The Confined Helium Atom An Informational Approach

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The confined helium atom; an Informational approach

C. R. Estañón∗1 , H. E. Montgomery Jr†2 , J. C. Angulo‡3 , and N. Aquino§4

Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Av. San
Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. Vicentina, CP 09340 CDMX, México.
Chemistry Program, Centre College, 600 West Walnut Street, Danville, KY 40422-1394,
Departamento de Fı́sica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Granada, Granada
18071, Spain, and Instituto Carlos I de Fı́sica Teórica y Computacional, Universidad de
arXiv:2305.07246v1 [quant-ph] 12 May 2023

Granada, Granada 18071, Spain.

May 15, 2023

In this work we study the helium atom confined in a spherical impenetrable cavity by using infor-
mational entropies. We use the variational method to obtain the energies and wave functions of the
confined helium atom as a function of the cavity radius r0 . As trial wave functions we use one un-
correlated function and four functions with different degrees of electronic correlation. We computed
the Shannon entropy, Fisher information, Kullback–Leibler entropy, Disequilibrium, Tsallis entropy and
Fisher–Shannon complexity, as a function of the box radius r0 . We found that these entropic measures
are sensitive to electronic correlation and can be used to measure it. These entropic measures are less
sensitive to electron correlation in the strong confinement regime (r0 < 1 a.u.).

1 Introduction
Spatially confined quantum systems have become the subject of increasing attention because of the wide
variety of problems in physics and chemistry that can be modelled through them. Some of these problems are
atoms trapped in cavities, in zeolite channels, in fullerenes, the electronic structure of atoms and molecules
subjected to high external pressures, the behavior of the specific heat of a monocrystal solid under high
pressure [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], etc. This growing interest is also due to the fabrication of quantum systems
of nanometric sizes with potential technological applications such as in quantum wires, dots and wells [9, 10].

In 1937 Michels et. al. [11] studied the variation of the polarizability of the hydrogen atom subjected to
high external pressures. They proposed a model in which a hydrogen atom is confined inside an impenetrable
spherical cavity with the nucleus clamped in the center of a sphere of radius r0 . This model is known as
the confined hydrogen atom (CHA) [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. Furthemore has been very successful, and electronic
properties of multi-electron atoms have been studied with it. This model has been extended to use cavities
of shapes other than spherical to study also atoms and molecules trapped inside cavities.

Confined helium–like atoms are the simplest confined many-electron atoms, consisting of a nucleus
with nuclear charge Z and two electrons. For this type of systems of two electrons, different methods
have been developed from time-independent perturbation theory up to Quantum Monte Carlo methods
[14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33]. Most of these studies have been devoted

to the calculation of the ground state energy as a function of the confining radius. Recent work has addressed
the correlation energy due to the radial and angular contribution of trial wave functions [28, 29]. Subsequent
work has been devoted to the study of low energy excited states.

Information theory has been used in the study of one-, two- and three-dimensional (1D, 2D and 3D)
systems [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40], in free systems and in systems subject to spatial confinement. As
examples, we can mention the study of free and spatially confined hydrogen and helium atoms [41, 42, 43, 44].
As discussed in [45], in recent years a variety of complexity measures have been defined and applied to the
study of physical, biological, mathematical, computer science, etc. systems. These quantities are obtained
from probability density and expectation values,[46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 43]. Complexity measures are quantities
that are well-defined in any conjugate space.

Each complexity measure is directly related to information entropies and this allows us to determine
global or local features of the probability density; for example: a global-local measure is described by the
Fisher-Shannon complexity which relates the Shannon entropic power to the Fisher entropy, with the Fisher
entropy providing a local measure of the probability density and the Shannon entropic power providing a
global measure.

The work is organized as follows: In section 2 we briefly describe the confined helium system, its solution
by the variational method and the informational measures used in this work: the Shannon entropy, Fisher
information, Tsallis and Kullback–Leibler entropies, the disequilibrium and the Fisher-Shannon complexity.
In section 3 we discuss our results. Finally, in section 4 we give our conclusions.

2 Theoretical background
2.1 Confined helium atom; ground state energy, wavefunctions and its proba-
bility densities
The Hamiltonian of a helium–like atom confined in an impenetrable spherical box of radius r0 (in the infinite
nuclear mass approximation), in atomic units (~ = e = me = 1), is given by:
1 1
Ĥ = − ∇21 − ∇22 + V (~r1 , ~r2 ), (1)
2 2
where the first two terms on the right-hand side are the electron kinetic energies, and the potential energy
is given by:
− rZ1 − rZ2 + r112 , r1 , r2 < r0
V (~r1 , ~r2 ) = , (2)
∞, while r1 ≥ r0 or r2 ≥ r0
where r1 is the distance from the nucleus to electron 1, r2 is the distance from the nucleus to electron 2,
r12 = |~r1 − ~r2 | is the distance from electron 1 to electron 2 and Z = 2 is the nuclear charge for the helium
atom. Inside the spherical barrier r1 , r2 < r0 , the potential energy is formed by the Coulombic attractive
interaction between the electrons and the nucleus, and the repulsive interaction between the electrons.

In order to solve the problem of finding the energy eigenvalues it is convinient to define the Hylleraas
coordinates: s ≡ r1 + r2 , t ≡ −r1 + r2 and u ≡ r12 . The Hamiltonian of the confined helium atom, in the
sphere, in Hylleraas coordinates can be written as:

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 s(u2 − t2 ) ∂ 2
Ĥ = − 2
+ 2
+ 2
∂s ∂t ∂u u(s2 − t2 ) ∂s∂u
t(s2 − u2 ) ∂ 2 4s ∂ 4t ∂ (3)
−2 − +
u(s2 − t2 ) ∂t∂u (s2 − t2 ) ∂s (s2 − t2 ) ∂t
2 ∂ s 1
− − 4Z 2 + .
u u∂u s − t2 u

In this report we only study the ground state of the confined helium atom. To obtain the approximate
energy and its corresponding wave function, as a function of the box size r0 , we use the variational method.
We propose two types of trial wave functions: uncorrelated and correlated wave functions.

Uncorrelated wave function

According to the direct variational method the wave function is constructed as the wave function of the
free (unconfined) system times a cut-off function. The simplest wave function is given by the product
of two hydrogen–like wave functions, multiplied by the cut-off function (r0 − r1 )(r0 − r2 ) that makes the
wave function vanish at the confining surface of the spherical cavity. The uncorrelated wave function is the

ψ0 = Be−α(r1 +r2 ) (r0 − r1 )(r0 − r2 ), (4)

which in Hylleraas coordinates it can be written as:
−αs s−t s+t
ψ0 (s, t, u) = Be r0 − r0 − , (5)
2 2
where α is a variational parameter.

Wave functions with electronic correlation

We used four wave functions that include electronic correlation. The trial wave functions in Hylleraas
coordinates are the following:

ψ1 (s, t, u) = Be−αs (1 + βu)χ(s, t, u; r0 ), (6)

ψ2 (s, t, u) = Be−αs (1 + βu + γt2 )χ(s, t, u; r0 ), (7)

ψ3 (s, t, u) = Be−αs (1 + βu + γt2 + δs2 )χ(s, t, u; r0 ), (8)

ψ4 (s, t, u) = B Cnlm e−αs sn tm u` χ(s, t, u; r0 ), (9)
s−t s+t
where n + m + l ≤ 2, χ(s, t, u; r0 ) = r0 − 2 r0 − 2 is the cut-off function, and α, β, γ, δ and Cnlm
are variational parameters.

Table 1: The ground state energy for uncorrelated and correlated wave functions as a function of confinement
radii r0 .
r0 (a.u.) E(ψ0 ) E(ψ1 ) E(ψ2 ) E(ψ3 ) E(ψ4 )
0.5000 22.9229 22.9043 22.8321 22.7765 22.7426
0.6000 13.4250 13.3986 13.3645 13.3421 13.3204
0.7000 7.9968 7.9642 7.9490 7.9382 7.9278
0.8000 4.6656 4.6282 4.6224 4.6201 4.6120
0.9000 2.5117 2.4706 2.4691 2.4706 2.4642
1.0000 1.0625 1.0186 1.0185 1.0214 1.0172
2.0000 -2.5284 -2.5797 -2.5976 -2.5994 -2.5977
3.0000 -2.7935 -2.8419 -2.8651 -2.8659 -2.8679
4.0000 -2.8301 -2.8763 -2.8955 -2.8960 -2.8981
5.0000 -2.8391 -2.8843 -2.9003 -2.9007 -2.9023
6.0000 -2.8425 -2.8871 -2.9015 -2.9018 -2.9029
10.0000 -2.8462 -2.8900 -2.9022 -2.9026 -2.9033
∞ -2.84766 -2.8911 -2.9024 -2.9027 -2.9036

Energy calculations
As we mentioned above we use the variational method to obtain the approximate energy and wave functions,
in this approach we minimize the energy functional

E= , (10)
with respect to the variational parameters, where Ĥ is the Hamiltonian in Hylleraas coordinates (eq.
(3)) and ψ = ψi , i = 0, ..., 4.
For the confined helium atom, different expressions [17, 51, 52] have been used to evaluate the integrals
involved in the energy functional; those expressions are equivalent and provide the same results. The
expression that we used to evaluate the integrals in the energy functional is the following [51]:

Z Z r0 Z s Z s
f dτ = 2π ds dt f (s, t, u)(s2 − t2 )udu
0 0 t
Z 2r0 Z 2r0 −s Z s (11)
2 2 2
+ 2π ds dt f (s, t, u)(s − t )udu
r0 0 t

where f can be either Ĥ or the probability density |ψ|2 . In this way we proceed to numerically evaluate
these expressions, the results can be seen in Table 1, as well as graphically in the Figure 1.

Quantum probability density

The one electron probability density is obtained by integrating over the coordinates of the other electron.
The probability density associated with the wave function ψ0 is given by

ρ0 (~r) = Be−2αr (12)

whereas for the wave functions ψ1 , · · · ψ4 the probability density is obtained by:

Z r Z r+r2

ρi (~r) = dr2 r2 dr12 r12 ψ(r, r2 , r12 )2
r 0 r−r2
Z r0 Z r2 +r  (13)
+ dr2 r2 dr12 r12 ψ(r, r2 , r12 ) , i = 1, .., 4
r r2 −r

where: ψ(r, r2 , r12 ) is given by the equations (6), (7), (8) or (9) respectively.

The one electron probability density is normalized to unity as

ρi (~r)d~r = 1. (14)

2.2 Informational approach

Shannon Entropy
The Shannon entropy [37, 53, 54, 55, 56] is a functional of the probability density ρ(~r) defined by:
Sr = − ρ(~r) ln ρ(~r)d3~r. (15)

It quantifies the total extent of the density, it has also been used as a measure of localization-delocalization
of the electron. A smaller value of S corresponds to a more concentrated distribution, i. e., the particle
(electron) is more localized.

Figure 1: Energy variation for the helium atom with and without electronic correlation, varying the confine-
ment radius r0 .

Kullback-Leibler entropy
The Kullback-Leibler entropy [57, 47, 58, 55] for a continuous probability distribution ρ(~r), relative to a
reference distribution ρref (~r) is defined as follows:
KL(ρ, ρref ) = ρ(~r) ln d~r (16)
ρref (~r)
ρ(~r)d~r = ρref (~r)d~r = 1, (17)

in addition KL(ρ, ρref ) ≥ 0. It can be seen that ρ(~r) = ρref (~r) ⇔ KL(ρ, ρref ) = 0.

Similarly the disequilibrium [59, 60, 61] gives us a measure between two distributions, only in this case the
deviation is with respect to the equiprobability, also known as equilibrium state, it is determined as follows:
D = ρ2 (~r)d~r. (18)

Tsallis entropy
In this section the Tsallis entropy for the confined helium atom is studied using a wave function with
electronic correlation in order to obtain a measure of the correlation intensity. The Tsallis entropy [62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 35, 67] is defined as follows:
Sq ≡ 1 − ρq (~r)d~r . (19)
The Tsallis index q plays a crucial role in identifying the magnitude of correlations in a system. The q
value is around 1, but q 6= 1, in a correlated system. In the limit q → 1, Sq → Sr , i. e. the Shannon entropy
is recovered.

Fisher-Shannon complexity
Fisher-Shannon complexity measure for a probability density ρ is defined jointly by the Fisher information
Fr [ρ] and the Shannon entropic power. The Fisher information [68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 54, 59, 75] is
a point-to-point measure of the electron cloud distribution since it is a gradient functional of ρ(~r) and in
configuration space is tightly connected to the kinetic energy due to its dependence on the gradient of the
distribution. It is interpreted as a measure of the tendency toward disorder, meaning that the larger this
quantity is, the more ordered the distribution will be. It is defined by:
Z ~ r)|2
Fr [ρ] = d~r. (20)
The entropic Shannon power [61] guarantees the positivity of this quantity and is defined as follows:
1 2S[ρ]/3
J[ρ] = e . (21)
It is common to define Fisher-Shannon complexity [72, 73, 76] as follows:
CF S [ρ] = Fr [ρ] × J[ρ] = F [ρ]e2S[ρ]/3 . (22)
As a consequence of Stam’s inequality [77] this quantity satisfies the following inequality
CF S [ρ] ≥ 1 (23)
for any continuously differentiable probability density ρ. Moreover, this complexity measure is invariant
under scaling transformations and translations, and is a monotone measure [78].

3 Results and discussion

Shannon entropy
From Table 2 and Figure 2 we can see that in the confinement regime r0 > 1 a.u. the value of the Shannon
entropy for the uncorrelated density S(ρ0 ), is smaller than the value of the entropies S(ρi ),{i=1,2,3,4},
corresponding to the functions including electronic correlation.
Gadre et. al. [49] and Hô et. al. [79] used the Shannon entropy as a measure of the quality of the
basis set of a free molecular system. They constructed a wave function as an expansion in a certain basis,
observed that increasing the number of basis functions resulted in a better wave function, and that the
Shannon entropy increased as the quality of the wave function improved. Extending Gadre’s conjecture to
the wave functions used in this work, we can conclude that by increasing the number of Hylleraas functions
the quality of the wave function improves, i.e. it gets closer to the exact wave function.
Also from Figure 3 we can observe that the Shannon entropy values calculated with the electronically
correlated wave functions are higher than the Shannon entropy of the uncorrelated wave function, the more
correlation the wave function contains the higher the value of the Shannon entropy. This is more evident for
r0 greater than 2 a.u. Romera and Dehesa [72] point out that this is because electronic correlation produces
a dispersion of the electronic cloud, and therefore, the Shannon entropy increases.

An entirely different situation occurs in the strong confinement regime where r0 < 1 a.u.. The value of
the Shannon entropy for the uncorrelated wave function S(ρ0 ), is smaller than S(ρ1 ), the Shannon entropy
associated with ψ1 , but is larger than the entropy values for the other correlated wave functions. If Gadre’s
conjecture could be applied to this situation we would conclude that the best wave function, of those used in
this report, would be ψ1 , and we could state that electronic correlation produces a spread in the electronic
probability density. We should mention that our calculation of the Shannon entropy, using the ψ1 function,
are in complete agreement with previously published results [52]. The other wave functions, with higher
correlation content, would make the electron density more compact, contrary to what is expected. It has
been shown [25, 27] that in the strong confinement regime the electron kinetic energy is so large that the
problem can be reasonably well treated by perturbation theory using uncorrelated wave functions, i.e. the
electron correlation is not so important in this regime. Therefore, a good description of the wave function is
obtained by the ψ1 function.

Table 2: Shannon entropy for different probability densities as a function of the confining radius r0 , and its
comparison with those reported by Sen [80].
r0 (a.u.) S(ρ0 ) S(ρ1 ) S(ρ2 ) S(ρ3 ) S(ρ4 ) ref. [80]
0.5000 -1.5142 -1.5129 -1.5181 -1.5181 -1.5257
0.6000 -0.9986 -0.9967 -1.0012 -1.0065 -1.0083
0.7000 -0.5696 -0.5670 -0.5708 -0.5747 -0.5767
0.8000 -0.2046 -0.2013 -0.2041 -0.2066 -0.2086
0.9000 0.1109 0.1148 0.1131 0.1123 0.1095 0.1515
1.0000 0.3867 0.3914 0.3910 0.3919 0.3874
2.0000 1.9117 1.9263 1.9587 1.9627 1.9548 2.0097
3.0000 2.3673 2.3902 2.4777 2.4803 2.4839 2.5241
4.0000 2.4906 2.5161 2.6229 2.6243 2.6381 2.6197
5.0000 2.5310 2.5571 2.6628 2.6642 2.6798 2.6651
6.0000 2.5481 2.5743 2.6768 2.6783 2.6883 2.7042
10.0000 2.5673 2.5937 2.6900 2.6919 2.7029 2.7106
∞ 2.5749 2.60159 2.6945 2.6967 2.7035 2.7117

Fisher Information
This quantity is a measure of the concentration of the probability density. Fisher information is a local
measure, which is very sensitive to variations of the probability density, even in small-sized regions. How-
ever, contrary to Shannon entropy, Fisher information decreases as r0 increases, as shown in the Figure 4,
indicating greater delocalization as r0 increases. The values of Fisher information as a function of r0 , for the
different wave functions, with and without correlation, are very similar.
In the region r0 > 1 a.u., the Fisher information values for the correlated wave functions are larger
than the corresponding value of the Fisher information for the uncorrelated wave function. In the strong
confinement regime r0 < 1 a.u., the Fisher information corresponding to the uncorrelated wave function
F (ρ0 ), is smaller than F (ρ1 ). However, F (ρ0 ), is larger than the Fisher information for the ψ2 , ψ3 and ψ4
wave functions, which contain more electron correlation than ψ1 . This behavior is most evident from Figure
5 where the difference of the Fisher information for the correlated functions and the Fisher information for
the uncorrelated wave function is shown. The difference between these values is entirely due to electronic
correlation. It can be seen from the graph that there is a well defined maximum value around r0 = 2 a.u.,
for the Fisher curves with higher correlation.

Kulback-Leibler entropy
The Kullback-Leibler (KL) entropy is a measure of the information that quantifies the amount of information
with by which the probability density ρ(~r) differs from the reference density ρ0 (~r). This measure is zero
when the probability density ρ(~r) is identical to the reference probability density ρ0 (~r). In other words,
this measure quantifies the similarity between the two probability densities. When the KL entropy is small
the probability densities ρ(~r) and ρ0 (~r) are similar, and when the KL entropy is large, the two probability

Figure 2: Shannon entropy for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity with and without
electronic correlation. Where Si = S(ρi ), see Table 2, where i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

densities are remarkably different. Figure 6 shows the KL entropy values for the electronically correlated
ρi (~r) densities with respect to the uncorrelated ρ0 (~r) reference density. Those values are entirely due to the
electronic correlation.
For values of r0 > 1 a.u., the KL entropy values increase with r0 , but even so the densities ρ1 (~r) and
ρ0 (~r) remain very similar. The KL entropies for the densities with greater correlation increase with r0 , and
have a maximum value near r0 = 4 a.u., and then decrease and tend asymptotically to the values of the
free case. In other words the Kullback-Liebler entropy varies with r0 and its highest value is found around
r0 = 4 a.u..
For r0 < 1 a.u., the KL entropy for ρ1 (~r) diminishes as r0 decreases. The KL entropies for ρi (~r),
i = 2 − 4, decrease as r0 decreases, and reach a minimum value and increase again, indicating that the
correlation decreases with r0 , reaches a minimum value at ∼ r0 = 1 a.u. and increases again.

Tsallis entropy
The analysis shown below is for ρ3 (~r), however, the behavior of Tsallis entropy for ρi (~r), (i = 1, 2 and
4) is very similar. The Tsallis entropy with a q value different from 1 has been used as a measure of the
electronic correlation [62]. Figure 7 shows the Tsallis entropy using a wave function without electronic
correlation, where values of q = 0.5,...,0.9 were used. It should be noted that this plot does not provide
correlation information. The Tsallis entropy curves have a maximum around 0.6 a.u. and this becomes more
pronounced as q approaches 1. We must remember that in the limiting case q → 1, Tsallis entropy becomes

Figure 3: Shannon entropy difference S(ρi ) − S(ρ0 ), where i = 1, 2, 3, 4.

the Shannon entropy, shown in Figures 2 and 3.

On the other hand, Figure 8 shows the Tsallis entropy with electronic correlation for the same values of
q, here we can notice that as the confinement radius becomes smaller the correlation decreases, as expected,
since the kinetic energy is greater than the potential energy in the region of strong confinement. In addition,
we notice that the correlation is greater for q = 0.5 and as we increase the value of q the correlation
decreases. Finally, in Figure 9 we plot the difference: Tsallis entropy with correlation - Tsallis entropy
without correlation. On the other hand, the difference Sq (ρ3 ) − Sq (ρ0 ) is due completely to the correlation.

Fisher-Shannon complexity
The Fisher-Shannon complexity is a measure of the probability density distribution in a global-local form
that has been used as a measure of the correlation energy by Dehesa et. al. [72]. This interpretation makes
sense if we look at Figure 10, in which we notice that around r0 = 1.5 a.u. there is a minimum, which is
close to the value of r0 = 2 a.u., at which the maximum of the correlation energy was found by Wilson et. al.
[28]. For values of r0 < 1 a.u. the values of all curves are very similar. For r0 > 1 a.u. the Fisher-Shannon
complexities for the correlated wave functions are higher than for the uncorrelated wave function.

4 Conclusions
In this work we obtained the energies and wave functions of the helium atom confined in a spherical box
with impenetrable walls. We used the variational method and as trial wave functions we employed one
function without electronic correlation (ψ0 , Eq.(4)) and four functions with different degree of correlation
(Eqs. (5)-(8)). We constructed the probability densities of the five test functions and calculated the Shannon

Figure 4: Fisher information for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity with and without
electronic correlation.

entropy, Fisher information, Kullback-Leibler entropy, Tsallis entropy and Fisher-Shannon complexity as a
function of the radius of the spherical box r0 .
We find that the behavior of all information measures, used in this work, is different in the regions r0 < 1 a.u.
(strong confinement region) and r0 > 1 a.u.. For each of the information measures, the difference between
the values obtained with a wave function with correlation ψi , (i=2-4) and with the uncorrelated function ψ0 ,
is entirely due to electronic correlation. All information measures show evidence of electronic correlation.
The electronic correlation is not constant but varies with r0 . The maximum value of the correlation measure
varies with the type of information measure used. For example, for Shannon entropy this maximum value is
reached around r0 = 4 a.u., while for Fisher information at r0 = 2 a.u., for Kullback-Leibler entropy at r0 = 4
a.u., while for the Tsallis entropy a minimum is observed around r0 = 0.6 a.u., and for the Fisher-Shannon
complexity the minimum is located around r0 = 1.6 a.u., which is close to the point r0 = 2 a.u., at which
Wilson et al. [28] find a higher correlation energy.

N.A. and C. E. would like to thank R. P. Sagar for his comment on an early version of this work. J.C.A.
belongs to the research group FQM-207, and gratefully acknowledges financial support by the Spanish
projects PID2020-113390GB-I00 (MICIN), PY20 00082 (ERDF-Junta de Andalucı́a), and AFQM-52-UGR20
(ERDF-University of Granada).

Figure 5: Fisher information for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity with and without
electronic correlation.

Figure 6: Kullback-Leibler entropy varying the confinement radii r0 (KLi with i =1,2,3 and 4).

Figure 7: Tsallis entropy for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity without electronic correla-
tion for ρ3 .

Figure 8: Tsallis entropy for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity with electronic correlation
for ρ3 .

Figure 9: Tsallis entropy for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity with Sq (ρ3 ) − Sq (ρ0 )

Figure 10: Fisher-Shannon complexity for the helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity with and
without electronic correlation.

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