BMM CV Jan2024

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Benjamin M Moran

Stanford University Department of Biology ORCID: 0000–0001–5230–0863

371 Jane Stanford Way Email:
Stanford, CA 94305–5020 Cell: +1 (330)–205–3333

2019–Present Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Biology PhD Program, Ecology and Evolution track
Knight–Hennessy Scholars Program
Advisor: Professor Molly Schumer
2013–2018 Northeastern University, Boston, MA
BS in Marine Biology with Honors, summa cum laude
Honors Program

Publications * Denotes co–first auth

BM Moran, CY Payne, DL Powell, ENK Iverson, AE Donny, SM Banerjee, QK Langdon,

TR Gunn, RA Rodriguez–Soto, A Madero, JJ Baczenas, KM Kleczko, F Liu, R
Matney, K Singhal, RD Leib, O Hernandez–Perez, R Corbett–Detig, J Frydman, C
Gifford, M Schartl, JC Havird, M Schumer. (2024). A lethal mitonuclear
incompatibility in complex I of natural hybrids. Nature,
SM Banerjee, DL Powell, BM Moran, WF Ramírez–Duarte, QK Langdon, TR Gunn, G
Vazquez, C Rochman, M Schumer. (2023). Complex hybridization between deeply
diverged fish species in a disturbed ecosystem. Evolution 77(4), 995–1005,
QK Langdon, DL Powell, BY Kim, SM Banerjee, CY Payne, TO Dodge, BM Moran, P
Fascinetto–Zago, M Schumer. (2022). Predictability and parallelism in the
contemporary evolution of hybrid genomes. PLoS Genetics, 18(1), e1009914,
DL Powell, BM Moran, BY Kim, SM Banerjee, SM Aguillon, P Fascinetto–Zago, QK
Langdon, M Schumer. (2021). Two new hybrid zones expand the swordtail
hybridization model system. Evolution, 75(10), 2524–2539,
BM Moran*, CY Payne*, QK Langdon, DL Powell, Y Brandvain, M Schumer. (2021). The
genomic consequences of hybridization. ELife, 10, e69016,
BM Moran, K Hench, RS Waples, MP Höppner, CC Baldwin, WO McMillan, O Puebla.
(2019). The evolution of microendemism in a reef fish (Hypoplectrus maya).
Molecular Ecology, 28(11), 2872–2885,
BM Moran, EC Anderson. (2019). Bayesian inference from the conditional genetic stock
identification model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 76(4), 551–
O Puebla, S Picq, J Lesser, BM Moran. (2018). Social–trap or mimicry? An empirical
evaluation of the Hypoplectrus unicolor – Chaetodon capistratus association in Bocas
del Toro, Panama. Coral Reefs, 37(4), 1127–1137,–
KE Gribble, BM Moran, S Jones, E Corey, DB Mark Welch. (2018). Congeneric variability
in lifespan extension and onset of senescence suggest active regulation of aging in
response to low temperature. Experimental Gerontology, 114, 99–106,
JP Salisbury, RF Sîrbulescu, BM Moran, JR Auclair, GK Zupanc, JN Agar. (2015). The
central nervous system transcriptome of the weakly electric brown ghost knifefish
(Apteronotus leptorhynchus): de novo assembly, annotation, and proteomics
validation. BMC genomics, 16(1), 166.–015–1354–2.

Oral Presentations
BM Moran, WF Ramírez–Duarte, TR Gunn, C Rochman, M Schumer (2023). Covarying
Levels of Water Pollution and Admixture in a Swordtail Fish Hybrid Zone. Evolution
Meeting 2023, Albuquerque, NM.
BM Moran, CY Payne, DL Powell, ENK Iverson, AE Donny, SM Banerjee, QK Langdon,
TR Gunn, JJ Baczenas, JC Havird, M Schumer. (2023). A Lethal Multi–Gene
Incompatibility in Mitochondrial Complex I of Natural Hybrids. Virtual Evolution
Meeting 2023, online. (finalist for W.D. Hamilton Award for Outstanding Graduate
Student Presentation)
BM Moran, CY Payne, DL Powell, ENK Iverson, SM Banerjee, QK Langdon, TR Gunn, JJ
Baczenas, JC Havird, M Schumer. (2022). A Lethal Genetic Incompatibility between
Naturally Hybridizing Species in Mitochondrial Complex I. Evolution Meeting 2022,
Cleveland, OH.
BM Moran, CY Payne, DL Powell, ENK Iverson, SM Banerjee, QK Langdon, TR Gunn, JC
Havird, M Schumer. (2021). A lethal genetic incompatibility in mitochondrial
Complex I of swordtail fish hybrids. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution v
2021, online.
BM Moran, CY Payne, DL Powell, ENK Iverson, SM Banerjee, QK Langdon, TR Gunn, JC
Havird, M Schumer. (2021). A Lethal Hybrid Incompatibility in Xiphophorus
Mitochondrial Complex I. Virtual Evolution Meeting 2021, online.
BM Moran, K Hench, OP Puebla. (2017). Ancient Effective Population Size and Post–
Glacial Divergence in the Hamlets (Hypoplectrus spp.). GEOMAR Doctoral &
Masters Symposium, Kiel, Germany.
BM Moran, EC Anderson. (2016). A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Improved Genetic
Stock Assignment. NOAA Science & Education Symposium, Silver Spring, MD.
Poster Presentations
BM Moran, CY Payne, DL Powell, ENK Iverson, AE Donny, SM Banerjee, QK Langdon,
TR Gunn, JJ Baczenas, JC Havird, M Schumer. (2023). A Lethal Multi–Gene
Incompatibility in Complex I of Natural Xiphophorus Hybrids. Ecological and
Evolutionary Genomics Gordon Research Conference 2023, Bryant University, RI.
BM Moran, EC Anderson. (2017). A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Improved Genetic
Stock Identification. 46th Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
BM Moran. (2014). Characterization of the Expression of the Erythropoietic bloodthirsty
Gene in Transgenic Zebrafish through the Use of Fluorescent Reporters. Northeastern
University Scholars Program Research Symposium, Boston, MA.

2023 Stanford University Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Seed Grant ($8333)
2020 Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) R.C. Lewontin Early Award ($2400)
2018, 2017 German Academic Exchange Service Short–Term Research Grant (€4975)
2017 National Geographic Young Explorer Grant ($5000)
2017 Northeastern University Presidential Global Scholarship ($6000)
2017, 2013 Northeastern University Summer Independent Research Fellowship ($3900)
2016 Northeastern University Advanced Undergraduate Research Award ($1500)
2013 Northeastern University Provost Undergraduate Research Award ($1000)

Awards and Fellowships

2023 Finalist, Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) W.D. Hamilton Award for
Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation
2021, 2020 Stanford Biology Department Excellence in Teaching Award
2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
2019 Stanford Knight–Hennessy Scholar (interdisciplinary graduate fellowship)
2018 Northeastern University Honors Program Student of the Year
2018–2015 Northeastern President’s Award (top 10 in class)
2017 Best Oral Presentation, GEOMAR Doctoral and Masters Symposium
2017 Barry Goldwater Scholarship
2015 NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

BM Moran, EC Anderson (2016). rubias. An R package utilizing Rcpp, RcppParallel, and
the Tidyverse for genetic stock identification, with bias correction methods for
hierarchically structured populations.

Spring 2024 Stanford BIO 221 (Ornithology) Co–Principal Instructor
Winter 2021 Stanford BIO 85 (Evolution) Lead Teaching Assistant
Winter 2020 Stanford BIO 85 (Evolution) Teaching Assistant
Winter 2019 Three Seas Program (eight Masters-level courses in marine ecology,
molecular biology, and conservation) Teaching Assistant
Workshops and Lectures
Winter 2023 Student University Biologists Building Up Developing Scientists
(BioBUDS) “Celebrating Failures in Science”
Fall 2021 BioBUDS Journal Club “Echolocation in Soft-Furred Tree Mice”
Winter 2021 BioBUDS Journal Club “The History of Geneticists and Eugenics”
Sep 2020 Scientists Speak Up “Science Communication Principles”
Aug 2020 Scientists Speak Up “Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy”
Spring 2020 Three Seas Program “Dimension Reduction with PCA and NMDS”
Fall 2019 Stanford SPLASH Co–Instructor for invertebrate biology course
2014–2018 NEPTUN (Northeastern SPLASH) Instructor for introductory
molecular biology, ecology, and evolution courses

Stanford University - Undergraduate
Summer 2023 Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (B-SURP) Advisor
for undergraduate RA Rodriguez-Soto
Winter 2023 Biologists Building Up Developing Scientists (BioBUDS) Internship
Mentor for undergraduate TTL Yang
Stanford University - Graduate
2020-2024 Biology Department Peer Mentor
2020-2022 Biology Department Teaching Assistant Mentor

Stanford University Department of Biology
2022–2024 Department Student Representative, Ecology and Evolution Track
2023 Biology Preview Program (application assistance program) Committee
2022–2023 Graduate Admissions Committee
2021-2022 Biology Preview Program Volunteer Panelist and Mentor
2021–2023 “Surf ‘n’ Turf” Graduate Student Symposium Committee Co–Chair
2020–2021 Grad Seminar Committee
2020–2022 Biology Pre–Orientation Programming Committee
2020–2021 “Surf ‘n’ Turf” Graduate Student Symposium Committee
2020–2021 Eco–Evo Seminar Committee
2023 Co-Organizer and Presenter for Schumer Lab outreach day at the
Colegio de Estudios, Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Hidalgo
Calnali Campus, Hidalgo, Mexico
2022–2023 Stanford University Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Faculty
Advisory Committee Student Representative
2022-2023 Presenter at the CICHAZ, A.C. field station’s annual “Jornada de
Ciencia” open house in Calnali, Hidalgo, Mexico
2020–2021 Scientists Speak Up Co–President: Stanford graduate student
organization facilitating public communication by students on
politicized scientific topics
2019–2023 Reviewer for Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Molecular Ecology, and the
National Geographic Society (grants)

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