Seismic Performance Objectives: Adequate For Community Resilience?
Seismic Performance Objectives: Adequate For Community Resilience?
Seismic Performance Objectives: Adequate For Community Resilience?
Structural engineers design buildings and infrastructure according to the earthquake action to a certain level of return
period specified in the code of practice, whilst the rationale behind such requirement is commonly untold. In fact, even if
a structure is designed strictly in conformance with a modern code of practice, there is still a small chance of failure or
collapse in an extreme earthquake event, due to the uncertainties in material properties and actual ground motion
characteristics. This residual risk should be taken as a governing parameter for determining or evaluating the performance
goals of seismic design. Various approaches have been implemented or proposed in the last decade for setting risk-based
performance requirements for seismic design. But then, how safe is safe enough? Are they adequate for ensuring
community resilience after an earthquake? This is a missing piece of knowledge in seismic design.
This paper attempts to provide this missing piece by evaluating whether the stipulated performance objectives are
adequate for community resilience or not. The earthquake fatality risk for society is estimated based on regional
earthquake loss modelling for Melbourne, Australia, which is a region of lower seismicity. This is then benchmarked
against a regulatory requirement based on an approach proposed by the authors for evaluating the adequacy of existing
code level for life safety and community resilience. The results show that the earthquake fatality risk for society appears
to be unacceptable.
There is a common belief amongst engineering professionals that it is uneconomical to design structures to resist stronger
earthquakes. However, the public has never/rarely been asked about their preferences actually. Recent research has shown
that building owners are indeed willing to pay for better earthquake protection and resilience (i.e. habitable or functional
after a major earthquake event).
As the consequences of structural failure concern life safety, an ideal building code should indicate the expected level of
fatality risk since it is a legal document that sets forth requirements for protecting life and ensuring community resilience.
The research outcomes presented are important resources for guiding the development of future editions of seismic codes
Keywords: Residual risk; Performance goal/objective; Life safety; Fatality; Societal; Community resilience; Building
1. Introduction
1.1 Current seismic performance objectives
The current seismic performance objectives have firstly been established in the 1968 edition of the document
titled “Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary”, published by the Structural Engineers
Association of California (SEAOC) (commonly known as the SEAOC Blue Book) [1]. This set of performance
objectives has been passed onto later editions and the recent editions state that “structures designed in
conformance should, in general, be able to:
Level 1: resist a minor level of earthquake ground motion without damage;
Level 2: resist a moderate level of earthquake ground motion without severe structural damage, but possibly
experience some non-structural damage;
Level 3: resist a major level of earthquake ground motion having an intensity equal to the strongest either
experienced or forecast for the building site, without collapse, but possibly with some structural as well as non-
structural damage”.
Similar set of design objectives has also been adopted in other codes and standards all around the world,
including the Australian Standard AS1170.4, the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC), the New Zealand
Standard NZS1170.5 and the Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011 [2, 3]. These
performance requirements at various levels of seismic actions have further been expanded and developed into
the performance-based earthquake engineering framework since the 1990’s [4–7].
For collapse prevention level (i.e. Level 3), as it is difficult to reliably forecast the intensity level of the
strongest earthquake ground motion, an intensity level associated with a reference probability of exceedance
(PE) in a notional design life of 50 years, or the corresponding reference return period (RP) is typically adopted.
Such intensity level is regarded as maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motion. It recognises that
no design code or standard can provide 100% confidence of life safety: “The protection of life is reasonably
provided, but not with complete assurance”, as stated in the SEAOC Blue Book. In other words, there exists
certain level of residual risk in our structures. Hence, it should be logical and appropriate that the PE for Level
3 is defined along with the consideration of the residual risk of structural collapse and casualty [8–11].
1.2 Risk-based performance objectives
Recently, there have been attempts to incorporate risk measures in seismic design of buildings. The 2010
edition of the structural design standard ASCE/SEI 7 has firstly set out risk-targeted performance requirements
for seismic design, as proposed by Luco et al. [12], which was then adopted by reference in the 2012 edition
of the International Building Code (IBC) (adopted principally in the United States) [13]. Essentially, the
requirements of collapse prevention (i.e. Level 3) were re-defined in terms of “risk-targeted” maximum
considered earthquake (MCER) ground motion (as described in FEMA P-750 report [14]), which requires
ordinary buildings to be designed to have equal (uniform) collapse risk of 1% in 50 years (i.e. annual PE of 2
× 10-4). Meanwhile, the probability of collapse should be limited to 10% under the MCE R action.
The rationale behind such requirements is actually not clear, and there has been inadequate formal
discussion over such an important issue [10, 15]. In fact, the newly-defined MCER ground motion levels and
the previous MCE ground motion levels at various locations in the U.S. are broadly consistent (within plus or
minus 15%, except very few locations such as around the New Madrid Seismic Zone). Also, the collapse risk
of 1% in 50 years is about what had been achieved in the western U.S. with the previous requirements. In other
words, the overall seismic performance of building stock designed (or upgraded) according to the new
requirements has not been enhanced at the national level.
In the European context, Dolšek [16] has contemplated a set of risk-based performance objectives for
seismic design and Dolšek et al. [17] have proposed a decision model that contains parameters for risk-based
seismic design, which are used for guiding the future revision of Eurocode 8. Apart from the target collapse
risk, the target expected economic losses for a given period of time can be used for controlling the amount of
damages due to earthquakes. Meanwhile, a risk-targeted map has been developed for mainland France [18]
and preliminary study has been conducted towards developing such a map for the whole Europe [19]. A
comprehensive review can be seen in Douglas and Gkimprixis [20].
On the other hand, acceptable level of failure probability of individual building has been recommended
[11, 21] that can be used as a performance objective in seismic design for controlling fatality risk. There are
also attempts to evaluate structural design requirement or safety policy by employing building-based fatality
risk using F-N curve [21] and hypothetical scenario-based F-N diagram for a group of identical (non-ductile
concrete frame) buildings subjected to a uniform strong shaking [9]. The F-N curve / diagram is a plot of the
annual rate, F, of exceeding N fatalities in one earthquake.
1.3 Societal fatality risk as a community resilience measure
The aforementioned risk-targeted or risk-based design requirements are mainly based on collapse risk or
probable losses (economic or fatality) in individual (or a group of identical) buildings. These are certainly
excellent attempts to provide a more scientific and rational basis for the safety level of a structure and an
individual. However, as there are numerous buildings in the affected region of a major earthquake event, the
potential consequence and impact to society has to be taken into account in the evaluation of the safety level
of our engineered structures as well as the resilience of the community.
Once the societal risk function is obtained, which provides an indication about the level of risk or the
amount of loss in a probabilistic manner, an important missing link would be a regulatory framework that sets
forth community resilience objective, such that the actual risk function can be benchmarked against. This paper
attempts to put forward a practical scheme (initially proposed in [22, 23]) for determining regulatory F-N
function with the consideration of a tolerable level of individual fatality risk and the total population of the
region, which can be suitable for adoption in a public safety regulation or guideline. The proposed approach is
illustrated in a case study for the Greater Melbourne Region based on regional earthquake loss modelling.
The benchmark F-N functions for ALARP are typically truncated by a maximum value, 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 , that
limits the number of fatalities in an event. Depending on the rescue and emergency services capability of the
region of interest, the limiting fatality number, 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 , can be predefined by relevant government authority.
For example, it may be set as a percentage of the total population in the affected area.
Fig. 1 – Example of F-N diagram typically used in safety regulations and guidelines [23]
The annual average Potential Loss of Life (PLL) implied by the benchmark upper bound ALARP
function, 𝑃𝐿𝐿𝐵𝑈 , can be calculated by:
The rate of exceedance of the F-N functions for the upper and lower bounds of ALARP region can then
be scaled by the population-scaled factor:
log(𝐹𝑃𝑈 ) = 𝑎 − 𝑏 × log(𝑁 ) + log(𝜃𝑃 ) (5)
log(𝐹𝑃𝐿 ) = (𝑎 − 2) − 𝑏 × log (𝑁) + log(𝜃𝑃 ) (6)
such that the annual average PLL implied by the scaled upper bound ALARP function, 𝑃𝐿𝐿𝑃𝑈 , becomes,
𝑃𝐿𝐿𝑃𝑈 = 𝑃𝐿𝐿𝐵𝑈 × 𝜃𝑃 = 𝒫 × 𝜆𝐷,𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (7)
Fig. 2 – Population density in each of the 9,658 geo-units in the Greater Melbourne Region (in the unit of the
number of people per square metre times 10-5) [24]
The ground condition of each geo-unit has been broadly categorised according to NEHRP soil
classification scheme, based on the average shear wave velocity over the upper 30 m of sediments inferred
from the topographical condition. Building exposure data was collected from NEXIS and based on the
classification scheme recommended in Hazus Technical Manual [25]. The distributions of the ratio (in percent)
of floor area of low-rise unreinforced masonry (URML) to the land area of each of the 9,658 geo-units in the
Greater Melbourne Region are shown in Fig. 3. The distribution of population (in percent) at different time of
a day is based on the recommendation in the User and Technical Manual of SELENA [26].
Fig. 3 – Distribution of the ratio (in percent) of floor area of low-rise unreinforced masonry (URML) to the
land area of each of the 9,658 geo-units in the Greater Melbourne Region [24]
3.2 Selection of probabilistic earthquake scenarios
It is reasonably expected that the more vulnerable building types across the whole Australia generally is low-
rise unreinforced masonry (URML) and low-rise concrete moment frame (C1L), whilst the seismic demand
on high-rise buildings is low, which is typical in regions of low-to-moderate seismicity. As the predominant
period of these two types of potentially vulnerable constructions is in the order of 0.3 sec, the spectral
acceleration response at this single natural period (i.e. SA0.3) was adopted for selecting hazard-consistent
scenario earthquakes.
PSHA studies were conducted for the study region by various groups [27–29]. As seismic hazard
predictions for annual frequency of exceedance as low as 10 -5 are required for capturing the low-probability
but high-loss events, the only set of hazard results that provides estimates for annual frequencies down to 2 ×
10-5 (i.e. return period of 50,000 years) for Melbourne, Australia, can be found in [30], and was therefore
adopted in this study.
Information about the locations and geometry of faults are available from the website of Geoscience
Australia. The common faulting mechanism in Australia is reverse faulting due to the compressive behaviour
of the continent [31]. The major known faults in and surrounding the Greater Melbourne Region are shown in
Fig. 4. It is noteworthy that no major fault has been identified in the CBD area and inner suburbs of Melbourne.
The maximum magnitude considered were estimated based on the correlation in Wells and Coppersmith [32].
68 scenario earthquakes specifically matched for spectral acceleration response at T = 0.3 sec have been
identified and the distribution of the epicentres is shown in Fig. 5.
3.3 Scenario-based fatality estimation
In this study, only fatalities directly due to structural damage are considered, which include both indoor and
outdoor fatalities. The latter could be caused by the failure of parapet walls or the fall of non-structural wall
panels. However, the estimates exclude those caused by co-existing events like fires, tsunami and landslides,
or indirect causes including heart attacks, power failure and the release of hazardous materials.
The computer software SELENA was adopted for earthquake loss modelling. The key feature of
SELENA compared to other loss estimation software is that a logic tree computational algorithm is
implemented, such that epistemic uncertainties of any input (e.g. GMPEs) can be taken into account. Each
input data is assigned with a factor that defines the relative weighting of the respective branch of the logic tree.
Fig. 4 – Major known faults in and surrounding the Greater Melbourne Region (reproduced from Geoscience
Australia based on Google Maps) [24]
illustration. In Hazus, the vulnerability of buildings has to be classified based on design code levels, namely,
high, moderate and low, according to the Design Seismic Zones specified in the Uniform Building Code (UBC)
(preceding the IBC). Meanwhile, a fourth level, pre-code, is recommended for buildings which were not
designed and built according to a modern seismic code.
The first seismic structural design code in Australia was introduced in 1979, whilst earthquake-resistant
design was basically not exercised until the 1989 Newcastle Earthquake. A brand-new Australian Standard for
earthquake action was then published in 1993, and enforced in 1995. However it was not mandated and
required for all commercial buildings until around 2008, following the 2007 release of the revised Australian
Standard on earthquake actions, AS 1170.4. Considering the replacement rate around 2% per year nationally,
the majority of the building stock in Australia was not specifically designed for earthquake resistance. Hence,
Australian buildings were conservatively classified at pre-code level by this definition. Also, the number of
fatalities was estimated based on the methodology given in [33]. The fatality rate and its distribution due to a
magnitude 7.8 event occurring at the Muckleford fault (i.e. Number 43 in Fig. 5) is shown in Fig. 6 (with the
epicentre annotated).
Fig. 6 – Fatality rate as a percentage of the population in each of the 9,658 geo-units in the Greater
Melbourne Region due to a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurring at the Muckleford fault [24]
The corresponding PLL, or Average Annual Loss (AAL) of life, is around 13 per year on average. With
respect to the population of the study area, this is translated to an average annual mortality rate of 3 in the unit
of micromorts (i.e. 3 × 10-6), which is three times of the tolerable individual risk limit of 1 micromort [11, 34].
Fig. 7 – The societal earthquake fatality risk functions, F-N curves, for the building stocks and the population
in the Greater Melbourne Region, based on Hazus characterization for various code levels, in comparison
with the population-scaled regulatory ALARP F-N functions as proposed in Tsang et al. [22, 23]
4.2 Evaluation of code levels
An existing benchmark curve (i.e. the dashed grey line in Fig. 7), after being scaled by the population-scaled
factor, 𝜃𝑃 , can then be used for assessing community resilience. The total population, 𝒫, of the Greater
Melbourne Region is 4,205,584 (as of the 2011 census). Given the tolerable annual fatality rate, 𝜆𝐷,𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 ,
of 10-6, the tolerable amount of the average annual PLL due to structural failures is then equal to 4.2. If the
limiting fatality number, 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 , is assumed as 0.5 percent of the total population, i.e. 21028, then 𝑃𝐿𝐿𝐵𝑈 =
0.01065 and 𝜃𝑃 = 395 based on Equations (3) and (4). The F-N functions for the upper and lower bounds of
the ALARP region can be obtained using Equations (5) and (6), which are plotted in Fig. 7.
Detailed analysis has revealed that the highest fatality rates occur in two model building types, namely,
low-rise unreinforced masonry (URML) and low-rise concrete moment frame (C1L) [24]. In order to bring
down the F-N curve to ALARP, it would be more effective if new constructions of these two building types
are built to a higher safety standard or certain proportion of existing buildings of these two types are retrofitted
to a higher level of earthquake resistance. Hence, low-code and moderate-code designs of these two building
types were adopted in a hypothetical study for an evaluation of the potential risk mitigation effects of designing
structures to higher code levels, as shown on the F-N plot of Fig. 7.
The capacity curves and fragility functions in Hazus [25] have been adopted for all three code levels, as
a complete set of information is not available for the study region. It is shown that the entire F-N curves for
pre-code and low-code fall into the “unacceptable” region, whilst the F-N curve for moderate-code, except the
low-frequency tail, falls into the ALARP region. This shows that designing the two vulnerable types of
building structures in Melbourne to satisfy Hazus low-code requirements is still inadequate from the
community resilience perspective.
The procedure presented above is rather robust except that the value of 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 is an unknown. Hence,
a sensitivity study was conducted to check if different values of 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 would lead to very different outcomes.
It is found that the population-scaled factor, 𝜃𝑃 , would vary from 553 (when 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 1000) to 264 (when
𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝒫, i.e. the whole population). The general conclusion drawn in the previous paragraph is still valid
for the whole range of 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 . In reality, relevant government authority should be able to predefine a
reasonable value (or range) of 𝑁𝐵,𝑚𝑎𝑥 based on the rescue and emergency services capability, as well as the
risk tolerability in the society.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Ms. Amelie Werner to some of the results presented
in this paper. The first author would like to express his gratitude for the invitations of visiting professorship
and the associated financial support offered by the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction
Technology at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, for the periods January-June 2013 and June-July
2016. The financial support from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre of the
Australian Government for the first author to attend the conference is also acknowledged.
7. Copyrights
17WCEE-IAEE 2020 reserves the copyright for the published proceedings. Authors will have the right to use
content of the published paper in part or in full for their own work. Authors who use previously published data
and illustrations must acknowledge the source in the figure captions.
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