MEC - 109 Research Methods in Economics PDF
MEC - 109 Research Methods in Economics PDF
MEC - 109 Research Methods in Economics PDF
Research Methods
Indira Gandhi
in Economics
National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Research Methodology: Conceptual Foundation 7
Approaches to Scientific Knowledge: Positivism and Post
Positivism 21
Models of Scientific Explanation 43
Debates on Models of Explanation in Economics 57
Foundations of Qualitative Research: Interpretativism and
Critical Theory Paradigm 72
Expert Committee
Prof. D.N. Reddy Prof. Romar Korea
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad University of Mumbai
Prof. Harishankar Asthana
Professor of Psychology Dr. Manish Gupta
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Sr. Economist
National Institute of Public
Prof. Chandan Mukherjee
Finance and Policy
Professor and Dean
New Delhi
School of Development Studies
Ambedkar University, New Delhi Prof. Anjila Gupta
Professor of Economics
Prof. V.R. Panchmukhi
IGNOU, New Delhi
Rtd. Professor of Economics
Bombay University and Former Prof. Narayan Prasad (Convenor)
Chairman ICSSR, New Delhi Professor of Economics
IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. Achal Kumar Gaur
Professor of Economics Prof. K. Barik
Faculty of Social Sciences Professor of Economics
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. P.K. Chaubey Dr. B.S. Prakash
Professor, Indian Institute of Public Associate Professor in Economics
Administration, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Shri S.S. Suryanarayana Shri Saugato Sen
Rtd. Joint Advisor Associate Professor in Economics
Planning Commission, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Course Coordinator: Prof. Narayan Prasad
Block Preparation Team
Units Resource Person IGNOU Faculty
(Format, Language and Conent editing)
1 Prof. Narayan Prasad
Professor of Economics Prof. Narayan Prasad
Block Editor
IGNOU, New Delhi Professor of Economics
IGNOU, New Delhi
2 Prof. S.G. Kulkarni
Prof. Prem Vashistha
Professor of Philosophy Prof. Narayan Prasad
NCAER, New Delhi
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Professor of Economics
IGNOU, New Delhi
3,4 Prof. D. Narshimha Reddy
Rtd. Professor of Economics Prof. Narayan Prasad
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Professor of Economics
IGNOU, New Delhi
5 Dr. Nausheen Nizami
Assistant Professor in Economics Prof. Narayan Prasad
Gargi College, University of Delhi Professor of Economics
New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
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Block 2 on research design and measurement issues sets the tone and context to
provide balanced treatment to quantitative and qualitative research. The block
comprises of three units. Research design and mixed methods, the characteristics
of quantitative methods and qualitative methods, sampling design, the various
issues relating to measurement of variables have been covered in this block.
Research Methodology: Block 3: In order to validate the economic theory, we need their empirical
Issues and Perspectives
verification. Further, in order to examine disparity in income, the inequality
measures are important. Similarly in order to describe the development status of
an area in terms of several dimensions, we need to develop skill to construct
composite index numbers. For all these purposes, good exposure to methods of
regression models, in-equality measures and composite index is required.
Block 3 meets this requirement.
Block 4: In order to analyse the quantitative and qualitative data, more analytical
techniques like Multi Variate Analysis: Factor Analysis, Canonical Correlation
Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, and Structural Equation
Models are being increasingly used under either mono method or mix methods.
Block 4 explains all these techniques.
Block 5: A large range of data analysis techniques are used in carrying out
qualitative research. However, three important methods namely participatory
methods, content analysis, and action research – relevant for conducting the
qualitative research studies in the area of Economics have been covered in this
Block 6: The availability of data is crucial for undertaking research. For this,
one is expected to be familiar with the different databases, and sources, the
concepts used in data compilation and the agencies involved in data collection.
Block 6 focuses on these aspects of database of Indian Economy.
Research Methodology:
UNIT 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Conceptual Foundation
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research Methodology and its Constituents
1.3 Theoretical Perspectives
1.4 Approaches to Social Enquiry
1.5 Research Strategies
1.6 Research Process
1.7 Hypothesis: Its Types and Sources
1.8 The Nature, Sources and Types of Data
1.9 Measurement Scales of Variables
1.10 Let Us Sum Up
1.11 Key Words
1.12 Some Useful Books
1.13 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Explain the research methodology and its constituents;
• State the various philosophical perspectives that guide research in social sciences;
• Describe various research approaches and strategies that are applied to answer
the research questions;
• Describe the various steps involved in the research process; and
• Discuss the various types of research designs appropriate for different types
of research.
Research plays a significant role in human progress. It inculcates scientific and
inductive thinking and promotes the development of logical thinking and
organization. The role of research in several fields of applied economics has
increased in modern times. As an aid to economic policy, it has gained importance
for policy makers in understanding the complex nature of the functioning of the
economy. It also occupies special significance in analysing problems of business
and industry. Social scientists study the relationships among many variables
seeking answers to complex issues through research. In short, research aids the
process of knowledge formation and serves as an important source of providing
policy suggestions to different business, government and social organization.
The knowledge of the critical perspectives or philosophy of science, techniques
Research Methodology: of data collection and tools or methods of analyzing data are essential for
Issues and Perspectives
undertaking research in a systematic manner. In this unit, we shall focus our
attention on important constituents of research methodology i.e., research
perspectives, research approaches and strategies and data types and its sources,
hypothesis formulation and measurement scale of variables. At the initial stage
of research, several questions may arise in your mind – what do we mean by
research? How is the term ‘research methodology’ distinct from ‘research
techniques’ or ‘research methods’? Which type of research approach can be
applied to a particular situation or context? What are the steps involved in the
research process and how to design a research project? We shall take up these
issues in this unit. Let us begin by explaining the term research methodology
and its constituents.
The exact number of world views and the names associated with a particular
paradigm vary from author to another but four paradigms in the context of research
approaches in social sciences, are important:
• Positivism and post positivism
• Critical theory
• Interpretivism
• Pragmatism.
The peculiar features of these paradigms are:
• They differ on the question of reality,
• They offer different reasons or purposes for doing research,
• They use different types of tools for data collection and sources of
information also vary,
• They resort different ways of deriving meaning from the collected data,
• They vary in the relationship between research and practice.
Some authors have classified these paradigms into three categories by re-naming
them as:
• Realism begins by assuming that there is a real world that is external to the
experience of any particular person and the goal of research is to understand
that world.
Research Methodology: The knowledge of all these perspectives enable a researcher to make a meaningful
Issues and Perspectives
choice about
1) the research problem;
2) the research questions to investigate this problem;
3) the research strategies to answer these questions;
4) the approaches to social enquiry that accompany these strategies;
5) the concept and theory that direct the investigation;
6) the sources, forms and types of data;
7) the methods for collecting and analyzing the data to answer these questions.
On other hand, the studies conducted within the perspective of critical theory
and interpretivism paradigms are termed as qualitative research. By using
induction as a research strategy, qualitative research creates the theory and
discovery through flexible, emergent research designs. It tries to evolve meaning
and interpretation based on closer contacts between researchers and the people
they study. Thus qualitative research consists of purposes and procedures that
integrate inductive, subjective and contextual approaches. Based on the above
outlines on the types of research – we may say that there are two basic approaches
to research viz., quantitative approach and qualitative approach.
6) The role of Existing theories are typically A-priori deducted theories are
theories in the used only as point of departure opeationalised and tested on
analysis for the analysis. Theories are data. The process of analysis
further developed by forming is basically deductive.
new concepts and relations. The
contents of the new concepts are
studied and illustrated. Practical
application of theory is
illustrated by cases.
• Objectives
• Research Questions
Review of Literature
Formulation of Hypothesis
Research Design
Analysis of Data
Report Writing
The above activities or steps overlap continuously rather than following the
prescribed sequence strictly. The steps are not mutually exclusive. The order
illustrated is meant only to provide a procedural guideline for research. The steps
are briefly elaborated below:
It is better to select the subject that is familiar with easy access to research
material and data sources. Apart from the topic, following points need to be
stated clearly in the research problem:
2) the aims and objectives as per the requirements of the research questions.
The statement of the objectives determines the data to be collected,
hypothesis to be tested, techniques for data collection and analysis to
be adopted, and the relations intended to be explored;
3) the research questions in the light of the objectives and the theoretical
arguments/foundation on which it rests;
In addition to the above, the following points should also be observed while
defining the research problem:
• The time-period required and the scope of the study must be duly
and (ii) empirical literature consisting of findings in quantitative terms by Research Methodology:
Conceptual Foundation
studies conducted in the area. This will help in framing research questions
to be investigated. Academic journals, conference proceedings, government
reports, books etc. are the main sources of literature. With the spread of IT,
one can access a large volume of literature through internet.
Prior thinking about the subject, examination of the available data and
material related to the study, discussion with colleagues and experts help
the researcher in formulation of hypothesis. Exploratory or descriptive
research can be carried out even without hypothesis.
Estimation of Testing of
parameter values hypotheses
Point Interval
estimate estimate
(Calculation of several measures
mostly concerning one variable) Simple regression and
simple correlation (in
i) Measures of Central
respect of variables) Multiple regression*
and multiple
ii) Measures of dispersion; correlation/partial
iii) Measures of skewness; Association of correlation in respect
iv) One-way ANOVA, Index attributes of variables
numbers, Time series ( t h r o u g h
analysis; and coefficient of Multiple discriminant
v) Others (including simple association and analysis (in respect of
correlation and regression in coefficient of attributes)
simple classification of paired contingency)
Multi-ANOVA (in
Two-way ANOVA respect of variables)
Canonical analysis
(in respect of both
variables and
Other types of
analyses (such as
factor analysis,
cluster analysis)
Most of these analytical techniques have been covered in Units 9,10,11 and 12
of Block 3 and Units 13,14,15,16 and 17 of Block 4 of this course.
Report Writing: Originality and clarity are the two vital components of research Research Methodology:
Conceptual Foundation
report. It is the ultimate test of one’s analytical ability and communication skills.
It is an exercise involving the organization of ideas. The research report needs to
be presented in such a manner that the readers can grasp the context, methodology
and findings easily. The report comprise of two parts: the preliminary pages and
the main text. In the preliminary pages, the report should indicate the title of the
research study, name of the researcher (and his team members) and the name of
the institution and/or the month/year of preparation of the report. This should be
followed by a ‘preface’ in which the main context of preparing the report along
with key findings must be presented. Towards the end of the ‘preface’, the
important sources/persons can suitably be acknowledged.
The main text begins with an introductory chapter followed by the major aspects
of the study organized into different chapters. The introductory chapter should
contain a clear statement of the objectives of the study, rationale behind the
study, a brief summary of the literature review, hypotheses tested (if any) and the
definitions of the major concepts employed in the study. The methodology adopted
in conducting the study must also be fully explained along with an explicit mention
of the limitations of the study. The subsequent parts of the main text, should
present the major aspects of the study arranged in a logical sequence splited into
appropriate sections and subsections. The inter-connection between different
sections should be properly maintained so that the report reads smoothly.
The implications of the results of the study should be stated towards the end of
the report. The implications may comprise of:
i) the inferences drawn from the study;
ii) the conditions which may limit the extent of generalizations of the inferences
drawn; and
iii) the questions that remain unanswered along with new areas for further
research identified. The conclusion drawn from the study should be clearly
related to the objectives/hypotheses stated in the introductory section.
The report may also include an ‘executive summary’ outlining the context and
methodology, and major findings of the study. The ‘executive summary’ is placed
right at the beginning (i.e. before the introductory chapter) so as to provide a
concise picture of the entire report.
The data may be of three types; Time series, Cross-section and Pooled.
2) Cross Section Data: Cross-section data are data on one or more variables
collected at the same point of time. For example the data on the census of
population collected by the Registrar General of India.
3) Pooled Data: In pooled data, the elements of both time series and cross
section are clubbed. For example, over a period of time say from 2000 to
2013, we have data on saving, investment and GDP across Indian states.
Panel, Longitudinal or Micro Panel Data: This is a special type of pooled data
in which the same cross-sectional (say a family or firm) is surveyed overtime.
The Sources of Data: The data used in empirical analysis may be collected by a
governmental agency (e.g. CSO, NSSO, RBI, Labour Bureau etc.), an
international agency (e.g. International Monetary Fund (IMF) or a private
organization. Such data is called secondary data because these are collected from
secondary sources. The details about the kind of secondary data compiled by the
different data collecting agencies have been presented in Block 6 of this course.
The data collected by the investigator or researcher through field work is termed
primary data. Such data is collected by using different tools like questionnaire,
schedule, interview etc. under quantitative approach and participant observation,
open ended interview, group discussion, key information etc. ( under qualitative
approach). The methods for collecting the primary data have been discussed in
Unit 7 of Block 2.
2) LeWis-Beck Michael S; Bryman Aan, Tim Futing, Liao (Ed) (2004): The
Sage Encyclopedia of Social Sciences Research Method, Volumes 1,2 and
3, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
Research Methodology: 3) David L. Morgan (2014): Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods,
Issues and Perspectives
Sage Publications, New Delhi
Research Methodology:
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Positivist Philosophy of Science
2.2.1 Central Tenets of Positivist Philosophy
2.3 Attack on Positivist Philosophy of Science
2.4 Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science
2.5 Criticism against Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science
2.6 Thomas Kuhn’s Philosophy of Science
2.7 Popper Versus Kuhn
2.8 Let Us Sum Up
2.9 Keywords
2.10 Some Useful Books
2.11 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Describe the aim of science as a cognitive enterprise;
• Explain the basic ideas of positivism;
• Appreciate the arguments or criticisms leveled against positivist philosophy
of science;
• Explain the central tenets of Popper’s philosophy of science;
• State the fundamental differences between Popper’s and positivists’ views
about theory of scientific method;
• Assess Karl Popper’s philosophy of science;
• Describe the essentials of Kuhn’s philosophy; and
• Discuss the basic differences between the Popperian and the Kuhnian models
of science.
Science has not only shaped our mode of living in the world but also our ways of
thinking about the world. It is for this reason it has acquired a central place in the
intellectual life of our times. Because of its central place in the modern culture,
three disciplines have emerged which has made science itself their object of
inquiry. These three disciplines are: History of Science, Sociology of Science
and Philosophy of Science. Whereas science studies the world natural or social 21
Research Methodology: or psychological, these three disciplines study science itself. History of Science
Issues and Perspectives
and Sociology of Science are essentially twentieth century disciplines. No doubt,
Philosophy of Science has a great past built by the contributions of individual
philosophies in different centuries. However, as a widespread and coordinated
discipline, it is also an essentially twentieth century phenomenon.
In the whole span of three centuries – from the beginning of the 17th century till Approaches to Scientific
Knowledge: Positivism and
the end of the 19th century – two views stand out prominently as answer to the Post Positivism
question regarding the aim and method of science. The first view is called
Induction. The second view is called Hypothesisism, according to which the
method of science is the method of Hypothesis. Francis Bacon is the Father of
Inductivism and Rene Dercartes is the Father of Hypothesisism. The two views
provide two distinct models of scientific practice, which we may call Baconian
and Cartesian models of Scientific practice.
Positivists worked out a well-knit philosophy of science. Here are some of the
central tenets of the Positivist Philosophy of Science:
1) Science is qualitatively distinct from, superior to and ideal for all other
areas of human endeavor (Scientism).
2) The distinction, superiority and idealhood that Science enjoys is traceable
to its possession of method (Methodologism).
3) There is only one method common to all sciences, irrespective of their subject
matter (Methodological monism).
4) That method which is common to all sciences, natural or human, is the
method of Induction (Inductivism).
5) The hallmark of science consists in the fact that its statements are
systematically verifiable.
6) Scientific observations are or can be shown to be “pure” in the sense that
they are theory-free.
7) The theories are winnowed from facts or observations.
8) The relation between observation and theory is unilateral in the sense theories
are dependent on observations whereas observations are theory-independent.
9) To a given set of observation based statements, there corresponds uniquely
only one theory (just as from a given set of premises in an argument, only
one conclusion follows).
10) Our factual judgments are value-neutral and our value judgments have no
factual content (Fact-Value Dichotomy thesis); hence, science being the
foremost instance of factual inquiry, does not have value commitments.
11) That all scientific explanation must have the following pattern:
Therefore, E.
13) Unlike other areas of activity, science is progressive in the sense that scientific
change is always change for better, whereas other areas exhibit just change:
the progress of science consists in the accumulation of observations on the
one hand, and, cumulative growth of theories,on the other hand. The latter
means that any new theory includes the old theory(plus something). Thus
the growth of science essentially exhibits continuity.
14) Science is objective in the sense that its theories are based on ‘pure’
observations or facts which as theory free. Interpretations may be subjective
but observations/facts are objective because they are free from interpretation/
15) Science is rational because the principle of Induction which is central to the
method of science is rationally defensible, in spite of Hume’s skepticism
regarding its rational defensibility.
Secondly, in science observations are taken into account only if they are described
in a language that is currently used in a particular science. An observation,
however, genuine, is no observation unless it is expressed in a recognized idiom.
It is the theory which provides the idiom or language to be used to describe facts
or observations. It is relevant to quote the words of Pierre Duhem, a distinguished
physicist and philosopher:
Thirdly, most of the observations in science are made with the help of instruments.
These instruments are constructed or designed in accordance with the
specifications provided by some theories. These theories, one may say, form the
software of these instruments. Belief in the reliability of these instruments implies
the acceptance of these theories which has gone into the making of these
instruments. This observations presuppose prior acceptance of theories.
All this does not mean that observations are theory-dependent whereas theories
are observation-independent. Observations and theory are interdependent though
it is not easy to clarify what the nature of this interdependence is. However,
positivists were wrong in claiming that observations are theory –independent.
To say that observations are theory dependent is to say that observation is not a
passive reception but an active participation of our cognitive faculties equipped
with prior knowledge which we call theory. After all, observations are not ‘given’
but ‘made’.
5) Give two counter arguments against the positivist thesis of pure observation. Approaches to Scientific
Knowledge: Positivism and
...................................................................................................................... Post Positivism
Hence, the need for verification arises. Popper rejects the inductivist view that
our observations are theory-free and hence rejects the idea that our observation
statements have probability equal to 1. More importantly, he maintains that
theories are not winnowed from observations or facts, but are free creations of
human mind. Our scientific ideas, in other words, are not extracted from our
observations; they are pure inventions. Since our theories are our own
Research Methodology: constructions, not the functions of anything like pure observations, which
Issues and Perspectives
according to Popper are anyway myths, the initial probability of our scientific
theories is zero.
From this it follows that whereas according to the inductivists what scientific
tests do is to mrely find out whether our scientific theories are true, according to
Popper scientific tests cannot establish the truth of scientific theories even when
the tests give positive results. If a test gives a positive result, the inductivists
claim that the scientific theory is established as true, whereas according to Popper
all that we calim is that our theory has not yet been falsified. In Popper’s scheme
no amount of positive result of scientific testing can prove our theories. Whereas
the inductivists speak of confirmation of our theories in the face of positive
results of the tests, Popper only speaks of corroboration. In other words, in the
inductivist scheme we can speak of scientific theories as established truths,
whereas in the Popperian scheme, a scientific theory, however, well supported
by evidence remains permanently tentative. We can bring out the fundamental
difference between verificationism (inductivism) and falsificationism
(Hypothetico-Deductivism) by drawing on the analogy between two systems of
criminal law. According to one system, the judge has to start with the assumption
that the accused is innocent and consequently unless one finds evidence against
him, he should be declared innocent. According to the other, the judge has to
start with the assumption that the accused is a culprit and consequently, unless
evidence goes in his favour, he should be declared to be a culprit. Obviously the
latter system of criminal law is harsher than the former. The inductivist scheme
is analogous to the former kind of criminal law, where as the Hypothetico-
Deductive scheme is akin to the latter one.
Firstly, it does justice to the critical spirit of science by maintaining that the aim
of scientific testing is to falsify our theories and by maintaining that our scientific
theories are, however corroborated, going to permanently remain tentative. In
other words, the Hypothetico-Deductivist view presents scientific theories as
permanently vulnerable with the sword of possible falsification always hanging
on their head. The inductivist view of scientific method makes science a safe
and defensive activity by portraying scientific testing as a search for confirming
instances and by characterizing scientific theories as established truths. According
to Popper, the special status accorded to science is due to the fact that science Approaches to Scientific
Knowledge: Positivism and
embodies an attitude which is essentially open-minded and anti-dogmatic. Post Positivism
Hypothetico-Deductivism is an adequate model of scientific practice because it
gives central place to such an attitude.
Secondly, Popper thinks that if science had followed the inductivist path; it would
not have made the progress it has. Suppose a scientist has arrived at a
generalization. If he follows the inductivist message, he will go in search of
instances which establish it as a truth. If he finds an instance which conflicts
with his generalization, what he does is to qualify his generalization saying that
the generalization is true except in the cases where it has to be held unsupported.
Such qualifications impose heavy restrictions on the scope of the generalization.
This results in scientific theories becoming extremely narrow in their range of
applicability. But if a scientist follows the Hypothetico-Dedectivist view, he will
throw away his theory once he comes across a negative instance instead of pruning
it and fitting it with the known positive facts. Instead of being satisfied with a
theory, tailored to suit the supporting observations, he will look for an alternative
which will encompass not only the observations which supported the old theory
but also the observations which went against the old theory and more importantly
which will yield fresh test implications. The theoretical progress science has
made can be explained only by the fact that science seeks to come out with
bolder and bolder explanations rather than taking recourse to the defensive method
of reducing the scope of the theories to make them consistent with facts. Hence,
Popper claims that the Hypothetico-Deductive model gives an adequate account
of scientific progress. According to him, if one accepts the inductivists account
of science one fails to give any explanation of scientific progress.
How does Popper characterize scientific progress? According to him, one finds
in the history of science invariable transitions from theories to better theories.
What does the work ‘better’ stand for? It may be recalled that, according to
Popper, no scientific theory, however, corroborated can be said to be ‘true’. Hence,
Popper drops the very concept of truth and replaces it by the concept of
Verisimilitude (truth-likeness or truth-nearness) in his characterization of the
Research Methodology: goal of science. In other words, through science cannot attain truth, i.e., though
Issues and Perspectives
our theories can never be said to be true, science can set for itself the goal of
achieving higher and higher degrees of Verisimilitude, i.e., successive scientific
theories can progressively approximate to truth. So, in science we go from theory
to better theory and the criterion for betterness is Verisimilitude. But what is the
criterion for Verisimilitude? The totality of the testable implications of a
hypothesis constitutes what he calls ‘the empirical content’ of the hypothesis.
The totality of the testable implications which are borne out constitute the truth
content of the hypothesis and the totality of the testable implications which are
not borne out is called the falsity content of the hypothesis. The criterion of the
Verisimilitude of a theory is nothing but truth content minus the falsity content
of a theory. In the actual history of science we always find, according to Popper,
theories being replaced by better theories, that is, theories with higher degree of
Verisimilitude. In other words, of the two successive theories, at any time in the
History of Science, we find the successor theory possessing greater Verisimilitude
and is therefore better than its predecessor. In fact, according to him, a theory is
rejected as false only if we have an alternative which is better than the one
at hand in the sense that it has more testable implications and a greater number
of its testable implications are already borne out. The growth of science is
convergent in the sense that the successful part of the old theory is retained in the
successor theory with the result the old theory becomes a limiting case of the
new one. The growth of science thus shows continuity. In other words, it is the
convergence of the old theory into the new one that provides continuity in the
growth of science. It must also be noted in this connection that unlike the
Inductivists or Positivists, Popper is a Realist in the sense, according to him,
scientific theories are about an unobservable world. This means that the real
world of the unobservable thought can never be captured entirely by our theories,
evidence that through the gap between Truth and our theories can never be
completely filled, it can be progressively reduced. Consequently, the real world
of unobservable will be more and more like what our theories say though not
completely so.
1) Science is qualitatively distinct from, superior to and ideal for all other Approaches to Scientific
Knowledge: Positivism and
areas of human endeavour (scientism). Post Positivism
2) The distinction, superiority and idealhood that science enjoys is traceable
to its possession of a method (Methodologism).
3) There is only one method common to all science irrespective of their subject
matter (Methodological Monism).
4) That method which is common to all sciences, natural and human, is the
method of Hypothetico-Deduction (Hypothetico-Deductivism).
5) The hallmark of science (i.e., the distinguishing mark of science) consists
in the fact that its statements are systematically falsifiable (falsifiability).
6) Scientific observations are not and cannot be shown to be pure; that is, they
are theory-dependent.
7) Theories are not winnowed from observations or facts; they are pure
inventions of human mind i.e., only conjectures and not generalizations
based on ‘pure observations’.
8) The relation between observation and theory is one of interdependence.
9) To a given set of observation-statements there might correspond more than
one theory.
10) Our factual judgements may have value commitments and our value
judgements may have cognitive content (hence fact-value dichotomy is
unacceptable); science is not value neutral but the value commitments can
be critically discussed and therefore they are not subjective.
11) All scientific explanations must have deductive-nomological pattern and
thus the thesis of Deductive-Nomologism is acceptable.
12) The aim of science is to provide an account of observable world in terms of
unobservable entities and to provide accounts of those unobservable entities
in terms of further unobservable entities. Unobservable entities are,
therefore, real and our theories are putative descriptions of such real entities
13) Unlike other areas of human activity, there is progress in science which
consists in going from one theory to a better theory. Here, ‘better’ means
‘more true’. ‘More to true’ means ‘the world of unobservables’. In short,
science is progressive in the sense our successive theories in any domain of
science exhibit greater and greater verisimilitude or truth-nearness i.e. the
match between our theories and reality. Unlike positivists, Popper rejects
the idea that progress of science is characterized by cumulative growth of
theories. According to him, a new theory is entirely new and not an old
theory plus an epsilon as Positivists thought. Thus, in Popper’s scheme, the
growth of science is essentially discontinuous. Of course, Popper makes
some room for continuity also when he says that old theory (at least true
part of it) is a limiting case of the new theory.
14) Science is not objective in the sense scientific theories are based on pure
observations as positivists thought because there are no pure observations.
Science is objective in the sense its theories are inter-subjectively testable.
Research Methodology: 15) Lastly, science is not rational in the sense the principle of Induction can be
Issues and Perspectives
rationally justified as Positivists thought. The principle of Induction cannot
be rationally justified; nor is it used by science. Science is rational in the
sense it embodies critical thinking. Apart from insisting that our theories be
falsifiable, science has institutional mechanisms for practicing and promoting
critical thinking. What is rationality other than critical thinking? Positivists
and Popper differ from each. The theses (1), (2), (3) and (11) are common
to both Positivists and Popperians. Popper rejects most of other theses of
Positivists, especially their central thesis which concerns the idea of pure
observation. Finally, he agrees with the Positivists that science is uniquely
progressive, objective and rational; but his notions of progressiveness,
objectivity and rationality of science are entirely different from those of
Secondly, Popper says that successive theories in any domain exhibit increasing
verisimilitude i.e., truth nearness. That is, reality constituted by unobservable
entities is more like what a new theory says than what its immediate predecessor
says. This means that following Popper we have to say that the ultimate
constituents of matter are more like fields as the present physical theory says
than like particles (atoms) as claimed by Newtonian theory. This is unintelligible.
What does it mean to say that the ultimate constituents of matter are more like
fields than particles called atoms? Either they are like fields or like particles.
Thirdly, when Popper says a new theory is better than the old one (in the sense
it is more true), he assumes that the two theories can be compared. This means
that they have something common which makes them comparable. But this has
been ably questioned by Thomas Kuhn who sought to show that when one
fundamental theory replaces another, the two theories are so radically different
as to make any talk of comparison between them highly questionable. We shall
now turn to his views.
Check Your Progress 2 Approaches to Scientific
Knowledge: Positivism and
1) On what basis, according to Popper, a line can be demarked between science Post Positivism
According to Kuhn, in the life of every major science there are two stages (1)
Pre-paradigmatic stage, and (2) paradigmatic stage. In the pre-paradigmatic
stage one finds more than one mode of practicing that science. That is, there was
a time in the history of Astronomy when different schools of Astronomy practised
Astronomy differently. So is the case with Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In
that stage their situation was similar to that which obtains today in areas like art,
philosophy and even medicine wherein divergent modes of practicing these
disciplines co-exist. Today, we speak of schools of Art (e.g., painting), schools
of Philosophy and systems/schools of medicine. But today we do not speak of
Schools of Astronomy or Physics or Chemistry or Biology.
Research Methodology: This is, according to Kuhn, in areas like art, philosophy and medicine that did
Issues and Perspectives
not, and cannot make a transition from pre-paradigmatic stage to paradigmatic
stage, which marks the disappearance of plurality, that is, disappearance of
schools. In other words, the transition means replacement of plurality by monolith
i.e., a uniform mode of practice.
We all know that Ptolemy’s Almagest Newton’s Principia and Darwin’s Origin
of the Species are path-breaking works in the areas of Astronomy, Physics and
Biology respectively. According to Kuhn, these works provided paradigms for
these disciplines. They did so by specifying the exact manner in which these
disciplines ought to proceed. They laid the ground rules regarding what problems
these disciplines must tackle and how to tackle them. Hence, paradigms are
Universally recognized achievements that for a time provide model problems
and solutions to community of practitioners. Hence, in the first place, a paradigm
specifies what that ultimate constituents of that sphere of reality, which a particular
science is inquiring into, are.
It is in this way Kuhn attempts to account for the smooth, defined and directional
character of day-to-day scientific research in terms of the features of what he
calls “Normal Science”. Normal Science has no room for any radical thinking. It
is limited to the enterprise of solving certain puzzles in accordance with the
rules specified by the paradigm. These rules are never questioned but only
accepted and followed. The aim of scientific education is to ensure that the
paradigm is internalized by a student. In other words, the professional training in
science consists in accepting the paradigm as given and equipping oneself to
promote the cause of paradigm by giving a greater precision and further
elaboration. The day-to-day scientific research does not aim at anything
fundamentally new but only at the application of what has already been given,
namely the theoretical ideas and the practical guidelines for solving certain
puzzles. It is in this sense that normal science is a highly tradition-bound
As pointed out earlier, normal science purports to force nature into the conceptual
boxes provided by the reigning paradigm by solving puzzles in accordance with
the guidelines provided by the paradigm whose validity is accepted without
question. During this process of puzzle solving, certain hurdles may be
encountered. We than speak of “anomalies”. That is, an anomaly arises when a
puzzle remains puzzle defying every attempt to resolve it within the framework
of the paradigm. But, appearance of one or two anomalies is not sufficient to
overthrow a paradigm. The ushering in of the ear of a new paradigm has to be
preceded by the appearance of not one or two minor anomalies, but many major
ones. In order to declare a paradigm to be crisis-ridden, what is needed is an
accumulation of major anomalies. But there is no clear cut and objective criterion
to decide which anomalies are major and how many anomalies must accumulate
to declare a paradigm to be crisis-ridden. In other words, there is no criterion
which decides whether a perceived anomaly is only a puzzle or the symptom of
a deep crisis. The issue will be decided by the community of the practitioners of
the discipline through the judgment of its peers. Once the scientific community
declares the existing paradigm to be crisis-ridden, the search for the alternative
begins. Of course the crisis-ridden paradigm will not be given up unless a new
theory is accepted in its place. It is only during this transitional period of search
for the new paradigm that the scientific debates become radical.
Research Methodology: During the process of search for an alternative, the scientific community has to
Issues and Perspectives
make a choice between competing theories. In this choice, the evaluation
procedures of normal science are of no help, “for these depend in part upon a
particular paradigm and that paradigm is at issue.” The issue concerning the
paradigm choice can not be settled by logic and experiment alone. What ultimately
matters is the consensus of the relevant scientific community. Kuhn points out,
“that question of value can be answered only in terms of criteria that lie outside
of normal science altogether, and it is that recourse to external criteria that most
obviously makes paradigm debates revolutionary.” Thus a paradigm choice cannot
be explicated in the neutral language of mathematical equations and experimental
procedures, but in terms of specific perceptions which a scientific community as
a social entity entertains about what it considers to be the basic values of its
professional enterprise. In other words, the ultimate explanation of a theory choice
is not methodological but sociological. Hence in Kuhn’s scheme, the idea of
scientific community as a social entity is axiomatic. That is to say, according to
him, “If the term “paradigm” is to be successfully explicated, scientific
communities must first be recognized as having an independent existence”. This
means that one must explain scientific practice in terms of paradigms and
paradigmatic changes and the latter are to be explicated in terms of a particular
scientific community which shares the paradigms and brings about paradigmatic
changes. Thus, the concept of scientific community is basic to the concept of
paradigm. The concept of scientific community can be explicated in sociological
terms. Hence, the ultimate terms of explication of scientific activity are
What is the relation between the old paradigm, which is overthrown and the new
paradigm which succeeds it? Kuhn’s answer to this question is extremely radical.
According to him, in no obvious sense one can say that the new paradigm is
better or truer that the old one. Kuhn maintains that the two successful paradigms
cut the world differently. They speak different languages. In fact when a paradigm
changes, to put it metaphorically, the world changes. With his characteristic
lucidity he says, “the transition from a paradigm in crisis to new one from which
a new tradition of normal science can emerge is far from accumulative process,
one that is achieved by an articulation or extension of the old paradigm. Rather,
it is a reconstruction of the field from new fundamentals, a reconstruction that
changes some of the field’s most elementary theoretical generalizations as well
as many of its,… methods and applications.” This apart Kuhn contends that the
two paradigms talk different languages. Even if the same terms are used in two
paradigms, the terms have different meanings. What can be said in the language
of one paradigm can not be translated into the other language. Based on these
reasons, Kuhn claims that the relation between two successive paradigms is
incommensurable. No wonder Kuhn compares paradigm shift to gestalt shift.
With this, the idea of scientific progress as a continuous process and the idea of
truth as the absolute standard stand totally repudiated. Kuhn advances what might
appear to be an undiluted relativism according to which truth is intro-paradigmatic
and not inter-paradigmatic. That is to say what is true is relative to a paradigm
and there is no truth lying outside all paradigms.
Approaches to Scientific
2.7 POPPER VERSUS KUHN Knowledge: Positivism and
Post Positivism
Some of the radical implications of Kuhn’s position can be brought about by
juxtaposing his views with those of Popper.
Thirdly, Popper and Kuhn differ fundamentally in their attitude towards the
transition from one theory to another theory in science. According to Popper, we
can explain every case of change of theoretical framework in terms of certain
norms which science always adopts and follows meticulously. In fact, scientific
rationality consists in following these norms. But Kuhn contends that an adequate
explanation of change of theoretical framework must be in terms of the value
judgments made by a community while making the choice. According to Kuhn,
recourse to the so-called methodological norms explains nothing. From the point
of view of Popper, Kuhn is an irrationalist because he sets aside methodological
norms and seeks to explain theory change exclusively in terms of non-rational or
sociological factors like value commitments of a professional group. Whatever
be the merit of Popper’s attack on Kuhn as an irrationalist, we can say that Kuhn’s
construct of scientific practice is sociological. That is to say, according to him,
scientific activity can not be understood by trying to find out the absolute standards
which have guided the scientific activity in all ages. It can only be understood in
terms of the specific judgments which a community makes at a particular juncture
regarding what it considers to be its value commitments as a professional group.
Research Methodology: The above juxtaposition of Popper and Kuhn brings out the radical implications
Issues and Perspectives
of Kuhn’s views regarding the nature of scientific practice. However, in one
respect Kuhn is very close to Popper. Both, like positivists, content that there is
something unique to science though they differ in their explanation of what that
uniqueness consists of. Positivists maintain that the hallmark of science is the
systematic verifiability of its claims. According to Popper, the uniqueness of
science consists in the systematic falsifiability of theories. Accounting to Kuhn,
it is consensus which marks out science from other areas of human endeavour.
That is to say, Kuhn, like Positivists and Popper, does not question whether
science is really unique. That is to say, instead of raising critical questions about
the status that science has acquired in the contemporary culture, Kuhn only seeks
to provide an alternative account of how it has acquired that status. In that sense
Kuhn’s position is quite conservative.
In this unit, we had a brief look at the 20th century thinking on the nature of
science. It is very difficult to decide which view is the correct one, though
Positivist view has been shown to be highly inadequate. The question is “How
should we practise social sciences so as to make them scientific”?
Some social scientists take the Positivist recommendation: “collect data, extract
a generalization, verify the generalization and formulate a law”. Those social
scientists who are inspired by the Popperian view, take seriously the Popperian
advice “Formulate a problem, provide a tentative solution, try to falsify it, if the
solution survives treat it as a corroborated theory but not as a confirmed one”.
Still others go by Kuhn’s view of science and think that the task of social sciences
today is to arrive at paradigms in different social scientific disciplines. This will
enable social sciences to overcome ideological commitments which generate
differences even at a fundamental level. According to them, the consensus so
generated will bring social sciences close to natural sciences.
4) How did Popper differ with Kuhn about essence of science?
5) Match the following:
1) Individual as the locus of scientific study i) Positivists
2) Explanation of theory in terms of value judgment ii) Popper
3) Theory changes in terms of certain norms iii) Kuhn
4) Verification as the hall mark of science iv) Popper
Regarding aims and methodology two views have been dominant. ‘inductivism’
by Francis Bacon and ‘Hypothesism’ by Rene Decartes. Positivism has been a
movement in the philosophy of the first half of the 20th Century. Inductivitism,
systematical verifiable statements, pure scientific observations, unilateral
relationship between observation and theory, value neutral theory, precise
prediction of facts as aim of science, progressive/objective/rational arguments
as essentials of science are some of the important central tenets of positivism.
The concept of pure observation in positivist philosophy has been attacked on
several grounds.
Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn are the two most important philosophers of mid
20th century. They offered alternatives to positivism and shaped the contemporary
debate on theory of scientific knowledge. Popper rejected the central thesis of
positivism i.e., idea of ‘pure observation’. He propounded the Hypothetico-
Deductive model as an adequate and superior model of scientific method.
According to him, the scientific statements are systematically falsifiable. The
scientific observations are theory-dependent. Theories are pure inventions of
human mind. The theory and observation are interdependent. Science is not value
Research Methodology: neutral and therefore values are not subjective. Science is progressive. Science
Issues and Perspectives
is objective in the sense that its theories are inter-subjectivity testable. Science,
according to Popper, is rational in the sense that it embodies critical thinking.
Owing to commonality of views of Popper with those of positivists regarding
scientism, methodologism, methodological monism and Deductive Nomologism,
Popper is sometimes viewed as semi-positivist.
Thomas Kuhn sees the life of major sciences in two stages – Pre-paradigmatic
stage and paradigmatic stage. In the pre-paradigmatic stage, more than one mode
are practised. In the process of transition a discipline acquires the stage of
paradigm. When a paradigm fails to promote fruitful, interesting and smooth
normal science, It is considered in crisis. Deepening of crisis leads to replacement
of the existing paradigm, which is termed as scientific revolution.
Thus, on the question how we should practise social sciences so as to make them
‘scientific, three views have so far been propounded. Positivist recommendation
is to ‘collect data, extract generalization, verify the generalization and formulate
a law’. Popper’s view is “formulate a problem, provide a tentative solution, try
to falsify it, if solution survives, treat it as a corroborated theory but not as a
confirmed one’. Which one out these three is correct – is difficult to decide?
Consensus on the three models will bring social science close to natural sciences.
Research Methodology: Check Your Progress 2
Issues and Perspectives
1) On the basis of falsifiability of scientific theories.
2) Inductivist model’s basic proposition is that observations are pure i.e. theory
– independent and theories are derived from pure observations. In
Hypothetico-deductive model, theories are perceived as our mental (own)
constructions and are not the functions of pure observations.
3) Hypothetico-Deductive model’s central components are: (i) theories are our
own constructions reflecting unobservable entities, (ii) science is progressive
in terms of increasing very similitude, (iii) science is rational in terms of
critical rationalism and objective in terms of inter-subjectivity.
4) Science embodies critical thinking.
Approaches to Scientific
UNIT 3 MODELS OF SCIENTIFIC Knowledge: Positivism and
Post Positivism
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Unified View of Rules of Positivism
3.3 Search for the Criterion of Cognitive Significance
3.4 Rules of Logic or Rules of Correct Reasoning
3.4.1 ‘Categorical Syllogism’
3.4.2 Hypothetical Syllogism
3.4.3 ‘Logical Truth’ and ‘Material Truth’
3.4.4 Deductive Fallacies
3.5 Models of Scientific Explanation
3.5.1 Hypothetico-Deductive Model
3.5.2 Covering-Law Models Deductive-Nomological (D-N) Model Inductive-Probablistic (I-P) Model Critical Appraisal of Covering-Law (D-N,I-P) Models of Explanation
3.6 Explanation in Non-Physical Sciences
3.7 Let Us Sum Up
3.8 Key Words
3.9 Some Useful Books
3.10 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• Explain the basic rules of formal reasoning;
• State the role of logical reasoning in the formulation of a research problem;
• Describe the basic rules of structural relationship between assumptions,
theory and conclusions; and
• Appreciate the problems involved in systematic explanation of phenomena.
Explanation has three meanings: One interpretation of explanation is to remove
a perplexity or solve mystery i.e., ‘puzzle solving’. The second meaning is to
change the unknown into the known. The third interpretation of explanation is
to give causes of phenomenon to be explained. The first two meanings are too
relativistic and subjective. It is the third one emphasizing causal explanation
Research Methodology: subserving regularity, and law like explanations that fits the meaning of scientific
Issues and Perspectives
explanation. Here, we are concerned with one mainstream approach to science
viz,. Positivism. We may begin this unit by recognizing the complexity of
explaining subject matter of philosophy of science. The first two units make it
clear, that there is no general agreement on Positivism as the only approach to
pursue knowledge. It is at least over fifty years, since when various limitations
and misconception of the rules and propositions of Positivism have been brought
to light. But yet, paradoxically, the mainstream notion of science and scientific
explanation is dominated by the tenets of Positivism. This is partly because of
the rigorous and prescriptive nature of positivist propositions which remain simple
and attractive, and partly because of the open ended and speculative nature of
the alternative approaches. The enthusiasm with which many mainstream
economists still prefer to refer to Economics as a Positive Science is yet another
indication that alternative approaches in the Philosophy of Science have not yet
percolated to Economics. Because of these reasons this unit on ‘Models of
Scientific Explanation’, and the next one on ‘Debates on the Models of Scientific
Explanation in Economics’ are essentially confined to Positivist Models of
Let us begin with a broad unified view of Positivism in terms of certain rules. It
will be followed by certain rules of deduction or formal logical reasoning that
underlie Positivist Models of explanation. Afterwards, the various Models of
Explanation and their limitations, will be discussed.
K3 The Rule of Value-free Statements Models of Scientific
Knowledge is value-free. The rule refutes to call value judgments and normative
statements as knowledge. There is no room for good or bad or ethical judgments
in statement of science or knowledge.
The verbal fallacy involves a statement where something which is true of the
part is also made true of the whole. For example, in case of people waiting to see
a procession:
If one rises on one’s tip-toes, one can see better.
If people rise on their tip-toes, they can see better.
The early Positivists like Aguste Comte and Ernest Mach did not believe in any
role to explanation in science. Mach believed that theories are mere heuristic
devises and talked of theories being “eliminative fiction” useful only in organizing
data. But Positivism has traveled a long distance since, and by mid-1950s was
referring to explanation as the Chief objective of Science. “To explain the
phenomena in the world of our experience, to answer the question “Why?” rather
than only the question “What?” is one of the foremost objectives of all rational
enquiry…”. Explanation removes puzzlement and provides understanding.
However, there exist considerable differences of opinion as to the function and
the essential characteristics of scientific explanation.
terms which may not be testable directly, to gain meaningfulness indirectly by Models of Scientific
the successful confirmation of theory in which they are embedded.
The H-D model rejects the earlier notion that theories have no role but are only
instruments. H-D model emphasizes the following positive functions of theories:
1) They allow generality in the specification of scientific laws.
2) They possess ‘a certain formal simplicity’ which allows the use of ‘powerful
and elegant mathematical machinery’.
3) They can serve the practical function of allowing the scientist to discover
interdependencies among observable.
4) They are convenient and fruitful heuristic (intellectual) devices, often serving
an explanatory function of their own.
R2) The explanandum must contain general laws, and these must actually
be required for the derivation of the explanandum. Though not a
necessary condition, the explanans must contain at least one statement
which is not a law.
R3) The explanans must have empirical content, i.e., it must be capable,
at least in principle, of test by experiment or observation. The point
deserves special mention because certain arguments which have been
offered as explanations in the natural and in the social sciences violate
this requirement.
Hempel and Oppenheim argued that the same formal analysis, including the
four necessary conditions, applies to scientific predictions as well as to
explanation. They went on to argue that an explanation is not fully adequate
unless its explanans, if taken account of in time, could have served as a basis for
predicting the phenomenon under consideration. Consequently, whatever is said
about the logical characteristics of explanation or prediction will be applicable
to either, even if one of them is mentioned. This resulted what is known as
Covering-Law Model extended to the D-N Model of Explanation.
Logical { } Predecens
Deduction { }
The symmetry visualized between explanation and prediction has often drawn Models of Scientific
First is about the necessity of laws and theories in the pursuit of scientific
explanation. Laws are distinct from ordinary statements. Ordinary statements or
statement of mere facts refer to particular statements and express “contingent
truths:, like “John went home and had dinner”. Laws refer to universal statements
and express “necessary truths”. For example, “all objects are attracted to one
another with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distances between
them” is a universal and law like statement: However, there are many apparently
Research Methodology: universal statements which are not really universal statements. These may be the
Issues and Perspectives
ones that involve mere “accidental generalizations” like, “all coins in my pocket
are nickels”.
This distinction between laws and ordinary statements does not make laws as
necessary requirement for explanation. Particularly in biology, astronomy and
social sciences explanations need not be in the form of laws. Explanations may
be in the form of questions and answers. The often cited example is: Why do
Hopi Indians continue to perform rain making ceremonies even though their
ceremonies do not normally produce desired result? The explanation is to reinforce
group identity, but there is no law involved. Similarly: Why do all vertebrates’
hearts beat regularly? The explanation is to circulate blood throughout the body
which helps to maintain uniform temperature. This explanation again doesn’t
require any law like statement.
Second, explanation requires not only the factors one cites to be casually relevant
but also that they be causes. D-N model is often satisfied by citing relevant
causes. Causes explain effects, but effects do not explain their causes, and effects
of common cause do not explain one another. Based on David Hume’s famous
guillotine of time, two contiguous events do not become cause and effect. Inferring
event B as the effect of event A because it followed the later, amounts to the
“Billiard Ball Model of Causation”, where the ball reaching the pouch is seen,
‘as if’ the player knew all the laws of time and motion of the billiard ball.
Fourth, the D-N Model ignores the divergence between the norms and practices
and thereby eliminates much of science from the ambit of explanation. Many
functional or technological explanations get eliminated because they are not
through any laws or regularities. Purposive behaviour needs explanation of
motivation and in motivated behaviour future affects the present. Determining
motives to be classified in antecedent conditions and not in causal relation.
Hempel and Oppenheim also recognize the problems in applying their model of
explanation in social sciences. Human behaviour often is characterized by
uniqueness and irrepeatability. It depends upon situation and previous history of
Models of Scientific
There is a view that explanation in biology, psychology, and the social sciences
has the same structure as in the physical sciences. But the causal type of
explanation is essentially inadequate in fields other than physics and chemistry.
And it is more so in the case of social sciences which involve explanation of
purposive behaviour.
Hempel and Oppenheim point out to some of these limitation of applying models
of scientific explanation to social sciences. First, events involving the activities
of humans singly or in groups have a peculiar uniqueness and irrepeatability
which make them inaccessible to causal explanation. Causal explanation
presupposes uniformities and repeatability which may not hold for phenomena
in social sciences.
Research Methodology:
Issues and Perspectives 3.7 LET US SUM UP
Positivism as an approach to the pursuit of knowledge is procrustean in nature.
It has passed through several stages from radical empiricism to logical positivism
to logical empiricism. Its propositions, often contested, evolved over a long period.
The main characteristics (unified view) of positivism lie in a set of its four rules-
phenomenalism, nouminalism, the rule of value free statements and the rule of
unity of science.
Testability under the positivism has been basic criteria for distinguishing scientific
knowledge from non-scientific or meaningless statement. In early phase, emphasis
was on verification. Later on Karl Popper suggested falsification testing in place
of verification. Subsequently, emphasis shifted from falsification to confirmation.
Rules of logic have become important part of the whole structure of scientific
explanation under positivism. There are two types of deductive reasoning-
categorical syllogism and hypothetical syllogism.
Theories are the basic building blocks of scientific explanation. Hence the status,
structure and functions of theories and theoretical terms are essential parts of
scientific explanation.
The basic modes of scientific explanation within the positivist approach are:
Hypothetico-Deductive Model (HD), Deductive-Nomological (DN) Model, and
Inductive Probabilistic (IP) models. The DN and IP models are subject to several
limitations. The application of scientific models to social sciences has several
limitations; peculiar uniqueness of human activities, difficulty in scientific
generalizations and explanatory principles for human behaviour, etc. Hence
applications of scientific models to non-physical sciences without closer
understanding of the context often lead to inappropriate explanation.
Induction : Induction is a logical process of moving from Models of Scientific
particular statements to general statements. This is
used in the social sciences to produce theory from
Models of Scientific
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Classical Political Economy and Ricardo’s Method
4.2.1 Ricardo’s Method
4.2.2 N.W.Senior
4.2.3 J.S.Mill
4.2.4 J.E.Cairnes
4.2.5 J.N.Keynes
4.3 Robbins, Positivism and Apriorism in Economics
4.4 Hutchison and Logical Empiricism in Economics
4.5 Milton Friedman and Instrumentalism in Economics
4.5.1 Goal of Science
4.5.2 Relationship Between Significance of Theory and ‘Realism’ of Assumptions
4.5.3 Critical Appraisal of Friedman’s Instrumentalism
4.6 Paul Samuelson and Operationalism
4.6.1 Operationalism
4.6.2 Descriptivism
4.7 Theory – Assumptions Debate in Economics: A Long View
4.8 Amartya Sen on Heterogeneity of Explanation in Economics
4.8.1 Heterogeneity of Substance and Methods of Economics
4.8.2 Testing and Verification
4.8.3 Value Judgements and Welfare Economics
4.8.4 Formalisation and Mathematics
4.9 Let Us Sum Up
4.10 Key Words
4.11 Some Useful Books
4.12 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
The unit aims at tracing the broad contours of the debate relating to bringing
explanation in Economics closer to the Models of Positive Science. Patterning
explanation in Economics on the lines of Positivist Models of Explanation has
been a major methodological obsession in Economics. But the subject matter of
Economics is not as easily amenable as physical science for application of rules
of Positivism. After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• state the efforts made by mainstream economists to adopt the model of
explanation of Positivism;
Research Methodology: • explain the limitations, difficulties and differences in adopting ‘scientific’
Issues and Perspectives
models of explanation; and
• appraise the present state of explanation in Economics.
The urge to model Economics or Political Economy as a science on the lines of
physical sciences dates back to the period of Classical Economics. David Ricardo
claimed that the principles of Political Economy were as accurate as the laws of
gravity. Though Ricardo did not write much on the methods or models of
explanation, his theories of political economy reflected abstract-deductive
thinking which was claimed later as constituting basic methodology of Political
Economy. It is ‘Ricardo’s habit of thinking’ equated with hypothetico-deductive
model of explanation that set the tone for the classical writers on methodology
to carry forward the view of Political Economy as a pure science. We shall begin
by briefly examining the views on the nature of Political Economy and its Method
of Explanation in the Ricardian tradition as enunciated in the writings of
N.W.Senior, J.S.Mill, J.E.Cairnes and J.N.Keynes. Then, we shall turn to Lionel
Robbins who asserted that Economics was a pure positive science and emphasized
apriorism as its method of explanation. This will be followed by T. Hutchison’s
insistence on empiricism if Economics were to be called science at all. The next
two sections will discuss the foundations for present day mainstream practice of
Economics in the form of ‘instrumentalism’ and ‘operationalism’ in the writings
of Milton Friedman and Paul Samuelson respectively. Throughout, the focus is
on the limitations of these approaches and the ad-hoc means by which problems
are sought to be overcome. Though the unit is confined to the explanation in
Economics in the Positivist mainstream, towards the end, a brief discussion of
the alternative methods of explanation will be presented with a view to expose
the student to the potential of plurality of methods of explanation in Economics.
Ricardo did not write on methodology of economics but his method explaining
the principles of political economy is clearly discerned as positive, abstract and
deductive, and it has come to be called ‘hypothetico-deductive model of
explanation’. It vigorously denies that facts can speak for themselves and
contends that it is theory that can make sense. Ricardo died in 1823, leaving
behind the claim that political economy was a science. His ‘Principles of Political
Economy’, which was a set of laws based on deductive reasoning, measures up Debates on Models of
Explanation in Economics
to that claim. Questions were raised soon whether a deductive body of laws
without empirical content could claim the status of science. The task of defending
Ricardo’s method and the claim of political economy as a science was left to his
followers of classical political economy. The defence came from the writings of
N.W.Senior, J.S.Mill, J.E.Cairnes and J.N.Keynes.
Senior reduced these “very few general propositions” of political economy into
the following four:
1) that every person desires to maximize wealth with as little sacrifice as
2) that population tends to increase faster than the means of subsistence;
3) that labour working with machines is capable of producing a positive net
product; and
4) that agriculture is subject to diminishing returns.
4.2.5 J. N. Keynes
J.N. Keynes, in The Scope and Method of Political Economy (1890), argued
that deductive reasoning was indeed preceded by concrete observations. Deductive
reasoning comes at a later stage drawing upon specific individual experiences.
J.N.Keynes is known for comprehensive reconciliation of the classical
methodological approaches.
Lional Robbins in his classic tract, An Essay on the Nature and Significance of
Economic Science (1935 ed.) presented the dominant methodological view point
of the early twentieth century economic thought, which stressed subjectivism,
methodological individualism, and the self-evident nature of the basic
postulates of economic theory. His objective was to counter the criticism from
the historical and institutional schools that basic economic propositions were
not amenable for Quantification, therefore not testable and hence not eligible to
be called a science. Robbins countered by suggesting that basic propositions of
Economics were deductions from a series of postulates. Chief of these postulates
include the assumption involving the experience of the way in which scarcity of
goods shows itself in the world of reality and how individuals order their
preferences. These are universally acknowledged facts of experience. Robbins
offers a coherent account of the status of terms used in economic theory. The
fundamental assumptions are combined with subsidiary hypotheses which allow
us to apply the theory to actual situations.
“If a body falls toward the earth in vacuum, its instantaneous acceleration is
constant, s=½gt2. The realism of vacuum need not be tested. Since the
prediction is true, then the assumption be treated as if true. Turning to
economic theory, Friedman cites the “Billiard Ball Player” example and
where once the ball reaches the pouch one could assume as if the player
knew all the laws of time and motion and extends it to profit maximization:
‘under behave as if they were seeking rationally to maximize their expected
returns……and have full knowledge of the data needed to succeed in this
Milton Friedman concludes his essay by asserting unity of method in all positive
sciences. For him there are no methodological differences between natural and
social sciences. He regards economics as “objective” as physical sciences. His
main conclusions are:
3) the dynamics of competition over time accounts for this splendid track record.
Research Methodology: 4.6.1 Operationalism
Issues and Perspectives
According to him, economists should seek to discover ‘operationally meaningful
theorems’. Theories are strategically simplified description of observable and
refutable empirical regularities. He begins with the criticism of Friedman for the
latter’s F-Twist on realism of assumptions and emphasizes the need for
methodological clarity. He proposes the thesis of “logical equivalence” as the
basis for methodological consistency. According to “logical equivalence:, theories
are merely equivalent restatements of assumptions and conclusions, i.e., A=B=C,
where A is defined as ‘assumptions’, B is defined as theory and C as consequences
or predictions.
4.6.2 Descriptivism
Samuelson has certain exalted view of explanation, which he considers different
from the usual notion in science. He observed, “scientists never” explain” any
behaviour, by theory or any other hook. Every description that is superseded by
a “deeper explanation” turns out …to have been replaced by still another
description ….” An explanation, as used legitimately in science, is a better kind
of description and not something that goes ultimately beyond description. It is
this emphasis and elaboration of ‘description’ that earns Samuelson’s approach
the title of ‘descriptivism’. Why only description? First, a theory is just description
of observable experience, a convenient mnemonic representation of empirical
reality. Second, knowledge consists essentially of observational reports. A theory
expressible in observational language is superior to those which are not.
Explanations are ultimate. Apriorisms must be avoided; hence theories should
be expressed in observational language. All known theories in science are
expressible in terms of observational statements, i.e., basic statements.
Debates on Models of
4.7 THEORY – ASSUMPTIONS DEBATE IN Explanation in Economics
The mainstream economics is not able to come out of this obsession “It is about
the one methodological rule which has dominated economics since early 1960s.
The rule at issue is the methodological requirement that economic models or
theories, if they are going to be given serious consideration by practicing
economists, must be shown to be testable, where successful test of theory is
defined as a falsification of that theory. A testable theory is a falsifiable theory”.
Research Methodology:
Issues and Perspectives 4.10 KEY WORDS
Determinism : A term used to describe an argument or
methodology that simply reduces casuality to a
single set of factors acting more or less directly
to produce outcomes.
1) Stress on pure theory bases on a priori truth of experience and without any
need for testing, no room for ethical consideration, rationality as maximizing
behaviour and as consistency of choice.
2) The insistence of testing both theory as well as assumptions.
3) See Sub-section 4.5.1
4) The proposition that realism of assumption does not matter.
Check Your Progress 3
1) Theories are merely equivalent restatements of assumptions and conclusions.
2) See Section 4.8
3) See Sub-section 4.8.4
Research Methodology:
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Interpretive Paradigm
5.3 Critical Theory Paradigm
5.4 Applications in Research: Illustrative Cases
5.5 Let Us Sum Up
5.6 Exercises
5.7 Key Words
5.8 Some Useful Books
5.9 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
This unit introduces the two widely used and well-established paradigms namely,
interpretive and critical theory. Unlike post-positivism, these paradigms are the
pillars of qualitative research. After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• describe the essence of interpretive and critical theory paradigm;
• discuss their theoretical framework;
• elucidate the nature of reality and methodology underlying these two
paradigms; and
• state the examples and applications of interpretive and critical theory
paradigm in economics.
As has been discussed earlier in Unit 1, you have come to know that a paradigm
essentially refers to a comprehensive belief system or theoretical framework/
world view that guides research and practice in a particular field. At its basic
level, it has a philosophy of science that makes a number of fundamental
assumptions about the nature of truth and what it means to know. Unlike
positivism, that is based on empiricism and deductive reasoning for verification
of truth, interpretive and critical theory paradigms are based on subjectivism
and substantialism for the search of truth. The underlying ontological and
epistemological assumptions of interpretitivism and critical theory paradigms
have been discussed in the subsequent sections. It is important to note that these
two paradigms form the backbone of philosophical science of qualitative research.
Before embarking on meaningful research using qualitative approach, it is Foundations of Qualitative
Research: Interpretativism
important to understand the meaning, nature of reality, methodology and the and Critical Theory
essence of these two paradigms. Let us begin with interpretative paradigm. Paradigm
Foundationalism is an approach that asserts research can begin with self-evident
truths which can serve as the starting point for our understanding of the world.
Interpretivists are anti-foundationalists as they believe that the standards that
guide research are products of a particular group or culture. They use a broad
range of qualitative methods and gather thoughtful reflections of experienced
practitioners. Interpretative approaches rely heavily on naturalistic methods
(interviewing and observation) and their methods generally ensure an adequate
dialogue between the researchers and the people with whom they interact to be
able to construct a meaningful reality. These meanings emerge from the research
process. Certain methodologies used in interpretive research are:
Some other methods for data-collection are surveys, interviews, field observation,
witness accounts, focus group discussion. Interpretive research adds to the
understanding of different contexts and situations. Interpretivists argue that
research results should be applied to higher, conceptual level. From the data, a
researcher tries to understand multiple perspectives on the same topic. For
analyzing the meaning of data, interpretive researchers may use and conduct
research by methods from another paradigm (eg. Post-positivism) also and doing
so would lead to reinterpreting the meaning of results by another perspective.
1) There are multiple constructed realities that can be studied only holistically.
Thus, reality is complex, contextual, constructed, and ultimately subjective.
2) The inquirer and the “object” of inquiry interact to influence one another; Foundations of Qualitative
Research: Interpretativism
indeed, the knower and known are inseparable. and Critical Theory
3) No a priori theory could possibly encompass the multiple realities that are
likely to be encountered; rather, theory must emerge or be grounded in the
Let’s imagine a scenario at the beach in which a huge wave is approaching the
shore. There is an excited surfer on top of the big wave and two scared children
in a small inflatable boat right below the colossal wave. On the shore, a girl is
admiring her boyfriend’s dexterity and the petrified children’s mother is watching
the looming mass of water approaching the boat. On the adjacent cliff there is a
relaxed monk meditating on the infiniteness of the universe, while enjoying the
sea breeze and the sound of the sea. If we want to conduct research on what that
wave means for beach-goers, our results will depend on who the respondent is.
Interviewing one of the participants would give insights from that participant’s
perspective only, which may be insufficient, or even misleading, because their
personal and intimate experiences with the wave are quite different from that of
the others. If the interpretive researcher wants to create an integral and persuasive
piece of research around this phenomenon, each participant’s different
perspectives should be included.
Research Methodology:
Issues and Perspectives Review relevant theory (literature)
Publish Conclusions
Researchers who wish to use interpretive framework for their case-studies are
cautioned not to lose theoretical sensitivity. Strauss and Corbin (1990, p. 41)
describe theoretical sensitivity as the “awareness of the subtleties of meaning of
data” and elaborate that “one can come to a research situation with varying degrees
of sensitivity depending upon previous reading and experience with or relevant
to that area.” Ultimately, the researcher has to evaluate the relevance of their
preliminary theoretical framework vis-à-vis the actual findings (Urquhart, 2001,
2007). The criteria to be kept in mind for using interpretive case studies aiming
for theory-building can be seen in the appendix to the unit.
Differences of Interpretive paradigm from post-positivism can be broadly
summarized in the table below:
Differences between Post-positivism and Interpretivism on Five major Issues
Post-positivism Interpretivism
Nature of reality External to human mind Socially constructed
Purpose of research Find Universals Reflect understanding
Acceptable methods Scientific method Subjective and Objective
and data research methods are acceptable
Foundations of Qualitative
Post-positivism Interpretivism Research: Interpretativism
and Critical Theory
Meaning of data Falsification Understanding is contextual. Paradigm
Use to test theory Universals are deemphasized
Relationship of Separate activities. Integrated activities.
research to practice Research guides practice Both guide and become the
Purpose of Research
Research that aspires to be critical seeks, as its purpose of inquiry, to confront
injustices in society. Following a tradition associated with Antonio Gramsci,
critical researchers aim to understand the relationship between societal structures
(especially those economic and political) and ideological patterns of thought
that constrain the human imagination and thus limit opportunities for confronting
and changing unjust social systems. Critical theorists are committed to
understanding the complexity of such relations, however, and thus distance
themselves from what they see as reductionist Marxist approaches. Critical
theorists hold that these earlier approaches offered no ability to explain social
change. Thus, in contrast to what they believe was an overemphasis on the
determinative nature of economic and political structures, critical theorists are
interested in social change as it occurs in relation to social struggle. Critical
researchers assume that the knowledge developed in their research may serve as
a first step toward addressing such injustices. As an approach with a definite
normative dimension, the research aims for a transformative outcome, and thus
is not interested in “knowledge for knowledge’s sake.”
Critical Theory is multi-disciplinary. It finds its applications in anthropology,
economics, art criticism, education, history, psychology, political science,
sociology and theology. An interesting question is why and where to apply critical
theory paradigm in research. To begin with, research and practice are integrated
activities in the critical paradigm. It not only studies power relationships which
are critical factors in the society, the injustices and the inequities, the contradictions
and the incoherencies, but also aims at helping and empowering those who are
oppressed to free themselves from their oppression.
Critical theory paradigm should be applied where the objective of the researcher
is to analyse the power structures in a set-up or social problems arising of such
structures. For example, it can be used to understand wage inequities between
male, female and child workers in the society.
Nature of reality: Critical theorists like post-positivists believe that reality is Foundations of Qualitative
Research: Interpretativism
material and external to human mind but they interpret it differently. They and Critical Theory
question/critique the existing reality and analyze why such a reality exists and Paradigm
whether it contributes positively/negatively to human mind. Further, they also
advocate evolving ways and means to reform the existing system if it is bifurcating
the society into the have’s and the have not’s.
• Rather than naming and describing, the critical theorists try to challenge
guiding assumptions.
• Critical theorists not only just try to describe a situation from a particular
vantage point or set of values (e.g. the need for greater autonomy or
democracy in a particular setting), but also try to change the situation.
Research Methodology: “Objective” analysis
Issues and Perspectives
In their embrace of a normative perspective, Critical theorists make no claims
that their analyses are “objective” in the sense usually meant by logical positivists.
In fact, critical theorists argue that the subjective/objective dualism masks the
ways in which both positions are limited by the social forces that inform all
human action and analysis. Critical qualitative research acknowledges
subjectivism in the sense that learnings and interpretations cannot be based on
logic and scientific analysis only. While it affirms that knowledge can never be
separated completely from the researcher’s own experience, it rejects the notion
that all analyses are relative. It asserts that rational analysis is fundamental to
human emancipation, and hence embraces what Morrow (1994) calls critical
The test of validity in the case of critical constructivist research is directly related
to its stated purpose of inquiry. The research is valid to the extent that the analysis
provides insight into the systems of oppression and domination that limit human
freedoms, and on a secondary level, in its usefulness in countering such systems.
One of the charges against critical theory is its tendency toward elitism. With its
proponents’ commitment to the idea that research can bring about a better and
more equitable world, critics charge that critical theorists tend to assume that
they are not only more capable of analyzing a situation than most; they are better
equipped to offer a prescriptive plan of action. Critics charge that this often
brings theorists outside of their realms of expertise so that the insights they offer
are naive and unworkable in the contemporary setting.
Further, critics charge that critical theorists can be unwilling to listen to the
experiences of those most adversely affected by current policies and the status
quo, as they tend to focus their analyses on persons and institutions in positions Foundations of Qualitative
Research: Interpretativism
of power and authority. This, critics note, causes critical theorists to be out of and Critical Theory
touch with the very persons they purport to be most interested in helping. Paradigm
Interestingly all of the above cases can also be studied in a critical framework as
only the questions posed would change and power-relationships would be judged.
Critical theory is also used subsequently after interpretive research as it is easier
to critically analyze a problem after undertaking a deeper understanding of that
problem. For example, after understanding the reasons behind the existence of
invisible workers, a critical researcher may critically analyze the role of power
relationships between the care workers and their families, social circle and the
environmental factors leading to it. Awareness campaigns and policies may be
designed to further empower them to be able to participate in the economic
workforce and to allow labour statisticians to recognize their care work within
the ambit of ‘work’.
1) Using a suitable example from economics, select a theme and write a proposal
in about 500 words using interpretative research methodology.
2) Explain the scenario when both interpretative and critical theory framework
can be applied in the same research? Do they supplement each other? Why
or why not?
1) Consider the interpretivist philosophy of science. What to you see as the
most significant departure from post-positivism and why?
2) Consider a topic of research in an area of interest to you. What would be the
purpose of research on the topic if it were conducted from a post-positivist
perspective? Critical or Interpretive?
3) What does interpretivism have in common with the critical paradigm? In
your field which are more important: the commonalities or the differences?
Clark, Lynn Schofield, ‘Critical Theory and Constructivism: Theory and Methods
for the Teens and the New Media @ Home Project’ retrieved online from http:/
Research Methodology:
Issues and Perspectives
Criteria for Interpretive Case study aiming at Theory Building
The discovery of theory from data is known as grounded theory and it provides the opportunity
86 for the researcher to theorise from evidence existing in the data.
Research Methods
Indira Gandhi in Economics
National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Research Design and Mixed Methods Research 5
Data Collection and Sampling Design 25
Measurement and Scaling Techniques 53
Expert Committee
Prof. D.N. Reddy Prof. Romar Korea
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad University of Mumbai, Mumbai
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Mr. Manjit Singh
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Research design is a logical structure of an enquiry and its formulation is
guided and determined by the research questions raised in the problem under
investigation. Apart from specifying the logical structure of data, research
design also test and eliminate alternative explanation. Broadly, the
observational design sampling design and statistical design are covered in
Research Design. The various attributes of people, objects or concepts are
being increasingly included in explanation of human behaviour in Economics.
Hence, these individual traits, attitudes need to measure for deeper analysis.
Research Design and measurement issues, therefore constitute the theme of this
block. The block comprises of 3 Units.
Throwing light on the concept of research design and various types of research,
Unit 6 covers the rationale and forms of mixed methods research with
illustration of three case studies.
Unit 8 deals with the various measurement scales, scaling techniques, and
criteria for good measurement and sources of errors in measurement.
Research Design and
Mixed Methods
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Types of Research
6.2.1 Theoretical and Applied Research
6.2.2 Descriptive and Explanatory Research
6.2.3 Quantitative and Qualitative Research
6.2.4 Conceptual and Empirical Research
6.2.5 Other Types of Research
6.3 Research Design
6.4 Research Design vs. Research Methods
6.5 Research Methods
6.5.1 Quantitative Methods
6.5.2 Qualitative Methods
6.5.3 Mixed Methods
6.6 The Rationale for Mixed Methods Research
6.7 Forms of Mixed Methods Research Designs
6.8 Case Studies of Mixed Methods Research Design
6.9 Let Us Sum Up
6.10 Some Useful Books
6.11 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• state the various types of research;
• explain the concept and meaning of research design;
• make a distinction between research design and research methods;
• delineate the characteristics of quantitative research and qualitative research;
• discuss the purposes of mixed methods research; and
• appreciate the application of mixed methods research in conducting
research studies in social sciences in general and economics in particular.
Due to confusion or lack of clarity between research design and research
methods, we often use these two terms interchangeably. As a result, the
research design is evaluated on the basis of strengths and weakness of the
method rather its ability to draw relatively unambiguous conclusions. Hence 5
Research Design and
Measurement efforts have been made here to throw light on the distinction between these two
terms. Traditionally two approaches – quantitative research (QN) associated
with post positivist paradigm and qualitative research (QL) associated with
interpretative paradigm have been followed in social sciences. However, in
recent years increasing reliance on mixed methods research by combining
quantitative and qualitative methods in a single research project has been
observed. Hence in this unit, the concept of mixed method research, its types
and application have been covered. Application of mixed method research in a
subject like economics which is essentially quantitative in nature have been
illustrated by case studies. Before taking up the issue of research design and
research method, it is desirable to have an idea about various types of research.
Hence let us begin to introduce the various types of research.
The type of research would also vary depending on the objectives of the study.
Research design varies with the type of research one likes to pursue. With this
background, we can now proceed to know the distinctions between different
types of research.
Applied research, on the other hand, aims at finding a solution for a problem
facing society or industry. It is, thus, applied to practical situations or contexts.
While pure research discovers principles and laws, applied research discovers
ways of applying them to solve specific problems. It is useful to test the
theories developed empirically and can as a result also contribute to improving
the tools and techniques of measurement. Basic research, therefore, can be
treated as building blocks for applied research. Illustrations of applied research
in economics can be measurement of poverty, employment, rural development,
agriculture, environment, etc.
Action research is another type of research. It deals with real world problems
aimed at finding out practical solutions or answers to them. It gathers feedback
which is then used to generate ideas for improvement. You will find details on
Action Research in Unit 20.
Research Design and
Check Your Progress 1 Mixed Methods
1) Distinguish between quantitative variable and qualitative variable.
2) State the main objectives of applied research?
3) In what sense quantitative research is different from qualitative research?
4) What is the distinction between explanatory and descriptive research?
Thus the research design ‘deals with a logical problem and not a logistical
problem. Apart from specifying the logical structure of the data, it also aims to
test and eliminate alternative explanation of results.
Research Design and
Measurement The research design comprises of the following components:
i) the sampling design; (the type of sampling method i.e. random or non
random sampling);
ii) the statistical design (i.e. the sample size and the method to draw the
sampling to be adopted);
iii) the observational design (i.e. the instrument of collection of data);
iv) the operational design i.e. the specific details by which the procedure in
(i), (ii) & (iii) above are to be carried out.
Research Methods
Research Design and
6.5.1 Quantitative Methods Mixed Methods
The researcher using this approach tests theory through empirical observations
and inclines to establish cause and effect relationship. Well predesigned
structured questionnaire and structured interviews are resorted as tool to collect
the data. The variables that can be measured are emphasized. The descriptive,
analytical and inferential statistical techniques are used to analyse the data.
Experimental research design is used to make the logical structure of the
research study. Generalization of laws and their replication is emphasized.
iii) A small vs large samples: The sample size for many QN studies is often
quite small and sample size for some QL studies can indeed be large.
Research Design and
b) Data collection methods (i.e. unstructured narrative interview, survey Mixed Methods
research based on closed-ended questions) and data analysis methods Research
(qualitative content analysis, discourse analysis, quantitative content
analysis) should be differentiated.
The study was conducted within the framework of positivist paradigm using
inductive logic of enquiry with the objectives to (i) examine the applicability
of indicators of ‘decent work in India (ii) develop indicators and tools to
measure ‘decent work (iii) evaluate the status of decent work in IT
companies and to identify the socio-economic attributes influencing status of
decent work, and (iv) know the employer’s perspective in provision of
decent work’.
Research Design and
Quantitative Techniques to analyse qualitative data
a) Composite Index construction for Decent Work
With a view to measure the extent and range of decent work
provision, decent work indices were constructed. These indices have
been made for all the indicators of decent work used in this study by
coding, normalising and aggregating the responses as the data was
qualitative in nature. Thereafter, the standard formula developed by
United Nation’s Development Programme (UNDP) for the
construction of HDI and other indices was applied.
Research Design and
Mixed Methods
but not a sufficient condition for the employees. Their higher earnings Research
are not resulting into their well-being (mental) as reflected in their
deteriorating health status and imbalance between professional and
personal lives.
6) Decent work reflects decent work place but a decent work place may
not always translate into decent work because of the gap of the nature
of work and work amenities and environment. This implies that deficit
in decent work to the employees is correlated with deficit in decent
work places.
7) Age and social class are the prominent attributes in influencing decent
work status.
ii) Studies where qualitative component had priority in terms of the frame
work of interpretative paradigm and abductive logic of enquiry. In such
situations, the researchers identify themselves primarily as qualitative
researchers. In such studies, the tools used for data/information collection is
mixed in nature. The modalities of the different types of data are
maintained and are not treated as commensurate. Integration of data takes
place as a part of interpretative process referred to as analytic or
interpretative integration. In such studies quantitative techniques can be
used to analyse the perceptions of the people which may be qualitative in
nature. An illustration of the research study using mix of qualitative and
quantitative methods in the manner discussed here in is given below:
The linkage between gender and climate variation in agriculture was more
influenced from subjective experiences of individuals or society. The
movement of understanding “is constantly from the whole to the part and
back to the whole” (Gadamer, 1976). According to Gadamer, it is a
circular relationship. Since the study aims to understand the perception of
human in context of climate variation, it cannot be explained entirely by
any scientific paradigm where hypothesis are pre-structured and to some
extent results are known. The interpretative paradigm points out that
positivism, in its first attempt to model the social after the natural sciences,
fails to see that unlike nature, social reality exists only insofar as lay
members create that reality in meaningful interaction (Fuchs S., 1992:
198). But the point of interpretive paradigm is that we must first
understand social worlds from within, before we develop scientific models
and explanations (Fuchs, S. 1992: 205). According to Willis (1995)
interpretivists are anti-foundationalists, who believe there is no single
correct route or particular method to knowledge. Walsham (1995) argues
that in the interpretive tradition there are no ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’
theories. Instead, they should be judged according to how ‘interesting’ they
are to the researcher as well as those involved in the same areas.
Research Design and
Mixed Methods
The linkages between gender and climate variation in context of Research
agriculture are bi-directional. Changes in climate event effect agriculture
through reduction in yield, increase in occurrence of pests or crop disease,
changes in time of activities for example, changes in winter time could
result in change in harvesting or sowing days of respective crops. All this
affects farmers’ livelihood and work activity in different ways. For
example, women (and children) being the ones traditionally charged with
water collection roles, have to travel longer distances after drought.
Evidences suggest decrease in yield and thereby total availability of food
consumption in a household basket usually has been seen as
complemented by reduction in meals of female. This exposes them to
health issues. Male farmers are usually seen to migrate in search of
nonfarm opportunities outside their village domain, putting all burden or
responsibilities on women. Moreover mostly in rural areas women are
less likely to get education as compare to male, they are less allowed to
mobile and do more household related activities, and they have less
control over the family assets.
The females are mostly illiterate (71 per cent) and have little access to
resources. Only 9 per cent of farm household have reported to provide
land entitlement to at least one female member. Additionally the gender
power dynamics is seen to favour only one gender i.e. male. The decision
making role in different household related expenditures as well as in
agriculture activities is dominated by male. Considering the perception of
male vis-à-vis female farmer about effects of climate change has shown a
similar pattern. More than 90 per cent of farmers are aware about climate
variation and feels that weather conditions adversely affect their
agriculture activities. However again, the decisions to cope with the risk
due to climate have suggested different behaviour, priorities by male and
female. Survey results suggest that almost 60 per cent of surveyed farmers
have adapted at least one coping strategy and in total adoption of more
than 30 coping strategies are reported. The results of multivariate probit
model suggest that male farmers have higher probability in deciding
adaptations through additional jobs as well as specific agriculture
strategies such as crop rotation and use of hybrid seed in farming
Research Design and
Measurement iii) Studies presenting diversity of views i.e. combining researcher’s and
participants’ perspectives through quantitative and qualitative research.
Researchers uncover relationship between variables through quantitative
methods and reveal meaning among research participants through
qualitative methods. Thus a comprehensive account of the area of the
enquiry is presented. An illustration of the study using this form of mixed
method research is given below:
The study was carried out with the objectives to (i) examine the linkages of
secondary education with various socio-economic outcomes at all India
level and state level, (ii) identify various determinants (including students’
family background characteristics, and schools’ characteristics) affecting
students’ performances and teaching efficiencies in senior secondary
schools in Delhi. To fulfill these objectives, both quantitative and
qualitative research approaches were applied.
Research Design and
Measurement 3) If a research study is confined to use either quantitative or qualitative
method, it is said to be a mono method research. The combination of at
least one quantitative and at least one qualitative component in a single
research project is known as mixed methods research.
Check Your Progress 3
Data Collection and
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 An Overview of the Unit
7.3 Method of Data Collection
7.4 Tools of Data Collection
7.5 Sampling Design
7.5.1 Population and Sample Aggregates and Inference
7.5.2 Non-Random Sampling
7.5.3 Random or Probability Sampling
7.5.4 Methods of Random Sampling Simple Random Sampling with Replacement (SRSWR) Simple Random Sampling without Replacement (SRSWR) Interpenetrating Sub-Samples (I-PSS) Systematic Sampling Sampling with Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) Stratified Sampling Cluster Sampling Multi-Stage Sampling
7.6 The Choice of an Appropriate Sampling Method
7.7 Let Us Sum Up
7.8 Some Useful Books
7.9 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• appreciate different methods of collecting data;
• acquire knowledge of different tools of data collection;
• define the key terms commonly used in quantitative analysis, like
parameter, statistic, estimator, estimate, inference, standard error,
confidence intervals, etc.;
• distinguish between random and non-random sampling procedures for data
• appreciate the advantages of random sampling in the assessment of the
“precision” of the estimates of population parameters;
• acquire knowledge of the procedure for drawing samples by different
Research Design and
• develop the ability to obtain estimates of key parameters like population
and sample aggregates, proportion, mean, etc.; and of the “precision” of
such estimates under different sampling methods; and
• appreciate the feasibility/appropriateness of applying different sampling
methods in different research contexts.
Studies of the behaviour of variables and of relationships amongst them
necessitate measurement of the variables involved. Variables can be
quantitative variables like GNP or qualitative variables like opinions of
individuals on, say, ban on smoking in public places. The former set assumes
quantitative values. The latter set does not admit of easy quantification, though
some of these can be categorised into groups that can then be assigned
quantitative values. Research strategies thus adopt two approaches, quantitative
and qualitative. We shall deal with the quantitative approach in this unit. The
various measurement scales and scaling techniques to measure the qualitative
data will be discussed in Unit 8.
Research Design and
How do we collect data? We translate the data requirements of the proposed
Study into items of information to be collected from the respondent units to be
covered by the study and organise the items into a logical format. Such a
format, setting out the items of information to be collected from the respondent
units, is called the questionnaire or schedule of the study. The questionnaire
has a set of pre-specified questions and the replies to these are recorded either
by the respondents themselves or by the investigators. The questionnaire
approach assumes that the respondent is capable of understanding and
answering the questions all by himself/herself, as the investigator is not
supposed, in this approach, to influence the response in any manner by
interpreting the terms used in the questions. Respondent-bias will have to be
minimised by keeping the questions simple and direct. Often the responses are
sought in the form of “yes”, “no” or “can’t say” or the judgment of the
respondent with reference to the perceived quality of a service is graded, like,
“good”, “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”.
In the schedule approach on the other hand, the questions are detailed. The
exact form of the question to be asked of the respondent is not given to the
respondent and the task of asking and eliciting the information required in the
schedule is left to the investigator. Backed by his training and the instructions
given to him, the investigator uses his ingenuity in explaining the concepts and
definitions to respondents to obtain reliable information. This does not mean
that investigator-bias is more in the schedule approach than in the questionnaire
approach. Intensive training of investigators is necessary to ensure that such a
bias does not affect the responses from respondents.
Schedules and questionnaires are used for collecting data in a number of ways.
Data may be collected by personally contacting the respondents of the survey.
Interviews can also be conducted over the telephone and the responses of the
respondent recorded by the investigator. The advent of modern electronic and
telecommunications technology enables interviews being done through e-mails
or by ‘chatting’ over the internet. The mail method is one where (usually)
questionnaires are mailed to the respondents of the survey and replies received
by mail through (postage pre-paid) business-reply envelopes. The respondents
can also be asked (usually by radio or television channels or even print media)
to send their replies by SMS to a mobile telephone number or to an e-mail
The above methods enable us to collect primary data, that is, data being
collected afresh by the agency conducting the enquiry or study. . The agency
concerned can also make use of data on the subject already collected by Data Collection and
another agency or other agencies – secondary data. Secondary data are Sampling Design
published by several agencies, mostly Government agencies, at regular
intervals. These can be collected from the publications / compact discs or the
websites of the agencies concerned. But such data have to be examined
carefully to see whether these are suitable or not for the study at hand before
deciding to collect new data.
Errors in data constitute an important area of concern to data users. Errors can
arise due to confining data collection to a sample. (sampling errors). It can be
due to faulty measurement arising out of lack of clarity about what is to be
measured and how it is measured. Even when these are clear, errors can creep
in due to inaccurate measurement. Investigator bias also leads to errors in data.
Failure to collect data from respondent units of the population or the sample
due to omission by the investigator or due to non-response (respondents not
furnishing the required information) also results in errors. (non-sampling
errors). The total survey error made up of these two types of errors need to be
minimised to ensure quality of data.
The sample units are being referred to as ui (i = 1,2,…..n) and not in terms of Ui as we do not
know which of the population units have got included in the sample. Each ui in the sample is
some population unit
The same reasons apply for referring the sample values or observations as yi (i = 1,2,…n) and
not in terms of the population values Yi . yi wil be some Yi. 29
Research Design and
Measurement Population variance σ2 = (1/N) iYi
– M2 , i , i = 1 to N (2.3)
Population SD = σ = +√[(1/N) iYi
– M2] , i , i = 1 to N (2.4)
Sample mean = (1/n) iyi , i , (i =1 to n) (2.5)
Sample variance s2 = (1/n) i yi 2 – m2 , i i = 1 to n (2.6)
= [ss]2 /n , where [ss]2 = (yi – m)2 = yi 2 – n m2 =
sum of squares of sample observations from their mean ‘m’ (2.7)
Sample standard deviation ‘s’ = +√[(1/n) i yi 2 – m2 ], i , i = 1 to n (2.8)
Population proportion P = (1/N) iYi = Nı / N, (where Nı is the number
of units in the population possessing a specified characteristic) (2.9)
σ2 = (1/N) i Yi2 – M2 = P – P2 = P(1 – P) = PQ,
where Q = [(N – Nı)/N] = (1 – P). (2.10)
m = p, (proportion of units in the sample with the specific characteristic) (2.11)
s2 = p(1 – p) = pq, where p is the sample proportion and p + q = 1 (2.12)
[ss] = npq (2.13)
The purpose of drawing a sample from a population is to arrive at some
conclusions about the parent population from the results of the sample. This
process of drawing conclusions or making inferences about the population
from the information contained in a sample chosen from the population is
called inference. Let us see how this process works and what its components
are. The sample mean ‘m’, for example, can serve as an estimate of the value
of the population mean ‘µ’. The statistic ‘m’ is called an estimator (point
estimator) of the population mean ‘µ’. The value of ‘m’ calculated from a
specific sample is called an estimate (point estimate) of the population mean
‘µ’. In general, a function of sample observations, that is, a statistic, which can
be used to estimate the unknown value of a population parameter, is an
estimator of the population parameter. The value of the estimator calculated
from a specific sample is an estimate of the population parameter.
The estimate ‘m1 ’ of the population parameter ‘µ’, computed from a sample,
will most likely be different from ‘µ’. There is thus an error in using ‘m1’ as an
estimate of ‘µ’. This error is the sampling error, assuming that all measurement
errors, biases etc., are absent, that is, there are no non-sampling errors. Let us
draw another sample from the population and compute the estimate ‘m2‘ of ‘µ’.
‘m2 ‘ may be different from ‘m1’ and also from ‘µ’. Supposing we generate in
this manner a number of estimates mi (i = 1,2,3,…….) of ‘µ’ by drawing
repeated samples from the population. All these mi (i = 1,2,3,….) would be
different from each other and from ‘µ’. What is the extent of the variability in
the mi (i = 1,2,3,….), or, the variability of the error in the estimate of ‘µ’
computed from different samples? How will these values be spread or scattered
around the value of ‘µ’ or the errors be scattered around zero? What can we say
about the estimate of the parameter obtained from the specific sample that we
have drawn from the population as a means of measuring the parameter,
without actually drawing repeated samples? How well do non-random and
random samples answer these questions? The answers to these questions are
important from the point of view of inference.
Let us first look at the different methods of non-random sampling and then Data Collection and
move on to random sampling. Sampling Design
It would be evident from the description of the methods given above that the
relationship between the sample and the parent universe not clear. The
selection of specific units for inclusion in the sample seem to be subjective and
discretionary in nature and, therefore, may well reflect the researcher’s or the
investigator’s attitudes and bias with reference to the subject of the enquiry.
Data Collection and
Sampling Design
A) Precision of Estimates – Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals
We noted earlier (the last paragraph of sub-section 7.5.1) that the sample mean
(an estimate of the population mean ‘µ’) will have different values in repeated
samples drawn from the population and none of these may be equal to ‘µ’.
Suppose that the repeated samples drawn from the population are random
samples. The sample mean computed from a random sample is a random
variable. So is the sampling error, that is, the difference between‘µ’ and the
sample mean. The values of the sample means (and the corresponding errors in
the estimate of ‘µ’) computed from the repeated random samples drawn from
the population are the values assumed by this random variable with
probabilities associated with drawing the corresponding samples. These will
trace out a frequency distribution that will approach a probability distribution
when the number of random samples drawn increases indefinitely. The
probability distribution of sample means computed from all possible random
samples from the population is called the sampling distribution of the sample
mean. The sampling distribution of the sample mean has a mean and a standard
deviation. The sample mean is said to be an unbiased estimator of the
population mean if the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is
equal to the mean of the parent population, say, µ. In general, an estimator “t”
of a population parameter “θ” is an unbiased estimator of “θ” if the mean of
the sampling distribution of “t”, or the expected value of the random variable
“t”, is equal to “θ”. In other words, the mean of the estimates of the parameter
made from all possible samples drawn from the population will be equal to the
value of the parameter. Otherwise, it is said to be a biased estimate. Supposing
the mean of the sampling distribution of sample mean is Kµ or K+µ, where K
is a constant. The bias in the estimate can be easily corrected in such cases by
adopting m/K or (m – K) as the estimator of the population mean.
The variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is called the
sampling variance of the sample mean. The standard deviation of the
sampling distribution of sample means is called the standard error (SE) of the
sample mean. It is also called the standard error of the estimator (of the
population mean), as the sample mean is an estimator of the population mean.
The standard error of the sample mean is a measure of the variability of the
sample mean about the population mean or a measure of the precision of the
sample mean as an estimator of the population mean. The ratio of the standard
deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means and the mean of the
sampling distribution is called the coefficient of variation (CV) of the sample
mean or the relative standard error (RSE) of the sample mean. That is,
CV (or RSE) is a free number or is dimension-less, while the mean and the
standard deviation are in the same units as the variable ‘y’. (These definitions
can easily be generalised to the sampling distribution of any sample statistic
and its SE and RSE.)
We have talked about the unbiasedness and precision of the estimate made
from the sample. What more can we say about the precision of the estimate and
other characteristics of the estimate? This is possible if we know the nature of
the sampling distribution of the estimate.
Research Design and
The nature of the sampling distribution of, say, the sample mean, or for that
matter any statistic, depends on the nature of the population from which the
random sample is drawn. If the parent population has a normal distribution
with mean µ and variance σ2 or, in short notation, N (µ, σ2), the sampling
distribution of the sample mean, based on a random sample drawn from this, is
N (µ, σ2/n). In other words, the variability of the sample mean is much smaller
than that of the variable of the population and it also decreases as the sample
size increases. Thus, the precision of the sample mean as an estimate of the
population mean increases as the sample size increases.
As we know, the normal distribution N (µ, σ2) has the following properties:
i) Approximately 68% of all the values in a normally distributed population
lie within a distance of one standard deviation (plus and minus) from the
ii) Approximately 95% of all the values in a normally distributed population
lie within a distance of 1.96 standard deviation (plus and minus) of the
iii) Approximately 99% of all the values in a normally distributed population
lie within a distance of 2.576 standard deviation (plus and minus) of the
The statement at (iii) above, for instance, is equivalent to saying that the
population mean µ will lie between the observed values (y – 2.576 σ) and (y +
2.576 σ) in 99% of the random samples drawn from the population N(µ, σ2).
Applying this to the sampling distribution of the sample mean, which is N(µ,
σ2/n), we can say that
or that the population mean µ will lie between the limits computed from the
sample, namely, (m – 2.576 σ/√n) and (m+ 2.576 σ√n) in 99% of the samples
drawn from the population. This is an interval estimate, or a confidence
interval, for the parameter with a confidence coefficient of 99% derived from
the sample.
v(y) = [1/(n – 1)] [ss]2 or, v(y) = [(1/(n - 1)][ i yi 2 – nm2 ] (2.18)
As the sampling variance of the sample mean ‘m’ is σ2/n, an unbiased estimate Data Collection and
Sampling Design
v(m) of the sampling variance will be v(y)/n. Let us now consider the statistic
defined by the ratio,
We note that the rule 2.16 applies here also except that we use (i) the square
root of the unbiased estimate of the sampling variance of the estimate of the
population mean in the place of the standard error of the estimate of the
population mean, and (ii) the relevant value of the ‘t’ distribution instead of
the normal distribution ……… (2.21)
We have so far dealt with parent populations that are normally distributed.
What will be the nature of the sampling distribution of the sample mean when
the parent population is not normally distributed? We examine this question in
the next sub-section C.
Or we can define the desired precision in terms of the error that we can
tolerate in our estimate of ‘M’ (permissible error) and link it with the desired
value of C(m). Then,
If the sanctioned budget is F for the survey: Let the cost function be of the
form F0 + F1 n, consisting of two components – overhead cost and cost per unit
to be surveyed. As this is fixed as F, F = F0 + F1n, and the sample size
becomes n = (F – F0 )/F1. The coefficient of variation of C(m) is not at our
choice in this situation since it gets fixed once ‘n’ is determined. We can,
however, determine the error in the estimate of ‘m’ from this sample (in terms
of the RSE of m), if the population CV, C is known. If further we suppose that
the loss in terms of money is proportional to the value of RSE of m, say, Rs. ‘l’
per 1% of RSE of ‘m’, the total cost of the survey becomes, L(n) = F0 + F1n +
l (C/ √ n). We can then determine the sample size that minimises this new cost
(which includes the cost arising out of loss). Differentiating L(n) w.r.t n and
equating to zero and simplifying,
Check Your Progress 2 Data Collection and
Sampling Design
1) Briefly describe the meaning of the terms ‘sampling distribution of a
statistic’ and also what is meant by unbiased estimator of a parameter.
2) How is random sampling procedure helpful in correcting for the bias of an
estimate? Illustrate this with the help of an example.
3) Explain the terms ‘coefficient of variation’ and ‘relative standard error’.
Note: If a unit gets selected in the sample more than once, the corresponding
value of yi will also have to be repeated as many times in the summation for
calculating msrswr .
3) Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If false,
what is the correct position?
1) The standard error of the sample mean decreases in direct proportion
to the sample size. (T/F)
2) SRSWOR method of sampling is more advantageous than SRSWR
for a sampling fraction of 0.02 (T/F)
Prob.[Min of {t1, t2 ,---- t h }< θ < Max of {t1, t2,-----t h}] = [1–(1/2)( h – 1)](2.52)
This is a confidence interval for θ from the sample. The probability increases
rapidly with the number of I-P sub-samples – from 0.5 (two sub-samples) to
0.875 (four sub-samples).
Besides constancy of the sample size from sample to sample, the CSS
procedure ensures that mr the sample mean is an unbiased estimate of the
population mean. (2.55)
Equation 2.57 shows that (i) V(msys) is less than the variance of the variable
under study or the population variance, since σw2 is > 0 and (ii) V(msys) can be
reduced by increasing σw2, or by increasing the within-sample variance. (ii) would
happen if the units within each systematic sample are as heterogeneous as
Research Design and
possible. Since we select a sample of ‘n’ units from the population of N units
by selecting every k-th element from the random start ‘r’, the population is
divided into ‘n’ groups and we select one unit from each of these ‘n’ groups of
population units. Units within a sample would be heterogeneous if there is
heterogeneity between the ‘n’ groups. This would imply that units within each
of the n groups would have to be as homogeneous as possible. All these
suggest that the sampling variance of the sample mean is related to the
arrangement of the units in the population. This is both an advantage and
disadvantage of systematic sampling. An arrangement that conforms to the
conditions mentioned above would lead to a smaller sampling variance or an
efficient estimate of the population mean while a ‘bad’ arrangement would lead
estimates that are not as efficient.
Estimates from pps sample of size 1: Let the population units be {U1,U2, ----
---UN}.Let the main variable Y and the related size variable X associated with
these units be{Y1, X1; Y2, X2; …………YN, XN}. The probability of selecting
any unit, say, Ui in the sample will be Pi = (X i / X), where iX i = X, where
i , i = 1 to N. Let us select one unit by pps method. Let the unit selected thus
have the values y1 and x1 for the variables y and x. The variables y and x are
random variables assuming values Yi and X i respectively with probabilities Pi ,
i = 1,2,…………N. The following results based on the sample of size 1 can be
derived easily:
These show that the variance of the estimate will be small if the Pi are
proportional to Yi.
Estimators from pps sample of size > 1 [pps with replacement (pps-wr)]
A sample of n ( > 1) units with pps can be drawn with or without replacement. Data Collection and
Let us consider a pps-wr sample. Let {yi , pi} be respectively the sample Sampling Design
observation on the selected unit and the initial probability of selection at the i–
th draw, i = 1,2,----n. Each (yi / pi) , i = 1,2,----- n in the sample is an unbiased
estimate [Yi(pps-wr)*] of the population total Y and V(Yi(pps-wr)*) = i (Yr 2 /Pr) –
Y2, r , r = 1 to n. (see 2.60). Estimates from pps-wr samples are:
Let us divide the population (universe) of N units into k strata. Let Ns be the
number of units in the s-th stratum. Ysi be the value of the i-th unit in the s-th
stratum. Let the population mean of the s-th stratum be Ms. Ms = (1/Ns) Ysi,
i, i = 1,2,----,Ns (that is over the units within the s-th stratum) and the
population M is =(1/N) sNs Ms = sWs Ms , where Ws = (Ns / N) and s being
over the strata s = 1,2,……,k). Suppose that we select random samples from
each stratum and the sampling method for different strata are different. Let the
unbiased estimate of the population mean Ms of the s-th stratum be ms.
Denoting ‘st’ for stratified sampling, an unbiased estimator of M is given by
The stratum sample size should, therefore, be proportional to Ws√(Vs / Fs). The
minimum variance with the ns so determined is,
Research Design and
Let us compare V(mc-srs) with the sampling variance of the sample mean when
K units are drawn from NK units by SRSWR method. How does the “sampling
efficiency” of cluster sampling compare with that of SRSWR?. The sampling
efficiency of cluster sampling compared to that of SRSWR, Ec/srswr , is defined
as the ratio of the reciprocals of the sampling variances of the unbiased
estimators of the population mean obtained from the two sampling methods.
The sampling variances and sampling efficiency are
Data Collection and
We have considered a number of random sampling methods in the foregoing
sub-sections. A natural question that arises now is – which method is to be
adopted in a given situation? Let us consider this question, although the
answer to it lies scattered across the foregoing sub-sections. The choice of a
sampling design depends on considerations like a priori information available
about the population, the precision of the estimates that a sampling design can
give, operational convenience and cost considerations.
1) When we do not have any a priori information about the nature of the
population variable under study, SRSWR and SRSWOR would be
appropriate. Both are operationally simple. However, SRSWOR is to be
preferred, since V(msrswor) < V(msrswr). This advantage holds only when the
sampling fraction is not small, or N and n are not large.
2) Systematic sampling is operationally even simpler than SRSWR and
SRSWOR, but it should not be used for sampling from populations where
periodic or cyclic trends/variations exist, though this difficulty can be
overcome if the period of the cycle is known. V(msys) can be reduced if the
units chosen in the sample are as heterogeneous as possible. But this will
call for a rearrangement of the population units before sampling.
3) When additional information is available about the variable ‘y’ under study,
say, on a variable (size variable) ‘x’ related to ‘y’, the pps method should
be preferred. The sampling variance of Y* (or m) gets reduced when the
probability of selection of units Pi = ( Xi /N) are proportional to Yi , that is,
the size Xi is proportional to Yi or the variables x and y are linearly related
to each other and the regression line passes through the origin. In such
cases pps is more efficient than SRSWR. Further, this method can be
utilised along with other sampling methods and their relative efficiencies.
pps is operationally simple. Pps-wor combines the efficiency of SRSWOR
and the efficiency-enhancing capacity of pps. However, most of the
procedures of selection available, estimators and their variance for pps-wor
are complicated and are not commonly used in practice. This is particularly
so in large-scale sample surveys with a small sampling fraction, as in such
cases sampling without replacement does not result in much gain in
efficiency. Hence unless the sample size is small, we should prefer pps-wr.
4) Stratified sampling comes in handy when we wish to get estimates at the
level of sub-populations or regions or groups. This method also gives us the
freedom to choose different sampling methods/designs in different strata as
appropriate to the group (stratum) of the population and the opportunity to
utilise available additional information relating to the stratum. The
sampling variance of estimators can also be brought down by forming the
strata in such a way as to ensure homogeneity of units within individual
strata. In fact, the stratum sizes can be so chosen as to minimise the
variance of estimators, when there is a ceiling on the cost of the survey.
Stratified sampling with SRS, SRSWOR or pps-wr presents a set of
efficient sampling designs.
5) Sometimes, sampling of groups of individual units than direct sampling of
units might be found to be operationally convenient. Supposing it is easier
to get a complete frame of clusters of individual units than that of units or,
Research Design and
only such a frame, and not that of the units, is available. (e.g. households
are clusters of individuals). In such circumstances, cluster sampling is
adopted. This is in general less efficient than direct sampling of
individual units, as clusters usually consist of homogeneous units. A
compromise between operational convenience and efficiency could be
made by adopting a two-stage sampling design, by selecting a sample of
individual units (second stage units) from sampled clusters (the first stage
units). A multi-stage design would be useful in cases where clusters have to
be selected at more than one stage of sampling.
The simplest of the sampling methods – SRSWR - ensures equal chance of Data Collection and
selection to every unit of the population and yields a sample in which one or Sampling Design
more units may occur more than once. ‘msrswr’ is an unbiased estimator of M.
Its precision as an estimator of M increases as the sample size increases.
SRSWOR yields a sample of distinct units. ‘msrswor’ is also unbiased for ‘M’.
SRSWOR is a more efficient than SRSWR as V(msrswor) < V(msrswr). But this
advantage disappears when the sampling fraction is small (< 0.05). Both
provide an unbiased estimator of V(m). An operationally convenient procedure
- interpenetrating sub-samples (I-PSS) – also provides an unbiased estimator
of V(m) for any sampling design and estimator for V(m), however complicated.
Stratified Sampling is used when (i) estimates are needed for subgroups of a
universe or (ii) the subgroups could be treated as sub-universes. It gives us the
freedom to choose the sampling method as appropriate to each stratum.
Estimates of parameters are available for the sub-universes (strata) and these
can then be combined over the strata to get estimates for the entire universe. SE
of estimates based on stratified sampling can be small if we form the strata in
such a way as to minimise intra-strata variance. Each stratum should thus
consist of homogeneous units, as far as possible. Stratum-wise sample sizes
can also so chosen as to minimise the variance of estimators.
Data Collection and
Check Your Progress 1
1) Three methods of data collection are: the census and survey method, the
observation method, and the experimental method.
2) A function of population values is a parameter; a function of sample
observations is a statistic.
1 1 1 1
M = å Yi , m = å yi , s 2 = å Yi 2 - M 2 , and s 2 = å yi2 - m 2 ,
where M/m is the mean of the population/sample values are the
expressions of population/sample means and population/sample variance.
3) The purpose of drawing/studying a sample is to arrive at inferences about
the characteristics of the unknown population. Thus, the sample mean is
an estimator of the population mean (of the variable under study). The actual
value of the estimator when computed from a sample is the estimate.
4) A representative sample is one that possesses the characteristics of the
population in the same proportion as in the population. A conscious or
subjective selection of units introduces a bias that erodes the sample’s
capacity to be a true representative of the characteristics of the population.
It is for this reason that a random sampling procedure is preferred. Although
non-random sampling is drawn without any regard to the rigors of a random
sampling procedure, it gives a rough idea of the unknown features of the
population under focus. Implemented judiciously, it can serve the objectives
of providing preliminary inputs for planning a detailed enquiry later.
Check Your Progress 2
1) Sample observations in a random sample are random variables. A statistic
is a function of sample observations and is, therefore, also a random
variable. This random variable assumes different values in repeated
random samples. These values form a frequency distribution of the
statistic. This frequency distribution will, in the limit, tend to a probability
distribution that gives the probabilities of the statistic assuming different
values. This probability distribution is called the sampling distribution of
the statistic. Let a statistic ‘t’ be an estimator of a population parameter,
say, T. The estimator ‘t’ is an unbiased estimator of the parameter ‘T’, if
the mean of the sampling distribution of ‘t’ is ‘T’. Since the mean of the
sampling distribution of ‘t’ can also be denoted by E(t), we can express
this condition as E(t) = T.
2) Let ‘t’ be an estimator of ‘T’. The sampling distribution of the statistic ‘t’
can be derived only if the statistic is based on a random sample selected
from the population with a parameter ‘T’. The mean of the sampling
distribution can then be derived from the sampling distribution of ‘t’. That
is, E(t) can be derived. If E(t) is ≠ T and E(t) = KT or T+K, we can correct
the estimator ‘t’ as (t/K) or (t – K) to arrive at an unbiased estimator of T.
An example is the unbiased estimator of σ2.
3) See Sub-section 7.5.3 A
Research Design and
Check Your Progress 3
4.41 2.1
1) The answer for (i) would be = = 0.525 . The answer for (ii) is
16 4
4.41 2.1
= = 0.42 . The percentage decrease in SE works out to [(0.525
25 5
– 0.42)x 100] / [0.525] = 20%. The percentage increase in the sample size
is = *100 = 56.25% . The extent of increase is larger than the extent of
decrease in the standard error. Try to work out (iii) and the compare the
results of (ii) & (iii).
2) Use the formula 2.39 for variance of the sample mean under SRSWOR.
Note that, for the same sample size,
N −n n −1
V ( msrswor ) − V ( msrswr ) = 1 − V ( msrswr ).
N −1 N −1
For n =16 and using SRSWOR sampling, SE works out to * 0.525 = 0.425 .
Compare it with the SE for n = 25 in problem 1. SE of the sample mean
was reduced to more or less this level by increasing the size of the SRSWR
sample from 16 to 25. Work out (ii) & (iii)
3) a) F. SE(m) decreases in inverse proportion to the square root of the
sample size.
b) F. SRSWOR is more advantageous if the sampling fraction is > 0.5.
c) F. V(Y*) = N2 V(m).
Check Your Progress 4
1) When information on an auxiliary variable ‘x’ related to the variable ‘y’
under study is available for each unit of the population.
2) When Pi are proportional toYi . That is, when the variable ‘x’ and ‘y’ are
linearly related to each other and the regression line passes through the origin.
3) (a) T; (b) F: they should be homogeneous; (c) T.
4) The integer ‘k’ nearest to 124/18 is 7. Choose a random start between 1
and 7 for selecting the sample. Since N = 124 is not a multiple of n = 18,
two problems arise. (i) Samples with random start 1 to 5 are of size 18 and
k 7
others of size 17. The statistic
∑ yi =
∑ yi and not the sample
mean is an unbiased estimate of M. Both the problems at (i) and (ii) are
overcome by adopting the circular systematic sampling procedure.
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Concept of Measurement
8.3 Measurement Issues in Research
8.4 Scales of Measurement
8.5 Criteria for Good Measurement
8.5.1 Reliability
8.5.2 Validity
8.5.3 Practicality
8.6 Errors in Measurements
8.7 Scaling Techniques
8.7.1 Comparative Scaling Techniques
8.7.2 Non-Comparative Scaling Techniques
8.8 Let Us Sum Up
8.9 Key Words
8.10 Some Useful Books
8.11 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• state the concept of measurement and its need;
• explain the various scales of measurement;
• discuss the various scaling techniques; and
• identify the criteria for good measurement.
Measurement is the foundation of scientific enquiry. As we know that research
begins with a ‘problem’ or topic. Thinking about a problem results in
identifying concepts that capture the phenomenon being examined. Concepts
are mental ideas representing the phenomenon. The process of
conceptualization involves defining the concepts abstractly in theoretical terms.
Operationalisation of concepts for research purpose involves moving from the
abstract to the empirical level. This underlines the need to measure the various
attributes of the people, the characteristics of objects or phenomenon. Further
issues like decent work, human wellbeing, happiness, quality of education etc.
which have several qualitative and quantitative dimensions are emerging
important issues of research in economics. Such issues are being probed
Research Design and through development of indicators and composite indexes which necessarily
Measurement involve measurement of such indicators. Hence, a student of economics is
expected to be well versed in the measurement scales, criteria of good
measurement, and important scaling techniques. This unit throws light on these
issues. Let us begin to discuss the concept of measurement.
1) Nominal Scale
A qualitative scale without order is called nominal scale. In nominal scale
numbers are used to name identity or classify persons, objects, groups,
gender, industry type. Even if we assign unique numbers to each value, the
numbers do not really mean anything. This scale neither has any specific
order nor it has any value. In case of nominal measurement, statistical
analysis is attempted in terms of counting or frequency, percentage,
proportion, mode or coefficient of contingency. Addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division are not possible under this scale.
2) Ordinal scale
A qualitative scale with order is called ordinal scale. In ordinal scale
numbers denote the rank order of the objects or the individuals. Numbers
are arranged from highest to lowest or lowest to highest. For example,
students may be ranked Ist, 2nd and 3rd in terms of their academic
achievement. The statistical operations which can be applied in ordinal
measurement are median, percentiles and rank correlation coefficient.
Ordinal scales do not provide information about the relative strength of
ranking. This scale does not convey that the distance between the different
rank values is equal. Ordinal scales are not equal interval measurement.
Further this scale does not incorporate absolute zero point.
3) Interval scale
Interval scale includes all the characteristics of the nominal and ordinal
scale of measurement. In interval scale numerically equal distance on the
scale indicate equal distances in the attributes of the object being measured.
For example, a scale represent marks of students using the attributes range
0 to 10, 10 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40 and 40 to 50, and so forth. The mid
point of each range (ie. 5, 15, 25, 35 and 45 etc.) are equidistance from
each other. The data obtained from an interval scale is known as interval
data. The appropriate measures used in this scale are: arithmetic mean,
standard deviation, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and tests like t-
test and f-test. We cannot apply coefficient of variation in the interval scale.
Research Design and 4) Ratio Scale
Ratio scale has all the characteristics of nominal, ordinal and interval scale.
It also possesses a conceptually meaningful zero point in which there is a
total absence of the characteristic being measured. Ratio scales are common
among physical sciences rather than among social sciences. The examples
of ratio scales are the measures of height, weight, distance and so on. All
measures of central tendencies that can be used in this scale include
geometric and harmonic means.
You will notice in the above tables that only the ratio scale meets the criteria for
all four properties of scales of measurement. Interval and Ratio scale data are
sometimes referred to as parametric and Nominal and Ordinal data are referred to
as non-parametric.
Examples of Scales of Measurement –
Scale Example Statistics
Nominal Gender Frequency, percentage, proportion Mode,
Yes-no Coefficient of contingency, chi-square (x2)
Students roll number
Ordinal Class Rank, Median, percentile, rank, correlation,
Socio Economic status Range
Academic Achievement
Interval Student grade point, Mean, correlation, Range, Standard
Temperature, Calendar deviation, rank order variance, Karl
dates, Rating Scale pearson’s correlation, t-test, f-test etc.
Ratio Weight, Height, Salary, Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Variance,
Frequency of buying a Standard deviation, coefficient of variation,
product rank order variance, Karl pearson’s
correlation, t-test, f-test
Measurement and
8.5.1 Reliability
Reliability refers to the degree to which the measurement or scale is consistent
or dependable. If we use same construct again and again for measurement, it
would lead to same conclusion. Reliability is consistency in drawing conclusion.
. . ..
. . ..
Reliable and Valid Valid but not Reliable Reliable but not valid
8.5.2 Validity
Validity refers to the extent an instrument or scale tests or measures what it
intends to measure. This means validity is the extent to which differences
found with a measuring instrument reflect true differences among those being
tested. This can be done by seeking other relevant evidences. There are three
types of validity: content validity; criterion validity and construct validity.
Content validity indicates the extent to which it provides coverage of the issues
under study. Criterion validity examines how well a given measure relates to
one or more external criterion based on empirical observations. And, construct
validity explains the variation observed in tests conducted on several
individuals. Construct validity is closely related with factor analysis.
8.5.3 Practicality
From practical view point, measure should be economical, convenient and
interpretable. The measure should not be lengthy and difficult. The measure
can be done by highly specialized persons.
• Unreliability
Research Design and Unreliability refers to inconsistency in what the measure produces under
Measurement repeated uses. If any measure, on average give some score for a case on
variable and gives other score, when it is used again, it is said to be unreliable.
Measurement and
8.7 SCALING TECHNIQUES Scaling Techniques
Scaling Techniques
Comparative Non-comparative
Scaling Techniques Scaling Techniques
Rank the following factors in order of your importance in choosing mobile
services (Assign 1 to most important and 5 to least important factor. Please do
not repeat the ranks.)
Factor: Price, connectivity, call drop, Internet, Download speed.
Rank :……… ……… …… ……. ……….
There are various comparative scaling techniques. Three most commonly used
comparative scaling techniques are discussed here.
a) Paired comparison
b) Rank order
c) Constant sum
a) Paired Comparison
The paired comparison is most commonly used scaling technique. This
method is simply a binary choice. In this method respondents choose the
stimulus or items in each pair that has the greater magnitude on the choice
dimension they are instructed to use. This method is used when the study
requires to distinguish between the two objects. The data obtained in this
method is ordinal in nature.
Research Design and Example
In a study of consumer preferences for the two brands of milk product i.e.
Amul and Mother Dairy, a consumer is asked to indicate which one of the
two brands he would prefer for personal use:
1) Which milk product of the following you prefer on the basis of taste.
Please tick mark (√).
2) Which milk product will you prefer on the basis of packaging? Please
tick mark (√).
3) Which product will you prefer on the basis of price? Please tick mark (√).
n [n - 1]
Number of comparison = ;
n= number of objects.
b) Rank Order
This method is very popular among researchers and provides ordinal data.
In this method, respondents are provided various objects and asked to rank
the objects in the list. Rank order method is less time consuming. In this
method, if there are n objects, only (n-1) decisions need to be made.
Respondent can easily understand the instructions for ranking. This
technique produces ordinal data.
Rank the various brands of mobile phone in order of preference. The most
preferred can be ranked 1, the next as 2 and so on. The least preferred will
have the last rank. No two brands should receive the same rank number.
Measurement and
Scaling Techniques
c) Constant Sum
In constant sum scaling, respondents are asked to allocate a constant sum
of units to a specific set of objects on the basis of pre-defined criterion. If
an object is not important, the respondent can allocate zeropoint and if an
object is most important may allocate maximum points out of the fixed
points. The total fixed points are 100. The total may be taken as some
other value depending on the study.
Allocate preferences regarding a movie based on various predefined
criteria. Respondents were asked to rate each criteria in such a way that the
total becomes 100.
The data obtained in this method is considered an ordinal scale. The advantage
of this method is that it provides fine discrimination among objects without
consuming too much time. However, allocation over large number of objects
may create confusion for the respondent. This method cannot be used as a
response strategy with illiterate people and children.
Research Design and 8.7.2 Non Comparative Scaling Techniques
Non-comparative scaling techniques involve scaling of objects independent to
some specific standard. Respondent evaluate only one object at a time. For
example, in a study of consumer preferences for different telecom services, a
consumer may be asked to rate a list of factors that he/she would consider
while choosing a particular telecom company.
Please rate the following factors you think important in choosing mobile
service. Rate 1 to least important and 5 to most important (rating could be on
any scale. In this example, we have used a 5 point scale).
How would you rate a magazine with regard to its quality.
Presentati Most_________________x__________________Least
on Style
A very large number of ratings are possible if the respondents are literate
to understand and accurately differentiate the objects. The data generated
from continuous rating scale can be treated as numeric and interval data.
The researcher can divide the line into as many categories as desired and
assign scores based on the categories under which the ratings fall.
ii) Itemized Rating Scale Measurement and
Scaling Techniques
In this scale, respondents are provided with a scale having numbers/
descriptions associated with each category. The respondents are asked to
select the best fitting category with the object.The commonly used
itemised rating scale are:
Some of the important advantages of this scale are: (i) it is relatively easy to
construct as it can be performed without a panel of judges, (ii) it is considered
more reliable because respondents answer each statement included in the
Research Design and instrument, (iii) it can easily be used in respondent centred and stimulus
Measurement centred studies, (iv) this takes less time to construct. However, there are several
limitations of this type of scale i.e. (i) with this scale, we can simply examine
whether respondents are more or less favourable to a topic but it is difficult to
tell how much more or less they are, (ii) This does not rise more than to a
ordinal scale structure, (iii) the total score of an individual respondent has little
clear meaning since a given total score can be secured by a variety of answer
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3
Easy to read ____ : ____ : ____:____:_√__:____:____ Hard to read
Modern ____ : ____ : ____:____:_√__:____:____ Old fashion
Rational ____ : ____ : ____:____:____:____:____ Emotional
Unreliable ____ : ____ : ____:____:____:____:____ Reliable
Worthless ____ : ____ : ____:____:____:____:____ Valuable
Unorganized ____ : ____ : ____:____:____:____:____ Organized
Orthodox ____ : ____ : ____:____:____:____:____ Liberal
Vain ____ : ____ : ____:____:____:____:____ Modest
Like Likert Type Scale, this scale has also several advantages: (i) it is an
efficient and easy way to secure attitude from a large sample, (ii) the total set
of responses (both direction) gives a comprehensive picture of the meaning of
an object as well as a measure of the subject of the rating, (iii) it is a
standarised technique that can be easily repeated.
c) Stapel Scale Measurement and
Scaling Techniques
Stapel scales are named after John stapel who developed these scales. Stapel
scale consists of a single criterion in the centre with 10 categories numbered
from -5 to +5 without a neutral point (zero). The scale is usually presented
vertically. Negative rating indicates that the respondent inaccurately describes
the object and positive rating indicates that the respondent describes the object
Rate the Departmental store by marking (√) on the following factors. +5
indicate that the factor is most accurate for you and -5 indicate that the factor is
most inaccurate for you.
+5 -5
+4 -4
+3 -3
+2 -2
+1 -1
Services Products
-1 +1
-2 +2
-3 +3
-4 +4
-5 +5
In this scale, data generated is interval data. In this method, data can be
collected through telephonic interview. The data obtained from Stapel
scale can be analysed in the same way as semantic differential scale.
A) Single Category Scale
1) Do you own a house?
Yes No
Research Design and 2) Do you own a car?
Yes No
Yes No
b) Multiple Category
1) Please indicate your income by marking (√) in the income
group you fall
5000 - 10000
10000 - 15000
15000 - 20000
20000 - 25000
Cumulative scale (scalogram analysis) like any other scaling technique has
several advantages as well as limitations. The advantages are – It assures that
only a single dimension of attitude is measured, (ii) Researcher’s subjective
judgement is not allowed to creep in the development of scale since the scale is
determined by the replies of respondents.
Its main limitation is that (i) In practice perfect cumulative or unidimesional Measurement and
scale are very rarely found and approximation is used, (ii) Its developmental Scaling Techniques
procedure is cumbersome in comparison to other scaling methods.
3) What are the sources of measurement errors?
Measurement and
8.10 SOME USEFUL BOOKS/PAPERS Scaling Techniques
Research Methods
Indira Gandhi in Economics
National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Two Variable Regression Models 5
Multivariable Regression Models 37
Measures of Inequality 59
Construction of Composite Index in Social Sciences 93
Expert Committee
Prof. D.N. Reddy Prof. Romar Korea
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Prof. Harishankar Asthana Dr. Manish Gupta
Professor of Psychology Sr. Economist
Banaras Hindu University National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
Varanasi New Delhi
Prof. Chandan Mukherjee Prof. Anjila Gupta
Professor and Dean Professor of Economics
School of Development Studies IGNOU, New Delhi
Ambedkar University, New Delhi
Prof. V.R. Panchmukhi Prof. Narayan Prasad (Convenor)
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
Bombay University and Former IGNOU
Chairman ICSSR, New Delhi New Delhi
Prof. Achal Kumar Gaur Prof. K. Barik
Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences IGNOU
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi New Delhi
Prof. P.K. Chaubey Dr. B.S. Prakash
Professor, Indian Institute of Associate Professor in Economics
Public Administration, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Shri S.S. Suryanarayana Shri Saugato Sen
Former Joint Advisor Associate Professor in Economics
Planning Commission, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Course Coordinator and Editor: Prof. Narayan Prasad
Block Preparation Team
Unit Resource Person IGNOU Faculty
(Format, Language and Content Editing)
9 Dr. Anoop Chatterjee Prof. Narayan Prasad
Associate Professor in Economics Professor of Economics
ARSD College (University of Delhi), Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
10 Shri B.S. Bagla Prof. Narayan Prasad
Associate Professor in Economics Professor of Economics
PGDAV College (University of Delhi), Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
11 Prof P.K. Chaubey Prof. Narayan Prasad
IIPA, New Delhi Professor of Economics, IGNOU, New Delhi
12 Dr. Sunil K Mishra Prof. Narayan Prasad
Fellow, Institute for Human Development Professor of Economics, IGNOU, New Delhi
New Delhi
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Mr. Manjit Singh
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Economic theory is basically concerned about economic laws. These laws (or
hypotheses) are qualitative statements on the economic behaviour of various
agents both at the micro and macro levels. The validity of such qualitative
statements, however, depends upon their rigorous empirical verification by
means of the available data.
The implicit argument between the economic theory and its empirical
verification is that if the stated laws holds good in the real world situation, it
should be reflected in the displayed pattern of the relevant data. The
identification and the examination of such patterns are conducted by employing
various statistical techniques. The primary statistical tool employed for such a
purpose is the Regression Modeling. Hence, a thorough knowledge of
Regression Models is absolutely essential for conducting any serious research
in Applied Economics.
An economic law or theory essentially postulates some relationship that exist
among the economic variables. Suppose the relationship between two variables
Q and P (i.e. Quantity and Price) is expressed in the form (say linear form)
ܳ ൌ ߙ ߚܲ. Such an expression amount to an exact linear relationship which
is hard to find in reality. Usually, various non-deterministic factors (called
random factors) affect such a relationship. Therefore, in order to allow for the
effect of such random factors, a random component is incorporated into the
model i.e. ܳ ൌ ߙ ߚܲ ܷ, where ܷ is a random variable. With this, the strict
mathematical relationship expressed before becomes statistical in character.
Regression technique can now be applied to estimate the two parameters ߙ and
ߚ by using the actual data. This is the crux of a Two Variable Regression
Model explained in Unit 9.
Unit 10 explains the multiple regression models by including more than two
independent random variables. The same procedure as done in the case of two
variable regression models is applied to examine whether the estimated
parameters correspond to the postulated relationship. The treatment accorded to
the Two Variable Regression Models and the Multiple Regression Models in
this course is first limited to the ordinary least square (OLS) method
subsequently, another method viz., the maximum likelihood method (MLM) is
also explained. The two methods taken together equip a researcher with the
basic tools for undertaking empirical research.
Improvement in well being of the poor has been one of the important goals of
economic policy and to a significant extent it is determined by the growth and
distribution of its income. Distribution patterns have an important bearing on
the relationship between average income and poverty levels. Extreme
inequalities are economically wasteful. Further, income inequalities also
interact with other life-chance inequalities. Hence reducing inequalities has
become priority of public policy. Unit 11 deals with the conceptual and
measurement aspects of income inequality.
The complex social and economic issues like child deprivation, food security,
human development, human wellbeing etc. are difficult to measure in terms of
single variable. They are expression of several indicators. Composite Index is
an important statistical techniques to express the single value of several
interdependent or independent variables. Hence, Unit 12 throws light on
various methods to construct Composite Index.
1 Two Variable Regression
9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Issue of Linearity
9.3 The Non-deterministic Nature of Regression Model
9.4 Population Regression Function
9.5 Sample Regression Function
9.6 Estimation of Sample Regression Function
9.7 Goodness of Fit
9.8 Functional Forms of Regression Model
9.9 Classical Normal Regression Model
9.10 Hypothesis Testing
9.11 Let Us Sum Up
9.12 Exercises
9.13 Key Words
9.14 Some Useful Books
9.15 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
9.16 Answers or Hints to Exercises
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
• know the issue of linearity in regression model;
• appreciate the probabilistic nature of the regression model;
• distinguish between the population regression model and the sample
regression model;
• state the assumptions of the classical regression model;
• estimate the unknown population regression parameters with the help of the
sample information;
• explain the concept of goodness of fit;
• use various functional forms in the estimation of the regression model;
• state the role of classical normal regression model; and
• conduct some tests of hypotheses regarding the unknown population
regression parameters.
Quantitative Methods-1 T
The empirical research in economics is concerned with the statistical analysis
of economic relations. Often these relations are expressed in the form of
regression equations involving the dependent variable and the independent
variables. The formulation of an economic relation in the form of a regression
equation is called a regression model in econometrics. In such kind of a
regression model, the variable under study is assumed to be a function of
certain explanatory variables. The major purpose of a regression model is the
estimation of its parameters. In addition, it is also useful for testing hypotheses
and making certain forecasts. However, our concern will be mainly with the
estimation of parameters and testing of some hypotheses. At this stage, we
shall refrain from discussing the issue of forecasts from a regression model. A
regression model that contains one explanatory variable is called a two variable
regression model. In this unit, we shall focus on a two variable regression
model. It may be mentioned here that we are essentially focusing on what is
known as the two variable classical regression model.
Quantitative Methods-1 Thus, the dependent variable Y tends to be probabilistic or stochastic in nature. T
In fact, for each value of the independent variable X, there will be a distribution
of the values of the dependent variable Y. Accordingly; we specify the
regression model by incorporating a random or stochastic variable. As
mentioned in the previous unit, it should be clear that in our formulation the
dependent variable is stochastic but the independent or explanatory variables
are non-stochastic in nature. We should point out here that at an advanced
treatment of the regression model, even the explanatory variables are
considered to be stochastic in nature. It is the element of randomness either in
the dependent variable alone or both in the dependent and independent
variables, that make the regression model non-deterministic in nature.
It should be clear now that it is the disturbance term that makes the relationship
statistical in nature and renders the entire procedure so rich in content.
E (Y / X ) = α + βX
It may be mentioned here that while applying the expectation operator, E (U)
can be taken as zero because, as we have discussed above, the mean effect of U
tends to be zero.
Sometimes we call the above expression, the population regression line and
loosely write it as
Y = α + βX
In this expression, however, we should be clear that Y stands for the conditional
mean of Y for a given X.
Quantitative Methods-1 Assumptions of the Classical Regression Model T
1) The disturbance term U has a zero mean for all the values of X, i.e., E (U) = 0.
2) Variance of U is constant for all the values of X, i.e., V ( X ) = σ 2 . It may be
mentioned here that this assumption is known as the assumption of
homoscedasticity in the econometric literature.
3) The disturbance terms for two different values of X are independent i.e.,
cov(U i , U j ) = 0, for i ≠ j .
4) X is non-stochastic.
5) The model is linear in parameter.
The assumption of non-stochasticity of X leads to a corollary. It is, X and U are
independent i.e., cov( X ,U ) = 0 .
0 X
Fig. 9.2: Sample Scatter-Plot
Thus, we have a scatter of sample values as shown in the above diagram and
we have to pass a regression line through it. We can summarise the least square
procedure for obtaining such a line now. Putting mathematically the procedure
amounts to Minimize
∑u ∑ (Y − Yˆ ) = ∑ (Y − αˆ − βˆX )
2 2
= with respect to α̂ and βˆ .
Following the usual minimization procedure, we obtain two normal equations
given by
∑ Y = nαˆ + βˆ ∑ X
∑ XY = αˆ ∑ X + βˆ ∑ X 2
Quantitative Methods-1 Solving the two normal equations simultaneously, we obtain T
βˆ =
n∑ XY − ∑ X ∑ Y
∑ (X − X )(Y − Y )
n∑ X − (∑ X ) ∑ (X − X )
2 2 2
αˆ =
∑ X ∑ Y − ∑ X ∑ XY = Y − βˆX .
n ∑ X − (∑ X )
2 2
Let us now derive an important result for the estimated slope coefficient βˆ .
Writing lower case letters for deviations
βˆ =
∑ xy = ∑ x(Y − Y ) = ∑ xY − Y ∑ (X − X )
∑x 2
∑x 2
∑x 2
But ∑ (X − X ) = 0
Thus βˆ =
∑ xY
∑x 2
Now putting k = , as xx’s
s are
∑ x2
We have
βˆ = kY∑
Thus, βˆ is a linear function of the observed values of Y. This is an important
result, which we shall use later in the issue of hypothesis testing.
The following diagram shows a regression line, with the values of α̂ and βˆ
given by the above expressions fitted into our sample scatter.
0 X
1 It may be noted here that the sample regression line has the equation, Two Variable Regression
Y = αˆ + βˆX with the values of α̂ and βˆ obtained from the above-mentioned
least square method. It can be clearly seen that the values of α̂ and βˆ can be
calculated in terms of sample observations only and no other information that
is not known is required for this purpose. As we can see, both α̂ and βˆ are
linear functions of X and Y. Consequently, they are called linear estimators.
Gauss-Markov Theorem
The least square estimators α̂ and βˆ can be taken as the estimators of the
unknown population parameters α and β because they satisfy certain desirable
properties. We can state them without proofs below.
Quantitative Methods-1
var (αˆ ) =
∑X σ 2
n∑ (X − X ) 2
se(αˆ ) =
∑X σ 2
n∑ (X − X ) 2
var βˆ =
∑ (X − X )
se βˆ =
∑ (X − X )
an unbiased estimator of σ is
∑Uˆ 2
∑ (Uˆ − Uˆ )
σˆ =
∑Uˆ 2 =
n−2 n−2
This is, because, Û is the mean of the sample regression errors. Now, while
calculating it, the positive errors will tend to cancel the negative errors and as a
result, it will be reduced to zero. From above expression of the estimator of σ ,
it can easily be interpreted as the standard deviation of the sample observations
We can decompose it into two components. The first is the variation explained
by the regression. The second is the portion that remains unexplained by the
regression. Thus we can write
(Y − Y ) = (Y − Yˆ )+ (Yˆ − Y )
Squaring and applying summation on both the sides
Now let us try to find the value of ∑ (Yˆ − Y )(Y − Yˆ ). We have the regression
Y = αˆ + βˆX + Uˆ
or Y = αˆ + βˆX + Uˆ
Subtracting the second equation from the first equation
Y − Y = βˆ (X − X ) + Uˆ , because Uˆ =
∑Uˆ = 0, as Uˆ = 0.
Writing lower case letters for the deviations of the variables from their mean,
we have the sample regression equation in the form
y = βˆx + uˆ
å (Yˆ - Y )(Y - Yˆ )
= å (Yˆ - Y ) Uˆ
= å YUˆ ˆ - Y Uˆ
= å YUˆ ˆ , because Uˆ = 0
= å (aˆ + bˆ X) Uˆ
We have
Quantitative Methods-1 x= X -X T
Þåx = å X - X ( )
or å xUˆ =å X - X Uˆ = å XUˆ - X åUˆ =å XUˆ
( )
å xUˆ = å x ( y - bˆ x) = å xy - bˆ å x 2
We know, bˆ = (
å X - X )(Y - Y ) = å xy
å( X - X ) åx 2
å xUˆ = å xy - å x å x = å xy - å xy = 0
xy 2
å 2
∑ (Yˆ − Y )(Y − Yˆ ) = 0
∑ (Y − Y ) = ∑ (Yˆ − Y ) + ∑ (Y − Yˆ )
2 2 2
∑ (Y − Y ) ∑ (Yˆ − Y )
2 2
If is defined as the total sum of squares (TSS), as the
∑ (Y − Yˆ )
explained sum of squares (ESS) and as the residual sum of squares
We have
Example 9.1
The hypothetical figures for the total labour force and the number of employed
out of that for the period 1991-2000 are given below in Table 9.1. Run a
regression of the number of employed on the total labour force.
1 Table 9.1: Actual Employment and Labour Force Two Variable Regression
Employed Labour Force
Year (million) (million)
1991 100 120
1992 125 140
1993 140 165
1994 160 185
1995 175 200
1996 195 210
1997 230 250
1998 245 255
1999 270 305
2000 295 320
Year Y X XY X2 y = Y −Y x = X − X x2 y2 xy
1991 100 120 12000 14400 -93.5 -95 9025 8742.25 8882.5
1992 125 140 17500 19600 -68.5 -75 5625 4692.25 5137.5
1993 140 165 23100 27225 -53.5 -50 2500 2862.25 2675
1994 160 185 29600 34225 -33.5 -30 900 1122.25 1005
1995 175 200 35000 40000 -18.5 -15 225 342.25 277.5
2000 295 320 94400 102400 101.5 105 11025 10302.25 10657.5
bˆ = å
xy 38850
= = 0.965217 and aˆ = Y - bˆ X = 193.5 - (0.965217 ´ 215) = –14.217
å x 2
Quantitative Methods-1 T
Year Yˆ = αˆ − βˆX Uˆ = Y − Yˆ Û 2
Yˆ − Y (
Yˆ − Y )
∑X ∑ (Yˆ − Y )
V (βˆ ) =
σ2 ESS
, V (αˆ ) = σ and R =
∑x n∑ x ∑ (Y − Y )
2 2 2
s =
ˆ 2 å Û 2
, where n – 2 is the degrees of feedom. Here, n – 2 = 10 – 2 = 8.
Therefore, sˆ 2 = å
Û 2 403.8043
= = 50.475537.
n-2 8
sˆ 2 50.475537
Thus, V bˆ =()
åx 2
= 0.001254
() ()
s.e. bˆ = V bˆ = 0.001254 = 0.0354118
V (aˆ ) = åX 2
sˆ 2 =
´50.475537 = 63.016042
nå x 2
10 ´ 40250
ESS 37498.67
R2 = = = 0.989345
TSS 37902.5
1 Two Variable Regression
βˆ = 0.965217 ()
V βˆ = 0.001254 and ()
s.e. βˆ = 0.0354118
αˆ = −14.0217 V (αˆ ) = 63.016042 and s.e.(αˆ ) = 7.9382644
σˆ 2 = 50.475537
R 2 = 0.989345 Degrees of Freedom (d . f .) = 8
The estimated regression line is given by
Yˆ = −14.0217 + 0.965217 X
It may be mentioned here that it is this kind of a summary of the results that is
generally used for the further analysis of the regression model. Let us now
interpret some of the results from the above summary. The regression line
estimates the average employment (Y) for a given level of labour force (X). The
slope coefficient βˆ = 0.965217 estimates the rate of change of employment
with respect to labour force. For example, if 100 more persons start looking for
jobs, about 97 of them actually get employed. The intercept αˆ = −14.0217 can
be interpreted as the average combined effect of all those variables that might
also affect employment but have been omitted for the purpose of the above-
mentioned regression. The coefficient of regression R 2 = 0.989345 indicates
that about 99 per cent of the variation in employment can be explained by a
variation in the labour force, which is indeed high and indicates a good fit to
the given sample.
Quantitative Methods-1 3) Discuss the assumptions of the classical regression model. T
1) Linear Model
This functional form is the most common one and we have already discussed
it. Its equation is given by
Y = α + βX + U
As we know, it is both linear in parameter and linear in variable. This model
can be estimated by the ordinary least square (OLS) method. The least square
estimators α̂ and βˆ are the unbiased estimators of the unknown population Two Variable Regression
parameters α and β .
Here the regression coefficient β measures the rate of change of Y per unit
change of X.
Example 9.2
In this example we shall consider the issue of fitting a Keynesian consumption
function to the Indian data. Table 9.2 presents the GDP at factor cost and final
consumption expenditure (FCE) figures for the Indian economy during the
period 1980-2001 at 1993-94 prices.
Fig. 9.3: Scatter of Final Consumption Expenditure against GDP
Quantitative Methods-1 The above scatter of final consumption expenditure against GDP been obtained T
from Table 9.2. The scatter makes it clear that there seems to be a linear
relationship between the two variables. Consequently, we have run a linear
regression between the variables by using the data of Table 9.2. The results are
presented below:
FCE = 108206.4 + 0.719674 GDP
s.e. aˆ = 6233.203 ()
s.e. bˆ = 0.007865
A high R 2 of more than 0.99 implies a tight fit. The estimated βˆ = 0.719674
indicates a marginal propensity to consume of about 72 percent and this can be
quite expected in the Indian economy. We shall explain the significance of
degrees of freedom and t values later in the issue of tests of hypotheses.
However, we shall continue to present these two statistics in our subsequent
examples also.
2) Log-linear Model
This model is also known as log-log, double-log or constant elasticity model.
Its original form is given by
ln Y = ln α + β ln X + U
If we put ln Y = y, ln α = a, β = b and ln X = x , the model reduces to
y = a + bx + U
From the above transformation, it is very clear that the model now becomes
linear in parameter and linear in log of the variables; and thus, can be estimated
by the ordinary least square method. Here, a will be estimating ln α and then
by taking the antilog of a, we shall obtain the estimate for α . The regression
coefficient b = β deserves our special attention. It measures a change in log Y
d ln Y
per unit of a change in log X. In the language of calculus, β = . Now, a
d ln X
change in the log of some variable implies a proportional change in it. Thus, β
is the ratio of a proportional change in Y to a proportional change in X. in other
words, β measures the elasticity of Y with respect to X. This is the rationale
for the log linear regression model being termed as the constant elasticity
Example 9.3
This is an example from Gujrati (2003). The table below presents the quarterly
data on total personal consumption expenditure (PCExp) and expenditure on
durables (ExpDur) for the U.S. economy measured in 1992 billions of dollar
for the period 1993:1-1998:3.
1 Table 9.3: Personal Consumption Expenditure and Expenditure on Durables in Two Variable Regression
U.S.A. Models
We have plotted the log of expenditure on durables against the log of total
personal consumption expenditure in Figure 9.4 below.
Quantitative Methods-1 T
Log PCExp
Fig. 9.4: Scatter of Log of Exp on Durables against Log of Personal Con Exp
The scatter above is clearly indicative of a linear relationship between the log
of the two variables. As a result, we fit in a log linear model to the data on total
personal consumption expenditure and the expenditure on consumer durables.
We present some of the results from the fit below.
3) Semi-Log Model
One of the common forms of semi-log regression models is the so-called
growth rate model. The model is expressed as
log Y = α + β t + U
In this model the dependent variable is expressed in log, whereas, the
independent variable is the time period, and it is measured in absolute term.
Since, log operator is applied only to the left hand side of the equation, the
model is called the semi-log model. In this model, the slope coefficient β is a
measure of the proportional change in the dependent variable for a unit change
in the time period. Thus it measures the growth rate of the dependent variable.
1 Example 9.4 Two Variable Regression
In this example, we are going to verify the so-called ‘Hindu Rate of Growth’ of
about 3.5 per cent that Indian economy consistently witnessed in 1960s and
In Table 9.4, we present India’s GDP at 1993-94 prices for the period 1960-
Table 9.4: India’s GDP during 1970-1980
Year GDP Year GDP
1960 206103 1971 299269
1961 212499 1972 298316
1962 216994 1973 311894
1963 227980 1974 315514
1964 245270 1975 343924
1965 236306 1976 348223
1966 238710 1977 374235
1967 258137 1978 394828
1968 264873 1979 374291
1969 282134 1980 401128
1970 296278
Figure 9.5 presents the scatter of the log of GDP against the time period
denoted by the letter t.
The scatter above suggests a linear relationship between the log of GDP and
the time period. Therefore, we run a regression of log GDP on time period t.
we present the result below.
Quantitative Methods-1 log GDP = 12.19473 + 0.033729 t T
s.e.(αˆ ) = 0.012517 ()
s.e. βˆ = 0.000997
t (αˆ ) = 974.2658 t (βˆ ) = 33.83607
R 2 = 0.983675 d . f . = 19
4) Reciprocal Model
In the reciprocal model, the dependent variable is regressed on the reciprocal of
the independent variable. Its functional from is
Y =α +β +U
Although the model is non-linear in variable (because the power of X is –1), it
is linear in parameter. Hence, it can be estimated by the OLS method. The
model has an important characteristic. As the independent variable X increases
indefinitely, the term β approaches zero, β being a constant. Consequently,
the dependent variable Y approaches a limiting value or an asymptotic value
equal to the intercept α . An application of this model can be in the relationship
between per capita GNP and the child mortality. As per capita GNP increases,
the infant mortality rate is expected to fall but we cannot expect it to fall
independently if per capita GNP continues to increase indefinitely. In such a
situation, in all probability, the mortality rate will tend to a limiting value.
Gujrati (1993) presents an example of applying the reciprocal model to study
the relationship between the per capita GNP and the infant mortality rate by
using the cross-section data for 64 countries. His results are presented below.
Y = 81 . 79436 + 27237 . 17
s .e .(αˆ ) = 10 . 8321 ()
s .e. βˆ = 3759 . 999
t (αˆ ) = 7 . 5511 ()
t βˆ = 7 . 2535
R 2 = 0 . 4590
where, Y is the child mortality rate (the number of deaths of children under the
age of 5 per year per 1000 live births) and X is the per capita GNP at constant
prices. The above-mentioned results show that if per capita GNP increases
indefinitely, the infant mortality approaches a limiting rate of about 82 deaths
per 1000 children born.
Fig. 9.6: Bi-Variate Population with the Unknown Regression Line
In Figure 9.6, we can see that for a given observed value of income, we can
have different observed values of consumption represented by the bold dots on
each of the vertical lines. The vertical distance between an observed value of
consumption and the corresponding estimated value from the regression line
for a given income level measures the value of the disturbance term. Thus there
Quantitative Methods-1 are many possible values of U for each of the given income levels. As a result, T
there are conditional distributions of U for different levels of income.
It may be mentioned here that the normality assumption is important not only
for hypothesis testing but also for the fact that under this assumption we can
use an alternative procedure for estimating the population regression
parameters. This procedure is known as the method of maximum likelihood
estimation. Although for regression parameters the method gives the same
estimates as the least square estimates, the approach followed is quite different.
In fact this procedure has some stronger theoretical characteristics than the
least square method. However, we are not discussing this procedure here
because it is beyond our scope.
In the next section, we shall discuss the issue of hypothesis testing and see how
the normality assumption plays a crucial role there.
Here, βˆ is the sample estimate of β and we shall use it for estimating the
unknown β . As mentioned earlier that βˆ might vary from sample to sample
collected from the same population. As a result, βˆ is a random variable with
some probability distribution. Now, for the purpose of hypothesis testing, we
need to know the form of this distribution of βˆ .
1 It is here that the assumption of normality helps us. Let us consider it. From Two Variable Regression
Section 9.6, we know that βˆ = ∑ kY and thus, it is a linear function of the
observed values of Y. But, Y = α + β X + U . Consequently, we can
see, βˆ = ∑ k (α + β X + U ). Now, we already know that the ks, the Xs and the
parameters are all given. As a result, finally, βˆ becomes a linear function of the
random disturbance variable U. Thus, βˆ has the same distribution as U.
Therefore, the assumption of normality U, implies that βˆ is distributed as
We have already seen that E βˆ = β and se βˆ = () σ
. It follows
∑ (X − X )
then that
β ~ N β,
∑ (X − X )
You must have learnt from your compulsory course in quantitative methods,
that now a standard normal variable can be formed with mean equal to zero and
standard deviation equal to one and it can be used for testing of hypotheses
regarding β . But the problem here is that the population standard deviation σ
is unknown and we have to use an estimate for it. However, we know that an
Let us see now how we can conduct some test of hypothesis regarding the
unknown population regression coefficient by considering some examples that
we have already discussed in Section 9.7. Consider Example 9.2. In this
example, we have considered the issue of the consumption function in the
Indian economy by regressing final consumption expenditure on GDP. To
begin with, we might be interested in examining whether the relationship is
significant or not. Thus, our focus is on the regression coefficient β and by the
nature of the inquiry, we have to conduct a two-tailed test. We can proceed by
setting our null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis in the following
Null hypothesis H0 : β = 0
Alternative hypothesis H1 : β ≠ 0
Quantitative Methods-1 The acceptance of the null hypothesis implies the rejection of the alternative T
hypothesis and this in turn implies that on the basis of the sample information
there does not seem to be any significant relationship between GDP and the
final consumption expenditure. On the other hand, the rejection of the null
hypothesis implies the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis and this in turn
implies that on the basis of the sample information there seems to exist
significant relationship between GDP and the final consumption expenditure.
The next step is to construct our test statistic, which is conventionally denoted
by t. Thus
t= ()
bˆ - E bˆ
s.e (bˆ )
Under the null hypothesis,
bˆ - 0 bˆ
t= =
Uˆ 2 Uˆ 2
ån-2 ån-2
And this is distributed as a student-t with n-2 degrees of freedom. From the
results of the Example 9.2 we can easily compute the value of this t statistic
since, both the values of the estimated regression coefficient (0.719676) and
the standard error of the estimated regression coefficient (0.007865) are
mentioned there. In fact, even the computed value of the t statistic (91.50314)
is given. In addition, the degree of freedom is also given (20). Normally, any
test of hypothesis is conducted either at 1 per cent level of significance or at
5% level of significance. From the student-t distribution table we can find out
the critical values of the test statistic t for both 1 per cent level of significance
and at 5% level of significance at a degree of freedom of 20 for two-tailed test.
The values are 2.845 and 2.086 respectively. Thus, the computed value of t far
exceeds both the critical values. Thus, on the basis of the sample information
we cannot accept the null hypothesis. This amounts to accepting the alternative
hypothesis. Consequently, personal consumption expenditure does seem to be
dependent upon GNP in India during the sample period 1980-2001.
Once the relationship between GDP and personal consumption expenditure has
been established some further test can be conducted about the likely value of
the marginal propensity to consume out of GNP. For example we can conduct a
test regarding whether the marginal propensity to consume is 80 per cent or
not. Thus we have
Null hypothesis H 0 : β = 0.80
Alternative hypothesis H 1 : β ≠ 0.80
βˆ − E βˆ
0.719676 − 0.80 − 0.080324
= = 10.212841 .
s.e βˆ 0.007865 0.007865
Now this value of the test statistic also exceeds the critical values of 2.845 and
2.086 for a degree of freedom of 20 at 1 per cent and 5 per cent levels of
significance respectively. Thus, on the basis of the sample information the
1 difference between estimated value of β and its mean is so much that even in Two Variable Regression
1 out 100 cases or 5 out of 100 cases we do not expect to obtain such a
difference. Thus on the basis of the sample information, we are not in a
position to accept the null hypothesis. Hence, in all probability during the
sample period of 1980-2001, India’s marginal propensity to consume out GDP
has not been as high as 80 per cent.
Thus, a discussion on the test of hypotheses finally marks the end of our
discussion on two variable regression model.
3) If you want to estimate India’s rate of growth of per capita income during
the period 1980-2000, what should be the functional form of your
regression model?
Quantitative Methods-1 4) Explain the concept of a classical normal regression model. What is its use? T
5) Explain briefly the steps for testing the significance of the regression
1) The following table presents the data for broad money supply M 3 (Rs.
Crore) for India during 1980-2002. Fit in an appropriate regression model
and estimate the rate of growth of money supply in India during this
Table 9.5: India’s Broad Money Supply 1980-2002
Year M3
1980 50966
1981 59793
1982 68515
1983 80577
1984 95295
1985 111096
1986 130653
1987 153207
1988 179687
1989 213856
1990 249493
1991 292403
1992 344238
1993 399048
1994 478196
1995 552953
1996 642631
1997 752028
1998 901294
1999 1056025
2000 1224092
2001 1420025
2002 1647976
3) In Example 9.4, the sample estimate of India’s rate of growth during the
period 1960-80 has been obtained to be about 3.4 per cent per year. Test
the hypothesis that during the same period the rate of growth has in fact
been 4 per cent per year.
I Multivariable Regression
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Regression Model with Two Explanatory Variables
10.2.1 Estimation of Parameters
10.2.2 Variance and Standard Errors
10.3 Interpretation of Regression Coefficients
10.3.1 Goodness of Fit: Multiple Coefficient of Determination: R2
10.3.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
10.4 Inclusion and Exclusion of Variables
10.5 Generalisation to n-explainatory Variables
10.6 Problem of Multi-co-linearity
10.7 Problem of Hetero-scedasticity
10.8 Problem of Autocorrelation
10.9 Maximum Likelihood Estimations
10.10 Let Us Sum Up
10.11 Key Words
10.12 Answers or Hints for Check Your Progress Exercises
This Unit aims at equipping the learners with techniques of multiple regressions
which come handy in analysing a number of situations where one is required to
study impact of a number of independent variables (factors) on some particular
dependent variable. After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• have a fairly good comprehension of technique of multiple regression
• appreciate the need for extending the basic idea of regression as discussed
in Unit 8;
• apply those techniques for more realistic model formulation of explaination
of economic phenomena; and
• spot and avoid pit falls which may arise (in quantitative analysis).
on accounts of auto-correlation, hetero-scedasticity and multi-co-linearity on
the one hand and mis-specification of the model, (in the sense of including
irrelevant as well as excluding relevant variables from the model) on the other.
In Unit 8, you have studied basics of the Classical Linear Regression Model.
You regressed dependent variable Y on independent variable X. In other
Quantitative Methods-I words, you tried to explain changes in Y in terms of the changes in X. You had M
hypothesised a linear relationship between Y and X of this type:
Y = α + βX
∧ ∧
Then, you went on to ‘estimate’ the two constants α and β . Once the
estimates were ready, you had the estimated model or ‘relationship’ with you
given by
∧ ∧ ∧
Υ = α + β x
In the present unit we are going to extend this type of analysis further to make
it more ‘realistic’ and ‘comprehensive’. We will do it in a number of steps:
first of all, we shall introduce one more explainatory variable and re-examine’
the model. Next step will be to generalise the model to n-explainatory
variables. At the next stage, we try to interpret the partial regression co-
efficients. After that, we will try to examine how large should the number ‘n’
be – that is how many explainatory variables must be included in the model
and what should be the statistical touch stone for arriving at such a decision.
Then, we examine the conditions, or ‘assumptions’, which make these
extensions and generalisations possible. We also examine the possible effects
of violation of one or more assumptions. We shall, in particular, pay attention
to problems of multi-co-linearity, Hetero-scedasticity and auto-correlation.
Then, we take a look at another class of estimates, the Maximum Likelihood
Estimators. Finally, we give a brief exposition to some uses of multiple
regression analysis in economics.
So the model that we consider in the present section has two explanatory
variables X1, and X2. The non-stochastic specification will be:
E( Y ) = b 0 + b1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 (10.1)
The same model in stochastic form will have ‘error terms’ included:
Y = b 0 + b1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 + m (10.2)
= E( Y ) + m (10.3)
We can use subscripts‘t’ with Y0, X1, X2 and µ to denote ‘tth’ observation.
Thus, the above equations can be written as
I Yt = b 0 + b1 X1t + b 2 X 2 t Multivariable Regression
Yt = b 0 + b1 X1t + b 2 X 2 t + m t and
Yt = E (Yt ) + m t respectively
The model specified by equations 10.1 and 10.2 is a linear regression model
which is linear in parameters.
Yt = b0 + b1 X 1t + b2 X 2 t + et (10.4)
Note that b0, b1, b2 have replaced the corresponding population parameters β1,
β2, β3 here. The random component µ t replaced by et or the sample error term.
We know from the Unit 8 that the principle of ordinary least squares selects
those values for unknowns (b0, b1, b2 ) such that residual sum of squares (RSS)
= ∑ et2 is minimum. We can develop this idea by rewriting equation 10.4 as
et = Yt - b0 - b1 X1t - b2 X 2 t (10.5)
Square on both sides and sum up to get RSS:
å et2 = å [Yt - b0 - b1 X 1t - b2 X 2t ]
Differentiating the (10.6) w.r.t b0, b1, b2 and equating to zero gives us the
three normal equations:
Y t = b0 + b1 X 1t + b2 X 2 t (10.7)
å Yt X 1t = b0 å X 1t + b1 å X 12t + b2 å X 1t X 2 t (10.8)
å Yt X 2t = b0 å X 2t + b1 å X 1t X 2t + b2 å X 22t (10.9)
Quantitative Methods-I These three equations give us the following expressions for b0, b1, and b2 M
b0 = Y - b1 X - b2 X 2 (10.10)
b1 =
(å y x )(å x
t 1t ) - (å y x )(å x x )
2t t 2t 1t 2t
(å x )(å x ) - (å x x )
2 2 2
1t 2t 1t 2t
b2 =
(å y x )(å x
t 2t ) - (å y x )(å x x )
1t t 1t 1t 2t
(å x )(å x ) - (å x x )
2 2 2
1t 2t 1t 2 t
The lower case letters denote, as usual, the deviations from the respective
æ ö
ç 2 2 ÷
ç 1 X 1 å x2 t + X 2 å x1t - 2 X 1 X 2 å x1t x2t ÷ 2
2 2
Var( b0 ) = ç + ÷s (10.13)
çn å x12t å x22t - ( å x1t x2t )2 ÷
ç ÷
è ø
Standard Error of b0 = Var( b0 ) (10.14)
å x22t
Var (b1 ) = .s 2 (10.15)
å x1t å x2 t - (å x1t x2 t )
2 2 2
å x12t
Var (b2 ) = .s 2 (10.17)
å x12t å x22t - (å x1t x2 t ) 2
When σ2 is unknown and its t unbiased OLS estimator is obtained, we find that
å ei2
sˆ 2 = (10.19)
The denominator of 10.19 shows the degrees of freedom. In a sample of size
‘n’ we exhaust 3 degrees of freedom in estimating b0, b1, and b2. Note that this
40 reasoning is quiet general, in the sense that if out of a sample of size ‘n’, we
I estimate ‘k’ parameters, remaining degrees of freedom will be n ─ k. We call Multivariable Regression
σˆ = σˆ 2 , the standard error of estimate/regression.
The residual sum of squares in 10.19 is ∑ et2 = ∑(Yt − Yˆt ) 2 . This expression is
equivalent to the following.
Note: This interpretation is quite similar to what you have been doing in
economic theory. Recall the law of demand: quantity demanded of a
commodity varied inversely with its price, ‘ceteris paribus’ that is when other
things were kept ‘constant’. What were those other things? Those were prices
of complements and substitutes, income of the consumer, and tastes/likings/
disliking etc.
R2 =
When ESS is explained sum of squares and TSS is total sum of squares. You
are familiar with the relationship between TSS, ESS and RSS from Unit 8.
You know that ESS = b1 ∑ y t x 1t + b 2 ∑ y t x 2 t
b1 ∑ y t x1t + b2 ∑ y t x 2t
R2 = (10.21)
∑ y t2
You can get the quantities in the above formula from your computation sheet
for the normal equations. The R2 lies between 0 and 1. Closer it is to one;
Quantitative Methods-I better is the fit – implying estimated regression line is capable of explaining M
greater proportions of variation in Y. The positive square root of R2 is called
coefficient of multiple correlation.
TSS = n–1
RSS = n–3
ESS = 2
We can put this information in form of a table:
ESS / df
that is ratio of the variance explained by X1 and X2 to unexplained
RSS / df
variance follows F distribution with 2 and n-3 degrees of freedom. In general,
if regression equation estimates ‘k’ parameters including intercept, than F ratio
has (k-1) df in numerator and (n-k) df in the denominator.
I We can also express F values in terms of R2. Multivariable Regression
R 2 /(k − 1)
(1 − R 2 ) /(n − k )
Quantitative Methods-I M
The Adjusted R 2 : R 2
It has been noted that as we add more and more explanatory variables Xs , the
explained sum of squares keeps on rising. Thus, R2 goes on increasing as we
increase Xs, the explained sum of squares keeps on rising. Thus, R2 goes on
increasing as we increase Xs. But, notice that adding each additional variable
‘eats up’ one degree of freedom and our definition of R2 makes no allowance
for loss of degrees of freedom. Hence, the thinking that you can improve the
goodness of fit by suitably increasing the number of variables may not be
justified We know that TSS always has (n-1) degrees of freedom. Therefore,
comparing two regression models with same dependent variable but
differencing number of independent variables will not be justified. Therefore,
we must adjust our measure of goodness of fit for degrees of freedom. This
measure is called adjusted R2, denoted by R 2 . It can be derived from R2 as
2 (n - 1)
R = 1 - (1 - R 2 ) (10.22)
(n - k )
a) Absence of Multi-co-linearity;
b) Absence of Hetero-scedasticity; and
c) Absence of Autocorrelation
Yt = β 0 + β 1 X 1t + ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ + β n X nt
where it is understood that Y and each X will have a large numbers of values
t=1………….N, forming (n+1) ‘tuples’ (Y11 X11, X21, ……………..Xn1).
Y = b1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 .......................b n X n + m (10.23)
Y = Xβ+U (10.24)
Y1 β1 U 1
Where Y = ⋮ , β = ⋮ and U = ⋮
Yn β n U n
X 11 , X 21 , X 31 , ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ X k 1
X 12 , X 22 , X 32 , ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ X k 2
also X = ⋮
X 1n , X 2n , X 3n , ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ X kn
We assume that (1) expected values of error terms are equal to zero; that is
E(ui) = 0 for all ‘i’. In matrix notation
Quantitative Methods-I 0 M
E(u i )
E (u ) = ⋮ = 0 = 0
E (u n )
2) The error terms are not correlated with one another and they all have
same variance for σ 2 all sets values of the variables X. That is,
E (u i u j ) = 0; ∀i ≠ j and
E (u12 ) = σ 2 ∀i
in matrix notation:
3) Number X1i……………..Xk are all real numbers and are free of random
errors or disturbances.
Note: Assumptions that E(UiUj) = 0 means that error terms are not correlated.
The implication of diagonal terms in matrix E(UU′) being all equal to σ 2 is
that all error terms have same variance, σ 2 . This is also called assumption of
homo-scedasticity. The last assumption implies absence of multi-co-linearity.
We can write the regression relation for the sample as:
e = Y – Xb
by equating 1st order partials of φ w.r.t each bi, to zero, we get k normal
equations. This set of equations in matrix form is:
I ∂φ Multivariable Regression
= −2 X ′Y + 2 X ′Xb = 0 (10.26) Models
X ′Xb = X ′Y (10.27)
when X has rank equal to k, the normal equation 10.27 will have a unique
solution and least squares estimator b is equal to:
b = [X ′X ] [X ′Y ]
We have assumed b to be estimator for β and thus E(b) = β , therefore we
can rewrite 10.28 as
b = [X ′X ] X ′′[Xβ + u ]
= [X ′X ] X ′Xβ + [X ′X ] X ′U
−1 −1
= β + X 1 X X 1U ]
∴ E (b) = E (β ) + E X 1 X ]
X 1 E ( µ ) = E ( B) + [X ′X ]. X ′E ( µ )
Variance of b = σ 2 ( X ′X ) −1
1) In this course our objective is simply to introduce the concepts. Those who
plan to pursue the concepts at much more rigorous level can study our
course on Econometric Methods (MEC) – included as optional course of
M.A.(Economics) Programme.
Not only this, the OLS estimates still retain property of minimum variance.
Further, it is found that multi co-linearity is essentially a sample regression
problem. The X variables may not be linearly related in population but some of
our suppositions while drawing a sample may create a situation of multiple
linear relations.
2) high pair wise correlation between explainatory variables. One can try
partial correlations, subsidiary or auxiliary regressions as well. But each
such technique increases burden of calculations.
I 3) “Inclusion of more variables always increases R2 the goodness of fit. So to Multivariable Regression
make a regression model ‘good’ what we need to do is simply increase the
number of explanatory variables”. Do you agree/disagree with this
statement? Give reasons.
It has been observed that usually time series data does not suffer from this
problem of hetero scedasticity but in cross-section data, the problem may
assume serious dimensions. The consequences of hetero scedasticity: If the
assumption of homoscedasticity does not hold, we observe the following
impact on OLS estimators.
Some tests have been designed to detect presence of Hetero scedasticity, using
various statistical techniques. Prominent ones are: Park Test, Glejser Test,
Whites General Test, Spearman’s Rank correlation Test, Goldfield - Quadnt
Test etc. But in this unit, the limitation of space does not permit us to go into
their details. We are forced to refer the learners again the course on
Econometric Method for details in this regard.
i) When σ 12 is known
Yi 1 X Ui
= β 0 + β 1 i +
σ1 σ1 σi σi
This effectively transforms error terms to U i = which is homo-scedastic
and therefore, the OLS estimators will be free of disability caused by
hetero scedasticity. The estimates of β0 and β1 in this situation are called
Weighted Least Squares Estimators (WLSEs).
Yi b X U
= 0 + b1 i + i
Xi Xi Xi Xi
I 1 Multivariable Regression
= b0 + b1 X i + U i Models
Here U i = and this is sufficient to address the problem.
Yi 1 U
= b0 + b1 + i
Xi Xi Xi
= b0 + b1 + U i
The error term will be U i = and this will be free of hetero scedasticity,
facilitating use of CLS techniques.
ln Yi = β 0 + β1 ln X i + U i
i) there may be various reasons which cause cyclical up and down swings in
economic time series. These tendencies continue till something happens
which reverse them. This is called inertia.
ii) Misspecification of model in the form of under specification can be a
cause of autocorrelation: you have fewer X variables in the model,
leaving out rather large systematic components to be clubbed with errors.
iii) Cob-web phenomenon is another factor which may create this problem in
certain types of economic time series (especially agricultural output etc.).
iv) Polishing of data – like adding monthly data to make quarterly or
quarterly to make half yearly series etc. can also be responsible for the
autocorrelation – as the averaging involved dampens the fluctuations of
the original data.
Quantitative Methods-I The consequences of autocorrelation are not different from those of hetero M
scedasticity listed in 10.7 above. Here too OLS estimators are biased or are not
BLUE, t & F tests are no longer reliable. Therefore, computed value of R2 is
not reliable estimate of true goodness of fit.
There are many tests for detecting autocorrelation – varying from visual
inspection of error plots, the Runs Test, Swed-Eisenhart critical runs test. But
most commonly used in Durbin-Watson d test defined as
∑ (e
t =2
t − et −1 ) 2
d= n
t =1
f Y1 .................Yn β 0 + β1 X i , σ 2 ) ML - 1
But given the independence of Ys, this function can be written as product of ‘n’
individual density functions, or
f Y1 .................Yn b 0 + b1 X i + U i , s 2 ) ML-2
= π ëéYi b 0 + b1 X i + U i , s 2 ûù
é 2ù
ê-Y (Yi - b 0 - b1 X i ) ú
ê ú
1 ê
s2 ûú
where f (Yi ) = .e ë ML-3
s 2p
I Putting this value for each Yi, in ML-2. We get the likelihood function (LF): Multivariable Regression
1 (Yi − β 0 − β1 −U i )2
1 − ∑ σ2
LF ( β 0 , β 1 , σ 2 ) = .e ML - 4
σ n
( 2π )
1 (Y − β 0 − β1 X 1 − U i )
ln( LF ) = n nσ 2 − ln( 2π ) − ∑ i ML - 5
2 2 σ2
∂ ln (LF) − 1
= 2 ∑ (Y1 − β 0 − β1 X i )(−1) = 0 ML - 6
∂β 0 σ
∂ ln (LF) − 1
= 2 ∑ (Y1 − β 0 − β1 X 1 )(− X i ) = 0 ML - 7
∂β1 σ
∂ ln (LF) − n 1
4 ∑ 1
= + (Y − β 0 − β1 X i )2 = 0 ML - 8
∂σ 2
2σ 2
å Yi = nb 0 + b1 å X i ML-8a
å X iYi = b 0 å X i + b1 å X i2 ML-9
σ2 =
∑ (Yi − β 0 − β1 X i ) 2
∑ U i2 ML - 10
Expectation of σ~ 2 , E (σ~ 2 ) = E (∑ U i2 )
n−2 2
= σ
σ2 − σ2
or σ~ 2 is biased downwards.
var00003=Foreign Investment Inflow
B Standard Error t
Constant -1655.737 2658.578 -0.623
var00002 1.263 0.104 12.192
var00003 -0.288 0.522 -0.552
Coefficients Correlation
Correlation Var00003 Var00002
Var00003 1.0000 -0.670
Var00002 -0.670 1.0000
Covariance Var00003 0.272 -3.625E-02
Var00002 -3.625E-02 1.073E-02
I ANOVA Multivariable Regression
Sum of Sqrs. df Mean sqrs. F
Regression1.9E+09 2 9.4E+08 127.097
Residual 6.7E+07 9 7432320
Total 2.0E+09 11
B Standard Error t
Constant -321.545 1702.075 -0.189
var00001 -0.114 0.206 -0.552
var00002 0.272 0.257 1.060
Coefficients Correlation
Correlation Var00002 Var00001
Var00002 1.0000 -0.982
Var00001 -0.982 1.0000
Var00002 6.590E-02 -5.92E-02
Var00001 -5.192E-02 4.24E-02
I Measures of Inequality
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Positive Measures
11.2.1 Relative Range
11.2.2 Relative Inter-Quartile Range
11.2.3 Relative Standard Variation
11.2.4 Standard Deviation of Logarithms
11.2.5 Champernowne Index
11.2.6 Hirschman-Herfindahl Indices
11.2.7 Kolm’s Index
11.3 Gini Index
11.3.1 Gini as a Measure of Dispersion
11.3.2 Simple Computational Device
11.4 Lorenz Curve
11.4.1 Geometrical Definition
11.4.2 Properties of Lorenz Curve
11.4.3 A Measure Based on Area
11.4.4 A Measure Based on Length
11.5 Normative Measures
11.5.1 Dalton Index
11.5.2 Atkinson Index
11.5.3 Sen Index
11.5.4 Theil Entropy Index
11.6 Let Us Sum Up
11.7 Key Words
11.8 Exercises
11.9 Some Useful Books
11.10 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• explain the various positive measures of inequality;
• discuss the computational device for construction of Gini index; and
• describe the normative measures of inequality propounded by Dalton,
Atiknson, Sen and Theil.
Quantitative Methods-I M
Improvement in well-being of the poor has been one of the important goals of
economic policy and to a significant extent it is determined by the growth and
distribution of its income. Distribution patterns have an important bearing on
the relationship between average income and poverty levels. Extreme
inequalities are economically wasteful. Further, income inequalities also
interact with other life-chance inequalities. Hence reducing inequalities has
become priority of public policy.
I We have implicitly assumed that the data are arranged in the increasing (non- Measures of Inequality
decreasing) order by magnitude of income so that symbolic representation is
easy. The same could be accomplished by decreasing (non-increasing) order.
We intend to cover important measures along with their variants in this Unit.
We shall also, albeit briefly, discuss their properties and weaknesses.
xi fx
qi = or i i
Nµ Nµ
Qi = ∑ qi ,
i −1
1 f
pi = or i
Pi = ∑ pi ,
i −1
Maxi xi − Mini x i
RR1 = (RR.1)
that is, the relative difference between the highest income and the lowest
income. If income is equally distributed, then RR1 = 0 and if one person
received all the income, then RR1 is maximum. If one wants to make the index
lie in the interval between 0 and 1, one can define it as
Maxi xi − Mini xi
RR2 = (RR.2)
which means it is the gap between the maximum share and the minimum share.
That is,
Though Cowell has suggested division of range by Mini xi,, which does not
serve, in our view, any purpose. Two other normalization or standardization
procedures that make it unit-free and contain it in (0,1) interval are suggested
Maxi xi − Mini xi
RR3 = (RR.4)
Maxi xi
Maxi xi − Mini xi
RR4 = (RR.5)
Maxi xi + Mini xi
Quantitative Methods-I The basic weaknesses of these range-based measures are that they are not M
based on all values and therefore they do not reflect the change in inequality if
there is any transfer of income between two non-extreme recipients.
Instead of considering extreme values at either end, which may not be even
known, some scholars have toyed with the idea of the ratio between the mean
income of the highest fractile (percentile, quintile or decile) and that of the
lowest counterpart. They term it as the extreme disparity ratio (EDR).
Naturally, this ratio is not contained in the interval (0.1). This ratio is
independent of µ as well. The measure will not reflect the transfer of income
that does not involve the extreme fractiles.
RSD = (RSD.1)
I Since the measure uses all values, any transfer of income would be reflected in Measures of Inequality
the measure. However, it should be noted that the measure is equi-sensitive to
transfers at all levels. Whether a given amount d is transferred
between x j =Rs.400 and x k =Rs.500, or between x j =Rs.10,000 and x k =
Rs.10,100, the changed in RSD is exactly the same.
We may finally note that the square of RSD is also quite often used as another
measure of inequality, which is known as the coefficient of variance. Quite a
few scholars suggest use of variance as a measure of inequality but we have not
considered it here primarily because it is not unit-free. We think that an
inequality measure must be unit-free.
1/ 2
1 N
SDL1 =
i =1
(log µ − log xi )
1/ 2
1 N
SDL2 =
i =1
(log µˆ − log xi )
where µ and µ̂ are the arithmetic and geometric means respectively. While
standard statistical literature prefers use of geometric mean the more common
practice in literature on income inequality is one of using arithmetic means.
Cowell (1995) prefers to define these in terms of variance and calls the square
of SDL1 as the logarithm variance (V1) and the square of SDL2 as the variance
of logarithms (V2). Name of the second is clear from the expression but that of
the first is derived from the fact that (log x-log x ) could be written as log
(x/ x ). One can see that V1 is equal to V2 plus log ( µ̂ /µ).
While the lower limit, irrespective of formula, is zero when everybody has the
same income, the upper limit depends on the size of distribution and
approaches infinity when N is large and when everybody except the richest,
receives income equal to one unit (as zero is inadmissible in logarithmic
transformation.) Further, if we face grouped data, it is convenient to use µ in
place of µ̂ and µ i in place of xi .
Quantitative Methods-I The variance of logarithms is however decomposable. It is a property that is M
being given emphasis of late. It can be shown that V2 is the sum of between-
group component and within group component, latter being population-
weighted sum of within-group V2 ’s.
CII = 1 − (CII.1)
where µ and µ̂ are, as stated earlier, arithmetic and geometric means of the
income distribution. It is easy to see that its value is bound between 0 and 1.
One can obviously think of another measure where geometric mean is replaced
by harmonic means.
These measures are sensitive to transfer to income and change is greater when
the transfer takes place at lower end of the distribution. They are sensitive to
transfer of income between two persons. One can try it by replacing x j and x k
by ( x j -d) and ( x k +d) respectively and finding out the direction of the change.
Or, one can use differential calculus.
The trouble with these indices is that they cannot be defined when any of the
income is zero.
1/ 2
H 1 = N ∑ qi2 (H.1)
i =1
I Herfindahl devised a very similar measure, which has been more popular than Measures of Inequality
the original (H.1). This is just the sum of share squares:
H 2 = ∑ qi2 (H.3)
i =1
H 2* = ∑ qia , a ≥ 1. (H.4)
i =1
It is clear that, besides inequality among the shares, the value of these measures
depends on N—the fewness or largeness of the number of units. For N=2, it
has been suggested that (1/N) could be subtracted from (H.3)
H 3 = ∑ q i2 − (H.5)
i =1 N
The minimum value of H 3 is zero. But it serves no great purpose. When N=2,
for q1 =0.99 and q 2 =0.01, while H 2 =0.98, H 3 =0.48. H 2 scores definitely
better than H 3 in characterizing the scene of monopoly.
Σf i 2 − N N 2 − Σf i 2
K = 1− = (K.1)
N ( N − 1) N ( N − 1)
The purpose of developing this curiosum due to Kolm (1996) is just to make
one feel that there could be a variety of simple ways to approach the issue of
measurement of inequality.
Quantitative Methods-I 2) How relative inter-quartile range is better than relative range? M
3) What is the relative mean deviation? If a transfer of income is between two
persons both having income lower than the mean, will it change the
magnitude of this index?
4) Compare the two versions of standard logarithmic deviations.
5) What is import of Champernowne Index?
6) What is Hirfindahl index? What are its areas of application?
I 7) What is the message from the Kolm’s index? Calculate the Kolm index for Measures of Inequality
a distribution, which frequency 5 for value Rs.5 lakh and frequency 5 with
value Rs.10 lakh and therefore total size 10 and the arithmetic mean 7.5.
First, we shall discuss those definitions and expressions, which can be derived
as a measure of dispersion. Besides giving its expressions for its frequency
data for grouped observations, we shall discuss its welfare theoretic
Corrado Gini (1912) proposed to consider all the differences, that is all pairs of
values. By contrast, the range measure of dispersion considers only one pair of
highest value and lowest value. When xi and xj denote ith and jth incomes
respectively and i, j=1, 2,…, N, we can see that the aggregate of absolute
differences is given by
∑∑ x
i =1 j =1
i− xj (G.1)
and because total number of differences is N2, the mean of absolute differences
can obviously be written as
∑ ∑x
i =1 i =1
i− xj (G.2)
Quantitative Methods-I where the differences with the self have also been counted and the difference of M
xi with xj is treated as separate from that of xj and xi though numerically they
are the same. This is also said to be the case with replacement. Expression
(G.2) ranges between 0 and 2µ.
1 N N
CMD = ∑
N 2 µ i =1
i =1
i − xj (G.3)
CMD fulfils the idea of scale independence. However, the expression (G.3)
ranges between 0 when everybody has the same income and 2[=2N/(N-1)]
when only one person has all the income. In order to make it satisfy the interval
(0,1), we can further divide it by 2. The result is Gini coefficient of
concentration or Gini index of inequality:
G= ∑
2 N 2 µ i =1
∑x j =1
i − xj (G.4)
1 N N
G= ∑
N 2 µ i =1
x j ≤ xi
( xi − x j ) (G.5)
The index can also be defined in terms of population proportions and income
shares. If the income-share of individual i is denoted by qi, that is,
qi = , (G.6)
pi = . (G.8)
Let µ r and µ s denote mean incomes of rth and sth groups (say, families)
respectively and r,s=1,2…g. Then, Gini for the groups can be defined as
g Ng
G= ∑
2 N 2 µ r =1
s =1
µr − µ s f r f s (G.10)
where fr and fs are frequencies of the groups r and s respectively. This can
obviously be written as
1 g g
µr µ s
G= ∑
2 r =1
s =1
µ µ
pr p s (G.12)
fr f
pr = and p s = s (G.12)
Now, let us note the share of total income with the group r:
µr fr µ
qr = = pr r (G.13)
Nµ µ
Then, the expression (G.12) can be written in either of the two ways (G.14) and
1 g g
qr q
G= ∑
2 r =1
s =1
− s
p r ps
1 g g
G= ∑
2 r =1
s =1
ps qr − pr q s (G.15)
It is easy to see that g=N and ps=pr=(1/N) when fr and fs are all equal to1.
where A is the area under the Lorenz curve, as shown in Fig. 11.1
Quantitative Methods-I (0,1) (1,1) M
O ------------------------------------- A
(0,0) (1,0)
Fig. 11.1
Fig. 11.2
I Check Your Progress 2 Measures of Inequality
Lorenz (1905) studied a number of methods then in use to gauge the level of,
or change in the level of, inequality. Most of these measures used fixed-income
classes in data tabulation and made inter-temporal comparison, employed
changes in percentage of recipients of class incomes in each of the fixed-
income classes or movement of persons from one class to another and so on.
Finding them unsatisfactory, he comes to the conclusion that changes in
income and changes in population both have to be simultaneously taken into
account and in a manner that ‘fixed-ness’ of income classes gets neutralized.
It may be pointed out that the curve was independently introduced by Gini
(1914). It is therefore, quite often referred to as Lorenz-Gini curve as well. We
shall, however, stick to more common usage and call it Lorenz Curve.
Qi = ∑ q j , 1≥ qj ≥ 0 (GD.2)
j =1
Qi = L( Pi ), 1 ≥ Pi ≥ 0, 1 ≥ Qi ≥ 0 (GD.3)
and the point on the curve by (Pi , Qi ). Naturally, the first point is (0,0) and the
last one on the curve, (1,1). It is also clear that Qi ≤ Pi i=1, 2,…, N-1 if there
are N classes of incomes. It means no point will make an angel of more than
45˚ with the abscissa at the origin. Then, one can be sure that the Lorenz curve
lies in the lower triangle of Lorenz Box of the unit square. See Fig. 11.3 in
which OLB shows the Lorenz curve (Fig. 11.3).
I (0,1) (1,1) Measures of Inequality
(0,0) Pr (1,0)
Fig. 11.3
Fig. 11.4
However we can devise some measures, which are based on the Lorenz curve.
In case the Lorenz curves intersect, reducing the distributions into single real
number is the only option. So we shall discuss only two such proposals.
In both the cases, one can draw actual graphs and actually measure the area and
the length and calculate the indices for level of inequality. Those who wish to
carry out a more sophisticated exercise will have to estimate smooth functions.
It may be noted that utility is the word mostly used for personal welfare
whereas for welfare of society the phrase social utility is rarely used.
There are two major indices in this category: Dalton’s index and Atkinson’s
index. In Atkinson’s index a new idea is introduced and that is of equally
distributed equivalent income. Actually there are two sub-approaches within
normative approach. One is Dalton’s and the other is Atkinson’s. While in
Dalton’s approach present social welfare is compared with that could be
obtained by equally distributing the total income, in Atkinson’s approach the
present level of income is compared with that of equally distributed level of
income, which generates the present level of social welfare. Sen has
generalised the Atkinson’s index. Theil’s index based on information theory
could be suggested here only to sort of complete the unit.
U i = U i ( xi ), i = 1,2,...N (D.1)
He further assumes that the relation of income to economic welfare is the same
for all members of the community. That is,
U i = U ( xi ) , i=1,2,…,N (D.3)
In that case, the relation (D.2) can be expressed as
W = ∑ U ( xi ) (D.4)
i =1
which makes it clear that whosoever gains in welfare, the addition to the social
welfare is the same. For any given level of social welfare, any distribution of
welfare among the members of the society is permissible. However, one must
remember that the relation of individual income to their welfares is concave.
Therefore, transfer of income from A to B will not lead to symmetric change in
welfares of those two persons involved in the transaction. The result is some
impact on W the measure of social welfare.
From Fig. 11.7, we may compare the situation when two individuals, both
possessing the same relation, have two different income levels, with that when
they have the same (mean) income. We may note that the sum of the welfare
of person 1(BB’) and the welfare of person 2(DD’) is less than the twice of
CC’ which is the level of welfare enjoyed by both the persons when they have
equal income. It is easy to see that the loss suffered by person 2, that is D’E, is
overcompensated by the gained by person 1, which is C’F.
C’ E
X1 µ X2
Fig. 11.7
Quantitative Methods-I This demonstrates that, under assumptions by Dalton, an equal distribution is M
preferable to an unequal one for a given amount of total income from the
viewpoint of social welfare. In fact, for a given total of income, the economic
welfare of the society will be maximum when all incomes are equal. The
inequality of any given distribution may therefore be defined as
∑U (µ )
i =1 NU ( µ )
D1 = N
= N
∑ U ( x ) ∑U ( x )
i =1
i =1
which is equal to unity for an equal distribution and greater than unity for an
unequal one. It may therefore be preferred to define the Dalton’s index as
NU ( µ )
D2 = N
∑U ( x )
i =1
which is obviously zero for an equal distribution. How large can it be? It will
depend on the values of U(0), U(µ) and U(Nµ) when N and µ are given, not
necessarily 1. Later writers have therefore preferred to define Dalton’s index in
the following form, which inverts the arguments of D2 subtract it from 1:
∑U ( x )
i =1
D =1− = 1− (D.9)
NU ( µ ) U (µ )
It looks as if the index is contained in the interval (0,1). However, there are
many valid concave functions where it may not hold true. For example, if we
have U ( xi ) =log xi , then D=1– {log µˆ / log µ }. Given the fact that µ̂ < µ, D
would turn out to be a negative number for µ<1. And µ could be less than 1 as
x can be measured in any unit. It would be the same case U ( xi ) =1/ xi .
Atkinson seeks to redefine the index in such a way that measurement would be
invariant with respect to permitted transformations of welfare numbers.
Atkinson does it through devising what he calls 'equally distributed equivalent
income'. Both the distributions, the original and the new one, are supposed to
yield the same level of welfare.
In order to make the concept clear, we put a few artifacts along with the actual
distribution. Let us first note that for an actually distributed income vector xi,
i=1,2…,N (call it vector a), there is only one equally distributed income vector
with each element equal to µ (call it vector b) but there are a number of
equivalently distributed, vectors (call them vectors c). See Chart 1. An
equivalent income distribution is one, which has the same level of welfare as
that of currently given distribution. However, one of these equivalent
distributions (vectors c) is `equal’ as well. This is called equally distributed
equivalent income vector, shown as vector (d) in the Chart 1. As µ is the mean
level of current distribution, µ* may be used for designating the level of
equally distributed equivalent income.
Vector (a) Actually distributed income vector x1, x2 …., xi, …., xN.
Vector (b) Equally distributed income vector µ, µ, …., µ, …, µ.
Vector (c) Equivalently distributed income vector x1* , x 2* , …, x1* , …, x *N .
Vector (d) Equally distributed equivalent income vector µ*, µ*, …, µ*, …, µ*
or equivalently
1 N
µ * = U −1
∑U ( x )
i =1
i (A.2)
Quantitative Methods-I The index due to Atkinson is then defined as the additive inverse of the ratio of M
equivalent mean income to actual mean income:
A =1− (A.3)
which is said to lie between zero (complete equality) and 1 (complete
inequality). We can see that A cannot be 1 unless µ* is zero, which is an
impossibility for any distribution with µ>0. If complete inequality is defined as
the situation when only one person grabs all the income, we can see that
µ m*
A = 1− (A.4)
NU (µ *) = ∑ U ( xi )
i =1
NU (µ * m ) = ( N − 1)U (0) + U ( Nµ ).
This index is not scale independent unless some restriction is imposed on the
relationship U. If this requirement has to be met, Atkinson points out, we may
have to have the following form
β 1−ε
α + xi , ε ≠ 1
U ( xi ) = 1−ε (A.5)
log e xi , ε =1
Note that we need є ≥0 for ensuring concavity and є >0 for ensuring strict
concavity. This is a homothetic function and is linear when є=0. We may note
that є cannot exceed 1 as in that case the varying component assumes inverse
relationship. α is usually negative so that U(xi) is not positive for xi = 0.
Otherwise, when xi = 0, Ui = α which means that welfare is positive even
when income is zero. This is generally not acceptable. On the contrary, a
negative α would be more acceptable. When є =1, α is infinitely large and
Since є can be zero, Atkinson’s requirement is not strict concavity. Sen (1973)
has a question. He asks to consider two distributions (0,10) and (5,5) along
U ( xi ) = α + β ( xi ) (A.6)
I є is the inequality-aversion parameter and has close resemblance with risk- Measures of Inequality
aversion premium. Atkinson proposed to draw on the parallel formally with the
problem of measuring risk. He finds his concept of equally distributed
equivalent income very closely resembles with risk-premium or certainty
equivalent income as used in the theory of decision-making under uncertainty.
1− ε 1 /(1−ε )
1 N
A = 1− ∑
i =1 µ
,ε ≠ 1 (A.7)
S = 1− (S.3)
Quantitative Methods-I which is but a generalized version of A. If utilitarian framework is employed, M
then S and A turn out to be indistinguishable.
= ∑ qi log N − ∑ qi . log
i =1 i =1 qi
= ∑ qi log N .qi (T.4)
i =1
I 1 Measures of Inequality
U i = qi log (T.5)
W= ∑ U i (q i ). (T.6)
i =1
We may note that (T.5) depends on xi as well as on µ along with N and U that it
is concave with respect to xi.
While the lower limit of T is zero, its upper limit log N increases as the number
of individuals increases. To many people, it is objectionable. However Theil
(1967) chooses to defend it. When society consists of two crore persons and
one grabs all and when society consists of two persons and one grabs all,
cannot have the same level of inequality. The former case is equivalent to the
situation in which one crore out of two crore people have nothing and the other
one crore have equal income. Maximum value for two-person society is log 2,
and that for two crore-person society is 7 log 2. Some researchers still insist
that the measure should be normalized by dividing it by log N.
Quantitative Methods-I 4) How is Sen index distinct from Atkinson’s index? M
Class 50- 225- 255- 300- 340- 380- 420- 470- 525- 615- 755- 950-
225 255 300 340 380 420 470 525 615 755 950 1200
Avg. Exp. 100 240 280 325 365 405 450 500 580 700 850 1100
Percentage 2.4 2.7 6.4 8.3 9.6 9.6 10.8 10.0 12.2 12.6 6.7 8.8
of persons
1) Gini ratio is one half of the average value of absolute differences between
all pairs, including with self, of values divided by the arithmetic mean.
I See the definition by Kendall and Stuart in Sub-section 11.3.1. Have a Measures of Inequality
look at expression (g.4) and (G.7).
2) The basic difference lies Gini index from other measures based on
dispersion that in articulating all differences are considered while in others
either few differences are considered or deviations from arithmetic/
geometric means are considered.
1) Look at the Fig. 11.4 and Sub-section 11.4.2. Try writing the properties in
2) When the two Lorenz curve will intersect, it will not be possible to say on
balance which distribution is more unequal. In fact, one section in that
case will be more unequal and the other section less unequal in
distribution 1 in comparison to their counterparts in the distribution 2.
3) The value of Gini coefficient is equal to twice the areas inscribed between
line of equality and the Lorenz curve. It is equivalent to saying that G is
equal to (1-A) where A is the areas below Lorenz curve in the unit box.
2) Sub-section 11.5.1. Write Dalton’s proposal and its modern version. Also
point out that though conceived in terms of utility, Dalton held that the
index has to be measured in terms of income only.
4) Sen index is different from the Atkinson’s index in one respect that he opts
for a social welfare function, which has as individual incomes its arguments
and is symmetric and quasi-concave. See Sub-section 11.5.3.
Quantitative Methods-I M
For any statistical measure, some of the desirable properties that are described
in standard textbooks are (i) simplicity of comprehension, (ii) ease of
computation, (iii) range of variation, and (iv) amount of information needed.
However, we discuss below only those properties, which are peculiar to the
measures of economic inequality.
We are often faced with situations where we have to compare two distributions
with the help of an index with regard to their level of inequality. The two
distributions may belong to two different countries at a point of time, to a
country at two points of time, or to two situations—say, one before tax and the
other after tax or before and after interpersonal transfers etc.
People have set up some intuitively appealing properties in order to judge the
efficacy of an inequality index. The first set of properties was given as
‘principles’ by Dalton (1920). Today, in literature, they are known as axioms.
We propose to discuss some common axioms. It may be pointed out at the
outset that these axioms almost ignore the question whether inequality is an
issue, which matters more (or less) in an affluent society or in a poor one. The
whole discussion will assume that all incomes are positive though we know for
sure in case of business failure or crop failure, incomes can well be negative or
( x1 , x2 , ...., x N ).
Obviously, it also satisfies the idea that the level of inequality should not
change when the scale of measurement changes, say, from rupees to paise or
bushels to quintals.
It does also mean that equal proportionate additions to all incomes would not
change the level of inequality for
x i (1 + λ ) = θx i i =1,2,….,N,
It should not mean that change in the size of cake is immaterial. In the social
welfare, size of cake and distribution of cake both matter. It is only in a limited
context of measurement of inequality that this property is considered desirable.
Lorenz (1997) mentions an objection raised against this axiom in terms of non-
proportionate increase in well-being of different income holders, which means
diffusion of well-being when incomes increase but concentration when
incomes decrease. Thus, this idea existed much before Dalton mentioned it.
One could easily see that this objection incorporates the idea of diminishing
marginal utility. The true province of the axiom then is the unit of
This suggests that the magnitude of inequality in the distribution of the cake
should depend on the relative number of receivers with different levels of
income. If we merge two economies of identical distributions of the same size
N, then, in the consequent economy of size 2N, there shall be the same
proportion of the merged population for any given income. Such replications
will leave the inequality level unchanged. The axiom is also known as the
Principle of Population Replication.
Quantitative Methods-I 3) Axiom of Equal Income Addition M
xi2 = xi1 + d
naturally, subtractions (say, taxation) of equal amount from each income would
reverse the inequality sign. It can be noted that in the former situation, the
shares of the poorer persons increase and in the latter, they decrease. This
axiom exactly corresponds to Dalton’s principle of equal additions to incomes.
Most of the indices, barring relative range and relative mean deviation, pass
this test. This axiom is also known as weak transfer axiom because it suggests
the direction but not the magnitude of change in the level of inequality.
We may see many measures do not satisfy any of the two conditions of transfer
and some satisfy only the first one. Those that satisfy the second transfer axiom
automatically satisfy the first transfer axiom.
I 6) Axiom of Symmetry Measures of Inequality
This implies that if two persons interchange their income positions, inequality
measure does not change. Thus the axiom ensures impartiality between
individuals for non-income characteristics: The evaluator does not distinguish
between Amar, Akabar and Anthony; nor between Shiela and Peter; or between
Mr. Pygmy and Ms. Dwarfy. Further, it means that the inequality depends only
on the frequency distribution of incomes.
7) Axiom of Interval
The inequality measure should lie in the closed interval of (0,1).
The measure is supposed to assume the value of zero when all incomes are
equal, which means when all persons have equal income and the value of unity
when only one individual gets all the income (and other have zero incomes, not
negative incomes).
Most people tend to agree with the axiom. A few, notably Theil (1967) and
Cowell (1995), disagree. They hold that the situation of one person grabbing
all the income in a society of 2 persons cannot be described by the same level
of inequality as that of one person doing so in a society of 2 crore persons. It
would not be easy to assert that in the case of 2-person society the level of
inequality is unity when one person has all the income and the other has none.
In one case, 50 percent population is having positive income, in the other only
0.00000005 percent. Some people therefore qualify the axiom by saying that
when one person gets all the income the measure approaches unity in the limit
as the number increases.
8) Axiom of Decomposability
Suppose population can be sub-divided into several groups and an over-all
index of inequality was a function of group-wise indexes and if the population
mean can be expressed as weighted average of group means, the population
index of inequality can be regarded as decomposable. The groups might be
defined as comprising of people in different occupations, residents of different
areas, with different religious or educational backgrounds etc.
However we find a lot of overlapping in these groups. This leads sum of the
weights to differ from unity.
Not all indices are found to be decomposable. Gini coefficient, a very popular
measure is decomposable only if the constituent groups are non-overlapping.
Cowell (1995) has conducted a beautiful experiment. First, he computes four
inequality measures for two distributions of same size and same mean-each
divided into two groups of equal size in a manner that there is no overlapping:
Quantitative Methods-I Population A: (60,70,80), (30,30,130) M
Now, it is found that the group means and population means in two
distributions are the same and group inequalities in B are higher than their
counterparts in A. But when we compute overall inequalities, one of the
measures suggests that the magnitude of inequality in B is lower than that in A.
And the measure used is Gini, which is very popular among economists. As he
says, ‘strange but true’. If the component inequality magnitudes are higher and
the weights are the same, how could overall measure be lower? It is therefore
impossible to express overall inequality (change) as some consistent function
of inequality change in the consisted groups.
These are all intuitively appealing axioms. There does remain scope for
formulating other axioms. In the literature on poverty measurement one finds a
plethora of axioms developed by a number of contributors working in that
areas. But we shall be content with these only.
I Measures of Inequality
I Construction of Composite
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Composite Index: The Concept
12.3 Steps in Constructing Composite Index
12.4 Dealing with Missing Values and Outliers
12.5 Methods to Construct Composite Index
12.5.1 Simple Ranking Method
12.5.2 Indices Method
12.5.3 Mean Standardization Method
12.5.4 Range Equalization Method
12.6 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
12.6.1 Conducting PCA and Analyses of Results
12.6.2 Use of Output Indicators
12.6.3 Use of Weight
12.6.4 Limitations of Principal Component Analysis
12.7 Merits and Limitations of Composite Index
12.8 Let Us Sum Up
12.9 Exercises
12.10 Some Useful Books/References
12.11 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• state the concept of composite index;
• describe the process of constructing the composite index;
• explain the various methods of composite index;
• discuss the merits and limitations of composite index; and
• learn how to interpret the results derived from composite indexes.
In social sciences research, many a times the complex social and economic
issues like child deprivation, food security, human well-being, human
development etc. are difficult to measure in terms of single variable. The
reason being that such issues have several dimensions and indicators. For
example, it is difficult to explain the status of development of a district in terms
Quantitative Methods-I of a single variable because development is reflected in terms of several Co
indicators. Some of such variables/indicators are quantitative type while others
are of qualitative nature. In such situations, Composite index plays an
important role to express the single value of several inter-dependent or
independent variables. Further, the composite index makes it possible to
compare the performance among region/states or districts etc. Hence,
composite indexes are being recognized as a useful tool for policy analysis.
Composite indexes can also be resorted to make comparison among different
regions/sectors where wide range of variables are used.
In this Unit, we shall therefore discuss the concept of composite index, the
process of their construction, various methods, their uses, and limitations. The
study of the unit will also enable you to learn how to interpret the results. Let
us begin to explain the concept of composite index.
The choice of indicator is a big challenge for researchers. The major issues in
identifying measurable indicators are: whether data are available or not,
whether we have reliable data, whether the data are cross-section or time series,
and minimization of double counting raised from overlap or redundancy. Again
if the variables to be chosen are easy to understand, they are more acceptable to
a wider audience.
Such approach has been used in a number of more recent indices such as the
Corruptions Perceptions Index (CPI) developed by Transparency International
and the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). Such
approaches carry a dual advantage. They allow scores to be estimated for a
maximal number of countries, and can use a broader range of indicators to
triangulate indices for nebulous constructs.
Many a time,outliers may also disturb the analysis. For example if the income
of four persons is 18000, 17000, 18500 and 19000 then the average is 18125. If
we include the income of fifth person as 60000 then the average turns out to be
26500. In such matters, you have to drop the cases with high extreme value.
Both in case of missing value and outlier you are expected to document and
explain the selected imputation procedures and the results in detail.
% of household getting
Percentage of villages
having access to Phcs
Female Literacy rate
participation rate
agrictural output
% of other than
Actual Value
Malkangiri 73 31 1304 201 18 67 82 21 16 36
Rayagada 50 23 479 201 18 67 78 34 13 37
Sundargarh 61 19 537 280 43 58 57 38 28 32
Nabarangapur 46 6 839 201 18 66 80 45 28 37
Kandhamal 62 14 410 201 33 68 32 21 19 36
Koraput 55 31 611 201 16 67 67 22 22 40
Mayurbhanj 60 30 572 280 35 62 44 42 21 31
Gajapati 52 25 529 331 24 77 43 29 20 34
Sambalpur 62 34 1075 280 50 62 56 31 13 39
Kendujhar 60 23 537 280 44 46 52 46 15 34
Jharsuguda 68 20 662 280 54 43 63 47 32 39
Average 59 23 687 249 32 62 60 34 21 36
Table 12.2: Districtwise Development Scenario of Tribal Orissa by Simple Ranking Method
women work force participation
Average Rank/indices
Female Literacy rate
drinking water
sown area
Malkangiri 1 2 1 7 8 5 1 10 8 7 5.0
Rayagada 10 7 10 7 9 3 3 6 11 4 7.0
Sundargarh 5 9 7 2 4 9 6 5 3 10 6.0
Nabarangapur 11 11 3 7 10 6 2 3 2 5 6.0
Kandhamal 3 10 11 7 6 2 11 11 7 6 7.4
Koraput 8 3 5 7 11 4 4 9 4 1 5.6
Mayurbhanj 7 4 6 2 5 7 9 4 5 11 6.0
Gajapati 9 5 9 1 7 1 10 8 6 8 6.4
Sambalpur 4 1 2 2 2 8 7 7 10 3 4.6
Kendujhar 6 6 8 2 3 10 8 2 9 9 6.3
Jharsuguda 2 8 4 2 1 11 5 1 1 2 3.7
I By this method, the most developed tribal district is Jharsuguda and most Construction of Composite
backward district is kandhamal. Index in Social Sciences
In the same manner, we can find out the indices for all the variables for 11
districts as is given in Table 12.3. The final index of development for the
districts can be obtained by taking the arithmetic mean for all the indicators
(given in last column of table 12.3). After working out the average indices
value for all the districts, we can rank all the districts. The district with highest
indices will be most developed and the district with lowest indices will be least
Average Rank/indices
access to paved road
Female Literacy rate
labour to all labour
drinking water
sown area
Let us make a comparison between the results obtained by rank method and
indices method. Results in Table 12.4 shows that Jharsuguda, Sambalpur, and
Malkangiri are most developed in both the methods whereas Raygada and
Kandhamal are most backward in both the methods. While comparing both
rank and indices method, we can also run correlation between the two set of
indices. If the correlation is high then we can say that the finding in both
methods is almost similar.
Note: Correlation of status of district in both rank and indices method is 0.927
In the same process we can find out the normalized value of the entire variable
for 11 selected districts. The standardized value of each selected indicator for
different district is given in Table 12.5. The composite index value of each
district given in the last column of Table 12.5 has been worked out by taking
average of all the 10 selected indicators (row vector of the each district).
I Construction of Composite
Index in Social Sciences
Table 12.5: Index Value in Mean Standardization Method
Composite Index
drinking water
paved road
Malkangiri 1.237 1.332 1.899 0.808 0.561 1.079 1.379 0.614 0.775 1.003 1.069
Rayagada 0.847 0.988 0.697 0.808 0.561 1.079 1.312 0.995 0.630 1.030 0.895
Sundargarh 1.034 0.816 0.782 1.126 1.340 0.934 0.959 1.112 1.357 0.891 1.035
Nabarangapur 0.780 0.258 1.222 0.808 0.561 1.063 1.346 1.316 1.357 1.030 0.974
Kandhamal 1.051 0.602 0.597 0.808 1.028 1.095 0.538 0.614 0.921 1.003 0.826
Koraput 0.932 1.332 0.890 0.808 0.499 1.079 1.127 0.644 1.066 1.114 0.949
Mayurbhanj 1.017 1.289 0.833 1.126 1.091 0.999 0.740 1.229 1.018 0.863 1.020
Gajapati 0.881 1.074 0.770 1.331 0.748 1.240 0.723 0.848 0.969 0.947 0.953
Sambalpur 1.051 1.461 1.565 1.126 1.558 0.999 0.942 0.907 0.630 1.086 1.132
Kendujhar 1.017 0.988 0.782 1.126 1.371 0.741 0.875 1.346 0.727 0.947 0.992
Jharsuguda 1.153 0.859 0.964 1.126 1.683 0.693 1.060 1.375 1.551 1.086 1.155
Quantitative Methods-I In RE method, as a first step we undertake scaling exercise. In undertaking the Co
scaling procedure, desirable norms are followed for each indicator. In some
cases, scaling of indicators is self-selected, while in others element of value
judgment is involved. This scaling exercise is called goal post where we
identify the maximum and minimum goal. The goalpost basically visualizes the
extent of minimum value and maximum value in the future time period (say
next 5 years). The scaling norm that we have adopted is given in Table 12.6. In
the table the third and fourth column shows the maximum and minimum
district value of selected 10 indicators. The first and second column is the
maximum and minimum goal post.
Oth_agl Percentage of other than 30 85 46 73
agricultural labour to all labour
Irr Percentage of net irrigated area 2 55 6 34
to net cropped area
pcvao Per capita value of agricultural 200 2500 410 1304
Mpcce_ia Inequality adjusted per capita 150 450 201 331
consumption expenditure
Lit_f Female Literacy (adult) rate 10 70 16 54
Wfpr_f women work force participation 30 85 43 77
Hhsdw Percentage of household having 20 90 32 82
access to safe drinking water
Paved_r Percentage of villages having 10 60 21 47
access to paved road
v_phcs Percentage of villages having 10 50 13 32
access to Primary health centre
Wage_c average Casual wage rate 25 70 31 40
Based on the goalpost, we normalize the value of the variable for all the
districts and all the indicators. In our example, the values have been presented
in Table 12.7.
I Table 12.7: Index Value in Range Equalization Method Construction of Composite
Index in Social Sciences
Percentage of households
Percentage of other than
Percentage of villages
land to net sown area
Composite Index
participation rate
agrictural output
health centre
Malkangiri 0.782 0.547 0.480 0.170 0.133 0.673 0.886 0.220 0.150 0.244 0.429
Rayagada 0.364 0.396 0.121 0.170 0.133 0.673 0.829 0.480 0.075 0.267 0.351
Sundargarh 0.564 0.321 0.147 0.433 0.550 0.509 0.529 0.560 0.450 0.156 0.422
Nabarangapur 0.291 0.075 0.278 0.170 0.133 0.655 0.857 0.700 0.450 0.267 0.388
Kandhamal 0.582 0.226 0.091 0.170 0.383 0.691 0.171 0.220 0.225 0.244 0.300
Koraput 0.455 0.547 0.179 0.170 0.100 0.673 0.671 0.240 0.300 0.333 0.367
Mayurbhanj 0.545 0.528 0.162 0.433 0.417 0.582 0.343 0.640 0.275 0.133 0.406
Gajapati 0.400 0.434 0.143 0.603 0.233 0.855 0.329 0.380 0.250 0.200 0.383
Sambalpur 0.582 0.604 0.380 0.433 0.667 0.582 0.514 0.420 0.075 0.311 0.457
Kendujhar 0.545 0.396 0.147 0.433 0.567 0.291 0.457 0.720 0.125 0.200 0.388
Jharsuguda 0.691 0.340 0.201 0.433 0.733 0.236 0.614 0.740 0.550 0.311 0.485
After calculating the index of each variable, we have averaged them to give
each of the five dimensions of food security. The composite food security
index is again derived by averaging the five dimensions.
The normalized value for the variable percentage of other than agricultural
labour to total worker’ for Malkangiri district is found out in the following
Likewise we have converted and worked out the normalized value of all the
variables and for all the districts shown in Table 12.7.
Quantitative Methods-I Table 12.8: Comparison between RE and MS Methods Co
The high degree of the correlation between the values of composite index
computed by applying both methods separately indicate the high degree of
homogeneity between the two approaches. However, the Range equalization
method is preferred because it accounts for wider variations and strong
correlations to the PCA composite.
One important point should be kept in mind that the index value as discussed
above are based on equal weight. We can also give weights to variables/
components discussed in section 12.5.
Check Your Progress 2
1) State the procedure to workout Composite Index by way of Simple Ranking
2) How will you compute the final value of Composite Index by Indices
3) What is the Distinction between Range Equalization Method and Mean
Standarisation Method?
I Construction of Composite
12.6 PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS (PCA) Index in Social Sciences
PCA is one of the important composite index method used to analyse the various
problems in social sciences. PCA is a mathematical technique that transfers a
number of correlated variables into smaller number of uncorrelated variables
called the principal components. For our analysis we have an array of variables
which may have high correlation with each other. In case where there is high
relation between variables, the PCA is a suitable technique where the correlation
between different components is low.
Categorical data are not suitable for PCA analysis because in such cases
categories converted into quantitative scale has no meaning. To avoid this type
of problems, we should recode these variables into binary variables. Let us take
an example of social category of household that are Scheduled caste (1),
Scheduled tribe (2), Other backward caste (3) and General (4). In PCA analysis
such type of variables have no meaning. Such type of categorical variables can
be converted into a bianary variable. For example if we want to study the dalit
status, variable can be converted to a bianary variable as dalit (code 2) and non-
dalit (code 2, 3, and 4). Likewise, if we want to study the impact of reservation
for other backward castes we can categorize as OBC (code 3) and other than
OBC (code 1, 2 and 4).
The PCA is a data reduction technique. Under this technique, the original data
set is transformed into a new set of uncorrelated variables called principal
components. PCA reduces the number of variables in a data set to smaller
number of dimension/s. In a series of variables if amn is the weight of mth
principal component and nth variable then the matrix will be:
The components are ordered so that the first component (PC1) explains the
largest possible amount of variation in the original data, subject to the constraint
that the sum of the squared weights of the vectors is
equal to one.
Quantitative Methods-I In the output the eigen value is one of the important determinant of PCA. The Co
eigen value is a number that tell you how much variance there is in the data set.
In other words the eigen value is a number telling us how spread out the data is
on the line. The eigen vector with the highest eigen value is therefore the
principal component.
As the sum of the Eigen values equals the number of variables in the initial
data set, the proportion of the total variation in the original data set accounted
by each principal component is given by λi/n. The second component (PC2) is
completely uncorrelated with the first component, and explains additional but
less variation than the first component, subject to the same constraint. Each
subsequent component captures additional dimension in the data and adds
smaller and smaller proportion of variation in the original variables.
Before conducting PCA, we should run correlation between variables. If the
correlation between two variables is very high, we may remove one of those
variables. The reason being that the two variables seem to measure same thing.
The higher the degree of correlation among variables, the lower will be the number
of components required to capture common information. Sometimes two variables
may be combined in some ways (taking average). The PCA can be applied either
to the original values of variables or to the normalized values of the variables.
In general, normalization can be done by three methods, i.e (i) by deviation of
the variables from their respective means (i.e.); (ii) by dividing the actual
values by their respective means; (iii) and deviation of value of a variable from
the mean which is then divided by standard deviation {i.e. ()/σ}.We are
applying here the second method.
Let us try to apply and analyse PCA by using the database given in Table 12.1.
We are applying here the second method for normalization that is found out in
Table 12.5 column 2 to 10.
Table 12.9: KMO and Bartlett’s Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .394
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 47.933
Df 45
Sig. .355
Quantitative Methods-I The Table 12.11 shows ‘total variance explained’. The first column shows the Co
number of components. The number of components should be equal to number
of variables used for PCA. In our example, we have used 10 variables and
hence the total number of component is 10. The second part of the table reflect
initial Eigen value which consists of three columns i.e. Total, percentage of
Variance, Cumulative percentage. The initial Eigen values are the variances of
principal components. Here as we use the standardized values of variable, the
variance becomes equivalent to 1 and the total variance is equal to the total
number of variables i.e. ‘10’. The second column ‘total’ contains the Eigen values.
Here it can easily be seen that the Eigen values of subsequent components
gradually reduce implying that the successive components add less and less
variation. The third column shows the percentage variation on the components and
the fourth column explains the cumulative addition of percentage variation of
cumulative percentage components. In our example the first component explain
31.4 per cent of total variation and the second component explain 21.8 percent of
total variation and so on. The third row of fourth column shows that the first three
components explain 72 per cent of total variation.
The second part of the table is ‘Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings’ which
consists of three columns – Total, percentage of Variance and Cumulative
percentage. This has actually reproduced the three rows of figures of the first
part of table reflecting the components whose eigen value is greater than 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Component Number
I The ‘scree plot’ is a graph whose ‘X axis’ represent the component number and Construction of Composite
‘Y axis’ represents ‘Eigen values’. In other words scree plot demonstrates the Index in Social Sciences
graph of first two column of ‘output 2’ table. From the graph one can select the
number of components to be taken for analysis. It can be clearly seen from the
above graph that from the fourth component onward the line becomes flat
indicating that when the successive addition is less and less, the line of the
graph becomes more and more flatter.
1 2 3
Percentage of net irrigated area to total sown area. -.185 .793 -.293
Quantitative Methods-I Table 12.13: (Output 5) Reproduced Correlations Co
Reproduced Correlation
Percentage of other than agrictural
labour to all labour 0.721 0.554 0.477 0.253 0.512 -0.424 -0.007 -0.022 -0.171 0.120
Percentage of net irrigated to total sown
area 0.554 0.748 0.419 0.151 0.137 0.102 -0.152 -0.479 -0.543 0.032
Per capita value of agrictural output 0.477 0.419 0.710 -0.324 -0.049 -0.083 0.500 -0.297 -0.228 0.491
Per capita consumption expenditure 0.253 0.151 -0.324 0.702 0.648 -0.366 -0.645 0.314 0.055 -0.479
Female Literacy rate 0.512 0.137 -0.049 0.648 0.876 -0.754 -0.362 0.536 0.247 -0.246
women work force participation rate -0.424 0.102 -0.083 -0.366 -0.754 0.858 -0.015 -0.668 -0.460 -0.010
Percentage of households having access
to safe drinking water -0.007 -0.152 0.500 -0.645 -0.362 -0.015 0.789 -0.074 0.123 0.603
Percentage of villages having access to
paved road -0.022 -0.479 -0.297 0.314 0.536 -0.668 -0.074 0.773 0.620 -0.144
Percentage of village access to primary
health centre -0.171 -0.543 -0.228 0.055 0.247 -0.460 0.123 0.620 0.572 -0.005
Average Casual wage rate 0.120 0.032 0.491 -0.479 -0.246 -0.010 0.603 -0.144 -0.005 0.491
Percentage of other than agrictural
labour to all labour -0.149 -0.039 -0.161 -0.040 0.002 -0.087 -0.161 0.154 -0.134
Percentage of net irrigated area to total
sown area -0.149 -0.069 0.096 -0.066 -0.030 0.121 0.111 0.016 0.033
Per capita value of agrictural output -0.039 -0.069 0.139 -0.028 0.145 0.045 0.089 0.046 -0.180
Monthly per capita consumption
expenditure -0.161 0.096 0.139 -0.039 0.119 0.120 0.084 0.067 0.045
Female Literacy rate -0.040 -0.066 -0.028 -0.039 0.008 -0.082 -0.054 -0.052 0.151
women work force participation rate 0.002 -0.030 0.145 0.119 0.008 0.001 -0.016 0.147 -0.025
Percentage of households having access
to safe drinking water -0.087 0.121 0.045 0.120 -0.082 0.001 0.143 -0.070 -0.173
Percentage of villages having access to
paved road -0.161 0.111 0.089 0.084 -0.054 -0.016 0.143 -0.183 -0.113
Percentage of villages having access to
primary health centre 0.154 0.016 0.046 0.067 -0.052 0.147 -0.070 -0.183 -0.007
Average Casual wage rate -0.134 0.033 -0.180 0.045 0.151 -0.025 -0.173 -0.113 -0.007
I Table 12.13 (Output 5) has two parts of analysis: reproduced correlation and Construction of Composite
residuals. The reproduced correlation is the correlation among the extracted Index in Social Sciences
components. From this table, we intend to ensure that the correlation between
the original variables and reproduced matrix should be as close as possible. The
lower part of the table ‘residual matrix’ shows the difference between original
variable and residual matrix. For a good PCA, it was expected that the
difference between original variable and extracted matrix should be near to
zero. Once the difference is near to zero, it can be said that the extracted
components accounted a larger variation in the original correlation matrix.
Here we can take an example from the table that the original correlation
between irrigation and other than agricultural labour is 0.403, Whereas the
extracted correlation between these two variable is 0.554 and the difference
between the two correlation given in residual part is 0.403-0.554= -0.149.
Likewise the PCA Index value of all other districts can be calculated as given
in Table 12.14
Malkangiri 0.049
Rayagada 1.273
Sundargarh 1.322
Nabarangapur 1.145
Kandhamal 1.641
Koraput 0.517
Mayurbhanj 1.333
Gajapati 1.757
Sambalpur 0.465
Kendujhar 0.290
Jharsuguda 1.551
Quantitative Methods-I The table 12.14 reveals that Gajapati is the most developed district followed by Co
Kandhamal district. On the other hand, Malkangiri is most backward district.
where ‘X’ is a matrix with m rows and n column, ‘I’ is identity matrix and ‘W’
is weight. Hence the final indices can be arrived at by taking the weighted
component/variables. There are basically two ways in assigning weights.
According to Munda and Nardo (2005), we can define weight by taking the
importance of the particular variable or group of variables. In this process, the
weights are arrived at by the past knowledge or observation of individual and
the probable effects of that variable in the overall analysis. Let us illustrate
with an example. Suppose we want to find out the sanitation and hygiene
Index. For this we have selected some variables like ‘proportion of people
having access to toilet’, ‘proportion of people having drainage’, ‘proportion of
people with wash hand’, ‘proportion of people safely disposed child exgratia’
etc . Here either on the basis of literature or on the basis of our observation
from some villages, we found that not having toilet is very important then wash
hand before eating. In this case we can put higher weight for having toilet and
less weight for washing hand.
Alternative methods to PCA that can reduce the dimensionality of the data
include: correspondence analysis, multivariate regression or factor analysis.
The details about these methods have been provided in Unit 13 and Unit 16 of
Block 4.
I 5) State the limitations of Composite Index. Construction of Composite
Index in Social Sciences
1) Think and collect some gender related variables from the data sources like
women literacy, women workforce participation rate in the age group 15-
59, mean year schooling, mortality rate, immunization rate etc and find out
the gender development index.
Quantitative Methods-I Downloaded from Co
1) See the heading ‘conducting PCA and analyzing result’ under Section 12.6
2) See Sub-section 12.6.1 (Under the head conducting the PCA and analyzing
3) See Sub-section 12.6.1 (Under the head final PCA index value)
4) See Sub-section 12.6.3
5) See Section 12.7
Research Methods
Indira Gandhi in Economics
National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Multivariate Analysis: Factor Analysis 5
Canonical Correlation Analysis 31
Cluster Analysis 43
Correspondence Analysis 59
Structural Equation Modeling 75
Expert Committee
Prof. D.N. Reddy Prof. Romar Korea
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Prof. Harishankar Asthana Dr. Manish Gupta
Professor of Psychology Sr. Economist
Banaras Hindu University National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
Varanasi New Delhi
Prof. Chandan Mukherjee Prof. Anjila Gupta
Professor and Dean Professor of Economics
School of Development Studies IGNOU, New Delhi
Ambedkar University, New Delhi
Prof. V.R. Panchmukhi Prof. Narayan Prasad (Convenor)
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
Bombay University and Former IGNOU
Chairman, ICSSR, New Delhi New Delhi
Prof. Achal Kumar Gaur Prof. K. Barik
Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences IGNOU
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi New Delhi
Prof. P.K. Chaubey Dr. B.S. Prakash
Professor, Indian Institute of Associate Professor in Economics
Public Administration, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Shri S.S. Suryanarayana Shri Saugato Sen
Former Joint Advisor Associate Professor in Economics
Niti Ayoug, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Course Coordinator and Editor: Prof. Narayan Prasad
Block Preparation Team
Unit Resource Person IGNOU Faculty
(Format and Language Editing)
13 Dr. Darvinder Kumar (Sr. Scale) Prof. Narayan Prasad
Assistant Professor in Statistics Professor of Economics
PGDAV College (University of Delhi), Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi Block Editor
14 Vivek N. Sharma Prof. Narayan Prasad Prof. G.K. Shukla
Assistant Professor in Mathematics IGNOU, New Delhi Rtd. Prof. of Statistics
SGTB Khalsa College, (Univ. of Delhi), Delhi IIT, Kanpur
Ms. Neha
Research Assist., IGNOU, New Delhi
15 Dr. Nausheen Nizami Prof. Narayan Prasad
Assistant Professor in Economics Professor of Economics
Gargi College (University of Delhi), Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Ms. Neha Bailwal
Research Assistant, IGNOU, New Delhi
16 Mr. Vivek N. Sharma Shri B.S. Bagla
Assistant Professor in Mathematics PGDAV College
SGTB Khalsa College (Univ. of Delhi) (University of Delhi)
17 Prof. Hari Shankar Asthana Prof. Narayan Prasad
Professor of Psychology, BHU, Varanasi Professor of Economics, IGNOU, New Delhi
13.0 Objectives
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Factor Analysis: Concept and Meaning
13.3 Historical Background of Factor Analysis
13.4 The Orthogonal Factor Model
13.4.1 Notations and Terminology
13.4.2 The Factor Model
13.4.3 Model Assumptions
13.5 Communalities
13.6 Methods of Estimation
13.6.1 Principal Component Method
13.6.2 Maximum Likelihood Method
13.7 Factor Rotation
13.8 Oblique Rotation
13.9 Factor Scores
13.10 Methods for Estimation of Factor Scores
13.10.1 Ordinary Least Square Method
13.10.2 Weighted Least Square Method
13.10.3 Regression Method
13.11 Let Us Sum Up
13.12 Key Words
13.13 Some Useful Books
13.14 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
13.15 Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• explain the terms used in factor analysis model like factor loadings, specific
variances, communalities, factor rotation and oblique rotation;
• know the various uses of factor analysis model;
• elucidate how to apply principle component analysis and maximum
likelihood methods for estimating the parameters of a factor model;
• discuss methods for estimating factor score; and
• learn how to interpret the results of factor analysis based on rotated factor
loadings, rotated eigenvalues and scree test.
Quantitative Methods-II
We have seen in Unit 12 that how the principal component analysis (PCA) is a
useful technique to reduce the indicators or data for construction of composite
index and identify the variables for policy decisions. Factor analysis is a further
extension of principal component analysis. Many a times, a researcher in social
sciences is confronted with entangled human behaviour, unknown
interdependencies and masses of qualitative and quantitative variables. In such
situations, he may intend to uncover major social, institutional and
international pattern. Factor analysis enables him to manage over a hundred
variables, explore a content area, structure a domain, map unknown concepts,
classify or reduce data, illuminate causal nexus, define relationships, test
hypotheses, formulate theories and make inferences. In short, a social scientist
can discern the regularity and order in a phenomena under investigation by
applying factor analysis. Factor analysis takes thousands of measurements and
qualitative observations and resolves them into distinct patterns of occurrence.
Factor analysis as a constituent of multi-variate analysis involves a large
number of issues ranging from conceptual, application, modeling, inference
and interpretation, factor rotation etc. Keeping in view, the limited scope of this
unit, we shall confine here to explain the concepts used in factor analysis,
methods of estimation in factor model and the techniques of extraction such as
principal component method and maximum likelihood method. Let us begin
with explaining the concept of factor analysis.
-II components of the error vector are considered as uncorrelated or independent, Multivariate Analysis:
while the systematic part is taken as a linear combination of a relatively small Factor Analysis
number of unobserved factor variables. The analysis separates the effects of the
factors, which are of the basic interest from the errors. From another point of
view the analysis gives a description or explanation of the interdependence of a
set of variables in terms of the factors without regard to the observed variability.
C F E M D Mu
C 1.00 0.83 0.78 0.70 0.66 0.63
F 0.83 1.00 0.67 0.67 0.65 0.57
E 0.78 0.67 1.00 0.64 0.54 0.51
M 0.70 0.67 0.64 1.00 0.45 0.51
D 0.66 0.65 0.54 0.45 1.00 0.40
Mu 0.63 0.57 0.51 0.51 0.40 1.00
It can be noted out that this matrix has the interesting property that any two
rows are almost proportional if the diagonals are ignored. Thus for rows C and
0.67 0.64 0.54 0.51
X l F ε
Spearman proposed the idea that the six test scores are all of the form
Where X is the ith standardized score with a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of one, l is a constant, F is a factor value which has mean zero and
standard deviation one for individuals as a whole and ε is the part of X that is
specific to the ith test only. On the basis of his work Spearman formulated his
two-factor theory of mental tests i.e each test result is made up of two parts,
one that is common to all tests is general intelligence and another that is
specific to the test. Later on this theory was modified to allow for each test
result to consist of a part due to several common factors plus a part specific to
Quantitative Methods-II 13.4.1 Notations and Terminology M
µ $"%
The common factors are also formed into a vector as
F $ %
Here, the means µ , µ , … . . , µ# can be regarded as the intercept for the multiple
regression models. The regression coefficients l) (slopes) for all the multiple
regressions are called factor loadings. Here, l) is the loading of the ith variable
on the jth factor. These will be shown in the matrix form as follows:
-II Matrix of the factor loading Multivariate Analysis:
and finally the errors ε are called the specific factors. Here, ε is the specific
factor for variable i. The specific factors are also shown into a vector form as
In general, the basic factor analysis model is like a regression analysis model.
Each of our response variable X is expressed as a linear function of the
unobserved common factors F1, F2,….Fm. Therefore, here one can say that we
have m unobserved factors that control the variation among the data.
We will write the above factor model in matrix notation as
In general we want m < p
E,ε - 0; i 1, 2, … . . , p
i) The specific factors or random errors all have mean zero i.e.,
Quantitative Methods-II v) Since the common factors and specific factors are independent, then the M
specific factors are uncorrelated with the common factors i.e
Cov 1ε , F) 2 E1ε , F)′ 2 0; i 1, 2, … . . , p; j 1, 2, … . . , m
Now, the factor analysis model implies a covariance structure for the random
,X > µ- ,X > µ- ,L F ε- ,L F ε-
variable X is given by equation
,L F ε- ,,L F- ε-
L F,L F- ε,L F- L F ε εε
Under this model, the variance for the ith observed variable is equal to the sum
of the squared loadings for that variables and specific variance. The variance of
variables Xi is:
σ ∑!
)A l) ψ
quantity ∑!
)A l) is called the communality for variable i.
This is a derivation which is based on the previous assumptions and the
the common factors. However, since the common factors are not
observable, we cannot check the linearity of the model.
2) The covariance matrix is a symmetric matrix, that is the variance between
variables i and j is the same as the variance between j and i. For this
Σ L L′ Ψ
The covariance matrix is going to have p(p+1)/2 unique elements of Σ
which are approximated by mp factor loadings in the matrix L and the p
specific variances ψ . When m= p, any covariance matrix Σ can be
reproduced exactly as L L′, so Ψ can be the zero matrix. However, when
m is smaller relative to p, that factor analysis is most useful. In this case,
-II the factor model provides a simple explanation of the covariation in X Multivariate Analysis:
with fewer parameters than the p(p+1)/2 parameters in Σ. Factor Analysis
For example, if X contains p=12 variables and the factor model with m=
consistent solution for the parameters l) and ψ from the variances and
There are some problems, where it is not possible to get a unique
TT ′ T ′ T I
loadings and the original factor loadings is:
and the relationship between the new common factors and the original
common factor is:
This gives a model that fits equally well. Moreover, since there are
infinite numbers of orthogonal matrices, then there are an infinite number
of alternative models. This model, as it turns out, satisfied all the
E , F G - E , T ′ F- T ′ E , F- 0
assumptions that we discussed earlier as:
loadings L from the loadings LG . That is, the factors F and F G T ′F have
On the basis of observations on X, it is impossible to distinguish the
the same statistical properties, and even though the loadings LG are, in
general different from the loadings L, they both have the same covariance
Quantitative Methods-II
The communalities are computed by taking the sum of squares of the loadings
for the ith variable on the m common factors. This can be shown as below
Variable 1 2 3
Climate 0.286 0.076 0.841
Housing 0.698 0.153 0.084
Health 0.744 -0.410 -0.020
Crime 0.471 0.522 0.135
Transportation 0.681 -0.156 -0.148
Education 0.498 -0.498 -0.253
Arts 0.861 -0.115 0.011
Recreation 0.642 0.322 0.044
Economics 0.298 0.595 -0.533
For example, to compute the communality for climate, the first variable which
is given in the above table, we square the factor loadings for climate and then
In the similar way we can obtain the communalities for all the 9 variables and
the total communality is obtained as 5.617. Therefore, all the communalities
computed are placed into a table shown below:
-II Variable Communality Multivariate Analysis:
Factor Analysis
Climate 0.795
Housing 0.518
Health 0.722
Crime 0.512
Transportation 0.510
Education 0.561
Arts 0.754
Recreation 0.517
Economics 0.728
Total 5.617
J h J λ
Here, the total communality is 5.617. The proportion of the total variation
explained by the three factors is
This gives us the percentage of variation explained in our model. This might be
looked at as an overall assessment of the performance of the model. However,
this percentage is the same as the proportion of variation explained by the first
three eigenvalues, obtained earlier. The individual communalities tell how well
the model is working for the individual variables, and the total communality
gives an overall assessment of performance. These are two different
assessments that can be used.
Since the data are standardized in this case, the variance for standardized data
is going to be equal to one. Then the specific variances can be computed by
subtracting the communality from the variance as expressed below:
Quantitative Methods-II Ψ 1 > h M
Recall, that the data were standardized before analysis, so the variances of the
standardized variables are all equal to one. For example, the specific variance
The specific variance for housing is Ψ 0.482 and the other values of specific
variances can be calculated accordingly.
EXAMPLE 1 Calculating Correlations from Factors
Factor analysis aims to explain the correlations among the observed variables
in terms of small number of factors. To estimate the success of factor solution,
we reproduce the original correlation matrix by using the loadings on the
common factors and see how large a discrepancy is there between the original
matrix and reproduced correlation matrix. The greater the discrepancy, the less
successful the factor solution in preserving the information in the original
correlation matrix. And, lesser the discrepancy, more successful the factor
solution in preserving the information in original correlation matrix.
In order to calculate the correlations from the factor solution the process is
variables (K and K ) across all the common factors. Let us say for the three
factor solution L , L and LM the quantity would be ,N O N - ,N O N -
,NM O NM -. This process will become clearer in the description of the
hypothetical two-factor solution based on five observed variables as follows:
A Hypothetical Solution
Variables Loadings/ Correlations Communality Reproduced Correlations
Factor 1 Factor 2 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
X1 .5 .2 .29 X1
X2 .6 .3 .45 X2 .36
X3 .7 .4 .65 X3 .43 .54
X4 .3 .6 .45 X4 .27 .36 .45
X5 .4 .7 .65 X5 .34 .45 .56 .54
∑ x = 1.35 ∑ x 1.14
X2 = 0.6F1 + 0.3F2
X5 = 0.4F1 + 0.7F2
-II As well as being weights, the coefficients above show that the correlation Multivariate Analysis:
between X1 and F1 is .50, and that of between X1 and F2 is .20, and so on. Factor Analysis
Variance Accounted For: The quantities at the bottom of each factor column
are the sums of the squared loadings for that factor, and show how much of the
total variance of the observed variables is accounted for by that factor. For
Factor 1, the quantity is .52 + .62 + .72 + .32 + .42 = 1.35. Because in the factor
analyses discussed here, the total amount of variance is equal to the number of
observed variables (the variables are standardized, so each has a variance of
one), the total variation here is five, so that Factor 1 accounts for (1.35/5)×100
= 27% of the variance.
The quantities in the communality column show the proportion of the variance
of each variable accounted for by the common factors. For X1 this quantity is
.52 + .22 = 0.29, for X2 it is .62 + .32 = 0.45, and so on.
Reproducing the Correlations: The correlation between variables K and K
the correlation between variables KM and KQ is equal to (.7 X .4) + (.4 X .7) =
as derived from the factor solution is equal to (.7 X .8) + (.2 X .3) = 0.36, while
.56. These values are shown in right-hand side of the above table.
EXAMPLE 2 To verify the relation Σ L L′ Ψ for two factors:
Consider the following covariance matrix
19 30 2 12
30 57 5 23
Σ$ %
2 5 38 47
12 23 47 68
19 30 2 12 4 1 2 0 0 0
The equality equation of the model is
30 57 5 23 7 2 4 7 >1 1 0 4 0 0
$ %$ %R S$ %
2 5 38 47 >1 6 1 2 6 8 0 0 1 0
12 23 47 68 1 8 0 0 0 3
Σ L L′ Ψ
may be verified by the matrix algebra. Therefore, Σ has the structure produced
by an m= 2 orthogonal factor model. Since
l l 4 1
l l 7 2
L$ %$ %
lM lM >1 6
lT lT 1 8
0 0 0 2 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 4 0 0
Ψ $ %
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 ψT 0 0 0 3
Quantitative Methods-II h l
4 1 17 M
19 = 42 + 12 + 2 = 17 + 2
i.e. variance = communality+ specific variance
Similarly, we can find out the results for the other variables also.
Check Your Progress 1
1) What do you mean by a factor in the context of factor analysis?
1.0 . 63 . 45
2) Show that the covariance matrix
Σ U. 63 1.0 . 35V
. 45 . 35 1.0
For the p=3 standardized random variables Z1, Z2 and Z3 can be generated
Z .9F ε
by the m=1 factor model:
Z .7F ε
ZM .5F εM
where, Var ,F - 1, Cov ,ε, F - 0
. 19 0 0
and Ψ Cov ,ε- U 0 . 51 0 V
0 0 . 75
Formulate the factor model for the given problem and also calculate
(a) Communalities h ; i= 1, 2, 3 and interpret the result.
(b) Cor (Zi, Fi) for i= 1, 2, 3. Which variable carry the greatest weight in
naming the common factor? And why?
σ l ψ
3) Let the factor model with p=2 and m=1. Show that
-II for given σ , σ and σ , there is an infinite choices for L and Ψ i.e., Multivariate Analysis:
the factor model need not be unique. Factor Analysis
1 .4 .9
4) Consider an m=1 factor model for the population with covariance matrix
Σ U. 4 1 . 7 V
.9 .7 1
Show that there is a unique choice of L and Ψ with Σ L L′ Ψ, but that
ψM \ 0, so the choice is not admissible i.e., the solution is unique but
In this section, we shall consider two of the most popular methods of parameter
estimation, the principal component (and the related principal factor) method
and the maximum likelihood method. The solution from either method can be
rotated in order to simplify the interpretation of factors.
X $ %
S ] - ,X > X
J,X > X ] -′
Quantitative Methods-II M
λ_ , λ_ , … … . λ_ # and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix S are è , è , … … . è# .
eigenvectors for this matrix. Let the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix S are
the inverse of a square matrix in terms of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and
eλ e′
eλ e′
deλ e " eλ e " " eλ# e# f
eλ# e#
all i. The loading matrix has jth column given by eλ) e) . Then we can write
Σ LL0 LL (13.7)
Apart from the scale factor eλ) , the factor loadings on the jth factor are the
coefficients for the jth principal component of the population. The factor
analysis representation of Σ in equation (13.7) is exact, it is not particularly
useful. It employs as many common factors as there are variables and does not
allow any variation in the specific factors ε in the main model of equation
just a few common factors. One approach when the last p > m eigenvalues are
(13.1). But we prefer models that explain the covariance structure in terms of
-II The approximation shown in eq (13.8) assumes that the specific factors ε in eq Multivariate Analysis:
(13.1) are of minor importance and can also be ignored in the factoring of Σ. Factor Analysis
eλ e′
0 0
eλ e′
0 0
deλ e " eλ e " " eλ! e! f
" " h
0 0
eλ! e′!
ψ σ > ∑!
)A l) ; i 1, 2, … … . , p
When the units of the variables are not appropriate, it is better to use the
standardized variables. If the standardized measurements are used, we replace
sample correlation matrix S by R. This in turn suggests that the specific
variances, which are the diagonal elements of the matrix Ψ, can be estimated
k S > ∑! i
by using the expression:
ψ )A l) ; i 1, 2, … … . , p (13.10)
Here, the estimated specific variances are equal to the sample variance for the
ith variable minus the sum of the squares of factor loadings (i.e the
The equation (13.10), when applied to the sample covariance matrix S or the
sample correlation matrix R, is known as the principal component solution.
Σ L L′ Ψ
particular form
sample which is drawn from a multivariate normal population N# ,µ, Σ-, then
Again, let us assume that the p×1 vectors X1, X2,……Xn represents a random
l,µ, Σ- m n eq1rsqµ2 Σ w
′ tu
1rs qµ2v
,2π-#⁄ |Σ|⁄
Quantitative Methods-II M
L and the specific variances Ψ are obtained by finding the values of µ̀, L_ and Ψ
The maximum likelihood estimator for the mean vector µ , the factor loadings
(13.11) which is given by the following expression:
the solution for these factor models are not unique. Equivalent models can be
If L_ is the p×m matrix of estimated factor loadings obtained by any one of the
transformation of the factors is called factor rotation.
|LG L_ T where TT ′ T ′T I
method i.e., principal component or maximum likelihood, then
is a p×m matrix of rotated loadings. Moreover, the estimated covariance matrix
L_L_′ Ψ
| L_TT ′L_ Ψ
| L_G L_G′ Ψ
remains unchanged, since
Equation (13.14) shows that the residual matrix, S^ > L_L_′ > Ψ
| S^ > L_G L_G′ >
| , remains unchanged. Moreover, the specific variances Ψ | and hence the
-II Multivariate Analysis:
rotated coefficients scaled by the square root of the communalities. Then the
(normal) varimax procedure selects the orthogonal transformation T that makes
# GT # G
V # ∑!
)A R∑A l) > 1∑A l) 2 vpS
as large as possible.
Scaling the rotated coefficients ilG) has the effect of giving variables with small
After the transformation T is determined, the loadings lG) are multiplied by h_ so
communalities relatively more weight in the determination of simple structure.
One can maximize V that corresponds to the squares of the loadings on each
Quantitative Methods-II
Orthogonal rotations are appropriate for a factor model in which the common
factors are assumed to be independent. Many investigators in social sciences
consider oblique (non-orthogonal) rotations, as well as orthogonal rotations.
The former rotations are often suggested after one view of the estimated factor
loadings that do not follow the assumption made in the factor model.
Nevertheless, an oblique rotation is frequently a useful aid in factor analysis.
In other words, oblique rotation is suitable when the factors are considered to
be correlated. Oblique rotation is more complex than orthogonal rotation, since
it can involve one of two coordinate systems, a system of primary axes or a
system of reference axes. Additionally, oblique rotation produces a pattern
matrix that contains the factor or item loadings and factor correlation matrix
that includes the correlations between the factors. The commonly used oblique
rotation techniques are Direct Oblimin and Promax. Direct Oblimin attempts to
simplify the structure and the mathematics of the output of the problem under
consideration, while Promax is used because of its speed in larger datasets.
Promax involves raising the loadings to a power of four which ultimately
results in greater correlations among the factors and achieves a simple
X>µ LFε
underlie our model to estimate those factors. Therefore, for the factor model
We may wish to estimate the vectors of the factor scores F1, F2,…….,Fm.
-II 13.10.1 Ordinary Least Squares Method Multivariate Analysis:
Factor Analysis
If the factor loadings are estimated by the principal component method, it is
customary to generate factor scores using an unweighted (ordinary) least
squares procedure. The L’s are factor loading and the f are unobserved
common factors. The vector of common factors for subject i, is found by
minimizing the sum of the squared residuals:
# #
J ε) J X) > µ) > l) F > l) F > > l)! F! ,X > µ > L F-′ ,X > µ
)A )A
> L F-
This is like a least squares regression, except in this case we already have
estimates of the parameters (the factor loadings), but we wish to estimate the
For the standardized data, since L= Reλ_ e " eλ_ e " " eλ_ ! e! S, we have
1 ′
è 1X) > X]2
1 ′
è 1X > ]2
F_) eλ_ )
è! ) > X2
′ 1X ]
e _
We see that the F_) are approximately same as that of obtained in the principal
component method with the unrotated factor loadings. Here, we have for the
∑^)A F_) 0
factor scores
(sample mean)
X>µ LFε
specific variance Ψ are known for the factor model
Further, regard the specific factors ε′ dε , ε , … … , ε# f as errors. Since,
Var,ε - Ψ ; i= 1, 2,……,p, need not be equal. Bartlett [2] has suggested that
Quantitative Methods-II M
The solution is given by the expression where Ψ is the diagonal matrix whose
diagonal elements are equal to the specific variances.
F_ 1L′Ψq L2 L′Ψq ,X > µ-
F_) L_′Ψ
| q L_ L_′Ψ ]2
| q 1X) > X
When L_ and Ψ
| are determined by the maximum likelihood method, these
estimates must satisfy the uniqueness condition, L_′Ψ
| q L_ ∆
| , a diagonal
specific variance matrix Ψ is known. When the common factors F and specific
Σ LL′ Ψ " L
Σ U… … … … … …
" … …V
L′ " I
observations xj, and taking the maximum likelihood estimates L_ and Ψ | as the
multivariate regression analysis. Consequently, given any vector of
true values, we see that the j factor score vector is given by
-II if) L_′ |
Σ 1x) > x2 L_′1L_L_′ Ψ
| 2q 1x) > x2; j 1,2, … … . n
The calculation of fi) in equation (13.23) can be simplified by using the matrix
(13.23) Multivariate Analysis:
Factor Analysis
L_′ 1L_L_′ Ψ
| 2 I L_′ Ψ
| q L_ L_′ Ψ
| q
q q
This identity allows us to compare the factor scores in equation (13.23),
generated by the regression argument, with those generated by the weighted
F_ j L
|′ Ψ
| q1 L
| |′ Ψ
| | F_ Rj I L
|′ Ψ
| q1 L
| F_ Rj
q1 q1
LS q1
L (13.25)
|′ Ψ
| q1 L
| ∆ | q1 and if the elements of
For maximum likelihood estimates L
this diagonal matrix are close to zero, the regression and generalized least
squares methods will give nearly the same factor scores.
There may be made an attempt to reduce the effect of a incorrect determination
fij L
|′ Sq1 1xj > x 2;
the following results:
j 1, 2, … … . n (13.26)
fij L
|′z Rq1 zj ;
or, if a correlation matrix is factored
j 1, 2, … … . n (13.27)
|z L
|z Ψ
zj Dq1⁄2 1xj > x 2 and ρ̀ L
ifGj T′fij ; j 1, 2, … . . , n
A numerical measure between the factor scores generated from two different
calculation methods is provided by the sample correlation coefficient between
scores on the same factor.
Source: Adapted from Applied multivariate statistical analysis by Johnson R.A. and Wichern
D.W. (2002)
Check Your Progress 2
1) The correlation matrix for chicken- bone measurements is
. 505 1.000
Quantitative Methods-II Variable Estimated Varimax rotated M
Table: 13.1: Students Grade
-II Multivariate Analysis:
Factor Analysis
Student No.,-
Finance (X1) Marketing (X2) Business Policy
1 3 6 5
2 7 3 3
3 10 9 8
4 3 9 7
5 10 6 5
(Example adapted from Peter Tryfos, 1997, version printed: 14-3-2001).
Quantitative Methods-II Diagonal Matrix : It is a square matrix in which the entries M
outside the main diagonal are all zero.
Eigenvalue : It is a mathematical property of a matrix; used
(characteristic root) in relation to the decomposition of a
covariance matrix, both as a criterion of
determining the number of factors to extract
and a measure of variance accounted for by a
given dimension.
Eigenvector : It is a vector associated with its respective
eigenvalue; obtained in the process of initial
factoring; when these vectors are appropriately
standardized, they become factor loadings.
Factor Extraction : It is the initial stage of factor analysis in
which the covariance matrix is resolved into a
smaller number of underlying factors or
Factors : It implies hypothesized, unmeasured, and
underlying variables which are presumed to
be the sources of the observed variables; often
divided into unique and common factors.
Factor Loading : It is a general term referring to a coefficient in
a factor pattern or structure matrix.
Factor Pattern Matrix : It refers to a matrix of coefficients where the
columns usually refer to common factors and
the rows to the observed variables; elements
of the matrix represent regression weights for
the common factors where an observed
variable is assumed to be a linear combination
of the factors; for an orthogonal solution, the
pattern matrix is equivalent to correlations
between factors and variables.
Kaiser criterion : In this criterion, first we can retain only
factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 when
factors are calculated from correlation matrix.
In essence this is like saying that, unless a
factor extracts at least as much as the
equivalent of one original variable, we drop it.
This criterion was proposed by Kaiser (1960),
and is probably the one most widely used.
Orthogonal Factors : It indicates the factors that are not correlated
with each other; factors obtained through
orthogonal rotation.
Orthogonal Rotation : It refers to the operation through which a
simple structure is sought under the restriction
that factors be orthogonal (or uncorrelated);
factors obtained through this rotation are by
definition uncorrelated.
Principal Axis : It is a method of initial factoring in which the
-II Factoring adjusted correlation matrix is decomposed Multivariate Analysis:
hierarchically; a principal axis factor analysis Factor Analysis
with iterated commonalities leads to a least
squares solutions of initial factoring.
Principal Components : It reflects linear combinations of observed
variables, possessing properties such as being
orthogonal to each other, and the first
principal component representing the largest
amount of variance in the data, the second
representing the second largest and so on;
often considered variants of common factors,
but more accurately they are contrasted with
common factors which are hypothetical.
Scree Test : It is a rule of thumb criterion for determining
the number of significant factors to retain; it
is based on the graph of roots (eigenvalues);
claimed to be appropriate in handling
disturbances due to minor (unarticulated)
Varimax : It is a method of orthogonal rotation which
simplifies the factor structure by maximizing
the variance of a column of the pattern matrix.
1) What do you understand by the Factor score? Describe the different
methods for the estimation of factor score.
2) Write a short note on Factor rotation and Oblique rotation.
3) What do you understand by the methods of estimation? Describe in details,
the principal component and maximum likelihood methods.
4) With suitable example, explain communality in context to factor analysis.
5) Define the following terms:
a) Correlation matrix
b) Specific variance
c) Factor loadings
d) Specific factors
-II Canonical Correlation
14.0 Objectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA): Concept and Meaning
14.3 Assumptions of Canonical Correlation
14.4 Canonical Correlation Analysis as Generalization of the Multiple
Regression Analysis
14.5 Steps and Procedure Involved in Computation of CCA Results
14.6 Illustration of CCA
14.7 Interpretation of CCA Results
14.8 Limitations of Canonical Correlation
14.9 Let Us Sum Up
14.10 Key Words
14.11 Some Useful Books
14.12 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress
14.13 Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• explain the concept of canonical correlation analysis;
• state the similarity and difference between multiple regression and canonical
• discuss the steps and procedure involved in canonical correlation;
• elucidate how to interpret the results of canonical correlation;
• point out the limitations of canonical correlation analysis.
The conventional wisdom that the economic agents are rational and are guided by self-
interest in decision making is being questioned as it ignores the psychological and
social factors influencing decision making process. The research findings from many
disciplines like neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, behavioral economics,
sociology, anthropology etc. indicate that the decisions made by the individuals in
many aspects of development (like savings, investment, energy consumption, health
etc.) are influenced by social contexts, local social networks, cultural factors, social
norms and shared mental models etc. (World Development Report, 2015). Hence,
inter-disciplinary perspective is being recognized as research approach to analyze
human behavior so as to improve the predictive power of economics. Canonical
Quantitative Methods-II correlation analysis is a powerful analytical tool to analyze the association between C
two sets of variables belonging to different disciplines. This method measures the
strength of association between the two sets of variables. An attempt is made in this
method to concentrate a high-dimensional relationship between two sets of variables
into a few pairs of canonical variables. Hence, in this unit, we shall throw light on
various issues relating to canonical correlation like concept and meaning of canonical
correlation, its similarity and differences with multiple regression, procedure involved
in the analysis of canonical correlation, and its advantages and limitations.
Let us understand the concept with an example. As a student of economics, you may
like to know the association between economic inequality X and political instability
Y . The economic inequality can be measured by five variables i.e. (i) the division of
farmland X , (ii) the gini coefficient X , (iii) the percentage of tenant farmers
X , (iv) the gross national product X , and (v) the percentage of farmers X .
Similarly the political instability can be measured by four variables (indicators) i.e. (i)
the instability of leadership Y , (ii) the level of internal group violence Y , (iii) the
occurrence of internal war Y , (iv) stability of democracy Y . These two
theoretical concepts X and Y can be called two sets of variables or canonical
variables. These can be shown in the following figure:
X2 Y2
X* Y*
. .
. .
X5 Y4
-II initially selected pair, and so on. As stated in the above para, the pairs of linear Canonical Correlation
combinations are called the canonical variables and their correlations are called Analysis
canonical correlations.
Thus, canonical correlation aims to (i) identify the dimensions among the dependent
and independent variables, and (ii) maximize the relationship between the dimensions.
In this manner, in canonical correlation, we can distinguish three types of correlations:
1) Correlation between X variables, the correlation matrix is R .
2) Correlation between Y variables, the correlation matrix is R .
3) Correlation between X and Y variables, the correlation matrix is R R′ .
Quantitative Methods-II
In 1935-36, Hotelling proposed a method, known as Canonical Correlation Analysis to
investigate “linear” relationship between the two sets of variates.
James Press (2005) has expressed the whole idea of this Canonical Correlation
Analysis in the following words:
“The Canonical correlation” model selects weighted sums of variables from each of
the two sets to form new variables in each of the sets, so that the correlation between
the new variables in “different sets” is maximized while the new variables within each
set are constrained to be uncorrelated with mean zero and unit variance.
!Σ Σ
----------------- (A)
-II Step 2: Now, solve the system of equations: Canonical Correlation
! Σ Σ % Analysis
" #$ ' 0
Σ ! Σ &
for α and γ.
Mathematically, it is not so simple to solve the above system of linear equations.
However, there is an equivalent formulation. To compute α and γ, we solve the pair of
(Σ Σ ) Σ ! Σ *α 0
(Σ Σ ) Σ ! Σ *γ 0
Step 3: We now call these α and γ as α and γ respectively; and
U α′ γ
V γ′ Z
as First Canonical Variates.
It will turn out that will be the correlation coefficient between U and V. We,
therefore, write
ρU , V
and call this as First Canonical Correlation.
Step 4: We now proceed to the next iteration. We now define:
U α′ γ
V γ′ Z,
where % and & are to be determined.
maximize U , V
subject to
Var U Var V 1
E U EV 0.
We repeat the above procedure to compute α and γ as solution of
! Σ Σ % 0
" # $& ' $ '
Σ ! Σ 0
where is the second largest positive root of the equation (A).
Step 5: We continue this procedure uptil the smallest positive root.
Step 6: The result is now to be collected in a vector format:
= (U … ./0 *
U =
Quantitative Methods-II and C
V= V … VP ′ .
The elements of U and V are called Canonical Variates and 2 is corresponding
canonical correlation.
This example is based on 416 observations collected through primary survey for the
purpose of research study entitled “Assessment of Human Well-being in Delhi:
Multidimensional Approach”. The researcher attempted to study the relationship
between economic well-being variables and overall life satisfaction variables. One of
the questions raised in this study was to examine how does economic well-being
influence the overall life satisfaction of the people or more specifically, to know
whether economic well-being indicators are predictive of overall life satisfaction of
Next, the set of criteria variables constitute the overall life satisfaction indicators:
1) My life closer to my ideal life
2) Circumstances of my life are best to my choice
3) I am satisfied with my life
4) I have achieved the things in my life I aspired
5) I would not prefer to make any drastic change in my rest of life till I survive
The data on these two sets of variables was collected through primary survey for the
above said study.
-II Let us now learn to run the Canonical Correlation Analysis for our example using Canonical Correlation
SPSS Analysis
Step 1: Click file, new and syntax sequence.
Quantitative Methods-II Note that the criterion set of variables are listed before WITH and predictor variables C
are listed afterwords
Step 3: This command can be implemented using RUN button on toolbar menu.
The results of above illustration using SPSS has been presented in this section. The
table 1 below shows an overall multivariate test of the entire model using different
multivariate criteria.
Table 14.1: Multivariate Tests of Significance
Test Name Value Approx. F Hypoth. DF Error DF Sig. of F
Pillais .14258 2.40693 25.00 2050.00 .000
Hotellings .15845 2.56302 25.00 2022.00 .000
Wilks .86055 2.49153 25.00 1509.72 .000
Roys .11708 .000
Root No. Eigenvalue Pct. Cum. Pct. Canon Cor. Sq. Cor
1 .13260 83.69055 83.69055 .34217 .11708
2 .01720 10.85381 94.54437 .13003 .01691
3 .00698 4.40258 98.94695 .08323 .00693
4 .00167 1.05222 99.99917 .04080 .00166
5 .00000 .00083 100.00000 .00115 .00000
-II In this example, we are not only interested to know whether there is a relationship Canonical Correlation
between the predicator and criterion variables but also wanted to know which Analysis
indicators of economic well-being are more or less useful in explaining the
relationship between life satisfaction and economic well-being. This is exactly where
CCA comes into play. The interpretation and evaluation of the results has been
discussed in next section.
The first step is to evaluate the overall statistical significance of the full
canonical model. This is done by testing the Null hypothesis. The Null
hypothesis is that there is no relationship between the two set of variables. The
alternative hypothesis is that the two sets of variables are related.
We now come to the actual interpretation of the CCA as conducted in our example.
Here, the value of the computed value of the F-statistic is high and significant. This
is given in table 1 as 0.860. This means that we can reject the Null hypothesis.
That is to say that we accept the alternative hypothesis. Thus, statistically significant
relationship exists between life satisfaction and economic well-being indicators.
Let us recall, that the first root (function) is created in such a manner that the canonical
correlation between the new variable is maximized and these new variables within
each set are uncorrelated with zero mean and unit variance.
Let us interpret only those functions which explain reasonable amount of variance
between variable sets. In our illustrations, we interpret only the first function as it
explains 12% variance within the function as shown in table no. 2. All other functions
explain less than 10% of variance in their functions, hence we can ignore them.
So, what we have concluded so far is that there is a statically significant relationship
between our two set of variables. Further, this relationship is largely captured by the
first root (function) in the canonical model. Next, we want to identify those variables
which contribute significantly to explain this relationship between economic well-
being and overall life satisfaction.
In multiple regression analysis, we often look at Beta weights to identify the relative
contribution of one independent variable to explain dependent variable. In CCA, we
look at the structure coefficient to decide which variables are useful for the model.
Therefore, we examine the standardized weights and structure coefficients to interpret
the first root (function). Let us underline the point that we are only concerned with the
first function and will ignore other functions as they are not significant.
To understand the pattern among two set of variables, we have created table 3 showing
coefficients which presents the standardized canonical function coefficients (i.e.
weights) and structure coefficients for all variables. The squared structure coefficient
(r3 2) are also given, which represent the percentage of shared variance between
observed variable and the new variable created from the observed variables set.
Quantitative Methods-II Table 14.3: Canonical Solution for Economic Well-being Indicator Predicting C
Overall Life Satisfaction for Function 1
Variable Coef 45 45 2 (%)
Life closer to ideal life .221 -.502 25.20
Circumstances of life best to my choice -.692 -.905 81.90
Satisfied with life -.223 -.729 53.14
Achieved things in life -.400 -.746 55.65
Want no drastic change in life -.054 -.427 18.23
Annual Income -.381 -.857 73.44
Fixed Assets .029 -.256 6.55
Movable Assets -.210 -.696 48.44
Educational Attainment -.668 -.895 80.10
Employment status .219 -.286 8.17
Coef: Standized Canonical Function Coefficient, r3 = Structure Coefficient, r3 2 =
Squared Structure Coefficient
Looking at the coefficient, we find that relevant dependent variables are: the
circumstances of life are best to my choice, I am satisfied with my life and I have
achieved things in my life I aspired, because all these variables high squared structure
coefficient which indicates the amount of variance the observed variable can
contributed to new latent criterion variable. Looking at the other side of the equation
on function 1 which involves predicator set, we find that Annual Income, Movable
Assets and Educational Attainment variables were primary contributors. You must
note that this process for interpretation of function is same as identifying the useful
predictors in regression analysis with the exception that in canonical correlation
analysis we have two set of equations for consideration.
-II 2) Canonical weights derived in computing canonical functions are subject to great Canonical Correlation
deal of instability. Analysis
3) The interpretation of canonical variates is different due to the efforts to maximize
the relationship.
4) It is difficult to identify meaningful relationship between the subset of independent
and dependent variables because precise statistics is yet to be developed.
Quantitative Methods-II Canonical loadings : Measure of the simple linear correlation between C
the independent variables and their respective
canonical variates. These can be interpreted like
factor loadings, and are also known as canonical
structure correlations.
Canonical roots : Squared canonical correlations, which provide an
estimate of the amount of shared variance between
the respective optimally weighted canonical
variates of dependent and independent variables. It
is also known as eigenvalues.
Canonical variates : Linear combinations that represent the weighted
sum of two or more variables and can be defined
for either dependent or independent variables. It is
also known as linear composites, linear
compounds, and linear combinations.
Multiple regression : Multiple regression analysis predicts a single
analysis dependent variable from a set of multiple
independent variables.
1) Under what circumstances would you select canonical correlation analysis instead
of multiple regressions as the appropriate statistical technique?
2) Discuss in details the procedure for computation of the canonical correlation.
3) What are the limitations associated with canonical correlation analysis?
-II Cluster Analysis
15.0 Objectives
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Cluster Analysis: Concept and Meaning
15.3 Steps and Algorithm Involved in Cluster Analysis
15.4 Methods of Cluster Analysis
15.5 Partitioning Cluster Methods
15.6 Hierarchical Cluster Methods
15.7 Other Approaches: Two-step Cluster Analysis
15.8 Interpretation of the Results
15.9 Let Us Sum Up
15.10 Key Words
15.11 Some Useful Books
15.12 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
15.13 Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• state the concept and purpose of cluster analysis;
• list the steps to be followed in cluster analysis;
• explain the different approaches to cluster analysis; and
• to learn how to apply cluster analysis in analyzing economic problems and
interpret its results.
In social sciences, data set usually take the form of observations on unit of
analysis for a set of variables. You as a student of economics may be interested
to identify groups of similar objects like countries, enterprises, households on
the basis of selected variables like unemployment rate of men and women in
different countries, deprivation indicators of households etc. Similarly you may
need to segment customers into a small number of groups for additional
analysis and marketing activities. Further researcher may aim to find out spatial
or temporal pattern in human developments, educational development etc. In
such cases, a simple classification of units into sub-groups is required for the
purpose of analysis because classes or conceptually meaningful groups
(clusters) share common characteristics and play an important role in analysis
and description of the world. Cluster analysis is a useful technique in such
situations for data analysis. For example, cities can be grouped or clustered in
Quantitative Methods-II terms of their social, economic and demographic characteristics. Similarly,
people can be clustered in terms of their psychological profiles or other
attributes they possess. Hence, in this unit, we shall discuss various clustering
methods and algorithm involved in cluster analysis. Let us begin with
explaining the concept of cluster analysis.
Cluster analysis aims to discover natural groupings of the items (or variables).
For this, we need to first develop a quantitative scale to measure the
association (similarity) between objects. Since clustering involves a collection
of data objects which are similar to one another within the cluster and
dissimilar to objects in other clusters, a cluster of data objects can be treated as
an implicit class. Due to this it is also sometimes referred to as ‘automatic
classification’. In some applications, it is also known as ‘data segmentation’
because clustering divides large data sets into groups based on their
similarities. Cluster analysis enables us to detect outliers. As a branch of
statistics, cluster analysis has been extensively studied with the main focus on
distance-based cluster analysis and has been built into statistical analysis
software packages or systems such as SPSS, SAS and S-Plus. An illustration of
cluster analysis using SPSS shall be discussed towards the end of the unit. It is,
however, first important to understand the steps and algorithm involved in
conducting cluster analysis and the main methods used under this analytic
technique in research.
The following five broad steps are involved in conducting cluster analysis:
1) Measuring the relevant variables (both quantitative and categorical) that
can be included,
2) Creating a (dis) similarity Matrix for an appropriate measure of (dis) similarity,
Distances are used to measure (dis) similarity between the samples of two
variables. To determine the extend of (dis) similarity we construct what is
known as (dis) similarity matrix. Every entry of (dis) similarity matrix
determine using the notion of distance, more formally metric. Various sort of
metric can be employed each being suitable to suit the particular sort of data set.
The metric that is usually employed is known as minskowi metric, the
formula of which is as under:
, | |
1 0
2 1 0
3 0 1 0
D1 =
4 1 2 1 0
5 0 1 0 1 0
6 4 17 4 3 4 0
Quantitative Methods-II We label rows as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Taking the row 1 as a fixed variable, we
now locate the variable closest to it. We observe that there are two such
choices (1,3) & (1,5) as both have distance zero. We take (1,3) and put 1 &
3 in the same cluster. Now we calculate the distance of (1,3) from
remaining rows with the understanding that
, 115
min" , # min"1,1# 1
$ min" $ , $ # min"1,1# 1
% min" % , % # min"0,0# 0
' min" ' , ' # min"4,4# 4
13 0
2 1 0
D2 = 4 1 2 0
5 0 1 1 0
6 4 17
3 4 0
We observe that because 1 & 3 were clustered together, therefore, 3rd row
so does the 3rd column from D1 gets deleted.
Step 2: We now see that taking (13) as the fixed variable, the variable
closest to (13) in the matrix D2 is row 5 as their distance is zero. Hence, we
cluster together (13) & 5.
(13)5 0
2 1 0
D3 =
4 1 2 0
6 17 − 1 17 3 0
Assessment and interpretation of the obtained clustering (s) has been explained
in section 15.8 with the help of an illustration.
Imagine you are going to undertake fieldwork in Uttar Pradesh next week and
for doing so you wish to divide your group into 5 teams and assign 10 villages
under one team each. Strategically, you would like to identify those set of 10
villages to bear somewhat similar characteristics as much possible. Suppose
that the district information is also unavailable leaving manual grouping
difficult. You need a clustering tool to help you in this scenario. Clustering is a
process of grouping a set of objects into multiple groups or clusters so that
objects having high similarity are in same cluster but having dissimilarity in
other clusters. Similarities and dissimilarities are generally assessed based on
attribute values describing objects and involve distance measures.
Creation of simple group structure from a complex data set require a measure
of “closeness” or “similarity”. Often a great deal of subjectivity is involved in
the choice of a similarity measure. Important considerations include the nature
of the variables (discrete, continuous, binary), scales of measurement (nominal,
ordinal, interval, ratio), and subject matter knowledge. When items (units or
cases) are clustered, proximity is usually indicated by some sort of distance. On
the other hand, variables are usually grouped on the basis of correlation
coefficients or like measures of association.
An advantage of using Cluster analysis is to represent data in graphical way as
it offers several possibilities to do that. Dendrogram or other graphical
solutions can be used to visually examine linkages between observations. A
dendrogram is a tree-like structure commonly used to represent the process of
hierarchical clustering. It shows how objects are grouped together (in an
agglomerative method) or partitioned (in a divisive method) on a step-by-step
Two types of clustering algorithms are generally reported, namely non-
hierarchical and hierarchical. Partitioning is the most extensively used non-
hierarchical method and would be discussed in detail in this unit. While
partitioning method classifies objects into a specified number of groups (say k),
hierarchical method does not construct a single partition with k clusters, but
deals with all values of k in the interval [1,n] where n is the total number of
objects. Other types of non-hierarchical clustering methods are density-based
and grid-based which are beyond the scope of this unit.Non-hierarchical cluster
analysis tends to be used when large data sets are involved. It is sometimes
preferred because it allows subjects to move from one cluster to another (this is
not possible in hierarchical cluster analysis where a subject, once assigned,
cannot move to a different cluster). The two major disadvantages of non-
hierarchical cluster analysis are:
1) It is often difficult to know how many clusters you are likely to have and
therefore the analysis may have to be repeated several times, and
2) It can be very sensitive to the choice of initial cluster centres.
Quantitative Methods-II Each group must contain at least one object and each object must belong to one
group. To put it simply, it implies that k should be less than or equal to n,
where n is the total number of objects. In other words, partitioning methods
conduct one-level partitioning on data sets. The basic partitioning methods
typically adopt ‘exclusive cluster separation’ i.e. each object must belong to
exactly one group. Stratified random sampling lend an interesting example of
partitioning methods. Suppose a household sample size of 100 has to be
collected from Delhi representing all five geographical zones of Delhi i.e. East,
West, North, South and Central zones. In this case the five zones are the 5
groups and are pre-specified in number. Each zone must contain at least one
household and each household in the sample must belong to one zone. Clearly
in this example, the number of groups k (here 5) are less than the number of
objects n (here 100).
In general, after initial partitioning, the ‘iterative relocation technique’ attempts
to improve the partitioning by moving objects from one group to another.
When it comes to judging a good partitioning, it can be inferred on the basis of
whether objects in the same cluster are ‘close’ or related to each other whereas
objects in different clusters are ‘far apart’.
We shall now discuss one of the most frequently used partitioning method in
social sciences and in statistical analysis and that is the K-means method. It is
a Centroid based technique. K-means clustering is used to split the
observations into K clusters/groups and test what are the main characteristics of
these clusters/groups. To understand it in simple words, let us assume that we
have a data set D which contains n objects in Euclidian space i.e. two
dimensional space. Partitioning methods first distribute the objects in data set
D into k clusters such as X1, X2,…Xk,wherein each Xi is an element of D and Xi
∩ Xj = Ø. Thereafter an objective function is defined to assess the partitioning
quality so that within a cluster there are similar objects while other clusters
have dissimilar objects.
As mentioned earlier, K-means is a centroid based method which uses the
centroid of a cluster to represent that cluster. Conceptually, centroid is nothing
but its center point or mean. It is, many a times, defined as the mean of the
objects assigned to the cluster. After calculating the mean, this methods
measures the distance of objects from the centroid in the Euclidian space. The
quality of a cluster is measured by the within-cluster variation, which is the
sum of squared error between all objects in Xi and the centroid ci.
How does the k-means algorithm work? Han, Kember and Pei have explained
the workings in a very simple manner. The k-means algorithm defines the
centroid of a cluster as the mean value of the points within the cluster.
a) First, it randomly selects k objects in D, each of which initially represent a
cluster mean or center.
b) For each of the remaining objects, an object is assigned to the cluster to
which it is most similar, based on the Euclidian distance between the object
and the cluster mean.
c) K-means algorithm thereafter improves the intra-cluster variation iteratively.
d) For each cluster, it computes the new mean using the objects assigned to
the cluster in the previous iteration.
e) All objects are then reassigned using updated means as the new cluster
-II f) Iterations continue until the assignment is stable i.e. clusters formed in the Cluster Analysis
current step are equal to the clusters formed in previous step.
Quantitative Methods-II and Pei explain that it typically starts by letting each object form its own
cluster and iteratively merges clusters into larger and larger clusters, until all
objects are in a single cluster. The single cluster becomes the hierarchy’s root.
For merging, it finds two clusters closest to each other and combines to form
one cluster. It requires at most n iterations as two clusters are merged per
iteration and each cluster contains atleast one object.
Divisive hierarchical methods work in the reverse direction. Initially all objects
belong to the same cluster; then, iteratively, a cluster is chosen according to a
selection criterion and bi-partitioned such that the objects in one subgroup are
“far from” the objects in the other. These subgroups are then further divided
into dissimilar subgroups; the process continues until there are as many clusters
as objects that is, until each object forms a group. Thus it employs a top-down
approach. It starts by placing all objects in one cluster, which is the hierarchy’s
root. It then divides the root cluster into several smaller sub-clusters and
repeatedly partitions them into smaller clusters.
In other words, hierarchical clustering techniques proceed by either a series of
successive mergers or a series of successive divisions. In either agglomerative
or divisive hierarchical clustering, a user can specify the desired number of
clusters as a termination condition. The results of both agglomerative and
divisive methods may be displayed in the form of a two- dimensional diagram
known as dendrogram. However, this graph is generally useful for relatively
small data sets only. In case of large data sets or sample size, individual objects
cannot be identified. As we shall see, the dendrogram illustrates the mergers or
divisions that have been made at successive levels.
Illustration: Suppose we take a sample of size 15 and wish to examine the inter-
relationship of employment status and educational attainment as shown in Figure
15.1. Cluster Analysis helps in clustering objects which are similar in attributes.
-II In Figure15.2, a dendrogram is constructed using SPSS which clusters sample Cluster Analysis
data. A dendrogram is a branching diagram that represents the relationships of
similarity among a group of entities. Each branch is called a clade. The
terminal end of each clade is called a leaf. Clades can have just one leaf (these
are called simplicifolious, a term from botany that means “single leafed”) or
they can have more than one. Two-leaved clades are bifolious, three-leaved are
trifolious, and so on. There is no limit to the number of leaves in a clade. The
arrangement of the clades tells us which leaves are most similar to each other.
The width of the branch points indicates how similar or different they are from
each other: the greater the width, the greater the difference. In this particular
dendrogram, we see that chunk 6, 10 and 13 are completely separate from all
the others as they are clustered through a separate leaf of the clade. We
interpret its placement as indicating that the distribution in that chunk is
substantially different from the distribution in the remaining chunks. By closer
inspection, it can be observed that these 3 individuals are post-graduates as
well as employed on either contractual basis or unemployed i.e. it reflects that
higher educational attainment has not improved their job status as well as job
If we are trying to identify which individual segments are most similar to each
other, we read the dendrogram from the left to right, identifying the first clades
to join together as we move from left to right. By closer inspection we find 4
clusters which have most similar objects. The first cluster is of 2 and 15
indicating better job status after graduation, the second cluster is of 1 and 3
(both are employers and post-graduates), the 3rd cluster is of 4,8,9 and 12
which has linked post-graduates and the regularity of their employment while
the 4th cluster is made up of 6 and 10 indicating contractual work despite being
post-graduate. The further the clades away from the observations/objects, less
is the similarity between them.
Table 15.1: Similarity between level of education and level of employment
Proximity Matrix
Squared Euclidean Distance
vation 1:A 2:B 3:C 4:D 5:E 6:F 7:G 8:H 9:I 10:J 11:K 12:L 13:M 14:N 15:O
1:A .000 1.000 .000 1.000 .000 16.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 16.000 5.000 2.000 29.000 2.000 2.000
2:B 1.000 .000 1.000 2.000 1.000 17.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 17.000 4.000 5.000 26.000 1.000 1.000
3:C .000 1.000 .000 1.000 .000 16.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 16.000 5.000 2.000 29.000 2.000 2.000
4:D 1.000 2.000 1.000 .000 1.000 9.000 .000 .000 .000 9.000 2.000 1.000 20.000 1.000 1.000
5:E .000 1.000 .000 1.000 .000 16.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 16.000 5.000 2.000 29.000 2.000 2.000
6:F 16.000 17.000 16.000 9.000 16.000 .000 9.000 9.000 9.000 .000 5.000 10.000 5.000 10.000 10.000
7:G 1.000 2.000 1.000 .000 1.000 9.000 .000 .000 .000 9.000 2.000 1.000 20.000 1.000 1.000
8:H 1.000 2.000 1.000 .000 1.000 9.000 .000 .000 .000 9.000 2.000 1.000 20.000 1.000 1.000
9:I 1.000 2.000 1.000 .000 1.000 9.000 .000 .000 .000 9.000 2.000 1.000 20.000 1.000 1.000
10:J 16.000 17.000 16.000 9.000 16.000 .000 9.000 9.000 9.000 .000 5.000 10.000 5.000 10.000 10.000
11:K 5.000 4.000 5.000 2.000 5.000 5.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 5.000 .000 5.000 10.000 1.000 1.000
12:L 2.000 5.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 10.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 10.000 5.000 .000 25.000 4.000 4.000
13:M 29.000 26.000 29.000 20.000 29.000 5.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 5.000 10.000 25.000 .000 17.000 17.000
14:N 2.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 10.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 10.000 1.000 4.000 17.000 .000 .000
15:O 2.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 10.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 10.000 1.000 4.000 17.000 .000 .000
Rescaled Distance Cluster Combine
0 5 10 15 20 25
N 14 ─┐
O 15 ─┼─┐
B 2 ─┘ ├───┐
K 11 ───┘ │
C 3 ─┐ ├─────────────────────────────────────────┐
E 5 ─┼─┐ │ │
A 1 ─┘ │ │ │
H 8 ─┐ ├───┘ │
I 9 ─┤ │ │
D 4 ─┤ │ │
G 7 ─┼─┘ │
L 12 ─┘ │
F 6 ─┬───┐ │
J 10 ─┘ ├───────────────────────────────────────────┘
M 13 ─────┘
Fig.15.2: Dendrogram
The two steps of the Two Step Cluster Analysis procedure's algorithm can be
summarized as follows:
Step 1 The procedure begins with the construction of a Cluster Features (CF)
Tree. The tree begins by placing the first case at the root of the tree in a leaf
node that contains variable information about that case. Each successive case is
then added to an existing node or forms a new node, based upon its similarity
to existing nodes and using the distance measure as the similarity criterion. A
-II node that contains multiple cases contains a summary of variable information Cluster Analysis
about those cases. Thus, the CF tree provides a capsule summary of the data
Step 2 The leaf nodes of the CF tree are then grouped using an agglomerative
clustering algorithm. The agglomerative clustering can be used to produce a
range of solutions. To determine which number of clusters is “best”, each of
these cluster solutions is compared using Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (BIC)
or the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) as the clustering criterion.
Fig.15. 3: Cluster 1
Quantitative Methods-II
Fig.15.4: Cluster 2
Figure 15.5 finds another cluster linking illiterate individuals with the lowest
income category (i.e. less than 2.5 lakhs) while Figure 15.6 finds the fourth
cluster consisting of middle to higher secondary education and income level
upto 2.5 lakhs. Thus intuitively also, two-step cluster analysis has formed
clusters of similar attributes.
Fig.15.5: Cluster 3
-II Cluster Analysis
Fig.15.6: Cluster 4
Thus, by using Two step cluster analysis technique , we have separated 416
individuals into 4 broad clusters based on their income category and level of
educational attainment which, in turn , has enabled us to test the hypothesis
whether an association exist between the level of education and level of
income. Thus the hypothesis that higher the level of education, higher the level
of income has been accepted by the results of the cluster analysis.
Check Your Progress 2
1) What are the hierarchical methods used in cluster analysis? Critically
explain how dendrograms help in visual interpretation of clustered data.
2) Explain the application of two-step cluster analysis in research. What are its
Quantitative Methods-II one another. Cluster analysis embraces a variety of methods aiming to group
observations or variables into homogeneous and distinct clusters. For
groupings based on variables, frequently used measures of the similarity of
observations are the Euclidean. Squared Euclidean are applied to the original,
standardized, or weighted variables. For groupings based on attributes, a
measure of the similarity of two observations is the ratio of the number of
matches (identical categories) to the number of attributes.
Hierarchical methods begin with as many clusters as there are observations and
end with a single cluster containing all observations. All clusters formed by
these methods are mergers of previously formed clusters. Other types of
clustering methods are the hierarchical divisive (beginning with a single cluster
and ending with as many clusters as there are observations) and the non-
hierarchical methods. In recent years, some other clustering methods have also
evolved like the two-step cluster analysis discussed above which are efficient
in handling large data sets of continuous and categorical variables as well.
Cluster analysis technique gives a different angle of viewing and interpreting
data which may help the researcher to discover significant new relationships
between the variables used in a study.
-II Ward’s Method : In this method all possible pairs of clusters are Cluster Analysis
combined and the sum of the squareddistances
within each cluster is calculated. This is then
summed over all clusters. The combination
that gives the lowest sum of squares is chosen.
This method tends to produce clusters of
approximately equal size, which is not always
desirable. It is also quite sensitive to outliers.
Despite this, it is one of the most popular
methods, along with the average linkage
K-Means Clustering : The k-means algorithm was popularized and
refined by Hartigan (1975). The basic
operation of that algorithm is relatively simple.
Given a fixed number of (desired or
hypothesized) k clusters, assign observations to
those clusters so that the means across clusters
(for all variables) are as different from each
other as possible.
Euclidean Distance : The straight line distance between two points
in a Cartesian coordinate system. The
Euclidean distance can be determined using
the Pythagorean Theorem. In two dimensions,
the Euclidean distance is [(x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2]0.5.
Usually, the points represent samples and the
axes of the Cartesian coordinate system
represent the abundances of species.
Exploratory Analysis : A general term for an analysis in which the
chief objectives is to find pattern in the data.
Often, exploratory analysis conflicts with
hypothesis testing. For example, stepwise
regression is permissible in exploratory
analysis, but can cause serious problems if you
are interested in testing hypotheses.
Quantitative Methods-II
Check Your Progress 1
1) See Section 15.2 and 15.3
2) See Section 15.4 and 15.5
Check Your Progress 2
1) See Section 15.6
2) See Section 15.7
1) For what purposes and situations would you choose to undertake cluster
2) Explain in your own words briefly what hierarchical cluster analysis does.
Check your answer against the material above.
3) Explain the difference between hierarchical methods and non-hierarchical
methods of clustering citing their advantages and disadvantages.
4) Is clustering same as classification? What is the essential difference
between classification and clustering?
-II Correspondence
16.0 Objectives
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Correspondence Analysis: Concept and Its Features
16.3 Steps and Algorithm Involved in Correspondence Analysis Technique
16.4 Basic Concepts and Definitions
16.4.1 Primitive Matrix
16.4.2 Profiles
16.4.3 Masses
16.4.4 Correspondence Matrix
16.4.5 Augmented Correspondence Matrix
16.4.6 Inertia
16.4.7 Distances
16.5 Reduction of Dimensionality
16.6 Biplots
16.7 Interpretation of the Results of Correspondence Analysis
16.8 Multiple Correspondence Analysis
16.9 Let Us Sum Up
16.10 Key Words
16.11 Some Useful Books
16.12 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress
16.13 Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• state the concept of Correspondence Analysis (CA) as a special case of
principal component analysis;
• discuss the special features and applications of CA technique;
• explain the computational algorithm of Correspondence Analysis;
• elucidate the process of interpretation of Correspondence Analysis results; and
• learn how to apply Correspondence Analysis technique in conducting
research in social sciences.
Understanding data is the ultimate problem of statistics and no one
technique/method can satisfactorily answer all our curiosities regarding any
particular set of data. Given a set of data, we often formulate hypothesis
regarding it. This formulation is motivated by our information regarding the
variables of the data. We then apply various statistical tools to test our
Quantitative Methods-II In such traditional methods of hypothesis testing, we verify a priori hypothesis,
that is, the hypothesis pre-assumed regarding the relations between variables
involved in the data. However, these methods naturally suffer from a
limitation. The pre-assumed hypotheses may not be the only possibility. There
can be other hidden relationships among the variables of the data. How do we
find them?
You have studied in Unit 1 and 8 that from measurement scale point of view,
data can be of four types – nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scale. Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) technique is used to identify the relative
importance of factors or components responsible for variance in the dependent
variable. PCA, however, pre-supposes tables consisting of continuous
measurement (i.e. interval or ordinal scale of data). If a situation arises when
one is interested to know association between two or more categorized
variables, search for an alternative analytic technique is needed. For example,
you may be interested to examine how the level of education is related to the
nature of employment (i.e. regular, casual, contract etc.). Similarly how the
quality of employment is associated with different levels of income? In such
situation, you need a data analytic technique which can help you in detecting
structural relationships among the categorized variables. Correspondence
Analysis (CA) is analytic technique which helps to examine such structural
relationship. This technique is very useful to analyze simple two way and
multi-way tables containing some measure of correspondence between the
rows and columns. Hence, in this unit, we shall throw light on various concepts
used in correspondence analysis, its pre-requisites, its computation algorithm,
interpretation of its results, etc. Let us begin with stating the meaning of
correspondence analysis.
-II 4) Except rectangular data matrix with non-negative entries, its data requirement Correspondence
is highly flexible. Analysis
Before examining the association between these two categorical variables, let
us first understand the basic terms and definitions involved in the
correspondence analysis technique.
Quantitative Methods-II
Table 16.1: Correspondence Between Educational Attainment and Employment Status
Primitive Matrix (A = aij)
Educational Attainment unemployed Contractual Temporary Pensioner Regular Employer Margin
Illiterate 22 16 1 1 0 1 41
Upto Middle 27 7 0 1 7 2 44
Middle to Higher
69 8 3 2 4 12 98
Graduation 51 2 4 4 22 20 103
Post grad/Technical
13 11 7 0 46 14 91
PhD & Above 1 3 4 0 28 3 39
Active Margin 183 47 19 8 107 52 416
16.4.2 Profiles
Profiles display the characteristics of a particular category which is determined
by their respective frequencies. As shown in the table no. 16.2a, row profile
describes the educational status while the column profile displays the
employment status.
Row profiles give the frequency of each row point such that summation for row
will be equal to 1. Row profile are calculated by taking individual row point
divided by their corresponding row total (active margin). That is,
The only difference is that in this case, each column point is divided by their
corresponding column total (active margin) as shown in table 16.2b.
-II Correspondence
Table 16.2a: Correspondence Between Educational Attainment and Employment Analysis
Row Profiles
Educational Active
Attainment unemployed Contractual Temporary Pensioner Regular Employer Margin
Illiterate .537 .390 .024 .024 .000 .024 1.000
Upto Middle .614 .159 .000 .023 .159 .045 1.000
Middle to
Higher .704 .082 .031 .020 .041 .122 1.000
Graduation .495 .019 .039 .039 .214 .194 1.000
grad/Technical .143 .121 .077 .000 .505 .154 1.000
PhD & Above .026 .077 .103 .000 .718 .077 1.000
Mass .440 .113 .046 .019 .257 .125
16.4.3 Masses
The mass of the ith row is the marginal frequency of ithrow divided by grand
total. Marginal frequency of the ith is the sum of the entries of the ith row.Mass
for each row and column points are depicted in table no. 16.2a & 16.2b
respectively.Grand total in this particular illustration is total sample size which
is 416. Similarly mass for jth column is marginal frequency of jth column
divided by grand total.
Quantitative Methods-II
Table 16.3: Correspondence Between Educational Attainment and
Employment Status
Correspondence Matrix
Attainment unemployed Contractual Temporary Pensioner Regular Employer
Illiterate 0.053 0.038 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002
Upto Middle 0.065 0.017 0.000 0.002 0.017 0.005
Middle to Higher
Secondary 0.166 0.019 0.007 0.005 0.010 0.029
Graduation 0.123 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.053 0.048
Post grad/Technical
degree 0.031 0.026 0.017 0.000 0.111 0.034
PhD & Above 0.002 0.007 0.010 0.000 0.067 0.007
Educational Row
Attainment unemployed Contractual Temporary Pensioner Regular Employer Mass
Illiterate 0.053 0.038 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.099
Upto Middle 0.065 0.017 0.000 0.002 0.017 0.005 0.106
Middle to Higher
Secondary 0.166 0.019 0.007 0.005 0.010 0.029 0.236
Graduation 0.123 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.053 0.048 0.248
Post grad/Technical
degree 0.031 0.026 0.017 0.000 0.111 0.034 0.219
PhD & Above 0.002 0.007 0.010 0.000 0.067 0.007 0.094
Column Mass 0.440 0.113 0.046 0.019 0.257 0.125 1.000
16.4.6 Inertia
The term inertia, in the correspondence analysis explains the degree of
variation. The value of inertia is high when there is large deviation of row and
column profiles from their averages. The method to compute the total inertia is
as follows:
Total inertia = åå ( )
p ij - ri c j
i j ri c j
Where pij = (i, j)th entry of correspondence matrix
-II Correspondence
Ri = ith row profile Analysis
16.4.7 Distance
Independence and association between the two variables is measured by chi
square. Chi square distances are weighted Euclidean distance between the
profile points. Weights here refers to weights of dimension and not to the
weights of profile points. Chi square is calculated as follows:
Formula to compute the chi-square distance:
Suppose the correspondence matrix of the primitive matrix is mxn. Then, we
Chi-square distance between rth and sth rows is:=
# ' 2
, ! "∑)*+# $ & (
% '
Confidence Singular
Proportion of Inertia Value
Singular Chi Accounted Standard
Dimension Value Inertia Square Sig. for Cumulative Deviation 2
a. 25 degrees of freedom
The biplot is concerned with data reconstruction in a joint map of the rows and
columns, rather than distance reconstruction. In the simple case of a two-way
table one can think of reconstructing different variants of the table depending
on the way we think of the table: either as a set of rows, or a set of columns, or
just a two-way table of entries where rows and columns are symmetric entities.
A biplot is a graphical representation of the information in an n x p data matrix.
The bi- refers to the two kinds of information contained in a data matrix. The
information in the rows pertains to samples or sampling units and that in the
columns pertains to variables. When there are only two variables, scatter plots
can represent the information on both the sampling units and the variables in a
single diagram. This permits the visual inspection of the position of one
sampling unit relative to another and the relative importance of each of the two
variables to the position of any unit.
With several variables, one can construct a matrix array of scatter plots, but
there is no one single plot of the sampling units. On the other hand, a two-
dimensional plot of the sampling units can be obtained by graphing the first
two principal components. The idea behind biplots is to add the information
about the variables to the principal component graph.
-II Correspondence
Quantitative Methods-II We are taking up a worked out example for Correspondence Analysis to
illustrate some of the points involved in the interpretation of the results of the
correspondence analysis. Table 16.1 has information on 416 persons, their
educational status and their employment status. The data originated from the
study entitled ‘Assessment of Human Wellbeing: A Multidimensional
Approach’ based on a sample survey conducted in Delhi in 2015. Through this
technique, an attempt was made to find out correspondence between
educational attainment and employment status among the respondents selected
for the study. Educational status is subdivided into 6 categories, ranging from
illiterate to Ph.D and above. The employment status varies from outright
unemployed to contractual, temporary, regular, pensioner and also where
respondents are employers rather than employees.
The table 16.4 shows summary of our calculation. The first column shows the
five dimension – notice that as we are looking at distance from some dimension
– the number of dimension declines from 6 to 5. The singular value and inertia
are reported in column 2 to 3 respectively. Column 6 shows proportion of
inertia accounted for by the first dimension which is highest at 0-735 of the
total. As we move through dimension 2 onwards, inertia falls rather sharply.
Notice the similarity with principal components analysis – there too, the first
component explained largest variation. The column 7 shows cumulative
proportion of inertia accounted for.
The table 16.5 gives an overview of row points. Column 2 shows mass &
column 3 & 4 respectively show scores in dimension 1 & 2. Column 5 records
inertia of respective categories in column 1. Column 6 & 7 record contribution
of a point to inertia of dimension 1 & 2 respectively, while column 8 & 9
describe contribution of two dimension to inertia of the point concerned last
column show total inertia.
Table 16.5: Correspondence Between Educational Attainment and
Employment Status
-II The table 16.6 sums up similar information for column points. Correspondence
Table 16.6
a. Symmetrical normalization
The figure 16.1 presents symmetrical normalization of the row and the column
points in form of a picture in two dimension plane.
We must note that in our table 16.2a as we move up the educational attainment
ladder, initially unemployment proportion is rising from 53.7% for illiterates to
61.4% for middle school educated and then 70% for middle to higher
secondary level of education. For graduates, the proportion of unemployed
come down to 49.5%.For post graduates, it is merely 14.3% and for highest
educational category, it is barely 2.6%. Even, this data alone is offering us
significant insight into direction of correspondence between the levels of
educational attainments and employment status. The sub-categories of
employment – contractual, temporary, regular, employer are shown separately
and the data further tends to support the hypothesis that higher level of
education attainment leads to higher possibilities of regular employment.
However, the sub-category of ‘graduates’ also performs credibly as employers,
while Ph.D and above get more regular employment.
Our correspondence analysis tends to provide us ‘concrete’ evidence in support
of our tentative ‘conclusion’ from inspection of data described above.
Quantitative Methods-II The main problem is that the notion of association between two categorical
variables is already a complex concept and there are several ways to generalize
this concept to more than two variables.
Many different approaches exist in literature to define multiple correspondence
analysis. Important among them are two main approaches: first, the correlation
between sets of variables, known as canonical correlation, and second, the
geometric approach, which is directly linked to data visualization, and which
has many similarities to Pearson-style principal component analysis. In the
explanation of each approach, one can consider the case of two variables only
and then describe possible generalizations to more than two variables.
Check Your Progress 1
1) What is correspondence matrix?
2) A sample of n= 416 people is given in the following table showing the
annual income and level of education:
Table:Income level and level of educational attainment
Educational Annual Income
Upto 2.50 lakh 5.00 lakh to 10.00 lakh Above
2.50 to 5.00 10.00 lakh to 20.00 20.00 lakh
Lakh lakh lakh
Illiterate 40 1 0 0 0
Up to Middle 28 3 8 3 2
Middle to 44 18 23 11 2
Graduation 26 18 25 27 7
Post 2 6 25 31 27
Ph.D& Above 1 2 6 18 12
Compute the value of chi-square statistics and inertia from the above table.
Also interpret the results.
16.9 LET US SUM UP Correspondence
Quantitative Methods-II the Chi-square distances between the row profiles and
their average profile.
Centroid : The (weighted) mean of a multivariate data set which
can be represented by a vector. For many ordination
techniques, the centroid is a vector of zeros (that is, the
scores are centered and standardized). In a direct
gradient analysis, a categorical variable is often best
represented by a centroid in the ordination diagram.
Categorical : A variable that is represented by several different types;
Variable for example: lake/river/stream, farm/pasture/ unmanaged,
pitfall trap/fence trap/direct sighting. For most multivariate
analyses, categorical variables must be converted to k-1
dummy variables (where k = the number of categories).
Classification : The act of putting things in groups. Most commonly in
community ecology, the “things” are samples or
communities. Classification can be completely subjective,
or it can be objective and computer-assisted (even if
Correlation : A method which determines the strength of the
relationship between variables, and/or a means to test
whether the relationship is stronger than expected due to
the null hypothesis. Usually, we are interested in the
relationship between two variables, x and y. The
coefficient of correlation r is one measure of the
strength of the relationship.
Correlation : Usually abbreviated by r, and a number which reflects
Coefficient the strength of the relationship between two variables. It
varies between -1 (for a perfect negative relationship) to
+1 (for a perfect positive relationship). If variables are
standardized to have zero mean and a unit standard
deviation, then r will also be the slope of the relationship.
The value r2 is known as the coefficient of determination;
it varies between 0 and 1. The coefficient of determination
is loosely interpreted as “the proportion of variance
in y which can be explained by x”.
Multiple : Multiple correspondence analysis applied to the general
Correspondence problem of associations among a set of more than two
Analysis(MCA) categorical variables. We shall see that the generalization
to more than two variables is neither obvious nor well-
defined. In other areas of multivariate analysis, such as
regression and log linear modelling, the situation is less
complicated. The main problem is that the notion of
association between two categorical variables is already a
complex concept and there are several ways to generalize
this concept to more than two variables.
Singular Value : The Singular Value Decomposition is the fundamental
Decomposition mathematical result for Correspondence Analysis, as it is
for other dimension reduction techniques such as principal
component analysis, canonical correlation analysis etc.
This matrix decomposition expresses any rectangular
-II matrix as a product of three matrices of simple structure, Correspondence
⁄2 ⁄2 ⁄2
i.e. D5#
. The columns of the matrices D5# and Analysis
D are the left and right singular vectors respectively,
and the positive values of the diagonal of P, in descending
order are the singular values. The SVD is related to the
more well-known eigenvalue- eigenvector decomposition
of a square symmetric matrix. If a generalized form of the
SVD were defined, where the singular vectors are
normalized with weighting by the masses, then the CA
solution can also be easily obtained.
1) What is Correspondence Analysis? Why do we use Correspondence Analysis?
2) What do you understand by multidimensional scaling? How it differ from
correspondence analysis.
Quantitative Methods-II 3) A sample of 901 individuals was cross classified according to three
categories of income and four categories of job satisfaction. The results are
given in the following table:
Table: Income and Job Satisfaction
Income Job Satisfaction
Very Somewhat Moderately Very
Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Satisfied
< $ 25,000 42 62 184 207
< $ 25,000 - $ 50,000 13 28 81 113
>$ 50,000 7 18 54 92
-II Structural Equation
17.0 Objectives
17.1 Introduction
17.2 History of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
17.3 Why do we Conduct Structural Equation Modelling?
17.4 Assumptions of SEM
17.5 Similarities between Traditional Statistical Methods and SEM
17.6 Differences between Traditional Statistical Methods and SEM
17.7 Concepts and Terminology used in SEM
17.7.1 Path Diagrams
17.7.2 Classical SEM Notations
17.8 SEM Models Spepecification
17.8.1 Based on Reflective Indicators
17.8.2 Based on Formative Indicators
17.8.3 Based on on both Reflective and Formative Indicators
17.9 Issues in SEM Tecnique
17.10.1 Sample Size and Power
17.10.2 Missing Data
17.10.3 Multivariate Normality and Outliers
17.10 Steps in SEM
17.10.1 Initial Model Conceptualization
17.10.2 Model Estimation
17.10.3 Model Evaluation
17.10.4 Model Modification
17.10.5 Reporting the Results
17.11 An Example of SEM
17.12 Software Programs for SEM
17.12.1 LISREL
17.12.2 EQS
17.12.3 Mplus
17.12.4 Amos
17.12.5 Mx
17.12.6 Others
17.13 Advantages and Disadvantages of SEM
17.13.1 Advantages of SEM
17.13.2 Disadvantages of SEM
17.14 Let Us Sum Up
17.15 Key Words
17.16 References
After going through the unit, you will be able to:
• State the meaning and importance of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM);
• Describe the basic concepts and terminology of SEM;
• Explain why do we conduct the SEM;
Quantitative Methods-II • Discuss the various models of SEM;
• Learn the steps involved in SEM;
• Know the different softwares used in SEM; and
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SEM.
SEM techniques are considered today to be a major component of applied
multivariate statistical analysis and are used by education researchers,
economists, marketing researchers, medical researchers, and variety of other
social and behavioural scientists. Although the statistical theory that underlies
the techniques appeared decades ago, a considerable number of years passed
before SEM received widespread attention it hold today. There are two reasons
for the recent attention: (1) the availability of specialized SEM programme and
(2) publication of several introductory and advanced text books on SEM.
Structural equation modelling (SEM) does not designate a single statistical
technique but instead refers to a family of related procedures. SEM is a
collection of statistical techniques that allow a set of relations between one or
more independent variables (IVs), either continuous or discrete, and one or
more dependent variables (DVs), either continuous or discrete, to be examined.
Both IVs and DVs can be either measured variables (directly observed), or
latent variables (unobserved, not directly observed).
-II analysis. The interest in SEM is often on theoretical construct, which are Structural Equation
represented by the latent factors. The relationship between theoretical construct Modeling
are represented by regression or path coefficients between the factors.
The SEM implies a structure for the covariance between the observed variables
which provides the alternative names like Covariance structural model. SEM
provides a very general and convenient framework for statistical analysis that
includes several traditional multivariate procedure for example, factor analysis,
regression analysis, and canonical correlation as special case. Structural
Equation Models are often visualized by a graphical path diagram. The
statistical model is usually represented in a set of matrix equations.
Structural equation models, also called simultaneous equation models, refers to
multi equation systems that include continuous latent variables each
representing a concept or construct, multiple indicators of a concept or
construct that may be continuous, ordinal, dichotomous or censored, errors of
measurement and errors in equations. One may also view it as an interrelated
system of regression equations where some of the variables (latent or
observable) have multiple indicators and where measurement error is taken into
account when estimating relationships. From a different point of view, these
are factor analysis models in which factor loadings are restricted to zero or
some other constants, and the researcher allows factors to influence each other,
directly and indirectly. The most general form of the structural equation model
includes Analysis of Variance, Analysis of Covariance, Multiple Linear
Regression, Multivariate Multiple Regression, Recursive and Non-recursive
Simultaneous Equations, Path Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and
many other procedures as special cases.
Structural equation modeling (SEM) uses various types of models to depict
relationships among observed variables, with the same basic goal of providing
a quantitative test of a theoretical model hypothesized by the researcher. More
specifically, various theoretical models can be tested in SEM that hypothesize
how sets of variables define constructs and how these constructs are related to
each other. For example, an educational researcher might hypothesize that a
student’s home environment influences her later achievement in school. A
marketing researcher may hypothesize that consumer trust in a corporation
leads to increased product sales for that corporation. A health care professional
might believe that a good diet and regular exercise reduce the risk of a heart
In each example, the researcher believes, based on theory and empirical
research, sets of variables define the constructs that are hypothesized to be
related in a certain way. The goal of SEM analysis is to determine the extent to
which the theoretical model is supported by sample data. If the sample data
support the theoretical model, then more complex theoretical models can be
hypothesized. If the sample data do not support the theoretical model, then
either the original model can be modified and tested, or other theoretical
models need to be developed and tested. Consequently, SEM tests theoretical
models using the scientific method of hypothesis testing to advance our
understanding of the complex relationships among constructs.
SEM has been defined by different researchers in different ways.
According to Holey (1995) it is a comprehensive statistical approach to testing
hypotheses about relations among observed and latent variables.
Quantitative Methods-II Rigdon, (1998): SEM is a methodology for representing, estimating, and
testing a theoretical network of (mostly) linear relations between variables.
MacCallum & Austin (2000): it tests hypothesized patterns of directional and
non directional relationships among a set of observed (measured) and
unobserved (latent) variables.
So, the term “Structural Equation Model” (SEM) refers to a comprehensive
statistical methodology for testing and estimating causal relations using a
combination of cross-sectional statistical data and qualitative causal
assumptions. Unlike the usual multivariate linear regression model, the
response variable in one regression equation in a structural equation model may
appear as a predictor in another equation. Indeed, variables in a structural
equation model may influence one-another reciprocally, either directly or
through other variables.
Two goals in SEM are:
1) to understand the patterns of correlation/covariance among a set of
variables and
2) to explain as much of their variance as possible with the model specified
(Kline, 1998).
This is the family tree of SEM
To discuss the history of structural equation modelling, it is better to explain
the chronological order of following four models: regression, path,
confirmatory factor, and structural equation models.
The first model involves linear regression models that use a correlation
coefficient and the least squares criterion to compute regression weights.
Regression models were made possible because Karl Pearson created a formula
for the correlation coefficient in 1896 that provides an index for the
relationship between two variables (Pearson, 1938). The regression model
permits the prediction of dependent observed variable scores (Y scores), given
a linear weighting of a set of independent observed scores (X scores) that
minimizes the sum of squared residual error values. Regression analysis
provides a test of a theoretical model that may be useful for prediction.
Some years later, Charles Spearman (1904, 1927) used the correlation
coefficient to determine which items correlated or went together to create the
factor model. His basic idea was that if a set of items correlated or went
together, individual responses to the set of items could be summed to yield a
score that would measure, define, or infer a construct. Spearman was the first
to use the term factor analysis in defining a two-factor construct for a theory of
intelligence. D.N. Lawley and L.L. Thurstone in 1940 further developed
applications of factor models, and proposed instruments (sets of items) that
yielded observed scores from which constructs could be inferred. The term
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is used today based in part on earlier work
by Howe (1955), Anderson and Rubin (1956), and Lawley (1958). The CFA
method was more fully developed by Karl Jöreskog in the 1960s to test
whether a set of items defined a construct.
Factor analysis has been used for over 100 years to create measurement
instruments in many academic disciplines, while today CFA is used to test the
existence of these theoretical constructs.
Sewell Wright (1918, 1921, 1934), a biologist, developed the third type of
model, a path model. Path models use correlation coefficients and regression
analysis to model more complex relationships among observed variables. The
first applications of path analysis dealt with models of animal behavior.
Unfortunately, path analysis was largely overlooked until econometricians
reconsidered it in the 1950s as a form of simultaneous equation modeling (e.g.,
H. Wold) and sociologists rediscovered it in the 1960s (e.g., O. D. Duncan and
H. M. Blalock). In many respects, path analysis involves solving a set of
simultaneous regression equations that theoretically establish the relationship
among the observed variables in the path model.
The final model type is structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM models
essentially combine path models and confirmatory factor models, that is, SEM
models incorporate both latent and observed variables. The early development
of SEM models was due to Karl Jöreskog (1969, 1973), Ward Keesling (1972),
and David Wiley (1973). This approach was initially known as the JKW
model, but became known as the linear structural relations model (LISREL)
with the development of the first software program, LISREL, in 1973. Since
then, many SEM articles have been published; for example, Shumow and
Quantitative Methods-II Lomax (2002) tested a theoretical model of parental efficacy for adolescent
students. For the overall sample, neighbourhood quality predicted parental
efficacy, which predicted parental involvement and monitoring, both of which
predicted academic and social-emotional adjustment.
Jöreskog and van Thillo originally developed the LISREL software program at
the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The first publicly available version,
LISREL III, was released in 1976. Later in 1993, LISREL8 was released; it
introduced the SIMPLIS (SIMPLE LISREL) command language in which
equations are written using variable names. In 1999, the first interactive version
of LISREL was released. LISREL8 introduced the dialog box interface using
pull-down menus and point-and-click features to develop models, and the path
diagram mode, a drawing program to develop models.. The field of structural
equation modelling across all disciplines has expanded since 1994.
-II 1) The relationship between the coefficients and the error term must be linear. Structural Equation
2) The residuals must have a mean zero, be independent, be normally
distributed, and have variances that are uniform across the variable.
3) Variables in SEM should be continuous, interval level data. This means
SEM is not appropriate for censored data.
4) No specification error. If necessary variables are omitted or unnecessary
variables are included in the model, there will be measurement error and
the measurement model will not be accurate. Variables included in the
model must have acceptable level of kurtosis.
Quantitative Methods-II Sixth, SEM resolves problems of multicollinearity. Multiple measures are
required to describe a latent construct (unobserved variable). Multicollinearity
cannot occur because unobserved variables represent distinct latent constructs.
Finally, a graphical language provides a convenient and powerful way to
present complex relationships in SEM. Model specification involves
formulating statements about a set of variables. A diagram, a pictorial
representation of a model, is transformed into a set of equations. The set of
equations are solved simultaneously to test model fit and estimate parameters.
-II The purpose of estimation is to obtain numerical values for the unknown (free) Structural Equation
parameters. Modeling
Quantitative Methods-II groups, geographic regions), or measures, such as method effects (e.g., self-
report, observational), can all be represented as latent variables in SEM. An
observed variable used as an indirect measure of a construct is referred to as an
indicator. The explicit distinction between factors and indicators in SEM
allows one to test a wide variety of hypotheses about measurement.
-II the j-th latent construct. γij represents weight in the i-th observed indicator that Structural Equation
is explained by the j-th latent construct. Modeling
Table 17.1: Summary of abbreviations and descriptions used in the SEM study
Symbol Name Description
ξ ksi A latent construct associated with observed xi indicators
η eta A latent construct associated with observed yi indicators
δi delta The error term associated with observed xi indicators
εi epsilon The error term associated with observed yi indicators
ζ zeta The error term associated with formative construct
λij lambda Factor loading in the i-th observed indicator that is explained by the
j-th latent construct
γij gamma Weight in the i-th observed indicator that is explained by the j-th latent
xi An indicator associated with exogenous construct, i.e. vector of
observed exogenous variable
yi An indicator associated with endogenous construct, i.e. vector of
observed endogenous variable.
This specification assumes that the error term is unrelated to the latent variable
COV(η, εi) = 0, and independent COV(εi, εj) = 0, for i ≠ j and expected.
Reflective indicators
Quantitative Methods-II because the direction of causality goes from the indicators (measures) to the
construct and the error term is estimated at the construct level. This type of
model specification can be represented by equations 3 and 4:
3) ξ = γijxi + ζ
4) η = γijyi + ζ
x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3
Formative Indicators
This specification assumes that the indicators and error term are not related, i.e.
COV(yi, ζ) = 0, and E(ζ) = 0 . Formative indicators were introduced for the
first time by Curtis and Jackson (1962) and extended by Blalock (1964). This
type of model specification assumes that the indicators have an influence on (or
that they cause) a latent construct. In other words, the indicators as a group
“jointly determine the conceptual and empirical meaning of the construct.
The type B model specification would give better explanatory power, in
comparison to the type A model specification, if the goal is the explanation of
unobserved variance in the constructs. A model is identified if model parameters
have only one group of values that create the covariance matrix. In order to resolve
the problem of indeterminacy that is related to the construct-level error term, the
formative-indicator construct must be associated with unrelated reflective
constructs. This can be achieved if the formative construct emits paths to:
i) at least two unrelated reflective indicators;
ii) at least two unrelated reflective constructs; and
iii) one reflective indicator that is associated with a formative construct and
one reflective construct.
From an empirical point of view, the latent construct captures
i) the common variance among indicators in the type A model specification; and
ii) the total variance among its indicators in the type B model specification,
covering the whole conceptual domain as an entity (cf. Cenfetelli &
Bassellier 2009; MacKenzie et al. 2005).
Reflective indicators are expected to be interchangeable and have a common
theme. Interchangeability, in the reflective context, means that omission of an
indicator will not alter the meaning of the construct. In other words, reflective
measures should be unidimensional and they should represent the common theme
of the construct. Formative indicators are not expected to be interchangeable,
because each measure describes a different aspect of the construct’s common
theme and dropping an indicator will influence the essence of the latent
-II variable. The behavior of measures of the construct with regards to the same Structural Equation
antecedents and consequences is an important criterion for the assessment of Modeling
the construct-indicator relationship. Reflective indicators are interchangeable,
which means that measures are affected by the construct, and they must have
the same antecedents and consequences. The formative constructs are affected by
the measures, thus are not necessarily interchangeable, and each measure can
represent a different theme. For the formative indicators, it is not necessary to
have the same antecedents and consequences.
Internal consistency is implied in the reflective indicators because correlation
between variables is must. High correlations among the reflective indicators are
essential, because they represent the same underlying theoretical concept. This
means that all of the items are measuring the same phenomenon within the
latent construct. On the contrary, within the formative indicators, internal
consistency is not implied because the researcher does not expect high
correlations among the measures. Because formative measures are not required
to be correlated, validity of construct should not be assessed by internal
consistency and reliability as with the reflective measures, but with other
means such as nomological and/or criterion-related validity.
Quantitative Methods-II
17.9.1 Sample Size and Power
SEM is based on covariance. Covariance is less stable when estimated from
small samples. Therefore, large sample sizes are needed for SEM analyses.
Parameter estimates and chi-square tests of fit are also very sensitive to sample
size; therefore, SEM is a large sample technique. However, it may be possible
to estimate small models with fewer participants if variables are highly reliable.
In addition, although SEM is a large sample technique and test statistics are
affected by small samples, promising work has been done by Bentler and Yuan
(1999) who developed test statistics for small samples sizes.
17.9.2 Missing Data
Problems of missing data are repeatedly exaggerated in SEM due to the large
number of measured variables employed. The researcher who relies on using
complete cases only is often left with an inadequate number of complete cases
to estimate a model. Therefore missing data attribution is particularly important
in many SEM models. When there is evidence that the data are missing at
random (MAR; missing data on a variable may depend on other variables in
the dataset but the missing data does not depend on the variable itself) or
missing completely at random (MCAR; missing data is unrelated to the
variable missing data or the variables in the dataset), the EM (expectation
maximization) algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood (ML) estimates, is
appropriate method of imputing missing data. Some of the software packages
now include procedures for estimating missing data, including the EM algorithm.
EQS 6.1 (Bentler, 2004) produces the EMbased maximum likelihood solution
automatically, based on the Jamshidian–Bentler (Jamshidian & Bentler, 1999)
LISREL and AMOS also produce EM-based maximum likelihood estimates.
but, if the data are not normally distributed, maximum likelihood test
statistics— including those based on the EM algorithm—may be quite
inaccurate.Multiple imputationis is another option for treatment of missing data.
17.9.2 Multivariate Normality and Outliers
The most commonly employed techniques for estimating models assume
multivariate normality in SEM. It is always useful to examine both univariate
and multivariate normality indexes to assess normality. Univariate distributions
can be examined for outliers and skewness and kurtosis. Multivariate
distributions are examined for normality and multivariate outliers. Multivariate
normality can be evaluated through the use of Mardia’s (1970) coefficient and
multivariate outliers can be evaluated through evaluation of Mahalanobis
distance. Mardia’s (1970) coefficient evaluates multivariate normality through
evaluation of multivariate kurtosis. Mardia’s coefficient can be converted to a
normalized score (equivalent to az score), often normalized coefficients greater
than 3.00 are indicative of non-normality. Mahalanobis distance is the distance
between a case and the centroid (the multivariate mean with that data point
removed). Mahalanobis distance is distributed as a chi-square with degrees of
freedom equal to the number of measured variables used to calculate the
centroid. Therefore, a multivariate outlier can be defined as a case that is
associated with a Mahalanobis distance greater than a critical distance specified
typically by a p < .001.
17.10 STEPS IN SEM Structural Equation
Quantitative Methods-II by fixing, constraining, or deleting some of them. A parameter may be fixed by
setting it to a specific value or constrained by setting the parameter equal to
another parameter. Examining the measurement portion of the model is the
second step in determining model identifiability. The measurement part of the
model deals with the relationship between the measured indicators and the
Factors, are hypothetical constructs and consist of common variance, as such
they have no intrinsic scale and therefore need to be scaled. Measured variables
have scales, for example, income may be measured in dollars or weight in
pounds. To establish the scale of a factor, the variance for the factor is fixed to
1.00, or the regression coefficient from the factor to one of the measured
variables is fixed to 1.00. Fixing the regression coefficient to 1 gives the factor
the same variance as the common variance portion of the measured variable. If
the factor is an IV, either alternative can be applied. If the factor is a DV the
regression coefficient is set to 1.00. Not setting the scale of a latent variable is
easily the most common error made when first identifying a model. Next, to
establish the identifiability of the measurement portion of the model the
number of factors and measured variables are examined. If there is only one
factor, the model may be identified if the factor has at least three indicators
with nonzero loading and the errors (residuals) are uncorrelated with one
another. If there are two or more factors, again consider the number of
indicators for each factor.
If each factor has three or more indicators, the model may be identified if errors
associated with the indicators are not correlated, each indicator loads on only
one factor and the factors are allowed to co-vary. If there are only two
indicators for a factor, the model may be identified if there are no correlated
errors, each indicator loads on only one factor, and none of the covariances
among factors is equal to zero.
-II • Maximum likelihood (ML) is usually the default method in most programs Structural Equation
because it yields the most precise (smallest variance) estimates when the Modeling
data are normal.
• Generalized least squares (GLS) has the same optimal properties as ML
under normality.
• The asymptotically distribution free (ADF) method has no distributional
assumptions and hence is most general, but it is impractical with many
variables and inaccurate without very large sample sizes.
Satorra and Bentler (1988, 1994, and 2001) and Satorra (2000) also developed
an adjustment for non-normality that can be applied to the ML, GLS, or EDT
chi-square test statistics. Briefly, the Satorra–Bentler scaled χ2 is a correction
to the χ2 test statistic (Satorra & Bentler, 2001). EQS also corrects the standard
errors for parameter estimates to adjust for the extent of non-normality (Bentler
& Dijkastra, 1985).
Sample size and plausibility of the normality and independent assumptions
must be considered while choosing the suitable estimation technique. ML, the
Scaled ML, or GLS estimators may be good choices with medium (over 120)
to large samples and evidence of the plausibility of the normality assumptions.
ML estimation is currently the most frequently used estimation method in
SEM. In medium (over 120) to large samples the scaled ML test statistic is a
good choice with non-normality or suspected dependence among factors and
errors. In small samples (60 to 120) the Yuan–Bentler test statistic appears
best. The test statistic based on the ADF estimator (without adjustment) is
inappropriate choice under all conditions unless the sample size is very large (>
Quantitative Methods-II assessment strategies have emerged and continue to be developed. Data-model
fit indices for such assessment can be categorized roughly into three broad
• Absolute indices assess the overall discrepancy between observed and
implied covariance matrices; fit improves as more parameters are added to
the model and degrees of freedom decrease: for example, the standardized
root mean square residual (SRMR), the chi-square test(recommended to be
reported mostly for its historical significance), and the goodness-of-fit
index (GFI).
• Parsimonious indices assess the overall discrepancy between observed and
implied covariance matrices while taking into consideration a model’s
complexity; fit improves as more parameters are added to the model, as
long as those parameters are making a useful contribution: for example, the
root mean square error of approximation(RMSEA) with its associated
confidence interval, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) for fit
comparisons across non-nested models, and the adjusted goodness-of-fit
index (AGFI).
• Incremental indices assess absolute or parsimonious fit relative to a
baseline model, usually the null model (a model that specifies no relations
among measured variables): for example, the comparative fit index (CFI),
the normed fit index (NFI), and the non-normed fit index (NNFI).
SEM software programs routinely report a handful of goodness-of-fit indices.
Some of these indices work better than others under certain conditions. It is
generally recommended that multiple indices be considered simultaneously
when overall model fit is evaluated. For instance, Hu and Bentler (1999)
proposed a 2-index strategy that is, reporting SRMR along with one of the fit
indices (e.g., RNI, CFI, or RMSEA). The authors also suggested the following
criteria for an indication of good model-data fit using those indices: RNI (or
CFI) ≥ .95, SRMR ≤ .08, and RMSEA ≤ .06. Despite the sample size
sensitivity problem with the chi-square test, reporting the model chi-square
value with its degrees of freedom in addition to the other fit indices is
recommended. If, after considering several indices, data model fit is deemed
acceptable (and judged best compared to competing models, if applicable),the
model is reserved as rational, and individual parameters may be interpreted. If,
however, evidence suggests unacceptable data-model fit, the next and often
final stage in the SEM process is considered: modifying the model to improve
fit in hopes of also improving the model’s correspondence to reality.
-II approach model modification differently. As these tests’ recommendations are Structural Equation
directly motivated by the data and not by theoretical considerations, any Modeling
resulting respecifications must be viewed as exploratory in nature and might
not lead to a model that resembles reality any more closely than the one(s)
initially conceptualized.
Chi-square difference test
If models are nested, that is, models are subsets of each other, the χ2 value for
the larger model is subtracted from the χ2 value for the smaller, nested model
and the difference, also χ2, is evaluated with degrees of freedom equal to the
difference between the degrees of freedom in the two models. When the data
are normally distributed, the chi-squares can simply be subtracted. However,
when the data are non normal and the Satorra–Bentler scaled chi-square is
employed, an adjustment is required (Satorra, 2000; Satorra &Bentler, 2001) so
that the S–B χ2 difference test is distributed as a chi-square.
Chi-square difference tests are popular methods for comparison of nested
models especially when, as in this example, there are two nested a priori
models of interest; however, a potential problem arises when sample sizes are
small. Because of the relationship between sample size and χ2, it is hard to
detect a difference between models with small sample sizes.
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test
The LM test also compares nested models but requires estimation of only one
model. The LM test asks would the model be improved if one or more of the
parameters in the model that are currently fixed were estimated. Or, equivalently,
what parameters should be added to the model to improve the fit of the model?
There are many approaches to using the LM tests in model modifications. It is
possible and often desirable to look only at certain parts of the model for
possible change although it is also possible to examine the entire model for
potential additions.
The LM test can be examined either univariately or multivariately. There is a
danger in examining only the results of univariate LM tests because overlapping
variance between parameter estimates may make several parameters appear as if
their addition would significantly improve the model. All significant parameters
are candidates for inclusion by the results of univariate LM tests, but the
multivariate LM test identifies the single parameter that would lead to the largest
drop in the model χ2 and calculates the expected change in χ2 if this parameter
was added. After this variance is removed, the next parameter that accounts for the
largest drop in model χ2 is assessed, similarly. After a few candidates for
parameter additions are identified, it is best to add these parameters to the model
and repeat the process with a new LM test, if necessary.
Wald test
While the LM test asks which parameters, if any, should be added to a model,
the Wald test asks which, if any, could be deleted. Are there any parameters
that are currently being estimated that could instead be fixed to zero? Or,
equivalently, which parameters are not necessary in the model? The Wald test
is analogous to backward deletion of variables in stepwise regression, in which
one seeks a non significant change in R2 when variables are left out. However,
if the goal had been the development of a parsimonious model, the Wald test
could have been examined to evaluate deletion of unnecessary parameters.
Quantitative Methods-II Finally, no matter how complex the model under study, it is always
conceivable that other variables or causal assumptions that the researcher had
failed to consider can account for the observed relationships. To enhance the
theoretical value of their investigations, researchers are well advised to
consider also models that are almost equivalent to the one reported. These are
models that fit the analyzed data set almost as well as the reported model and
that may offer interesting alternative theoretical interpretations.
Comparison of Nested Models
In addition to evaluating the overall model fit and specific parameter estimates,
it is also possible to statistically compare nested models to one another. Nested
models are models that are subsets of one another. When theories can be
specified as nested hypotheses, each model might represent a different theory.
These nested models are statistically compared, thus providing a strong test for
competing models. Some of the common variance among the items may be due
to wording and the general domain area (e.g., health problems, relationships
problems), not solely due to the underlying constructs. We can compare our
model to a model that also includes paths that account for the variance
explained by the general domain or wording of the item. The model with the
added paths to account for this variability would be considered the full model.
To test this hypothesis, the chi-square from the model with paths added to
account for domain and wording would be subtracted from the chi-square for
the nested model in that does not account for common domains and wording
among the items. The corresponding degrees of freedom for these two models
would also be subtracted. Given nested models and normally distributed data,
the difference between two chi-squares is a chi-square with degrees of freedom
equal to the difference in degrees of freedom between the two models. The
significance of the chi-square difference test can then be assessed in the usual
manner. If the difference is significant, the fuller model that includes the extra
paths is needed to explain the data. If the difference is not significant, the
nested model, which is more parsimonious than the fuller model, would be
accepted as the preferred model.
C1 fearfulness
C2 obsession
C3 concentratio
A1 sadness
A2 anger
A3 reduced
B1 avoidance
heart rate
dry mouth
-II The next step is to estimate the parameters of the model. The software Structural Equation
performs this step and provides final results of parameters that produce best fit Modeling
to data possible.
.65C .35 cognitive
C2 0.6
.96 0.21 0.73
0.72 0.24
.03 affective
A2 anger
A3 reduced
Figure 2 shows only 2 of the 4 components of anxiety. Above each arrow from
a latent variable to a variable is a number, called the path coefficient. This can
range from –1.0 to 1.0, with higher numbers (positive or negative) showing a
stronger association. As can be seen, the variable “obsessions” doesn’t fit very
well with the cognitive trait; and the variable “anger” doesn’t seem to go with
the affective trait. The numbers over the variable names are the SMRs, which
are the squared values of the path coefficients; they are interpreted in the same
way as R2 multiple regression-in terms of how much of the variance in one
variable is explained by, or are in common with, the other variable. Finally, the
numbers over the arrows between the error terms and the variables are the
variances of the errors. You’ll note that the sum of the SMR plus the error
variance for each variable is 1.0; that is, all the variance of a variable is divided
between that shared with the latent variable and error. The cognitive domain is
correlated more highly with the latent trait of anxiety than is the affective
realm, as reflected in their respective path coefficients.
The next step is model specification stage. Although no mathematics is
involved, it is probably the most difficult—and most important—part. It is the
most difficult because it requires the most thought and understanding of the
Quantitative Methods-II theoretical model of the purported influences. No computer program can help
us at this stage, only our knowledge of the field. It is the most important step
because everything depends on how well we specify the model. The computer
programs may help us in determining whether some variables aren’t important,
we can play with different paths to see whether they improve the model or not.
However, the primary cause of poorly fitting is the omission of crucial
The next step is relatively easy. The main focus is on the paths—from the
latent variable to the measured variables and from that latent variable to the
next one in the path. Once we have cleaned up the model by pruning
noncontributory paths, we can examine the fit of the overall model. The most
common index of how well the data match the model is RMSEA. it sees how
much the data deviate from the model. Values over 0.10 are considered to be a
bad fit, those less than 0.08 reflect a reasonable fit, and values less than 0.05
indicate a good fit.
Given is the table showing RMSEA of the model:
PCLOSE = .000 for the Independence model. Under the hypothesis of “close
fit” (i.e., that RMSEA is no greater than .05 in the population), the probability
of getting a sample RMSEA as large as .100 is .000.
17.12.1 LISREL
LISREL (linear structural relationships) is one of the earliest SEM programs
and perhaps the most frequently referenced program in SEM articles. Its
version 9.1 has three components: PRELIS, SIMPLIS, and LISREL. PRELIS
(pre-LISREL) is used in the data preparation stage when raw data are available.
Its main functions include checking distributional assumptions, such as
univariate and multivariate normality, imputing data for missing observations,
and calculating summary statistics, such as Pearson covariances for continuous
variables, polychoricor polyserial correlations for categorical variables, means,
or asymptotic covariance matrix of variances and covariances (required for
asymptotically distribution-free estimator or Satorra and Bentler’s scaled chi-
square and robust standard errors). PRELIS can be used as a stand-alone
program or in conjunction with other programs.
Summary statistics or raw data can be read by SIMPLIS or LISREL for the
estimation of SEM models. The LISREL syntax requires understanding of
-II matrix notation while the SIMPLIS syntax is equation-based and uses variable Structural Equation
names defined by users. Both LISREL and SIMPLIS syntax can be built Modeling
through interactive LISREL by entering information for the model construction
wizards. Alternatively, syntax can be built by drawing the models on the Path
Diagram screen.
LISREL 9.1 allows the analysis of multilevel models for hierarchical data in
addition to the core models. A free student version of the program, which has
the same features as the full version but limits the number of observed
variables to12, is available from the web site of Scientific
SoftwareInternational,Inc. ( This web site also
offers a list of illustrative examples of LISREL’s basic and new features.
17.12.2 EQS
Version 6.1 of EQS (Equations) provides many general statistical functions
including descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression,
nonparametric statistical analysis, and EFA. Various data exploration plots,
such as scatter plot, histogram, and matrix plot are readily available in EQS for
users to gain intuitive insights into modelling problems. Similar to LISREL,
EQS allows different ways of writing syntax for model specification.
The program can generate syntax through the available templates under the
“Build_EQS” menu, which prompts the user to enter information regarding the
model and data for analysis, or through the Diagrammer, which allows the user
to draw the model. Unlike LISREL, however, data screening (information
about missing pattern and distribution of observed variables) and model
estimation are performed in one run in EQS when raw data are available.
Model-based imputation that relies on a predictive distribution of the missing
data is also available in EQS. Moreover, EQS generates a number of alternative
model chi-square statistics for non normal or categorical data when raw data
are available. The program can also estimate multilevel models for hierarchical
data. Visit for a comprehensive list of EQS’s basic
functions and notable features.
17.12.3 Mplus
Version 7.3 of the Mplus program includes a Base program and three add-on
modules. The Mplus Base program can analyze almost all single-level models
that can be estimated by other SEM programs. Unlike LISREL or EQS, Mplus
version 7.33 is mostly syntax-driven and does not produce model diagrams.
Users can interact with the Mplus Base program through a language generator
wizard, which prompts users to enter data information and select the estimation
and output options. Mplus then converts the information into its program-
specific syntax. However, users have to supply the model specification in
Mplus language themselves.
Mplus Base also offers a robust option for non-normal data and a special full-
information maximum likelihood estimation method for missing data (see
footnote 4). With the add-on modules, Mplus can analyze multilevel models
and models with latent categorical variables, such as latent class and latent
profile analysis. The modelling of latent categorical variables in Mplus is so far
unrivalled by other programs. The official web site of Mplus
( offers a comprehensive list of resources including
Quantitative Methods-II basic features of the program, illustrative examples, online training courses,
and a discussion forum for users.
17.12.4 Amos
Amos (Analysis of Moment Structure) version 22 is distributed with IBM
SPSS. It has two components: Amos Graphics and Amos Basic. Similar to the
LISREL Path Diagram and SIMPLIS syntax, respectively, Amos Graphics
permits the specification of models by diagram drawing whereas Amos Basic
allows the specification from equation statements. A notable feature of Amos is
its capability for producing bootstrapped standard error estimates and
confidence intervals for parameter estimates.
An alternative full-information maximum likelihood estimation method for
missing data is also available in Amos. The program is available at or
17.12.5 Mx
Mx (Matrix) version 6 is a free program downloadable from The Mx Graph version is for Microsoft Windows
users. Users can provide model and data information through the Mx
programming language. Alternatively, models can be drawn in the drawing
editor of the Mx Graph version and submitted for analysis. Mx Graph can
calculate confidence intervals and statistical power for parameter estimates.
Like Amos and Mplus, a special form of full-information maximum likelihood
estimation is available for missing data in Mx.
17.12.6 Others
In addition to SPSS, several other general statistical software packages offer
built-in routines or procedures that are designed for SEM analyses. They
include the CALIS (covariance analysis and linear structural equations)
procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 2000;, the
RAMONA (Reticular Action Model Or Near Approximation) module of
SYSTAT (Systat Software, Inc., 2002;, and SEPATH
(structural equation modeling and path analysis) of Statistica (StatSoft,
-II while SEM allows for the estimation of the combined effects of Structural Equation
independent variable into concepts/ construct. Modeling
3) SEM includes measurement error into the model. A problem for path
analyses using regression as its underlying analysis not adequately control
for measurement error. SEM analyses do account for measurement error,
therefore providing a better understanding of how good the theoretical
model predicts actual behaviour.
Quantitative Methods-II To discuss the history of structural equation modeling, it is better to explain the
chronological order of following four models : regression, path, confirmatory
factor, and structural equation models.
One of the easiest ways to communicate a structural equation model is to draw
a diagram of it, referred to as path diagram, using special graphical notation. A
path diagram is a form of graphical representation of a model under
consideration. Such a diagram is equivalent to a set of equations defining a
model (in addition to distributional and related assumptions), and is typically
used as an alternative way of presenting a model pictorially. Path diagrams not
only enhance the understanding of structural equation models and their
communication among researchers with various backgrounds, but also
substantially contribute to the creation of correct command files to fit and test
models with specialized programs. Five steps are involed in SEM: Initial
model conceptualization, Model estimation, Data-model fit assessment,
Potential model modification and Reporting the Results. Most SEM analyses
are conducted using one of the specialized SEM software programs. These
include LISREL, EQS, Mplus, Amos and Mx. The SEM has certain advantages
and disadvantages also.
-II Reflective indicator : The construct is the cause of the observed Structural Equation
measures, so a variation in the construct leads to a Modeling
variation in all its measures.
Formative or : The direction of causality goes from the indicators
causal indicator (measures) to the construct and the error term is
estimated at the construct level.
Model specification : Involves using all available relevant theory,
research, and information to construct the
theoretical model.
Model : A model is said to be identified if there is a unique
identification numerical solution for each of the parameters in the
Underidentified : If one or more parameters cannot solved uniquely
on the basis of the covariance matrix S (more
unknown parameters than equations).
Just-identified : There is just enough information in the covariance
matrix S to solve the parameters of the model
(equally number of equations as unknown
Over-identified : More than one way to estimate the unknown
parameters (more equations than unknowns).
Model estimation : Minimize the difference between the structured and
unstructured estimated population covariance
Model evaluation : Assess the fit between observed data and the
hypothesized model ideally operationalized as an
evaluation of the degree of discrepancy between the
true population covariance matrix and that implied
by the model’s structural and non structural
Model modification : Respecifying the model based on more relevant
Nested models : Models that are subsets of one another.
Anderson, J.C., & Gerbing, D.W. (1988). Structural Equation Modeling in
Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step approach. Psychological
Bulletin, 103(3), 411-423.
Bentler, P.M. (1990). Comparative fit indexes in structural models. Psychology
Bulletin, 107, 256–259.
Bentler, P.M. (2001). EQS 6 structural equations program manual.
Encino,CA: Multivariate Software.
Bentler, P. M., & Dijkstra, T. (1985). Efficient estimation via linearization
instructural models. In P. R. Krishnaiah (Ed.), Multivariate analysis 6 (pp.9–
42). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Quantitative Methods-II Bentler, P. M., & Raykov, T. (2000). On measures of explained variance
innonrecursive structural equation models. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85,
Bentler, P. M., &Weeks, D. G. (1980). Linear structural equation with latent
variables. Psychometrika, 45, 289–308.
Bentler, P. M., & Yuan, K.-H. (1999). Structural equation modeling withsmall
samples: Test statistics. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 34,181–197.
Fox, J. (2006). Structural equation modelling with the sem package in R.
Structural equation modelling, 13(3), 465-486.
Hu, L., & Bentler, P.M. (1998). Fit indices in covariance structural equation
modeling: Sensitivity to underparameterized model misspecification.
Psychological Methods, 3, 424–453.
Hu, L., &Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cut off criteria for fit indexes in covariance
structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural
Equation Modeling, 6, 1–55.
Kline RB. (1998). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling.
New York: Guilford
Lei, P., & Wu, Q. (2007). Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling: Issues
and Practical Considerations. Instructional topics in educational
measurement, fall, 33-43.
Paxton, P., Curran, P.J., Bollen K.A., Kirby, J.,Chen, F.(2001). Monte carlo
experiments: design And implementation. Structural Equation
Satorra, A. (2000). Scaled and adjusted restricted tests in multi-sample
analysisof moment structures. In D. D. H. Heijmans, D. S. G. Pollock, &
A.Satorra (Eds.), Innovations in multivariate statistical analysis: Afestschrift
for Heinz Neudecker (pp. 233–247). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer
Satorra, A., & Bentler, P. M. (1988). Scaling corrections for chi-square
statistics in covariance structure analysis. Proceedings of the American
Statistical Association, 308–313.
Satorra, A., &Bentler, P. M. (1994). Corrections to test statistics and standard
errors in covariance structure analysis. In A. von Eye & C. C. Clogg (Eds.),
Latent variables analysis: Applications for developmental research (pp. 399–
419). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Satorra, A., &Bentler, P. M. (2001). A scaled difference chi-square test
statisticfor moment structure analysis. Psychometrika, 66, 507–514.
Tomarken, A. J., & Waller, N. G. (2005). Structural equation modeling:
strengths, limitations, and misconceptions. Annual review of clinical
psychology, 1, 31-65.
Ullman, J. B., (2006). Structural Equation Modeling: Reviewing the Basics and
Moving Forward. Journal of personality assessment, 87(1), 35–50.
Valluzi, J.L., Larson, S.L., Miller, G.E. (2003). Indications and Limitations of
Structural Equation Modeling in Complex Surveys: Implications for an
Application in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). Joint Statistical
Meetings - Section on Survey Research Methods.
Research Methods
Indira Gandhi
in Economics
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Participatory Method 5
Content Analysis 21
Action Research 37
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As explained in Block 1 of this course, the major difference between the
quantitative approach and qualitative approach is not the type of data used or
preferred but is much broader and deeper. The quantitative research is associated
with positivist and post-positivist paradigm whereas qualitative research is
associated with interpretative paradigm and critical theory paradigm.
Participatory Method
18.0 Objectives
18.1 Introduction
18.2 What is Participatory Research?
18.3 Methods of Participatory Research: Observation Method
18.3.1 Participant Observation
18.3.2 Non-Participant Observation
18.3.3 Quasi-participant Observation
18.4 Focused Interview
18.5 Oral Histories
18.6 Life History
18.7 Case Study Method
18.8 Narratives
18.9 Focus Group Discussion
18.10 Grounded Theory
18.10.1 Data Sources and Sampling
18.10.2 Subjectivity
18.10.3 Transcription
18.11 Analysis of Qualitative Data
18.12 Report Writing
18.13 Criticism of Participatory Methods
18.14 Advantages of Participatory Research
18.15 Let Us Sum Up
18.16 Key Words
18.17 Some Useful Books/Readings
18.18 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• state the concept of participatory research;
• state the distinction between data collection and data generation;
• explain the various tools of participatory research;
• discuss the grounded theory as a method of inductive theorising;
• identify the various steps involved in the analysis of qualitative data;
• pinpoint the major criticisms against participatory methods; and
• draw the lessons for participatory researchers.
Qualitative Methods
As discussed in Unit 6, traditionally two approaches – quantitative research
associated with post positivist paradigm and qualitative research associated with
interpretative paradigm have been followed in undertaking research in social
sciences. The researchers working in the area of economics (both in micro and
macro) generally rely upon the inferences drawn from the large pool of data. The
data for these studies are collected either by the data compiling agencies or by
the individuals hired for data collection without involvement of individual
researchers in the field. The results of such quantitative research are insensitive
to context and ignore the people’s voices or their views about which studies
have been undertaken. Instead researcher’s opinion is imposed on what people
say and want. The collection of quantitative data through sampling survey and
its analysis involving several steps is time consuming. In the situation of natural
calamities and disasters like tsunami, we cannot wait for the outcome of
quantitative research. Further, quantitative research has not been very effective
in evaluation of poverty alleviation schemes and programmes. In such situation,
alternative method i.e. participatory method is increasingly being used in social
sciences to generate and analyse the data.
Hence, in this unit, we shall take up the various issues related to participatory
methods like concept of participatory research, the various tools to collect
qualitative data, analysis of qualitative data, advantages, limitations and important
lessons for participatory research etc. Let us begin with explanation of the concept
of participatory research.
Let us first try and understand what participatory research is and how and where
it began? Methods of participatory research first find mention in anthropological
empirical research commonly known as ethnography. Ethnography is defined as
a method used to generate qualitative data from an insider’s perspective known
as EMIC view. In simple terms it implies that the people about whom we are
writing, must tell their stories and the researcher simply interprets them as “thick
description” (Geertz, 1973). People’s voices are critical to research instead of
researcher’s imposition of his opinion on what people say and want.
18.3.3 Quasi- Participant Observation Participatory Method
The researcher must remember that generalizations drawn for one organization
are not necessarily applicable to the other. Each organization is a distinct unit.
Six important steps are involved in conducting a study by using case study method:
• Determine and define the research question
• Select the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques
• Prepare to collect the data
• Collect data in the field
• Evaluate and analyse the data
• Prepare the report
Social science research in anthropology, sociology, political science, history and
now economics is moving from the positivist position of research to narrative
approach. The positivist position also popularly known as scientific approach
was the tradition in which researchers from 50’s to 80’s were generally trained.
The standardized tools of survey research, questionnaire approach or even
interviews with a standardized set of questions was expected to produce if not
same, similar responses. Narrative research emphasizes that this is not true.
Different respondents may interpret each question asked in the same words
differently. In structured interviews both meaning and plurality of responses are
lost. Researcher-using method of narrative understands that there can be
standardized questions but there are no ‘standardized meanings’.
Bloor et al. (2001) cautions that ‘focus groups are the method of choice only
when the purpose of the research is ‘to study group norms, group meanings and
group processes’ (cf. Barbour, 2008:133)
Steps for focus group
• Topic for focus group should be of general interest to all the participants in
the group.
• Number of participants can vary depending on the requirements of your
research. Sampling is the key to data generation.
• ‘Stimulus material’ for initiating the discussion should be brief and encourage
a free flowing conversation. Use of video clips, leaflets, cartoons, brief
recollection of event or topic being discussed etc.
• Moderator must mange the discussion in a manner that without sounding
intrusive, long extensive talks are avoided.
• Barbour (2008) suggests ‘anticipate the analysis through attentive moderating’.
• Locate themes visible in the form of repetitive patterning of the responses.
• Second stage sampling could be considered to further explore any emerging
theories, paradigms or even trends from the data.
These are some of the tools that participatory researchers frequently use to gather
primary data. In this brief discussion, there are two more important steps that a
participatory researcher must remember. First is Grounded Theory and second
is Data Sources and Sampling procedure. We shall discuss these steps in next
Check Your Progress 2
1) Make a distinction between focused interview and focused group discussion.
2) State the uses of Case Study Method.
3) Identify the steps involved in focus group discussion. Participatory Method
18.10.2 Subjectivity
Qualitative researchers are not shy of admitting that there is always an element
of subjectivity in research. Hollway and Jefferson (2000:3) draw attention to
this important element of research: “ As researchers, we cannot be detached but
must examine our subjective involvement because it will help us to shape the
way in which we interpret interview data”.
18.10.3 Transcription Participatory Method
• Interrogation of the data and diligence shown by the researcher is the key to
producing good transcripts and reliable generalizations.
• Grounded theory that uses concepts developed in the field by the respondent
is an important way of theorizing and analysing in qualitative research.
• NUD*IST, ATLAS/TI are some of the Computer software used for qualitative
Participatory Method
19.0 Objectives
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Historical Background of Content Analysis
19.3 Content Analysis: Concept and Meaning
19.4 Terms Used in Content Analysis
19.5 Approaches of Content Analysis
19.5.1 Conceptual Content Analysis
19.5.2 Relational Content Analysis
19.6 Procedure Involved in Content Analysis
19.6.1 Formulation of Research Question
19.6.2 Determining Materials to be Included
19.6.3 Developing Content Categories
19.6.4 Selecting Units of Analysis
19.6.5 Code the Materials
19.6.6 Analyze and Interpret the Results
19.7 Uses of Content Analysis
19.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Content Analysis
19.8.1 Advantages
19.8.2 Disadvantages
19.9 Let Us Sum Up
19.10 Key Words
19.11 References and Suggested Books
19.12 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• explain the concept and meaning of the content analysis;
• identify the areas of research in social sciences wherein content analysis can
be used;
• discuss the various types of content analysis;
• state the various approaches of content analysis;
• describe the various steps involved in using the content analysis;
• enable you to analyse and interpret the results; and
• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the content analysis.
Many research Scholars take up historical overviews of economics as an area of
research. They probe the research questions like how the different streams of
Qualitative Methods economics like institutional economics, Neo-classical economics, behavioural
economics etc. have evolved over a period of time and how researcher’s focus
had shifted from one area to another isolating a particular paradigm change.
Sometimes a researcher aims to lay concepts and meanings from the social actors’
account of realities related to his identified research problem. They use the sources
like recorded interviews, letters, journals, newspaper stories and verbal materials.
In such situations, content analysis as data (information) analysis technique is
used by the social scientists. Much of the subject matter of social sciences
including consumer studies is in the form of verbal and nonverbal behaviour.
The exchange process in the market place and the communication of the values
of the exchange depends upon the written or spoken words. Much of consumer
research has concentrated on the characteristics, opinion, or behaviour of the
interpreter of communication messages. In media economics, issues like
monopolistic competition in TV channels, competition and diversity in newspaper
industry, effects of group ownership on daily newspaper content etc. can be probed
by content analysis alongwith other statistical techniques. Similarly content
analysis can also be used to analyse the cultural issues in cultural economics to
capture pattern form of explanation. Hence, in this unit, we will discuss the
concept of content analysis, its various types and approaches, the procedures
involved in its application, and its advantages and disadvantages. Let us begin
with historical background of content analysis followed by describing its concept
and meaning.
This definition underlines the point that content analysis is a systematic technique
for analyzing message content and message handling. It is a tool for observing
and analyzing the overt communication behaviour of selected communicators.
Content analysis refers to any procedure for answering the relative extent to
which specified references, attitudes or themes permeate a given message or
document ( Stone, 1964).
Objectivity: To have objectivity, the analysis must be carried out on the basis of
explicitly formulated rules which will enable two or more investigators to obtain
the same results from the same documents. This requirement of objectivity gives
scientific standing to content analysis and differentiates it from literary crtiticism.
Thus, content analysis can be defined as a research technique for collecting and
organizing information in a standardized format for making inference
systematically and objectively about the characteristics of message.
Content Units: There are two types of content units i.e. the unit of analysis and
unit of observation. The unit of analysis concerns the general idea or phenomenon
being studied. The unit of observation concerns the specific item measured at an
individual level.
Coding: Coding is the process whereby raw data are systematically transformed
and aggregated into units which permit precise description of relevant content
characteristics. There are two methods of coding: (i) deductive measurement,
(ii) inductive measurement.
Coding Scheme: Every analysis begins with an existing coding scheme. Coding
scheme is another phrase of coding categories and coding book, within which all
instances of the content are analyzed or noted. Every coding scheme consist of
the following statements.
Master Code Book: It provides the coders with explicit instructions and defines Content Analysis
each word/ phrase/ aspect to be analyzed. It explains how to use code sheet.
Code Sheet: Code sheet provides the coders with a form on which they note
every instance of every word/ phrase/ aspect being analyzed. The code sheet lists
all the coding categories.
ii) Proximity analysis: This approach, on the other hand, is concerned with
the co-occurrence of explicit concepts in the text. In this procedure, the text
is defined as a string of words. A given length of words, called a window, is
determined. The window is then scanned across a text to check for the co-
occurrence of concepts. The result is the creation of a concept determined
by the concept matrix. In other words, a matrix, or a group of interrelated,
co-occurring concepts, might suggest a certain overall meaning.
iii) Cognitive mapping: This approach is one that allows for further analysis of
the results from the two previous approaches. It attempts to take the above
processes one step further by representing these relationships visually for
comparison. Whereas affective and proximal analysis function primarily
within the preserved order of the text, cognitive mapping attempts to create
a model of the overall meaning of the text. This can be represented as a
graphic map that represents the relationship between concepts. In this manner,
cognitive mapping lends itself to the comparison of semantic connections
across texts. This is known as map analysis which allows for comparisons to
explore “how meanings and definitions shift across people and time”.
In general content analysis can be used to answer “ What” but not “ Why” question. Content Analysis
It helps analysts to describe or summarize the content of written material , the
attitudes or perceptions of its writers, or its effects on the audience. For example,
if analysts want to assess the effects of different women empowerment programmes
on the lives of younger and middle aged women in rural and urban area. Content
analysis of open–ended interview / responses could be used to identify their
outlook, attitudes and security about their life.
Qualitative Methods 19.6.4 Selecting Units of Analysis
Once the categories have been identified, the analyst would be interested in
determining the unit of content for classification under the content categories
and the system of enumeration for the same. The unit of analysis is the smallest
unit of content that is coded under the content category. The unit of analysis vary
with the nature and objective of the analysis. Thus, the unit of analysis might be
a single word, a theme, a letter, a symbol, a news story, a short story, a character
or an entire article etc. There are two kinds of unit of analysis : Recording unit
and Context unit.
The Recording Unit is the specific segment of content in which the occurance
of a referene /fact is counted or the unit can be broken down so that reference/
facts can be placed in different categories.
The Context Unit is the larger body of the content that may be searched to
characterize the recording unit. Context units set limits on the portion of written
material that is to be examined for categories of words or statements. A recording
unit is the specific segment of context unit in written material that is placed in a
category. For example, if the coding unit is the word, then the context unit may
be the sentence or the pargraph in which the word appears and characterizes the
recording unit.
Word: The smallest unit generally used in the content analysis as a unit is a
word. Lasswell(1952) calls word as a symbol and may include word compounds
e,g, phrases as well as single word. In this type of research one might study the
relative occurrence of key symbols or value laden terms until the content has
been systematically examined relevant to the hypotheses of the study.
Theme: The theme is a single assertion about a subject. The theme is among the
most useful units of content analysis because issues, values, beliefs, and attitudes
are usually discussed in this form.
Item: The item is the whole natural unit employed by procedures of symbolic
material. It may be the entire speech, radio programme, letter to the editors, or
news story.
Space and Time Measures: Some studies have classified content by physical
division such as column inch, the line or paragraph, the minutes or the foot film.
Intensity: Intensity is the strength or power of a message in a direction. For Content Analysis
example, the characteristic of forgetfulness can be minor (e.g. not remembering
to take the keys when leaving home, taking time to recall the name of someone
whom you have not seen in years) or major (e.g. not remembering your name,
not recognizing your children).
Space: A researcher can record the size of the text messages or the amount of
space or volume allocated to it. Space in written text is measured by counting
words, sentences, paragraphs, or space on a page (e.g. square inches) for video
or audio text. Space can also be measured by the amount of time allotted.
To explain the differences among the above described quantification levels and
how they relate to constructing categories, let us give a hypothetical example of
‘Importance of FDI in public sector organizations’. The analyst has a major source
of information as newspaper, articles, public documents, transcripts of interview
with political leaders, and public officials. For each issue of each newspaper in
the sample, the analysts add together number of column inches from all news
articles/editorials to find he total number of space for each position in addition
to the coding, the name , location, and date of each newspaper. The analyst who
use this level of quantification have to assure that the differences they find in
amounts of space are valid indicators of relative emphasis or importance. At the
next level of quantification, the analyst can code the frequency of recording
units by tallying the number of times each issues or statements occurs in the text.
At the third level of quantification, analyst provide code for intensity. Frequencies
are counted but each coded statement or issues is also adjusted by a weight that
measures related intensity.
One important development in analyzing content analysis of the data is the use
of computer. Computer programme like “General Inquirer” can identify within a
body of text , those words and phrases that belong to specified categories (Stone, 1996). Other computer programme like SPSS, Atlas titi, Minitab etc. are
also very useful in both quantitative and qualitative content analysis.
Whatever the technique used, a final and important task is to assess the validity
of the result by relating them to other data that are known to reasonably valid.
The inference a researcher can or cannot make on the basis of research is critical
in content analysis. Content analysis describes what is in the text. It cannot reveal
the intentions of those who created the text or the effects that messages in the
text have on those who receive them.
In consumer behaviour and marketing, content analysis has been used to study
the following questions (Cited in Kassarjian, 1977).
1) What are product and company images of selected consumer goods as
reflected in the mass media. ( Stone, Dunphy & Bernstein, 1966).
2) Which of the several decision making models ,for example conmpensatory,
lexicographic, risk etc. are used by magazine and television advertisers
(Wright and Barbour, 1975).
3) What is the ease of readability of various marketing, advertising and consumer
research Journals. ( Lacho, Stearns, & Villere, 1975).
4) What are the changing values in society as reflected in the analysis of mass
periodical fiction (Johns-Heine, & Gerth, 1949)
The above example indicates the wide applicability of content analysis. Many
researchers have explored changes in women’s role, sexual behaviour and health
and violence by analyzing the content in television and movies messages (Olson,
(i) find out the gaps in the value and principles of social work profession and
its applicability in the Indian social setup, (ii) examine the perception of
social work students in India towards Gandhian principles of Constructive
Programme, (iii) study the relevance of principles of Gandhian Constructive
Programme from the perspective of students of social work discipline in
India and (iv) to pin point the importance of Gandhian Constructive
Programme to strengthen the indigenous base of contemporary social work
Qualitative Methods
Research Methodology: Keeping in view the objectives and issues to be
probed in the study, the method of content analysis was considered appropriate
to conduct the study. The study was undertaken for an in-depth and systematic
analysis into the convolution of the phenomenon of Gandhi’s Constructive
Programme and its contemporary relevance.
In order to interrogate the values and principles of social work profession
and its subsequent applicability in Indian social setup, a detailed study of the
comprehensive MSW (Master of Social Work) syllabus of seven central
universities was undertaken. These seven universities were: University of Delhi,
Jamia Millia Islamia, Pondicherry University, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya
Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Central University of
Rajasthan and Maulana Azad National Urdu University. Through conceptual
content analysis, the occurrence of the selected terms in the current social work
curriculum was studied. The text in the curriculum was carefully examined
and was classified under these categories: foundation of social work, theory
and practice of group work, working with communities, social work research,
social group work, social casework and counseling, history and philosophy
of social work etc. These categories were further subcategorized for deeper
analysis. Texts depicting similar meaning were put under single category and
none of the category was repeated. The process of content analysis further
went into detail when the common foreign scholars work and common Indian
scholars works prescribed under the curriculum of universities were created
as two separate categories. It helped to present a comparative picture. Categories
were then coded and the coded data were summarized and analyzed.
Main Results
1) Methods of social work such as community work, casework, group work,
social welfare management have been covered in the curriculum of all
the seven universities.
2) Majority of universities in the list are also offering social work history
and foundation as well as social work research.
3) The social action and social policy and planning being development
oriented are more meaningful in Indian context but are offered by
minimum number of universities.
4) The Gandhian ideology of social work is marginally touched in social
work curriculum of most of the universities under study.
5) 67 per cent of the suggested readings recommended in the curriculum
are of foreign scholars work.
6) The books on Gandhi, Gandhian ideology of social work written by
Gandhi are barely included in the suggested reading list of the curriculum
of these universities.
Apart from above, this study also made use of the method of content analysis
in studying the Gandhian principles of Constructive Programme. For this
purpose, the various documents introduced by Gandhi in the form of vows,
pledges, principles etc. were used. In this manner, the method helped to draw
the final set of principles of Constructive Programme which can further be
studied in the context of its relevance in social work education.
Content Analysis
19.8.1 Advantages
The Advantages of content analysis as a research technique can be summarized
as follows:
1) The greatest advantage of content analysis is its economy in terms of time
and money. There is no requirement for a large research staff. No special
equipment is needed.
2) The methods allows the correction of errors. In content analysis, it is usually
easier to repeat a portion of the study than it is in other research method.
3) Content analysis permits the study of processes occurring over a long time.
4) Content analysis has the advantage of all unobtrusive measures that it has
any effect on the subject being studied.
5) It can present an objective account of events, themes, issues, and so forth,
that may not be immediately apparent to a reader or viewer .
6) It deals with large volume of data. Processing may be laborious but of late
computer has made it easy.
19.8.2 Disadvantages
1) It is limited to the examination of recorded communication. Such
communication may be oral, written, or graphic, but they must be in some
fashion which permits analysis.
2) Content analysis may not be as objective as it claims since the researcher
must select and record data accurately. In some instances the researcher must
make choices about how to interpret particular form of behaviour.
3) It has both advantages and disadvantages in terms of reliability and validity.
Problems of validity is unlikely unless researcher happen to be studying
communication process itself.
4) It describes, rather explains people’s behaviour. It does not tell us what
behaviour means to those involved and those watching.
5) By attempting to quantify behaviour, this method may not tell us very much
about the quality of people’s relationship,
20.0 Objectives
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Historical Background of Action Research
20.3 Definition of Action Research
20.4 Principles of Action Research
20.5 Characteristics of Action Research
20.6 Models of Action Research
20.6.1 Kenmis and McTaggart’s Spiral Model
20.6.2 Elliot’s Action Research Model
20.6.3 O’ Leary’s Cycles’ of Action Research Model
20.6.4 Stringer’s Interacting Spiral Action Model
20.6.5 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Spiral Model
20.6.6 Calhoun’s Action Research Cycle Model
20.6.7 Bachman’s Action Research Spiral Model
20.6.8 Riel’s Progressive Problem Solving Model
20.6.9 Hendricks’s Action Research Model
20.7 Steps Involved in Action Research
20.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Action Research
20.8.1 Advantages
20.8.2 Disadvantages
20.9 Let Us Sum Up
20.10 Key Words
20.11 References
20.12 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• state the meaning, type and importance of action research;
• describe the principles guiding the action research;
• explain the various models of action research;
• learn the steps involved in action research; and
• discuss the advantages and disadvantages of action research.
We have learned in Unit 1, 5, and 6 that two approaches – quantitative research
associated with dominant post positivist paradigm and qualitative research
associated with interpretative paradigm and critical theory paradigm have been
followed in undertaking research in Social Sciences. Under critical theory
paradigm, research and practice are integrated activities and both (researcher 37
Qualitative Methods and practitioner) guide each other. With emergence of critical theory approach
as an alternative to positivism and post positivism, participatory method and
emancipatory methods are also used to conduct the research studies in economics.
You have already studied participatory method in Unit 18. Emancipatory method
relies upon the process of knowing through doing rather than generation of
knowledge through conceptualization and theorizing. This strategy of knowledge
generation is termed as action research wherein it is believed that theory is only
really useful if it is put in service of a practice focusing on achieving social
Action research is a powerful tool for change and improvement at the local level.
Kurt Lewin’s , one of the pioneer person for action research, work was intended
to change the life of disadvantaged groups in terms of housing, employment and
their working conditions. Action research is essentially research through action.
It is usually a collaborative activity which involves input from people who are
likely to be affected by the research. It involves deep inquiry into one’s
professional action. The researchers examine their work and look for opportunities
to improve. They work with others to propose a new course of action to help
their community, improve its work practices. They seek evidence from multiple
sources to help them, analyze reactions to the action taken. They recognize their
own view as subjective and seek to develop their understanding of the event
from multiple perspectives. The researcher uses data collection to characterize
the forces in ways that can be shared with practitioner. This leads to a new plan
for action.
Thus, action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people
in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social sciences
simultaneously. There is a dual commitment in action research to study a system
and concurrently to collaborate with members of the system in changing it in
what is together regarded as a desirable direction. Accomplishing this twin goal
requires the active collaboration of researchers and client and thus it stresses the
importance of co-learning as a primary aspect of the research process.
Hence, in this unit, we shall discuss the concept and type of action research, its
various models, steps involved in action research, its uses, advantages and
disadvantages. Let us start with the historical evolution of action research.
Most simply put, action research (AR) implies a process of research where the
purpose of the research is not only to study the existing reality but to engage in
an effort to transform it. In this model, research assumes a catalytic role and
produces both a new dynamic and concrete, suitable changes in the reality that
can then be actively inducted into the process of knowledge creation. A
requirement of AR is that the separation between “researcher and researchee” is
dissolved—so as to avoid the weakness of conventional methods which view
“affected persons and groups” as being passive and incapable of analysing their
own situation and identifying solutions to their own problems. (Mukherjee, 2006.)
4) Do you think that action research play a catalysist role? Give reasons for
your answer in two sentences.
3) Collaborative Resource
The principles of collaborative resources presuppose that each person’s ideas
are equally significant as potential resources for creating interpretive
categories of analysis, which are negotiated among the participants. It makes
possible the insight gathered between many viewpoint and within a single
viewpoint. Hence everyone’s view is taken as a contribution to understand
the situation. Participants in action research are co-researchers.
4) Risk
It is an understanding of our own taken-for-granted processes and willingness
to submit them to critique. Normally, the change process is considered a
threat to all previously established ways of doing things, thus creating 41
Qualitative Methods psychiatric fears among the participants. One of the most prominent fears
emanates from the risk of ego generation from open discussion of one’s
interpretations, ideas and judgment. Initiator of action research will use this
principle to reduce other’s fears and invite participation by assuring that
they, too, will be the subject to the same process and that whatever be the
outcome, learning will take place.
5) Plural Structure
It involves developing various accounts and critiques, rather than a single
authoritative interpretation. The action research comprises of a multiplicity
of views, Commentaries and critical analysis which lead to multiple possible
actions and interpretation. This inquiry requires much texts for reporting.
Thus, there will be many explanations made clear and range of options for
action presented. A report, therefore, acts as a support for ongoing discussion
among collaborators rather than a final conclusion of fact.
12) Action research is open-minded about what counts as evidence (or data) – it
involves not only keeping records which describe what is happening as
accurately as possible . . . but also collecting and analysing our own
judgements, reactions and impressions about what is going on.
15) Action research allows us to build records of our improvements and changing
activities and practices. It records the changes in the language and discourse
we describe, explain and justify our practices. It also documents changes in
the social relationships and forms of organization which characterize and
constrain our practices.
20.6.2 Elliot’s Action Research Model Action Research
The model employed by Elliot (1991) shares many of the features of that of
Kemmis and McTaggart and is based on Lewin’s work of the 1940s. It includes
identifying a general idea, reconnaissance or fact-finding, planning, action,
evaluation, amending plan and taking second action step, and so on, as can be
seen in Figure 20.2.
Initial Idea
(Fact-finding and analysis)
General Pain
Action Steps 1
Action Steps 2 Implement
Action Steps 1
Action Steps 3
Monitor Implimentation
and effects
(explain any failure to Revise general idea
implement, and effects)
Amended plan
Action Steps 1
Action Steps 2
Action Steps 3 Implement next
action Steps
Monitor Implimentation
and effects
Revise general idea
(explain any failure to
implement, and effects)
Amended plan
Action Steps 1
Action Steps 2
Action Steps 3
Implement next
Monitor Implimentation action Steps
and effects
(explain any failure to
implement, and effects)
Action Research
i) Planning
Identifying the issue to be changed looking elsewhere for information. Similar
projects may be useful, for developing the questions and research methods
to be used to develop a plan related to the specific environment. In the school
setting this could involve personnel, budgets and the use of outside agencies.
ii) Acting
Trialling the change following your plan, collecting and compiling evidence,
questioning the process and making changes as required.
iii) Observing
Analysing the evidence and collating the findings, discussing the findings
with co-researchers and /or colleagues for interpretation, writing the report,
sharing your findings with stakeholders and peers.
iv) Reflecting
Evaluating the first cycle of the process, implementing the findings or new
strategy, revisiting the process.
These features might be represented diagrammatically as given below
Fig. 20.10
Qualitative Methods
Fig. 20.11
The need for action research arises because of perceived dissatisfaction with
an existing situation. It is followed with the idea of bringing out improvement
in the situation. The focus is on the following: (i) what is the cause of problem?
(ii) Why is it happening? (iii) As a practitioner or a researcher, what can I do
about it? (iv) Which steps can I take to solve the problem? The answers to
all such questions are helpful in perceiving a problem as it exists which is a
pre-requisite for undertaking any action research problem.
4) Data Collection
The collection of data is the most important step in deciding what action is
52 needed for solving the problem. For example, in the school, there could be
multiple sources of data, which a practitioner can use to identify causes and Action Research
developing, and implementing remedial measures. These include.
• Videotapes and audio tapes,
• Report cards,
• Attendance, samples of student work, projects, performances,
• Interviews with the parents, students etc.,
• Cumulative records and Anecdotal records,
• School Diaries,
• Photos,
• Questionnaires,
• Focus groups discussions,
• Checklists,
• Observation schedules.
Select the data that are most appropriate for the study. After collecting the
data, these are arranged on the basis of gender, classroom, grade level, school,
etc. The practitioner may use purposive samples of students or teachers from
each grade level in case of larger groups.
At this step, the data is turned into information, which can help the practitioner
or the researcher in making decisions. Therefore, this stage requires maximum
time. After the analysis, it becomes clear what important points do these
data reveal and which important patterns or trends are emerging.
20.8.2 Disadvantages
1) Excuting an action research project is more difficult than conventional
research. Here a researcher takes responsibilities for change as well as for
research. In addition, as with other field of research, it involves you as a
researcher in more work to set it up, and you don’t get any credit for that.
2) It doesn’t accord with the expectations of some examiners. Deliberately and
for good reasons it ignores some requirements which have become part of
the ideology of some conventional research. In that sense, it is counter-
3) As a researcher, one is not exposed much about action research. Action
research methodology is something that a learner has to learn almost from
4) The library work for action research is more demanding. In conventional
research you know ahead of time what literature is relevant. In most forms
of action research, the relevant literature is defined by the data you collect
and interpret. That means that you begin collecting data first, and then go to
the literature to challenge your findings.
5) Action research is more difficult to report, at least for thesis purposes. If you
stay close to the research mainstream, you don’t have to take the same pains
to justify what you do. For action research, you are obliged to justify your
overall approach.
Check Your Progress 3
1) What does motivate you to undertake action research?
54 .......................................................................................................................
2) How do research questions enable to formulate the problem? Action Research
3) Identify the possible sources of data for an action researcher.
4) What are the advantages of action research over conventional research?
5) Do you think that action research is a tough challenge before a conventional
researcher? Give two reasons in support of your answer.
Action research is a powerful tool for change and improvement at the local level.
Researcher in action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of
people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social
sciences simultaneously.
Origin of Action research is traced in the work Kurt Lewin in 1940’s. He was
strong exponent of research action in its concern with power relations between
researcher and researched and the rights of the individuals. Action research is a
form of collective self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social
situations to improve the conditions of researched.
A set of six principles guide action research. These include: reflective critical
analysis, dialectical critical analysis, collaborative resource, risk, plural structure,
theory, practice and transformation. Different models of action research discussed
in this unit are: Kemmis and McTaggart action research model, Elliot’s Action
Research Model: O’Leary’s Cycles of Research (2004), Stringer’s model (2007),
Lewin’s Action Research Spiral, Calhoun’s Action Research Cycle, Bachman’s
Qualitative Methods Action Research Spiral, Riel’s Action Research Model and Hendricks’s Action
Research Process.
G. E. Mills (2011). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher-Research (4th ed.).
McNiff, J., and Whitehead, J. (2002). Action Research: Principles and Practice
(second edition). London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Qualitative Methods
Check Your Progress 1
1) See Section 20.1
2) See Section 20.1
3) See Section 20.2
4) See Section 20.3
Check Your Progress 2
1) See Sub-section 20.4.2
2) See Sub-section 20.4.5
3) See Section 20.6
4) See Sub-section 20.6.4
Check Your Progress 3
1) See Section 20.7
2) See Section 20.7
3) See Section 20.7
4) See Sub-section 20.8.1
5) See Sub-section 20.8.2
Research Methods
Indira Gandhi in Economics
National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Macro-Variable Data: National Income, Saving and
Investment 9
Agricultural and Industrial Data 37
Trade and Finance 63
Social Sector 85
Expert Committee
Prof. D.N. Reddy Prof. Romar Korea
Rtd. Professor of Economics Professor of Economics
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Print Production
Mr. Manjit Singh
Section Officer (Pub.)
SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi
October, 2015
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other
means, without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information on Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the
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Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi by the
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For undertaking any meaningful research in terms of situational assessment,
testing of models, development of theory, evolving economic policy, assessing
the impact of such policy etc., data is crucial. Data on different variables is thus
an essential input for assessment and analysis of economic situations. The
availability or otherwise of data, therefore, determines the scope of analysis.
The reliability of the conclusions arrived at also depends on the availability and
veracity of data. Hence, researcher’s knowledge about the availability of data is
important for conducting a meaningful research. Keeping in view that a student
of economics at postgraduate level is expected to know the available databases,
the present block deals with the different databases of Indian Economy.
The block comprises of 4 units. Unit 21 deals with the data available on major
macro variables relating to the economy – national income, saving and
investment, etc. Unit 22 throws light on the kind of agricultural and industrial
databases. Unit 23 deals with data on trade and finance.
21.0 Objectives
21.1 Introduction
21.2 The Indian Statistical System
21.3 National Income and Related Macro Economic Aggregates
21.3.1 System of National Accounts (SNA)
21.3.2 Estimates of National Income and Related Macroeconomic Aggregates
21.3.3 The Input-Output Table
21.3.4 Regional Accounts – Estimates of State Income and Related Aggregates
21.3.5 Regional Accounts – Estimates of District Income
21.3.6 National Income and Levels of Living
21.4 Saving
21.5 Investment
21.6 Let Us Sum Up
21.7 Exercises
21.8 Some Useful Books
21.9 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• know the various approaches followed by the Indian statistical system in
generating data on various economic and social phenomena;
• explain the SNA (System of National Accounts) methodology of data
• identify the various aggregates on which estimates are made by the
National Accounts System;
• compare the interrelationship among different sectors of the economy
through input-output transaction table (I-OTT) compiled by CSO; and
• describe the data on National Income, Saving, Investment and other
related macro economic variable and the estimates of the state income
which enable analysis of various aspects of economy.
You would soon be a professional economist and would possibly be engaged in
research or would function as an economic analyst or adviser in a Government
or non-Government organization. As a professional economist, you will have
to analyse situations and arrive at conclusions about them or develop solutions 9
Data Base of Indian for further action to tackle such situations. You will, for this purpose, identify
Economy the variables that, in your opinion, shape or affect the problem at hand, N
incorporate these in a suitably chosen model, test the efficacy of the model in
reflecting the situation under examination and proceed further with the
analysis. A basic input for such activity is data on the variables incorporated in
the model. The availability of data relevant to the proposed analysis enhances
or restricts the scope of your analysis and the reliability of the conclusions
arrived at on the basis of the analysis. Indeed, it might even restrict the kind of
variables and model you would like to use in your analysis, unless you want to
conduct a survey yourself to collect the data that are not available. Your
technical and professional equipment as an economist is, therefore, incomplete
without knowledge of where data on the variables in question are available and
how good they are for the purpose of the analysis at hand. This knowledge
should naturally cover the entire data base of the Indian economy since an
economist’s work can cover any part or the whole of the Indian economy.
We shall look at the data base of the Indian economy in this Block. This Unit
deals with data available on National Income, Saving and Investment – the
major macro variables relating to the economy and associated macroeconomic
aggregates. Agricultural and Industrial data, data relating to the Social Sector,
Trade and Finance will be discussed in the subsequent units of this block.
Certain other agencies concerned with economic development also bring out
publications that cover data relating to most of all the sectors of the economy at
one place. These are the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Bulletin (monthly),
the Financial Stability Report (including Trend and Progress of Banking
in India), RBI’s Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy and the
website of the RBI, the pre-Budget Economic Survey and the Budget presented
to Parliament by the Finance Minister every year. The Five-Year Plan
documents of the Planning Commission of the Government of India used to
make up yet another set of data sources that provides important data across
sectors. The Human Development Report was prepared by the Planning
Commission for the first time in the year 2001. This and similar reports
prepared subsequently by many of the State Governments for individual
States and for district constituted another set of sources for data across sectors
at the national, State, district and even sub-district levels. The District Census
Handbooks published after successive population censuses by the Office of
the Registrar General of India (ORGI) and the Directorates of Census of
different States and Union Territories provide comprehensive information
across sectors on individual districts, sub-districts, towns and villages. The
ORGI, in the year 2014 has also launched a digital library of all census tables
published since Census 1991 in their website These
tables together provide a very useful time series data on demographic
characteristics of the country and its States/ UTs. Most of the data and reports
published by Government agencies are available in electronic format, that is, in
DVDs/CDs and are accessible at the websites of the agencies concerned. In the
year 2013, the Planning Commission has also set up a central web-based
repository, namely, to bring published data of different
Government agencies under one roof.
The Indian statistical system has also recently been reviewed so as to bring
about improvements in it. A National Statistical Commission was appointed by
the Government of India to examine critically the deficiencies of the existing
statistical system from the point of view of timely availability, reliability and
adequacy of data and to recommend measures to correct these deficiencies and 11
Data Base of Indian revamp the statistical system to generate reliable statistics for the purpose of
Economy policy and planning at different levels of Government. The Commission N
submitted its report to Government in September, 2001. The Report of
National Statistical Commission (2001), published by the Ministry of
Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), is itself a useful
reference book on the database of the Indian economy. This can be viewed or
downloaded from the website Most of data
available in Government websites can be downloaded free of cost, either
directly or as a registered user. In most cases, this registration is free of charge.
For example, one can make a free registration in the website of the MoSPI and
with the username, freely download all the reports and tables published by
different offices under the MoSPI. For the Office of the RGI, one can simply
visit its website click on the link digital library and
download all the census tables published from 1991 census onwards.
There are also non-Government sources that publish these for the use of
researchers and other data users (Certain private websites like www.indiastat.
com provide India centric, sector specific and state specific data for the
research fraternity, usually for a fee). The Centre for Monitoring Indian
Economy (CMIE), Mumbai and its Economic Intelligence Services (EIS)
provide detailed and up-to-date information on the Indian economy through a
Monthly Review of Indian Economy and annual documents each covering a
specific sector or subject in great detail. These publications bring together at
one place not only data available with Government statistical agencies but also
data collected by CMIE itself. The Economic and Political Weekly Research
Foundation (EPWRF), Mumbai is another organization that publishes
detailed time series data on a variety of subjects along with a description of
related conceptual and methodological issues and quality of data, besides
presenting statistics on specific areas in subject-specific Special Issues of the
Economic and Political Weekly. The search for data by an analyst like you
can well start from one or more of the comprehensive sources enumerated
above and move on, as necessary, to the primary agency concerned with the
specific area of your interest.
A word of caution is necessary while using data assembled from sources other
than one’s own. Data extracted from printed publications or websites have to
be checked for printing errors/errors that occur while data are being posted on
the websites. A check of the row and column totals of the tables and other
identity relations relevant to the data under reference in the tables should take
care of such errors. More importantly, you should also look into aspects of the
data, like the concepts, definitions and methodology adopted by the source-
agency for collecting and compiling the data, coverage of data (like, whether
data was collected from entire country or some specific areas, whether the
sample drawn was based on a statistically reliable random sample or it was a
purposive sample of a few selected locations, etc.), the methods used for
collecting data, reliability and so on periodicity and timeliness in the
availability of data, integrity (confidentiality), the data are firmly moored to
what the data are actually supposed to reflect. These aspects are collectively
referred to as “metadata”. All these details are generally available in the
publication containing the data or in a related publication of the agency
publishing the data or in the relevant website of the agency.
Your capacity to utilize the vast amount of data available in the Indian
Statistical System and examine critically the state of the society can be
enhanced considerably by an intelligent combination of data across data
domains. You have already come across some examples of such efforts –
poverty ratios, concentration ratios for measuring the level of inequality,
employment elasticity, labour productivity and capital productivity. (Unit 4 on
Poverty and Inequality – Policy Implications and Unit 5 on Employment and
Unemployment – Policy Implications in Block 1 of MEC-005 on Indian
Economic Policy in your first year Course). Other examples are the Human
Development Index and Gender Development Index (Units 3 and 4 in the same
Block of MEC-005).
India is not a member of OECD, which is an organization in which several countries in
14 Europe are members.
2) Name any three web sources where you can get data for your research, Macro-Variable Data:
free of cost. National Income, Saving
and Investment
3) Which precautions should be taken care of while using data assembled
from various sources?
4) What do you understand by the term Special Data Dissemination
Let us now turn our attention to data on macroeconomic variables like national
income, saving and investment.
As you know, National Income (NI) is the Net National Income (NNI). It is
also used to refer to the group of macroeconomic aggregates like Gross
National Income (GNI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross Value Added
(GVA) and Net Value Added (NVA). All these of course refer to the total
value (in the sense mentioned above) of the goods and services produced
during a period of time, the only differences between these aggregates being
depreciation and/or net factor income from abroad. There are other
macroeconomic aggregates related to these that are of importance in relation to
an economy. What data would you, as an analyst, like to have about the health
of an economy? Besides a measure of the National Income every year or at
smaller intervals of time, you would like to know how fast it is growing over
time. What are the shares of the national income that flow to labour and other
factors of production? How much of the national income goes to current
consumption, how much to saving and how much to building up the capital
needed to facilitate future economic growth? What is the role of the different
sectors and economic activities – in the public and private sectors or in the
organized and unorganized activities or the households in the processes that
lead to economic growth? How does the level and pattern of economic growth
affect or benefit different sections of society? How much money remains in the
hands of the households for consumption and saving after they have paid their
taxes (Personal Disposable Income) – an important indicator of the economic
health of households? What is the contribution of different institutions to
saving? How is capital formation financed? Such a list of requirements of data
for analyzing trends in the magnitude and quality of, and also the prospects of,
efforts for economic expansion being mounted by a nation can be very long.
Such data, that is, estimates of national income and related macroeconomic
aggregates from part of a system of National Accounts that gives a
comprehensive view of the internal and external transactions of an economy
over a period, say, a financial year and the interrelationships among the
macroeconomic aggregates. National Accounts thus constitute an important
tool of analysis for judging the performance of an economy vis-à-vis the aims
of economic and development policy.
The United Nations (UN) has been recommending guidelines in the form of a
System of National Accounts (SNA) in order to promote international
standards for the compilation of national accounts as an analytical tool and
international reporting of comparable national accounting data. The first
version of SNA was recommended in 1953. This was revised in 1968 and then
in 1993. The fourth version (2008 SNA) was prepared under the auspices of
the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on National Accounts consisting of the
Commission of the European Communities (Eurostat), International Monetary
Fund (IMF), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), the UN and the World Bank and adopted by the UN Statistical
Commission in 2008. This system has been harmonized with other major
statistical systems like the Balance of Payments Statistics and Government
Finance Statistics of the IMF. The 2008 SNA contains a coherent, consistent
and integrated set of macroeconomic accounts based on a set of internationally
16 agreed concepts, definitions, classifications and accounting rules. It provides a
comprehensive accounting framework within which data can be compiled and Macro-Variable Data:
presented in a format that is designed to facilitate economic analysis, formulation National Income, Saving
and Investment
of policy and decision-making. You can read the entire SNA by accessing it at
National Accounts are compiled in India using a mix of 1968 SNA and 1993
SNA. India is also in the process of moving towards the full implementation of
SNA methodology to the extent feasible.
Data Base of Indian CSO changes the base year from time to time in order to take into account the
Economy structural changes that take place in the economy and depict a true picture of N
the economy. It was 1948-49, initially, when estimates of National Income
were first prepared by CSO and published in 1956. It was shifted to 1960-61 in
August, 1967, to 1970-71 in January, 1978, to 1980-81 in February,1988, to
1993-94 in February,1999 to 1999-2000 in January, 2006; to 2004-05 in
January 2010and to 2011-12 in January 2015. Note that, in the beginning, the
base years were the years in which the decennial population census was
conducted, that is, the first year of every decade from 1961 to 1981. The
choice of the subsequent base years, namely, 1993-94, 1999-00 and 2004-05
were a departure from this practice. What are the reasons for this? Estimates
of workforce participation rates (WPR), that is, the proportion of workers to
population for the benchmark years play an important role in the compilation
of estimates of national income. CSO had been making use of data on WPR
available from decennial population censuses till 1981 while compiling
national income estimates and for this reason the base year was the relevant
decennial census year. It was, however, observed that the Employment and
Unemployment Surveys of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)
captured WPR better than the population censuses. The base years chosen after
1981 were thus 1993-94, 1999-2000 and 2004-05, making use of data on
employment based on the NSSO 50th, 55th, 61stRound and 68th round Surveys
on Employment and Unemployment2 conducted during July ‘93 – June ’94,
July ’99 – June 2000, July ‘03 – June ‘04 and July 2011- June 2012 respectively.
After every revision of base year, the CSO publishes a set of results which
provide comparable estimates of the years prior to the base year, so that a long
time series data on national income aggregates can be analysed by the
researchers and policy makers.
Some employment data from Census 1991/2001 have also been used to supplement the data
from NSSO.
This publication and these Press Notes can also be accessed in the Ministry of Statistics
18 and Programme Implementation website
(earlier called “GDP at factor cost”) can be compiled by using the estimates of Macro-Variable Data:
GVA at basic prices and production taxes less subsidies. These have been National Income, Saving
and Investment
given in Statement 3.1 of this note. For the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and
2013-14, GVA at factor cost have been compiled and are presented in
Statements 10.1 & 10.2 of the press release.4Note that GVA at basic prices =
GVA at factor cost + net taxes on production and GDP at market prices = GVA
at basic prices + net taxes on products.
CSO releases, every January, “first revised estimates”, earlier called the “Quick
Estimates” of GDP, National Income, per capita National Income, Private Final
Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation by broad economic
sectors5 for the financial year that ended in March of the preceding year. Quick
Estimates for any financial year are thus available with a time lag of ten
months. It also releases, along with Quick Estimates for any financial year,
revised estimates of national accounts aggregates for earlier financial years.
Further, CSO brings out Advance Estimates of GDP, GNI, NNI and per
capita NNI. The GDP, from the base year 2011-12, is published at market
prices, as per the latest international norms. Previously, it was published
at factor cost. Advance estimates of the GDPfor the current financial year is
published in February, two months before the close of the financial year.
These advance estimates are revised thereafter and the undated advance
estimates are released by the end of June, three months after the close of the
financial year. Meanwhile, by the end of the March, Quarterly Estimates of
GDP for the quarter ending December of the preceding year are also released.
Thus by the end of March every year, that is, by the end of every financial year,
advance estimates of national income for the financial year that just ended, first
revised estimates of national income for the preceding financial year and the
quarterly estimates of national income up to the preceding quarter, that is, up to
the quarter that ended in December of the financial year that just ended become
CSO sets before itself an advance release calendar for the release of national
accounts statistics over a period of two years. 6 For instance, the Advanced
Release Calendar for the years 2015 indicates that the Quarterly Estimate of
GDP for any quarter during the period January, 2015 to end of September,
2015 would be available at the end of the next quarter. It also indicates the
dates on which Advance Estimates, Quick Estimates and Revised Advance
Estimates pertaining to the financial years ending on the 31st March, 2006, 30th
June, 2006, 29th September, 2006 and 29th December, 2006, respectively would be
released. Similarly, Revised Advance Estimates for the financial year 2004-05,
Quick Estimates for the financial year 2004-05, Advance Estimates for the
financial year 2005-06 and Revised Advance Estimates for the financial year
2005-06 would be released on the 30th June, 2005, the 31st January, 2006, the
7th February, 2006 and the 30th June, 2006, respectively. CSO has already (30th
January, 2015) released the following estimates, as proposed:
i) First Revised Estimates for 2013-14 at current and constant (2011-12) prices,
These 2 paragraphs have been taken from the Press release of the CSO dated 30th January
1. Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing. 2. Mining & Quarrying, 3. Manufacturing, 4. Electricity,
Gas & Water Supply, 5. Construction, 6. Trade, Hotels & Restaurants, 7. Transport, Storage
& Communication, 8. Financing, Insurance, Real Estate & Business Services, 9. Community,
Social & Personal Services.
This also takes care of SDDS referred to earlier. 19
Data Base of Indian ii) First revised Estimates of GDP, National Income, per capita National
Economy Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Formation for N
2013-14 (along with revised estimates of the earlier two years)at current
and constant (2011-12) prices,
iii) Advance Estimates of GDP, GNP and NNP and per capita NNP for
2014-15 at current and constant (2011-12) prices (on the 9th February, 2015).
The NAS 2014 presents estimates of GNP, NNP and the corresponding
domestic products GDP andNDP at factor cost and market prices at current and
constant (2004-05) prices7. Besides giving estimatesof the components of GDP,
estimates like Government Final Consumption Expenditure(GFCE), Private
Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE) in the domestic market, Gross
Domestic Saving (GDS), Gross Domestic Capital Formation (GDCF), Exports,
Imports, net factor income from abroad and the share ofthe public sector in
GDP it presents8, estimates of the following aggregates at current and constant
prices(2011-12 prices) for 2013-14 and the period 2011-12 to 2013-14:
viii) Net National Disposable Income, Private Income, Personal Income and
Personal Disposable Income.
As mentioned earlier, the shift in the base for constant prices to 1999-00 was made in
January, 2006, that is, after the publication of NAS 2005 in May, 2005. NAS 2006, due in
June, 2006, would be presenting estimates at constant prices at 1999-00. Besides the press
note of MoSPI referred to in the text, the Economic Survey 2006 of the Ministry of
Finance presented by the Finance Minister to Parliament on the 27th February, 2006 also
contains estimates released by CSO at current and constant (1999-00) prices for the years
2005-06 (Advanced Estimates), 2004-05 (Quick Estimates), 2003-04 and 2002-03.
Estimates of some of these macro aggregates are also published in the Monthly Bulletin of
1. Agriculture and Allied Activities; 1.1. Agriculture; 1.2. Forestry& Logging; and 1.3.
Fishing; 2. Mining & Quarrying; 3. Manufacturing; 4. Electricity, Gas, Water Supply and
other utility services; 5. Construction; 6. Trade, Repair, Hotels & Restaurants; 7. Transport,
Storage, Communication and services related to broadcasting; 8. Financial services, 9. Real
Estate Ownership of dwelling &Professional Services; 10. Public administration and defence
and 11 Other Services;
The livestock sub-sector is a sub-sector of the sub-group ‘agriculture’ (1.1 in the preceding
20 footnote) and includes animal husbandry, (fuel & manure), silk worm cocoons and honey.
ix) GDP and NDP of the Public Sector by type of public sector institutions11 Macro-Variable Data:
and economic activity. National Income, Saving
and Investment
x) Factor incomes of Public Sector NDP for each economic activity by type
of institutions (current prices).
xi) Property incomes and FISIM in each economics activity of Public Sector
by type of institutions.
xii) Value of output, inputs and consumption of fixed capital (CFC) for a
number of economic activities.
xiii) Financial Assets and Liabilities of the Household sector.
xiv) Economic and Purpose Classification of Current and Capital Expenditure
of Administrative Departments (current prices).
xv) Production Accounts of (a) Railways, (b) Communication, (c) Departmental
Enterprises other than (a) and (b), and (d) Producers of Government
xvi) Detailed external transactions accounts.
xvii) Depreciation as provided in the books of accounts of public sector
institutional groups12 and private corporate sector; and
xviii) Time series of GNI, GDP NNP, NDP, Per capita NNI and other
macroeconomic aggregates like CFC, net factor income from abroad,
PFCE in the domestic market, GFCE exports, imports and mid-year
population from 1950-51 to 2013-1413.
Estimates of the aggregates referred to at (i), (vii), (xiii), (xvi) and PFCE and
its distribution by object and by type of goods, GFCE for the period 2004-05 to
2012-13 at current and constant (2004-05)Prices and the time series estimates
referred to at (xvii) above at current and constant (2004-05) prices have been
released by CSO in NAS 2014 by the end of May 2014 and posted on the
MoSPI website.
What about separate estimates of National Income aggregates for rural and
urban areas? CSO publishes estimates of NDP for rural and urban areas for
each economic activity (see footnote 8) at current prices for each of the base
year, namely, 1970-71, 1980-81, 1993-94, 1999-2000 and 2004-05.
Administrative Departments, Departmental Enterprises, Non-departmental Enterprises and
Quasi-Government Bodies.
Administrative Departments, Public Sector departmental Enterprises subdivided into (i)
Railways, (ii) Communication; and (iii) others and Public Sector Non-Departmental
Enterprises subdivided into (i) financial companies; and (ii) non-financial companies.
The Pre-budget Economic survey also presents the time series on GNP, GDP, NNP and per
capita NNP and mid year population.
Published annually. This can downloaded from the RBI WEBSITE
rdocs/Publications/PDFs/000HSE13120914FL.pdf 21
Data Base of Indian public sector (from 1960-61), gross and net domestic capital formation, per
Economy capita GNP and NNP, at one place. The Economic and Political Weekly N
research Foundation (EPWRF) also presents comprehensive national income
statistics in a time series format from time to time along with details of
concepts, methodology and data sources for ready use by researchers. It
provides data from 1950-51 to 2011-12 with 2004-05 as the base year
(” is the latest. This
can be obtained from EPWRF either as a subscriber or through a pay per
module mode. National Accounts Statistics of most countries and areas of the
world can be accessed at the UNSD website
unsd/nationalaccount/madt.asp. At the time of writing the module, the latest
year for which this data is available is 2013.
i) 2012-13 between the provisional Estimates released in May, 2013 and first
revised estimates released in January, 2014;
ii) 2011-12 between First Revised Estimates released in January, 2013 and
Estimates released in January, 2014; and
iii) 2010-11 between Estimates released in January, 2013 and Estimates
released in January, 2014.
i) estimates of NSDP at current and constant prices – one set with the
constant prices base 1980-81 for the period 1980-81 to 1998-99 and the
other with the constant prices base 1993-94 for 1993-94 to 2003-04; and
ii) estimates of NSDP by economic activity and per capita NSDP at current
and constant (1993-94) prices for the period 1993-94 to 2003-04; (new
Estimates of State Income (gross State Domestic Product) made by States and
Union Territories by economic activity at current as well as constant prices are
readily available in a (short) time series format at one place in the publication
of the CMIE (EIS), Mumbai referred to above. These estimates at current and
constant prices by sectors for the period 1960-61 to 2000-01 have also been
brought together at one place for the use of research scholars by the EPWRF in
their publication Domestic Product of States of India: 1960-61 to 2000-01
(EPWRF, June, 2003). These are also available on the website of the Macro-Variable Data:
EPWRF and in user-friendly and interactive CD ROMS.17 National Income, Saving
and Investment
Efforts have been made by the CSO over the years to bring about a good
degree of uniformity across States and Union Territories in SDP concepts and
methodology. The major milestones in these efforts are:19
E-mail id for queries to EPWRF: .
The Report of the National Statistical Commission, Chapter 13 section 13.7.
ibid. See also the Preface to EPWRF publication on SDP in the preceding sub-section (b) on
other publications giving SDP estimates. 25
Data Base of Indian sixties. The EPWRF publication on SDP referred to earlier also provides
Economy comparable estimates of SDP and evaluates these with reference to those made N
for the periods 1960-61 to 1964-65, 1976-77 to 1978-79, 1982-83 to 1984-85,
1987-88 to 1989-90 and 1994-95 to 1996-97 for the use of the Finance
Commissions. The question of comparability of estimates of SDP of different
States/Union Territories is important from the point of view of their use in
econometric work involving Inter-State or regional comparisons or the
contribution of the regions or the States to the national product.
For some of the States in 6, it might be available with the State Directorate of
Economics and Statistics, but not available centrally at one location.
The methodology for preparing estimates of district income at present is based
i) The recommendations of the Report21 of the Technical Group set up by
the Department of Statistics for recommending a suitable methodology
for preparing estimates of district income;
ii) The methodology developed in August, 1996 jointly by the DES of Uttar
Pradesh and Karnataka – a task entrusted to these organization by CSO in
See Methodology of estimating State and District Domestic Product, CSO, 2008.
26 Submitted in January, 1987.
The income originating approach is adopted for compiling district income Macro-Variable Data:
estimates in the light of the kind of data that is available. As mentioned earlier, National Income, Saving
and Investment
the income accrual approach can measure the welfare of the normal residents
of the district in a more reliable manner. However, as flow of funds from
district to district is not available and difficult to estimate, the income
originating approach is followed. It is necessary to make adjustments, in the
estimates based on the income originating approach, for flow of incomes
across territories of districts that are rich in resources like minerals or forest
resources and where there is a daily flow of commuters from other districts.
There are a lot of problems in the context of data availability separately for
each district. For most of the commodity producing sectors, like agriculture,
mining and registered manufacturing, data is fairly available. But, in remaining
sectors, it is very scanty. Even within the agricultural sector, even if one can
get the district-wise production, prices at each district sometimes may not be
available. In case of entire unorganized sector, where national and State level
estimates are based on periodic surveys, reliable district level estimates from
these data cannot be prepared due to limitations in sample size.
Estimates of Gross Domestic Saving (GDS) and Net Domestic Saving (NDS)
in current prices and the Rate of Saving are made by CSO and published in the
National Accounts Statistics (NAS) every year and the Press Note of
January of every year releasing First Revised Estimates. These are first
made for any year along with First Revised Estimates of GDP, etc., and revised
and finalized along with its subsequent revisions. The structure of Savings, that
is, the distribution of GDS and NDS by type of institution – household sector,
private corporate sector and public sector are also available in this publication.
Also presented in this document is the distribution of:
NAS 2014 presents the above estimates for 2012-13 and for the period 2004-05
to 2012-13. The Press Note dated the 31st January, 2014 of MoSPI releasing
Quick Estimates provides estimates of GDS, NDS, and all the estimates
referred to at (i) to (vii) above for 2012-13. Time series of estimates of GDS
and NDS in current prices are, however, available from 1950-51 onwards. The
See footnote 12. 29
Data Base of Indian time series on the structure of GDS by institutions (public, private corporate
Economy and household sectors) are presented in the Pre-Budget Economic Survey N
(2014) of the Ministry of Finance. The Handbook of Statistics on the Indian
Economy of RBI presents time series data from 1952-53 on GDS and NDS
and from 1970-71 onwards on (i) their components by institutions, and (ii)
financial assets and liabilities of the household sector, item-wise, at current
prices. The EPWRF publication on NAS (fifth edition) gives time series data
from 1950-51 on all these variables and on Domestic Saving in public sector by
type of institutions. The CMIE publication referred to earlier also contains time
series data on GDS and NDS, though for a shorter period of time.
Estimates of Gross and Net Domestic Saving at the State and Union Territory
levels are not being made at present by DESs of State/Union Territories.
Investment is Capital Formation (CF). Investment of money in the shares of a
company or purchase of land is not investment but buying a house or
machinery is investment. In other words, investment is creation of physical
assets like machinery, equipment, building, inventories and so on, called
“produced assets”, adding to the capital stock (of such assets) in the economy,
enhances the productive capacity of the economy. Investment or CF is another
important component of GNP and the rate of investment – expressed as a
proportion of GNP – largely determines the rate of growth of the economy.
How is capital formation financed by the economy? What is the contribution of
different sectors to capital formation or, how much is used up by different
sectors? What is the capital stock available in the economy? These are all the
questions that rise in one’s mind when considering strategies for economic
growth. What kind of data is available?
NAS 2014 presents estimates of aggregates listed above at current and constant
(2004-05) prices for the period 2004-05 to 2012-13. The MoSPI Press Note of
the 31st January, 2015 provide estimates of GCF, GFCF and consumption of
fixed capital in current and constant (2011-12) prices as also of the distribution
of these by industry of use and by institutional sectors of the economy, as
defined in the SNA, namely, Public non-financial corporations, private non-
financial corporations, public financial corporations, private financial corporations,
general Government and Households for the period 2011-12 to 2013-14.
See footnote 10. 31
Data Base of Indian Other publications providing time series of CSO data on capital formation are:
Economy N
Estimates of GFCF at the State level are being prepared by 14 States, namely,
Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Meghalaya,
Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat
and Rajasthan. The status of these estimates are indicated in the EPWRF
publication on NAS, referred to in the sub-section 20.3.4.
32 Report of the National Statistical Commission, Chapter 13, Section 13.6.
Macro-Variable Data:
National Income, Saving
v) Inadequacies in (a) the representative character of the sample of and Investment
companies and (b) the blow-up factor used for estimation of saving and
investment of the private corporate sector.
Check Your Progress 3
1) What approaches are followed by CSO to compile the saving data in
National Accounts Statistics? Which estimates of investment are prepared
by the CSO?
2) Go through the methodology contained in NAS 2015 and the data utilized
for preparing estimates of capital formation and related aggregates.
3) From where can you get the data on contribution of different sectors to
capital formation?
NAS estimates are presented in current and constant (base year) prices. CSO
changes the base year from time to time to take note of structural changes in
the economy and to depict a true picture of the economy. The base year was
changed to 2004-05 in January, 2010 and to 2011-12 in January, 2015. Thus, as
of the 1st March, 2015, Advance Estimates of GDP, etc., for 2014-15, First
Revised Estimates of GDP, etc., for 2013-14, estimates of GDP for the quarter
ending December, 2014 and for the period April-December, 2014, all in current
and constant (2011-12) prices, have been released.
Estimates of Saving and Capital Formation form part of the National Accounts
Statistics. These estimates are presented in detail in the publication National
Accounts Statistics, published in May of each year. The press note of
January, 2015, has provided the estimates referred to above with a changed
base year 2011-12. The detailed estimates presented in NAS enable an analysis
of various aspects of Saving and Capital Formation like the structure of Saving
and Capital Formation, the manner in which Capital Formation is financed, the
role of the public sector in Capital Formation and trends in the rate of Saving
and Capital Formation and net capital flow from abroad.
Estimates of State Income are made and released by DES of all States and
Union Territories except Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and
Lakshadweep. Estimates of GFCF are being made by 14 state DESs. District
Income estimates are made and released by DES of States. Estimates of State Macro-Variable Data:
Income are also available in MoSPI website, besides the Economics Survey, National Income, Saving
and Investment
RBI Statistical Handbook on the Indian Economy and the CMIE and
EPWRF (State Income) publications referred to earlier. The last publication
also give the State level GFCF estimates. The RBI Handbook, the Economic
Survey, the EPWRF publication on NAS and the CMIE publication referred
to earlier also present the national level estimates of GDP, etc., estimates of
Saving and Capital Formation made by CSO. The CMIE and the EPWRF
publications also contain almost as much detail as the publication NAS and in a
time series format.
1) What type of data will you need to assess the performance of Indian
Economy? Explain the various sources of such data?
2) State the difference between “Gross” and “Net” in the context of domestic
and national income. How can one arrive at “Net National Income” from
“Gross Value Added at basic prices”?
3) What are the relationships depicted in Input-Output Table? How are these
tables useful in research work?
4) With the help of NAS 2014, explain the structure of saving in India.
5) What do you mean by the term capital formation? What is the capital stock
available in India?
Agricultural and
22.0 Objectives
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Agricultural Data
22.2.1 Agricultural Census
22.2.2 Studies on Cost of Cultivation
22.2.3 Annual Estimates of Crop Production
22.2.4 Livestock Census
22.2.5 Data on Production of Major Livestock Products
22.2.6 Agricultural Statistics at a Glance (ASG)
22.2.7 Another Source of Data on Irrigation
22.2.8 Other Data on the Agricultural Sector
22.3 Industrial Data
22.3.1 Data Sources Covering the Entire Industrial Sector
22.3.2 Factory Sector – Annual Survey of Industries (ASI)
22.3.3 Monthly Production of Selected Industries and Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
22.3.4 Data on Unorganised Industrial Sector
22.3.5 Industrial Credit and Finance
22.3.6 Contribution of Industrial Sector to GDP
22.4 Let Us Sum Up
22.5 Exercises
22.6 Some Useful Books
22.7 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• know the kind of agricultural data available;
• explain the different sources of agricultural data and different data
generating agencies;
• describe the characteristics of multivariable industrial data; and
• know how to access the different types of agricultural and industrial data.
In the previous unit, we have looked at data on macro variables like National
Income, Saving and Investment, which tell us about the dimension and broad
structure of the economy and the direction in which the economy is moving.
Data Base of Indian We shall now look at two of the sectors of the economy in this unit. One is the
agricultural sector that provides livelihood to roughly two-thirds of the total
workforce in the country. The other is the industrial sector, which consists of
manufacturing, power, gas and water supply.
This can be accessed in the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture) website .
38 One can also access and click on
agricultural operational holding is the ultimate unit for taking decision for Agricultural and
Industrial Data
development of Agriculture at micro level. It is for this reason that an
operational holding is taken as the statistical unit of data collection for
describing the structure of agriculture. Through Agriculture Census it is
endeavored to collect basic data on important aspects of agricultural economy
for all the operational holdings in the country. Aggregation of data is done at
various levels of administrative units. The agricultural census started in
1970-71. The ninth of these censuses relates to the reference year 2010-11.
Periodic Agriculture Censuses are important as these are the main source of
information on basic characteristics of operational holdings such as land use
and cropping patterns, irrigation status, tenancy particulars and the terms of
leasing. This information is tabulated by different size classes and social
groups including Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes which are needed for
development planning, socio-economic policy formulation and establishment
of national priorities. The census also provides the basis for the development of
a comprehensive integrated national system of agricultural statistics and has
links with various components of the national statistical system. The whole
project of Agriculture Census in the country is implemented in three distinct
phases, which are statistically linked together but focus on different aspects of
agricultural statistics. In Phase-I, a list of holdings with their area and social
characteristics and gender of the holders is prepared. In Phase-II, detailed data
on agricultural characteristics of holdings are collected from selected villages.
Thus the whole operation of Agriculture Census in India is not really a
complete Census. In fact, it is a combination of Census and Sample Survey.2
The third phase, which is better known as the Input Survey and conducted in
the year following the census year3, relates to collection of data on the pattern
of input-use across crops, regions and size-groups of holdings. The main
objective of the input survey is to generate data on consumption of various
agricultural inputs, according to major size-groups of operational holdings,
viz., marginal (below 1 ha.), small (1- 1.99 ha.), semi-medium (2- 3.99 ha.),
medium (4- 9.99 ha.) and large (10 ha. and above), for getting an insight into
the consumption pattern of inputs by various categories of farmers. This
information is vital for planning production, imports and distribution of
fertilizers. The inputs covered in the survey include chemical fertilizers, HYV
seeds, pesticides, farmyard manures/compost, bio-fertilizers, agricultural
implements and machinery, livestock and agricultural credit besides data on
input use including use of certified/notified seeds, high yielding variety seeds,
pest control measurements adopted by cultivators, educational qualification,
age and size of households of operational holders are captured through Input
Survey. The results of the first phase, including the all-India report of the first
phase of the ninth agricultural census can be accessed at
agcen201011.html. The provisional results of the second phase have also been
released. Data collection and processing of the third phase is progressing in the
different States and UTs. Selective information is also available on the
internet4 through a query-based facility and can provide data on operational
This part is reproduced from, which can be accessed to get the
latest data, up to tehsil level from Agricultural Census 2013.
The input survey was initiated in the 1975-76 Agricultural Census and conducted in 1976-77.
On the website, one can access tables
related to agricultural census years 1995-96 to 2010-11. Further, On the website one can access the tables related to
1996-97 to 2006-07 so far. 39
Data Base of Indian holdings at the national, State, district and tehsil levels by type, characteristics
and size class/group. You can, for example, get information on operational
holdings by size class of the holding, social group (Scheduled Caste, Scheduled
Tribe, Other and all groups) and tenancy characteristics of the holding (lease
terms, land use, irrigation status, irrigation by sources, wells and tube wells,
gross cropped area, cropping pattern, and area dispersal. Clearly, there is a time
lag in the availability of agricultural census and Input Survey results.
The cost of cultivation studies reports and related data can be accessed at Now, the data is available for reference
years 2004-05 to 2011-12. The details regarding the work of CACP and the data presented in
CACP reports are based on the information available in the CACP website . The MSP up to agricultural year 2014-15 can be viewed in the
40 link .
The other useful outcome of the cost of cultivation studies, as already Agricultural and
Industrial Data
mentioned, is the index of the terms of trade between the agricultural and
non-agricultural sectors. This is defined as
The numerator relates to the prices that the agricultural sector gets for its
produce while the denominator relates to the prices that the sector pays for
products it purchases for final consumption, intermediate consumption and
capital formation. The time series of ITT from 1981-82 onwards, complete with
individual values of IPR and IPP and those of the component indices of IPP,
namely, final consumption (weight in IPP 73.54), intermediate consumption
(weight in IPP 21.63) and capital formation (weight in IPP 4.83) are published
in ASG.
The Terms of Trade, specifically, the terms of trade between agriculture and
industry is the ratio of agricultural prices to industrial prices, both measured as
price indices. The terms of trade between agricultural and industry lies at the
heart of the government's policy in the agricultural sector. A rise in the ratio
(agricultural prices divided by industrial prices) means that the agricultural
sector is better off in terms of its purchasing power of industrial goods.
Suppose there are just two goods in the economy, bananas and pins and you
produce and sell bananas. Both initially cost Rs. 10. If now both prices go up
by 100 per cent, nothing happens to the terms of trade and purchasing power
remains unchanged. If instead, banana prices go up by 100 per cent and the
price of pins doesn't, then as a banana manufacturer you are better off since one
banana can now buy two pins instead of one. The ratio or the terms of trade
between bananas and pins has doubled. Substitute agriculture for bananas and
industry for pins and you can get what a rise in agriculture's terms of trade does
for farmers.6
The National Statistical Commission has pointed out that there is a sizeable
time lag in the availability of results for use in the work of CACP and that steps
should be taken to cut down delays in the release of the results of these
This part is taken from an article published in the economic times ET classrooms series,
which can be accessed at
Report of the national Statistical Commission, Chapter 4. 41
Data Base of Indian before the crops are harvested, for policy purposes. Advance estimates of crop
production are, therefore, made. The first assessment of the kharif crop is made
in the middle of September, that is, when the South-West Monsoon is about to
be over. The second advance estimate – a second assessment of the earlier
estimate of the kharif crop and the first assessment of the rabi crop – is made in
January. The third advance estimate is made at the end of March or the
beginning of April and the fourth in June. The methodology for estimating area
and yield of crops and for making advance estimates are given in ASG.
Estimates of annual8 production of the principal crops mentioned above, gross
area under different crops and yield per hectare of these crops and Index
Numbers on these variables with base year the triennium ending 2007-08 =
1009 are also available in ASG in the form of a time series. So are estimates of
production of crops by States.
The provisional results of the 2012 census are available on the website of the
Department of Animal Husbandry, which can be accessed at
dahd/WriteReadData/Livestock.pdf. ASG and BAHS also present some data
from the livestock census.
i) long time series of estimates of production of milk, eggs, meat and wool;
ii) State-wise short time series of such estimates;
iii) State-wise and national estimates of per capita availability of milk and
iv) contribution of cows, buffaloes and goats to milk production and of fowls
and ducks to egg production in different States in 2003-04;
v) average annual growth rates of production of major livestock products,
milk, eggs and wool;
vi) short time series on imports and exports of livestock and livestock
vii) short time series on area under fodder crops, pastures and grazing in
different States;
viii) estimates of dry and green fodder production in different States during the
three-year period ending 2002-03;
Data Base of Indian ix) a short time series on the no. of artificial inseminations performed in
different States;
x) achievements in key components of dairy development;
xi) livestock and poultry (numbers) in India and in different States – 1992,
1997 and 2003; and
xii) time series on world livestock production and milk production.
xii) Agricultural census data: number and area of operational holdings by size Agricultural and
Industrial Data
group – marginal (size less than one HA10 area), small (1 to 2 HA), semi-
medium (2 to 4 HA), medium (4 to 10 HA) and large (more than 10 HA),
area irrigated by different source of irrigation and by size class and the
position in different States;
xiii) Estimated number of rural households, farmer households, indebted
farmer households by size class of land possessed;
xiv) Ceiling on land holding and wages for agricultural work;
xv) Livestock population in India, all-India and State-wise production of
milk, eggs, meat and wool;
xvi) Fish production in India and States;
xvii) Rainfall scenario and management of natural disaster.
The National Commission on Statistics had in their report made the following
observations12 on irrigation data available from DESMOA and the Ministry of
Water Resources:
HA: abbreviation for hectare.
The rates for supply of water to farmers are kept low as a matter of policy. This results in a
loss to the Government Irrigation System. The excess of operating costs over gross revenue
is treated as imputed irrigation subsidy.
Chapter 4 of the Report. 45
Data Base of Indian i) The CWC had a large volume of data on various aspects of irrigation
without any statistical analysis of such data being carried out. The CSO
and the CWC need to get together and ensure that the data collected in
analysed and put to use by the statistical machinery.
ii) There is a large variation between the statistics on the “area irrigated”
published by DESMOA and the “irrigation potential actually utilized”
published by the Ministry of Water Resources.
iii) Data users should be made aware of the reasons for such variation –
differences (if any) in concepts, definition etc.
iv) The reluctance on the part of the State Governments to furnish data in
view of their vested interest in the sharing of water is an added problem.
v) Data from both the sources – DESMOA and the Ministry of Water
Resources – are available after a large time lag and this needs to be
Direct credit to agriculture is also available from other institutions and the
Handbook furnishes data on:
i) the short and long term loans issued by each of the institutions –
Cooperatives, Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs), Regional Rural
Banks (RRBs) and the State Governments directly to beneficiaries or
borrows for agriculture and activities allied to it during a year; and
ii) the loans outstanding at the end of each year.
We have already seen in the preceding Unit (on Macro-variable like national
income) that National Accounts Statistics (NAS) publishes data on the
contribution of agriculture and its sub-sectors to GDP and other measures of
Data Base of Indian national/domestic product. NAS also provides information on value of output
of various agricultural crops including those of drugs and narcotics, fibers,
fruits and vegetables, livestock products like milk group products, meat group
products, eggs, wool and hair, dung, silkworm cocoons and honey, forestry
products like industrial wood, firewood and minor forest produce, inland fish
and marine fish. It also furnishes data on capital formation in agriculture and
animal husbandry, forestry and logging and fishing.
The industrial sector can be divided into a number of subgroups. This grouping
is different from grouping by economic activity. Such divisions arise from
framework factors like applicability or coverage or certain laws, employment
size of establishments of groupings for purposes of promotional support by
Government. Such groupings are the organized and unorganized sectors, the
factory sector (covered by the Factories Act, 1948 and the Bidi and Cigar Workers
Condition of Employment Act, 1966), small-scale industries, cottage industries,
handicrafts, khadi and village industries (KVI), directory establishments (DE), non-
directory establishments (NDE), own account enterprises (OAE)13. Attempts have
been made to get at a detailed look at the characteristics of some of these sub-
sectors of the industrial sector, as the data sources covering the whole sector
often do not provide information in such detail. Let us now examine the kind of
data available for such individual subgroups of the industrial sector and those
that cover the entire industrial sector.14
i) The first source is the decennial Population Census. This provides data
on the levels of employment in various economic activities across the
economic spectrum, and therefore, the industrial sector, down to the latest
NIC15 three-digit code levels. Thus, Census 1991 provides data at 3-digit
level of NIC 1987, Census 2001 provides data at 3-digit level of NIC 1998
and Census 2011 will be providing data at 3-digit level of NIC 2008. It
also provides (i) employment levels in each of the three-digit NIC code
classified by Occupational Divisions [the first digit of the National
Classification of Occupations 1968 (NCO 1968)], (ii) industrial
employment in broad industrial sectors (a nine-fold classification of
economic activities is considered16) classified by broad age groups, and
(iii) industrial employment in broad sectors (nine-fold classification, as
above) by levels of education. Such details are available up to district
levels. These data, however, become available after a time lag of 4-5 years
after completion of the Census field-work.
ii) The second source consists of the quinquennial sample surveys relating
to labour force,employment and unemployment conducted by the National
Sample Survey Office (NSSO). These surveys also provide similar type of
data on industrial employment, down to State levels, separately for rural
and urban and males and females. Data by the districts can also be
tabulated, with a suitable caution for the district level sample sizes, as the
DEs are those establishments that employ at least six persons. NDEs are establishments that
employ at least one but not more than five employees. OAEs are the self-employed.
One distinction between the economic activity classification and the industrial sector
classification is the placement of Mining and Quarrying industries. Although this is a part
of “primary sector” under the economic activities, it is considered as a part of industrial
See the section on India Statistical System in Unit 20 on Macro-Variable Data: National
Income etc.
Same as footnote 15 given above. 49
Data Base of Indian primary data collected (unit record data) can be obtained on CDs from
NSSO17. Key results from the NSSO surveys are available after about six
months, while the final report becomes available one year after the surveys
are completed.
iii) The third source is the Economic Census, which has been conducted in
1977, 1980, 1990, 1998, 2005 and 2012. The Economic Census covers all
economic enterprises in the country except those engaged in crop
production and plantation and provides data on employment in these
enterprises18. This provides a frame for the conduct of more detailed
follow up (enterprise) surveys covering different segments of the
unorganized non-agricultural sectors, which in turn throw up data on
production and employment in these segments, useful for an analytical
study of these segments and in the compilation of national accounts.
v) The fifth source consists of the periodic unorganized sector surveys of the
NSSO, which covers the unorganized non-agricultural enterprises. These
surveys, usually conducted as follow-up surveys of the Economic Census,
provide data on characteristics of the enterprises, its 5-digit NIC code,
operating expenses, receipts, gross value added, fixed assets, liabilities and
the number of workers working on a regular basis in the enterprise.
Similar characteristics for the informal sector enterprises are also tabulated
and published from these survey data by the NSSO. These data are
tabulated and published at State levels, separately for rural and urban. Data
by the districts can also be tabulated, with a suitable caution for the district
level sample sizes, as the primary data collected (unit record data) can be
obtained on CDs from NSSO19. Key results from the NSSO surveys are
available after about six months, while the final report becomes available
one year after the surveys are completed.
You can see the rate list of NSSO unit level survey data from
The report on the Economic Census 1998 is available on the website of the Ministry of
Statistical and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) . The website of
MoSPI announces that the site’s new address is . The report on the
Economic Census 2005 has been released by the Ministry on the 12th June, 2006, according
to news item “Rural enterprises growing faster – Employment rate high in J & K: Economic
Census 2005” appearing on page 11 of The Hindu, Chennai Edition, dated Tuesday the 13th
June, 2006. The Ministry’s website does not say anything about the 2005 report till 14/6/06.
You can see the rate list of NSSO unit level survey data from
50 Mospi_New/upload/nsso/ratelist_UnitData.pdf.
There are, however, other sources that provide data on production or on a Agricultural and
Industrial Data
variety of interrelated aspects of industry like employment, output, inputs and
so on. Let us consider these sources.
The annual Survey of Industries (ASI) replaced the CMI and the SSMI in 1960
after the Collection of Statistics Act, 1953 and the Collections of Statistics
Rules, 1953 came into force. Detailed industrial statistics relating to industrial
units in the country21 like capital, output, input, value added employment and
factor shares are collected in ASI. The survey was launched in 1960 and has
been conducted every year since then except in 1972. From 2011, the ASI is
conducted under the Collection of Statistics Act 2008 and the Collection of
Statistics Rules 2011, except in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, where it is
conducted under the State Collection of Statistics Act, 1961 and the rules
framed thereunder in 1964. The frames used for the survey consists of:
a) all factories registered under Sections 2m(i) and 2m(ii) of the Factories
Act, 1948 employing 10 or more workers using power as well as those
employing 20 workers but without using power;
b) bidi and cigar manufacturing establishments registered under the Bidi and
Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966 with coverage of
units as in (i) above;
c) certain servicing activities like water supply, cold storage, repair of motor
vehicles and other consumer durables like watches etc. Though servicing
industries like motion picture production, personal services like laundry
services, job of dyeing, etc., are covered under the Survey but data are not
tabulated separately, as these industries do not fall under the scope of
industrial sector defined by the United Nations. Defence establishments,
oil storage and distribution depots, restaurants, hotels, café and computer
services and the technical training institutes, etc., are excluded from the
purview of the Survey.
The ASI section of the CSO website.
The coverage was extended to Jammu & Kashmir with the passing of the Collection of
Statistics Act, 1961 (Jammu & Kashmir) and the notification of the Collection of Statistics
Rules, 1964 under that Act. 51
Data Base of Indian The frames for the ASI are revised every year. At the time of revision, the
deregistered factories are removed and newly registered factories are added in
the frame. In ASI 2013-14, more than 2.65 lakh units were in the ASI frame, up
from about 2.52 lakh units in ASI 2012-13. The “factory sector” thus consists
of factories, bidi and cigar manufacturing units, electricity sector and some
service units. Electricity units registered with the CEA, the departmental units
such as railway workshops, Road Transport Corporation workshops, Government
Mints, sanitary, water supply, gas storage, etc., are not covered from 1998-99
as there are alternatives sources of data for CSO for purposes of compiling
GDP estimates in respect of these segments of industry.
The reference period for the survey is the accounting year April to March
preceding the date of the survey. The sampling design and the schedules for
the survey were revised in 1997-98, keeping in view the need to reduce the
time lag in the availability of the results of the survey. The survey will not,
however, attempt estimates at the district level. The survey used NIC 1987 for
classifying economic activities before ASI 1997-98 and shifted to NIC 1998
with effect from ASI 1998-9922. From ASI 2009-10, the NIC 2008 codes are
being used.
CSO has released the final results of ASI 2011-12 and provisional results
of ASI 2012-13. Results in respect of selected characteristics are available in
electronic media at various levels of aggregation23:
All the reports of previous years can be accessed on the website of the
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). These
results are:
NIC 1987 and NIC 1998 contain concordance tables to enable data users to recast data of
earlier years from one NIC structure to another.
You can download the ASI 2011-12 reports from the ASI portal of the CSO at
The principal characteristics are: 1) no. of factories, 2) fixed capital, 3) working capital, 4)
invested capital, 5) outstanding loans, 6) no. of workers, 7) mandays of workers, 8) no of
employees, 9) mandays – employees, 10) total persons engaged, 11) wages to workers, 12)
total emoluments, 13) old age benefits, 14) social security benefits, 15) other benefits, 16)
fuels consumed, 17) total inputs, 18) products, 19) value of output, 20) depreciation, 21) net
value added, 22), rent paid, 23) interest paid, 24) net income, 25) gross fixed capital
formation (GFCF) 26) (a) material, fuels, etc., (b) semi-finished goods, (c) finished goods,
52 27) total, 28) gross capital formation (GCF), 29) profits.
7) principal characteristics by type of organization25. Agricultural and
Industrial Data
8) estimates for structural ratios and technical coefficients for factory sector
from 2006-07.
Data users can find out from the website (click on ASI DATA COST) to find
out what data – tables or unit record data –are available and the cost of
obtaining the same from CSO.
CSO had earlier published ASI 2010-11 final (detailed) results in two
volumes. These volumes present data at the 3-digit and 4-digit level of NIC
1998 codes for the national level and at the 3-digit level of NIC 1987 codes for
individual States. Data on the following aspects of the industries forming part
of the factory sector are presented:
These volumes as well as those relating to earlier years are available also on
electronic media. In addition, CSO has also released time series data on ASI
in 5 parts – Volumes I relates to ASI 1959-71, Volume II, Series A to ASI
1973-74 to 1981-82, Volume II, Series B to ASI 1982-83 to 1988-89, Volume
III, Series A to ASI 1989-90 to 1993-94 and Volume III, Series B to
1994-95 to 1997-98. These volumes present data on important characteristics
for all-India at two-digit and three-digit NIC code levels and for the States at
two-digit NIC code levels. These publications are also available in electronic
media on payment.
The data available from ASI can be used to derive estimates of important
technical ratios like capital-output ratio, capital-labour ratio, labour cost per
unit of output, factor shares in net value added and productivity measures for
different industries as also trends in these parameters. The most important use
of the detailed results arises from the fact that these enable derivation of
estimates of
i) the input structure per unit of output at the individual industry; and
ii) the proportions of the output of each industry that are used as inputs in
other industries, enabling us to use the technique of input-output analysis
to evaluate the impact of a change effected in (say) the output of an
industry on the rest of the economy. The construction of the Input-Output
Types of organization are 1) proprietorship, 2) joint family (HUF), 3) partnership, 4) public
limited company, 5) private limited company, 6) govt departmental enterprises, 7) public
corporations, 8) corporate sector (4+5+6+7), 9) Khadi& Village Industry, 10) handloom
industry, 11) cooperative sector, 12) others (including ‘not recorded’). 53
Data Base of Indian Transaction Tables (I-OTT) for the Indian economy is largely based on
ASI data. As we know, I-OTT provides the basic ratios required for Input-
Output Analysis, which has a wide range of uses, from analysis of economic
structure and backward and forward linkages of different industries to the
setting up of targets of production, investment, employment and so on at the
macro level.
CSO releases Quick Estimates of IIP within six weeks of the closing of the
reference month. CSO has released the IIP for December, 2014 through the
Press Release dated 12th February 2015. The Release provides estimates of
• monthly IIP – overall index and for sectors (mining, manufacturing and
electricity) – for the period April, 2014 to December, 2014;
• monthly IIP at 2-digit level NIC 2004 code for December 2013 and
December 2014 and the cumulative index for the period April-December
2014; and
Change in the base of IIP is necessary to measure the real growth in the industrial sector.
The United nations Statistical Office (UNSO) recommends that the base year should be
changed quiquennially. IIP was first prepared in India with the base year as 1937. The base
54 year was then changed to 1946, 1951, 1956, 1960, 1970, 1980-81, 1993-94 and 2004-05.
• monthly IIP use-based index (basic goods, capital goods, intermediate Agricultural and
Industrial Data
goods, consumer goods, consumer durables, consumer non-durables) for
the period April, 2014 to December, 2014.
CSO follows the SDDS norms of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)27 in
respect of estimates of IIP and, accordingly, the Press Release of the 12th
February 2015 announces that IIP for January 2015 would be released on the
12thMarch 2015. This Press Release is accessible in the MoSPI website. The
website also has time series data at 2-digit level NIC code on (a) monthly IIP
from April, 1994 (b) annual averages from 1994 and also on the monthly use-
based IIP. Similar time series data on (a) monthly IIP with base year 1980-81 at
2-digit level of NIC 1970, and (b) monthly use-based IIP (base year 1980-81)
are also available from April,1990.
See Indian Statistical System in Unit 18 on “Macro Variable Data: National Income,
Saving, Investment”.
Infrastructure industries are electricity, coal, steel, cement, crude petroleum and refined
petroleum products. These industries are part of the basket of items of IIP and the Index
for Infrastructure Industries can be computed from the indices for the individual
infrastructure industries.
These can be accessed from the IBM website
You can visit the link and
read the introduction to the Yearbook to have an idea of the data being made available by
them. 55
Data Base of Indian Check Your Progress 3
1) Indicate the major sources of data on levels of industrial employment.
Which one is the most and which one the least frequent? Which of the
sources shall you use for your analysis, if the analysis are to be done i) for
backward districts and ii) for major States of India?
2) How can you access the report of the economic census 1998?
3) What do you understand by quarry based system developed by CSO?
4) List two important uses of ASI data.
5) From which document can you have data pertaining to various sources of
22.3.4 Data on the Unorganised Industrial Sector Agricultural and
Industrial Data
Data Base of Indian At the global level, the UN International Labour Organisation (ILO) supports
surveys on employment and child labour related issues. The Laborsta database
and the Key Indicator of Labour market (KILM) of the ILO contains
comprehensive country level comparable estimates on labour force31,
employment and unemployment, forced labour, informal economy and labour
migration related data. The UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
has recently developed the world productivity database, providing total factor
productivity and related indicators.
We have looked at data sources that provide data on production and also on
certain related variables like capital employed, employment etc. How is the
capital financed? Let us look at some of the sources that throw light on these
The ASI provides, as you have seen, some data on financial aspects of
industries – fixed capital, working capital, invested capital, loans outstanding
and also the interest burden of industrial units (up to the 4-digit NIC code
level). From where and how have the industries raised capital needed by them?
We have looked at one source of capital or working capital, namely, bank
credit. Time series data on new capital issues and the kinds of
shares/instruments issued (ordinary, preference or rights share or debentures,
etc.,) and the composition of those contributing to capital (like promoters,
financial institution, insurance companies, government, underwriters and the
public) are also presented. Data on assistance sanctioned and disbursed by
financial institutions like Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI),
Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), Small Industrial
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of
India can also be obtained from the Handbook. Similarly, some data on the
financing of project costs of companies are available in the Handbook. All
these data of course relate to companies, which may include non-industrial
ventures too. The primary source of such data is the Ministry of Company
Affairs. The publication of the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
“Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Securities Market”(the latest one
published in 2012) provides annual and monthly time series data on industry-
wise classification of capital raised through the securities market – the
industrial sector activities by which the classification is being made are, cement
58 See the website .
and construction, chemical, electronics, engineering, entertainment, finance, Agricultural and
Industrial Data
food processing, health care, information technology, leather, metal mining,
packaging, paper and pulp, petrochemical, plastic, power, printing and rubber.
A reference to the two volumes of EIS, CMIE, one “Industry: Financial
Aggregates” and the other “Industry: Market Size and Shares” would be
1) Name the agencies which generate the data on small scale industries.
2) How can you get the data on deployment of bank credit to SSI units?
3) From which sources you can get the data on credit flowing to small scale
Data Base of Indian
Economy 22.4 LET US SUM UP
The major efforts to collect data on different aspects of the agricultural sector
are the quinquennial agricultural census, the quinquennial livestock census, the
cost of cultivation studies, annual estimates of crop production and the
integrated sample survey to estimate the production of major livestock
products. Most of the data flowing from these efforts relate to production,
inputs for production, land utilization patterns, intensity of land use, irrigation,
costs and pricing of agricultural produce, procurement and distribution,
subsidies and credit are found in the two publications “Agricultural Statistics
at a Glance” (ASG) and “Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics” (BAHS).
Statistics on the characteristics of land holdings of different size with reference
to the parameters referred to above are also available in ASG. More detailed
information in this regard, collected in the succcessive agricultural census are
available in the Ministry’s website. Similarly, detailed information relating to
sub-sectors – livestock, poultry and fishery as also agricultural implements,
collected in the livestock censuses, are available in the website of the
Ministry, though some information relating to the earlier census are available
in ASG and BAHS of relevant years. Data on credit flowing to the
agricultural sector are available in the RBI Handbook of Statistics on the
Indian Economy and NABARD’s Publications. Another source containing
comprehensive information on agriculture at the global level is the FAO
statistical yearbooks published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.
The most detailed data available in the industrial sector relates to the factory
sector provided by ASI. The multi-variable data covers about 30 characteristics
– investment, inputs, output, gross and net value added, employment, factor
shares, net value added at 3 or 4-digit NIC code levels by States and Union
territories. Quick estimates of monthly production in selected industries and the
Index of Industrial Production are available within six weeks of the reference
month from the CSO and revised in the next two months. The State
Governments and Union Territory Administrations are also taking steps to
prepare and release monthly IIPs that are comparable to the national level IIP.
Some have already started releasing such estimates. The fourth census of
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) relating to 2006-07 is the
most recent and comprehensive source for data on production, employment and
exports of the small-scale sector. Reports from the NSSO on surveys of the
unorganized sector carried out once in five or six years provide useful data on
the characteristics of this sector. Enquiries covering the entire industrial sector
or the organized industrial sector such as the population census, NSSO
surveys on employment, the Economic Census and the Employment
Market Information Programme of the Ministry of Labour & Employment
provide data only on employment. The RBI handbook gives data on industrial
credit and financing of industrial capital. The CMIE (EIS) volumes on
industry, one on financial aggregates and the other on market size and
shares provide a fund of data on finance and market competition aspects of
industry. At the global level, the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
provides statistics on employment and the UNIDO provides statistics on total
factor productivity.
Agricultural and
22.5 EXERCISES Industrial Data
1) Which major efforts have been made to collect the data on different
aspects of agricultural sector?
2) Discuss the characteristics of data flowing from the agencies involved in
compilation of agriculture data.
3) “The detailed data available in the industrial sector relates to the factory
sector” explain.
4) Do you think that data available on unorganized sector is inadequate?
What suggestion would you like to make in this regard?
Trade and Finance
23.0 Objectives
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Trade
23.2.1 Merchandise Trade
23.2.2 Services Trade
23.3 Finance
23.3.1 Public Finances
23.3.2 Currency, Coinage, Money and Banking
23.3.3 Financial Markets
23.4 Let Us Sum Up
23.5 Exercises
23.6 Some Useful Books
23.7 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• describe the kind of data available in India in the area of trade and finance;
• state the various sources of data on trade and finance;
• explain the reasons for divergence between merchandise trade
deficit/surplus data provided by DGCI&S and RBI’s BOP data; and
• discuss which agencies are involved in compilation of data on trade and
Trade is the means of building up an enduring relationship between countries
and the means available to any country for accessing goods and services not
available locally for various reasons like the lack of technical know-how. It is
also the means of earning foreign exchange through exports so that such
foreign exchange could be utilized to finance essential imports and to seek the
much-needed technical know-how from outside the country for the
development of industrial and technical infrastructure to strengthen its
production capabilities. Trade pacts or agreements between countries or groups
of countries constitute one way of developing and expanding trade, as these
provide easier and tariff-free access to goods from member countries. While
efforts towards such an objective will be of help in expanding our trade,
globalization and the emergence of World Trade Organization (WTO) have
only sharpened the need to ensure efficiency in the production of goods and
services to compete in international markets to improve our share of world
merchandise trade and trade in services. Trade is also closely tied up with our
development objectives. Trade deficit or surplus, made up of deficit/surplus in
merchandise trade and trade in services, contributes to current account deficit 63
Data Base of Indian or surplus. Data on trade in merchandise and services would enable us to
appreciate the trends and structure of trade and identify areas of strength and
those with promise but need sustained attention.
While trade and finance have been closely bound up with each other ever since
the time money replaced barter as the means of exchange, finance is the lifeline
of all activities – economic, social and administrative activities. It flows from
the public as taxes to Government, as savings to banking and financial
institutions and as share capital or bonds or debentures to the entrepreneur. It
then gets used for a variety of developmental and non-developmental activities
through Government and other agencies and flows back to members of the
public as incomes in various ways, as factor incomes. It would therefore, be of
interest to know how funds get mobilized for various purposes and get used.
This Unit looks at the kind of data available that could enable us to analyse this
mobilization process and the flows of funds to different areas of activity. Let us
begin to discuss the data on trade.
23.2 TRADE
23.2.1 Merchandise Trade
The Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
(DGCI&S) collects and compiles statistics on imports and exports. It releases
these data at regular intervals through their publications and through CDs. It
prepares “Quick Estimates” on aggregate data of exports and imports and
principal commodities within two weeks of the reference month and releases
these in the monthly press release. It publishes
3) Quarterly publications :
The DGCI&S data are also presented as time series data in the Reserve Bank
of India Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy. As mentioned
above the CMIE is another source – their volume on Foreign Trade and
BoP. The EPWRF (see its website – google search with EPWRF will enable
you to access it) also publishes time series data on foreign trade – it is one of
the 35 sets of special statistics on which it publishes long time series data along
with information on conceptual and methodological issues.
What would we like to know about foreign trade? The volume of trade, that is,
the volume of exports and imports, the size of export earnings, the expenditure
on imports, the size of exports relative to imports, earning from exports
compared to expenses incurred on imports since exports earn foreign exchange
while imports imply outflow of foreign exchange. We should like to know
about the trends in these variables. Besides looking at the trends in the quantum
and value of imports and exports, it is important to analyse the growth in
foreign trade both in terms of value and volume, since both are subject to
changes over time. Exports and imports are made up of a large number of
commodities and fluctuations in the export and imports of individual
commodities contribute to overall fluctuations in the volume and value of
exports and imports. We, therefore, need a composite indicator of the trends
in trade. The index number of foreign trade of a country is a useful indicator of
the temporal fluctuations in exports and imports of the country in the term of
value, quantum and unit price and so on. Similarly, measures of the terms of
trade could be derived from such indices relating to imports and exports.
The index number of foreign trade is computed and presented as Unit Value
Index (UVI) and Quantum Index (QI). These are defined as follows:
UVI = [ ∑ ] / [∑ ] …………………………. (1)
QI = [ ∑ ] / [∑ ] …………………………. (2)
where P1 Is the unit value of an item in the current period and Qt is the quantity
of the same item in the current period, P0 and Q0 are the unit value and the
quantity respectively of the same item during the base period and Σ is the
summation over all commodities. These indices have been computed with
1979-80 as the base year.
Three types of Terms of Trade are computed from these indices:
1) Gross Terms of Trade (GTT) = 100 × [(QI of imports)/QI of exports)]
2) Net Terms of Trade (NTT) = 100 × [(UVI of exports)/(UVI of imports)]
3) Income Terms of Trade (ITT) = [NTT × QI of exports]/100
= [UVI(exports)× QI(exports)]/ [UVI (imports)].
The existing index numbers have the base year 1979-80. Changes in the ITC
since April, 1987 and the recasting of the basket of commodities to suit the new
This organization was previously known as Customs Cooperation Council.
These were Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz republic,
66 Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
classification system, the base year 1979-80 has become too old to serve the Trade and Finance
purpose of temporal comparability and the new ITC adopted in April, 1987.
The DGCI&S, therefore, decided to construct new index numbers with the
base year 1998-99. It also decided to bring out global monthly indices and for
selected countries. The preparation of these index numbers is in progress.
What kinds of data are available on foreign trade? Time series on the following
data are published in the RBI Handbook of Statistics of the Indian Economy
2013-14, under the sub-heading “Trade and Balance of Payments”:
a) India’s foreign trade (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from 1975-76 to 2013-14,
The exports and imports have been shown as total and in two groups,
namely, oil and non-oil. The “Trade Balance”, i.e., exports – imports is
also given for each of these three groups. A negative figure meaning exports
are less than imports. You can observe from this Table that India had a positive
non-oil trade balance, albeit sporadically, till 2003-04. However, after that,
trade balance for both oil and non-oil has become negative.
b) Exports (in US$ and Indian Rupees) of principal commodities, from 1998-
99 to 2013-143;
c) Imports (in US$ and Indian Rupees) of Principal Commodities4, from
1998-99 to 2013-14;
d) Exports (in US$ and Indian Rupees) of selected commodities to principal
e) Direction of Foreign Trade (in US$ and Indian Rupees) showing exports
and imports for each year by trade areas, groups of countries and
countries; and within each group of countries or trade area, data are
presented only for selected countries5;
f) Year-wise indices, both UVI and QI, for imports and exports from 1976-
77 to 2007-08 (base 1978-79 = 100) and 1999-2000 to 2013-14 (base
1999-2000 = 100) the three terms of trade measures; GTT, NTT and ITT;
Commodities were classified into 4 groups (including total), namely, primary products,
manufactured goods, petroleum products and others; sub-divided further in into 11 sub-
groups and 44 items: A. Agriculture and allied Products (15 items), 2. Ores and Minerals (3
items), 3. Leather and manufactures, 4. Chemicals and related products (4 items), 5.
Engineering goods (6 items), 6. Textile and textile products (11 items), 7. Gems and jewelry,
8. Handicrafts, excluding handmade carpet; 9. Other Manufactured Goods; 10. Petroleum
products; and 11. Others.
The classification of imports consisted of three broad groups, I Bulk Imports, II Non-bulk
Imports and III Total Imports; Bulk Imports were further divided into three groups, namely,
A. Petroleum, Crude and Products; B. Bulk Bulk Consumption Goods (consisting of 4 sub-
items); C. Other Bulk Items (9 sub-items); Non-bulk Import were A. Capital Goods (8 sub-
items), mainly export related items ( 4 sub-items) and Others (9 sub-items).
The trade areas for which data are presented are: I OECD countries, II OPEC, III Eastern
Europe, IV Developing Countries, V Others (Unspecified). Each of these trade areas is
further divided into country-group and within each group figures are given only for some
selected countries. Trade area I is divided into A. European Union (within which data for 6
selected countries are given). B. North America (2 selected countries). C. Asia & Oceania (2
selected countries) and D. Other OECD Countries (1 selected country). II and III have no
further grouping of countries within them but figures for 6 selected countries under II and for
2 selected countries under III are presented. Trade area IV is divided into A. Asia, B. Africa
and C. Latin America Countries. A gets further grouped into (a) SAARC (figures for all
countries are given under this), (b) Other Asian Developing Countries (figures for 6 selected
countries are given). Figures for 7 selected countries under Africa are given and for Latin
America no further break up by countries are given. 67
Data Base of Indian g) Index numbers of Exports – QI and UVI for 9 commodity groups6 from
2005-06 onwards (base 1999-2000 = 100).
h) Index numbers of Imports - QI and UVI for 9 commodity groups7 from
2005-06 onwards (base 1999-2000 = 100) Similar type of data on imports.
i) India’s overall Balance of Payment (in US $ and Indian Rupees) under: A
current account, B capital account, C. errors and omissions, D. overall
balance and E. Monetary movements from 2008-09 onwards.
j) Invisibles by category of transactions (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from
1994-95 onwards.
k) Exchange rate of Indian Rupee vis-à-vis US $, UK £, DM/€ and Japanese
¥ from 1975 onwards (calendar year – annual average, financial year –
annual average and end year rates).
l) Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Net Effective Exchange Rate
(NEER) of Indian Rupee 36-country bilateral weights) with base 2004-05
from calendar year 2005 onwards.
m) Indices of REER and NEER.
n) External assistance in the form of loans and grants from 1985-86 onwards
(in US $ and Indian Rupees), authorization, utilization and debt service
o) NRI deposits outstanding (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from 1996 onwards
in different types of accounts like NR (E)RA, FCNR(A), FCNR(B),
NR(NR)RD, NRO, FC (B&O)D, FC(O)N and total. It has increased from
US $17.446 billion in 1996 to US $103.844 in 2014.
p) Foreign investment inflows (in US $ and Indian Rupees) namely, gross
investments, repatriation/ disinvestment, FDI by India, net foreign direct
investment, net portfolio investment from 2000-01 onwards.
q) Foreign exchange reserves (in US$ and Indian Rupees) from 1956-57 onwards.
r) India’s external debt (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from 1996 onwards8,
which, inter alia, providesconcessional debt as percentage of total debt,
short term debt as % to total debt, debt stock-GDP ratio (%) and debt
service ratio (%).
The commodity groups are: I Food and live animals (6 sub-groups), II. Beverages and
Tobacco, III. Crude materials, inedible, except fuel (4 sub-groups), IV. Mineral fuels,
lubricants and related materials (3 sub-groups), V. Animal and vegetable oil, fats and
waxes, VI. Chemicals and related products (6 sub-groups), VII. Manufactured goods
classified chiefly by material (5 sub-groups), VIII. Machinery and transport equipment (9
sub-groups) and IX. Misc. manufactured articles (4 sub-groups). In a few cases, indices for
specific commodities under a sub-group are also given.
The commodity groups are: I Food and live animals (5 sub-groups), II. Beverages and
Tobacco (2 sub-groups), III. Crude materials, inedible, except fuel (7 sub-groups), IV.
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (3 sub-groups), V. Animal and vegetable oil,
fats and waxes, VI. Chemicals and related products (8 sub-groups), VII. Manufactured
goods classified chiefly by material (7 sub-groups), VIII. Machinery and transport
equipment (9 sub-groups) and IX. Misc. manufactured articles (3 sub-groups). In a few
cases, indices for specific commodities under a sub-group are also given.
The debts are classified into I. Multilateral, II. Bilateral, III. International Monetary Fund,
IV. Trade credit, V. Commercial borrowing, VI. NRI & FC (B&O) deposits, VII. Rupee
debt, VIII. Total long-term debt, IX. Short-term debt and X. Gross total debt. Most of the
groups have sub-groups A. Government borrowing, and B. Non-Government borrowing,
68 further disaggregated into concessional and non-concessional borrowing.
Some of these data are from the DGCI&S and the rest are from the Balance of Trade and Finance
Payments (BoP) data of the RBI. The BoP data reported by RBI show the
value of merchandise imports on the debit side and that of exports on the credit
side. It also shows trade balance – a trade deficit or a trade surplus – depending
upon whether the difference ‘export - imports’ is negative or positive. These
are all shown in the balance payment format as part of current account, which
also shows another entity ‘invisibles’. However, there is a divergence in trade
deficit/surplus in merchandise trade shown by DGCI&S data and that shown
by RBI’s BoP data. This discrepancy between the two sources also affects
data on current account deficit (CAD) or surplus (CDS), since current account
deficit/surplus is the total of trade deficit/surplus and net invisibles (inflow of
invisibles net of outflow in the category ‘invisibles’9) For example, the
Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister noted, in its Report on
Balance of Payments (BoP) submitted to the Prime Minister recently, that the
divergence between the two sources of data on trade was growing10. It noted
that trade deficit is projected for the year 2005-06 at 5.2 per cent of GDP on the
basis of trade data from DGCI&S, while it is 7.7 per cent according to RBI’s
BoP data – a difference of the size of 2.5 per cent of GDP. CAD based on trade
data of DGCI&S is only 0.3 per cent of GDP while it is 2.9 per cent of GDP if
the estimate of CAD is based on trade data from BoP. The reasons for the
divergence in the data between the two sources are, as noted by the Council:
• DGCI&S tracks physical imports and exports while BoP data tracks
payment transactions relating to merchandise trade;
• DGCI&S data do not capture imports that do not cross customs boundary
(for example, oil rigs and some aircrafts) while they are still paid for and
get captured in BoP data.
See under the section on Finance later in this Unit.
News report in the Hindu dated February, 23, 2006 Chennai edition – Business page. 69
Data Base of Indian 2) What is the existing base year for constructing unit value Index and
quantum index by DGCI&S?
3) What are the reasons for divergence between two sources of trade data?
4) List the various transactions covered in the ‘net invisibles’.
The finance sector consists of public finances, the central bank or the Reserve
Bank of India, the scheduled banks, urban and rural cooperative banks and
related institutions. The financial market consists of the stock exchanges
dealing with scripts like shares, bonds and other debt instrument, the primary
and secondary markets, the foreign exchange market, the treasury bills market
and the securities market where financial institutions, mutual funds, foreign
institutional investors, market intermediaries, the market regulator the
Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the banking sector and the RBI all
play important roles. It also has the insurance (life and general) and pension
funds as well as their respective regulators, i.e., the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority (IRDA) and the Pension Funds Regulatory and
Development Authority (PFRDA). It has the holding companies, which invest
in various subsidiaries and controls its operations through its stocks11. There is
also the unorganized sector made up of financial operators like individual
money-lenders and pawn shops, insurance agents, unregistered stock brokers/
One example of a Holding Company is Tata Sons, whose subsidiaries include TISCO, TCS,
70 Tata Motors, Tata Housing, etc.
sub-brokers, etc. In the System of National Accounts, 2008 (SNA 2008)12, the Trade and Finance
financial sector has been sub-divided into nine sub-sectors, depending on its
type of business.
Discussed in Unit 20 in the discussion on National Accounts Statistics.
GFD = total expenditure including loans (net of recovery) – revenue receipts (including
external grants and non-debt capital receipts); NFD = GFD – net lending of the Central
Govt; GPD = GFD – interest payment; NPD = net interest payments; RD = revenue
receipts – revenue expenditure; PRD = RD – interest payment; BD (Conventional Deficit)
= all expenditure (revenue and capital) – all receipts (revenue and capital); with the
discontinuation of ad hoc treasury bills and 91-day treasury bills, the concept of
conventional budget deficit has lost its relevance since 1/4/97. The figures shown against
BD from 1997-98, therefore, represent draw down of cash balances from RBI; Net RBI
Credit to Govt. = the sum of variations in the RBI’s holdings of (i) Central Govt. dated
securities, (ii) treasury bills, (iii) Rupee coins, and (iv) loans and advances from RBI to the
Central Govt. since 1/4/97 adjusted for changes in the Central Govt.’s cash balances with
the RBI in the case of the Centre. 71
Data Base of Indian iii) Major14 heads of capital receipts of the Central Government – market
borrowings, small savings, provident funds15, special deposits, recoveries
of loans, disinvestments receipts16, external loans (net);
iv) Major heads of Central Govt. expenditure – revenue expenditure and
its important components (defence, interest payments and subsidies),
capital expenditure including loans and advances and defence
expenditure; also the breakup of expenditure into developmental and
non-developmental heads and the shares of economic services and
social services in developmental expenditure;
v) Centre’s gross fiscal deficit and its financing – GFD receipts, GFD
expenditure, Gross Fiscal Deficit, financing of GFD through external
financing and internal financing (market borrowings, other borrowings,
draw down of cash balances);
vii) Public sector Plan outlay, its sectoral profile and the manner in which
it is financed – from sources like own resources, domestic market
borrowings and net capital inflow from abroad;
Adjusted for changes in classification effected in 1974-75 and 1987-88.
Only Govt. provident funds, as the Public Provident Fund (PPF) is part of small savings
since 1998-99.
These are not to be treated as budgetary receipts as these are to be credited to a separate
72 NDCU means the Central and State Public Sector Units
v) States’ Gross Fiscal Deficit and its financing – loans from Central Trade and Finance
Government, market borrowings, special securities issued to NSSF and
vi) Outstanding liabilities of the State Governments.
c) Combined Finances of Central and State Governments
i) Combined deficit;
ii) Receipts and Disbursements;
iii) Direct and Indirect tax revenues;
iv) Developmental and non-developmental expenditure;
v) Market borrowings;
vi) Interest rates on dated securities (Range and weighted averages) of
Central and State Government;
vii) Outstanding liabilities;
viii) Ownership of Central and State Govt Securities – 11 categories like
RBI, scheduled commercial banks, cooperative banks, primary
dealers, insurance companies, financial institutions, mutual funds,
provident funds, corporates, foreign institutional investors and others;
d) Transactions with the Rest of the World
We have enumerated the kind of data available on Central and State
Government finances. But these relate mainly to domestic finances and
transactions. What about our transactions with the rest of the world? We
have looked at one of these, namely, trade in merchandise and services in
the section on trade. There are a number of other areas in which India
interacts with the rest of the world. Foreign exchange flows into the country
as a result of exports from India, external assistance/aid/loans/borrowings,
returns from Indian investments abroad, remittance and deposits from Non-
Resident Indians (NRI) and foreign investment (foreign direct investment –
FDI – and portfolio investment) in India. Foreign exchange reserves are
used up for purposes like financing imports, retiring foreign debts and
investment abroad. What is the net result of these transactions on the
foreign exchange reserves? What are the trends in these flows and their
components? What is the size of the current account imbalance relative to
GDP and its composition? If it is a deficit is it investment-driven? What is
the size of foreign exchange reserves relative to macro-aggregates like
GDP, the size of imports and the size of the short-term external debt18?
One can measure the size of the forex reserves as equivalent to so many weeks or months of
imports. Alternatively, one can relate it to financial stability. The Guidotti-Greenspan Rule
sets a standard for this. According to this rule, reserves should equal one year’s short-term
debt. Yet another way of examining the size of the reserves is to look at it is terms of its
opportunity cost. The reserves earn a zero real return measured in domestic terms. If on the
other hand, these are invested either domestically in infrastructure or in a fully diversified
long-term way in global markets, substantial incremental benefits would accrue to the
domestic economy. [see the Hindu, April 3, 2006, page 17 “Intriguing Pattern of Global
Capital Flows” excepts from the L.K. Jha Memorial Lecture delivered recently
(March 24, 2006) in Mumbai by Prof. Lawrence Summers. President of Harvard
University and former Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration, at the
invitation of the RBI.] The full text of the lecture may also be published in the RBI
Monthly Bulletin. The lecture discusses the implications of the rising forex reserves of the
developing countries and the opportunities and challenges that these present. 73
Data Base of Indian The RBI Handbook 2013-14 gives time series data (which are often in
US$ as well as in Indian Rupees) on a number of these parameters:
i) India’s overall BoP showing current account and capital account and key
components of these like trade balance, invisible19, types of foreign
investment, net external assistance, net commercial borrowing, rupee debt
service and net NRI deposits. It also shows monetary movements in terms
of increase/decrease in forex/reserves, IMF and SDR allocation,
ii) Exchange rate of Indian Rupee vis-à-vis US $, UK £, DM/€ and Japanese
¥ from 1975 onwards (calendar year – annual average, financial year –
annual average and end year rates),
iii) Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange
Rate (NEER) of Indian Rupee based on 36 country bilateral weights with
base 2004-05 from calendar year 2005 onwards,
iv) Indices of REER and NEER,
v) External assistance in the form of loans and grants from 1985-86 onwards
(in US $ and Indian Rupees), authorization, utilization and debt service
vi) NRI deposits outstanding (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from 1996
onwards in different types of accounts like NR (E)RA, FCNR(A),
FCNR(B), NR(NR)RD, NRO, FC (B&O)D, FC(O)N and total. It has
increased from US $17.446 billion in 1996 to US $103.844 in 2014,
vii) Foreign investment inflows (in US $ and Indian Rupees) namely, gross
investments, repatriation/ disinvestment, FDI by India, net foreign direct
investment, net portfolio investment from 2000-01 onwards,
viii) Foreign exchange reserves (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from 1956-57
ix) India’s external debt (in US $ and Indian Rupees) from 1996 onwards20,
which, inter alia, provides concessional debt as percentage of total debt,
short term debt as % to total debt, debt stock-GDP ratio (%) and debt
service ratio (%).
FDI has assumed importance in the context of the country’s efforts to meet the
increasing need for investment capital for its expanding economy. Data on FDI
are important. These are available from August, 1991 onwards. FDI data
collected by RBI and the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
(DIPP) in the Ministry of Commerce & Industry before 2000 related only to
equity capital. The coverage of the data has since then has been expanded so
that these are in accordance with the best international practices. FDI data
collected by RBI now cover (a) equity capital, (b) reinvested earnings (retained
earnings of FDI companies); and (c) other capital (inter-corporate debt
transaction between related entities). FDI data from 2000-01 onwards are,
therefore, not comparable with data of earlier years. The Department of
The component transactions that make up ‘invisible’ have been enumerated in the section
on Trade – Services.
The debts are classified into I. Multilateral, II. Bilateral, III. International Monetary Fund,
IV. Trade credit, V. Commercial borrowing, VI. NRI & FC (B&O) deposits, VII. Rupee
debt, VIII. Total long-term debt, IX. Short-term debt and X. Gross total debt. Most of the
groups have sub-groups A. Government borrowing, and B. Non-Government borrowing,
74 further disaggregated into concessional and non-concessional borrowing.
Industrial Policy and Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries Trade and Finance
publishes monthly data on FDI inflow in India21. It presents time series data on
the break-up of FDI flows by
The RBI handbook 2013-14 and the SEBI Handbook of Statistics of Indian
Securities Market22 present time series on FII. The SEBI handbook, gives
You can visit the site to
get the monthly FDI inflow.
22 75
Data Base of Indian Check Your Progress 2
1) Name the documents that provide different kinds of data on public finances.
2) What is the difference between Gross Fiscal Deficit (GFD) and Net Fiscal
Deficit (NFD)?
3) Identify the transactions other than trade in merchandise that India has
with the rest of world.
Most of these of data are compiled by the RBI on the basis of its records and
those of NABARD and returns that it receives from banks and can be found in
RBI Bulletins and RBI handbook. The wholesale Price Index (WPI) is
compiled by the Economic Advisor’s Officer in the Ministry of Industry, the
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI – IW) and CPI for
Agricultural Labour (CPI - AL) by the Labour Bureau, Shimla, Ministry of
Labour and CPI for rural and urban (CPI – Rural, CPI-Urban and CPI
Rural+Urban) by the CSO. All these are published by the agencies concerned
and also presented in the RBI and CSO publications mentioned above. The
Consumer Price Index released on 12th of each month by the CSO also
provides retail prices of selected commodities/services, separately for the rural
and urban areas in India. Two other reports of the Reserve Bank of India
published every year – the Report on Currency and Finance and the Report
on Trends in Banking provide a wealth of information of use to analyse. The
RBI also maintains an online database in searchable format, where one can
select the parameters for which one need to use the data. You can also right
click on the selected page, copy the data necessary for your analysis and paste
it on a blank excel workbook to carry out your own analysis 23. The EPWRF
website also provides data on Banking, Money and Finance.
i) Liabilities and assets of the RBI, 1980 onwards. The liabilities are deposits
from Central Government, State Governments, Scheduled Commercial
Banks, Scheduled State Co-operative Banks, Non-Scheduled Co-operative
Banks, other Banks and others. The assets are notes and coins, balances
held abroad, loans and advances to Central and State Govts. banks and
other agencies, bills purchased and discounted, investments and other
iii) Sources of money stock consisting of net RBI credit to Central Government,
net RBI credit to State Government, other banks’ investments in Government
securities, RBI credit to commercial sector, Other banks’ credit to
commercial sector, net foreign exchange assets of the RBI, net foreign
exchange assets of other banks, Government’s currency liabilities to
public, net non-monetary liabilities of RBI, net non-monetary liabilities of
other banks, RBI’s gross claims on banks;
iv) Average monetary aggregates, like currency with the public, demand
deposits, time deposits, other deposits with the RBI, reserve money,
narrow money, broad money, net bank credit to Government, bank credit
to governmental sector, net foreign exchange assets of the banking sector,
See the link 77
Data Base of Indian Government’s currency liabilities to the public, banking sector’s net non-
monetary liabilities;
v) Major monetary policy rates and reserve requirements: bank rate, LAF
(REPO, reverse REPO, and MSF) rates, CRR and SLR;
vi) Monthly data series on the detailed composition of each of the components
of the money stock (the “C” components) and the composition of
individual sources of change in the money stock; also defining new
monetary aggregates24 NM2 and NM3, these being respectively equal to
“M1 + short-term time deposits” and “[NM2+ long-term deposits +
call/term funding from Financial Institutions (FIs)] = [domestic credit +
Government’s currency liability to the public + net forex assets of the
banking sector – capital account – other items (net)];
vii) Monthly data series on Liquidity Aggregates25, namely, L1= NM3 + Postal
deposits26; L2 = L1 + liabilities27 of FIs; L3 = L2 + public deposits with
NBFCs28 (L3 is compiled on a quarterly basis);
viii) Monthly average price of gold and silver in domestic (Mumbai) and
foreign markets;
ix) Selected Aggregates of Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) like
outstanding demand and time deposits, investment in Govt. and other
securities, bank credit (food and non-food), cash in hand and balance with
the RBI.
x) Deployment of non-food credit to priority sector and its sub-sectors (like
agriculture, small scale industries), industry and its groups, whole sale
trade and export credit; and short and long term direct and indirect
institutional credit to agriculture and allied activities and to farmers by size
of holdings;
xi) Consolidated balance sheets of SCBs; Gross and net Non-Performing
Assets (NPAs) of SCBs by bank groups29; Distribution of SCBs and
different sub-group of SCBs by Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
(CRAR);30 and
xii) Important banking indicators of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), State
Cooperative Banks, Primary Agricultural Coop. Societies (PACS), State
Coop. Agricultural and Rural Development Banks and Primary Coop.
(A&RD) Banks;
See footnote 19.
The methodology for compiling liquidity aggregates is available in the “New Monetary and
Liquidity Aggregates” in the RBI Bulletin of November, 2000. The acronyms NM2and NM3
are used to distinguish the new monetary aggregates from the existing monetary aggregates.
Post office SB deposits + PO time deposits + PO recurring deposits + other deposits + PO
Cumulative Time Deposits.
Term money borrowings + CDs + term deposits.
Non-Banking Financial Companies. Estimates of public deposits are generated on the basis
of a sample study of more than 1000 NBFCs with public deposits of Rs. 20 crores or more.
1) public sector banks, 2) old private sector banks, 3) new private sector banks, and 4)
foreign banks in India.
The detailed instructions issued by the RBI on CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio) or CRAR
can be seen at
SCBs had to comply with a minimum CRAR of 8 per cent up to the end of March, 1999 and
9 per cent from the end of March, 2000. The sub-group 1 in the footnote 25 is split into two
78 sub-groups – SBI group and nationalized banks.
Trade and Finance
23.3.2 Financial Markets
What would we like to know about the financial market and its functioning?
We should like to know about the ways in which financial resources can be
accessed and at what cost. What are the prevailing interest rates payable for
funds to meet short-term or long-term requirements? How do new ventures
access the large amount of resources that are need for the new ventures? How
do term lending institutions access funds required for their operations? What
are the sources of funds?
The RBI, which regulates banking operations and the operations of the NBFCs
and FIs and the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which regulates
the capital market, and the Department of Company Affairs that administers
the Companies Act, are the major sources of data on financial markets. The
RBI Handbook of Statistics of the India Economy – 2013-1431 and the
Handbook of statistics on the Indian Securities Market - 201432 published
by SEBI contain comprehensive data on the financial market. The two together
provide annual time series data on several aspects of the financial market:
iv) Taxable and tax-free bonds issued by public sector undertakings – both
public issue of bonds and privately placed bonds;
vii) New capital issues (number and amount mobilized) by non-govt. public
Ltd. Companies;
Also available on the RBI website . In fact, the entire Handbook is
available on the website. The web version can be downloaded from the website. For some
of the financial market data longer time series are provided in the CD ROM and web
versions. The CD ROM now incorporates intelligent search features that allows for searches
across tables, enabling users to select one or more of any data series for any selected time
period from any table in the handbook in a user-friendly manner. The data can be
downloaded in the form of a user-defined spreadsheet table that can be read by most
standard econometric software.
Copies can be had from Research Deptt., SEBI, World Trade Centre I, 29th floor, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai-400 005. This is also available on the website of SEBI – can be downloaded from the website.
After the new regulatory framework for NBFCs came into force in 1998, the NBFCs and
Residuary NBCs. 79
Data Base of Indian viii) Absorption of private capital issues – the no. of issuing companies, the
number of shares and amount subscribed by promoters etc., and Govt.,
FLs etc., and the number of shares and amount subscribed by public,
other than underwriters and other groups;
xi) Annual averages share price indices – BSE SENSEX (base 1978-79
=100), BSE National (base 1983-84 = 100) and RBI Index (base 1980-81
= 100) and Market Capitalisation34;
xiv) Annual and monthly data series on resources raised by the corporate
sector through (i) equity issues and (ii) debt issues (public issues and
private placement) and the share of private placement in total debt and
total resource mobilization and the share of debt in total resource
mobilization; (SEBI);
xvi) Annual and monthly series on resources mobilized, instrument wise, from
the primary market – number and amount mobilized by category of issue
(public issue and rights issue); by type of issues [by listed companies and
initial Public Offerings (IPO)]; by equities at par and equities at a
premium; cumulative convertible preference shares (CCPS); bonds; and
others; (SEBI);
xvii) Annual and monthly series of data on capital raised by (i) industrial
(economic activity) classification (banks/FIs), industries like electronics,
and engineering, entertainment, finance etc.; (ii) size of capital raised;
(iii) sector (public and private); and (iv) region (north, east, south and
west); (SEBI);
xviii) Annual and monthly data series on the number and quantum of Euro
Issues; (SEBI);
The compilation of the RBI Index was discontinued from 1999-00. The compilation of
market capitalization – all India was discontinued by BSE since 1999-00. The SEBI
Handbook provides data on market capitalization – all India from 1999-00 as given in the
80 publication of the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
xix) Annual and monthly data series on transactions of MFs on the Stock Trade and Finance
Exchanges – gross purchases and sales and net purchase/sales in (a)
equity, and (b) debt; (SEBI);
xx) Trends on trading on stock exchanges – the number of shares traded and
the number and value of shares delivered; (SEBI);
xxiii) Annual and monthly series on trends in FII investment – gross purchases
and sales and net investment; (SEBI);
xxv) Survey of investor households – a joint effort of SEBI and the National
Council of Applied Economic Research – result giving an estimate of
investor and non-investor households by type of investment, household
by type of instruments invested in and so on.
Figures from 1995-96 include acquisition of shares of Indian companies by non-residents
under S/6 of FEMA, 1999. Those from 2000-01 have been revised with expanded coverage
to approach international best practices and are, therefore, not comparable with earlier data. 81
Data Base of Indian 3) Identify 3 different sub-sectors of financial market and name a few major
sources of data for each of these sub-sectors of financial markets.
Data are available in the RBI Handbook (long time series) on public finances
such as receipts and expenditure of the Central and the State Governments, the
manner in which these Governments mobilize resources through taxes and non-
tax revenue borrowings, the patterns of their expenditure – developmental
outlays, debt servicing, economic and social services and so on – and the
various types of (fiscal) deficits that they run and the manner in which these are
financed. Data on balance of payments, inflow of foreign investment, foreign
aid/borrowings, assistance and the size of foreign debt are also available in the
RBI Handbook. So are the data on the money stock, the different monetary
aggregates like M0, M1 and M3, and the new monetary aggregates NM2 and
NM3 and “C” components of the money stock, the sources of change in the
money stock and their “S” components and liquidity aggregates L1, L2 and L3.
The role of the banks and financial institutions in the mobilization of savings
and the deployment of credit to different economic activities, their functional
and operational efficiency in terms of indicators like NPA and CRAR can be
examined well with the time series data available in the RBI Handbook and
such an effort can be supplemented with information on profitability provided
by the RBI’s Report on Trends in Banking. Similarly, the functioning of the
financial market in terms of the structure of interest rates in different markets,
resources mobilized through different modes like capital issues, private
placement, equities with and without premium, preference shares and CCPS,
total resources raised from the primary market, trends in trading in stock
exchanges, share price indices and market capitalization, indicators of liquidity
like traded value ratio and market capitalization to GDP ratio and measures of
comparative evaluation of indices (BSE SENSEX, BSE 100 Index, etc.,) like
Price to Earnings Ratio and Price to Book Ratio, can be analysed adequately
with the data available on these aspects in the RBI Handbook and the Trade and Finance
Handbook of Statistics, published by SEBI. The RBI Handbook, especially
with the special features incorporated in its website version, stand out as an
invaluable source of data on finance and also trade.
1) How can you analyse trend in foreign trade? Discuss the role of unit value
index and quantum index in this regard.
2) Discuss the kind of time series data on money and banking compiled by
RBI. How this data can be useful for research?
Social Sector
24.0 Objectives
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Employment, Unemployment and Labour Force
24.2.1 Magnitude of Employment and Unemployment
24.2.2 Quality/Adequacy of Employment
24.2.3 Labour Welfare
24.3 Education
24.3.1 Educational Infrastructure
24.3.2 Infrastructure Utilization and Access to Educational Opportunities
24.4 Health
24.4.1 Health Infrastructure
24.4.2 Public Health, Morbidity and Mortality Indicators
24.4.3 National Family Health Survey (NFHS)
24.5 Shelter and Amenities
24.6 Social Consequences of Development
24.7 Environment
24.8 Quality of Life
24.9 Let Us Sum Up
24.10 Some Useful Books
24.11 Answers or Hints to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• know the sources of data on various aspects of employment and unemployment,
labour welfare, education, health, shelter, safe drinking water, etc., which
determine the quality of life of the people;
• Identify the various organization/agencies involved in the compilation of
data on different aspects of social sector;
• describe the different concepts used in collection of data on social sector;
• explain the kind of data/information available in the various publications
containing data on social sector.
Social Sector consists of education, health, employment, shelter, sanitation,
other housing amenities, environment, and adverse consequences of
development and levels of living or quality of life in general. Investments in
Data Base of Indian this sector pay rich dividends in terms of rising productivity, distributed
growth, reduction in social and economic inequalities and levels of poverty
although after a relatively longer time span than in the case of investment in
physical sectors. Let us look at the kind of data available in this sector.
These statutory returns are submitted under the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory
86 Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 and the Rules of 1960 made there under.
the educational profile of selected occupations in the public and private sectors. Social Sector
However, non-response in the submission of these returns has over the years
deteriorated so much that the data on the occupational/education pattern has
now lost its utility.
The DGE&T and the DEs in the State Governments and Union Territory
administrations also provide data on the number of job seekers by age, sex and
education qualifications, and the socially and physically challenged and their
distribution by sex and education on the live register of employment
exchanges, the number of vacancies notified to the employment exchanges
under the Act referred to in the preceding paragraph and the number of job
seekers placed in jobs by the employment exchange. It would not at all be fair
to measure the efficiency of the employment exchanges by comparing the
number of placements with the number of vacancies notified to the exchanges
or with the number on the live register for several reasons. First, vacancies
being filled through public service commissions, other commissions, recruitment
boards and the like and those filled through competitive examinations need not be
notified to employment exchanges. Second, public sector undertakings need to
fill from the Employment Exchanges only vacancies carrying salaries below a
certain level specified by Government. Finally, establishments in the private
sector need to only notify their vacancies to the employment exchanges. They
are not obliged to confine their choice of candidates for recruitment to the
nominees of the exchanges and are free to fill their vacancies through the open
market. Sample surveys of those on the live register at any point of time have
shown that a sizeable proportion of the job seekers are already employed, some
are unemployed and some have registered at more than one exchange. At the
same time, surveys of employment and unemployment like the NSSO
quinquennial surveys (see below) have shown that not all the unemployed are
registered in the employment exchanges. Thus, the size of the live register can
overestimate unemployment and, from another angle, can also underestimate
unemployment. These factors may not also cancel each other and it is,
therefore, difficult to consider the size of the live register as a reasonably
accurate estimate of the level of unemployment. Nevertheless, it does represent
the extent of pressure in the job market, especially for government and public
sector jobs.
The second source is the Economic Census. This has been conducted in 1977,
1980, 1990, 1998, 2003 and 2013 covering all economic enterprises in the country
except those engaged in crop production and plantation and provides data on
employment in these enterprises 2 . These thus include also the unorganized
sector outside crop production, animal husbandry and plantations. The third
source is the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), which gives us estimates of
factory sector employment, i.e., all factories registered under the Factories Act,
1948 and the Bidi and Cigar Workers Condition of Employment Act, 19663.
The ASI presents estimates of levels of employment by industries at the three-
digit level of NIC 2008 codes along with industry level aggregates like
investment, output, inputs, value added and so on4 so that one can derive useful
technical ratios to facilitate analysis of the role of the factors of production in
The first report on the Economic Census 2013 is available on the website of the Ministry
of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) .
See the Sub-section 21.3.3 titled “Factory Sector – Annual Survey of Industries” in Unit 21
on Agricultural and Industrial Data.
See the list of principal characteristics given in footnote 22 in the section referred to in the
preceding footnote. Sub-section 21.3.3 referred to therein also gives an idea of the kind of
data on employment available from ASI. 87
Data Base of Indian industry. The quality of ASI data is thus tied to the completeness of the frame
of factories, which, in turn depends on the quality of the enforcement of the
Factories Act, 1948 and the Bidi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of
Employment) Act, 1966. Data on employment in Railways is available from
the Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, those on employment in the
Banking Sector from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), those on employment
in posts and telecommunications respectively by the Department of Posts and
the Ministry of Telecommunications and those on employment in insurance
by the Ministry of Finance. The reports on the Census of Central
Government Employees conducted by the DGE&T every year and the
Census of Central Government Employees conducted by the respective State
Governments provide a time series data of employment in Government sector.
Indian Labour Yearbooks (the latest is for 2009 and 2010) and Annual Employment
Unemployment Survey (the 4th report of this pertaining to 2012-13 is the latest) Labour
88 Bureau (Ministry of Labour and Employment), Shimla.
(main workers and marginal workers) and its distribution by four economic Social Sector
activity categories – (i) cultivators, (ii) agricultural labourers, (iii) household
industries and (iv) other activities. The rest of the population, namely, those
who are neither main workers nor marginal workers, are categorized as non-
workers. All other data on employment and unemployment are available at the
district level upwards for rural and urban areas and the urban data by urban
agglomerations and size classes of cities and towns. In Census 2011, till
December 2014, the following data has been published:
a) The Primary Census Abstract (PCA), published for each village and urban
ward, provide, among others, the number of female and male main
workers, marginal workers and non-workers for overall, SC and ST for
each of the four-fold classification of economic activity, i.e., cultivators,
agricultural labourers, household industry and other workers;
b) The number of female and male main workers, marginal workers and non-
workers in each single year of age, classified further by four-fold
classification of economic activity and social group disaggregated at India,
State and district level.
Census tables released so far are available on CDs for users on payment of the prices
indicated in the Census website Most of the India and State/UT
level tables can be viewed in / downloaded from the census website. Highlights of and
introductions to tables, concepts and definitions and an advance release calendar are also in
the website. Tables are also available at State/Union Territory/District City level on CDs.
In Census 2001, the NIC 1998 was used for dissemination of the results. In NIC ’98, the first
level had the following categories: a) Agriculture, Hunting & Forestry, b) Fishing, c) Mining
& Quarrying, d) Manufacturing, e) Electricity, Gas and Water Supply, f) Construction,
g) Wholesale and Retail Trade, h) Hotels and Restaurants, i) Transport, Storage and
Communications, j) Financial Intermediation, k) Real Estates and Business Activities,
l) Public Administration and Defence, and Compulsory Social Security, m) Education,
n) Health & Social Work, o) Other Community, Social and Personal Service Activities,
p) Private Households with Employed Persons, q) Extra-Territorial Organizations and
Bodies. In Census 2001 tables, Categories A& B were grouped together, J & K were grouped
together and L to Q were grouped together.
1)Illiterate, 2) literate but below metric, 3) metric/secondary but below graduate, 4) technical
diploma or certificate not equal to degree, 5) graduate and above other than technical degree,
and 6) technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post graduate degree and a further sub-
classification of item 6 into engineering and technology, medicine, agriculture and others. 89
Data Base of Indian d) Similar distributions for unemployed SC population, ST populations and
further classification of the distribution for unemployed general population
by religious communities;
e) Distributions of (i) main workers, (ii) marginal workers, and (iii) non-
workers by main activity, educational levels, age and sex; and
Some of the reports relating to employment and unemployment on the 68th round are Report
No. 554 on “Employment and Unemployment Situation in India” and Report No. 557
on “Informal Sector and Conditions of Employment in India”. All these can be
downloaded from the MoSPI website: by becoming a registered user,
90 which is free of charge.
provide the following type of data10 for Rural (R), Urban (U) and (R+U) at Social Sector
national and State levels11:
The unit record data, that is the basic data collected in the surveyed households, are
available in CDs from the Computer Centre of the MoSPI on signing an undertaking and
making a payment. The details can be seen at
Technically, data should be available by 70 and odd NSS regions being made up of one or
more contiguous districts. As the unit record data are available on floppies from NSSO
on payment, one can make any kind of tabulation for any region or regions. However, one
should be checking the sample size while preparing such estimates, as that affects the
reliability of an estimate.
In some cases, only by agricultural sector and the non-agricultural sector.
The economic activity that accounted for the maximum of the income of the household in
the 365 days preceding the date of the survey.
The nature and type of work from which a household derives its major income is an
important indicator of the activity pattern of its members. The classification of households
by household type is based on the major economic activity of the household during the 365
days preceding the date of the survey. 91
Data Base of Indian k) UPS/UPSS/CWS/CDS unemployment rates (can be easily estimated from
the tables on distribution of 1000 persons by various characteristics, as
indicated in the main paragraph) for all groups together and for different
groups like gender, age group, educational level, MPCE classes,
household type, household land cultivated class and principal household
economic activity, etc.;
l) Average daily salary/wage earnings of regular wage/salaried employees
aged 15-59 by sex, sector of work and education; a similar distribution by
occupational groups and education; and
m) Average daily wage/earnings per day received by casual labour by sex, age
group, type of operation, and sub-round15.
Data on employment are thus available from several sources. Estimates of
employment derived from different sources for the same sector or sub-sector
will differ. While this may be frustrating to a lay person, it opens up an exciting
and challenging opportunity to an analyst to unravel the factors responsible for
such variations and to find ways and means of tackling such factors. Such
factors could be differences in the concepts, definitions and mode of collection
of data (sample survey, census or administrative/statutory reporting systems)
used by the different sources. There may be other factors causing the
divergence in estimates. Some steps could be taken to remove at least a few of
these factors. Data collecting agencies should adopt the same concepts and
definitions for enquiries on the same or similar subjects, as far as possible. The
use of trained personnel in data collection does have a favourable impact on the
quality of data and should receive consideration. Estimates based on sample
surveys should accompanied by estimates of the standard error to which the
estimates from the survey are subject16.
24.2.2 Quality/Adequacy of Employment
NSSO survey data (items above) can be used to analyse the quality and
adequacy of employment. Besides underemployment among the employed, other
aspects of quality can also be looked at. One is the proportion of the employed by
employment status, especially the proportion of the work force in ‘casual
employment’. The second is a comparison of the average daily earnings of male and
female, regular and casual workers in different sectors and operations with the
prevailing statutory minimum wage and the poverty line. The third is a look at the
pattern of employment status of the workers belonging to poor households. These
will throw light on the quality of employment enjoyed by the workforce, quality in
terms of the intermittent nature of work, tenure of employment, employment
security and low wages and above all, the prevailing gender differences in these
aspects of quality. Gender differences in access to employment in different
occupations and sectors of economic activity would be clear from a perusal of the
tables listed in the preceding section. Even aspects of the question of the
invisibility of the female worker, leading to underestimation of the female
workforce can be examined17.
One year long round of the Survey has four sub-rounds to take note of the seasonal effect
on the variables under investigation.
Reports on NSSO surveys do provide information on the concepts, definitions, coverage,
sampling design and estimation procedures adopted and the standard errors of estimates
presented in the reports.
NSSO Report No. 554 referred to in an earlier footnote. See also “Gender and
Employment in India”, T.S. Papola & Alakh N. Sharma (Ed), published by Indian
Society of Labour Economics and Institute of Economics Growth in association with
92 Vikas Publishing House Ltd, New Delhi. (1999).
The Labour Bureau, Shimla under the Ministry of Labour also publishes18 data Social Sector
on wage levels in the organized sector and on the welfare of labour. Data on
total earnings of factory workers are collected through the statutory returns
under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 from establishments defined as
factories under the Factories Act, 1948. The Act was applicable to employees
with earnings19 up to Rs. 200. This limit has been increased from time to time
to 1600 in 1982. These returns are, however, not received from all factories.
The Bureau also conducts Occupational Wage Surveys in selected industries at
regular intervals (called first round, second round and so on) and publishes
reports20 on these surveys) that provide the distribution of workers by levels of
earnings and by occupations for each industry. These reports facilitate analysis
of variation in levels of earnings within occupations, across gender within
occupations, across regions and industries and to judge the adequacy of such
employment opportunities in the light of statutory minimum wages and the
poverty line. We have seen in the Unit on Agricultural and Industrial Data that
the ASI gives information on the total wages, total emoluments and employee
compensation along with mandays of workers and mandays of employees in
different industries in the factory sector. These thus help in deriving the
average wage per worker-manday and the average emoluments per employee-
manday and the average employee compensation per employee-manday.
As for the unregistered sector and the unorganized part of other sectors, the
DE, NDE and OAE Surveys 21 and other Establishment Surveys of the
CSO in different sectors (till the early 1990s) and the unorganized sector
surveys of the NSSO 22 provide data on average annual earnings for men,
women and children in such establishments. Regular reports like “Wage
Rates in Rural India” (the latest published relates to 2004-05) and the Report
on the Working of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (the latest is for 2003), of
Labour Bureau enable an analysis of rural/unorganized sector wage levels vis-
à-vis statutory minimum wages and poverty line.
Yearbooks of Labour Statistics, (various years), Ministry of Labour, Shimla.
Earnings include basic wages, dearness allowance, money value of concessions, annual or
prepaid bonus, and arrears.
Reports on Occupational Wage Surveys (Successive Rounds – the latest publications relate
to the sixth round), Ministry of Labour, Labour Bureau, Shimla.
Directory Establishments, Non Directory Establishments and Own Account Enterprises. The
first two employ at least one hired worker and a total of 6 or more persons and 1 to 5 persons
respectively. In Own Account Enterprises, no hired worker works on a regular basis. These
surveys are now being conducted by the NSSO. The of NSS Report 549, for the year 2010-
11 is the latest report on unorganized non agricultural enterprises (excluding construction),
which provide data on DE, NDE and OAE.
Besides the reports listed in Sub-section 21.3.4 of unit 21. 93
Data Base of Indian
24.2.3 Labour Welfare
The Labour Bureau publishes23 data on several aspects of labour welfare – data
on industrial injuries, injuries in mines, compensation to workers for injuries
and death, industrial disputes, health insurance, provident fund and trade
unions of employers and workers. Statistics on industrial injuries are collected
through statutory returns under the Factories Act, 1948 that provides that
industrial accidents due to which the affected persons are prevented from
attending to work for at least 48 hours should be reported to the inspector of
factories. These depend on returns, and the sizeable non-response in the
submission of these mars the quality of this source of data on incidence of fatal
and non-fatal injuries in factories in mines under the Mines Act, 1952, as
amended in 1983. Initially, data on the number of serious accidents and the
accident rate were classified as ‘fatal’ and ‘serious’. Subsequently, from 1984,
accidents and the accident rate (accidents per 100 employees) were classified
as ‘fatal’ ‘spot serious’24 and ‘reportable serious’25. Complete statistics are not
available for the same reasons mentioned earlier. Statistics on ‘compensated
injuries’ and the amount of compensation paid, both classified as (resulting in)
‘death’ and (leading to) ‘disability’ – ‘permanent’ and ‘temporary’, are
collected under the Workmen’s Compensation (WC) Act, 1923 on the basis of
annual returns received from the State Governments, Posts & Telegraph
Departments and the Railway Board for different Zonal Railways under the
Act. Compensation is payable to workers employed in ‘scheduled
employments’26 for injuries due to accidents resulting in death or disablement
for more than three days, provided that it is not caused through the fault of the
worker himself. The number of injuries reported in the returns does not reflect
the total number of injuries that occur, as all the injuries are not compensated
for. Further, many of the establishments covered by the Act fail to submit
returns and, therefore, the information received by the State Governments
about the compensated injuries and the amount of compensation paid is
incomplete. Compensation for injuries in establishments covered by the
Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948 are paid under the ESI Act and not
under WC Act. These limitations affect the trends and comparability over time
of compensated accidents.
Statistics on the number of (a) industrial disputes27, (b) workers involved in the
disputes, (c) mandays lost and (d) causes of disputes – (i) wages and
allowances, (ii) bonus, (iii) personnel matters, (iv) retrenchment, (v) leave and
hours of work/shift working, (vi) indiscipline and violence, (vii) others, and
(viii) cause not known. Completeness of these data would depend on the extent
to which outside authorities are involved in the resolution of the disputes. How
are the workers and the employers, the two pillars of industrial progress,
organized to fight for their rights? The Trade Unions Act, 1926 regulates the
formation and functioning of such organizations. The annual returns under the
Yearbooks of Labour Statistics referred to in an earlier footnote.
This is one where one or more persons have received serious bodily injury. This means any
injury which involves, or in all probability will involve, (a) the permanent loss of any part
or section of the body or use of any part or section of the body or (b) the permanent loss of,
or injury to, sight or hearing or (c) any permanent incapacity or (d) the fracture of any bone
or one or more joints or bones of any phalanges of hand or foot.
This is one where one or more persons have received “reportable injury”. This means any
injury other than a serious bodily injury, which involves, or in all probability will involve,
the enforced absence of the injured person from work for a period of 72 hours or more.
Employments specified in the Schedule appended to the Act under reference.
94 Disputes resulting in work-stoppages involving 10 or more workers.
Act received from the State Governments relate only to those organizations that Social Sector
have been registered with the State Governments under the Act. And it is not
obligatory on these organizations to secure registration under the Act. The
response rate even among the registered ones is less than 50 per cent. The data
provided in the Yearbooks of Labour Statistics relates to the number of (i)
workers’ organizations on the register (ii) those submitting returns, (iii)
percentage response, (iv) membership at the end of the year, (v) income
including balance carried over from the previous year, (vi) expenditure, and
(vii) balance of funds at the close of the year and similar data for employers’
organizations. Information on the membership of the employers’ and workers’
organizations by NIC 1987 is available in the Yearbooks. Statistics relating to
the working of various welfare funds like the Coal, Mica etc., Mines Welfare
Funds and the ESI Corporation and the Employees Provident Fund
Organisation (EPFO) – number of beneficiaries/members, etc., - are also
provided by Yearbooks and the annual reports of the ESIC and EPFO28.
As for the unorganized sector, the Labour Bureau’s reports on their ongoing
programme of surveys on (i) the working and living conditions of Scheduled
Caste/Tribe workers, (ii) living conditions of unorganized workers, and (iii)
contract labour provide information on the qualitative aspects of employment
in terms of variables like wage levels, working and living conditions, work
place safety and amenities at the work place of these classes of unorganized
workers in rural and urban areas.
See also the Section on Health in this Unit. 95
Data Base of Indian 4) Identify the different aspects of labour welfare on which data are compiled
by the Labour Bureau.
Education is an important instrument for empowering people, especially
women. Education nurtures and develops their innate talents and capabilities
and enables them to contribute effectively to the development process and reap
its benefits. It is also an effective instrument for reducing social and economic
inequalities. We have built up over the years a vast educational system in an
attempt to provide education for all, to ensure that the skill and expertise needs
of a developing economy are met satisfactorily and at the same time, to
monitor the functioning of the educational system as an effective instrument for
tackling inequalities. We would, therefore, like to look at data on different
aspects of the educational and training system such as its size and structure, the
physical inputs available to it for its effective functioning, its geographical
spread, the type of skills and expertise it seek to generate, the access of
different sections of society and areas of the country to it and the progress
made towards the goals like ‘total literacy’, ‘universalisation of secondary
education’, ‘education for all’ and ‘removal of inequalities’.
The United Nations, in the year 2000, has put achieving of universal primary
education as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals, to be achieved
by 2015. Education plays an important role in shaping the post 2015
development agenda as well. The Government of India has enacted the Right to
Education Act in August 2009. Therefore, the importance of research on the
progress of the nation towards achieving these goals and its effects on the other
social and economic goals is increasing by day.
The kind of data available in these publications and sources are indicated below:
Tracer Studies are, as the name suggests, trace or follow up specific cohorts or batches of
students passing out of institutions to find out their present activity status. This helps in
evaluating the trends over time in (a) the capacity of the economy to absorb the specific
category of manpower in employment, (b) the waiting time for employment for the category
of manpower, and (c) market value, in terms of salary levels in first employment, of the
manpower category. These surveys are also called Cohort Studies. 97
Data Base of Indian c) The number of universities, deemed universities and institutions of
national importance, the distribution of number of colleges by categories
like those teaching arts, science & commerce, oriental learning and
different categories of professional subjects like law, agriculture,
engineering & technology and medicine and the distribution of schools in
the area of general education (and stages like pre-primary and primary
etc.,) and different categories such as those dealing with vocational,
professional, special education etc. (MHRD & UGC);
d) Teacher (male and female and those belonging to SC/SCcommunities), the
proportion trained among the, terms and conditions of their employment
and attrition of the stock of teachers by cause. (AIES);
e) Patterns of management of colleges including professional colleges and
deemed universities, recognition by appropriate bodies, availability of
teachers and facilities like laboratory and equipment etc. (UGC);
f) Patterns of management (Government, local bodies, private management,
religious and linguistic minority trusts/organizations and so on), medium
of instruction, type of school buildings (pucca, kutcha, thatched hut etc.,),
crowding (number of rooms in the building and the number used for
instructional purposes), availability and adequacy of facilities like drinking
water, labatories and urinals (and whether these are available separately
for girls). (Sixth AIES);
g) Teachers in professional and technical institutions and the number of
technical teacher training institutions. (MHRD & UGC);
h) The number of Industrial Training Institutions (ITIs) and Advanced
Training Institutes, and the training capacity for apprenticeship training in
industry under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 for those passing out of ITIs
and the vocational stream of schools. (MoLE and MHRD);
i) The number of institutions for training instructors for it is. (MoLE)30;
j) The number of Vocational Rehabilitation Centres (VRCs) for the
Physically Handicapped31 set up by the DGE&T all over the country for
giving adjustment training and placement in suitable employment through
the Special Employment Exchanges for this group of people. (DGE&T32);
k) Expenditure on education by programmes like the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan,
the Total Literacy Campaign and Adult Education; direct and indirect
expenditure on recognized institutions of education. (MHRD).
Annual Reports of the Ministry of Labour, the part relating to DGE&T.
The phrase “physically challenged” instead of the phrase “physically handicapped” is being
brought into use nowadays in public discussions on the subject.
98 See the preceding footnote.
c) The number of students and the number of girl students by courses and Social Sector
stages of education in recognized institutions – from the nursery class to
the high/higher secondary level and in schools for vocational &
professional education and special education and similar data for rural
areas. (MHRD);
d) The number of male and female workers and marginal workers in the age
group 5-9 and 10-14 – working children; (Census and NSSO); a
comparison of this with the population in these age groups and data on
school enrolment would lead to an assessment of the number of children
who are neither in school nor in the workforce;
e) Enrolment and output in institutions specified in items ‘h’, ‘I’ and ‘j’
f) Enrolment (and enrolment of female students) in university level general
education courses by stages (degree, post graduate degree,
diploma/certificate, research) and university level professional and
technical education courses by faculty. (MHRD & UGC);
g) Similar information of the kind mentioned above for Scheduled Castes and
Tribes (SC/ST) and females belonging to such sections of society. (MHRD
& UGC);
h) Teacher-Pupil ratios at different levels of education. (MHRD);
i) Intake and output of graduates and post graduates in different disciplines
and faculties. (MHRD & UGC);
j) Coverage of population in appropriate age groups by different stages of
education. (MHRD);
k) Dropout rates at different stages of education. (MHRD);
l) Distribution of population attending educational institution by age, sex and
type of educational institution for general and SC/ST population;
m) Access of the general and SC/ST population to (or availability of) facilities
for different levels of education in rural habitations and urban settlements
belonging to different population slabs, in terms of distance of the
habitation from the facility; similar information regarding non-formal
education (NFE) centers. (Sixth AIES);
n) Availability of special institutions suited to different types of disability of
children in different villages and towns and the enrolment of disabled
children in such institutions. (Sixth AIES);
o) Utilization patterns of different categories of professional and technical
manpower in general and trends in waiting time for employment,
utilization patterns and bargaining power for employees’ compensation
(salary etc.,) through tracer studies. (IAMR);
p) The disabled among main workers, marginal workers and non-workers by
type of disability, age and sex. (Census);
q) Stocks of educated manpower and also selected categories of technical
manpower for the general population, SC/ST and by religious communities;
Data Base of Indian r) The distribution of population by different levels of educational attainment
(including illiterates, literates without any educational attainment) for
population groups like SC/ST/Backward Classes (BC)/general households
and those belonging to different religions, household types like (a) those
with different sizes of land holdings; (b) households self-employed in
agriculture, households self-employed outside agriculture, agricultural
labour households, other labour households and households depending
largely on regular wage/salaried employment outside agriculture; and (c)
households belonging to different monthly per capita consumption
expenditure (MPCE) classes. (NSSO and Census)33.
One should not forget to mention in this context the National Human
Development Reports (NHDR) prepared by the Planning Commission (now
rechristened as NitiAyog) and the HDRs prepared by different State
Governments as very useful sources for the manner in which available data on
education, health, and other areas have been utilized to compute human
development indicators and also as important sources for basic data on these
See also the sub-section (b) on education in the Section on ‘Level of Inequality on Non-
income Aspects of Life in Unit 4 on Poverty & Inequality: Policy Implications in Block 1 of
100 MEC – 005 on Indian Economic Policy in your first year course.
Social Sector
One of the important dimensions of quality of life is health. A healthy
individual can contribute effectively to production of goods and services.
Investment in health is, therefore, an essential instrument of raising the quality
of life of people and the productivity of the labour force. What is the health
status of the population? What are the challenges to the health of the population
and how are these being tackled? What kind of data is available about these
aspects of the population, the health infrastructure and the efforts being made
to deal with problems of health? What is the impact of these on the health
situation, especially of women and children? The World Health Organisation
(WHO), India website ( ) provides country
statistics on health profile, nutrition, mortality and burden of disease and risk
factors like those of alcohol and tobacco. The Central Bureau of Health
Intelligence of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare publishes the
“National Health Profile (NHP) of India” every year. The publications
“Sample Registration System (SRS): Statistical Reports”, “SRS
Compendium of India’s Fertility & Mortality Indicators, 1971-2001”,
Mortality Statistical and Cause of Death”, SRS Bulletin and the Social &
Cultural Tables (C Series Tables) of Census 2001 of the Office of the
Registrar General of India (RGI), Ministry of Home Affairs and the “Report
on the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) – 2014-15” of the Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare contain a large amount of information on these
aspects of health, at the State level. For district level information, you can see
the reports of the Annual Health Survey (AHS) of the ORGI and the District
Level Health Survey (DLHS) of the MoH&FW. The Government of India
launched the National Rural Health Mission in 2005, which has now been
expanded to cover urban areas and called the National Health Mission. From
2005, the MoH&FW publishes, as an offshoot of the NHM, the Rural Health
Statistics (RHS) report each year.
xv) Expectation of Life at Birth (e0) 38, expectation of life at ages 10, 20, 30,
40, 50 and 60 for males, females and persons (from RGI).
a) urban and rural estimates for most States, (b) separate estimates for 8 cities,
and (c) estimates for the slum areas. Besides a national report, reports are
prepared for the States. The NFHS reports can be downloaded free from the
site The kind of data on health
and nutrition status of women and children and estimates of parameters related
to these presented by the NFHS, are indicated in brief below:
See the website which provides details of all the 4
NFHS surveys conducted so far.
Electricity, source of drinking water, time taken to get water, method of purifying water,
sanitation facility, fuel for cooking, type of house (pucca, semi-pucca and kutcha) and
persons per room.
Child mortality relates to children who die between their first and 4th birthday. Under-five
104 mortality relates to children who die between their 4th and 5th birthdays.
x) Knowledge about AIDS and ways of avoiding it; Social Sector
“Body mass index (BMI) = [weight in kgms.] / [height in metres)(height in metres)]. See
Unit 4 on Poverty & Inequality – Policy Implications” (section on human development
indicators) in Block 1 of MEC – 005 on Indian Economic Policy in your first year course.
The National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad has recommended that the nutritional status
of the international reference population recommended by the WHO could be used as the
standard for India. The Weight for Age Index is a composite measure that takes into
account both chronic and acute malnutrition. Children who are more than 2 standard
deviations (s.d.) below the median value of the index for the reference population are
“underweight”. The Height for Age Index measures linear growth retardation. Children
who are more than 2 s.d. below the median value of the index for the reference population
are considered short for their age, or are “stunted”. This is chronic undernutrition. The
Weight for Height Index examines body mass in relation to body height. Children who are
more than 2 s.d. below the median value of the index for the reference population are
considered too thin or “wasted”. This is acute undernutrition. (NFHS – II). See the
preceding footnote on BMI also.
The percentage of currently married women aged 15 to 49 years using family planning
methods at the time of the survey. 105
Data Base of Indian ……………………………………………………………………………….
3) What do you mean by the term ‘weight for age index’?
It may be mentioned that “oustees” were one of the priority categories for
registration as jobseekers in the employment exchanges and placement in
employment. The DGE&T, the organization concerned with employment
exchange at the national level, is one source where some information on (i)
Roads are all categories of roads surfaced or unsurfaced, district road, highways and rural
roads. (Basic Road Statistics of India, Ministry of Surface Transport, New Delhi.) 107
Data Base of Indian how many of them were registered as job seekers under these categories, (ii)
how many of these were actually placed in a job and (iii) how many languished
on the “live registers” of employment exchanges for a long time before passing
into oblivion, because if he or she did not renew her registration at specified
intervals he or she would have ceased to be on the “live” register of job
seekers. Past data with the DGE&T in the Ministry of Labour might show the
proportion of those who just ceased to be on the register. This source of data,
however, would have represented a very small part of whatever rehabilitation
was done, because the kind of vacancies that can be filled through employment
exchanges is restricted to jobs in Government not filled through competitive
examinations, public service commission and other commissions/recruitment
boards and jobs up to a specified salary level in public sector undertakings. The
private sector is not obliged to fill its vacancies through the employment
exchanges. Other than this source, Government – the Central or the State
Governments – do not seem to have any data on the number of families which
were displaced and the number rehabilitated. Data maintained by the State
Governments concerned with the implementation of rehabilitation under, for
example, the Sardar Sarovar Project, do not seem to reflect the actual situation
on the ground, as has been shown by the Report of the Group of Ministers
which toured some of the affected areas in Madhya Pradesh in April, 200646.
The Hindu, Chennai edition of Monday, the 17th April, 2006 carried the full text of ‘the
Group of Ministers’ (GoM’s) Report on the OP-ED page.
The studies referred to in this paragraph and their contents are taken from the article
“Creating Dispensable Citizens” by Usha Ramanathan, in the Chennai edition of The
Hindu of Friday April 14, 2006.UshaRamanathan is an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for
the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi. The estimates made by the studies are given
in the article. These have not been indicated here as the purpose of this Unit is only to
indicate the very few sources of data that are available on this important social aspect of
108 development and not to discuss the problem.
up of a reliable and transparent system of collection, compilation and analysis Social Sector
of statistics relating to displacement of people due to the project, their
demographic, social, cultural and economic profiles, their resettlement in
alternative livelihood, number absorbed in employment in the industrial
establishment(s) for which the lands of the oustees were acquired, details
relating to the levels of living of the oustees in the area of resettlement in terms
of parameters like incomes, access to basic needs of life like water, shelter,
education for their children and health and medicare at least until a reasonable
number of years after resettlement, the time taken and the expenditure incurred
for resettlement and so on.
The process of development adversely affects the environment and through it
the quality of life of society. For instance the excessive use of fertilizers and
pesticides rob the soil of its nutrients. Letting sewers and drainage and industrial
effluents without prior treatment into rivers and water bodies pollute these water
bodies causing destruction of aquatic life and endanger the health of people using
such polluted water. The recent outcry in Tirupur, near Coimbatore, a place well
known for garment exports, against untreated effluents from garment factories
being let into the river used for drinking purposes is a case in point. The exhaust
fumes containing Carbon Monoxide (CO) and lead (Pb) particles let in to the
air we breathe by vehicles using petrol or diesel is an example of air pollution.
The best example of industrial pollution through insufficient safety measures is
the Bhopal gas disaster where lethal gases leaking from a factory’s storage
cylinder killed many people immediately and maimed many others for life. The
forest cover of the country is continuously getting reduced due to
indiscriminate felling of trees leading to reduction in rainfall and changes in
rainfall pattern, besides climatic changes. The destruction of mangroves along
seacoasts for housing/tourism development often leads to soil erosion along the
coast by the sea. The adverse effects of current models of development on
environment and the realization of the need to take note of the cost to
development represented by such effects have now led to the development of
environmental economics as a new discipline in economics.
The system of national accounts currently in use throughout the world, suffers
from extreme narrowness. Vast quantities of information relevant for economic
evaluation do not appear in them. Some don't because the appropriate data are
hard, even impossible, to collect; but others don't because until recently the
theory and practice of economic evaluation didn't ask for them. The demand for
green national accounts has arisen because of a growing recognition that
contemporary national accounts are an unsatisfactory basis for economic
evaluation. The qualifier “green” signals that we should be especially
concerned about the absence of information on society's use of the natural
environment. As an extension of national accounting, the development of green
accounting framework and related researches are therefore being undertaken
around the world. The CSO, for the first time in India, have published the
Report “Green National Accounts in India” in the year 2013. You can
download a copy of this report from the Social Statistics Division of the CSO.
The Central and State Pollution Control Boards and the Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MOEF) evolve and, monitor implementation of
policies to protect the environment. Statistics on environment are collected
through this process by the agencies mentioned above and the CSO. The
Data Base of Indian annual reports of the MOEF 48 and the Compendium on Environment
Statistics, India 2003 published by the CSO from time to time are excellent
sources of data on environment. The latter especially is very comprehensive
and includes a very informative write up. The Compendium (and the annual
report of MOEF) can be accessed in the respective website of the two
organizations. The type of data on environment available from these
publications are mentioned below by way of illustration:
For instance, for the aged, important sources of data are (a) the NSSO Report No. 446 (52nd
Round) “The Aged in India – A Socio-economic Profile: 1995-96”. The Census 2001 is a mine
of information on the Aged as it presents a number of social, economic and cultural
characteristics by age groups and gender, one such group being 60+. Data on women and
children and the disabled also flow from the Census and other sources of data for these grops
have already been referred to elsewhere in this unit. 111
Data Base of Indian 3) Name the documents, which contain the statistics on environment.
4) Which department/ministry has been assigned the responsibility to provide
information data on development and empowerment of weaker sections of
the society?
We have also noted a grey area in the data systems we have considered. There
is no data worth the name on people displaced from their livelihoods by
development projects and the number among these who have been resettled in
alternative livelihood. There is a growing realization, at least among some
sections of development analysts and thinkers that the burden of the costs of
development is invariably borne mostly by the poor and the voiceless. There is
an urgent need to build up a transparent database on people displaced by
development projects and their resettlement and the basic amenities made
available to them.
Data Base of Indian Check Your Progress 2
1) The department of School Education and higher education of Ministry of
Human Resource Development, NCAER, UGC, Institute of Applied
Manpower Research etc.
2) See footnote no. 29
3) Do yourself