Oganesson: A Most Unusual Inert Gas': Roderick M. Macrae and Terence J. Kemp
Oganesson: A Most Unusual Inert Gas': Roderick M. Macrae and Terence J. Kemp
Oganesson: A Most Unusual Inert Gas': Roderick M. Macrae and Terence J. Kemp
1. Introduction
Oganesson, with the symbol Og, is the artificially prepared (i.e. ‘man-made’) element
with atomic number 118 (see refs 1 and 2), previously known as eka-radon or Uuo
(‘ununoctium’), and recently ‘blessed’ with an official name by IUPAC3. Atoms of
the element were first produced using the U400 cyclotron at the Joint Institute for
Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, via a heavy-ion fusion reaction utilising
collision of a 48
20 Ca beam with a 98Cf target:
The choice of projectile and target nuclides was made on the basis of maximisation
of neutron excess in the fusion products. Initial identification of the new element
was via its characteristic decay pattern, successive alpha decays into the even–
even nuclides 116
114 Fl, and 112 Cn, the last of which decays 100% through
Lv, 286 282
3. Electronic properties
The Schrödinger theory of atoms and molecules is a non-relativistic theory that,
moreover, does not incorporate electron spin. Despite these shortcomings, it
gives energy solutions for the hydrogen atom that accurately reproduce the gross
features of its spectrum (in exact agreement with Bohr theory). Fine structure
observable in the hydrogen atom spectrum is a result of electron spin, relativistic
effects, and smaller quantum electrodynamic (QED) corrections such as the
Lamb shift. The Dirac theory of the electron is both relativistic and naturally
incorporates spin, but leads to a four-component (i.e. 4 × 1 matrix) wavefunction
that is more complicated to implement in computational methods. Any treatment
of many-electron atoms is of necessity approximate. (The intrinsic ‘spin’ angular
momentum of the electron already appears naturally in the solutions to the non-
relativistic Levy–Leblond equation as a consequence of coupling between the
electron charge and the external electromagnetic field15.)
The inclusion of relativistic effects in quantum-mechanical calculations on
atoms and molecules becomes more important with increasing atomic number
Z. A qualitative understanding of relativistic effects on electronic structure
can be obtained through the Bohr model of the H atom16,17. In Bohr theory, the
electron’s (non-relativistic) velocity is directly proportional to nuclear charge
according to
(In atomic units, v/c = Z/137 for an electron in the n = 1 orbit, so even for the H
atom the electron velocity is close to 1.0% of c. The speed of light in atomic units is
137.035 999 138 a.u.) The corresponding relativistic mass increase of the electron is
given by
where n, h, and e mean respectively the principal quantum number, Planck’s constant,
and the charge of the electron.
In the Dirac theory of one-electron atoms, the ‘orbitals’ of the Schrödinger
theory (eigenfunctions of n, l, and ml) are replaced by ‘spinors’, four-component
vector-valued wavefunctions which are eigenfunctions of n, j, and mj (where
j = l + s). (These are the large and small components of α and β spin.) These have
rather different properties from the more familiar non-relativistic orbitals: for
example, the density distributions associated with them are nodeless, because the
large and small components have nodes in different places18,19. Additionally, because
the densities depend on j and not on l, the s1/2 and p1/2 spinors are both spherical.
The analogues to the effects seen in the Bohr model now manifest as shrinkage and
increased binding of spinors with significant density near the nucleus (s1/2 and p1/2)
and smaller effects on others (p3/2, d3/2, etc.). A related consequence is that unlike
the non-relativistic p-orbitals, the p1/2 and p3/2 spinors are unequal in energy (with the
p3/2 lying above the p1/2), while the s1/2 and the p1/2 are degenerate. (For the H atom
itself, the separation between the 2P1/2 and 2P3/2 states is 4.5 × 10–5 eV, leading to a fine
structure splitting of about 0.016 nm in the 1S-2P transition.)
In addition to the relativistic mechanical effects on inertial mass and kinetic
energy, there are several quantum relativistic effects that appear in the solutions of
the Dirac equation: these can be categorised in terms of their dependence on the fine-
structure constant α = 1/c (see ref. 15).The lowest-order effects (depending on α2)
are the Darwin effect (coupling between the electron’s spin and the inhomogenous
nuclear electric field) and the spin-orbit coupling (coupling between the electron’s
spin and a magnetic field or moving electric field; the primary contribution to this
effect is from the electron’s own angular momentum around the nucleus, although
two-electron contributions to SOC also exist). Other, smaller effects arise through
QED (self-energy and vacuum polarisation); while in some cases such as the
hydrogen Lamb shift these lead to clearly observable effects, more generally these
interactions lie at the frontier of comparison between theory and experiment20.
In many-electron atoms relativistic effects on valence orbitals can be classified as
direct or indirect15,21. The direct effect is the orbital contraction and energy lowering
described above, which is also seen in one-electron atoms and has effects on orbitals
in the order s > p > d; this effect can sometimes be greater in many-electron atoms
than in hydrogenic atoms. The indirect effect is primarily a destabilisation of outer
orbitals due to more effective screening of the nuclear charge as a result of inner
orbital contraction. While relativistic effects are small in the lighter elements (on
with α and β the Dirac matrices and Vn (i) the nuclear attraction operator. The two-
electron term in hDCB consists of the Coulomb repulsion of the electrons, together
with the frequency-independent Breit operator
Og and 35.04 a.u. for Rn. These calculations used the DIRAC04 program48, with a
26s24p18d13f5g2h basis set. Most recently, Jerabek et al.14 obtained a value of this
property for Og of 57.98 a.u. using ‘state-of-the-art’ 4c Dirac–Coulomb CCSD(T)
calculations incorporating the Gaunt term in the relativistic two-electron operator.
The basis set was the uncontracted quadruple-zeta basis known as DYALL.ACV4Z49,
and 50 electrons were correlated. Computations were carried out using a more
recent version of the DIRAC program, DIRAC1550. A very significant part of the
polarisability appears to require a full relativistic treatment to be captured accurately,
with non-relativistic and scalar relativistic approaches (in the latter of which the
spin-orbit operator is omitted but the Darwin and mass-velocity terms are included)
giving considerably smaller values of 45.30 a.u. and 43.78 a.u. respectively.
The exploration of noble gas chemistry began with Neil Bartlett’s discovery
in 1962 that PtF6 is a strong enough oxidising agent to oxidise Xe, leading to the
formation of the orange-yellow ionic solid xenon hexafluoroplatinate, XePtF6 (see
ref. 51). (The formula of the substance is more accurately written [XeF]+[PtF5]–.)
A rash of research over the subsequent decade led to the discovery of a plethora of
xenon compounds, mostly with oxygen and fluorine, as well as a small number of
Figure 3 Energies of states related to the fluorides of Xe, Rn, and Og; v.s. refers to the
valence state formed by mixing the P1/2 and P3/2 states (after Pitzer37).
(an expression that gets smaller with increasing localisation) and
is a term corresponding to the uniform electron gas (Thomas–
Fermi gas) with spin density equal to the local value of pσ (r). The ELF has an upper
limit of 1 corresponding to complete localisation, while the value of 1/2 corresponds
to a pair probability equal to that of the uniform electron gas. Becke and Edgecombe
applied this model to the noble gas atoms Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn, and found it to
reveal clear evidence of the existence of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 distinct electronic shells in
these atoms. For a general discussion of the ELF and its possible limitations, see the
2005 article by Savin67.
Jerabek et al. utilised an appropriately modified version of the ELF [denoted
] as implemented in the the relativistic ab-initio quantum chemistry program
DIRAC1550 to compare electron localisation in Xe, Rn, and Og, and to consider
relativistic effects on electron localisation14. Figures 4 and 5 show the ELFs predicted
from the authors’ calculations. From Figure 4 it can be seen that electron localisation
in Xe barely changes in going from the non-relativistic to the four-component
relativistic framework. Rn represents an intermediate case, with a decrease in the
distinctness of the shell structure being visible in the outer core region near 50 pm.
For Og, by contrast, the ELF values are much smaller than for the non-relativistic
case across the whole range of radii from 0 to 100 pm, making the atomic shell
structure barely recognisable.
Figure 5 gives some further clarification of this effect by showing a comparison
of the ELFs for Xe and Og computed using non-relativistic (NR), scalar-relavistic
(SR) and fully relativistic four-component Dirac–Hartree–Fock (R) models. In Xe,
the inclusion of relativistic effects in the calculation has remarkably little effect on
electron localisation. In Og, on the other hand, even in the SR picture, the relativistic
contraction of the inner shells and smearing out of the shell structure in the outer
shells is quite clear. The ELF in Og is more homogeneously distributed over the
entire atomic range compared to Xe, resulting in values undergoing fairly small
oscillations around the Thomas–Fermi limit; this is particularly true in the three
outermost shells.
Note that the ELF is a completely different quantity from electron density, which
decreases steadily with increasing distance from the nucleus, and from the radial
density distribution 4πr 2p(r), which is a good indicator of shell structure in light
atoms but is much less successful for heavy atoms68.
Goeppert Mayer shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963 with Hans Jensen and
Eugene Wigner.
While the shell model can predict a variety of nuclear properties such as spin and
parity, as with electrons in atoms and molecules quantitative predictions of properties
require an improved approach. The methods available for such computations
are essentially the same as those used in electronic structure theory, namely self-
consistent mean-field models such as Hartree–Fock theory (with an additional
‘Skyrme force’ appearing in the two-body term) and density functional theory.
Such calculations have recently been applied to superheavy nuclei in order to study
stability and shell structure70,71.
Jerabek et al.14 extended their calculations to the issue of nuclear localisation
using nuclear density functional theory with the optimised global Skyrme energy
density functionals UNEDF1 and SV-min (see refs 72 and 73), making use of
the density functional theory (DFT) solver of Reinhard74 constrained to spherical
Figure 6 shows the nucleon localisation functions [NLFs, denoted n and
p ] for three spherical nuclei: the medium-mass doubly magic nucleus 132
Sn, the
superheavy nucleus 302Og, and the (highly) theoretical nucleus 472164. In contrast
to the ELFs, the number of closed shells cannot be determined from the number of
radial maxima owing to the different radial behaviour of electron and nucleon orbits.
While the radii of electronic orbits in atoms belonging to different shells are spatially
well separated, the radii of nucleonic orbits scale only as (2nr +l)1/2, in other words
they increase very gradually with n. Thus, there is a large spatial overlap between
single-nucleon wave functions, and reduced localisation as compared to the radial
distribution of the ELFs. A noteworthy feature of the NLFs is the local enhancement
at the nuclear surface, owing to the relatively small number of valence neutrons
contributing to the total density at distances greater than the nuclear radius.
Figure 6 reveals the following: (1) The pattern of concentric rings is more
distinct in the proton system compared with the neutron system. This is because the
number of occupied proton shells is less than for neutrons; this effect becomes more
prominent for superheavy nuclei where the neutron excess is large. (2) The NLF
was first made in 2002, but it received its name in recognition of the achievements
of Professor Oganessian and his group by IUPAC in 2015. It is currently the only
element named after a living person.
7. References
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