2001888-Book of Bandits v1.0

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Requires Shadow of the Demon Lord from Schwalb Entertainment.

Distributed through the Disciples of the Demon Lord Creative

Community at DriveThruRPG.
Contents Credits
NPC Bandits 3
Writing and Design
Kurtis M. Menken
Adalbert 4
Helena 5 Editing, Layout, & Art Direction
Marnix 6
Sverre 7 Jason Duff
Fredrick 8
Cover Illustration
Ashild 9
Lis 10 Marin Iurii
Jarlath 11
Hatchet 12 Interior Illustrations
Big Jack 13 Marin Iurii, Camille Kuo, Danilo Sanino
Encounter Scenarios 14
This product was created under license. Shadow
of the Demon Lord is a trademark of Schwalb
Supplies 14
Entertainment, LLC.
Dead Weight 14
The Faun's Plan 15 This work contains material that is copyright
The Injured Maid 15 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC. Such material is
used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for the Disciples of the
Bandit Adversaries 16 Demon Lord CC.

Knave 16 All other original material in this work is

Highwayman 17 copyright 2020 by Earl of Fife Games LLC and
published under the Community Content
Apostate 17
Agreement for the Disciples of the Demon Lord
Brigand Warlord 17 CC.

New Items 18

Longsword 18
Earl of fife Games
Sickle & Chain 18
Parrying Dagger 18
Grace and Folly 18

PO BOX 50471
Colorado Springs, CO 80949-0471
info@fifegames.com | www.fifegames.com

2 The Book of Bandits

NPC Bandits
The Book of Bandits is meant to provide characters, enemies, The bandit group is made up of ten NPCs. Each character
and events that can be easily used in your own campaigns. has five to ten qualities. Keep these qualities in mind during
The Book of Bandits provides story elements that can help social challenge rolls and general conversation. The qualities
add various encounters, both hostile and benign. These are intended to give the characters realistic personalities that
encounters can help reduce planning and even build the help them stand out. For Example: Adalbert is embarrassed
basis for a one-shot adventure. This book is designed to by his Poorly Cut Hair, and someone making a point of it could
be flexible and fit in most any adventure. These NPCs can gain 1 or more Boons/Banes to their challenge roll.
be introduced in most any environment, including along
the road, in a hideout, amongst ruins, deep within sewers, Some of these qualities, such as Sexual Interest, are non-
camped in a forest, etc. The provided intro scenarios presume restrictive. Just because a character has Sexual Interest in an
the characters are camping in the wilderness. orc does not mean he is only attracted to orcs or women for
that matter. Such things are entirely up to the Game Master.
The characters in this book are not meant to be stock No quality must be used if the Game Master feels it does not
adversaries that amount to simple stat blocks that players suit the encounter, session, or campaign. Qualities are also
Characters kill and wave off on their way to the next challenge. not mutually exclusive. These qualities are simple guidelines
These bandits serve the story best when the player Characters that help determine the NPCs’ personalities and interest in a
interact with them. Rather than simple combat it is advised realistic way.
that the bandits are introduced in social circumstances.
Examples include purchasing food from town while cloaked, Ten fully detailed bandit NPCs can help fill out any use
a chance meeting while camped, or any other situation the a Game Master has for such characters. These NPCs are
Game Master can fathom. assumed to know and work with each other, but the Game
Master should feel free to use them however they wish.
The Book of Bandits is best suited to novice adventures based
on difficulty. These encounters can lean more difficult than
Novice if all bandits are faced at once. If used for Level-0
player Characters, keep in mind the enemies are probably a
difficult challenge and tactics other than combat are advised.

3 The Book of Bandits

Adalbert is a thin human male in his late twenties. His
ruddy brown hair is cut short, but clearly uneven from
self-administered haircuts. His outward appearance is one
of grace and style; his clothing is well made and kept in
immaculate condition, and his demeanor exudes confidence
and regality. However, when alone his presence shrinks.

In private Adalbert is gruff and rude. He callously insults even

those to close to him and complains constantly to anyone
that will listen. The man has two personalities, and each are
very different. To those he does not know he fakes a sense of
entitlement but civility, but those close to him are subjected
to constant ill temperament.

Adalbert makes no qualms about stealing from others. “Might

makes right,” he says. He is not a leader of men, although he
believes he should be. He does not inspire or threaten others
to do his bidding. Instead he is a simple annoyance that is
tolerated from the time being. His sister, Helena, is the only
person that Adalbert could consider a friend.

Qualities: Condescending, Graceful, Poorly Cut Hair,

Frustrated, Protective: Helena, Greedy, Entitled.
PC Interaction
If Adalbert interacts with player Characters in any way other
Size 1 Human than combat, he will act aloof and haughty. He gives very
Perception 9 (-1) faint smiles, non-committal head nods, and wordless hums
Defense 17 (Hard Leather); Health 10 and grunts. In all likelihood he thinks very little of the player
Strength 11 (+1), Agility 14 (+4), Intellect 9 (-1), Will 9 (-1)
Speed 10 Characters. This can be deduced with Intellect challenge
rolls with 1 bane. In private Adalbert with bad mouth the
player Characters and will always consider them a mark.
Saber (Melee) +4 (1d6+1), finesse
Parrying Dagger (Melee or Ranged) +4 (1d3), finesse This highly depends on what the situation is, but Adalbert
certainly will never be anyone’s ally.
Hard Leather armor, scissors, mirror, and other assorted
vanity products.

Combat Tactics
Adalbert will never fight to the death. He will press his
advantage, but will quickly flee or try to talk his way out of a
situation. Adalbert will likewise never put himself in danger
in order to aid another. That includes his sister, Helena.
Adalbert is quick on his feet, and will use his speed and
quickness to strike targets that cannot hit him back.

4 The Book of Bandits

Helena is a fit and healthy human female in her early twenties.
Helena’s hair is long and well kept. This is certainly a contract
to her brother, Adalbert. She exudes calm and friendliness.
Her beauty makes one question why she would become a
bandit, and how she manages to maintain her appearance.

Kind and forgiving, Helena does not seek bloodshed and has
tried on many occasions to convince travelers to give up their
goods without a fight. Unlike her brother she says what she
means. Despite this she follows along with her brother during
his misdeeds. She believes that eventually Adalbert will grow
tired of this life and he will change his ways. Perhaps Helena
can help speed that process along if she is nearby.

She despises her situation but refuses to abandon her

brother. A former aristocrat, Helena’s noble house fell from
grace which leaves her with nowhere to go. The other bandits
enjoy her company right up until they have work to do. At
such time she drags her feet and delays the actual act of
banditry as long as possible. Every life they take, and every
coin they steel drives her deeper into a dark depression.

Qualities: Kind, Healthy, Calm, Depressed, Pacifistic, Combat Tactics

Protective: Adalbert, Beautiful.
Helena is very weary of combat. Not only is she a poor fighter,
but she does not enjoy the prospect of spilling blood. She will
HELENA DIFFICULTY 1 remain in the rear and help by using herself as a decoy. One
Size 1 Human of Adalbert’s favorite ploys is to have Helena act as if she were
Perception 10 (0) a helpless maid tied to a tree. He and the rest of the bandits
Defense 10; Health 9 hide nearby and in advantageous positions. When her saviors
Strength 9 (0), Agility 10 (0), Intellect 10 (0), Will 12 (+2)
Speed 10 arrive the other spring their ambush and take them unaware.
Helena dislikes her part in this fiction but it allows her to do
ATTACK OPTIONS no fighting.
Dagger (Melee or Short Range) +0 (1d3), finesse

Kind Hearted Helena must make a Will challenge roll with 2
banes to attack an individual who has not attacked her or
PC Interaction
Adalbert first.

EQUIPMENT Player Characters that speak to Helena will find her pleasant,
Nice clothing, makeup, some jewelry and she will attempt to warn them away from the other
bandits if their meeting is cordial. For Game Masters that
wish to use Helena and Adalbert’s past as springboards to
new adventures, she may ask them to help her in reclaiming
her family’s lost fortune. Whatever that expedition entails
is up to the Game Master to decide, otherwise she is simply
polite and tries to shew the potential victims away.

5 The Book of Bandits

Marnix is a human man in his late thirties. Brash and brutish,
he towers over most others. His hair is matted and tangled,
and his body is covered in scars and filth. Marnix is the
epitome of what most envision bandits look like. He tolerates
the other bandits but does not seem overly friendly to anyone,
and particularly gives Adalbert a hard time. He has a short
temper and delights in violence when he is able to dole it out.

Raised by commoners, he lost his father when he was young.

After a life of crime in the city he was finally forced to flee to
the forest after murdering his cousin over coin. If he regrets
his past, he does not show it to others. He has romantic
interest in Helena, and admires her attempts to use trickery
rather than outright violence.

Qualities: Violent Tendencies, Standoffish, Brutish, Tall,

Regretful, Protective: Bandits, Romantic Interest: Helena,
Dislike: Adalbert.

Size 1 Human
Combat Tactics
Perception 9 (-1)
Defense 13 (brigandine); Health 12
Strength 12 (+2), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 9 (-1), Will 9 (-1) Marnix will immediately rush forward and engage his prey.
Speed 10
He will fight with violent delight and try to kill anyone
ATTACK OPTIONS standing in his way. He vows to take no prisoners and will try
Pike (Melee) +2 (1d6) to make sure anyone that he robs is also dead. “Leave no one
to tell their tale,” he says.
Killer at Heart Marnix must make a Will challenge roll
whenever he or another of the bandit group is threatened.
On a failure Marnix will attack the person that made the
PC Interaction
Marnix does not particularly like speaking to strangers,
Nothing of interest.
but if engaged by player Characters he will try to steer the
conversation to someone else, namely Helena. However, if he
believes Helena takes a liking to male player Characters, he
can become very jealous and be easily prompted to violence.
Unless the player Characters can do something for him, he is
not interested in making their acquaintance.

6 The Book of Bandits

Sverre is a lackadaisical young man with a bad attitude.
His head is bald partially from a huge scar, but he keeps it
otherwise shaved. He is unkept and ugly, and has a pungent
smell of body odor. He enjoys the comradery of fellow killers
and thieves, but is off-put by Helena and does not like her
kindness. This puts him at odds with Marnix and Adalbert
at times.

He enjoys the thrill of a good fight and actively tries to

instigate conflict whenever he can. Sverre keeps a secret stash
of coin near his camp; he acts strangely when people seem to
be around where it is hidden. The man seems to have a thing
for the orc Hatchet which some of the other gang members
find odd at best.

Qualities: Bloodthirsty, Aggressive, Rude, Lackadaisical,

Ugly, Protective: Self, Sexual Interest: Hatchet, Friendship:
Big Jack, Friendship: Hatchet, Dislike: Helena.

Size 1 Human
Perception 8 (-2)
PC Interaction
Defense 14 (hard leather); Health 12
Strength 10, Agility 12 (+2), Intellect 8 (-2), Will 11 (+1)
Speed 10 Sverre is a stereotypical bandit. He is gruff, rude, and anti-
social. Player Characters that engage him will not be welcomed
over for a chat, but instead they may hear some harsh words.
Sickle & Chain (Melee +2, Grapple, Thrown (Range Short))
+2 (1d6) Sverre may attempt to goad the player Characters into a fight
Pull ‘em In (May pull anyone struck by Grapple into melee so that he can try to rob them and potentially end their lives.
range with an action that requires a successful Strength
challenge roll)

2d20 hidden gold coins.

Combat Tactics
Sverre enjoys trapping opponents and allowing his fellow
bandits to dogpile on those he’s ensnared. Once they are
close, he will turn the sickle on those he’s trapped. Sverre
is not adept at standing toe-to-toe and will attempt to gain
distance and trap targets before engaging with them.

7 The Book of Bandits

The man known as Fredrick is lanky and tall. His dark bushy
hair and beard are covered in dirt and grime from the road.
The man serves as a hunter, guide, and scout. He is integral to
the group in keeping them fed when times are lean. Fredrick
is a new to the life of a bandit, as he was forced to flee his
home for poaching the local lord’s deer.

Fredrick enjoys keeping to himself and simply doing his job.

He feels uncomfortable around people, including some of
those he has taken up with including Big Jack and Hatchet.
The good thing about this life is the freedom it grants him,
and the safety in numbers. However, even the few bandits
around seems too much, and he is considering striking out on
his own when he gets enough coin to do so.

Qualities: Agile, Huntsman, Rebellious, Love of Outdoors,

Fear: Hatchet, Fear: Big Jack, Loner.

Size 1 Human
Perception 10
Defense 14 (soft leather); Health 12 Combat Tactics
Strength 11 (+1), Agility 13 (+3), Intellect 9 (-1), Will 9 (-1)
Speed 10
The Hunter keeps his distance in any fight and tries to pick off
ATTACK OPTIONS opponents from long range. He is happy to sneak to a position
Longbow (long range) +3 (1d6 +1, or 2d6 +1 against a
surprised target)
where he can do so and will fire at the target that looks the
Skinning Knife +1 (1d3) most imposing. This strategy works well for he and the group
as injuring those that pose the biggest threat is helpful when
the others close into melee range.
Like the Back of My Hand (Frederik gains 2 boons and 2
speed when acting to flee pursuers into or through the
wilderness. These boons apply to any non-combat rolls to
escape his pursuers.)
PC Interaction
Survival gear
The Hunter keeps his distance in any fight and tries to pick off
opponents from long range. He is happy to sneak to a position
where he can do so and will fire at the target that looks the
most imposing. This strategy works well for he and the group
as injuring those that pose the biggest threat is helpful when
the others close into melee range.

Fredrick is not comfortable with others, and will shy away

from most conversation. He will be polite and courteous but
will attempt to withdraw from most conversations quickly.
However, if player Characters bring up subjects related to
the outdoors, Fredrick will engage in chatter about various
aspects of nature with pleasure.

8 The Book of Bandits

Ashlid is a practical middle-aged woman with long braided
hair and a dirty face. She is thick and strong, but still light
on her feet. Years on the road has taught her practicality,
but it has also soured her mood. She finds Helena’s naivete
revolting, and is one of the first to dismiss any input the
younger woman has.

“People die so that we can live,” is her favorite saying. Ashlid

falls into the camp of those that realize that banditry is tough
business and not for the light hearted of squeamish. It isn’t
that she likes doing the things she does, but those things keep
her fed. She sees this as a vocation like any other.

Qualities: Gruff, Stocky, Strong, Agile, Emotionally Stunted,

Protective: Self, Lack of Empathy, Survivor.

Size 1 Human
Perception 10
Defense 17 (mail, large shield); Health 20
Strength 12 (+2), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 10 , Will 11 (+1)
Speed 10


Sword (melee) +2 with 2 boons (1d6 +2)

The middle-aged woman lacks empathy or emotion, but that
A road back with basic gear.
does not stop her from socializing. She will freely talk with
any player Character, but she does not become convinced
Combat Tactics by any stance the characters might take. She will never be
swayed against her duty and life. Ashlid knows one day she
will die while performing her job, but she does her best to
Ashlid is not afraid to get into the thick of things in battle. make sure it is not this day.
She rushes forward and attacks as the vanguard of the assault.
She is not afraid to kill and will do so without hesitation. This
is her job, and a job she does well. The veteran will stop at
nothing to get what she is owed, and in her mind that is all her
victim’s belongings. She knows how to pick her targets, and
has get to taste more than momentary defeat.

9 The Book of Bandits

Lis a dainty woman with long brown hair and a narrow face.
Some people say she has ‘dead eyes’. Despite her appearance
she will fight to the death if needed. Lis grew up on a farm
before her family was killed by beastmen and she was forced
to fight for her life. She survived, but just barely. Now she
lives the life of a bandit and is resigned to her fate. Lis will do
anything she can to survive, and that includes stealing and
killing. Maybe one day she will have enough to repair her
family farm and leave his life behind.

Qualities: Stubborn, Vicious, Regretful, Dream: Reclaim the

Farm, Dislike: Self, Farmer, Sexual Interest: Human Males.

Size 1 Human
Perception 9 (-1)
Defense 14 (brigandine, small shield); Health 16
Strength 11 (+1), Agility 10, Intellect 9 (-1) , Will 11 (+1)
Speed 10

Club (melee) +1 (1d6)
Bow (long range) +0 (1d6+1) Combat Tactics
Please, I’ll Tell You Anything! When Lis becomes wounded Lis will attack so long as there is another to back her up.
she must make a will challenge roll with 2 banes. On a
failure she drop her weapon and surrender. Any challenge She will never go off on her own or put herself on the line
rolls or attack rolls targeting her gain 2 boons hereafter. needlessly. If backed into a corner she can be made to
surrender and plead for mercy, but she also could fight back.
Memorabilia of her family.

PC Interaction

Lis never smiles or makes direct eye contact. She is awkward

and seems shy. Lis will ask characters if she can go with them,
somehow hoping for a savior to whisk her away from all of
this. It does not take long to realize she is mentally scarred
from the challenges of her childhood. Otherwise, Lis is mal-
leable, and is very agreeable to anything that would provide
her safety from the road or the monsters that hide nearby.

10 The Book of Bandits

Jarlath is a powerfully built faun with a dense, tawny coat of
fur. His hair is cut mid-shoulder along with his wispy beard.
Despite his strong build Jarlath is far too much of a coward to
actually risk his life. He is happy to let others take risks while
he intimidates from behind. Unbeknownst to others, Jarlath
is a serial killer. He has only recently been driven away from
town after the guard began to patrol more heavily.

While the others think little of him, Jarlath is actually a cun-

ning individual. He has weeded his way into the bandit group
in order to steal everything they have. He knows of Sverre’s
stash, and has been hoarding his own skimmed from the
group’s looting. He secretly plans to instigate a fight between
Big Jack and Adalbert so that he can slip away in the conflict.
Jarlath is always out for himself, and will do just about any-
thing to survive.

Qualities: Strong Build, Sneaky, Coward, Traitor, Honorless,

Murderer, Sexual Interest: Humanoid, Thief, Silver Tongue


Size 1 Faun
Perception 13 (3), shadowsight Jarlath will rarely engage with any enemy directly. He stands
Defense 10; Health 10
Strength 12 (+2), Agility 10, Intellect 12 (+2) , Will 7 (-3) tall and acts intimidating, and attempts to get his way by
Speed 13 breaking a person’s will. But when combat comes along, he
does very little to help the group. The others know this and
try to leverage the Faun as an alien creature of the wood when
Mace (melee) +2 (1d6)
they want to avoid bloodshed and still get their way.
Quick Step (Terrible Beauty), Skittish (Terrible Beauty)
PC Interaction
Cut and Run (Jarlath swings his mace aggressively to push Contact with Jarlath is never pleasant. If he believes it safe
back his enemy and grant himself an opportunity to
escape. He makes an attack roll targeting Agility. If he to do so, he will try to get a lone player Character isolated
is successful he then moves up to half of his movement and attempt to murder them. He will do so in any way that is
without triggering attacks. This attack deals no damage.)
easiest. He steals their gear afterward if successful. Otherwise
Like the Back of My Hand (Jarlath gains 2 boons and 2 he simply hulks over them and will act as if he’s a danger at all
speed when acting to flee pursuers into or through the
wilderness. These boons apply to any non-combat rolls to times, playing the role of an enforcer and intimidator.
escape his pursuers.)


Please, I’ll Tell You Anything! When Lis becomes wounded

she must make a will challenge roll with 2 banes. On a
failure she drop her weapon and surrender. Any challenge
rolls or attack rolls targeting her gain 2 boons hereafter.

1d20 in stolen silver loot.

11 The Book of Bandits

Hatchet is a female orc in her late teens. She is incredibly
lithe for an orc, bearing clear signs of previous emaciation
and a swath of scars across her entire body. Despite this her
eyes burn with determination and pride.

She was trained as a soldier, but attempted desertion so many

times that she endured extreme abuse and was intended for
execution before Big Jack saved her life. The two of them
escaped their “owners” and now kill as they please and take
what they wish. Hatchet firmly believes she owes Big Jack her
life, and will repay that debt in the end.

Qualities: Off-putting, Lithe, Scarred, Prideful, Less than

Attractive, Iron WIll, Killer, Sexual Interest: Big Jack, Sexual
Interest: Sverre, Protective: Big Jack.

Size 1 Orc
Perception 10
Defense 13; Health 18
Strength 11 (+1), Agility 13 (+3), Intellect 10, Will 9 (-1)
Speed 12


Long Knife (melee) +3 (2d6), 1 boon
Hatchet is not afraid to get her hands dirty and will happily
EQUIPMENT fight toe-to-toe. If Big Jack is threatened, she will immediately
Nothing of importance. come to his aid with rabid ferocity.

PC Interaction
The orc is untrusting to newcomers and wary to even those
she knows well. The lifetime of torture has proven to sour her
mood to others and causes her to remain mostly quiet and
slow to speak. She will not hesitate to act with violence, but
refuses to participate in any sort of torture.

12 The Book of Bandits

Big Jack
Big Jack is a male orc in his early twenties. His head is a
mangled mess, missing the right ear, part of his nose, and
only a scarred mess for a scalp which is bereft of hair. His
strength is not to be underestimated, and despite a brutish
demeanor he hides a fearsome cunning.

Big Jack served for a long time as a soldier before he witnessed

firsthand that he and his fellows were merely expendable
pawns. During an attack on his base he took the opportunity
to kill his way out, saving Hatchet as he went. Since then
he has done as he pleased and enjoyed his freedom. Now
that freedom is threatened by a foolish human once again.
Adalbert and his sister could be the end of Big Jack and the
rest of the band. The humans are too weak in his eyes. It’s
about time he takes over. He plans to kill Adalbert when the
time is right and take leadership, whether the others like it
or not.

Qualities: Powerful Build, Experienced Soldier, Sadistic,

Rebel, Protective: Self, Cunning, Hate: Humans, Love:
Combat Tactics
BIG JACK DIFFICULTY 25 Big Jack attacks as a berserker might. He presses forth with no
Size 1 Orc hesitation or mindfulness of anything other than slaughter.
Perception 9 (-1) He will wade into difficult odds in order to shed as much
Defense 15 (mail) ; Health 30 blood as possible. There is no retreat or quarter given when
Strength 14 (+4), Agility 9 (-1), Intellect 9 (-1), Will 10
Speed 10 the orc gets a taste of blood.

Greataxe (melee) +4 (3d6) PC Interaction
Nothing of importance. As long as you are not a human, then Jack gives you the bene-
fit of the doubt. He feels most other creatures have been per-
secuted, and so is willing to recruit them in their fight against
the yoke of the Empire. He has begrudgingly taken up with a
few humans, but some of them have gained his ire.

13 The Book of Bandits

Encounter Scenarios
The following are scenarios that can be used to interact with If Lis escapes, the man who called the guard will explain that
the gang of bandits described in this book. These are simple he had a run in with the bandits and that thinks one of them
ideas that can be used, but the Game Master should feel free named Helena allowed him to survive. She “kindly” offered
to change or alter any as they see fit. to let him live if he handed over all but his clothing. If asked
he will explain where he thinks the camp is, and that no one
considers them enough of a problem to do anything about it.
Supplies From here the players could approach the bandits peaceful-
ly or with the intent of ambush. It is advised the players are
warned of the bandits’ skill and danger in character. Should
Lis came into a town near the bandit’s camp to procure
the players find the bandits camp, they find that Helena, Lis,
supplies. Due to the group being known and wanted she is
and Sverre are tending the camp while the others scout.
under the cover of a hooded cloak. She quickly rushes through
her purchases before she can be recognized. However, she
stumbles into one of the player characters.
Dead Weight
Her goods, primarily food and camping supplies, spill from
her tattered pack onto the street. This is a good opportunity
While the player Characters are traveling the road they come
for the players and Lis to speak, building sympathy for her
across Helena, unconscious and wounded. Shortly before the
seemingly fearful behavior.
player Characters arrival the bandits tried to attack a supply
wagon, and failed terribly when they refused Helena’s offer.
Soon a local spots Lis’ face and begins to call the guard. Lis
In the ensuing battle, Helena was struck with a crossbow bolt
flees quickly unless stopped by the group and handed to the
to the neck. It seems the bandits assumed her dead, and fled
guard or otherwise delayed. If pressed she will admit to her
back to their camp. Despite all odds Helena did not bleed out,
crimes and reveal the location of the bandits. The guards do
and although it hurts to speak, she is very much alive.
not want to leave town to deal with them and offer the group
a bounty determined by the Game Master.

14 The Book of Bandits

She will happily explain her plight to the group. She beseeches
them to help her convince her brother to leave the bandits
behind, and perhaps even join the player Characters on their
journey. She has little to offer aside from her family signet
ring, which is worth some decent coin to the right buyer.

This scenario depends heavily on the group’s sympathy but

can easily be turned around for more vicious players by
reminding one of them that they recently heard of a bounty
for any bandits in the area. Likewise, the player Characters
could even be convinced to join the bandits in their next

Should the player Characters head to the bandit camp

promptly, they will find Lis, Marnix, and Adalbert arguing.
The rest of the bandit group have gone to secure dinner.
Marnix is furious, blaming Adalbert for Helena’s death.
Adalbert argues that Helena was dead weight. The group is
noticed shortly after Helena hears this.

The Faun's Plan The Injured Maid

Jarlath has been seeking a good opportunity to divide the The trail is a dangerous place, and the player Characters soon
group and escape with both his and Sverre’s stashes. While find this out the hard way. The bandits are waiting on the
carousing with a hood up he encounters the players and side of the road, all except Helena. In the middle of trail is a
beseeches them to help him escape the bandits that have small cart that’s been tipped over. Helena feigns injure and
“Forced me into service”. He explains that he managed to confusion as she rests near the cart as the player Characters
hide some coin, and that he is willing to split it if they will arrive. She is set to play the beautiful maid in distress, and
help him. His plan is for the players to ambush the camp, will try to woo the player Characters into dropping their
taking out Helena and Marnix, who he describes as being guard. She states the bandits have come and gone, but has
the most dangerous and troublesome. He will then slip away stolen away with her brother and all of their wealth.
during the battle and meet the players back at the tavern to
split the prize. In truth, Helena attempts to slip the player Characters a
message that they are in danger and they are surrounded. The
Of course, all of this is a lie. To make the player Characters player Characters must make a Perception challenge roll with
trust him more, he even offers a gold coin up front before 2 boons in order to spot her very subtle attempts to pass them
he leaves in a hurry. Shortly after his escape and before the the letter. They must read the letter in secret, and if they make
players leave the man next to them argues with the bartender obvious gestures to the note the bandits attack immediately.
over the fact that someone picked his pocket and took his only They may do so in secret with a successful Agility challenge
gold coin, leaving him unable to pay up his tab as promised. roll.
Jarlath is responsible.
The note simply tells them of the danger, and indicates she
If the players go along with Jarlath’s plan, he will attempt to wants to be saved from the bandits. The letter does not go into
escape in the confusion. He has no intention of ever splitting detail as to how she’s mixed up with them in the first place.
his hoard with the players, and will flee any pursuit. When The player Characters may then do as they will as the choice
the players arrive at the camp it is rather quiet, as Jarlath is totally up to them.
promised. Adalbert and Big Jack both sleep, and Helena sits
with Ashild at the campfire. Frederik is out scouting the roads If the player Characters do not see the note, they can sus
for activity and Sverre is in a tent with Hatchet. Lis spends out that Helena is lying with a successful Will challenge roll
her time in the meanwhile whittling a small piece of bone in with one bane. They can spot the bandits with a successful
silent contemplation. Perception skill check with 3 banes. Eventually, the bandits
will come streaming from the trees, no matter what the player
Characters do. The only question is how prepared they will
be when the attack comes.

15 The Book of Bandits

Bandit Adversaries
Bandits wait in ambush along the highways and skulk along
wooded trails. You may never know when they will seek to KNAVE DIFFICULTY 1
take your coin and life. Here are new bandit adversaries you Size 1/2 or 1 Human
can use to harry and hinder your players. Perception 12 (+2)
Defense 11 (soft leather); Health 14
Strength 10, Agility 10, Intellect 12 (+2) , Will 8 (-2)
Speed 10


Club (melee) +0 (1d6)

Knaves tend to fill out the ranks of bandits near a town. They DISADVANTAGE
are the go between for those of their band that cannot enter Please, I’ll Tell You Anything! When the Knave becomes
wounded she must make a will challenge roll with 2 banes.
due to bounties. They are often seen carousing and extorting On a failure she drop her weapon and surrender. Any
around town. Intimidation aside, Knaves are low in the challenge rolls or attack rolls targeting her gain 2 boons
ranks, and as a result they are often willing to give up a lot
of information about their conspirators in exchange for their EQUIPMENT
lives. Club, Soft Leather, 1d6 copper coins

16 The Book of Bandits

Highwayman Mace (melee) +1 (1d6), 1 boon

Much akin to a brigand, the Highwayman specializes in Instill Doubt When a creature within short range of the
robbing fearful travelers. When they encounter someone less apostate makes a challenge roll or an attack roll, the
acolyte can use a triggered action to grant 1 bane to the
willing to hand over coin, they take what they may before triggering roll.
fleeing into the forest with their prize. Marked Apostates possess 1d3-1 marks of darkness.(The GM
may roll or choose these marks.)

No Gods, No Masters - The Apostate makes all Will

HIGHWAYMAN DIFFICULTY 10 challenge rolls with 2 boons and anyone targeting their
Will, social or otherwise, does so with 2 banes.
Size 1/2 or 1 Human
Perception 13 (+3) Life: minor healing (4), cure (2), vitality burst (1)
Defense 15 (hard leather); Health 20 Theurgy: denounce (4), blessing (2)
Strength 11 (+1), Agility 13 (+3), Intellect 11 (+1) , Will 9 (-1) Forbidden: harm (4), desire’s end (1)
Speed 12
Mace and mail.
Sword (melee) +2 (2d6)

I’ll Take That! (Attack) The Highwayman makes a cut
towards the target’s pockets, pack, or coin purse. The
Highwayman makes an attack targeting Defense and one
Brigand Warlord
bane. If they succeed then the target loses 1d12 coins or
1d3 small items of the GM’s choice. This attack deals no Truly fearsome to behold is a brigand who has survived the
damage. countless bounty collectors that come for them. Brigand
Cut and Run (The Highwayman swings his sword Warlords are a cut well above the rest. Either through sheer
aggressively to push back his enemy and grant himself an
opportunity to escape. He makes an attack roll targeting
skill or luck, they have acquired a prowess and reputation
Agility. If he is successful he then moves up to half of his beyond which common bandits even dream. Their fearsome
movement without triggering attacks. This attack deals no
reputation and mien can inspire dread in even seasoned
adventurers, and their longsword makes for a dervish of steel
Like the Back of My Hand (The Highwayman gains 2 boons
and 2 speed when acting to flee pursuers into or through
few can get past.
the wilderness. These boons apply to any non-combat
rolls to escape his pursuers.)
EQUIPMENT Size 1/2 or 1 Human
Sword, Hard Leather, 3d6 copper coins
Perception 12 (+2)
Defense 18 (full plate); Health 60
Strength 16 (+6), Agility 13 (+3), Intellect 11 (+1) , Will 12 (+2)
Speed 10
Longsword (melee) +6 (1d6), 3 boons
Those that lose faith and renounce their religion often fall far.
Bandits are always eager to recruit such individuals for their
Shadowed The Brigand Warlord possesses 1d3 marks of
ability to support them. Although apostates have lost their darkness.(The GM may roll or choose these marks.)
faith some find that the magics they learned often function
Fearsome Presence Any creature that can see the Brigand
just as well. Worse still, many take up the very magics they Warlord must make a will challenge roll with 2 banes.. If
once found so wretched in the service of banditry. Apostates they fail then they become frightened for 1d6+1 rounds.
This ability automatically triggers any time that the
are presumed to be of The New God religion. The spells they Brigand Warlord gets 20+ on an attack roll that beats the
possess can easily be swapped out to suit any other religion at target by at least 5.
the GM’s discretion. Lay Waste Once per combat, the Brigand Warlord makes an
attack roll with his Longsword targeting all enemies within
2m. On success, all enemies may make an agility challenge
APOSTATE DIFFICULTY 25 roll for half damage. This attack deals 5d6 instead of
normal longsword damage.
Size 1/2 or 1 Human
Defensive Tactics Anyone targeting the Brigand Warlord
Perception 10 with the Feint, Distract, Disarm, or Knockdown attacks
Defense 15 (mail); Health 30 must do so with 2 banes.
Strength 11 (+1), Agility 9 (-1), Intellect 12 (+2) , Will 13 (+3)
Speed 10, Power 3 EQUIPMENT
Longsword, Full Plate, 1d20 gold coins.

17 The Book of Bandits

New Items
Bandits may have different items than many others as they
rob and steal from everyone and anyone. Grace and Folly
Longsword This is actually a pair of enchanted weapons. The primary
blade is a Duelist’s Rapier called Grace. Its blade is as dark
as night and its hilt seems to be of gold, inlaid with red gems.
Longsword: 2d6, Finesse, Req Str 11 AND Agi 11 or The companion is Folly, a Parrying Dagger of inverted style.
Cumbersome, Two Hands (Can be wielded in 1 hand without
cumbersome if the wielder has 13+ Str and 11+ Agi.) The blades grant their wielder 1 boon to all attack rolls when
used alone. When used as a pair the wielder still gains 1 boon
to all attack rolls, but also gains 2 defense (on top of the +1
Sickle & Chain from Folly. As a triggered action while wielding the blades
as a Pair, the wielder may also make an agility challenge roll
Sickle and Chain- 1d6, Grapple, Reach +2, Thrown (Range with 2 banes whenever an attacker fails to hit their defense
Short), Clumsy. (The sickle can be pulled in after a throw for with a melee weapon. On a success, they deal 1d6 damage to
the target.
1 action.)
The pair are exceptionally light in hand, and give the wielder
Parrying Dagger a sense of pride and confidence. Anyone wielding the pair
makes Will challenge rolls with 6 Banes to deny a duel or
other test of skill with the pair.
Parrying Dagger- 1d3, Defensive +1, Finesse

18 The Book of Bandits

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