Naked Doom

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Here are all the covers

for the solitaire adventures

published by Flying
Buffalo. Many of these are
still available, while others
are out of print. Our plan is
to get all of them updated
and published once again.
You can also get PDFs of
many of these from
Solo 0: (For 1st edition T&T) Solo 1: Buffalo Castle Solo 2: Deathtrap Equalizer

Solo 3: Labyrinth Solo 4: Naked Doom Solo 5: Dargon’s Dungeon Solo 6: Weirdworld

Solo 7: Overkill Solo 8: Beyond the Silvered Pane Solo 9: City of Terrors Solo 10: Sorcerer’s Solitaire

Solo 11: Sword for Hire Solo 12: Arena of Khazan Solo 13: Sewers of Oblivion Solo 14: Sea of Mystery
Solo 15: Blue Frog Tavern Solo 16: Misty Wood Solo 17: Gamesmen of Kasar Solo 18:Beyond the Wall of Tears

Solo 19: Captif d’Yvoire Solo 20: Amulet of the Salkti Solo 21: Red Circle Limited Edition: Elven Lords

Solo 22: Caravan to Tiern Solo 23: Dark Temple Solo 24: When the Cat’s Away Solo 25: Adventurer’s Compendium

Solo 26: Goblin Lake Solo 27: Agent of Death Solo 28: Grimtina’s Guard Solo 29: T&T Adventurers Japan
Solo 4

A solitaire adventure for:

Also compatible with

older editions of T&T

Written by
Ken St. Andre

Cover by:
Brian Talbot

Interior Art by:

Rob Carver, Liz Danforth
& Steven S. Crompton

Graphics & Layout

Steven S. Crompton

Published by
Flying Buffalo Inc.

Revised and Expanded in 2017 from the 1977 solitaire adventure
Solo Number 4

Copyright © 2017 Ken St Andre

Original Copyright © 1977 Ken St Andre
New art Copyright © 2017 Liz Danforth & Steve Crompton
All other art & materials © 1977-2017 Flying Buffalo

Special thanks to Liz Danforth and David Reid for allowing

us to use the new Naked Doom art Liz created for the
T&T Phone App version of Naked Doom.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or

by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording
or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN: 0-0940244047
13 digit conversion: 978-0940244047
Product #: FBI-8104
First Printing July 2017

Published by Flying Buffalo Inc.

P.O. Box 8467, Scottsdale, AZ 85252
T his is the fourth in a series of programmed
dungeons from Flying Buffalo. It was cre-
ated for the benefit of unfortunate people who
of death and survive should be bonafide heroes, and
there are some truly nifty items inside that I would
dearly love to have for my own characters.
don’t have friends handy at the moment to play
In order to play this game you will need paper, pencil,
TUNNELS & TROLLS. It consists of several
several ordinary 6-sided dice, the rules to TUNNELS
pages with about four paragraphs on each page.
& TROLLS, and maybe the DEATHTRAP EQUAL-
Each paragraph presents a situation with one or IZER DUNGEON (there is one place where you can
more alternatives of what to do. You make your exit directly from NAKED DOOM to DED if you
choices, and the text refers you to a new loca- have DED). It will also help to have a lot of cour-
tion to see what happened. age! You can run Dwarves, Elves, Hobbs, or Humans
in NAKED DOOM as long as they have no magical
NAKED DOOM is not meant to be read like a powers. Non-humanoid characters like Centaurs and
book. For maximum enjoyment you should only Trolls wouldn’t logically get sent in, so forget them.
read the paragraphs you are instructed to read, and You should start with first or second level characters
only when you are instructed to read them. If you who know no magic. If you are playing Deluxe T
play by this rule, you should be able to run 10 or & T, your character would also have 1 or 2 Talents-
more characters through the dungeon without ex- -special skills that help make it unique. You may
hausting all the possibilities. After you have played choose one Talent per character level. Each Talent
many times in this dungeon, you should know all will add +3 to your die roll when attempting to make
the possible combinations as well as I do, but it can a saving roll, but only if the Talent logically applies
still remain an interesting way of using 15 minutes to the situation. For example, using your Persuasion
or so if you randomly decide which of the choices Talent to help make a Charisma saving throw makes
to take for the characters you send in. perfect sense. Using it to help jump across a chasm
of molten lava using Strength makes no sense, and is
One thing that is very poor sportsmanship is to find disallowed. Good Talents to choose for this adven-
out where all the good things in the dungeon are, ture include: Persuasion, Agility, Acrobatics, Stealth,
then run dozens of characters through and collect or perhaps you can think of something else you’d
the best treasures over and over. However, if you like to be good at.
do not play fairly in programmed dungeons like
these, you will primarily be cheating yourself. Note: dT&T allows you to increase attributes by
spending adventure points. To raise an attribute’s
When I first designed the DEATHTRAP EQUALIZ- value by 1 point you must spend ten times that attri-
ER DUNGEON I thought it would be tough, but re- bute number in adventure points. Once the points are
ally it is a pushover. There are too many situations spent, they are gone forever. In NAKED DOOM you
in DED where you can walk in, do nothing, and may spend adventure points in any paragraph that
walk out again better than when you started. This awards you points for accomplishing something. Ex-
dungeon is not that way at all. I admit it at the be- ample: you slay a troll and get 100 adventure points.
ginning: I am honestly trying to kill your first-level You have a DEX of 9 and wish to raise it by a point.
characters when they go into this dungeon, and I Spend 90 of your 100 points and bring the attribute
think I have a good chance of getting them right from 9 to 10. Unspent adventure points accumulate
at the start. This is a very tough dungeon. To com- to be spent later.
pensate for that, I have made it very high-paying in
terms of money and magic to take out if you play Now: if you are ready, turn to the Prologue on the
well and survive. Characters who run this gauntlet next page.
NAKED DOOM isn’t the official name, of
course. In the Books of Justice, it is listed as the
Royal Khazan Gauntlet of Criminal Retribution
and Rehabilitation. You can see why everyone
calls it NAKED DOOM. Officially, it was built
as a testing maze for potential heroes. But not
enough heroes ever came out of it to make it
worthwhile, so the city justice department took
over. It has been very effective in disposing of
unwanted prisoners.
There have been survivors. Twice the relief has
arrived at the exit to find the garrison all slain.
Five times men have emerged and jumped at the
chance to join an elite unit of the Khazan army.
No one except the wizard who built the dungeon
knows what happened to the several hundred
other men and women who have been sent there
to die.

Picture this: your character, a person who knows

no magic, is taken under heavy guard down into
the catacombs beneath the Khazan Courthouse,
where you are stripped of your clothing (and of
course all jewelry, amulets, and other devices
T hey caught you. I don’t know what your crime
was, whether you were defacing pictures of
you might have once owned). You are told that if
you can make it successfully through the series
the Empress, or spitting on the sidewalk, or run- of tunnels and caves that lie ahead, you will es-
ning away with old ladies’ purses, or defaulting cape with your life, and perhaps treasure. None
on your tab at the local tavern, or skinning cats of your guards has ever been inside past the first
on a Holy Day. But whatever it was, you are in turn, so they cannot tell you what dangers to ex-
trouble now, because the city of Khazan does pect — only that less than one man in ten comes
not believe in coddling criminals. In fact, they of out alive.
Khazan have a very interesting method of deal-
ing with petty criminals and minor malefactors. Two of your guards begin stringing self bows
If you know any magical spells, they call in the and selecting their best arrows — arrows whose
city wizards and mind-blast you into idiocy; then points are darkly stained. An iron gateway is
you are sent out to work in the potato fields for swung open. The archers step through and then
the rest of your life. If you do not have magical you are roughly heaved through the portal. You
knowledge or powers, they give you your choice see a stone corridor about 10 feet wide and 10
of death by torture, or of going into the NAKED feet high, stretching in a straight line for a hun-
DOOM dungeon.

dred feet before it abruptly turns. A few torches for you, you take off at top speed.
throw a flickering light along its length.
Turn to 1. Read, make your choices, and follow
The captain of the guards points a stern finger the instructions given. Good luck.
and says, “Run, dog!” If you know what is good

Run, dog!

1: The bowmen behind you are both excel-

lent shots. They could easily hit you if you
4: You find yourself in a very large cavern.
Sunlight is coming in from someplace high
ran in a straight line. You will have to run fast overhead, but you don’t see the source, and the
and dodge well to escape. If you already have walls are slick with moisture: quite unclimbable.
a SPEED rating, you must make two first-level As you wander around exploring the place, you
saving rolls: one on speed and one on luck (20 hear what sounds like a woman’s voice speak-
— rating). If you do not have a speed rating, fig- ing a language that you don’t know. It is get-
ure it now by rolling three 6-sided dice (3d6) and ting louder, and she seems to be coming in your
taking the total. Then proceed as stated above. direction. Now you start to hear another voice
If you make both saving rolls, go to 49. If you answering her, a deeper, quieter, more guttural
miss one or both, go to 2. voice. Evidently she is not alone. If you wish to
wait and meet this strange woman, go to 21. If

2: For each saving roll you missed, you were

hit in the back with one arrow. Each arrow
you decide to avoid the encounter, there is a path
that leads between two large pieces of fallen
stone, and you can run down that to 33. If you
that hits you takes 10 off your CON. Further-
more, they were poisoned. Every time you are decide to hide behind one of the boulder-sized
asked to make a saving roll of any kind, take off chunks of rock and watch in secret, to to 45.
1 more point of CON. If you are now dead, You
have met your Doom.. If you still live, despite
having arrows in your back, you may crawl to
5: You fell short and dropped to a fiery doom.
You have met your Doom...
safety around the corner. Go to 49.

6: Make your saving roll on IQ (20 — IQ).

3: Suddenly a small filthy naked rock troll

leaps out on you, and you must fight for
If you make it, go to 43. If you miss the
saving roll, then you don’t notice anything un-
usual. Go to 28.
your life! The troll has a monster rating of 30,
it gets 4d6 and 15 adds. You get 1d6 times your
strength multiplier and what-
ever your adds are. The
rock troll has a consti-
7: For the first combat turn he
fights you alone. On the second
combat turn two of his fellows join
tution of 30. As the him, and after that two more men
troll’s CON/MR goes join the fight every combat turn until
down, it will get less either you are dead, or all the guards
combat adds, but it al- are in the fight. All other fighters have
ways rolls at least 4D6. swords and shields, and they are all
Fight until one of wearing mail. They each get 3 dice
you is slain. If you die, and 10 adds. They can take 10 hits
You have met your per combat turn on their armor. You
Doom.. If the troll dies, must kill them all to survive. If they
go to 37. kill you, you have met your Doom..
If you slay them all, go to 68.


8: You can plunder the guard room. There is

food, drink, clothing, mail, shields, weap-
ons of all classes. Randomize 3 times for trea-
sure on page 27, but there will be nothing magi-
cal here. There are horses in the barn outside.
You get 5000 adventure points for surviving
and conquering the NAKED DOOM dungeon,
along with adventure points for saving rolls, and
any foes you have conquered. You are no longer well, he was ugly anyway...

naked or doomed. You may spend your adven-

ture points and increase your attributes now, and
you are totally free to do what you want. When
11: You feel a sharp pain and an impact that
knocks you off your feet. The goblin
threw his spear, and it hit you in the back doing
you have done all that, then go to 67.
3d6 + 14 points of damage. If that reduced your
CON to zero or less, you are dead or dying--
You have met your Doom.. Your foes will not
heal you, and there is no one else. If you are not
dead, and still have a CON of 5 or more, then
you stagger on with the spear in your back and
escape to 52. You have gained a 3d6 spear. If
you survived, but your CON is now between 1
and 4 points, you passed out--go to 35.

12: You are down and your foes think you

are dead. They will leave without mo-
lesting your body, or taking your stuff, unless
you have a metal weapon--that they will take. (if
your character is human, you are dead. End the
game. If your character is non-human, there is a
chance that you are only mostly dead, and will
recover. Make a L1SR on LK. (20-LK). If you

9: Make a L3SR on luck. If you made the

roll, your journey is uneventful. Go to 4.
make the saving roll, then you will wake up sore
and hungry, and your CON will be back at 3.
If you miss the saving roll, go to 102. After You are just barely strong enough to stagger on
winning your fight, go on to 4. through the caverns. Go to 4. If you encounter
the woman and her bodyguard again, it doesn’t

10: She looks at you scornfully. “You’re na-

ked! Get away from me, or I will have
happen--go instead to 102.

my bodyguard kill you!” The big goblin looks

eager to do just that. Embarrassment causes you 13: As you walk in this direction you notice
the air gets worse and worse, fouler and
to lose 1 point of CHR permanently. If you turn fouler. Make a first-level saving roll on IQ (20
and run away immediately, go to 33. If you’d — IQ). If you make it, go to 74. If not, go to 3.
rather fight the goblin, go to 70.


14: After walking for several hundred feet

(or staggering, if you are wounded), you
and thirsty. If you want to drink from Fountain 1,
go to 25. If you want to drink from Fountain 2,
come into a large natural grotto. The floor of this go to 86. If you prefer the third pool of slimy-
room is littered with human bones. There are 3 looking water, turn to 51. If you refuse to drink
pools of water, black and thick-looking. They are from any of them, go to 61.
too widely separated for you to reach more than
one of them at a time. The first has one skull by
it; the second has two skulls sitting nose-hole to 15: Try to make a first-level saving roll on
each attribute in order (20 — attribute).
nose-hole. The third has three skulls, with one If you miss all eight, go to 73. If you make even
stacked atop the other two. You are probably hot one saving roll, go instead to 26.


19: When you awake, you are alone and un-

harmed. You look around for the way
back to the grotto, but it has vanished. Instead,
you find a streak of yellow rock in the floor, and
a sign which reads “Follow the gold to the Pal-
ace of Delight.” There’s nothing else to do, so
you walk along the trail, which gets smoother
and brighter as you go. Finally you arrive at a
palace of shimmering white marble. A beautiful
scantily-clad houri (one of the beautiful maidens
that in dwell in paradise) is waiting to greet you.
16: A cloud of vampire bats rises out of
the chasm and begins to dive at you
She claps her hands, and you are no longer naked
— instead, you are dressed as a prince in the fin-
and attack. If you have a bamboo spear with est of jeweled silken robes. She leads you inside,
you, add 5 to your DEX to represent your abil- and introduces you to her six sisters, each more
ity to keep your balance and to drive back the gorgeous than the one before. Go to 79.
swooping mammals (this DEX raise is only
temporary, for the saving roll which follows
only!). Now make a first-level saving roll on
DEX and a saving roll on LK (20 — attribute).
If you make both saving rolls, go to 30. If you
missed either one of them, go to 64.

17: You get 124 adventure points for kill-

ing the Balrukh. All the goblins run
away from you in terror. Searching the room,
you find 10 gems. Randomize for them in
the jewels section of the treasure generator at
103. There is also a pouch to carry them in,
and you are able to make a crude belt for your-
self from a fragment of the Balrukh’s whip.
There is no clothing. You also find another
door leading out of the chamber. If you want to
try it, go to 65. If you’d prefer to retrace your
steps to the lava trench, go to 78 via 53. Do
not come back this way again.

18: Almost through the room, you find

a movable stone in the floor; there is
20: After killing the goblins, you discover to
your dismay that a stone block now seals
the rune for treasure carved in the stone. You off the way back to the lava trench. But you can
open it. To find out what treasure is there, go take a goblin dagger made of corroded bronze
to 103. If you get a magical treasure, go to that is worth 2d6 in combat, and use it as an extra
104 and roll 1d6 to see what magic treasure weapon. They do not have any treasure on them,
you have found. After collecting, go to 31. or any other useful items. You must go to 96.

21: A goblin comes around a large stalag-

mite in front of you. It is a large goblin, 25: Roll 1d6. If you roll 1 — 5 you find that
this fountain tastes sweet, but is deadly
fully four feet tall, with a pale green complex- poison. Subtract 20 from your constitution. If
ion. It is actually wearing a form of crude ar- you rolled a 6, the water was sweet indeed: you
mor that seems to be made mostly of bones and can now see in the dark — even total dark. If the
turtle shells, and he has a large knife in a sheathe water was poison and killed you, You have met
at his hip, and is carrying a crude stone-headed your Doom.. If you are still alive, go to 14 and
spear with a bamboo shaft. Seeing you the gob- make another choice.
lin stops abruptly and barks out a word of alarm,
but almost immediately a human woman comes
into view. She is scantily clad in a halter top and 26: If you made any of your saving rolls,
add 10 points to each attribute that you
loin cloth of some ragged brown cloth. There succeeded on. The sword remains stuck in the
is something strange about her eyes. When she wall. A deep voice booms, “Not entirely hope-
sees you, she stops and emits a short, chilling less!” if you wish to try for this sword again, go
laugh. “What?” she asks in fluent Khazni (the to 75. If you’d like to try for the Hero Sword, go
common language of Khazan). “Who are you, to 63. If you give up and head back, go to 49.
and what are you doing in my cavern?” If you
stay and answer politely, go to 57. If you see
the goblin and decide to attack it, go to 69. If 27: Near the spring you find a tunnel slant-
ing down into the floor with one runic
you decide that this isn’t safe, and wish to run word hacked into the rock nearby — OUT! If
away immediately, go to 33. you wish to follow this tunnel, go to 89. If you
change your mind and don’t want to leave now,
22: The woman shrieks with dismay when
you suddenly appear. “Kill it! Kill
then go to 100.

it!” she commands. Her big goblin bodyguard

doesn’t hesitate. He lunges at you with his spear.
If you decide to turn and run away, go to 46 If
you want to just try and fight the goblin, go to
70. If you’d like to try and dodge the first at-
tack and wrestle the spear away from the goblin,
go to 71.

23: You stop and pick up the spear. It is a

3d6 weapon. Looking behind, you see
your foe is backing away quickly with his eyes
on you. If you decide to let him go, then you will
both escape. You can go to 52. If you decide
to press your advantage and attack the goblin,
go to 47.

24: You laugh scornfully and advance with

murder in your eyes. Go to 83.
28: If you are immune to all poisons, go to
90. If you are not immune, go to 77.


29: The frog ring begins to glow and you

are magically transported into the
1000 adventure points for surviving NAKED
DOOM, and you may take your level bonuses
DEATHTRAP EQUALIZER DUNGEON. now. Eventually, your term of service will expire
Roll 3 dice, and go to the “A” paragraph for that or you will see a good chance to desert, and you
page number in DED. (If you do not have DED, are finally totally free. Your sordid criminal ca-
then the spell does not take effect. However, reer is a thing of the past. From now on you can
you may keep the ring — it is worth 10 gold spend your time robbing dungeons. Go to 67.
pieces. Go to 89 and make another choice).

33: You dash off between the two boulders

and run away as quickly as you can.
You soon leave that part of the cavern behind
and find yourself wandering through a great fun-
gus forest where the rocks are all covered with
lichen, the ground underfoot is a squishy mass of
decomposing plant material and mud, and great
pale toadstools taller than a man sprout out of
the mud all around you. As you wander around
exploring this place, roll 1d6 to see if you meet a
wandering monster. If you roll a 1, go to 102.
That will be a random encounter that will prob-
ably be a fight. If you survive the fight, or don’t
have a fight, then go to Paragraph 52.

30: You keep your balance and beat off

the bats long enough to reach the oth-
34: In a short, fierce battle, you finish off
er side of the chasm. You get 100 times the the goblin. When it is dead, you can
numbers you rolled as saving rolls in adven- loot the body if you wish. You will find a crude
ture points. Ahead of you is a lightless tunnel stone-tipped spear worth 3d6 in combat, an old
into which you must go. Go to 78. bronze dagger worth 2d6 in combat, a disgusting
loincloth you can use to cover your nakedness,
31: You come into a room that has a pur-
ple, orange, and blue (the royal colors
and some crude bone and shell body armor that
will provide 4 points of protection if you put it
of Khazan) tunic laid out on a couch. It is just
on. (Adjust your character quickly.) The wom-
your size and bears the national emblem of
an looks at you in fear and amazement. She has
Khazan in an embroidered design on the front.
never seen such a mighty warrior. “Don’t hurt
You may put it on if you wish. There is also
me,” she pleads. “I can help you.” A few mo-
one weapon in the room. To see what it is, go
ments ago, this woman was scornful and would
to 91.
have had you slain. Now she is at your mercy. If

32: You are safe. Your new comrades

demand that you share any treasure
you wish to try again to befriend her, go to 48
(The fact that you are not trying to harm her in
brought out of the tunnels. If you agree, di- any way will get her to overlook the fact that she
vide any monetary treasure you have by the feels no attraction to you at all.) If you tell her
number of men in the room. If you don’t agree that she is now your captive and had better obey
to share your loot, go to 44. You get another you if she knows what’s good for her, go to 83.


35: The goblin reclaims his spear and

leaves you for dead, but you are not 38: If you missed any of your saving rolls,
add 10 points to the attributes you
dead. Many hours later, you awaken, weak and missed. The sword remains stuck in the wall. A
in great pain, but still alive. You stagger to your deep voice chuckles, “Not really a hero.” If you
feet and continue to wander about. Eventually, wish to try for this sword again, go to 75. You
you find an oasis of sorts. Go to 52. no longer see the Hopeless Sword. If you don’t
want to try again, you will have to go back. Go

36: The goblin’s spear whooshes past you,

just missing, and clatters to the ground
to 49.

in front of you. If you wish to slow and pick it

up, go to 23 If you ignore the spear, and run 39: You are halfway across the chasm when
a cloud of vampire blood bats rises and
even harder, you will escape because the goblin attacks you. Before you can do anything to de-
hesitated when he saw that he missed you--go fend yourself, you are bitten by several of them.
to 52. If you are immune to poison, take 7 hits from
your constitution and go to 30. Otherwise you

37: You get 30 adventure points for killing

the troll. Going on down the tunnel for
feel a wave of nausea, grow dizzy, lose your
hold, and plummet to your death below. You
a long way, you finally come to a secret door have met your Doom..
(which is no secret on your side of the wall). If
you wish to go through, go to 4. If you want to
go back, go to 49 and make another choice. 40: Make your first level saving roll on
Strength (20 — ST). If you make it, go
to 76. If you miss the roll, go to 5.


41: To the left you find nothing, but around

a corner to the right, you come across 43: You notice that it is not nearly so misty
close to the floor as it is higher up in
an enormous jade idol of a frog. On the altar the room. You decide to squirm through on your
before it is a small bronze ring in the form of a stomach in case the mist is dangerous (good
frog biting its own hind legs. If you want to put guess!). If you are immune to poison you will be
it on, go to 29. If you decide to leave it alone, totally unhurt. If you are not immune, roll 1d6
go back to 89 and make another choice. and take that number of hits from your CON. If
you died, you have met your Doom.. If you still
live, go to 18.

42: You follow the tunnel for an hour and

then it ends in a wooden door. You
44: You have to fight them all. There is a tre-
open it to see a room full of silvery mist. If mendous battle. They each fight with a
you want to walk straight into this room for broadsword, and get 3d6 plus 10 adds in combat;
the exit that you can barely see across from they can take 7 hits on armor. They each have a
you, go to 29. If you want to study the room CON of 12 except for the leader, who has a CON
from the doorway first, go to 6. of 15. If they kill you, you have met your Doom..
If you kill them, go to 68.

45: As you watch from hiding a large gob-

lin armed with a spear and a knife and
wearing some crude armor made of bones and
turtle shell appears on the trail. Right behind him
comes an attractive dark-haired woman dressed
in ragged brown halter top and loin wrap. She is
talking to the goblin in its own language. Make
a L2SR on Luck (25-LK). If you make it, go to
81; if you fail, go to 93.

46: You flee with all your might. If you can

just make it past that column of rock
up ahead, you might escape. Make a L1SR on
Luck. (20-LK). If you make it, go to 36; if you
fail, go to 48.

47: The goblin turns and runs back to his

companion. If you follow him, you will
catch him just as he gets back to the woman in
brown — go to 58 If you choose to let him es-
cape, you will find yourself wandering through
the cavern again — go to 52.


48: Shyan takes a liking to you, and ex-

plains that she is a leader among the lo-
and eventually you suffocate under your own in-
flamed bulk. You have met your Doom... On the
cal goblins. She says she can help you on your other hand, if you make the saving roll, hope
way if you will promise to be a goblin friend and is in sight: multiply your strength, dexterity,
never harm her people. If you agree to become and charisma by 3. After drinking, you pass
a goblin friend, go to 59. If you’re not friendly, out. Go to 4.
go to 71.

49: You dodge the arrows and get safe-

ly around the corner. The tunnel here 52: After a while, you discover a large
warm spring. There are lots of frogs,
is much darker, but there is enough light from insects, and small fish in it. Many water plants
phosphorescent moss so that you can dimly see. grow in and around it. If you do not have a
The passage divides into 3 separate tunnels. If weapon make your first-level saving roll on IQ
you want to go to the left, go to 13. If you want (20 — IQ). If you make it, go now to 98. If you
to go up the middle, go to 14. If you want to go already have a weapon, or did not make your
right, go to 62. saving roll, read on. Hungry, you contrive to
capture several frogs, and you pick some wa-
50: As you start back for the grotto and
the spring, you’re jumped by 6 knife-
tercress which is sufficient to provide you with
a meal, although not a very appetizing one. You
wielding goblins who are angry that you’re know that a person could survive here in this
stealing their mushrooms. Each goblin has a cavern. If you want to stay here, and not try to
CON of 7 and a 2d6 knife (Total, 12 dice). If you get out, go to 100. But if you are determined to
kill them all, you may randomize for treasure on escape from these caverns, go to 27.
page 15, but they won’t have anything magical.
If they kill you, You have met your Doom. If
you’re still alive, go to 60.

51: This is the pool of

greatness. It tastes ter-
rible, but you can feel yourself
changing. A cold sweat breaks
out on your forehead, though —
roll a first-level saving roll on
your current CON to see if you
have an allergic reaction to ele-
ments in the water (this is not the
same thing as being poisoned).
If you miss the saving roll, your
skin turns cherry red, itches hor-
ribly, and swells to monstrous
proportions. Your heart labors,


53: The muffled drumming stops, but as

you continue to go down the passage-
58: “Stop fighting!” yells the woman.
“Don’t kill my servant, and I will help
way, the sniggering behind you grows louder. you.” If you listen to her and stop fighting, go
If you wish to go back and see what is follow- to 95 If you ignore her command and continue
ing you, go to 88. If you ignore it and go on, to fight, go to 24.
go to 96.

54: You have been transported into a magi- 59: You learn that the woman is named
Shyan, and that she has been living
cal arena. The weapon in your hand is with a group of goblins for a long time now.
enchanted to double its normal dice and adds. They adore her, and since she has no reason to
Go to 102 to discover what foe you must face. return to the surface, she has come to think of
The enchantment on your weapon lasts only as herself as practically a goblin herself. But she
long as you are in this arena, beyond time and says that she does know one way out of these
space. If you kill your foe, you get your adven- caverns, and if you wish to follow her, she will
ture points and treasure (if any) as listed — then take you to it. If you trust her, go to 94. If you
go to 84. If your foe slays you, then you have decide you would rather find your own way out,
met your Doom.. go to 52.

55: He is armed with a spear and is wear-

ing mail — he shouts for help. Roll 2 60: You get back to the grotto with the
mushrooms. When you eat them, they
dice to see how many other guards armed with cause you to fall into a deep and nightmare-
swords and wearing mail will come to his aid. ridden slumber. Roll 1d6 and subtract that from
In combat he gets 4 dice and 12 adds. He has your STR (you slept that many days without
a CON of 15, and his mail will take 10 hits for food or water. This loss is permanent until you
him. Go to 7. get ample food and drink. Frogs and watercress
don’t cut it). If your strength dropped to zero or

56: Roll 1d6. For that number of days you

live in perfect bliss. You go to sleep in
less, you died in your sleep. When you awake,
you realize that your only chance is to go on be-
the arms of your favorite on the last night. Go fore you get too weak to continue. Go to 27.
to 92.

57: You stand your

ground and greet this
strange woman. You tell her
your name, and your story (go
ahead — make up a story to
use the next time you meet a
strange woman) and ask for
her help. Make your L1SR
on Charisma (20 — CHR). If
you make it go to 48; if you
fail, go to 10; if you fail cata-
strophically, go to 22.


61: Having de-

cided not
to drink, you pass
through this room of
bones and find your-
self in another tunnel.
You follow it for more
than an hour and come
out in a large cavern.
Go to 4.

62: You walk

for a long
way and come out
in a small room with
2 swords stuck half-
way up their blades
into the stone wall. Beneath
each sword is one word. The first
says, “Hopeless”. The second says,
“Hero.” You probably remember some legends
about magical swords stuck into stone, and even but if you run quickly across the bridge, you
if you don’t, you may be desperate enough to should be okay. On the other side you find your-
try to pull one of the swords loose. If you try to self in a tunnel that leads back to the main pas-
pull out the Hopeless Sword, go to 15. If you sage via a secret door. Make a L1SR on LK. If
wish to try for the Hero Sword (which is by far you make it, nothing happens and you go to 42.
the larger), go to 63. If you don’t want to try for If you fail the roll, you will encounter something
either of them, you can walk back to the 3 tun- coming from the other direction, and it will not
nels. Go to 49 and try another branch. be friendly — go to 102. If you are a goblin
friend and you meet goblins you need not fight

63: Try to make a saving roll on all 8 at-

tributes. If you make all 8, go to 85.
them--just say hello and keep going. If you sur-
vive your monster meeting, go on to 42.
If you miss any of the rolls, keep track of which
ones you missed, and then go to 38.
66: You follow him into a large guard-
room. Roll 2d6: that is how many oth-

64: In fighting off the blood bats, you lost

your balance and fell from your precar-
er guards are present, dressed as he is dressed.
They offer to enlist you in their own elite section
of the Khazan Army. If you wish to join these
ious perch to an early and unpleasant death. You
have met your doom. men, known as the Khazan Killers, go to 32. If
you decide not to join them, but to attack them

65: The door leads to an iron bridge that

spans a deep trench through which red
instead now that you can see how many of them
there are, go to 44.
hot lava slowly oozes. The heat is tremendous,

67: The air has never smelled sweet-

er. No doubt--many more adven-
70: The
has a CON

tures lie ahead of you, and someday you of 28 — he’s a tough

will be one of legendary heroes of Troll- one. He also has bone
world, but right now, you can simply sa- and shell armor that will
vor the fact that you beat the odds and im- take 4 points of damage
proved yourself in doing so. for him each round. If
YOU WIN!!!!! The End. he still has the spear he
gets 3d6 + 14; if he has
lost the spear, he will
fight with his dagger
and get 2d6 + 14. There
is no avoiding this fight.
Fight to the death. If
you win, go to 34 If
you lose, go to 12.

68: You awaken naked and cold in the cav-

ern of the mushrooms. Roll 1d6 and 71: To dodge the attack, make a L2SR on
SPD. If you make that, then try a L2SR
subtract that from your STR (you have gone that on DEX. If you succeed on both saving rolls,
many days without food while unconscious). If then you will take the goblin’s spear away from
your STR is reduced to 0 or less, you die of star- him — go to 70 for the battle. If you fail, you
vation. You have met your Doom.. If you’re still will just find yourself fighting it — go to 70.
alive and wish to eat more mushrooms, go to If you fail catastrophically (roll of 1, 2 on 2d6),
97. If you’d rather go back to the pool, go to you slip and the goblin impales you on his spear
99. doing his full combat damage of 3d6 + 14 hits to
your CON and you do no damage to him. If that
reduces your CON to zero or less, go to 35;
69: You leap out and attack the goblin.
He sees you coming in time to react.
if your CON is still positive after that ghastly
wound, go to 70 and keep fighting.
He has a CON of 28 and his crude armor will
take 4 points of damage for him each combat
round. He fights with the spear and gets 3d6 +
14 combat adds. Do regular T & T combat for 72: You find you can’t get back into the
room where you found the weapon.
at least 2 rounds. If he kills you within 2 rounds, You will have to deal with this man. Go back to
go to 12. If you kill him within 2 rounds, go 84 and make another choice.
to 34. If you are losing the fight after 2 rounds
and want to make a break for it, go to 40. If he
is losing after 2 rounds, but not dead yet, go to
58. (Losing is defined as whoever has taken the
most combat damage.)

73: The sword slides out of the wall into your

hand, and a voice like thunder says, ‘Truly
78: Slowly light begins to show
again. The rock beneath your
hopeless!” You suddenly feel like a great warrior. The feet gets very warm, and you hear a muf-
voice belongs to the sword which is alive and gets a fled booming noise. The tunnel comes
straight 200 hit points per combat turn when you are to an end in front of a trench about 10
in combat. This sword will not work at all for anyone feet deep and a little wider, and the tun-
else, and if you should die, it will disappear. After you nel continues on the other side. You also
have taken the sword, a block of stone slides across the see a side tunnel 20 feet wide and 30 feet
passage behind you. You can no longer see the Hero high paralleling the lava trench. If you
Sword, but in front of you is an open doorway leading wish to try to jump the trench, go to 40.
into a very large and fairly bright cavern. Go to 4. If you want to explore the side tunnel, go
to 53. There is a crash of falling stone

74: You recognize the bad smell as the odor of rock

troll. (Rock trolls never bathe, dirtiness being
in the tunnel behind you, and you hear
high-pitched sniggering. You know now
you can’t go back.
next to demonliness in their piggish little red eyes). If
you wish to go on, go to 3. If you want to run back and
try another tunnel, go to 49.

75: Two deep voices thun-

LIFE!” A stone door slides
across the passage behind you,
and the room, magically, instant-
ly, begins to fill up with beer.
You drown. You have met your

76: You jumped across the

trench safely and can
go on down the tunnel. You get
100 adventure points for making
the leap. Go to 42.

77: The mist in this room

is a deadly acidic poi-
son. Roll 5 dice and take that
many hits on CON before you
get through. If you survive, go
to 31. If not, You have met your


79: The seven houris beg you to stay with

them, calling you master and offering 81: They do not notice you hiding behind
the boulder, If you wish to simply let
you everything your heart desires. If you accept them pass, they will walk on by and disappear
their offers, go to 56. If you would rather have when they round the next bend in the trail —
your freedom, and beg them to help you escape go to 52. If you decide to rescue the woman
from these caves, go to 80. and attack the goblin, go to 69. If you decide to
step out from behind the boulder and try to talk to

80: One of the houris brings out an old oil

lamp and rubs it. Smoke issues forth
them, go to 57.

and condenses to form a most ominous-looking

genii. “Take this man (or woman) wherever
he or she would like to go.” You feel yourself 82: “Don’t kill him,” orders the woman.
“You may stand up and explain your-
grabbed in a mighty embrace; your fine robes self,” she tells you. Go to 57.
are ripped away, and the world begins to spin
and then fades away. Go to 68.
83: As you advance menacingly upon the
woman, she throws up her hands and
gestures magically, calling out a brief incanta-
tion. You feel a shock like a warm gust of air,
and suddenly you are overwhelmingly sleepy.
You fall down, asleep before you hit the floor.
You sleep for a long time. If you are wounded,
you will recover 1 CON point, and lose 1 STR
point. When you awaken, the woman is long
gone. She took all your weapons, but left the
goblin armor behind. It can be adjusted to cover
part of your body and will provide 4 points of
protection. Go to 52.

84: When you leave the arena or the room

(which ever happened) you find your-
self in a short tunnel. Ahead of you a good ways
you hear human voices and then an alarm bell
goes off. A door opens at the far end of the pas-
sage, and a big man in chainmail comes to the
doorway and yells at you. “All right now, come
on out of there with you hands up! There is no
place to retreat to, and we have you outnum-
bered. If you follow his order, go to 66. If you
attack him as soon as you get close enough, go
to 55. If you’d rather try to go back, go to 92.


85: The sword slides out of the wall and a

deep voice says, ‘Truly a hero!” This 87: After the fight, you realize there is no
real safety here. The next monster you
sword gets 100 hit points per combat turn when meet may be tougher. Now you must decide
you are in combat, and if you have it out you whether you really want to stay. Go to 27.
can bat arrows out of the air with it. It is 6 feet
long and shines dimly with a golden light. It is
alive, and the voice belongs to it. The sword will 88: As soon as you start walking back, you
are attacked by 6 goblins with daggers.
warn you when enemies are about to attack, un- If you choose not to fight, but to run away, go to
less you are using it in a programmed dungeon, 96. If you stay and fight them, you will see they
where it will (of course) remain silent. You are each get 2d6 plus 5 adds per combat turn. They
the only person who can wield the Hero Sword. can each take 11 hits. If you fight and they kill
If it is lost or stolen, or if you die, this sword you, you have met your Doom.. If you destroy
will disappear. The passageway behind you is them all, you get 300 adventure points, and then
sealed off by a sliding stone block, and you find you can go to 20.
yourself looking through an opening into a very
large, fairly bright cavern. If you look for the
Hopeless Sword, it has vanished. Go to 4. 89: Once again you are in a dimly-lit tun-
nel. You follow its twists and turns
for several miles until the walls fall away on
the sides, and you find yourself at the edge of a

86: This fountain tastes bitter, but it is an

antidote for all poisons. Henceforth,
mighty chasm. It is bridged by smooth arching
stone, not too wide, but wide enough to walk
you are immune to poisons. However, the drink across. Your choices are these: you can try to
knocks you out. Go to 4. walk across, try to crawl or slither across, go
back to the large cavern, or explore along the
edge of the chasm. If you walk across, go
to 16. If you crawl, go to 39. If you
go back to the cavern, you will arrive
there safely (but shame on you for
cowardice!). Go to 100. If you
explore the edge of the chasm
then go to 41.


90: You walk right through the room and

come out into another small room, and
to attack. He will be on you in an instant. You
must quickly decide what to do. If you leap up
then out into yet another small chamber. Go to and fight him, go to 70. If you prostrate your-
31. self with hands above your head in token of sur-
render, go to 82. If you spin around and run for

91: There is a weapon in this room, and

it seems to have been chosen just for
your life, go to 46.

you. Roll 1D6 to see what it is:

94: Shyan leads you out of the great grotto
and through a long tunnel that ends at
Die Roll Weapon Combat Dice the goblin village. Once there she feeds you and
______________________________________ gives you a place to rest. You spend some time
1 Broadsword 3d6+4 with her, and pick up a basic knowledge of the
2 Billhook 4d6 goblin language (It is called Gobble and you
3 Woodman’s axe 3d6 learn that they are called goblins because they
4 Kukrie 2d6+5 speak Gobble.) If you like Shyan, you may stay
5 Common spear 3d6+1 with her in the caverns and be her new body-
6 Light crossbow* 4d6 guard (it is a day and night job.). But if you
*there is also a sheathe are determined to leave, you will stay just long
with 20 bolts. enough to recover all lost CON points. Spend-
______________________________________ ing time with Shyan has improved you in many
ways. (Increase all your attributes by 1 point
If you equip yourself with the weapon you find, each.) When you are ready to leave, she leads
go to 54. If you don’t take it, go to 84, You you to a mysterious door in a cavern wall. Go
may keep any weapons you already have. to 65.

92: You wake up sprawled among the

mushrooms on the cavern floor. Each 95: You stop fighting and tell her that you
never wanted to fight in the first place.
day of bliss that you thought you experienced You only wanted to talk to her and try to get
was actually one day you lay unconscious with- some help. Go to 59.
out food or drink. Subtract that number from your
strength (this is a permanent loss until you get
plenty of food and drink). If your STR reached
zero or less, you died of starvation shortly af-
ter awakening. In this case, you have met your
Doom.. However, if you still live, go to 9.

93: The goblin detects

you, probably by
smelling you, but it may
have heard you. Seizing his
spear in both hands, the large
goblin leaps around the boul-
der that conceals you ready


MORTAL!!!” You have

come out in the chamber of the Bal-

rukh. It looks like a tall black shad- welcome,
ow, wreathed in flames, and armed
with an enormous whip. Hundreds
little mortal!!!
of goblins suddenly crowd the tun-
nel behind you and block the way
back with their spears. If you have
met Shyan and are a goblin friend, go
to 101. If not, then you will have
to fight the Balrukh. It has a mon-
ster rating of (MR)124. Its whip is a
13D6 weapon, and it is enchanted so
that anyone can use it. If you can do
124 points of damage to the Balrukh,
you will beat it. Fight hard — if it
kills you, you have met your Doom.
If you kill it, go to 17.

97: Delicious is not quite the

word for these thallophytes.
Interesting would be a fair descrip-
tion. Nevertheless, you wolf down
several. A few moments later you
begin to feel dizzy and a little sick;
there seem to be things lurking at the
corners of your vision. Suddenly you
feel a presence behind you. You whirl
to see — oh, Gris! a tooth-beaked,
red-eyed crocodile bird! Uncertain
whether to run or fight, you are still
standing there when it speaks: “I’d
like you to meet some of my friends,”
it says. “They’re dying to eat you.”
As you watch in horror, several in-
describable THINGS emerge from
the very walls of the cavern and stalk
ominously towards you. This is too
much for you — the world spins and
goes black. Go to 19.


98: You realize that you can make a crude

spear out of the bamboo you find
want to pick and eat some of these mushrooms,
go to 97. If you decide not to eat any now, but
growing by the spring. You can either make a to carry some back with you to the main grotto,
spear or not, but if you don’t have any kind of go to 50. If you wish to avoid them completely
weapon, it will seem like a good idea and you and keep exploring, go to 99.
should do it. Your new spear consists of a flaked
piece of sharpened stone wedged into a bamboo
pole, and tied in place with water weeds. It is not 101: Suddenly Shyan rushes through the
crowd of goblins and puts herself be-
very strong, but it is worth 2d6 in combat. Go tween you and the mighty Balrukh. “Great fiery
back to 52 and continue reading from where one, I beg you stop! This is a goblin friend and
you left off. should not be killed. Please?”
“HA HA HA HA!” bellows the Balrukh. “YOU

99: Make a first level saving roll on luck.

If you make it, go to directly to 4. If
you miss, you must fight one wandering mon- IN OUR VILLAGE.” The Balrukh turns and
ster. Go to 102. If you win the fight, you may tromps away, trailing smoke and a sulfurous
collect your treasure and go directly to 4. Oth- stench behind it. Go to 94.
erwise, you will be dead.

100: You decided to stay here where

you think it is safe. One of the first
things you discover is a tunnel slanting down
through the floor near the spring — above it is
one word carved in the stone — OUT! But you
do not explore it. You also find a small stream
leading away from the spring through a series of
caves. Some of them are quite small and dark,
while others are large, well-lit grottoes like the
one you just left. After several hours of explora-
tion you come to a large dim cavern where a few
stunted bushes are growing. You stumble across
many a broken skeleton of man, beast, and mon-
ster moldering in the mud underfoot. Then you
find something really amazing: a field of large
purple-grey mushrooms planted in neat rows.
You know some fungi are edible, and the fact
that these are practically in a garden reassures
you they are not poisonous. By this time you are
quite hungry, and the spring is far away. If you
PARA 102


Roll two ordinary 6-sided dice to determine 6 GOBLINS
which monster you must fight (2 — 12). Ad- (from 1 — 6: roll
venture points (a.p.) and treasure are listed with 1d6): Each one has
each monster. If a monster is listed as carrying a a CON of 8 and uses
weapon, and you kill it, you may take the weap- a spear worth 3d6.
on to use for yourself. Such weapons are worth They have no com-
only the dice ratings shown, not the adds which bat adds Randomize
are personal to the monster. When combat is for treasure at 103
over, return to the paragraph that sent you here. They will not have
anything magical.
2 CAVE DRAGON: Nine feet long, 9’ high, Worth 30 a.p. each.
whitish-green scales. CON 208. Gets 21 dice
and 104 adds. Has a horde of treasure, but you’ll 7 NAKED
never find it. Worth 600 adventure points. HUMAN WITH A BAMBOO SPEAR: The
poor fellow has been down here so long that he
3 LESSER BALRUKH: Eight foot tall black has gone mad and sees you as food. (He’s very
shadow wreathed in flames and armed with a tri- tired of eating frogs). CON of 16, Gets 3d6 and
dent. MR of 84 Gets 9 dice and 42 adds. Worth 1 add. Worth 40 a.p.
84 a.p. The trident is a 9d6 weapon, but requires
a STR of 20 and DEX of 16 to use it effectively. 8 EVIL DWARF: Four feet tall. CON of 20.
Uses a pickax. Gets 3d6 and 17 adds, and he
4 TROLL: Ten feet will try to kill you even if you’re a dwarf. He
tall, strong and ugly, is searching for the dragon’s hoard and doesn’t
skin almost as hard as want any competition. Go to 103 for trea-
rock. MR of 78. Uses its sure, but he won’t have anything magical.
hands to try to rip you Worth 80 a.p.
apart. Gets 8d6 and 39
adds. Worth 78 a.p.

ROACH: Six feet
high and clacking
mandibles. MR of 25
Gets 3d6 and 13 adds.
Its hits are poison. Un-
less you are immune to
poison, you will lose
consciousness one complete combat turn after
it first hits you. (This means you have 1 chance
to kill it before it kills you automatically.) Worth
100 a.p.
PARA 102
11 CHIMERA: Lion’s head, goat’s body, ser-
pent’s tail and wolf’s claws. Breathes clouds of
poison. If you are not immune to all poison, take
10 points off your CON every combat turn you
are fighting (even if you are winning). MR of
27. Gets 3 dice and 14 adds. Worth 108 a.p. No
9 OGRE: Two-horned, ugly, bad breath and
body odor. MR of 60. Gets 7d6 and 30 adds.
Has a stalagmite club worth 5D6 in combat, 12 OBSIDIAN SPIDER. 12-legged spi-
but it requires a STR of 20 to use it effectively. der-like creature made of living obsidian — dis-
Randomize for treasure at 103 Worth 60 a.p. tantly related to rock trolls. Monster rating of
244. Gets 25d6 + 122 adds. Stony body has 10
10 GHOULS (from 1 - 6: roll 1d6): Each has points armor protection. Regenerates 1d6 worth
a MR of 52. Gets 6 dice and 26 adds. Worth 50 of CON each combat turn. Worth 488 a.p.
a.p. each. No treasure.

oNE MORE Naked Doom...

PARA 103


Some of the monsters in this dungeon carry trea- You will need two dice, preferably of different
sure, or have it hidden in their room. When told colors — say red and green (or 1 die thrown
to randomize for treasure, use the following pro- twice). Roll them, and look up the appropriate
cedure, and then go back to the paragraph you combination below.
came from.

Roll 2d6: if your total is from 3 to 11, you found

some sort of money. If your total is either 2 or
12, your loot is a magical object. If this is a situ-
ation where you could find magic (it tells you Red Green Name of Stone Base Value
when it is NOT) then go to 104 and randomize Die Die in g.p.
again. 1 1,2 Quartz 1
1 3,4 Enamel 2
If you are just getting money, roll 1 die. Results: 1 5,6 Topaz 3
1 is a jewel. 2 or 3 is gold coins. 4, 5 or 6 is 2 1,2 Garnet 4
silver coins. If you get gold or silver coins, you 2 3,4 Turquoise 5
must roll 3 dice and multiply the total x10 to get 2 5,6 Amethyst 6
how many you find; triples add and roll over. 3 1,2 Ivory 7
3 3,4 Carnelian 8
3 5,6 Opal 9
4 1,2 Fire-opal 10
4 3,4 Aquamarine 12
4 5,6 Jade 14
5 1,2 Serpentine 16
5 3,4 Pearl 20
5 5,6 Ruby 25
6 1,2 Sapphire 30
6 3,4 Diamond 40
6 5,6 Emerald 50

Roll one more die. This will tell you the size of
the gem you have just created:
1 — Very small. Two times the base
value in gold pieces (g.p.).
2 — Small. Ten times the base value.
3 — Average. Twenty times the base value.
4 — Large. Fifty times the base value.
5 — Very large. A hundred times the
base value.
6 — Huge. Five hundred times the
base value.
PARA 104


Roll 1 die (1 — 6) and go to that number on the time your CHR will drop to 7 and the jewel will
list below to see what you found. be gone.


ing robes in the Roman toga fashion that are instructions to sniff it. This is 8th level magic.
magical armor. When wearing these robes you Roll one die, for odd or even. ODD: Sniffing the
can take up to 200 hits in a combat turn before powder makes you truly invisible — not as in a
you can be hurt. But if you are ever defeated for Hidey-Hole, but truly invisible. The spell does
3 combat turns in a row, you will be overpow- NOT affect objects you may be carrying, like
ered, disarmed, and captured, and then the robes clothes, armor, or weapons. EVEN: The powder
won’t help you a bit. If the robes are taken away doubles your intelligence. There is just enough
from you, they become worthless cloth and the powder for one application.
enchantment will be broken.
Go back to 18 (the only paragraph which
2 A RING OF FIRE: It enables the wearer should have sent you here) as soon as you un-
to cast fireballs worth 100 hits once each combat derstand what kind of magic treasure you found,
turn. However, if you use the ring in hand-to- and what its limitations are.
hand or any kind of close combat, you will be
at the center of the fireball (which is about 5’
in diameter) and you will have to take 50 of the
100 hits yourself.


Whoever wears this belt cannot be affected by
any other spell, either FOR or AGAINST the
warrior (only warriors can wear it).


you are using it, your foes lose all their com-
bat adds, and their weapons become worth only
1d6 each (unless they are magical weapons, in
which case, no effect on the weapon). You get
your adds and 2d6 for the dagger. This is a 10th
level spell.

5 A FUNNY—ONCE GEM: Death is

funny — once. If you are killed while carrying
this gem, you will come back to life unharmed
in the Temple of Peace in Khazan — safely out
of an adventure you may have been in, but with-
out the adventure points gained for it. At this
PARA 105


Roll 1D6 to determine what kind of weapon you
found. Under each category there will be 3 choic-
es, a light weapon, medium weapon, and heavy
weapon. Light weapons are for characters with
STR ratings of 14 of less. Medium weapons are
for those with STR ratings of 15 to 20. Heavy
weapons are for characters with STR ratings
greater than 20. Choose the weapon that is best
for your character.

1 Swords:
Light: gladius gets 3d6+2
Medium: cross thrust sword
gets 5d6+1
Heavy: flamberge gets 7d6+1
2 Pole Weapons:
Light: billhook gets 4d6
Medium: halbard gets 6d6
Heavy: poleax gets 7d6
3 Hafted Weapons:
Light: taper axe gets 3d6
Medium: heavy mace gets 5d6+2
Heavy: maul gets 6d6+1
4 Daggers
Light: dirk gets 2d6+1
Medium: kris gets 2d6+3
Heavy: kukrie gets 2d6+5
5 Spears
Light: common spear gets 3d6+1
Medium: forkspear gets 5d6+2
Heavy spear: trollspear gets 8d6
and is made of basalt & obsidian And that’s the end of the Naked Doom solo!
6 Bows and other projectile weapons We hope you enjoyed this enhanced edition
Light: self bow gets 3d6 of the classic Ken St. Andre adventure.
Medium: elven long bow
gets 6d6+5 We at Flying Buffalo will continue to get
Heavy: heavy arbalest gets 8d6 many of the original T&T solos back in print
and out in Deluxe editions. We’ll also be
releasing new solos and GM adventures as
well, so stay tuned...



Love Playing Tunnels & Trolls?

Play T&T adventures —

and soon create your own—on your
phone, tablet and computer!
We at MetaArcade are huge fans of Tunnels & Trolls, so
we’re beyond excited to announce we’ve partnered with the
Fellowship of the Troll to bring T&T to iOS, Android, PC and
Mac. After more than 40 years of tabletop excellence, T&T
is getting the digital remastering it deserves!

Stay tuned for more details on how gamers everywhere will

soon be able to play both the classic T&T adventures we grew
up with, and create new adventures to share with the world.

To stay in the know, follow us @MetaArcade on Facebook and

Twitter, and register for early access at!

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls

Other solos for dT&T

Deluxe Goblin Lake...............................36pgs...........$8.95
Deluxe Agent of Death ..........................64pgs.........$11.95
Deluxe Adventurers Compendium.......88pgs.........$14.95
Deluxe Naked Doom..............................32pgs...........$8.95

And more solos for Classic T&T

(Note: these are also playable with dT&T)
Sea of Mystery........................................32pgs...........$8.95
Gamesmen of Kasar...............................40pgs...........$8.95
Dark Temple...........................................56pgs...........$8.95
When the Cat’s Away.............................56pgs...........$8.95
(See inside cover to see a gallery of T&T solos covers.)

Many of our books are available at

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