Ajibm 2022070614001964
Ajibm 2022070614001964
Ajibm 2022070614001964
ISSN Online: 2164-5175
ISSN Print: 2164-5167
Thomas O. Ombati
Management Science & Project Planning Department, Faculty of Business & Management Science, University of Nairobi,
Nairobi, Kenya
1. Introduction
The last two decades have experienced an upsurge in the use of internet in pro-
viding real estate services to various stakeholders in the industry. Due to the
quest for greater efficiency and improved trade effectiveness, consumers and
DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2022.127063 Jul. 7, 2022 1175 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
T. O. Ombati
service providers in the real estate industry have embraced internet use in con-
temporary times. The use of internet in real estate is likely to expand more in the
future as more real estate service providers seek to increase their revenues, reach
a wider clientele and provide real time quality services (Chin & Liu, 2004).
The adoption of internet based real estate transactions can be traced back to
the mid-1990s. Chin and Liu (2004) reveal that in the year 1995 only 2 percent of
buyers utilized the internet to search for homes. However, by the year 1999, the
percentage of American buyers using the internet to search for homes rose to 23
percent (Muhanna, 2000). This was a significant increase in duration of four
years in the USA alone. Further statistics reveal that in the first month of the
year 1995, there were only 100 websites that offered properties for sale in USA.
However, the number shot astronomically to 4000 websites by the end of the
same year (Heller & Krukoff, 1997).
The fact that there have been developments in how real estate transactions are
carried out especially through the internet, has led to increment in the level of
risk associated with these types of transactions. Trautman (2015) insinuates that
online e-commerce systems spend a huge amount of financial resources to deal
with risks that threaten their businesses. He further provides an example of
PayPal which spends tens of millions of dollars annually to meet the cost of ac-
counting, legal fees and managerial activities associated with e-commerce risk
With the above understanding, it suffices to argue that as the adoption of
e-commerce real estate property management systems continues to expand around
the globe, so does the level of risk associated with online real estate transactions.
Most of the cyber risks that are faced by e-commerce platforms’ owners if they
do occur can significantly lead to escalation of the operating costs of an enter-
prise or even endanger the very existence of the entity (Trautman, 2015).
According to Evans (2014), the time that is available in a day is only limited to
24 hours and business entities must fight for the attention of the people within
this limited time. They further argue that this intense competition for people’s
attention has necessitated the invention of creative ways such as social platforms,
software platforms and many other internet applications to enable businesses to
reach their customers. This has led to an increment in the number of e-commerce
platforms thus posing huge risks to the businesses involved. The major question,
therefore, facing most e-commerce businesses including those in real estate is
how to manage the risks that are associated with online systems such as the real
estate property management systems.
The fact that there are many businesses that are currently conducting their
businesses through the internet or through e-commerce is a wake-up call for ef-
fective risk management. Business entities need to encourage early detection of
risks in order to develop appropriate mitigation measures. This will significantly
reduce the operating costs that may increase due to occurrence of a particular
risk. Risk management will assist entities to avert risks that may lead to exter-
mination of the business itself (Trautman, 2015). This article, therefore, seeks to
establish the risks involved in the adoption of electronic commerce in real estate
transactions and explore best practices in risk control inherent in electronic trans-
actions in real estate sector.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Risks Prevalent in Real Estate E-Commerce Platforms
According to Chin and Liu (2004) one of the very common risks in real estate
e-commerce platforms is associated with misleading information. They argue
that the main aim of a real estate platform is to facilitate listing and eventual
purchase by potential buyers. Chin and Liu (2004) further assert that at the point
of listing there is a possibility of both good and bad listings to be made on the
website. However, it is the responsibility of website managers to develop proce-
dures that can enable potential buyers to identify property listings that do not
meet their expectations or have misleading information. They further argue that
buyers can use the procedures to differentiate between the genuine from the bad
property listings.
According to Trautman (2015) fraud is one of the most common and serious
risks that the majority of e-commerce platforms are faced. The increased use of
internet globally by majority of businesses in transacting has equally raised the
level of fraud associated with internet-based transactions. Trautman further ar-
gues that monetary fraud is common when movement of money between the
parties involved is taking place. This normally occurs because in some occasions
some sensitive financial information such as the credit card and debit card de-
tails may be revealed to the wrong people.
In a study that was carried out by Pinguelo and Muller (2011) several risks
associated with e-commerce platforms were revealed. They indicated that cyber-
crime is a common risk that most e-commerce systems must contend with. The
various forms of cybercrime that are common include economic or foreign spy-
ing, malicious employees who pose a threat to the business, spamming, phishing,
hacking of systems and email extraction programmes. All the above are issues
that have received increased attention by management in recent years.
Long (2007) argues that cyberspace can be equated to a battlefront with a wide
collection of soldiers prepared to fight and challenge one another in search of
supremacy. Estelle further indicates that some of the battles that are fought in
the e-commerce platform relate to legal protection of intellectual property. The
battles are likely to have an impact on how protection of intellectual property is
likely to be conducted in the future.
All those entities engaged in conducting business through the e-commerce
platform or those who are involved in the use of electronic payment systems are
faced with very many potential risks they must be aware of. These risks may in-
clude cybercrime, cyberterrorism, crime that is committed electronically, secu-
rity of the e-commerce infrastructure, protection of intellectual property, issues
related to internet governance as well as jurisdictional disputes among other
Therefore no study attempted to have a universal and global view of risks preva-
lent in real estate property management e-commerce systems as well as the risk
mitigation strategies.
From the studies reviewed, no study had made an attempt to provide a con-
clusive summary of the risks prevalent in real estate property management
e-commerce systems and the best practices in risk management. This is the gap
the study sought to bridge.
3. Methodology
The paper systematically reviewed various articles on risk management in real
estate property management e-commerce platforms. While reviewing literature,
the researcher relied on online search engines such as the American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE) library, Taylor & Francis Online, Emerald Insight,
Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus databases (Ullah, Sepasgozar, &
Wang, 2018). In doing this, keyword and semantic searches were applied in at-
taining the required literature. The study approach involved use of keyword
searches, screenings and categorisation (Ullah, Sepasgozar, & Wang, 2018).
Keyword searches applied the following content word(s) “e-commerce in real
estate”, “real estate”, “risks in real estate e-commerce platforms,“best practices in
risk management in e-commerce real estate”, e-commerce and Real Estate” and
management of real estate using e-commerce”. A total of 250 articles were ob-
tained which were systematically filtered thus remaining with 25 which were re-
levant to scope of the study.
In this paper, the researcher, with the help of a research assistant conducted a
thorough literature review for a period of two months. In ensuring dependability
and validity of the review process, the researcher applied the following criteria:
clearly formulated research questions; set a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria;
selected and accessed the required literature for the study. Content analysis was
used in analyzing the data collected from empirical studies since it was qualita-
tive. The information collected was then categorized into the two objectives of
the study. It was further presented in form of tables
4. Findings
The purpose of this study was to investigate risk management in real estate
property management systems. The study sought to achieve two specific objec-
tives: to establish risks prevalent in adoption of electronic commerce in real es-
tate transactions and to explore best practices in risk control inherent in elec-
tronic transactions in real estate sector. Through the use of secondary data, the
following findings were obtained.
5. Recommendations
Real estate property management e-commerce systems just like other e-commerce
platforms face a myriad number of threats. One such risk is breach of privacy
through unauthorized access to user information. The firms operating real estate
property management systems must ensure that they have in place privacy en-
hancing technologies in order to protect the privacy of user information. This
will be one of the ways of improving users’ trust in the real estate e-commerce
It was evident from the findings that information asymmetry between buyers
and sellers of properties is also a common risk that needs to be dealt with. It may
be necessary for real estate property management systems to include the services
of local trusted agents (who are internationally certified) to carry out evaluation
of property before the buyers make decisions on payment.
Theft and fraud also featured prominently as major risks, especially in situa-
tions where payments for properties have to be made electronically. Some pay-
ment systems may lead to disclosure of user information thus increasing the
chances of theft and fraud. It is important for real estate property management
system owners to carefully evaluate payment options and identify the ones that
have a high degree of privacy and partner with them. This will enhance user
confidence and reduce incidents of theft and fraud.
Over-reliance on internet for real estate property management e-commerce
systems to operate was also considered a major risk. It may be necessary for the
firms involved in real estate property management e-commerce to put in place
remedial measures on how to protect themselves from any changes that may be
introduced by internet providers.
6. Key Contributions
The study has been able to shed more light on the risks that are faced by most
real estate property management systems globally. It has provided an elaborate
discussion of these risks as well as their sources.
The study has also been able to establish the risk management strategies that
have been applied by a number of real estate property management systems to
mitigate against the risks they face. This is a very important contribution to-
wards assisting new and existing real estate property management system own-
ers to understand how to handle risk.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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