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Sci 5e Lesson Plan

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A Semi detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how different organisms go through
life cycle which can be affected by their environment.

B. Performance Standard:
The learner is able to describe the effect of the environment on the life cycle of

C. Learning Competencies:
The learner compares the stages in the life cycle of organisms.

D. Subject Matter:
The Life Cycles of Plants and Animals

E. Sources/References:
Comparing the Stages in the Life Cycle of Organisms. (2018).
Learning About Life Cycles. (2019).
Short Quiz in Science 4 Stages in the Life Cycle of Organisms. (2020).
Renante, C. (2021). Stages in the Life Cycle of Organisms.

F. Science Concept:
A Life Cycle shows the series of life events and continuous changes that happen
in an organism’s life from birth until reproduction.

G. Science Process Skills:

Observing, Classifying, and Communicating

H. Materials:
Printed Pictures, Printed Worksheets, Chalkboard, Laptop

I. Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:
1. Identify the stages in the life cycle of one animal or plant
2. Compare the stages in the life cycle of organisms
3. Illustrate what they learned about life cycles of organisms


This part refers to the things that the teacher will This part refers to the assumed/predicted
do in the conduct of the lesson. response of the students in the conduct of the
Included the daily lesson routines and the 5E This is dependent to the teacher’s activity.
I. Daily Routine
A. Prayer
Everybody, kindly stand for a short
opening prayer. Jessa, would you
please lead the prayer? Yes, Teacher.
Lord, we offer to you our class today.
We pray that through your Divine
Guidance, we would learn how to
listen attentively to the inputs of our
teacher. May we appreciate her effort
in imparting her knowledge to us. May
we participate actively in the
discussions and activities, so we could
learn more while having fun. All these
we ask in your powerful name. Amen.

B. Greetings
Good morning to all of us. Good morning, Teacher.
Before we take our seats, please take
a few pieces of paper and trash under
your seat, then arrange your seats
You may take your seats.

C. Classroom Management
For our classroom rules. Remember:
Be in your assigned seat at the start of
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Walk safely.
Bring all school materials to class
each day.
Take care of materials.
Borrow only with permission.
Listen while others are speaking.
Raise your hand before speaking.

D. Checking of Attendance
Before anything else, let me check
your attendance. Say the word
“present” if your name happens to be

II. Elicit/Engage
Have you ever gone to a park, class? Yes, Teacher.

What about a botanical garden? Yes, Teacher.

A farm? Yes, Teacher

Have you been to a zoo? Yes, Teacher.

I see. That's great to hear.

What do we observe from those


Kindly raise your hand if you want to

share your experience.

Let us have Gilliane. Teacher, we can see animals and


That’s right. Most of the places we

visited were surrounded by different
kinds of plants and animals.

I'd like you to prepare the bond paper

I've assigned you to bring, as well as
your pencil or pen, so you may take
notes and draw sketches as we watch
the video that will be shown to you.

Are you ready? Yes, Teacher.

We've now finished observing the
video. I'd like each of you to draw your
favorite part of the video and then
write about it in three to four

Is it clear to everyone? Yes, Teacher.

You have three minutes to finish it.

III. Exploration
I will divide you into two groups.

For instructions,
Each group will take a poster. Fold the
paper in half and use one side of the
paper to draw the different plants you
noticed. On the other side of the
paper, draw the different animals you
noticed. You might use your bond
paper with a nature drawing earlier to
help yourselves remember. Don’t
forget to make notes on your
drawings. For example, if you just
draw a ‘tree’ kindly come up with a
good idea of what type of tree it was.

Is it clear to everyone? Yes, Teacher.

You have seven minutes to finish it.

Is everyone done? Yes, Teacher.

You may hang the poster up on the


Each group will come here in front for

each member to discuss their work
and say what he/she likes about it.

Is it clear to everyone? Yes, Teacher.

All right, let’s have group 1. You may (answers will vary)

Well done. Thank you Group 1.

Everyone let us give Group 1 a big

round of applause.

Now, let’s have Group 2. You may (answers will vary)


Well done. Thank you Group 2.

Everyone, let us give Group 2 a big

round of applause.

IV. Explanation
Everyone, take a closer look at the
posters your group made.

A caterpillar is another form of the

flying insect we call a butterfly.

Kindly raise your hand if you want to

share another matching pair.

Let us have Xandrah. (answer will vary)

Great job. Thank you.

Who else?

Let us have Phelyn. (answer will vary)

Great job. Thank you.

Class, the matching pair that your
classmates highlighted are different
stages of the same plant or animal.
There are things that all living beings
need. Those things are food, water,
air, sun and the right temperature.
When a living being, a plant or an
animal, has what they need, they grow
and go through their life cycle. A life
cycle is all of the different changes
that happen to a living thing during its
life. All living things have a life cycle,
plants, animals and humans.
First, we are going to talk about the
life cycle of a plant.

First stage, the plant starts out as a

Second stage, the seed begins to grow
roots and then a stem.
Third stage, the roots and stem keep
growing and leaves also grow.
Fourth stage, after leaves grow, the
plant grows a fruit or flower.
Inside the fruit or flower are seeds that
are then spread and the life cycle
starts again.

Does anyone have any questions? (answer will vary)

Now, let us talk about the life cycle of

a duck.
First stage, the duck starts out as an
egg. Just like a seed, an egg needs the
right things to make it grow. The egg
needs to be kept warm by the mother
Second stage, the egg is ready to hatch
a baby duck.
Third stage, as the baby duck eats
food it will grow into a duckling.
Fourth stage, the duckling eventually
grows into an adult duck. The adult
duck, if it’s a female, will then lay eggs
and the life cycle starts again.

Does anyone have any questions? (answer will vary)

V. Elaborate
Everyone, at the back of your bond
paper we will be having our

For instructions,
Each of you should follow our example
here in the board as a guide then
choose one plant or animal in your
own idea and draw its life cycle using
this template.

Is it clear to everyone? Yes, Teacher.

You have 5 minutes to finish it.

Is everyone done? Yes. Teacher.

You may hang your life cycle

worksheet up on the board. The left
side would be about life cycle of
animals and the right side would be
about life cycle of plants. I will have
you pair up with someone who chose
a different category (for example, if
student 1 chose an animal, he/she
will be pair up with student 2 who
drew a plant). Explain the drawing
you’ve made, then listen as your
partner takes a turn at explaining.

Is it clear to everyone? Yes, Teacher.

VI. Evaluate
Before we end our lesson, let us
evaluate each classmate's worksheet.
For instructions,
Each of you will pick two of your
classmate’s life cycle worksheet to
Write your classmate’s name and
complete the sentence:
To classmate: _____________
I like the _______________ because
To classmate: Jane
I like the frog because you put a lot
of nice details into the drawing!

Each of you must write one review of

the worksheets of your two chosen
classmates. If you are done, tape your
review next to the worksheet you
chose to evaluate.

Is it clear to everyone? Yes, Teacher.

Everybody, stand up. You may now

begin evaluating your classmates’

Let us recall. What was our lesson all


Let us have Kaye. Life Cycles of Plants and Animals.

Exactly! Today's lesson is about the

Life Cycles of Plants and Animals. To
sum it up, life cycles are the stages of
a plant or an animal’s life from birth
to death.

Does anyone have any questions? (answer will vary)

VII. Assignment
Now that we are done with the lesson,
I will not assign you any homework,
but please remember these reminders.

Take breaks from screen time.

Stay hydrated.
Get plenty of sleep.
Spend time with family and friends.
And enjoy your weekend.

Thank you and goodbye class.

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