A Piezoelectric Haptic Device To Simulate Human Radial Pulse
A Piezoelectric Haptic Device To Simulate Human Radial Pulse
A Piezoelectric Haptic Device To Simulate Human Radial Pulse
Matthew Dennis
Abstract: The Mixed Reality (MxR) Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) trainer is a
virtual environment that allows MERTs to train in a high fidelity battlefield environment. However,
whilst the trainer possesses a strong visual and auditory capabilities, many users’ have called for
tactile feedback; enabling MERTs to record the pulse of the casualty during training simulations.
This study proposes the application of a piezoelectric haptic device to simulate the human radial
pulse. Piezoelectric tactile displays are low-cost, satisfactory fidelity and controlled using a micro-
controller and signal amplification circuitry. A Bluetooth Low Energy module controls the BPM of
the device and allow MERT trainers to simulate the change in heart rate of casualties in range of
post traumatic conditions. The system performed satisfactorily where user feedback was positive.
The next step will be to integrate the simulator into the MERT trainer and conduct further user
Stone et al., (2017), highlighted the importance where it is considerably harder to record pulse
of alternative forms of training MERTs, proposing a onboard an operational Chinook. During the flight of
digital simulation solution. Medical teams would use the operational aircraft, the rear cabin exerts extreme
mixed reality (MxR) technology to train in an vibration and the natural movements of the
immersive experience that could maintain the helicopter can disrupt medics recording the pulse of
standard of high-quality training. The solutio n the patient. The radial pulse is of importance to
provides clear economic benefits: where the emergency responders, where circulation and
environment is simulated, the set-up cost will be haemorrhage control is a key component of the
significantly cheaper than the raw materials required Primary Survey to manage trauma on active sites [3].
to create the facsimile. The MxR solution provides a In addition, a pulsating radial pulse implies that the
better logistical approach to training: the system is systolic blood pressure is at least 90 mmHg [4],
not in one fixed location or in operation from allowing first responders to gain critical insights into
competing demands. Upon construction of the the casualties’ condition with minimal equipme nt
simulation concept, user feedback gained from initia l and time. Stakeholders in the initial feedback,
tests was positive [2] as testers praised the system therefore, have called for the ability of the medical
highly for its high-fidelity audio and visual feedback. team to check the radial pulse of the casualty through
The concept included a scaled Chinook VR Model a tactile pulse simulated within the system. A small,
and allowed a range of training exercises to be remote controlled device designed to impleme nt
successfully completed in conditions like that of an high fidelity tactile feedback could potentially be
operational aircraft [2]. integrated into the SimMan, simulating the human
pulse. This would allow MERTs to exercise the
Whilst the MERT MxR training simulator has
correct method of recording pulse during training
received positive user assessment of its capabilities,
and observe the effect of external factors commonly
one criticism of the system is the fidelity of tactile
experienced on the battlefield e.g. shock or blood
feedback in certain areas. The system simula tes
tactile feedback when the user interacts with a
casualty digitally mapped to a training manikin 2 Literature Review
(SimMan), medical equipment and other members of The following section of the report discusses
the team. However, the only method through which the research completed that contain relevance to the
the medical responders can check the pulse of a deliverable of this project. The first area of research
casualty is through an in-simulation monitor that completed was the application of Human Factors
displays vital life-signs. This is a potential issue methods, user-centred design and their importance to
regarding the fidelity of the training experience the project to create a user focused device. This is
followed with review on Haptic Interfaces and the
potential hardware required. Computer haptic complete redesign [5] if humans cannot use the final
rendering techniques complement tactile devices product.
where the software libraries used model and deploy
2.1.2 Human-Centred Design
a tactile interface are evaluated. To recreate a high-
Human-centred design is an approach which
fidelity pulse, it is paramount to complete research
aims to make systems usable by focusing on the
into the biological field of blood flow, palpitatio n
user’s needs and requirements through the
and its response to a haemorrhagic shock that could
application of human factors, usability knowledge
occur in the battlefield in addition to previous studies
and techniques [7]. The design approach is
that have simulated pulse through artificial methods.
standardised by the British Standard BS EN ISO
2.1 Human Factors and Human- 9241-210:2010 where the benefits of its applicatio n
Centred Design to systems are listed below:
evaluate future design solutions against the needs of What are the benefits of using a haptic
the user. The activities are repeated iteratively where interface?
appropriate until a designed solution meets the user What type of haptic interface is
requirements. required; Kinaesthetic or Tactile?
How will the interface be designed
The benefits including a haptic interface to
improve the existing MERT training simulation has
been described previously in this report. A “pulse”
that medical emergency response trainers can utilise
whilst training will vastly improve the fidelity of the
training experience in the MxR system. Therefore, as
Figure 2 – Interdependence of human-centred the training experience becomes more realistic, the
design activities - [7] chance of the trainees transferring their skills to the
In the context of the project, the first design real-world will increase [8].
systems are made from probe/joysticks devices or Furthermore, control of pneumatic actuators without
exoskeletons and are “grounded” and “non-portable ” the use of bulky and expensive control values can be
[8]. This has the potential to create diffic ulty difficult [11]. The pulse simulator will be required to
integrating the interfaces into the existing MxR be used throughout the MERT training schedule
system. Tactile interfaces are generally smaller, hence it is essential the device must be robust and
cheaper and less invasive than their kinaesthetic suitable for long periods of time. Therefore, the
counterparts. In addition, Kotrum (2008) bladder actuator is unlikely to be an appropriate
recommends that tactile devices are more suited to option to create the simulator.
simulating simple cues, including a radial pulse. Vibrator actuators can be controlled with
greater accuracy and are more reliable than bladder
2.2.2 Mechanical components
actuators [10]. The actuators can also be used to
The components used in the mechanical design
create pressure and thus hold the potential to
must be of high quality to ensure the fidelity of the
simulate a pulse. The actuators are also smaller,
pulse is realistic to the trainees. Kotrum (2008)
cheaper and more commercially available than
recommends the actuators used in the simulator must
bladder actuators. This makes them more likely to fit
be of a high power to weight ratio, high torque force
within the budget available for the project.
output and have a large frequency range in which
A very common tactile display is the pin array
forces can be created (bandwidth). The pulse
[8] due to the response time of the actuator, degree
simulator requires an actuator with a high power to
of control and fidelity. However, this device is not
weight ratio because a smaller device creates a less
available from any electronics distributors or
intrusive interface in the MxR trainer. The
commercial outlet at the time of writing. Many pin
bandwidth of the actuator must also be high, where
array devices have been proposed in academic
it will be required to represent a range of frequenc ies
research [12-15], where they have been custom-
when the pulse rises and falls depending on the
made for their respective investigations. Therefore,
condition of the causality. A wide range of actuators
whilst this device remains an option to create a haptic
are available to create tactile displays includ ing
actuator, it is very likely it will be the most expensive,
bladder, vibrator and pin actuators.
time consuming and academically demanding
Bladder actuators use pneumatic or hydraulic
technical choice to construct.
compression to control the flow of a fluid (gas or
liquid) in a pocket that creates a sensation of force
2.3 Haptics in M edical training
[10]. However, Sherman & Craig (2002), describe simulators
that bladder actuators are hard to maintain over long Medical simulators are widely used to
periods of time, have unfavourable response time by enhance the training experience of paramedics,
design and difficult to tailor for multiple users. doctors and nurses. Therefore, the fidelity of the
haptics must be of a high standard [16] to ensure the Medicine to diagnose various diseases. The
transfer of skills from the training simulator to the components of the simulator were enclosed in a
real-world. Varied attempts aimed at creating haptic silicon artificial wrist model, where a pressure sensor
pulse simulators have been researched, where their placed on the outside determined the force output of
conclusions are important to consider. the solenoids as shown in figure 3. A similar device
One investigation demonstrated a haptic pulse would not be suitable for use in the MxR trainer,
simulation of virtual palpitation for the use in where modifications to the existing SimMan would
medical training [17]. The trainer allows the user to have to be made to integrate the device due its larger
interact with a virtual human body through a virtua l size. Therefore, this research has shown that a
proxy [18]. A collision detection algorithm creates a solenoid or DC actuator component cannot be used
haptic response when the user is within range of the in future design solutions.
areas of the body that pulse can be recorded (radial, The final investigation discussed in this paper
brachial, femoral etc.). However, whilst the product explored the use of three different (piezoelectr ic,
of the research is similar this project, it does not micro-speaker and pin array) tactile interfaces to
consider how blood flow and haemorrhagic shock simulate the femoral pulse [20]. A pin array
would affect the heart rate of the causality. developed by Salford University [15] was able to
Furthermore, the haptic device used to create the precisely manipulate the position of the pins at high
pulse feedback was kinaesthetic and grounded and is frequency, force and displacement. Although the
not suitable to integrate into the existing MxR trainer device received very positive feedback a
for factors discussed previously in section 2.2.1. disadvantage of using this device is that it is very
expensive to produce. Micro-speakers were tested,
however, it was found that they do not produce
enough force to warrant a palpable pulsing sensation
to the user. The final tactile interface used was a
piezoelectric pad that produced pulsing sensations
that proved to be “compelling”. The major
advantages to this tactile interface is that they are
Figure 3 – Schematic diagram of the pulse low-cost, very small (therefore able to easily
simulator - [19] integrate with the MERT trainer) and can be driven
through the use of microprocessor controlled the time of writing, multiple piezoelectric technica l
options are available through online electronics
solenoids [19]. The device allowed users to learn the
patterns of pulse referred to in traditional Chinese distributors at low-cost. Due to its lack of
disadvantages and research showing that the material
can produce a satisfactory level of fidelity, the
project will be based around the use of a
piezoelectric tactile device.
3 Solution
- Piezo
- Amplification
o Op-Amp
o R2L ladder
- Microcontroller
o Arduino
o Bluetooth module
[You could use ISO standards in future??]
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