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A, An, The Worksheet With Answers - ExamPlanning 2

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A, An, The Worksheet with


A, An, The Worksheet

Worksheet: We have already learned
the de/nite and inde/nite articles (a, an, the) in the
previous post. Keep in mind the rules of articles and
solve the exercise given here.

1. _______ horse runs fast.

2. I saw _______ boy running in _______ street.
3. He can pay upon _______ Fute very well.
4. I saw _______ old man in _______ street.
5. All _______ boys were present.
J. He is ______ M. Phil.
7. _______ moon is shining in _______ sky.
O. Man is _______ rational being.
9. I have read _______ Arabian Nights.
10. Dawn is _______ English paper.
11. _______ whole milk was spilled.
12. He is _______ European boy.
13. _______ higher you go, _______ cooler it is.
14. We saw _______ snake in _______ grass.
15. _______ handle of this jug is durable.
1J. He came here ______ hour ago.
17. _______ topic we are discussing, is very
1O. She gave me _______ book.
19. He read _______ book I gave him.
20. _______ less you work, _______ less you gain.
21. I have _______ bag of rice.
22. ________ river is full of water.
23. We rode ________ elephant.
24. He hit himself with _______ stick.
25. ________ rich old lady bought _______ beautiful


Isaw boyrunningin
horserunsfast. 2

Hecanpayupon flutevery Isaw oldmanin

well. street.

All boyswerepresent. 6 Heis M.Phil.

moonisshiningin sky. 8 Manis rationalbeing.

Ihaveread ArabianNights. 10 Dawnis Englishpaper.

11 wholemilkwasspilled. 12 Heis Europeanboy.

13 higheryougo, cooleritis. 14 Wesaw snakein grass.

15 handleofthisjugisdurable. 16 Hecamehere hourago.

17 18 Shegaveme book.

lessyouwork, less
19 Heread bookIgavehim. 20

21 Ihave bagofrice. 22 riverisfullofwater.

23 Werode elephant. 24Hehithimselfwith stick.

A, An, The Worksheet


1. The
2. a, the
3. the
4. an, the
5. the
J. an
7. The, the
O. a
9. the
10. an
11. The
12. a
13. The, the
14. a, the
15. The
1J. an
17. The
1O. a
19. the
20. the, the
21. a
22. The
23. an
24. a
25. a, a

verb exercises

Verbs Exercises with Mixed Preposition

Answers – Worksheet Exercises with Answers
In "English Grammar" In "Exercises"

De/nite and Inde/nite

Articles (A, An, The)
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