Jung 1996
Jung 1996
Jung 1996
Seung-Cheal Jung
Hyundai Motor Co.
Reprinted from: New Steel Products and Processing for Automotive Applications
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Copyright 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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Steel C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo Cu A1 N
4320 0.17 0.60 0.010 0,018 0.21 1.68 0.48 0.20 0.22 0.032 0.012
9310 0.10 0.60 0,011 0.019 0.28 3.11 1.31 0.13 0.19 0.032 0.011
A Carb. & Subzero -73C .
?% 4 A
-A- Carb. & Subzero - 7 3 C
0 200 40 0 600 800
Depth Below the Surface (microns)
A Carb. & Subzero -73C
o Carb. & Subzero -196C
0 200 400 600
Depth Below the Surface (microns)
150 1 .................................... J1000
Figure 9 . Residual stress profiles for 1 0' lo4 lo5 10' lo7 10'
(a) SAE-4320 and (b) SAE-9310 specimens Number of Cycles
determined by x-ray diffraction. Figure 11. Bending fatigue results for
the SAE-4320 specimens.
crack propagation from stable-secondary-
fatigue to ductile overload. Final ductile Bending Fatigue of SAE-9310 Specimens
Closed symbol represents suspended test
overload is shown in Figure 14(e) and is ...... . . ....",
signified as Stage V. All stages of
fatigue crack propagation in the
-0 ........................
As-Carburlzed 2000
cantilever bending fatigue specimens have
been evaluated and discussed in a previous
study (21).
Figure 15 shows microcracks that are
typical in the carburized case of the
subzero cooled specimens. Both the -73OC
and -196OC SAE-4320 specimen sets
exhibited more microcracks than the as-
carburized specimens. Figure 16 shows the
microcrack density per depth in the SAE-
4320 specimens. At approximately 100
microns all the specimens have a maximum
microcrack density. However, both sets of 10' lo4 lo5 10' 10' 10'
subzero cooled specimens have twice the Number of Cycles
microcrack density when compared to the Figure 12. Bending fatigue results for
as-carburized processed specimens. the SAE-9310 specimens.
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Research Investigation
X Hyde (22)
+ Cohen (23)
Carb 4320
Subzero 4320 .
Carb 9310
A Subzero 8310
I . . . . I . . .