Kvaerner Masa-Yards. Voyager-Class Cruise Ships
Kvaerner Masa-Yards. Voyager-Class Cruise Ships
Kvaerner Masa-Yards. Voyager-Class Cruise Ships
Post-Panamax Design
Cruise Ferry Post Panama
Breadth [ m ]
Voyager of the Seas, 137 300 GT, 1 557 Passenger cabins, (44,1 GT/ Passenger) 1999
Grandeur of the Seas, 74 140 GT, 975 Passenger cabins, (38,0 GT/ Passenger) 1996
Song of America, 37 584 GT, 707 Passenger cabins, (26,6 GT/ Passenger) 1982 In thirty years the
development of RCCL’s
cruise ships has been
The ship size has nearly
Song of Norway, 18 417(23 005) GT, 377 Passenger cabins, (24,4 GT/ Passenger) 1970 doubled every ten years.
The Voyager-class, a huge
construction project
Casino Royale
Magic Flute
La Boheme
dining rooms Library
Aft centrum
sports bar
Studio B
Royal Promenade entertainment complex
Aquarium Center Ice Café Promenade
Bar at studio B
Schooner Bar
Spinners The Vault Confe
gaming arcade nigth club Cente
Length o.a. 311.1 m (1,020 ft) Passenger capacity, lower bed 3,138
Breadth max 48 m (157.4 ft) Passenger capacity, max. 3,840
Breadth waterline 38.6 m (126.6 ft) Passenger cabins, total 1,557
Draught dwl 8.6 m (28.2 ft) Passenger cabins with view 1,077 (69%)
Height to top of funnel, - of which with balconies 757 (49%)
Copyright Kvaerner Masa-Yards Inc., 1998. All texts and illustration in this brochure
approx. 63 m (207 ft) - facing the Royal Promenade 138 (9%)
Gross tonnage 137,300 Crew capacity 1,180
duty-free shopping
Jogging Track
Peek-A-Boo Bridge
bridge overlook
Observation Point
Board Room
Centrum Connoisseur Club
cigar club
Cleopatra’s Needle
dancing lounge
La Scala Theater
Hull strength
In addition to the normal hull preliminary
The wheelhouse has a cockpit-
and classification design prescribed by the
type navigation console, which
DNV rules, the yard conducted a thorough owes its origins to those first
strength investigation using a produced on the latest Baltic
sophisticated finite element (FE) method ferries built by Kvaerner Masa-
and models. Also, the vibration responses Yards.
of the hull, including the Azipod units, were
calculated using several FE models. The
extent of the direct calculations was the
most extensive the yard has ever made for
a cruise ship, with about 170,000
elements in the models. DNV's Comfort
class notation requires much stricter than
normal vibration and noise levels. The electric propulsion plant
includes three 14 MW
Full scale manoeuvrability
azimuthing propulsion units,
Manoeuvring behaviour of the Voyager-class is
one ABB Fixipod pushing unit
excellent. The turning circle had a steady midships flanked by two
diameter of less than two ship lengths at full ®
steerable Azipod (pulling)
speed. Heel during this manoeuvre is less than units. The Azipod, which turns
4 degrees, achieved by the optimized stern through 360 deg, includes an
design. Compared with a conventional case, electric AC motor located inside
turn diameters are 50 per cent less using pods. the propeller pod, which
The crash stop distance at full speed is less than directly drives an FP propeller.
The Azipod concept was
0.5 nautical mile at normal service speed, and the
developed jointly by Kvaerner
vessel could be kept on course during this
Masa-Yards and ABB Industry.
The yard conducted a
thorough strength
investigation using a finite
element method (FE) and
models. Also, the vibration
responses of the hull,
including the Azipod units,
were calculated using several
FE models.
Technical features
The Voyager-class cruise ships have a passenger There are also substation switchboards for hotel services.
capacity of 3,840 passengers, and a crew capacity There is one ABB double AC/AC frequency converter per
of 1,180 persons, giving a total number of 5,020 propulsion motor, with one-pole high-speed breaker between the
people onboard. In addition to the total length of cycloconverters and the motor.
311.1 metres (1020 ft), the most striking feature
of the physical size is the breadth of 38.6 meters The Voyager-class is one of the first cruise ships designed
(126 ft) at waterline level (47.4 metres / 155 ft completely without damping/ discharging to sea. The systems
breadth at the bridge wings) and the height of includes a 1600 kW incinerator, a food waste system, a recycling
72.3 metres (237 ft) from keel to the top of the and storage system for glass, metal, ash and paper - including a
funnel. This Post-Pamamax size has allowed for new automatic ash transport and packing process.
unique design features and interior solutions.
The vessel's draught is 8.6 m, which is the A high level of plant redundancy is the key to the safety of the ship
maximum for access to many Caribbean series, and the comfort of its passengers. Plant which has an
harbours. In harbour it is possible to impact on the safety has a redundancy built into it in such a way
manoeuvre without tugs. The combination of that any single failure which may happen does not put the
Azipod propulsion and high power bow complete plant out of operation. At least 50 per cent of nominal
thrusters gives this advantage. capacities should remain available after such a failure. The safety
requirement has been implemented within the scope of the
The Voyager-class ships have three electric specification, general arrangement, and within the system
Azipod® units, 14 MW each. The two units diagrams. This requirement does not mean duplication of
on the sides are fully azimuthing whereas machinery or installation of additional systems, but the
the one at the centreline is a fixed Azipod separation of plants and systems into two independent parts.
The ships were designed to manage 40 Five of the six generators can supply all normal service rating.
knots side winds - where ships normally can Normally all engines will run, but this arrangement allows for one
stay manoeuvrable in 25-30 knots winds. engine to be out of service for maintenance.
To handle this, there are four 3 MW tunnel
thrusters in the bow in addition to the
Azipod units in the stern. The ships can even
move sideways with a speed of 3 knots.
The power plant consists of six Wärtsilä 12V 46C medium-speed
The manoeuvrability and course stability of diesel engines, each with an output of 12,600 kW at 514 rev/min,
the ship is very good. driving an ABB 17,600 kWA (12.3 MV) diesel alternator, 3-phase
The Azipod units, combined with a good 11,OOO V, 60 Hz. Other consumers are supplied through three
ship design, made it possible to achieve 11 kW medium voltage, 440 V an 230 V engine room
very low vibration and noise levels, which switchboards, and three 440 V and 230 V emergency
adds to passenger comfort onboard, and switchboards. There are also 440 V, 230 V and 120 V substations'
allowing the ships to achieve Det norske switchboards for hotel services. Emergency power is provided by
two Detroit diesel units driving an alternator rated at 1,812 kWA,
Veritas' Comfort classification, the first of
450 V, 60 Hz.
RCCL's ships to achieve this notation.
There is one ABB double AC/AC frequency converter
per propulsion motor, with one-pole high-speed breaker
The wheelhouse of the Voyager-class has a Between the cycloconverters and the motor.
cockpit-type navigation console. The
console is continuously manned by two
officers. The navigation system is integrated
and has a electronic chart system. The ships
are fitted with a dynamic positioning system
so no anchoring is needed in sensitive coral