Toilet Paper Rolls

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Toilet roll art

By Martina viver
criteria A
Recycling is a process where we take our waste and turn it into a new item

When we recycle we are taking our garbage and giving it a second chance to be used as a
completely new item.To be able to use it as a new item it has to go through a process,these are the
steps to this process.For example a plastic bottle can be recycled into a plastic chair

1. It is driven to a building.
2. Where it is separated into categories like paper ,plastic or glass.
3. Then it is further separated into subcategories like ,in the case of plastic ,styrofoam and hard
polyester go in different categories.
4. The next step in cleaning the materials ,they use a different product for each type,
5. in the case of paper it is mixed with water and rolled into sheets.
6. but in the case of plastic and glass it is melted and moulded into pellets.
7. Then it is all shipped to factories to be used again.
criteria A Recycling cardboard
the recycling of cardboard is on of the most
energy efficient ways of recycling
1.the cardboard is sorted into its
different types and shredded. is mixed with water and pulped.

3.they mix in more water they and roll

it into filmes and let it dry.

4. finally it is shipped to be reused

Criteria A How to recycle toilet paper rolls

This art is made by

bending toilet This is a fish puppet made out of toilet
paper rolls .it is made by cutting a toilet roll this project is made by
paper,cutting it into rings cutting a shape (like a
and sticking them and sticking paper accessories.I chose this
one because it is a great way we can show tree)and sticking it in a toilet
together to make flowers. paper roll .I chose this one
I have chosen this one small children to recycle.
because it is a challenge and
because it looks like a it can be interesting
project that can be
displayed later.
criteria A bibliography
Criteria B :My inspiration ideas

I chose this one as I chose this one because I I chose this one
inspiration because think it will look very pretty in I chose this one
because it has many because it looks
it looks like there is the light layers
many possibilities easy to cut out
to make it different
Criteria B:my drawings
Criteria C:steps followed
Thinking of Copying the
what I was stars onto
going to cardboard
draw for my
Making my

Drawing the
ballerina Repeating
the new

Drawing the
Drawing the
Possible changes

I would have cut out a I would have taken I would have made it I would have
bun for her hair out the bush and all out of cardboard decorated the
because now see added a new tree. but it was very floppy. outside to make
looks bald. it more beautiful.
I would have made the top
I would have designed the curtains to
part curved not straight.
take up less room so more ballerinas
could fit in.
Criteria D:Final photos
Design cycle Reflection
I enjoyed this project a lot for many reasons but some of which
are how my original idea ,well one of them, was actually
chosen when we brainstormed ideas of what to do. Another
reason I have enjoyed this project I because of my love for
photography and I was excited for how the light would
traspase the spaces in between the cardboard.

If I could repeat this project all over again I would change two
things,first of all I would have managed my time much better
because the first class ,of the two we were given, was not
used to its full extent and we could have done it much better if
Inquiring and analyzing: we had managed our time better.Secondly I would have
distributed our tasks between the two of us before we started
because most of the time we didn’t know what the other one
Developing ideas : was doing and what we had to do.

Finally, I would like to say that this project has been especially
difficult because of the short time we had to make it,as we only
Creating the solution: had two day to complete the toilet roll.It also has been difficult
due to cardboards hardness and that’s because we finally had
to use card.

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