backup
volumes, and number of recovery Try expiration again to determine if the cause of the
plan files recovery plan files. retry deletion failure was an intermittent problem or if it is a
count objects were retried, error permanent problem. If after a subsequent expiration
count errors were encountered attempt the file still is not deleted, contact your
and skipped count objects were service representative.
ANR0849E Command: Not permitted for node
Node Name - node of type SERVER.
An administrator or schedule issued the EXPIRE Explanation
INVENTORY command and specified the DURATION
The indicated DELETE FILESPACE process is not
parameter. The value specified for the DURATION
started because the node specified is of
parameter is the number of minutes allotted to the
expire inventory process. When the specified number
be processed for nodes of this type with the
of minutes is reached, the expire inventory process
TYPE=SERVER parameter specified.

System action
System action
The DELETE FILESPACE command is ended and server
The expire inventory process ends.
processing continues.

User response
User response
No action is required.
If this filespace must be deleted, Reissue the
ANR0844E Command: node name is not a command with the TYPE parameter set to
backup-archive node. TYPE=SERVER. Please use caution when using the
TYPE=SERVER parameter as this can impact the
Explanation availability of data for the server that owns these files.

The specified node name is not a backup-archive ANR0850E Command: Cannot Start process
node. name Process.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 171

Explanation ANR0853E Transaction failed in file space
The indicated DELETE FILESPACE process cannot be
process aborted.
started on the server.

System action
A database transaction fails while the server is
The DELETE FILESPACE command is ended and server
deleting file space data.
processing continues.

System action
User response
The server ends the file space deletion process.
This usually indicates that sufficient server memory is
not available on the server.
User response
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
ANR0851E Cannot start delete file space the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
thread for node node name. and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service
Explanation representative.
The indicated DELETE FILESPACE process cannot be ANR0854E Inventory file space query failure,
started on the server. Sufficient memory on the server DELETE FILESPACE process
may not be available. aborted.

System action Explanation

The DELETE FILESPACE command is ended and server The server encounters an error in querying the
processing continues. inventory database during a file space deletion
User response
See the documentation for the operating system about System action
how to increase memory for an application. The server ends the file space deletion process.
ANR0852E Command: No matching file
spaces found for node node name. User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Explanation message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
The server did not find any file spaces for the node
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
indicated matching the names specified in the
isolated and resolved, contact your service

System action ANR0855E Server LOG space exhausted,

The server ends the command. aborted.

User response Explanation

Enter the command with file space names that refer to Insufficient server log space has been encountered
defined file spaces for the specified node. Note that during file space deletion processing.
file space names are case sensitive. Enter them by
using exactly the same uppercase and lowercase
characters that match the file space name defined on System action
the server. Use the QUERY FILESPACE command to The server ends the file space deletion process.
determine which file spaces are defined for a node on
the server.

172 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response isolated and resolved, contact your service
To increase the amount of log space that is available to
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems ANR0860E Expiration process process ID
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY, ended due to an internal error:
ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY, and examined number of objects
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the objects, retained number of objects
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might objects, deleted number of backup
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is objects backup objects, number of
full. archive objects archive objects,
number of DB backup volumes
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
database backup volumes, and
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
number of recovery plan files
location that are no longer active and cannot be
recovery plan files. retry count
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
objects were retried and error
count errors were detected.
necessary, specify a larger directory for the
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the Explanation
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server. The server detected an internal error during file
ANR0856E Server database space exhausted, expiration processing. The numbers of files that were
DELETE FILESPACE process examined and deleted prior to the error are reported.
aborted. A total error count is also displayed.

Explanation System action

Insufficient server database space has been The server ends the expiration process.
encountered during file space deletion processing.
User response
System action Examine the server messages that are issued prior to
The server ends the file space deletion process. this message to determine the source of the error.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If you cannot
User response
resolve the error, contact IBM Software Support.
To increase the amount of database space that is
ANR0861E Transaction failed in expiration,
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
command to add one or more directories to the inventory expiration aborted.
ANR0859E Data storage object erasure
failure, DELETE FILESPACE The server encounters a database transaction failure
process aborted. during policy roll-off processing.

Explanation System action

The server encounters an error in removing file copies The server ends roll-off processing.
from data storage during file space deletion
processing. User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
System action message to determine the source of the error. Issue
The server ends the file space deletion process. the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
ANR0865E Expiration processing failed -
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log internal server error.
and search for messages. If the error cannot be

Chapter 3. ANR messages 173

Explanation System action
Server retry processing during policy roll-off fails. The server ends policy roll-off processing and server
operation continues.
System action
User response
The server ends policy roll-off processing.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
User response activity log and search for messages. Examine the
server messages issued prior to this message to
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the determine the source of the error.
activity log and search for messages. Examine the
server messages issued prior to this message to The following issues can cause this message to occur:
determine the source of the error. • The server is out of database space. To increase the
The following issues can cause this message to occur: amount of database space that is available to the
server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE command to add
• The server is out of database space. To increase the one or more directories to the database.
amount of database space that is available to the
• The server is out of log space. To increase the
server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE command to add
amount of log space that is available to the server,
one or more directories to the database.
evaluate the directories and file systems that are
• The server is out of log space. To increase the assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
amount of log space that is available to the server, ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY, and
evaluate the directories and file systems that are ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY, dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the is full. Alternatively, an out of log space condition
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might might occur if there are log files in the
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location that are no longer
is full. Alternatively, an out of log space condition active and cannot be archived to the
might occur if there are log files in the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
active and cannot be archived to the necessary, specify a larger directory for the
necessary, specify a larger directory for the dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
• The server is low on memory. To increase the
amount of memory that is available to the server,
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
see the operating system documentation that
• The server is low on memory. To increase the describes how to increase memory for an
amount of memory that is available to the server, application.
see the operating system documentation that
describes how to increase memory for an If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact
application. your service representative.

If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact ANR0867E Unable to open policy domain for
your service representative. node node name during server
ANR0866E Expiration processing retries
failed - no success after maximum
retries retries.
Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters an
Explanation error while obtaining policy information related to the
specified node.
Server policy roll-off processing ends because retry
processing has not been successful in expiring client
System action
file copies from the server database.
The server ends roll-off processing and server
operation continues.

174 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Examine the server messages issued prior to this Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters a
message to determine the source of the error. Issue database error in obtaining information for a client
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log node.
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service System action
The server ends roll-off processing and server
ANR0868E Cannot find management class operation continues.
name for ID management class ID.
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters an message to determine the source of the error. Issue
error while obtaining policy information. the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
System action isolated and resolved, contact your service
The server ends roll-off processing and server
operation continues. ANR0871E Cannot find file space name for
node node ID, file space file space
User response ID.

Examine the server messages issued prior to this

message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters a
and search for messages. If the error cannot be database error in obtaining information for a client
isolated and resolved, contact your service node.
ANR0869E Cannot find policy domain for node System action
node ID. The server ends roll-off processing and server
operation continues.
Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters an User response
error while obtaining policy information related to the Examine the server messages issued prior to this
specified node. message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
System action and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service
The server ends roll-off processing and server representative.
operation continues.
ANR0872E Grace Period retention for domain
User response domain name could not be
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters a
isolated and resolved, contact your service database error in obtaining GRACE PERIOD values for
representative. the specified policy domain.
ANR0870E Cannot find node name for node
node ID. System action
The server ends roll-off processing and server
operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 175

User response Explanation
Examine the server messages issued prior to this Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters a
message to determine the source of the error. Issue database error in obtaining archive information in data
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log storage.
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service System action
The server ends roll-off processing and server
ANR0873E Invalid copy type encountered in operation continues.
expiring files: copytype ID
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters a message to determine the source of the error. Issue
database error in obtaining copy group information. the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
System action isolated and resolved, contact your service
The server ends roll-off processing and server
operation continues. ANR0879E Error opening inventory file space
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue Policy roll-off processing on the server encounters a
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log database error in accessing inventory information.
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service System action
The server ends roll-off processing and server
ANR0874E Backup object object not found operation continues.
during inventory processing.
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Inventory processing on the server encounters a message to determine the source of the error. Issue
database error in obtaining backup information in data the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
storage. and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service
System action representative.
The server ends roll-off processing, or client session(s) ANR0880E Filespace command: No matching
and server operation continues. file spaces.

User response Explanation

Examine the server messages issued prior to this The server did not find any file space names matching
message to determine the source of the error. Issue the specifications entered in the filespace command.
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be System action
isolated and resolved, contact your service
representative. Server operation continues.

ANR0875E Archive object object.ID not found User response

during expiration processing.
Use the QUERY FILESPACE command to determine
which file spaces are defined on the server. Note, that
file space names are case sensitive. Reissue the file
space command and specify the proper file space
name (in proper case).

176 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR0881E Policy Error : the GRACE PERIOD Explanation
archive retention value could not A background server process encountered an internal
be obtained for domain domain ID error after deleting sorting information for number files
during client inventory processing. from the server database. This process is started
during initialization to remove any sorting information
Explanation which is left over from previous export operations.
The server encounters an internal error in accessing
policy information. System action
The backup or archive objects were not deleted. Only
System action the information used to sort these objects during the
The operation is ended and server operation previous export operation was deleted. The
continues. background process was terminated before all sorting
information had been deleted. The system will not
perform further export processing of file data until this
User response problem has been resolved.
Contact your service representative.
User response
ANR0882E Policy Error: Unable to open policy
domain for node node name during Examine the server messages issued prior to this
client inventory query processing. message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
Explanation and search for messages. Then restart the server. If
the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
The server encounters an internal error in accessing service representative.
policy information.
ANR0885I Import command: Processing
System action management class management
class name for domain domain
The client operation is ended and server operation name and policy set policy set
continues. name as management class new
management class name.
User response
Contact your service representative. Explanation
The background import process to service the
ANR0883E Cannot obtain node name for node
command import command is currently processing the
node ID.
policy information for management class management
class name in domain domain name and policy set
Explanation policy set name. The management class is imported
The server encounters an internal error in accessing under the name new management class name. During
client node information. import processing, management classes defined as
either DEFAULT or GRACE_PERIOD must be renamed
so that the management class does not conflict with
System action
existing server policy conventions. Import processing
The operation is ended and server operation is then able to import file data by using the renamed
continues. management class.

User response System action

Contact your service representative. Import processing for the command continues.
ANR0884E Error code during deletion of
sorting information for number User response
objects. None. However, an administrator may want to
examine the policy definitions for new management
class name so they are aware of the management
classes that may be used if the policy set containing
this management class is activated.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 177

ANR0886E Management class class name in complete and the server console should be available
domain domain name used by to control other server functions.
node node name in file space
filespace name has no BACKUP System action
copy group with id copy group id;
Expiration will not be performed The server ignores the command and continues
for files from this node and processing.
filespace that are bound to this
management class and copy group User response
id. Issue the SQL command from an administrative client.

Explanation ANR0889I Deleted count statistics reports

about data deduplication for node
During policy roll-off processing, the server finds a node name.
client file copy with a management class or a backup
copy group that no longer exists.

System action The server processed DELETE DEDUPSTATS for the

specified node, with the total number of deleted
The server skips the files in error. statistics reports about data deduplication specified in
this message.
User response
For programming support, contact your service System action
representative. The deletion of data deduplication statistics is
ANR0887E Management class class name in complete for the node, and server operations
domain domain name used by continue.
node node name in file space
filespace name has no archive copy User response
group with id copy group id. Server None.
operation will not be performed
for files from this node and ANR0890I Export/import command:
filespace that are bound to this Processing optionset optionset
management class and copy group name.
The background export or import process to service
During policy roll-off processing, the server finds a the command export/import command is currently
client file copy with a management class or an archive processing optionset definition information.
copy group that no longer exists.
System action
System action
Export or import processing for the command
The server skips the specified files. continues.

User response User response

For programming support, contact your service None.
ANR0891I Export/import command: Copied
ANR0888E SQL commands cannot be issued number optionset definitions.
from the server console.
The background export or import process to service
An SQL command was issued from the server console. the command export/import command copies number
SQL commands cannot be issued from the server client optionset definitions from the server database to
console because they may require a long time export media or from export media into the server

178 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

database. Data is not moved if Preview=Yes is Explanation
specified in the command export/import command.
This message is displayed when the ACCEPT DATE
command has been issued and the date has been
System action accepted as valid by the server.
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues. System action
The current system date is accepted as valid by the
User response server. The server will begin processing using the
None. current system date.

ANR0892I Export command: No matching User response

optionsets found for exporting.
Issue the ENABLE SESSIONS ALL command to allow
Explanation client, server and administrative sessions to start.

The background export process does not find any ANR0895E Command: Cannot Start process
client optionsets for export command. name Process.

System action Explanation

The export process continues and no option sets from The indicated process cannot be started on the server.
the server.
System action
User response The specified command is ended and server
None. processing continues.

ANR0893I Are you sure that you want to User response

accept the current system date as
valid ? This usually indicates that sufficient server memory is
not available on the server.
Explanation See the documentation for the operating system about
This message is displayed when the ACCEPT DATE how to increase memory for an application.
command has been issued to confirm that you want to ANR0896I Generated count statistics reports
accept the date on the system as valid. Accepting an about data deduplication for node
invalid date can cause any of the following problems: node name in pool pool name.
Premature deletion of data
Excessive retention of data
Scheduling problems
Event record problems The server processed GENERATE DEDUPSTATS for the
Password expiration problems. specified node and pool, with the total number of
generated statistics reports about data deduplication
System action specified in this message.

The command waits for you to confirm the action.

System action

User response The generation of data deduplication statistics is

complete for the node and pool specified in the
Specify Yes if you want to accept the system date as command, and server operations continue.
valid, or No if you do not want to execute the
User response
ANR0894I Current system has been accepted None.
as valid.
ANR0900I Processing options file filespec.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 179

Explanation System action
At server initialization, the server is reading the server The server uses the default values for all options.
options file whose name is shown in the message. Server initialization continues.

System action User response

The server reads and processes the options in this file. If the default values are acceptable, ignore the error.
Otherwise, move a valid server options file to the
User response proper location, rename a valid options file to the
proper name, or use a text editor to build the proper
None. server options file, and then restart the server.
ANR0901W Invalid option statement found in ANR0914E Diagnostic(ID): a request failed
file filespec. because object (object name), size
(size), exceeds the maximum size
Explanation of maximum size.
While processing the server options file named, the
server has encountered an invalid statement. The Explanation
invalid statement type is shown in the message. The The size of the specified object exceeds the maximum
lines following this message provide more information. size defined for that object. The server cannot handle
the new object.
System action
The server ignores the statement in error. Server System action
initialization continues. The default value is used for The activity that generated this error fails.
any missing or ignored options.
User response
User response
Determine why the new object's length exceeds the
Ignore the error, or use a text editor to correct the maximum specified for the object. Reduce the length
error and restart the server. of the object.
ANR0902W Unsupported keyword or invalid ANR0915E Unable to open language language
value found in file filespec. name for message formatting.

Explanation Explanation
While processing the server options file named, the The server is unable to open the specified message
server has encountered an invalid keyword or an repository.
invalid value on an option statement. The lines
following this message provide more information.
System action

System action Server initialization continues with the default

message repository.
The server ignores the option statement in error.
Server initialization continues. The default value is
User response
used for any missing or ignored options.
Ensure that a valid language is specified in the
User response LANGUAGE option of the server options file. If a
change is made to the options file, restart the server to
Ignore the error, or use a text editor to correct the activate changes.
error and restart the server.
ANR0916I Product Name distributed by
ANR0905W Options file filespec not found. Company is now ready for use.

Explanation Explanation
At server initialization, the server is unable to locate The server has completed startup processing and is
the server options file named. now ready for use.

180 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action RENAME FILESPACE, rename the filespace for the
nodes in the list using a valid name. If found while
processing a client request, contact your service
User response
ANR0920I Tracing is now active to standard
None. output.
ANR0917W Session session number for node
node name (client platform) - in Explanation
domain domain name failed
In response to a TRACE START command, server trace
because of policy length.
records are being written to the standard output
destination (usually the server console).
The client cannot handle very long policies. System action
System action
The client operation is ended and server operation User response

User response ANR0921I Tracing is now active to file file

Upgrade the client to the latest level, or activate a
policy set with fewer management classes.
ANR0918E Inventory operation for node node
In response to a TRACE START command, server trace
name terminated - lock conflict.
records are being written to the file named.

System action
During the indicated operation, the server needs to
obtain a lock that is not available.

User response
System action
The indicated operation ends.
ANR0922I Trace ended.
User response
Restart the operation.
In response to a TRACE END command, server trace
ANR0919E Filespace name fsName with
records are no longer being written.
length length was encountered for
nodes node list.
System action
Explanation None.
The specified filespace name was found for the nodes
in the list. The name is not allowed. The error may User response
occur while processing an administrative command or None.
client request.
ANR0923E Tracing is inactive.
System action
Server processing continues.
A TRACE END command has been entered, but tracing
is not active.
User response
If the error occurs during processing for an
administrative command such as EXPORT NODE or

Chapter 3. ANR messages 181

System action specified for file spaces that have data that is included
in retention sets.
The command is ignored.

System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the import command
If tracing is desired, use the TRACE ENABLE and
TRACE START commands to activate server tracing.
ANR0924E Tracing is already active to file file User response
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
Explanation 1. To determine which file spaces have data in
retention sets, issue the QUERY RETSET command.
A TRACE BEGIN command has been entered, but
tracing is already active to the file named. 2. To import data from file spaces that have data in
retention sets, issue the IMPORT NODE command
for those file spaces and specify the
System action
MERGEFILESPACES=NO parameter value.
The command is ignored.
ANR0927E Unknown trace class keyword -
User response
If the current trace output file is acceptable, no action Explanation
is required. Otherwise use the TRACE END command
to stop tracing and then reissue the TRACE BEGIN A TRACE ENABLE command has been entered which
command as desired. specifies an unknown trace class.

ANR0925E Tracing is already active to System action

standard output.
The command is ignored.
User response
A TRACE BEGIN command has been entered, but
tracing is already active to the standard output Reissue the TRACE command with the correct class.
destination (usually the server console). ANR0928E Unable to open trace file file spec
for appending.
System action
The command is ignored. Explanation
A TRACE BEGIN command specifies an output file, but
User response the server cannot write to that file.
If the current trace output destination is acceptable,
no action is required. Otherwise use the TRACE END System action
command to stop tracing and then reissue the TRACE The command is ignored.
BEGIN command as desired.
ANR0926E command name: The User response
Check the file for proper access permissions, or
parameter value cannot be
reissue the TRACE command specifying a different
specified for file spaces that have
output file.
data in retention sets.
ANR0929E Insufficient memory to activate
Explanation tracing.
operation, the server detected a file space that has
retention set data associated with it. When you issue A TRACE BEGIN command has been entered, but the
the IMPORT NODE or IMPORT SERVER command, the server has insufficient memory available to activate
MERGEFILESPACES=YES parameter value cannot be tracing.

182 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR0939E Error error code occurred while
locating base object (baseId) for
The command is ignored.
subfile (subfileId): Node node
name, File space filespace name,
User response Type file type, File name file name.
If tracing is required, make more memory available to
the server then restart the server. Explanation
ANR0936E Session session ID for session Export processing did not find the base object for the
name failed sending verb verb specified subfile. Export processing does not continue.
name because client not able to
handle extended qualifier System action
Export processing stops. Server operation continues.
User response
A server was going to send the reported verb for the
indicated session but was not able to send it. The verb Audit the database to correct the entries.
could not be sent to the client because it contains ANR0940I Cancel request accepted for
extended information about the low-level qualifier. process process ID.
The extended low-level qualifier is used to store
names up to 512 bytes in length. The client that this
verb was supposed to be sent to does not support the Explanation
extented low-level qualifier information. A CANCEL PROCESS command has been entered for
the specified process. Some processes will experience
System action a delay before they terminate. This delay may be
lengthy for processes that involve remote data
The send of the verb to the reported session fails and movement.
this server operation will fail and report a
communication error.
System action
User response None.
The client session reported needs to have the installed
client upgraded to IBM Spectrum Protect version 5.1.5 User response
or higher in order to support the extended low-level None.
ANR0941I Command: Cancel for process
ANR0937I Expiration process process ID is process ID is already pending.
A CANCEL PROCESS command has been entered for
The expiration process referenced is ending either the specified process, but a cancel is already pending
because it has been cancelled or because it has for that process.
completed the necessary actions. This message is only
issued in the case where expiration was processing a System action
long-running operation, such as deleting a group of
related files (for example, a backup group). This The server ignores the command.
message indicates the time when the long-running
operation ended. User response
System action
ANR0942E Command: Process process ID
cannot be found.

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 183

Explanation ANR0946E Archive processing fails: Object
objId not found.
A CANCEL PROCESS command has been entered for
the specified process, but the process is not active.
Either the process has already ended or the wrong Explanation
process number has been entered. Archive processing fails because the specified object
was not found. An archive request is completed in
System action stages. The object may have been deleted by an
archive delete request, delete filespace or expiration
The server ignores the command.
that began and completed between these stages.

User response
System action
If the wrong process number has been entered,
System processing continues.
reissue the command with the correct process
User response
ANR0943E Command: Process process ID
could not be canceled. Check the client log for error and retry messages.
Reissue the archive request if the retry failed.
Explanation ANR0947E Error writing to trace file file spec.
A CANCEL PROCESS command has been entered for
the specified process, but the process specified is an Explanation
automatic process, such as migration or reclamation, An error occurred while writing to the specified trace
that cannot be canceled. file.

System action System action

The server ignores the command. Trace is disabled.

User response User response

If the process is a REPLICATE NODE process and is on Check the file for proper access permissions, or for the
the target server, it cannot be canceled if the process out of space issue for the trace file. Once this is
is in progress and the source server is available. The corrected, reissue the TRACE BEGIN command,
target server monitors communications with the specifying either the same or a different output file.
source server. If 5 minutes have expired since the last
communications, the target server assumes that the ANR0950I Session Session number for node
source server is no longer available, and the process is Node name is using inline server
canceled. To view the length of time during which the data deduplication or inline
process has been idle, issue the QUERY PROCESS compression.
command and specify the process ID for the
replication process. Explanation
ANR0944E Command: No active processes Inline data deduplication or inline compression was
found. used for the specified node and session.

Explanation System action

A QUERY PROCESS command has been entered, and Data was deduplicated by the server as it was written
no processes are active. to the container storage pool.

System action User response

The server ignores the command. None.
ANR0951I Session Session number for node
User response
Node name processed files
None. processed files by using inline data
deduplication or compression, or

184 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

both. The number of original bytes wait for the sessions to complete or cancel the
was bytes processed. Inline data sessions with the CANCEL RESTORE command, and
deduplication reduced the data by reissue the DELETE FILESPACE command. To view
bytes reduced by dedup bytes and restartable restore sessions issue the command
inline compression reduced the QUERY RESTORE. Either:
data by bytes reduced by
• wait to reissue the DELETE FILESPACE command
compression bytes.
after this restartable restore has completed
• cancel the restartable restore session with the
Data deduplication or compression processing, or
both, is complete for the specified node. ANR0958I CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS
evaluated objectcount group
objects, found errorcount errors,
System action and deleted deleted group objects
Statistics are displayed for the specified node. with completion state state.

User response Explanation

None. The CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS utility ended with the
presented state.
ANR0952W The filespace Filespace name
cannot be included in the backup
System action
set because it contains encrypted
data. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

Data from the filespace cannot be included in the None.
backup set because the filespace contains encrypted
data. ANR0960I Process process ID waiting for
mount point in device class device
class name.
System action
The filespace is skipped. Explanation
The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for a
User response mount point that can be used for a volume in the
None. device class shown.

ANR0955I DELETE FILESPACE filespace name

System action
for node node name failed deletion
because of a restartable restore The process waits for the mount point.
User response
Respond to any mount requests.
The reported node and filespace have a restartable
restore session active or restartable. A filespace ANR0961I Process process ID waiting for
cannot be deleted while the restartable restore multiple mount points in device
session exists. class device class name.

System action Explanation

The server process is retried if the maximum number The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for
of retry attempts have not been exceeded. multiple mount points that can be used for a volume in
the device class shown.
User response
System action
Use the QUERY RESTORE command to view active and
restartable restores sessions for this filespace. Either The process waits for the mount points.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 185

User response Explanation
Respond to any mount requests. The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for
the mount of a scratch volume.
ANR0962I Process process ID waiting for
mount points in device classes
device class name and device class System action
name. The process waits for the mount.

Explanation User response

The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for Respond to any mount requests.
mount points that can be used for a volume in the two
device classes shown. ANR0966I Process process ID waiting for
access to input volume volume
System action
The process waits for the mount points. Explanation
The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for
User response
availability of the input volume shown.
Respond to any mount requests.
ANR0963I Process process ID waiting for System action
mount of input volume volume The process waits for the volume to become available.
User response
The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for
the mount of the input volume shown. ANR0967I Process process ID waiting for
access to output volume volume
System action
The process waits for the mount. Explanation
The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for
User response
availability of the output volume shown.
Respond to any mount requests.
ANR0964I Process process ID waiting for System action
mount of output volume volume The process waits for the volume to become available.
User response
The process whose ID is shown has begun to wait for
the mount of the output volume shown. ANR0981E The server database must be
restored before the server can be
System action
The process waits for the mount. Explanation
This message is issued in one of two cases: 1) The
User response
server has been restarted after an incomplete
Respond to any mount requests. RESTORE DB. In order to start the server, you must
restore the database to a consistent state using the
ANR0965I Process process ID waiting for DSMSERV RESTORE DB command; 2) During server
mount of scratch volume. operation, an error condition occurred such that the
IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot continue. This
message is issued, and the server halts. Before you
can start the server again, you need to use the

186 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

DSMSERV RESTORE DB command to restore the User response
Refer to installation instructions for specific
information on precautionary measures that you may
System action want to take to back up the database prior to
Server initialization stops, or the server stops. upgrading it to the current server level. After you have
taken these measures, start the server and specify the
UPGRADEDB parameter. This parameter only needs to
User response
be specified once to start the server, and should NOT
If there are other messages issued with this error be included in any automated programs that start the
message which have instructions associated with server.
them, follow the instructions in those messages. Then
ANR0984I Process process ID for process
issue the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command. After the
name started in the process state
DSMSERV RESTORE DB command completes
at process start time.
successfully, restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
ANR0982I Session Session number for node Explanation
Node name is using server-side
encryption. The process whose ID is shown has been started for
the process indicated by the process name running in
the indicated state.
Server-side encryption was used for the specified System action
node and session.
System action
User response
Data was encrypted by the server as it was written to
the container storage pool. None.
ANR0985I Process process ID for process
User response name running in the process state
None. completed with completion state
completion state at process start
ANR0983W The server database was recorded time.
by a down-level version of the
server program. The UPGRADEDB Explanation
parameter is required to start the
server and automatically upgrade A completion state of SUCCESS indicates that the
the database contents to the operation ran successfully. A completion state of
current server version. Please FAILURE indicates that the operation encountered an
refer to installation instructions error condition or ended before completion. A
for precautionary backup completion state of COMPLETED indicates that the
procedures prior to doing this. operation ran to completion; however, conditions
might have occurred that can affect the outcome of
the operation.
At server startup, the server has discovered that the System action
database information was written by an earlier version
of the server program and is not compatible with this If the completion state is SUCCESS or COMPLETED, no
version. To automatically upgrade the server database action is required. If the completion state is FAILURE,
to this version of the server program, the UPGRADEDB investigate the cause.
parameter must be specified when starting the server.
User response
System action If the completion state is FAILURE, review the activity
The server ends. and event logs to determine the cause of the failure
and correct the issue. If the completion state is
COMPLETED, you can optionally review the activity
and event logs to find possible warning or error

Chapter 3. ANR messages 187

messages about conditions that might have affected User response
the operation.
If the completion state is FAILURE, then review the
ANR0986I Process process ID for process activity log and the event log to try to determine the
name running in the process state cause of the failure. If the completion state is
processed items processed items SUCCESS, the activity log and the event log can still be
for a total of bytes processed bytes checked for warning messages regarding conditions
with a completion state of that could have affected the operation.
completion state at process start
ANR0988I Process process ID for process
name running in the process state
processed bytes processed bytes
Explanation with a completion state of
A completion state of FAILURE indicates that the completion state at process start
operation encountered an error condition or time.
terminated before completion. A completion state of
SUCCESS indicates that the operation ran to Explanation
completion, but in some situations may have
A completion state of FAILURE indicates that the
encountered and reported conditions that would affect
operation encountered an error condition or
the outcome of the operation. The total bytes that is
terminated before completion. A completion state of
reported is the number of bytes of source data that
SUCCESS indicates that the operation ran to
was processed in the transaction. It does not include
completion, but in some situations may have
any meta data that might be in the output.
encountered and reported conditions that would affect
the outcome of the operation.
System action
None. System action
User response
If the completion state is FAILURE, then review the User response
activity log and the event log to try to determine the
If the completion state is FAILURE, then review the
cause of the failure. If the completion state is
activity log and the event log to try to determine the
SUCCESS, the activity log and the event log can still be
cause of the failure. If the completion state is
checked for warning messages regarding conditions
SUCCESS, the activity log and the event log can still be
that could have affected the operation.
checked for warning messages regarding conditions
ANR0987I Process process ID for process that could have affected the operation.
name running in the process state
ANR0989E The server database must be
processed items processed items
inserted or restored before the
with a completion state of
server can be started.
completion state at process start
Explanation The server is restarted after the LOADFORMAT
command is run. To start the server, you must upgrade
A completion state of FAILURE indicates that the
the database by issuing DSMSERV INSERTDB or else
operation encountered an error condition or
the database needs to be restored using the DSMSERV
terminated before completion. A completion state of
RESTORE DB command.
SUCCESS indicates that the operation ran to
completion, but in some situations may have
encountered and reported conditions that would affect System action
the outcome of the operation. Server initialization stops.

System action User response

DB command. Alternatively, the server can be installed
using the DSMSERV FORMAT command in order to

188 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

prepare it for regular use without needing to upgrade System action
an earlier version server with the DSMSERV INSERTDB
Server completes initialization.
command or restoring the database with the DSMSERV
RESTORE DB command.
User response
ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in
progress. None.
ANR0995W This version of the server program
Explanation is down-level with respect to the
information recorded on disk; a
The server has been restarted after a halt or system
newer version of the program
failure. If necessary, the server performs recovery
should be used.
processing in order to bring the system back to a
consistent state.
System action At server startup, the server has discovered that the
disk information was written by a later version of the
Server initialization continues.
server program. This version of the server program
should not be used.
User response
None. System action
ANR0991I server shutdown complete. The server ends.

Explanation User response

In response to a HALT command, the server or storage Start a version of the server program that is at the
agent has completed its termination processing. same level as the prior server program used.
ANR0996W The information on disk was
System action recorded by a down-level version
The server or storage agent ends. of the server program;
reinstallation is required to use
this version.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR0992I Server's database formatting At server startup, the server has discovered that the
complete. disk information was written by an earlier version of
the server program and is not compatible with this
Explanation version.
The server formatting procedure has completed
successfully. The server is now available for normal System action
operation. The server ends.

System action User response

Server completes formatting processing. Install this version of the server to bring the
information up to the level of the program being used.
User response
ANR1000I Migration process process ID
None. started for storage pool storage
pool name automatically or
ANR0993I Server initialization complete. manually, highMig=highMig value,
lowMig=lowMig value,
Explanation duration=duration.
The server has been restarted after a halt or system
failure. It is now ready to resume normal operation.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 189

Explanation User response
Because the high migration threshold for the storage If possible, correct the condition that has caused
pool shown has been exceeded, a process has been delayed migration.
started to migrate files from the storage pool. Note: a
ANR1003I Migration retry delay ended;
duration value of No means that the duration is not
checking migration status for
specified and hence the migration runs without
storage pool storage pool name.

System action
Because migration for the indicated storage pool had
Data is moved from this storage pool to the next
been delayed due to a problem, the system waited
(target) pool.
before retrying. The retry wait period has ended, and
the system will now retry migration.
User response
None. System action
ANR1001I Migration process process ID Migration processing for the storage pool resumes.
ended for storage pool storage pool
name. User response
A migration process for the named storage pool ends. ANR1004I Server formatting complete,
This action can occur because the low migration database ready for loading.
threshold for the storage pool has been reached, there
are no more nodes with files to be migrated, there are Explanation
no more volumes to be migrated, or the duration The server formatting procedure has completed
specified has been reached. successfully. The server is ready to be loaded by
issuing the DSMSERV LOADDB or the DSMSERV
System action RESTORE DB command.
System action
User response Server completes formatting processing.
User response
ANR1002I Migration for storage pool storage
pool name will be retried in The DSMSERV LOADDB or the DSMSERV RESTORE DB
number of seconds seconds. command is required to load the database before the
server will be ready for use.
Explanation ANR1008I Command: Virtual machine names
Because of a problem encountered attempting cannot be specified when more
migration for the named storage pool, migration is than one node name is specified.
delayed but will be retried after the time period
shown. Explanation
If you specify more than one node name when you
System action define or update a retention rule, you cannot specify
The server waits for the specified period and then virtual machines.
retries migration for the storage pool. This delay
applies to a single migration process. After a number System action
of unsuccessful retries, the server will automatically System operation continues.
cancel the process. If other migration processes are
executing for the named storage pool, these processes
will continue migration. User response
Reissue the command, specifying the fully-qualified
name of the node that owns the virtual machines.

190 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1009I Command: Virtual machine names ANR1013I During a store operation, the
cannot be specified when a server is switching to a next pool
partially-qualified node name is in the storage hierarchy. The next
specified. storage pool will inherit the
simultaneous write configuration
Explanation from the destination primary
storage pool.
If you specify a partially-qualified node name when
you define or update a retention rule, virtual machines
cannot be specified.
If during a backup, archive, client migration, or server
System action import operation, the server must write data to a next
pool in a storage pool hierarchy, the following rules
System operation continues. will apply:
1. If the destination storage pool specified in the
User response
management class copy group has one or more
Reissue the command, specifying the fully-qualified copy storage pools associated with it for
name of the node that owns the virtual machines. simultaneous write operations:
ANR1010I Command: Virtual machine names a. The server will write the data to the next storage
cannot be specified when a node pool and to the copy pools that are associated
group name is specified. with the original destination primary storage
Explanation b. The setting of the COPYCONTINUE attribute of
the original destination primary pool will be
If you specify a node group name when you define or
inherited by the next pool.
update a retention rule, virtual machines cannot be
specified. c. If the next pool is configured for simultaneous
write operations, the copy storage pools
associated with the next pool will be ignored as
System action
well as the value of its COPYCONTINUE
System operation continues. attribute.
2. If the primary storage pool specified in the
User response management class copy group does not have copy
Reissue the command, specifying the fully-qualified pools associated with it for simultaneous write
name of the node that owns the virtual machines. operations:
a. The server will write the data to the next storage
ANR1012I Command: One or more file spaces
that belong to one of the specified
nodes cannot be members of a b. If the next pool is configured for simultaneous
retention set. write operations, the copy pools associated with
the next pool will be ignored.
System action
One or more file spaces that belong to one of the
specified nodes are not permitted to be in a retention The server operation continues.
set. Only filespaces created by the IBM Spectrum
Protect backup-archive client or by IBM Spectrum User response
Protect for Virtual Environments are permitted.
None. Refer to IBM Knowledge Center for details
about simultaneous write configurations.
System action
ANR1014W The pool type storage pool pool
System operation continues.
name is either not available, or
does not have enough space for a
User response simultaneous write operation.
Reissue the command specifying the nodes and file
spaces that are owned by a supported client.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 191

Explanation User response
During a backup, archive, client migration, or import None
operation that is using simultaneous write, the server
ANR1016W Fibre Channel adapters on the
cannot write data to the specified storage pool.
system cannot be opened.
Possible reasons include:
• The storage pool is unavailable. Explanation
• There is not enough space available in the specified
Due to problems with the HBAAPI or Fibre Channel
storage pool.
HBA driver, the HBAAPI function cannot open any
Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs) on the
System action system.
The result of the simultaneous write operation
depends on the setting of the COPYCONTINUE System action
attribute of the original destination primary pool
• If the value of the COPYCONTINUE attribute of the User response
destination primary pool is YES, the server will stop
writing to the failing copy pool for the remainder of The IBM Spectrum Protect SAN discovery function is
the session, but continue storing files into a primary not working. Check your Fibre Channel host bus
pool in the storage hierarchy and any other adapter (HBA) vendor and upgrade your HBAAPI or
remaining copy pools. Fibre Channel HBA driver version. For a list of
supported HBAs and required driver levels by
• If the value of the COPYCONTINUE attribute of the operating system, see techdoc 1193154 at http://
destination primary pool is NO, the server will fail the www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?
transaction and discontinue the operation. uid=swg21193154.

User response ANR1017E Command: File space filespace

name that belongs to node node
Ensure the copy storage pool is set for READWRITE name is not permitted to be a
access. If needed, make more space available in the member of a retention set.
copy storage pool. After the problem is corrected, take
one of the following actions:
• If the value of the COPYCONTINUE attribute of the
A filespace that belongs to one of the specified nodes
destination primary pool is YES, issue the BACKUP
is not permitted to be in a retention set. Only file
STGPOOL commands to back up any files in primary
spaces created by the IBM Spectrum Protect backup-
storage pools in the storage pool hierarchy that have
archive client or by IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
not been copied to the copy pool that failed.
Environments are permitted.
• If the value of the COPYCONTINUE attribute of the
destination primary pool is NO, run the simultaneous
System action
write operation again.
System operation continues.
ANR1015I Storage pool pool name has
pending bytes duplicate bytes
User response
pending removal.
Reissue the command specifying the nodes and file
Explanation spaces that are owned by a supported client.

The number of bytes indicated have been identified as ANR1018I Volume deduplication process
duplicate bytes in the storage pool, but the volumes on process ID started for storage pool
which the data resides have not yet been reclaimed. storage pool name, identify
processes=number of identify
System action processes.

None Explanation
A volume deduplication process was started for the
storage pool shown.

192 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action executing for the named storage pool, these processes
will continue migration.

User response
User response
One possible cause for this failure is that the access
state for the target volume or storage pool for this
ANR1019W Unable to get the node attributes operation is not set to READWRITE. Check the access
for node name. state for the requested output volume and storage
pool and ensure they are set to ACCESS=READWRITE.
Explanation ANR1022W Migration process process ID
The HBAAPI function cannot obtain the node's terminated for storage pool
attributes. Removing devices from the SAN without storage pool name - excessive read
reconfiguring the system can cause this problem. errors encountered.

System action Explanation

None. During migration for the indicated storage pool, read

errors occur that prevented the migration from
User response
SAN discovery is not working for this device. Check the System action
device configuration on the system.
The indicated migration process ends. The server
ANR1020W Migration process process ID waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
terminated for storage pool migration again. If other migration processes are
storage pool name - process executing for the named storage pool, these processes
canceled. will continue migration.

Explanation User response

During migration for the indicated storage pool, a If possible, correct the cause of the read errors.
process performing the migration has been canceled.
ANR1023W Migration process process ID
terminated for storage pool
System action
storage pool name - excessive
The migration process is terminated. If other migration write errors encountered.
processes are executing for the named storage pool,
these processes will continue migration. Explanation
During migration for the indicated storage pool, write
User response
errors occur that prevent the migration from
None. continuing.
ANR1021W Migration process process ID
terminated for storage pool System action
storage pool name - storage media The indicated migration process ends. The server
inaccessible. waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
migration again. If other migration processes are
Explanation executing for the named storage pool, these processes
will continue migration.
During migration for the indicated storage pool, a
required volume could not be mounted.
User response
System action If possible, correct the cause of the write errors.
The indicated migration process ends. The server ANR1024W Migration process process ID
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the terminated for storage pool
migration again. If other migration processes are storage pool name - data transfer

Chapter 3. ANR messages 193

Explanation executing for the named storage pool, these processes
will continue migration.
During migration for the indicated storage pool, a data
transfer operation was interrupted and could not be
continued. User response
Use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the
System action next storage pool maximum file size or to change the
next storage pool target.
The indicated migration process ends. The server
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the ANR1027W Migration process process ID
migration again. If other migration processes are terminated for storage pool
executing for the named storage pool, these processes storage pool name - sufficient
will continue migration. recovery log space is not available.

User response Explanation

If possible, correct the cause of the interruption. During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
server runs out of recovery log space.
ANR1025W Migration process process ID
terminated for storage pool
storage pool name - insufficient System action
space in subordinate storage pool. The indicated migration process ends. The server
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
Explanation migration again.
During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
server cannot move the data from the storage pool, User response
because there is not enough space on the next storage If necessary, make more server recovery log space
pool to hold it. available.
ANR1028W Migration process process ID
System action
terminated for storage pool
The indicated migration process ends. The server storage pool name - sufficient
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the database space is not available.
migration again.
User response
During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
Make more space available in the next storage pool, or server runs out of database space.
use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the
next storage pool to one with more space. System action
ANR1026W Migration process process ID The indicated migration process ends. The server
terminated for storage pool waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
storage pool name - unable to migration again.
move file to subordinate storage
pool due to exclusion by size.
User response

Explanation If necessary, make more server database space

During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
server cannot move the data from the storage pool, ANR1029W Migration process process ID
because a file is larger than what is allowed on the terminated for storage pool
next storage pool. storage pool name - lock conflict.

System action Explanation

The indicated migration process ends. The server During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the server needs to obtain a lock that is not available.
migration again. If other migration processes are

194 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The indicated migration process ends. The server During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the server encounters an internal error.
migration again. If other migration processes are
executing for the named storage pool, these processes System action
will continue migration.
The indicated migration process ends. The server
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
User response
migration again. If other migration processes are
Wait for the server to retry the migration. executing for the named storage pool, these processes
will continue migration.
ANR1030W Migration process process ID
terminated for storage pool
storage pool name - thread User response
resource not available. Contact your service representative.
ANR1033W Migration process process ID
terminated for storage pool
During migration for the indicated storage pool, the storage pool name - transaction
server cannot start a thread for the migration process. aborted.

System action Explanation

The indicated migration process ends. The server During migration for the indicated storage pool, the
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the server detected an error while attempting to commit a
migration again. If other migration processes are transaction. This message should be preceded by
executing for the named storage pool, these processes other messages that give additional information about
will continue migration. the failed transaction.

User response System action

Wait for the server to retry the migration. If the error The indicated migration process ends. The server
persists, it may indicate a shortage of server memory. waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
migration again. If other migration processes are
ANR1031W Migration process process ID executing for the named storage pool, these processes
terminated for storage pool will continue migration.
storage pool name - sufficient
memory is not available.
User response
Explanation Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction.
During migration for the indicated storage pool, there
is not enough server memory available. ANR1034W Files stored on volume volume
name cannot be migrated - volume
System action is offline or access mode is
"unavailable" or "destroyed".
The indicated migration process ends. The server
waits for the retry period to expire and then tries the
migration again.
During migration, files on the indicated volume cannot
User response be migrated either because the volume has been
varied offline or because of the volume's access mode.
If necessary, make more memory available to the
System action
ANR1032W Migration process process ID The server continues migration processing, but skips
terminated for storage pool files stored on the indicated volume.
storage pool name - internal server
error detected.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 195

User response ANR1038W command: No eligible file spaces
for node node name that contain
If necessary, use the VARY ON or UPDATE VOLUME
backup data are present.
command for this volume.
ANR1035I Command: Client name is not a Explanation
member of retention rule Retention
rule name. The specified node has no applicable file spaces to be
processed by the command. To be eligible for
inclusion in a retention set, a file space must contain
data backed up by the IBM Spectrum Protect backup-
The specified node or filespace is not a member of the archive client or by IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
retention rule. Environments.

System action System action

System operation continues. System operation continues.

User response User response

No action is required. Check the command settings for the file spaces that
belong to the node and reissue the command.
ANR1036I Command: The client name Client
name is already a member of ANR1039W A mount request failed for volume
retention rule Retention rule name. volume name.

Explanation Explanation
You cannot have duplicate members in the same The specified volume was not mounted because no
retention rule. If a client is already a member of a suitable drive was available. In a tape library with
retention rule, you cannot add a client with the same mixed generation drives and mixed generation
client name to the retention rule again. cartridges, a cartridge can be mounted only to a drive
that is the same generation or later. For more
System action information about the use of mixed generation drives
and cartridges, see the Tape Solution Guide.
System operation continues. The client is not added to
the rule again.
System action

User response System operation continues, but the volume is not

No action is required.
ANR1037I Command: Retention rule User response
Retention rule name does not have To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
any members. To determine the recording format of the drive that
must be mounted, run the QUERY DEVCLASS
Explanation command: query devclass In the output, locate the
The retention rule from which a retention set is being library that is associated with the drive and the format
created does not contain any members, or the setting for that library. Determine whether the format
specified members do not match any existing nodes or is DRIVE or a specific device recording type, such as
file spaces. ULTRIUM8C. 2. To obtain additional information about
the drive, run the QUERY DRIVE command: query drive
In the output, find the drive type (for example, LTO 8)
System action and drive state (for example, full, empty, or
The retention set is not created. unavailable). Based on the drive type, you can
determine whether mixed generation tape drives are
User response included in the library. 3. To obtain information about
the tape volumes in the library, run the QUERY
To add members to the retention rule, issue the LIBVOLUME command: query libvolume
UPDATE RETRULE command. <library_name> In the output, locate the volume name

196 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

and the media type. Based on the media type, System action
determine whether mixed generation tape cartridges
The system waits for the specified period and then
are used in the library. 4. Based on information from
retries space reclamation for the storage pool.
the previous steps, determine the value to specify for
the FORMAT parameter of the drive. For more
information, see the Tape Solution Guide. 5. Update User response
the FORMAT parameter of the drive by running the If possible, correct the condition that has stopped
UPDATE DEVCLASS command: update devclass reclamation.
<device_class> format=<format>
ANR1043I Space reclamation retry delay
ANR1040I Space reclamation started for ended; checking volume
volume volume name, storage pool reclamation status for storage
storage pool name (process pool storage pool name.
number process ID).
Because space reclamation for the indicated storage
The percentage of reclaimable space on the volume pool had been stopped due to a problem, the system
shown has reached the reclaim percentage specified waited before retrying. The retry wait period has
for the storage group; as a result, data from the ended, and the system can now retry space
volume is moved to another volume so that the volume reclamation.
can be reclaimed.
System action
System action
Reclamation for the pool begins.
The server starts volume space reclamation.
User response
User response
ANR1044I Removable volume volume name is
ANR1041I Space reclamation ended for required for space reclamation.
volume volume name.
During space reclamation processing, the server
Space reclamation for the volume named is complete. determines that a removable volume is required in
order to complete processing.
System action
None. System action
The server attempts to mount the removable volume.
User response
None. User response

ANR1042I Space reclamation for storage pool Respond to any mount request for the indicated
storage pool name will be retried in volume.
number of seconds seconds. ANR1045E Reclamation has ended for volume
volume name. The files on the
Explanation volume are too large for the target
storage pool, storage pool name.
Because of a problem encountered attempting space
reclamation for the named storage pool, reclamation
stops but will be retried after the time period shown. Explanation
After a number of unsuccessful retries, the process During reclamation for the indicated volume, the
will be automatically cancelled. server cannot move the data from the volume because
a file is larger than allowed for the indicated storage

Chapter 3. ANR messages 197

System action User response
Reclamation of the volume stops. If other reclamation Rerun the command using a version of the IBM
processes are running, these processes will continue Spectrum Protect 6.1 server that supports NAS
the reclamation. backups with TOCs.
ANR1048E command: Protocol error - out-of-
User response sequence verb (type verb name)
Use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the received.
value of the MAXSIZE parameter for the storage pool.
Specify the value as NOLIMIT, or specify a value larger Explanation
than the largest file to be reclaimed.
The server detects a protocol error while upgrading
ANR1046E command: Database upgrade not the database because a verb has been received that
currently supported for this server does not adhere to the defined verb sequence. This
because it uses backup sets. error may be the result of using a version of the
DSMUPGRD utility that is not compatible with the IBM
Explanation Spectrum Protect 6.1 version to which you are
The current version of the IBM Spectrum Protect 6.1
server does not support backup sets. However, the
System action
server being upgraded uses backup sets, and so
cannot be upgraded at this time. Note that this is a The command ends without inserting any data into the
temporary limitation that will be lifted in a future IBM database.
Spectrum Protect 6.1 Server Fix Pack.
User response
System action
Rerun the command using a version of the server
The command ends without inserting any data into the compatible with the version of DSMUPGRD used to
database. extract the data. Or reextract the data using an older
version of DSMUPGRD that is compatible with the
User response version of the server.

Rerun the command using a version of the IBM ANR1049W The server is unable to obtain
Spectrum Protect 6.1 server that supports backup number-formatting information
sets. from the system-locale attributes.
The server substitutes alternate
ANR1047E command: Database upgrade not number format nmbrFmt.
currently supported for this server
because it uses NAS backups with
The server is unable to format some numbers because
Explanation it is unable to obtain a valid thousand and decimal
separator value from the system locale.
The current version of the IBM Spectrum Protect 6.1
server does not support NAS backups that use a table
System action
of contents (TOC). However, the server being
upgraded uses TOCs, and so cannot be upgraded at The server continues. An alternate number format is
this time. Note that this is a temporary limitation that used. Numbers are displayed using a comma character
will be lifted in a future IBM Spectrum Protect 6.1 as the thousand separator and a period character as
Server Fix Pack. the decimal separator.

System action User response

The command ends without inserting any data into the Check whether errors occurred during server
database. initialization that might indicatea problem initializing
the locale . Check whether the server is running in a
locale supported by the server. If it is not, restart the
server in a supported locale.

198 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1050E File space filespace name in node ANR1055E Command: Invalid export session
node name was not deleted identifier name - export sess name.
because a tiering process is in
progress. Explanation
The issued command specifies an invalid export
session identifier.
The specified file space is being moved to a different
storage location as part of a tiering process. A file System action
space cannot be deleted while tiering is in progress.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response
System operation continues, but the DELETE
FILESPACE command fails. Reissue the command with a valid export session
User response ANR1056E command name: The PROCESS
parameter is not valid if an export
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
identifier is specified.
View active tiering processes by issuing the QUERY
PROCESS command. 2. For any tiering process that
affects the specified file space, either wait until the Explanation
process is complete or cancel the process by issuing The command failed because of an invalid
the CANCEL PROCESS command. For example, if the combination of arguments.
process number is 54, issue the following command:
cancel process 54 3. Reissue the DELETE FILESPACE
System action
The command fails and server operations continue.
ANR1053E Command: Invalid process number
- processIdvalue
User response
Explanation Reissue the command with a valid set of parameters.
A QUERY EXPORT command was issued that specifies ANR1057E command name: The PROCESS
an invalid process number. parameter is not valid when the
STATE parameter is specified with
System action a value of INITIALIZING or
The server does not process the command.
User response
The command failed because of an invalid
Reissue the command with a valid process number. combination of arguments.
ANR1054E Command: Invalid export
operation state - export state System action
The command fails and server operations continue.
A QUERY EXPORT command was issued that specifies User response
an invalid export state.
Reissue the command with a valid set of parameters.

System action ANR1058E command name: TODATE must be

specified when TOTIME is
The server does not process the command. specified.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command with a valid export operation A command supporting the TODATE and TOTIME
state. parameters was issued with the TOTIME parameter

Chapter 3. ANR messages 199

specified but without the TODATE parameter. When Explanation
the TOTIME parameter is used, the TODATE parameter
During an attempt to initiate space reclamation for the
must be specified.
indicated storage pool, there is not enough server
memory available.
System action
The server ignores the command and continues System action
Space reclamation stops. The server waits for the retry
period to expire and then tries the reclamation again.
User response
Reissue the command and specify both the TODATE User response
and TOTIME parameters.
If necessary, make more memory available to the
ANR1059I Selective restore of NAS node server.
nodename, file system file system,
ANR1062W Error initiating space reclamation
started as process process ID by
for storage pool storage pool name
administrator administrator.
- internal server error detected.
Specified files and/or directory
trees will be restored to
destination destination. Explanation
During an attempt to initiate space reclamation for the
Explanation indicated storage pool, an internal server error is
A restore is started for the indicated file system of a
NAS node. The operation is initiated by the
administrator shown. Selected files and/or directory System action
trees specified by the administrator will be restored to Space reclamation stops. The server will wait for the
the indicated destination. retry period to expire and then tries the reclamation
System action
The indicated process is started. User response
Contact your service representative.
User response
ANR1063I Full backup of NAS node
None. nodename, file system file system,
started as process process ID by
ANR1060W Error initiating space reclamation
administrator administrator.
for storage pool storage pool name
- lock conflict.
Explanation A full backup is started for the indicated file system of
a NAS node. The operation is initiated by the
While attempting to initiate space reclamation for the
administrator shown.
indicated storage pool, the server needs to obtain a
lock that is not available.
System action
System action The indicated process is started.
Space reclamation stops. The server waits for the retry
period to expire and then tries the reclamation again. User response
User response
ANR1064I Differential backup of NAS node
Wait for the server to retry the reclamation. nodename, file system file system,
started as process process ID by
ANR1061W Error initiating space reclamation
administrator administrator.
for storage pool storage pool name
- sufficient memory is not

200 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
A differential backup is started for the indicated file None.
system of a NAS node. Only files that have changed
ANR1067I Operation process process ID
since the last full backup will be processed. The
operation is initiated by the administrator shown.

System action
The indicated operation completed.
The indicated process is started.

System action
User response
The indicated process ends.
ANR1065I Restore of NAS node nodename, User response
file system file system, started as
process process ID by None.
administrator administrator. A full ANR1068W Operation process process ID
image for this file system will be terminated - process cancelled.
restored to destination
Explanation During the indicated operation, a background process
was cancelled.
A restore is started for the indicated file system of a
NAS node. The operation is initiated by the
System action
administrator shown. The restore will be performed
using a full image of this file system. The file system The indicated process ends.
will be restored to the indicated destination.
User response
System action
The indicated process is started.
ANR1069E Operation process process ID
terminated - insufficient number
User response
of mount points available for
None. removable media.
ANR1066I Restore of NAS node nodename,
file system file system, started as
process process ID by During the indicated operation, the server could not
administrator administrator. A full allocate sufficient mount points for the volumes
image plus a differential image for required.
this file system will be restored to
destination destination. System action
The indicated process ends.
A restore is started for the indicated file system of a User response
NAS node. The operation is initiated by the
administrator shown. The restore will be performed If necessary, make more mount points available.
using a full image plus a differential image of this file ANR1070E Storage rule storage rule name did
system. The file system will be restored to the
not start a copying process
indicated destination.
operation is in progress.
System action
The indicated process is started.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 201

Explanation System action
Data cannot be copied to a new location while a The indicated process ends.
DELETE FILESPACE operation is in progress for the
associated file space. User response
If necessary, make more server recovery log space
System action
Server operations continue, but no data is copied.
ANR1074E Operation process process ID
terminated - sufficient database
User response space is not available.
Change the start time of the copying operation to avoid
overlap with any DELETE FILESPACE operations. Explanation
ANR1071E Operation process process ID During the indicated operation, the server runs out of
terminated - read errors database space.
System action
The indicated process ends.
During the indicated operation, read errors prevent the
operation from continuing. User response
If necessary, make more server database space
System action
The indicated process ends.
ANR1075E Operation process process ID
terminated - lock conflict.
User response
If possible, correct the cause of the errors and restart Explanation
the operation.
During the indicated operation, the server needs to
ANR1072E Operation process process ID obtain a lock that is not available.
terminated - insufficient space in
destination storage pool. System action
The indicated process ends.
During the indicated operation, there is not enough User response
space available in the destination storage pool.
Restart the operation.
System action ANR1076E Operation process process ID
The indicated process ends. terminated - sufficient memory is
not available.
User response
Make more space available in the storage pool and
restart the operation. During the indicated operation, not enough server
memory is available.
ANR1073E Operation process process ID
terminated - sufficient recovery System action
log space is not available.
The indicated process ends.
User response
During the indicated operation, the server runs out of
recovery log space. If necessary, make more memory available to the
server, and then restart the operation.

202 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1077E Operation process process ID Explanation
terminated - transaction aborted. During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the
process performing the reclamation has been
Explanation canceled.
During the indicated operation, the server detected an
error while attempting to commit a transaction. This System action
message should be preceded by other messages that Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
give additional information about the failed reclamation processes are running, these processes
transaction. will continue the reclamation.

System action User response

The indicated process ends. None.

User response ANR1081E Space reclamation is ended for

volume volume name. Storage
Check for additional messages and eliminate the media is inaccessible.
condition that caused the failed transaction.
ANR1078E Operation process process ID Explanation
terminated - internal server error During space reclamation for the indicated volume, a
detected. required volume cannot be mounted.

Explanation System action

During the indicated operation, the server encounters Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
an internal error. reclamation processes are executing, these processes
will continue the reclamation.
System action
The indicated process ends. User response
User response
ANR1082E Space reclamation is ended for
Contact your service representative. volume volume name. There is an
ANR1079E Storage rule storage rule name did insufficient number of mount
not start a tiering process because points available for removable
a DELETE FILESPACE operation is media.
in progress.
Explanation During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the
Data cannot be tiered to a new location while a server could not allocate sufficient mount points for
DELETE FILESPACE operation is in progress for the the volumes required.
associated file space.
System action
System action Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
Server operations continue, but no data is tiered. reclamation processes are running, these processes
will continue the reclamation.
User response
User response
Change the start time of the tiering operation to avoid
overlap with any DELETE FILESPACE operations. If necessary, make more mount points available.

ANR1080W Space reclamation is ended for ANR1083E Space reclamation is ended for
volume volume name. The process volume volume name. Excessive
is canceled. read errors were encountered.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 203

Explanation ANR1086E Space reclamation is complete for
volume volume name. The storage
During space reclamation for the indicated volume,
pool has insufficient space.
read errors occur that prevent reclamation from
System action During space reclamation for the indicated volume,
data could not be moved from the volume due to
Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
insufficient space on other volumes in the storage
reclamation processes are running, these processes
will continue the reclamation.

System action
User response
Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
If possible, determine and correct the cause of the
reclamation processes are running, these processes
read errors.
continue the reclamation.
ANR1084E Space reclamation is ended for
volume volume name. Excessive User response
write errors were encountered.
Make more space available on other volumes in the
storage pool. If necessary, define the next storage
During space reclamation for the indicated volume,
write errors occur that prevent reclamation from ANR1087E Space reclamation is ended for
continuing. volume volume name. Sufficient
recovery log space is not available.
System action
Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
reclamation processes are running, these processes During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the
will continue the reclamation. server runs out of recovery log space.

User response System action

If possible, determine and correct the cause of the Space reclamation stops.
write errors.
User response
ANR1085E Space reclamation is ended for
volume volume name. Data If necessary, make more server recovery log space
transfer was interrupted. available.
ANR1088E Space reclamation is ended for
Explanation volume volume name. Sufficient
During space reclamation for the indicated volume, a database space is not available.
data transfer operation has been interrupted and
cannot be continued. Explanation
During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the
System action server runs out of database space.
Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
reclamation processes are running, these processes System action
will continue the reclamation. Space reclamation stops.

User response User response

If possible, determine and correct the cause of the If necessary, make more server database space
interruption. available.

204 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1089E Space reclamation is ended for ANR1092E Space reclamation is ended for
volume volume name. There is a volume volume name. An internal
lock conflict. server error was detected.

Explanation Explanation
During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the
server needed to obtain a lock that is not available. server encounters an internal error.

System action System action

Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
reclamation processes are running, these processes reclamation processes are running, these processes
will continue the reclamation. will continue the reclamation.

User response User response

Wait for the server to try the reclamation again. Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
this message to determine the source of the error.
ANR1090E Space reclamation is ended for Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
volume volume name. Thread activity log and to look for messages that indicate the
resource is not available. source of the error. Correct any errors that might have
caused the space reclamation to fail and try the
Explanation operation again.
During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the ANR1093E Space reclamation is ended for
server cannot start a thread for the reclamation volume volume name. The
process. transaction is ended.

System action Explanation

Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other During space reclamation for the indicated volume, the
reclamation processes are running, these processes server detected an error while attempting to commit a
will continue the reclamation. transaction.

User response System action

Wait for the server to try the reclamation again. If the Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other
error persists, it might indicate a shortage of server reclamation processes are running, these processes
memory. will continue the reclamation.
ANR1091E Space reclamation is ended for
volume volume name. Sufficient User response
memory is not available. Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction.
ANR1094E Invalid destination storage pool
During space reclamation for the indicated volume, storage pool name specified for
there was not enough server memory available. storage of an object using data
mover data mover.
System action
Space reclamation of the volume stops. If other Explanation
reclamation processes are running, these processes While attempting to store an object using the indicated
will continue the reclamation. data mover, the server determined that the indicated
storage pool was invalid for this operation. The
User response indicated storage pool is used because it is specified
as the copy group destination of the assigned
If necessary, make more memory available to the
management class.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 205

This storage pool could be invalid for any of the User response
following reasons:
Allow the current operation to complete before
• The storage pool is not defined starting a new operation for this node and file space.
• The storage pool is a random-access storage pool ANR1096E Operation process process ID
and this operation requires a sequential-access terminated - storage media
storage pool inaccessible.
• The storage pool is not a primary storage pool
• The storage pool has a NATIVE or NONBLOCK data Explanation
format, which is not supported for this operation During the indicated operation, a required volume
• The storage pool is not a NONBLOCK data format, cannot be mounted.
which is required for server-free operations
• The data format of the storage pool does not match System action
the data format of the data mover The indicated process ends.

System action User response

The operation fails. If possible, correct the problem and restart the
User response
ANR1097E Operation process process ID
This message usually indicates a configuration terminated - data transfer
problem with either the storage pool or the policy. interrupted.
Ensure that the destination storage pool has
appropriate attributes, including data format, for this
operation. Check the copy group of the assigned
management class. If the destination is incorrect, During the indicated operation, a data transfer
either assign a new management class, or change the operation is interrupted and cannot be continued.
destination in the copy group and activate the changed
policy. Also, consider whether you must define a new System action
storage pool or data mover.
The indicated process ends.
ANR1095E Data mover operation for node
node name and file space filespace User response
name cannot be started - an
operation involving this node and If possible, correct the problem and restart the
file space is already in progress. operation.
ANR1098E Operation process process ID
Explanation terminated - file deleted from data
A request has been made to use a data mover to storage during retrieval.
perform an operation involving the indicated node and
file space. The indicated file space was either specified Explanation
as the source for a backup operation or the destination
During the indicated operation, a file was deleted from
location for a restore operation. However, a data
data storage during retrieval.
mover operation involving that node and file space is
already in progress; the indicated file space is either
the source for a currently running backup operation or System action
is the destination for a currently running restore The indicated process ends.
operation. To avoid possible conflicts, the new
operation is not performed.
User response

System action None.

The operation fails. ANR1099E Operation process process ID

terminated - thread resource not

206 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
During the indicated operation, the server cannot start The server attempts to mount the removable volume.
a thread.
User response
System action
Respond to any mount request for the indicated
The indicated process ends. volume.
ANR1104E Operation process process ID
User response terminated - NAS datamover NAS
The problem may indicate a shortage of memory. If datamover name reported NDMP
necessary, make more memory available to the server, session errors.
and then restart the operation.
ANR1100I Migration started for volume
volume name, storage pool storage During the indicated operation, the NDMP session with
pool name (process number the NAS file server reported errors which prevent the
process ID). operation from continuing.

Explanation System action

Because the high migration threshold for the indicated The indicated process ends.
storage pool has been exceeded, migration of files
from the volume shown begins. User response
For details about how to identify the cause of the
System action
terminated NDMP operations, see the NAS file-server
The system moves the data from this volume to the documentation. Check the NDMP logs for the NAS file
next (target) pool. server and, if possible, correct the cause of the errors
and restart the operation.
User response ANR1106W An incorrect destination storage
None. pool storage pool name was
specified for storing a table of
ANR1101I Migration ended for volume contents for an image. A table of
volume name. contents will not be created for
the image.
Because the low migration threshold for the indicated Explanation
storage pool has been reached, migration of files from While attempting to store an image object, the server
the indicated volume ends. determined that the indicated table of contents (TOC)
destination storage pool was invalid. The indicated
System action storage pool is used because it is specified as the copy
group TOC destination of the assigned management

User response This storage pool could be invalid for any of the
following reasons:
• The storage pool is not defined
ANR1102I Removable volume volume name is
• The storage pool is not a primary storage pool
required for migration.
• The storage pool has a data format other than
During migration processing, the server determines System action
that a removable volume is required in order to
complete processing. The operation continues because TOC creation is
preferred, but not required. A TOC will not be created
for the stored image object.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 207

User response System action
This message usually indicates a configuration The operation continues because TOC creation is
problem with either the storage pool or the policy. preferred, but not required. A TOC will not be created
Ensure that the TOC destination storage pool has for the stored image object.
appropriate attributes, including data format. Check
the copy group of the assigned management class. If User response
the TOC destination is incorrect, either assign a new
management class, or change the TOC destination in Look for previous messages giving a specific reason for
the copy group and activate the changed policy. the failure. Take corrective action as appropriate.

ANR1107E An incorrect destination storage ANR1109W Command: A table of contents was

pool storage pool name was requested, but there is no table of
specified for storage of a table of contents destination storage pool
contents for an image object. The specified. The table of contents
backup operation fails. will not be created, but the
operation continues.
While attempting to store an image object, the server
determined that the indicated table of contents (TOC) While preparing to create a table of contents (TOC),
destination storage pool was invalid. The indicated the server determined that the TOC destination
storage pool is used because it is specified as the copy storage pool is not specified in the backup copy group
group TOC destination of the assigned management for the assigned management class.
System action
This storage pool could be invalid for any of the
following reasons: The operation continues because TOC creation is
preferred, but not required. A TOC will not be created.
• The storage pool is not defined
• The storage pool is not a primary storage pool User response
• The storage pool has a data format other than
This message indicates a configuration problem with
the policy. Either assign a new management class with
appropriate attributes, or correct the assigned
System action management class by setting the TOC destination in
The operation fails. the backup copy group and activating the changed
User response ANR1110E Command: A table of contents was
This message usually indicates a configuration requested, but there is no table of
problem with either the storage pool or the policy. contents destination storage pool
Ensure that the TOC destination storage pool has specified. The table of contents
appropriate attributes, including data format. Check can not be created and the
the copy group of the assigned management class. If operation fails.
the TOC destination is incorrect, either assign a new
management class, or change the TOC destination in Explanation
the copy group and activate the changed policy.
While preparing to create a table of contents (TOC),
ANR1108W The server is unable to create a the server determined that the TOC destination
table of contents for node node storage pool is not specified in the backup copy group
name, file space file space in for the assigned management class.
storage pool storage pool name.
System action
Explanation The operation fails.
While attempting to create a table of contents (TOC)
for the specified node and file space in the indicated User response
TOC destination pool, a failure occurred.
This message indicates a configuration problem with
the policy. Either assign a new management class with

208 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

appropriate attributes, or correct the assigned Explanation
management class by setting the TOC destination in
While preparing to create a table of contents (TOC),
the backup copy group and activating the changed
the server determined that the TOC destination
policy. If a TOC is not required, change the value of the
storage pool is not specified in the backup copy group
TOC parameter on the command.
for the assigned management class.
ANR1111E Command: An incorrect message
number, message number, was System action
The operation fails.
User response
DISABLE command has been entered that specifies an This message indicates a configuration problem with
invalid message number. Messages must be between the policy. Either assign a new management class with
3 and 8 digits. No letters are allowed on message appropriate attributes, or correct the assigned
numbers. management class by setting the TOC destination in
the backup copy group and activating the changed
policy. If a TOC is not required, change the value of the
System action TOC parameter on the command.
The server does not process the command.
ANR1114E Command: No nodes or data types
are eligible for a backup set
User response operation.
Reissue the command with a valid message number.
ANR1112W Command: No table of contents
destination storage pool available None of the specified nodes or data types are eligible
for backup set for node Node name to be included in the backup set for the GENERATE
(data type data type). The table of BACKUPSET or DEFINE BACKUPSET command.
contents will not be created.
System action
Explanation The operation fails.
While preparing to create a table of contents (TOC),
the server determined that the TOC destination User response
storage pool is not specified in the backup copy group
for the assigned management class. Check previous messages for problem determination
System action ANR1115W Error initiating migration for
storage pool storage pool name -
The operation continues because TOC creation is
lock conflict.
preferred, but not required. A TOC will not be created.

User response
While trying to start migration for the indicated storage
This message indicates a configuration problem with
pool, the server needs to obtain a lock that is not
the policy. Either assign a new management class with
appropriate attributes, or correct the assigned
management class by setting the TOC destination in
the backup copy group and activating the changed System action
policy. Migration stops. The server waits for the retry period
ANR1113E Command: No table of contents to expire and then tries the migration again.
destination storage pool available
for backup set for node Node name User response
(data type data type). The backup Wait for the server to retry the migration.
set will not be generated.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 209

ANR1116W Error initiating migration for Explanation
storage pool storage pool name - You requested a table of contents to be generated for
sufficient memory is not available. the specified backup set and data type, but the table
of contents already exists.
While trying to start migration for the indicated storage System action
pool, there is not enough server memory available. The server will not generate a table of contents for this
backup set and data type.
System action
Migration stops. The server waits for the retry period User response
to expire and then tries the migration again. If the specified backup set name and data type are not
correct, re-issue the command with the correct
User response parameters.
If necessary, make more memory available to the ANR1120W Migration is ended for volume
server. volume name. The process is
ANR1117W Error initiating migration for canceled.
storage pool storage pool name -
internal server error detected. Explanation
During migration for the indicated volume, the process
Explanation performing the migration has been canceled.
While trying to start migration for the indicated storage
pool, the server encounters an internal error. System action
The migration process stops. If other migration
System action processes are running, these processes will continue
Migration stops. The server waits for the retry period migration.
to expire and then tries the migration again.
User response
User response None.
Contact your service representative. ANR1121E Migration is ended for volume
ANR1118I Command: Table of contents volume name - storage. Media is
successfully generated for node inaccessible.
Node name, backup set backup set
name. Explanation
During migration for the indicated volume a required
Explanation volume cannot be mounted.
You requested a table of contents to be generated for
the specified backup set and data type. The table of System action
contents was successfully generated. Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
processes are running, these processes will continue
System action migration.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response One possible cause for this failure is that the access
None. state for the target volume or storage pool for this
operation is not set to READWRITE. Check the access
ANR1119W Command: Table of contents state for the requested output volume and storage
already exists for node Node pool and ensure they are set to ACCESS=READWRITE.
name, backup set backup set name
(data type data type). The table of ANR1122E Migration is ended for volume
contents will not be created. volume name. An insufficient

210 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

number of mount points are Explanation
available for removable media.
During migration for the indicated volume a data
transfer operation was interrupted and could not be
Explanation continued.
During migration for the indicated volume the server
could not allocate sufficient mount points for the System action
volumes required.
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
processes are running, these processes will continue
System action migration.
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
processes are running, these processes will continue User response
If possible, determine and correct the cause of the
User response
ANR1126E Migration is ended for volume
If necessary, make more mount points available. volume name. There is insufficient
ANR1123E Migration is ended for volume space in subordinate storage
volume name. Excessive read pools.
errors were encountered.
Explanation During migration for the indicated volume, the server
During migration for the indicated volume, read errors cannot move the data from the volume because there
occurred that prevent the migration from continuing. is not enough space on the next storage pool, or the
next storage pool is not defined.
System action
System action
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
processes are running, these processes will continue Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
migration. processes are running, these processes will continue
User response
User response
If possible, correct the cause of the read errors.
Ensure that the next storage pool is defined, and make
ANR1124E Migration is ended for volume more space available in the next storage pool. Use the
volume name. Excessive write UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the next
errors were encountered. storage pool to one with more space.
ANR1127E Migration is ended for volume
volume name. - The server is
During migration for the indicated volume, write errors unable to move files to
occurred that prevent the migration from continuing. subordinate storage pools because
the files are too large.
System action
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
processes are running, these processes will continue During migration for the indicated volume, the server
migration. cannot move the data from the volume because a file
size is larger than allowed on the next storage pool.
User response
System action
If possible, correct the cause of the write errors.
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
ANR1125E Migration is ended for volume processes are running, these processes will continue
volume name. Data transfer is migration.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 211

User response ANR1131E Migration is ended for volume
volume name. A thread resource is
Use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the
not available.
next storage pool maximum file size or to change the
next storage pool target.
ANR1128E Migration is ended for volume
volume name. Sufficient recovery During migration for the indicated volume, the server
log space is not available. cannot start a thread for the migration process.

Explanation System action

During migration for the indicated volume, the server Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
runs out of recovery log space. processes are running, these processes will continue
System action
User response
Migration stops.
Wait for the server to try the migration again. If the
error persists, it might indicate a shortage of server
User response
If necessary, make more server recovery log space
ANR1132E Migration is ended for volume
volume name. Sufficient memory is
ANR1129E Migration is ended for volume not available.
volume name. Sufficient database
space is not available. Explanation
During migration for the indicated volume, there is not
enough server memory available.
During migration for the indicated volume pool, the
server runs out of database space. System action
Migration stops.
System action
Migration stops. User response
If necessary, make more memory available to the
User response
If necessary, make more server database space
ANR1133E Migration is ended for volume
volume name. An internal server
ANR1130E Migration is ended for volume error is detected.
volume name. There is a lock
conflict. Explanation
During migration for the indicated volume, the server
encounters an internal error.
During migration for the indicated volume, the server
needs to obtain a lock that is not available. System action
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration
System action
processes are running, these processes will continue
Migration of the volume stops. If other migration migration.
processes are running, these processes will continue
migration. User response
Contact your service representative.
User response
ANR1134E Migration is ended for storage pool
Wait for the server to try the migration again.
storage pool name. There is an
insufficient number of mount

212 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

points available for removable ANR1137E Operation process process ID
media. terminated - object excluded by
size in destination storage pool
Explanation and all successor pools.

During migration for the indicated storage pool the

server could not allocate sufficient mount points in the
next storage pool. During the indicated operation, the size of a file sent
from the client node is larger than that allowed in the
System action destination storage pool. No successor storage pools
can accept the large file.
Migration stops. The server waits for the retry period
to expire and then tries the migration again.
System action

User response The indicated process ends.

If necessary, make more mount points available.

User response
ANR1135E Migration is ended for volume
Increase the maximum file size for one or more of the
volume name. The transaction is
storage pools in the storage hierarchy to
accommodate the file. An authorized administrator
can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the
Explanation UPDATE STGPOOL command.
During migration for the indicated volume, the server ANR1139E The command name command
detected an error while attempting to commit a failed because some data was
transaction. missing.

System action Explanation

Migration of the volume stops. If other migration An attempt to gather database statistics from the
processes are running, these processes will continue database manager failed. This failure can occur if
migration. either of these conditions is met:
• The buffer pool monitor switch
User response
(DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) has been set to 'OFF.' The
Check for additional messages and eliminate the buffer pool monitor switch controls the collection of
condition that caused the failed transaction. database statistics.
ANR1136W Operation process process ID • The file systems or drives are in a remote network.
completed - There is no data to There might be a network problem causing the
process for the differential backup server fail to collect the statistics of those volumes.
of NAS node node name, file space
file space. System action
The command fails, and the server operation
Explanation continues.
The NAS file server reported zero bytes stored at the
conclusion of an NDMP backup of the specified file User response
space. The command ends without updating the
Take one of the following actions, and then try running
server's database.
the QUERY DBSPACE command again:

System action • Stop and restart the server.

The indicated process ends. • Set the buffer pool monitor switch to 'ON' using this
Db2 command: 'db2 update dbm cfg using
User response
• If you cannot obtain drive or file system statistics by
None. running operating system commands, fix the
problem, then try running the command again.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 213

ANR1140I Move data process started for It is possible that the server may issue this message
volume volume name (process ID more than once while the server is ending this process.
process ID).
System action
Explanation The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
As a result of a MOVE DATA command, a process
begins to move data from the volume shown. User response
System action
ANR1144W Move data process terminated for
The server moves all data from the volume.
volume volume name - storage
media inaccessible.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR1141I Move data process ended for During move data processing for the indicated volume,
volume volume name. a required volume cannot be mounted.

Explanation System action

The MOVE DATA command for the volume shown The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
User response
System action None.
ANR1145W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - insufficient
User response number of mount points available
None. for removable media.

ANR1142I Moving data for collocation cluster Explanation

cluster number of total clusters on
volume volume name. During move data processing for the indicated volume,
the server could not allocate sufficient mount points
Explanation for the volumes required.

As a result of a MOVE DATA command, data moves System action

from the volume indicated to new volumes; the
message shows the total number of clusters (data The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
objects) on the volume and the current cluster being
processed. User response
If necessary, make more mount points available.
System action
ANR1146W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - excessive
read errors encountered.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR1143W Move data process terminated for During move data processing for the indicated volume,
volume volume name - process read errors occurred that prevented the move from
canceled. continuing.

Explanation System action

During move data processing for the indicated volume, The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
the process performing the move data was canceled.

214 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
If possible, correct the cause of the read errors and Make more space available in the next storage pool, or
then reissue the MOVE DATA command. specify a storage pool with more space, and reissue
the MOVE DATA command.
ANR1147W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - excessive ANR1150W Move data process terminated for
write errors encountered. volume volume name - unable to
move file to target storage pool
Explanation due to exclusion by size.

During move data processing for the indicated volume,

write errors occurred that prevented the move from
continuing. During move data processing for the indicated volume,
the server cannot move the data from the volume
System action because a file size is larger than allowed on the next
storage pool.
The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
System action
User response
The server ends the MOVE DATA or MOVE NODEDATA
If possible, correct the cause of the write errors and command.
then reissue the MOVE DATA command.
ANR1148W Move data process terminated for User response
volume volume name - data Use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the
transfer interrupted. next storage pool maximum file size or to change the
next storage pool target, and then reissue the MOVE
Explanation DATA or MOVE NODEDATA command.
During move data processing for the indicated volume ANR1151W Move data process terminated for
a data transfer operation was interrupted and could volume volume name - sufficient
not be continued. recovery log space is not available.

System action Explanation

The server ends the MOVE DATA command. During move data processing for the indicated volume,
the server runs out of recovery log space.
User response
If possible, determine and correct the cause of the System action
interruption. The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
ANR1149W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - insufficient User response
space in target storage pool. If necessary, make more server recovery log space
ANR1152W Move data process terminated for
During move data processing for the indicated volume, volume volume name - sufficient
the server cannot move the data from the volume, database space is not available.
because there is not enough space on the destination
storage pool to hold it or the access for the storage
pool is either unavailable or readonly.
During move data processing for the indicated volume,
System action the server runs out of database space.

The server ends the MOVE DATA command.

System action
The server ends the MOVE DATA command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 215

User response System action
If necessary, make more server database space The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
ANR1153W Move data process terminated for User response
volume volume name - lock If necessary, make more memory available to the
conflict. server, and then reissue the MOVE DATA command.
ANR1156W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - internal
During move data processing, the server was unable to server error detected.
obtain the volume specified because a lock was not
available or a restartable restore is active for data on Explanation
the volume and has it locked. .
During move data processing for the indicated volume,
the server encounters an internal error.
System action
The server ends the MOVE DATA command. System action
The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
User response
Check for restartable restores by issuing the QUERY User response
RESTORE command. If the volume specified contains
any data from the node and filespace identifed by the Contact your service representative.
QUERY RESTORE command, the MOVE DATA ANR1157I Removable volume volume name is
command will fail. The restartable restores must required for move process.
complete or be cancelled before the MOVE DATA
command can succeed.
If the volume does not contain data from the node and
filespace identified by the QUERY RESTORE command, During move data or move node data processing, the
the reissue the MOVE DATA command. server determines that the indicated removable
volume is required in order to complete processing.
ANR1154W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - thread System action
resource not available.
The server attempts to mount the removable volume.
User response
During move data processing for the indicated volume,
the server cannot start a thread for the migration Respond to any mount request for the indicated
process. volume.
ANR1160W Transaction was aborted for
System action volume volume name.
The server ends the MOVE DATA command.
User response An error was detected during transaction commit. This
Reissue the MOVE DATA command. If the error message should be preceded by other messages that
persists, it may indicate a shortage of server memory. give additional information about the failed
ANR1155W Move data process terminated for
volume volume name - sufficient System action
memory is not available.
The activity that generated this error fails.
User response
During move data processing for the indicated volume,
there is not enough server memory available. Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction. If the

216 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your aggregate status if the entire aggregate is found to be
service representative. undamaged. If this volume is in a primary storage pool
that has previously been backed up to a copy storage
ANR1161W The move process is skipping a
pool, attempt to restore damaged files by using the
damaged file on volume volume
name: Node node name, Type file
type, File space filespace name, ANR1163W Offsite volume volume name still
File name file name. contains files which could not be
During the move process, a file is encountered that
was previously found to be damaged. If this file is part During processing of a MOVE DATA command or
of an aggregate, the entire aggregate was previously reclamation, the server determined that the indicated
marked damaged, possibly because an error was offsite volume contained one or more files that could
detected for some other file within the aggregate. not be moved. One or more files could not be copied
from the other available volumes.
System action The server might not move some files if the storage
The damaged file is not moved. pool is collocated and the volume being moved or
reclaimed contains files that require different output
volumes. The server will skip these files and no
User response
messages are issued identifying the skipped files. The
Perform the following actions: files are skipped to honor the collocation attribute of
the storage pool.
• Audit the indicated volume with FIX=NO to verify
that the file is damaged. The audit will reset the file If the files in the storage pool are deduplicated, they
status if the file is found to be undamaged during the could be skipped due to the unavailability of an on-site
audit. If the file is part of an aggregate, the audit will copy. This can occur if the file has been logically
reset the aggregate status if the entire aggregate is deleted from all other storage pools due to either
found to be undamaged. policy retention settings, or explicit deletion, but must
• If this volume is in a primary storage pool that has remain in the offsite storage pool due to deduplication
previously been backed up to a copy storage pool, dependencies.
attempt to restore damaged files by using the
RESTORE STGPOOL command. System action

ANR1162W Space reclamation skipping None.

damaged file on volume volume
name: Node node name, Type file User response
type, File space filespace name,
Check for messages that indicate why files could not
File name file name.
be moved. To complete the move operation, you have
several options:
• Bring the volume back on-site and reissue a MOVE
During reclamation, a file is encountered that was DATA command to reclaim the volume. If the
previously found to be damaged. If this file is part of storage pool is deduplicated and all primary storage
an aggregate, the entire aggregate was previously pool volumes are available, this is the recommended
marked damaged, possibly because an integrity error solution.
was detected for some other file within the aggregate.
• Make the primary volumes available and reissue a
MOVE DATA command to reclaim the volume.
System action
• Delete the files by using the DELETE VOLUME
The damaged file is not moved. command.
If the server is skipping files to honor the collocation
User response
attribute of the storage pool, run the MOVE DATA
Audit the indicated volume with FIX=NO to verify that command, or wait until reclamation runs again. In
the file is damaged. The audit will reset the file status either case, the server will move files to the
if the file is found to be undamaged during the audit. If appropriate output volumes until the volume being
the file is part of an aggregate, the audit will reset the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 217

moved or reclaimed is empty. It might take more than User response
one attempt to totally empty the volume.
The indicated storage pool is a primary pool that
ANR1165E Error detected for file in storage contains a damaged copy of the file. The only usable
pool storage pool name: Node node copy of the file may now only reside on the offsite
name, Type file type, File space volume that was involved in the move data process. If
filespace name, fsId filespace id, you bring this volume back onsite, you can recreate
File name file name. the file in the primary pool by using the RESTORE
STGPOOL command. After the restore, you can reissue
Explanation the MOVE DATA command.

The server has detected an error for the indicated file. ANR1167E Space reclamation for offsite
volume volume name cannot copy
damaged file in storage pool
System action
storage pool name: Node node
The file will be marked damaged in the server name, Type file type, File space
database, and will not be accessed for future filespace name,fsId filespace id ,
operations. If this file is part of an aggregate, the File name file name.
entire aggregate will be marked damaged. If a usable
copy of the file exists in another storage pool, that Explanation
copy may be accessed for future operations involving
the file. A reclamation process of offsite volumes cannot locate
an undamaged copy of the specified file in any storage
pool accessible by the server. If this file is part of an
User response
aggregate, the process could not locate an undamaged
If the indicated storage pool is a primary pool, and a copy of the aggregate to which the file belongs.
usable copy of the file exists in a copy storage pool,
you can recreate the file in the primary pool using the System action
RESTORE STGPOOL command. If the indicated storage
pool is a copy storage pool, it is possible that the The file is skipped and will not be moved from the
primary copy of the file is usable, but was not offsite volume.
accessed because the access mode for the primary
storage pool or volume is unavailable. If this is the User response
case, the primary copy of the file may be made
The indicated storage pool is a primary pool that
accessible by changing the access mode of the
contains a damaged copy of the file. The only usable
primary pool or volume.
copy of the file may now only reside on an offsite
ANR1166E Move Data for offsite volume volume that was involved in the reclamation process,
cannot copy damaged file in but was not totally reclaimed. If you bring this volume
storage pool storage pool name: back onsite, you can recreate the file in the primary
Node node name, Type file type, pool by using the RESTORE STGPOOL command.
File space filespace name, fsId
ANR1168W Migration skipping damaged file
filespace id, File name file name.
on volume volume name: Node
node name, Type file type, File
Explanation space filespace name, fsId
A move data process for an offsite volume cannot filespace id, File name file name.
locate an undamaged copy of the specified file in any
storage pool accessible by the server. If this file is part Explanation
of an aggregate, the process could not locate an
During migration, a file is encountered that was
undamaged copy of the aggregate to which the file
previously found to be damaged. If this file is part of
an aggregate, the entire aggregate was previously
marked damaged, possibly because an integrity error
System action was detected for some other file within the aggregate.
The file will skipped and will not be moved from the
offsite volume. System action
The damaged file will not be moved.

218 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Audit the indicated volume with FIX=NO to verify that During movement of data (migration, reclamation,
the file is damaged. The audit will reset the file status move data) from a sequential volume, one or more
if the file is found to be undamaged during the audit. If files were encountered that were locked by a restore
the file is part of an aggregate, the audit will reset the operation.
aggregate status if the entire aggregate is found to be
undamaged. If this volume is in a primary storage pool System action
that has previously been backed up to a copy storage
pool, you can also attempt to restore damaged files by The files are not moved, but are skipped.
using the RESTORE STGPOOL command.
User response
ANR1169W Lock conflict on movement of
offsite file - file is skipped. Use the QUERY RESTORE FORMAT=DETAILED
command to determine if the restore operation is
Explanation active or is in restartable state. A restartable restore
operation will keep the files locked from movement
During migration, reclamation, or move data until the RESTOREINTERVAL is reached. QUERY
processing of a volume that is offsite, a copy of the file OPTION will display this interval. You may wish to
that resides in a primary disk storage pool is locked by lower the RESTOREINTERVAL to cause a restartable
another process. restore operation to be removed and free up the
locked files. The RESTOREINTERVAL is a server
System action option. If you received this message due to a MOVE
DATA operation, reissue the MOVE DATA command
The file is skipped and the process will try to find after the restore operation has completed in order to
another copy of the file in a copy storage pool. If move any remaining files.
another copy cannot be used, the move operation on
the volume may be incomplete. ANR1172E Move Data for offsite volume
cannot copy file in storage pool
User response storage pool name: Node node
name, Type file type, File space
If a move operation was incomplete, try repeating the filespace name, fsId filespace id,
operation. File name file name.
ANR1170E Out of Space in target copy
storage pool: copy storage pool Explanation
name. A move data process for an offsite volume cannot
locate a copy of the specified file in any storage pool
Explanation accessible by the server. If this file is part of an
During reclamation, or move data processing of a aggregate, the process could not locate copy of the
volume that is offsite, there was no volume available in aggregate to which the file belongs on an accessible
the specified target copy storage pool. volume.

System action System action

The operation is terminated. The file will skipped and will not be moved from the
offsite volume.
User response
User response
Define volumes to the copy storage pool or raise the
MAXSCRATCH value. The indicated storage pool is a primary pool that
should contain a primary copy of the file. Perhaps the
ANR1171W Unable to move files associated volume on which that file resides is on a destroyed
with node node name, filespace volume. The only usable copy of the file may now only
filespace name fsId filespace id on reside on the offsite volume that was involved in the
volume volume name due to move data process. If you bring this volume back
restore in progress. onsite, you can recreate the file in the primary pool by
using the RESTORE STGPOOL command. After the
restore, you can reissue the MOVE DATA command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 219

ANR1173E Space reclamation for offsite These files were skipped because of read errors, or
volume(s) cannot copy file in because the files are marked damaged.
storage pool storage pool name:
Node node name, Type file type, System action
File space filespace name, fsId
filespace id, File name file name. The volume is marked unavailable so it will not be
chosen again for reclamation.
User response
A reclamation process of offsite volumes cannot locate
a copy of the specified file in any storage pool • Use the UPDATE VOLUME command to set the
accessible by the server. If this file is part of an volume access to readonly.
aggregate, the process could not locate a copy of the • Try using the MOVE DATA command to manually
aggregate to which the file belongs on an accessible reclaim the volume.
volume. • If files still exist on the volume, audit the volume
System action • Try using the MOVE DATA command again.
The file is skipped and will not be moved from the • Use the RESTORE VOLUME command to restore files
offsite volume. marked damaged.

User response ANR1176I Moving data for collocation set set

number of total sets on volume
The indicated storage pool is a primary pool that volume name.
should contain a copy of the file. Perhaps the volume
on which that file resides is on a destroyed volume. Explanation
The only usable copy of the file may now only reside
on an offsite volume that was involved in the As a result of a move operations, such as MOVE DATA,
reclamation process, but was not totally reclaimed. If MOVE NODEDATA, migration, or reclamation, the
you bring this volume back onsite, you can recreate server is moving data from the volume indicated to
the file in the primary pool by using the RESTORE new volumes. This message shows the total sets of
STGPOOL command. data on the volume to be processed. Depending upon
the collocation setting of the destination storage pool,
ANR1174W One or more cached files were not a set can be file spaces that belong to the same
deleted on volume volume name. collocation group, file spaces for a node, or a single
The MOVE DATA command could not delete one or System action
more cached files on the disk volume shown. Migration None.
was probably running at the same time, creating
cached files while the MOVE DATA command was
User response
trying to delete them.
System action ANR1178I Copying active files from primary
The MOVE DATA command ran to completion. storage pool primary pool name to
active data pool active data pool
User response name started as process process
If you want the remaining cached files removed from
the disk volume, reissue the MOVE DATA command. Explanation
ANR1175W Volume volume name contains files A process has been started to copy active data from a
which could not be reclaimed. primary storage pool to the indicated active data.

After reclamation of the indicated volume, it still
contains one or more files that could not be reclaimed.

220 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
For every noncached, active file in the primary pool, a A restore request will need a removable volume. This
copy is made in the active data pool, if a copy of that message is issued as soon as the server determines
file does not already exist. that the volume will be needed. A mount request will
be made when the volume is actually needed for
User response processing. When the first pass determination of
needed volumes is complete, message ANR1183I will
None. be issued. However, it is possible that additional
ANR1179I Preview of copying active files volumes will be needed later, as indicated in the
from primary storage pool primary explanation for message ANR1183I. This message is
pool name to active data pool not issued for DISK device class volumes nor is it
active data pool name started as issued for FILE device class volumes.
process process ID.
System action
Explanation The server continues processing.
A preview process has been started to copy active
data from a primary storage pool to the indicated User response
active data pool. Respond to any mount request for the indicated
System action
ANR1183I Initial determination of removable
Preview information about the COPY ACTIVEDATA volumes required for a restore
operation is collected and displayed, but files are not request from session session id is
copied. complete. Additional volumes may
still be required.
User response
None. Explanation

ANR1181E Diagnostic(ID): Data storage The first pass determination of needed volumes is
transaction transaction ID was complete for the indicated restore session. It is
aborted. possible that additional volumes will be needed as
individual objects are restored. This can happen for a
variety of reasons. Examples of such reasons include:
Explanation 1. An object spanning from one volume to another,
A database transaction failed because of an error that where the second volume is not needed for any other
was detected during data storage processing. This objects during this restore session. 2. An object is
message should be preceded by other messages that found to be damaged and a copy storage pool volume
give additional information about the failed is needed to complete the restore. 3. A volume is
transaction. unavailable and a copy storage pool volume is needed
to complete the restore.
System action
System action
The server operation that encountered this error
during data storage processing fails. The server continues processing.

User response User response

Check for additional messages and eliminate the Respond to any mount request for any additional
condition that caused the failed transaction. volumes.

ANR1182I Removable volume volume name is ANR1184I Copy active data process process
required for a restore request from ID ended for storage pool storage
session session id. pool name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 221

Explanation Explanation
A COPY ACTIVEDATA process for the named primary During processing of a COPY ACTIVEDATA command,
storage pool has ended. the server determines that a removable volume is
System action
System action
Unless this is a preview process, the server attempts
User response to mount the removable volume.

User response
ANR1185I Copy active data process process Respond to any mount request for the indicated
ID terminated for storage pool volume.
storage pool name - process
canceled. ANR1199I Removable volume volume name is
required for audit process.
While copying active data from the indicated primary
storage pool, a process performing the operation has During audit volume processing for the indicated
been canceled. volume, the server determines that a removable
volume is required in order to complete processing.
System action
System action
If other copy active data processes are executing for
the named storage pool, these processes continue. The server attempts to mount the removable volume.

User response User response

None. Respond to any mount request for the indicated
ANR1186I Restore of node nodename, file
system file system, started as ANR1210I Backup of primary storage pool
process process ID by primary pool name to copy storage
administrator administrator. A full pool copy pool name started as
image for this file system will be process process ID.
restored to destination
destination. Explanation
A process has been started to back up a primary
storage pool to the indicated copy storage pool.
The administrator initiates a restore of the node's file
system. The restore will be performed using a full System action
image of this file system. The file system will be
restored to the indicated destination. For every noncached file in the primary pool, a backup
copy is made in the copy pool, if a copy of that file
does not already exist.
System action
The indicated process is started. User response
User response
ANR1211I Backup preview of primary
storage pool primary pool name to
ANR1189I Removable volume volume name is copy storage pool copy pool name
required for copying active data. started as process process ID.

222 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation unreadable files. Unreadable
bytes: number of unreadable bytes.
A preview process has been started to back up a
primary storage pool to the indicated copy storage
pool. Explanation
Backup processing for the specified storage pool
System action ended with the displayed results.
Preview information about the backup operation is
collected and displayed, but files are not backed up. System action
User response
None. User response

ANR1212I Backup process process ID ended Examine previous messages to determine whether all
for storage pool storage pool name. backup processes ended successfully.
ANR1215I The backup preview of the primary
Explanation pool name primary storage pool to
the copy pool name copy storage
A backup process for the named primary storage pool
pool is complete. Number of files
has ended.
backed up: number of backed up
files. Number of bytes backed up:
System action number of backed up bytes.
None. Number of deduplicated bytes
backed up: number of backed up
dedup bytes.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR1213I Backup process process ID Backup preview processing for the specified storage
terminated for storage pool pool ended with the displayed results.
storage pool name - process
canceled. System action

Explanation None.

During backup of the indicated primary storage pool, a User response

process performing the backup has been canceled.
No action is required.
System action ANR1216E Command: Process process ID
If other backup processes are executing for the named terminated - storage media
storage pool, these processes continue. inaccessible.

User response Explanation

None. During backup processing, a required volume could

not be mounted.
ANR1214I The backup of the primary pool
name primary storage pool to the System action
copy pool name copy storage pool
is complete. Number of files The indicated backup process ends.
backed up: number of backed up
files. Number of bytes backed up: User response
number of backed up bytes.
Deduplicated bytes backed up: None.
number of backed up dedup bytes. ANR1217E Command: Process process ID
Unreadable files: number of stopped - insufficient number of

Chapter 3. ANR messages 223

mount points available for ANR1220E Command: Process process ID
removable media. terminated - data transfer
During backup processing, the server could not
allocate sufficient mount points for the volumes During backup processing, a data transfer operation
required. was interrupted and could not be continued.

System action System action

The indicated backup process ends. The indicated backup process ends.

User response User response

If necessary, make more mount points available. To If possible, correct the cause of the interruption and
prevent sessions or processes from having to wait for reissue the backup command.
a mount point, increase the value of the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter in the device-class definition. Set the value ANR1221E Command: Process process ID
of the MOUNTLIMIT parameter high enough to allow terminated - insufficient space in
all server processes using deduplicated storage pools target storage pool pool name.
to open the number of volumes specified by the
NUMOPENVOLSALLOWED option. Explanation

ANR1218E Command: Process process ID During backup processing, the server cannot copy data
terminated - excessive read errors to the specified copy or active-data storage pool
encountered. because not enough space is available in the specified
copy or active-data storage pool, or, the access for the
copy or active-data storage pool is either unavailable
or readonly.
During backup processing, read errors occur that
prevent the backup from continuing. System action
The indicated backup process ends.
System action
The indicated backup process ends. User response
Make more space available in the copy or active-data
User response
storage pool and reissue the backup command, or
If possible, correct the cause of the read errors and reissue the backup command and specify another
reissue the backup command. copy or active-data storage pool with more space.
ANR1219E Command: Process process ID ANR1222E Command: Process process ID was
terminated - excessive write terminated because of insufficient
errors encountered. recovery log space.

Explanation Explanation
During backup processing, write errors occur that If a log runs out of space, the current transaction is
prevent the backup from continuing. rolled back. The server issues an error message and
halts. You cannot restart the server until the recovery
System action log size is increased.

The indicated backup process ends.

System action

User response The server halts.

If possible, correct the cause of the write errors and

User response
reissue the backup command.
Monitor archive logs and active logs. If the recovery log
space is insufficient, monitor the archive log space

224 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

first. If the archive log space is full or nearly full, run a User response
full database backup to remove archive logs and
Reissue the backup command. If the error persists, it
consider adding more disk space to the archive log
may indicate a shortage of server memory.
directory. If the archive log space is not full and the
active log space is full or nearly full, update the value ANR1226E Command: Process process ID
of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option in the dsmserv.opt file. terminated - sufficient memory is
Set the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option to the new not available.
maximum size of the active log.
ANR1223E Command: Process process ID was Explanation
terminated because of insufficient During backup processing, not enough server memory
database space. is available.

Explanation System action

During backup processing, the server runs out of The indicated backup process ends.
database space.
User response
System action
If necessary, make more memory available to the
The specified backup process ends. server, and then reissue the backup command.

User response ANR1227E Command: Process process ID

terminated - internal server error
To increase the amount of database space that is detected.
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
command. Add one or more directories to the Explanation
During backup processing, the server encounters an
ANR1224E Command: Process process ID internal error.
terminated - lock conflict.
System action
The indicated backup process ends.
During backup processing, the server needs to obtain a
lock that is not available.
User response

System action Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
this message to determine the source of the error.
The indicated backup process ends. Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages that indicate the
User response source of the error.
Reissue the backup command. ANR1228I Removable volume volume name is
required for storage pool backup.
ANR1225E Command: Process process ID
terminated - thread resource not
available. Explanation
During processing of a BACKUP STGPOOL command,
Explanation the server determines that a removable volume is
During backup processing, the server cannot start a
System action
System action Unless this is a preview process, the server attempts
to mount the removable volume.
The indicated backup process ends.

User response
Respond to any mount request for the indicated

Chapter 3. ANR messages 225

ANR1229W Volume volume name is System action
inaccessible therefore it cannot be Non-cached files that reside in the named primary
backed up to a copy storage pool storage pool are restored if either of the following
or copied to an active-data storage
criteria are met:
• The file is stored on a volume whose access mode is
Explanation destroyed
• The primary file has been identified as having data-
During storage pool backup or the copying of active
integrity errors during a previous operation
data, the contents of a volume cannot be backed up or
copied if one of the following conditions exists:
User response
• The volume is offline.
• The volume is in use by another process.
• The volume cannot be mounted. ANR1231I Restore preview of primary
storage pool primary pool name
• The access mode of the volume does not allow the started as process process ID.
System action
A preview process has been started to restore a
The server continues backup processing, but skips the primary storage pool.
indicated volume.
System action
User response
Preview information about the restore operation is
Take one of the following actions: collected and displayed, but files are not restored. The
• If the volume is offline, issue the VARY ONLINE restore preview includes noncached files that reside in
command for the indicated volume. the specified primary storage pool and that meet
either of the following conditions:
• If the access mode of the volume is unavailable,
issue the UPDATE VOLUME command to change the • The file is stored on a volume whose access mode is
access mode to readwrite or readonly. If the access destroyed
mode of the volume is destroyed, verify with an • The primary file has been identified as having data-
administrator whether the access mode should be integrity errors during a previous operation
updated. If it should, issue the UPDATE VOLUME
command to change the access mode to readwrite
User response
or readonly.
• If the volume is in use by another process, wait for None.
that process to complete, and then retry the ANR1232I Restore of volumes in primary
BACKUP STGPOOL command or the COPY storage pool primary pool name
ACTIVEDATA command. started as process process ID.
• If the volume is not currently mountable, verify that
the drive can mount the volume, and then retry the Explanation
BACKUP STGPOOL command or the COPY
ACTIVEDATA command. A process has been started to restore one or more
volumes in the indicated primary storage pool.
ANR1230I Restore of primary storage pool
primary pool name started as System action
process process ID.
Noncached files that reside on selected volumes in the
Explanation primary storage pool are restored.

A process has been started to restore the indicated User response

primary storage pool.
ANR1233I Restore preview of volumes in
primary storage pool primary pool

226 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

name started as process process System action
If other restore processes are executing for the named
storage pool, these processes continue.
A preview process has been started to restore one or User response
more volumes in the indicated primary storage pool.

System action ANR1237I Restore process process ID

terminated for volumes in storage
Preview information about the restore operation is pool storage pool name - process
collected and displayed, but files are not restored. The canceled.
restore preview includes noncached files that reside
on selected volumes in the primary storage pool.

User response During restore of volumes in the indicated primary

storage pool, a process performing the restore has
None. been canceled.
ANR1234I Restore process process ID ended
for storage pool storage pool name. System action
If other restore processes are executing for the
Explanation volumes, these processes continue.
A restore process for the named primary storage pool
has ended. User response
System action
ANR1238I The restore of the primary pool
None. name primary storage pool is
complete. Number of files
User response restored: number of restored files.
None. Number of bytes restored: number
of restored bytes. Number of
ANR1235I Restore process process ID ended deduplicated bytes restored:
for volumes in storage pool storage number of restored dedup bytes.
pool name. Number of unreadable files:
number of unreadable files.
Explanation Number of unreadable bytes:
number of unreadable bytes.
A restore process for volumes in the named primary
storage pool has ended.

System action Restore processing for the specified storage pool

ended with the displayed results.
System action
User response
ANR1236I Restore process process ID User response
terminated for storage pool Examine previous messages to determine whether all
storage pool name - process restore processes ended successfully.
ANR1239I The restore preview of the primary
Explanation pool name primary storage pool is
complete. Number of files
During restore of the indicated primary storage pool, a restored: number of restored files.
process performing the restore has been canceled. Number of bytes restored: number

Chapter 3. ANR messages 227

of restored bytes. Number of System action
deduplicated bytes restored:
number of restored dedup bytes.

User response
No action is required.
Restore preview processing for the specified storage
pool ended with the displayed results. ANR1242E Command: Process process ID
terminated - storage media
System action inaccessible.


User response During restore processing, a required volume could not

be mounted.
No action is required.
ANR1240I The restore of volumes in the System action
primary pool name primary storage
The indicated restore process ends.
pool is complete. Number of files
restored: number of restored files.
Number of bytes restored: number User response
of restored bytes. Number of Verify that the copy and primary storage pools and
deduplicated bytes restored: volumes being accessed are available. Check the
number of restored dedup bytes. ACCESS parameter for both of the storage pools and
Number of unreadable files: all related volumes to ensure the ACCESS state is not
number of unreadable files. preventing access.
Number of unreadable bytes:
number of unreadable bytes. ANR1243E Command: Process process ID
terminated - insufficient number
Explanation of mount points available for
removable media.
Restore processing for volumes in the specified
storage pool ended with the displayed results. Explanation
During restore processing, the server could not
System action
allocate sufficient mount points for the volumes
None. required.

User response System action

Examine previous messages to determine whether all The indicated restore process ends.
restore processes ended successfully.
ANR1241I The restore preview of volumes in User response
the primary pool name primary If necessary, make more mount points available.
storage pool is complete. Number
of files restored: number of ANR1244E Command: Process process ID
restored files. Number of bytes terminated - excessive read errors
restored: number of restored bytes. encountered.
Number of deduplicated bytes
restored: number of restored dedup Explanation
During restore processing, read errors occur that
prevent the restore from continuing.
Restore preview processing for volumes in the System action
specified storage pool ended with the displayed
The indicated restore process ends.

228 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR1248E Command: Process process ID
terminated - sufficient recovery
If possible, correct the cause of the read errors and
log space is not available.
reissue the restore command.
ANR1245E Command: Process process ID Explanation
terminated - excessive write
errors encountered. During restore processing, the server runs out of
recovery log space.
System action
During restore processing, write errors occur that
prevent the restore from continuing. The indicated restore process ends.

System action User response

The indicated restore process ends. If necessary, make more server recovery log space
User response ANR1249E Command: Process process ID
terminated - sufficient database
If possible, correct the cause of the write errors and
space is not available.
reissue the restore command.
ANR1246E Command: Process process ID Explanation
terminated - data transfer
interrupted. During restore processing, the server runs out of
database space.
System action
During restore processing, a data transfer operation
was interrupted and could not be continued. The indicated restore process ends.

System action User response

The indicated restore process ends. If necessary, make more server database space
User response ANR1250E Command: Process process ID
If possible, correct the cause of the interruption and terminated - lock conflict.
reissue the restore command.
ANR1247E Command: Process process ID
terminated - insufficient space in During restore processing, the server needs to obtain a
target primary storage pool. lock that is not available.

Explanation System action

During restore processing, the server cannot copy data The indicated restore process ends.
to the target primary storage pool, because not
enough space is available in the target pool. User response
Reissue the restore command.
System action
ANR1251E Command: Process process ID
The indicated restore process ends. terminated - thread resource not
User response
Make more space available in the target primary Explanation
storage pool, and then reissue the restore command. During restore processing, the server cannot start a

Chapter 3. ANR messages 229

System action ANR1255W Files on volume volume name
cannot be restored - access mode
The indicated restore process ends.
is "unavailable" or "offsite".

User response
Reissue the restore command. If the error persists, it
During processing of a RESTORE STGPOOL or
may indicate a shortage of server memory.
RESTORE VOLUME command, files on a copy storage
ANR1252E Command: Process process ID pool volume cannot be restored because of the
terminated - sufficient memory is volume's access mode.
not available.
System action
The server continues restore processing, but skips the
During restore processing, there is not enough server indicated volume.
memory available.
User response
System action
If the volume is stored at an offsite location, bring the
The indicated restore process ends. volume onsite. Use the UPDATE VOLUME command to
change the access mode for the volume and restart
User response the restore command.

If necessary, make more memory available to the ANR1256W Volume volume name contains files
server; and then reissue the restore command. that could not be restored.

ANR1253E Command: Process process ID

terminated - internal server error
detected. During processing of a RESTORE STGPOOL or
RESTORE VOLUME command, the server determines
Explanation that the indicated volume contains one or more files
that could not be restored. If this is a preview
During restore processing, the server encounters an operation, this message indicates that a restorable
internal error. backup copy cannot be found for one or more files on
the indicated volume. If this is an actual restore
System action operation, this message could result if any of the
following conditions exist for a file on the indicated
The indicated restore process ends.

User response • A restorable backup copy cannot be found for the

Contact your service representative.
• A restorable backup copy of the file exists, but is
ANR1254I Removable volume volume name is located on a copy storage pool volume whose access
required for restore processing. mode is unavailable or offsite.
• During restore processing, a backup copy was
Explanation selected for restore processing, but was deleted or
moved before the file was actually restored. This
During processing of a RESTORE STGPOOL or
action could occur as a result of MOVE DATA,
RESTORE VOLUME command, the server determines
that a removable volume is required.
reclamation processing of a copy storage pool
volume while the restore was in progress.
System action
• A restorable backup copy of the file exists, but is on
Unless this is a preview process, the server attempts a copy storage pool volume that cannot be accessed
to mount the removable volume. since no drive path exists.

User response System action

Respond to any mount request for the indicated None.

230 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response volume that has an access mode of "unavailable",
"offsite", or "destroyed".
If this was an actual restore operation, check for
messages indicating that files could not be restored
because a copy storage pool volume was unavailable System action
or offsite. Check to see if a move data, delete volume, The server continues move data processing, but one or
audit volume, or reclamation process occurred for a more files were not moved from the volume.
copy storage pool while the restore was in progress. If
either of these conditions existed, correct the situation
User response
and reissue the restore command.
If the specified volume can be made available, use the
ANR1257W Storage pool backup skipping UPDATE VOLUME command to change the access
damaged file on volume volume mode for the volume and reissue the MOVE DATA or
name: Node node name, Type file MOVE NODEDATA command.
type, File space filespace name,
fsId filespace id, File name file ANR1259W Files on volume volume name
name. needed for offsite reclamation
cannot be accessed - access mode
Explanation is "unavailable" or "offsite".

During storage pool backup, a file is encountered that

was previously found to be damaged. If this file is part
of an aggregate, the entire aggregate was previously During reclamation processing of an offsite volume,
marked damaged, possibly because an integrity error files on a storage pool volume cannot be copied
was detected for some other file within the aggregate. because of the volume's access mode.

System action System action

The damaged file will not be backed up. The server continues reclamation, but one or more
files were not moved from an offsite volume, which
User response prevents it from being reclaimed.

Audit the indicated volume with FIX=YES. The audit

User response
will verify whether or not the file is damaged and
perform one of the following actions: If the specified volume can be made available, use the
UPDATE VOLUME command to change the access
• If the the file is found to be undamaged, the audit
mode for the volume and initiate reclamation again by
will reset the file status. If the file is part of an
updating the reclamation threshold for the copy
aggregate, the audit will reset the aggregate status if
storage pool.
the entire aggregate is found to be undamaged.
• If the file is found to be damaged and the file had not ANR1260W Volume volume name contains one
previously been backed up to a copy storage pool, or more damaged, primary files.
the audit will delete the file.
• If the file is found to be damaged and the file has Explanation
previously been backed up to a copy storage pool, This message is issued during RESTORE STGPOOL
the audit will report the file as damaged and you processing. The indicated volume contains one or
must use the RESTORE STGPOOL command to more primary, noncached files that have previously
recover the file. been found to be damaged.
ANR1258W Files on volume volume name
needed for move data cannot be System action
accessed - access mode is If this is not a preview operation, the restore
"unavailable", "offsite", or processing attempts to restore the damaged files from
"destroyed". copies located in a copy storage pool. If this is a
preview operation, no system action is taken.
During a move data operation, files on a storage pool User response
volume cannot be copied because of the volume's You can take the following actions:
access mode. The server cannot move data on a

Chapter 3. ANR messages 231

• Issue the QUERY CONTENT command with Explanation
DAMAGED=YES to obtain a list of damaged files on
The server encountered an internal error in accessing
the indicated volume.
data storage while executing a salvage volume
• Audit the indicated volume with FIX=NO to verify operation.
that the files are damaged; the audit will reset the
status of any files that are found to be undamaged System action
during the audit.
The operation is ended and server operation
• If this message was issued during a restore preview
operation, attempt to restore the damaged files
using the RESTORE STGPOOL command.
User response
• Audit the indicated volume with FIX=YES to delete
the damaged files from the database. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine
messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
ANR1263I command: Processing completed the data storage failure. If you find and resolve the
successfully. error, retry the operation. If you cannot find the error,
contact your service representative for assistance in
Explanation resolving the problem.
The background process to service the command ANR1266E Salvage volume command:
command has completed successfully. Processing terminated abnormally
- volume not a storage pool
System action volume.
Processing for the command completes. Statistics on
the number and type of objects moved, together with Explanation
the total number of bytes copied, are displayed on the The server encountered an internal error in accessing
server console following this message. data storage while executing a salvage volume
operation.The error occurred because an attempt has
User response been made to access a volume that was not a storage
pool volume.
ANR1264I Command: Processing canceled System action
before completion.
The command command operation is ended and
server operation continues.
The background process to service the command User response
command has been canceled with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Issue the command with a valid volume name.
ANR1267I Salvage volume command:
System action Processed number volume(s).
Processing for the command command ends. Statistics
on the number and type of objects moved, together Explanation
with the total number of bytes copied, are displayed The background process to service the command
on the server console following this message. Salvage volume command inspected number input
User response
None. System action

ANR1265E Salvage volume command: Salvage processing for the command completes.
Processing terminated abnormally Server operation continues.
- error accessing data storage.
User response

232 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1268I Salvage volume command: Explanation
Recovered number byte(s). The background process to service the command
Salvage volume command recovered a file from the
Explanation volume volume. The number of bytes recovered from
The background process to service the command the volume is listed.
Salvage volume command recovered number bytes
worth of data. System action
Salvage processing for the command completes.
System action Server operation continues.
Salvage processing for the command completes.
Server operation continues. User response
User response
ANR1272I Salvage volume command: * File is
None. complete - it began and ended on
ANR1269I Salvage volume command: volume volume.
Recovered number file(s).
Explanation The background process to service the command
The background process to service the command Salvage volume command recovered a file from the
Salvage volume command recovered number files. volume volume. The file was completely contained on
System action
System action
Salvage processing for the command completes.
Server operation continues. Salvage processing for the command completes.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
ANR1270I Salvage volume command: File
(internal file identifierinternal file ANR1273I Salvage volume command: * File is
identifier) recovered. incomplete - it began on volume
volume but did not end.
The background process to service the command
Salvage volume command recovered a file. The new The background process to service the command
file was given a new, system generated name based on Salvage volume command recovered a file from the
the internal file identifier and the name of the volume volume volume. The file was not completely contained
from which the file was recovered. The internal file on volume. Although the file began on this volume, it
identifier is the identifier by which the file was known spanned out to a different volume.
to the server before the file was deleted.
System action
System action Salvage processing for the command completes.
Salvage processing for the command completes. Server operation continues.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response None.
None. ANR1274I Salvage volume command: * File is
ANR1271I Salvage volume command: * incomplete - it ended on volume
number bytes recovered from volume but did not begin there.
volume volume.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 233

Explanation Explanation
The background process to service the command The background process to service the command
Salvage volume command recovered a file from the Salvage volume command was unable to recover any
volume volume. The file was not completely contained files because the default management class in the
on volume. Although the file ended on this volume, it active policy set in policy domain does not contain an
spanned in from a different volume. archive copy group.

System action System action

Salvage processing for the command completes. The salvage process ends.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
Add an archive copy group to the default management
None. class in the active policy set of the specified domain,
and then reissue the salvage command.
ANR1275I Salvage volume command: * File is
incomplete - it did not began or ANR1278I Occupancy is incorrect for storage
end on volume volume. pool storage pool name.
Occupancy is being reset.
The background process to service the command
Salvage volume command recovered a file from the The server has detected incorrect occupancy
volume volume. The file was not completely contained information.
on volume. It spanned in from one volume and
spanned out to a another. System action
The server recalculates the occupancy value based on
System action
current storage pool information.
Salvage processing for the command completes.
Server operation continues. User response
User response
None. ANR1279I Occupancy is incorrect for volume
name volume name. Occupancy is
ANR1276E Command: Process terminated - being reset.
sufficient memory is not available.
The server has detected incorrect occupancy
During salvage processing, not enough server memory information.
is available.
System action
System action
The server recalculates the occupancy value based on
The salvage process ends. current sequential volume information.

User response User response

If necessary, make more memory available to the None.
server, and then reissue the salvage command.
ANR1280E Command: Process process ID
ANR1277E Command: Process terminated - terminated - transaction aborted.
the default management class in
the active policy set in policy Explanation
domain domain name does not
contain an archive copy group. During backup processing, the server detected an
Unable to continue with salvage. error while attempting to commit a transaction. This
message should be preceded by other messages that

234 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

give additional information about the failed System action
The server will correct this information.

System action
User response
The indicated backup process ends.

User response ANR1284I Move node data started as process

process ID.
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction.
ANR1281E Command: Process process ID
A process has been started to move data by node.
terminated - transaction aborted.

System action
The indicated process has started.
During restore processing, the server detected an error
while attempting to commit a transaction. This
message should be preceded by other messages that User response
give additional information about the failed To query the progress of the process, use the QUERY
transaction. PROCESS command. To cancel the background
process, use the CANCEL PROCESS command. Use the
System action process ID number to specify this process.
The indicated restore process ends. ANR1288I Move node data process process ID
ended for storage pool storage pool
User response name.
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction. Explanation
A move node data process for the named storage pool
ANR1282I Logical occupancy is incorrect for
has ended.
storage pool storage pool name.
Logical occupancy is being reset.
System action
Explanation None.
The server has detected incorrect logical occupancy
information. User response
System action
ANR1289I Move node data process process ID
The server recalculates the logical occupancy value terminated for the storage pool
based on current storage pool information. storage pool name - process
User response
None. Explanation
During move node data processing in the indicated
ANR1283I File count is incorrect for storage
storage pool, the process performing the move node
pool storage pool name - file count
data has been canceled.
is being reset.

System action
If other move node data processes are executing for
The server has detected an incorrect count of the
the storage pool, these processes continue.
number of files within this storage pool.

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 235

ANR1290I The process of moving node data Explanation
from the storage pool name While moving or copying files from the sequential FILE
storage pool to the storage pool volume shown to a DISK storage pool, files that had
name storage pool is complete. deduplicated extents were encountered. As a result,
Number of files moved: number of the files were skipped.
moved files. Number of bytes
moved: number of moved bytes. The sequential FILE volume shown is assigned to a
Number of deduplicated bytes storage pool that has deduplication enabled or at one
moved: number of moved dedup time had deduplication enabled. Some of the files on
bytes. Number of unreadable files: the volume have deduplicated extents and can not be
number of unreadable files. moved or copied to the DISK storage pool.
Number of unreadable bytes:
number of unreadable bytes. System action
The server moves or copies all files from the volume
Explanation that do not have deduplicated extents. Those files that
The process of moving node data for the specified do have deduplicated extents are skipped.
storage pool ended with the displayed results.
User response
System action If attempting a MOVE DATA/NODEDATA to move the
None. files with deduplicated extents to the DISK storage
pool, one must first perform a MOVE DATA/NODEDATA
User response to another sequential storage pool that does not have
deduplication enabled. This move will restore the
Examine previous messages to determine whether all deduplicated files to their complete state in the target
of the move node data processes ended successfully. storage pool. Once all deduplicated data has been
moved, perform a MOVE DATA or MOVE NODEDATA to
ANR1293E Space-reclamation process
the DISK storage pool from the target storage pool. It
process number: Fifty files in
is recommended to use a FILE storage pool as the
offsite storage-pool volumes do
not have copies in accessible
storage pools. If attempting a RESTORE STGPOOL/VOLUME to copy
the files with deduplicated extents, one must first
Explanation perform a RESTORE STGPOOL/VOLUME to another
sequential storage pool that does not have
More files in offsite storage-pool volumes might exist deduplication enabled. This will restore the
for which copies cannot be located. If this is the case, deduplicated files to their complete state in the target
message ANR1173E is not displayed. storage pool. Once all deduplicated data has been
restored, perform a MOVE DATA/NODEDATA to the
System action DISK storage pool from the target storage pool. It is
recommended to use a FILE storage pool as the target.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server skips files that do
not have copies. The server does not move the files ANR1295W An attempt to set end reclamation
from offsite storage-pool volumes. date for WORM volume volume
name to end reclamation date
User response failed. end reclamation date set to
SnapLock retention date.
To view detailed information about all the files that are
skipped during the space-reclamation process, enable
trace AFUNAVAILABLE and look in the trace log. Explanation

ANR1294I IBM Spectrum Protect computes and attempts to set

Process process ID skipped
the end reclamation date for a volume based on the
skipped files files on volume
RETMIN and RETVER COPYGROUP attributes. When
volume name because of
setting the end reclamation date for the named
deduplicated files.
volume, the Network Appliance SnapLock file system
was unable to fulfil the request. It was, however, able
to set the date to the Snaplock retention date, which is
farther in the future than the requested date. This is

236 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

probably due to how the SnapLock NAS file server's System action
retention date is configured.
The command continues.
This warning message is only issued once per volume,
when this condition is detected when data is first User response
placed on the volume.
Verify that the storage pools being used meet your
requirements for data protection and retention.
System action
ANR1297E Storage pools with
The operation continues.
can only be defined on servers
User response with archive data retention
Verify that the IBM Spectrum Protect COPYGROUP protection enabled.
attributes and the retention settings of the Network
Appliance file system are consistent with your Explanation
requirements for WORM volume storage.
Defining storage pools with
ANR1296W Storage pool storage pool name RECLAMATION=SNAPLOCK is only supported on a
does not contain WORM FILE server with archive data protection enabled.
System action
The define storage pool command fails.
This message might be issued during the definition or
updating of a storage pool, or during BACKUP or User response
RESTORE STGPOOL commands, or in other such
situations when it is determined that data on WORM Define the storage pool with
volumes might be moved to other media. It names a RECLAMATIONTYPE=THRESHOLD on this server. Or
storage pool that does not contain WORM FILE else enable archive data retention protection on this
volumes. server, and try the command again.

When it is issued during the DEFINE and UPDATE ANR1298W The server encountered an error in
STGPOOL commands, it indicates that the storage pool attempting to delete an object in a
being defined or updated is being configured with Centera storage device. The
WORM FILE volumes (Reclamationtype is SnapLock), Centera representation of the
but other storage pools being specified on the storage name is Centera object string. The
pool definition (for example, the Next or Reclaim or server was keeping track of the
Copy storage pool parameters) do not contain WORM object in volume id volume id. The
FILE volumes (Reclamationtype is Threshold). Such return code received was return
configurations might cause data on those WORM FILE code.
volumes to be moved to a storage pool that does not
support WORM FILE volumes. Explanation
For other situations, this message might be issued The server failed to delete an object in a Centera
when there will be a movement of data from a storage storage device after server records concerning the
pool with WORM FILE volumes (Reclamationtype is object were deleted. The object is no longer accessible
SnapLock) to a storage pool that does not have WORM through the server. The object continues to occupy
FILE volumes (Reclamationtype is Threshold). space in the Centera storage device. The return code
that is returned is either from the server interface to
The server allows this type of movement, but the
Centera services, or it can be directly from the Centera
customer needs to be aware that if data is moved from
a WORM FILE volume to another type of media, the
data may no longer be protected from inadvertent or
malicious deletion. In addition, if this data is on WORM System action
volumes to meet data retention and protection The server continues operation, and the object is
requirements for certain legal purposes and is moved logically deleted within the server, but continues to
to other media, the data might no longer meet those occupy space in the Centera device.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 237

User response User response
The server can continue to operate in spite of this None.
error. Centera service can be required if the volume of
ANR1306I Disk volume volume name varied
unpurged objects becomes a problem.
online (read-only).
ANR1299E The server encountered an invalid
storage format while attempting a Explanation
partial object retrieve for object
seg_id. The specified volume has been varied online in read-
only mode as the result of a VARY ONLINE command.
System action
A partial object retrieve was attempted on a file that
was stored in a format that does not support partial None.
object retrieves.
User response
System action None.
The transaction ends and the retrieve request fails. ANR1307I Disk volume volume name varied
User response
Try the retrieve again, using a regular or full retrieve Explanation
instead of a partial object retrieve. The specified volume has been varied offline as the
ANR1302E The storage rule name storage rule result of a VARY OFFLINE command.
has a destination storage pool
whose access type is not System action

User response
During Retention copy processing, the indicated
storage rule had a target stgpool which disallows
writing. ANR1308W Incorrect bytes read bytes read for
offset offset.
System action
Retention copy processing for this stgule ends.
The read operation fails. Check previous messages in
User response the activity log for a message that shows an I/O error
or warnings.
The access state for the target storage pool for this
operation is not set to READWRITE. Check the storage
System action
rule for the Target Storage Pool Name and check that
the access state for the storage pool is set to None.
ACCESS=READWRITE. One way to check is to use
QUERY STGPOOL stgpoolname Format=Detail. User response
ANR1305I Disk volume volume name varied None.
ANR1309W Shred value zero for storage pool
Explanation storage pool name may render
deleted data non shreddable.
The specified volume has been varied online as the
result of a VARY ONLINE command. Explanation
This message is issued during the define or update of a
System action
storage pool when a SHRED value of zero has been
None. found with a storage pool in the storage pool hierachy.

238 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

The server allows this type of operation, but the System action
administrator needs to be aware that if data is stored
The volume is not varied online.
or moved to the affected storage pool, the data cannot
be shredded after deletion.
User response
When it is issued during the DEFINE command, it
indicates that the storage pool definition is being Attempt to determine the cause of the inability to
configured with a non zero SHRED value, however access the volume and correct the problem.
other storage pools being specified on the definition ANR1312E Vary-on failed for disk volume
(for example, the Next or Reclaim or Copy storage pool volume name - error reading disk.
parameters) have a SHRED value of zero.
When issued during the UPDATE command, it Explanation
indicates the specified storage pool may be altering
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the
the SHRED value from non zero to zero or that the
disk volume specified but the server encounters an
specified Copy, Next or Reclaim storage pool has a
error reading the disk.
SHRED value zero. Such configurations may result in
data to become non shreddable if data from the
primary random access storage pool is moved to one System action
of the storage pools with a zero SHRED value. The volume is not varied online.

System action User response

The command continues. Attempt to determine the cause of the read error and
correct the problem.
User response
ANR1313E Vary-on failed for disk volume
Verify that the storage pools being used meet your volume name - unsupported block
requirements for data protection. size (block size).
ANR1310E Vary-on failed for disk volume
volume name - insufficient Explanation
memory. A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the
disk volume specified, but the volume is formatted
Explanation with a block size that cannot be used.
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the
disk volume specified, but sufficient memory is not System action
available to process the command. The volume is not varied online.

System action User response

The volume is not varied online. Reformat the disk with a block size that is an evenly
divisible by 4096.
User response
ANR1314E Vary-on failed for disk volume
Reissue the command at a later time, or make more volume name - reduced capacity
memory available to the server. (was count blocks, now count
ANR1311E blocks.
Vary-on failed for disk volume
volume name - unable to access
disk device. Explanation
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the
Explanation disk volume specified, but the size of the volume does
not match the size expected.
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the
disk volume specified, but the server is unable to
access the disk. System action
The volume is not varied online.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 239

User response ANR1318I The process of copying active data
from the primary pool name
Restore the volume or otherwise correct the disk
primary storage pool to the active
volume size, and reissue the command.
data pool name active data pool is
ANR1315E Vary-on failed for disk volume complete. Number of copied files:
volume name - invalid label block. number of copied files. Number of
copied bytes: number of copied
Explanation bytes. Number of copied
deduplicated bytes: number of
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the copied dedup bytes. Number of
disk volume specified, but the label block of the unreadable files: number of
volume is invalid or cannot be read. unreadable files. Number of
unreadable bytes: number of
System action unreadable bytes.
The volume is not varied online.
User response The process of copying active data for the specified
storage pool ended with the displayed results.
Restore or reformat the disk volume.
ANR1316E Vary-on failed for disk volume System action
volume name - internal error
detected. None.

Explanation User response

A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the Examine previous messages to determine whether all
disk volume specified, but fails due to an internal copy active data processes ended successfully.
server error. ANR1319I The preview of copying active data
from the primary pool name
System action primary storage pool to the active
data pool name active data pool is
The volume is not varied online.
complete. Number of files copied:
number of copied files. Number of
User response copied bytes: number of copied
Contact your service representative. bytes. Number of copied
deduplicated bytes: number of
ANR1317E Command: Storage pool storage copied dedup bytes.
pool name is not a shreddable
pool. Explanation

Explanation The preview of copy active data processing for the

specified storage pool ended with the displayed
The command indicated specifies the name of a results.
storage pool which is not a shreddable pool. The
command syntax requires that System action
SHREDTONOSHRED=YES be specified when data is
moved from a shreddable storage pool to a non None.
shreddable storage pool.
User response
System action No action is required.
The server does not process the command.
ANR1320W Vary-on not possible for disk
volume volume name - access
User response state is "unavailable".
Reissue the command with SHREDTONOSHRED=YES.

240 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the The command is ignored.
disk volume specified, but the status of the volume is
unavailable. User response
Set the shredding mode to Manual or wait for
System action
automatic shredding to shred the data.
The volume is not varied online.
ANR1324E Process process number is already
running a SHRED DATA.
User response
If necessary, use the UPDATE VOLUME command to Explanation
change the status of the volume, and reissue the
A SHRED DATA command was issued while another
SHRED DATA process is still executing. Only a single
ANR1321W Vary-on not possible for disk SHRED DATA process is allowed at any time.
volume volume name - access
state is "destroyed". System action
The command is ignored.
A VARY ONLINE command has been issued for the User response
disk volume specified, but the status of the volume is
destroyed. Wait for the current SHRED DATA process to finish,
and issue the command again.
System action ANR1325W Shreddable object for node name:
The volume is not varied online. type=type, file space=filespace
name, object=object name
User response
If necessary, use the UPDATE VOLUME command to Explanation
change the status of the volume, and reissue the
command. The object for node name, identified by type, file space
and object name was found in a shreddable storage
ANR1322W The shredding mode is already pool and is skipped, however the EXPORT continues.
shredding mode.
System action
The server process continues exporting and will skip
A SETOPT SHREDDING command was issued to all shreddable objects.
change the shredding mode, but the new mode is the
same as the existing mode. User response
Specify the ALLOWSHREDDABLE=YES parameter
System action
when exporting objects from a shreddable storage
The shredding mode is unchanged. pool. Using this option forces EXPORT to process all
objects, including objects found in shreddable storage
User response pools.

None. ANR1326I Shredding process complete after

shredding shredded bytes bytes
ANR1323E Command SHRED DATA is invalid and skipping skipped bytes bytes.
for automatic shredding mode.
The shredding process has completed. The amount of
A SHRED DATA command was issued while shredding data successfully shredded and the amount of data
mode is set to Automatic. that was skipped are reported.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 241

System action User response
Server operation continues. If any data was skipped, None.
the server will attempt to shred it the next time
ANR1330E The server has detected possible
shredding runs.
corruption in an object that is
being restored or moved. The
User response actual values for the incorrect
None. frame are: magic magic hdr
version ver hdr length hdrLen
ANR1327I Automatic shredding stopped. sequence number seqNum data
Total bytes shredded was length length server ID srvId
shredded bytes and total bytes segment ID segId crc crc.
skipped was skipped bytes bytes.
An invalid frame was detected. This might indicate
The automatic shredding process has ended. The corruption within the object that is being restored or
amount of data successfully shredded and skipped moved.
during automatic shredding is reported.
System action
System action
The object is not restored or moved.
Server operation continues. If any data was skipped,
the server will attempt to shred it the next time
User response
shredding runs.
Retry the failing operation. If the operation fails again,
User response review additional information that is available for this
message: Search for "ANR1330E" in the product
None. information (http://www.ibm.com/support/
ANR1328E The server has detected an knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ/).
attempt to restore or retrieve a ANR1331E Invalid frame detected. Expected
shredded object. magic magic sequence number
seqNum server id servId segment
Explanation id segId.
An attempt was made to retrieve or restore an object
which has already been shredded. This can happen if Explanation
your datasbase was recently restored, and data which This message indicates the expected values when an
existed at the time of the database backup has since invalid frame is detected.
been erased and shredded.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
If contacting support, please provide the information
Perform an AUDIT VOLUME operation on the volume from this message.
containing the shredded data.
ANR1332W Shredding cancelled prior to
ANR1329I Automatic shredding started. completion. Total bytes shredded
was shredded bytes and total bytes
Explanation skipped was skipped bytes bytes.
The automatic shredding of deleted objects is starting.
System action The shredding process was cancelled either because
the specified duration has elapsed, or because the
Server operation continues.
CANCEL PROCESS command was used to cancel it.

242 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

The amount of data successfully shredded and User response
skipped is reported.
Initiate a session from the source server.

System action ANR1337I A trigger type trigger has been

Server operation continues. If any data was skipped or
not processed, the server will attempt to shred it the
next time shredding runs.
The DSMSERV INSERTDB command encountered a
User response database backup trigger, a database space trigger, or
recovery log space trigger, and removed it as part of
None. the database upgrade process.
ANR1335E command: Database database
name cannot be the target of an System action
upgrade because it is not empty.
The trigger is deleted from the upgraded database.

User response
The DSMSERV INSERTDB operation cannot insert data
into the specified database because the database
already contains data from another server. ANR1338E One or more constraint violations
Possible causes for this error include: were detected. Examine log file
log file name for details.
• The wrong database was specified in the
DATABASEALIAS option in the server's options file. Explanation
• The database was formatted using the DSMSERV
The DSMSERV INSERTDB command encountered one
FORMAT command instead of the DSMSERV
or more instances where data being inserted into the
database violated a constraint or was otherwise
invalid. Information about the error, along with the
System action data that caused the error, was logged in the specified
The DSMSERV INSERTDB command terminates. log file.

User response System action

Verify that the correct database name is specified in The offending row was not inserted into the database.
the server's options file. If the correct database is Instead, the contents of the row were written to the
specified, and the database is not in use by a different specified log file along with additional information
IBM Spectrum Protect server, then drop the database about the specific error.
and recreate it using the DSMSERV LOADFORMAT
command before rerunning the DSMSERV INSERTDB User response
Because some data was not inserted into the
ANR1336I command: Ready for connections database, the database is in an inconsistent state. The
from the source server. Remaining server should not be started until the problem is
time: remaining time corrected.
Contact your service representative for assistance in
Explanation correcting the problem. You may be directed to
The command has completed its initialization, and is examine the log file, and in some cases, correct the
ready to begin receiving database information from the erroneous data and insert it into the database.
source server. However, due to the sensitive nature of the database,
you should never attempt to do this unless directed to
do so by your service representative.
System action
ANR1339W Session session id underestimated
The command will continue to wait until the source
a size allocation request -
server establishes a server-to-server connection and
additional spaceMB more space
begins sending database information, or until the
specified amount of time has passed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 243

was allocated to allow the User response
operation to continue.

Explanation ANR1342I Scratch volume volume name is

now pending - volume will be
This session required additional space megabytes of deleted from storage pool storage
space in order for the operation to continue. The client pool name after the reuse delay
is responsible for accurately reporting the size of a file period for this storage pool has
to be stored to the server. The size reported by the elapsed.
client is used to reserve space in the DISK storage
pool to store this file. If this size is underestimated,
the server may not be able to allocate the additional
space needed for this file to continue with this All files have been deleted from the indicated scratch
operation. volume. The volume will not be removed from the
storage pool until the reuse delay time period for the
System action indicated storage pool has elapsed. If the storage pool
does not have a reuse tdelay specified, the indicated
None, the operation was able to continue. volume was emptied after it had been requested by
another process. It will be in the full or filling state if
User response the process places more data on the tape, or it will be
removed from the storage pool after it is no longer
The installed version of the client for this node should
be evaluated. In most cases, if a client has
underestimated the sizes of files reported to the
server, this may have been corrected in a newer System action
version of the client. If this is an application using the None.
IBM Spectrum Protect API that is not an IBM product,
contact the vendor for the application to have this
User response
ANR1340I Scratch volume volume name is
now defined in storage pool ANR1343I Unable to delete scratch volume
storage pool name. volume name.

Explanation Explanation
The scratch volume specified has been added to the A scratch volume cannot be deleted from the server
storage pool shown. and returned to scratch at this time because all the
locks have not be released. A number of retries have
System action been attempted.

System action

User response None

User response
ANR1341I Scratch volume volume name has
The scratch volume will be automatically deleted
been deleted from storage pool
when the server is restarted. Or, you may manually
storage pool name.
delete this volume later, using the DELETE VOLUME
ANR1344I Volume volume name cannot be
The scratch volume specified is no longer in use and reused. Remove the volume from
has been removed from the indicated storage pool. server storage.

System action

244 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
A volume that was full and is now empty cannot be The server encountered an internal error in accessing
reused by the server because the volume is on WORM data storage while executing an import or export
media. preview operation.

System action System action

The volume is in a state where the access mode is The export or import operation is ended and server
READONLY, the status is FULL, and the percent utilized operation continues.
is 0. The server considers the volume to be empty
when calculating the occupancy and utilization fields User response
for the volume.
Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine
messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
User response
the data storage failure. If you find and resolve the
The volume remains in the library and in the storage error, retry the export or import operation. If you
pool, with the attributes described in the System cannot find the error, contact your service
Action section. If this is not a volume in a representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
ANR1347E Export/import command:
may remove the volume by performing these steps:
Processing terminated abnormally
1. Remove the volume from the storage pool by - error accessing data storage.
issuing the DELETE VOLUME command.
2. Remove the volume from the library by issuing the Explanation
The server encountered an internal error in accessing
If this is a volume in a data storage while executing an import or export
RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK storage pool, you operation.
cannot remove the volume. Rather, allow IBM
Spectrum Protect reclamation processing to delete the System action
The export or import operation is ended and server
ANR1345I Volume volume name cannot be operation continues.
reused by other applications and
will remain in the storage pool. User response

Explanation Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine

messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
A WORM (write-once-read-many) volume that has the data storage failure. If you find and resolve the
been written by the server cannot be used by other error, retry the export or import operation. If you
applications. This volume was not full and has been cannot find the error, contact your service
emptied due to expiration, delete commands, or representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
transaction failure.
ANR1348I Export Operation information for
number objects has been deleted.
System action
The volume remains in the storage pool to be reused Explanation
by IBM Spectrum Protect , unless it is manually
deleted. The remaining space on the volume will be A background server process deleted export operation
used in the normal course of server operation. information for number files from the server database.
This process started during initialization to remove any
unneeded export information.
User response
If the volume is no longer to be used, manually delete System action
it from the storage pool.
The actual backup or archive objects were not deleted.
ANR1346E Export/import command: Preview Only information used to sort these objects during the
processing terminated abnormally previous export operation was deleted.
- error accessing data storage.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 245

User response Explanation
None. The background process to service the command
command was suspended with a SUSPEND command.
ANR1349E Error code during deletion of
export operation information for
number objects. System action
Processing for the command command stops.
Explanation Statistics on the number and type of objects moved,
together with the total number of bytes copied, are
A background server process encountered an internal displayed on the server console following this
error after deleting export operation information for message.
number files from the server database. This process
started during initialization to remove any sorting
information which is left over from previous export User response
operations. None.
ANR1352I Command started by administrator
System action
name as process process ID has
The backup or archive objects were not deleted. Only been suspended.
the information used to sort these objects during the
previous export operation was deleted. The Explanation
background process was terminated before all sorting
information was deleted. The system will not perform The background process to service the command
further export processing of file data until this problem command by administrator administrator name
is resolved. suspended processing.

User response System action

Examine the server messages issued prior to this The specified process suspends, and server operations
message to determine the source of the error. Issue continue.
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages, then restart the server. If User response
the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
service representative.
ANR1353I Command: Cannot cancel the
ANR1350E Command: Invalid time range
EXPORT operation with export
specified. FROM: fromdate
identifier exportId. The operation
fromtime TO: todate totime.
is currently active.

A command was issued that specifies an invalid FROM
The server cannot cancel the export operation
and TO date or time range. This error can occur when
specified in the CANCEL EXPORT command because it
the FROM date or time is not before the TO date or
is currently running as an active process.

System action
System action
Server operations continue.
The server does not process the command.

User response
User response
Only suspended EXPORT operations may be cancelled
Reissue the command with a valid date or time range.
by issuing the CANCEL EXPORT command. Issue the
ANR1351I Export/import command: QUERY EXPORT command to identify the current state
Processing suspended with status of the EXPORT operation.
ANR1354I command name: The
EXPORTIDentifier parameter is
not supported when the FILEDATA

246 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

parameter is set to NONE. Running specified. Running as non-
as non-restartable export. restartable export.

Explanation Explanation
The EXPORTIDentifier parameter is ignored while the The EXPORTIDentifier parameter is ignored while the
command continues. command continues.

System action System action

The command runs and server operations continue. The command runs and server operations continue.

User response User response

None. None.
ANR1355I command name: An export ANR1358I Export Identifier: Export Id
operation already exists with the
EXPORTIDentifier export ID. Explanation
This is a restartable export operation that can be
referenced by the displayed EXPORTIDentifier
The export command fails. parameter.

System action System action

The command fails and server operations continue. Server operations continue

User response User response

Reenter the export command with an unused export None.
ANR1359I Suspend in progress
ANR1356I Command: Cannot restart the
EXPORT operation with export Explanation
identifier exportId. The operation
is currently active. The server-to-server export operation has been
suspended and will stop when resources have been
freed for the background process. This message may
be displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS
The server cannot restart the export operation command for an export operation.
specified in the RESTART EXPORT command because
the export operation is currently running as an active System action
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operations continue.
User response ANR1360I Output volume volume name
Only suspended Export operations may be restarted opened (sequence number
using RESTART EXPORT command. Issue the QUERY sequence number).
EXPORT command to identify the current state the
EXPORT operation. Explanation

ANR1357I command name: The During a sequential data operation, the volume
EXPORTIDentifier parameter is specified has been opened for output as the volume
not supported when the number shown.
PREVIEWIMPORT parameter is

Chapter 3. ANR messages 247

System action Explanation
None. During a sequential data operation, the volume
specified has been closed because the operation is
User response complete.

System action
ANR1361I Output volume volume name None.

User response
During a sequential data operation, the volume
specified has been closed because the export or dump ANR1365I Volume volume name closed (end
is complete. reached).

System action Explanation

None. During a sequential data operation, the volume
specified has been closed because processing of the
User response volume is complete.

System action
ANR1362I Output volume volume name None.
closed (full).
User response
During a sequential data operation, the volume
specified has been closed because the volume is full. ANR1366W Input volume volume name
contains an invalid identifier.
System action
During a sequential data operation, the volume
User response specified has been mounted but contains an invalid
ANR1363I Input volume volume name opened System action
(sequence number sequence The volume is not used.
User response
Make sure you specified the correct volume for the
Because of a sequential data operation, the volume operation. If a LOADDB operation was being
specified has been opened for input as the volume performed on MVS, the command syntax may be
number shown. specified by using a ddname or by specifying a device
class name. You must use the same method that was
System action used when the database was originally dumped. If you
None. did not, this error message will be displayed. Try
loading the data base by using the other method of
syntax (ddname).
User response
ANR1367W Import volume volume name was
written by a different export
ANR1364I Input volume volume name closed. process.

248 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
During an IMPORT operation, the volume specified has During IMPORT or EXPORT processing, the server
been mounted but contains an export identifier that cannot allocate sufficient mount points for the device
does not match the import process. class specified. The device class associated with the
EXPORT or IMPORT drive only has a mount limit of
System action one. The operation needs to read or write file data
from or to the same device class because file data is
The volume is not used. being imported or exported.

User response System action

Supply a volume created by the proper export process. The IMPORT or EXPORT command is ended and server
ANR1368W Input volume volume name operation continues.
contains sequence number
sequence number; volume User response
sequence number sequence Make more mount points available.
number is required.
ANR1371I Command: The export operation
Explanation with export identifier Export Id has
been deleted.
During a sequential data operation, the volume
specified has been mounted but contains the wrong
volume sequence number.
The suspended server-to-server export operation has
System action been deleted. This operation may no longer be
restarted. This message is be displayed in response to
The volume is not used. a CANCEL EXPORT command.

User response System action

Supply the volume with the proper sequence number. Server operation continues.
The volume history file can help you choose the
correct volume.
User response
ANR1369E Input volume volume name None.
contains Version 1 dump.
ANR1372I Suspend export request accepted
Explanation for export process with export
Identifier Export Id ( process
During a sequential data operation, the volume process ID).
specified has been mounted but appears to contain a
version 1 database dump.

System action A SUSPEND EXPORT command has been entered for

the specified server-to-server export process. Some
The volume is not used. The operation is terminated. processes will experience a delay before they
suspend. This delay may be lengthy for processes that
User response involve remote data movement.
Make sure you specified the correct volume for the
operation. A Version 1 database dump may not be System action
loaded into a Version 2 server. The Version 1 database None.
dump must only be loaded into a Version 1 server.
ANR1370E Insufficient number of mount User response
points available in device class None.
device class name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 249

ANR1373I Process process Id for Command Explanation
has been suspended on source The DSMSERV INSERTDB command encountered an
server. administrator with analyst authority, and revoked the
authority as part of the database upgrade process.
The background import process has been suspended System action
on the source server. The analyst authority is revoked.

System action User response

The specified process ends, and server operation None.
ANR1377I Analyst authority has been
User response revoked for administrator id
administrator id.
ANR1374I Process process Id for Command Explanation
has been canceled on source The DSMSERV INSERTDB command encountered an
server. administrator with analyst authority, and revoked the
authority as part of the database upgrade process.
The background import process has been canceled on System action
the source server. The analyst authority is revoked.

System action User response

The specified process ends, and server operation None.
ANR1378I command: No connection was
User response received after session wait time
ANR1375I Command: Cannot suspend the Explanation
export operation export Id because The command waited the specified amunt of time for
the current state is not valid. the source server to connect, but no connection was
This message is returned in response to a SUSPEND System action
EXPORT command which specified an export The command terminates.
operation that is not currently suspendible. The export
operation may not be running, or it may be in the
process of being suspended. User response
Rerun the command. Either specify a larger value for
System action the SESSWAIT parameter, or establish a connection
from the source server more quickly.
The specified command fails, and server operation
continues. ANR1379I command: Read bytes bytes and
inserted database entries
User response database entries in elapsed time
(read rate megabytes per hour).
ANR1376I Analyst authority has been Explanation
revoked for administrator The command read the indicated number of bytes, and
administrator name. wrote the indicated number of database entries.

250 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR1383I Memory usage by the database
manager is limited to instance
memory in MBMB.

User response
The memory dedicated to the database manager was
ANR1380I The buffer pool monitor switch is set successfully.
System action
Server continues processing.
The server has turned the buffer pool monitor switch
to 'ON'. User response
System action
ANR1384E The update to set memory used by
Server continues processing.
IBM Spectrum Protect server
database to instance memory in
User response MBMB failed.
No action is required.
ANR1381W The buffer pool monitor switch is
disabled 'OFF'. A manual update Attempt to set memory dedicated to IBM Spectrum
might be needed. Protect server database failed.

Explanation System action

The server failed to turn the buffer pool monitor switch Server operation continues.
to 'ON'.
User response
System action
Collect all messages prior to this one and contact your
Server continues processing. service representative for further assistance.
ANR1385E The database name is either
User response invalid or missing in the server
No action is required at this time. But a manual update option file.
might be needed before executing command 'Q DBS'
or 'Q DB F=D'. Refer to message 1139I. Explanation
ANR1382E The server failed with error code While attempting to format a database, the IBM
return code when attempting to Spectrum Protect server has found that the database
update a database parameter. name is either invalid or missing.

Explanation System action

Cannot update a database parameter with the value Server format stops.
specified in the server options file.
User response
System action
Before reissuing the command to format the database,
The server initialization fails. check the following items:
• Ensure that the server options file has a valid name
User response for for IBM Spectrum Protect server database. The
Examine the server messages issued prior to this database name is specified with the
message to determine the source of the error. Contact DATABASEALIAS option. The database name is a
your service representative for further unique character string containing from one to eight
letters, numbers, or keyboard characters. The name

Chapter 3. ANR messages 251

can contain any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, ANR1389I The database insert process is
0-9, @, #, and $. terminating because
• Ensure that the command is using the correct CHECKSCHEMA=ONLY was
options file for the server. If you are using the -o specified.
option with the command to specify a server options
file, ensure that the name and location of the file is Explanation
The database insert process is terminating after
ANR1386I Beginning schema verification for verifying the database schema because the
the database insert process. CHECKSCHEMA=ONLY parameter was specified.

Explanation System action

The database insert process is verifying that the The database insert process terminates.
database schema is correct.
User response
System action Rerun the command without specifying the
The server will verify the correctness of the database CHECKSCHEMA=ONLY parameter.
schema before inserting any database records.
ANR1390E Column source column name
(source column number) in legacy
User response table source table name is mapped
None. to an invalid column (target column
number) in target table target table
ANR1387I Schema verification for the name (maximum column is table
database insert process has size).
The database insert process has detected a
The database insert process has successfully verified discrepency while verifying the data base schema. A
that the database schema is correct. column in the source database table was mapped to
an invalid column in the target table. The target
System action column number is higher than the number of columns
in the target table.
If CHECKSCHEMA=YES was specified then the
database insert process will begin inserting records
into the database. System action
The database insert process terminates.
User response
None. User response
Contact your service representative.
ANR1388E Schema verification for the
database insert process detected ANR1391E Column source column name
inconsistencies. (source column number) in legacy
table source table name is mapped
Explanation to the wrong column target column
name (target column number) in
Inconsistencies were detected during database
target table target table name.
schema verification.

System action
The database insert process has detected a
The database insert process terminates. discrepency while verifying the data base schema. A
column in the source database table was mapped to
User response the wrong column in the target table.
Contact your service representative.

252 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR1395I Insertdb command: Process
process number, database insert,
The database insert process terminates.
has completed.

User response
Contact your service representative.
The database insert process process number has
ANR1392E Column target column name (target completed.
column number) in target table
target table name is not set by System action
upgrade, but does not allow NULLs
and has no default value. Database insert processing ends.

Explanation User response

The database insert process has detected a None.

discrepency while verifying the data base schema. A ANR1396E Insertdb command: Process
column in the target database table is not set, does process number, database insert,
not have a default value and does not allow NULLs. has completed with errors.

System action Explanation

The database insert process terminates. The database insert process process number has
completed, but errors were encountered by the
User response process.
Contact your service representative.
System action
ANR1393I Memory usage by the database
manager is set to AUTOMATIC. Database insert processing ends.

Explanation User response

The memory dedicated to IBM Spectrum Protect Review any messages that were issued by the process,
server database was set to automatic successfully. and take corrective action as appropriate.
ANR1397I Insertdb command: Found number
System action of database objects database
Server continues processing. objects.

User response
This message indicates the total number of database
objects that were found during database insert
ANR1394E The update to set memory used by processing.
IBM Spectrum Protect server
database to AUTOMATIC failed. System action
Server processing continues.
Attempt to set memory dedicated to IBM Spectrum User response
Protect server database to automatic failed.
System action ANR1398I Insertdb command: Processed
Server operation continues. number of database objects
database objects.
User response
Collect all messages prior to this one and contact your
service representative for further assistance.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 253

Explanation User response
This message indicates the total number of database If the device specifications (DEFINE DEVCLASS and so
objects that were successfully processed during forth) are in error, correct them and reissue the
database insert processing. command that requested the volume to be mounted.
ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume
System action volume name - volume
Server processing continues. unavailable.

User response Explanation

None. The volume shown cannot be mounted because it is

not available.
ANR1399I Insertdb command: Failed to
process number of database
System action
objects database objects.
The volume is not mounted.
User response
This message indicates the total number of database
objects that were not successfully processed during If the attempted mount occurs in a library sharing
database insert processing. environment and the library manager was recently
recycled, try again in five minutes. In this case the
System action library manager and library client need a few minutes
to reestablish communication and synchronize the
Server processing continues. mounting information between the two servers.

User response ANR1403W Scratch volume mount request

denied - mount canceled.
ANR1400W Mount request denied for volume Explanation
volume name - mount canceled. A scratch volume cannot be mounted because the
mount request has been canceled.
The volume shown cannot be mounted because the System action
mount request has been canceled. The scratch volume is not mounted.

System action User response

The volume is not mounted. None.
ANR1404W Scratch volume mount request
User response
denied - mount failed.
ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume Explanation
volume name - mount failed. A scratch volume cannot be mounted because the
mount request cannot be completed successfully.
Explanation Possible reasons include, an error in device
specifications to the server or the mount request
The volume shown cannot be mounted because the
timed out.
mount request cannot be completed successfully.
Possible reasons include, an error in device
specifications to the server or the mount request System action
timed out. The scratch volume is not mounted.

System action
The volume is not mounted.

254 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
If the device specifications (for example, DEFINE A scratch volume is not mounted.
DEVCLASS) are in error, correct them and reissue the
command that requested the volume to be mounted. User response
ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request Use the UPDATE STGPOOL poolname
denied - no scratch volume MAXSCRATCH=xx command command to increase the
available. number of scratch volumes allowed in the storage
ANR1408I Insertdb command: PREVIEW=YES
A scratch volume cannot be mounted because no was specified. No data will be
scratch volume is available. inserted into the database.

System action Explanation

The scratch volume is not mounted. PREVIEW=YES was specified on the INSERTDB
command. Database data will be read and checked for
User response errors, but no data will be written into the database.

System action
ANR1406E Simultaneous write operation Server processing continues.
could not release all the acquired
mount points.
User response
Explanation None.
A simultaneous write to a primary and copy storage ANR1409W Volume volume name already in
pools failed to release all the acquired mount points. use - skipped.
When a simultaneous write operation begins it will
attempt to acquire all of the necessary mount points. Explanation
If a mount point cannot be acquired or the
simultaneous write operation has to wait for a mount During an export or database backup, a volume cannot
point, then the operation will release any mount points be used because it is already defined in a storage pool,
it has already acquired. This prevents the or has already been used by the current operation, or
simultaneous write operation from holding mount has been previously used by an export or database
points and other mount requests from completing. backup operation (as recorded in the volume history)
This message is issued if one of the previously or is in use by another process.
acquired mount points cannot be released.
System action
System action The operation continues and the volume is skipped.
At least one mount point acquired by simultaneous
write operation is not released. User response
Use the QUERY VOLUME command to display the
User response names of volumes that are defined to server storage
None. pools. Use the QUERY VOLHISTORY command to
display the names of volumes that have been used for
ANR1407W Scratch volume mount request export or database backup operations. If no volume
denied - storage pool pool name names are displayed using the query commands
has reached maxscratch limit. described above, ensure that the volume identified in
this message has not been specified or used more
Explanation than once in the operation being performed.
A scratch volume cannot be mounted because the ANR1410W Access mode for volume volume
storage pool has reached the maximum scratch name now set to "unavailable".
volume limit allowed by the MAXSCRATCH parameter.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 255

Explanation ANR1414W Volume volume name access mode
is "read-only" due to previous
The status of the volume shown has been set to
write error.

System action
At server startup, the status of the indicated volume is
read-only due to an unrecoverable write error, or
because an administrator used the UPDATE VOLUME
User response command to set the volume access mode to read-only.
System action
ANR1411W Access mode for volume volume
name now set to "read-only" due None.
to write error.
User response
Because of an unrecoverable write error on the volume
ANR1415W Volume volume name access mode
shown, the status of the volume has been set to read-

System action Explanation

None. At server startup, the status of the indicated volume is

DESTROYED. This status can result because the
access mode was set to DESTROYED by a storage
User response administrator. This status can also result because the
None. server determined that the database records
associated with this volume are damaged and set the
ANR1412W Volume volume name access mode status of the volume to DESTROYED. If this is the case,
is "unavailable". the server also issues an ANR1316E message.

Explanation System action

At server startup, the status of the indicated volume is None.
User response
System action
You can issue the RESTORE VOLUME server command
None. to restore the volume if a storage pool backup is
User response
ANR1416I command: Read bytes bytes and
None. inserted database entries
database entries in elapsed time
ANR1413W Volume volume name access mode
(read rate megabytes per hour).
is "read-only".
Checked database objects of
database objects database objects.
At server startup, the status of the indicated volume is Explanation
The command read the indicated number of bytes, and
wrote the indicated number of database entries. The
System action command has checked the integrity of the indicated
None. number of database tables.

User response System action

None. None.

256 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response parameter is used, the FROMDATE parameter must be
ANR1417W Access mode for volume volume System action
name now set to "read-only" due
to excessive read error. The server ignores the command and continues
User response
Because of an numerous read errors on the volume
shown, the status of the volume has been set to read- Reissue the command with both the FROMDATE and
only. FROMTIME parameters specified.
ANR1420W Read access denied for volume
System action volume name - volume access
mode = "unavailable".

User response
An attempt to access the named volume for reading
fails because the volume status is unavailable.
volume to view the access mode and number of read
errors. You may want to use the MOVE DATA
command to move the retrievable data from this System action
volume to another volume. For the damaged files, use The volume is not used for read access.
the RESTORE VOLUME command to restore a readable
copy of the file to the storage pool.
User response
ANR1418E command name: Export None.
commands that target another
server cannot be issued from the ANR1421W Read access denied for volume
server console. volume name - volume is offline.

Explanation Explanation
An EXPORT command that targets another server was An attempt to access the named volume for reading
issued from the server console. This command cannot failed because the volume is offline.
be issued from the server console because it requires
authentication of the issuing administrator on the System action
target server.
The volume is not used.
System action
User response
The server ignores the command and continues
processing. None.
ANR1422W Read access denied for volume
User response volume name - volume access
Issue the command from an administrative client. mode="offsite".

ANR1419E command name : FROMDATE must Explanation

be specified when FROMTIME is
specified. An attempt to access the named volume for reading
failed because the volume status is offsite.
System action
A command that supports the FROMDATE and
FROMTIME parameters was issued with the The volume is not used for read access.
FROMTIME parameter specified, but without the
FROMDATE parameter. When the FROMTIME User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 257

ANR1423W Scratch volume volume name is User response
empty but will not be deleted - The following steps may be used if the volume is to be
volume access mode is "offsite". deleted:

Explanation 1. Run CHECKOUT LIBVOL to check the affected

volume out of the library, the REMOVE=NO option
The named scratch volume is empty but will not be may be used to prevent actual volume movement
deleted at this time because the access mode is
WHERESTATUS=EMPTY. When the volume is
System action moved by MOVE MEDIA
The volume is not deleted. WHERESTATE=MOUNTABLENOTINLIB, the scratch
empty volume is deleted
User response 3. Check the volume back into the library using
After bringing the volume onsite, change the access
mode to read-only so the volume will be deleted. ANR1426I All legacy FILE volumes have been
marked FULL.
ANR1424W Read access denied for volume
volume name - volume access
As part of the conversion of the database to IBM
Explanation Spectrum Protect version 5.3, all existing non-full
volumes of devtype FILE have been marked FULL to
An attempt to access the named volume for reading keep them from being extended.
failed because the volume status is destroyed.
System action
System action
All FILE volumes that were not already FULL have
The volume is not used for read access. been marked FULL and cannot be appended to.

User response User response

None. None.
ANR1425W Scratch volume volume name is ANR1427E No legacy FILE volumes were
empty but will not be deleted - marked FULL.
volume state is

Explanation As part of the conversion of the database to IBM

Spectrum Protect Version 5.3, all existing non-full
The named scratch volume is empty but will not be volumes of devtype FILE were attempted to be made
deleted at this time because the state of the volume is FULL. However, a database error prevented the
MOUNTABLENOTINLIB. Possible reasons include, a conversion, and the status of these volumes remains
MOVE MEDIA command was used to check the volume unchanged.
out of the library and the volume was subsequently
checked into the library using CHECKIN LIBVOL
System action
without first running a MOVE MEDIA command to
update the volume state back to MOUNTABLEINLIB The volumes are not marked FULL.
state. If this should happen, the QUERY MEDIA will
display the volume to be in MOUNTABLEINLIB state User response
since QUERY MEDIA does verify if the volume is
actually in the library before displaying the state of the Examine the server messages issued prior to this
volume. message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. Contact your service
System action
representative for further assistance.
The volume is not deleted.

258 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1428W Shredding access denied for System action
volume volume name - volume is The file is not retrieved from this storage pool. If
offline. possible, the file is retrieved from another storage
An object on the indicated volume cannot be shredded User response
because the volume is offline. Consider changing the access mode for the storage
System action
ANR1431E An error occurred while writing to
The object is not shredded at this time. When the side A of volume volume name. An
volume is put back online, another attempt will be attempt will be made to write to
made to shred the object. side B of this volume.

User response Explanation

Determine why the volume is offline, and, if possible, An error occurred while writing to side A of a two-
place the volume back online. sided volume.
ANR1429E Transaction failed for Import
process - invalid file space System action
filespace name for node node name No additional data will be written to side A of this
was detected. volume. Any remaining space on side A will not be
used. An attempt will be made to use the reverse side
Explanation (side B) of the volume.
During import processing, the server encounters an
invalid file space name. User response
None required if the side B can be used successfully.
System action However, the administrator should investigate the
This action usually occurs when the import is cause of the error and may want to move data from
operating on a file space that is currently being this volume.
deleted as a result of an administrative command or ANR1432I Updating device configuration
client action. The server ends import operation. information to defined files.

User response Explanation

Use the QUERY PROCESS command to monitor and The server is updating device configuration
wait for any file space deletion processes to complete, information for the files or data sets specified with the
or cancel the process if you do not want to delete the DEVCONFIG option in the server options file.
file space. Try the import operation again after this
action has been taken.
System action
ANR1430W Retrieval request denied for Server operation continues.
storage pool storage pool name
due to the access state of the
storage pool. User response
ANR1433I Device configuration information
An attempt was made to retrieve a file from the successfully written to file name.
storage pool shown, but the access mode of the
storage pool does not allow for retrieve requests. Explanation
Device configuration information was successfully
written to the file specified.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 259

System action ANR1436E Device configuration file devconfig
file name cannot be opened.
Server operation continues.

User response
While attempting to write device configuration
information to device configuration files, the server
ANR1434W No files have been identified for cannot open the file name specified.
automatically storing device
configuration information. System action
The server does not write device configuration
information to the file specified.
The server is unable to automatically update device
configuration file. No files were identified using the User response
DEVCONFIG option in the server options file.
Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any
System action
problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
Server operation continues. proper authority to write to the file indicated and that
there is sufficient space in the file system for the file.
User response On MVS, make sure that the data set has been
allocated and that the server has authority to write to
If you would like to have the server automatically the data set. After the problem has been corrected,
record device configuration information to assist in use the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command to write
server recovery, use the DEVCONFIG option in the device configuration information to the file.
server options file to specify where device
configuration information should be written. If you ANR1437E No device configuration files could
update the options file, halt and then restart the server be used.
so the changes can take effect.
ANR1435E Server could not write device
configuration information to The server attempts to read device configuration
devconfig file name. information from defined files and cannot open any of
the files.
System action
While attempting to write device configuration
information to defined files, the server cannot write to The operation is ended.
the file name specified.
User response
System action
Examine error messages that may have been
The server cannot write device configuration displayed prior to this message and correct any
information to the specified file. problems, if possible. Ensure that the defined device
configuration files have been created. If you can start
User response the server, you can create the files by using the
BACKUP DEVCONFIG command. If you cannot start
Examine error messages that may have been the server, you will need to create a device
displayed prior to this message and correct any configuration file by editing the file and adding the
problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has appropriate DEFINE commands for the device class,
proper authority to write to the file indicated and that drive, and library definitions. Make sure that the server
there is sufficient space in the file system for the file. has proper authority to read from the defined device
On MVS, make sure that the data set has been configuration files.
allocated and that the server has authority to write to
the data set. After the problem has been corrected, ANR1438W Skipping device configuration file:
use the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command to write devconfig file name.
device configuration information to the file.

260 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
While attempting to read device configuration When a drive again becomes available, restart the
information from a defined device configuration file, process that was cancelled. If the process was a
the server encounters problems in processing the migration or reclamation process, it will be
definitions included in the file. automatically restarted when needed. If this message
appears frequently, you may want to increase the
System action number of drives available. See the MOUNTLIMIT
parameter on the UPDATE DEVCLASS command.
The specified file is skipped, and the next one
specified in the server options file will be used. ANR1441I Volume volume name is in use.
Process process number being
preempted by higher priority
User response
Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message to understand why the Explanation
file could not be used. When you can start the server
again, you can refresh this file by using the BACKUP When a high priority operation attempted to use a
DEVCONFIG command. volume, it was in use. To make a volume available for
this operation, the indicated process is being
ANR1439E Allocate prohibited - transaction cancelled by the system.
System action
The lower priority process is cancelled to the volume
While attempting to preallocate storage on a storage available.
pool, the server detected that the transaction for this
operation has previously failed. This error may occur
User response
when a large file is selected for backup and the client
did not properly estimate the file size. There may not Restart the process that was cancelled. It will wait
be enough space in the storage pool for the file. until the higher priority process is finished with the
volume. If the cancelled process was a migration or
System action reclamation process, it will be automatically restarted
when needed.
An internal error is reported by the server and the
operation being performed is ended. ANR1442E Invalid storage pool for store
operation: storage pool.
User response
Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message for more information. The storage pool selected for a store operation (for
example, backup or archive) was not a NATIVE or
ANR1440I All drives in use. Process process NONBLOCK data format storage pool. This may be
number being preempted by caused by an incorrect management class being
higher priority operation. assigned to an object.

Explanation System action

When a high priority operation attempted to find an The operation fails.
available drive, all the drives were in use. To make a
drive available for this operation, the indicated process
User response
is being cancelled by the system.
Ensure that the copy group destination storage pool of
System action the assigned management class has the appropriate
NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format.
The lower priority process is cancelled to make a
mount point (drive) available. ANR1443W Process process ID terminated
from session session id. A
potential drive-contention
deadlock was detected.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 261

Explanation number in parallel. The command
will run serially.
See message.

User response
This message is issued during a RUN command to
No action is required.
indicate that thread resources are not available to run
ANR1444E No device configuration file is the command in parallel. The command will be
defined. executed serially.

Explanation System action

No device configuration file is defined. Check The SCRIPT continues.
DEVCONFIG option in server options file.
User response
System action Increase the resources available to the server or
The specified configuration parameter is skipped. reduce the number of parallel commands or scripts
that are running on the server at any one time.
User response ANR1448I command name: Beginning serial
Add the DEVCONFIG option to the server options file, SCRIPT command execution on
specifying a valid file or data set name to use for the line line number.
device configuration file.
ANR1445I Insertdb command: Throughput
was megabytes per hour This message is issued during a RUN command
megabytes per hour. (VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that a SERIAL command
was encountered and following SCRIPT commands
Explanation will be executed serially.

This message indicates the total throughput System action

(megabytes/hour) during database insert processing.
The SCRIPT command continues.
System action
User response
Server processing continues.
See the output of the commands following the SERIAL
User response command to determine their results.

None. ANR1449I command name: Beginning

parallel SCRIPT command
ANR1446I RUNSTATS: Table updating execution on line line number.
statistics started.
This message is issued during a RUN command
This message indicates the update statistics for all (VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that a PARALLEL
tables started. command was encountered and following SCRIPT
commands will be executed in parallel.
System action
Server processing continues. System action
The SCRIPT command continues.
User response
None. User response
See the output of the commands following the
ANR1447W command name: The server is not
PARALLEL command to determine their results.
able to begin a new thread to
execute the command on line line

262 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1450E command name: Invalid command System action
script name: command script None

User response
An invalid script name was specified for a DEFINE,
UPDATE, or DELETE SCRIPT command. ANR1455E command name: Command script
command script name does not
System action exist.

The operation fails.


User response The script name specified in a DEFINE, UPDATE, or

DELETE SCRIPT command does not exist.
Reenter the command specifying a valid command
System action
ANR1452E command name: Invalid line The operation fails.
number: line number.

User response
Reenter the command specifying a different command
An invalid line number was specified for a DEFINE, name.
ANR1456I command name: Command script
System action command script name updated.

The operation fails.


User response The script name specified in an UPDATE SCRIPT

command was successfully updated.
Reenter the command specifying a valid line number.
ANR1453E command name: Command script System action
command script name already None
User response
The script name specified in a DEFINE SCRIPT
command already exists. ANR1457I command name: Command script
command script name deleted.
System action
The operation fails.
The script name specified in a DELETE COMMAND
User response command was successfully deleted.

Reenter the command specifying a different command

System action
ANR1454I command name: Command script
command script name defined.
User response
Explanation None
The script name specified in a DEFINE SCRIPT ANR1458I command name: Line line number
command was successfully defined. was deleted from command script
command script name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 263

Explanation User response
The specified line number was deleted from the None
command script as a result of a DELETE SCRIPT
ANR1462I command name: Command script
command script name completed
System action
None Explanation
The specified command script, started with a RUN
User response command, has successfully completed.
System action
ANR1459E command name: Command script
command script name, line line None
number does not exist.
User response
The line in command script name specified in a
ANR1463E command name: Command script
UPDATE, or DELETE SCRIPT command does not exist.
command script name completed
in error.
System action
The operation fails. Explanation
The specified command script, started with a RUN
User response command, encountered errors.
Reenter the command specifying a different line
number. System action
ANR1460I command name: Command script Part or all of the command lines in the script ended in
command script name copied to error. Command processing is terminated.
new command script name.
User response
Examine the messages preceeding this message to
The specified command script was copied to a new determine the cause of the error. Correct the
script with the COPY SCRIPT command. command script and reissue the command.
ANR1464E command name: Command script
System action command script name, line line
None number, parameter parameter
number was not specified:
User response command line.

None Explanation
ANR1461I command name: Executing All parameters required to execute a command script
command script command script were not specified in the RUN command.
System action
The command fails.
The specified command script is being executed as a
result of a RUN command.
User response

System action Reenter the RUN command specifying all required


264 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1465E command name: Command script Explanation
command script name, line line The specified line for the command script is not a valid
number, parameter is invalid: server command. This message is displayed when a
command line. RUN command is executed with the PREVIEW=YES
parameter specified.
An invalid parameter was encountered in a command System action
script. Command Preview processing fails

System action User response

The command fails. Correct the script and reenter the RUN command.

User response ANR1470I command name: Command script

command script name completed
Correct the script definition and reexecute the RUN successfully (PREVIEW mode).
ANR1466I command name: Command script Explanation
command script name, Line line The specified command script, started with a RUN
number : command line. command, has successfully completed.

Explanation System action

The specified line for the command script is being None.
executed. The contects of the line being executed are
User response
System action None.
None ANR1471E command name: Command script
command script name completed
User response in error (PREVIEW mode).

ANR1468E command name: Command script The specified command script, started with a RUN
command script name, continued command, encountered errors.
line is too long
System action
Part or all of the command lines in the command script
The specified command script with continuation lines ended in error. Command processing is terminated.
is too long to be executed.

User response
System action
Examine the messages preceeding this message to
The command fails. determine the cause of the error. Correct the script
and reissue the command.
User response
ANR1472I command name: Command script
Correct the specified command script so that it is command script name renamed to
shorter. new command script name.
ANR1469E command name: Command script
command script name, Line line Explanation
number is an INVALID command : The specified command script was renamed with the
command line. RENAME SCRIPT command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 265

System action User response
None. Examine any messages that might appear prior to this
one in the activity log to determine if the error can be
User response found. If the file was to exist for use by the command,
ensure that the file does exists and that the server has
None. proper authority to access the file. If the file was to be
ANR1473E command name: A command line created by the command, ensure that the filesystem
cannot be specified when the has sufficient space and that the server has authority
FILE= parameter is used. to create the file in the location specified.
ANR1476E command name: File file name
Explanation contains no data.
The FILE= parameter was specified in the DEFINE
SCRIPT command AND a command line was also Explanation
specified for the SCRIPT. When the FILE= parameter is The FILE= parameter was specified in a command but
specified, a command line cannot be specified. the specified file did not contain script command lines.

System action System action

The command fails. The command fails.

User response User response

Reenter the command without the command line OR Add script command lines to the file or specify another
the FILE= parameter. file and reenter the command.
ANR1474E command name: A line number ANR1477E command name: The OUTPUTFILE
cannot be specified when the parameter may only be specified
FILE= parameter is used. when FORMAT=RAW is specified.

Explanation Explanation
The FILE= parameter was specified in the DEFINE The OUTPUTFILE parameter was specified in a QUERY
SCRIPT command AND a line number was also SCRIPT command but the FORMAT parameter did not
specified for the SCRIPT. When the FILE= parameter is specify RAW output. When outputting the QUERY to a
specified, a line number cannot be specified. file, you MUST specify RAW output format.

System action System action

The command fails. The command fails.

User response User response

Reenter the command without the line number OR the Reenter the command specifyingthe proper value for
FILE= parameter. the FORMAT parameter or do not specify the
ANR1475E command name: File file name OUTPUTFILE parameter.
could not be opened. ANR1478E command name: Error writing to
file file name.
A filename was specified in a command but the Explanation
specified file could not be opened by the server. An error was encountered while writing to the file
System action
The command fails. System action
The command fails.

266 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Examine any messages that might appear prior to this This message is issued during a RUN command
one in the activity log to determine if the error can be (VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that the target label for a
found. Ensure that the filesystem has sufficient space GOTO statement was found.
and that the server has authority to create the file in
the location specified. System action
ANR1479I command name: Query output was Command processing continues.
written to file file name.
User response
The output from the specified query was successfully
written to the specified file. ANR1483I command name: Line line number
condition IF(condition) is NOT true
- statement is skipped.
System action
The command completes successfully. Explanation
This message is issued during a RUN command
User response
(VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that the a return code
None. condition check failed and the IF(..) statement is
ANR1480E command name: Description text
is too long.
System action
Explanation Command processing continues.
The specified description text is too long for a
command that allows description text to be specified. User response
System action
ANR1484I command name: Line line number
The command fails. condition IF(condition) is TRUE -
statement will be executed.
User response
Reenter the command specifying a shorter description.
This message is issued during a RUN command
ANR1481E command name: A command line (VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that the a return code
or description must be specified. condition check succeeded and the IF(..) statement is
An UPDATE SCRIPT command was specified with out a System action
command line (script line) or description text. Command processing continues.

System action User response

The command fails. None.

User response ANR1485I command name: Ending SCRIPT

with EXIT statement on line line
Reenter the command specifying a command line or number.
description text.
ANR1482I command name: Found label Explanation
statement label on line line number This message is issued during a RUN command
and continuing. (VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that an EXIT statement
was encountered and SCRIPT termination will end.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 267

System action ANR1489E command name: Line line number
is a GOTO to a label (label name)
The SCRIPT command ends.
that does not exist or is associated
with a line prior to line line
User response number.
ANR1486I command name: Executing line
line number GOTO label name. This message is issued if a GOTO statement in a
SCRIPT does not specify a label that exists in the
Explanation SCRIPT, or that does exist but is associated with a line
prior to the line that contains the GOTO statement.
This message is issued during a RUN command
(VERBOSE=YES) to indicate that a GOTO statement
System action
was encountered and processing will skip to the
named label. Command processing fails.

System action User response

SCRIPT processing continues. Correct the SCRIPT definition and reenter the RUN
User response ANR1490W command name: Command script
None. command script name does not
contain any commands.
ANR1487I command name: Command return
code is symbolic return code
(return code severity).
The script name specified in a RUN command does not
Explanation contain any commands.

This message is issued during a RUN command

System action
(VERBOSE=YES) to indicate the return code that was
returned from the latest command. The RUN operation fails (has nothing to do).

System action User response

SCRIPT processing continues. Server command Scripts that contain no commands
will not execute. Add command lines to the Script and
User response reenter the RUN command.

None. ANR1491E Server command scripts cannot be

started from the server console.
ANR1488E command name: Line line number
condition IF(condition) is not a
valid condition.
A server command script RUN command was issued
Explanation from the server console. Server command scripts
cannot be started from the server console because
This message is issued if an IF() statement in a SCRIPT they may require a long time to complete and the
does not specify proper condition values. server console should be available to control other
server functions.
System action
Command processing fails. System action
The server ignores the command and continues
User response processing.
Reenter the command using valid conditions for the
IF() statement.

268 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Start the server command script from an This message is issued during a RUN command
administrative client or schedule it for execution using (VERBOSE=YES) to indicate the numeric return code
the administrative command scheduler. that was returned from the latest command.
ANR1492E command name: A loop has been
detected in server command script System action
RUN commands - command failed. SCRIPT processing continues.

Explanation User response

A server command script DEFINE or UPDATE None.
command has created a situation where one or more
scripts invoke each other in a loop that can cause the ANR1495E command name: command script
scripts to run idefinitely. name is currently running. Define,
update or delete can not be
System action
The command fails to update the server command Explanation
attempted on a script that is currently running.
User response
Server command scripts can invoke each other, but System action
not in a fashion that causes a potential loop in their
execution. Specify the scripts in a manner that does The operation fails.
not cause them to invoke each other in a loop.
User response
ANR1493E Command: Administrator
administrator name is not Reenter the command when the script is not running.
authorized to update or delete
command script command script
Explanation The ISSUE MESSAGE command with a severity
indicator of INFORMATION was issued.
The specified administrator has entered the indicated
command, but this administrator does not have the
proper authority necessary to update or delete this System action
command script. If an administrator does not have Server operation continues.
system authority, they must have previously created or
updated the script.
User response

System action None.

The server does not process the command. ANR1497W

User response Explanation

Issue the command from a properly authorized The ISSUE MESSAGE command with a severity
administrator ID, or contact the administrator that indicator of WARNING was issued.
created the script.
System action
ANR1494I command name: Command return
code is numeric return code. Server operation continues.

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 269

ANR1498E User response
ANR1502I Policy domain domain name
The ISSUE MESSAGE command with a severity updated.
indicator of ERROR was issued.
System action
In response to the UPDATE DOMAIN command, the
Server operation continues. policy domain domain name has been updated in the
server database.
User response
None. System action

ANR1499S Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

The ISSUE MESSAGE command with a severity None.

indicator of SEVERE was issued. ANR1503I Policy domain domain name
copied to domain target domain.
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
In response to the COPY DOMAIN command, the
User response policy domain domain name has been copied to a new
policy domain named target domain. All policy sets,
management classes, and copy groups are also copied
ANR1500I Policy domain domain name to the target domain policy domain.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
In response to the DEFINE DOMAIN command, the
policy domain domain name has been defined in the User response
server database.
System action ANR1504I Command: No matching domains.
Server operation continues.
User response The server cannot find any policy domains with names
that match the specification entered in the command
ANR1501I Policy domain domain name
deleted. System action
Server operation continues.
In response to the DELETE DOMAIN command, the User response
policy domain domain name has been deleted from
the server database. All policy sets, management Reissue the command with a specification that
classes, copy groups, and schedules related to the matches an existing policy domain name. Use the
domain have also been removed. QUERY DOMAIN command to obtain a list of the
names of existing policy domains.
System action ANR1505W The BACKUP copy group in
management class management
Server operation continues.
class name specifies a table of

270 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

contents destination storage pool : cache storage pool. For a list of names of defined
storage pool name that does not storage pools, issue the QUERY STGPOOL command.
exist. If this pool does not exist
ANR1507I Table of contents load retention is
when policy set policy set name is
set to number of minutes minutes.
activated, the creation of the table
of contents may fail for an image
backup when this management Explanation
class is used for the backup. The number of minutes that the unreferenced table of
contents (TOC) data will remain loaded in the server
Explanation database has been set to the value indicated with the
This message may be returned from the DEFINE
POLICYSET or ACTIVATE POLICYSET command. System action
During the indicated command processing, the server None.
has found a backup copy group that has a table of
contents (TOC) destination referring to an undefined
User response
storage pool named storage pool name. If this storage
pool is undefined when the policy set is activated, the None.
creation of the TOC for an image backup will fail if its
TOC creation binds to the management class whose ANR1508E Command: An incorrect table of
copy groups reference this pool. contents load retention retention
value was specified.
System action
Server operation continues.
entered that specifies an invalid table of contents
User response
(TOC) retention period.
To locate the copy groups that refer to the undefined
storage pool, issue the QUERY COPYGROUP System action
command. To change the TOC destination to refer to
an existing storage pool, issue the UPDATE The server does not process the command.
COPYGROUP command. To define the storage pool, an
authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE User response
STGPOOL command.
Reissue the command with a valid retention period.
ANR1506E Command: An incorrect storage ANR1509E Error writing option option name to
pool name - storage pool name was file file name.
specified for the TOC destination.
An error was encountered while writing an option
Server processing for the command command fails entry to server option file.
because the storage pool name pool name specified
for the table of contents (TOC) is an invalid destination
storage pool type. A copy storage pool, active-data System action
storage pool, or cold-data-cache storage pool is not a The format command fails.
valid copy group TOC destination.
User response
System action
Examine any messages that might appear prior to this
The command fails and server operation continues. one in the activity log to determine if the error can be
found. Ensure that the filesystem has sufficient space
User response and that the server has authority to update the server
option file then reissue the format command.
Reissue the command using a storage pool name that
is not a copy pool, active-data pool, or cold-data- ANR1510I Policy set set name defined in
policy domain domain name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 271

Explanation System action
In response to the DEFINE POLICYSET command, the Server operation continues.
policy set named set name has been defined in the
policy domain named domain name in the server User response
System action ANR1514I Policy set set name activated in
policy domain domain name.
Server operation continues.

User response
In response to the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command,
the policy set set name has been activated in the
ANR1511I Policy set set name deleted from policy domain domain name. All management class
policy domain domain name. and copy group definitions in the policy set will be
used by clients that start sessions after this command
Explanation is committed. Clients that currently have sessions
established with the server will use the policy
In response to the DELETE POLICYSET command, the definitions in the previously active policy set for the
policy set set name has been deleted from the policy domain.
domain domain name in the server database.
System action
System action
The server replaces the active management class and
Server operation continues. copy group definitions for the policy domain with the
definitions found in the specified policy set. These
User response values are returned to client nodes that start a session
with the server after this command is committed to
the server database.
ANR1512I Policy set set name updated in
policy domain domain name. User response
ANR1515I Policy set set name validated in
In response to the UPDATE POLICYSET command, the
domain domain name (ready for
policy set set name has been updated in the policy
domain domain name in the server database.

System action
This message may be displayed in response to a
Server operation continues.
VALIDATE POLICYSET command. The policy set set
name has been checked in the domain domain name
User response to see if the management class and copy group
None. definitions are adequate for activating the policy set.
This message indicates that the policy set may be
ANR1513I Policy set set name copied to set activated. Warning messages may be issued prior to
new set name in policy domain this message if there are discrepancies in the policy
domain name. set with respect to the set that is currently active in
the policy domain.
In response to the COPY POLICYSET command, the System action
policy set set name has been copied to the policy set The server checks its definitions to determine the
new set name in the policy domain named domain policy set's qualifications for activation. The server
name. All management classes and copy groups are does not activate the policy set.
also copied to the policy set new set name.

272 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
If you are satisfied with any warning messages that Server processing continues.
may have been issued prior to this message
concerning any possible discrepancies in the policy User response
set, issue the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command to
activate the policy set in the policy domain. Otherwise, None.
correct the discrepancies prior to activating the policy ANR1519I Insertdb command: Elapsed time
set. Before the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command is was elapsed time.
used to activate the policy set, use the validate
command to check policy set contents.
ANR1516E Command: Storage pool storage
This message indicates the total amount of time that
pool name is not enabled for
elapsed during database insert processing.

System action
Server processing continues.
The command indicated specifies the name of a
storage pool which does not have deduplication
enabled. The command requires that deduplication be User response
enabled on the storage pool before the command can None.
ANR1520I Management class class name
System action defined in policy domain domain
name, set set name.
The server does not process the command.
User response
In response to the DEFINE MGMTCLASS command,
Update the storage pool to allow data deduplication by the management class named class name has been
specifying the parameter DEDUPLICATE=YES. But only defined in the policy set set name belonging to the
do so if you wish to have duplicates of data in the policy domain named domain name.
storage pool removed.
ANR1517I Insertdb command: Processed System action
number of database records Server operation continues.
database records.
User response
This message indicates the total number of database
records that were successfully inserted during ANR1521I Management class class name
database insert processing. deleted from policy domain
domain name, set set name.
System action
Server processing continues.
In response to a DELETE MGMTCLASS command, the
User response management class named class name has been
deleted from the policy set set name belonging to the
None. policy domain domain name. All copy groups defined
for the management class are also removed.
ANR1518I Insertdb command: Read number
of bytes bytes.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
This message indicates the total number of bytes that
were successfully read during database insert User response
processing. None.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 273

ANR1522I Management class class name ANR1525I command: Updated database
updated in policy domain domain entries of database entries
name, set set name. database entries in elapsed time.

Explanation Explanation
In response to the UPDATE MGMTCLASS command, The command has updated the indicated number of
the management class named class name has been database entries.
updated in the policy domain domain name, policy set
set name. System action
System action
Server operation continues. User response
User response
ANR1526I Insertdb command: Building
indices and checking table
ANR1523I Management class class name integrity.
copied to class new class name in
policy domain domain name, set Explanation
set name.
The database insert process has begun to create
indices and check the integrity of the database tables.
In response to the COPY MGMTCLASS command, the System action
management class named class name has been
copied to a new management class named new class Server processing continues.
name in policy set set name belonging to policy
domain domain name. All copy groups defined for User response
management class class name are also copied to
management class new class name.
ANR1527I command: Checked database
System action objects of database objects
database objects in elapsed time.
Server operation continues.
User response
The command has checked the integrity of the
None. indicated number of database tables.
ANR1524I Insertdb command: Beginning
database update phase. System action
The database insert process has completed inserting User response
database records, and has begun making updates to
the inserted records.
ANR1528I RUNSTATS: Table updating
System action statistics completed in elapsed
Server processing continues.
User response
This message indicates the update statistics for all
None. tables completed.

274 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Server processing continues. In response to the DELETE COPYGROUP command,
the backup copy group named group name has been
User response deleted from the management class named class
name in the policy set set name belonging to policy
None. domain domain name.
ANR1529I Process process ID skipped File
state deduplicated extent Extent id System action
on volume Volume name. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

While moving or copying deduplicated extents from a None.
sequential FILE volume, extents were encountered
that were marked deleted or damaged. As a result, the ANR1532I Backup copy group group name
extents were skipped. updated in policy domain domain
name, set set name, management
System action class class name.

The server moves or copies all extents from the

volume that are not marked damaged or deleted. The
damaged or deleted extents are skipped. In response to the UPDATE COPYGROUP command,
the backup copy group named group name has been
User response updated in the management class named class name
in the policy set set name belonging to policy domain
If the deduplicated extent was marked damaged, audit domain name.
the indicated volume with FIX=NO to verify whether
the file is damaged. The audit will reset the file status
System action
if the deduplicated extent is not damaged.
Server operation continues.
If the deduplicated extent has been marked deleted, it
is not copied to another storage pool.
User response
ANR1530I Backup copy group group name
defined in policy domain domain None.
name, set set name, management ANR1533E command: The target client
class class name. version that was specified is not
valid. The value name value: value
Explanation in the form V.R.M.F. ( Version,
Release, Modification, and Fix
In response to the DEFINE COPYGROUP command, a
Level ) is incorrect.
backup copy group named group name has been
defined for the management class named class name
in the policy set set name belonging to policy domain Explanation
domain name. During pre-processing of command command, an
invalid value was encountered for the client target
System action level. The correct client target level should be
formatted like
Server operation continues.

System action
User response
The register/update node fails.
ANR1531I Backup copy group group name User response
deleted from policy domain
domain name, set set name, Specify the correct client target level, then reissue the
management class class name. command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 275

ANR1534I Process process ID skipped Num name in the policy set set name belonging to policy
Files deduplicated files on volume domain domain name.
Volume name because copies of
the files were not found. System action
Server operation continues.
The DEDUPREQUIRESBACKUP server option is set to User response
YES. If the value of this option is YES (the default), files
within a deduplicated storage pool must be backed up None.
to a non-deduplicated copy storage pool before the ANR1537I Archive copy group group name
files can be moved. updated in policy domain domain
name, set set name, management
System action class class name.
The operation skips the files without copies and
continues the operation. Explanation
In response to the UPDATE COPYGROUP command,
User response the archive copy group named group name has been
updated in the management class named class name
Ensure that all files in the primary storage pool are
in the policy set set name belonging to policy domain
backed up to a non-deduplicated copy storage pool.
domain name.
You can also change the value of the
However, doing so can result in unrecoverable data System action
loss if a data-integrity error occurs. As a best practice, Server operation continues.
do not change the default.
ANR1535I Archive copy group group name User response
defined in policy domain domain None.
name, set set name, management
class class name. ANR1538I Default management class set to
class name for policy domain
Explanation domain name, set set name.

In response to the DEFINE COPYGROUP command, an

archive copy group named group name has been
defined for the management class named class name The default management class for the policy set set
in the policy set set name belonging to policy domain name in policy domain domain name has been set to
domain name. the management class named class name.

System action System action

Server operation continues. If this policy set is activated, clients use this
management class for backup-archive processing by
User response default, or if other management classes specified for
binding do not exist in the policy set.
ANR1536I Archive copy group group name User response
deleted from policy domain None.
domain name, set set name,
management class class name. ANR1539S A previous database upgrade did
not succeed. The server cannot
Explanation start.

In response to the DELETE COPYGROUP command,

the archive copy group named group name has been
deleted from the management class named class A DSMSERV INSERTDB command used to upgrade
from IBM Spectrum Protect V5 failed or was cancelled.

276 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

The result is a database that does not contain all of the connection with the source server
data from the original database. The server cannot be is broken.
run with an incomplete database.
System action
The communications link with the source server broke
The server will not start. because of a network error or because the source-
server export process stopped.
User response
System action
Rerun the DSMSERV INSERTDB command.
The import process ends.
ANR1540E Import command: The processing
stopped. The connection with the
source server is broken. User response
Examine the activity log of the source server to
Explanation determine if the export process stopped. A network
failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If
The communications link with the source server broke many communication error messages occur
because of a network error or because the source- simultaneously, check the network for failure and
server export process stopped. correct any problems.

System action ANR1543E Export command: Preview

processing stopped. The
The import process ends. connection with the target server
is broken.
User response
Examine the activity log of the source server to Explanation
determine if the export process stopped. A network The communications link with the target server broke
failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If because of a network error or because the target-
many communication error messages occur server import process stopped.
simultaneously, check the network for failure and
correct any problems.
System action
ANR1541E Export command: The processing The export process ends.
stopped. The connection with the
target server is broken.
User response
Explanation Examine the activity log of the target server to
determine if the import process stopped. A network
The communications link with the target server broke failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If
because of a network error or because the target- many communication error messages occur
server import process stopped. simultaneously, check the network for failure and
correct any problems.
System action
The export process ends. value is updated from old value to
new value.
User response
Examine the activity log of the target server to Explanation
determine if the import process stopped. A network The value for the DEDUPTIER3FILESIZE option must
failure can also cause this message to be displayed. If be greater than or equal to the value for the
many communication error messages occur DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE option. The value for the
simultaneously, check the network for failure and DEDUPTIER3FILESIZE option is increased to match
correct any problems. the value for the DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE option.
ANR1542E Import command: Preview
processing stopped. The

Chapter 3. ANR messages 277

System action User response
Server operations continue. Add space to the file system or free up space on the
file system or disk.
User response ANR1547W The server failed to update the
Use the SETOPT command to update the value for DBDIAGLOGSIZE server option
either the DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE option or the due to insufficient available space.
DEDUPTIER3FILESIZE option. Ensure that the value Required space: new value
for the DEDUPTIER3FILESIZE option is greater than or megabytes; available space:
equal to the value for the DEDUPTIER2FILESIZE system free space megabytes. The
option when you are specifying the values. current value:current value
ANR1545W The diagpath ( path ) file system or
disk is becoming full. Space
available: space available MB of
total space MB. Percent full: file There was not enough free space in the filesystem or
system used ratio percent. drive to create db2diag.log files.

Explanation System action

The file system or disk containing the db2diag.log file The update fails but the server continues.
is becoming full. This could cause problems with the
server if other Db2 or server databases are in this User response
Because the value in the server option and logattr.chk
have been updated, you must change them to the
System action
current value so that they are consistent with the value
None. stored in the database manager. Free the required disk
space and update the DBDIAGLOGSIZE option.
User response ANR1548E The server failed to format or
Add space to the file system or free up space on the initialize because the available
file system or disk. space (free spacebytes) in the
diagnostic data directory path
ANR1546W Available space for the directory path is less than 2MB to allocate
(path) is less than 1 GB. If there is db2diag.log files;
no space available the server can
no longer function correctly.

Explanation There was not enough free space in the diagnostic

directory to allocate 2MB db2diag.log files.
There is less than 1 GB of available space in the file
system or disk where the server database files are
System action
located. When a server is initially created, with the
DSMSERV FORMAT utility or with the configuration The server stops.
wizard, a server database and recovery log are
created. In addition, files are created to hold database User response
information used by the database manager. The
specified path is the location of the database Free the required disk space in the diagnostic directory
information used by the database manager. If there is to at least 2MB and then run the command again.
no space available, the server can no longer function ANR1549W Transaction failed for session
correctly. session number for node node
name (client platform). The next
System action storage pool pool name for the
None. primary storage pool pool name
cannot be a target for LAN-free

278 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR1551W BACKUP copygroup group name in
management class class name is
The server rolled back a database update transaction
NOT defined in policy set set name
for the specified session because the specified next
but is defined in the ACTIVE policy
storage pool of the specified primary storage pool
set for domain domain name: files
cannot be a target for LAN-free backup.
bound to this management class
will no longer be backed up if/
System action when set name is activated.
The specified session is ended and server operation
continues. Explanation
This message may be returned from the VALIDATE
User response POLICYSET or ACTIVATE POLICYSET command.
An authorized administrator can issue the UPDATE During policy set validation processing, the server has
STGPOOL command for the specified primary storage found a backup copy group named group name for
pool to remove the specified next storage pool from management class class name in the currently active
the parameter NEXTSTGPOOLS. Alternatively, an policy set, but the copy group is not defined for the
authorized administrator can enable LAN-free backup management class in the policy set being validated or
to the specified next storage pool. activated (set name). If policy set set name is
activated, files bound to management class class
ANR1550W Management class class name is name in domain domain name will no longer be
NOT defined in policy set set name eligible for backup processing.
but IS defined in the ACTIVE
policy set for domain domain
System action
name: files bound to this
management class will be Server operation continues.
REBOUND to the default
management class if/when this User response
set is activated.
If you want files bound to this management class to be
eligible for backup processing, define an archive copy
group for management class class name by using the
This message may be returned from the VALIDATE DEFINE COPYGROUP command.
ANR1552W ARCHIVE copygroup group name
During policy set validation processing, the server has
found a management class named class name in the in management class class name is
currently active policy set, but not defined in the policy NOT defined in policy set set name
set being validated or activated (set name). If policy but is defined in the ACTIVE policy
set set name is activated, files bound to this set for domain domain name:
management class in domain domain name are attempting to archive files
automatically rebound to the default management specifiying this management class
class in policy set set name. will fail if set name is activated.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. This message may be returned from the VALIDATE
During policy set validation processing, the server has
User response found an archive copy group named group name for
If you do not want files to be rebound to the default management class class name in the currently active
management class, define a management class with policy set, but the copy group is not defined for the
the name specified in the message for the policy set. management class in the policy set being validated or
To define the proper copy group attributes, reference activated (set name). If policy set set name is
the management class definition in the ACTIVE policy activated, attempting to archive files specifiying this
set or copy the management class class name from management class will fail. Existing archives bound to
the ACTIVE policy set to policy set set name using the this management class on the IBM Spectrum Protect
COPY MGMTCLAS command. server will be expired based on the defmgmtclass
values, or the archive retention grace period for the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 279

policy domain, if the default management class does the default management class named class name does
not contain an archive copygroup. not have an archive copy group. This message warns
the administrator that activation of this policy set will
System action result in client files not being allowed archive
processing unless they are bound to a management
Server operation continues. class (which has an archive copy group) other than the
User response
To archive files specifying this management class, System action
define an archive copy group for management class Server operation continues.
class name by using the DEFINE COPYGROUP
User response
ANR1553W DEFAULT Management class class To define a backup copy group for the management
name in policy set domain name class, issue the DEFINE COPYGROUP command. To
set name does not have a BACKUP assign a different default management class for the
copygroup: files will not be backed domain, issue the ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS
up by default if this set is command. Take either action if you want files to be
activated. eligible for archive processing by default.

Explanation ANR1555W The BACKUP copy group in

management class management
This message may be returned from the VALIDATE class name specifies a destination
POLICYSET or ACTIVATE POLICYSET command. that does not refer to a defined
During policy set validation for policy set set name in storage pool: storage pool name. If
policy domain domain name, the server has found that this pool does not exist when
the default management class named class name does policy set policy set name is
not have a backup copy group. This message warns activated, clients will fail when
the administrator that activation of this policy set using this management class to
results in client files not being backed up, unless they backup files to the server.
are bound to a management class (which has a copy
group) other than the default.

System action This message may be returned from the VALIDATE

Server operation continues. During policy set validation for set name, the server
has found a backup copy group destination that
User response references an undefined storage pool named pool
name. If this storage pool is undefined when the policy
To define a backup copy group for the management
set is activated, backup or archive operations will fail
class, issue the DEFINE COPYGROUP command. To
for clients with files bound to the management class
assign a different default management class for the
whose copy groups reference this pool.
domain, issue the ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS
command. Take either action if you want files to be
backed up by default. System action

ANR1554W DEFAULT Management class class Server operation continues.

name in policy set domain name
set name does not have an User response
ARCHIVE copygroup: files will not To locate the copy groups that refer to the undefined
be archived by default if this set is storage pool, issue the QUERY COPYGROUP
activated. command. To change the destination to refer to an
existing storage pool, issue the UPDATE COPYGROUP
Explanation command. To define the storage pool, an authorized
This message may be returned from the VALIDATE administrator can issue the DEFINE STGPOOL
During policy set validation for policy set set name in ANR1556W The ARCHIVE copy group in
policy domain domain name, the server has found that management class management

280 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

class name specifies a destination System action
that does not refer to a defined
Server operation continues.
storage pool: storage pool name. If
this pool does not exist when
policy set policy set name is User response
activated, clients will fail when To locate the management class that refers to the
using this management class to undefined storage pool, issue the QUERY MGMTCLASS
archive files to the server. command. To change the destination to refer to an
existing storage pool, issue the UPDATE MGMTCLASS
Explanation command. To define the storage pool, an authorized
administrator can issue the DEFINE STGPOOL
This message may be returned from the VALIDATE
During policy set validation for set name, the server ANR1558E The space management migration
has found a archive copy group destination that destination in management class
references an undefined storage pool named pool management class name in policy
name. If this storage pool is undefined when the policy set policy set name refers to copy
set is activated, backup or archive operations will fail storage pool: storage pool name.
for clients with files bound to the management class Copy storage pools are not a valid
whose copy groups reference this pool. migration destination.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. This message may be returned from the VALIDATE
User response During policy set validation for set name, the server
has found a space management migration destination
To locate the copy groups that refer to the undefined that references a copy storage pool named pool name.
storage pool, issue the QUERY COPYGROUP
command. To change the destination to refer to an
existing storage pool, issue the UPDATE COPYGROUP System action
command. To define the storage pool, an authorized Server operation continues. The policy set is not
administrator can issue the DEFINE STGPOOL activated.
ANR1557W The space management migration User response
destination in management class To locate the management class that refers to the
management class name does not copy storage pool, issue the QUERY MGMTCLASS
refer to a defined storage pool: command. To change the destination to refer to a non-
storage pool name. If this pool copy storage pool, issue the UPDATE MGMTCLASS
does not exist when policy set command.
policy set name is activated,
clients will fail when using this ANR1559E The copy group destination for
management class to migrate type copy group type in
space-managed files to the server. management class management
class name in policy set policy set
Explanation name refers to copy storage pool:
storage pool name. Copy storage
This message may be returned from the VALIDATE pools are not a valid copy group
POLICYSET or ACTIVATE POLICYSET command. destination.
During policy set validation for set name, the server
has found a space management migration destination Explanation
that references an undefined storage pool named pool
name. If this storage pool is undefined when the policy This message may be returned from the VALIDATE
set is activated, space management migration POLICYSET or ACTIVATE POLICYSET command.
operations will fail for clients with files bound to the During policy set validation for set name, the server
management class that references this pool. has found a copy group destination that references a
copy storage pool named pool name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 281

System action Explanation
Server operation continues. The policy set is not Server processing for the copy group command
activated. command fails because the value (retention value)
specified for the BACKRETN parameter is not valid.
User response
System action
To locate the management class that refers to the
copy storage pool, issue the QUERY MGMTCLASS Database changes for the command are rolled back
command. To change the destination to refer to a non- and server operation continues. The command is not
copy storage pool, issue the UPDATE MGMTCLASS successful in changing the server database.
ANR1560E Command: Invalid policy domain User response
name - domain name. Reissue the command and specify a valid BACKRETN
ANR1564E Command: Invalid retention
Server processing for the command command fails period for ARCHRETN parameter -
because the policy domain name domain name retention value.
specified does not contain valid characters or contains
too many characters. Explanation
Server processing for the copy group command
System action
command fails because the value (retention value)
Database changes for the command are rolled back specified for the ARCHRETN parameter is not valid.
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
User response
and server operation continues. The command is not
Reissue the command and specify a policy domain successful in changing the server database.
name that conforms to these name requirements.
ANR1562E Command: Policy domain User response
description exceeds length limit Reissue the command and specify a valid ARCHRETN
characters. value.
ANR1565E Command: Invalid policy set name
- set name.
Server processing for the command command fails
because the policy domain description specified is Explanation
longer than the length limit number of characters
allowed. Server processing for the command command fails
because the policy set name set name specified does
not contain valid characters or contains too many
System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not System action
successful in changing the server database.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
User response
successful in changing the server database.
Reissue the command and specify a shorter policy
domain description. User response
ANR1563E Command: Invalid retention Reissue the command and specify a policy set name
period for BACKRETN parameter - that conforms to valid name requirements.
retention value.
ANR1566E Command: Policy set description
exceeds length limit characters.

282 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR1569E Command: Invalid copy group
name - group name.
Server processing for the command command fails
because the policy set description specified is longer
than the length limit number of characters allowed. Explanation
Server processing for the command command fails
System action because the copy group name group name specified
does not contain valid characters or contains too many
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database.
System action
User response Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
Reissue the command and specify a shorter policy set
successful in changing the server database.
ANR1567E Command: Invalid management User response
class name - class name.
Reissue the command and specify a copy group name
that conforms to valid name requirements.
ANR1570E Command: Invalid copy frequency
Server processing for the command command fails
because the management class name class name - frequency value.
specified does not contain valid characters or contains
too many characters. Explanation
Server processing for the copy group command
System action command fails because the value (frequency value)
Database changes for the command are rolled back specified for the FREQUENCY parameter is not valid.
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
User response and server operation continues. The command is not
Reissue the command and specify a management successful in changing the server database.
class name that conforms to valid name requirements.
User response
ANR1568E Command: Management class
description exceeds length limit Reissue the command and specify a valid FREQUENCY
characters. value.
ANR1571E Command: Invalid copy
Explanation destination - pool name.
Server processing for the command command fails
because the management class description specified Explanation
is longer than the length limit number of characters Server processing for the command command fails
allowed. because the storage pool name pool name specified
for the copy group destination or for the table of
System action contents (TOC) destination does not contain valid
Database changes for the command are rolled back characters or contains too many characters.
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
User response and server operation continues. The command is not
Reissue the command and specify a shorter successful in changing the server database.
management class description.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 283

User response User response
Reissue the command and specify a storage pool Reissue the command and specify a valid VEREXISTS
name that conforms to valid name requirements. value.
ANR1572E Command: Missing copy ANR1575E Command: Invalid version count
destination. for VERDELETED parameter -
version value.
Server processing for the copy group command
command fails because the required copy group Server processing for the copy group command
destination is not specified. command fails because the value (version value)
specified for the VERDELETED parameter is not valid.
System action
System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not Database changes for the command are rolled back
successful in changing the server database. and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database.
User response
User response
Reissue the command and specify the required copy
group destination (DEST). Reissue the command and specify a valid
ANR1573E Command: Invalid copy type - type
value. ANR1576E Command: Invalid retention
period for RETEXTRA parameter -
Explanation retention value.

Server processing for the copy group command

command fails because the value (type value)
specified for the TYPE parameter is not valid. Server processing for the copy group command
command fails because the value (retention value)
System action specified for the RETEXTRA parameter is not valid.

Database changes for the command are rolled back

System action
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
User response successful in changing the server database.

Reissue the command and specify a valid TYPE value.

User response
ANR1574E Command: Invalid version count Reissue the command and specify a valid RETEXTRA
for VEREXISTS parameter - value.
version value.
ANR1577E Command: Invalid retention
Explanation period for RETONLY parameter -
retention value.
Server processing for the copy group command
command fails because the value (version value)
specified for the VEREXISTS parameter is not valid.
Server processing for the copy group command
System action command fails because the value (retention value)
specified for the RETONLY parameter is not valid.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database.

284 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. successful in changing the server database.

User response User response

Reissue the command and specify a valid RETONLY Reissue the command and specify a valid
value. SERIALIZATION value.
ANR1578E Command: Invalid version count ANR1581E Command: The option option is
for RETVER parameter - retention valid only for backup copy groups.
Server processing for the archive copy group
Server processing for the copy group command command command fails because the option specified
command fails because the value (retention value) is only valid for backup copy group definitions.
specified for the RETVER parameter is not valid.
System action
System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
Database changes for the command are rolled back and server operation continues. The command is not
and server operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
successful in changing the server database.
User response
User response
Reissue the command specifying valid archive copy
Reissue the command and specify a valid RETVER group options, or specify TYPE=BACKUP if the intent is
value. to operate on a backup copy group.
ANR1579E Command: Invalid copy mode - ANR1582E Command: The option option is
mode value. valid only for archive copy groups.

Explanation Explanation
Server processing for the copy group command Server processing for the backup copy group
command fails because the value (mode value) command command fails because the option specified
specified for the MODE parameter is not valid. is only valid for archive copy group definitions.

System action System action

Database changes for the command are rolled back Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. successful in changing the server database.

User response User response

Reissue the command and specify a valid MODE value. Reissue the command specifying valid backup copy
group options, or specifying TYPE=ARCHIVE if the
ANR1580E Command: Invalid copy intent is to operate on an archive copy group.
serialization mode - serialization
value. ANR1583E Command: Copy frequency for
archive copy groups must be CMD
Explanation - frequency value is not valid.

Server processing for the copy group command

command fails because the value (serialization value)
specified for the SERIALIZATION parameter is not Server processing for the archive copy group
valid. command command fails because a value other than

Chapter 3. ANR messages 285

CMD has been specified for the FREQUENCY User response
parameter. The only value that may be specified for
Reissue the command specifying a policy set other
the archive copy group FREQUENCY parameter is
than ACTIVE. To copy the ACTIVE policy set for a
policy domain to another name so that commands may
be used to change its contents, issue the COPY
System action POLICYSET command. Then to activate the changes,
Database changes for the command are rolled back issue the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command.
and server operation continues. The command is not ANR1586E Command: Invalid migration
successful in changing the server database. destination - pool name.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command specifying CMD for the Server processing for the command command fails
FREQUENCY parameter, or omitting the FREQUENCY because the storage pool name pool name specified
parameter because the default value for FREQUENCY for the migration destination is an invalid storage pool
is CMD for archive copy groups. type. A copy storage pool or cold-data-cache storage
ANR1584E Command: Copy mode for archive pool is not a valid migration destination.
copy groups must be ABSOLUTE -
mode value is not valid. System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
Explanation and server operation continues. The command is not
Server processing for the archive copy group successful in changing the server database.
command command fails because a value other than
ABSOLUTE has been specified for the MODE User response
parameter. The only value that may be specified for
Reissue the command using a storage pool name that
the archive copy group MODE parameter is ABSOLUTE.
is a valid storage pool type. For a list of names of
defined storage pools, issue the QUERY STGPOOL
System action command.
Database changes for the command are rolled back ANR1587E Command: Invalid copy group
and server operation continues. The command is not destination - pool name.
successful in changing the server database.
User response
Server processing for the command command fails
Reissue the command specifying ABSOLUTE for the because the storage pool name pool name specified
MODE parameter, or omitting the MODE parameter for the copy group destination is a copy pool, active-
because the default value for MODE is ABSOLUTE for data pool, or container-copy pool. A copy pool, active-
archive copy groups. data pool, or container-copy pool is not a valid copy
ANR1585E Command: Policy set ACTIVE group destination.
cannot be modified.
System action
Explanation Database changes for the command are rolled back
Server processing for the command command fails and server operation continues. The command is not
because the policy set name ACTIVE is specified. successful in changing the server database.
Objects in the ACTIVE policy set for a domain may only
be changed through activation of another policy set. User response
Reissue the command and specify the name of a
System action primary storage pool. The storage pool that you
Database changes for the command are rolled back specify for the copy group destination cannot be a
and server operation continues. The command is not copy pool, active-data pool, or container-copy pool.
successful in changing the server database. For a list of the storage pool names that are defined,
issue the QUERY STGPOOL command.

286 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1588W The value of the Explanation
ACTIVEDESTINATION parameter Server processing for the command command fails
received from the configuration because the policy domain name domain name does
manager specifies a storage pool not refer to a defined policy domain in the server
storage pool name for domain database. If you used the REPLICATE NODE
domain name that is not defined command, this message applies to the target server.
on the managed server.

System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
If the storage pool on the managed server is and server operation continues. The command is not
undefined, the value of the ACTIVEDESTINATION successful in changing the server database.
parameter for domain domain name is not updated.

User response
System action
Reissue the command specifying a policy domain
Server operation continues. name that is defined in the server database. For a list
of the names of defined policy domains in the server
User response database, issue the QUERY DOMAIN command.
Define an active-data storage pool on the managed ANR1591E Command: Policy domain domain
server with the same name as that on the name is already defined.
configuration manager.
ANR1589E Error reason code updating Explanation
database manager security plugin Server processing for the command command fails
file name. because the policy domain name domain name
specified refers to a policy domain that is already
Explanation defined in the server database.
The server was unable to update the database
manager security plugin. This plugin controls access to System action
the database manager from the IBM Spectrum Protect Database changes for the command are rolled back
server. The reason code is the errno from the fopen and server operation continues. The command is not
subroutine for the file. Some common reason codes successful in changing the server database.
• 26 - The file is in use. User response
• 13 - Permission to write to the file is denied. On Reissue the command specifying a policy domain
Windows, this reason code can also indicate that the name that is not defined in the server database. For a
file is in use. list of the names of defined policy domains in the
For other reason codes, refer to your operating system server database, issue the QUERY DOMAIN command.
reference guide for errno values. ANR1592E Command: Policy domain domain
name still contains at least one
System action policy set.
The server stops.
User response Server processing for the delete command command
Manually copy the file from the installation directory to fails because the policy domain name domain name
the location identified in the message, and restart the specified refers to a policy domain that still contains at
server. On AIX, you might also need to run the /usr/ least one policy set.
sbin/slibclean command as root after halting the
server but before copying the file. This procedure will System action
unload the plugin from the kernel memory.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
ANR1590E Command: Policy domain domain and server operation continues. The command is not
name is not defined. successful in changing the server database.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 287

User response Explanation
To delete the policy set from the policy domain, issue Server processing for the command command fails
the DELETE POLICYSET command. because the policy set name set name specified does
not refer to a defined set in policy domain domain
ANR1593E Command: Policy domain domain name in the server database.
name still contains at least one
System action
Explanation Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
Server processing for the delete command command successful in changing the server database.
fails because the policy domain name domain name
specified refers to a policy domain that still contains at
least one node. A policy domain cannot be deleted if User response
one or more client nodes are still assigned to the Reissue the command specifying a policy set name
domain. that is defined in the policy domain. For a list of the
names of defined policy sets in the policy domain,
System action issue the QUERY POLICYSET command.
Database changes for the command are rolled back ANR1596E Command: Policy set set name is
and server operation continues. The command is not already defined in policy domain
successful in changing the server database. domain name.

User response Explanation

To remove remaining nodes from the policy domain, Server processing for the command command fails
issue the REMOVE NODE command. After all nodes are because the policy set name set name specified refers
removed, issue the delete command again. to a policy set that is already defined in policy domain
domain name.
ANR1594E Command: Policy domain domain
name has no active policy set.
System action
Explanation Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
Server processing for the update or register node successful in changing the server database.
command command fails because the policy domain
name domain name specified refers to a policy domain
that does not have an active policy set defined. Nodes User response
cannot be assigned to policy domains that do not have Reissue the command specifying a policy set name
an active policy set. that is not defined in the policy domain. For a list of the
names of defined policy sets in the policy domain,
System action issue the QUERY POLICYSET command.
Database changes for the command are rolled back ANR1597E policy set command: Policy set set
and server operation continues. The command is not name in domain domain name still
successful in changing the server database. contains at least one management
User response
To activate a policy set for the specified policy domain,
issue the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command. After a The policy set command failed because the set still
policy set has been activated, client nodes may be contains at least one management class definition.
assigned to the policy domain.
ANR1595E Command: Policy set set name is System action
not defined in policy domain The command fails and server operation continues.
domain name.

288 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Remove the remaining management classes from the Server processing for the command command fails
policy set and reissue the command. because the specified management class name class
name refers to a management class that is already
ANR1598E Command: No default defined in policy set set name belonging to policy
management class has been domain domain name.
assigned for policy set set name in
domain domain name.
System action
Explanation Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
Server processing for the command command fails successful in changing the server database.
because the policy set set name in policy domain
domain name does not have a default management
class assigned. User response
Reissue the command specifying a management class
System action name that is not defined in the policy set. For a list of
the names of defined management classes in the
Database changes for the command are rolled back policy domain and policy set, issue the QUERY
and server operation continues. The command is not MGMTCLASS command.
successful in changing the server database.
ANR1602E Command: Backup copy group
User response group name is not defined in policy
domain domain name, set set
To assign a default management class in the policy name, management class class
set, issue the ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS command. name.
ANR1599E Command: Management class
class name is not defined in policy Explanation
domain domain name, set set Server processing for the command command fails
name. because the backup copy group named group name
specified for management class class name does not
Explanation refer to a defined backup copy group in policy set set
Server processing for the command command fails name belonging to policy domain domain name.
because the management class name class name
specified does not refer to a defined management System action
class in policy set set name belonging to policy domain Database changes for the command are rolled back
domain name. and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database.
System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back User response
and server operation continues. The command is not Reissue the command specifying a copy group name
successful in changing the server database. that is defined. For a list of the names of defined copy
groups and management classes in the policy domain
User response or policy set, issue the QUERY COPYGROUP command.
Reissue the command specifying a policy set name ANR1603E Command: Backup copy group
that is defined in the policy domain. For a list of the group name is already defined in
names of defined policy sets in the policy domain, policy domain domain name, set
issue the QUERY POLICYSET command. set name, management class class
ANR1600E Command: Management class name.
class name is already defined in
policy domain domain name, set Explanation
set name. Server processing for the command command fails
because the specified backup copy group named
group name refers to a copy group that is already

Chapter 3. ANR messages 289

defined for management class (class name) in policy System action
set set name belonging to policy domain domain name.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
System action successful in changing the server database.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not User response
successful in changing the server database.
Reissue the command specifying a copy group that is
not defined in the policy set. For a list of the names of
User response defined copy groups for management classes in the
Reissue the command specifying a copy group that is policy domain and policy set, issue the QUERY
not defined in the policy set. For a list of the names of COPYGROUP command.
defined copy groups for management classes in the ANR1606E Out of server LOG space in
policy domain and policy set, issue the QUERY accessing policy tables.
COPYGROUP command.
ANR1604E Command: Archive copy group Explanation
group name is not defined in policy
The server ends a database update transaction for
domain domain name, set set
policy information because sufficient log space is not
name, management class class
available on the server.

System action
The policy operation is ended and server operation
Server processing for the command command fails
because the archive copy group named group name
specified for management class class name does not
refer to a defined archive copy group in policy set set User response
name belonging to policy domain domain name. To increase the amount of log space that is available to
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
System action that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
successful in changing the server database.
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is
User response
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
Reissue the command specifying a copy group name if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
that is defined. For a list of the names of defined copy location that are no longer active and cannot be
groups and management classes in the policy domain archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
or policy set, issue the QUERY COPYGROUP command. ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If
ANR1605E Command: Archive copy group necessary, specify a larger directory for the
group name is already defined in ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or
policy domain domain name, set ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
set name, management class class dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
name. ANR1607E Out of server DB space in
accessing policy tables.
Server processing for the command command fails Explanation
because the specified archive copy group named The server ends a database update transaction for
group name refers to a copy group that is already policy information because sufficient database space
defined for management class class name in policy set is not available on the server.
set name belonging to policy domain domain name.

290 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR1610E Internal Server error: invalid copy
type copy type integer encountered
The policy operation is ended and server operation
in policy set validation.

User response
An internal server database error has been
To increase the amount of database space that is
encountered while validating a policy set in response
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
command to add one or more directories to the
ANR1608E Error fetching entry for domain System action
domain name, set set name.
The policy operation is ended and server operation
An internal server database error occurs while User response
retrieving policy information for policy set set name in
domain domain name. Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
System action
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated
The policy operation is ended and server operation and resolved, contact your service representative.
ANR1611E Command: Invalid management
class name - management class
User response name.
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Use the Explanation
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated Server processing for the command command fails
and resolved, contact your service representative. because the specified management class name may
not be used as a management class name.
ANR1609E Policy error: unable to find
management class ID for class System action
class name in policy set set name
belonging to domain domain name. Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database.
An internal server database error has been User response
encountered while retrieving policy information for
management class class name in policy set set name Reissue the command and specify another
belonging to policy domain domain name. management class name.
ANR1612E Command: Management class
System action management class name in policy
The policy operation is ended and server operation set set name, domain domain
continues. name specifies
contains no backup copy group.
User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this Explanation
message to determine the source of the error. Use the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and During policy set validation or activation for policy set
search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated set name in policy domain domain name, the server
and resolved, contact your service representative. has found that the management class named class
name specifies the MIGREQUIRESBKUP=YES
parameter but does not contain a backup copy group.
Policy set validation or activation fails in this case

Chapter 3. ANR messages 291

because it would not be possible to ensure that space- Explanation
managed client files are backed up prior to being
Server processing for the copy group command
migrated to the server.
command fails because the retain versions value of
NOLIMIT is not allowed with the retention initiation
System action value of EVENT. If this is the UPDATE copy group
Database changes for the command are rolled back command, at least one of the values might have been
and server operation continues. The command is not defined already.
successful in changing the server database.
System action
User response Database changes for the command are rolled back
To define a backup copy group within the management and server operation continues. The command is not
class, issue the DEFINE COPYGROUP command. To successful in changing the server database.
change the MIGREQUIRESBKUP parameter, issue the
UPDATE MGMTCLASS command. User response
ANR1613E Command: Invalid retention Issue the command again and specify a valid RETVER
initiation - retention initiation or RETMIN value.
ANR1616W Command: the specified RETMIN
value (new days) will be ignored
Explanation because the RETINIT value is
Server processing for the copy group command CREATION for domain policy set
command fails because the value (retention initiation management class.
value) specified for the RETINIT parameter is not valid.
System action Processing for the copy group command command
The command fails. detected that a retain minimum number of days value
was specified either with the retention initiation value
of CREATION, or the current retention initiation value
User response
stored for the copy group is CREATION. The retain
Issue the command again and specify a valid RETINIT minimum number of days value is not used when the
value. retention initiation value is CREATION. The copy group
will be defined or updated, but the RETMIN value will
ANR1614E Command: Invalid number of days not be stored.
for RETMIN parameter - days
System action
Explanation The copy group is defined or updated and system
operation continues.
The command fails.

User response
System action
The copy group will be defined or updated, but the
Database changes for the command are rolled back retain minimum number of days value will not be
and server operation continues. The command is not stored. If you want to specify a retention initiation
successful in changing the server database. value of EVENT, issue the update command again.

User response ANR1617W Command: the new RETVER value

(new days) is less than the value
Issue the command again and specify a valid RETMIN previously stored (old days) for
value. domain policy set management
ANR1615E Command: RETVER of NOLIMIT class.
cannot be specified with RETINIT
value of EVENT. Explanation
Processing for the copy group command command
detected that the new number of days to retain

292 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

versions is less than the number of days currently System action
stored for the copy group. If archive retention
Server operation continues.
protection is active, the policy set might not activate
because the retain versions value is not allowed to
decrease. User response
Update the RETVER or REINIT values in the copy
System action group.
The copy group is updated and system operation ANR1620E The new RETVER value (new days)
continues. is less than the value in the
ACTIVE policy (old days) for
User response domain policy set management
The copy group will be updated, but the copy group
might fail validation when the policy set is validated or
This message can be returned from the VALIDATE
ANR1618W Command: the new RETMIN value
(new days) is less than the value
During policy set validation processing, the server has
previously stored (old days) for
found that archive retention protection is active and
domain policy set management
the copy group has a retain versions value less than
the value in the ACTIVE policy set. The policy will not
be validated or activated.
Processing for the copy group command command System action
detected that the new retain minimum number of days
Server operation continues.
is less than the number of days currently stored for the
copy group. The policy set might not activate when
archive retention protection is active, because the User response
retain minimum days value is not allowed to decrease. Update the RETVER value in the copy group.
ANR1621E The new RETMIN value (new days)
System action
is less than the value in the
The copy group is updated and system operation ACTIVE policy (old days) for
continues. domain policy set management
User response
The copy group will be updated, but the copy group
might fail validation when the policy set is validated or This message can be returned from the VALIDATE
During policy set validation processing, the server has
ANR1619E The RETVER of NOLIMIT is not
found that archive retention protection is active and
allowed with the RETINIT value of
the the copy group has a retain minimum days value
EVENT for domain policy set
that is less than the value in the ACTIVE policy set. The
management class.
policy will not be validated or activated.

System action
This message can be returned from the VALIDATE
Server operation continues.
During policy set validation processing, the server has
found the the copy group in the policy has specified an User response
invalid combination of options. Retain versions of Update the RETMIN value in the copy group.
NOLIMIT and retention initiation of EVENT are not
allowed. The policy will not be validated or activated. ANR1622E Management class class name is
not defined in policy set set name,
but is defined in the active policy
set for domain domain name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 293

Archive retention protection is Explanation
active, so validation fails.
A database instance update may be required if the
server was recently upgraded.
This message can be returned from the VALIDATE System action
Server initialization stops.
During policy set validation processing, the server
found a management class named class name in the
currently active policy set, but not defined in the policy User response
set being validated or activated (set name). When To update the server database instance, log in as an
archive retention protection is active, all management administrator and issue the Db2 DB2IUPDT command.
classses in the active policy set must be included in
the policy set being validated. Policy validation will fail. ANR1625E command: Server is down-level
compared to the version of data
being inserted into the database:
System action
data version.
Server operation continues.
User response
The DSMSERV INSERTDB command encountered data
Define a management class with the name specified in written by a version of the DSMUPGRD EXTRACTDB
the message for the policy set. To define the proper command that is newer than what is supported by the
copy group attributes, reference the management server version.
class definition in the active policy set or copy the
management class class name from the active policy System action
set to the policy set set name, using the COPY
MGMTCLAS command. The command ends without inserting any data into the
ANR1623E Management class class name in
policy set set name for domain
User response
domain name does not have an
archive copy group. Archive Rerun the command using a version of the server
retention protection is active, so compatible with the version of DSMUPGRD used to
validation fails. extract the data. Or reextract the data using an older
version of DSMUPGRD that is compatible with the
Explanation version of the server.

This message can be returned from the VALIDATE ANR1626I The previous message (message
POLICYSET or ACTIVATE POLICYSET command. number message number) was
During policy set validation processing, the server repeated repeat count times.
found a management class named class name in the
policy set being validated or activated (set name). The Explanation
management class does not have an archive copy
The message issued prior to this message was issued
group. When archive retention protection is active, all
management classses in the policy set being validated
must have an archive copy group. Policy validation will
fail. System action
The duplicate messages were suppressed.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
No action is required.
User response
ANR1627I The previous message was
Define an archive copy group in specified management repeated repeat count times.
class, then try the validation again.
ANR1624W The server database instance does
not start and might be downlevel.

294 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The message issued prior to this message was issued To process the REMOVE REPLNODE command, enter
repeatedly. 'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR1630W command: node name is not
System action configured for replication.
The duplicate messages were suppressed.
User response The node specified in the command is not configured
No action is required. for replication. A node is configured for replication if
the replication state of the node is ENABLED or
ANR1628I The database manager is using DISABLED. To determine the replication state, issue
port port number for server the QUERY NODE FORMAT=DETAILED command.
System action
The operation continues but the node is skipped for
The server configures the database manager this operation.
environment to use the indicated port for connections
from the server. Initially, connections from the server
User response
do not use TCP/IP. After the number of connections
exceeds a pre-determined threshold, connections are Verify that the nodes specified in the command are
made through TCP/IP to the specified port. If the port configured for replication and try the command again.
is being used by another application, the database Nodes may be configured for replication with the
manager cannot receive connections from the server UPDATE NODE command.
after the change to TCP/IP connections is necessary.
After this situation occurs, future connections to the ANR1631I command: Replication state
database manager might fail. information for the specified
nodes have been removed.
System action
Server operation continues.
All replication state information for the specified node
has been removed from the database and the node is
User response no longer configured for replication. If the node was a
No action is required. target of a replication operation it may now be used to
accept client data.
ANR1629W command: This command will
result in ending the replication
System action
relationship for all nodes that
match the pattern node pattern. Server operation continues.
Replication will no longer be
performed for the specified User response
Explanation ANR1632E command: Command failed.
A REMOVE REPLMODE command with prevent the Replication state information for
specified nodes from being replicated. The replication the specified nodes could not be
relationship is removed for each node. No node data is removed.
removed from this or any of the other replication
servers. Explanation
A REMVOVE REPLNODE command failed to complete.
System action The replication state for the specified node is not
The system asks whether you wish to continue with
the REMOVE REPLNODE command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 295

System action User response
Server operation continues. None.
ANR1636W The server machine GUID
User response changed: old value (old value),
The server reported a problem running the REMOVE new value (new value).
REPLNODE command. See accompanying messages
for further information. Explanation
ANR1633E Command: Node node name is set The globally unique identifier (GUID) has changed for
up for replication and cannot be the server machine. The old and new values are
renamed or removed. displayed.

Explanation System action

You cannot rename or remove a node that is Server operation continues.
configured for replication from a source server or that
is created on a target server as a result of replication. User response
System action
ANR1637W Error (error) occurred initializing
The requested operation fails.
the server machine GUID.
User response
To rename or remove the node, you must first remove
the node from replication by issuing the REMOVE An error occurred while initializing the server machine
REPLNODE command on the server from which the globally unique identifier (GUID).
node is to be removed.
System action
ANR1634I Default replication server name
set to server name. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

The name of the default target-replication server was Handle problems appropriately. A write error may
set to the value that was specified with the SET occur because the server needs root authority to write
REPLSERVER command. If you did not specify a value the GUID. A read error may occur if the server does not
with the command, the existing target replication have authority to read the GUID. Other error codes are
server was removed, and client node data will not be received from the GUID utility.
replicated. ANR1638W Error (error) occurred initializing
the server machine GUID. Old
System action value was old GUID.
User response An error occurred while initializing the server machine
None. globally unique identifier (GUID). The old value is
ANR1635I The server machine GUID,
machine GUID, has initialized. System action
Server operation continues.
The specified globally unique identifier (GUID) has User response
initialized for the server machine.
Handle problems appropriately. A write error may
occur because the server needs root authority to write
System action
the GUID. A read error may occur if the server does not
Server operation continues.

296 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

have authority to read the GUID. Other error codes are System action
received from the GUID utility.
The command fails.
ANR1639I Attributes changed for node
nodeName: changed attribute list. User response
Unlock the node and re-run the command.
ANR1643I Command: All file spaces for node
The TCP/IP name or address, or the globally unique
node name, will be moved.
identifier (GUID) has changed for the specified node.
The old and new values are displayed for entries that
have changed. Explanation
The server will attempt to move data for all the file
System action spaces for the specified node name based on the
criteria entered in the MOVE NODEDATA command.
Server operation continues.

System action
User response
Server moves data for the indicated node.
ANR1640E There is no data mover defined for User response
node node name.
Explanation ANR1644E Command: Move node data
operation already in progress for
To perform the requested operation, the specified
storage pool storage pool.
node must have an associated data mover defined.

System action
A command has been issued to move node data for the
The requested operation fails.
specified storage pool but there is already a move
node data operation in progress for one or more nodes
User response that have been specifed for that same storage pool.
Define a data mover for the node and retry the
operation. System action
ANR1641E command: The node node name The server does not process the command.
has a type that is not allowed for
this command. User response
Check the activity log for a previous MOVE NODEDATA
Explanation command to determine what processes for moving
The node is not the correct type to be used with this node data are in progress for the storage pool. Reissue
command. the command for the node(s) and storage pool you
desire that are not already in progress, or, reissue the
System action command after the move node data process ends.

The command fails. ANR1645I Command: Data for node node

name, filespace filespace name,
FSID filespace ID will be moved.
User response
Re-run the command with a node of the correct type. Explanation
ANR1642E command: The node node name is The server will move data for the specified filespace
locked. name and node name based on the criteria entered in
the MOVE NODEDATA command.
The node is locked and cannot be used in this

Chapter 3. ANR messages 297

System action Explanation
The server moves data for the specified node and A MOVE NODEDATA command has been entered that
filespaces. will move data to other volumes in the same storage
pool. While the data is being moved, it will not be
User response available to users.

System action
ANR1646E Command: The datamover type The administrator is asked whether to continue.
data mover type can only be used
with a data format of
NETAPPDUMP. User response
Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to end the process.
ANR1649W Command:This command will
The data format specified is not valid for a datamover move data for nodes stored in
of type data mover type. storage pool source storage pool to
storage pool destination storage
System action pool; the data will be inaccessible
to users until the operation
The command fails and server operation continues. completes.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command and specify a valid parameter A MOVE NODEDATA command has been entered that
value. will move data from the source storage pool to the
ANR1647E Cannot find file space name for destination storage pool shown. While the data is
node node ID, file space file space being moved it, will not be available to users.
System action
Explanation The administrator is asked whether to continue.
The server could not obtain filespace information for
that node. User response
Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to end the process.
System action
ANR1650W The server is trying to replicate
The server operation continues. failed data again for node node
name, file space file space name.
User response This might impact replication
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log Explanation
and search for messages. If the error cannot be The replication process is processing previously failed
isolated and resolved, contact your service data again for the specified node and file space ID.
ANR1648W Command:This command will System action
move data for nodes stored in None.
volumes in storage pool source
storage pool to other volumes
within the same storage pool; the User response
data will be inaccessible to users You can view the activity log or issue QUERY
until the operation completes. REPLFAILURES to identify why replication failed. If
possible, resolve any issues that caused replication to

298 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1651E Server information for server name Explanation
is not available. An error occurred writing the server information to a
device configuration file.
The information for server name was not available. System action
The BACKUP DEVCONFIG action fails.
System action
The current server action fails. User response
Check that the device configuration file exists and that
User response the file system the file resides on is not out of space.
Please review any other messages prior to this ANR1657E Command: Invalid server or group
message to determine the cause of the failure. name - server or group name.
ANR1653E Resource lock acquisition for
server server name failed. Explanation
The command shown specifies an invalid server or
Explanation server group name.
The acquisition of the resource lock for server server
name failed. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
The current action for the device class referring to this User response
server fails. Reissue the command with a valid name.

User response ANR1659E Command: Server or server group

server or group name is already
Retry the action referring to the device class that defined.
refers to this server name. If the lock failure persists,
please contact your service representative.
ANR1654E Server server name will not be A DEFINE SERVER or DEFINE SERVERGROUP
written to a device configuration command has been entered that specifies a server or
file. server group name that already exists. The name
specified must be a unique name. It must not
Explanation duplicate a node name used by a registered node, a
An error occurred accessing the information for server server name used by a defined server, or a server
name while trying to write this information to a device group name used by a defined server group.
configuration file.
System action
System action The server does not process the command.
This DEFINE SERVER entry is not processing.
User response
User response To define the server or server group, reissue the
Verify that the necessary DEFINE SERVER entries were command and specify a different name.
written to a device configuration file. If this error ANR1660I Server server name defined
persists, please contact your service representative. successfully.
ANR1656E Failure writing server definitions
to a device configuration file. Explanation
The requested server has been defined to the system
in response to a DEFINE SERVER command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 299

System action • The server is referenced by a device class of
DEVTYPE=SERVER that specifies this server for the
'SERVERNAME=' parameter.

User response • The server is defined as the target replication server.

• A connection with this server is currently open.
ANR1661I Server server name deleted. System action
The server does not process the command.
In response to a DELETE SERVER command, the User response
requested server has been removed from the system.
Reissue the command at a later time. In order to
delete the server specified, it must not be currently
System action connected, it must not be referenced in a device class,
None. and it must not be defined as the target replication
User response ANR1666E command: FILEAGGR not allowed
None. with TYPE=SERVER.

ANR1662I Server server name updated. Explanation

The FILEAGGR= parameter may not be specified with
the TYPE=SERVER parameter also being specified.
One or more attributes of a server have been updated
by an UPDATE SERVER command. System action
The command fails.
System action
None. User response
Reissue the command command without the
User response
FILEAGGR= parameter if this node is of type SERVER.
ANR1667E command: Action not permitted
ANR1663E command: Server server name not against node node name.
The command is not permitted against the entry for
The server server name is not defined to the system. node node name. This node entry has a type of
System action
System action
The command fails.
The command fails.
User response
User response
ANR1664W Command: Server server name is
currently in use. ANR1668E command: Not allowed for server
server name.
The command shown specifies a server that is
currently in use for one or more of the following The DELETE SERVER command is not permitted for
purposes: server server name. The specified server is either the

300 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

event server or else it is a node entry rather than a User response
server definition.
If an event server definition is desired, use the DEFINE
System action
ANR1672I No event server is currently
The command fails. defined.

User response Explanation

If the specified server is the event server, and you A query was issued to get the name of the event
want to delete it, issue the DELETE EVENTSERVER server; however, no event server is currently defined.
command and then reissue the DELETE SERVER
command. To remove a node entry, issue the REMOVE
System action
NODE command for the specified name.
ANR1669I Server event server name is
defined as the event server.
User response
Explanation If an event server definition is desired, use the DEFINE
The specified server is defined.
ANR1673I Server group group name defined
System action successfully.
User response The requested server group is defined to the system in
response to a DEFINE SERVERGROUP command.
ANR1670E Server event server name is System action
already defined as the event
server. You must issue the DELETE
EVENTSERVER command before
defining a new event server. User response
ANR1674I Member member name defined
An event server is already defined. successfully in server group group
System action
The command fails.
The requested member is defined in the server group
User response in response to a DEFINE GRPMEMBER command.

Delete the existing Event Server and try the command

System action
ANR1671I The event server definition has
been deleted.
User response
Explanation None.
The event server definition has been deleted. ANR1675I Server group server group name
System action
The requested server is removed from the system in
response to a DELETE SERVERGROUP command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 301

System action Explanation
None. The server server group name is not defined to the
User response
System action
The command fails.
ANR1676I Member member name deleted
from server group server group
name. User response
Retry the command specifying an existing group.
ANR1680E Command: Member member name
The requested member is removed from the server not defined in server group server
group in response to a DELETE GRPMEMBER group name.
System action
The member member name is not defined in server
None. group server group name.

User response System action

None. The command fails.
ANR1677I Server group server group name
updated. User response
Retry the command specifying an existing member of
Explanation the group.
One or more attributes of a server group is updated by ANR1681E Command: Member member name
an UPDATE SERVERGROUP command. is already in server group server
group name.
System action
The member member name is defined in server group
User response server group name.

System action
ANR1678I Server group original server group The command fails.
name renamed new server group
User response
Explanation Retry the command and specify a new member name.
A server group is renamed by a RENAME ANR1682E A group cannot be a member of
SERVERGROUP command. The original name is not itself.
System action
The member and group name are the same. A group
None. may not be a member of itself.

User response System action

None. The command fails.
ANR1679E Command: Server group server
group name not defined.

302 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR1686I Member member name moved
from server group group name to
Retry the command and specify another member
server group new group name.
ANR1683E Command: Member member name Explanation
not defined.
The requested member member name is moved from
server group group name to the server group new
server group in response to a MOVE GRPMEMBER
The member member name is not defined to the command.
system. Server group members must be a defined
server or server group. System action
System action
The command fails. User response
User response
ANR1687I Output for command 'command'
Retry the command specifying existing server or
issued against server server name
ANR1684E Route:command: Routed
commands cannot be routed. Explanation
The output for the command issued against the
indicated server follows this message.
The command part of a routed command may not
contain route information itself. The allowable syntax System action
for routed commands is "route : command". The
command may not contain route information. Only one None.
level of routing is allowed.
User response
System action None.
The command is not processed. ANR1688I Output for command 'command'
issued against server server name
User response completed.
Reissue the command without specifying route
information in the command portion of this routed Explanation
command. This message marks the end of the output for the
ANR1685I Server group server group copied command specified that was issued against the
to server group new server group. indicated server.

Explanation System action

This message is displayed in response to the COPY None.

SERVERGROUP command. The server group named
server group is copied to the server group named new User response
server group.

System action ANR1689E Output for command 'command'

issued against server server name
None. terminated.

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 303

Explanation Explanation
An error condition occurred causing the output for the The output returned from the specified server for the
command issued against the specified server to be command that was issued, contains invalid output.
terminated. The command response can not be processed.

System action System action

None. Output processing for this command response
User response
User response
Retry the command against the requested server once
the error condition has been resolved. If the cause of Please contact your local service representative.
the error can not be determined, please contact your
ANR1693E Unable to issue command
local service representative.
'command' against server server
ANR1690E Error sending command name - failure starting thread.
'command' to server server name.
A thread could not be started to issue the specified
An error was encountered sending the specified command against the server indicated.
command to the server indicated.
System action
System action
This command is not issued against the server
None. specified. The process will attempt to issue the
command against any other servers that were
User response specified for the command routing information.

Retry the command against the requested server once

User response
the error condition has been resolved. If the cause of
the error can not be determined, please contact your Examine the server messages issued prior to this
local service representative. message to determine the source of the error. Retry
routing this command to the indicated server after the
ANR1691E Error receiving response from cause of the error has been determined and resolved.
server server name for command If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact
'command'. your service representative.

Explanation ANR1694I Server server name received the

request to process command
An error was encountered receiving the response from 'command'.
the server indicated for the command that was issued
against it.

System action The specified server received and processed the

command. If command approval is enabled on the
None. specified server, the command might be queued and
pending approval.
User response
Retry the command against the requested server once System action
the error condition has been resolved. If the cause of None.
the error can not be determined, please contact your
local service representative.
User response
ANR1692E Response for command 'command' If command approval is enabled on the specified
from server server name contains server, view the status of the command by using the
invalid data. QUERY PENDINGCMD command. For example, issue

304 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

the following command on the specified server: query System action
pendingcmd f=d type=all.
ANR1695W Server server name processed
command 'command' but User response
completed with warnings.
Explanation ANR1698I Command 'command' was not
issued against any other servers.
The server indicated processed the command but
encountered warnings. However, the warnings did not
prevent the execution of the command. Explanation
The indicated command was not issued against any
System action other server. Either the routing information did not
resolve to any valid servers or else failures occurred
issuing the command against the required servers.

User response
System action
ANR1696E Server server name attempted to
process command ' command' but User response
encountered errors.
Check to see that valid route information was provided
for the command or else check the activity log for error
Explanation messages that indicate why the command was not
The server indicated processed the command but issued to the other servers.
encountered errors. These errors prevented the
ANR1699I Resolved route information to
successful completion of the command.
number of servers server(s) -
issuing command command
System action against server(s).
User response The route information was resolved to the number of
Examine any error messages issued on either the servers indicated. The specified command will be
server sending the command or else the server issued against those servers.
executing the command to determine the cause of the
failure. Reissue the command once these errors are System action
ANR1697I Command 'command' processed
by total number for servers User response
server(s): number of successful
servers successful, number of None.
servers with warnings with ANR1700E Unable to resolve 'route
warnings, and number of servers information' to any server(s).
with errors with errors.
The route information provided for this command did
The indicated command was processed by the number not resolve to any server names or group names.
of servers specified. For the total number of servers, Because of this, the command will not be issued.
the number indicated were successful, the number
indicated encountered a warning condition but
System action
processed anyway, and finally, the number indicated
encountered errors and could not process. None.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 305

User response Explanation
Examine the route information provided. Reissue the An error occurred obtaining or using the credentials for
command providing correct route information. the administrator referenced.
ANR1701E Command: No matching servers
defined. System action
Command processing fails.
No matching servers are found for the specified User response
command. If the administrator SERVER_CONSOLE was being
used for a PING or VALIDATE LANFREE command, the
System action command may fail. The administrator
SERVER_CONSOLE is not able to perform these
Server operation continues, but the command is not commands where the source server, the target server,
processed. or both servers have authentication enabled. Another
way in which credentials could not be used is in
User response configuration by the Operations Center. The command
Issue the command and specify different servers. should be retried using an administrator other than
ANR1702W Skipping 'server name' - unable to
Check the activity log and server console for other
resolve to a valid server name.
messages about the cause of the failure. Once the
cause has been resolved, reissue the command.
ANR1705W A ping request to server 'server
The server name specified is being skipped because it
name' was not able to establish a
could not be resolved to a valid server name.
connection by using administrator
System action
None. Explanation
The failure could indicate a problem on the source or
User response target server, or in the connection between the
Reissue the command providing the correct server servers.
System action
ANR1703E Failure resolving server names.
No connection was established.
User response
An error occurred while resolving the server names.
Specifically, the resolution of the server names has To identify and resolve the issue, complete the
terminated because of a significant failure. following steps: 1. Check the activity log and server
console for messages that indicate a failure or
problem on the source server. 2. Check the
System action
communication connection between the servers. 3.
None. Verify the administrator definition and password on
both servers. 4. Verify that the target server is running.
User response 5. Correct any identified issues.

Check the activity log and server console for other ANR1706I A ping request to server 'server
messages about the cause of the failure. Once the name' was able to establish a
cause has been resolved, reissue the command. connection by using administrator
ANR1704E Failure obtaining or using
credentials for administrator
admin name.
The administrator credentials are valid.

306 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR1709E Command.: Failure determining
current usage for server or group
The connection was established.
name Server name.

User response
No action is required.
The specified command failed to determine the
ANR1707E Server information not complete, current use of the server name or server group
crossdefine not allowed. specified.

Explanation System action

SERVERPASSWORD has not been set for this server.
These are required for the CROSSDEFINE option on User response
the define server command.
Retry the command. If it continues to fail and the
cause of the failure can not be determined, please
System action
contact your local service representative.
The command fails.
ANR1710E Command.: Name Name not valid
for this command.
User response
Use the QUERY STATUS command to find what values Explanation
need to be set. An authorized administrator must issue
the SET SERVERHLADDRESS, SET and The name specified for this command is not valid for
SERVERLLADDRESS or SET SERVERPASSWORD this operation. The first case is that a server name was
command to set the missing values. specified for a command requiring a server group
name. The other case is where a server group name
ANR1708I Define server for server name was specified for a command requiring a server name.
failed because the crossdefine
failed. System action
The command fails.
The DEFINE SERVER command failed because the User response
CROSSDEFINE parameter was included, and the
crossdefine was not successful. This message might Retry the command specifying the proper name.
be issued when the CROSSDEFINE attribute for a ANR1711E Error accessing the server or
server is set to OFF. Alternatively, this message might server group name Name.
be issued as the result of an explicit command or an
automatic definition for a storage agent-to-server
A server operation attempted to access the server
System action name or server group name specified. An error
occurred while trying to access the information for this
The command fails. server name or server group name.

User response System action

Check this server and the server that is being defined The server operation fails.
for other messages that indicate the reason for the
failure. Check the crossdefine parameter settings by
User response
issuing the QUERY STATUS command. If crossdefine is
set to OFF, it can be changed by using the SET Review the activity log to try to determine the cause of
CROSSDEFINE ON command. Check the the failure. If a cause can not be determines, please
communication connection between the servers. Use contact your local service representative.
parameter to reset the password in the server ANR1712W Command routing not allowed
definition on both servers. from server console.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 307

Explanation System action
Command routing is not allowed from the server The server does not delete the event server entry.
User response
System action
In order to delete the event server, it must not be
The command is not executed. currently active for event logging. To stop event
logging to the event server issue END EVENTLOGGING
User response EVENTSERVER. Then reissue the DELETE
Reissue the command from an Administrative client.
ANR1716I Server cannot be crossdefined to
ANR1713I Command 'command' issued itself, crossdefine not allowed.
against server server name.
An attempt was made to crossdefine the server to
The specified command has been sent to the indicated itself.
server. The command is to terminate the specified
server, no confirmation will be recieved.
System action

System action The command fails.

User response

User response None.

None. ANR1717E Command: Command failed - Non-

Compatible Filespace name types
ANR1714W The password for administrator have been specified.
administartor name has expired.
The password for this
administrator must be updated on
the configuration manager server A server command has been entered but cannot be
server name. processed because Non-Compatible Filespace name
types have been specified.
System action
The password for the named administrator has
expired, but the administrator is a managed object on The server does not process the command.
this server. The password must be updated on the
named configuration manager server. User response
Specify compatible filespace names. Unicode to
System action
Unicode or Non-Unicode to Non-Unicode.
The administrator is allow access to the server.
ANR1718E Command: Reconstruction of file
aggregates is supported only for
User response movement in which the source and
Change the administrator's password on the named target storage pools are
configuration manager server. sequential-access.

ANR1715E Event server cannot be deleted - it

is currently active.
The indicated command specifies that file aggregates
Explanation be reconstructed during a move operation for which
reconstruction is not supported. Aggregates are
The event server cannot be deleted since it is currently reconstructed only when both the source storage pool
active for event logging. and the target storage pool are sequential-access.

308 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The server does not process the command. In response to the DELETE PATH command or to an
User response parameter, the path from the source name to the
destination name has been deleted in the server
Reissue the command without specifying that database.
aggregates should be reconstructed. Alternatively,
specify a move operation involving transfer of data
System action
within a sequential-access storage pool or between
two sequential-access storage pools. Server operation continues.
ANR1719E Storage pool storage pool name
specified on the MOVE NODEDATA User response
command is not a valid pool name None.
or pool type.
ANR1722I A path from source name to
destination name has been
If the source storage pool specified in the command is
a primary storage pool, then the destination storage Explanation
pool specified must also be a primary storage pool. If
the source storage pool is a copy storage pool, then In response to the UPDATE PATH command, the path
the specified destination storage pool must be the from the source name to the destination name has
same storage pool as the source storage pool. been updated in the server database.

System action System action

The MOVE NODEDATA process fails. Server operation continues.

User response User response

Provide a valid primary storage pool name as the None.

destination storage pool if the source pool is a primary ANR1723E A path is already defined using
storage pool. If the source pool is a copy storage pool source name and destination name.
do not specify a destination pool, or, specify the same
copy storage pool as the destination pool.
ANR1720I A path from source name to
In response to the DEFINE PATH command, the server
destination name has been
determines that a path with the same source name
and the same destination name already exists in the
server database.
In response to the DEFINE PATH command, the path System action
from the source name to the destination name has
Server operation continues.
been defined in the server database.

User response
System action
Correct the source name or destination name and re-
Server operation continues.
enter this command.

User response ANR1724W Command: Server server name is

currently in use.
ANR1721I A path from source name to Explanation
destination name has been
The command shown specifies a server that is
currently in use. The server is referenced in a PATH
used for LANFree access to a FILE device type drive in
a shared library.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 309

System action User response
The server does not process the command. Reissue the command with a different source or
destination name or define a new path.
User response ANR1728E The library libname is not a SCSI
Reissue the command at a later time. In order to or VTL library.
delete the server specified, it must not be currently
connected to the server, it may not be referenced in a Explanation
device class, it can not be defined to be the event
A drive that is to be used by a NAS data mover must be
server, and it cannot be referenced within a PATH
attached to a SCSI or VTL library.
definition as a FILE device type drive.
ANR1725E The source or destination name System action
name is invalid and the command
command failed. The server ignores the command.

Explanation User response

The source or destination name is invalid in the Reissue the command with a different drive name.
DEFINE PATH, DELETE PATH, or PERFORM LIBACTION ANR1729E A path using the data mover
command. source name still exists.

System action Explanation

Server operations continue. In the DELETE DATAMOVER command, the data mover
name supplied is either the source or the destination
User response in a path that still exists in the server database.
Issue the command again with a valid source or
destination name. System action

ANR1726E A operation using the path from Server operation continues.

sourcename to destname is
currently being used. User response
Delete the existing path and reissue this command.
ANR1730I Data mover mover name has been
This path was in use when the command was entered. defined.
The attributes of a path may not be changed while it is
being used.

System action The data mover has been defined in the server
The server ignores the command.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Wait until the operation using this path is complete, or
cancel the operation using this path, and then reissue
User response
the command.
ANR1727E A path from sourcename to
destname does not exist. ANR1731I Data mover mover name has been
The path being updated or deleted does not exist.
The data mover has been deleted in the server
System action database.

The server ignores the command.

310 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Server operation continues. A data mover was in use when the command was
entered. The attributes of a data mover may not be
User response changed while it is being used.

System action
ANR1732I Data mover mover name has been The server ignores the command.

User response
Wait until the operation using this data mover is
The data mover has been updated in the server complete, or cancel the operation using this data
database. mover, and then reissue the command.

System action ANR1736E Command: Parameter parameter

length is invalid.
Server operation continues.
User response
The specified server command has been entered with
None. a parameter that is longer or smaller in length than the
ANR1733E Data mover mover name is already allowed length.
System action
Explanation The server ignores the command.
A DEFINE DATAMOVER command was entered for a
data mover that already exists in the server database. User response
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
System action
ANR1737E Command: Device name device
Server operation continues. specified is invalid.

User response Explanation

Use the UPDATE DATAMOVER to change the attributes The specified command has been entered with an
in this data mover. Otherwise use a different data invalid device name.
mover name.
ANR1734E Data mover mover name is not System action
defined. The command failed.

Explanation User response

An UPDATE DATAMOVER command was entered for a Reissue the command with a valid device name.
data mover that does not exist in the server database.
ANR1738W The database backup does not
System action contain a copy of the server
master encryption key. The server
Server operation continues. master encryption key will not be
User response
Correct the data mover name or use the DEFINE Explanation
DATAMOVER command to define a new data mover. This databackup backup was completed in a server
ANR1735E Data mover data mover is currently level that does not support encryption.
being used.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 311

System action Explanation
The command continues. The server master encryption key stored in the
database backup cannot be read. To access the
User response master encryption key, a password is required. If the
password is incorrect, the master encryption key
None cannot be accessed. If the password is correct, the
ANR1739E The database backup contains a master encryption key is not being read properly.
copy of the server master
encryption key but no password System action
was provided. The command fails.

Explanation User response

To restore the server master encryption key, a Verify that the password is correct and retry the
password must be specified on the DSMSERV command. If the password is correct, you can skip
RESTORE DB command. restoring the master encryption key. To skip restoring
the master encryption key, you must specify the
System action RESTOREKeys=No value on the DSMSERV RESTORE
The command fails. DB command. Warning: If you skip restoring the
master encryption key, you will be unable to retrieve
data stored in any encrypted storage pool, and no new
User response data will be allowed to be stored in any encrypted
ToRestore the server master encryption key, specify a storage pool.
password on the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command. If
ANR1742I The server master encryption key
you do not want to restore the master encryption key,
was restored successfully.
you must specify the RESTOREKeys=No value.
ANR1740W The database backup does not Explanation
contain a copy of the server
master encryption key. The server The server master encryption key was restored to the
master encryption key will not be server password file.
System action
Explanation N/A
The server master encryption key was not stored when
the database was backed up. User response
System action
ANR1743E The parm parameters are required
The command continues. to be enabled when PASSWORD is
User response
To store a copy of the server master encryption key Explanation
during database backup, you must specify the The PASSWORD parameter is only used when the
PROTECTKEYS and PASSWORD parameters on the SET specified parameter has an enabled value.
ANR1741E The server master encryption key System action
in the database backup cannot be The command fails.
read. The password might be
incorrect, or the encryption key
might be invalid. User response
Remove the PASSWORD parameter or enable the keys
parameter. To enable the keys parameter for the SET
DB RECOVERY or BACKUP DB commands, set the
PROTECTKEYS parameter to YES. To enable the keys

312 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

parameter for the DSMSERV RESTORE DB utility, set ANR1747E The library libname is not a
the RESTOREKEYS parameter to YES or ONLY. ZOSMEDIA enabled library.
ANR1744E The world wide name is invalid for
the destination of the path being Explanation
defined. Defining a PATH to a library using the
ZOSMEDIASERVER parameter requires the library be a
Explanation ZOSMEDIA library ( e.g., DEFINE LIB libname
A path was being defined from a datamover to a
destination and that destination has an incorrect world
wide name specified. System action
The server ignores the command.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
Reissue the command with the correct library name.
User response
ANR1748E The PASSWORD parameter is
Update the destination's definition with the correct required when parm is enabled.
world wide name.
ANR1745I The HBA is busy and SAN devices Explanation
cannot be discovered. The PASSWORD parameter is required when the
specified parameter has an enabled value.
The SAN device discovery function is busy. The System action
requested HBA API query cannot be completed at this The command fails.
time. This type of timeout is generally caused by a bad
HBA adapter in a system with multiple HBAs.
User response

System action Add the PASSWORD parameter or disable the keys

parameter. To disable the keys parameter for the SET
Server operations continue. DB RECOVERY or BACKUP DB commands, set the
PROTECTKEYS parameter to NO. To disable the keys
User response parameter for the DSMSERV RESTORE DB utility, set
the RESTOREKEYS parameter to NO.
Check all HBA adapters on the system and ensure that
all of them are functioning correctly. Reissue the ANR1749W The drive library name drive name
QUERY SAN command. was not found on the SAN. The
path definition for this drive has
ANR1746E The path from data mover
been marked offline.
datamover name to drive library
name drive name is not online.
Explanation During device discovery on a storage area network a
device was not found that has the same serial number
A server-free operation requested the specified
as the drive defined to IBM Spectrum Protect.
device. The device cannot be used because the path
from the datamover to the device is not online.
System action
System action Server operation continues.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response Verify that the serial number of the drive definition is
correct and that the drive is operational.
Determine the reason for the path being offline; if
possible, update the path status to online. ANR1750E The server detected an internal
error, return code = return code.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 313

Explanation User response
An unexpected error occurred during server operation. Reissue the command without specifying the
PASSWORD parameter. Then, enter the password at
System action the prompt.

Server operation continues. Attention: Alternatively, you can enter the password
on the command line, but you increase the risk that
the password might be accessed by unauthorized
User response
users. If you enter the password on the command line,
Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine you must specify the PROMPT=NO parameter value, or
messages prior to this error to determine the cause of the command fails.
the data storage failure. If the failure can be found and
ANR1755I You must manually restore the
resolved, retry the operation. If the failure cannot be
following master encryption key
found, contact your service representative for
files: dsmkeydb.kdb and
assistance in resolving the problem.
ANR1753E The Command command cannot
be issued because domain name is Explanation
an object domain.
When a password is not specified during a database
restore operation, the master encryption key files that
are indicated in the message must be manually
The command issued does not support object domains restored. Full server function is not available without
and so cannot be issued to process policy domains those files.
that are defined as object domains.
System action
System action
Restore processing continues.
System operation continues, but the server does not
process the command. Database changes for the User response
command are rolled back.
To restore the indicated files, reissue the command
without specifying the PASSWORD parameter. Then,
User response
enter the password at the prompt. If you choose to
To resolve the issue, take one of the following actions: enter the password on the command line, you must
specify the PROMPT=NO parameter value along with
• Define a policy domain as an object domain by
the PASSWORD parameter.
issuing the DEFINE OBJECTDOMAIN command. The
defined object domain contains policy sets, Attention: If you enter the password on the command
management classes, and copy groups. line, you increase the risk that the password might be
• Update an object domain by issuing the UPDATE accessed by unauthorized users. The preferred
OBJECTDOMAIN command. method is to issue the command without specifying
the PASSWORD parameter. Alternatively, if the files
ANR1754E The command failed because the were saved separately, restore them from the
PASSWORD parameter was alternate location.
specified, but the PROMPT=YES
parameter value was also ANR1758I Repaired extents damaged extents
specified or was retained as the in directory container pools.
default setting.
Explanation The server repaired the specified number of extents.
The PASSWORD parameter cannot be specified along
with the PROMPT=YES parameter value. System action
Server operation continues.
System action
System operation continues, but the command fails. User response

314 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1759E Command: A device with SCSI System action
datamover capabilities was not The operation fails.
found in the system configuration
for datamover datamover name.
User response
Explanation Ensure that there are sufficient volumes available for
storing backups and that any volumes required for
The scsi address could not be determined for a device restore are checked in and available. Correct the
that is capable of performing datamover operations. problem and try the command again.

System action ANR1762E Command: Command failed for

node node name, filespace
The requested operation fails. filespace name - mount point
User response
Verify that the hardware that can perform SCSI Explanation
datamover operations is installed and powered on. The indicated command failed because sufficient
ANR1760E Command: Command failed for mount points are not available.
node node name, filespace
filespace name - destination System action
storage pool storage pool was The operation fails.
User response
Ensure that sufficient mount points are available and
The indicated command failed because the destination working correctly. Correct the problem and try the
storage pool was skipped. A storage pool may be command again.
skipped because it does not have enough available
space, or because it has a MAXSIZE value that is less ANR1763E Command: Command failed - see
than the size of the object to be inserted. previous error messages or view
the activity log.
System action
The operation fails.
The indicated server command has failed. This
User response message is always preceded by one or more other
error messages which provide more detail about why
Ensure that the destination storage pool is available, the command failed.
has an adequate MAXSIZE setting, and has adequate
space. The MAXSIZE setting may be changed using the
System action
UPDATE STGPOOL command. Space may be added to
the storage pool by checking in scratch volumes or The operation fails.
defining new volumes in the storage pool. If volumes
in the destination storage pool are offline, use the User response
VARY ONLINE command to vary them online and make
them available for use. Correct the problem and Examine the previous error messages to determine the
reissue the command. source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command
to view the activity log and search for messages if
ANR1761E Command: Command failed for needed. Correct the problem and try the command
node node name, filespace again.
filespace name - storage media is
inaccessible. ANR1764E Command: Command failed -
loadable module module name is
not available.
The indicated command failed because required
storage media is unavailable.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 315

Explanation on the NAS cluster. Verify that the interface is located
on the appropriate node cluster.
The indicated server command has failed because it
requires the availability of the specified loadable ANR1767I Process process number for NAS
module, but the module is not loaded. node node name will use NAS data
mover datamover
System action
The operation fails.
An alternate NAS data mover was selected for the
User response current NAS operation.

Make sure the necessary loadable module is available

System action
for your platform. Not all modules are available on all
platforms. If the module is available for your platform The NAS operation continues.
and is installed, contact your service representative for
assistance. User response
ANR1765E Command:The number of copy None.
threads entered, copythreads,
exceed the capabilities of the ANR1768E Command: The device name
datamover. provided conflicts with a device
name that is already in use.
A datamover has an upper limit of the number of copy
threads that it is capable of executing. The The device name provided in the command is already
copythreads parameter provided is greater than this used by an existing path.
System action
System action The command is not processed.
The command fails.
User response
User response Specify a valid DEVICE parameter that is not used by
Make sure the value entered for the copythreads any other drive or library.
parameter is less than the maximum for this ANR1769E Command: Command failed -
datamover. Using the default for the number of
multiple actions between commit
copythreads sets the number of copythreads to the
actions not allowed.
datamover's maximum value.
ANR1766E Command: NAS device datamover Explanation
reports a drive affinity for drive
A server script that performs multiple actions between
tape drive that does not match this
commit actions is not allowed. For example, deletion
data mover.
of multiple paths before each of the deletions is
committed is not allowed.
A NAS device returned an affinity identifier for a tape System action
drive that does not match the recorded affinity
The server does not process the command.
identifier for the data mover.

User response
System action
Rewrite the script or macro so that no new command
The command fails.
is issued until the previous command is committed.

User response ANR1770E Processing for session session id

found destination new destination.
Check the High Level Address for the data mover and
Expected current destination.
verify that it is a node management network interface

316 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
While processing a remote image operation, the The system is unable to update the path information in
specified session was working with the current the database table.
destination. But the server received a client request
with a new destination name. System action
System action
Server operation continues. User response
User response
ANR1774E The Query Status command failed,
From the client, quit the current remote image
and server initialization has not
request. Reissue the request, if desired.
completed. Allow server
ANR1771E The path from remote server initialization to complete, and
remote server name to destination then try the command again.
destination name with the
destination device type is not valid. Explanation
The command Query Status failed because server
initialization has not completed.
The library manager receives a command to update
the path for the remote server. The device type field of System action
the destination device is not valid. The destination for
update path from remote server must be either drive Server operation continues.
or library.
User response
System action Allow server initialization to complete, and then try the
Server operation continues. command again.
ANR1775I Data mover mover name has been
User response defined, however a connection to
Determine why the device type field of the destination the data mover failed. Please
device is not valid. check the attributes of the file
server specified in the definition of
ANR1772E The path from source source name the data mover.
to destination drive name is taken
offline. Explanation
The data mover has been defined in the server
database, however the server cannot connect to the
The path is now marked offline. file server associated with the data mover. The
connection failed because of one of the following
System action possible reasons:

The path is inaccessible. • One of the parameters specified during datamover

definition was incorrect: TCP/IP address of the file
server, user id, password, TCP/IP port
User response
• File server is not accessible
Determine the reason the path is inaccessible, such as
a hardware problem. Make any needed corrections. • NDMP server limits the number of opened NDMP
Then, issue the the UPDATE PATH command with the sessions
ONLINE=YES option to make the path online.
System action
ANR1773W Unable to update the path in the
database path source name and The data mover is defined to the server.
drive drive name .

Chapter 3. ANR messages 317

User response User response
Check that the file server associated with the data Check the data movers reported in the message and
mover is accessible through the network; check each updata any existing device paths defined for these
of the attributes specified during datamover definition; data movers based upon the current configuration of
check the number of open NDMP sessions with the file the NAS cluster.
ANR1778E Command: Invalid or missing
ANR1776I Data mover mover name has been parameter.
updated, however a connection to
the data mover failed. Please Explanation
check the attributes of the file
server specified in the update The specified server command has been entered with
command. an invalid parameter, or, is missing a required
System action
The data mover has been updated in the server
database, however the server cannot connect to the The server ignores the command.
file server associated with the data mover. The
connection failed because of one of the following User response
possible reasons:
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
• One of the parameters specified during datamover
update was incorrect: TCP/IP address of the file ANR1779I backupset process name process
server, user id, password, TCP/IP port completed: successful count
backupset(s) were generated or
• File server is not accessible defined out of total count
• NDMP server limits the number of opened NDMP backupset(s) requested by the
sessions command's specifications.

System action Explanation

The data mover definition is updated. A GENERATE or DEFINE BACKUPSET command has
finished successfully, and the backupsets described in
User response previous messages have been created.

Check that the file server associated with the data

System action
mover is accessible through the network; check each
of the attributes specified in the datamover update The backupsets described have been created.
command; check the number of open NDMP sessions
with the file server. User response
ANR1777W Command: New cluster node None.
cluster node on NAS cluster nas
cluster is assigned same cluster ANR1780I Command: The network-attached
affinity as cluster node existing storage (NAS) cluster cluster name
cluster node has tape devices attached to
cluster node cluster node
A NAS cluster device reported a cluster node with a
cluster affinity identifier that is the same as an existing The server has discovered tape drives attached to a
data mover. node in a NAS cluster during a DEFINE DATAMOVER or
System action
System action
Server processing continues.
Server processing continues.

318 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. Server operation continues after the REST services are
ANR1781I Command: The network-attached
storage (NAS) cluster cluster name
requires new data mover, cluster User response
node, for tape drive access. Ensure that the server is configured as a hub server.
Update the value of the RESTHTTPSPORT option to
Explanation specify an available port number. For example, issue
the SETOPT RESTHTTPSPORT command and specify
The server has discovered a node within in a NAS an available port number. Restart the server.
cluster with attached tape drives. A new data mover
will be defined to provide access to the attached tape ANR1784I Stopping the activity log because
drives. activity log retention has been set
to zero.
System action
System action
Server processing continues.
Stopping the activity log because activity log retention
User response has been set to zero.

When a datamover is created by the server for node

User response
within a cluster you should identify the tape drives
attached to the node. Define paths from the new None.
datamover to each drive you want to use for backup of
the NAS cluster. ANR1786W HBAAPI not able to get adapter
ANR1782I Representational State Transfer
(REST) services are starting at Explanation
The HBAAPI function getAdapterName failed. The
server will continue to access next adapter if it exists.
After the REST services start, applications that use System action
REST services can query and manage the storage
environment by connecting to the Operations Center. None.

System action User response

Server operation continues as the REST services are The IBM Spectrum Protect SAN discovery will not work
started. with this Host Bus Adapter. For the list of supported
HBAs and required driver levels by operating system,
see techdoc 1193154 at http://www.ibm.com/
User response
You can disable the REST services by removing the
ANR1787W Unable to open adapter adapter
monitoring administrator. To remove the monitoring
administrator, issue the following administrative name.
command: set monitoringadmin ""
ANR1783I Representational State Transfer
(REST) services were stopped at The HBAAPI function to open the host bus adapter
time. (HBA) failed.

Explanation System action

After the REST services are stopped, applications that None.

use REST services can no longer query and manage
the storage environment by connecting to the User response
Operations Center.
The IBM Spectrum Protect SAN discovery will not work
with this Host Bus Adapter. For the list of supported

Chapter 3. ANR messages 319

HBAs and required driver levels by operating system, User response
see techdoc 1193154 at http://www.ibm.com/
SAN discovery failed. This may be a problem with the
HBA firmware, HBA or the HBA verdor's HBAAPI
ANR1788W Unable to retrieve the adapter driver. For the list of supported HBAs and required
attributes for adapter name. driver levels by operating system, see techdoc
1193154 at http://www.ibm.com/support/
Explanation docview.wss?uid=swg21193154.

The HBAAPI function failed to retrieve the adapter' ANR1791W HBAAPI wrapper library file name
attributes. This problem is caused by a nonfunctional failed to load or is missing.
Fibre Channel adapter on the system. Check this
adapter to ensure it works properly. This problem also Explanation
can be caused by other non Fibre Channel types of
This library is provided by IBM Spectrum Protect. It is
adapters on the system, such as, a SAS or a parallel
required for discovery of devices on a SAN.
SCSI adapter. This message can be ignored if you are
using a non Fibre Channel adapter. • For windows, the HBAAPI wrapper library is
System action • For AIX, the HBAAPI wrapper library is libHBAAPI.a.
None. • For Solaris, the HBAAPI wrapper library is
libhbaapi32.so for 32 bit application and
User response libhbaapi64.so for 64 bit application.
• For Linux, the HBAAPI wrapper library is
SAN discovery does not work for this adapter. For the
libhbaapi32.so for 32 bit application and
list of supported HBAs and required driver levels by
libhbaapi64.so for 64 bit application.
operating system, see techdoc 1193154 at http://
uid=swg21193154. System action

ANR1789W Get HBA target mapping failed. None.

Explanation User response

The HBAAPI function to get the target mapping failed. Make sure the HBAAPI wrapper library for this
platform is in the same directory as the IBM Spectrum
Protect server executable. AIX is the only exception
System action with HBAAPI wrapper library libHBAAPI.a in /usr/lib.
ANR1792W HBAAPI vendor library failed to
load or is missing.
User response
SAN discovery will not work for this adapter. For the Explanation
list of supported HBAs and required driver levels by
The HBAAPI vendor library failed to load or is missing.
operating system, see techdoc 1193154 at http://
This HBAAPI library is provided by the Host Bus
Adapter (HBA) vendor. It is required for IBM Spectrum
Protect server to discover devices on the SAN.
ANR1790W SAN discovery failed.
System action
Explanation None.
SAN discovery failed.
User response
System action Ensure the HBAAPI file exists on the system. If the
None. driver level on your system is not supported, go to the
HBA vendor's website and download/install the HBA
driver. For the list of supported HBAs and required
driver levels by operating system, see techdoc
1193154 at http://www.ibm.com/support/

320 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

docview.wss?uid=swg21193154. The following is an User response
example of some of the HBA vendor's HBAAPI file:
SAN discovery is currently disabled either by default
• For UNIX systems, This HBAAPI vendor library's by the SANDISCOVERY OFF option depending on the
location is indicated in /etc/hba.conf. For example: platform or by the SANDISCOVERY
UNSCANNEDPATHOFF option. For the list of supported
qla2x00 /usr/lib/libqlsdm.so HBAs and required driver levels by operating system,
/usr/lib/ see techdoc 1193154 at http://www.ibm.com/
libemulexhbaapi.so support/docview.wss?uid=swg21193154.
• For Windows systems, verify the location of the ANR1795I The device driver has been
HBAAPI vendor library by checking LibraryFile in: updated successfully for device
old device name. The new device
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE name is new device name.
<HBAAPI library> Explanation
This message is displayed in response to the CHANGE
ANR1793W IBM Spectrum Protect SAN DEVDRIVER command. The device driver for device
discovery is not supported on this old device name has been updated successfully.
platform or this version of OS.
System action
Server operation continues.
SAN discovery for this platform is currently not
User response

System action None.

None. ANR1796E Invalid device name device name.

User response Explanation

SAN discovery will not work for this platform. The device name is not in the form of TAPEx or
• For AIX, we only support AIX5.2F and above
• For HP, we do not support this platform yet. System action
• For Linux, we do not support Linux-zOS yet.
The server fails the command.
• For Windows, we do not support Windows 2003 64
bit yet. User response
For the list of supported HBAs and required driver Change the device name to TAPEx or CHANGERx and
levels by operating system, see techdoc 1193154 at retry the command.
uid=swg21193154. ANR1797E Device device name is not
supported by the IBM Spectrum
ANR1794W IBM Spectrum Protect SAN Protect device driver.
discovery is disabled by options.
Device device name is not supported by the IBM
SAN discovery is disabled by option SANDISCOVERY Spectrum Protect device driver. The hardware ID was
OFF or SANDISCOVERY UNSCANNEDPATHOFF. not found in the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver
INF file, i.e. tsmlb.inf and tsmmt.inf.
System action
None. System action
The server fails the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 321

User response System action
Access the IBM Spectrum Protect Web site at The server ends the command.
IBMTivoliStorageManager.html and navigate to the User response
device support information for the server's operating
system. Verify if the device is supported. If the device Enter the command with file space names or file space
is supported by the IBM Spectrum Protect device IDs that refer to defined file spaces for the specified
driver, contact your service representative. node. Note that file space names are case sensitive.
Enter the file space names by using exactly the same
ANR1798E Device driver update failed for upper- and lowercase characters that match the file
device device name. space name that is defined on the server. File space
name searches are also sensitive to NAMEType
Explanation (SERVER, UNICode, FSID) and CODEType (BOTH,
UNICode, NONUNIcode) parameters. Issue the
The CHANGE DEVDRIVER operation failed for device QUERY FILESPACE command to determine which file
device name. spaces and file space IDs are defined for a node on the
System action
ANR1801E Eventlog command: Invalid event
The activity that generated this error fails. or event class - Event or event class
User response
None. Explanation

ANR1799E The IBM Spectrum Protect device An event logging command has been entered which
driver is not installed, or one or specifies an unknown event or event class.
more device driver files are
missing. System action
The command is ignored for the invalid event or event
Explanation class. Any valid events or classes specified are
The server command has failed because the IBM processed.
Spectrum Protect device driver is not installed, or one
or more device driver files are missing. User response
Reissue the command with the correct event or event
System action class.
The operation fails. ANR1802E Device device name was not found.

User response Explanation

Make sure the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver is The device was not found in the device information
installed, and the following files are not missing. set. The vendor ID and/or product ID, or device name
%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\tsmscsi.sys (or may be invalid, or the device has been removed from
tsmscsi64.sys for 64-bit Windows), %WINDIR%\inf the system.
\tsmmt.inf, and %WINDIR%\inf\tsmlb.inf.
ANR1800W Command: No matching file space System action
was found for file space filespace The activity that generated this error fails.
name on node node name.
User response
Reissue the command with the correct vendor ID and
The server did not find a matching file space name or product ID, or device name.
file space ID for the file space and node that are
specified in the command. ANR1803W SAN discovery module module
name is not installed correctly.

322 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The server attempted to load the SAN discovery Use another method or storage pool type to store the
module, but the permissions or ownership of the file data.
are incorrect.
ANR1806I Some data is skipped because the
operation cannot be completed for
System action container or cloud storage pools.
Server operation continues, but without SAN discovery
function. Explanation
Container or cloud storage pools cannot be used for
User response storage pool backup, reclamation, migration,
Ensure that the SAN discovery module is executable, collocation, export, import, NDMP, generate backupset
has the setuid bit turned on, and is owned by root. The or simultaneous-write.
SAN discovery module is called 'dsmqsan' and must
reside in the server or storage agent executable System action
The server skips the object and processes the next
ANR1804W Command: Process process available object.
number skipping volume volume
name in storage pool pool name User response
because the volume is in use by
another process. Use another method or storage pool type to store the
Explanation ANR1807I Table updating statistics
The command shown specifies the volume to be performed successfully for
processed, but that volume is currently being used by processed table.
another operation.
System action Runstat successfully run on that table.
The server skips the volume and processes the next
available volume. System action
Server operation continues.
User response
Check the activity log to determine which operation User response
was using the volume. If the operation using the No user action required.
volume is complete reissue the Command to process
the skipped volume. ANR1808I Object Object ID is skipped
because the operation cannot be
ANR1805I This export command does not completed for cloud storage pools.
work with either container or
cloud storage pools. Object Object
Name is skipped.
Cloud storage pools cannot be used for storage pool
Explanation backup, reclamation, migration, collocation, or
Container storage pools cannot be used for storage
pool backup, reclamation, migration, collocation,
System action
export, import, or simultaneous-write.
The server skips the object and processes the next
System action available object.

The server skips the object and processes the next

User response
available object.
Use another method or storage pool type to store the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 323

ANR1809E Insufficient memory to activate Explanation
event logging. The reported filespace belonging to the reported node
is currently being replicated as part of a REPLICATE
Explanation NODE command. A filespace cannot be deleted while
A BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command has been the replication is in progress.
entered, but the server has insufficient memory
available to activate logging. System action
The DELETE FILESPACE ends with a state of FAILURE.
System action
The command is ignored. User response
Use the QUERY PROCESS command to view active
User response REPLICATE NODE processes. Either wait for the
If logging is required, make more memory available to replication to complete or cancel the replication
the server then restart the server. process with the CANCEL PROCESS or CANCEL
REPLICATION commands, and reissue the DELETE
ANR1810E Eventlog command: Invalid FILESPACE command.
receiver - receiverName.
ANR1813W Filespace filespace name for node
node name is a replication
Explanation replication role.
An event logging command has been entered which
specifies an unknown event log receiver (maybe Explanation
unknown just to this platform).
The reported filespace is either the source or target of
a replicated node. The DELETE FILESPACE command
System action
will delete the data on this server, but will not delete
The command is ignored for the invalid receiver. Any the data on any other replication servers.
valid receivers specified are processed.
System action
User response
The DELETE FILESPACE command continues.
Reissue the command with the correct receiver.
User response
ANR1811W The Host Bus Adapter API
package might not be installed. If this message indicates this filespace is the source of
replicated data, then login to all servers containing
System action replicated data from this filespace and issue the
DELETE FILESPACE command to remove the data from
None. those servers. If this message indicates this filespace
is the target of replicated data, ensure that the
User response filespace on the source server is either deleted, or
updated to no longer replicate to this server.
The HBA API does not provide the number of Fibre
Channel adapters from the host system. The HBA API ANR1814W The database manager cannot
file version that is on your operating system might not load the security plugin file name.
be supported or the HBA API package might not be
installed. Go to the HBA vendor website to obtain the
latest version of the HBA API. For a list of supported
HBAs and required HBA API levels by operating The database manager cannot load the security plugin.
system, see techdoc 1193154 at http:// This plugin controls access to the database manager
www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss? from the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
ANR1812E System action
DELETE FILESPACE filespace name
for node node name failed deletion The server stops.
because of a replication in

324 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response • New Name - the system generated name that was
assigned to the file.
Inspect the Db2 diagnostic log file to identify the
reason the database manager cannot load the security • Original Name - the original name of the file.
plugin. Correct the problem and restart the server. The second section is identified by the header "--
ANR1815W Check target server for storage Node and Filespace Names --". Each line in this
problems during replication of section maps the node ID and filespace ID associated
node node list. with one or more of the files in the first section to a
node name and filespace name that can be specified
on a restore command. The line consists of four fields,
separated by tabs:
During the replication process for the specified nodes,
• Node ID - a numeric identifier for the node that owns
there were problems storing data at the replication
the file.
target server.
• Node Name - the name of the node associated with
the node ID.
System action
• Filespace ID - a numeric identifier for the file's
Processing ends. filespace.
• Filespace Name - the name of the filespace
User response
associated with the filespace ID.
Check the activity log of the target server for specific
error messages relating to data storage during the User response
replication process.
Inspect the contents of the specified log file. If
ANR1816W The names of one or more files necessary, use the information in the log file to restore
were truncated. Examine log file the files to their original name.
log file name for details.
ANR1817W command: No valid nodes were
identified for import on target
server tgtServerName.
The DSMSERV INSERTDB command attempted to
insert a database row describing a file whose path Explanation
name is longer than the maximum path name
supported by IBM Spectrum Protect V6. The IBM During a server-to-server export, the import process
Spectrum Protect V5 server supported path names of on the target server reported that none of the node
up to 8000 bytes, but the V6 server does not allow definitions in the export data were valid for import. No
path names to be longer than 6000 bytes. node data was imported on the target server.

System action System action

The name of the file was replaced by a system- None.

generated name. Information needed to restore the
file to its original name was written to the specified log User response
Check for warning or error messages on the target
The log file contains two sections. The first section server and handle as needed.
lists files whose names were truncated. The second
ANR1818W command: No valid nodes were
section identifies the node names and filespace names
of the truncated files. identified for import.

The first section is identified by the header "-- Explanation

Truncated Files --". Each line of this section identifies
one file whose name was truncated. The line consists During a server import process none of the node
of four fields, separated by tabs: definitions in the import data were valid for import. No
node data was imported.
• Node ID - a numeric identifier for the node that owns
the file.
System action
• Filespace ID - a numeric identifier for the file's
filespace. None.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 325

User response update the configuration parameter. Ensure that the
value specified is also specified on the DBMTCPPORT
Check for warning or error messages during the import
server option. Restart the server.
process on the server and handle as needed.
Finally, use the "db2set" command to verify that the
ANR1819E Permission denial to device device
DB2COMM environment variable is set to "TCPIP". If
name. not, then use the "db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP"
command to set the environment variable and restart
Explanation the server.
A read-only attribute is assigned to non-root users and ANR1821W Event logging is not started for the
their tape device files. If this attribute is not changed, receiverName receiver.
non-root users cannot store data to tape devices. This
only affects HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris operating
In response to a BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command,
System action recording of event log records to the specified receiver
was attempted. The event logging for the specified
The open operation fails. receiver is already started because either the receiver
is currently running or the receiver was terminated
User response previously and is still in the process of writing the
messages that were queued up for processing.
Issue the CHMOD system command to change the
read-only attribution for specific tape device files and
run the previously failed operation again. See System action
Technote 1321130 for details about resolving this None.
problem: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/
User response
ANR1820E The server could not connect to Check to see if the event log receiver is already started
the database manager by using by issuing the QUERY STATUS command, and
TCP/IP port port number. checking the Active Receivers field. Some event log
receivers such as FILETEXT, FILETEXTEXIT,
Explanation USEREXIT, and Tivoli receiver, can be started during
The server attempted to connect to the database by server initialization if they are configured in the server
using TCP/IP, but it was not able to do so. options file.
• If the event log receiver is already started you do not
System action take any further action.
The server stops. • If the event log receiver is not currently running then
wait and try to start it again after a short delay.
User response ANR1822I Event logging ended for the
First, verify that the port number is not already in use. receiverName receiver.
Possible methods include:
• On Unix systems, inspect /etc/services for an
occurance of the port number. In response to an END EVENTLOGGING command or
because an error occurred, event log records are no
• Use the netstat command to determine if a service is
longer being output to the specified receiver.
listening on the port number.
If a conflict is detected, specify a different port System action
number on the DBMTCPPORT option in the server
options file and restart the server. None.

If no conflict is found, use the "db2 get database

User response
manager config" command to verify that the
SVCENAME configuration parameter is set to the port None.
number identified by the message. If not, then use the
ANR1823I Event logging ended for all
"db2 update database manager config using
SVCENAME port number" command to manually receivers.

326 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation commands, active and inactive objects that are not
expired are exported.
In response to an END EVENTLOGGING command,
event log records are no longer being output to any
receiver. System action
System operation continues, but the export process
System action skips the specified object and processes the next
available object.

User response
User response
No action is required.
ANR1827E Eventlog command: No valid
ANR1824E Event logging is inactive for the
receiver specified.
specified receiver.

An event logging command has been entered, and no
An END EVENTLOGGING command has been entered,
valid receivers were specified.
but logging is not active for the specified receiver.

System action
System action
The command is ignored.
The command is ignored.

User response
User response
Reissue the command with the correct receiver.
If logging is desired, use the ENABLE EVENT and
BEGIN EVENTLOGGING commands to activate event ANR1828W Session session number for node,
logging. admin, or server name (client
platform) refused - protocol
ANR1825I Event logging active for the
protocol required.
receiverName receiver.

No TLS/SSL connection was established, therefore the
In response to a BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command,
server did not start a session because an TLS/SSL
event log records are now being output to the
connection with a higher protocol is required.
specified receiver.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.

User response
User response
Configure the client or target server to use a higher
TLS/SSL protocol. This may require importing a new
ANR1826I During command processing, server certificate on the client or target server. For
object Object Name was skipped. example, import the cert256.arm instead of the
cert.arm file.
Explanation ANR1829E Eventlog command: Server events
When you issue the EXPORT NODE or EXPORT SERVER may not be disabled for the
command, backup objects that otherwise would be activity log receiver.
deleted from operational data according to expiration
policies might be skipped. Backup objects that remain Explanation
in server inventory because of their inclusion in
A DISABLE EVENT command has been entered for the
retention sets are not exported. In all other cases,
activity log receiver.
when you issue the EXPORT NODE or EXPORT SERVER

Chapter 3. ANR messages 327

System action ANR1843I Fasp monitor collector finished
and exiting.
The command is ignored for the activity log receiver.
Any valid receivers specified are processed.
User response The Fasp monitor processing collector is terminating
processing because the Fasp monitoring function has
Reissue the command with the correct receiver.
been set to off or the system is shutting down.
ANR1830E receiverName receiver options not
defined in the server options file. System action
None, the Fasp monitor collector terminates.
A BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command has been entered User response
for a receiver, but the required receiver options were
not specified in the server options file. The Fasp status processing was turned off using the
System action ANR1844I Eventlog command command
Logging is not started for the specified receiver.

User response
The specified command was processed.
Enter the receiver options in the server options file and
restart the server.
System action
ANR1831I Event logging of client events
ended for ACTLOG receiver. None.

Explanation User response

An END EVENTLOGGING command has been entered If any previous messages indicate that parts of the
for the activity log receiver. command failed, reissue the command for those parts
System action ANR1850E Circular event logging detected.
The server no longer records client events in the The event server has previously
activity log. Server events continue to be recorded in handled event Event number from
the activity log. Source trail. To prevent looping,
events which have already been
logged by the event server are not
User response sent again. Please correct the
None. situation causing circular logging
to avoid wasting system
ANR1842E An error occurred on the resources.
receiverName receiver.
The server is attempting to log an event which has
An error occurred on the specified receiver. previously been handled by the event server that is
currently defined.
System action
The server no longer sends events to the receiver. System action
The event is not sent to the event server. Other events
User response will still be sent, and this message will be issued
periodically if this situation is detected again.
Issue a BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command for the
receiver to attempt to start logging events to the
receiver again.

328 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Determine what is wrong with the server to server None.
event logging setup, and fix the problem.
ANR1851E The source trail for server to User response
server event logging has exceeded Verify network connections and contact your service
the maximum length of Maximum representative if this error persists.
sourcetrail length bytes.
ANR1854E Unable to flush data to TEC at TEC
server rc return code
While attempting to log an event to the event server, Explanation
the server has found that the source trail length is too
long. A network error has occurred in attempting to flush
data to the Tivoli Enterprise Console.
System action
System action
The server continues to try to send the event to the
event server, but the source trail may be truncated and None.
appear something like:
User response
Verify network connections and contact your service
where, representative if this error persists.
name1 is the originator of the event. ANR1855E Failure validating protocol
... is where intervening server name(s) between client and server for node
have been left off the source trail. node on session session number

User response
For a node having the "VALIDATE PROTOCOL" option
Most likely you are using very long server names
set to either "DATAONLY" or "ALL", a validation error
and/or have excessive hops from server to server.
occurred. The transaction is aborted and an indication
Either use shorter server names or change your
is sent to the client indicating the failure.
configuration to reduce the number of hops.
ANR1852E Unable to send header to TEC at System action
TEC server rc return code
User response
A network error has occurred in attempting to send the
event header to the Tivoli Enterprise Console. Verify network connections and contact your service
representative if this error persists.
System action ANR1856W Command: No volumes selected to
None. process.

User response Explanation

Verify network connections and contact your service No volumes were eligible for processing by the AUDIT
representative if this error persists. VOLUME command based upon the parameters
ANR1853E Unable to send data to TEC at TEC
server rc return code System action
The AUDIT VOLUME process ends without processing
any volumes.
A network error has occurred in attempting to send the
event data to the Tivoli Enterprise Console.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 329

User response Explanation
Review the parameters specified for the command. If The server received protocol validation information for
there was an error specifying a parameter, re-issue the the session and node specified. The settings for this
command with the parameter corrected. node are not configured to perform protocol validation
and any CRC information received will be ignored.
ANR1857I AUDIT VOLUME will start count
repair processes.
System action
Explanation The server operation continues.
The AUDIT VOLUME command will process a range of
volumes due to one or more of the following User response
parameters having been specified: FROMDATE, The server administrator should evaluate whether or
TODATE, or STGPOOL. The AUDIT VOLUME processing not this node should perform protocol validation. If so,
will start a process for each volume that qualifies and issue the UPDATE NODE command and specify the
process an AUDIT VOLUME for each volume with VALIDATEPROTOCOL option with the appropriate
FIX=YES specified. setting to enable protocol validation.
If this is a TYPE=SERVER node for the target of a
System action virtual volume operation and protocol validation is not
One or more volumes are audited and inconsistent desired, the server definition on the source server
data is discarded. should be updated with VALIDATEPROTOCOL=NO set.
Otherwise, if protocol validate is desired, the SERVER
System action type node on the target server should be updated
using the UPDATE NODE command with
The administrator is asked whether to continue. VALIDATEPROTOCOL=ALL.
ANR1860E Drive with serial serial element
User response
element port port and target target
Enter 'Y' to audit the volume or 'N' to stop the process. lun lun does not match with the
library libraryPath .
ANR1858I AUDIT VOLUME will start count
inspect processes.
The AUDIT VOLUME command will process a range of System action
volumes due to one or more of the following
parameters having been specified: FROMDATE, User response
will start a process for each volume that qualifies and
ANR1861E Drive with element element port
process an AUDIT VOLUME for each volume with
port and target target lun lun does
FIX=NO specified.
not match with the library
libraryPath .
System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue. Explanation

User response
System action
Enter 'Y' to audit the volume or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR1859W Node node on session session id User response
received CRC protocol validation
information when it is not ANR1862W command: This command will
configured to do so. remove all replication information
for the server with ID Unique ID.

330 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
All replication information stored on this server that None.
references the indicated server will be deleted.
ANR1866I Export/import command:
Subsequent replications to the indicated server may
Processing suspended with status
cause data to be re-sent.

System action
The system asks whether you wish to continue with
The background process to service the command
command was suspended with a SUSPEND command.

User response
System action
To process the REMOVE REPLSERVER command, enter
Processing for the command command stops.
'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the process.
Statistics on the number and type of objects moved,
ANR1863E library libraryPath and serial serial together with the total number of bytes copied, are
does not support Read Element displayed on the server console following this
Status command. It is very old and message.
should be replaced with newer
model. User response
ANR1867I Export/import command:
Processing completed with status
System action status.

User response Explanation

The background export or import process to service
ANR1864E library libraryPath does not the command export/import command has completed
support Read Element Status with status status. If the status is INCOMPLETE, some
command and it does not have a files have been skipped due to errors reading or
serial number. It is very old and writing the file.
should be replaced with newer
System action

Explanation Export or import processing for the command

completes. Statistics on the number and type of
objects moved, together with the total number of
System action bytes copied, are displayed on the server console
following this message. A summary of the number of
files that were skipped is also displayed.
User response
User response
ANR1865I export command : Summary for
Restartable Export operation None.
export identifier :
ANR1868I Export/import command: Copied
filespace number file spaces
Explanation archive number archive files,
A summary of the total number of objects transmitted backup number backup files, and
in the restartable export operation with export spacemg number space managed
identifier is displayed following this message. files.

System action Explanation

Export processing for the command ends. Server The background export or import process to service
operation continues. the command export/import command copies filespace

Chapter 3. ANR messages 331

number client file space definitions, archive number System action
archive file copies, backup number backup file copies,
Export or import processing for the command
and spacemg number space-managed files from either
completes. Server operation continues.
the server database to export media or from import
media into the server database. Data is not actually
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command User response
export/import command. None.
ANR1871I Export/import command: Copied
System action
number kilobytes of data.
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues. Explanation
The background export or import process to service
User response
the command export/import command copies number
None. kilobytes of data from the server database and data
storage to the export media or from the export media
ANR1869W Export/import command: Skipped
to the server database and data storage. This figure
archive number archive files,
can be used during export preview processing to
backup number backup files, and
estimate the number of removable media volumes
spacemg number space managed
needed to hold the exported information from the

System action
The background export or import process to service
Export or import processing for the command
the command export/import command skipped archive
completes. Server operation continues.
number archive file copies, backup number backup file
copies, and spacemg number space-managed files
from either the server database to export media or User response
from import media into the server database. Data is None.
not actually moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the
command export/import command. ANR1872I Export/import command: Copied
number megabytes of data.
System action
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues. The background export or import process to service
the command export/import command copies number
megabytes of data from the server database and data
User response
storage to the export media or from the export media
Check previous messages for the names of the files to the server database and data storage. This figure
that were not exported or imported, and problem can be used during export preview processing to
determination information. estimate the number of removable media volumes
needed to hold the exported information from the
ANR1870I Export/import command: Copied
number bytes of data.

System action
Export or import processing for the command
The background export or import process to service
completes. Server operation continues.
the command export/import command copies number
bytes of data from the server database and data
storage to the export media or from the export media User response
to the server database and data storage. Data is not None.
moved if Preview=Yes is specified in the command
export/import command. This figure can be used ANR1873I Export/import command: Copied
during export preview processing to estimate the number gigabytes of data.
number of removable media volumes needed to hold
the exported information from the server.

332 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The background export or import process to service Examine the server messages issued prior to this
the command export/import command copies number message to view the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG
gigabytes of data from the server database and data command to view the activity log and search for
storage to the export media or from the export media messages.
to the server database and data storage. This figure
ANR1876W Export/import command: Detected
can be used during export preview processing to
an unexpected value, value, for
estimate the number of removable media volumes
the data-transfer path option
needed to hold the exported information from the
setting for node node name. The
default value of 'ANY' is used for
the node.
System action
Export or import processing for the command Explanation
completes. Server operation continues.
The export or import operation detected an
unexpected data-transfer path value for the node. As a
User response result, the default value of 'ANY' is used for the node
None. and indicated data-transfer path option.

ANR1874I Export/import command: Copied

System action
number terabytes of data.
Export or import processing for the command
Explanation completes. Server operation continues.

The background export or import process to service

User response
the command export/import command copies number
terabytes of data from the server database and data If the data-transfer path setting of 'ANY' is acceptable
storage to the export media or from the export media for the node, do nothing further. If you must change
to the server database and data storage. This figure the setting, use the UPDATE NODE command.
can be used during export preview processing to
ANR1877E NAS backup process terminated -
estimate the number of removable media volumes
needed to hold the exported information from the NAS file server NAS file server
server. name reported illegal arguments.

System action
System action
The indicated process ends.
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues.
User response
User response Verify the that the filespace exists on the NAS file
server. If backing up a NAS virtual filespace verify that
the path specified in the virtual filespace exists.
ANR1875I Export/import command: Detected
For details about how to identify the cause of the
number errors.
terminated NDMP operations, see the NAS file-server
documentation. Check the NDMP logs for the NAS file
Explanation server and correct the cause of the errors and restart
The background export or import process to service the operation.
the command export/import command detects number ANR1878E A database manager configuration
errors while copying information from the server parameter cannot be updated. The
database and data storage to the export media or from value of the DIAGSIZE parameter
the export media to the server database and data is greater than the amount of free
storage. space available in the database
manager's diagnostic data
System action directory.
Export or import processing for the command
completes. Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 333

Explanation User response
The error occurred because the current value of the Issue the REMOVE REPLSERVER command with a
DIAGSIZE database manager configuration parameter more specific replication server ID value such that only
is greater than the amount of free space in the drive or one matching server ID is selected.
the file system that contains the diagnostic data
ANR1880W Server transaction was canceled
because of a conflicting lock on
table table name.
System action
The operation fails. Depending on the configuration Explanation
parameter that is being updated, the server might
The server online reorganization for the referenced
table could not be completed because of a lock
conflict between the reorganization process and a
User response server process. The server process was canceled to
Complete one of the following options: allow the reorganization process to be completed. In
some cases, the server might need to cancel multiple
• Specify a smaller value for DIAGSIZE. server processes to resolve the lock conflict.
• Change the location of the diagnostic data directory Consequently, this message might be displayed
to a drive or file system that has more free space. multiple times as server processes are forced to stop.
• Increase the amount of free space on the drive or file In addition, other server application error messages
system containing the diagnostic data directory. might be displayed as the lock conflicts are resolved.

To check the current setting of the DIAGSIZE System action

configuration parameter, issue the following database
command: The server will continue to operate; however, until the
lock conflict is resolved, no new reorganizations will be
db2 get dbm cfg started.
and search for "DIAGSIZE".
User response
To change the value of the DIAGSIZE configuration
parameter, issue the following command: Review the server activity log and determine whether a
critical server operation was canceled that should be
db2 update dbm cfg using DIAGSIZE new_size restarted. If so, restart the server operation.
new_size is the value, in megabytes, of the DIAGSIZE ANR1881E Command or operation: Failure
configuration parameter. The value must be 2 or because the LDAPUSER password
greater. is expired.
For more information, see "Locating Db2 diagnostic log
files" in the product information (http://www.ibm.com/ Explanation
support/knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ/). The password credentials for the user account
ANR1879E command: Multiple replication specified as the LDAPUSER are expired and need to be
server IDs match the specified ID updated.
System action
Explanation The operation fails.
During a REMOVE REPLSERVER command, a wildcard
was used for the replication server ID. This resulted in User response
more than 1 matching server ID. To avoid accidental
The administrator for the LDAP directory server must
erasure of replication information, only a single
update the password for the LDAPUSER account in the
replication server ID can be removed at a time.
LDAP directory server. Then, after the LDAP
administrator updates the password, issue the
System action LDAPPASSWORD command to match the new
The command is terminated by the server. password. Reissue the command that failed.
ANR1882E Command or operation: A
password was reset and must

334 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

change while accessing the LDAP Explanation
administrator or node entry admin
The IBM Spectrum Protect server tried to authenticate
or node name with administrator/
and access was denied.
node name or LDAPUSER
System action
Explanation The operation fails.
The password credentials used for this operation were
reset and you must update the password on the LDAP User response
directory server. Validate that the LDAPUSER, the LDAPPASSWORD,
and the LDAPURL are set to the correct values. Correct
System action any invalid setting and reissue the command or
The operation requires a password update.
ANR1885E Command or operation: Permission
User response was denied when the LDAP
administrator or node entry admin
If the operation used the LDAPUSER credentials, or node name was accessed as
update the password for the user account specified as administrator/node name or
the LDAPUSER in the LDAP directory server. If the LDAPUSER.
operation used node or administrator credentials, a
password expiration status is issued to force a
password update. Explanation
The command failed after the IBM Spectrum Protect
ANR1883E Command or operation: An access
server authenticated with the LDAP directory server as
failure occurred while accessing
the LDAPUSER. Permission was denied when the
the LDAP administrator or node
server tried to add, modify or delete an entry in the
entry admin or node name with
LDAP directory server.
administrator/node name or
LDAPUSER credentials.
System action
Explanation The operation fails.
The command failed after the IBM Spectrum Protect
server accessed an entry in the LDAP directory server User response
and received a locked account error. The user specified by the LDAPUSER needs full access
control over the distinguished name (DN) specified in
System action the LDAPURL server option. Correct the access control
rights of the LDAPUSER or provide a different
The operation fails.
LDAPUSER who has full access control rights over the
IBM Spectrum Protect server's DN.
User response
ANR1886E Entry entry name was not found in
If the operation used the LDAPUSER credentials, the LDAP directory server.
unlock the user account specified as the LDAPUSER in
the LDAP directory server. If the operation used a node
or administrator credentials, unlock the node or Explanation
administrator by issuing the UPDATE NODE or UPDATE The command failed because the IBM Spectrum
ADMIN command with a password or directly unlock Protect server tried an operation on an LDAP entry that
the node or administrator account in the LDAP was not found on the LDAP directory server.
directory server.
ANR1884E Command or operation: An System action
authentication failure occurred The operation fails.
with the LDAP directory server
when the LDAPUSER credentials
User response
were used.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server tried an operation
with the LDAP directory server and the operation failed

Chapter 3. ANR messages 335

because the entry could not be found. To insert a new SSLREQUIRED=YES. To use a non-SSL session with a
entry for this node or administrator, issue an UPDATE storage agent, rename the admin with the identical
NODE or UPDATE ADMIN command and provide a name by issuing the RENAME ADMIN command.
ANR1889W Session session number was
ANR1887E Command or operation: Failure terminated during backup for node
when working with the LDAP node name (client platform), with
directory server. file space filespace id or name
because a restore operation is in
Explanation progress.

The command or operation failed because of an error

returned by the LDAP directory sterver.
During a file backup operation, the server ends a node
System action session because one or more files are locked by a
restore operation.
The operation fails.
System action
User response
The backup session is terminated by the server.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server ran an operation
with the LDAP directory server and the operation
User response
failed. Specific error details are contained in previous
messages. The common causes of LDAP failures are as Issue the QUERY RESTORE command with
follows: FORMAT=DETAILED to determine if the restore
operation is active or is in a restartable state. A
• A communication error occurred with the LDAP
restartable restore operation keeps files locked until
directory server
the amount of time that is specified for the
• The LDAPURL is invalid or missing (wrong hostname RESTOREINTERVAL server option is reached. You can
or base DN) lower this value to free up locked files. Issue the
• The LDAPUSER is invalid or missing (wrong value or QUERY OPTION command to display the current
locked) setting for the RESTOREINTERVAL option.
• The LDAPPASSWORD is invalid or missing (wrong If you received this message due to a client backup
value or expired) operation, restart the operation after the restore
operation has completed in order to move any
Update the LDAP directory server settings or contact
remaining files. You can also cancel the restartable
your LDAP administrator to resolve this issue
restore session with the CANCEL RESTORE command.
ANR1888W Session session number for node
ANR1890W Backup operation for session
node name (client platform)
session number node client node
refused - client requires SSL
name failed due to root-only
connection with this server.

No SSL connection was established, therefore the
The backup operation failed because a non-root user
server did not start a client session because the client
attempted the operation. A restriction is in place to
node or admin requires an SSL connection.
disallow backup operations by non-root users for the
indicated node.
System action
Server operation continues. System action
The backup operation is terminated. A message is
User response issued by the client. For clients that are levels prior to
Configure the client to use SSL or update the node or 6.3, message ANS0350E may appear.
admin definition on the server such that SSL is not
required (update SSLREQUIRED parameter). If the User response
node is created with SSLREQUIRED=SERVERONLY, a
Retry the backup operation as the root user.
corresponding admin definition is created with

336 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1891E Command or operation: The User response
operation cannot be completed Review the messages in the activity and event logs
when the Lightweight Directory that were issued by this process. Determine the
Access Protocol (LDAP) mode is
conditions that caused these messages to be issued,
set to Integrated.
resolve those issues and retry the operation.

Explanation ANR1894E command: Processing for node

node name, file space file space
In Integrated mode, the LDAP directory cannot be name failed because of a lock
modified, except to delete users or change passwords. conflict.
To delete users or change passwords, the user ID that
is specified with the SET LDAPUSER command must
have sufficient authority.
The server could not obtain a resource that is required
System action to process the indicated file space.

The operation fails.

System action

User response The command continues, but processing of the

indicated file space fails.
Run the operation by using LDAP utilities instead of
server commands.
User response
ANR1892W Process process ID for process To increase the probability of acquiring all of the
name completed with a necessary resources, issue the indicated command
completion state of SUCCESS but when server activity is relatively low.
warning or more-severe messages
were issued. ANR1895W Command or operation: The
password for the node node name
Explanation now uses case-sensitive
The process completed with a completion state of
SUCCESS but warning messages or more-severe
messages were issued by this process. This process
may not have completed all of the processing. The node is authenticating with an LDAP directory
server. The LDAP authentication password policy is
System action dictated by the LDAP directory server and this usually
requires passwords to be case-sensitive.
System action
User response
Review the messages in the activity and event logs
that were issued by this process. Determine if the
User response
conditions that caused these messages to be issued
had an affect on the operation. None.
ANR1893E Process process ID for process ANR1896E Unable to allocate volume volume
name completed with a name because it is still referenced
completion state of FAILURE. in the volume history.

Explanation Explanation
The process completed with a state of FAILURE. The volume cannot be allocated because the active
volume history record shows the volume as being in
System action use.


Chapter 3. ANR messages 337

System action cannot use it to logon until the server is able to use
LDAP directory server information.
The active volume history record shows the volume as
being in use.
System action
User response The operation finished, but information was not added
to the LDAP directory server.
The volume is being managed by the server or it might
be incorrectly referenced in the volume history table
due to out-of-date records. To check the records and User response
confirm the volume history status, issue the QUERY An operation was run on the IBM Spectrum Protect
VOLHISTORY command. If there is an invalid volume server with the LDAP directory server. The operation
history record, use the DELETE VOLHISTORY succeeded, but information was not added to the
command to remove the record. If the DELETE LDAP directory server because the LDAP directory
VOLHISTORY command fails, contact IBM Software server configuration is incomplete. Common
Support to remove the record. incomplete configuration scenarios are as follows:
ANR1897I LDAP password removed. • LDAPURL values were not provided in the server
options file
Explanation • The LDAPUSER is invalid (wrong value or locked)
The password that the server uses to authenticate • The LDAPPASSWORD is invalid (wrong value or
with the LDAP server was removed by the SET expired)
Update the LDAP directory server information or
contact your LDAP administrator to resolve this issue.
System action After completing the LDAP configuration, when you
None. add a node or admin with LDAP authentication, you are
required to submit a new password when you log on to
the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
User response
None. ANR1900E Path between server server source
and library parm is not allowed.
ANR1898I LDAP user name removed.
You must specify a path from the current server to the
The LDAP user distinguished name (DN) that the library when you are defining the library. You cannot
server uses to authenticate with the LDAP server was specify a path from a different server.
removed by the SET LDAPUSER command.
System action
System action
The server ignores the command.
User response
User response
Reissue the command with a different source or
None. destination name or define a new path.
ANR1899W Command or operation: Unable to ANR1901I The specified session is associated
work with the LDAP directory with process name process process
server. id and can not be cancelled.

Explanation Explanation
The command or operation finished, but the IBM The server can not cancel the session because it is
Spectrum Protect server did not work with the LDAP associated with a running process.
directory server because the LDAP directory server
configuration is incomplete. If a node or administrator System action
was being created or updated on the LDAP server, you
Server operation continues.

338 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR1905E Path dir name for parm does not
exist or is not empty.
The session can only be cancelled by cancelling the
associated process. Use the CANCEL PROCESS
command to cancel a process. Explanation

ANR1902W Node node name on server server The directory specified does not exist or is not empty.
name is not enabled for
replication. It will not be System action
The server stops.

User response
The server is not able to replicate the specified node
Reissue the command with a valid path name.
because the node on the specified target server is not
enabled for replication. ANR1906E Command: failed to extend the
database space.
System action
The node is not replicated to the specified server.
Server operation continues. A failure occurred during the extend database space.
This occurred during the processing of a 'EXTEND
User response DBSPACE' command.

Enable the node on the target server for replication

System action
and rerun the replication command.
Server operation continues.
ANR1903E Export export name is not defined.

User response
Review error messages to determine the cause of the
An NFS client attempted to mount the specified name
failure and retry the 'EXTEND DBSPACE' once the issue
as a mount point. The specified name is not currently
has been resolved. If unable to determine the cause of
being exported by the server.
the failure or to resolve it, please contact your IBM
service representative for further assistance.
System action
ANR1907E The server can not resolve
The server does not provide an export of the specified absolute path of directory dir
directory. name. That path might not exist.

User response Explanation

Ensure that an NFS ADDEXPORT command was issued The directory specified does not exist or is not
for the specified node. accessible.
ANR1904E Missing or invalid value for option.
A valid directory needs to be System action
defined for this.
The server operation stops.

User response
The server detects a missing or invalid value for a
Reissue the command with a valid path name.
server option. A valid directory needs to be defined for
this option. ANR1908W Invalid value for parameter
parameter - parameter valueMB.
System action The default value default valueMB
is used for this parameter.
Server initialization stops.

User response
Correct the error and restart the server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 339

Explanation Explanation
The value (parameter value) specified for the The value (option value) specified for the (option)
(parameter) parameter is not a valid. The server uses option is not valid. The server uses the default value
the default value for this parameter. for this parameter.

System action System action

Processing of the command continues by using the Server operation continues.
default value.
User response
User response
Verify that the correct value have been used. Update
Verify that the correct value have been used. Update the value, if necessary.
the value, if necessary.
ANR1912I Stopping the activity log because
ANR1909W Invalid value for option name of a server shutdown.
option - option valuetype. The
default value default valuetype is System action
used for this option.
Stopping the activity log because of a server
The value (option value) specified for the (option) User response
option is not valid. The server uses the default value
for this parameter. None.
ANR1913I command successfully started
System action number of processes IDENTIFY
Server operation continues. processes.

User response System action

Verify that the correct value have been used. Update The server successfully started the indicated number
the value, if necessary. of IDENTIFY processes.

ANR1910E Directory directory name is already User response

defined for other path in the
command. Review the status of the identify processes using the
Explanation ANR1914I command successfully ended
While processing the command argument list, a number of processes IDENTIFY
duplicate path name has been encountered. processes.

System action System action

The command terminates. The server successfully ended the indicated number of
IDENTIFY processes.
User response
User response
Issue the command again, specifying a directory that
is not in the argument list. Review the status of the identify processes using the
ANR1911W Invalid value for option name
ANR1915I Autocopy process process ID
option - option valuetype. The
started transferring data to target
default value default valuetype is
storage pool storage pool name.
used for this option.

340 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
An autocopy process to the named active-data or copy None.
storage pool has started.
User response
System action
Check the activity log for messages that were issued
None. before the process stopped. The messages may give
more information about the failure.
User response ANR1919W Autocopy process process ID was
None. disabled for storage pool Storage
pool name . At least one storage
ANR1916I Autocopy process process ID pool in the hierarchy is enabled for
ended successfully for storage deduplication.
pool storage pool name. Files
Transferred: number of files, Bytes
Transferred: number of bytes.
All autocopy processes have been disabled because at
Explanation least one target storage pool is enabled for
An autocopy process to the named active/copy storage
pool has ended successfully.
System action

System action None.

User response

User response Either disable deduplication for all storage pools in the
storage-pool hierarchy or remove the deduplicated
None. storage pool from the autocopy storage-pool
ANR1917E Autocopy process process ID failed hierarchy.
for storage pool storage pool name. ANR1920W A query for the number of HBA
Files Backed Up: number of adapters has timed out with a
files,Bytes BackedUp: number of current value of timeout value.
bytes. Result code: return code.
The HBAAPI function to get the number of HBA
An autocopy process to the named active/copy storage adapters failed with a time out.
pool has ended in failure.
System action
System action
User response
User response
Check all of the HBA adapters on the system and
Check the activity log for messages that were issued ensure that they are configured correctly. Increase the
prior to completion. The messages may give more SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT value and try again. If the
information about the failure. SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not set, set it with
ANR1918I Autocopy process process ID a higher value.
stopped for storage pool Storage ANR1921W A query for the name of an HBA
pool name because of a server adapter has timed out with a
error. current value of timeout value.

An autocopy process to the named active-data or copy
storage pool has been disabled.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 341

Explanation User response
The HBAAPI function to get a name from an FC Ensure all fibre channel adapters on the system are
adapter failed with a time out. configured correctly. If there is an adapter that is non-
functional, remove it from the system. If there is no
System action device on an adapter port, increase the
SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT value to allow the operating
None. system sufficient time to respond. If the
SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not set, set it with
User response a value higher than the default value.
Check all of the HBA adapters on the system and ANR1924W A query for fibre channel (FC) port
ensure that they are configured correctly. If there is an attributes has timed out after
FC adapter that is not functional, remove it from the timeout value seconds.
system and reconfigure the HBA driver. If there is no
device on an FC port, increase the Explanation
SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT value and try again. If the
SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not set, set it with A request to the HBAAPI library to obtain port
a higher value. attributes for a fibre channel (FC) adapter has failed to
respond within the allotted time.
ANR1922W A request to open an HBA adapter
timed out with a current value of
System action
timeout value.
User response
The HBAAPI function to open an FC adapter failed with
a time out. Ensure all fibre channel adapters on the system are
configured correctly. If there is an adapter that is not
System action functional, remove it from the system. If there is no
device attached to a particular adapter, increase the
None. SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT value to allow the operating
system sufficient time to respond. If the
User response SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not set, set it with
a value higher than the default value.
Check all of the HBA adapters on the system and
ensure that they are configured correctly. If there is an ANR1925W A query for the fibre channel (FC)
FC adapter that is not functional, remove it from the target mapping has timed out after
system and reconfigure the HBA driver. If there is no timeout value seconds.
device on an FC port, increase the
SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT value and try again. If the Explanation
SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not set, set it with
a higher value. A request to the HBAAPI library to obtain target
mappings for a fibre channel (FC) adapter has failed to
ANR1923W A query for fibre channel adapter respond within the allotted time.
attributes has timed out after
timeout value seconds.
System action

Explanation None.

A request to the HBAAPI library to obtain attributes for

User response
a fibre channel (FC) adapter has failed to respond
within the allotted time. There might be too many devices to be discovered,
given the allotted time. If the
System action SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is set, increase the
value. If the SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not
None. set, set the option to a value higher than the default
ANR1926W A SCSI inquiry has timed out after
timeout value seconds.

342 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation discovery information is refreshed. For example:
setopt sanrefreshtime 600.
A request to the HBAAPI library to query SCSI devices
has failed to respond within the allotted time. • Increase the nofiles (descriptors) in ulimit and
restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
System action ANR1929E Replication of node node name to
None. target replication server target
server failed. The replication mode
of the source node is SYNCSEND,
User response and the node is not defined on the
Ensure all devices connected to the fibre channel (FC) target replication server.
adapters are operational. Remove non-functional
devices from the SAN and reconfigure the devices on Explanation
the system. If there is no device on an FC port,
increase the SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT value and try In order to replicate a node that is in Sync Send mode
again. If the SANDISCOVERYTIMEOUT option is not the target node must exist on the target replication
set, set it with a value higher than the default value. server and be in Sync Receive mode.

ANR1927W Autocopy process process ID System action

stopped for storage pool Storage
pool name . The data format or The replication of the node's data fails. Server
device type was not compatible operation continues.
with the data format or device
type of the primary pool. User response
Issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command for the node
Explanation on the source server, and then issue the UPDATE
An autocopy process to the named active-data or copy NODE command and specify ENABLED or DISABLED.
storage pool was disabled. The replication mode of the node on the source
replication server is automatically set to SEND after
the UPDATE NODE command is issued. After issuing
System action
the command, try the replication operation again.
ANR1930E command: There are no eligible
filespaces for node node name.
User response
Use the QUERY STGPOOL command to check the data Explanation
format of the storage pools. Use the QUERY DEVCLASS
command to check the device types of the device The specified node has no applicable filespaces to be
classes associated with the storage pools. processed by the command.

ANR1928W The file descriptor table for the System action

SAN discovery process is full.
The operation continues.
User response
There might be too many paths that have been
changed and updated by the SAN discovery process. Check the command settings for the filespaces
belonging to the node and retry the command.
System action ANR1931E command: No replication-eligible
None. data was found for the specified
nodes and file spaces.
User response
System action
Use one of the following methods to resolve this
problem: The operation ends.

• Use the SANREFRESHTIME option to increase the

amount of time elapsed before the cached SAN

Chapter 3. ANR messages 343

User response command after the restore operation has completed
to replicate any remaining files.
Verify that the specified nodes have data and file
spaces. Verify that replication is enabled for data types ANR1934W REPLICATE NODE: Node node
in file spaces that you want to replicate. To determine name is disabled.
the replication status for a file space, use the QUERY
FILESPACE command . Explanation
ANR1932I command: A NAS backup image The requested node is disabled for replication, and has
for node node name, file space been skipped.
filespace name was skipped for
System action

Explanation The replication proceeds, but this node is skipped.

The replication process has determined that a NAS

User response
backup image is not eligible for replication because
the image, or one of its dependent files is stored in a Enable the node for replication using the UPDATE
non-native storage pool. NODE command and retry the REPLICATE NODE
System action ANR1935W Session session number for node
Replication processing continues. node name (client platform)
refused because the server
User response initialization is not complete after
timeout value minutes.
No action is required.
ANR1933W Replication of BACKUP data for Explanation
file space filespace name on node The specified session is refused because the server
node name skipped because of a initialization did not complete within the specified
restore operation on target server time.
target server.
System action
The session is ended and server initialization
During replication processing, the file space on target continues.
replication server has a pending restore operation.
Files can not be stored into the file space while the
User response
pending restore is active.
Allow some time for the server initialization to
System action complete and retry the session. If this message occurs
regularly, consider increasing the value of the
The files are not replicated on the target replication SESSIONSERVERINITTIMEOUT option in the server
server. options file.
ANR1936E Replication of data type data for
User response
file space filespace name (fsId
Use the QUERY RESTORE command and specify the filespace id) on node node name
FORMAT=DETAILED parameter to determine if the failed with reason: reason.
restore operation is restartable on target replication
server. A restartable restore operation locks the files. Explanation
The files cannot be moved until the value for the
RESTOREINTERVAL server option is reached. Use the The server could not replicate the specified file space
QUERY OPTION command to display the for the reason indicated in the message text.
RESTOREINTERVAL value. You can lower the
RESTOREINTERVAL value to remove a restartable System action
restore operation earlier in the replication process and
to unlock the file space. Reissue the REPLICATE NODE The command continues, but replication of the file
space fails.

344 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Review the reason for the failure and correct the To ensure that failover can occur, replicate this node
problem, if possible. Then rerun the REPLICATE NODE to a secondary server.
ANR1940E Source file(line number): Unique ID
ANR1937I Failover Session session num for generation failed with Return code.
replica node nodename (platform)
is enabled for store operations. Explanation
An internal error occurred when a unique ID is created.
This error message always accompanies another error
The specified replica node is in failover mode and is message which provides more details about the error.
now elgible for store operations.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Any store operations request by the client on this
session will be allowed to proceed. User response
Review the reason for the failure and correct the
User response
problem, if possible.
ANR1941I Replicating option set option set
ANR1938W The next storage pool is no longer name from source server source
defined for source pool storage server name.
pool name.
A new option set which is referenced by a replicated
The storage pool that is being migrated no longer has a node is is created by the replication process from the
next storage pool to migrate data to. definition on the source replication server.

System action System action

The migration fails because there is no target storage Server operation continues.
User response
User response
Ensure that the storage pool being migrated has a next
ANR1942W Option set option set name already
storage pool before running any further migration
operations. exists. Skipping for replication
from source server source server
ANR1939W Session session number for node name.
node name (client platform) No
failover server information Explanation
currently exists for this node.
A new option set which is referenced by a replicating
node is not replicated because an option set with the
same name already exists on this server. The option
No failover server is identified for the node. The client set is not a replica of the option set for the source
removes any failover configuration that is stored in the server.
client options file.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues.
User response
In order to repicate the required option set, consider
copying the option set to an option set with a different

Chapter 3. ANR messages 345

name an update the replicating node to reference the Explanation
new option set.
An option set on this server could not be replicated to
ANR1943I Replicated option set option set the target server because an option set with the same
name being updated with option name already exists on the target server.
set from source server source
server name. System action
Server operation continues.
An existing replicated option set on this server is User response
updated with an option set with the same name from
the source server. A node that is replicated references an option set that
exists on both the source and target servers.
Determine which option set is used on the target
System action server. When you decide which option to use, rename
Server operation continues. the definition on the other server by copying it to a new
option set name and deleting the original option set.
User response ANR1947E Replication of option set option set
None name to target server target server
failed. See activity log on target
ANR1944I Replicating option set option set server for possible errors.
name with option count options
needed by node referencing node Explanation
to server target server.
An error occurred on the target server while replicating
Explanation the specified option set.

An option set on this server is replicated to a target System action

server because it is referenced by a node which is
being replicated. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues. Check the activity log of the target server for possible
User response ANR1948W Volume mount request for volume
None name denied - server operation
cannot wait for the volume.
ANR1945I Option set option set name
successfully replicated to server Explanation
target server.
If an operation acquired a volume and a second
Explanation operation waits for that same volume, the first
operation does not wait to acquire any other volumes.
An option set on this server has been successfully If the first operation was allowed to wait for another
replicated to the target server. volume, a deadlock could occur.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Server operations continue, volume acquisition may be
tried again, including attempts to mount scratch tapes,
User response but the server operation does not wait to acquire the
ANR1946W Option set option set name already
exists on target server target
server and is not replicated.

346 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response device type device type.
FORMAT=DRIVE will be used
If the server operation succeeds, no action is required.
However, if the operation fails, you need to supply
more scratch tapes to the storage pool.
ANR1949W Session session number for node
node name (client platform) During a migration from z/OS to AIX, or from z/OS to
refused - the node has a unicode Linux on System z, a device class was encountered
filespace but the client does not that uses a recording format that is not supported by
use unicode. the device type on the target platform.

Explanation System action

The server cannot accept the client session because The recording format will be replaced with
the client's platform does not use unicode and the FORMAT=DRIVE.
node already contains a unicode filespace. The server
records whether or not the client's data is unicode, User response
and does not let the node change this attribute. Verify whether FORMAT=DRIVE supports your media
type. If not, update the device class, specifying a
System action supported recording format.
Server operation continues, but the node session is ANR1952I Library library name was added to
refused. the definition of device class
device class.
User response
Logon to the server from a client with a platform that Explanation
uses unicode data. For example, the original platform During a migration from z/OS to AIX, or from z/OS to
that was used to create the existing filespaces for this Linux on System z, a device class definition was
node. Alternatively, if the client node needs to change updated to include a library that will be used for
to the platform that is currently being attempted, accessing media through the z/OS Media Server.
remove the existing filespaces that contain unicode
data and try the node connection again.
System action
ANR1950W Device type device type in device The device class will be modified to use the new
class device class is not supported library.
during a migration from z/OS to
AIX, or from z/OS to Linux on
System z. The device class will be User response
skipped. No action is required.
ANR1953E command: target platform cannot
be the target of a database
During a migration from z/OS to AIX, or from z/OS to upgrade from source platform.
Linux on System z, a device class was encountered
that had a device type that is not supported on the Explanation
target platform.
A cross-platform database upgrade is not supported
between the indicated source and target platforms.
System action
The device class will not be added to the target System action
The INSERTDB command stops.
User response
User response
No action is required..
Rerun the INSERTDB command on a supported
ANR1951W Device class device class uses a platform.
recording format format (format
code) that is not supported for

Chapter 3. ANR messages 347

ANR1954W Library definition library was not Explanation
sent to downlevel storage agent The administrator is attempting to open a session to a
stagent. remote server. The password is expired on the local
The storage agent has requested a definition for a System action
library type that is not supported and the server has Operation continues. The remote session may be
not sent the definition. refused.

System action User response

The storage agent does not process the library Update the password at your earliest convenience.
ANR1957W Command or operation: The
User response password for the administrator
administrator name now uses
Upgrade the storage agent to a level that supports the case-sensitive passwords.
library type.
ANR1955E The level of Db2 installed on the Explanation
system (current db2 level) is lower The administrator is authenticating with an LDAP
than the required level (required directory server. The LDAP authentication password
db2 level). policy is dictated by the LDAP directory server and this
usually requires passwords to be case-sensitive.
The Db2 level on the system does not meet the System action
requirements for this server. The server package None.
includes the required Db2 level which is installed
along with the server. If the Db2 level is incorrect, it is
possible that Db2 failed to upgrade during the server User response
upgrade process. None.
ANR1958I Command: Administrator
System action
administrator ID is already
The server stops. registered and locked.

User response Explanation

To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: : An import process is trying to import an administrator
ID that is registered and locked on the server.
• 1. Verify the level of Db2 installed on the system:
Run 'db2level'
System action
• 2. Review the installation log files to determine the
problem that caused the Db2 upgrade failure. The process continues without importing the ID.
• 3. Fix the problem and install the server again.
User response
• Do not alter the Db2 software that is installed with
IBM Spectrum Protect installation packages and fix Unlock admin ID ADMIN_CENTER or log off the
packs. Do not install or upgrade to a different administrator. Try the operation again.
version, release, or fix pack of Db2 software. If you
ANR1959I Status monitor collecting current
are unable to fix the problem, contact IBM Software
Support. data at time.

ANR1956W The password for the Explanation

administrator administrator name
is expired. The status monitor processing is collecting a current
set of data for the server at the indicated time.

348 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action this, the administrative graphical user interface will
not be able to manage this server.
The process collects the monitored status data
elements. ANR1962W command: This command is being
routed to one or more servers, so
User response its potential effect cannot be
determined. Depending on the
The monitor status processing is enabled using the parameters that you specify, the
SET MONITORSTATUS command. The interval with command can be destructive or
which it collects data is controlled by the SET can produce a large amount of
STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL. If the status data is being output. Destructive commands can
collected too frequently, increase the collection halt the server, delete data, or
interval. Note that the administrative graphical user change data placement or
interface relies upon this data, do not turn off the retention policies.
status monitor processing if this interface will be used
for the administration of IBM Spectrum Protect.
ANR1960I Status monitor finished collecting
The command is destructive or produces a large
data at time and will sleep for
amount of output.
refreshinterval minutes.

System action
IBM Spectrum Protect prompts the user to continue.
The status monitor processing finished a data
collection cycle and will sleep for the indicated
number of minutes before waking up and attempting User response
to process again. Enter 'Y' to continue with the command. Enter 'N' if
you do not want to continue with the command.
System action
ANR1963E command: This command cannot
The status monitor data collection process is idle. be issued from the server console.

User response Explanation

The monitor status processing is enabled using the This command cannot be issued from the server
SET MONITORSTATUS command. The interval with console because it may require a long time to
which it collects data is controlled by the SET complete and the server console should be available
STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL. If the status data is being to control other server functions.
collected too frequently, increase the collection
interval. Note that the administrative graphical user System action
interface relies upon this data, do not turn off the
status monitor processing if this interface will be used The server ignores the command and continues
for the administration of IBM Spectrum Protect. processing.

ANR1961I Status monitor collector finished

User response
and exiting.
Issue the command from an administrative client.
Explanation ANR1964W command: This command may
The status monitor processing collector is terminating produce a large amount of output.
processing because the status monitoring function has
been set to off. Explanation
A command has been invoked that could potentially
System action produce a large amount of output.
None, the status monitor collector terminates.
System action
User response The administrator is asked whether to continue.
The monitor status processing was turned off using
the SET MONITORSTATUS command. As a result of

Chapter 3. ANR messages 349

User response Explanation
Enter 'Y' to continue with the command or 'N' to The command was issued, but there is a mismatch
terminate the command. between the filespace name and the NAMEType value.
When you specify the NAMEType value, the filespace
ANR1965E Command: You requested to add name must be partially-qualified or fully-qualified.
or remove filespace filespace name
for the node collocation group
collocation group name. Filespaces System action
cannot be added to or removed Server operations continue, but the command is not
from node collocation groups. processed.

Explanation User response

The command was issued and the specified Issue the command and specify a partially-qualified or
collocation group exists. However, the collocation fully-qualified filespace name in combination with the
group is a node collocation group and a filespace NAMEType parameter.
cannot be added to or removed from a node
collocation group. ANR1968E Command: The filespace name
filespace name is not valid. The
filespace name must be the
System action
wildcard character when you
Server operations continue, but the command is not specify the CODETType parameter
User response
The command was issued, but there is a mismatch
Issue the command and specify a registered between the filespace name and the CODEType value.
collocation group that can contain filespace When you specify the CODEType value, the filespace
collocation group members. name must be a wildcard character.
ANR1966E Command: Specify the filespace
name for the collocation group System action
collocation group name. Server operations continue, but the command is not
You did not provide the filespace name for the User response
filespace collocation group. When you add or remove a Issue the command and specify a wildcard character
collocation group member in a filespace collocation for the filespace name in combination with the
group, you must provide the filespace name for the NAMEType parameter.
collocation group.
ANR1969E Command: filespace name is not a
valid filespace ID. Filespace IDs
System action
must be numeric values when the
Server operations continue, but the command is not NAMEType parameter is FSID.
User response
The command was issued, but the list of filespace IDs
Issue the command again and specify the filespace are not numeric. When you specify the
name for the filespace collocation group. NAMEType=FSID parameter, the filespace names in
the filespace name list must contain only numbers.
ANR1967E Command: The filespace name
cannot be a wildcard character
when you specify the NAMEType System action
parameter for a filespace Server operations continue, but the command is not
collocation group. processed.

350 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Issue the command and specify a list of filespace IDs The specified command was issued but no new file
that contain only numbers. space associations are defined for the collocation
ANR1970E Command: An invalid node name
list node name was specified. A
single node name must be System action
specified when working with Server operations continue, but the command has no
filespace collocation group effect.
User response
Issue the command and specify different filespaces.
The command was issued, but the list of node names
is invalid. When working with filespace collocation ANR1973W Command: Nodes in the NODE
group members, only one node name can be specified. parameter list node list may not
contain wildcard characters when
dealing with filespace groups. No
System action
filespace associations were
Server operations continue, but the command is not deleted from the collocation
processed. group.

User response Explanation

Issue the command and specify a single node name. The specified command was issued but no file space
associations are deleted.
ANR1971W Command: No matching file space
was found for file space filespace
name on node node name using the System action
specified NAMEType and Server operations continue, but the command has no
CODEType parameters. effect.

Explanation User response

The server did not find a matching file space name or Issue the command and specify a valid client node
file space ID for the file space and node that are without wildcards.
specified in the command.
ANR1974W Command: Filespaces in the
FILESPACE parameter list
System action
filespace list are not associated
The server ends the command. with the filespace collocation
group collocgroup name. No
User response filespace associations were
deleted from the collocation
Enter the command with file space names or file space group.
IDs that refer to defined file spaces for the specified
node. Note that file space names are case sensitive.
Enter the file space names by using exactly the same
upper- and lowercase characters that match the file The specified command was issued but no file space
space name that is defined on the server. File space associations are deleted.
name searches are also sensitive to NAMEType
(SERVER, UNICode, FSID) and CODEType (BOTH, System action
UNICode, NONUNIcode) parameters. Issue the
QUERY FILESPACE command to determine which file Server operations continue, but the command has no
spaces and file space IDs are defined for a node on the effect.
User response
ANR1972W Command: No new file space
associations were added to the Issue the command and specify different filespaces.
collocation group.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 351

ANR1975W Node node name is already System action
associated with node collocation Server operations continue.
group node collocation group
name. File spaces that belong to
same node name cannot be added User response
to the user specified collocation None.
group collocation group.
ANR1978W File space filespace name on node
node name is already associated to
filespace collocation group
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE collocation group name.
COLLOCMEMBER command that is used for creating
file space collocation group members. Node node Explanation
name is already associated with the node collocation
group name collocation group name and file spaces This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
that belong to a node that is already in a node COLLOCMEMBER command. Filespace filespace name
collocation group cannot be added to a file space is already associated with a filespace collocation
collocation group. The indicated file spaces are not group with the name collocation group name. The
processed. indicated filespace is not processed. The other
filespaces can be processed if specified by the
System action
Server operations continue. System action
Server operations continue.
User response
If the node name was entered incorrectly, issue the User response
command again with the correct node name.
If the filespace name was entered incorrectly, issue
ANR1976I Command: number of filespace the command again with the correct filespace name.
members are defined in the
collocation group collocation group ANR1979W Node node name is already
name. associated to one or more
filespace collocation groups and
cannot be associated to a node
collocation group.
A DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER command created the
specified number of filespace members in the Explanation
indicated collocation group.
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
COLLOCMEMBER command. Node node name is
System action
already associated with at least one filespace
None. collocation group name. The indicated node is not
processed. The other nodes can be processed if
User response specified by the command.

System action
ANR1977I File space filespace name on node Server operations continue.
node name is associated with
filespace collocation group
collocation group name. User response
If the node name was entered incorrectly, issue the
Explanation command again with the correct node name.
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE ANR1980I File space filespace name is
COLLOCMEMBER command. File space filespace name disassociated from filespace
on node node name is associated with the filespace collocation group collocation group
collocation group name collocation group name. name.

352 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation not associated with the collocation
group. No filespaces are
This message is displayed in response to the DELETE
associated with the collocation
COLLOCMEMBER command. Filespace filespace name
is no longer associated with the filespace collocation
group name collocation group name.
System action The specified command was issued but no file spaces
are associated with the collocation group.
Server operations continue.

System action
User response
Server operations continue, but the command has no
ANR1981I Command: number of filespace
filespace members were deleted User response
from filespace collocation group
collocation group name. Issue the command and specify different nodes.
ANR1984E command: Replication server
Explanation server name is in use by an active
replication process and cannot be
A DELETE COLLOCMEMBER command has deleted the
specified number of filespace members from the
indicated collocation group.
System action When you issue the REMOVE REPLSERVER command,
the replication server that you specify to remove is in
use by an active replication process. You cannot
remove a replication server that is used in an active
User response replication process.
System action
ANR1982W File space filespace name exists on
node node name but the filespace The command is stopped by the server.
is not a member of the specified
collocation group collocation group User response
Issue the QUERY PROCESS command from the source
replication server or the target replication server to
Explanation identify active replication processes. Issue the
This message is displayed in response to the DELETE CANCEL PROCESS command from the source
COLLOCMEMBER command. Filespace filespace name replication server to stop the replication process. If
is not associated with a filespace collocation group running this command on a target replication server,
with the name collocation group name. The indicated log on to the source replication server and issue the
filespace is not processed. The other filespaces can be CANCEL PROCESS command. When the replication
processed if specified by the command. process stops, reissue the REMOVE REPLSERVER
System action ANR1985E The remote monitoring admin
Server operations continue. admin name does not exist.

User response Explanation

If the filespace name was entered incorrectly, issue The administrator used to monitor remote servers
the command again with the correct filespace name. does not exist.

ANR1983W The collocation group collocgroup System action

name exists, but the node name in
the parameter list node name is Remote monitoring sessions will be ended.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 353

User response User response
Use the SET MONITORINGADMIN command to set a Upgrade the specified remote server or remove it from
new administrator for monitoring remote servers. the remote monitoring server group using the DELETE
GRPMEMBER command.
ANR1986E The remote monitoring server
group group name does not exist. ANR1989W Remote monitoring of server
server name could not be started.
Explanation Will retry in minutes minutes.

The server group being remotely monitored does not

An error occurred while attempting to monitor the
System action specified remote server.

Remote monitoring sessions will be ended.

System action

User response Server operation continues. The specified remote

server is not being monitored. The server will attempt
Use the SET MONITOREDSERVERGROUP command to to start monitoring again after the specified number of
set a new group for monitoring remote servers. minutes.
ANR1987E A communication error occurred
during session session number User response
with monitored server server Check previous messages in the activity log. Verify that
name. the specified remote server is running and is available
on the network. If you no longer want this remote
Explanation server to be monitored, remove it from the remote
The communication error occurred while the system monitoring server group using the DELETE
was receiving information from the specified GRPMEMBER command.
monitored server. ANR1990I Remote monitoring started for
server server name.
System action
The monitoring that was in progress failed. The server Explanation
will attempt to re-establish communications with the The specified remote server is now being monitored.
monitored server.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
If this error occurs frequently, consult your network
administrator. Also review the activity log on both
User response
servers for messages that are related to remote
monitoring. None.
ANR1988W The remote monitoring session for ANR1991I Remote monitoring ended for
server server name was refused - server server name.
server is down-level.
The specified remote server is no longer being
The specified remote server cannot be monitored monitored.
because it must be V6.3.4 or later.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues.
User response

354 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR1992E Command: The parameter Explanation
parameter is missing. A value was specified for the Formatsize parameter
which is larger than the maximum capacity value for
Explanation the device class indicated in the message. The device
The specified server command has been entered class is associated with the storage pool specified in
without all required parameters. At least the named the DEFINE VOLUME command and is a FILE device
parameter is missing. type. The maximum capacity value of the device class
is the limit of data that the server will write to the
System action
The server ignores the command. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax. User response
ANR1993I command has been removed. Reissue the command with a Formatsize value which
is less than the maximum capacity value of the storage
Explanation pool. The maximum capacity can be displayed with the
QUERY DEVCLASS classname F=D command.
The specified command was a valid server command,
but is no longer needed due to new capabilities in the ANR1996E Command: Invalid volume name
IBM Spectrum Protect server. The command has been prefix - volume name. Room for
removed. additional characters is required.

System action Explanation

The server ignores the command. The command is being used for multiple volume
names. The suffix for the names is being generated in
User response the indicated command. When the suffix is taken into
account, the specified name is too long by the
None. indicated number of characters. Three characters
must be allowed for the suffix.
ANR1994I Activity log pruning started:
removing delete megabytes M
based on current size current size System action
megabytes M and retention setting The server does not process the command.
retention size megabytes M.
User response
Reissue the command with a prefix short enough to
Server activity log exceeds the retention size by the allow for the suffix. Three extra characters are needed
delete megabytes specified. The activity log pruning for the suffix.
will delete as many records as necessary to reduce the
current activity log size by the delete megabytes size. ANR1997E Command: The Formatsize
parameter must be specified when
System action more than 1 volume is created.


User response The command specified the createion of more than

one volume with the Numberofvolumes parameter.
None. When multiple volumes are created, the Formatsize
ANR1995E parameter must also be specified to provide the size of
Command: Invalid Formatsize
the volumes. Each volume will be created with the
value - formatsize value for device
same size.
class Device Class

System action
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 355

User response System action
Reissue the command with the Formatsize parameter The server ignores the command.
or define a single volume without the Formatsize
parameter. User response
ANR1998E Command: Invalid value for See the documentation for the operating system about
parameter parameter - parameter how to increase memory for an application.
ANR2002E Missing closing quote character.
The value (parameter value) specified for the
(parameter) parameter in command command is not a A server command that contains a quoted parameter
valid value for this parameter. has been entered, but a matching closing quote is
System action
System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
The server ignores the command.
User response
User response
Reissue the command and specify a valid parameter
value. Reissue the command with properly matched quotes.

ANR1999I Command completed successfully. ANR2003E Illegal use of keyword parameter

character (=) - parameter.
Processing for the specified command completed
successfully. A server command contains the parameter shown
followed by an equal sign (=), but the parameter is not
a keyword parameter.
System action
Server processing continues. System action
The server ignores the command.
User response
None. User response
ANR2000E Unknown command - command. Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
ANR2004E Missing value for keyword
parameter - parameter.
The specified command is not a valid server command.
System action
A server command containing a keyword parameter
The server ignores the command. has been entered, but the value for the parameter is
User response
System action
Reissue the correct command.
The server ignores the command.
ANR2001E Insufficient server memory to
initiate command.
User response
Explanation Reissue the command and supply a value for the
keyword parameter.
A command has been entered, but the server cannot
obtain enough internal memory to process the ANR2005E Keyword parameter character (=)
command. may not be surrounded by blanks.

356 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
A server command contains a keyword parameter The process that monitors the default (console) output
followed by an equal sign (=), but the equal sign is stream and maintains the activity log cannot continue
preceded or followed by a blank, or both. due to a server transaction failure. This may be a
memory shortage error.
System action
System action
The server ignores the command.
The server stops updating the activity log.
User response
User response
Reissue the command without blanks next to the
equal sign. See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
ANR2006E Activity log process was not
started, the default output stream ANR2009E Activity log process has stopped -
cannot be opened. database error.

Explanation Explanation
The process that monitors the default (console) output The process that monitors the default (console) output
stream and maintains the activity log cannot access stream and maintains the activity log cannot continue
that output stream. due to a server database error.

System action System action

The server does not update the activity log. The server stops updating the activity log.

User response User response

Contact your service representative. Contact your service representative.
ANR2007E Activity log process was not ANR2010W The active log space is full.
started, due to an internal error. Console messages cannot be
logged until log space becomes
Explanation available.

The process that monitors the default (console) output

stream and maintains the activity log cannot start due
to a server internal error. If a log runs out of space, the current transaction is
rolled back. The server issues an error message and
System action halts. You cannot restart the server until the recovery
log size is increased.
The server does not update the activity log.
System action
User response
The server halts.
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
User response
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be Monitor archive logs and active logs. If the recovery log
isolated and resolved, contact your service space is insufficient, monitor the archive log space
representative. first. If the archive log space is full or nearly full, run a
full database backup to remove archive logs and
ANR2008E Activity log process has stopped - consider adding more disk space to the archive log
database transaction could not be directory. If the archive log space is not full and the
started. active log space is full or nearly full, update the value
of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option in the dsmserv.opt file.
Set the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option to the new
maximum size of the active log.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 357

ANR2011W The server ran out of database User response
space while entries were being See the documentation for the operating system about
added to the active log. Console how to increase memory for an application.
messages will not be logged until
database space becomes ANR2014E Activity log pruning process could
available. not be started, due to an internal
The process that monitors the console output stream
and maintains the active log cannot update the active The process that removes expired records from the
log because of insufficient database space. server activity log cannot begin execution due to a
server internal error.
System action
System action
The server fails to update the active log.
The server does not prune the activity log.
User response
User response
To increase the amount of database space that is
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE Examine the server messages issued prior to this
command. Add one or more directories to the message to determine the source of the error. Issue
database. the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
ANR2012W Error encountered for storage pool isolated and resolved, contact your service
directory: STGPOOLDIRECTORY in representative.
storage pool: STGPOOL.
ANR2015E Activity log failure - database
Explanation transaction could not be started.

The server encountered an error accessing the

specified directory.
The process that removes expired records from the
System action server activity log has failed due to a database
transaction failure, which may be a memory shortage
If appropriate, the operation is attempted in another error.
System action
User response
The server ends activity log pruning.
Evaluate the warning and take appropriate corrective
User response
ANR2013E The activity log process has See the documentation for the operating system about
encountered unexpected output how to increase memory for an application.
data in the console output stream.
The process will be restarted. ANR2016E Activity log failure - database
The process that monitors console output and
maintains the activity log has detected invalid data The process that removes expired records from the
(unknown data type) in the console stream. server activity log has failed due to a server database
System action
System action
The server restarts the activity log recording process.
While the process is restarting, the server may not be The server ends activity log pruning.
able to record some console messages in the activity

358 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR2020E Command: Invalid parameter -
Contact your service representative.
ANR2017I Administrator Administrator Name Explanation
issued command: Command
The specified server command has been entered with
an invalid parameter.
This message records the fact that the named System action
administrator issued the command specified. The
messages is issued and logged to provide an audit trail The server ignores the command.
for administrative commands.
User response
System action Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
Server operation continues ANR2021E Command: Missing subcommand
User response
None. Explanation

ANR2018E Administrator Command: Unicode The specified server command has been entered
conversion failed for argument without a valid subcommand (second parameter).
Command Argument
System action
Explanation The server ignores the command.
The specified command argument could not be
converted to a Unicode string. Conversion can fail if User response
the string includes characters that are not available in
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
the server code page, or if the server has a problem
accessing system conversion routines. If you issued a ANR2022E Command: One or more
RENAME FILESPACE command, the new filespace parameters are missing.
name might be too long.
System action
The specified server command has been entered
The server command fails. without all required parameters.

User response System action

Ensure that the server locale is configured correctly. If The server ignores the command.
you issued a RENAME FILESPACE command, consider
specifying a shorter name for the new filespace. User response
ANR2019I Command: No nodes updated. Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
ANR2023E Command: Extraneous parameter
- parameter.
An UPDATE NODE command has been entered, but no
objects were updated. Explanation
The specified server command contains more
System action
positional parameters than is allowed.
System action
User response
The server ignores the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 359

User response Explanation
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax. A server command has been entered but cannot be
processed because sufficient recovery log space is not
ANR2024E Command: Too many parameters available.

System action
The server does not process the command.
The specified server command contains more
positional parameters than is allowed.
User response
System action To increase the amount of log space that is available to
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
The server ignores the command. that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
User response ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax. dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is
ANR2025E Command: Command failed - full.
server thread resource not
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
location that are no longer active and cannot be
Explanation archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
A server command, which has a requirement to start a ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If
server thread, has been entered but cannot be necessary, specify a larger directory for the
executed because no server thread is available. ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
System action
The command is not executed. ANR2028E Command: Command failed -
sufficient server database space is
not available.
User response
Reissue the command. If the command fails with the Explanation
same error, wait for server activity to decrease and try
again. A server command has been entered but cannot be
processed because sufficient database space is not
ANR2026E Command: Command failed - available. For certain operations, like SQL commands,
sufficient server memory is not this message can be issued when the database has
available. space, but it is unusable for the current request due to
the DB allocation history. In this case, the database
Explanation query will show a Maximum Reduction of 0.

A server command has been entered but cannot be

System action
processed because sufficient memory is not available
to the server. The server does not process the command.

System action User response

The server does not process the command. To increase the amount of database space that is
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
User response command to add one or more directories to the
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. ANR2029E Command: Transaction failed;
command not executed.
ANR2027E Command: Command failed -
sufficient server recovery log
space is not available.

360 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
A command that is part of the current transaction has The server does not process the command.
failed; therefore, any additional commands fail.
User response
System action
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
The server does not process the command. message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
User response and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service
Stop the administrative session, restart it, and try the representative.
command again. If this problem persists, contact your
service representative. ANR2033E Command: Command failed - lock
ANR2030E Commit not accepted; transaction

Explanation A server command that requires the server to lock a

system resource has been entered. The command
A command that is part of the current transaction has cannot be executed because the resource is already in
failed; therefore, a COMMIT command cannot be use by another command or process.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the COMMIT command.
User response
User response
Try the command again at a later time.
Stop the administrative session, restart it, and try the
command again. If this problem persists, contact your ANR2034E Command: No match found using
service representative. this criteria.

ANR2031E Command: At least one attribute

must be specified for update.
The specified command has been entered, but no
Explanation objects that match the criteria can be found. In some
cases when using the SELECT command, this message
The specified UPDATE command has been entered, is issued when there is contention for a record.
but no attributes have been specified for updating.
System action
System action
The server ignores the command.
User response
User response
Verify that all the specified parameter values are
Reissue the UPDATE command with one or more correct. If a mistake is found, correct it and reissue the
attributes to be updated. command. If you issued a SELECT command, in some
ANR2032E Command: Command failed - cases issuing the command again will yield a match.
internal server error detected. ANR2035E Command: Administrator
administrator name is not
Explanation authorized to issue this command.
An internal error has occurred during an attempt to
process a server command. This message always Explanation
accompanies another error message and provides The specified administrator has entered the indicated
more detail about that error. command, but this administrator does not have the
proper authority necessary to run the command. Note:

Chapter 3. ANR messages 361

This message can be issued as a result of the server Explanation
option REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE YES being in effect.
A background process cannot be started for the
indicated command because no server thread is
System action available.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response A new process is not started to execute this command.
Examine previous messages for any additional If other processes have been started for this
information. Issue the command from a properly command, these processes may execute successfully.
authorized administrator ID, or contact the system
administrator to have additional authority granted to User response
the current administrator ID.
If necessary, reissue the command. If the command
ANR2036E Command: Process could not be fails with the same error, wait for server activity to
started - sufficient memory is not decrease and try again.
ANR2039E Command: Process could not be
started - internal server error
Explanation detected.
A background process cannot be started for the
indicated command because sufficient memory is not Explanation
available to the server.
A background process cannot be started for the
indicated command because an internal error has
System action occurred.
A new process is not started to execute this command.
System action
User response A new process is not started to execute this command.
See the documentation for the operating system about If other processes have been started for this
how to increase memory for an application. command, these processes may execute successfully.

ANR2037E Command: Process could not be User response

started - lock conflict.
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
Explanation message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
A background process cannot be started for the and search for messages. If the error cannot be
indicated command because a required system isolated and resolved, contact your service
resource is already locked by another command or representative.
ANR2040W This command attempts to restore
all files in storage pool storage
System action
pool which have previously been
A new process is not started to execute this command. found to be damaged or which
If other processes have been started for this reside on a volume with access
command, these processes may execute successfully. mode "destroyed"; existing
references to files in storage pool
User response storage pool will be deleted from
the database after the files have
If necessary, try the command again at a later time. been restored.
ANR2038E Command: Process could not be
started - server thread resource Explanation
not available. Issuing the RESTORE STGPOOL command will result in
deletion of existing files in the indicated primary
storage pool after these files have been restored from
a copy storage pool. If a volume with access mode

362 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

destroyed becomes empty because all files on the Explanation
volume have been restored to another location, the
The WAIT parameter is not allowed for commands
destroyed volume will be deleted from the database.
issued from the server console.

System action
System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue.
The command is not executed.

User response
User response
Enter 'Y' to restore the storage pool, 'N' otherwise.
Either reissue the command without the WAIT
ANR2041W This command attempts to restore parameter or else reissue the command from an
all files in storage pool storage administrator using an Administrative Client.
pool which reside on one of the
ANR2044E Command: Invalid option's value -
volumes specified in the
Option's value.
command; existing references to
files on these volumes will be
deleted from the database after Explanation
the files have been restored. The set option command has been entered with an
invalid value.
Issuing the RESTORE VOLUME command causes the System action
access mode of the specified volumes to be updated The server does not process the command.
to destroyed. Existing files will be deleted from the
specified volumes after these files have been restored
User response
from a copy storage pool. If a volume with access
mode destroyed becomes empty because all files on Reissue the command with a valid value.
the volume have been restored to another location, the
destroyed volume will be deleted from the database. ANR2045E Command: An error (error code)
occurred during a write operation.
System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue.
The server detects an error while attempting a write
User response
Enter 'Y' to restore the volumes, 'N' otherwise. System action
ANR2042E Command: Copied parameter not Server processing continues.
valid for pool type storage pool
volume. User response
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
why the write operation has failed.
The QUERY CONTENT server command has been
ANR2046I optionset name: Optionset
entered with an invalid parameter. COPIED is not a
valid parameter when the volume specified belongs to optionset name defined.
a copy or active-data type storage pool.
System action The requested option set has been added to the
system in response to a DEFINE OPTIONSET
The server ignores the command.

User response
System action
Reissue the command without the COPIED parameter.
ANR2043E Command: WAIT parameter not
allowed from server console.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 363

User response Explanation
None. The requested option has been added to the specified
optionset in response to a DEFINE OPTIONSET
ANR2047E Command: Optionset optionset command.
name is already defined.

System action
A DEFINE OPTIONSET command has been entered
that specifies an optionset name already defined to
the server. User response
System action
ANR2051E Command: Option option name,
The server does not process the command. sequence number sequence
number is already defined in
User response optionset option set name.

To define the optionset, reissue the command and

specify a different optionset name.
The requested option already exists in the optionset
ANR2048I Command: Optionset optionset specified by the DEFINE CLIENTOPT command.
name deleted.
System action
The server does not process the command.
The requested option set has been deleted from the
system in response to a DELETE OPTIONSET
command. User response
System action
ANR2052E Command: Option option name,
None. sequence number sequence
number is not defined in optionset
User response option set name.

ANR2049E Command: Optionset optionset The requested option is not defined in the optionset
name is not defined. specified by the DELETE CLIENTOPT command.

Explanation System action

The command shown specifies an optionset that is not The server does not process the command.
defined in the server.

User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2053I Command: Option option name,
User response sequence number sequence
number, has been deleted from
None. optionset option set name.
ANR2050I Command: Option option name
defined in optionset option set Explanation
name. The requested option has been deleted from the
specified optionset in response to a DELETE
CLIENTOPT command.

364 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR2057E Command: Invalid option value -
option value.

User response
The command shown specifies an invalid option value.
ANR2054I Command: Optionset optionset System action
name updated.
The server does not process the command.
User response
The requested option set has been updated in the
system in response to an UPDATE OPTIONSET Reissue the command with a valid option value.
command. ANR2058W Command: Options file Filespec
not found - user needs to update
System action the file manually.
User response The server options file cannot be opened or found.
System action
ANR2055I Command: Optionset source
optionset name copied to optionset The command is processed but the option is not
target optionset name. updated in the options file.

Explanation User response

This message is displayed in response to the COPY Use a text editor to update the server options file if the
OPTIONSET command. The optionset named source user wants to use this value when the server restarts
optionset name has been copied to the optionset later. If the user does not update the file, the current
named target optionset name. value in the options file will be used when the server
System action ANR2059W Command: Error occurs when
Server operation continues. writing to Filespec - user needs to
update the file manually.
User response
None. The requested option set has been added to the
An error occurs when trying to write the new value to
system in response to a COPY OPTIONSET command.
the server options file.
ANR2056E Command: Invalid option name -
option name. Retry using the full System action
The command is processed but the option is not
updated in the options file.
The command shown specifies an invalid option name. User response
Use a text editor to update the server options file if the
System action
user wants to use this value when the server restarts
The server does not process the command. later. If the user does not update the file, the current
value in the options file will be used when the server
User response restarts.

Reissue the command with a valid option name. ANR2060I Node node name registered in
policy domain domain name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 365

Explanation User response
The requested backup-archive node has been added None.
to the system in response to a REGISTER NODE
ANR2064I Node node name locked.
command and has been assigned to the policy domain
System action In response to a LOCK NODE command, the indicated
backup-archive node has been locked.

System action
User response
ANR2061I Node node name removed from User response
policy domain domain name.
Explanation ANR2065I Node node name is already locked.
In response to a REMOVE NODE command, the
requested backup-archive node has been removed Explanation
from the system. The indicated backup-archive node referenced in the
LOCK NODE command is already locked.
System action
None. System action
User response
None. User response

ANR2062I Node node name renamed to new None.

node name. ANR2066I Node node name unlocked.

Explanation Explanation
In response to a RENAME NODE command, the In response to an UNLOCK NODE command, the
requested backup-archive node has been renamed to indicated backup-archive node is unlocked.
the new name shown.
System action
System action
User response
User response
ANR2067I Node node name is already
ANR2063I Node node name updated. unlocked.

Explanation Explanation
One or more attributes of a backup-archive node have The indicated backup-archive node referenced in the
been updated by an UPDATE NODE command. UNLOCK NODE command is not locked.

System action System action

None. None.

366 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. None.
ANR2068I Administrator administrator ID
registered. User response
ANR2072I Administrator administrator ID
In response to a REGISTER ADMIN command, the locked.
requested administrator ID has been added to the
system. Explanation
In response to a LOCK ADMIN command, the indicated
System action
administrator ID has been locked.
System action
User response
ANR2069I Administrator administrator ID User response
removed. None.
ANR2073I Administrator administrator ID is
already locked.
In response to a REMOVE ADMIN command, the
requested administrator ID has been removed from Explanation
the system.
The indicated administrator ID referenced in the LOCK
ADMIN command is already locked.
System action
None. System action
User response
None. User response
ANR2070I Administrator administrator ID None.
renamed to new administrator ID.
ANR2074I Administrator administrator ID
In response to a RENAME ADMIN command, the Explanation
requested administrator ID has been changed to the
new name shown. In response to an UNLOCK ADMIN command, the
indicated administrator ID is unlocked.
System action
System action
User response
User response
ANR2071I Administrator administrator ID
updated. ANR2075I Administrator administrator ID is
already unlocked.
One or more attributes of an administrative user have
been updated by an UPDATE ADMIN command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 367

Explanation User response
The indicated administrator ID referenced in the None.
UNLOCK ADMIN command is not locked.
ANR2079I Unrestricted storage privilege
granted to administrator
System action administrator ID.
User response In response to a GRANT AUTHORITY command,
None. unrestricted storage privilege has been granted to the
indicated administrator.
ANR2076I System privilege granted to
administrator administrator ID.
System action

Explanation None.

In response to a GRANT AUTHORITY command,

User response
system privilege class has been granted to the
indicated administrator. None.
ANR2080I Restricted storage privilege
System action granted to administrator
None. administrator ID - storage pool
storage pool name.
User response
In response to a GRANT AUTHORITY command,
ANR2077I Unrestricted policy privilege restricted storage privilege for the specified storage
granted to administrator pool has been granted to the indicated administrator.
administrator ID.
System action
In response to a GRANT AUTHORITY command,
unrestricted policy privilege has been granted to the
User response
indicated administrator.
STGPOOL is full.
User response
The operating system reported space problem with a
ANR2078I Restricted policy privilege granted directory.
to administrator administrator ID -
policy domain domain name.
System action

Explanation The write will be attempted to another directory.

In response to a GRANT AUTHORITY command,

User response
restricted policy privilege for the specified policy
domain has been granted to the indicated Ensure adaquate storage is assigned to the storage
administrator. pool directory or a next pool is defined.
ANR2082I Operator privilege granted to
System action administrator administrator ID.

368 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
In response to a GRANT AUTHORITY command, None.
operator privilege class has been granted to the
ANR2086I Storage privilege revoked for
indicated administrator.
administrator administrator ID.

System action
In response to a REVOKE AUTHORITY command,
storage privilege class for all storage pools has been
User response revoked from the indicated administrator.
System action
ANR2083I System privilege revoked for
administrator administrator ID. None.

Explanation User response

In response to a REVOKE AUTHORITY command, None.
system privilege class has been revoked from the
ANR2087I Restricted storage privilege
indicated administrator.
revoked for administrator
administrator ID - storage pool
System action storage pool name.
User response In response to a REVOKE AUTHORITY command,
None. restricted storage privilege for the storage pool
indicated has been revoked from the indicated
ANR2084I Policy privilege revoked for administrator.
administrator administrator ID.
System action
In response to a REVOKE AUTHORITY command,
policy privilege class for all policy domains has been
User response
revoked from the indicated administrator.
System action ANR2088E An I/O error ocurred while reading
None. container container name in
storage pool storage pool name.
User response
One or more data extents cannot be accessed in the
ANR2085I Restricted policy privilege revoked container.
for administrator administrator ID
- policy domain domain name.
System action

Explanation The operation fails and server operation continues.

Depending upon the operation being performed, the
In response to a REVOKE AUTHORITY command, data extent being accessed is marked damaged so it
restricted policy privilege for the specified policy can be repaired.
domain has been revoked from the indicated
User response

System action For more information about the I/O error, see the
server's First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) log. Issue
None. the AUDIT CONTAINER command to validate the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 369

contents of the container. If the AUDIT CONTAINER Explanation
command detects damaged extents, repair the storage
The number of days that a password can be used
pool and retry the failing operation.
before it must be changed has been set to the value
ANR2089I Operator privilege revoked for indicated with the SET PASSEXP command.
administrator administrator ID.
System action
Explanation None.
In response to a REVOKE AUTHORITY command,
operator privilege class has been revoked from the User response
indicated administrator.
System action ANR2093I Registration parameter set to
registration method.

User response
Backup-archive node registration has been set to the
method indicated with the SET REGISTRATION
ANR2090I Activity log retention set to value command.
for management by management
style. System action
The server activity log has been set to the value User response
indicated with the SET ACTLOGRETENTION command
for the indicated management style. If the None.
management style is DATE, the value is the number of ANR2094I Server name set to server name.
days that messages will be kept in the activity log
before being deleted. If the management style is SIZE,
the value is the size in megabytes that the activity log
will be allowed to occupy in the server database. The name that the server displays and communicates
to backup-archive nodes has been set to the value
System action indicated with the SET SERVERNAME command.

System action

User response None.

User response
ANR2091I Accounting parameter set to value. None.

Explanation ANR2095I Authentication parameter set to

Accounting record generation has been turned on or
off as indicated with the SET ACCOUNTING command.

System action The requirement for a node or administrator to enter a

password when establishing a session with the server
None. has been turned on or off as indicated with the SET
User response
None. System action

ANR2092I Password expiration period set to None.

number of days days.

370 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
None. The specified URL is too long.
ANR2096I Server now enabled for backup/
archive client access. System action
The server ignores the command.
The server has been made available for use by User response
backup-archive clients with the ENABLE command. Reissue the command and enter a URL value that is
200 characters or less.
System action
ANR2099I Administrative userid
None. admininstrator name defined for
OWNER access to node node
User response name.

ANR2097E Unable to retrieve the master An administrator with the specified name was created
encryption key from the server having OWNER access to the client node. This
password file, password file name. administrator is created for accessing the client node
from an interactive interface.
The master encryption key could not be read from the System action
password file in which it was stored. The following list None.
contains possible reasons:
• The password file was created by a different server User response
• The password file was created before the database
was formatted. ANR2100I Activity log process has started.
• The server password changed, and the password file
was restored from a point in time prior to the Explanation
change. The automatic server process that removes expired
server activity log records has begun processing.
System action
Server initialization continues. Data stored in System action
encrypted storage pools cannot be retrieved. New data None.
cannot be written to encrypted storage pools.
User response
User response
Confirm that the correct password file is present in the
server's instance directory. ANR2101I Activity log process stopped,
activity log retention set to 0.
• If the server is not configured to encrypt data in
storage pools either delete or rename the password
file. Restart the server. Explanation
• If the server database was reformatted, either delete A SET ACTLOGRETENTION command has set the
or rename the password file. Restart the server. retention period to zero days. As a result, activity
logging stops.
• If the server password changed, either restore the
database to a point in time prior to the change, or
reset the password back to the previous value. System action

ANR2098E Command: Invalid URL The activity log process stops recording console
specification - url. output in the server activity log.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 371

User response registration will fail after 120% of
the licensed quantity of nodes
have been registered.
ANR2102I Activity log pruning started:
removing entries prior to date Explanation
The server has detected the addition of a node in
excess of the terms under which the server is licensed.
Explanation The REGISTER NODE command will fail after 120% of
Server activity log records older than the date and time the licensed number of nodes have been registered.
indicated are being removed from the activity log.
System action
System action Server operation continues.
User response
User response Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the
None. license terms that are no longer in compliance. You
may remove nodes to reduce the number of registered
ANR2103I Activity log pruning completed: nodes or purchase additional client node connections.
number of records records If additional nodes have been purchased, issue the
removed. AUDIT LICENSES command to resynchronize the
server configuration with license terms.
ANR2106I Server HALT command: Quiescing
All expired (older than the log archive retention value) database update activity.
server activity log records have been removed; the
number of records deleted is shown. Explanation

System action The server is quiescing transactions that update the

database so that the database is in a consistent state
None. when the server is halted. This action occurs when
HALT QUIESCE is specified to halt the server with the
User response database in a consistent state.
System action
ANR2104I Activity log processing is now
When database update transaction activity has been
stopped, the server program ends.

User response
The process that records data in the server activity log
had suspended logging messages because of
insufficient space in the server recovery log or ANR2107I Server HALT command: Database
database or because access to the database failed. update activity is now quiesced.
The condition that caused the activity log processing
to fail has been resolved and the activity log
processing is able to resume.
The server has stopped all database update
System action transaction activity. This action occurs when HALT
QUIESCE is specified to halt the server with the
Activity log processing resumes. database in a consistent state.

User response System action

None. The server program ends.
ANR2105W Command: Node was registered in
excess of license terms - node

372 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
None. A background process has been started to service the
command command. The background process is
ANR2108I Server HALT command: defined as process process ID.
Reattempting to quiesce database
update activity.
System action
Explanation The server processes the indicated command.
The server is quiescing transactions that update the
database so that the database is in a consistent state User response
when the server is halted. The previous attempt at To query the progress of the background process, use
quiescing database activity failed because of the the QUERY PROCESS command. To cancel the
current transaction load on the server. The quiesce background process, use the CANCEL PROCESS
operation is being reattempted. This action occurs command. Use the process ID number to specify this
when HALT QUIESCE is specified to halt the server process.
with the database in a consistent state.
ANR2111W Command: There is no data to
process for storage pool.
System action
When database update transaction activity has been Explanation
stopped, the server program ends.
The indicated command does not have any data to
process. This can occur if the command specifies a
User response
storage pool with no volumes, or with no volumes that
None. contain data. This can also occur if there are no
volumes in the storage pool with an access state of
ANR2109I Server HALT command: Database READWRITE or READONLY.
update transaction activity could
not be successfully quiesced.
System action
Explanation The command ends without starting a background
After repeated attempts, server database update
transaction activity could not be quiesced. The server
is not halted with the HALT QUIESCE command. User response
Attempts to quiesce database update transaction Issue the QUERY VOLUME F=D command to verify that
activity can fail if heavy transaction load is on the there is at least one volume in the storage pool that
server when a HALT QUIESCE command is entered. contains data, and that the storage pool volumes have
an access state of READWRITE or READONLY.
System action
ANR2112E Command: Volume volume name is
Server operation continues. not in a primary storage pool.

User response Explanation

You may disable the server, cancel all client sessions The command indicated specifies the name of a
accessing the server, cancel all processes, and reenter volume that does not belong to a primary storage pool.
the HALT QUIESCE command to stop server The command syntax requires that a volume in a
processing. The HALT command may also be used to primary storage pool be specified.
stop server processing without quiescing database
transaction update activity. Server recovery logic will System action
be used when the server is restarted to reconcile
database transaction activity. The server does not process the command.

ANR2110I Command started as process User response

process ID.
Reissue the command with a volume in a primary pool.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 373

ANR2113E Command: Volume volume name does not belong to a primary
does not belong to the same storage pool.
storage pool (storage pool name)
as previously listed volumes. Explanation
The access mode for the indicated volume cannot be
Explanation changed to destroyed because the volume does not
The indicated command accepts a list of one or more belong to a primary storage pool.
volumes which belong to the same storage pool. The
named volume does not belong to the same storage System action
pool as the previously listed volumes.
The access mode for this volume is not changed.
System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
User response ANR2117E Command: Access mode for
volume volume name cannot be
Issue the command with a list of volumes that belong
changed to "offsite" - volume
to the same storage pool.
either does not belong to a copy
ANR2114I Command: Access mode for storage pool or from a device class
volume volume name updated to of DEVTYPE=SERVER.
Explanation The access mode for the indicated volume cannot be
A RESTORE VOLUME command has updated the changed to offsite because the volume either does not
access mode of the indicated volume to destroyed. belong to a copy storage pool or is of a device class
System action
System action
Restore processing continues.
The access mode for this volume is not changed.
User response
User response
ANR2115E Command: Access mode for
volume volume name cannot be ANR2118E Storage pool storage pool name
changed to "destroyed" - volume specified on the MOVE DATA
is still online. command is not a valid poolname
and or pooltype for volume volume
Explanation name.

A RESTORE VOLUME command cannot change the

access mode of the indicated volume to destroyed
because the volume is still online. If the volume belongs to a primary storage pool, then
the storage pool specified must also be a primary
System action storage pool. If the volume belongs to a copy storage
pool, then the specified storage pool must be the
The server does not process the command. same storage pool as that of the volume.

User response System action

Issue the VARY OFFLINE command, and reissue the The MOVE DATA process fails.
ANR2116E Command: Access mode for User response
volume volume name cannot be Provide a valid primary storage pool name if the
changed to "destroyed" - volume volume belongs to a primary storage pool. If the

374 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

volume belongs to a copy storage pool, remove the ANR2122E command name: The DOMAINS
storage pool name from the command. parameter cannot be specified
when the NODES parameter is
ANR2119I The Option option has been
changed in the options file.

Both the NODES and DOMAINS parameters were
The option is updated in the server options file.
specified. The NODES parameter may be specified, or
the DOMAINS parameter may be specified, but both
System action should not be specified at the same time.
Server continues.
System action
User response The command fails.
User response
ANR2120E Command: Invalid platform name
- platform name. Reenter the command specifying either the NODES
parameter or the DOMAINS parameter, but not both.
Explanation ANR2123E command name: The NODES
The command shown specifies an invalid platform parameter cannot be specified
name. when the DOMAINS parameter is
System action
The server does not process the command.
Both the NODES and DOMAINS parameters were
specified. The NODES parameter may be specified, or
User response
the DOMAINS parameter may be specfied, but both
Reissue the command with a valid platform name. should not be specified at the same time.
ANR2121W ATTENTION: More than amount
changed unit megabytes, gigabytes System action
or terabytes of the database has The command fails.
changed and the last database
backup was more than hours name User response
hours ago. Use the BACKUP DB
command to provide for database Reenter the command specifying either the NODES
recovery. parameter or the DOMAINS parameter, but not both.
ANR2124E command name: Invalid Client
Explanation authority specified: authority.
The server issues this warning when a significant
amount of database change activity has occurred and Explanation
the server database has not been backed up.
An invalid client authority was specified in a GRANT
System action the CLASS=NODE parameter was specified.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response The command fails.
To provide for server database recovery should a
hardware or software problem affect your database, User response
use the BACKUP DB command to back up the
Reenter the command specifying a valid client

Chapter 3. ANR messages 375

ANR2125I command name: Administrator Explanation
administrator name was granted ACCESS authority over the named client node was
OWNER authority for client client revoked from the named administrator as a result of a
name. REVOKE AUTHORITY command.

Explanation System action

The named administrator was granted OWNER Processing continues.
authority over the named client node as the result of a
User response
System action None.
Processing continues. ANR2129I Administrative userid
admininstrator name defined
User response ONLY for authority over node node
name has been removed.
ANR2126I command name: Administrator Explanation
administrator name was granted The specified administrator has been removed
ACCESS authority for client client because the client node was removed and the
name. administrator only had OWNER access to the specified
The named administrator was granted ACCESS System action
authority over the named client node as the result of a None.
User response
System action
Processing continues.
ANR2130S Early Product Version has Expired.
User response Server is HALTing.

ANR2127I command name: Owner authority This server is pre-release version of the server. The
for node client node was revoked pre-release version's expiration date has been
for administrator administrator. reached.

Explanation System action

OWNER authority over the named client node was The server halts.
revoked from the named administrator as a result of a
User response
System action Install the product version of the server.
Processing continues. ANR2131I Server password set.

User response Explanation

None. The password that the server uses to allow other
servers to communicate with it has been set, changed
ANR2128I command name: Access authority or removed with the SET SERVERPASSWORD
for node client node was revoked command.
for administrator administrator.

376 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
None. The ability for another server to automatically define
itself to this server has been turned on or off as
User response indicated with the SET CROSSDEFINE command.

System action
ANR2132I Server hladdress set to hladdress. None.

Explanation User response

The high level address that other servers use to None.
communicate with this server has been set to the
value indicated with the SET SERVERHLADDRESS ANR2136I Administrator administrator name
command. already has POLICY access for
domain policy domain name.
System action
The named administrator already has POLICY
User response authority over the named policy domain. An attempt to
grant client authority over this domain is ignored.
ANR2133I Server lladdress set to lladdress. System action
The policy domain is skipped.
The low level address that other servers use to User response
communicate with this server has been set to the None.
value indicated with the SET SERVERLLADDRESS
command. ANR2137I Administrator administrator name
already has POLICY access for
System action domain policy domain name to
which node node name belongs.
User response
The named administrator already has POLICY
None. authority over the named policy domain. An attempt to
ANR2134I Server url set to url. grant client authority for a client in this domain is
System action
The url that other servers use to communicate with
this server has been set to the value indicated with the The client is skipped.
User response
System action None.
None. ANR2138I Minimum password length set to
User response
None. Explanation

ANR2135I Crossdefine set to state. The minimum length of a password a node or

administrator may send to the server is indicated with
the SET MINPWLENGTH command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 377

System action Explanation
None. A SET SERVERNAME command has been entered that
specifies an invalid server name.
User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2139E Command: The value supplied for
the minimum password length is
not valid - length. User response
Reissue the command with a valid server name.
ANR2143E Command: Invalid node name -
A SET MINPWLENGTH command has been entered node name.
that specifies a value for the length is not valid. Valid
values are from 0 to 64, inclusive. Explanation
The command shown specifies an invalid node name.
System action
The server does not process the command. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid value. User response
ANR2140E Command: Invalid activity log Reissue the command with a valid node name.
retention period - retention value.
ANR2144E Command: Invalid password -
A SET ACTLOGRETENTION command has been Explanation
entered that specifies an invalid log retention period.
The command specifies an invalid node or
administrator password.
System action
The server does not process the command. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid retention period. User response
ANR2141E Command: Invalid password Ensure that the password adheres to naming
expiration period - days value. convention rules and meets the minimum password
length requirement as set by your administrator.
Explanation Ensure that the new password is different from the old
password. If you are authenticating to an LDAP
A SET PASSEXP command has been entered that directory server ensure that the new password meets
specifies an invalid days value. all other password policy rules specified by the LDAP
directory server. Reissue the command with a valid
System action password.
The server does not process the command. ANR2145E Command: Contact information
exceeds maximum characters
User response characters.
Reissue the command with a password expiration
period. Explanation

ANR2142E Command: Invalid server name - A REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN command has
server name. been entered that specifies a contact information
value that is too long. The maximum valid length is
shown in the command.

378 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The server does not process the command. A REGISTER ADMIN command has been entered that
specifies an administrator ID already registered with
User response the server.

Reissue the command with less contact information.

System action
ANR2146E Command: Node node name is not The server does not process the command.

User response
To register the administrator, reissue the command
The command shown specifies a node that is not and specify a different administrator ID.
registered with the server.
ANR2150E Command: Node node name is
System action currently accessing the server.

The server does not process the command.


User response The command shown specifies a node that has an

active session with the server.
ANR2147E Command: Node node name is System action
already registered. The server does not process the command.

Explanation User response

A REGISTER NODE command has been entered that Reissue the command at a later time, or if necessary,
specifies a node name already registered with the cancel the current session and reissue the command.
ANR2151E Command: Administrator
System action administrator ID is currently
accessing the server.
The server does not process the command.
User response
To register the node, reissue the command and specify been entered that specifies an administrator ID that is
a different node name. having an active session with the server.
ANR2148E Command: Administrator
administrator ID is not registered. System action
The server does not process the command.
The command shown specifies an administrator ID User response
that is not registered with the server. Reissue the command at a later time, or if necessary,
cancel the current session and reissue the command.
System action
ANR2152E Command: Inventory references
The server does not process the command. still exist for node node name.

User response Explanation

None. A REMOVE NODE command has been entered for a
ANR2149E Command: Administrator node for which the server is still storing backup or
administrator ID is already archive data, or both.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 379

System action ANR2156E Command: Administrator
administrator ID has already been
The server does not process the command.
granted system privilege.

User response
To remove the node, delete all of its file spaces and
A GRANT AUTHORITY command has been issued to
any virtual file space mapping definitions from the
grant system authority to an administrator ID that
server and reissue the command.
already has system authority.
ANR2153E Command: Invalid file space name
- filespace name. System action
The server does not process the command.
The specified server command has been entered with User response
a file space name that is longer than allowed. Note
that the maximum length of a unicode file space name None.
is eight characters less than the maximum length of a ANR2157E Command: Other privileges cannot
non-unicode file space name. be granted with system privilege.

System action Explanation

The server does not process the command. A GRANT AUTHORITY command has been issued to
grant system authority to an administrator ID, and at
User response the same time to grant other privileges.
Reissue the command with a valid file space name.
System action
ANR2154E Command: Invalid administrator
name - administrator ID. The server does not process the command.

Explanation User response

The command shown specifies an invalid Reissue the GRANT AUTHORITY command specifying
administrator ID. only system privilege class.
ANR2158E Command: Policy domains cannot
System action be specified for unrestricted policy
The server does not process the command. administrator administrator ID.

User response
A REVOKE AUTHORITY command has been issued to
Reissue the command with a valid administrator ID.
revoke an administrator's policy authority over a
ANR2155E Command: Invalid privilege class - specific policy domain, but the administrator has
privilege class. unrestricted policy authority.

Explanation System action

A command specifies an invalid administrative The server does not process the command.
privilege class.
User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2159E Command: Storage pools cannot
be specified for unrestricted
User response storage administrator
Reissue the command with a valid privilege class. administrator ID.

380 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
A REVOKE AUTHORITY command has been issued to The server does not process the command.
revoke an administrator's storage authority over a
specific storage pool, but the administrator has User response
unrestricted storage authority.
System action ANR2163E Command: Command is invalid for
administrator ID.
The server does not process the command.

User response
The command specified cannot be issued for the
server console. For instance, the server console
ANR2160E Command: No new privileges administrator ID cannot be removed.
granted to administrator
administrator ID. System action
The server does not process the command.
A GRANT AUTHORITY command has been issued to User response
grant authority to an administrator ID, but the
administrator already has all privileges specified. None.
ANR2164E Command: Command rejected -
System action administrator ID is the only system
The server does not process the command. administrator.

User response Explanation


has been issued to remove or revoke the authority of
ANR2161E Command: Only system privilege the last administrator who had system authority.
can be revoked for administrator
administrator ID. System action
The server does not process the command.
A REVOKE AUTHORITY command has been issued to User response
revoke one or more of an administrator's privileges,
but the administrator has system authority. To remove or revoke this ID, grant system authority to
another administrator ID before reissuing the
System action
ANR2165E Command: Invalid begin date -
The server does not process the command.
User response
A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that
ANR2162E Command: No privileges revoked specifies an invalid begin date as a search criteria.
for administrator administrator ID.
System action
The server does not process the command.
A REVOKE AUTHORITY command has been issued to
revoke authority from an administrator ID, but the User response
administrator does not have any of the privileges
specified. Reissue the command with a valid begin date.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 381

ANR2166E Command: Invalid begin time - ANR2170E Command: Invalid message search
time. string argument - search string.

Explanation Explanation
A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that
specifies an invalid begin time as a search criteria. specifies an invalid search string as a search criteria.

System action System action

The server does not process the command. The server does not process the command.

User response User response

Reissue the command with a valid begin time. Reissue the command with a valid search string.
ANR2167E Command: Invalid end date - date. ANR2171E Command: Invalid time range -
Begin: date time End: date time.
A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that
specifies an invalid end date as a search criteria. A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that
specifies an invalid beginning and ending date/time
System action range. This error can occur when the beginning date/
time is not before the ending date/time.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
Reissue the command with a valid end date.
ANR2168E Command: Invalid end time - time. User response
Reissue the command with a valid date/time range.
ANR2172E Command: No matching
A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that administrators.
specifies an invalid end time as a search criteria.
System action
The command shown specified an administrator ID
The server does not process the command. that does not match any administrator registered with
the server.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid end time. System action

ANR2169E Command: Invalid message The command is not executed.

number - message number.
User response
Explanation If desired, reissue the command with a different
A QUERY ACTLOG command has been entered that administrator ID.
specifies an invalid message number as a search ANR2173E Command: Location information
criteria. exceeds maximum characters
System action
The server does not process the command. Explanation
A DEFINE or UPDATE VOLUME command has been
User response entered that specifies a location information value that
Reissue the command with a valid message number.

382 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

is too long. The maximum valid length is shown in the System action
The server does not process the command.

System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
Reissue the command with a valid value.

User response ANR2177I node/admin name has count

invalid sign-on attempts. The limit
Reissue the command with less location information. is limit.
ANR2174E Administrator administrator ID is
not registered. Schedule schedule Explanation
name is not processed and is
The server detected an invalid password for the
marked as failed.
specified node during sign-on processing. The node
currently has sent count consecutive invalid
Explanation passwords. The maximum allowed is limit. The server
The command shown specifies an administrator ID will lock the node when limit is reached.
that is not registered with the server. The schedule
and related command are not processed. System action
The node or administrator session will be refused.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Before the client node is permitted to access the
User response server, a properly authorized administrator must
Update the command schedule with a valid unlock the node or administrator with the UNLOCK
administrator ID which has the proper authority to NODE or UNLOCK ADMIN command.
execute the scheduled command. ANR2178E node/admin name has been
ANR2175I Invalid password limit set to locked. Invalid sign-on attempt
password attempts limit attempts. limit (limit) reached.

Explanation Explanation

The maximum number of consecutive invalid The specified node has been locked by the server. The
passwords a node or administrator may send to the limit for consecutive invalid passwords has been
server is indicated with the SET INVALIDPWLIMIT reached.
System action
System action The node or administrator session will be refused.
User response
User response Before the client node is permitted to access the
None. server, a properly authorized administrator must
unlock the node or administrator with the UNLOCK
ANR2176E Command: The value supplied for NODE or UNLOCK ADMIN command.
the invalid password attempts
limit is not valid - password ANR2179E Administrator administrator
attempts limit. should have been locked, but was
A SET INVALIDPWLIMIT command has been entered
that specifies a value for the consecutive invalid The indicated administrator reached the limit for
password attempts limit that is not valid. Valid values consecutive invalid passwords and should have been
are from 0 to 9999, inclusive.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 383

locked. If it were locked, there would be no means to System action
execute commands requiring system authority.
The server establishes the administrative session, but
the last access date is not updated.
System action
The administrator session will be refused. User response
To increase the amount of database space that is
User response available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
Sign-on again using the correct password. command to add one or more directories to the
ANR2180W Unable to update last access date
for administrator administrator ID ANR2182W Unable to update last access date
- insufficient recovery log space. for administrator administrator ID
- internal server error.
While establishing an administrative session for the
indicated ID, the server is unable to update the While establishing an administrative session for the
administrator's date of last access due to insufficient indicated ID, the server cannot update the
recovery log space. administrator's date of last access due to a server
internal error.
System action
System action
The server establishes the administrative session, but
the last access date is not updated. The server establishes the administrative session, but
the last access date is not updated.
User response
User response
To increase the amount of log space that is available to
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems Examine the server messages issued prior to this
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY, message to determine the source of the error. Issue
ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY, and the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the and search for messages. If the error cannot be
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might isolated and resolved, contact your service
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is representative.
full. ANR2183W Diagnostic(ID): Transaction
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur transaction ID was aborted.
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
location that are no longer active and cannot be Explanation
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If An error was detected during transaction commit that
necessary, specify a larger directory for the caused this transaction to be aborted. This message
ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or may have been preceded by other messages that give
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the additional information about the failed transaction.
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
System action
ANR2181W Unable to update last access date
for administrator administrator ID The activity that generated this error fails.
- insufficient database space.
User response
Explanation Check for additional messages and eliminate the
While establishing an administrative session for the condition that caused the failed transaction. If this was
indicated ID, the server cannot update the encountered while the server was halting then this can
administrator's date of last access due to insufficient be ignored. During server HALT processing, existing in-
database space. flight transactions may be aborted as a normal part of
server shutdown processing. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service

384 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2184W Diagnostic(ID): Transaction User response
transaction ID was aborted for Check for additional messages and eliminate the
command command. condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
Explanation service representative.
An error was detected during transaction commit for ANR2187W Transaction was aborted for node/
the specified server command. This message should admin name.
be preceded by other messages that give additional
information about the failed transaction.

System action An error is detected during a transaction commit for

the specified node or administrator name. This
The activity that generated this error fails. message should be preceded by other messages that
give additional information about the failed
User response transaction.
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction. If the System action
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your The activity that generated this error fails.
service representative.
ANR2185W Transaction was aborted for User response
command command. Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
Explanation error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
An error was detected during transaction commit. This service representative.
message should be preceded by other messages that ANR2188W A Transaction was aborted. The
give additional information about the failed activity is terminating.
System action
An error is detected during a transaction commit. This
The activity that generated this error fails. message should be preceded by other messages that
give additional information about the failed
User response transaction.
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction. If the System action
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your The activity that generated this error ends.
service representative.
ANR2186W Transaction was aborted for User response
session session number for node Check for additional messages and eliminate the
node name (client platform). condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
Explanation service representative.
An error was detected during transaction commit. This ANR2189W Diagnostic(ID): Transaction
message should be preceded by other messages that transaction ID was aborted for
give additional information about the failed node/admin name.
System action
An error is detected during a transaction commit for
The activity that generated this error fails. the specified node or administrator name. This
message should be preceded by other messages that
give additional information about the failed

Chapter 3. ANR messages 385

System action User response
The activity that generated this error fails. See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
User response ANR2193E Command: Invalid option set name
Check for additional messages and eliminate the - option set name.
condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your Explanation
service representative.
The command shown specifies an invalid option set
ANR2190E command: Device class DISK name.
cannot be specified for this
command. System action
The server does not process the command.
The DEVCLASS value DISK cannot be specified for the User response
Reissue the command with a valid option set name.
System action ANR2194E Command: Invalid option set
description - too long.
The command fails and server operation continues.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command and specify a valid device class. The command shown specifies an invalid description.
Issue the QUERY DEVCLASS command for a list of The description is too long.
valid device classes for the server.
System action
ANR2191E command: Volume list contains
defined and undefined volumes. The server does not process the command.

Explanation User response

The list of volumes specified on the SALVAGE VOLUME Reissue the command with a valid description.
command must all be defined to the server, or all not ANR2195E Command: Invalid option
defined to the server. sequence number - option
sequence number name.
System action
The command fails and server operation continues. Explanation
The command shown specifies an invalid option
User response sequence number.
Reissue the command and specify a valid list of
volumes. System action

ANR2192E Command: Unable to start The server does not process the command.
background process.
User response
Explanation Reissue the command with a valid option sequence
The server command processor is not able to start a number.
background process to perform the command ANR2196W An existing server password file,
command. password file name, was found
during a database format
System action operation. It was renamed to new
The command process ends and server operation password file name.

386 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
A password file already exists. The file cannot be used The number of days that the node's password can be
by the new instance of the server database. You might used before it must be changed has been set to the
need it later, however, if the database is restored to an value indicated with the SET PASSEXP command.
earlier point in time.
System action
System action
The password file was renamed.
User response
User response
If the database will be restored to an earlier point in
ANR2200I Storage pool storage pool name
time, save the renamed password file. After the
defined (device class device class
database is restored, rename the password file to
'dsmserv.pwd' and place it in the server instance
ANR2197E Command: The value supplied for
the WEB authentication time out is A DEFINE STGPOOL command has created the storage
not valid - time-out value. pool indicated of the device class shown.

Explanation System action

A SET WEBAUTHTIMEOUT command has been None.

entered that specifies a value that is not valid. Valid
values are from 0 to 9999, inclusive. User response
System action
ANR2201I Storage pool storage pool name
The server does not process the command. deleted.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command with a valid value. A DELETE STGPOOL command has deleted the storage
ANR2198I Command: Web authentication pool indicated.
time-out set to time-out value
minutes. System action
The time-out value that determines how often WEB User response
browser administrative users need to re-authenticate
with the server has been set with the SET
WEBAUTHTIMEOUT command to the value displayed. ANR2202I Storage pool storage pool name
System action
None. Explanation
An UPDATE STGPOOL command has updated the
User response storage pool indicated.
System action
ANR2199I Password expiration period for
node node name set to number of
days days.
User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 387

ANR2203I Device class device class name User response
defined. None.

Explanation ANR2207I Volume volume name updated.

A DEFINE DEVCLASS command has created the device

class indicated.
An UPDATE VOLUME command has updated the
System action volume indicated.

System action

User response None.

User response
ANR2204I Device class device class name None.
ANR2208I Volume volume name deleted from
Explanation storage pool storage pool name.

A DELETE DEVCLASS command has deleted the device

class indicated.
The volume indicated has been deleted by one of the
System action following:

None. • A DELETE VOLUME command was issued.

• The volume was empty and the volume's access
User response mode was updated to destroyed.

None. • The volume was empty, scratch, and offsite, and the
access mode was changed to readwrite, readonly, or
ANR2205I Device class device class name unavailable.
updated. • The volume was scratch, not offsite, and was
An UPDATE DEVCLASS command has updated the • The volume was an empty scratch WORM FILE
device class indicated. volume and deleted by RECLAMATION since the
retention of the volume has expired.
System action
System action
User response
User response
ANR2206I Volume volume name defined in
storage pool storage pool name ANR2209W Volume volume name contains no
(device class device class name). data.

Explanation Explanation
A DEFINE VOLUME command has defined the volume The AUDIT VOLUME or MOVE DATA command entered
indicated in the storage pool shown that belongs to specifies a volume that contains no data.
the device class shown.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.

388 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. None.
ANR2210I Vary online initiated for disk
volume volume name. User response
ANR2214E Command: Invalid backup set
A VARY ONLINE command for the volume shown is name - backup set name.
being processed, and if no errors occur the volume will
be varied online. Explanation
The command shown specifies an invalid backup set
System action
System action
User response
The command fails.
ANR2211I Vary offline initiated for disk User response
volume volume name. Reissue the command with a valid backup set name.
ANR2215E Command: Description text is too
A VARY OFFLINE command for the volume shown is
being processed and, if no errors occur, the volume Explanation
will be varied offline.
The specified description text is too long for a
command that allows description text to be specified.
System action
None. System action
The command fails
User response
None. User response
ANR2212I Command: No volumes updated. Reissue the command specifying a shorter description
ANR2216E Command: Device class must be a
sequential device class.
An UPDATE VOLUME command has been entered, but
no objects were updated. Explanation
The device class specified on the command is not a
System action
sequential device class.
System action
User response
The command fails
ANR2213I Command: Storage pool storage User response
pool name renamed to storage pool Reissue the command specifying the name of a
name. sequential device class
ANR2217E Command: Invalid backup set
retention period - retention value.
A RENAME STGPOOL command has been entered. The
rename of the storage pool was successful.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 389

Explanation System action
Server processing for the backup set command The system asks whether you wish to continue with
command fails because the value (retention value) the command.
specified for the RETENTION parameter is not valid.
User response
System action
To process the DELETE VOLUME command, enter 'Y' to
The command fails continue or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR2221W This command will result in the
User response deletion of all inventory references
Reissue the command specifying a valid RETENTION to the data on volume volume
value. name, thereby rendering the data
ANR2218E Command: A device class must be If the volume being deleted
specified. contains deduplicated data, the
server invalidates all files that
Explanation reside in the storage pool that are
dependent upon the data stored
The DEVCLASS parameter is not specified in the
on this volume. Files on other
command command name. A DEVCLASS value must
volumes might be marked as
be specified.
damaged and result in warning
messages when that data is
System action accessed.
The command fails.
User response A DELETE VOLUME command with the
Reissue the command specifying a valid device class. Discarddata=Yes option has been entered.
Issue the QUERY DEVCLASS command for a list of
valid device classes for the server. System action
ANR2219E Command: Storage pool cloud url The system asks whether you wish to continue with
exceeds 870 characters. the command.

Explanation User response

The command indicated contains a storage pool cloud To process the DELETE VOLUME command, enter 'Y' to
url that exceeds the maximum length allowed. continue or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR2222I Discard Data process started for
System action volume volume name (process ID
The server does not process the command. process ID).

User response Explanation

Reissue the command with a valid storage pool cloud As a result of a DELETE VOLUME command with the
url. Discarddata=Yes option, the process whose ID is
displayed has begun to delete the data on the volume
ANR2220W This command will delete volume shown.
volume name from its storage pool
after verifying that the volume System action
contains no data.
The server deletes the data on the volume.
User response
A DELETE VOLUME command with the Discarddata=No
option has been entered. None.

390 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2223I Discard Data process ended for Explanation
volume volume name - volume The process that was deleting data for the volume
deleted from storage pool storage shown, in preparation for deleting the volume, has
pool name. ended due to a shortage of recovery log space.

Explanation System action

The process that deleted data for the volume shown The server does not delete the volume.
has ended, and the volume has been deleted.

User response
System action
To increase the amount of log space that is available to
None. the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
ANR2224W Discard Data process terminated occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is
for volume volume name - process full.
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
Explanation location that are no longer active and cannot be
The process that was deleting data for the volume archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
shown, in preparation for deleting the volume, has ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If
been canceled. necessary, specify a larger directory for the
System action
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
The server does not delete the volume.
ANR2227W Discard data process terminated
for volume volume name -
User response
sufficient memory is not available.
ANR2225W Discard Data process terminated
for volume volume name - volume The process that was deleting data for the volume
still contains data. shown, in preparation for deleting the volume, has
ended due to a shortage of memory.
System action
The process that was deleting data for the volume
shown, in preparation for deleting the volume, has The server does not delete the volume.
ended. However, the volume contains data.
User response
System action
See the documentation for the operating system about
The server does not delete the volume. how to increase memory for an application.
ANR2228W Discard data process terminated
User response
for volume volume name - lock
Contact your service representative. conflict detected.
ANR2226W Discard data process terminated
for volume volume name -
sufficient recovery log space is not The process that was deleting data for the volume
available. shown, in preparation for deleting the volume, has
ended due to a locking conflict.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 391

System action Explanation
The server does not delete the volume. A move data has been entered that will move data
from the indicated volume to volumes in the storage
User response pool shown. While the data is being moved it will not
be available to users.
Reissue the command at a later time. If this problem
persists, contact your service representative.
System action
ANR2229W Discard data process terminated The administrator is asked whether to continue.
for volume volume name - internal
server error detected.
User response
Explanation Enter 'Y' to continue with the command or 'N' to end
the process.
The process that was deleting data for the volume
shown, in preparation for deleting the volume, has ANR2234W This command will halt the server;
ended due to a server internal error. if the command is issued from a
remote client, it may not be
System action possible to restart the server from
the remote location.
The server does not delete the volume
User response
A HALT command has been entered.
Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
this message to determine the source of the error.
System action
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages that indicate the The administrator is asked whether to continue.
source of the error.
ANR2232W This command will move all of the User response
data stored on volume volume Enter 'Y' to halt the server or 'N' to leave the server
name to other volumes within the activated.
same storage pool; the data will
be inaccessible to users until the ANR2235W This command will remove
operation completes. administrator adminName. This
administrator has defined or
updated schedules. Removing this
authority WILL cause these
A move data has been entered that will move data schedules to fail.
from the indicated volume to other volumes in the
same storage pool. While the data is being moved, it Explanation
will not be available to users.
entered for an administrator that owns administrative
System action
schedules. If you confirm that you want to proceed
The administrator is asked whether to continue. with this command, the schedules owned by this
administrator will fail when executed in the future.
User response
System action
Enter 'Y' to continue with the command or 'N' to end
the process. The system asks whether you wish to continue with
the command.
ANR2233W This command will move all of the
data stored on volume volume
name to other volumes in storage User response
pool storage pool name; the data To process the REMOVE ADMINISTRATOR command,
will be inaccessible to users until enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the process. To deal
the operation completes. with schedules owned by the administrator, use the

392 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

statement on the ADMIN_SCHEDULES table to for node node name, thereby
determine which schedules were last updated by the rendering the data unrecoverable.
administrator. Use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command
to update those schedules under an administrator that Explanation
has authority to execute them, or use the DELETE
SCHEDULE command to remove the schedules. A DELETE FILESPACE command has been entered.

ANR2236W This command has removed System action

administrator adminName. This
administrator has defined or The system asks whether you wish to continue with
updated schedules. This WILL the command.
cause these schedules to fail in
the future. User response
To process the DELETE FILESPACE command, enter
Explanation 'Y'; otherwise, enter 'N'.
ANR2239W This command will revoke
entered and the administrator removed owns
privileges for administrator
administrative schedules. The schedules will fail when
adminName. This administrator
executed in the future because they do not belong to a
has defined or updated schedules.
valid administrator.
Revoking this authority may cause
schedules to fail.
System action
The system removes the administrator. Explanation
A REVOKE AUTHORITY command has been entered.
User response
Use the QUERY SCHEDULE command OR an SQL System action
SELECT statement on the ADMIN_SCHEDULES table to
The system asks whether you wish to continue with
determine which schedules were last updated by the
the command.
administrator. Use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command
to update those schedules under an administrator that
has authority to execute them, or use the DELETE User response
SCHEDULE command to remove the schedules. To process the REVOKE AUTHORITY command, enter
ANR2237W This command has revoked 'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the process.
privileges for administrator ANR2240E Command: Storage pool cloud
adminName. This administrator identity exceeds 255 characters.
has defined or updated schedules.
This may cause these schedules to
fail in the future.
The command indicated contains a storage pool cloud
Explanation identity that exceeds the maximum length allowed.

A REVOKE AUTHORITY command has been entered.

System action

System action The server does not process the command.

The system removes the authority.

User response

User response Reissue the command with a valid storage pool cloud
ANR2241E Command: Storage pool cloud
ANR2238W This command will result in the password exceeds 255 characters.
deletion of all inventory references
to the data on filespaces that
match the pattern filespace name

Chapter 3. ANR messages 393

Explanation User response
The command indicated contains a storage pool cloud None.
password that exceeds the maximum length allowed.
ANR2245I Activity summary pruning
completed: number of records
System action records removed.
The server does not process the command.
User response All expired (older than the summary archive retention
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool cloud value) server activity summary records have been
password. removed; the number of records deleted is shown.

ANR2242E Command: The cloud url for the

System action
cloud storage pool contains no
information. None.

Explanation User response

There is no valid cloud url in this command. None.
ANR2246I Vary online process initiated for
System action database volume volume name
The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not process the (process ID process ID).
User response In response to a VARY ONLINE command, the process
Reissue the command with a valid cloud url. with the process ID shown has been started to vary on
the database volume indicated.
ANR2243E Command: Provide the cloud
storage pool identity.
System action

Explanation None.

A cloud storage pool identity is necessary for this

User response
System action ANR2247I Database volume volume name
The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not process the varied offline.
User response A VARY OFFLINE command has put the indicated
Reissue the command with a valid cloud storage pool database volume into an offline state.
System action
ANR2244I Activity Summary pruning started:
removing entries prior to date None.
User response
Server activity summary records older than the date
ANR2248E Command: The cloud storage pool
and time indicated are being removed from the activity
summary. password is missing.

System action

394 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Encrypted storage pool data cannot be read from or
written to the storage pool.
A cloud storage pool password is necessary for this
System action
System action The storage pool ACCESS setting was changed to
The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not process the
User response
User response Verify that the server key database, dsmkeydb.kdb,
and its password stash file, dsmkeydb.sth, exist and
Reissue the command with a valid cloud storage pool
can be read by the server. If necessary, recover the
password file from a backup.
ANR2249I Storage pool storage pool name is After the server password file becomes available to
defined. the server, restart the server and issue the UPDATE
STGPOOL command to change the ACCESS setting to
Explanation its original value.
A DEFINE STGPOOL command has created the storage ANR2252S The ACCESS setting for storage
pool. pool poolname was changed from
access to UNAVAILABLE. The pool
System action is enabled for encryption, but the
master encryption key for the
server was reset.

User response
The master encryption key used to protect data in
ANR2250E command: Operation is not encrypted storage pools changed, possibly because
allowed because node nodename the server key database, dsmkeydb.kdb, was deleted.
is decommissioned. The server cannot read existing data that was
encrypted because it no longer has access to the
Explanation encryption key used to protect the data.

You might be able to restore or retrieve data from a System action

decommissioned client node, but you cannot store
new data or alter existing data. The storage pool ACCESS setting was changed to
System action
User response
Client sessions that attempt to store new data or
change existing data will be terminated with a protocol Rename the server key database, dsmkeydb.kdb, and
error. its password stash file, dsmkeydb.sth, and recover an
earlier version of the password file from a backup.
User response Restart the server. Issue the UPDATE STGPOOL
command to change the storage pool ACCESS setting
None. back to its original value.
ANR2251S The ACCESS setting for storage ANR2253E Command: You cannot specify the
pool poolname was changed from ENCRYPT=YES parameter because
access to UNAVAILABLE. The pool the server master encryption key
is enabled for encryption, but the is unavailable.
master encryption key for the
server is not available. Explanation

Explanation Encryption cannot be enabled for a storage pool

because the server master encryption key is not
The server either does not have a master encryption available.
key or the master encryption key is not available.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 395

System action System action
The command fails. The command fails.

User response User response

Reissue the command and specify ENCRYPT=NO. Reissue the command and specify a valid RETENTION
If encryption is required, review the activity log for
errors related to either the server master encryption ANR2257E Command: Administrator
key or the server password file. Correct any problems administrator name is not
that prevent the master encryption key being read authorized to issue this command
from the server password file. for node node name.
parameter must be specified when Explanation
SCRATCH=NO is specified. The specified administrator has entered the indicated
command, but this administrator does not have the
Explanation proper authority necessary to run the command for the
indicated node. Note: This message can be issued as a
The SCRATCH parameter is specified as NO for the
result of the server option REQSYSAUTHOUTFILE YES
command Command but the VOLUMENAMES
being in effect.
parameter is not specified. When scratch volumes are
not allowed, the VOLUMENAMES parameter must be
specified to indicate the volumes that can be used for System action
the command. The server does not process the command for the
indicated node. If multiple nodes were specified on
System action the command, the server may continue processing the
command for the other nodes.
The command fails.

User response
User response
Examine previous messages for any additional
Reissue the command and specify a valid
information. Issue the command from a properly
VOLUMENAMES parameter.
authorized administrator ID, or contact the system
ANR2255E Command: The VOLUMENAMES administrator to have additional authority granted to
parameter must be specified. the current administrator ID.
ANR2258E Command: Invalid summary
Explanation retention period - retention value.
The VOLUMENAMES parameter must be specified to Specify a number from 0 to 9999.
indicate the volumes that can be used for the
command. Explanation
System action entered that specifies an invalid retention period. Valid
The command fails. numbers are from 0 to 9999.

User response System action

Reissue the command and specify a valid The server does not process the command.
VOLUMENAMES parameter.
User response
ANR2256E Command: The RETENTION
parameter must be specified. Reissue the command with a valid retention period.
Valid numbers are from 0 to 9999.
Explanation ANR2259I Summary retention period set to
The RETENTION parameter must be specified to number of days days.
indicate the retention period to be used for the

396 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation If existing storage pools contain encrypted data,
restore the server password file. Restore it to a version
The number of days that activity sumary records are
that contains the master encryption key that was used
kept in the server database has been set to the value
to protect the encrypted storage pool data. Restart the
indicated with the SET SUMMARYRETENTION
ANR2262E Unable to read from the server
System action password file, password file name;
reason: error reason.
User response
The server could not read the master encryption key
None. from the server password file.
ANR2260W The version of IBM Spectrum
Protect is not compatible with this System action
operating system.

User response
The command cannot be processed on this operating
Correct the problem identified in the error reason and
restart the server.

System action ANR2263E Unable to write to the server

password file, password file name;
The operation fails. reason: error reason.

User response Explanation

Use an operating system that is compatible with IBM The server could not write the master encryption key
Spectrum Protect to issue this command. For to the server password file.
information about operating systems that are
supported by IBM Spectrum Protect, see technote
1243309 "Overview - IBM Spectrum Protect System action
Supported Operating Systems" (http:// None.
uid=swg21243309). User response
ANR2261W The server password file, Correct the problem identified in the error reason and
password file name, was not restart the server.
found. A new master encryption
key will be created and stored in a ANR2264E Corruption detected reading from
new password file. the server password file, password
file name. The master encryption
Explanation key cannot be read.

The master encryption key cannot be read from the Explanation

password file because the file does not exist.
The server detected corruption in the server password
file while attempting to read the master encryption
System action
key. The master encryption key could not be read.
A new master encryption key will be created and
stored in the server password file. System action
User response
If storage pool encryption is not in use, no action is User response
Recover the password file from a backup. Restart the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 397

ANR2265E The SERVERPASSWORD cannot be System action
blank. None.

User response
Encryption does not work if the password is not set. If you want to turn encryption off, change the
System action
ANR2269E The PROTECTKEYS=NO parameter
None. cannot be specified on the SET
DBRECOVERY command because
User response one or more storage pools are
enabled for encryption.
Set the server password.
ANR2266I Vary online process initiated for Explanation
recovery log volume volume name
(process ID process ID). The SET DBRECOVERY command failed because
PROTECTKEYS=NO was specified and one or more
storage pools are enabled for encryption.
In response to a VARY ONLINE command, the process System action
with process ID shown has been started to vary on the
recovery log volume indicated. The server does not process the command.

System action User response

None. Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command without the

User response ANR2270E The PROTECTKEYS parameter is
not enabled.
ANR2267I Recovery log volume volume name Explanation
varied offline.
The master encryption key must be set before you
enable the PROTECTKEYS parameter.
A VARY OFFLINE command has put the recovery log System action
volume indicated into an offline state.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response
Issue the SET SERVERPASSWORD command to set
and protect the master encryption key.
User response
ANR2272W This command will result in the
deletion of all inventory references
ANR2268W ENCRYPTED value encryption to damaged data in stgpool
value was not changed when the stgpool.
CLOUDLOCATION parameter was
updated to cloudlocation value. Explanation
A REMOVE DAMAGE command has been entered.
The ENCRYPTION value does not automatically System action
change when you change the CLOUDLOCATION value
in the UPDATE STGPOOL command. The system asks whether you wish to continue with
the command.

398 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
To process the REMOVE DAMAGE command, enter 'Y' To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATE
to continue or 'N' to stop the process. SPACETRIGGER command to set the space expansion
percentage to a value greater than 0.
ANR2273E A protection or replication
operation failed because a ANR2276W The administrative user ID
container is not available. administrator name matches a
node name. The matching names
Explanation can cause password management
issues if you are authenticating
The server cannot complete the operation because it users with a Lightweight Directory
cannot access data in a container. Access Protocol (LDAP) server in
integrated mode.
System action
The operation fails and server operation continues. Explanation
Integrated mode means that users authenticate with
User response an LDAP server by using IDs that are defined on that
server. If you are using integrated mode, and have a
For details about the problem, see the first-failure data
matching administrative user ID and node name, they
capture (FFDC) log for the server. By default, the log is
resolve to a single LDAP user ID. In this situation,
named dsmffdc.log and is in the server instance
automatic password changes might update the same
directory. Validate the data in the container that
password twice. As a result, the password might
caused the problem by issuing the AUDIT CONTAINER
become unknown to the administrative user ID.
command. If the command results show that the
Alternatively, password update operations might fail.
container is damaged, repair the storage pool by using
the REPAIR STGPOOL command. Then, retry the
operation that failed. System action

ANR2274W Operation is not allowed because System operations continue.

the VM backed up to filespace
filespacename is decommissioned. User response
To avoid password management issues, complete the
Explanation following steps: 1. Remove the specified
The filespace is a decommissioned VM and will not be administrative user ID by using the REMOVE ADMIN
processed by this command. command. For example, if the administrator is
ADMIN6, issue the following command: remove admin
admin6 2. Register a different administrative user ID
System action for client owner operations by using the REGISTER
Processing will continue with the next filesystem in the ADMIN command. For example, if the administrator is
list. ADMIN6 and you want to authenticate with an LDAP
server, issue the following command: register admin
User response admin6 authentication=ldap 3. Grant client owner
privileges to the new administrative user ID by using
None. the GRANT AUTHORITY command. For example, if the
administrator is ADMIN6 and the node name is
ANR2275I Data Base Space trigger defined,
NODE2, issue the following command: grant authority
but is disabled.
admin6 classes=node authority=owner node=node2

Explanation ANR2277W The server master encryption key

was not found. A new master
A database space trigger has been defined, but
encryption key will be created.
because the space expansion percentage is currently
set to 0, the space trigger is disabled.
System action The master encryption key cannot be read, or an issue
is preventing its detection.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 399

System action User response
A new master encryption key will be created and Optionally, to help ensure that the server database can
stored in the server key database. be restored to a point in time before this upgrade,
complete the following steps:
User response 1. Save the renamed password file.
If storage pool encryption is not in use, or if the server 2. After the database is restored, rename the
never had a master encryption key, no action is password file to dsmserv.pwd and place it in the
required. server instance directory.
If existing storage pools contain encrypted data, ANR2280I Full database backup started as
complete the following steps: process process ID.
1. Restore the server key database to a version that
contains the master encryption key that was used Explanation
to protect the encrypted storage pool data. A background process was started to backup the
2. Restart the server. contents of the database. The full database backup
process was assigned the process ID shown.
ANR2278I The server master encryption key
was moved from the server
password file, password file name, System action
to the server key database. The database backup process starts and server
operation continues.
The master encryption key is stored in a new location. User response
It is now stored in the server key database. The administrator may query the status of the
database backup process by using the QUERY
System action PROCESS command, or cancel the process with the
The server password file is deleted, and server
operations continue. ANR2281I Incremental database backup
started as process process ID.
User response
A background process was started to backup the
ANR2279W A server password file, password
contents of the database. The incremental database
file name, was found during an
backup process was assigned the process ID shown.
upgrade operation. The file was
renamed to new password file
name. System action
The database backup process starts and server
Explanation operation continues.
A server password file was found and renamed, and its
contents were moved to the server key database, User response
dsmkeydb.kdb. The server password file is no longer The administrator may query the status of the
needed by the server. However, if you need to restore database backup process by using the QUERY
the server database to a point in time before this PROCESS command, or cancel the process with the
upgrade, the password file is required. CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR2282E Command name has already been
System action
started for storage pool Stgpool.
The password file was renamed, and server operations
continue. Explanation
An audit container process has already been started
for the storage pool.

400 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action this key will be unavailable until
the key is restored from a backup.

User response
Wait for the current audit container process to
The master encryption key cannot be read, possibly
because the server password file was deleted. The
ANR2283E Command: Storage pool bucket server cannot read existing passwords that were
name exceeds 63 characters. encrypted because it no longer has access to the
encryption key used to protect the passwords. The
Explanation server cannot read storage pool data that was
encrypted because it no longer has access to the
The command contains a storage pool bucket name encryption key used to protect the data.
that exceeds the maximum length allowed.
System action
System action
The server cannot authenticate administrators and
The server does not process the command. nodes defined with the AUTHENTICATION=LOCAL
User response
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool bucket User response
name. Recover the password file from a backup. Restart the
ANR2284S The server master encryption key
has changed. Passwords ANR2286E Command: The server master
protected with the previous encryption key exists.
master encryption key are not
available. Explanation

Explanation A request was made to reset the server master

encryption key, but a master encryption key already
The master encryption key used to protect exists.
administrator and node passwords changed, possibly
because the server password file was deleted. The System action
server cannot read existing passwords that were
encrypted because it no longer has access to the None.
encryption key used to protect the passwords.
User response
System action None.
The server cannot authenticate administrators and
ANR2287I Snapshot database backup
nodes defined with the AUTHENTICATION=LOCAL
started as process process ID.

User response
A background process was started to backup the
Rename the server password file and recover an
contents of the database. The snapshot database
earlier version of the password file from a backup.
backup process was assigned the process id shown.
Restart the server.
If the server password file cannot be recovered, start System action
the server in the foreground and issue the UPDATE
ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command from the server The database backup process starts and server
console to set the password for affected operation continues.
administrators and nodes, respectively.
User response
ANR2285S The server master encryption key
cannot be read. Storage pool data The administrator may query the started process by
and passwords encrypted with using the QUERY PROCESS command, or may cancel
the process using the CANCEL PROCESS command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 401

ANR2288I Subfile set to state. ANR2291E Command: A error was
encountered while resetting the
Explanation server master encryption key. The
error code is Error code.
The SET SUBFILE command has been used to specify
whether this server will allow clients to back up
subfiles. If a value of CLIENT is specified, clients are
given the option of backing up subfiles. If a value of NO An error was encountered while processing a request
is specified, clients are not allowed to back up to reset the server master encryption key.
System action
System action
User response
User response
Inspect the activity log and the first-failure data
None. capture log, dsmffdc.log, for errors related to the
command. Correct the condition leading to the error
ANR2289I Administrative userid and reissue the command.
admininstrator name defined for
authority over node node name has ANR2292W The PROTECTKEYS parameter in
not been removed. SET DBRECOVERY is set to NO.

Explanation Explanation
The specified administrator was not removed. The master encryption key that is used to protect
storage pool data, administrator passwords, and node
System action passwords should be protected during database
backups. The current value for the PROTECTKEYS
None. parameter is NO, as set by the SET DBRECOVERY
User response
None. System action

ANR2290W Resetting the master key will Server operations continue.

result in the generation of a new
master encryption key; any data User response
that was encrypted using the Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command, specifying the
previous master encryption key PROTECTKEYS=YES and PASSWORD= parameters to
will be lost. enable encryption key protection for automatic
database backups.
ANR2293I Reissue the Command command
A request was made to reset the server master and specify the confirmation code
encryption key. The master encryption key is used to "Confirmation Code" using the
encrypt data in directory-container and cloud- Parameter parameter.
container storage pools. In addition, it is used to
encrypt sensitive information in the server database
such as administrator and node passwords. Resetting
the master encryption key will result in the loss of all A request was made perform a destructive operation.
data encrypted using the old master encryption key. Before performing the operation, the server requires
that you confirm that you understand the risks and
System action that you still wish to perform the operation.

System action

User response None.


402 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Confirm that you wish to perform the specified action Reissue the DEFINE STGPOOL command with a pool
by reissuing the command with the provided type and a device class name that are compatible. For
confirmation code. details about the compatibility of storage pool types
and device classes, see the help for the DEFINE
ANR2294W Process process ID for MOVE STGPOOL command.
CONTAINER for container
container name completed with ANR2297I Command: Optionset optionset
warning or more-severe messages name, option option name,
issued (rc=return code). sequence number old sequence
number, has been changed to new
Explanation sequence number.

The MOVE CONTAINER process completed with a

state other than success.
The requested option sequence number has been
System action updated in response to an UPDATE CLIENTOPT
System action
User response
Review the messages in the activity and event logs
that were issued by this process. Determine if the
User response
conditions that caused these messages to be issued
had an affect on the operation. None.
ANR2295E Command: NAMETYPE cannot be ANR2298I Command: Optionset optionset
specified when the specified name, option option name,
filespace name contains a sequence number old sequence
wildcard. number, is not updated.

Explanation Explanation
The requested option sequence number is not
System action updated in response to an UPDATE CLIENTOPT
System action
User response
Reissue the command without specifying both a
nametype and a wildcarded filespace name.
User response
ANR2296E Command: The pool type pool type Reissue the UPDATE CLIENTOPT command with a
for storage pool pool name is not valid old sequence number.
compatible with the device class
class name. ANR2299I Password expiration period for
administrator administrator name
Explanation set to number of days days.

The DEFINE STGPOOL command was issued with

conflicting pool type and device class parameters.
The number of days that the administrator's password
System action can be used before it must be changed has been set to
the value indicated with the SET PASSEXP command.
The server does not process the command.
System action

Chapter 3. ANR messages 403

User response System action
None. The server does not process the HELP command.
ANR2300E Could not open "file spec" the
server help file. User response
Issue the HELP command with no operands and select
Explanation from the numbered list (help index) displayed in
The named help file could not be accessed.
ANR2304E Database backup configuration is
System action not complete. Neither the
PROTECTKEYS parameter nor the
The requested help text is not displayed. PASSWORD parameter in SET
DBRECOVERY has been set.
User response
Contact the system administrator. Explanation

ANR2301W No filespaces found for specified The master encryption key that is used to protect
node(s). storage pool data, administrator passwords, and node
passwords should be protected during database
backups. The PROTECTKEYS parameter, as set by the
Explanation SET DBRECOVERY command, has not been set. The
None of the node(s) specifed had a filespace.l default is PROTECTKEYS=YES, but database backups
cannot proceed unless both PROTECTKEYS=YES and
System action PASSWORD= are specified.

None. System action

User response Server operations continue.

Specify at least one node with a filespace. User response

ANR2302E The node and file space pair, node Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command, specifying the
node name and file space filespace PROTECTKEYS=YES and PASSWORD= parameters to
name, was not removed. enable encryption key protection for database
ANR2305I The change to option option name
The remove operation failed because the node and file will not take effect until the server
space pair is not a member of the subrule. is restarted.

System action Explanation

If you specified the removal of any node and file space Due to the nature of the option being changed, the
pairs that are members of the subrule, those pairs effect of the change may not be immediate.
were removed. System operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues. Since the option was
No action is required. updated in the server options file, the change will take
effect when the server restarts.
ANR2303E There is no help section numbered
section number.
User response
Explanation None.
The numeric operand supplied on the HELP command ANR2306E No help text could be found for
is either less than 1 or greater than the highest- this command/subcommand:
numbered entry in the help index. command.

404 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR2309E A storage pool protection
operation failed because a copy of
The operands you entered for the HELP command,
the data cannot be written to
although valid command/subcommand names, do not
another storage pool on the
match any named entry into the file of help text.
replication target server.

System action
The server does not process the HELP command.
The server cannot complete the operation because it
cannot write data to the target container storage pool.
User response
Contact the system administrator. System action
ANR2307E No help text could be found for The operation fails and server operation continues.
this message: message ID.
User response
For more information, see the first-failure data capture
The message ID you entered for the help command (FFDC) log for the server. By default, the log is named
does not match any message entry in the file of help dsmffdc.log and is in the server instance directory.
text. Issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command to scan for
inconsistencies between database information and a
System action container in the container storage pool. Then, reissue
the PROTECT STGPOOL command.
The help command is not processed.
ANR2310W This command will compare all
User response inventory references to volume
volume name with the actual data
Contact the system administrator. stored on the volume and will
report any discrepancies; the data
ANR2308W Audit Volume marking damaged
will be inaccessible to users until
file as damaged on volume volume
the operation completes.
name: Node node name, Type file
type, File space filespace name,
fsId filespace id, File Name file Explanation
name is number version of total During the execution of an AUDIT VOLUME command,
versions versions. any data the volume named would be unavailable to
As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that System action
specified FIX=YES for the volume shown, the file The administrator is asked whether to continue.
whose information is displayed is marked as damaged
in the server. The file is marked as damaged because it
User response
can be recovered from a copy known to exist in a COPY
storage pool. If this file belongs to an aggregate, the Enter 'Y' to audit the volume or 'N' to stop the process.
entire aggregate is marked damaged, and this
ANR2311W This command will discard any
message will be issued for every file in the aggregate.
The version numbers for the file are numbered from inventory references to volume
most recent (1) to least recent (n, where n is the total volume name associated with
number of versions. missing or inconsistent stored
data, thereby rendering the data
unrecoverable; the valid data on
System action the volume will be inaccessible to
The file is marked as damaged in the server database. users until the operation
User response
To recover the damaged file use the RESTORE

Chapter 3. ANR messages 405

Explanation Explanation
During the execution of an AUDIT VOLUME command, The REPLICATE NODE command failed because the
any data the volume named would be unavailable to storage pool on the target server is neither a directory-
users. After the command has ended, any inconsistent container storage pool nor a cloud-container storage
data found will be discarded. pool.

System action System action

The administrator is asked whether to continue. Object client data on the local server is not replicated.

User response User response

Enter 'Y' to audit the volume or 'N' to stop the process. Modify the policy on the target server to update the
destination storage pool. Ensure that object client data
ANR2312I Audit Volume (Repair) process is sent to either a directory-container storage pool or a
started for volume volume name cloud-container storage pool. Then, reissue the
(process ID process ID). REPLICATE NODE command for the object client node
that is specified in this message.
ANR2315W Command: Node node name is not
As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that allowed to be included in a
specified FIX=YES for the volume shown, the process retention set.
whose ID is displayed has begun auditing the volume.
System action
The node is reserved, and cannot be added to a
The volume is audited and inconsistent data is retention rule or to a retention set.
System action
User response
Data belonging to the node will not be retained.
ANR2313I Audit Volume (Inspect Only) User response
process started for volume volume Issue QUERY OPTIONS to see a list of nodes that are
name (process ID process ID). excluded via the RETSETEXCLUDENODE option. Either
remove the node from list of restricted nodes or
Explanation remove it from any retention rules. Note that nodes
As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that used for client deployment are permanantly restricted,
specified FIX=NO for the volume shown, the process and can never be added to a retention rule or retention
whose ID is displayed has begun auditing the volume. set.
ANR2316W Audit Volume deleting damaged
System action file on volume volume name: Node
node name, Type file type, File
The volume is audited and inconsistent data is
space filespace name, fsId
filespace id, File Name file name is
number version of total versions
User response versions.
ANR2314E Command: Invalid destination
storage pool on target server As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that
server name for object client data specified FIX=YES for the volume shown, the file
from node node name and whose information is displayed is deleted from the
filespace filespace name. server. The version numbers for the file are numbered
from most recent (1) to least recent (n, where n is the
total number of versions.

406 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The file is deleted. During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
the volume shown, an unrecoverable read error
User response occurred on the volume.

System action
ANR2317W Audit Volume found damaged file The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.
on volume volume name: Node
node name, Type file type, File
space filespace name, fsId User response
filespace id, File name file name is Attempt to correct the cause of the read error, and
number version of total versions reissue the command.
ANR2320W Audit volume process terminated
for volume volume name - data
transfer interrupted.
As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that
specified FIX=NO for the volume shown, the file whose Explanation
information is displayed is found to be in error and not
accessible. If this file belongs to an aggregate, the During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
entire aggregate is marked damaged, and this the volume shown, a data transfer operation has been
message will be issued for every file in the aggregate. interrupted and cannot be continued.
The version numbers for the file are numbered from
most recent (1) to least recent (n, where n is the total System action
number of versions.
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.

System action
User response
If possible, determine and correct the cause of the
interruption, and reissue the command.
User response
ANR2321W Audit volume process terminated
None. for volume volume name - storage
ANR2318W Audit volume process terminated media inaccessible.
for volume volume name - process
canceled. Explanation
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
Explanation the volume shown, a required volume cannot be
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for mounted.
the volume shown, the process performing the audit
was canceled. System action
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.
System action
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended. User response
User response
ANR2322W Audit volume process terminated
None. for volume volume name -
ANR2319W Audit volume process terminated sufficient recovery log space is not
for volume volume name - error available.
reading device.
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
the volume shown, the server does not have sufficient
recovery log space to continue.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 407

System action User response
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended. If necessary make more memory available to the
User response ANR2326W Audit volume process terminated
If necessary, make more recovery log space available for volume volume name - lock
to the server. conflict detected.

ANR2323W Audit volume process terminated

for volume volume name -
sufficient database space is not During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
available. the volume shown, the server cannot obtain a required
System action
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
the volume shown, the server does not have sufficient The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.
database space to continue.
User response
System action
Reissue the command.
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.
ANR2327W Audit volume process terminated
for volume volume name - internal
User response server error detected.
If necessary, make more database space available to
the server. Explanation
ANR2324W Audit volume process terminated During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
for volume volume name - thread the volume shown, an internal server error occurs.
resource not available.
System action
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
the volume shown, the server cannot start a thread for User response
the audit process.
Contact your service representative.
System action ANR2332W Object object.ID deleted by
The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended. another process during execution
of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
volume volume name.
User response
Reissue the AUDIT VOLUME command. If the error Explanation
persists, it may indicate a shortage of server memory.
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command, a
ANR2325W Audit volume process terminated data storage object was deleted from the volume that
for volume volume name - was being audited. The AUDIT VOLUME process was
sufficient memory is not available. unable to locate this object on the specified volume.
Normally, this action is not considered an error
Explanation condition, because the object was probably deleted by
a process such as a DELETE FILESPACE command.
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
the volume shown, the server does not have enough
System action
memory available to complete the command.
Processing of the AUDIT VOLUME command
System action continues.

The AUDIT VOLUME command is ended.

408 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Check the activity log to verify that some process None.
(such as a DELETE FILESPACE command) was in
progress during the AUDIT VOLUME command that User response
would account for the deleted object. If no such
process can be identified, contact your service Identify and resolve the I/O error for the volume if
representative. possible. Verify that the volume's device is functioning
properly and that the volume is usable. For example, if
ANR2333W Missing or incorrect information the volume is a tape volume, make sure the drive is
detected by AUDIT VOLUME for clean or that the tape volume is usable by testing it by
volume volume name. using a different drive.
ANR2336W Audit Volume terminated for
volume volume name - insufficient
An AUDIT VOLUME command detects missing or number of mount points available
incorrect information for the specified volume. for removable media.

System action Explanation

Audit processing continues. During Audit Volume for the indicated volume, the
server could not allocate sufficient mount points for
User response the volume required.

Reissue the audit command with FIX=YES so that the

System action
information can be created or corrected.
Audit Volume stops.
ANR2334W Missing or incorrect information
detected by AUDIT VOLUME for
volume volume name - information User response
will be created or corrected. If necessary, make more mount points available.
ANR2337W Header size is reset for object
Object ID, verb type (Verb Type),
An AUDIT VOLUME process detects missing or from (Header Size) to (Verb Length).
incorrect information for the specified volume.
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the audit Explanation
command, the information is created or corrected.
The header size for the specified object was
recalculated while anditing a volume.
System action
Audit processing continues. System action
If FIX=YES was specified, the header size for the
User response
object will be updated. Processing continues.
ANR2335W Audit Volume has encountered an User response
I/O error for volume volume name None.
while attempting to read: Node
node name, Type file type, ANR2338E Diagnostic(ID): Invalid header
Filespace filespace name, fsId received for object ObjectID,
filespace id, File Name file name. length Data Length. Size (Header
Size), pushed (Pushed Length),
skipped (Skipped Length), status
(New Retrieve). Found length (Verb
The AUDIT VOLUME process encountered an I/O error Length), type (Verb Type), size
for the specified volume while attempting to read the (Verb Size).
specified file. If this file belongs to an aggregate, the
entire aggregate is marked damaged, and this
message will be issued for every file in the aggregate.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 409

Explanation User response
An invalid header was detected for the specified object Reissue the command with a storage pool name.
while auditing a volume. Diagnostic information is
ANR2342E Command: Storage pool
included in the message.
description exceeds maximum
characters characters.
System action
If FIX=YES was specified, this object will be marked Explanation
damaged. Processing continues.
The command indicated contains a storage pool
description that exceeds the maximum length allowed.
User response
Restore the volume or storage pool that includes this System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2339E Command: Object sets still exist
for node node name. User response
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool
A REMOVE NODE command has been entered for a
ANR2343E Command: Invalid device class
node for which the server is still storing backup sets.
To remove a node, the node must not have any files or name - device class name.
backup sets stored on the server.
System action The command indicated contains an invalid device
The server does not process the command. class name.

User response System action

To remove the node, delete all backup sets from the The server does not process the command.
server and reissue the command.
User response
ANR2340E Command: Invalid storage pool
name - storage pool name. Reissue the command with a valid device class name.
ANR2344E Command: The "option" option is
Explanation not valid for device class device
The command indicated contains an invalid storage class name.
pool name.
System action The command indicated specifies an option shown
that is not valid for a storage pool that belongs to the
The server does not process the command.
device class shown.

User response
System action
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool name.
The server does not process the command.
ANR2341E Command: Missing next storage
pool name. User response
Reissue the command with options appropriate to the
device class.
The command indicated requires a storage pool name,
ANR2345E Command: Invalid volume name -
but none has been entered.
volume name.
System action
The server does not process the command.

410 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The command indicated contains an invalid volume Reissue the command with valid options for a volume
name. in a primary storage pool.
ANR2350E Command: Device class device
System action class name is already defined.
The server does not process the command.
User response The command indicated has attempted to define a
Reissue the command with a valid volume name. device class that already exists.

ANR2346E Command: Volume name "volume

System action
name" is not valid for device class
device class name. The server does not process the command.

Explanation User response

The command indicated specifies the name of a None.
volume that cannot be used with the device class
ANR2351E Command: Device class device
class name is not defined.
System action
The server does not process the command.
The command indicated references a device class that
does not exist.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid volume name. System action
ANR2347E Command: Volume name "volume The server does not process the command.
name" is ambiguous; resolves to
multiple defined volume names. User response
ANR2352E Command: Device class device
The command shown was entered with a volume
name pattern that matches more than one volume. class name may not be deleted.
The command can only process a single volume.
System action A DELETE DEVCLASS command specifies the class
name DISK, which is a system-defined device class
The command is not executed.
and may not be deleted.

User response
System action
Reissue the command with a more specific volume
The server does not process the command.
ANR2348E Command: The "option" option is User response
not valid for a volume assigned to
a primary storage pool. None.
ANR2353E Command: Device class device
Explanation class name may not be updated.
The command indicated specifies an option that is not
valid for a volume in a primary storage pool. Explanation
An UPDATE DEVCLASS command specifies the class
System action name DISK, which is a system-defined device class
and may not be changed.
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 411

System action System action
The server does not process the command. The server ignores the command.

User response User response

None. Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
ANR2354E Command: Device class device ANR2357E Command: The DISK device class
class name is still referenced by is not supported for copy storage
one or more storage pools, or pools.
database backup, or export
volumes or backupset volumes. Explanation
An attempt is made to define a copy storage pool using
a device of DISK. These storage pools can only be
The DELETE DEVCLASS command has attempted to assigned to a sequential device class.
delete a device class that has storage pools assigned
to it, or is referenced by database backup, export System action
volumes or backupset volumes.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
Reissue the command specifying a sequential device
User response
Issue Q DEVCLASS to view the storage pool reference ANR2359E Command: Volume name "volume
count, Q STGPOOL to determine which pool references name" must be specified with a
the device class, and Q VOLHIST to locate database DISK or FILE STGPOOL.
backup or export volume or backupset volume
references. Explanation

ANR2355E Command: Required parameter is The command indicated specifies the name of a
missing - missing parameter. volume that must be specified with a storage pool
associated with a device class of type DISK or FILE.
System action
The specified server command has been entered
without the required parameter. The required The server does not process the command.
parameter is shown.
User response
System action Reissue the command with a valid volume name and
The server ignores the command. storage pool.
ANR2360E Command: Device class device
User response class name may not be used for
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax. database backup.

ANR2356E Command: Incompatible Explanation

parameters specified - first
parameter, second parameter. The command specifies the DISK device class, which
cannot be used for database backup, backup trigger,
or restore operations.
The specified server command has been entered with System action
mutually exclusive parameters. The two parameters
are listed. The server does not process the command.

412 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Reissue the command with a valid device class. None.
ANR2361E Command: A full database backup
is required. User response
If the backup set is to be deleted, reissue the
Explanation command without specifying PREVIEW=YES.
A BACKUP DB command specified an incremental ANR2367I Retention period for backupset
backup, but a full backup is required. backup set name for node node
name (data type data type) has
System action been updated.

The server does not process the command.


User response The backup set's retention period has been updated.

Reissue the command specifying a full backup.

System action
ANR2364E Command: Missing reclaim- The server has updated the backupset's retention
storage pool name. period.

Explanation User response

The command indicated requires a storage pool name, None.
but none has been entered.
ANR2368I Retention period for backupset
System action backup set name for node node
name (data type data type) would
The server does not process the command. have been updated.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command with a storage pool name. The backup set's retention period would have been
ANR2365I Backupset backup set name for updated as the result of an UPDATE BACKUPSET
node node name (data type data command, but the PREVIEW=YES parameter was
type) has been deleted. specified.

Explanation System action

The backup set has been deleted. None.

System action User response

The server has deleted the backupset. If the backup set is to be updated, reissue the
command without specifying PREVIEW=YES.
User response ANR2369I Database backup volume and
recovery plan file expiration
starting under process process ID.
ANR2366I Backupset backup set name for
node node name (data type data Explanation
type) would have been deleted.
The server has started expiration processing to
remove expired database backup volumes and
Explanation recovery plan files created on a remote server. This
The backup set would have been deleted as the result message is issued only if DRM is licensed on the
of a DELETE BACKUPSET command, but the server. The DB backup volumes expired is based on
PREVIEW=YES parameter was specified. the value specified on the SET
DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS. The recovery plan files

Chapter 3. ANR messages 413

expired is based on the value specified on the SET Explanation
DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS. Server inventory expiration
Container deletion processing is beginning due to
processing deletes the DB backup volumes and
manual invocation.
recovery plan files only if the volumes or plan files are
created on the server to server virtual volumes.
System action
System action Container deletion processing will be started.
Server operation continues. The expiration process is
cancellable. User response
User response
ANR2373I Command: Invoking chunk
None. deletion.
ANR2370E Export/import command: The
command was not processed Explanation
because the parameters are Chunk deletion processing is beginning due to manual
invalid for an incremental data invocation.
transfer operation.
System action
Chunk deletion processing will be started unless it is
You cannot use the MERGEFILESPACES parameter to already in progress.
incrementally transfer data from backup groups. This
limitation applies to the EXPORT NODE, EXPORT
User response
commands. If you specify the None.
MERGEFILESPACES=YES parameter setting on any of
these commands, do not specify the ANR2374W Command: Skipping chunk
FILEDATA=ALLACTIVE parameter setting or the deletion invocation because
FROMDATE or TODATE parameters. deletion processes are ongoing.

System action Explanation

System operation continues, but the command fails. Chunk deletion processing will not be invoked while
deletion processes are ongoing.
User response
System action
Reissue the command with valid parameters.
The server does not process the command.
ANR2371I Command: Container deletion is
already running. User response
ANR2376I Recovery Log Space trigger
Container deletion is already in progress, so there is
nothing to do. defined, but is disabled.

System action
A recovery log space trigger has been defined, but
System operation continues.
because the space expansion percentage is currently
set to 0, the space trigger is disabled.
User response
None. System action
ANR2372I Command: Beginning container None.
deletion process.

414 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response container defrag processing is
already ongoing.
To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATE
SPACETRIGGER command to set the space expansion
percentage to a value greater than 0. Explanation

ANR2377E Command: The file space filespace Container defrag processing will not be invoked.
name (filespace id) for node node
name cannot be replicated System action
because it has data in a retention The server does not process the command.
set on both the source and target
User response
Explanation None.
The REPLICATE NODE process cannot replicate any ANR2380E Command: Storage pool storage
file spaces with data in retention sets that are defined pool name is not defined.
on both the source and target servers.
System action
A nonexistent storage pool is specified for the issued
The REPLICATE NODE process ends. The specified file command.
space and its data are not replicated to the target
server. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
To resolve this issue, take either one of the following User response
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool name.
Delete the affected retention sets on either the source If you are using the MACRO command to define and
or target server. Optionally, delete the specified file update the storage pool, you must ensure that the
space or its node from any retention rules that trigger DEFINE STGPOOL command is committed before the
the creation of subsequent retention sets. Reissue the UPDATE STGPOOL command is issued.
REPLICATE NODE command or wait for the next
scheduled replicate node operation. ANR2381E Command: Storage pool storage
pool name is already defined.
Update the REPLICATE NODE command parameters to
exclude this file space or its node from this and future-
scheduled replication operations. Reissue the Explanation
REPLICATE NODE command or wait for the next A DEFINE STGPOOL command specifies the name of a
scheduled node replication operation. storage pool that already exists.
ANR2378I Command: Beginning defrag
processing. System action
The server does not process the command.
Container defrag processing is beginning due to User response
manual invocation. None.
ANR2382E Command: Storage pool storage
System action
pool name still contains at least
Container defrag processing will be started. one volume.

User response Explanation

None. A DELETE STGPOOL command specifies a storage pool
that has volumes assigned to it.
ANR2379W Command: Skipping container
defrag invocation because

Chapter 3. ANR messages 415

System action User response
The server does not process the command. If necessary, update other storage pools so that they
do not reference the pool to be deleted, and reissue
User response the command.

Delete the volume belonging to the storage pool and ANR2386E Command: High migration
reissue the command. threshold must be set greater than
or equal to the low migration
ANR2383E Command: Storage pool storage threshold.
pool name is currently in use by
clients and/or data management
Explanation attempted to set the storage pool low migration
threshold (LOWMIG) parameter greater than the high
The command indicated references a storage pool that migration threshold (HIGHMIG).
is in use.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
Reissue the command with a low migration threshold
Reissue the command at a later time. less than or equal to the high migration threshold.
ANR2384E Command: Next or Reclaim ANR2387E Command: Storage pool storage
storage pool storage pool name pool name is not a primary pool.
introduces a cycle into the storage
pool chain.

Explanation The command indicated specifies the name of a

storage pool which is not a primary pool. The
A DEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE STGPOOL command command syntax requires that a primary storage pool
specifies a next storage pool that eventually points to name be specified.
the pool being processed.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
Reissue the command with a valid primary storage
Reissue the command with a different next pool value. pool name.
ANR2385E Command: Storage pool storage ANR2388E Command: Storage pool storage
pool name is in use as the next or pool name is not a copy or an
reclaim pool for one or more other active-data pool type pool.
storage pools.
The command indicated specifies the name of a
A DELETE STGPOOL command specifies a pool that is storage pool which is not a copy pool or an active-data
the next pool or the reclaim pool for other storage pool. The command syntax requires that a copy
pools. storage pool name or an active-data pool name be
System action
The server does not process the command. System action
The server does not process the command.

416 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response sure that the data set has been allocated and that the
server has authority to write to the data set.
Reissue the command with a valid copy storage pool
name or active-data pool name. ANR2392E Command: An internal error was
encountered in writing device
ANR2389E Command: The "option" parameter
configuration information to file
is not valid for a primary storage

The BACKUP DEVCONFIG command does not
The command indicated specifies a parameter that is
successfully complete because the server cannot write
not valid for a primary storage pool.
to the file name specified.

System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.

User response
User response
Reissue the command with parameters appropriate for
Examine error messages on the server console that
a primary storage pool.
may have been displayed prior to this message and
ANR2390E Command: The "option" parameter correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the
is not valid for a pool type storage server has proper authority to write to the file
pool. indicated and that sufficient space is available in the
file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the
Explanation data set has been allocated and that the server has
authority to write to the data set.
The command indicated specifies a parameter that is
not valid for either a copy, active-data, or copy ANR2393I Command: Server device
container type storage pool. configuration information was
written to file name.
System action
The server does not process the command.
This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP
DEVCONFIG command and indicates that device
User response
configuration information was successfully written to
Reissue the command with parameters appropriate for the file name indicated.
the specified storage pool type.
ANR2391E Command: Server could not write System action
device configuration information The server records device configuration information to
to file name. the file name specified

Explanation User response

The BACKUP DEVCONFIG command does not None.
successfully complete because the server cannot write
to the file name specified. ANR2394I Command: Server device
configuration information was
written to all device configuration
System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP
Make sure that the server has proper authority to write DEVCONFIG command and indicates that device
to the file indicated and that sufficient space is configuration information was successfully written to
available in the file system for the file. On MVS, make all files that were specified in the server options file.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 417

System action data set has been allocated and that the server has
authority to write to the data set.
The server records device configuration information to
the device configuration files. ANR2397E Command: An internal server error
was encountered in writing device
User response configuration information to one or
more of the defined device
None. configuration files.
ANR2395I Command: Device configuration
files have NOT been defined for Explanation
automatic recording - specify a file
The BACKUP DEVCONFIG command does not
name for device configuration
complete successfully because the server cannot write
to one or more of the defined device configuration
This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP System action
DEVCONFIG command and indicates that device
The server does not process the command.
configuration information cannot be written because
no files were specified in the options file.
User response
System action Examine error messages on the server console that
may have been displayed prior to this message and
The device configuration information is not written.
correct any problems, if possible. Contact your service
Server operation continues.
representative if you are unable to resolve the
User response
ANR2398E Command: The device
Reissue the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command and configuration file contains a
specify the name of a file to which you would like to statement with invalid syntax.
have device configuration information recorded. If
desired, you may configure files that should be
automatically updated with the DEVCONFIG option Explanation
and restart the server. While processing the device configuration information,
an invalid statement has been encountered.
ANR2396E Command: An I/O error was
encountered in writing device
configuration information to one or System action
more of the defined device The server ends the operation being performed.
configuration files.
User response
Examine error messages on the server console that
The BACKUP DEVCONFIG command does not may have been displayed prior to this message and
complete successfully because the server cannot write correct any problems if you have constructed the
to one or more of the defined device configuration device configuration file manually. Make sure the
files. statements are in the proper order. If you let the
server construct the device configuration file
System action automatically, restart the server, refresh the device
configuration file by issuing the BACKUP DEVCONFIG
The server does not process the command.
command, and reissue the operation. If the problem
persists, contact your service representative.
User response
ANR2399E Command: Storage pool storage
Examine error messages on the server console that pool name is not a sequential pool.
may have been displayed prior to this message and
correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the
server has proper authority to write to the file Explanation
indicated and that sufficient space is available in the The command indicated specifies the name of a
file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the storage pool which is not a sequential pool. All storage

418 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

pools are either fixed disk or sequential archival. All ANR2402E Command: Volume volume name is
tape devices, as well as optical and file device classes, already online.
are sequential.
System action
A VARY ONLINE command specifies the name of a
The server does not process the command. volume that is already online.

User response System action

Reissue the command with a valid sequential storage The server does not process the command.
pool name.
ANR2400E Command: Volume volume name is User response
already defined in a storage pool None.
or has been used previously to
store export, database dump, or ANR2403E Command: Volume volume name is
database backup information. not online.

Explanation Explanation

The command indicated specifies the name of a The command indicated specifies the name of a
storage pool volume that already exists or has been volume that is not online.
used to store server export, database dump, or
database backup information as recorded in the server System action
volume history file.
The server does not process the command.

System action
User response
The server does not process the command.

User response ANR2404E Command: Volume volume name is

not available.
Specify a volume that is not in use, is not defined in a
storage pool, and which has not been previously used
for an export, a database dump, or database backup Explanation
operation as recorded in the server volume history The command indicated has attempted to access a
information. Use the QUERY VOLUME command to volume that cannot be found.
display the names of volumes that are defined to
server storage pools. Use the QUERY VOLHISTORY
System action
command to display the names of volumes that have
been used for export, a database dump, or database The server does not process the command.
backup operations.
User response
ANR2401E Command: Volume volume name is
not defined in a storage pool. Check the spelling of the volume name to ensure it is
correct. If the volume does not exist, preallocate it
Explanation with the appropriate mechanism for the operating
system on which the server is running.
The command indicated specifies the name of a
storage pool volume that does not exist. ANR2405E Command: Volume volume name is
currently in use by clients and/or
System action data management operations.

The server does not process the command. Explanation

User response The command indicated specifies the name of a data

storage volume that is currently in use.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 419

System action Explanation
The server does not process the command. The REUSEDELAY parameter specifies the number of
days that must elapse before all deduplicated extents
User response are removed from a storage pool. If the value is set to
0 for an extended period, extents are removed quickly,
Verify that the volume is unavailable by issuing the and this situation can affect server operations. For this
QUERY VOLHISTORY command. If the volume is listed reason, the value was reset to its previous nonzero
in the command output, then it is being used and value.
unavailable. Wait until the conflicting volume activity
has completed, and then retry this operation. If the
System action
volume is currently mounted, but idle, dismount it
using the DISMOUNT VOLUME command, and then Server operation continues.
retry the operation.
ANR2406E Command: Volume volume name User response
still contains data. No action is required.
ANR2410E Command: Unable to access
volume volume name - access
The indicated command tries to delete a data storage mode is set to "unavailable".
volume that contains data.
System action
The command shown specifies the volume whose
The server does not process the command. name is displayed, but the volume cannot be accessed
because its status is unavailable.
User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2407W Error encountered for storage pool
storage pool: STGPOOL Error: User response
Error. If necessary, reset the status of the volume and
reissue the command.
ANR2411E Command: Unable to access
The server encountered an error accessing the associated volume volume name -
specified directory. access mode is set to
System action
If appropriate, the operation is attempted in another
directory. The command shown would require access to the
volume whose name is displayed (because data from
User response the volume specified in the command spans into this
volume); the volume shown cannot be accessed
Evaluate the warning and take appropriate corrective because its status is unavailable.
ANR2408W For storage pool STGPOOL NAME System action
(POOLID), the time limit for The server does not process the command.
maintaining a setting of
REUSEDELAY=0 was exceeded. To
optimize server operations, the User response
REUSEDELAY parameter was If necessary, reset the status of the volume and
automatically reverted to its reissue the command.
previous value of RESETVAL.

420 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2412E Command: Audit operation already User response
in progress for volume volume Reissue the command after the move data process
name. ends.

Explanation ANR2418E Command: Migration operation

already in progress for volume
The command specified a volume that is currently in volume name.
use by an audit volume operation.
System action
The command specified a volume that is currently in
If the command is a MOVE NODEDATA command the use by a migration operation.
server will skip the volume and continues moving node
data on other volumes. Other commands are not
System action
If the command is a MOVE NODEDATA command the
User response server will skip the volume and continues moving node
data on other volumes. Other commands are not
Reissue the command after the audit volume processed.
operation ends.
ANR2414E Command: Deletion operation User response
already in progress for volume Reissue the command after the migration ends.
volume name.
ANR2420E Command: Space reclamation
Explanation operation already in progress for
volume volume name.
The command specified a volume that is currently in
use by a delete volume operation.

System action The command specified a volume is currently in use by

a reclamation operation.
If the command is a MOVE NODEDATA command the
server will skip the volume and continues moving node
System action
data on other volumes. Other commands are not
processed. If the command is a MOVE NODEDATA command the
server will skip the volume and continues moving node
User response data on other volumes. Other commands are not
Reissue the command after the delete volume
operation ends.
User response
ANR2416E Command: Move Data operation Reissue the command after the reclamation ends.
already in progress for volume
volume name. ANR2422E Command: Volume volume name is
not a defined disk volume.
The command specified a volume that is currently in
use by a move data operation. The command shown specifies a volume name that
does not match any known disk volume.
System action
System action
If the command is a MOVE NODEDATA command the
server will skip the volume and continues moving node The server does not process the command.
data on other volumes. Other commands are not
processed. User response
Reissue the command with the correct volume name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 421

ANR2423E Command: Volume volume name is Explanation
still online. The backup set has been defined for the indicated
An UPDATE VOLUME command specifies System action
access=unavailable for a disk volume that is still
The server has defined the backupset.

User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2427E Backupset backup set name for
User response node node name (data type data
type) was not deleted. Device class
Issue the VARY OFFLINE command, and reissue the device class name was not found.
ANR2424E Command: Unable to access Explanation
volume volume name - access The specified backup set was not deleted because the
mode is set to "destroyed". device class used to generate it was not found.

Explanation System action

The command shown specifies the volume whose The backup set is not deleted.
name is displayed, but the volume cannot be accessed
because its status is destroyed.
User response
System action If the device class was inadvertently deleted, redefine
it, then delete the backup set again.
The server does not process the command.
ANR2428E Backupset backup set name for
User response node node name (data type data
type) has not been deleted due to
If necessary, reset the status of the volume and error error code.
reissue the command.
ANR2425E Command: Unable to access Explanation
volume volume name - access The backup set has not been deleted.
mode is set to "offsite".
System action
The server has not deleted the backupset.
The command shown specifies the volume whose
name is displayed, but the volume cannot be accessed
because its status is offsite. User response
Check related error messages.
System action
ANR2429W Volume volume name contains
The server does not process the command. object count objects that reside
only in a cloud-container storage
User response pool.

If necessary, reset the status of the volume and

reissue the command.
Depending on your cloud storage provider, restoring
ANR2426I Backupset backup set name from cloud storage might incur extra costs. Some
defined for node node name (data objects that reside on this volume are only stored in a
type data type). cloud-container storage pool, so those objects were
not deleted.

422 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The server deleted all objects in the specified volume Try the command at a later time (after database
except those objects that reside only in a cloud- volumes have been synchronized).
container storage pool.
ANR2440E Command: Unable to vary
database volume volume name
User response offline - only copy.
To finish deleting objects from the volume, complete
the following steps: Explanation
1. Determine which objects still reside on the volume A VARY OFFLINE command has been entered, but the
by issuing the QUERY CONTENT command. database volume has no mirrors and therefore
2. Optionally, attempt to restore the objects from a contains the only copy of the data on that volume.
tape storage pool before you delete them from the
volume to avoid costs that are incurred from System action
restoring from cloud storage. Restoring an object
The server does not process the command.
from a tape storage pool might not be possible if
the object is damaged.
User response
3. To delete the remaining objects from the volume,
command. In the confirmation message, confirm
ANR2444E Command: A recovery log define,
that you want to delete the remaining objects.
delete, extend, or reduce
ANR2433E Command: A database define, operation is already in progress.
delete, extend, reduce, or backup
operation is already in progress. Explanation
The specified command has been entered while a
Explanation command that is modifying the recovery log is already
The specified command has been entered while a active.
command that is modifying or backing up the database
is already active. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Wait for other activity to end, and reissue the
User response command.
Wait for other activity to end, and reissue the
ANR2445E Command: volume name is a
container. Use the MOVE
ANR2439E Command: Unable to vary CONTAINER command to move
database volume volume name containers in a container storage
offline - mirrored copies not pool.
Explanation A MOVE DATA command will not process container
A VARY OFFLINE command has been entered, but files. Please use MOVE CONTAINER.
mirrors of the volume to be varied are not up to date.
System action
System action The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
Use the MOVE CONTAINER command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 423

ANR2446E The Command command cannot 3. Reissue the command that failed.
be processed. The node is an
ANR2451E Command: Unable to vary recovery
object client node and must be
log volume volume name offline -
assigned to a policy domain that is
only copy.
defined as an object domain.

A VARY OFFLINE command has been entered, but the
The specified node is registered as an object client
recovery log volume has no mirrors and contains the
node. An object client node must be assigned to a
only copy of the data on that volume.
policy domain that supports object clients.

System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
User response None.
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: ANR2452E Command: The password
expiration cannot be reset for
1. Specify a valid policy domain for an object client
node. To define a policy domain as an object ObjectClient nodes.
domain, issue the DEFINE OBJECTDOMAIN
command. For example, to create an object domain Explanation
that is named ARCHIVEDATA, issue the following The RESET PASSEXP command cannot be issued for
command: define objectdomain archivedata ObjectClient nodes.
2. Reissue the command that failed.
ANR2447E The Command command cannot System action
be processed. Only a node that is Server operation continues, but the command is not
defined as an object client node processed.
can be assigned to a policy domain
that is defined as an object User response
Explanation ANR2453W Command: The password
The specified node is not registered as an object client expiration cannot be set for
node. Only nodes that are registered as object client ObjectClient nodes.
nodes can be assigned to object policy domains.
System action The SET PASSEXP command cannot be issued for
Server operation continues, but the command is not ObjectClient nodes.
System action
User response Server operation continues, but the node is not
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: processed.

1. To register the node as an object client node, issue

User response
the REGISTER NODE command and specify the
TYPE=OBJECTCLIENT parameter value. None.
2. Specify a valid policy domain for the object client ANR2455E Command: Unable to access
node. To define a policy domain as an object associated volume volume name -
domain, issue the DEFINE OBJECTDOMAIN access mode is set to "destroyed".
command. For example, to create an object domain
that is named ARCHIVEDATA, issue the following
command: define objectdomain archivedata

424 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The specified command would require access to the The command shown cannot be processed because a
volume whose name is displayed (because data from restore operation involving the indicated storage pool
the volume specified in the command spans into this is already in progress. Either a RESTORE STGPOOL
volume); the volume shown cannot be accessed command is in progress for the indicated storage pool
because its status is destroyed. or a RESTORE VOLUME command is in progress for
volumes that belong to the indicated storage pool.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
If necessary, reset the status of the volume and
reissue the command. Reissue the command after the current restore
operation ends.
ANR2456E Command: Unable to access
associated volume volume name - ANR2459E Command: Volume volume name
access mode is set to "offsite". cannot be updated - a restore
operation involving that volume is
Explanation in progress.

The command shown would require access to the

volume whose name is displayed (because data from
the volume specified in the command spans into this The indicated volume has an access mode of
volume); the volume shown cannot be accessed destroyed. Either a RESTORE STGPOOL command or a
because its status is offsite. RESTORE VOLUME command is in progress to restore
the contents of the indicated volume.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
If necessary, reset the status of the volume and
reissue the command. If necessary, cancel the restore processing and update
the volume.
ANR2457E Command: Backup of primary
storage pool primary pool name to ANR2460E Command: Server could not write
copy storage pool copy pool name sequential volume history
already in progress. information to File name.

Explanation Explanation
The command shown specifies a backup operation The BACKUP VOLHISTORY command does not
that is already in progress. complete successfully because the server cannot write
to the file name specified.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
Reissue the command after the current backup
operation ends. Make sure that the server has proper authority to write
to the file indicated and that sufficient space is
ANR2458E Command: Restore of primary available in the file system for the file. On MVS, make
storage pool primary pool name (or sure that the data set has been allocated and that the
volumes in that storage pool) server has authority to write to the data set.
already in progress.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 425

ANR2461E Command: An internal error was System action
encountered in writing sequential The server records sequential volume history
volume history information to file information to the configured files.

User response
The BACKUP VOLHISTORY command does not
complete successfully because the server cannot write ANR2464W Access Key IDobject client access
to the file name specified. key ID for replicated node node
name is in use by another node.
System action
The server does not process the command.
Use a unique Access Key ID for each node on the
User response target replication server.

Examine error messages on the server console that

System action
may have been displayed prior to this message and
correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the The server operation continues, however, the Access
server has proper authority to write to the file Key ID and Secret Access Key pair for this object client
indicated and that sufficient space is available in the node are not set.
file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the
data set has been allocated and that the server has User response
authority to write to the data set.
To generate a new Access Key ID and Secret Access
ANR2462I Command: Server sequential Key pair and replicate the node again, issue the
volume history information was UPDATE NODE command on the source replication
written to file name. server.
ANR2465E Command: The argument
parameter is invalid for nodes with
This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP TYPE=OBJECTCLIENT.
VOLHISTORY command and indicates that sequential
volume history information was successfully written to Explanation
the file name indicated.
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid parameter for a node of type objectclient.
System action
The server records sequential volume history System action
information to the file name specified.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
None. User response
ANR2463I Command: Server sequential Issue the command and specify only valid parameters
volume history information was for an objectclient node.
written to all configured history
files. ANR2466E Command: An internal server error
was encountered in writing
sequential volume history
information to one or more of the
This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP defined volume history files.
VOLHISTORY command and indicates that sequential
volume history information was successfully written to Explanation
all files that were specified in the server options file.
The BACKUP VOLHISTORY command does not
complete successfully because the server cannot write
to one or more of the defined volume history files.

426 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The server does not process the command. The command fails, and server operation continues.

User response User response

Examine error messages on the server console that Reissue the command and specify a valid type value.
may have been displayed prior to this message and
ANR2470I The new authentication
correct any problems, if possible. Contact your service
credentials for object client node
representative if you are unable to resolve the
node name are: Access Key ID:
Access Key ID, Secret Access Key:
ANR2467I Command: number of entries Secret Access Key.
deleted sequential volume history
entries were successfully deleted. Explanation
Use these credentials to sign on with the
The DELETE VOLHISTORY command successfully
deleted the number of entries specified. System action
The server operation continues.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
Record the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key so
User response
that you can configure the object storage client to
None. authenticate to the server.
ANR2468E Command: An internal server error ANR2471E command: GENERATEKEYS only
was encountered while deleting allowed for nodes with
server sequential volume history TYPE=OBJECTCLIENT.
This message is displayed when an UPDATE NODE
The DELETE VOLHISTORY command fails because an command with GENERATEKEYS is issued for a node
internal server error has been encountered. that is defined with node type other than objectclient.

System action System action

The DELETE VOLHISTORY command fails, and server Server operation continues.
operation continues.
User response
User response
Verify that the node to be updated has a node type of
Examine the messages in the activity log or server objectclient.
console that were displayed prior to the error to see if
ANR2472E Command: Invalid volume
the error can be resolved. Contact your service
representative if this error cannot be resolved. specified: volume name.

ANR2469E Command: Invalid volume history Explanation

type: history type.
The command failed because the sequential history
volume specified is not a DB DUMP, DB BACKUP, or
EXPORT volume.
The command failed because an invalid sequential
volume history type was specified for the TYPE= System action
The command fails, and server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 427

User response exists and is accessible by the server program.
Reissue the DSMSERV command if this can be
Reissue the command and specify a valid volume
corrected. Contact your service representative if this
error cannot be resolved.
ANR2473I Command for volume volume name
ANR2476I License storage auditing is
disabled, no output available.

The command completed and the volume history file
The license storage occupancy function is currently
has been updated.

System action
System action
The server records sequential volume history

User response
User response
To obtain storage occupancy results, remove the
ANR2474E Command: Input volume names from the server options file, then restart the server and
must be specified with the issue the AUDIT LICENSES command.
VOLumenames= parameter.
ANR2477I License storage auditing is
disabled, storage values may be
Explanation outdated and should be ignored.
The command failed because input volume names
were not specified with the VOLumenames parameter. Explanation
The license storage occupancy function is currently
System action disabled.
The command fails.
System action
User response None.
On some platforms, or with certain device classes, the
server cannot prompt to mount input removable media User response
volumes, so the names of the required volumes must
To obtain storage occupancy results, remove the
be specified in the command. Reissue the command
specifying the name(s) of volumes that should be
from the server options file, then restart the server and
mounted for input.
issue the AUDIT LICENSES command.
ANR2475E Command: File file name could not
ANR2478E Command: Command cannot be
be opened.
executed in this session.

The DSMSERV command could not be completed
The command indicated is not supported by the
successfully because the file specified (to contain the
session in which it was invoked. For example, a
list of volumes to be used) cannot be opened.
DEFINE CURSOR command can not be invoked from
the server's primary console.
System action
The DSMSERV command fails. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
Examine the file name that was specified in the
DSMSERV command. Correct the specification, if
necessary, so that it specifies the name of a file that

428 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
The command must be issued from a standard The server does not process the command.
administrator session.
ANR2479E Command: Invalid SQL cursor User response
name - SQL cursor name. Use the CLOSE CURSOR command to first close the
current cursor.
ANR2483E Command: No SQL cursor is
The command indicated contains an invalid SQL cursor currently open.
System action
The command indicated failed because no SQL cursor
The server does not process the command. is currently open.

User response System action

Reissue the command with a valid SQL cursor name. The server does not process the command.
ANR2480E Command: SQL cursor name SQL
cursor name is already defined. User response
Use the OPEN CURSOR command to first open a
Explanation cursor.
The command indicated specifies an SQL cursor name ANR2484E Command: Invalid SQL date-time
that has already been defined. display format - SQL date-time
display format name.
System action
The server does not process the command.
The command indicated contains an invalid SQL date-
User response time display format name.

Reissue the command and specify a different cursor

System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2481E Command: SQL cursor name SQL
cursor name is not defined.
User response
Explanation Reissue the command with a valid SQL date-time
format name.
The command indicated specifies an SQL cursor name
that has not been defined. ANR2485E Command: Invalid SQL display
format - SQL display format name.
System action
The server does not process the command.
The command indicated contains an invalid SQL
User response display format name.

Use the DEFINE CURSOR command to first define the

System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR2482E Command: SQL cursor SQL cursor
name is already open.
User response
Explanation Reissue the command with a valid SQL display format
The command indicated failed because an SQL cursor
is already open.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 429

ANR2486E Command: Invalid SQL character Explanation
arithmetic mode - SQL arithmetic While attempting to write to the sequential file for a
mode. volume list an error occurs on the file name specified.
The volume list is not be complete and should not be
Explanation used for input.
The command indicated contains an invalid SQL
arithmetic mode name. System action
The server stops writing to the file.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Examine error messages that may have been
User response displayed prior to this message and correct any
Reissue the command with a valid SQL arithmetic problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
mode name. proper authority to write to the file indicated and that
there is sufficient space in the file system for the file.
ANR2487E Command: An SQL expression is On MVS, make sure that the server has authority to
required. write to the data set. Obtain the volume list from
console messages, the QUERY VOLHISTORY
Explanation command or the volume history file, if it is used.
The command indicated requires that an SQL ANR2490E Command: NODENAMES and
expression be provided through the SQL keyword SERVERNAMES parameters
parameter. cannot both be specified in the
same command.
System action
The server does not process the command.
The command indicated failed because both the
User response nodenames parameter and the servernames
parameter were specified.
Reissue the command specifying an SQL expression.
ANR2488W List file list file name could not be System action
opened. None.

Explanation User response

While attempting to read or write a sequential file list, Determine whether you want the action taken for one
the server was unable to open the file name specified. or more nodes or for one or more servers and reenter
the command with only the correct parameter
System action specified.
The server does not use the list file. ANR2491I Volume creation process starting
for volume name, Process ID
User response process ID.
Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any Explanation
problems, if possible. For OUTFILE files, make sure As a result of a DEFINE VOLUME command with the
that the server has proper authority to write to the file SIZE=xxx parameter, a new volume is being created.
indicated and that there is sufficient space in the file The process whose ID is displayed has begun to create
system for the file. On OS/390 and z/OS, make sure the volume shown.
that the server has authority to write to the data set.
ANR2489W An error was encountered writing System action
to volume list file volume list file The server creates the volume and adds it to the
name. server.

430 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
None. This message is displayed in response to the COPY
SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule
ANR2500I Schedule schedule name defined name in policy domain domain name has been copied
in policy domain domain name. to the schedule named new schedule name in the
policy domain named new domain name. Node
Explanation associations have not been copied.
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule System action
name has been defined in the policy domain named Server operation continues.
domain name in the server database.

User response
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR2504I Schedule schedule name deleted.
User response
This message is displayed in response to the DELETE
ANR2501I Schedule schedule name deleted SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule
from policy domain domain name. name has been deleted from the server database.

Explanation System action

This message is displayed in response to the DELETE Server operation continues.
SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule
name has been deleted from the policy domain named
domain name in the server database. User response
System action
ANR2505I number of schedules schedules
Server operation continues. were defined for command.

User response Explanation

None. number of schedules were generated and nodes
successfully associated for the command issued.
ANR2502I Schedule schedule name updated
in policy domain domain name.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
This message is displayed in response to the UPDATE
SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule User response
name has been updated in the policy domain named If the number is less than expected, check the
domain name in the server database. nodeList and domainList combination specified to the
DEFINE CLIENTACTION command. Schedules are
System action generated when at least one node in the nodeList
exists in a domain in the domainList.
Server operation continues.
ANR2506I Node node name associated with
User response schedule schedule name in policy
domain domain name processed.
None. rc=return code.
ANR2503I Schedule schedule name in domain
domain name copied to schedule Explanation
new schedule name in domain new This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
domain name. CLIENTACTION WAIT=YES command. Node node

Chapter 3. ANR messages 431

name is associated with the schedule named schedule Explanation
name in policy domain domain name has been
The specified server command has been entered with
processed. name The result is indicated in the return
a virtual file space name that is longer than allowed.
code return code.

System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
Server operation continues.

User response
User response
Reissue the command with a valid virtual file space
If the return code is non-zero, issue the QUERY
ACTLOG command to to view the activity log and
search for the error messages. After the error has been ANR2510I Node node name associated with
resolved, restart the scheduled operations. schedule schedule name in policy
domain domain name.
ANR2507I Schedule schedule name for
domain domain name started at
start timestamp for node node Explanation
name completed successfully at This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
timestamp. ASSOCIATION command. Node node name is
associated with the schedule named schedule name in
Explanation policy domain domain name. Schedule schedule name
is now applied to node node name.
The scheduled operation for the domain name and
schedule name specified was processed. It was
processed for node node name and completed System action
successfully at the indicated time. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues. None.
ANR2511I Node node name disassociated
User response
from schedule schedule name in
This message is intended to report the completion policy domain domain name.
state of a scheduled client action. This message
indicates that the scheduled action completed Explanation
This message is displayed in response to the DELETE
ANR2508E Trace Tsmtrcfm failed: A tracefile ASSOCIATION command. Node node name is no
name is required. longer associated with the schedule named schedule
name in policy domain domain name.
Trace Tsmtrcfm doesn't output to console System action
Server operation continues.
System action
Trace won't start without a tracefile name for Trace User response
Tsmtrcfm None.
ANR2512I Event records deleted: record
User response
Issue the command with a tracefile name.
ANR2509E Command: Invalid Virtual file Explanation
space name - vfs name. This message is displayed in response to the DELETE
EVENT command. A total of record count event records
have been deleted from the database.

432 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
Server operation continues. None.
ANR2516E Command: The specified file
User response space, fs name, does not exist on
None. the NAS device associated with
the node node name.
ANR2513I Schedule schedule name copied to
schedule new schedule name.

Explanation The specified server command has been entered with

a file space that does not exist on the associate NAS
This message is displayed in response to the COPY device.
SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule
name has been copied to the schedule named new
System action
schedule name.
The server ignores the command.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Reissue the command with a valid file space name
User response from the NAS device.

None. ANR2517E Command: The virtual file space

vfs name is already defined for
ANR2514E Command: Virtual file space name node node name.
vfs name conflicts with file space
on the network attached storage
(NAS) device.
The specified command has been issued with a virtual
Explanation file space name that has already been defined for the
indicated node.
The specified server command has been entered with
a virtual file space that has the same name as a File
System action
space on the NAS device.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
System action processed.

The server does not process the command.

User response

User response Issue the command using a virtual file space name
that has not already been defined for this node.
Ensure that no virtual file space mappings for this NAS
device have the same name as an actual file space that ANR2518E Command: A virtual file space
exists on the NAS device. mapping already exists to the
specified node, file space and
ANR2515I Command: A virtual file space path.
mapping named vfs name for node
node name has been defined.

Explanation The specified command has been issued with a node,

file space and path for which there is already a virtual
In response to the DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING file space mapping defined.
command, a virtual file space mapping for the
specified node has been defined in the server
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
System action processed.

Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 433

User response ANR2522I Randomization set to percent
Issue the command using a file space and path that
does not already have a mapping defined.
ANR2519E Command: The file space, fs name,
does not exist on the NAS device This message is displayed in response to the SET
associated with the node node RANDOMIZE command. It indicates the percentage of
name. the startup window over which the start times for
individual clients are distributed.
System action
During a Backup of a virtual file space mapping for a
NAS device, the server detected that the file space Server operation continues.
upon which the virtual file space resides does not exist
on the associated NAS device. User response
System action
ANR2523I Schedule query period set to hours
The server ignores the command. hour(s).

User response Explanation

Use QUERY VIRTUALFSMAPPING to verify that the This message is displayed in response to the SET
virtual file space mapping is defined correctly. QUERYSCHEDPERIOD command. It indicates the
ANR2520I Scheduled sessions set to percent number of hours between attempts by the client to
percent. contact the server for scheduled commands.

Explanation System action

This message is displayed in response to the SET Server operation continues.

MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command. It indicates the
percentage of total server sessions that can be used User response
for the processing of scheduled work.

System action ANR2524I Schedule query period reset to

value determined by each client.
Server operation continues.
User response
This message is displayed in response to the SET
ANR2521I Event record retention period set
to days days. System action
Server operation continues.
This message is displayed in response to the SET User response
EVENTRETENTION command. It indicates the number
of days for which event records are retained in the
database. ANR2525I Maximum number of command
retries set to retries.
System action
Server operation continues.
This message is displayed in response to the SET
User response MAXCMDRETRIES command. It indicates the
maximum number of times the client scheduler retries

434 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

a command after a failed attempt to process a ANR2529I Scheduling mode set to POLLING.
scheduled command.
System action
This message is displayed in response to the SET
Server operation continues. SCHEDMODES command. With client-polling
scheduling, a client queries the server at prescribed
User response time intervals to obtain scheduled work or to ensure
that the schedules the client is waiting to process have
None. not changed.
ANR2526I Maximum number of command
retries reset to value determined System action
by each client.
Server operation continues.

User response
This message is displayed in response to the SET
ANR2530I Scheduling mode set to
System action PROMPTED.

Server operation continues.

User response This message is displayed in response to the SET
SCHEDMODES command. With server-prompted
None. scheduling, the server contacts the client when
ANR2527I Retry period set to minutes scheduled work needs to be performed and a session
minutes. is available.

Explanation System action

This message is displayed in response to the SET Server operation continues.

RETRYPERIOD command. It indicates the number of
minutes between attempts by the client scheduler to User response
retry, after a failed attempt, to contact the server or to
process a scheduled command.
ANR2531I Scheduling mode set to ANY.
System action
Server operation continues.
This message is displayed in response to the SET
User response SCHEDMODES command. The server now allows
clients to run in either the client-polling or the server-
None. prompted scheduling mode.
ANR2528I Retry period reset to value
determined by each client. System action
Server operation continues.
This message is displayed in response to the SET User response

System action ANR2532I Schedule schedule name updated.

Server operation continues.

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 435

Explanation System action
This message is displayed in response to the UPDATE The server does not remove or rename the node.
SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule
name has been updated in the server database. User response
To remove or rename the node, delete the associated
System action
data mover and reissue the command.
Server operation continues.
ANR2536E Command: The "option" option is
not valid with the storage pool's
User response data format.
ANR2533I Client action schedule duration set
to days days. The command indicated includes an option that is not
valid with the specified (or defaulted) data format for
Explanation the storage pool.

This message is displayed in response to the Set

System action
CLIENTACTDuration command. It indicates the
number of days for which schedules and associations The server does not process the command.
generated by the DEFine CLIENTAction are retained in
the database. User response
Reissue the command with options appropriate for the
System action
desired data format of the storage pool.
Server operation continues.
ANR2537E Command: Device class device
class name has a device type that
User response is not allowed for this operation.
ANR2534I Client action schedule schedule
name was not executed by node The device class in the indicated command has a
name in domain name. device type that is not allowed for this operation.

Explanation System action

Immediate client action schedule name was not The server does not process the command.
executed by node node name, which is in domain
domain name. The schedule is being deleted. User response
Choose a different device class and reissue the
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR2538E The Command command was not
processed. A backup set cannot be
User response generated for node node name.
ANR2535E Command: The node node name
cannot be removed or renamed The specified node is registered either as a network-
because it has an associated data attached storage (NAS) node or as an object client
mover. node. Backup sets cannot be generated for nodes that
are specified with the TYPE=NAS or the
Explanation TYPE=OBJECTCLIENT parameter values.

You attempted to remove or rename a node that has

System action
an associated data mover.
System operation continues, but the server does not
process the command.

436 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
No action is required. Issue the command again with a storage pool
appropriate for the desired function.
ANR2539E Command: Storage pool Storage
Pool Name does not have a valid ANR2542E Command: The storage pool is not
data format. compatible with the operation's
intended use.
The data format of the indicated storage pool is not
valid for the requested operation. The storage pool The command specifies a storage pool whose device
must have NATIVE or NONBLOCK data format. The class is a Centera device. Such storage pools are not
server is unable to perform the requested operation. available for use with data movement operations, such
as reclaim, or attributes, such as copy or reclaim
System action storage pools.

The command fails.

System action

User response The server does not process the command.

Choose a different storage pool with the appropriate

User response
data format and reissue the command.
Issue the command again with a storage pool
ANR2540E Command: The "option" device appropriate for the desired function.
class is not valid with the storage
pool's data format. ANR2543E Command: The volume name is not
compatible with the operation's
Explanation intended use.

The command indicated specifies a device class that is

not valid with the specified (or defaulted) data format
for the storage pool. The command specifies a volume that resides in a
storage pool whose device class is a Centera device.
System action Such volumes are not available for use with data
movement operations, such as reclaim, or attributes,
The server does not process the command. such as copy or reclaim storage pools.

User response System action

Reissue the command with a data class appropriate The server does not process the command.
for the desired data format of the storage pool.
ANR2541E Command: The storage pool User response
specified with option "option" is Issue the command again with a volume appropriate
not compatible with the option's for the desired function.
intended use.
ANR2544E Unable to open the centera device
Explanation at hla hla.

The command specifies a storage pool whose device

class is a Centera device. Such storage pools are not
available for use with data movement operations such The server cannot start communication with the
as reclaim or attributes such as copy, active-data, or device at the specified HLA.
reclaim storage pools.
System action
System action
The transaction needing this device fails.
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 437

User response ANR2548I NAS command: Renaming file
space filespace name for node
Verify that the hla specified in the device class is
node name to file space new
correct, verify that the centera device is operational.
filespace name.
ANR2545E The version of the centera library,
version, is not compatible with the Explanation
The NAS Backup process detected a name conflict
between the Virtual file space filespace name and a file
space on the NAS device associated with the node
The centera library must be at least version 2 to be node name. The Virtual file space is renamed to the
able to be compatible with the server. new filespace name. During a NAS backup process, if
the object to be backed up is a Virtual file space, IBM
System action Spectrum Protect will verify that this name does not
also exist as a file space on the NAS device. If a name
The transaction fails. conflict exists, IBM Spectrum Protect will rename the
existing Virtual file space and the associated file space
User response definition, if one exists.
Contact your service representative.
System action
ANR2546E The centera device is not capable
of performing the required NAS Backup processing for the command continues.
operation, version.
User response
Explanation None; however, users should make note of the original
The centera device must be capable of reading, writing Virtual file space filespace name and the new new
and deleting objects. The device is not capable of filespace name so that they know where the backup
performing at least one of these operations. data for this Virtual file space is located. Note, the
RENAME FILESPACE command may be used to
rename the Virtual file space to a more appropriate
System action name.
The transaction fails.
ANR2549E Command: Invalid virtual file
space name. A virtual file space
User response mapping name must have a
Contact your service representative. forward slash as the first
ANR2547E A Centera device (devclass)
reported error "message,error" Explanation
during command Centera
command. The specified server command has been entered with
a virtual file space name that is does not have a
Explanation forward slash as the first character.

The Centera device reported an error while performing System action

the specified command.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response
The operation fails.
Reissue the command with a valid virtual file space
User response name.

Verify that the IP addresses specified in the device ANR2550W Command: Modifying the virtual
class associated with the storage pool are correct. file space mapping VFS Name for
Contact your service representative if the problem Celerra NAS device NAS device
persists. may prevent data from being

438 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

If you modify this definition, save ANR2553I Server now disabled for session
the existing file space and path type access.
settings so that the definition may
be reverted to its original state. Explanation
The server has been made unavailable for use by the
specified session types with the DISABLE command.
for a Celerra NAS device. Modifying a Celerra virtual System action
file space defintion may prevent the data from being
recovered. If you are modifying this definition in order None.
to recover data, you should revert the changes back to
theiroriginal values after the recovery is performed. User response
System action
ANR2554I Format lfvolume process process
The system asks whether you wish to continue with id ended for storage pool pool
the command. name, number of volumes
requested volumes requested,
User response number of volumes formatted
To process the UPDATE VIRTUALFSMAPPING volumes formatted.
command, enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the
process. Explanation

ANR2551E Command: A virtual file space The FORMAT LFVOLUME process for the storage pool
mapping for a Celerra NAS device shown has ended. The number of volumes requested
cannot be modified. to be formatted, and the number of volumes actually
formatted are displayed.
System action
You cannot modify a virtual file space defintion for a
Celerra NAS device. If the directory has been relocated None.
on the NAS device then create a new virtual file space
mapping to point to the new location. User response
If the number of volumes formatted is less than the
System action number of volumes requested to be formatted, check
The server does not process the command. the activity log for messages indicating the reason for
the difference. Possible reasons include the process
was canceled, no more scratch volumes are allowed in
User response
the storage pool, or an error occurred processing a
Define a new virtual file space mapping for this NAS scratch volume.
filespace and path.
ANR2556W The managed server server name
ANR2552I Server now enabled for session is not capable of using enhanced
type access. style client schedule schedule
name in domain domain name. The
Explanation domain will not be propagated to
this server.
The server has been made available for use by the
specified session types with the ENABLE command.

System action The managed server server name is subscribed to

domain domain name that contains client schedule
None. schedule name that uses enhanced style syntax. The
managed server is not capable of using an enhanced
User response style schedule. Only IBM Spectrum Protect servers
that are at least Version 5 Release 3 are capable of
using enhanced style schedules.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 439

System action User response
Server operation continues. The domain will not be Consider upgrading managed servers to at least IBM
propagated to the managed server. Spectrum Protect Version 5 Release 3.
ANR2559W command: One or more managed
User response servers that subscribe to
Consider upgrading the managed server to at least administrative schedule schedule
IBM Spectrum Protect Version 5 Release 3. name are not capable of using an
enhanced style schedule.
ANR2557W The managed server server name
is not capable of using the
enhanced style administrative
schedule schedule name. The The administrative schedule schedule name uses
administrative schedule will not enhanced style schedule syntax. The schedule is a
be propagated to this server. managed object and one or more of the managed
servers that subscribe to it are not capable of using an
Explanation enhanced style schedule. Only IBM Spectrum Protect
servers that are at least Version 5 Release 3 are
The managed server server name is subscribed to an capable of using enhanced style schedules. During
administrative schedule that uses enhanced style configuration refresh processing, The schedule will not
syntax. The managed server is not capable of using an be propagated to managed servers that are not
enhanced style schedule. Only IBM Spectrum Protect capable of using it.
servers that are at least Version 5 Release 3 are
capable of using enhanced style schedules.
System action

System action Server operation continues.

Server operation continues. The administrative

User response
schedule will not be propagated to the managed
server. Consider upgrading managed servers to at least IBM
Spectrum Protect Version 5 Release 3.
User response ANR2560I Schedule manager started.
Consider upgrading the managed server to at least
IBM Spectrum Protect Version 5 Release 3. Explanation
ANR2558W command: One or more managed The schedule manager is started when the server is
servers that subscribe to domain initialized. The schedule manager maintains entries of
domain name which contains scheduled operations.
client schedule schedule name are
not capable of using an enhanced System action
style schedule.
Server operation continues.
User response
The client schedule schedule name uses enhanced
style schedule syntax. The schedule is in a domain None.
which is a managed object and one or more of the ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting
managed servers that subscribe to it are not capable node name (session session
of using an enhanced style schedule. Only IBM number) to start a scheduled
Spectrum Protect servers that are at least Version 5 operation.
Release 3 are capable of using enhanced style
schedules. During configuration refresh processing,
the domain will not be propagated to managed servers Explanation
that are not capable of using it. The schedule prompter contacts the client scheduler
for node node name because a scheduled operation
System action should be started for that node.
Server operation continues.

440 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Server operation continues. A total of schedules that were generated by the
DEFINE CLIENTACTION command have expired and
User response been deleted from the database.

System action
ANR2562I Automatic event record deletion Server operation continues.

User response
A process has been started to delete event records for
which the retention period has elapsed. ANR2566E An error occurred while deleting
immediate client action schedules.
System action
Server operation continues.
Processing did not complete for deleting schedules
User response that were generated by the DEFINE CLIENTACTION
ANR2563I Removing event records dated System action
prior to date time. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

Events that were scheduled to start prior to date time Check the activity log for other messages that might
are automatically deleted unless their startup window relate to this failure. Correct any memory or space
has not yet elapsed. problems.

System action ANR2567W Schedule prompter skipped

contact attempt with node name to
Server operation continues. start a scheduled operation.

User response Explanation

None. The schedule prompter skipped the contact attempt
ANR2564I Automatic event record deletion with the client scheduler for node node name because
ended - record count records the start-up window has passed for that node, or the
deleted. node was locked.

Explanation System action

The event deletion process has ended. A total of Server operation continues.
record count event records have been deleted from the
database. User response
Check the length of the schedule start-up window to
System action see if it needs to be increased. Check the activity log
Server operation continues. for ANR2716E messages. These messages are
associated with failures to contact a client scheduler.
If there are an excessive number of these messages
User response the schedule window could have elapsed waiting for
None. TCP/IP timeouts from these failed attempts. Also,
check to see if the client node is locked. The contact
ANR2565I schedules schedules for immediate attempt would be skipped for a locked node.
client actions have been deleted.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 441

ANR2568E Request for node node to start User response
schedule schedule at startTime is Issue the QUERY OPTION command to determine if
denied. Current time is now. the option DISABLESCHEDS YES has been specified in
the server options file. If so, scheduling can be
Explanation enabled by updating the server options file with
The client scheduler attempted to start the specified DISABLESCHEDS NO and restarting the server. If
instance of a schedule for a node. The request was DISABLESCHEDS YES was not specfied in the server
denied because that instance is still in the future. options file, determine the source of the error by
examining the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. After the error
System action has been resolved, restart the server to restore central
Server operation continues. The node does not start scheduler operations. If the error cannot be isolated
the schedule. and resolved, contact your service representative.
ANR2571W Scheduled session from node node
User response name (platform name) has been
Check the client schedule and error logs for problems denied, scheduled sessions are
with the network or the preschedule command. Also, not currently available.
you may need to upgrade the client.
ANR2569E Request by node node to report
results (result, code code) for The client scheduler for node node name attempts to
schedule schedule at startTime is connect with the server, but is denied a session. All
denied. Current time is now. sessions that have been allocated for scheduled
operations are already in use.
System action
The client scheduler attempted to report the results of
executing the specified schedule. However, the Server operation continues.
schedule occurs in the future. The results will not be
saved. User response
Issue the QUERY OPTION command to determine if
System action the option DISABLESCHEDS YES has been specified in
Server operation continues. The results will not be the server options file. If so, scheduling can be
saved. enabled by updating the server options file with
DISABLESCHEDS NO and restarting the server. If
User response DISABLESCHEDS YES was not specfied in the server
options file, change the total number of sessions by
Check the client schedule and error logs for problems altering the MAXSESSIONS parameter in the server
with the network or the preschedule command. Also, options file and then restarting the server. The
you may need to upgrade the client. percentage of sessions that are available for
scheduled operations can be increased by using the
ANR2570W A scheduled session has been
denied. The schedule manager is
not active. ANR2572W Schedule prompter session to
node node name has been denied,
Explanation scheduled sessions are not
currently available.
The client scheduler attempts to connect with the
server, but it is denied a session because the schedule
manager is not active. Explanation
The server attempts to prompt the client scheduler for
System action node node name, but all sessions that have been
allocated for scheduled operations are already in use.
Server operation continues, but central scheduling is
not operational.

442 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option in the dsmserv.opt file.
Set the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE option to the new
The server continues to attempt contact with the client
maximum size of the active log.
scheduler until the startup window for the scheduled
event has elapsed. ANR2575W The central scheduler has
insufficient database space. The
User response current transaction will be tried
again in number of seconds
To change the total number of sessions, alter the seconds.
MAXSESSIONS parameter in the server options file
and then restart the server. The percentage of
sessions that are available for scheduled operations
can be increased by using the SET The server suspends central scheduler processing
MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command. because of insufficient database space.
ANR2573W Sufficient memory is not available
for the central scheduler - will System action
retry in number of seconds Server operation continues; the scheduler operation
seconds. will be tried again after the specified delay.

Explanation User response

The server suspends central scheduler processing To increase the amount of database space that is
because sufficient server memory is not available. available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
command. Add one or more directories to the
System action database.
Server operation continues; the scheduler operation ANR2576W An attempt was made to update
will be retried after the specified delay. an event record for a scheduled
operation which has already been
User response executed for node node name.
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. Explanation
The server cannot update the event record for the
ANR2574W The central scheduler has
specified client node. The existing record indicates
insufficient recovery log space.
that the scheduled operation has already completed.
The current transaction will be
This can happen when two or more client schedules
tried again in number of seconds
are running for this node, or because the client has
retried the operation after an error has occurred.

System action
If a log runs out of space, the current transaction is
Server operation continues. The existing event record
rolled back. The server issues an error message and
is not modified. No further processing is performed for
halts. You cannot restart the server until the recovery
this scheduled operation.
log size is increased.

User response
System action
Contact the user for this client node, and make sure
The server halts.
that only one client scheduler is running.

User response ANR2577I Schedule schedule name defined.

Monitor archive logs and active logs. If the recovery log
space is insufficient, monitor the archive log space Explanation
first. If the archive log space is full or nearly full, run a This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
full database backup to remove archive logs and SCHEDULE command. The schedule named schedule
consider adding more disk space to the archive log name in the server database.
directory. If the archive log space is not full and the
active log space is full or nearly full, update the value

Chapter 3. ANR messages 443

System action System action
Server operation continues. Server operation continues.

User response User response

None. Examine the node's schedule log to determine the
cause of the failure. To determine the final status of
ANR2578W Schedule schedule name in domain the scheduled event, issue the QUERY EVENT
domain name for node node name command.
has missed its scheduled start up
window. ANR2581W Schedule schedule name of an
administrative command has
Explanation missed its scheduled start up
This message is displayed when the scheduled startup
window for this schedule has passed and the schedule
has not begun.
This message is displayed when the scheduled startup
System action window for this schedule has passed and the schedule
has not begun.
Server operation continues. The scheduled operation
is not processed by the server.
System action

User response Server operation continues. The scheduled operation

is not processed by the server.
Ensure that a scheduled session for node node name
has been initiated from the client to the server.
User response
ANR2579E Schedule schedule name in domain Ensure that the duration and period specified in the
domain name for node node name schedule are long enough to allow the schedule to
failed (return code return code). start.

Explanation ANR2582E Command: Specified device class

cannot be used with storage pools
The client reported a failure to complete a scheduled with different reclamation types.
action, or return code -99 was reported by the server.
One of the following return codes is displayed:
Storage pools can be defined with
All operations were completed successfully.
The operation was completed, but some files were only be used with either
The operation was completed with at least one attempt was made to define a storage pool with one
warning message. type of reclamation type with a device class that is
already associated with another storage pool of the
other reclamation type.
The operation was completed with at least one
error message. The count of error messages does
not include notifications about skipped files. System action
-99 The command fails.
The operation failed because the session between
the client and the server ended for an unknown User response
reason. It is unknown whether the client can
reconnect to the server to complete the scheduled Reissue the command and specify another device
event. class that is referenced by storage pools with the
same reclamation type as your new storage pool. You
may need to define another device class.

444 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2583E Command: Storage pool storage or stop operations that depend on
pool name is not a LAN-free communications such as for the
storage pool. following purposes: Operations
Center administration, backup-
Explanation archive client operations, library
sharing with the library manager
The command indicated specifies the name of a or library clients, or other server to
storage pool which is not a LAN-free pool. The server functions such as virtual
command syntax requires that a LAN-free storage volumes, event logging, or
poolname be specified. enterprise configuration.

System action Explanation

The server does not process the command. The server name was changed using the SET
SERVERNAME command. If the server is managed by
User response the Operations Center, server data might not be
shown, or might be incorrect. In a virtual volume
Reissue the command with a valid LAN-free storage configuration, renaming a source server can prevent it
pool name. from accessing and managing data that is stored on
ANR2584E Command: An email address the target server. Any Windows clients that are
exceeds maximum characters connected to a server when its name is changed must
characters. reconnect to continue accessing the server.

Explanation System action

A REGISTER NODE or REGISTER ADMIN command has The server prompts the user to continue.
been entered that specifies a list of email addresses,
and one of those addresses is too long. The maximum User response
valid length for a single email address is shown in the
Enter 'Y' to change the server name. Enter 'N' to cancel
the change. If you change the server name you must
reconfigure all the affected components such as
System action backup-archive client operations, library sharing with
The server does not process the command. the library manager or library clients or other server to
server operations. For example, if you rename an
Operations Center spoke server, you must remove it
User response
from the Operations Center and re-add it. For a hub
Reissue the command with a shorter email address. server, you must restart the initial configuration wizard
to delete the existing server connection and create a
ANR2585E Command: An email address
new one.
contains invalid syntax.
ANR2587W IBM Spectrum Protect
Explanation encountered a zero verb on
backupset volume Volume and
A server command has been entered that specifies an skipped to the next volume.
invalid email address. Email addresses must be in the
format "name@domain", where the name must be
between 1 and 64 characters long, and the domain Explanation
must be between 1 and 255 characters long. IBM Spectrum Protect detected the problem
described in APAR PK12572 . The server options file
Spectrum Protect verified there was no further data on
The server does not process the command. the volume, and skipped to the next volume.

User response System action

Reissue the command with a correct email address. Processing continues.
ANR2586W Setting the server name to
serverName can adversely affect

Chapter 3. ANR messages 445

User response Explanation
If the backupset volume was written before IBM Backup DB command failed because a SET
Spectrum Protect 5.2.7, or 5.3.3 was put on the DBRECOVERY command has not been issued to define
system and meets the PK12572 criteria, no action is the device class used for automatic DB backup.
required. If not, the volume has encountered a read
error, and should read again on a server without the System action
correct error messages for problem determination. The server does not process the command.

ANR2588E Command: Storage pool "StgPool" User response

cannot have CACHE set to YES
with a non zero SHRED attribute. Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command to define the
device class for automatic DB backup operation.
Explanation ANR2591I Directory directory name is already
Storage pools can be defined or updated with a non defined in the database space.
zero SHRED attribute only if the storage pool CACHE
attribute is NO. Existing storage pools with CACHE Explanation
attribute of YES cannot be updated with a non zero
This directory is already in the database space .
SHRED attribute. Likewise, existing storage pools with
a non zero SHRED attribute cannot be updated with
CACHE = YES. Existing storage pools with CACHE set System action
to YES cannot be updated with a non zero SHRED The command terminates.
attribute. New storage pools cannot be define nor can
existing storage pools be modified with CACHE set to
User response
YES and a non zero SHRED value.
Issue the command again, specifying a directory that
System action is not defined in the server database space.

The command fails. ANR2592I Directory(ies) directory list has

been defined in the database
User response space.

Reissue the command and specify SHRED value of Explanation

zero or CACHE = NO.
Command 'EXTEND DBSPACE' successfully added new
ANR2589E Backupset backup set name for directory(ies) dir list into the server database space.
node node name (data type data
type) is in use and cannot be
System action

Explanation User response

The server attempted to delete the backup set, but the
ANR2593E Command: Storage pool storage
operation could not be completed, because the
backup set was in use by another process. pool name exists but does not
match the storage-pool type that
the server is attempting to process
System action with the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response The storage pool specified does not match the type
Reissue the command at a later time. being processed with the command.

ANR2590E Command failed - SET

System action
DBRECOVERY command has not
been issued. The server does not process the command.

446 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response directories. No matter which user ID is running the
dsmserv process, the database files are written by the
Retry the command with a valid storage pool type
database manager. The permissions on these
database directories must allow write access from the
ANR2594I LDAP user name set to LDAP user database manager user ID. Change the ownership of
name. the database directories to the user ID for the IBM
Spectrum Protect instance.
Explanation ANR2597W Node node name in domain domain
The LDAP user distinguished name that the server name began schedule schedule
uses to authenticate with the LDAP server has been name at actual start and is
set to the value indicated with the SET LDAPUSER schedule state. The period expired
command. at expiration time.

System action Explanation

None. This message is displayed when a node started a

schedule, the period for the schedule expired, and the
node has not reported results for the schedule.
User response
Possible causes are:
The SET LDAPPASSWORD command is required to
• processing for the action is taking longer than the
provide the password that correlates to the LDAPUSER
schedule period
just set. This is required for communication with the
LDAP server specified in the LDAPURL option. • a problem occurred while the node was performing
the scheduled action
ANR2595I Directory directory name is already
• the node completed the scheduled action but did not
in the list to add to database
report the results to the server

System action
Server operation continues. The results of the
While processing the command argument list, a
scheduled operation are unknown.
duplicate path name has been encountered.

User response
System action
Administrators should consult the server activity log
The command terminates.
and the client scheduler log, then take corrective
action if needed.
User response
ANR2598W Administrative command schedule
Issue the command again, specifying a directory that
schedule name started processing
is not in the argument list.
at actual start and is schedule
ANR2596E There is insufficient authority to state. The period expired at
create the database files. expiration time.

Explanation Explanation

The database manager, running under the user ID for This message is displayed when an administrative
the IBM Spectrum Protect instance, does not have the command schedule has started, the period for the
authority to create files in one or more of the database schedule expired, and the results for the schedule
directories. have not been reported. Possible causes are:
• processing for the action is taking longer than the
System action scheduled period
The server process ends. • a problem occurred while performing the scheduled
User response • a problem occurred reporting the schedule results
Ensure that the user ID for the IBM Spectrum Protect
instance has write permission to all database

Chapter 3. ANR messages 447

System action User response
Server operation continues. The results of the Issue the command and specify a valid description.
scheduled operation are unknown.
ANR2602E Command: Invalid action - action.

User response
Administrators should consult the server activity log,
The specified command has been issued with an
then take corrective action if needed.
invalid action.
ANR2599W The central scheduler is unable to
obtain a required lock and will System action
retry in number of seconds
seconds. Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
The server temporarily suspends central scheduler
processing because a required lock is not available. Issue the command and specify a valid action.
ANR2603E Command: Options string exceeds
System action maximum length characters.
Server operation continues; the scheduler operation
will be retried after the specified delay. Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an
User response options string that exceeds the maximum length.
The server workload is high. If this condition persists,
you may need to consider adjusting the server System action
workload. Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2600E Command: Invalid schedule name processed.
- schedule name.
User response
Explanation Issue the command with a valid options string.
The specified command has been issued with an ANR2604E Command: Objects string exceeds
invalid schedule name. maximum length characters.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues, but the command is not The specified command has been issued with an
processed. objects string that exceeds the maximum length.

User response System action

Issue the command with a valid schedule name. Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2601E Command: Schedule description processed.
exceeds maximum length
characters. User response
Issue the command with a valid objects string.
ANR2605E Command: Invalid priority -
The specified command has been issued with a priority.
description that exceeds the maximum length.
System action
The specified command has been issued with an
Server operation continues, but the command is not invalid priority.

448 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. processed.

User response User response

Issue the command and specify a valid priority. Issue the command and specify a valid duration.
ANR2606E Command: Invalid start date - ANR2609E Command: Invalid duration units -
date. duration units.

Explanation Explanation
The specified command was issued with an invalid The specified command has been issued with an
start date. For a schedule with ACTION=DEPLOY, the invalid value for duration units.
specified date might be earlier than the current system
date. System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. User response
Issue the command and specify a valid value for
User response
duration units.
Reissue the command and specify a valid start date.
When you define a schedule with ACTION=DEPLOY, ANR2610E Command: Invalid period - period.
verify that the start date is not earlier than the current
system date. Explanation

ANR2607E Command: Invalid start time - The specified command has been issued with an
time. invalid period.

Explanation System action

The specified command was issued with an invalid Server operation continues, but the command is not
start time. For a schedule with ACTION=DEPLOY, the processed.
specified time might be earlier than the current system
time. User response
Issue the command and specify a valid period.
System action
ANR2611E Command: Invalid period units -
Server operation continues, but the command is not period units.
User response
The specified command has been issued with an
Reissue the command and specify a valid start time. invalid value for period units.
When you define a schedule with ACTION=DEPLOY,
verify that the start time is not earlier than the current
system time. System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2608E Command: Invalid duration -

User response
Issue the command and specify a valid value for
The specified command has been issued with an
period units.
invalid duration.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 449

ANR2612E Command: Invalid day of week - ANR2615E Command: Expiration date date
day of week. has elapsed.

Explanation Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an The specified command has been issued with an
invalid value for day of the week. elapsed expiration date date.

System action System action

Server operation continues, but the command is not Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. processed.

User response User response

Issue the command and specify a valid value for day of Issue the command and specify an expiration date
the week. that has not already elapsed.
ANR2613E Command: Invalid expiration - ANR2616E Command: Start date start date
date. must be earlier than expiration
date expiration.
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid expiration date. The specified command has been issued with a start
date that is not earlier than the expiration date.
System action
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
User response
Issue the command and specify a valid expiration
date. Issue the command using a schedule start date that is
earlier than the expiration date.
ANR2614E Command: Invalid combination of
the following parameters: ANR2617E Command: Schedule schedule
duration, duration units, period, name is not defined in policy
period units. domain domain name.

Explanation Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an The specified command has been issued with a
invalid combination of the DURATION, DURUNITS, schedule name that has not been defined in the
PERIOD, and PERUNITS parameters. This message indicated policy domain.
may be displayed if the duration of the startup window
for the schedule is not shorter than the period System action
between windows. This message may also be
displayed if DURUNITS=INDefinite is specified, but Server operation continues, but the command is not
PERUNITS=Onetime is not specified. processed.

System action User response

Server operation continues, but the command is not Issue the command using a schedule that has already
processed. been defined for this domain.
ANR2618E Command: Schedule schedule
User response name is already defined in policy
Issue the command and specify a valid combination of domain domain name.

450 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The specified command has been issued with a Server operation continues, but the command is not
schedule name that has already been defined for the processed.
indicated policy domain.
User response
System action
Issue the command and specify different schedules.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2622E Command: No new node
associations added.

User response
Issue the command using a schedule that has not
The specified command has been issued but no new
already been defined for this domain.
node associations are defined.
ANR2619E Command: Currently defined
period period is invalid with System action
updated period units.
Server operation continues, but the command has no
The specified command has been issued with a value User response
for period units that is not allowed with the existing
period. Issue the command and specify different nodes.
ANR2623E Command: No node associations
System action deleted.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. Explanation
The specified command has been issued but no node
User response associations are deleted.
Issue the command and specify a new period.
System action
ANR2620E Command: Currently defined
duration duration is invalid with Server operation continues, but the command has no
updated duration units. effect.

Explanation User response

The specified command has been issued with a value Issue the command and specify different nodes.
for duration units that is not allowed with the existing ANR2624E Command: No matching nodes
duration. registered.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues, but the command is not No matching nodes are found for the specified
processed. command.

User response System action

Issue the command and specify a new duration. Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2621E Command: No matching processed.
User response
Explanation Issue the command and specify different nodes.
The specified command has been issued but no
matching schedules have been found.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 451

ANR2625E Command: No matching nodes System action
registered in policy domain Server operation continues, but the command is not
domain name. processed.

Explanation User response

The specified command has been issued, but no
Issue the command with a valid date.
matching nodes are registered in the indicated policy
domain. ANR2629E Command: Invalid time - time.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues, but the command is not The specified command has been issued with an
processed. invalid time.

User response System action

Issue the command and specify different nodes. Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2626E Command: Invalid value for
replace - replace.
User response
Explanation Issue the command with a valid time.
The specified command has been issued with an ANR2630E Command: Event deletion is
invalid value for replace. already in process.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues, but the command is not The specified command has been issued while event
processed. deletion is already in progress.

User response System action

Issue the command using a valid value for replace. Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2627E Command: Invalid value for format
- format.
User response
Explanation Wait for event deletion to complete before issuing the
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid value for format. ANR2631E Command: Invalid begin date -
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. The specified command has been issued with an
invalid begin date.
User response
System action
Issue the command using a valid value for format.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2628E Command: Invalid date - date. processed.

Explanation User response

The specified command has been issued with an Issue the command with a valid begin date.
invalid date.
ANR2632E Command: Invalid begin time -

452 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The specified command has been issued with an Issue the command with a valid time range.
invalid begin time.
ANR2636E Command: Invalid value for
exceptions only - exceptions only.
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid value for exceptions only.
User response
Issue the command with a valid begin time. System action
ANR2633E Command: Invalid end date - date. Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid end date. Issue the command with a valid value for exceptions
System action ANR2637E There is insufficient authority to
Server operation continues, but the command is not create the recovery log files.
User response The database manager, running under the user ID for
Issue the command with a valid end date. the IBM Spectrum Protect instance, does not have the
authority to create files in one or more of the log
ANR2634E Command: Invalid end time - time. directories.

Explanation System action

The specified command has been issued with an The server process ends.
invalid end time.
User response
System action
Ensure that the user ID for the IBM Spectrum Protect
Server operation continues, but the command is not instance has write permission to all active, mirror,
processed. archive, and failover archive log directories. No matter
which user ID is running the dsmserv process, the
User response recovery log files are written by the database manager.
The permissions on these log directories must allow
Issue the command with a valid end time.
write access from the database manager user ID.
ANR2635E Command: Invalid time range - Change the ownership of the recovery log directories
Begin: begin End: end. to the user ID for the IBM Spectrum Protect instance.
ANR2638W This command will delete all user
Explanation data and log files, as well as any
The specified command has been issued with an backup/restore history for the IBM
invalid time range. This occurs if the date and time for Spectrum Protect server
the beginning of the time range (begin) do not precede database. Are you sure you want
the date and time for the end of the time range (end). your database and all of its
references removed (y or n)?
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. A REMOVEDB command has been entered.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 453

System action System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue. Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
User response
Enter 'y' to remove the database or 'n' to leave the
server database. Issue the command with a valid value.
ANR2639E Command failed - no files have ANR2642E Command: Invalid percentage for
been defined for storing randomization - value.
sequential volume history
information. Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid value.
Sequential volume history information is required to
restore the server data base. Because no files were System action
configured for receiving this information, the operation
fails. Server operation continues, but the command is not
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Issue the command with a valid value.
User response ANR2643E Command: Invalid schedule query
To have the server automatically record sequential period - value.
volume history information to assist in server recovery,
use the VOLUMEHISTORY option in the server options Explanation
file to specify where history information should be The specified command has been issued with an
written. If you update the options file, restart the invalid value.
ANR2640E Command: Invalid percentage of System action
sessions for scheduled processing
Server operation continues, but the command is not
- value.

User response
The specified command has been issued with an
Issue the command with a valid value.
invalid value.
ANR2644E Command: Invalid maximum
System action number of command retries -
Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response The specified command has been issued with an
invalid value.
Issue the command with a valid value.
ANR2641E Command: Invalid event record System action
retention period - value.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
The specified command has been issued with an User response
invalid value.
Issue the command with a valid value.

454 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2645E Command: Invalid retry period - System action
value. Server operation continues, but the command is not
The specified command has been issued with an User response
invalid value.
Issue the command with a valid type string.

System action ANR2649E Command: Schedule schedule

name is not defined.
Server operation continues, but the command is not

User response The specified command has been issued with a

schedule name that has not been defined.
Issue the command with a valid value.
ANR2646E Command: Invalid scheduling System action
mode - value. Server operation continues, but the command is not
The specified command has been issued with an User response
invalid value. Issue the command with a schedule that has already
been defined.
System action
ANR2650E Command: Schedule schedule
Server operation continues, but the command is not name is already defined.
User response
The specified command has been issued with a
Issue the command with a valid value. schedule name that has already been defined.
ANR2647E Command: Invalid type - type.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues, but the command is not
The specified command has been issued with an processed.
invalid type.
User response
System action Issue the command with a schedule name that has not
Server operation continues, but the command is not already been defined.
processed. ANR2651E Command: Invalid combination of
one or more of the following
User response parameters: cmd, type, action,
objects, options.
Issue the command with a valid type.
ANR2648E Command: Type string exceeds Explanation
maximum length characters.
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid combination of the CMD, ACTION, OBJECTS,
Explanation and OPTIONS parameters. This message is displayed
The specified command has been issued with a type when the CMD parameter is specified and
string that exceeds the maximum length. TYPE=CLIENT is not specified, or when TYPE=ADMIN
is specified, and one or more of the following is

Chapter 3. ANR messages 455

System action Explanation
Server operation continues, but the command is not A QUERY SCHEDULE command has been issued with
processed. TYPE=ADMINISTRATIVE and the NODES parameter
both specified. The NODES parameter cannot be
User response specified when querying administrative schedules.

Issue the command with a valid combination of

System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2652E Command: Invalid combination of processed.
one or more of the following
parameters: active, cmd, type.
User response
Explanation Issue the command without the NODES parameter.
The specified command has been issued with an ANR2655E Command: Invalid client action
invalid combination of the TYPE, CMD, or ACTIVE schedule duration - days.
parameters. This message is displayed when
TYPE=CLIENT is specified and one or more of the Explanation
following is specified: ACTIVE, CMD.
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid number of days. Valid values are 1 to 9999
System action
inclusive. days specifies the length of time during
Server operation continues, but the command is not which a schedule defined by the DEFine CLIENTAction
processed. command must be executed by an associated node.
After that, the schedule will be deleted from the
User response database.

Issue the command with a valid combination of

System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
ANR2653W Command: Node node name processed.
cannot be processed because it is
not registered, is decommissioned
or does not belong to the specified User response
domain. Reissue the command with a valid number of days.
ANR2656E Command: Invalid schedule style
This command cannot be processed for the indicated
node. The specified node must be registered to the Explanation
server, and assigned to the required domain. The node
cannot be decommissioned. The specified command has been issued with an
invalid schedule style.
System action
System action
The indicated node is not processed, but other nodes
may be processed if specified by this command. Server operation continues, but the command is not
User response
User response
If the node name was entered incorrectly, reissue the
command with the correct node name. Issue the command and specify a valid schedule style.

ANR2654E Command: The NODES parameter ANR2657E Command: Invalid month month.
cannot be used when querying
administrative schedules. Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid month.

456 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
Server operation continues, but the command is not Issue the command and specify a valid combination of
processed. parameters.
ANR2661E Command: Invalid combination of
User response enhanced schedule parameters or
Issue the command and specify a valid month. their values, parm1 and parm2,
found for schedule name.
ANR2658E Command: Invalid day of month

Explanation The specified update command has been issued with

either an invalid combination of parameters or their
The specified command has been issued with an values, or a specified parameter or value is not
invalid day of month. compatible with an option that is not being updated for
the existing schedule. WEEKOFMONTH and
System action DAYOFWEEK must not be specified with
Server operation continues, but the command is not
specified with the FIRST or LAST week of month.

System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the command is not
Issue the command and specify a valid day of month.
ANR2659E Command: Invalid week of month
month. User response
To see the options for the existing schedule, issue:
Explanation QUERY SCHEDULE FORMAT=DETAILED for the client
The specified command has been issued with an or administrative schedule. Determine if the error was
invalid week of month. caused by one of the following:
• a conflict between parameters to the update
System action command.
Server operation continues, but the command is not • a conflict between a parameter specified with the
processed. update command and a value that already exists for
the schedule.
User response For the latter problem, also update the existing option
Issue the command and specify a valid week of month. that is causing the problem. Correct the update
command and issue it again.
ANR2660E Command: Invalid combination of
enhanced schedule parameters or ANR2662I (*) "Query schedule
their values: parm1 and parm2. format=standard" displays an
asterisk in the day of week column
for enhanced schedules. The
period column is blank. Issue
The specified command has been issued with an "query schedule format=detailed"
invalid combination of the DAYOFMONTH, to display complete information
WEEKOFMONTH, and DAYOFWEEK parameters. about an enhanced schedule.
WEEKOFMONTH and DAYOFWEEK cannot be specified
with DAYOFMONTH. WEEKEND or WEEKDAY must be Explanation
specified with the FIRST or LAST week of month.
This message explains the standard display for an
enhanced schedule.
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not System action
Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 457

User response User response
Issue "query schedule format=detailed" to display Determine the correct day and month combinations.
information about an enhanced schedule. You might specify the DAYOFMONTH value as a
negative value. For example, to specify the last day of
ANR2663I Command: resetting existing
the month minus 3 days, specify dayofmonth=-3. If
options options for schedule name the command fails, issue the define command again. If
to default values. the schedule is defined, use the update command to
change the month and day values.
ANR2666W Command: Invalid month and day,
The update schedule command has reset existing month day, detected for schedule
options for the schedule to default values. The change name.
is required by the parameters specified with the
update or audit commands.

System action The specified update command has been issued with
either an invalid combination of MONTH and
Server operation continues. DAYOFMONTH, or a specified MONTH or
DAYOFMONTH value is incompatible with a MONTH or
User response DAYOFMONTH value that is not being updated for the
existing schedule. If there is just one month and one
day combination and that combination is invalid, the
ANR2664E Command: Invalid parameter command will fail. If there is at least one valid month
parm for schedule style schedule and day combination, the schedule will be updated
style. and run on the valid dates. The schedule will skip the
invalid month and day combinations.
System action
A specified parameter is not valid for the schedule
style. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues, but the command is not To see the options for the existing schedule, issue "q
processed. sched f=d" for the client or administrative schedule.
Determine the correct day and month combinations. If
User response the command failed, issue the update command again.

Issue the command and with parameters valid for the ANR2667W Audit volume process has skipped
schedule style. volume volume name due to an
ANR2665W Command: Invalid month and day,
month day, detected and are Explanation
During processing of an AUDIT VOLUME command for
Explanation the volume shown, an unrecoverable error occurred on
the volume.
The specified command has an invalid combination of
MONTH and DAYOFMONTH. If one month and one day System action
are specified in the command and that combination is
invalid, the command fails. If there is at least one valid The AUDIT VOLUME command has skipped the volume
month and day combination, the schedule is defined shown.
and runs on the valid dates. The schedule skips the
invalid month and day combinations. User response
Examine messages that were previously issued that
System action explain the cause of the failure and correct the error if
Server operation continues. possible. Once the error has been corrected, reissue
the command.

458 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2668I The deduplication-verification while exporting administrative
level is set to percent. schedule schedule name - default
or existing value is used during
Explanation import.

This message is displayed when the server command Explanation

deduplication-verification level helps ensure that the During processing of command export command, an
client is not making a security attack against the invalid value is encountered for the SCHEDSTYLE
server. parameter for administrative schedule schedule name.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Export processing continues, but the exported data
contains an unknown SCHEDSTYLE value for this
User response schedule. If this data is imported, the server uses the
default or existing SCHEDSTYLE value.
ANR2669E The specified deduplication- User response
verification level is invalid. Update the SCHEDSTYLE value for this schedule and
restart the export command. Alternatively, the export
System action data with the unknown value can be used, and the
SCHEDSTYLE value can be checked and updated after
Server operation continues.
import processing has been performed.

User response ANR2672E Import command: Invalid value for

SCHEDSTYLE parameter in
Specify a value 0 - 100 for this command.
exported data for schedule
ANR2670E Export command: Invalid value for schedule name in domain domain
SCHEDSTYLE parameter detected name.
while exporting schedule schedule
name in domain domain name - Explanation
default or existing value is used
During preview processing of command import
during import.
command, an invalid value is encountered for the
SCHEDSTYLE parameter for schedule schedule name
Explanation in policy domain domain name.
During processing of command export command, an
invalid value is encountered for the SCHEDSTYLE System action
parameter for schedule schedule name in domain
Processing of the command continues. If a later
domain name.
command causes the data to be imported, the default
or existing SCHEDSTYLE value is used.
System action
Export processing continues, but the exported data User response
contains an unknown SCHEDSTYLE value for this
If the data is imported with a later command, verify
schedule. If this data is imported, the default or
that the correct SCHEDSTYLE value is used for this
existing SCHEDSTYLE value is used.

User response ANR2673E Import command: Invalid value for

SCHEDSTYLE parameter in
Update the SCHEDSTYLE value for this schedule and
exported data - schedule schedule
restart the export command. Alternatively, use the
name in domain domain name
export data with the unknown value, and check and
defined with default SCHEDSTYLE
update the SCHEDSTYLE value after import processing
has been performed.
ANR2671E Export command: Invalid value for
SCHEDSTYLE parameter detected

Chapter 3. ANR messages 459

Explanation User response
During processing of command import command, an If the data is imported with a later command, verify
invalid value is encountered for the SCHEDSTYLE that the correct SCHEDSTYLE value is used for this
parameter for schedule schedule name in policy schedule.
domain domain name.
ANR2676E Import command: Invalid value for
SCHEDSTYLE parameter in
System action exported data - administrative
Processing of the command continues, by using the schedule schedule name defined
default SCHEDSTYLE value for this schedule. with default SCHEDSTYLE value.

User response Explanation

Verify that the correct SCHEDSTYLE value has been During processing of command import command, an
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary. invalid value is encountered for the SCHEDSTYLE
parameter for administrative schedule schedule name.
ANR2674E Import command: Invalid value for
SCHEDSTYLE parameter in
System action
exported data - existing
SCHEDSTYLE value for schedule Processing of the command continues, by using the
schedule name in domain domain default SCHEDSTYLE value for this schedule.
name was not updated.
User response
Verify that the correct SCHEDSTYLE value has been
During processing of command import command, an used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
invalid value is encountered for the SCHEDSTYLE
ANR2677E Import command: Invalid value for
parameter for schedule schedule name in policy
domain domain name. SCHEDSTYLE parameter in
exported data - existing
SCHEDSTYLE value for
System action administrative schedule schedule
Processing of the command continues, by using the name was not updated.
existing SCHEDSTYLE value for this schedule.
User response During processing of command import command, an
Verify that the correct SCHEDSTYLE value has been invalid value is encountered for the SCHEDSTYLE
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary. parameter for administrative schedule schedule name.

ANR2675E Import command: Invalid value for

System action
SCHEDSTYLE parameter in
exported data for administrative Processing of the command continues, by using the
schedule schedule name. existing SCHEDSTYLE value for this schedule.

Explanation User response

During preview processing of command import Verify that the correct SCHEDSTYLE value has been
command, an invalid value is encountered for the used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
SCHEDSTYLE parameter for administrative schedule
ANR2678E Server database format failed.
schedule name.

System action
A failure occurred during the format of the IBM
Processing of the command continues. If a later
Spectrum Protect server database. This occurred
command is issued that causes the data to be
during the processing of a 'DSMSERV FORMAT'
imported, the default or existing SCHEDSTYLE value is

460 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
Server format processing terminates. Reissue the command by specifying a standard NDMP
full or differential backup. .
User response ANR2682E Command: You cannot specify
Review error messages to determine the cause of the MODE=DIFF when TYPE is
failure and retry the 'DSMSERV FORMAT' once the SNAPMIRROR.
issue has been resolved.
ANR2679E Command: All of the nodes
provided are invalid. A SnapMirror backup was attempted while specifying
MODE=DIFF. Network Appliance SnapMirror backups
Explanation may only be full image backups.

While verifying the parameters of the specified

System action
command, no valid node was found.
The server ends the command.
System action
User response
The server ends the command.
Reissue the command and do not specifiy MODE=DIFF
User response with TYPE=SNAPMIRROR.

Verify that the nodes specified are correct and all are ANR2683I Command: A Table of Contents
registered. Then, reissue the command. will not be created for a
SnapMirror backup.
ANR2680E Command: You cannot specify
TOC=YES when TYPE is
A Netapp SnapMirror backup was requested and the
Explanation TOC parameter is set to PREFERRED. The backup will
continue, however no Table of Contents will be
A SnapMirror backup was attempted while specifying created.
TOC=YES. Network Appliance SnapMirror backups do
not support TOC creation.
System action

System action The server operation continues.

The server ends the command.

User response

User response None.

Reissue the command without specifying TOC=YES. ANR2684E Command: SnapMirror operations
are not supported on NAS virtual
ANR2681E Command: The file server filespace definitions.
movername does not support
SnapMirror-to-Tape operations or
is not running NDMP Version 4.
A SnapMirror backup or restore was attempted on a
Explanation NAS virtual filespace. Network Appliance SnapMirror
backups do not support directory level backup,
A SnapMirror backup was specified with a NAS device therefore a virtual filespace may not used with
that does not Network Appliance SnapMirror backup TYPE=SNAPMIRROR.
System action
System action
The server ends the command.
The server ends the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 461

User response User response
Reissue the command by specifying Reissue the command without the FILELIST
TYPE=DUMPIMAGE. parameter.
ANR2685I SnapMirror backup of NAS node ANR2688E Command: The SnapMirror
nodename, file system file system, Restore of NAS node nodename,
started as process process ID by file system file system, cannot be
administrator administrator. started. The destination file
system destination is not set to
Explanation "Restricted" on the NAS device.

A SnapMirror backup is started for the indicated file

system of a NAS node. The operation is initiated by the
administrator shown. While verifying the parameters of the specified
command, no valid node was found.
System action
System action
The indicated process is started.
The server ends the command.
User response
User response
Verify that the nodes specified are correct and all are
ANR2686I SnapMirror Restore of NAS node registered. Then, reissue the command.
nodename, file system filesystem,
started as process process ID by ANR2689W Command: The dataformat of the
administrator administrator. A full datamover data mover is
image for this file system will be incompatible with the NAS device
restored to destination with host identifier hostId.
The dataformat provided in the command is not
A SnapMirror restore is started for the indicated file compatible with the NAS device which is associated
system of a NAS node. The operation is initiated by the with the high level address. was found.
administrator shown. The restore will be performed
using a full image of this file system. The file system System action
will be restored to the indicated destination.
The server completes the command.
System action
User response
The indicated process is started.
Determine the proper dataformat for your NAS device
and reissue the command.
User response
ANR2690E Command: The file system file
system is in restricted state and
ANR2687E Command: You cannot specify a cannot be used in an NDMP
FILELIST when TYPE is backup or restore operation.
A NAS file system that is in the restricted state was
A file level restore was attempted from a SnapMirror specified for an NDMP backup or restore operation.
backup. Network Appliance SnapMirror backups do You cannot perform an NDMP backup or restore of a
not support file level restore. file system in the restricted state.

System action System action

The server ends the command. The server ends the command.

462 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR2694E Command: Action must be
specifed with subaction.
Refer to your NAS device's documentation on how to
unrestrict the file system. Then, reissue the command.
ANR2691E Command: The file server file
server name , does not support the The specified command has been issued with a
NDMP Cluster Aware Backup subaction and no action value.
extension and the datamover type
requires it. System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
Explanation processed.
A datamover of type NASCLUSTER or NASVSERVER
was defined however, the file server does not support User response
the NDMP Cluster Aware Backup extension.
Issue the command and specify a valid subaction.

System action ANR2695E The deduplication mode for node

node name was set to
The IBM Spectrum Protect server define operation on SERVERONLY.
the file server fails.
User response
The server detected a potential security attack and
Verify that the file server is running clustered Data disabled client-side deduplication.
OnTap from Netapp.
ANR2692E Command: Invalid subaction - System action
Server and client operations continue.

User response
The specified command has been issued with an
Verify that the client workstation does not have any
invalid subaction.
applications that are attempting a security attack on
the server. If the client is secure, re-enable client-side
System action deduplication on the node by issuing the server
Server operation continues, but the command is not command UPDATE NODE with the
ANR2696E Export command: Invalid value for
User response SUBACTION parameter detected
Issue the command and specify a valid subaction. while exporting schedule schedule
name in domain domain name -
ANR2693E Command: Invalid action and default or existing value is used
subaction combination. during import.

Explanation Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an During processing of command export command, an
invalid combination of action and subaction values. invalid value is encountered for the ACTION parameter
for schedule schedule name in domain domain name.
System action
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. Export processing continues, but the exported data
will contain an unknown SUBACTION value for this
User response schedule. If this data is imported, the default or
existing SUBACTION value is used.
Issue the command and specify a valid subaction.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 463

User response Explanation
Update the SUBACTION value for this schedule and During preview processing of command import
restart the export command. Alternatively, use the command, an invalid value is encountered for the
export data with the unknown value, and check and SUBACTION parameter for schedule schedule name in
update the SUBACTION value after import processing policy domain domain name.
has been performed.
ANR2697E Import command: Invalid value for System action
SUBACTION parameter in Processing of the command continues. If a later
exported data - schedule schedule command causes the data to be imported, the default
name in domain domain name or existing SUBACTION value is used.
defined with default SUBACTION
value. User response

Explanation If the data is imported with a later command, verify

that the correct SUBACTION value is used for this
During processing of command import command, an schedule.
invalid value is encountered for the SUBACTION
parameter for schedule schedule name in policy ANR2700E Schedule manager aborted.
domain domain name.
System action The schedule manager has ended because of an error
Processing of the command continues, by using the condition and is not able to maintain entries for
default SUBACTION value for this schedule. scheduled operations.

User response System action

Verify that the correct SUBACTION value has been Server operation continues, but the central scheduler
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary. is not operational.

ANR2698E Import command: Invalid value for User response

SUBACTION parameter in
exported data - existing To determine the source of the error, examine server
SUBACTION value for schedule messages issued prior to this message. Issue the
schedule name in domain domain QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and
name was not updated. search for messages. After the error has been
resolved, restart the server to restore central
Explanation scheduler operations. If the error cannot be isolated
and resolved, contact your service representative.
During processing of command import command, an
invalid value is encountered for the SUBACTION ANR2701E The schedule manager could not
parameter for schedule schedule name in policy be started: diagcode.
domain domain name.
System action The schedule manager cannot be started during
Processing of the command continues, by using the initialization because sufficient memory is not
existing SUBACTION value for this schedule. available. Diagnostic code diagcode is issued.

User response System action

Verify that the correct SUBACTION value has been Initialization fails.
used for this schedule. Update this value, if necessary.
User response
ANR2699E Import command: Invalid value for
SUBACTION parameter in See the documentation for the operating system about
exported data for schedule how to increase memory for an application.
schedule name in domain domain

464 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2702E The schedule prompter could not ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
be started: diagcode. dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is
Explanation full.

The schedule prompter cannot be started during Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
initialization because sufficient memory is not if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
available. Diagnostic code diagcode is issued. location that are no longer active and cannot be
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
System action necessary, specify a larger directory for the
Initialization fails. ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or
User response dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.

See the documentation for the operating system about ANR2708E Out of server database space in
how to increase memory for an application. central scheduler.

ANR2703E Schedule prompter aborted. Explanation

Explanation The server ends a database update transaction for the

central scheduler because sufficient database space is
The schedule prompter ends because of a processing not available on the server.
System action
System action
Server operation continues, but the database update
Server operation continues, but prompted scheduling fails.
is not operational.
User response
User response
To increase the amount of database space that is
To determine the source of the error, examine server available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
messages issued prior to this message. Issue the command to add one or more directories to the
QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and database.
search for messages. After the error has been
resolved, restart the server to restore central ANR2709E Schedule manager : Unable to
scheduler prompting operations. If the error cannot be start event record deletion.
isolated and resolved, contact your service
representative. Explanation
ANR2707E Out of server log space in central Event record deletion cannot be started because
scheduler. sufficient memory is not available.

Explanation System action

The server ends a database update transaction for the Server operation continues, but event records are not
central scheduler because sufficient log space is not automatically deleted after their retention period has
available on the server. elapsed.

System action User response

Server operation continues, but the database update See the documentation for the operating system about
fails. how to increase memory for an application.
ANR2712E Node node1 requested scheduling
User response information for node node2 -
To increase the amount of log space that is available to session rejected.
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,

Chapter 3. ANR messages 465

Explanation ANR2715E Client node node id unable to
register valid address for server
A request for pending scheduled operations has been
prompting: type address type (high
sent from the client scheduler for node node1.
address low address).
However, the request is for scheduling information
concerning another node node2.
System action The client scheduler for node node id has attempted to
register an invalid address for server-prompted central
Server operation continues, but the client scheduler
scheduling. The address was type address type with
for node node1 will not be able to process pending
high-level field high address and low-level field low
address. The only valid address type is 1.

User response
System action
Try restarting the client scheduler for node node1. If
Server operation continues, but the node node id will
the problem persists, contact your service
not be prompted to perform scheduled operations.
representative to resolve the client program error.
ANR2713E Node node1 trying to start User response
scheduled operation for node
node2 - session rejected. Verify that the address type and address are correct
for this client. The only valid address type is 1 (for TCP/
IP). Make sure the client scheduler is not using an
invalid address obtained from the client's options file
The client scheduler for node node1 has attempted to or from the command line when the client scheduler
execute a scheduled operation for another node, was started.
ANR2716E Schedule prompter was not able
to contact client node name using
System action type address type (high address
Server operation continues, but the scheduled low address).
operation is not processed.
User response The server has attempted to prompt the client
Try restarting the client scheduler for node node1. If scheduler for node node name because a scheduled
the problem persists, contact your service operation should be started. The server is unable to
representative to resolve client program error. contact the client by using address type address type,
with high-level field high address and low-level field
ANR2714E Node node1 trying to report low address.
scheduled operation results for
node node2 - session rejected.
System action

Explanation Server operation continues, but node node name is not

prompted to start the scheduled operation. If
The client scheduler for node node1 has attempted to operations should be started for other nodes, the
report the results of a scheduled operation using server will attempt to prompt the client schedulers for
another node name, node2. these nodes. This error is usually caused by network
outages or the client scheduler program not being run
System action on the client node.
Server operation continues, but the results that were
sent from node node1 are not be stored in the server's User response
database. Verify that the address type and address are correct
for this client. The only valid address type is 1 (for TCP/
User response IP). Make sure that the client scheduler is not using an
invalid address, obtained at the time the client
Try restarting the client scheduler for node node1. If
scheduler was started, from either the client's options
the problem persists, contact your service
file or from the command line. Verify that the client
representative to resolve the client program error.

466 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

scheduler for node node name is running and that the Explanation
necessary communication links to that scheduler are
A parameter that is specified is not valid for
operational. Firewalls must allow traffic from the
server to the client and from the client to the server
without the session timing out. Ensure that the DNS
configuration is correct. System action

ANR2717E Schedule prompter cannot contact Server operations will continue, but the command is
client node name using address not processed.
type (address type).
User response
Explanation Reissue the command with valid ACTION=DEPLOY
The server attempts to prompt the client scheduler for parameters.
node node name because scheduled work should be ANR2720E Command: Node node name is
started. However, either the server does not support currently being replicated.
address type address type needed for server-
prompted scheduling, or the communication method is
not currently available. The only valid address type is 1
(for TCP/IP). The command shown specifies a node that is currently
being replicated to another server.
System action
System action
Server operation continues, but the server does not
prompt node node name. The server does not process the command.

User response User response

If the server does not support the address type Reissue the command at a later time, or if necessary,
specified, clients may only use the polling mode of cancel the current replication and reissue the
scheduling. If the communication method is command.
temporarily not available, prompted mode scheduling
will resume after the communication problem is fixed ANR2721E A non-replication SSL session to
and service restored. If the problem persists, contact address address is requested.
your service representative.
ANR2718W Schedule manager disabled.
A non-replication SSL session to the indicated address
was attempted. Server-to-server SSL sessions are
supported for replication only.
The schedule manager has been disabled because the
DISABLESCHEDS YES option was specified in the System action
server options file.
The server does not start the session.
System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the central scheduler
is not operational. If you want to configure the same target server for
both SSL and non-SSL communications, you can
configure multiple server definitions when you issue
User response
the DEFINE SERVER command. You can have multiple
To enable the schedule manager, specify server definitions with the same target address if the
DISABLESCHEDS NO in the server options file and server names are not the same.
restart the server.
ANR2722I The server now accepts sessions
ANR2719E Command: Invalid parameter that originate from server server
parm for ACTION=DEPLOY. name

Chapter 3. ANR messages 467

Explanation ANR2726E Command: None of the specified
nodes are configured for
The server can now accept sessions from the named
replication or they are part of an
active replication process.

System action
The replication command did not start because data
belonging to the specified nodes was being replicated,
User response or because the nodes are not configured for
None. replication.

ANR2723I The server is enabled to have

System action
outbound sessions to server server
name The server ends the command.

Explanation User response

The server now allows sessions targeted to the named Verify that the specified nodes are correct and that
server. they are configured for replication. Verify that the
nodes are not part of an active replication process. A
System action node is configured for replication if the replication
state is ENABLED or DISABLED. To determine the
None. replication state of a node, issue the QUERY NODE
FORMAT=DETAILED command. To configure nodes for
User response replication, issue the UPDATE NODE command. After
the situation has been corrected, reissue the
ANR2724I The server does not accept
ANR2727E Command: Node node name is
sessions from server server name
currently accessing server server
The server rejects sessions from the named server. Explanation
The command shown specifies a node that has an
System action active session with the specified server.
System action
User response The local server does not process the command.
User response
ANR2725I The server is disabled for sessions
with server server name Reissue the command at a later time, or if necessary,
cancel the current session and reissue the command.
Explanation ANR2728E Command: Node node name
The server cannot initiate sessions to the named cannot be replicated because it is
server. not in the SEND or SYNCSEND
System action
The replication mode of a specified node is RECEIVE or
SYNCRECEIVE. To replicate, the replication mode
User response
must be SEND or SYNCSEND.

468 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The server processes the command. However the The server ignores the command.
specified node is is skipped for this operation.
User response
User response
Issue the required command and then reissue the
Verify that all of the nodes to be replicated are in SEND command that caused the error.
or SYNCSEND mode. Reissue the command, or, if
ANR2732E Unable to communicate with the
necessary, cancel the replication process and reissue
external LDAP directory server.
the command.
ANR2729W This command will register the Explanation
node to new domain domainname.
Changing the domain will cause The server tried to communicate with the external
the node to be disassociated from LDAP directory server but was unable to do so.
the schedule of original domain.
System action
Explanation The server ignores the command.
The schedule belongs to the domain. The node will be
disassociated from the schedule if the node is User response
registered to new domain.
Validate that the external LDAP directory server is
actively running. Also, validate that the LDAPURL
System action option is set appropriately and refers to a valid LDAP
IBM Spectrum Protect prompts the user to continue. directory server.
ANR2733W Unable to authenticate with the
User response external LDAP directory server to
Enter 'Y' to change the domain. Enter 'N' if you do not process the SET LDAPUSER
want to change the domain. command.

ANR2730I Default authentication set to Explanation

The LDAPUSER value or the LDAPPASSWORD value or
both are invalid.
This message is displayed in response to the Set System action
DEFAULTAUTHentication command. It indicates the
current default AUTHENTICATION value for the The server command continues.
User response
System action During the SET LDAPUSER command, the IBM
None. Spectrum Protect server tried to authenticate to the
external LDAP directory server. If the LDAPPASSWORD
is not set or is invalid, the authentication fails, but the
User response
SET LDAPUSER command succeeds. The LDAPUSER
None. value and the LDAPPASSWORD value both must be set
correctly before the server can communicate with the
ANR2731E An invalid command was issued: external LDAP directory server. The SET
issued command. The command LDAPPASSWORD command fails if authentication with
prerequisite command must be the external LDAP directory server fails with the
issued first. current LDAPUSER and new LDAPPASSWORD.

Explanation You can validate the current LDAPUSER by issuing the

The specified server command was issued prior to LDAPPASSWORD commands can be corrected with the
another required command. appropriate SET commands. If there is still an
authentication error, validate that the user and

Chapter 3. ANR messages 469

password are set correctly in the external LDAP LDAP directory server. This can happen because the
directory server. SYNCLDAPDELETE=NO parameter was used or an
LDAP entry did not exist for the original name.
ANR2734E Unable to authenticate with the
external LDAP directory server to
process the SET LDAPPASSWORD System action
command. None.

Explanation User response

The LDAPUSER value or the LDAPPASSWORD value or Issue the UPDATE ADMIN command to the renamed
both are invalid. admin using the current password, before attempting
any sessions with the admin.
System action
ANR2737E Command: All of the admins
The server command fails. provided are invalid.

User response Explanation

You can validate the current LDAPUSER by issuing the While verifying the parameters of the specified
QUERY STATUS command. The LDAPUSER and command, no valid admin was found.
LDAPPASSWORD commands can be corrected with the
appropriate SET commands. If there is still an System action
authentication error, validate that the user and
password are set correctly in the external LDAP The server ends the command.
directory server.
User response
ANR2735W Renamed node node name must be
updated with the current Verify that the admins specified are correct and all are
password. registered. Then, reissue the command.
ANR2738W Command: parameter conflicts
Explanation with parameter - conflicting
In response to a RENAME NODE command to a node parameter.
that uses LDAP authentication, the node was renamed
in the IBM Spectrum Protect database, but an LDAP Explanation
entry does not exist for the new name in the LDAP
Conflicting parameters were specified in the
directory server. This can happen because the
SYNCLDAPDELETE=NO parameter was used or an
LDAP entry did not exist for the original name.
System action
System action The server bypasses the conflicting parameter and
processing continues.

User response
User response
Verify which parameter you want to use and reissue
Issue the UPDATE NODE command to the renamed
the command, if necessary. If the command needs to
node using the current password, before attempting
be reversed, undo the command, correct the syntax,
any sessions with the node.
and then reissue the command.
ANR2736W Renamed administrator admin
ANR2739I Audit LDAP directory started as
name must be updated with the
process process ID.
current password.

A background process was started to audit the LDAP
In response to a RENAME ADMIN command with an
directory entries. The audit was assigned the process
admin that uses LDAP authentication, the admin was
ID shown.
renamed in the IBM Spectrum Protect database, but
an LDAP entry does not exist for the new name in the

470 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The audit process starts and server operation Server operation continues, but the server does not
continues. process the command.

User response User response

The administrator may query the status of the audit To view a list of commands that are pending approval,
process by using the QUERY PROCESS command, or issue the QUERY PENDINGCMD command. To run the
cancel the process with the CANCEL PROCESS command, ask an approval administrator to approve
command. the request. If the request is rejected, the approval
request will be deleted.
ANR2740E Alert monitor could not start or
has failed and stopped. ANR2743I The request to process the
command command issued by
Explanation administrator administrator was
approved. Request ID:requestId.
The server alert monitor is not able to start or continue

System action An approval administrator approved the request to

process the specified command. The command was
The alert monitor is not able to run. issued and is no longer pending approval.

User response System action

Evaluate other messages in the activity log to The server processes the command.
determine why the alert monitor is unable to run. This
is typically caused by insufficient resources such as a
User response
lack of memory or other system resources.
To verify that command processing completed, review
ANR2741I Alert monitor has started. messages in the activity log by issuing the QUERY
ACTLOG command.
ANR2744I Administrator administrator
The server alert monitor has started successfully and changed a command approval
will evaluate messages to determine and raise alerts configuration setting by issuing
for administrative notification where necessary. the command command.

System action Explanation

None. The specified command was issued, resulting in a
change to the configuration settings for command
User response approval. This alert message is generated when the
following commands are issued:
submitted by administrator CMDAPPROVER, and UPDATE ADMIN CMDAPPROVER.
administrator and is pending
approval. Request ID:requestId.
System action
Explanation System operation continues.
The approval request is in pending state. If the request
is not approved within the allotted time, the request User response
will be deleted and the command will not be No action is required.
command finished: admin only
LDAP administrator entries are
only in the LDAP directory server

Chapter 3. ANR messages 471

(not in the IBM Spectrum Protect Explanation
server), number administrator
An inconsistency between the LDAP directory server
entries are only in the IBM
and the IBM Spectrum Protect database was
Spectrum Protect server (not in
discovered. An administrator in the IBM Spectrum
the LDAP directory server), node
Protect database a does not have a corresponding
only LDAP node entries are only in
entry in the LDAP directory server. Without an entry in
the LDAP directory server (not in
the LDAP directory server, the administrator is
the IBM Spectrum Protect server),
inaccessible until action is taken. See the user
number node entries are only in
response for recommended action.
the IBM Spectrum Protect server
(not in the LDAP directory server),
and total deleted entries entries System action
were deleted from the LDAP None.
server in total.
User response
To make the administrator accessible, you need to add
The inconsistencies between the LDAP directory the administrator to the LDAP directory server. Issue
server and the IBM Spectrum Protect server are the UPDATE ADMIN command with a password to
displayed as a result of the AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY create an LDAP administrator entry in the LDAP
command. directory server.

System action ANR2748W Node node name was located in

the LDAP directory server but not
None. in the database.

User response Explanation

None. An inconsistency between the LDAP directory server
and the IBM Spectrum Protect database was
ANR2746W Node node name was located in
discovered. An unexpected node entry was found in
the database but not in the LDAP
the LDAP directory server. An extra entry in the LDAP
directory server.
directory server does not affect IBM Spectrum Protect
server operations. If the LDAP directory server is
Explanation shared by multiple IBM Spectrum Protect servers, the
An inconsistency between the LDAP directory server extra entry might be needed for one or more of the
and the IBM Spectrum Protect database was other IBM Spectrum Protect servers.
discovered. A node in the IBM Spectrum Protect
database a does not have a corresponding entry in the System action
LDAP directory server. Without an entry in the LDAP
If the AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY command is issued
directory server, the node is inaccessible until action is
with FIX=YES, the server deletes the node entry from
taken. See the user response for recommended action.
the LDAP directory server. If the command is issued
with FIX=NO, the server does not delete the entry.
System action
None. User response
User response
ANR2749W Administrator admin name was
To make the node accessible, you need to add the located in the LDAP directory
node to the LDAP directory server. Issue the UPDATE server but not in the database.
NODE command with a password to create an LDAP
node entry in the LDAP directory server.
ANR2747W Administrator admin name was
An inconsistency between the LDAP directory server
located in the database but not in
and the IBM Spectrum Protect database was
the LDAP directory server.
discovered. An unexpected administrator entry was
found in the LDAP directory server. An extra entry in

472 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

the LDAP directory server does not affect IBM Explanation
Spectrum Protect server operations. If the LDAP
This message is displayed when the server encounters
directory server is shared by multiple IBM Spectrum
a failure in processing a scheduled command.
Protect servers, the extra entry might be needed for
one or more of the other IBM Spectrum Protect
servers. System action
Server operation continues. The scheduled command
System action is ended.
If the AUDIT LDAPDIRECTORY command is issued
with FIX=YES, the server deletes the administrator User response
entry from the LDAP directory server. If the command Examine messages issued prior to this message and
is issued with FIX=NO, the server does not delete the use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command to correct the
entry. scheduled command. The QUERY EVENT command
may also be used to determine the cause of the failure
User response for this scheduled command.
None. ANR2753I (Schedule name):command
ANR2750I Starting scheduled command
schedule name ( scheduled
command ). Explanation
This message is used to display the server response to
Explanation a scheduled command. The name of the command
schedule is included at the beginning of the message
This message is displayed when the server starts the
in parentheses. A number displayed instead of a
execution of a scheduled command. The name of the
command schedule name indicates an activity
schedule and the actual command scheduled is
scheduled by the server.

System action
System action
Server operation continues. The scheduled command
Server operation continues, the scheduled command
is ended.
is processed.

User response
User response
ANR2751I Scheduled command schedule
SCHEDULE parameter
name completed successfully.
CMD='command' - Unknown
This message is displayed when the server Explanation
successfully completes processing of a scheduled
The specified command is not a valid server command.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.
command is not processed.

User response
User response
Reissue the correct command.
ANR2752E Scheduled command schedule
name failed.
SCHEDULE parameter
CMD='command' - not eligible for

Chapter 3. ANR messages 473

Explanation System action
The specified command is not eligible for scheduling. Server operation continues.

System action User response

The DEFINE SCHEDULE or UPDATE SCHEDULE Reduce the filename length to a working range for
command is not processed. s390 system
ANR2759I Command: The virtual file space
User response definition vfs name for node node
None. name has been deleted.

ANR2756I Scheduled command schedule

name started successfully.
Explanation command, the virtual file space mapping vfs name for
the node node name has been deleted in the server
This message is displayed when the server database.
successfully starts processing of a background
process for a scheduled command.
System action

System action Server operation continues.

Server operation continues.

User response

User response None.

None. ANR2760E Command: Unable to delete the

virtual file space definition vfs
ANR2757E Command: The NODES parameter name for node node name. A file
cannot be used when querying space definition exists with the
events for administrative same name.
A QUERY EVENT command has been issued with entered, but the specified virtual file space mapping
TYPE=ADMINISTRATIVE and the NODES parameter vfs name for the node node name has an associated
both specified. The NODES parameter cannot be file space definition in server database.
specified when querying events for administrative
System action

System action The server does not process the command.

Server operation continues, but the command is not

User response
To delete the virtual file space definition, first delete
User response the filespace definition with the same name.

Issue the command without the NODES parameter. ANR2761E Command: The deployment
repository directory cannot be
ANR2758E Please specifiy a tracefile name updated at this time: Deploy
with less than 37 characters if it is Manager is active.
fully qualified or 26 characters if it
is not fully qualified.

Explanation The SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY command was issued

while the deploy manager is active.
The .template file adds 9 more characters to the end
of the filename.

474 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The server does not process the command. Server operation continues, the command fails.

User response User response

Reissue the command at a later time. Alternatively, Reissue the command with a different target filespace
issue the SET DEPLOYPKGMR OFF command, and then name
reissue the SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY command.
ANR2765E command: The node node name
ANR2762I Command: A virtual file space has an invalid node type for virtual
mapping named vfs name for node file space definitions; the node
node name has been updated. type must be NAS.

Explanation Explanation
In response to the UPDATE VIRTUALFSMAPPING A Define VirtualFSMapping command was entered
command, a virtual file space mapping for the with an invalid node type.
specified node has been updated in the server
database. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
You might want to run this command again, specifying
User response
a node of TYPE=NAS.
ANR2766W Command: Virtual file space name
ANR2763E Command: The hexadecimal string vfs name conflicts with file space
entered for the path parameter is on the network attached storage
not valid. (NAS) device.

Explanation Explanation
The command indicated specifies an invalid The specified server command has been entered with
Hexadecimal value for the path parameter. a virtual file space that has the same name as a file
space on the NAS device.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server operation continues.
User response
User response
Check that the string representing the path contains
only valid hexadecimal characters and contains an Ensure that no virtual file space mappings for this NAS
even number of characters. Reissue the command device have the same name as an actual file space that
with a valid Hex string for the path parameter. exists on the NAS device.
ANR2764E command: Filespace filespace ANR2767E Command: The data format of
name cannot be renamed to new storage pool Storage Pool Name
filespace name; a virtual file space does not match the data format of
with this name already exists for storage pool Storage Pool Name.
node node name.
The data format of the indicated storage pools does
The file space name specified as a target name for the not match. The requested operation failed.
command was found to already exist as a virtual file
space for the node specified. The command fails. System action
The command fails.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 475

User response User response
Use QUERY STGPOOL F=D to display the data format Use QUERY STGPOOL to obtain the device class to
for various pools and determine which may be eligible which the indicated source storage pool belongs. Use
for the operation. Choose a storage pool that has the QUERY DEVCLASS to obtain the library containing the
matching data format and re-issue the command. source storage pool. Then, use the QUERY
DATAMOVER and QUERY PATH commands to verify
ANR2768I Process process ID will use data that at least one NAS datamover has paths to the
mover datamover name for the drives in the library.
ANR2771E Move data process terminated for
Explanation volume volume name - data mover
The indicated data mover is being used by the
indicated process.

System action Move data processing terminated for the indicated

volume because none of the data movers is
The indicated data mover is being used by the accessible.
indicated process.
System action
User response
Move data ends for the indicated volume.
ANR2769E Command: Process process ID User response
terminated - data mover Examine the previous error messages for possible
inaccessible. reasons a remote session could not be started.

Explanation ANR2772E Command: Process process ID

terminated - drive path or data
The indicated process terminated for the indicated mover unavailable.
command because none of the data movers is

System action The indicated process terminated for the indicated

command for one of the following reasons:
The indicated process terminates.
• None of the data movers with paths to the drives in
the library containing the source storage pool is
User response
Examine the previous error messages for possible • None of the data movers with paths to the drives in
reasons a remote session could not be started. the library containing the target storage pool is
ANR2770E Command: Process process ID available.
skipped restoring data from
volume volume name in storage System action
pool name storage pool - drive
The indicated process ends.
path unavailable.

User response
Use QUERY STGPOOL to obtain the device class to
The indicated process skipped restoring data from the
which the source or target storage pool belongs. Use
indicated volume because none of the NAS type
QUERY DEVCLASS to obtain the library name that
datamovers is available.
contains the source or target storage pool. Then, use
System action to verify that at least one data mover has paths to the
The data in the indicated volume is not restored. drives in the library.

476 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2773E Move data process terminated for Explanation
volume volume name - drive path During copy or move operation, an output error was
or data mover unavailable. encountered. The indicated file was skipped.

Explanation System action

MOVE DATA processing terminated for the indicated
The file will not be processed.
volume for one of the following reasons:
• None of the data movers with paths to the drives in User response
the library containing the source storage pool is
available. If possible, correct the error and re-run the command.

• None of the data movers with paths to the drives in ANR2776W Transaction failed for session
the library containing the target storage pool is session number for node node
available. name (client platform) - A storage
pool for the target destination is
System action associated with a container or
cloud storage pool.
The indicated process ends.
User response
The specified session fails because an invalid storage
Use QUERY STGPOOL to obtain the device class to pool is used to store the virtual volume.
which the source or target storage pool belong. Use
QUERY DEVCLASS to obtain the library name that System action
contains the source or target storage pool. Then, use
the QUERY DATAMOVER and QUERY PATH commands The specified session is ended and server operation
to verify that at least one data mover has paths to the continues.
drives in the library.
User response
ANR2774E Command: Process process ID
terminated - data format Ensure that container and cloud storage pools are not
mismatch. used with virtual volumes. The UPDATE COPYGROUP
command can be used to update the copy group
Explanation destination to point to a valid storage pool.

During restore processing, a data format mismatch ANR2777I REPLICATE NODE: Node node
occurred between the storage pool being restored and name is decommissioned and
the copy storage pool. disabled.

System action Explanation

The indicated restore process terminates. The requested node is decommissioned, disabled for
replication, and has been skipped.
User response
System action
Examine the previous error message to determine the
name of the copy storage pool used for the restore. If The replication proceeds, but this node is skipped.
possible, specify a copy storage pool that has the
same data format as the storage pool being restored User response
on the restore command.
ANR2775W Command: Process Process id
encountered an output error. File ANR2778I Command: Inventory information
on volume volume name skipped - is missing for object bfid.
Node node name, type file type, file
space filespace name, file name Explanation
file name, fsId filespace id. During a read operation, a damaged record for a file
was identified. The file is skipped.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 477

System action User response
The file is not displayed. Specify a valid value for the indicated keyword.
User response successfully and device class for
Correct the error in the file and reissue the QUERY automatic DB backup is set to
CLEANUP command. value.

ANR2779I Command: Inventory information

for all items cannot be displayed.
A total of num files files are The device class requirement for automatic database
missing inventory information. The backup is set with the SET DBRECOVERY command.
missing files are not displayed.
System action
During a read operation, a damaged record for a file
was identified. The file is skipped. User response
System action
ANR2783E FORMAT: Required keyword
The files are not displayed.
keyword not specified.
User response
Correct the error in the file and reissue the QUERY
CLEANUP command. A required keyword was not specified for database
format processing.
ANR2780W Command: Updates for nodes
previously processed during this System action
command will be rolled back.
Server database format processing terminates.
User response
An error has occurred during an UPDATE NODE
operation. If the UPDATE NODE command was Reissue the format command with the required
processing more than one node, updates for nodes parameters.
which were previously processed will be rolled back. ANR2784W Specifying PROTECTKEYS=NO
requires the server's encryption
System action keys to be backed up manually.
Server operation continues.
User response The server uses one or more encyption keys that are
not stored in the server's database. During a database
Correct the error and reissue the command.
backup, if PROTECTKEYS=YES is specified, the server
ANR2781E command name: keyword value will back up these keys with the database so they can
longer than max length characters. be restored during a database restore operation.
Specifying PROTECTKEYS=NO will prevent the server
Explanation from backing up these keys, which are essential for
normal server operation. In this case you must
The directory specified for the indicated keyword is manually save the dsmkeydb.kdb and dsmkeydb.sth
too long. Specify a directory less than or equal to the files to a secure location, and make sure they are
number of characters indicated. This is a limitation of available when the restore database operation
the underlying database. completes.
Failure to protect these keys will make any server-
System action
encrypted data inaccessible, as well as all locally-
Server database format processing terminates. stored passwords for nodes and administrators.

478 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The command will be processed, but the server will When specifying a new active, archive, or mirror log
disable the automatic protection of the encryption directory in the server options file or when formatting
key(s). a server, the indicated directory must be empty to
prevent and accidental overwrite of existing data.
User response
System action
If a FORMAT operation was being performed, the
ANR2785E An error occurred when trying to operation stops. If this was a change to the server
access path name. options file to specify a new log directory, the new
directory is ignored, and the existing directory is used.
An access denied error occurred while attempting to User response
access a directory. Verify the directory that was specified. Delete any data
in that directory if the data is not needed, or create a
System action new directory. Reissue the format command.
The command stops. ANR2789E Command: The directory path
deploy directory path is already
User response used in a server device class or
storage pool directory.
Verify permission for that directory is set correctly
then reissue the command.
ANR2786E The server was unable to find path
name. The directory that was specified by the SET
DEPLOYREPOSITORY command is already used in a
device class or stgpool directory definition.
The server could not find the directory specified. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
The command stops. User response
Reissue the command by specifying a different
User response directory path.
Verify the existence of that directory and reissue the
ANR2790E Too many symbolic links were
found while traversing file path
ANR2787E The server failed with error code path name.
last error when attempt to access
path name. System action
The server stops processing the command.
The server failed to access the directory specified. User response
Refer to your operating system's manual for the
System action maximum number of symbolic links allowed on a path
The command stops. name. Reduce the number of symbolic links that lead
to the file path, and then reissue the command.
User response ANR2791E The file or volume name path name
Verify the existence of that directory and reissue the is too long.
System action
ANR2788E Database log path path name is
not empty. The server stops processing the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 479

User response Explanation
Check your operating system's limits on files and The REPAIR BACKUPSET command encountered an
pathss length.Reissue the command with a shorter file error processing backup sets for the specified node.
or volume name. Some backup sets might have been successfully
ANR2792E A component of the path path
name is not a directory.
System action
Explanation The command failed. Some backup sets might have
been repaired.

System action User response

The server stops processing the command. Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
User response the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
Verify all directories in the path of the file or volume and search for messages. Correct the problem and
name. Reissue the command with a valid file or rerun the command.
volume path. command. ANR2796I command: Repair completed for
ANR2793W An invalid value for MAXTXNBYTE backup set count backup sets
is found in the database value in belonging to node count nodes.
Explanation The REPAIR BACKUPSET command completed after
The server detects an invalid value for MAXTXNBYTE successfully repairing the retention initiation date for
in the database. The server will use the default value the indicated number of backup sets.
for MAXTXNBYTE and processing will continue.
System action
System action The command completed.
Th server initialization continues.
User response
User response None.
No action is required ANR2797E The license value was skipped
ANR2794I LDAP password set. because of a bad date range.

Explanation Explanation

The password that the server uses to authenticate One or more license values were skipped due to the
with the LDAP server has been set, changed or current system date not being valid for the license.
removed with the SET LDAPPASSWORD command. This message occurs when reading the nodelock file.
This can occur during server start-up, license audit, or
System action
None. System action
Server operation fails.
User response
None. User response
ANR2795I command: Repair failed Verify the correct system date setting. After you
processing backup sets for node correct the system date, the licenses that are
node name. backup set count registered with a quantity value will need to be
backup sets belonging to node registered again.
count nodes were successfully
repaired before the failure.

480 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2798E Server operation is denied - server System action
is not licensed for License required. Server operation continues.

User response
The server refuses a server operation because the None.
server is not licensed with the appropriate support.
ANR2804W Insufficient memory is available
System action for the license manager - will retry
in number of seconds seconds.
Server operation fails.
User response
The server suspends license manager processing
Obtain and register the appropriate license. because sufficient server memory is not available.
ANR2799W Server operation is in violation of
server license terms - server is not System action
licensed for License required. Server operation continues; the license manager
operation will be retried after the specified delay.
The server warns about a server operation because the User response
server is not licensed with the appropriate support. See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
System action
ANR2805W Insufficient recovery log space
Server operation continues. available for the license manager -
will retry in number of seconds
User response seconds.
Obtain and register the appropriate license.
ANR2800E The license manager cannot be
started: diagcode. The server suspends license manager processing
because sufficient recovery log space is not available.
System action
The license manager cannot be started during
initialization because sufficient memory is not Server operation continues; the license manager
available. Diagnostic code diagcode is issued. operation will be retried after the specified delay.

System action User response

Initialization fails. To increase the amount of log space that is available to

the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
See the documentation for the operating system about ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
how to increase memory for an application. dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is
ANR2803I License manager started. full.
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
The license manager is started when the server is location that are no longer active and cannot be
initialized. The license manager monitors license archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
compliance. ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If
necessary, specify a larger directory for the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 481

ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the ANR2808E Out of server database space in
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server. license manager.
ANR2806W Insufficient database space
available for the license manager - Explanation
will retry in number of seconds The server ends a database update transaction for the
seconds. license manager because sufficient database space is
not available on the server.
The server suspends license manager processing System action
because sufficient database space is not available. Server operation continues, but the database update
System action
Server operation continues; the license manager User response
operation will be retried after the specified delay. To increase the amount of database space that is
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
User response command to add one or more directories to the
To increase the amount of database space that is
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE ANR2811W Command: The file system on
command to add one or more directories to the which the directory path deploy
database. directory path resides has less
than 40 gigabytes of free space.
ANR2807E Out of server log space in license
Explanation The directory that was specified by the SET
DEPLOYREPOSITORY command resides on a file
The server ends a database update transaction for the
system that might not have enough free storage for
license manager because sufficient recovery log space
client deployment packages.
is not available on the server.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues, but the database update
User response
User response If possible, reissue the SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY
command and specify a directory path that resides on
To increase the amount of log space that is available to
a file system with at least 40 gigabytes of free space.
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY, ANR2812W License Audit completed -
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the compliance with license terms.
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is Explanation
The results from the AUDIT LICENSES command
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur indicate the server is not in compliance with the terms
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY of the current license.
location that are no longer active and cannot be
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If System action
necessary, specify a larger directory for the Server operation continues, but the REGISTER NODE
ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or command or backup-archive requests, or both, will
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.

482 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Use the QUERY LICENSE command to determine the The administrator may query the status of the
license terms that are no longer in compliance. background process by using the QUERY PROCESS
command, or cancel the process with the CANCEL
ANR2815E Command: Invalid value specified
PROCESS command.
for interval between license audits
- value. ANR2818E A consistency check failed on
container Container Name with
Explanation error Error Code.

The specified command has been issued with an

invalid value.
A data integrity problem was found in the storage pool.
System action
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. The server checks the data as part of normal operation
and encountered a data integrity problem.
User response
User response
Issue the command with a valid value.
Issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command to repair the
ANR2816E Command: License audit or data or recover the data from a recovery server.
register operation already in
progress. ANR2819E Command: There is insufficient
authority to write data to directory
Explanation path deploy directory path.

The server is currently performing a register license or

license audit.
The server does not have the authority to create files
System action in the directory that is specified in the SET
The server does not process the specified command.
System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
Reissue the command after the license audit process
or the register license command ends. Only one
User response
process can be running at a time. The REGISTER Ensure that the user ID for the IBM Spectrum Protect
LICENSE command and the AUDIT LICENSE process instance has write permission on the directory that is
may not run at the same time. specified in the SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY command.
ANR2817I Command: License audit started ANR2820I Automatic license audit started as
as process process ID. process process ID.

Explanation Explanation
A background process has been started to audit the A background process has been started to audit the
server for license compliance. server for license compliance.

System action System action

The server checks the existing configuration for the The server checks storage utilization and registered
server and compares it against the values for which nodes for the server and licensed factors, comparing
the server is licensed. these against the values for which the server is

Chapter 3. ANR messages 483

User response ANR2824I License audit process process
number canceled - number of
The administrator may query the status of the
nodes nodes audited.
background process using the QUERY PROCESS
ANR2821E Automatic license audit could not
be started: diagcode. A background server process to audit server licenses
has been canceled by using the CANCEL PROCESS
command. The number of nodes that have been
audited before the operation ended are reported in the
The license manager cannot start an automatic message.
process to audit server licenses because sufficient
memory is not available. Diagnostic code diagcode is System action
The server process is ended and server operation
System action
Server processing continues. User response
User response
ANR2825I License audit process process
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. number completed successfully -
number of nodes nodes audited.
ANR2822I Cancel in progress
A background server process to audit server licenses
The license audit operation has been cancelled and has completed successfully after auditing the
will end when resources have been freed for the specified number of nodes.
background process. This message may be displayed
in response to a QUERY PROCESS command for an System action
The server process is ended and server operation
System action
Server operation continues. User response
User response
ANR2826I License audit process process
number terminated in error -
ANR2823I Have audited number of nodes number of nodes nodes audited.
A background server process to audit server licenses
An AUDIT LICENSES operation is in progress. The encounters an error and is ended. The number of
process has audited the specified number of nodes. nodes that have been audited before the operation
This message may be displayed in response to a ended is reported in the message.
operation. System action
The server process is ended and server operation
System action
Server operation continues.
User response
User response

484 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2827I Server is licensed to support initialization - please retry this
feature name for a quantity of command later.
licensed quantity.
Explanation While attempting to process the specified license
This message is issued during server startup. command, the server detects that the licensing
component of the server had not completed
System action initialization. The licensing facility used on some
platforms may require some time to initialize because
Server operation continues. network calls are involved, and waits may occur.

User response System action

None. Server operation continues; the command is not
ANR2828I Server is licensed to support
feature name.
User response
Explanation Reissue the command after waiting 10 minutes. If this
message is displayed after a number of retry attempts,
This message is issued during server startup.
contact your service representative.
System action ANR2833I Command: The directory path
deploy directory path is already
Server operation continues.
specified as the current
deployment repository directory.
User response
None. Explanation

ANR2829E Command: parameter - parameter The directory that was specified by the SET
is not allowed. DEPLOYREPOSITORY command is the same as the
current deployment repository directory.
System action
The UPDATE NODE command has been entered with a
parameter that is not allowed. Server operation continues; the command is not
System action
User response
The server ignores the command.
Verify that the specified deployment repository
directory path is correct.
User response
When updating the REPLMODE and REPLSTATE ANR2834E Command: The file system on
parameters on a node definition, there are restrictions which the directory path deploy
that prohibit changing certain values. Several directory path resides has no free
conditions are enforced during command processing space.
that prevents unintended updates. The syntax
processing is strictly enforced and in many cases, it Explanation
might be necessary to issue other commands prior to
The directory that was specified by the SET
DEPLOYREPOSITORY command resides on a file
For information about the UPDATE NODE command, system that has no free space available for client
search for "UPDATE NODE" in the product information deployment packages.
SSEQVQ/). System action
ANR2832I Command: The License Manager Server operation continues.
has not yet completed

Chapter 3. ANR messages 485

User response System action
Reissue the SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY command and Server operation continues, but the
specify a directory path that resides on a file system IBM_DEPLOY_CLIENT policy domain is not created.
with at least 40 gigabytes of free space.
ANR2835I Server is licensed for number of User response
clients clients. To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
1.Determine the reason for the failure by reviewing the
Explanation messages in the activity log. In particular, review the
messages for the commands that were run to create
This message is issued during server startup and in the IBM_DEPLOY_CLIENT policy domain.
one hour increments there after. 2. Resolve any errors.
After you resolve the errors, the server automatically
System action attempts to complete the policy creation.
Server operation continues. ANR2838W Command: The parameter
parameter is not supported for
User response nodes with TYPE=OBJECTCLIENT.
ANR2836E Policy creation failed because no
storage pool is available in which A paramter that conflicts with the OBJECTCLIENT
to save client deployment node type was specified in the command.
System action
Explanation The server bypasses the conflicting parameter and
Without an available storage pool, the server cannot processing continues.
create a policy domain for the client deployment
package data. User response
Verify which parameter you want to use and reissue
System action the command, if necessary. If the command needs to
Server operation continues, but the be reversed, undo the command, correct the syntax,
IBM_DEPLOY_CLIENT policy domain is not created. and then reissue the command.
ANR2839I Automatic license audit started as
User response process process ID.
To resolve the issue, take one of the following actions:
1. Create a storage pool with at least 40 GB of free Explanation
space. A background process has been started to audit the
2. Add more space to an existing storage pool. The server for license compliance.
storage pool should have at least 40 GB of free space.
ANR2837E The creation of the System action
IBM_DEPLOY_CLIENT policy The server checks registered nodes and compares
domain for client deployment them against the value for which the server is licensed.
packages failed. See previous
User response
Explanation The administrator may query the status of the
background process by using the QUERY PROCESS
The server cannot complete the creation of a policy for command.
the client deployment package data. A policy is
necessary to replicate client deployment packages to ANR2841W Server is NOT IN COMPLIANCE
this server. Review the previous messages in the with license terms.
activity log to determine the cause.

486 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
This message is issued periodically when the server None.
configuration does not comply with the terms for
ANR2847W The addition of client client node
which it is licensed.
name is beyond the client capacity
that the server is licensed to
System action support.
Server operation continues.
User response This message is issued when a new client node is
Use the QUERY LICENSE command to display the added to the server with the REGISTER NODE
current server configuration with respect to licensed command, or through open registration, and the actual
terms to discover which factors of the configuration do number of nodes registered on the server exceeds the
not conform to your license. Contact your service server's licensed capacity.
representative to obtain more licenses, if required.
System action
ANR2842I Server is licensed to support
number of gigabytes gigabytes of Server operation continues.
User response
This message is issued as a reminder to the
This message is issued during server startup. administrator that the server is not operating within
compliance of its license. Contact your service
System action representative if more licenses are required for your
Server operation continues.
ANR2852I Current license information:
User response
This message is issued during a REGISTER LICENSE
ANR2843I Server is licensed to support UNIX command to display the current licensing information
clients. for the server before the new license has been
interpreted by the command. Messages appearing
Explanation after this message display the factors under which the
server is currently licensed.
This message is issued during server startup.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues.

User response
User response
None. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United
States and other countries, licensed exclusively ANR2853I New license information:
through X/Open Company Limited.
ANR2844I Server is licensed to support Explanation
desktop clients. This message is issued during a REGISTER LICENSE
command to display the updated licensing information
Explanation for the server after the new license has been
interpreted by the command. Messages appearing
This message is issued during server startup and in
after this message display the updated factors under
one hour increments there after.
which the server is licensed.

System action
Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 487

System action Explanation
Server operation continues. A show orphanobject command has been entered that
will destroy the objects associated with the specified
User response node. This is a non-revertable action.

Check to make sure that the new license information

System action
includes the updates that you intended for the
REGISTER LICENSE command. If the license terms do The administrator is asked whether to continue.
not change, check the parameters and reissue the
command, if you find that it was not entered correctly. User response
If the REGISTER LICENSE command does not produce
the desired updates in terms of licensing, contact your Enter 'Y' to continue with the command or 'N' to end
service representative. the process.

ANR2854I Server is licensed for device ANR2859I Server is licensed for Secondary
support module module number. Server Attachment.

Explanation Explanation

This message may be issued during server startup. This message may be issued during server startup.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Server operation continues.

User response User response

None. None.

ANR2855W The UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY ANR2860I Server is licensed to support

command marks as destroyed all disaster recovery manager.
of the data that is stored in the
container storage pool pool name Explanation
in the storage pool directory
This message is issued during server startup.
directory name.

System action
Server operation continues.
An update stgpooldir command has been entered that
will change the access of the stgpooldir to destroyed.
This will mark all of the associated storage as needing User response
recovery. None.
ANR2861I Server is licensed to support
System action
NETWORK connections.
The administrator is asked whether to continue.
User response
This message is issued during server startup.
Enter 'Y' to continue with the command or 'N' to end
the process. System action
ANR2856W The SHOW ORPHANOBJECT Server operation continues.
command with the clean option
destroys all of the data that is
User response
orphaned and associated with
node node name . None.

488 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2863I Server is licensed to support Explanation
Enterprise Administration This message is issued when Enterprise
functions. Administration functions are used, but the server is
NOT licensed to support the functions.
This message is issued during server startup. System action
The command fails.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
Contact your service representative if you want to
User response obtain a license for enterprise administration.
None. ANR2874I Records older than ret_days days
ANR2864I Server is licensed to support have been pruned from commands
Server-to-Server Virtual Volumes. approval history.

Explanation Explanation

This message is issued during server startup. Commands approval history has been pruned.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Commands approval history has been pruned.

User response User response

None. To specify number of days to keep commands

approval history use SET SUMMARYRETENTION
ANR2865W The server is NOT licensed to command.
support Enterprise Administration
functions. By performing this ANR2879I The stgrule_name storage rule
action you are no longer in completed its processing,
compliance with license terms. reclaiming reclaimed_cntrs of
reclaimable containers by reading
and writing moved_bytes to save
This message is issued when enterprise administration
ANR2880W Reclamation process process ID
functions are used, but the server is NOT licensed to
ended for storage pool storage pool
support the functions.
name because the specified
duration was exceeded.
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
The reclamation process exceeded the duration that
User response was set when the storage rule was defined.
To bring your installation back into conformance with
license terms, obtain a license for enterprise System action
administration functions or remove central logging
The reclamation process stops.
definitions. Contact your service representative if you
have any questions or concerns with this message.
User response
ANR2868E The server is NOT licensed to
No action is required. However, if you want to help
support Enterprise Administration
ensure that the reclamation process is completed
within the specified time, you can update the storage

Chapter 3. ANR messages 489

ANR2881W A request for approval to process • ACTIONTYPE=RECLAIM
the command command, which • ACTIONTYPE=COPY
was issued by administrator
administrator, has expired after • ACTIONTYPE=NOCOPYING
inactive_hours hours of inactivity.
Request ID:requestId. System action
The request to issue the specified command is User response
expired. Pending commands that are not approved Reissue the START STGRULE and ensure that the
within 72 hours are automatically rejected. correct ACTIONTYPE parameter is defined for the
storage rule.
System action
ANR2884E A background storage rule action
The specified command is no longer pending approval is in progress for storage rule
and will not run. name. Check if there are any
storage rule actions in progress.
User response
To successfully reissue the specified command, an Explanation
administrator must reissue the command. Then, an The storage rule that is specified is in progress.
approval administrator must approve the command
request before the command runs. Approval System action
administrators are specified by issuing the REGISTER
ADMIN or UPDATE ADMIN command and specifying None.
the CMDAPPROVER=YES parameter value.
User response
ANR2882E You cannot use one or more of the
specified parameters with this When the storage rule action is complete, reissue the
type of storage rule. START STGRULE command.
ANR2885E The process for storage rule
storage rule name was cancelled.
You cannot specify the SRCPOOLS parameter or the
TIERDELAY parameter when the Explanation
ACTIONTYPE=RECLAIM parameter is specified.
The storage rule process was cancelled for one of the
following reasons:
System action
• The value of the DURATION parameter that is
None. specified for the DEFINE STGRULE command
User response
• You issued the CANCEL PROCESS command to
Reissue the START STGRULE command and do not manually cancel the process.
specify the SRCPOOLS or the TIERDELAY parameter.
ANR2883E You cannot use the specified System action
action type with the START None.
STGRULE command for the
storage rule storage rule name. User response

Explanation None.

To issue the START STGRULE command, you must ANR2886E Storage rule storage rule name was
specify one of the following action types: not found.

The storage rule that is specified does not exist.

490 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
None. None.

User response User response

When you issue the START STGRULE command, Ensure that you specify a container storage pool as the
ensure that the correct storage rule name is specified. source storage pool when you issue the START
STGRULE command. Ensure that both the source
ANR2887E Storage rule storage rule name had storage pool and the target storage pool have valid
no eligible work to process. access states. For example, ensure that neither
storage pool has a state of UNAVAILABLE.
ANR2890E The storage pool operation for
Another storage pool process is in progress for the storage rule storage rule name
source storage pool or the target storage pool. failed with return code return code

System action Explanation

None. The storage pool operation failed with the specified
return code.
User response
Wait for the storage pool process to complete and System action
reissue the START STGRULE command. None.
ANR2888E Storage pool storage pool name
was not defined as a source User response
storage pool for the storage rule Your service representative can interpret the return
storage rule name. code.

Explanation ANR2891I A request for approval to process

the command command, which
The storage pool that is specified was not defined for was issued by administrator
this storage rule. administrator, is withdrawn.
Request ID:requestId.
System action
None. Explanation
The administrator who issued the command withdrew
User response the request for approval.
Ensure that the source storage pool was specified for
the storage rule when the storage rule was defined. System action
When you issue the START STGRULE command, the The specified command is no longer pending approval
source storage pool name that you specify for the and will not run.
SRCPOOLS parameter must correspond with a source
storage pool that is specified in the DEFINE STGRULE
User response
To successfully reissue the specified command, an
ANR2889E A storage pool for storage rule administrator must reissue the command. Then, an
storage rule name is invalid. approval administrator must approve the command
request before the command runs. Approval
Explanation administrators are specified by issuing the REGISTER
The source storage pool or the target storage pool is ADMIN or UPDATE ADMIN command and specifying
invalid for this storage rule. You can only specify a the CMDAPPROVER=YES parameter value.
container storage pool as the source storage pool ANR2892E Administrator administrator
when you issue the START STGRULE command. issued the command command
and cannot also approve the
command. Request ID:requestId.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 491

Explanation the same administrator cannot issue and reject a
command. The pending command must be rejected or
The specified administrator issued the command and
approved by another approval administrator. Approval
attempted to approve command processing. However,
administrators are specified by issuing the REGISTER
the same administrator cannot issue and approve a
ADMIN or UPDATE ADMIN command and specifying
command. The pending command must be approved
the CMDAPPROVER=YES parameter value.
by another approval administrator. Approval
administrators are specified by issuing the REGISTER
ADMIN or UPDATE ADMIN command and specifying System action
the CMDAPPROVER=YES parameter value. The command remains in a pending state until it is
rejected or approved by a second administrator, or
System action withdrawn by the administrator who originally issued
the command.
The command remains in a pending state and does not
run until it is approved by a different approval
administrator. User response
To withdraw the request for approval of the command,
User response the approval administrator who issued the command
must issue the WITHDRAW PENDINGCMD command.
To issue the command, ensure that a different
approval administrator approves the command ANR2895W The command command is already
request. in the approval queue. Request
ANR2893W A request for approval to process
the command command, which
was issued by administrator Explanation
requesting administrator, was Because the command is already in the approval
rejected by approval administrator queue, the command was not resubmitted.
rejecting administrator. Request
System action

Explanation System operation continues.

The designated approval administrator rejected the

User response
request to issue the command.
To verify the state of the command, view the approval
System action queue. To obtain command approval, contact the
approver. If the command is no longer required,
The specified command is no longer pending approval withdraw the command by running the WITHDRAW
and will not run. PENDINGCMD command. For example, if the approval
request ID is 4, run the following command: withdraw
User response pendingcmd 4
To successfully reissue the specified command, an ANR2896I Command: resetting existing
administrator must reissue the command. Then, an options options for retention rule
approval administrator must approve the command name to default values.
request before the command runs. Approval
administrators are specified by issuing the REGISTER Explanation
ADMIN or UPDATE ADMIN command and specifying
the CMDAPPROVER=YES parameter value. The update retrule command has reset existing
options for the retention rule to default values. The
ANR2894E Administrator administrator change is required by the parameters specified with
issued the command command the update commands.
and cannot also reject the
command. Request ID:requestId.
System action

Explanation Server operation continues.

The specified administrator issued the command and

attempted to reject command processing. However,

492 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. Server operation continues.
ANR2897E Command: Invalid combination of
enhanced schedule parameters or User response
their values, parm1 and parm2, To see the options for the existing retention rule,
found for retention rule name. issue: QUERY RETRULE FORMAT=DETAILED.
Determine the correct day and month combinations. If
Explanation the command failed, issue the update command again.
The specified update command has been issued with ANR2899E Command: Operation is not valid
either an invalid combination of parameters or their for storage pool type storage pool
values, or a specified parameter or value is not storage pool name.
compatible with an option that is not being updated for
the existing retention rule. WEEKOFMONTH and Explanation
DAYOFWEEK must not be specified with
DAYOFMONTH. WEEKEND or WEEKDAY must be The command indicated specifies a volume in a
specified with the FIRST or LAST week of month. storage pool which is not valid for the command.

System action System action

Server operation continues, but the command is not The server does not process the command.
User response
User response Reissue the command with a volume in a valid storage
To see the options for the existing retention rule, pool.
issue: QUERY RETRULE FORMAT=DETAILED. ANR2900W The character string 'string' was
Determine if the error was caused by one of the truncated during assignment.
• a conflict between parameters to the update Explanation
Truncation occurred during assignment of an SQL
• a conflict between a parameter specified with the character string. For example, the expression
update command and a value that already exists for CAST( 'Hello' AS CHAR(2) ) will result in truncation
the retention rule. because the string 'Hello' (length 5) can not fit in the
For the latter problem, also update the existing option target type CHAR(2) without loss of trailing characters.
that is causing the problem. Correct the update
command and issue it again. System action
ANR2898W Command: Invalid month and day, This warning can occur before or after SQL query
month day, detected for retention processing, but does not terminate query processing.
rule name.
User response
Explanation None.
The specified update command has been issued with
ANR2901W The result of character string
either an invalid combination of MONTH and
concatenation was truncated.
DAYOFMONTH, or a specified MONTH or
DAYOFMONTH value is incompatible with a MONTH or
DAYOFMONTH value that is not being updated for the Explanation
existing retention rule. If there is just one month and Truncation occurred when the concatenation of
one day combination and that combination is invalid, character strings resulted in a length that exceeds the
the command will fail. If there is at least one valid maximum character string length (250 for data type
month and day combination, the retention rule will be CHAR, and 2000 for data type VARCHAR).
updated and run on the valid dates. The schedule will
skip the invalid month and day combinations.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 493

System action ANR2905E Unexpected SQL identifier token -
This warning can occur before or after SQL query
processing, but does not terminate query processing.
User response A syntax error occurred because an SQL identifier was
found that can not legally be used at the specified
position within the SQL statement. Examples of SQL
ANR2902E Insufficient memory was available identifiers are table names and column names.
to process the SQL statement.
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
Sufficient memory was not available to complete the
processing of an SQL query. User response
System action
ANR2906E Unexpected SQL literal token -
The SQL query is terminated.

User response
A syntax error occurred because an SQL literal token
ANR2903E An SQL parser stack overflow was found that can not legally be used at the specified
occurred while processing token position within the SQL statement. Examples of SQL
'token'. literal tokens are 'abc', 1.567, and DATE '1/1/96'.

Explanation System action

The internal stack used by the SQL query parser has The SQL query is terminated.
overflowed. This typically occurs when too many
column names or expressions have been specified in User response
the SELECT clause.
System action ANR2907E Unexpected SQL operator token -
The SQL query is terminated. 'token'.

User response
A syntax error occurred because an SQL operator
token was found that can not legally be used at the
ANR2904E Unexpected SQL key word token - specified position within the SQL statement. Examples
'token'. of SQL operator tokens are +, *, <, and =.

Explanation System action

A syntax error occurred because an SQL key word was The SQL query is terminated.
found that can not legally be used at the specified
position within the SQL statement. Examples of SQL User response
key words are SELECT, FROM, and WHERE.
System action ANR2908E Unexpected SQL punctuation
The SQL query is terminated. token - 'token'.

User response
A syntax error occurred because an SQL punctuation
token was found that can not legally be used at the

494 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

specified position within the SQL statement. Examples ANR2912E Invalid character string literal
of SQL punctuation tokens are the period, the comma, token - 'token'.
and the parenthesis.
System action
An invalid SQL character string literal token was found.
The SQL query is terminated. For example, the hexadecimal literal X'78FG' is not
valid because it contains the character 'G'.
User response
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
ANR2909E The SQL statement is incomplete;
additional tokens are required.
User response
Explanation None.
A syntax error occurred because, although the syntax ANR2913E Invalid SQL identifier token -
of the SQL query expression was correct up to the end 'token'.
of the string, the parser expected additional tokens in
order to form a syntactically-correct SQL statement. Explanation
An invalid SQL identifier token was found. For
System action
example, the character sequence "ABC.123" is not a
The SQL query is terminated. valid identifier because the second part of the
identifier, "123", does not begin with a letter.
User response
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
ANR2910E Invalid SQL token - 'token'.

User response
An invalid SQL token was found. For example, the
token formed by the character sequence "::!" is not a ANR2914E SQL identifier token 'token' is too
valid SQL token. long; name or component exceeds
18 characters.
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
An SQL identifier token was found that exceeds the
User response maximum length of 18 characters per component.

System action
ANR2911E Invalid SQL numeric literal token -
The SQL query is terminated.

User response
An invalid SQL numeric literal token was found. For
example, the floating point literal "1.456E" is not valid. ANR2915E The SQL token beginning with
'token' is missing an ending
System action delimiter.
The SQL query is terminated.

User response An SQL token was found that is missing its ending
delimiter. For example, each of the tokens 'abc, "abc,
None. and X'abc is missing its ending delimiter.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 495

System action ANR2919E The SQL data type of expression
'expression' is data type; expecting
The SQL query is terminated.
a numeric expression.

User response
An SQL expression of numeric data type SMALLINT,
ANR2916E The SQL data types data type and INTEGER, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, REAL, FLOAT, or
data type are incompatible for DOUBLE_PRECISION is expected.
operator 'operator'.
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
The data types of the operands are not compatible
when used with the specified operator. For example, User response
the expression 3 + 'abc' is not valid because the
operand data types INTEGER and CHAR(3) are not None.
compatible for the addition operator "+". ANR2920E The SQL data type of expression
'expression' is data type; expecting
System action a numeric or interval expression.
The SQL query is terminated.
User response An SQL expression of numeric data type (SMALLINT,
DOUBLE) or of interval data type (INTERVAL) is
ANR2917E The SQL data type of expression expected.
'expression' is data type; expecting
an integer expression. System action
The SQL query is terminated.
An SQL expression of data type SMALLINT, INTEGER, User response
or DECIMAL with scale zero is expected.
System action ANR2921E The SQL data type of expression
The SQL query is terminated. 'expression' is data type; expecting
a character string expression.
User response
An SQL expression of character string type CHAR or
ANR2918E The SQL data type of expression VARCHAR is expected.
'expression' is data type; expecting
a Boolean expression. System action
The SQL query is terminated.
An SQL expression of data type BOOLEAN is expected. User response
System action
ANR2922E The SQL data type of expression
The SQL query is terminated.
'expression' is data type; expecting
a date, timestamp, character
User response string date, character string
None. timestamp, or interval expression.

496 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR2925E The SQL data type of expression
'expression' is data type; expecting
An SQL expression was expected of one of the types
a time or character string time
the operand to the EXTRACT function. In the case of
CHAR or VARCHAR, the expression must be a valid
character string representation of a date or a Explanation
timestamp. An SQL expression was expected of one of the types
TIME, CHAR, or VARCHAR. In the case of CHAR or
System action VARCHAR, the expression must be a valid character
string representation of a time.
The SQL query is terminated.

System action
User response
The SQL query is terminated.
ANR2923E The SQL data type of expression User response
'expression' is data type; expecting
a time, timestamp, character None.
string time, character string ANR2926E The SQL data type of expression
timestamp, or interval expression. 'expression' is data type; expecting
a date, timestamp, character
Explanation string date, or character string
An SQL expression was expected of one of the types timestamp expression.
the operand to the EXTRACT function. In the case of Explanation
CHAR or VARCHAR, the expression must be a valid An SQL expression was expected of one of the types
character string representation of a time or a DATE, TIMESTAMP, CHAR, or VARCHAR. In the case of
timestamp. CHAR or VARCHAR, the expression must be a valid
character string representation of a date or a
System action timestamp.
The SQL query is terminated.
System action
User response The SQL query is terminated.
User response
ANR2924E The SQL data type of expression
'expression' is data type; expecting None.
a date or character string date ANR2927E The SQL data type of expression
expression. 'expression' is data type; expecting
an interval containing a single
Explanation date-time field.
An SQL expression was expected of one of the types
DATE, CHAR, or VARCHAR. In the case of CHAR or Explanation
VARCHAR, the expression must be a valid character An SQL expression was expected of data type
string representation of a date. INTERVAL YEAR, INTERVAL MONTH, INTERVAL DAY,
System action SECOND, all of which contain a single date-time field.
Multi-field interval types (for example, INTERVAL DAY
The SQL query is terminated.
TO SECOND) are not allowed.

User response
System action
The SQL query is terminated.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 497

User response User response
None. None.
ANR2928E A number can not be converted to ANR2931E A subquery expression may not
SQL data type INTERVAL if the contain a reference to a column
interval contains multiple date- name that is contained in an outer
time fields. query expression.

Explanation Explanation
An attempt was made to convert a number to the data A subquery contains a reference to a column name in
type INTERVAL, but the target interval contains an outer query expression.
multiple date-time fields (for example, INTERVAL DAY
TO SECOND). Only the single-field interval types System action
SECOND can be specified.
User response
System action None.
The SQL query is terminated. ANR2932E The maximum nesting depth for
subquery expressions has been
User response exceeded.
ANR2929E The expression 'expression' is not
an integer constant. Too many nested subqueries were specified.

Explanation System action

An integer constant such as 1 or -9 is expected. For The SQL query is terminated.

example, the DECIMAL function requires that the
precision and scale operands be integer constants. A User response
decimal constant such as 1.67 is not valid.

System action ANR2933E The WHERE clause must not

contain an aggregate function.
The SQL query is terminated.
User response
The use of the aggregate functions COUNT, MAX, MIN,
ANR2930E A subquery used in an SQL clause is not allowed.
expression must specify a single
result column. System action
The SQL query is terminated.
A subquery used in an expression can not specify User response
multiple result columns. For example, the expression
X > (select A,B from T) is invalid because it specifies
two result columns (A and B). ANR2934E The result data type of a CASE
expression can not be determined;
System action at least one non-null THEN or ELSE
expression must be specified.
The SQL query is terminated.

498 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The result data type of a CASE expression can not be The SQL query is terminated.
determined because all of the THEN expressions and
the ELSE expression (if present) specifies the NULL User response
key word.
System action ANR2938E The column 'column' is not allowed
in this context; it must either be
The SQL query is terminated.
named in the GROUP BY clause or
be nested within an aggregate
User response function.
ANR2935E The date-time field field is not
present in the expression A column reference was specified that is neither a
'expression' (data type data type). column specified in a GROUP BY clause nor is a
column nested in one of the aggregate functions
The use of the column reference is prohibited because
The specified date-time field (YEAR, MONTH, DAY, either 1) the GROUP BY clause has been specified, 2)
HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND) is not contained in the the HAVING clause has been specified, or 3) at least
data type of the expression. one aggregate function is present.

System action System action

The SQL query is terminated. The SQL query is terminated.

User response User response

None. None.
ANR2936E The SQL aggregate function ANR2939E The reference 'reference' contains
function can not be nested within an unknown SQL table name.
another aggregate function.
A table name in the SQL command is not one of the
One of the aggregate functions COUNT, MAX, MIN, base tables defined by the server's database. The rows
SUM, AVG, VARIANCE, or STDDEV was found nested of the table SYSCAT.TABLES can be selected to obtain
within another aggregate expression. a list of all of the valid base tables.

System action System action

The SQL query is terminated. The SQL query is terminated.

User response User response

None. Retry the command using a table that is defined by the
ANR2937E An SQL subquery expression can IBM Spectrum Protect server database.
not be nested within an aggregate ANR2940E The command 'reference' contains
function. an unknown SQL column name.

Explanation Explanation
An expression containing a subquery was found A column name in the SQL command is not one of the
nested within one of the aggregate functions COUNT, base table columns defined by the server's database.
MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, VARIANCE, or STDDEV. The rows of the table SYSCAT.COLUMNS can be
selected to obtain a list of all of the valid base table

Chapter 3. ANR messages 499

columns. If a two-part (compound) column reference System action
such as X.Y is specified, then the correlation name X
The SQL query is terminated.
must be one of the active correlation names for the
User response
System action None.
The SQL query is terminated. ANR2944E The reference 'reference' is an
unknown SQL scalar function
User response name.

ANR2941E The column reference 'column
The specified function reference is not the name of a
reference' matches more than one
valid scalar function.
SQL column name.

System action
The SQL query is terminated.
The specified column reference is ambiguous because
it matches the columns associated with multiple
tables. User response
System action
ANR2945E Too few arguments are specified
The SQL query is terminated. for SQL scalar function function.

User response Explanation

None. Too few function arguments were specified. For
example, the expression LEFT(x) is invalid because the
ANR2942E The column reference 'column
LEFT function requires at least two arguments.
reference' is not allowed in this
context because it is part of an
outer SQL query expression. System action
The SQL query is terminated.
The specified column reference is not allowed because User response
it names a columns of some outer query expression. None.
Such references are not allowed when contained
within the expressions of the HAVING and SELECT ANR2946E Too many arguments are specified
clauses. for SQL scalar function function.

System action Explanation

The SQL query is terminated. Too many function arguments were specified. For
example, the expression UPPER(x,y) is invalid because
the UPPER function requires exactly one argument.
User response
None. System action
ANR2943E The column reference 'column The SQL query is terminated.
reference' is a duplicate of another
SQL column name in the same list.
User response

Explanation None.

A duplicate column reference was specified within the ANR2947E Division by zero was detected for
same GROUP BY or ORDER BY list of columns. operator 'operator'.

500 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
An attempt to divide by the number zero was detected The SQL query is terminated.
for the specified SQL operator. The most likely cause
of the problem is that one of the values of a column is User response
zero, and that column is used in the denominator of a
division operation. To protect against this case the None.
NULLIF function can be used. For example, instead of ANR2950E Arithmetic or date-time overflow
the expression 1/X, specify 1/NULLIF(X,0), which will occurred for SQL operator
set the expression to null whenever the value if X is 'operator' for values 'value' (data
zero. type data type) and 'value' (data
type data type).
System action
The SQL query is terminated. Explanation
An arithmetic or date-time overflow occurred for the
User response specified operator. The values that caused the
overflow (and their SQL data types) are displayed.
ANR2948E The value 'value' can not be System action
assigned or converted to SQL data
type data type. The SQL query is terminated.

Explanation User response

A value could not assigned or converted to a value in None.

the specified SQL data type because either 1) the data ANR2951E The value 'value' (data type data
type of the value can not be legally cast to the target type) is not a valid argument for
data type (for example, data type TIME can not be operator 'operator'.
converted to data type INTEGER); 2) the assignment of
the value results in overflow in the target data type (for
example, the decimal value 12345678.34 can not be
assigned to data type DECIMAL(3,2) because the An invalid value was specified as an argument to an
precision of the target type is exceeded); or 3) the SQL operator. For example, the expression SQRT(-1) is
syntax of a character string value is not appropriate for not valid because the argument to the SQRT function
the target data type (for example, the string 'abc' can is negative.
not be converted to data type DATE).
System action
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
The SQL query is terminated.
User response
User response
ANR2952E The value 'value' (data type data
ANR2949E Arithmetic overflow occurred for type) is not a valid character string
SQL operator 'operator'. representation of an SQL date or a
timestamp for operator 'operator'.
An arithmetic overflow occurred for the specified
operator. Examples of this include: 1) the application An invalid character string representation of a DATE or
of the unary negation operator to the smallest TIMESTAMP was specified. For example, the string
INTEGER value (-2147483648) causes overflow 'abc' is neither a valid date nor a timestamp.
because the result can not be represented in 2's
complement; 2) the sum of the set of INTEGER column System action
values applied to the SUM aggregate function can not
be represented within the precision of INTEGER type. The SQL query is terminated.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 501

User response User response
None. None.
ANR2953E The value 'value' (data type data ANR2956E Unable to access SQL base table
type) is not a valid character string 'table'.
representation of an SQL time or a
timestamp for operator 'operator'. Explanation
An error occurred when attempting to read rows from
one of the SQL base tables. This message is typically
An invalid character string representation of a TIME or preceded by another error describing the condition.
TIMESTAMP was specified. For example, the string 'g
pm' is neither a valid time nor a timestamp. System action
The SQL query is terminated.
System action
The SQL query is terminated. User response
User response
ANR2957E An error occurred inserting a row
in an SQL temporary table. The
ANR2954E An SQL subquery used in a scalar server database size may need to
expression must yield a table that be increased
contains at most one row.
An error occurred when attempting to insert a row into
This error results when a subquery used in a scalar a temporary table being used for an SQL query. This
expression returns multiple rows, thereby making it message is typically preceded by another error
ambiguous as to which value should be returned. describing the condition. In many cases this error can
be resolved by increasing the size of the server
System action database. Free space in the database is used to store
temporary tables created during the execution of an
The SQL query is terminated. SQL SELECT query.

User response System action

Respecify the subquery (for example, using the The SQL query is terminated.
WHERE clause) so that the subquery returns at most
one row.
User response
ANR2955E The SQL character string None.
expression 'expression' must
return a single character. ANR2958E SQL temporary table storage has
been exhausted.
A single-character character string was expected for
the ESCAPE clause of the LIKE operator, for the trim The result of an SQL query could not be computed
character of the TRIM operator, or for the pad because temporary table storage space was
character of the LEFT or RIGHT function. For example, unavailable. By issuing the QUERY DB command and
the string 'Hello' is invalid because it contains multiple viewing the Maximum Reduction parameter, you can
characters. determine the amount of space that is available for
temporary table storage space. If the parameter is less
System action than 4, the storage space becomes exhausted and the
SQL query can no longer run. Complex SQL queries
The SQL query is terminated. such as the ORDER BY clause, the GROUP BY clause,
and the DISTINCT operator can cause additional
temporary table space to be required.

502 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The SQL query is terminated. A syntax error occurred because an SQL enumerated
type name was expected, but the specified name is
User response not one of the declared enumerated types. For
example, the literal expression XXX::YYYY is illegal
If your database is full, increase the size of the because XXX is not a valid enumerated type name. A
database. If your database is fragmented (Where the list of all of the enumerated types declared by the
Available space parameter is greater than 4, but the server can be found in the SQL catalog table
Maximum Reduction parameter is less than 4), you SYSCAT.ENUMTYPES.
must either unload and load your database or add
System action
ANR2959E SQL temporary table row is too The SQL query is terminated.

User response
A row could not be inserted into an SQL temporary
table because the row is too wide. This can occur if 1) ANR2962E Unable to resolve SQL enumerated
there are too many columns in the row being inserted, type for value 'value'.
or 2) the sum of the lengths of the columns in the row
is too wide. Temporary tables are used when 1) the Explanation
ORDER BY clause is specified; 2) the GROUP BY clause
is specified; or 3) the DISTINCT operator is specified. A syntax error occurred because an unqualified SQL
enumerated value name was specified, but, because
that value name is a member of more than one
System action
enumerated type, its type could not be resolved. For
The SQL query is terminated. example, the enumerated value name YES belongs to
more than one enumerated type, and so the result
User response type of the expression YES = YES can not be resolved.
A list of all of the enumerated types declared by the
Reduce the number of columns specified in the ORDER server can be found in the SQL catalog table
ANR2960E Unexpected SQL enumerated type
name token - 'token'. System action
The SQL query is terminated.
A syntax error occurred because an SQL enumerated User response
type name was found that can not legally be used at None.
the specified position within the SQL statement. A list
of all of the enumerated types declared by the server ANR2963W This SQL query may produce a
can be found in the SQL catalog table very large result table, or may
SYSCAT.ENUMTYPES. require a significant amount of
time to compute.
System action
The SQL query is terminated.
An SQL query has been posed that could potentially
User response cause a very large number of rows to be returned and
displayed, or may involve a large amount of processing
None. time before the first result table row can be generated.
ANR2961E Invalid SQL enumerated type
name - 'name'. System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 503

User response User response
Enter 'Y' to continue with SQL query processing or 'N' Extend the server database (after adding database
to terminate the query. volumes if necessary) and rerun the commmand or
ANR2964E The reference 'reference' is not a
column of the SQL result table. ANR2967E Command: The node name object
client node cannot be replicated.
The ORDER BY clause specified a column that is not
part of the result table for the SQL query. Only those Object client nodes are not supported on the target
columns named in the select list are part of the result replication server.
System action
System action
The node and its data are not replicated to the target
The SQL query is terminated. server.

User response User response

None. Reissue the command without specifying the object
client node.
ANR2965E An SQL temporary table cannot be
built. required columns columns ANR2968E Database backup terminated. Db2
are needed. maximum columns is sqlcode: sqlcode. Db2 sqlerrmc:
the maximum. sqlerrmc.

Explanation Explanation
A temporary table required columns wide is needed to Db2 detected a problem during the backup operation.
complete processing for an SQL query. The maximum Sources of the problem might include:
degree of an SQL table is maximum columns. The table
1. IBM Spectrum Protect API configuration errors for
will not be created.
the Db2 instance in which the IBM Spectrum
Protect server database resides.
System action
2. An error related to the Db2 backup operation.
The SQL query is terminated. 3. Errors related to the target backup device.

User response System action

If the ORDER BY and/or GROUP BY clauses were The database backup is terminated.
specified, reduce the number of columns needed for
the result table.
User response
ANR2966E Command/process: Database
If the message indicates Db2 sqlcode 2033, then the
temporary table storage has been
problem is probably the IBM Spectrum Protect API
configuration. The Db2 instance uses the IBM
Spectrum Protect API to copy the IBM Spectrum
Explanation Protect database-backup image to the IBM Spectrum
The named command or operation could not be Protect server-attached storage devices. Common
completed because insufficient temporary table sqlerrmc codes include:
storage space was available. Free space in the server 1. 50 - To determine whether an error created the API
database is used to store temporary tables created timeout condition, look for any IBM Spectrum
during the execution of the named command or Protect server messages that occurred during the
process. database-backup process and that were issued
before ANR2968E. Ensure that the IBM Spectrum
System action Protect API options file has the correct
TCPSERVERADDR and TCPPORT options specified
The named command or process is terminated.
for the IBM Spectrum Protect server being backed

504 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

up. If the option settings are wrong, correct them 1. IBM Spectrum Protect API configuration errors for
for the Db2 instance. the Db2 instance in which the IBM Spectrum
2. 53 - Ensure that the NODENAME option in the IBM Protect server database resides.
Spectrum Protect API options files is set to $ 2. Errors related to the Db2 restore operation.
$_TSMDBMGR_$$. Also verify the 3. Errors related to the target backup device.
TCPSERVERADDRESS setting. If the keyword
"localhost" is being used verify that this is being 4. The IBM Spectrum Protect API client configuration
resolved correctly by issuing the command "ping used by the current instance is not able to access
localhost" from a system command window. If the the backup image.
ping of localhost fails, consider changing the
TCPSERVERADDRESS to the explicit loopback System action
address of As an alternative to setting The database restore operation is terminated.
the explicit loopback address of, verify
the TCP/IP configuration and whether or not
"localhost" is configured correctly. For example, for User response
Unix or Linux systems, verify that /etc/hosts has an If the message indicates Db2 sqlcode 2033, then the
appropriate entry for "localhost". problem is most likely the IBM Spectrum Protect API
3. 106 - Ensure that the Db2 Instance DSMI_DIR configuration. The Db2 instance uses the IBM
environment variable is pointing to the location of Spectrum Protect API to copy the IBM Spectrum
the IBM Spectrum Protect API executables and the Protect database restore image from the IBM
dsm.sys configuration file. If the DSMI_DIR setting Spectrum Protect server-attached storage devices to
is wrong, correct it for the Db2 instance, and then Db2. Common sqlerrmc codes include:
restart the Db2 instance. 1. 50 - To determine whether an error created the API
4. 400 - Ensure that the options specified in the IBM timeout condition, look for any IBM Spectrum
Spectrum Protect API options file are valid. Protect server messages that occurred during the
5. 406 - Ensure that the Db2 instance owner has at backup DB process and that were issued before
least read access to the IBM Spectrum Protect API ANR2969E. Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Protect
options file. Ensure that the Db2-instance API options file has the correct TCPSERVERADDR
DSMI_CONFIG environment variable is pointing to a and TCPPORT options specified for the IBM
valid options file for the IBM Spectrum Protect API. Spectrum Protect server being backed up. If the
If the DSMI_CONFIG setting is wrong, correct it for option settings are wrong, correct them for the Db2
the Db2 instance, and then restart the Db2 instance.
instance. 2. 53 - Ensure that the NODENAME option in the IBM
6. 450,451 - Ensure that the server options file and Spectrum Protect API options files is set to $
the IBM Spectrum Protect API options file both $_TSMDBMGR_$$.
contain the COMMMETHOD SHAREDMEM option. 3. 106 - Ensure that the Db2-instance DSMI_DIR
Ensure that the values for the SHMPORT option in environment variable is pointing to the location of
each options file correspond. Restart the server if the IBM Spectrum Protect API executables and the
you change any values in the server options file. dsm.sys configuration file. Ensure that you have the
7. For descriptions of other sqlerrmc values, look in correct permissions to access these locations. If
the dsmrc.h file that is installed with the IBM the DSMI_DIR setting is wrong, correct it for the
Spectrum Protect API. Db2 instance, and then restart the Db2 instance.
4. 400 - Ensure that the options specified in the IBM
If this message is issued with a Db2 sqlcode that is not
Spectrum Protect API options file are valid.
2033, then look for more information about the error
by opening a Db2 command-line processor window 5. 406 - Ensure that the Db2 instance owner has at
and typing: ? SQLsqlcode. For example, db2 => ? least read access to the IBM Spectrum Protect API
sql2428 options file. Ensure that the Db2 Instance
DSMI_CONFIG environment variable is pointing to a
ANR2969E Database restore terminated. Db2 valid options file for the IBM Spectrum Protect API.
sqlcode: sqlcode. Db2 sqlerrmc: If the DSMI_CONFIG setting is wrong, correct it for
sqlerrmc. the Db2 instance, and then restart the Db2
Explanation 6. 450,451 - Ensure that the server options file and
Db2 detected a problem during the restore operation. the IBM Spectrum Protect API options file both
Sources of the problem might include: contain the COMMMETHOD SHAREDMEM option.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 505

Ensure that the values for the SHMPORT option in System action
each options file correspond. Restart the server if
The database backup/restore/rollforward is
you change any values in the server options file.
7. For descriptions of other sqlerrmc values, look in
the dsmrc.h file that is installed with the IBM User response
Spectrum Protect API.
More information about the error is available by
If the message indicates Db2 sqlcode 2542, then the opening a Db2 command-line processor window and
problem is probably because IBM Spectrum Protect typing: ? SQLsqlcode. For example, db2 => ? sql2428
API version for database restore is not the same API
version for database backup. Check IBM Spectrum ANR2972E Restore DB Command: Database
Protect API version: restore/rollforward terminated -
Not able to clean up log directory
1. AIX - /bin/sh -c "lslpp -lcq
directory name.
2. Solaris - /bin/sh -c "cat /var/sadm/pkg/TIVsmCapi/ Explanation
pkginfo | grep VERSION
IBM Spectrum Protect tried to clean up this log
3. HP- /bin/sh -c "cat /var/adm/sw/products/
directory before PIT restore DB and not able to.
TIVsm64/CLIENT_API64/INDEX| grep ^revision
4. Linux - rpm -q TIVsm-API64-* --qf %{VERSION}.%
System action
5. Windows - reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE The database restore/rollforward is terminated.
User response
If this message is issued with a Db2 sqlcode that is not
2033 or 2542, then look for more information about Please clean up this directory manually before
the error by opening a Db2 command-line processor performing DB PIT restore.
window and typing: ? SQLsqlcode. For example, db2
ANR2973E Restore DB Command: Database
=> ? sql2428
restore/rollforward terminated -
ANR2970E Database rollforward terminated - Log directory is required and does
Db2 sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc not exist directory name.
Explanation The log direcotry is required and it does not exist. PIT
There is a problem detected by Db2. restore DB is terminated.

System action System action

The database rollforward is terminated. The database restore/rollforward is terminated.

User response User response

More information about the error is available by Create the specified directory and retry.
opening a Db2 command-line processor window and
ANR2974I Offline DB backup for database DB
typing: ? SQLsqlcode. For example, db2 => ? sql2428
Alias completed successfully.
ANR2971E Database backup/restore/
rollforward terminated - Db2 Explanation
sqlcode sqlcode error.
Offline DB backup completed successfully.
System action
There is a problem detected by Db2.

User response

506 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR2975E Offline DB backup for database DB ANR2979E Internal error - Control descriptor
Alias failed with sqlcode sqlcode is NULL.
and sqlerrmc sqlerrmc.
Something is wrong the control descriptor is NULL.
The Offline Database backup failed.
System action
System action

User response User response

ANR2976I Offline DB backup for database DB
Alias started. ANR2980E Database backup terminated
TCPIP failure - Db2 sqlcode
Explanation sqlcode sqlerrmc sqlerrmc.

Offline DB backup started.


System action There is a TCPIP failure detected by Db2.

System action

User response The database backup is terminated.

User response
ANR2977E Command: The command failed Correct the TCPIP setup problem between IBM
because of an issue in the device Spectrum Protect and Db2 and retry.
configuration file.
ANR2981E Database backup terminated due
Explanation to environment or setup issue
related to file access - Db2
The device configuration file includes one or more sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc
invalid values. sqlerrmc.

System action Explanation

The server ends the current operation. There is a problem related to environment or setup
detected by Db2.
User response
Correct the issue in the device configuration file and System action
run the command again. The database backup is terminated.
ANR2978E Command: Invalid directory name
- directory name. User response
Ensure that you specified the correct file or directory
Explanation name, correct the permissions, or specify a new
Restore DB failed due to invalid target directory name location and retry.
in device target directory file. ANR2982E Database backup terminated due
to environment or setup issue
System action related to password - Db2 sqlcode
sqlcode sqlerrmc sqlerrmc.

User response
Correct the problem in target directory file and retry.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 507

Explanation sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc
There is a problem related to environment or setup
detected by Db2.
System action There is a TCPIP problem detected by Db2 and caused
the database backup to fail.
The database backup is terminated.

System action
User response
The database backup is terminated.
If the IBM Spectrum Protect parameter
PASSWORDACCESS is set to GENERATE, remove the
PASSWORDACCESS parameter or set it to PROMPT. User response

ANR2983E Database backup terminated due The possible TCPIP problem are connection time out,
to environment or setup issue connection refused, bad host name or network
related to DSMI_DIR - Db2 unreachable. Correct the TCPIP problem between IBM
sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc Spectrum Protect and Db2 and retry.
sqlerrmc. ANR2986E Database backup terminated due
to I/O error - Db2 sqlcode sqlcode
Explanation sqlerrmc sqlerrmc.
There is a problem related to environment or setup
detected by Db2. Explanation
There is a I/O problem detected by Db2 and caused
System action the database backup to fail.
The database backup is terminated.
System action
User response The database backup is terminated.
Ensure that DSMI_DIR points to a directory containing
the correct version of db2tca, restart the instance, and User response
execute the command again. Correct the I/O problem between IBM Spectrum
ANR2984E Database backup terminated due Protect and Db2 and retry.
to environment or setup issue ANR2987W Session ended because of machine
related to DSMI_CONFIG - Db2 GUID or local host IP address
sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc mismatch.
Backup or Restore DB commands are only allowed
There is a problem related to environment or setup when the IBM Spectrum Protect database being
detected by Db2. backed up or restored and the IBM Spectrum Protect
api and the IBM Spectrum Protect server are on the
System action same machine. Either the GUID of the IBM Spectrum
Protect api client in use by the database manager does
The database backup is terminated.
not match the GUID of the IBM Spectrum Protect
server or the local host IP address indicated by the
User response IBM Spectrum Protect client is not accepted.
Ensure that the DSMI_CONFIG environment variable
points to a valid IBM Spectrum Protect options file. System action
Ensure that the instance owner has read access to the
The database backup or restore operation is
dsm.opt file. Ensure that the DSMI_CONFIG
environment variable is set in the db2profile.
ANR2985E Database backup terminated due
to I/O error related to TCPIP - Db2

508 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Default acceptable local host addresses are Ensure the path exists and permissions are correct
"" for IPV4 and "::1" for IPV6. If you can not and issue restore DB command again or issue restore
configure one of these local host addresses on your DB command again with ON parameter to specify a
system then use the IBM Spectrum Protect server new valid database storage path.
option "DBMTRUSTEDIPADDR ipaddr" to set a local
ANR2991E The Incremental Database backup
host address that can be accepted.
was terminated because a full
ANR2988W Attempt to add the last backup db database backup is required - Db2
volume used entry back in to the sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc
volume history was unsuccessful. sqlerrmc.

Explanation Explanation
Restore db operation was successful however the The Incremental Database backup was terminated. A
attempt to add the last backup db volume used back in FULL database backup is required before an
to the volume history failed. Incremental Database backup can be completed.

System action System action

The database restore operation is successful. Entry for The incremental database backup is terminated.
last backup db volume used in the operation might be
missing from volume history. User response
Complete a FULL database backup first, then retry the
User response
incremental database backup.
Keep a copy of the volume history file that was used to
do the restore operation. After you have verified the ANR2992W The database uses database space
restore db operation do a backup db type=full. used megabytes of file-system
Manually track the volume that was not added back in space. The amount of available
to the volume history. file-system space is database
space available megabytes. The
ANR2989E Database Database Name backup ratio is database file system used
failed - Missing volume history file. ratio.

Explanation Explanation
Backup DB failed due to volume history file is not The ratio exceeds the threshold for database space
defined in the dsmserv.opt. utilization.

System action System action

None. System operations might be restricted because of
limited database space.
User response
User response
Correct the problem in dsmserv.opt file and retry.
To increase the space for the database, use the
ANR2990E Database restore is terminated EXTEND DBSPACE command.
due to an invalid database path
sqlerrmc and Db2 sqlcode sqlcode ANR2993E The database backup terminated
with a log problem. Db2 sqlcode:
Explanation sqlcode. Db2 sqlerrmc: sqlerrmc.

Db2 detected invalid database path.


System action The database backup was terminated by Db2 because

one or more of the log files needed could not be
The database restore is terminated. retrieved.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 509

System action System action
The database backup is terminated. Server processing continues.

User response User response

If the message did not indicate which log directory Continue to monitor server activity and log usage. If
path caused the problem, look in the db2diag.log for log usage is low enough, you may consider reducing
additional information. Common problems are a the amount of space allocated to the log.
missing directory or permission denied.
ANR2997W The server log is log full percentage
ANR2994E The automatic database backup percent full. The server will delay
was terminated. transactions by delay time
The operation was terminated because the device
class that is used for the automatic database backup is The server log utilization is very high. In order to
not defined. prevent the server log from becoming full, the server
will begin delaying transactions by the specified
System action amount of time.

The automatic database backup is terminated.

System action

User response Server processing continues.

Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command to define the

User response
device class for the automatic database backup.
Monitor server activity and log usage. If possible, delay
ANR2995E Command: Device class device adding new work to the server load.
class name is used for the
automatic database backup. ANR2998I When storage rule stgrule_name is
processed, the operation will
Explanation reclaim reclaimable_cntrs
containers, reading and writing
The DELETE DEVCLASS command was issued to delete moved_bytes, and saving
a device class that is in use for the automatic database saved_bytes of space.
System action
The reclamation process will proceed based on the
The server does not process the command. settings that you specified in the storage rule.

User response System action

Issue the SET DBRECOVERY command to define a new Server operation continues.
device class for automatic database backup before
deleting this device class.
User response
ANR2996I The server log is log full percentage No action is required.
percent full. The server is no
longer delaying transactions. ANR3000E Command: Command can only be
issued on a configuration
Explanation manager.

The server log utilization was dangerously high and the

server was delaying transactions. The log utilization is
now at a lower level and the server is no longer The command can only be issued on a server that is a
delaying transactions. configuration manager.

510 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR3004E Command: The configuration
manager name exceeds maximum
Server operation continues. The command is not
length characters.

User response
The configuration manager name specified in the
Issue this command from a configuration manager.
command is longer than the maximum length allowed.
ANR3001E Command: Command can only be
issued on a managed server. System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
The command can only be issued on a managed
server. User response
Select a configuration manager name that does not
System action
exceed the maximum length.
Server operation continues. The command is not
ANR3005E Command: The server name
exceeds maximum length
User response
Issue this command from a managed server. Explanation
ANR3002E Command: Profile name exceeds The configuration manager name specified in the
maximum length characters. command is longer than the maximum length allowed.

Explanation System action

The profile name specified in the command is longer Server operation continues. The command is not
than the maximum length allowed. processed.

System action User response

Server operation continues. The command is not Select a configuration manager name that does not
processed. exceed the maximum length.
ANR3006E Command: The configuration
User response refresh interval value must be
Select a profile name that does not exceed the between minimum value and
maximum length. maximum value.

ANR3003E Command: Profile description

exceeds maximum length
characters. The specified command has been issued with an
invalid refresh interval.
System action
The profile description specified in the command is
longer than the maximum length allowed. Server operation continues. The command is not
System action
User response
Server operation continues. The command is not
processed. Issue the command and specify a valid refresh interval
User response ANR3007E Command: The option option must
Select a description that does not exceed the be specified.
maximum length.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 511

Explanation configuration refresh processing
will delete the object on managed
When the command is issued on a a server that is
servers that subscribe to a profile
neither a configuration manager nor a managed server,
with which the object is
the specified option must be supplied.

System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
A command has been entered that will delete an
object from a configuration manager. Since this object
is associated with one or more profiles on a
User response configuration manager, configuration refresh
Reissue the command with the specified option. processing will delete this object on subscribing
managed servers.
ANR3008I Database backup was written
using client API: API information. System action

Explanation The system asks whether you wish to continue with

the command.
The database backup was written using the indicated
IBM Spectrum Protect Backup/Archive API. User response

System action To process the command, enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to

stop the process.
Database restore processing continues.
ANR3011E command: Subscription for profile
profile name was not deleted
User response
because one or more objects could
This information will be used during the database not be discarded.
restore operation. If the API used during the restore is
not compatible, additional messages will be issued Explanation
and the operation will fail.
This message was issued because one or more objects
ANR3009E Database restore not possible, could not be discarded by the indicated command. A
client API is not compatible: API previous message gives an explanation for each object
information. that could not be discarded.

Explanation System action

The IBM Spectrum Protect client API version being The system may discard some of the managed objects
used for this database restore operation is not that are associated with profile profile name The
compatible with the version used to write the subscription itself is not deleted.
database backup.
User response
System action
Examine previous messages to determine the action
Database restore processing terminates. that must be taken before remaining objects can be
discarded. Alternatively, you can delete the
User response subscription without using the DISCARDOBJECTS=YES
Install a newer version of the IBM Spectrum Protect
client API and retry this database restore operation. ANR3012I command: Configuration manager
The client API version currently available and used for state set to state.
this database restore operation is not compatible with
what was used to originally write the database backup. Explanation
ANR3010W This command will delete an The command has successfully set the configuration
object that is associated with one manager state.
or more profiles on a configuration
manager. Subsequent

512 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The command succeeded. Server operation continues. The command is not
User response
User response
Use the QUERY PROFILE command to determine
ANR3013W command: Configuration manager which profiles still exist on the configuration manager
state already set to state. then use the DELETE PROFILE command. After all the
profiles have been deleted, reissue the command.
ANR3016I command: Configuration refresh
The specified state is already in force on the server. interval set to interval.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. The command is not The command has successfully set the configuration
processed. refresh interval to the specified value. Automatic
configuration refresh processing will immediately be
User response attempted and then will again be performed after the
specified number of minutes of elapsed.
This server is already set to the specified state. If the
state should be set differently, reissue the command
specifying the new state value. System action

ANR3014E command: One or more The command succeeded.

subscriptions still exist.
User response
Explanation None.
A configuration manager state cannot be set to OFF is ANR3017I command: Profile profile name
one or more subscription still exist. The server still has defined.
a record of one or more subscriptions to its profiles.
System action
The command has successfully define a profile.
Server operation continues. The command is not
System action

User response The command succeeded.

Use the QUERY SUBSCRIBERS command to determine

User response
which subscriptions still exist. The DELETE
SUBSCRIBER command can be used to remove the None.
record of these subscriptions. You may instead want to
ANR3018E command: Profile profile name
delete the actual subscription(s) on the managed
server(s). When there are no more subscriptions already exists.
recorded on the configuration manager, you must then
delete all the profiles. Once the profiles have been Explanation
deleted, you can reissue the command. The profile specified already exists on the
ANR3015E command: One or more profiles configuration manager.
still exist.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues. The command is not
A configuration manager state cannot be set to OFF is processed.
one or more profiles still exist.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 513

User response Explanation
Decide on another profile name and reissue the The specified command has been issued with an
command. invalid lock timeout interval.
ANR3019I command: Profile profile name
updated. System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
Explanation processed.
The command has successfully updated a profile.
User response
System action Issue the command and specify a valid lock timeout
interval value.
The command succeeded.
ANR3023I command: Profile profile name
User response locked.

ANR3020E command: Profile profile name not The command has successfully locked the profile. No
found. configuration information can be propagated to the
subscribers of the profile until it is unlocked.
The profile specified could not be found. System action
The command succeeded.
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not User response
processed. None.

User response ANR3024W command: Profile profile already

locked with timeout interval
Check to see if the profile name was specified greater than interval.
correctly on the command. Use the QUERY PROFILE
command to check to see if the profile exists on the
configuration manager. Reissue the command with the
correct profile name. An attempt was made to lock the specified profile. The
profile is already locked with a timeout interval greater
ANR3021I command: Profile profile name than the value specified.
copied to profile profile name.
System action
The profile remains locked with the original timeout
The command has successfully copied the first profile interval.
to the newly created second profile. All the profile
associations were also copied.
User response
System action If you want to lower the timeout interval, unlock the
profile and then lock the profile again specifying the
The command succeeded. lower value.

User response ANR3025I command: Profile profile name

ANR3022E command: The profile lock timeout Explanation
interval value must be between The command has successfully unlocked the profile.
minimum value and maximum Configuration information can now be propagated to
value. the subscribers of the profile.

514 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The command succeeded. Server operation continues. The command is not
User response
User response
Unlock the profile using the UNLOCK PROFILE
ANR3026I command: Profile profile name command and then reissue the command.
ANR3029I Reorganization for table table
Explanation name canceled.

The command has successfully deleted the profile

from the configuration manager.
Based on the DISABLEREORGTABLE server option,
System action table reorganization is disabled for table that is
referenced and a paused reorganization is canceled.
The command succeeded.
System action
User response
The reorganization is canceled.
ANR3027E command: One or more User response
subscriptions still exist to profile If the intention is to disable table reorganization for
profile name. table that is referenced, then no further action is
required, otherwise consider updating the
Explanation DISABLEREORGTABLE server option.
An attempt was made to delete a profile that still has ANR3030I command: Subscription defined
subscriptions defined on one or more managed for profile profile name.
servers. The configuration manager still has a record of
one or more subscriptions to the profiles.

System action The command has successfully defined a subscription

to the specified profile. A refresh of the configuration
Server operation continues. The command is not information has been initiated.
System action
User response
The command succeeded.
Use the QUERY SUBSCRIBERS command to determine
which subscriptions still exist. Use the DELETE
User response
SUBSCRIPTION command on the managed server(s)
to delete the subscriptions, and then reissue the None.
DELETE PROFILE command on the configuration
ANR3031W command: Subscription for profile
manager. Alternatively, the FORCE=YES option can be
used on the DELETE PROFILE command to delete the profile name already exists.
profile even if there are subscriptions to the profile. In
this case, messages will be issued when the managed Explanation
server requests updates for that profile, informing the A subscription already exists for the specified profile.
managed server that the profile has been deleted.
ANR3028E command: Profile profile name is System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
The specified command cannot be performed on a
locked profile.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 515

User response User response
Check to make sure you specified the correction Find out the correct name for the configuration
profile name, and reissue the command if needed. manager and then reissue the command.
ANR3032E command: Server name not ANR3035I command: Subscriber subscriber
specified. name deleted.

Explanation Explanation
A server name must be specified on this command The command has successfully deleted a subscriber
using the SERVER= parameter. This identifies the from the record kept in the configuration manager. If
configuration manager. the subscriber (managed server) still has a
subscription to a valid profile, the record of the
System action subscription will reappear when it performs its next
configuration refresh.
Server operation continues. The command is not
System action

User response The command succeeded.

Reissue the command and specify a server name.

User response
ANR3033E command: Server server is not the None.
managed server's configuration
manager. ANR3036E command: Subscriber subscriber
name not found.
A server name was specified on the command which
does not match the current configuration manager. A The specified subscriber name was not found in the
managed server may only have one configuration configuration manager's records as being a valid
manager. subscriber of any profiles.

System action System action

Server operation continues. The command is not Server operation continues. The command is not
processed. processed.

User response User response

Reissue the command and leave off the server Check to see that the subscriber (managed server)
parameter. It will default to use the current name is correction. If you think the name is correct,
configuration manager. A QUERY SUBSCRIPTION will perhaps the managed server has not yet successfully
display the configuration manager currently in use. contacted the configuration manager to inform it that
the subscription exists.
ANR3034E command: Server server cannot be
used as this server's configuration ANR3037I command: Subscription deleted
manager. for profile profile name.

Explanation Explanation
A server name was specified on the command which The command has successfully deleted a subscription
cannot be used as a configuration manager. for the specified profile. A refresh of the configuration
information has been initiated.
System action
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
processed. The command succeeded.

516 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. The command succeeded.
ANR3038E command: Subscription for profile
profile name not found. User response
ANR3041I command: Administrator admin
A subscription was not found for the specified profile. associated with profile
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
processed. The command has successfully associated the
administrator with the specified profile. The
User response administrator definition will be automatically
propagated to managed servers which subscribe to the
Check to see that the profile name was specified profile.
correctly. Issue the QUERY SUBSCRIPTION command
to check to see which profiles have subscriptions.
System action
Reissue the command with the correct profile name.
The command succeeded.
ANR3039E command: No matching
administrators found in
configuration. User response
ANR3042W command: No additional
No administrator definitions were found on the administrators associated with
configuration manager that match the admin(s) profile profilename.
command. Explanation
No additional administrator were associated with the
System action
profile. The administrator(s) specified are already
Server operation continues. The command is not associated with the profile.
System action
User response
Server operation continues. The command is not
Use the QUERY ADMIN command to check which processed.
administrators that are defined on the server and then
reissue to DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION command. User response
ANR3040I command: All administrators Use the QUERY ADMIN command to check which
associated with profile administrators are defined on the server and then
profilename. reissue to DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION command. The
Explanation be used to see which administrators are already
associated with the profile.
The command has successfully associated all the
administrators with the specified profile. All ANR3043E command: No matching domains
administrator definitions will be automatically found in configuration.
propagated to managed servers which subscribe to the
profile. If an administrator is added to the Explanation
configuration manager in the future, its definition will
also be automatically propagated to the managed No domain definitions were found on the configuration
servers. manager that match the domain(s) specified on the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 517

System action System action
Server operation continues. The command is not Server operation continues. The command is not
processed. processed.

User response User response

Use the QUERY DOMAIN command to check which Use the QUERY DOMAIN command to check which
domains that are defined on the server and then domains are defined on the server and then reissue to
ANR3044I command: All domains associated to see which domains are already associated with the
with profile profilename. profile.

Explanation ANR3047E command: No matching admin

schedules found in configuration.
The command has successfully associated all the
domains with the specified profile. All domain
definitions will be automatically propagated to
managed servers which subscribe to the profile. If a No admin schedule definitions were found on the
domain is added to the configuration manager in the configuration manager that match the admin
future, its definition will also be automatically schedule(s) specified on the DEFINE
propagated to the managed servers. PROFASSOCIATION command.

System action System action

The command succeeded. Server operation continues. The command is not
User response
User response
ANR3045I command: Domain domain check which admin schedules are defined on the
associated with profile server and then reissue to DEFINE
profilename. PROFASSOCIATION command.

Explanation ANR3048I command: All admin schedules

associated with profile
The command has successfully associated the domain profilename.
with the specified profile. The domain definition will be
automatically propagated to managed servers which
subscribe to the profile.
The command has successfully associated all the
System action admin schedules with the specified profile. All admin
schedule definitions will be automatically propagated
The command succeeded. to managed servers which subscribe to the profile. If
an admin schedule is added to the configuration
User response manager in the future, its definition will also be
automatically propagated to the managed servers.
ANR3046W command: No additional domains System action
associated with profile
profilename. The command succeeded.

Explanation User response

No additional domains were associated with the None.

profile. The domain(s) specified are already associated ANR3049I command: Admin Schedule admin
with the profile. schedule associated with profile

518 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR3052I command: All scripts associated
with profile profilename.
The command has successfully associated the admin
schedule with the specified profile. The admin
schedule definition will be automatically propagated Explanation
to managed servers which subscribe to the profile. The command has successfully associated all the
scripts with the specified profile. All script definitions
System action will be automatically propagated to managed servers
which subscribe to the profile. If a script is added to
The command succeeded.
the configuration manager in the future, its definition
will also be automatically propagated to the managed
User response servers.
System action
ANR3050W command: No additional admin
schedules associated with profile The command succeeded.
User response
No additional admin schedules were associated with
ANR3053I command: Script script associated
the profile. The admin schedule(s) specified are
already associated with the profile. with profile profilename.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. The command is not The command has successfully associated the script
processed. with the specified profile. The script definition will be
automatically propagated to managed servers which
subscribe to the profile.
User response
Use the QUERY SCHEDULE TYPE=ADMIN command to System action
check which admin schedules are defined on the
server and then reissue to DEFINE The command succeeded.
to see which admin schedules are already associated None.
with the profile.
ANR3054W command: No additional scripts
ANR3051E command: No matching scripts associated with profile
found in configuration. profilename.

Explanation Explanation
No script definitions were found on the configuration No additional scripts were associated with the profile.
manager that match the script(s) specified on the The script(s) specified are already associated with the

System action System action

Server operation continues. The command is not Server operation continues. The command is not
processed. processed.

User response User response

Use the QUERY SCRIPT command to check which Use the QUERY SCRIPT command to check which
scripts that are defined on the server and then reissue scripts are defined on the server and then reissue to

Chapter 3. ANR messages 519

to see which scripts are already associated with the User response
ANR3055E command: No matching client
ANR3058W command: No additional client
option sets found in configuration.
option sets associated with profile
No client option set definitions were found on the Explanation
configuration manager that match the client option
No additional client option sets were associated with
set(s) specified on the DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION
the profile. The client option set(s) specified are
already associated with the profile.

System action
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
Server operation continues. The command is not

User response
User response
Use the QUERY CLOPTSET command to check which
Use the QUERY CLOPTSET command to check which
client option sets that are defined on the server and
client option sets are defined on the server and then
reissue to DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION command. The
ANR3056I command: All client option sets be used to see which client option sets are already
associated with profile associated with the profile.
ANR3059E command: No matching servers
found in configuration.
The command has successfully associated all the Explanation
client option sets with the specified profile. All client
No server definitions were found on the configuration
option set definitions will be automatically propagated
manager that match the server(s) specified on the
to managed servers which subscribe to the profile. If a
client option set is added to the configuration manager
in the future, its definition will also be automatically
propagated to the managed servers. System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
System action processed.
The command succeeded.
User response
User response Use the QUERY SERVER command to check which
servers that are defined on the server and then reissue
ANR3057I command: Client option set client
ANR3060I command: All servers associated
option set associated with profile
with profile profilename.

The command has successfully associated all the
The command has successfully associated the client
servers with the specified profile. All server definitions
option set with the specified profile. The client option
will be automatically propagated to managed servers
set definition will be automatically propagated to
which subscribe to the profile. If a server is added to
managed servers which subscribe to the profile.
the configuration manager in the future, its definition
will also be automatically propagated to the managed
System action servers.
The command succeeded.

520 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The command succeeded. Server operation continues. The command is not
User response
User response
Use the QUERY SERVERGROUP command to check
ANR3061I command: Server server which server groups that are defined on the server and
associated with profile then reissue to DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION
profilename. command.

Explanation ANR3064I command: All server groups

associated with profile
The command has successfully associated the server profilename.
with the specified profile. The server definition will be
automatically propagated to managed servers which
subscribe to the profile.
The command has successfully associated all the
System action server groups with the specified profile. All server
group definitions will be automatically propagated to
The command succeeded. managed servers which subscribe to the profile. If a
server group is added to the configuration manager in
User response the future, its definition will also be automatically
propagated to the managed servers.
ANR3062W command: No additional servers System action
associated with profile
profilename. The command succeeded.

Explanation User response

No additional servers were associated with the profile. None.

The server(s) specified are already associated with the ANR3065I command: Server group server
profile. group associated with profile
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not Explanation
processed. The command has successfully associated the server
group with the specified profile. The server group
User response definition will be automatically propagated to
managed servers which subscribe to the profile.
Use the QUERY SERVER command to check which
servers are defined on the server and then reissue to
PROFASSOCIATION FORMAT=DETAILED can be used The command succeeded.
to see which servers are already associated with the
User response
ANR3063E command: No matching server None.
groups found in configuration.
ANR3066W command: No additional server
Explanation groups associated with profile
No server group definitions were found on the
configuration manager that match the server group(s)

Chapter 3. ANR messages 521

Explanation ANR3069I command: Administrator
association admin deleted from
No additional server groups were associated with the
profile profilename.
profile. The server group(s) specified are already
associated with the profile.
System action The command has successfully deleted an
administrator association from the specified profile.
Server operation continues. The command is not
This will automatically delete this administrator from
the managed servers that are subscribed to this
User response
Use the QUERY SERVERGROUP command to check System action
which server groups are defined on the server and
The command succeeded.
FORMAT=DETAILED can be used to see which server User response
groups are already associated with the profile. None.
ANR3067E command: No matching ANR3070E command: No matching domains
administrators associated with associated with profile profile.
profile profile.
No matching domain definitions are associated with
No matching administrator definitions are associated the specified profile.
with the specified profile.
System action
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User response
User response
Use the QUERY PROFASSOCIATION command to check which domains are associated with the profile
check which administrators are associated with the and then reissue to DELETE PROFASSOCIATION
profile and then reissue to DELETE command.
ANR3071I command: All domain associations
ANR3068I command: All administrator deleted from profile profilename.
associations deleted from profile

Explanation The command has successfully deleted all domains

associations from the specified profile. This will
The command has successfully deleted all automatically delete these domains from the managed
administrators associations from the specified profile. servers that are subscribed to this profile.
This will automatically delete these administrators
from the managed servers that are subscribed to this
System action
The command succeeded.
System action
User response
The command succeeded.
User response ANR3072I command: Domain association
None. domain deleted from profile

522 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The command has successfully deleted a domain The command has successfully deleted an admin
association from the specified profile. This will schedule association from the specified profile. This
automatically delete this domain from the managed will automatically delete this admin schedule from the
servers that are subscribed to this profile. managed servers that are subscribed to this profile.

System action System action

The command succeeded. The command succeeded.

User response User response

None. None.
ANR3073E command: No matching admin ANR3076E command: No matching scripts
schedules associated with profile associated with profile profile.
No matching script definitions are associated with the
No matching admin schedule definitions are specified profile.
associated with the specified profile.
System action
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User response
User response
Use the QUERY PROFASSOCIATION command to check which scripts are associated with the profile and
check which admin schedules are associated with the then reissue to DELETE PROFASSOCIATION
profile and then reissue to DELETE command.
ANR3077I command: All script associations
ANR3074I command: All admin schedule deleted from profile profilename.
associations deleted from profile
profilename. Explanation
The command has successfully deleted all scripts
associations from the specified profile. This will
The command has successfully deleted all admin automatically delete these scripts from the managed
schedules associations from the specified profile. This servers that are subscribed to this profile.
will automatically delete these admin schedules from
the managed servers that are subscribed to this System action
The command succeeded.
System action
User response
The command succeeded.
User response ANR3078I command: Script association script
None. deleted from profile profilename.

ANR3075I command: Admin schedule Explanation

association admin schedule
deleted from profile profilename. The command has successfully deleted a script
association from the specified profile. This will
automatically delete this script from the managed
servers that are subscribed to this profile.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 523

System action System action
The command succeeded. The command succeeded.

User response User response

None. None.
ANR3079E command: No matching client ANR3082E command: No matching servers
option sets associated with profile associated with profile profile.
No matching server definitions are associated with the
No matching client option set definitions are specified profile.
associated with the specified profile.
System action
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User response
User response
Use the QUERY PROFASSOCIATION command to check which servers are associated with the profile
check which client option sets are associated with the and then reissue to DELETE PROFASSOCIATION
profile and then reissue to DELETE command.
ANR3083I command: All server associations
ANR3080I command: All client option set deleted from profile profilename.
associations deleted from profile
profilename. Explanation
The command has successfully deleted all servers
associations from the specified profile. This will
The command has successfully deleted all client automatically delete these servers from the managed
option sets associations from the specified profile. servers that are subscribed to this profile.
This will automatically delete these client option sets
from the managed servers that are subscribed to this System action
The command succeeded.
System action
User response
The command succeeded.
User response ANR3084I command: Server association
None. server deleted from profile
ANR3081I command: Client option set
association client option set Explanation
deleted from profile profilename.
The command has successfully deleted a server
association from the specified profile. This will
automatically delete this server definition from the
The command has successfully deleted a client option managed servers that are subscribed to this profile.
set association from the specified profile. This will
automatically delete this client option set from the System action
managed servers that are subscribed to this profile.
The command succeeded.

524 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR3088W This command will cause the
deletion of objects on any
managed server subscribed to
ANR3085E command: No matching server profile profile name.
groups associated with profile
profile. Explanation
been entered. This action will not only delete the
No matching server group definitions are associated association from the profile, but it will also result in the
with the specified profile. deletion of managed object(s) on any managed server
subscribing to this profile. The deletion of these
System action objects will occur during the next configuration refresh
for that managed server.
Server operation continues. The command is not
System action

User response The system asks whether you wish to continue with
the command.
check which server groups are associated with the
User response
profile and then reissue to DELETE
enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the command.
ANR3086I command: All server group
associations deleted from profile ANR3089E command: Command failed -
profilename. Server-to-server communication
error with server server name.
The command has successfully deleted all server
groups associations from the specified profile. This will The specified command failed while attempting to
automatically delete these server groups from the communicate with the indicated server.
managed servers that are subscribed to this profile.
System action
System action
Server operation continues. The command is not
The command succeeded. processed.

User response User response

None. Verify that the indicated server name is correctly
defined. Try reissuing the command. Use the server
ANR3087I command: Server group PING command to see if the other server is up. If the
association server group deleted problem persists, consult with your network
from profile profilename. administrator.

Explanation ANR3090E command: Server server name is

not a configuration manager.
The command has successfully deleted a server group
association from the specified profile. This will
automatically delete this server group from the
managed servers that are subscribed to this profile. The specified command failed because it tried to
contact the specified server, and discovered that the
System action server is not a configuration manager.

The command succeeded.

System action

User response Server operation continues. The command is not


Chapter 3. ANR messages 525

User response ANR3094E The distinguished name "DN" that
is specified in the LDAPURL option
Reissue the command and specify a correct
does not exist on the LDAP
configuration manager name.
directory server.
ANR3091I Command: One or more storage
rules exist for storage pool storage Explanation
pool name.
The distinguished name (DN) that is specified in the
LDAPURL server option is not found on the LDAP
directory server.
One or more storage rules exist for the storage pool.
System action
System action
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
The server does not process the command. are not available.

User response User response

Issue the QUERY STGRULE command to identify the Create the directory entry that is associated with the
storage rule and the associated storage pool. Then, DN, specify a DN in the LDAPURL that already exists,
issue the UPDATE STGRULE command or the DELETE or specify another directory server that contains the
STGRULE command to remove the storage rule for the DN that is defined in the LDAPURL server option.
storage pool. Choose one of these options and restart the IBM
Spectrum Protect server.
ANR3092I command: Subscriber notification
processing has begun. ANR3095W Failure updating the database
volume history information with
Explanation the volumes used to perform this
restore operation.
A NOTIFY SUBSCRIBER process has begun. The
managed server(s) are being contacted, asking them
to immediately perform a configuration refresh.
At the end of database restore processing for a point in
System action time operation, the server database will be updated to
show the volumes that were used to restore the
Server operation continues. The command succeeded. database. This is done so that a future restore has
knowledge of this database backup and will be able to
User response use this if it is the best possible candidate for a future
operation. Because the server failed to update this
information, a future restore database operation may
ANR3093I command: No matching profiles or not select the best possible database backup to use
subscriptions were found. for the operation.

Explanation System action

No subscriptions were found for the profiles specified. Database restore processing completes.
Either the profiles do not exist, or there are no
subscriptions to the profiles. User response
Once the server is restarted after the database restore
System action is completed, a BACKUP DB TYPE=FULL should be
Server operation continues. The command is not performed as soon as possible and the volume history
processed. information backed up after this backup is completed.
This will set a new best possible restore point if a
User response future restore operation is needed. If you use the
Disaster Recovery Manager feature to track database
Use the QUERY PROFILE and QUERY SUBSCRIBER backup volume physical location you will have to
command to determine which profiles exist and which manually track the location of the database backup
profiles have subscribers. Reissue the command volumes which were not updated.
specifying the correct profile name(s).

526 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3096I The volumes used to perform this ANR3099E The distinguished name "DN"
restore operation were specified in the LDAPURL option
successfully recorded in the server does not have the proper syntax.
volume history.
The distinguished name (DN) in the LDAPURL server
At the end of database restore processing for a point in option does not have the proper syntax. The LDAP URL
time operation, the server database will be updated to must use the RFC 2255 format with the restriction that
show the volumes that were used to restore the the LDAPURL server option can only contain ASCII
database. This is done so that a future restore has characters. The DN must conform to the requirements
knowledge of this database backup and will be able to of the directory server. Directory servers typically
use this if it is the best possible candidate for a future support RFC 2253 or 4514 for the DN format.
System action
System action
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
Database restore processing completes. are not available.

User response User response

None. Correct the LDAPURL server option and restart the
IBM Spectrum Protect server.
ANR3097W LDAPUSER must be set before you
can use LDAP password ANR3100I Initializing LDAP directory
authentication. services.

Explanation Explanation
The LDAPURL server option is set, however LDAP The server started the initialization process with the
password authentication cannot complete until LDAP directory server.
System action
System action
Server operations continue.
Server operations continue without LDAP
authentication. User response
User response
ANR3101I Successfully initialized LDAP
commands, in that order. directory services.

ANR3098W LDAPPASSWORD must be set Explanation

before you can use LDAP
password authentication. The server was successfully configured to use LDAP
directory services.
System action
The LDAPURL server option is set, however LDAP
password authentication cannot complete until the Server operations continue and LDAP directory
LDAPUSER and LDAPPASSWORD are set. services are available.

System action User response

Server operations continue without LDAP None.

authentication. ANR3102E An authentication failure occurred
during LDAP directory services
User response initialization as user LDAP user.
Issue the SET LDAPPASSWORD command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 527

Explanation System action
The LDAPUSER value or the LDAPPASSWORD value, or Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
both, are incorrect. are not available.

System action User response

Server operations continue. LDAP directory services To configure LDAP directory services, set the LDAPURL
are not available. server option, add the appropriate certificate to the
IBM Spectrum Protect server key database, and issue
commands. The LDAP password (LDAPPASSWORD)
Correct the values for the LDAP user and LDAP must match the password for the user (LDAPUSER)
password by issuing the SET LDAPUSER and SET that can conduct IBM Spectrum Protect administrative
LDAPPASSWORD commands. After you issue these operations when accessing the LDAP directory server.
commands, LDAP directory services initialization is
attempted. If the IBM Spectrum Protect server is already
configured to use LDAP directory services, an
ANR3103E Failure occurred while initializing authentication failure might have occurred or another
LDAP directory services. error might have occurred during configuration.
Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
Explanation this message to determine the source of the error.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
An error occurred while the server initialized LDAP activity log and search for messages.
directory services.
ANR3105E The LDAP directory service was
System action not found by using Domain Name
System (DNS).
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
are not available.

User response An LDAP directory server could not be located using

the system's current DNS server configuration and
Examine the server messages that were issued prior to DNS suffix search list.
this message to determine the source of the error.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
System action
activity log file and search for messages. Check for
network problems. Check for problems with the Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
certificate used by the directory server or the key are not available.
database containing the certificates. Check the access
rights of the LDAPUSER. Check the status of the User response
directory server and examine the log files provided by
the directory server. Use LDAP utilities such as Check the system's DNS configuration, the status of
ldapsearch or ldp to isolate the problem. the DNS servers, the DNS server log files, and the DNS
server configuration. Verify that the DNS server
If the LDAPURL server option is incorrect, restart the configuration complies with RFCs 2052, 2219, or
server after correcting the error. If the LDAPUSER or 2782.
LDAPPASSWORD values are incorrect, use the SET
LDAPUSER and/or SET LDAPPASSWORD commands to ANR3106E Failed to parse the LDAPURL
try initializing LDAP directory services again. option value LDAP URL.

ANR3104E The LDAP directory service is not

successfully configured.
The LDAPURL server option value cannot be parsed.
Explanation The LDAP URL must use the RFC 2255 format with the
restriction that the LDAPURL server option contain
The IBM Spectrum Protect server must be configured only ASCII characters.
correctly in order to use LDAP directory services,
before accounts can be placed in the LDAP directory
server to authenticate access requests.

528 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services You cannot have multiple LDAPURL server option
are not available. values if one of the values does not specify a host
User response
System action
Correct the LDAPURL server option value and restart
the server. Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
are not available.
ANR3107I The sum total of all MAXPROC
values for storage rule stgrule and
the associated subrules, maxproc, User response
is greater than the number of Correct the LDAPURL server option value and restart
available drives (num drives) for the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
storage pool tgt pool. num drives
processes will be created. ANR3110E The distinguished names "DN" and
"DN" specified with the LDAPURL
server option do not match.
The MAXPROC parameter was specified with a value Explanation
that is greater than the number of available drives.
The distinguished names (DN) specified on each
LDAPURL server option value must be the same.
System action
Processing continues. Fewer processes will be created System action
to match the number of available drives.
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
are not available.
User response
No action is required. User response
ANR3108E The distinguished name is missing Correct the LDAPURL server option value and restart
from the LDAPURL server option the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
value LDAP URL.
ANR3111E The LDAPURL server option value
LDAP URL is missing the ldap://
The distinguished name (DN) is required as part of the
LDAPURL server option. When updating the LDAP URL Explanation
information, use the RFC 2255 format.
When updating the LDAP URL information, use the RFC
2255 format.
System action
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services System action
are not available.
Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
are not available.
User response
Correct the LDAPURL server option value and restart User response
the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Use the standard ldap:// scheme prefix for the
ANR3109E The LDAPURL server option value LDAPURL server option and restart the IBM Spectrum
LDAP URL does not contain a host Protect server.
address and cannot be used
because another LDAPURL option ANR3112E The password cannot be reset, the
value specifies a host address. LDAP directory server requires you
to provide the current password.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 529

Explanation Explanation
The LDAP directory server requires that the user who The LDAP operation failed with an unexpected error.
is specified in the SET LDAPUSER command provide
the current password when changing another user's System action
password. The LDAPUSER needs to be able to reset
passwords to allow IBM Spectrum Protect The server operation fails. If this message is displayed
administrators to reset passwords for IBM Spectrum during server initilaization, LDAP directory services are
Protect nodes and administrators. not available.

System action User response

Server operation fails. Examine the server messages issued around the same
time as this message to determine the cause and
impact of the error. Issue the QUERY ACTLOG
User response
command to view the activity log and search for
Change the password policy or permission settings on messages. Check the status of the LDAP directory
the LDAP directory server to allow the user who is server and examine its log files. Use LDAP utilities
specified in the SET LDAPUSER command to change such as ldapsearch or ldp to isolate the problem.
passwords for LDAP users who are managed by the
ANR3115E The LDAP directory server
IBM Spectrum Protect server.
returned the following error
ANR3113E The password cannot be added or message (LDAP server message)
changed, the LDAP user does not with the LDAP error.
have sufficient access rights to
add or change the password. Explanation
The LDAP directory server returned an error message
associated with an LDAP error that occurred, providing
If the current password was not provided for the addition information to assist in determining the cause
operation, a password reset is performed on the LDAP of the problem.
directory server by the user specified in the SET
LDAPUSER command. If the current password was System action
provided for the operation, for example, in the SET
PASSWORD client command, the user's password is The server operation fails.
changed on the LDAP directory server by the user.
However, if the user's password expired, preventing User response
access to the directory server, the password is
Examine the server messages issued around the same
changed by the user specified in the SET LDAPUSER
time as this message to determine the cause and
impact of the error. Issue the QUERY ACTLOG
command to view the activity log and search for
System action messages. Check the status of the LDAP directory
Server operation fails. server and examine its log files. Use LDAP utilities
such as ldapsearch or ldp to isolate the problem.
User response ANR3116E LDAP SSL/TLS error GSKIT error
Change the password policy and access rights on the code (error description) occurred
LDAP directory server to allow users to change their during operation.
own passwords, and to allow the user specified in the
SET LDAPUSER command to add or reset passwords Explanation
for the users that are being managed by the IBM An SSL/TLS error code was reported by the GSKit
Spectrum Protect server. component along with the LDAP error that occurred.
ANR3114E LDAP error LDAP error code (error
description) occurred during System action
The server operation fails.

530 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Examine the server messages issued around the same An inconsistency between the database of the IBM
time as this message to determine the cause and Spectrum Protect server database and the LDAP
impact of the error. Issue the QUERY ACTLOG directory server was found during AUDIT
command to view the activity log and search for LDAPDIRECTORY command processing. Because you
messages. Check for network problems. Check for specified FIX=YES, the LDAP entry for the
problems with the certificate used by the LDAP administrator was deleted to correct this
directory server or the key database containing the inconsistency.
certificates. Check the status of the LDAP directory
server and examine its log files. Use LDAP utilities System action
such as ldapsearch or ldp to isolate the problem using
a TLS connection to the LDAP server. Server operations continue.

ANR3117E Session session number for node User response

or administrator node/admin name
(client platform) refused - the level None.
of the client does not meet the
ANR3120I The administrator admin name
minimum required level for LDAP
was updated because the
parameter parameter for a node
with the same name was changed.
The server refuses the client session because the Explanation
client program version level is not 6.4 or later. Only
version 6.4 and later clients can use LDAP
parameters must be the same for nodes and
administrators that share the same name. If values for
either the node or the administrator changed, the
System action administrator or node sharing the same name will be
The session is refused and server operations continue. updated to keep these parameters the same.
If the AUTHENTICATION parameter changed from
User response LDAP to LOCAL, the password was also updated. When
this happens, the password is updated to the same
Upgrade the client program to at least version 6.4 or
password that is used for the node.
do not use LDAP authentication to make it compatible
with the newer server program.
System action
ANR3118I The LDAP entry for node node
name was deleted. The server updated the AUTHENTICATION or
SSLREQUIRED parameter of the specified
An inconsistency between the database of the IBM User response
Spectrum Protect server database and the LDAP
directory server was found during AUDIT None.
LDAPDIRECTORY command processing. Because you ANR3121I The node node name was updated
specified FIX=YES, the LDAP entry for the node was because the parameter parameter
deleted to correct this inconsistency. for an administrator with the same
name was changed.
System action
Server operations continue. Explanation
User response parameters must be the same for nodes and
administrators that share the same name. If values for
either the node or the administrator changed, the node
ANR3119I The LDAP entry for administrator or administrator sharing the same name will be
admin name was deleted. updated to keep these parameters the same.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 531

If the AUTHENTICATION parameter changed from issue the UPDATE NODE command and provide a
LDAP to LOCAL, the password was also updated. When password. If the LDAP directory server is shared with
this happens, the password is updated to the same another IBM Spectrum Protect server, the LDAP entry
password that is used for the administrator. can be created by the other IBM Spectrum Protect
server instead.
System action ANR3124W An LDAP entry for administrator
The server updated the AUTHENTICATION or admin name was not found in the
SSLREQUIRED parameter of the specified node. LDAP directory server.

User response Explanation

None. The REGISTER ADMIN command was issued with

AUTHENTICATION=LDAP but without providing a
ANR3122E command: System level authority password. This combination is valid. However, this
is required because the server combination will not create an LDAP entry, which is
needs to update a node or required to access the administrator.
administrator that shares the
same name.
System action

Explanation The command succeeded.


User response
parameters must be the same for nodes and
administrators that share the same name. If values for An LDAP entry must be created before this
either the node or the administrator changed, the node administrator can be accessed. To create a new LDAP
or administrator sharing the same name will be entry for this administrator issue the UPDATE ADMIN
updated to keep these parameters the same. command and provide a password. If the LDAP
directory server is shared with another IBM Spectrum
System action Protect server, the LDAP entry can be created by the
other IBM Spectrum Protect server instead.
The server fails the command.
ANR3125I command: Successfully updated
User response successful updates nodes out of
total update attempts nodes that
Reissue the command using an administrator that has were targeted for updating.
system level authority. Alternatively, rename either
the node or the administrator associated with the Explanation
command such that they do not share the same name.
The command updated a node or nodes and produced
ANR3123W An LDAP entry for node node name summary statistics stating how many nodes were
was not found in the LDAP updated successfully and how many attempts were
directory server. made.

Explanation System action

The REGISTER NODE command was issued with The command succeeded.
AUTHENTICATION=LDAP but without providing a
password. This combination is valid. However, this
User response
combination will not create an LDAP entry, which is
required to access the node. None.
ANR3126I command: Successfully updated
System action successful updates administrators
The command succeeded. out of total update attempts
administrators that were targeted
User response for updating.

An LDAP entry must be created before this node can

be accessed. To create a new LDAP entry for this node

532 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The command updated an administrator or The command succeeded.
administrators and produced summary statistics
stating how many administrators were updated User response
successfully and how many attempts were made.
System action ANR3132W Replication process with process
Id process number from server
The command succeeded.
server name, is cancelled.
Replication process source process
User response number on source server may still
None. be active.

ANR3127W You must change the password for

"LDAP user" within number day(s).
A replication process on a target replication server
Explanation which was initiated on a source replication server has
been cancelled.
The password is due to expire, and it must be changed
to prevent failures.
System action

System action Server operation continues.

Server operations continue.

User response

User response Check the status of the replication process on the

source server. Issue the CANCEL PROCESS command
Change the password on the LDAP directory server on the source server to cancel this replication
and issue the SET LDAPPASSWORD command with the operation.
new password.
ANR3133E command: Server server name not
ANR3128E Command: The number of failover defined
servers exceeds the maximum
number allowed.

Explanation The server server name is not defined to the system.

The number failover servers that can be defined for a

System action
node is limited to one.
The command proceeds howver the server name is not
System action used.

The command fails.

User response

User response Use QUERY SERVER to identify a valid failover server.

Reissue the command specifying only one registered ANR3134E Command: The number of
server name. specified output volumes (volume
count) is less than the number of
ANR3129I Server Fail Over high level address streams specified in the
set to address. MAXSTREAM parameter (stream
The high level address that clients use to Explanation
communicate with this server during fail over has been The number of specified output volumes is less than
set to the value indicated with the SET the number of streams specified in the MAXSTREAM
FAILOVERHLADDRESS command. parameter, and scratch volumes are not allowed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 533

System action System action
The command is not run. The EXTEND DBSPACE operation fails. Server
operation continues.
User response
User response
Rerun the commmand, specifying more output
volumes or fewer streams, or specify SCRATCH=YES Review messages on the server console and in the
to allow scratch volumes to be used. db2diag log to try and determine the reason for the
failure. To complete the process, you will have to
ANR3135E Command: The value specified for manually execute the steps for redistributing data and
the MAXSTREAM parameter reclaiming space.
(stream count) is greater than the
mount limit associated with device ANR3138I Reclaiming database storage for
class device class (mount limit). table space tbspace name is being
The value specified for the MAXSTREAM parameter is
greater than the mount limit of the specified device The database manager is reclaiming storage space for
class. the referenced table space.

System action System action

The command is not run. Server operation continues.

User response User response

Rerun the commmand, specifying fewer streams. None.
ANR3136E Extractdb command: Failed to start ANR3139I Reclaiming database storage for
or failed to complete successfully. all table spaces is completed .

Explanation Explanation
The database extract process was not able to start due The database manager has reclaimed space and
to an error with the command specification or other reduced the size of all table spaces.
validation performed prior to performing the extract.
Alternatively, the extract process had started but System action
failed to complete successfully due to an error during
processing. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Database extract processing did not process None.

successfully. ANR3140I Redistribution of data for
database database name on table
User response space tbspace name is complete.
Review the other messages issued to determine the
cause of the failure. Explanation

ANR3137E Unable to reclaim database The database manager has created directories on
storage for table space tbspace recently added paths and has redistributed data
name. The error code return code is across those paths for the referenced tablespace.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
An error occurred when the database manager was
trying to reclaim space in the referenced table space.

534 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response directories. New storage paths might not be used until
existing storage is full.
ANR3141E Redistribution of data for System action
database database name on table
space tbspace name failed with Server operation continues.
error code error code.
User response
Explanation If you decide that you want to redistribute data and
A failure occurred during the creation of directories on reclaim space in the database, you can manually
recently added paths or during the redistribution of complete the step for these tasks.
data across new directories for the referenced ANR3144I Space is being added to the
tablespace. database as process process ID.

System action Explanation

The EXTEND DBSPACE operation fails. Server An operation to add space to the database,
operation continues. redistribute data across all directories, and return
space to the operating system is in progress.
User response
Review messages on the server console and in the System action
db2diag log to try and determine the reason for the The EXTEND DBSPACE command is processed and
failure. To complete the process, you will have to server operation continues.
manually execute the steps for redistributing data and
reclaiming space.
User response
ANR3142I Redistribution of data for Do not stop the server while this process is running
database database name on table and do not try to halt the process once it has started. If
space tblspace name is starting. you want to cancel the process, use the CANCEL
PROCESS command. To query the status of this
Explanation process, issue QUERY PROCESS
The database manager is creating directories on newly ANR3145E Command: Administrator admin
added paths and redistributing data across all name is currently accessing server
directories for the referenced table space. server name.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. The command shown specifies an admininistrator that
has an active session with the specified server.
User response
None. System action

ANR3143I The following directory or The local server does not process the command.
directories have been defined in
the database space: directory list. User response
However, the database manager Reissue the command at a later time, or if necessary,
might not use new storage paths cancel the current administrator session and reissue
immediately. the command.

Explanation ANR3146E command name: The list of

directories specified for database
The EXTEND DBSPACE operation successfully added storage exceeds length limit
new directories to the server database storage space. characters.
Because RECLAIM=NO was specified on the
command, data is not redistributed across all

Chapter 3. ANR messages 535

Explanation ANR3149I Server Fail Over high level address
The list of directories is too long. Specify a list less
than or equal to the number of characters indicated.
System action The high level address that clients use to
communicate with this server during fail over has been
The command stops.

User response
System action
Consider breaking up the operation into multiple
The command succeeded.
EXTEND DBSPACE commands to reduce the number of
directories specified on the command.
User response
ANR3147I Directory(ies) directory list has
been defined in the database None.
space. Database data was ANR3150E Configuration refresh failed with
distributed and balanced across configuration manager server
existing directories. name. Will retry in minutes
Command 'EXTEND DBSPACE' successfully added new Explanation
directory(ies) into the server database space and While receiving configuration information from the
balanced data across existing directories. specified configuration manager, processing failed
because of a communications error.
System action
System action
User response Server operation continues. The configuration refresh
process was stopped and will be automatically retried.
ANR3148W Process process number,
replicating with process source User response
process number on server server
name, has been inactive for Perhaps the configuration manager is not active. If the
minutes of inactivity minutes. problem continues, contact the administrator for the
configuration manager, or contact a network
administrator. The refresh will automatically retry
several times and then give up until the configuration
A replication process on a target server has been refresh interval is reached again.
inactive for a significant amount of time. It is possible
ANR3151E Configuration refresh failed with
that there is a connection problem with the source
replication server, or the source replication process is configuration manager server
no longer running, or the source replication server is name.
System action While receiving configuration information from the
Server operation continues. specified configuration manager, processing failed.

User response System action

Verify that the source replication server is still running. Server operation continues. The configuration refresh
If the server is running, check that the source process was stopped.
replication process is still active. If the source
replication process is no longer active you can cancel User response
this process. Examine the activity log for other messages that may
explain why the configuration refresh failed. The

536 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

refresh will attempted again when the configuration User response
refresh interval is reached.
Perhaps the managed server is not active. If the
ANR3152I Configuration refresh started with problem continues, contact the administrator for the
configuration manager server managed server, or contact a network administrator.
name. The notify subscriber request will automatically retry
several times and then give up.
Explanation ANR3155E Error attempting notify
Configuration refresh processing has started. A server- subscribers request to managed
to-server session was opened to receive configuration server server.
information from the configuration manager. Updates
will be sent for objects associated with any System action
subscribed-to profiles.
Server operation continues. The notify subscriber
request failed.
System action
Refresh processing continues. User response
Examine the activity log for other messages that may
User response explain why the notify subscriber request failed.
None. ANR3156E Configuration refresh failed for
ANR3153I Configuration refresh ended managed server server name.
successfully with configuration
manager server name. Explanation
While sending configuration information to the
Explanation specified managed server, processing failed.
Configuration refresh processing ended successfully.
All updates have been made to managed objects System action
associated with any subscribed-to profiles.
Server operation continues. The configuration refresh
process ended.
System action
Server processing continues. The next automatic User response
refresh will start when the configuration refresh
Examine the activity log of both the managed server
interval is reached.
and the configuration manager for other messages
that may explain why the configuration refresh failed.
User response The refresh will attempted again by the managed
None. server when its configuration refresh interval is
ANR3154E Communication error on notify to
managed server server name. Will ANR3157I Configuration refresh started for
retry in minutes minutes. managed server server name.

Explanation Explanation

While attempting a notify subscriber request to the Configuration refresh processing has started. A server
specified managed server, a communications error to server session was opened by the managed server
was detected. to receive configuration information from the
configuration manager. Updates will be sent for
objects associated with any subscribed-to profiles.
System action
Server operation continues. The notify subscriber System action
request was stopped and will be automatically retried.
Refresh processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 537

User response Explanation
None. While sending configuration information to the
specified managed server, a communication error
ANR3158I Configuration refresh ended occurred when trying to receive confirmation from the
successfully for managed server managed server that information was processed
server name. successfully.

Explanation System action

Configuration refresh processing ended successfully. Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
All updates have been made to managed objects processing ended.
associated with any subscribed-to profiles on the
managed server.
User response
System action Determine if communication can be established with
the managed server by using the server PING
Server processing continues. command. Use the NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS command
to force the configuration refresh to retry.
User response
ANR3161E Premature end of configuration
None. refresh for managed server server
ANR3159E Managed server server name has server name.
newer version for profile profile
name. Explanation
While sending configuration information to the
Explanation specified managed server, processing ended
While sending configuration information to the prematurely because of on error.
specified managed server, it has been detected that
the managed server has a newer version of System action
configuration information for the specified profile than Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
does the configuration manager. This condition can processing ended.
happen if the configuration manager's database has
been restored to an earlier point in time. Another
possibility is that the profile was deleted on the User response
configuration manager and a new profile by the same Examine the activity log on the managed server for any
name was created. error messages that might explain why the refresh
failed. Use the NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS command on
System action the configuration manager to force the configuration
refresh to retry.
Server operation continues. No configuration
information for this profile will be sent to the managed ANR3162E Managed server server name
server until this condition is corrected. aborted configuration refresh
processing due to a low memory
User response condition.

Before correcting the situation, you may want to use

QUERY PROFILE to examine the profile associations
defined on both the configuration manager and the While sending configuration information to the
managed server. To correct the situation, on the specified managed server, processing ended
managed server delete the subscription to the profile prematurely because of a low memory condition on
and define the subscription again. This will cause the the managed server.
managed server to be refreshed at the configuration
manager's current level. System action
ANR3160E Unable to receive confirmation of Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
refresh from managed server processing ended.
server name.

538 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Make more memory available to the managed server. Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
processing ended.
ANR3163E Managed server server name
aborted configuration refresh
processing due to an internal User response
error. Use the NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS command to retry the
configuration refresh. If this problem persists, contact
Explanation your service representative.
While sending configuration information to the ANR3166E Unable to receive configuration
specified managed server, processing ended refresh information from server
prematurely because of an internal error on the server name.
managed server.
System action
While receiving configuration information from the
Server operation continues. Configuration refresh specified configuration manager, processing ended
processing ended. prematurely because of a communications error.

User response System action

Examine the activity log of the managed server for Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
messages that explain the cause of the internal error. processing ended.
ANR3164E Managed server server name
aborted configuration refresh User response
processing due to a lock conflict. Use the server PING command to see if the
configuration manager can be reached. If the problem
Explanation persists, contact your network administrator.
While sending configuration information to the ANR3167E Configuration manager server
specified managed server, processing ended name aborted configuration
prematurely because of a lock conflict on the managed refresh processing due to a low
server. memory condition.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. Configuration refresh While receiving configuration information from the
processing ended. specified configuration manager, processing ended
prematurely because of a low memory condition on
User response the configuration manager.

Use the NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS command to retry the

System action
configuration refresh. If this problem persists, contact
your service representative. Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
processing ended.
ANR3165E Managed server server name
aborted configuration refresh
processing due to a protocol error. User response
Notify the administrator of the configuration manager.
ANR3168E Configuration manager server
While sending configuration information to the name aborted configuration
specified managed server, processing ended refresh processing due to an
prematurely because of a protocol error detected on internal error.
the managed server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 539

Explanation User response
While receiving configuration information from the Retry the configuration refresh by issuing the SET
specified configuration manager, processing ended CONFIGREFRESH command (using the current refresh
prematurely because of an internal error on the interval value). If this problem persists, contact your
configuration manager. service representative.
ANR3171E Configuration refresh with
System action configuration manager server
Server operation continues. Configuration refresh name had to skip processing for
processing ended. one or more objects.

User response Explanation

Examine the activity log of the configuration manager While receiving configuration information from the
for messages that explain the cause of the internal specified configuration manager, it became necessary
error. to skip the creation or deletion of one or more objects.

ANR3169E Configuration manager server

System action
name aborted configuration
refresh processing due to a lock Server operation continues. Configuration refresh
conflict. processing ended.

Explanation User response

While receiving configuration information from the Examine the managed server's activity log for earlier
specified managed server, processing ended messages that identify the object, and take the actions
prematurely because of a lock conflict on the identified in those messages. Configuration refresh
configuration manager. processing will not complete successfully until the
problem is clear up.
System action ANR3172W Subscription exists for deleted
Server operation continues. Configuration refresh profile profile name.
processing ended.
User response While receiving configuration information from the
Retry the configuration refresh by issuing the SET configuration manager, it has been detected that the
CONFIGREFRESH command (using the current refresh managed server has a subscription to an profile that
interval value). If this problem persists, contact your no longer exists on the configuration manager. This
service representative. condition can exist because the profile was deleted
with FORCE=YES on the configuration manager. This
ANR3170E Configuration manager server out-of-synch condition can also occur because one of
name aborted configuration the server's database was regressed because of a
refresh processing due to a restore db.
protocol error.
System action
Server operation continues.
While receiving configuration information from the
specified configuration manager, processing ended
User response
prematurely because of a protocol error detected on
the configuration manager. The DELETE SUBSCRIPTION command is used to
correct this situation. You need to decide if you want
System action the managed objects to remain on the server. If you
want them to be deleted, specify DISCARD=YES. If you
Server operation continues. Configuration refresh want the objects to remain on the managed server as
processing ended. local objects, specify DISCARD=NO.
ANR3173E Server has newer version for
profile profile name than the

540 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

configuration manager server Explanation
While receiving configuration refresh information from
the specified managed server, it was detected that a
Explanation subscribed-to profile is locked.
While receiving configuration information from the
configuration manager, it has been detected that the System action
managed server has a newer version of configuration
Server operation continues. Refresh processings skips
information for the specified profile than does the
over this profile.
configuration manager. This condition can happen if
the configuration manager's database has been
restored to an earlier point in time. Another possibility User response
is that the profile was deleted on the configuration Normally, the profile will later be unlocked
manager with FORCE=YES and a new profile by the automatically, or by an administrator. If you think that
same name was created. it should not be locked, have ask the configuration
manager admin to unlock it using the UNLOCK
System action PROFILE command.
Server operation continues. No configuration ANR3176W Profile profile name is locked and
information for this profile will be sent to the managed could not be refreshed for
server until this condition is corrected. managed server server name.

User response Explanation

Before correcting the situation, you may want to use While sending configuration refresh information to the
QUERY PROFILE to examine the profile associations specified managed server, it was detected that a
defined on both the configuration manager and the subscribed-to profile is locked.
managed server. To correct the situation, on the
managed server delete the subscription to the profile System action
and define the subscription again. This will cause the
managed server to be refreshed at the configuration Server operation continues. Refresh processings skips
manager's current level. over this profile.

ANR3174E Communication error with

User response
managed server server name.
If the profile should no longer be locked, use the
Explanation UNLOCK PROFILE command to unlock it.

While receiving or sending information to the specified ANR3177W Server level does not support
managed server, a communications error was object in profile profile name.
System action While receiving configuration refresh information from
Server operation continues. The operation in progress the configuration manager, an object was received that
fails. is not supported on this managed server.

User response System action

If this error happens often, consult with your network Server operation continues. Refresh processings skips
administrator. Also check to see that the managed over this object. The refresh for the profile fails.
server is up.
User response
ANR3175W Profile profile name is locked and
could not be refreshed from The configuration manager is at a higher release level
configuration manager server than the managed server. The managed server
name. subscribed to a profile that contains an unsupported
object. Delete the subscription to this profile until
service can be applied to the server to bring it to a
higher release level.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 541

ANR3178E A communication error occurred replication server because a target server was not
during session session number defined.
with replication server server
name. System action
Replication for the node and file space is skipped.
Explanation However, replication continues for other nodes and file
The communication error occurred while the system spaces.
was receiving information from or sending information
to the specified replication server. This error can occur User response
on a target replication server if a CANCEL
REPLICATION command is issued on the source To replicate data, the target replication server must be
replication server. defined. Issue the SET REPLSERVER command to set
the target replication server name. The name specified
in the SET REPLSERVER command must be associated
System action with a valid server definition.
The server is running, but the operation that was in
ANR3181E Replication server server name has
progress failed.
the same replication key as this
User response
If this error occurs frequently, consult your network Explanation
administrator. Also review the activity log on the target
During replication initialization, the server detected
and source replication servers for messages that are
that the replication key of the target server is the same
related to replication.
as this server. Each server must have a unique
ANR3179E Server server name does not replication key.
support replication or is not
initialized for replication. System action
Replication to the specified server is stopped.
In response to a REPLICATE command, the server User response
attempted to establish a connection to the replication
target. But the target server does not support Issue the SET REPLSERVER command to specify a
replication, or has not been properly initialized for different server for the target of the replication.
replication. ANR3182W The password authentication
method for node node name did
System action not change.
Server operation continues. The replication fails.
User response During replication or import processing, a node that
uses an LDAP directory server to authenticate
Make sure the replication target is at the correct
passwords at the target was detected, but the source
maintenance level and verify that the globally unique
node authenticates passwords with the IBM Spectrum
ID (GUID) of the target server is properly set. Use the
Protect server (LOCAL). The Replication and Import
tivguid utility to set the GUID if not properly set.
process does not change the node password
ANR3180E Replication cannot occur for node authentication method from LDAP to LOCAL.
node name, file-space filespace
name and copy type copytype System action
name because the target
replication server is not set. Replication or Import processing continues. The node
password authentication method did not change from
In response to a REPLICATE NODE command, the
server was unable to establish a connection to a target

542 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response by a replicated node. The proxy agent node defintion
will be replicated.
Change the node password authentication method
from LDAP to LOCAL by issuing the UPDATE NODE
command with the AUTHENTICATION=LOCAL System action
parameter. Server operations continue.
ANR3183W The password authentication
method for administrator admin User response
name did not change. None.

Explanation ANR3186I Replicating node associated

replication node which is
During import processing, an administrator ID was referenced in a file space
detected that authenticates passwords with an LDAP authorization rule for replicated
directory server at the target, but with the IBM node reference node
Spectrum Protect server (LOCAL) at the source. Import
processing does not change an administrator's
password authentication method from LDAP to LOCAL.
During a REPLICATE NODE operation, the server has
System action identified an associated replication node that is
referenced in a file space authorization rule of a
Import processing continues. The password replicated node. The associated replication node
authentication method did not change from LDAP to defintion will be replicated.
System action
User response
Server operations continue.
You can change the password authentication method
for the target administrator from LDAP to LOCAL by
User response
issuing the UPDATE ADMIN command with the
ANR3184E Server server name cannot ANR3187E Replication of associated
replicate with this server. replication node associated
replication node name failed - the
Explanation node is not configured for
In response to a REPLICATE command, the server
tried to establish a connection with the replication
target. The target server is at a level that cannot
support replication with this server. During a REPLICATE NODE operation, the server
attempted to replicate a node that is either a proxy
System action agent or referenced in a file space authorization rule of
a replicating node. The associated replication node
Server operations continue. The replication fails. could not be replicated because it is not currently
configured for replication. Associated replication
User response nodes must have a replication mode set to SEND and a
replication state of ENABLED in order to be replicated
Make sure that the replication target server is at a
to a target server.
maintenance level that supports replication with this
System action
ANR3185I Replicating node associated
replication node as a proxy agent The replication operation continues. The replication of
for replicated node reference node the associated node fails.

During a REPLICATE NODE operation, the server has
identified an associated proxy agent node referenced

Chapter 3. ANR messages 543

User response User response
To use an associated replication node with a client To replicate an associated replication node set the
during a failover operation configure and enable the replication state of the node on the target server to
associated replication node for replication. enabled.
ANR3188E Replication of associated ANR3190E Node node name on server server
replication node associated name uses a different primary
replication node name failed - the server for replication.
node is not enabled for replication
When you issued the REPLICATE NODE command, the
During a REPLICATE NODE operation, the server server attempted to replicate a node to another server.
attempted to replicate a node that is either a proxy However, the other server already has a replica of the
agent or referenced in a file space authorization rule of node from a different primary server.
a replicating node. The associated replication node
could not be replicated because it is not currently System action
enabled for replication. Associated replication nodes
must have a replication mode set to SEND and a The replication of the node fails. Server operation
replication state of ENABLED in order to be replicated continues.
to a target server.
User response
System action Issue the RENAME NODE command to rename the
The replication operation continues. The replication of node, or issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command to
the associated node fails. remove the node from replication with the current
primary server.
User response ANR3191E The Command command was not
To use an associated replication node with a client processed because the stgtype
during a failover operation enable the associated storage type supports only
replication node for replication. primary storage pools.

ANR3189E Replication of associated Explanation

replication node associated
replication node name failed - the The issue was caused by restrictions on storage types.
target node is not enabled for If the POOLTYPE parameter is specified, the value
replication must be PRIMARY. Alternatively, the
STGTYPE=DEVCLASS setting must be specified for the
storage pool.
During a REPLICATE NODE operation, the server System action
attempted to replicate a node that is either a proxy
agent or referenced in a file space authorization rule of System operation continues, but the server does not
a replicating node. The associated replication node process the command.
could not be replicated because the node definition on
the target server is not currently enabled for User response
replication. Associated replication nodes on the target
Either specify a sequential device class or omit the
server must have a replication mode set to RECV and a
POOLTYPE parameter. Then, reissue the command.
replication state of ENABLED in order to be replicated
from a source server. ANR3192I Replicate Node: Proxy agent nodes
replicated: proxy nodes replicated
System action of proxy nodes found identified.
Associated authorized nodes
The replication operation continues. The replication of replicated: authorized nodes
the associated node fails. replicated of authorized nodes
found identified. Client option sets
replicated: option sets replicated of
option sets found identified.

544 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The replication process has completed. The meanings The preview replication process has completed. The
of the numbers are: server has identified an associated proxy agent node
referenced by a replicated node. The proxy agent node
• Proxy agent nodes are the number of nodes which
defintion will be replicated if the referencing node is
are identified as proxy agents for any of the nodes
specified in the REPLICATE NODE command.
• Associated authorized nodes are the number of System action
nodes referenced in file space authorization rules of
any of the nodes specified in the REPLICATE NODE Server operations continue.
• Client option sets are the number of option sets User response
which are referenced by any of the nodes specified None.
in the REPLICATE NODE command.
ANR3195I Identified node associated
System action replication node which is
referenced in a file space
None. authorization rule for replicated
node reference node
User response
None. Explanation
The preview replication process has completed. The
ANR3193I Replication Preview: Proxy agent
server has identified an associated replication node
nodes identified: proxy nodes
that is referenced in a file space authorization rule of a
found. Associated authorized
replicated node. The associated node defintion will be
nodes identified: authorized nodes
replicated if the referencing node is replicated.
found. Client option sets
identified: option sets found.
System action
Explanation Server operations continue.
The preview replication process has completed. The
meanings of the numbers are: User response

• Proxy agent nodes are the number of nodes which None.

are identified as proxy agents for any of the nodes ANR3196E Communication error occurred on
specified in the REPLICATE NODE command.
Session session number during
• Associated authorized nodes are the number of import from (communication
nodes referenced in file space authorization rules of method communication address).
any of the nodes specified in the REPLICATE NODE
command. Explanation
• Client option sets are the number of option sets
A communication error occurred during import from
which are referenced by any of the nodes specified
another server.
in the REPLICATE NODE command.

System action
System action
The import process is ended.

User response
User response
Determine the cause of the communication error and
retry the import.
ANR3194I Identified node associated
ANR3197W command: Replication of
replication node as a proxy agent
authorization rule failed for node
for replicated node reference node
node name, filespace Id filespace
id on target server target server - a

Chapter 3. ANR messages 545

duplicate rule exists on the target User response
This message may not be logged to the activity log. It
is provided for informational purposes only. The stages
Explanation reported are for informational purposes and only to
A file space authorization rule on this server could not denote progress. The sequence and actual stages to
be replicated to the target server because an identical be performed during halt may vary and as such will
rule already exists on the target server. cause this not to always report in the same fashion.
The primary consideration is that the INIT stage and
the COMPLETE stage can be used to calculate the time
System action
used to halt the server. These messages are only
Server operation continues. displayed if the halt command is issued with the
verbose parameter such as: "HALT VERBOSE".
User response ANR3200E command: Command cannot be
A file space which is being replicated contains an executed - domain domain name is
authorization rule that exists on both the source and a managed object.
target servers. Determine which authorization rule
should be used on the target server using the QUERY Explanation
ACCESS command of the IBM Spectrum Protect client.
The specified command cannot be executed because
Once you have decided which authorization rule to
it would alter the contents of the indicated managed
use, delete the unneeded authorization rule using the
domain. With the exception of policy set activation, a
DELETE ACCESS command of the IBM Spectrum
managed domain can only be modified using
Protect client.
configuration information propagated from the
ANR3198E command: The server server name configuration manager.
definition could not be
retrieved.The database is in an System action
inconsistent state.
The command fails and server operation continues.
User response
An error occurred while accessing the server
information. None.
ANR3201E command: Domain domain name is
System action a managed object and cannot be
The command fails. deleted.

User response
The indicated domain is a managed object and cannot
For details and instructions to resolve the issue, see
be deleted on the managed server.
Technote 1598476 at http://www.ibm.com/support/
entry/portal/. Type 1598476 in the Search field.
System action
ANR3199I Server halt for stage stage
initiated at time. The command fails and server operation continues.

Explanation User response

The server HALT processing is being performed and To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
each stage is reported with the time when that stage to the configuration profiles with which domain
was initiated. domain name is associated.
ANR3202E command: Domain domain name is
System action a managed object and cannot be
None. updated.

546 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The indicated domain is a managed object and cannot The indicated management class is a managed object
be updated on the managed server. and cannot be deleted on the managed server.

System action System action

The command fails and server operation continues. The command fails and server operation continues.

User response User response

To update this object, you can delete the subscription To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which domain to the configuration profiles with which domain
domain name is associated. domain name is associated.
ANR3203E command: Policy set set name in ANR3206E command: Management class
domain domain name is a class name in domain domain
managed object and cannot be name, policy set set name is a
deleted. managed object and cannot be
The indicated policy set is a managed object and
cannot be deleted on the managed server. The indicated management class is a managed object
and cannot be updated on the managed server.
System action
System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
The command fails and server operation continues.
User response
User response
To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which domain To update this object, you can delete the subscription
domain name is associated. to the configuration profiles with which domain
domain name is associated.
ANR3204E command: Policy set set name in
domain domain name is a ANR3207E command: Backup copy group
managed object and cannot be group name in domain domain
updated. name, policy set set name,
management class class name is a
Explanation managed object and cannot be
The indicated policy set is a managed object and
cannot be updated on the managed server.

System action The indicated backup copy group is a managed object

and cannot be deleted on the managed server.
The command fails and server operation continues.
System action
User response
The command fails and server operation continues.
To update this object, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which domain
User response
domain name is associated.
To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
ANR3205E command: Management class to the configuration profiles with which domain
class name in domain domain domain name is associated.
name, policy set set name is a
managed object and cannot be ANR3208E command: Archive copy group
deleted. group name in domain domain
name, policy set set name,

Chapter 3. ANR messages 547

management class class name is a User response
managed object and cannot be
To update this object, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which domain
domain name is associated.
ANR3211E command: Client schedule
The indicated archive copy group is a managed object schedule name in domain domain
and cannot be deleted on the managed server. name is a managed object and
cannot be deleted.
System action
The command fails and server operation continues. Explanation
The indicated client schedule is a managed object and
User response cannot be deleted on the managed server.
To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which domain System action
domain name is associated. The command fails and server operation continues.
ANR3209E command: Backup copy group
group name in domain domain User response
name, policy set set name,
To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
management class class name is a
to the configuration profiles with which domain
managed object and cannot be
domain name is associated.
ANR3212E command: Client schedule
Explanation schedule name in domain domain
name is a managed object and
The indicated backup copy group is a managed object cannot be updated.
and cannot be updated on the managed server.
System action
The indicated client schedule is a managed object and
The command fails and server operation continues. cannot be updated on the managed server.

User response System action

To update this object, you can delete the subscription The command fails and server operation continues.
to the configuration profiles with which domain
domain name is associated.
User response
ANR3210E command: Archive copy group
To update this object, you can delete the subscription
group name in domain domain
to the configuration profiles with which domain
name, policy set set name,
domain name is associated.
management class class name is a
managed object and cannot be ANR3213E command: Administrative
updated. schedule schedule name is a
managed object and cannot be
Explanation deleted.
The indicated archive copy group is a managed object
and cannot be updated on the managed server.
The indicated administrative schedule is a managed
System action object and cannot be deleted on the managed server.

The command fails and server operation continues.

System action
The command fails and server operation continues.

548 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response schedule cannot be discarded on the managed server
because it is in the active state.
To delete this object, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which the object is
associated. System action

ANR3214E command: Administrative Administrative schedule schedule name is not deleted.

schedule schedule name is a
managed object and cannot be User response
updated, except to activate or Before this administrative schedule can be deleted, it
deactivate the schedule. must be deactivated using the Update Schedule
ANR3217E command: Administrator
The indicated administrative schedule is a managed administrator name is a managed
object and cannot be updated on the managed server, object and cannot be removed.
except to change the active state of the schedule.
System action
The indicated administrator is a managed object and
The command fails and server operation continues. cannot be removed on the managed server.

User response System action

To update this object, you can delete the subscription The command fails and server operation continues.
to the configuration profiles with which the object is
User response
ANR3215W Managed domain domain name To remove this administrator, you can delete the
contains at least one node and subscription to the configuration profiles with which
cannot be discarded. the object is associated.

Explanation ANR3218E command: Administrator

administrator name is a managed
This message is issued while processing a DELETE object and cannot be updated.
SUBSCRIPTION command with
DISCARDOBJECTS=YES. The indicated domain cannot
be discarded on the managed server because it still
contains one or more nodes. The indicated administrator is a managed object and
cannot be updated on the managed server.
System action
System action
Domain domain name is not deleted. Policy sets,
management classes, copy groups, and client The command fails and server operation continues.
schedules belonging to this domain are also not
deleted. User response
To update this administrator, you can delete the
User response
subscription to the configuration profiles with which
Before this domain can be deleted, nodes in the the object is associated.
domain must be removed or assigned another domain.
ANR3219E command: Administrator
ANR3216W Managed administrative schedule administrator name is a managed
schedule name is active and object and cannot be renamed.
cannot be discarded.
The indicated administrator is a managed object and
This message is issued while processing a DELETE cannot be renamed on the managed server.
SUBSCRIPTION command with
DISCARDOBJECTS=YES. The indicated administrative

Chapter 3. ANR messages 549

System action DISCARDOBJECTS=YES. The indicated administrator
cannot be discarded on the managed server because it
The command fails and server operation continues.
is the only system administrator.

User response
System action
To rename this administrator, you can delete the
Administrator administrator name is not deleted.
subscription to the configuration profiles with which
the object is associated.
User response
ANR3220E command: Administrator
administrator name is a managed Before this administrator can be deleted, another
object - authority cannot be administrator must be given system authority.
granted. ANR3223W Managed administrator
administrator name is currently
Explanation accessing the server and cannot
be discarded.
The indicated administrator is a managed object.
Authority cannot be granted to this administrator on
the managed server. Explanation
This message is issued while processing a DELETE
System action SUBSCRIPTION command with
DISCARDOBJECTS=YES. The indicated administrator
The command fails and server operation continues.
cannot be discarded on the managed server because it
has an active session with the server.
User response
To grant authority to this administrator, you can delete System action
the subscription to the configuration profiles with
Administrator administrator name is not deleted.
which the object is associated.
ANR3221E command: Administrator User response
administrator name is a managed
object - authority cannot be Quit or cancel all sessions for this administrator before
revoked. discarding the administrator definition.
ANR3224E command: Command script
Explanation command script name is a
managed object and cannot be
The indicated administrator is a managed object.
Authority of this administrator cannot be revoked on
the managed server.
System action The indicated command script is a managed object
and cannot be deleted on the managed server.
The command fails and server operation continues.

System action
User response
The command fails and server operation continues.
To revoke authority of this administrator, you can
delete the subscription to the configuration profiles
with which the object is associated. User response

ANR3222W Managed administrator To delete this script, you can delete the subscription to
administrator name is the only the configuration profiles with which the object is
system administrator and cannot associated.
be discarded. ANR3225E command: Command script
command script name is a
Explanation managed object and cannot be
This message is issued while processing a DELETE
SUBSCRIPTION command with

550 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The indicated command script is a managed object The command fails and server operation continues.
and cannot be updated on the managed server.
User response
System action
To update this option set, you can delete the
The command fails and server operation continues. subscription to the configuration profiles with which
the object is associated.
User response ANR3229E command: Command cannot be
To update this script, you can delete the subscription executed - option set optionset
to the configuration profiles with which the object is name is a managed object.
ANR3226E command: Command script
command script name is a The specified command cannot be executed because
managed object and cannot be it would alter the contents of the indicated managed
renamed. option set.

Explanation System action

The indicated command script is a managed object The command fails and server operation continues.
and cannot be renamed on the managed server.
User response
System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
ANR3230E command: Server group group
name is a managed object and
User response cannot be deleted.
To rename this script, you can delete the subscription
to the configuration profiles with which the object is Explanation
The indicated server group is a managed object and
ANR3227E command: Option set optionset cannot be deleted on the managed server.
name is a managed object and
cannot be deleted. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
The indicated option set is a managed object and User response
cannot be deleted on the managed server.
To delete this server group, you can delete the
subscription to the configuration profiles with which
System action
the object is associated.
The command fails and server operation continues.
ANR3231E command: Server group group
name is a managed object and
User response cannot be updated.
To delete this option set, you can delete the
subscription to the configuration profiles with which Explanation
the object is associated.
The indicated server group is a managed object and
ANR3228E command: Option set optionset cannot be updated on the managed server.
name is a managed object and
cannot be updated. System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
The indicated option set is a managed object and
cannot be updated on the managed server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 551

User response ANR3235E command: Server server name is a
managed object - one or more
To update this server group, you can delete the
specified attributes cannot be
subscription to the configuration profiles with which
the object is associated.
ANR3232E command: Server group group Explanation
name is a managed object and
cannot be renamed. Because the indicated server is a managed object,
certain attributes cannot be updated on the managed
server. These attributes are: SERVERPASSWORD,
The indicated server group is a managed object and DESCRIPTION, URL, and ALLOWREPLACE.
cannot be renamed on the managed server.
System action
System action
The command fails and server operation continues.
The command fails and server operation continues.
User response
User response
You can restrict the update to attributes that can be
To rename this server group, you can delete the updated on the managed server. For example, the
subscription to the configuration profiles with which PASSWORD, NODENAME, FORCESYNC, and
the object is associated. DELGRACEPERIOD attributes can be updated, even if
the server is a managed object. Alternatively, you can
ANR3233E command: Command cannot be delete the subscription to the configuration profiles
executed - server group group with which the object is associated, so that the server
name is a managed object. is no longer a managed object.

Explanation ANR3236W Server server name is currently in

use and cannot be discarded.
The specified command cannot be executed because
it would alter the membership of the indicated
managed server group.
This message is issued while processing a DELETE
System action SUBSCRIPTION command with
DISCARDOBJECTS=YES. The indicated server cannot
The command fails and server operation continues. be discarded on the managed server because server
name is in use. This could occur if the managed server
User response has an active connection to server name or if the
managed server has a device class with
DEVTYPE=SERVER that refers to server name.
ANR3234E command: Server server name is a
managed object and cannot be System action
Server server name is not deleted.
User response
The indicated server is a managed object and cannot
be deleted on the managed server. Before server name can be deleted, the managed
server must not have a connection to that server and
the managed server cannot have any device-class
System action references to that server.
The command fails and server operation continues.
ANR3237W Server server name is the event
server and cannot be discarded.
User response
To delete this object, you can delete the subscription Explanation
to the configuration profiles with which the object is
This message is issued while processing a DELETE
SUBSCRIPTION command with

552 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

DISCARDOBJECTS=YES. The indicated server cannot that might help determine the location of these errors
be discarded because it is the event server for the in the device configuration file.
managed server.
ANR3240W The device class device class only
has number of drives drives while
System action the number of streams requested
Server server name is not deleted. is number of streams.

User response Explanation

Before server name can be deleted, the DELETE This message is issued when a the NUMSTREAM
EVENTSERVER command must be used to remove the parameter is being specified with a value higher than
event server reference to server name. the number of drives available to the device class.

ANR3238E command: This object cannot be

System action
renamed because it is associated
with one or more configuration The command continues.
User response
The value will be updated as requested. If the number
This message is issued on a configuration manager of drives available at the time the database backup is
when an attempt is made to rename an object that is attempted is less than the number of streams, the
associated with one or more configuration profiles. database backup will be performed using the number
Associated objects cannot be renamed because the of online drives as the number of streams. For
enterprise configuration facility does not support example, if the number of available drives is 2 but the
renaming of objects. NUMSTREAM value had been set to 4, than the
database backup will be done using only 2 streams.
System action ANR3241W The value specified for server
The command fails and server operation continues. option option 1 is ignored due to
the setting of option option 2.
User response
If you must change the object name you can delete the
object, define it with a new name, and then define a The value specified for the first option is ignored
profile association to the new object (unless a wildcard because the second option takes precedence.
profile association already exists). This will cause the
object to be deleted and re-defined on managed System action
servers with subscriptions to the profiles with which
this object is associated. The default value of the option is used. Server
operation continues.
ANR3239E Error rc while creating device class
device class. User response
Modify the values for one or both of the server options
so that they no longer conflict. Restart the server.
This message is issued when a device class could not
ANR3242E command: Replication server
be created, because there was an error while
processing the device configuration file. server Name is currently being
deleted by a REMOVE
System action
The command fails. Explanation
When you issue the REMOVE REPLSERVER command,
User response the replication server that you specify to remove is
Look in the device configuration file for errors, and already in the process of being deleted as a result of a
look at the activity log for any previous error messages previous REMOVE REPLSERVER command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 553

System action failover connection information
found for server server name.
The command is stopped by the server.

User response
During client sign-on, there was no failover server
Issue the QUERY REPLSERVER command to verify the
connection information stored. This is caused when
current status of the replication server. Verify that the
you issue the REMOVE REPLSERVER command on the
replication GUID specified is correct for the server you
failover server that is defined in the associated node
are deleting.
definition. No change is made to the stored failover
ANR3243E command: Replication server server connection information in the client option file.
server Name is currently being The client will fail over to the last known failover
deleted by a previous REMOVE server.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
When you issue the REPLICATE NODE command, the
default replication server is already in the process of User response
being deleted as a result of a previous REMOVE
REPLSERVER command. No action is needed if the failover server in the client
option file is still valid. Replicate the node to the
default target replication server in order to update the
System action node's failover server.
The command is stopped by the server.
ANR3246W Process process ID skipped Num
Files files on volume Volume name
User response because the files have been
Issue the QUERY REPLSERVER command to verify the deleted.
current status of the replication server. Update the
default replication server with the SET REPLSERVER Explanation
Some of the files that were encountered during the
ANR3244E Session session number for server move operation were skipped because they have
server name error - replication already been deleted.
server is currently being deleted
by a previous REMOVE System action
The operation skips the files without making copies
and continues.
At the start of a REPLICATE NODE process on a target User response
server, the replication server is already in the process
of being deleted on the target server as a result of a None.
previous REMOVE REPLSERVER command. ANR3247W Process process ID skipped Num
Files files on volume Volume name
System action because of pending fragments.
The command is stopped by the server.
User response Some of the files that were encountered during the
move operation were skipped because they contained
Issue the QUERY REPLSERVER command to verify the
pending fragments.
current status of the replication server. Update the
default replication server with the SET REPLSERVER Large files are split into smaller pieces or fragments
command. for performance reasons. When fragments are copied
or moved to another storage pool, they are marked
ANR3245W Session session number for node pending until all fragments that comprise the file arrive
node name (client platform) - no at the target storage pool. The pending state is

554 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

removed from the fragments once all fragments have ANR3250E Command: Directory directory is
been successfully moved. not defined in storage pool storage
System action
The operation skips the files without making copies
and continues. A nonexistent storage pool directory is specified for
the issued command.
User response
System action
Server processes such as BACKUP STGPOOL, MOVE
DATA, MOVE NODEDATA and storage pool migration The server does not process the command.
can result in fragments being marked as pending. You
can issue the QUERY PROCESS command to see User response
whether any of the processes are running. If so, retry
the operation at a later time when the fragments are Reissue the command with a valid storage pool
not pending. directory. If you are using the MACRO command to
define and update the storage pool directory, you must
ANR3248W Process process ID skipped Num ensure that the DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY
Files files on volume Volume name command is committed before the UPDATE
because it was unable to lock all STGPOOLDIRECTORY command is issued.
ANR3251E Command: Storage pool stgpool
Explanation name is not a container storage
The files were skipped because the process was
unable to lock all segments of the files. Explanation
The storage pool specified is invalid for the command.
System action
The operation skips the files without making copies System action
and continues.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
Retry the operation.
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool. Only
ANR3249W The process desc process with container storage pools may be used with
process ID process id is canceled STGPOOLDIRECTORY commands.
by the process monitor.
ANR3252E Command: Directory directory is
Explanation already defined in storage pool
storage pool.
The process is canceled because the mount wait time
for the input or output volume has exceeded the Explanation
mount wait limit that is set through the
MOUNTWAITRESOURCELIMIT server option. Either An already existing storage pool directory is specified
there is a problem with a mount point, or the mount for the issued command.
wait limit is set too low.
System action
System action The server does not process the command.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response Reissue the command with a valid, unique storage
Check the setting for the pool directory.
MOUNTWAITRESOURCELIMIT server option and ANR3253W A client operation that was started
increase the value. If the problem persists with a
by schedule schedule name is
higher value, contact your service representative.
running longer than the maximum

Chapter 3. ANR messages 555

run time expected for client node Explanation
updated the storage pool directory indicated.
When you defined or updated the schedule, you set a System action
maximum run time for client operations that are
associated with the schedule. Alternatively, in the
Operations Center, you set an end time for the client
operations. A client operation started as scheduled, User response
but the operation is running after the end time or for None.
longer than the maximum run time.
ANR3257W command: Filespace identifier fsId
is not defined for node node name.
System action
The server issues this warning message, and the client Explanation
operation continues.
A filespace identifier specified in the REPLICATE NODE
command is not defined for the indicated node.
User response
None. System action
ANR3254I Storage pool directory storage pool The replication operation continues for any other valid
directory name was defined in filespace identifiers specified.
storage pool stgpool name.
User response
Use the QUERY FILESPACE command to verify the list
A DEFINE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command has of filespace identifiers provided in the REPLICATE
created the storage pool directory indicated of the NODE command.
storage pool shown.
ANR3258E Command: Device class device
System action class name has a device type of
SERVER and the source server
None. name is the same as the target.

User response Explanation

None. The specified device class has a device type of
SERVER and the source and target server names are
ANR3255I Storage pool directory storage pool
the same. IBM Spectrum Protect server database
directory name deleted.
backups cannot be restored from virtual volumes that
are on the same IBM Spectrum Protect server that was
Explanation used to complete the backups.
deleted the storage pool directory indicated. System action
Processing stops.
System action
None. User response
Ensure that the virtual volumes are not on the IBM
User response Spectrum Protect server that is being backed up and
None. that the names of the source and target servers are
ANR3256I Storage pool directory storage pool
directory name updated. ANR3259W Session session number for node
node name (client platform)
refused - $$_TSMDBMGR_$$ node

556 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

from an untrusted system is not Explanation
When the active log space used exceeds the log
utilization threshold, a database backup is started. If
Explanation there has been at least one full database backup, the
The server refuses the specified client session backup is an incremental database backup. Otherwise,
because node $$_TSMDBMGR_$$ is allowed only a full database backup is started.
from the trusted system for IBM Spectrum Protect
database backup or restore. System action
System action
Server processing continues. User response
User response
ANR3262W A full database backup might be
Use $$_TSMDBMGR_$$ node from the trusted system required. The last log number used
for IBM Spectrum Protect database backup or restore. is last log used and the first log
ANR3260E Database backup terminated due number used is first log used. The
to a page validation failure that log file size is log file size
occurred during a backup - Db2 megabytes. The maximum log file
sqlcode sqlcode sqlerrmc size is maximum log file size
sqlerrmc. This might indicate megabytes.
corruption in the database,
requiring a database restore or Explanation
other repair action to correct.
When the log space used since the last database
backup exceeds the maximum log file size, either a full
Explanation database backup is required, or the maximum log file
A page validation error was detected by Db2 and the size must be increased.
error caused the database backup to fail.
System action
System action None.
If a full database backup was in progress to free space
in the archive log directory, take one of the following User response
• Increase the amount of space in the archive log
ANR3263W Server server name does not
support the detection of a
• Use the ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY option to database restore for the PROTECT
specify a failover archive log directory in which the STGPOOL command with the
server can store log files that cannot be stored in the source server.
archive log directory.
For assistance in diagnosing and repairing any Explanation
database corruption, contact IBM Software Support.
In response to a PROTECT STGPOOL command, the
ANR3261W An automatic full or incremental server tried to establish a connection with the
database backup will be started. specified target server. However, the target server is at
The active log space used is log a level that does not support the detection of a
space used is megabytes, and the database restore for the PROTECT STGPOOL
active log space available is log operation.
space available megabytes. The
ratio, active log used ratio, exceeds System action
the threshold log utilization
threshold. Server operation continues, but the a database restore
on the target would not be detected and responded to
with a reconcile operation

Chapter 3. ANR messages 557

User response System action
Upgrade the target server to the same level as the The data that belongs to the node was not replicated,
source server. but server operations continue.
ANR3264W A full database backup is needed.
The active log space used is log User response
space used is megabytes, and the To replicate the node, take one of the following
active log space available is log actions:
space available megabytes. The
ratio, active log used ratio, exceeds • Define the policy domain that is used for the node on
the threshold log utilization the source server to the target server.
threshold. • Define the STANDARD policy domain on the target
Explanation Then, restart the node replication process.
When the active log space used exceeds the log ANR3267E The storage pool stgpool name
utilization threshold, a database backup is needed. cannot be defined as a container
storage pool with this operating
System action system.
User response The command cannot be processed on this operating
ANR3265W A full database backup will be System action
started. The archive log space
used is archive log% and the The server does not process the command.
archive log space used threshold
is arch log threshold%. User response
Use an operating system that is compatible with IBM
Explanation Spectrum Protect to issue the command. For
When the archive log space used exceeds the information about operating systems that are
threshold, a full database backup will be started. supported by IBM Spectrum Protect, see technote
1243309 "Overview - IBM Spectrum Protect
Supported Operating Systems" (http://
System action
None. uid=swg21243309).
ANR3268W Storage pool directory storage pool
User response directory name access failed.
ANR3266E Replication of node node name to
target replication server target The server was unable to access the specified storage
server failed. The reason is that a pool directory. Either the file system is not available or
required policy domain is not permissions to the storage pool directory prevent
defined on the target server. access.

Explanation System action

If you plan to replicate a node, but the node does not The server does not process the command.
exist on the target server, you must ensure that an
appropriate policy domain is defined for the node on User response
the target server.
Verify that the underlying file system is mounted
correctly and is available. Verify that the server has full
access permissions to the storage pool directory.

558 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3269E Command: Storage pool access User response
mode for pool pool name cannot be Be prepared to remove the client option from the
changed from UNAVAILABLE client option set in the future.
because the master encryption
key is not available. ANR3272E Server server name does not
support replication using fasp as
Explanation the transfer method.

The storage pool access mode cannot be changed

because the pool is encrypted or contains encrypted
data, and the server master encryption key is not In response to a REPLICATE command, the server
available. attempted to establish a connection to the replication
target. But the target server does not support fasp as
System action the transfer method.

The server does not process the command.

System action

User response Server operation continues. The replication fails.

Review the activity log for errors related to either the

User response
server master encryption key or the server password
file. Correct any problems that prevent the master Make sure the replication target is at the correct
encryption key being read from the server password maintenance level and verify that the globally unique
file. If necessary, rename the server key database, ID (GUID) of the target server is properly set. Use the
dsmkeydb.kdb, and its password stash file, tivguid utility to set the GUID if not properly set.
dsmkeydb.sth, and recover an earlier version of the
key database from a backup. Restart the server. ANR3273I Using Active Directory Domain
Reissue the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change LDAP DN for LDAP Authentication.
the storage pool ACCESS setting.
ANR3270E Command: Unsupported option -
option The Active Directory Domain was determined from the
LDAP server base context.
System action
The command shown specifies a client option for a
client option set, which is no longer supported. Server operation continues.

System action User response

The server does not process the command. None.

ANR3274I Running in LDAP Legacy Mode.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid client option. Explanation

ANR3271W Command: Deprecated option - The Server is running in LDAP Legacy Mode which
option requires an LDAP Administrator ID and an
Organizational Unit which is specific to the server.
System action
The command shown specifies a deprecated client
option for a client option set. While the specified Server operation continues.
option will be processed, it will be made obsolete at a
future date. User response
System action
ANR3275I Running in LDAP Integrated Mode.
The server processes the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 559

Explanation User response
The Server is running in LDAP Integrated Mode which None.
allows existing LDAP users to be registered to the
ANR3279E Command: Storage pool pool is
server while managed through the LDAP server.
already in use for another storage
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
A storage rule exists for the specified storage pool.
User response
None. System action
ANR3276I The server starts one or more The server does not process the command.
background processes to update
the database entries for data that User response
is stored in the storage pool
directory storage pool directory Reissue the command with a valid, unique source
name. storage pool.
ANR3280I Storage rule rule name deleted.
Processes have been started in the background to Explanation
update a stgpooldir. A DELETE STGRULE command has deleted the storage
rule indicated.
System action
None. System action
User response
None. User response

ANR3277E Command: Storage rule rule is None.

already defined. ANR3281E Command: Storage rule rule name
is not defined.
An existing storage rule is specified for the command. Explanation
The storage rule name that is specified for the
System action command does not exist.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response The server does not process the command.
Reissue the command with a valid, unique storage rule
name. User response

ANR3278I Storage rule storage rule was Reissue the command with a valid storage rule name.
defined. ANR3282I Storage Rule rule name updated.

Explanation Explanation
A DEFINE STGRULE command has created the storage The storage rule was updated by the UPDATE
rule indicated. STGRULE command.

System action System action

None. None.

560 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR3286E Command: Update Storage Rule
failed for rule rule name because
the specified parameters are not
ANR3283E Storage Rule rule name deletion valid for Action Type rule action
failed because process is currently type.
The Storage Rule update failed because one or more
The storage rule deletion failed because there is parameters are not valid for the Action Type of the
currently an active process. specified Storage Rule.

System action System action

The storage rule deletion fails. The Storage Rule update fails.

User response User response

Try again when the storage rule is not running. Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3284W Tiering process process ID ANR3287E Command: The DEFINE STGRULE
terminated for storage pool command failed for rule rule name
storage pool name - duration because the specified parameter
exceeded. option name is not valid for action
type rule action type.
During a storage pool tiering action for the indicated
storage pool, a process performing the tiering has The operation failed because one or more parameters
been terminated because the tiering duration has are not valid for the action type of the specified
exceeded. storage rule.

System action System action

The tiering process is terminated. System operation continues, but the DEFINE STGRULE
command fails.
User response
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the DEFINE
ANR3285W GSKit version GSKit version is STGRULE command.
below the minimum supported
version of minimum GSKit version. ANR3288E The DEFINE STGRULE command
failed for rule rule name because a
Explanation rule already exists for storage pool
pool name and action type rule
The version of the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) action type.
libraries that is in use by the server is below the
minimum supported version. Unexpected errors might
occur as a result of using down-level GSKit libraries.
The operation failed because a storage rule already
System action exists for the action type and specified storage pool.

Server operation continues.

System action

User response System operation continues, but the DEFINE STGRULE

command fails.
Review the instructions in IBM Knowledge Center for
creating a server instance. Verify that the library path
was modified to use the version of GSKit that is
installed with the server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 561

User response Explanation
Verify the command storage pool and reissue the A DELETE STGSUBRULE command was used to delete
DEFINE STGRULE command. the specified subrule.
ANR3289E Command: Protect in progress
prevents moving container for System action
storage pool storage pool. The subrule is deleted and system operation
A storage pool directory can not be moved while it is User response
undergoing protect. No action is required.
ANR3293E The deletion of subrule subrule
System action
name failed because process is
The server does not process the command. currently active.

User response Explanation

Reissue the command once protect has completed. The deletion failed because a process that is
associated with the storage subrule is active.
ANR3290I Storage subrule storage subrule
was defined.
System action
Explanation The deletion failed, but system operation continues.
The DEFINE STGSUBRULE command was used to
define the specified subrule. User response
Retry the delete operation when the storage subrule is
System action not running.
The subrule is defined and system operation ANR3294I Storage Subrule rule name
continues. updated.

User response Explanation

No action is required. The storage subrule was updated by the UPDATE
ANR3291E Command: Storage subrule
Subrule name is not defined.
System action
Explanation None.
A storage subrule with the specified name does not
exist. User response
System action
ANR3295E A storage subrule member for
The server does not process the command. node node name and file space
filespace name would conflict with
User response an existing subrule member.

Reissue the command with a valid storage subrule

The storage subrule member addition failed because
ANR3292I Storage subrule subrule name there is already a member of a subrule which would
deleted. include the same node and filespace.

562 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The storage subrule member addition failed, but No action is required.
system operation continues.
ANR3299E Command: Cannot add and
remove storage subrule members
User response in the same command.
Define a storage subrule member that does not
conflict with an existing member. Explanation
ANR3296E Command: Storage subrule rule is Storage subrule members cannot be added and
already defined. removed simultaneously.

Explanation System action

The command specifies a storage subrule that already System operation continues.
User response
System action
Use one command to add member(s) and another to
The server does not process the command. remove member(s) from storage subrules.
ANR3300W The FILELIST file named list file
User response name does not contain any valid
Reissue the command with a valid, unique storage directories.
subrule name.
ANR3297I Objects were deleted from volume
volume name , node node name , The server detected that the FILELIST file does not
and file space filespace . contain any valid directories.

Explanation System action

The server deleted objects from the reported volume, The RESTORE DB operation fails.
node, and file space.
User response
System action
Update the FILELIST file to include at least one valid
System operation continues. directory.
User response because database backup
This message is for informational purposes only. processing is active.

ANR3298I Command: The MAXPROC value,

maxproc, is greater than the
number of available drives (num The database backup and EXTEND DBSPACE
drives) for storage pool tgt pool. processing are in conflict and cannot be active
The storage rule stgrule will be simultaneously.
defined with a MAXPROC value of
num drives. System action
The EXTEND DBSPACE operation failed and is
The MAXPROC parameter was specified with a value
that is greater than the number of available drives. User response
Rerun the EXTEND DBSPACE after the database
System action
backup completes.
Command processing continues. The MAXPROC value
is updated to match the number of available drives.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 563

ANR3302E The database backup failed specify multiple LDAPURL server option values, they
because EXTEND DBSPACE must all be LDAPS or must all be LDAP addresses.
processing is active.
System action
Explanation Server operations continue. LDAP directory services
The database backup and EXTEND DBSPACE are not available.
processing are in conflict and cannot be active
simultaneously. User response
Correct the LDAPURL server option values and restart
System action the IBM Spectrum Protectserver.
The database backup operation failed and is
ANR3305E Command: The next storage pool,
NextPool Name, that is specified is
not a tape storage pool and is not
User response suitable for the Operation
Rerun the database backup after EXTEND DBSPACE operation associated with storage
processing completes. pool Pool Name.

ANR3303E Error updating database Explanation

configuration parameters: Unable
to deactivate database. You must specify a tape storage pool as the next
storage pool.
System action
The server attempted to deactivate the database while
updating database configuration parameters. The server does not process the command.
However, the database could not be deactivated
because connections still exist. User response
Specify a tape storage pool as the next storage pool
System action and reissue the command.
The server terminates.
ANR3308I Storage rule old rule name
renamed to new rule name.
User response
Log in as the instance user. Issue the DB2 LIST Explanation
The indicated storage rule has been renamed.
DETAIL command to display information about
applications that are connected to the database. Issue
the DB2 FORCE APPLICATION ALL command to force System action
all applications to disconnect from the database. None.
When all applications have disconnected, start the
User response
ANR3304E The LDAPURL server option values None.
specify both LDAP and LDAPS
values for the LDAP server host ANR3309E Storage Rule rule name rename
addresses. failed because process is currently
LDAPS represents using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
connection and sending LDAP data over an existing The storage rule rename failed because there is
SSL connection. LDAP represents using a connection currently an active process.
that is secured by using the standard LDAPv3
"StartTLS" operation to establish a secure TLS System action
exchange on an existing LDAP connection. When you
The storage rule rename fails.

564 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response value of the associated SESSIONSECURITY parameter
is set to STRICT.
Try again when the storage rule is not running.
For server-to-server sessions, each server must have
ANR3310W Because a database restore
the certificate of the partner server in the server key
operation was detected, server
database. Nodes and administrators must have the
server name must be reconciled certificates for each server to which they connect.
with its partner server for the Certificates are distributed automatically, but are
PROTECT STGPOOL command. subject to restrictions that are specified by the
The operation to reconcile the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
servers is under way.

System action
The requested certificate is not delivered. Operations
The database of the specified server or its partner that require the certificate might fail.
server was restored. To ensure data consistency, it is
necessary to reconcile the servers.
User response
System action Manually add the certificate to the key database of the
requesting server. For information about configuring
The PROTECT STGPOOL operation continues. As part SSL connections, see the instructions in IBM
of this operation, the servers will be reconciled. Knowledge Center. To verify security settings, issue
one of the following commands: QUERY ADMIN
User response adminname F=D QUERY NODE nodename F=D QUERY
No action is required. SERVER servername F=D

ANR3334W The server experienced a TCP/IP ANR3336W Default certificate labeled Label in
error while receiving data on key data base is down level.
socket socket number. Reason
return code, Origin Address origin Explanation
address. The default label in the key data base is down level.

Explanation System action

A communication error occurred on the indicated Consider updating default certificate to a more secure
socket from the indicated address. This may be a certificate.
normal event if either side of the connection is
abruptly ended.
User response
System action None.
The session is ended. Server operation continues. ANR3337I Option option value added to
server options file.
User response
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no action is The indicated option and value were written to the
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server server options file as part of the set of options needed
can communicate using a TCP/IP application. If a to secure communication at TLS level 1.2 or higher.
system utility such as a port scanner is in use, consider When the server key data base is created, this set of
excluding the server address and port numbers. options is written to the server options file; These
options are in effect immediately, as part of the
ANR3335W Unable to distribute certificate to startup process.
Id for session session number.
System action
Server operation continues.
An SSL certificate could not be distributed to the
requesting server, node or administrator because the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 565

User response User response
All clients contacting the server after the server comes None.
up and which use SSL/TLS communications should be
configured to use TLS 1.2. Clients using the server
command failed or some records
self-signed certificate should have the server exported
were skipped. Issue the command
certificate file, cert256.arm added to their key data
again to clean up orphan records.
base. If TLS 1.2 is not suitable for SSL
communications, the following options in the server
options file should be modified: SSLTLS12 (if present), Explanation
SSLDISABLELEGACYTLS, and SSLHIDELEGACYTLS The cleanup replgroups process may skip orphan
should be changed to NO. You may also have to records from being deleted. Some common reasons
change the default label in the server's key data base, for this error are:
if using self-signed certificates, to "TSM Server
SelfSigned Key". 1. The node is currently replicating.
2. The cleanup replgroups process is cancelled.
ANR3338E Session with node or system at
address hladdress failed due to 3. Unexpected internal errors, which can be displayed
use of TLS at level SSL Level the activity log.
instead of TLS 1.2 or higher.
System action
Explanation The command terminates.
When the server or storage agent option
SSLDISABLELEGACYTLS is set to YES, the server User response
enforces a TLS level of 1.2 or higher. If TLS is at a level
lower than 1.2 or if any level of SSL is used, the Review the activity log for errors. Correct the error and
session fails. Likewise, if the SESSIONSECURITY issue the command again.
setting for the entity (node, administrator, or server ANR3341I Process process ID was started to
definition) is set to STRICT, then TLS 1.2 or higher is decommission node name.
also required. If the SESSIONSECURITY parameter is
set to TRANSITIONAL and the entity successfully
authenticates by using TLS 1.2, that connection is
remembered and the entity can no longer authenticate When you run the DECOMMISSION NODE command, a
at a lower level. process is started to prepare the node for
decommissioning and deactivating backup files for the
System action node.

The session fails. Server or storage agent operation

System action
The Decommission process can be canceled. Server
User response operation continues.

Reconfigure the client or server to use TLS 1.2. Until

User response
the client or server that is receiving this message is
using TLS 1.2, the server or storage agent will continue No action is required. However, you can query the
to reject the session. process by using the QUERY PROCESS command:
query process process_number You can cancel the
ANR3339I Default Label in key data base is process by using the CANCEL PROCESS command:
Label. cancel process process_number

Explanation ANR3342I The process of decommissioning a

node was canceled.
The default SSL label in the key data base is displayed.
System action
The CANCEL PROCESS command was issued to end
Server or storage agent operation continues. the process of decommissioning a node. The process
will end shortly.

566 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The decommission process will end, but server No action is required.
operation continues.
ANR3348E Command: The process of
deactivating data for node name
User response failed.
No action is required.
ANR3344E Command: An error occurred while
deactivating data for node name. An error occurred while deactivating backup files for
the specified node.
System action
An error occurred while deactivating backup files for
the specified node. The DEACTIVATE DATA command is ended, but server
operation continues.
System action
User response
The DEACTIVATE DATA command is ended, but server
operation continues. No action is required.
ANR3349W Command: This command will
User response deactivate data. Active backup
No action is required. files that were created for the
specified node on the deactivation
ANR3345I Process process ID was started to date or earlier will be deactivated.
deactivate data for node name.
The DEACTIVATE DATA command deactivates backup
When you run the DEACTIVATE DATA command, a files for a specified node.
process begins to prepare the node for deactivation of
its active backup files.
System action

System action You will be prompted to continue, or to cancel the

The deactivation process can be canceled. Server
operation continues.
User response

User response Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to end the command.

No action is required. However, you can query the ANR3350W Locally defined domain domain
process by using the QUERY PROCESS command: name contains at least one node
query process process_number You can cancel the and cannot be replaced with a
process by using the CANCEL PROCESS command: definition from the configuration
cancel process process_number manager.

ANR3346I A process to deactivate backup

files for a node was canceled.
During configuration refresh processing the indicated
Explanation locally defined domain could not be replaced with a
definition from the configuration manager. The domain
Cancellation is in progress. The process will end definition was not replaced because the domain still
shortly. contains one or more assigned nodes.

System action System action

The process for deactivating backup files is ending, but Refresh processing continues, but this domain is not
server operation continues. replaced. The system will attempt to replace the local
domain during later configuration refresh operations.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 567

User response User response
If you want existing nodes to be assigned to the None.
domain from the configuration manager, you can
ANR3353I Managed domain domain name
temporarily assign them to another domain. After the
deleted during configuration
domain definition has successfully been propagated
refresh processing.
from the configuration manager, reassign the nodes to
the new domain. Alternatively, if you want to prevent
further attempts to replace the local domain definition Explanation
during configuration refresh processing, delete the During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
subscription to the profiles with which domain domain managed domain was removed from the managed
name is associated. server. This occurred either because the domain has
ANR3351W Managed domain domain name been deleted from the configuration manager or
contains at least one node and because the profile association no longer exists. The
cannot be deleted during system also deleted all policy sets, management
configuration refresh processing. classes, copy groups, and client schedules belonging
to the managed domain.
System action
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise
configuration facility attempted to remove the None.
indicated domain because it has been deleted from
the configuration manager or because the profile User response
association no longer exists. The domain could not be
deleted on the managed server because it still
contains one or more nodes. ANR3354W Locally defined administrative
schedule schedule name is active
System action and cannot be replaced with a
definition from the configuration
Refresh processing continues, but this domain is not manager.
deleted. The system will attempt to delete the domain
during later configuration refresh operations.
User response During configuration refresh processing the indicated
locally defined administrative schedule could not be
Assign nodes in this domain to another domain. replaced with a definition from the configuration
Alternatively, you can delete the subscription to the manager. The schedule definition was not replaced
profiles with which domain domain name is because the schedule is in the active state.
ANR3352I Locally defined domain domain System action
name replaced during
Refresh processing continues, but this administrative
configuration refresh processing.
schedule is not replaced. The system will attempt to
replace the local administrative schedule during later
Explanation configuration refresh operations.
During configuration refresh processing, a local
domain definition was replaced with a definition from User response
the configuration manager. The system also deleted all
If you want this administrative schedule to be replaced
policy sets, management classes, copy groups, and
with the schedule definition from the configuration
client schedules belonging to the locally defined
manager, deactivate the local schedule using the
domain and added definitions from the configuration
Update Schedule command. After the administrative
schedule definition has successfully been propagated
from the configuration manager, you can activate the
System action new schedule. Alternatively, if you want to prevent
None. further attempts to replace the local schedule
definition during configuration refresh processing,

568 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

delete the subscription to the profiles with which the Explanation
schedule name is associated.
During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
ANR3355W Managed administrative schedule managed administrative schedule was removed from
schedule name is active and the managed server. This occurred either because the
cannot be deleted during schedule has been deleted from the configuration
configuration refresh processing. manager or because the profile association no longer
System action
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise
configuration facility attempted to remove the None.
indicated administrative schedule because it has been
deleted from the configuration manager or because User response
the profile association no longer exists. The schedule
could not be deleted on the managed server because None.
the schedule is in the active state. ANR3358W Locally defined administrator
administrator name is the only
System action system administrator and cannot
be replaced with a definition from
Refresh processing continues, but this schedule is not
the configuration manager.
deleted. The system will attempt to delete the
administrative schedule during later configuration
refresh operations. Explanation
During configuration refresh processing the indicated
User response locally defined administrator could not be replaced
with a definition from the configuration manager. The
If you want this administrative schedule to be deleted
administrator definition was not replaced because it is
in accordance with changes that have been made on
the only system administrator and the definition from
the configuration manager, deactivate the managed
the configuration manager does not include system
schedule using the Update Schedule command.
Alternatively, if you want to prevent further attempts
to delete the managed schedule definition during
configuration refresh processing, delete the System action
subscription to the profiles with which the schedule Refresh processing continues, but this administrator
name is associated. definition is not replaced. The system will attempt to
ANR3356I Locally defined administrative replace the local administrator definition during later
schedule schedule name replaced configuration refresh operations.
during configuration refresh
processing. User response
If you want this administrator definition to be replaced
Explanation with a definition from the configuration manager, you
During configuration refresh processing, a local can grant system authority to another administrator.
administrative schedule definition was replaced with a Alternatively, if you want to prevent further attempts
definition from the configuration manager. to replace the local administrator definition during
configuration refresh processing, delete the
subscription to the profiles with which administrator
System action administrator name is associated.
ANR3359W Managed system administrator
administrator name is the only
User response system administrator and cannot
None. be deleted during configuration
refresh processing.
ANR3357I Managed administrative schedule
schedule name deleted during
configuration refresh processing.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 569

Explanation Explanation
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise During configuration refresh processing, a local
configuration facility attempted to remove the administrator definition was replaced with a definition
indicated administrator because it has been deleted from the configuration manager.
from the configuration manager or because the profile
association no longer exists. The administrator could System action
not be deleted on the managed server because it is the
only system administrator. None.

System action User response

Refresh processing continues, but this administrator is None.

not deleted. The system will attempt to delete the ANR3362I Managed administrator
administrator during later configuration refresh administrator name deleted during
operations. configuration refresh processing.

User response Explanation

Grant system authority to another administrator. During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
Alternatively, you can delete the subscription to the managed administrator was removed from the
profiles with which administrator administrator name managed server. This occurred either because the
is associated. administrator has been deleted from the configuration
ANR3360W Managed system administrator manager or because the profile association no longer
administrator name is the only exists.
system administrator - authority
cannot be revoked during System action
configuration refresh processing.

User response
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise
configuration facility attempted to revoke authority for
the indicated administrator because authority has ANR3363W Managed administrator
been revoked on the configuration manager. The administrator name is currently
authority of the administrator could not be revoked on accessing the server and cannot
the managed server because this is the only system be deleted during configuration
administrator. refresh processing.

System action Explanation

Refresh processing continues, but authority is not During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise
revoked for this administrator. The system will configuration facility attempted to remove the
attempt to revoke administrator during later indicated administrator because it has been deleted
configuration refresh operations. from the configuration manager or because the profile
association no longer exists. The administrator could
User response not be deleted on the managed server because it
currently has an active session with the server.
Grant system authority to another administrator.
Alternatively, you can delete the subscription to the
System action
profiles with which administrator administrator name
is associated. Refresh processing continues, but this administrator is
not deleted. The system will attempt to delete the
ANR3361I Locally defined administrator
administrator during later configuration refresh
administrator name replaced
during configuration refresh

570 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Quit or cancel all sessions for the indicated During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
administrator. Alternatively, you can delete the managed command script was removed from the
subscription to the profiles with which administrator managed server. This occurred either because the
administrator name is associated. script has been deleted from the configuration
manager or because the profile association no longer
ANR3364W Administrator administrator name exists.
has been removed. This
administrator has defined or
updated administrative schedules System action
that will fail when executed. None.

Explanation User response

This message is issued during configuration refresh None.
processing or as a result of a DELETE SUBSCRIPTION
command with the DISCARDOBJECTS=YES option. ANR3367I Locally defined option set option
The indicated managed administrator was removed set name replaced during
from the server, but this administrator owns one or configuration refresh processing.
more administrative schedules. These schedules will
fail when executed in the future because they do not Explanation
belong to a valid administrator.
During configuration refresh processing, a local option
set definition was replaced with a definition from the
System action configuration manager.
The indicated administrator was removed.
System action
User response None.
Use the QUERY SCHEDULE command OR an SQL
SELECT statement on the ADMIN_SCHEDULES table to User response
determine which schedules were last updated by the
administrator. Use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command
to update those schedules under an administrator that ANR3368I Managed option set option set
has authority to execute them, or use the DELETE name deleted during configuration
SCHEDULE command to remove the schedules. refresh processing.
ANR3365I Locally defined command script
command script name replaced Explanation
during configuration refresh During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
processing. managed option set was removed from the managed
server. This occurred either because the option set has
Explanation been deleted from the configuration manager or
because the profile association no longer exists.
During configuration refresh processing, a local
command script definition was replaced with a
definition from the configuration manager. System action
System action
None. User response
User response
ANR3369I Locally defined server group group
None. name replaced during
configuration refresh processing.
ANR3366I Managed command script
command script name deleted
during configuration refresh

Chapter 3. ANR messages 571

Explanation server. Alternatively, you can rename the server group
on the configuration manager, after first deleting the
During configuration refresh processing, a local server
profile association for that server group.
group definition was replaced with a definition from
the configuration manager. ANR3372I Locally defined server server name
replaced during configuration
System action refresh processing.


User response During configuration refresh processing, a local server

definition was replaced with a definition from the
None. configuration manager.
ANR3370I Managed server group group name
deleted during configuration System action
refresh processing.

User response
During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
managed server group was removed from the
managed server. This occurred either because the ANR3373I Server server name deleted during
server group has been deleted from the configuration configuration refresh processing.
manager or because the profile association no longer
exists. Explanation

System action During configuration refresh processing, the definition

for managed object server name was removed from
None. the managed server. This occurred either because
server name has been deleted from the configuration
User response manager or because the profile association no longer
ANR3371W Server group group name cannot System action
be defined during configuration
refresh processing because a
server already exists with this
name. User response
ANR3374I Server group group name replaced
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise with server server name during
configuration facility attempted to define the indicated configuration refresh processing.
server group on a managed server. The server group
could not be defined because a server definition with Explanation
the same name already exists on the managed server.
During configuration refresh processing, a server group
System action definition was replaced with a server definition from
the configuration manager. The server has the same
Refresh processing continues, but this server group is name as the deleted server group.
not defined. The system will attempt to define the
server group during later configuration refresh System action
User response
User response
You can delete the subscription to the profile with
which the indicated server group is associated or None.
delete the conflicting server definition on the managed

572 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3375W Server server name is currently in ANR3377W Replacement of local server server
use cannot be deleted during name with a definition from the
configuration refresh processing. configuration manager is not
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise
configuration facility attempted to remove the During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise
indicated server definition because it has been deleted configuration facility attempted to replace the
from the configuration manager or because the profile indicated server definition with a definition from the
association no longer exists. The indicated server configuration manager. This operation could not be
could not be deleted on the managed server because performed because ALLOWREPLACE=NO for the
server name is in use. This could occur if the managed indicated server.
server has an active connection to server name or if the
managed server has a device class with System action
DEVTYPE=SERVER that refers to server name.
Refresh processing continues, but this server
definition is not replaced. The system will attempt to
System action
replace the server definition during later configuration
Refresh processing continues, but this server refresh operations.
definition is not deleted. The system will attempt to
delete the server during later configuration refresh User response
Before the local server definition for server name can
be replaced with a definition from the configuration
User response
manager, the UPDATE SERVER command must be
Before server name can be deleted, the managed used to set the ALLOWREPLACE attribute to ON.
server must not have a connection to that server and
the managed server cannot have any device-class ANR3378I Administrator administrator name
references to that server. added during configuration refresh
ANR3376W Server server name is the event
server and cannot be deleted Explanation
during configuration refresh
processing. During configuration refresh processing, the indicated
administrator definition was created based on
information from the configuration manager.
During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise System action
configuration facility attempted to remove the
indicated server definition because it has been deleted None.
from the configuration manager or because the profile
association no longer exists. The indicated server User response
could not be deleted on the managed server because it
is the event server for the managed server.
ANR3379E Command: Unable to access pool
System action pool name - access mode is set to
"read only".
Refresh processing continues, but this server
definition is not deleted. The system will attempt to
delete the server during later configuration refresh Explanation
operations. The command shown specifies the pool whose name
is displayed, but the pool cannot be accessed because
User response its status is read only.
Before server name can be deleted, the DELETE
EVENTSERVER command must be used to remove the System action
event server reference to server name. The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 573

User response ANR3382W This command will rename
administrator user ID. This
Either reset the access state of the pool or choose
administrator is defined to alert
another pool and reissue the command.
triggers or assigned to alerts. If
ANR3380E Command: Unable to access pool this administrator is renamed, the
pool name - access mode is set to administrator of the alert triggers
"unavailable". and alerts will also be renamed.

Explanation Explanation
The command shown specifies the pool whose name A RENAME ADMINISTRATOR command was issued for
is displayed, but the pool cannot be accessed because an administrator who is defined to alert triggers or
its status is unavailable. assigned to alerts. If you confirm this command, the
administrator for those alert triggers and alerts will be
System action renamed.

The server does not process the command.

System action

User response The system will run or cancel the command,

depending on your response.
Either reset the access state of the pool or choose
another pool and reissue the command.
User response
ANR3381W This command will remove To run the RENAME ADMINISTRATOR command,
administrator user ID. This enter 'Y'. To cancel the command, enter 'N'. To review
administrator is defined to alert alerts that are assigned to the administrator, use the
triggers or assigned to alerts. The QUERY ALERTSTATUS command. To manage alerts
command will remove the that are assigned to the administrator, use the
administrator from those alert UPDATE ALERTSTATUS command. To review alert
triggers and alerts. triggers, use the QUERY ALERTTRIGGER command. To
update alert triggers, use the UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER
Explanation command.
A REMOVE ADMINISTRATOR command was issued for ANR3383E command: Administrator user ID is
the specifie d administrator. If you confirm the the monitoring administrator and
command, the administrator will be removed from the cannot be removed or renamed.
alert triggers and alerts.
System action
Because the specified administrator is used for
The system will run or cancel the command, communications between hub and spoke servers, the
depending on your response. administrator cannot be removed or renamed.

User response System action

To run the REMOVE ADMINISTRATOR command, enter The command fails, and server operation continues.
'Y'. To cancel the command, enter 'N'. To find the alert
triggers to which the administrator is defined, use the
User response
statement on the TSM_MON_ALERTTRIG table. To To remove or rename the administrator, complete the
find the alerts that are assigned to the administrator, following steps: 1. Issue the SET MONITORINGADMIN
use the QUERY ALERTSTATUS command or an SQL command to change the monitoring administrator for
SELECT statement on the TSM_MON_ALERT table. To your hub server and for corresponding spoke servers.
update the alert triggers and modify the list of 2. Remove or rename the administrator.
administrators who receive an email for the alerts, use
ANR3384E command: Server group group
the UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER command. To assign the
alert to another administrator, use the UPDATE name, is the monitored server
ALERTSTATUS command. group and cannot be deleted or

574 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The specified server group is in use as the monitored The operation fails and server operations continue.
server group and cannot be deleted or renamed.
User response
System action
Check the permissions of the directory leading up to
The command fails and server operation continues. the object being created. Ensure the userid under
which the server is executing has the necessary
User response permission to create objects in this directory. Retry the
remove it as the monitored server group. Then you can ANR3387W Command: This command will
delete or rename the server group. add, update, or delete alert
ANR3385E command: The operation is not
allowed for container storage
A command has been issued that will add, update, or
Explanation delete alert triggers on your server.

The specified storage pool is a container storage pool.

System action
You cannot issue the following commands with
container storage pools: You will be prompted to continue, or to cancel the
• RESTORE STGPOOL User response
Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to end the command.
ANR3388W Command: This command
decommissions the client node
• AUDIT VOLUME and deletes data. Active files are
• MOVE NODEDATA deactivated, and data is deleted
as it expires.
A command has been issued that will decommission
You must use a primary random, primary sequential, the node.
copy, or active-data storage pool to complete these
functions. System action

System action You will be prompted to continue, or to cancel the

The command fails and the server operation
continues. User response

User response Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to end the command.

Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command to protect the ANR3389E Command: Node name is already
contents of directory-container storage pools. decommissioned.

ANR3386E Insufficient authority to create file Explanation

system object object name.
You cannot decommission the node because it is
already decommissioned with decommission state
An attempt to create a file or directory failed with
insufficient authority. System action
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 575

User response will be inactivated, and the file
space of the virtual machine will
You can use QUERY NODE FORMAT=DETAIL command
be automatically deleted after its
to see the decommission state of the node and the
all the files are expired.
date it was decommissioned. You can reissue the
command on a node that does not have
decommissioned state of Yes. Explanation

ANR3390W Alert trigger message number is no A command was issued to remove the specified virtual
longer valid and will be deleted. machine from the production environment.

Explanation System action

The alert trigger is obsolete because it is associated You will be prompted to continue, or to cancel the
with a server message that no longer exists. command.

System action User response

The alert trigger will be automatically deleted by the Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to cancel the command.
server. Server operation continues. ANR3393E Command: Virtual machine virtual
machine name in node name is
User response already decommissioned.
No action is required.
ANR3391E command: The operation is not
allowed for cloud storage pools. The specified virtual machine cannot be
decommissioned because it already has a
decommission state of Yes.
The specified storage pool has a cloud storage type. System action
You cannot issue the following commands with cloud
storage pools: The virtual machine remains decommissioned and
server operation continues.
• RESTORE STGPOOL User response
• MIGRATE STGPOOL To view the date when the virtual machine was
• IDENTIFY DUPLICATES decommissioned, issue the following command: query
filespace format=detailed To decommission a different
virtual machine, reissue the DECOMMISSION VM
• PREPARE command for that virtual machine.
You must use a primary random, primary sequential, ANR3394I Process process ID was started to
copy, or active-data storage pool to complete these decommission virtual machine
functions. virtual machine name on node
System action
The command fails and the server operation Explanation
continues. When you run the DECOMMISSION VM command, a
process is started to prepare the virtual machine for
User response the decommission operation and to deactivate backup
To back up a storage pool that uses a DEDUP device files for the virtual machine.
class, issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command to
protect the contents of the storage pool. System action

ANR3392W Command: This command will The decommission process is in progress.

decommission the specified
virtual machine. The active files
that belong to the virtual machine

576 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response the following command: query filespace 2. Reissue the
command on the virtual machine.
No action is required. However, you can query the
process by using the QUERY PROCESS command: ANR3399E Command: Virtual machine virtual
query process process_number You can cancel the machine name could not be found.
process by using the CANCEL PROCESS command:
cancel process process_number Explanation
ANR3395I The process of decommissioning a The command failed because the virtual machine
virtual machine was canceled. name is invalid.

Explanation System action

The CANCEL PROCESS command was issued to end The server does not process the command, but server
the decommission operation. The operation will end operation continues.
User response
System action
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
The decommission operation will end, but server Issue the following command: select * from
operation continues. filespaceview 2. To determine the name of the virtual
machine, review the output: - If the ENTITYNAME field
User response is not blank, the name in the field is the virtual
machine name. - If the ENTITYNAME field is blank, go
No action is required.
to the FILESPACE_NAME field to determine the name
ANR3397E Command: An error occurred while of the virtual machine. 3. Reissue the command on the
deactivating data for virtual virtual machine.
machine virtual machine name.
ANR3400I Command: Output stream stream
used volume volume name.
An error occurred while deactivating backup files for Explanation
the specified virtual machine.
The specified output stream used the specified
System action
The DECOMMISSION VM command halts, but server System action
operation continues.
The command continues.

User response
User response
No action is required. However, to resolve the issue,
review the dsmffdc.log and dsmserv.err files and
correct any reported errors. ANR3401I Command: Output stream stream
did not write to any output
ANR3398E Command: File space FSID could
not be found.

The specified output stream did not write to any
The file space ID is not valid.
output volumes.

System action
System action
The server does not process the command, but server
The command continues.
operation continues.

User response
User response
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
To obtain the file space ID of the virtual machine, issue

Chapter 3. ANR messages 577

ANR3402I Extractdb command: Process Explanation
process number, database extract, This message indicates the total number of database
has completed. objects that were skipped during database extract
processing because they contained no records.
The database extract process process number has System action
completed. Server processing continues.

System action User response

Database extract processing ends. None.

User response ANR3406I Extractdb command: Failed to

process number of database
None. objects database objects.
ANR3403I Extractdb command: Found
number of database objects Explanation
database objects. This message indicates the total number of database
objects that were not successfully processed during
Explanation database extract processing.
This message indicates the total number of database
objects that were found during database extract System action
processing. Server processing continues.

System action User response

Server processing continues. None.

User response ANR3407I Extractdb command: Processed

number of database records
None. database records.
ANR3404I Extractdb command: Processed
number of database objects Explanation
database objects. This message indicates the total number of database
records that were successfully extracted during
Explanation database extract processing.
This message indicates the total number of database
objects that were successfully processed during System action
database extract processing. Server processing continues.

System action User response

Server processing continues. None.

User response ANR3408I Extractdb command: Wrote

number of bytes bytes.
ANR3405I Extractdb command: Skipped Explanation
number of database objects empty This message indicates the total number of bytes that
database objects. were successfully written during database extract

System action
Server processing continues.

578 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
None. An error was encountered on the target server during a
server-to-server upgrade process, resuting in the
ANR3409I Extractdb command: Elapsed time termination of the output stream being used to send
was elapsed time. database information to the target server.

Explanation System action

This message indicates the total amount of time that The command terminates.
elapsed during database extract processing.

User response
System action
Refer to the target server's messages for a description
Server processing continues. of the error. Correct the error and rerun the command.

User response ANR3413W Extractdb command: Encountered

an unexpected table, table name.
None. The table will be skipped.
ANR3410I Extractdb command: Throughput
was megabytes per hour Explanation
megabytes per hour. The database extract process encountered a table that
it did not expect. In most cases, an unexpected table
Explanation is one that was used in an earlier release, but which is
This message indicates the total throughput no longer used in the current release. Such tables can
(megabytes/hour) during database extract processing. be safely ignored by the database extract process.
However, in rare cases, this may indicate a
programming error. As such, you should contact your
System action service representative to confirm whether the table
Server processing continues. may be ignored without affecting the success of the
upgrade process.
User response
System action
Database extract processing continues. Data from the
ANR3411I Extractdb command: Extracted specified table is not extracted.
number of database records
database entries and wrote
User response
number of bytes bytes in elapsed
time (megabytes per hour Contact your service representative to confirm
megabytes per hour). whether the specified table can be safely ignored.
ANR3414E Extractdb command: Process
process number, database extract,
The command read the indicated number of data base has completed with errors.
records, and wrote the indicated number of bytes.
System action
The database extract process process number has
Server processing continues. completed, but errors were encountered by the
User response
System action
Database extract processing ends.
ANR3412I Extractdb command: Terminating
output stream stream number due
User response
to error on server server name.
Review any messages that were issued by the process,
and take corrective action as appropriate.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 579

ANR3415I The server is in maintenance User response
mode. If IBM Software Support directed you to disable
database backup page verification, no action is
Explanation required.
The server is in maintenance mode. The following If IBM Software Support did not direct you to disable
services are disabled: database backup page verification, reenable the
• Client sessions feature to gain the additional protection that it
• The scheduler
ANR3418W Invalid storage pool directory
• Automatic inventory expiration
specified: stgpooldir Error: Error.
• Automatic volume reclamation
• Automatic storage pool migration Explanation
The storage pool directory specified in the DEFINE
System action STGPOOLDIRECTORY command does not exist or has
Server operation continues; however restricted invalid permissions.
services are disabled.
System action
User response The command is processed, but the storage pool
If you want to exit maintenance mode, use the HALT directory is marked as UNAVAILABLE.
command to stop the server, and restart it.
User response
ANR3416I The server is in maintenance
mode. Client sessions cannot be To store data in the storage pool directory, verify that
enabled. the directory exists and has valid permissions. Then,
update the access state of the storage pool directory
Explanation to READWRITE.

The server is in maintenance mode. Client sessions are ANR3419E Directory name directory name
disabled and cannot be reenabled until normal was duplicated when the
operation resumes. parameter command was issued.

System action Explanation

Client sessions are not enabled. When you define or update multiple directories for a
container storage pool, you can specify a directory
User response name only once in the command.

If you want to exit maintenance mode, use the HALT System action
command to stop the server, and restart it.
The command fails. Server operation continues.
ANR3417W Database backup page verification
is disabled.
User response

Explanation Ensure that the directory name is specified only once

in the command.
Pages that are backed up from the Db2 database are
not being verified. A possible cause is that IBM ANR3420E Command: Node name is not a
Software Support requested or enabled this change. valid application type node.

System action Explanation

The database backup continues, but invalid or You cannot deactivate a node which is not valid
corrupted database pages might not be detected. application type node.

System action
The server does not process the command.

580 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
None. The session is ended. System processing continues
ANR3421E Invalid access state for storage
pool directory stgpooldir. User response
Re-configure your client session as an authorized user
Explanation or connect to the server or storage agent as an
authorized user.
There is an invalid access state to complete the
operation for the storage pool directory. The required ANR3424E Command: You must specify a
access state is READWRITE. directory-container storage pool.
Storage pool stgpool name is not a
System action directory-container storage pool.

The operation fails and server operations continue.


User response The command is valid only for a directory-container

storage pool.
Verify that the directory has the correct write-access.
System action
command for the storage pool directory and specify
the ACCESS=READWRITE parameter. The server does not process the command.
ANR3422W Invalid access state for storage
pool directory stgpooldir. User response
Specify the name of a directory-container storage pool
Explanation with the command.
The access state for the storage pool directory is ANR3425W Data in container-copy storage
invalid. The access state must be READONLY or pool volume volume name cannot
READWRITE to complete this operation. be retrieved - access mode is not
System action
The operation fails and server operations continue.
During processing of a REPAIR STGPOOL command,
User response data in a container-copy storage pool volume cannot
be restored because the volume's access mode is not
Verify that the directory has at least read access. Then, READWRITE or READONLY.
issue the UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command for
the storage pool directory and specify the
System action
parameter. The server repairs damaged extents using copies in
the container-copy storage pools that it can access,
ANR3423E Proxy Session session number was but it skips over damaged extents that exist only on
not initiated by an authorized offsite volumes.
User response
If the volume is stored at an offsite location, bring the
A Proxy Session must be run as an authorized user. An volume onsite. Use the MOVE DRMEDIA command to
authorized user is any non-root user who has read and change the access mode for the volume to
write access to the client stored password (TSM.PWD READWRITE or READONLY, and reissue the REPAIR
file), or anyone who knows the client password and command.
enters it interactively. Authorized users can use the
client passworddir option to define the directory where ANR3426I Container-copy storage pool
their copy of the TSM.PWD file is saved. volume volume name is required
for repair processing.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 581

Explanation Explanation
During processing of a REPAIR STGPOOL command, This storage pool is not a valid pool type for this
the server determines that a removable volume is stgrule action.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
Unless this is a preview process, the server attempts
to mount the removable volume. User response
Specify the name of a storage pool with a valid type for
User response
the stgrule action being performed.
Respond to any mount request for the indicated
ANR3430E Command: You must specify a
cloud-container storage pool that
ANR3427E Command: Storage pool storage is enabled for action type
pool name does not have data action_type. Storage pool stgpool
protected to its local container- name is a cloud type cloud-
copy storage pools. container storage pool and is not
The command indicated references a storage pool that
has not been protected by the LOCAL PROTECT. You can issue this command for cloud-container
storage pools that use Microsoft Azure or Simple
System action Storage Service (S3) protocol only.

The server does not process the command.

System action

User response The server does not process the command.

Reissue the command after protecting data from the

User response
storage pool specified to its container copy storage
pools. Specify the name of a cloud-container storage pool
with a cloud type of either AZURE or S3.
ANR3428E Command: Unable to encrypt
storage pool storage pool name - ANR3431E Command: Unable to access pool
encryption is unavailable for the pool name - access mode is set to
storage pool. "destroyed".

Explanation Explanation
The storage pool cannot be encrypted because the The command shown specifies the pool whose name
encryption is unavailable for this storage pool. is displayed, but the pool cannot be accessed because
its status is destroyed.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
Enable encryption for this storage pool by issuing the
UPDATE STGPOOL command and specifying the Either reset the access state of the pool or choose
ENCRYPT=YES parameter. another pool and reissue the command.
ANR3429E Command: Storage pool Pool Name ANR3485W The hub server is running an
has an invalid type for operation earlier version than the spoke
Operation. server.

582 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR3488W Command: The administrator
administrator name does not have
The version of IBM Spectrum Protect server that is
an email address.
installed on the hub server must be at least the same
version that is installed on a spoke server.
System action The administrator does not have an email address
defined. The specified administrator cannot receive
The hub server continues to receive alerts and status
email from the server until a valid email address is
information from the spoke server, but unexpected
behavior might occur.

System action
User response
The command processing continues.
Upgrade the version of IBM Spectrum Protect server
that is running on the hub server. It must be at least
the same version as the spoke server. User response

ANR3486I CANCEL SESSION ALL command Issue UPDATE ADMIN command to define the email
processing ended sooner than address and reissue the command.
expected. ANR3489I Command completed successfully.

Explanation Explanation
It is possible that the server was unable to cancel all The specified SET command completed successfully.
sessions because a session was encountered that
could not be cancelled. Some sessions may still
System action
remain active after the command completes.
System action
User response
Server operation completes.
User response ANR3490E Command completed with failure.
Specify a session_number with the CANCEL SESSION
command to cancel a specific CLIENT session. If a Explanation
SERVER session is active, the partner server must be
quiesced for the session to end. The SERVER session The specified SET command did not complete
may be active with a Storage Agent, Library Client, successfully.
Library Server or Virtual Volume server. To prevent
new sessions from starting, see the DISABLE System action
SESSIONS command. The server ignores the command.
ANR3487E Command: The number of
administrators exceed the User response
maximum number allowed.
Verify that values are valid and reissue the command.

Explanation ANR3491E No sender email address found -

unable to send email for alert,
The number of administrators that can receive alert
message num.
summary by email is limited to three.

System action
The server is unable to send an email to the
The command fails. administrators for the specified alert because an email
address of the sender could not be found.
User response
Reissue the command specifying a maximum of three
registered administrator names.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 583

System action ANR3494E Command: No administrators
added or deleted for the alert
Server operation continues.

User response
The specified command has been issued but no
display the current sender's email address. Use the
administrators are added or deleted for the alert
SET ALERTEMAILFROMADDR command to specify a
valid sender email address.
ANR3492W Command: Administrator System action
administrator name is not
configured to receive alerts by Server operation continues, but the command has no
email. effect.

Explanation User response

The specified administrator name is not set up to If you are adding an administrator reissue the
receive alerts by email. Alerts cannot be sent to the command specifying an administrator name that is
administrator until it is configured to receive alerts by registered on the server. If you are deleting an
email. administrator reissue the command specify one of the
administrator names defined to the alert trigger.
System action ANR3495I Command: Administrator admin
Server operation continues. name is not defined to alert trigger.

User response Explanation

Use QUERY ADMIN FORMAT=DETAIL to display the The administrator name cannot be deleted because it
current settings for the administrator. Verify that the is not defined to the specified alert trigger.
administrator has ALERT=YES and has a valid email
address. Use the UPDATE ADMIN command to update System action
the settings. The administrator name is skipped and the server
ANR3493E Error sending an email for alert operation continues.
msg number to the administrator
with email address email address User response
using the SMTP server name SMTP
Reissue the command specifying an administrator
host server and SMTP port port
name that is defined to the alert trigger.
ANR3496W An invalid value, option value, is
Explanation specified for option option name,
The reason code is reason code.
An email about an alert was not sent successfully to
the administrator with the specified email address.
System action Reason code 1 means that this table name is not
allowed for the option. Reason code 2 means that this
Server operation continues. table does not exist in the database.

User response System action

Use QUERY MONITORSETTING command to see the Server operation continues.
current settings for emailing an alert. Check that the
administrator's email address and SMTP host server
name are correct. Check that the SMTP port is correct. User response
Fix any incorrect settings. The next alert that is Verify that the correct value is used. Update the value,
triggered will use the new configuration settings. You if necessary.
can also check the server's ffdc log for any additional
information about the error.

584 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3497W Reorganization is required on processing. 2) The DISABLEREORGINDEX option is set
excluded table table name. The to ARCHIVE_OBJECTS,BACKUP_OBJECTS,
reason code is reason code. BF_AGGREGATED_BITFILES, and
BF_BITFILE_EXTENTS. As a result, index
Explanation reorganization will not be run on these tables. 3) The
The server has determined that reorganization is specified. As a result, INDEX REORG with the
required on a table or index that has been excluded CLEANUP PAGES ALL option will be run on the
from online reorganization by the server or a server BF_BITFILE_EXTENTS table. This process of updating
option. Reason code 1 means that table reorganization the server options file runs only one time, which is
is required on the listed table. And this table is after the server starts for the first time.
currently excluded from online reorganization
processing because it is either specified in the System action
DISABLEREORGTable server option or is one of the
following tables: STAGED_EXPIRING_OBJECTS, Server operation continues.
STAGED_OBJECT_IDS (which are permanently
excluded by the server from online table User response
reorganization. Reason code 2 means that index
reorganization is required for the listed table. And If you do not want the one-time reorganization
index reorganization is excluded because it is either processing to occur, issue the following commands
specified in the DISABLEREORGIndex server option or from a Db2 command window: db2 connect to tsmdb1
is against one of the following tables: db2 "insert into tsmdb1.global_attributes
STAGED_EXPIRING_OBJECTS, STAGED_OBJECT_IDS, (owner,name,type,length,int32)
REPLICATED_OBJECTS (which are permanently values('RDB','REORG_ONETIME_AUTO_INIT',3,0,2)"
excluded by the server from online index The commands can be issued on any Version 6 server
reorganization. Reason code 3 means that index or at the fixing level for APAR IC95301, before you
reorganization with the CLEANUP PAGES ALL option is start the server.
required. This reason is only valid for the ANR3499E command: Scratchpad entry
BF_BITFILE_EXTENTS table when it is specified in the already exists.
DISABLEREORGCleanupindex server option.
System action
A scratchpad entry with the specified keys already
Server operation continues. exists.

User response System action

Tables and indices not reorganized when needed can The server ignores the command.
lead to database growth and server performance
degradation over time. If you experience either of
User response
these symptoms, and receive this message
consideration should be given to running an offline Either define a new scratchpad entry with unique keys
reorganization of the given table or index. Details and or update the existing scratchpad entry.
instructions on running an offline reorganization can
be found in technote 1452146 under the section ANR3500I Backup set for node node name as
"Running an offline table or index reorg": http:// set name (data type data type)
www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss? being generated.
ANR3498W One-time setting of the server
reorganization options is The named object set is being created for the specified
performed. node.

Explanation System action

The following server options are set after the server The server generates a backup set.
starts for the first time: 1) The DISABLEREORGTABLE
option is set with no tables specified. As a result, no
tables are excluded from the table-reorganization

Chapter 3. ANR messages 585

User response System action
None. Server operation continues.
ANR3501I Backup set for node name as set
name (data type data type) User response
completed successfully - Evaluate other messages that were issued and try to
processed files files. determine the cause of the failure. After determining
the cause of the failure, retry the command. If the
Explanation cause can not be determined, please contact your
local service representative.
The named object set was successfully created for the
specified node. The number of files processed is If ANR3504W was received, than an error occurred
specified. while logging the volumes used to the server volume
history. It is possible to issue a DEFINE BACKUPSET
System action listing these volumes. That would cause the server to
create the necessary entries for this backup set on this
None. server.
ANR3504W Backup set for node name as set
User response
name was not able to log the
None. volumes used for this operation to
the server volume history.
ANR3502W Backup set for node name as set
name (data type data type)
completed with file processing Explanation
errors - processed files files with The named object for the specified node was created.
error files files skipped. However, when the process attempted to add the
volumes, used for this operation to the volume history
Explanation for the server, an error occurred and this could not be
The named object set was successfully created for the
specified node. However, during processing errors
were encountered accessing some files - these files System action
were skipped. Server operation continues.

System action User response

None. Review other messages issued to determine which
volumes were used to generate this backup set. The
User response volumes can be inserted into the server volume history
for use by issuing a DEFINE BACKUPSET and listing
Evaluate other server messages for an indication of these volumes. This will also allow this backup set to
why the files were skipped. Files can be skipped be queried from a client as well since there is not a
because of failures locking those files, having no files server entry for this backup set. Only issue the DEFINE
to process, or for other more serious problems. First, BACKUPSET if this generate backup set operation
retry the command and see if it completes without any completed successfully.
skipped files. If you are unable to generate the backup
set without skipping files, please contact your local ANR3505I Backup set for node name as set
service representative for assistance. name used volume volume name.
ANR3503E Generation of backup set for node
name as set name (data type data Explanation
type) failed. The named object for the specified node used the
specified volume.
The named object for the specified node was not System action
created. An error was encountered causing the Server operation continues.
creation of this object set not to complete

586 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR3510E Command: Error encountered in
accessing data storage - disk
volume specified.
ANR3507I Cancel in progress
During command command processing, an error
This message is displayed in response to a QUERY occurred because a specified volume is a disk volume
PROCESS command, and indicates that a generate rather than a tape volume.
backupset process has been canceled. The process
will end shortly. System action
The command command is ended and server
System action
operation continues.
The process terminates and server operation
continues. User response
Make sure that all volumes specified for the command
User response
command are tape volumes.
ANR3511E Command: Error encountered in
ANR3508W Generation of backup set for node accessing data storage - invalid
name as set name (data type data volume name specified.
type) failed - no filespaces to
process. Explanation
The server encounters an error in accessing data
storage while processing command command. The
The named object for the specified node was not error occurred because an attempt has been made to
created. No filespaces were available to process. access a volume with an invalid name.

System action System action

Server operation continues. The command command operation is ended and
server operation continues.
User response
User response
Reissue the command against a node that has
filespaces associated with it. If no filespaces exist for Issue the command with a valid volume name.
a given node, than there is no file data to write to the
ANR3512E Command: Error encountered in
accessing data storage -
ANR3509E Command: Error encountered in insufficient number of mount
accessing data storage - device points available for removable
class device class name is not media.
During command command processing, the server
During command command processing, an error cannot allocate sufficient mount points.
occurred because the specified device class is not
defined. System action
The command command operation is ended and
System action
server operation continues.
The command command is ended and server
operation continues. User response
If necessary, make more mount points available.
User response
Make sure the specified device class is defined.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 587

ANR3513E Command: Output error System action
encountered in accessing data The command command operation is ended and
storage. server operation continues.

Explanation User response

The command command operation ends because an
Specify a volume that is not in use or defined in a
error has been encountered by the server in writing to storage pool, and that has not been previously used
a device. Possible reasons include: for an export, database dump, or database backup
• I/O error writing to a device operation as recorded in the server volume history
information. Use the QUERY VOLUME command to
• No storage space.
display the names of volumes that are defined to
server storage pools. Use the QUERY VOLHISTORY
System action command to display the names of volumes that have
The command command operation ends and server been used for export, database dump, or database
operation continues. backup operations.
ANR3516E Command: Out of space on
User response sequential media, scratch media
Query the activity log to find messages preceding this could not be mounted.
one to determine the cause of the error. After the
problem is corrected, the command can be retried. Explanation

ANR3514E Command: Data transfer was During command command processing, the process
interrupted in accessing data encounters an out-of-space condition writing to the
storage. sequential media. Command command ends when
there is no more space on the sequential media for
storing data and SCRATCH=NO has been specified on
command command.
The database transaction associated with command
command operation failed because data transfer to or System action
from data storage was interrupted by an external
event. Command command processing ends. Server
processing continues.
System action
User response
The command command operation is ended and
server operation continues. Reissue the command and specify SCRATCH=YES or
specify additional volume names on the command.
User response ANR3517E Command: Error encountered in
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to accessing data storage - required
determine why the data transfer was interrupted. volume was not mounted.
Reissue the command command after the problem is
resolved. Explanation
ANR3515E Command: Error encountered in During command command processing, a required
accessing data storage - volume volume cannot be mounted. The mount request may
already in use. have been canceled.

Explanation System action

During command command processing, a volume The command command operation is ended and
cannot be used because it is already defined in a server operation continues.
storage pool, or has been previously used by an
export, database dump, or database backup operation User response
(as recorded in the volume history) or is in use by
Issue the command again and make sure the
another process.
necessary volumes are accessible.

588 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3518I Command: Processing canceled the failure cannot be found, contact your service
before completion. representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
ANR3521W BackupSet command: Data storage
Explanation retrieve or restore failed - error
The background process to service the command detected.
command has been canceled with the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Explanation
The server ends an backup set operation because an
System action error has been encountered on the server. Some
Processing for the command command ends. Statistics common reasons for the error are:
on the number and type of objects moved, together • The input volume is unavailable
with the total number of bytes copied, are displayed
• The storage pool is unavailable
on the server console following this message.
• Data is corrupted on the input volume
User response • Hardware or media failure has occurred
None. • Database corruption

ANR3519E Command: Insufficient memory

System action
available in accessing data
storage. The server ends the backup set operation and
continues operation.
User response
The server encounters a memory shortage in
accessing data storage during command command Examine any prior error messages to determine the
operation. source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command
to view the activity log and search for messages if
System action needed. Correct the problem and try the restore or
retrieve again. If retry of the operation continues to fail
The command command operation ends and server contact your service representative.
operation continues.
ANR3523W Backup set command: Retrieve
User response failed - error on input storage
See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application. Explanation
ANR3520E Command: Internal error The server ends a backup set operation for the
encountered in accessing data specified session because an I/O error has been
storage. encountered by the server in reading from a device.
The object for which the I/O was issued is reported in
Explanation a later message.
The server encounters an internal error in accessing
data storage while processing command command System action
operation. Backup set processing skips this file, and continues
System action
The command command operation is ended and User response
server operation continues. Query the activity log to find messages preceding this
one that specify the device that is failing. Storage pool
User response volumes can be varied offline (by using the VARY
OFFLINE command), or the server may need to be
Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine
shut down with the HALT command to correct the
messages prior to this error to determine the cause of
hardware problem.
the data storage failure. If the failure can be found and
resolved, reissue the command command operation. If

Chapter 3. ANR messages 589

ANR3524W Backup set command: Transaction User response
failed - data transfer interrupted. Issue the command again and make sure the expected
content is in the volumes or the volume is not empty
Explanation and exists.
The database transaction associated with a backup set ANR3528E Backup set command: Media not
operation failed because data transfer to or from data accessible in accessing data
storage was interrupted by an external event. storage.

System action Explanation

The backup set operation is ended and server The server ends a transaction for a backup set
operation continues. operation because storage volumes are not available
in the storage pools in which the client files are to be
User response stored.
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to
determine why the data transfer was interrupted. System action
Attempt the backup set operation again after problem The server ends the backup set operation and server
is resolved. operation continues.
ANR3525W Backup set command: Transaction
failed - storage media User response
inaccessible. An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
VOLUME command to add storage to one or more
Explanation storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The VARY
The server ends a transaction for an backup set ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage
operation because storage volumes are not available volumes online in the storage hierarchy to make them
in the storage pools in which the client files are to be available for file storage.
stored. ANR3529W Generate backupset skipping
damaged file on volume volume
System action name: Node node name, Type file
type, File space filespace name,
The server ends the backup set operation and server
fsId filespace id, File name file
operation continues.

User response
An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
The backup set generation process encountered a file
VOLUME command to add storage to one or more
that was previously found to be damaged. The process
storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The VARY
encountered the file during a sequential scan of all
ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage
files on the storage pool volume; the indicated file may
volumes online in the storage hierarchy to make them
or may not have been a candidate for inclusion in the
available for file storage.
backup set.
ANR3527E Backup set command operation If this file is part of an aggregate, it may have been
terminated - it is acting on an previously marked as damaged because an integrity
empty volume or volume content error was detected in some other file within the same
is not as expected. aggregate. AUDIT VOLUME can determine if this is the
case, and if so, will reset the damaged state for the
Explanation file.
The volume content this command is acting upon is
not as expected, the volume is empty, or the volume System action
cannot be found. The damaged file is not added to the backupset.

System action
The command operation is ended.

590 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response type for session session number,
Audit the indicated volume with FIX=NO to determine
if the file is actually damaged. The audit will reset the
file's damaged state if the file is not damaged. (If the Explanation
file is part of an aggregate, and none of the files within An error occurred while reading the indicated object
the aggregate are damaged, the audit will also reset set.
the entire aggregate's damaged state.)
If the file remains in the damaged state after the audit System action
completes, attempt to restore the damaged file by
An error is returned to the client.
using the RESTORE STGPOOL command. Note,
however, that this is only an option if the damaged file
is in a primary storage pool that had been previously User response
backed up to a copy storage pool. Correct the problem reported by previous messages, if
If the audit resets the file's damaged state, or the possible.
damaged file was successfully restored using ANR3543E Error error code occurred while
RESTORE STGPOOL, and it is important for this file be sending entries from object set set
included in the backup set, then rerun the GENERATE node:set name:data type for
BACKUPSET command to generate a new backup set session session number, node.
containing the file.
ANR3540E Object set set node:set name:data Explanation
type was not found for session
An error occurred while sending entries for the
session number, node.
indicated object set.

System action
The indicated session id requested to restore the
An error is returned to the client.
object set. The object set was not found on the server.

User response
System action
Correct the problem reported by other prior or
The error is returned to the client.
subsequent messages related to this session, and try
the operation again.
User response
ANR3544E Generation of backup set for node
None. name as set name (data type data
ANR3541E Error error code occurred opening type) skipped shreddable data
object set set node:set name:data object in file space filespace name
type for session session number, (fsId filespace id), file name file
node. name, type file type.

Explanation Explanation

An error occurred while opening the indicated object The named data object for the specified node was
set. skipped while generating a backupset.
The data object resides in a shreddable storage pool
System action and will not be included in the backupset because the
ALLOWSHREDDABLE=YES parameter was not
An error is returned to the client.

User response
System action
Correct the problem reported by previous messages, if
Backupset generation continues.
ANR3542E Error error code occurred reading
object set set node:set name:data

Chapter 3. ANR messages 591

User response System action
Check with your Storage Administrator to ensure data The server will continue to operate.
residing in a shreddable storage pool is a allowed to be
stored on a backupset. Data stored on backupsets User response
cannot be shredded. Only data that resides in a
shreddable storage pool can be shredded. If your None.
Storage Administrator allows shreddable data to be ANR3550E Definition of backup set set name
stored on backupsets, then restart the operation and for node name failed because it
specify the ALLOWSHREDDABLE=YES parameter. has an unknown format.
ANR3547I Backup set set name used volume
volume name. Explanation
The named object for the specified node was not
Explanation defined. It was generated on a server that is at a
The named object used the specified volume. higher level than this server and contains data that
cannot be properly interpreted by this server.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
Define the object on a server that is compatible with
ANR3548E Command: Retrieve or restore the server that generated the object, or upgrade this
failed - file was moved or deleted server to be compatible with the server that generated
from data storage during retrieval. the object.
ANR3551I The server delete batch size has
been set to new batch size.
The server ends a file retrieval operation for the Deletion operations that start after
specified command because the file has been moved this point will use the new value.
or deleted from data storage by another process
before retrieval is complete. Explanation
A SETOPT command was used to set the value for the
System action
delete batch size value. This setting determines the
The server ends the command. maximum number of files that are deleted from the
server in one database transaction. The setting
User response influences inventory expiration operations.

Contact your administrator to find out if space

System action
reclamation, migration, DELETE FILESPACE, DELETE
VOLUME, MOVE DATA, or inventory expiration The server uses this new setting for deletion
processes are running; these processes can move or operations that are started after this message is
delete data storage files during retrieval. Reissue the issued.
command after these processes have been completed
or canceled. User response
ANR3549W Reorganization was canceled None.
because of a conflicting lock on
table table name. ANR3552E Command: Node node name is a
node name not supported on the
target server and is skipped.
The server online reorganization for the referenced
table could not be completed because of a lock
conflict. The reorganization was canceled.

592 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The node name has one or more characters that is not Verify that the cloud URL, user ID, password, and
supported on server versions earlier than 7.1.1. The cloud type for the cloud storage pool are correct and
character is the '@' sign. have been entered correctly. Also, verify that the cloud
provider is active.
System action ANR3557I The cloud service provider URL
The server skips the node name and operation and credentials were verified.
User response The verification of the credentials and URL for the
Check if the node name has the '@' (at sign) character. cloud service provider succeeded.
Node names with the '@' character are supported on
server versions 7.1.1 and newer. Reissue the System action
command specifying a different node name, or,
Server operation continues.
rename the node name and reissue the command.
ANR3555E The server cannot connect to the User response
cloud service provider with the
specified cloud URL of url when None.
using the given password as a ANR3558E command: The command was not
Shared Access Signature token. processed because it contains an
invalid parameter: parameter.
The connection to the cloud service provider failed Explanation
because the cloud URL, and cloud password specified The specified parameter is invalid in this context. The
in the command could not be resolved. parameter might be invalid because it applies only to
certain types of data. Or the specified parameter might
System action be incompatible with another parameter that was
issued for this command.
The command fails.

System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the command is not
Verify that the cloud URL, password, and cloud type for
the cloud storage pool are correct and have been
entered correctly. Also, verify that the cloud provider is
active. User response

ANR3556E The server cannot connect to the Omit or modify the affected parameters and reissue
cloud service provider with the the command. For information about valid command
specified cloud URL of url when parameters, go to IBM Knowledge Center and search
using the cloud ID of id and its for the command name.
password. ANR3559E command: The parameter
parameter value value is not
Explanation numeric.
The connection to the cloud service provider failed
because the cloud URL, cloud ID, and cloud password Explanation
specified in the command could not be resolved. The command cannot be processed because the
specified parameter requires a numeric value.
System action
The command fails. System action
The server ignores the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 593

User response Explanation
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3560E command: One or more of the
following parameters are missing: System action
parameters. The server ignores the command.

Explanation User response

The command cannot be processed as specified. Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3564E command: The parameter
System action
parameter value value is not
The server ignores the command. recognized. The following
parameter values are valid:
User response validlist.

Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.

ANR3561E command: Keyword parameter The command cannot be processed as specified.
parameter is not recognized. The
following keyword parameters are
valid: validlist. System action
The server ignores the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified. User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
System action
ANR3565E command: The parameter
The server ignores the command. parameter value value is out of
range. The minimum value is min
User response value and the maximum value is
max value. The following
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. parameter values are also valid:
ANR3562E command: The parameter validlist.
parameter value value is not
numeric. The minimum value is Explanation
min value and the maximum value The command cannot be processed as specified.
is max value.
System action
The server ignores the command.
The command cannot be processed because the
specified parameter requires a numeric value.
User response
System action Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The server ignores the command. ANR3566E command: The parameter
parameter value value is not
User response recognized. The minimum value is
min value and the maximum value
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. is max value. The following
ANR3563E command: The parameter parameter values are also valid:
parameter value value is out of validlist.
range. The minimum value is min
value and the maximum value is Explanation
max value. The command cannot be processed as specified.

594 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action minimum length is min length
The server ignores the command.

User response
The command cannot be processed as specified.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3567E command: The scale scale for the System action
parameter parameter is not
recognized. The following scales The server ignores the command.
are valid: validlist.
User response
Explanation Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified. ANR3571E command: The parameter
parameter value value contains an
System action invalid character "character". The
following characters are valid:
The server ignores the command.
"validlist" (excluding the quotation
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. Explanation
ANR3568E command: The parameter The command cannot be processed as specified.
parameter value value is out of
range. The minimum value is min System action
value and the maximum value is
max value. The server ignores the command.

Explanation User response

The command cannot be processed as specified. Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3572E command: The parameter
System action parameter value value is a
reserved value and cannot be
The server ignores the command.

User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3569E command: The parameter
parameter value value is too long. System action
The maximum length is max length
characters. The server ignores the command.

Explanation User response

The command cannot be processed as specified. Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3573E command: The parameter
System action parameter value value is not a
valid date.
The server ignores the command.

User response
The command cannot be processed as specified.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3570E command: The parameter System action
parameter value is too short. The
The server ignores the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 595

User response Explanation
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. The command cannot be processed because the
specified parameter requires a numeric value.
ANR3574E command: The parameter
parameter value value month
month is out of range. The System action
minimum value is minimum and The server ignores the command.
the maximum value is maximum.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3578E command: The parameter
parameter relative days value
System action
value is out of range. The minimum
The server ignores the command. value is 0 and the maximum value
is max value.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3575E command: The parameter
parameter value value day day is
out of range. The minimum value System action
is minimum and the maximum The server ignores the command.
value is maximum.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3579E command: The parameter
parameter value value is not a
System action
valid time.
The server ignores the command.
User response
The command cannot be processed as specified.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3576E command: The parameter System action
parameter value value year year is The server ignores the command.
out of range. The minimum value
is minimum and the maximum User response
value is maximum.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
Explanation ANR3580E command: The parameter
The command cannot be processed as specified. parameter value value hours hours
is out of range. The minimum
value is minimum and the
System action
maximum value is maximum.
The server ignores the command.
User response
The command cannot be processed as specified.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3577E command: The parameter System action
parameter relative days value The server ignores the command.
value is not numeric.

596 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. The command cannot be processed because the
specified parameter requires a numeric value.
ANR3581E command: The parameter
parameter value value minutes
minutes is out of range. The System action
minimum value is minimum and The server ignores the command.
the maximum value is maximum.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3585E command: The parameter
parameter relative hours value
System action
value is out of range. The minimum
The server ignores the command. value is 0 and the maximum value
is max value.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3582E command: The parameter
parameter value value seconds
seconds is out of range. The System action
minimum value is minimum and The server ignores the command.
the maximum value is maximum.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3586E command: The parameter
parameter relative minutes value
System action
value is out of range. The minimum
The server ignores the command. value is 0 and the maximum value
is max value.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3583E command: The parameter
parameter relative hours value
value is not numeric. System action
The server ignores the command.
The command cannot be processed because the User response
specified parameter requires a numeric value. Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3587E command: The parameter
System action
parameter is specified more than
The server ignores the command. once.

User response Explanation

Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. The command cannot be processed because the
specified parameter can only be entered once.
ANR3584E command: The parameter
parameter relative minutes value
value is not numeric. System action
The server ignores the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 597

User response Explanation
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3588E command: The parameter
parameter requires the System action
prerequisite parameter parameter. The server ignores the command.

Explanation User response

The command cannot be processed as specified. Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3592E command: The parameter
System action
parameter value value is not
The server ignores the command. recognized. The minimum value is
min value and the maximum value
User response is max value. The following
parameter values are also valid:
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. validlist.
ANR3589I command: For more information,
issue the HELP command Explanation
command. The command cannot be processed as specified.

Explanation System action

One or more syntax errors were found in the specified The server ignores the command.
server command (see the previous messages). The
command cannot be processed as specified.
User response
System action Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
None. ANR3593E command: The parameter
parameter value value is not valid.
User response One of the following scales is
required: validlist.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3590E command: Command is above the Explanation
requested skill level. The command cannot be processed as specified.

Explanation System action

The specified server command has a skill level above The server ignores the command.
what was requested.

User response
System action
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The server ignores the command.
ANR3594E command: The integer portion of
User response the parameter parameter value
value is out of range. The minimum
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax. integer value is min value and the
ANR3591E command: The parameter maximum integer value is max
parameter value value is out of value.
range. The minimum value is min
value and the maximum value is Explanation
max value. The following The command cannot be processed as specified.
parameter values are also valid:

598 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR3598E command: At least one of the
following parameters is required:
The server ignores the command.

User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
The command cannot be processed as specified.
ANR3595E command: The integer portion of
the parameter parameter value System action
value is out of range. The minimum
integer value is min value and the The server ignores the command.
maximum integer value is max
value. The following parameter User response
values are also valid: validlist.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.

Explanation ANR3599E command: One and only one of the

following parameters is required:
The command cannot be processed as specified. parameters.

System action Explanation

The server ignores the command. The command cannot be processed as specified.

User response System action

Verify the command syntax and reissue the command. The server ignores the command.
ANR3596E command: The parameter
parameter conflicts with the User response
conflicting parameter parameter.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.

Explanation ANR3601W Policy Domain release failed for

domain domain id due to
The command cannot be processed as specified. communications failure.

System action Explanation

The server ignores the command. The storage agent was attempting to inform the
database server that it was finished with the domain
User response indicated by the domain id, but was unable to
communicate with the database server. The cached
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
policy information will be cleaned up when the storage
ANR3597E command: The parameter server terminates or re-starts or when the database
parameter value value is specified server re-starts.
more than once.
System action
The storage agent continues operation. The policy
The command cannot be processed as specified. information is deleted from the storage agent policy
System action
User response
The server ignores the command.
Policy caches are cleaned up on the storage agent or
User response server re-start. Network communication between the
storage agent and database server should be checked.
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.
ANR3602E Unable to communicate with
database server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 599

Explanation Explanation
The storage agent was attempting to communicate The database server was attempting to communicate
with the database server but was unable to do so. with the storage agent but was unable to do so.

System action System action

The storage agent operation fails. The database server operation fails.

User response User response

Check the configuration of the storage agent and Check the configuration of the storage agent and
server to ensure that communication parameters are server to ensure that communication parameters are
correct. Ensure that the database server is running and correct.
is accepting messages.
ANR3606E The storage agent was
ANR3603E Storage AgentStorage Agent name communicating with the database
was unable to load policy server on a restore request with
information due to a protocol verb verb name and received
error. return code return code.

Explanation Explanation
While receiving policy information from a database The storage agent and database server were
server, processing ended prematurely because of a coordinating a restore request. While communicating
protocol error. using the indicated verb ( an internal request
mechanism between the storage agent and database
System action server ), an unexpected return code was received. The
verb name and return code are provided for IBM
Server operation continues. Policy is loaded from the Software Support.
database server database.
System action
User response
Database server and storage agent continue. The
If this problem persists, contact your service restore request fails, but may be retried by the client.
ANR3604E This command is not supported in User response
the current operating Check the configuration of the storage agent and
environment. server to ensure that communication parameters are
correct. If this problem persists, contact your service
Explanation representative.
A command was issued that is valid under most ANR3607E The storage agent was
circumstances, but not in the current server communicating with the client on
environment. a restore request with verb verb
name and received return code
System action return code.
Server operation continues.
User response The storage agent was communicating with a client for
a restore request. While communicating using the
Issue commands which are allowed in the current
indicated verb ( an internal request mechanism
between the storage agent and client ), an unexpected
ANR3605E Unable to communicate with return code was received. The verb name and return
storage agent. code are provided for IBM Software Support.

600 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action starting threads. If this problem persists, contact your
service representative.
Database server and storage agent continue. The
restore request fails, but may be retried by the client. ANR3610I Domain Identifier domain
identifier was not found.
User response
Check the configuration of the storage agent and client
to ensure that communication parameters are correct. The server was cleaning up cached policy information
If this problem persists, contact your service after a restore request. A domain with the indicated
representative. identifier was not found in an internal list.
ANR3608E The storage agent was
communicating with the database System action
server on a restore request. An Database server and storage agent continue.
unexpected request (id verb ) was
received from the database server.
User response

Explanation No response is required if the message is the result of

starting a storage agent. The storage agent requests
The storage agent and database server were that the server purge cached information that it was
coordinating a restore request. While communicating, using previously. It is possible that information
the indicated verb ( an internal request mechanism tracking policy caching has become stale. In this case,
between the storage agent and database server ), was no response is required. If the message occurs without
unexpected. The verb number is provided for IBM a storage agent connecting to the server, contact your
Software Support. service representative.

System action ANR3611E Storage Agent unable to contact

Database server and storage agent continue. The
restore request may fail, but may be retried by the Explanation
The storage agent was attempting to contact the
User response server to start a session or run a command. The
storage agent was unable to contact the server to start
If this problem persists, contact your service a transaction.
ANR3609E The storage agent was handling a System action
restore request. A failure occurred The storage agent continues processing. The server
in starting a new thread. The may be down or there may be a communications
return code return code from the problem.
failing routine may be useful to
IBM Software Support.
User response

Explanation No response is required if the message is the result of

stopping a server. Ensure that the server with which
The storage agent was handling a restore request. A the storage agent communicates is running and that
new thread could not be started. Without the new there is connectivity between the systems. The server
thread the request could not be handled. must be restarted before you can start a new
administrator session with the storage agent.
System action
ANR3612E This command is not supported in
Database server and storage agent continue. The the Express environment.
restore request has failed.
User response
A command was issued that is valid under most
Ensure that there is sufficient system memory for the circumstances, but not in the current server
storage agent to operate properly. Insufficient environment.
memory or paging/swap space can cause problems in

Chapter 3. ANR messages 601

System action User response
Server operation continues. Update the datamover to use the CELERRADump
User response ANR3616E An error occurred. More
Issue commands which are allowed in the current information might be available in
environment. the dsmserv.err and dsmffdc.log
ANR3613W Process process ID skipped Num
Files files on volume Volume name
because of a lock conflict with
another process. None.

Explanation System action

A lock conflict was encountered while moving files and Server operation continues.
the retries were exceeded.
User response
System action
Review the dsmserv.err and dsmffdc.log files for
The operation skips the files without making copies messages that occurred at the same time as the error.
and continues. The dsmserv.err and dsmffdc.log files is located in the
server working directory. Correct any problems that
User response are identified.

Retry the operation. ANR3617E The server failed to start with

return code rc because of an issue
ANR3614E The server failed to connect to the with the database environment
database. handle.

Explanation Explanation
The server was unable to establish or validate a The server was unable to allocate a handle to the
connection to the database. database environment.

System action System action

The server will shutdown. The server stops.

User response User response

Examine the messages that were issued before this The following are possible causes and solutions:
message to determine the cause of the failure. Start
the server after the issue has been resolved. • The most common cause is that the DSMSERV utility
is not being run as the instance owner, or the user
ANR3615E The value of the DATAFORMAT profile (db2profile) has not been sourced for the
parameter for the datamover is current login shell. To resolve the issue, log in as the
not compatible with the NAS file instance user and source the Db2 profile,
server. db2profile: . /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile Note:
Ensure that you insert a space after the initial dot.
Explanation • A mismatch between the /etc/hosts file and the ~/
The datamover was defined with the NDMPDump sqllib/db2nodes.cfg file. If the host name was
DATAFORMAT. This data format is not compatible with recently updated, ensure that the systems host
an EMC NAS file server. name in the /etc/hosts file matches the host name in
the ~/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg file. If the files contain the
same host name, see the db2diag.log files for more
System action
information. For information about the DB2nodes.cfg
The NDMP operation fails. file, see the Db2 documentation.

602 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

• The database manager cannot be started due to Explanation
insufficient system resources. Review the current
A user limit that is below the recommended minimum
operating system kernel settings and ulimit settings
value might cause unexpected behavior.
for parameters like nofiles for the user who is
starting the DSMSERV program. Increase the values
if needed. For information about changing kernel and System action
ulimit values, see the documentation for your None.
operating system. For guidelines concerning ulimit
settings on IBM Spectrum Protect servers search for
User response
"user limits" in the product information (http://
www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ/). Set the user limit so that it is equal to or greater than
For guidelines concerning operating system kernel the recommended minimum value.
parameters, search for "tuning kernel parameter" in
ANR3620I Status threshold status threshold
the product information.
• Instance entries are missing from the /etc/services
file. If the entries do not exist in the /etc/services
file, re-create the entries as in this example:
DB2_tsminst1 60000/tcp DB2_tsminst1_1 An UPDATE STATUSTHRESHOLD command has
60001/tcp DB2_tsminst1_2 60002/tcp updated the status threshold indicated.
DB2_tsminst1_END 60003/tcp As a general rule,
these entries are placed near the end of the /etc/ System action
services file. Replace tsminst1 with the name of the
IBM Spectrum Protect instance that is being used on None.
the server.
• A copy of the DB2APP64.dll file is in the server User response
instance directory. In some cases, users mistakenly None.
copy the DB2APP64.dll file to the server instance
directory from the installation directory. By default, ANR3621I Status threshold status threshold
the installation directory is C:\Program Files\Tivoli deleted.
\TSM\db2\BIN. The DB2APP64.dll file should be in
this directory only. Any additional copies of this DLL Explanation
file should be removed.
A DELETE STATUSTHRESHOLD command has deleted
ANR3618W bad adapter number of total the status threshold indicated.
adapter number host bus adapters
cannot be opened. System action
The SAN discovery function is not able to open all of User response
the host bus adapters (HBAs) on the system.
System action ANR3622I Status threshold status threshold

User response
A DEFINE STATUSTHRESHOLD command has created
IBM Spectrum Protect SAN discovery may only be
the status threshold indicated.
getting partial device information from the SAN. Verify
that all HBAs are configured and working properly.
System action
ANR3619W The user limit for limit is below the
recommended minimum value of None.
User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 603

ANR3623E Command: Status threshold status Explanation
threshold is already defined. The host bus adapter (HBA) API function failed to
query the SCSI information of a device located at this
Explanation port. A hardware error or SCSI bus reset might have
The command indicated has attempted to define a occurred during the operation.
status threshold that already exists.
System action
System action The HBAAPI inquiry function was unable to retrieve
None. the SCSI device information from this port.

User response User response

None. Verify that the adapter, device, and Fibre Channel are
connected. For more information about the values of
ANR3624E Command: Status threshold the KEY, ASC, and ASCQ fields, see the SCSI
threshold name is not defined. specification.
ANR3627I Alerts cannot be sent by email.
The command shown specifies a status threshold that Explanation
is not defined with the server.
You must enable the alert monitor and email option to
receive alerts by email.
System action
None. System action
Server processing continues.
User response
None. User response
ANR3625I Host bus adapter (HBA) API Configure the server alert settings with the following
functions are not supported by commands:
adapter adapter name.


The HBAAPI function failed to retrieve the attributes of ANR3628E The monitor status process has
the adapter. The reason is that this adapter is not a encountered an unexpected error
Fibre Channel SCSI adapter. This adapter might be a setting the status of element
Serial Attached SCSI adapter. Therefore, SAN element. The process returned
discovery does not work. error code rc.

System action Explanation

The system is unable to retrieve the attributes of the The process that monitors server activity has detected
adapter. an error setting the element status.

User response System action

Validate whether this adapter is a Fibre Channel SCSI None.
adapter or not, and if it is, contact hardware support
for the adapter. User response
ANR3626W A check condition occurred during None.
a small computer system interface
(SCSI) inquiry at Fibre Channel ANR3629W All administrators with system
port WWN=fc port wwn, level authority use LDAP
KEY=sense key, ASC=asc, authentication. Administrator
ASCQ=ascq. admin was the most recent

604 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

administrator with system level User response
authority that used LOCAL
If this is a new installation or configuration, confirm
that the DSMSERV FORMAT step was completed
successfully. If this is an existing configuration that
Explanation was previously working, a database restore might be
All administrator with system level authority use LDAP required.
authentication. This situation has risks, based on the ANR3632E command: The administrator
availability of the LDAP server. If required, make sure administrator ID is locked.
that the LDAP server has high availability
configurations implemented. For example: clustering,
mirroring, or replication. Having one system-level
administrator with LOCAL authentication gives that The administrator ID is locked and cannot be used in
administrator the ability to update other this command.
administrators and nodes to LOCAL authentication if
the LDAP server is down unusable for an extended System action
period of time.
The command fails.
System action
User response
The only administrator with system level authority
uses LDAP authentication. Unlock the administrator ID and reissue the command.
ANR3633I Process process ID skipped
User response volume Volume Name because the
Consider having one administrator with system volume contains files that have not
authority and LOCAL authentication. If this is not been backed up.
possible, validate that the high availability
configurations for the LDAP server are sufficient. Explanation

ANR3630E Command: The condition condition The DEDUPREQUIRESBACKUP server option is set to
will conflict with existing status the default value of YES. If the value of this option is
threshold threshold with condition YES, files within a deduplicated storage pool must be
condition. backed up to a non-deduplicated copy storage pool
before the files can be reclaimed.
System action
The command indicated has attempted to define or
update a status threshold that will conflict with an The operation skips the volume and continues.
existing threshold.
User response
System action Ensure that all files on the volume are backed up to a
The status threshold is not defined or updated. non-deduplicated copy storage pool. You can change
the value of the DEDUPREQUIRESBACKUP server
option to NO. However, changing the option value to
User response
NO can result in unrecoverable data loss if a data-
Either delete the existing threshold or use a different integrity error occurs.
ANR3634W The HBA API cannot provide tape
ANR3631E The database is not intact. device information from the SAN.

Explanation System action

The server failed to start because the database was No action is required.
not intact.
User response
System action
Check the connections between the Fibre Channel
Server initialization fails. cables and the tape device settings to ensure that the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 605

tape devices can be presented to the system first. ANR3638W Space reclamation skipped
Contact the HBA vendor to report problems if the volume volume name because the
QUERY SAN command cannot retrieve tape device spanned volume volume name in
information when tape devices are presented to the storage pool storage pool name is
system. inaccessible.
ANR3635I The status monitor has updated
the event record retention period Explanation
to 14 days. The specified volume is eligible for space reclamation,
but the spanned volume is either unavailable or
Explanation destroyed. The specified volume is skipped. Space
reclamation continues for other volumes.
To provide full functionality for the Operations Center,
the server must retain event records for a minimum of
14 days. System action
The space reclamation process continues.
System action
Event records will be retained for 14 days. User response
No action is required.
User response
ANR3639I command: A deduplicated NAS
Use the SET EVENTRETENTION command if a different backup image for node node name,
value is desired. file space filespace name was
ANR3636W Transaction failed for session
session number for node node
name (client platform) - the key is Explanation
already defined. The server command has determined that a NAS
backup image is not eligible for processing because
Explanation the image or one of its dependent files is stored or had
been stored in a deduplicated storage pool.
The server ends the transaction because the key is
already defined in the database.
System action
System action The processing continues.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response No action is required.
Make sure the key is unique. ANR3640E command command failed
because the target replication
ANR3637W Transaction failed for session
server target_server_name is
session number for node node
name (client platform) - the key is
not defined.
Explanation The specified target replication server is not a target
replication server.
The server ends the transaction because the key is
already defined in the database.
System action
System action The command fails.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response To set the name of a target replication server and to
run the replication validation process for that target
Make sure the key is defined.
replication server, complete the following steps:

606 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

1. Obtain a list of possible target replication servers by System action
issuing the QUERY SERVER command.
The process is cancelled and server operation
2. Verify the policies by issuing the VALIDATE continues.
command failed because the None.
policies on the target replication
server were not verified. ANR3644E The target replication server name
does not support dissimilar
The policies on the target replication server were not Explanation
verified before issuing the SET DISSIMILARPOLICIES
command. Dissimilar policies are supported only on IBM
Spectrum Protect Version 7.1.1 or later.
System action
System action
The command fails.
Policy validation is skipped for the specified server.
User response
User response
Verify the policies by issuing the VALIDATE
REPLPOLICY command. To resolve this issue, complete the following steps: 1.
Upgrade the target server to IBM Spectrum Protect
ANR3642E Damaged files are not recovered V7.1.1 or later. 2. Run the VALIDATE REPLPOLICY
because the system-wide command again.
is turned off. ANR3645E Command: Storage pool storage
pool name still contains at least
one directory.
To recover damaged files by using the REPLICATE Explanation
NODE command, the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED setting
must be turned on. A DELETE STGPOOL command specifies a storage pool
that has directories assigned to it.
System action
System action
The REPLICATE NODE command fails.
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
Use the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command to Delete the directory belonging to the storage pool and
turn the setting for file recovery on. Issue the following reissue the command.
command: set replrecoverdamaged on 2. Run the ANR3646E Command: Storage pool directory
REPLICATE NODE command again. Ensure that the storage pool directory name has an
RECOVERDAMAGED parameter is set to YES or ONLY. access mode of access mode and
ANR3643W Process number for description has active data.
exceeded the maximum allowed
running time. Explanation
A DELETE STGPOOLDIR command specifies a storage
Explanation pool directory that has in use directories assigned to it.
The process was started by a administrative schedule
and is running longer than the maximum allowed time System action
defined in the schedule.
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 607

User response database tables every 30 minutes to determine
whether the number of damaged bitfiles has changed.
Ensure that there are no containers in the directory
If the number has changed, the system initiates a scan
before you delete it. Issue the UPDATE STGPOOL
of server database tables to identify the damaged files
command and set the REUSEDELAY parameter to
for recovery purposes.
specify the number of days that must elapse after all
deduplicated extents are removed from a container
storage pool. To force removal of the directory, issue System action
the UPDATE STGPOOLDIRECTORY command and set A scan was started to collect information about
the access mode to DESTROYED. Issue the AUDIT damaged files.
CONTAINER command and specify the
ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter to delete the
User response
No action is required.
ANR3647E The Command command failed
because the default replication ANR3650I A scan to identify damaged files
server is not set. was completed at time.

Explanation Explanation
The command requires a default target replicatoin If the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is
server. If the default target replication server is not set to ON, the system conducts a brief check of server
set, the command fails. database tables every 30 minutes to determine
whether the number of damaged bitfiles has changed.
System action If the number has changed, the system initiates a scan
of server database tables to identify the damaged files
The command fails. for recovery purposes.

User response System action

Issue the SET REPLSERVER command to set the A scan that collected information about damaged files
default target replication server as the target is completed. If the recovery of damaged files is
replication server. enabled for a node, the next replication process will
ANR3648E Command: Storage pool replace the damaged files on that node with
NEXTSTGPOOL: storage pool name undamaged files from the target replication server.
is a directory-container storage Recovery of damaged files can take place only if the
pool. files were replicated before the damage occurred.

Explanation User response

The command indicated specifies the name of a No action is required.

storage pool which is a directory-container storage ANR3651W The replication process is skipping
pool. The command syntax requires that a directory- a damaged file on volume volume
container storage pool name not be specified. name: Node node name, Type file
type, File space filespace name,
System action File name file name.
The server does not process the command.
User response During the replication process, a file is encountered
that was previously found to be damaged. If this file is
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool name.
part of an aggregate, the entire aggregate was
ANR3649I A scan to identify damaged files previously marked damaged, possibly because an
was initiated at time. integrity error was detected for some other file within
the aggregate.
System action
If the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is
set to ON, the system conducts a brief check of server The damaged file is not replicated.

608 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Perform the following actions: When you are using the policies on the target
replication server to manage replicated client-node
• Audit the volume with FIX=NO to verify that the file
data, you must run expiration processing every 24
is damaged. If the file is undamaged, the audit
hours to allow the target replication server reuse
process resets the file status. If the file is part of an
storage pool space that is occupied by expired
aggregate and the entire aggregate is found to be
replicated data.
undamaged, the audit process resets the aggregate
System action
• If the volume is in a primary storage pool and has a
copy in the copy storage pool, attempt to restore the Server operation continues.
damaged file by issuing the RESTORE STGPOOL
command. User response
ANR3652I The VALIDATE REPLPOLICY Run expiration processing at least once in a 24 hour
command did not find any nodes period.
to validate on the target
replication server target server ANR3655I Replication ended for process
name. node name, but the deduplication
catalog is being updated for the
following storage pools: pool list.
The nodes on the target replication server are not the Explanation
same as the nodes on the source replication server.
When you issue this command, it does not find any As files were being recovered from the target
nodes that are common to both replication servers to replication server, a separate thread was started to
compare. update the entries for the affected files in the
deduplication catalog. The thread was still in the
process of updating the entries when the replication
System action
recovery process ended.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
The thread continues to update the attributes of the
No action is required. recovered files in the deduplication catalog. When the
updates are complete, all affected files will be
ANR3653I A scan to identify damaged files accessible to client sessions and server processes.
was stopped at time.
User response
No action is required.
The scan was stopped because the
REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter was set ANR3656I Replication recovery of damaged
to OFF. files is disabled.

System action Explanation

Information that was collected during the scan was During a database upgrade, damaged files were
saved. detected. The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system
parameter, which is used to enable the recovery of
User response damaged files, was automatically set to OFF. The OFF
setting prevents the server from scanning database
No action is required. However, if you want to restart tables for damaged objects that can be recovered.
the scan, issue the following command: SET Prevention of the scan is necessary in case many
REPLRECOVERDAMAGED ON damaged files are detected. In that case, the scan
ANR3654W might require considerable time and a large amount of
Inventory file expiration
server resources.
processing did not run in the
previous 24 hours.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 609

System action Explanation
The server upgrade continues, and the The stgpool must have a protection stgpool defined.
REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter remains
set to OFF. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
The process for scanning database tables should be User response
scheduled when the use of server resources is at a
minimum. To start the scan, issue the following Update the PROTECT STGpool parameter for the pool
command: set replrecoverdamaged on For detailed you are trying to protect.
instructions, see the documentation for the SET ANR3660E An unexpected error occurred
REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command. while opening or writing to the
ANR3657E REPAIR STGPOOL: One or more container. Container container
required stgpool directories is name in stgpool storage pool name
currently unavailable on the target has been marked as container
server. state and should be audited to
validate accessibility and content.
The REPAIR STGPOOL process is unable to repair one
or more files because the replicated data is located in An I/O error occurred on the container and it cannot be
a stgpool directory that is currently unavailable on the used.
target server.
System action
System action The server does not use the container.
The REPAIR STGPOOL process fails.
User response
User response Run an AUDIT CONTAINER command on the
If the stgpool directory has been marked unavailable container.
on the target server, it can be updated using the ANR3661I Marked container container name
UPDATE STGPOOLDIR command. and the # of data extents data
ANR3658E Command: Storage pool storage extents that it contains as
pool name is currently in use by damaged.
replication, repair, protect,
encrypt, move operations or Explanation
remove stgprotection.
Displays results of data extents marked damaged due
to an AUDIT CONTAINER command.
The command indicated references a storage pool that System action
is in use.

System action
User response
The server does not process the command.

User response ANR3662E Command: Storage pool storage

pool name still contains data.
Reissue the command at a later time.
ANR3659E Command: Storage pool storage Explanation
pool name does not have a
A DELETE STGPOOL command encountered a storage
protection stgpool defined.
pool that still contains data.

610 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action update copygroup standard standard
standard tocdestination=tocpool
The server does not process the command.
2. Issue the following command:
User response activate policyset standard standard
Delete the data that belongs to the storage pool and 3. Start the node replication process. For example, if
reissue the command. the node is named NODE1, issue the following
command on the source replication server:
ANR3663W Source file(line number): Storage
pool storage pool name failed to replicate node node1
delete the cloud container. ANR3665E Command: Source storage pool
storage pool is not eligible to be
Explanation converted.
A DELETE STGPOOL command could not delete the
cloud container. Explanation
Only primary sequential-access storage pools that are
System action enabled for data deduplication, and are not in use as
The server does not process the command. tiering target pools, are eligible for conversion to a
directory-container storage pool.
User response
System action
Ensure the connection to the cloud server has valid
credentials and can communicate properly. The server does not process the command.

ANR3664W Command: A network-attached User response

storage (NAS) table of contents
(TOC) for node node name, file Issue the command again and specify a primary
space filespace name was skipped. sequential-access storage pool that is enabled for data
deduplication, but is not a tiering target pool, as the
source storage pool.
The TOC was skipped because a table of contents ANR3666E Command: Destination storage
storage pool is not defined on the target replication pool storage pool is not eligible for
server. the conversion.

System action Explanation

Node replication processing continues, but the TOC is The command specifies a target storage pool that is
not replicated. not valid for conversion. You must specify a directory-
container storage pool as the target storage pool for a
conversion process. When restarting a stopped
User response conversion process, you must specify the target
No action is required. However, to ensure that the storage pool which was originally used for the
backup image is replicated, you can use the UPDATE conversion process.
COPYGROUP command to specify a table of contents
destination, and then activate the updated policy set System action
by issuing the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command.
These two commands must be issued on the target The server does not process the command.
replication server. Then, initiate node replication on
the source replication server. User response
For example, to change the STANDARD copy group to Issue the command again and specify a directory-
store table of contents data in the TOCPOOL storage container storage pool as the target storage pool. If
pool where the domain name is STANDARD and the restarting, specify the same target storage pool which
policy name is STANDARD, complete the following was originally used for the conversion process, or
steps: issue the command without the target storage pool
1. Issue the following command: parameter.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 611

ANR3667W Unable to connect by FASP with User response
server server name on port port Enter 'Y' to convert the storage pool or 'N' to stop the
name. process.

Explanation ANR3670W Storage pool storage pool is either

converted or is being converted
An attempt to estblish connectivity with a target server and cannot accept any new data.
using specified port failed. The operation will use the
existing TCP/IP session to communicate with the
target server.
Conversion is in progress for the storage pool.
System action
System action
The server operation continues.
The storage pool cannot store new files from either
User response client sessions or server processes.

Examine the source and target server activity logs for

User response
information related to FASP Byte-Stream activity.
Update all policies to ensure that the destination
ANR3668E Command: Invalid attempt to specifies a storage pool that does not have a
change the access state for converting state. Ensure that a storage pool that does
storage pool storage pool. not have a converting state is named as the next
storage pool by issuing the UPDATE STGPOOL
Explanation command and specifying the NEXTstgpool parameter.
The access state for a storage pool cannot be changed ANR3671E Storage pool storage pool is either
once it has been converted. In addition, a storage pool converted or is being converted
cannot be manually changed to a conversion state. and cannot perform migration or
reclamation between storage
System action pools.
The server does not process the command.
User response The storage pool is in a conversion state and cannot
migrate or reclaim data to another storage pool.
No action is required.
ANR3669W There is at least one reference to System action
storage pool storage pool as a
policy or nextpool destination. The request will be denied for the storage pool in
When the storage pool conversion conversion state.
starts the storage pool can no
longer ingest or store new data. User response
Use the MOVE DATA, or MOVE NODEDATA, commands
Explanation to move specific groups of data out of the storage pool.
There is limited write access to the storage pool during Data can only be moved if there are no conversion
conversion. The storage pool cannot store new files processes active for the storage pool.
from either client sessions or server processes. Server ANR3672E The license file that is required to
operations for the converted storage pool might be enable Aspera Fast Adaptive
limited or unavailable. Storage pool conversion cannot Secure Protocol (FASP) technology
be reversed after it is started. was not found on the server_loc
System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue. Explanation
An attempt to use the IBM Aspera FASP data transfer
method failed because the license file (aspera-license)
was not found on the source or target server.

612 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
System operations continue. However, data cannot be Server replication will not proceed until the
transferred by using Aspera FASP technology unless a communication method is changed or a valid Aspera
valid license file is installed. configuration file is obtained and installed.

User response User response

To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: Obtain an Aspera configuration file and place it in the
server bin directory as aspera.conf.
1. Obtain and install a valid license file. Follow the
instructions in technote 7047418 (http:// ANR3675E The faspstream executable was
www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss? not found on the server_loc server.
2. Retry the node replication or data protection Explanation
A server replication process attempted to use IBM
ANR3673E One of the FASP related files is Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) data
invalid or corrupt. transfer. Either the source or target server lacked the
appropriate faspstream executable file.
System action
A server replication process attempted to use IBM
Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) data Server replication will not proceed until the
transfer. Either the source or target server lacked a communication method is changed or a valid Aspera
valid Aspera license file. faspstream executable file is obtained and installed.

System action User response

Server replication will not proceed until the Obtain an Aspera faspstream executable file and copy
communication method is changed or a valid set of it to the server bin directory under the faspstream file
files is obtained and installed. name. To obtain a valid file, follow the instructions in
technote 7047418 (http://www.ibm.com/support/
User response docview.wss?uid=swg27047418).

To resolve the issue, take the following actions: ANR3676E Storage pool storage pool is
actively being converted and
• Obtain an Aspera license file and copy it to the cannot perform any data
server bin directory under the file name aspera- movement or deletion.
• Obtain an Aspera configuration file and copy it to the Explanation
server bin directory under the file name
aspera.config. Conversion is in progress for the storage pool.
• Obtain the faspstream component of the Aspera
software development kit and copy the file to the System action
server bin directory under the file name faspstream. The storage pool cannot perform the command.
To obtain the required files, follow the instructions in
technote 7047418 (http://www.ibm.com/support/ User response
docview.wss?uid=swg27047418). Cancel all CONVERT STPGOOL processes for this
ANR3674E Unable to find aspera.conf file on stgpool, or wait until they have completed.
server_loc server. ANR3677E Storage pool storage pool is either
converted or is being converted
Explanation and cannot be the target of a
Server replication attempted to use fasp as the migration or reclamation
communication method and either the source or target operation.
server lacked the appropriate aspera.conf file.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 613

Explanation System action
The storage pool is in a conversion state and cannot be The administrator is asked whether to continue.
the target of migration or reclamation.
User response
System action
Enter 'Y' to convert the storage pool or 'N' to stop the
The request will be denied for the storage pool. process.
ANR3680W The storage pool conversion is
User response cancelled for storage pool pool
Update the stgpool that is attempting to migrate or name.
reclaim into the converted stgpool to point to a valid
target. Explanation
ANR3678E Unable to initialize FASP driver - During conversion processing, for the storage pool that
thread creation failed. is specified, the conversion process was cancelled.
The server might display this message more several
Explanation times during the conversion cancellation.

The server is unable to initialize the FASP driver due to

System action
an error creating a server thread.
The storage pool conversion is ended and server
System action operation continues.

Server operation continues, but FASP support is

User response
To convert the storage pool again, reissue the
User response CONVERT STGPOOL command.

This error often results from a lack of memory. Ensure ANR3681E The license file that is required to
that your system has sufficient paging space to enable Aspera Fast Adaptive
support the current activities. Secure Protocol (FASP) technology
has expired on the server_loc
ANR3679W You cannot convert data that is server.
stored in copy storage pools or
active-data storage pools. When
you issue the CONVERT STGPOOL
command, copies of files that are An attempt to use the IBM Aspera FASP data transfer
stored in primary storage pool method failed because the license file has expired on
storage pool are deleted. You must the source or target server.
update copy storage pools and
active-data storage pools that are System action
used by Disaster Recovery
Management. System operations continue. However, data cannot be
transferred by using Aspera FASP technology unless a
valid license file is installed.
When the storage pool is successfully converted, all User response
data and copies of data in existing storage pools are
removed. Use the PROTECT STGPOOL command to To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
protect data in container storage pools or use the 1. Obtain and install a valid license file. Follow the
REPLICATE NODE command to replicate data in other instructions in technote 7047418 (http://
types of storage pools. Use the SET www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?
DRMCOPYSTGPOOL and the SET uid=swg27047418).
DRMACTIVEDATASTGPOOL commands to specify the
2. Retry the node replication or data protection
names of the copy storage pools and active-data
storage pools to recover data from after a disaster.
ANR3682W Container container name is empty
and cannot be moved.

614 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
You cannot move an empty container. The IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP)
data transfer license file will expire on the source or
System action target server.

The container is skipped. Server operation continues.

System action

User response System operations continue. However, unless a long-

term license is acquired, data transfer with Aspera
Reissue the MOVE CONTAINER command for a FASP technology will eventually become unavailable.
container that contains data.
ANR3683E Source storage pool storage pool is User response
converting to a directory-container To resolve the issue, obtain and install a valid license
storage pool and cannot be file. Follow the instructions in technote 7047418
renamed. (http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?
ANR3686W Source storage pool source_pool is
Conversion is in progress for the source storage pool. referenced by Disaster Recovery
Management. After conversion,
System action you cannot restore data to the
source storage pool and disaster
The source storage pool cannot be renamed during
recovery might fail.
conversion processing.

User response
When conversion starts, the source storage pool
When conversion completes, reissue the RENAME
cannot ingest or store new data. Use the QUERY
STGPOOL command again.
DRMSTATUS command and the SET
ANR3684I The evaluation license id that is DRMPRIMSTGPOOL command to view and update
required to enable Aspera Fast primary storage pools that are used by Disaster
Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) Recovery Management.
technology will expire in days
days. System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue.
The IBM Aspera FASP data transfer license file will User response
expire on the source or target server.
Enter 'Y' to convert the storage pool or 'N' to stop the
System action
ANR3687E Transaction failed for session
System operations continue. However, unless a long-
session number for node node
term license is acquired, data transfer with Aspera
name (client platform) - container
FASP technology will eventually become unavailable.
transaction timeout encountered.

User response
To resolve the issue, obtain and install a valid license
The server ends a database update transaction for the
file. Follow the instructions in technote 7047418
specified client because the client did not commit the
transaction before the timeout period. The timeout
period is controlled by the
ANR3685W The license file that is required to CONTAINERRESOURCETIMEOUT option
enable Aspera Fast Adaptive
Secure Protocol (FASP) technology System action
expires today.
The specified session is ended and server operation

Chapter 3. ANR messages 615

User response System action
Determine why the operation did not commit the The object is marked damaged. Server operation
transaction within the timeframe specified by the continues.
option. The option might need to be increased to allow
for the ingest operation to commit the transaction over User response
a longer period of time.
Run the AUDIT CONTAINER command for the
ANR3688E A file was skipped while moving container.
data to storage pool storage pool
name. File name file name for ANR3691E The transaction failed for process
Node node name, File space process name, process number
filespace name is excluded process number, because of a
because of its size. transaction timeout.

Explanation Explanation

The server skips the specified file for the move The server ended the database update transaction for
operation. The size of the file is larger than that the specified process because the transaction was not
allowed in the storage pool based on the MAXSIZE committed within the timeout period. The timeout
parameter setting. period is controlled by the
System action
System action
The file is skipped by the data movement process.
The specified process ended, but server operation
User response
Increase the maximum file size for the target storage User response
pool. An authorized administrator can increase the
MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the UPDATE STGPOOL To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
command. The file can also be moved to another Determine why the operation did not commit the
storage pool that allows for storage of larger objects. transaction within the specified time. 2. If necessary,
increase the timeout period. For example, to set a
ANR3689E Invalid container header found for timeout period of 4 hours, specify the following option:
container container name and containerresourcetimeout 240
cannot be moved.
ANR3692W A client backup anomaly was
detected for node node name,
session number number. The
A container file selected for a move operation contains average number of backed up
an invalid header and will not be moved. bytes is bytes, the actual number
of backed up bytes was bytes, the
System action average data deduplication is
percent number percent, and the
The container is skipped. Server operation continues. actual data deduplication was
percent number percent.
User response
Run the AUDIT CONTAINER command for the Explanation
container. The server detected a workload anomaly from a
ANR3690W Invalid header found during backup-archive client. Either the number of backed-up
replication of objects in pool pool bytes exceeds the normal average, or the data
name. These objects have been deduplication percent is much less than the average
marked damaged. data deduplication percent.

Explanation System action

A file selected for a replication operation contains an Server operation continues.

invalid header and will not be moved.

616 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Review the data to determine whether the appropriate System operation continues, but the server does not
data was backed up and to identify possible issues. process the command.
ANR3693W An incremental backup anomaly
was detected for the virtual User response
machine (VM) VM name, VM Reissue the command with parameters that are valid
owner , VM owner name , session for the storage type.
number number. The average
number of backed-up bytes was ANR3696E The Command command was not
bytes, the actual number of processed. The specified storage
backed-up bytes was bytes. pool storage pool name, must be a
directory-container storage pool or
a cloud-container storage pool.
The server detected a workload anomaly from a VM. Explanation
The number of backed-up bytes exceeds the normal
average. When you issue the command, you can specify the
STANDARDPOOL parameter. Only directory-container
storage pool or cloud-container storage pool types are
System action
permitted. Other types of storage pools are not valid.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
System operation continues, but the server does not
Review the data to determine whether the appropriate process the command.
data was backed up and to identify possible issues.
ANR3694W Command: This command removes User response
the storage pool protection Reissue the command and specify the
relationship. STANDARDPOOL=CONTAINERPOOL parameter value.
ANR3697E The Command command was not
processed. The specified storage
Data from the specified directory-container storage pool storage pool name, must be a
pool will no longer be copied to another storage pool cold-data-cache storage pool.
as part of the storage pool protection process.
System action
When you issue the command, you can specify the
You will be prompted to continue, or to cancel the COLDPOOL parameter. Only cold-data-cache storage
command. pool types are permitted. Other types of storage pools
are not valid.
User response
System action
Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to cancel the command.
System operation continues, but the server does not
ANR3695E The Command command was not process the command.
processed because storage pool
storage pool name cannot be used
as the next storage pool for data User response
migration. Reissue the command and specify the
ANR3698E The Command command was not
When the STGTYPE=COLDDATACACHE parameter processed because policy domain
value is set, the NEXTSTGPOOL parameter must be set domain name is not an object
to a storage pool that uses a tape-based device class, domain.
is not deduplicated, and does not have a next storage
pool defined.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 617

Explanation System action
You can issue the specified command only for policy System operation continues, but the server does not
domains that are defined as object domains. A policy process the command.
domain can be defined as an object domain by issuing
the DEFINE OBJECTDOMAIN command. User response
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool type.
System action
ANR3701E Cannot connect to the cloud
System operation continues, but the server does not
service provider for the
process the command.
operation_name operation on the
pool_name storage pool.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid policy domain. Explanation
ANR3699E Command: The parameter A request to the cloud service provider failed because
parameter is not valid for cold- the client system is not connected to the cloud server.
data-cache storage pools or for the
specified next storage pools of System action
cold-data-cache storage pools.
The activity that generated this error fails.
User response
The specified command was issued with a parameter
that is not valid for storage pools of type Ensure that you specify valid credentials for the
COLDDATACACHE or for the specified next storage connection to the cloud server and that the client
pools of COLDDATACACHE storage pools. (The next system can communicate with the cloud server.
storage pool is specified with the NEXTSTGPOOL ANR3702E Cannot connect to the cloud
parameter.). service provider for the
operation_name operation on the
System action pool_name storage pool.
System operation continues, but the server does not
process the command. Explanation
The connection to the cloud provider failed because
User response the cloud service provider that is specified in the
DEFINE STGPOOL command is not valid.
To resolve the issue, take one of the following actions:
• Reissue the command for a different storage pool System action
The activity that generated this error fails.
• Reissue the command without the invalid parameter.
ANR3700E Command: The command was not User response
processed because it is not valid
for cold-data-cache storage pools Ensure that you specify valid credentials for the
or for the specified next storage connection to the cloud server and that the client
pools of cold-data-cache storage system can communicate with the cloud server.
pools. ANR3703E Source file(line number): Unable to
connect to the cloud provider.
The specified command is not valid for storage pools Explanation
of type COLDDATACACHE or for the specified next An error occurred while attempting to connect to the
storage pools of COLDDATACACHE storage pools. (The cloud provider.
next storage pool is specified with the NEXTSTGPOOL
System action
The activity that generated this error fails.

618 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response 2. If the issue persists, retrieve the first-failure data
capture (FFDC) log files from the server. For
Ensure that you specify valid credentials for the
instructions about retrieving the FFDC log files, see
connection to the cloud and that the client system can
the Problem Determination Guide.
communicate with the cloud.
3. Contact IBM Software Support for assistance.
ANR3704E Source file(line number): Unable to
load the JVM for the cloud storage ANR3706W Reorganization is required on
pool. table table name, which is
excluded from online
An error occurred while attempting to load the Java Explanation
virtual machine (JVM) for the cloud storage pool.
The specified table was excluded from online
reorganization by the DISABLEREORGTABLE server
System action
The activity that generated this error fails.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:
1. Verify that the IBM Spectrum Protect server is User response
correctly installed by ensuring that the Java Archive A failure to reorganize tables when necessary can lead
(JAR) files are in the installation directory. to database growth and server performance
2. If the issue persists, retrieve the first-failure data degradation over time. If you experience either of
capture (FFDC) log files from the server. For these symptoms, consider running an offline
instructions about retrieving the FFDC log files, see reorganization of the specified table. For instructions,
the Problem Determination Guide. see the section about offline table reorganization in
3. Contact IBM Software Support for assistance. Technote 1683633: http://www.ibm.com/support/
ANR3705E Source file(line number): A
required Java archive (JAR) file ANR3707E An unexpected error occurred
cannot be located, or the required while when the storage pool
resources within the JAR file are directory was opened or when
unavailable. data was written to the storage
pool directory. The access mode
for storage pool directory Directory
Name in storage pool Pool Name
Some IBM Spectrum Protect operations require the was changed to Access Mode.
use of a Java virtual machine (JVM) and Java code
running in that virtual machine. This code is contained Explanation
in JAR files. JAR files might be missing, incorrectly
located, or lacking the necessary resources. Another The access mode is changed for the specified storage
possibility is that the JAR files and the IBM Spectrum pool directory.
Protect version are mismatched.
System action
System action Client nodes cannot access the storage pool and
Any capabilities that require the JVM will not work. server processes cannot be completed.

User response User response

To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: Ensure that the storage pool directory is accessible on
the file system. To change the access mode, issue the
1. Verify that the IBM Spectrum Protect server is UPDATE STGPOOLDIR command and specify the
correctly installed by ensuring that the JAR files are ACCESS parameter.
in the installation directory.
ANR3708E The storage pool stgpool name
cannot be defined as a cloud

Chapter 3. ANR messages 619

storage pool with this operating ANR3711E Container container name will not
system. be removed from the file system.

Explanation Explanation
The command cannot be processed on this operating The container will not be removed because its header
system. could not be validated.

System action System action

The server does not process the command. System operation continues.

User response User response

Use an operating system that is compatible with IBM To manually remove the container from the file
Spectrum Protect to issue the command. For system, delete the file. If the server is installed on an
information about operating systems that are AIX, Linux, or Solaris system, issue the following
supported by IBM Spectrum Protect, see technote command: rm container_name If the server is
1243309 "Overview - IBM Spectrum Protect installed on a Windows system, issue the following
Supported Operating Systems" (http:// command: del container_name
uid=swg21243309). ANR3712E Command: Storage pool
NEXTSTGPOOL: storage pool name
ANR3709W Container container name was is a cloud pool.
permanently deleted from the file
system. Explanation
The command indicated specifies the name of a
storage pool which is a cloud pool. The command
The specified container could not be found in the syntax requires that a cloud storage pool name not be
database. For this reason, the container was deleted specified for non-container storage pools.
from the file system.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The container is no longer available, but system
operation continues. User response
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool name.
User response
No action is required. ANR3713W Container Container Name was
marked for deletion but stgpool
ANR3710I This command will delete directory Stgpool Directory is
container container name from the unavailable.
file system.
The container had no chunks on it and was marked for
Because the specified container could not be found in deletion. Deletion failed because the container's
the database, it will be deleted from the file system. stgpool directory access was not available.

System action System action

You are prompted to confirm the action. The system will not remove this container until the
stgpool directory's access is available.
User response
User response
Enter 'Y' to delete the container from the file system or
'N' to cancel the command. Update the stgpool directory's access to read/write
and wait for container deletion to occur again.

620 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3714E Cannot connect to the cloud Explanation
service provider with the cloud A request to the cloud service provider failed. The
URL, url, for the operation_name cloud service provider responded with a non-
operation on the pool_name successful HTTP status code.
storage pool.

System action
The activity that generated this error fails.
The connection to the cloud service provider failed
because the cloud URL that is specified in the DEFINE
STGPOOL command cannot be resolved. User response
Review the following list of HTTP status codes you
System action might encounter in this situation:
The activity that generated this error fails. • 401 Unauthorized: The request was valid, but
authentication was required and failed, or
User response authentication was not provided.
• 403 Forbidden: The request was valid, but the server
Verify that the cloud url, user ID and password for the
refused to respond to it.
cloud storage pool are correct and have been entered
correctly, and verify that the cloud provider is active. • 404 Not Found: The requested resource could not be
found, but it might be available again in the future.
To remove damaged data from a cloud storage pool
without communicating with the cloud provider, issue • 409 Conflict: The request could not be processed
the AUDIT CONTAINER ACTION=MARKDAMAGED because of a conflict in the request.
command to mark all data on the container as For more information about HTTP status codes,
damaged. consult your object storage provider.
ANR3715E A request to the cloud service ANR3717E A request to the cloud service
provider for the operation_name provider for the operation_name
operation on the pool_name operation on the pool_name
storage pool failed with the storage pool failed with the
following HTTP status: following HTTP status:

Explanation Explanation
A request to the cloud service provider failed. The A request to the cloud service provider failed. The
credentials for the cloud service provider do not have cloud service provider credentials do not exist.
the correct permissions to perform the activity that
generated this error. System action

System action The activity that generated this error fails.

The activity that generated this error fails. User response

User response Ensure that the credentials that are provided to the
cloud server exist on the cloud service provider.
Ensure that the permissions are correct for the
credentials that are specified for the connection to the ANR3718E A request to the cloud service
cloud server. provider for the operation_name
operation on the pool_name
ANR3716E A request to the cloud service storage pool failed because the
provider for the operation_name cloud connection was lost.
operation on the pool_name
storage pool failed with the Explanation
following HTTP status code:
http_status_code. A request to the cloud service provider failed. The
connection to the cloud service provider was lost.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 621

System action Explanation
The activity that generated this error fails. A request to the cloud provider failed because of an
internal error.
User response
System action
Ensure that the cloud server is still turned on.
The activity that generated this error fails.
ANR3719E The operation_name operation on
the pool_name storage pool failed
because the container_name cloud User response
container does not exist. None.
ANR3722E A request to the cloud service
provider for the operation_name
A request to the cloud provider failed. The cloud operation on the pool_name
container that was requested does not exist. storage pool failed with a creation
System action
The activity that generated this error fails.
A request to the cloud service provider failed because
User response output cannot be written to an XML file.

Verify that the container has not been removed from

System action
the cloud server.
The activity that generated this error fails.
If you want to remove data from a cloud storage pool
without communicating with the cloud provider, issue
command to mark all data on the container as None.
damaged, and then issue the AUDIT CONTAINER
command with ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED ANR3723E A request to retrieve cloud metrics
FORCEORPHANDBDEL=YES to remove the data. for the operation_name operation
on the pool_name storage pool
ANR3720E A request to the cloud service failed with an internal error.
provider for the operation_name
operation on the pool_name
storage pool failed with a HTTP
protocol error. A request to retrieve cloud metrics failed because of
an internal error.
System action
A request to the cloud service provider failed from a
HTTP error. The activity that generated this error fails.

System action User response

The activity that generated this error fails. None.
ANR3724E Command: Data in storage pool
User response storage pool name is not protected
None. on server target server name.

ANR3721E A request to the cloud service

provider for the operation_name
operation on the pool_name The specified storage pool has not been protected by
storage pool failed with an the replication target server.
internal error.

622 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
System operation continues, but the server does not Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to cancel the command.
process the command.
User response cannot be used on this cloud-
1. If you have not specified a target replication server, container storage pool because
issue the SET REPLSERVER command to specify the local storage is not available for
target replication server that will be used to protect this storage pool.
the storage pool. The name specified in the SET
REPLSERVER command must be associated with a Explanation
valid server definition. 2. Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL
The command cannot be processed as specified.
command with a value of TYPE=REPLSERVER for the
specified storage pool. For example, if the source
storage pool is named POOL1, issue the following System action
command: protect stgpool pool1 type=replserver By The server ignores the command.
issuing the command, you restore the protect setting
on the specified storage pool. 3. Retry the command
User response
that previously failed.
Verify that local storage is available for the cloud-
ANR3725E Objects on the cloud provider for
container storage pool, and reissue the command.
the following storage pool storage
pool name are not deleted. ANR3728E MOVE CONTAINER: You cannot
move the following container:
Explanation container name.
The cloud provider is not available to delete a cloud
The container that you specified is a cloud container.
System action The MOVE CONTAINER command does not apply to
cloud containers.
The server deletes the objects from the database.
System action
User response
The command fails and the server operation
Ensure that the cloud server is on and that the continues.
credentials are correct. To remove the cloud objects
that remain on the cloud server, issue the AUDIT
User response
CONTAINER command.
Select a different type of container to move.
is processing for all container ANR3729I The AUDIT CONTAINER command
storage pools. Do no complete process process id completed:
storage pool operations during this delete object count damaged
process. objects are deleted. skip object
count damaged objects are
Explanation skipped. delete dependent object
count dependent objects are
The AUDIT DATABASE command scans multiple deleted. delete cloud orphan object
tables in the database. Storage pool operations that count orphan objects are deleted
are processing when you issue the AUDIT DATABASE in cloud-container storage pools.
command might affect the audit result. skip cloud orphan object count
orphan objects are skipped in
System action cloud-container storage pools.
Confirm whether to proceed with the AUDIT
DATABASE command. Explanation
When you issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command and
specify the ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter,

Chapter 3. ANR messages 623

the following information is displayed: incoming requests. There might be a hardware
limitation or an issue with the configuration settings.
• The number of damaged objects that are deleted.
• The number of damaged objects that are skipped.
System action
• The number of dependent objects that are deleted.
The server is running, however, the cloud service
• The number of cloud orphan objects that are provider cannot respond to the request.
• The number of cloud orphan objects that are User response
Verify with your system administrator that the cloud
The objects being processed are inventory files, data service provider has the correct configuration settings
extents, or both. and enough dedicated hardware to accept additional
System action • Proxy-server.conf; [default] node_timeout = 120,
System operations continue [app:proxy-server] conn_timeout = 120.
• Object-server.conf; [default] node_timeout = 60,
User response [app:object-server] set node_timeout = 60.
No action is required. In each .conf file, either set 'workers = auto' or set that
configuration equal to a value no greater than the
ANR3730E The audit container operation number of cores on the system.
process_id failed because it cannot
communicate with the cloud ANR3732E Storage pool poolname cannot be
provider for container updated because of an encryption
container_name. key mismatch.

Explanation Explanation
The AUDIT CONTAINER command failed either The master encryption key changed since this pool
because the correct credentials were not provided to was enabled for encryption. The storage pool cannot
the cloud provider or because the cloud provider is be updated without the original master encryption key.
System action
System action
The command fails.
The AUDIT CONTAINER command failed.
User response
User response
If you used the BACKUP DB command to protect the
Verify that the user ID and password for the cloud server master encryption key, use the RESTORE DB
storage pool are correct and have been entered command to restore the original master encryption
correctly, and verify that the cloud provider is active. key.
To remove damaged data from a cloud storage pool ANR3733W The master encryption key cannot
without communicating with the cloud provider, issue be generated because the server
command to mark all data on the container as
damaged. Explanation
ANR3731E A request to the cloud service Without a master encryption key, storage pool
provider for the operation_name encryption is disabled.
operation on the pool_name
storage pool failed with the 503
System action
HTTP status code.
The master encryption key is not generated.
The status code indicates that the operation cannot
proceed. The cloud provider cannot process further

624 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response damaged on the target server and needed to be
Use the SET SERVERPASSWORD command to set a
server password. After you set the password, the • Amount protected: Bytes that were successfully
master key is automatically generated. protected by being linked to matching extents on the
target server.
ANR3734E Storage pool encryption could not
• Amount failed: Bytes that were not protected. See
be enabled because the server has
previous messages for further details.
not been configured to protect the
encryption keys using database • Amount transferred: Bytes that were sent to the
backup. target server during this process. The amount that
was transferred can be less than the amount that is
Explanation protected when the target server already has some
of the extents or when compression is enabled.
Database backup must be configured to protect the
• Elapsed time: How long the process ran.
master encryption key to enable stgpool encryption.

User response
System action
Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command again to
The command fails.
ensure that all data extents are scanned and
User response
ANR3736E The requested data with the key
To protect the server master encryption key during key for the operation_name
database backup, specify the PROTECTKeys=Yes and operation on the pool_name
PASSword parameters on the SET DBRECOVERY storage pool was not found in the
command. container_name cloud container.
ANR3735W The protect storage pool process The container should be audited to
for stgpool name on this server to validate its contents.
stgpool name on other server is
complete. Some extents might not Explanation
have been protected. Extents
The requested data was not found on the cloud service
protected: extents protected of
extents to protect. Extents failed to
protect: extents failed to protect.
Extents deleted: extents deleted of System action
extents to delete. Amount The command fails.
protected: amount protected of
amount to protect. Amount failed:
User response
amount transferred. Amount
transferred: amount transferred. Run the AUDIT CONTAINER command on the
Elapsed time: elapsed time. container or the storage pool.
ANR3737E One or more orphaned extents in
Explanation the container_name container in
The protect storage pool process completed but some the stgpool_name storage pool
extents might have been skipped due to conflicting were skipped because the extents
operations. The following list describes the could not be deleted from the
information in the message: cloud.
• Extents protected: Extents that were successfully
protected by being linked to matching extents on the
target server. One or more orphaned extents could not be deleted
• Extents failed to protect: Extents that were not from the cloud, so they were not removed from the
successfully protected during the process of database. This might be a result of lack of connectivity
protecting to the target server. to the cloud service provider.
• Extents deleted: Extents that were successfully
deleted from the target server because the extent
did not exist on the source server or because it was

Chapter 3. ANR messages 625

System action User response
The orphaned extents that were not deleted from the Verify that the cloud URL, user ID, and password for
cloud are skipped. They remain orphaned in the the cloud-container storage pool are correct and were
database. entered correctly. Also, verify that the cloud provider is
active. Reissue the AUDIT CONTAINER command with
User response the ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter specified
to remove the orphaned extents.
Verify that the cloud URL, user ID, and password for
the cloud-container storage pool are correct and were If the cloud provider is inactive or inaccessible, and
entered correctly. Also, verify that the cloud provider is the references to the orphaned extents should be
active. Reissue the AUDIT CONTAINER command with removed from the database anyway, reissue the
the ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter specified AUDIT CONTAINER command and specify the
to remove the orphaned extents. ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED and
If the cloud provider is inactive or inaccessible, and
the references to the orphaned extents should be ANR3741E Failed to update the stgpool_name
removed from the database anyway, reissue the storage pool: cannot change from
AUDIT CONTAINER command and specify the the current_cloud_type cloud type
ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED and to the new_cloud_type cloud type.
ANR3738I Command: Storage pool storage
pool name still has one or more An UPDATE STGPOOL command resulted in error
containers. because of an incompatible change in cloud type. To
minimize accidental errors, you cannot change from
Explanation the current cloud type to the cloud type you specified.

A DELETE STGPOOL command encountered a storage

System action
pool that still contains one or more containers.
The command fails and server operation continues.
System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
If you still need to update the storage pool, reissue the
User response UPDATE STGPOOL command and make sure that the
CLOUDTYPE parameter is set to a value that is
Empty containers are automatically deleted every few compatible with the current cloud type of the storage
minutes. Wait for the automatic deletion of the empty pool. Another option is to not specify a value for the
containers, then reissue the command. CLOUDTYPE parameter.
ANR3740E One or more orphaned extents in ANR3742W This command attempts to update
the stgpool_name storage pool the stgpool_name storage pool.
were skipped because the extents One or more of the attributes
could not be deleted from the being updated by this command
cloud. might affect your ability to access
existing data in this storage pool.
One or more orphaned extents could not be deleted Explanation
from the cloud, so they were not removed from the The execution of an UPDATE STGPOOL command with
database. This might be a result of lack of connectivity the parameters that have been specified by this
to the cloud service provider. command might prevent you from accessing existing
System action
The orphaned extents that were not deleted from the System action
cloud are skipped. They remain orphaned in the The system asks the administrator whether to
database. continue with the command.

626 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to cancel the command. Server operation continues.
ANR3743E A request to the cloud service
provider for the operation_name User response
operation on the pool_name No action is required.
storage pool failed with an
exception. ANR3746E The operation_name operation on
the pool_name storage pool failed
because the container_name
bucket or vault does not exist in
The cloud client encounters an exceptions in this region or access pool.
processing the operation_name cloud operation.
System action
A request to the cloud provider failed. The bucket or
The operation_name cloud operation is ended and vault that was requested does not exist in the region or
server operation continues. access pool pointed to by the storage pool.

User response System action

Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine The activity that generated this error fails.
messages prior to this error and examine FFDC (First
Failure Data Capture) file to determine the cause of the User response
operation failure. If the cause of the failure can be
found and resolved, reissue the command. If the Ensure that the CLOUDURL value for this storage pool
cause of failure cannot be found, contact your service is directed to a location that can access the bucket or
representative for assistance in resolving the problem. vault.

ANR3744I Session session number was ANR3747E command: The parameter

started for Aspera FASP high parameter is not supported on this
speed data transfer and is paired platform or with this
with replication session session configuration.
Explanation The command cannot be processed as specified
A new server session was initiated for high speed data because the platform does not support the feature
transfer using IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure required by the given parameter, or the configuration
Protocol (FASP) technology. The parent session of the server has not enabled the feature.
number is included in the message.
System action
System action The server ignores the command.
The server begins a FASP communications session to
service the process. User response
Verify the command syntax, platform, and
User response configuration then reissue the command.
No action is required. ANR3748E The license file that is required to
ANR3745I Session session number ended for enable Aspera Fast Adaptive
Aspera FASP high speed data Secure Protocol (FASP) technology
transfer. has expired on the server_loc
An IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP)
session has completed normally. An attempt to use the IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive
Secure Protocol (FASP) data transfer method failed

Chapter 3. ANR messages 627

because the license file has expired on the source or User response
target server.
Ensure that the CLOUDURL value for this storage pool
is directed to a location that can access the bucket or
System action vault.
System operations continue. However, data cannot be ANR3752E The container cannot be moved.
transferred by using Aspera FASP technology unless a Storage pool encryption is in
valid license file is installed. progress for the associated
storage pool storage pool name.
User response
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: Explanation

1. Obtain and install a valid license file. Follow the The container cannot be moved because the
instructions in technote 7047418 (http:// associated storage pool is specified by the ENCRYPT
www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss? STGPOOL command. Storage pool encryption is in
uid=swg27047418). progress.
2. Retry the node replication or data protection
operation. System action

ANR3749I An Aspera evaluation license is in The server does not move the contaienr that is
use to support FASP data transfer. specified.

Explanation User response

An IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) Wait for storage pool encryption to complete and rerun
high speed data transfer session was established the action again.
using a 30-day Aspera evaluation license. ANR3753I The client update package
manager is started.
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
The update package manager starts automatically
User response when the server is initialized or when status
monitoring is turned on.
The evaluation license is valid for 30 days after it is
generated. To replace the evaluation license with a
long-term license, purchase the IBM Spectrum Protect System action
High Speed Data Transfer product, which is available Server operation continues.
at the Passport Advantage website.
ANR3751E The specified credentials failed User response
verification because the No action is required.
container_name bucket or vault
does not exist in this region or ANR3754I The client update package
access pool. manager is stopped.

Explanation Explanation
To use this bucket or vault, the CLOUDURL parameter The update package manager stops when status
must match the region or access pool in which this monitoring is turned off.
bucket or vault exists.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
User response
No action is required.

628 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3755E No directory is specified for Explanation
downloading client update The specified package was not imported. The client
packages. update package manager will try to import the
package during the next client update cycle.
Because the directory is not specified, no client update System action
packages were downloaded. The client update Server operation continues.
package manager will retry the download process at
the next refresh time.
User response
System action No action is required.
Server operation continues. ANR3759E An error occurred during the
replication of client update
User response packages from node update node
name to the monitored server,
Specify the directory for downloading client update server name. The return code is
packages by using the SET DEPLOYREPOSITORY number.
command. For example, if the directory is client/
packages, issue the following command: set
deployrepository /client/packages/
The refresh of client update packages is stopped. The
ANR3756I A refresh of client update client update manager will retry the process at the
packages was started. next specified refresh time.

Explanation System action

The client update package manager is providing the Server operation continues.
latest client fix packs to the server.
User response
System action
To determine why the replication filed, review previous
Server operation continues. server messages and take action to resolve the issues.

User response ANR3760I All client update package

information was removed
No action is required. successfully.
ANR3757I The refresh of client update
packages is complete. The next Explanation
refresh will be started on date at The client update packages were removed in the
time. database. These packages are retried the next time
the client update package manager runs.
The client update package manager provided the System action
latest client fix packs to the server The fix packs are Server operation continues.
available for client updates.
User response
System action
No action is required.
Server operation continues.
ANR3761E Command: An error was
User response encountered while removing the
client update package information
No action is required. from the database The error code
ANR3758W Client update package package is Error code.
name could not be found. The
package is skipped.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 629

Explanation store the catalog file. Issue the QUERY
MONITORSETTINGS command to verify that you
An error was encountered while processing a request
specified a valid client update repository.
to remove the client update packages from the
database. ANR3764E An error occurred while
processing the catalog file for
System action client updates from Path.


User response The catalog file cannot be processed. Client update

package information might be unavailable or out-of-
Inspect the activity log and the first-failure data date. One or more update packages might be down-
capture log, dsmffdc.log, for errors related to the level or unavailable for deployment.
command. Correct the condition that caused the error
and reissue the command.
System action
ANR3762E Cannot connect to the download
The catalog file is not processed.
site at Url to download the files
that are required for client
updates. User response
Ensure that you have enough space to store the
Explanation catalog file. Issue the QUERY MONITORSETTINGS
command to verify that you specified a valid client
A request to connect to the specified URL failed
update repository. If you are using a local copy of the
because the client system cannot connect. One or
catalog file, ensure that the file exists and that it is not
more client update packages cannot be downloaded,
corrupted. If the local copy is invalid, use the catalog
or the update packages might be down-level.
file at the default URL that is specified in the
System action catalog file on that site is invalid,contact your service
The connection to the download site fails. representative.
ANR3765E An error occurred while a client
User response update package was downloading
Verify that you have a working network connection. from Url.
Ensure that the URL that is specified in the
CLIENTDEPLOYCATALOGURL server option is valid by Explanation
issuing the QUERY OPTION A client update package failed to download from the
CLIENTDEPLOYCATALOGURL command. specified URL. The failed package is not available for
ANR3763E An error occurred while the deployment until it is successfully downloaded.
catalog file used for client updates
was downloading from Url. System action
The failed package is not downloaded.
The catalog file failed to download from the specified User response
URL. One or more update packages cannot be
Verify that you have a working network connection to
downloaded or the update packages might be down-
the specified URL and that you have enough space to
store the package file. Issue the QUERY
MONITORSETTINGS command to verify that you
System action specified a valid client update repository.
The client update package or catalog file is not ANR3766W An error occurred while client
downloaded. update packages were
User response
Verify that you have a working network connection to
the specified URL and that you have enough space to

630 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation temporarily unavailable because this server's client
deploy information is currently being updated. The
One or more packages failed to download from the
client update manager will retry replication to the
specified URL. The failed packages are not available
specified server at the next client update refresh time.
for deployment until they are successfully
System action
System action Server operation continues.
The failed packages are not downloaded.
User response
User response Start the specified server, or, upgrade the server to
Version 8.1.3 or later.
Issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to examine the
messages that occurred prior to receiving this error. ANR3770E Command: The directory path,
Examine the first failure data capture (FFDC) log to path name, does not exist on the
determine the cause of the operation failure. If the system.
cause of failure cannot be found, contact your service
representative for assistance in resolving the problem. Explanation
ANR3767I All packages were successfully The specified directory path does not exist.
downloaded for client updates.
System action
Server operation continues, but the command is not
All of the packages that are required for client updates processed.
were successfully downloaded to the file system.
User response
System action
Reissue the command with a valid path name.
Server operation continues.
ANR3771E Command: Server is not
User response configured for client updates.

None. Explanation
ANR3768E The catalog file at Url does not The server is not configured for client updates. The
exist or it cannot be read. server must be configured as a Hub server.

Explanation System action

The catalog file that is used for client updates is not Server operation continues, but the command is not
available at the specified location or the server does processed.
not have permission to read the file.
User response
System action
Issue this command on a Hub server or use the
The catalog file is not processed. Operation Center to configure your server as a Hub
User response
ANR3772E The upgrade repository directory
Verify that the catalog file exists at the specified path at Url does not exist or it cannot be
and that the server has read access for the file. read or written to.
ANR3769W Replication of client packages for
client updates to monitored Explanation
server, server name, was skipped. The repository directory that is used for client updates
is not available at the specified location or the server
Explanation does not have permission to read and write to the
The specified server is unavailable, not at the required
minimum server level for automatic client updates, or

Chapter 3. ANR messages 631

System action User response
Client update packages are not downloaded. None.
ANR3776E Client updates canceled with
User response failures: number completed of total
Verify that the repository directory exists at the number schedules were canceled
specified path and that the server has read and write for server name.
access for the directory.
ANR3773I Client updates scheduled: number
completed of total number The request to cancel deploy type schedules for one or
schedules were created for server more client nodes completed with failures. The
name. specified number of schedules for the server were not
cancelled due to errors.
System action
The request to create deploy schedules for one or
more client nodes is completed successfully. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues. Check messages in the activity log on the specified
server to determine the reason for the error.
User response ANR3777I Import of client update packages
None. started.

ANR3774E Client updates scheduled with

failures: number completed of total
number schedules were created The deployment package manager has started
for server name. importing the client update packages to the server.

Explanation System action

The request to create deploy type schedules for one or Server operation continues.
more clients is completed. The specified number of
schedules were not created due to errors. User response
System action
ANR3778I Client update packages imported:
Server operation continues.
number completed of total number
packages were imported.
User response
Check messages in the activity log on the server to Explanation
determine the reason for the error.
The deployment package manager has finished
ANR3775I Client updates canceled: number importing client update packages to the server.
completed of total number
schedules were canceled for System action
server name.
Server operation continues.
User response
The request to cancel deploy type schedules for one or
more client nodes is completed successfully for the None.
specified server. ANR3779E Client update packages imported
with failures: number of successes
System action of total number packages
Server operation continues. imported.

632 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The deployment package manager has finished The deployment package manager has finished
importing client update packages to the server. There replicating update client packages to the server. There
were some client update packages that did not get were some client update packages that did not get
imported due to failures. replicated due to errors.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Server operation continues.

User response User response

Check messages in the activity log on the specified Check messages in the activity log on the specified
server to determine the reason for the error. Correct server to determine the reason for the error. Correct
the errors. The deployment package manager will retry the errors. The deployment package manager will retry
importing them at the next deployment package the replication at the next deployment package refresh
refresh time. time.
ANR3780I Replication of client update ANR3783E A client update was not scheduled
packages started to server server for node node name on server
name. server name.

Explanation Explanation
The deployment package manager has started The client update schedule was not created due to an
replicating the client update packages to the specified error.
System action
System action
The schedule is not created. Server operation
Server operation continues. continues.

User response User response

None. Review the related activity log messages on the
specified server to determine the cause of the error.
ANR3781I Client update packages were
successfully replicated to server ANR3784E Node node name was not
server name. associated with the client update
schedule schedule name on server
Explanation server name.

The deployment package manager has finished

replicating client update packages to the specified
server successfully. The client was not associated with the update
schedule due to an error.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
The client is not associated with the schedule. Server
User response operation continues.

User response
ANR3782E Replication of client update Review the related activity log messages on the
packages ended with failures to specified server to determine the cause of the error.
server server name. You can use the Operations Center to cancel the
schedule or issue the DEFINE ASSOCIATION
command to manually associate the client with the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 633

ANR3785E The client update schedule ANR3788I Started downloading num
schedule name was not canceled packages string client update
for node node name on server packages.
The deployment manager started downloading the
The update schedule was not canceled due to an error. client update packages to the server.

System action System action

The schedule is not canceled. Server operation Server operation continues.
User response
User response
Review the related activity log messages on the
ANR3789I The client update package was
specified server to determine the cause of the error.
successfully downloaded from:
You can use the Operations Center to try canceling the
URL path.
schedule again or issue the DELETE SCHEDULE
command on the server to manually delete the
schedule. Explanation

ANR3786E Server server name cannot create The deployment manager finished downloading the
or cancel client updates because client update package to the server.
the server is unavailable or has an
unsupported software version System action
Server operation continues.

User response
Update schedules cannot be created or canceled on
the specified server.
ANR3790E The client update schedule could
System action not be created for node node name
on server server name. The client
Client update operations are skipped for the specified update package could not be
server. Server operation continues. found for platform, platform
name(architecture name), and
User response version version.
Ensure that the server is running and that there are no
network issues. If the server is running an earlier Explanation
software version, upgrade to Version 8.1.3 or later. The client update package needed by deploy schedule
ANR3787I The client update catalog was could not be found. The deploy schedule could not be
downloaded successfully from created.
System action
Explanation The schedule is not created. Server operation
The deployment manager has finished downloading continues.
the client update catalog file.
User response
System action Retry client update for the node after the next deploy
Catalog processing continues. package refresh is finished.
ANR3791E Command: Orphan Type discovery
User response is currently running.

634 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The orphan discovery operation is already running. The administrator is asked whether to continue.

System action User response

The server does not process the command. Enter 'Y' to audit containers or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR3795E Data from cloud container
User response container_name in storage pool
Re-issue the command when orphan discovery is not pool_name could not be uploaded.
ANR3792E Command: Orphan Type discovery
or cleaning is not currently The operation to upload data to the object storage
running. system failed. This issue might be caused by a faulty
network connection to the object storage system.
System action
The orphan discovery or cleaning operation is not
running. The command fails, but system operation continues.

System action User response

The server does not process the command. To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
Check the network connection to the object storage
User response system. 2. Correct any detected issues. 3. Retry the
upload operation.
Re-issue the command when orphan discovery or
cleaning is running. ANR3797E The server did not process the
Command because the parameter
ANR3793E Command: Orphan Type clean is parameter is not valid for the
currently running. stgtype type of storage.

Explanation Explanation
The orphan cleaning operation is already running. A parameter in this command is not valid for storage
pools that are used for this type of storage.
System action
The server does not process the command. System action
System operation continues, but the server does not
User response process the command.
Re-issue the command when orphan cleaning is not
running. User response

ANR3794W Data files associated with Reissue the command with parameters that are valid
damaged data extents in storage for the storage type.
pool stgpool name can become ANR3798E The server did not process the
inaccessible. Command command: The
parameter parameter is preset for
Explanation storage pools with the
COLDDATACACHE storage type.
When you issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command
with the ACTION=MARKDAMAGED parameter, data
files with damaged extents are marked. The data Explanation
associated with the damaged extents can become Do not specify this parameter if the
unusable. STGTYPE=COLDDATACACHE parameter setting is
specified for the storage pool.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 635

System action System action
System operation continues, but the server does not Server operation continues.
process the command.
User response
User response
No action is required.
Reissue the command without the parameter.
ANR3802I Command: Storage pool protection
ANR3800W Storage pool protection was cannot be removed from storage
removed from storage pool stgpool pool storage pool because another
name on server this server. Data process is in progress.
from the specified storage pool is
no longer copied to storage pool Explanation
stgpool nameon server other
server. During the removal Storage pool protection cannot be removed because a
process, some extents might not process to protect the storage pool, or a process to
have been deleted. Total number remove protection, is in progress.
of extents: total extents need be
deleted. Number of extents that System action
were not deleted: extents failed to
The server does not process the command.
delete. Number of extents that
were deleted: extents deleted.
Elapsed time: elapsed time User response
Wait until the protection process or the protection
Explanation removal process is complete, and then reissue the
The process of removing storage pool protection has
finished with a warning. During the removal process, ANR3803I The specified storage pool, storage
some extents might not have been deleted. pool, was not found.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. The storage pool could not be located because an
invalid name was entered.
User response
System action
To determine why the warning was issued, review the
activity log or the first failure data capture (FFDC) log. Server operation continues, but the server does not
process the command.
ANR3801I The removal of storage pool
protection from storage pool
stgpool name on server this server User response
is complete. Data from the To resolve the issue, rerun the command with a valid
specified storage pool is no longer storage pool name.
copied to storage pool stgpool
name on server other server. Total ANR3804I The specified remote server,
number of extents: total chunks server, is not defined.
need be deleted Number of extents
that were not deleted: chunks Explanation
failed to delete Number of extents
The remote server could not be located because an
that were deleted: chunks deleted
invalid name was entered.
Elapsed time: elapsed time

System action
System operation continues, but the server does not
The process of removing storage pool protection is
process the command.
complete, and no further action is required.

636 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Number of extents that were not
deleted: extents failed to delete
To resolve the issue, rerun the command with a valid
Number of extents that were
remote server name.
deleted: extents deleted Elapsed
ANR3805I Preview of removing protection time: elapsed time
from storage pool stgpool name on
server this server. The specified Explanation
storage pool protects data to
storage pool stgpool name on The preview for removing storage pool protection is
server other server. Number of being canceled.
extents to be deleted: extents to be
deleted System action
Server operation continues.
The preview shows the results of removing protection User response
from the storage pool. No action is required.

System action ANR3808E A process for moving container

Container Name was started, but
Server operation continues. no data was moved.

User response Explanation

No action is required. The process for moving the specified container is
ANR3806I Removing storage pool protection reported as a failure because no eligible data was
from storage pool stgpool name on detected, and no data was moved.
server this server. The specified
storage pool was protecting data System action
to storage pool stgpool name on System operation continues, but the specified process
server other server. Total number failed.
of extents: extents need be deleted
Number of extents that could not
be deleted: extents failed to delete User response
Number of extents that were When you run the MOVE CONTAINER command,
deleted: extents deleted Elapsed ensure that the DEFRAG=NO setting is specified. For
time: elapsed time example, if the name of the container is BOSTON23,
issue the following command: MOVE CONTAINER
Explanation BOSTON23 DEFRAG=NO
Detailed information is provided about the process of ANR3824W Replication skipped one or more
removing storage pool protection. files for node node name file space
file space name because they were
System action updated after the replication
process was started.
Server operation continues.
User response
During replication processing, a client updated one or
No action is required. more files for the specified node and file space.
ANR3807I Canceling the preview for
removing storage pool protection System action
from storage pool stgpool name on Replication skips the updated files.
server this server. The storage pool
is protecting data to storage pool
stgpool name on server other User response
server. Total number of extents: To replicate the updated files, reissue the REPLICATE
total extents need be deleted NODE command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 637

ANR3825E Command: Transfer Method Explanation
transfer method is not valid. The command specified a CLOUDURL parameter that
listed multiple endpoints for an Amazon object storage
Explanation system.
The transfer method must be one of tcp or fasp on a
platform that supports fasp. System action
The server cannot process the command.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Reissue the command with only one Amazon endpoint
User response specified in the CLOUDURL parameter.
Update the PROTECT STGpool parameter for the pool ANR3829I The AUDIT CONTAINER process
you are trying to protect. process_id ended for the
ANR3826E Command: Transfer Method stgpool_name storage pool:
transfer method is not valid. inspected_extents cloud objects
inspected and orphaned_extents
data extents marked as orphaned.
The transfer method must be one of tcp, or fasp on a Explanation
platform that supports fasp.
The orphaned extent identification generated the
following information:
System action
• The number of cloud objects inspected
The server does not process the command.
• The number of orphaned data extents
User response
System action
Update the Replicate Node parameter for the node you
are trying to replicate. None.

ANR3827E A request to create a container on User response

the pool_name storage pool failed
the access pool does not have a To remove orphaned extents from cloud containers,
vault template. issue the AUDIT CONTAINER command and specify
Explanation ANR3830E The command command specified
A request to create a container failed because a the same endpoint multiple times
default vault template was not specified, or the default in the CLOUDURL parameter.
vault template was not deployed to the specified
accesser. Explanation
The command contained a CLOUDURL parameter that
System action specified one or more endpoints multiple times.
The activity that generated this error fails.
System action
User response The server cannot process the command.
Ensure that the IBM Cloud Object Storage dsNet has a
default vault template specified, and ensure that the User response
default vault template is deployed to the access pool
Reissue the command with a CLOUDURL parameter
which contains the accesser to which this storage pool
that specifies each endpoint only once.
points. Then run the command again.
ANR3831E FASP session Session identifier
ANR3828E The command specified multiple
aborted due to outstanding FASP
Amazon endpoints in the
CLOUDURL parameter.

638 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

read or write timeout threshold Explanation
exceeding timeout value seconds.
The local-storage-to-cloud transfer process will not
move empty containers to the cloud.
An input/output timeout error condition occurred System action
during an IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol
The local storage container was skipped during this
(FASP) data transfer session between the server and
transfer process.
the partner system.

User response
System action
The session with the remote system ended.
ANR3835E Command: The process of
User response validating an Aspera connection to
server targetservername failed.
Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
and is properly configured to run Aspera FASP. For
configuration information, go to IBM Knowledge
Center and search on "Optimizing data transfer by An error occurred while initializing a process to
enabling Aspera FASP technology." validate the IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive Secure Protocol
(FASP) connection.
ANR3832I Local to Cloud Transfer process
process identifier for storage pool
storage pool name started. System action
The VALIDATE ASPERA command process ended, but
Explanation server operation continues.
A process begins to transfer data from local storage to
the cloud. User response
No action is required. However, if you want to
System action establish an Aspera FASP connection to the server,
complete the following steps:
The indicated process is started.
1. Go to IBM Knowledge Center and search for
User response "Optimizing data transfer by enabling Aspera FASP
technology." Follow the instructions to ensure that
None. your system environment meets the requirements
ANR3833I Local to Cloud Transfer process for FASP data transfer.
process identifier for storage pool 2. To verify the connection, issue the VALIDATE
storage pool name has completed. ASPERA command again.
ANR3836I Validation of the Aspera FASP
Explanation connection from srcserver to
The process of transferring data from local storage to targetserver. Amount transferred
the cloud has completed. using FASP: faspmbs MB per
second. Amount transferred using
System action TCP/IP: tcpipmbs MB per second.
Latency: latency microseconds.
None. Status: status. Days until license
expires: expires.
User response ANR3837I Storage pool Tier process process
None. identifier for storage pool storage
pool name has completed.
ANR3834I Container container name is empty
and will not be transferred during
process process identifier.
The process of tiering data from local storage to a tier
storage pool has completed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 639

System action User response
None. Examine previous messages to determine whether all
tiering processes ended successfully.
User response ANR3840W Storage pool stgpoolname is
None. skipped during command
processing because this type of
ANR3838I Tiering process process identifier storage pool is not supported by
for storage rule stgrule_name is the command command.
completed. Data was tiered from
storage pool source_stgpool to
tgt_stgpool_type storage pool
target_stgpool. Tiered Files: The specified command is not supported for the
tiered_files, Tiered Bytes: following storage pool types:
tiered_bytes, Skipped Files:
• Directory-container storage pools
skipped_files, Skipped Bytes:
skipped_bytes, Total Bytes • Cloud-container storage pools
Transferred: transferred_bytes,
Elapsed time: elapsed_time. System action
Command processing continues, but the specified
Explanation storage pool is skipped.
Tiering processing for the specified storage rule ended
with the displayed results. User response
No action is required.
System action
ANR3846W Node Replication must be run with
parameter after this command is
User response completed.
Examine previous messages to determine whether all
tiering processes ended successfully. Explanation

ANR3839I Tiering process process identifier Entries in the database have been cleaned up and
for storage rule stgrule_name, node replication must be run with the
subrule subrule_name, is FORCERECONCILE=YES parameter.
completed. Data was tiered from
storage pool source_stgpool to System action
tgt_stgpool_type storage pool
target_stgpool. Tiered Files:
tiered_files, Tiered Bytes:
tiered_bytes, Skipped Files: User response
skipped_files, Skipped Bytes: Run REPLICATE NODE with FORCERECONCILE=YES
skipped_bytes, Total Bytes parameter.
Transferred: transferred_bytes,
Elapsed time: elapsed_time. ANR3850E command: Node name is required.

Explanation Explanation
Tiering processing for the specified storage subrule The command cannot be processed as specified.
ended with the displayed results.
System action
System action The server ignores the command.
User response
Verify the command syntax and reissue the command.

640 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR3998W CONVERT STGPOOL is skipping an extents to protect. Extents failed to
inconvertible file on volume protect: extents failed to protect.
volume: Node node_name, Type Amount protected: amount
type, File space file_space, File protected of amount to protect.
name file_name. Amount failed to protect: amount
not protected. Extents deleted:
Explanation extents deleted of extents to delete.
Extents failed to delete: extents
During the convert process, a file is encountered with a failed to delete. Extents moved:
type that is not supported by directory-container extents moved for volume
storage pools. reclamation of extents to move.
Extents failed to move: extents not
System action moved for volume reclamation.
Amount moved: amount moved for
The file is not converted. volume reclamation of amount to
move. Amount failed to move:
User response amount not moved for volume
After the storage pool enters the Converted state, reclamation. Elapsed time: elapsed
issue the MOVE DATA command on the volume to time.
move the inconvertible files to another storage pool.
ANR3999E Failure validating database load:
expected numRecs records and The protect storage pool process is complete. The
numBV bit vectors - loaded following list describes the information in the
actNumRecs records and message:
actNumBV bit vectors. • Extents protected: Extents that were successfully
copied to the target container-copy storage pool.
Explanation • Amount protected: Bytes that were successfully
The database load process has ended and the number protected by being copied to the target container-
of records, the number of bit vectors, or both the copy storage pool.
number of records or number of bit vectors loaded, • Amount failed: Bytes that were not protected. See
failed to validate. previous messages for further details.
• Extents deleted: Extents that were deleted from the
System action directory-container storage pool and have been
The LOAD DB process completes with a failure. The removed from the copy-container storage pool.
server database is not in a usable state. • Extents moved: Extents that were successfully
recopied to the target container-copy storage pool
User response because a volume was eligible for reclamation.
A number of possible causes exist. To recover from • Amount moved: Bytes that were successfully
this situation, first retry the database load process. If recopied to the target container-copy storage pool.
the error reoccurs, check the activity log or other • Amount failed to move: Bytes that were not
system logs to determine if there is a hardware or recopied. See previous messages for further details.
media error. If a hardware or media error exists, • Elapsed time: How long the process ran.
correct the error and retry the load process. If a
hardware or media error does not exist, it is likely the ANR4001I The preview of protect storage
dump or unload of the server database has pool stgpool name on server this
encountered an error resulting in the dump/unload server to stgpool name on server
server database image as being unusable or that there other server is complete. Extents
is an error in the logic for load db processing. Contact to be protected: extents to be
your service representative for assistance. protected. Amount to be protected:
amount to be protected. Extents to
ANR4000I The protect storage pool process be deleted: extents to be deleted.
for stgpool name on server this Extents to be moved: extents to be
server to stgpool name on server moved for volume reclamation.
other server is complete. Extents
protected: extents protected of

Chapter 3. ANR messages 641

Amount to be moved: amount to be • Extents protected: Extents that were successfully
moved for volume reclamation. copied to the target container-copy storage pool.
• Amount protected: Bytes that were successfully
Explanation protected by being copied to the target container-
The storage pool protection preview is complete. The copy storage pool.
following list describes the information in the • Amount failed: Bytes that were not protected. See
message: previous messages for further details.
• Extents to be protected: Extents that need to be • Extents deleted: Extents that were deleted from the
protected by being copied to the target container- directory-container storage pool and have been
copy storage pool. removed from the copy-container storage pool.
• Amount to be protected: Bytes that need to be • Extents moved: Extents that were successfully
protected by being linked to matching extents on the recopied to the target container-copy storage pool
target server. because a volume was eligible for reclamation.
• Extents to be deleted: Extents that were deleted • Amount moved: Bytes that were successfully
from the directory-container storage pool that need recopied to the target container-copy storage pool.
to be removed from the copy-container storage pool. • Amount failed to move: Bytes that were not
• Extents to be moved: Extents that need to be recopied. See previous messages for further details.
recopied to the target container-copy storage pool • Elapsed time: How long the process ran.
because a volume was eligible for reclamation.
• Amount to be moved: Bytes that need to be recopied User response
to the target container-copy storage pool because a
Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command again to
volume was eligible for reclamation.
ensure that all data extents are scanned and
ANR4002W The protect storage pool process protected.
for stgpool name on this server to
ANR4003I Load command: Database load
stgpool name on other server is
process started.
complete. Some extents might not
have been protected. Extents
protected: extents protected of Explanation
extents to protect. Extents failed to The database load process has started.
protect: extents failed to protect.
Amount protected: amount
System action
protected of amount to protect.
Amount failed to protect: amount The server loads the contents of the database from a
not protected. Extents deleted: file or removable media.
extents deleted of extents to delete.
Extents failed to delete: extents User response
failed to delete. Extents moved:
extents moved for volume None.
reclamation of extents to move. ANR4004I Load command: Database load
Extents failed to move: extents not process completed.
moved for volume reclamation.
Amount moved: amount moved for
volume reclamation of amount to
move. Amount failed to move: The database load process has ended.
amount not moved for volume
reclamation. Elapsed time: elapsed System action
The server completes processing.
User response
The protect storage pool process completed but some
extents might have been skipped due to conflicting None.
operations. The following list describes the
information in the message:

642 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4005E Load command: Database load but are not recorded in sequential volume history lists
process terminated due to error generated by the server.
(error indicator).
ANR4008W Load command: Database object
object name does not exist.
The database load process has ended prematurely due Explanation
to an error.
The database load process attempts to delete a
database object, but the object does not exist.
System action
The server ends load processing. System action
Database processing continues.
User response
Examine previously issued messages to determine if User response
an error can be corrected, such as a syntax error. If
you cannot resolve the error, contact your service
representative. ANR4009E Load command: Database object
object name cannot be deleted
ANR4006I Command: Volume volume number
because it is in use by another
written by process is volume

The database load process attempts to delete a
A sequential data process wrote to the volume named
database object, but the object is currently being used
in the series of one or more volumes that were used to
by another process.
store output. The volume's position in the series in
indicated by the volume number reported.
System action
System action Database processing ends.
The server ends processing.
User response
User response Reissue the command. If it fails, contact your service
ANR4010E Dump/load command: Database
ANR4007E Command: A transaction error was
dump/load processing failed -
encountered in recording volume
insufficient memory.
usage history.

The database dump/load process fails due to
The command process encounters a database
insufficient memory.
transaction error in recording the names of the
volumes used for the process in the server database.
System action
System action Database processing ends.
The server ends processing.
User response
User response Allocate additional storage to the server. There are
two ways to do this:
Examine previously issued messages to determine if
there is an error that can be corrected, such as a • Increase the size of the server's virtual machine (for
syntax error. If you cannot resolve the error, contact VM), or region size (for MVS). For AIX, ensure that
your service representative. The volumes used by the there is sufficient paging space. You may also use
process are valid for the corresponding input process, SMIT to determine if the number of applications is
causing a memory shortage. For OS/2, ensure that

Chapter 3. ANR messages 643

there is sufficient space for the OS/2 SWAPPER.DAT Explanation
file. Check your CONFIG.SYS for the SWAPPATH
During processing of an AUDIT CONTAINER command,
statement to determine where your SWAPPER.DAT
the process performing the audit was canceled.
file is located and then determine how much space
is left on the drive.
System action
• Decrease the amount of space allocated to the
server's database or log buffer pool. To do this, The AUDIT CONTAINER command is canceled.
update the value of the BUFPOOLSIZE or
LOGPOOLSIZE parameters in the server options file User response
and restart the server. Note that each page causes
an additional 4K page to be allocated for the None.
specified buffer pool. Reducing the pool sizes ANR4015E Load command: Invalid record
requires more I/O to service the same amount of format (format code) detected.
data; some performance degradation may result.
ANR4012W Dump command: Database page Explanation
page number is damaged. During processing of command load command, an
invalid record type is detected when reading the
Explanation dumped information from the dump media.
The specified database page is damaged; it will not be
dumped. System action
Processing of the command ends.
System action
Processing continues. User response
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
User response message to determine the source of the error. On MVS
None. or VM, the LOADDB command syntax may be specified
by using a ddname or by specifying a device class
ANR4013I Audit command process process id name. You must use the same method that was used
completed audit of total number when the database was originally dumped. If you did
containers; successful number not, this error message will be displayed. Try loading
successfully audited containers, the database by using the other method of syntax
failed number failed audited (devclass). If the error cannot be isolated and
containers. resolved, contact your service representative.
ANR4016E Load command: Invalid header
sequence number detected in
The AUDIT CONTAINER command has completed database dump.
processing. Expected expected sequence
number; Actual actual sequence
The following information is displayed:
• The total number of containers that were audited.
• The number of successfully audited containers. Explanation
• The number of containers that failed to audit. During processing of command load command, an
invalid sequence number is detected when reading the
System action dumped information from the dump media.

System action

User response Processing of the command ends.

User response
ANR4014W Audit container process process id Examine previously issued server messages to
is canceled. determine the source of the error. If the error cannot

644 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

be isolated and resolved, contact your service Explanation
The database load process fails when it attempts to
ANR4017E Load command: Invalid record insert a batch of rows into the database.
type record type read from
database dump data. System action
Database load processing ends.
The server database load process encounters an User response
invalid record in reading data from the dump media.
Examine the messages issued prior to this one to
determine if an error can be corrected. You may wish
System action to reinstall the server with a new recovery log and
The database load process ends. database and reissue the load command. If the
problem persists, contact your service representative.
User response ANR4021E Dump/load command: Error (error
Examine previously issued server messages to code) occurred during an open
determine the source of the error. If the error cannot operation.
be isolated and resolved, contact your service
representative. Explanation
ANR4018E Load command: Load processing An error occurs while attempting an open operation on
failed - insufficient recovery log the dump media for a database dump/load operation.
System action
Explanation Server processing continues.
The load process fails due to insufficient recovery log
space. User response
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
System action why the operation failed; correct the problem and
Database load processing ends. restart the process.
ANR4022E Dump command: Error (error code)
User response occurred during a write operation.
Reinstall the server and specify a larger recovery log
and reissue the database load command. Explanation
ANR4019E Load command: Load processing The server database dump process encounters an
failed - insufficient database error while writing to the dump media.
System action
Explanation Server processing continues, the dump processing
The load process fails due to insufficient database ends.
User response
System action Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
Load processing ends. why the operation failed; correct the problem and
restart the process.
User response ANR4023E Load command: Error (error code)
Reinstall the server and specify a larger database and occurred during a read operation.
reissue the database load command.
ANR4020E Load command: Batch database
insert failed. The server database load process encounters an error
reading from the dump media.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 645

System action System action
The database load operation ends. None.

User response User response

Refer to the other displayed messages to determine For programming support, contact your service
why the operation failed; correct the problem and representative.
restart the process.
ANR4028I A scan for damaged files is in
ANR4025W The AUDIT DATABASE command progress. Processed count
process id ended. Command damaged file(s).
processing is canceled.
If the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is
The AUDIT DATABSE command was canceled during set to ON, the system monitors server database tables
processing. every 30 minutes to determine whether the number of
damaged bitfiles has changed. If the number has
System action changed, the system initiates a scan of server
database tables to identify the damaged files for
The AUDIT DATABASE command ended. recovery purposes. Depending on the system
environment, the scan might take hours or days.
User response
Reissue the AUDIT DATABASE command. System action

ANR4026I The AUDIT DATABASE command System operation continues during the scan.
process started (process ID
process ID). User response
No action is required. However, you can cancel the
Explanation scan by issuing the following command from the
The AUDIT DATABASE command process started for server console or the administrative client:
the process whose ID that is displayed. set replrecoverdamaged off

System action ANR4029I A scan to identify damaged files is

The AUDIT DATABASE command process is in in progress. If damaged files are
progress. detected, a recovery process will
begin after the scan is completed.
User response
This process may be monitored using the QUERY
PROCESS command. If this process needs to be A REPLICATE NODE command initiated a process to
cancelled, issue the CANCEL PROCESS command. identify and recover damaged files. The server scans
database tables to identify which damaged files are
ANR4027I The AUDIT DATABASE command eligible for recovery. Depending on the system
process process id completed environment, the scan might take hours or days. The
processing total number orphaned server issues periodic ANR4024I messages to indicate
data extents. that the scan is ongoing. When the scan is completed,
message ANR3650I will appear on the server console.
System action
The AUDIT DATABASE command completed.
Server operation continues during the scan. If the scan
The following information is displayed:
identifies files that are eligible for recovery, the
• The total number of orphaned data extents that are recovery process begins.

646 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
No action is required. The PROTECT STGPOOL command protected all data
in the specified directory-container storage pool to the
ANR4030E The replication process failed specified container-copy storage pool. This ensures
because of an inconsistency that the directory-container storage pool can be
between extents on the source repaired if needed. However, reclamation processing
server and extents on the target for the container-copy storage pool is incomplete
server that were written by a because the reclamation process was canceled. The
PROTECT STGPOOL process. reclamation process is intended to move data from
underutilized volumes and thus release space.
The REPLICATE NODE or PROTECT STGPOOL process System action
detected that extents that were written to the target The storage pool protection process ends.
server by a PROTECT STGPOOL process are
inconsistent and out of sync with the source server.
The REPLICATE NODE process will end as FAILURE. User response
If the container-copy storage pool is running out of
System action space or if this message is issued frequently, consider
increasing the maximum run time for the schedule that
None. runs the storage pool protection process. If the
container-copy storage pool has sufficient space and
User response this message is issued infrequently, no action is
Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command with the required.
FORCERECONCILE=YES parameter, and verify that the ANR4033I Update stgpooldir command
process has completed. Then, issue the command process process id completed
again without the FORCERECONCILE=YES parameter. update of stgpooldir name;
ANR4031I PROTECT STGPOOL: Reclamation successful number successfully
processing started for container- updated containers, failed number
copy storage pool target pool. failed updated containers.

Explanation Explanation

The PROTECT STGPOOL command started The UPDATE STGPOOLDIR command has completed
reclamation processing for the specified container- processing.
copy storage pool. The reclamation process is The following information is displayed:
intended to move data from underutilized volumes and
thus release space. • The stgpool directory updated.
• The number of successfully updated containers.
System action • The number of containers that failed to update.
Processing continues.
System action
User response None.
User response
directory-container storage pool None.
source pool was protected to ANR4034W Update Stgpooldir process process
container-copy storage pool target id is canceled.
pool. However, reclamation
processing for the container-copy
storage pool is incomplete.
During processing of an UPDATE STGPOOLDIR
command, the process performing the audit was

Chapter 3. ANR messages 647

System action • The number of containers that failed the audit
The UPDATE STGPOOLDIR process is canceled. • The number of data extents that were audited
• The number of damaged data extents
User response • The number of data extents that were previously
None. marked as damaged and are now set to not damaged

ANR4038W The automatic audit process for System action

storage pool STGPOOL NAME
cannot be started because the The process is completed.
resource manager for data
deduplication is not enabled. User response
No action is required.
ANR4040W The automatic audit process for
A data deduplication resource manager can be
containers, process process id, is
enabled on the server. The resource manager
dynamically adjusts the automatic audit process to
minimize its performance impact on other processes.
The resource manager must be enabled before the Explanation
automatic audit process can be started. The audit process was canceled.

System action System action

System operation continues, but the automatic audit The process was canceled, but system operation
process for the specified storage pool is not started. continues.

User response User response

To enable the resource manager, ensure that the No action is required.
SDRESMANEVENTENABLE server option is set to YES.
To display current option settings, issue the query ANR4041I Retention rule retention rule name
option command. To update the server option, issue is defined.
the SETOPT command: setopt sdresmaneventenable
yes Explanation
ANR4039I Audit command process process id A DEFINE RETRULE command successfully created
completed audit of total number the retention rule indicated.
containers with the following
results: successful number System action
containers passed the audit; failed
number containers failed the System operation continues. However, if an issue
audit; processed_extents data occurred on another server component during
extents were processed; command processing, other messages might be issued
damaged_extents data extents by that server component.
were found damaged; and
undamaged_extents data extents User response
previously marked as damaged
If messages are issued by other server components,
were set to not damaged.
review these messages in the activity log to determine
the cause.
ANR4042I Command: Retention rule retention
The automatic audit process for containers is rule name is deleted.
The following information is displayed: Explanation
• The number of containers that were audited A DELETE RETRULE command has deleted the
• The number of containers that passed the audit retention rule indicated.

648 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
System operation continues. A retention set is created. The message shows the
retention set ID, the name of the retention rule that is
User response used to create the retention set, the time the retention
set was created, and the date on which the retention
No action is required. set expires.
ANR4043I Retention Rule retention rule name
is updated. System action
System operation continues.
An UPDATE RETRULE command has updated the User response
retention rule indicated. No action is required.

System action ANR4047I Retention set retention set ID

System operation continues.
User response
A DELETE RETSET command was used to delete the
No action is required. specified retention set.
ANR4044E Command: Retention Rule
retention rule name is already System action
defined. The retention set is deleted, and system operation
The command indicated has attempted to define a User response
retention rule that already exists. No action is required.

System action ANR4048I Retention Set retention set ID

The server does not process the command.
User response
The retention set was updated by the UPDATE RETSET
No action is required. command.
ANR4045E Command: Retention Rule
retention rule name is not defined. System action
System operation continues.
The command indicated references a retention rule User response
that does not exist. No action is required.

System action ANR4049E Command: A retention set is

already defined for rule retention
The server does not process the command. rule name.

User response Explanation

No action is required. The specified command has attempted to define a
ANR4046I Retention set with ID retention set retention set that already exists.
ID for rule retention rule name
created at start timestamp. The System action
retention set expires at expiration The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 649

User response To delete the retention rule, issue the DELETE
RETRULE command or use the Operations Center.
No action is required.
ANR4053W The protect storage pool process
ANR4050E Command: Retention Set retention
for storage pool stgpool name on
set ID is not defined.
server this server to storage pool
stgpool name on server other
Explanation server skipped processing number
The command indicated references a retention set of containers skipped containers.
that does not exist.
System action The PROTECT STGPOOL command skipped the
The server does not process the command. specified number of containers, and any extents within
those containers were not protected.
User response
System action
No action is required.
No action is required.
ANR4051I Command: Retention rule retention
rule name renamed to new User response
retention rule name.
The next PROTECT STGPOOL command will attempt to
Explanation protect any containers that were skipped. The name of
each skipped container is provided in the first failure
The requested retention rule has been renamed to the data capture (FFDC) log. The FFDC log's default
new name shown. location is in the home directory for the instance user
System action
ANR4054E Command: Retention hold hold
System operation continues. name is already defined.

User response Explanation

No action is required. The command indicated has attempted to define a
retention hold that already exists.
ANR4052E Command: Retention rule retention
rule name is referenced by one or
more retention sets. System action
The server does not process the command.
The requested retention rule cannot be deleted User response
because one or more retention sets still refer to it. If None.
any retention sets that were created by the retention
rule still exist on the system, you cannot delete the ANR4055E Command: Retention hold hold
retention rule. name is not defined.

System action Explanation

System operation continues. The command indicated references a retention hold

that does not exist.
User response
System action
Wait for any retention sets that still refer to the rule to
expire or to delete them, issue the DELETE RETSET The server does not process the command.
command. If the retention sets cannot be deleted,
issue the UPDATE RETRULE command with the User response
ACTIVE parameter set to NO to prevent new retention
sets from being created by the retention rule.

650 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4056E Command: Retention set retention Explanation
set ID is already held by retention An attempt was made to delete retention set, but the
hold hold name. retention set was held by one or more retention holds
that prevent it from being deleted.
An attempt was made to associate a retention hold System action
with a retention set, but the retention set was already The server does not process the command.
held by the retention hold.

User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR4060I Retention hold hold name defined.
User response
A DEFINE HOLD command has created the retention
ANR4057E Command: Retention hold hold hold indicated. However, warning messages might be
name is not active. issued by other server components.

Explanation System action

An attempt was made to associate a retention hold None.
with a retention set or with a retention rule defined
with FREQUENCY=ONETIME, but the retention hold is
not active and cannot be used. User response
If warning messages were issued, consult the
System action explanations associated with those messages.
The server does not process the command. ANR4061I Command: Retention hold hold
name has been updated.
User response
An UPDATE HOLD command has updated the
ANR4058E Command: Retention set retention retention hold indicated.
set ID is not held by retention hold
hold name.
System action
Explanation None.
An attempt was made to remove a retention set from a
retention hold, but retention set is not held. User response
System action
ANR4062I Command: Retention hold hold
The server does not process the command. name has been renamed to new
hold name.
User response
The requested retention hold has been renamed to the
ANR4059E Command: Retention set retention new name shown.
set ID is subject to one or more
retention holds and cannot be
deleted. System action

Chapter 3. ANR messages 651

User response System action
None. None.
ANR4063I Command: Retention set retention
set ID has been held using User response
retention hold hold name. None.
ANR4067I Starting scheduled retention set
creation job for retention rule
A retention hold has been placed on the indicated retention rule name.
retention set.
System action
A scheduled retention set creation job has started. The
None. name of the retention rule for which the job was
started is displayed.
User response
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR4064I Command: Retention set retention
set ID has been released from
retention hold hold name. User response
No action is required.
ANR4068I Scheduled retention set creation
A retention hold has been released from the indicated job for retention rule retention rule
retention set. name completed successfully.

System action Explanation

None. The server has successfully completed the processing
of a scheduled retention set creation job.
User response
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR4065E Command: Retention hold hold
name is in use.
User response
Explanation No action is required.
An attempt was made to deactivate a retention hold, ANR4069E Scheduled retention set creation
but the hold is still in use. job for retention rule retention rule
name failed.
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server has encountered a failure during the
User response processing of a scheduled retention set creation job.

System action
ANR4066I Retention set retention set ID has Server operation continues. The scheduled job is
been held using retention hold ended.
hold name.
User response
Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
A retention hold has been placed on the indicated this message to determine the source of the error. To
retention set.

652 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

make any corrections to the retention rule, issue the Explanation
The file space that belongs to the specified node is a
ANR4070I Scheduled retention set creation member of the retention set and supported types of
job for retention rule retention rule data from this file space are stored in the retention set.
name started successfully. Membership in a retention set does not imply that data
is stored in the retention set for that file space.
Only supported types of data from the file space are
The server has successfully started the processing of a stored in the retention set. If the file space contains
background process for a scheduled retention set unsupported data (for example, archival data), that
creation job. data is not stored in the retention set. If the only data
in the file space is unsupported data, or if the file
System action space is empty, the file space is still a member of the
retention set.
Server operation continues.

System action
User response
System operation continues.
No action is required.
ANR4071E Command: Retention Set retention User response
set ID is deleted or expired.
No action is required.

Explanation ANR4074I Dump/load command:

Encountered number of entries bad
The command indicated references a retention set
database entries.
that was deleted or expired.

System action
This message is displayed at the end of a server
The server does not process the command. database dump or load command to indicate the
number of invalid database entries that have been
User response encountered.
No action is required.
System action
ANR4072E Scheduled retention set creation
job for retention rule retention rule Database dump or load processing ends.
name has missed its scheduled
start up window. User response
ANR4075I Audit command: Auditing policy
The scheduled startup window for this schedule has
passed and the schedule has not begun.

System action
This message is displayed during a database audit and
Server operation continues. The scheduled retention
indicates that the server policy information (domain,
set creation job is not processed by the server.
policy set, management classes, and copy groups) are
being examined by the database audit process.
User response
No action is required. System action
ANR4073I Retention set retention set ID Audit processing continues.
includes data from node node
name, file space filespace name. User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 653

ANR4076E Audit command: Invalid client domain domain name - entry will
node count detected for policy be corrected.
domain domain name.
Explanation A database audit process finds incorrect policy set
A database audit process finds that the count of nodes activation entries for the specified policy domain.
recorded for the specified policy domain do not match Because FIX=YES has been specified for the audit
the actual number of nodes assigned to the domain. command, the entry will be corrected.

System action System action

Audit processing continues. Audit processing continues.

User response User response

Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so None.
that the error can be corrected.
ANR4080E Audit command: Invalid grace
ANR4077I Audit command: Invalid client period backup retention value
node count detected for policy encountered for policy domain
domain domain name count will be domain name.
Explanation A database audit process finds an incorrect grace
A database audit process finds that the count of nodes period retention value for the specified policy domain.
recorded for the specified policy domain do not match
the actual number of nodes assigned to the domain. System action
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the
command, the node count will automatically be Audit processing continues.
User response
System action Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
Audit processing continues. that the error can be corrected.
ANR4081I Audit command: Invalid grace
User response period backup retention value
encountered for policy domain
domain name - default value will
ANR4078E Audit command: Invalid activation be set.
indicators encountered for policy
domain domain name. Explanation
A database audit process finds an incorrect grace
Explanation period retention value for the specified policy domain.
A database audit process finds incorrect policy set Because FIX=YES has been specified for the audit
activation entries for the specified policy domain. command, the default value will be set.

System action System action

Audit processing continues. Audit processing continues.

User response User response

Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so None.
that the error can be corrected.
ANR4082E Audit command: Invalid grace
ANR4079I Audit command: Invalid activation period archive retention value
indicators encountered for policy

654 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

encountered for policy domain domain name - information will be
domain name. corrected.

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process finds an incorrect grace A database audit process finds incorrect last updated
period retention value for the specified policy domain. information for the specified policy domain. Because
FIX=YES has been specified for the command, the
System action information is corrected.

Audit processing continues.

System action

User response Audit processing continues.

Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so

User response
that the error can be corrected.
ANR4083I Audit command: Invalid grace
period archive retention value ANR4086E Audit command: Invalid node node
encountered for policy domain number found assigned to domain
domain name - default value will domain name.
be set.
A database audit process finds a node number
A database audit process finds an incorrect grace assigned to a policy domain that does not reference a
period retention value for the specified policy domain. valid client node definition.
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the audit
command, the default value will be set. System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
Audit processing continues. User response
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
User response
that the error can be corrected.
ANR4087I Audit command: Invalid node node
ANR4084E Audit command: Invalid number found assigned to domain
administrator update information domain name reference will be
encountered for policy domain deleted.
domain name.
A database audit process finds a node number
A database audit process finds incorrect last updated assigned to a policy domain that does not reference a
information for the specified policy domain. valid client node definition. Because FIX=YES has
been specified for the audit command, the reference
System action will be deleted.

Audit processing continues.

System action

User response Audit processing continues.

Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so

User response
that the error can be corrected.
ANR4085I Audit command: Invalid
administrator update information ANR4088E Audit command: Default
encountered for policy domain management class management
class name specified for policy set

Chapter 3. ANR messages 655

policy set name in domain domain System action
name does not exist.
Audit processing continues.

User response
A database audit process finds a policy set with a
When the audit command completes, you must
default management class specified that does not
activate a new policy set for the domain with a valid
default management class.

System action ANR4091E Audit command: Invalid

administrator update information
Audit processing continues. encountered for policy set set
name in policy domain domain
User response name.
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected. Explanation

ANR4089I Audit command: Default A database audit process finds incorrect last updated
management class management information for the specified policy set.
class name specified for policy set
policy set name in domain domain System action
name does not exist - the
Audit processing continues.
reference will be removed.

User response
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
A database audit process finds a policy set with a
that the error can be corrected.
default management class specified that does not
exist. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the ANR4092I Audit command: Invalid
audit command, the reference will be removed from administrator update information
the policy set. encountered for policy set set
name in policy domain domain
System action name - information will be
Audit processing continues.
User response
A database audit process finds incorrect last updated
When the audit command completes, examine the information for the specified policy set. Because
policy set specified, and set a new default FIX=YES has been specified for the command, the
management class for the set. If the policy set is the information is corrected.
ACTIVE policy set, you must activate a new policy set
for the domain with a valid default management class.
System action
ANR4090E Audit command: Active Policy set
Audit processing continues.
for domain domain name does not
contain a valid default
management class - policy will fail User response
for this domain. Correct the None.
ACTIVE policy set.
ANR4093E Audit command: A management
Explanation class identifier is not defined for
management class management
A database audit process finds an active policy set for class name in policy set set name,
the specified policy domain that does not have a valid domain domain name.
active management class specified.

656 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR4096E Audit command: An invalid
management class identifier
A database audit process finds incorrect information
(actual identifier) was encountered
for the specified management class.
for management class
management class name in policy
System action set set name, domain domain
Audit processing continues. name (expected expected
identifier) - the correct identifier
will be stored.
User response
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so Explanation
that the error can be corrected.
A database audit process finds incorrect information
ANR4094E Audit command: A management for the specified management class. The audit process
class identifier is not defined for corrects the identifier, because FIX=YES has been
management class management specified for the audit command.
class name in policy set set name,
domain domain name - an
System action
identifier will be generated for this
management class. Audit processing continues.

Explanation User response

A database audit process finds incorrect information None.
for the specified management class. The audit process
ANR4097E Audit command: Invalid
generates an identifier, because FIX=YES has been
specified for the audit command. administrator update information
encountered for management
class management class name in
System action policy set set name in policy
Audit processing continues. domain domain name.

User response Explanation

None. A database audit process finds incorrect last updated

information for the specified management class.
ANR4095E Audit command: An invalid
management class identifier
System action
(actual identifier) was encountered
for management class Audit processing continues.
management class name in policy
set set name, domain domain User response
name (expected expected
identifier). Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected.
Explanation ANR4098I Audit command: Invalid
A database audit process finds incorrect information administrator update information
for the specified management class. encountered for management
class management class name in
policy set set name in policy
System action domain domain name -
Audit processing continues. information will be corrected.

User response Explanation

Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so A database audit process finds incorrect last updated
that the error can be corrected. information for the specified management class.
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the
command, the information is corrected.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 657

System action System action
Audit processing continues. Audit processing continues.

User response User response

None. After the audit command completes, you may examine
the server copy groups using the QUERY COPYGROUP
ANR4099E Audit command: Copy group copy command, and correct them with the DEFINE
group name in management class COPYGROUP and UPDATE COPYGROUP commands if
management class name, policy desired.
set set name, domain domain
name has an invalid name or type. ANR4102I Audit command: Attempting to
reinsert the copy group as an
Explanation ARCHIVE copy group.

A database audit process encounters a copy group

that has an invalid name or copy group type.
A database audit process encounters a copy group
System action that has an invalid name or copy group type. The
process attempts to reinsert the definition as an
Audit processing continues. archive copy group.

User response System action

If FIX=YES has not been specified for the audit Audit processing continues.
command, reissue the command specifying FIX=YES
so that the error can be corrected.
User response
ANR4100I Audit command: Attempting to None.
reinsert the copy group as a
BACKUP copy group. ANR4103I Audit command: An archive copy
group already exists - the invalid
Explanation copy group will be deleted.

A database audit process encounters a copy group

that has an invalid name or copy group type. The
process attempts to reinsert the definition as a backup A database audit process encounters a copy group
copy group. that has an invalid name or copy group type. While
attempting to reinsert the copy group as an archive
System action copy group, the process discovers that a backup copy
group already exists for the management class. The
Audit processing continues. copy group is deleted.

User response System action

None. Audit processing continues.
ANR4101I Audit command: A backup copy
group already exists - the invalid User response
copy group will be deleted. After the audit command completes, you may examine
the server copy groups using the QUERY COPYGROUP
Explanation command, and correct them with the DEFINE
A database audit process encounters a copy group COPYGROUP and UPDATE COPYGROUP commands, if
that has an invalid name or copy group type. While desired.
attempting to reinsert the copy group as a backup ANR4104E Audit command: An invalid
copy group, the process discovers that a backup copy management class identifier
group already exists for the management class. The (actual identifier) was encountered
copy group is deleted. for a copy group in management
class management class name,

658 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

policy set set name, domain User response
domain name (expected expected
For programming support, contact your service

Explanation ANR4107E Audit command: An invalid copy

group identifier (actual identifier)
A database audit process finds incorrect information was encountered for copy group
for the specified copy group. name copy group name (expected
expected identifier).
System action
Audit processing continues. Explanation
A database audit process finds incorrect information
User response for the specified copy group name.
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected. System action

ANR4105E Audit command: An invalid Audit processing continues.

management class identifier
(actual identifier) was encountered User response
for a copy group in management
For programming support, contact your service
class management class name,
policy set set name, domain
domain name (expected expected ANR4108E Audit command: Invalid backup
identifier) - the correct identifier copy group attributes encountered
will be stored. for copy group copy group name in
management class management
Explanation class name, policy set set name,
domain domain name.
A database audit process finds incorrect information
for the specified copy group. The audit process
corrects the identifier, since FIX=YES has been
specified for the audit command. A database audit process encounters invalid backup
copy group attributes for the specified copy group.
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response
If FIX=YES has not been specified for the audit
ANR4106E Audit command: An invalid copy
command, reissue the command specifying FIX=YES
group identifier (actual identifier)
so that the inconsistency can be corrected.
was encountered for a copy group
in management class management ANR4109I Audit command: Invalid backup
class name, policy set set name, copy group attributes encountered
domain domain name (expected for copy group copy group name in
expected identifier). management class management
class name, policy set set name,
Explanation domain domain name - the copy
group will be corrected using
A database audit process finds incorrect information default attributes.
for the specified copy group.
System action
A database audit process encounters invalid backup
Audit processing continues. copy group attributes for the specified copy group.
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 659

command, the copy group will be corrected using User response
default values for the attributes found in error.
After the audit command completes, examine the copy
group by using the QUERY COPYGROUP command,
System action and correct the attributes with the UPDATE
Audit processing continues. COPYGROUP command, if desired.
ANR4112W Audit command: Storage pool
User response storage pool name, specified as a
destination for copy group copy
After the audit command completes, examine the copy
group name in management class
group by using the QUERY COPYGROUP command,
management class name, policy
and correct attributes with the UPDATE COPYGROUP
set set name, domain domain
command, if desired.
name, does not exist.
ANR4110E Audit command: Invalid archive
copy group attributes encountered Explanation
for copy group copy group name in
management class management A database audit process encounters a storage pool
class name, policy set set name, specified for the destination of the specified copy
domain domain name. group that is not defined in the server database. If this
copy group is used in an active policy set, then backup
or archive operations will fail when attempting to put
client data in the destination.
A database audit process encounters invalid archive
copy group attributes for the specified copy group. System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
Audit processing continues. User response
After the audit command completes, use the DEFINE
User response
STGPOOL command to define the missing storage pool
If FIX=YES has not been specified for the audit or the UPDATE COPYGROUP command to update the
command, reissue the command and specify FIX=YES copy group to refer to an existing storage pool.
so that the inconsistency can be corrected.
ANR4113E Audit command: Invalid
ANR4111I Audit command: Invalid archive administrator update information
copy group attributes encountered encountered for copy group copy
for copy group copy group name in group name in management class
management class management management class name, policy
class name, policy set set name, set set name, policy domain
domain domain name - the copy domain name.
group will be corrected using
default attributes. Explanation
A database audit process finds incorrect last updated
information for the specified copy group.
A database audit process encounters invalid archive
copy group attributes for the specified copy group. System action
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the
command, the copy group will be corrected using Audit processing continues.
default values for the attributes found in error.
User response
System action Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
Audit processing continues. that the error can be corrected.
ANR4114I Audit command: Invalid
administrator update information
encountered for copy group copy
group name in management class

660 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

management class name, policy DOMAIN command, and update attributes with the
set set name, policy domain UPDATE DOMAIN command, if desired.
domain name - information will be
ANR4117E Audit command: Policy set set
name in domain domain name is
referenced, but not formally
Explanation defined.
A database audit process finds incorrect last updated
information for the specified copy group. Because Explanation
FIX=YES has been specified for the command, the
A database audit process finds a reference to the
information is corrected.
specified policy set, but the set is not formally defined
in the server database.
System action
Audit processing continues. System action
Audit processing continues.
User response
None. User response
ANR4115E Audit command: Policy domain Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
domain name is referenced, but that the error can be corrected.
not formally defined.
ANR4118I Audit command: Policy set set
name in domain domain name is
Explanation referenced, but not formally
A database audit process finds a reference to the defined - a policy set with this
specified policy domain, but the domain is not formally name will be created.
defined in the server database.
System action A database audit process finds a reference to the
Audit processing continues. specified policy set, but the set is not formally defined
in the server database. Because FIX=YES has been
specified, the audit process will create a new policy
User response
set with this name.
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected. System action
ANR4116I Audit command: Policy domain Audit processing continues.
domain name is referenced, but
not formally defined - a policy
User response
domain with default attributes will
be defined with this name. After the audit command has completed, you can view
the attributes for this policy set by using the QUERY
Explanation POLICYSET command, and update attributes with the
UPDATE POLICYSET command, if desired.
A database audit process finds a reference to the
specified policy domain, but the domain is not formally ANR4119E Audit command: Management
defined in the server database. Because FIX=YES has class class name in policy set set
been specified, a new policy domain with this name name, domain domain name is
will be defined by the audit processor. referenced, but not formally
System action
Audit processing continues.
A database audit process finds a reference to the
specified management class, but the class is not
User response
formally defined in the server database.
After the audit command has completed, you can view
the attributes for this policy domain using the QUERY

Chapter 3. ANR messages 661

System action ANR4122E Audit command: The instance
count for management class class
Audit processing continues.
name does not agree with the
actual management class data
User response (number of instances instances).
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected. Explanation
ANR4120I Audit command: Management A database audit process finds a reference count for
class class name in policy set set the specified management class that did not match
name, domain domain name is the actual number of instances for this class.
referenced, but not formally
defined - the management class System action
will be created.
Audit processing continues.
User response
A database audit process finds a reference to the
specified management class, but the class is not Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
formally defined in the server database. Because that the error can be corrected.
FIX=YES has been specified for the audit command, ANR4123I Audit command: The instance
the audit process defines a management class in the count for management class class
server with this name. name does not agree with the
actual management class data
System action (number of instances instances) -
Audit processing continues. the number will be corrected.

User response Explanation

After the audit command has completed, you can view A database audit process finds a reference count for
the attributes for this management class by using the the specified management class that does not match
QUERY MGMTCLASS command, and update attributes the actual number of instances for this class. The audit
with the UPDATE MGMTCLASS command, if desired. process corrects the count because FIX=YES has been
specified for the audit command.
ANR4121E Command: An operation that was
initiated by the MOVE DRMEDIA System action
command is in progress for volume
volume name. Audit processing continues.

Explanation User response

A subsequent command was issued, and it specifies None.

the same volume. The newly issued command cannot ANR4124E Audit command: The instance
be completed for the specified volume while the MOVE count for copy group copy group
DRMEDIA command is in progress. name does not agree with the
actual copy group data (number of
System action instances instances).
If the newly issued command is a MOVE NODEDATA
command, the server skips the volume and continues Explanation
moving node data on other volumes. A database audit process finds a reference count for
the specified copy group that does not match the
User response actual number of instances for this copy group.
Wait until the operation that was initiated by the MOVE
DRMEDIA command is completed. Then, reissue the System action
other command. Audit processing continues.

662 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so None.
that the error can be corrected.
ANR4128E Audit command: Policy global
ANR4125I Audit command: The instance high-water marks do not match
count for copy group copy group the identifiers in use.
name does not agree with the
actual copy group data (number of Explanation
instances instances) - the number
will be corrected. A database audit process finds the attributes used to
track policy identifiers are incorrect.
System action
A database audit process finds a reference count for
the specified copy group that does not match the Audit processing continues.
actual number of instances for this copy group. The
audit process corrects the count because FIX=YES has User response
been specified for the audit command.
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected.
System action
ANR4129E Audit command: Policy global
Audit processing continues. high-water marks do not match
the identifiers in use - they will be
User response corrected.
ANR4126E Audit command: Policy global
attributes cannot be found. A database audit process finds the attributes used to
track policy identifiers are incorrect. Because FIX=YES
has been specified for the audit command, the
attributes will be corrected.
A database audit process is not able to locate the
global attributes for policy information in the server System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
User response ANR4130W Audit Volume updating object
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so information for volume volume
that the error can be corrected. name: Node node name, Type file
type, File space filespace name,
ANR4127I Audit command: Policy global fsId filespace id , File Name file
attributes cannot be found - name.
attributes will recreated.
As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that
A database audit process is not able to locate the specified FIX=YES for the volume shown, object
global attributes for policy information in the server information for the specified file will be updated.
database. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the
audit command, the attributes will be regenerated. System action
The object information is updated.
System action
Audit processing continues. User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 663

ANR4131W Audit Volume found incorrect ANR4133I Audit volume process ended for
object information for volume volume volume name; file count
volume name: Node node name, files inspected, file count damaged
Type file type, File space filespace files found and marked as
name, fsId filespace id, File name damaged, file count files
file name. previously marked as damaged
reset to undamaged, file count
Explanation objects need updating.

As the result of an AUDIT VOLUME command that

specified FIX=NO for the volume shown, object
information for the specified file is found to be in error. The AUDIT VOLUME command specifying FIX=NO for
the volume shown has ended.
System action The following information is displayed:
None. • The number of files audited
• The number of inconsistent files marked as damaged
User response
• The number of files previously marked as damaged
None. that were reset to undamaged
ANR4132I Audit volume process ended for • The number of objects need updating
volume volume name; file count The number of files marked damaged includes all files
files inspected, file count damaged belonging to aggregates that were marked damaged
files deleted, file count damaged during the audit. Inconsistent files are marked as
files marked as damaged, file damaged in the database and can be recovered by
count files previously marked as using the RESTORE STGPOOL or RESTORE VOLUME
damaged reset to undamaged, file command if copies of the files reside in a COPY
count objects updated. storage pool. Another AUDIT VOLUME command may
be able to access the files and reset the damaged
Explanation indicator in the database if the audit volume process
The AUDIT VOLUME command specifying FIX=YES for cannot access the files due to hardware problems (for
the volume shown has ended. example, dirty tape heads).

The following information is displayed: System action

• The number of files audited None.
• The number of inconsistent files deleted
• The number of inconsistent files marked as damaged User response
• The number of files previously marked as damaged If you suspect that files were inaccessible because of
that were reset to undamaged hardware problems such as dirty tape heads, correct
• The number of updated objects the hardware problem and reissue the AUDIT VOLUME
FIX=NO command for this volume. To remove
The number of files marked as damaged includes all damaged file references and update the object
files belonging to aggregates that were marked information, issue the AUDIT VOLUME command and
damaged during the audit. Files are marked as specify FIX=YES.
damaged in primary storage pools and not deleted
when backup copies for the files are known to exist in ANR4134E Command: The "parameter"
COPY storage pools. parameter is not valid for cloud
storage pools of this cloud type.
System action
The command indicated specifies a parameter that is
User response not valid for cloud storage pools of this cloud type.

To recover files that have been marked as damaged on

System action
the volume, use the RESTORE STGPOOL or RESTORE
volume command. The server does not process the command.

664 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Reissue the command with parameters appropriate for The credentials for the cloud service provider do not
this cloud type. have permission to do all of the required operations in
this storage pool's bucket or vault. As a result, the
ANR4135E Command: Command could not be container was not created.
completed because storage pool
storage pool name has one or more
cloud containers. System action
Container creation was not allowed.
The command could not be completed because the User response
storage pool contains one or more cloud containers Check the permissions for the bucket or vault and
that use the existing bucket name. make sure that the credentials for this storage pool
have permission to read, write, list, and delete objects
System action in this bucket or vault. If you do not have the ability to
change or view the permissions, and you have not
The server does not process the command. already written data to this storage pool, you can use
the UPDATE STGPOOL command with the
User response BUCKETNAME parameter to try to use a different
Before reissuing the command, ensure that the bucket or vault.
command and all of the specified parameters are ANR4138E A create container request to the
allowed when cloud containers already exist in the cloud service provider for the
storage pool. pool_name storage pool failed
ANR4136E A create container request to the because the name of the bucket or
cloud service provider for the vault that this storage pool
pool_name storage pool failed attempted to use is not valid for
because the bucket or vault this this cloud service provider.
storage pool attempted to use is
not accessible with the cloud Explanation
provider credentials provided. A create container request failed. The name of the
bucket or vault that this storage pool attempted to use
Explanation is not valid for this cloud service provider.
A create container request failed. The credentials for
the cloud service provider did not have the correct System action
permissions for the bucket or vault that this storage The create container request fails.
pool attempted to use.

User response
System action
Bucket and vault names must comply with S3
The create container request fails. requirements, which can be found in the Amazon S3
documentation online. Also, check with your cloud
User response service provider for any specific restrictions on bucket
Ensure that the permissions are correct for the or vault names. Use the UPDATE STGPOOL command
credentials you specified for connecting to the cloud with the BUCKETNAME parameter set to a name that
server. As needed, change the settings on the bucket complies with both the S3 requirements, and the cloud
or vault. If you do not have the ability to change the provider restrictions.
bucket settings, use the UPDATE STGPOOL command ANR4139W The PROTECT STGPOOL settings
with the BUCKETNAME parameter set to a bucket or for the replicated target storage
vault with a different name. pool are invalid. To resolve the
ANR4137E Container creation failed because issue, the PROTECT STGPOOL
the current credentials do not command needs to be manually
have permission for issued for storage pool source
disallowed_operation_name storage pool name.
operations on the bucket or vault.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 665

Explanation System action
A previously issued REPAIR STGPOOL command None.
invalidated the protect setting for the replicated target
storage pool. As a result, you cannot use the REPAIR User response
STGPOOL command to repair from the replicated
target storage pool until the PROTECT STGPOOL Bucket and vault names must comply with S3
command is issued for the replicated target storage requirements, which can be found in the Amazon S3
pool. Any REPAIR STGPOOL commands to the local documentation online. Also, check with your cloud
target storage pool are unaffected. service provider for any specific restrictions on bucket
or vault names. Use a bucket or vault name that
complies with both the S3 requirements, and the cloud
System action
provider restrictions.
ANR4142I The cloud service provider URL
and credentials were verified, and
User response there is not a bucket or vault on
Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command with a value the specified cloud service
of TYPE=REPLSERVER for the specified storage pool. provider with the provided name.
By issuing the command, this will restore the protect
setting on the source storage pool. Explanation
ANR4140E The specified credentials failed The verification of the credentials and URL for the
verification because they do not cloud service provider succeeded. However, the
have permission for specified bucket or vault does not yet exist.
operations on the bucket or vault. System action
Server operation continues.
The credentials for the cloud service provider do not User response
have permission to do all of the required operations in
this bucket or vault. If these credentials also have permission to create a
bucket or vault, it is safe to create a storage pool with
these parameters. If not, then this bucket or vault
System action
should be created by other means, and these
None. credentials should have read, write, delete, and list
access to the bucket or vault.
User response ANR4143E The credentials for the cloud
Check the permissions for the bucket or vault and storage pool could not be verified
make sure that the credentials for this storage pool because the necessary
have permission to read, write, list, and delete objects information was not available.
in this bucket or vault. If you do not have the ability to
change or view the permissions, try a bucket or vault Explanation
with a different name.
The credentials could not be verified because the
ANR4141E The specified credentials failed cloud type, the URL, the cloud ID, or the cloud
verification because the name of password was not specified, and the storage pool
the bucket or vault that was provided did not have values for the missing
provided was not valid for this parameter or parameters.
cloud service provider.
System action
Credential verification failed because the name of the
bucket or vault that was specified is not valid for this User response
cloud service provider.
Either reissue the command while specifying all of the
necessary parameters, or specify the storage pool
name of an existing cloud storage pool.

666 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4144E Command: Cloud-container to, and delete objects and containers that are
storage pool storage pool name associated with the storage account at the specified
was not found. location.
ANR4147I Retention set with ID retention set
Explanation ID is created in the past.
The specified storage pool is either undefined or is not
a cloud-container storage pool. Explanation
A retention set is created that includes files as they
System action existed in the past. Expiration processing or other
The server does not process the command. deletion activities might have deleted one or more of
the files that would have been included in the
retention set had the retention set been created at
User response
that time in the past.
Reissue the command with a valid cloud-container
storage pool name. System action
ANR4145E The specified credentials failed System operation continues.
verification because they do not
have permission for User response
operations. To limit the possibility that one or more files might not
be saved to a retention set, consider scheduling
Explanation inventory expiration, and other activities which delete
files from the server, to run after retention set creation
The credentials for the cloud service provider do not activities complete.
have permission to do all of the required operations.
ANR4148E Command: Node node name
cannot be replicated because it
System action
has data in a retention set.
User response
The target replication server does not support
Make sure that the credentials provided grant the retention sets.
permission to read, write, and delete both objects and
containers from the cloud provider at the provided System action
The node and its data are not replicated to the target
ANR4146E The shared access signature (SAS) server.
token value that you entered does
not grant permission for the User response
following server operation:
disallowed_operation_name. Reissue the command without specifying the node.
Upgrade the target server to a level that supports
Explanation retention sets.
The SAS token might be invalid, expired, or lacking ANR4149E Command: Node node name
required permissions. cannot be a member of a retention
set because it is being replicated
System action to a down level server.
The requested operation is not started.
User response The node is being replicated to a target server that
does not support retention sets.
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
Ensure that the SAS token is valid and has not expired.
2. Verify that the SAS token grants the required
permissions. Permissions are required to read, write

Chapter 3. ANR messages 667

System action you cannot trigger the creation of a retention set with a
start date and time in the past for a replica node.
The node and its data is not added to the retention set.

System action
User response
Server operations continue, but the command is not
Reissue the command without specifying the node.
Upgrade the target server to a level that supports
retention sets. User response
ANR4150W command: This command might No action is required.
cause the deletion of replicated
backup objects in a RETAINED ANR4152E Command: Schedule frequency
state from target servers unless must be ONETIME when a
the expire inventory process is retention hold is in effect.
stopped and disabled on those
target servers. Explanation
A retention rule cannot be configured to place
Explanation retention holds on retention sets it creates unless its
When you issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command, schedule frequency is ONETIME.
replicated backup objects that are in a RETAINED
state might be deleted from the target server System action
according to expiration policies when a client node is
removed from replication. This deletion can occur if
the replicated backup objects are in a RETAINED state
and are not part of a retention set on the specified User response
target server. Rerun the command without the HOLD= parameter.
To avoid object deletion, ensure that the expire ANR4246I Retention set ID retention set ID
inventory process is stopped and disabled on the for retention rule retention rule
affected target servers. Even if a client node is name is created without an
removed from replication processing temporarily, the expiration date on start
expire inventory process must be stopped and timestamp.
disabled on the affected target servers.
System action
A retention set with an unlimited retention period is
The system will run or cancel the command, created. The message shows the retention set ID, the
depending on your response. name of the retention rule that is used to create the
retention set, and the time the retention set was
User response created.
To continue REMOVE REPLNODE command
processing, enter 'Y'. To cancel REMOVE REPLNODE System action
command processing, enter 'N'. System operation continues.
ANR4151E command: The command cannot
be issued for node node name User response
because the specified node is a
No action is required.
replica node and the retention rule
is a one-time retention rule with a ANR4247I One-time retention set retention
start date and time in the past. set name with retention set ID
retention set ID, created without
Explanation an expiration date on start
The specified retention rule is a one-time retention
rule and the specified node is a target node of a node
replication operation. For one-time retention rules,

668 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
A retention set with an unlimited retention period is A database audit process finds a reference to a
created. The message shows the retention set ID, the nonexistent entity such as a storage pool or volume.
name specified by the administrator who created the
retention set, and the creation time of the retention System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Reissue the audit command with FIX=YES so that the
None. non-existant entity is recreated, if possible. If
recreation is not possible, the extraneous reference is
User response deleted.
No action is required. ANR4251E Audit command: Extraneous
reference found - information will
ANR4248E Audit command: Missing or
be recreated or deleted.
incorrect information for storage
volume volume name.
Explanation A database audit process finds a reference to a
nonexistent entity such as a storage pool or volume.
A database audit process finds a data storage volume
Since FIX=YES has been specified for the audit
for which information is missing or incorrect.
command, the nonexistant entity will be recreated, if
possible. If recreation is not possible, the extraneous
System action information will be deleted.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response Audit processing continues.
Reissue the audit command with FIX=YES so that the
information can be created or corrected. User response
ANR4249E Audit command: Missing or None.
incorrect information for storage
ANR4252E Command: Updates to an active
volume volume name - information
retention rule are not allowed.
will be created or corrected.

An attempt was made to update an active, one-time
A database audit process finds a data storage volume
retention rule. Such retention rules are read-only, and
for which information is missing or incorrect. Since
cannot be updated.
FIX=YES has been specified for the audit command,
the information will be created or corrected.
System action
System action The server does not process the command.
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response None.
None. ANR4253I Starting retention set creation job
for one-time retention set
ANR4250E Audit command: Extraneous
retention set name.
reference found.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 669

Explanation User response
The server starts running a one-time retention set Examine the server messages that were issued prior to
creation job. The name of the retention set is this message to determine the source of the error.
displayed. Correct the problems that led to the failure and try to
create the retention set again.
System action ANR4257I One-time retention set, retention
Server operation continues. set name with ID retention set ID,
created at start timestamp. The
retention set expires at expiration
User response
No action is required.
ANR4254I Retention set creation job for one- Explanation
time retention set retention set A retention set is created. The message shows the
name completed successfully. retention set ID, the name specified by the
administrator who created the retention set, and the
Explanation creation time and expiration date of the retention set.
The server has successfully completed the processing
of a one-time retention set creation job. System action
Server operation continues.
System action
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
No action is required.
No action is required.
ANR4258I For output from this process
ANR4255I Retention set creation job for one- process ID, see the server console.
time retention set retention set
name started successfully. Explanation
A significant number of containers will be audited
when you issue the command. Any output for
The server has successfully started the processing of a additional processes related to the command will
background process for a one-time retention set appear only in the server console.
creation job.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
No action is required.
ANR4259I Retention rule member pattern
ANR4256E Retention set creation job for one- deleted from retention rule
time retention set retention set retention rule.
name failed.
A member was removed from a retention rule because
The server has encountered a failure during the it specified the fully-qualified name of a node or file
processing of a one-time retention set creation job. space that was deleted.

System action System action

Server operation continues, but the job is ended. The member is removed from the retention rule.

670 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
No action is required. Define a new retention rule with
FREQUENCY=ONETIME to create a rule that runs at
ANR4260I Retention rule member pattern in
the required time.
retention rule retention rule
renamed to pattern. ANR4264I The scheduled start time for
retention rule retention rule name
Explanation has been changed to date time
because the specified start time is
A member in a retention rule was renamed because it in the past or falls on a date on
specified the fully-qualified name of a node or file which the rule has already run.
space that was renamed.
System action
The retention rule member is renamed. was issued with scheduling parameters that would
have resulted in the repeating rule running at an
User response invalid time. Repeating retention rules are not allowed
to run at a point in time in the past, nor may they run
No action is required.
more than one time per day.
ANR4261E Retention rule frequency cannot
be changed from repeating to one- System action
time, or from one-time to
repeating. The retention rule is defined or changed using the next
valid start time.
User response
An UPDATE RETRULE command was issued that
attempted to change a repeating retention rule None.
schedule to one-time, or a one-time retention rule ANR4298I Expiration thread already
schedule to repeating. The operation is not allowed. processing - unable to begin
another expiration process.
System action
The retention rule is not changed. Explanation
The expiration thread is already processing. The
User response processing expiration thread is either an EXPIRE
INVENTORY command or is the automatic background
Update the retention rule, specifying ACTIVE=NO, to
expiration process. In either case, another expiration
prevent a repeating rule from running. Alternatively,
process cannot be started until the current expiration
define a new retention rule with
process completes or is canceled.
FREQUENCY=ONETIME to create a rule that runs only
one time.
System action
ANR4262E Scheduling parameters for a one-
time retention rule that has Current expiration process continues.
already run cannot be changed.
User response
Explanation Use the QUERY PROCESS command to determine the
An UPDATE RETRULE command was issued that status of the current expiration process.
attempted to change scheduling parameters for a one- ANR4299I command: Internal extent repair
time retention rule schedule that has already run. process is currently running. Audit
command can not begin.
System action
The retention rule is not changed. Explanation
The internal extent repair process is currently running.
The audit command will not be able to begin until it is

Chapter 3. ANR messages 671

idle. This will prevent the audit command from Explanation
reporting extents that are currently being repaired.
command is currently running, local protect does not
System action start..
Server operation continues.
System action
User response The local repair command does not start.
The internal extent repair proces will report ANR1758I
when it becomes idle. Re-run the audit command at User response
this time.
ANR4300W A local repair process is already nor DELETE FILESPACE command is running. Use the
running - unable to start EXPIRE QUERY PROCESS command to determine the status of
INVENTORY processing. currently running expiration and filespace deletion
Explanation ANR4303E command: The command was not
A local repair process is already running. Inventory processed because an operation to
expiration cannot start until the current local repair repair object versions is already
process completes or is canceled. running.

System action Explanation

Current expiration process stops. You cannot run two instances of the REPAIR
OBJECTVERSIONS command simultaneously.
User response
System action
Start inventory expiration after the local repair
completes. Use the QUERY PROCESS command to System operations continue, but the server does not
determine the status of the current local repair process the command.
User response
ANR4301W A local repair process is already
running - unable to start DELETE Wait for the operation to repair object versions to
FILESPACE processing. finish, or cancel the operation. Then, reissue the
Explanation ANR4322E Audit command: Management
A local repair process is already running. The DELETE class class name in policy set set
FILESPACE command cannot start until the current name, domain domain name does
local repair process completes or is canceled. not have a valid space
management technique defined.
System action
The DELETE FILESPACE command stops.
A database audit process finds a management class
that does not have a valid value specified.
User response
Start the DELETE FILESPACE command after the local System action
repair finished. Use the QUERY PROCESS command to
determine the status of the current local repair Audit processing continues.
User response
a DELETE FILESPACE command is Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
processing - unable to start local that the error can be corrected.
repair processing.
ANR4323E Audit command: Management
class class name in policy set set

672 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

name, domain domain name does User response
not have a valid space
Refer to the DEFINE MGMTCLASS command in IBM
management technique defined -
Knowledge Center for valid values.
the default value will be set.
ANR4326E Audit command: Management
Explanation class class name in policy set set
name, domain domain name does
A database audit process finds a management class not have a valid
that does not have a valid value specified. Because MIGREQUIRESBKUP value
FIX=YES was specified for the AUDITDB operation, the specified.
default space management technique value will be set
for the management class specified.

System action A database audit process finds a management class

that does not have a valid value specified.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
Refer to the DEFINE MGMTCLASS command in IBM
Knowledge Center for valid values.
User response
ANR4324E Audit command: Management
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
class class name in policy set set
that the error can be corrected.
name, domain domain name does
not have a valid AUTOMIGNONUSE ANR4327E Audit command: Management
value specified. class class name in policy set set
name, domain domain name does
Explanation not have a valid
A database audit process finds a management class - the default value will be set.
that does not have a valid value specified.
System action
A database audit process finds a management class
Audit processing continues. that does not have a valid value specified. Because
FIX=YES was specified for the AUDITDB operation, the
User response default MIGREQUIRESBKUP value will be set for the
management class specified.
Reissue the audit command and specify FIX=YES so
that the error can be corrected.
System action
ANR4325E Audit command: Management
class class name in policy set set Audit processing continues.
name, domain domain name does
not have a valid AUTOMIGNONUSE User response
value defined - the default value
Refer to the DEFINE MGMTCLASS command in IBM
will be set.
Knowledge Center for valid values.

Explanation ANR4328W Audit command: Storage pool

storage pool name, specified as a
A database audit process finds a management class space management destination for
that does not have a valid value specified. Because management class management
FIX=YES was specified for the AUDITDB operation, the class name, policy set set name,
default AUTOMIGNONUSE value will be set for the domain domain name, does not
management class specified. exist.

System action
Audit processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 673

Explanation User response
A database audit process encounters a storage pool Enter 'Y' to reconcile the volumes or 'N' to stop the
specified for the space management destination of the process.
specified management class that is not defined in the
ANR4333W This command will discard any
server database. If this management class is used in
references to volumes used by the
an active policy set, then migration operations will fail
specified device class(es) that are
when attempting to put client data in the destination.
missing from the associated
server, thereby rendering the data
System action unrecoverable; the valid volumes
Audit processing continues. will be inaccessible to users until
the operation completes.
User response
After the audit command completes, use the DEFINE
STGPOOL command to define the missing storage pool During the execution of a RECONCILE VOLUMES
or the UPDATE MGMTCLASS command to update the command, any data on a volume being reconciled
management class to refer to an existing storage pool. would be unavailable to users. After the command has
ended, any inconsistent volumes found will be
ANR4331E command process terminated, no discarded.
matching device classes.
System action
The administrator is asked whether to continue.
The server did not find any device class names
matching the specifications entered in the RECONCILE
User response
VOLUMES command.
Enter 'Y' to reconcile the volumes or 'N' to stop the
System action process.

Server operation continues. ANR4334I command (Repair) process

started, process ID process ID.
User response
Use the QUERY DEVCLASS command to determine
which device classes are defined on the server and As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command
reissue the RECONCILE VOLUMES command. that specified FIX=YES, the process whose ID is
displayed has begun reconciling the volumes
ANR4332W This command will compare all associated with the given device class.
volumes used by the specified
device class(es) with the actual
System action
data stored on the associated
server for those volumes and will The volumes are reconciled and invalid volumes are
report any discrepancies; the data displayed.
will be inaccessible to users until
the operation completes. User response
ANR4335I command (Inspect Only) process
During the execution of a RECONCILE VOLUMES
command, any data a volume named would be started, process ID process ID.
unavailable to users.
System action As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command
that specified FIX=NO, the process whose ID is
The administrator is asked whether to continue.
displayed has begun reconciling the volumes
associated with the given device class.

674 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR4339W command process terminated -
sufficient database space is not
The volumes are reconciled and inconsistent volumes
are displayed.

User response
During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES
command, the source server does not have sufficient
ANR4336W command process ended, process database space to continue.
ID process ID.
System action
The RECONCILE VOLUMES command is ended.
The RECONCILE VOLUMES command for the specified
device class has ended. User response
If necessary, make more database space available to
System action
the source server.
ANR4341W command process terminated -
sufficient memory is not available.
User response
For complete details on the results of the RECONCILE Explanation
VOLUMES command, examine the previous messages.
During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES
ANR4337W command process terminated - command, the source server does not have enough
process canceled. memory available to complete the command.

Explanation System action

During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES The RECONCILE VOLUMES command is ended.
command, the process performing the reconcile was
canceled. User response
If necessary make more memory available to the
System action
source server.
The RECONCILE VOLUMES command is ended.
ANR4342W command process terminated -
lock conflict detected.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR4338W command process terminated - During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES
sufficient recovery log space is not command, the source server cannot obtain a required
available. lock.

Explanation System action

During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES The RECONCILE VOLUMES command is ended.
command, the source server does not have sufficient
recovery log space to continue. User response
Reissue the RECONCILE VOLUMES command.
System action
ANR4343W command process terminated -
The RECONCILE VOLUMES command is ended.
internal server error detected.
User response
If necessary, make more recovery log space available
to the source server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 675

Explanation inspected, volume count invalid
volumes found.
During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES
command, an internal server error occurs on the
source server. Explanation
The RECONCILE VOLUMES process whose ID is
System action displayed has finished reconciling volumes associated
with the given device class. The number of volumes
The RECONCILE VOLUMES command is ended.
reconciled and the number of invalid volumes found
are displayed.
User response
Contact your service representative. System action
ANR4344I command started for device class None.
device class (process ID process
ID). User response
For complete details on the results of the RECONCILE
Explanation VOLUMES command for the shown device class,
The RECONCILE VOLUMES process whose ID is examine the previous messages. If you suspect that
displayed has started reconciling volumes associated volumes were inaccessible because of
with the given device class. communications problems, correct the problems and
retry the RECONCILE VOLUMES command. If the
System action errors are valid, reissue the reconcile volumes
command with FIX=YES so that the source server can
The volumes are reconciled and inconsistent volumes attempt to correct the information.
are displayed.
ANR4352I Contacting Server server name
User response
This message is displayed in response to a QUERY
ANR4345I command completed for device PROCESS command, and indicates that a
class device class; (process ID reconciliation process is attempting to obtain volume
process ID); volume count volumes information from the shown server.
inspected, volume count invalid
volumes found, volume count System action
volumes deleted.
The reconciliation process continues.
User response
The RECONCILE VOLUMES process whose ID is
displayed has finished reconciling volumes associated None.
with the given device class. The number of volumes
ANR4353I Cancel in progress
reconciled and the number of invalid volumes found or
deleted are displayed.
System action This message is displayed in response to a QUERY
PROCESS command, and indicates that a
reconciliation process has been canceled. The process
will end shortly.
User response
For complete details on the results of the RECONCILE System action
VOLUMES command for the shown device class,
The reconciliation process terminates and server
examine the previous messages.
operation continues.
ANR4346I command completed for device
class device class; (process ID User response
process ID); volume count volumes

676 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4354W command: Source server not Explanation
authorized to reconcile target As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the
server server name. volume shown was found on the source server and it
has no matching volume on the target server.
During processing of a RECONCILE VOLUMES System action
command, the source server was not permitted to The reconciliation process continues.
reconcile volume on the shown target server.

User response
System action
The database on either the source or target server has
The reconciliation process continues. been regressed by either an RESTORE DATABASE
operation or some system facility external to the
User response server. Investigate the action that caused one or both
If the source server should have permission to of the databases to be regressed to there current
reconcile volumes on the shown target server, issue condition. If a newer database images exist for that
the UPDATE SERVER command with FORCESYNC=YES server, consider restoring the server to that point in
to cause the target server to accept reconcile time. If the RECONCILE VOLUMES command was
operations for the source server. Reissue the issued with FIX=Yes and the volume is defined in a
RECONCILE VOLUMES command. storage pool, the access mode of the volume will
changed to unavailable to prevent attempted mounts
ANR4355W command: Volume volume name on the source server. If the condition of the database
not valid, source server missing on each server is acceptable, issue the DELETE
corresponding entry for target VOLUME or DELETE VOLHISTORY command on the
server. source server to remove the volume from the
Explanation ANR4357W command: Volume volume name
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the not valid, target server volume
volume shown was reported by the target server and it refers to device class device class
has no matching volume on the source server. that does not exist on the source
System action
The reconciliation process continues.
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the
User response volume shown was found on the target server and it is
associated with the device class shown. The source
The database on either the source or target server has server has NO corresponding device class.
been regressed by either a RESTORE DATABASE
operation or some system facility external to the System action
server. Investigate the action that caused one or both
of the databases to be regressed to there current The reconciliation process continues.
condition. If a newer database images exist for that
server, consider restoring the server to that point in User response
time. If the condition of the database on each server is
acceptable and the RECONCILE VOLUMES command The database on either the source or target server has
was issued with FIX=NO, reissue the RECONCILE been regressed by either an RESTORE DATABASE
VOLUMES command with FIX=Yes to have the volume operation or some system facility external to the
deleted from the target server. server. Investigate the action that caused one or both
of the databases to be regressed to their current
ANR4356W command: Volume volume name condition. If a newer database image exist for that
not valid, target server missing server, consider restoring the server to that point in
corresponding entry for source time. In the case of a volume in the VOLHISTORY, the
server. device class may have been deleted from the source
server. If possible, issue the DEFINE DEVCLASS
command to correct the situation. If the condition of
the database on each server is acceptable and the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 677

RECONCILE VOLUMES command was issued with System action
FIX=NO, reissue the RECONCILE VOLUMES command
The reconciliation process continues.
with FIX=Yes to have the volume deleted from the
target server.
User response
ANR4358W command: Volume volume name
not valid, the attributes of the The database on either the source or target server has
volume on target server do not been regressed by either an RESTORE DATABASE
match the attributes on the source operation or some system facility external to the
server. server. Investigate the action that caused one or both
of the databases to be regressed to there current
condition. If a newer database image exist for that
Explanation server, consider restoring the server to that point in
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the time. If the condition of the database on each server is
volume shown was found on both the source and acceptable, additional actions will have to be taken
target server, but the attributes describing the volume because RECONCILE VOLUMES FIX=YES is unable to
does not match. correct this situation. In the case of a volume in the
System action RESTORE DATABASE PREVIEW=YES will determine
the integrity of the volume. If the volume is in error, a
The reconciliation process continues. DELETE VOLHISTORY will remove the volume from
both the source and target servers. In the case of a
User response volume in a storage pool, an AUDIT VOLUME FIX=NO
will determine the integrity of the volume. If errors are
The database on either the source or target server has found, an AUDIT VOLUME FIX=YES may make some
been regressed by either a RESTORE DATABASE data on the volume accessible. Otherwise, issue the
operation or some system facility external to the DELETE VOLUME command on the source server to
server. Investigate the action that caused one or both remove the volume from both the source and target
of the databases to be regressed to there current servers.
condition. If a newer database image exist for that
server, consider restoring the server to that point in ANR4360W command: Volume volume name
time. If the condition of the database on each server is not valid, the type of the volume
acceptable, additional actions will have to be taken on target server does not match
because RECONCILE VOLUMES FIX=YES is unable to the type on the source server.
correct this situation. In the case of a volume in the
the integrity of the volume. If the volume is in error, a As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the
DELETE VOLHISTORY will remove the volume from volume shown was found on both the source and
both the source and target servers. In the case of a target server, but the type of the volume does not
volume in a storage pool, an AUDIT VOLUME FIX=NO match. For example, the volume on the target server is
will determine the integrity of the volume. If errors are defined in a storage pool, but the target server
found, an AUDIT VOLUME FIX=YES may make some indicates that volume was used for a DATABASE
data on the volume accessible. Otherwise, issue the BACKUP.
DELETE VOLUME command on the source server to
remove the volume from both the source and target System action
The reconciliation process continues.
ANR4359W command: Volume volume name
not valid, the size of the volume on User response
target server does not match the
size on the source server. The database on either the source or target server has
been regressed by either an RESTORE DATABASE
operation or some system facility external to the
Explanation server. Investigate the action that caused one or both
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the of the databases to be regressed to there current
volume shown was found on both the source and condition. If a newer database image exists for that
target server, but the size of the volume does not server, consider restoring the server to that point in
match. time. If the condition of the database on each server is

678 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

acceptable, additional actions will have to be taken Explanation
because RECONCILE VOLUMES FIX=YES is unable to
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command
correct this situation. These actions may have to be
that specified FIX=YES, the volume shown whose
performed on one or both servers. Use the QUERY
information is displayed is deleted from the target
VOLHISTORY and QUERY VOLUME commands on both
servers to determine the volume type on each server.
In the case of a volume in the VOLHISTORY, a DELETE
VOLHISTORY on the appropriate server that will System action
remove the volume on that server. In the case of a The volume is deleted.
volume in a storage pool, the DELETE VOLUME
command on the appropriate server will remove the
User response
volume on that server.
ANR4361W command: Volume volume name
not valid, the target server has ANR4363W command: Volume volume name
reported damage to all or part of access changed to access mode.
the volume.
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the that specified FIX=YES, the access mode of the source
volume shown was found on both the source and volume has been changed to the value shown.
target server, but the target server has reported
damage to all or part of the volume. System action
The volume's access mode is changed.
System action
The reconciliation process continues. User response
Review any additional messages issued by the
User response
RECONCILE VOLUMES command and correct the
On the target server, an audit with FIX=NO of the errors that set the volume to unavailable, or use the
volumes in the storage pool used by the source server DELETE VOLUME command to remove it from the
will indicate what which volume on the target server is system.
damaged. This AUDIT VOLUME command may be able
to reset the damaged indicator in the database if the ANR4364W command: Unable to connect to
damage was temporary due to hardware problems (for target server server name.
example, dirty tape heads). If the volume on the target
server is in a primary storage pool that has previously Explanation
been backed up to a copy storage pool, attempt to During processing of indicated command, the source
correct the damage by using the RESTORE STGPOOL server was unable to maintain communications with
command. If attempts to correct the damage on the the shown target server.
target server fail, an AUDIT VOLUME command
FIX=YES from the source server will mark as damaged
in the source server database each file that is System action
inaccessible and those files will not be accessed for The command process continues.
future operations. If the files are part of an aggregate,
the entire aggregate will be marked damaged. If a User response
usable copy of the file exists in another storage pool,
that copy may be accessed for future operations Check both the source server and the target server for
involving the file. any additional messages that might further describe
the communications problem.
ANR4362W command: Invalid volume volume
name deleted from server server ANR4365W command: Prefix for volume
name for device class device class. volume name does not match the
device class prefix.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 679

Explanation ANR4370E The source server is not
authorized to create volumes on
As the result of a RECONCILE VOLUMES command, the
target server server name.
volume shown was found on both the source and
target server, but the beginning portion of the high-
level archive file name (the prefix) on the target server Explanation
does not match the prefix in the device class on the The source server has attempted to create a volume
source server. on the shown target server, but the operation failed
because the source server does not have the authority
System action to create volumes.
The reconciliation process continues.
System action
User response The operation fails.
Verify that the prefix in the device class on the source
server is correct and update it if necessary. Use the User response
RECONCILE VOLUMES FIX=YES command on the If the source server should have permission to create
source server to rename the target archive objects to volumes on the shown target server, issue the UPDATE
match the device class on the source server. SERVER command with FORCESYNC=YES to cause the
ANR4366I command: Prefix for volume target server to accept volume create operations for
volume name was changed to the source server. Retry the failing operation.
match the device class prefix. ANR4371E Information on the source server
does not match information on
Explanation target server server name.
command, the beginning portion of the high-level Explanation
archive file name (the prefix) on the target server was The source server has determined that information
changed to match the prefix in the device class on the contained on the shown target server no longer
source server. matches information contained on the source server.

System action System action

The prefix is corrected. The operation fails.

User response User response

None. Issue the RECONCILE VOLUMES command to
ANR4369I Storage pool pool has insufficient determine the problem. If possible, correct the
disk space and the operation will problem and retry the failing operation.
wait for additional space to ANR4372E The password on the source server
become available. does not match the password on
target server server name.
Disk space for this cloud storage pool is low. Explanation
The source server has attempted to update both the
System action source password and the target password. An error
occurred that prevented the source server from
A session is waiting either for data transfer to the
updating the target server. The passwords no longer
cloud or for additional space.

User response
System action
To avoid waiting for additional space to become
The operation fails.
available, add more disk space.

680 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
On the target server, issue the UPDATE NODE The source server ends the session because an
command to change the password. On the source internal logic error is detected.
server, issue the UPDATE SERVER command to change
the password to match the new password on the System action
target server. Retry the failing operation.
The source server ends the session and continues
ANR4373E Session rejected by target server operation.
server name, reason: rejection
reason. User response

Explanation To determine the source of the error, the administrator

can examine server messages issued prior to this
The source server tried to open a session with the message. The QUERY ACTLOG command can be used
target server. The session was rejected for the to view the activity log and search for messages. If the
indicated reason. error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
service representative.
System action
ANR4375E Session failure, source server has
The operation fails. insufficient memory.

User response Explanation

Check both the source server and the target server for The source server ends the session because sufficient
any additional messages that might further describe memory (virtual memory) is not available.
the reason the session was rejected. For a reason of
AUTHENTICATION FAILURE, ensure that both the System action
source and target servers are using the same
password. For a reason of NO RESOURCE, ensure that The source server ends the session and continues
the target server is enabled, has sufficient DB, LOG, operation.
and memory resource to support the source server
session, and that the node name of the source server User response
is not locked or in use. If this is a routed command,
See the documentation for the operating system about
check to make sure that the administator id being
how to increase memory for an application.
used to route the command is not locked or in use. For
a reason of LICENSE FAILURE, ensure that the target ANR4376E Session failure, target server
server is properly licensed to support the source server name is locked on the
server session. For a reason of DOWN LEVEL, ensure source server.
that the target server program is a level new enough to
support the source server session. For a reason of Explanation
NODE TYPE, the source server is not allowed to
establish a session with the given target server. The The source server ends the session because shown
NODETYPE on the target server is CLIENT. The target server is locked from source server access.
NODENAME parameter of the server definition on the
source server is incorrect. The NODETYPE parameter System action
of the registered node on the target server is incorrect
and should be NODETYPE=SERVER. For a reason of The source server ends the session and continues
INTERNAL ERROR, use the messages on the target operation.
server to determine the problem. For all reasons, if
none of the above are applicable, ensure that that the User response
target server has not disabled this server with the Before the source server is permitted to access the
DISABLE SESSIONS SERVER command. Retry the target server, a properly authorized administrator
failing operation. must unlock the target server.
ANR4374E Session failure, source server ANR4377E Session failure, target server
detected an internal error. server name is not defined on the
source server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 681

Explanation User response
The source server ends the session because shown On the target server, determine the cause of the
target server is not defined on the source server. problem and correct it. It may be necessary for an
administrator to correct the passwords with the
System action following actions. On the target server, issue the
UPDATE NODE command to change the password. On
The source server ends the session and continues the source server, issue the UPDATE SERVER
operation. command to change the password to match the new
password on the target server. Retry the failing
User response operation.
The target server must be correctly defined before it ANR4380E The source server was unable to
can be accessed by the source server. Before you update the server validation key
attempt the next operation, define the target server by on target server server name.
using the DEFINE SERVER command.
If the target server is a replication server and its server Explanation
definition was incorrectly deleted, redefine the server The source server has attempted to update it's server
by using the DEFINE SERVER command before you validation key on the target server. An error occurred
attempt replication. However, if you intend to remove that prevented the source server from updating the
the target server from replication because it is no target server.
longer required, use the REMOVE REPLSERVER
command to remove the target server from the list of
System action
replication servers.
The operation fails.
ANR4378E For device class device class, the
retry of a session with target
server server name has timed out. User response
On the target server, determine the cause of the
Explanation problem and correct it. It may be necessary for an
administrator to correct the keys with the following
The source server has attempted to re-establish a
actions. On the source server, issue the UPDATE
session with the shown target server, but the
SERVER command with FORCESYNC=YES to cause an
RETRYPERIOD from the given device class has been
attempt to synchronize the keys on both the source
and target servers. Retry the failing operation.

System action ANR4381E The source server was unable to

register with target server server
The source server ends the operation. name.

User response Explanation

Determine it the target server is having a problem or The source server has attempted to register with the
considering increasing the RETRYPERIOD value. shown target server. An error occurred that prevented
ANR4379E The source server was unable to the source server from registering with the target
update the password on target server.
server server name.
System action
Explanation The operation fails.
The source server has attempted to update the target
password. An error occurred that prevented the source User response
server from updating the target server.
Ask an authorized administrator to submit the request
on the use of the target server using REGISTER NODE
System action command. Retry the failing operation.
The operation fails. ANR4382E Session failure, policy information
from target server server name is
incomplete, missing policy object.

682 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation registered with the NODETYPE=SERVER parameter
The source server ends the session because the
shown target server has provided policy information ANR4385I Session retry in progress with
which is incomplete. The missing policy object is target server server name.
System action
The source server is attempting to re-establish a
The source server ends the session and continues session with the shown target server. Session retry
operation. processing occurs when the source server has lost the
connection with a target server and a RETRYPERIOD
User response value is specified,

Use the appropriate commands on the target server to

System action
complete the policy definitions being used by the
source server. Retry the failing operation. The source server attempts to contact the target
ANR4383E Session failure, target server
server name has aborted current
transaction; reason: abort reason. User response
Determine if the target server is having a problem and
Explanation considering canceling the operation on the source
server or correcting the problem with the target server.
The source server ends the session because the
shown target server has aborted the current ANR4386I Session retry was successful for
transaction for the given reason. target server server name.

System action Explanation

The source server ends the session and continues The source server has re-establish a session with the
operation. shown target server.

User response System action

Check both the source server and the target server for Source server processing continues.
any additional messages that might further describe
the reason the transaction was aborted. Retry the User response
failing operation.
ANR4384E Node node name is not allowed to
establish a session as a target ANR4387E Session session number for node
server. node name (client platform)
refused - node name not
Explanation registered as TYPE=CLIENT.

The node specified has attempted to establish a Explanation

session with this system and this is not permitted due
to the NODETYPE for this node. The server refuses a request to start a client session
because the client node name is not registered as a
System action node of TYPE=CLIENT. This node name is already in
use either as a server definition as defined by a
The operation fails. DEFINE SERVER command or else as a node of
TYPE=SERVER using the REGISTER NODE command.
User response
To allow the specified node to establish a session as a System action
target server, the node must be registered with a Server operation continues.
NODETYPE of SERVER. Or else change the node name
on the target server to a node name that is allowed to
establish a session using a node name that was

Chapter 3. ANR messages 683

User response ANR4391I Expiration processing node node
name, filespace filespace name,
fsId filespace id, domain domain
SERVER to determine which server definition already
name, and management class
is using this node name. This client should be
management class name - for type
registered using the REGISTER NODE TYPE=CLIENT
type files.
command and specify a name that is not in use by any
other nodes or server defined to this server.
ANR4388W No expiration process to cancel.
Expiration processing is currently evaluating
information for the node, filespace, domain name, and
management class specified for the file type indicated.
The CANCEL EXPIRATION command was issued but
there were no expiration processes currently running. System action
Server operation continues.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
User response
started processing stgpool stgpool
ANR4389I Expiration process cancelled. name. Containers are only using
util pct% of cntr space due to
Explanation fragmentation.

The CANCEL EXPIRATION command was issued and

successfully cancelled the current process.
System action free up fragmented space in the stgpool.

Server operation continues.

System action

User response Server operation continues.

User response
unable to cancel expiration
finished reclaiming freed bytes
Explanation bytes of unused space on cntr
count containers in stgpool stgpool
The CANCEL EXPIRATION command was issued but name.
encountered an error. Due to this error, the command
was unable to cancel the process.


fragmented space in the stgpool.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Issue the command QUERY PROCESS to determine
the process number for the expiration process and
User response
then issue the command CANCEL PROCESS for that
process number. This will cancel the current expiration None.
ANR4394I The server database was
previously restored, and an audit

684 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

of the affected volumes will now System action
start or restart. Container-copy
All reused container-copy storage pool volumes have
storage pool volumes that were
been were deleted.
reused after the restore date will
be deleted.
User response
Explanation Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command with a value
of TYPE=LOCAL to resume protection of the primary
After a server database is restored from a previous
container storage pool to the container-copy storage
version, the server scans the volume history file to
identify container-copy storage pool volumes that
were reused after the restore target date. The reused ANR4397E Certificate delivery failed due to
storage pool volumes are deleted. incorrect password definition for
this server on server partner server
System action name.

All reused container-copy storage pool volumes will be

deleted. Local protect and repair processes are
temporarily suspended during this process. The server could not accept a certificate from the
indicated server because that server specified an
User response incorrect password for this server. This server will
continue to deny certificate delivery attempts by that
None. server until a valid password is specified.
ANR4395E command: The command is not
allowed for the node type of node System action
node name.
Server operation continues.

User response
The command is incompatible with the node type for
On the partner server, ensure that the correct
the specified node.
password is set for this server. If the password on this
server was changed, reset this server's password on
System action the partner server by using the UPDATE SERVER
Processing of the command ends. command with the SERVERPASSWORD parameter.
ANR4399E NAS file server NAS file server
User response name is reporting NDMP error
None. number NDMP error number: NDMP
error description.
ANR4396I The audit process is complete, and
reused container-copy storage System action
pool volumes were deleted.
number of volumes volumes and The process ends.
number of chunks extents were
deleted from container-copy User response
To identify the cause of the network data management
protocol (NDMP) error, see the documentation for the
Explanation network-attached storage (NAS) file server. Review
After a server database was restored from a previous the NDMP logs for the NAS file server, resolve the
version, the server scanned the volume history file to error, and restart the operation.
identify container-copy storage pool volumes that ANR4444W Command: Input volume volume
were reused since the restore target date. Those name cannot be processed.
reused volumes were deleted.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 685

Explanation System action
During a DSMSERV DISPLAY DBBACKUPVOLUME Processing continues.
command, the server cannot display the necessary
information about the specified backup volume. User response
System action
ANR4484I Node node name issued command:
The volume is not processed. Processing continues for
Delete Access copy type file space
all the volumes in the given volume list.
namehigh-level addresslow-level
address authorized node
User response name ,authorized owner name.
Examine previous error messages for the cause of
failure. Explanation
ANR4445I Context parameter set to value. The DELETE ACCESS command completed.

Explanation System action

Determines if context reporting will be generated Processing continues.
when an ANR9999D error occures. This is turned on or
off with the SET CONTEXT messaging command. User response
System action
None. ANR4485I A storage pool space trigger has
been defined and enabled for
storage pool storage pool name.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR4446I No damaged data was identified A storage pool space trigger has been defined with a
by the AUDIT CONTAINER DEFINE SPACETRIGGER command for the specified
command (process ID process ID). storage pool.

Explanation System action

When you issued the AUDIT CONTAINER command None.
and specified the ACTION=SCANDAMAGED
parameter, no damaged data extents were identified. User response
System action
ANR4486I A default storage pool space
trigger has been defined and
User response
None. Explanation
ANR4483I Node node name issued command: A default storage pool space trigger has been defined
Set Access copy type file space and enabled. It will be effective for any storage pools
namehigh-level addresslow-level associated with a devtype=DISK device class or a
address authorized node devtype=FILE device class.
name ,authorized owner name.
System action
The SET ACCESS command completed.
User response

686 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4487I The storage pool space trigger is User response
defined for storage pool storage None.
pool name, but is disabled.
ANR4490I The default storage pool space
Explanation trigger has been deleted.

A storage pool space trigger has been defined for the

indicated storage pool, but because the space
expansion percentage is currently set to 0, the space A DELETE SPACETRIGGER command has successfully
trigger is disabled. completed for the default storage pool space trigger.
Space expansions are no longer triggered
System action automatically for storage pool without a specific space
System action
User response
To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATE
SPACETRIGGER command to set the space expansion
User response
percentage to a value greater than 0.
ANR4488I The default storage pool space
trigger is defined, but it is ANR4491I The storage pool space trigger is
disabled. updated and enabled for storage
pool storage pool name.
A default storage pool space trigger has been defined
for storage pools associated with a devtype=DISK or An UPDATE SPACETRIGGER command has
devtype=FILE device class. But it has been defined successfully completed for the specified storage pool
without a space trigger; because the space expansion space trigger. The updated parameters specified on
percentage is currently set to 0, the space trigger is the command are used to automatically trigger space
disabled. expansion for the storage pool.

System action System action

None. None.

User response User response

To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATE None.
SPACETRIGGER command to set the space expansion
ANR4492I The default storage pool space
percentage to a value greater than 0.
trigger is updated and enabled.
ANR4489I The storage pool space trigger has
been deleted for storage pool Explanation
storage pool name.
successfully completed for the default storage pool
space trigger. The updated parameters specified on
A DELETE SPACETRIGGER command has successfully the command are used to automatically trigger space
completed for the indicated storage pool space trigger. expansion for storage pools without a specific storage
Space expansions are no longer triggered pool space trigger and which are associated with a
automatically for the specified storage pool. If a devtype=FILE or devtype=DISK device class.
default storage pool space trigger exists, it will apply
to the specified storage pool. System action
System action

Chapter 3. ANR messages 687

User response User response
None. None.
ANR4493I The storage pool space trigger is ANR4496E Command: Storage pool space
updated, but disabled for storage trigger is already defined.
pool storage pool name.
The storage pool space trigger cannot be defined
An UPDATE SPACETRIGGER command has because it is already defined for the storage pool. If a
successfully completed for the specified storage pool default storage pool trigger is being defined, a default
space trigger. However, the space expansion storage pool trigger already exists.
percentage is currently set to 0, which disables the
space trigger. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
None. User response
Use the UPDATE SPACETRIGGER command to modify
User response
the indicated space trigger parameters.
To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATE
SPACETRIGGER command with the SPACEexpansion ANR4497E Command: EXPansionprefix not
parameter to set a value greater than zero. valid for storage pool space trigger
with storage pool Storage Pool.
ANR4494I The default storage pool space
trigger is updated, but disabled. Explanation
The storage pool space trigger cannot be defined with
an EXPansionprefix parameter because the specified
An UPDATE SPACETRIGGER command has storage pool is not associated with a DISK-type device
successfully completed for the default storage pool class. Sequential access storage pools use their
space trigger. However, the space expansion associated directories for creating space when a space
percentage is currently set to 0, which disables the trigger is activated.
space trigger.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
User response
Use the UPDATE SPACETRIGGER command to create a
To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATE space trigger without using the EXPansionprefix
SPACETRIGGER command with the SPACEexpansion parameter.
parameter to set a value greater than zero.
ANR4498E Command: STGPOOL Storage Pool
ANR4495E Command: Storage pool space is not eligible for a storage pool
trigger is not defined. space trigger.

Explanation Explanation
The storage pool space trigger cannot be updated or The indicated storage pool cannot have a space trigger
deleted because it is not currently defined. If a storage defined, because it is not associated with a DISK-type
pool was not specified, an attempt was made to delete or a FILE-type device class, or it is a
the default storage pool space trigger, but no default RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK storage pool.
storage pool space trigger is defined.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The server does not process the command.

688 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Use the DEFINE SPACETRIGGER command to create a Server operation continues.
space trigger with a storage pool whose device class is
of type DISK or FILE, or is not a User response
ANR4499E Command: Base backup set name
Backup Set Name could not be ANR4502W No files have been defined for
found. automatically storing sequential
volume history information.
No full backup sets whose name begins with the
specified backup set name prefix could be found. The server is attempting to update all sequential
volume history files defined in the server options file
with information on sequential volume usage
System action
information. Because no files were configured for
The server does not process the command. receiving this information, the automatic operation
User response
System action
Use the QUERY BACKUPSET command to list available
full backup sets and reissue the command with the Server operation continues.
backup set name prefix of an existing full backup set.
If no full backup set exists, then do not specify the User response
BASE parameter until after a full backup set has been
generated. To have the server automatically record sequential
volume history information to assist in server recovery,
ANR4500I Writing sequential volume history use the VOLUMEHISTORY option in the server options
information to defined files. file to specify where history information should be
written. If you update the options file, restart the
Explanation server.
The server is updating all sequential volume history ANR4503W The server current date current
files defined in the server options file with information date is earlier than the date in a
on sequential volume usage information. The files server record server date.
updated are those specified with the
VOLUMEHISTORY option in the server options file. Explanation
The server has detected that the current system date
System action
is an earlier date than the date in a server record that
Server operation continues. is being processed. Possible causes for this problem
are the current system date is invalid, the server was
User response previously run with a future date, or there is an error in
the server record. If the server was run with a future
None. date, this message will continue to appear until that
ANR4501I Sequential volume history date has passed, or all records with the future date
information successfully written have been deleted from the server.
to file name.
System action
Explanation Processing continues. The processing for the current
The server is updating all sequential volume history object may not occur as expected.
files defined in the server options file with information
on sequential volume usage information. Volume User response
history information was successfully written to the file On the machine on which the server is running, verify
specified. that the system date is correct.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 689

ANR4504E Command: The specified point in container name (process ID
time is earlier than the point in process ID).
time of the base backup set.
Explanation As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that
The point in time specified for the differential backup specified scan action for the container shown, the
set is earlier than the point in time of its base backup process whose ID is displayed has begun auditing the
set. previously marked damaged data extents on a given
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The previously marked damaged data extents on a
User response container are audited. If a data extent is no longer
damaged, it will be reset as not damaged.
Reissue the command, specifying a later point in time.
ANR4505E Required table of contents could User response
not be created for backup set for None.
node name as set name (data type
data type). ANR4510E The server could not write
sequential volume history
Explanation information to volume history file
name. To restore the database,
A table of contents could not be created for the named access to this file is required.
object set, but a table of contents was required
(TOC=YES was specified or implied). Explanation

System action While attempting to write sequential volume history

information to defined history files, the server could
The backup set is deleted. not write to the specified file. The database cannot be
restored until this file can be accessed.
User response
Correct the problem that prevented the table of System action
contents from being created and generate the backup The server does not write volume history information
set again. to the file specified
ANR4506W Backup set for node name as set
name (data type data type) User response
requires a table of contents. Examine any error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any
Explanation problems. Ensure that the server has permission to
write to the file indicated and that there is sufficient
The specified backup set requires a table of contents,
space in the file system for the file. On MVS, ensure
but TOC=YES was not specified.
that the data set has been allocated and that the
server has permission to write to the data set. After
System action correcting the problem, use the BACKUP VOLHISTORY
The server will attempt to create a table of contents command to write sequential volume history
for the backup set. If the table of contents creation information to the file.
fails, the backup set will be deleted. ANR4511E Volume history file volume history
file name could not be opened. To
User response restore the database, access to
None. this file is required.

ANR4508I Audit Container (Scan Damaged)

process started for container

690 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
While attempting to read or write sequential volume The operation fails. This usually means that usage for
history information from defined history files, the a sequential volume was not properly recorded for
server was unable to open the specified file name. The later reference
database cannot be restored until this file can be
accessed. User response
Examine error messages that may have been
System action
displayed prior to this message and correct any
The server does not read or write volume history problems, if possible. If this does not resolve the
information from the specified file. problem, contact your support representative.
ANR4514E Sufficient database space is not
User response available for the server while
Examine any error messages that may have been processing sequential volume
displayed prior to this message and correct any history information.
problems. Ensure that the server has permission to
write to the file indicated and that there is sufficient Explanation
space in the file system for the file. On MVS, ensure
While attempting to process sequential volume history
that the data set has been allocated and that the
information, the server found that sufficient database
server has permission to write to the data set.
space was not available for updates.
ANR4512E A database transaction failure was
encountered in processing System action
sequential volume history
information. The operation fails. Usage for a sequential volume was
not properly recorded for later reference.
User response
While attempting to process sequential volume history
information, the server encountered a database To increase the amount of database space that is
transaction error. available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
command to add one or more directories to the
System action
ANR4515E Sufficient recovery log space is not
The operation fails. Usage for a sequential volume was
not properly recorded for later reference. available for the server while
processing sequential volume
history information.
User response
Examine error messages that may have been Explanation
displayed prior to this message and correct any
While attempting to process sequential volume history
problems, if possible. If this does not resolve the
information, the server finds that sufficient recovery
problem, contact your support representative.
log space is not available for updates.
ANR4513E A database lock conflict was
encountered in processing System action
sequential volume history
information. The operation fails. Usage for a sequential volume was
not properly recorded for later reference.
User response
While attempting to process sequential volume history
information, the server encountered a database To increase the amount of log space that is available to
locking conflict. the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY,
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might

Chapter 3. ANR messages 691

occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is available, specify its name in the server options file
full. and retry the operation.
Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur ANR4518E Volume history file file name line
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY line number does not have the
location that are no longer active and cannot be proper format - read operation
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and fails.
necessary, specify a larger directory for the Explanation
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the The server is attempting to read from a volume history
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server. file and encounters a record that does not have the
proper format.
ANR4516E Server could not read sequential
volume history information from
System action
any defined files.
Server operation terminates.
User response
While attempting to read sequential volume history
information from defined history files, the server finds Examine the file specified to determine if the invalid
that it cannot open any of the files defined in the record can be located and corrected. If the file is
server options file. corrupted or does not contain valid volume history
entries, it cannot be used for the desired operation.
System action ANR4519W Volume History File does not
The server does not read volume history information. reflect latest Storage Agent
If the current server task requires this information, the Updates
task ends.
User response The storage agent failed to have the volume history file
Examine error messages that may have been on the server updated with the latest changes from the
displayed prior to this message and correct any storage agent.
problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
proper authority to read from the defined volume System action
history files. If you are doing a database restore, issue
RESTORE DB DEVCLASS=VOL. The storage agent continues processing.

ANR4517E No files have been defined for User response

storing sequential volume history
information - information cannot To bypass the problem, a BACKUP VOLHIST command
be read. can be issued from an admin client connected to the
server. The problem may be due to a temporary loss of
communication with the server.
ANR4520I Storage Pool storage pool name is
The server is attempting to read from at least one of
the volume history files defined in the server options being skipped during a space
file. Since no files were defined for this information the allocation. A request for request
read operation fails. amount megabytes was made but
only available amount megabytes
were available.
System action
Server operation ends. Explanation
A request for storage was made in the indicated
User response storage pool. The storage pool has a capacity of the
You can restore the database specifying the volume number of megabytes shown. The requested amount
names for each restore operation (in order) up to the can not be satisfied in the storage pool being skipped.
desired point-in-time. If a volume history file is The next storage pool, if any, will be tried in an
attempt to satisfy the request.

692 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The storage server skips the indicated storage pool A triggered space expansion has started for the
and tries to allocate storage in a "next" pool. indicated storage pool. The storage pool has a capacity
of the number of megabytes shown. It is being
User response expanded by the indicated percentage as directed by
the storage pool space trigger for this storage pool, or
More space can be created in the storage pool by by the default storage space trigger if this storage pool
increasing the number of scratch volumes allowed has no dedicated trigger of its own. The percentage is
(use the UPDATE STGPOOL poolname represented by the additional amount of space
MAXSCRATCH=xx command), by creating private indicated.
volumes in the storage pool (use the DEFINE VOLUME
poolname volname command ), or by creating a
System action
storage pool space trigger to monitor storage in the
storage pool. The storage pool space trigger can also Space expansion begins.
automatically create new FILE volumes when space
triggers are exceeded (use the DEFINE User response
ANR4521E The number of volumes specified
in the BACKUP DB command is not ANR4524I Volume volume name defined in
sufficient. The backup failed. Storage Pool storage pool name as
a result of storage pool triggered
space expansion.
The backup volume provided in the input parameter Explanation
for BACKUP DB command is not sufficient.
A triggered space expansion has caused the indicated
volume to be created in the storage shown in the
System action
message. The volume definition is the result of a
BACKUP DB terminates. storage pool space trigger definition which allocates
new space when the space trigger space threshold is
User response met.

Provide more input volumes.

System action
ANR4522E RESTORE DB failed with LOG file Processing continues.
User response
The LOG file is not associated with the current log
sequence. ANR4525E Failure to define volume volume
name in Storage Pool storage pool
System action name. Return codereturn code.

RESTORE DB terminates.

User response A triggered space expansion has caused an attempt to

create the indicated in the storage pool shown in the
Issue REMOVE DB first and retry the RESTORE DB. message. The volume creation failed with the
ANR4523I Storage Pool Space expansion indicated return code. The volume was not added to
triggered. Storage Pool storage the storage pool. Additional messages with specific
pool name with capacity of information on the failure are displayed from the
capacity megabytes requires volume creation process.
percentage percent expansion for
expansion amount bytes of System action
additional space. Processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 693

User response ANR4528W Storage Pool Space Expansion for
storage pool name is disabled due
It might be necessary to take action based on the
to previous expansion failures.
failure message from the volume creation process.
After addressing space
Such actions might include changing the storage space
requirements, an UPDATE
trigger definiton, ensuring that hardware is function
properly, or ensuring that the server is set up with
must be issued to allow automatic
sufficient permissions to access and create files on the
stgpool expansion.
file system to which IBM Spectrum Protect is writing.
ANR4526E Storage Pool Space trigger for Explanation
storage pool name is ended; the
thread resource not available. The server failed to complete a storage pool expansion
for the indicated storage pool. The storage pool space
trigger is disabled due to previous expansion failures.
The storage pool space trigger may be re-enabled with
The server cannot start a thread to handle storage the UPDATE SPACETRIGGER STG STPOOL=xx
pool expansion for the indicated storage pool. command, where xx is the storage pool for which
expansion has failed ( no space trigger parameters
System action need be updated ).

Server processing continues but the storage pool is not

System action
Server processing continues but the storage pool is not
User response expanded. The storage pool space trigger for the
indicated storage pool remains disabled. This message
See the documentation for the operating system about is re-issued periodically when expansion is required
how to increase memory for an application. but the storage pool space trigger remains disabled.
ANR4527W Storage Pool Space trigger for
storage pool name is disabled after User response
volume definition failures Allocate additional storage space to the server. For
expansion failures. Insufficient storage pools of device type FILE, additional
space for pool expansion. directories may be added to the list of directories that
the associated device class uses for storage. If this
Explanation action is taken, the corresponding storage agent
The server failed to complete a storage pool expansion directories should be added via the UPDATE PATH
for the indicated storage pool. The number of failures command. The storage pool space trigger may be re-
in pool expansion is also displayed. enabled with the UPDATE SPACETRIGGER STG
STPOOL=xx command, where xx is the storage pool for
which expansion has failed ( no space trigger
System action parameters need be updated ).
Server processing continues but the storage pool is not
ANR4531I An automatic full database backup
expanded. The storage pool space trigger for the
will be started. The last log
indicated storage pool is disabled.
number used is last log used and
the first log number used is first
User response log used. The log file size is log file
Allocate additional storage space to the server. For size megabytes. The maximum log
storage pools of device type FILE, additional file size is maximum log file size
directories may be added to the list of directories that megabytes.
the associated device class uses for storage. If this
action is taken, the corresponding storage agent Explanation
directories should be added via the UPDATE PATH
When the log space used since the last database
command. The storage pool space trigger may be re-
backup exceeds the maximum log file size, a full
database backup is started.
STPOOL=xx command, where xx is the storage pool for
which expansion has failed ( no space trigger
parameters need be updated ). System action

694 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
The database format operation failed.
ANR4533E Database database name is invalid
and cannot be created.
User response
Explanation Verify that the file systems you have specified for
formatting the server database and recovery log are
Follow all of these rules when choosing a database valid. Reissue the DSMSERV FORMAT command with a
name or alias: valid active log directory.
• Character strings that represent names of a
ANR4536E File Processor Value Unit table xml
database can contain any of the following
file could not be found or opened
characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, and $.
for read access.
• A database name or alias must be unique in the
database instance. Explanation
• A database name or alias is one to eight characters
The file could not be found or opened.
in length.
• The first character of the name must be an
System action
alphabetic character, or a @, a #, or a $ character.
• The first three characters of the name cannot be any Contents of the file are not parsed and loaded to the
of the following strings: SYS, DBM, or IBM. database.

System action User response

DSMSERV FORMAT processing stops. Verify that the file exists in either the server instance
directory or the server installation directory. If the file
does exist verify permissions for read access. If the file
User response does not exist obtain a copy from the IBM processor
Choose a different database name which meets the value unit website.
criteria indicated above and issue the DSMSERV
ANR4537I The active log space used is log
FORMAT command again.
space used is megabytes, and the
ANR4534E The active log size of active log size active log space available is log
MB exceeds the available space space available megabytes. The
active log space MB. ratio, active log used ratio, exceeds
the threshold log utilization
Explanation threshold.

There is not enough space for the active log size Explanation
specified in the DSMSERV FORMAT command.
When the active log space used exceeds the log
System action utilization threshold, the active log space must be
System action
User response
Ensure that the file systems you are using for database
and recovery log activities have enough space. Reissue User response
the DSMSERV FORMAT command and specify a
smaller value for the active log size. Increase the size of the active log space. For
information about increasing the size of the active log
ANR4535E The active log directory active log space, search for "active log" in the product
directory is not valid. information: (http://www.ibm.com/support/
ANR4538E The server could not write
The active log directory that is specified in the sequential volume history
DSMSERV FORMAT command does not exist.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 695

information to the volume history X:\DIR3 on STA1. If the number of directories between
file name temporary file. the PATH and DEVCLASS do not match, there could be
problem in accessing the resulting file in the future.
System action
The server failed to write to the specified file. The
volume history file cannot be updated until this Processing continues. Another directory path is
temporary file can be accessed. chosen. This might result in a subsequent access
failure by the storage agent.
System action
User response
No volume history information was written to the
temporary file specified. Use the QUERY DEVCLASS classname F=D and the
QUERY PATH pathname F=D commands to compare
User response the directory lists for the device class and the path and
ensure that they are synchronized.
Examine any error messages that might have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any ANR4540I Container container name is now
problems. Ensure that the server has permission to pending - Container will be
write to the specified file and that the file system has deleted from storage pool storage
sufficient space for the file. pool name after the reuse delay
period for this storage pool has
ANR4539E There is a mismatch in directory elapsed.
count between Device Class device
class name and Path Definition for
Server server name. The device
class has directory count All files have been deleted from the indicated
directories while the path container. The container will not be removed from the
definition has path directory count storage pool until the reuse delay time period for the
directories. indicated storage pool has elapsed.

Explanation System action

The server was assigning a shared FILE library volume None.
to a server or storage agent. Share FILE libraries
require a matching number of directories in the PATH User response
definition for the server or storage agent's access to
FILE drives and the server's device class definition. For None.
example, if the server has the following device class ANR4542E Audit command: Invalid server for
definition: DEFINE DEVCLASS SFILE DEVTYPE=FILE device class device class id in
MOUNTL=10 SHARED=YES DevClass.Dirs table. The server
DIR=D:\DIR1,E:\DIR2,F:\DIR3 a FILE library name name in the table is server name.
SFILE will be created along with 10 drives named
SFILE1 to SFILE10 in shared library SFILE. Each of
these drives might have scratch volumes created in Explanation
directories D:\DIR1, E:\DIR2 or F:\DIR3. (For UNIX A database audit process finds a directory entry with a
Platforms, substitute UNIX style names in the server which is either not defined or has an invalid
example). length in the DevClass.Dirs table. This table relates
For library clients and storage agents, the appropriate directories to device classes and paths. The class ID of
directory paths from those systems must be defined the table entry is shown, along with the server name.
using the DEFINE PATH command. An example, in this However, if the server name has an invalid length, only
case, might be DEFINE PATH STA1 SFILE1 blanks are shown.
DIR=V:\DIR1,W:\DIR2,X:\DIR3 LIBRARY=SFILE which System action
means that server (or storage agent) STA1 accesses Audit processing continues.
directory D:\DIR1 using V:\DIR1 from the STA1
system, E:\DIR2 on the server is accessed using
W:\DIR2 on STA1, and that F:\DIR3 is accessed using

696 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response the activity summary retention of
retention days.
If the FIX=YES parameter was specified, the data base
record with the incorrect entry will be deleted.
Otherwise, reissue the audit command with FIX=YES, Explanation
so that the incorrect record can be deleted. After The activity summary is used to determine if a client
records with incorrect entries have been removed, has been backed up within the at-risk interval. If the
review directories associated with device classes and interval exceeds the activity summary retention, the
paths with the following commands: QUERY server may not be able to find a qualifying backup and
DEVCLASS F=D QUERY PATH F=D would consider the client to be unprotected.
ANR4546W A ping request to server 'server
name' was not able to establish a System action
connection by using server Processing continues.

User response
Either invoke the command again to reduce the
The failure could indicate a problem on the source or interval or use the SET SUMMARYRETENTION
target server, or in the connection between the command to increase the activity summary retention.
ANR4550I Full database backup (process
System action process ID) completed. Total bytes
backed up: total DB bytes.
No connection was established.
User response
A full database backup process has completed. The
To identify and resolve the issue, complete the output volumes used in this backup may be used
following steps: 1. Check the activity log and server during a database restore operation.
console for messages that indicate a failure or
problem on the source server. 2. Check the
System action
communication connection between the servers. 3.
Verify the server definition and password on both None.
servers. 4. Verify that the target server is running. 5.
Correct any identified issues. User response
ANR4547W The clock on the remote server None.
server_name differs from the clock
on the local server by seconds ANR4551I Incremental database backup
seconds. (process process ID) completed.
Total bytes backed up: total DB
The clocks on the local and remote servers are not Explanation
consistent. This can cause various problems such as
inconsistent status reporting. An incremental database backup process has
completed. The output volumes used in this backup
may be used in conjunction with any preceding
System action
volumes in the backup series during a database
Server operation continues. restore operation.

User response System action

Make sure that the clocks on all servers are set None.
correctly. If possible, use an internet time service to
automatically synchronize the clocks. User response
ANR4548W command: The specified at-risk None.
interval of interval hours exceeds

Chapter 3. ANR messages 697

ANR4555I Database backup process process System action
ID canceled. System operation continues, but the command fails.

User response
The database backup process was canceled by an Upgrade the target replication server to Version 8.1.9
administrator with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
or later. Then, reissue the command.

System action ANR4570E Database backup/restore

terminated - device class device
The database backup process is ended. class name not defined.

User response Explanation

None. During database backup or restore processing, an
ANR4558I Snapshot database backup error occurred because the specified device class is
(process process ID) completed. not defined.
Total bytes backed up: total DB
bytes. System action
If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
Explanation DB command, the database backup is ended and
A differential database backup process has server operation continues. If the database backup
completed. The output volumes used in this backup was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
may be used in conjunction with preceding volumes in server waits for the retry period to expire and then
the full backup during a database restore operation. tries the database backup again. A database restore is
System action
User response
For database backup, make sure the specified device
class is defined. For database restore processing,
User response make sure the device class has a definition in a device
None. configuration file that is pointed to in the server
options file.
ANR4559I Backup DB is in progress.
ANR4571E Database backup/restore
Explanation terminated - insufficient number
of mount points available for
The database backup in process. removable media.

System action Explanation

None. During database backup or restore, the server cannot
allocate sufficient mount points for the volumes
User response required.
System action
ANR4560E Command: Command failed
If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
because the target replication
DB command, the database backup is ended and
server is down level.
server operation continues. If the database backup
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
Explanation server waits for the retry period to expire and then
The specified command failed because the target tries the database backup again. A database restore is
replication server version is not compatible with the ended.
source server for replication or protect operations.

698 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
For database backup, make more mount points If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
available if necessary. For database restore DB command, the database backup is ended and
processing, make sure the device class has sufficient server operation continues. If the database backup
mount points defined in the device configuration was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
information file that is pointed to in the server options server waits for the retry period to expire and then
file. tries the database backup again. A database restore is
ANR4572E Database restore terminated -
excessive read errors
encountered. User response
If possible, determine and correct the cause of the
Explanation interruption. If the problem cannot be corrected,
contact your service representative.
During database restore, read errors occur that
prevent the restore from continuing. ANR4575E Database backup/restore
terminated - sufficient recovery
System action log space is not available.

Database restore processing stops.


User response During a database backup or restore operation, the

server runs out of recovery log space.
Use a different device for the restore operation. If the
problem persists, contact your service representative.
System action
ANR4573E Database backup terminated - If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
excessive write errors DB command, the database backup is ended and
encountered. server operation continues. If the database backup
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
Explanation server waits for the retry period to expire and then
During database backup, write errors occur that tries the database backup again. A database restore is
prevent the backup from continuing. terminated.

System action User response

If the database backup was started with the BACKUP For database backup, make more server recovery log
DB command, the database backup is ended and space available, if necessary. For database restore,
server operation continues. If the database backup contact your service representative.
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the ANR4576E Database backup/restore
server waits for the retry period to expire and then terminated - sufficient database
tries the database backup again. space is not available.

User response Explanation

If possible, determine and correct the cause of the During a database backup or restore operation, the
write errors. If the problem cannot be corrected, server runs out of database space.
contact your service representative.
ANR4574E Database backup/restore System action
terminated - data transfer If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
interrupted. DB command, the database backup is ended and
server operation continues. If the database backup
Explanation was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
During a database backup or restore operation, a data server waits for the retry period to expire and then
transfer operation has been interrupted and cannot be tries the database backup again. The database restore
continued. process attempts to set the database capacity to the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 699

required capacity to hold the database being restored. server waits for the retry period to expire and then
If this fails, the restore operation is ended. tries the database backup again. A database restore is
User response
User response
For database backup, make more server database
space available, if necessary. For database restore, Issue the command again or wait for the server to
make sure that the size of the online database is at retry the backup and make sure the necessary
least the same capacity as the database being volumes are accessible. If you are restoring a
restored. database to a given date or doing a roll-forward
restore, restart the entire restore operation. If you are
ANR4577E Database backup terminated - restoring a single database backup with COMMIT=NO,
volume already in use. reissue the restore command. If you are restoring a
database backup with COMMIT=YES, restore the
Explanation complete backup series from the beginning.
During a database backup operation, a volume cannot ANR4580E Database backup/restore
be used because it is already defined in a storage pool, terminated - insufficient memory
or has been previously used by an export, a database available.
dump, or a database backup operation (as recorded in
the volume history) or is in use by another process.

System action During a database backup or restore operation, there

was not enough server memory available.
If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
DB command, the database backup is ended and
System action
server operation continues. If the database backup
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
server waits for the retry period to expire and then DB command, the database backup is ended and
tries the database backup again. server operation continues. If the database backup
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
User response server waits for the retry period to expire and then
tries the database backup again. A database restore is
Specify a volume that is not in use or defined in a terminated.
storage pool, and that has not been previously used
for an export, a database dump, or a database backup
User response
operation as recorded in the server volume history
information. The QUERY VOLUME command may be If necessary, make more memory available to the
used to display the names of volumes that are defined server.
to server storage pools. The QUERY VOLHISTORY
command may be used to display the names of ANR4581W Database backup/restore
volumes that have been used for export, database terminated - internal server error
dump, or database backup operations. detected.

ANR4578E Database backup/restore Explanation

terminated - required volume was
not mounted. During a database backup or restore operation, the
server encounters an internal error.
System action
During a database backup or restore operation, a
required volume cannot be mounted, because the If the database backup was started with the BACKUP
mount request was canceled. DB command, the database backup is ended and
server operation continues. If the database backup
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the
System action
server waits for the retry period to expire and then
If the database backup was started with the BACKUP tries the database backup again. A database restore is
DB command, the database backup is ended and terminated.
server operation continues. If the database backup
was triggered automatically, the backup stops and the

700 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR4586E Not able to get a Db2 connection.
Backup DB operation will be
Contact your service representative.
ANR4582E Database restore terminated -
volume cannot be used. Explanation
Db2 connection is needed for the backup DB
operation. .
During a database restore operation, a volume has
been mounted but cannot be used. System action
Backup DB operation is terminated.
System action
The restore operation is terminated. User response
Verify database manager resources. Submit command
User response
If a volume list was specified on the command, make
ANR4587E Database backup or restore
sure the correct volume is being specified and
configuration is incorrect; client
mounted. If no volume list was specified, contact your
node node name was attempted to
service representative.
be used for this operation.
ANR4583E Database backup terminated -
output media full and scratch Explanation
media could not be mounted.
A server database backup or restore operation was
attempted and failed. The indicated client node was
used for the operation which is incorrect. The server
During a database backup operation, an out-of-space database backup and restore operations are a
condition occurred writing to the sequential media, restricted protocol and require the explicit use of
and a scratch volume cannot be mounted. client node name $$_TSMDBMGR_$$.

System action System action

The database backup is ended and server operation Database backup or restore operation failed and is
continues. terminated.

User response User response

Reissue the command and specify additional volume Verify that the configuration of the dsm.sys file used by
names on the command, or specify SCRATCH=YES. the IBM Spectrum Protect API for the system where
the server is installed. The server stanza in the
ANR4585W Volume History File does not exist dsm.sys file for the database backup must be
- Backup/Restore DB operation configured as follows:
requires volume history file.
• The NODENAME option must specify $
Explanation $_TSMDBMGR_$$.
• If the server is configured for database backup and
Volume history file is needed for the backup/restore
restore using TCP/IP, the server TCP/IP address
DB operation. .
must be loopback (
• The server is configured to listen on the appropriate
System action
ANR4588E A database backup configuration
might be incorrect.
User response
Please specify volume history file in the dsmserv.opt. Explanation
A server database backup operation failed. The server
database backup and restore operations are a

Chapter 3. ANR messages 701

restricted protocol and require the explicit use of the • Verify that the new log path is in takes effect: db2
client node name $$_TSMDBMGR_$$. connect to TSMDB1; db2 get db cfg | find "Path to
log files ( on Windows ) "
System action ANR4591I Selected backup series seriesId
The database backup operation fails and is ended. from date and time as best
candidate available for restore
database processing.
User response
Verify that the configuration of the dsm.sys file used by Explanation
the IBM Spectrum Protect API for the system where
the server is installed. The server stanza in the The DSMSERV RESTORE DB command evaluates the
dsm.sys file for the database backup must be volume history file using the criteria specified for the
configured as follows: command to determine the best candidate database
backup to use.
• The NODENAME option must specify $
System action
• If the server is configured for database backup and
restore using TCP/IP, the server TCP/IP address None.
must be loopback (
• The server is configured to listen on the appropriate User response
TCP/IP port or SHMPORT. Evaluate the backup series, date, and time reported to
determine if this meets the desired restore objectives.
ANR4589W The Db2 connection was lost
If these do not meet the objectives, re-issue the
following a database restore
DSMSERV RESTORE DB with additional or changed
information in order to achieve the desired recovery
ANR4592I Restore database backup series
The server database was restored, but the Db2
seriesId includes eligible operation
connection failed. For this reason, if the path to the
opId with volume volume name
Db2 log directory was changed as part of a DB restore
having sequence sequence and
operation, the database path to the log directory was
using device class device class.
not updated automatically.

System action
The DSMSERV RESTORE DB command evaluates the
The server database is restored. volume history file using the criteria specified for the
command to determine the best candidate database
User response backup to use. The opId and volume name for the
If the path to the Db2 log directory did not change, no indicated device class are candidate volumes that will
action is needed. If the path to the Db2 log directory be evaluated and used for the restore database
changed, you must manually update the path when the process.
server is started. To update the path, connect to the
Db2 database and change the configuration, as System action
described in the following example: None.
• Start Db2: db2start
• Connect to TSMDB1: db2 connect to TSMDB1 User response
• Update the Db2 database configuration: db2 update Evaluate the backup series, date, and time reported to
db cfg using NEWLOGPATH (log path from server determine if this meets the desired restore objectives.
options, e.g. /ALOG/tsminst1) If these do not meet the objectives, re-issue the
• Terminate the connection to TSMDB1: db2 terminate DSMSERV RESTORE DB with additional or changed
information in order to achieve the desired recovery
• Recycle Db2: db2stop/db2start objectives.
• Verify that the new log path is in takes effect: db2
connect to TSMDB1; db2 get db cfg | grep "Path to
log files ( on UNIX ) "

702 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4593E Restore database unable to find backup series seriesID and
eligible candidate to use for operation operationID but it could
processing. not be found in the available
volume history files.
The DSMSERV RESTORE DB command evaluates the
volume history file using the criteria specified for the Once the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command selects a
command to determine the best candidate database candidate database backup series, it will validate the
backup to use. No eligible candidate backup series information from the backup data stream and compare
was found. it to the information available from the volume history
file. In this case, the database backup has information
System action for the indicated stream sequence but it has been
unable to find any information about volumes used for
None. that stream within this backup series and operation.

User response System action

Evaluate the volume history file and available volumes None.
to use for restore of the database. Manually add
entries to the volume history file for a backup series User response
and corresponding volumes to consider for restore
database processing. Evaluate the volume history file and available volumes
to use for restore of the database. If additional
ANR4594E Restore database expects volume volumes are available for this series and operation,
volumeName for backup series than add entries to the volume history file for these
seriesID and operation operationID volume and retry the operation. If no other volumes
but it could not be found in the are available, than remove all entries from the volume
available volume history files. history that are assigned to this backup series ID.
Once those entries are removed, retry the database
Explanation restore operation and it will attempt to select the next
best candidate for processing.
Once the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command selects a
candidate database backup series, it will validate the ANR4596E The restore database operation is
information from the backup data stream and compare unable to validate the selected
it to the information available from the volume history database backup for series
file. In this case, the database backup requires the seriesID and operation operationID
specified volume for restore processing of this backup against the actual data from the
series but this volume was not found in the available database backup stream.
volume history file information.
System action
When the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command selects a
None. candidate database backup series, it will validate the
information from the backup data stream and compare
User response it to the information available from the volume history
file. In this case, the database backup is missing
Evaluate the volume history file and available volumes information that is needed in order to perform a
to use for restore of the database. If the specified restore of the server database.
volume is available, than add an entry to the volume
history file for this volume and retry the operation. If
this volume is not available, than remove all entries System action
from the volume history that are assigned to this None.
backup series ID. Once those entries are removed,
retry the database restore operation and it will User response
attempt to select the next best candidate for
processing. This error can be caused by one of the following
conditions: 1. All of the necessary volumes are not
ANR4595E Restore database expects a available and specified in the volume history file. 2.
stream sequence stream for

Chapter 3. ANR messages 703

The release level of the server database backup is series seriesId and operation
different from the release level of the server that is operationId using volume
being restored. For example, error ANR4596E will volumeName.
occur when you restore a V6.2 database and you are
using a V6.3 IBM Spectrum Protect server. 3. You have Explanation
the wrong volume that is designated with sequence
10001. If a volume in the volume history file for this The database backup information for the selected
backup series and operation is assigned 10001, try backup series selected from the volume history will be
assigning a different volume as sequence 10001. The validated against the information from the database
volume assigned sequence 10001 is expected to have backup itself. The volume history information will be
the self-describing validation information and cross-checked to insure that the backup series,
signatures that are used by the restore process for the necessary volumes, and other attributes of the
validation of an operation for a backup series. The database backup are correct and complete for this
restore will fail if this information is not found or is operation. Note that if the database restore operation
incorrect. includes incremental database backups, the validation
will be done using the volumes assigned to sequence
ANR4597E Operation operationId for backup number 10001 for operationId 0 and the operationId
series seriesID does not reference representing the best candidate for restore of the
volume volumeName, the volume incremental database backup data.
history information is not correct.
System action
Once the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command selects a
candidate database backup series, it will validate the User response
information from the backup data stream and compare
it to the information available from the volume history If the information is cross-checked and validated
file. In this case, the volume history information successfully, the database restore will be attempted
reports a volume assigned to a given series and using this database backup series and corresponding
operation but that backup does not reference that volumes. If the information fails to validate, additional
volume. messages will be issued indicating what is missing or
why the selected database backup series and volumes
System action can not be used. In the case that the validation failed,
review the other messages and take the corrective
None. action specified by those messages and than retry the
database restore operation.
User response
ANR4599W Could not create the server
This may be caused by one of two possible cases. The database log directory Log
first is that the transaction log information recorded directory.
for this backup to make this database referentially
consistent required more than one volume to store Explanation
this information. This should be referenced with a
write sequence number greater than 10001. If this During a database restore operation, directories for
was assigned a sequence value less than this value, it active, archive, mirror, and archive failover logs might
would be considered as a database backup volume be created. Errors can occur during creation of these
which would result in this error. Alternatively, if this directories due to permission, path, or file system
volume simply does not belong to this database issues.
backup series or operation, that would result in this
failure as well. Removing this entry from the volume System action
history file to eliminate it from consideration for this
The database restore was successful. However, the
backup series and operation or correcting the
server might not be running with the specified log
operation id and series id to an approprite value would
also resolve this. After considering the cases above
and taking action for one or the other of them, retry
the restore database operation. User response

ANR4598I Validating database backup Review the server options file and the output of the
information for selected backup QUERY LOG F=D command. Ensure that the configured

704 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

log directories were created and have the required ANR4603I The volume history file that
access permissions. If you make changes, restart the existed before the upgrade to
server. Version 6.3 or later was saved
under another name: file name.
ANR4600E When the server wrote to the
configuration file file namefor the
object agent, an error occurred. Explanation
After an upgrade of IBM Spectrum Protect server to
Explanation V6.3 or later, if you want to revert to the previous
release, you must have the original volume history file.
The configuration file for the object agent is not
The reason is that the V6.3 or later volume history file
has a different format than the earlier volume history
file. The newer volume history file cannot be used to
System action restore the IBM Spectrum Protect database to the
The server operation continues. previous release.

User response System action

Ensure that the server has the appropriate authority to The system saves the previous volume history file
write to the configuration file and that sufficient space under another name to ensure that it is not
is available for the configuration file in the file system. overwritten.

ANR4601I A configuration file for the object User response

agent was created in the instance
directory and is ready to set up. To To restore the IBM Spectrum Protect database, use
configure and start a service for the saved volume history file.
object agent agent name, run the
ANR4604E Restore database volume header
following command:
magic number magic does not
script name file name
match the expected volume
header magic number of expected
Explanation magic. This volume cannot be used
Use the startObjectAgent script with the configuration to restore the database.
file to configure and start a service for the object
agent. This is a one time set-up process. Explanation
Each volume contains an IBM Spectrum Protect
System action volume header that begins with a header magic
number. A bad magic number indicates that this
volume is either corrupted or not suitable for restoring
User response
the database.
To configure the service, use either administrative or
root user privileges. System action
ANR4602E No volumes found for TODATE date The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE
time. DB command.

Explanation User response

No volumes were found in the volume history files that Check the volume history file to make sure that this
meet the date and time parameters specified. volume is a valid database backup volume. If the
volume is corrupted, restore the database to a
System action different time using a different set of backup volumes.
The server does not process the command. ANR4605E Restore database volume header
version number version does not
User response match the expected volume
version number of expected
Reissue the command with a valid date and time. version. This volume cannot be
used to restore the database.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 705

Explanation volume cannot be used to restore
the database.
Each database backup volume contains an IBM
Spectrum Protect version number in the volume
header. A mis-matched version number indicates that Explanation
this volume is either corrupted or not suitable for Each database backup volume contains an IBM
restoring the database. This volume may be a pre Spectrum Protect backup operation number in the
Version 6.3.0 database backup volume. It cannot be volume header. A mis-matched backup operation
used to restore an IBM Spectrum Protect V6.3 number indicates that this volume is either corrupted
database. or not suitable for restoring the database.

System action System action

The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE
DB command. DB command.

User response User response

Check the volume history file to make sure that this Check the volume history file to make sure this volume
volume is a valid database backup volume. If this is valid for a database backup operation. If the volume
volume is corrupted, restore the database to a is valid, the volume history file can be modified to
different time using a different set of backup volumes. match this operation number and you can reissue the
ANR4606E Restore database volume header DSMSERV RESTORE DB command. If the problem
backup series number series does persists, this volume may be corrupted. Restore the
not match the expected backup database to a different time using a different set of
series number of expected series. backup volumes.
This volume cannot be used to ANR4608E Restore database volume header
restore the database. backup type backup type is invalid.
This volume cannot be used to
Explanation restore the database.
Each database backup volume contains an IBM
Spectrum Protect backup series number in the volume Explanation
header. A mis-matched backup series number Each database backup volume contains an IBM
indicates that this volume is either corrupted or not Spectrum Protect backup type code in the volume
suitable for restoring the database. header. An invalid backup type code indicates that this
volume is either corrupted or not suitable for restoring
System action the database.
The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE
DB command. System action
The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE
User response DB command.
Check the volume history file to make sure this volume
is valid for a database backup operation. If the volume User response
is valid, the volume history file can be modified to Check the volume history file to make sure this volume
match this series number and you can reissue the is valid for a database backup operation. If this volume
DSMSERV RESTORE DB command. If the problem is corrupted, restore the database to a different time
persists, this volume may be corrupted. Restore the using a different set of backup volumes.
database to a different time using a different set of
backup volumes. ANR4609I Restore database process found
backup type database backup
ANR4607E Restore database volume header timestamp backup timestamp from
backup operation number database backup media.
operation does not match the
expected backup operation
number of expected operation. This

706 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
This is the backup timestamp that is used for a Retry the command specifying an eligible server or
database restore operation. group.
ANR4613E Meta data for restore database
System action volume backup volume is not valid.
This volume cannot be used to
restore the database.
User response

ANR4610E Command: An object agent server Explanation

is already defined. Backup volumes contain IBM Spectrum Protect meta
data. Invalid meta data indicates that this volume is
Explanation either corrupted or not suitable for restoring the
Because the DEFINE SERVER command was
previously issued, an object agent already exists on
the server. Only one object agent can be specified per System action
server. The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE
DB command.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Check the volume history file to make sure this volume
User response is valid for a database backup operation. If this volume
is corrupted, restore the database to a different time
To define an object agent server, delete the existing
using a different set of backup volumes.
object agent. Alternatively, update the already defined
object agent server. ANR4614E The database backup timestamp
of backup timestamp on media on
ANR4611E Command: Invalid server name -
database backup media with
server name. An object agent
backup type backup type does not
server cannot be used as a target
match the backup timestamp
replication server.
backup timestamp from volhist
from the volume history file. This
Explanation volume cannot be used to restore
A SET SERVERNAME command has been entered that the database.
specifies an invalid server name.
System action Mis-matched timestamps indicates that this volume is
The server does not process the command. either corrupted or not suitable for restoring the
User response
System action
Reissue the command with a valid server name.
The server does not process the DSMSERV RESTORE
ANR4612E Command: Object agent server DB command.
server name is not eligible for this
command. User response

Explanation Check the volume history file to make sure this volume
is valid for a database backup operation. If this volume
The server server name is not a valid server. Object is corrupted, restore the database to a different time
agent servers cannot be specified with this command. using a different set of backup volumes.
ANR4615E The server is unable to restore the
System action
database due to inaccessible
The command fails. media.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 707

Explanation name because the server has no
defined password.
The database restore operation cannot be completed.
Possible reasons include:
• The device configuration file is not correctly defined
to access the media. The server password is missing.
• There is a problem with the media.
System action
System action Server operation continues.
The database is not restored.
User response
User response If you want to use server-to-server functions such as
enterprise configuration or node replication, a server
Review the information in the message explanation password is required. To specify a password, issue the
and take action to correct any problems with the following command: UPDATE SERVER server name
device configuration file or media. Reissue the SERVERPASSWORD=password The password must
RESTORE DB command. match the password that is set by the SET
ANR4616E Database restore terminated SERVERPASSWORD command.
because the media header cannot ANR4619E Command: The requested server
be found - Db2 sqlcode sqlcode certificate cannot be displayed.
and Db2 error message sqlerrmc.
The certificate is unavailable.
During a restore operation, the Db2 database was
unable to find the media header. There might be a
problem with the media. System action
Server operation continues.
System action
The database restore is terminated. User response
User response
ANR4620I Database backup series Backup
Check if the IBM Spectrum Protect server reports an series operation backup operation
error for the media. Ensure that the media that is used device class device class.
for the database backup is working.
ANR4617I A ping request to server 'server Explanation
name' was able to establish a The device class used for the backup is shown.
connection by using server
credentials. System action

Explanation None.

The server credentials are valid. User response

System action None.

The connection was established. ANR4621I The service that is associated with
object agent agent name must be
deleted by running the script name
User response
script with configuration file file
No action is required. name.
ANR4618I The server credentials can not be
authenticated for server server

708 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation command uses an HLADDRESS value that matches an
address in the server default certificate.
The service to run the object agent server is no longer
needed because the server was deleted. ANR4624I Preview processing for a database
restore operation has completed.
System action

User response The database restore command was issued with

PREVIEW=YES specified. The server will evaluate the
To stop and delete the service for this object agent volume history information and report the details
server, use either administrative or root user privileges about what it found. It will report the candidate
to run the script with the configuration file. database backup that was selected based on the
ANR4622I Volume volume sequence number restore command that was specified. If the database
in backup operation: volume name. restore processing is unable to find a viable database
backup to use for restore or other errors occur during
this evaluation, these will also be reported.
The volume sequence and name for a full or an System action
incremental database backup are shown.
System action
User response
Review the other messages issued to determine the
outcome of the database restore preview operation.
User response
None. ANR4625W Database backup failure while
attempting to use number of
ANR4623E The definition for object agent streams streams, backup will be
agent name must specify an retried using one stream.
HLADDRESS that matches an
address in the server's default Explanation
The database backup process failed while attempting
the operation with the specified number of streams.
The operation will be retried with a single stream.
The DEFINE SERVER command for the object agent
has an HLADDRESS value that doesn't match a value in System action
the server's default certificate.
The database backup will be automatically retried
using a single stream.
System action
The object agent definition failed. User response
Review the other messages issued to determine the
User response
reason for the failure of the database backup while
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1. using multiple output streams. Also review the
Find the default certificate for the server by issuing the process completion and other message to determine if
following command from the server instance directory: the retry using a single stream was successful.
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -list -db cert.kdb -stashed 2. To
ANR4626I Database backup will use number
view details about the certificate, issue the following
command from the server instance directory: of streams streams for processing
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -details -db cert.kdb -label with the number originally
"default-label" where "default-label" is the value that requested number requested.
is obtained in the preceding command. 3. Look for a
subject alternative name (SAN) in the output. If a SAN Explanation
is not found in the output, look for a name in the The database backup will be performed using the
subject field. 4. Ensure that the DEFINE SERVER specified number of streams. The original number of
streams requested, either through the command or

Chapter 3. ANR messages 709

the NUMSTREAM setting for SET DBRECOVERY, is also not be restored: Node node name,
displayed. Type file type, File space filespace
name, File name file name.
System action
The database backup will be performed with the
indicated number of streams. When the storage agent attempts to restore a
fragmented file, the file is not restored. This behavior
User response occurs during a classic restore by using a storage
agent earlier than version 7.1.
Note that if the number of streams used for the
database backup differs from the number requested,
System action
this indicates either a configuration error or that the
device being used does not have as many drives The file is not restored.
available as was previously considered and planned
for. Review the device class and NUMSTREAM settings User response
used for the database backup command to determine
if changes are needed or if actions are needed to bring Complete one of the following actions to resolve the
drives back online. problem:

ANR4627W The object might be incomplete for • Restore the file from LAN explicitly.
node name: type=type, file • Restore the file through a no-query restore.
space=filespace name, • Upgrade the storage agent to a level at version 7.1 or
object=object name. later.
Refer to APAR IT02547 for more information about the
The IBM Spectrum Protect V7.1.0 server exported the
object of type type for node name, identified by file ANR4630W Container container name in
space and object name. The named object might be storage pool storage pool cannot
imcomplete. be opened. Audit will mark the
container as unavailable and all
the data extents in it as damaged.
System action
The IMPORT operation proceeds. Explanation
The AUDIT CONTAINER process encountered an open
User response error for the specified container while attempting to
Restore, retrieve, or recall the named object. Verify read a data extent. The container will be marked
that all contents of the file are stored properly. unavailable, and all extents within the container will be
marked damaged.
ANR4628E Device device name failed to close
with error code errno.
System action

Explanation None.

The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot close the

User response
Identify and resolve the open error for the container, if
System action possible. Verify that the container's physical device is
functioning properly and that the container is usable.
The close operation fails.
ANR4631W Header of container container
User response name in container storage pool
storage pool is corrupted. Audit
Check the error code value, get the device driver trace will mark the container as
and contact the device vendor. unavailable and will record all
ANR4629E content as damaged.
Attempting to restore a
fragmented file through an earlier-
level storage agent. The file will

710 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
While attempting to access the container's data, the A point-in-time database restore with the TODATE
container header was found to be corrupted. The parameter specified has begun. When this restore is
container will be marked unavailable. complete, the database will be committed to the point
in time of this backup.
System action
System action
User response
User response
Identify and resolve the invalid header for the
container if possible. Verify that the container's None.
physical device is functioning properly and that the
ANR4635I Point-in-time database restore
container is usable.
complete, restore date date time.
ANR4632E Session session number cannot
store data in the container storage Explanation
pool on the target replication
server. There is insufficient space A point-in-time database restore with the TODATE
in the container storage pool parameter specified has completed. The database is
stgpool name. committed to the point in time of this backup, which
may be different than the TODATE specified. If this is
the case, an additional message will be displayed.
During replication processing, there was insufficient System action
free space available in the container storage pool on
the target replication server. None.

System action User response

The replication process fails. None.

ANR4636I Starting roll-forward database
User response restore.
new storage pool directory for the container storage Explanation
pool on the target replication server. A roll-forward database restore has begun. When this
ANR4633W Storage pool directory dir name in restore is complete, the database will be returned to
storage pool stgpool name can not its most recent state.
be accessed due to its access state
access. System action
The specified container's directory is restricted to User response

System action ANR4637I Roll-forward database restore

User response
A roll-forward database restore has ended. All
Identify and modify the access state for the stgpool database backups in the most current backup series
directory if possible. have been restored, and all updates to the database
ANR4634I Starting point-in-time database since the most recent backup have been rolled
restore to date date time. forward. The database has been returned to its most
recent state.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 711

System action User response
None. Ensure that the directory has the correct permissions
and can be accessed by the IBM Spectrum Protect
User response server.

None. ANR4641W command: Replication is disabled

because node name is not eligible
ANR4638I Restore of backup series backup for replication.
series number operation backup
operation in series in progress.

Explanation When you issue the REPLICATE NODE command, the

specified node fails to replicate. Client deployment
During a DSMSERV RESTORE DB, the server displays package nodes are processed for replication by the
the backup series and operation currently being server and are not eligible for processing by an
restored. administrator or schedule.

System action System action

None. Replication processing fails for the specified node.

User response User response

None. Replication processing fails for the specified node.
ANR4639W Container container name in ANR4645I The restore date reflects the most
storage pool storage pool cannot recent backup available up to the
be opened because of incorrect specified TODATE.
privilege. The audit container
process marks the container as
Explanation parameter, the date of the restored backup was not
identical to the date specified on the command. The
The server reports an error for the specified container backup series that was restored is the most recent
during the audit container process. The server cannot backup series up to and including the specified date.
read the data extent because the privilege is incorrect
for the server instance ID. The container is marked as
System action
System action
User response
Make sure the date of the restored database is
User response satisfactory. If it is not, restore the database again by
specifying a different TODATE or by restoring
Identify and resolve the open container error, if individual database backups.
possible. Verify that the server instance ID has the
correct privilege to access the container. ANR4652E No system message queues
available for communications.
ANR4640E Failed to retrieve space statistics
from directory directory name.

Explanation While IBM Spectrum Protect was trying to establish a

communications session, an attempt to acquire a
The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot gather space system message queue failed. This usually means that
statistics for the directory. the system-imposed limit on message queues has
been reached.
System action
The directory space stats operation fails.

712 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The communications session is not initialized due to Specify a key-ring file password using 1-64 characters.
lack of system resources. Ensure that the password is the same value that was
specified with the key-ring file password utility.
User response ANR4657E SNMP: Failed to connect to server
Increase the maximum number of message queues on at address address, port port.
the system and try the operation again. This is
normally accomplished by increasing the value in the Explanation
kernel's msgmni file.
The SNMP client was attempting to run a session with
ANR4653E Incremental backup DB failed. the server at the indicated address and port number in
Can not perform incremental DB response to an SNMP Get Request, which causes a
backup without a FULL DB backup Server Script to be run. The subagent failed to connect
performed first. to the server.

Explanation System action

A FULL DB backup has to be performed at least once The SNMP subagent ends this attempt to run the script
before any Incremental DB backup can be performed. and continues operation.

System action User response

The incremental DB backup is terminated. Ensure that the indicated server is up and able to
initiate admin clients using the TCP/IP protocol.
User response ANR4658I No key-ring file password was
Reissue the backup db command with type=FULL. found.

ANR4654I The restore db to most current

time can not be done since
contents of the active or archive Either a QUERY command was issued to display the
log directories have been changed. key-ring file password or a SET command was issued
The DB will be restored to the last to inform the server of a change to the key-ring file
full or full plus incremental state. password. A password was not recorded by the server.

Explanation System action

The restore DB can only restore to the last FULL None
User response
System action
To create a key-ring file or to generate a password, the
server must run with secure sockets layer (SSL)
User response transmission control protocol (TCP) port options. If the
server did not run with SSL TCP port options, start the
Do not modify contents of active or archive log server while the options file contains the SSLTCPPORT
directories before attempting a dsmserv roll forward or SSLTCPADMINPORT option. Then issue the QUERY
restore command. SSLKEYRINGPW command to display the generated
ANR4656E Invalid key-ring file password Key password. If you use an external utility to change the
Ring password key-ring file password after the server creates the key-
ring file and its password, issue the SET
SSLKEYRINGPW command to inform the server of the
Explanation change.
The specified key-ring file password exceeds the
ANR4659E SNMP: Communications failure:
maximum password length of 64 characters.
bad verb received (verb type).

System action

Chapter 3. ANR messages 713

Explanation SNMP client. This may be a normal event if either side
of the connection is abruptly ended, as in the case of
The SNMP client encountered an invalid
terminating the subagent program. The error is
communications verb during a session with the server
reflected in another message for TCP/IP which further
and is not able to continue processing the session.
describes the error.

System action
System action
The SNMP session ends and subagent operation
The session is ended. Server operation continues. If a
message is being forwarded to an SNMP managing
node, the message is not sent. If a heartbeat message
User response was being sent to the subagent, this heartbeat
Contact your service representative. message is lost and the server attempts to re-start its
session with the SNMP subagent.
ANR4660I Connected to SNMP subagent at
SNMP subagent address on port User response
port number.
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
Explanation stopping either the subagent, no response is required.
Otherwise, ensure that the TCP/IP protocol stack is
The server has successfully connected to the SNMP functioning by using the tools that come with the
subagent at the indicated address and port. particular TCP/IP suite on the platform in use.
ANR4663W Failure receiving message from
System action
SNMP subagent.
The server will now register with the subagent.
User response
The server experienced an error return code from
None. TCP/IP while receiving data from the SNMP subagent.
This may be a normal event if either side of the
ANR4661E SNMP communication with the connection is abruptly ended, as in the case of
subagent failed because a thread terminating the subagent program. The error is
resource was not available. reflected in another message for TCP/IP which further
describes the error.
The server could not continue with SNMP System action
communication to the SNMP subagent because The session is ended. Server operation continues. If a
sufficient memory is not available for starting heartbeat message was being sent to the subagent,
additional processes on the server. this heartbeat message is lost and the server attempts
to re-start its session with the SNMP subagent. If the
System action server was attempting to register to the SNMP
The server discontinues SNMP processing and server subagent, heartbeat messaging will be disabled until
operation continues. the server is re-started.

User response User response

See the documentation for the operating system about If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
how to increase memory for an application. stopping either the subagent, no response is required.
Otherwise, ensure that the TCP/IP protocol stack is
ANR4662W Failure sending message to SNMP functioning by using the tools that come with the
subagent. particular TCP/IP suite on the platform in use.
ANR4664W Failure in registering with SNMP
The server experienced an error return code from
TCP/IP while sending to the SNMP subagent. This
message is also issued when the SNMP subagent has
an error sending a verb to the server when acting as an

714 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation that come with the particular TCP/IP suite on the
platform in use.
The server experienced a problem while attempting to
register with the SNMP subagent. This may be due to ANR4667W Failure retrying heartbeat
problems with communication or the SNMP subagent message to SNMP subagent.
being unavailable.
System action
The server experienced a problem while attempting to
Heartbeat messaging will be disabled until the server send a heartbeat message to the SNMP subagent. This
is re-started. may be due to problems with communication or the
SNMP subagent being unavailable.
User response
System action
Ensure that the subagent is running and that the
TCP/IP protocol stack is functioning by using the tools The server attempted to contact the SNMP subagent
that come with the particular TCP/IP suite on the again and re-synchronize, but this too failed.
platform in use. Heartbeat functions are disabled until the server is re-
ANR4665W Failure retrying registration with
SNMP subagent.
User response
Explanation Ensure that the subagent is running and that the
TCP/IP protocol stack is functioning by using the tools
The server experienced a problem while attempting to
that come with the particular TCP/IP suite on the
re-register with the SNMP subagent after losing
platform in use. Re-start the server if the heartbeat
contact. This may be due to problems with
function is required.
communication or the SNMP subagent being
unavailable. ANR4668I Connection successfully re-
established with SNMP subagent.
System action
Registration is re-tried for a number of attempts
before giving up. The server experienced a problem while attempting to
send a heartbeat message to the SNMP subagent.
User response
System action
Ensure that the subagent is running and that the
TCP/IP protocol stack is functioning by using the tools The server was able to successfully resynchronize with
that come with the particular TCP/IP suite on the the SNMP subagent.
platform in use.
ANR4666W Failure sending heartbeat User response
message to SNMP subagent. None.
ANR4669W Heartbeat message was not
accepted by SNMP subagent.
The server experienced a problem while attempting to
send a heartbeat message to the SNMP subagent. This Explanation
may be due to problems with communication or the
SNMP subagent being unavailable. The server experienced a problem while attempting to
send a heartbeat message to the SNMP subagent. The
SNMP subagent was unable to accept the heartbeat
System action
message. If the subagent was stopped and re-started,
The server will attempt to contact the SNMP subagent this is a normal message.
again and re-synchronize.
System action
User response
The server will attempt to contact the SNMP subagent
Ensure that the subagent is running and that the again and re-synchronize.
TCP/IP protocol stack is functioning by using the tools

Chapter 3. ANR messages 715

User response System action
Ensure that the subagent is running and that the The server discontinues SNMP message processing
TCP/IP protocol stack is functioning by using the tools and server operation continues.
that come with the particular TCP/IP suite on the
platform in use. User response
ANR4670W Failure in opening session with See the documentation for the operating system about
SNMP subagent. how to increase memory for an application.
ANR4674E Error starting DPI thread - Return
code: Return code received from
The server experienced a problem while attempting to called routine.
open a session with the SNMP subagent.
System action
The SNMP subagent could not start the DPI thread.
Processing continues. Heartbeat and message
forwarding function will not be available. System action
Initialization of the subagent fails.
User response
Ensure that the subagent is running and that the User response
TCP/IP protocol stack is functioning by using the tools
that come with the particular TCP/IP suite on the Contact your service representative.
platform in use. If heartbeat and message forwarding ANR4675W command: This command may
functions are required, re-start the server. take a while to finish.
ANR4671W SNMP subagent did not accept
registration of this server. Explanation
A command has been invoked that could potentially
Explanation run for a while.
The server experienced a problem while attempting to
open a session with the SNMP subagent. The subagent System action
is available but disallowed registration by this server.
The administrator is asked whether to continue.

System action
User response
Processing continues. Heartbeat and message
Enter 'Y' to continue with the command or 'N' to
forwarding function will not be available.
terminate the command.

User response ANR4676E Unable to register another server.

It may be necessary to stop the subagent and re-start
it. Then stop the server and re-start it if heartbeat and
message forwarding functions are required. The SNMP subagent received a request to register a
new server and was unable to allocate the memory
ANR4672W SNMP message forwarding to the
necessary to register the new server.
SNMP subagent was not started
because a thread resource was not
available. System action
The subagent will not register the new server.
The server could not continue with SNMP User response
communication to the SNMP subagent for message Contact your service representative.
forwarding because sufficient memory is not available
for starting additional processes on the server. ANR4677I Session established with server
name: The name of the registered

716 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The SNMP subagent completed the registration of the The subagent has failed in an attempt to connect to
identified server. the SNMP agent.

System action System action

The subagent will wait for additional requests from the The subagent keeps retrying the connection.
User response
User response
Make sure that the SNMP daemon is up, running and
None. correctly configured.
ANR4678I Session closed with server name: ANR4682W A SNMP agent connection error
The name of the deregistered occurred. Attempting to re-
server.. establish connection.

Explanation Explanation
The SNMP subagent completed the deregistration of An error has occurred in the communication between
the identified server. the subagent and the SNMP agent.

System action System action

None. The subagent will attempt to reconnect.

User response User response

None. Make sure that the SNMP daemon is up, running and
correctly configured.
ANR4679W Messages are no longer being
forwarded to the SNMP subagent. ANR4683E Unable to open trace file 'file
The server has encountered multiple errors in
forwarding messages to the SNMP subagent. An error occurred while opening the file for writing
Messages are no longer being forwarded. trace data.

System action System action

The server continues operating, but messages are no The subagent continues operation without tracing.
longer being forwarded.
User response
User response
Ensure there is adequate space on the drive from
Message forwarding can be re-initialized by either which you are running the subagent and retry the
stopping the server and re-starting it. Message program.
forwarding will also be re-started if the heartbeat
ANR4684E Trap request failed - RC: Return
function is in use and the server re-synchronizes with
the subagent. This re-synchronization occurs if the code from the trap request. Server
subagent, dsmsnmp, is stopped for longer than a index: Server index number..
single heartbeat interval (the heartbeat interval is a
server option and appears in the output of the QUERY Explanation
OPT command) and then restarted. An error occurred while attempting to process a trap
ANR4681W Connect to SNMP agent failed, will request from a server. data.
keep trying.
System action
The subagent processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 717

User response Explanation
Make sure that the SNMP daemon is up, running and The SNMP subagent received a request from a server
correctly configured. that was not at the same maintenance level as the
ANR4685E Insufficient memory for subagent
System action
Explanation The subagent will stop processing requests from the
server sending the invalid requests.
The SNMP subagent could not initialize due to the
inability to obtain the required memory.
User response
System action Ensure the server and subagent are at the same
maintenance level. If they are, contact your service
Initialization of the subagent fails. representative.

User response ANR4689E Invalid request type received (The

value of the request that was
Allocate additional memory to the subagent. received.).
ANR4686E Insufficient memory for subagent
trace initialization. Explanation
The SNMP subagent received an unexpected request
Explanation from the server.
The SNMP subagent trace could not initialize due to
the inability to obtain the required memory. System action
The subagent will stop processing requests from the
System action server sending the invalid requests.
Initialization of the subagent fails.
User response
User response Contact your service representative.
Allocate additional memory to the subagent. ANR4690E Unexpected request type (The
ANR4687E Server/subagent protocol violation value of the request that was
- expecting registration request. received.) in trap data header.
Received request: The value of the
request that was received. Explanation
The SNMP subagent received an invalid trap request
Explanation from a server.
The SNMP subagent was expecting a registration
request. It actually received something other than a System action
registration request. The subagent will stop processing requests from the
server sending the invalid requests.
System action
The subagent will stop processing requests from the User response
server sending the invalid requests. Contact your service representative.

User response ANR4691I DPI subagent (The subagent

name.): connected, ready to
Contact your service representative. receive requests.
ANR4688E Server/subagent protocol violation
- incorrect request header version. Explanation
The subagent has successfully connected to the SNMP

718 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The subagent is ready to receive request from servers. This may not be a problem if the SNMP subagent was
terminated while the session was in progress.
User response Otherwise, ensure that TCP/IP communications is
running normally.
ANR4697E SNMP: Failed to authenticate to
ANR4692I DPI subagent (The subagent server at address address, port
name.): reconnected, ready to port.
receive requests.
The SNMP client was attempting to run a session with
The subagent has successfully reconnected to the the server at the indicated address and port number in
SNMP agent. response to an SNMP Get Request, which causes a
Server Script to be run. The subagent connected to the
System action indicated server, but failed in authentication.
The subagent is ready to receive request from servers.
System action
User response The SNMP subagent ends this attempt to run the script
and continues operation.
ANR4694E SNMP Subagent Port Confirmation User response
Has Failed.
Ensure that the indicated server has an an
administrative id of SNMPADMIN and that this
Explanation adminstrative id has sufficient authority to run the
The server was communicating configuration data to script and commands it contains.
the SNMP subagent. An error occurred in the
ANR4698E SNMP: Communications Failure in
exchange. The server could not communicate interface
Sending "verb type" verb
information to the subagent.

System action
The server continues operation. The SNMP
The SNMP client encountered a communications error
administrative interface is inoperative.
in using the verb type verb to issue command
User response
The most likely cause of this problem is a temporary System action
network failure. The server should be re-started to
The SNMP client session ends and subagent operation
retry the connection to the SNMP subagent. If this
problem occurs repeatedly, please contact you service
User response
ANR4695E SNMP: Communications Failure in
Receiving "verb type" verb. Contact your service representative.
ANR4699E SNMP: Receive Buffer overflow.
The SNMP client encountered a communications error Explanation
in using the verb type verb to transfer information to or The SNMP client encountered an overflow error in
from the server and an SNMP client. transferring information to or from the server.

System action System action

The SNMP session ends and server operation The SNMP client session ends and subagent operation
continues. continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 719

User response Explanation
Contact your service representative. A SETOPT commmand was used to set the value for
the maxmimum number of files that can be sent from
ANR4700I The server move batch size has the client in a single database transaction.
been set to new batch size. Move
operations that start after this
point will use the new value. System action
The server uses this new setting for client sessions
Explanation that are started after this message is issued.
A SETOPT commmand was used to set the value for
the move batch size value. This setting determines the User response
maximum number of files that are moved on the server Contact your service representative.
in one database transaction, dependent also on the
setting for the move size threshold. The setting ANR4704I key-ring filename and password
influences file movement for server migration, have been set. Restart the server
reclamation, storage pool backup, and move data to use the new settings
System action The key-ring filename have been set to the new value
The server uses this new setting for move operations specified in the DEFINE KEYRING command.
that are started after this message is issued.
System action
User response None.
Contact your service representative.
User response
ANR4701I The server move size threshold
has been set to new threshold. Restart the server to use the new key-ring information.
Move operations that start after
ANR4707E Import/Loaddb command
this point will use the new value.
operation terminated - incomplete
input volume list.
A SETOPT commmand was used to set the value for Explanation
the move size threshold value. This setting determines
The list of volumes needed to process the command
the maximum number of megabytes that are moved
was incomplete. At least one volume needed for the
on the server in one database transaction, dependent
operation is missing from the end of the list.
also on the setting for the move batch size. The setting
influences file movement for server migration,
reclmation, storage pool backup, and move data System action
operations. The command operation is ended.

System action User response

The server uses this new setting for move operations Issue the command again and make sure the
that are started after this message is issued. necessary volumes are included in the volume list.
ANR4709W Intervention required to mount
User response
volume Volume Name on Library
Contact your service representative. Manager Server Server Name.
ANR4702I The server transaction group
maximum has been set to new Explanation
value. Client sessions that are A volume mount is awaiting operator intervention on
started after this point will use the the specified library manager server.
new value.

720 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The volume mount operation waits for operator Processing ends.
User response
User response
Upgrade the target replication server to a level that
Refer to the server consol and/ir activity log on the supports replication recovery using fasp.
named library manaer server to determine the action
ANR4723E Session rejected for down level
that needs to be performed to complete the mount
storage agent storage agent name.
ANR4712E Command: The DEVCLASS Explanation
parameter is only valid for volume
history types DBBACKUP or A down level storage agent attempted to connect to
DBSNAPSHOT. this server. The server can not support all previous
versions of the storage agent.
System action
The command failed because an invalid volume history
type was specified for the TYPE= parameter. The server will not support connections by storage
agents at a specific lower versions of the product.
Review the README for an explanation of supported
System action
storage agent levels for this server. The storage agent
The command fails, and server operation continues. will not startup and will report ANR0454W indicating
that it is down level.
User response
User response
Re-issue the command and specify a valid type value.
ANR4713E Command: The "option" string is
not valid for the Hex Filespace ANR4724E During the backup of node node
Field. (Node id) filespace filespace name
(filespace id) a deletion activity
Explanation occurred.

The command indicated specifies a value that is not

valid for the Hex Filespace parameter.
During full or incremental backup processing, files
System action were deleted from the file space. The files were not
deleted by expiration, but by some other process.
The server does not process the command. DELETE FILESPACE, DELETE VOLUME, AUDIT
VOLUME, or some other administrator command can
User response cause files to be deleted. The file space image on the
server will not be consistent with the client until an
Reissue the command with a valid entry for the Hex
incremental backup is completed for the node.
Filespace parameter.
ANR4717E command: Replication or recovery System action
of damaged files is not supported
by target server due to The server will continue processing.
unsupported transfer method
fasp. User response
Perform an incremental backup for the client node.
ANR4725E Source file(line number): Server
Replication recovery operations originating from this lock Locktype, mode Lockmode
server are not allowed because the target replication failed.
server does not support fasp as a transfer method.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 721

Explanation System action
An internal error occurred in an attempt to obtain a IBM Spectrum Protect server backup/restore of the
lock during processing. file server fails.

System action User response

The activity that generated this error fails. Check if file server is accessible through the network;
check each of the attributes specified during
User response datamover definition; check NDMP versions supported
by the file server; check the number of open NDMP
Retry the process. If the process fails contact your sessions with the file server, verify that file server
service representative. model is supported by IBM Spectrum Protect server. If
ANR4726I The support module support the server's address is in the message ensure that the
module has been loaded. ports specified or defaulted for options
available for use. Depending on the operating system,
Explanation the netstat operating system command may be used
The module indicated has been successfully loaded. to determine in-use port numbers.
Operations involving this module may be performed by
ANR4729E Server connection to file server
the server.
File server name failed. The level of
the file server operating system is
System action unsupported by IBM Spectrum
Functions which depend on this module may now be Protect server. Please upgrade the
performed on the server. file server to the level of the
operating system supported by the
User response
None. Explanation
ANR4728E Server connection to file server The IBM Spectrum Protect server was trying to
File server name failed. Please connect to a file server with an unsupported level of
check the attributes of the file the operating system. The server can establish NDMP
server specified during definition connection only to a file server with supported level of
of the datamover. the operating system. Please check the following site
for supported levels of file server operating systems:
Explanation http://www.tivoli.com/storage
The server attempted to connect to a file server. The
connection failed because of one of the following System action
possible reasons: The IBM Spectrum Protect server backup/restore of
• One of the parameters specified during datamover the file server fails.
definition was incorrect: TCP/IP address of the file
server, user id, password, TCP/IP port User response
• File server does not support requested NDMP Upgrade the file server to a supported level of the
version operating system.
• File server is not accessible ANR4730E Command: The number of stgpool
• NDMP server limits the number of opened NDMP type storage pool names specified
sessions with the parameter name
• An unsupported model of the filer server was parameter exceeds the maximum
detected number allowed.
• If the message specifies address or the
address of the server system, the Explanation
NDMPCONTROLPORT and/or NDMPPORTRANGE The number of copy storage pools combined with the
options may be set to port numbers or ranges which number of active-data storage pools for a given
are already in use. primary storage pool is limited to a maximum of three.

722 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action storage pool exists. If it does not, define the active-
data storage pool.
The command fails.
• 4. If you specified the PROTECTLOCALSTGPOOLS
User response parameter, ensure that the specified container-copy
storage pool exists. If it does not, define the
Reissue the command, specifying a total of three or container-copy storage pool.
fewer storage pool names. • 5. Retry the command.
ANR4731E Command: The pool type storage ANR4733E Command: The pool type storage
pool storage pool name is not pool contains a pool type storage
defined. pool name that introduces a cycle
into the storage pool chain.
contained a storage pool that is not defined as either a A DEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE STGPOOL command
copy storage pool or an active-data storage pool. contained a copy or active-data storage pool that
eventually points to the storage pool being processed.
System action
The command fails. System action
User response
Verify that the copy or active-data storage pool name User response
stated in the error message is correct. If using the Remove the storage pool name from the copy or
COPYSTGPOOLS parameter, correct the problem by active-data storage pool list and retry the command.
using a copy storage pool that already exists or define
the copy storage pool. If using the ACTIVEDATAPOOLS ANR4734W The pool type storage pool pool
parameter, correct the problem by using an active- name was removed from the
data storage pool that already exists or define the storage pool list because of a
active-data storage pool. Retry the command. failure for session Session Id.
ANR4732E Command: Storage pool stgpool
name is not a valid storage pool for Explanation
this command. The named storage pool was removed from the
storage pool list for the current session backup/
Explanation archive/space management operation because of an
error. This removal is only for the session indicated in
A DEFINE STGPOOL, UPDATE STGPOOL, or RESTORE the message and does not effect other session
STGPOOL command contained a storage pool name operation.
that is not valid within the context of the command.

System action
System action
The server does not process the command.

User response
User response
The error that occurred could be one of many failure.
To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: Look for the following items in the active log or on the
• 1. Verify that the name of the storage pool was server console. 1. Is the named storage pool currently
correctly specified in the command. If the name was unavailable? 2. Have any I/O error occurred on the
incorrect, enter the correct name. destination devices (disk or tape drives)? 3. Is the
mount limit on the device class correctly set? 4. Is the
• 2. If you specified the COPYSTGPOOLS parameter,
node's MAXNUMMP value sufficient to satisfy the
ensure that the specified copy storage pool exists. If
it does not, define the copy storage pool.
• 3. If you specified the ACTIVEDATAPOOLS ANR4735W Server-free processing is not
parameter, ensure that the specified active-data available. Initialization failed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 723

Explanation the node's MAXNUMMP value sufficient to satisfy the
request? 3. Were there any errors reported during the
An error occurred while initializing server-free
transaction regarding I/O or related issues?
processing. Server-free data transfer is not available to
backup and restore images. ANR4738E Command: One or more storage
pools use pool name as a copy,
System action active-data, or container-copy
type storage pool.
Client backup and restore image requests will use lan-
based data transfer.

User response The DELETE STGPOOL command attempted to delete

a storage pool that is defined as a copy storage pool,
Check for messages during server initialization and active-data storage pool, or container-copy storage
correct the error. pool for another primary storage pool.
ANR4736E Command: The number of
container-copy type storage pool System action
names specified with the
The server does not process the command.
parameter name parameter
exceeds the maximum number
allowed. User response
If necessary, issue the UPDATE STGPOOL command to
Explanation update the other primary storage pool. Use the
The number of container-copy storage pools for a
PROTECTLOCAL parameter to remove the reference to
given primary storage pool is limited to a maximum of
the storage pool to be deleted. Repeat for all primary
storage pools that reference the storage pool to be
deleted. Reissue the command.
System action
ANR4739E Either the high-level address
The command fails. (hladdress), low-level address
(lladdress), or both were entered
User response in error.
Reissue the command, specifying a total of two or
fewer storage pool names. Explanation

ANR4737E Transaction failed for session The high-level or low-level addresses supplied are
session number for node node incorrect.
name (client platform) - the copy
continue attribute for storage pool System action
storage pool name prevented
The server does not process the command.
further retries.

User response
Both the high-level address and low-level address are
During a backup session one or more copy storage
required for an address to be valid. For an update, both
pools associated with the indicated storage pool had a
high-level address and low-level address are required
failure. The operation was halted because the copy
for the update to succeed. For a new definition, both
continue option for the indicated storage pool caused
high-level address and low-level address are required
the process to stop.
when SESSIONINIT=SERVERONLY. Either the high-
level address or low-level address is missing from this
System action command. Issue the command again and supply the
None. missing address represented by a "?" in this message.
ANR4740W Either the high level address, low
User response level address, or both were never
Verify the following: 1. Does the device class(es) have entered for the specified
enough mount points to satisfy the request? 2. Was

724 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

node( nodename ) and the session determine which schedules were last updated by the
initiation status is being changed. administrator. Use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command
to update those schedules contolled by an
Explanation administrator that has authority to execute them, or
use the DELETE SCHEDULE command to remove the
When the session initiation status of a node is changed schedules.
by using the SESSIONINIT parameter on the UPDATE
NODE command, the scheduling table is updated to ANR4742W This command has renamed
reflect the address specified with HLA and LLA administrator adminName to
keywords of the UPDATE NODE command. If one or newAdminName. This
both of these keywords have never been used to administrator has defined or
provide addressing information for the node, server- updated schedules. This will cause
initiated scheduling will not be able to contact this these schedules to fail in the
node. future.

System action Explanation

The server does not update the scheduling table. A RENAME ADMINISTRATOR command has been
Subsequent server initiated sessions with the node are entered and the administrator renamed owns the
likely to fail, unless an additional UPDATE NODE administrative schedules. The schedules will fail when
command provides both the HLADDRESS and LLA executed in the future because they do not belong to
parameters with correct address information. the administrator's new name.

User response System action

Both the high level address and low level address are The system renames the administrator.
required for an address to be valid. Issue the UPDATE
NODE command for this node with complete User response
addressing information through the HLADDRESS
Use the QUERY SCHEDULE command or an SQL
parameter for the node address, and the LLADDRESS
SELECT statement on the ADMIN_SCHEDULES table to
parameter for the node listen port information.
determine which schedules were last updated by the
ANR4741W This command will rename administrator. Use the UPDATE SCHEDULE command
administrator adminName. This to update those schedules controlled by an
administrator has defined or administrator that has authority to execute them, or
updated schedules. Renaming this use the DELETE SCHEDULE command to remove the
administrator will cause these schedules.
schedules to fail.
ANR4743W An insufficient number of mount
points are available in device class
Explanation device class name.
entered for an administrator that owns administrative Explanation
schedules. If you confirm that you want to proceed
During simultaneous write processing, the server
with this command, the schedules owned by this
cannot allocate sufficient mount points for the
administrator will fail when executed in the future.
specified device class. Possible reasons include:

System action • The mount limit specified for the device class does
not provide a sufficient number of mount points to
The system asks whether you wish to continue with support the simultaneous write operation.
the command.
• The drives that service the device class are
User response
To process the RENAME ADMINISTRATOR command, System action
enter 'Y' to continue or 'N' to stop the process. To deal
with schedules owned by the administrator, use the None.
statement on the ADMIN_SCHEDULES table to

Chapter 3. ANR messages 725

User response Explanation
Ensure that: An up level storage agent attempted to connect to this
server. The storage agent can not be at higher level
• The mount limit specified for the device class
than the server.
provides a sufficient number of mount points to
support the simultaneous write operation.
System action
• Enough drives are defined and on-line for the library
that services the device class. The server will not support connections by storage
agents at a higher version, at the same version with a
ANR4744W The server cannot acquire a higher release, or at the same version and release with
sufficient number of mount points. a higher modification level. The storage agent will not
startup and will report ANR0454W indicating that no
Explanation resources are available.
During simultaneous write processing, the server
cannot acquire a sufficient number of mount points to User response
satisfy the request. None.

System action ANR4747W The web administrative interface

is no longer supported. Begin
None. using the Integrated Solutions
Console instead.
User response
Examine error messages that might have been Explanation
displayed prior to, and after this message. Correct any The web administrative interface is no longer
problems, if possible. supported. It has been replaced by an administrative
interface based on the Integrated Solutions Console.
ANR4745W If you set dissimilar policies on the
source and target servers,
replicated backup objects in a System action
RETAINED state might be deleted The web administrative interface's web page is not
from target server target server displayed.
User response
Install the IBM Spectrum Protect support for the
If you set dissimilar policies for long-term data Integrated Solutions Console and begin using it to
retention on the source and target servers, replicated manage your servers.
backup objects that are in a RETAINED state and are
not in a retention set on the target server are deleted ANR4748E A NAS operation requiring NDMP
according to expiration policies. Version 4 was attempted for file
server File server name , however
System action the current NDMP session uses
NDMP Version 3. Please verfiy that
The system prompts you to continue or to cancel the file server supports NDMP version
process. 4.

User response Explanation

To set dissimilar policies on the source and target A NAS operation which requires NDMP Version 4 was
servers, enter 'Y'. Otherwise enter 'N'. attempted for a file server that is currently configured
ANR4746E to run NDMP Version 3.
Session rejected for up level
storage agent storage agent name.
System action
The IBM Spectrum Protect server backup/restore or
other operation on the file server fails.

726 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Verify that the file server supports NDMP Version 4. The REPAIR STGVOL process has ended. It processed
Verify that the file server is configured to accept volumes processed out of total volumes total volumes
connections using NDMP Version 4. to be processed. The repaired volumes indicates the
number of volumes that needed database repairs and
ANR4749I Key-ring filename and password were repaired. The failed volumes are volumes that
have been deleted from the server either failed during evaluation or during database
database. repair if it was needed.

Explanation System action

The key-ring filename and password have been None.
deleted. Upon restart the server will attempt to
generate a new password and new keyring file if
options SSLTCPPORT or SSLTCPADMINPORT are set User response
and the keyring files cert.kdb,cert.crl,cert.rdb do not If there were failed volumes, review the activity log for
exist. more information about the failure.
ANR4754I REPAIR STGVOL process process
System action
number ended, processed volumes
None. processed of total volumes total
volumes with repaired volumes
User response repaired.

Before restarting the server you should delete the

corresponding cert.kdb,cert.crl,cert.rdb and cert.arm
files from the server execution directory if they exist. The REPAIR STGVOL process has ended. It processed
Restart the server to generate and use the new key- volumes processed out of total volumes total volumes
ring information. to be processed. The repaired volumes indicates the
number of volumes that needed database repairs and
ANR4752I REPAIR STGVOL process process were repaired.
number started for number of
volumes volumes.
System action
Explanation None.
The REPAIR STGVOL process has been started as the
reported process number. This will evaluate and if User response
needed repair the indicated number of volumes. None.
ANR4755W REPAIR STGVOL process process
System action
number ended, processed volumes
None. processed of total volumes total
volumes with repaired volumes
User response repaired.

This process may be monitored using the QUERY

PROCESS command. If this process needs to be
cancelled, issue the CANCEL PROCESS command. The REPAIR STGVOL process has ended. It processed
volumes processed out of total volumes total volumes
ANR4753E REPAIR STGVOL process process to be processed. The repaired volumes indicates the
number ended, processed volumes number of volumes that needed database repairs and
processed of total volumes total were repaired.
volumes with repaired volumes
repaired and failed volumes
failures. System action

Chapter 3. ANR messages 727

User response System action
If the volumes processed is less than the total volumes, None.
this may be because the process was cancelled before
it could process all the needed volumes. Review the User response
activity log to determine if this is the case and re-issue
the command to complete this processing. Or if Review the activity log for an indication of why
volumes were reclaimed or deleted while this process processing for this volume failed. Try issuing "REPAIR
was running, there may have been fewer actual STGVOL VOLNAME=volume name" to process this
volumes to process than what was calculated when volume again. If this volume was deleted from the
the process started. If this is the case no further action server, this message can be ignored.
is necessary. ANR4760I REPAIR STGVOL reset processing
ANR4757I REPAIR STGVOL finished history.
evaluating volume volume name,
no repair was needed. Explanation
The REPAIR STGVOL command was issued with
Explanation RESET=YES. This resets the processing history.
The REPAIR STGVOL finished evaluating volume name Resetting the processing allows the command to be
volume. No repair actions were taken for the database rerun and causes previously evaluated volumes to be
because there were no errors detected. re-evaluated.

System action System action

None. None.

User response User response

None. An administrator may want to periodically reset the

processing history and re-evaluate all volume in the
ANR4758W REPAIR STGVOL repaired volume server as a means of validating the server database.
volume name, database reference
errors were found and corrected. ANR4761E REPAIR STGVOL reset processing
history failed.
The REPAIR STGVOL evaluated volume name volume
and determined that repair actions were needed. The The REPAIR STGVOL command was issued with
necessary repairs were done successfully. RESET=YES. This resets the processing history.
However, the reset of the processing history failed.
System action
System action
User response
User response
The server is likely out of memory or resources. This
ANR4759E REPAIR STGVOL failed to process command should be re-issued after either halting and
volume name. restarting the server or after halting the server,
rebooting the server machine, and than restarting the
Explanation server. If the reset still fails after these steps, contact
your IBM service representative.
The REPAIR STGVOL failed for volume name volume.
This process either failed while evaluating this volume ANR4762E Command: The SPACEMANAGED
or it had determined that repair actions were needed or ARCHIVE type parameters are
and it failed performing those actions. not valid for active data storage
pool volumes.

728 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The QUERY CONTENT server command has been The password that is used by the server for the key-
entered with an invalid type parameter. The ring file was set to a value that was specified in the
SPACEMANAGED or ARCHIVE parameters are not valid SET SSLKEYRINGPW command. This is typically done
when the volume specified belongs to an active-data after the key-ring file's password is changed using an
type storage pool. external utility.

System action System action

The server ignores the command. None.

User response User response

Reissue the command with correct TYPE parameter for Restart the server to use the new key-ring file
active data storage pool. password.
ANR4763E Command: Invalid parameter - ANR4766E The server could not access the
parameter. key-ring file using the password
specified in the SET
Explanation SSLKEYRINGPW command.

The specified server command has been entered with

an invalid parameter that is not applicable when using
z/OS Media library for sequential FILE storage. The password used by the server for the key-ring file
was checked for validity but was not valid.
System action
System action
The server ignores the command.
User response
User response
Reissue the command and enter the proper syntax.
parameter is valid when using z/OS Media library for the key-ring file password that the server is currently
sequential FILE storage. The z/OS Media server using. If the password was changed with an external
formats each FILE volume as it is being filled. utility, ensure that the password is the same as that
which was specified in the SET SSLKEYRINGPW
ANR4764E Command: Invalid length for command. If the password was lost, issue the DELETE
parameter parameter - parameter KEYRING command to delete the current key-ring file.
value. When you restart the server it will generate a new key-
ring file, password, and self-signed certificate. Issue
Explanation the QUERY SSLKEYRINGPW command to obtain the
The length for (parameter value) specified for the new password. Then use an external utility to import
(parameter) parameter in command command additional certificates again and designate one as the
exceeds the maximum allowed length. new default. Restart the server to use the additional
System action ANR4767E The server was unable to change
the key-ring file password using
The command fails and server operation continues.
the new password specified on the
User response along with the old password that
Reissue the command and specify a valid length for the server has stored.
the parameter.
ANR4765I The key-ring file password was
set. Restart the server to use the The previous key-ring file password remains in effect.
new password.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 729

System action Explanation
None The message number is invalid because the message
number is in an incorrect format or does not exist on
User response the server.

The QUERY SSLKEYRINGPW command will display the

System action
key-ring file password that the server is currently
using. If the SET SSLKEYRINGPW password The server skips the specified message number and
UPDATE=YES command is unable to update the key- continues to process the rest of the command.
ring file password, the key-ring file and it's password
can be deleted and re-created by: 1. Issuing the User response
DELETE KEYRING command to delete the server's
record of the key-ring file and password. 2. Stopping Verify that the format of the message number is
the server. 3. Deleting files cert.* in the server's correct and exists on the server. Reissue the command
instance directory. 4. Restarting the server so that the specifying the correct message number.
key-ring file and it's password are regenerated by the ANR4771W Command: Administrator admin
server. name cannot be processed
ANR4768E Command: Invalid volume name - because it is not registered or is
volume name. locked.

Explanation Explanation

The command indicated contains an invalid FILE This command cannot be processed for the indicated
volume name for a ZOSMEDIA library volume. administrator name. The administrator name is not
registered or is locked.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The indicated administrator name is not processed.
The server continues to process the other
User response
administrator names specified with the command.
Reissue the command with a valid volume name that
does not exceed 44 valid characters. User response
ANR4769W Command: Alert trigger is already If the administrator name was specified incorrectly,
defined for message number. reissue the command with the correct name. If the
administrator name is locked, determine if it can be
Explanation unlocked. Use the UNLOCK ADMIN command to
unlock it, and reissue the command specifying the
A DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER command has been entered administrator name.
that specifies a message number that is already
defined with the server. ANR4772I Alert trigger message number
System action
The server skips the message number and continues
processing the command. The requested alert trigger has been added to the
server in response to the command.
User response
System action
Use the UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER command to update
the alert trigger if needed. None.
ANR4770W Command:Invalid message
number message number. User response
ANR4773I Alert trigger message number

730 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The requested alert trigger has been deleted from the None.
ANR4777I Command: Administrator admin
name is already defined to alert
System action message number.
User response The command specifies an administrator name
None. already defined to the alert.

ANR4774I Command command processed.

System action

Explanation The server skips the administrator name and

continues processing the command.
The specified command was processed.
User response
System action
ANR4778E Command: Alert alert identifer
User response could not be found.

Review previous messages. Correct the problem and Explanation

reissue the command.
The specified alert was not found in the server
ANR4775W Command: Alert trigger message database.
number is not defined.
System action
The specified alert identifier is skipped. The server
The specified message number does not refer to a continues to process the next alert identifier that is
defined alert trigger in the server database. specified in the command.

System action User response

The server skips the specified message number and Reissue the command, specifying an alert identifier for
continues to process the rest of the command. an alert that has not been closed or deleted on the
server. To display a list of existing alerts, issue the
User response QUERY ALERTSTATUS command.
Reissue the command specifying a message number ANR4779E Command: The requested update
that is defined as an alert trigger. Issue the QUERY for alert id, alert identifer, is
ALERTTRIGGER command to display a list of defined invalid. The alert is not changed.
message numbers.
ANR4776I Command: Administrator admin Explanation
name for message number is The specified update request is invalid or not correct
action. for the alert. You can change the status of an alert
from active to inactive or closed, or, from inactive to
Explanation closed. If you are specifying the ASSIGNED or
RESOLVEDBY parameters the value must be a
The command has performed the action and added or
registered administrator name that is not locked.
deleted the administrator name successfully for the
specified alert trigger.
System action
System action The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 731

User response User response
Reissue the command specifying a valid status for the Issue the command again and specify a shorter
alert. Issue the QUERY ALERTSTATUS command to description.
display a list of existing alerts and status.
ANR4783E Command: Node group node group
ANR4780I Node group node group name name is not defined.
Server processing for the command command fails
A DEFINE NODEGROUP command has created the because the node group name node group name
node group indicated. specified does not refer to a defined node group in the
server database.
System action
System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
User response and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database.
ANR4781E Command: Invalid node group User response
name - node group name. Issue the command again, specifying a node group
name that is defined in the server database. For a list
Explanation of the names of defined node groups in the server
Server processing for the command command fails database, issue the QUERY NODEGROUP command.
because the node group name node group name ANR4784I Node group node group name
specified does not contain valid characters or contains updated.
too many characters.
System action
In response to the UPDATE NODEGROUP command,
Database changes for the command are rolled back the node group node group name has been updated in
and server operation continues. The command is not the server database.
successful in changing the server database.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Issue the command again and specify a node group
name that conforms to the name requirements.
User response
ANR4782E Command: Description exceeds None.
maximum length of length limit
characters. ANR4785I Node group node group name
Server processing for the command command fails
because the description specified is longer than the In response to the DELETE NODEGROUP command,
length limit number of characters allowed. the node group node group name has been deleted
from the server database.
System action
System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not Server operation continues.
successful in changing the server database.
User response

732 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4786E Command: Node group node group ANR4789I Node node name associated to
name still contains at least one node group node group name.
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE
Server processing for the delete command command NODEGROUPMEMBER command. Node node name is
fails because the node group node group name associated with the node group name node group
specified refers to a node group that still contains at name.
least one node. A node group cannot be deleted if one
or more client nodes are still assigned to the node System action
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not None.
successful in changing the server database. ANR4790I Node node name disassociated
from node group node group name.
User response
To remove remaining nodes from the node group, Explanation
issue the DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER command. This message is displayed in response to the DELETE
After all nodes are removed, issue the delete NODEGROUPMEMBER command. Node node name is
command again. no longer associated with the node group name node
ANR4787I Command: number of nodes group name.
members defined in the node
group node group name. System action
Server operation continues.
A DEFINE NODEGROUPMEMBER command has User response
created the specified number of members in the
indicated node group.
ANR4791E Command: Node group node group
System action name is already defined.

User response Server processing for the command command fails

because the node group name node group name
None. specified refers to a node group that is already defined
ANR4788I Command: number of nodes in the server database.
members deleted from node group
node group name. System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
Explanation and server operation continues. The command is not
A DELETE NODEGROUPMEMBER command has successful in changing the server database.
deleted the specified number of members from the
indicated node group. User response
Issue the command again, specifying a node group
System action name that is not defined in the server database. For a
None. list of the names of defined node groups in the server
database, issue the QUERY NODEGROUP command.
User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 733

ANR4792E NDMP Tape server unable to firewall exists between the file server and the IBM
initialize due to error in LISTENing Spectrum Protect server and is preventing outbound
on port Port network connections on the file server. This may also
occur if the network configuration of the system
Explanation running the IBM Spectrum Protect server is reporting
an invalid TCP/IP host address, for example
The server failed in attempting to listen for session "".
requests on the server's internal tape server.
System action
System action
The IBM Spectrum Protect server backup operation on
Server operation continues, but NDMP operations may the file server fails.
User response
User response
Verify that the NAS file server is capable of starting
Ensure that the NDMPCONTROLPORT option defaults outbound network connections to the IBM Spectrum
to or is set to a port number which is available in the Protect server. Verify that the file server supports
system. The QUERY OPTION command can be used to NDMP 3-way operations. Verify that the network
determine the port number associated with the configuration of the system running the IBM Spectrum
NDMPCONTROLPORT option. If this value requires Protect server is reporting a valid TCP/IP host
change, the server will have to be restarted after address. .
setting the option in the server options file.
ANR4795E The IBM Spectrum Protect tape
ANR4793E NDMP Tape server is terminating server failed to open an NDMP
due to an error in accepting a new data connection to the NAS file
session on Port Port server File server name .

Explanation Explanation
The server failed in attempting to accept a new During a NAS filer-to-server restore operation the data
session on the server's internal tape server. connection from the IBM Spectrum Protect server to
the NAS file server failed. This may occur if the NAS
System action file server is not properly configured to support NDMP
3-way restore operations.
Server operation continues, but NDMP operations may
System action
User response The IBM Spectrum Protect server restore operation on
the file server fails.
Ensure that the NDMPCONTROLPORT option defaults
to or is set to a port number which is available in the
system. The QUERY OPTION command can be used to User response
determine the port number associated with the Verify that the file server supports NDMP 3-way
NDMPCONTROLPORT option. If this value requires restore operations. .
change, the server will have to be restarted after
setting the option in the server options file. ANR4796E The IBM Spectrum Protect tape
server failed to open a listening
ANR4794E The NAS file server File server socket for accepting an NDMP data
name failed to open an NDMP data connection from a NAS file server
connection to the IBM Spectrum using the network interface
Protect tape server. Please verify network host name .
that the file server is capable of
outbound data connections. Explanation

Explanation During a NAS filer-to-server backup operation the IBM

Spectrum Protect tape server failed to open a TCP/IP
During a NAS filer-to-server backup operation the data socket in order to listen for NDMP data connections
connection from the file server to the IBM Spectrum from a NAS file server. This may occur if the network
Protect server failed. This may occur because a

734 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

interface chosen for NDMP data connections is not Explanation
running or does not support IP Version 4.
Connections can fail for different reasons. For
example, the specified URL for the endpoint might be
System action invalid.
The IBM Spectrum Protect server backup operation of
the file server fails. System action
If available, another endpoint will be used to connect
User response to services. Any endpoints that fail are not used for the
Verify that the network interface specified in the subsequent hour.
NDMPPREFDATAINTERFACE server option is properly
configured and running. . User response
ANR4797E Drive driveName is missing path Resolve any known issues with the specified endpoint.
information. Please check that all If the URL is invalid, issue the UPDATE STGPOOL
related paths are defined command with a valid value for the CLOUDURL
properly. parameter. For example, if the name of the cloud-
container storage pool is STGPOOL2 and a valid URL is
Explanation, issue the
following command: update stgpool stgpool2
A drive does not have sufficient path information for cloudurl=
the operation to complete. This is typically due to a
path not being defined. ANR4801W The storage rule name storage rule
did not start any storage
processes because the storage
System action
rule is not active.
The server fails the storage operation.
User response
The storage rule that is specified is not active and
Verify that all applicable paths are defined for the cannot start any storage processes.
drive. Also verify that the information contained in the
paths is correct. System action
ANR4799I The AUDIT CONTAINER (Orphaned None.
Extent Identification) process
started for storage pool stgpool User response
name (process ID process ID).
To start the storage rule process, issue the UPDATE
Explanation STGRULE command and specify the ACTIVE=YES
As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that
specified scan action for the storage pool shown, the ANR4802I Password expiration period for
process whose ID is displayed has begun checking the node node name has been reset.
contents of the storage pool for orphaned extents.
System action The node's password expiration period has been reset
The contents of the storage pool will be scanned, and to the common password expiration period.
objects not listed in the database as valid extents will
be marked as orphaned. System action
User response
None. User response
ANR4800W Cloud endpoint endpoint is not None.
connecting to any services. The
specified endpoint will not be used
for the next hour.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 735

ANR4803I Password expiration period for Explanation
administrator administrator name The source storage pools do not have any eligible
has been reset. objects to process.

Explanation System action

The administrator's password expiration period has
been reset to the common password expiration period.

User response
System action
Ensure that objects are eligible for processing. If the
None. storage rule action type is TIERBYAGE, issue the
UPDATE STGRULE command and specify a lower value
User response for the TIERDELAY parameter.
None. ANR4807W The server is unable to reset
ANR4804I Node node name already uses the administrator name password
common password expiration expiration period to the common
period. password expiration period.

Explanation Explanation

The node's password expiration period is currently set The administrator's password expiration period could
to the common password expiration period. not be reset to the common password expiration
period at this time.
System action
System action
User response
User response
Attempt to reset the node's password expiration
ANR4805I Administrator administrator name period at a later time.
already uses the common
password expiration period. ANR4808W The password expiration period
for all administrators and nodes
has been reset to the common
password expiration period.
The administrator's password expiration period is
currently set to the common password expiration Explanation
All administrators not managed by a profile and nodes
on this server have had their password expiration
System action period reset to the common password expiration
None. period.

User response System action

None. None.

ANR4806I The storage rule name storage rule

User response
did not start any storage
processes because the source None.
storage pools did not have any
eligible objects to process. ANR4809E Cloud storage pool cloud storage
pool requires a storage pool
directory for backups to local

736 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation skipped. Amount of encrypted
data: amount encrypted of amount
Client backups to target cloud storage pools require an
to encrypt. Amount of failed data:
attached storage pool directory.
amount failed. Amount of skipped
data: amount skipped. Elapsed
System action time: elapsed time.
User response The storage pool encryption process is complete, but
Define a storage pool directory on the specified cloud some data extents might have been skipped. The
storage pool. following list describes the information in the
ANR4810W Cloud storage pool cloud storage
pool does not have a storage pool • Encrypted data extents: indicates the number of
directory attached. data extents that were successfully encrypted.
• Failed data extents: indicates the number of data
Explanation extents that failed to be encrypted.
• Skipped data extents: indicates the number of data
The specified cloud storage pool does not have a
extents that were skipped.
storage pool directory attached. Subsequent backups
to this cloud storage pool will fail until you define a • Amount of encrypted data: indicates the number of
storage pool directory for this pool. bytes that were successfully encrypted.
• Amount of failed data: indicates the number of bytes
System action that failed to be encrypted.
None. • Amount of skipped data: indicates the number of
bytes that were skipped.
User response • Elapsed time: indicates how long the process ran.
Define a storage pool directory on the specified cloud
storage pool. User response
Issue the ENCRYPT STGPOOL command again to
ANR4811I The preview of the storage pool
ensure that all data extents are encrypted.
storage pool name encryption is
complete. Data extents to be ANR4813I The storage pool encryption
encrypted: process for storage_pool_name is
encrypted_data_extents. Amount to complete. Encrypted data extents:
be encrypted: amount encrypted. encrypted_data_extents of data
extents to encrypt. Failed data
Explanation extents: data extents failed.
Skipped data extents: data extents
The storage pool encryption process is complete in
skipped. Amount of encrypted
preview mode. The following list describes the
data: amount encrypted of amount
information in the message:
to encrypt. Amount of failed data:
• Data extents to be encrypted: indicates the number amount failed. Amount of skipped
of data extents to be encrypted. data: amount skipped. Elapsed
• Amount to be encrypted: indicates the number of time: elapsed time.
bytes to be encrypted.
ANR4812W The storage pool encryption
process for storage_pool_name is The storage pool encryption process is complete. The
complete. Some data extents following list describes the information in the
might not be encrypted. Encrypted message:
data extents: • Encrypted data extents: indicates the number of
encrypted_data_extents of data data extents that were successfully encrypted.
extents to encrypt. Failed data
• Failed Data extents: indicates the number of data
extents: data extents failed.
extents that failed to be encrypted.
Skipped data extents: data extents

Chapter 3. ANR messages 737

• Skipped data extents: indicates the number of System action
extents that were skipped.
The server will not write the output to the console. The
• Amount of encrypted data: indicates the number of server continues operation.
bytes that were successfully encrypted.
• Amount of failed data: indicates the number of bytes User response
that failed to be encrypted.
Increase the width of your window and try the
• Amount of skipped data: indicates the number of command again.
bytes that were skipped.
ANR4819E Session session number for node
• Elapsed time: indicates how long the process ran.
node name is not authorized to a
ANR4817E Command Command: table of contents session.
Administrator admin is not
allowed to issue this command Explanation
while the system date is suspect.
Correct the system date or use the A client attempted to work with a table of contents
ACCEPT DATE command to (TOC) session, but the node lacks proper
establish the current date as valid. authorization. The server will not perform the request.

Explanation System action

The server has noted that the current system date is The server will not perform the request.
suspect. An admin client session may issue the
ACCEPT DATE command to establish the current date User response
as valid. No other commands are allowed until the Complete the work using a node with proper
system date is corrected or the current date is authorization.
established as valid.
ANR4820E Command The creation date and
System action creation time are both required to
be specified.
The server will fail the command.
User response
The server-free process did not complete due to the
If the current system date is not valid, reset the date. target being unreachable.
Otherwise, use the ACCEPT DATE command to
establish the current date as valid on the server.
System action
Reissue the command.
The server will fail the command.
Accepting an invalid date can cause any of the
following problems:
User response
• Premature deletion of data
Reissue the command, specifying both creation date
• Excessive retention of data
and creation time, or neither of them.
• Scheduling problems
ANR4821E Command: The creation date -
• Event record problems date.
• Password expiration problems is not valid
ANR4818E The text cannot be formatted and
written to the server console. The Explanation
text is text. Try setting a wider The specified command has been issued with an
screen width. invalid creation date.

Explanation System action

For the server command issued, the server is unable to Server operation continues, but the command is not
format and write output in table format to the server processed.
console. The line width of some text of the output
exceeds the size of the window.

738 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Issue the command with a valid creation date. Try the operation again at a later time.
ANR4822E Command: The creation time date ANR4826E The object for the table of
is not valid. contents is not found in the server
for node node name, file space file
Explanation space name.

The specified command has been issued with an

invalid creation time.
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading or
System action reading for the object in the specified node and file
space, because the server cannot find the object for
Server operation continues, but the command is not the TOC.
System action
User response
The TOC loading or reading is ended and server
Issue the command with a valid creation time. operation continues. The TOC object could be deleted
ANR4823E The loading or reading of a table of from the server during server expiration or volume
contents for node node name, file deletion operation.
space file space name failed
because sufficient memory is not User response
available. Make sure a correct TOC object is specified.

Explanation ANR4827E The loading of a table of contents

for node node name, file space file
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading or space name failed because a
reading for the specified node and file space because thread resource not available.
sufficient memory is not available on the server.
System action
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading for
The TOC loading or reading is ended and server the specified node and file space because sufficient
operation continues. memory is not available for starting additional
processes on the server.
User response
See the documentation for the operating system about System action
how to increase memory for an application. The TOC loading is ended and server operation
ANR4824E The loading or reading of a table of continues.
contents for node node name, file
space file space name failed User response
because of a lock conflict. See the documentation for the operating system about
how to increase memory for an application.
ANR4828E The loading or reading of a table of
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading or contents for node node name, file
reading for the specified node and file space because space file space name failed
the requested resource is already in use by another because an internal server error
process. was detected.

System action Explanation

The TOC loading or reading is ended and server The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading or
operation continues. reading for the specified node and file space because
an internal logic error is detected.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 739

System action file space file space name failed.
The input volume is already in use.
The TOC loading or reading is ended and server
operation continues.
User response During the TOC loading or reading operation, the
requested input volume is already in use by another
Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be System action
isolated and resolved, contact your service The TOC loading or reading is ended and server
representative. operation continues.
ANR4829E The loading or reading of a table of
contents for node node name, file User response
space file space name failed. The Try the operation again at a later time.
transaction is stopped.
ANR4832E The loading or reading of a table of
Explanation contents for node node name, file
space file space name failed. The
An error was detected during transaction commit. This required volume was not mounted.
message should be preceded by other messages that
give additional information about the failed
During the table of contents (TOC) loading or reading
System action operation, a required volume cannot be mounted. The
mount request may have been canceled.
The table of contents (TOC) loading or reading is
ended and server operation continues.
System action

User response The TOC loading or reading is ended and server

operation continues.
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
User response
error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
service representative. Try the TOC loading or reading again and make sure
the necessary volumes are accessible.
ANR4830E The loading or reading of a table of
contents for node node name, file ANR4833W The loading or reading of a table of
space file space name failed. contents for node node name, file
Insufficient mount points are space file space name failed. The
available to satisfy the request. file was deleted from server
The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount
points to read the table of contents (TOC). During the table of contents (TOC) loading or reading
operation the file has been deleted from server
System action storage by another process before the loading or
reading is complete.
The TOC loading or reading is ended and server
operation continues.
System action

User response The TOC loading or reading is ended and server

operation continues.
If necessary, make more mount points available.
ANR4831E The loading or reading of a Table User response
of Contents for node node name, Contact your administrator to find out if DELETE
FILESPACE, DELETE VOLUME, or inventory expiration

740 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

processes are running; these processes can delete System action
files in server storage during TOC loading or reading.
The TOC reading is ended and server operation
ANR4834E The loading or reading of a table of continues.
contents for node node name, file
space file space name failed. The User response
data transfer is interrupted.
Examine the messages issued prior to this message
that specify the device that is failing. The server may
Explanation need to be shut down with a HALT command to correct
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading or the hardware problem.
reading for the specified node and file space because
ANR4837I The loading for the table of
data transfer to or from data storage was interrupted
contents for node node name, file
by an external event.
space file space name started.

System action
The TOC reading is ended and server operation
The loading for the table of contents (TOC) in the
specified node and file space has been started.

User response
System action
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to
The server operation continues.
determine why the data transfer was interrupted.
Attempt the operation again if the problem can be
resolved. User response

ANR4835E The reading of a table of contents None.

for node node name, file space file ANR4838I The loading for the table of
space name failed. A data integrity contents for node node name, file
error was detected. space file space name was
successful: total entries loaded
Explanation number of entries.
The server stops reading a table of contents (TOC) for
the specified node and file space because a data Explanation
integrity has been encountered on the server. The loading for the table of contents (TOC) in the
specified node and file space has been successfully
System action finished.
The TOC reading is ended and server operation
continues. System action
The server operation continues.
User response
Examine the messages issued prior to this message User response
and contact your service representative. None.
ANR4836E The reading of a table of contents ANR4839E The loading for the table of
for node node name, file space file contents for node node name, file
space name failed. There was an space file space name failed. See
error in reading from a device. previous messages.

Explanation Explanation
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) reading for The loading for the table of contents (TOC) in the
the specified node and file space because an I/O error specified node and file space has failed.
has been encountered by the server in reading from a

Chapter 3. ANR messages 741

System action System action
The TOC loading is ended and the server operation The TOC loading is ended and server operation
continues. continues.

User response User response

Examine the messages issued prior to this message to The file space could be deleted during the TOC loading
determine the source of the problem. operation. Issue QUERY FILESPACE command to
verify if the file space is deleted. Make sure the correct
ANR4840I The loading for the table of file space name is specified. You can issue a QUERY
contents for node node name, file FILESPACE to ensure that the file space exists. Re-
space file space name was issue the request with the correct file space name.
ANR4843I Command: Displayed number of
Explanation objects objects, number of errors
errors were encountered.
The loading for the table of contents (TOC) in the
specified node and file space has been cancelled by
the user.
QUERY TOC has completed. The number of objects
System action displayed and the error count are displayed.

The TOC loading is ended and the server operation

System action
The QUERY TOC command ends and server operation
User response continues.

User response
ANR4841E The loading for the table of If the error count is not equal to 0, examine the object
contents for node node name, file name displayed. The error count represents the
space file space name failed. An number of objects that have their names displayed as
invalid object type detected. '...'. This is because the conversion from a UTF-8 to a
local code page for the file name failed. If this is the
Explanation case, re-issue the QUERY TOC command with
The loading for the table of contents (TOC) in the FORMAT=DETAILED. The object name will be
specified node and file space failed because the object displayed in a hexadecimal format when the
type given is different than the one in the server FORMAT=DETAILED is specified. The file may contain
database. an invalid character and may need to be renamed. A
new backup copy has to be made for the renamed file
so that the file can be displayed correctly and restored
System action later.
The TOC loading is ended and the server operation
ANR4844I Command: The specified table of
contents for node node name, file
space file space name contains no
User response entries.
Re-try the Table of Contents loading, specifying a valid
object type. Explanation
ANR4842E The loading of a table of contents The specified table of contents (TOC) exists, but it is
for node node name failed. The file empty. No entries are displayed.
space name was not found.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) loading for
the specified node because the server could not find User response
the file space name for the TOC object to be loaded.

742 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4845E The writing of the of the table of System action
contents for node node name, file The operation skips the extent and continues
space file space name failed: a processing.
directory path exceeds max
characters bytes in length. File:
lowLevel name, NDMP Node ID: User response
node id, NDMP Parent Node Run an audit container on the container.
ID:Parent id.
ANR4848E Container container name is in a
container state state and cannot
be audited.
During a backup of a NAS filesystem, the server
received a file history record from the NAS device with Explanation
a directory path length which exceeded the maximum
length supported by IBM Spectrum Protect. The server You cannot audit a container that is in a pending state.
is unable to create a TOC for a NAS filesystem which You can audit containers that specify one of the
contains directory that is longer than 1024 bytes. If following states: available, unavailable, or readonly.
the TOC parameter on the BACKUP NODE command is
PREFERRED, the backup continues. If the TOC System action
parameter was YES, the backup fails.
The command fails and server operation continues.

System action
User response
The TOC creation is ended and server operation
Reissue the command with a different, valid container


command process process id
If TOC=YES was specified on the BACKUP NODE completed: delete chunk count
command, retry the command with TOC=NO. damaged chunks deleted.
ANR4846E Operation process process ID
terminated - The server is unable Explanation
to create a table of contents for
The AUDIT COPYCONTAINER command that specifies
node node name, file space file
the ACTION=REMOVEDAMAGED parameter has
completed processing

Explanation The following information is displayed:

While attempting to create a table of contents (TOC) • The number of damaged chunks deleted.
for the specified node and file space in the indicated
TOC destination pool, a failure occurred. System action
System action
The operation fails because TOC creation is set to YES. User response
User response
ANR4850W The repair storage pool process for
Look for previous messages giving a specific reason for stgpool name on server this server
the failure. Take corrective action as appropriate. from stgpool name on server other
ANR4847W command detected an extent with server is complete. Some extents
ID extent id on container cntrname might not have been repaired.
that is marked damaged. Extents repaired: extents repaired
of extents to repair. Extents failed:
extents failed. Extents skipped:
extents skipped. Amount repaired:
The extent is skipped during command processing due amount repaired of amount to
to it being damaged. repair. Amount failed: amount

Chapter 3. ANR messages 743

failed. Amount skipped: amount Explanation
skipped. Elapsed time: elapsed
The damaged extents are skipped during command

System action
The repair storage pool repair process is complete, but
The operation skips the damaged extents and
some extents might have been skipped due to if the
continues processing.
volume was unavailable. The following list describes
the information in the message:
User response
• Extents repaired: indicates the number of extents
that were successfully repaired. To analyze damaged extents, issue the QUERY
DAMAGED command for the specified container.
• Extents failed: indicates the number of extents that
failed to be repaired. ANR4853W During the repair process for
• Extents skipped: indicates the number of extents container storage pool pool name,
that were skipped. skipped extents extents were
• Amount repaired: indicates the number of bytes that
were successfully repaired.
• Amount failed: indicates the number of bytes that
failed to be repaired. The extents were skipped because an error occurred
during the repair process or because a copy of the
• Amount skipped: indicates the number of bytes that extents was not available. Extent copies are
were skipped. unavailable if the extents were not replicated and were
• Elapsed time: indicates how long the process ran. not protected by using the PROTECT STGPOOL
command. If extents were not replicated or protected,
User response extent copies are not available on a target replication
server or in a container-copy storage pool.
Issue the REPAIR STGPOOL command again to ensure
that all data extents are repaired.
System action
ANR4851W The preview of repair storage pool
System operation continues. The server repairs
stgpool name on server this server
damaged extents when possible.
from stgpool name on server other
server is complete. Some extents
might not have been identified as User response
needing repair. Extents to be No action is required.
repaired: extents repaired. Amount
to be repaired: amount repaired. ANR4855I Command command subcommand
is no longer supported and there is
Explanation no direct replacement for this
The repair storage pool repair process is complete in
preview mode, but some extents might have been Explanation
skipped due to if the volume was unavailable. The
following list describes the information in the The functions that were provided by this command are
message: no longer neccessary.
• Extents to be repaired: indicates the number of
extents to be repaired. System action

• Amount to be repaired: indicates the number of System operation continues.

bytes to be repaired.
User response
ANR4852W command detected damaged
extents on container cntr name. Review information about product changes in the
product information: (http://www.ibm.com/support/

744 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4856I Command command subcommand User response
is no longer supported. The Review information about product changes in the
following commands provide product information: (http://www.ibm.com/support/
similar functions: newcommand.
See the IBM Knowledge Center for
details on commands, or issue ANR4859I Parameter parameter name on the
HELP command for the command command name is no
replacement commands. longer supported.

Explanation Explanation
The functions formerly provided by this command are The function that was provided by this parameter is no
now provided by one or more new commands longer necessary

System action System action

System operation continues. System operation continues.

User response User response

Review information about product changes in the Review information about product changes in the
product information: (http://www.ibm.com/support/ product information: (http://www.ibm.com/support/
knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ/). knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ/).
ANR4857I Command command subcommand ANR4860W The correct value of
is no longer supported. The ARCHRETENTION for domain
following options provide similar domain name will not be sent to
functions: newoptions. See the the managed servers. Please
IBM Knowledge Center for details upgrade the managed servers to
on the options or issue the HELP be at least the same level as that
command for the replacement of the configuration manager.
The configuration manager has an ARCHRETENTION
The functions formerly provided by this command are value that is greater than the managed server can
now provided by one or more new options manage. This is because the managed server is at a
lower level than the configuration manager. The value
System action of the ARCHRETENTION for the indicated domain is
set to the maximum value that the managed server
System operation continues. can process.

User response System action

Review information about product changes in the The server operation continues.
product information: (http://www.ibm.com/support/
User response
ANR4858I Option option name is no longer To correctly send the value of the ARCHRETENTION to
supported and there is no direct the managed servers, please upgrade the managed
replacement for this capability. servers to at least the same level as that of the
configuration manager.
ANR4861W The correct value of RETVER for
The funtions formerly provided by this option are no the archive copy group domain
longer necessary name policy set name mgmt class
name cg name will not be sent to
System action the managed servers. Upgrade the
managed servers to at least the
System operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 745

same level as that of the Explanation
configuration manager.
The received value of the ACTIVEDESTINATION
parameter contains active-data storage pool IDs that
Explanation cannot be managed by the managed server. The
The configuration manager has a RETVER value that is problem is that the release level of the configuration
greater than what the managed server can process. manager is earlier than the release level of the
This is because the managed server is at a lower level managed server.
than the configuration manager. The value of the
RETVER for the indicated copy group is set to NOLIMIT System action
in the managed server.
The server operation continues.

System action
User response
The server operation continues.
Upgrade the configuration manager to the same
release level or later than that of the managed server.
User response
ANR4864E The module name support module
To correctly send the value of RETVER for the copy was not loaded.
group to the managed servers, please upgrade the
managed servers to at least the same level as that of
the configuration manager.
The indicated support module was not loaded.
ANR4862W The value of the
for domain domain name will not System action
be sent to the managed server The server cannot perform functions that require this
server name because the release module.
level of the managed server is
earlier than the release level of the
User response
configuration manager.
Restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server and retry the
Explanation operation. If the support module does not load,
contact your service representative.
The configuration manager has a value for the
ACTIVEDESTINATION parameter that contains active- ANR4865W The server name has been
data storage pool names that cannot be managed by changed. Windows clients that use
the managed server. The problem is that the release "passwordaccess generate" may
level of the managed server is earlier than release be unable to authenticate with the
level of the configuration manager. server.

System action Explanation

The server operation continues. After the name of an IBM Spectrum Protect server is
changed, the generated password on Windows
backup-archive clients is not usable. The password is
User response
generated on backup-archive clients that use
Upgrade the managed server to the same release level "passwordaccess generate". The generated password
or later than that of the configuration manager. is not usable because the generated password is
stored in the Windows registry in a key that contains
ANR4863W The value of the
the server name, such as the following:
for domain domain name that was
received from the configuration
manager will not be used on the
If the backup-archive client is not able to authenticate
managed server.
with the IBM Spectrum Protect server then scheduled
operations for that client will not run.

746 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action determine if a storage agent action caused the error.
Review the messages logged by this session to
Until the password is reset, the Windows backup-
determine alternate causes.
archive clients that use "passwordaccess generate"
are unable to authenticate with the IBM Spectrum ANR4868I Canceling the Database Backup
Protect server. session session number for node
node name is not allowed.
User response
Either change the IBM Spectrum Protect server name
back to the original name, or reset the password on The server cannot cancel the session that is specified
the server using the UPDATE NODE command to a in the CANCEL SESSION command.
known password and then use dsm, dsmc, or dsmcutil
to manually set the password on all Windows backup- System action
archive clients that use "passwordaccess generate".
Server operations continue.
ANR4866I Node node name is not a member
of a domain that is configured to
User response
use active data pool active data
pool name. Database Backup sessions cannot be cancelled with
the CANCEL SESSION command. Issue the CANCEL
Explanation PROCESS command to terminate the Database
Backup operation.
The primary storage pool to which the client node will
write data is capable of using an active data pool. ANR4869I The server credentials cannot be
However the client node is not a member of a domain authenticated for server server
that is authorized to write to the active data pool. name because the server is not at
a required level for authentication
System action with the PING SERVER command.

Data from the node is not written to the active data Explanation
For password authentication purposes, the server
User response must be at the current level.

If the client node data must be written to an active System action

data pool, move the client node to a domain that is
authorized for this action or update the current domain Server operation continues.
for active data pool processing.
User response
ANR4867I Session session number for node
node name (client platform) No action is required. To ensure that the PING SERVER
terminated - session retry failed. command can verify server credentials, upgrade a
remote V6.3 server to V6.3.5 or later, or a remote V7.1
Explanation server to V7.1.1 or later. Remote servers at earlier
levels accept the PING SERVER command without
The specified client session is ended by the server verifying credentials.
because a previous error has been detected on the
server. Retry attempts were not able to resume the ANR4870W Audit command: Storage pool
session. storage pool name, specified as a
Table of Contents (TOC)
System action destination for copy group copy
group name in management class
The session is ended and server operation continues. management class name, policy
set set name, domain domain
User response name, does not exist.
If the session is a proxied LAN-Free session for a
storage agent, this error might be the result of a mount Explanation
point or volume preemption on the storage agent. A database audit process finds a storage pool
Review the messages logged by the storage agent to specified for the Table of Contents (TOC) destination

Chapter 3. ANR messages 747

of the specified copy group that is not defined in the Explanation
server database. If this copy group is used in an active
Server processing for the command command fails
policy set, then the NDMP backup with a TOC creation
because the collocation group description specified is
operation may fail when attempting to put TOC entries
longer than the length limit number of characters
in the destination.

System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
User response successful in changing the server database.
After the audit command completes, use the DEFINE
STGPOOL command to define the missing storage User response
pool, or the UPDATE COPYGROUP command to update
Issue the command again and specify a shorter
the copy group to refer to an existing storage pool.
collocation group description.
ANR4871I Collocation group collocation group
ANR4874I Collocation group collocation group
name defined.
name updated.

A DEFINE COLLOCGROUP command has created the
In response to the UPDATE COLLOCGROUP command,
collocation group indicated.
the collocation group collocation group name has been
updated in the server database.
System action
None. System action
Server operation continues.
User response
None. User response
ANR4872E Command: Invalid collocation None.
group name - collocation group
ANR4875I Collocation group collocation group
name deleted.

Server processing for the command command fails
In response to the DELETE COLLOCGROUP command,
because the collocation group name collocation group
the collocation group collocation group name has been
name specified does not contain valid characters or
deleted from the server database.
contains too many characters.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Database changes for the command are rolled back
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. User response
User response
ANR4876W Command: Node node name
Issue the command again and specify a collocation cannot be processed because it is
group name that conforms to the name requirements. not registered.
ANR4873E Command: Collocation group
description exceeds maximum Explanation
length of length limit characters. This command cannot be processed for the indicated
node. The node is not registered. The other nodes can
be processed if specified by the command.

748 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The indicated node is not processed, but other nodes A DELETE COLLOCMEMBER command has deleted the
can be processed if specified by this command. specified number of members from the indicated
collocation group.
User response
System action
If the node name was entered incorrectly, issue the
command again with the correct node name. None.
ANR4877E Command: Collocation group
collocation group name is not User response
defined. None.
ANR4880I Node node name disassociated
from collocation group collocation
Server processing for the command command fails group name.
because the collocation group name collocation group
name specified does not refer to a defined collocation Explanation
group in the server database.
This message is displayed in response to the DELETE
COLLOCMEMBER command. Node node name is no
System action
longer associated with the collocation group name
Database changes for the command are rolled back collocation group name.
and server operation continues. The command is not
successful in changing the server database. System action
Server operation continues.
User response
Issue the command again, specifying a collocation User response
group name that is defined in the server database. For
a list of the names of defined collocation groups in the None.
server database, issue the QUERY COLLOCGROUP ANR4881E Command: Collocation group
command. collocation group name is already
ANR4878I Command: number of nodes defined.
members defined in the
collocation group collocation group Explanation
Server processing for the command command fails
because the collocation group name collocation group
Explanation name specified refers to a collocation group that is
A DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER command has created the already defined in the server database.
specified number of members in the indicated
collocation group. System action
Database changes for the command are rolled back
System action and server operation continues. The command is not
None. successful in changing the server database.

User response User response

None. Issue the command again, specifying a collocation

group name that is not defined in the server database.
ANR4879I Command: number of nodes For a list of the names of defined collocation groups in
members deleted from collocation the server database, issue the QUERY COLLOCGROUP
group collocation group name. command.
ANR4882E Command: Collocation group
collocation group name still
contains at least one node.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 749

Explanation User response
Server processing for the delete command command If the node name was entered incorrectly, issue the
fails because the collocation group collocation group command again with the correct node name.
name specified refers to a collocation group that still
ANR4885E Command: Either node name or
contains at least one node. A collocation group cannot
collocation group name must be
be deleted if one or more client nodes are still
assigned to the collocation group.

System action
The indicated command failed because neither node
Database changes for the command are rolled back
name nor collocation group name is specified or the
and server operation continues. The command is not
node name and the collocation group name both are
successful in changing the server database.

User response
System action
To remove remaining nodes from the collocation
The indicated command fails. The server operation
group, issue the DELETE COLLOCMEMBER command.
After all nodes are removed, issue the delete
command again.
User response
ANR4883I Node node name associated to
collocation group collocation group Issue the command again, by specifying either the
name. node name or the collocation group name.
ANR4886I Audit command (Scan) process
Explanation started for container container
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE name (process ID process ID).
COLLOCMEMBER command. Node node name is
associated with the collocation group name Explanation
collocation group name. As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that
specified scan action for the container shown, the
System action process whose ID is displayed has begun auditing the
Server operation continues.

System action
User response
The container is audited and inconsistent data is
marked as damaged.
ANR4884W Node node name already
associated to collocation group User response
collocation group name.
Explanation ANR4887I Audit command (Remove
This message is displayed in response to the DEFINE Damaged) process started for
COLLOCMEMBER command. Node node name is container container name (process
already associated with the collocation group name ID process ID).
collocation group name. The indicated node is not
processed. The other nodes can be processed if Explanation
specified by the command. As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that
specified delete action for the container shown, the
System action process whose ID is displayed has begun deleting data
files depending on damaged data extents in the
Server operation continues.

750 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
Data files associated with the damaged data extents in During processing of an AUDIT CONTAINER command
the container are deleted. for the container shown, the process performing the
audit was canceled.
User response
System action
The AUDIT CONTAINER command is ended.
ANR4888I Audit command (Remove
Damaged) process started for
storage pool directory stgpooldir User response
name (process ID process ID). None.
ANR4891I Audit command process process_id
ended for the container_name
As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that container: inspected_extents data
specified delete action for the storage pool directory extents inspected,
shown, the process whose ID is displayed has begun damaged_extents data extents
deleting data files depending on damaged data extents marked as damaged,
on the storage pool directory. undamaged_extents data extents
previously marked as damaged
System action reset to undamaged, and
orphaned_extents data extents
Data files associated with the damaged data extents marked as orphaned.
on the storage pool directory are deleted.
User response
The audit of the container generated the following
None. information:
ANR4889I Audit command (Remove • The number of data extents audited
Damaged) process started for
• The number of damaged data extents
storage pool stgpool name
(process ID process ID). • The number of undamaged data extents that were
previously marked as damaged
Explanation • For cloud containers, the number of data extents
that were present on the cloud service provider but
As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that not present in the server database; the audit marked
specified delete action for the storage pool shown, the these extents as orphaned
process whose ID is displayed has begun deleting data
files dependent on damaged data extents in the
storage pool. System action
System action
Data files associated with the damaged data extents in User response
the storage pool are deleted. For directory containers, if you backed up the storage
pool data to a target storage pool server by using the
User response PROTECT STGPOOL command, you can repair
damaged extents in the directory-container storage
None. pool by using the REPAIR STGPOOL command. If you
ANR4890W Audit container process did not use the PROTECT STGPOOL command to back
terminated for deleteion - process up the storage pool data, you cannot repair damaged
process ID canceled. extents in the directory-container storage pool.
To remove damaged extents from directory containers
or cloud containers, and to remove orphaned extents
from cloud containers, issue the AUDIT CONTAINER
command and specify the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 751

ANR4892E Command: Storage pool directory User response
directory is not defined in storage If the volume is in a primary storage pool, run a
pool stgpool. RESTORE VOLUME command to fix the invalid bitfile. If
the volume is in a copy storage pool, run a DELETE
Explanation VOLUME DISCARDDATA=YES command to delete the
A nonexistent storage pool directory is specified for volume, then backup the primary storage pool again.
the issued command. To see what files may have been marked as damaged,
System action
ANR4896I Inventory client file expiration is
The server does not process the command. restarting process process num
from startdate.
User response
Reissue the command with a valid storage pool
directory. If you are using the MACRO command to The server is in the process of restarting a previously
define and update the storage pool directory, you must cancelled expiration process.
command is committed before the UPDATE System action
STGPOOLDIRECTORY command is issued.
The server will continue expiring eligible objects.
ANR4894I Audit Container (Mark Damaged)
process started for container User response
container name (process ID
process ID). None.
ANR4897I Database restore of operation
Explanation operation ID will use device class
As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command that device class name and attempt to
specified scan action for the container shown, the use number of streams streams.
process whose ID is displayed has begun auditing the
container. Explanation
The server restore database process for the operation
System action ID will be performed for the device class and number
The container is audited and inconsistent data is of streams indicated.
marked as damaged.
System action
User response The server performs the database restore operation.
User response
ANR4895E Deduplicated bitfile bitfile id on
volume volname has invalid links. None.
ANR4898W This is a pre-release server_version
Explanation IBM Spectrum Protect server
While reading a deduplicated bitfile, the server (driver driver_number, build
detected invalid deduplication information. build_id). It is not supported for
commercial or production use.
System action
If the operation is a server data movement, the
inconsistent bitfile is marked invalid and skipped, but The IBM Spectrum Protect server is running a pre-
the operation continues. If, however, the operation is a release program. The program can be used to test or
client restore or retrieve, the bitfile is marked as evaluate new features, but it can neither be used for
damaged. any commercial purpose nor placed into production.

752 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR4901E The server database has been
used with a pre-release
No action is taken.
server_version IBM Spectrum
Protect server (driver
User response driver_number, build build_id). The
If the IBM Spectrum Protect server is being used to server is not supported for
evaluate new features, no action is required. If the commercial or production use.
server will be used in a production environment or for
a commercial purpose, contact your IBM sales Explanation
representative or authorized business partner to
An unsupported, pre-release version of the IBM
obtain a fully-supported, released version.
Spectrum Protect has been used with this database.
ANR4899E The server database was The server can be used to test or evaluate new
formatted using a pre-release features, but it can neither be used for any commercial
server_version IBM Spectrum purpose nor placed into production.
Protect server (driver
driver_number, build build_id). The System action
server is not supported for
commercial or production use. No action is taken.

Explanation User response

The server database was created using an If the server is being used to evaluate new features, no
unsupported, pre-release version of the IBM Spectrum action is required. If the server will be used in a
Protect server. The server can be used to test or production environment or for a commercial purpose,
evaluate new features, but it can neither be used for remove the database. Create a new database using a
any commercial purpose nor placed into production. fully-supported, released version.
ANR4902I Replication recovery of damaged
System action files attribute set to value.
No action is taken.
User response The setting to control replication recovery of damaged
If the server is being used to evaluate new features, no files has been turned on or off as indicated with the
action is required. If the server will be used in a SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command.
production environment or for a commercial purpose,
remove the database. Create a new database using a System action
fully-supported, released version. If setting the attribute to ON and there are damaged
ANR4900W EMC Centera Software files, the server will evaluate the damaged file
Development Kit (SDK) libraries inventory. If no damaged files exist in the server
failed to load or are missing. inventory, and ON is specified, the attribute will cycle
to ON without having to evaluate damaged files. If the
setting specifies OFF, the server attribute cycles to
OFF immediately.
The libraries are required to ensure that the IBM
Spectrum Protect server can operate devices with the User response
defined CENTERA device class.
If setting the attribute to ON and there are damaged
files, query the activity log for a process description of
System action
None. completes successfully the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED
setting will be set ON. If the process is canceled or
User response completes unsuccessfully, the attribute remains
Ensure that the EMC Centera SDK is installed on the
system and that all libraries and associated links have ANR4903I Replication recovery of damaged
the read permission. files for node(s) node list has been
initiated on target replication

Chapter 3. ANR messages 753

server recovery server via process Explanation
The administrative schedule that started the command
has a maximum run time. The maximum run time is
Explanation defined by the MAXRUNTIME parameter in the DEFINE
The replication recovery process has started on the or UPDATE SCHEDULE command. You cannot use the
target replication server. MAXRUNTIME value to cancel the specified command
because the command is not associated with a server
process number or WAIT=YES is specified. In both of
System action
these cases, the value of the MAXRUNTIME parameter
A replication recovery process is started on the target is ignored and the scheduled command is not
replication server. automatically canceled.

User response System action

Examine the results of replication recovery process on The server operation continues.
the target replication server.
ANR4904E command: Replication recovery of User response
damaged files is disabled. None.
ANR4908E Replication recovery of damaged
files not able to initiate a
Replication recovery operations originating from this replication recovery process on
server are disabled. the target replication server.
Reason rc.
System action
Processing ends.
The replication recovery process has not started on
User response the target replication server.


System action
enable the use of replication recovery of damaged
files. None.
ANR4905E command: Replication recovery of
damaged files is not supported by User response
target server. Examine the activity log for communication errors.
ANR4909I No files found for replication
recovery of damaged files.
Replication recovery operations originating from this
server are not allowed because the target replication Explanation
server is downlevel.
The replication recovery process has not started on
the target replication server because no damaged files
System action
were found for the nodes specified on the REPLICATE
Processing ends. NODE command.

User response System action

Upgrade the target replication server to a level that None.
supports replication recovery of damaged files.
ANR4907W The MAXRUNTIME parameter does User response
not cancel the scheduled None.
command command.
ANR4910I A replication recovery preview
was completed for the following
nodes: node list. Nodes to be

754 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

recovered: nodes to recover. User response
Filespaces to be recovered:
Rename the file with a shorter name. For more
filespaces to recover. Files to be
information about the file name or the node identifier,
recovered: files to recover. Bytes to
including locating and correcting the file or directory,
be recovered: bytes to recover.
refer to Network Appliance documentation.
Estimated run time: estimated
runtime. Once the problem has been corrected, try the
operation again.
Explanation ANR4912I Database restore type byte count.
Information is provided about damaged data that can
be recovered from a target replication server: Explanation
• Nodes to be recovered indicates the number of A database restore is in progress.
nodes that require recovery of damaged files.
• Filespaces to be recovered indicates the number of System action
filespaces that require recovery of damaged files.
• Files to be recovered indicates the number of
damaged files to be recovered. User response
• Bytes to be recovered indicates the number of
damaged bytes to be recovered.
• Estimated run time is an estimate of how long the ANR4915I Audit command process started
recovery process will run. (process ID process ID).

System action Explanation

None. As the result of an AUDIT CONTAINER command the
process whose ID is displayed has begun auditing the
User response containers.

No action is required. However, to recover damaged System action

files from a target replication server, you must issue
the REPLICATE NODE command again. To replicate Container audit processes are started.
the node and recover damaged files, specify
RECOVERDAMAGED=YES. To run the command for the User response
sole purpose of recovering damaged files, specify
ANR4916I Starting point-in-time database
ANR4911E File name is too long, the server is
restore snapshot to date date time.
unable to build a table of contents
for node node name, file space file
space name, file name file name, Explanation
node identifier node id, parent A point-in-time database restore with the TODATE
node identifier parent node id. parameter and source snapshot specified has begun.
Table of contents creation fails. When this restore is complete, the database will be
committed to the point in time of this backup.
The file name must be 512 bytes or less. If the size is System action
larger than 512 bytes, the IBM Spectrum Protect None.
server cannot create a table of contents (TOC) for a
Network Appliance file server.
User response

System action None.

The TOC creation fails. ANR4917I Point-in-time database restore

with snapshot complete, restore
date date time.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 755

Explanation ANR4920E Command: Administrator
administrator name is not
A point-in-time database restore with the TODATE
authorized to issue this command
parameter specified has completed. The database is
for storage pool pool name.
committed to the point in time of this backup, which
may be different than the TODATE specified. If this is
the case, an additional message will be displayed. Explanation
The specified administrator has entered the indicated
System action command, but this administrator does not have the
proper authority necessary to run the command for the
indicated pool. The indicated pool could be the storage
pool being migrated or being reclaimed, or the storage
User response pool to which files are migrated or reclaimed.
System action
ANR4918W The filespace filespace name
(filespace id) for node node name The server does not process the command.
will not be included in the
backupset backupset name (data User response
type data type) because it was not
created by the backup/archive Issue the command from a properly authorized
client and cannot be restored from administrator ID, or contact the system administrator
the backupset. to have additional authority granted to the current
administrator ID.
Explanation ANR4921E Command: Primary storage pool
Data from the filespace will not be included in the pool name does not have a target
backupset because the filespace was not created by pool.
the backup/archive client and it cannot be restored
from the backupset. Explanation
The specified primary storage pool does not have a
System action target storage pool for the specified operation.
The filespace is skipped.
System action
User response The server does not process the command.
User response
ANR4919W The filespace filespace name
(filespace id) for node node name Define a target storage pool for the pool specified on
will not be included in the the command and re-issue the command.
backupset backupset name (data ANR4922E Command: Migration is currently
type data type) because it is not a running for the storage pool pool
supported application type. name.

Explanation Explanation
Data from the filespace will not be included in the The migration operation is already running for the
backupset because the filespace does not belong to a specified storage pool.
supported application type.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The filespace is skipped.
User response
User response
Re-issue the command when migration is not running.

756 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4923E Command: Reclamation is Explanation
currently running for the storage During migration for the indicated volume, the duration
pool pool name. for the migration has been exceeded.

Explanation System action

The reclamation operation is already running for the
The volume migration is terminated.
specified storage pool.

User response
System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR4927W Reclamation terminated for
User response volume volume name - duration
Re-issue the command when reclamation is not
ANR4924I Command: Migration is not needed During reclamation for the indicated volume, the
for the storage pool pool name. duration for the reclamation has been exceeded.

Explanation System action

Either the current percentage utilization of the The volume reclamation is terminated.
specified storage pool is less than the low migration
threshold or the number of volumes containing data
has not reached the low migration threshold. User response
System action
ANR4928W The storage-pool migration
The server does not process the command. process was terminated.

User response Explanation

Re-issue the command when migration is needed for Because the data in the storage pool is deduplicated,
the pool. the storage pool is not eligible for migration with the
simultaneous-write feature enabled. This means that
ANR4925W Migration process process ID you cannot migrate a deduplicated storage pool if the
terminated for storage pool AUTOCOPY parameter for the storage pool is set to a
storage pool name - duration value other than NONE.
System action
Server operation continues, but the storage pool is not
During migration for the indicated storage pool, a migrated.
process performing the migration has been terminated
because the migration duration has exceeded.
User response
System action To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
Use the UPDATE STGPOOL command to change the
The migration process is terminated. value of the AUTOCOPY parameter to NONE. 2. Restart
the storage pool migration process.
User response
ANR4929E Command: The storage pool pool
None. name is not a sequential-access
ANR4926W Migration terminated for volume pool.
volume name - duration exceeded.
The specified storage pool is not a sequential-access
storage media for the specified operation. The

Chapter 3. ANR messages 757

specified operation only applies to a sequential-access ANR4932I Reclamation process process ID
storage media. ended for storage pool storage pool
System action
The server does not process the command.
A reclamation process for the named storage pool
User response ends. This action can occur because the threshold for
the storage pool has been reached or because the
Re-issue the command for a sequential-access duration has been exceeded.
storage media.
ANR4930I Reclamation process process ID System action
started for primary storage pool
storage pool name automatically or
manually, threshold=threshold
value, duration=duration. User response
ANR4933I Space reclamation ended for
Because the high reclamation threshold for the offsite volume volume name.
storage pool shown has been exceeded, a process has
been started to reclaim files from the storage pool. Explanation
Note: a duration value of None means that the
duration is not specified and hence the reclamation Space reclamation for the named offsite volume is
runs without duration. complete.

System action System action

Data is moved from this storage pool to the same pool None.
or to the reclaim storage pool.
User response
User response None.
ANR4934I Offsite reclamation ended for
ANR4931I Reclamation process process ID storage pool pool name, Number
started for copy storage pool Processes number of processes,
storage pool name automatically or Number Volumes Reclaimed
manually, threshold=threshold number of volume reclaimed,
value, offsiteRclmLimit=limit Elapsed Time seconds seconds.
value, duration=duration.
Explanation Offsite reclamation ended successfully.
Because the high reclamation threshold for the
storage pool shown has been exceeded, a process has System action
been started to reclaim files from the storage pool.
Note: a duration value of None means that the
duration is not specified and hence the reclamation
runs without duration. User response
System action
ANR4935I The migration of the primary pool
Data is moved from this storage pool to the same pool name primary storage pool is
or to the reclaim storage pool. complete. Number of files
migrated: number of migrated files.
User response Number of bytes migrated: number
of migrated bytes. Number of
deduplicated migrated bytes:

758 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

number of migrated dedup bytes. User response
Number of unreadable files:
Re-issue the command when delete filespace is not
number of unreadable files.

Explanation ANR4938E Command: Administrator

administrator name is not
Migration processing for the specified storage pool authorized to issue this command
ended with the displayed results. for target storage pool pool name.

System action Explanation

None. The specified administrator has entered the indicated
command, but this administrator does not have the
User response proper authority necessary to run the command for the
indicated pool. The indicated pool is the pool that to
Examine previous messages to determine whether all
which files are migrated or reclaimed.
migration processes ended successfully.
ANR4936I The reclamation of the pool name System action
storage pool is complete. Number
of files reclaimed: number of The server does not process the command.
reclaimed files. Number of
reclaimed bytes: number of User response
reclaimed bytes. Number of
Issue the command from a properly authorized
reclaimed deduplicated bytes:
administrator ID, or contact the system administrator
number of reclaimed dedup bytes.
to have additional authority granted to the current
Number of reconstructed files:
administrator ID.
number of reconstructed files.
Number of unreadable files: ANR4939E Command: The "option" option is
number of unreadable files. not valid for a DISK storage pool.

Explanation Explanation
Reclamation processing for the specified storage pool The command indicated specifies an option that is not
ended with the displayed results. valid for a DISK storage pool.

System action System action

None. The server does not process the command.

User response User response

Examine previous messages to determine whether all Reissue the command with options appropriate for a
reclamation processes ended successfully. DISK storage pool.
ANR4937E Command: Reclamation will not ANR4940E Container container name is locked
run - delete filespace is currently by another operation and cannot
running. be modified.

Explanation Explanation
A delete filespace operation is running. To Avoid the While attempting to modify the specified container,
resource contention, reclamation will not run when the IBM Spectrum Protect was unable to obtain the
delete filespace is running. locks necessary to change it.

System action System action

The server does not process the command. The operation fails. Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 759

User response Explanation
Wait for conflicting processes and sessions are A define volume command was issued for the
reduced, and re-issue the command. indicated volume name. The volume name was
specified without the FORMATSIZE parameter, but it
ANR4941E The server is unable to translate either does not exist or exists as a file of size 0.
the Unicode name while building
table of contents for node node
name, file space file space name, System action
Unicode name unicode name node The volume definition fails.
identifier node id, parent node
identifier parent node id. Table of User response
contents creation fails.
Use the FORMATSIZE parameter to have the server
Explanation pre-allocate space for the new volume.

While creating a table of contents (TOC) for a Network ANR4943E Command: Volumes cannot be
Appliance file server, the IBM Spectrum Protect server deleted from
attempted to translate the Unicode name in the file RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK
history message from UCS-2 to UTF-8. The translation storage pools.
System action Deleting volumes from
The TOC creation fails. RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK storage pools is not
allowed. Rather, deletion of empty volumes occurs
automatically during reclamation processing.
User response
Verify that the required support for translations System action
between UCS-2 and UTF-8 is properly installed and
configured on the system where the IBM Spectrum The operation fails.
Protect is running.
User response
Verify that the reported Unicode name is valid. Note
that the Unicode name is encoded in little-endian Allow deletion of empty volumes to be done
UCS-2 and is reported in hexadecimal notation. If the automatically during reclamation processing.
Unicode name is not valid, the problem may usually be
corrected by deleting or renaming the corresponding ANR4944E Command: Volumes cannot be
file or directory on the Network Appliance file server. defined in
The node identifier and parent node identifier are RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK
provided by the Network Appliance NDMP server. storage pools.
Their values are NDMP-server implementation
dependent but will typically be the inode number of Explanation
the file or directory. For more information about the Defining volumes on RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK
Unicode name or the node identifiers, including using storage pools is not allowed. Rather, the
them to locate and correct the invalid file or directory, MAXSCRATCH parameter on the DEFINE and UPDATE
contact Network Appliance for support. STGPOOL commands is used to make storage pool
If possible, configure the Network Appliance file server space available for these storage pools.
to always encode file and directory names as UTF-8.
Once the problem has been corrected, try the System action
operation again. The operation fails.
ANR4942E Command: Volume volume name is
not defined. The file name does User response
not exist or has no space. Use the MAXSCRATCH parameter on the DEFINE and
UPDATE STGPOOL commands to create space in the
storage pool.

760 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4945E Command:Error creating volume Explanation
volume name: FORMATSIZE While attempting to move the specified container, the
exceeded the maximum size IBM Spectrum Protect was unable to obtain the locks
allowed. necessary to move it.

Explanation System action

When you define a volume, the server detects whether The operation fails. Server operation continues.
the format size of the volume exceeds the maximum
size allowed.
User response
System action Wait for conflicting processes and sessions are
reduced, and re-issue the command.
The operation fails.
ANR4948E The list file named list file name
User response contains more than max entry
count entries.
Reissue the DEFINE VOLUME command and specify
the FORMATSIZE parameter with a value of 8388607
MB or less.
While reading a list file, the server detects that the
ANR4946W The character encoding of NDMP number of entries exceeds the maximum allowed.
file history messages for node
node name, file system file system
name is unknown. The IBM System action
Spectrum Protect server will use The operation fails.
the UTF-8 encoding to build a
table of contents. User response

Explanation Consider breaking up the operation into multiple

commands, each handling a subset of the required
While initializing a backup with a table of contents entries.
(TOC) for the specified node and file system, the IBM
Spectrum Protect server determines that the character ANR4949E The server is unable to write to
encoding of file history information from the NAS file table table name because there is
server is unknown. The IBM Spectrum Protect server not enough temporary space in the
will assume file history information is encoded as database. Table of contents
UTF-8 in order to build a TOC. operation for node node name, file
space file space name fails.
If the character encoding is not UTF-8 and non-English
characters are present, the names will be improperly
displayed and probably unreadable, making recovery
difficult. While operating on a table of contents (TOC), the
server attempted to insert data into the specified
System action temporary database table, but there is not enough
temporary space in the server's database.
The operation continues.
System action
User response
The TOC operation fails.
Verify that the encoding of file history information is
UTF-8. For Network Appliance NAS file servers, verify
User response
that the volume language for the specified node and
file space is UTF-8, or a subset of UTF-8 (for example Ensure that sufficient temporary space is available in
7-bit ASCII). the server's database.
ANR4947E Container container name is locked ANR4950E The server is unable to retrieve
by another operation and cannot NDMP file history information
be moved. while building table of contents for
node node name, file space file

Chapter 3. ANR messages 761

space name. NDMP node ID is Explanation
NDMP node ID. Table of contents
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
creation fails.
the specified node. The storage pool specified by the
TOC destination attribute of the backup copy group in
Explanation the assigned management class does not contain
While creating a table of contents (TOC), the server enough free space to hold the TOC. No successor
attempted to retrieve information contained in a storage pools to the one specified on the copy group
previous NDMP file history message. The information contain enough free space.
was not found. This could be caused by a problem with
the NAS file server that is sending file history System action
messages. The NDMP node ID reported in the
The TOC creation is ended and server operation
message is the node ID referenced in the current
NDMP file history message.

User response
System action
An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
The TOC creation fails.
VOLUME command to add storage to one or more
storage pools in the storage hierarchy. This action may
User response also involve creating storage space by using an
Verify that the NDMP server is properly sending file operating system-specific utility.
history information. Otherwise, contact your service ANR4953E The writing of a table of contents
representative. for node node name, file space file
ANR4951E The writing of a table of contents space name failed. The server
for node node name, file space file encountered an error when writing
space name failed. The object is to the storage device.
excluded from storage pool pool
name and all successor pools Explanation
because of its size.
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
the specified node because an I/O error has been
Explanation encountered by the server in writing to a device.
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
the specified node. The size of the TOC is larger than System action
that allowed in the storage pool specified by the TOC
The TOC creation is ended and server operation
destination attribute of the assigned management
class backup copy group. No successor storage pools
to the one specified on the copy group can accept the
large TOC. User response
Query the activity log to find messages preceding this
System action one that specify the failing device. Storage pool
volumes can be varied offline (by using the VARY
The TOC creation is ended and server operation
command), or the server may need to be halted to
correct the hardware problem. After the problem is
corrected, try the operation again.
User response
ANR4954E The writing of a table of contents
Increase the maximum file size for one or more of the for node node name, file space file
storage pools in the storage hierarchy to space name failed. The data
accommodate the TOC. An authorized administrator transfer was interrupted.
can increase the MAXSIZE parameter by issuing the
ANR4952E The writing of a table of contents
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
for node node name, file space file
the specified node because data transfer to or from
space name failed. No space is
data storage was interrupted by an external event.
available in storage pool pool
name and all successor pools.

762 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might
The TOC creation is ended and server operation
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is

User response Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur

if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
Examine the messages issued prior to this message to location that are no longer active and cannot be
determine why the data transfer was interrupted. archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
Attempt the operation again if the problem can be ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY locations. If
resolved. necessary, specify a larger directory for the
ANR4955E The writing of a table of contents ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY or
for node node name, file space file ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
space name failed. The storage dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
media is not available. ANR4957E The writing of a table of contents
for node node name, file space file
Explanation space name failed. The server does
not have sufficient database
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
the specified node because storage volumes are not
available in the storage pools in which the TOC is to be
stored. Explanation
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
System action the specified node because sufficient database space
is not available on the server.
The TOC creation is ended and server operation
System action
User response The TOC creation is ended and server operation
An authorized administrator can issue the DEFINE
VOLUME command to add storage to one or more
storage pools in the storage hierarchy. The VARY User response
ONLINE command can be used to vary offline storage To increase the amount of database space that is
volumes online in the storage hierarchy to make them available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE
available for TOC storage. command to add one or more directories to the
ANR4956E The writing of a table of contents database.
for node node name, file space file ANR4958E The writing of a table of contents
space name failed. The server does for node node name, file space file
not have sufficient recovery log space name failed. The server is
space. unable to start a new thread.

Explanation Explanation
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
the specified node because sufficient log space is not the specified node because sufficient memory is not
available on the server. available for starting additional processes on the
System action
The TOC creation is ended and server operation System action
continues. The TOC creation is ended and server operation
User response
To increase the amount of log space that is available to User response
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems See the documentation for the operating system about
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY, how to increase memory for an application.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 763

ANR4959E The writing of a table of contents System action
for node node name, file space file The table of contents (TOC) creation is ended and
space name failed. The server does server operation continues.
not have sufficient memory.

User response
Check for additional messages and eliminate the
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for condition that caused the failed transaction. If the
the specified node because sufficient memory is not error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your
available on the server. service representative.

System action ANR4962E The writing of a table of contents

for node node name, file space file
The TOC creation is ended and server operation space name failed. The server does
continues. not have sufficient mount points
available to satisfy the request.
User response
See the documentation for the operating system about Explanation
how to increase memory for an application. The server was unable to allocate sufficient mount
ANR4960E The writing of a table of contents points to write the table of contents (TOC).
for node node name, file space file
space name failed. The server System action
detected an internal error. The TOC creation is ended and server operation
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for User response
the specified node because an internal logic error is If necessary, make more mount points available.
ANR4963E The writing of a table of contents
System action for node node name, file space file
space name failed. See previous
The TOC creation is ended and server operation messages.
User response
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for
Examine the server messages issued prior to this the specified node because a previous error has
message to determine the source of the error. Issue occurred.
the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
System action
isolated and resolved, contact your service
representative. The TOC creation is ended and server operation
ANR4961E The writing of a table of contents
for node node name, file space file
space name failed. The server User response
could not commit the transaction. Examine the server messages issued prior to this
message to determine the source of the error. Issue
Explanation the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log
and search for messages. If the error cannot be
An error was detected during transaction commit. This isolated and resolved, contact your service
message should be preceded by other messages that representative.
give additional information about the failed
transaction. ANR4964I Space reclamation deleted number
of volumes WORM FILE volumes
for storage pool storage pool name.

764 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Alternatively, an out of log space condition might occur
if there are log files in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY
During reclamation for the indicated storage pool, the
location that are no longer active and cannot be
server deleted the indicated number of empty WORM
archived to the ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY and
FILE volumes that have exceeded their retention date.
necessary, specify a larger directory for the
Reclamation and server operations continue. ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the
dsmserv.opt file and then restart the server.
User response ANR4967W Expired WORM FILE volume
volume name still contains valid
data; data will not be protected.
ANR4965E operation is ended for storage pool
storage pool name. Sufficient Explanation
database space is not available.
During space reclamation, the server detected the
retention of the indicated WORM FILE volume has
expired but the volume still contains valid data. The
Insufficient server database space has been data on the volume will not be protected.
encountered during the indicated operation for the
indicated storage pool. System action
Reclamation continues.
System action
Either the Migration or Reclamation stops, or the User response
operation specified in the message stops.
Examine the server activity logs to find out why the
reclamation does not move the valid data to another
User response
WORM FILE volume for protection.
To increase the amount of database space that is
available to the server, issue the EXTEND DBSPACE ANR4968W Reclamation failed on WORM FILE
command to add one or more directories to the volume volume name.
ANR4966E operation is ended for storage pool
storage pool name; sufficient During space reclamation, server failed to move the
recovery log space is not available. files from the indicated WORM FILE volume. The files
on the volume might not be protected if the
reclamation period is exceeded.
Insufficient server recovery log space has been System action
encountered during the indicated operation for the
indicated storage pool. Reclamation continues on other volumes.

System action User response

Either the Migration or Reclamation stops, or the Examine the server activity logs to find out why the
operation specified in the message stops. reclamation does not move the valid data to another
WORM FILE volume for protection. To determine when
the reclamation period is expired, issue a QUERY
User response
VOLUME command for the indicated volume.
To increase the amount of log space that is available to
ANR4969W Conversion from the server code
the server, evaluate the directories and file systems
that are assigned to the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY, page to UTF-8 fails. Verify the
ARCHIVELOGDIRECTORY, and installation of the UTF-8 code page
ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY options in the and tools for your operating
dsmserv.opt file. An out of log space condition might system.
occur because the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY location is

Chapter 3. ANR messages 765

Explanation Explanation
Converting the command results from the server's The indicated audit process finds a WORM FILE
code page to UTF-8 fails. Problems with operating storage volume for which the reclamation retention
system conversion tool or missing code page date is missing or incorrect. Since FIX=YES has been
conversion tool might cause this problem. The server specified for the audit command, the date will be
will attempt to recover from the situation. However, created or corrected.
the recovery might result in unreadable characters or
no output to appear on the web interface or interfaces System action
that use the administrative API. Consult the language
support information of the operating system for Audit processing continues.
information on how to install UTF-8 code page,
conversion tool support, and ICONV support. User response
System action
ANR4972I Command: Migration is not needed
The server operation continues without converting the for the storage pool pool name.
command output from the server's code page to

User response Migration is not needed for the specified storage pool
because of one of the following reasons:
Install the UTF-8 code page support on the operating
system. This is normally available by installing the • The high migration threshold (percentage) is set to
UTF-8 locale for your language. 100 to prevent migration.
• If the specified storage pool uses random-access
ANR4970E Audit command: Missing or
disk or sequential-access disk, the data capacity
incorrect reclamation retention
utilization is less than the low migration threshold.
date for WORM FILE volume
volume name; run AUDIT VOLUME • If the specified storage pool uses tape or optical
FIX=YES for correction. media, the ratio of volumes that contain data to the
total number of volumes in the storage pool is less
Explanation than the low migration threshold.

The indicated audit process finds a WORM FILE System action

storage volume for which the reclamation retention
date is missing or incorrect. To fix the missing or The server does not process the command.
incorrect date, issue the AUDIT VOLUME with FIX=YES
command for the indicated volume. During AUDIT User response
VOLUME processing, the server will indeed have
interface to the Network Appliance filer to obtain the Re-issue the command when migration is needed for
retention date of the SnapLock Log Volume for the pool.
correction of the missing or incorrect date. ANR4973I Command: Reclamation is not
allowed for the storage pool pool
System action name.
Audit processing continues.
User response The high reclamation threshold (percentage) is set to
100 to prevent reclamation for the specified storage
Issue the AUDIT VOLUME command with FIX=YES, so
that the reclamation retention date can be created or
System action
ANR4971E Audit command: Missing or
incorrect reclamation retention The server does not process the command.
date for WORM FILE volume
volume name. The reclamation User response
retention date will be created or Re-issue the command when migration is needed for
corrected. the pool.

766 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR4974W The writing of a table of contents System action
for node node name, file space file The server will still process the command.
space name was cancelled.

User response
The server ends a table of contents (TOC) creation for ANR4977E Container container name was not
the specified node because the process was found in any storage pool.
System action
The container specified does not exist in any storage
The TOC creation is ended and server operation pool.
System action
User response
The command fails and server operation continues.
ANR4975E No Tcp port available for backup User response
from NAS node to server. Re-issue the command with a valid container name.
ANR4978E Container container name could
not be opened.
The server was unable to set up a TCP/IP port for use
in backing up or restoring from or to NAS nodes and Explanation
the server. The server uses a range of ports as defined
by the NDMPPORTRANGE option. If none of these The container specified does not exist in the file
ports can be set up for use, backups or restores from system and could not be opened.
or to NAS nodes and server native storage pools will
fail. If the NDMPPORTRANGE option is not specified, System action
the server uses ephemeral ports ( ports that the
The command fails and server operation continues.
operating system assigns from a dynamic pool ). If the
system runs out of usable ports, operations to or from
NAS nodes and server native storage pools will fail. User response
Re-issue the command with a valid container name.
System action
ANR4980I The protect storage pool process
The specific operation is ended and server operation for stgpool name on server this
continues. server to stgpool name on server
other server is complete. Extents
User response protected: extents protected of
extents to protect. Extents failed to
Operating specific utilities, e.g. netstat, may be used to protect: extents failed to protect.
examine ports which are in use. It may be necessary to Extents deleted: extents deleted of
specify the NDMPPORTRANGE option ( which requires extents to delete. Amount
a server restart ), to provide a sufficient number of protected: amount protected of
ports. amount to protect. Amount failed:
ANR4976W The device class DevClassName is amount transferred. Amount
not the same as device class transferred: amount transferred.
DevClassName defined for the Elapsed time: elapsed time.
serverbackup node $
$_TSMDBMGR_$$. Explanation
The protect storage pool process is complete. The
Explanation following list describes the information in the
The device class in this command is not the same as message:
the device class defined in the server backup node.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 767

• Extents protected: Extents that were successfully amount repaired of amount to
protected by being linked to matching extents on the repair. Amount failed: amount
target server. failed. Amount skipped: amount
• Extents failed to protect: Extents that were not skipped. Elapsed time: elapsed
successfully protected during the process of time.
protecting to the target server.
• Extents deleted: Extents that were successfully
deleted from the target server because the extent The storage pool repair process is complete. The
did not exist on the source server or because it was following list describes the information in the
damaged on the target server and needed to be message:
• Extents repaired: indicates the number of extents
• Amount protected: Bytes that were successfully that were successfully repaired.
protected by being linked to matching extents on the
• Extents failed: indicates the number of extents that
target server.
failed to be repaired.
• Amount failed: Bytes that were not protected. See
• Extents skipped: indicates the number of extents
previous messages for further details.
that were skipped.
• Amount transferred: Bytes that were sent to the
• Amount repaired: indicates the number of bytes that
target server during this process. The amount that
were successfully repaired.
was transferred can be less than the amount that is
protected when the target server already has some • Amount failed: indicates the number of bytes that
of the extents or when compression is enabled. failed to be repaired.
• Elapsed time: How long the process ran. • Amount skipped: indicates the number of bytes that
were skipped.
ANR4981I The preview of protect storage
pool stgpool name on server this • Elapsed time: indicates how long the process ran.
server to stgpool name on server ANR4983I The preview of repair storage pool
other server is complete. Extents stgpool name on server this server
to be protected: extents to protect. from stgpool name on server other
Extents to be deleted: extents server is complete. Extents to be
deleted. Amount to be protected: repaired: extents repaired. Amount
amount protected. to be repaired: amount repaired.

Explanation Explanation
The storage pool protection preview is complete. The The storage pool repair process is complete in preview
following list describes the information in the mode. The following list describes the information in
message: the message:
• Extents to be protected: Extents that need to be • Extents to be repaired: indicates the number of
protected by being linked to matching extents on the extents to be repaired.
target server.
• Amount to be repaired: indicates the number of
• Extents to be deleted: Extents that need to be bytes to be repaired.
deleted because the extent does not exist on the
source server. ANR4984E Container container name was not
found in storage pool stgpool
• Amount to be protected: Bytes that need to be
protected by being linked to matching extents on the
target server.
ANR4982I The repair storage pool process for
stgpool name on server this server The container specified does not exist in the indicated
from stgpool name on server other storage pool.
server is complete. Extents
repaired: extents repaired of System action
extents to repair. Extents failed: The command fails and server operation continues.
extents failed. Extents skipped:
extents skipped. Amount repaired:

768 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Re-issue the command with a valid container name. None.
ANR4985W This command will delete data ANR4994E Query whether the volume volume
files associated with damaged name is in the library library name
data extents in storage pool failed.
stgpool name.
An attempt to query if the indicated volume is in the
The execution of an AUDIT CONTAINER command will specified library failed. It could be the library is offline
remove data files that are dependent on data extents or the library manager is down in a library sharing
stored in damaged containers. environment.

System action System action

The administrator is asked whether to continue. The requested operation failed.

User response User response

Enter 'Y' to audit containers or 'N' to stop the process. Re-attempt the request when the library is brought up
or when the library manager is up and running in a
ANR4992W Audit command has encountered library sharing environment.
an I/O error for container
container name in container ANR5001I Update Stgpooldir command
storage pool storage pool while (Access=Destroyed) process
attempting to read a data extent. started for stgpooldir stgpooldir
name (process ID process ID).
The AUDIT CONTAINER process encountered an I/O
error for the specified container while attempting to As the result of an UPDATE STGPOOLDIR command
read a data extent. The data extent is going to be that specified access=destroyed for the stgpooldir
marked as damaged. shown, the process whose ID is displayed has begun
updating the stgpooldir.
System action
System action
The access of the stgpooldir is set to destroyed
User response
User response
Identify and resolve the I/O error for the container if
possible. Verify that the container's physical device is None.
functioning properly and that the container is usable.
ANR5002I The data cannot be replicated to
ANR4993W Audit container process the target storage pool. The issue
terminated for container container might be caused by a lack of space
name - process canceled. in the target storage pool or by
insufficient permissions to access
Explanation the container pool directory.

During processing of an AUDIT CONTAINER command ANR5003I No memory is available on the

for the container shown, the process performing the server.
audit was cancelled. ANR5004I No space is available for
additional logs.
System action
ANR5005I No space is available for
The AUDIT CONTAINER command is ended. additional database files.
ANR5006I The replication process stopped.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 769

ANR5007I The replication process was Explanation
canceled. If the data collection archives use a large percentage
ANR5008I The replication transaction is not of available space, IBM Spectrum Protect server
being processed. operations might be affected.
ANR5009I The specified object was not
found. System action

ANR5010I A communication error occurred Server operations continue, but insufficient database
between the source and target space might cause operations to fail or hang.
replication servers.
User response
ANR5011I Corrupted data was detected.
To resolve the issue, take one or both of the following
ANR5012I An unknown error occurred during actions:
an attempt to store a file on the
target replication server. The • - Add space to the file systems where the server
possible cause is a failed write database files are located.
operation to disk storage. • - Release space on the file systems or disks where
ANR5013I The data cannot be replicated to the server database files are located.
the target replication server. The ANR5024W The servermon component, which
issue might be caused by is used to monitor the server and
insufficient space in the target generate data for analytics and
storage pool or by insufficient troubleshooting, is not
permissions to access the operational.
container pool directory.
ANR5014I The bitfile is damaged. Explanation
ANR5015I The table of contents (TOC) was Servermon is not running or hung because of an issue
not created. with an output file. The issue occurs when an output
file is renamed with a .done file extension when
ANR5016I During a retrieve operation, a
another file with the .done extension exists.
bitfile referenced extents that do
not exist in the storage pool.
System action
ANR5017I The target storage pool changed.
Server operation continues, but the servermon
ANR5018I During a node replication process, component is not available to collect data. If errors
an inconsistency was detected in occur in the system environment, you might not have
the extent catalogs of the source sufficient data to analyze the errors.
and target replication servers. The
mismatch caused the node
User response
replication process to fail.
Restart the servermon component:
ANR5019I An internal error occurred during
the replication process. • - To restart servermon on IBM AIX or Linux operating
systems, run the servermon executable file.
ANR5020I A server internal error occurred
during the replication process. • - To restart servermon on Microsoft Windows
operating systems, run the servermon.exe
ANR5021I An unknown replication error executable file.
ANR5025E Command: Data in storage pool
ANR5022I No errors are detected on the
storage pool name is not protected
current server. Review the return
to storage pool target storage pool
code on the other server in the
name on server target server.
replication pair.
ANR5023W The data collection archives of the Explanation
servermon component occupy
more than percentage% of server The specified storage pool has not been protected by
database space. the replication target server.

770 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR6201I Command name: Level
compression audit level
System operation continues, but the server does not
compression audit starting as
process the command.
background process process ID.

User response
1. If you have not specified a target replication server,
A compression audit at the specified level was started
issue the SET REPLSERVER command to specify the
as a background server process having the process
target replication server that will be used to protect
identifier reported.
the storage pool. The name specified in the SET
REPLSERVER command must be associated with a
valid server definition. 2. Issue the PROTECT STGPOOL System action
command with a value of TYPE=REPLSERVER for the Server operation continues. The background audit
specified storage pool. For example, if the source attempts to identify client files that may be affected by
storage pool is named POOL1, issue the following the client compression problem.
command: protect stgpool pool1 type=replserver By
issuing the command, you restore the protect setting
User response
on the specified storage pool. 3. Retry the command
that previously failed. None.
ANR5027I The service that is associated with ANR6202I Command name: Verifying
object agent agent name must be candidates from last audit.
deleted. To delete this service, run
the following command: script Explanation
A compression audit has started to verify the client file
candidates that were identified in a previous
compression audit execution. The verification process
The service to run the object agent server is no longer eliminates compression candidates that are now found
needed because the server was deleted. to be expired by policy on the server.

System action System action

The audit operation continues.
User response
User response
To stop and delete the service for this object agent
server, use either administrative or root user privileges None.
to run the script with the configuration file.
ANR6203I Command name: Starting level
ANR6200I Command name: Level audit level compression audit from
compression audit level qualifying entries in the
compression audit started as candidates list.
process process ID.
A compression audit is starting to check qualifying
A compression audit at the specified level has been candidates from the candidates list for the audit level
started as a background server process with the specified. Client files that were identified as
process identifier reported. compression candidates at a lower level will be tested,
subject to the qualifications that were specified for the
System action command.

Server operation continues. The background audit

System action
attempts to identify client files that may be affected by
the client compression problem. The audit operation continues.

User response

Chapter 3. ANR messages 771

User response client compression problem. The audit starts with the
first client file found on the server, even if previous
The compression candidate list can be displayed with
level 1 audits have been executed.
PROCESS command can be used to monitor the
progress of the audit operation. System action

ANR6204I Command name: Process process The audit operation continues

ID, level audit level audit, ended
successfully - compression User response
suspects = total number of The compression candidate list can be displayed with
compression suspects. the QUERY COMPRESSION command. The QUERY
PROCESS command can be used to monitor the
Explanation progress of the audit operation.
A compression audit ended and is reporting the total ANR6207I Command name: Process process
number of suspect client files that have been found. ID, level audit level analysis
detected candidate file high-level
System action object name low-level object name
in file space client filespace name
The audit operation completes.
for node client node name.

User response
The compression candidate list can be displayed with
A compression audit has found a candidate file at the
audit level specified. The name of the client node, file
ANR6205I Command name: Process process space, and file are displayed. This message is issued
ID, continuing Level 1 whenever a candidate file is detected during a
compression audit with object compression audit that was started with the
object ID high order number.object VERBOSE=YES parameter specified.
ID low order number.
System action
Explanation The audit operation continues.
A level 1 compression audit is starting to evaluate
client files for signs that they may be affected by the User response
client compression problem. Since a previous level 1
audit has been executed, this audit will continue The compression candidate list can be displayed with
where the last audit stopped starting with the object the QUERY COMPRESSION command. The QUERY
whose identifier is specified. PROCESS command can be used to monitor the
progress of the audit operation.
System action ANR6208I Command name: Process process
ID, was cancelled - number of
The audit operation continues.
candidate files candidate files
were found in number of files
User response examined files examined prior to
The compression candidate list can be displayed with cancellation.
PROCESS command can be used to monitor the Explanation
progress of the audit operation.
A compression audit operation was canceled with the
ANR6206I Command name: Process process CANCEL PROCESS command before completion. The
ID, starting base level 1 number of candidate files that were found prior to the
compression audit. cancellation are displayed.

Explanation System action

A level 1 compression audit is starting to evaluate The audit operation ends.
client files for signs that they may be affected by the

772 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response whenever a candidate file is detected during a
compression audit that was started with the
The compression audit may be restarted with the
VERBOSE=YES parameter specified.
AUDIT COMPRESSION command. The compression
candidate list can be displayed with the QUERY
COMPRESSION command. System action

ANR6209I Command name: Process process The audit operation continues.

ID, level audit level audit
completed successfully - number User response
of candidate files candidate files The compression candidate list can be displayed with
were found in number of files the QUERY COMPRESSION command. The QUERY
examined files examined. PROCESS command can be used to monitor the
progress of the audit operation.
ANR6212I Command name: Process process
A compression audit operation completed ID, level audit level analysis
successfully. The number of candidate files that were eliminated level candidate level
found are displayed. candidate file object name in
filespace client filespace name for
System action node client node name from
candidate status.
The audit operation ends.

User response
A compression audit at the level specified has
The compression candidate list can be displayed with
eliminated a candidate file through further analysis.
The name of the client node, file space, and file are
ANR6210I Command name: Process process displayed. This message is issued whenever a
ID, level audit level audit candidate file is eliminated from consideration during
completed successfully - number a compression audit that was started with the
of candidate files candidate files VERBOSE=YES parameter specified.
were found.
System action
Explanation The audit operation continues.
A compression audit operation completed
successfully. The number of candidate files that have User response
been found are displayed.
The compression candidate list can be displayed with
System action PROCESS command can be used to monitor the
The audit operation ends. progress of the audit operation.
ANR6213I Command name: Process process
User response ID, was cancelled - number of files
The compression candidate list can be displayed with promoted candidate files were
the QUERY COMPRESSION command. promoted as candidates at level
audit level, number of files
ANR6211I Command name: Process process eliminated files were eliminated as
ID, level audit level analysis candidates, and number of files
detected candidate file object expired candidates were
name in file space client filespace eliminated because they were
name for node client node name. found to be expired on the server.

Explanation Explanation
A compression audit has found a candidate file at the A compression audit operation was cancelled with the
audit level specified. The name of the client node, file CANCEL PROCESS command before completion. The
space, and file are displayed. This message is issued number of candidate files that were promoted as

Chapter 3. ANR messages 773

candidates at this level of audit, eliminated as User response
candidates at this level of audit, and found to be
If the file was backed up using a Version 2 client, or
expired before the cancellation are reported.
higher, you may remove this entry as a candidate,
using the REMOVE COMPRESSION command. If the
System action file was backed up using an API client, notify the client
The audit operation ends. owner to again back this file up. Do not remove this
entry until it becomes an "inactive" entry.
User response ANR6220I Delete compression operation
started as process process ID.
The compression audit can be restarted with the
AUDIT COMPRESSION command. The compression
candidate list can be displayed with the QUERY Explanation
COMPRESSION command. A compression deletion operation was started as a
ANR6214I Command name: Process process background server process with the indicated
ID, completed successfully - identifier.
number of files promoted candidate
files were promoted as candidates System action
at level audit level, number of files
Server operation continues.
eliminated files were eliminated as
candidates, and number of files
expired candidates were User response
eliminated because they were None.
found to be expired on the server.
ANR6221I Force backup operation started as
Explanation process process ID.

A compression audit operation completed Explanation

successfully. The number of candidate files that were
promoted as candidates at this level of audit, A force backup operation was started as a background
eliminated as candidates at this level of audit, and server process with the indicated identifier.
found to be expired are reported.
System action
System action Server operation continues.
The audit operation ends.
User response
User response None.
The compression candidate list can be displayed with ANR6222I Command name: Process process
ID was cancelled - number of files
ANR6215I Command name: Backup for file files were processed prior to
high-level object name low-level cancellation.
object name in filespace client
filespace name for node client node Explanation
name could not be forced.
The indicated process was cancelled prior to
completion. This message displays the indicated
Explanation number of files that were processed before the
It is not possible to force a backup for the specified file operation was cancelled.
using the FORCE BACKUP command. This file was
either backed up using an API client or by an ADSM System action
version 2 client or higher.
The process ends.

System action
User response
The force backup operation continues, the state of the
The operation may be restarted by reissuing the
compression record for this file is updated.
indicated command.

774 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR6223I Delete compression process Explanation
process ID has completed - A compression cleanup operation has been started to
number of files files were deleted. remove compression candidate information and
temporary database entries from the server database.
Explanation Client files are not affected by this operation.
The indicated process has completed processing. All
database references have been deleted for the System action
indicated number of files. Server operation continues.

System action User response

The process ends. The CANCEL PROCESS command can be used to
cancel the compression cleanup operation. The
User response QUERY PROCESS command may be used to query the
None. status of the operation.

ANR6224I Force backup process process ID ANR6227I cleanup process name operation
has completed - number of files starting as process process ID.
files were marked for forced
backup. Explanation
A compression cleanup operation has been started to
Explanation remove compression candidate information and
The indicated process has completed processing. The temporary database entries from the server database.
indicated number of files have been marked for forced Client files are not affected by this operation.
backup. These files will be backed up during the next
incremental backup. System action
Server operation continues.
System action
The process ends. User response
The CANCEL PROCESS command can be used to
User response cancel the compression cleanup operation. The
None. QUERY PROCESS command may be used to query the
status of the operation.
ANR6225I File identifier removed as a
suspect for compression errors. ANR6228W Cleanup process name: Process
process ID has been cancelled -
cleanup processing is incomplete.
The file with the specified identifier has been removed Explanation
from the database information concerning files with
possible compression errors. Other database A compression cleanup operation has been cancelled
information concerning the file is not affected. prior to successful completion.

System action System action

Server operation continues. Server operation continues.

User response User response

None. The CLEANUP COMPRESSION command can be used

to restart the cleanup operation.
ANR6226I Command name: Started as
background process process ID. ANR6229I Cleanup process name: Process
process ID completed

Chapter 3. ANR messages 775

Explanation number of files examined files
examined prior to failure.
A compression cleanup operation has successfully
System action A compression audit operation failed before
completion. The number of candidate files that were
The cleanup process ends.
found prior to the failure are displayed.

User response
System action
The audit operation ends.
ANR6300E Command name: Insufficient
server memory available for the User response
Examine message that appear before this message on
the server console or in the activity log to determine
Explanation the source of the failure. If the error can be corrected,
A compression testing routine cannot continue re-execute the compression audit. If the failure cannot
because sufficient memory is not available on the be determined or corrected, contact your service
server. representative. The compression candidate list can be
displayed with the QUERY COMPRESSION command.
System action ANR6303E Command name: Process process
The operation fails. ID, failed - number of files
promoted candidate files were
promoted as candidates at level
User response
audit level, number of files
Increase the memory available to the server by eliminated files were eliminated as
increasing the server region size, virtual machine size, candidates, and number of files
paging space available on the system, or relocating the expired candidates were
memory swap file, depending upon the platform on eliminated because they were
which the server is executing. Additional memory may found to be expired on the server.
also be made available by limiting server activity
(sessions, migration, and other activities) while this Explanation
operation is processing.
A compression audit operation failed before
ANR6301E Command name: Invalid LEVEL completion. The number of candidate files that were
specified. This command only promoted as candidates at this level of audit,
supports a value of 1 or 2 for the eliminated as candidates at this level of audit, and
LEVEL parameter. found to be expired before the audit failure are
An invalid LEVEL= parameter has been specified for System action
the command. The audit operation ends.

System action User response

The command fails. Examine message that appear before this message on
the server console or in the activity log to determine
User response the source of the failure. If the error can be corrected,
re-execute the compression audit. If the failure cannot
Reissue the command specifying a value of 1 or 2 for be determined or corrected, contact your service
the LEVEL parameter. representative. The compression candidate list can be
ANR6302E Command name: Process process displayed with the QUERY COMPRESSION command.
ID, failed - number of candidate ANR6304E Command name: Command cannot
files candidate files were found in be processed until compression
audit is performed.

776 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The indicated command cannot be processed until a The machine name specified in the command is
compression audit is performed using the AUDIT invalid.
System action
System action
The server does not process the command.
The command fails.
User response
User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid machine
Issue the AUDIT COMPRESSION command and then name.
repeat the attempted operation.
ANR6601E Command: Description
ANR6305E Command name: File identifier is information exceeds maximum
not a suspect for compression length characters.
The description specified in the command exceeds the
The file with the specified identifier is not listed in the maximum length of allowable characters.
database as a suspect for compression errors. The file
cannot be removed from the suspect list. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid
User response
Use the QUERY COMPRESSION command to obtain
the correct identifier for the file to be removed. ANR6602E Command: Recovery instructions
file name exceeds maximum length
ANR6306E Cleanup process name: Process characters.
process ID failed due to server
error - cleanup processing is Explanation
The recovery instructions file name specified in the
command exceeds the maximum length of allowable
A compression cleanup operation has failed before
successful completion. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
The cleanup process ends. User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery
User response
instructions file name.
Examine messages that appear on the server console
ANR6603E Command: Characteristics file
or in the server activity log prior to this message to
determine the cause of the error. If the error can be name exceeds maximum length
identified and corrected, restart the cleanup operation characters.
with the CLEANUP COMPRESSION command. If the
error cannot be corrected, contact your service Explanation
representative. The characteristics file name specified in the
ANR6600E Command: Invalid machine name - command exceeds the maximum length of allowable
machine name. characters.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 777

System action Explanation
The server does not process the command. The machine specified in the command is already
defined to the server.
User response
System action
Issue the command again and specify a valid
characteristics file name. The server does not process the command.
ANR6604E Command: Invalid building
identifier - building. User response
Issue the command again and specify another
Explanation machine.
The building identifier specified in the command is ANR6608E Command: A machine containing a
invalid. server is already defined.

System action Explanation

The server does not process the command. The ADSMSERVER=YES parameter specified in the
command is invalid because another machine has
User response already been defined with this parameter. Only one
machine can be defined to the server as containing a
Issue the command again and specify a valid building server.
ANR6605E Command: Invalid floor identifier - System action
floor. The server does not process the command.

Explanation User response

The floor identifier specified in the command is invalid. Issue the command again and do not specify
ADSMSERVER=YES as a parameter.
System action
ANR6609I Machine machine name defined.
The server does not process the command.
User response
A DEFINE MACHINE command has added the
Issue the command again and specify a valid floor requested machine to the server.
ANR6606E Command: Invalid room identifier System action
- room. None.

Explanation User response

The room identifier specified in the command is None.
ANR6610E Command: Invalid recovery media
System action name - recovery media name.

The server does not process the command.


User response The recovery media name specified in the command is

Issue the command again and specify a valid room
System action
ANR6607E Command: Machine machine name The server does not process the command.
is already defined.

778 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery The server does not process the command.
media name.
ANR6611E Command: Location information User response
exceeds maximum length Issue the command again and specify a valid machine.
ANR6615E Command: Failed to open input file
- file name.
The location specified in the command exceeds the Explanation
maximum length of allowable characters.
The input file specified in the command cannot be
opened by the server.
System action
The server does not process the command. System action
The server does not process the command.
User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid location. User response
ANR6612I Machine machine name updated. Issue the command again and specify an input file that
is in a file system accessible by the server.
ANR6616E Command: Invalid sequence
An UPDATE MACHINE command has updated one or number - sequence number.
more attributes of a machine.
System action
The sequence number specified in the command is
None. invalid.

User response System action

None. The server does not process the command.
ANR6613I Machine machine name deleted.
User response
Explanation Issue the command again and specify a valid
sequence number.
A DELETE MACHINE command has deleted the
requested machine from the server. ANR6617W Command: Node node name
cannot be processed because it is
System action not registered.


User response The node indicated in the message cannot be

processed because it is not registered.
ANR6614E Command: Machine machine name System action
is not defined. The indicated node is not processed, but another node
can be processed if specified by this command.
The machine specified in the command is not defined User response
to the server. Issue the command again and specify a valid
registered node.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 779

ANR6618E Command: No matching node System action
registered. None.

User response
The node specified in the command does not match None.
any node registered to the server.
ANR6622E Command: Recovery media
System action recovery media name is not
The server does not process the command.
User response
The recovery media specified in the command is not
Issue the command again and specify a valid node. defined to the server.
ANR6619I Node node name associated with
machine machine name. System action
The server does not process the command.
A DEFINE MACHNODEASSOCIATION command has User response
associated the specified node with the specified Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery
machine. The node node name is associated with the media.
machine machine name.
ANR6623W Command: Machine machine name
System action cannot be processed because it is
not defined.
User response
The machine indicated in the message is not defined
None. to the server.
ANR6620E Command: Machine and node
association is already defined. System action
The indicated machine is not processed, but another
Explanation machine can be processed if specified by this
The machine and node association specified in the command.
command is already defined to the server.
User response
System action Issue the command again and specify a valid machine.
The server operation continues, but the command has ANR6624E Command: No matching machine
no effect. defined.

User response Explanation

Issue the command again and specify a valid node. The machine specified in the command does not
ANR6621I Node node name disassociated match any machine defined to the server.
from machine machine name.
System action
Explanation The server does not process the command.
deleted the requested association from the server. The User response
node node name is not associated with the machine Issue the command again and specify a valid machine.
machine name.

780 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR6625I Machine machine name associated Explanation
with recovery media recovery The volume list specified in the command exceeds the
media name. maximum length of allowable characters.

Explanation System action

The server does not process the command.
command has associated the specified machine with
the specified recovery media. The machine machine
name is associated with the recovery media recovery User response
media name. Issue the command again and specify a valid volume
System action
ANR6629E Command: Product name exceeds
None. maximum length characters.

User response Explanation

None. The product name specified in the command exceeds
the maximum length of allowable characters.
ANR6626E Command: Recovery media/
machine association is already
defined. System action
The server does not process the command.
The recovery media/machine association specified in User response
the command is already defined to the server. Issue the command again and specify a valid product
System action
ANR6630E Command: Product information
The server operation continues, but the command has exceeds maximum length
no effect. characters.

User response Explanation

Issue the command again and specify a valid machine. The product information specified in the command
exceeds the maximum length of allowable characters.
ANR6627I Machine machine name
disassociated from recovery media
recovery media name. System action
The server does not process the command.
command has deleted the requested association from Issue the command again and specify valid product
the server. Machine machine name is not associated information.
with the recovery media recovery media name.
ANR6631E Command: Missing volume list for
boot recovery media.
System action
None. Explanation
Boot recovery media cannot be defined to the server
User response
without specifying a volume list.
ANR6628E Command: Volume list exceeds System action
maximum length characters. The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 781

User response System action
Issue the command again and specify the volume list The server does not process the command.
for the boot recovery media.
ANR6632I Recovery media recovery media User response
name defined. Issue the command again and specify a different
recovery media.
ANR6636E Command: The characteristics
A DEFINE RECOVERYMEDIA command has defined the specified for machine machine
recovery media to the server. name exceeds maximum length
System action
The characteristics specified in the command exceeds
User response the maximum length of allowable characters.

System action
ANR6633I Recovery media recovery media The server does not process the command.
name updated.
User response
Issue the command again and specify valid
An UPDATE RECOVERYMEDIA command has updated characteristics.
one or more attributes of the recovery media.
ANR6637E Command: The recovery
System action instructions specified for machine
machine name exceeds maximum
None. length characters.

User response Explanation

None. The recovery instructions specified in the command
ANR6634I Recovery media recovery media exceeds the maximum length of allowable characters.
name deleted.
System action
Explanation The server does not process the command.
A DELETE RECOVERYMEDIA command has deleted
the requested recovery media from the server. User response
Issue the command again and specify valid recovery
System action instructions.
None. ANR6638E Command: The characteristics for
machine machine name are
User response already defined.
ANR6635E Command: Recovery media
recovery media name is already The characteristics for the machine specified in the
defined. command are already defined to the server.

Explanation System action

The recovery media specified in the command is The server does not process the command.
already defined to the server.

782 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
If the specified machine is defined to the server, issue Server operation continues, but the command has no
an UPDATE MACHINE command to update the existing effect.
characteristics. If the machine is not defined to the
server, run AUDIT DRM FIX to delete the User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid machine
ANR6639E Command: The recovery and node pair.
instructions for machine machine
name are already defined. ANR6642E Command: No association found
for recovery media and machine
pair specified.
The recovery instructions for the machine specified in Explanation
the command are already defined to the server.
No association found for the recovery media and
machine pair specified in the command.
System action
The server does not process the command. System action
Server operation continues, but the command has no
User response
If the specified machine is defined to the server, issue
an UPDATE MACHINE command to update the existing User response
recovery instructions. If the machine is not defined to
the server, run AUDIT DRM FIX to delete the recovery Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery
instructions. media and machine pair.

ANR6640E Command: Cannot delete volume ANR6643E Command: Invalid parameter

list for boot recovery media. value - parameter value.

Explanation Explanation

A volume list cannot be deleted for boot recovery The parameter issued in the command is invalid.
media. A volume list must exist for each boot recovery
media defined to the server. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid
User response parameter.
To delete the volume list, issue an UPDATE ANR6644E Command: A character string must
RECOVERYMEDIA command and specify a recovery be specified.
media type of OTHER and VOLUMES="". To change the
recovery media type to BOOT, issue an UPDATE
RECOVERYMEDIA command and specify the volume Explanation
list containing the boot recovery media and The INSERT command is invalid. A character string
TYPE=BOOT. must be specified.
ANR6641E Command: No association found
for machine and node pair System action
specified. The server does not process the command.

Explanation User response

No association found for the machine and node pair Issue the command again and specify a valid character
specified in the command. string.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 783

ANR6645W Node node name has already been Explanation
associated with machine machine A database audit process finds that the global
name. attributes used for server DRM activities are missing.
Because FIX=YES has been specified on the AUDIT
Explanation command, default attribute values will be used to
The node specified in the DEFINE recreate the administrative global attributes.
MACHNODEASSOCIATION command is invalid. The
node is already associated with another machine System action
shown in the message. A node can only be associated Audit processing continues.
with one machine.

User response
System action
The indicated node is not processed, but another node
can be processed if specified by the command. ANR6649E Audit command: DRM machine ID
assignments are incorrect.
User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid node
name. A database audit process finds that the global
attributes machine ID used for server DRM activities
ANR6646I Audit command: Auditing disaster are incorrect.
recovery manager definitions.
System action
Audit processing continues.
This message is displayed during a database audit and
indicates that the disaster recovery manager
definitions are being examined by the database audit User response
process. Reissue the audit command with FIX=YES specified so
that the DRM global attributes can be corrected.
System action
ANR6650I Audit command: DRM machine ID
Audit processing continues. Assignments are incorrect - values
will be corrected.
User response
A database audit process finds that the global
ANR6647E Audit command: DRM global attributes machine ID used for server DRM activities
attributes are missing. are incorrect. Since FIX=YES has been specified on the
AUDIT command, the attribute value will be corrected
Explanation in the server database.
A database audit process finds that the global
attributes used for server DRM activities are missing. System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
Audit processing continues. User response
User response
ANR6651I Audit command: Invalid priority
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to value encountered for machine
recreate the DRM global attributes. machine name.
ANR6648I Audit command: DRM global
attributes are missing - default Explanation
values will be used to recreate the A database audit process encounters an invalid priority
attributes. value for the machine indicated.

784 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function
removes the machine building value.
Audit processing continues.

System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the priority. Or, issue an UPDATE MACHINE
command and specify a new priority value. User response

ANR6652I Audit command: Invalid priority To set the building value to another value, issue an
value encountered for machine UPDATE MACHINE command after the audit command
machine name - the default value has completed.
will be set. ANR6655I Audit command: Invalid floor value
encountered for machine machine
Explanation name.
A database audit process encounters an invalid
machine priority value for the machine indicated. Explanation
Because FIX=YES has been specified, the audit A database audit process encounters an invalid floor
function sets the machine priority value to the default value for the machine indicated.
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
To override the default value, issue an UPDATE correct the floor value. Or, issue an UPDATE MACHINE
MACHINE command to change the value after the command and specify a new floor value.
audit command has completed.
ANR6656I Audit command: Invalid floor value
ANR6653I Audit command: Invalid building encountered for machine machine
value encountered for machine name - the floor value will be
machine name. removed.

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process encounters an invalid A database audit process encounters an invalid floor
building value for the machine indicated. value for the machine indicated. Because FIX=YES has
been specified, the audit function removes the
System action machine floor value.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response Audit processing continues.
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the building value. Or, issue an UPDATE User response
MACHINE command and specify a new building value. To set the floor value to another value, issue an
ANR6654I Audit command: Invalid building UPDATE MACHINE command after the audit command
value encountered for machine has completed.
machine name - the building value ANR6657I Audit command: Invalid room
will be removed. value encountered for machine
machine name.
A database audit process encounters an invalid
building value for the machine indicated. Because

Chapter 3. ANR messages 785

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process encounters an invalid room A database audit process encounters an invalid server
value for the machine indicated. value for the machine indicated. Because FIX=YES has
been specified, the audit function sets the machine
System action server value to the default value.

Audit processing continues.

System action

User response Audit processing continues.

Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to

User response
correct the room value. Or, issue an UPDATE
MACHINE command and specify a new room value. To override the default value, issue an UPDATE
MACHINE command to change the value after the
ANR6658I Audit command: Invalid room audit command has completed.
value encountered for machine
machine name - the room value ANR6661I Audit command: Multiple
will be removed. machines are indicated as servers.
Only one machine should have the
Explanation server indicator set to YES.

A database audit process encounters an invalid room

value for the machine indicated. Because FIX=YES has
been specified, the audit function removes the A database audit process encounters more than one
machine room value. machine with the server indicator set to YES.

System action System action

Audit processing continues. Audit processing continues.

User response User response

To set the room value for the specified machine to For a list of machines with the server indicator set to
another value, use the UPDATE MACHINE command YES, issue a QUERY MACHINE ADSMSERVER=YES
after the audit command has completed. command. Issue an UPDATE MACHINE command for
each machine that is not a server.
ANR6659I Audit command: Invalid server
value encountered for machine ANR6662I Audit command: Characteristics
machine name. for machine machine name not
A database audit process encounters an invalid server
value for the machine indicated. A database audit process finds a characteristics
reference from a machine for characteristics that are
System action not in the server database.

Audit processing continues.

System action

User response Audit processing continues.

Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to

User response
correct the server value. Or, issue an UPDATE
MACHINE command and specify a new server value. Issue an UPDATE MACHINE command to load the
characteristics into the database after the audit
ANR6660I Audit command: Invalid server command has completed.
value encountered for machine
machine name - the default value ANR6663I Audit command: Recovery
will be set. instructions for machine machine
name not found.

786 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process finds a recovery instructions A database audit process encounters an invalid type
reference from a machine for recovery instructions value for the recovery media indicated.
that are not in the server database.
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
Issue an UPDATE MACHINE command to load the correct the type value. Or, issue an UPDATE
recovery instructions into the database after the audit RECOVERYMEDIA command and specify a new type
command has completed. value.
ANR6664I Audit command: Invalid access ANR6667I Audit command: Invalid type value
value encountered for recovery encountered for recovery media
media recovery media name. recovery media name - the default
value will be set.
A database audit process encounters an invalid access
value for the recovery media indicated. A database audit process encounters an invalid type
value for the recovery media indicated. Because
System action FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function sets
the recovery media type value to the default value.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the access value. Or, issue an UPDATE
User response
RECOVERYMEDIA command and specify a new access
value. To override the default value, issue an UPDATE
RECOVERYMEDIA command to change the value after
ANR6665I Audit command: Invalid access the audit command has completed.
value encountered for recovery
media recovery media name - the ANR6668E Audit command: Machine is not
default value will be set. found for internal machine ID
machine ID, which is referenced
Explanation by recovery media.

A database audit process encounters an invalid access

value for the recovery media indicated. Because
FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function sets A database audit process finds recovery media that
the recovery media access value to the default value. references a machine that is not defined in the server
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response
To override the default value, issue an UPDATE
RECOVERYMEDIA command to change the value after Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
the audit command has completed. correct recovery media attributes.
ANR6666I Audit command: Invalid type value ANR6669I Audit command: Machine is not
encountered for recovery media found for internal machine ID
recovery media name. machine ID, which is referenced

Chapter 3. ANR messages 787

by recovery media - the machine ANR6672E Audit command: Client node not
reference will be deleted. found for internal node ID node ID,
which is referenced by a machine.
A database audit process finds recovery media that
references a machine that is not defined in the server A database audit process finds a machine that
database. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the references a client node that is not defined in the
audit command, the reference will be removed from server database.
the server database.
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
None. correct the machine attributes.
ANR6670E Audit command: Recovery media ANR6673I Audit command: Client node not
not found for internal recovery found for internal node ID node ID,
media ID recovery media ID, which which is referenced by a machine -
is referenced by a machine. the client node reference will be
A database audit process finds a machine that
references recovery media that is not defined in the A database audit process finds a machine that
server database. references a client node that is not defined in the
server database. Because FIX=YES has been specified
System action for the audit command, the reference will be removed
from the server database.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the recovery media attributes.
User response
ANR6671I Audit command: Recovery media
not found for internal recovery
media ID recovery media ID, which ANR6674E Audit command: Machine not
is referenced by a machine - the found for internal machine ID
recovery media reference will be machine ID, which is referenced
deleted. by a client node.

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process finds m machine that A database audit process finds a client node that
references recovery media that is not defined in the references a machine that is not defined in the server
server database. Because FIX=YES has been specified database.
for the audit command, the reference will be deleted
from the server database. System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
Audit processing continues. User response
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
User response
correct the machine attributes.

788 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR6675I Audit command: Machine not User response
found for internal machine ID None.
machine ID, which is referenced
by a client node - the machine ANR6678E Audit command: Machine not
reference will be deleted. found for internal machine ID
machine ID, which is referenced
Explanation by recovery instructions.

A database audit process finds a client node that

references a machine that is not defined in the server
database. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the A database audit process finds recovery instructions
audit command, the reference will be removed from that reference a machine that is not defined in the
the server database. server database.

System action System action

Audit processing continues. Audit processing continues.

User response User response

None. Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the machine attributes.
ANR6676E Audit command: Machine not
found for internal machine ID ANR6679I Audit command: Machine not
machine ID, which is referenced found for internal machine ID
by characteristics. machine ID, which is referenced
by recovery instructions - the
Explanation machine reference will be deleted.

A database audit process finds characteristics that

reference a machine that is not defined in the server
database. A database audit process finds recovery instructions
that reference a machine that is not defined in the
System action server database. Because FIX=YES has been specified
for the audit command, the reference will be removed
Audit processing continues. from the server database.

User response System action

Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to Audit processing continues.
correct the machine attributes.
ANR6677I Audit command: Machine not User response
found for internal machine ID None.
machine ID, which is referenced
by characteristics - the machine ANR6680E Audit command: Missing or invalid
reference will be deleted. internal database attribute
encountered for machine machine
Explanation name.

A database audit process finds characteristics that

reference a machine that is not defined in the server
database. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the A database audit process finds an invalid attribute for
audit command, the reference will be removed from the specified machine.
the server database.
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Audit processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 789

User response ANR6684I Command: Volume volume name
was deleted.
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the machine attributes.
ANR6681I Audit command: Missing or invalid
internal database attribute The MOVE DRMEDIA *
encountered for machine machine WHERESTATE=COURIERRETRIEVE command displays
name - the attribute will be the message. Volume volume name is deleted from the
corrected. server database. For database backup volume, after its
expiration days have elapsed, the volume history
record is deleted when it is returned onsite. For an
empty scratch copy storage pool volume, or active-
A database audit process finds an invalid attribute for data storage pool volume, the volume record is
the specified machine. Because FIX=YES has been deleted when it is returned onsite.
specified for the audit command the invalid attribute
will be corrected. System action
The volume record is deleted from the server
System action
Audit processing continues.
User response
User response
Issue the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command for each
None. volume returned onsite if the volume is reused by the
ANR6682I Command command ended:
number of volumes volumes ANR6685E Command: Volume volume name
processed. not defined.

Explanation Explanation
The indicated command ended. The total number of Volume volume name is not defined to the server.
volumes successfully processed is shown in the
message. System action
The indicated command is not processed if the volume
System action
name is explicitly specified on the command. If a
The indicated command ends. volume pattern is specified on the command, the
volume shown is not processed, but the other volumes
User response are processed.

User response
ANR6683I Command: Volume volume name Reissue the command specifying a valid volume name.
was moved from from state state
to to state. ANR6686E Command: Volume volume name in
Volume volume name is successfully moved from
state1 to state2 by the indicated command. The MOVE DRMEDIA * WHERESTATE=MOUNTABLE
command displays the message. Volume volume name
System action is used for another operation.

The indicated volume is moved to the destination

System action
The command is not processed if the volume is
User response explicitly specified on the command. If a volume
pattern is specified on the command, the indicated

790 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

volume is not processed, but the other volumes are the specified pool name is not defined to DRM for
processed. Offsite Recovery Media.

User response System action

Wait until the conflicting volume activity has The indicated command is not processed.
completed, and then reissue the command. If the
volume is currently mounted, but idle, dismount the User response
volume by using a DISMOUNT VOLUME command and
then retry this operation. Reissue the command, after defining the specified
copy storage pool to DRM for Offsite Recovery Media.
ANR6687E Command: Executable command
string exceeds maximum length ANR6691E Command: No match is found for
characters. this move.

Explanation Explanation

The length of the executable command string specified The indicated command was issued, but no matching
with the CMD parameter exceeds the maximum length volumes are defined to the server or the volume
of allowable characters (255). specified is not managed by the command.

System action System action

The server stops processing the command. The command is not processed.

User response User response

Issue the command again and specify a valid Reissue the command specifying the valid volume.
executable command with the CMD parameter. ANR6694E Command: The ORM state state is
ANR6688E command: The specified command invalid for a volume with access
failed because the entry/exit port mode access mode.
of library library name is full.
Please remove the volume(s) from Explanation
the entry/exit port and re-issue
The indicated command specifies an Offsite Recovery
the command name command.
Media state that is invalid for a volume with the access
mode shown. Specify COURIER or COURIERRETRIEVE
Explanation for a volume that has access mode of OFFSITE.
The indicated operation has failed because the entry/
exit port of the specified library is full. System action
The server does not process the command.
System action
The command fails. User response
Reissue the command specifying COURIER or
User response COURIERRETRIEVE as the state for a volume that has
Remove the volume(s) from the entry/exit port and re- access mode of OFFSITE.
issue the command to process any remaining eligible ANR6695E Command: Device class device
volumes. class name not defined for volume
ANR6690E Command: Copy storage pool cstgp volume name.
name not defined for Offsite
Recovery Media. Explanation
Explanation displays the message. The volume being processed
The MOVE DRMEDIA or QUERY DRMEDIA command has associated with the device class name shown that
displays the message. The indicated command was is not defined to the server.
issued with a copy storage pool name specified, but

Chapter 3. ANR messages 791

System action preceded by another error message which provides
more detail about the error.
The command is not processed if the volume is
explicitly specified on the command. If a volume
pattern is specified on the command, the indicated System action
volume is not processed, but the other volumes not The volume is not processed.
associated with the indicated class are processed.
User response
User response
Check for additional message and eliminate the
Reissue the command after the indicated device class condition that caused the failure, then retry the
is defined to the server. command.
ANR6696I command: operation for volume ANR6699I Cancel in progress.
volume name in library library
name starting.

Explanation The MOVE DRMEDIA command has been canceled and

will end when resources have been freed for the
The indicated operation is being started for the volume background process. This message may be displayed
shown in the given library. in response to a QUERY PROCESS command for a
System action
The server starts the operation in response to the System action
indicated command entered by an administrator. Server operation continues.

User response User response

For SCSI library users, remove the volume from the None.
slot and issue a REPLY command, along with the
request ID, to tell the server the volume was removed ANR6700I Command command completed
from the library. successfully.

ANR6697I command: operation for volume

volume name in library library
name completed successfully. The indicated command completed successfully.

Explanation System action

The indicated operation has completed successfully None.
for the volume shown in the given library.
User response
System action
The volume is either deleted from the library inventory
ANR6701E Command: Invalid courier name -
(if its status is something other than DATA) or marked
not present (if its status is DATA). courier name.

User response Explanation

None. The indicated command has been entered with an

invalid courier name.
ANR6698E command: operation for volume
volume name in library library System action
name failed.
The server does not process the command.
User response
The indicated operation has failed for the volume
shown in the given library. This message should be Reissue the command with a valid courier name.

792 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR6702E Command: Invalid expiration days System action
value - days value. The server does not process the command.

User response
The indicated command has been entered that Reissue the command with a valid character.
specifies an invalid expiration days value.
ANR6706E Command: Invalid vault name -
System action vault name.

The server does not process the command.


User response The indicated command has been entered with an

invalid vault name.
Reissue the command with a valid expiration days
System action
ANR6703E Command: Invalid recovery plan The server does not process the command.
prefix - prefix.

User response
Reissue the command with a valid vault name.
The indicated command has been entered with an
invalid recovery plan prefix. ANR6707W Command: The state, access and
location attributes of the copy
System action storage pool volume volume name
were not updated.
The server does not process the command.
User response
The MOVE DRMEDIA command could not update the
Reissue the command with a valid recovery plan state, access and location of volume volume name
prefix. because it was in use by another server operation.
ANR6704E Command: Invalid plan
instructions prefix - prefix. System action
If the volume was in an automated library, the MOVE
Explanation DRMEDIA command may have checked the volume
The indicated command has been entered with an out of the library.
invalid plan instructions prefix. If a volume pattern is specified on the command, the
server continues processing the other volumes.
System action
The server does not process the command. User response
Wait until the conflicting volume activity has
User response completed, and then reissue the MOVE DRMEDIA
command. Do not run the MOVE DRMEDIA and
Reissue the command with a valid plan instructions BACKUP STGPOOL commands concurrently. Ensure
prefix. that the BACKUP STGPOOL command is complete
ANR6705E Command: Invalid character for before you issue the MOVE DRMEDIA command.
volume postfix - postfix character. ANR6708W Command: Copy pool volume
volume name was not processed.
Explanation The volume was in use.
The indicated command has been entered with an
invalid character that is to be added to the volumes Explanation
names in the recovery plan file. The MOVE DRMEDIA command did not process
volume volume name because it was in use by another
server operation.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 793

System action User response
The indicated command ends, if the volume was Wait until the conflicting volume activity has
explicitly specified in the command. If a volume completed, and then reissue the MOVE DRMEDIA
pattern was specified in the command, the server command.
continues processing other volumes that match the
ANR6711E Audit command: An invalid
database backup series expiration
days encountered.
User response
Wait until the conflicting volume activity has Explanation
completed, and then reissue the MOVE DRMEDIA
A database audit process encounters an invalid value
for database backup series expiration days.
ANR6709W Command: Active-data pool
volume volume name was not System action
processed. The volume was in use.
Audit processing continues.
User response
The MOVE DRMEDIA command did not process
volume volume name because it was in use by another Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
server operation. correct the expiration days. Or, issue an SET
DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command and specify a
new expiration days value.
System action
The indicated command ends, if the volume was ANR6712I Audit command: An invalid
explicitly specified in the command. If a volume database backup series expiration
pattern was specified in the command, the server days encountered - the default
continues processing other volumes that match the value will be set.
User response A database audit process encounters an invalid value
Wait until the conflicting volume activity has for database backup series expiration days. Because
completed, and then reissue the MOVE DRMEDIA FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function sets
command. the expiration days value to the default value.

ANR6710W Command: The state, access and System action

location attributes of the active-
data storage pool volume volume Audit processing continues.
name were not updated.
User response
Explanation To override the default value, issue a SET
The MOVE DRMEDIA command could not update the DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command to change the
state, access and location of volume volume name value after the audit command has completed.
because it was in use by another server operation. ANR6713E Audit command: An invalid check
label value encountered.
System action
If the volume was in an automated library, the MOVE Explanation
DRMEDIA command may have checked the volume A database audit process encounters an invalid check
out of the library. label value.
If a volume pattern is specified on the command, the
server continues processing the other volumes. System action
Audit processing continues.

794 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to To override the default value, issue a SET
correct the check label value. Or, issue a SET DRMFILEPROCESS command to change the value after
DRMCHECKLABEL command and specify a new check the audit command has completed.
label value.
ANR6717E Audit command: Extraneous DRM
ANR6714I Audit command: An invalid check global attribute encountered.
label value encountered - the
default value will be set. Explanation
A database audit process finds a nonexistent DRM
global attribute.
A database audit process encounters an invalid check
label value. Because FIX=YES has been specified, the System action
audit function sets the check label value to the default
value. Audit processing continues.

System action User response

Audit processing continues. Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
delete the extraneous attribute.
User response ANR6718I Audit command: Extraneous DRM
To override the default value, issue a SET global attribute encountered - the
DRMCHECKLABEL command to change the value after attribute will be deleted.
the audit command has completed.
ANR6715E Audit command: An invalid file
process value encountered. A database audit process finds a nonexistent DRM
global attribute. Since FIX=YES has been specified, the
extraneous attribute will be deleted.
A database audit process encounters an invalid file System action
process value.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
User response ANR6719E Audit command: DRM machine ID
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to assignments not found.
correct the file process value. Or, issue a SET
DRMFILEPROCESS command and specify a new file Explanation
process value. A database audit process finds no entries in server
ANR6716I Audit command: An invalid file database for DRM internal machine ID assignments.
process value encountered - the
default value will be set. System action
Audit processing continues.
A database audit process encounters an invalid file User response
process value. Because FIX=YES has been specified,
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
the audit function sets the file process value to the
correct the error.
default value.
ANR6720I Audit command: DRM machine ID
System action assignments not found - entry will
be created.
Audit processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 795

Explanation System action
A database audit process finds no entries in server Audit processing continues.
database for DRM internal machine ID assignments.
Because FIX=YES has been specified for the audit User response
command, the audit function creates an entry in the
server database for the machine ID assignments. Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error.
System action ANR6724I Audit command: Prefix for DRM
recovery plan not found - entry
Audit processing continues.
will be created.

User response
A database audit process finds no entries in server
ANR6721E Audit command: DRM recovery database for DRM recovery plan prefix definitions.
media ID assignments not found. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the audit
command, the audit function creates an entry using
Explanation the default value in the server database for the
recovery plan file prefix.
A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for DRM internal recovery media ID
System action
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
To override the default value, issue a SET
User response DRMPLANFILEPREFIX command to change the value
after the audit command has completed.
Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to
correct the error. ANR6725E Audit command: Prefix for DRM
recovery plan instructions not
ANR6722I Audit command: DRM recovery found.
media ID assignments not found -
entry will be created.

Explanation A database audit process finds no entries in server

database for DRM recovery plan instructions prefix
A database audit process finds no entries in server definitions.
database for DRM internal recovery media ID
assignments. Because FIX=YES has been specified for
System action
the audit command, the audit function creates an
entry in the server database for the recovery media ID Audit processing continues.
User response
System action
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
Audit processing continues. to correct the error.
ANR6726I Audit command: Prefix for DRM
User response recovery plan instructions not
None. found - entry will be created.

ANR6723E Audit command: Prefix for DRM

recovery plan not found.
A database audit process finds no entries in server
Explanation database for DRM recovery plan instructions prefix
definitions. Because FIX=YES has been specified for
A database audit process finds no entries in server the audit command, the audit function creates an
database for DRM recovery plan prefix definitions.

796 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

entry using the default value in the server database for Explanation
the recovery plan instructions file prefix.
A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for primary storage pools to be restored by
System action DRM.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response Audit processing continues.
To override the default value, issue a SET
DRMPLANINSTRPREFIX command to change the value User response
after the audit command has completed.
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
ANR6727E Audit command: Postfix for DRM to correct the error.
replacement volumes names not
ANR6730I Audit command: Primary storage
pools to be restored by DRM not
found - entry will be created.
A database audit process finds no entries in server Explanation
database for DRM postfix definitions for replacement
A database audit process finds no entries in server
volumes names.
database for primary storage pools to be restored by
DRM. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the
System action audit command, the audit function creates an entry
Audit processing continues. using the default value in the server database for the
primary storage pools to be restored by DRM.
User response
System action
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error. Audit processing continues.

ANR6728I Audit command: Postfix for DRM User response

replacement volumes names not
found - entry will be created. To override the default value, issue a SET
DRMPRIMSTGPOOL command to change the value
Explanation after the audit command has completed.

A database audit process finds no entries in server ANR6731E Audit command: Copy storage
database for DRM postfix definitions for replacement pools to be managed by DRM not
volumes names. Because FIX=YES has been specified found.
for the audit command, the audit function creates an
entry using the default value in the server database for Explanation
the replacement volumes postfix.
A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for copy storage pools to be managed by
System action DRM.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response Audit processing continues.
To override the default value, issue a SET
DRMPLANVPOSTFIX command to change the value User response
after the audit command has completed.
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
ANR6729E Audit command: Primary storage to correct the error.
pools to be restored by DRM not
ANR6732I Audit command: Copy storage
pools to be managed by DRM not
found - entry will be created.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 797

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process finds no entries in server A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for copy storage pools to be managed by database for courier name definitions used by DRM
DRM. Because FIX=YES has been specified for the Offsite Recovery Media (ORM).
audit command, the audit function creates an entry
using the default value in the server database for the System action
copy storage pools to be managed by DRM.
Audit processing continues.
System action
User response
Audit processing continues.
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error.
User response
ANR6736I Audit command: Courier
To override the default value, issue a SET
information for ORM not found -
DRMCOPYSTGPOOL command to change the value
entry will be created.
after the audit command has completed.
ANR6733E Command: Cannot complete Explanation
initialization for process name
process. A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for courier name definitions used by DRM
Offsite Recovery Media (ORM). Because FIX=YES has
been specified for the audit command, the audit
The indicated process fails during process function creates an entry using the default value in the
initialization. server database for the courier name definitions.

System action System action

The indicated command is ended and server Audit processing continues.
processing continues.
User response
User response
To override the default value, issue a SET
This usually indicates that sufficient server memory is DRMCOURIERNAME command to change the value
not available on the server. after the audit command has completed.
See the documentation for the operating system about ANR6737E Audit command: Vault name for
how to increase memory for an application. ORM not found.
ANR6734E Command: Volume volume name
not processed: library library name Explanation
not defined. A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for vault name definitions used by DRM
Explanation Offsite Recovery Media (ORM).
The indicated volume is not processed since the
designated library has not been defined or has been System action
deleted. Audit processing continues.

System action User response

The volume is not processed. Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error.
User response
ANR6738I Audit command: Vault name for
Reissue the command using a different library name, ORM not found - entry will be
or define the library before retrying the command. created.
ANR6735E Audit command: Courier
information for ORM not found.

798 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
A database audit process finds no entries in server To override the default value, issue a SET
database for vault name definitions used by DRM DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS command to change the
Offsite Recovery Media (ORM). Because FIX=YES has value after the audit command has completed.
been specified for the audit command, the audit
ANR6741E Audit command: Check label
function creates an entry using the default value in the
indicator for ORM not found.
server database for the vault name definitions.

System action
A database audit process finds no entries in server
Audit processing continues.
database for check label definitions used by DRM
Offsite Recovery Media (ORM).
User response
To override the default value, issue a SET System action
DRMVAULTNAME command to change the value after
Audit processing continues.
the audit command has completed.
ANR6739E Audit command: Database backup User response
series expiration days for ORM not
found. Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error.
Explanation ANR6742I Audit command: Check label
A database audit process finds no entries in server indicator for ORM not found - entry
database for database backup series expiration days will be created.
definitions used by DRM Offsite Recovery Media
(ORM). Explanation
A database audit process finds no entries in server
System action database for check label definitions used by DRM
Offsite Recovery Media (ORM ). Because FIX=YES has
Audit processing continues.
been specified for the audit command, the audit
function creates an entry using the default value in the
User response server database for the check label definitions.
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error. System action
ANR6740I Audit command: Database backup Audit processing continues.
series expiration days for ORM not
found - entry will be created. User response
To override the default value, issue a SET
DRMCHECKLABEL command to change the value after
A database audit process finds no entries in server the audit command has completed.
database for database backup series expiration days
ANR6743E Audit command: File process
definitions used by DRM Offsite Recovery Media
(ORM). Because FIX=YES has been specified for the indicator for ORM not found.
audit command, the audit function creates an entry
using the default value in the server database for the Explanation
database backup series expiration days definitions. A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for file process definitions used by DRM
System action Offsite Recovery Media (ORM).
Audit processing continues.
System action
Audit processing continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 799

User response System action
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES Audit processing continues.
to correct the error.
ANR6744I Audit command: File process User response
indicator for ORM not found - entry None.
will be created.
ANR6747I Number of volumes processed:
A database audit process finds no entries in server Explanation
database for file process definitions used by DRM
Offsite Recovery Media (ORM). Because FIX=YES has The MOVE DRMEDIA command has processed the
been specified for the audit command, the audit number of volumes displayed. This message may be
function creates an entry using the default value in the displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS command
server database for the file process definitions. for a MOVE DRMEDIA command.

System action System action

Audit processing continues. Server operation continues.

User response User response

To override the default value, issue a SET None.

DRMFILEPROCESS command to change the value after ANR6749I Command: process process ID
the audit command has completed. terminated before completion -
ANR6745E Audit command: DRM recovery process canceled.
media ID assignments are
incorrect. Explanation
The indicated background process performing the
Explanation command shown has been canceled.
A database audit process finds that the global
attributes recovery media id used for server DRM System action
activities are incorrect.
If other processes are executing, these processes
System action
Audit processing continues. User response
User response
ANR6750E Disaster recovery manager
Reissue the audit command with FIX=YES specified so operation command being
that the DRM global attributes can be corrected. processed is denied - server is not
ANR6746I Audit command: DRM recovery in compliance with license terms.
media ID assignments are
incorrect - values will be Explanation
The server refuses a disaster recovery manager
operation because the current server configuration is
Explanation not in compliance with the license terms.
A database audit process finds that the global
attributes recovery media ID used for server DRM System action
activities are incorrect. Since FIX=YES has been
Server operation continues. Disaster recovery
specified on the AUDIT command, the attribute value
operations cannot be performed until the server is
will be corrected in the server database.
licensed for the disaster recovery manager product.

800 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Issue a QUERY LICENSE command to determine which The server encountered an internal error in
license terms are not in compliance. determining whether the server is in compliance with
license terms.
ANR6751E Disaster recovery manager
operation command being
processed is denied - server is not System action
licensed for disaster recovery Server operation continues.
manager support.
User response
The server refuses a disaster recovery manager commands to determine if the server is in compliance
operation because the server is not licensed to with license terms. Start an AUDIT LICENSES process
support the disaster recovery manager. to adjust server license information. When this process
completes, start the session again. If the problem
System action persists, contact your service representative.
Server operation continues. ANR6754I Machine machine name
characteristics deleted.
User response
Obtain the license to support the disaster recovery
manager from your service provider or reseller. Issue A DELETE MACHINE command has deleted the
the REGISTER LICENSE command with this license to requested characteristics from the server.
enable the disaster recovery manager support.
ANR6752W Disaster recovery manager System action
operation Command being None.
processed is in violation of server
license terms - server is not User response
licensed for disaster recovery
manager support. None.
ANR6755I Machine machine name recovery
Explanation instructions deleted.
The server warns about a disaster recovery manager
operation because the server is not licensed to Explanation
support disaster recovery manager.
A DELETE MACHINE command has deleted the
requested recovery instructions from the server.
System action
Server operation continues. System action
User response
Obtain the license to support disaster recovery User response
manager from your service provider or reseller. Issue
the REGISTER LICENSE command with this license to
enable disaster recovery manager support. ANR6756E Machine machine name
characteristics not defined to the
ANR6753E command being processed
encountered an internal server
error while checking license
compliance. Explanation
A DELETE MACHINE command cannot delete the
requested characteristics from the server. The
characteristics for the specified machine are not
defined to the server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 801

System action Explanation
The server operation continues, but the command has The server refuses a disaster recovery manager
no effect. operation because disaster recovery manager support
is not available for the indicated server platform.
User response
System action
Issue the command again and specify a machine that
has characteristics defined to the server. Server operation continues.
ANR6757E Machine machine name recovery
instructions not defined to the User response
server. None.
ANR6760E Command: Executable command
line exceeds maximum length
A DELETE MACHINE command cannot delete the characters for volume volume
requested recovery instructions from the server. The name.
recovery instructions for the specified machine are not
defined to the server. Explanation
While writing to a command file, one of the following
System action
conditions occurred:
The server operation continues, but the command has
• The length of the command line written to the
no effect.
command file exceeds the LRECL specified for MVS
or exceeds the default length for the command line
User response written (255).
Issue the command again and specify a machine that • The length of the command created after replacing
has recovery instructions defined to the server. the substitution variables &VOL, &VOLDSN, &NL, and
&LOC exceeds the server allowable command line
ANR6758E Command: Only one character
length (1500).
string can be specified.

System action
The server stops processing the command.
The INSERT command is invalid. Either a
characteristics string can be specified or a recovery
instructions string can be specified on the command. User response
Both types of strings cannot be specified on the Issue the command again and specify a valid
command at the same time. executable command with the CMD parameter.
In the case where volumes are being ejected from the
System action
library, it is possible the server database does not
The server does not process the command. reflect the true state of the volume. For MOVE
DRMEDIA, rerun the command after determining the
User response cause of the error. For MOVE MEDIA, an update
volume command should be issued setting the access
Issue the command again and specify one valid of the volume to read only.
character string.
If this message is issued by a MOVE or QUERY
ANR6759E Disaster recovery manager DRMEDIA command and the volume record has been
operation command being deleted from the server database, you can not use the
processed is denied - disaster MOVE or QUERY DRMEDIA commands to create the
recovery manager support is not command file entry for this volume. In this case, you
available for server platform must manually issue the proper command.
parameter is required.

802 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The indicated command specifies a volume name The file name specified for containing the executable
containing a pattern matching character and the commands generated by DRM exceeds the maximum
TOSTATE parameter. The WHERESTATE parameter is valid length shown.
not specified. The specification is invalid. Pattern-
matching for volume names is only allowed when the System action
WHERESTATE parameter is specified.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response
The server does not process the command.
Reissue the command specifying a valid file name.
User response ANR6765E Command: Invalid not mountable
location name - not mountable
Reissue the command specifying a specific volume
name or by specifying the WHERESTATE parameter
along with the TOSTATE parameter.
ANR6762E Command: The specified
destination state tostate is invalid The indicated command has been entered with an
for volume volume name in current invalid not mountable location name.
state state.
System action
Explanation The server does not process the command.
The indicated command specifies a destination state
that is invalid for the volume name shown in the User response
indicated current state.
Reissue the command with a valid not mountable
location name.
System action
ANR6766E Command: No command string is
The server does not process the volume. specified for FORMAT=CMD.

User response Explanation

Issue the command again and specify a valid The indicated command has been entered with a
destination state for the volume name shown. FORMAT=CMD to write a command string to a file, but
ANR6763I Command: The specified no command string is specified.
command has been written to file
'file name'. System action
The server does not process the command.
The command string specified with the CMD User response
parameter on the command shown is written to the
Reissue the command specifying a command string to
indicated file for each volume successfully processed.
be written to a file.

System action ANR6767E Command: Invalid command file

name - command file name.
User response
The indicated command has been entered with an
Execute the commands written to the file. invalid command file name.
ANR6764E command: Command file name
exceeds maximum characters System action
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 803

User response User response
Reissue the command with a valid command file To override the default value, issue a SET
name. DRMNOTMOUNTABLENAME command to change the
value after the audit command has completed.
ANR6768E command: Prefix exceeds
maximum characters characters. ANR6771E Audit command: Command file
name information for ORM not
Explanation found.

The prefix specified for recovery plan files or for plan

instructions files exceeds the maximum valid length.
The maximum valid length is shown in the message. A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for command file name definitions used by
System action DRM Offsite Recovery Media (ORM).

The server does not process the command.

System action

User response Audit processing continues.

Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix.

User response
ANR6769E Audit command: Not mountable Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
name information for ORM not to correct the error.
ANR6772I Audit command: Command file
Explanation name information for ORM not
found - entry will be created.
A database audit process finds no entries in server
database for not mountable location name definitions
used by DRM Offsite Recovery Media (ORM).
A database audit process finds no entries in server
System action database for command file name definitions used by
DRM Offsite Recovery Media (ORM). Because FIX=YES
Audit processing continues. has been specified for the audit command, the audit
function creates an entry using the default value in the
User response server database for the command file name
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
to correct the error.
System action
ANR6770I Audit command: Not mountable
name information for ORM not Audit processing continues.
found - entry will be created.
User response
Explanation To override the default value, issue a SET
A database audit process finds no entries in server DRMCMDFILENAME command to change the value
database for not mountable location name definitions after the audit command has completed.
used by DRM Offsite Recovery Media (ORM). Because ANR6773E Command: Unable to open file
FIX=YES has been specified for the audit command, 'command file name' for output.
the audit function creates an entry using the default
value in the server database for the courier name
An error occurred while opening the command file
System action name shown. The file name shown in the message is
specified with the indicated command, the SET
Audit processing continues. command, or the default name generated by the
indicated command.

804 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action volume command should be issued setting the access
of the volume to read only.
The server does not process the indicated command.
If this message is issued by a MOVE or QUERY
User response DRMEDIA command and the volume record has been
deleted from the server database, you can not use the
Examine error messages that may have been MOVE or QUERY DRMEDIA commands to create the
displayed prior to this message and correct any command file entry for this volume. In this case, you
problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has must manually issue the proper command.
proper authority to write to the file indicated. In AIX,
make sure that the file name specified in the ANR6776E Command: Could not delete file:
command or in the SET command is a full path file file name
name, not a directory path name. In MVS, make sure
that the file name specified in the command or in the Explanation
SET command is a valid MVS file name. Reissue the
The indicated command failed but the file created
command after determining the cause of the error.
could not be deleted.
ANR6774E Command: Invalid volume
transition states - from 'specified System action
WHERESTATE' state to 'specified
TOSTATE' state. None.

Explanation User response

The TOSTATE specified is an invalid destination state Delete the file shown.
for the WHERESTATE specified. ANR6777E Command: Command file 'file
name' already in use.
System action
The server does not process the command. Explanation
The command indicated references a command file
User response name that is in use. The command file name shown is
selected for use by the server in the following order:
Issue the command again and specify a valid
destination state. • The file name specified on the indicated command.
ANR6775E Command: Error writing to file 'file • The file name specified on the SET command.
name' for volume volume name. • The file name generated by the server (AIX only).

Explanation System action

An error occurred while writing to the file name shown The server does not process the command.
for the indicated volume.
User response
System action
Reissue the command at a later time or reissue the
The server stops processing the command. command specifying a different command file name.
ANR6778E Command: Volume volume name
User response
not processed: device type device
Examine error messages that may have been type not supported.
displayed prior to this message and correct any
problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has Explanation
proper authority to write to the file indicated. Reissue
the command after determining the cause of the error. The indicated volume is not processed because the
device type shown is not supported by the function.
In the case where volumes are being ejected from the
library, it is possible the server database does not
System action
reflect the true state of the volume. For MOVE
DRMEDIA, rerun the command after determining the The indicated volume is not processed.
cause of the error. For MOVE MEDIA, an update

Chapter 3. ANR messages 805

User response User response
None. To override the default value, issue a SET
DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command to change the value
ANR6779E Disaster recovery manager
after the audit command has completed.
operation command being
processed is denied - disaster ANR6782E Audit command: Recovery plan file
recovery manager support is not expiration days not found.
available for server platform.
A database audit process finds no entries in server
The server refuses a disaster recovery manager database for recovery plan file expiration days
operation because disaster recovery manager support definitions.
is not available for the server platform.
System action
System action
Audit processing continues.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
Issue the audit command again and specify FIX=YES
None. to correct the error.
ANR6780E Audit command: An invalid ANR6783I Audit command: Recovery plan file
recovery plan file expiration days expiration days not found - entry
encountered. will be created.

Explanation Explanation
A database audit process encounters an invalid value A database audit process finds no entries in server
for recovery plan file expiration days. database for recovery plan file expiration days
definitions. Because FIX=YES has been specified for
System action the audit command, the audit function creates an
entry using the default value in the server database for
Audit processing continues. the recovery plan file expiration days definitions.

User response System action

Issue the command again and specify FIX=YES to Audit processing continues.
correct the expiration days. Or, issue an SET
DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command and specify a new
User response
expiration days value.
To override the default value, issue a SET
ANR6781I Audit command: An invalid DRMRPFEXPIREDAYS command to change the value
recovery plan file expiration days after the audit command has completed.
encountered - the default value
will be set. ANR6784I Number of volumes processed:
number volumes processed.
Explanation Volumes sent to library library
name for checkout: number
A database audit process encounters an invalid value volumes sent.
for recovery plan file expiration days. Because
FIX=YES has been specified, the audit function sets
the expiration days value to the default value.
The MOVE DRMEDIA command has processed the
System action number of volumes shown. Currently, the MOVE
DRMEDIA command has sent for processing the
Audit processing continues. number of volumes shown to the library shown. This
message may be displayed in response to a QUERY
PROCESS command for a MOVE DRMEDIA command.

806 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
Server operation continues. None.
ANR6902I Number of plan stanzas
User response processed: number. Currently
None. processing stanza: recovery plan
stanza name.
ANR6785W Warning: The ADSM V3 Disaster
Recovery Manager Disk Image
Dump function is not supported in
the disaster recovery manager . The PREPARE command displays the number of
The ADSM V3 DRM Disk Image stanzas already processed and the name of the stanza
Restore function has been currently being processed. This message may be
stabilized with no new displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS command
maintenance or hardware support for a PREPARE command.
System action
Server operation continues.
User response
System action
DRM Disk Image Dump and Restore function
continues. ANR6903I Cancel in progress.

User response Explanation

None. The PREPARE command has been canceled and will

end when resources have been freed for the
ANR6900I Command: The recovery plan file background process. This message may be displayed
file name was created. in response to a QUERY PROCESS command for a
PREPARE command.
System action
The recovery plan file was created.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
User response ANR6904I Sending recovery plan file to
None. target server.

ANR6901I Number of plan stanzas

processed: number.
The PREPARE command is sending the recovery plan
Explanation file to the target server. This message may be
displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS command
The PREPARE command has processed the number of for a PREPARE command.
stanzas displayed. This message may be displayed in
response to a QUERY PROCESS command for a
System action
PREPARE command.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 807

ANR6905I Command: Recovery plan file RPF Explanation
volume name was created. An active-data storage pool does not contain any
Specified device class device class volumes with usable data.

System action
Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery
The recovery plan file was created on the target information for any volumes in the storage pool.

User response
System action
Determine why this storage pool has no volumes with
Server operation continues. usable data.

User response ANR6915W Command: Storage pool storage

pool name storage pool type is not
None. defined to the server.
ANR6912W Command: The database was not
backed up. Explanation
A storage pool that is not defined to the server was
Explanation specified by SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL, SET
No backups have been made of the server data base. DRMCOPYSTGPOOL, or on the PREPARE command
System action
System action
Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include database
recovery information. Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery
information for the storage pool.
User response
User response
Backup the server data base by issuing the BACKUP
DB command. Correct the storage pool specification or define the
storage pool to the server.
ANR6913W Command: No volumes with
backup data exist in copy storage ANR6916W Command: No copy storage pools
pool storage pool name. are defined.

Explanation Explanation

A copy storage pool does not contain any volumes with The server has no copy storage pools defined.
usable data.
System action
System action Recovery plan file will not contain copy storage pool
Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery information.
information for any volumes in the storage pool.
User response
User response Define copy storage pools in the server.
Determine why this storage pool has no volumes with ANR6918W Command: Recovery instructions
usable data. file file name not found.
ANR6914W Command: No volumes with active
data exist in the active-data Explanation
storage pool storage pool name. A source file for recovery instructions was not found.

808 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The recovery plan will not contain recovery The machine information has not been saved in the
instructions. server data base.

User response System action

To get recovery instructions in the recovery plan, The recovery plan file does not contain the machine
ensure the corresponding instructions source file and recovery media information stanzas.
exists. If it does, check authorizations to the file.
ANR6920W Command: S volume name is not User response
valid for server device type device If you want to include the machine information in the
type. Original volume name: recovery plan file, issue the DEFINE MACHINE
volume name. Stanza is stanza command to save the machine information in the
name. server data base and reissue the PREPARE command.
ANR6923W Command: No recovery media
defined for machine machine
Appending the replacement volume name postfix (as name.
defined with SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX) to the original
volume name has created a name that is not valid for Explanation
the server device type shown.
No recovery media has been defined to the server for
the specified machine.
System action
Replacement volume name is used in the recovery System action
plan stanza.
The recovery plan file does not contain the machine
recovery media stanza.
User response
Devise a naming convention that allows the use of the User response
replacement volume name postfix or at restore time
manually update the generated recovery plan with a If you want to include the machine recovery media
legal replacement name. information in the recovery plan file, issue the DEFINE
RECOVERYMEDIA command. Reissue the PREPARE
ANR6921W Command: Cannot locate server command after the appropriate commands have been
options file 'file name'. issued to define the recovery media.
ANR6924W Command: No recovery
instructions defined for machine
The Prepare command cannot open the specified machine name.
server options file.
System action
No recovery instructions have been defined to the
VOLHISTORY and DEVCONFIG options are added to server for the specified machine.
the recovery plan file stanza DSMSERV.OPT.FILE.
System action
User response
The recovery plan file does not contain the machine
None. recovery instructions stanza.
ANR6922W Command: No machine
information was defined for the User response
machine that contains server If you want to include the machine recovery
server name. instructions in the recovery plan file, issue the INSERT
command. Reissue the PREPARE command after the
appropriate commands have been issued to define the
recovery media.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 809

ANR6925W Command: No machine System action
characteristics defined for Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery
machine machine name. information for the storage pool.

Explanation User response

No characteristics have been defined to the server for
Correct the storage pool specification.
the specified machine.
ANR6928W Command: No eligible primary
System action storage pools match the specified
storage pool name storage pool
The recovery plan file does not contain the machine name .
characteristics stanza.
User response
The storage pool specified by the SET
If you want to include the machine recovery DRMPRIMSTGPOOL or on PREPARE command does
instructions in the recovery plan file, issue the INSERT not match any eligible primary storage pool. Possible
command. Reissue the PREPARE command after the reasons include:
appropriate commands have been issued to define the
recovery media. • Primary storage pools were not defined.
• Primary storage pools were defined, but their data
ANR6926W Command: There is at least one
formats are for NAS file servers, or their device
invalid generated volume name
classes use the CENTERA device type.
associated with storage pool
storage pool server device type • The name specified does not match eligible primary
device type in stanza stanza name. storage pool names.

Explanation System action

Appending the replacement volume name postfix (as Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery
defined with SET DRMPLANVPOSTFIX) to the original information for the storage pools.
volume name has created a name that is not valid for
the server device type shown. User response
Correct the storage pool specification or define eligible
System action storage pools to the server.
Replacement volume name is used in the recovery ANR6929W Command: No eligible primary
plan stanza.
storage pools are defined to the
User response
Devise a naming convention that allows the use of the Explanation
replacement volume name postfix or at restore time The server has no eligible primary storage pools
manually update the generated recovery plan with a defined.
legal replacement name.
ANR6927W Command: Primary storage pool System action
storage pool name, storage pool
Recovery plan file will not contain primary storage pool
data format, is not managed by

User response
Define eligible primary storage pools to the server.
specified a primary storage pool that is used for ANR6930W Command: Primary storage pool
backing up NAS file servers, using NDMP. DRM does storage pool name, whose device
not manage a storage pool with this data format. class uses the CENTERA device
type, is not managed by DRM.

810 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The SET DRMPRIMSTGPOOL or the PREPARE Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery
command specified a primary storage pool whose plan file stanza name.
device class uses the CENTERA device type. DRM does
ANR6940E command command not allowed
not manage storage pools that use the CENTERA
from server console.
device type.

System action
The indicated command is not allowed to be issued
Stanzas in the recovery plan do not include recovery
from the server console.
information for the storage pool.

System action
User response
The command is not executed.
Correct the storage pool specification.
ANR6937E command: parameter name User response
parameter not allowed from the
command line. Reissue the command from an administrator using an
Administrative Client.
Explanation ANR6941E Query recovery plan file content is
The parameter shown is not allowed from the waiting for mount point in device
command line interface. class device class name.

System action Explanation

The server does not process the command. Query recovery plan file content has begun to wait for
a mount point that can be used for a volume in the
device class shown.
User response
Reissue the command with the parameter from the System action
The function waits for the mount point.
ANR6938I No information found for stanza
stanza name. User response
Respond to any mount requests.
ANR6942E Query recovery plan file content is
No information found for recovery plan file stanza
shown. waiting for access to input volume
volume name.
System action
The server does not display the information for the
Query recovery plan file content has begun to wait for
availability of the input volume shown.

User response
System action
The function waits for the volume to become available.
ANR6939E Command: Invalid recovery plan
file stanza name - stanza name. User response
ANR6943E Query recovery plan file content is
The specified recovery plan file stanza name is invalid.
waiting for mount of input volume
volume name.
System action
The server does not process the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 811

Explanation System action
Query recovery plan file content has begun to wait for The retrieve operation ends, and the server operation
the mount of the input volume shown. continues.

System action User response

The function waits for mount. Query the activity log to find messages preceding this
one that specify the device that is failing. The server
User response may need to be shut down with the HALT command to
correct the hardware problem.
Respond to any mount requests.
ANR6947E Command: Data storage retrieve
ANR6944E Command: Invalid recovery plan failed for recovery plan file name -
file name - recovery plan file name. error detected.

Explanation Explanation
The recovery plan file name specified in the command The server ends the retrieve operation because an
is invalid. error has been encountered on the server. Some
common reasons for the error are:
System action
• Data is corrupted on the input volume
The server does not process the command. • Hardware or media failure has occurred
• Database corruption
User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery System action
plan file name.
The retrieve operation ends, and the server operation
ANR6945E Command: Cannot find filespace continues.
filespace name for recovery plan
file recovery plan file name. User response
Examine any prior error messages to determine the
source of the error. Use the QUERY ACTLOG command
The server cannot find the filespace (ADSM.SERVER) to view the activity log and search for messages if
for recovery plan file specified in the server. needed. Correct the problem and try the restore or
retrieve again. If retry of the operation continues to fail
System action contact your service representative.

The retrieve operation ends, and the server operation ANR6948E Command: Cannot find the
continues. recovery plan file for Recovery plan
file name.
User response
Issue QUERY FILESPACE command on the target
server to see if there is any filespaces created for the The server cannot find the specified recovery plan file.
recovery plan file. The filespace name for the recovery
plan file is ADSM.SERVER. System action
ANR6946E Command: Retrieve failed for The server does not process the command.
recovery plan file name - error on
input storage device. User response
Issue the command again and specify a valid recovery
plan file name. Use the QUERY RPFILE command to
The server ends an retrieve operation because an I/O view the name of the recovery plan file that you are
error has been encountered by the server in reading interested in displaying its content.
from a device.
ANR6949E Command: No matching device
class defined.

812 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The device class specified in the command does not None.
match any device class defined to the server.
User response
System action
Determine why file already exists. If possible, delete it.
The server does not process the command. Reissue the command, after determining the cause of
the error.
User response ANR6953E Command: File write error.
Issue the command again and specify a valid device
class. Explanation
ANR6950E Command: The recovery plan file An error occurred while writing to the recovery plan
was not created. file.

Explanation System action

Due to a processing error, a recovery plan file was not The recovery plan file was not created.
User response
System action
Examine error messages that may have been
Recovery plan file not created. displayed prior to this message and correct any
problems, if possible. Make sure that there is sufficient
User response space in the file system for the file. Reissue the
command after determining the cause of the error.
Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any ANR6954E Command: Unable to open file 'file
problems, if possible. Reissue the command, after name' for output.
determining the cause of the error.
ANR6951E Command: Recovery plan file file
name was not created. An error occurred while opening the recovery plan file
for output.
System action
Due to a processing error, a recovery plan file was not
created. The recovery plan file was not created.

System action User response

Recovery plan file not created. Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any
User response problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
proper authority to write to the file indicated. Reissue
Examine error messages that may have been the command after determining the cause of the error.
displayed prior to this message and correct any
problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has ANR6959E Command: Plan instructions prefix
proper authority to write to the file indicated and that 'instructions prefix' is not valid.
there is sufficient space in the file system for the file.
Reissue the command, after determining the cause of Explanation
the error.
The prefix specified for recovery instructions is not
ANR6952E Command: File name file name valid.
already exists.
System action
The recovery plan file was not created.
File already exits.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 813

User response Explanation
Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. An server database query error occurred. This
message always accompanies another error message
ANR6960E Command: Recovery plan prefix and provides more detail about that error.
'plan prefix ' is not valid.

System action
The recovery plan file was not created.
The prefix specified for the recovery plan file is too
User response
System action Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
The recovery plan file was not created. isolated and resolved, contact your service
User response
ANR6965E Command: Query volume failed.
Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix.
ANR6962E Command: Query database failed. Explanation
An server database query error occurred. This
Explanation message always accompanies another error message
A server database query error occurred. This message and provides more detail about that error.
always accompanies another error message and
provides more detail about that error. System action
The recovery plan file was not created.
System action
The recovery plan file was not created. User response
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity
User response log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity isolated and resolved, contact your service
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be representative.
isolated and resolved, contact your service ANR6966E Command: Query database volume
representative. failed.
ANR6963E Command: Query log failed.
Explanation A server database query error occurred. This message
A server database query error occurred. This message always accompanies another error message and
always accompanies another error message and provides more detail about that error.
provides more detail about that error.
System action
System action The recovery plan file was not created.
The recovery plan file was not created.
User response
User response Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your service
isolated and resolved, contact your service representative.
representative. ANR6967E Command: Query log volume
ANR6964E Command: Query storage pool failed.

814 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
A server database query error occurred. This message The server command processor will not start a
always accompanies another error message and background process to execute another PREPARE
provides more detail about that error. command.

System action System action

The recovery plan file was not created. The command process ends and server operation
User response
User response
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be Reissue the command after the first PREPARE
isolated and resolved, contact your service command has completed.
ANR6971E Command: Could not delete plan
ANR6968E Command: Query volume history file plan file name.
Prepare command failed but the plan file created
An server database query error occurred. This could not be deleted.
message always accompanies another error message
and provides more detail about that error. System action
System action
The recovery plan file was not created. User response
Delete the plan file.
User response
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity ANR6972E Command: Query machine failed.
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service Explanation
representative. A server machine query error occurred. This message
ANR6969E Command: Query device class always accompanies another error message and
failed. provides more detail about that error.

Explanation System action

An server database query error occurred. This The recovery plan file was not created.
message always accompanies another error message
and provides more detail about that error. User response
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity
System action log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
The recovery plan file was not created. isolated and resolved, contact your service
User response ANR6973E Command: Query recovery media
Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity failed.
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service Explanation
representative. A server recovery media query error occurred. This
ANR6970E Command: A recovery plan file is message always accompanies another error message
already being created. and provides more detail about that error.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 815

System action Explanation
The recovery plan file was not created. Due to a processing error, a recovery plan file was not
stored on target server and the local copy of the plan
User response file cannot be deleted.

Issue a QUERY ACTLOG command to view the activity

System action
log and search for messages. If the error cannot be
isolated and resolved, contact your service PREPARE processing ends.
ANR6974E Command: Unable to open file file User response
name. Examine error messages that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any
Explanation problems, if possible. After determining the cause of
the error, re-issue the PREPARE command and delete
An error occurred while PREPARE was attempting to the local recovery plan file.
open the local recovery plan file copy in order to send
it to the target server. ANR6977E Command: Device class name
device class name exceeds
System action maximum characters characters.

The recovery plan file is not stored on the target

The command shown has been entered and specifies a
User response device class name that is too long. The maximum valid
length for a device class name is shown in the
Examine error messages that may have been message.
displayed prior to this message and correct any
problems, if possible. Reissue the command after
System action
determining the cause of the error.
The server does not process the command.
ANR6975E Command: Unable to read file file
User response
Explanation Reissue the command specifying a valid device class
An error occurred while PREPARE was attempting to
read the local recovery plan file copy in order to send it ANR6978E Command: Invalid device class
to the target server. device class name.

System action Explanation

The recovery plan file is not stored on the target The specified device class cannot be used by the
server. command shown. Possible reasons include:
• The device class is not defined.
User response
• The device class is defined but not of type SERVER.
Examine error messages that may have been • The name specified is an invalid device class name.
displayed prior to this message and correct any
problems, if possible. Reissue the command after
determining the cause of the error. System action
The server does not process the command.
ANR6976E Command: The recovery plan file
was not stored on another server
and the local copy file name User response
cannot be deleted. Reissue the command with a valid device class.
ANR6979E Command: Recovery plan file was
not created. Specified device class
device class name.

816 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR6985E Command: Error encountered in
accessing data storage - volume
A recovery plan file cannot be not created using the
already in use.
specified device class.

System action
During command command processing, a volume
Recovery plan file not created.
cannot be used because it is already defined in a
storage pool, or has been previously used by an
User response export, database dump, database backup, or DRM
Examine error messages that may have been prepare operation or is in use by another process.
displayed prior to this message and correct any
problems, if possible. Reissue the command, after System action
determining the cause of the error.
The command command operation is ended and
ANR6980E Command: Prefix prefix exceeds server operation continues.
maximum characters characters.
User response
Re-issue the PREPARE command.
The command shown has been entered and specifies a
plan or instructions prefix that is too long. The
maximum valid length is shown in the message. parameter is only valid for volume
history types RPFILE or
System action
The server does not process the command. Explanation
The command failed because an invalid volume history
User response type was specified for the TYPE= parameter.
Reissue the command specifying a shorter prefix.
System action
ANR6984E Command: Out of space on
sequential media, scratch media The command fails, and server operation continues.
could not be mounted. Specified
device class device class name; User response
maximum capacity: number of
bytes bytes. Re-issue the command and specify a valid type value.
ANR6987W Command: Container-copy pool
Explanation volume volume name was not
During command PREPARE processing, the process processed. The volume was in use.
encounters an out-of-space condition writing to the
sequential media. Command PREPARE ends when Explanation
there is no more space on the sequential media for The MOVE DRMEDIA command did not process
storing data. volume volume name because it was in use by another
server operation.
System action
Command PREPARE processing ends. Server System action
processing continues. The indicated command ends, if the volume was
explicitly specified in the command. If a volume
User response pattern was specified in the command, the server
continues processing other volumes that match the
Increase the device class maximum capacity and
reissue the PREPARE command. If an object was
created on the target server, issue the RECONCILE
VOLUMES FIX=YES to delete the object from the target

Chapter 3. ANR messages 817

User response User response
Wait until the conflicting volume activity has None.
completed, and then reissue the MOVE DRMEDIA
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at time on
(Windows) date.
ANR6988W Command: The state, access and
location attributes of the Explanation
container-copy storage pool
volume volume name were not The server module was generated at the indicated
updated. date and time.

Explanation System action

The MOVE DRMEDIA command could not update the Server operation continues.
state, access and location of volume volume name
because it was in use by another server operation. User response
System action
ANR7801I Subsystem process ID is process
If the volume was in an automated library, the MOVE (AIX) identifier.
DRMEDIA command may have checked the volume
out of the library.
If a volume pattern is specified on the command, the
server continues processing the other volumes. The server process has the indicated process
User response
System action
Wait until the conflicting volume activity has
completed, and then reissue the MOVE DRMEDIA Server operation continues.
User response
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at time on
(AIX) date. None.
ANR7801I Subsystem process ID is process
Explanation (Linux) identifier.
The server module was generated at the indicated
date and time. Explanation
The server process has the indicated process
System action identifier.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response Server operation continues.
User response
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at time on
(Linux) date. None.
ANR7802E Shared memory segments for a
Explanation (AIX) server running in the current
The server module was generated at the indicated directory already exist. The -F
date and time. parameter can be used to
System action
Server operation continues.
Shared memory segments are created for each
instance of the server based on the current directory.

818 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

This message indicates that the shared memory User response
segments already exist. A server is presently running
Examine the contents of the lock file. The process ID
from the current directory or a server running from the
for the server that is running is recorded in this file.
current directory ended abnormally.
Two servers cannot be started from the same
directory. You can remove the lock file and attempt to
System action start the server only if the recorded process ID is not
The server terminates. currently running dsmserv. The 'ps -e' AIX command
can be used to display processes that are currently
running. Check the permissions of the directory and
User response
file system and ensure that there is appropriate
If the server running in the current directory permission for the instance user ID to write to the file.
terminated abnormally, start dsmserv with the -F Check that there is enough space in the file system.
parameter to force the existing shared memory
ANR7804E Error reason.
segments to be overwritten. If you want to run
multiple instances of the server, each instance must
be run from a separate directory with a separate
dsmserv.dsk file and have separate log, database, and Explanation
storage volumes. The server attempted to open,lock, or write to the
ANR7803E Attempt to overwrite a shared specified file The open, lock, or write operation failed.
(AIX) memory segment, as directed with These are some common reasons for the failure.
the -F parameter, FAILED. Another server is already running from this directory
and has the file open or locked.
The instance user ID does not have enough write
access to the file.
The server has been started with the -F parameter and The file system is full.
unsuccessfully attempted to overwrite existing shared
memory segments. This error occurs when the user System action
that starts the server with -F parameter is not the
owner of the shared memory segments and lacks the Server terminates.
required authority.
User response
System action Examine the contents of the lock file. The process ID
Server terminates. for the server that is running is recorded in this file.
Two servers cannot be started from the same
directory. You can remove the lock file and attempt to
User response
start the server only if the recorded process ID is not
Resolve the authorization problem and restart the currently running dsmserv. The 'ps -e' command can
server. be used to display processes that are currently
running. Check the permissions of the directory and
ANR7804E Error reason. file system and ensure that there is appropriate
(AIX) permission for the instance user ID to write to the file.
Check that there is enough space in the file system.
ANR7804E Error reason.
The server attempted to open,lock, or write to the (Windows)
specified file The open, lock, or write operation failed.
These are some common reasons for the failure.
Another server is already running from this directory
and has the file open or locked. The server attempted to open,lock, or write to the
The instance user ID does not have enough write specified file The open, lock, or write operation failed.
access to the file. These are some common reasons for the failure.
The file system is full. Another server is already running from this directory
and has the file open or locked.
System action The instance user ID does not have enough write
access to the file.
Server terminates. The file system is full.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 819

System action System action
Server terminates. The open operation fails for the volume.

User response User response

Examine the contents of the lock file. The process ID To prevent concurrent RAW volume access by more
for the server that is running is recorded in this file. than one server, files are created in the /tmp directory
Two servers cannot be started from the same to 'lock' these volumes. The names of these temporary
directory. You can remove the lock file and attempt to files are /tmp/adsm.disk.dev.<volumename> where
start the server only if the recorded process ID is not <volumename> is the name of the RAW volume
currently running dsmserv. Check the permissions of defined in the /dev directory. Please note that the
the directory and file system and ensure that there is name for a RAW logical volume as defined in Solaris is
appropriate permission for the instance user ID to in the /dev directory with a leading 'r' character (for
write to the file. Check that there is enough space in example, a raw volume defined in Solaris on a regular
the file system. SCSI drive as dsk/c0t0d0s0 will be represented in
the /dev directory as the file /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0). For
ANR7805E Volume volume name is in use by a REGULAR DISK volume, the server automatically
(AIX) another server. locks/unlocks a volume. Different linked file names
pointing to the same volume will cause this message
Explanation since the server locks the linked volume, not the link
The server has attempted to open a disk volume but name itself.
has discovered that the volume is in use by another You may use the Solaris 'ps -ef | grep dsmserv'
server. command to determine if other dsmserv processes are
running. You may remove the temporary lock files for
System action RAW volumes and attempt to re-start the server ONLY
if there are no other dsmserv processes are running.
The open operation fails for the volume.
ANR7806W Unable to open file file.
User response (AIX)

To prevent concurrent RAW volume access by more

than one server, files are created in the /tmp directory
to 'lock' these volumes. The names of these temporary The server was unable to open the indicated file.
files are /tmp/adsm.disk.dev.<volumename> where
<volumename> is the name of the RAW volume System action
defined in the /dev directory. Please note that the
name for the logical volume as defined in SMIT is The operation that was to use the indicated file fails. A
represented in the /dev directory with a leading 'r' subsequent unnumbered message had details from
character (for example, a raw volume defined in SMIT the system.
as dsmstg1 will be represented in the /dev directory as
the file /dev/rdsmstg1). User response
You may use the AIX 'ps -e' command to determine if Determine the reason for being unable to open the file
other dsmserv processes are running. You may remove and re-attempt the operation. Common reasons for
the temporary lock files and attempt to re-start the being unable to open the file include providing the
server ONLY if there are no other dsmserv processes wrong name, having insufficient authorization to open
running the file and not being the file's owner.
ANR7805E Volume volume name is in use by ANR7806W Unable to open file file.
(Linux) another server. (Linux)

Explanation Explanation
The server has attempted to open a disk volume but The server was unable to open the indicated file.
has discovered that the volume is in use by another

820 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The operation that was to use the indicated file fails. A The server was unable to get information about the
subsequent unnumbered message had details from indicated file.
the system.
System action
User response
The operation that was to use the indicated file fails. A
Determine the reason for being unable to open the file subsequent, unnumbered message has details from
and re-attempt the operation. Common reasons for the system.
being unable to open the file include providing the
wrong name, having insufficient authorization to open User response
the file and not being the file's owner.
Determine the reason for being unable to access the
ANR7806W Unable to open file file. file and re-attempt the operation. Common reasons for
(Windows) being unable to access the file include providing the
wrong name, having insufficient authorization to open
Explanation the file, not being the file's owner, or too many soft
links to the file. If trying to access a RAW partition, the
The server was unable to open the indicated file. server must be started with superuser privileges.

System action ANR7807I Oracle Library Attach module

(Windows) module name has been loaded.
The operation that was to use the indicated file fails. A
subsequent unnumbered message had details from
the system.
The module indicated has been successfully loaded.
User response Operations involving this module may now be
performed by the server.
Determine the reason for being unable to open the file
and re-attempt the operation. Common reasons for
System action
being unable to open the file include providing the
wrong name, having insufficient authorization to open The server now supports ACSLS functions that depend
the file and not being the file's owner. The file may be on this module.
already opened by the server or another program.
ANR7807W Unable to get information for file User response
(AIX) file. None.
ANR7808W root user authority required for
(AIX) non-default scheduling policy.
The server was unable to get information about the
indicated file. Explanation
The server was unable to use the scheduling policy
System action
specified in the options file. The server must be
The operation that was to use the indicated file fails. A running with root authority to use any scheduling
subsequent, unnumbered message has details from policy other than the default.
the system.
System action
User response
Operation continues but with the default scheduling
Determine the reason for being unable to access the policy.
file and re-attempt the operation. Common reasons for
being unable to access the file include providing the User response
wrong name, having insufficient authorization to open
the file and not being the file's owner. Run the server with root authority or don't specify a
scheduling policy in the options file.
ANR7807W Unable to get information for file
(Linux) file.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 821

ANR7808W Oracle Library Attach module number of applications is causing a memory shortage.
(Windows) module name is not available from It may be necessary to decrease the maximum
the system. number of client sessions by changing the
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
Explanation ANR7810E Error creating console input
The server attempted to load the Library Attach (Linux) thread.
module. However, this module is not installed to the
system. Explanation
Unable to start console input thread.
System action
Server operation continues, but without ACSLS System action
Server operation stops.

User response
User response
Ensure that the Library Attach module is installed to
See other issued messages.
the system.
ANR7811I Using instance directory instance
ANR7809I Using scheduling policy policy.
(AIX) directory.

The server is operating out of the indicated directory.
All threads in the server will use the specified
scheduling policy.
System action
System action Server processing continues.
Operations continue.
User response
User response None.
None ANR7811E Insufficient memory for console
(Linux) initialization.
ANR7810W Unable to create a new child
(AIX) process.
Explanation The server is unable to allocate enough memory for
console initialization.
The server cannot create a new child thread.

System action
System action
Server operation stops.
Server processing continues. Other error messages
from the server component are displayed.
User response
User response Ensure that there is sufficient paging space. It may be
necessary to reduce the maximum number of client
Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for AIX.
sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the
If the server has been started from a non-root user ID,
server options file.
ensure that the AIX process limit per user is sufficient
for the server. The server requires approximately 24 ANR7812E Insufficient memory to buffer
processes, in addition to one process per client (Linux) console input. The following input
session, and one process for each background line was discarded: discarded
operation. Each thread started by the server is an AIX console input.
process. To change the number of processes per user,
use the SMIT menus for System Environment, and
choose Change / Show Characteristics of Operating
System. You may also use SMIT to determine if the

822 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation 'maxusers=##' parameter in the /etc/system file to
increase the number of number of users that can be on
An error occurs during an attempt to allocate a buffer
the system at one time. This will also force the kernel
to hold the specified console input.
to allocate more memory/swap for user-processes.

System action A system reboot with the 'reconfigure' option is

required for the new user settings to take effect. It
The console input is discarded. may be necessary to decrease the maximum number
of client sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS
User response option in the server options file.
Ensure that there is sufficient paging space. It may be ANR7814I Using instance directory instance
necessary to reduce the maximum number of client (Linux) directory.
sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the
server options file. Explanation
ANR7813W The server mode-bit server is not The server is operating out of the indicated directory.
(AIX) supported on a kernel mode-bit
System action

Explanation Server processing continues.

The 32-bit server is supported only when running with

User response
the 32-bit kernel, and the 64-bit server is supported
only when running the 64-bit kernel. None.
ANR7820E Insufficient memory to buffer
System action (AIX) console input; the following input
Server processing continues. line was discarded: discarded
console input.
User response
You must match the server mode with the kernel mode
by either switching the kernel mode or installing the An error occurs during an attempt to allocate a buffer
correct server fileset. large enough to read console input.

ANR7813W Unable to create a new child

System action
(Linux) thread.
The console input is discarded.
User response
The server cannot create a new child thread.
Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for AIX.
System action You may also use SMIT to determine if the number of
applications is causing a memory shortage. It may be
Server processing continues. Other error messages necessary to decrease the maximum number of client
from the server component are displayed. sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the
server options file.
User response
ANR7820S Thread thread ID terminated in
Ensure that sufficient swap space is available for (Linux) response to program abort.
Solaris. The amount of swap available can be obtained
by executing 'swap -l'. If the number of free blocks is Explanation
low, you can add swap files while the system is
running by executing 'mkfile' and then 'swap -a'. See The thread has ended due to a program abort.
the Solaris man pages on 'mkfile' and 'swap' for more
details. System action
If the server has been started from a non-root user ID, The server completes termination processing.
ensure that the process limit per user is sufficient to
accomodate the server. You can tune the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 823

User response ANR7822E Error creating console input
(AIX) thread.
Note the associated messages and call your service
ANR7820W Insufficient Space Available for
(Windows) file file name. Unable to start console input thread.

Explanation System action

The server was attempting to create a file with the Server operation stops.
indicated name. There was insufficient space for the
file on the disk. User response
See other issued messages.
System action
ANR7822I Thread thread ID terminated in
Server processing continues. The file creation request (Linux) response to server shutdown.
User response
The thread has ended due to a server shutdown.
Free additional space on the drive to accomodate the
file, specify a file name on a drive with sufficient space,
System action
or change the space request to a value consistent with
the drive. Retry the operation. The server completes termination processing.
ANR7821I Thread thread ID terminated in
(Linux) response to external signal. User response
ANR7822W File Already exists when creating
The thread has ended due to an external signal. (Windows) volume file name.

System action Explanation

The server completes termination processing. The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. The file already exists.
User response
System action
Server processing continues. The file creation request
ANR7821W Unable to create directory when
(Windows) creating volume file name.

User response
Specify a new file name. The server will not use an
The server was attempting to create a file with the
existing file name when creating a file.
indicated name. A new directory was being created as
well, but its creation failed. ANR7823E Insufficient memory for console
(AIX) initialization.
System action
Server processing continues. The file creation request Explanation
fails. Unable to allocate enough memory for console
User response
Specify a file name in an existing directory or change System action
the name request to specify a different directory Server operation stops.

824 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for AIX. Ensure that the correct support module exists in the
You may also use SMIT to determine if the number of server bin directory and that the aio subsystem has
applications is causing a memory shortage. It may be been configured on AIX, and that AIX was rebooted
necessary to decrease the maximum number of client after the configuration.
sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the
ANR7824S Server operation terminated.
server options file.
ANR7823S Internal error internal error
(Linux) detected. Explanation
An error occurs that causes server operation to stop.
An internal error is detected during server initialization System action
or operation.
Server operation stops.
System action
User response
Server operation stops.
Contact your service representative.
User response ANR7824W Unable to write volume file name.
Retry the failing operation. If the operation fails again, (Windows)
review additional information that is available for this
message: Search for "ANR7823S" in the product Explanation
information (http://www.ibm.com/support/ The server was attempting to create a file with the
knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ/). indicated name. The server was able to partially write
ANR7823W Unable to create file file name. to the file before running out of space.
System action
Explanation The server continues processing. The file creation
The server was attempting to create a file with the request fails. The file is still present on the system.
indicated name. The system reported an error in
creating the file. User response
Specify a new file name where there is sufficient
System action space.
The server continues processing. The file creation ANR7825E Server unable to allocate a shared
request fails. (Linux) memory segment of size Client
requested shared memory size.
User response
Specify a new file name. Explanation

ANR7824E Error loading Async I/O support A shared memory client has requested a shared
(AIX) module. memory segment size that Solaris is unable to fulfill.

Explanation System action

The server attempted to load the Async I/O support Client is not allowed to logon
module, but the load failed. Refer to accompanying
error message for details on the load failure. User response
See the shared memory tuning guide for Solaris (an
System action Oracle document). You may need to increase the
Server operation continues, but without Async I/O number/size of shared memory segments and/or
support. message queues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 825

ANR7825W Unable to create volume file name. ANR7831E raw partition name has an existing
(Windows) Return code= return code. (Linux) filesystem.

Explanation Explanation
The server was attempting to create a file with the The RAW partition specified has an existing Solaris file
indicated name. The attempt failed with the indicated system on it. Writing to this Partition may/and most
return code. The return code is an internal code from likely will destroy this filesystem.
the server.
System action
System action
Warn the user that an existing filesystem for the raw
The server continues processing. The file creation partition specified may be destroyed if written to.
request fails.
User response
User response
Determine if user still wants the valid filesystem data.
Specify a new file name. The return code may also be If not, user needs to destroy the filesystem by either
provided to your service representative for formatting the partition, create a program to destroy
interpretation. the filesystem header information so that the server
will not be able to detect the filesystem header
ANR7826W Creation of Volume file name information, or rearrange the starting and ending
(Windows) failed. Process was cancelled. blocks of a partition by using the Solaris format()
command. The user can read the format() function in
Explanation the Oracle manuals for further details on filesystems.
The server was attempting to create a file with the ANR7832I The thread process ID terminated
indicated name. The attempt was cancelled by a (AIX) with exit code program exit code.
cancel process command.
System action
The process has ended with the indicated exit code.
The server continues processing. The file creation This error is due to the problem caused and indicated
request fails. by a preceding message.

User response System action

The DEFINE command may be re-entered. The server completes termination processing.
ANR7830E Invalid RAW Partition Name: A
(Linux) valid raw partition name is in the User response
form of /dev/.../rdsk/.../* , None.
where ... means 0 or more
directories. ANR7832E raw partition name corresponds to
(Linux) a protected filesystem, such as /
Explanation or /usr.

Use the proper format for specifying a Raw partition.

The ... means zero or more directories.
The RAW partition specified has an existing file system
System action on it. This filesystem is the / or /usr partition. If the
SERVER writes to it, it will most likely crash the whole
Inform the user to use the right RAW partition operating system.
System action
User response
Disallow access to this raw partition.
Have user reenter the RAW partition with the proper
partition name.

826 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Have user specify another RAW partition that is not The raw partition specified has the 0th disk cylinder.
the / or /usr. It may be possible that this is not the The server should not be allowed to write into the 0th
actual / or /usr partition of the boot disk. Check, using cylinder. If allowed, the disk label would be corrupted.
the Solaris format() command, if your partition name
tag is labeled incorrectly as / or /usr. System action
ANR7833S The process thread ID terminated Disallow access to this raw partition.
(AIX) in response to program abort.
User response
Have the system administrator change the starting
The thread has ended due to a program abort. cylinder of this partition to a number greater than 0.
ANR7834I The server thread thread ID (tid
System action
(Windows) Windows NT thread ID) terminated
The server completes termination processing. in response to external signal.

User response Explanation

None. The thread has terminated due to an external signal.
ANR7833E symbolic links has too many
(Linux) symbolic links - the maximum System action
allowable is 10. The server completes termination processing.

Explanation User response

The file specified has too many symbolic links. The None.
server will follow at most 10 links before ending this
symbolic link name resolution. ANR7835I The server thread thread ID
(AIX) terminated in response to server
System action
Disallow access to this file. Explanation
The thread has ended due to a server shutdown.
User response
Have the user specify the actual file, where the file is System action
not a symbolic link. Using ls -l, one can see if the file is
a symbolic link. The server completes termination processing.

ANR7834I The thread thread ID terminated in User response

(AIX) response to external signal.
Explanation ANR7835E Specified raw partition name raw
The thread has ended due to an external signal. (Linux) partition is too big for this
operating system to handle.
System action
The server completes termination processing.
The raw partition specified has greater than 2GB and
the operating system is running below Solaris 2.6.
User response
Operating system below Solaris 2.6 cannot handle
None. files natively more than 2GB. For operating system
that is at Solaris 2.6 or above, the limit is 1TB.
ANR7834E Specified raw partition name raw
(Linux) partition cannot contain the 0th
disk cylinder. System action
Disallow access to this raw partition.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 827

User response information (http://www.ibm.com/support/
Have the system administrator change the RAW
partition size to be less than 2GB (4194303 512-byte ANR7837S Internal error internal error was
disk blocks) for Solaris 2.5.1 or below, less than 1TB (Windows) detected.
(2147483647 512-byte disk blocks) for Solaris 2.6
and above. Explanation
ANR7835I The server thread thread ID (tid An internal error was detected during server
(Windows) Windows NT thread ID) terminated initialization or operation.
in response to server shutdown.
System action
The server stops.
The thread has terminated due to a server shutdown.
User response
System action
You must extend the log file when you receive
The server completes termination processing. ANR7837S, LOGSEG871 errors.
Review additional information that is available for this
User response
message: Search for "ANR7837S" in the product
None. information (http://www.ibm.com/support/
ANR7836S Server initialization terminated.
(AIX) ANR7838S Server operation terminated.
An error occurs that causes server initialization to end.
An error occurs that causes server operation to stop.
System action
System action
Server operation stops.
Server operation stops.
User response
User response
Review additional information that is available for this
message: Search for "ANR7836S" in the product Contact your service representative.
information (http://www.ibm.com/support/
ANR7841S Insufficient kernel memory
(AIX) available.
ANR7837S Internal error internal error was
(AIX) detected. Explanation
An error occurs due to insufficient kernel memory.
An internal error was detected during server System action
initialization or operation.
Server operation stops.
System action
User response
The server stops.
Contact your service representative.
User response ANR7842S Monitor kernel extension not
You must extend the log file when you receive (AIX) initialized.
ANR7837S, LOGSEG871 errors.
Review additional information that is available for this
message: Search for "ANR7837S" in the product The monitor kernel extension is not initialized.

828 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action buffer pool. The routines used to obtain this
information returned a failing return code or were
Server operation stops.
unable to return the real memory size.

User response
System action
Contact your service representative.
Server operation continues. The server allows the data
ANR7843W Unable to determine real memory base buffer pool size to grow withoug taking into
(AIX) size. account real memory.

Explanation User response

The server checks the amount of real memory in the The server may need to run as a root user to obtain
system to optimize use of storage in the database this information.
buffer pool. The server uses Object Data Manager
ANR7849I Server operation terminated -
(ODM) to determine how much real memory is
(AIX) kernel extension has been reset.
installed on the system. The routines used to call ODM
failed or were unable to return the real memory size.
System action The kernel extension has been reinitialized by the
server in response to a previous condition for which a
Server operation continues. The server allows the data
message has been issued.
base buffer pool size to grow withoug taking into
account real memory.
System action
User response Server operation stops.
The server may need to run as a root user to obtain
this information. User response

ANR7843W Unable to determine real memory None.

(Linux) size. ANR7850I The process process ID has
(AIX) terminated on signal signal
Explanation number (signal name).
The server checks the amount of real memory in the
system to optimize use of storage in the database Explanation
buffer pool. The server uses Object Data Manager The specified process has ended due to the specified
(ODM) to determine how much real memory is signal.
installed on the system. The routine s used to call ODM
failed or were unable to return the real memory size.
System action

System action Server operation stops.

Server operation continues. The server allows the data

User response
base buffer pool size to grow withoug taking into
account real memory. Contact your service representative.
ANR7851S Error resetting handler for signal
User response (AIX) signal number (signal name).
The server may need to run as a root user to obtain
this information. Explanation
ANR7843W Unable to determine real memory An error occurs resetting the specified signal handler.
(Windows) size.
System action
Server operation stops.
The server checks the amount of real memory in the
system to optimize use of storage in the database

Chapter 3. ANR messages 829

User response System action
Contact your service representative. Server operation continues.
ANR7852I The current process affinity mask
(Windows) is: 0xThe process affinity mask.. User response
ANR7856W The affinity mask (0xNT return
The server is running on the processors indicated by (Windows) code.) was set to a value other
the mask. than what was requested

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. A new affinity mask was set but on verification it was
found not to match what was requested.
User response
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR7853W Could not obtain the current
(Windows) process affinity mask. Reason: NT
return code.. User response
ANR7859W Error reading from standard input.
A problem was encounterd while obtaining the current (AIX)
process affinity.
System action
An error occurs during an attempt to read from
Server operation continues. standard input.

User response System action

None. The console input thread is terminated.
ANR7854W The process affinity mask
(Windows) (0xAffinity mask.) specified in User response
dsmserv.opt is out of range. This is normal if the server is running as part of the
installation, in a cron job, or is started in the
Explanation background. This can occur if the server is started in a
telnet or ssh session and that session is killed
The affinity mask value was out of range. effectively creating a background process. If this is
unintended, stop the server and restart in the
System action foreground.
Server operation continues. ANR7859W Error reading from standard input.
User response
None. Explanation

ANR7855W Could not set new process affinity An error occurs during an attempt to read from
(Windows) mask. Reason: NT return code. standard input.

Explanation System action

A problem was encounterd in setting a new process The console input thread is terminated.
affinity mask.

830 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
This is normal if the server is running as part of the The server continues processing. The file creation
installation, in a cron job, or is started in the request fails.
background. This can occur if the server is started in a
telnet or ssh session and that session is killed User response
effectively creating a background process. If this is
unintended, stop the server and restart in the Specify a file name in an existing directory or or
foreground. change the name request to specify a different
directory name.
ANR7860W Insufficient Space Available for
(AIX) file file name. ANR7861W Unable to create directory when
(Linux) creating volume file name.
The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. There was insufficient space for the The server was attempting to create a file with the
file in the filesystem. indicated name. A new directory was being created as
well, but its creation failed.
System action
System action
The server continues processing. The file creation
request fails. The server continues processing. The file creation
request fails.
User response
User response
Free additional space on the drive to accomodate the
file, specify a file name on a drive with sufficient space, Specify a file name in an existing directory or or
or change the space request to a value consistent with change the name request to specify a different
the drive. Retry the operation. directory name.

ANR7860W Insufficient Space Available for ANR7862W File Already exists when creating
(Linux) file file name. (AIX) volume file name.

Explanation Explanation

The server was attempting to create a file with the The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. There was insufficient space for the indicated name. The file already exists.
file in the filesystem.
System action
System action The server continues processing. The file creation
The server continues processing. The file creation request fails.
request fails.
User response
User response Specify a new file name. The server will not use an
Free additional space on the drive to accomodate the existing file name when creating a file.
file, specify a file name on a drive with sufficient space, ANR7862W File Already exists when creating
or change the space request to a value consistent with (Linux) volume file name.
the drive. Retry the operation.
ANR7861W Unable to create directory when Explanation
(AIX) creating volume file name.
The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. The file already exists.
The server was attempting to create a file with the System action
indicated name. A new directory was being created as
The server continues processing. The file creation
well, but its creation failed.
request fails.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 831

User response Explanation
Specify a new file name. The server will not use an The server was attempting to create a file with the
existing file name when creating a file. indicated name. The server was able to partially write
to the file before running out of space.
ANR7863W Unable to create file file name.
System action
Explanation The server continues processing. The file creation
request fails. The file is still present on the system.
The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. The system reported an error in
creating the file. User response
Specify a new file name where there is sufficient
System action space.
The server continues processing. The file creation ANR7865W Unable to create volume file name.
request fails. (AIX) Return code=return code.

User response Explanation

Specify a new file name. The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. The attempt failed with the indicated
ANR7863W Unable to create file file name. return code. The return code is an the server internal
(Linux) code.

Explanation System action

The server was attempting to create a file with the The server continues processing. The file creation
indicated name. The system reported an error in request fails.
creating the file.
User response
System action
Specify a new file name. The return code may also be
The server continues processing. The file creation provided to your service representative for
request fails. interpretation.

User response ANR7865W Unable to create volume file name.

(Linux) Return code=return code.
Specify a new file name.
ANR7864W Unable to write volume file name. Explanation
(AIX) The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. The attempt failed with the indicated
Explanation return code. The return code is an internal code from
The server was attempting to create a file with the the server.
indicated name. The server was able to partially write
to the file before running out of space. System action
The server continues processing. The file creation
System action request fails.
The server continues processing. The file creation
request fails. The file is still present on the system. User response
Specify a new file name. The return code may also be
User response provided to your service representative for
Specify a new file name where there is sufficient interpretation.
space. ANR7866W Creation of Volume file name
ANR7864W Unable to write volume file name. (AIX) failed. Process was cancelled.

832 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation file size, but usable space is
rounded down to usable file size.
The server was attempting to create a file with the
indicated name. The attempt was cancelled by a
cancel process command. Explanation
The server was attempting to open a random access
System action file with the indicated name. The usable space was
rounded down to the indicated value so that the
The server continues processing. The file creation
amount of space is an even multiple of the disk block
request fails.
size. This facilitates improved performance in reading
and writing the file.
User response
The DEFINE command may be re-entered. System action
ANR7866W Creation of Volume file name The server continues processing. Some space in the
(Linux) failed. Process was cancelled. file will go unused.

Explanation User response

The server was attempting to create a file with the No action is required. To use all space in the file,
indicated name. The attempt was cancelled by a server utilities can be used to offload existing data to
cancel process command. other volumes. The volume can then be deleted and
re-created using a multiple of the disk's block size.
System action ANR7868E The server is unable to open or
The server continues processing. The file creation (AIX) lock the file name file.
request fails.
User response The server attempted to open or lock the instance lock
The DEFINE command may be re-entered. file. The open or lock operation failed.

ANR7867I file name is not a multiple of disk System action

(AIX) block size block size. File size is
file size, but usable space is Server initialization fails.
rounded down to usable file size.
User response
Explanation Ensure that the server is being initialized from the
The server was attempting to open a random access correct instance directory and that this server instance
file with the indicated name. The usable space was is not running. Ensure that the instance owner has
rounded down to the indicated value so that the appropriate permissions to read and write files on the
amount of space is an even multiple of the disk block specified path.
size. This facilitates improved performance in reading
ANR7868E The server is unable to open or
and writing the file.
(Linux) lock the file name file.

System action
The server continues processing. Some space in the
The server attempted to open or lock the instance lock
file will go unused.
file. The open or lock operation failed.

User response
System action
No action is required. To use all space in the file,
Server initialization fails.
server utilities can be used to offload existing data to
other volumes. The volume can then be deleted and
re-created using a multiple of the disk's block size. User response

ANR7867I file name is not a multiple of disk Ensure that the server is being initialized from the
(Linux) block size block size. File size is correct instance directory and that this server instance
is not running. Ensure that the instance owner has

Chapter 3. ANR messages 833

appropriate permissions to read and write files on the System action
specified path.
Server operation continues. The server makes
ANR7869W Unable to create volume file name assumptions concerning information it could not
(AIX) with a format size of format size obtain.
User response
Explanation The server may need to run as a root user to obtain
The server created a volume with the indicated name, this information.
but the size of the volume is less than the specified
ANR7871W Unable to complete odm query.
format size.
(AIX) Error message from odm is odm
System action
The server continues processing. The volume is Explanation
created, but the format size is not correct.
The server uses the AIX Object Data Manager (ODM) to
check information about AIX. For example, the server
User response uses ODM to detemine how much real memory is
Due to an environment limitation on the operating installed on the system. The routine used to perform
system, the format size of the volume is less than the and ODM query failed. ODM returned an error message
size that was specified. Update the operating system as indicated.
environment limitation and issue the command again.
System action
ANR7869W Unable to create volume file name
(Linux) with a format size of format size Server operation continues. The server makes
megabytes. assumptions concerning information it could not
User response
The server created a volume with the indicated name,
but the size of the volume is less than the specified The server may need to run as a root user to obtain
format size. this information.
ANR8195I The SSL TCP/IP Version 4 driver is
System action (AIX) ready for connection with clients
The server continues processing. The volume is on port port number.
created, but the format size is not correct.
User response The server can now accept sessions with clients using
Due to an environment limitation on the operating the SSL TCP/IP protocol on the indicated port number.
system, the format size of the volume is less than the
size that was specified. Update the operating system System action
environment limitation and issue the command again.
Server operation continues.
ANR7870W Unable to initialize odm query.
(AIX) Error message from odm is odm User response
Explanation ANR8195I The SSL TCP/IP Version 4 driver is
(Linux) ready for connection with clients
The server uses the AIX Object Data Manager (ODM) to
on port port number.
check information about AIX. For example, the server
uses ODM to detemine how much real memory is
installed on the system. The routine used to initialize Explanation
an ODM query failed. ODM returned an error message The server can now accept sessions with clients using
as indicated. the SSL TCP/IP protocol on the indicated port number.

834 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR8196I The SSL TCP/IP administrative
(Windows) driver is ready for connection with
Server operation continues.
clients on port port number.

User response
The server can now accept sessions with
ANR8195I The SSL TCP/IP Version 4 driver is administrative clients using the SSL TCP/IP protocol
(Windows) ready for connection with clients on the indicated port number.
on port port number.
System action
Server operation continues.
The server can now accept sessions with clients using
the SSL TCP/IP protocol on the indicated port number. User response
System action
ANR8198E The SSL environment was not
Server operation continues.
(AIX) established. The GSK module gsk
module return code is gsk return
User response code gsk string error.
ANR8196I The SSL TCP/IP administrative
(AIX) driver is ready for connection with Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
clients on port port number. Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Explanation System action

The server can now accept sessions with Server operation continues.
administrative clients using the SSL TCP/IP protocol
on the indicated port number. User response
Stop and restart the server.
System action
ANR8198E The SSL environment was not
Server operation continues.
(Linux) established. The GSK module gsk
module return code is gsk return
User response code gsk string error.
ANR8196I The SSL TCP/IP administrative
(Linux) driver is ready for connection with Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
clients on port port number. Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Explanation System action

The server can now accept sessions with Server operation continues.
administrative clients using the SSL TCP/IP protocol
on the indicated port number. User response
Stop and restart the server.
System action
ANR8198E The SSL environment was not
Server operation continues.
(Windows) established. The GSK module gsk
module return code is gsk return
User response code gsk string error.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 835

Explanation User response
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed. None
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
ANR8200I TCP/IP Version 4 driver ready for
(AIX) connection with clients on port
System action port number.
Server operation continues.
User response The server can now accept sessions with clients using
Stop and restart the server. the TCP/IP Version 4 protocol on the indicated port
ANR8199E The SSL TCP/IP driver was not
(AIX) initialized on port port number.
System action

Explanation Server operation continues.

A problem with the SSL environment prevents IBM

User response
Spectrum Protect from establishing the SSL protocol
on the indicated port number. None.
ANR8200I TCP/IP Version 4 driver ready for
System action (Linux) connection with clients on port
Server operation continues. port number.

User response Explanation

None The server can now accept sessions with clients using
the TCP/IP Version 4 protocol on the indicated port
ANR8199E The SSL TCP/IP driver was not number.
(Linux) initialized on port port number.
System action
Server operation continues.
A problem with the SSL environment prevents IBM
Spectrum Protect from establishing the SSL protocol
User response
on the indicated port number.
System action ANR8200I TCP/IP Version 4 driver ready for
Server operation continues. (Windows) connection with clients on port
port number.
User response
The server can now accept sessions with clients using
ANR8199E The SSL TCP/IP driver was not the TCP/IP Version 4 protocol on the indicated port
(Windows) initialized on port port number. number.

Explanation System action

A problem with the SSL environment prevents IBM Server operation continues.
Spectrum Protect from establishing the SSL protocol
on the indicated port number.
User response

System action None.

Server operation continues. ANR8201W Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver -

(AIX) insufficient memory.

836 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation control panel and then click on the virtual memory
button. Refer to the online help for instructions on how
Because the operating system rejects a memory
to increase the amount of virtual memory.
allocation request, the server cannot start
communications through TCP/IP. ANR8202W Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver -
(AIX) error creating acceptor socket.
System action Reason code reason code.

Server operation continues, but the server cannot

accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
protocol. Because TCP/IP rejects a request for a socket on
which to listen, the server cannot start
User response communications through TCP/IP.

Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for AIX.

System action
You may also use SMIT to determine if the number of
applications is causing a memory shortage. It may be Server operation continues, but the server cannot
necessary to decrease the maximum number of client accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS option in the protocol.
server options file.
ANR8201E Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver - User response
(Linux) socket creation failed; error error Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by
code. using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
a target. If TCP/IP is not started, use the HALT
Explanation command from a server prompt to stop the server and
restart it.
The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IP driver due
to a socket creation error. ANR8202E TCP/IP driver unable to initialize
(Linux) due to error in using port TCP port
System action number; error error code.
Server operation continues, but TCP/IP support is
The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IP driver due
User response to a socket binding error.

Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by

System action
using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your system, you Server operation continues, but TCP/IP support is
must activate it; then halt and restart the server. inoperative.
ANR8201W Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver -
(Windows) insufficient memory. User response
Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by
Explanation using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your system, you
The server is unable to communicate by way of TCP/IP.
must activate it; then halt and restart the server. This
A memory allocation request has been rejected by the
message may also result from more than one server
operating system.
running on the same machine with the same TCP/IP
port number. Make sure that the dsmserv.opt file
System action TCPPort option is different for each server. Make sure
Server operation continues, but the server cannot TCPPORT and TCPADMINPORT do not specify or
accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP default to the same values.
protocol. ANR8202W Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver -
(Windows) error creating acceptor socket.
User response Reason code reason code.
Ensure that there is sufficient space for the Windows
paging file. Click on the system icon in the Windows

Chapter 3. ANR messages 837

Explanation a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your system, you
must activate it; then halt and restart the server.
The server is unable to communicate by way of TCP/IP.
TCP/IP has rejected a request for a socket on which ANR8203W Unable to establish TCP
the server listens. (Windows) connection - accept error.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues, but the server cannot The server cannot accept a client session due to
accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP failure in TCP/IP.
System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as protocol.
a target. If TCP/IP is not started, issue the HALT
command to stop the server, and then restart the User response
Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by
ANR8203W Unable to establish TCP using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
(AIX) connection - accept error. a target. If TCP/IP is not started, issue the HALT
command to stop the server, and then restart the
Explanation server.
The server cannot accept a client session due to a ANR8204W Unable to establish TCP
failure in TCP/IP. (AIX) connection - insufficient memory.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues, but the server cannot The server cannot accept a client session due to a
accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP memory allocation request failure.
System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the session request
Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by for this session fails.
using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
a target. If TCP/IP is not started, use the HALT User response
command from a server prompt to terminate the
server and restart it. Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for AIX.
You may also use SMIT to determine if the number of
ANR8203E Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver - applications is causing a memory shortage. You may
(Linux) listen operation failed; error error also decrease the maximum number of sessions that
code. the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option
in the server options file.
ANR8204E Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver -
The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IP driver due (Linux) thread creation failed.
to a socket listen error.
System action
The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IP driver due
Server operation continues, but TCP/IP support is to an error creating a server thread.
System action
User response
Server operation continues, but TCP/IP support is
Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by inoperative.
using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as

838 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
This error often results from a lack of memory. Ensure Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by
that your system has sufficient paging space to using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
support the current activities. a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your system, you
must activate it; then halt and restart the server.
ANR8204W Unable to establish TCP
(Windows) connection - insufficient memory. ANR8205W Unable to establish TCP
(Windows) connection - server HALT in
Explanation progress.

The server is unable to accept a client session due to a

memory allocation request failure.
The server is unable to accept a client session due to
System action server HALT processing that is in progress.

Server operation continues, but the session request

System action
for this session fails.
Server operation continues, but the session request
User response for this session fails.

Ensure that there is sufficient space for the Windows

User response
paging file. Click on the system icon in the Windows
control panel and then click on the virtual memory None.
button. Refer to the online help for instructions on how
to increase the amount of virtual memory. You may ANR8206W Socket socket (session session
also wish to cut down on the maximum number of (AIX) number) closed abruptly.
sessions that the server can accept with the
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file. Explanation

ANR8205W Unable to establish TCP The server detects that the indicated session on the
(AIX) connection - server HALT in specified TCP/IP socket is closed outside of the server.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues, but the session is ended.
The server cannot accept a client session due to server
HALT processing that is in progress. User response
System action
ANR8206E Unable to establish TCP/IP
Server operation continues, but the session request (Linux) session - invalid host address IP
for this session fails. host address (port port number).

User response Explanation

None. The server is unable to establish a session because the
ANR8205E Terminating TCP/IP driver - socket designated address or port number is not valid.
(Linux) accept operation failed; error error
code. System action
Server operation continues.
The server is unable to initialize the TCP/IP driver due User response
to a socket accept error.
Ensure that the specified host name is valid and is
accessible over the network. If the TCPCLIENTPort
System action option is specified for the remote system, ensure it
Server operation continues, but TCP/IP support is does not conflict with another application.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 839

ANR8206I TCP/IP Version 4 administrative Explanation
(Windows) driver ready for connection with While initializing TCP/IP communications, the server
clients on port port number. has failed to set up an interface with TCP/IP for
The server can now accept sessions with System action
administrative clients using the TCP/IP Version 4 Server operation continues, but the server cannot
protocol on the indicated port number. accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
System action
Server operation continues. User response
Ensure that TCP/IP is properly installed on your
User response system. Ensure that TCP/IP has been started on your
None. system. Issue the TCP/IP ping command to your own
address to verify that TCP/IP is both installed and
ANR8207W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize active.
(AIX) due to socket initialization error.
Reason code reason code. ANR8208W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize
(AIX) due to error in using port port,
reason code reason code.
While initializing TCP/IP communications, the server Explanation
fails to set up an interface with TCP/IP.
While initializing TCP/IP communications, the server
fails to connect to a master socket on which to listen
System action for clients. The reason code is the return code from the
Server operation continues, but the server cannot TCP/IP bind API.
accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
protocol. System action
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
User response accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
Ensure that TCP/IP has been started and is active on protocol.
your system. You may issue the TCP/IP ping command
to your own address to verify that TCP/IP is both User response
started and active.
Ensure that no other application is using the port
ANR8207E Unable to establish TCP/IP number specified in the server options file with the
(Linux) session with IP host address due TCPPORT option by issuing the TCP/IP netstat
to memory shortage. command. If the server was brought down and client
sessions were active, it may be necessary to terminate
Explanation the client sessions on the client systems before the
port can be freed.
The server is unable to establish a session because of
a memory shortage condition. ANR8208E Unable to establish TCP/IP
(Linux) session with IP host address -
System action socket creation failed; error error
Server operation continues.
User response
The server is unable to establish a session because of
Ensure that your system has sufficient paging space to a socket creation error.
support the current level of system activities.
ANR8207W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize System action
(Windows) due to socket initialization error. Server operation continues.
Reason code reason code.

840 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR8209E Unable to establish TCP/IP
(Linux) session with IP host address -
Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on your system by
connection refused.
using the ping command with your TCP/IP address as
a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your system, you
must activate it; then halt and restart the server. Explanation

ANR8208W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize The server is unable to establish a session because the
(Windows) due to error in using Port port, remote system refused the connection request.
reason code reason code.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
While initializing TCP/IP communications, the server
has failed to connect to a master socket on which to User response
listen for clients. The reason code is the return code
Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
from the TCP/IP bind API.
and is properly configured to run TCP/IP. Ensure that
the client options file specifies the correct
System action TCPServeraddress and TCPPort of the server you are
Server operation continues, but the server cannot attempting to contact.
accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP ANR8209W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize
protocol. (Windows) due to error in LISTENing on the
specified Port, reason code reason
User response code.
Ensure that no other application is using the port
number specified in the server options file with the Explanation
TCPPORT option. If the server is brought down and While attempting to listen for session requests from
then started immediately, you may be within the clients using TCP/IP, TCP/IP returns an error. The
TCP/IP one minute timeout period for port reusage. reason code is the return code from the TCP/IP listen
Bring down the server, wait one minute, and then API.
restart the server. If that does not work, it may be
necessary to restart Windows.
System action
ANR8209W TCP/IP driver unable to initialize
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
(AIX) due to error in LISTENing on the
accept additional sessions from clients using the
specified Port, reason code reason
TCP/IP protocol.

User response
Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly. This may be
While attempting to listen for session requests from
done by issuing the TCP/IP netstat -s and ping
clients using TCP/IP, TCP/IP returns an error. The
commands to other nodes on your network. It may be
reason code is the return code from the TCP/IP listen
possible to correct this condition by restarting the

System action ANR8210W TCP/IP driver is terminating due to

(AIX) error in accepting a new session,
Server operation continues, but the server cannot reason code reason code.
accept additional sessions from clients using the
TCP/IP protocol.
User response While attempting to accept a session request from a
client using TCP/IP, TCP/IP returns an error. The
Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly by issuing the reason code is the return code from the TCP/IP accept
TCP/IP netstat -s and ping commands to other nodes API.
on your network. It may be possible to bring the server
down and restart it to allow additional client sessions
to start.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 841

System action User response
Server operation continues, but the server cannot Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly. This may be
accept additional sessions from clients using the done by issuing the TCP/IP netstat -s and ping
TCP/IP protocol. commands to other nodes on your network. It may be
possible to bring the server down and restart it to
User response allow additional client sessions to start.

Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly. This may be ANR8211W TCP/IP driver is terminating due to
done by issuing the TCP/IP netstat -s and ping (AIX) error in creating a new thread.
commands to other nodes on your network. It may be
possible to bring the server down and restart it to Explanation
allow additional client sessions to start.
The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
ANR8210E Unable to establish TCP/IP create a new thread of execution.
(Linux) session with IP host address -
connection request timed out. System action
Server operation continues, but TCP/IP
communications is inoperative.
The server is unable to establish a session because the
remote system did not respond to the connection User response
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
sufficient paging space is available for AIX. You may
System action
also use SMIT to determine if the number of
Server operation continues. applications is causing a memory shortage. You may
also decrease the maximum number of sessions that
User response the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option
in the server options file.
Ensure the following:
ANR8211E Unable to establish TCP/IP
• The specified remote system is operational and is (Linux) session with IP host address -
properly configured to run TCP/IP. system/network unreachable.
• The client options file specifies the correct
TCPServeraddress and TCPPort of the server you are Explanation
attempting to contact.
The server is unable to establish a session because the
• Necessary gateways and routers are functioning
remote system or network is unreachable.
ANR8210W TCP/IP driver is terminating due to System action
(Windows) error in accepting a new session,
Server operation continues.
reason code reason code.

User response
Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
While attempting to accept a session request from a
and is properly configured to run TCP/IP. Also, ensure
client using TCP/IP, TCP/IP returns an error. The
that necessary gateways and routers are functioning
reason code is the return code from the TCP/IP accept
ANR8211W TCP/IP driver is terminating due to
System action (Windows) error in creating a new thread.
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept additional sessions from clients using the Explanation
TCP/IP protocol. The server cannot initialize due its inability to create a
new thread of execution.

842 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
Server operation continues, but TCP/IP The attempt to communicate with the indicated node
communications is inoperative. fails. Server operation continues.

User response User response

The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that Ensure that the node name is properly specified and
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file. that it is accessible over the network. Use the TCP/IP
Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control ping command for this purpose.
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
ANR8213W Session open with node name
Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
(AIX) timed out.
increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS Explanation
option in the server options file. The server attempts to contact the indicated node
ANR8212W Unable to resolve address for node name. The attempt is unsuccessful.
(AIX) name.
System action
Explanation The attempt to communicate with the indicated node
The server attempts to obtain a TCP/IP address for the fails.
indicated node name. The attempt is unsuccessful.
User response
System action Ensure that the node name is properly specified and
The attempt to communicate with the indicated node that it is accessible over the network. Use the TCP/IP
fails. Server operation continues. ping command for this purpose.
ANR8213E Socket Socket identifier aborted
User response (Linux) due to send error; error error code.
Ensure that the node name is properly specified and
that it is accessible over the network. Use the TCP/IP Explanation
ping command for this purpose. The session between the server and the specified
ANR8212E Unable to establish TCP/IP client system experienced a fatal error sending data.
(Linux) session with IP host address -
connect failed; error error code. System action
The session with the remote system is ended.
The server is unable to establish a session because of User response
a connection error.
Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
and is properly configured to run TCP/IP.
System action
ANR8213W Session open with node name
Server operation continues. (Windows) timed out.

User response Explanation

Ensure that the specified remote system is operational The server attempts to contact the indicated node
and is properly configured to run TCP/IP. name. The attempt is unsuccessful.
ANR8212W Unable to resolve address for node
(Windows) name. System action
The attempt to communicate with the indicated node
Explanation fails.
The server attempts to obtain a TCP/IP address for the
indicated node name. The attempt is unsuccessful.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 843

User response User response
Ensure that the node name is properly specified and Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
that it is accessible over the network. Use the TCP/IP and is properly configured to run TCP/IP. Ensure that
ping command for this purpose. the client options file specifies the correct
TCPServeraddress and TCPPort of the server you are
ANR8214E Session open with IP host address attempting to contact.
(AIX) failed due to connection refusal.
ANR8215W Session open with IP host address
Explanation (AIX) failed as unreachable.

The server is unable to establish a session because the

remote system refused the connection request.
The server is unable to establish a session because the
System action remote system is unreachable.

Server operation continues.

System action

User response Server operation continues.

Ensure that the specified remote system is operational

User response
and is properly configured to run TCP/IP. Ensure that
the client options file specifies the correct Ensure that the IP host address is properly specified
TCPServeraddress and TCPPort of the server you are and that it is accessible over the network. Use the
attempting to contact. TCP/IP ping command for this purpose.
ANR8214E Session terminated when no data ANR8215E Session Session identifier aborted
(Linux) was read on socket socket number. (Linux) due to receive error; error error
The server is unable to read data on the indicated
socket. This may be a normal event if either side of the The session between the server and the specified
connection is abruptly ended. client system experienced a fatal error receiving data.

System action System action

The session is ended. Server operation continues. The session with the remote system is ended.

User response User response

If the session is ended as a result of intentionally Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
stopping either the client or server, no response is and is properly configured to run TCP/IP.
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server
ANR8215W Session open with IP host address
can communicate through such means as Telnet or
FTP applications, which are part of the TCP/IP suite. (Windows) failed as unreachable.

ANR8214E Session open with IP host address Explanation

(Windows) failed due to connection refusal.
The server is unable to establish a session because the
remote system is unreachable.
The server is unable to establish a session because the System action
remote system refused the connection request.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Ensure that the IP host address is properly specified
and that it is accessible over the network. Use the
TCP/IP ping command for this purpose.

844 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8216W The server experienced a TCP/IP can communicate through such means as Telnet or
(AIX) error while sending data on socket FTP applications, which are part of the TCP/IP suite.
socket number. Reason return
ANR8217W The server experienced a TCP/IP
(AIX) error while receiving data on
socket socket number. Reason
Explanation return code.
A communication error occurred on the indicated
socket. This may be a normal event if either side of the Explanation
connection is abruptly ended.
A communication error occurred on the indicated
socket. This may be a normal event if either side of the
System action connection is abruptly ended.
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
System action
User response The session is ended. Server operation continues.
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no action is User response
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
can communicate using Telnet or FTP applications,
stopping either the client or server, no action is
which are part of the TCP/IP suite.
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server
ANR8216E Unable to establish TCP/IP can communicate using Telnet or FTP applications,
(Linux) session with IP host address due which are part of the TCP/IP suite.
to thread creation error.
ANR8217W Unable to initialize TCP/IP driver -
(Linux) insufficient memory.
The server is unable to establish a session because of Explanation
an error creating a thread.
Because the operating system rejects a memory
allocation request, the server cannot start
System action communications through TCP/IP.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response Server operation continues, but the server cannot
Ensure that your system has sufficient paging space to accept sessions from clients using the TCP/IP
support the current level of system activities. protocol.

ANR8216W Error sending data on socket User response

(Windows) socket number. Reason return
code. Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for
Solaris. You may also use ps -ef to determine if the
Explanation number of applications is causing a memory shortage.
It may be necessary to decrease the maximum
The server experiences an error return code from number of client sessions by changing the
TCP/IP while sending data over the indicated socket. MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
This may be a normal event if either side of the
connection is abruptly ended. ANR8217W Error receiving data on socket
(Windows) socket number. Reason return
System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues. Explanation
The server experiences an error return code from
User response
TCP/IP while receiving data on the indicated socket.
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally This may be a normal event if either side of the
stopping either the client or server, no response is connection is abruptly ended.
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server

Chapter 3. ANR messages 845

System action System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues. The session is ended. Server operation continues.

User response User response

If the session is ended as a result of intentionally If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no response is stopping either the client or server, no response is
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server
can communicate through such means as Telnet or can communicate through such means as Telnet or
FTP applications, which are part of the TCP/IP suite. FTP applications, which are part of the TCP/IP suite.
ANR8218W Session terminated when no data ANR8219W TCP/IP driver is unable to accept a
(AIX) was read on socket socket number. (AIX) new session with client at address
TCP/IP address due to an error in
Explanation creating a new thread.

The server is unable to read data on the indicated

socket. This may be a normal event if either side of the
connection is abruptly ended. The server cannot accept a client session with the
client at the indicated address due to an inability to
System action create a new thread.

The session is ended. Server operation continues.

System action

User response Server operation continues, the session request fails.

If the session is ended as a result of intentionally

User response
stopping either the client or server, no response is
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server The most likely cause is lack of memory. Ensure that
can communicate through such means as Telnet or sufficient paging space is available for AIX. You may
FTP applications, which are part of the TCP/IP suite. also use SMIT to determine if the number of
applications is causing a memory shortage. You may
ANR8218W Unable to resolve address for node also decrease the maximum number of sessions that
(Linux) name. the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option
in the server options file.
ANR8219W Unable to establish TCP
The server attempts to obtain a TCP/IP address for the (Linux) connection - insufficient memory.
indicated node name. The attempt is unsuccessful.
System action
The server cannot accept a client session due to a
The attempt to communicate with the indicated node memory allocation request failure.
fails. Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the session request
Ensure that the node name is properly specified and for this session fails.
that it is accessible over the network. Use the TCP/IP
ping command for this purpose.
User response
ANR8218W Session terminated when no data Ensure that sufficient paging space is available for
(Windows) read on socket socket number. Solaris. You may also use 'swap -l' to determine the
amount of swap available. You may also decrease the
Explanation maximum number of sessions that the server can
The server cannot read on the indicated socket. This accept with the MAXSESSIONS option in the server
may be a normal event if either side of the connection options file.
is abruptly ended.

846 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8219W TCP/IP driver is unable to accept a session. There may be a lack of memory for TCP/IP
(Windows) new session due to error in buffers.
creating a new thread.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues and the session continues
The server cannot accept a client session due to the with the default window size.
inability to create a new thread.
User response
System action Retry the session with a smaller window size in the
Server operation continues, the session request fails. options file. Issue the QUERY OPTION command to
determine the setting of the server TCPWindowsize.
User response ANR8220W TCP/IP driver is unable to contact
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that (Windows) node name due to an output socket
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file. initialization error. Reason code
Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control reason code
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
Refer to the online help for instructions on how to Explanation
increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
The server attempts to contact the indicated node
wish to to cut down on the maximum number of
name. The attempt is unsuccessful due to the inability
sessions that the server can accept with the
to initialize a local socket.
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR8220W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the System action
(AIX) window size to TCPWindowsize for
client session. The default value The attempt to communicate with the indicated node
will be used. fails.

Explanation User response

The server cannot set the window size for the Ensure that TCP/IP is operating properly on this node
indicated session to the requested size shown or and that it can communicate remotely. Use the TCP/IP
cannot set the rfc1323 attribute when the window size ping command for this purpose.
is greater than 65535 bytes. The server uses the ANR8221W TCP/IP driver is unable to use the
default window size for the indicated session. There (AIX) TCP/IP NODELAY option for client
may be a lack of memory for TCP/IP buffers. client.

System action Explanation

Server operation continues and the session continues The server cannot set TCP/IP NODELAY for the
with the default window size. indicated client. The session proceeds with TCP/IP
Delay processing in effect. This causes TCP/IP to
User response buffer data prior to sending it to clients.
Retry the session with a smaller window size in the
options file. Issue the QUERY OPTION command to System action
determine the setting of the server TCPWindowsize. Server operation continues and the session continues
ANR8220W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the with the delay processing on.
(Linux) window size to TCPWindowsize for
client client. The default value will User response
be used. Further details for use in contacting your service
representative can be obtained by issuing the
Explanation following trace commands from an administrative
The server cannot set the window size for the session or from the server console (proper
indicated client to the requested size shown. The administrative authority is required): TRACE ENABLE
server uses the default window size for the indicated TCPINFO TRACE BEGIN. After a session starts and

Chapter 3. ANR messages 847

displays message ANR8221W, issue the commands ANR8222W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the
TRACE FLUSH TRACE END. This will create trace data (AIX) window size to TCPWindowsize for
in file tcptrace.out and will terminate the trace. This the server master socket. The
file should be supplied to your service representative default value will be used.
on request.
ANR8221W TCP/IP driver is unable to use the Explanation
(Linux) TCP/IP NODELAY option for client The server cannot set the window size for the socket
client. on which the server listens to the requested size
shown. The server uses the default window size for
Explanation listening for sessions. There may be a lack of memory
for TCP/IP buffers.
The server cannot set TCP/IP NODELAY for the
indicated client. The session proceeds with TCP/IP
delay processing in effect. This causes TCP/IP to System action
buffer data prior to sending it to clients. Server operation continues with the default window
System action
Server operation continues and the session continues User response
with delay processing on. Restart the server with a smaller window size in the
options file if necessary. Issue the QUERY OPTION
User response command to determine the setting of the server
Further details for use when contacting your service
representative can be obtained by issuing the ANR8222W Unable to establish TCP
following trace commands from an administrative (Linux) connection - server HALT in
session or from the console (proper administrative progress.
authority is required): TRACE ENABLE TCPINFO TRACE
BEGIN tcptrace.out. After a session starts and displays Explanation
message ANR8221W, issue the following commands:
TRACE FLUSH TRACE END. This will create trace data The server cannot accept a client session due to server
in file tcptrace.out and will terminate the trace. This HALT processing that is in progress.
file should be supplied to your service representative
on request. System action
ANR8221W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the Server operation continues, but the session request
(Windows) window size to TCPWindowsize for for this session fails.
session session, client client. The
default value will be used. User response
ANR8222W TCP/IP driver is unable to use the
The server cannot set the window size for the
indicated session/client to the requested size shown. (Windows) TCP/IP NODELAY option for client
The server will use the default window size for the client.
indicated session.
System action The server cannot set TCP/IP NODELAY for the
Server operation continues and the session continues indicated client. The session proceeds with TCP/IP
with the default window size. Delay processing in effect. This causes TCP/IP to
buffer data prior to sending it to clients.
User response
System action
The most likely cause is lack of memory for TCP/IP
buffers. You may retry with a smaller TCP window size Server operation continues and the session continues
in the options file. You can issue the QUERY OPTION with the delay processing on.
command to display the current setting of the TCP
window size.

848 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response also decrease the maximum number of sessions that
the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option
Further details for use in contacting your service
in the server options file.
representative can be obtained by issuing the
following trace commands from an administrative ANR8223W Failed to connect to system at
session or from the server console (proper (Windows) address address port port.
administrative authority is required): TRACE ENABLE
TCPINFO TRACE BEGIN tcptrace.out After a session Explanation
starts and displays message ANR8222W, issue the
following commands: TRACE FLUSH TRACE END This The server attempted to contact the indicated node
will create trace data in file tcptrace.out and will name at the specified port. The attempt is
terminate the trace. This file should be supplied to unsuccessful. The target port is not valid at the target
your service representative on request. node.

ANR8223W Unable to connect to remote

System action
(AIX) system RemoteSystem due to
unexpected return code The attempt to communicate with the indicated node
ReturnCode fails. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

The server was unable to connect to a remote system Ensure that the node name still has TCP/IP running
due to an unexpected return code from the connect and that the client is active in SCHEDULE mode. If the
Application Programming Interface. Common return server is attempting contact with the SNMP subagent,
code are handled with specific messages. This return ensure that the hostname and port number for the
code was unexpected. subagent is correct in the server options file.
ANR8224W TCP/IP Administrative driver was
System action (AIX) unable to initialize due to error in
Server operation continues but the connection to the using port port, reason code
remote system fails. reason code.

User response Explanation

TCP/IP return code are listed in file /usr/include/sys/ While initializing TCP/IP communications for
errno.h and may provide a pointer to the underlying administrative sessions, the server has failed to
problem. /usr/include/sys/errno.h is part of fileset connect to a master socket on which to listen for
bos.adt.include. clients. The reason code is the return code from the
TCP/IP bind API.
ANR8223W TCP/IP driver is unable to accept a
(Linux) new session with client at address
System action
TCP/IP address due to an error in
creating a new thread. Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept administrative sessions from clients using the
Explanation TCP/IP protocol. This also includes server to server
sessions, storage agent to server sessions, and library
The server cannot accept a client session with the client to server sesssions.
client at the indicated address due to an inability to
create a new thread.
User response

System action Ensure that no other application is using the port

number specified in the server options file with the
Server operation continues, the session request fails. TCPADMINPORT or TCPPORT options. If the server
was brought down and client sessions were active, it
User response may be necessary to terminate the client sessions on
the client systems before the port can be freed.
The most likely cause is lack of memory. Ensure that
sufficient paging space is available for Solaris. You ANR8224W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the
may also use ps -ef to determine if the number of (Linux) window size to TCPWindowsize for
applications is causing a memory shortage. You may

Chapter 3. ANR messages 849

the server master socket. The Explanation
default value will be used.
The server can now accept sessions with
administrative clients using the TCP/IP Version 4
Explanation protocol on the indicated port number.
The server cannot set the window size for the socket
on which the server listens to the requested size System action
shown. The server uses the default window size for
Server operation continues.
listening for sessions. There may be a lack of memory
for TCP/IP buffers.
User response
System action None.
Server operation continues with the default window ANR8225W TCP/IP Administrative driver was
size. (Linux) unable to initialize due to error in
using port port, reason code
User response reason code.

Restart the server with a smaller window size in the

options file if necessary. Issue the QUERY OPTION
command to determine the setting of the server While initializing TCP/IP communications for
TCPWindowsize. administrative sessions, the server has failed to
connect to a master socket on which to listen for
ANR8224W TCP/IP Administrative driver was
clients. The reason code is the return code from the
(Windows) unable to initialize due to error in
TCP/IP bind API.
using Port port, reason code
reason code.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept administrative sessions from clients using the
While initializing TCP/IP communications for
TCP/IP protocol. This also includes server to server
administrative sessions, the server has failed to
sessions, storage agent to server sessions, and library
connect to a master socket on which to listen for
client to server sesssions.
clients. The reason code is the return code from the
TCP/IP bind API.
User response
System action Ensure that no other application is using the port
number specified in the server options file with the
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
TCPADMINPORT or TCPPORT options. If the server
accept administrative sessions from clients using the
was brought down and client sessions were active, it
TCP/IP protocol. This also includes server to server
may be necessary to terminate the client sessions on
sessions, storage agent to server sessions, and library
the client systems before the port can be freed.
client to server sessions.
ANR8225I TCP/IP Version 6 driver ready for
User response (Windows) connection with clients on port
port number.
Ensure that no other application is using the port
number specified in the server options file with the
TCPADMINPORT option. If the server is brought down Explanation
and then started immediately, you can be within the The server can now accept sessions with clients using
TCP/IP one minute timeout period for port reusage. the TCP/IP Version 6 protocol on the indicated port
Bring down the server, wait one minute, and then number.
restart the server. If that does not work, it may be
necessary to restart Windows. System action
ANR8225I TCP/IP Version 4 administrative Server operation continues.
(AIX) driver ready for connection with
clients on port port number.
User response

850 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8226E Error errno detecting version of ANR8227E Fileset
(AIX) HBA-API library. (AIX) devices.common.IBM.fc.hba-api is
not at the required level.
The server attempted to determine the level of the
devices.common.IBM.fc.hba-api fileset and The specified fileset is at a level that is incompatible
encountered an error. with IBM Spectrum Protect operations. Install the
latest maintenance for this fileset if you use SAN
System action devices.

Server operation continues, but without accurate SAN

System action
device mapping.
Server operation continues, but without accurate SAN
User response device mapping.

User response
ANR8226I TCP/IP Version 4 administrative None.
(Linux) driver ready for connection with
clients on port port number. ANR8227W Unable to connect to remote
(Linux) system RemoteSystem due to
Explanation unexpected return code
The server can now accept sessions with
administrative clients using the TCP/IP Version 4
protocol on the indicated port number.
The server was unable to connect to a remote system
System action due to an unexpected return code from the connect
Application Programming Interface. Common return
Server operation continues. code are handled with specific messages. This return
code was unexpected.
User response
None. System action

ANR8226W Unable to initialize NETBIOS Server operation continues but the connection to the
(Windows) driver on adapter network adapter remote system fails.
User response
Explanation TCP/IP return code are listed in file /usr/include/asm/
The server cannot obtain sufficient NETBIOS errno.h and may provide a pointer to the underlying
resources to initialize communications on the problem.
indicated network adapter. ANR8227W NETBIOS connection terminated -
(Windows) insufficient memory, network
System action adapter network adapter number.
Server operation continues, but the server will not
accept sessions from clients that use the NETBIOS Explanation
protocol. The server cannot listen for client sessions on the
specified network adapter due to a memory allocation
User response request failure.
Ensure that NETBIOS is configured on the system.
Ensure that all NETBIOS resources are not already in System action
use. If the LAN Server or LAN Requester application is Server operation continues, but the sessions will not
running, you have NETBIOS configured. In that case, be accepted on the specified adapter. Other network
starting the server prior to starting LAN Server or LAN adapters remain unaffected.
Requester may allow the server to obtain the
necessary NETBIOS resources.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 851

User response User response
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that None.
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
ANR8229E Session Session identifier aborted
Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
(Linux) due to an Aspera write error; error
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
error code : error code2 .
Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
increase the amount of virtual memory.
ANR8228E Fileset
(AIX) devices.common.IBM.fc.hba-api is During the specified session between the server and
not installed on the system. its partner system, a communication error occurred
while sending data.
System action
The specified fileset is required for the SAN discovery
operation. Install the latest maintenance for this The session with the remote system ended.
fileset if the SANDISCOVERY option is set to ON.
User response
System action Ensure that the specified remote system is operational
Server operation continues, but without accurate SAN and is properly configured to run IBM Aspera Fast
device mapping. Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) data transfer.
ANR8229W Unable to add server name server
User response (Windows) name to adapter network adapter
Install the latest version of the number.
device.common.IBM.fc.hba-api fileset.
ANR8228E Session Session identifier aborted
(Linux) due to an Aspera FASP read error; The server cannot initialize communications
error error code : error code2 . processing using the NETBIOS protocol on the
indicated network adapter because the server name
cannot be added as a NETBIOS name on the adapter.
During the specified session between the server and System action
its partner system, a communication error occurred
while attempting to receive data. Server operation continues, but client sessions from
clients using the NETBIOS protocol will not be
accepted on this adapter. Other adapters are not
System action
The session with the remote system ended.
User response
User response
The most likely cause for this message is the presence
Ensure that the specified remote system is operational of another system on the network that is using the
and is properly configured to run IBM Aspera Fast same name for NETBIOS communications. This may
Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) data transfer. be another server or client or a LAN Requester node.
Changing or adding the NETBIOSNAME option for this
ANR8228W NETBIOS connection terminated - adapter in your server options file and restarting the
(Windows) server HALT in progress. server may allow this adapter to be used with
NETBIOS communications.
ANR8230I TCP/IP Version 6 driver ready for
The server cannot accept a client session due to server (AIX) connection with clients on port
HALT processing that is in progress. port number.

System action
Server operation continues, but the session request
for this session fails.

852 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR8231W Unable to create thread to accept
(Windows) NETBIOS sessions.
The server can now accept sessions with clients using
the TCP/IP Version 6 protocol on the indicated port
number. Explanation
The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
System action create a new thread of execution.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response Server operation continues, but NETBIOS
communications is inoperative.
ANR8230I TCP/IP Version 6 driver ready for User response
(Linux) connection with clients on port
port number. The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
The server can now accept sessions with clients using Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
the TCP/IP Version 6 protocol on the indicated port increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
number. wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS or
System action the NETBIOSSESSIONS option, or both, in the server
options file.
Server operation continues.
ANR8232W Unable to create thread to listen
User response (Windows) for NETBIOS sessions on adapter
network adapter number.
ANR8230W Insufficient memory to start Explanation
(Windows) NETBIOS session on adapter The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
network adapter number. create a new thread of execution to monitor the
indicated network adapter.
The server cannot accept a client session due to a System action
memory allocation request failure on the specified Server operation continues, but NETBIOS
adapter. communications is inoperative on the indicated
adapter. Other adapters remain unaffected.
System action
Server operation continues, but the session request User response
fails. The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
User response Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS or
Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
the NETBIOSSESSIONS option, or both, in the server
increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
options file.
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS or ANR8233E Unable to acquire local port
the NETBIOSSESSIONS option, or both, in the server (AIX) information. getaddrinfo return
options file. code return code.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 853

Explanation User response
The server or storage agent used the system The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
getaddrinfo API to determine which TCP/IP protocols there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
could be used. A failure occurred, as indicated by the Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
system error code that is shown. The server was panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
initializing TCP/IP communications. Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
System action wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS or
TCP/IP communications is inoperatve. the NETBIOSSESSIONS option, or both, in the server
options file.
User response
ANR8234I TCP/IP Version 6 administrative
System information concerning return codes from the (AIX) driver ready for connection with
getaddrinfo system API should be consulted. Ensure clients on port port number.
that TCP/IP networking for either TCP/IP version 4 or
version 6 is operating correctly. Explanation
ANR8233E Unable to acquire local port The server can now accept sessions with
(Linux) information. getaddrinfo return administrative clients using the TCP/IP Version 6
code return code. protocol on the indicated port number.

Explanation System action

The server or storage agent used the system Server operation continues.
getaddrinfo API to determine which TCP/IP protocols
could be used. A failure occurred, as indicated by the
User response
system error code that is shown. The server was
initializing TCP/IP communications. None.
ANR8234I TCP/IP Version 6 administrative
System action (Linux) driver ready for connection with
TCP/IP communications is inoperatve. clients on port port number.

User response Explanation

System information concerning return codes from the The server can now accept sessions with
getaddrinfo system API should be consulted. Ensure administrative clients using the TCP/IP Version 6
that TCP/IP networking for either TCP/IP version 4 or protocol on the indicated port number.
version 6 is operating correctly.
System action
ANR8233W Unable to create thread to handle
(Windows) NETBIOS session session number Server operation continues.
on adapter network adapter
number. User response
ANR8234I TCP/IP Version 6 administrative
The server cannot start a new client session on the
indicated adapter due to an inability to start a separate (Windows) driver ready for connection with
thread of execution for the indicated session. clients on port port number.

System action
The server can now accept sessions with
Server operation continues, but this session request
administrative clients using the TCP/IP Version 6
protocol on the indicated port number.

854 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
Server operation continues. A NETBIOS listen failure is an indication of a network
problem, an adapter problem, or a NETBIOS
User response configuration problem. The following system
configuration and system environment listen return
None. codes (in hex) and resolution actions for a listen failure
ANR8235W Requested number of NETBIOS are found in the IBM Local Area Network Technical
(Windows) sessions are not available on Reference:
adapter network adapter number, Return Description
proceeding with available Code
11 The local session table is full. The
maximum number of sessions are in
use. Change NETBIOS configuration to
The server cannot acquire the requested number of increase the maximum number of
NETBIOS sessions for the indicated adapter. The sessions.
server attempts to acquire the number of NETBIOS
19 Name conflict. Ensure that the Server
sessions as indicated by the NETBIOSSESSIONS
NETBIOS name is not in use elsewhere
parameter of the server options file or, if this option is
on the network.
not specified, by the MAXSESSIONS option.
22 There are too many commands
System action pending. The maximum number of
sessions are in use. Change NETBIOS
Server operation continues, but the maximum number configuration to increase the maximum
of NETBIOS sessions is limited to the number of number of sessions.
sessions that are acquired.
35 The operating system resources are
User response exhausted. A reboot is probably
Ensure that the required number of NETBIOS
resources are not already in use. If the LAN Server or ANR8237E Unable to acquire local port
LAN Requester application is running, you have (Windows) information. getaddrinfo return
NETBIOS configured. In that case, starting the server code return code.
prior to starting LAN Server or LAN Requester may
allow the server to obtain the requested NETBIOS
The server or storage agent used the system
ANR8236W Failure while listening for getaddrinfo API to determine which TCP/IP protocols
(Windows) NETBIOS sessions on adapter could be used. A failure occurred, as indicated by the
network adapter number, NETBIOS system error code that is shown. The server was
listen return code=listen return initialize TCP/IP communications.
System action
TCP/IP communications is inoperatve.
The server cannot listen for NETBIOS sessions on the
indicated adapter. The indicated listen return code
was received from the NETBIOS listen API. If the User response
return code is 24, (hex 18), the listen is retried. System information concerning return codes from the
getaddrinfo system API should be consulted. Ensure
System action that TCP/IP networking for either TCP/IP version 4 or
version 6 is operating correctly.
Server operation continues. If the return code is 24
(hex 18), a new listen is setup because return code 24 ANR8238E Session Session identifier aborted
indicates a temporary failure. Otherwise, no additional (Windows) due to an Aspera FASP read error;
NETBIOS sessions will start using the indicated error error code : error code2 .
adapter until the problem is corrected and the server
is restarted.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 855

Explanation Explanation
During the specified session between the server and The server cannot accept a client session due to a
its partner system, a communication error occurred memory allocation request failure.
while receiving data.
System action
System action
Server operation continues. Named Pipes
The session with the remote system ended. communications is inoperative.

User response User response

Ensure that the specified remote system is operational The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
and is properly configured to run IBM Aspera Fast there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
Adaptive Secure Protocol (FASP) data transfer. For Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
information about system configuration, go to IBM panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
Knowledge Center and search for "Optimizing data Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
transfer by enabling Aspera FASP technology." increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
ANR8239E Session Session identifier aborted that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS
(Windows) due to an Aspera write error; error option in the server options file.
error code : error code2 .
ANR8262W Named Pipes driver is terminating
Explanation (Windows) due to error in creating a new
A communication error occurred during an attempt to
transfer data between the server and its partner
The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
System action create a new thread of execution.

The session with the remote system ended.

System action

User response Server operation continues, but Named Pipes

communications is inoperative.
Ensure that the remote system is operational and is
properly configured to run IBM Aspera Fast Adaptive
User response
Secure Protocol (FASP) data transfer. For information
about system configuration, go to IBM Knowledge The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
Center and search for "Optimizing data transfer by there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
enabling Aspera FASP technology." Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
ANR8260I Named Pipes driver ready for Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
(Windows) connection with clients. increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
Explanation that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS
The server is now able to accept sessions with clients option in the server options file.
using the Named Pipes protocol. ANR8263W Error sending data on Named
(Windows) Pipes, session session
System action number.WriteFile Return code is
return code.
Server operation continues.

User response
The server experiences an error return code from the
WriteFile Windows NT API while writing data to Named
ANR8261W Named Pipes connection Pipes over the indicated session. This may be a normal
(Windows) terminated - insufficient memory. event if either side of the connection is abruptly

856 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ConnectNamedPipe return code
return code.
The session is ended. Server operation continues.

User response
The server experiences an error return code when
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
trying to complete a connection on the indicated
stopping either the client or server, no response is
Named Pipes name for Named Pipes communication
with a client. The return code shown is returned by the
ANR8264W Error reading data on Named Windows ConnectNamedPipe API.
(Windows) Pipes, session session number.
ReadFile return code is return System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
Named Pipes communications is inoperative.
The server experiences an error return code from the User response
ReadFile Windows API while reading data from Named
Pipes in the indicated session. This may be a normal A system problem may be preventing use of Named
event if either side of the connection is ended Pipes. Stop and restart the server to reenable Named
abruptly. Pipes communications.
ANR8267W Error initializing a security
System action (Windows) descriptor for Named Pipes Named
Pipes name, reason: System
The session is ended. Server operation continues.

User response
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
The server experiences an error return code when
stopping either the client or server, no response is
trying to initialize the indicated Named Pipe for Named
Pipes communication with a client. The reason shown
ANR8265W Error open Named Pipes Named is returned by the Windows FormatMessage API.
(Windows) Pipes name, CreateNamedPipe
return code return code. System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
Explanation Named Pipes communications is inoperative.
The server experiences an error return code when
trying to open the indicated Named Pipes name for User response
Named Pipes communication with a client. The return
code shown is returned by the Windows Administrator Privileges are required. Login using an
CreateNamedPipe API. account wit h Administrator privileges and restart the
server to reenable Named Pipes communications.
System action ANR8268W Named Pipe communications were
(Windows) not enabled due to an error
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
looking up the following Windows
Named Pipes communications is inoperative.
group name: Windows group name.
Use the Windows User manager to
User response add the specified group. Members
The server may have run out of file handles. Stop and of the group will then use
restart the server to reenable Named Pipes Windows unified logon to access
communications. It is not normal to run out of file the server over Named pipes.
handles. A system or logic error may be the underlying
cause. Explanation
ANR8266W Error accepting connection on The server experiences an error return code when
(Windows) Named Pipes Named Pipes name, trying to initialize the indicated Named Pipe for Named
Pipes communication with a client. The system could

Chapter 3. ANR messages 857

not find the Windows Account name specified in the Explanation
server options file.
The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
create a new thread of execution.
System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues. System action
Named Pipes communications is inoperative.
Server operation continues, but shared memory
communications is inoperative.
User response
To use Windows unified logon specify the name of a User response
valid Windows account or group name. Restart the
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
server to reenable Named Pipes communications.
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
ANR8269W Error opening Named Pipe Named Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
(Windows) Pipes name, reason: System panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
message. Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
increase the amount of virtual memory.
Explanation ANR8275W Shared memory connection
The server experiences an error return code when (Windows) terminated - insufficient memory.
trying to open the indicated Named Pipe name for
Named Pipes communication with a client. The reason Explanation
shown is returned by the Windows FormatMessage
The server cannot accept a client session due to a
memory allocation request failure.

System action
System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
Server operation continues. Shared memory
Named Pipes communications is inoperative.
communications is inoperative.

User response
User response
Consider the reason text and take appropriate action.
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
Stop and restart the server to reenable Named Pipes
there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
ANR8273I Shared memory driver ready for panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
(Windows) connection with clients on port Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
port number. increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
Explanation that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS
option in the server options file.
The server is now able to accept sessions with clients
using the shared memory protocol on the indicated ANR8276W Shared memory connection
port. (Windows) terminated - unable to initialize.
Key channel key, Reason: reason
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
The server cannot accept a client session due being
User response
unable to initialize shared memory.
ANR8274W Shared memory communications System action
(Windows) driver is terminating due to error Server operation continues. Shared memory
in creating a new thread. communications are inoperative.

858 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response PORT option. If TCP/IP is also in use for client
sessions, ensure that the same port number is not
Try a different shared memory session.
specified for TCP/IP and SNMP communications.
ANR8277E Shared memory unable to
ANR8284E The Shared Memory
(Windows) initialize - Port: shm port number,
(AIX) Communications Protocol could
Reason: reason code.
not initialize.

The server cannot accept a client session because it
The server was unable to initialize the Shared Memory
could not intialize a communication channel. Make
Communications Protocol due to an error.
sure no other server or storage agent running on the
same machine is using the same shm port number.
System action
System action Server operation continues without Shared Memory
Server operation continues. Shared memory
communications are inoperative.
User response
User response Examine previous error messages for the cause of the
Try a different shared memory session.
ANR8284E The Shared Memory
ANR8282I SNMP driver ready for connection
(Linux) Communications Protocol could
(Linux) with subagent on port port
not initialize.

The server was unable to initialize the Shared Memory
The server can now accept sessions with SNMP
Communications Protocol due to an error.
subagents on the indicated port number.

System action
System action
Server operation continues without Shared Memory
Server operation continues.

User response
User response
Examine previous error messages for the cause of the
ANR8283W SNMP driver unable to initialize failure.
(Linux) due to error in BINDing to Port
ANR8285I Shared Memory driver ready for
port, reason code reason code.
(AIX) connection with clients on port
While initializing TCP/IP communications, the server Explanation
has failed to connect to a master TCP/IP socket on
The server is now able to accept sessions with clients
which to listen to SNMP subagents. The reason code is
using the Shared Memory protocol.
the return code from the TCP/IP bind API.

System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept sessions from SNMP subagents to run macro
commands. User response
User response
Ensure that no other application is using the port
number specified in the server options file with the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 859

ANR8285I Shared Memory driver ready for ANR8286W Unable to initialize Shared
(Linux) connection with clients on port (Linux) Memory driver - insufficient
port memory.

Explanation Explanation
The server is now able to accept sessions with clients Because the operating system rejected a memory
using the Shared Memory protocol. allocation request, the server cannot start
communications through the Shared Memory protocol.
System action
System action
Server operation continues.
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
User response accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory
ANR8285I SNMP driver ready for connection User response
(Windows) with subagent on port port Ensure that there is sufficient swap space for Solaris.
number. It may be necessary to cut down on the maximum
number of client sessions by changing the
Explanation MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
The server can now accept sessions with SNMP ANR8286W SNMP driver unable to initialize
subagents on the indicated port number. (Windows) due to error in BINDing to Port
port, reason code reason code.
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
While initializing TCP/IP communications, the server
User response has failed to connect to a master TCP/IP socket on
which to listen to SNMP subagents. The reason code is
the return code from the TCP/IP bind API.
ANR8286W Unable to initialize Shared
(AIX) Memory driver - insufficient System action
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept sessions from SNMP subagents to run macro
Explanation commands.
Because the operating system rejected a memory
allocation request, the server cannot start User response
communications through the Shared Memory protocol.
Ensure that no other application is using the port
number specified in the server options file with the
System action PORT option. If TCP/IP is also in use for client
Server operation continues, but the server cannot sessions, ensure that the same port number is not
accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory specified for TCP/IP communications and SNMP
protocol. communications. This may be done by issuing the
TCP/IP netstat -s command. If the server is brought
User response down and then started immediately, you may be within
the TCP/IP one minute timeout period for port
Ensure that there is sufficient paging space for AIX. reusage. Bring down the sever, wait one minute, and
You may also use SMIT to determine if the number of then restart the server. If that does not work, it may be
applications is causing a memory shortage. It may be necessary to restart Windows.
necessary to cut down on the maximum number of
client sessions by changing the MAXSESSIONS option ANR8287W Unable to initialize Shared
in the server options file. (AIX) Memory driver - error creating
acceptor socket. Reason code
reason code.

860 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR8288W Unable to establish Shared
(Linux) Memory connection - insufficient
Because TCP/IP rejected a request for a socket on
which to listen, the server cannot start
communications through Shared Memory.
System action The server cannot accept a client session due to a
memory allocation request failure.
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory
protocol. System action
Server operation continues, but the session request
User response for this session fails.
If TCP/IP is not started, use the HALT command from
any server prompt to stop the server, and restart it. User response

ANR8287W Unable to initialize Shared Ensure that there is sufficient swap space for Solaris.
(Linux) Memory driver - error creating You may also wish to cut down on the maximum
acceptor socket. Reason code number of sessions that the server can accept with the
reason code. MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR8289W Shared Memory driver is
Explanation (AIX) terminating due to error in
Because TCP/IP rejected a request for a socket on creating a new thread.
which to listen, the server cannot start
communications through Shared Memory. Explanation
The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
System action create a new thread of execution.
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory System action
protocol. Server operation continues, but Shared Memory
communications is inoperative.
User response
If TCP/IP is not started, use the HALT command from User response
any prompt to stop the server, and restart it. The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
ANR8288W Unable to establish Shared there is sufficient paging space for AIX. You may also
(AIX) Memory connection - insufficient use SMIT to determine if the number of applications is
memory. causing a memory shortage. You may also wish to cut
down on the maximum number of sessions that the
server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option in
the server options file.
The server cannot accept a client session due to a
ANR8289W Shared Memory driver is
memory allocation request failure.
(Linux) terminating due to error in
creating a new thread.
System action
Server operation continues, but the session request Explanation
for this session fails.
The server cannot initialize due to the inability to
create a new thread of execution.
User response
Ensure that there is sufficient paging space for AIX. System action
You may also use SMIT to determine if the number of
applications is causing a memory shortage. You may Server operation continues, but Shared Memory
also wish to cut down on the maximum number of communications is inoperative.
sessions that the server can accept with the
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 861

User response User response
The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that None.
there is sufficient swap space for Solaris. You may also
ANR8291W Error receiving data through
wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
(AIX) Shared Memory. Reason return
that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS
option in the server options file.
ANR8290W Error sending data through Shared Explanation
(AIX) Memory. Reason return code.
The server experienced an error return code while
receiving data through the Shared Memory protocol.
This may be a normal event if either side of the
The server experienced an error return code while connection is abruptly ended.
sending data through shared memory. This may be a
normal event if either side of the connection is System action
abruptly ended.
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
System action
User response
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no response is
User response
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no response is ANR8291W Error receiving data through
required. (Linux) Shared Memory. Reason return
ANR8290W Error sending data through Shared
(Linux) Memory. Reason return code. Explanation
The server experienced an error return code while
receiving data through the Shared Memory protocol.
The server experienced an error return code while This may be a normal event if either side of the
sending data through shared memory. This may be a connection is abruptly ended.
normal event if either side of the connection is
abruptly ended. System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
System action
The session is ended. Server operation continues. User response
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
User response
stopping either the client or server, no response is
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally required.
stopping either the client or server, no response is
ANR8291W Unable to bind to IPX/SPX master
(Windows) socket. Return code = return code.
ANR8290I IPX/SPX driver ready for
(Windows) connection with clients on socket Explanation
IPX socket number.
The server cannot initiate communications on the
socket number designated for its use.
The server is now able to accept sessions with clients System action
using the IPX/SPX protocol on the indicated socket
number. Server operation continues, but communications using
the IPX/SPX protocol is inoperative.
System action
Server operation continues.

862 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
Ensure that SPX has been configured to run on this The most likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that
system through the requester configuration program. there is sufficient space for the Windows paging file.
Ensure that there is no other instance of the server Click on the system icon in the Windows NT control
running on the same system that is using the same panel and then click on the virtual memory button.
socket number. This is likely to be the case if the Refer to the online help for instructions on how to
return code is zero. Also ensure that the number of increase the amount of virtual memory. You may also
SPX sessions (as specified in your NET.CFG file) has wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions
not been exceeded through other applications using that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS
the IPX/SPX protocol. option in the server options file.
ANR8292W Session terminated when no data ANR8293W Shared Memory driver unable to
(AIX) was read through Shared Memory. (AIX) initialize due to socket
initialization error.
The server is unable to read data from Shared Memory.
This may be a normal event if either side of the While initializing Shared Memory communications, the
connection is abruptly ended. server failed to set up an interface with TCP/IP.

System action System action

The session is ended. Server operation continues. Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory
User response protocol.

If the session is ended as a result of intentionally

User response
stopping either the client or server, no response is
required. Ensure that TCP/IP has been started and is active on
your system. You may issue the TCP/IP ping command
ANR8292W Session terminated when no data to your own address to verify that TCP/IP is both
(Linux) was read through Shared Memory. started and active.

Explanation ANR8293W Shared Memory driver unable to

(Linux) initialize due to socket
The server is unable to read data from Shared Memory. initialization error.
This may be a normal event if either side of the
connection is abruptly ended.

System action While initializing Shared Memory communications, the

server failed to set up an interface with TCP/IP.
The session is ended. Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory
stopping either the client or server, no response is protocol.
ANR8292W IPX/SPX connection terminated - User response
(Windows) insufficient memory. Ensure that TCP/IP has been started and is active on
your system. You may issue the TCP/IP ping command
Explanation to your own address to verify that TCP/IP is both
The server cannot accept a client session due to a started and active.
memory allocation request failure. ANR8293W IPX/SPX driver unable to initialize
(Windows) due to error in LISTENing on the
System action master socket, return code =
return code.
Server operation continues.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 863

Explanation Explanation
While attempting to listen for session requests from The server cannot accept a client session due to a
clients using IPX/SPX, the server encountered an failure in accepting the connection from IPX/SPX.
System action
System action
Server operation continues, but this session request
Server operation continues, but the server cannot fails.
accept additional sessions from clients using the
IPX/SPX protocol. User response
Ensure that SPX has been configured to run on this
User response
system through the requester configuration program.
Ensure that IPX/SPX is still running properly and that it Ensure that there is no other instance of the server
has not been intentionally or unintentionally stopped. running on the same system that is using the same
This may be done by using the getipxad command to socket number. Also ensure that the number of SPX
determine if an endpoint can still be opened and sessions has not been exceeded through other
bound; also determine if you can still connect to a applications using the IPX/SPX protocol, such as
NetWare server. NetWare applications.
ANR8294W Shared Memory session unable to ANR8295W Shared Memory driver unable to
(AIX) initialize. (AIX) initialize due to error in BINDing to
Port port, reason code reason code.
While initializing a Shared Memory communications
session, an error occurred during initial setup. While initializing Shared Memory communications, the
server failed to connect to a master socket on which to
System action listen for clients. The reason code is the return code
from the TCP/IP bind API.
Server operation continues, but the session is
System action

User response Server operation continues, but the server cannot

accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory
Contact your service representative for assistance in protocol.
resolving the error.
ANR8294W Shared Memory session unable to User response
(Linux) initialize. Ensure that no application is using the port number
specified in the server options file with the SHMPORT
Explanation option by issuing the TCP/IP netstat command. If the
While initializing a Shared Memory communications server was brought down and client sessions were
session, an error occurred during initial setup. active, it may be necessary to terminate the client
sessions on the client systems before the port can be
System action
ANR8295W Shared Memory driver unable to
Server operation continues, but the session is
(Linux) initialize due to error in BINDing to
Port port, reason code reason code.

User response
Contact your service representative for assistance in
While initializing Shared Memory communications, the
resolving the error.
server failed to connect to a master socket on which to
ANR8294W Unable to establish IPX/SPX listen for clients. The reason code is the return code
(Windows) connection - accept error. Return from the TCP/IP bind API.
code = tli error.

864 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action down and restart it to allow additional client sessions
to start.
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
accept sessions from clients using the Shared Memory ANR8296W Shared Memory driver unable to
protocol. (Linux) initialize due to error in LISTENing
on the specified Port, reason code
User response reason code.

Ensure that no application is using the port number

specified in the server options file with the SHMPORT
option by issuing the TCP/IP netstat command. If the While attempting to listen for session requests from
server was brought down and client sessions were clients using TCP/IP, TCP/IP returns an error. The
active, it may be necessary to terminate the client reason code is the return code from the TCP/IP listen
sessions on the client systems before the port can be API.
ANR8295W Error sending data on session System action
(Windows) session number. Reason return Server operation continues, but the server cannot
code. accept additional sessions from clients using the
Shared Memory protocol.
The server experiences an error return code from User response
IPX/SPX while sending data on the indicated session. Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly by issuing the
This may be a normal event if either side of the TCP/IP netstat -s and ping commands to other nodes
connection is abruptly ended. on your network. It may be possible to bring the server
down and restart it to allow additional client sessions
System action to start.
The session is ended. Server operation continues. ANR8297W Shared Memory driver is
(AIX) terminating due to error in
User response accepting a new session, reason
code reason code.
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no response is
required. Otherwise, ensure that IPX/SPX is still active. Explanation
While attempting to accept a session request from a
ANR8296W Shared Memory driver unable to
client using the Shared Memory protocol, TCP/IP
(AIX) initialize due to error in LISTENing
returns an error. The reason code is the return code
on the specified Port, reason code
from the TCP/IP accept API.
reason code.

System action
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
While attempting to listen for session requests from
accept additional sessions from clients using the
clients using TCP/IP, TCP/IP returns an error. The
Shared Memory protocol.
reason code is the return code from the TCP/IP listen
User response
System action Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly. This may be
done by issuing the TCP/IP netstat -s and ping
Server operation continues, but the server cannot
commands to other nodes on your network. It may be
accept additional sessions from clients using the
possible to bring the server down and restart it to
Shared Memory protocol.
allow additional client sessions to start.

User response ANR8297W Shared Memory driver is

(Linux) terminating due to error in
Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly by issuing the accepting a new session, reason
TCP/IP netstat -s and ping commands to other nodes code reason code.
on your network. It may be possible to bring the server

Chapter 3. ANR messages 865

Explanation User response
While attempting to accept a session request from a If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
client using the Shared Memory protocol, TCP/IP stopping either the client or server, no action is
returns an error. The reason code is the return code required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server
from the TCP/IP accept API. can communicate using Telnet or FTP applications,
which are part of the TCP/IP suite.
System action ANR8299W The server experienced a TCP/IP
Server operation continues, but the server cannot (AIX) error while reading data on socket
accept additional sessions from clients using the socket number. Reason return
Shared Memory protocol. code.

User response Explanation

Ensure that TCP/IP is running properly. This may be An error occurred during negotiation for a shared
done by issuing the TCP/IP netstat -s and ping memory session. This may be a normal event if either
commands to other nodes on your network. It may be side of the connection is abruptly ended or if the client
possible to bring the server down and restart it to is configured incorrectly.
allow additional client sessions to start.
System action
ANR8298W The server experienced a TCP/IP
(AIX) error while writing data on socket The session is ended. Server operation continues.
socket number. Reason return
code. User response
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no action is
An error occurred during negotiation for a shared required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server
memory session. This may be a normal event if either can communicate using Telnet or FTP applications,
side of the connection is abruptly ended. which are part of the TCP/IP suite.
Check the client options file to ensure that the server's
System action shared memory port is set up and is not being
The session is ended. Server operation continues. confused with the server's TCP/IP port. The shared
memory port is a TCP/IP port that the server uses to
initiate communications, then switches to shared
User response
memory communications.
If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
ANR8299W The server experienced a TCP/IP
stopping either the client or server, no action is
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server (Linux) error while reading data on socket
can communicate using Telnet or FTP applications, socket number. Reason return
which are part of the TCP/IP suite. code.

ANR8298W The server experienced a TCP/IP Explanation

(Linux) error while writing data on socket
socket number. Reason return An error occurred during negotiation for a shared
code. memory session. This may be a normal event if either
side of the connection is abruptly ended or if the client
is configured incorrectly.
An error occurred during negotiation for a shared System action
memory session. This may be a normal event if either
side of the connection is abruptly ended. The session is ended. Server operation continues.

System action User response

The session is ended. Server operation continues. If the session is ended as a result of intentionally
stopping either the client or server, no action is
required. Otherwise, ensure that the client and server

866 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

can communicate using Telnet or FTP applications, ANR8302E I/O error on drive drive name with
which are part of the TCP/IP suite. volume volume name (OP=internal
code, Error Number=internal code,
Check the client options file to ensure that the server's
CC=internal code, rc = return code,
shared memory port is set up and is not being
KEY= internal code, ASC=internal
confused with the server's TCP/IP port. The shared
code, ASCQ= internal code,
memory port is a TCP/IP port that the server uses to
SENSE=sense data,
initiate communications, then switches to shared
Description=error description).
memory communications.
Refer to the IBM Spectrum Protect
ANR8300E I/O error on library library name documentation on I/O error code
(OP=internal code, CC=internal descriptions.
code, KEY=internal code,
ASC=internal code, ASCQ=internal Explanation
SENSE= sense data, An I/O error has occurred while operating on the
Description=error description). specified drive.
Refer to the IBM Spectrum Protect
documentation on I/O error code System action
The operation fails.

User response
An I/O error has occurred while operating on the
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the
specified library.
drive was identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH
command and that the drive is currently powered on
System action and ready. The drive reference manual usually
The operation fails. contains tables that explain the values of the KEY,
ASC, and ASCQ fields. If the OP=SETMODE SCSI
command fails and the KEY, ASC, and ASCQ fields all
User response
display a value of FF, the tape device driver that the
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the IBM Spectrum Protect server uses does not issue this
library was identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH command to the tape drive. Ensure that a correct
command and that the library is currently powered on version of a tape device driver is installed on your
and ready. If the library has an access door, make sure system.
it is closed. The library reference manual usually
contains tables that explain the values of the KEY, ANR8303E I/O error on drive drive name
ASC, and ASCQ fields. (OP=internal code, SENSE=internal
ANR8301E I/O error on library library name
(OP=internal code, SENSE=internal Explanation
An I/O error has occurred while operating on the
specified drive.
An I/O error has occurred while operating on the System action
specified library.
The operation fails.
System action
User response
The operation fails.
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the
drive was identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH
User response
command and that the drive is currently powered on
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the and ready.
library was identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH
ANR8304E Time out error on drive drive name
command and that the library is currently powered on
and ready. If the library has an access door, make sure in library library name.
it is closed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 867

Explanation System action
A time out condition occurred while waiting for the The server waits until a REPLY command is issued, or
given drive to become ready so that automated library until the time limit expires.
operations could be performed.
User response
System action
Insert the volume into the slot and issue a REPLY
The operation fails. command, along with the request ID, to tell the server
that the volume has been inserted.
User response ANR8307I Request number: Remove device
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the type volume volume name from
drive was identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH slot with element number slot
command, and that the device is currently powered on name of library library name; issue
and ready. 'REPLY' along with the request ID
when ready.
ANR8305E Library library name is not ready or
not operational.

Explanation A CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command has completed.

You can remove the volume from the slot with the
The specified automated library device is either not specified element number and store it outside the
ready or not in an operational state. library. For the slot and element number diagram of
your library, refer to the documentation provided with
System action the current ptf level.
Initialization of the library device fails.
System action
User response The server waits until a REPLY command is issued.
Ensure that the library is powered on and ready for
automated operations. Further initialization attempts User response
for the given library will usually be postponed until the Remove the volume from the slot and store it in a safe
next attempt is made to access the library for an place. Issue a REPLY command, along with the
automated operation. During server startup, however, request ID, to tell the server that the volume has been
initialization may be retried after a short waiting removed. The volume can be returned to the library
period. with the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
ANR8306I Request number: Insert device type ANR8308I Request number: device type
volume volume name mount mode volume volume name is required
into the slot with element number for use in library library name;
slot element of library library name CHECKIN LIBVOLUME required
within time limit minutes; issue within time limit minutes.
'REPLY' along with the request ID
when ready.

Explanation A mount request has been made for a volume that is

defined in a storage pool, but which is currently
A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME or a LABEL LIBVOLUME checked out of the given library.
command is in progress, and the specified volume is
needed. The server expects the volume to be inserted
System action
into the slot with the specified element number of the
given library within the time limit specified in the The server waits until it detects that the volume has
message. For the slot and element number diagram of been checked into the library, or the time limit expires.
your library, refer to the documentation provided with
the current ptf level. User response
Obtain the required volume, and insert it into the
library by issuing a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
Use the SWAP=YES option of the CHECKIN

868 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

LIBVOLUME command if the library is currently full; System action
this process allows the server to select an appropriate
System operation continues, but the specified
volume to be swapped out in order to make room for
operation fails.
the required volume.
ANR8309E Mount attempt failed - library User response
library name is not defined.
To resolve the issue, take the following steps: 1.
Ensure that the drive is powered on and ready and
Explanation then retry the operation. 2. If the operation continues
An attempt has been made to mount a volume, but the to fail, verify whether the DEVICE parameter that is
attempt fails because the specified library is not associated with the drive was specified correctly on
defined. the DEFINE PATH command. To verify the value of the
DEVICE parameter, issue the QUERY PATH command.
System action For example, if the source is BOSTON1, issue the
following command: query path boston1
The operation fails. format=detailed 3. If the DEVICE parameter was
incorrectly specified, use the UPDATE PATH command
User response to update the parameter value. 4. On a Microsoft
Windows operating system, if the errno value is 3, the
Ensure that the LIBRARY attribute of the device class Windows Group Policy is running on the host system
associated with the mount operation identifies a and the IBM Spectrum Protect server is set in the
defined library. If not, correct the value of the active directory group policy. The Windows Group
LIBRARY attribute, or define the specified library and Policy can block access to all removable devices from
retry the operation. the host system and makes all tape devices
ANR8310E An I/O error occurred while unavailable to the IBM Spectrum Protect server. To
accessing library library name. use tape devices on Windows platforms, ensure that
the IBM Spectrum Protect server is not in the active
directory group policy or disable the Windows Group
Policy. For more information, see technote 2009960:
An I/O error occurs while accessing the designated https://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?
library. uid=swg22009960 5. Retry the operation that failed.
ANR8312E Volume volume name could not be
System action
located in library library name.
The operation fails.
User response The designated volume cannot be found at its
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the expected location in the given library.
library is identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH
command, and that the library is currently powered on System action
and ready. If the library has an access door, make sure
it is closed. After checking and correcting these The operation fails.
potential problems, retry the operation.
User response
ANR8311E An input/output (I/O) error
occurred during an attempt to Perform an AUDIT LIBRARY operation on the
access drive drive name for designated library, which forces the server to
operation low-level operation. The reevaluate its inventory information for volumes in the
error number (errno) is drive errno library.
and the return code (rc) is return ANR8313E Volume volume name is not
code. present in library library name.

Explanation Explanation
This error can occur if the DEVICE parameter is A mount request is made for the given volume in the
incorrectly specified, if the drive is powered off, or if specified library, but the volume is not currently
the Windows Group Policy blocks access to removable checked into the library.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 869

System action System action
The mount operation fails. If the volume is being A CHECKOUT LIBVOL command will be automatically
mounted for storage pool I/O (as opposed to import/ be issued, specifying either a scratch volume or, if
export I/O), its ACCESS attribute is changed to there are none, a volume with the lowest number of
UNAVAILABLE to prevent further mount requests. mounts.

User response User response

Issue a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command to return the Use a supported type of drive. volume from the library
volume into the library, and update the volumes and store it in a safe place. Issue a REPLY command to
ACCESS attribute to READONLY or READWRITE using tell the server that the volume has been removed. The
the UPDATE VOLUME command. Retry the mount volume can be introduced back into the library with
request. the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
ANR8314E Library library name is full. ANR8317I The volume in device type drive
drive name must be manually
Explanation ejected.

A library operation fails because all of the library's

storage locations are occupied.
This device type does not automatically eject the
System action volume when it is dismounted and requires that the
volume be manually ejected from the drive.
The operation fails.
System action
User response
Issue a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command to make
room in the library. Retry the library operation.
User response
ANR8315E Command: The device type of Physically eject the volume from the drive.
drive drive name is not supported
in library type libraries. ANR8318I Request number: Mount side side
of device type volume volume name
Explanation mount mode in drive drive name of
library library name within time
Drives of the type identified in the command are not limit< minutes.
supported in the given type of library.
System action
The server requires that the specified volume be
The command is not processed. mounted as requested. Since the volume is two-sided,
this message specifies which side (A or B) is needed by
User response the server for I/O operations.
Determine whether the drive and library combination
is supported by the installed level of the server. If so, System action
contact your service representative. The server waits for the volume to be mounted.
ANR8316E Selecting swap volume to be
checked out of library library User response
name. Mount the volume in the specified drive.

Explanation ANR8319I Request number: Insert device type

volume volume name mount mode
A CHECKIN LIBVOL command was issued for a library into library library name within
that has no empty slots to hold the new cartridge. The time limit minute(s).
SWAP=YES parameter was included in the command.

870 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command is in progress, and Remove the volume from the drive and store it in a
the specified volume is needed. The server expects the safe place. Issue a REPLY command, along with the
volume to be inserted into the library with the request ID, to tell the server that the volume has been
convenience I/O station mechanism. removed. The volume can be returned to the library
with the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
System action ANR8322I Request number: Remove device
The server waits until the volume is in the library, or type volume volume name from
until the time limit expires. entry/exit port of library library
name; issue 'REPLY' along with
the request ID when ready.
User response
Insert the specified volume into the library. If the Explanation
volume has already been inserted into the library, no
user action is necessary. A CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command has completed.
You can remove the specified volume from the entry/
ANR8320I Request number: Insert device type exit port of the given library and store it elsewhere.
volume volume name mount mode
in drive drive name of library
System action
library name within time limit
minute(s); issue 'REPLY ' along The server waits until a REPLY command is issued.
with the request ID when ready.
User response
Remove the volume from the library and store it in a
A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME or a LABEL LIBVOLUME safe place. Issue a REPLY command, along with the
command is in progress, and the specified volume is request ID, to tell the server that the volume has been
needed. The server expects the volume to be inserted removed. The volume can be returned to the library
in the designated drive of the given library within the with the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
time limit specified in the message.
ANR8323I Request number: Insert device type
volume volume name mount mode
System action into entry/exit port of library
The server waits until a REPLY command is issued, or library name within time limit
until the time limit expires. minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along
with the request ID when ready.
User response
Insert the volume into the drive, and then issue a
REPLY command, along with the request ID, to tell the A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME or a LABEL LIBVOLUME
server that the volume has been inserted. command is in progress, and the specified volume is
needed. Mount the volume in the entry/exit port of the
ANR8321I Request number: Remove device given library within the time limit specified in the
type volume volume name from message.
drive drive name of library library
name; issue 'REPLY' along with
System action
the request ID when ready.
The server waits until a REPLY command is issued, or
Explanation until the time limit expires.


User response
command has completed. You can remove the
specified volume from the designated drive and store Insert the volume into the library's entry/exit port; and
it outside the library. issue a REPLY command, along with the request ID, to
tell the server that the volume has been inserted.
System action ANR8324I Device type volume volume name is
The server waits until a REPLY command is issued. expected to be mounted (mount

Chapter 3. ANR messages 871

Explanation System action
The specified volume is expected to be mounted in the The cancel request command is not processed.
near future so the server can access it for reading or
writing. User response
Proceed with the requested operation.
System action
ANR8328I Request number: device type
volume volume name mounted in
drive drive name.
User response
If the volume is stored offline, retrieve it so that it is Explanation
readily accessible when the server requests that it be
The server verifies that a requested volume has been
mounted properly in the given drive.
ANR8325I Dismounting volume volume name
- mount retention period minute System action
mount retention expired.
The volume is accessed for reading or writing, or both.
User response
The specified volume is dismounted because the given
mount retention period has expired. None.
ANR8329I Device type volume volume name is
System action mounted mount mode in drive
The volume is dismounted. drive name, status: IDLE.

User response Explanation

None. In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server

indicates that the given volume is mounted in the
ANR8326I Request number: Mount device type specified drive. The volume is currently idle, meaning
volume volume name mount mode no active operations are being performed. If the
in drive drive name of library volume remains in the idle state for the amount of time
library name within time limit specified by the device class mount retention period, it
minutes. will be automatically dismounted.

Explanation System action

If the volume name includes the names EXP, IMP, None.
DUMP, or DBBK, the request is for a scratch volume.
User response
System action
The server waits for the volume to be mounted.
ANR8330I Device type volume volume name is
mounted mount mode in drive
User response drive name, status: IN USE.
Mount the volume in the specified drive.
ANR8327E Command: Cannot cancel request
request number. In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
indicates that the given volume is mounted in the
Explanation specified drive. The volume is currently in use,
meaning that read or write operations, or both, are
The request, whose number is specified by the given being performed.
command, cannot be canceled. The requested
operation must be completed.
System action

872 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
None. None.
ANR8331I Device type volume volume name is ANR8334I Number of matches matches
mounted mount mode in drive found.
drive name, status:
DISMOUNTING. Explanation
This is a summary message for the QUERY MOUNT
command. It indicates the total number of mount
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server points that have been reported in the command
indicates that the given volume is mounted in the output.
specified drive. The volume is currently being
dismounted by the server. System action
System action
None. User response
User response
ANR8335I Request number: Verifying label of
device type volume volume name in
ANR8332I Device type volume volume name is drive drive name.
mounted mount mode, status:
IDLE. Explanation
The server verifies the label of the volume that has
been requested by an earlier mount message. This is
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server done to ensure that the correct volume has been
indicates that the given volume is mounted for I/O mounted by the operator.
operations. The volume is currently idle, meaning no
active operations are being performed. If the volume System action
remains in the idle state for the amount of time
specified by the device class mount retention period, it The server reads the volume label and checks it for
will be automatically dismounted. validity.

System action User response

None. None.
ANR8336I Verifying label of device type
User response volume volume name in drive drive
None. name.

ANR8333I Device type volume volume name is Explanation

mounted mount mode, status: IN
USE. The server verifies the label of a volume that is needed
for read or write operations, or both. This is done to
ensure that the correct volume has been mounted.
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server System action
indicates that the given volume is mounted for I/O
operations. The volume is currently in use, meaning The server reads the volume label and checks it for
that read or write operations, or both are being validity.
User response
System action None.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 873

ANR8337I Device type volume volume name ANR8340I Device type volume volume name
mounted in drive drive name. mounted.

Explanation Explanation
The server verifies that the specified mount request The server has mounted the given volume.
has been completed properly. Read or write
operations, or both, can be performed on the volume. System action
Read or write operations, or both, will commence for
System action
the volume.
The label of the volume has been verified.
User response
User response
ANR8341I End-of-volume reached for device
ANR8338E Device type volume volume name type volume volume name.
cannot be overwritten by EXPORT
operation. Explanation
The server has detected an end-of-volume condition
for the given volume.
The specified volume already exists or contains data,
so that the server cannot allow new export data to be System action
written to it.
The volume is marked full. If more data must be
stored, the server will access another volume for it.
System action
The server detects that the given volume already User response
contains some data that would be overwritten by the
requested export operation. None.
ANR8342I Request request number for
User response volume volume name canceled by
If the specified volume does not contain any valuable administrator name.
data, delete it and retry the export operation.
ANR8339E Device type volume intended
volume name in drive drive name A mount request is canceled by the given
was replaced with volume administrator.
incorrect volume name.
System action
Explanation The system cancels the mount request.
The server detects that a previously mounted and
verified volume (the desired volume) has been User response
replaced with a different volume (the incorrect
volume). No further read or write operations, or both,
can occur on the given drive, because data corruption ANR8343I Request request number for
may occur. volume volume name canceled
(PERMANENT) by administrator
System action name.
The server dismounts the volume from the drive.
User response A mount request is successfully canceled with the
Mount the correct volume again if it is in a manual
library and retry the operation.

874 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The system cancels the mount request and marks the A DISMOUNT VOLUME command is issued, but the
volume as unavailable. volume to be dismounted cannot be found.

User response System action

None. Server operation continues.
ANR8344E Command: Invalid request number
- request number. User response
Ensure that the correct volume name is entered.
ANR8348E Command: Volume volume is not
A command has been entered with an incorrect "Idle".
request number.
System action
A DISMOUNT VOLUME command has been issued, but
The server does not process the command. the volume is still in use and cannot be dismounted.

User response System action

Issue the command with the correct request number. Server operation continues.
ANR8345E Command: No match found for this
request number. User response
If it is necessary to dismount the volume, cancel the
Explanation session or process that is using the volume, and
reissue the command.
The request number specified by the command is not
in the list of outstanding mount requests. ANR8349E Command: Device device not
System action
The server does not process the command.
A DISMOUNT DEVICE command has been issued, but
User response the device to be dismounted cannot be found.

Issue the command with the correct request number.

System action
ANR8346I Command: No requests are Server operation continues.
User response
Ensure that the correct device has been specified.
has been entered although no mount requests are ANR8350E Command: Device device is not
outstanding. "Idle".

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. A DISMOUNT DEVICE command has been issued, but
the device is still in use and cannot be dismounted.
User response
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR8347E Command: Volume volume not

Chapter 3. ANR messages 875

User response • The volume has been labeled by using the
DSMLABEL utility program before you attempt to use
If it is necessary to dismount the device, cancel the
it with the server.
session or process that is using the device, and reissue
the command. • The DEVICE parameter associated with the drive is
identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH command,
ANR8351E Request number: Mount request and the drive is currently powered on and ready.
for volume volume name has timed
out. After checking and correcting these potential
problems, retry the operation.
Explanation ANR8354E Request number: Incorrect volume
(volume name) mounted in drive
The mount request has not been satisfied in the
drive name.
requested time.

System action
The user has inserted the named volume into the
The server fails the mount request.
indicated drive, but it is not the one requested by the
User response
Retry the mount request and ensure that the volume is System action
mounted within the time limit for the manual library.
The volume is ejected, and the server continues to
For an automated library, retry the mount request and
wait for the requested volume to be mounted.
increase the mount wait time for the device class.
ANR8352I Requests outstanding: User response
Ensure that the requested volume is inserted properly
into the designated drive.
This message provides a list of currently outstanding
ANR8355E I/O error reading label for volume
mount requests.
volume name in drive drive name.
System action
The server lists all outstanding mount requests or the
The server detects an error while reading/verifying the
one specified on the QUERY REQUEST command.
volume label for the volume in the specified drive.

User response
System action
The volume is dismounted by the server.
ANR8353E Request number: I/O error reading
label of volume in drive drive User response
Ensure the following:
Explanation • Check the integrity of the data on the volume by
issuing an AUDIT VOLUME command. If this error
The server detects an error while reading the volume
occurs on a volume that is stored inside a VTL or
label from the volume in the specified drive.
SCSI library, the library itself may need to be audited
by using the AUDIT LIBRARY command.
System action
• The DEVICE parameter associated with the drive is
The volume is ejected, and the server continues to identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH command,
wait for the requested volume to be mounted. and the drive is currently powered on and ready.
After checking and correcting these potential
User response problems, retry the operation.
Ensure the following: ANR8356E Incorrect volume mounted volume
• The requested volume is properly inserted in the name was mounted instead of
designated drive.

876 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

volume expected volume name in User response
library library name.
Issue an AUDIT LIBRARY command against the
ANR8359E Media fault detected on device
The incorrect volume has been mounted in the type volume volume name in drive
designated library. This error can occur if the library drive name of library library name.
inventory has been altered due to manual intervention
or movement of volumes, or both.

System action The server encounters a media fault while accessing

the given volume using the specified drive.
The volume is dismounted; the expected volume may
be marked unavailable if this error occurs during
System action
normal volume mount activity.
The operation that is attempting to access the volume
User response will fail, and the volume will be immediately
dismounted from the drive.
Use the AUDIT LIBRARY command to force the library
to reevaluate its inventory of volumes.
User response
ANR8357I Error reading label of volume from
In some cases, the server will automatically mark the
slot-element element address in
volume readonly. This will prevent the server from
drive drive name of library library
trying to write to the volume. Issue an AUDIT VOLUME
command to determine if any data has been lost due
to the media failure.
ANR8360I Volume volume name has been
While processing a search-mode CHECKIN deleted from MANUAL library
LIBVOLUME command for the designated library, the library name.
server finds a volume whose label cannot be read.
System action
The specified volume has been deleted by the server.
The volume is dismounted and is not checked into the It can be returned to a scratch pool by the mount
library. operator if desired.

User response System action

Remove the volume from the library and ensure that it The volume is removed from the server's inventory.
is properly labeled. After doing so, the volume can be
checked into the library.
User response
ANR8358E Audit operation is required for
library library name.
ANR8361E Command: Device type not
Explanation specified.
The server encounters a problem managing the given
library, and determines that an AUDIT LIBRARY
operation should be performed. The specified command requires that the DEVTYPE
parameter be supplied.
System action
System action
The server may continue to access the library, but
some volumes may not be accessible until an AUDIT The command is not processed.
LIBRARY command is issued against the library.
User response
Reissue the command, and specify a valid DEVTYPE

Chapter 3. ANR messages 877

ANR8362E Command: The parameter Explanation
parameter is invalid for device The specified parameter cannot be changed from the
type device type. value that was provided with the associated DEFINE
The specified parameter is not valid for a device class System action
with the given device type. The command is not processed.

System action User response

The command is not processed. If it is necessary to use a different value for the given
parameter, the associated object must be deleted and
User response then redefined using the new parameter value.
Reissue the command with a correct parameter. ANR8366E Command: Invalid value for
ANR8363E Command: The parameter parameter parameter.
parameter is required for device
type device type. Explanation
An invalid value has been provided for the specified
Explanation parameter.
The specified command requires that the given
parameter be supplied when the indicated device type System action
is used. The command is not processed.

System action User response

The command is not processed. Reissue the command, and specify a valid parameter
value. If this is for the ELEMENT parameter on DEFINE
User response DRIVE with AUTODETECT, this message can be issued
Reissue the command, providing the required because the library doesn't support the ability to
parameter value. determine the element number dynamically. In this
case, supply the actual element number instead of
ANR8364E Command: Cannot reduce using AUTODETECT for the ELEMENT parameter. If
MOUNTLIMIT below number of this is for the SCALECAPACITY parameter on a 3592
volumes currently mounted. device class, verify that this device class has the
Explanation are not compatible.

The MOUNTLIMIT value cannot be reduced below the ANR8367E Command: Multiple parameter
number of currently mounted volumes. values are not allowed.

System action Explanation

The command is not processed. The designated parameter is specified more than once
in the command; this is not allowed.
User response
System action
Wait until the server finishes using some of the
mounted volumes, or force the server to dismount idle The command is not processed.
volumes using the DISMOUNT VOLUME command,
then retry this command. User response
ANR8365E Command: The parameter Reissue the command, but specify the given
parameter cannot be changed. parameter only once.

878 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8368E Request number: Incorrect side ANR8371I I/O is being bypassed for volume
(side) of volume volume name volume name.
mounted in drive drive name.
The indicated volume is mounted but the server is
The user inserted the wrong side of the requested bypassing actual I/O operations for the volume. The
volume into the indicated drive. pool associated with the volume matches the
NULLPOOLNAME option in the options file or
System action NULLFILEDEVCLASS YES has been specified in the
options file.
The volume is ejected, and the server continues to
wait for the requested side of the volume to be
System action
User response
User response
Insert the correct side of the requested volume into
the designated drive. None.
ANR8369E Library library name is not defined. ANR8372I Request number: Remove device
type volume volume name from
Explanation drive drive name of library library
The designated library is not defined, but has been
referenced in a mount request.

System action A LABEL LIBVOLUME command has completed. You

can remove the specified volume from the designated
The mount request is rejected. drive and store it outside the library.

User response System action

Define the given library, or update the LIBRARY None.
parameter of the device class that references it.
ANR8370I Device type volume volume name is User response
mounted mount mode, status: Remove the volume from the drive and store it in a
RETRY. safe place.

Explanation ANR8373I Request number: Fill the bulk

entry/exit port of library library
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server name with all device type volumes
indicates that the given volume is mounted for I/O to be processed within time limit
operations. The volume is currently in RETRY, meaning minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along
an attempt is being made to re-establish with the request ID when ready.
communications with another server. If the volume
remains in the retry state for the amount of time
specified by the device class retry period, the
operation will fail and the volume will be automatically A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME or LABEL LIBVOL command
dismounted. with SEARCH=BULK is in progress. Load all volumes to
be processed into the multi-slot entry/exit port of the
System action given library within the time limit specified in the
System action
User response
The server waits until a REPLY command is issued, or
None. until the time limit expires.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 879

User response System action
Insert the volumes into the library's entry/exit port; None.
and issue a REPLY command, along with the request
ID, to tell the server that the volumes have been User response
ANR8374E Unable to unmount mountpoint
mountpoint name. ANR8377I Device type volume volume name is
mounted mount mode, status:
A removable file device class mountpoint had to be Explanation
unmounted using the operating system unmount
function. The server did not have permission to In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
unmount the directory specified. indicates that the given volume is currently being
System action
System action
The server continues, but cannot use the mountpoint
for removable file support until the directory is None.
User response
User response None.
It may be necessary to run the server as a root user to ANR8378I Device type volume volume name is
mounted directories to be unmounted. mounted mount mode, status:
ANR8375E Device type volume volume name RETRY DISMOUNT FAILURE.
cannot be overwritten by
BACKUPSET operation. Explanation
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
Explanation indicates that it is currently retrying the dismount of
The specified volume already exists or contains data, the given volume because of a failure during the
so that the server cannot allow new backup set data to previous dismount.
be written to it.
System action
System action None.
The server detects that the given volume already
contains some data that would be overwritten by the User response
requested backup set operation.

User response ANR8379I Mount point in device class Device

class name is waiting for the
If the specified volume does not contain any valuable volume mount to complete, status:
data, delete it and retry the backup set operation. WAITING FOR VOLUME.
ANR8376I Mount point reserved in device
class Device class name, status: Explanation
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
indicates that there is a mount point in the given
Explanation device class waiting for the volume mount to
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server complete.
indicates that there is a mount point reserved for
future I/O operations in the given device class. System action

880 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
None. If more volumes remain to be checked in, issue a
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command to make room in
ANR8380I Device type volume volume name is
the library. Retry the library operation.
mounted mount mode in drive
drive name, status: RETRY ANR8383E Device class device class name
DISMOUNT FAILURE. directory directory name is not a
SnapLock directory.
Because of the failure of a previous dismount, the
server is retrying the dismount of the specified volume When processing the named device class, it was
from the specified drive. In response to a QUERY discovered that a directory was specified for the
MOUNT command, the server indicates that the device class that is not a NetApp SnapLock WORM
volume is mounted in the drive. Volume. All directories used by a device class for a
System action must be Snaplock directories.

System action

User response If you are trying to define a storage pool with

None. If you are trying to update a device class that is
ANR8381E Device type volume volume name pointed to by a RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK
could not be mounted in drive storage pool, the command fails.
drive name.
User response
Explanation If you are trying to define a storage pool with
The server could not complete the specified mount RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK, you need to specify
request due to an error. Examine previous messages a device class which has all directories which are
for additional information regarding the specified NetApp SnapLock WORM Volumes. You may select
volume and the operation. another device class which has all SnapLock
directories specified in it. Or you may use the UPDATE
DEVCLASS command to remove non-SnapLock
System action directories from the device class DIR list. If you modify
The requested operation fails. an existing device class, you need to ensure that no
data is stored in directories that are to be removed
User response from the device class. If this message is issued when
you are trying to update a device class, ensure that all
Examine previous messages for additional information directories specified in the directory are SnapLock
regarding the specified volume and the operation. directories.
ANR8382W Library library name is now full. ANR8384E Request number: Incorrect volume
(volume name) inserted into library
Explanation library name.
During a library check-in operation from a multi-slot
entry/exit station, the last storage location was filled Explanation
before checking the remainder of the entry/exit slots. The user has inserted the named volume into the
indicated library, but it is not the one requested by the
System action server.
The operation stops, but is considered successful if at
least one volume is checked in. System action
The volume is skipped, and the server continues to
wait for the requested volume to be inserted.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 881

User response System action
Ensure that the requested volume is inserted properly The server waits until the operator performs the
into the designated location in the library. actions requested.
ANR8385E All entry/exit ports of library
library name are empty. User response
Make at least one entry/exit port empty and
Explanation accessible. Check the entry/exit ports or the library.
Make sure the entry/exit door is closed. If all the entry/
The entry/exit ports of the library do not contain a exit ports are full remove at least one volume from the
volume that can be processed. entry/exit port. If any of entry/exit are empty then the
empty entry/exit ports are inaccessible. Check the
System action library's documentation on how to make the entry/exit
The command fails. port accessible. If the library is incorrectly reporting
the status of the entry/exit port contact the library
User response
ANR8388E Device class device class name has
Ensure that the volume is inserted properly into the
no directories specified.
entry/exit port of the library and that the library
indicates the volume is inserted and issue the
command again. Contact the hardware vendor if the Explanation
volume is inserted correctly and this error occurs. When processing the named device class, which is
ANR8386W Slot element number of library referenced by a storage pool of type
library name is inaccessible. RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK, it was discovered
that there were no directories specified for it. One or
more directories must be specified for a device class
Explanation that is used by a storage pool with
The slot in the library could not be physically accessed RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK, and all directories
at this time. must be NetApp SnapLock WORM Volumes.

System action System action

The slot is skipped and processing continues with the The operation fails.
next slot.
User response
User response A device class that is referenced by a storage pool of
If there is a volume in the slot that needs to be type RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK needs to specify
processed, verify that the Entry/Exit door is closed, the one or more directories which are NetApp SnapLock
slot is accessible, and the device has not logged any WORM Volumes. Use the UPDATE DEVCLASS
device errors before trying the command again. command to define appropriate directories to the
Contact the hardware vendor if slots are incorrectly device class and retry your request.
being reported as inaccessible.
ANR8389E Device class device class name has
ANR8387I Request number: All entry/exit storage pools using it with
ports of library library name are inconsistent RECLAMATIONTYPE
full or inaccessible. Empty the parameters, or invalid directories
entry/exit ports, close the entry/ specified in it.
exit port door, and make the ports
accessible. Explanation
When processing the named device class, it was
Explanation discovered that it was not configured properly. A
A CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command cannot find an device class can be referenced by storage pools of
empty and available entry/exit port to place the type RECLAMATIONTYPE=THRESHOLD or
volume to be removed. RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK. For storage pools of
type RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK, all directories

882 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

specified in the device class must be on NetApp Explanation
SnapLock WORM Volumes.
The library manager failed to contact the designated
library client for a management operation for the
System action specified volume.
If the IBM Spectrum Protect server is starting, the
server continues; however, attempts made to read System action
from or write to that storage pool will fail until the
The library management operation fails.
storage pools referencing the device class and the
device class are properly configured.
User response
User response Review the other messages in the activity log relating
to this library client and this volume to determine
Check the activity log for ANR8502, ANR8383E, and
which operations were affected by this failure.
ANR8388E messages. If these messages have been
issued, follow the instructions in the User Response ANR8391E The external library manager file
section of those messages to resolve the issues. name can not be found. The library
library name is not available.
If the problem is not resolved, use the QUERY
option to obtain the specified directories for the device Explanation
class. Verify that each directory is available to the IBM The external library manager listed for this library was
Spectrum Protect server, e.g., on-line, in read-write not found. The path or the file name is not correct.
mode, configured properly, etc.
If the problem is not resolved, for a device class used System action
The library management operation fails.
check that each directory is a NetApp SnapLock
WORM Volume. If not, use the UPDATE DEVCLASS
command to update the device class directory User response
structure appropriately. Verify the path and the name of the external library
If the problem is not resolved, use the QUERY mentioned. If it is correct, verify that the file is present
STGPOOL command with the FORMAT=DETAILED on the system and that file permissions allow the
option to determine which storage pools are pointing server to invoke the file.
to the device class. Verify that storage pools of either
ANR8392E The external library manager file
name does not have executable
permission. The library library
class. If storage pools of both types are using the
name is not available.
device class, modify the storage pool definitions such
that only one type of storage pool uses the device
class. If you wish to have storage pools of both Explanation
reclamation types pointing to the same directory The external library manager listed for this library was
structure, you may create two device classes with the not found. The path or the file name is not correct.
same directory structure, and have storage pools of
one reclamation type use one device class while
System action
storage pools of the other reclamation type uses the
other device class. The library management operation fails.
If you have made updates to the storage pools and
device classes and the problem is not resolved, you User response
may need to restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server. Verify the path and the name of the external library
mentioned. If it is correct, verify that the file is present
ANR8390W Failure connecting to library client
on the system and that the file permissions allow the
library client to manage volume
server to invoke the file.
ANR8393E Failed to communicate with the
external library library name
through it's defined external
library manager path.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 883

Explanation Explanation
The external library manager executable file did not The PERFORM LIBACTION command failed for one of
start or exited immediately. the following reasons: - The library lacks the SCSI
capability to determine the serial and element
System action numbers of its drives. - The storage area network
(SAN) discovery function failed to find a tape drive with
The library management operation fails. the specified serial number. - One or more drives in
this library do not appear on the host system.
User response
Verify the path and the file name of this library's System action
external library manager. If it is correct, verify that the The command is not processed.
file is present on the system and that the the file
permissions allow the server to invoke the file. The
User response
path and file name can be found by using the QUERY
PATH command. To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
Ensure that the host bus adapter application
ANR8394E The device class,device class programming interface (HBA API) is installed on the
name,directory parameter is too host system and that the SAN discovery function is
long. working correctly. 2. Ensure that each drive in the
library appears on the host system. 3. If the library
Explanation was created by a library partition operation, ensure
The directory parameter for the define device class that the number of library drives that appear on the
command is too long. host system matches the number of drives in the
library inventory. 4. If the PERFORM LIBACTION
command still fails, manually specify drive and drive
System action path definitions for this library, one drive at a time.
The command is not processed.
ANR8397E Library name (library name) is too
long to use as the default PREFIX
User response value. An explicit PREFIX value is
Reissue the command, specifying a valid DIRECTORY required.
parameter. The directory parameter must be between
0 and 1400 characters. Explanation
ANR8395E Command: The parameters The PREFIX value must be specified with 25
specified are only valid for a characters or less. If a PREFIX value is not specified,
device class defined with a the library name is used by default. However, if the
ZosMedia library. library name is longer than 25 characters, it cannot be
used for the PREFIX parameter. Instead, the PREFIX
Explanation value must be specified explicitly.

The specified parameter is not valid for a device class System action
unless a ZosMedia library is specified in the Library
parameter of the device class. The command is not processed.

System action User response

The command is not processed. Reissue the PERFORM LIBACTION command and
specify the PREFIX parameter with a value that
User response contains 25 characters or less.

Reissue the command with a correct parameter. ANR8398E The REMOVE=UNTILEEFULL

option is not supported with the
ANR8396E Command: Library library name MOVE DRMEDIA command for
cannot discover the drives that it librarylibrary name with library
owns. type library type.

884 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The MOVE DRMEDIA command does not support the Reissue the command using a valid library name.
option as REMOVE=UNTILEEFULL for this library type.
ANR8402E Command: Library library name is
already defined.
System action
The operation will fail. Explanation
The designated library cannot be defined because it
User response already exists.
This option is only supported with the library type
SCSI. Remove the REMOVE=UNTILEEFULL option and System action
perform the operation again.
The command is not processed.
ANR8399E The IBM Spectrum Protect server
receives a status as acsls statuse User response
from ACSLS server.
If you want to define an additional library, reissue the
command with a different library name.
ANR8403E Command: Operation not allowed
The ACSLS CSI media server does not receive a
for library type libraries.
response from IBM Spectrum Protect server.

System action Explanation

The operation will fail. The requested operation is not allowed for libraries of
the given type.
User response
System action
This is a communication problem. Check
configurations of the network adapter and its driver The command is not processed.
and then perform the operation again.
User response
ANR8400I Library library name defined.
Explanation ANR8404I Drive Drive name defined in library
The designated library has been successfully defined. library name.

System action
The designated drive has been successfully defined as
The library is defined and recorded in the database.
a member of the specified library.

User response
System action
The drive is defined and recorded in the database.
ANR8401E Command: Invalid library name
library name. User response
ANR8405E Command: Invalid drive name
The designated library name is invalid; either it
contains too many characters, or some of the drive name.
characters are invalid.
System action The designated drive name is invalid; either it contains
too many characters, or some of the characters are
The command is not processed.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 885

System action Explanation
The command is not processed. The designated library has not been defined.

User response System action

Reissue the command using a valid drive name. The command is not processed.
ANR8406E Command: Drive drive name is
already defined in library library User response
name. Reissue the command using a different library name,
or define the library before retrying the command.
ANR8410I Library library name deleted.
The designated drive cannot be defined because it has
already been defined for the specified library. Explanation
The designated library has been deleted successfully.
System action
The command is not processed. System action
The library is deleted.
User response
If you want to define an additional drive, reissue the User response
command with a different drive name.
ANR8407E Command: The MODEL parameter
is required for this command. ANR8411E Command: One or more drives are
still defined in library library
The MODEL parameter has not been provided; it is Explanation
The command failed because there are drives defined
to the designated library. For the DELETE LIBRARY and
System action
The command is not processed. the specified library cannot have drives currently
defined within the library.
User response
System action
Reissue the command using the MODEL parameter.
The command is not processed.
ANR8408E Command: The DEVICE parameter
is required for this command.
User response
Explanation Delete all drives from the library, and reissue the
The DEVICE parameter has not been provided; it is
required. ANR8412I Drive drive name deleted from
library library name.
System action
The command is not processed.
The designated drive has been deleted successfully
User response from the specified library.

Reissue the command using the DEVICE parameter.

System action
ANR8409E Command: Library library name is The drive is deleted.
not defined.

886 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
None. The specified parameter is not valid for libraries of the
given type. The scratch category must be at lest 2 less
ANR8413E Command: Drive drive name is than the private category for 349x libraries.
currently in use.

System action
The command is not processed.
The designated drive cannot be deleted or updated
because it is currently in use.
User response
System action Reissue the command, using only the proper
parameters. If using the scratch category make sure it
The command is not processed. is at least 2 less than the private category.

User response ANR8417E Command: The parameter

parameter is invalid for drives in
Wait until the drive is no longer in use, and reissue the library type libraries.
ANR8414E Command: Drive drive name is not Explanation
defined in library library name. The specified parameter is not allowed when defining
or updating drives in a library of the given type.
The designated drive has not been defined in the given System action
library. The command is not processed.

System action User response

The command is not processed. Reissue the command, using only the proper
User response
ANR8418E Command: An I/O error occurred
Reissue the command using a different drive name. If while accessing library library
appropriate, define the drive before retrying the name.
ANR8415E Command: The parameter Explanation
parameter is required for this An I/O error occurs while accessing the designated
command. library.

Explanation System action

The specified parameter must be provided when The operation fails.
processing the given command.

User response
System action
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the
The command is not processed. library is identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH
command, and that the library is currently powered on
User response and ready. If the library has an access door, make sure
Reissue the command, providing the required it is closed. After checking and correcting these
parameter value. potential problems, retry the operation.

ANR8416E Command: The parameter ANR8419E Command: The drive or element

parameter is invalid for library conflicts with an existing drive in
type library type. library library name.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 887

Explanation ANR8422I Command: Operation for library
library name started as process
Either there are no more physical drives in the library,
process ID.
or the specified ELEMENT parameter conflicts with an
existing defined drive in the given library. If this error
occurred during a restore db operation, the physical Explanation
tape device environment or configuration has changed. A volume check-in process has been started to handle
The original tape drives were removed or are offline. the insertion of a volume into the given library. The
process is assigned the ID specified in the message.
System action
The command is not processed. System action
The server starts a background process to perform the
User response operation in response to the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME
command entered by an administrator.
Specify a valid ELEMENT parameter that is not used by
any other drive in the library. If this error occurred
during a restore db operation, check the physical User response
device configuration. Ensure the definition of devices To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERY
in the devconf.dat file matches the physical device PROCESS command. The process may be canceled
configuration. with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8420E Command: An I/O error occurred ANR8423I CHECKIN LIBVOLUME process for
while accessing drive drive name. library library name has been
An I/O error occurs while accessing the specified Explanation
drive. A background server process that has been working to
check in one or more volumes for the given library is
System action canceled by the CANCEL PROCESS command.
The operation fails.
System action
User response The server process is ended and server operation
Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated with the
drive is identified correctly in the DEFINE PATH
command, and that the drive is currently powered on User response
and ready. After checking and correcting these None.
potential problems, retry the command.
ANR8424I Checking in volume volume name
ANR8421E Command: Unable to start a in library library name.
process for this command.
In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
The server cannot start a background process to carry message displays the status for a CHECKIN
out the designated command. LIBVOLUME process on the server. The given volume
is being checked in to the designated library.
System action
The operation fails. System action
The background process operation continues.
User response
Check for and correct memory shortages or other User response
server resource constraints, and reissue the None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
command. administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.

888 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8425I Checking in volumes in search Explanation
mode in library library name. The STATUS parameter must be provided with the
given command.
In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this System action
message displays the status for a CHECKIN
The command is not processed.
LIBVOLUME process on the server. Volumes are being
checked into the given library automatically using a
search for previously-unknown volumes. User response
Reissue the command, and provide a valid STATUS
System action parameter value.
The background process operation continues. ANR8429E Command: No drives are currently
defined in library library name.
User response
None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command. The command cannot be issued until at least one drive
has been defined in the given library.
volume name in library library
name failed. System action
The command is not processed.
The background process for a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME User response
command has failed. Define a drive in the library, using the DEFINE DRIVE
command, as well as a path to the drive, using the
System action DEFINE PATH command. Then retry the failed
The background process ends, but the volume has not
been checked into the library. ANR8430I Volume volume name has been
checked into library library name.
User response
Make sure the library and drive devices associated
with this command are powered on and ready, and A search-mode CHECKIN LIBVOLUME process has
then reissue the command. found the given volume and automatically checked it
into the library.
volume name in library library
name completed successfully. System action
The volume is added to the given library's inventory.
The specified volume was successfully checked in to User response
the library during processing of a CHECKIN None.
is completed for library library
System action
name; volume count volumes were
The volume is made available for mounting in the given found and added to the library's
library. inventory.

User response Explanation

None. A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command was issued with
SEARCH=YES to find volumes that were not checked
ANR8428E Command: The STATUS parameter in. The specified number of volumes were identified
is required for this command. and added to the library's inventory.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 889

System action name started as process process
The volumes are available for use by the server.

User response
A volume check-out process has been started to
If you use the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool or the IBM
handle the removal of a volume from the given library.
Spectrum Protect lbtest utility to move tape volumes
The process is assigned the ID specified in the
from their home slots to other slots, the server does
not check in the volumes to the library. To ensure that
the volumes are checked in, complete the following
steps: 1. To synchronize the library inventory with the System action
tape device inventory, issue the AUDIT LIBRARY The server starts a background process to perform the
command. 2. To check in the tape volumes, issue the operation in response to the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME
CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command. command entered by an administrator.
ANR8432E Command: Volume volume name is
already present in library library User response
name. To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERY
PROCESS command. The process may be canceled
Explanation with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
The specified volume cannot be checked into the given ANR8435I CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME for volume
library because it is already present. volume name in library library
name has been canceled.
System action
The command is not processed. Explanation
A background server process that has been working to
User response check out the volume from the given library is
canceled by the CANCEL PROCESS command.
Provide the name of a volume that is not already
present in the given library. Use the QUERY
LIBVOLUME command to obtain a full list of volumes System action
that have already been checked into the library. The server process is ended and server operation
ANR8433E Command: Volume volume name continues.
does not exist in library library
name. User response
ANR8436I Checking out volume volume name
The volume cannot be accessed because it does not from library library name.
exist in the library.
System action
In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
The command is not processed. message displays the status for a CHECKOUT
LIBVOLUME process on the server.
User response
Specify the name of a volume that is in the library. Use System action
the QUERY LIBVOLUME command to obtain a full list The background process operation continues.
of volumes that reside in the library. If you are using
the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command, the volume might
User response
be in use by another operation, or does not exist in the
library. None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8434I Command: Operation for volume
volume name in library library

890 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8437E CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME for volume Explanation
volume name in library library The initialization process for the given library has
name failed. failed. It will be retried automatically after the
specified amount of time has elapsed.
The background process for a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME System action
command has failed. The initialization will be retried later.

System action User response

The background process ends, but the volume has not Ensure that the library device is powered on and
been checked out of the library. ready. If the library has an access door, make sure it is
in the closed position.
User response
ANR8441E Initialization failed for library type
Make sure the library and drive devices associated library library name.
with this command are powered on and ready, then
retry the command.
ANR8438I CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME for volume The initialization process for the given library has
volume name in library library failed, and will not be retried until the next time the
name completed successfully. server needs to access the library.

Explanation System action

The background process for a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME The library is made temporarily unavailable.
command has completed successfully.
User response
System action
Make sure the library is powered on and attached.
The volume is either deleted from the library's
inventory (if its status is something other than DATA) ANR8442E Command: Volume volume name in
or marked not present (if its status is DATA). library library name is currently in
User response
The command cannot be processed because the
ANR8439I library type library library name is specified volume is already being used for another
ready for operations. operation.

Explanation System action

The initialization process for the given library has The command is not processed.
completed successfully, and the library is ready for
User response
System action Wait until the conflicting volume activity has
completed, and then reissue the command. If the
The library is made ready for use. volume is currently mounted, but idle, you can
dismount it with the DISMOUNT VOLUME command
User response and then retry this operation.
None. ANR8443E Command: Volume volume name in
ANR8440E Initialization failed for library type library library name cannot be
library library name; will retry in assigned a status of SCRATCH.
delay time minute(s).

Chapter 3. ANR messages 891

Explanation System action
The volume cannot be assigned to the given library's Current library activity will be delayed until the
scratch pool because there is a storage pool volume required intervention occurs.
defined or a volume in the volume history file with this
volume name. Such a volume may still contain valid User response
data. Assigning the volume to the library's scratch pool
might result in a destructive overwrite of the volume's If the library has an access door, make sure it is in the
data. closed position. If it has a cartridge carousel, make
sure the carousel is installed. The server automatically
detects when the appropriate action has been taken; it
System action
will then continue its operations.
The command is not processed.
ANR8447E No drives are currently available in
library library name.
User response
Reissue the command, specifying that the volume be Explanation
assigned a status of PRIVATE.
The attempted operation cannot be completed on the
ANR8444E Command: Library library name is specified library because there are no available drives.
currently unavailable. A drive may be unavailable because an application
other than the server may have the driver opened. This
Explanation message may also be issued if a CHECKIN or LABEL
command is issued and no drive is available to service
The requested operation cannot be completed the operation. This can be because all the drives are
because the specified library is unavailable for I/O mounted by other processes or sessions, or the device
operations. The library may still be carrying out its type was incorrectly specified.
initialization operations.
System action
System action
The attempted operation is terminated.
The command is not processed.
User response
User response
Use the QUERY DRIVE command to check the online
Wait until the library initialization completes or the status of the drives. Drives that are marked
library becomes ready. "Unavailable since hh:mm yy/mm/dd" are drives taken
ANR8445I Volume volume name in library offline by the server at the time specified because of
library name updated. hardware failures or the inability to open the drive. If
the attempted operation is a CHECKIN or LABEL
command, use the QUERY MOUNT command to
Explanation determine if all the drives in the library are mounted
The specified library volume has been updated and wait until one of these is available. If there are
successfully. mounted volumes with an IDLE status, use the
DISMOUNT VOLUME command to free its drive, and
System action retry the original operation.

The library volume inventory is updated. ANR8448E Scratch volume volume name from
library library name rejected -
volume name is already in use.
User response
None. Explanation
ANR8446W Manual intervention required for The designated volume has been used to satisfy a
library library name. scratch mount, but the volume is already defined in a
storage pool, or has been used to store server export,
Explanation database dump, or database backup information as
recorded in the server volume history file.
The specified library requires manual intervention.

892 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The volume is rejected. None.
ANR8452E Initialization failed for 349X
User response library library name; will retry in
Use a volume that is not in use, or check out and delay time minute(s).
relabel the rejected volume, assigning it a new name in
the process, or delete the existing volume that caused Explanation
the name conflict.
The initialization process for the given library has
ANR8449E Scratch volume volume name failed. It is retried automatically after the specified
rejected - volume name is already amount of time has elapsed.
in use.
System action
The initialization will be retried later.
The designated volume has been used to satisfy a
scratch mount, but the volume is already defined in a User response
storage pool, or has been used to store server export,
database dump, or database backup information as Ensure that the library device is powered on and
recorded in the server volume history file. ready.
ANR8453E Initialization failed for 349X
System action library library name.
The volume is rejected.
User response The initialization process for the given library has
Use a volume that is not in use, or rename the rejected failed and will not be retried until the next time the
volume or delete the existing volume that caused the server needs to access the library.
name conflict.
System action
ANR8450E Command: Library library name is
currently in use. The library is made temporarily unavailable.

Explanation User response

The designated library cannot be deleted or updated None.

because it is currently in use for an I/O operation. ANR8454E Mismatch detected between
external label (volume name from
System action external label) and media label
The command is not processed. (volume name from media label) in
349X library library name.
User response
Wait until the library is no longer in use, and then retry
the command. The external label of a volume was found to differ from
its media label in the designated library.
ANR8451I 349X library library name is ready
for operations. System action
The volume will not be accessed.
The initialization process for the given library has User response
completed successfully, and the library is ready for
use. Remove the volume from the library and ensure that it
is properly labeled.
System action ANR8455E Volume volume name could not be
The library is made ready for use. located during audit of library

Chapter 3. ANR messages 893

library name. Volume has been User response
removed from the library
To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERY
PROCESS command. The process may be canceled
with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8458I AUDIT LIBRARY process for
While processing an AUDIT LIBRARY command for the library library name has been
given library, the server cannot find the given volume canceled.
in the library.
System action
A background server process that has been working to
The volume is removed from the library inventory. audit the given library is canceled by the CANCEL
PROCESS command.
User response
If the volume is needed, it should be located and System action
checked into the library using the CHECKIN The server process is ended and server operation
LIBVOLUME command. continues.
ANR8456E Multiple volumes named volume
name were found during audit of User response
library library name.

Explanation ANR8459I Auditing volume inventory for

library library name.
While processing an AUDIT LIBRARY command for the
given library, multiple physical volumes are found to
have the same name.
In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
System action message displays the status for an AUDIT LIBRARY
process on the server.
The first instance of the volume is retained in the
server inventory; all other instances are ignored.
System action

User response Server operation continues.

Remove all of the redundant instances of the volume

User response
from the library. If the volume which the server
retained is found to be the incorrect one, it can be None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
checked out with the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
command; then the correct instance can be checked
into the library with a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME ANR8460E AUDIT LIBRARY process for
command. library library name failed.

ANR8457I Command: Operation for library Explanation

library name started as process
process ID. A background process that was initiated by the AUDIT
LIBRARY command failed.
System action
A library audit process has been started for the given
library. The process is assigned the ID specified in the System operations continue, but the background
message. process ends.

System action User response

The server starts a background process to perform the To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
operation in response to the AUDIT LIBRARY Review the activity log to determine whether other
command entered by an administrator. error or warning messages were issued during the
audit process. Resolve any errors. 2. Ensure that the

894 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

tape library and tape drives are powered on and ready user who is starting the dsmserv process. If the
for use. 3. Ensure that the paths that are associated volume is an optical volume and the write-protect
with the tape drives are online. 4. If the file names for switch is already set to allow writing, use the MOVE
tape devices changed, ensure that the DATA command to move the data off of the volume.
SANDISCOVERY server option is set to ON. 5. Reissue Rewritable volumes may be reformatted and reused
the AUDIT LIBRARY command. after the data is moved to another volume.
ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for ANR8464E command: Invalid update request
library library name completed for library library name.
An invalid update request has been made for the given
The background process for an AUDIT LIBRARY library. This can occur if a new device name is given
command has completed successfully. and the characteristics of the device do not match the
characteristics of the original device.
System action
System action
The library inventory is updated to match the contents
of the library as found during the audit operation. The server does not process the command.

User response User response

None. If a different type of library device has been installed,
the old library definition must be deleted with a
ANR8462I End-of-side reached for device DELETE LIBRARY command, and a new library must be
type volume volume name. defined. The UPDATE LIBRARY command cannot be
used in this case.
ANR8465I Library library name updated.
The server has detected an end-of-side condition for
the given two sided volume.

System action An UPDATE LIBRARY request has been successfully

processed for the given library.
The server will access the second side of the volume.
System action
User response
The server updates its information about the library.
ANR8463E Device type volume volume name is User response
write protected. None.

Explanation ANR8466E command: Invalid update request

for drive drive name in library
The server has detected a write-protect condition for library name.
the given volume.
System action
An invalid update request has been made for the given
The server will dismount the volume and continue drive. This can occur if a new device name is given and
processing with another volume. the characteristics of the device do not match the
characteristics of the original device.
User response
Adjust the write-protect switch on the volume so that System action
writing is allowed. If the write-protect switch on the The server does not process the command.
volume allows writing, verify that the device special
file for the drive has proper read and write
permissions, at the operating system layer, for the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 895

User response For automated libraries, manual intervention may be
required to correct the problem.
If a different type of drive has been installed, the old
drive definition must be deleted with a DELETE DRIVE ANR8470W Initialization failure on drive drive
operation, and a new drive must be defined. The name in library library name.
UPDATE DRIVE command cannot be used in this case.
ANR8467I Drive drive name in library library Explanation
name updated. The specified drive could not be initialized at this time.

Explanation System action

An UPDATE DRIVE request has been successfully The initialization of the specified library continues.
processed for the given drive.
User response
System action
An internal validation of the specified drive and its
The server updates its information about the drive. path failed. Ensure that the drive's path definition to
the local server is correct. Examine all previous
User response messages for information regarding the specified
drive. If necessary, delete and redefine the path from
the local server to the specified drive. After redefining
ANR8468I device type volume volume name the path or correcting any issues that were reported by
dismounted from drive drive name related error messages, the drive's initialization is
in library library name. retried on the next attempt to mount the specified
Explanation ANR8471E Server no longer polling drive drive
The specified volume has been dismounted from the name in library library name - path
given drive. path will be marked off-line.

System action Explanation

None. The server is unable to use the mentioned drive via the
specified path. This may be for the following reasons:
User response • The drive cannot be opened
If the type of the given library is MANUAL, the operator • In the case of a 3494 or a library that can be
may elect to remove the volume (which has already partitioned, the drive may be unavailable to the
been ejected) from the drive and store it in an library manager, may be in use by another
appropriate location. For automated libraries, this application, or may be loaded with a cartridge not
message is purely informational. labeled for server use.

ANR8469E Dismount of device type volume

System action
volume name from drive drive
name in library library name failed. The path to the drive is offline and is not used for tape
User response
An attempt to dismount the designated volume failed
due to an I/O error. Determine the reason the path to the drive is
inaccessible, such as hardware errors reported in the
System action system logs. Render any needed corrections to the
hardware. Then the path may be made online by
None. issuing the UPDATE PATH command with the
ONLINE=YES option.
User response
ANR8472I Error reading label of volume in
If the type of the given library is MANUAL, the volume drive drive name of library library
can be manually ejected and removed from the drive. name.

896 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
While processing a search-mode CHECKIN The command is not processed.
LIBVOLUME command for the designated library, the
server finds a volume whose label cannot be read. User response
Delete all paths to this library, and reissue the
System action
The volume is dismounted and is not checked into the
ANR8475I Dismount of volume volume name
failed. It may still be in the drive.

User response
Remove the volume from the library and ensure that it
The specified volume could not be dismounted. IBM
is properly labeled. After doing so, the volume can be
Spectrum Protect encountered an error trying to
checked into the library.
dismount the volume. If the volume is a storage pool
ANR8473I Volume volume name was found in volume, IBM Spectrum Protect already attempted to
storage element slot element make it unavailable. Review the output of the QUERY
address in library library name. It VOLUME F=D command for storage pool volumes.
may still be in the drive. Review the output of the QUERY VOLHISTORY
command for non-storage pool volumes.
System action
The specified volume was found in the storage slot of a
cleaner cartridge. After it was loaded into a drive for None.
cleaning, IBM Spectrum Protect determined that it is
not a cleaner cartridge. IBM Spectrum Protect User response
encountered an error trying to move the cartridge back
to the storage slot of the cleaner cartridge. If the Review message ANR8469E in the activity log. Check
volume is a storage pool volume, IBM Spectrum if the volume is still loaded in the drive. If the volume
Protect already attempted to make it unavailable. is not in the drive, determine where the volume is
Review the output of the QUERY VOLUME F=D located in the library.
command for storage pool volumes. Review the output ANR8476E The operation failed because it is
of the QUERY VOLHISTORY command for non-storage not supported for the library type
pool volumes. of library library name.

System action Explanation

None. Some operations are supported only for specific library
types. For example, if you issue the PERFORM
User response LIBACTION command for a shared library, you must
specify a library manager. If you specify a library client
Verify all other cleaner cartridges are in the correct
of a shared library, the command fails.
storage slots. Issue the QUERY LIBVOLUME command
to obtain the storage slots of all the cartridges
currently checked into IBM Spectrum Protect. Remove System action
the cartridge in the storage slot identified in the System operation continues.
ANR8911W message. Remove the specified volume
from the drive. Issue an AUDIT LIBRARY command
User response
against the library.
Complete the following steps: 1. To determine the
ANR8474E Command: One or more paths are
library type, issue the QUERY LIBRARY command. For
still defined to library library
example, if the library is named LIB1, issue the
following command: query library lib1 2. To learn
about restrictions on the operation that failed, review
Explanation the documentation for the command. 3. Reissue the
The designated library cannot be deleted because command with valid values.
there are still paths defined to it.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 897

ANR8477E Device type device type is incorrect ANR8480E The drive Drive Name was not
for drive drive name. found for library Library Name.

Explanation Explanation
The device type of the specified drive on the library The missing drive needs to be defined to successfully
client is not compatible with the device type for the run the current operation.
same drive on the library manager.
System action
System action
The operation fails.
The operation fails.
User response
User response
Make sure that the drive is defined. If macros are
Delete the drive definition on the library client, and re- being used, the COMMIT command needs to be issued
define the drive specifying the correct device. If this after the DEFINE DRIVE. Otherwise, this could indicate
does not correct the problem, contact your service a server internal error.
representative for assistance.
ANR8481I The library library name already
ANR8478W Invalid home slot address in has an AUDIT LIBRARY operation
inventory for library library name; pending mount activity.
volume = volume name;slot = slot
number. Explanation
Libraries of type SHARED can only have one AUDIT
LIBRARY operation waiting on mount activity. All
The specified volume's home slot in the library subsequent AUDIT LIBRARY operations will be
inventory does not match the database inventory. canceled.

System action System action

The operation fails. The server process is ended and server operation
User response
User response
Run 'audit library' against the specified library.
ANR8479W Unable to audit slot-element slot-
element of library library name. ANR8482E The checkout volume volume name
failed because the entry/exit port
Explanation of library library name is full.
Please remove the volume(s) from
The library audit process was unable to audit storage the entry/exit port and re-issue
slot with the specified element address. This is the command.
probably due to no drive device being available into
which to load the cartridge. It can also be due to
library or drive I/O errors occurring during the audit
process. The indicated operation has failed because the entry/
exit port of the specified library is full.
System action
System action
The AUDIT LIBRARY command fails.
The command fails.
User response
User response
Verify that for every type of cartridge in the library at
least one drive is defined that can read the media, and Remove the volume(s) from the entry/exit port and re-
that the drive is online and working properly. Check issue the command to process any remaining eligible
the activity log for I/O errors related to hardware volumes.
failure and repair.

898 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8483W A device class can not be found for It indicates that this device does not respond the open
the library library name. system function call. This can be caused by an
inexistent device, a device with powered off, or a
Explanation device with firmware/hardware problems.

A library client audits a SHARED type Library, but there System action
is no device class defined for that library.
The transaction needing the drive fails.
System action
User response
The AUDIT LIBRARY command fails.
Make sure the device is online and connected to the
User response host system. If the device is not removed or is
powered off, do a power cycle to reinitialize this device
Define or update a device class for the library using the and make sure this device is in a normal state. If this
DEFINE DEVCLASS or UPDATE DEVCLASS command. device is still not in a normal state, call device's vendor
support to fix the problem.
ANR8484E No drives are available to be
mounted in MODE mode with ANR8486I Mount point in device class Device
format FORMAT in library LIBRARY class name is reserved -- owning
NAME. server: owner name, status:
RESERVED (session: session ID,
Explanation process: process number).
The attempted operation cannot be completed on the
specified library. Either there are no available drives Explanation
with the specified format, or the volume has the wrong In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
access mode. A drive can be unavailable because indicates that there is a mount point reserved for
another application opened the drive. This message future I/O operations in the given device class. The
can also be issued if a CHECKIN or LABEL command is session and process values are relative to the server
issued and no drive is available to service the that owns this mount point.
operation. This can occur when all drives are mounted
by other processes or sessions, or the device type was System action
incorrectly specified.
System action
User response
The attempted operation ends.
User response ANR8487I Mount point in device class Device
Use the QUERY DRIVE command to check the online class name is waiting for the
status of the drives. Drives that are marked volume mount to complete --
"Unavailable since hh:mm yy/mm/dd" are drives taken owning server: owner name,
offline by the server at the time specified because of status: WAITING FOR VOLUME
hardware failures or the inability to open the drive. Use (session: session ID, process:
the QUERY MOUNT command to query mounted drives process number).
and their mount mode. If there are mounted volumes
with an IDLE status, use the DISMOUNT VOLUME Explanation
command to free the drive, and retry the original
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
indicates that there is a mount point in the given
ANR8485E Unable to open a SCSI device drive device class waiting for the volume mount to
name, error code=error value set complete. The session and process values are relative
by server. to the server that owns this mount point.

Explanation System action

The indicated SCSI device cannot be opened by the None.
server. The error code is set by IBM Spectrum Protect.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 899

User response Explanation
None. In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
indicates that the given volume is mounted in the
ANR8488I Device type volume volume name is specified drive. The volume is currently being
mounted mount mode in drive dismounted by the server. The session and process
drive name -- owning server: values are relative to the server that owns this mount
owner name, status: IN USE point.
(session: session ID, process:
process number).
System action
Explanation None.
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
indicates that the given volume is mounted in the User response
specified drive. The volume is currently in use, None.
meaning that read or write operations, or both, are
being performed. The session and process values are ANR8491I Device type volume volume name is
relative to the server that owns this mount point. mounted mount mode in drive
drive name -- owning server:
owner name, status: RETRY
System action
None. session ID, process: process
User response
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
ANR8489I Device type volume volume name is indicates that it is currently retrying the dismount of
mounted mount mode in drive the given volume because of a failure during the
drive name -- owning server: previous dismount from the specified drive. The
owner name, status: IDLE (session: session and process values are relative to the server
session ID, process: process that owns this mount point.
System action
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
indicates that the given volume is mounted in the
specified drive. The volume is currently idle, meaning User response
no active operations are being performed. If the None.
volume remains in the idle state for the amount of time
specified by the device class mount retention period, it ANR8492I Device type volume volume name is
will be automatically dismounted. The session and mounted mount mode in drive
process values are relative to the server that owns this drive name -- owning server:
mount point. owner name, status: RETRY
(session: session ID, process:
process number).
System action
None. Explanation
In response to a QUERY MOUNT command, the server
User response
indicates that the given volume is mounted for I/O
None. operations. The volume is currently in RETRY, meaning
an attempt is being made to re-establish
ANR8490I Device type volume volume name is communications with another server. If the volume
mounted mount mode in drive remains in the retry state for the amount of time
drive name -- owning server: specified by the device class retry period, the
owner name, status: operation will fail and the volume will be automatically
DISMOUNTING (session: session
ID, process: process number).

900 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

dismounted. The session and process values are requested BACKUP DB command, or that there is not
relative to the server that owns this mount point. enough space available.

System action User response

None. If the specified volume does not contain any valuable
data, delete it and retry the BACKUP DB command.
User response ANR8496E Device class device class not
None. defined in device configuration
information file.
ANR8493I device type volume volume name
mounted in drive drive name in
library library name.
The command that has been issued requires that the
Explanation specified device class be defined in the device
configuration information file. This definition was not
The specified volume has been mounted in the found or the statements in the file are in the wrong
specified drive. order.

System action System action

None. The command is not processed.

User response User response

For automated libraries, this message is purely Reissue the command, and specify a valid device
informational. class. Refresh your device configuration information
ANR8494E Command: An option specified is file by issuing the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command.
not valid for library type libraries. ANR8497E Library library not defined in
device configuration information
Explanation file.
A requested option is not valid for libraries of the given
type for the specified command. Explanation
The specified command requires that the specified
System action library be defined in the device configuration
information file. This definition was not found or the
The command is not processed.
statements in the file are in the wrong order.

User response
System action
The command is not processed.
ANR8495E Device type volume volume name
cannot be written by BACKUP DB User response
Refresh your device configuration information file by
issuing the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command. Make sure
Explanation a library is defined for the device class. Reissue the
The specified volume already exists or contains data, command.
so that the server cannot allow new BACKUP DB data
ANR8498E Drive not defined for library library
to be written to it. Or there is no space available on the
in device configuration
destination filespace to write this backup to.
information file.

System action
The server detects that the given volume already
The specified command requires that the specified
contains some data that would be overwritten by the
drive be defined in the device configuration
information file for the specified library. This definition

Chapter 3. ANR messages 901

was not found or the statements in the file are in the Explanation
wrong order.
The server or storage agent attempted to access the
file name indicated but failed to open the volume. The
System action indicated system return code was received. The actual
The command is not processed. volume name corresponds to the file name that the
server uses. The server volume name and the file
name may be the same when the server experiences a
User response
failure in opening the file.
Refresh your device configuration information file by
issuing the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command. Make sure System action
a drive is defined for the library associated with the
device class. Reissue the command. The volume is not opened.

ANR8499I Command accepted. User response

Explanation The server or storage agent can recover from some

failures by requesting access to different volumes. If
The command is accepted and processed by the there is a directory definition problem, this message
server. may be displayed multiple times during retries with
different volumes. The directory names associated
System action with the device class definition in the server should be
checked for correctness in the number and names of
The server processes the command. directory entries. PATH definitions for each of the FILE
drives should be checked that the number of
User response directories in the PATH definition match the number in
None. the server's device class definition and that directories
exist and are accessible to servers and storage agents
ANR8500E No valid path is defined for library accessing server directories via their own path names.
library name or any of its drives in For example, if the server has the following definition:
device configuration information
storage agent has the following PATH definition:
The specified command requires that a path be DESTTYPE=DRIVE LIBRARY=FILE DEVICE=FILE
defined in the device configuration information file for DIR=X:\DIR1,X:\DIR2 then system STA must have
the specified library and its drive. This valid definition drive X set to access directory L:\FILECLASS on the
was not found, or the statements in the file are in the server so that directories DIR1 and DIR2 correspond
wrong order. to the correct destinations on the storage agent and
that the number of directories match between the
PATH and the DEVCLASS definitions.
System action
The command is not processed. ANR8502E Errno errno received checking
WORM directory directory name on
User response
Refresh your device configuration information file by Explanation
issuing the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command. Make sure
a path is defined for the library and its drive associated The server attempted to access the named directory
with the device class. Verify the correct source is used on the NetApp SnapLock Filer, but the attempt failed
in these path definitions. If the default server name is with the indicated error code.
not used as the source, a SET SERVERNAME command
is required in the device configruation information file. System action
Reissue the command.
If you were trying to define a storage pool or update a
ANR8501E System return code return code device class associated with a storage pool, the
received opening volume server command fails. If this error is encountered during
volume name with file name file server initialization, server initialization continues, but

902 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

operations involving this storage pool will not be own path names. For example, if the server has the
allowed until the issue is resolved. following definition:
This may be caused by an error in the NetApp Filer or storage agent has the following PATH definition:
with the communications between your server and the DEFINE PATH STA FILE1 SRCTYPE=SERVER
NetApp Filer. Verify that the network is operational, DESTTYPE=DRIVE LIBRARY=FILE DEVICE=FILE
that the SnapLock Filer is accessible from your server, DIR=X:\DIR1,X:\DIR2 then system STA must have
and consult NetApp SnapLock Filer documentation to drive X set to access directory L:\FILECLASS on the
resolve the issue; then, retry the command. server so that directories DIR1 and DIR2 correspond
to the correct destinations on the storage agent and
ANR8503E A failure occurred in writing to that the number of directories match between the
volume server volume name. PATH and the DEVCLASS definitions.
ANR8504E A failure occurred in flushing data
to volume server volume name.
The server or storage agent was writing to the
indicated volume name when a failure occurred. Explanation
The server or storage agent was writing to the
System action
indicated volume name when a failure occurred. The
The server or storage agent stops writing to the failure occurred during a flush operation when the
specified volume. server was attempting to synchronize its progress of
data written with that of the file system. If the file
User response system becomes full, it is possible to receive no error
indications until the flush operation is attempted.
The server or storage agent can recover from some
failures by requesting access to different volumes. If
System action
there is a directory definition problem, this message
may be displayed multiple times during retries with The server or storage agent stops writing to the
different volumes. The directory names associated specified volume. The transaction in progress is rolled
with the device class definition in the server should be back.
checked for correctness in the number and names of
directory entries. User response
The permissions associated with newly created files The server or storage agent can recover from some
should be checked to ensure the server and storage failures by requesting access to different volumes. If
agent can write to newly created files. Depending on there is a directory definition problem, this message
the system, a mask value may need to be adjusted. may be displayed multiple times during retries with
The system error or event log should be checked for different volumes. The directory names associated
indications of hardware or software errors from file with the device class definition in the server should be
systems. checked for correctness in the number and names of
For a remotely mounted file system, ensure that the directory entries.
remote file system is mounted and useable to the The permissions associated with newly created files
storage agent. The file system should be checked to should be checked to ensure the server and storage
ensure that sufficient space is available. While the agent can write to newly created files. Depending on
server checks space, multiple device classes or the system, a mask value may need to be adjusted.
servers using the same file system can cause the The system error or event log should be checked for
server's space checking to underestimate available indications of hardware or software errors from file
space. systems.
For storage agents, PATH definitions for each of the For a remotely mounted file system, ensure that the
FILE drives should be checked to ensure that the remote file system is mounted and useable to the
number of directories in the PATH definition matches storage agent. The file system should be checked to
the number in the server's device class definition and ensure that sufficient space is available. While the
that directories exist and are accessible to servers and server checks space, multiple device classes or
storage agents accessing server directories via their servers using the same file system can cause the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 903

server's space checking to underestimate available User response
If this is a FILE library, use a device class that does not
For storage agents, PATH definitions for each of the use a FILE library. A FILE device class does not need a
FILE drives should be checked to ensure that the library, and thus, can be updated with LIBRARY="" and
number of directories in the PATH definition matches SHARED=NO. Update your device configuration file
the number in the server's device class definition and appropriately for the stand-alone operation, and then
that directories exist and are accessible to servers and if needed, return the device class to its original state
storage agents accessing server directories via their using a FILE library or with SHARED=YES when the
own path names. For example, if the server has the server is running.
following definition:
ANR8507W Volume volume name is using an
DEFINE DEVCLASS FILE DEVTYPE=FILE encryption key that is not unique
DIR=K:\FILECLASS\DIR1,L:\FILECLASS\DIR2 and a and therefore is not secure.
storage agent has the following PATH definition:
DIR=X:\DIR1,X:\DIR2 then system STA must have Each volume should have a unique encryption key.
drive X set to access directory L:\FILECLASS on the This volume inappropriately shares an encryption key
server so that directories DIR1 and DIR2 correspond with other volumes.
to the correct destinations on the storage agent and
that the number of directories match between the System action
PATH and the DEVCLASS definitions.
The operation completes.
ANR8505I Verifying path definitions for
library library name between User response
storage agent storage agent and
library manager primary library Moving the data from this volume to new volume will
manager. Processing library count create a unique encryption key for the new volume and
out of total library count libraries. make the data more secure. Before moving the data,
mark this volume READONLY to prevent IBM Spectrum
Protect from appending data to the volume. Then, use
the MOVE DATA command to move the data from this
The specified library path definition is being verified for volume to a new volume in your encryption storage
storage agent initialization. pool.
ANR8508E Device type volume volume name
System action cannot be written by Db2's archive
The server processes the verification for the specified log operation.
User response The specified volume already exists or contains data,
If the server does not finish verification for all the so that the server cannot allow new archive log data to
counted shared libraries, verify connectivity and be written to it. Or there is no space available on the
configuration of the primary library manager paths. destination filespace to write this backup to.
Check the library manager of the last storage agent
displayed in the library path verification message. System action
ANR8506E The library library name is not The server detects that the given volume already
compatible with stand-alone, contains some data that would be overwritten by the
utility operations. DB's archive log operation, or that there is not enough
space available.
User response
The specified library cannot operate in stand-alone
mode such as DUMP DB or RESTORE DB. If the specified volume does not contain any valuable
data, delete it.
System action ANR8509E No compatible drives are available
The requested operation fails. for device class devclass name.

904 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation Explanation
The attempted operation cannot be completed for the The storage operation requires that a server defintion
specified device class because there are no available exist that matches the ZOSMEDIASERVER name of the
drives. This message can indicate an invalid FORMAT library path. Without a SERVER defined, the storage
or DEVTYPE value for the specified device class. The operation can not be completed because the request
message can also indicate that the FORMAT and is unable to determine the z/OS Media servers HLA
DEVTYPE values are valid, but no compatible drives and LLA.
are online.
System action
System action
The mount request is not processed.
The attempted operation fails.
User response
User response
Determine the High Level Address ( HLA ) and Low
Use the QUERY DEVCLASS command to check the Level Address ( LLA ) of the z/OS Media server and use
device class's FORMAT and DEVTYPE values. Compare DEFINE SERVER command to build a server definition
these values with the equivalent values for QUERY that represents the z/OS Media server. The
DRIVE F=D. There must be at least one online drive servername that is used to define the z/OS Media
with DEVTYPE and FORMAT values that are server must match the ZOSMEDIASERVER name of the
compatible with the device class attempting this library PATH. For instance: consider a ZOSMEDIA
operation. If there are no compatible drives, correct library named ZLIB1 and an IBM Spectrum Protect
this configuration and retry the operation. server name of SERVER1. The z/OS Media server that
is accessible using IP address of and is
ANR8510E No valid path is defined for the listening on port 1492 and is named is ZMEDSRV1.
ZOSMEDIA library library name . The following commands properly configure server
The storage operation requires that a path be defined ZMEDSRV1 SERVERPASS=SECRET HLA=
to the ZOSMEDIA library. Without a PATH defined to LLA=1492 DEFINE PATH SERVER1 ZLIB1
the library, the mount request cannot resolve the z/OS SRCTYPE=SERVER DESTTYPE=LIBRARY
ANR8512E Cannot specify RETENTION with
System action EXPIRATION during DEFINE or
The mount request is not processed.

User response
The DEFINE DEVCLASS cannot specify both
Define a library path and specify the z/OS Media server
RETENTION and EXPIRATION, they are conflict
with the ZOSMEDIASERVER parameter. For instance:
consider a ZOSMEDIA library named ZLIB1 and an
IBM Spectrum Protect server name of SERVER1. The
z/OS Media server that is accessible using IP address System action
of and is listening on port 1492 and is named is The command request is not processed.
ZMEDSRV1. The following commands properly
configure server SERVER1 for accessing ZLIB1. .
User response
SERVER ZMEDSRV1 SERVERPASS=SECRET If a device class has an existing EXPIRATION value,
HLA= LLA=1492 DEFINE PATH SERVER1 ZLIB1 the devclass cannot update if RETENTION is specified.
SRCTYPE=SERVER DESTTYPE=LIBRARY If a device class has existing RETENTION value, the
ZOSMEDIASERVER=ZMEDSRV1 . device class cannot update if EXPIRATION is
specified. The two parameters (RETENTION and
ANR8511E Unable to resolve EXPIRATION ) are mutually exclusive.
mediaservername from the library ANR8513E zOS Media Server (server name)
path. password is too long to use for
authentication with Tivoli Storage

Chapter 3. ANR messages 905

Manager for z/OS Media. The inventory reflecting the deleted
password cannot exceed 16 volume.
The z/OS Media server cannot be reached during a
The SERVERPASSWORD must be specified with 16 volume deletion request. The IBM Spectrum Protect
characters or less. The password must match the server continues the operation even though the z/OS
passphrase option on the target z/OS Media server. Media server cannot be reached.

System action System action

The operation is not processed. The volume is not deleted on the z/OS Media server.

User response User response

Issue the UPDATE SERVER command and specify a Deremine why the z/OS Media server cannot be
SERVERPASSWORD that does not exceed 16 contacted. Examine the IBM Spectrum Protect activity
characters and ensure it contains characters that log for message ANR8515W and carefully consider
match the passphrase option on the z/OS Media removing the associated dataset on the z/OS system.
ANR8516W The z/OS Media server is
ANR8514W Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS unreachable at HLA and LLA .
Media server (server name) could
not extend the FILE volume Explanation
volume name.
The z/OS Media server cannot be reached during a
ZOSMEDIA library request. The IBM Spectrum Protect
server may continue the operation even though the
The z/OS Media server made an attempt to EXTEND z/OS Media server cannot be reached.
the VSAM LDS FILE volume using the
SECONDARYALLOCATION value from the FILE device System action
class and failed.
The operation likely fails.
System action
User response
The WRITE operation fails and the FILE volume is
marked "read-only". Determine why the z/OS Media server cannot be
User response ANR8517E The z/OS Media server is
Allow Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS Media server to reachable at HLA and LLA however
create EA-enabled VSAM linear data set volumes. 1. fails to connect because of an
Use SMS to manage the VSAM Linear data sets that are authentication failure..
associated with the prefix attribute of the FILE device
class. 2. Associate the data sets with a data class (an Explanation
SMS construct) that specifies the extended format and The z/OS Media server could be reached during a
extended addressability options. To make this ZOSMEDIA library request. However, authentication
association between data sets and the data class, use could not be completed. The IBM Spectrum Protect
an automatic class selection (ACS) routine to assign server will not continue the operation because the
the Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS Media VSAM linear z/OS Media server connection can be authenticated.
data sets to the relevant SMS data class. The ACS
routine does the assignment based on the data set
name. System action
The operation fails.
ANR8515W The deletion of volume belonging
to z/OS Media library is imminent,
however the z/OS Media server is User response
unreachable resulting in the IBM Determine why the z/OS Media server connection
Spectrum Protect Server volume cannot be authenticated. Check to ensure the

906 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

PASSPHRASE option on the Tivoli Storage Manager for System action
z/OS Media server matches the serverpassword of the
The command is not processed.
media server definiton on the IBM Spectrum Protect
Server. The password cannot exceed 16 characters.
User response
ANR8518E command: Invalid update request
for drive drive name in library Ensure that ACSLS API module is installed to the
library name. system.
ANR8521E Unable to allocate dataset
Explanation dynalloc rc = dynalloc error = Hex
and dynalloc info = .
An invalid request has been made for the specified
drive. This drive is part of a virtual tape library(VTL).
The requested operation does not apply for drives in a Explanation
VTL. The z/OS Media server cannot allocate a dataset
during a ZOSMEDIA library request and the IBM
System action Spectrum Protect server fails the operation.
The server does not process the command.
System action
User response The operation likely fails.
Do not attempt to change cleaning settings for virtual
drives. If this library is not a VTL, use the UPDATE User response
LIBRARY command to change the library type to SCSI Determine why the z/OS Media server cannot allocate
and retry the operation. the volume. Examine the z/OS Media server joblog for
ANR8519E The z/OS Media server is unable to ANZ5031I messages for a summary of dynalloc
open volume using dataset name . related info and error messages. Review the z/OS
SYSLOG for error conditions associated with the failed
allocation request.
ANR8522E The z/OS Media server is
The z/OS Media server cannot OPEN a volume during a
unreachable at HLA with LLA and
ZOSMEDIA library request and the IBM Spectrum
fails to complete a connection
Protect server fails the operation.
because of a protocol violation.

System action
The operation likely fails.
The z/OS Media server may not be listening on the
target LLA port. The IBM Spectrum Protect server will
User response not continue the operation because the z/OS Media
Determine why the z/OS Media server cannot OPEN server connection can be established.
the volume. Examine the z/OS Media server joblog,
and the z/OS SYSLOG for error conditions associated System action
with the volume or dataset name.
The operation fails.
ANR8520E Command: StorageTek Automated
Cartridge System Library Software User response
(ACSLS) API module is not
available from the system for Determine why the z/OS Media server connection
ACSLS libraries. cannot be established. Check to ensure the z/OS
Media server is listening on the target IP address and
port address. The protocol violation indicates an
Explanation application is listening on the target HLA port, however
The operatios of the ACSLS type library require the the application program is not a z/OS Media server.
ACSLS API module loaded to the system. If this Check the HLA and LLA values on the server definition.
module is not loaded to the system, define ACSLS
ANR8523E The path from the source server to
library will fail.
the destination library is taken

Chapter 3. ANR messages 907

Explanation address. Additionally, you can update the
MOUNTRETENTION parameter value to 0. This will
Ensure the z/OS Media server is running and listening
ensure that the mounted volume is dismounted after
on the appropriate port address. If the z/OS Media
each use.
server is listening on the intended port address and
the authentication is configured properly, there could a ANR8526W The IBM tape device driver
problem with the z/OS Media server version that settings have been updated and
requires the library path be taken offline. need to be restarted. The device
driver can be restarted by either
System action restarting windows or reinstalling
the IBM tape device driver.
The library path is offline.
User response
The IBM tape device driver settings have been
Determine the service level the z/OS Media server. changed to not automatically reserve the drive. By
Check the current README for the installed IBM allowing IBM Spectrum Protect to manage the
Spectrum Protect Server by searching for z/OS Media reservations this will elminate some reservation
server prerequisite specifications. warnings and potential mount failures. This is a one
ANR8524W The element address of the drive time change that requires the device driver to be re-
drive name might be incorrect in initalized. Reinitalizing the device driver can be
the library library name. accomplished by either restarting windows or
reinstalling the IBM tape device driver. Restarting
windows is simpler; reinstalling the IBM tape device
driver is less disruptive.
The element=autodetect parameter on the DEFINE
DRIVE command is not supported for a network System action
attached SCSI (NAS) drive. An invalid element address
will be assigned to the device if the option is used. Possible reservation conflicts between hosts.

System action User response

The move tape volume operation fails. Restart windows or reinstall the IBM tape device driver
to cause the IBM device driver to detect the registry
User response
ANR8527E The default cartridge access port
Issue the QUERY DRIVE f=d command to verify the
value in the Element field. If field is empty, issue the (CAP) ID is invalid for library
UPDATE DRIVE command and specify a value for the library name.
element=address paramenter.
ANR8525E Unable to allocate the device
specified by unit value The default CAP ID was specified in the CHECKOUT
LIBVOLUME command. If the default CAP ID is
specified, the CAP priority value must be set to a
nonzero value.
The z/OS media server cannot allocate the specified
device during a ZOSMEDIA library request because the System action
UNIT value in the device class that is associated with
the volume mount request specifies a device address The system failed to eject the tape volumes.
that is already allocated.
User response
System action To verify the CAP priority value, issue the QUERY CAP
The IBM Spectrum Protect server fails the operation. command. If the priority value is 0, set the CAP priority
to a nonzero value and reissue the CHECKOUT
LIBVOLUME command.
User response
Verify that the MOUNTLIMIT parameter value in the
device class is 1 if the UNIT value specifies a device

908 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8528E The slot element address slot ANR8531W Deletion of FILE volume volume
element address is invalid for the name from file system did not
library name library. complete successfully.

Explanation Explanation
The slot element address is no longer valid. This issue The server did not delete the file volume from the file
might occur when a library is turned off or during a system because the server cannot find the file volume.
hardware malfunction. For a virtual library, this The file volume is no longer accessible through the
problem also might occur after the library is server but it might continue to occupy space in the file
reconfigured or its firmware is updated. system, if it still exists.

System action System action

The slot in this library is unavailable. The server continues operation, and the file volume is
logically deleted within the server, but it is not deleted
User response from the file system.

Ensure that the library is turned on and that no

User response
hardware problems are evident. To verify the slot
element address, use the device driver tool or virtual
ANR8550E Error opening filespec.
library configuration tool.
ANR8529E Command: Unable to open library
library name by using an open Explanation
system call.
An error occurs while attempting an open operation.
System action
IBM Spectrum Protect cannot open the library.
Server processing continues.
System action
User response
The transaction that requires this library fails.
• Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
why the open operation has failed. Correct the
User response
problem and restart the process.
Inspect the library. Ensure that the library is turned on • If you have entered a file name ensure that the file
and ready. Ensure that the library is configured name is correct and that it exists.
correctly for the host system.
ANR8550E Error opening file name.
ANR8530W Volume volume name in drive drive (Linux)
name in library library name is not

Explanation An error occurs while the server attempts a file open

The label is blank.
System action
System action
Server processing continues.
This volume might be labeled automatically if the
AUTOLABEL parameter is set to YES and the library
User response
supports automatic labeling.
• Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
User response why the open operation has failed. Correct the
problem and restart the process.
To label the volume manually, issue the LABEL
LIBVOLUME command. Check the volume in by issuing • If you have entered a file name ensure that the file
the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command. name is correct and that it exists.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 909

ANR8550E Error opening filespec. Explanation
(Windows) The server detects an error while attempting a write
The server detects an error while attempting an open System action
Server processing continues.

System action User response

Server processing continues. Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
why the write operation has failed. Correct the
User response problem and restart the process.
• Refer to the other displayed messages to determine ANR8552E An error (error code) occurred
why the open operation has failed. Correct the (AIX) during a read operation.
problem and restart the process.
• If you have entered a file name ensure that the file Explanation
name is correct and that it exists.
An error occurs while attempting a read operation.
ANR8551E An error (error code) occurred
(AIX) during a write operation. System action
Server processing continues.
An error occurs while attempting a write operation. User response
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
System action
why the read operation failed; correct the problem and
Server processing continues. restart the process.
ANR8552E An error (error code) occurred
User response
(Linux) during a read operation.
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
why the write operation failed; correct the problem Explanation
and restart the process.
An error occurs while the server attempts a read
ANR8551E An error (error code) occurred operation.
(Linux) during a write operation.
System action
Server processing continues.
An error occurs while the server attempts a write
operation. User response
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
System action
why the read operation failed; correct the problem and
Server processing continues. restart the process.
ANR8552E An error (error code) occurred
User response
(Windows) during a read operation.
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
why the write operation failed; correct the problem Explanation
and restart the process.
The server detects an error while attempting a read
ANR8551E An error (error code) occurred operation.
(Windows) during a write operation.
System action
Server processing continues.

910 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine The server detects that the given volume already
why the read operation has failed. Correct the problem contains some data that would be overwritten by the
and restart the process. requested DUMPDB operation.
ANR8553E Device type volume volume name
(AIX) cannot be overwritten by DUMPDB User response
operation. If the specified volume does not contain any valuable
data, delete it and retry the DUMPDB operation.
ANR8554W Dump/load command: Device class
The specified volume already exists or contains data, (AIX) device class name not defined.
so that the server cannot allow new DUMPDB data to Devtype of FILE is assumed.
be written to it.
System action
The specified device class name is not defined with
The server has detected that the given volume already the DUMPLOADDB DEVCLASS option, to the server in
contains some data that would be overwritten by the the server options file or the server is not able to
requested DUMPDB operation. define the specified device class.

User response System action

If the specified volume does not contain any valuable Processing continues. The dump/load process
data, delete it and retry the DUMPDB operation. assumes the device class is devtype=FILE and writes
to or reads from a file.
ANR8553E Device type volume volume name
(Linux) cannot be overwritten by DUMPDB
operation. User response
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
Explanation why the device class is not defined. Correct the
problem and restart the command if you do not wish to
The specified volume already exists or contains data, write to or read from a file.
so that the server cannot allow new DUMPDB data to
be written to it. ANR8554W Dump/load command: Device class
(Linux) device class name not defined.
System action Devtype of FILE is assumed.

The server has detected that the given volume already

contains data that would be overwritten by the
requested DUMPDB operation. The specified device class name is not defined with
the DUMPLOADDB DEVCLASS option, to the server in
User response the server options file or the server is not able to
define the specified device class.
If the specified volume does not contain any valuable
data, delete it and retry the DUMPDB operation, or
System action
specify a different volume name.
Processing continues. The dump/load process
ANR8553E Device type volume volume name assumes the device class is devtype=FILE and writes
(Windows) cannot be overwritten by DUMPDB to or reads from a file.
User response
Refer to the other displayed messages to determine
The specified volume already exists or contains data, why the device class is not defined. Correct the
so that the server cannot allow new DUMPDB data to problem and restart the command if you do not wish to
be written to it. write to or read from a file.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 911

ANR8555E Error error code (error string) User response
(AIX) occurred during a read operation Correct the problem and restart the process.
from disk disk name.
ANR8556E An error (error code, error string)
Explanation (Linux) occurred during a write operation
to disk disk name.
An error occurred while attempting a read from disk.
System action
An error occurred while attempting a write to disk.
Server processing continues.
System action
User response
Server processing continues.
Correct the problem and start the process again.
ANR8555E An error (error code, error string) User response
(Linux) occurred during a read operation Correct the problem and restart the process.
from disk disk name.
ANR8556E An error (error code) occurred
Explanation (Windows) during a write operation to disk
disk name.
An error occurred while attempting a read from disk.
System action
An error occurred while attempting a write to disk.
Server processing continues.
System action
User response
Server processing continues.
Correct the problem and restart the process.
ANR8555E An error (error code) occurred User response
(Windows) during a read operation from disk Correct the problem and restart the process.
disk name.
ANR8557W Retrying failed I/O operation for
Explanation (AIX) disk disk name, error number
An error occurred while attempting a read from disk.
System action
An error occurred while attempting an I/O operation
Server processing continues. on a disk volume. The request will be retried.

User response System action

Correct the problem and restart the process. The failed I/O operation is attempted again.
ANR8556E Error error code (error string)
(AIX) occurred during a write operation User response
to disk disk name. Correct the problem being reported to avoid more
errors in the future, or contact AIX support for
Explanation assistance.
An error occurred while attempting a write to disk. ANR8558E I/O vector element bufP: buffer
(AIX) address, len: buffer length, offset:
System action file offset, errno: errno.
Server processing continues.

912 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation persists then delete the key-ring file and run the
DELETE KEYRING server command so that the server
This is a diagnostic message showing details of an AIO
can generate a new key-ring file.
request which had an error. This message is normally
proceeded by ANR8555E or ANR8556E and offers ANR8577E IBM Spectrum Protect was not
additional information related to the I/O error. (Windows) able to open the SSL key-ring file
file name. The GSKit return code is
System action return code.

Server processing continues.


User response Initialization of the SSL environment failed.

Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
Correct the problem and start the process again.
ANR8577E IBM Spectrum Protect was not System action
(AIX) able to open the SSL key-ring file
Server operation continues.
file name. The GSKit return code is
return code.
User response
Explanation Verify that the correct SSL key-ring file is in the server
instance directory. If the password was changed with
Initialization of the SSL environment failed.
an external utility, use the SET SSLKEYRINGPW
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
command to resynchronize the key-ring file password
with the value that the server uses. If the problem
System action persists then delete the key-ring file and run the
Server operation continues. DELETE KEYRING server command so that the server
can generate a new key-ring file.
User response ANR8578E The IBM Spectrum Protect
Verify that the correct SSL key-ring file is in the server (AIX) database does not have a
instance directory. If the password was changed with password for the SSL key-ring file.
an external utility, use the SET SSLKEYRINGPW
command to resynchronize the key-ring file password Explanation
with the value that the server uses. If the problem Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
persists then delete the key-ring file and run the Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
DELETE KEYRING server command so that the server
can generate a new key-ring file.
System action
ANR8577E IBM Spectrum Protect was not
Server operation continues.
(Linux) able to open the SSL key-ring file
file name. The GSKit return code is
return code. User response
Delete the key-ring file so that IBM Spectrum Protect
Explanation can generate a new one.
Initialization of the SSL environment failed. ANR8578E The IBM Spectrum Protect
Connections to SSL ports are not possible. (Linux) database does not have a
password for the SSL key-ring file.
System action
Server operation continues.
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
User response Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Verify that the correct SSL key-ring file is in the server

System action
instance directory. If the password was changed with
an external utility, use the SET SSLKEYRINGPW Server operation continues.
command to resynchronize the key-ring file password
with the value that the server uses. If the problem

Chapter 3. ANR messages 913

User response ANR8579E The SSL key ring file does not
(Windows) exist, but the IBM Spectrum
Delete the key-ring file so that IBM Spectrum Protect
Protect database contains a
can generate a new one.
password for it.
ANR8578E The IBM Spectrum Protect
(Windows) database does not have a Explanation
password for the SSL key-ring file.
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed. System action
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Restore a copy of the key ring file or use DELETE
KEYRING so that IBM Spectrum Protect can generate
User response
a new keyring file and password.
Delete the keyring file so that IBM Spectrum Protect
ANR8580E An SSL write error occurred on
can generate a new one.
(AIX) session session. The GSKit return
ANR8579E The SSL key ring file does not code is gsk return code gsk string
(AIX) exist, but the IBM Spectrum error.
Protect database contains a
password for it. Explanation
An error occurred during an SSL write operation.
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed. System action
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Retry the operation.
User response ANR8580E An SSL write error occurred on
Restore a copy of the key ring file or use DELETE (Linux) session session. The GSKit return
KEYRING so that IBM Spectrum Protect can generate code is gsk return code gsk string
a new keyring file and password. error.

ANR8579E The SSL key ring file does not Explanation

(Linux) exist, but the IBM Spectrum
Protect database contains a An error occurred during an SSL write operation.
password for it.
System action
Explanation Server operation continues.
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
Connections to SSL ports are not possible. User response
Retry the operation.
System action
ANR8580E An SSL write error occurred on
Server operation continues. (Windows) session session. The GSKit return
code is gsk return code gsk string
User response error.
Restore a copy of the key ring file or use DELETE
KEYRING so that IBM Spectrum Protect can generate
a new keyring file and password.

914 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation ANR8582E An SSL open-socket error occurred
(AIX) on session session. The GSKit
An error occurred during an SSL write operation.
return code is gsk return code gsk
string error.
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
An error occurred during an SSL socket-open
User response operation.
Retry the operation.
System action
ANR8581E An SSL read error occurred on
(AIX) session session. The GSKit return Server operation continues.
code is gsk return code gsk string
error. User response
Retry the operation.
ANR8582E An SSL open-socket error occurred
An error occurred during an SSL read operation.
(Linux) on session session. The GSKit
return code is gsk return code gsk
System action string error.
Server operation continues.
User response An error occurred during an SSL socket-open
Retry the operation. operation.

ANR8581E An SSL read error occurred on

System action
(Linux) session session. The GSKit return
code is gsk return code gsk string Server operation continues.
User response
Retry the operation.
An error occurred during an SSL read operation.
ANR8582E An SSL open-socket error occurred
(Windows) on session session. The GSKit
System action return code is gsk return code gsk
Server operation continues. string error.

User response Explanation

Retry the operation. An error occurred during an SSL socket-open

ANR8581E An SSL read error occurred on
(Windows) session session. The GSKit return
System action
code is gsk return code gsk string
error. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

An error occurred during an SSL read operation. Retry the operation.
ANR8583E An SSL socket-initialization error
System action (AIX) occurred on session session. The
Server operation continues. GSKit return code is gsk return
code gsk string error.
User response
Retry the operation.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 915

Explanation User response
An error occurred during an SSL handshake process. None
ANR8584I The SSL TCP/IP Version 6 driver is
System action (Linux) ready for connection with clients
Server operation continues. on port port number.

User response Explanation

Verify that the client is properly configured for SSL and The server can now accept sessions with clients using
retry the operation. the SSL TCP/IP protocol on the indicated port number.

ANR8583E An SSL socket-initialization error

System action
(Linux) occurred on session session. The
GSKit return code is gsk return Server operation continues.
code gsk string error.
User response
An error occurred during an SSL handshake process.
ANR8584I The SSL TCP/IP Version 6 driver is
(Windows) ready for connection with clients
System action on port port number.
Server operation continues.
User response The server can now accept sessions with clients using
Verify that the client is properly configured for SSL and the SSL TCP/IP protocol on the indicated port number.
retry the operation.
System action
ANR8583E An SSL socket-initialization error
(Windows) occurred on session session. The Server operation continues.
GSKit return code is gsk return
code gsk string error. User response
ANR8585I The SSL TCP/IP Version 6 driver is
An error occurred during an SSL handshake process.
(AIX) ready for connection with
administrative clients on port port
System action number.
Server operation continues.
User response The server can now accept sessions with
Verify that the client is properly configured for SSL and administrative clients using the SSL TCP/IP protocol
retry the operation. on the indicated port number.

ANR8584I The SSL TCP/IP Version 6 driver is

System action
(AIX) ready for connection with clients
on port port number. Server operation continues.

Explanation User response

The server can now accept sessions with clients using None.
the SSL TCP/IP protocol on the indicated port number.
ANR8585I The SSL TCP/IP Version 6 driver is
(Linux) ready for connection with
System action administrative clients on port port
Server operation continues. number.

916 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The server can now accept sessions with Server operation continues.
administrative clients using the SSL TCP/IP protocol
on the indicated port number. User response
Verify that permissions to the server instance directory
System action
are correct.
Server operation continues.
ANR8586E The server was not able to create
(Windows) the key-ring file file name. The
User response GSKit key-management return
None. code is return code.

ANR8585I The SSL TCP/IP Version 6 driver is

(Windows) ready for connection with
administrative clients on port port Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
number. Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Explanation System action

The server can now accept sessions with Server operation continues.
administrative clients using the SSL TCP/IP protocol
on the indicated port number. User response
Verify that permissions to the server instance directory
System action
are correct.
Server operation continues.
ANR8587E The server was not able to create
(AIX) the SSL self-signed certificate. The
User response GSKit key management return
None. code is return code.

ANR8586E The server was not able to create

(AIX) the key-ring file file name. The
GSKit key-management return Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
code is return code. Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Explanation System action

Initialization of the SSL environment has failed. Server operation continues.
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.
User response
System action
Check the GSKit return code and take appropriate
Server operation continues. action.
ANR8587E The server was not able to create
User response (Linux) the SSL self-signed certificate. The
Verify that permissions to the server instance directory GSKit key management return
are correct. code is return code.

ANR8586E The server was not able to create

(Linux) the key-ring file file name. The
GSKit key-management return Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
code is return code. Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Explanation System action

Initialization of the SSL environment has failed. Server operation continues.
Connections to SSL ports are not possible.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 917

User response ANR8588E The server was not able to export
(Windows) to the SSL public certificate file file
Check the GSKit return code and take appropriate
name. The GSKit key-management
return code is return code.
ANR8587E The server was not able to create
(Windows) the SSL self-signed certificate. The Explanation
GSKit key management return
code is return code. The certificate export file could not be generated for
use by the IBM Spectrum Protect clients.
System action
Initialization of the SSL environment has failed.
Connections to SSL ports are not possible. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues. Verify that permissions to the server instance directory
are correct.
User response ANR8589E The server was not able to
(AIX) initialize the GSKit key-
Check the GSKit return code and take appropriate
management environment. The
GSKit key-management return
ANR8588E The server was not able to export code is return code.
(AIX) to the SSL public certificate file file
name. The GSKit key-management Explanation
return code is return code.
The GSKit key-management subsystem could not be
The certificate export file could not be generated for System action
use by the IBM Spectrum Protect clients.
Server operation continues.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
Verify that permissions to execute the GSKit key
management dynamic-link libraries are correct.
User response
ANR8589E The server was not able to
Verify that permissions to the server instance directory
are correct. (Linux) initialize the GSKit key-
management environment. The
ANR8588E The server was not able to export GSKit key-management return
(Linux) to the SSL public certificate file file code is return code.
name. The GSKit key-management
return code is return code. Explanation
The GSKit key-management subsystem could not be
The certificate export file could not be generated for
use by the IBM Spectrum Protect clients. System action
Server operation continues.
System action
Server operation continues. User response
Verify that permissions to execute the GSKit key
User response
management dynamic-link libraries are correct.
Verify that permissions to the server instance directory
ANR8589E The server was not able to
are correct.
(Windows) initialize the GSKit key-

918 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

management environment. The System action
GSKit key-management return
Server operation continues.
code is return code.

User response
The GSKit key-management subsystem could not be
initialized. ANR8591W The storage area network (SAN)
(Linux) discovery function might fail to
System action discover a tape drive with the
current IBM tape device driver
Server operation continues. version: current driver version. A
driver at version supported driver
User response version or later is required to
support the SAN discovery
Verify that permissions to execute the GSKit key
management dynamic-link libraries are correct.
ANR8590I Session session connection is Explanation
(AIX) using protocol protocol , cipher
specification cipher specification. The SAN discovery function might fail to detect the
SCSI location of the tape drive.
System action
A secure connection was established using the listed
protocol and cipher specification. System operation continues, but the tape drive might
not be detected.
System action
User response
Server operation continues.
If all tape devices in your storage environment are
non-IBM tape devices, no action is required. If you are
User response
using IBM tape drives on a Linux operating system,
None install an IBM lin_tape device driver, Version 3.0.20 or
later, which supports the SAN discovery function.
ANR8590I Session session connection is
(Linux) using protocol protocol , cipher ANR8591E IBM GSKit version 8 must be
specification cipher specification. (Windows) installed on the system.

Explanation Explanation
A secure connection was established using the listed The server requires IBM GSKit version 8.
protocol and cipher specification.
System action
System action
Server operation stops.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
To install IBM GSKit version 8, you must install the
None server and restart it.
ANR8590I Session session connection is ANR8592I Session session connection is
(Windows) using protocol protocol, cipher (AIX) using protocol protocol , cipher
specification cipher specification. specification cipher specification,
certificate certificate.
A secure connection was established using the listed
protocol and cipher specification. A secure connection was established using the listed
protocol, cipher specification, and certificate.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 919

System action User response
Server operation continues. To have the server generate a new key-ring file
password, issue the DELETE KEYRING command; then
User response halt and restart the server. Any 3rd pary certificates
which had been imported to the key-ring file
None. previously must be re-imported.
ANR8592I Session session connection is ANR8593E Failure to update key-ring file
(Linux) using protocol protocol , cipher (Linux) password.
specification cipher specification,
certificate certificate.


command was issued to change the key-ring file
A secure connection was established using the listed password. The server was unable to change the key-
protocol, cipher specification and certificate. ring file's password to the specified new password.
The server's record of the password may be incorrect
System action or the specified new password may not be acceptable
as a new password.
Server operation continues.

System action
User response
Server operation continues.
ANR8592I Session session connection is User response
(Windows) using protocol protocol, cipher
specification cipher specification, To have the server generate a new key-ring file
certificate certificate. password, issue the DELETE KEYRING command; then
halt and restart the server. Any 3rd pary certificates
which had been imported to the key-ring file
Explanation previously must be re-imported.
A secure connection was established using the listed
ANR8593E Failure to update key-ring file
protocol, cipher specification, and certificate.
(Windows) password.

System action
Server operation continues.
command was issued to change the key-ring file
User response password. The server was unable to change the key-
None. ring file's password to the specified new password.
The server's record of the password may be incorrect
ANR8593E Failure to update key-ring file or the specified new password may not be acceptable
(AIX) password. as a new password.

Explanation System action

A SET SSLKEYRINGPW password UPDATEPW=YES Server operation continues.
command was issued to change the key-ring file
password. The server was unable to change the key- User response
ring file's password to the specified new password.
The server's record of the password may be incorrect To have the server generate a new key-ring file
or the specified new password may not be acceptable password, issue the DELETE KEYRING command; then
as a new password. halt and restart the server. Any 3rd pary certificates
which had been imported to the key-ring file
System action previously must be re-imported.

Server operation continues. ANR8594I Session to address address is

(AIX) using protocol protocol, cipher
specification cipher specification.

920 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
An outbound secure connection is being established to Server operation continues.
the indicated address using the listed protocol and
cipher specification. User response
System action
ANR8595I Session to address address is
Server operation continues.
(Linux) using protocol protocol, cipher
specification cipher specification,
User response certificate certificate.
ANR8594I Session to address address is
(Linux) using protocol protocol, cipher A secure connection is being established to the
specification cipher specification. indicated address using the listed protocol, cipher
specification, and certificate.
System action
An outbound secure connection is being established to
the indicated address using the listed protocol and Server operation continues.
cipher specification.
User response
System action
Server operation continues.
ANR8595I Session to address address is
(Windows) using protocol protocol, cipher
User response specification cipher specification,
None certificate certificate.

ANR8594I Session to address address is

(Windows) using protocol protocol, cipher
specification cipher specification. A secure connection is being established to the
indicated address using the listed protocol, cipher
Explanation specification, and certificate.

An outbound secure connection is being established to

System action
the indicated address using the listed protocol and
cipher specification. Server operation continues.

System action User response

Server operation continues. None.
ANR8596E The certificate identity could not
User response (AIX) be verified for the server at
None address address.

ANR8595I Session to address address is

(AIX) using protocol protocol, cipher
specification cipher specification, The server was unable to open an SSL connection to
certificate certificate. the server at the indicated address because the
certificate identity could not be verified. Lack of
Explanation verification happens when the certificate ownership
information does not match the domain name or IP
A secure connection is being established to the address.
indicated address using the listed protocol, cipher
specification, and certificate.
System action
The session ends.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 921

User response ANR8597E Certificate information could not
(AIX) be retrieved for a connection to
Ensure that the server domain name or the IP address
the server at address address.
(the value of the HLADDRESS parameter of the DEFINE
SERVER command) is correct. If you are using a self-
signed certificate, ensure that it was created on a Explanation
server at the same address as specified in the DEFINE The server was unable to obtain certificate information
SERVER command. for an SSL connection to the server at the indicated
ANR8596E The certificate identity could not address.
(Linux) be verified for the server at
address address. System action
The session ends.
The server was unable to open an SSL connection to User response
the server at the indicated address because the
Ensure that the certificate for the target server was
certificate identity could not be verified. Lack of
imported to this server's key-ring file. If you are using
verification happens when the certificate ownership
a 3rd-party certificate, you can test it with a session to
information does not match the domain name or IP
the target server's SSL port with a browser such as

System action ANR8597E Certificate information could not

(Linux) be retrieved for a connection to
The session ends. the server at address address.

User response Explanation

Ensure that the server domain name or the IP address The server was unable to obtain certificate information
(the value of the HLADDRESS parameter of the DEFINE for an SSL connection to the server at the indicated
SERVER command) is correct. If you are using a self- address.
signed certificate, ensure that it was created on a
server at the same address as specified in the DEFINE
SERVER command. System action
The session ends.
ANR8596E The certificate identity could not
(Windows) be verified for the server at
address address. User response
Ensure that the certificate for the target server was
Explanation imported to this server's key-ring file. If you are using
a 3rd-party certificate, you can test it with a session to
The server was unable to open an SSL connection to
the target server's SSL port with a browser such as
the server at the indicated address because the
certificate identity could not be verified. Lack of
verification happens when the certificate ownership ANR8597E Certificate information could not
information does not match the domain name or IP (Windows) be retrieved for a connection to
address. the server at address address.

System action Explanation

The session ends. The server was unable to obtain certificate information
for an SSL connection to the server at the indicated
User response address.
Ensure that the server domain name or the IP address
(the value of the HLADDRESS parameter of the DEFINE System action
SERVER command) is correct. If you are using a self- The session ends.
signed certificate, ensure that it was created on a
server at the same address as specified in the DEFINE
SERVER command.

922 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR8599W The connection with host
(AIX) address:host port failed due to an
Ensure that the certificate for the target server was
untrusted server certificate. An
imported to this server's key-ring file. If you are using
attempt to reconnect and
a 3rd-party certificate, you can test it with a session to
establish certificate trust might
the target server's SSL port with a browser such as
ANR8598I Outbound SSL Services were Explanation
(AIX) loaded.
A server certificate that is used for the connection was
not trusted by the partner. If this was the first time
that a connection was made to the server from the
The server is enabled to run SSL sessions from the host, an attempt to establish certificate trust and
server to other servers during node replication. reconnect will occur if the SESSIONSECURITY
parameter is set to TRANSITIONAL.
System action
System action
Processing continues.
Processing continues.
User response
User response
None. The server can communicate via SSL to other
servers. Prior to starting the server, certificates must If the problem persists, add the certificate to the key
be loaded in the server's keyring file (cert.kdb). database. For information about configuring SSL
connections, see the instructions in IBM Knowledge
ANR8598I Outbound SSL Services were Center.
(Linux) loaded.
ANR8599W The connection with host
Explanation (Linux) address:host port failed due to an
untrusted server certificate. An
The server is enabled to run SSL sessions from the attempt to reconnect and
server to other servers during node replication. establish certificate trust might
System action
Processing continues. Explanation
A server certificate that is used for the connection was
User response not trusted by the partner. If this was the first time
that a connection was made to the server from the
None. The server can communicate via SSL to other
host, an attempt to establish certificate trust and
servers. Prior to starting the server, certificates must
reconnect will occur if the SESSIONSECURITY
be loaded in the server's keyring file (cert.kdb).
parameter is set to TRANSITIONAL.
ANR8598I Outbound SSL Services were
(Windows) loaded. System action
Processing continues.
The server is enabled to run SSL sessions from the User response
server to other servers during node replication.
If the problem persists, add the certificate to the key
database. For information about configuring SSL
System action connections, see the instructions in IBM Knowledge
Processing continues. Center.
ANR8599W The connection with host
User response (Windows) address:host port failed due to an
None. The server can communicate via SSL to other untrusted server certificate. An
servers. Prior to starting the server, certificates must attempt to reconnect and
be loaded in the server's keyring file (cert.kdb). establish certificate trust might

Chapter 3. ANR messages 923

Explanation TCP port by using the TCPPORT option, or enable SSL
on the remote host.
A server certificate that is used for the connection was
not trusted by the partner. If this was the first time ANR8600W An incoming TCP connection from
that a connection was made to the server from the (Windows) host address:host port was
host, an attempt to establish certificate trust and detected on the SSL port.
reconnect will occur if the SESSIONSECURITY Connection refused
parameter is set to TRANSITIONAL.
System action
An incoming TCP connection was detected on the SSL-
Processing continues. only port. Connection refused.

User response System action

If the problem persists, add the certificate to the key Processing continues.
database. For information about configuring SSL
connections, see the instructions in IBM Knowledge User response
The remote host is attempting to connect to an SSL-
ANR8600W An incoming TCP connection from only port, but SSL communication is not enabled on
(AIX) host address:host port was the remote host. Update the remote host to use the
detected on the SSL port. TCP port by using the TCPPORT option, or enable SSL
Connection refused on the remote host.
ANR8601E During the SSL handshake, the
(AIX) certificate exchanged between the
An incoming TCP connection was detected on the SSL- server and remote host host
only port. Connection refused. address:host port was not
System action
Processing continues.
The TLS 1.2 protocol is used for communication by
User response default, and a SHA256 certificate is required to
connect to the server. The server has specified an MD5
The remote host is attempting to connect to an SSL- certificate as the default, so the remote host cannot
only port, but SSL communication is not enabled on validate the certificate. The connection fails.
the remote host. Update the remote host to use the
TCP port by using the TCPPORT option, or enable SSL
System action
on the remote host.
Processing continues.
ANR8600W An incoming TCP connection from
(Linux) host address:host port was
detected on the SSL port. User response
Connection refused To establish communication between the server and
the remote host, update the server to use the SHA256
Explanation certificate as the default by issuing the following
command: gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -setdefault -db
An incoming TCP connection was detected on the SSL-
cert.kdb -stashed -label "TSM Server SelfSigned SHA
only port. Connection refused.

System action ANR8601E During the SSL handshake, the

(Linux) certificate exchanged between the
Processing continues. server and remote host host
address:host port was not
User response validated.
The remote host is attempting to connect to an SSL-
only port, but SSL communication is not enabled on
the remote host. Update the remote host to use the

924 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The TLS 1.2 protocol is used for communication by Specify a non-existent file.
default, and a SHA256 certificate is required to
ANR8675E File name with environment
connect to the server. The server has specified an MD5
(Linux) variable DSMSERV_DIR: File
certificate as the default, so the remote host cannot
already exists for File/FileText
validate the certificate. The connection fails.
Exit, overwrite option not set to
System action
Processing continues. Explanation
The specified file already exists and the overwrite
User response option was not set to Yes.
To establish communication between the server and
the remote host, update the server to use the SHA256 System action
certificate as the default by issuing the following
Server continues running.
command: gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -setdefault -db
cert.kdb -stashed -label "TSM Server SelfSigned SHA
Key" User response

ANR8601E During the SSL handshake, the Specify another file or set the overwrite option to YES
(Windows) certificate exchanged between the in the server options file.
server and remote host host ANR8675E File name with path within
address:host port was not (Windows) registry.: File already exists for
validated. File or FileText Exit.

Explanation Explanation
The TLS 1.2 protocol is used for communication by The specified file already exists and the File/FileText
default, and a SHA256 certificate is required to exit option was set to PRESERVE.
connect to the server. The server has specified an MD5
certificate as the default, so the remote host cannot
System action
validate the certificate. The connection fails.
Server continues running.
System action
User response
Processing continues.
Specify a non-existent file.
User response ANR8677E User specified module: Cannot load
To establish communication between the server and (AIX) into server, AIX system error
the remote host, update the server to use the SHA256 number number.
certificate as the default by issuing the following
command: gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -setdefault -db Explanation
cert.kdb -stashed -label "TSM Server SelfSigned SHA
Key" The server was unable to load the module specified.
The module is not a properly C-compiled and linked
ANR8675E File name: File already exists for dynamic module.
(AIX) File or Filetext Exit.
System action
Server initialization stops or server continues running if
The specified file already exists and the file-exit option already up.
was set to PRESERVE.
User response
System action
Use the server supplied sample makefile and export
Server continues running. files to compile-link the user-exit module. Make sure
the export.ref file contains the server-defined function
name, and the module actually contains the server-

Chapter 3. ANR messages 925

defined function name, with one void parameter User response
Use the server supplied sample makefile and export
ANR8677E User specified module, with files to compile-link the user-exit module. Make sure
(Linux) environment variable the export.ref file contains the server-defined function
DSMSERV_DIR: Cannot load into name, and the module actually contains the server-
server, system errno = Error defined function name, with 1 void parameter
number generated by Solaris. declared. The module may contain a global variable
name that conflicts with the server's.
Explanation ANR8678E Cannot bind User specified module,
The server was unable to load the module specified. (Linux) with environment variable
The module is not a properly C-compiled and linked DSMSERV_DIR into server, system
dynamic module. errno = Error number generated by
System action
Server continues running.
The server was unable to bind with the module
specified. The server could not find a function named
User response
adsmV3UserExit in the module.
Use the supplied sample makefile, c , and h files to
generate the user-exit module. Make sure the module System action
contains product-defined function name
adsmV3UserExit, and the module actually contains the Server continues running.
product-defined function name, with one void *
parameter declared, and returns void. User response
ANR8677E User specified module, with path Use the supplied sample makefile, c and header files
(Windows) within registry: Cannot load into to create the user exit module. Make sure the shared
server, system errno = Error library module contains a function named
number generated by Windows. adsmV3UserExit of type void, with one parameter of a
void *.
Explanation ANR8678E Cannot find/set User specified
The server was unable to load the module specified. (Windows) function name within DLL. in User
The module is not a properly C-compiled and linked specified DLL library name, with
dynamic module. registry path, system errno = Error
number generated by Windows.
System action
Server continues running.
The server was unable to find and/or bind with the
function name in the DLL specified.
User response
Use the server supplied sample makefile compile-link System action
the user-exit module.
Server continues running.
ANR8678E Cannot bind User specified module
(AIX) into server. AIX system error User response
Use the server supplied sample makefile to compile-
Explanation link the user-exit module. Make sure there is a
function name in the DLL as specified in the server
The server was unable to bind with the module options file. Make sure the function only accepts one
specified. argument, a void pointer.
ANR8679W A user-exit module is already
System action
(AIX) loaded.
Server initialization stops or server continues running if
already up.

926 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
A user-exit module was loaded previously. Another To start a new file for the file or filetext exit, halt the
user-exit module cannot be loaded. server, then restart the server with the new file name.
ANR8680W There is already a file used for the
System action (Linux) file or filetext exit.
Server initilization stops or server continues running if
already up. Explanation
There was a previous file open for the file or filetext
User response exit. The server cannot open another one.
To load a new user-exit module, halt the server and
then restart the server with the new user-exit module. System action
ANR8679W Unable to unload user exit Server initialization stops or server continues running if
(Linux) module: system errno = Error already up.
number generated by Solaris.
User response
To start a new file for the exit, halt the server, then
The server was not able to unload the user-exit restart the server with a new file name.
ANR8680W There is already a file used for the
(Windows) file or filetext exit.
System action
Server continues running. Explanation
There was a previous file open for the file or filetext
User response exit. The server cannot open another one.
The server should be stopped at the earliest possible
time before the user exit is to be reactivated. System action
ANR8679W There is already an user-exit Server continues running.
(Windows) loaded.
User response
To start a new file for the exit, halt the server, then
There was a previous successful load of an user-exit restart the server with a new file name.
module, thus server cannot load another one.
ANR8681I Connected to Tivoli event server at
(AIX) node name on port port.
System action
Server continues running. Explanation
The server successfully established a connection with
User response the Tivoli event server on the specified node name and
To load a new user-exit module, halt the server and port.
then restart the server with the new user-exit module.
System action
ANR8680W A file used for the file or filetext
(AIX) exit is already opened. The server sends events to the Tivoli event server
using this connection.
User response
A file for the file or filetext exit was previously opened.
The server cannot open another one. None.
ANR8681I Connected to Tivoli event server at
System action (Linux) node name on port port.
Server initialization stops or server continues running if
already up.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 927

Explanation System action
The server successfully established a connection with Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
the Tivoli event server on the specified node name and
port. User response
Ensure that the Tivoli event server is running on the
System action
specified system. If the system on which the event
The server sends events to the Tivoli event server server is running does not support the TCP/IP
using this connection. Portmapper, then ensure that TECPORT is specified in
the server options file.
User response ANR8682E Unable to determine port of Tivoli
None. (Windows) event server on node name.

ANR8681I Connected to Tivoli event server at

(Windows) node name on port port.
The server was unable to determine the TCP/IP port
Explanation on which the Tivoli event server on node name is
The server successfully established a connection with
the Tivoli event server on the specified node name and
System action
Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
System action
User response
The server sends events to the Tivoli event server
using this connection. Ensure that the Tivoli event server is running on the
specified system. If the system on which the event
User response server is running does not support the TCP/IP
Portmapper, then ensure that TECPORT is specified in
None. the server options file.
ANR8682E Unable to determine port of Tivoli ANR8683E Unable to connect to the Tivoli
(AIX) event server on node node name. (AIX) event server at node node name on
port port.
The server was unable to determine the TCP/IP port Explanation
for the Tivoli event server on node node name. The server was unable to establish a TCP/IP
connection with the Tivoli event server on node node
System action name at port port.
Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
System action
User response Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
Ensure that the Tivoli event server is running on the
specified system. If the system on which the event User response
server is running does not support the TCP/IP Ensure that the Tivoli event server is running on the
Portmapper, then ensure that TECPORT is specified in specified system. If the system on which the event
the server options file. server is running does not support the TCP/IP
ANR8682E Unable to determine port of Tivoli Portmapper, then ensure that the value specified for
(Linux) event server on node name. TECPORT in the server options file is correct.
ANR8683E Unable to connect to the Tivoli
Explanation (Linux) event server at node name on port
The server was unable to determine the TCP/IP port
on which the Tivoli event server on node name is

928 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation manually start event logging to the Tivoli event
server once server initialization has completed.
The server was unable to establish a TCP/IP
connection with the Tivoli event server on node name ANR8684E Unable to connect to the Tivoli
at port port. (Linux) event server because TCP/IP is not
System action
Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
The server was unable to establish a TCP/IP
User response connection with the Tivoli event server because
TCP/IP services were not available.
Ensure that the Tivoli event server is running on the
specified system. If the system on which the event
System action
server is running does not support the TCP/IP
Portmapper, then ensure that the value specified for Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
TECPORT in the server options file is correct.
ANR8683E Unable to connect to the Tivoli User response
(Windows) event server at node name on port • Ensure that COMMMETHOD=TCPIP is specified in
port. the server options file, or that COMMMETHOD=NONE
is not specified.
Explanation • If COMMMETHOD=TCPIP was specified, use the
The server was unable to establish a TCP/IP BEGIN EVENTLOGGING TIVOLI command to
connection with the Tivoli event server on node name manually start event logging to the Tivoli event
at port port. server once server initialization has completed.
ANR8684E Unable to connect to the Tivoli
System action (Windows) event server because TCP/IP is not
Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled. available.

User response Explanation

Ensure that the Tivoli event server is running on the The server was unable to establish a TCP/IP
specified system. If the system on which the event connection with the Tivoli event server because
server is running does not support the TCP/IP TCP/IP services were not available.
Portmapper, then ensure that the value specified for
TECPORT in the server options file is correct. System action

ANR8684E Unable to connect to the Tivoli Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
(AIX) event server because TCP/IP is not
available. User response
• Ensure that COMMMETHOD=TCPIP is specified in
Explanation the server options file, or that COMMMETHOD=NONE
The server was unable to establish a TCP/IP is not specified.
connection with the Tivoli event server because • If COMMMETHOD=TCPIP was specified, use the
TCP/IP services were not available. BEGIN EVENTLOGGING TIVOLI command to
manually start event logging to the Tivoli event
System action server once server initialization has completed.
Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled. ANR8685I Core dump being generated to file
(AIX) core dump file
User response
• Ensure that COMMMETHOD TCPIP is specified in the
server options file. The server has started generating a coredump to the
• If COMMMETHOD TCPIP was specified, use the specified file as a result of a user request.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 929

System action ANR8741E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME not
permitted with current license
Server operation continues.

User response
The CHECKIN LIBVOLUME operation is not permitted
ANR8686I Core dump successfully generated because the current license terms do not allow it.
System action
The command fails.
The server has successfully generated the requested
core dump. User response
Contact your service representative to update license
System action
values for slots in automated libraries, or reduce the
Server operation continues. number of slots in use by issuing CHECKOUT
LIBVOLUME commands as necessary.
User response ANR8742E This server is not licensed to
None. support the device type device
type. Device Support Module
ANR8687E Error generating core dump, errno module number is required.
(AIX) system errno.
A DEFINE DRIVE command or a volume mount
The server was unable to generate the requested core operation cannot be processed because the server is
dump. The errno indicates the reason AIX was unable not licensed to support the required device type.
to complete the request.
System action
System action
The operation fails.
Server operation continues.
User response
User response
Contact your service representative to update the
None. server license terms so that support for the required
ANR8740W Number of automated library slots device type is enabled.
(slots in use) exceeds license ANR8743E This server is not licensed to
terms (slots licensed). support library device name.
Device Support Module module
Explanation number is required.
The number of slots in use within automated libraries
exceeds the licensed value. Explanation
Either a DEFINE LIBRARY command, a volume mount
System action operation, or library initialization cannot be processed
because the server is not licensed to support the given
The operation completes.

User response
System action
Contact your service representative to update license
The operation fails.
values for slots in automated libraries, or reduce the
number of slots in use by issuing CHECKOUT
LIBVOLUME commands as necessary.

930 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR8747I Checking in volume volume name
in library library name- CANCEL
Contact your service representative to update the
server license terms so that support for the given
library device is enabled.
ANR8744E Command: Current license terms
do not permit this operation. In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
message displays the status for a CHECKIN
LIBVOLUME process on the server. The given volume
was being checked in to the designated library, but the
The specified command failed because the current process was canceled by an administrator.
license terms do not permit it.
System action
System action
The background process operation is in a wait queue.
The operation fails. When the process comes off the queue, it will be
User response
User response
Contact your service representative to update the
server license terms so that the requested operation None.
can be processed.
ANR8748I Checking in volumes in search
ANR8745E Support for the 3590 device type mode in library library name-
is disabled for library library name. CANCEL PENDING.

Explanation Explanation
The requested operation fails because support for the In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
3590 device type is not currently enabled for the message displays the status for a CHECKIN
specified library. LIBVOLUME process on the server. Volumes were
being checked into the given library in search mode,
System action but the process was canceled by an administrator.

The operation fails.

System action

User response The background process operation is being

Make sure the ENABLE3590LIBRARY option is
specified in the server options file, and that the scratch
User response
category number for 3590 volumes does not conflict
with the private category or the CARTRIDGE volume None.
scratch category.
ANR8749E Library order sequence check on
ANR8746E Device type device type is not library library name.
supported in this release.
An attempt has been made to mount or demount a
The specified device type cannot be used by this volume, but the attempt fails for one of the following
release/platform of the server. reasons:
• Mount is already in progress or a volume is already
System action mounted.
The device cannot be used. • Mount is already pending.
• Demount is already pending.
User response
• Demount was requested but no volume is mounted.
Contact your sales or service representative to
upgrade to the latest release of the server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 931

System action Managed Library license is
The operation fails.

User response
This message is issued when a DEFINE LIBRARY
This error usually occurs when a demount fails and a
command or a volume mount operation uses a device
cartridge is left in the drive. All subsequent mounts fail
class that is not licensed on the server.
while attempting to insert another cartridge into the
same drive. Demount the cartridge using the library
manager or perform an AUDIT LIBRARY operation on System action
the designated library. Retry the operation. The operation fails if this is a try-and-buy server. For
ANR8750E Volume is incompatible with purchased servers, this message is to warn you that
specified device type in library you are not in compliance with registered license
library name. terms.

Explanation User response

An attempt has been made to mount or check in a Contact your service representative to update the
volume, but the attempt fails because the cartridge server license terms so that support for the required
being mounted is not compatible with the drive (For device type is enabled.
example, attempting to mount a 3590 cartridge on a ANR8753W This server is not licensed to
3490 drive). support library library name.
Library Sharing is required.
System action
The operation fails. Explanation
This message is issued when a DEFINE LIBRARY
User response command or library initialization for a library that
requires library sharing and library sharing is not
Ensure the DEVTYPE parameter on the CHECKIN
licensed on the server.
command matches the device type of the drive. Retry
the operation.
System action
ANR8751W This server is not licensed to
support the device type device The operation fails if this is a try-and-buy server. For
type. Managed Library license is purchased servers, this message is to warn you that
required. you are not in compliance with registered license
User response
This message is issued when a DEFINE DRIVE
command or a volume mount operation uses a device Contact your service representative to update the
class that is not licensed on the server. server license terms so that support for the required
device type is enabled.
System action ANR8754E Command: There is already a
request to delete library libary
The operation fails if this is a try-and-buy server. For
purchased servers, this message is to warn you that
you are not in compliance with registered license
terms. Explanation
The designated library cannot be deleted or updated
User response because there is a request to delete the library
Contact your service representative to update the
server license terms so that support for the required
device type is enabled. System action

ANR8752W This server is not licensed to The command is not processed.

support library device type.

932 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR8758W The number of online drives in the
virtual tape library library name
does not match the number of
ANR8755E Command: There is already a online drive paths for source
request to update library library source name.
If the number of online drives in the library does not
The designated library cannot be deleted because match the number of online paths to drives in the
there is a request to update the library already. library for any applicable source, the server might
choose a drive that lacks a valid path definition. The
System action server then retries the mount operation, and any retry
might adversely affect mount performance.
The command is not processed.
System action
User response
Server operations continue. However, this message
None. indicates that there might be a mount retry if the
ANR8756E For optical libraries, you must selected drive does not have a valid online path
specify CHECKLABEL=YES. defined.

Explanation User response

Optical libraries require the CHECKLABEL parameter To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
to be set to YES Evaluate all drive path definitions. 2. For any drives
that lack a path definition for any applicable source
(for example, storage agents), define drive paths. 3.
System action Validate that all drive path definitions are online. 4. If a
The command fails. drive path is offline because of a hardware issue,
resolve the hardware issue and update the path so
User response that it is online. 5. If SAN-attached and NAS tape
drives are configured in the same library, separate the
Reissue the command and specify the tape drives into two libraries. Ensure that each library
CHECKLABEL=YES option. has only one type of attachment tape drive.
ANR8757W This server is not licensed to ANR8759W The drive name drive in the lib
support library device type. name library is owned by owner
Extended Edition license is name.
If a drive is owned by a library client or a storage
This message is issued when a DEFINE LIBRARY agent, the library manager does not verify the drive
command or a volume mount operation uses a device access and readiness during the library manager
class that is not licensed on the server. initialization.

System action System action

The operation fails if this is a try-and-buy server. For None.
purchased servers, this message is to warn you that
you are not in compliance with registered license User response
In a shared library environment, the owner of a tape
User response drive can change. If a tape drive is owned by a library
client or storage agent, the library manager cannot
Contact your service representative to update the access the tape drive. For example, if a library client or
server license terms so that support for the required storage agent owns a tape drive, but the library
device type is enabled. manager halts or fails to respond, on startup, the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 933

library manager remembers the library client or User response
storage agent that owns the drive, and skips
This is most likely a problem with the encryption key
processing this drive. If the library client or storage
manager (for example, a timeout or communication
agent is not synchronized with the library manager and
failure between the encryption key manager and the
has no record of owning the drive, this can result in an
drive or library). Correct any issues with the encryption
inability to use the drive. In this case, you might need
key manager and try the operation again. If the
to reset the drive reservation from the host machine of
problem persists, contatct IBM hardware support.
the library client or storage agent.
ANR8763E Command: Volume volume name
ANR8760I Cancel in progress.
not processed: library library name
not defined.
The MOVE MEDIA command has been canceled and Explanation
will end when resources have been freed for the
The indicated volume is not processed since the
background process. This message may be displayed
designated library has not been defined or has been
in response to a QUERY PROCESS command for a
MOVE MEDIA command.

System action
System action
The volume is not processed.
Server operation continues.

User response
User response
Reissue the command using a different library name,
or define the library before retrying the command.
ANR8761I Number of volumes processed:
ANR8764E Command: Volume volume name
not processed: the operation is not
allowed for library type library
Explanation type.
The MOVE MEDIA command has processed the
number of volumes displayed. This message may be Explanation
displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS command
The indicated volume is not processed since the
for a MOVE MEDIA command.
requested operation is not allowed for libraries of the
given type.
System action
Server operation continues. System action
The volume is not processed.
User response
None. User response
ANR8762E The drive drive name in the library None.
library name was unable to obtain
ANR8765I Request number: device type
an encryption key from the
volume volume name in location
encryption key management.
location name is required for use in
library library name; CHECKIN
Explanation LIBVOLUME required within time
The encryption key manager did not respond to the limit minutes.
drive or library that is managed by the IBM Spectrum
Protect server. Since IBM Spectrum Protect is not Explanation
managing the encryption keys, there is an issue with
A mount request has been made for a volume that is
the encryption key manager, the drive, or the library.
defined in a storage pool, but which is currently
checked out of the given library and stored in the
System action location shown.
The operation fails.

934 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The server waits until it detects that the volume has Server operation continues.
been checked into the library, or the time limit expires.
User response
User response
Obtain the required volume from the indicated
ANR8768E File file name on volume drive
location, and insert it into the library by issuing a
name could not be found.
option of the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command if the
library is currently full; this process allows the server Explanation
to select an appropriate volume to be swapped out in The server was unable to find the specified file name
order to make room for the required volume. on the indicated volume. For removable file device
ANR8766I MOVE MEDIA command: classes, each volume maintains data using a file name
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command which is the same as the volume name and the label
for volume volume name in library value on the volume.
library name completed
successfully; Place the ejected System action
volume in location location name.
The volume is rejected.

User response
The CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME operation has completed
Ensure that the proper volume has been placed into
successfully for the indicated volume in the given
the drive. If you are creating a removable file device
library. Place the ejected volume in the indicated
class volume by copying data from a FILE device class
volume, the media must have a label which is the
same as the volume name. The file which is copied to
System action the volume must be renamed to have the same name
The volume is either deleted from the library inventory as the label.
(if its status is something other than DATA) or marked ANR8769E External media management
not present (if its status is DATA). function request type returned
User response
If an *UNKNOWN* location is displayed, issue UPDATE Explanation
STGPOOL OVFLOCATION command to define an A request of the indicated function type was sent to
overflow location name to be used on the subsequent the external library manager program, which returned
MOVE MEDIA command. For the volumes ejected with a result code which was not SUCCESS.
an *UNKNOWN* location, use UPDATE VOLUME
LOCATION command to update its location to your
System action
overflow location name.
The server continues, but the server operation that
ANR8767I Number of volumes processed:
was being attempted fails.
number volumes processed.
Volumes sent to library library
name for checkout: number User response
volumes sent. Consult the documentation for the external media
management program to determine how to recover
Explanation from the error condition. Then attempt the server
operation again.
The MOVE MEDIA command has processed the
number of volumes shown. Currently, the MOVE ANR8770W Unable to load external library
MEDIA command has sent for processing the number manager filespec.
of volumes shown to the library shown. This message
may be displayed in response to a QUERY PROCESS
command for a MOVE MEDIA command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 935

Explanation Explanation
A library of LIBTYPE=EXTERNAL is defined but the If a barcode reader is not installed and detected by the
server cannot load the external library manager. server, the server requires the ability to check the tape
label when searching for new volumes in a VTL or SCSI
System action tape library. The CHECKLABEL=NO and SEARCH=YES
parameters on the CHECKIN LIBVOL command are not
The server continues, but the external library cannot compatible.
be accessed.
System action
User response
The command fails.
Verify that the EXTERNALMANAGER parameter for the
external library is specified correctly on the DEFINE
User response
Reissue the CHECKIN LIBVOL command and specify
ANR8771E Volume volume name in library CHECKLABEL=YES.
library name is deleted. External
Library is not synchronized with ANR8774W Volume volume name not checked
the server. Audit required. into library library name but is
using category category number.
The server deleted a volume from its inventory, and its
attempt to inform the external library manager has While processing a DEFINE LIBRARY or AUDIT
failed. LIBRARY command for the given library, the server
found a volume that was not checked into the library
System action (with the CHECKIN LIBVOL command), but is assigned
to one of the categories in use by that library.
The server may continue to access the library, but
some volumes may not be accessible until the external
System action
library is synchronized with the server.
If the volume category equals the value of the library
User response SCRATCHCAT the category is changed to the value of
the library PRIVATECAT. This is to prevent the library
Perform the appropriate type of processing on the from loading the volume when a scratch volume is
external library in order to synchronize it with the requested.
ANR8772I Moving volume volume name (if User response
known) from drive drive name to If the volume is to be used by the server, it does not
slot slot element number in library have to be reassigned but it must be checked into the
library name. library with the CHECKIN LIBVOL command. If the
volume is not to be used by the server, use the mtlib
Explanation program to reassign the volume to its correct category.
A volume found in the drive during library initialization For details about the mtlib program, refer to the
is being moved to the slot. documentation provided with the library device.
ANR8775I Drive drive name unavailable at
System action library manager.
The volume is moved from the drive to the slot.
User response The specified drive availability status at the library
manager has changed from available to unavailable.
ANR8773E Incompatible options System action
SEARCH=YES for library type The drive status on the server is updated to reflect the
library. availability to that of the library manager. The drive will

936 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

not be considered as a candidate for the mount or User response
demount request.
Until the VCR data can be restored, the user can issue
the UPDATE VOLUME command to make the volume
User response unavailable. There are two methods to restore the VCR
Contact your service representative to determine the data. The first method uses the MOVE DATA command
cause of the drive becoming unavailable. Once the to move the data off the tape and to return the tape to
service representative has determined the cause and scratch or empty status. The VCR data is rebuilt when
changed the availability status to available at the the empty tape is rewritten from the beginning-of-
library manager, the server will resume use of the tape. The second method rebuilds the VCR by loading
drive. the tape and locating directly to the end-of-data. This
is done by the server in normal use whenever data is
ANR8776W Volume volume name in drive drive appended to the end of the tape. It can also be done
name contains lost VCR data; independent of the server by loading the tape in an
performance may be degraded. unused drive and using the tapeutil program. Select
the tapeutil option "Space to End-of-Data".
ANR8778W Scratch volume volume name
The Vital Cartridge Records of the cartridge in the drive changed to Private Status to
are lost or corrupted. This results in the inability of the prevent re-access.
drive to do fast locates to file positions on the
cartridge, which causes the locate performance for Explanation
read or append operations to become degraded.
The scratch volume encountered an error during
mount processing that makes it unusable. The status
System action
of the volume is changed to private so that it is not
The server continues the operation. selected for future scratch mounts. (Although the
status has become private, it is not defined to a
User response storage pool.)

There are two methods to restore the VCR data. The

System action
first method uses the MOVE DATA command to move
the data off the tape and to return the tape to scratch Processing continues with another scratch volume.
or empty status. The VCR data is rebuilt when the
empty tape is rewritten from the beginning-of-tape. User response
The second method rebuilds the VCR by loading the
tape and locating directly to the end-of-data. This is See previous error messages to determine the cause
done by the server in normal use when new data is of the mount failure, and correct the problem. If the
appended to the end of the tape. It can also be done problem is a mislabeled volume or unreadable label,
independent of the server by loading the tape in an relabel the scratch volume using the dsmlabel utility
unused drive and using the tapeutil program. Select with the "-overwrite" option. If the volume is missing
the tapeutil option "Space to End-of-Data". from its home slot, issue the AUDIT LIBRARY
command against the library. If the volume has lost or
ANR8777E Mount for volume volume name corrupted VCR-data, relabel the volume. (This
failed; media performance is reinitializes the VCR-data by writing to the volume
degraded. from beginning-of-tape.) Once the problem is
corrected, update the status of the volume to scratch
Explanation by using the UPDATE LIBVOL command.
The VCR data on the volume is lost or corrupted, ANR8779E Unable to open drive drive name,
resulting in degraded tape positioning. The mount fails error number= errno value from
because the tape drive was configured to fail mounts open system call.
that indicate this condition.
System action
The drive cannot be opened by the server. On UNIX
The client command fails and the transaction is rolled and Linux systems, an error number is a value of an
back. errno returned by the operating system. On Windows,
an error number is a Windows error message number.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 937

System action ANR8782E Volume volume name could not be
accessed by library library name.
The transaction that needs the drive fails.

User response
The designated volume is in the inventory of the
Use the error number in conjunction with operating
Library Manager, but the physical location is either
system documentation to narrow the scope of the
inaccessible or unknown.
cause. Inspect the drive. Ensure that the drive is
powered on and ready, that the cables are properly
connected and terminated, and that the device is System action
properly configured to the operating system. The operation fails. The access mode of the volume is
ANR8780E Volume in drive drive name has no changed to UNAVAILABLE.
User response
Explanation Ensure that the cartridge is physically in the library,
The volume in the indicated drive does not have a and reinventory the library. If the volume location is
label. The server requires that all media be uniquely resolved, restore the access mode of the volume to its
labeled. previous value using the UPDATE VOLUME command.
ANR8783E Label on volume in drive drive
System action name could not be read.
The volume is rejected and the server prompts for a
new volume. Explanation
The server was unable to read the label on the
User response indicated drive.
Use the appropriate labeling utility to label the media.
In Windows NT, the LABEL command is used to label System action
removable disk cartridges, diskettes and other media The volume is rejected.
which appear as drive letters.
ANR8781E Volume in drive drive name has User response
invalid label label.
Use the appropriate labeling utility to label the media.
In Windows NT, the LABEL command is used to label
Explanation removable disk cartridges, diskettes and other media
The volume in the indicated drive has the label shown. which appear as drive letters. This label must still
The name does not conform with server requirements. conform to server requirements.
The server requires that all media be uniquely labeled ANR8784E File file name on volume drive
and, for removable media, that the label with file name could not be created.
naming conventions. The label found exceeded the
maximum label size for removable media or did not
conform to server labeling requirements. If ????? is Explanation
shown for the label, it indicates that server was unable The server was unable to create the indicated file on
to read the label. the indicated volume. The server creates a file on
removable media in which to store data.
System action
The volume is rejected. System action
The volume is rejected.
User response
Use the appropriate labeling utility to label the media. User response
In Windows NT, the LABEL command is used to label Ensure that the media is not defective, and is properly
removable disk cartridges, diskettes and other media formatted. Ensure that there are not large numbers of
which appear as drive letters. This label must still files already in the root of the file system. Some file
conform to server requirements. systems have limits on the number of files that may be
created in the root directory.

938 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8785E Out-of-space in file system for cartridges into the library's drives and reading the
device type volume volume name. label from the tape. Cleaning cartridges have no
internal label that can be checked by loading it in the
Explanation drive.

The server detected an out-of-space condition for the User response

file system in which the given volume resides.
Cancel the process if you do not want to load all of the
System action cartridges into the library's drives. Examine the
cartridges to ensure they have barcode labels and they
The operation fails. are compatible with the barcode reader. Not all
vendors' labels are readable by all libraries. Check that
User response the barcode reader is configured and functioning
properly, if necessary.
The file system must be expanded to accommodate
volume growth. ANR8788W Unable to read the barcode of
cartridge in slot-id Element
ANR8786I Request number: Remove device number of slot in library library
type volume from entry/exit port; name; loading in drive to read
insert volume volume name mount label.
mode into entry/exit port of library
library name within time limit
minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along Explanation
with the request ID when ready. The library barcode reader is unable to read the label
of a tape cartridge. The cartridge is found in the slot
Explanation with the given element number.
A CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command is in progress, and
the specified volume is needed. However, there is a System action
volume awaiting to be removed from the entry/exit The cartridge is loaded into a drive and its label will be
port before the specified volume is inserted into the read from the tape.
port of the given library.
User response
System action
Cancel the process if you do not want to load any
The server waits until a REPLY command is issued. cartridges into the library's drives. Examine the
cartridge to ensure it has a barcode label and that it is
User response compatible with the barcode reader. Not all vendors'
labels are readable by all libraries. Check that the
Remove the volume from the library and insert the barcode reader is configured and is functioning
correct volume into the entry/exit port. Issue a REPLY properly, if necessary.
command, along with the request ID, to tell the server
that the volume has been removed and a new volume ANR8789W Dynamic drive recovery being
has been inserted. attempted on device type volume
volume name due to errors.
ANR8787W Unable to read the barcode
label(s) in library library name.
Explanation Due to a drive or media fault, the server is moving the
volume to a new drive.
A command is issued with the
CHECKLABEL=BARCODE option. The library is unable
to detect that the cartridges have valid barcode labels. System action
The barcode reader is disabled or it is unable to read Read or write operations resume on the volume once it
the labels. is remounted.

System action User response

Unless the command is checking in cleaning None.
cartridges, the process continues by loading the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 939

ANR8790I device type volume volume name Explanation
re-mounted in drive drive name. To recover a volume on another drive, there must be at
least one other drive available that is not associated
Explanation with the transaction which is driving the recovery. In
Due to a drive or media fault, the server has moved the addition, the maximum number of drives that can have
volume to the specified drive. Read or write operations dynamic drive recovery performed at the same time is
resume on the volume. one less than the number of drives. This is to prevent
deadlock from occurring between two recovering
transactions. One of these criteria has failed.
System action
The label of the volume has been verified. System action
No DDR is performed and the transaction fails.
User response
None. User response
ANR8791E Unable to move device type volume Restart the transaction.
volume name to another drive.
ANR8794E Retry of operation name operation
failed for device type volume
Explanation volume name.
Dynamic drive recovery was being attempted on the
volume, but was unable to move the volume to Explanation
another drive.
After successfully mounting the volume on another
drive, due to an I/O error, the original operation fails
System action
when retried.
The originating process terminates.
System action
User response
No further recovery is performed and the transaction
See previous error messages to determine the cause fails.
of the DDR failure, and correct the problem. If the
problem is an unreadable label, any data on the User response
volume may be lost.
Restart the transaction.
ANR8792E Unrecoverable drive failures on
drive drive name; drive is now ANR8795I Retry of operation name operation
marked offline. for device type volume volume
name is successful.
The drive has been determined to be faulty because of
recurrent failures. After mounting the volume on another drive, due to an
I/O error, the operation is tried successfully.
System action
System action
The drive is now marked offline.
The transaction continues from the point of
interruption from the failure.
User response
Service the drive for failures. Delete and redefine the User response
drive to bring it back online.
ANR8793E Dynamic drive recovery failed for
device type volume volume name ANR8796W Drive drive name of library library
because not enough drives are name is not online; UPDATE DRIVE
available. required.

940 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
During the initialization of a library, the server finds If this tape volume is one of a sequence of volumes
that the drive was updated to be offline. that are required to process a transaction, a drive must
be available for each mount. This may be any drive in
System action the library, but if all other library drives are currently
busy and are still busy at the time the new tape must
The drive will not be accessible by the library during be mounted, the transaction will fail.
tape operations.
User response
User response
If possible, make the drive online until the transaction
The drive may be made online by issuing the UPDATE using it ends. If there is an idle volume on the drive,
DRIVE command with the ONLINE=YES option. dismount the volume first.
ANR8797W command: Drive drive name of ANR8799I Command: Operation for library
library library name is library name started as process
inaccessible. process ID.

Explanation Explanation
The server is unable to use the mentioned drive. This A LABEL process has been started to write the label on
may be for the following reasons: the specified volume in the given library. The process
• The drive cannot be opened. is assigned the ID specified in the message.
• In the case of a 3494 or a library that can be
partitioned, the drive may be unavailable to the System action
library manager, may be in use by another The server starts a background process to perform the
application, or may be loaded with a cartridge not operation in response to the LABEL command entered
labeled for server use. by an administrator.

System action User response

The drive is temporarily made offline and is not used To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERY
for tape operations. The server polls the drive at one- PROCESS command. The process may be canceled
half minute intervals to check if the condition has with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
cleared. Once the drives is accessible again, the drive
is brought online. ANR8800I LABEL LIBVOLUME for volume
volume name in library library
name completed successfully.
User response
Determine the reason the drive is inaccessible, such as Explanation
hardware errors reported in the system logs. Render
any needed corrections to the drive. The drive will be The background process to LABEL a volume has
brought online automatically when the polling process completed.
detects that is has become accessible.
System action
ANR8798W Drive drive name in library library
name is busy; some transactions The volume's label has been rewritten.
may fail.
User response
Explanation None.
The drive being made offline is currently mounted with
an open tape volume. If the transaction using the
process Id, for library library name
volume requires subsequent tape mounts and is
is completed. The number of
unable to acquire a drive, the transaction will fail.
volumes that labeled is count of
labeled volumes. The number of
volumes that were checked in is
count of checked in volumes.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 941

Explanation Explanation
A search-mode process to LABEL volumes has In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
completed. message displays the status for a LABEL process on
the server.
System action
System action
The volumes have been labeled.
The background process continues.
User response
User response
None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
ANR8802E LABEL LIBVOLUME process, administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
process Id, for library library name
failed. ANR8805I Labeling volumes in library library
name; volume count volume(s)
Explanation labeled.

The Labeling process ended unsuccessfully.


System action In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this

message displays the status of a LABEL process with
Server operation continues. the SEARCH option.

User response System action

Complete the following steps: 1. To determine the The background process continues.
cause of the failure, review the previous error
messages. 2. Based on the previous messages, correct
User response
the problem.
None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
ANR8803I LABEL VOLUME process process Id administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
for library library name has been
canceled; count of labeled volumes ANR8806E Could not write volume label
volume(s) labeled, count of volume name on the tape in library
checked in volumes volume(s) library name.
The Label process could not write the label on the tape
A background server process that has been working to specified.
label the volumes for the given library is canceled by
the CANCEL PROCESS command. The counts provided System action
are for any volumes processed prior to the cancel.
For a LABEL operation with SEARCH=YES, the
background process continues to the next volume. For
System action
an individual volume, the process ends. The volume is
The server process is ended and server operation not labeled and is not checked into the library.
User response
User response
Make sure the library and drive devices associated
None. with this command are powered on and ready, and
then reissue the command.
ANR8804I Labeling volume volume name in
library library name. ANR8807W Could not write label volume name
on the volume in drive drive name
of library library name because
volume is already labeled existing
volume name.

942 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The check in or label process could not write the label The server waits until a REPLY command is issued.
on the tape specified because the volume is already
labeled. User response
Issue a REPLY command, along with the request ID,
System action
and the volume name for the next cartridge.
The check in process will not overwrite volumes that
ANR8810I Volume volume name has been
are already labeled, and the label process will only
labeled in library library name.
overwrite volumes when OVERWRITE=YES is
specified. The volume is not labeled and cannot be
checked in to the library. If SEARCH=YES, the process Explanation
continues to the next volume. For an individual The Label process with the search option has found
volume, the process ends. and labeled a volume.

User response System action

Reissue the command with the correct parameters. The process ends.
ANR8808E Could not write label label name
on the volume in drive drive name User response
of library library name because
that volume is already labeled
with volume name which is still ANR8811E Command: The LABELSOURCE
defined in a storage pool or parameter is required when using
volume history. SEARCH with this command.

Explanation Explanation
An attempt was made to overwrite the label of a The LABELSOURCE parameter must be provided with
volume that is still defined to a storage pool or is still the given command.
found in the volume history file. Such a volume may
still contain valid data. System action
The command is not processed.
System action
The server process is ended and server operation User response
Reissue the command, and provide a valid
LABELSOURCE parameter value.
User response
It is usually not necessary to re-label volumes. If the ANR8812E Command: The SEARCH
volume must be relabeled, that volume must first be parameter is required when using
removed from the storage pool or volume history file LABELSOURCE with this
where it is defined. command.

ANR8809I Request number: Please provide Explanation

the label name for the volume in
slot element slot element number When using the LABELSOURCE option with this
of library library name by issuing command, the SEARCH parameter must be also
REPLY n LABEL=xxx within time provided.
limit minutes, where n is the
request ID and xxx is the desired System action
label name.
The command is not processed.

User response
A LABEL LIBVOLUME command is in progress, and the
Reissue the command, and provide a valid SEARCH
name of the next volume is needed.
parameter value.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 943

ANR8813W Unable to read the barcode of System action
cartridge in slot element Element The server continues normal operation.
number of slot in library library
User response
Explanation Remove the specified volume from the library.
The library barcode reader is unable to read the label ANR8816E command: Volume Volume name in
of a tape cartridge. The cartridge is found in the slot library Library name cannot be
with the given element number. labeled because it is currently
defined in a storage pool or in the
System action volume history file.

When LABELSOURCE=BARCODE is specified on the

LABEL LIBVOLUME command, volumes without a
barcode cannot be labeled. When the VOLRANGE or During command command processing, a volume
VOLLIST option is specified on the CHECKIN cannot be used because there is a storage pool volume
LIBVOLUME command, volumes without a barcode defined or a volume in the volume history file with this
cannot be checked in. volume name. Such a volume may still contain valid
data. Applying the volume name to the cartridge can
User response overwrite data and or cause library inventory
corruption. If the volume is in the volume history file, it
Examine the cartridge to ensure it has a barcode label has been previously used by for an export, database
and that it is compatible with the barcode reader. Not dump, database backup operation, or by a library
all vendors' labels are readable by all libraries. Check client (as recorded in the volume history).
that the barcode reader is configured and is
functioning properly, if necessary.
System action
ANR8814I Remove volume Volume name from If the SEARCH=YES option was specified, the current
slot element Slot element number volume is skipped and command processing continues
of library Library name. with the next volume found. If SEARCH=NO was
specified, command processing terminates.
LABEL LIBVOLUME has ended for the specified volume User response
and that volume must be removed from the library If the volume is present in an automated library, it
because either it was not checked in or there was an should either be removed or checked into the library's
error. inventory in the PRIVATE category.

System action ANR8817E Name length for volume "Volume

name" invalid; max is Maximum
The server continues normal operation. name length.

User response Explanation

Remove the specified volume from the library. During LABEL LIBVOL processing, the volume name
ANR8815I Remove volume Volume name from provided to be written on the label exceeds the
port element Port element number maximum length for the type of cartridge.
of library Library name.
System action
Explanation The label process fails for that cartridge.
LABEL LIBVOLUME has ended for the specified volume
and that volume must be removed from the library User response
because either it was not checked in or there was an Reissue the LABEL LIBVOL command and provide a
error. volume name that is not longer than the maximum

944 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8818E I/O Error on library library name; System action
request for op. operation/function The server continues the dismount operation. There
to the 3494 Library Manager has may be a long delay because the VCR is rebuilt by
timed out.
spacing the tape forward to the end-of-data.

Explanation User response

A command for the operation was issued to the Library None.
Manager and a response was not received within the
maximum timeout period. ANR8821E Barcode of element slot element
address, 'hardware barcode string',
System action exceeds maximum length
characters in length.
The operation and the transaction fails.
User response
A barcode is encountered that was longer than a valid
Verify that communications with the library is volume name.
operational, that it is online and ready for commands.
Increase the time-out limit of the Library Manager
System action
Control Point device driver. If the problem persists,
provide your service representative with the 3494 The barcode is not considered valid and will not be
Library Manager transaction logs. used for the server process.
ANR8819E Unable to read the barcode
label(s) in library library name. User response
Replace the cartridge's barcode with one that is
Explanation supported by the library and whose number of
characters does not exceed the maximum length.
A LABEL command was issued with the
LABELSOURCE=BARCODE option. The library was ANR8822E 'Volume name' is not a valid
unable to detect that the cartridges had valid barcode volume name.
labels or the library did not have a barcode reader. If a
barcode reader is present the reader might be Explanation
disabled or it is unable to read the labels.
The specified string is not a valid volume name.
System action
System action
Examine the cartridges to ensure they have barcode
labels and they are compatible with the barcode The program prompts for a new volume name.
reader. Not all vendors' labels are readable by all
libraries. Check that the barcode reader is configured User response
and functioning properly.
Enter a volume name that is within the length
constraints for the media type being labeled, and
User response which contains only alphanumeric characters.
None. ANR8823E Hardware configuration error in
ANR8820W Repairing VCR data for Volume library library name: number of
volume name in drive drive name; drives drives, number of storage
dismount may be delayed. slots storage slots.

Explanation Explanation

The Vital Cartridge Records of the cartridge in the drive The library device returned a count of zero for either
are lost or corrupted, which results in the inability of the drives or the slots. The drives may have not yet
the drive to do fast locates to file positions on the been configured to the operating system, or to the
cartridge. The VCR is being rebuilt during the volume library. The library must have at least one drive and
dismount process in order to avoid performance multiple slots when properly configured in order to be
degradation on future mounts of the volume. defined to the server.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 945

System action System action
The operation fails. None.

User response User response

Configure the drives to the operating system, and None.
reinitialize the library.
ANR8827E No Entry/Exit port is available on
ANR8824E I/O Error on library library name; library library name.
request request id for operation
operation/function to the 3494 Explanation
Library Manager been lost.
A CHECKOUT LIBVOL command was issued on a
library where all its Entry/Exit Ports were found to be
full or inaccessible.
A command for the operation was issued to the Library
Manager and a response was not received within the System action
maximum timeout period.
System action
User response
The operation and the transaction fails.
Empty all the entry/exit ports on the library, close the
entry/exit port door, make sure the ports are
User response
accessible, and try the command again.
Verify that communications with the library is
operational, that it is online and ready for commands. ANR8828E Slot element number of library
If the problem persists, provide your service library name is inaccessible.
representative with the 3494 Library Manager
transaction logs and the request id from the failed Explanation
operation. The slot in the library could not be physically accessed
ANR8825E 'Volume range' is not a valid at this time.
volume range.
System action
Explanation None.
The specified string is not a valid volume range.
User response
System action Verify that the Entry/Exit door is closed and the device
The program prompts for a new volume range. has not logged any device errors before trying the
command again.
User response ANR8829I Remove volume volume name from
Enter the volume names in the range that is within the slot element number of library
length constraints for the media type being labeled, library name at your convenience.
and which contains only alphanumeric characters. The
volume names of the beginning and ending volume Explanation
must be the same in length and the incrementals must A volume has been checked out from the library and
be in digits. placed in a multiple entry/exit port library. The volume
ANR8826E No Entry/Exit found on library needs to be removed from the library, but the
library name. operation is not critical.

Explanation System action


was issued on a library that has no Entry/Exit ports.

946 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response Explanation
Remove the volume from the entry/exit slot. The background process for a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME
command failed.
ANR8830E Internal Device type drive
diagnostics detect excessive
media failures for volume Volume System action
name (MIM MIM Code). Access The background process ends, but volumes were not
mode is now set to "read-only". checked into the library.

Explanation User response

The tape drive's microcode performed an analysis of To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1.
the media during the prior mount of the volume and Ensure that the affected library and drive devices are
determined that the number of temporary errors and powered on and ready for operation. 2. To verify the
other indicators exceed the threshold for reliable data status of the target slot, issue the SHOW SLOTS
recording. command. For example, if the library name is XYZ,
issue the following command: show slots xyz 3.
System action Review the command output: - If the status of a slot is
The volume is made read-only. command. - If the status of a slot is ALLOCATED, the
server will not check in a volume from this slot to the
User response target library because this volume is already checked
Check system error logs for entries made by the device into this library. 4. If a volume was already checked
relative to media errors. It is recommended to move into the library, and this volume was manually
the data off the volume in order to minimize the impact removed from this slot, and a new volume was
of future errors and further damage to the media. recently inserted into this slot, take the following
actions: - Remove the new volume from the slot and
ANR8831W Because of media errors for restore the original volume to its original slot. - Check
volume Volume name, data should out the original volume. - Verify that the status of this
be removed as soon as possible. slot is FULL. - Remove the original volume from the
slot. - Insert the new volume into this slot and reissue
Explanation the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.

Errors previously encountered on the volume leave the ANR8833E Command: Volume volume name in
access to the data in a questionable state. The errors library library name is currently
may be permanent temporary media failures such as being checked in or checked out.
the corruption of the Volume Control Region of a
Magstar drive. Explanation
The command cannot be processed because the
System action specified volume is being checked in or checked out of
None. the library.

User response System action

Move the data off the volume. This can be done with The command is not processed.
the MOVE DATA command. In some cases the tape is
reusable by returning it to scratch. Check system error User response
logs for entries made by the device relative to media
errors. If the errors cannot be isolated ore resolved, Wait until the conflicting checkin or checkout has
contact your support representative. Return the tape completed, and then reissue the command.
to scratch or dispose of it. ANR8834E Library volume volume name is
ANR8832E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME for volumes still present in library library name
in search mode in library library drive drive name, and must be
name failed. removed manually.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 947

Explanation code from the API. The call number represents the
exact API call issued in the program.
Library operations cannot be performed using the
drive because a volume is still mounted in it. This may
be due to a prior dismount failure that occurred on the System action
drive. The function fails.

System action User response

The command fails. The drive may be taken offline. Use the RSM documentation to determine the source
of the problem.
User response
ANR8837E RSM Library Library Name not
See previous error messages and the system error logs supported on this Windows
to determine the cause of the dismount failure or any platform.
other reason the volume would still be loaded in the
drive. Hardware diagnostics may be required. If Explanation
necessary, remove the volume manually and place it in
its storage cell. If the storage cell is unknown, place The libtype=RSM was used on a Windows platform
the volume in any cell and issue the AUDIT LIBRARY that does not support RSM.
command. Use the QUERY DRIVE command to
determine the online status of the drive. If the drive is System action
still functioning, change the status with the UPDATE
The function fails.
DRIVE command.
ANR8835W Error returning volume volume User response
name to scratch.
Use another library type to define the library.
Explanation ANR8838E I/O error on drive drive name:
The server external library manager sent a RELEASE excessive unit attentions received
request to the external agent for the named volume, from device.
but the external agent was unable comply with the
request. The server, however, marked the volume Explanation
scratched in its inventory; consequently, the server An operation to the drive failed with a device unit
inventory and the external agent inventory are not attention. These are normally cleared when the
consistent. This message is issued to inform the operation is retried, but in this case subsequent
customer that the external agent inventory must be recover and retry attempts persistently fail with unit
made consistent with the server inventory using the attention. This indicates a device failure.
facilities of the external agent.
System action
System action
The operation fails.
The server has returned the volume to scratch status.
User response
User response
See accompanying error messages and the system
Consult the documentation for the external agent and error logs to determine any reason for the drive failure.
take the appropriate action to make the agent Hardware diagnostics may be required. It may be
inventory consistent with the server inventory. necessary to manually unload the volume and mark
ANR8836E Function RSM_function failed in the drive offline with the UPDATE DRIVE command.
server_function processing, return ANR8839W Drive drive name of library library
return code, call call number. name is accessible.

Explanation Explanation
The library function that uses the API to the Windows The server is now able to use the mentioned drive that
NT Removable Storage Manager failed with a return was inaccessible. However, the administrator has

948 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

marked the drive offline while the drive was being User response
Remove the volume from the entry/exit slot. Examine
previous messages for additional information
System action regarding the specified volume and the command.
The drive is left offline and is not used for tape ANR8842E The Device type drive detected a
operations. marginal sector and could not
reallocate the sector for volume
User response Volume name. Access mode is now
set to "read-only".
Issue the UPDATE DRIVE command to bring the drive
back online.
ANR8840E Unable to open device device name
with error number error number The optical drive detected a marginal sector (media
and PVRRC return code. error) while reading the volume. The drive read the
sector successfully but could not reallocate the sector
because of a previous media error.
The library is not accessible. As a result, an open System action
request failed. This in turn causes the pending request
to fail. The volume is made read-only.

System action User response

A drive is marked inaccessible. The server polls the Check system error logs for entries made by the device
drive to determine if both the library and drive are relative to media errors. It is recommended to move
inaccessible. In most case, the library had a temporary the data off the volume in order to minimize the impact
failure and recovers. When the server determines that of future errors and further damage to the media.
the library is available, the drive is brought back on- ANR8843E Initialization failed for library type
line. library library name - the library
will be inaccessible.
User response
Use the error number in conjunction with operating Explanation
system documentation to narrow the scope of the The initialization process for the given library has
cause. Inspect the library. Ensure that the library is failed. The server is unable to use the library. This may
powered on and ready, that the cables are properly be for the following reasons:
connected, and that the device is properly configured
to the system. • The library is defined without a path.
• The device for the library is removed by a DELETE
ANR8841I Remove volume from slot element
PATH command.
number of library library name at
your convenience. • The data mover controlling the library is offline.
• The path to the library is offline.
A volume has been placed in a multiple entry/exit port System action
library because the volume should be placed back in The library is made offline and will not be used for any
the entry/exit port as result of the successful library operations.
completion of a server command, or there was a
problem during a server command. The volume needs
User response
to be removed from the library, but the operation is not
critical. Determine the reason the library is inaccessible.
Render any needed corrections to the library, shut
System action down the server, and re-bring up the server so that the
library can be completely initialized.
ANR8844E Remote drive drive name could not
be opened because of the

Chapter 3. ANR messages 949

following error code: error value Explanation
from server plugin.
The attempted operation on the volume cannot
proceed because it is assigned to a category other
Explanation than the insert, private, or scratch category used by
The server cannot open the specified remote drive. the library.

System action System action

Server operation continues. The attempted operation is terminated.

User response User response

To resolve the issue, complete the following steps: 1. Use the mtlib utility to query the volume's category. If
Diagnose the issue by reviewing the documentation for the volume is not in use by another library, use mtlib to
the specified error code. 2. Ensure that the drive is reassign the category or choose another volume that is
powered on, ready for operation, and properly assigned to the proper category.
configured for the network-attached storage file ANR8847E No device type type drives are
server. 3. To verify whether other issues might affect currently available in library
the drive, review the system error log of the NAS file library name.
server and the network data management protocol
(NDMP) message logs. The logs might provide
information about one or more issues. For example, Explanation
the drive might be busy, inaccessible due to a faulty The attempted operation cannot be completed on the
network connection, or inoperable because of a specified library because there are no available drives
hardware failure. 4. Resolve any detected issues and of the specified type. A drive may be unavailable
retry the operation. because a different application has the drive opened.
This message may also be issued if a CHECKIN or
ANR8845E Loadable module module name is
LABEL command is issued and no drive is available to
required for remote operation.
service the operation. This can be because all the
drives are mounted by other processes or sessions, or
Explanation the device type was incorrectly specified. This can also
The indicated loadable module is required by the be issued when incorrect barcode labels are placed on
server to perform an operation on a remote drive or the wrong type of media (e.g. LTO2 barcode label on
library, but the module has not loaded. Message an LTO1 cartridge).
ANR4726I is issued during server initialization when
the module is loaded. System action
The attempted operation is terminated.
System action
The remote operation fails. User response
Use the QUERY DRIVE command to check the online
User response status of the drives. Drives that are marked
Check the server activity log for message ANR4726I, "Unavailable since hh:mm yy/mm/dd" are drives taken
indicating if the module was loaded. If you see this offline by the server at the time specified because of
message during server initialization for this module, hardware failures or the inability to open the drive. If
please contact your service representative. If you do the attempted operation is a CHECKIN or LABEL
not see this message, make sure the loadable module command, use the QUERY MOUNT command to
has not been delete, or contact your service determine if all the drives in the library are mounted
representative. and wait until one of these is available. If there are
mounted volumes with an IDLE status, use the
ANR8846E Volume volume name is assigned DISMOUNT VOLUME command to free its drive, and
to a category that does not belong retry the original operation. Finally, the DEVTYPE
to library library name. parameter is required for CHECKIN and LABEL
commands specifying 3590 volumes in a 349X library
that also contains 3490 drives. This is because this
library also supports 3490 volumes, and the default

950 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

device type on CHECKIN and LABEL commands is System action
CART (3490).
The library is made ready for use.
ANR8848W Drive drive name of library library
name is inaccessible; server has User response
begun polling drive.
Explanation ANR8851E Initialization failed for ACSLS
library library name; will retry in
The server is unable to use the mentioned drive. This
delay time minute(s).
may be for the following reasons:
• The drive cannot be opened Explanation
• In the case of a 3494 or a library that can be The initialization process for the given library has
partitioned, the drive may be unavailable to the failed. It is retried automatically after the specified
library manager, may be in use by another amount of time has elapsed.
application, or may be loaded with a cartridge not
labeled for server use.
System action
System action The initialization will be retried later.
The drive is temporarily made offline and is not used
for tape operations. The server polls the drive at one- User response
half minute intervals to check if the condition has Ensure that the library device is powered on and
cleared. Once the drives is accessible again, the drive ready.
is brought online.
ANR8852E Initialization failed for ACSLS
library library name.
User response
Determine the reason the drive is inaccessible, such as Explanation
hardware errors reported in the system logs. Render
any needed corrections to the drive. The drive will be The initialization process for the given library has
brought online automatically when the polling process failed and will not be retried until the next time the
detects that is has become accessible. server needs to access the library.

ANR8849E Command: There is already a System action

request to delete drive drive name.
The library is made temporarily unavailable.
User response
The designated drive cannot be deleted or updated
because there is a request to delete the drive already. None.
ANR8853E Incompatible options
System action CHECKLABEL=NO and
The command is not processed. SEARCH=YES for ACSLS libraries.

User response Explanation

None. The CHECKLABEL=NO and SEARCH=YES parameters

on the CHECKIN LIBVOL command are not
ANR8850I ACSLS library library name is compatible.
ready for operations.
System action
The command fails.
The initialization process for the given library has
completed successfully, and the library is ready for User response
Reissue the CHECKIN LIBVOL command and specify

Chapter 3. ANR messages 951

ANR8854E ACSAPI(command name) User response
invocation failed, status= acs Contact your ACS System Administrator and perform
status. ACSLS library problem determination.

Explanation ANR8857I ACS access control set to user_id -

user id, status= acs status.
The ACSLS library API invocation for the given
command failed.

System action The ACSLS ACCESSID structure for command and

volume access control is set the user_id as indicated.
Depends on the server function and command, library
may be unavailable.
System action

User response None.

Contact your ACS System Administrator and perform

User response
ACSLS library problem determination.
Ensure the indicated user_id is the same as specified
ANR8855E ACSAPI(command name) response in the environment variable ACSAPI_USER_ID.
with unsuccessful status,
status=acs status. ANR8858W Unable to lock drive drive id,drive
id, drive id,drive id, status= acs
Explanation status.

The ACSLS library API responded with an unsuccessful

status as indicated.
The ACSLS library function acs_lock_drive failed for
System action the specified drive.

Depends on the server function and command, library

System action
may be unavailable.
Depends on the server function and command, library
User response drive may be unavailable. or may be temporary
unavailable in a shared library environment.
If the status indicates STATUS_CAP_IN_USE, it might
be CAP priorities not set to non-zero. It might also be
User response
CAPs are not set to automatic mode, or CAPs are in
manual mode during manual checkin. If CAP mode and Contact your ACS System Administrator and perform
priorities are set correctly, contact your ACS System ACSLS library problem determination if the problem
Administrator and perform ACSLS library problem persists.
ANR8859W Unable to lock volume volume id,
ANR8856E ACSAPI sequence(sequence status= acs status.
number) request (request number)
timed out, elapse time=hours: Explanation
The ACSLS library function acs_lock_volume failed for
the specified volume.
The ACSLS client has received no response from the System action
ACSLS server for the period as indicated in the elapsed
time. The ACSLS library API function with the Depends on the server function and command, library
associated sequence number is canceled if the volume is unavailable.
request number is non-zero.
User response
System action Contact your ACS System Administrator and perform
Depends on the server function and command, library ACSLS library problem determination if the problem
may be unavailable. persist.

952 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8860W Volume volume id is already locked ANR8863I Unlocking library library name
by user id. volumes from the ACSLS server.

Explanation Explanation
The specified volume is already locked by other user The volumes of the specified library are being
or has a different lock id. unlocked from the ACSLS server.

System action System action

Depends on the function, the volume maybe bypassed The operation continues. The process may take a
or the process maybe terminated. while depends on the number of volumes in the
User response
User response
This may not be an error in a shared configuration.
However, if the existing volume lock is not needed. None.
contact your ACSLS system administrator to clear the
ANR8864I ACSLS library library name is being
lock the volume.
ANR8861I Wait and monitor the ACSSA
console message to remove Explanation
volume volume id from CAP.
The specified ACSLS library is being re-initialized.
System action
The specified volume is about to put into CAP for
removal. Monitor the ACSSA console and removed the The operation continues. The process may take a
volume after it has been placed into the CAP as while depends on the number of volumes in the
indicated in the ACSSA message. library. All volumes in the library are being locked.

System action User response

None. None.
ANR8865W Volume volume name bypassed for
User response command, status=acs_status.
Monitor the ACSSA console and wait.
ANR8862I Unable to access ACS volume
volume id. The specified volume is bypassed. The volume is not in
a valid status for the specified function.
System action
The specified ACSLS volume can not be accessed in
the library. The possible reasons might be the volume The operation continues.
is in use, the user is not authorized, the volume does
not exist in the library. User response
Determine the volume status from the ACSSA and re-
System action issue the command if necessary.
Depends on the server function and command, library ANR8866E Incompatible option
volume is unavailable. REMOVE=BULK for ACSLS
User response
Contact your ACS System Administrator and perform Explanation
ACSLS library problem determination if the problem The REMOVE=BULK option is not supported for ACSLS
persist.. libraries. The final response of ACSAPI acs_eject does

Chapter 3. ANR messages 953

not return to the application until the volume is ANR8870E The path to the library library
removed from CAP. name is unavailable.

System action Explanation

The command fails. There is no path to the given library, or the path to the
library is offline, or the source entity of the path to the
User response library is offline.

Reissue the CHECKOUT LIBVOL command and specify

System action
The library is inaccessible.
ANR8867I Processing volume volume id for
the command command.
User response
Explanation Ensure that a path is defined to the library. If there is
path defined to the library, make sure the path is
The specified volume is being processed for the
online and the source entity of the path is also online.
specified command.
ANR8871I The device name device name
System action specified has been changed to
device name.
The command process continues.
User response
The specified device name on the DEFINE PATH or
None. UPDATE PATH command has been changed to
ANR8868E Ejecting Volume volume name recommended device name.
Failed, status = acs_status .
System action
Explanation The command process continues.
The volume is failed to be ejected from the library due
to the status as indicated User response
System action
ANR8872E No path is available for drive drive
The operation continues. name - could not unload volume
volume name from drive.
User response
Determine the volume status from the message and do Explanation
something as needed There is no path to the given drive or the path to the
ANR8869E Command: There is already a drive is offline or the source of the path to the drive is
request to update drive drive offline. The indicated volume may be still on the drive.
System action
Explanation The drive is inaccessible.
The designated drive cannot be deleted because there
is a request to update the drive already. User response
Ensure that a path is defined to the drive. If there is a
System action path defined to the drive, make sure that the path is
The command is not processed. online and that the source of the path is also online.
Run the AUDIT LIBRARY command after the problem
is corrected.
User response

954 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8873E The path from source source name is most likely because another volume has taken its
to destination drive name is taken slot, or the server's information for this volume has
offline. otherwise been corrupted.

Explanation System action

There is problem using the indicated path. The path is The process fails.
now marked offline.
User response
System action Issue the AUDIT LIBRARY command, and retry the
The path is inaccessible. operation.
ANR8876E The media in element element
User response number of library library name is a
Determine the reason the path is inaccessible, such as cleaner.
hardware problem. Render any needed corrections.
Then, the path may be made online by issuing the Explanation
UPDATE PATH command with the ONLINE=YES
The library hardware has determined that the media in
the stated slot is a cleaner cartridge. It cannot be
ANR8874E The type of device used by the processed by the CHECKIN command without the
media in element element number STATUS=CLEANER parameter, and it cannot be
of library library name cannot be labeled by the LABEL command.
determined by the hardware.
Volume is not processed. System action
The process skips the media, or if it is the only media
Explanation being processed the process fails.
The library's mechanism for determining the type of
media in a slot or EE port failed. This is usually the User response
barcode reader or some other sensor that is part of the
robotics. Issue the AUDIT LIBRARY command, and retry the
System action ANR8877E Volume volume name is
incompatible type with device
The volume is skipped by the process.
class devclass name in library
library name.
User response
Determine the reason the library could not determine Explanation
the media type, such as deteriorated barcode, scanner
An attempt has been made to service a mount request,
failure, or other hardware problem as determined by
but the attempt fails because the media type of the
system engineer. If the barcode label is replaced on a
cartridge being mounted is not compatible with the
private volume containing data, it must be with a label
devclass requesting the mount. This is usually a
having the volume name. Scratch volumes or empty
conflict between WORM and Read-Write
private volumes can be replaced with any barcode but
they must be re-labeled if the barcode name changes.
ANR8875E An illegal move was attempted System action
involving the media in element
element number of library library The operation fails.
name. Its type is incompatible
with the destination element User response
element number. If this is not a 3592 device or media, The volume was
probably not checked in with the CHECKLABEL=YES
Explanation parameter of the CHECKIN command. Check the
The server tried to move one type of volume into a volume out (the REMOVE=NO may be useful) and
drive or slot of another type that is incompatible. This check the volume back into the library with this

Chapter 3. ANR messages 955

parameter to ensure that the mediatype is determined System action
and saved. If this is a 3592 device or media, the
volume probably has an incorrect barcode label
indicating that it had the wrong WORM property. The
label needs to be swapped for the opposite WORM User response
type (e.g. WORM to non-WORM or non-WORM to Verify that GENERIC_TAPE is the desired device type
WORM) or simply removed entirely from the library. for this drive. While the device type GENERIC_TAPE is
ANR8878E Failed to close the remote library valid, it is often a mistake, and thus, should be verified
library name (device name). that it is the intended device type. If GENERIC_TAPE is
not the intended device type, all paths for this drive
and the drive itself will have to be deleted and
Explanation redefined.
An attempt to close a remote Library device attached
ANR8881W Insufficient space for new volume
to a NAS File Server failed.
in directory directory for device
class device class name.
System action
The operation fails. Explanation
The server found that the indicated directory had
User response insufficient space in which to create a new volume.
Examine previous messages for additional information
regarding the specified library. System action
ANR8879E Failed to close the SCSI session Other directories available to the device class are
for the remote library library used, if any. If no directories with space are available,
name(device name). the operation fails. This message is issued periodically
as requests are made for space in this directory.
User response
An attempt to close a SCSI session for a remote
Library device attached to a NAS File Server failed. The file system must be expanded to accommodate
volume growth.
System action ANR8882I Request number: Please provide
The operation fails. the label name for the volume in
drive drive name of library library
name by issuing REPLY n
User response
LABEL=xxx within time limit
Examine previous messages for additional information minutes, where n is the request ID
regarding the specified library. and xxx is the desired label name.
ANR8880W Device type of drive Drive name in
library Library name was Explanation
determined to be GENERIC_TAPE. A mount is in progress with AUTOLABEL, and the name
of the volume is needed.
The device type of a drive is determined when the path System action
for that drive is defined. If the wrong device file was The server waits until a REPLY command is issued.
used in the device parameter of DEFINE PATH the
device type of the drive will often be GENERIC_TAPE. User response
If you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect device
driver or the IBM tape device driver, then you should Issue a REPLY command, along with the request ID,
not have a device type of GENERIC_TAPE. You should and the volume name for the cartridge.
only have a device type of GENERIC_TAPE if you are
ANR8883W The volume volume name in slot
using the native OS device driver.
element number is in the library
library name but not in the IBM
Spectrum Protect's inventory

956 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

database. Please either check in System action
this volume or remove it from the

User response
Verify that GENERICTAPE is the desired device type
for this drive. While the GENERICTAPE device type is
valid, it is not recommended for a tape drive that is
System action supported by the IBM Spectrum Protect server. If
. GENERICTAPE is not the intended device type, delete
all paths to this drive and delete the drive itself. Then
redefine the drive and a path without specifying
User response
The Audit Library command found this volume in this
ANR8886E Element address mismatch:
library but they are not in IBM Spectrum Protect's
Element element number of library
inventory database. This volume can be either checked
library name is reported by the
in or removed from this library.
library to be element element
ANR8884W Attempted to label a written number.
WORM medium in the drive drive
name with volume volume name Explanation
(OP=internal code, Error
Number=internal code, CC=internal The library configuration appears to have changed.
code, KEY=internal code, Verify that no other management interfaces are
ASC=internal code, ASCQ=internal modifying the library inventory.
SENSE=sense data, System action
Description=error description).
Refer to the IBM Spectrum Protect
documentation on I/O error code
descriptions. User response
Examine previous messages for additional information
Explanation regarding the specified volume and the command that
was issued. Retry the operation. It may be necessary
An I/O error has occurred while labeling on the written
to audit the library using the AUDIT LIBRARY
WORM medium.

System action ANR8887E Volume volume name in the drive

drive name has incompatible block
The operation fails. size.

User response Explanation

Ensure the WORM medium in the drive is not a written The drive cannot read the label or data from the
WROM medium. volume. This issue can be attributed to a different data
ANR8885W The device type of drive Device block size set to this volume.
Name is determined to be
GENERICTAPE. System action
The operation fails.
You have specified GENERICTAPE=Yes when defining User response
a path to this drive. The tape drive is supported and we
If this issue appears during the tape label operation,
recommend using with the IBM Spectrum Protect tape
this tape might be already labeled by the third-party
format instead of the generic tape format. To use the
application. In this case, this error can be ignored. If
IBM Spectrum Protect tape format, do not specify
this issue appears during a normal read data
GENERICTAPE=Yes when defining a path to the drive.
operation, check the tape device driver and ensure

Chapter 3. ANR messages 957

that the correct version of the device driver is System action
The server can back up data from the volume.
ANR8888W The persistent reserve key for the However, the server cannot restore data to the
device drive name with the serial volume.
number drive serial numberis
cleared. User response
To use the specified volume with the server, you must
Explanation overwrite the label with a new label in IBM standard
The server is unable to preempt this device with the format. Relabel the volume by issuing the LABEL
persistent key of the IBM Spectrum Protect server. LIBVOLUME command. Restriction: A WORM tape
Therefore, the server clears this key, which is set to volume can be relabeled only if it is a scratch volume.
this device.
ANR8901E Command: Incompatible options
System action CHECKLABEL=YES.
User response Cleaner cartridges do not have internal labels that can
Check the SAN configuration, ensure that this device is be checked by loading them into the drive.
used by the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
System action
ANR8889E Volume volume name in drive drive
name in library library name does The command fails.
not have a standard IBM label.
User response
Explanation Reissue the CHECKIN LIBVOL command and include
The volume label is in ASCII format, but the IBM the parameter, CHECKLABEL=BARCODE (with
Spectrum Protect server can read only EBCDIC format. SEARCH=YES specified), or include the parameter
CHECKLABEL=NO (with the required volume name
System action specified in the CHECKIN command).

The server rejects the volume. ANR8902W Unable to read the barcode of
cleaner cartridge in slot-id Element
number of slot in library library
User response
name; cleaner not checked in.
To use the specified volume with the server, you must
overwrite the label in EBCDIC format. Take the Explanation
appropriate action: - For a non-WORM tape volume,
issue the LABEL LIBVOLUME command. Alternatively, The library barcode reader is unable to read the label
issue the DEFINE LIBRARY command for the tape of a cartridge that is checked in as a cleaner. The
volume and specify AUTOLABEL=OVERWRITE. - For a cartridge is found in the slot with the given element
WORM tape volume, issue the LABEL LIBVOLUME number.
command. Restriction: A WORM tape volume can be
relabeled only if it is a scratch volume. System action
ANR8890E The label for WORM volume The cartridge is not checked in. If the library is being
volume name in drive drive name searched, the checkin process continues with the next
does not comply with IBM volume.
User response
Explanation Examine the cartridge to ensure it has a barcode label
The label has only an HDR1 block and lacks other and that it is compatible with the barcode reader. Not
required blocks. The label also includes two file marks. all vendors' labels are readable by all libraries. Check
Because the label does not comply with IBM that the barcode reader is configured and is
standards, operations to restore data to the volume functioning properly. The cleaner cartridge can be
will fail.

958 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

checked in without use of the barcode label by issuing User response
the CHECKIN LIBVOL command.
ANR8903E Command: Missing CLEANINGS
ANR8906I Cleaning drive drive name in
parameter for cleaner cartridge
library library name.

In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
When checking in a cleaner cartridge, the CLEANINGS
message displays the status for a CLEAN DRIVE
parameter is required.
process on the server. The given volume is being
checked in to the designated library.
System action
The command fails. System action
The background process operation continues. The
User response process may be canceled by an authorized
Reissue the CHECKIN LIBVOL command and specify a administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
value for the CLEANINGS parameter which is used to
determine the number of times a cleaner can be User response
mounted to clean a drive.
None. The process may be canceled by an authorized
ANR8904I Command: Cleaning operation for administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
drive drive name in library library
ANR8907E CLEAN DRIVE for drive drive name
name started as process process
in library library name failed.

The background process for a CLEAN DRIVE fails.
A command-driven process is started to clean the
specified drive. The process is assigned the ID that is
in the message. System action
The background process ends, but the drive is not
System action cleaned.
In response to the CLEAN DRIVE command that is
issued by an administrator, the server starts a User response
background process to perform the operation. Make sure the library and drive devices associated
with this command are powered on and ready. Reissue
User response the command.
To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERY ANR8908I CLEAN DRIVE for drive drive name
PROCESS command. The process may be canceled in library library name completed
with the CANCEL PROCESS command. successfully.
ANR8905I CLEAN DRIVE process for drive
drive name in library library name Explanation
is been canceled. The specified drive is successfully cleaned in the
library during processing of a CLEAN DRIVE command.
A background server process is has been working to System action
clean the specified drive and is canceled by the The drive is available for normal library operations.
User response
System action
The cleaning process is ended.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 959

ANR8909I Cleaning drive drive name in cartridge is still listed in the library's inventory with a
library library name- CANCEL cleaner volume status. If necessary a cleaner cartridge
PENDING. should be checked in to replace it.
ANR8912E Unable to verify the label of
Explanation volume from slot-element
In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this element-address in drive drive
message displays the status for a CLEAN DRIVE name in library library name.
process on the server.
System action The volume from the slot that is identified by the
The background process operation is terminated. element address is loaded into a drive. The drive
cannot be opened following the load. The label cannot
be read to process the volume.
User response
None. System action
ANR8910I No cleaner, or no cleaner with The volume is stored, and processing continues with
cleanings left, found in library the next available slot.
library name.
User response
Check the system error logs for errors reported by the
A drive is selected to be loaded with a cleaner drive that are related to this volume. Make sure that
cartridge, but no cleaner, or cleaner with cleanings the cartridge is not a cleaner cartridge that would have
left, is found in the library's inventory. been loaded by mistake. If the cartridge is a cleaner,
issue the QUERY LIBVOL command to get the correct
System action storage slot for the cleaner and move the cleaner to
that slot. If the cleaner is not in the library's inventory,
The drive is available for normal library operations. use the CHECKIN LIBVOL to check the cleaner in.
During Audit Library, remove the bad volume from the
User response reported slot and run Audit Library again.
A cleaner should be checked in to the library by issuing ANR8913I Drive drive name in library library
the CHECKIN LIBVOL command. name is currently in use. The
ANR8911W The cartridge in storage element CLEAN DRIVE process is unable to
slot element address in library run immediately.
library name is not a cleaner
cartridge as was expected. Explanation
A background process operation to clean the drive is
Explanation unable to run because the drive is in use. However, the
The cartridge is listed in the library's inventory with a drive cleaning flag is set, and the CLEAN DRIVE
cleaner volume status. After loading the cartridge in process will run when the next mount request is
the specified storage cell into a drive for cleaning, it is issued for the drive.
determined that it is not a cleaner cartridge.
System action
System action The background CLEAN DRIVE process operation does
The drive is available for normal library operations. not run. The drive cleaning flag is set and the CLEAN
DRIVE operation will run when the next mount request
is issued for the drive. During the CLEAN DRIVE
User response process operation, the server loads the cleaning
Verify all other cleaner cartridges are in the correct cartridge into the drive and runs the cleaning operation
storage cells. Issue the QUERY LIBVOLUME command first. Once the cleaning operation is done, the cleaning
to obtain the storage cells of all the cartridges cartridge is moved back to its home slot in the library.
currently checked into IBM Spectrum Protect. The The server then processes the tape mount request. If
cartridge should be checked out of the library by the CLEAN DRIVE command is issued to a tape drive
issuing the CHECKOUT LIBVOL command if the that is offline, the CLEAN DRIVE process will not run. If

960 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

the CLEAN DRIVE command is issued to a tape drive Explanation
where the tape drive path is offline, the server will set
A drive mapping has been successfully defined for the
the drive cleaning flag and the cleaning operation will
specified drive.
run when the drive path is online again.

System action
User response
The drivemapping is defined and recorded in the
Verify that the target drive and associated drive path
are online and that the cleaning cartridge is loaded
into the library drive.
User response
ANR8914I Drive drive name in library library
name needs to be cleaned. None.
ANR8917I Drive mapping for drive Drive
Explanation name in library library name on
storage agent storage agent name
The drive has returned indicating to the server that it
needs to be cleaned.

System action
An UPDATE DRIVEMAPPING request has been
The server marks the drive to be cleaned. If the drive is
successfully processed for the given drive.
enabled for server-managed cleaning, and a cleaner
cartridge is checked into the library, the server will
load the cleaner into the drive after the current volume System action
is dismounted. See the DEFINE DRIVE and QUERY The server updates its information about the drive
DRIVE commands for information on enabling server- mapping.
managed cleaning. See the CHECKIN LIBVOL
command for checking a cleaner into the library.
User response

User response None.

None. ANR8918I Drive mapping for drive Drive

name in library library name on
ANR8915I Cleaning cartridge cleaner name in storage agent storage agent name
library library name is near end of deleted.
life; has cleanings left uses left.
The drive mapping for the specified storage agent,
A cleaner cartridge is found and used, but its number library, and drive has been deleted successfully.
of uses it has left is nearly exhausted.
System action
System action
The drive mapping is deleted.
The cleaning operation continues.
User response
User response
As the cleaner is used, monitor the number of
cleanings that remain with the QUERY LIBVOL ANR8919I Initialization and recovery has
command. Remove the cleaner when all cleanings are started for shared library library
exhausted. A new cleaner may be checked in so that name.
the library is not left without a useful cleaner when the
old cleaner is exhausted. Explanation
ANR8916I Drivemapping for drive Drive name The shared library has started to initialize or recover to
in library library name on storage resynchronize the library manager and library client.
agent storage agent name defined.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 961

System action Explanation
None. A library client request a mount operation to be
performed by the library manager. The library manager
User response is missing a device class definition for that library.

This process should resynchronize all of the drives that

System action
are currently being used by this library client. This
process might also start after a communication error None.
or if the library client has not been able to verify drive
status with the library manager. User response
ANR8920I Initialization and recovery has Define a device class for the library using the DEFINE
ended for shared library library DEVCLASS command.
ANR8923I Dismount failed because drive
drive name in library library name
is not currently owned by drive
Initialization or recovery has ended the library owner name.
manager and library client should be synchronized.
System action
A library client attempted to dismount a drive that was
None. not currently owned by the library client.

User response System action

The drives previously owned by the library client None.
should now indicate they are free on the library
manager. Verify this with the QUERY DRIVE command User response
on the library manager. If ownership of the drives is
still in question restart the library client and library None.
manager. ANR8925W Drive drive name in library library
ANR8921E Unable to start library polling name has not been confirmed for
thread. use by server server name for over
elapsed time seconds. Drive will be
reclaimed for use by others.
Library sharing requires that this polling thread starts. Explanation
This thread keeps the library manager and library
client synchronized with regards to drive ownership. The library server was unable to contact the library
These thread are started when the library is defined or client for the given interval to verify that the library
when the server is first initialized. client is still using the drive. At this point the error
recovery logic of the library manager will reclaim the
drive (including dismounting the client's volume if
System action
possible) and allow other to use the drive.
System action
User response
Since the polling thread did not start, the user must
restart the server in order for library sharing to User response
correctly work. Failure to restart the server and get
these polling services running can cause unusual Verify that the library client with the above server
results for library clients. name is still running. Verify that the sessions have not
been disabled and the network is still working
ANR8922I A device class for library library between the two host machines. Verify that the server
name was not found. definition (QUERY SERVER) on both the library manger
and the library client are correct.

962 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR8926W An Error was encountered while System action
confirming the use of drive drive None.
name in shared library library
User response
Explanation Issue the UPDATE LIBRARY libname SHARED=YES
command to make the library shared.
The library client was unable to confirm the usage of
the drive to the with the library manager. ANR8929E Library library name specified for
shared file device class device
System action class name was not defined as a
FILE library.
User response
A pre-existing library was specified for a new shared
Verify that the sessions have not been disabled and file device class. However, the existing library was not
the network is still working between the two host created with the LIBTYPE=FILE parameter.
machines. Verify that the server definition (QUERY
SERVER) on both the library manger and the library
System action
client are correct.
None. The device class is not created.
ANR8927W This library client has been unable
to contact the library manager for
elapsed time seconds. Releasing User response
ownership of all drives in the Specify a library name that was created with the
shared library library name. LIBTYPE=FILE and SHARED=YES parameters, or
specify a library name which does not exist, in which
Explanation case, the library will be created. You can also not
specify the LIBRARY parameter, a library name will be
The library client was unable to confirm the usage of created.
the drive with the library manager. The library client
will now dismount all volumes that it currently owns. ANR8930W An attempt to define drives to
create drives failed for library
System action library name. The device class has
a mount limit of mount limit but
None. the number of drives in the
associated library is less than the
User response mount limit.
Verify that the sessions have not been disabled and
the network is still working between the two host Explanation
machines. Verify that the server definition (QUERY When a shared device class is created or updated, an
SERVER) on both the library manger and the library attempt is made to define additional file drives in the
client are correct. associated library up to the mount limit, if the number
ANR8928W Library library name specified for of drives is less than the mount limit. One or more
shared file device class device failures occurred in defining additional drives. The
class name was not defined as number of drives does not correspond to the mount
shared. The device class will not limit for the associated device class. This can cause
be shareable unless the library is resource balancing problems between the server and
updated. storage agents.

Explanation System action

A pre-existing library was specified for a new shared The server continues operation.
file device class. However, files in the device class
cannot be shared unless the library is also shared. User response
Use the QUERY DRIVE command to get the names of
the drives associated with the library. Use the QUERY

Chapter 3. ANR messages 963

DEVCLASS deviceclass F=D command to find the System action
mount limit of the associated device class. Use the
The server continues operation using the indicated
DEFINE DRIVE command along with the DEFINE PATH
command for this new drive with DEVICE=FILE to
define additional drives in the file library to match the
mountlimit of the associated device class. User response

ANR8931W An attempt to delete drives to Use the QUERY DRIVEMAP command with the F=D
delete drives failed for library parameter to list the directories associated with drive
library name. The device class has maps for drives in the indicated library and ensure that
a mount limit of mount limit but the directories are correct and identical. Use the
the number of drives in the UPDATE DRIVEMAP command to update any incorrect
associated library is greater than directory entries.
the mount limit. ANR8933W File volumename in library library
does not exist in the expected
Explanation directory.
When a shared device class is updated and the
number of drives in the associated library is greater Explanation
than the mount limit of the device class, an attempt is A FILE volume was being dismounted from a file drive.
made to delete drives so that there are as many drives The file does not exist in the directory in which it was
as the mount limit. One or more failures occurred in expected to be found.
deleting drives. The number of drives does not
correspond to the mount limit for the associated
System action
device class. This can cause resource balancing
problems between the server and storage agents. The server continues operation.

System action User response

The server continues operation. It is possible that a drive mapping is incorrect and that
a storage agent is using a valid, but different directory
User response than that of the server. In this case, the storage agent
can access the file, but the server cannot. Use the
Use the QUERY DRIVE command to get the names of QUERY PATH command with the F=D parameter to list
the drives associated with the library. Use the QUERY the directories associated with drive maps for drives in
DEVCLASS deviceclass F=D command to find the the indicated library and ensure that the directories
mount limit of the associated device class. Use the are correct and identical. Use the UPDATE PATH
DELETE DRIVE command to delete drives until the command to update any incorrect directory entries. To
number of drives in the library corresponds to the move the file into the correct directory, use the
device class's mount limit. Windows move command or the Unix mv command,
ANR8932W The drive map for server depending on your platform.
servername, library library name, ANR8934W File volumename in library library
drive name drive name has associated with device class
directory directory which is device class could not be inserted
different than other drive maps for into the library inventory.
drives within the same library.
A FILE volume was being inserted into the library
A shared file was about to be created. In doing so, it inventory. The file was not found in the directory
was determined that there are differing definitions for associated with the device class that references the
the directories associated with the drive maps library. However, an entry for the indicated file name is
between the indicated drive map and other drive maps already in the library inventory.
for drives in the same library. This could cause data to
be written in unanticipated locations or may prevent
System action
data from being written.
The server continues operation.

964 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response User response
It is possible that a drive mapping is incorrect and that The drive may be made accessible by issuing the
a storage agent is using a valid, but different directory UPDATE DRIVE command with the DEVICE= option.
than that of the server. In this case, the storage agent
ANR8938E Initialization failed for Shared
can access the file, but the server cannot. Use the
library library name; will retry
QUERY DRIVEMAP command with the F=D parameter
within delay time minute(s).
to list the directories associated with drive maps for
drives in the indicated library and ensure that the
directories are correct and identical. Use the UPDATE Explanation
DRIVEMAP command to update any incorrect directory The initialization process for the given library has
entries. To move the file into the correct directory, use failed. It will be retried automatically in the specified
the Windows move command or the Unix mv time.
command, depending on your platform.
ANR8935E A compatible device class for System action
shared library library name on
The initialization will be retried later.
server server name was not found.

User response
Ensure that the library manager server is running, and
The library client server has a device class definition
the library is initialized.
that is not compatible with the device class definition
on this server. The device type and recording format ANR8939E The adapter for tape drive drive
need to be the same on both servers or one of the name cannot handle the block size
servers can have a device type of generic tape. needed to use the volume.
ANR8936W The path conversion of drive drive
name in library library name with Explanation
device name device name failed. The adapter cannot read and write the block size need
UPDATE DRIVE required. for the volume because the MAXIMUMSGLIST
parameter of the adapter is set to less than hex 41.
During the initialization of a library, the server finds System action
that the drive path was removed. The volume will not be mounted in the drive.

System action User response

The drive will not be accessible by the library during The adapter must be updated to handle a larger block
tape operations. size. The setting is usually MAXIMUMSGLIST in the
Windows registry under:
User response
The drive may be made accessible by issuing the Set->Services->{vendor device name}->Parameters-
UPDATE DRIVE command with the DEVICE= option. >Device
ANR8937W The device name for drive drive Note that "{vendor device name}" should be
name in library library name is substituted with the name of the vendors device. For
missing. UPDATE DRIVE required. example, the Qlogic 2200 would use "Ql2200" for the
respective vendor device name.
Explanation MAXIMUMSGLIST should be set to hex 41 to work
The device name for a drive was found to be missing. properly with IBM Spectrum Protect.
You can also run the DSMMAXSG utility to set the
System action MaximumSGList value to 0x41(65) for all HBAs.
The drive will not be accessible by the server for tape For additional information, see the HBA
operations. documentation or contact the vendor for the HBA.
For additional questions, contact IBM support.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 965

ANR8940E Path definition for file drive drive Explanation
name in library library name for Could Not move volume from slot to slot.
server server or storage agent
name does not have a matching
directory in the device class System action
directory attribute for volume Move volume operation failed.
volume name.
User response
Check previous error messages related to this
A library client or storage agent requested a mount of operation for more information. If the recommended
a file volume in a drive that is contained in a file library actions from other error messages do not resolve the
but the path definition does not contain a matching situation (or there are no other errors messages), issue
directory name. There must be a matching directory in the AUDIT LIBRARY command to detect and remedy
the PATH definition for each drive in a file library and inconsistencies in the library inventory. This command
the corresponding directories in the device class restores the library volume inventory to a consistent
associated with the library. The directories in the PATH state with the volumes that physically reside in the
definition must point to the same storage as those of library. After the AUDIT LIBRARY command
the device class definition, from the perspective of the completes, if the volume is not in the library inventory,
specific server or storage agent. The list of directories it will need to be checked back into the library with the
must have entries for each directory in which file CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
volumes are to be read or written by the specified
server or storage agent. ANR8943E A hardware or tape media error
occurred during an operation on
library library name, OP=internal
System action
code, CC=internal code,
The operation will fail. KEY=internal code, ASC=internal
code, ASCQ=internal code,
User response SENSE=sense data,
Description=error description). For
Ensure that DIRECTORY attribute of the above path more information about input/
definition contains matching directories for each of the output (I/O) error codes, see the
directories in the server's device class definition. IBM Spectrum Protect
ANR8941W The volume from slot-element documentation.
element-address in drive drive
name in library library name is Explanation
blank. The error might be related to hardware, tape media, or
configuration issues.
The volume in the slot is not labeled and is blank. System action
System operations continue, but the specified library
System action operation fails. If the cleaning threshold is exceeded
The volume is skipped, and processing continues with for a tape drive in the library, the server marks the
the next available slot. If the volume is checked in, it is drive as being offline.
removed from the inventory.
User response
User response To resolve the issue, take one or more of the following
Label the volume using LABEL LIBVOL, and check it in actions:
using CHECKIN LIBVOL. • Ensure that the DEVICE parameter that is associated
with the library was identified correctly in the
ANR8942E Could not move volume volume
DEFINE PATH command. To query the path, use the
name from slot-element element-
QUERY PATH command. To update the path, use the
address to slot-element element-
UPDATE PATH command.
• Ensure that the library device is turned on and ready
for operation.

966 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

• If the library device has an access door, ensure that • If a volume in a virtual tape library has insufficient
the door is closed. memory, review the library configuration and make
• If the cleaning threshold is exceeded for a tape drive any necessary adjustments. For more information
in the library, clean the tape drive. Then, bring the about the values of the KEY, ASC, and ASCQ fields,
drive online by issuing the UPDATE DRIVE command see the library and drive reference manuals.
with the ONLINE=YES setting. To verify that the drive ANR8945W Scratch volume mount failed
is online, you can issue the QUERY DRIVE command volume name.
with the F=D setting.
• If a volume in a virtual tape library has insufficient Explanation
memory, review the library configuration and make
any necessary adjustments. For more information Scratch volume mount failed.
about the values of the KEY, ASC, and ASCQ fields,
see the library and drive reference manuals. System action

ANR8944E A hardware or media error Scratch volume mount operation failed.

occurred on drive drive name with
volume volume name, OP=internal User response
code, error number= internal code,
CC=internal code, KEY=internal
code, ASC=internal code, ANR8946W There were more labels in the
ASCQ=internal code, vollist than volumes available to
SENSE=sense data, label.
Description=error description). For
input/output (I/O) error code Explanation
descriptions, see the IBM
Spectrum Protect documentation. Label Libvolume command still finishes without error,
but the last labels provided were not used. Labeling
Explanation finished when there were no more volumes available.

The error might be related to hardware, tape media, or System action

configuration issues.
All available volumes were labeled, but additional
System action volume names were not utilized from the vollist.

System operations continue, but the specified device User response

operation fails. If the cleaning threshold is exceeded
for a tape drive in the library, the server marks the None.
drive as being offline.
ANR8947W There were less labels in the
vollist than volumes available.
User response
To resolve the issue, take one or more of the following Explanation
Label Libvolume command still finishes without error,
• Ensure that the DEVICE parameter that is associated but volumes are left unlabeled.
with the device was identified correctly in the
DEFINE PATH command. To query the path, use the System action
QUERY PATH command. To update the path, use the
UPDATE PATH command. Additional volumes were left unlabeled.
• Ensure that the tape device is turned on and ready
for operation. User response

• If the cleaning threshold is exceeded for a tape drive None.

in the library, clean the tape drive. Then, bring the ANR8948S Device device, volume volume
drive online by issuing the UPDATE DRIVE command
name has issued the following
with the ONLINE=YES setting. To verify that the drive
Critical TapeAlert: alertmessage
is online, you can issue the QUERY DRIVE command
with the F=D setting.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 967

Explanation termination of the current operation but is
independent of the operation.
The specified device while loaded with the named
volume has issued a TapeAlert critical message. This
message is a feature of the hardware and is from the System action
device, not the IBM Spectrum Protect server. It is The operation will fail. See other messages related to
surfaced at the termination of the current operation the device or volume in the activity log.
but is independent of the operation.
User response
System action
Proper response may be indicated in the text of the
The operation may or may not fail, depending on other TapeAlert. The context of the TapeAlert may need to
error indications such as check conditions from the be determined from other activity log messages in
device. The TapeAlert message does not by itself order to follow its recommendations.
indicate failure. See other messages related to the
device or volume in the activity log. ANR8951I Device device, volume volume has
issued the following Information
TapeAlert: alertmessage
User response
Proper response may be indicated in the text of the Explanation
TapeAlert. The context of the TapeAlert may need to
be determined from other activity log messages in The specified device while loaded with the named
order to follow its recommendations. volume has issued a TapeAlert information message.
This message is a feature of the hardware and is from
ANR8949E Device device, volume volume has the device, not the IBM Spectrum Protect server. It is
issued the following Critical surfaced at the termination of the current operation
TapeAlert: alertmessage but is independent of the operation.

Explanation System action

The specified device regardless loaded or not without The operation may or may not fail, depending on other
the named volume has issued a TapeAlert critical error indications such as check conditions from the
message. This message is a feature of the hardware device. The TapeAlert message does not by itself
and is from the host interface, not the IBM Spectrum indicate failure. See other messages related to the
Protect server. It is surfaced at the termination of the device or volume in the activity log.
current operation but is independent of the operation.
User response
System action
Proper response may be indicated in the text of the
The operation will fail. The TapeAlert message does TapeAlert. The context of the TapeAlert may need to
not by itself indicate failure. See other messages be determined from other activity log messages in
related to the device or volume in the activity log. order to follow its recommendations.
ANR8952E Library serial number does not
User response
match that defined for library
Proper response may be indicated in the text of the name .
TapeAlert. The context of the TapeAlert may need to
be determined from other activity log messages in Explanation
order to follow its recommendations.
The serial number defined for the specified library
ANR8950W Device device, volume volume has does not match the serial number discovered. The
issued the following Warning pending operation will fail.
TapeAlert: alertmessage
System action
The library is taken offline when the mismatch is
The specified device without the volume name has discovered. Verify the serial number and the device
issued a TapeAlert Warning message. This message is name for the library against those defined. If they do
a feature of the hardware and is from the device, not not match, the definitions for the library are incorrect
the IBM Spectrum Protect server. It is surfaced at the

968 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

and need updated. Once the serial number is updated, ANR8955I Drive drive name in library library
the library will be brought back online. name with serial number serial
number is updated with the newly
User response discovered serial number serial
Update the serial number or device name for the
specified library with the correct values.
ANR8953I Library library name with serial
The serial number for the drive defined does not
number serial number is updated
match with the serial number discovered. The newly
with the newly discovered serial
discovered serial number will replace the existing
number serial number.
definition for this drive since autodetect is on.

System action
The serial number for the library defined does not
match with the serial number discovered. The newly
discovered serial number will replace the existing User response
definition for this library since autodetect is on. None.
ANR8956E Serial number defined for library
System action
library name does not match the
The existing serial number for the specified library is discovered serial number.
replaced by the newly discovered serial number.
User response
The serial number for the library defined does not
None. match the serial number discovered due to autodetect
is set to NO. The pending operation will fail.
ANR8954E Failed to obtain a path for drive
drive name for library library name.
System action
Explanation A mismatch between the serial number for library and
the newly discovered serial number is detected.
An attempt to acquire a path for the drive failed. This
most likely means that a path is not defined for this
drive. User response
Update the serial number for the specified library with
System action the correct values.
The operation fails. ANR8957E Command: The serial number
reported by the library did not
User response match the serial number in the
library definition.
Ensure that a path is defined for this drive. If one is
defined, make sure it is defined correctly with the
correct source and destination type. If the drive is in a Explanation
shared FILE library: The serial number of the library in the database did not
Ensure that the number of paths defined for the match the serial number of the library found using the
storage agent is the same as the number of drives device special file specified. UPDATE PATH cannot be
within the library. used to change libraries, and thus, the new device
must have the same serial number as stored in the
Ensure that the directories are correct in the server database unless the serial number in the database is
device-class definition and the storage-agent path empty.
Ensure that the number and order of directories for System action
each path for the storage agent is the same as the The command is not processed.
number and order of directories in the device-class
directory definition.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 969

User response discovered drive serial number
serial number.
Reissue the command, and specify a valid DEVICE
parameter value. If this is a new or different library
with a different serial number, a new library and path Explanation
should be defined with DEFINE LIBRARY and DEFINE A device has been swapped and we are not able to get
PATH. the new path.
ANR8958E Command: Autodetect is OFF and
the serial number reported by the System action
drive did not match the serial .
number in the drive definition.

User response
An invalid value has been provided for the specified
parameter. ANR8962E Unable to find path to match the
serial number defined for library
System action library name.

The command is not processed.


User response Either a device has hardware problems or a device

path has been changed and the IBM Spectrum Protect
Reissue the command, and specify a valid parameter server cannot find the new path with the SAN
value. Discovery option set to ON.
ANR8959W Path to the library or the device
does not exist. System action
A path to the library or the device does not exist yet. User response
System action
ANR8963E Unable to find path to match the
This may not be an error. serial number defined for drive
drive name in library library name.
User response
None. Explanation

ANR8960I Command: The display of Tape A device may have hardware problems or a device
Alerts from SCSI devices is status. path may have been changed and the IBM Spectrum
Protect server cannot find the new path with the SAN
Discovery option set to ON. The IBM Spectrum Protect
Explanation server cannot get device information when it cannot
Whether the status of Tape Alerts from SCSI devices open the device. Therefore, the IBM Spectrum Protect
will be display. server cannot validate the drive serial number to see if
this drive with the failed open operation is the same
System action drive as it previously used. The causes of this failed
open device may be a bad cable, a bad drive or a bad
The command is processed. HBA card. However, if an incorrect drive is used (for
example, an incorrect device path) and with the SAN
User response discovery option set to OFF or UNSCANNEDPATHOFF,
the IBM Spectrum Protect server will not search the
None. SAN environment to get a proper device.
ANR8961E Serial number defined for library
library name and drive drive name
is blank and does not match the

970 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The IBM Spectrum Protect server may mark this The server is unable to obtain the device number for
device offline for SAN Discovery option ON or the specified drive. This could occur if an invalid device
UNSCANNEDPATHOFF. name is specified for the drive or if there is hardware
User response
System action
Users should check the IBM Spectrum Protect server
option file first. If SAN discovery option is set to OFF or The drive is temporarily made offline and is not used
UNSCANNEDPATHOFF, set it to ON and check for for tape operations. The server polls the drive at one-
hardware errors on the device. If the SAN discovery half minute intervals to check if the condition has
option is set to ON, then check the device to see if cleared. Once the drives is accessible again, the drive
there is a hardware problem. is brought online.
ANR8964W Unable to update the path in the
database path source name and User response
drive drive name. Determine the reason the drive is inaccessible, such as
hardware errors reported in the system logs or an
Explanation invalid device name was specified for the drive. Render
any needed corrections to the drive. The drive will be
The system is not able to update the path information brought online automatically when the polling process
in the database. detects that is has become accessible.

System action ANR8967E Command: The drive serial

conflicts with an existing drive in
. library library name.

User response Explanation

None. The serial number already exists in the drives in the
ANR8965W The server is unable to obtain the given library.
serial number of the SCSI device
device name. System action
The command is not processed.
The server cannot detect a device serial number from User response
the HBAAPI or the device itself, so the server is not Specify a valid serial parameter for this drive.
able to automatically correct the path for the device.
ANR8968E Unable to create path for device
System action device.

Server operation continues.


User response An attempt to contact the drive with a given device

name failed. This probably means the device name is
Verify the following: incorrect, but this attempt can also fail for other
• The device name in the path definition is correct. reasons.
• The correct version of the HBAAPI is installed to the
system. System action

• The SANdiscovery option is set to ON in the options Operation failed.

User response
ANR8966E Cannot get device number for the
drive drive name. The device parameter is probably not valid. This could
be temporary, but not necessarily. If this occurs while
upgrading from IBM Spectrum Protect Version 4.1 or
previous (where paths were not used), then the drive

Chapter 3. ANR messages 971

needs to be deleted, redefined, and a new path needs System action
to be defined with a valid device parameter. If this
The command fails. The server continues.
occurs on an IBM Spectrum Protect server that already
has paths (Version 4.2 or higher), then just update the
drive to online. The device parameter on the drive path User response
can also be updated before the drive is turned online, Make sure that the directory exists and can be
if you know the device parameter should be changed. accessed by the server.
ANR8969E The owner of volume Volume name ANR8972E command: Unable to find the
can not be updated to owner element number for drive drive
Owner name. name in library library name.

Explanation Explanation
A command was issued updating ownership of a Because the drive serial number does not match any
volume. The owner of this particular volume can not be drive serial number in the serial/element number map
changed. reported by the library, the element number cannot be
System action
The command is not processed. System action
The command is not processed.
User response
None. User response

ANR8970E Unable to open special file Make sure the serial number entered for the drive is
specialfile for tracing parameter correct if AUTODETECT is not active. If AUTODETECT
device driver; errno = errno. is active, the drive serial number might be incorrect or
the library reported an incorrect serial/element
number map. Contact your service representative.
ANR8973E Device reset failed to break the
The special file created by the device driver for tracing
reservation set by another system
purposes could not be opened by the server. This file
for device device name with path
should be created when the device driver is configured
path name.
on the system

System action
The attempt to reset the device reservation set by
Device driver tracing could not be started.
another system failed.

User response
System action
Make sure that the special file exists and can be
No system action taken.
accessed by the server. If the device driver has not
been completely configured and special files created
for all devices, do so. The device driver can also be User response
traced by specifying the name of a library or drive that If this tape device is a Fibre Channel direct attached
has been defined to the IBM Spectrum Protect Server. device on Windows 2003, make sure that the HBA
ANR8971E Unable to validate directory name driver is a StorPort driver by checking the HBA
directory name for parameter vendor's support web site. The device reset (LUN
command. Reset) on Windows 2003 requires a StorPort driver.
Otherwise, you might need to restart the device to
reset the reservation so that the device is accessible.
Explanation If this device is a tape device that is attached to an AIX
The specified directory name was being used in the system, make sure that this device is not configured by
indicated command. The server attempted to validate the AIX generic tape driver. Use the system command
that the directory was accessible so that it could be "lsdev" to verify it as follows: "lsdev -Cs fcp | grep mt".
used in the command definition. The server was The device cannot reset if the "RESETDrives" keyword
unable to validate that the directory was accessible.

972 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

for the UPDATE LIBRARY command is set to "No", User response
device reset will not be attempted.
Make sure that the special file exists and can be
ANR8974I Found new path for path source accessed by the server. If the device driver has not
name and target name target name been completely configured with special files created
old path old path name new path for all devices, resolve the device driver configuration.
new path name. Path information
ANR8977W The volume loaded into library
will be updated remotely.
library name did not have a valid
label. Please load a scratch
Explanation volume with a valid label.
A new path has been found for the device on the
library client or storage agent. Will try to update the Explanation
path information on the library manager.
During normal operations a MANUAL library will
prompt the user for the desired volume name if the
System action volume does not have a valid label and the
. AUTOLABEL parameter is turned on. However, the
utility mode of DUMPDB cannot prompt the user for a
desired volume name.
User response
The path change may be caused by system reboot or System action
cable swap or device addition or removal.
The server unloads the volume and asks for a new
ANR8975I Found new path for path source scratch volume with a valid label.
name and target name target name
old path old path name new path User response
new path name. Path information
is updated. The user needs to insert scratch volumes with valid
labels or reissue the DUMPDB command and specify
Explanation the desired volume name on the command line with
the VOLUMENAMES parameter. See the DUMPDB
A new path has been found for the device and the path documentation.
information has been updated.
ANR8978W The number of drives in library
library name has been increased
System action
from original drive count to new
. drive count Please restart the IBM
Spectrum Protect server to update
User response the configuration;

The path change may be caused by system reboot or

cable swap or device addition or removal.
The number of drives in the library has been increased.
ANR8976E Unable to open special file The new configuration will be recorded if IBM
specialfile for LUN reset with errno Spectrum Protect server is restarted.
= errno.
System action
The special file created by the device driver for LUN
reset purposes could not be opened by the server. This
file should be created when the device driver is User response
configured on the system Number of drives in the library has been increased.
The user needs to restart the IBM Spectrum Protect
System action server to capture the new configuration.
LUN reset could not be started. ANR8979I Command: Operation for library
library name started as process
process ID.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 973

Explanation System action
A sacn library process has been started for the given The background process ends.
library. The process is assigned the ID specified in the
message. User response
Make sure the library and drive devices associated
System action
with this command are powered on and ready, then
The server starts a background process to perform the reissue the command.
operation in response to the SCAN LIBRARY command
ANR8983I SCAN LIBRARY process for library
entered by an administrator.
library name completed
User response
To obtain status on the process, issue the QUERY Explanation
PROCESS command. The process may be canceled
The background process for an SCAN LIBRARY
with the CANCEL PROCESS command.
command has completed successfully.
ANR8980I SCAN LIBRARY process for library
library name has been canceled. System action
The library has been scaned.
A background server process that has been working to User response
scan the given library is canceled by the CANCEL
PROCESS command. None.
ANR8984E The drive drive name in library
System action library name is incapable of
The server process is ended and server operation performing any drive encryption
continues. operations.

User response Explanation

None. The server queried the drive's encryption capability,

and the query failed or the query showed that the drive
ANR8981I Scanning for library library name. does not have encryption capabilities.

Explanation System action

In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this The mount operation fails.
message displays the status for an SCAN LIBRARY
process on the server. User response
If this message occurs on a scratch mount and drive
System action
encryption has not been utilized yet, you can turn drive
Server operation continues. encryption off by updating the DRIVEENCRYPTION
parameter on the device class. Otherwise, verify your
User response hardware configuration. First, verify that all the drives
in this logical library support drive encryption. Second,
None. The process may be canceled by an authorized verify that the device driver controlling all of the drives
administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command. in this library also supports drive encryption. If both
ANR8982E SCAN LIBRARY process for library the drives and the device driver support drive
library name failed. encryption, call your drive hardware support.
ANR8985E The drive drive name in library
Explanation library name is using an encryption
method that is incompatible with
The background process for an SCAN LIBRARY
the current server settings.
command has failed.

974 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The server requires the drive to use various drive The mount continues, but encryption is not used.
encryption methods based on the DRIVEENCRYPTION
device class parameter for empty volumes or based on User response
the previous encryption method used for filling
volumes. The server is unable to properly handle the If encryption is needed for this volume or other
volume's encryption key without resolving this conflict. backupsets, DB backups, or export volumes, use a
different method of encryption: use a device class
parameter of DRIVEENCRYPTION=ALLOW and a
System action
hardware method of 'Library' or 'System' (do not use
The mount operation fails. the 'Application' method).
ANR8988W Library Library Name failed to
User response relabel volume Volume Name after
If this message occurs while mounting an empty it returned to scratch.
volume the encryption method setup in your hardware
environment is incompatible with the Explanation
DRIVEENCRYPTION setting in your device class. Either
The RELABELSCRATCH option is enabled, and while
update the device class or your hardware's encryption
attempting to relabel the volume the operation failed.
method such that these setting no longer conflict. If
this message occurs while mounting a filling volume,
either update your hardware configuration to the same System action
method used while originally backing up this volume, None.
which can be determined by the QUERY VOLUME
FORMAT=DETAIL command, or update this volume's
User response
access to UNAVAILABLE.
This warning may be issued if the relabeling operation
ANR8986E The server currently doesn't allow
attempts to relabel the same volume as another
AES encryption which is required
library volume operation: LABEL LIBVOLUME,
for drive encryption support with
another relabeling operation. For example, suppose
parameter on the device class.
two relabeling operations run on the same volume. If
the first relabeling operation succeeds and the second
Explanation operation fails, no action is required.
Without AES encryption support the server cannot Verify the volume is still checked into the library with
generate adequately strong enough encryption keys the QUERY LIBVOL command. If it is not checked in,
for drive encryption. use LABEL LIBVOL or CHECKIN LIBVOL to check the
volume back into the library.
System action
ANR8989E Unable to establish a
The mount operation fails. communication session with the
primary library manager.
User response
Update the DRIVEENCRYPTION parameter on the Explanation
device class to a value other than ON. The requested operation required that a
communication session be established with a library
ANR8987W The server will not encrypt the
manager. The library manager was found to be
volume volume name.
unavailable at this time.

System action
Drive encryption with the device class parameter
setting of DRIVEENCRYPTION=ON will only encrypt
storage pool volumes. Thus, backupsets, DB backups,
and export volumes will not be encrypted.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 975

User response ANR8992E The library state refresh for library
name failed.
Verify the primary library manager is up and
operational. Once the server is verified to be
operational, retry the operation. Explanation

ANR8990E Device Device Name is not The operation to re-initialize the library's state failed.
supported by the IBM Spectrum
Protect server. System action
The device product identification is not recognized by User response
the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
To refresh the library state, halt and restart the IBM
Spectrum Protect server.
System action
ANR8993I The library state refresh for library
None. name was successful.

User response Explanation

Determine if the installed level of the server supports The server successfully re-initialized the library's
the device. See the device support web page for Linux state.
systems at IBM Spectrum Protect Supported Devices
for Linux or the device support page for all other
System action
systems at IBM Spectrum Protect Supported Devices
for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Windows. None.
If the device is a tape drive and is not supported, you
can use it with the generic tape format. To use the User response
drive, specify GENERICTAPE=Yes when defining a path None.
to the drive. If the device is supported and this
message is received, search the IBM Spectrum Protect ANR8994W Append-only mode is not
Support Web site for known solutions: supported on tape drive Drive
IBM Spectrum Protect product documentation
If no solution is found, report the issue to IBM Explanation
Spectrum Protect Support.
The server attempted to enable append-Only mode on
ANR8991E The GENERICTAPE format is not the tape drive. However, the tape drive does not
supported with drive Device Name. support append-Only mode. In virtual tape libraries,
some drives do not support append-only mode.
System action
The device driver does not support all features
required for the GENERICTAPE format. System operation continues, but the server does not
enable append-only mode.
System action
User response
If the tape drive is in a virtual library, see the
User response documentation from the virtual library vendor to
determine whether the tape drive supports append-
Make sure the tape drive is controlled by the native only mode.
device driver. The IBM Spectrum Protect device driver
does not support the generic tape format. If the drive ANR8995E Unable to write to volume Volume
is controlled by the IBM Spectrum Protect device Name in drive Drive Name.
driver and you intend to use the IBM Spectrum Protect
tape format with the drive, do not specify
GENERICTAPE=Yes when defining a path to the drive.

976 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation System action
The server is unable to write to the volume because The server will not enable append-only mode on the
the drive is in append-only mode and the volume is tape drive for data overwrite protection.
User response
System action
Upgrade the device driver for the drive to the required
The server will dismount the volume and continue version.
processing with another volume.
ANR8998W Encryption has been disabled for
drive drive name in library library
User response name.
Contact your service representative for assistance.
ANR8996W The server is unable to query or
enable append-only mode on tape The server determined that the drive's encryption
drive Drive Name. method was Application Managed Encryption (AME).
Since the server is assumed responsibility for
Explanation encryption settings when device class uses
DRIVEENCRYPT=ALLOW and the drive uses AME,
The server was unable to query or enable append-only encryption has been disabled.
mode because the tape drive does not support
append-only mode.
System action

System action The mount continues with encryption disabled.

System operation continues, but the server does not

User response
query or enable append-only mode for the tape drive
during this mount operation. If encryption is intended to be used for this operation,
with IBM Spectrum Protect managing the encryption
User response keys, then the DRIVEENCRYPT parameter should be
set to ON. If encryption is intended to be used for this
If the tape drive is in a virtual library, see the operation, without IBM Spectrum Protect managing
documentation from the virtual library vendor to the encryption keys (for example, NEC, Fujitsu, and
determine whether the drive supports append-only SpectraLogic provide AME encryption solutions
mode. If the tape drive does not support append-only without IBM Spectrum Protect managing encryption),
mode, contact the tape drive vendor for assistance. If then the DRIVEENCRYPT parameter should be set to
you want to use append-only mode and the tape drive EXTERNAL. In either of these situations, data on the
supports append-only mode, complete the following volume used in this operation will need to be moved to
steps: 1. Specify the CHECKTAPEPOS server option a new volume with the correct settings to encrypt the
and select either the YES or DRIVEONLY parameter data.
values. 2. Retry the mount operation. The server will
attempt to enable append-only mode the next time a ANR8999E Directory name directory name has
volume is mounted. 3. If the issue persists, contact the been duplicated in parameter
tape drive vendor for assistance. command.

ANR8997W The current version of the device

driver for drive Drive Name is
Driver Version. To enable append- When defining or updating multiple directories for a
only mode, version Required device class, you can only specify a directory name
Version or later is required. once in the command.

Explanation System action

The device driver for the drive does not meet the The command fails. The server continues.
version requirement to support append-only mode.
User response
Ensure that the directory name is specified only once
in the command.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 977

ANR9000E Drive drive name does not support ANR9003E The block CRC validation failed on
logical block protection. volume volume name in drive drive
The LBPROTECT parameter associated with the device
class is set to enable logical block protection. The data block was corrupted while it was transferred
However, the tape drive does not support logical block to or from the drive.
System action
System action
The operation fails.
The mount operation fails.
User response
User response
Restart the operation to try the volume in a different
Update drive firmware to the level that supports drive. If the problem persists, check the hardware
logical block protection. connections and the tape drive.
ANR9001W Volume volume name does not ANR9004E The server detected that drive
have logical block protection. drive name can also be accessed
by other applications by using the
Explanation st device special file that is
associated with device device
The server cannot enable logical block protection for name. You must delete all st
this volume. Data that is already on the volume does device special files for this tape
not have logical block protection, or the media type is drive.
not compatible with logical block protection.
System action
When more than one device driver can access a drive,
The operation will continue without logical block tape labels or other data can be overwritten. To
protection enabled on the volume. prevent possible data integrity issues, you must delete
all st device special files for this tape drive. Tip: An st
User response device special file is a file that is associated with a
generic Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) tape
If the media type supports logical block protection,
mark the volume access to READONLY so that the
server cannot write to the volume.
System action
ANR9002E The version of the device driver for
drive Drive Name is Driver Version. The operation fails or the drive is temporarily taken
Driver version Required Version or offline and is unavailable for tape operations. The
later is required for logical block server polls the drive at 30-second intervals to verify
protection. that st device special files for the tape drive are
deleted. After all files are deleted, the drive is brought
back online.
The device driver for the drive does not meet the User response
version requirement for logical block protection.
To resolve the issue, take one of the following actions:
- If you do not need to use the st driver, you can
System action unload the st driver from the kernel by issuing the
The mount operation fails. following Solaris operating system command: rem_drv
st - If you want the mt driver and the st driver to
User response coexist on the Solaris system, you must run the
autoconf utility to configure the devices on the Solaris
Upgrade the device driver for the drive to the required system. The autoconf utility ensures that all non-IBM
version. tape devices have only one device file, which is
created by the mt driver. Tip: An mt driver is a driver

978 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

that is associated with a tape device. - Log in with the CAPs initially have a priority value of 0, which means
root user ID, and run the rmstdev utility with the -d that the ACSLS server does not automatically select a
option. The rmstdev utility is located in the following CAP.
directory: /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin or /opt/tivoli/tsm/
StorageAgent/bin The rmstdev utility deletes all device System action
files that were created by the st driver for all non-IBM
tape devices in the storage environment. The system failed to eject the tape volumes.

ANR9005E Command: Library library name User response

has an active relabel process and
can not be deleted. To verify the CAP priority value, issue the QUERY CAP
command. If the priority value is 0, reissue the
Explanation CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command with a CAP ID.
Alternatively, set the CAP priority to a non-zero value
The designated library can not be deleted or updated and reissue the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command.
because it is currently in use for a relabel operation.
ANR9008E Unable to determine the drive type
for Device of type Device Inquiry
System action
The command is not processed.
User response
The drive could not be opened. This version of IBM
Wait until the relabel operation completes, and then Spectrum Protect may not support the drive type.
retry the command.
ANR9006E Tape volumes must be physically System action
removed from an ACSLS cartridge The system failed to identify the drive type.
access port (CAP).
User response
Verify that the drive type is supported. See the device
Tape volumes are located in the ACSLS CAP. The support web page for Linux systems at IBM Spectrum
ACSLS server requires users to physically remove Protect Supported Devices for Linux or the device
these volumes from the CAP within 30 minutes. When support page for all other systems at IBM Spectrum
REMOVE=YES is set for the CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME Protect Supported Devices for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris,
command, a tape ejection operation is scheduled. If and Windows.
the user fails to remove the tape from the CAP within
30 minutes, the ACSLS server sets a failure status for ANR9009E The cartridge access port (CAP) for
the tape ejection operation. library library name is not
available. The CAP status is cap
System action
The ACSLS library ejected tape volumes and relocated Explanation
them to a CAP.
An error occurs in the CAP while accessing the
specified library.
User response
Remove the volumes from the CAP. If there are no System action
tape cartridges in the CAP, check the ACSLS library to
ensure that no tapes are lodged there. The operation fails.

ANR9007E Command: The library cartridge User response

access port (CAP) ID is invalid for
library library name. Ensure that the CAP is empty, all tape volumes are
removed from the CAP, and the CAP door is closed.
Explanation ANR9010W Unable to verify drive drive name.
Tape volumes were not ejected from the ACSLS library
because the library CAP ID was not specified in the
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command. By default, all

Chapter 3. ANR messages 979

Explanation User response
The mount operation fails because the Review the information in the message explanation
SANDISCOVERY option is not enabled. Therefore, the and take action to correct any problems with the
SAN discovery function did not verify whether the device configuration file or media. Reissue the
specified drive must be opened. RESTORE DB command.
ANR9013W The RESETDRIVES parameter was
System action not specified for library library
The SAN discovery function is not turned on. name. For this reason, the server
cannot access tape drives that are
reserved by another server in the
User response
specified library.
Verify the SANDISCOVERY option value in the
dsmserv.opt file. If the value is set to OFF or Explanation
UNSCANNEDPATHOFF, change the value to ON.
If a reservation conflict occurs in a failover cluster or a
ANR9011E Position error: the volume volume shared library environment, the server cannot access
name in drive drive name is not at tape drives that are already reserved by another
the expected expected position : server. To ensure that the server can clear a tape drive
The actual volume position is: reservation, the RESETDRIVES=YES parameter must
expected volume position. be specified.

Explanation System action

The CHECKTAPEPOS server option has determined System operation continues, but the server cannot
that there is a volume position error IBM Spectrum access the tape drives that are reserved by another
Protect has not repositioned the tape. Writing is halted server in the failover cluster or shared library
to prevent data loss. environment.

System action User response

The write operation fails. Issue the UPDATE LIBRARY command and set the
RESETDRIVES parameter to YES. If you are in a
User response failover cluster environment, set the RESETDRIVES
parameter to YES when the SHARED parameter for the
See the IBM Spectrum Protect documentation about
library is set to NO (default value). If you are in a
preventing tape label overwrites in the IBM Knowledge
shared library environment, set the RESETDRIVES
Center at http://www.ibm.com/support/
parameter to YES when the SHARED parameter is set
to YES. Tip: To determine the value of the SHARED
ANR9012E There is no drive available for the parameter, issue the following command: query library
database restore operation for library_name f=d where library_name specifies the
device class device class name. name of the library. For tape drives reserved by a
SCSI-2 reserve, the RESETDRIVES=YES parameter
Explanation must be specified to enable a LUN reset to clear the
reservation. A LUN reset is required only in an IBM AIX
The database restore operation cannot be completed. or Microsoft Windows environment. For tape drives
There are no available mount points. Possible reasons reserved by a SCSI-3 persistent reserve, the
include: RESETDRIVES=YES parameter must be specified to
• The device configuration file is not correctly defined preempt or clear the reservation.
to acccess the media. ANR9014E Volume volume name is
• There is a problem with the media. incompatible with drive drive
System action
The database restore operation fails.
The drive cannot read the volume format. This can be
attributed to a different generation media format or an
encrypted tape.

980 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action System action
The operation fails. When you run the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command, the
server starts the volume audit process.
User response
User response
Make sure that the volume is correctly formatted for
this drive, and validate the device class settings for Issue the QUERY PROCESS command to display
this operation. If it is encrypted, the drive must be information about background processes.
configured to decrypt the cartridge.
ANR9015E The device device name path volume name in library library
symlink appears to be circular. name failed.

Explanation Explanation
When the server attempts to validate the device path The background process for an AUDIT LIBVOLUME
the symlink is too long. command failed.

System action System action

A server cannot access the device due to a device The background process ends, but the volume is not
symlink problem. audited.

User response User response

Issue the autoconf script to re-establish the links. Ensure that the library and the drive devices that are
associated with the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command are
ANR9016W Process process number: AUDIT turned on, and run the command again.
LIBVOLUME for volume volume
name in library library name ANR9019I AUDIT LIBVOLUME for volume
cannot be cancelled. volume name in library library
name completed successfully.
If you use the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command to audit a
volume in a specific library, you cannot cancel a The AUDIT LIBVOLUME process completed
background server process by using the CANCEL successfully.
PROCESS command. You cannot cancel the
background server process because of a tape firmware System action
limitation when you run the AUDIT LIBVOLUME
command. None.

System action User response

The background server process continues. None.

ANR9020E You cannot issue the AUDIT
User response LIBVOLUME command by using the
None. drive drive name for volume
volume name in library library
ANR9017I Command: Operation for volume name.
volume name in library library
name started as process process Explanation
The background process for the AUDIT LIBVOLUME
command failed. You cannot issue the AUDIT
LIBVOLUME command by using the specified type of
A volume audit process is in progress for a specific drive.
library. The process is assigned the ID that is specified
in the message.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 981

System action and above to issue the AUDIT
LIBVOLUME command.
The background process ends and but the volume is
not audited.
User response The background process for a AUDIT LIBVOLUME
command fails.
Issue the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command on a library
that has any of the following tape drives: - IBM 3592
generation 4 drive or later - IBM LTO generation 5 System action
drive or later The background process ends, but the volume has not
ANR9021I Auditing volume volume name been audited.
from library library name with
process process ID uses drive drive User response
name. Install a supported drive version and try the command
ANR9024E There are no drives available.
When the IBM Spectrum Protect server locates a drive
to process the AUDIT LIBVOLUME command, a status
message is displayed.
The server cannot find any valid drives. In most cases,
System action this prevents client nodes from accessing the drives.

The AUDIT LIBVOLUME background process operation

System action
The operation fails.
User response
User response
If any drives or paths are offline, use the UPDATE
ANR9022E Volume volume name could not be DRIVE or UPDATE PATH commands to bring them
mounted for the AUDIT back online.
LIBVOLUME command because all
of the drives are in use in library ANR9025E There are no available NAS drives
library name. attached to the required node of a
NAS cluster.
The background process for the AUDIT LIBVOLUME
command fails. The server cannot find any valid drives for the NAS
operation. In most cases, this prevents a NAS
System action clustered node from accessing the drives.

The background process ends. The volume is not

System action
The operation fails.
User response
User response
Ensure that a drive is available before you issue the
AUDIT LIBVOLUME command. You can dismount an If any drives or paths are offline, use the UPDATE
idle volume in a tape drive or wait until a drive is DRIVE or UPDATE PATH commands to bring them
available before you issue the command again. back online. For a clustered NAS device, verify that a
path is defined using the correct device name. For a
ANR9023E The AUDIT LIBVOLUME command drive attached to a clustered NAS device, the device
failed for drive drive name with the name contains the node name within the cluster in
current tape device driver version which the device is attached.
current driver version. Use driver
version supported driver version ANR9579W Command: The file file name
(Linux) cannot be found.

982 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation prefix 'prefix' plus 'name' exceeds
maximum characters characters.
The specified file cannot be found.

System action
The file name generated is too long. The maximum
For the default server executable file, the PREPARE
valid length is shown in the message.
command uses /opt/IBMadsm-s/bin/dsmserv.

System action
User response
The recovery plan file was not created.
Determine why the file does not exist and create it if
User response
ANR9580W Command: Generated
(Linux) replacement volume name volume Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. The
name may following commands are used to specify the prefix:
not be a valid raw partition name. • SET DRMPLANPREFIX
Original volume name:volume
Stanza is stanza name. • PREPARE
ANR9583E command: Cannot generate fully
Explanation (Linux) qualified file name for 'name'.
Appending the replacement volume name postfix to
the original volume name has created a name that may Explanation
not be a valid raw partition name. A failure occurred expanding the specified file name.

System action System action

Replacement volume name is used in the recovery Recovery plan file not created.
plan stanza.

User response
User response
Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. The
Manually update the generated recovery plan stanza following commands are used to specify the prefix:
with a legal replacement name. The replacement
name can be another raw partition name or a regular • SET DRMPLANPREFIX
ANR9581W command: Volume file name not • PREPARE
(Linux) found while building stanza
ANR9584E command: Cannot generate server
recovery plan stanza name.
(Linux) options file name.
This volume is defined to the server but does not exist.
The device class associated with the volume is DISK or A failure occurred generating the server options file
the device class device type is FILE. name.

System action System action

The entry for the volume is not included in the Recovery plan file not created.
recovery plan stanza.
User response
User response See accompanying messages for more information.
Determine why file does not exist; create if necessary. ANR9585E command: Cannot generate a
ANR9582E (Linux) volume history file name.
command: Generated file name
(Linux) too long. Length of directory or

Chapter 3. ANR messages 983

Explanation User response
A failure occurred generating the volume history file Contact your service representative for assistance in
name. resolving the error.
ANR9602E Invalid JOB information passed to
System action (AIX) the NETLS Interface.
Recovery plan file not created.
User response The server licensing functions encountered an internal
See accompanying messages for more information. error in accessing license information for the server
storage capacity and number of registered clients.
ANR9586E command: Cannot generate a
(Linux) device configuration file name.
System action

Explanation Server operation continues. New licensing information

is not used by the server.
A failure occurred generating the device configuration
file name.
User response

System action Contact your service representative for assistance in

resolving the error.
Recovery plan file not created.
ANR9603E The NETLS Nodelock file could not
User response (AIX) be created.

See accompanying messages for more information. Explanation

ANR9600E Invalid information passed to The server was not able to create the file /usr/lib/
(AIX) NETLS license interface. netls/conf/nodelock which is used for storing license
password information.
The server licensing functions encountered an internal System action
error in accessing license information for the server Server operation continues. New licensing information
storage capacity and number of registered clients. is not used by the server.

System action User response

Server operation continues. New licensing information If the server is not running with root authority, make
is not used by the server. sure that directory authorities in the /usr/lib/netls/conf
path are set so that the user ID under which the server
User response is running can create, read, and write to the /usr/lib/
netls/conf/nodelock file. If the server is running with
Contact your service representative for assistance in
root authority, contact your service representative for
resolving the error.
assistance in resolving this problem.
ANR9601E The NETLS license interface was
ANR9604E The NETLS license interface
(AIX) not initialized properly.
(AIX) encountered an internal error.

The server licensing functions encountered an internal
The server licensing functions encountered an internal
error in accessing license information for the server
error in accessing license information for the server
storage capacity and number of registered clients.
storage capacity and number of registered clients.

System action
System action
Server operation continues. New licensing information
Server operation continues. New licensing information
is not used by the server.
is not used by the server.

984 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR9608E A NETLS Security Breach was
(AIX) encountered.
Contact your service representative for assistance in
resolving the error.
ANR9605E An invalid vendor ID was passed
(AIX) to NETLS. The server licensing functions encountered an internal
error in accessing license information for the server
storage capacity and number of registered clients.
The server licensing functions encountered an internal System action
error in accessing license information for the server
storage capacity and number of registered clients. Server operation continues. New licensing information
is not used by the server.
System action
User response
Server operation continues. New licensing information
is not used by the server. Contact your service representative for assistance in
resolving the error.
User response ANR9609E Incorrect license entered:
(AIX) Password entered = password
Contact your service representative for assistance in
Annotation entered = annotation.
resolving the error.
ANR9606E NETLS failed to find socket Explanation
(AIX) families to contact a server.
The license information entered for a REGISTER
LICENSE command is not correct.
The server licensing functions encountered an internal System action
error in accessing license information for the server
storage capacity and number of registered clients. None.

System action User response

Server operation continues. New licensing information Register the license again with the REGISTER LICENSE
is not used by the server. command. Be sure to correctly enter the license
User response ANR9610E Unable to create directory:
Contact your service representative for assistance in (AIX) directory.
resolving the error.
ANR9607E No NETLS Servers found.
(AIX) The REGISTER LICENSE command is unable to either
create or verify the specified directory structure.
System action
The server licensing functions encountered an internal
error in accessing license information for the server None.
storage capacity and number of registered clients.
User response
System action If the server is not running with root authority, make
Server operation continues. New licensing information sure that directory authorities in the /usr/lib/netls/conf
is not used by the server. path are set so that the user ID under which the server
is running can create, read, and write to the /usr/lib/
netls/conf/nodelock file. If the server is running with
User response
root authority, contact your service representative for
Contact your service representative for assistance in assistance in resolving this problem.
resolving the error.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 985

ANR9610E Unable to create directory: is running can create, read, and write to the /usr/lib/
(Linux) directory. netls/conf/nodelock file. If the server is running with
root authority, contact your service representative for
Explanation assistance in resolving this problem.

The REGISTER LICENSE command is unable to either ANR9613W Error loading modname for
create or verify the specified directory structure. (AIX) Licensing function.

System action Explanation

None. The server cannot load file module modname to

initialize licensing functions.
User response
System action
If the server is not running with root authority, make
sure that directory authorities in the given directory Server operation continues. Default licensing values
path are set so that the user under which the server is are in effect for running the server.
running can create, read, and write to the server's
license file. If the server is running with root authority, User response
contact your service representative for assistance in
The dsmreg.lic module is accessed as part of the load
resolving this problem.
process for licensing. It should be in the same
ANR9611E Unable to open NODELOCK file: directory as the dsmserv executable or it must be in a
(AIX) file. directory that is pointed to by the DSMSERV_DIR
environment variable. The dsmreg.lic module is only
Explanation installed when you purchase the product.

The REGISTER LICENSE command is unable to either ANR9613W Error loading modname for
create or open the nodelock file. (Linux) Licensing function.

System action Explanation

None. The server cannot load file module modname to

initialize licensing functions.
User response
System action
If the server is not running with root authority, make
sure that directory authorities in the /usr/lib/netls/conf Server operation continues. Default licensing values
path are set so that the user ID under which the server are in effect for running the server.
is running can create, read, and write to the /usr/lib/
netls/conf/nodelock file. If the server is running with User response
root authority, contact your service representative for
dsmreg.lic is accessed as part of the load process for
assistance in resolving this problem.
licensing. It should be in the same directory as the
ANR9612E Error writing to NODELOCK file. dsmserv executable file or it must be in a directory
(AIX) that is pointed to by the DSMSERV_DIR environment
variable. The dsmreg.lic module is only installed when
Explanation you purchase the product.

The REGISTER LICENSE command fails writing to the ANR9614E Unable to open license file: file.
nodelock file. (AIX)

System action Explanation

None. The REGISTER LICENSE command is unable to create

or open the server license file.
User response
System action
If the server is not running with root authority, make
sure that directory authorities in the /usr/lib/netls/conf None.
path are set so that the user ID under which the server

986 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response System action
Make sure that the user ID under which the server is None.
running has the authority required to create or write,
or both, to the license file in the directory in which the User response
server is running. If this does not resolve the problem,
contact your service representative for assistance. Make sure that the userid under which the server is
running has the authority required to create and/or
ANR9614E Unable to open license file: file. write to the license file in the directory in which the
(Linux) server is running. Also ensure that there is free space
available in the filesystem so that the license
Explanation information can be written to the file. If this does not
resolve the problem contact your service
The REGISTER LICENSE command is unable to either representative for assistance.
create or open the server license file.
ANR9616I Invalid license record record value
System action (AIX) found in license file - it will be
User response
The license manager found an invalid record in the
Make sure that the user ID under which the server is server license file (adsmserv.licenses). The record is
running has the authority required to create or write, ignored.
or both, to the license file in the directory in which the
server is running. If this does not resolve the problem,
System action
contact your service representative for assistance.
The invalid record is ignored.
ANR9615E Error writing to adsmserv.licenses
(AIX) file.
User response
Explanation Erase the adsmserv.licenses file and reregister your
The REGISTER LICENSE command fails writing to the
server license file. ANR9616W Invalid license record record value
(Linux) found in license file - it will be
System action ignored.


User response The license manager found an invalid record in the

server license file (adsmserv.licenses). The record is
Make sure that the user ID under which the server is ignored.
running has the authority required to create or write,
or both, to the license file in the directory in which the
System action
server is running. Also, ensure that free space is
available in the file system so that the license The invalid record is ignored.
information can be written to the file. If this does not
resolve the problem, contact your service User response
representative for assistance.
Erase the adsmserv.licenses file and reregister your
ANR9615E Error writing to adsmserv.licenses licenses. Refer to the licenses provided to you to
(Linux) file. ensure that only valid licenses are specified with the
ANR9617I Invalid license authorization:
The REGISTER LICENSE command fails writing to the (AIX) authorization string.
server license file.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 987

Explanation contact your service representative for assistance in
resolving this problem.
The license authorization specified for a REGISTER
LICENSE command is not valid. ANR9618E License registration is not
(Linux) supported on this server.
System action
Server operation continues; licensing terms are not
changed by the REGISTER LICENSE command. The REGISTER LICENSE command failed because the
license authorization module could not be found.
User response
System action
Examine the license authorization string that was
entered with the REGISTER LICENSE command. Server operation continues; licensing terms are not
Reenter the command if the license authorization was changed by the REGISTER LICENSE command.
not specified correctly. If the license authorization has
been specified correctly, contact your service User response
The license authorization file is required for formal
ANR9617W Invalid license authorization: licensing for the server. The file is delivered when the
(Linux) authorization string. product is purchased, but is not available in the
product service stream or with demonstration copies
Explanation of the server. If you have purchased the server, please
contact your service representation for assistance in
The license authorization specified for a REGISTER
resolving this problem.
LICENSE command is not valid.
System action (AIX) support of IBM Spectrum Protect
for Space Management will expire
Server operation continues; licensing terms are not on expiration date.
changed by the REGISTER LICENSE command.
User response
The AIX/6000 server is distributed with an evaluation
Examine the license authorization that was entered license for IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
using the REGISTER LICENSE command. Reenter the Management support. If no formal license is found for
command if the license authorization was not the server and the evaluation period has not lapsed,
specified correctly. If the license authorization has this message is displayed each time the server checks
been specified correctly, contact your service the server license terms.
ANR9618E License registration is not System action
(AIX) supported on this server.
The IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management
license allows clients to utilize the server for storing
Explanation files migrated during space management. The server
The REGISTER LICENSE command fails because the checks this license when files are migrated to the
license authorization module cannot be found. server from client nodes to ensure that the server is
licensed to perform this function.
System action
User response
Server operation continues; licensing terms are not
changed by the REGISTER LICENSE command. If you are interested in using the server, contact your
service representative to obtain formal licenses for the
server before the evaluation period has elapsed.
User response
Without formal licenses, the server will not support
The license authorization file is required for formal IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management after
licensing for the AIX/6000 server. The file is delivered the expiration date shown.
when the product is purchased, but it is not available
in the product service stream or with demonstration
copies of the server. If you have purchased the server, (AIX) support of disaster recovery

988 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

manager will expire on expiration and re-start the server. If this message continues to be
date. issued, contact your service representative.
Explanation (Linux) support of IBM Spectrum Protect
The AIX/6000 server is distributed with an evaluation for Space Management will expire
license for disaster recovery manager support. If no on expiration date.
formal license is found for the server and the
evaluation period has not lapsed, this message is Explanation
displayed each time the server checks the server
The server is distributed with an evaluation license for
license terms.
IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management support.
If no formal license is found for the server and the
System action evaluation period has not lapsed, this message is
The disaster recovery manager license allows displayed each time the server checks the server
customers to store information in the server regarding license terms.
machines and recovery media, allows management of
offsite recovery media, collects and stores information System action
in the server for server recovery and allows data base
The IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management
and storage pool backups to a device class of type
license allows clients to utilize the server for storing
server. The server checks this license when machines
files migrated during space management. The server
or recovery media are defined to the server, when
checks this license when files are migrated to the
PREPARE or MOVE DRMMEDIA are invoked and when
server from client nodes to ensure that the server is
a data base backup or storage pool backup to a device
licensed to perform this function.
class of type server are performed to ensure that the
server is licensed to perform this function.
User response
User response If you are interested in using the server, contact your
service representative to obtain formal licenses for the
If you are interested in using the server, contact your
server before the evaluation period has elapsed.
service representative to obtain formal licenses for the
Without formal licenses, the server will not support
server before the evaluation period has elapsed.
IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management after
Without formal licenses, the server will not support
the expiration date shown.
disaster recovery manager after the expiration date
ANR9624E (Windows) support of IBM Spectrum Protect
Unexpected error encountered in
for Space Management will expire
(AIX) iFor/LS (SystemView License Use
on expiration date.
Management) routine license
interface name status=xreported
status code. Explanation
The server is distributed with an evaluation license for
Explanation IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management support.
If no formal license is found for the server and the
The server encountered an unexpected error in
evaluation period has not lapsed, this message is
accessing the SystemView License Use Management
displayed each time the server checks the server
function specified.
license terms.

System action
System action
The server license monitoring operation fails
The IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management
license allows clients to utilize the server for storing
User response files migrated during space management. The server
The SystemView License Use Management product is checks this license when files are migrated to the
installed during normal AIX server installation. Check server from client nodes to ensure that the server is
to make sure that server was installed correctly. If the licensed to perform this function.
installation was successful, re-boot your AIX system

Chapter 3. ANR messages 989

User response User response
If you are interested in using the server, contact your If you are interested in using the server, contact your
service representative to obtain formal licenses for the service representative to obtain formal licenses for the
server before the evaluation period has elapsed. server before the evaluation period has elapsed.
Without formal licenses, the server will not support Without formal licenses, the server will not support
IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management after disaster recovery manager after the expiration date
the expiration date shown. shown.
ANR9625E Could not open file file name. ANR9625I An EVALUATION LICENSE for
(AIX) (Windows) support of disaster recovery
manager will expire on expiration
Explanation date.

The server could not open the license certificate file

The server is distributed with an evaluation license for
System action disaster recovery manager support. If no formal
license is found for the server and the evaluation
The license registration command fails. period has not lapsed, this message is displayed each
time the server checks the server license terms.
User response
Examine the file specification entered, including System action
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the The disaster recovery manager license allows
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an customers to store information in the server regarding
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected machines and recovery media, allows management of
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your offsite recovery media, collects and stores information
service representative. in the server for server recovery and allows data base
ANR9625I An EVALUATION LICENSE for and storage pool backups to a device class of type
(Linux) support of disaster recovery server. The server checks this license when machines
manager will expire on expiration or recovery media are defined to the server, when
date. PREPARE or MOVE DRMMEDIA are invoked and when
a data base backup or storage pool backup to a device
class of type server are performed to ensure that the
Explanation server is licensed to perform this function.
The server is distributed with an evaluation license for
disaster recovery manager support. If no formal User response
license is found for the server, and the evaluation
period has not lapsed, this message is displayed each If you are interested in using the server, contact your
time the server checks the server license terms. service representative to obtain formal licenses for the
server before the evaluation period has elapsed.
Without formal licenses, the server will not support
System action disaster recovery manager after the expiration date
The disaster recovery manager license allows shown.
customers to store information in the server regarding
ANR9626E Invalid license certificate file: file
machines and recovery media, allows management of
(AIX) name.
offsite recovery media, collects and stores information
in the server for server recovery, and allows data base
and storage pool backups to a device class of type Explanation
server. The server checks this license when machines The specified file does not contain valid license
or recovery media are defined to the server, when certificate information.
PREPARE or MOVE DRMMEDIA are invoked, and when
a data base backup or storage pool backup to a device
System action
class of type server are performed to ensure that the
server is licensed to perform this function. The license registration command ignores the
contents of the file.

990 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

User response ANR9629E Could not open file file name.
Examine the file specification entered, including
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an Explanation
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected The server could not open the license certificate file
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your specified.
service representative.
ANR9627E Cannot access node license lock System action
(AIX) file: file name.
The license registration command fails.

User response
The server was not able to access the specified file.
Examine the file specification entered, including
The node lock file contains licensing information for
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
the server.
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
System action specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your
The license function fails. service representative.
ANR9630E Invalid license certificate file: file
User response (Windows) name.
Examine the file specification displayed and ensure
that the file attributes will allow the server to access Explanation
the file. The location of the file is either in the directory The specified file does not contain valid license
from which the server is started, or in the directory certificate information.
specified by the DSMSERV_DIR environment variable.
Re-specify the DSMSERV_DIR environment variable if
this specification is in error. Also ensure that there is System action
sufficient space on the drive specified for the file. If The license registration command ignores the
the problem persists after these corrections have been contents of the file.
made, contact your service representative.
ANR9628E Unexpected error encountered in User response
(Windows) iFor/LS (SystemView License Use Examine the file specification entered, including
Management) routine license wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
interface name status=xreported license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an
status code. error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your
Explanation service representative.
The server encountered an unexpected error in ANR9631E Cannot access node license lock
accessing the SystemView License Use Management (Windows) file: file name.
function specified.
System action
The server was not able to access the specified file.
The server license monitoring operation fails The node lock file contains licensing information for
the server.
User response
The SystemView License Use Management product is System action
installed during normal server installation. Check to The license function fails.
make sure that the product was installed correctly. If
the installation was successful, re-boot your system User response
and re-start the server. If this message continues to be
issued, contact your service representative. Examine the file specification displayed and ensure
that the file attributes will allow the server to access
the file. The location of the file is either in the directory

Chapter 3. ANR messages 991

from which the server is started, or in the directory If an error is found, re-try the command with the
specified by the DSMSERV_DIR environment variable. corrected specification. If an error cannot be found,
Re-specify the DSMSER-DIR environment variable if contact your service representative.
this specification is in error. Also ensure that there is
ANR9634E command name: No license
sufficient space on the drive specified for the file. If
(Linux) certificate files were found with
the problem persists after these corrections have been
the file name specification
made, contact your service representative.
ANR9632I Cannot load licensing DLL library:
(Windows) DLL file name : the server will Explanation
assume evaluation licensing
mode. The server did not find any license certificate file(s)
with the file name specification entered.
System action
The server was not able to load the specified dynamic
link library. The license registration command fails.

System action User response

Server licensing asumes Try and Buy mode with Examine the file specification entered, including
licenses for 180 days. wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
User response
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your
The named DLL library(ies) are required for the server service representative.
to support feature licensing. If you are running an
evaluation copy of the server, this message should not ANR9634E command name: No license
cause concern and is normal. If the libraries are (Windows) certificate files were found with
installed and this message continues to be issued, the file name specification
contact a support representative for assistance. specification.

ANR9634E command name: No license Explanation

(AIX) certificate files were found with
the file name specification The server did not find any license certificate file(s)
specification. with the file name specification entered.

Explanation System action

The server did not find any license certificate file(s) The license registration command fails.
with the file name specification entered.
User response
System action Examine the file specification entered, including
The license registration command fails. wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
User response
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your
Examine the file specification entered, including service representative.
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
ANR9635E Invalid license certificate file: file
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. The file
name specification indicates the fully qualified file (Linux) name.
name the server was trying to read. The directory used
to locate the license certificate files when no explicit Explanation
path is provided is determined as follows: The specified file does not contain valid license
• The directory path pointed by the environmental certificate information.
variable DSMSERV_DIR if this variable is defined
• The current working directory of the server process if
the DSMSERV_DIR variable is not defined

992 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action Explanation
The license registration command ignores the The server could not open the license certificate file
contents of the file. specified.

User response System action

Examine the file specification entered, including The license registration command fails.
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an User response
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your Examine the file specification entered, including
service representative. wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an
ANR9635E Invalid license certificate file: file error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
(Windows) name. specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your
service representative.
ANR9637E Cannot access node license lock
The specified file does not contain valid license (Linux) file: file name.
certificate information.
System action
The server was not able to access the specified file.
The license registration command ignores the The node lock file contains licensing information for
contents of the file. the server.

User response System action

Examine the file specification entered, including The license function fails.
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an User response
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your Examine the file specification displayed and ensure
service representative. that the file attributes will allow the server to access
the file. The location of the file is either in the directory
ANR9636E Could not open file file name. from which the server is started, or in the directory
(Linux) specified by the DSMSERV_DIR environment variable.
Re-specify the DSMSERV-DIR environment variable if
Explanation this specification is in error. Also ensure that there is
sufficient space on the drive specified for the file. If
The server could not open the license certificate file the problem persists after these corrections have been
specified. made, contact your service representative.

System action ANR9637E Cannot access node license lock

(Windows) file: file name.
The license registration command fails.
User response
The server was not able to access the specified file.
Examine the file specification entered, including The node lock file contains licensing information for
wildcard characters, to determine if it names the the server.
license certificate file(s) you intended to use. If an
error is found, re-try the command with the corrected
System action
specification. If an error cannot be found, contact your
service representative. The license function fails.
ANR9636E Could not open file file name.
(Windows) User response
Examine the file specification displayed and ensure
that the file attributes will allow the server to access

Chapter 3. ANR messages 993

the file. The location of the file is either in the directory System action
from which the server is started, or in the directory
Server operation continues, but functions that require
specified by the DSMSERV_DIR environment variable.
the shared library will be inoperative.
Re-specify the DSMSER-DIR environment variable if
this specification is in error. Also ensure that there is
sufficient space on the drive specified for the file. If User response
the problem persists after these corrections have been Make sure the shared library is accessible/readable.
made, contact your service representative. This message is normal for those servers in the Try-N-
ANR9638W License registration is not Buy mode.
(Linux) supported on this server. ANR9640E Unable to load procedure address
(Linux) from shared library shared library
Explanation license module.
The REGISTER LICENSE command fails because the
license authorization module cannot be found. Explanation
The server module is unable to load the address of a
System action routine in the indicated shared library for license
Server operation continues; licensing terms are not
changed by the REGISTER LICENSE command.
System action
User response Server operation continues, but the function that
requires the shared library will be inoperative.
The license authorization file is required for formal
licensing for the server. The file is delivered when the
product is purchased, but it is not available in the User response
product service stream or with demonstration copies Ensure that the shared library is accessible. If the
of the server. If you have purchased the server, problem persists, contact your Customer Service
contact your service representative for assistance in Representative.
resolving this problem.
ANR9641W One or more EVALUATION
ANR9638W License registration is not (Linux) LICENSES will expire on expiration
(Windows) supported on this server. date.

Explanation System action

The REGISTER LICENSE command fails because the Server operation continues.
license authorization module cannot be found.
User response
System action
Halt the server and erase the nodelock file in the
Server operation continues; licensing terms are not server startup directory. After restarting the server,
changed by the REGISTER LICENSE command. use the REGISTER LICENSE command to define the
licensed features that you have purchased with your
User response server. These licenses should NOT have an expiration
date, so this message should not appear after re-
The license authorization file is required for formal
registering the proper licenses. If this message
licensing for the Windows server. The file is delivered
persists, contact your service representative.
when the product is purchased, but it is not available
in the product service stream or with demonstration ANR9642E The specified license authorization
copies of the server. If you have purchased the server, (Linux) code (license authorization code) is
contact your service representative for assistance in invalid.
resolving this problem.
ANR9639W Unable to load Shared License File Explanation
(Linux) shared library. The license authorization code which you entered
using the REGISTER LICENSE command is invalid.
The server was unable to loaded the shared library.

994 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action ANR9677E Failed to allocate memory for
(AIX) shared memory communications.
No additional licenses are registered. Server operation
Error: error text.

User response
An error has occurred when attempting to get memory
Obtain a valid license authorization code and try the
for the shared communications option.
command again.
ANR9676E Error errno attaching memory System action
(AIX) segment for shared memory
communications. Shared memory communications will not be activated.
ANR9677E Failed to allocate memory for
Explanation (Linux) shared memory communications.
Error: error text.
An error occurred while attempting to attach a shared
memory segment for a shared communications
session. Explanation
An error has occurred when attempting to get memory
System action for the shared communications option.
The shared memory communications session does not
initialize. System action
Shared memory communications will not be activated.
User response
Check the AIX documentation for the shmat User response
subroutine and determine what the error number None.
indicates. On AIX, if the error number is EMFILE, make
sure the EXTSHM environment variable is set to ON ANR9678E Failed to allocate message queue
before starting the server. This allows the server to (AIX) for the shared memory
support more than 3 concurrent shared memory communications Error: error text.
ANR9676E Error errno attaching memory
(Linux) segment for shared memory An error has occurred when attempting to get memory
communications. for the shared communications option.

Explanation System action

An error occurred while attempting to attach a shared Shared memory communications will not be activated.
memory segment for a shared communications
session. ANR9678E Failed to allocate message queue
(Linux) for the shared memory
communications Error: error text.
System action
The shared memory communications session does not Explanation
An error has occurred when attempting to get memory
for the shared communications option.
User response
Check the AIX documentation for the shmat System action
subroutine and determine what the error number
indicates. On AIX, if the error number is EMFILE, make Shared memory communications will not be activated.
sure the EXTSHM environment variable is set to ON
before starting the server. This allows the server to User response
support more than 3 concurrent shared memory

Chapter 3. ANR messages 995

ANR9678W File name used for server Explanation
(Windows) executable. A server is currently This volume is defined to the server but PREPARE can
running as a service. not obtain AIX logical volume information for it from
the AIX Object Data Manager (ODM).
The name of the executable used when the server is System action
running as a service cannot be used in the plan file. The entry for the volume is not included in the
recovery plan stanza.
System action
PREPARE uses file name identified in the message User response
within the plan file and generation of the plan file This message should be preceded by another error
continues. message which contains the ODM error code.

User response ANR9680W Unable to locate path for

(Windows) component in registry.
ANR9679W Command: The file file name Explanation
(AIX) cannot be found. The path to the component could not be found in the
The specified file cannot be found. System action
PREPARE uses the following default path names in the
System action plan file:
For the default server executable file, the PREPARE • For the components installation directory the default
command uses /opt/IBMadsm-s/bin/dsmserv. is c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\server\
• For the administrative command line client the
User response default is c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\baclient\
Determine why the file does not exist and create it if • For the disk formatting utility the default is
necessary. c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\utils\
ANR9679W Command: Unable to locate file file
(Windows) name. User response
Determine why path does not exist; install
Explanation components if necessary.
The specified file cannot be found. ANR9681W Command: Volume file name not
(AIX) found while building stanza
System action recovery plan stanza name.
PREPARE uses the following default file names in the
plan file: Explanation

• For the server executable the default is This volume is defined to the server but does not exist.
c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmserv. The device class associated with the volume is DISK or
the device class device type is FILE.
User response
System action
Determine why file does not exist; create if necessary.
The entry for the volume is not included in the
ANR9680W Command: Could not obtain AIX recovery plan stanza.
(AIX) logical volume information for
volume name while building stanza User response
recovery plan stanza name.
Determine why the file does not exist; create it if

996 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR9681W Command: Volume file name not • SET DRMPLANPREFIX
(Windows) found while building stanza • SET DRMINSTRPREFIX
recovery plan stanza name.
Explanation ANR9683E Command: Cannot generate fully
(AIX) qualified file name for 'name'.
This volume is defined to the server but does not exist.
The device class associated with the volume is DISK or
the device class device type is FILE. Explanation
A failure occurred expanding the specified file name.
System action
The entry for the volume is not included in the System action
recovery plan stanza. Recovery plan file not created.

User response User response

Determine why file does not exist; create if necessary. Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. The
following commands are used to specify the prefix:
ANR9682E Command: Generated file name
(AIX) too long. Length of directory or • SET DRMPLANPREFIX
prefix 'prefix' plus 'name' exceeds • SET DRMINSTRPREFIX
maximum characters characters.
Explanation ANR9683E Command: Cannot generate fully
The file name generated is too long. The maximum (Windows) qualified file name for 'name'.
valid length is shown in the message.
System action A failure occurred expanding the specified file name.
The recovery plan file was not created.
System action
User response Recovery plan file not created.
Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. The
following commands are used to specify the prefix: User response

• SET DRMPLANPREFIX Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. The

following commands are used to specify the prefix:
ANR9682E Command: Generated file name
(Windows) too long. Length of directory or • PREPARE
prefix 'prefix' plus 'name' exceeds ANR9684E Command: Cannot generate server
maximum characters characters. (AIX) options file name.

Explanation Explanation
The file name generated is too long. The maximum A failure occurred generating the server options file
valid length is shown in the message. name.

System action System action

The recovery plan file was not created. Recovery plan file not created.

User response User response

Reissue the command specifying a valid prefix. The See accompanying messages for more information.
following commands are used to specify the prefix:

Chapter 3. ANR messages 997

ANR9684E Command: Cannot generate server User response
(Windows) options file name. See accompanying messages for more information.

Explanation ANR9686E Command: Cannot generate a

(Windows) device configuration file name.
A failure occurred generating the server options file

System action A failure occurred generating the device configuration

file name.
Recovery plan file not created.
System action
User response
Recovery plan file not created.
See accompanying messages for more information.
ANR9685E Command: Cannot generate a User response
(AIX) volume history file name. See accompanying messages for more information.

Explanation ANR9687W Cannot load the Microsoft dll

(Windows) NTMSAPI.DLL. Removable Media
A failure occurred generating the volume history file Support will not be available.
System action
The Microsoft dll NTMSAPI.DLL is required for
Recovery plan file not created. removable media. It is usually found in the Windows
System32 directory but can be removed if the
User response Windows feature called Removable Media is turned
off. In Windows 2008, Removable Media is off by
See accompanying messages for more information.
ANR9685E Command: Cannot generate a
(Windows) volume history file name. System action
Processing continues.
A failure occurred generating the volume history file User response
Ignore this message if storing to a drive or turn on the
Removable Media feature in Windows.
System action
ANR9751E The volume in drive 'drive name' is
Recovery plan file not created.
not compatible with the drive.

User response
See accompanying messages for more information.
The volume cannot be used in the drive. It is most
ANR9686E Command: Cannot generate a likely an outdated media type that the drive cannot
(AIX) device configuration file name. write.

Explanation System action

A failure occurred generating the device configuration The volume is not labeled.
file name.
User response
System action Remove the volume; replace it with a different type
Recovery plan file not created. known to work in the drive, or press ENTER to end the
ANR9756I No volumes were found.

998 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation not be updated because we can
not get the model type using new
No volumes are found in the library. This means that in
a 349x ATL, no volumes were found in the insert
category (xFF00), and that in a SCSI autochanger, no
cartridges were loaded into the library. Explanation
The drive's new path can not be updated because we
System action detect a different device type compared to the
Database using this new path. The problem may be the
The program terminates normally.
new path has an incorrect format for the device driver.

User response
System action
Insert cartridges into the library. For a 349x ATL, this
may involve changing the category of previously
inserted cartridges to be relabeled.
User response
ANR9757E SAN discovery is unable to
complete. The user needs to check if there are two device special
file names for the same drive. For AIX, please make
sure the IBM drive is /dev/rmt and IBM Spectrum
Explanation Protect drive is /dev/mt. For Solaris, please make sure
SAN discovery will not complete if a drive serial the Solaris native device driver is not installed.
number is not specified.
ANR9771E Volume volume name has an
incorrect barcode label describing
System action the volume's WORM type.
User response In an attempt to CHECKIN or LABEL a volume it was
Check the library configuration with the IBM Tape discovered that the volume's true WORM
Diagnostic Tool (ITDT) or lbtest utility. Ensure that the characteristic didn't match that described by its
element addresses of the tape drives are configured barcode label.
correctly in the tape library, and verify that all of the
tape drives exist in the library with their serial number. System action
If there is an existing tape drive without a serial
The volume is not checked in.
number, contact the library vendor for assistance.
ANR9758W Error mounting volume 'volume User response
The volume was probably mislabeled. Find the volume
in the library. Simply remove the volume, or swap the
Explanation barcode label with a label of the opposite WORM
An error occurs while mounting the volume to the characteristic (WORM for non-WORM or vice versa)
drive. This may not be an error since the volume or and retry the check in command.
drive maybe in use or locked in a shared environment.
ANR9772W The Archive mode unthread
feature is not supported on tape
System action drive Drive Name.
The specified volume is bypassed for labeling.
User response The server attempted to change the setting of the
Ensure that the volume is not locked or in use if label Archive mode unthread feature. However, the
is required. specified tape drive does not support the Archive
mode unthread feature. The Archive mode unthread
ANR9761E The path of drive drive name in feature is supported only on the following tape drives
library library name has been and versions:
changed from original drive path to
new drive path The new path will • IBM LTO-7, LTO-8, and later

Chapter 3. ANR messages 999

• IBM 3592 tape drives with product IDs 03592E08 place of sectors that experience I/O problems. The re-
and 0359255F and later generation IBM 3592 tape allocation can take place on either a read or write.
System action
System action
The indicated volume is marked read-only by the
System operation continues, but the Archive mode server.
unthread feature is not enabled. The setting for the
Archive mode unthread feature cannot be changed. User response
A MOVE DATA command should be used as soon as
User response
possible to move the data from this cartridge to other
Use a tape drive version that supports the Archive cartridges in the library. This cartridge should NOT be
mode unthread feature. marked read-write again through the UPDATE VOLUME
ANR9773W The server is unable to query or
change the setting of the Archive ANR9775E Error while writing on volume
mode unthread feature on tape volume name (RC=internal code).
drive Drive Name.
An I/O error has occurred while writing on the
This issue can be caused by any of the following specified volume.
• The tape drive, tape device driver, or both do not System action
support the Archive mode unthread feature. The operation fails.
• A hardware issue occurred on the target tape drive.
• The tape drive is in a virtual tape library. Virtual tape User response
libraries do not support the Archive mode unthread Ensure that the 3995 volume is accessible and that
feature. the media is usable. Diagnostics may have to be run on
the 3995 with the specified volume. If the problem
System action persists, contact your service representative and
provide the internal code values from this message.
System operation continues, but the server does not
The internal code is returned to the server from the
query or change the setting of the Archive mode
OS/2 operating system.
unthread feature.
ANR9776I File file name is being erased and
User response deleted. Data erasure may take
several minutes.
To resolve the issue, take the following actions:
1. Review the activity log and search for any previous Explanation
error or warning messages related to the Archive
mode unthread feature. A file is being deleted from an optical library cartridge.
The file is deleted when a LAN3995 device class
2. Ensure that the Archive mode unthread feature is volume is deleted. File deletion includes erasure of
supported on the tape device driver version and on data. The erasure process can take several minutes to
the tape drive model. complete.
3. If the issue persists, contact the tape drive vendor
for assistance. System action
ANR9774W Volume volume name should be The operation continues.
freed of data as soon as possible.
User response
The server has received an indication from the 3995
that the indicated volume is out of spare sectors for re- ANR9777E The Archive mode unthread
allocation. Spare sectors are reserved to take the feature cannot be enabled
because tape device drive driver

1000 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

name with tape device driver Explanation
version current driver version is not
The library manager was unable to assign a drive to
the library client. There are a couple of situations that
can cause this error.
• All drives are currently allocated to other library
The Archive mode unthread feature is not supported clients or the library manager.
on this tape device driver version. To use the Archive
• The request for a specific drive cannot be satisfied.
mode unthread feature, the following minimum IBM
This can occur if a drive on the library client side is
tape device driver version levels are required:
marked offline or is currently busy with another
• AIX systems: Atape driver Version process.
• Linux systems: Lin_tape driver V3.0.39 • A communication error occurred during the request
• Windows systems: NT driver V6.2.6.8 to mount a volume.
• The requested volume was not present in the library
The IBM Spectrum Protect server uses the default
manager's inventory
setting for the Archive mode unthread feature that is
specified in the tape device firmware. For IBM LTO-7
and LTO-8 tape drives, the default setting is NO. For System action
IBM 0359255F and 03592E08 tape drives, the default None.
setting is YES.
User response
System action
Verify that a drive is available on the library manager
System operation continues, but the Archive mode side and the drive is currently not busy or marked
unthread feature is not enabled. The setting for the offline on the library client. Set the mount retention on
Archive mode unthread feature cannot be changed. the device class on the library manager and the library
clients to a lower value. Using a lower mount retention
User response value can free up drives.
To enable the Archive mode unthread feature, install ANR9780E Volume volume name is not
driver version supported driver version or later. The mounted in drive from the library
default setting takes effect immediately. drive name.
ANR9778E Unable to establish a
communication session with the Explanation
primary library manager. A communication error occurred while dismount the
The requested operation required that a System action
communication session be established with a library None.
manager. The library manager was found to be
unavailable at this time.
User response

System action Verify the library manager is up and operational. Verify

that the library manager and library client can
None. communicate using command routing.

User response ANR9781E Volser volume name was not found

to be mounted on the library
Verify the primary library manager is up and manager.
operational. Once the server is verified to be
operational, retry the operation.
ANR9779E Unable to acquire a drive for According to the library manager the requested
volume volume name from the volume is no longer mounted. The can occurred if the
library manager. library manager forced the volume to be dismounted
because of a communication error.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 1001

System action ANR9785E Drive drive name, is not defined on
the library manager.

User response
A drive is being defined that does not exist or is being
Verify that the volume has been dismounted.
managed by the library manager.
ANR9782E Primary Library Manager primary
library manager name is NOT System action
defined as a server.
User response
The primary library manager server has not be defined
to this server. Verify drive name with the library manager.
ANR9786E A communication error has
System action occurred. Operation ending.
User response A communication error occurred.
Define the server to this server using the DEFINE
SERVER command. System action

ANR9783E Primary Library Manager does not None.

contain a valid value.
User response
Explanation Verify the library manager is up and operational. Verify
The primary library manager server has not be defined that the library manager and library client can
to this server. communicate using command routing.
ANR9787E The owner name specified is not
System action defined to this server.
User response A command was issued specifying ownership of a
volume. The name of the owner given was not defined
Define the server to this server using the DEFINE
to this server.
SERVER command.
ANR9784E Secondary Library Manager System action
secondary library manager name is
NOT defined as a server. None.

Explanation User response

The secondary library manager server name has not be Define the server to this server using the DEFINE
defined to this server. SERVER command.
ANR9788E Command: Library library name is
System action not defined - the primary library
None. manager not defined.

User response
The designated library is not defined because the
Define the server to this server using the DEFINE
primary library manager is not defined as a server to
SERVER command.
this server.

1002 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

System action User response
The command is not processed. None.
ANR9792E Library Library Name on library
User response manager Library Manager Name is
Define the server to this server using the DEFINE currently not being shared.
SERVER command.
ANR9789E Command: Library library name is
not defined - the secondary library A define library command attempted to define a
manager not defined. shared library that was not being shared by the library
System action
The designated library is not defined because the
secondary library manager is not defined as a server to None.
this server.
User response
System action
Verify the library on the library manager is being
The command is not processed. shared. If the library is not being shared, update the
library shared status to yes.
User response ANR9793I process name in library library
Define the server to this server using the DEFINE name- CANCEL PENDING.
SERVER command.
ANR9790W Request to mount volume Volume
Name for library client Library In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this
Client Name failed. message displays the status for a process on the
server. The command was started, but the process
Explanation was canceled by an administrator.

A library client requested a volume to be mount by the

System action
library manager, which in turn failed.
The background process operation is being
System action terminated.

User response

User response None.

Verify the status of all drives are currently online and ANR9794E Unable to load the RSM dynamic
not in use by other library clients or the library link library dynamic link library.
manager itself. Free up drive resources as needed.
ANR9791I Volume Volume Name in library
Library Name ownership is The server module is unable to load the indicated
changing from Current volume dynamic link library.
owner to New Volume owner.
System action
Server operation continues, but the function that
In a shared library, the volume ownership has been requires the dynamic link library will be inoperative.
changed from current owner to new owner.
User response
System action
Ensure that the installed Windows version supports
None. RSM. Ensure that the Removable Storage Manager is
installed and the system DLL is accessible.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 1003

ANR9795E Command: Invalid storage agent ANR9798E Command: One or more paths are
name storage agent name. still defined for drive drive name in
library library name.
The designated storage agent name is invalid; either it
contains too many characters, or some of the The designated drive cannot be deleted because there
characters are invalid. are still paths defined for it.

System action System action

The command is not processed. The command is not processed.

User response User response

Reissue the command using a valid storage agent Delete all paths for the drive, and reissue the
name. command.
ANR9796E Command: Drive mapping is ANR9799E Command: Library Library Name is
already defined for drive drive currently not being shared.
name in library library name on
storage agent storage agent name. Explanation
The command attempted to perform an operation that
is not allowed unless the library is allowed to be
The designated drive mapping cannot be defined shared.
because it has already been defined for the specified
drive, library, and storage agent. System action
System action
The command is not processed. User response
Verify the library on the library manager is being
User response
shared. If the library is not being shared, update the
If you want to define an additional drive mapping, library shared parameter to yes.
reissue the command with a different drive name.
ANR9800E Library Library Name is currently
ANR9797E Command: Drive mapping for drive not being shared and attempted
drive name is not defined in library an operation only allowed for
library name on storage agent shared libraries.
storage agent name.
The command attempted to perform an operation that
The designated drive map has not been defined for the is not allowed unless the library is allowed to be
given drive in the given library on the given storage shared.
System action
System action
The command is not processed.
User response
User response
Verify the library on the library manager is being
Reissue the command using a different drive name. If shared. If the library is not being shared, update the
appropriate, define the drive before retrying the library shared parameter to yes.
ANR9801I ANR9801: Ready for operations.

1004 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Explanation User response
The device driver has successfully initialized and is None.
ready to accept requests from the server.
ANR9900W Attention -- Accounting records
(AIX) could not be written to the file:
System action filespec.
Processing continues.
User response The server detects an error while trying to open the
None. accounting file.

ANR9803W ANR9803: ERROR! Insufficient

System action
(Windows) free memory to initialize driver.
Server processing continues.
User response
The server device driver is unable to initialize due to an
inability to acquire dynamic storage. Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
accounting file is not marked as read-only.
System action ANR9900W Attention -- Accounting records
Processing continues. The device driver is not (Linux) could not be written to the file: file
available to process requests from the server. name.

User response Explanation

For minimum storage requirements, refer to Licensed The server detects an error while trying to open the
Program Specifications?2. You must have sufficient accounting file.
memory in your system to initialize Windows and the
device drivers you want to use. System action
ANR9810I ANR9810: SCSI Tape Device Server processing continues, but no accounting
(Windows) Driver Initializing... records are written.

Explanation User response

The server SCSI tape device driver has been invoked Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
by the system and is initializing. accounting file is not marked as read-only.
ANR9900W Attention -- Accounting records
System action (Windows) could not be written to the file:
Processing continues. filespec.

User response Explanation

None. The server detects an error while trying to open the
accounting file.
ANR9820I ANR9820: SCSI Autochanger
(Windows) Device Driver Initializing...
System action

Explanation Server processing continues.

The server SCSI automatic changer device driver has

User response
been invoked by the system and is initializing.
Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
System action accounting file is not marked as read-only.

Processing continues. ANR9901W Attention -- Accounting records

(AIX) could not be written to the file:

Chapter 3. ANR messages 1005

Explanation User response
The server detects an error while trying to write an Ensure that sufficient disk space is available and that
accounting record. the accounting file is not marked as read-only.
ANR9902W Attention -- Accounting records
System action (Linux) could not be written to the file: file
Server processing continues. name.

User response Explanation

Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the The server detects an error while trying to close the
accounting file is not marked as read-only. accounting file.

ANR9901W Attention -- Accounting records

System action
(Linux) could not be written to the file: file
name. Server processing continues.

Explanation User response

The server detects an error while trying to write an Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
accounting record. accounting file is not marked as read-only.
ANR9902W Attention -- Accounting records
System action (Windows) could not be written to the file:
Server processing continues. filespec.

User response Explanation

Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the The server detects an error while trying to close the
accounting file is not marked as read-only. accounting file.

ANR9901W Attention -- Accounting records

System action
(Windows) could not be written to the file:
filespec. Server processing continues.

Explanation User response

The server detects an error while trying to write an Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
accounting record. accounting file is not marked as read-only.
ANR9904E Adapter device Device name failed
System action (AIX) to open.
Server processing continues.
User response Permission was denied. The server did not complete
Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the the logical unit number (LUN) reset function to clear
accounting file is not marked as read-only. the reservation from the tape drive.

ANR9902W Attention -- Accounting records

System action
(AIX) could not be written to the file:
filespec. Server operations continue, but the target tape drive is
User response
The server detects an error while trying to close the
accounting file. To resolve the issue, take one of the following actions:
- Run a power cycle to the target tape drive - If the
System action tape drive supports persistent reserve, change the
reservation type from SCSI-2 to the persistent reserve
Server processing continues. type that is used for the tape device driver.

1006 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR9905W Unable to open file file. Error Explanation
(AIX) message generated by AIX The server was unable to open the file because the
specified file name was incorrect, or permissions were
Explanation insufficient.
The server was unable to open the file because the
specified file name was incorrect, or permissions were System action
insufficient. Server operation continues, but the operation that was
to use the specified file fails.
System action
Server operation continues, but the operation that was User response
to use the specified file fails. Determine why the file could not be opened, correct
the issue, and re-attempt the operation. Consider the
User response following possible reasons: - An invalid file name was
Determine why the file could not be opened, correct specified. - Permissions were insufficient. For
the issue, and re-attempt the operation. Consider the example, the operation to open the file might require
following possible reasons: - An invalid file name was file ownership. Or, if files are shared on a Network File
specified. - Permissions were insufficient. For System (NFS) server, the storage agent fails to open
example, the operation to open the file might require them with a message that permission is denied. A
file ownership. Or, if files are shared on a Network File storage agent cannot open shared files on an NFS
System (NFS) server, the storage agent fails to open server.
them with a message that permission is denied. A ANR9906E The volume named volume name is
storage agent cannot open shared files on an NFS (AIX) larger than is allowed for a volume
server. on your system. Maximum allowed
ANR9905W Unable to open file file. Error size is allowed size.
(Linux) message generated by Linux.
Explanation While attempting to open a volume the server
The server was unable to open the file because the detected that the volume size exceeds the maximum
specified file name was incorrect, or permissions were allowed.
System action
System action The operation fails.
Server operation continues, but the operation that was
to use the specified file fails. User response
Define multiple smaller volumes.
User response
ANR9950W Attention -- License option could
Determine why the file could not be opened, correct (Windows) not be written to the file: filespec.
the issue, and re-attempt the operation. Consider the
following possible reasons: - An invalid file name was
specified. - Permissions were insufficient. For
example, the operation to open the file might require The server detects an error while trying to write to the
file ownership. Or, if files are shared on a Network File options file.
System (NFS) server, the storage agent fails to open
them with a message that permission is denied. A System action
storage agent cannot open shared files on an NFS
server. Server processing continues.

ANR9905W Unable to open file file. Error User response

(Windows) message generated by Windows.
Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
options file is not marked as read-only.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 1007

ANR9951W Attention -- License option could System action
(Windows) not be written to the file: filespec. Server operation continues, but the function that
requires the dynamic link library will be inoperative.
The server detects an error while trying to close the User response
options file.
Ensure that the dynamic link library directories are
accessible. If this is an evaluation copy of the server,
System action then this message is normal for the DSMREG library,
Server processing continues. since the library is only provided with purchased
Windows servers. The server licensing will assume
"Try and Buy" mode with sample licensed options for a
User response period of time.
Ensure that there is sufficient disk space and that the
ANR9956E Unable to load procedure address
options file is not marked as read-only.
(Windows) from dynamic link library dynamic
ANR9952E Command: Invalid value specified link library.
(Windows) for licensed storage capacity -
value. Explanation
The server module is unable to load the address of a
Explanation routine in the indicated dynamic link library.
The specified command has been issued with an
invalid value. System action
Server operation continues, but the function that
System action requires the dynamic link library will be inoperative.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. User response
Ensure that the dynamic link library directories are
User response accessible. If the problem persists, contact you
Issue the command using a valid value. service representative.

ANR9953E Command: Invalid value specified ANR9957W One or more EVALUATION

(Windows) for number of licensed clients - (Windows) LICENSES will expire on expiration
value. date.

Explanation Explanation
The specified command has been issued with an Although you are running with a purchased version of
invalid value. the server, there are one or more licenses registered
that will expire on the date specified. This i usually the
System action case when you have been using evaluation licenses
prior to purchasing the server for Windows.
Server operation continues, but the command is not
processed. System action

User response Server operation continues.

Issue the command using a valid value. User response

ANR9955W Unable to load dynamic link library Halt the server and erase the nodelock file in the
(Windows) dynamic link library. server startup directory. After restarting the server,
use the REGISTER LICENSE command to define the
Explanation licensed features that you have purchased with your
Windows server. These licenses should NOT have an
The server module is unable to load the indicated
expiration date, so this message should not appear
dynamic link library.
after re-registering the proper licenses. If this
message persists, contact your service representative.

1008 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ANR9958W Node entry node name was Explanation
(Windows) removed from this server's The requested backup-archive node entry has not
definition in Active Directory. been added to this server's definition in Active
Directory in response to a REGISTER NODE command.
In response to a REMOVE NODE command, the System action
requested backup-archive node has been removed None.
from this server's definition in Active Directory.

User response
System action
To register a node entry in the Active Directory, the
None. option "adregister" has to be set to "yes" in the server
options file. A domain controller must also be
User response available. The Active Directory Configuration wizard
None. can be used to manually update the server definition.

ANR9959W Node entry node name was not ANR9962W Node entry node name was
(Windows) removed from this server's (Windows) renamed in this server's definition
definition in Active Directory. in Active Directory.

Explanation Explanation

In response to a REMOVE NODE command, the In response to a RENAME NODE command, the
requested backup-archive node has not been removed requested backup-archive node has been renamed to
from this server's definition in Active Directory. the new name shown.

System action System action

None. None.

User response User response

To remove a node entry in the Active Directory, the None.

option "adunregister" has to be set to "yes" in the ANR9963W Node entry node name was not
server options file. A domain controller must also be (Windows) renamed in this server's definition
available. The Active Directory Configuration wizard in Active Directory.
can be used to manually update the server definition.
ANR9960W Node entry node name has been Explanation
(Windows) added to this server's definition in In response to a RENAME NODE command, the
Active Directory. requested backup-archive node has not been
The requested backup-archive node entry has been System action
added to this server's definition in Active Directory in None.
response to a REGISTER NODE command.
User response
System action
To Rename Node in the Active Directory, the options
None. "adregister" and "adunregister" have to be set to "yes"
in the server options file. A domain controller must
User response also be available. The Active Directory Configuration
None. wizard can be used to manually update the server
ANR9961W Node entry node name has not
(Windows) been added to this server's ANR9964W Failed to access Active Directory.
definition in Active Directory. (Windows) RC: return code

Chapter 3. ANR messages 1009

Explanation User response
Could not communicate with an Active Directory None.
ANR9968I Success accessing Active
(Windows) Directory.
System action
Server operation continues. Explanation
Active Directory Server could be contacted.
User response
Try using the option "adsetdc" in the server options file System action
to explicitly provide the TCP/IP address of the domain
controller where Active Directory is located.
User response
ANR9965W Could not create the inital node
(Windows) list in Active Directory for this None.
server. ANR9969E Unable to open volume volume
(Windows) name. The most likely reason is
Explanation that another IBM Spectrum
Protect server is running and has
At startup the server's registered nodes could not be
the volume allocated.
added to the server definition in Active Directory

System action Explanation

Server operation continues. Only one IBM Spectrum Protect server can have a
given volume open at a time.
User response
System action
Try using the option "adsetdc" in the server options file
to explicitly provide the TCP/IP address of the domain The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not start.
controller where Active Directory is located.
User response
ANR9966I NodeName node name.
(Windows) See if another IBM Spectrum Protect server is already
running and if so use it.
Explanation ANR9999D (component)(code):(text)
The NodeName is registered in Active Directory.
System action The diagnostic text of this message is related to a
server process or algorithm. The information is
Server operation continues.
intended for reporting processing exceptions and
other non-standard situations that occur on the server.
User response The (component), (code), and (text) vary, and server
None. processing may continue, depending upon the cause
of the message and the server process or algorithm
ANR9967I Server server name was defined in issuing the message.
(Windows) Active Directory.
System action
Issue the SET CONTEXTMESSAGING command and
The server is registered in Active Directory. set the message context reporting to ON. This allows
you to receive additional information when the server
System action produces its message.
User response
Examine any error messages that were displayed
before or after this message and correct any problems,

1010 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

if possible. If you cannot determine or resolve the ANR26730T Explanation of RC Value for Source
cause of this message, contact your support Server
representative. Report the entire text of this message
ANR26731T Explanation of RC Value for Target
when contacting your support representative.

Chapter 3. ANR messages 1011

1012 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server
IBM Spectrum Protect messages can contain input/output (I/O) codes. The codes can be operation codes,
completion codes, additional sense codes (ASC), and additional sense code qualifier (ASCQ) codes.
Code descriptions are provided for I/O error messages from the IBM Spectrum Protect server for all
supported operating systems.
I/O operation that failed. These values can be displayed:
• FSR (forward space record)
• RSR (reverse space record)
• FSF (forward space file)
• RSF (reverse space file)
• WEOF (write end of file mark)
• OFFL (rewind and unload the tape)
• FLUSH (flush)
• GET_MEDIUM_INFO (get medium information)
• LOCATE (locate)
• QRYLBP (query logical block protection)
• RDBLKID (read block ID)
• SETLBP (set logical block protection)
• SETMODE (set mode)
• REW (rewind)
• SPACEEOD (space end of data)
• TESTREADY (test drive ready)
I/O completion code. This value is returned by the device driver to the server when an error occurs.
For a list of completion codes, see “Completion code and operation code values overview” on page
1014. For information about tape library system calls and error descriptions for the library I/O control
requests, see technote S7002972.
Byte 2 of the sense bytes from the error. The following lists some definitions:

0 = no additional sense bytes available

1 = recovered error
2 = not ready
3 = medium error
4 = hardware error
5 = incorrect request
6 = unit attention (for example, a SCSI bus reset)
7 = data protect
8 = blank check

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 1013

9 = vendor specific
A = copy canceled
B = canceled command
C = obsolete
D = volume overflow
E = miscompare
F = reserved

ASC and ASCQ codes are bytes 12 and 13 of the sense bytes. The drive or library reference manual
provided with the device contains tables explaining the values of the KEY, ASC, and ASCQ fields.
“Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes” on page 1019 provides additional information about
standard values of ASC and ASCQ codes.
Operating system error codes
When a command fails, the operating system returns an error number. To determine what the error
codes mean, take the following action:
On AIX®, HP-UX, and Solaris, platforms, view the errno.h file in the /usr/include/sys
directory. This file provides definitions for error codes.
On Linux platforms, view the errno-base.h and errno.h files in the /usr/include/asm-
generic directory. These files provides definitions for codes.
On Windows platforms, contact Microsoft Support for help with error messages.

Completion code and operation code values overview

IBM Spectrum Protect messages can contain device driver completion codes from the device drivers.

Device drivers completion codes: Common codes

IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers provide completion codes that are common to all device classes.
The following table shows common completion code values for IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers.
Each entry provides a description for the I/O error message and the recommended action. After
completing the recommended action, try the failing operation again.

Table 1. Completion code values common to all device classes

Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
200 X'C8' The device indicated a failure Try the failing operation again.
condition, but sense data was
201 X'C9' The device driver failed. Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
202 X'CA' The device EEPROM failed. Test the device. Service the device if
203 X'CB' Manual intervention is required. Correct the problem on the device.
The problem can be a stuck tape, dirty
heads, or a jammed library arm.
204 X'CC' The system recovered from an I/O No action necessary.
error; for your information only.
205 X'CD' The SCSI adapter failed. Check for loose cables, bent pins, bad
cables, bad SCSI adapters, improper
termination, or bad terminators.

1014 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Table 1. Completion code values common to all device classes (continued)
Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
206 X'CE' A general SCSI failure occurred. Check for loose cables, bent pins, bad
cables, bad SCSI adapters, improper
termination, or bad terminators.
207 X'CF' The device cannot perform the Ensure that the device is on and
requested action. ready. Ensure that the drive was
defined appropriately with the
DEFINE DRIVE command. Ensure
that the device class was defined
appropriately with the DEFINE
DEVCLASS command.
208 X'D0' The command stopped. Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
209 X'D1' A failure is detected in the device Check the microcode level of the
microcode. drive. Contact the drive manufacturer
and request the latest level.
210 X'D2' The device was reset due to device Try the failing operation again.
power-up, SCSI bus reset, or manual
tape load/eject.
211 X'D3' The SCSI bus is busy. Ensure that the SCSI IDs are correctly
assigned to the correct device, and
the device is not being accessed by
another process.
212 X'D4' Persistent reservation is not supported No action is necessary.
on this device.
213 X'D5' A persistent reservation operation Reset the device and try the operation
failed. again. If the problem persists, contact
IBM Spectrum Protect Support.

Device drivers completion codes: Media changers

IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers provide completion codes that are specific to media changer
The following table shows completion code values for IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers for media
changers. Each entry provides a description for the I/O error message and the recommended action. After
performing the recommended action, try the failing operation again.

Table 2. Completion code values for media changers

Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
300 X'12C' Cartridge entry/exit error Check the entry/exit ports for a
jammed volume.
301 X'12D' Cartridge load failure Check the drive for jammed volumes.
On AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.
302 X'12E' Cartridge in failed drive Check the drive for jammed volumes.
On AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.

Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server messages 1015

Table 2. Completion code values for media changers (continued)
Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
303 X'12F' Carousel not loaded Ensure that the carousel is correctly in
place and the door is shut.
304 X'130' Changer failure On AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.
305 X'131' Drive failure Ensure that the heads are clean. On
AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.
306 X'132' Drive or media failure Ensure that the heads are clean. On
AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.
307 X'133' Entry/exit failure Check the tape library interface for
hardware errors. If there are no
errors, contact IBM Spectrum Protect
308 X'134' Entry/exit port not present Check the tape library interface for
hardware errors. If there are no
errors, contact IBM Spectrum Protect
309 X'135' Library audit error Ensure that there are no jammed
volumes. It is possible that the library
audit is failing due to hardware errors.
On AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.
310 X'136' Library full Check for jammed volumes. Ensure
that the volumes are not rearranged.
If the library is not full, start the
311 X'137' Media export Check the tape library interface for
hardware errors. If there are no
errors, contact IBM Spectrum Protect
312 X'138' Slot failure Ensure that nothing is jammed in the
313 X'139' Slot or media failure Ensure that the volume is not jammed
in the slot and that the volumes are
not rearranged. If the problem
persists, start the AUDIT LIBRARY
314 X'13A' The source slot or drive was empty in Ensure that the volumes are not
an attempt to move a volume rearranged. If the problem persists,
start the AUDIT LIBRARY command.
315 X'13B' The destination slot or drive was full in Ensure that the volumes are not
an attempt to move a volume rearranged, or that a volume is not
stuck in the drive. If problem persists,
start the AUDIT LIBRARY command.

1016 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Table 2. Completion code values for media changers (continued)
Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
316 X'13C' Cleaner cartridge installed Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
317 X'13D' Media not ejected Ensure that the volumes are not
rearranged, or that a volume is not
stuck in the drive. If problem persists,
start the AUDIT LIBRARY command.
318 X'13E' I/O port not configured Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
319 X'13F' First destination empty Ensure that the volumes are not
rearranged. If problem persists, start
the AUDIT LIBRARY command.
320 X'140' No inventory information Start the AUDIT LIBRARY command.
321 X'141' Read element status mismatch Ensure that host bus adapter drivers
and firmware are at current levels.
Check the tape library interface for
hardware errors. If there are no
errors, contact IBM Spectrum Protect
322 X'142' Initialize range failed Check the tape library interface for
hardware errors. If there are no
errors, contact IBM Spectrum Protect

Device drivers completion codes: Tape drives

IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers provide completion codes that are specific to tape drives.
The following table shows completion code values for IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers for tape
drives. Each entry provides a description for the I/O error message and the recommended action. After
trying the recommended action, try the failing operation again.

Table 3. Completion code values for tape drives

Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
400 X'190' Physical end of media encountered Ensure that the heads are clean on the
401 X'191' End of data detected Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
402 X'192' Media corrupted Ensure that the heads are clean.
Ensure that the media is not physically
damaged and has not reached the end
of life as specified by the media
403 X'193' Media failure Ensure that the heads are clean.
Ensure that the media is not physically
damaged and has not reached the end
of life as specified by the media

Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server messages 1017

Table 3. Completion code values for tape drives (continued)
Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
404 X'194' Media incompatibility Ensure that the correct length and
type of media is being used.
406 X'196' Sector that is requested is invalid Internal server error. Contact IBM
Spectrum Protect Support.
407 X'197' Write protect Ensure that the volume is not write
408 X'198' Clean the media and the drive Clean the drive heads with a cleaning
409 X'199' Media fault Ensure that the heads are clean.
Ensure that the media is not physically
damaged and has not reached the end
of life as specified by the media
410 X'19A' Cleaning complete Try the failing operation again.
411 X'19B' Logical end of media encountered ContactIBM Spectrum Protect
412 X'19C' Media not present in drive Ensure that the media is correctly
positioned in the drive. If problem
persists, start the AUDIT LIBRARY
413 X'19D' Encountered the beginning of the Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
media Support.
414 X'19E' Erase failure Clean the drive heads.
415 X'19F' Attempted to overwrite written WORM Internal server error. ContactIBM
media Spectrum Protect Support.
416 X'1A0' An incorrect length block was read. Ensure that the heads are clean. On
AIX, display the errpt to check for
hardware errors.
417 X'1A1' Open read only Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
418 X'1A2' Open write only Contact IBM Spectrum Protect
419 X'1A2' Media scan failed Clean the drive and media.
420 X'1A4' Logical write protect Ensure that the heads are clean.
Check operating system error logs for
hardware errors. Verify that the write
protect tab is off. Turn off SAN tape
acceleration or set CHECKTAPEPOS to
OFF or TSMonly.
422 X'1A6' Cleaning is required Clean the tape drive.
423 X'1A7' Media error Check operating system error logs for
hardware errors. Check for bad media.

1018 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Table 3. Completion code values for tape drives (continued)
Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
424 X'1A8' Encryption-related error occurred Check your encryption setting on your
device class and tape drive.
425 X'1A9' Decryption-related error occurred Check your encryption setting on your
device class and tape drive.
425 X'1AA' An external, encryption-related error Check the encryption setting on your
occurred device class and tape drive.
426 X'1AB' A CRC mismatch occurred Ensure that the media has not
reached the end of life as specified by
the media manufacturer. Try the
operation again.

Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes

Standard ASC and ASCQ codes are described.
The ASC and ASCQ codes are bytes 12 and 13 for SCSI-2 devices. On Windows systems, these codes are
displayed in the Windows Event Log, but the information is in different bytes.
See server message ANR8300E or ANR8302E for the recommended action.
The following table provides standard descriptions for some ASC and ASCQ codes. Each value has a prefix
of 0x, which indicates that it is a hexadecimal constant. Note that descriptions vary among devices. For an
accurate description of ASC and ASCQ codes for any device, see the documentation that comes with the

Table 4. Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes

ASC ASCQ Description
0x00 0x00 No additional sense
0x00 0x01 Filemark detected
0x00 0x02 End-of-medium detected
0x00 0x03 Setmark detected
0x00 0x04 Beginning of medium
0x00 0x05 End of data
0x00 0x06 I/O process terminated
0x02 0x00 No seek complete
0x03 0x00 Device write fault
0x03 0x01 No write current
0x03 0x02 Excessive write errors
0x04 0x00 Logical unit not ready
0x04 0x01 Becoming ready
0x04 0x02 Not ready, initializing command required
0x04 0x03 Not ready, manual intervention required
0x04 0x04 Not ready, formatting

Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server messages 1019

Table 4. Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes (continued)
ASC ASCQ Description
0x05 0x00 No response to select
0x06 0x00 No reference position found
0x07 0x00 Multiple devices selected
0x08 0x00 Communication failure
0x08 0x01 Communication timeout
0x08 0x02 Communication parity error
0x09 0x00 Track following error
0x0A 0x00 Error log overflow
0x0C 0x00 Write error
0x11 0x00 Unrecovered read error
0x11 0x01 Read retries exhausted
0x11 0x02 Error too long to correct
0x11 0x03 Multiple read errors
0x11 0x08 Incomplete block read
0x11 0x09 No gap found
0x11 0x0A Miscorrected error
0x14 0x00 Recorded entity not found
0x14 0x01 Record not found
0x14 0x02 Filemark/setmark not found
0x14 0x03 End-of-data not found
0x14 0x04 Block sequence error
0x15 0x00 Random positioning error
0x15 0x01 Mechanical positioning error
0x15 0x02 Read positioning error
0x17 0x00 No error correction applied
0x17 0x01 Recovered with retries
0x17 0x02 Recovered with positive head offset
0x17 0x03 Recovered with negative head offset
0x18 0x00 ECC applied
0x1A 0x00 Parameter list length error
0x1B 0x00 Synchronous data transfer error
0x20 0x00 Invalid operation code
0x21 0x00 Block out of range
0x21 0x01 Invalid element address

1020 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Table 4. Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes (continued)
ASC ASCQ Description
0x24 0x00 Invalid field in CDB
0x25 0x00 LUN not supported
0x26 00 Invalid field in parameter list
0x26 0x01 Parameter not supported
0x26 0x02 Parameter value invalid
0x26 0x03 Threshold parameters not supported
0x27 0x00 Write protected
0x28 0x00 Not-ready to ready
0x28 0x01 Import/export element accessed
0x29 0x00 Power-on, reset, bus reset
0x2A 0x00 Parameters changed
0x2A 0x01 Mode parameters changed
0x2A 0x02 Log parameters changed
0x2B 0x00 Copy cannot run
0x2C 0x00 Command sequence error
0x2D 0x00 Overwrite error on update
0x2F 0x00 Command cleared by initiator
0x30 0x00 Incompatible media
0x30 0x01 Media unknown format
0x30 0x02 Media incompatible format
0x30 0x03 Cleaning cartridge installed
0x31 0x00 Media format corrupted
0x33 0x00 Tape length error
0x37 0x00 Rounded parameter
0x39 0x00 Saving parameters not supported
0x3A 0x00 Medium not present
0x3B 0x00 Sequential positioning error
0x3B 0x01 Positioning error at BOT
0x3B 0x02 Positioning error at EOT
0x3B 0x08 Reposition error
0x3B 0x0D Medium destination element full
0x3B 0x0E Medium source element empty
0x3D 0x00 Invalid bits in message
0x3E 0x00 LUN not self-configured

Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server messages 1021

Table 4. Descriptions of standard ASC and ASCQ codes (continued)
ASC ASCQ Description
0x3F 0x00 Operating conditions changed
0x3F 0x01 Microcode changed
0x3F 0x02 Changed operating definition
0x3F 0x03 Inquiry data changed
0x3F 0x0E Reported LUNs data changed
0x43 0x00 Message error
0x44 0x00 Internal target failure
0x45 0x00 Select/reselect failure
0x46 0x00 Unsuccessful soft reset
0x47 0x00 SCSI parity error
0x48 0x00 Initiator detected message received
0x49 0x00 Invalid message error
0x4A 0x00 Command phase error
0x4B 0x00 Data phase error
0x4C 0x00 LUN failed self-configuration
0x4E 0x00 Overlapped commands attempt
0x50 0x00 Write append error
0x50 0x01 Write append position error
0x50 0x02 Position error (timing)
0x51 0x00 Erase failure
0x52 0x00 Cartridge fault
0x53 0x00 Load/media eject failed
0x53 0x01 Unload tape failure
0x53 0x02 Media removal prevented
0x5A 0x00 Operator state changed
0x5A 0x01 Operator media removal
0x5A 0x02 Operator write protect
0x5A 0x03 Operator write permit
0x5B 0x00 Log exception
0x5B 0x01 Threshold condition met
0x5B 0x02 Log counter at maximum
0x5B 0x03 Log list codes exhausted

1022 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

ASC and ASCQ codes in the Windows Event Log
ASC and ASCQ codes are displayed in the Windows Event Log.
The ASC and ASCQ codes are displayed as hexadecimal values in the Data area of the Windows Event Log.
The Event Log omits the 0x prefix for the displayed information.
In the Windows Event Log, the entries with source AdsmScsi are produced by the IBM Spectrum Protect
AdsmScsi device driver. Entries from the AdsmScsi device driver or any Windows tape device driver
contain the following information:
• Byte 3E is the sense key
• Byte 3D is the ASC
• Byte 3C is the ASCQ
If byte 44 is 'ef', the error logged is not a check condition error. Examples of such errors are command
timeouts or device selection errors.

Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server messages 1023

1024 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
Chapter 5. Device error codes in the AIX system error
Some device error codes are logged in the AIX system error log.
This error is logged by the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver when a problem is suspected in the
IBM Spectrum Protect device driver software. If the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver issues a SCSI
I/O command with an illegal operation code, the command fails and the error is logged with this
identifier. Report this error immediately to IBM Spectrum Protect Support.
Detail Data: Sense Data
The sense data contains information that can determine the cause of the error. Report all data in the
error entry to IBM Spectrum Protect Support.
ADSM_DD_LOG2 (0x5680E405)
This error is logged by the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver when the device reports a hardware
error or stop-command error in response to a SCSI I/O command.
Detail Data: Sense Data
The sense data contains information that can determine which hardware component failed and why.
To interpret the sense data for a particular device, refer to the SCSI specification manual for the
ADSM_DD_LOG3 (0x461B41DE)
This error is logged by the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver when a SCSI I/O command fails
because of corrupted or incompatible media, or because a drive requires cleaning.
Detail Data: Sense Data
The sense data contains information that can determine the cause of the error. To interpret the sense
data for a particular device, refer to the SCSI specification manual for the device.
ADSM_DD_LOG4 (0x4225DB66)
This error is logged by the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver after receiving certain UNIT
ATTENTION notifications from a device. UNIT ATTENTIONs are informational and usually indicate
that some state of the device changed. For example, this error would be logged if the door of a library
device was opened and then closed. Logging this event indicates that the activity occurred and that
the library inventory might be changed.
Detail Data: Sense Data
The sense data contains information that describes the reason for the UNIT ATTENTION. To interpret
the sense data for a particular device, see the SCSI specification manual for the device.
This error is logged by the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver after receiving an unknown error from
a device in response to a SCSI I/O command. If the error persists, report it to IBM Spectrum Protect
support personnel.
Detail Data: Sense Data

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 1025

The sense data consists of information that can determine the cause of the error. Report all data in
the error entry to IBM Spectrum Protect Support.
ADSM_DD_LOG6 (0xBC539B26)
This error is logged by the IBM Spectrum Protect device driver after receiving a warning or
informational message from a device in response to a SCSI I/O command. These warning or
informational messages might not be an indication of a problem. They could be an indication that
cleaning is completed, that the cleaning cartridge is inserted, or something similar. If the message
persists, report it to IBM Spectrum Protect Support.
Detail Data: Sense Data
The sense data consists of information that can determine the reason for the message. Report all data
in the entry to IBM Spectrum Protect Support.

1026 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Appendix A. Accessibility features for the IBM
Spectrum Protect product family
Accessibility features assist users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to
use information technology content successfully.

The IBM Spectrum Protect family of products includes the following major accessibility features:
• Keyboard-only operation
• Operations that use a screen reader
The IBM Spectrum Protect family of products uses the latest W3C Standard, WAI-ARIA 1.0
(www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/), to ensure compliance with US Section 508 (www.access-board.gov/
standards) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/). To take
advantage of accessibility features, use the latest release of your screen reader and the latest web
browser that is supported by the product.
The product documentation in IBM Knowledge Center is enabled for accessibility. The accessibility
features of IBM Knowledge Center are described in the Accessibility section of the IBM Knowledge Center
help (www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/about/releasenotes.html?view=kc#accessibility).

Keyboard navigation
This product uses standard navigation keys.

Interface information
User interfaces do not have content that flashes 2 - 55 times per second.
Web user interfaces rely on cascading style sheets to render content properly and to provide a usable
experience. The application provides an equivalent way for low-vision users to use system display
settings, including high-contrast mode. You can control font size by using the device or web browser
Web user interfaces include WAI-ARIA navigational landmarks that you can use to quickly navigate to
functional areas in the application.

Vendor software
The IBM Spectrum Protect product family includes certain vendor software that is not covered under the
IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about the accessibility features of these products.
Contact the vendor for accessibility information about its products.

Related accessibility information

In addition to standard IBM help desk and support websites, IBM has a TTY telephone service for use by
deaf or hard of hearing customers to access sales and support services:

TTY service
800-IBM-3383 (800-426-3383)
(within North America)

For more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility, see IBM Accessibility

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 1027

1028 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
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Intellectual Property Licensing

Legal and Intellectual Property Law
IBM Japan Ltd.
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1030 Notices
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Notices 1031
1032 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes
A glossary is available with terms and definitions for the IBM Spectrum Protect family of products.
See the IBM Spectrum Protect glossary.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2019 1033

1034 IBM Spectrum Protect: Server Messages and Error Codes

Product Number: 5725-W98


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