Introduction To ML

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Welcome to the Introduction to machine learning lesson!

Thanks to machine learning, exciting changes are happening across all areas of society, including:

 Recent advancements in industries such as autonomous vehicles.

 Accurate and rapid translation of the text into hundreds of languages.
 AI assistants you might find in your home.
 Worker safety improvements.
 Quicker pharmaceutical design and development.

Machine learning is a complex subject area. Our goal in this lesson is to introduce you to some of
the most common terms and ideas used in machine learning. We will then walk you through the
different steps involved in machine learning and finish with a series of examples that use machine
learning to solve real-world situations.

Let's look at the outline for this lesson.

This lesson is divided into the following sections:

 First, we'll discuss what machine learning is, common terminology, and the common
components involved in creating a machine learning project.
 Next, we'll step into the shoes of a machine learning practitioner. Machine learning involves
using trained models to generate predictions and detect patterns from data. To gain a better
understanding, we'll break down the different steps involved and examine a common
process that applies to the majority of machine learning projects.
 Finally, we'll use the steps that we described and take you through three real-life scenarios
that might be faced by machine learning practitioners.

Machine learning is part of the broader field of artificial intelligence. This field is concerned with the
capability of machines to perform activities using human-like intelligence. Within machine learning
there are several different kinds of tasks or techniques:

 In supervised learning, every training sample from the dataset has a corresponding label or
output value associated with it. As a result, the algorithm learns to predict labels or output
values. We will explore this in-depth in this lesson.
 In unsupervised learning, there are no labels for the training data. A machine learning
algorithm tries to learn the underlying patterns or distributions that govern the data. We will
explore this in-depth in this lesson.
 In reinforcement learning, the algorithm figures out which actions to take in a situation to
maximize a reward (in the form of a number) on the way to reaching a specific goal. This is a
completely different approach than supervised and unsupervised learning. We will dive deep
into this in the next lesson.

How is machine learning different?

In traditional problem-solving with software, a person analyzes a problem and engineers a solution in
code to solve that problem. For many real-world problems, this process can be laborious (or even
impossible) because a correct solution would need to take a vast number of edge cases into
Imagine, for example, the challenging task of writing a program that can detect if a cat is present in
an image. Solving this in the traditional way would require careful attention to details like varying
lighting conditions, different types of cats, and various poses a cat might be in.
In machine learning, the problem solver abstracts away part of their solution as a flexible component
called a model, and uses a special program called a model training algorithm to adjust that model to
real-world data. The result is a trained model which can be used to predict outcomes that are not
part of the dataset used to train it.
In a way, machine learning automates some of the statistical reasoning and pattern-matching the
problem solver would traditionally do.
The overall goal is to use a model created by a model-training algorithm to generate predictions or
find patterns in data that can be used to solve a problem.

Understanding the terminology

Machine learning is a new field created at the intersection of statistics, applied math, and computer
science. Because of the rapid and recent growth of machine learning, each of these fields might use
slightly different formal definitions of the same terms

Machine learning, or ML, is a modern software development technique that enables computers to
solve problems by using examples of real-world data.
In supervised learning, every training sample from the dataset has a corresponding label or output
value associated with it. As a result, the algorithm learns to predict labels or output values.
In reinforcement learning, the algorithm figures out which actions to take in a situation to maximize
a reward (in the form of a number) on the way to reaching a specific goal.
In unsupervised learning, there are no labels for the training data. A machine learning algorithm
tries to learn the underlying patterns or distributions that govern the data.

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