1.2.4. It should contain not more than 3 per cent by weight of clay and silt and the materials
shall be free from deleterious salts or contaminates.
1.2.5. The finished surface of the bedding layer shall match exactly the design profile as
indicated on the drawings.
1.2.6. Before placing the bedding layers, the surface of concrete should be cleared by sweeping.
1.2.7. Walking or driving on the finished surface of the bedding layer shall not be permitted.
1.3.5. Fine angular sand as per specification shall be brushed into the joints, and thereafter
compaction shall be done with a vibrating plate compactor on a clean surface. After compaction,
again fine angular sand shall be brushed into the joints.
(a) Necessary field/laboratory tests shall be carried out by the contractor while executing the
work at his own cost.
* ADG(R) being not in position, the meeting was presided by Shri Indu Prakash, DG(RD) & Spl. Secretary to the Govt. of India, MORT&H
33. The Chief Engineer (Pig.) (S.B. Basu), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Transport
Bhavan, New Delhi-110001
34. The Chief Engineer (Mech.) (V.K. Sachdev), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
Transport Bhavan, New Delhi-110001
35. The Chief Engineer (Mech.) PWD, G Block, 4th Floor, Writers' Building, Kolkata-700001
36. The Chief Engineer (NH) (Ratnakar Dash), Sachivalaya Marg, Unit IV, Bhubaneswar-
751001 Distt. Khurdha (Orissa)
38. The Chief Engineer National Highways, PWD Annexe, K.R. Circle, Bangalore-560001
Ex-Officio Members
40. The Director General (Indu Prakash), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
(Road Development) Transport Bhavan, New Delhi-110001
& Special Secretary
41. Secretary, (R.S. Sharma), Indian Roads Congress, Jamnagar House,
Indian Roads Congress New Delhi-110011
Corresponding Members
1. M.K. Agarwal Engineer-in-chief, Haryana PWD (Retd.) House No. 40, Sector
16, Panchkula-134113
2. Dr. C.E.G. Justo Emeritus Fellow, 334, 25th Cross, 14th Main, Banashankari,
2nd Stage, Bangalore-560070
The Rigid Pavement Committee (H-5) in its meeting held on the 28th November, 2003 discussed the
draft Guidelines for the Use of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements and desired to recirculate the
modified document in light of the suggestions made by the members to improve the document.
Accordingly, the modified document was circulated and discussed during the meeting of H-5 Committee
(Personnel given below) held on the 8th March, 2004 and the document was approved with certain
modifications :
Corresponding Members
The draft was discussed by the Highways Specifications and Standards Committee during its
meeting held on the 22nd May, 2004 and the draft was approved subject to modifications in light of the
comments made by its members. The modified document as received from the Convenor, H-5
Committee was placed before the Executive Committee in its meeting held on 25th May, 2004. The
Executive Committee considered the Guidelines for being placed before the Council. The Council in its
172nd Meeting held at Nainital (Uttaranchal) on the 12th June, 2004 approved the document for
publication subject to modification in light of the comments/suggestions given by the participants.
The document has been modified suitably by Dr. L.R. Kadiyali, Convenor, H-5 Committee.
Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements have been extensively used in a number of countries for
quite sometime. Considering their advantages and potential for use, the guidelines have been
prepared for the design and construction of such pavements, giving the suggested applications, design
catalogues, construction practices and specifications for their use.
2.1. Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements have been found to have applications in several
situations. Such as :
2.2.1. Advantages
(i) Since the blocks are prepared in the factory, they are of a very high quality, thus avoiding the
difficulties encountered in quality control in the field.
(ii) Concrete block pavements restrict the speed of vehicles to about 60 km per hour, which is
an advantage in city streets and intersections.
(iii) Because of the rough surface, these pavements are skid-resistant.
(iv) The block pavements are ideal for intersections where speeds have to be restricted and
cornering stresses are high.
(v) The digging and reinstatement of trenches for repairs to utilities is easier in the case of
block pavement.
(vi) These pavements are unaffected by the spillage of oil from vehicles, and are ideal for
bus stops, bus depots and parking areas.
(vii) They are preferred in heavily loaded areas like container depots and ports as they can be
very well designed to withstand the high stresses induced there.
(viii) In India, the laying of concrete block pavements can be achieved at a low cost because of
the availability of cheap labour.
(ix) Since the concrete blocks are grey in colour, they reflect light better then the black
bituminous pavements, thus bringing down the cost of street lighting.
(x) The cost of maintenance is much lower than a bituminous surface.
(xi) Block pavement does not need in-situ curing and so can be opened to traffic soon after
completion of construction.
(xii) Construction of block pavement is simple and labour-intensive, and can be done using
simple compaction equipment.
(xiii) Maintenance of block pavement is simple and easy. Also, the need for frequency of
maintenance is low as compared to bituminous pavement.
(xiv) Structurally round blocks can be recycled many times over.
(xv) Unlike concrete pavements, block pavement does not exhibit very deterioratory effect
due to thermal expansion and contraction, and are free from the cracking phenomenon.
(xvi) Use of permeable block pavement in cities and towns can help replenish depleting
underground sources of water, filter pollutants before they reach open water sources,
help reduce storm water runoff and decrease the quantum of drainage structures.
2.2.2. Limitations
(i) Concrete block pavements cannot be used for high speed facilities.
(ii) The riding quality is reasonably good for low-speed traffic, but is inferior to that observed on
a machine laid bituminous or concrete pavement.
(iii) The noise generated is high, 5-8 dB (A) higher than bituminous surfaces.
(iv) A very good attention to pavement drainage is needed because the water can seep
through the joints.
Present day interlocking blocks have evolved in shape after observing their performance. The
three phases in the evolution of the shape of the blocks are shown in Fig. 2.
The rectangular shape shown in Fig. 2(i) is the shape which was intended for imitating the
stone set blocks. The shape shown in Fig. 2(ii) is an improved version with many dentated faces for
better contact between adjoining blocks thus enhancing the interlocking effect and friction between
them. This helps in increasing the shear strength of the block system and thus the load dispersal
capacity. The block shown in Fig. 2(iii) is a further improvement over dentated rectangular block. The
block shown in Fig. 2(iv) gives still better interlock and is suitable for fully mechanized paving.
The dentated blocks further can be grouped as shown in Fig. 3 into three categories as under:
Category A: Dentated units are designed to key into each other on all four faces and which, by their plan
geometry when keyed together, resist the widening of the joint. These blocks are
generally capable of being laid in herringbone bond pattern (as explained in Section 8).
Category B: These blocks are dentated on only two sides. Their dimensional accuracy of laying
helps in bringing about the interlock effect on other faces. Generally, with some
exceptions, these blocks can only be laid in stretcher bond, as explained in Section 8.
Category C: These are not dentated type but depend on dimensional accuracy for interlocking effect.
These blocks can be laid only in a stretcher bond.
The overall dimension of blocks used in various parts of the world ranges as under : Top
surface area : 5,000 to 60,000 mm2 Horizontal dimension not exceeding : 28 cm
- Mean length _
Mean width
Thickness : Between 60 to 140 mm
Length/Thickness : > 4
In addition to regular blocks described above, supplementary blocks of half size would be
required for paving purpose. In the case of rectangular blocks, more number of half blocks would be
generally required than other category of blocks.
M (2) (2)
(2) (2)
CATEGORY (2) (2)
For improving aesthetic looks of paved areas, architects have been making use of block
pavement extensively. The numerous paving blocks and their joints mellow down the harshness created by
large transverse joints formed in conventional concrete pavement.
For improving aesthetics further, grass blocks have been developed. These when constructed in a
grid formation allow space in the pavement for growing grass as shown in Fig. 4. These are best suited
for walkways, driveways, etc. Coloured blocks also add to the aesthetic beauty.
4.1. General
Except for the top wearing part of the pavement; the base and sub-base layers are similar to the
conventional flexible or rigid pavement. Depending upon the load coming on them, the composition of
the pavement differs.
Interlocking concrete blocks come in different thicknesses. These blocks serve as wearing
surface but at the same time help in reducing the stresses imposed on subgrade and also help in
resisting pavement deformation and elastic deflections similar to the base course of a flexible pavement.
80-100mm BLOCKS
20-30mm SAND
Fig. 6. A typical cross section of block pavement for heavily trafficked roads
For Category 'A' blocks used for light traffic, such as, pedestrians, motor cars, cycles, etc., a block
thickness of 60 mm is adequate; for medium traffic, a thickness of 80 mm is generally used; for
heavily trafficked roads, Category 'B' blocks of the thickness 100-120 mm are used. Thick blocks are
best suited where high volumes of turning movements are involved.
Non-uniformity in thickness of blocks affects the evenness of the surface. A block pavement
which is initially paved to a levelled surface will settle unevenly with the movement of vehicles, as
shown in Fig. 7. In view of this, all blocks should be of the same thickness, with a maximum allowable
tolerance limits of ± 3 mm. Similarly, variations in length and width of blocks should be limited to ± 2 to
3 mm for ensuring uniform joint width and avoiding staggering effect.
The sand bed should not be too thick lest it would be difficult to control the surface level of the
blocks. A layer thickness of 20 to 40 mm is found to be satisfactory.
For block pavement to perform satisfactorily, it is necessary that the lower layers are profiled to
proper level and finish and that the bedding sand layer is of uniform thickness. Varying thickness of sand
bed ultimately results in uneven surface of the pavement.
The grading and quality of sand is very important for the block pavement to perform
satisfactorily. The sand used should be free ffOrri plastic clay and should be angular type. It should not be
of degradable type for e.g., sand produced from lime stone, etc. is likely to get powdered under the
Joints between blocks are filled by fine sand. Normally, the bottom 20 to 30 mm of the joint
gets filled with bedding sand, whereas, the remainder space has to be filled with jointing sand by
brooming it from the top. The joints are normally 2 to 4 mm wide.
These layers are the important structural layers of a block pavement. The materials used for
base construction consist of either bound material like lean concrete or soil-cement or bituminous
layers or unbound materials like wet mix macadam or WBM. The sub-bases are generally of granular
material. The sub-base can function as drainage layer as well, provided proper disposal arrangement for
water is made. The base course layer is normally provided where heavy vehicular traffic is likely.
Besides intensity of loading, the type of soil encountered determines the type and thickness of
base and sub-base. For weak subgrade soils like clays, where ground water table is shallow, bound
bases are preferred.
Fig. 8. Edge
The road kerbs provided on the edge of the road also serve the purpose of edge blocks as
shown in Fig. 8. In case the kerbs are not provided, it has to be replaced by edge strips.
5.4. For block pavements for industrial applications like container yard and port wharf and roads
and warehouses the following thickness is recommended, based on international experience:
Block : 100 mm
Sand Bedding . : 30-50 mm
Hydraulically bound base : 300 mm
Granular sub-base (out of which
the bottom 150 mm is a drainage layer) : 300 mm
6.1. General
The quality of materials, cement concrete strength, durability and dimensional tolerances, etc. are
of great importance for the satisfactory performance of block pavements. These aspects and the
block manufacturing process itself, which immensely influences the quality of paving blocks, are
broadly outlined in the subsequent paragraphs. The desired engineering properties of bedding/jointing
sand layer beneath the block, the base course and sub-base materials are also described.
The above values are for general guidance only. The actual mix design has to be made to suit
each individual requirement.
The method of manufacture of paving blocks has an important bearing on the quality, durability and
level of finish - dimensional tolerance, etc. all of which reflect on the ultimate performance of the block
pavement during service. At the very outset, therefore, it is to be emphasized that hand-casted concrete
blocks are unacceptable for use and that an appropriate plant should be used which would make it
possible to apply high pressure together with controlled vibration. Adaptation of production facilities
designed for high quality hollow masonry blocks, though feasible, is not as economical and as efficient
as the use of purpose designed machinery for paving block manufacture. Essentially, the manufacturing
process involves compacting concrete, in a steel mould clamped to a vibrating table, by hydraulic
Concrete is fed into the mould from a hopper by a drawer - if a second hopper is added, a block can
be made of two kinds of concrete having "backing" and "facing" surfaces. In the "facing" of the block,
the top 5 mm has greater amounts of cement and sand to make it more durable and skid-resistant,
and extra pigment is added for the coloured face vis-a-vis the rest of the block. In the first stage of
compaction, pre-vibration is effected by running the vibrators attached to the vibratory table, the
frequency generally being in the range of 50 to 100 Hz. In the second stage of compaction,
compression pressure is applied to the tamper heads, also fitted with vibrators for a high level of
surface finish. Blocks are extruded from mould by forcing down the tamper heads, after the vibrating
table is disengaged from the mould. The blocks thus prepared are stacked either in a single layer or
multiple layers for curing, depending on the plant used being single layer or multi-layer.
For normal paving work, the length of a paving block should ordinarily be not greater than
twice the mean width; the thickness is a minimum of 60 mm; the maximum length generally not
exceeding 280 mm; the width generally is in the range 75 to 140 mm with a maximum chamfer of 10
mm (preferably chamfer should be in the range 3-5 mm). The sides of the block should be perpendicular
to the top and bottom faces except that the top edge may be chamfered. The blocks should have the
following dimensional tolerances:
Plan dimensions ± 2 mm
Thickness ± 3 mm
To ensure durability, the average water absorption in a block should not exceed 5 per cent; and for
cold regions in a standard freeze-thaw durability test, the weight loss should not exceed 1 per cent.
In situations, where parts of blocks are to be used e.g., around manholes, the block should be
purpose-cut at site.
It is to be recognized that variations in the thickness of blocks used for a paving job can be a
major cause for the loss of surface profile, as shown in Fig. 7 on an exaggerated scale. In the interest of
maintaining a good surface profile, the block thickness should be controlled carefully; this can be done
to advantage by adopting multi-layer method of manufacture of paving blocks, which reduces the
variation in block thickness.
6.5.1. Bedding sand : It is well established that if proper attention is not paid to the quality of
bedding sand, and if the thickens of the bedding sand layer is not uniform enough, serious irregularities in
surface profile can result; excessive differential deformation and rutting can occur early in service life
of the block pavement. The desired gradation of bedding sand should be as under :
Care should be taken to see that single-sized or gap graded sands or sands with excessive
amount of fines or plastic fines should not be used. The shape of sand particles should preferably be
sharp rather than rounded, since the sharp sands possess higher strength and resist the migration of
sand from under the block to less frequently trafficked areas. Eventhough sharp sands are relatively
more difficult to compact than rounded sands, the use of sharp sands should be preferred for the more
heavily trafficked pavements. The bedding sand should be free of deleterious materials.
6.5.2. Joint filling sand : The gaps in between two paving blocks (typically about 3 mm
wide) need to be filled by sand, relatively finer than the bedding sand. The desired gradation for the
joint filling sand is as under:
It is necessary to restrict the fines (silt and/or clay) to 10 per cent, since excessive fines make
joint filling very difficult. Similarly, it is not advisable to use cement in the joint filling sand which
will not only make it difficult to completely fill the joints but would also adversely affect the desired
flexibility characteristics of the paving block layer. The joint filling sand should be as dry as possible;
otherwise complete filling of joints will be difficult. To overcome the problem of efflorescence on the
surface of paving block layer, the joint filling sand should be washed to remove soluble salts.
In broad terms, wherever the subgrade is weak (having a CBR value below 5) use of bound
granular materials, like, cement treated crushed rock, requiring a relatively thinner base, should be
preferred while for high strength subgrades, unbound crushed rock can be used. The climatic and
environmental factors also need to be considered during the choice of a base material.
Generally, a sub-base is warranted where commercial traffic is expected. The quality of sub-
base materials is inferior to the base materials and includes natural gravels, cement treated gravels and
sands and stabilized subgrade materials. The quality of sub-base materials should be in conformance
Block pavement with joints filled with sand is not a waterproof layer and hence care has to be
taken to drain out the surface water seeping through the joints in initial stage of the construction. This
water can find way to sand bed below, base, sub-base and subgrade layers. Unless these layers are free
draining, appropriate drainage arrangement has to be provided. The drainage provided generally consists of
subsurface drains surrounded by filter material or a geotextile, which, would allow the water to pass
through and at the same time prevent the escape of bedding/jointing sand. Typical subsurface drainage
arrangement used in block pavement is shown in Figs. 9 and 10.
Shown in Fig. 11 is a drainage system with no fines concrete provided below the sand bed.
The water collected is to be taken through 80 mm diameter perforated pipe.
Fig. 11. Heavy trafficked concrete block pavement structure with a base course of no-
fines concrete for drainage
A crossfall of 2 per cent slope is generally sufficient to drain the surface run-off but it is
desirable to provide 3 per cent crossfall in the case of heavily trafficked roads to avoid formation of
water puddles. The block pavement should be at least 5 mm above the manholes, side drains, etc.
8.1. General
The construction of block pavement involves preparation of subgrade, sub-base and base course
layers, bedding sand and finally the laying of blocks. The block paving can be done entirely by manual
labour. However, for efficient construction work, the work force has to be properly trained for this
specialised job. Paving can also be done by mechanical means.
This is the foundation layer on which the block pavement is constructed. Like in conventional
pavements the water table should be at a minimum depth of 600 mm below the subgrade. Subgrade
should be compacted in layers of 150 or 100 mm thickness as per IRC:36-1970. The prepared subgrade
should be graded and trimmed to a tolerance of ± 20 mm of the design levels, and its surface evenness
should have a tolerance of within 15 mm under a 3 m straight edge.
Base and sub-base courses are constructed in accordance with standard procedures contained in
the relevant IRC Specifications, like, IRC:37-2001, IRC:50-1973, IRC:51-1993, IRC:63-1976,
IRC: 19-1977. When cement bound base are proposed it may be constructed using rolled lean concrete as
per IROSP-49. The quality control specified in IRC:SP-11 shall apply. Constructing the layers to proper
level and grade is very essential to maintain the level and surface regularity of the block pavement.
Fig. 12. Effect of base-course surface shape on bedding sand and block surface shape
The blocks can be placed to different bonds or patterns depending upon requirement. Some
popular bonds commonly adopted for block paving are:
(i) Stretcher or running bond
(u) Herringbone bond
(iii) Basket weave or parquet bond
In relation to the starting line, the blocks should be placed at the correct angle to achieve the
final orientation as required by the laying pattern. If the edge restraint is straight and suitably oriented, the
first row of blocks can abut it. For irregular-shaped and unfavourably oriented edge restraints, a
stringline should be established a few rows away to position the first row.
With the help of gauges, the joint width specification (2 to 4 mm) should be checked in the
first few square metres, where it should be ensured that the block alignment is correct. The laying
patterns and face should be established (Fig. 15) to permit fast and easy laying without the necessity of
forcing a block between previously positioned blocks. To start with, full blocks should be used; only
subsequently, cutting and in-filling at edges be permitted. Under no circumstances should the blocks
be forced or hammered into the bedding sand at mis stage of laying. For cutting paving blocks, hydraulic
or mechanical block cutters, or power saws are used. Cut units less than 50 mm minimum dimension
should not be used, as these are difficult to cut accurately and can be dislodged under traffic. Where
space does not permit use of a larger segment, use premixed concrete or a sand-cement mortar instead.
The control over alignment, laying pattern and joint widths can be maintained by the use of
chalked string lines, at about 5 m intervals.
8.8.1. Manual methods : In the traditional manual method, the sand is roughly screeded and a
skilled worker (called a pavior) levels the sand and then embeds the block using a hammer; he works
backwards so as to have a continuous view of the completed pavement in order to obtain a good
finish. A pavior, along with an assistant, can lay 50 to 75 m2 of paving per day.
An alternative to the above method, the block layers (generally unskilled labourers) work on the
completed surface, moving forward.
For optimum output, it is advantageous to select an easy fitting block shape, with the desirable
size being that which can be easily accommodated in the worker's hand; in addition, the blocks should be
chamfered for easy handling and their weight should preferably be less than 4 kg.
The output of finished pavement varies widely with training of workmen, over a wide range
from a low of 20 to a high of 120 m2/man-day; the higher outputs being for industrial hard standings
where intrusion like manholes, etc. are minimal. To keep up the speed of work, it is important to
maintain an adequate supply of paving blocks to the laying site for manual paving. Ordinarily, hand
pushed trolleys are adequate for the purpose, but for large projects employing a number of laying
teams, use of powered trolleys is preferable.
Care must be taken to see that paving blocks are not tightly butted against each other, otherwise
there could be non-uniformity in the laying patterns and the blocks may spall or even crack. Joint
widths of 2 to 4 mm can be maintained if, when laying a paving unit, it is held lightly against the face of
an adjacent laid unit and allowed to vertically slide into position.
Since each workman may produce slightly different joint widths, it is desirable to rotate
workmen along the workface, and also periodically interchange the personnel laying and transporting
The average joint width can be measured and checked, by determining statistically the
representative values of average length and breadth of blocks at the project site and then obtaining
average distance between joints, say 40 blocks apart; or it can be done by measuring joint widths
directly, using a calibrated, hardened steel mandrel which is forced into joints at a series of randomly
selected locations, to obtain a statistically representative figure.
8.8.2. Mechanised methods : Mechanised laying requires the use of specialised equipment for
transporting and placing clusters of paving blocks. The size of paving block cluster suitable for paving,
is usually 0.3 to 0.5 m2 in area for hand-operated equipment; for fully mechanised equipment, the cluster
surface area can be upto about 1.2 m2. These clusters are designed to maintain a joint space of about 3
mm between blocks, when clamped together (Fig. 16).
Since the blocks are placed in separate clusters, there exists the possibility of damage if joints
between adjacent clusters run uninterrupted throughout the pavement. To overcome this problem,
clusters may be arranged so that the joints are periodically staggered both along and across the cluster
axis or link blocks are installed by hand across these joints (Fig. 17).
Mechanised laying must be coordinated with the manufacturer, so that the blocks are delivered
stacked on pallets in the required pattern; in some cases, spacing ribs may be cast on the sides of
blocks to preserve the required joint spacings.
8.8.3. Compaction : For compaction of the bedding sand and the blocks laid over it, vibratory
plate compactors are used over the laid paving units; at least two passes of the vibratory plate compactor are
needed. Such vibratory compaction should be continued till the top of each paving block is level with its
adjacent blocks. It is not good practice to leave compaction till end of the day, as some blocks may move
under construction traffic, resulting in the widening of joints and corner contact of blocks, which may
cause spalling or cracking of blocks. There should be minimal delay in compaction after laying of the
paving blocks to achieve uniformity of compaction and retention of the pattern of laying; however,
compaction should not proceed closer than 1 m from the laying face, except after completion of the
trafficked block pavements, heavy duty compactors should be used. After compaction by vibrator)
plate compactors, some 2 to 6 passes of a vibratory roller (with rubber coated drums or those of static
weight less than 4 tonnes and nominal amplitude of not more than 0.6 mm) will further help ir
compaction of bedding sand and joint filling.
8.8.4. Joint filling : The importance of complete joint filling cannot be over-emphasised,
Unfilled or partially filled joints allow blocks to deflect, leading to loose blocks, possibly spalling the
edges and a locally disturbing bedding sand layer, as shown in Fig. 18.
After the compaction of the bedding sand has been completed (and some bedding sand has
been forced up in the joints between blocks), the joints should be completely filled with sand meeting the
desired specifications, as given in Section 6. The joint filing sand should be stockpiled at suitable
locations for convenience. There should be minimum delay in joint filling; the process should in any
case, be completed by the end of the day's work.
The operation of joint filling comprises of spreading a thin layer of the joint filling sand on the
block surface and working the sand into each joint by brooming. Following this, a far passes of heavy
plate compactor are applied to facilitate fine sand to fill the joints. The sand should be broomed or
spread over the surface with a small surcharge.
Dry sand and dry blocks are best for the filling of joint, as damp sand tends to stick at the very top
of the joints; also, if the blocks is wet and the sand dry, the sand will again stick at the joint top. Hence,
if either the blocks or sand are wet, one may get a false impression of the joints being full, but the next
rain will reveal that they are actually hollow. If the weather does not allow sand and blocks to be dry, the
joint filling sand should be washed in by light sprinkling of water. In this case, several cycles of
application of sand, water-sprinkling and plate compaction will be necessary to completely fill the
8.8.5. Opening to traffic: Until all thejoints are completely filled, no traffic should be permitted
over the block pavement. In case of lime or cement treated layers in the pavement, it must be ensured
that these are given at least 14 and 7 days respectively to cure, before traffic is permitted. The block
pavement should be inspected frequently, to ensure that any incompletely filled joints, exposed by
traffic and/or weather are promptly filled. Such frequent inspection should be continued till dust and
detritus from the roadway tightens the surface of the joints.
8.8.6. Laying and Surface Tolerances : While the laying, the surface tolerances, given below
may be observed;
Layer/Item Tolerance
Subgrade +0, -25 mm of nominated level
Select subgrade/Sub-base +0, -20 rnm of nominated level
8.8.7. Detailing block pavements : Essentially, there are three important aspects in detailing.
These are :
(i) Curves
(ii) Treatment of intrusions, and
(iii) Changes in alignment Curves : It is necessary to cut the paving units to fit the edge restraints. Rectangular
blocks of a similar or contrasting colour as an edging have been used to minimise the visual effects of
small errors in block cutting. To avoid unsightly and potentially weak construction joints, it is often
preferable to change the laying pattern at the curve. For example, as shown in Fig. 19, the curve itself can
be installed in herringbone bond and yet the pavement can revert to stretcher bond on the approaches.
IRC:SP:63-2004 Pavement intrusions : On some pavements, like in city streets, there could be several
intrusions, like, manholes, drainage gulleys, etc. where mating these intrusions with the pavement is
desirable. Fig. 20 shows how this should be done around a manhole.
Around intrusions, it is good practice to lay along both sides of the intrusion simultaneously so
that closure is made away from the starting workface, rather than carrying the pavement around the
intrusion to return to the original laying face (Fig. 20) to avoid accumulation of closing error. Changes in alignment: Changes in alignment of a road pavement can some times be
achieved by the use of special blocks. However, it is generally easier to choose a block that can be
installed in herringbone bond and simply cut the blocks to fit the edge restraints. Where aesthetic
requirements or shape of the paving unit dictate the use of stretcher bond, then only a 90° shape
change in alignment can be achieved without cutting the blocks (Fig. 21).-At intersections, if a
herringbone bond laying pattern is adopted, the paving can proceed without the need for construction
joints (Fig. 22). An alternative to this is to install a shoulder (support) course of rectangular paving
units between the main roadway and the side streets; this permits different laying patterns to be used in
the two roadways.
8.9. Specifications
Annexure-1 gives the specifications for laying. The BIS Specifications for Precast Concrete
Blocks for Paving (under publication) may be followed for the manufacture and testing of blocks.
9.1. General
Like any other road work, block pavement also should be maintained to give long service. The
maintenance requirement of block pavement is minimal. The block pavement requires initial
maintenance soon after its laying, say after a week or two for checking sand in the joints. Subsequently, the
maintenance is in the form of replacing any damaged block/blocks or raising the settled section, if any.
Repair especially after laying a cable duct is much simpler in the case of block pavements. The cut area
can be reinstated without any blemish.
After about a week of laying the blocks there is a need to inspect the surface to check for any
loss of sand at joints. Wherever sand level has dropped down it should be reinstated. This type of
inspection should continue for two to three months till the sand level is stabilized and topping up is no
more required. With time the joints receive fine dust and detritus thus making them waterproof. During
rains these joints may allow weeds to grow but these normally should get eliminated with the traffic. In
case it does not get eliminated these may have to be controlled by spraying herbicide or by manual
removal. Annual inspection, however, will be required.
For the purpose of reinstating damaged blocks it is necessary to stockpile a small percentage of
blocks from the lots used in the construction. The size and colour of the blocks may be difficult to obtain
at a later date matching with the original blocks. For important projects, it is normal to stockpile blocks
from 1 per cent to 3 per cent initial supply for subsequent use.
As part of preventive maintenance, blocks can be sealed using compounds, like, silicone,
acrylics and silica flourides for enhancing the colour, reducing absorptive nature of the blocks and for
improving surface toughness. These coating have life of 1 to 3 years and hence they have to be
repeated as per the requirement. The most durable of these chemicals is solvent-borne acrylics which are
abrasion resistant and also minimize chemical effects of spillage even at 60°C.
1.1. Base
1.1.1. The Finished surface of the concrete base shall match the design profile of the concrete
blocks within ±10 mm.
1.1.2. Compaction shall be done with vibratory roller. In restricted areas where normal rollers
cannot operate, hand-held or plate viufrators should be employed.
Single sized, gap-graded sands or those containing an excessive amount of fines will not be used.
The sand particles should preferably be angular type.
The joint-filling sand should pass a 2.35 mm sieve and be well graded. The following grading is
recommended: -
The use of cement in the joint-filling sand is not recommended as a general practice as the
cemented sand is likely to crack into segments which are easily dislodged.
1.2.2. Average thickness of this laying course shall be 20 to 40 mm.
1.2.3. The sand should be slightly moist, and the moisture content shall be about 4 per cent by
Personnel of the Highways Specifications and Standards Committee .,. (i) & (iii)
Background ... 1
1. Scope ... 2
2. Applications ... 2
6. Materials ... 12
7. Drainage ... 17
8. Construction ... 19
9. Maintenance ... 33
Annexure ... 35