Data Research Gap Analysis
Data Research Gap Analysis
Data Research Gap Analysis
Presented to the
of the
Sponsoring Agency
Prepared by the
of the
April 2004
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
In December 2002, the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (OFCM) released the
“Weather Information for Surface Transportation: National Needs Assessment Report”
( describing the unmet weather information needs of
users in six surface transportation sectors. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was
one of 24 federal agencies, 26 state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), 40 transit agencies,
13 public school districts, and other entities that participated in the Weather Information for
Surface Transportation (WIST) needs identification process. The WIST report also identified
issues related to interagency coordination.
The U.S. DOT coordinates national transportation policies and administers programs to enhance
the safety and efficiency of the nation’s transportation systems. The Road Weather Management
Program leads FHWA’s effort to improve road weather information through interfederal
coordination with agencies like the National Weather Service (NWS), the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the OFCM. Road Weather Management Program
goals include quantifying weather impacts, enhancing environmental observing capabilities,
advancing the state-of-the-practice for transportation managers, and promoting road weather
research across constituencies.
In September 1998, the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology briefed the Federal Committee for
Meteorological Services and Supporting Research with a plan—“Look to the Future”—that
identified interagency coordination issues and highlighted the importance of providing better
weather data and developing decision support tools for surface transportation managers. The
federal committee recognized the need to address user requirements in coordination with FHWA
and other public and private sectors partners.
In December 1998, the Director of the U.S. DOT Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint
Program Office briefed the ICMSSR on meteorological requirements for surface transportation.
The ICMSSR directed the formation of the WIST Joint Action Group to address these
information requirements. The OFCM held two WIST symposia, in 1999 and 2000, to begin
compiling weather information requirements for roadways, transit operations, rail, waterways,
pipelines, and airport ground operations.
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
The FHWA Road Weather Management Program has engaged state DOT personnel to define
their weather information requirements since 1998. In 2000, the program documented the
weather data needs of 44 types of transportation managers in “Surface Transportation Weather
Decision Support Requirements” reports. It was concluded that substantial benefits can be
achieved if transportation managers have access to weather information in a format and on a time
scale tailored for their operations. Addressing weather data gaps will ultimately help the Road
Weather Management Program achieve FHWA strategic goals, shown in Table 1, and result in
better decision support tools for roadway transportation managers.
Table 1 – FHWA Strategic Goals & Road Weather Management Program Objectives
FHWA Road Weather Management
Strategic Goals Program Objectives
Safety Reduce crashes due to weather and poor pavement conditions
Mobility Reduce traffic congestion and travel time delay during inclement weather
Decrease road operating and maintenance costs associated with adverse
weather, and minimize weather impacts on freight operations
Environment Minimize impacts of road treatment chemicals on air, soil, and water quality
Facilitate coordinated response, improve evacuation traffic operations, and
National Security
support military movements
Three types of road weather management strategies may be employed to mitigate environmental
threats: advisory, control, and treatment strategies. Advisory strategies provide information on
prevailing and predicted conditions to both transportation managers and motorists. Control
strategies alter the state of roadway devices to permit or restrict traffic flow and regulate
roadway capacity. Treatment strategies supply resources (e.g., sand, salt) to roadways to
minimize or eliminate weather impacts. Many treatment strategies involve coordination of
traffic, maintenance, and emergency management agencies.
In Table 2 below, various road weather variables from two WIST Data Needs Templates are
summarized with their impacts on roadways, traffic flow, and operations. The “Weather
Requirements for Roadway Transportation” template, which was developed by state DOTs, can
be found at The “Weather
Requirements for Federal Highway Operations” template is accessible at
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
The temporal resolution of weather information will also differ based upon user needs. For
example, a maintenance manager may consider a 24-hour precipitation forecast “timely” for
treatment strategy planning, while a traffic manager requires real-time snow accumulation data
to implement weather-responsive traffic signal timing. For a traveler, a general five-day weather
forecast for an entire county is not as “relevant” as a route-specific pavement condition forecast
(e.g., on westbound Route 00 the roadway is snow-covered between mileposts 100 and 200).
Weather information must correspond to the appropriate time horizon or decision scale, as
different types of management decisions are made at each scale. General weather and
transportation decision scale relationships are described below. Roadway transportation
managers typically need environmental data in four time horizons.
Climatic Scale (Months to Years) – The climatic time scale includes the planning phase.
Long range forecasts assist transportation managers in making strategic and budgetary
decisions such as purchasing equipment and materials, hiring and training staff, and
coordinating evacuation plans with neighboring jurisdictions. These forecasts are typically
provided at coarse spatial resolutions, based upon averages over large geographic areas.
Synoptic Scale (Hours to Days) – During the synoptic time scale, transportation managers
monitor weather events to identify threatened routes and make operational decisions such as
scheduling (e.g., placing maintenance crews on standby), preparing equipment (e.g.,
prepositioning traffic control devices for hurricane evacuation), and selecting road weather
management strategies. To make these types of decisions, managers utilize regional to
national forecasts of weather fronts and large air masses typically provided twice per day.
Mesoscale (Minutes to Hours) – In the mesoscale time frame, operational decisions are also
made with regional to local road weather information. At this scale, managers implement
road weather management strategies such as activation of automated anti-icing systems,
reducing speed limits, and closing flooded roads. Transportation managers require high-
resolution weather data on spatially small events like thunderstorms and tornadoes that
develop and dissipate rapidly.
Microscale (Seconds to Minutes) – The microscale time horizon includes the warning phase.
During this time period, managers use very high resolution (i.e., less than a few square
kilometers), localized road weather data to issue warnings to the traveling public. Actions
may include posting warnings on dynamic message signs, and activating a fog warning
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
Currently, there are over 2,000 ESS owned by state transportation agencies. Most of these
stations—over 1,400—are field components of RWIS, which are typically used to support winter
road maintenance activities. A national map depicting the number of ESS in each state can be
viewed at
Some DOTs have established relationships with local weather forecast offices of the NWS to
provide tailored weather predictions based upon local climatology and topography. Partnerships
with researchers at local universities have also made mesonet data available to state DOTs. For
example, the Iowa DOT shares their ESS data with the Iowa Environmental Mesonet developed
by Iowa State University ( This observing system collects,
compares, archives, and disseminates high-resolution observations made throughout the state of
Iowa. The mesonet does not own or operate any of the automated observing stations, which are
used for a wide range of applications. By participating, the DOT has convenient access to
supplemental data on environmental conditions across the state.
The Washington State DOT has collaborated with the University of Washington and the
Northwest Weather Consortium to share weather data. The consortium collects and disseminates
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
data from over 450 ESS owned by nine federal, state, and local agencies. Data from the DOT’s
ESS are transmitted to the Seattle Traffic Management Center and to the University’s
Department of Atmospheric Sciences for data fusion and advanced modeling. A sophisticated
model predicts pavement temperatures and generates high-resolution, numerical weather
forecasts for the entire state. Data from ESS are also integrated with other information (e.g.,
NWS forecasts, satellite and radar images, CCTV video, traffic flow data, incident and
construction data) to furnish the public with route-specific traveler information via telephone and
the DOT’s Traffic and Weather Web Site (
Water in its gaseous state, or water vapor, is essential in the development and propagation of
weather. Water vapor has historically been a poorly characterized meteorological variable
because its distribution fluctuates widely, both spatially and temporally, and it is difficult to
measure using traditional atmospheric observing systems. The FHWA collaborated with NOAA,
the National Geodetic Survey/Continuously Operating Reference Station, and the Coast Guard to
develop a Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) capable of observing
precipitable water vapor.
The NDGPS is comprised of systems that measure satellite signal delays caused by atmospheric
vapor. Twenty-four GPS satellites in Earth’s orbit emit radio signals to ground instruments,
which accurately compute precipitable water vapor data every 30 minutes. The NDGPS
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
provides three-foot (or one-meter) accuracy, which is more precise than the civilian GPS. This
high accuracy is expected to improve to 0.8 to 8.0 inches (or two to 20 centimeters) in the near
future. NDGPS data, accessible at, has been used to
improve the accuracy of short-term, precipitation forecasts disseminated by the NWS.
A more detailed analysis of environmental sensor density is needed to close weather data gaps
related to spatial resolution. This analysis should minimally include consideration of
microclimatology and local topography; supplementing ESS observations with those from
remote and mobile sensors; accessing observing systems and data collected for other domains;
assessment of statewide needs including critical military routes, evacuation routes, and major
signalized corridors; as well as sensor coverage in rural areas. Following the analysis, a
coordinated effort could be initiated to provide managers with consistent national guidance.
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
To address these weather data deficiencies, the Road Weather Management Program sponsored
development of an operational concept for a Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS). A
team of national laboratories designed a MDSS functional prototype that integrates
environmental data, road condition data, material inventory data, crew shift data, and winter
maintenance rules of practice to recommend route-specific treatment strategies. The first field
demonstration of the prototype was successfully conducted from February to April 2003. Using
lessons learned from the first demonstration, a second field evaluation was carried out from
December 2003 to March 2004.
The Road Weather Management Program has also initiated efforts to understand the weather
information needs of traffic operators and managers. The program documented research needs to
advance the state-of-the-practice in a paper titled “Research Needs for Weather-Responsive
Traffic Management”. Another paper, “Weather-Responsive Traffic Management: Concept of
Operations”, focused on the information requirements of freeway and arterial managers and how
these needs change during adverse weather. These efforts will assist in the development of
functional requirements and key data flows for this user group. Once user requirements are
defined, researchers can begin to create data processing tools and decision support systems using
lessons learned from the MDSS. The refined data and information from such systems will, in
turn, enable transportation managers to implement more effective road weather management
strategies, providing more effective traffic operations.
Automated roadway warning systems are deployed around the country to warn motorists of
recurring, localized hazards such as black ice, low visibility, high winds, and flooding. Roadway
warning systems typically utilize real-time ESS data and onsite processors to activate devices
such as ramp gates, variable speed limit signs and dynamic message signs. Recently the FHWA
has been examining non-recurrent events contributing to major multi-vehicle crashes. In
October 2002, 11 people were killed and dozens were injured as 38 cars collided in near zero
visibility on a Wisconsin freeway. In November 2002, a 200-vehicle crash occurred in fog on
the Long Beach Freeway, injuring 41 people. In May 2003, on Interstate 68 in western
Maryland a fog-related, 73-vehicle crash killed two people, injured 60 and resulted in a 24-hour
road closure. In April 2003, high winds (up to 130 mph) and blowing dust caused several road
closures in southern New Mexico and a 10-vehicle crash on U.S. 180 that resulted in two
fatalities and five injuries. To address gaps in weather data needed for warning decisions, both
recurring and non-recurring weather events are being studied to determine if their impacts can be
mitigated with existing or proposed resources. Data needs for non-recurrent events may require
special attention as filling this gap can be harder to cost-justify.
Many state transportation agencies disseminate current road weather observations through web
sites and via telephone to support the travel decisions of the public (i.e., mode, route choice,
departure time, vehicle type/equipment, and driving behavior). In July 2001 the Federal
Communications Commission designated 511 as the national traveler information telephone
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
number. In June 2003, The 511 Deployment Coalition released a Deployment Assistance Report
—“Weather and Environmental Content on 511 Services”—to recommend basic content and
provide for consistency in 511 systems as they are implemented across the country. Since these
systems are in their infancy, gaps exist in defining the types of road weather information
travelers desire, appropriate data formats, as well as the frequency and detail needed for the
public to make safe and effective travel decisions. To close these gaps, preliminary consumer
research has been conducted to gauge public needs for road weather information. ITS America
is planning additional consumer research, including a national survey and 511 call intercepts, to
address these needs.
Rigorous standards for sensor siting and calibration, data validation, as well as data processing
and presentation are needed to address deficiencies and inconsistencies in the quality of weather
data used by transportation managers. Public and private research efforts are currently underway
to develop guidance or criteria to improve data quality. However, resources are needed to verify
and validate the criteria and to promote their adoption and implementation by deployers.
Once deployed, environmental sensors must be calibrated and maintained to ensure data
accuracy and precision. Calibration standards outline test procedures to compare sensor
performance to established criteria that minimize errors. Such standards are essential to ensuring
accurate, reliable, uniform observations. Calibration standards for atmospheric and hydrologic
sensors used in other domains (e.g., aviation, flood control) may not be suitable for the roadway
environment. Efforts to address gaps due to calibration of surface sensors were undertaken by
the Aurora Program, an international RWIS research consortium, and the National Cooperative
Highway Research Program (NCHRP). Aurora has documented the state-of-the practice in
pavement sensor calibration in a report titled “Standardized Testing Methodologies for Pavement
Sensors”, which found that over 60 percent of RWIS operators performed no calibration of
environmental sensors before or after installation. This report prompted the NCHRP to plan
research on “Testing and Calibration Methods for RWIS Sensors”. Research tasks include
reviewing current calibration methods for various sensor types, field testing selected methods in
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
various climatic conditions, and development of concise guidelines for distribution to RWIS
users. The expected completion date of this research project is May 2005.
In addition to fixed ESS, calibration of mobile sensors is also important. The Snow and Ice
Pooled Fund Cooperative Program (SICOP) of the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is a group of federal, state, and local transportation official
interested in improving winter road maintenance. Weather data quality issues are discussed on a
list-serve on the SICOP website ( Regarding calibration of mobile pavement
temperature sensors, list-serve participants found that emissivity factors of infrared sensors
require calibration for various pavement conditions (i.e., dry, wet, icy, snow-covered). During
mobile sensing, the emissivity factor must be changed for different conditions to avoid incorrect
temperature readings. Mobile sensors using other technologies may need to be examined to
assess the need for calibration standards.
Research projects goals include examination and validation of the accuracy of ESS data.
Preliminary results indicate that the data are of good to very good quality, though some
inconsistencies exist due to poor siting, non-aspirated sensors, and lack of calibration. These
projects present real opportunities for further research that may ultimately result in improved
operational and maintenance practices that close gaps related to weather data validation.
Practitioners must be educated on siting issues and the benefits of calibration and validation
before they will uniformly adopt and implement such standards. Development of consistent
practical guidance and targeted dissemination of outreach materials can help close gaps in
weather data quality.
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
the country with greater specificity and accuracy. This database will allow transportation
managers to access much more atmospheric data at desired spatial and temporal resolutions for
their unique applications. Integrating such data with GIS, observations and metadata from
mesonets, road attribute data, traffic flow data and other relevant data would help eliminate data
gaps related to processing.
The NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory has designed the Meteorological Assimilation Data
Ingest System (MADIS) that collects and integrates data from many surface observing systems,
hydrological monitoring networks, and other sources such as balloon-borne instruments and
aircraft sensors. The MADIS ( disseminates reliable, value-
added, quality-controlled data to subscribers through a database containing real-time and
archived datasets. Currently, only 12 State DOTs provide RWIS data to the MADIS, which
collects over 6,000 surface weather observations each hour. The Road Weather Management
Program has partnered with NOAA to foster deployment of a national, integrated road weather
observing network and data management system. This initiative aims to interconnect ESS
deployed by State DOTs and integrate ESS data with data from mobile and remote sensing
To expand systems such as MADIS and achieve a nationwide road weather observing network,
surveillance systems must be interoperable and environmental sensors must be interchangeable.
Interoperability is the ability of systems or devices to provide information to, and receive
information from, other systems or devices such that they operate effectively as a single system.
For example, an interoperable system would allow a maintenance garage to send road weather
data to a Traffic Management Center (TMC), and receive traffic flow data from the TMC,
without multiple data conversion steps. Interchangeability allows devices of the same type,
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
made by different vendors, to be substituted for one another and interact on the same
communication channel. Interoperability and interchangeability are achieved through system
architectures and non-proprietary communication standards.
The Road Weather Management Program has worked with the ITS Program to incorporate
weather information flows in the National ITS Architecture. Within the architecture, market
packages combine several different subsystems, equipment packages, terminators, and
architecture flows to provide desired services. Services for weather information applications
were not officially added to the National ITS Architecture until Version 4.0 was released in
In the current version of the National ITS Architecture (i.e., Version 5.0) weather-related market
packages within the Maintenance and Construction Management service area include
Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking, Maintenance and Construction
Vehicle Maintenance, Road Weather Data Collection, Weather Information Processing and
Distribution, Roadway Automated Treatment, Winter Maintenance, Roadway Maintenance and
Construction, and Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination. As weather information
services for transportation managers expand, additions will be reflected in subsequent versions of
the National ITS Architecture. To foster data sharing outside of the transportation domain, the
National ITS Architecture must be compared to network architectures for other weather
observing systems.
The NTCIP includes object definitions for ESS, which were initially published in October 1998
and amended in January 2001. Release of Version 2.0 of the ESS object definitions document
(i.e., NTCIP 1204) is expected in June 2004. This document describes data collected from
weather, pavement, hydrologic, and air quality sensors. The standard can be used to integrate
disparate environmental sensors into a central system with common data sets and
communications protocols. The NTCIP ESS standard has been successfully tested in Minnesota
and Washington State. Additional information about the “Minnesota DOT Statewide R/WIS
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
4.5.1. Liability
One of the greatest impediments to sharing road weather data is liability. The roles and
responsibilities of the public and private sector as road weather data providers are still evolving
and many officials are unclear to what extent they will be accountable if the data they provide is
misinterpreted, misrepresented, or inaccurate. The federal government is immune to liability for
inaccurate or inadequate weather forecasts under the Federal Tort Claims Act. However, state
governments have been held liable for negligently providing inaccurate information. The
constant threat of litigation has made some agencies reluctant to share road weather information.
Some state DOTs only furnish near-surface ESS data without surface and subsurface data. Such
practices, in effect, create residual gaps in providing environmental observation and forecast data
to decision makers, travelers, and others. There is a need to resolve liability concerns to
maximize the use and dissemination of environmental data.
To address these concerns some transportation agencies have consulted with their legal
departments to develop disclaimer statements for 511 services, web sites, and cooperative or
commercial contracts. Such disclaimers typically state that actual road or weather conditions
may vary from those reported and that users should be aware of changing conditions.
Commercial contracts for use of ESS data should contain indemnification provisions to protect
state agencies.
The FHWA is also offering a training course on the “Fundamentals of Road Weather
Management” through the National Highway Institute ( This course will
introduce transportation managers to RWIS and how these systems can be applied to address a
host of weather-related problems. The objectives of the course are to provide background on the
fundamentals of meteorology as they pertain to RWIS, to provide participants with the skills to
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
recognize crosscutting weather impacts on roadway operations, to explain the range of effective
and open RWIS solutions for various management practices, and to identify the technical and
institutional challenges of implementing RWIS. A follow-up course on “RWIS Implementation”
is also planned.
The FHWA has partnered with SICOP and Aurora to develop an Anti-Icing/RWIS Training
Program. The computer-based training program covers many topics including an introduction to
anti-icing and winter maintenance, winter road maintenance management, winter roadway
hazards and mitigation principles, weather basics, weather and roadway monitoring for anti-icing
decisions, computer access to road weather information, and anti-icing practice in winter
maintenance operations.
Policy, liability, and other institutional concerns can hinder efforts to integrate RWIS and
exchange environmental information. Despite the challenges in bridging this divide, public-
private and interagency relationships are potentially cost-effective way of closing the gap
between the information “haves” and “have-nots.” By coordinating ESS deployments with other
agencies, the need for redundant infrastructure can be eliminated and operating and maintenance
costs can be minimized. Written agreements can ensure that the needs of all partners are met by
documenting requirements and clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each partner and
how each will benefit from the alliance. These and other solutions need to be explored further
and promoted as gap fillers.
This paper characterized road weather data needs for roadway transportation managers,
described available road weather data sources, and identified road weather data gaps related to
spatial and temporal resolution, data quality, data sharing, and non-technical issues. The
following paragraphs summarize road weather data gaps related to spatial and temporal
resolution, data quality and data sharing, as well as non-technical issues.
Generally, ESS deployments and public-sector forecasts are inadequate to provide weather
information products at the spatial resolution desired by roadway transportation managers. A
dense network of environmental sensors on the entire National Highway System is needed to
produce route-specific road weather observation and predictions. Managers utilize road weather
information at different temporal resolutions to make planning, operational, and warning
decisions. Synoptic scale forecasts (e.g., 0 to 48 hours) must be improved to support these
decisions, minimize crashes due to non-recurrent events (e.g., fog), and provide road weather
information to travelers.
Deficiencies and inconsistencies in the quality of road weather data are related to inadequate,
inconsistent standards for sensor siting in the roadway environment and standards for calibrating
atmospheric, pavement, hydrologic, and mobile sensors. Gaps associated with road weather data
processing are due to the lack of digital products at fine spatial resolutions, and the inability to
predict conditions on road segments that are not instrumented. To facilitate interagency and
interstate data exchange there is a need for an integrated network of interchangeable
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
The FHWA Road Weather Management Program serves as a bridge between the meteorological
and roadway transportation communities. The program will work with the OFCM Committee
for Integrated Observing Systems (CIOS), and other federal partners, to better understand the
impacts of weather on roadways, and promote strategies to mitigate those impacts. Envisioned is
a system that provides “Anytime, Anywhere Road Weather Information” for road operating
agencies and road users, as well as a competitive market for commercial road weather services.
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
3. Arnold, J., “New Applications Make NDGPS More Pervasive,” Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center, FHWA, January/February 2001,
5. Castle Rock Consultants, “Environmental Sensor Systems for Safe Traffic Operations,”
prepared for the FHWA Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, FHWA-RD-95-073,
October 1995.
6. Castle Rock Consultants, “Review of the Institutional Issues relating to Road Weather
Information System (RWIS),” August 1998,
7. Castle Rock Consultants, “Road Weather Information System (RWIS) Data Integration
Guidelines,” prepared for the ENTERPRISE and Aurora Programs, October 2002,
9. Center for Transportation Research and Education, “Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle,
Final Report: Phase Four,” Iowa State University, June 2002,
10. FHWA, “An Introduction to Standards for Road Weather Information System (RWIS),” July
2002, Road Weather Management Program,
11. FHWA, “Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System Program Fact Sheet,” Turner-
Fairbank Highway Research Center, FHWA-RD-02-072, January 2003,
12. Goodwin, L., “Best Practices for Road Weather Management,” Version 2.0, May 2003,
Weather Information for Roadway Transportation Preliminary Data Gap Analysis
13. Gutman, S. and Benjamin, S., “The Role of Ground-Based GPS Meteorological Observations
in Numerical Weather Prediction,” NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory, 2001, www-
14. Klein, R. and Pielke, Jr., R., “Bad Weather? Then Sue the Weatherman!: Legal Liability for
Public Sector Forecasts,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 83 Issue.
12, December 2002,
pdf/2002.21.pdf and
16. National Research Council, “Where the Weather Meets the Road: A Research Agenda for
Improving Road Weather Services,” Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate,
Transportation Research Board, prepublication version, January 2004,
17. NASA, “Remote Sensing Tutorial Web Site,” Goddard Space Flight Center, March 2003,
18. NOAA, “Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) web site,” October 2003,
20. OFCM, “Weather Information for Surface Transportation: National Needs Assessment
Report,”, December 2002.
21. Pisano, P. and Goodwin, L., “Research Needs for Weather-Responsive Traffic Management,”
presented at the 2004 TRB Annual Meeting, December 2003,
22. U.S. DOT, “Environmental Monitoring Application Area,” ITS Standards web site, www.its-
23. U.S. DOT, “FHWA Working to Improve Weather Forecasting Using NDGPS,” Research &
Technology Transporter, p. 4, October 2001,