Drill-In' Fluids and Drilling Practices Drilling More Productive, Less Costly Geothermal Wells
Drill-In' Fluids and Drilling Practices Drilling More Productive, Less Costly Geothermal Wells
Drill-In' Fluids and Drilling Practices Drilling More Productive, Less Costly Geothermal Wells
40, 2016
Drilling, drilling fluids, stability, production, formation damage, geothermal drilling, mud, inhibition, potassium, fluid loss
GRC presentations on drilling fluids and formation damage was presented in 2007 and 2010. This current paper
exists as an update, and introduces some of the recent developments in geothermal drilling fluids and drilling practices,
with specific emphasis on minimizing formation damage and optimizing well producibility, During the past numerous
years since the previous paper presentations, mud additives and drilling operations have evolved, and geothermal drilling
fluids programs have typically moved away from the conventional hi-temp claybased systems of the past, in favor of
minimally-damaging ‘Drill-In’ fluids. These new fluids use little or no Bentonite and conventional LCM, providing benefits
which may include enhanced lubricity, superior wellbore stability and inhibition, reduced potential for formation damage,
and reduced stimulation requirements.
Tuttle and Listi
Since ~2000, many Operators began investigating lower temp (230-300°F) geothermal opportunities, especially in the
domestic US; this soon led to marginal projects and concern of wellbore stability and formation damage issues associated
with reactive clays and shales. Many other Operators on large scale, high temp projects found that well production appeared
to be compromised when damaged by high volumes of conventional claybased muds and LCM (lost circulation materials).
This led to the development of the currently applied, ‘low-clay’ or ‘clay-free’ minimally damaging ‘Drill-In’ fluids,
utilizing viscous sweeps and new operational considerations. Some of these operational changes include underbalanced
drilling, high volume pumping/circulating to remove drilled fines, the use of non-damaging additives, circulating the
reserve pit for settling, the use of inhibitive brines, and other considerations. Although these technical developments have
paralleled similar trends in the O&G industry, the nature of geothermal drilling and the resources has required specific
fluids technology be developed to provide wellbore protection stability, and inhibition.
Tuttle and Listi
MMO 1ppb
Viscosity, cP
Xanthan 1ppb
Optimized Hydraulics
‘Significant reductions in drilling time and well costs can be realized by implementing an effective hydraulics
Effective drilling hydraulics include the consideration of jet nozzle selection to maximize HHP at the bit, proper bit
and jet configuration to ensure the bit is being swept clean by the jetting action, proper drilling fluids rheology (water and/
or LSRV fluids with regular sweeps to clean cuttings from the bit area), proper use of fluid aeration, and optimizing mud
Tuttle and Listi
pumps. Since most producing geothermal wells are completed in 12 ¼” hole size (barefoot or 9 5/8” liner completion), a
combination of three 1,000 hp triplex pumps may be required to adequately clean the hole (washouts are not generally a
major problem in geothermal operations through the production interval, as washouts create additional downhole surface
area for heat transfer). Pre-planning of the rig circulating pumps and hydraulics can provide significant enhancement of
the drilling operation, including improved hole cleaning and ROP.
Considerations of corrosion rates and treatment must also be an important factor in geothermal drilling fluids selec-
tion, as the low- to mid-salinity ‘drill-in’ systems and formation water are generally highly corrosive to drilling tubulars
and tooling, especially in the presence of high temperature and aeration. Corrosion coupons should be run regularly and
analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively, and a prescribed corrosion control treatment implemented to maintain
corrosion rates less than ~4 #/sqft/yr. A water/mud pH of 9.5-10.0 is generally recommended to assist with corrosion
protection, and higher pH may be required if H2S is present.
Tuttle and Listi
Various corrosion additives, including oxygen scavengers, general polyphosphonate inhibitors, film-forming amine
compounds and others are highly effective in controlling corrosion to acceptable levels, IF treatment rates are determined
and adjusted based on field observations and rig-site corrosion coupon analysis. Treatment rates can vary widely based
on actual conditions and operational considerations.
The use of the freshwater ‘Drill-In’ system with an appropriate (K-Sub) inhibitor will provide formation protection
while also performing a secondary function as a high temp corrosion inhibitor, thereby minimizing corrosion treatment costs.
Drilling Fluids Lubricity - Lubricity is a significant issue affecting geothermal wells, especially during the imple-
mentation of directional drilling or redrilling programs, or during workover operations in existing holes. This is very
important when drilling with water; very few lubricity additives have been time-proven (with sufficient laboratory and
field success) to provide reliable lubricity in high temperature drilling operations.
TORKease[5] is an environmentally friendly, non-hydrocarbon and non-damaging lubricant that has been in use
in the geothermal industry since the mid-1970s. A modified potassium (K+) based lubricant, TORKease exhibits excel-
lent temperature stability (>650°F, 343°C), is non-damaging, and has proven itself in geothermal drilling and workover
operations worldwide.
Biodiesel/B-99 vegetable oil is also an accepted lubricant for geothermal operations, occasionally used as a spot-
ting fluid and then incorporated into the active mud system. An effective concentration of .5-1.5% by volume is generally
maintained in severe conditions, and B-99 generally provides very good metal/metal lubricity.
The recent focus on minimizing induced formation damage in geothermal wells (while drilling) has led the geo-
thermal industry to new drilling technologies and the design of clay-free ‘Drill-In’ systems. The implementation of a
well-designed drilling program, utilizing current state-of-the-art technologies, optimized hydraulics, underbalanced
drilling where possible, non-damaging polymers and bridging/sweep agents, and a lab-tested inhibitive ‘Drill-In’ fluids
system, should provide more productive wells, in addition to a significant reduction in drilling times and trouble costs,
and significant direct cost savings.
The focus of applying this new technology is to MINIMIZE drilling-related formation damage, so that the resulting
wells can provide maximum productivity.
1. Mondshine, T.C.: “A New Potassium Based Mud System”, Journal of Petroleum Technology (Sept. 1973).
2. Listi, R.: “Potassium Lignite Drilling Fluid: Related Problems and their Solutions”, (May, 1999).
3. Sinclair Well Products and Services: Technical Literature, POLYTHIN HT, NARLOTHIN, Sawdust, Cottonseed Hulls, SINPAC HT, K-Lignite,
Gilsonite, API Bentonite, Caustic Potash (KOH).
4. Wagh, AS; Ramkumar, N; McDaniel, RL: “Aluminum Phosphate Cements Help with Deep, High-Temperature Wells”, O&G Journal (May 2006).
5. DSC Incorporated: Technical Literature, TORKease.
6. Geothermal Hot Line: “Rigid Foam Appears to be Good Lost Circulation Material” (July, 1985).
7. Baker Hughes: Technical Literature, Alplex.
8. Capacho, C; Perenco, MR; Osorio, J; Kenny, P: “Replacing Potassium with Aluminum Complex Overcomes Wellbore Instability Problems in
Kaolinitic Shales in South America”, AADE-04-DF-HO-17 (2004).
9. Tuttle, J., Boart Longyear: Recent Trends in Geothermal Drilling Fluids, GRC (2007).
10. Listi, R., Boart Longyear: Drill in Fluids to Minimize Production Zone Damage, GRC (2010).