Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach.
In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
The Importance of Research in Daily Life
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Lists the materials to be used on different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in
the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as
paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Practical
Research 1
1. Learner’s Materials Practical
Pages Research 1
2. Textbook Pages
3. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
B. Number of learners who No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%:____________
require additional
activities for
D. Number of learners who No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___________
continue to require