Koosha DKK., 2016
Koosha DKK., 2016
Koosha DKK., 2016
13 374
International Publisher International Journal of Medical Sciences
2016; 13(5): 374-385. doi: 10.7150/ijms.14485
© Ivyspring International Publisher. Reproduction is permitted for personal, noncommercial use, provided that the article is in whole, unmodified, and properly cited. See
http://ivyspring.com/terms for terms and conditions.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common type of cancer in the world, causing thousands
of deaths annually. Although chemotherapy is known to be an effective treatment to combat colon
cancer, it produces severe side effects. Natural products, on the other hand, appear to generate
fewer side effects than do chemotherapeutic drugs. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds found
in various fruits and vegetables known to possess antioxidant activities, and the literature shows
that several of these flavonoids have anti-CRC propertiesFlavonoids are classified into five main
subclasses: flavonols, flavanones, flavones, flavan-3-ols, and flavanonols. Of these subclasses, the
flavanonols have a minimum effect against CRC, whereas the flavones play an important role. The
main targets for the inhibitory effect of flavonoids on CRC signaling pathways are caspase; nuclear
factor kappa B; mitogen-activated protein kinase/p38; matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-7,
and MMP-9; p53; β-catenin; cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)2 and CDK4; and cyclins A, B, D, and E.
In this review article, we summarize the in vitro and in vivo studies that have been performed since
2000 on the anti-CRC properties of flavonoids. We also describe the signaling pathways affected
by flavonoids that have been found to be involved in CRC. Some flavonoids have the potential to be
an effective alternative to chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of colon cancer;
well-controlled clinical studies should, however, be conducted to support this proposal.
Key words: Colon cancer, Anti-colorectal cancer, Flavonoids, Signaling pathways.
Colon cancer is the third most common type of epithelial cells lining the colon or rectum in the
cancer in the world, with nearly 1.36 million new gastrointestinal tract. Like cells in other types of
cases diagnosed in 2012 in both genders [1]. Although cancer, colon cancer cells have six common hallmarks:
cancer of the colon and rectum are more common in autonomous growth, unresponsiveness to
developed countries than in developing countries, the growth-inhibitory signals, evasion of apoptotic
mortality rate in developing countries is higher. In signals, unlimited replicative potential, ability to
2012, approximately 694,000 deaths were reported induce angiogenesis needed for expansion and
from 1.4 million diagnosed cases worldwide [1]. survival of tumors, and migration to other parts of the
Technological developments in the last few decades body.
have resulted in a sedentary lifestyle, leading to Although great advancements have been made
changes in nutrition and exercise [2], which may have in the treatment of colon cancer and the control of its
contributed to growing cancer rates, including those progression, there remains much room for
of colon cancer. The incidence of colon cancer is improvement. A number of undesired side effects
predicted to increase by 90% by 2030 [3]. sometimes occur during chemotherapy. Although a
Colorectal cancer (CRC) originates from the myriad of available natural products have shown
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2016, Vol. 13 375
promising anti-cancer properties in vitro and in vivo, has been found in onions, tea, apples, cranberries, and
only a few plant products are being used for beans [9]. As reported in the literature, quercetin has
therapeutic purposes in CRC [4, 5]. been tested on a wide range of colon cancer cell lines,
Flavonoids are considered to be the main group such as HT-29 (p53 mutant type) [10], HCT-116 (p53
of polyphenol compounds for combating colon wild type) [11], and SW480 (p53 mutant type) [12].
cancer, more than 5000 of which have been detected Quercetin demonstrates antiproliferative activity
for this purpose. Flavonoids comprise five main against CRC by inducing cell cycle arrest in the G2/M
subclasses: flavonols, flavanones, flavones, phase, cytotoxicity activity, cell differentiation,
flavan-3-ols, and flavanonols [6]. The results of apoptosis, and attenuation of cell migration [13].
clinical studies investigating the relationship between Quercetin reduces cyclin A levels and induces the
flavonoid consumption and cancer prevention or expression of Cdc-2 and p21 [14]. The
development conflict for most types of cancers. chemopreventive activity of quercetin was
Research has shown, however, a relationship between investigated in vivo on 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine-
consumption of flavonoids and reduction of CRC risk induced colonic tumorigenesis in rats [15]. According
[6]. to Park et al. [16], quercetin inhibited the activity of
In recent years, some studies have been β-catenin/Tcf in SW480 colon cancer cells. Data
performed to investigate the role of flavonoids in confirmed that inhibition of SW480 cells via quercetin
signaling pathways in the treatment of colon cancer. is related to the degradation of β-catenin or
Hence, the objectives of this review are to summarize downstream compounds and consequently a
the findings from articles that have been published reduction in the binding of Tcf complexes to DNA.
since 2000 on the mechanisms of effect of flavonoids Thus, quercetin leads to the inhibition of the
on CRC and to describe the different cell signaling β-catenin/Tcf signaling pathway.
mechanisms of cancerous cells affected by flavonoids
in vitro and in vivo. Kaempferol
Kaempferol is present in various plants,
CRC signaling pathways including tea, strawberries, cranberries, grapefruit,
The six hallmarks of CRC described earlier apples, peas, brassicas (broccoli, kale, brussels
appear in several signaling pathways. The most sprouts, cabbage), chives, spinach, endive, leek, and
important signaling pathways, however, are tomatoes [17, 18]. Kaempferol induces apoptosis in
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/p38, HCT116 CRC cell lines by increasing the expression of
PI3K/Akt, Wnt, and the apoptosis cascades. p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA). In
Flavonoids have been found to affect one or more of the DNA damage response, p53 increases the
these pathways, resulting in the inhibition of CRC. transcription of PUMA and consequently upregulates
the translation of PUMA in the cytoplasm. PUMA
Flavonoids protein is associated with antiapoptotic factors such
We retrieved all data reported in studies as Bcl-x, and the PUMA/Bcl-x complex can cause the
published since 2000 on the role of the main release of apoptotic factors such as Bax. The liberated
flavonoids (23 flavonoids belonging to five apoptotic factors then activate mitochondria
subclasses) in the signaling pathways in CRC. As permeability and cytochrome C release. Kaempferol
reported in the literature, flavonoids inhibit cell interferes with the promotion of PUMA, which leads
signaling pathways in various CRC cell lines. Some of to stimulation of apoptotic cascades [19]. The
these flavonoids also demonstrated significant effects apoptosis property of kaempferol has also been
in vivo. The chemical structures of these flavonoids are demonstrated in the HT-29 cell line. HT-29 cells were
described in Figure 1, and a summary of the data is arrested in G2/M in the presence of kaempferol.
presented in Table 1 and Figure 2. Moreover, kaempferol reduced the expression of
cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)2, CDK4, cyclin D1,
Flavonols cyclin E, and cyclin A [20]. The Akt/extracellular
Flavonols, a group of compounds belonging to signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway was blocked
the flavonoids that have a 3-hydroxyflavone skeleton, in HT-29 cells in the presence of kaempferol.
are found in many fruits and vegetables [7]. Some of Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 was also attenuated
the compounds in this category, such as quercetin, are [21]. From the work by Lee et al., the apoptosis
known to have anticancer properties [8]. features of kaempferol against HT-29 cells might be
related to i) cleavage of caspase-3, -7, and -9; ii)
Quercetin increased mitochondrial membrane permeability; iii)
Quercetin is one of the best known flavonoids. It increased cytochrome C release; iv) attenuation of
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A, D, and E; reducing the effect of CDK2 and CDK4; investigated. The data indicated that baicalein had the
and stimulating the activity of p21, p27, and p53 [72]. ability to increase cell arrest in the G1 phase. Baicalein
attenuated the expression of Bcl-2, whereas the
Luteolin expression of Bax was augmented. Moreover,
Luteolin is mainly found in vegetables rather induction of apoptosis was achieved by inactivation
than fruits [73], including celery, carrots, parsley, and of the PI3K/Akt pathway [88]. Further studies on
mint. The anti-colon cancer effect of luteolin has been cancerous Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) mice
investigated in vitro in several colon cancer cell lines induced by AOM supported the preventive effect of
such as HCT-15, HT-29, CaCo-2, COLO-320 DM, and baicalein [86].
SW480. The studies together indicated that luteolin
has the potential to control CRC through three main Nobiletin
pathways: i) the apoptosis pathway by activating The anti-CRC ability of nobiletin has been
caspase-3, -7, and -9 in HT-29 cells [74]; ii) the detected in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Nobiletin
PI3K/Akt and ERK pathways by inhibiting the IGF was able to suppress the proliferation of HT-29 cells
receptor (IGF-R) in HT-29 cells [75]; and iii) the through cell cycle arrest in G1 without inducing
Wnt/β-catenin/GSK-3β signaling pathway by apoptosis [70]. One study indicated that this citrus
modulating GSK-3β in HCT-15 cells and inhibiting flavonoid prevented cancer metastasis through
β-catenin in COLO-320 DM cells [76, 77]. Through reduced expression of MMP-7 [89]. The anti-cancer
these main pathways, luteolin was able to activate efficiency of nobiletin was tested at the in vivo level in
DNA damage in CaCo-2 cells [78]. Furthermore, cell several models, such as F344 rats, SD rats,
cycle arrest of HT-29 cells was induced by modulation C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice, and ICR mice. Nobiletin was
and inhibition of CDK2 and cyclin D [75, 76]. Luteolin introduced into cancer models and showed a
also inhibited SW480 and CaCo-2 cells by inducing chemopreventive effect as a result of reduced
cell cycle arrest in G2/M [79]. expression of prostaglandin E2 [89-92].
The outcome data of luteolin against CRC was
evaluated in an in vivo study by using BALB/c mice Flavan-3-ols (flavanols)
induced by AOM. Findings from this animal Flavan-3-ols are a class of flavonoids found in
experiment demonstrated that luteolin inhibited human foods and beverages [93]. There has been great
metastatic colon cancer by reduction of MMP-2 and interest in flavanols in nutrition and medicine because
MMP-9 [80]. Luteolin also inhibited iNOS and COX-2 they have antioxidant properties. The best known
[81, 82]. In addition, it activated lysosomal enzymes, member of the flavan-3-ol family is the catechin
inhibited caspase-3, and modulated Bcl-2 and Bax in group, which is abundantly present in tea [94, 95].
the apoptosis pathway [83]. Inhibition of tumor
growth occurred through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway Catechins
in the presence of luteolin. Moreover, the incidences Besides being the main component of tea,
of mucin-depleted foci and ACF were decreased by catechins can also be found in grapes, apple, peas,
luteolin in BALB/c mice [84]. wine, and cocoa. Catechins contain a benzopyran
skeleton with an additional phenyl group at the
Baicalein second position. The catechin family includes the
The inhibitory effect of baicalein, which is following: (+)-gallocatechin (GC), (−)-epicatechin
present in Indian trumpet flower and Chinese (EC), (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (−)-epigallocatechin
skullcap, or Scutellaria baicalensis, on human colon gallate (EGCG), and (−)-epicatechin 3-gallate (ECG)
cancer was studied in vitro and in vivo [85]. Research [96].
indicated that baicalein had a significant inhibitory The antiproliferative properties of these
effect on HCT-116 cells. The mechanisms of effect of compounds were investigated in CaCo-2, HT-29 (p53
baicalein occur through three pathways: i) the mutant type), HCT-116 (p53 wild type), and SW480
extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, ii) by decreasing the (p53 mutant type) cell lines [97-100]. When these
incidence of inflammation, and iii) by impairment of compounds were compared, EGCG had the most
tumor formation through inactivation of the potent anti-colorectal inhibitory potential. Although
PI3K/Akt pathway. Baicalein increased the EGCG had a significant inhibitory effect on HCT-116
expression of caspase-3 and -8, which are involved in and SW-480 cells, even stronger inhibition was
apoptosis. The expression of NF-ƙB was inhibited, observed against HCT-116 cells. Therefore, p53 might
resulting in inhibition of iNOS, MMP-9, and MMP-2 play an important antiproliferative role against colon
genes, all of which are involved in inflammation [86, cancer. Cell arrest occurred in the G1 and G2/M
87]. The effect of baicalein on HT-29 cells was also phases. Apoptosis was one of the main effects in the
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inhibition of HCT-116 cells. Moreover, when the activation of caspase-3, c-jun, NFƙB, and p53 [117,
different members of this family were compared, GC, 118].
EGC, and EGCG were shown to have better efficiency In vitro results of proanthocyanidin activity has
than EC and ECG, indicating that esterification of been confirmed in an in vivo study. AOM was used to
gallic acid with catechin could enhance the anti-cancer induce colon cancer in F344 rats. ACF were shown to
property of the compound [101]. decrease in the presence of proanthocyanidin because
Overall, the literature indicates that EGCG can of the activation of caspase-3 [119].
cause apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and DNA damage
[102]. EGCG inhibited the binding of epidermal Flavanonols
growth factor (EGF) to EGF receptor (EGFR) in the Flavanonols are a class of flavonoids that possess
receptor tyrosine kinase pathway, induced the a 3-hydroxy-2,3-dihydro-2-phenylchromen-4-one
expression of caspase-3 and -9, and caused backbone. Flavanonols are present in red wine, as
mitochondrial damage in HT-29 cell lines [98]. EGCG well as in many red, purple, and blue fruits and
instigated mitochondrial damage and apoptosis by vegetables.
interference with JNK [103]. EGCG has been shown to
cause reduced MMP-7, MMP-9, and IGF-1R levels in Pelargonidin
HT-29 and CaCo-2 cell lines [104]. The inhibitory Pelargonidin is found in berries such as
effect of EGCG on EGFR in SW480 cell lines occurs raspberries and strawberries. The efficiency of
through the internalization of EGFR from the pelargonidin has been investigated against a variety
endosome. EGFR is therefore not able to return to the of cell lines such as primary (CaCo-2) and metastatic
cell surface [105]. EGCG can block HCT-116 cells (LoVo and LoVo/ADR) CRC cell lines and human
through two main mechanisms i) induction of reactive colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29). No significant
oxygen species (ROS), thereby activating p53, p21, inhibitory effect has been reported in these cell lines
and PUMA, which then leads to DNA damage; and ii) [120, 121]. Mild inhibition of cell proliferation was
stimulation of caspase-3, caspase -9, and cytochrome reported, however, against HCT-116 cells at a
C release, which leads to cell apoptosis [106, 107]. concentration of 200 µg/ml [122].
The antiproliferative activity of EGCG was
tested in vivo in an animal model. Colitis was induced Peonidin
in mice by injection of dextran sulfate sodium. Results Bilberry, blueberry, cherry, cranberry, and peach
indicated that the formation of ACF was decreased in are the main sources of peonidin [114], which inhibits
the presence of EGCG. Further investigations into the the growth of SW480 cells in a dose-dependent
molecular mechanism of EGCG revealed that it manner. Cell cycle arrest of SW480 cells occurred at
controlled the formation of ACF by attenuating the the G1 phase in the presence of peonidin [123]. No
expression of PI3K/Akt/nuclear factor kappa B other studies have been found in the literature
(NFƙB) and the activation of the ERK pathway [108]. describing anti-CRC effects of peonidin.
Proanthocyanidin Cyanidin
Proanthocyanidin is present in tea, cranberries, Cyanidin is present in various fruits such as red
and grape seeds and has been shown to interrupt the apple, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, cranberry, peach,
proliferation of colorectal cells such as CaCo-2, HT-29, and plum [124]. Retrieved published articles did not
SW620, SW480, and HCT-116 [109, 110]. It suppresses show any significant results for cyanidin against
HT-29 cells by i) disrupting the actin cytoskeleton, ii) primary (CaCo-2) or metastatic (LoVo and
inducing apoptosis by increasing caspase-3, iii) LoVo/ADR) colon cancer cell lines [125].
damaging DNA by increasing ROS levels, iv) arresting
the cell cycle in G2, and v) inhibiting COX-2 Delphinidin
expression [111-114]. The inhibitory effect of Delphinidin is one of the main compounds in
proanthocyanidin on HCT-116 cells was reported to blueberries, and an anticancer effect of delphinidin on
be related to DNA damage, inhibition of the COX-2 a human colon cancer cell line (colo205) has been
gene, and promotion of apoptosis [109, 115]. The reported [126]. The inhibitory effect of delphinidin on
expression of PI3K was attenuated in the CaCo-2 cell LoVo/ADR cell lines was also investigated. The data
line in the presence of proanthocyanidin [116]. revealed that delphinidin inhibited metastatic CRC
Proanthocyanidin might also increase apoptosis in and that this may have been due to cellular ROS
CaCo-2 cells [116]. The inhibition of SW620 cells accumulation [125]. Further investigation of
(metastatic colon carcinoma) by proanthocyanidin can delphinidin indicated that it inhibited HT-29 human
occur through several mechanisms such as increased tumor cells through the suppression of EGFR [97]. A
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2016, Vol. 13 381
recent study on delphinidin claimed that it had resulting in cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase,
antioxidant activity against human CRC HTC-116 and thereby leading to apoptosis [129].
HT-29 cells and could also induce DNA damage [127].
In addition, delphinidin potently inhibited HTC-116 Malvidin
and HT-29 cell lines through the downregulation of Blueberries are the main source of malvidin
HIF-1 and p27 by affecting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR [130]. The antiproliferation effect of malvidin has been
signaling pathway [128]. HCT-116 cells treated with studied in colon cancer. Malvidin had no significant
delphinidin suppressed the NF-kappa B pathway and inhibitory effect on CaCo-2 and HCT-116 cells, nor
activated the expression of caspase-3, -8 and -9, did it demonstrate any effect on LoVo or LoVo/ADR
cells [125, 131].
Table 1: Summary of the main flavonoids and their anti-colorectal cancer properties.
Flavonoid Colon cancer cell Animal model Signaling and target pathways References
Quercetin HT-29 Rats Reduces cyclin A; induces Cdc-2, p21, and Wnt-β-catenin [9-16]
Kaempferol HCT-116 Wistar male Induces DNA damage response; upregulates p53 and PUMA; activates mitochondria [17-24]
HT-29 rats permeability; induces cytochrome C release; reduces expression of CDK2, CDK4, cyclin D1,
DLD-1 cyclin E, and cyclin A; attenuates IGF-1; induces cleavage of caspase-3, -7, -8, and -9; attenuates
Bcl-xL, phosphorylation, and Akt activity; increases Bad; activates Fas inhibition of COX-2
Myricetin HCT-15 Induces Bax; induces release of apoptosis inducing factor [25-27]
HCT-116 ---
Fisetin HCT-116 --- Reduces CDK2 and CDK4 and consequently attenuates cyclin E and D1 and strength of p21 [28-32]
HT-29 expression; reduces expression of COX-2 and MAPK-Ras; reduces Bcl-xL and Bcl-2; enhances
Bad and Bim, including caspase-3, -7, -8, and -9 and cytochrome c release; activates FasL and
TNF; increases p53
Rutin HT-29 Nude mice, Damages DNA; induces apoptosis; changes expression level of Bax, Bcl-2, and caspase-9 [13,33-37]
CaCo-2 F344 rats
Hesperidin SNU-C4 --- Increases caspase-3 and Bax; decreases Bcl-2 [39-40]
Naringenin HT-29 Rats Regulates ER-β; induces MAPK/p38 and caspase-3; attenuates iNOS and COX-2 [41-44]
Silibinin HT-29 Wistar rats, Decreases CDK2, CDK4, cyclin E, and cyclin D1; upregulates p27 and p21; attenuates ERK and [45-53]
HCT-116 A/J mice Akt; suppresses iNOS, COX, HIF-1α, and VEGF; upregulates caspase-3, -8, and -9; decreases
SW480 β-catenin and Gsk-β levels; decreases c-Myc; suppresses MMP-2 and AP-1; suppresses IL-1;
LoVo downregulates Bcl-2 and upregulates Bax; targets β-catenin and IGF-1
Eriodictyol DLD-1 --- Reduces COX-2 level [54]
Acacetin SW480 --- Unknown mechanism [56]
Apigenin SW480 SD rats Downregulates cyclin B1, Cdc-2, and Cdc-25; upregulates p53 and p21; induces ERK and p38; [56-63]
HCT-116 CaCo-2 decreases mTOR and cyclin D1; increases expression of caspase-3 and Bax; attenuates Bcl-2
HT-29 expression
Chrysin Caco-2 Wistar rats Inhibits COX-2 and NF-IL-6; induces DNA fragmentation; induces apoptosis [56,64-68]
Tangeretin HT-29 LoVo/Dx --- Increases caspase-3 level; reduces cyclin A, D, and E; attenuates CDK2 and CDK4 activity; [69-72]
COLO-205 instigates activity of p21 and p27
Luteolin HCT-15 BALB/c mice Induces caspase-3, -7, and -9; inhibits PI3K/Akt, ERK, IGF, β-catenin, GSK-3β, MMP-2 and -9, [73-84]
HT-29 iNOS, COX-2, Bcl-2, Bax, CDK2, and cyclin D; damages DNA
Baicalein HCT-116 ICR mice Increases caspase-3 and -8; inhibits PI3K/Akt, NFƙB, iNOS, and MMP-2 and -9; attenuates [85-88]
HT-29 Bcl-2; induces Bax
Nobiletin HT-29 C57BL/KsJ-db Reduces MMP-7 and PGE2 [70,89-92]
/db mice,
ICR mice,
SD rats, F344
Catechin CaCo-2 Mice Induces DNA damage and mitochondrial damage by interference of JNK; induces caspase-3 [93-108]
family HT-29 and -9; releases cytochrome C; inhibits binding of EGF to EGFR in receptor tyrosine kinase
HCT-116 SW480 pathway; reduces MMP-7, MMP-9, and IGF-1R; induces ROS; activates p53, p21, and PUMA;
attenuates PI3K/Akt/ NFƙB; activates ERK
Proanthocya CaCo-2 F344 rats Inhibits COX-2 and PI3K; induces caspase-3; activates c-jun; increases NFƙB and p53 activity [109-119]
nidin HT-29
Pelargonidin Caco-2 --- No significant effect [120-122]
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2016, Vol. 13 382
Peonidin SW480 --- No significant effect [114,123]
Cyanidin CaCo-2 --- No significant effect [124,125]
Delphinidin Colo205 --- Induces ROS accumulation; suppresses EGFR; damages DNA; downregulates HIF-1, p27, [97,125-129]
LoVo/ADR PI3K/Akt/mTOR, and NFƙB; induces caspase-3, -8, and -9
Malvidin Caco-2 --- No significant effect [125-131]
HCT-116 LoVo
Figure 2: Association map of the role of the main flavonoids in their effect on signaling pathways in colorectal cancer. Different flavonoids are indicated by different
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2016, Vol. 13 383
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