Air Operator Certificate Issue / Renewal Application Form: (Flight Standards Directorate - CAA Pakistan)
Air Operator Certificate Issue / Renewal Application Form: (Flight Standards Directorate - CAA Pakistan)
Air Operator Certificate Issue / Renewal Application Form: (Flight Standards Directorate - CAA Pakistan)
Application Form REV. No. 05
DATED: 01.02.2007
(Flight Standards Directorate – CAA Pakistan)
Note: Please read the instructions on last page carefully before filling and filing this Application
Form. The quality and accuracy of information provided by you on these pages has a direct impact
on the assessment and completion time of AOC issue / renewal process.
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8. Type of Operation proposed with applicable details:
10. Management organization including Operations & Training (Attach a copy of Organogram):
11. Key Management Personnel: (Attach a copy of Resume with Title, qualification and experience):
12. Flight Crew Data (Use extra sheets where required for Name, Nationality, License Type & Number):
14. FOOs Data (Use extra sheets where required for Name, Nationality, License Number of each):
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15. Flight Crew / Cabin Crew / FOO Training Source:
a) Type technical:
b) Simulator (where applicable):
c) Flight training:
d) Others (FOO, SEP, DGR, CRM, Security):
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20. Aircraft Types with Registration Number and State of Registry:
24. Is the details of the following included in the draft Ops. Specs?
a) List of Communications and Navigation Equipment on each aircraft
b) Type of Instruments and Major items of Equipment to be used on each aircraft
c) Proposed routes with Geographical Tracks
d) List of Aerodromes to be used including Alternate
e) Operating Minima of desired Aerodrome
f) Procedures & Source for obtaining latest weather and aerodrome conditions
25. Statement of compliance for fulfilling the regulatory requirements with reference to each rule and
regulation. (see applicable instructions):
Certificate: It is certified that the above given information is correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Signature Date:
Name: Appointment
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Instructions related to AOC Applicable
1. It is important for you to know that CAA may refuse to consider an application or to consider it
further from beyond a point while there are requirements that the applicant has not or cannot
comply with. Rule 340 of CARs 94 is referred to which states:
(i) The Director General may refuse to grant or to renew certificate on one or more of the
following grounds:
a) The applicant has failed to satisfy a requirement prescribed by or specified under these
rules in relation to the granting of the certificate;
b) The applicant has mad ea false or misleading statement in his application, or in
connection with his application;
c) The applicant is the holder of a license that is suspended;
d) The applicant was the holder of a license that has been cancelled; or
e) The applicant is not a fit and proper person to have the responsibilities and to exercise
the functions and duties of a holder of the certificate for which the application was
2. FSD, CAA strongly recommends that CAAD-617 (AOC Guide for Air Operator) may be
followed in true spirit. This document provides comprehensive information on requirements and
processes for AOC Issue / Renewal. Following the required procedures while complying with
the requirements given therein shall expedite the whole process.
3. Application shall not be considered ‘complete’ if all the attachments as specified in ANO
91.0001 and CAAD 617 are not provided at the time of its submission to FSD, CAA.
4. Application submission date shall be the day when all attachments along with completed
application are completed. Count down shall start from that date for further processes.
5. This application may only be used for issue, renewal or any variation to AOC i.e. Aerial Work to
Charter Class-1, Charter Class-1 to Charter Class-2, Charter Class-2 Cargo to Charter Class-2
Passengers, Charter Class-2 to RPT or vice versa. This shall not be used for any amendment
to Operations Specifications.
6. Completed Form of “Pre-requisites for submission of formal AOC Application” is an
acknowledgement both for the Operator & the CAA. If the application and required documents
are complete or otherwise, it shall be mentioned so on this Form. Please complete this Form
and have it signed from FSD, CAA for your records.
7. Application Form shall be signed either by the Head of Organization or the person authorized
by CAA. ANO 91.0003 section A0 may be referred to in this regard.
8. No column of this Application Form shall be left blank.
9. Reverse side of Form pages may be used for the data spillover.
10. Extra sheets may be used where required.
11. Where a copy of any document has to be attached, it shall be an attested true copy of the
12. Column 21. (if contracted out, give the name of organization and attach a copy of the contract
with details in draft Operations Specifications).
13. Column 22. (Attested true copy of Aircraft Lease Agreement between the lessee and the lessor
in the case of any lease).
14. Column 23. (Attested true copy of Transfer Agreement between CAA and the CAA of State of
Registry in case of wet leased foreign registered aircraft).
15. Column 25. (Attach Original Statement of compliance).
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