DLL - English 6 - Q1 - W1
DLL - English 6 - Q1 - W1
DLL - English 6 - Q1 - W1
F.Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative The teacher will give more examples Analysis and Discussion The teacher will give more Have a draw lots on who are
Assesment 3 of texts using the different sound sample of sound devices going to present their answer
devices a. What is the poem (onomatopoeia, first. Group 1.Complete each
all about? alliteration, assonance.) sentences using the regular
b. What do the nouns. (etc.)
following phrases Which example / sentence
mean? imitates it’s sound?
- ‘Tis a little thing
dropped in the Which sentence start with
heart’s deep well. the same sound are used
- Rule by love; rule closed close together in a
by fear phrase or sentence?
- It’s love be sure to
- Teach in accents
soft and mild
- Care- worn heart
- Sands of life are
nearly run
- Let such in peace
- Heart’s deep well
- Eternity shall tell
c. How do we learn
the meaning of
each phrase? What
help us understand
d. We learn the
meaning of phrases
through the
context of the
poem. These are
called idioms.
e. What are the
importance of
G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts The teacher will present sentences Read and analyze the The teacher will present Pandora’s Box Pick one strip
and skills in daily living using different sound devices and the sentences. new sentences to analyze of paper and choose the
students will identify the figure of Underline the idioms used in the sounds devices. correct noun to be used. (Use
speech used each. different colored papers)
a. The foreigner can
easily get along
with the native.
b. The sampaguita in
your car gives off a
sweet smell.
c. Eden has a very
attractive getup.
d. My mother looks
forward to the
coming of my sister
from Hawaii.
e. We have to look up
to our parents.
H. Making Generalizations & Abstractions What an onomatopoeia? What are idioms? Idioms are What is onomatopoeia? How do we form the plural
about the lessons Alliteration? Assonance? words/ phrases used in a Alliteration? Assonance? forms of regular nouns?
Personification? Irony? Hyperbole? way that is different from
the usual dictionary
meaning of each word that
make it up. Idioms can liven
up your writing. To figure
out the meaning of idioms,
use context clues and
individual word meanings.
I.Evaluating Learning Tell what figure of speech is used in Choose the right idiom Read and analyze the Write 5 sentences using
each of the following sentences. below to complete the sound devices used in the plural form of regular nouns.
sentences. sentences (onomatopoeia,
alliteration, assonance)
1. Lina is very happy. She
must have _________. 1. The early bird catches
2. Ading is a very bright boy. the worm.
In fact, he belongs to the 2. The squeaky wheel gets
______ in his school. the grease.
3. Mother Theresa was ine 3. Go and mow the lawn.
lady _________. 4. The cows in the pasture
4. Even if it is raining, the mooed loudly.
class will ______ with their 5. The doors in the old
exposure trip. house creaked as the wind
5. Mother will go to the blew through the broken
market, so I’ll stay to windows.
______ my baby sister.
6. It takes one with an
_____ to accept other’s
opinions calmly.
7. Litowill ______ his right
to play in the basketball
8. A famous basketball
player was invited to _____
on the opening day of the
9. When the victim ______,
the police was able to
identify the suspects.
10. If you want to _______
in the class, you have to
study hard.