Production Cycle Quiz 2
Production Cycle Quiz 2
Production Cycle Quiz 2
According to the audit objective stating that all inventory on Balance and reconcile detailed production cost sheets to
hand is reflected in the ending inventory balance, which work-in-process inventory control account.
management assertion is the auditor most likely testing?
Assertion: Completeness
a. The entity has rights to the inventory
Correct Answer: d. Inventory is complete Vouch a sample of open and closed production cost sheet
entries to (a) labor reports and (b) issue forms and materials
used reports.
Quiz 9.43:
Assertions: (a) Existence/Occurrence; (b)
For a portion of the client's inventory located in public Existence/Occurrence
warehouses, which method is the most efficient for acquiring
evidence of the existence of this merchandise?
Locate the material issue forms and determine whether they
a. Observation
are (a) prenumbered (b) kept in a secure location, and (c)
b. Confirmation available to unauthorized persons.
a. Sales returns
b. Purchase discounts
c. Sales
d. Purchase returns