Publicatie FINAL Edits06072022 4 1
Publicatie FINAL Edits06072022 4 1
Publicatie FINAL Edits06072022 4 1
Targu Mures
Alba Iulia
Targu Jiu Ploiesti
Bucharest Constanta
International students ................... 29.000
Surface .................... 238,397 km² Tuition fees ……....…...0 – 7,000 eur / year
Population ................. 19.4 million Living expenses….….400-760 eur / month
Capital ......................... Bucharest Website…
EU member since….....…..…… 2007 Public Higher Education Institutions….......46
Currency ...... Romanian Leu (RON) Private Higher Education Institutions ......29
Military Higher Education Institutions........7
Welcome to
country, a place rich in history, arts and
scenic beauty.
Romania’s landscape is almost evenly
distributed between mountains (31%),
hills (33%), and plains (36%). These varied
landforms spread rather symmetrically
Romania is situated in the South-Eastern from the Carpathian Mountains, reaching
part of Central Europe and shares borders over 2,400 m altitude (maximum altitude
with Hungary to the North-West, Serbia - the Moldoveanu Peak of 2,544 m),
to the South-West, Bulgaria to the South, to the Danube Delta and the Black Sea
the Black Sea to the South-East, Ukraine coast.
to the North-East and the Republic of
Moldova to the East. The name “Romania” which was first
used when the three regions of the
Lying at the crossroads of the major country were united in 1859, reflects the
routes between the Western and Eastern influence of ancient Rome on the nation’s
world, Romania has always played an language and culture.
important geopolitical role for the stability
of the whole continent. With a surface The three regions—Walachia, Moldavia,
area of 238,397 square km, Romania’s and Transylvania—are relatively culturally
geographical size ranks 12th in Europe uniform. There is a significant Hungarian
and 79th in the world. Romania is the community in Transylvania (approx. 7%
ninth largest country of the European of the Romanian population), which has
Union by area, and has the seventh largest its own language and traditions. Also,
population of the European Union, with ethnic Roma represent approximately
almost 20 million people living within the 3.3% of the total population of Romania,
country borders. according to the 2011 census.
The capital of Romania is Bucharest, This brochure aims to help both the
with a population of more than 2 million international students interested in
inhabitants. studying in Romania and the higher
education professionals who are
Authentic, Natural and Cultural are looking for Romanian higher education
the three words that best describe the institutions to build future partnerships.
Study in
Visit us, why
The salt mine features: health activities,
such as medicinal bath salt for
rehabilitation therapies in internal diseases
and in prevention and sanogenesis;
recreation aria with swimming pool,
spa and wellness centre, playground for
kids, mini-golf, bowling, boating on the
underground lake, big wheel, sport field,
We invite you for a journey to discover etc.
the many facets of Romania. Whether
for a one day trip, a long weekend or a Cimitirul Vesel (The Merry Cemetery)
tour across the country, you will have the The Merry Cemetery is one of the most
opportunity to explore and understand unusual places to visit in Romania.
the country and its culture. Located in Sapinta (Maramures County),
the place has become famous for its
Besides the main attractions in Bucharest colourful painted tombstones, illustrating
and around the country, such as the in a poetic, sometimes satirical manner,
Black Sea, with 45 miles of beautiful fine the people buried and scenes from their
sand beaches, the Danube Delta - the lives. Ethnologists say Sapinta’s merry
largest and best preserved of Europe’s cemetery is likely a reflection of attitudes
river deltas, the castles (Bran, Peles, that come from the time of the Dacians,
Corvinilor), the painted monasteries early inhabitants of Romania, and have
in Bucovina or Maramures county – been passed down through folklore ever
extraordinary for traditions and folklore, since. The historian Herodotus noted the
here are some less well known landmarks Dacians were fearless in battle and went
definitely worth visiting. to their graves laughing, sincebeliving
they would meet Zalmoxis, their supreme
Shall we begin? god.
exceeded only by the Great Barrier Reef in of 2,034 meters, close to the highest
Australia and the Galapagos Archipelago point of the road, where you can also
in Ecuador. Here, you can see large find the Ice Hotel, built from ice blocks
populations of pygmy cormorants, red- taken from the lake. You can also take
breasted geese and the largest number of a short hike from Bâlea Lake to Capra
white pelicans and Dalmatian pelicans in Lake, another beautiful glacial lake.
Europe. You can explore the Delta as part
of a Danube River cruise or on day trips The Retezat National Park
and boat excursions. You can watch the The largest old-growth forests in Romania
Danube merging with the Black Sea and are present in the Retezat Mountains. The
sometimes you can even enjoy beautiful park contains a sparsely populated area
shows by the dolphins. teaming with wildlife such as Carpathian
brown bears, wild boars, European
Vulcanii Noroioși (Mud Volcanoes) wildcats, to name a few. The Park also
A rare phenomenon can be seen in includes some of the most remarkable
Romania, in Buzau county. The mud glacial lakes in the country and offers
volcanoes are formed due to natural gas numerous opportunities for paragliding,
coming out of the ground at a depth of zip lining, hiking and trekking.
3,000 m. The gases cross a clay soil and
push the water out. A cold mud comes to Sighișoara
the surface forming cones, thus appearing Sighișoara is one of the most beautiful
similar to volcanoes. and best-preserved medieval towns in
Europe, being also designated as a World
Transfăgărășan Heritage Site by UNESCO.
“That’s the most amazing road I’ve
ever seen! This is the best road in the Bucovina Monasteries
world” – Jeremy Clarkson said about The painted Monasteries of Bucovina are
Transfăgărășan, in a Top Gear episode. one of the most picturesque treasures of
Transfăgărășan is approx. 90 km long Romania and one-of-a-kind architectural
and reaches an altitude of 2,042 meters, sites in Europe. The eight Romanian
offering you amazing views over the Orthodox Churches in Suceava County,
Făgăraș Mountains during the entire trip. which date from the 15th and 16th
Beside the breathtaking views, there are centuries, are also listed as UNESCO’s
some must-see attractions along the World Heritage Site.
Transfăgărășan: the Vidraru Dam or Bâlea
Lake, a glacial lake located at the altitude
Study in
possibility to also benefit from its
renowned university tradition, especially
in the fields of engineering, medicine and
science. Two of Romania’s universities
are ranked in the QS Top Universities in
the World.
While probably the most known thing
about Romania is the legend of Dracula,
Romania is much more than that. 2. Study in English,
Think medieval towns, time-capsule French, German, Romanian or
villages, delicious cuisine, picturesque Hungarian. Romania has a wide choice
monasteries, virgin forests, majestic of university programmes. With around
mountains, a blossoming art community 90 public and private accredited Higher
and impressive landscape. ...And, of Education Institutions, you can choose
course, high quality education! from different degree programmes at
Bachelor, Master or PhD level, all leading
Romania is a great place for you to study, to an EU recognised diploma. Interested
diplomas are recognised all over Europe in studying in Romanian and get a better
and beyond. In addition, the Diploma understanding of the overall educational
Supplement, issued automatically with experience? A number of Higher Education
your graduation diploma, is bilingual and Institutions provide a preparatory year to
thus ensures transparency of learning help you learn or improve your Romanian
outcomes and improves employability. language skills.
4. One of the world’s fastest give us plenty of opportunities to enjoy
Internet – Ranked in world top the time outdoors!
10, Romania has ultrafast internet
connectivity that you can benefit for 6. Cultural life – Bucharest is
studying, staying in contact or simply ready to welcome you with its vast
enjoying music on Youtube. E-learning collection of museums and art galleries,
platforms? Online conferences? Netflix? where you can make use of the student
All becomes accessible with the click of a discounts to find out more about the
button for uninterrupted experiences. history of Romania, to enjoy its art and
music. Street guided tours will give you
5. Work opportunities and a better sense of living in interbellum
quality of life - There are a number period, and in August, the renowned
“George Enescu” Festival will welcome
of possibilities to work as a student: you
you with world-class performances.
can apply directly to vacant positions
published online, in Call Centres/
And while Bucharest may be the most
outsourcing companies where you
well-known city, different cultural
can work part time, or via personnel
experiences are available to you in all other
recruitment companies and students
major cities around the country. Sibiu
NGOs that can help you find the right
has the second-largest outdoor museum
job, while also focusing on your academic
in the world, Astra Museum, in Cluj you
can visit the “Emil Racovita” Museum of
Speleology, situated in a medieval prison,
Students enjoy a number of discounts
while Targu-Jiu is waiting for you to visit
for attending cultural events, visiting
its Sculptural Ensemble by Constantin
museums or historical sights, public
Brancusi’s open air. Cinemas, theatres,
transport, dorm accommodation etc. The
classical music, festivals, concerts provide
nightlife can also be quite exciting, with
entertainment for all.
pubs, restaurants and night clubs waiting
for you in the old town of the major
Romanian cities. 7. A great place to travel – The
You will also be living and studying in home of eight UNESCO world heritage
one of the safest countries in Europe, sites, Romania offers numerous places
with the crime rates among the lowest to visit, with a variety of picturesque
in Europe. The 210 sunny days per year landscapes.
HIGHER Master degree programmes
(second cycle), which can be organised
full-time and part-time, with 60 – 120
ECTS, have a duration of 1 – 2 years.
Undergraduate study programmes in
the EU regulated fields, which can be
organised solely full-time, in a combined
university study programme (cycle I and
Since 1999, Romania is part of the Bologna II), have a duration of 5-6 years, the
Process, a large-scale inter-governmental diplomas obtained being equivalent to a
cooperation to make higher education Master’s degree.
systems comparable among the 48
European member states. Doctoral degree programmes
(third cycle), can be organised full-time
There are three types of Higher Education and part-time, with 240 ECTS, have
Institutions: public, private and defence / a duration of 3 years, with a potential
military. The public and private universities extension of 1 – 2 years in exceptional
are under the responsibility of the Ministry cases, with prior approval of the University
of Education, while the defence / military Senate.
universities are regulated by the Ministry
of Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs or For Bachelor and Master programmes,
similar entities. universities issue the Diploma
Supplement, describing the level, nature,
Higher education study programmes content, context, and status of the
accredited periodically by the Romanian studies completed by each graduate.
Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher The Diploma Supplement can be used
Education (ARACIS). as a grade transcript for the pursuit of
further studies or employment. The
The structure of Higher Education bilingual (Romanian and English) Diploma
Institutions, the study programmes, as Supplement is automatically issued, free of
well as the maximum schooling capacity charge, to all higher education graduates
are set annually by the Ministry of and it is attached to the original diploma
Education, via Government decisions. The in Romanian, together with a description
Romanian higher education system offers of the national higher education system.
the following types of study programmes:
Study programmes in foreign
Undergraduate degree languages
programmes Romanian Higher Education Institutions
(first cycle – Bachelor), which can be provide a wide range of Bachelor, Master
organised full-time, part-time and or PhD programmes in Romanian and
distance learning, with 180 – 240 ECTS. foreign languages, such as English,
For full-time education, Bachelor degree French, German or Hungarian. A number
programmes’ duration is 3 years (with a of institutions also offer a Preparatory
minimum of 60 ECTS per year), with 4 year in Romanian.
years for university education in the fields
of Engineering, Law and Theology.
ADMISSION • Medical certificate
Calendar • English certificate - if needed
The academic year starts in the first week • Document showing home address
of October. As Romanian higher education
institutions are autonomous, they may Step 3: Contact the university and apply
decide on the academic schedule. Each for your desired programme
year is divided into two semesters. Each • The university will ask for your
semester lasts 14 weeks. Students have a documents.
summer holiday (typically from July until • Some universities will provide you
late September), a Christmas holiday, with the possibility to register online,
an Easter holiday (associated with the but others will ask for the documents
Orthodox Easter) and a short holiday in hard copy.
(usually one week) at the end of the first • Send / upload the required documents.
semester. • Pay the application fee - if needed.
Scholarships offered by the Romanian
SCHOLARSHIPS state through the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (MFA)
International students have multiple Each year, the Romanian Government,
options to benefit from scholarships. through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
European students can take advantage provides a number of scholarships to
of the Erasmus+ programme (for short- citizens from non-EU countries. Only
term mobilities). Students can apply for candidates having good results in
different types of scholarships which are education, respectively an average of the
awarded by the Romanian Government, study years, for the last graduated school,
inter-governmental or intercultural of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the
agreements (bilateral or multilateral scoring system in Romania or the Good
agreements) by universities, by different score, as the case, are eligible.
Ministries such as the Ministry of
Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Applicants may select their study program
or the Ministry of Economy. of interest in all fields, with the exception of
Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy.
According to the national Law of In order to promote the Romanian
education, the Government can offer a language and culture, the beneficiaries of
number of scholarships that cover the the scholarships granted by the Romanian
international students’ tuition fee. These state for undergraduate and Master
scholarships can be offered to those HEIs studies study only in Romanian. The
(public or private) or study programmes exception is doctoral scholarship holders,
that meet the highest quality standards. who can opt for studies in Romanian or
The number and amount for state in a foreign language set by the doctoral
scholarships is determined by Government school. For candidates who do not speak
decision. Higher education institutions Romanian, a preparatory year is granted
can offer scholarships individually or in for the study of the Romanian language
partnership with other institutions, (such prior to the actual university studies, with
as NGOs), depending on their priorities. the exception of doctoral scholarship
holders who have opted for the form of
In Romania, scholarships are awarded in education in a foreign language set by
the Romanian currency (Romanian lei), are the doctoral school.
suspended in case of failure to promote a
year of study, violation of the Romanian The scholarship obtained, including
legislation or rules of conduct established the preparatory year where applicable,
by universities. Scholarships are still consists of:
awarded 30 days after the completion of • financing tuition fees;
doctoral or post-university studies. These • financing the accommodation
do not cover the international transport expenses in the dormitories, through
or personal expenses. the budget of the Ministry of Education,
within the limit of the subsidy allocated
Annually, EEA grants offer scholarships for this purpose (accommodation will
to students from Norway, Iceland and be provided to the extent of available
Liechtenstein wishing to study in Romania places);
(in an English program) or be part of a • granting a monthly financial aid, which
research project in Romania. varies per level of study.
The scholarships do not cover the costs institution and the second as host
of international transport and those of institution), for traineeship mobility, the
domestic transport from the Romanian host organisation may be in an enterprise,
border crossing point to the university. In a research institute, a laboratory, an
this regard, candidates must be prepared organisation or any other relevant
for the personal financial support of the workplace
additional costs.
An Erasmus+ student mobility may take
The scholarship application process starts place, in certain specific conditions, in
in the fall and concludes in March, final one of the:
evaluation results being available in July, • 27 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium,
though exact dates may vary from year Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic,
to year. The required documents include Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
diplomas, transcripts, birth certificate France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
and passport, CV – all described in the Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
application process. Upon selection, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
additional formalities, such as obtaining a Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
visa, will be required. Slovenia, Spain, Sweden);
• third countries associated to the
Starting with 2021, the application Programme (Iceland, Liechtenstein,
process takes place exclusively online on North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia,
a dedicated platform, part of the Study in Turkey);
Romania website. • third countries not associated to the
Programme (all other countries).
Erasmus+ Scholarships
Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation Tuition fees
opportunities in the fields of higher Some of Romania’s competitive
education, vocational education and advantages consists in its low tuition fees.
training, school education (including Fees can differ depending on the type
early childhood education and care), of student (Romanian/ EU or non-EU),
adult education, youth, and sport. Higher field of study, language of instruction,
education students (short cycle/Bachelor/ institution, etc.
Master/Doctoral) and staff (academic
and non-academic) can benefit from an In Romania, non-EU students pay higher
international mobility experience through fees compared to the domestic / EU
Erasmus+. students. The minimum paying fees for
international students differ on level and
Students registered in a higher education field of studies.
institution and enrolled in studies leading
to a recognised degree or another Institutional autonomy allows universities
recognised tertiary level qualification to set their own fees, starting from the
are eligible to participate in a study or minimum amount established by the law.
traineeship mobility. Recent graduates are These can range from 270 to 950 euros
also eligible to take part in a traineeship per month for Bachelor and Master’s
mobility within 12 months of graduating. degree and from euros to 970 euros for
While a study mobility must involve doctoral studies per month. For medical
2 higher education institutions from studies, tuition fees at first cycle level
different countries (one as sending range between 2,000 and 7,000 euro.
• Food (canteen / groceries /eating out):
150 Euro to 400 Euro / month
• Gas, Electricity: 50 Euro to 75 Euro /
Phone and internet – 20 Euro to 50 Euro
/ month
Medical insurance – from 12 Euro / month
(either private or at CNAS - The National
Health Insurance company, state owned)
Public transportation – 10 to 30 Euro /
Romania is one of the least-expensive month
countries in the EU and it has prices for every • National transportation – a train or bus
pocket. Of course, these costs vary based ticket for a 300 Km distance is around
on the city where the university is located, 15-20 Euro
with extra expenses for the larger cities, but • Car maintenance – around 100 Euro /
still contribute to a competitive advantage month (but finding parking places may
compared to other countries. not always be easy or cheap in the big
Cost of living • Entertainment - 200 Euro / month
When it comes to accommodation, various
options are available for students. The transport network in Romania is fairly
developed, albeit not always as fast as in
Most universities in Romania offer on some of its European peers. A large rail and
campus dormitories to students, which can bus network exists, quality roads connect
be a very good option compared to private most of the country, and distant cities are
accommodation, in terms of costs. These connected by domestic flights. Students can
costs vary based on university, city, and benefit from a 50% discount for domestic
type of accommodation, but range between travel by train, 2nd class, and monthly passes,
60 to 100 euros / month. Universities offer for which they must present the student
comfortable and clean dorms with free card validated for the current academic year,
internet access, canteen, reading rooms and containing specific details. Travel tickets for
sport facilities, where rooms have 2 or more can be purchased only from ticket offices
beds, private bathrooms and sometimes equipped with an electronic system for
a kitchenette, while video surveillance is issuing travel tickets from railway stations
available for most of them. and CFR Călători travel agencies.
Properties can also be rented, either The biggest cities also have extensive public
through a real estate agent or privately, transport systems, while alternatives such
via public websites or friends / colleagues as Uber, Bolt or electric scooters are also
recommendations. Typically, a security available. Urban transportation includes
deposit of usually one month’s rent is required. buses, trolleybuses and trams. Students
Flat-sharing is also an available option, thus under 26 can benefit from the 50 % discount
lowering the overall costs. While prices differ based on the stamped student identity card,
based on location, for the large(r) cities, they a passport or residence card, marriage
are as follows for 2022: certificate (if the case). Each major city has
• studio: 150 to 300 Euro / month. specific costs for public transportation, but
• one bedroom apartment: 200 to 350 they do not vary greatly.
Euro / month.
• two bedroom apartment: 250 to 500 If you decide to apply to and enrol in a
Euro / month. Romanian university, there are some benefits
• For the daily life, the most common you can enjoy as a student here:
expenses are listed below (values for • free of charge medical care and
2022): psychological assistance, provided in the
higher education institution, medical and Arab Emirates, Japan, South Korea, etc.)
psychological facilities in public clinics are exempted from the Romanian visa
and hospitals; requirements. International students can
• at least 50 percent discount domestic find out detailed information about visa
public transportation (except for air requirements from E-VISA dedicated portal
transport), during the academic year; of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
• discount entrance fees to museums,
concerts, theatres, operas, cinemas, and The specific conditions and required
cultural and sport events, organised by documents for obtaining a visa are detailed
public institutions; on the website of the General Inspectorate
• waiving the tuition fees for almost for Immigration (IGI) – since they may be
half of the students enrolled in public subjected to periodical changes, it is important
universities, based on the candidate’s high to verify before applying for studies.
school performance and/or the results of
the admission exams – only for EU/EEA After arriving in Romania, students must
and Swiss students; obtain a residence permit, which certifies
• possibility to apply for financial assistance, the right to stay in Romania. The permit can
grants-in-aid, living allowance, social be obtained from the territorial units of the
allowances directly to the University, General Inspectorate for Immigration from
depending on your financial situation – the county where you live. In order to obtain
although some are available to EU/EEA/ a residence permit, a number of documents
CH students only. must be submitted at least 30 days before
the expiry of the right to stay granted by the
Exact information in terms of which of the visa, and this can also be done online on the
above is applicable can be provided by each dedicated IGI portal.
Working in Romania
Healthcare International students in Romania do not
Students under 26 benefit from free of charge require a working permit, as long as they
medical care and psychological assistance. hold a residence permit for studying in the
These services are provided in the higher country. EU / EEA and Swiss students are
education institution and in public hospitals, not bound by any limits to the number of
based on the public medical insurance. working hours, though it is not recommended
Students older than 26 must pay a monthly to work full time during your studies. Non-
health insurance fee (approx. 15 Euro / EU students are allowed to work 4 hours/
month). All must register with a general day, without the need to apply for a separate
physician (family doctor), which provides working permit. However, working for more
basic consults and can refer to specialists than 4 hours/day requires a work permit –
if needed. Medical care in private clinics is detailed information in this sense is provided
subject to payment. and updated by the General Inspectorate for
The emergency number in Romania is 112.
This is a free call, also available in English In Romania it is quite common for students
and French. An operator will answer inquiring to have part time jobs. The most common
on the type of emergency services required: sources to look for a job are dedicated
police, ambulance, firefighters. web portals, career fairs, info desks in
universities, students associations, or friends
Visa and residence permit and classmates . Available job offers are also
After being accepted in a study programme, posted on the National Employment Agency’s
the next step is obtaining a visa. Students website.
from EU countries, as well as from certain
other countries with which Romania has
signed bilateral agreements (e.g. the United
No. University Website
No. University Website
24 Ovidius University of Constanta
No. University Website
No. University Website
24 "Dragan" European University of Lugoj
Engineering, Manufacturing
Social Sciences, Journalism
Arts and Humanities
and Information
and Veterinary
and Statistics
1 Decembrie 1918 University of
1 x x x x x x x
Alba Iulia
Engineering, Manufacturing and
Social Sciences, Journalism and
and Veterinary
and Statistics
Technical University of Civil
12 x x x
Engineering Bucharest
The Bucharest University of
13 x x x x
Economic Studies
University of Agronomic
14 Sciences and Veterinary x x x
Medicine of Bucharest
15 University of Bucharest x x x x x x x x
University Politehnica of
16 x x x x
"Iuliu Hatieganu"
17 University of Medicine and x
Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca
Babeş-Bolyai University,
18 x x x x x x x x
Technical University of
19 x x x x x x x x
The National Academy of Music
20 x
"Gheorghe Dima” Cluj-Napoca
University of Agricultural
21 Sciences and Veterinary x x x
Medicine Cluj-Napoca
University of Art and Design in
22 x
25 University of Craiova x x x x x x x x x
Engineering, Manufacturing and
Social Sciences, Journalism and
and Veterinary
and Statistics
University of Medicine and
26 x
Pharmacy of Craiova
33 University of Oradea x x x x x x x x x
34 University of Petrosani x x x x
35 University of Pitesti x x x x x x x x x
Petroleum-Gas University of
36 x x x x x x
Engineering, Manufacturing and
Social Sciences, Journalism and
and Veterinary
and Statistics
41 University of Arts Targu Mures x
Natural Sciences, Mathematics
Business, Administration and
Engineering, Manufacturing
Social Sciences, Journalism
and Information
and Statistics
Natural Sciences, Mathematics
Business, Administration and
Engineering, Manufacturing
Social Sciences, Journalism
and Information
and Statistics
"Adventus" University of
16 x x x
"Bogdan-Voda" University
17 x x
of Cluj-Napoca
Protestant Theological
18 x
Institute of Cluj-Napoca
Sapientia Hungarian
19 University of Transylvania, x x x x x x x
”Andrei Saguna” University
20 x x
of Constanta
"Danubius" University of
21 x x x
General info:
• Population: ~63,500 (2011)
• Student population: ~ ~5,600 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 1
• Number of study programs Ba&Ma: 58 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 406€ without rent (February 2022)
Alba Iulia is located in Transylvania, one of the most picturesque areas of Romania. The
city is well-known for The Alba Iulia Citadel, an amazing fortress, where an important
historical event took place. Here, on the 1st of December 1918, the three main provinces,
Walachia, Transylvania and Moldavia were united and became what is nowadays Romania.
In the old city center you can walk along the wide, tree-lined streets of the citadel, to
discover the historical, cultural and architectural places of interest of Alba Iulia.
General information than 120 research,
educational and
The name of the university is related to cultural institutions
the historical moment (1918) when the from Bosnia and
union of the three Romanian provinces was Herzegovina,
accomplished in Alba Iulia. China, France,
Hungary, Italy,
The aim of the university is to constantly Malaysia, Mexico,
develop an academic community, able to Poland, Republic
increase the value of the archaeological, of Serbia, UK,
social, economic and cultural heritage of our Ukraine, etc. Most
region, and committed to creating, preserving of the agreements
and disseminating knowledge, enhancing the are focused on the
academic community’s excellence, developing exchange of students and staff (teaching
students’ skills and competences, through staff, researchers and administrative staff),
promoting a culture of values, morality, exchange of publications, journals and
inquiry, research, and life-long learning. teaching materials, co-organization of
conferences and other academic events, and
The university is also committed to continuing participation in research and educational
the process of extending, modernizing projects.
and adapting its research and education
facilities, and to developing a complex – both Key Figures (2022)
theoretical and practical – academic training • No. of faculties: 5
system for all those who are willing to become • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 58
highly qualified specialists in different fields • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
of activity, adequately prepared for the ever • Students: 5,600
more demanding and challenging national • International students: 350
and international labour market. Therefore, it • Places in dormitories: 720
is permanently improving ther undergraduate
BA and BSc programmes, as well as
post-graduate studies (Master and Ph.D.
programmes). The academic programmes are
completely aligned with the Bologna system.
General info:
• Population: ~159,000 (2011)
• Student population: ~9,900 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 2
• Number of study programs (Ba&Ma): 131 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 408€ without rent (2022)
Arad offers a rich cultural-historical heritage, being compared with an open-air museum
due to the specific architectural styles from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, art and
history museums, festivals, theatre shows or plastic art exhibitions. Lovers of architecture
can admire buildings designed in Baroque, Renaissance, Eclectic, Classis, Noe-Gothic or
Secession style. It is also one of the wealthiest cities, being situated in the west part of
the country, with easy access to the Western Europe.
General description
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad continues the
tradition of local higher education started with
the Institute of Theology (1822), the Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics
(1947) and the Associate Engineer Institute
General description proving its dynamic,
“Vasile Goldiș” Western University is a adaptative and
young and dynamic university which, in its open character.
32 years of existence, gained solid prestige Located in the
among national and European private and Western part of
public universities. “Vasile Goldiş” Western Romania, in Arad,
University of Arad is a promoter of academic in an area with a
quality in interdisciplinary scientific research rich multicultural
in Arad, Transylvania and the Euro-region, background, the
strengthening its position in the European university attracts
Research Area (ERA) through its membership international
in the European University Association – students from
EUA, the Danube Rectors’ Conference, the various parts of
Association of Carpathian Region Universities the world. We offer our students a proper
(ACRU), the Alliance of Universities for educational environment in order for them to
Democracy (AUDEM), holding the vice- fulfil their dreams and to reach excellence in
presidency of FEDE – the European Federation their field of study.
of Higher Schools, a participative body in
the Council of Europe. As a member of the Key Figures (2022)
European University Association (EUA) and • No. of faculties: 6
the Magna Charta Observatory Conference of • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 66
Bologna, the university promotes a European • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
model of education. • Students: 4,500
• International students: 1,070
Research is of major interest for the university • Places in dormitories: 110
and is conducted at the IODS with its 2
Doctoral Schools of Biology and Medicine, at
the level of departments within the faculties,
as well as in centers belonging to departments
of faculties or at the institutional level.
The most important research center is The
Institute of Life Sciences “Aurel Ardelean”.
General info:
• Population: ~144,300 (2011)
• Student population: ~5,829 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 2
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 72 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 420€ without rent (2022)
Bacău is located in the Moldavia region of Romania and it has an important cultural
heritage. It is well known as the city of George Bacovia, the most important symbolist poet
of Romania. You should definitely check his poems and visit his museum and memorial
house. Vasile Alecsandri, a famous Romanian poet, playwright, politician and diplomat, was
also born here.
General information specialists in the
following domains:
Under the slogan “The University close to Mathematics,
you!”, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău Informatics and
has constantly developed its domains and Biology.
study programmes, its structure currently
consisting of five faculties: Engineering, The Faculty of
Letters, Sciences, Economic Sciences, and Economic Sciences
Faculty of Movement, Sport and Health is an active and dynamic presence in
Sciences. the national academic system and in the
economic and social life of Central Moldavia.
The Faculty of Engineering is integrated The faculty trains specialists in the fields of:
into the network of technical faculties in Business Administration, Accounting and
Romania. The educational offer for Bachelor’s Marketing, at the level of both Bachelor’s and
and Master’s Degrees covers the following Master’s Degrees.
domains: Environmental Engineering,
Chemical Engineering, Power Engineering, The Faculty of Movement, Sport and Health
Food Engineering, Computer Science Sciences aims at training specialists in the
and Information Technology, Mechanical following domains of Bachelor’s Degrees:
Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Physical Education and Sport, Physical
Mechatronics and Robotics, Engineering and Therapy and Psychology, and of Master’s
Management and for PhD in Environmental Degrees: Sport and Physical Education
Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Science, which effectively and efficiently
meet the requirements of the labour market
The Faculty of Letters has constantly and contribute to human development, to
enriched its educational offer, adapting the promotion of health and sports values, to
it to the dynamics of the contemporary the social inclusion and reintegration of the
society. It includes 3 domains for Bachelor’s people with disabilities.
Degree, namely: Language and Literature,
Communication Sciences and Education Key Figures (2022)
Sciences; 3 domains for the Master’s Degree: • No. of faculties: 5
Philology, Communication Sciences and • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 62
Education Sciences. • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
• Students: 5,100
The Faculty of Sciences continues the tradition • International students: 260
of academic education in Bacau through its • Places in dormitories: 890
Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, preparing
General info:
• Population: ~253,200 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 20,732 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 2
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 189 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 442€ without rent (2022)
Brașov is one of the most beautiful cities of Romania, situated in the centre of the
country and part of Transylvania. Here, you will find a lot of tourist attractions: The Rope
Street (one of the narrowest streets in Europe), the old Town Hall Square (where you can
enjoy colourfully painted and ornately trimmed baroque buildings) and, of course, the
Black Church - the largest gothic church in Romania. Also, it is well known for its vivid
cultural life, with shows, exhibitions and concerts taking place on a regular basis.
General information highly qualified human
The university history began in 1948, when resources, provided by
the Forestry Institute was set up in Brasov. Transilvania University.
Since then, the university has continuously
developed, currently being the largest and Unique Selling Points
the best reputed higher education institution • The Faculty of
in the region, consisting of 18 faculties, over Furniture Design and
20.000 students and over 700 academic Wood Engineering – the
staff. The faculties offer academic degree sole faculty in this field
programs in a wide range of fields (engineering in Romania
sciences, exact sciences, social sciences, arts • Computer Science - in German the
and humanities, medicine, physical education sole study programme in Romania
and sports, develop scientific research and •Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese
provide lifelong learning programs based on Medicine – unique study programme in
the societal request. The educational process Romania
follows the Bologna principles: at the 1st •The Faculty of Physical Education and
and 2nd cycles (bachelor and master) it is Mountain Sports – the sole faculty in Romania
organized as full-time, part-time and long that offer studies in the field of Mountain
distance programs; the activities of the Sports
3rd cycle (doctoral studies) as well as the •The sole university in Romania with financial
post doctoral research are managed by the incentives for the academic staff based on
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. Brasov is the evaluation of students
a multicultural and multiethnic city, located •The sole university in Romania «Formula
in Transilvania (center of Romania), in a Student» racing team new car built annually
montainous region, with historical and by students in the circuits of Silverstone and
cultural sites, recognized all over the world. Catalonia
It is a real opportunity for our university, both •The sole university in Romania organizing its
for attracting students and for cooperation own concerts season
with the companies located in this area. •UNITBV - present in 9 international rankings
BUCHAREST Capital city of Romania
General info:
• Population: ~1,883,400 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 170,221 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 30
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 1228 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 480€ without rent (2022)
Bucharest, Romania’s capital, is also the its largest city. It is well known for its numerous
touristic and cultural attractions, as well as a vibrant nightlife. The Palace of Parliament,
the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon, will surprise the visitors
with its luxury dating from the communist era. Located in the heart of the city, the old
Bucharest is a remainder of the times when the city used to be nicknamed “little Paris”.
Here visitors can choose to walk through the Old Merchant Lipscani Street, which consists
of a jumble of streets between Calea Victoriei, Blvd. Bratianu, Blvd. Regina Elisabeta and
the Dambovita River.
General description Restauration’’.
The ”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and
Urban Planning in Bucharest is the oldest and Unique selling points
most important academic institution in this • You’ll be joining
field in Romania. It continues a long tradition a school with
of local architectural higher education, the a long tradition
foundation of which is closely linked with the and international
rise of modern Romania and the setting of recognition.
its new institutional structure and culture, • You’ll receive
during the second half of the 19th century. an architect diploma recognized in the
EU member states.
UAUIM offers several Bachelor’s, Master’s • You’ll receive an architect diploma
level and Doctorate degree programmes, recognised by the Royal Institute of British
where students are encouraged and inspired Architecture (RIBA).
to learn and think both creatively and critically • Our graduates achieve outstanding results
to reach their potential for employment in and are highly employable.
the fields of Architecture and Urbanism. • You will develop the competencies
and skills you need to compete on an
We aim to maintain collaboration between international stage.
academia and professional practice, as well • You’ll enjoy tuition in small study groups.
as our rich international contacts, promoting • Our close links with international high
cooperation through close relations with standard professional practice will give
various schools of architecture, associations, you invaluable real-world experience.
forums and top-level professionals worldwide. • You’ll be offered the chance to study a
semester abroad.
Our combination of experienced staff and • The location of the school couldn’t be
young dynamic professionals creates a better.
relaxed and innovative study environment. • You’ll have an unforgettable student
The university operates in 3 locations:
- the main building, located on Acedemiei Key Figures (2022)
street, where most of the teaching spaces • No. of faculties: 3
are located; • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 14
- the building on Moxa st. hosts most of the • Preparatory year in
Doctoral studies activities; Romanian: No
- the historical building, located in Sibiu • Students: 3,400
hosts the Bachelor’s degree program • International students: 140
in ’’Architectural Conservation and • Places in dormitories: 220
General description Students are
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and encouraged to
Pharmacy of Bucharest (CDUMP) is the largest participate in
and the oldest medical faculty of Romania. research programs
Our Motto is INITIATION, EVOLUTION, and publishing
EXCELLENCE! activities.
General description
General information study of traditional
Founded in 1864 by the painter Theodor and m o d e r n
Aman, the National University of Arts in technologies and
Bucharest is the largest settlement of artistic applied research in
higher education in Romania, with over the visual arts.
1,400 students, covering all the major areas
of fine arts, decorative arts and art history Unique Selling
and theory. Points
The National
Along the years the names of prestigious University of Arts
personalities were related to the history of in Bucharest is a
the university either as professors or students dynamic institution
such as Constantin Brancusi, Victor Brauner, which is in a
Dimitrie Paciurea, Ioan Andreescu, Stefan continuous process of transformation and
Luchian, Ion Jalea, Nicolae Darascu, Corneliu adaptation to the contemporary context,
Baba, Alexandru Ciucurencu or Paul Neagu, with a teaching staff consisting of first
to mention just a few. order names of the Romanian artistic scene.
The university provides adequate training
Located in a central area of Bucharest for future practitioners and theorists, the
the university has modern studios and essential premise of the education offered
laboratories, an art library, an on-campus being the connection to the requirements of
accommodation facilities and a dynamic art the current Romanian society, as well as the
gallery which exhibits works by students and synchronization with the significant artistic
established artists from Romania and abroad. tendencies and currents of the universal
The University is structured in three faculties contemporary art. This availability for
- The Fine Arts Faculty, The Decorative renewal takes into account the tradition of
Arts and Design Faculty and the Art History local art education, but characterized, from
and Theory Faculty - comprising fifteen the beginning, by a European openness.
departments serving both BA and MA levels
and a Doctoral Studies Department (Doctoral Key Figures (2022)
School) for the Ph.D. level of studies. • No. of faculties: 3
The University also has a research center • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 27
that coordinates basic and applied research • Preparatory year in
at the University, according to national and Romanian: No
international standards, with an emphasis on • Students: 1,400
interdisciplinarity. The research subdomains • International students: 40
are the study of tradition in artistic creation, the • Places in dormitories: 360
General information “George Enescu”
The academic community of the University and “Opera Studio”
has a unique combination of traditions and and in other cultural
dynamics of our fast changing world. institutions, such
as Broadcasting
We owe our success to our excellent teaching Companies ,
staff (more than 150), numerous students m u s e u m s ,
(more than 800) and alumni who perform National Opera
on the most prestigious stages of Europe House Bucharest,
and around the world. National University R o m a n i a n
of Music Bucharest (UNMB) defines its Athenaeum, etc.)
strategic development objectives grounded
in 140 years of tradition and is committed
to being an active part in constructing the Key Figures (2022)
European area of higher music education. • No. of faculties: 2
We are particularly interested in encouraging • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 14
the individual expression and growth of our • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
students and teaching staff. • Students: 1,000
• International students: 70
National University of Music Bucharest has • Places in dormitories: 200
two main faculties: Faculty of Performing
Arts (all classical instruments and singing)
Faculty of Composition, Musicology and Music
Pedagogy (Composition, Musicology, Music
Pedagogy, Orchestral and Choir Conducting,
Jazz-Pop Music and Church Music).
General information Unique Selling
National University of Physical Education and Points
Sports of Bucharest (UNEFS) was founded Our institution is
by the Law for Physical Education issued the only university
on June 15th, 1923 and his name has been in higher education
changed many times during its existence until that prepares
the current one. The first higher education together physical
institution for the preparation of physical education teachers,
education teachers in Romania was the 10th coaches, sport
institution of the kind in the world and the managers and
5th in Europe. physical therapists
in Romania.
From its foundation, the classes of graduates Our university has the Faculty of Physical
have uninterruptedly succeeded throughout Education and Sport and Faculty of Physical
the years. Thus, great athletes, Honored Therapy.
Masters of Sports, managers and top The university has its
business men in different areas, persons with own research sport center and organize every
responsible positions, institution executives year an International Congress of Education,
in our domain and not only – authentic Health and Human Movement.
ambassadors of our contemporary Romania, It is affiliated to the International Association
studied or improved their training in our of Universities (IAU), member of International
institution. Association of Universities of Physical Culture
and Sport (IAUPCS), International Council of
The university teaching and training centers Sport Science and Physical Education(ICSSPE)
are situated in Bucharest, but also at Eforie- and also of Federation Internationale
Nord and in the Parang Mountains. Eforie- d”Education Physique(FIEP).
Nord” Training Center, allow the development
of teaching activities and the students’ Key Figures (2022)
practical stages of Swimming, Lifeguard • No. of faculties: 2
Swimming and Rowing and Parâng center • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 14
the Ski, Snowboard and Tourism orientation • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
stages. • Students: 2,100
• International students: 60
• Places in dormitories: 230
General information Unique Selling
The National University of Political Studies and Points
Public Administration (SNSPA), established in The teaching staff
1991 as a school of governance and training of the National
of professionals for essential social areas, is a University of
landmark in the Romanian academic setting. Political Studies
and Public
Known both nationally and internationally, Administration, a
SNSPA is a state institution of higher education, source of prestige
scientific research and professional academic for the institution,
training offering undergraduate degrees, includes nationally
master’s degrees and doctoral studies. SNSPA and internationally
trains and develops professional competencies acknowledged
in Political Sciences, Sociology, Administrative experts, brilliant researchers, dedicated
Studies, International Relations, Diplomacy, teachers and professionals who make learning
European Studies, Communication Sciences, challenging, useful and highly rewarding.
Psychology, Management, thus contributing Reputed intellectuals, the SNSPA professors
to change at national and international level, stand out in the public area as diplomats,
a change based on democratic values and ministers, state secretaries, lawyers, political
principles. scientists and sociologists, experts in public
relations and communication, managers.
SNSPA has proved to be a successful project,
being one of the most popular institutions Key Figures (2022)
with high school graduates or professionals in • No. of faculties: 4
different domains who wish to study further. • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 68
• Preparatory year in Romanian: No
SNSPA stands out because of its educational • Students: 6,900
commitment with the purpose of finding • International students: 280
answers to contemporary issues, at national • Places in dormitories: 500
as well as at regional and global levels.
General information Unique Selling
The first theatre faculty in Romania begins Points
its activity in 1834 within the Philharmonic
School. A Faculty of Stage Direction opens UNATC is one of the
in 1948 within the Romanian Art Institute most prestigious
– at that time (1948-1950), the center of film and theatre
all Romanian art higher education schools. schools globally
1950 sees the founding of both Institutes with students and
for Film and Theatre, I. L. Caragiale (named alumni with great
after the classic Romanian playwright). In international
1954, the two institutions merge into the accomplishments like festival Awards ranging
Institute of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale from Cannes,Berlin, Locarno and Clermont-
(IATC). The Institute will function under this Ferrand to Sundance or Avignon.
name until 1990, when it will become the
Academy of Theatre and Film (ATF) – the UNATC is providing regularly new educational
only such school in Romania to enjoy a programs coordinated with the international
ranking equal to that of a university, as well and national development of the fields.
as international recognition. Since 1990, the UNATC develops research and innovation
Academy of Theatre and Film has undergone in digital interaction and applicative
to a continuous reform process. neuroscience in the field of performative arts
at the CINETic international research centre.
New specialisations have been added, such The centre has state of the art capabilities
as Audiovisual Communication, Multimedia for research and production. The university
and Sound-Editing (both at the Film Faculty), is located in Bucharest, the capital city of
Puppetry, Choreography and Scenography (at Romania providing access to a vibrant and
the Theatre Faculty). The number of students rich cultural scene and the strong university
has gone up, while the curricula and study life.
programs have been continuously improved
and diversified. Key Figures (2022)
• No. of faculties: 2
In 1998, the Academy of Theatre and Film • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 31
became the University of Theatre and Film • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
I.L. Caragiale (UATC). In 2001, it became the • Students: 1,000
National University of Theatre and Film I.L • International students: 40
Caragiale (UNATC). • Places in dormitories: 200
values encompass promotion of excellence, of curricular
professional, moral and social responsibility, content to
freedom of thought and speech, creativity and IA breakthroughs
innovation, cooperation and communication. E R I CA N U in the field and
The Romanian-American University has to employer
had an international dimension since requirements,
its establishment, the development of a the performance of extra-curricular activities,
specific strategy being one of the most integrative entrepreneurial approaches,
important activities carried out. From the partnerships with international universities,
first years of activity, the University could semester-taught courses by international
not be seen in a strictly national context. The professors, partnerships with the business
mission of the university is closely correlated environment, support for volunteering,
with the introduction of values and principles for internships and the development of
of the American education system in the entrepreneurial skills, ongoing preoccupation
Romanian university environment. with the creation of opportunities and with
expanding the knowledge horizons through
integrative experiences are guiding lines
Unique Selling Points followed by the university in the process of
Through its student-oriented and, overall, building a lasting value system.
society-oriented study programs and
academic activities, the university contributes Key Figures (2022)
to the promotion of excellence in education, • No. of faculties: 7
scientific research and innovation, and to the • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 33
promotion of professional, moral and social • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
responsibility. • Students: 2,400
• International students: 210
In a modern campus, students from over 40
countries make up a multicultural community
anchored on the path of personal and
professional development, in the middle
General information University,
The Technical University of Civil Engineering France) and one
Bucharest (UTCB) is a tertiary educational in English. Other
institution with a long history of successful double-diploma
contributions to Romania’s development. agreements for
UTCB has its roots in the “School for Land civil engineering
Surveyors” (1818) and in “The school of bachelors and
Bridges, Roads and Mines” (1867), thus being masters are
one of the oldest Romanian universities. The available, with École de Ponts ParisTech and
University is mostly devoted to education with Groupe INSA, both from France. These
and research in civil engineering and related agreements supplement many ongoing
fields, and in the recent years started to also Erasmus+ agreements of UTCB. At UTCB you
offer study programs in applied informatics, can also enroll to the Preparatory Year in
applied modern languages and educational Romanian Language that will allow graduates
sciences. to continue their studies in Romanian
With a competitive and well recognized
academic staff, UTCB is a major actor not Key Figures (2022)
only in civil engineering education, but also • No. of faculties: 7
in research, consultancy, services, design • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 51
codes and technical regulations. Since 2019 • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
UTCB is member of the European University • Students: 5,700
for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability EU- • International students: 270
CONEXUS, a transnational European higher • Places in dormitories: 1,790
education and research institution with
partner universities from France, Greece,
Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Croatia, Ireland,
Germany and Cyprus.
General information Economics,
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies Marketing,
(ASE) is a public and research intensive Management
university, ranked among the top 12 leading and Law.
Romanian universities and recognized as
leader in the field of Business studies at The University’s
national level, according to U-Multirank 2014, academic staff
a new international university ranking tool members are
developed by the European Union. All the highly trained professionals, involved in both
study domains offered by the university are teaching and research activities, as well as
classified in the first category in Romania. professional activities, with outstanding
Moreover, ASE is institutionally accredited by results at national and international level.
ARACIS (the Romanian Agency for Quality ASE’s existing book collections represent
Assurance in Higher Education), which has the necessary resources for the learning,
granted a high confidence rating to the education, research and professional
university, as the latter is considered the development activities undertaken by its
most prestigious Romanian higher education students, academic staff and researchers.
Unique Selling Points
The University has 12 Faculties, whose The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
activity is supported by various administrative was included in the World’s Universities with
structures. Over time, ASE has conferred the Real Impact Ranking (WURI) 2021, as being
degree of Doctor Honoris Causa to a series one of the most innovative universities in the
of great national and international scientific world.
and political personalities, who have
significantly contributed to the development Key Figures (2022)
of economic sciences and economic higher • No. of faculties: 12
education. The University runs programs at • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 128
all undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
and doctoral level The university organizes • Students: 23,200
three international MBAs in partnership with • International students: 750
educational institutions from Canada, France • Places in dormitories: 4,850
and Germany. ASE organizes doctoral studies
in the following research areas: Accounting,
Business Administration, Cybernetics and
Statistics, Economics, Economic Informatics,
Finance, International Business and
General information Unique selling
Founded in 1990, Titu Maiorescu University is points
the only Romanian private university included As a real student-
in the national meta ranking of international centred university,
rankings of universities, confirming its we take good care
reputation as one of the most prestigious of our students. The
private higher education institutions in laboratories and
Romania, promoting modern, efficient, practical activities
competitive and pragmatic academic are delivered in small
programmes. working groups, so
students can benefit
The University has developed according from customized
to the socio-economic and labour market attention and
requirements, so that currently it is a support from professors and tutors.
comprehensive university that provides a
diversified educational offer, on all three The modern learning spaces equipped with
cycles: Bachelor, Master and PhD within state-of-the-art technology and the modern
the following domains: Law, Psychology, residences, restaurants and cafeteria provide
Informatics, Economical Sciences, a comfortable and safe environment.
Communication Sciences and International
Relations, Medicine, Dental Medicine and Students benefit from discounted/free private
Pharmacy. medical services; Erasmus+ international
mobilities for studies in other European
International students are well received to universities and internships all over Europe;
all our study programmes, but they find career guidance and counselling; free
very attractive the English taught programs MsOffice licences and many other facilities
in Medicine and Dental Medicine. The that make students’ lives easier, so they can
preparatory year in Romanian opens their concentrate of studying and professional
access to other study programs currently development.
taught in Romanian.
Key Figures (2022)
Research is highly considered, both through • No. of faculties: 10
the activity carried out in the three doctoral • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 44
schools (Medicine, Dental Medicine and Law) • Preparatory year in
and through the research institutes and Romanian: Yes
centres active in UTM. • Students: 9,100
• International students: 430
• Places in dormitories: 490
General information of activities, from the
Welcome to the University of Agronomical practical part of each
Sciences and veterinary Medicine of discipline, in the two
Bucharest! campuses, Agronomy -
Since 1852, we pride ourselves on combining Herăstrău and Veterinary
a tradition of research with an open approach - Cotroceni to the active
to the latest innovations in the field. The involvement in university
results of this sustained effort are visible in many academic events.
the career opportunities our graduates have You will do practical
benefited and continue to benefit from. The training in the modern
need to produce in line with environmental greenhouses of our university, in the Research
protection standards, stimulating the Center for the Study of Quality Food Product,
economy of rural communities, creates such or in the two didactic stations of USAMV, with
opportunities. We are committed to preparing tradition since 1893: the Pietroasa Research
future USAMV graduates for successful and Development Station for Viticulture and
careers in their chosen field by offering Winemaking and the Istrița Research and
courses tailored to international standards. Developement Station for Fruit Growing, as
well as at the Moara Domnească Research
USAMV Bucharest has seven faculties offering and Developement Station for Agronomy.
bachelor, master and doctoral degrees:
• Faculty of Agriculture Unique Selling Points
• Faculty of Horticulture „A university for life and agriculture through
• Faculty of Animal Productions Engineering high quality education and research”
and Management USAMV’s mission is that by means of
• Faculty of Veterinary Medicine education and scientific research to train
• Faculty of Land Reclamation and highly qualified specialists with competences
Environmental Engineering corresponding to the demands of the labor
• Faculty of Biotechnologies market in the following fundamental areas:
• Faculty of Management and Rural „engineering sciences” and „biological and
Development biomedical sciences”.
Key Figures (2022)
Two doctoral schools: • No. of faculties: 7
• Plant and Animal Resources • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 66
Engineering and Management, in the fields • Preparatory year in
of Agronomy, Biotechnology, Horticulture, Romanian: No
Management and Rural Development, Animal • Students: 11,500
Productions Engineering • International students: 350
• Veterinary Medicine • Places in dormitories: 3,540
You have at your disposal a whole range
General information
With a history of over 150 years and a At the same time,
constantly reconfirmed reputation, the UB manifests
University of Bucharest is today a dynamic a continuous
and inclusive academic space, student- concern for
centred and characterized by creativity, interdisciplinary and
innovation, and pragmatism. t rans dis ciplinar y
The University of Bucharest offers numerous leadership and
study programmes, on all levels and forms excellence in
of education. The diplomas awarded by the teaching and
University of Bucharest are recognised in research.
most of the countries around the world.
The University of Bucharest offers study
A central player in Romanian and European programmes organized in collaboration
higher education, the University of Bucharest is with other prestigious universities abroad.
an institution engaged in a permanent process The graduates of these programmes may
of adaptation and internationalization, open receive diplomas from both the University of
to multiculturalism and diversity. Moreover, Bucharest and from the partner universities.
its membership to CIVIS – the European Civic
University –, together with other nine top Key Figures (2022)
European universities, confirms once again • No. of faculties: 19
that UB is an organization strongly anchored • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 313
in the societal transformations of today’s • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
world, being a civically and socially engaged • Students: 33,400
institution, connected to the major local, • International students: 540
national, European and global challenges. • Places in dormitories: 4,830
General information pride and nurture
The University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest our community. And
(UPB) is the largest technical university in international students
Romania, ranked 1st among the universities are always instantly
for advanced research and education by the part of our university.
Romanian Ministry of Education. In 1818, the We engage new
university was established with the purpose international students
of accelerating the industrial revolution of in both academic and
the country – since then, it has become a extracurricular activities
scientific and cultural hub, not only for the with a single purpose in
academic community, but for society at large. mind: to offer a truly
amazing student experience.
With the largest green campus in the country,
life within UPB is an example of a vibrant The decision to join the academic community
and sustainable micro-cosmos, providing of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is
many facilities but also collaboration the beginning of your wonderful journey as
opportunities with all major international an engineer of the future.
educational associations and universities
around the world. UPB is home for almost Unique Selling Points
30.000 students being trained in 15 faculties • Learning oriented towards practical
and benefitting from 70 Research Centers. problem-solving
For international students, the university • Best engineering education in the country
offers 46 bachelor’s and master’s programs, • Exceptional employability rate
taught English, French, and German. We • Large international student community
have a constant collaboration with all
relevant stakeholders in the technical fields Key Figures (2022)
and internship agreements with over 1000 • No. of faculties: 15
international companies. This raises the • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 281
employability rate of UPB graduates up to a • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
staggering over 95% in the first year after • Students: 29,200
graduation. • International students: 950
• Places in dormitories: 12,180
We believe in preparing genuine leaders
who contribute to solving global challenges.
And we know this can only be achieved by
working together. Therefore, we take great
General info:
• Population: ~324,500 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 79685 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 10
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 908 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 474€ without rent (2022)
Situated in the North-Western part of Romania, Cluj-Napoca is one of the most important
academic, cultural, industrial and business centres in Romania. As landmarks one should
mention the Alexandru Borza Botanical Garden – one of the largest and beautiful in
South-Eastern Europe or St. Michael’s Church – a beautiful piece of Gothic architecture.
General information – the NeurotechEU
“Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and consortium, a
Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, an institution great opportunity
with a rich tradition and history, offers high to collaborate with
quality teaching and scientific research, some of the best
student-centred medical and pharmaceutical universities in the
education, a vibrant and multicultural student world.
life and a modern infrastructure.
More and more
UMFIH is known throughout Europe for its young people from
diversity, exceptional standards of education all over the world
and research and the performance of medical come to study at
practice in its clinics. It is the university with UMFIH, and while
the most international students, coming it’s a unique experience for each student,
from more than 60 countries. It offers study there are some things they all have in
programmes in medicine and pharmacy in common: a passion for the health field, a
Romanian, French and English. desire to study and live life to the fullest as a
student and the ambition to graduate from a
The professors and researchers, the modern prestigious university.
teaching methods, the high quality student
facilities and various international mobility
Key Figures (2022)
programmes ensure an academic education of • No. of faculties: 3
the highest standards with secure prospects • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 34
for professional fulfilment anywhere in the • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
• Students: 8,200
The scientific research activity, to which
• International students: 2,900
students are also encouraged to participate • Places in dormitories: 2,380
and to win research grants, led to the increase
of the overall performance of UMFIH in the
international academic rankings, among the
best 1000 universities in the world. UMFIH
is ranked 4th in the national metaranking
classifying the best performing universities
in Romania. Also, UMFIH is the only medical
and pharmaceutical university în Romania
included in the European Universities Alliances
General information Unique Selling
Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) is the largest Points
and, with its three official languages, UBB – Culture,
Romanian, Hungarian, and German, its Science, Innovation:
506 BA/MS programs and its 32 doctoral UBB is one of the
fields, the most comprehensive university most representative
in Romania. With the longest academic public academic
tradition in the country, it has a history that institutions
goes back to 1581, marking the foundation of South-Eastern
Academia Claudiopolitana/Jesuit Collegium Europe. It values
Major, which allowed degrees at all three all three academic
academic levels (baccalaureus, master, missions – education/research/relationship
doctorat). Academia Claudiopolitana later with society – seeking knowledge generation
evolved into Universitas Claudiopolitana by research and providing a modern
(18th century), then from a Hungarian education, active and co-created with
university (19th century) into a Romanian students, and innovative relationships with
university (20th century), to become today’s society. Through its complex academic profile
multicultural UBB. For the past seven years, – arts&humanities/social sciences/natural
UBB has been ranked as the best Romanian sciences/life-health sciences/engineering-
university according to the national University technology - UBB is in a unique position
Metaranking. For several years, UBB has been to approach innovation from a STE(A)M
one of the leading universities in Romania in framework (Science, Technology, Engineering,
global and subject domain rankings, being Arts&Humanities, and Mathematics), while
consistently ranked among the world’s top also supporting both disciplinary and multi-/
5% universities, with an advanced academic inter-/trans-disciplinary education and
infrastructure that includes R&D units, promoting InfoBioNano4Health as its main
integrated European networks, modern smart specialisation by STAR Institute for
teaching laboratories equipped with virtual/ Science and Technology.
augmented/mixed reality systems. Recently,
following the international QS Stars Audit, Key Figures (2022)
UBB has been confirmed as the first “world- • No. of faculties: 22
class” university (QS *****) in Romania. In • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 534
2020, UBB became part of the GUILD, an • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
association of prestigious “world-class/ • Students: 41,600
research-intensive” European universities, • International students: 1,320
while in 2021, it joined the EUTOPIA Alliance • Places in dormitories: 7,520
of leading European universities.
General information information and
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca c o m m unic a t i o n s
(TUCN), an “Advanced Research and technology to
Education” awarded university, is today a renewable energy
tertiary education institution having a long- and ecology; from
standing tradition as well as national and superconductivity,
international recognition. TUCN comprises spintronics and
twelve faculties in the two academic centres, nanomaterials, to
Cluj-Napoca and Baia Mare, and programme management and
locations in Alba-Iulia, Bistrita, Satu Mare robotics; from
and Zalau. The educational offer, aligned mechatronics and
to the Bologna system, includes bachelor’s, electrical engineering to the automobile and
master’s, and doctoral programs, as well as the home of the future, or to urbanism and
life-long learning programs. These cover a society.
wide range of domains, from engineering,
architecture, fundamental sciences, to social TUCN is one of the eight recognized technical
sciences, humanities and arts. In addition universities that have come together to create
to these, the TUCN organizes and conducts ”The European University of Technology,
life-long learning activities and programs. EUt+”. This alliance seeks to reshape the
concept of university to foster excellence and
With a strong belief in the value of international bring extra value for the European society,
exchanges, The Technical University of economy and culture.
Cluj-Napoca has currently over 400 inter-
university collaboration agreements and Key Figures (2022)
has carried out a large number of student • No. of faculties: 12
mobilities. Opening up towards the European • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 184
and global education and research, a steady • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
process of internationalization is one of the • Students: 19,100
major objectives of the university. • International students: 270
• Places in dormitories: 5,550
Alongside quality education, research is
a main priority in the TUCN. There are
numerous research structures, from groups
and laboratories to research centers and
platforms, in all faculties of the university.
General information 3-Year full time
ANMGD is situated in Cluj-Napoca, the programs:
main regional centre and historic capital of • “Music” (Romanian)
Transylvania, a city with 350.000 inhabitants, • “Music” (English) -
university centre with eight public and private
universities, serving nearly 60000 students. Master’s university
The teaching and administrative activities are studies 2-year full-time
carried out in one building, located in the programs:
downtown area. • “Music Composition,
M u s i c o l o g y ,
The Faculty of Music Performance Conducting” with
Undergraduate university studies -4-year three lines of study: Music Composition,
full-time programs: Musicology, Conducting.
• “Music Performance – Instruments” • “Musical Education / Musical Art”
(violin, viola, cello, double bass,
classical guitar, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, The “Sigismund Toduta” Doctoral School
bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, offer two types of doctoral programs in the
percussion instruments, piano, organ, fundamental area of study of “Arts”, field of
harpsichord) “Music”, as provided by law: scientific Phd (in
• “Music Performance - Singing” musicology, ethnomusicology, historiography,
• “Musical Performing Arts” theory, musical aesthetics, musical theatre)
and professional Phd (in music composition,
Master’s university studies 2-year full-time opera direction, choreographic direction,
programs: music interpretation stylistics).
• “Music Performance - Instruments”
• “Music Performance - Singing” Key Figures (2022)
• “Musical Performing Arts” – with three • No. of faculties: 2
lines of study: Musical Theatre Direction, • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 21
Choreographic Direction, Choreographic • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
Pedagogy • Students: 1,200
• International students: 60
The Faculty of Theory • Places in dormitories: 160
Undergraduate university studies
4-year full-time programs:
• “Music Composition” – “Musicology”
• “Conducting”
General information USAMV Cluj-
One of the most prestigious Life Sciences Napoca takes part in
Universities in Romania, the University of exchange of teaching
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine staff and students
Cluj-Napoca (USAMV Cluj-Napoca) is with universities
constantly present in International Rankings. from EU and NON-
This presence is a reflection of our university’s EU countries. Over
permanent efforts focused on improving the 200 international
learning, teaching and research process, partnerships are
in compliance with the EU standards, and established and more
to maintain our top priorities, which are of 400 international students choose to study
excellent research activities linked with at our University each year, while extra 200
international collaborative strategies. USAMV students are granted scholarships within the
Cluj-Napoca is also a proactive member in Erasmus+ Program for studying abroad.
international associations, such as: EUA, ICA
Annually, the USAMV Cluj-Napoca campus is
home for more than 5000 students. It covers
to name a few.
an area of more than 20 hectares, with a
quite complex micro-relief. It is the largest
Along its 153 years of existence, USAMV Cluj-
campus in Cluj-Napoca with impressive
Napoca made all the efforts to be a reference
facilities such as: a new and modern library,
pole by extending its research fields and
a cafeteria (Gourmeticus Cafe), where
achieving academic excellence. The university
you can relax between courses, a student
offers courses in all three cycles (Bachelor,
Restaurant (Agronomia Restaurant), sport
Master, PhD) in the fields of agriculture,
facilities (a sport complex composed of
veterinary medicine, animal science and
a football field with artificial turf, a tennis
biotechnology, horticulture, food science and
field a multifunctional gym), an aquarium,
technology, and is well-recognized as a top
botanical & anatomy museums, an agro-
research university. At USAMV Cluj-Napoca,
botanical garden and a beautiful orchard.
you can carry out your research in the two
modern research institutes: the Institute of
Key Figures (2022)
Life Sciences “Regele Mihai I al României”
• No. of faculties: 5
and the Advanced Horticultural Research
• No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 56
Institute of Transylvania (I.C.H.A.T) or any of
• Preparatory year in
the 245 Research Centers & Laboratories. In
Romanian: No
the university’s research units are designed
• Students: 5,500
the innovative solutions for a healthier, more
• International students: 660
sustainable, and prosperous world.
• Places in dormitories: 1,240
General information
With a history of almost 100 years, The
University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca
(UAD) is the most important artistic higher
education institution in Transylvania
whose fundamental mission is to provide
an education of highest quality to those level - Fine arts – Graphic Arts; MA level –
intending to follow a carrier in the field of Graphic Arts; Comics and Animation (The
the visual arts (fine arts, decorative arts and Graphic Arts Department), BA level - Fine
design) and to contribute, through artistic arts – Photo-Video-Digital Image Processing;
creation and research, to the development MA level – Photo-Video (The Photo-Video
of the society by satisfying the needs of Digital Image Processing Department), BA
the community, anticipating and influencing level - Conservation-Restoration; MA level –
them. Conservation-Restoration (The Conservation-
Restoration Department).
Tradition, creativity and innovation are key
concepts in our philosophy, positioning our The Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design
creation and research activities towards the includes the following study programs and
investigation of the national and universal departments: BA level - Ceramics-Glass-
heritage, towards the observation of the Metal; MA level – Ceramics-Glass (The
contemporary (visual) culture and towards Ceramic Department), BA – Design; MA –
the examination of the most recent scientific Design (The Design Department), BA level
theories and technologies. All of these have – Textile Arts / Textile Design; MA level –
as a result new forms of creation and artistic Textile Arts – Textile Design (The Textile
practices leading towards the improvement Arts Department), BA level – Fashion /
of the (post)industrial social and economic Fashion Design; MA level – Fashion / Fashion
environment. Design (The Fashion Department) and BA
level - History and Theory of Art; MA level
UAD is internationally known, especially since – Contemporary Curatorial Practices (The
our graduates have become important names Department of Theoretical Studies). UAD also
on the contemporary art scene. provides a PhD study program in the field of
the visual arts.
UAD is a member of the European League of
Institutes of the Arts (ELIA). The University of Key Figures (2022)
Art and Design consists of two faculties. The • No. of faculties: 2
Faculty of Fine Arts comprises the following • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 22
study programs and departments: BA level • Preparatory year in
- Fine arts – Painting; Art Education; MA Romanian: No
level - Painting (The Painting Department), • Students: 1,100
BA level - Fine arts – Sculpture; MA level • International students: 50
- Sculpture (The Sculpture Department), BA • Places in dormitories: 130
General info:
• Population: ~283,870 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 20,495 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 4
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 181 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 457€ without rent (2022)
For sea-lovers, Constanța is the best city to study in, as it’s situated on the Western
coast of the Black Sea. One of the most well-known landmarks is the Constanta Casino, a
beautiful building located on a cliff side, with the city’s most popular promenade around.
The Aquarium and the Dolphinarium are also among Constanta’s touristic attractions.
Furthermore, starting with the 1st of May, the numerous seaside resorts are open, with
Mamaia or Vama Veche amongst the most popular summer destinations.
General information in Romanian as a
Ovidius University is a public higher education foreign language,
institution established in 1961 and transformed which of the
into a comprehensive, multicultural university largest of its kind
in 1990. The university offers bachelor’s, in Romanian
master’s and doctoral study programs at universities.
high European quality standards in a wide
range of fields, such as medical sciences, Year after year,
social sciences, economics and law, natural about one hundred
sciences, applied sciences and engineering, students go through
humanities, arts and theology. the preparatory
courses at our
The University is nationally and internationally university due to the
accredited, offering diplomas recognized quality of teaching, the diverse international
in the entire European Union and beyond. experience, extracurricular activities and
With over 15,000 students and almost 700 overall high student satisfaction.
permanent academic staff, Ovidius is the
largest university of the European Union at
the Black Sea.Ovidius University has a strong Key Figures (2022)
international character, with more than 1200 • No. of faculties: 16
international students, enrolled in programs • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 142
taught in either English or Romanian. T • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
• Students: 14,400
he degree-seeking international students are • International students: 980
particularly interested in programs in medicine • Places in dormitories: 1380
and pharmacy, but also in computer science,
economics and business administration or
General info:
• Population: ~269,500 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 22,273 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 2
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 197 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 415€ without rent (2022)
Craiova is an university centre well-known for a strong academic tradition, as well as
a few important historical figures who studied here, such as the sculptor Constantin
Brancusi, who studied at the Craiova Art School and carved his first sculptures there or
Petrache Poenaru, the inventor of the first cartridge fountain pen. Mihai Viteazu achieved
the first unification of the three Romanian principalities in 1600, was first the Great Ban
of Craiova, one of the most important political roles of Wallachia.
General information UMFCV h a s
TThe University of Medicine and Pharmacy the following
of Craiova (UMFCV), by its faculties and master programs:
specializations, is an academic institution Management of
in which the educational activity is Health Services
preponderant, but it also hosts a remarkable (2 semesters, 60
scientific reasearch activity. ECTS credits), D
e ve l o p me n t of
UMFCV provides high quality teaching and Community Nursing
training activity, being the main actor in the Services (3
field of medical training from the Oltenia semesters, 90 ECTS
region. credits), Prosthetic
Restorations with
The UMFCV has more than 4481 students Implant Support (2
enrolled at four faculties: Faculty of Medicine, semesters, 60 ECTS credits), Pharmacology
Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and and Toxicology (2 semesters, 60 ECTS
Faculty of Midwives and Nursing. credits), Clinical laboratory and Drug Analysis
• The Faculty of Medicine has the (4 semesters, 120 ECTS credits).
following study programs: Medicine (6 years,
360 ECTS credits), Medicine in English(6 Studying at the UMFCV is the best choice for
years, 360 ECTS credits). international students.
• The Faculty of Dentistry has the
following study programs: Dentistry(6 years, Thus they have the opportunity to live
360 ECTS credits), Dentistry in english(6 in Craiova, an ancient city and the most
years, 360 ECTS credits), Dental Techniques important one from the south part of
(3 years, 180 ECTS credits). Romania.The UMFCV has several facilities
• The Faculty of Pharmacy has the for students: campus, hostels, student
following study programs: Pharmacy (5 years, restaurant.
300 ECTS credits), Pharmacy in English (5
years, 300 ECTS credits). Key Figures (2022)
• The Faculty of Midwives and Nursing • No. of faculties: 4
has the following study programs: Midwifery • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 15
(4 years, 240 ECTS credits, Nursing for • Preparatory year in
general care(4 years, 240 ECTS credits), Romanian: No
Balneo-physio- kineto-therapy and recovery( • Students: 4,300
3 years, 180 ECTS credits), Radiology and • International students: 600
Imaging( 3 years, 180 ECTS credits). • Places in dormitories: 810
General info:
• Population: ~249,400 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 15,449 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 2
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 165 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 416€ without rent (February 2022)
Galați is a small, but beautiful city, located on the Danube River, which is Europe’s
second-longest river, after the Volga. Here, you can enjoy a long walk on the edge of
the river or exciting cruises on the big Danube River. Other interesting attractions are
the Botanical Garden, where you can find a sensorial garden, unique in Romania or the
Television Tower, the highest point in the city, from where you can admire the view while
enjoying a great meal.
Short description
Danubius University has assumed the vision
of being a recognized university in the
Black Sea and Baltic Sea, namely as an
international university of excellence, an open
and stimulating educational environment
for professional, academic, entrepreneurial
development, but also as well as for the
constant exchange of ideas and values.
General information worldwide; more
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, as a than 100 partner
public institution, assumes the mission to universities
train specialists, at the level of excellence, from 51 foreign
in diverse socio-economic domains, to countries; bilateral
participate in sustaining and disseminating agreements with
science and culture and to contribute to 44 institutions
enriching the national knowledge patrimony from EU and non-
through scientific research, knowledge EU states, out of
and innovation, permanent learning and which Erasmus
interculturality. “Dunarea de Jos” University with 48 countries;
of Galati sustains and promotes its strategies international full-
within the local regional, national and time students
international community. enrolled: about 2,666 from EU and non-
EU countries; Erasmus students: 332
This mission is achieved by outgoing students and 225 academics in
• developing a proficient university Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Germany,
management; Spain, Portugal, Turkey and 138 incoming
• planning and creating a more efficient, Erasmus students and 50 academic staff and
modern and balanced development based professors.
on social demand of educational offer;
• democratic adoption of transforming The university offers the members of the
decisions and of university development; academic community all the necessary
• applying quality management principles conditions to harness their skills in educational
in organising and managing institutional activities, through scientific research and
activities; within the socio-cultural manifestations
• improving research and artistic creation which they organise.
Key Figures (2022)
There are a number of good reasons for • No. of faculties: 14
choosing “Dunarea de Jos” University • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 136
of Galati as an international student: • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
multicultural, cross-border university; more • Students: 12,500
than 700 professors; more than 200 partner • International students:
universities; excellent quality of teaching; 2,690
links and exchange programs with institutions • Places in dormitories: 2,980
General info:
• Population: ~290,400 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 55,949 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 7
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 440 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 427€ without rent (February 2022)
Iași is one of the most important university centres in Romania and here you will find the
first Romanian university – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. The city is one of the oldest
in Romania and has a unique character built around its history, culture and religious life.
It was first the capital of the Principality of Moldavia (1564 to 1859), then of the United
Principalities (1859 to 1862). It is one of the very few cities with more than 100 churches,
with ”St. Paraschieva” Metropolitan Cathedral or the “Trei Ierarhi” Monastery as some of
the most representative ones, the latter being part of the tentative list of UNESCO World
Heritage Site.
General information
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași is
the oldest higher education institution in
General information by students and
established artists
“George Enescu” National University of Arts from Romania and
is the first artistic higher education institution abroad.
in Romania. It was founded in 1860 as The
Music and Declamation School, by official The University
decree of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the first Ruler creates numerous
of the United Principalities. opportunities for
scientific research and artistic creation,
Since 2016 the institution became “George excellence coming precisely from the
Enescu” National University of Arts, thoughtful balance of the two, as a professional
structured in three specialized faculties: means for development of the ‘teachers’ and
Faculty of Performance, Composition and the students’ activity. The Publishing House
Music Theory Studies, Faculty of Visual Arts of the University - Artes is in charge of editing
and Design, Faculty of Theatre, comprising and printing didactic, scientific and cultural
23 study programs serving both BA and MA books and articles written by the members of
levels, Doctoral Studies Department (Doctoral the academic community.
School) for the Ph.D. level of studies and
Department for Teachers Education. Key Figures (2022)
• No. of faculties: 3
With over 1,500 students, covering all the • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 39
major areas of arts, the University stands as a • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
beacon of culture, aiming for the protection, • Students: 1,600
preservation and promotion of the Romanian • International students: 140
artistic creation, development of the taste for • Places in dormitories: 210
beauty and for authentic creations.
General information to a large variety of
”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of professional work
Iasi (TUIASI), the institution with the oldest environments. We
tradition in engineering higher education offer our students
and research in Romania, is classified in access to state-of-
TOP TEN Romanian Universities. TUIASI is the-art equipment,
committed to academic excellence as means high performance
of communicating and creating the national laboratories,
and international scientific engineering and learning rooms,
architecture heritage. creative hubs or
TUIASI Library, one
The future of change is our University’s of the most beautiful libraries in the world.
top priority since every day brings a
new opportunity for TUIASI community As a Romanian university with international
to generously contribute and shape the diversity, having +1300 foreign students of
resourceful mind and spirit of the newly born different nationalities and +690 international
digital generations of students. agreements, we facilitate ways for our
students towards opportunities regarding
Unique Selling Points international mobilities and the latest channels
Since its foundation, TUIASI has given priority to exchange knowledge and research.
to interdisciplinary approach in research,
innovation and teaching, within its 11 TUIASI encourages entrepreneurship
faculties and 1 Doctoral School, by providing by undergraduate and post-graduate
61 Undergraduate Programmes, 70 Master of academic programmes and extra-curricular
Science Programmes, 13 doctoral domains, entrepreneurial activities, by offering
11 taught in English study programmes the curricula and facilities to create new
( Furthermore, TUIASI generations of entrepreneurs, engineers with
includes 24 accredited research/excellence strong economic and design thinking skills.
centres and laboratories focused on creating
and transferring knowledge, especially in Key Figures (2022)
multi-disciplinary high-tech engineering • No. of faculties: 11
areas. • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 129
• Preparatory year in Romanian: No
TUIASI core values: creativity, innovation, • Students: 13,400
sustainability, experiential learning, global • International students: 1,220
experiences, all focused on increasing the • Places in dormitories: 6,000
quality of life are embedded in both traditional
and digital training on design, manufacturing
and management, with consistent exposure
General information The Medical University
„Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine of Iasi is recognized as
and Pharmacy of Iasi is a modern public one of the main higher
institution, located in the North-East region, education institutions
in the second largest university city in with medical profile in
Romania. One of the oldest higher education the nation, owing to its
institutions in Romania, the University is the over 140 years tradition
successor of the former Faculty of Medicine of in training medical
Iasi, whose foundation was initiated in 1860 professionals and current
and completed during the reign of Carol I, in positioning in the top tier
1879. of advanced research and
education universities by
The University educates more than 13.000 the Romanian Government since 2012.
undergraduate and postgraduate students
within 4 Faculties (General Medicine, In its quest to ensure that competencies
Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Medical of its graduates are globally applicable
Bioengineering) and a Doctoral School. and transferable, the University has been
The international outlook of UMF Iasi awarded, in 2020, WFME Recognition Status
pertains to the continuously growing share for 5 years.
of international citizens among the students
who choose the University as their Alma After being assessed by various international
Mater (over 2500 international students university rankings (Times Higher Education,
coming from 75 countries U-Multirank, URAP and Shanghai ARWU),
the University ranks in the first tier of the
Unique Selling Points national Universities with similar profile
The sole public provider of medical education (Medicine and Pharmacy).
for the North East region of Romania and a
major one in Central and Eastern Europe, Key Figures (2022)
our University sees its development through • No. of faculties: 4
blending its long tradition of education and • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 24
research with the opportunities and challenges • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
of the modern world. It provides a vibrant • Students: 10,000
intellectual environment, stimulating for the • International students: 2,610
personal and professional development of • Places in dormitories: 1,750
the students.
General information In addition, also for
TThe “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University teaching purposes,
of Life Sciences (IULS) is a public institution of the university has
higher education, registered in the Romanian three centres for
National System of Higher Education. The practical training,
University has four faculties as follows: one at Plaiul Şarului
the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of (capacity of 66
Horticulture, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry places), one at Frasin,
and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. in Suceava county,
for the students
The main campus of the “IULS” is on the of the Faculties of
Copou hill, in the north part of the city on Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine and
an area of 15 hectares. Inside the campus, Agriculture and another one in Făcăeni,
in the main building, there are the Faculties Ialomiţa County (capacity of 60 places) for
of Agriculture, Horticulture and in the second the students of the Faculty of Agriculture.
building, there are the Faculties of Animal
Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. Another
building that is still under construction is Key Figures (2022)
destined to the field of Alimentary Industry. • No. of faculties: 4
• No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 44
For the accommodation of the students, • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
the university has 5 hostels with more than • Students: 4,200
1,800places available. • International students: 290
• Places in dormitories: 1,790
For the specific practical training, the
institution has a teaching resort with three
production and research farms, namely:
Ezăreni farm – 122 ha –where the students
of the Faculty of Agriculture do their practical
training; Adamachi farm – 49 ha – destined
to the students of the Faculty of Horticulture
and the Rediu farm – 58 ha – for the
practical training of the students of the
Faculties of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
General info:
• Population: ~196,300 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 17679 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 3
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 213 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 427€ without rent (2022)
Oradea is an elegant city, with an impressive educational centre focused on literature, as
well as medicine and sciences. The town is crossed by the Crisu Repede River, on whose
sides you will find the Union Square and King Ferdinand Square. From there, Republic
Street starts, which is the central pedestrian-only shopping street with beautiful buildings,
where you can also enjoy a meal or a coffee. The City Hall Tower, open for visitors, will
provide a wonderful panoramic view of the city and beyond.
General info:
• Population: ~37,150 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 3796 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 1
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 45 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 380€ without rent (February 2022)
Petrosani is located in the Jiu Valley, which is the entrance to the Retezat National. From
here, you can have easy access to mountain resorts perfect for winter sports, gorgeous
caves and natural museums where you can find out about the history of these places.
The closest resort is Parang, with nine ski tracks, two cable cars and numerous hotels.
During the summer, you can also hike here. From Petrosani, you can easily reach to
Transalpina, one of the most beautiful mountain roads in the world. The Petrosani area is
also well-known for coal mining, with a dedicated museum highlighting details about this
General info:
• Population: ~155,380 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 9,727 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 2
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 95 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 414€ without rent (2022)
Pitești is a small, but nice city, where you will find a lot of museums, a beautiful art
gallery - “Rudolf Schweitzer Cumpana” or a zoological garden to spend your time. For an
historical experience, you can visit the Pitesti Memorial Prison, where you will find de-
tailed stories about the anti-communist political detention. Pitesti is also famous for its
“Tulip Symphony”, celebrating spring in a colourful fashion. Not far from the city, you can
start driving on the Transfagarasan road, one of the most beautiful roads in the world.
General information of human resource,
The University of Piteşti (UPIT) is a public prepared in an
institution since 1962, member of the excellence-driven
national higher education system in Romania. manner for the
The University is organized into 6 faculties: local, national and
Faculty of Sciences, Physical Education and international labor
Computer Science, Faculty of Mechanics market.
and Technology, Faculty of Electronics,
Communications and Computers, Faculty of The University of
Economics and Law, Faculty of Education Pitesti provides free
Sciences, Social Sciences and Psychology, and coordinated
Faculty of Theology, Letters, History and access to a modern
Arts. education, according to nowadays needs
• Population: ~209,940 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 5,451 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 1
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 63 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 427€ without rent (2022)
Ploiești is an industrial city, only 60 km away from the capital, Bucharest, but also rela-
tively close to the mountains. Some of the most important refineries are situated in Ploi-
esti, but Valea Prahovei is also close by, the well-known area with numerous mountain
resorts , visited by tourists all year around. In less than an hour by car, you can get to the
well-known castles of Peleș, Cantacuzino or Bran (yes, this is Dracula’s castle).
General information many countries of
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti (PGU) the Western and
opened its doors in 1948 under the name Eastern world.
of Petroleum and Gas Institute. The main The University
aim of the Institute at that time, to train offers unique
engineers in the petroleum and gas industry specializations
of Romania, met the requirements of the in the Romanian
petroleum and gas industry market. In 1992 academic in the
the institute became University of Ploieşti field of oil: oil
when new faculties of Economic Studies and natural gas
and Humanities fields were set up. PGU extraction, oil processing, drilling equipment,
has five faculties: Faculty of Petroleum and transportation and storage of hydrocarbons.
Gas Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Green energy is promoted in curricula.
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum The campus is located along with the other
Refining and Petrochemistry, Faculty of university buildings and also offers all the
Economic Sciences and Faculty of Letters facilities of the students’ needs: perfect
and Sciences. In the academic year 2005- learning opportunities and the best living
2006 PGU restructured the curricula for conditions.
all its faculties and specializations to meet
the European requirements stipulated for Key Figures (2022)
academic institutions by the Bologna Project.
• No. of faculties: 5
The university organizes educational • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 63
programs at all levels, Bachelor’s degree, • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
Master’s degree and PhD. Most of the courses • Students: 5,500
are full-time, but there is a fairly rich offer of • International students: 160
part-time and distance courses. • Places in dormitories: 1,700
General info:
• Population: ~147,240 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 15,813 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 3
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 164 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 428€ without rent (February 2022)
Sibiu is one of the most beautiful cities in Romania, located in Transylvania. Sibiu (or
Hermannstadt, as it is also known) was designated the European Cultural Capital in 2007
and it is an important university centre. In the Old Town, you will find the medieval
grandeur of the historical buildings and a pedestrian-friendly area. As the city landmarks,
we can name Sibiuț Towers, the Great Square, the Liars’ Bridge, the Huet Square,
Brukenthal Palace or the Small Square.
General information of higher education;
Lucian Blaga University was founded in interaction with the
1969. There are currently 9 faculties: Faculty economic, social
of Agricultural Studies, Food Industry & and academic
Environmental Protection; Faculty of Economic environment at
Sciences; Faculty of Engineering;Faculty local, national and
of Law; Faculty of Letters & Arts;Faculty international level;
of Medicine; Faculty of Social Sciences & contribution to local,
Humanities; Faculty of Sciences; Faculty of regional and national development in terms
Theology of social, economic, cultural point of view.
General info:
• Population: ~634,800 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 9241 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 1
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 115 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 400€ without rent (February 2022)
The former capital of Moldova, Suceava is a perfect starting point for trips to the many
historical, cultural and natural attractions you can enjoy in the Bukovina region. The town
has some important landmarks of its own, including Saint George’s Church, a UNESCO
World Heritage site, the Bukovina Ethnographic Museum, with its valuable folk costumes
collection and traditional items exhibits, and Suceava’s main tourist site, the remains of
the Princely Court. Suceava is also the starting point to visiting the Painted Monasteries
of Bukovina.
General information
USV is an innovative and comprehensive
public higher education institution that
organizes bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and
postdoctoral programs and conducts scientific
research in the fields of Economic Sciences,
Technical Sciences, Engineering, IT, Natural sq.2), Astronomical Observatory.
Sciences, Humanities, and Health.
Serving higher education for more than half
The first university in Romania in terms a century, USV is a member of important
of the number of patents and inventions international university consortia and
in 2011-2021, USV plays a key role in the responds to the challenges of new daring
development and dissemination of scientific projects with enthusiasm and responsibility,
knowledge. A dynamic educational offer as the main partner of local and regional
and a campus located in the heart of the authorities in crisis management, in training
city of Suceava. USV publishes more than 10 future specialists, by providing human models
journals indexed in international databases. and moral guidelines, demonstrating that
Over 100 scientific conferences per year. the significant funding attracted for research
Tuition costs are quite modest as compared projects, the professional value of human
to other national and EU universities. resources, and the academic training of its
graduates can, practically, support society.
Dream, Create, Innovate!
21 buildings within the university campus. Key Figures (2022)
The first green roof in Suceava Municipality. • No. of faculties: 11
Counseling and Career Guidance Centre, • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 115
Student Cultural Centre, “Arcanul USV” • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
Student Ensemble, Theater Group, Radio • Students: 9,300
Station, Digital Media Centre, Şipoţel Hunting • International students: 1,230
Lodge. Territorial Centre for Continuing • Places in dormitories: 1,240
Education in Vatra Dornei. Student
dormitories and a Restaurant on campus.
Academic library, Internet access, wireless
coverage. “Joseph Schmidt” Auditorium for
cultural and entertainment events. University
Sports Club, sports field (2400 sq.2),
Swimming and Kinesitherapy Centre (2900
General info:
• Population: ~79,600 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 5,382 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 1
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 73 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 415€ without rent (February 2022)
Principality residence and capital between 1396 and 1714, Târgovişte was the most impor-
tant economic, political, military and cultural center of Ţara Românească for more than
three centuries. Now, it’s a small, but elegant city, full of historical buildings, museums
and churches.
General information results along the two
”Valahia” University of Targoviste it is a state main activity axes:
university, founded in 1992, which includes education and research.
10 faculties (Bachelor Degree – 3 or 4 years),
35 higher education specializations, masteral The University offers
and doctoral studies, a teacher pre-service performance scholarships
and in-service training sector and a distance (scientific, sportive and
learning department. cultural-artistic), merit
scholarships and social scholarships. The
Beside its scientific training and research, scholarships are distributed per specializations
Valahia University of Târgoviște includes and years of study, proportionally to the
continuing education centres in agreement to number of students, the selection of the
the demands of the present socioeconomic beneficiaries being made in agreement to
environment. their annual results (performance), semestrial
results (merit), revenue per family member,
The university provides adequate social or disease (social and medical scholarships).
conditions (hostels, canteen, club, sports The international mobilities for students
facilities, etc.) and at present the new (ERASMUS) represent excellent opportunities
university campus, part of the university’s for the students to accumulate teaching
patrimony, is being completed. and research experience abroad and these
mobilities are actively promoted by our
The main concern of Valahia University of University in partnership with students’
Târgoviște is the optimal accomplishment of associations.
its mission: high-quality scientific training and
research, excellent study and life conditions Key Figures (2022)
for its students, professional integration • No. of faculties: 10
at the national level, and European and • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 73
international academic relations. • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
• Students: 5,400
As an essential part of its strategy ”Valahia” • International students: 60
University of Târgoviște offer a variety of • Places in dormitories: 880
support services for students, being constantly
concerned about their improvement and
about the creation of new services, as it is
aware of the fact that good quality of the
educational environment attracts superior
General info:
• Population: ~134,290 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 11,157 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 3
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 130 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 407€ without rent (February 2022)
Târgu Mureş is an interesting city, where the Romanian and Hungarian cultures met,
contributing to the beautiful vibe to the city. Since the 16th century, the city has been an
important cultural and education centre. Among the touristic attractions, you can vis-
it the Apollo Palace, home to the local Art School and where you can also enjoy a nice
meal or a coffee. You can also find artists using the spaces as workshops in Palffy House,
Prefecture Palace or the Teleki Library.
Targu Mures
General information The Integrated
Situated on a hill that overlooks the city, an Dentistry Centre is
imposing building offers a unique perspective a modern, practical
of the place The University of Medicine and place which
Pharmacy of Targu Mures. The building impresses you with
represents a symbol of the high academic its beautiful and
and cultural values of our region. From the sober architecture,
entrance, the overwhelming beauty of the with futuristic
place is perfectly complemented by the and cutting edge
architectural harmony of the main building. equipment. New
modern buildings,
The dendrological park that surrounds the such as the new
University on all sides protects it from the Faculty of Pharmacy and the new Center of
agitation of the town as an island of greenery Research, are designed to provide excellent
perfectly integrated in the surrounding learning facilities and highest standard
vegetation. Behind the building, a well- innovative research infrastructure for both
attended botanical garden is a place for the students and the teaching staff, in a
recreation, serving also as the base material modern architectural complex. To all this, the
for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, a vast Sports base is added-one of the most
unique advantage that sets it apart from other modern sports facilities in Romania.
medical training centers in Romania. Here
the student has the possibility to study both
aromatic plants, with their distinct scent, as Key Figures (2022)
well as the toxic ones, which remain however • No. of faculties: 7
a priceless source of active ingredients. The • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 84
herb garden complements the landscape that • Preparatory year in Romanian: Yes
seems a world removed from a story. • Students: 9,500
• International students: 1,300
The University laboratories (located in the • Places in dormitories: 1,580
main building as well as in the annex ones)
offer a surprising shift from the external
beauty of the building that has the emblem
of time, to the dynamic reality of the twenty-
first century technology.
General information
University of Arts from Târgu Mureș has
gained a well deserved prestige in Romania
and abroad because of a common effort
and also because of assuming and carrying
into effect some European and universal
principles, among which one can find the
respect for the values of humanism, the belief
in the equality of chances, the partnership
between the teaching staff and students in
the entire educational process, promoting and interfaith interference to carry out
multiculturalism, ideas of truth, good and teaching, learning, creation and research
beauty. in Romanian and Hungarian languages,
based on equality.
The University of Arts Târgu Mureș is currently
preparing actors, puppeteers, directors,
choreographers, impresarios, playwrights,
theatre critics, designers, music teachers in
Romanian and Hungarian. The University is Key Figures (2022)
also an institution that holds a theatre and a • No. of faculties: 2
puppet theatre, which organize professional • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 32
artistic performances in every season. The • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
mission assumed by the University of Arts • Students: 500
Târgu Mureș focuses on the following: • International students: 90
• Organizing graduate studies, master • Places in dormitories: 30
and doctoral training, ensuring the
improvement of creators and specialists
in theatre arts, music, decorative arts
at the best quality requirements of a
knowledge-based society and culture;
• Promoting creative activities for teachers
and students in theatre arts, musical and
dramatic arts, as well as scientific research
in accordance with the requirements of
national and international values;
• Ensuring multicultural, multilingual
41 94
General info:
• Population: ~82.500 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 3,222 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 1
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 37 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 355€ without rent (February 2022)
Târgu Jiu is settled at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and on the bank of the
Jiu river. Constantin Brancusi, one of the most influential modern sculptors of the 20th
century, was born near Targu Jiu, in Hobita. He lived and worked the latter part of his life
in Paris, but his legacy is also preserved in Romania, in the city of Targu Jiu. In the heart
of the city, placed close to each other, you will be delighted by the Table of Silence, the
Kiss Gate and the Endless Column, all of them sculpted by Constantin Brancusi.
Targu Jiu
General information Furthermore, UCB
“Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu aims to create
(UCB) was founded in 1992 by Government opportunities for
Decision no. 288/15 June 1992 and it is the professional
situated in the center of Tg-Jiu city, in the development of
area near Central Park of the town. its students, to
carry out research
“Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu- activities of high
Jiucurrently assumes the mission of university performance, to
of education and scientific research, in order perform in teaching
to generate and transfer knowledge to society innovation.
by: creating and upholding the values of
culture and civilization; initial and continuous
training at university level, in order to The students and the graduates have
personal development, professional insertion the possibility to get jobs in companies or
and to satisfy the competence need of the corporations in Gorj county, such as: Oltenia
socio-economic, administrative, cultural and Energy Corporation, Artego, Mirfo, Grimex,
educational environment; scientific research, INMELCON, IRUM, Eumeca and many other
development, innovation and technological SME’s for Economics and Law graduates. We
transfer, through individual and collective have many students who work and study
creation, in the field of science, engineering at the same time, this ensuring them future
and arts, by ensuring performance, experience in the working field.
capitalizing and disseminating results.
Key Figures (2022)
“Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu- • No. of faculties: 4
Jiu offers young people the opportunity • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 37
of choosing various study programs in • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
accordance with the specific requirements • Students: 3,300
of the labor market in South-West region of • International students: 30
Oltenia. The significant efforts made for the • Places in dormitories: 200
diversification of education were combined
with those for the development of the
material, institutional infrastructure and of
human resources to ensure competitive and
qualitative requirements relative to European
General info:
• Population: ~319,250 (2011)
• Student population: ~ 41,888 (2022)
• Higher Education Institutions: 5
• Number of study programs (Ba & Ma): 395 (2022)
• Single person monthly costs: 428€ without rent (2022)
The charm of this city, settled on the northern bank of the Bega River, lies in its distinct
architectural character and vibrant cultural life. Frequently referred to as “Little Vienna,”
Timisoara is home to year-round musical and theatrical performances, art galleries, mu-
seums and a buzzing nightlife. A progressive, cosmopolitan place, Timisoara was the first
city in Europe and second in the world after New York, to use electricity to illuminate its
public streets.
General information extensive research
“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and basis structured on
Pharmacy Timisoara is one of the most research centres
prestigious medical schools in Romania. where research
It has a tradition of more than six decades is focused on
in preparing future medical doctors. Our two well-
University has three faculties: Faculty of defined directions:
Medicine (Romanian, English, French), Faculty fundamental
of Dental Medicine (Romanian, English) and research and
Faculty of Pharmacy (Romanian, French). clinical research
(, first kidney
We have a past, we have a present, but transplant
for our future to become an educational in Romania from
spearhead, a driving force in the formation cadaver, first in-vitro fertilisation, animal-
and development of Romanian medicine based experimental surgery).
it needs the complete and unswerving
involvement of all of us. We live in an ever- Both graduate and postgraduate students
changing internationalizing world. are encouraged to participate in research
activities and to publish the results of their
Thus, besides our internal development, we activity in well-known medical journals.
have to ensure the international visibility
of our university, with a view to attract Key Figures (2022)
international students and to achieve joint • No. of faculties: 3
research projects and exchanges. • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 29
• Preparatory year in Romanian: No
The “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine • Students: 7,400
and Pharmacy, Timisoara has several student • International students: 1,340
hostels, providing accommodation for all our • Places in dormitories: 2,540
students, first-year students included.
General information as well.
TThe Banat’s University of Agricultural
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ‘’King Within the 6
Michael I of Romania’’ from Timişoara faculties there are
(BUASVMT) is a state institution operating in 29 undergraduate
higher education and scientific research. The study programs, of
traditions of the BUASVMT are connected to which 25 programs
the establishment of the Faculty of Agronomy in Romanian and
on July 30, 1945, by Decree No 2394 issued 4 programs in
by King Michael I of Romania and Law No foreign languages
617, published in the Monitorul Oficial (Official (Veterinar y
Gazette) of Romania on August 1, 1945. Medicine English
and French,
The BUASVMT has largely developed after Environmental Engineering - French,
the year 1990, has evolved, extending to a Agriculture - English), as well as 31 study
number of six faculties functioning at present programs master’s degree (28 in Romanian,
(Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry, 3 in English and 1 in French)
Rural Management and Tourism, Veterinary
Medicine, Animal Resources Bioengineering , There are 2 doctoral schools within the
Food Engineering). university (Plant and Animal Resources
Engineering and Veterinary Medicine), with
The vision of the BUASVM is consistent with 5 areas: Agronomy, Horticulture, Veterinary
the main principles related to the higher Medicine, Food Engineering, and Animal
education included in the development Science.
strategy of the European Union for the
period 2021-2027. The main mission of the Key Figures (2022)
institution is to train specialists on the field • No. of faculties: 6
of agriculture, horticulture, biotechnology, • No. of study programs (Ba&Ma): 62
forestry, veterinary medicine, environmental • Preparatory year in Romanian: No
engineering, geomatics, agro food, • Students: 6,200
processing, agricultural management, rural • International students: 380
tourism, animal husbandry that meets the • Places in dormitories: 1,350
needs of the students and the labor market
July 2022